SaxPython: What's good pre-Disney chat? How yall doin'?
@SaxPython my best. im doing my best
SaxPython: I'm working on my VtM messaging tonight btw
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a man trapped in a jar
ihlendrax: Hmmmβ¦-puts the jar back in the box-
shurtal: !advice
LRRbot: Make the blahajs kiss.
airylan: !badadvice
LRRbot: Use the elephant gun.
shurtal: but doctore, i only have one blahajs....
TheWriterAleph: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Disney Lorcana) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (0s ago).
airylan: well done
Jennie_Fuchsia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Jennie_Fuchsia! (Today's storm count: 2)
CaptainSpam: Ooo. Decision time: Use my sub notification now, or during Cam & Ian Christmas next week...
SymphonySolstice: good eveni- oh no oh god why did twitch put the stream name and title at the top of the video
SymphonySolstice: I fear change!
TheWriterAleph: let's hear it for ui changes for no good reason yaaayyy...
Kentosaurus: @SymphonySolstice I know it's messing with my mind
I actually find it extremely annoying. I don't know why they put that at the top.
CaptainSpam: Gasp! A THING CHANGED! Abandon society! Hurry! HURRY!
Juliamon: at least it's an obvious change, unlike Discord adding notifications for reactions and just... not fucking TELLING ANYONE
firehawkzoa subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
Thanks for subscribing, firehawkzoa! (Today's storm count: 3)
serramarkov: Hi all!
Juliamon: (if you've had mystery notifs in the last couple days, that's what happened)
kusinohki: meows
red_shoes_jeff: SOON
DaxStrife: SPOON
do yall ever just get a massive craving for an unreasonably sized poutine, but your wallet violently disagrees?
SymphonySolstice: I get they're probably trying to see if putting it at the top gets more people to actually read stream titles, but what they don't understand about their general audience is that they don't read anything at all
bytecaster: Just about made it!
SymphonySolstice: I was gonna kappa that statement but I'm only half joking
Sorator13: @SymphonySolstice something something no one reads the pins something
jacqui_lantern234: ooh, holiday themed
so festive!
kusinohki: not poutine so much, but my wallet violently disagrees with everything...
bytecaster: @SymphonySolstice If I read things on this page, I might accidentally read chat and that is not a risk I am willing to take.
SymphonySolstice: so true bestie
jacqui_lantern234: ooh, VERY new intro!!!
jacqui_lantern234: i LOVE it
BlackIsis: I finished Ben's Outlaws playthrough today and now I'm disappointed this is not just more sabacc
Twilight_Spark: Festive!
we didn't hear anything
Sorator13: yeah, we did not hear you Wheeler
Very nice intro! But I'll miss the stray runaway fireball rolling down the mountain.
Orxolon: are we defeating Ursula today?
Orxolon: XD
SymphonySolstice: [applause]
Cptasparagus: dations
Orxolon: hellooo
jacqui_lantern234: hellooooo paul
jacqui_lantern234: i love the shirt + glasses coordination, cori
Orxolon: top tier?
RatherLargeToad: Ursula does not F around
bytecaster: Are we doing Elder Dragon Inklander?
Orxolon: is it rude to ask why isn't Adam in the AFK intro?
gdi ben
SymphonySolstice: also so true bestie
kusinohki: lots of horsepower? how many horses are in jacob's deck??
shagodoyle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Thanks for subscribing, shagodoyle! (Today's storm count: 4)
SymphonySolstice: bean ass logo
bytecaster: Just use Patreon exclusively through the Wayback Machine!
Juliamon: personally I like the bean, but the old logo is still better
Juliamon: Christmas card month
atinyspacemarine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
atinyspacemarine: aahhh
Thanks for subscribing, atinyspacemarine! (Today's storm count: 5)
RecursiveAcronym: stealing is this your cards bit huh
@kusinohki no idea. i cant draw horses, as per my contract
SymphonySolstice: is there a tingle card game?
kusinohki: de-card-ber??
bytecaster: Thicc cards
adept_nekomancer: They're small, dense cards
Juliamon: Cards are just flattened tiles
definenull: yes, mahjong tile are nothing more than thicc cards
Gekyouryuu: Mahjong is just super poker, so that's cards
the LORE!
kamkazi: Prayge someone playing pirates
letsbelgo: mahjong is super rummy
I can't riffle shuffle my Mahjong cards very well.
Orxolon: the shadow of the hair will embrace the world in grace?
SymphonySolstice: oooo aaaaah
DaxStrife: Slick
SymphonySolstice: that fresh mat smell
new matthew?!?!
kusinohki: what hair lurks on the scalps of men.... the shadow knows!
Gekyouryuu: Blinkerbell?
kamkazi: goat rabbit, fox bounce bounce
Juliamon: !lorcanadecks
CaptainSpam: Yarr.
Gekyouryuu: I am still SO SAD I couldn't make it to PAX to meet y'all. I have friends that were there.
DaxStrife: Mmm, pie rates.
definenull: wheeler lost a die roll?!?
jacqui_lantern234: as part of a pirate ship in the SCA, i approve of cori's choices
chaostreader: someone needs to cleanse the right side of the table of its curse or add a new curse to the left side to even them out.
red_shoes_jeff: Right you are, Ken!
CaptainSpam: God, MXC was so good. I'd imagine some of it is a bit problematic today, but it was SO GOOD.
jacqui_lantern234: @CaptainSpam mood tbh
SeismicLawns: is submissive and inkable anything?
During a previous Lorecana stream, the Garfield Tunnel of Love (by way of DefunctLand) was described to Jason. Was wondering whether you ended up checking out the channel since then?
Blip2004: someone could redub american ninja warrior and it would almost the same
Kentosaurus: cursed merfolk could also be a magic card
Tommadness: Starfblatz is one of Wheeler's german cards
Elbleezy: 1 lore at the start of each turn
red_shoes_jeff: Every town... has it's ups and downs...
CaptainSpam: Calling SOMETHING in the game a snarfblat (besides, you know, an actual snarfblat) would be fitting.
DaxStrife: Did that get "Jungle Love" by The Time stuck in other peoples' heads or just me?
Elbleezy: it's best of 2, which is odd but not bad
bytecaster: I prefer Diablo 2
AFamiliarCalledEl: @Elbleezy does that lead to draws or...?
Elbleezy: Yes
Elbleezy: BUT
QuixoticScrivener: Right, John isn't human...
Elbleezy: It basically sets it up as, if you lose the first game and win the second, you get more overall points. Because the deck you won against was "better" than yours
AFamiliarCalledEl: that... is weird
Elbleezy: Laymans terms
bytecaster: Wait, what?
Elbleezy: it's funky
Kentosaurus: that sounds like circular logic
red_shoes_jeff: Uh...?
Juliamon: that's.... Ravensburger no
adept_nekomancer: So they've introduced Mariokart blue shells.
Juliamon: That's not how catchup mechanics work
Elbleezy: @Juliamon yup. They have a whole article on their site for it
Orxolon: Now you listen to me, James Hawkins. You got the makings of greatness in you, but you got to take the helm and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter the squalls! And when the time comes you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails, and show what you're made of... well, I hope I'm there, catching some of the light coming off you that day.
OmnipotentTrevor: But, that just means it's a best of 1, with a uncounted practice game
Elbleezy: it does, Ben! But the math is VERY weird
so if you βbelieveβ you have the superior deck you may feel compelled to throw the first match to get the higher score on the second round?
bytecaster: Playing for fun?!? How dare you!
Elbleezy: Have you guys tried 4 player Lorcana? It's super fun
QuixoticScrivener: Why throw? Win both matches.
bytecaster: #skillissue
SymphonySolstice: it always come back to git gud
MommaGart: i enjoy Lorcana a lot but I'm intimidated by the prospect of spending a bunch of money on a "real" deck. the set releases are pretty fast
CaptainSpam: Stop inking and start plinking?
innerbeard: the first game is just an exhibition match, the money is on the line for the second?
lightfut: If he only transformed in a full moon, he'd be a warehouse
Elbleezy: oooo a Steel/Emerald Pirates list
bytecaster: I prefer best of 1.5 where the second game only goes to 10
Orxolon: "Genie,i wish i was a 2/3!"
bytecaster: Lots of card game noises today
Tommadness: Shadow Visionary...
TheWooglie: you're unique Jacob
CaptainSpam: No uniqueness in the game, as demonstrated.
kynelwynn: Just got in, how do you get lore from a location? Just have a Character there? is it each turn?
kusinohki: no uniqueness... something something disney properties....
LoadingReadyRun: The official word I see is 2 game matches where you get 3 points/win and then +1 point if you win both. I didn't see anything about the second game being worth more
AFamiliarCalledEl: Okay, that makes sense. Though now I wonder how elimination brackets work (if they're used at all)
Elbleezy: lmao
Thanks Ben!
dumbo3k: Is the goal 20 or 30 lore?
kusinohki: I _think_ 20 lore
Go Go!
kristof162028: Hey friends this is my first time watching a lorcana game and I need to know if there is a toy devk with woody and buzz?
Orxolon: underrated movie
kynelwynn: 2/2 go Choo choo
AFamiliarCalledEl: wait, do the merlin and the madame mim make a little panorama scene with the art?
Kentosaurus: what is that from?
Juliamon: Gogo is from Big Hero 6
RatherLargeToad: Big Hero 6
Kentosaurus: ah
RatherLargeToad: Loreful
Elbleezy: I was about to answer with the set, lol
Orxolon: @Kentosaurus watch it,very good movie
Elbleezy: I've been playing for a long while now, if you can tell
tamuryl_: She has 2 locatiojs in hand, she has lethal
Orxolon: @Elbleezy and what set is it from?
Elbleezy: @Orxolon Azurite Seas
Orxolon: thx
RatherLargeToad: came out last year
Raincoast_Bear: Lorcana launch August 18, 2023
Elbleezy: Added a ton of Pirate support, which it sick
Juliamon: BH6 one of those uncommon movies that dramatically improves on its source material
tamuryl_: All she needs to do is 0lay those locations and quest
77 raiders from sergeafterdark have joined!
kynelwynn: Serge is here!
Elbleezy: Ayo, it's Serge
Juliamon: Do we have a name for the After Dark crew?
Juliamon: Are yall just gremlins?
SergeYager: shhhh
Tommadness: lmfao
Tommadness: Dark Roast Crew
Juliamon: Dark Roast, I love it
kynelwynn: Coffee after 5pm
Raincoast_Bear: It's where Serge uses strong language like "Darn".
lamina5432: i see murder wheeler is on a roll here too
Elbleezy: Cori, whats this? No Fire the Cannon's for Wheelers little dorks
kristof162028: Hey ben do you know if woody from toy story is in lorcana ?
LoadingReadyRun: apparently Lorcana went to BO2 because they were having an issue with BO3 tournaments where the third game would often stall out as the players go for a draw
shurtal: oh no, i accidentally huffed some pepper, my nasal pasage is on fire
Elbleezy: Sorry, I'm not Ben, but Toy Story get's added next year
thraximore: odd
MommaGart: @LoadingReadyRun fascinating
neisan2112: How does BO2 even work?
Orxolon: could you assemble a Ducktales deck?
Elbleezy: @neisan2112 Very weirdly and with many games REALLY mattering
MommaGart: @LoadingReadyRun @neisan2112
neisan2112: Huh
shurtal: oh no i made a mistake. i used serrano peppers in my chili cause the store was out of jalapenos
kusinohki: how well does the 101 card dalmation deck work??
grimangel53 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
Thanks for subscribing, grimangel53! (Today's storm count: 6)
Elbleezy: One of the things I like most about lorcana is that you just play on your turn. And late game, you just keep your characters ready to avoid challenges and usually can win off that
kynelwynn: When the game came out, I tried to build a mill deck, but there's been no support for the idea of making your opponent draw out
KaleidoscopeMind subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
KaleidoscopeMind: a prime number (for real this time)
Thanks for subscribing, KaleidoscopeMind! (Today's storm count: 7)
Orxolon: what's the cost of moving a character to a location?
SymphonySolstice: @shurtal sorry for your loss (of tastebuds)
BusTed: Shining, shimmering
shurtal: @SymphonySolstice i sneezed into a paper towel i had used to clean up the knife and chopping block that i used. my upper lip and nose are burning
SeismicLawns: the other one got nerfed
CrossXhunteR: the bucky errata is still crazy to me
Elbleezy: They errata'd Bucky
shurtal: captain buck o'hare!
KeytarCat: @Orxolon I THINK it's the number on the left of the location card?
MirrorDisco: my child wants you all to pause so he doesnβt miss anything ππππβ₯οΈβ₯οΈβ₯οΈ
BusTed: aww
Orxolon: does anyone know what's the cost of moving a character to a location?
jessicaengle: That's adorable
laz0tep: @Orxolon i believe its the left number on the location
goombalax: SM33
Gekyouryuu: he's a Smee-ty boy
Elbleezy: I like to impersonate Capt Hook whenever I play Mr.Smee
SnackPak_: hold...
MirrorDisco: ha ha ha!!!! thank you!!! πππ
Julian_Rogue: Oh sure ben pause now but not for a DB challenge
kusinohki: @orxolon just looked it up. on the left, instead of strength is the movement cost (to confirm the above)
Orxolon: @kusinohki thank you very much
MullMachen: Riichi?
Cptasparagus: zangief
FPNY41 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
FPNY41: That's almost two years!
Thanks for subscribing, FPNY41! (Today's storm count: 8)
BusTed: and by it, haha, I mean my pirates
dumbo3k: Smee takes a damage, due to lack of captain
MullMachen: Holy crap Lois I didn't know it quests for 3
he's crashing out
KeytarCat: @dumbo3k Smee is a "if tapped" thing
Orxolon: merlin deck?can we say Wheeler is playing a stompy go wide deck?
dumbo3k: @KeytarCat Ohh, I thought I read it as at end of turn, if you have no captain, he takes one damage, but my feed is a little blurry due to bad internet
BusTed: That is a Donald move
MullMachen: It's both tapped and no captain @dumbo3k
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview on
LRRbot: Card viewer enabled
lamina5432: it's ok i'm sure he's the only one on the boat
kusinohki: it's like bugs bunny playing all 9 positions of a baseball team in that one cartoon...
MullMachen: Give them the Donald dukes
Orxolon: @dumbo3k !cardecks
definenull: please do not exert the duck
Orxolon: !decks
Vilun: Donald Duck seems like he'd be in a cartoon where he'd swap outfits to be multiple members of a crew
KeytarCat: !lorcanadecks
Orxolon: @dumbo3k there is a command to see the decks,i don't recall it
goombalax: !showdeck
SymphonySolstice: !lorcana
Juliamon: !lorcanadecks
MullMachen: Uh oh duckies
jessicaengle: That was Keanu Reagan
predrag11: But only one was actually Satan
YeomanAres: Iran contra
BusTed: she looks pretty badass in that art
definenull: whoah!
josh___something: oH, HI JACOB!
shurtal: Bill, we just melvin'd Kruschev! *air guitar*
Kentosaurus: damage counter life drain
neisan2112: Waooohh
Laserbeaks_Fury: "healing"
Orxolon: wow,Belle is a witch!
RatherLargeToad: Belle was known for her blood bending skills
Julian_Rogue: Lightning helix
AFamiliarCalledEl: Belle just murdered a duck... That feels a bit odd
PoundsMcSlam: Thats ducked up
MullMachen: Shadowmoor?
shurtal: Floodborne confirmed!
Orxolon: Belle's not ducking around
WiJohn: Belle's like F true loves kiss, I cast dispel magic
definenull: "oh honey"
BusTed: Just took it
tamuryl_: Omg....
n3ther: I appreciated it
n3ther: mr Wheeler
TheWriterAleph: something-something magnum deck box?
Orxolon: "oops i dropped my sleeves"
"wow I wish someone had explained this to me before I popularized a community format on Magic Arena!"
Seth_Erickson: or be like, when I was doing my podcast with Shivam called Shivam and Wheeler Love Magic
Gekyouryuu: it's *hilarious* to me that you make that joke while I'm watching Always Sunny in a discord movie night atm
LithelyUnshod: Is there a site for bans? I can't find any official sources
LRRbot: Nottingham - Prince John's Castle [2, Steel, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 6 β, 1 β]
LRRbot: Hidden Cove - Tranquil Haven [1, Emerald, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 6 β, 0 β] | REVITALIZING WATERS Characters get +1 Β€ and +1 β while here.
MacbethSeemsSus: LRR members going to random stores and asking people to explain "Magic the Gathering" would be a good live bit.
MullMachen: Magic? The gathering?
LRRbot: Merlin - Goat [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [4/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Mentor, Sorcerer | HERE I COME! When you play this character and when he leaves play, gain 1 lore.
LoadingReadyRun: @MacbethSeemsSus especially if they weren't card stores
Laserbeaks_Fury: I didn't think the sea witch with a garden of cursed souls would ever curse *my* soul
Orxolon: ruby controls?
kusinohki: I played hastle the bothering once. had 18 cards in my hand, all muds...
MullMachen: Going to target and talking to the 17 year old cashier about Yu-Gi-Oh
innerbeard: wham those jangles
ThirdGames: Rotate the cushions!
50keyz: @MullMachen at this point might have better luck at a seniors centre (here outside toronto its 55+)
InfiniTokens subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months, currently on a 12 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, InfiniTokens! (Today's storm count: 9)
MullMachen: "so it's banned in the western format, but still legal in the Asian territories" "sir please take your packs and go, my manager is going to tell at me about the line"
KaleidoscopeMind: one of these days, i want paul to have the camera shot rotated in OBS so everything is upside down when they come back from break. "you said to rotate everything!"
shurtal: hot dang this is some spicy chili
dumbo3k: @KaleidoscopeMind or just rotate the play field, so its opposite them on the overlay, and see how long it takes them to notice
jessicaengle: Oh hai you.
innerbeard: oh hai dere
definenull: that is an adorable tiny cup
Raincoast_Bear: !card royal assassin
LRRbot: Royal Assassin [1BB] | Creature β Human Assassin [1/1] | {T}: Destroy target tapped creature.
Diabore: ben like a mafia boss
CWaltz86: do they not have baja blast in canada?
jwholla: drinking baja blast without taco bell feels wrong
MirrorDisco: It is poison! π
RatherLargeToad: I hear it tastes better out of the soda fountain
innerbeard: unregulated Baja blast
CrossXhunteR: im drinking baja blast with taco bell right now
MirrorDisco: Beer is better π
lamina5432: most mountain dew invokes poisen but tastes good.
SnackPak_: I'll miss Wheeler
CWaltz86: @jwholla having baja blast feels wrong
MacbethSeemsSus: Woo hoo
BusTed: awoowoo
CWaltz86: taco bell is ment for taco bell
CrossXhunteR: ooh woo
Orxolon: yeessssss
Orxolon: no Darkwing duck yet?
jacqui_lantern234: DUCK
jacqui_lantern234: WOO HOO
Seth_Erickson: the canadians natural weakness Baja Blast
jwholla: is there a scrooge mcduck card
jessicaengle: Agree
Raincoast_Bear: WooHoo Everyday, their out there...
BusTed: a pant
jessicaengle: You could do worse than mostly Duck Tales with a smattering of Aladdin, Jacob.
Raincoast_Bear: Sorry, They're out there
A_Dub888: Ramber
MullMachen: Amby
KaleidoscopeMind: hiding the genie jafar body underneath those clothes
A_Dub888: Rubber
LRRbot: Friends on the Other Side [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 3 or more can β³ to sing this song for free.) / Draw 2 cards.
Raincoast_Bear: !card scrooge mcduck
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Seth_Erickson: banger song btw
LRRbot: The Underworld - River Styx [2, Amber, Inkable] | Location [2 β³, 6 β, 1 β] | SAVE A SOUL Whenever a character quests while here, you may pay 3 ⬑ to return a character card from your discard to your hand.
jwholla: playing a divination as a land hurts my soul
LithelyUnshod: So yeah, I don't see any official banlist for Lorcana
LRRbot: Never Land - Mermaid Lagoon [1, Amber, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 4 β, 1 β]
Raincoast_Bear: Lots of Moms die in Disney movies
LRRbot: Huey - Savvy Nephew [2, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Ally | Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Β€ to another chosen character's Β€ this turn.) / THREE NEPHEWS Whenever this character quests, if you have characters named Dewey and Louie in play, you may draw 3 cards.
Raincoast_Bear: What doesn't Huey do?
CWaltz86: is this constructed?
jessicaengle: Guano
it smells fowl
LRRbot: Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Delighted Sightseer [2, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | OH, MY LAND! When you play this character, if you have a location in play, draw a card.
innerbeard: π
Diabore: ben on red white, what a shock
LRRbot: McDuck Manor - Scrooge's Mansion [4, Sapphire, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 9 β, 2 β]
Orxolon: i googled and i found nothing,is Darkwing duck in Lorcana yet?
LRRbot: Friends on the Other Side [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 3 or more can β³ to sing this song for free.) / Draw 2 cards.
jwholla: jack mcbrayer is kenneth
Raincoast_Bear: Jack McBrayer, yes. Also Badgie on Star Trek Lower Decks.
thegitrogsquirrel: Chat is funny until Chat is not funny
Seth_Erickson: the mix is incredible Wheeler
Laserbeaks_Fury: Seeing Huey as a blue card is short circuting my brain
Raincoast_Bear: Gizmo Duck is Lin Manuel Miranda in new Duck Tales.
CWaltz86: gizmo is duck robocop
omdorastrix: Blathering Blatherskite!
red_shoes_jeff: LET'S GET DANGEROUS!
LRRbot: Taffyta Muttonfudge - Crowd Favorite [1, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [1/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally, Racer | SHOWSTOPPER When you play this character, if you have a location in play, each opponent loses 1 lore.
definenull: whomst?
Raincoast_Bear: !card King Kandy
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Juliamon: Do we have enough cards to build an Alan Tudyk deck yet?
LRRbot: HeiHei - Accidental Explorer [2, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [3/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | MINDLESS WANDERING Once per turn, when this character moves to a location, each opponent loses 1 lore.
Kentosaurus: wait, you could probably do an alan tudyk tribal deck
Orxolon: Hei Hei in Neverland?would the lost boys eat itΒΏ?
adept_nekomancer: @Kentosaurus A tudeck?
LRRbot: Lena Sabrewing - Rebellious Teenager [2, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Sorcerer | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.)
red_shoes_jeff: He went to Julliard, you know.
Julian_Rogue: He went to juliard!
Laserbeaks_Fury: That used to be Frank Welker's shtick
RatherLargeToad: or Dee Bradley baker
Kentosaurus: @adept_nekomancer nailed it
kynelwynn: I .. wait.. have Jim Cummings and Frank Welker been replaced?
LRRbot: The Queen's Castle - Mirror Chamber [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 7 β, 2 β] | USING THE MIRROR At the start of your turn, for each character you have here, you may draw a card.
letsbelgo: this man has two ducks
Julian_Rogue: @red_shoes_jeff Thats a phenominal emote
LithelyUnshod: Dee Bradley Baker's still working
Raincoast_Bear: Is Moana, Lilo's many time great grandmother? Hmmm....
Julian_Rogue: it's an NFT house. You can own it but not use it
jwholla: movers cost too much to get to the castle
LRRbot: Brawl [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Action | Banish chosen character with 2 Β€ or less.
A_Dub888: @Julian_Rogue you get a 8.5 * 11 that just says "<name> owns this"
KeytarCat: @A_Dub888 scrawled in sharpie
LRRbot: Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Niceland Steward [5, Amber, Inkable] | Character [4/5, 1 β] | Floodborn, Hero | Shift 3 (You may pay 3 ⬑ to play this on top of one of your characters named Fix-It Felix, Jr.) / BUILDING TOGETHER Your locations get +2 β.
Diabore: ben fixed a duck
Julian_Rogue: @A_Dub888 says "deed" in comic sans
LRRbot: Jafar - Keeper of Secrets [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [0/5, 2 β] | Dreamborn, Villain, Sorcerer | HIDDEN WONDERS This character gets +1 Β€ for each card in your hand.
Quaseymoto: Man, everytime i see Lorcana I quickly jump between "don't need another TCG" and "OMG I can play the Rescue Rangers?!"
LRRbot: Huey - Savvy Nephew [2, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Ally | Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Β€ to another chosen character's Β€ this turn.) / THREE NEPHEWS Whenever this character quests, if you have characters named Dewey and Louie in play, you may draw 3 cards.
Jafar is my favorite ducktales character
Julian_Rogue: Inks in front
jwholla: i would end every turn by saying woo ooo
LRRbot: Tuk Tuk - Lively Partner [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.) / ON A ROLL When you play this character, you may move him and one of your other characters to the same location for free. The other character gets +2 Β€ this turn.
goombalax: Raya
Julian_Rogue: !card tuk tuk rubble fort
LRRbot: Tuktuk Rubblefort [2R] | Creature β Wall [0/3] | Defender, reach / Creatures you control have haste.
cobthegreat: Reya the last dragon
MacbethSeemsSus: I thought he was just playing a car for a moment.
SeismicLawns: Raya: Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Orxolon: umpopular opinion i'm tired of Awkwafina in everything XD
LRRbot: Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing [4, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/5, 2 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess | GLEAM AND GLOW When you play this character, remove up to 3 damage from one of your characters. Draw a card for each 1 damage removed this way.
GasCityGaming: It helps that I don't know who that even is lol
A_Dub888: I mean the next game is literally "Majima goes on a pirate adventure" so why not
LRRbot: Jafar - Keeper of Secrets [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [0/5, 2 β] | Dreamborn, Villain, Sorcerer | HIDDEN WONDERS This character gets +1 Β€ for each card in your hand.
jwholla: i would be so nervous to put my hand down and get it mixed with my inkwell
Julian_Rogue: One's Ja-near one's Jafar
Orxolon: @Julian_Rogue i laughed XD
LRRbot: Sugar Rush Speedway - Starting Line [1, Ruby, Non-inkable] | Location [0 β³, 5 β, 0 β] | ON YOUR MARKS! Once per turn, you may β³ chosen character here and deal them 1 damage to move them to another location for free.
red_shoes_jeff: @Julian_Rogue Ja-WHEREVER YOU ARRRE!
Julian_Rogue: It says once ben
Orxolon: !lorcana decks
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Juliamon: !lorcanadecks
Juliamon: it's one word, because !lorcana is a card lookup like !card
Vilun: Hei Hei is once per turn
Orxolon: @Juliamon aahh ok,thx
LRRbot: Taffyta Muttonfudge - Sour Speedster [4, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 1 β] | Floodborn, Ally, Racer | Shift 2 (You may pay 2 ⬑ to play this on top of one of your characters named Taffyta Muttonfudge.) / NEW ROSTER Once per turn, when this character moves to a location, gain 2 lore.
theamc2000: is wheeler napping
LRRbot: Vanellope Von Schweetz - Gutsy Go-Getter [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess, Racer | AS READY AS I'LL EVER BE At the start of your turn, if this character is at a location, draw a card and gain 1 lore.
LoadingReadyRun: BIGGER Taffyta Muttonfudge? How big can a Muttonfudge get?
Meyari: does Heihei take a damage to move?
Julian_Rogue: @Meyari only if ben uses the speedway ability to move it somewhere else. going to the speedway is free
MullMachen: Biggest felix
Meyari: ok, got it
LRRbot: Friends on the Other Side [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 3 or more can β³ to sing this song for free.) / Draw 2 cards.
LRRbot: Eye of the Fates [4, Sapphire, Inkable] | Item | SEE THE FUTURE β³ β Chosen character gets +1 β this turn.
Vilun: where'd Ben get the extra inked card from? I thought Jacob inked every turn, and he went first
Julian_Rogue: How many copies can you have of a card in constructed? is that all of Jacob's Friends?
LRRbot: Minnie Mouse - Pirate Lookout [3, Ruby, Non-inkable] | Character [3/2, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Hero, Pirate | LAND, HO! Once during your turn, whenever a card is put into your inkwell, you may return a location card from your discard to your hand.
LRRbot: The Underworld - River Styx [2, Amber, Inkable] | Location [2 β³, 6 β, 1 β] | SAVE A SOUL Whenever a character quests while here, you may pay 3 ⬑ to return a character card from your discard to your hand.
LRRbot: Sugar Rush Speedway - Starting Line [1, Ruby, Non-inkable] | Location [0 β³, 5 β, 0 β] | ON YOUR MARKS! Once per turn, you may β³ chosen character here and deal them 1 damage to move them to another location for free.
BusTed: The Sugar Rush song is very catchy
jwholla: ducktales woo ooo
BusTed: I can still remember the chorus
Julian_Rogue: Powerhouse plays gently in the background
LRRbot: Tuk Tuk - Lively Partner [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.) / ON A ROLL When you play this character, you may move him and one of your other characters to the same location for free. The other character gets +2 Β€ this turn.
RatherLargeToad: Rubblefort?
definenull: more wets huh
adept_nekomancer: A lost chicken just casually pecking a villain to death
MacbethSeemsSus: HeiHei takes out Jafar is certainly a sentence.
Julian_Rogue: The only wet ones ben likes
KaleidoscopeMind: @MacbethSeemsSus for a date, right?
TheHunnehBunneh: It's such silly shenanigans
jwholla: in my head, the moonbase has a room thats wall to wall TCGs
TheHunnehBunneh: My husband is also playing Ben's deck and it's a lot to handle lol
TheWriterAleph: "HeiHei, take the shot."
MullMachen: Aetherdrift is already out it seems
A_Dub888: "Wacky Racers" Isn't that the next Magic set?
Orxolon: that's why she costs $44 american
siver110: oh boy wacky racers is an older cartoon
RatherLargeToad: Aether Drift seems need. They made a frog lady god
RatherLargeToad: *neat
tehfewl: its 2024 chickens can be cars
siver110: i remember it on boomerrang but
theamc2000: Wheeler , the Canadian don
goombalax: it was on teletoon reruns
Julian_Rogue: I'm having flashbacks to boomerang
LRRbot: Vanellope Von Schweetz - Gutsy Go-Getter [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess, Racer | AS READY AS I'LL EVER BE At the start of your turn, if this character is at a location, draw a card and gain 1 lore.
LRRbot: Taffyta Muttonfudge - Crowd Favorite [1, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [1/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally, Racer | SHOWSTOPPER When you play this character, if you have a location in play, each opponent loses 1 lore.
LRRbot: Fishbone Quill [3, Sapphire, Inkable] | Item | GO AHEAD AND SIGN β³ β Put any card from your hand into your inkwell facedown.
Julian_Rogue: Is there a kingcandy card?
Julian_Rogue: !card King Candy
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
MyrddintheWizard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
MyrddintheWizard: Cheers, Chat!
Thanks for subscribing, MyrddintheWizard! (Today's storm count: 10)
onecelt: @ratherlargetoad I agree, that planeswalker guide was really cool
Julian_Rogue: !updog
The stream has been live for 9:20:22.
Juliamon: She's an antagonist, not a villain
Julian_Rogue: @LoadingReadyRun I think the updog is bugged XD
LRRbot: Brawl [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Action | Banish chosen character with 2 Β€ or less.
LRRbot: Mother Gothel - Withered and Wicked [2, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [3/4, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain | WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! This character enters play with 3 damage.
Juliamon: No? That looks right for updog
adept_nekomancer: (updog uses dog years)
MacbethSeemsSus: @Julian_Rogue Dog time
LRRbot: Lena Sabrewing - Rebellious Teenager [2, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Sorcerer | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.)
Julian_Rogue: OH GOD THATS SO CLEVER never mind
TheWriterAleph: big-statted goethel gf
SymphonySolstice: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:21:01.
LRRbot: Huey - Savvy Nephew [2, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Ally | Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Β€ to another chosen character's Β€ this turn.) / THREE NEPHEWS Whenever this character quests, if you have characters named Dewey and Louie in play, you may draw 3 cards.
MullMachen: Guys do love a big goth
LRRbot: The Underworld - River Styx [2, Amber, Inkable] | Location [2 β³, 6 β, 1 β] | SAVE A SOUL Whenever a character quests while here, you may pay 3 ⬑ to return a character card from your discard to your hand.
LRRbot: Sugar Rush Speedway - Finish Line [2, Amber, Non-inkable] | Location [6 β³, 7 β, 0 β] | BRING IT HOME, KID! When you move a character here from a location, you may banish this location to gain 3 lore and draw 3 cards.
LRRbot: Eye of the Fates [4, Sapphire, Inkable] | Item | SEE THE FUTURE β³ β Chosen character gets +1 β this turn.
siver110: man is running cheat codes to loop the track
MullMachen: These two cards, they work well together!
LRRbot: Dewey - Showy Nephew [3, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 2 β] | Dreamborn, Ally | Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Β€ to another chosen character's Β€ this turn.)
Cptasparagus: BEN
control_rig: 1 away from DuckTron
RatherLargeToad: heβs Dewey-ing it!
LRRbot: Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Delighted Sightseer [2, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | OH, MY LAND! When you play this character, if you have a location in play, draw a card.
LRRbot: Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing [4, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/5, 2 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess | GLEAM AND GLOW When you play this character, remove up to 3 damage from one of your characters. Draw a card for each 1 damage removed this way.
Orxolon: can locations be attacked?
MullMachen: Heuy Louis and the Deweys
Molladia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
Molladia: Oops, I appear to have Inked myself.
Thanks for subscribing, Molladia! (Today's storm count: 11)
LRRbot: Jafar - Lamp Thief [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 2 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | I AM YOUR MASTER NOW When you play this character, look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Put one on the top of your deck and the other on the bottom.
LRRbot: The Queen's Castle - Mirror Chamber [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 7 β, 2 β] | USING THE MIRROR At the start of your turn, for each character you have here, you may draw a card.
LRRbot: HeiHei - Accidental Explorer [2, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [3/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | MINDLESS WANDERING Once per turn, when this character moves to a location, each opponent loses 1 lore.
SymphonySolstice: chimken :>
TheHunnehBunneh: @Orxolon Yes! They do no damage back to the character.
LRRbot: Maui - Hero to All [5, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [6/5, 0 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Deity | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.) / Reckless (This character can't quest and must challenge each turn if able.)
Orxolon: @TheHunnehBunneh thx
LRRbot: Huey - Savvy Nephew [2, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Ally | Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Β€ to another chosen character's Β€ this turn.) / THREE NEPHEWS Whenever this character quests, if you have characters named Dewey and Louie in play, you may draw 3 cards.
Julian_Rogue: Maui aka time walk
A_Dub888: IF YA SAMEEEELLLL!!! What the Mau is COOKIN'!
Orxolon: what happens when Maui HAS to challenge but has no "valid target"?
jwholla: i just wanna see these ducks draw a million cards
LRRbot: Jafar - Lamp Thief [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 2 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | I AM YOUR MASTER NOW When you play this character, look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Put one on the top of your deck and the other on the bottom.
MullMachen: Wheeler, are you familiar with the concept of "siblings
TabbyLavalamp: I'm just happy that if a certain someone buys Hasbro that Lorcana now exists.
if Jafar stands right beside you, does he then become Jaclose?
I do love this ADHD lorcana special
Orxolon: @TabbyLavalamp is Magic in danger?only time will tell
control_rig: Good one
LRRbot: Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Delighted Sightseer [2, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | OH, MY LAND! When you play this character, if you have a location in play, draw a card.
LRRbot: Maui - Hero to All [5, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [6/5, 0 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Deity | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.) / Reckless (This character can't quest and must challenge each turn if able.)
LRRbot: Taffyta Muttonfudge - Crowd Favorite [1, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [1/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally, Racer | SHOWSTOPPER When you play this character, if you have a location in play, each opponent loses 1 lore.
LRRbot: Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing [4, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/5, 2 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess | GLEAM AND GLOW When you play this character, remove up to 3 damage from one of your characters. Draw a card for each 1 damage removed this way.
QuixoticScrivener: I thought constructed games were fast.
couchboyj: Wilton Fisk clumbing a ladder fot wav
FriendZoneFinn: I didn't know you guys payed lorcana!
LRRbot: Jafar - Striking Illusionist [7, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [4/5, 1 β] | Floodborn, Villain, Sorcerer | Shift 5 (You may pay 5 ⬑ to play this on top of one of your characters named Jafar.) / Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.) / POWER BEYOND MEASURE During your turn, while this character is exerted, whenever you draw a card, gain 1 lore.
LRRbot: Maui - Hero to All [5, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [6/5, 0 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Deity | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.) / Reckless (This character can't quest and must challenge each turn if able.)
MullMachen: Drawing cards simply wasn't a good enough pay off for me by itself
Practice makes perfect!
control_rig: Card advantage
LRRbot: Vanellope Von Schweetz - Gutsy Go-Getter [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess, Racer | AS READY AS I'LL EVER BE At the start of your turn, if this character is at a location, draw a card and gain 1 lore.
Lobo_Apache: Did someone say Face Hunter?
LRRbot: Taffyta Muttonfudge - Sour Speedster [4, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 1 β] | Floodborn, Ally, Racer | Shift 2 (You may pay 2 ⬑ to play this on top of one of your characters named Taffyta Muttonfudge.) / NEW ROSTER Once per turn, when this character moves to a location, gain 2 lore.
Julian_Rogue: you can with some of the MDFC's
MullMachen: !card in the moon
LRRbot: Did you mean: Imprisoned in the Moon; Brinelin, the Moon Kraken; Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon; Arlinn, the Moon's Fury; Ninja of the New Moon
Scar_Red_Tiger: Duel Masters?
TabbyLavalamp: After seeing how excited Jacob got about this game when he first played it, I'm surprised he hasn't played a lot since then.
LRRbot: Tuk Tuk - Lively Partner [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.) / ON A ROLL When you play this character, you may move him and one of your other characters to the same location for free. The other character gets +2 Β€ this turn.
LRRbot: Sugar Rush Speedway - Finish Line [2, Amber, Non-inkable] | Location [6 β³, 7 β, 0 β] | BRING IT HOME, KID! When you move a character here from a location, you may banish this location to gain 3 lore and draw 3 cards.
RatherLargeToad: Tuk Tuk Rbblefort!
MullMachen: !card imprisoned in the moon
LRRbot: Imprisoned in the Moon [2U] | Enchantment β Aura | Enchant creature, land, or planeswalker / Enchanted permanent is a colorless land with "{T}: Add {C}" and loses all other card types and abilities.
MirrorDisco: practice makes progress β₯οΈ (at least that is what I tell my students, because there is no such thing as perfect.) β₯οΈ
Julian_Rogue: @TabbyLavalamp hims a busy person
control_rig: Judge, I've demonstrated a Loop (it's a speedway)
siver110: neat
Julian_Rogue: @control_rig "And he's casting another LEFT TURN!"
@MirrorDisco except me, im perfect
LRRbot: Friends on the Other Side [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 3 or more can β³ to sing this song for free.) / Draw 2 cards.
LRRbot: Jafar - Keeper of Secrets [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [0/5, 2 β] | Dreamborn, Villain, Sorcerer | HIDDEN WONDERS This character gets +1 Β€ for each card in your hand.
LoadingReadyRun: friends on the other, other side
circusofkirkus: Jacob's riffing off
canβt wait til they really start scraping the bottom of the barrel and we see some borderline mascot horror with βWelcome to Pooh Cornerβ representation
Julian_Rogue: Ben won the race
MullMachen: I've got friends on the other side (iago)
TheHunnehBunneh: GGWP
RatherLargeToad: 4 player match?
MullMachen: We can go Ben for Ben
TheWriterAleph: @betweenmyself oh my great heavens.
Juliamon: I *adored* Pooh Corner
Juliamon: I was a weird kid though
Cptasparagus: @Juliamon is that where the Pooh Bucket is?
QuixoticScrivener: Lower Bracket
Julian_Rogue: The bottoms
lamina5432: 3rd place
Wicker_Guide: the participation prize bracket
Juliamon: underchamps
Melfina__: The litterbox?
Julian_Rogue: the power bottoms
betweenmyself: see also the live action βDumboβs Circusβ and βAdventures in Wonderlandβ shows (the second of which had a rollerskating White Rabbit)
onecelt: Participation Bracket
TheHunnehBunneh: Ooh what decks?
Juliamon: (I also loved Dumbo's Circus)
Julian_Rogue: Live action or "Live action"
DaxStrife: Like a Mary Poppins expansion?
QuixoticScrivener: Song of the South (big oof)
Pywodwagon: what about a card of Angela Lansbury fighting Nazis
SymphonySolstice: disney channel shows deck
SnackPak_: Put Dick Van Dyke in Lorcana you cowards
Julian_Rogue: sweet deck of zack and cody
Orxolon: Honey i shrunk the kids?
SymphonySolstice: @Julian_Rogue you win
TheHunnehBunneh: DCOM cards would blow my mind (and my budget)
Orxolon: Flubber
the_brainfist: Same brain cell Ben, was just thinking they could do the KH captain JAck
Orxolon: High school musical?
Julian_Rogue: Hannah montana deck
A_Dub888: Voiced by Lance Bass at one point
Gekyouryuu: you have to beat Sephiroth in KH2 for one of the best keyblades
betweenmyself: get some Disney Channel Original Movie cards in there, maybe a bit of βVictory through Airpowerβ
Julian_Rogue: That's so Raven as a like fortel deck
Earthenone: i will ink lizzie macguire
QuixoticScrivener: Sephiroth had more Kingdom Hearts screen time than original FF7
GasCityGaming: Anakin's mom?
LRRbot: Hidden Cove - Tranquil Haven [1, Emerald, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 6 β, 0 β] | REVITALIZING WATERS Characters get +1 Β€ and +1 β while here.
LRRbot: Lena Sabrewing - Rebellious Teenager [2, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Sorcerer | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.)
Orxolon: if it is ALL Disney Avengers Earth Mightiest heroes could be here
TheWriterAleph: happy pride
LRRbot: Perilous Maze - Watery Labyrinth [3, Emerald, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 8 β, 1 β] | LOST IN THE WAVES Whenever a character is challenged while here, each opponent chooses and discards a card.
LRRbot: Nottingham - Prince John's Castle [2, Steel, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 6 β, 1 β]
QuixoticScrivener: Lorcana: Springfield
Julian_Rogue: DOOOOD @Orxolon I'd buy lorcana if I could get EMS cards
Orxolon: Phineas and Ferb
Julian_Rogue: @Orxolon there's 104 cards in my deck i'm playing
Orxolon: @Julian_Rogue me too
LRRbot: Eye of the Fates [4, Sapphire, Inkable] | Item | SEE THE FUTURE β³ β Chosen character gets +1 β this turn.
LRRbot: Huey - Savvy Nephew [2, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Ally | Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Β€ to another chosen character's Β€ this turn.) / THREE NEPHEWS Whenever this character quests, if you have characters named Dewey and Louie in play, you may draw 3 cards.
Pywodwagon: no there was a new one announced
LRRbot: Fang - River City [4, Emerald, Inkable] | Location [2 β³, 6 β, 2 β] | SURROUNDED BY WATER Characters gain Ward and Evasive while here. (Opponents can't choose them except to challenge. Only characters with Evasive can challenge them.)
Julian_Rogue: if we have Phineas and Ferb then we gotta have Murphy's law. gimmie a weird al card
LRRbot: Donald Duck - First Mate [3, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Hero, Pirate | CAPTAIN ON DECK While you have a Captain character in play, this character gets +2 β.
Orxolon: waiting for the gummi bears in Lorcana
LRRbot: Magica De Spell - Thieving Sorceress [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [3/4, 2 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | TELEKINESIS β³ β Return chosen item with cost equal to or less than this character's Β€ to its player's hand.
Earthenone: the Will of D?
circusofkirkus: DW is Arthur's sister
OfficerHoit subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
Thanks for subscribing, OfficerHoit! (Today's storm count: 12)
A_Dub888: Dora Winnifred Read?
LRRbot: Jafar - Lamp Thief [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 2 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | I AM YOUR MASTER NOW When you play this character, look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Put one on the top of your deck and the other on the bottom.
sporkraptor: it was the midichlorians
Orxolon: Disney tries hard for all characters to not have fathers
A_Dub888: @sporkraptor I mean, Disney owns Star Wars
LRRbot: Perilous Maze - Watery Labyrinth [3, Emerald, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 8 β, 1 β] | LOST IN THE WAVES Whenever a character is challenged while here, each opponent chooses and discards a card.
Molladia: Hey Jacob, cool shirt, glad to see you around again, hope you had a great time at PAX.
SeismicLawns: DWD -> DD -> Big Naturals -> Natural at being a Dad -> DAD -> DWD
Orxolon: @A_Dub888 Gendy Tartakovsky's clone wars could be in here
LRRbot: Donald Duck - Buccaneer [4, Steel, Inkable] | Character [3/4, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Hero, Pirate, Captain | BOARDING PARTY During your turn, whenever this character banishes a character in a challenge, your other characters get +1 β this turn.
TheWriterAleph: midichlorians are disney princesses
sporkraptor: @A_Dub888 yeah... there's all kinds of weird places this could go XD
circusofkirkus: Is he single?
LRRbot: Magica De Spell - Ambitious Witch [2, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer
SymphonySolstice: is your father gandalf
SnackPak_: you can't just ask someone that
GasCityGaming: please add quote, i'm begging you
LRRbot: Jafar - Keeper of Secrets [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [0/5, 2 β] | Dreamborn, Villain, Sorcerer | HIDDEN WONDERS This character gets +1 Β€ for each card in your hand.
TabbyLavalamp: I ordered that Donald Duck playmat and now have to wait for the Canada Post strike to end before I get it.
thrythlind: the funny bit of the new Duck Tales I remember is Donald getting his speech impediment temporarily fixed and he's actually a tactical genius that just nobody understands?
InfiniTokens: "She's beautiful, she's rich. She's got huge tracts of land..."
Julian_Rogue: @TabbyLavalamp so the Post canada Post strike
Julian_Rogue: Yes
Orxolon: according to google:
Orxolon: Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck's father, usually known as Mr Duck (possibly Jamie Duck), though an alternative account suggests his last name to be Ostman, is (or was) an anthropomorphic duck.
LRRbot: Calhoun - Marine Sergeant [2, Steel, Non-inkable] | Character [3/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | Resist +1 (Damage dealt to this character is reduced by 1.) / LEVEL UP During your turn, whenever this character banishes another character in a challenge, gain 2 lore.
couchboyj: Agreeing... angrily!
ZackTheCatKing subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ZackTheCatKing! (Today's storm count: 13)
TheHunnehBunneh: Calhoun, my beloved
circusofkirkus: more or less, yes
Earthenone: he was down to hyuck
RatherLargeToad: Programed with the most tragic backstory ever
Julian_Rogue: No he's not goofy he's felix. goofy is a different card
Pywodwagon: big duck energy
Big Duck Energy
TheHunnehBunneh: "dynamite gal"
sporkraptor: @Orxolon I'd really *hope* he's an anthropomorphic duck D:
SymphonySolstice: good joke jacob
Molladia: The ADHD corner are really going nuts today
SeismicLawns: "she let him hit cuz he's goofy" is the story of most of my successful relationships
SymphonySolstice: less good joke wheeler
Orxolon: @sporkraptor hahahaha
Julian_Rogue: The horse joke was better!
MullMachen: While we're on this topic, did you know buccaneer and barbeque have the same root
sporkraptor: @Orxolon I mean there's always Leda and the swan....
LoadingReadyRun: Nice that we have the table friends on camera tonight
for those who know Lorecana, is there a βSkeleton Danceβ card?
Scar_Red_Tiger: You look huge
Julian_Rogue: @MullMachen Is it the same root as the LGBBQTIA?
LRRbot: McDuck Manor - Scrooge's Mansion [4, Sapphire, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 9 β, 2 β]
kristof162028: Hey does anyone know if their is a lorcana x epic hickey cards yet?
LRRbot: Dewey - Showy Nephew [3, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 2 β] | Dreamborn, Ally | Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Β€ to another chosen character's Β€ this turn.)
LRRbot: The Lamp [2, Amethyst, Non-inkable] | Item | GOOD OR EVIL Banish this item β If you have a character named Jafar in play, draw 2 cards. If you have a character named Genie in play, return chosen character with cost 4 or less to their player's hand.
Earthenone: epic hickey is still in the vault i think
my neck meat is still spongey and sore
kynelwynn: They ight slip
salamisuperstar: They're too heavy from all that water
GasCityGaming: If Jacob is Donald Duckin it, let's NOT cut to the wide please
Julian_Rogue: @GasCityGaming If that's the wide, is this the narrow?
TheWriterAleph: oh shit is chauncey in this
LRRbot: And Then Along Came Zeus [4, Steel, Non-inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 4 or more can β³ to sing this song for free.) / Deal 5 damage to chosen character or location.
josh___something: Chancey, the rock god playing lorcana?
QuixoticScrivener: Don't let Olive hear!
GasCityGaming: @Julian_Rogue I think it's a 4 up? I don't know all the terms though?
kynelwynn: It was Zeus after all
Julian_Rogue: lightning bolt costs 4?!
MullMachen: In the moon base straight up Duckin' it and by it let's just say hehehe my boardstate
Julian_Rogue: life insruance doesn't cover acts of gods
LRRbot: Huey - Savvy Nephew [2, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Ally | Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Β€ to another chosen character's Β€ this turn.) / THREE NEPHEWS Whenever this character quests, if you have characters named Dewey and Louie in play, you may draw 3 cards.
Julian_Rogue: Rolly polly olley cards would be cute
LRRbot: Scrooge McDuck - Richest Duck in the World [5, Sapphire, Non-inkable] | Character [3/5, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | I'M GOING HOME! During your turn, this character gains Evasive. (They can challenge characters with Evasive.) / I DIDN'T GET RICH BY BEING STUPID During your turn, whenever this character banishes another character in a challenge, you may play an item for free.
Earthenone: the card is quacked
Julian_Rogue: David Tennant!
MullMachen: Hyuck just because of those tweets about vaccines???
TabbyLavalamp: Gift sub to the first person who can name Mickey Mouse's nephews (prize void if already subscribed).
GasCityGaming: Hyuck, I'm just saying the science on Climate Change is still out.
SnackPak_: all two of them
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh no, I'm having Desert Bus flashbacks
definenull: oh no
Xerodin: HAHAHA
Diabore: 10
Gekyouryuu: "both"
betweenmyself: βbothβ he says
definenull: at least 10
LRRbot: Calhoun - Marine Sergeant [2, Steel, Non-inkable] | Character [3/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | Resist +1 (Damage dealt to this character is reduced by 1.) / LEVEL UP During your turn, whenever this character banishes another character in a challenge, gain 2 lore.
LRRbot: Doc - Bold Knight [2, Steel, Non-inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Ally, Knight, Seven Dwarfs | DRASTIC MEASURES When you play this character, you may discard your hand to draw 2 cards.
Diabore: youre underselling it ben
Julian_Rogue: simpsons meme. "OH jacob honey" what? "sorry habbit"
LRRbot: Nottingham - Prince John's Castle [2, Steel, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 6 β, 1 β]
Earthenone: everyone knows ink runs
niccus: it's dripping
thrythlind: There was a whole Desert Bus thing this year about how much Kingdom Hearts makes sense
thrythlind: including that Kingdom Hearts 3 is like the 10th game in the series
Orxolon: i can see your hand but i recognize none of this cards XD
the_brainfist: Kingdom Hearts 1 isn't necessarily the first either.
LRRbot: Lucky Dime [7, Sapphire, Non-inkable] | Item | NUMBER ONE β³, 2 ⬑ β Choose a character of yours and gain lore equal to their β.
BusTed: the number one dime!
MullMachen: Double up on lore
betweenmyself: Kingdom Hearts should be played in *release order*. To do otherwise invites only madness
LRRbot: The Queen's Castle - Mirror Chamber [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 7 β, 2 β] | USING THE MIRROR At the start of your turn, for each character you have here, you may draw a card.
SeismicLawns: i do want to see someone's unhinged machete order for KH
MaelstronSolenor: should scrooge have taken dmg?
Pywodwagon: it is IN a kingdom hearts game
Cptasparagus: its an amazing game tho
LRRbot: And Then Along Came Zeus [4, Steel, Non-inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 4 or more can β³ to sing this song for free.) / Deal 5 damage to chosen character or location.
RatherLargeToad: might be
Diabore: its in a KH game (DDD) but its not a kingdom hearts game
OmnipotentTrevor: You could play Chain of Memories on Is this Your Card
twistedsylvan: and TWEWY characters showed up in a Kingdom Hearts game years ago
Earthenone: no, but you can do it to billionaires
LunarJade: TWEWY should be a Kingdom Hearts game.
Diabore: table friend i do that
Orxolon: !judge external assitance!
RatherLargeToad: Kingdom Hearts 4 is teasing some TWEWY stuff
circusofkirkus: did you play ToonTown
Diabore: TWEWY was also in DDD
niccus: wow! wheeler has played every kingdom hearts game!
Paul's point stands
LunarJade: King Mickey doesnβt wear a shirt and itβs super important for some reason
TabbyLavalamp: Doesn't Wheeler have that show on the LLR network, "Is This Your Heart?"
niccus: luigi is in smash bros already?
Mazrae: The non-plus Gannondorf
Earthenone: luigi? mario was right there
jacqui_lantern234: @MacbethSeemsSus was JUST typing that XD
kynelwynn: The minecraft guy. STEVE
SeismicLawns: yeah just a couple paul. just a couple
If ya gonna play Kingdom Hearts the best place to start to ensure you get ALL the lore is with Mickey Mousecapade on NES
Orxolon: what did Luigi do?
MullMachen: Year of Luigi is Back
LRRbot: Lena Sabrewing - Rebellious Teenager [2, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Sorcerer | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.)
the stuff regarding Diddy Kong!?
SeismicLawns: holy shit year of luigi was a decade ago
kynelwynn: She's an agent of bad, but gets a friend
A_Dub888: she gets better
niccus: it's the thirtieth anniversary of the year of luigi
LRRbot: Magica De Spell - Ambitious Witch [2, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer
ghyllnox: @Orxolon Look up Luigi Mangione
kynelwynn: You're not wrong at all Wheeler
DaxStrife: Magica De Spell can GET. IT.
Molladia: Jacob with Zero hesitation
LRRbot: Seven Dwarfs' Mine - Secure Fortress [2, Steel, Inkable] | Location [2 β³, 6 β, 1 β] | MOUNTAIN DEFENSE During your turn, the first time you move a character here, you may deal 1 damage to chosen character. If the moved character is a Knight, deal 2 damage instead.
Earthenone: cloaced up
LRRbot: Calhoun - Marine Sergeant [2, Steel, Non-inkable] | Character [3/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | Resist +1 (Damage dealt to this character is reduced by 1.) / LEVEL UP During your turn, whenever this character banishes another character in a challenge, gain 2 lore.
Pywodwagon: Hanging out with Voxy and Crim is like mainlining sugar
Orxolon: @ghyllnox oh wow
@earthenone technically correct, wrong in every other sense
LRRbot: Jafar - Lamp Thief [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 2 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | I AM YOUR MASTER NOW When you play this character, look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Put one on the top of your deck and the other on the bottom.
LRRbot: Friends on the Other Side [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 3 or more can β³ to sing this song for free.) / Draw 2 cards.
josh___something: The chaos gremlin energy is wonderful
MullMachen: They call me pull out Calhoun on account of my failed presidential bid
salamisuperstar: There is a very specific energy that comes when Ben and Ben are together and I love it
MullMachen: Pull out is just my name
LRRbot: Mr. Smee - Bumbling Mate [2, Steel, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 2 β] | Storyborn, Ally, Pirate | OH DEAR, DEAR, DEAR At the end of your turn, if this character is exerted and you don't have a Captain character in play, deal 1 damage to this character.
TabbyLavalamp: Toni Storm is back and she's no longer timeless!
LRRbot: John Silver - Greedy Treasure Seeker [3, Steel, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Villain, Alien, Pirate, Captain | CHART YOUR OWN COURSE For each location you have in play, this character gains Resist +1 and gets +1 β. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Aarek: not to be confused with Titan AE
TheWriterAleph: skelly crew has a catgirl captain?
LRRbot: Scrooge McDuck - Uncle Moneybags [2, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Hero | TREASURE FINDER Whenever this character quests, you pay 1 ⬑ less for the next item you play this turn.
MullMachen: it's like treasure island, but get this, a planet
MirrorDisco: Treasure Planet is so underrated. itβs fun.
LRRbot: Jafar - Lamp Thief [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 2 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | I AM YOUR MASTER NOW When you play this character, look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Put one on the top of your deck and the other on the bottom.
red_shoes_jeff: Jim Hawkins
MacbethSeemsSus: I'm Still Here's a banger
kynelwynn: Jim! Jimmy Jimjim Jim
TabbyLavalamp: Because I was also watching Dynamite while watching this.
LRRbot: Donald Duck - Buccaneer [4, Steel, Inkable] | Character [3/4, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Hero, Pirate, Captain | BOARDING PARTY During your turn, whenever this character banishes a character in a challenge, your other characters get +1 β this turn.
LRRbot: Fang - River City [4, Emerald, Inkable] | Location [2 β³, 6 β, 2 β] | SURROUNDED BY WATER Characters gain Ward and Evasive while here. (Opponents can't choose them except to challenge. Only characters with Evasive can challenge them.)
red_shoes_jeff: @kynelwynn Bit I'm not Jim Jimmy JimJim Jim, HE'S Jim Jimmy JimJim Jim!
kynelwynn: @red_shoes_jeff Glad someone got it!
LRRbot: Motunui - Island Paradise [2, Sapphire, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 5 β, 1 β] | REINCARNATION Whenever a character is banished while here, you may put that card into your inkwell facedown and exerted.
Earthenone: fangs are from vampire the masqurade
goombalax: each city was named after different dragon bits
kynelwynn: Rest of y'all need to watch Muppets Treasure sland
LRRbot: Jafar - Striking Illusionist [7, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [4/5, 1 β] | Floodborn, Villain, Sorcerer | Shift 5 (You may pay 5 ⬑ to play this on top of one of your characters named Jafar.) / Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.) / POWER BEYOND MEASURE During your turn, while this character is exerted, whenever you draw a card, gain 1 lore.
LRRbot: Smash [3, Steel, Inkable] | Action | Deal 3 damage to chosen character.
e_bloc: yeah, keep smashing ducktales, makes sense
kynelwynn: Ben: But you didn't see or no sold my comment which then red_shoes picked up
GasCityGaming: Muppet Christmas Carol is my favourite version of that story
DaxStrife: Muppet Treasure Island only works because Tim Curry acts like a muppet.
sporkraptor: @DaxStrife Tim Curry *is* a Muppet
jwholla: who is statler and who is Waldorf
LRRbot: Louie - Chill Nephew [4, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [3/4, 2 β] | Dreamborn, Ally | Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Β€ to another chosen character's Β€ this turn.)
kynelwynn: Louis! My darling
red_shoes_jeff: @DaxStrife Conversely, Muppet Christmas Carol works so well because Michael Caine acts like the Muppets are actors.
LRRbot: The Queen's Castle - Mirror Chamber [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 7 β, 2 β] | USING THE MIRROR At the start of your turn, for each character you have here, you may draw a card.
DaxStrife: @red_shoes_jeff Truth.
e_bloc: smash the mirror
thegitrogsquirrel: its Bibby MoeWhinniehan
LRRbot: Friends on the Other Side [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 3 or more can β³ to sing this song for free.) / Draw 2 cards.
Ooo secret level is out, watching the warhammer episode later
TabbyLavalamp: The Muppets Take Manhattan works because NYC is also a character.
Orxolon: Jaffar has friends on the other side
betweenmyself: @gascitygaming apparently the PacMan entry is⦠really a thing
DaxStrife: We don't talk about Jeremy Irons.
LRRbot: Daisy Duck - Pirate Captain [4, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 2 β] | Dreamborn, Hero, Pirate, Captain | DISTANT SHORES Whenever one of your Pirate characters quests while at a location, draw a card.
Lobo_Apache: @DaxStrife Why not?
LRRbot: Transport Pod [1, Emerald, Inkable] | Item | GIVE 'EM A SHOW At the start of your turn, you may move a character of yours to a location for free.
DaxStrife: @Lobo_Apache Read his twitter feed and find out. (You don't want to).
LRRbot: Huey - Savvy Nephew [2, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Ally | Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Β€ to another chosen character's Β€ this turn.) / THREE NEPHEWS Whenever this character quests, if you have characters named Dewey and Louie in play, you may draw 3 cards.
goombalax: "Jeremy Irons gives his iron clad support to children's therapy center" Wow yeah what an asshole
LRRbot: The Lamp [2, Amethyst, Non-inkable] | Item | GOOD OR EVIL Banish this item β If you have a character named Jafar in play, draw 2 cards. If you have a character named Genie in play, return chosen character with cost 4 or less to their player's hand.
TabbyLavalamp: Jeremy Irons isn't on Twitter.
DaxStrife: Double Lamp?!
LRRbot: Dewey - Showy Nephew [3, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 2 β] | Dreamborn, Ally | Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Β€ to another chosen character's Β€ this turn.)
Molladia: did Jacob just stack his hand into his ink?
JosephDeath: I have just been reminded that Quack Pack exists
MullMachen: Unlike in real life where all ducks have the same personality
betweenmyself: then you have Bubba Duck (he likes to Clubba)
MacbethSeemsSus: Performance enhancing Dew
MullMachen: He can't get mana flooded
LunarJade: sounds like James
Paranundrox: he wants to draw lands
NotCainNorAbel: James "I draw land' Turner doesn't like inking?
circusofkirkus: does he also hate MDFCs?
shendaras: what if every creature was also a modal double face card
LRRbot: Mother Gothel - Withered and Wicked [2, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [3/4, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain | WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! This character enters play with 3 damage.
LRRbot: Taffyta Muttonfudge - Crowd Favorite [1, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [1/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally, Racer | SHOWSTOPPER When you play this character, if you have a location in play, each opponent loses 1 lore.
TabbyLavalamp: The secret? Put bad inkable cards into your deck that you will treat like lands and only allow yourself to ink those.
betweenmyself: must save all your Megalixers for the final boss, after all
LRRbot: Ursula - Deceiver [2, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | YOU'LL NEVER EVEN MISS IT When you play this character, chosen opponent reveals their hand and discards a song card of your choice.
LRRbot: Diablo - Obedient Raven [1, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [0/1, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | FLY, MY PET! When this character is banished, you may draw a card.
thrythlind: I am low-key horrified by the concept of inking because I feel like I'm reducing a person into a resource... and that's icky to me
LRRbot: Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing [4, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/5, 2 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess | GLEAM AND GLOW When you play this character, remove up to 3 damage from one of your characters. Draw a card for each 1 damage removed this way.
MacbethSeemsSus: Of the Hampshire Muttonfudges
LRRbot: Sugar Rush Speedway - Finish Line [2, Amber, Non-inkable] | Location [6 β³, 7 β, 0 β] | BRING IT HOME, KID! When you move a character here from a location, you may banish this location to gain 3 lore and draw 3 cards.
MullMachen: If I lose with a card in hand I feel bad, I want to have as few cards as possible
Juliamon: thrythlind Good news, they aren't people, they're drawings
thrythlind: doesn't change the feeling
LRRbot: Merlin - Goat [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [4/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Mentor, Sorcerer | HERE I COME! When you play this character and when he leaves play, gain 1 lore.
LRRbot: Banzai - Gluttonous Predator [2, Emerald, Non-inkable] | Character [3/2, 2 β] | Storyborn, Ally, Hyena
Juliamon: also some of them aren't even humanoid
betweenmyself: @thrythlind Disney characters are Lorecana Soylent
LRRbot: Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Delighted Sightseer [2, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | OH, MY LAND! When you play this character, if you have a location in play, draw a card.
LRRbot: Sugar Rush Speedway - Starting Line [1, Ruby, Non-inkable] | Location [0 β³, 5 β, 0 β] | ON YOUR MARKS! Once per turn, you may β³ chosen character here and deal them 1 damage to move them to another location for free.
thrythlind: anyway, I should get to bed, night
Juliamon: Hei Hei is in no way a "people"
SeismicLawns: magic the gathering
MullMachen: I love the feeling of turning a person into an exploitable resource, now to go strolling down this Manhattan street by this handsome Italian man
goombalax: I wonder if an iron deficiency can cause you to be unresponsive to touch screens
LRRbot: Madam Mim - Snake [2, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | JUST YOU WAIT When you play this character, banish her or return another chosen character of yours to your hand.
LRRbot: Prince Phillip - Royal Explorer [3, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [3/2, 2 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Prince | Ward (Opponents can't choose this character except to challenge.)
jeepless subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Thanks for subscribing, jeepless! (Today's storm count: 14)
Orxolon: !Lorcanadecks
LRRbot: Minnie Mouse - Pirate Lookout [3, Ruby, Non-inkable] | Character [3/2, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Hero, Pirate | LAND, HO! Once during your turn, whenever a card is put into your inkwell, you may return a location card from your discard to your hand.
MyrddintheWizard: I for one like the cana...
LRRbot: Vanellope Von Schweetz - Gutsy Go-Getter [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess, Racer | AS READY AS I'LL EVER BE At the start of your turn, if this character is at a location, draw a card and gain 1 lore.
adept_nekomancer: A deck like the Sahara
LRRbot: Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Niceland Steward [5, Amber, Inkable] | Character [4/5, 1 β] | Floodborn, Hero | Shift 3 (You may pay 3 ⬑ to play this on top of one of your characters named Fix-It Felix, Jr.) / BUILDING TOGETHER Your locations get +2 β.
tehfewl: getting the slorp juice
shurtal: the slurp juice is really flowing tonight
MullMachen: When you shift can you attack without rush?
LRRbot: Madam Mim - Snake [2, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | JUST YOU WAIT When you play this character, banish her or return another chosen character of yours to your hand.
LRRbot: Merlin - Goat [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [4/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Mentor, Sorcerer | HERE I COME! When you play this character and when he leaves play, gain 1 lore.
Athelgar: @shurtal did you know, with 2 slurp juices...
LRRbot: Brawl [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Action | Banish chosen character with 2 Β€ or less.
LRRbot: HeiHei - Accidental Explorer [2, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [3/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | MINDLESS WANDERING Once per turn, when this character moves to a location, each opponent loses 1 lore.
BusTed: π
TheWriterAleph: HeiHei you you
Aarek: he went to Juliard
shurtal: @Athelgar real good mint event tonight
LRRbot: Merlin - Rabbit [4, Amethyst, Non-inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Mentor, Sorcerer | HOPPITY HIP! When you play this character and when he leaves play, you may draw a card.
Earthenone: 3 uninkables? jaems would love that hand
LRRbot: Madam Mim - Fox [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [4/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | CHASING THE RABBIT When you play this character, banish her or return another chosen character of yours to your hand. / Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.)
goombalax: Get off my cloud/I don't like your girlfriend
LRRbot: Sugar Rush Speedway - Finish Line [2, Amber, Non-inkable] | Location [6 β³, 7 β, 0 β] | BRING IT HOME, KID! When you move a character here from a location, you may banish this location to gain 3 lore and draw 3 cards.
shurtal: new from Smuckers: you've heard of Uncrustables, now try Uninkables!
TabbyLavalamp: Madam Mim was the first enchanted I ever opened.
adept_nekomancer: Fastest chicken in the west!
LRRbot: Maui - Hero to All [5, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [6/5, 0 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Deity | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.) / Reckless (This character can't quest and must challenge each turn if able.)
Scorpio_SW subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Scorpio_SW! (Today's storm count: 15)
LunarJade: playing Maui and not saying βyour welcomeβ seems like a crime
Swamplor: Isn't floating the one thing Maui can't do?
Earthenone: the shark shark fruit
shurtal: put the chick in the coconut, then you draw three? (i don't know what heihei does)
shurtal: "Become a Redfield, how will that happen?" Yo ho ho!
LRRbot: HeiHei - Accidental Explorer [2, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [3/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | MINDLESS WANDERING Once per turn, when this character moves to a location, each opponent loses 1 lore.
Earthenone: mo anna mo problems
TabbyLavalamp: Fun fact: Heihei has been in every set.
shurtal: Rosanne Rosanna Danna's secret seister, Moanna Danna
LRRbot: Elsa - The Fifth Spirit [5, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [2/5, 1 β] | Dreamborn, Hero, Queen, Sorcerer | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.) / Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.) / CRYSTALLIZE When you play this character, exert chosen opposing character.
red_shoes_jeff: @TabbyLavalamp Even in the one where you fight Ursula. She has no idea why he's there, either.
goombalax: @TabbyLavalamp must be a reference to Alan Tudyk being in every movie
LRRbot: Ursula - Deceiver [2, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | YOU'LL NEVER EVEN MISS IT When you play this character, chosen opponent reveals their hand and discards a song card of your choice.
LRRbot: Sugar Rush Speedway - Starting Line [1, Ruby, Non-inkable] | Location [0 β³, 5 β, 0 β] | ON YOUR MARKS! Once per turn, you may β³ chosen character here and deal them 1 damage to move them to another location for free.
SeismicLawns: this is just treasure cruise isn't it
SymphonySolstice: chimken :>
Orxolon: can we say Ben is playing control?
LRRbot: Maui - Hero to All [5, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [6/5, 0 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Deity | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.) / Reckless (This character can't quest and must challenge each turn if able.)
MullMachen: Chimchimchero is my favorite polkeman
LRRbot: Tuk Tuk - Lively Partner [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.) / ON A ROLL When you play this character, you may move him and one of your other characters to the same location for free. The other character gets +2 Β€ this turn.
Earthenone: tuk tuk rubblefort?
TabbyLavalamp: @Orxolon Control is a thing in the game, minus counter spells.
LRRbot: Merlin - Rabbit [4, Amethyst, Non-inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Mentor, Sorcerer | HOPPITY HIP! When you play this character and when he leaves play, you may draw a card.
jwholla: is punch your goat a euphemism
shurtal: Ken Hughs
LRRbot: Merlin - Crab [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Mentor, Sorcerer | READY OR NOT! When you play this character and when he leaves play, chosen character gains Challenger +3 this turn. (They get +3 Β€ while challenging.)
shurtal: dircted Chitty Chitty bang bang
LRRbot: Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing [4, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/5, 2 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess | GLEAM AND GLOW When you play this character, remove up to 3 damage from one of your characters. Draw a card for each 1 damage removed this way.
SeismicLawns: wow is ben playing ancestral recall typal
James_the_Dabbler: Ben has all the blue players drooling
LRRbot: The Underworld - River Styx [2, Amber, Inkable] | Location [2 β³, 6 β, 1 β] | SAVE A SOUL Whenever a character quests while here, you may pay 3 ⬑ to return a character card from your discard to your hand.
Lobo_Apache: Rewatch with Love:Chitty Chitty Bangbang--when?
epsilon_vee: i feel like this calls for some kind of bond movie alignment chart
LRRbot: Taffyta Muttonfudge - Sour Speedster [4, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 1 β] | Floodborn, Ally, Racer | Shift 2 (You may pay 2 ⬑ to play this on top of one of your characters named Taffyta Muttonfudge.) / NEW ROSTER Once per turn, when this character moves to a location, gain 2 lore.
LRRbot: Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Delighted Sightseer [2, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | OH, MY LAND! When you play this character, if you have a location in play, draw a card.
Molladia: Jacob you should listen to Cori's film podcast.
shurtal: wonkaverses are way over priced for what you get, they aren't even comfortable shoes
KeytarCat: The classic is Snowpiercer as Wankaverse
LRRbot: Belle - Accomplished Mystic [5, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [4/4, 2 β] | Floodborn, Hero, Princess, Sorcerer | Shift 3 (You may pay 3 ⬑ to play this on top of one of your characters named Belle.) / ENHANCED HEALING When you play this character, move up to 3 damage counters from chosen character to chosen opposing character.
LRRbot: Kit Cloudkicker - Tough Guy [3, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [2/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | SKYSURFING When you play this character, you may return chosen opposing character with 2 Β€ or less to their player's hand.
LRRbot: Banzai - Gluttonous Predator [2, Emerald, Non-inkable] | Character [3/2, 2 β] | Storyborn, Ally, Hyena
LRRbot: Clarabelle - Clumsy Guest [1, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [1/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | BUTTERFINGERS When you play this character, you may pay 2 ⬑ to banish chosen item.
goombalax: board wipe board wipe
TabbyLavalamp: I'm surprised Ben doesn't have any red removal.
TheHunnehBunneh: I haven't seen that location in play before
LRRbot: Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing [4, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/5, 2 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess | GLEAM AND GLOW When you play this character, remove up to 3 damage from one of your characters. Draw a card for each 1 damage removed this way.
TheHunnehBunneh: Nifty!
LRRbot: Prince Eric - Expert Helmsman [4, Ruby, Non-inkable] | Character [2/2, 2 β] | Dreamborn, Hero, Prince | SURPRISE MANEUVER When this character is banished, you may banish chosen character.
Molladia: Which verse is Truman show?
goombalax: @Molladia Monsterverse. His dome is later used to hold King Kong
Krasis404: 7 Vagina
LRRbot: Vanellope Von Schweetz - Gutsy Go-Getter [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess, Racer | AS READY AS I'LL EVER BE At the start of your turn, if this character is at a location, draw a card and gain 1 lore.
shurtal: Maybe more
LRRbot: Never Land - Mermaid Lagoon [1, Amber, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 4 β, 1 β]
MullMachen: Introducing a new concept know as the movieverse. All films take place in a shared universe. This has major implications now that Breathless (1960) and Richie Richie (1994) share a universe
tehfewl: Imagine
TheHunnehBunneh: Lol TIL
LRRbot: Ursula - Deceiver [2, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | YOU'LL NEVER EVEN MISS IT When you play this character, chosen opponent reveals their hand and discards a song card of your choice.
LRRbot: Goofy - Super Goof [4, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/4, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.) / SUPER PEANUT POWERS Whenever this character challenges another character, gain 2 lore.
shurtal: I've been working a medley of all 17 pokemon theme songs
LRRbot: Merlin - Crab [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Mentor, Sorcerer | READY OR NOT! When you play this character and when he leaves play, chosen character gains Challenger +3 this turn. (They get +3 Β€ while challenging.)
GasCityGaming: I feel like Ben is playing Jund from like 7 or 8 years ago, a value engine that progresses toward victory while making the same hard to do for the op
Earthenone: benb be merlining his elsa till he belle
TheHunnehBunneh: GGWP
TheHunnehBunneh: For those Steelsong decks lol
Earthenone: steel has a wheel of fortune
TabbyLavalamp: Amber/Steel is a popular song deck.
papa_rupes: itβs Amber steel
TheHunnehBunneh: All the song cards galore
LunarJade: Ursulaβs got a banger of a vinyl collection
papa_rupes: but thereβs songs played in other decks that are great targets
Pywodwagon: Lorcana has a ROUGH play/draw win disparity
goombalax: Sideboarding in Lorcana is called Retconning and if you have to do it the CEO gets fired
papa_rupes: be prepared is a board clear song in Ruby
Orxolon: I didn't want to say anything to not backseat,but MAYBE I THINK Jacob's deck wants to never exert itself for quest and then generate a ton in 1 turn,via the 7 Jaffar with the nephews in play,or Magica with the one number one dime
LRRbot: Diablo - Obedient Raven [1, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [0/1, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | FLY, MY PET! When this character is banished, you may draw a card.
LRRbot: Chernabog's Followers - Creatures of Evil [1, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [2/1, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | RESTLESS SOULS Whenever this character quests, you may banish them to draw a card.
LRRbot: The Underworld - River Styx [2, Amber, Inkable] | Location [2 β³, 6 β, 1 β] | SAVE A SOUL Whenever a character quests while here, you may pay 3 ⬑ to return a character card from your discard to your hand.
LRRbot: Taffyta Muttonfudge - Crowd Favorite [1, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [1/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally, Racer | SHOWSTOPPER When you play this character, if you have a location in play, each opponent loses 1 lore.
TabbyLavalamp: Have you all considered a four-player Lorcana game? There are some good multi-player cards.
LRRbot: Madam Mim - Fox [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [4/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | CHASING THE RABBIT When you play this character, banish her or return another chosen character of yours to your hand. / Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.)
LRRbot: Cursed Merfolk - Ursula's Handiwork [1, Emerald, Non-inkable] | Character [0/1, 2 β] | Storyborn | POOR SOULS Whenever this character is challenged, each opponent chooses and discards a card.
LRRbot: Clarabelle - Clumsy Guest [1, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [1/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | BUTTERFINGERS When you play this character, you may pay 2 ⬑ to banish chosen item.
LRRbot: Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing [4, Amber, Inkable] | Character [1/5, 2 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess | GLEAM AND GLOW When you play this character, remove up to 3 damage from one of your characters. Draw a card for each 1 damage removed this way.
MullMachen: Subspace emissary is so good
Astramentha: sir
MullMachen: Also I fully expected Wheeler to go "well Nancy..."
LRRbot: Taffyta Muttonfudge - Sour Speedster [4, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 1 β] | Floodborn, Ally, Racer | Shift 2 (You may pay 2 ⬑ to play this on top of one of your characters named Taffyta Muttonfudge.) / NEW ROSTER Once per turn, when this character moves to a location, gain 2 lore.
LRRbot: Merlin - Goat [4, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [4/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Mentor, Sorcerer | HERE I COME! When you play this character and when he leaves play, gain 1 lore.
LRRbot: Madam Mim - Fox [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [4/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | CHASING THE RABBIT When you play this character, banish her or return another chosen character of yours to your hand. / Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.)
LRRbot: Vanellope Von Schweetz - Gutsy Go-Getter [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Princess, Racer | AS READY AS I'LL EVER BE At the start of your turn, if this character is at a location, draw a card and gain 1 lore.
LRRbot: Never Land - Mermaid Lagoon [1, Amber, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 4 β, 1 β]
Earthenone: wheeler brought antimeta to a casual night
MullMachen: Submissive and inkable
adept_nekomancer: Isn't cow ink just milk?
LRRbot: Merlin - Crab [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Mentor, Sorcerer | READY OR NOT! When you play this character and when he leaves play, chosen character gains Challenger +3 this turn. (They get +3 Β€ while challenging.)
LRRbot: Merlin - Rabbit [4, Amethyst, Non-inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Mentor, Sorcerer | HOPPITY HIP! When you play this character and when he leaves play, you may draw a card.
TheHunnehBunneh: Does Ben earn a lore for the location?
LRRbot: The Underworld - River Styx [2, Amber, Inkable] | Location [2 β³, 6 β, 1 β] | SAVE A SOUL Whenever a character quests while here, you may pay 3 ⬑ to return a character card from your discard to your hand.
LRRbot: Never Land - Mermaid Lagoon [1, Amber, Inkable] | Location [1 β³, 4 β, 1 β]
TheHunnehBunneh: To put him at 3 lore?
LRRbot: Tuk Tuk - Lively Partner [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.) / ON A ROLL When you play this character, you may move him and one of your other characters to the same location for free. The other character gets +2 Β€ this turn.
TheHunnehBunneh: Thank youuuu!
LRRbot: Madam Mim - Snake [2, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Villain, Sorcerer | JUST YOU WAIT When you play this character, banish her or return another chosen character of yours to your hand.
LRRbot: Clarabelle - Clumsy Guest [1, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [1/2, 1 β] | Storyborn, Ally | BUTTERFINGERS When you play this character, you may pay 2 ⬑ to banish chosen item.
LRRbot: Peter Pan - Shadow Finder [3, Amethyst, Non-inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.) / Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.) / FLY, OF COURSE! Your other characters with Evasive gain Rush.
TabbyLavalamp: James could play a deck with 26 inkables that he can only play as lands and the rest of the cards are uninkable.
LRRbot: Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Niceland Steward [5, Amber, Inkable] | Character [4/5, 1 β] | Floodborn, Hero | Shift 3 (You may pay 3 ⬑ to play this on top of one of your characters named Fix-It Felix, Jr.) / BUILDING TOGETHER Your locations get +2 β.
Orxolon: dirst turn seems kinda important for this game
LRRbot: Sugar Rush Speedway - Finish Line [2, Amber, Non-inkable] | Location [6 β³, 7 β, 0 β] | BRING IT HOME, KID! When you move a character here from a location, you may banish this location to gain 3 lore and draw 3 cards.
Orxolon: *first
Earthenone: UwUsoggy
LRRbot: Merlin - Rabbit [4, Amethyst, Non-inkable] | Character [2/3, 1 β] | Storyborn, Mentor, Sorcerer | HOPPITY HIP! When you play this character and when he leaves play, you may draw a card.
DaxStrife: M'rlin?
LRRbot: Prince Phillip - Royal Explorer [3, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [3/2, 2 β] | Storyborn, Hero, Prince | Ward (Opponents can't choose this character except to challenge.)
LRRbot: Cursed Merfolk - Ursula's Handiwork [1, Emerald, Non-inkable] | Character [0/1, 2 β] | Storyborn | POOR SOULS Whenever this character is challenged, each opponent chooses and discards a card.
LRRbot: Goofy - Super Goof [4, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/4, 1 β] | Storyborn, Hero | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.) / SUPER PEANUT POWERS Whenever this character challenges another character, gain 2 lore.
13 raiders from R__M__B have joined!
LRRbot: Clarabelle - Light on Her Hooves [7, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [5/6, 2 β] | Floodborn, Ally | Shift 5 (You may pay 5 ⬑ to play this on top of one of your characters named Clarabelle.) / KEEP IN STEP At the end of your turn, if chosen opponent has more cards in their hand than you, you may draw cards until you have the same number.
SnackPak_: well never know
Elbleezy: Wheeler won, and he has more points! Huzzah!
TheHunnehBunneh: GGWP!
Pywodwagon: theres definitely NO collusion issues
MacbethSeemsSus: It was a draw, so there's a clear winner
lorcanabelle: oh look, Bo2 controversy, weβre in the right place @r_m_b
Gekyouryuu: that's Max, not Goofy
TheHunnehBunneh: Thanks for playing more Lorcana! π
Elbleezy: It was great watching you guys and I hope you play more in the future
dungeonmasteralek: Thanks for the stream,this was fun!
Elbleezy: Canlander Lorcana When?
lamina5432: gnight
Earthenone: !patreon
NotCainNorAbel: good logo
Cptasparagus: yeah, Wiggins
Molladia: Looking forward to the Pax Vlog
Lobo_Apache: I always hear "now that they frogs are gone"
dungeonmasteralek: Matt "Cat Enthusiast" Wiggins?
haHA! get hecc'd vod watchers!!!
them frogs
Orxolon: oh is tomorrow!
definenull: ah the game trailers
Orxolon: hell ueah
MacbethSeemsSus: I love ads!
Let's go Balatro
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: it could be anything, even me
LunarJade: yeah cause itβs gamers
SnackPak_: oh Ben
NorthstarTex: Can we get PC bloodbourne plz? kthxbai
Lobo_Apache: We'll never see bloodborne again... it was too good
ihlendrax: I want an actual release date for Bloodlines 2.
Orxolon: i just watch trailers
josh___something: More hurdy gurdy in general, actually
MadWolf1290: Jacob is exploding
LunarJade: Wheeler I hope you get the Bloodborne you deserve
shendaras: Poor Jacob
Dog_of_Myth: Poor Jacob
How you doin, jacob?
jacqui_lantern234: ooh, how festive
Kentosaurus: If the women don't find you handsome...
NotCainNorAbel: Duct Tape Commandor?
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: keep your stick on the ice
Dog_of_Myth: Or How the Gruul Stole Christmas
Raincoast_Bear: Rick Smith might play magic...
Gekyouryuu: I've been to two Red Green tapings. love that show
jacqui_lantern234: no its ME
jacqui_lantern234: IT WAS I DIO
josh___something: Hi Jacqui!
Molladia: The final episod
Dog_of_Myth: So many messy crits
LunarJade: fang gang
definenull: yeah nothing bad happened last time
josh___something: The Sevenale
Raincoast_Bear: Loki episode?
WiJohn: Septink?
MadWolf1290: the look from Jacob
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: but will there be someone with green eyes...
jacqui_lantern234: THE BITS
Raincoast_Bear: And ME! 41 months with week!
NotCainNorAbel: do what I can
Orxolon: Thanks for the stream! Good night everyone
Molladia: Thanks Paul
Raincoast_Bear: You're welcome.
MadWolf1290: what an ending
niccus: seven thank yous, maybe more
Raincoast_Bear: And there is nothing else on twitch. well. goodnight thne.
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