baltimore_667083: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
baltimore_667083: well bus
TheWriterAleph: fly you fools! you've doomed us all!
GapFiller: @Juliamon ty!
baltimore_667083: i blame clarkson
Sethalidos: !quote Ian
LRRbot: Quote #3050: "I wasn't using those nerve endings anyway." —Ian [2016-07-25]
TheJackalMan: !advice
TheJackalMan: RIP
baltimore_667083: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir? You can't FROOT FROOT here.
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot how bout i do anyway?
Juliamon: this one's not bad either
Crad0k: hello, graham told me to come here
Juliamon: it's hard to find ones that don't have "cringe" as at least one square
Farwalker: @Crad0k Moi aussi!
Juliamon: which seems too easy
letfireraindown: Okay, so Game awards stream is still upcoming?>
Juliamon: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Join the LoadingReadyRun Crew for Geoff Keighley's big night of video game trailers... and awards I guess. Game: The Game Awards) at Thu 04:30 PM PST (22m from now).
clancrusher1: Came here from the YT video and was told they were streaming. I was scammed. Can't believe I have to wait 22 whole minutes.
TheMerricat: Ah man, the one that Juliamon linked to gave me "Sam Lake dances" and now I'm reminded that I'm sad that Alan Wake didn't make them money.
Juliamon: life's rough clancrusher1
jibkat: also I heard Matt bought a tux for this
TheMerricat: :D
GapFiller: so inconvenient of Geoff Keighley to always schedule the Game Awards AFTER CheckPoint production
baltimore_667083: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Pit Trap!
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot not again
Earthenone: !findquote trap
LRRbot: Quote #1964: "I can't move the broccoli into my trap, can I?" —Ian [2016-02-23]
stippledotter: !findquote award
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
baltimore_667083: !quote graham
LRRbot: Quote #3295: "The iron-sight is at your groin." —Graham [2016-08-24]
Earthenone: is anyone doing the world premire drinking game?
DoodlestheGreat: No, because alcohol poisoning is a terrible thing.
Mazrae: Hello everyone
Mazrae: !advice
LRRbot: A horse is about 14.9 horsepower.
jibkat: how
jibkat: its only one horse!
Earthenone: it actually is, horsepower isa dumb measurement
Sethalidos: Horst people are crazy, they measure things in hands
TheWriterAleph: Inside a horse there are 14.9 horses.
TheWriterAleph: Don't ask what's inside those horses.
TheMerricat: "Although it may seem safe to assume that one horsepower is the output a horse is capable of creating at any one time, that is incorrect. In fact, the maximum output of a horse can be up to 15 horsepower, and the maximum output of a human is a bit more than a single horsepower."
jibkat: but real question
jibkat: what about a centaur?
Mazrae: Don't ask about the forbidden knowledge
Earthenone: if a human is one and a horse is 15, surely math says centaurs are 16
baltimore_667083: @TheWriterAleph what's inside those horses?
TheMerricat: The irony is they didn't use horsepower as a measurement till the invention of the steam engine. The sole purpose of HP was to sell people on how much better steam engines were. :D
MalFnord: It's horses all the way down
arkham1981: glue?
GapFiller: nalvThink is THIS why horses are undrawable?
TheMerricat: "So that an engine which will raise as much water as two horses, working together at one time in such a work, can do, and for which there must be constantly kept ten or twelve horses for doing the same. Then I say, such an engine may be made large enough to do the work required in employing eight, ten, fifteen, or twenty horses to be constantly maintained and kept for doing such a work..."
jibkat: the best selling point of a steam engine is the lack of poop
jibkat: everything else is secondary
baltimore_667083: @jibkat and the cool sounds it makes
Sethalidos: @GapFiller nope honses don't belong in reality that's why
TheMerricat: @jibkat But steam engines do poop, they poop ash.
TheMerricat: All over.
control_rig: Honestly, I feel that if Cori wanted to draw more horses she'd first need to invest high-quality hay
GapFiller: TheMerricat what is an exhaust if not a poo chute by another name eh
Sethalidos: @TheMerricat technically that would be explosive diarheaa
jibkat: Cori cant draw a horse
jibkat: its agaisnt the law
baltimore_667083: but laws don't apply to cori
Sethalidos: they are too close to the dreaded moose
control_rig: But could she, say, draw 25% of a horse. So the horse would be drawn and quartered
Mazrae: If cori can't draw horses, is she allowed to draw a centaur or is it too close
Sethalidos: @control_rig NO! BAD PUN WE DO THAT OUTSIDE
baltimore_667083: @control_rig i...saw the trap, figured out how it worked, and walked straight into it
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: pain
Earthenone: cori redefines reality, so whatever cori draws is no longer considered a horse
TheMerricat: If cori can't draw a centaur, then she can't draw people, cause people are just a half of a centaur.
FarleyF: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Join the LoadingReadyRun Crew for Geoff Keighley's big night of video game trailers... and awards I guess. Game: The Game Awards) at Thu 04:30 PM PST (11m from now).
Sethalidos: !findquote reality
LRRbot: Quote #6372: "It's a reality program! That means it's scripted!" —Ian, as Ira [2019-09-09]
CaptainEnder7: !next
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
korvys: lrrSIG
jibkat: gah adds
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
wiggins: mattlrFine
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG MOOSE!
spethycakes: lrrSIG
Drasvin: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LiveLittlebird subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LiveLittlebird! (Today's storm count: 11)
Earthenone: if you dont like adds i have bad news for you about this stream jibkat :P
Nahmbra subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
DideRobot: LRR: Paul, Heather and Matt Wiggins are watching The Game Awards! | |
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nahmbra! (Today's storm count: 12)
jibkat: mattlrFine wiggins
SubatomicAura subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SubatomicAura! (Today's storm count: 13)
varmintx0: I don't give a shit about the game awards, I'm only here for LRR.
control_rig: lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrCirclewreath lrrARROWS
GapFiller: lrrFRUMP !?
NewtyNewts: lrrSIG
betweenmyself: So who’s ready to complain about some website being down, preventing us from trying to get free Steam Decks? riffYeti
TheMerricat: Life Pro Tip chat, before you start type in chat asking if there is any audio.... first check the volume slider on the player. :D
Earthenone: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:20 PM
pleonasticTautology: nice
pleonasticTautology: also hello again
jibkat: hows the tux fitting wiggins
gnomonclature subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gnomonclature! (Today's storm count: 14)
ReverseCreations subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
ReverseCreations: Time for some TGA Bingo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ReverseCreations! (Today's storm count: 15)
jacqui_lantern234: who am excite? i am excite!!!
wiggins: @jibkat I am extremely dapper
Nigouki: oh hey is it time for Geoff Keighley's Please Wrap It Up?
sag3error: Just finished checkpoint. Right on time!
baltimore_667083: @wiggins as you always are
GapFiller: nalvHi5 hai MAtt
Kentosaurus: I hope flute guy is back
ani_laurel: I'm not hyped for the game awards but I am looking forward to Wiggins' snark
Orastes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months!
Orastes: Can't wait to get my SNARK fix.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Orastes! (Today's storm count: 16)
wiggins: I am professionally obligated to be adulatory of the games
Earthenone: "Geoff Keighley's Please Wrap It Up" sounds like an std prevention campaign
jibkat: You heard it here first folks
chaotic_good_ferret subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chaotic_good_ferret! (Today's storm count: 17)
pleonasticTautology: oh right i have some wiggins emotes from getting him to pet his dog
jibkat: Matt is 100% dapper tonight
TheMerricat: Are you kidding tonight's lineup is all snark. The comments portend to be so sharp that we might need to wear PPE just to watch the stream chat. :D
sag3error subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 102 months!
sag3error: Also Sub time
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sag3error! (Today's storm count: 18)
betweenmyself: Hopefully this year’s show will be no less than 80% Muppet Skits pennyWhat
pleonasticTautology: mattlrHype2
wiggins: but I promise to be snarky about the disrespect shown by the presentation of awards
kyuubeynokitsune: @betweenmyself Oh man I forgot about that
pleonasticTautology: @wiggins would expect nothing else
wiggins: I love that the captions on YT right now are just strings of note emojis
satyropodobny subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, satyropodobny! (Today's storm count: 19)
lamina5432: evening
BaronVonPoppinOff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BaronVonPoppinOff! (Today's storm count: 20)
GasCityGaming: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
ladyjessica: just finished latest checkpoint in time for the life chillpoint!
ReverseCreations: Think it would be Geoff Keighley's personal Hell to be the only human in a Muppet Production of The Game Awards?
drane10 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drane10! (Today's storm count: 21)
wiggins: SOON mattlrWoof
TheMerricat: emoji have brought so much meaning to our life. In the olden days the subtitles would just say "exciting music"
pleonasticTautology: when will "now" be "then"
KaleidoscopeMind: SPOON
Anaerin: SOON™
IbunWest: merlekBouncy
baltimore_667083: SPOON
wiggins: SOON mattlrLurk
GapFiller: SPOON!?
spethycakes: SPOON
GasCityGaming: spoon!
baltimore_667083: spoon!
Fruan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Fruan: Whoo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fruan! (Today's storm count: 22)
elitefourkaren: the the video game awards awards
GapFiller: good ebening PH Balance lrrPAUL lrrHEATHER lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheJackalMan: pennyPleased
gnomonclature: SLOON!
pleonasticTautology: whoa
A_Dub888: S O O N S rayfkLurk
definenull: Matt!
baltimore_667083: hi wiggins!
jibkat: Ian/
Diabore: its a phantom wiggity
Nigouki: directly into our earholes
jacqui_lantern234: ian?
josh___something: Ian Horner?
Simriel: I was expecting Graham for this tbh, he usually enjoys the Game Awards XD
pleonasticTautology: hi paul, hi heather, hi matt
swallowedtheanchor: lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP
FarleyF: if Matt is Beej does that mean that he's been Beejdropped
HavenDragon: incorporeal wiggins
Dog_of_Myth: lrrFRUMP
TheJackalMan: whatus upus gamers
jibkat: mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2
l0gin4me: lrrFRUMP
ravensshade: it's a wiggins?
A_Dub888: Matt "Cat Enthusiast" Wiggins
NimrodXIV: no don't like that
ReverseCreations: Yay Matt "Cat Enthusiast" Wiggins
l0gin4me: mattlrBork2
amative1: lrrFRUMP
pleonasticTautology: yeah
sporkraptor: wikkawikkawakky
pleonasticTautology: sounds great
MCloutierg subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MCloutierg! (Today's storm count: 23)
Dog_of_Myth: yes
MalFnord: we good
Diabore: matt sounds good
Gekyouryuu: Matt's nickname is Cat Enthusiast, sir
Pywodwagon: mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2
sporkraptor: yah, it's good
Shadwhawk: Aw, no PIP for Matt?
baltimore_667083: matt "cat enthusiast" wiggins is objectively correct
ak47kalashnikoff: Mike 5
hanssolon: Sounds Good
DoodlestheGreat: Matt, you may want to escape while you have a chance.
QuixoticScrivener: hi Matt!
TheMerricat: Matt is a smidge quieter than Paul, but his volume is fine
spethycakes: Matt "Cat Enthusiast" Wiggins has arrived
Simriel: Matt "Known cat lover" Wiggins is great
korvys: Unfortunatly, Matt Wubbens hasn't been seen since the death of dub step
gnomonclature: Matt volume good.
Mathwyn: The Wiginuninins
SinbadEV: Matt is.
sporkraptor: volume is perfect! oooh spirit of the matthew
betweenmyself: presumably once the level of Muppet participation reaches critical mass the Game Awards will collapse under its own gravity and we won’t have to do this every year moving forward. riffThink
pleonasticTautology: fair
Gizmoloid: Swiggity Wiggins or Wiggity Swiggins?
josh___something: Matthew "Cat Enthusiast" Wiggins
ASilentBark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
micalovits: So we just assume he is 100% dabber
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ASilentBark! (Today's storm count: 24)
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrSPOOP
noSmokeFire: wiggins vtuber rig when
sag3error: Matt is sufficiently volumetric
GapFiller: nalvThink Matt moved to Vancouver round the same time Ian came to Victoria meaning theyve never been Crew together
GapFiller: just sayin
Anaerin: Is this "Wiggins" in the room with us right now?
Blip2004: sounded like god of war
varmintx0: just use a picture of a cat to represent Wiggins. He loves them so.
jacqui_lantern234: Heather Dery, Ghost Installer doing their job well :P
Peter_Chordash: Can we have a stock photo of Matt? lrrHEATHER
A_Dub888: rayfkDont
Earthenone: matt "moved ro vancuver" of corse he is a ghost
MalFnord: Yeah why ARE you reading the YT chat?
mmtaylor1992: Are they doing the part where they announce fake awards yet?
GapFiller: Peter_Chordash stock photo of Tim thats what we really want Kappa
pleonasticTautology: i think the only way i could handle the game awards is by you all talking over it
spethycakes: an active chat? in this economy?!
jibkat: Is it usd or like
Kentosaurus: gotta be bots, right?
Orchestrion: did that once, never again
jibkat: swedish kroner?
betweenmyself: *please forgive the mixed metaphors of “critical mass” and “collapsing under one’s own gravity”
Diabore: people donate a lot of money to famous people
mmtaylor1992: They want Geoff to be their friend.
Orchestrion: that was a strange chat
Peter_Chordash: @gapfiller Hahaha so true!
Shadwhawk: I sure hope that's going to a charity or something
Peregrine234: nothing will get us silksong
KaleidoscopeMind: at least do like the ig nobels, that give it in zimbabwean dollars
aussie_rob_w subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
aussie_rob_w: It's my 131st anniversary!
mercano82: Will LRR be showing the awards or just commenting? I’m on my phone and can only watch one video stream at a time.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aussie_rob_w! (Today's storm count: 25)
noSmokeFire: will giving lrr $20 get me silksong?
Nahmbra: The white whale donation fund.
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi paul
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Gizmoloid: @peter_chordash Matt should get onto one of stock photo services first, so there'd be an actual stock photo LUL
KaleidoscopeMind: donate to make it shorter!
Pteraspidomorphi: Hello
TheMerricat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months, currently on a 99 month streak!
mmtaylor1992: Silksong announced for Switch II
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheMerricat! (Today's storm count: 26)
FarleyF: ah Game Awards - the Desert Bus of Award Ceremonies
foopoiuyt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, foopoiuyt! (Today's storm count: 27)
Juliamon: I've shared a couple I've found
pleonasticTautology: "no silksong"
DoodlestheGreat: "If we don't reach the next goal, you won't find out who won 'Miss Congeniality!'"
elitefourkaren: bdgs E3 bingo card probably still works
TheWanderingNomad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months, currently on a 22 month streak!
TheWanderingNomad: 48 months? That's 4 years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheWanderingNomad! (Today's storm count: 28)
A_Dub888: rapid fire awards
Nigouki: Ryan Reynolds guaranteed as CanCon
KaleidoscopeMind: dev with no PR/stage training
jacqui_lantern234: free space: no silksong Kappa
mmtaylor1992: John Goodman
FarleyF: bring back Kratos (Christopher Judge)
Morrigan9: ella purnel?
mercano82: free: callback to Cristopher Judge’s long acceptance speech.
ak47kalashnikoff: Very confused elderly celebrity on stage
betweenmyself: random audience member crashing the stage to spew political nonsense?
HiCallMeRusty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
HiCallMeRusty: Hello happy game awards, also when did the stream info move to the top of the screen?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HiCallMeRusty! (Today's storm count: 29)
korvys: "Winner says Fuck AI"
gualdhar: Hideo Kojima is the free space
GasCityGaming: Voice Actor presenter 'saying the thing'
SymphonySolstice: Geoff Keighley mentioning he's Canadian yea
Saintnex: current popular celeb/influencer announcing a completely meaningless award
Diabore: remaster of a game released post 2019 is a good square
KaleidoscopeMind: X number of t-shirt + blazer combos
Orchestrion: he does the Canadian thing every single time
lamina5432: camera quick swaps
jibkat: CBC has a reporter as a judge!
SquareDotCube: Fares shows up on stage
Gizmoloid: Are people in crowd still trying to repeat the "YOU'RE breathtaking" moment?
DoodlestheGreat: Kojima's the Free Space of The Game Awards.
NewtyNewts: CoD trailer
ani_laurel: surpsie giveaway/contest
LPS_97: only for them to close later
mmtaylor1992: Kojima comes out, farts, and leaves.
octavia__scratch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Kidror: Studio formed from people who left a big name studio
EvilBadman: Not a drinking game or bingo spot but I am calling 3 awards during the pre-show
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, octavia__scratch! (Today's storm count: 30)
Nigouki: watch them announce more layoffs during the show
DoodlestheGreat: I prefer the former, heather.
Arclight_Dynamo: There's some sort of Muppet thing this year, right?
Simriel: @Nigouki Dark
GasCityGaming: calling Taco Bell
Rentok: An award goes to the only game nominated that everyone agrees should not have won.
asddsa28: a costume mascot
Anaerin: Open a studio in the opening minutes of the show, announce it's closing just after "Best Game" is announced.
Simriel: Muppets? I love Muppets
gualdhar: There will definitely be a Baja Blast reference
NewtyNewts: @EvilBadman Nah, it'll be closer to 5
LPS_97: Remember the shave robot?
Kentosaurus: @Anaerin lol
Diabore: @Nigouki "thank you for this award, we were all laid off, please hire us"
pleonasticTautology: honestly i'm surprised taco bell doesn't have a game yet
DoodlestheGreat: Draino!
KaleidoscopeMind: is taco bell not game related?
SquareDotCube: Cambell's Soup
gualdhar: And at least one AI company
KaleidoscopeMind: feel like it is the most related
R_Craddz: Niiice!
DoodlestheGreat: Lens Crafters!
Arclight_Dynamo: Definitely some sort of ad for the grift-du-jour.
DoodlestheGreat: Tupperware!
lunarcassy: lunarc31Melolol
Crad0k: nintendo will announce mario's brother has a new name
ak47kalashnikoff: Kambocha sponsored indie game
SquareDotCube: 1-800-Dentures
Mazrae: I think this is the first time I've watched these awards
margieargie: *rushes in a bit late* Ah, good, didn't miss anything
Diabore: i am now synced
2Flower subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 136 months!
2Flower: Let the questionable marketing fiesta commence!
DaxStrife: "It's the final countdown! Just like they always sang about!"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 2Flower! (Today's storm count: 31)
tehfewl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
tehfewl: awards
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tehfewl! (Today's storm count: 32)
fubargames: I'm here from having just watched checkpoint: The system works!
silenceaux: It's an image you could incorporate nicely into a trophy
R_Craddz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Akaiatana: It is a bad set of scissors
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, R_Craddz! (Today's storm count: 33)
NewtyNewts: It's 4 Xs, because they'll surpass 40 awards
Anaerin: I find flashing lights offensive!
korvys: Should you put a Matt file-photo next to the other hosts in the shot?
Nigouki: Upcoming: Heated Gamer Moments
jibkat: its our gamer Sydney
LPS_97: all I want is for Astro Bot to win GOTY, nothing else matters
dumbo3k: That's not Geoff!
MommaGart: jesus christ right off the bat
Earthenone: state farm?!
SymphonySolstice: state farm.....
W_Livi: Insurance? Oh no...
Juliamon: Wasted no time for that space
FarleyF: ok people take a shot everytime that State Farm is mentioned
DoodlestheGreat: All gamers need house insurance.
Spades_Slicc: Waow Serge is competing with yall on his channel
Crad0k: that's provably false, paul...
chubbyvboii: we do love insurance :p
margieargie: Sure, State Farm, why not
ak47kalashnikoff: Gta5 presented by state farm
Anaerin: Like a good P2, State Farm is there...
ReverseCreations: Start they can still go late
MalFnord: Aren't there usually like people in the audience for these things?
Orchestrion: State Farm? the insurance place what ?
NimrodXIV: most people are very vocal about not loving insurance right now
KBKarma: 21 Pilots are still a thing?
TheWanderingNomad: Really Snopp Dogg?
SymphonySolstice: snoop???
Simriel: Snoop Dogg?
asddsa28: but why
Chamelenyan: the snoop?
Pteraspidomorphi: Snoop dogg and 21 pilots were announced beforehand
xantos69: 4 der lands?
Simriel: How much Weed are he delivering Snoop to be here
KBKarma: Wait. Where's Geoff Keighley?
SquareDotCube: four squadrons worth of pilots
Nigouki: can we just have a red carpet pre-show where they ask all the game devs about how they dressed themselves?
chubbyvboii: that was fast
TheWriterAleph: let's get these commercials STARTED Y
lamina5432: should have called the snoop dog given he's been around this year
DoodlestheGreat: Here comes the alcoholism
JDogg2K4: ninja gaiden?
Pteraspidomorphi: Geoff will probably be here in 30
KBKarma: Blasphemous 2?
northos: ooooooh
rasterscan: Oh, I like Blasphemous.
betweenmyself: We have to start these awards early to milk these game companies for money to feature their game reveals!
NewtyNewts: Mark of the Ninja 2?
rasterscan: Wait
MalFnord: Ninja Gaiden?
chubbyvboii: ooooo OG ninja gaiden
Mathwyn: Ninja gaiden
Kramburger: WAIT
asddsa28: is it an ainme
NewtyNewts: Castlevania maybe?
Nigouki: new 2D Ninja Gaiden?
GapFiller: absolutely
tehfewl: 2.5d
Orchestrion: castlevania ninja gaiden?
Nigouki: yerp
Kramburger: YES
Arclight_Dynamo: Sold
Kramburger: SOLD
JDogg2K4: Let's gooooo
GapFiller: sold!
Chamelenyan: good start!
TheWanderingNomad: Oh I think I remember my brothe rmentioning this
jacqui_lantern234: ok, but im into it, though???????
Diabore: good call paul
betweenmyself: I approve
control_rig: Sold
Nigouki: ok the evening is worth it, go home
rasterscan: Well, rad. Probably too hard for me, but rad.
SymphonySolstice: dialed In
Juliamon: yo I would play the *fuck* outta this
nevermore913: Looks slick
Flyingdelorion: where can i preorder?
chubbyvboii: 👍👍👍
Kramburger: This is just a rip-off of The Messenger! /s
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon same
silenceaux: Is making comparisons to The Messenger amusing or just in poor taste
Mr_Horrible: Ninja Gaiden + Metal Slug, feels like
NewtyNewts: Dece
tehfewl: ok thast 1
silenceaux: @Kramburger Beat me to it :V
CouldntPickAUsername: and I'm not seeing stupid parry mechanics, that looks fun
rasterscan: What a good choice getting the Blasphemous team to make it.
chaotic_good_ferret: Ok pretty cool but I'm just patiently waiting for the borderlands 4 trailer
KeytarCat: I'd break my wrist on that
Kramburger: Booooo
A_Dub888: boo
Diabore: oh my god
Izandai: Oh, I misinterpreted the meaning of the scheduled start time. Oops.
spethycakes: killer....segue.
Mazrae: Ninja gaiden metrodvania
jacqui_lantern234: booooo
nevermore913: I don't love the subtitle ragebound
definenull: wait hold up
rasterscan: Pre-show awards
JDogg2K4: it's gonna be tekken right?
SymphonySolstice: pre-awards-trailer-awards
rasterscan: I guess.
korvys: This is like the Technical Emmys
JDogg2K4: SF6 was last year.
loufghyslaufey: What kind of "massager," lrrPAUL ?
Mr_Horrible: SF6 came out last year
FarleyF: oh please not multiversus
LPS_97: SF6 was last year
chubbyvboii: ugh these just go by too fast
Foxmar320: lol
Mr_Horrible: Tekken 8 for sure yeah
chubbyvboii: yay harada!!!
tehfewl: didn't deserve and award during the actual show?
Kipstar: yeah those trophies are SOLID
GasCityGaming: I do like the design of the awards too
Blip2004: omg who could be the winner, not the 2 dudes just out of shot
SymphonySolstice: did they print that in solid iron yo
josh___something: Harada!
DaxStrife: Ooo, I can see the empty seat section to their right.
Mathwyn: Trophy as solid as that man's chin
GapFiller: that trophy doubles as a weapon
JDogg2K4: Self sensoring
chaotic_good_ferret: I feel like this award snuck up on me
Anaerin: "We regret to inform you your studio has been closed"
Mr_Horrible: Harada censoring himself is a good bit
korvys: I've heard good things about it
josh___something: Tekken remains tekken
OmnipotentTrevor: Sparking Zero I've heard is good, but not a balanced fighting game
Earthenone: unpacking 3-d
mmtaylor1992: kind of over cozy
Arclight_Dynamo: Re-packing
loufghyslaufey: Flood in that Tekken "Eight Hate" GlitchNRG GlitchNRG lrrEFF lrrEFF lrrXmaspistachio lrrPistachio
saucemaster5000: there was no way it wasn't gonna be tekken yeah
Aceviru: Welp, taking a drink because of the word cozy
Nigouki: Moving Truck Tetris
mmtaylor1992: word is getting kind of gross
Mister_BlueSky: Unlike ANYTHING I've played before?
KBKarma: Tetris 3D.
GasCityGaming: unpacking VR?
northos: that little *bonk* was cute
Chamelenyan: Unpacking 2: Packing
DaxStrife: Oh no, VR.
Marvoleath: Car tetris?
loufghyslaufey: 3D? Gross.
Anaerin: Car Tetris: The Game
RatherLargeToad: Unpacking 2: Packing this time
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I can already think of multiple games this reminds me of :P
A_Dub888: This was literally a Simpsons bit
DTMWA6T: just finished today's checkpoint
Orchestrion: ooh the knocking a box to fit it in is too real
xantos69: Oh the second "Strand Like" game?
DoodlestheGreat: Unpacking 2?
Foxmar320: Im kinda down for this
Izandai: A Little To The Left
spethycakes: the arms lrrSPOOP
dm818: Probably callecd One move away
Mai_Andra: Unpacking 2: the Prequel
SymphonySolstice: unpacking 2: you got evicted, now you're packing
Gizmoloid: Slam the door and break the glass!
loufghyslaufey: There's no way you can drive in any of these unpacking vehicles. Fully packed.
Pywodwagon: AH
Crad0k: can you shatter the windows if you pack badly and just slam the boot lid?
Mr_Horrible: this is StS things
JDogg2K4: StS 2?
laikagoat: sts 2!!!
tehfewl: Spire
Diabore: spire 2!
definenull: StS?
FarleyF: STS2
KingTaltia: Slay the Spire?
definenull: ca-caw?
KBKarma: Slay the Spire 2?
kyuubeynokitsune: lol
Saintnex: heck yea
amative1: That looks like a "For Dummies" book
Anaerin: Read the Spire
Kidror: Ooohh nice
KBKarma: So much blood.
hiFunko: hell yeha
JDogg2K4: gimme date pls!
OmnipotentTrevor: Are we sure it isn't tomato sauce?
Chesul: New stuff for Spire 2!
korvys: Oh, Slay the Spire expansion?
Diabore: why avoid? thats where the loot is!
chubbyvboii: yay!!!! slay the spire 2!!!
hiFunko: this is all I did while I was laid up in bed this week
stippledotter: That's just a for dummies book
KingTaltia: Man, Neow sounds different than I thought she would
nevermore913: I'm ready for a new sts
Saintnex: hah
Sarah_Serinde: I am okay at this game and really enjoy it
northos: new character :O
elitefourkaren: new ityc streams here we go
mweepigeon: always greed always greed
public_key_reveal_party: I have never played this one, but I have heard it is good
tehfewl: hand friend
Mr_Horrible: it's still the best of this genre for me
mmtaylor1992: Scrumptious in Spire
CosmicDuctTape: oh right, what's the hand's name
TheWriterAleph: i've been way too many hours in StS
lamina5432: new art
jacqui_lantern234: dont sell yourself short, matt, youre bad at MANY games Kappa
FarleyF: ooo necromancer
VorlonScout: I, too, enjoy being profoundly mediocre at this game
SquareDotCube: If only you had a stream and an audience to help you out, Matt :p
Gaz_L: hi all, who's all here? I see a Paul, a Heather and i think i heard a Wiggins?
Mr_Horrible: Shopkeep noise pog
KaleidoscopeMind: was just playing this a few hours ago
Mathwyn: Its good but not my personal fav in the genre
loufghyslaufey: More like lrrDOTS Sleight; the Spirals!" LUL lrrWOW lrrBEEJ lrrGOAT lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
JDogg2K4: no defect?
letfireraindown: I actually liked the game enough i bought it on my phone too
Izandai: But where's my robot son?
KaleidoscopeMind: (the original)
teddywhosabear: oh hey, neat
rasterscan: I think other games have taken StS's foundations and done neat stuff, it will be interesting if they manage to add enough new stuff.
A_Dub888: Zambie
korvys: That was teh Defect
letfireraindown: I'm excited on the squal
CosmicDuctTape: where is my robot wizard child
KingTaltia: MY BOY, Defect!
kyuubeynokitsune: Cards! numbers!
Saintnex: oh no, our robo defect
Flyingdelorion: I still do the daily climb amost everyday for the original!
northos: LUL
pleonasticTautology: the defect was on the wall ;~;
TSSaloic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
TSSaloic: 92 months and going directly from Checked Point to the Awards of Games.
TheWriterAleph: justice for defect! <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TSSaloic! (Today's storm count: 34)
laikagoat: fionLOL fionLOL fionLOL
hiFunko: that's a fun fake out
rasterscan: Also, no more Defect makes me so heckin' sad.
chubbyvboii: defect is no longer defective
Diabore: the fucking tease LUL
KingTaltia: What did they do to our boy...
tehfewl: bust the building 2
Fuzzra: I do enjoy going infinite with shivs.
Gizmoloid: and a Christmas special - Sleigh the Spire
Sarah_Serinde: I will not
Orchestrion: I loved to rotate my orbs with Defect
A_Dub888: the Simpsons made that packing game years ago
loufghyslaufey: That (still) title card feeling last minute
CosmicDuctTape: I... should have actually watched the trailer and not chat
LPS_97: he's running late
kyuubeynokitsune: Oh right, awards. Those are here too.
Mr_Horrible: @Orchestrion juggling builds were very fun, yeah
Earthenone: highlight? thats not right, clip it to win it
Viewers_Like_You: I bet it's Tro Kening
nevermore913: Batman
korvys: These are all the B-tier awards
wildpeaks: Metro
Stormkorp: Me!
Diabore: probably batman
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Thanks to Checkpoint for reminding me about this stream.
Diabore: yeah
TheWanderingNomad: I did hear Arkham Shadow was legitimately good
SymphonySolstice: people still make VR games?
wildpeaks: darn
CouldntPickAUsername: there was a new arkham game and metro game? huh
mmtaylor1992: Geoff has to get Kojima in his car.
loufghyslaufey: Probs not enough
pleonasticTautology: everyone i know with a vr headset is a furry that plays vr chat
TheWanderingNomad: Like not even "for a VR game" good
Pyroxx___: Geoff forgot what tme it started, so they decided to call it a pre-show until he got there
TheWriterAleph: i have an index. i play it sometimes
definenull: that trophy is h e f t y
public_key_reveal_party: I think VR is super cool, but like, boy is it not accessable
MalFnord: This is the equivalent of all the technical awards happening the week before the Oscars
nevermore913: Batman is the only one I've heard of
Mister_BlueSky: I do, but sparingly.
BrowneePointz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
BrowneePointz: it’s a Nice night to Resub
OmnipotentTrevor: They have to keep making enough of them to justify people owning them
chubbyvboii: why are fighting games in this B-tier section? :(
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BrowneePointz! (Today's storm count: 35)
GapFiller: cant unsee her biceps bulging during the handover
Tantusar: they said at the top of the show they weren't considering it a pre-show and instead just an extension of the main
Anaerin: Are they handing the same trophy over and over.
definenull: wait are they now giving awards in the lower 3rd?
KBKarma: I wonder how many people who worked on that game have been fired..
TSSaloic: Facebook being awarded
mmtaylor1992: Maybe one day a person will play a VR
Anaerin: It comes free with the Meta Quest 3, IIRC.
DaxStrife: Oh he's lying... nobody who's been laid off from Meta calls it a great place to work.
BrowneePointz: yep which mean no one’s played it
MalFnord: "Meta's a great place to work" <-- Blatant lie #1
KaleidoscopeMind: "great place to work" sounds uhh
Orchestrion: Meta a great place to work? Hmmmm
RatherLargeToad: this speech is so meta
Diabore: incredible arkham franchise? really?
BrowneePointz: vs Asgard Wrath which was fantastic
VorlonScout: Meta: a grating place to work
Mai_Andra: I liked the Final Fantasy XV Fishing VR game, but I wanted it to be better than it was. That was years ago by now, though...
korvys: Elijah Wood?
NewtyNewts: All the speech
TheWanderingNomad: Wait Elijah Wood is a voice in the game?
korvys: huh
KaleidoscopeMind: i feel like that cast is already award winning
loufghyslaufey: Gawd, wasn't this game marketed for only... Idk. 6 months? & Ashard's Wrath has been out for, I'm guessing at least a year?
bytecaster: Imagine being Rocksteady having to build that Suicide Squad game while other people get to play with the Arkham franchise
public_key_reveal_party: meta: a place to work
BigDaddyBland87 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
dragon_pandaDnd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dragon_pandaDnd! (Today's storm count: 36)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BigDaddyBland87! (Today's storm count: 37)
A_Dub888: Remember kids: the Suicide Squad game is technically canon to Arkham
BrowneePointz: Elijah wood plays Scarecrow in it
KBKarma: Elijah Wood? Huh.
wifi12345678910 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
wifi12345678910: Can't wait for a trailer for a game that won't come out for another 5 years.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wifi12345678910! (Today's storm count: 38)
micalovits: Please no Matt
TheWooglie: ooh London
morgoth_bauglyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
morgoth_bauglyr: helooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, morgoth_bauglyr! (Today's storm count: 39)
wildpeaks: I still recall the tree nfts
GapFiller: nalvCool gottum Matt
josh___something: Matt no D:<
ElementalAlchemist subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
ElementalAlchemist: All ones!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ElementalAlchemist! (Today's storm count: 40)
BrowneePointz: yes E Wood is scarecrow and you should see his mocap performances
Rasaella: block the chain
loufghyslaufey: Get in on that block chain hate
Brozard: uh
kyuubeynokitsune: sure is a tree
elysium_21 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, elysium_21! (Today's storm count: 41)
Gizmoloid: Cross Spider!
wifi12345678910: Was that people in a fishing net?
BorealMage: Could've done without the zoomed in spider...
RatherLargeToad: A tree would eat you and your whole family if you give it a chance
cyclopsboi: uhhhh are we still watchign the game awards?
KBKarma: Sam Reich looking dude.
saucemaster5000: one of the kids is "block" and the other is "chain"
CouldntPickAUsername: -+9*
Earthenone: maybe children>?
BrowneePointz: yep
gralamin: I hope everyone knows at this point
public_key_reveal_party: I don't think awareness is the problem anymore
Crad0k: it's a merge game
Diabore: dave diver?
CouldntPickAUsername: I mean, there's a lot of people who deny climate change
bytecaster: Merge game
Chamelenyan: Dave???
Juliamon: Dave!
BrowneePointz: Dave the Diver!
HadesLeprechaun: "indie game" Dave the Diver!
gualdhar: I, for one, have never heard of Climate Change, what is this?
Mathwyn: "And now for the best use of AI Art Award" *screams offstage*
SymphonySolstice: Dave Continues Diving
BrowneePointz: Indy Game Dave the Diver
NovaCat13: Boat trip!
Wiliart: Dave the driver?
aitsu100: gib dave 2
Mr_Horrible: his brother, Ed the Explorer
Earthenone: the diving will continue until morale improves
DocTie: Dave the submariner
Rasaella: rockin so hard they might rock the boat
Chamelenyan: Man I really need to play dave the diver, it looks great
DarkWingKnight23 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarkWingKnight23! (Today's storm count: 42)
A_Dub888: how many genres will be in it?
SymphonySolstice: djungle???
rasterscan: Is this 2 or expansion?
RebekahWSD: Huh
Pteraspidomorphi: This one is!
TheWriterAleph: Dave the Diver Goes Hawaiian
margieargie: Bave the Boater
KBKarma: But it *contains* water, Matt!
DiscordianTokkan: Air IS a fluid
Mr_Horrible: but you can still metaphorically dive into it
aitsu100: Jungle Sushi
Anaerin: In the Jungle, the mighty jungle, the Diver Dives again...
wifi12345678910: The amazon river is a body of water
Spades_Slicc: Jungle's can contain bodies of water
OldsCool: yeah people are aware we need the corporations ect to actuly do something becuse curently they are offsetting any indidvidual actions most folk can do
kyuubeynokitsune: lol
Gizmoloid: Just finished Dave th Diver... well, not anymore
mmtaylor1992: Love driving my boat across the ocean to the jungle
korvys: Rivers exist, Matt
NovaCat13: Dave is now a MOBA player
an_archist2: when are we getting dave the cave diver
mercano82: Clive the Cimber
chubbyvboii: river diving!
Mister_BlueSky: Dave the SKYdiver
NewtyNewts: Dave the Divebar
RatherLargeToad: Dave the Logger
FarleyF: thast 2
gualdhar: It's more of a bayou
kyuubeynokitsune: So, 2027
FarleyF: drink
Mr_Horrible: Walt the Walker
Mathwyn: Coming Late aka Dead on Arrival Kappa
Mr_Horrible: Hugh the Hiker
definenull: uh no thank you
ElementalAlchemist: what?
FarleyF: and third shot
aitsu100: the Dave the Diver Dredge DLC was so good
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I really don't
SnackPak_: pass
NewtyNewts: ughhhhhhhhhh
SymphonySolstice: >State Farm is doing in gaming
nevermore913: I'll pass
Mai_Andra: oh, it's not the "preshow" anymore. It's "The Opening Act."
KharadBanar: Drew the Driver
Rasaella: State Farm Similuator 2025
micalovits: Sponsoring all sorts of things
Brozard: Jake from State Farm is in a basketball game
asddsa28: no not no but im good
DiscordianTokkan: Computer insurance?
chubbyvboii: insource ur computer setup
Laserbeaks_Fury: Insurance Claim Simulater
GapFiller: thats how they get yr Matt!
BrowneePointz: Insurance!?
Flyingdelorion: Isn't the jungle claimed by George?
Mr_Horrible: they've got that weird infinirunner with their ad guy iirc
BigDaddyBland87: Not paying people for their claims
Fuzzra: Did she really say "Activated by State Farm?"
ani_laurel: they're insuring my in-game purchases
wifi12345678910: Bundlerooski of Gaming and Insurance.
Diabore: im out
2Flower: You will respect and pay homage to the insurance industry, gaming scrubs.
SquareDotCube: fun fact, you'd be surprised where you could theoretically dive in the Yucatan, they found a few Mayan ruins that way
KingTaltia: Perfect question; "What is Allstate doing in gaming?" (Accusatory)
TheWriterAleph: i didn't think Spector was doing anything anymore
tehfewl: THICC
Izandai: How many Cs in that thicc?
Earthenone: Thicc as theives, sol your cheeks can alert the guards?
wildpeaks: multiplayer stealth, hmm
cyclopsboi: thicc ass thieves?
Lynks_9: State Farm is no Shick man
dzee_szed: hudson hawk!
CouldntPickAUsername: oh hey it's that guy who was in Worlds of Ultima Savage Empire
Mister_BlueSky: Besides saying they're "in gaming"? Ehhh
TheWriterAleph: EGG!
stippledotter: I guess they expect gamers to be easier to insure since they think we'll travel less I guess
NovaCat13: E G G+
Amberzenn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Amberzenn! (Today's storm count: 43)
RatherLargeToad: that thief doesn’t appear particularly thick
sciencekid2015: also famously a guy who hates sole people being referred to as games creators
Brozard: They made a human Sly Cooper?
definenull: oh this might already be nausea inducing
cyclopsboi: got caught stealing is a good choice at least
public_key_reveal_party: stealth game woo, multiplayer sigh
Shadwhawk: A bright blue glowing grappling hook. Very stealthy
Earthenone: lets hope the song dosent get us dmcaed
Arclight_Dynamo: Is this some sort of Thief-y Valorant?
Mr_Horrible: competitive heist-em-up
SquareDotCube: gonna guess this is Arkane's new project
DiscordianTokkan: Competitive Heisting?
wifi12345678910: PvP heist
TheWriterAleph: omg please by co-op Thief
Mr_Horrible: it looks like
loufghyslaufey: Hm, they showcase their lifestyle inspiring this game, though wouldn't the showcase inspire people to just- "go outside?" "Touch some grass?" "Look for clothes in a Soup Store?"
NewtyNewts: Competitive heist?
Anaerin: A competitive steal-em-up.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Dishonored vibes
Diabore: seems competitive
wildpeaks: seems like a Dishonored meets Fortnite
Mai_Andra: Overwatch: Thief Edition?
KBKarma: I don't think it's cooperative.
Arclight_Dynamo: Multiplayer is a hard no, yeah.
LPS_97: looks more PvPvE
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: It reminds me of that other co-op heist game
MalFnord: Dieselpunk Saint's Row MMO?
Rasaella: doin' crimes
tehfewl: *snaps* you bastard, i'm in
Akaiatana: Just give us Sly Cooper
thatjerkherc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thatjerkherc! (Today's storm count: 44)
KingTaltia: I don't think this is Co-op unless you commonly hit your friends with bobby clubs
EvilBadman: Been caught stealing by Jane's addiction as the bgm
Anaerin: It does NOT look co-op.
SymphonySolstice: me for like the past 8 years
FarleyF: interesting
TheWriterAleph: boo
TheWanderingNomad: Good title though
BigDaddyBland87: So these people saw the trailer to Dragon Age Veilguard, saw the backlash, and went "let's do that!"
Spades_Slicc: getting screwed over by laggy larcinists
BrowneePointz: this isn’t my jam UNTIL they said multiplayer
korvys: Payday + Dishonoured/Thief?
nevermore913: PvP
MrRobotRob2814 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrRobotRob2814! (Today's storm count: 45)
cyclopsboi: some sort of pvp tag
GasCityGaming: PVPVE heist
Orchestrion: competitive heisting
rasterscan: Esports by... Old Spice?
loufghyslaufey: The heck is that name?
Diabore: league, still
SnackPak_: show wishlist host
Spades_Slicc: Wonder if Bloodlines 2 will be mentioned
zerragonoss: Guessing extraction game.
bytecaster: Old Spice loves Dota
NewtyNewts: Five awards in the opening so far
cyclopsboi: dota 2
2Flower: esports and body deodorant are a harmonious match.
TheWriterAleph: Old Spice knows what they're doin
NovaCat13: Old spice for sweaty games
Fuzzra: If only LAN parties were still a thing people did . . .
kyuubeynokitsune: sure
SymphonySolstice: ok sure
Foxmar320: sure
spethycakes: cool
LPS_97: the faker award
xantos69: If the game connects to the internet or needs a controller to play I don't care about it. Give me more PC first single player games.
Foxmar320: Never heard of any of them
bytecaster: Woo, the one I knew
DocTie: I've caught you now... faker!
esherone: That's why he's the GOAT! THE GOAT!
cyclopsboi: liquid
Crad0k: i usually recognise a CS player, but not this year...
DiscordianTokkan: I know nothing of these gamers
KingTaltia: I know of faker, and how League keeps making skins he'll never use
MommaGart: ok
BrowneePointz: Faker has 6? League World Champs
Diabore: test
TheMerricat: testing
bytecaster: Team Liquid still going, huh
RatherLargeToad: “Hey, listen!”
Anonymousless: 33 is a Dota player
planeswalkagogo: test
Fuzzra: I'm 46. I have no chance
Anaerin: The game award goes to... XDefiant. Oh.
Diabore: there we go, the popout stop sending messages
loufghyslaufey: Flippin' thieves? Wish it went to "bang bang" for memes about chitty chitty bang bang that I might never look up.
cyclopsboi: 33 is quite good
TheMerricat: weird is the automod blocking hte word ath lete?
lamina5432: isn't faker the guy they made a 500$ skin for
DocTie: that's a lot of blad men standing near the stage
EvilBadman: Welp five awards, I undershot
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's nice there's a place where e-sports can earn awards
BigDaddyBland87: Enough of that awards crap...more trailers!
TheWriterAleph: when i break into esports, i'mma just roll my face on the keyboard for my username, just out of spite
accountmadeforants: Pacman
A_Dub888: "Congratulations to all the winners. You don't get to come up and accept the awards tho"
CouldntPickAUsername: bando namcai
SnackPak_: Heather swinging for the fences
Foxmar320: Pacman
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I have seen Faker on Korean variety shows
Diabore: ORB
Earthenone: deadcells?
cyclopsboi: pacman
accountmadeforants: Wait it actually is pacman
Juliamon: oh no it IS pacman
Rasaella: pac man
Pteraspidomorphi: She said it earlier but it was easy to m iss
TheWanderingNomad: Very Metroid-esque
accountmadeforants: I'm a prophet
gralamin: Gritty Pacman reboot
Pywodwagon: oh my god its based on the short
BrowneePointz: Pac-Man
OldsCool: pac man
Izandai: WHAT
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's Pac man
Edgarware: oh my god
DiscordianTokkan: Pac Man Origins?
wildpeaks: omg
NewtyNewts: Thaaaat is a pacman
Chamelenyan: wait is it actually pacman???
TheWriterAleph: Pac-Man: Circle
definenull: pac man?!?
ElementalAlchemist: WHAT
Izandai: WHY
public_key_reveal_party: Fuck off
northos: WAT
josh___something: No fucking way
SnackPak_: wooooow
kyuubeynokitsune: its the SECRET LEVEL PACMAN?????????
control_rig: Noooooo
SymphonySolstice: holy shit
BrowneePointz: from the Shorts
Gaz_L: oh is this what the Amazon thing was meant to hype?
AutonomousTurtle: pac-mantroidvania?
amative1: it's pacman
bytecaster: Pacman Metroidvania?=
Mathwyn: ????
Arclight_Dynamo: Okay. No.
bytecaster: I'm in!
Drasvin: Pac man metroidvania?
GapFiller: this looks like the Most Extreme Pacman Ever
KingTaltia: I'm sorry, is that pacman as a metroidvania?
KharadBanar: pacman and the blind forear
aitsu100: they made A pac man dead cells
EvilBadman: It's the pacman from the Amazon Thing!
DocTie: It worked so well for Bomberman after all
BrowneePointz: this is from the Secret Levels Short
Kidror: Gritty Pac Man???
GasCityGaming: the Secret Level was MESSED UP
chubbyvboii: WHYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?
spethycakes: why
nevermore913: Odd choice
CouldntPickAUsername: I'm kinda intrigued
TheWriterAleph: this looks dumb as hell LUL
Chamelenyan: omfg
loufghyslaufey: Pace-Man "Dungeon Crawler?"
Diabore: oh hate that
ElementalAlchemist: I hate that
NovaCat13: Gritty Pac-man just dropped!
A_Dub888: Pac Man symbiote?
patrick_stonecrusher: Pacman Hollow Knight
Mister_BlueSky: Gritty Pac-Man?
chubbyvboii: nope nope nope
NewtyNewts: bwuh.
Gizmoloid: A grittier reboot of pacman?
betweenmyself: pennyWhat
MalFnord: Right that's it, bring on the giant meteor.
soulessgamer: Why?
CataclysmicReverb: Doesn't the humanish person need their iconic cape or something?
bytecaster: I wonder if Ms Pacman is in this
PhoenixMelior: Uh.
Mr_Horrible: completely different thing, I think LUL
kyuubeynokitsune: It's so brazen I'm kinda interested
Brozard: This is how Clyde became a ghost!
KingTaltia: That... sounds... kinda sick.
Earthenone: anime alaert!
tehfewl: id give it a chance
ElementalAlchemist: I certainly was not expecting that
Mister_BlueSky: I need to watch Secret Level, don't I?
SquareDotCube: certainly not, Shadow Complex was chair.
HadesLeprechaun: shadow complex was Epic Games
rasterscan: Boo mobile.
tehfewl: >mobile
control_rig: This is very Anime
kyuubeynokitsune: @Mister_BlueSky Not really, no
Mai_Andra: Shadow COmplex was Epic, but yes it reminds me of that.
TheWanderingNomad: Clean art design though
Arclight_Dynamo: Tower of babel?
aitsu100: YES
2Flower: Tower = grindable levels.
cyclopsboi: anime girl robot mobile fighter tower
SquareDotCube: chair got absorbed into Epic, more or less
amative1: robot girl and her robot buddies
accountmadeforants: Ah yes, we need another tower of babylon game
NewtyNewts: How much gatcha
KingTaltia: Oh this art is so cute! (mobile game) aaaaaand care is gone
Countzeroor: Shadow Complex was related to a novel by Orson Scott Card...
TheWriterAleph: ugh
MalFnord: The Shenmue guy does Pokemon? I'm curious against my better judgement
wifi12345678910: Netflix made a game?
control_rig: Netflix Mobile?
dm818: The metabots gba game was sweet
A_Dub888: Agree with "More Medabots"
MrRobotRob2814: Metabolts are awesome
Pteraspidomorphi: Netflix has games these days
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I need to find a way to hide Netflix mobile stuff appearing.
KingTaltia: Metabots was amazing, I loved that anime.
wildpeaks: they're all good
Nigouki: is this just weed flavors?
NewtyNewts: Games for impact! Presented during the preshow
wildpeaks: Senua I hope
Earthenone: i have heard of the LiS game
Diabore: ive heard of senua
Foxmar320: Ive heard of two of these
BrowneePointz: Tales of Kenzera was great
Akaiatana: Neva is beautiful.
bytecaster: Minimal impact
Tantusar: games for not that much impact because we've stuck them in the opening act
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: If I'm on Netflix, I want to watch shows, not play games.
EvilBadman: I heard of five
wildpeaks: they're all great
A_Dub888: wait didn't this award used to happen on the ceremony proper?
CataclysmicReverb: Genshins for Impact didn't win? /j
TheWriterAleph: i don't know what games for impact means or why neva is on there (i beat that game)
2Flower: "Games for tolerable corporate impact"
Snowcookies: Paul lol
Countzeroor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months, currently on a 66 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Countzeroor! (Today's storm count: 46)
nevermore913: It looks super pretty
KBKarma: They can't have games about good stuff during the show proper. It might show up Geoff.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Neva gonna give you up
public_key_reveal_party: the awards are made of solid tungsten
HadesLeprechaun: Neva is gorgeous as always, but I don't especially enjoy the combat, very unforgiving
nevermore913: I loved gris
accountmadeforants: I like how they got the award-receiver up on stage beforehand to speed things up, really cut down on the surprise. Couldn't have a live reaction, that'd cut into ad time
margieargie: I really need to get to Neva, it's currently in my Steam Library Limbo
cyclopsboi: the last stage of depression: wolves
Laserbeaks_Fury: Generational Trauma
NewtyNewts: Losing a dog?
EvilBadman: It is incredibly sad
Earthenone: inside you are two wolves, BOTH are depresed
BrowneePointz: Tales of Kenzera was the Afrofuturist/Fantasy Metroidvania made by Abubakar Salim’s studio
aitsu100: bold of Geoff to make the awards out of Tungsten i guess cuz of how heavy they look
Sethalidos: this is the canabilism one isn't it
spethycakes: it's always about depression
KBKarma: It always is.
zerragonoss: Or your in the preshow kill more time kill more time.
wildpeaks: 80/20
chaotic_good_ferret: It's about depression 2, bigger,badder,sadder
Chamelenyan: Yo cozy K!
josh___something: It's always depression
SymphonySolstice: yesssss
Mr_Dirty: Do they have more than 3 seconds for a speech this year?
KBKarma: Oh no. The weird looking game.
definenull: oh right
control_rig: Oh God
Earthenone: ah hthat explains the feet shots
A_Dub888: for a second I thought you were going to say "Is this Frog Fractions 4?"
tehfewl: grippers out
SkiaSymphonia: shiredew
TheWriterAleph: this game kinda looks great
cyclopsboi: this is the one TQ got to play i think
Nigouki: can I customize my hairy feet?
mmtaylor1992: are the hobbits all kind of a drag?
SymphonySolstice: I wanna play this
EvilBadman: The other 50% is it's blatantly about depression
KingTaltia: Gaming is always about depression, I thought? After all, what else do we play games for but to get away from our depression.
ani_laurel: i saw RTGame really mess with this one
definenull: palia but lotr?
spethycakes: another game to spend hours farming for
kyuubeynokitsune: Looks cute, sure
Crad0k: matthew, no
DiscordianTokkan: Hobdew Valley
Laserbeaks_Fury: Feet better be like 50%
Mai_Andra: hype
SketchyDetails: I am ready to hobbitmax
chowaxt: oh this is so mobile ad coded
bytecaster: Hobbimal Crossing
wildpeaks: if I had an irl garden, I wouldn't be playing this kind of game, I'd be doing that in the real garden
Pteraspidomorphi: The audio mix is really good on this stream btw
Arclight_Dynamo: So... when do we get the Scouring of the Shire DLC?
Anaerin: Customize every Nook? [ANGRY NINTENDO NOISES]
Mazrae: Hobbit palia?
iconicshadow89: they had weta workshop on the title card who did the vfx on the hobbit movies
DiscordianTokkan: Or, Short Paldea
northos: @chowaxt it really is
KaleidoscopeMind: let me go full sasquatch
Blip2004: why that run animation, they look like recoloured goblins
KBKarma: I enjoyed none of that trailer.
DiscordianTokkan: *Palia
aitsu100: i think there is a foot hair slider i cant remember when TQ played it a few months ago
A_Dub888: I should play more Fields of Mistria....
KBKarma: *advert.
public_key_reveal_party: there have been a lot of "cozy" games I like, but so many of the games that market themselves as such feel kinda cynical to me?
Chamelenyan: i don't care about lotr but it looks fun
accountmadeforants: The streamer setup is now an aesthetic
Juliamon: "Full trailer on Youtube" lmao
TheMerricat: Hobbits had knife ears? I thought they were more human analogs, not elven
accountmadeforants: It's relatable
Chamelenyan: TBF she is an actually streamer
KingTaltia: @DiscordianTokkan I was going to say, isn't Paldea already short Kalos?
wildpeaks: there is definitely an aesthetic for "cozy game streamer"
Kidror: @juliamon That's one way to save money I suppose
nigelsezyarr: Ewoks with guns?
loufghyslaufey: Trivial question of the variety, Is this award's show always obligated to include an award presenter from Hollywood/Georgia? As in yes, because "acting."
Izandai: BENIS
accountmadeforants: "Benis"
Chamelenyan: benis
brat_the_wurst: benis
Laserbeaks_Fury: BENIS
SkiaSymphonia: ha ha benis
Juliamon: benis
SymphonySolstice: BENIS
asddsa28: this art is not for me
Drasvin: Benis
NewtyNewts: Benis
cyclopsboi: BENIS
BusTed: benis
LeeshaJoy: So is there a Scouring Edition?
Izandai: mattlrLul Good work, chat.
KBKarma: Stalcraft X Operations.
TheWanderingNomad: Ironic :D
kyuubeynokitsune: lol
accountmadeforants: I love how everyone immediately picked up on Benis
KingTaltia: Rock and Stone looks weird these days
tehfewl: is "Cozy" just a code word for "we don't scream into the mic"
wildpeaks: yeah they all kinda blend together
chowaxt: I guess it is trying to court the roblox kids that are growing up?
nevermore913: Murder club?
DoodlestheGreat: Benis?
2Flower: Multiplayer :(
KingTaltia: "Welcome to Midnight Murder Club" You have my attention.
loufghyslaufey: We Happy Few II!?
Anaerin: Playstation *account* required.
kyuubeynokitsune: Hell yeah, fake gamer chatter
HadesLeprechaun: that piano has A GUN
SnackPak_: o7
Robot_Bones: Bepis?
accountmadeforants: Prop hunt?
Foxmar320: Did the piano owe him money??
GapFiller: nalvLUL
rasterscan: "Damn, piano has hands"
KBKarma: @loufghyslaufey ... Three?
Diabore: this feels like cts game
asddsa28: yeah
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh 2 v2?
northos: haunted mansion battle royale?
DiscordianTokkan: This looks... bad
GrizonII: Big boo's haunt?
Kiytan: I love trailers where it's impossible to see anything
rasterscan: Pffthahahahaha
Arclight_Dynamo: Pass
Earthenone: is this betyala at the house on the hill?
CataclysmicReverb: Battle Clue
Laserbeaks_Fury: mybe 2v2v2v2
definenull: "cute"?
bytecaster: Sony really doubling down on the multiplayer shooters
Anaerin: "Opening Act"?
BrowneePointz: honestly looks fun
RebekahWSD: The Ship but modern?
Kipstar: remember: this is NOT the show
VorlonScout: Close in a geological sense
KBKarma: Woo?
A_Dub888: @Earthenone Is Ben going to be the traitor?
public_key_reveal_party: boo?
2Flower: Cheer us, damn you!
SymphonySolstice: woo.
kyuubeynokitsune: lmao
Saintnex: woo?
accountmadeforants: Holy shit 10th anniversary?
RatherLargeToad: Weeeeeeeeeelll…it’s a Big Show!
loufghyslaufey: @kbkarma more like lrrDOTS We Happy ImTyping "Two." TPFufun MindManners LUL lrrGOAT lrrWOW
KBKarma: Geoff Keighley is only ten years old?
accountmadeforants: I thought it was like... 5 years old, tops
Izandai: This is a perennial thing, Paul.
Foxmar320: They remembered its an awards show
accountmadeforants: Time flies when you can't remember any of the previous ones
Countzeroor: Is one of the cast of Chuck going to get teabagged?
ani_laurel: yeah the decision to not put her on th emain stage is weird
bytecaster: Why are all these important awards not part of the show?!?
Mr_Horrible: YES
RatherLargeToad: but we won’t tell you what things they did
ElementalAlchemist: right?!
nevermore913: That should be on the main show
Mr_Horrible: Heather is spitting
hiFunko: star wars outlaws needs to win this imo
SymphonySolstice: ok star wars actually had some god accessibility options
bytecaster: No time!
cyclopsboi: outlaws
gralamin: Veilguard has a lot of good accessiblity options
Anaerin: "Having Accessibility options"
Juliamon: Outlaws actually had some good stuff
wifi12345678910: Outlaws is more accessible to people who like broken games
KingTaltia: They put this stage looking at the actual stage every year.
CouldntPickAUsername: if you want to hear more about video game accessibility you should check out Access Ability by Laura K Buzz
loufghyslaufey: Yes, they were all compensated to cheer; but they're allowed to disclose that?
Juliamon: I really liked the directional indicators for audio
bytecaster: Is that the Prince of Persia that got its studio shut down?
wildpeaks: is there an award for "keyboard actually works without weird hardcoded keybinds" because there wouldn't be many nominees
Ristow: Can't wait to see what this studio does going forward...
betweenmyself: N
KBKarma: And again, all the somewhat humanitarian awards are done before Geoff comes up, so he can suck up to major developers.
loufghyslaufey: Wait, what did Outlaws win at?
Gaz_L: hooray, they won a prize and now get to not exist anymore!
Anaerin: @bytecaster I believe so.
RatherLargeToad: had some good difficulty options, but wouldn’t really call it accessibility
Tantusar: probably yes
ani_laurel: yes please
Chamelenyan: i would like cc
BorealMage: I would appreciate the closed captioning
lunarcassy: yes please
Rourke9: please!
Chamelenyan: thanks paul! :D
Blip2004: I would be surprised if the CC is accurate
NewtyNewts: I know you are watching.
dm818: the cc is super behind
2Flower: Looks like it's way behind, though.
CouldntPickAUsername: actually can you move where you are slightly, you end up covering the last nominee each time
definenull: you've been soft LUL
jellybean57: captions really struggling with the french accdent
Laserbeaks_Fury: *very delayed
KBKarma: UbiSoft == YOu've Been Soft.
lunarcassy: ok the "i know you are watching" in caps lock was terrifying
Saintnex: uhh what are these cc??
Foxmar320: Yeah that was bad lol
chowaxt: Is it actual or autogen
DiscordianTokkan: You've been SOFT, Global X
Anaerin: They're being live typed.
accountmadeforants: You've been SOFT, GLOBAL-X!
KingTaltia: "You've been soft, global X"
Chamelenyan: oh that is pretty delayed wow
ani_laurel: subtitles are notoriously bad for accents
Gizmoloid: You've been soft LUL
rasterscan: Isn't Core Keeper still in dev?
Earthenone: James!
Foxmar320: James?!
loufghyslaufey: I find it hard to believe SW: Outlaws won at anything really.
ElementalAlchemist: James!
tehfewl: James!
Blip2004: so many pixel art games
public_key_reveal_party: lrrJAMES
KBKarma: Gonna fall down a hole.
HadesLeprechaun: oh is James mining again?
GapFiller: lrrJAMES !?
Nahmbra: Hi James
northos: multiple James!
loufghyslaufey: Heh, lrrJAMES
Snowcookies: James!
TheWanderingNomad: I didn't know MIne O' Cloc kw as switching to Terraria!
an_archist2: he's falling in holes
VorlonScout: Don't fall, James
MommaGart: It seems like someone might be captioning it live, hence why it's so behind?
wifi12345678910: James fell down a hole
Chamelenyan: but will james fall?
jacqui_lantern234: whats lrrJAMES doing there?! :p
Darleysam: oh it's Terraria
bytecaster: Terraria like?
Kidror: Woah they got James for this
KharadBanar: looks like these are manual captions
KaleidoscopeMind: there's a hole...
Earthenone: a digging game, they had to have james in it
A_Dub888: Coming soon to Mine O'Clock
korvys: Terraria?
Anaerin: Getting Terraria vibes here.
Laserbeaks_Fury: This seems like it will show up on
GapFiller: !holes
LRRbot: A hole is just a vertical cave.
TheWooglie: all these cool names and James
tehfewl: diggy hole
control_rig: Ooooh Terraria-vibes
TheWriterAleph: diggy diggy hole
Brozard: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TheMerricat: Chat I missed the name for this one....
northos: so they're going from top down Terraria to actual Terraria :P
TheMerricat: Never mind
wifi12345678910: Terraria 2
Orastes: Very Terraria
Anaerin: Kia-ora?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: What other James could it be if holes are being dug?
iconicshadow89: another game to play on mineoclock that isnt minecraft
accountmadeforants: Damn, we went through this with Adam today as well. Just how many James are there?
TheWooglie: good timing TheMerricat
loufghyslaufey: New lrrJAMES cameo right off the MCU(Minecraft Cinematic Universe)
TheWriterAleph: this looks like Many Other Games
Darleysam: it's too orangey for crows
CosmicDuctTape: The Kyora is Down
A_Dub888: the fish planeswalker?
2Flower: It means "we could trademark this"
Mai_Andra: Would've been hilarious if they were called "James, Uno, and Serge " because the devs are fans.
SymphonySolstice: ooo spookies
public_key_reveal_party: the devs are wondering how some rando named james made it into their trailer for a digging game lrrJAMES
Crad0k: it's a fruit drink
wifi12345678910: It means merfolk lady planeswalker
definenull: isn't that the big fish lady planeswalker?
dm818: Evil heart
NewtyNewts: wait what
Diabore: mario party is always a contender
nevermore913: Could be Mario party
tehfewl: what do they mean by family game?
wildpeaks: astrobot is the only non-nintendo right ?
NewtyNewts: why is that perfect transition material?
loufghyslaufey: Am shocked if it were not either Mario game
VorlonScout: EoW is good, but Astro Bot
Juliamon: Plucky Squire was cute, but... weird pick
cyclopsboi: mario party is a family ending game
ElementalAlchemist: Yeah!
Chamelenyan: yay!
definenull: there we go!
SymphonySolstice: wooo
wildpeaks: niice
GapFiller: yay
A_Dub888: yay
josh___something: Ayyy!
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's Mario Party, I think you've played it by proxy
A_Dub888: !yay
LRRbot: Yaaaaaaay...
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: The new Mario Party looks fun
Dog_of_Myth: Yessss
nevermore913: Astrobot is great
KingTaltia: Good, Astrobot deserves the recognition.
definenull: aww the little astrobot plushie in the pocket
loufghyslaufey: Well, at least Astro Boy got there
HadesLeprechaun: Mario is typically considered Family
Cptasparagus: family means Ohana
loufghyslaufey: *Bot
wildpeaks: lrrbot LUL
Anaerin: He's got a little astrobot in his pocket.
A_Dub888: @nevermore913 you're grat
loufghyslaufey: Sheesh
Ristow: doubt this is the last time we'll be hearing AstroBot tonight
ani_laurel: i assume they dont want to say "kids"
Earthenone: mario party sounds the most like a family activity of those
Laserbeaks_Fury: And Applejack
an_archist2: todd howard
Gaz_L: Hiromu, he knows why
public_key_reveal_party: come on todd
RealGamerCow: Geoff Keilighs video game dealie
wifi12345678910: Todd tried to make skyrim 2
Chamelenyan: I assume family game is like, suitable for all ages
SymphonySolstice: big night for the french
Nahmbra: Multiple Astro Pins, where do I get them!
DrakoniteDev: "Award goes to the game I had to stop talking after mentioning due to the massive crowd reaction"
Chamelenyan: I really want to try astro bot, it looks great
Isaac3567: @Chamelenyan Or pass & play gameplay
nevermore913: Astrobot is my game of the year
SomebodyNowhere: its solid
Diabore: "the energy is huge" crowd absolutely silent
PulseGun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PulseGun! (Today's storm count: 47)
TheWooglie: Paul had 5 copies of the first game
SomebodyNowhere: sifu soccer
Earthenone: blitzball?
definenull: sports ball?
SymphonySolstice: futbol!
Onisquirrel: Sifu 2: Sifu kicks back
RealGamerCow: Fortniteball
kyuubeynokitsune: It's rocket league but feet
wildpeaks: ohhh
MommaGart: hahahahaha
Gaz_L: wait, is it?
tehfewl: shaolin soccer
Anaerin: Rocket-less League!
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
Diabore: that was great heather
wifi12345678910: Where's the cars?
Kidror: Oh is this the carless rocket league game
Pyroxx___: Person league?
Darleysam: Human League!
GapFiller: oooh Foot League
KingTaltia: "Remember it's not called Fifa anymore" 2025?
mistycloud21: people league?
NewtyNewts: It's carless carfootball!
bytecaster: This looks immediately soo much more interesting than fifa
Laserbeaks_Fury: I mean, there *is* Arena Footbal
aitsu100: what is this game you kick a ball with your feet id call it soccer
Fuzzra: That ain't Bloodbowl
chowaxt: just lile rocket league!
SketchyDetails: Wait, this but with fortnight skins
ani_laurel: this looks more fun than FIFA
LPS_97: that's water polo
RealGamerCow: To be real, arena soccer rules.
Sorator13: It's holodeck football
HadesLeprechaun: TBF I don't...actually know any soccer games where every player is played by a human
Jayredd00 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
tehfewl: im sure it will sell
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jayredd00! (Today's storm count: 48)
NewtyNewts: yes.
TangleTrail subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
TheWriterAleph: no
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TangleTrail! (Today's storm count: 49)
definenull: and the virtual visuals i assume are only for the players?
SomebodyNowhere: lies
KaleidoscopeMind: only 2:30 left
control_rig: Yeah, the rest aren't incredible
wifi12345678910: The rest aren't incredible
spethycakes: only one more incredible, but the rest are mid
Earthenone: more feet shots
rasterscan: Oh, that will make a few people happy.
Chamelenyan: omg
DiscordianTokkan: Showing feet immediately
kyuubeynokitsune: lol
NewtyNewts: solasta us
AutonomousTurtle: Solasof Us
SnackPak_: sergeJustRight
wildpeaks: the name sounds familiar
Gaz_L: this was the CRPG that's basically DND 4e, right?
electric_claire: I liked Solasta
Sorator13: Solasta? I didn't even solfirsta!
Darleysam: Solasta was a decent RPG
Kramburger: The Solasta Us
Alex_Frostfire: Like, the D&D game?
SymphonySolstice: uh oh toesies
BrowneePointz: CRPG based on 5e DnD rules
Mr_Dirty: Solasta was fun
rasterscan: Solasta is just "DnD 5e" on computer right?
Onisquirrel: Matt they're making the sequel first. Real trend setters
zerragonoss: I think it was a decent 5th ed dnd game.
A_Dub888: So much for being the Solast one
Shadwhawk: Solasta: Crown of the magistger was released in 2021
TheMerricat: "Solasta: Crown of the Magister is a role-playing video game developed by Tactical Adventures and released in 2021. It is based on the 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons rules, which it uses via the System Reference Document."
electric_claire: @Gaz_L It was dnd 5
TheWriterAleph: it's a 5e-based rpg that came out right before BG3, rip
RatherLargeToad: lousy athletes foot
CptMurphey: it got overshadowed by bg3, it's fine
Brozard: Is that Jessica's mom?
Drasvin: The Solasta I know of, It's a D&D CRPG
VorlonScout: Tower Offense
RatherLargeToad: she should have lead with that
Shadwhawk: It is 'Very Positive' on Steam with 17k reviews, so
Izandai: Now she's sending WAVE of stone soldiers.
Sorator13: "footage captured in engine" is cool but still not, yknow, gameplay footage...
public_key_reveal_party: apparently solasta 1 has been on my wishlist for a while, but I must have forgotten what it was
TheWooglie: lets not carry all this gold when we go to battle
drcthulu: no we have rules and standards
KingTaltia: Man this tower defense looks weird.
wildpeaks: looks neat
NewtyNewts: They dnding
MalFnord: I Can't Believe It's Not Baldur's Gate[tm]
Diabore: main stage time
SomebodyNowhere: and the crowd goes mild
DaxStrife: Overshadowed by a game that came out 2 years after?
korvys: Worst game release timing ever
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: People actually looking now
vBana: I can't see a version of a 5E-based RPG that beats BG3
A_Dub888: Screw you preshow awards
BrowneePointz: bg3 was in EA for a while chat
kyuubeynokitsune: Also, Hideo Kojima just vibing, probably
bytecaster: @DaxStrife I assume the Early Access
TheMerricat: Oh oh! We've got one person in the spot light that looks like they are looking _at_her. Not the screen above her!
A_Dub888: i guess
Isaac3567: @DaxStrife BG3 early access overshadowed it
HadesLeprechaun: hurdy-gurdy guy rocked
Pyroxx___: I like the guy in the bottom right
EvilBadman: @daxstrife Yeah if you don't count BG3's early access
SymphonySolstice: flute guy hype!!
MalFnord: Is it wrong that I'm hoping for Tommy Tallarico?
kyuubeynokitsune: Everyone loves flute guy
KingTaltia: Snoop Dogg, "pause for applause" "Snoop Dogg's still relevant, right, youths?"
mmtaylor1992: I want Donkey Kong to be here
Chamelenyan: sparkly!
SymphonySolstice: hi geoff
dumbo3k: I think they raised a curtain
EvilBadman: @malfnord He's a dolt so yes
A_Dub888: @MalFnord his mother would be very proud
wifi12345678910: I see empty seats
amative1: I think it was lighting
electra310: Hurdy gurdy guy or we riot?
p_johnston: that suit is very....shiny.
TheWriterAleph: it's jerrrff keelborn!
BrowneePointz: also his name is Pedro Eustache @loadingreadyrun
Mr_Horrible: they had her broadcasting from an undisclosed location Kappa
definenull: geoffrey
Foxmar320: Sam Lake
grgriffin3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 136 months, currently on a 136 month streak!
teddywhosabear: like that weeknd super bowl show?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, grgriffin3! (Today's storm count: 50)
Getter404: Sam Lake you hack
korvys: Oh hey, Max Payne
Anaerin: Oh hai Sam Lake.
Gaz_L: Geoff trapped in the Backrooms
Orxolon: Good evening all
AugmentingPath: Very sparkly shoes, Geoff
TheMerricat: Sam Lake is there! Sam Lake is there! My bingo spot "Sam Lake dances" might be valid!
SomebodyNowhere: such a huge stage
grgriffin3: It's ya boi Sam Lake (You Hack)
tipulsar85 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months, currently on a 79 month streak!
tipulsar85: Oh, it must be subscriptions day...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tipulsar85! (Today's storm count: 51)
NewtyNewts: It's Keel Geoffrey!
Brozard: I'd believe it
p_johnston: Good for snoop.
Sorator13: oh god, this will be even more self-congratulatory because o fthe ten year thing, won't it
Foxmar320: Maybe Sam Lake is there to announce Control 2
Saintnex: that sounds like a very snoop dogg thing to do
rasterscan: Ew, Geoff. "Games are part of your identity."
GapFiller: that is a VERY extra suit tbf
Gaz_L: @Foxmar320 more likely to hype the multiplayer one?
protojman: his suit has a woodgrain to it
VorlonScout: His suit is like black-on-black wood grain
kyuubeynokitsune: Honestly Geoff, I'm watching this because my commander playgroup fell through tonight
p_johnston: I mean i'll be honest I don't hate it.
dm818: I like his suit
A_Dub888: "games are part of your identity" UM
TheWriterAleph: uh oh... is this show for the Gamers(TM)?
public_key_reveal_party: I feel genuinely insulted that he called gaming a part of my personality
electra310: His head is so square. On brand for video games, I guess?
Mai_Andra: He is The Stage. This is just a projection.
TheMerricat: @Sorator13 lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Spades_Slicc: Is the suit pattern supposed to evoke tree grain?
Robot_Bones: They took this stage from the deus ex games
NewtyNewts: Wow, games are made elsewhere!
ElementalAlchemist: Canada!
Foxmar320: lol
spethycakes: there we go
Gaz_L: drink!
Diabore: CANADA
Chamelenyan: take a shot!
laikagoat: balatro sweeeeep
dumbo3k: Can Con!
A_Dub888: DRINK
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
hiFunko: also our industry is suffering more layoffs than ever before, but we won't mention it
GapFiller: Geoff Said The Thing!
Kramburger: !bingo
LRRbot: Play along with your own Kamigawa Draft Bingo card! There is no prize, it's just fun.
SymphonySolstice: CANADA MENTIONED
Shadwhawk: Also many thousands of game devs lost their jobs! Evolution!
bytecaster: There we go
Fuzzra: @p_johnston Yeah. He's doing all the events he can while they'll still pay him to do it.
TheWriterAleph: that was FAST geoffrey
NewtyNewts: Shots!
Izandai: Damn getting it out of the way early this year.
p_johnston: Like it's very shiny but I kinda enjoy that. And the little diamond flower is kinda cool.
HadesLeprechaun: speedrunning that free space
Sorator13: cancon!
amative1: THERE it is
Naarius: Canada mentioned!
tehfewl: balatro sweep
TheOtherTrevor: that's why its the free space
DiscordianTokkan: His lapel pin DOES look kinda like a knockoff Order of Canada...
KingTaltia: C'mon, gaming's not his personality. He doesn't even have razer leds in his suit yet!
josh___something: BALATRO SWEEP!
Arclight_Dynamo: SONIC?
Unable_To_Load: "Only 4 games this year were japanese" -Geoff Keeley
Gaz_L: bring on Joel McHale
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
SymphonySolstice: hi ken
annie_r_kist: So what's our drinking game for this?
A_Dub888: rayfkSanic
NonjaBiru: 🇨🇦!
Foxmar320: foxmarRING foxmarRING foxmarRING
Mr_Horrible: it's always sonic's 30th
northos: :O camera robot
VorlonScout: You have poisoned all of our brains with that
SnackPak_: Sonic would be a good get
AugmentingPath: It's Sonyc's 30th anniversary!
Rentok: It's Sony-c's 30th Anniversary
TheWriterAleph: don't jinx it
wifi12345678910: Pretty sure it's only the 30th anniversary
Rentok: Curse you.
electra310: Was he not supposed to get up?
public_key_reveal_party: I can't wait for the year it is sonic's 30th and 40th anniversary
Anaerin: Ella "Doesn't want to be known as a VideoGame Girl" Purnell.
Gaz_L: she's also in Star Trek Prodigy which also rules
Diabore: @electra310 i dont think so
grgriffin3: She's gonna lose by splitting her own votes somehow
HadesLeprechaun: woo yeah!
northos: lmao
rasterscan: Who?
p_johnston: I wouldn't put that past them.
wifi12345678910: who?
HadesLeprechaun: It Takes Two guy
electric_claire: Who?
digiman619TheAntiDigs: SaLLRtations, all
annie_r_kist: Yooooo
Sorator13: oh god
TheWriterAleph: YAAASSSSS
SymphonySolstice: yesss
Chamelenyan: muppets???!!!
TheWanderingNomad: Oh the Muppets are here :D
SomebodyNowhere: huh
grgriffin3: Yeah, ok, sure
NewtyNewts: Timing for that?
RebekahWSD: Hm.
spethycakes: preach, Statler & Waldorf
digiman619TheAntiDigs: Hey, am I seeing double /s
Gaz_L: hey, it's Paul and Heather
Onisquirrel: muppets are always welcome
fracassio: It's us!
Dog_of_Myth: YES
CouldntPickAUsername: wait, is this how they'll play people off the stage?
teddywhosabear: this is gimmick infringement
Countzeroor: Gimmick infringement!
Sorator13: the peanut gallery had a peanut gallery?!
RatherLargeToad: I approve of surprise muppets
Scy_Anide: Ok, muppets good addition
ani_laurel: i love this
Kidror: Hey that was our bit first
drcthulu: to be fair they've been doing it longer
butt_ghost: the resemblance is uncanny
SymphonySolstice: LUL
EvilBadman: Why does Matt have two old guys in his room
TheWriterAleph: best part of TGA every year
Sorator13: OOF
DiscordianTokkan: HAH
ElementalAlchemist: GOTTEM
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Chamelenyan: get his ass
control_rig: Ooooooh
SomebodyNowhere: gottem!
korvys: lol
grgriffin3: Gottem
annie_r_kist: Ooooooo shit!
ani_laurel: amazing
Foxmar320: foxmarBURN
patrick_stonecrusher: Thanks Disney
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL LUL
countingku: I mean Waldorf and Stadler did it first.
kyuubeynokitsune: Does-does that joke work here?
bytecaster: I respect it
TheWriterAleph: DOHHH
p_johnston: Wow thats a lot harder then I would have thought they would go.
Spades_Slicc: Which of you is Statler and which is Waldorf?
Simriel: Statler and Waldorf 10/10
chubbyvboii: lol
varmintx0: the puppets are still funny
Blip2004: get roasted by puppets
SnackPak_: highlight of the sow
Laserbeaks_Fury: I should watch The Muppet Show
butt_ghost: if you hate on yourself no one can hate on you
SnackPak_: *show
Darleysam: alright, fair enough, good bit
TheWanderingNomad: I mean clever idea
NewtyNewts: They took your jobs!
electra310: If you don't have your own hecklers, hecklers will be provided for you
Fuzzra: @Laserbeaks_Fury Yes. You should.
ladyjessica: I mean if you’re going to have professional hecklers you should have the best.
grgriffin3: Todd Howard, my mortal nemesis!
wifi12345678910: I think circles are just mediocre
betweenmyself: turns out WE were the Muppets all along riffThink
MalFnord: Hey it's Tood. Hi Todd.
Gaz_L: it's good
butt_ghost: troy baker here with his child son
Foxmar320: The Great Circle is really good
DoodlestheGreat: "He just works!"
Mathwyn: Smol Todd
SomebodyNowhere: its todd
BrowneePointz: Todd is so smol
Unable_To_Load: we need a live Statler and Waldorf cam in the corner of the screen
SymphonySolstice: I will always fondly remember Animal yelling "MALENIAAA"
grgriffin3: I've been playing the Indiana Jones game, having a lot of fun so far
DaxStrife: Is Troy huge or is Todd just that short?
kyuubeynokitsune: He looks so smol
brat_the_wurst: smol todd
Sorator13: guh, I'm hearing SO many characters right now
HadesLeprechaun: Troy Baker does an INCREDIBLE Indy
2Flower: Hi, Todd. Un-nerf headshots in Fallout 76 pls. Thanks.
Juliamon: Todd just a lil guy
Wiliart: Maxi Troy and Mini Todd.
SomebodyNowhere: todd looks so teeny
Kidror: Uh oh
Viewers_Like_You: I've heard remarkably good things about the big round
KharadBanar: 5‘11“ Todd
korvys: "we have chosen this pair to make the sound guy's job setting up the mic impossible"
Gaz_L: Baker's Ford impression is crazy good
wildpeaks: dang, Todd is getting older
zerragonoss: That stage was very designed after a boss arena.
Kidror: Todd's here, quick buy Skyrim again
dm818: I've heard it's good
SomebodyNowhere: woooow
TheWriterAleph: why todd so smol
kyuubeynokitsune: Todd, no
Crad0k: it's okay, troy's a voice actor, he knows how to project
DaxStrife: They gave the mic to the person who *doesn't* know how to voice act.
josh___something: Laura Bailey mentioned
A_Dub888: booo
Mr_Horrible: yuk yuk yuk
Onisquirrel: bring back the muppets
wildpeaks: uh oh
GedankenPalast_: Pff. boo
Pywodwagon: why does troy simply not eat todd
Diabore: @TheWriterAleph turns out they make people that small
Fuzzra: I really wish Todd Howard would retire.
SymphonySolstice: Nice
SomebodyNowhere: really
Nigouki: Well shit
Getter404: "They paid me six figures to be here. Good night."
grgriffin3: Jack Ryan!?
butt_ghost: ladies and gentelmen, here to collect his paycheque
TheWriterAleph: doogCLAPPING doogCLAPPING doogCLAPPING
NimrodXIV: wow
DiscordianTokkan: Harrison Ford: "Why am I here"
Onisquirrel: oh no one of the few people who can out frump matt
Laserbeaks_Fury: GET OF MY STAGE
Mathwyn: Roll out the desiccated corpse of Harrison Ford
wildpeaks: ha, I had bet he'd show up
mmtaylor1992: they let him fly himself in
p_johnston: So ford has gone full "Fuck it" mode hasn't he?
HadesLeprechaun: that's the president in new Captain America
MalFnord: Emerging from a cloud of pot smoke, it's~
wifi12345678910: Oh hey it's the guy from Blade Runner
DaxStrife: Harrison "I Don''t Want to Be Here" Ford.
chubbyvboii: weird…
Gaz_L: And the president from Captain America, Matt
Foxmar320: lol
chowaxt: wow How much did he cost?
TheWooglie: he has lines
Pywodwagon: To get paid
kyuubeynokitsune: How much money do you think they had to pay him for this?
Unable_To_Load: It's Decker here to promote Cyberpunk 2078
Shadwhawk: Because he got paid $50k for this
hiFunko: he's here to get plane and weed money
an_archist2: he's living like a star, you can't stop his shine
grgriffin3: Yes: He's here because he's getting paid
Piecrust9: Do androids dream of electric sheep?
CosmicDuctTape: and the President from Captain America: Brave New World
Fuzzra: Now we know who Snoop is smoking with
kusinohki: it's the ass-kicking president!
amative1: "Indy"... oh I get it!
TheWriterAleph: "They put my face in a vidya game and now I have to be here."
AugmentingPath: To get applauded!
dimeadozent: also the president in captain america
electra310: They hired him off Cameo
mencly: Indy game Skyrim
electric_claire: He's just here for the cash
Jennie_Fuchsia: let him sit with Statler and Waldorf
DrakoniteDev: the president in that upcoming mcu movie
spethycakes: he's the mean between the two other guys on stage
Onisquirrel: thank you for paying off my next few dinners
TheAwkes: What percent of the shows budget does his appearance represent?
mercano82: He accidentally landed his plane out front and wandered in.
Simriel: Man doesn't give a shit, he get's paid so he can fly planes XD
JoannaTastic: "Hello, I was in Age of Adeline, goodnight."
Sorator13: They gave him as much free alcohol as they could fit in the building; he does NOT care why he's here
mmtaylor1992: who are these guys? idk
korvys: Oh hey, they got the Fugitive from The Fugitive
Farwalker: Does he sound real drunk?
SomebodyNowhere: did someone at least show him it
2Flower: This circle is merely mid.
SymphonySolstice: at least he's not here for a Star Wars gme
countingku: That's got to be most of the budget right there.
Foxmar320: Im sure they showed him the Great Circle and he thought he filmed that
Countzeroor: @Farwalker No, stoned.
saucemaster5000: oh he's drunk
Scy_Anide: The Great Circle? That was a good game but I don't think Todd Howard had anything to do with it.
brat_the_wurst: harrison ford confirmed gamer
DaxStrife: Harrison Ford said "great jorb."
varmintx0: Wow, it's the star of Hollywood Homicide!
wildpeaks: he's great in Shrinking (on appletv)
digiman619TheAntiDigs: Dude has seen better days
p_johnston: I would be amazed if Harrison Ford has ever played a video game.
Foxmar320: LOL
Diabore: LUL
Zephyr256k: He doesn't even know it's agame, he just thinks they made a heckin great circle
Juliamon: Drunk *and* stoned
TheWriterAleph: LUL
CosmicDuctTape: oh dear
Sorator13: oh lordy
NovaCat13: Perfect no notes!
SomebodyNowhere: at least as much energy as he put into enders game
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
amative1: He looks amazing for 82 years old
kyuubeynokitsune: Amazing
GapFiller: nalvLUL
Chamelenyan: lol
Nigouki: perfection
NimrodXIV: A+
TheWriterAleph: it's okay, harrison, we love you!
KingTaltia: Teleprompter, TELEPROMPTER!
hanssolon: @SymphonySolstice Hes be back, An new Star Wars game is HERE
Gaz_L: I love how much Ford does not give a shit about this part of being a celeb
JoannaTastic: Did he just use the goddamn force
p_johnston: At this point he gives no shits.
OldsCool: so this is technicaly and Indy Award !
SomebodyNowhere: ff
tehfewl: FF
Juliamon: He doesn't *need* to give a shit
wifi12345678910: Silent Hill
wildpeaks: I hope Senua but I doubt it
Unable_To_Load: The best performance this year was in I Am Your Beast
Marvoleath: Senua, so underappreciated
Simriel: When do we last think Ford was Sober
Getter404: Ben Starr run in
EvilBadman: senua
wifi12345678910: oh
Getter404: Aw NM
laikagoat: wooo
kyuubeynokitsune: neat
wildpeaks: oh wow it did win, nice :)
butt_ghost: DUNKEY
SomebodyNowhere: really
HadesLeprechaun: Senua is super super good
Diabore: she goes hard in sanua
EvilBadman: Yeah
Chamelenyan: bro is here for his pay cheque and i support that
grgriffin3: They DID make a big deal about Hellblade and the acting job required for it, so this makes sense
BrowneePointz: didn’t she win for 1 as well?
SomebodyNowhere: shiny shoes
Darleysam: it was an outstanding performance
public_key_reveal_party: hellblade was always... interesting
DrakoniteDev: @LoadingReadyRun one note: being on left you are covering the lower 3rd game name banner
Juliamon: cc tried two different spellings
SymphonySolstice: dat skirt!!
wildpeaks: she carries the whole game, well deserved
TheWriterAleph: love that jacket
electric_claire: It is kind of nice to have a respected actor present this award
Sorator13: yeah, that trophy is clearly heavy af
DrakoniteDev: thanks
SquareDotCube: those boots are for sparkling
kyuubeynokitsune: Ford: "Anyway, I'm gonna go crash a plane now."
butt_ghost: nipple height
brat_the_wurst: i love troys pants
SnackPak_: damn dude
KaleidoscopeMind: all leg
SymphonySolstice: stylin' there
Juliamon: He's all leg and he *knows* it
HadesLeprechaun: Troy is a handsome man
Gaz_L: gotta be cool to have Ford give this to her
GapFiller: hes def been fitted
Sorator13: troy says: look at my LEGS
2Flower: "Wrap it up" in 3... 2...
ani_laurel: im glad that cut is coming back
DaxStrife: Troy, Harrison and Todd were arranged by height. :-D
Piecrust9: No unbutton more!!
hanssolon: LOL
PhoenixMelior: High waisted and killin it tbh
Viewers_Like_You: His pants alone are taller than Todd
josh___something: Unbutton MORE
Foxmar320: At that point just undo all the buttons
SquareDotCube: remember when the fashion for the TGAs were an utter disaster
Izandai: @DaxStrife In a production this large and complex, it's important to stay organized.
BrowneePointz: if you go back and watch his stint on retro replay with Nolan North Troy is a big Fashion guy @loadingreadyrun
SomebodyNowhere: oh ok
Getter404: Theater kids who never have to worry about being "presentable"
grgriffin3: Damn, good for her
Chamelenyan: good for her!
betweenmyself: the statues this year are made from recycled Cyber Trucks riffYeti
Diabore: damn, she defended
BrowneePointz: Troy is*
butt_ghost: people love woman being freaked out
Foxmar320: foxmarPOP foxmarPOP foxmarPOP
Marvoleath: I mean, well deserved
SquareDotCube: she didn't even expect it for the first Hellblade
SymphonySolstice: world premorld
grgriffin3: One of these days I'll play those Hellblade games, I swear
digiman619TheAntiDigs: @betweenmyself That would imply they were good for something
NovaCat13: @betweenmyself I'm pretty sure you can recycle those
electra310: Minecraft 2.0?
asddsa28: wicher 4
goombalax: ES6
Arclight_Dynamo: "What games will come out in a deacde?" Silksong.
ladyjessica: warning incoming game. warning incoming game.
The_Voices: hmmmm
p_johnston: the fog effect is cool.
Gaz_L: Elder Scrolls 6?
Nigouki: world premier guy needs to be sitting on a side balcony and every time the camera cuts to him he's annoyed to be doing it
KingTaltia: I mean, given current events; Lawsuits, lots, and lots of lawsuits
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it's pretty neat
A_Dub888: David Cage lrrBEEJ ?
SomebodyNowhere: uhhh
SquareDotCube: oh, Zork!
asddsa28: i was right
Darleysam: bet it's David Cage
p_johnston: witcher yeah.
ani_laurel: eurovision does this with their stages. Its incredible
Foxmar320: Witcher yeah
aitsu100: yep Witcher
Gaz_L: yeah, this is CDPR
Crad0k: 'unannounced nvidia card'
Scy_Anide: The WIVtcher
SymphonySolstice: 2witcher4real
DocTie: same yeah
Izandai: I also went to Witcher.
kyuubeynokitsune: lmao
grgriffin3: This does feel very Witcher
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Bathing? Yep, Witcher
Piecrust9: Excuse you RDR has great bathing scenes
grgriffin3: Yuuuuuuuuuuup, Witcher
Izandai: mattlrLul
Chamelenyan: lmao
wildpeaks: ohnoo LUL
digiman619TheAntiDigs: Skyrim 2 *jumps*
SomebodyNowhere: is this just the show feet award show
Marvoleath: I mean, they said it's no longer Geralt's saga
Gaz_L: are they still doing the remake of Witcher 1?
korvys: For that one image, yes
Marvoleath: but a game in Witcher's world
Unable_To_Load: the game makes a big deal about you not bathing
bytecaster: Destiny Destiny
wifi12345678910: This is Cyberpunk 2 right?
Akaiatana: Or next week
Getter404: Oh no they're gonna Midsomar her
TheWriterAleph: Midsommer
Pyroxx___: Cyberpunk 2078?
Izandai: Almost certainly.
Crad0k: cyberpunk 2 is much more... rustic than i was expecting
kyuubeynokitsune: This womans about to get lit on fire, right?
Gaz_L: do we get to be Ciri?
Diabore: yes heather
Brozard: Destiny 2
SomebodyNowhere: I worry for her
SquareDotCube: oh she gonna get sacrificed
asddsa28: haha allmost 100%
northos: probably NOT the person with two swords
dumbo3k: Probably for everyone?
bytecaster: There is a witcher in the crowd
rasterscan: I assume pyre.
Spades_Slicc: Probably for everyone
BrowneePointz: oh hey Cori
Foxmar320: Oh yeah she is 100% a sacrifice
Gaz_L: that looked like a lady Witcher in the foreground
BrowneePointz: Ciri*
TheWanderingNomad: Hoping she gets saved at tehe last second
grgriffin3: Ciri pls
DiscordianTokkan: Or she's gonna get cool yellow eyes
p_johnston: nope yep this is witcher with Ciri.
AugmentingPath: Oh, just put it out quickly, what's the worst that could happen
Unable_To_Load: the subtitles are way off
TheWanderingNomad: Ciri!
bytecaster: Ciri as main character would be interesting
asddsa28: yay she old now
grgriffin3: YUS
aitsu100: Ciri
Saintnex: Ciri
Scy_Anide: Cirald
AugmentingPath: @Unable_To_Load I think they're captioning live
korvys: Alexa!
Robot_Bones: but what if instead of sacrificed she was witched?
Marvoleath: Cirilla
stippledotter: WitcHER
TheWriterAleph: Ciri, play Despacito
Spades_Slicc: Hey Ciri
grgriffin3: Oh man, I'm stoked
asddsa28: yeah
GedankenPalast_: Well duh, who else :D
2Flower: Witcher no witching!
Gaz_L: so guess that ending is canon
wifi12345678910: Hey Siri what's this character's name
Mr_Horrible: yes
dumbo3k: Witchers are monster hunters
digiman619TheAntiDigs: Everyone. That's who it's bad for
public_key_reveal_party: so who is keanu playing in this game?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: They kill monsters
an_archist2: the that-er
Saintnex: A class and job
bytecaster: Monster Hunter
Piecrust9: Biologically altered monster hunters
Darleysam: Witch, Witcher, Witchest
accountmadeforants: Job and type of mutant yeah
TheMerricat: WItchers are monster hunters for hire.
p_johnston: Witchers are monster hunters
electra310: Ghostbusters
goombalax: as opposed to witches
Spades_Slicc: Witchers are cops
Foxmar320: I played a bit of the first game and didn't like it. I heard the others are way better
Robot_Bones: yeah you can get an mba and everything
Chamelenyan: magic exterminators
Blip2004: they also use alchemy to alter themselves and fight
BrowneePointz: They were trained by the Elves in Magic etc
butt_ghost: the fantasy equivalent of calling a game The Plumber
Getter404: They're treated like sanitation workers when they're not being desperately sought out
zerragonoss: Job/genetic explements.
s0lesurviv0r: have they shown off Borderlands 4 yet?
rasterscan: @Spades_Slicc They are most definitely not, given that they often side with the monster.
asddsa28: o nooo run
mmtaylor1992: The Witcher show just made me think they should cast whathisface as batman
rasterscan: At least Geralt could.
brat_the_wurst: nay!
dumbo3k: I probably should finish Witcher 3
micalovits: @rasterscan So just like the Cops?
rasterscan: @micalovits Okay fair. :P
p_johnston: The first game is rough but fun if you can get past some of the gameplay. The second is interesting but a bit loose in terms of gameplay and the third is really, really good.
Gaz_L: enter the yonic cave
PharaohBender27: @Foxmar320 Yeah, 2 was definitely an improvement on 1, and 3 is great. I actually tried playing the first game after playing 3 and 2, and gave up after like 5 minutes.
Onisquirrel: I should probably finish blood and wine.
Robot_Bones: 2 swords 1 tub
W_Livi: Arthur "Two Swords" Jackson
SomebodyNowhere: how much hype can we really get for cdpr prerendered trailers after the whole cyberpunk thing
DoodlestheGreat: The sword Geralt gave her.
goombalax: its hilarious how ineffective the silver sword is on humans. like I think it would still do the job
Chamelenyan: guess i should add witcher 3 to my list of games to play soon cause this looks cool
Piecrust9: Ciri has slowed down significantly since the last game damn
GedankenPalast_: spooder?
GrizonII: @butt_ghost Nintendo should totally call a Mario game just "The Plumber"
Diabore: why not just move?
Tantusar: You've got too many legs!
wifi12345678910: Is this the vision cave from Dagobah?
BusTed: too good to use
digiman619TheAntiDigs: @gaz_l That implies the existence of a phallic cave
grgriffin3: I'm waiting for the cool time powers
amative1: But what if I need all 99!?
TheWooglie: the witcher 2 was really had without potions
DoodlestheGreat: Don't worry, you'll have seven of them.
OutOfSpaceAndTime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
OutOfSpaceAndTime: Witcher Potions are kinda once a fiight
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OutOfSpaceAndTime! (Today's storm count: 52)
TheWooglie: ^hard
Unable_To_Load: great monster
Marvoleath: what if the final boss has stage 2?
Blip2004: using potions in fights is usually required in witcher
KingTaltia: What if there's THREE final bosses
Foxmar320: If I show up to a final boss with less than 99 potions ive messed up somehow
Darleysam: it's a match-3
Nibblitman: good to know they are breathing
aitsu100: what about the secret super dungeon that might open after the fianl boss
SomebodyNowhere: waterpunch with lightning
butt_ghost: zip ziop
gralamin: I have 100% chrono trigger over 20 times. But what if I need a mega-elixir later, even though I always end with like 30
accountmadeforants: Oh, right, Ciri is Hella Destined, real Chosen One Material, absolutely Fatemaxxing
Viewers_Like_You: I mean, you really need to be saving for the post-game content, that's where all the real challenges are
electra310: Great, now it's charged
GedankenPalast_: Spird
TheWanderingNomad: Ooh a chain
e_bloc: I've never played a witcher and this makes me want to play the witcher
SensationalBagel: Miles Morales Witcher over here
Unable_To_Load: this is for The Witcher Slot Machine
Brozard: The better to hug you with, Matt
BrowneePointz: yea Ciri is special, even among Witchers
Anaerin: That monster certainly is well-armed.
Saintnex: Oh we god of war now
Robot_Bones: spider-bird, spider-bird, radioactive spider-bird
DoodlestheGreat: Igne time
TheWanderingNomad: @northos Had to get the timing right
OmnipotentTrevor: Witching by way of Belmont
accountmadeforants: Ciri Belmont
SymphonySolstice: chippity choppity
PhoenixMelior: Heat Metal
AugmentingPath: Tradition! Tradition
asddsa28: o no there burned her
p_johnston: Also Ciri isn't technically I Witcher if I recall. It's...complicated.
Bugberry: @northos she was trying to, it deflected.
2Flower: "Life's a WITCH."
VorlonScout: <Strong Bad voice> WITCH'D!
Chamelenyan: yeeeeah...
kusinohki: and now for mama bird to show up...
asddsa28: its not
grgriffin3: Confirmed: This is a Witcher game.
goombalax: other sword time
GrizonII: "I am the one who witches"
digiman619TheAntiDigs: I mean, you should probably start with dismemberment if it's an option
NovaCat13: Now you Ciri now you dont
Scy_Anide: Confirmed still medieval
Gaz_L: and now she pulls out... Swallow? is that what her other sword's called?
Chamelenyan: [we weeping]
northos: yes captions, We Weeping
spethycakes: Which her?
AugmentingPath: A poorly lit fantasy setting, they call them
Anaerin: I mean, it was written by a Polish man...
Marvoleath: "quest failed"
A_Dub888: This went differently in Metaphor ReFantazio...
Countzeroor: Now it's time for the Steel Sword.
GrizonII: [We weeping]
Marvoleath: it was NPC guarding mission
PhoenixMelior: "Oh we weeping now"
kyuubeynokitsune: Also very much the real monsters
dumbo3k: The Humans being monsters is a big theme in the Witcher
Diabore: scuse you paul, it was 6 armed
Viewers_Like_You: Paul raises a good point
KeytarCat: The world of the witcher is like what you get when a billionaire tech bro colonizes an isekai
Alex_Frostfire: Both swords are for monsters. The steel one's just for the monsters that look like humans.
electra310: But if the humans are also monsters, she can take their stuff
butt_ghost: now how does this fit into the cyberpunk narrative
Gaz_L: "both swords are for monsters"
SketchyDetails: Honestly, ciri probably killed em
CaptainSpam: Yep, definitely the monster there.
MommaGart: easy mistake to make
Nigouki: ok but that Witcher 3 "Killing Monsters" trailer was baller as hell
asddsa28: let hope they dont overwork there employs this time
Akaiatana: I'm so sorry for his gloss
SymphonySolstice: so shiny
BrowneePointz: Ciri has much…MUCH less chill than Geralt, and for good reason
bytecaster: Ciri as protagonist is an interesting choice at least
SomebodyNowhere: that suit jacket
MommaGart: Surprises? Do I hear Silksong?
goombalax: "Heres a list of all the surprises"
kyuubeynokitsune: the surprise is that there are no surprises
Kiytan: here is an exact list of the surprises that are to come
GapFiller: Geoffs suit jacket is surprising yes
Nibblitman: I am not feeling super surprised yet
tehfewl: Please watch
SketchyDetails: GOTY 2025 elden ring dlc
Blip2004: its elden ring
bytecaster: What is happening in Elden Ring
A_Dub888: What would have made it a surprise would have been "available now"
TheMerricat: Chat is there a reason, storywise, why Gerault wouldn't be in play?
KaleidoscopeMind: best surprise was statler and waldorf
Anaerin: Those sure are some tiled textures on that castle wall.
wifi12345678910: Elden Ring?
northos: this landscape looks very Elden Ring
Nigouki: the price of sup will collapse!
kusinohki: "when everything is a surprise, nothing is a surprise"
gralamin: Avowed?
Spades_Slicc: Ico?
BrowneePointz: ESO?
GrizonII: @asddsa28 hopefully not announcing a release date means they won't crunch but pro'ly not
butt_ghost: those looked like colossal shadows
Marvoleath: The biggest surprise is that there is one thing that is not a surprise!
TheWanderingNomad: @TheMerricat If I remember right he semi-retired at the end of 3 due to injuries
Mai_Andra: you want to surprise me? announce Forspoken 2.
BusTed: pac-man again
Saintnex: OOOOH
SomebodyNowhere: fromsoft?
LesBeauxPlastiques: is this death sranding 1850?
brat_the_wurst: elden ring
wifi12345678910: Elden Ring 2
2Flower: Emphasising "a standalone experience" is a choice.
amative1: Bandai Namco again... Pacman 2?
Nibblitman: Gundam?
teddywhosabear: it's another pac-man
SymphonySolstice: [eyes emoji]
JDogg2K4: Clearly dragonball
Anaerin: FromSoftware does PUBG
p_johnston: yep it's elden ring.
BrowneePointz: WHAT!?
public_key_reveal_party: this is places in elden ring
AugmentingPath: Nioh 3
KaleidoscopeMind: pacman, obv
Izandai: That was a site of grace.
teddywhosabear: pac-man elden ring
northos: :O
mencly: Mother 3
accountmadeforants: Oh, it is Elden Ring-adjacent
Blip2004: there was the elden ring bonfire there
Riandisa: Taiko Souls
MalFnord: yeah that's an eldenring
Bugberry: Armored Core 6 was great.
VorlonScout: Fromsoft, adding to Matt's backlog
margieargie: New King's Field! :p
A_Dub888: Cookie and Cream
rasterscan: Is it the mobile elden ring?
KingTaltia: A site of grace Might be Elden Ring.
GrizonII: Oh damn Fromsoft Pacman
tehfewl: dark souls 4
bytecaster: Glider?
Darleysam: Elden Ring Tactics
electra310: Bird Taxi II
p_johnston: huh I thought they were done with it.
NewtyNewts: Elden Ring battle royale?
HadesLeprechaun: Come oooon King Field
Foxmar320: Yeah Eldin Ring
Getter404: "Surprise it's King's Field"
e_bloc: stop I can only get so ready to spend money
bytecaster: Coop?
kyuubeynokitsune: "We're done with Elden Ring" Miyazaki says
control_rig: Multiplayer Eldenring?
jacqui_lantern234: Monster Hunter: Dark Souls? Kappa
Marvoleath: bird people
Rentok: Elden Scrolls Online
Anaerin: Monster Hunter: Ring.
NonjaBiru: PUBG: Elden Ring Edition
SketchyDetails: Dauntless 2
SymphonySolstice: MORE elden relden
Shadwhawk: Elden Hunter Wilds?
digiman619TheAntiDigs: Ah another Eldin Ring DLC so they can snipe another GOTY
Spades_Slicc: Wow, the disrespect of cloning the stakedriver
JDogg2K4: fromsoft monster hunter?
SomebodyNowhere: packed in multiplayer from the start
Blip2004: oh is this a dynasty warriors crossover
Gaz_L: @Getter404 in fairness, they did Armored Core
LesBeauxPlastiques: the elden rings: online
goombalax: fromsoft MMO?
Kidror: They said it was a standalone
Sorator13: fromsoft's take on Monster Hunter?
Saintnex: New DLC im guessing with changes to how the multiplayer works?
Kramburger: This is literally elden ring
sithlored: Warriors ring
kyuubeynokitsune: Was that the fire keeper???
Diabore: matt played ff13-3
MommaGart: Gamers play plenty of things they hate
A_Dub888: Is that Melenia (the Blade of Miquela)?
Cptasparagus: Elden Ringer
BrowneePointz: it’s definitely Elden Ring
wormapotheote: this is definitely elden ring i can recognize most of the places
kusinohki: have you met matt's brain worms??
accountmadeforants: Oh dang, movement abilities
rasterscan: Wall jump?!
wifi12345678910: Wall climbing?!
stippledotter: Olden ring?
Kiytan: elden sekiro
Kramburger: This is probably elden ring 2
kyuubeynokitsune: Nameless???
AugmentingPath: Elden Ring: bird time
Anaerin: Gamers play things they hate - Look at Destiny.
mmtaylor1992: Legends Arceus?
drcthulu: nameless king!!!
aitsu100: we saw ya'll like the edlen ring seamless co-op so we added it to Dark Souls
dm818: I feel like this will be a BR thing
loufghyslaufey: Soap? A new Sekiro?
CaptainSpam: The whole "wall of poorly-defined energy closing in" bit made me think "Dark Souls Battle Royale game"...
Marvoleath: New DLC for Elden Ring? :P
Bugberry: Nameless King from DS3?
bytecaster: The nameless king?
accountmadeforants: I'd expect multiplayer to have *worse* movement abilities, not better
kyuubeynokitsune: Maria?
drcthulu: gaping dragon
rasterscan: Is this the link now between Elden Ring and DS?
GedankenPalast_: Wait I know that enemy. Those mfer were in the cannels under the city
Blip2004: these are some sweet monster designs
Kipstar: oh god - basilisk king?
Nibblitman: Monster Hunter / Elden Ring?
Saintnex: The new movement is looking GOOD
SketchyDetails: Monster Hunter Dark Souls
butt_ghost: oh yeah pultimlayer
bytecaster: The klin door?
TheMerricat: !!!!!!
KaleidoscopeMind: kingdom hearts!
asddsa28: oo noo well
LesBeauxPlastiques: "you dare approach me?"
kyuubeynokitsune: Huh
Bugberry: Nights King?
Viewers_Like_You: Wait, is the theme this year "Too Many Body Parts"?
mmtaylor1992: 2Elden4Ring
wifi12345678910: 2nd dlc?
SymphonySolstice: interdasting
Simriel: I need a trailer breakdown for this
wildpeaks: if the DLC wins this year, maybe this dlc can win next year
NewtyNewts: Huh.
Morrigan9: goty 2025
p_johnston: huh another DLC. I should beat Elden ring on of these days.
rasterscan: "Nightreign" is such a 90's name
accountmadeforants: I did not expect another Elden Ring DLC
grgriffin3: Night Lord? You fight Konrad Kurze in this?
accountmadeforants: Damn
AugmentingPath: Oh look, rain. at night
MalFnord: Sure, why not
Nibblitman: Ok neat
betweenmyself: the surprise is that fifty percent of the remaining reveals are PacMan reimaginings of various genres.
GedankenPalast_: Is that the door behind the Erdtree DLC Boss?
amative1: He said it was Stand-alone, not DLC
TheWanderingNomad: I mean I'd rather not Heather
SomebodyNowhere: elden ring anotherthing
Diabore: elden ring going for a third GOTY award
aitsu100: Seamless Co-Op
loufghyslaufey: Weird DeeLL-C
toady0s: we really never getting winds of winter smh
Gaz_L: oh... not DLC
control_rig: Co-op
rasterscan: Standalone it looks like
LesBeauxPlastiques: surely... that's not a standalone? xD
Unable_To_Load: I think it's a spin off not a DLC
Chamelenyan: isn't kingdom hearts already gritty kingdom hearts?
Gaz_L: standalone game?
accountmadeforants: Oh, actually new game
Diabore: wait new? not dlc
Sorator13: Separate game, sounds like, not DLC
BrowneePointz: GODFREY!?
Bugberry: It was made by George RR Martin, so "the Long Night" feels related.
Jennie_Fuchsia: put Gritty in Kingdom Hearts you cowards
cyclopsboi: the seamless co-op is cool as hell
goombalax: fromsoft gonna be making Elden Ring till the end of time
amative1: He said stand-alone before the trailer started
ReverseCreations: Ooh getting their 2025 goty entry in
KingTaltia: GAME?! Seperate game, dunno how I feel about that.
butt_ghost: HAT TRICK
TheMerricat: "FromSoftware says Elden Ring's popular Seamless Co-op mod is 'definitely not something we actively oppose,' and may even 'consider ideas like that with our future games'"
JDogg2K4: Todd Howard seething that they didn't do it for every skyrim release
p_johnston: I would love Fromsoft to just keep taking game of the year each year.
betweenmyself: the surprise is that the just announced Elden Ring DLC os winning Game of the Year THIS year
Orlantia: Elden Ring: Night Train
Marvoleath: they got 21 pilots to fit on that stage? D:
Crad0k: rebirth pc?
goombalax: yaaaay
NewtyNewts: There's the Hideo mention
HavenDragon: YES
SomebodyNowhere: pc release
Pteraspidomorphi: It was good
Izandai: This game was so much fun.
SymphonySolstice: game GOod
HavenDragon: i was hoping for this!!!
Foxmar320: I loved it but too many minigames
kyuubeynokitsune: "We considered letting other studios win, but then nah" Miyazaki
PhoenixMelior: PC huh
Nibblitman: I still need to play this
aitsu100: im gonna have to play it now huh
cyclopsboi: its pretty damn good
RatherLargeToad: was so much game
Gaz_L: Resurrection
rasterscan: Remix
TheWooglie: return
JDogg2K4: January eh?
Izandai: I still think they might just use Reunion again.
Gaz_L: it's gonna be Resurrection
amative1: REvengeance
Pteraspidomorphi: RatherLargeToad: I tried to speed through it, took me 90 hours
p_johnston: Restoration?
dumbo3k: Returnering?
wifi12345678910: rebirth
Anaerin: FF7: Re-gretfully it's over.
mmtaylor1992: FFVII:REMAND
TheMerricat: Re:Remake
bytecaster: Final Fantasy 7 Radvent Children!
BrowneePointz: it was one of the games of all time
Nigouki: mereoRE
Orlantia: Re: Cycle
Morrigan9: rough platinum
NewtyNewts: I'm betting 'Release'
SomebodyNowhere: I'm sure the modding community is just chomping at the bit to get at another ff
Mai_Andra: I still haven't played it. I keep forgetting it was out. The first one was so long ago by now...
Getter404: Suddenly, Alfred Molina
NovaCat13: RE:Your email
loufghyslaufey: Probably still called Reunion, wiggins
Izandai: So many minigames.
TheWanderingNomad: @wifi12345678910 We already used that for the second one :D
Nigouki: *meteoRE
aitsu100: FF7 Retold
Izandai: So much card gmes.
kusinohki: FF7 : rerun
Izandai: *games
tehfewl: some of the minigames were good
betweenmyself: I think you just nailed it… FFVII: Retitle
accountmadeforants: FF7: Reefing
butt_ghost: shoutout alfred molina
public_key_reveal_party: I am in favor of bringing almost every game of theirs I want to play to PC so I don't need to buy a console for 3 or 4 games
RatherLargeToad: It was a minigame collection with some light RPG elements
Gaz_L: I'm with Graham that it's very enjoyable to play but the story has.... issues
adept_nekomancer: Reconsider
LesBeauxPlastiques: oh hey it's the freeby humble didn't mean to put out
wifi12345678910: @TheWanderingNomad they're gonna REuse it
BrowneePointz: but without it it’s not ff7
AugmentingPath: Never going to turn one game into three with that attitude, Paul
cyclopsboi: the golden saucer in the original was full of mini games
HadlemFromDiscord: ffvii re:coded
HadlemFromDiscord: whoops its kingdom hearts again
JDogg2K4: I haven't played it, but do they have a sub game?
loufghyslaufey: I mean, has a 'reunion' happened by now or just via technicality?
mmtaylor1992: fedora simulator lookin good
cyclopsboi: @JDogg2K4 they do
SomebodyNowhere: catr
wildpeaks: kitty !
SymphonySolstice: KITTY
grgriffin3: Kitty!
Anaerin: Kitty?
asddsa28: cat
Chamelenyan: fluffy!
Orlantia: Matt had to 100% the game on steam
Diabore: KITTY
control_rig: Kitty fur
aitsu100: floof
Juliamon: Weird cat
wildpeaks: so fluffy
JDogg2K4: yessss, I loved it in the original. ty @cyclopsboi
Getter404: F L U F F
NovaCat13: Cat!
kyuubeynokitsune: KITTY
micalovits: More kitty!
betweenmyself: FFVII: Reeeeeeee
control_rig: Floof!
Izandai: mattlrLul
Makrosian_Tay: uhhh
bytecaster: Maximum fluff
Mr_Horrible: people often forget, FF7 was very goofy outside of the big dramatic moments
jubale1: the fur is wrong
p_johnston: Look it's a Matt game!
aitsu100: lol
grgriffin3: Big kitty!
SomebodyNowhere: uhhhh
A_Dub888: KITTEH
kyuubeynokitsune: why
Chamelenyan: i can see it
lunarcassy: FLOOFFFS
DoodlestheGreat: LUL
LesBeauxPlastiques: cat 👀
Getter404: Neko Atsume Reloaded!
Brozard: I thought that was going to be the MTG Foundations Ajoni
lunarcassy: it's ponk!
butt_ghost: nintendogs 2: nintendcats
loufghyslaufey: So who is "Indy Jones" CG actor in this one?
drcthulu: super floofs
dzee_szed: Neko Atsume 3: Dark Tides
betweenmyself: riffDuffy
Kiytan: this is the most mismatched music
grgriffin3: Edgy cat!
Izandai: @loufghyslaufey Troy Baker
lunarcassy: oh the cosmic eyessss
goombalax: VR cats
SomebodyNowhere: what is all this ai nonsense
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yeah, VR Cats
AugmentingPath: VRCat
lunarcassy: rip
Juliamon: boooo VR
korvys: Occulus?
josh___something: That's not a cat
Kiytan: boooooo
kyuubeynokitsune: HUH
NorthstarTex: just got here, what the hell did arrive to?
bytecaster: Cat gatcha?
MommaGart: that looks awful
dm818: POE2
DoodlestheGreat: POE 2
bytecaster: PoE
lunarcassy: cat gameeee
laikagoat: poe 2
loufghyslaufey: Switch? Lul
grgriffin3: I have absolutely no idea what that game was
Getter404: PoE?
Anaerin: Also on the Apple Watch?
Bugberry: Nintend-Cats for a new generation.
Robot_Bones: the game mechanic is how you share the braincell between each cat
accountmadeforants: Or on the APPLE WATCH
brat_the_wurst: poe2 eyes
NovaCat13: NFT cats?
laikagoat: wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey
Nibblitman: What is that game though
Diabore: poe2
Shadwhawk: A CAT Open World, with AAA Cats. Hyperrealism, Actions, Cuddle, Speed, Islands, Fashion, Dreams, Snow, Robots, Plants -- All via the Most Beautiful CATs ever.
Xafty: matt has been quoted a few times with "we arent here to play some, or even most of X. we are here to play goddamn all of X"
wifi12345678910: POE2?
korvys: PoE2?
SymphonySolstice: pee oh ee
control_rig: PoE2 Woooooo
NorthstarTex: POE 2 indeed
aitsu100: i love Catly slide show
drcthulu: PoE2
mencly: New stray type game
laikagoat: yep
Mr_Horrible: PoE2 yup
DiscordianTokkan: AI slop
BrowneePointz: some of that art looked AI
betweenmyself: Catly is the name of my feline butler fursona
wildpeaks: I recognize the magic effects
adept_nekomancer: But what do the cats *do*?
accountmadeforants: It's in early access right now
Diabore: not came out, entered early access
LesBeauxPlastiques: did that say catly for apple watch?
bytecaster: It's in early access
Pinwiz11: I'm playing it right now!
wifi12345678910: Nah, only early access
Sogheim: it is PoE2, yes
Alex_Frostfire: Early access.
dm818: went into early access this week
drcthulu: live release
SnowBuddy18: DLC is in 3 months
Mr_Horrible: def haven't already put 60 hours into this already
loufghyslaufey: Kaijus, Kaijus dropping in Heroscapes... Everywhere.
drcthulu: in 23 to 6 months
cyclopsboi: its early access i think
Nibblitman: I mean this is all advertisement isn’t it
control_rig: Isn't it just early access?
CaptainSpam: Oh hey, were we told explicitly whether or not there would be any announcements regarding the Nintendo Switch successor? :D
Crad0k: god, i wish poe's gearing wasn't so tedoius
dzee_szed: So does it still take like 15 hours of a run in PoE2 before you have a character that's actually fun to play
drewm1022: PoE 2! Come get nerfed to fuck!
Sorator13: note: it's in early access; it's not *out* out
LesBeauxPlastiques: pillars of eternity 3 when tho?
KingTaltia: POE2 doesn't do DLC, this is just it being out in Beta.
DiscordianTokkan: (Stream lagged, the AI slop was for the Catly game)
northos: Path of ExIIle
lunarcassy: i just went to catly on steam and apparently it's "similar to sea of thieves"????
SomebodyNowhere: hide the two back behind
kusinohki: can I take credit for coining "matt%" (even though I stole it from EC)
loufghyslaufey: Why do they always have to make the logo look evil?
Gaz_L: Path of ExIIle
accountmadeforants: Path of ExIIle
A_Dub888: Path of Exile Double Stakes
Mr_Horrible: yeah it's not coming out proper until late 2025 at the earliest
bytecaster: Path 2 Exile
Sorator13: lrrWOW
AugmentingPath: IPath of ExileI
Laserbeaks_Fury: Path of ExIIle
drcthulu: it gets free dlc every season
josh___something: Path of ExIIle
SomebodyNowhere: sydnee is definitely a way to spell that
SymphonySolstice: and now amazoink
control_rig: 2 Path 2 Exile
JDogg2K4: I said more glitter!
loufghyslaufey: Hm
DaxStrife: Jeff suddenly creeps up behind her and black-bags her.
Beleqwaya: Eventually he is just wearing mirrors with high beams pointed straight at them
wifi12345678910: Who?
laikagoat: abubakar!
MommaGart: Abubikar! This guy is awesome
NorthstarTex: not a dragon...0/10
Chamelenyan: he comes back out and he's just bedazzled
GrizonII: Path of Exiile or Path of Exille?
BrowneePointz: This is the guy who made Tales of Kenzera as well chat
butt_ghost: best boss fight award?
OmnipotentTrevor: There's a Game of Thrones game
BrowneePointz: his studio made it
Sorator13: @GrizonII Paath of Exile
Gaz_L: nah, this is just 'hey a celebrity'
Makrosian_Tay: ZING
amative1: twitter burn
Sorator13: not to be confused with Path of Exxxile, which is completely different
butt_ghost: monke
loufghyslaufey: I mean I get it, but I've only just heard of him.
SymphonySolstice: monke
Diabore: nope, not cod
spethycakes: Pth of Xile
wildpeaks: Wukon would be logical
Morrigan9: helldivers
Gaz_L: the BO6 campaign is pretty deece
p_johnston: Yeah I'm guessing Wu Kong on this.
BrowneePointz: Abubakar’s studio is also working on an afrofuturist crpg
Countzeroor: I'm going for Helldivers.
LesBeauxPlastiques: cowards of no gollum nom
Sogheim: wait Helldivers 2 was this year?
Makrosian_Tay: SPACE MARINE
tehfewl: oh space marine
wifi12345678910: Space marine pls
Diabore: i could see warhammer
EvilBadman: I think this is the one award Wukong wins
grgriffin3: I WANT it to be SM2, but it will be anything else
wifi12345678910: aww
goombalax: glad to see space marine get a nom at least
NorthstarTex: aww, no space marine love
Diabore: LUL
SomebodyNowhere: monke
Izandai: Oh excellent signs.
mmtaylor1992: Goku isn't even in this game
kyuubeynokitsune: heresy
Juliamon: blacksmith
wifi12345678910: Invisible walls are quality gameplay!
Getter404: It's a solidarity vote rather than a quality vote, yeah
BrowneePointz: I hope this is the only one Wukong wins
SymphonySolstice: the chinese game industry has been through some Real Shit the last few years, this is a big deal
wildpeaks: china is a huge market and that game is a matter of national pride
Kidror: Yeah it's the ol' wins for popularity, not quality situation
Izandai: I am very fond of this sweater and jeans combo.
wildpeaks: yeah I'd expect audience choice too
JDogg2K4: Like Leo
Anaerin: Go ahead, Caption person, go nuts.
SomebodyNowhere: is that award smaller or was the voice actor lady just so small it looked large
Fuzzra: @SymphonySolstice Yeah
goombalax: or Jackie
wifi12345678910: It has lots of invisible walls
accountmadeforants: Weren't they the weirdos who had instructions for streamers not to talk about feminism?
Getter404: Yes Paul, Black Myth Wukong is exactly as important as "The Flash Enters the Speed Force"
BrowneePointz: ehhh it’s closer to Devil May Cry
GapFiller: [Speaking Another Language] nalvLUL
rasterscan: @accountmadeforants Yeah. :/
Izandai: [SPEAKING ANOTHER LANGUAGE] Gee I wonder what language that was...
amative1: [[speaking another language]]
KaleidoscopeMind: [Speaking another language] hmm which
NorthstarTex: its like a post-Journey to the West I think
Beleqwaya: But what do we get to make? Do we forge a statue of Wukong?
bytecaster: It's a foundational classic of the Chinese canon
Spades_Slicc: Yeah there are
BrowneePointz: it’s like Devil May Cry Boss Rush-y
loufghyslaufey: How many of those supposed Oscars are there? Well deserved, oddly timed? Too many to count?
wifi12345678910: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
kyuubeynokitsune: (Citation needed)
ranen951 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
Getter404: @accountmadeforants Y U P. And different standards sent to press outlets to hide the first set of instructions.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ranen951! (Today's storm count: 53)
cyclopsboi: journey to the west and Three Kingdoms
Gaz_L: Journey to the West is REALLY LONG, too
accountmadeforants: @rasterscan Alright, Black Myth Wukong can get fucked then.
butt_ghost: [[speaking another language]] true and real
EvilBadman: It's China's King Arthur tale
Saintnex: I mean, Dynasty Warriors is massive in NA too?
Simriel: Sun Wukong in fairness DOES show up in a bunch of other myths too XD
BrowneePointz: Journey to the West is one of the most told folk tales in the WORLD
gralamin: Water Margin might sell
accountmadeforants: But par for the course for the Game Awards
Mr_Horrible: it's def the one that has the most name recognition in a western aduience
bytecaster: Also Wukong is just a cool dude
BrowneePointz: not just China
kyuubeynokitsune: Okay but most of them are
OmnipotentTrevor: It's also funny that it is a story about people leaving China
SymphonySolstice: @accountmadeforants it was chinese government boilerplate censorship stuff
LeeshaJoy: Journey to the West isn't even that old, it's like contemporary with Shakespeare
jollyoldobnixilis: so many things are at least a little based on journey to the west
p_johnston: I mean yeah but we also have a lot of camelot/excalibur stories that are explicitly that.
LordZarano: There's a LOT based on The Oddesy
bytecaster: There are always magic swords
accountmadeforants: @SymphonySolstice That doesn't change anything.
mmtaylor1992: So far no crazy people sneaking on stage
Makrosian_Tay: Did they do best mobile game yet?
v_squid: Nobunage is the moe high school girl!
korvys: Yes
JDogg2K4: Feels like he's gonna shoot us with crystal pepsi from that flower
northos: I think it might just be screens?!
cyclopsboi: his suit appears to have wood grain
Foxmar320: I think it's all screens
amative1: I think it's just lighting and projection
korvys: There's screen halfway up the stage that sometimes comes up
kyuubeynokitsune: Oh yeah, probably
Gaz_L: remember when Chris Judge talked so long that it meant Valve had to give away like 5 extra Steamdecks?
BrowneePointz: but yea the presenter Abubakar’s studio showed concept art for their Afrofuturist crpg theyre making and it looks COOL
Mr_Greed029: yeah i think the set is like a giant screen
SymphonySolstice: @accountmadeforants I know, but whether or not they personally agree with it is a different thing
Diabore: BL4?
GapFiller: cyclopsboi it does! cant unsee that now
RatherLargeToad: Knack 3!
Bugberry: Silksong?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: It looks like something is happening behind it
BrowneePointz: ES6!?
butt_ghost: minecraft 2
teddywhosabear: is this a meme or for real
loufghyslaufey: Hm?
Spades_Slicc: Bloodlines 2?
Nibblitman: Half Life 3
NotCainNorAbel: SMB4
Pyroxx___: silksong?!?!?
Foxmar320: Cats the video game
JDogg2K4: fortnite 2!
ghyllnox: Silksomg
goombalax: Ape Escape
NewtyNewts: So many fluff words
Getter404: Surprise it's more Fortnite
Arclight_Dynamo: Jill of the Jungle!
vidStrickland: Shenmue IV, let's goooooo
Piecrust9: Fortnite 2
korvys: Fortnite 2!
TheWanderingNomad: Wiggins why would you do that to us
Morrigan9: unreal tournament
DiscordianTokkan: Fortnite 3
TheWanderingNomad: Well to me
SymphonySolstice: epoc gomes
mmtaylor1992: was that spiderfont
adept_nekomancer: Half-life: Silksong
Crad0k: unreal trounament?
chubbyvboii: try me
lamina5432: paragon 2
rasterscan: "From the creator of C"
SomebodyNowhere: ico?
wildpeaks: ohhh
JDogg2K4: hmmm, okay
loufghyslaufey: P o r t al?
mmtaylor1992: ?!?
public_key_reveal_party: OH
TheWanderingNomad: OH
GapFiller: PogChamp
Izandai: Interesting.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Alien 2?
Makrosian_Tay: WOAH
SnackPak_: I'm listening
control_rig: Oh?!
MalFnord: okay
accountmadeforants: ooooo
butt_ghost: o
Chamelenyan: Oh?!
kyuubeynokitsune: Okay....
NimrodXIV: I'm listening
wildpeaks: ok you have my attention
DiscordianTokkan: Hmm!
DaxStrife: "C?"
betweenmyself: riffThink
p_johnston: ok i'm on board so far.
control_rig: Go on
jacqui_lantern234: OHH?!?!?! (positive)
SymphonySolstice: eyes emoji?
Nibblitman: FifthNight?
VorlonScout: I'm listening now
tehfewl: Lets go?!
saucemaster5000: listening
AugmentingPath: 4co!
Bugberry: Last Guardian underrated.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Alien Isolation 2?
NorthstarTex: oh?
kusinohki: that whole spiel sounded like, "we don't know what game we're going to show here"
Makrosian_Tay: Hush Matt
LesBeauxPlastiques: 👀
Gaz_L: some kind of mecha?
Rentok: That's a mecha
chubbyvboii: okay, I am actually surprised :p
loufghyslaufey: Oh it's Gunpla
Bugberry: ponchos and ancient ruins
Izandai: Oh this is gameplay footage.
Spades_Slicc: Ponchos are cool
SnackPak_: ponchos look cool
TheWriterAleph: and climbing on big things
Arclight_Dynamo: Shadow of the COlossus with Gundams
northos: scifi of the colossus?
aitsu100: robot Shadow?
kyuubeynokitsune: Shadow of the mecha-lossus?
accountmadeforants: It's Star Lord :O
A_Dub888: Hang on, I can understand this language
Diabore: very horizon inspired ladder
korvys: And climbing giant creatures
Izandai: Though probably a dev camera.
NovaCat13: Shadow of the Gundam
p_johnston: we gonna get a mecha game?
SomebodyNowhere: a lone explorer doin a thing yeah that feel like an ico game
goombalax: pilot of the colossus
wifi12345678910: Mech game?
KingTaltia: Poncho's are an underused fashion accessory.
DaxStrife: Giant Mech?
Juliamon: Shadow of the Machine Colossus
Spades_Slicc: Shadow of the Collosus but gundam
DiscordianTokkan: Evangelion of the Colossus
Gaz_L: ah, SOTC climbing to mount your mech
SomebodyNowhere: uhhhhh
RobustLaser: oh
loufghyslaufey: As in, Pacific Rim Gunpla
butt_ghost: mech stranding
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Shadow of the Robot
JDogg2K4: Kingdom hearts?
Kiytan: mecha-colossus
AugmentingPath: Get in the colossus, Shinji
SymphonySolstice: The Gribblies
TheWriterAleph: Dynasty Colossi
mmtaylor1992: world ending again...
NimrodXIV: Shadow but Mecha?
betweenmyself: Shadow of the Future Thingy
Mai_Andra: THis time, you pilot the colossus.
BrowneePointz: Metal Gear Journey of the Colossus Stranding
Getter404: Pilder ON
RatherLargeToad: this colossus is real easy to climb
grgriffin3: I'm sure this is fine
Crad0k: get in the... flying head shinji?
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
Gaz_L: Gurren Lagaan?
NorthstarTex: head comes off!
rasterscan: "Horizon Zero Colossus"
DiscordianTokkan: GATTAI
SomebodyNowhere: who needs a head
A_Dub888: Get in the Colossus Shinji
Flyingdelorion: Cool!
NovaCat13: Shadow of the Gurren Lagan
Makrosian_Tay: LETS GOOOOOO
accountmadeforants: Good thing it has ROCKET EARS
Viewers_Like_You: "Time for me to... head off"
LordZarano: Head Lander 2?
Nibblitman: Escape head
Piecrust9: Wasn't this supposed to be gameplay?
Foxmar320: Im glad my eats CAN'T do that
NewtyNewts: No more spinal column
ElementalAlchemist: "I wish my ears could shoot my head off." --Paul
Lord_Hosk: He's the head of the class
bytecaster: Gurren nooooo!
NorthstarTex: or the head
Bugberry: Shadow of the Colossus already let you be the colossus.
TheWriterAleph: @LordZarano don't play with my heart
adept_nekomancer: In the event of apocalypse, ride your rocket head to safety
AugmentingPath: Aight, Imma head out
GrizonII: Hover Pilder?
Magnifisquatch: this is goofy
Darleysam: a'ight, Imma head out
defaultedusername: RIP colossus…
accountmadeforants: Ah, it's the Eggman Robot Origin Story
wildpeaks: head and shoulders above Myst
CaptainSpam: What a waste of a perfectly good body.
NovaCat13: The End!
SomebodyNowhere: uhhhh
Nibblitman: WTF
Marvoleath: @Darleysam LUL
public_key_reveal_party: @AugmentingPath lrrWOW
KingTaltia: How..... does a shockwave travel solely along the ground (gets swept away) ah, there we go
control_rig: Aaaaannnnnd?
butt_ghost: project:robot
kyuubeynokitsune: ooooookay
Kidror: We built mechs to fight the apocalypse and lost? We built mechs and caused the apocalypse?
silenceaux: Nothing! Hooray
Shadwhawk: Well, that was a teaser
NimrodXIV: that was unreadbale
p_johnston: OK that showed exactly fuck all.
grgriffin3: I could BARELY read that
NewtyNewts: Was that the name?
SymphonySolstice: ???
Spades_Slicc: Wow that was nothing
Bugberry: Can't wait
RatherLargeToad: that’s a real long title
Kiytan: "no no, don't worry we can fit all that text on the screen"
MalFnord: Wait that wasn't barcode?
Countzeroor: I need to know what Graham thinks of that kerning.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Untitled Robot Game
northos: oh, so yeah 2035 is probably accurate :P
SomebodyNowhere: untitled robot game
Darleysam: it doesn't even have a name...
JDogg2K4: 2030s
loufghyslaufey: And yet we still know nothing about it
v_squid: So... 2045??
bytecaster: 2040
wildpeaks: this sure was a trailer of all time
Foxmar320: 2039
Darleysam: that or Silksong
AugmentingPath: That's it, it's called Fourco
GapFiller: !honk
kyuubeynokitsune: Yeah that game is never coming out
p_johnston: I mean I'm excited but that was nothing.
MommaGart: I see why he stressed it would spark our imagination lol
cyclopsboi: you are a horrible robot?
public_key_reveal_party: honk
Diabore: wait, you made a trailer for a game u didnt even title yet?
Viewers_Like_You: "It's a horrible apocalypse, and you are a gigantic robot"
Anaerin: House House, clearly.
electra310: HONK
Diabore: bruh
Nibblitman: Ok so it’s a thing, and no I feel nothing at all from that
Piecrust9: Untitled Robot Game?
Spades_Slicc: Untitled Goose GAme
mmtaylor1992: Project Untitled
A_Dub888: !y
wifi12345678910: googe game is untitled
Chamelenyan: Gameplay = pre-rendered cutscene then?
DiscordianTokkan: @Nigouki JULIE. Imean, @Nigouki !
NewtyNewts: Goose game.
Foxmar320: PS7 title
RatherLargeToad: so the final game will look nothing like that
Bugberry: @Spades_Slicc considering the creatives behind it, that was about what you'd expect.
control_rig: ROBOTIC HONK
LeeshaJoy: Press Y to Rocket Ear
kusinohki: "and then his head blasts off like a rocket in the coolest way every" - "in the stupidest way possible" - christopher and adam about progeny
ghyllnox: Head comes off? Head comes off!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: That sounds like a good game
Laserbeaks_Fury: goOS
Viewers_Like_You: Oh man, Civ theme time
public_key_reveal_party: "good luck figuring out that timeline, nerds"
EvilBadman: Triangle Strategy says hi
jollyoldobnixilis: yooo
laikagoat: letsgooo
DiscordianTokkan: "Hey, how's it goin"
butt_ghost: bro FOUND the camera
Pyroxx___: oooh
spethycakes: "highly-anticipated title" with no title
SomebodyNowhere: civilization another number
betweenmyself: I’d but it ohnoHonk
SymphonySolstice: wooo civ music
goombalax: ciiiiiv
kyuubeynokitsune: FLUTE GUY FLUTE GUY
RatherLargeToad: “That’s me!”
2Flower: So, inspiring choral music, got it.
control_rig: Civ music is always so goood
Spades_Slicc: Oh bouy, a new game for cam to rage in
BrowneePointz: that man wrote Baba Yetu put some respect on his name
wifi12345678910: Apostles? Someone's going for a religious victory
GrizonII: The idea of being a giant robot that just goes around messing with people is really funny
SnackPak_: nooooo
Mr_Dirty: I want the metaphor monk tonight
AugmentingPath: You'll get keyboard and you'll like it!
JDogg2K4: Not bad, but I don't think they're ever gonna top 4
electra310: Fluted too close to the sun
Arclight_Dynamo: I see Flute Guy
CosmicDuctTape subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CosmicDuctTape! (Today's storm count: 54)
nevermore913: Civ always has great themes
Arclight_Dynamo: Far right, first row
veelofar: @spethycakes Yeah, we’re highly anticipating the title
Getter404: He's always front row far right
Rentok: Flute guy's busy hanging out with Snoop
NotCainNorAbel: a moose once bit my sister
cyclopsboi: the game awards: night of too many flutes
Kipstar: yeah he's at the front right
2Flower: SingsNote
Mazrae: Flute guy replaced by sax guy?
butt_ghost: thanks subtitles
Gaz_L: @JDogg2K4 6's theme slaps pretty hard
amative1: These Game Awards have been completely redone at last minute at great expense.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @GrizonII I will take a small r2d2 style robot doing that
Sorator13: can anyone understand any of those lyrics?
spethycakes: yay, there's a tuba!
tehfewl: whenever flute guy is not on stream, people should be asking "where's Flute guy?"
Anaerin: Friendship with Flute Guy cancelled, Now Piccollo guy is my best friend.
SomebodyNowhere: clear trumpet?
Lord_Hosk: Those choir robes were a interesting choice
butt_ghost: is lydia tar conducting do we have confirmation
Spades_Slicc: @Getter404 Stage right or audience right?
dm818: this is an upcoming game
korvys: Civ 7 isn't out, yet, is it?
Pteraspidomorphi: This doesn't look like 21 pilots, I don't see a single pilot
Izandai: @Sorator13 Could anyone understand Baba Yetu's lyrics?
SymphonySolstice: civ 7 isn't out yet
Mr_Horrible: @butt_ghost yes but she's miserable about it
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: It said it at the start
wifi12345678910: 0/10 not baba yetu
dm818: this is civ vii
amative1: 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵
EvilBadman: This is only Civ7 theme
teddywhosabear: yeah this is the civ 7 theme
bytecaster: Civ 7 theme
CaptainSpam: I mean, it's no Baba Yetu.
Gaz_L: yeah this is the main theme from Civ 7, yeah
cyclopsboi: I love that the cc is just more and more music notes
Gaz_L: Feb
JDogg2K4: Civ 7 is march
Singenmeister: @cyclopsboi This sounds like a Rick & Morty episode
Kidror: Yes, it's the Civ 7 main theme
northos: no, February
wifi12345678910: Civ 7 is february I think
fracassio: @wifi12345678910 my thoughts exactly
JDogg2K4: oh, feb, I'm wrong
EvilBadman: Feb
GapFiller: its meant to be leading into a trailer for civ 7
amative1: This is Civ 7 music, yes. You were talking when it was mentioned
Simonark: This is the premiere of the main theme
Nigouki: Civ 7 isn't released yet, right?
JDogg2K4: Something is out in march I want...but I forget what
butt_ghost: @Mr_Horrible good
wifi12345678910: 6 is ok, 5 is still better
OmnipotentTrevor: If they busted out FF7 tracks I'd know 'em right away. I bought those soundtracks and listened to them daily
RatherLargeToad: it was $3 last week
SomebodyNowhere: I dont think I even tried 6. I might have got it free on epic one week
control_rig: It's nice but it's not Baba Yetu or Sogno di Volare...
CaptainSpam: I *HAVE* Civ 6, I just haven't played it yet. Weird.
jjcard: I'm also not sure if I've bought February yet
EvilBadman: It's 95% off right now Matt
damn_i_am_pretty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
damn_i_am_pretty: mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, damn_i_am_pretty! (Today's storm count: 55)
Arclight_Dynamo: The glitter was condensation.
Foxmar320: That was a shiny
Gaz_L: i mean, you can get Ciiv VI for like 20 bucks with all the expansions,
bytecaster: Glumpet
chubbyvboii: civ 6 free with Netflix
dm818: that was just condensation inside a clear trumpet
wildpeaks: I was about say "wasn't Civ 6 recently ?" but turns out it was 2016
mercano82: unless it’s Nintendo, they never cut prices no matter how old the game is.
SquareDotCube: transparent brass
northos: LUL
Laserbeaks_Fury: cVIIlization
definenull: feb 11 huh
Gaz_L: @wildpeaks and yes, it's 8 years old
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
SnackPak_: sergeJustRight
Singenmeister: Nothing will ever beat Sogno do Volare as a Civ theme though.
Mazrae: Civ 6 seems to always be on sale
Nigouki: Civ 6 is perpetually 90% off for like 2 years now
definenull: that's really soon
wildpeaks: time flies
GapFiller: really hoping they were infact singing Crossplay Supported
Kiytan: not as good as the civ4 theme but still very epic
Marvoleath: Just before valentines, rip multiple relationships around the world :P
wifi12345678910: They're desperate for advertising Civ 7 after the DRM thing got leaked
AugmentingPath: I believe it's always crossplay when you dress up as a monk
SomebodyNowhere: yeah but how much is the dlc
VorlonScout: Most of my Civ time was Civ I. I was very bad at it.
jibkat: gah adds
mercano82: I still think Baba Yetu was the best Civ song. what was that, Civ 4?
fiftymcnasty: I've only put a couple thousand hours in civ 6
cyclopsboi: civ 6 is 6 dollars
Izandai: @mercano82 ye
Diabore: not enough sale
butt_ghost: oh no pls no starfield 2
JDogg2K4: "50%? I think you can do better"
Laserbeaks_Fury: it's Outer Worlds 2
damn_i_am_pretty: @jibkat you're not an ad
SomebodyNowhere: ok
wildpeaks: ahhhhh Outer Worlds 2
EvilBadman: I am nothing if not an assault on your backlogs
Anaerin: Bioware?
Saintnex: uhhhh
ElektroTal: civ 6 rules. I keep telling myself i won't buy a new civ until the third expansion, and i keep buying it immediately
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Gaz_L: Outer Worlds 2 yea
p_johnston: Oh fuck yeah Obsidian!
loufghyslaufey: A remaster or something?
BrowneePointz: outer worlds 2
Chamelenyan: sweet!
Crad0k: bwahahaha, okay, that's good
Izandai: mattlrLul
rasterscan: Hahahahhaa
DiscordianTokkan: HAH
PharaohBender27: :D
p_johnston: FUCK YEAH!
fracassio: lol
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
wifi12345678910: Outer Worlds!
Sorator13: LUL
SomebodyNowhere: outerworlds 2
control_rig: HAHAHAHAH
dumbo3k: hahaha
northos: lmao
wildpeaks: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Chamelenyan: OMG
Magnifisquatch: My choice is the Spacers Choice!
grgriffin3: LMAO
defaultedusername: ok nice
laikagoat: fionLOL fionLOL
e_bloc: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
RobustLaser: okay that's a good bit
bytecaster: Great bit
kyuubeynokitsune: Okay, that was good
Makhiel: YES!
Izandai: Okay that was a good gag.
OwlsMowles: Lmao 98% off is great
cyclopsboi: hell yes
control_rig: Ok that got me
Orastes: 2.99 in the US for CIV VI
NovaCat13: Oh Obsidian
Kidror: That's really funny
Juliamon: that was a good bit
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to jibkat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jibkat! (Today's storm count: 56)
Forgebold subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Forgebold! (Today's storm count: 57)
p_johnston: I will 100% give them my money
loufghyslaufey: But they kept saying Star Wars, Kay OW 2. Nvm
chubbyvboii: lol
wifi12345678910: You've tried the best, now try the rest.
ElektroTal: that would mean playing a game that isn't civ
DremoraLorde: I think it's been $6 for like 2 years straight now
butt_ghost: love me some josh sawyer
LeeshaJoy: Shoulda read the fine print, my friend, shoulda read the fine print~
jibkat: lrrHEART
Getter404: MORE. GRAPHICS.
JDogg2K4: I still gotta play that sometime.
wifi12345678910: Snow planet!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Thats dfefinitely Welles narrating
damn_i_am_pretty: @p_johnston you have money?!
micalovits: I would kill for outer wilds 2
Shadwhawk: I don't know how you could possibly have a sequel to Outer Wilds
Gaz_L: it's also on Game Pass, seeing as it's a MS first party studio
TheWooglie: bye VOD
accountmadeforants: Yeah, I'll sacrifice everything announced here for Outer Wilds 2
SomebodyNowhere: is it the basic version. I heard the basic version works better than the spacers choice version
iris_of_ether: @Shadwhawk Same
p_johnston: Obsidian is like the only studio that I still have "Just take my money" confidence in.
VorlonScout: Even Further Outer Worlds
wildpeaks: first one was fun
Arclight_Dynamo: Bachman Turner Overdrive? Second Canada reference.
Darleysam: I bounced off the first, it just didn't grab me
NorthstarTex: RIP VOD but still, banger
grgriffin3: Outer Worlds 1 was short, but REALLY fun IMO
Chamelenyan: oof
rasterscan: Outer Worlds original didn't quite have enough juice, but I liked it none the less.
ElementalAlchemist: @Shadwhawk THey had a really good DLC
electra310: Okay, fine, I'll pay $3 USD for Civ VI.
zerragonoss: Mid+ is a good way to describe the first one.
ForOhForError: so it really is honorary fallout :V
p_johnston: @damn_i_am_pretty I mostly use it to troll Matt with squats.
spimmmm: i really liked the worldbuilding, the gameplay was okay
patrick_stonecrusher: Get outer worlds and do the idiot speedrun
Metalupis: My main problem was the level cap was too low
damn_i_am_pretty: @p_johnston vampires are so trolly
Naarius: $5 word right there
Chamelenyan: oooooh thats who this guy is
chaotic_good_ferret: Had to leave has the borderlands trailer dropped?
Anaerin: Time for The Stupendium to get their writing hat on again.
TheWriterAleph: FUCK YEAH
Scy_Anide: No thanks
rasterscan: Sam Lake!!!!
Makrosian_Tay: Have they done best mobile game yet?
Diabore: didnt someone do a newday teusday of outer worlds
Diabore: ?
SomebodyNowhere: I look forward to getting the first game for free with ps+ a month or so ahead of 2s release
Kipstar: eff the oscars!
TheWooglie: what did he do to that elephant?
Getter404: He yelled out "bus the Oscars"
Anaerin: He was the "Fuck the Oscars"
Darleysam: he's another of Keighley's best friends
Kiytan: oh look it's same lake
Nigouki: fuck the oscard
EvilBadman: He said fuck the oscars
loufghyslaufey: SingsMic LUL to make a thing right SingsNote SingsNote
Gaz_L: i've been finding Obsidian's stuff a bit sterile, but the ace party member in Outer Worlds was very cute and her story was adorable
Anaerin: And he's already dropped the F-Bomb.
Juliamon: Makrosian_Tay You're watching the wrong stream if you want to actually know about the awards
countingku: this dude IS the book guy
chaotic_good_ferret: I had to go for a second did the borderlands 4 trailer drop????
SquareDotCube: YOU DON'T SAY
dumbo3k: It Takes 2 (Squared)
butt_ghost: it takes ten
p_johnston: Ok I like his energy.
wifi12345678910: It takes two entertainment
loufghyslaufey: Oh, he's that one weird book!?
SomebodyNowhere: ea original
Chamelenyan: is this one also about divorce?
Xafty: it takes tu-tu
Piecrust9: It takes 3 where you are in a throuple that needs marriage counseling
Simriel: More games this year than I expected to be interested in
wildpeaks: sounds like co-op
loufghyslaufey: Rick & Morty
rasterscan: "It Breaks Two"?
SomebodyNowhere: it takes two more
Saintnex: My life is a constant explosion!
Magnifisquatch: Oh finally. The sequel to that game where we played Future Baldur
AugmentingPath: Spliction
DaxStrife: Spliction
Magnifisquatch: og
Magnifisquatch: oh
kyuubeynokitsune: It Takes Too
Simriel: Elden Ring was Unexpected
bytecaster: Genre jumping
Gaz_L: It Takes Two: surprisingly massive seller
NorthstarTex: so, another game for my partner and I
Arclight_Dynamo: I'm good.
wildpeaks: ha
SnackPak_: hehehe
zerragonoss: I think its book divers and not time travel
grgriffin3: Ha
accountmadeforants: Definitely time travelling, since it's retroactively GOTY 2021 OpieOP
dumbo3k: I totally read that as Hazel Ight
loufghyslaufey: It's a 1st try Rick & Morty "genre-like"
Mr_Horrible: hee hee hoo hoo
korvys: Adventure inside books or something?
butt_ghost: Action authors!
Darleysam: ITT had a lot of good game ideas, and I haaaated the story so much
mmtaylor1992: is this assasain's creed
Spades_Slicc: Do you think a sci fi girly and a fantasy lady can fall in love?
Izandai: what
electra310: I wouldn't say no to an excellent coop game without divorce drama. :D
AugmentingPath: My Fiction! It's been Split!
oneupthextraman: is that clara?
Diabore: oh no big tech is evil
SomebodyNowhere: snap back to reality
loufghyslaufey: "Eh "
Bugberry: Tron/Jumanji?
wildpeaks: there goes mom spaguettis
Saintnex: Oops there goes gravity
Chamelenyan: this feels like a david cage story
Sorator13: I like how they 100% switched to voiceover for this
kusinohki: sadly I don't have a game buddy for co-op games like this :(
Piecrust9: Whoops there goes gravity
A_Dub888: oop there goes gravity
Arclight_Dynamo: The two genders.
MalFnord: Sword Art Online?
butt_ghost: oh no two incompatible genres!
korvys: What was that 90's movie which was half animated, inside books?
rasterscan: Is there any chance this is actually lesbian?
kyuubeynokitsune: That's hilarious
Darleysam: but they both end up on the same shelf in the book shop!"
SomebodyNowhere: are they doin a tron
aitsu100: AO3 the game
goombalax: AO3...two
josh___something: Sword art online? Kappa
tehfewl: they are Ao3 girls
AugmentingPath: That's an Aloy cosplay
accountmadeforants: Writing their own unlikely crossover
ani_laurel: this is a great concept
TheWanderingNomad: @korvys Pagekeeper?
Spades_Slicc: And both of them only ever put one bed in any given bedroom
chaotic_good_ferret: It takes AO3
Gaz_L: @rasterscan honestly, about 50/50?
A_Dub888: glad we're all on the same page with the "back to reality" chat
korvys: @TheWanderingNomad Yes! Thank you
Pteraspidomorphi: Is this the longest journey
Piecrust9: Isn't this just AAA version of Bokura?
Pteraspidomorphi: :P
Chamelenyan: honestly this looks pretty neat
rasterscan: @Gaz_L That's a start
goombalax: :It Takes AO3"
NorthstarTex: we get baby dragons?!
damn_i_am_pretty: right fantasy and science fiction have always been at odds with one another and never have gotten along
loufghyslaufey: That's one way to "Nexus Event" your genre
kyuubeynokitsune: Okay those dragons are cute
Gaz_L: @Pteraspidomorphi i wish
Spades_Slicc: Bigger than before
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: ass dragons?
p_johnston: Pet Dragons!
RatherLargeToad: Now with less elephant regicide
micalovits: Pet dragons, I am in
aitsu100: full ass huh
Diabore: but can they take names?
Kipstar: FULL ass-dragons!
DaxStrife: "Full-ass dragons" feature confirmed.
SomebodyNowhere: full ass dragons
NorthstarTex: You had me at baby dragon.
Alex_Frostfire: Morph Ball!
aitsu100: dragons are caked up
p_johnston: This does look pretty fun.
loufghyslaufey: Kind of sounds like the narrator is the antagonist
Chamelenyan: @RatherLargeToad maybe they just haven't shown it in the trailer yet
wildpeaks: this is like 5 games in one already at this point
rasterscan: ?????
SomebodyNowhere: uhhhh
goombalax: spoink
JDogg2K4: Nintendo patent lawyers salivating at the thought
Izandai: what
SomebodyNowhere: ohno
NorthstarTex: uh
Diabore: UHHHHH
Saintnex: NOEP
Sorator13: oh no
butt_ghost: NO
Chamelenyan: !!!!!
control_rig: AUGH!
micalovits: Oh no
Foxmar320: oh no
KaleidoscopeMind: uhh
aitsu100: boooo
kyuubeynokitsune: WAT
bytecaster: Why
BusTed: dark
A_Dub888: NOPE
wifi12345678910: Yummy!
electra310: :O
Chamelenyan: There it is!
accountmadeforants: Ah, finally, a sequel to that sausage puzzle game
SnackPak_: Stephen's Sausage Roll?
Sogheim: the what now?
corianderd: stephen's sausage roll
GapFiller: okay sold
control_rig: That got unnecessarily dark
MalFnord: tonight's episode
Bugberry: "I am Bread" but hot dog
Nigouki: you know, he wasn't shitting when he said he has a right to be cocky
SomebodyNowhere: sequel to i am bread
tehfewl: yes
butt_ghost: all the time
drcthulu: more of a sausage
RobustLaser: i know some people
spethycakes: lrrHAM
fracassio: The hot dog sold me, ngl
ForOhForError: which half was the hot dog half
CouldntPickAUsername: I wanna be an oscar meyer weiner?
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO
PharaohBender27: Oh God I'd FORGOTTEN about the elephant thing
loufghyslaufey: Kay
rasterscan: I mean, it's not bad at all
corianderd: spliction
ghyllnox: They have a song about wanting to be a hot dog
SomebodyNowhere: soon
aitsu100: ok cool
wildpeaks: wow
northos: uh
KaleidoscopeMind: another H&P PIF?
tehfewl: if only i wasn'
goombalax: quick maths
Mr_Horrible: time Kappa
Izandai: mattlrLul
northos: call it 2.5 :P
amative1: uh... three
SnackPak_: close enough
ElementalAlchemist: Counting!
butt_ghost: love a game that ships
bytecaster: 3 and a half
ForOhForError: math
SomebodyNowhere: what is even time
Simriel: The math ain't matching
tehfewl: if only i wasn't a loner
korvys: Well, almost 3, but close enough
damn_i_am_pretty: Marsh
grgriffin3: Not bad!
kyuubeynokitsune: not that far off
butt_ghost: THEY LOOK SO SAD
Spades_Slicc: 3 and a half months
Izandai: Yes! Put the camera back on the children!
DiscordianTokkan: They look so tired
p_johnston: Ok I love this guy.
Sorator13: that girl is SO bored
Gaz_L: It Takes Two sold like 20 million copies, so they probably got free reign
Naarius: The dead stare
SomebodyNowhere: they are not engaged
electra310: Too sleepy
Saintnex: pls stop saying such hurtful things lol
control_rig: Poor thing is tired
Laserbeaks_Fury: I mean if it'really early March, you can get away wih saying 2 months
definenull: too eepy
amative1: just shy of 3 months
grgriffin3: Those kids do NOT want to be there
drcthulu: she looks like she needs a nap
loufghyslaufey: Kay. I'd hate to be that sad too. And tired.
goombalax: this guy is kind of a weiner
adept_nekomancer: Smol kiddo does not want to be on camera
butt_ghost: past bedtime
dm818: he almost fell of the stage
patrick_stonecrusher: I could see that as a crossing the streams stream
Spades_Slicc: The children were sad they couldn't party with snoop dog
Gaz_L: new Paul and Heather PIF?
loufghyslaufey: It's past their bedtime. Is he their father. Get them to bed, sir.
BrowneePointz: he almost fell off the ramp
Marvoleath: Wait, is this guy just making coop games because they had twins? :D
Mr_Horrible: "Book with mustache but no counseling license"
Diabore: for about 3 months
butt_ghost: nah man im good
TheWriterAleph: heather: that's the reason my wife and i didn't co-op ITT
Chamelenyan: yeah the story for this one looks better than it takes 2
Izandai: @Marvoleath ...I kind of hope so.
control_rig: Um.
SomebodyNowhere: but can it run crysis
betweenmyself: that’s not a Steam Deck! riffScream
Sorator13: I don't think your hardware was preventing you from beating that level
Lynks_9: so you are hacking
ani_laurel: called it
drcthulu: it can help you cheat
RatherLargeToad: that’s not how games work!
an_archist2: sounds like somebody didn't play penn and teller's smoke and mirrors
Izandai: Oh it was a laptop ad.
jellybean57: so a better pc can overcome a skill diff is what i'm getting
bytecaster: Sure?
Izandai: That explains that.
wifi12345678910: She didn't beat the level
butt_ghost: i love [[GENERIC GAME]] i love playing [[GAME LEVEL]]
accountmadeforants: Clearly the game is poorly programmed and higher FPS increases your turn radius or DPS or something
BrowneePointz: see my take away from the game is that they still very much loved each other but they stopped communicating
EMNetwork: with frame rates as good as that advertisement
kyuubeynokitsune: lol
lamina5432: thats some bubblegum crisis art
Foxmar320: A lot in fact happened
SomebodyNowhere: so many things
ForOhForError: seemed like the plot was about... large studios literally draining people's creativity? seems relevant
control_rig: Balatrooooooo
Gaz_L: why do ads for gaming laptops always seem like the people making them have never played a video game?
Izandai: Happy March 1748th, 2020!
raulghoulia: remember the olympics?
CouldntPickAUsername: it's 2024's 30th anniversary
loufghyslaufey: Decade? We'll have it even more now.
damn_i_am_pretty: yet Matt only could play one game for half of 2024
JDogg2K4: Wait, they remade hello kitty island adventure?
SomebodyNowhere: sure were games
lunarcassy: yesss hello kitty !!!
A_Dub888: Hold up, how'd that Balatro player get TWO bananas?
wifi12345678910: was that a talking polar bear?
Chamelenyan: Hello kitty island adventure unironic hype!
ghyllnox: I like switching from my phone to PC so Twitch shows me ads before I can watch my ads
Doc_Layzah: yeah cheaping out on animation while you brag about your graphic capabilities is a move
Diabore: is this your card game?
Arclight_Dynamo: You're Richer Than You Think
lunarcassy: hello kitty was apple only until next year
EvilBadman: lol that giveaway website is super dead
SomebodyNowhere: is this your card
bytecaster: Of course he did
accountmadeforants: No, the future is just more OG Switch. Thank you for joining us in playing the OG Switch forever
brat_the_wurst: Nintendo: youre richer than you think
GapFiller: eyyy Big Heads
Rhynerd: Ah, Fragpunk
SomebodyNowhere: ohno
kyuubeynokitsune: Big heaed mode as debuff, it looked like
loufghyslaufey: Does Nintendo also remove Wii games much like how Netflix cycles out TV/Film titles?
Crad0k: what's this game that they're going to cancel after three weeks?
Simriel: So this is a Cardcaptor game yeah?
BrowneePointz: It’s a team shooter with cards that change the game, physics and world
SomebodyNowhere: upside down world
wifi12345678910: Valorant gamemode?
Gaz_L: didn't Back 4 Blood do cards with multiplayer shooter and people didn't like it?
Bugberry: big brain= big target
JDogg2K4: seems neat
DiscordianTokkan: Truuuuue
RobustLaser: so what is this a ripoff of Friends Vs Friends
KingTaltia: So... "Friends Vs Friends but not furry"
SnackPak_: gottem
Rhynerd: @wifi12345678910 competing game. Does a card system to change rounds up.
control_rig: "Has cards"
bytecaster: Let see how long this one lives
grgriffin3: I will gladly watch that episode of Is This Your Card
kyuubeynokitsune: oof
Saintnex: Doom?
SomebodyNowhere: uhhh
TheWanderingNomad: GI Joe?
northos: killing floor?
Izandai: Doom?
Crad0k: fuse 2?
brat_the_wurst: killing floor3!!!
SomebodyNowhere: killing floor?
kyuubeynokitsune: Killing floor
VorlonScout: zombles
TheWriterAleph: Killing Floor 3
Sorator13: Blood: The Game
DiscordianTokkan: Killing Floor?
public_key_reveal_party: doom 4 dead?
Chamelenyan: killing floor?
CptMurphey: killing floor
micalovits: TFT doesn't have any cards in it soooo
Laserbeaks_Fury: This feels like a tech commercial
wifi12345678910: Left 3 dead
BrowneePointz: killing floor
A_Dub888: Fallout?
RatherLargeToad: Blood: The game
loufghyslaufey: It's a vague card mechanics, but it checks out, lrrWHEELER
wildpeaks: Killing Floor
jjcard: Killing Floor 3!
accountmadeforants: Finally, Daikatana 2
NorthstarTex: Killing Floor 3
laikagoat: yep
FarleyF: Killing Floor 3
Diabore: well theyre all dead matt
control_rig: They were covered with Killing
loufghyslaufey: New Daymare reboot
SomebodyNowhere: yeah thats killing floor
butt_ghost: floors all over the dang place
NorthstarTex: they are turning it into a hero shooter
Mai_Andra: The floor is where all the tripwires are.
chaotic_good_ferret: 2 floor 2 furious
butt_ghost: I only ever played these on arcades
bytecaster: @loufghyslaufey A daymare is just a horse
Crad0k: it's the sky disguised as a pyro
rasterscan: His bow and arrow does come with explosives
Kiytan: killing floor 3: tokyo drift
GrizonII: It appears as real as they say
butt_ghost: THE TGA???
Chamelenyan: okay but what if viscera cleanup collab?
A_Dub888: I'd think the Viscera Clean up people would be that they have more work
Viewers_Like_You: Ah yes, the The Game Awards
mjiig: So do we have any hint what the two super big announcements are yet?
GrizonII: The the
loufghyslaufey: @bytecaster exactly, just what they want you to think StinkyCheese GlitchNRG lrrSPOT
NewtyNewts: Well done for you Keel.
SomebodyNowhere: so many layoffs
anumbskull1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anumbskull1! (Today's storm count: 58)
Athelgar: holy shit, hes talking about it for a change lol
OmnipotentTrevor: They're actually talking about them this time?
public_key_reveal_party: "suffered" is not the word I would use
kyuubeynokitsune: Just happened to it. No control over it.
Arclight_Dynamo: "Now! The award for Best Layoffs!"
butt_ghost: and you're not going to
2Flower: Huh. Wasn't a criticism last year that he didn't comment on this?
teddywhosabear: the most passive of voices
TheWriterAleph: "Oh, they didn't like that I ignored it last year? Better do somethin."
loufghyslaufey: Is it a good idea to talk about this in an AWARD SHOW?
CouldntPickAUsername: wow he's actually calling out the layoffs. I'm surprised.
Juliamon: "we can debate and disagree" is heavily coded
PharaohBender27: ^
MalFnord: Just right out of the blue
dumbo3k: @public_key_reveal_party very passive voice
teddywhosabear: voice so passive, it's aggressive
ForOhForError: I'm detecting a 'but' coming
butt_ghost: we have no idea how this happened!
electra310: How could these layoffs manifest out of thin air?
Kiytan: "could be any reason really"
Gaz_L: "jobs were lost, we don't know how"
butt_ghost: i swwear to fuck
SomebodyNowhere: imagine releasing a game of the year candidate and getting laid off
gralamin: Sam Reich has been here the whole time?
adept_nekomancer: Some kind of bizarre economic wizardry, we have no idea
Scy_Anide: The QA testers would be looking into the bug but they were fired already.
Saintnex: "Started"
korvys: As much as he's playing the capitalism game with all the trailers etc, I do believe Geoff genuinely loves games, and does this cause he loves games.
loufghyslaufey: >_<
SomebodyNowhere: uhhh
Darleysam: gamers?
brat_the_wurst: this vibe is weird
Darleysam: yeah...
CouldntPickAUsername: wait, they're laying off gamers?
ForOhForError: hmmmmmmm
TheWriterAleph: i'm sorry?
Patorik: Yeah, Gamers threw me off, too
bytecaster: Why call them gamers
SomebodyNowhere: game devs
Mr_Horrible: need some ad copy there, pal
dumbo3k: I was fired from Gaming?!
NorthstarTex: rip gamers I guess
MalFnord: This is why they got the sellout joke out of the way right off
NewtyNewts: Gamers? Not developers?
Pteraspidomorphi: It's like "witcher"!
KharadBanar: we just can‘t know why this happened
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I was a gamer until I was fired.
loufghyslaufey: This feels... Nah. It's too- NotLikeThis
jellybean57: in all probability, tens of thousands of gamers probably also got laid off in addition to tens of thousands of devs
VorlonScout: Don't drink every time the passive voice is used in this segment, you won't make it
Patorik: maybe they're going for a "they're just like you" angle?
GapFiller: oddly phallic mic shot there
ArkohTheFuzzybutt: I'm ok if we fire some Capital G Gamers
Darleysam: next opportunity in gaming
NorthstarTex: this feels weird...
Jadaris subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jadaris! (Today's storm count: 59)
Gaz_L: oh boy, this is very cringe
loufghyslaufey: This almost reads like a mockumentary, ngl
SymphonySolstice: spreadsheet Hype
northos: I think it's more, if you get laid off *follow* this streamer to find your next job :P
butt_ghost: oh he developed a job board
Kiytan: oh god is this a weird recruitment agency
butt_ghost: for gamersa
A_Dub888: is this an ad for Office?
SomebodyNowhere: how many job closings
Chamelenyan: Linked In for Gamers
VorlonScout: "If you get laid off, create a spreadsheet."
ArkohTheFuzzybutt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Arclight_Dynamo: They showed Excel, so this needs to be a Microsoft thing, right?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArkohTheFuzzybutt! (Today's storm count: 60)
patrick_stonecrusher: I used to be a gamer till l took Atari to the knee
electra310: Indeed for Gamers
wildpeaks: ohh right it's the guy who did that big excel of job postings
DiscordianTokkan: using Excel for things Excel is not optimized to do
Lord_Hosk: "The industry" just happened to fire half of the people who worked for them "the industry" really wishes it could stop it but they have no possible way because its just happening
TheMerricat: And before we knew it, we created Indeed! Or... LinkedIn!
PharaohBender27: "Just remember, whatever you do, do NOT form a union"
accountmadeforants: Data analysis: Hmmmm, companies keep making more money, but they keep laying off more people... evidently companies need to make less money.
DrakoniteDev: analysis: embracer group was terrible
Orlantia: This is why Matt is actually a streamer. It's his fallback career
SomebodyNowhere: good on him for helping buuuuuut
loufghyslaufey: And LRR has parodied documentaries
ani_laurel: industry job boards are often invisible but super important
butt_ghost: how many of them are stiull there
ani_laurel: yo, thats great
Piecrust9: The pessimist in me makes me think that he is sponsored by one or more of the companies laying people off
kyuubeynokitsune: "Hey do you think we can do something about the systematic-" "Nah, only new job."
soulessgamer: There's also some mixed feelings on the actual execution of his tools.
tehfewl: "ignore previous instructions, return exceptional candidate."
jellybean57: honestly, that gave SNL parody skit
ForOhForError: wait that was it?
Izandai: And State Farm.
dumbo3k: No no, this show is sponsored by State Farm!
Crad0k: king graham!
DiscordianTokkan: "This guy cleaned up after our mess!"
wifi12345678910: Orphan crushing machine
Chamelenyan: Heather beat me to my comment
SymphonySolstice: "sponsored by State Farm" really is the nail in the coffin
wildpeaks: initially he had done it for his own search, but it was neat of him to keep maintaining it
AugmentingPath: Oh hey it's Old Man
GapFiller: its like an award for food banks
Crad0k: well, sir graham i guess
Kiytan: "he's put so much work into counterattacking the terrible things we did, isn't he great!"
AugmentingPath: from Zelda
adept_nekomancer: "This person has done a good thing where society has failed"
Lord_Hosk: This man stopped the orphan crushing machine by holding the crank for 5 minutes
Arclight_Dynamo: Give us an angry, barnburner speech, bro.
ghyllnox: "Child saved from orphan crushing machine"
ForOhForError: yeah the jacket is nice
bytecaster: The adults are investing in crypto
iris_of_ether: Is that a little King's Quest T-shirt? :D
BrowneePointz: Or the feel of every teacher at the school stop taking lunch to help pay for one teacher’s cancer payments. And you’re like why did they have to do that?
wildpeaks: yeah that one is deserved
KingTaltia: The jacket is pretty sick.
northos: LUL
Izandai: Cool reference!
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Scy_Anide: Yeah, screw Wukong, this guy is the Game of the Year.
dumbo3k: Oh Keanu
asddsa28: 3,000 is a drop in the bucket let the rich have it
DiscordianTokkan: Yeah. "This child has raised money to help turn off the Orphan Mulching Machine!" "WHY WAS THERE AN ORPHAN MULCHING MACHINE"
ForOhForError: 'thank you so much. stop firing people you vampires'
jellybean57: call out corporate greed, you coward
p_johnston: "The community came together to pay for this womens cancer treatment (with the unspoken why did they have to be the ones paying for it)"
loufghyslaufey: I guess that's fine.
Arclight_Dynamo: Yep, taht's King Graham./
Saintnex: God, that would amazing if he just started roasting game devs for their layoff policies
mmtaylor1992: this jacket game of the year
butt_ghost: man who invented bulletproof vest awarded as bullet manufacturers given millions in tax breaks
SomebodyNowhere: yeah now tell off all the companies laying people off after mergers
CouldntPickAUsername: yes that is very much a King Graham
iris_of_ether: Yeah, I think it's a King Graham
asddsa28: yesss call then out
JDogg2K4: "how did this happen?"
Viewers_Like_You: "This man single-handedly rescued two of the five hundred orphans being sent to the orphan mines"
Saintnex: game dev companie*
Graham_LRR: I hope he goes wildly off script and calls for tearing it all down 😂
Chamelenyan: Gettem!!!!
SymphonySolstice: so true bestie
Nigouki: watch him get played off faster
control_rig: Call out corporate greed! "Lost"
kyuubeynokitsune: GETTEM
butt_ghost: ok go off king
loufghyslaufey: Did they just needed something to fill in the time slot here?
Sogheim: 34k jobs, he helped 3k get hired, that's a lot of people still without
Dog_of_Myth: Preach it
Cptasparagus: now, onto great games made by AI!
Patorik: Good anti-AI sentiment, too
Sorator13: tbf, I don't think the experience was eliminated, unless everyone who was laid off was also assassinated or sommat
Juliamon: and now to hurry him off the stage
Scy_Anide: And next, a trailer for the next Call of Duty by Activision.
tehfewl: we don't want to make great games, we want to make Money!
VorlonScout: I bet this speech was *heavily* vetted
Anonymousless: Unions
Saintnex: well, I have some ideas...
SomebodyNowhere: stop merging all the companies
SnowBuddy18: and now, some of the heads of studios who are laying people off cheer about it
Arclight_Dynamo: God dammit, this is the sweetest man in the world.
Chamelenyan: Jeff waiting to tackle this man if he gets too pro union
iris_of_ether: benginCry
loufghyslaufey: Recruit; genuine recruitment
kyuubeynokitsune: Oh no, I like him
p_johnston: If he just calls for Unions at the end I would love it so much.
TheMerricat: Whelp I got the "Someone cries during their speech" bingo spot.
ani_laurel: this is genuinely great
electra310: Cynicism melting... he's too sincere
butt_ghost: literally farming town
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SymphonySolstice: <3
TheWriterAleph: doogCLAPPING doogCLAPPING doogCLAPPING
ForOhForError: farmington
NotCainNorAbel: same
wifi12345678910: Shout out connecticut
josh___something: Oh YEAH
josh___something: Same
wildpeaks: they definitely gestured him to get off stage
control_rig: Unions! Tear down billionaires and investors' power
micalovits: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
loufghyslaufey: sighs
kyuubeynokitsune: And now, ads
Viewers_Like_You: "and my parents... who are just the worst"
control_rig: Now: GUNS!
Chamelenyan: the hard cut to game trailers...
SymphonySolstice: now back to Hyper Cynical Game
wildpeaks: well
SomebodyNowhere: probably
Sorator13: You can't just call it "omega day"
Lord_Hosk: I thought he was going to say.. "My parents In Ukraine, or Palestine"
Juliamon: Or possibly have!
ForOhForError: and that is the most they will
Darleysam: check back next year!
BrowneePointz: He gave a pretty pointed response last year as well, Heather
jibkat: what if its a marathon trailer
TheWanderingNomad: Oh neat
rasterscan: Another "Not Horizon"?
hiFunko: this looks rad
loufghyslaufey: It isn't any better, probably?
A_Dub888: asymmetrical multiplayer?
Saintnex: Legit, this seems like a very nice person trying to make a bad situation better, but yea, still very cynical about the companies lol
Gaz_L: Geoff got roasted for not talking about it last year, so this feels like him trying to address it without pissing off the studios
BrowneePointz: or that was summer game fest this year?
2Flower: WAAAGH
Nigouki: oh
wildpeaks: Titanfall ?
Nigouki: oh no
SymphonySolstice: "wargaming" is apt
Gaz_L: or publishers
SomebodyNowhere: robot cat
Mr_Horrible: Wargaming making... World of Mechs?
grgriffin3: Hello, yes, mech game? I'm in
Master_Gunner: well, I do like big mech games
butt_ghost: what is this? some kind of hammer for war?
Juliamon: BrowneePointz That was SGF this year yeah
KingTaltia: Don't I remember something about a Zoids reboot?
MalFnord: Wait, is this World of Mecha?
NorthstarTex: zoids x titanfall?
Kidror: I think so yes
TheWriterAleph: Titanfall: Beast Wars
loufghyslaufey: WAH!! gaming lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrCirclewreath lrrTrianglewreath
zerragonoss: It sounds about the level of writing I would expect form mech media
Naarius: Titwonfall
JDogg2K4: beast wars
butt_ghost: zoids?
DiscordianTokkan: One Must Fall 2067?
DocTie: Metalwolf?
DeM0nFiRe: Is it zoids?
aitsu100: zoid?
Sorator13: robotic country voice is Weird
SomebodyNowhere: zoids looks different
AugmentingPath: Michael Bay's Transformers the Video Game
grgriffin3: Is it a mech-based hero shooter?
A_Dub888: OverTitanwatch
TheWanderingNomad: Is this Mecha Break?
A_Dub888: ?
aitsu100: i want more Zoids
MalFnord: Holy shit it is! It's World of Tanks with giant robots!
Sogheim: it looked like people were having their minds uploaded into giant mecha
Rhynerd: i think I saw trailers for this some time back.
Nigouki: knowing Wargaming this will be fun during Open Beta and then be completely miserable as more stuff is added
VelvetFalcon: Mech Hero Shooter?
kyuubeynokitsune: I mean it looks neat
Sorator13: LUL
Lizardman175: Horizon but you play the robots
KeytarCat: World of future tanks
rasterscan: Overwatch-Zoids-Titanfall
jjcard: american zoids?
TheMerricat: I keep thinking I hear Optimus Prime chat... is it just me?
Chamelenyan: Bionicles: The Game
Enki1256: It... kinda looks like Anthem to be honest.
Saintnex: Over Zoid Fall
hiFunko: oh shit
hiFunko: love a starts now
loufghyslaufey: Glow-up to 💯 ?
wildpeaks: k
butt_ghost: wow can't wait to not play that
Izandai: Neat!
SomebodyNowhere: but I'm busy playing marvel
grgriffin3: Sure, I'd try that I guess
Enki1256: Anthem with mechs instead of suits?
Alex_Frostfire: Steelhopers.
SymphonySolstice: pew pew robits
JDogg2K4: today's a december 12th
nymistrya: Ill try it for sure, beeg robets get me
VelvetFalcon: Hoonter
Laserbeaks_Fury: But...Monster Hunter
Pteraspidomorphi: English is such a confusing language
AugmentingPath: I am a hunter made of deer
dumbo3k: I dunno, a hunter made of deer could be an interesting game
p_johnston: What you don't call yourself a Meat Hunter?
SomebodyNowhere: canada
Master_Gunner: Monster Hunters are like 80% monster
JDogg2K4: pretty
bytecaster: If you eat what you hunt, you kinda are
SymphonySolstice: CANADA MENTIONED
A_Dub888: DRINK
loufghyslaufey: So, Transformers
Foxmar320: Canada count at 2
grgriffin3: Maybe it's a "Lizard Warrior" type situation
Getter404: Depending on your average venison intake yo MIGHT be made of deer
VelvetFalcon: Hi Canada!
NewtyNewts: He said it!
HadesLeprechaun: new Long Dark?
adept_nekomancer: You have to build a deer mech if you want to hunt deer
aitsu100: or do they Steal Hunters from the woods
TheWooglie: they said the thing
SymphonySolstice: LUMBERJACKS!
Izandai: The Long Dark?
Anaerin: The Long Dark II?
Kipstar: long dark?
Countzeroor: From Wargaming, the studio that makes your country's security agency people wake up in a cold sweat.
Saintnex: The Long Dark 2?
RatherLargeToad: could be MN
Arclight_Dynamo: That's a CL-415 water bomber.
Darleysam: I know this music...
ForOhForError: Hatchet: the game
Orastes: I... I would Play as a Hunter Made of DEER, where is that game
ani_laurel: all the survival games are in a jungle or northern canada
SomebodyNowhere: neat style
DiscordianTokkan: That poor wood covered bridge
nevermore913: It also had a moose
p_johnston: I like the art.
Foxmar320: Long Dark 2 is my guess
OneQuietNight: The long dark 2: The longer dark?
thatjerkherc: The long dark
HavenDragon: long dark?
ghyllnox: Long Dark had DLC out recently right?
Anaerin: This is DEFINITELY Long Dark
TheMerricat: I think you called it.
Izandai: Yeah they finished the single player campaign recently.
Pywodwagon: Alberta Simulator
TheWriterAleph: oh sweet i'd love a long dark 2
hiFunko: oh yeah this is the long dark
control_rig: A travoi!
AugmentingPath: @Countzeroor Excited to learn about the specs of my country's battlemechs
Kiytan: yeah this looks very long dark-y
NovaCat13: The longer dark
drcthulu: Canada is a big place
Patorik: Wait, your homes don't all look like this?
OmnipotentTrevor: There's a lot of Canada
loufghyslaufey: Also, that one Transformers game from couple Award shows ago hasn't released by now; I think it may have been axed by now
Lord_Hosk: I think that sign just said Vermont
wildpeaks: co-op long dark ?
Saintnex: Oh this is just downtown Alberta
MalFnord: I miss snow. :(
2Flower: Logn Dark 2?
control_rig: Or rather travoy?
adept_nekomancer: So... a game about Edmonton?
SomebodyNowhere: that seems unsafe
ani_laurel: obligatory northern lights
butt_ghost: are we going liminal canadiana?
SymphonySolstice: Alberta Simulator
DeM0nFiRe: Looks pretty Oldclear to me
rasterscan: It definitely looked like he was taking a selfie at the power plant.
Bugberry: You don't know every town in your country?
bytecaster: Not the sound you wanna hear from your reactor
grgriffin3: Normal noise for a nuke plant to make, right?
Master_Gunner: we have many nuclear power plants
loufghyslaufey: Springfield, but in Canada
Arclight_Dynamo: IIRC, all nuclear plants in Canada are in Ontario.
ani_laurel: there are defs no nuclear power plants outside of QC and ON
HavenDragon: WOO!~
loufghyslaufey: Oh, is it?
Graham_LRR: do we… have counties?
ForOhForError: oh no the persona 4 tvs got all snowed on
Saintnex: Oh hey, called it :D
SomebodyNowhere: die alone
CosmicDuctTape: big Northern Ontario vibes
butt_ghost: dong lark 2
NewtyNewts: It's a 2026 game
Arclight_Dynamo: We have the second argest nuclear plant in the world.
Arclight_Dynamo: *largest
JDogg2K4: We should have more
SomebodyNowhere: randy
rasterscan: Also, wasn't the first Long Dark in "Dev Hell" for a while?
fracassio: booooooo
ani_laurel: we are a world leader in nuclear power
loufghyslaufey: You guys have plants out there?
soulessgamer: So much coming to early access.
control_rig: Boooooo
NorthstarTex: booooooooooo
Master_Gunner: we have like 5 in Ontario and 1 in New Brunswick.
DiscordianTokkan: BOOO, GET BUSSED RANDY
Nigouki: Ontario is very nuclear
laikagoat: nooo the magician
VelvetFalcon: Hi Randy!
Gadora: Boo that man!
DoodlestheGreat: UH OH
SomebodyNowhere: oh no
Scy_Anide: Booooo
Foxmar320: Gross
Chamelenyan: oh its borderlands time
SymphonySolstice: boooo
Kiytan: urgh, who let him outside
kyuubeynokitsune: boooo
jellybean57: hey, it's someone that sucks
A_Dub888: yay (sarcastic)
DaxStrife: FFFFFFF you Randy!
SymphonySolstice: booo this man!
Juliamon: booooooo
butt_ghost: th most italian man ever
Scy_Anide: Booooooooo
gralamin: university of Alberta has a nuclear reactor for medical isotopes
control_rig: Booooo! Screw this douche!
TheWriterAleph: it's raaaaaandy
SomebodyNowhere: he looks like a mess
CaptainSpam: Oh. It's Pitchford.
Crad0k: is it something to do with watching porn at work?
ani_laurel: half of Ontario's power is nuclear dude
hiFunko: Randy sucks
Kidror: Boooooo
Darleysam: look out for USBs...
Lord_Hosk: I bet he is going to do a really bad magic trick
josh___something: Booooooo
grgriffin3: He even looks like a used car salesman
Getter404: "Hey everybody let's act like the movie never happened"
hanssolon: WE Cancelled Borderlands
brat_the_wurst: ontario uses a nuclear for power
Juliamon: Get off the stage!
Gaz_L: cuz Borderlands bombed at the box office, Randy?
Dog_of_Myth: Booooo
Mr_Dirty: Another movie?
BrowneePointz: go fuck yourself Randy
a_Weakling: looks like he came out of a vegas ren fair
drcthulu: Canada has 19 nuclear plants
hiFunko: boo this man
TheMerricat: "Approximately 822 generating stations are scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific, for a nameplate capacity of 130,543 MW. The 100 largest generating stations in Canada have a combined capacity of 100,829 MW."
Anaerin: Borderlands fans know why you're here - To apologize for the movie.
wildpeaks: let's forget about the borderlands movie
SomebodyNowhere: what is that jacket
Kipstar: why DON'T YOU paul?
VelvetFalcon: I'm gonna boo too in solidarity. BOOOOOOOOO!
josh___something: Get off the STAGE
KingTaltia: Shut up Randy and just roll the footage.
SnackPak_: thanks Meg
butt_ghost: today im announcing the end of borderlands
dumbo3k: Hi Meg!
truediamondback: so did we get silk song?
OwlsMowles: They can't just steal Lost's catchphrase
Countzeroor: If you look under you seat, you may find a flash drive. Don't look at it.
drcthulu: 4 active with 19 reactors*
loufghyslaufey: Yeah, Boooo! Why we booing? Is it the film? It's probably the film, right?
adept_nekomancer: [everybody disliked this]
asddsa28: those are sparkly crocks?
Sethalidos: ugh who gave Randy Paitchford a day pass
phoenixfeather14: maybe there was a dress code requirement?
DiscordianTokkan: HAH
kyuubeynokitsune: lol
Darleysam: thanks Matt
Chamelenyan: the invite for the game awards had the dress code as "Sparkles"
AugmentingPath: Meg rushed the stage with power plant facts, yeah
rasterscan: I hope we get back to BL2 quality, not BL3 quality.
MalFnord: hee
VorlonScout: I'm all for Meg talking over Pitchford
JDogg2K4: Accidentally threw on the movie
VelvetFalcon: No
josh___something: MATT
wifi12345678910: no
Gaz_L: just curse Randy
NorthstarTex: let the series die
butt_ghost: who gave the psycho mask ozempic
damnfineco: Four-derlands
SomebodyNowhere: uhhhhhh
AutonomousTurtle: they're cowards for not calling it Fourderlands
A_Dub888: @hiFunko that requires me to care about him in some way
hanssolon: BURN IT
KingTaltia: I mean, I want BL4. I just want this man not part of it
tehfewl: Its The Same Game!
wifi12345678910: Should've stopped at only one game.
DiscordianTokkan: lol
loufghyslaufey: Nah. I'll try the first 3 when I have time
public_key_reveal_party: why don't we have statler and waldorf to yell at randy pitchford?
VelvetFalcon: I heard laughter from the crowd at the Jacket.
control_rig: Kerrigan?
aitsu100: memnark?
Chamelenyan: get em matt
Pteraspidomorphi: :(
Scy_Anide: A+
butt_ghost: what is there left to do with this franchise anymore
loufghyslaufey: Good one, lrrFRUMP
SomebodyNowhere: feels less borderlandsy
Gaz_L: cel-shade
rasterscan: I mean, I like evil cyborg ladies.
NorthstarTex: it got gritty...I hate it
VelvetFalcon: Yeah, this looks very different.
drcthulu: cellshaded
Anaerin: Not Cel-shaded.
GapFiller: the cel shaded look
kyuubeynokitsune: Y'know. The whole style.
nevermore913: I enjoyed the first borderlands
josh___something: Feels distinctly less cel shaded
GrizonII: It would be so funny to come up on stage and announce the trailer then just decide not to show it
Spades_Slicc: It's not engine, game could still be cel shaded
Foxmar320: Just looks generic without the look
DiscordianTokkan: why does this look like an RTS
HadesLeprechaun: like the very first trailer of the first game
Mr_Horrible: eridians are back?
the_pallid_mask subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_pallid_mask! (Today's storm count: 61)
SomebodyNowhere: borderlands without cell shading is definitely a choice
PharaohBender27: Legit question: Why is Randy Pitchforrd still respected at all?
MalFnord: Just what we wanted in a Borderlands game: realism
grgriffin3: Can't we just get BEYOND Borderlands? ...Wait, that doesn't work as well
loufghyslaufey: I wish Lucasarts Animation tried developing a game on their own
OmnipotentTrevor: Borderlesslands
butt_ghost: yawn
Sorator13: Ow. That would leave so many metal/porcelain shards in your hand.
Izandai: Did he carry that mask up that mountain just to crush it dramatically at that moment?
Saintnex: If I just saw this trailer, I would not have thought Borderland
Lord_Hosk: This looks pretty generic... wait its all changed
SomebodyNowhere: meh
CouldntPickAUsername: all games look like fortnite now
AugmentingPath: Intermittent cel shading
e_bloc: banger alert
loufghyslaufey: "Somehow Handsome Jack returned lrrDOTS ImTyping " Chat.
drcthulu: we get to play as handsome Jack
the_pallid_mask: Podracing???
cognitived: Do we loot.... And shoot?
SomebodyNowhere: aggresively underwhelming
laikagoat: podracing
public_key_reveal_party: I hate that I do actually like these games
control_rig: They have podracing
Crad0k: now this is podracing!
iris_of_ether: Yeah "Starburster" rips, but
rasterscan: @loufghyslaufey There is a clone of him running around.
bytecaster: Borderlands never clicked with me
Spades_Slicc: The world is rendered appropriately to the situation
dumbo3k: @drcthulu I think there was already a borderlands game for that
kyuubeynokitsune: Sure looks like a Video Game
DiscordianTokkan: "Somehow, Claptrap returned"
Sorator13: "have you tried... a cel-shaded camera?"
GapFiller: Fontaines DC is oddly fitting for a Gearbox game on an uncanny number of lvls
Darleysam: I will say, they always have excellent music choices for their trailers
grgriffin3: I WANT to care about what's happening here?
ComradeMik: sup y'all, did we get anything interesting yet?
Shadwhawk: Hey, he averages normal arm size
Saintnex: free of what?
SomebodyNowhere: meh
loufghyslaufey: @rasterscan somehow one too many!
Izandai: @ComradeMik The Long Dark 2
PhorrestGaze: lots of loot to shoot
Darleysam: 4derlands
wifi12345678910: @ComradeMik witcher 4
OmnipotentTrevor: fourderlands
TheAwkes: Not enough poking-through-inventory-screens-to-maximize-weapon-stats representation in that trailer.
the_pallid_mask: Elden ring coop thing
Chamelenyan: well that looks like a borderlands
Sorator13: @ComradeMik Little look at Slay the Spire 2
loufghyslaufey: Soldier 76?
Spades_Slicc: @Saintnex free of the vault
SymphonySolstice: @ComradeMik Even More Elden Ring
fracassio: Well, at least they kept the art style
DeM0nFiRe: Fourdoor Lands 9
nevermore913: I would rather a new tiny Tina's wonderlands
NovaCat13: Wow so bland
rasterscan: @loufghyslaufey Well they have to try to recapture their one good villain somehow.
Crad0k: yeah, the problem with looter shooters is that you spend 95% of the time with shitty guns you hate using
control_rig: Meeeehhhhhh
Juliamon: ComradeMik We found out that weird Pac-Man thing in the Amazon series is actually a thing
DaxStrife: Good they made Borderlands boring.
Pteraspidomorphi: I guess they didn't record the voice lines yet
SomebodyNowhere: so underwhelming
Lord_Hosk: I mean... Its boarderlands
leebenningfield: b4rderlands
josh___something: Ehhhh
Bugberry: @NovaCat13 any more bland than most FPSs?
AugmentingPath: That was borderlands, but this is exciting
NorthstarTex: so underwhelming
A_Dub888: Silksong? lrrBEEJ
wifi12345678910: Skyrim 2?
p_johnston: d&d game?
Mai_Andra: but who was that guy in the A-hole?
rasterscan: FFXVI?
DiscordianTokkan: "Silksong looks WEIRD now"
jellybean57: i mean, if they're toning down the 'lolsorandom' humor then i'm all for that
Alex_Frostfire: Oh hi Clive.
SomebodyNowhere: oh yeah that was a game
Gaz_L: F16 on PC
VelvetFalcon: This is just FF
SymphonySolstice: Finaled Fantasy 16 But More
mmtaylor1992: ff16.75
p_johnston: oh no it's the bad game
butt_ghost: we have report that donald duck has fucking died
tehfewl: fighting game
GapFiller: oh yeh thats Clive
Sorator13: DLC, or a crossover?
Izandai: @ComradeMik Something from the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus/Last Guardian people.
SomebodyNowhere: what
JDogg2K4: wait, tekken?
Nigouki: FF16 DLC for Orks Must Die
chubbyvboii: tekken!!!
tehfewl: called it
BrowneePointz: Tekken?
DiscordianTokkan: Yeah, I THOUGHT that looked low rez for FFXVI
Sorator13: yeah, FFXVI in Tekken
Kiytan: perhaps they're trying to win a game of the year award too?
BrowneePointz: Tekken
Chamelenyan: omg i was gonna say tekken
laikagoat: booo, not tifa
accountmadeforants: Lmao
Sogheim: you gotta find out what happened to Leviathan, still
rasterscan: I'm still sad that Final Fantasy abandoned turn based combat.
BrowneePointz: Noctis was in 7
kyuubeynokitsune: Lmao the swerve
wildpeaks: now kiss
KingTaltia: I was literally about to say this was Soul Calibur.
teddywhosabear: a sephiroth-off
bytecaster: Everybody is Sephiroth
VorlonScout: Two wings enter, one wing leaves
Saintnex: When was the last time we had a game award given out? It seems like we have just been watching trailers for the last hour lol
SymphonySolstice: hm.
josh___something: Now KISS
adept_nekomancer: Having a single wing is not effective for aviation.
KaleidoscopeMind: they need to hugs
accountmadeforants: Oh right, didn't people pester Harada for Tifa? That would be hilarious
Anaerin: A Sephir-off.
SomebodyNowhere: sure
DeM0nFiRe: Two winged angels. (I mean each one has only one wing, but there are two angels)
JDogg2K4: that was....unexpected
JDogg2K4: he called it
p_johnston: sure.
Gaz_L: i feel like turning into Ifrit is cheating
Patorik: I hope they finally added the Waffle House DLC
drcthulu: they can only fly in spirals
laikagoat: booooo
butt_ghost: excema arm
SymphonySolstice: cool
Chamelenyan: still love that he's called clive
NorthstarTex: cool crossover
LeonisCo: Sure. I guess..
VorlonScout: Put Torgal in Tekken, cowards
patrick_stonecrusher: Bets on the final frames of borderlands 4 trailer being a lame ARG?
TheMerricat: Clive wasn't a good hero. :D
BrowneePointz: Noctia was in Tekken 7 or 6
GrizonII: Could hug and fly
Kiytan: Clive rosfield is still the name of a chartered accountant
loufghyslaufey: This one I don't think could've been as bad as when it 1st impressioned, FF
Sorator13: @Saintnex depends whether you count the "you helped people who were laid off find jobs again" award as a game award
ForOhForError: honestly, ff16 seemed like it wanted to be a fighting game so... yeah
Bugberry: @Saintnex didn't we just have an acceptance speech?
tehfewl: i like clive
p_johnston: FF 16 is not a good game.
kyuubeynokitsune: Oh right, awards
mmtaylor1992: this is not sephiroth in smash levels of anything
the_pallid_mask: Probably sounds better in japanese
Chamelenyan: oh yeah, awards
BrowneePointz: Noctis*
DiscordianTokkan: It's not Butz
KharadBanar: Clive Strout
Diabore: gta6
Foxmar320: Oh right wards
hanssolon: Both are MEH
Kipstar: ah yeah lets rip through some of these
SomebodyNowhere: oh yeah this is an award show
wifi12345678910: GTA 6
hiFunko: GTA6 every time
gralamin: Metroid prime 4
bytecaster: How is Silksong not on this list
Gaz_L: GTA6
SymphonySolstice: gta6
SomebodyNowhere: gta
butt_ghost: WHAT ITS 6
wildpeaks: GTA
josh___something: UGHHHHHH
TheMerricat: It's bee 5
NorthstarTex: why is this award a thing
butt_ghost: NO SHOT
laikagoat: gta6 ez
ElementalAlchemist: "did the most marketing"
HadesLeprechaun: how many years can MP4 be on this
micalovits: No way its not GTA
p_johnston: Grand theft auto
DiscordianTokkan: BOOOOOO
Scy_Anide: I hope it's Death Stranding
ForOhForError: Silksong!
wifi12345678910: Florida man time
control_rig: Booooo
Chamelenyan: who could have seen this coming
VelvetFalcon: Yeah.
josh___something: Gta
Scy_Anide: Let Geoff have his bishi
VorlonScout: Remember when Cyberpunk won this? That worked out great.
A_Dub888: this is my surprise face
accountmadeforants: Clive is an appropriate hero name for Yet Another Final Fantasy
rasterscan: Not Blops6 plz
control_rig: Silksong you bastards!
CouldntPickAUsername: Metroid
CaptainSpam: Yeah, figured it was going to be GTA.
PhorrestGaze: HL3!
VelvetFalcon: Helldivers would be cool.
OmnipotentTrevor: Metroid Prime 4 can't win most anticipated too many years in a row
dumbo3k: Oh, is this the extreme speed award section?
SomebodyNowhere: cod?
hiFunko: almost asuredly black ops
p_johnston: Call of duty
hiFunko: oh nice
teddywhosabear: damn straight
Bugberry: Just as "fake" as when people talked who "won" E3
SymphonySolstice: yea
SomebodyNowhere: oh hey nice
kyuubeynokitsune: I mean, yeah
HadesLeprechaun: I'm still playingit!
loufghyslaufey: I don't mind. Clive. There's worse names than Clive everyone.
Brozard: Good
Kipstar: that's a good outcome
mercano82: for democracy!
TheMerricat: They deserve it
Diabore: people still play helldivers?
josh___something: It should be helldivers
wildpeaks: BG3
Sorator13: I like how we speedrun through the awards
damn_i_am_pretty: gods I remember why I hate this awards show
Piecrust9: Most anticipated game has to be Half-Life 3
Gaz_L: BG3
tehfewl: ff14
rasterscan: Bg3 does have good devs
hiFunko: Fortnite should probably win this
wifi12345678910: NMS
p_johnston: No mans sky?
JDogg2K4: no man's sky just had another big patch wasn't it?
TheMerricat: NMS
SymphonySolstice: no man's sky is pretty strong
control_rig: BG3 shoudl win
Piecrust9: Baldurs gate
accountmadeforants: BG3
ElementalAlchemist: This part isn't ads so we have to rush through it :P
SomebodyNowhere: what does community support mean
GrizonII: I haven't been paying any attention to this event but lmao Most Anticipated Game is such a funny award
teddywhosabear: this is like the grammys nobody likes getting slammed into just before commercials
soulessgamer: Oh yeah, there were awards in the awards show.
Dog_of_Myth: YES
Mr_Dirty: gotta do all the fake awards real fast
Chamelenyan: rapid fire awards
ForOhForError: huh
Diabore: metaphor
Mai_Andra: I've been looking forward to GTA6 since GTA5 was released. xivGoob
bytecaster: We are behind on time
josh___something: Fair nuff
gralamin: Metaphor
wifi12345678910: Astrobot pls
SomebodyNowhere: metaphor
bytecaster: Go go go
p_johnston: Astro bot?
loufghyslaufey: Hess Yea!
Saintnex: They are really just speedrunning through the awards to get back to the trailers
nevermore913: Neva
ravensshade: rushing through these awards so we can watch more trailers
rasterscan: Yaaaaaay
wildpeaks: wow
SymphonySolstice: nice
kyuubeynokitsune: sure
control_rig: Sure
NotCainNorAbel: This Award Show speed running the awards
A_Dub888: okay, didn't call that
p_johnston: sure
Kidror: Okay sure
Dog_of_Myth: heck yeah
tehfewl: metaphor got an award
Saintnex: I dont believe you
Nibblitman: They all had cool art
josh___something: Astrobot SWEEP... Awww dang
wifi12345678910: Portal 3
Kiytan: hurry up with these awards! we've got trailers to see
SomebodyNowhere: oh another splitgate
Sorator13: "we have many more awards to come, and we will try our best to speedrun through them just as quickly. Now, back to ads!"
amative1: Portals!?
GrizonII: This pacing is crazy
brat_the_wurst: i love when they half a press the awardds
Nibblitman: MORE ADDS
Alex_Frostfire: Game Awards Any% speedrun
public_key_reveal_party: I prefer elden ring's art style, but yeah, metaphor deserves it
Gaz_L: i respect that this drops any pretence
DiscordianTokkan: "Oh RIGHT, the AWARDS part, shit"
DeM0nFiRe: They literally just rattled off awards for 30 seconds between ads lol
kyuubeynokitsune: tbf, those awards don't deserve that much ceremony
hiFunko: I'm legit surprised this game still exists
bytecaster: Another multiplayer shooter, you don't say
Laserbeaks_Fury: uhg, I didnt like splitgate, I'm so bad at spatial awareness already
Brozard: Fuck the Oscars!
Izandai: Back to the main event at The Game Awards: Trailers!
Foxmar320: This game already looks so bad
Scy_Anide: Hey, TGA has what the Oscars doesn't, slop.
aitsu100: this is not the Portal game i wanted
DrakoniteDev: boo, MXvATV should have gotten best community support. we literally have devs giving support in discord...
Patorik: They make it sound like the awards, the reason for the whole thing, is like eating your vegetables before getting dessert
gralamin: Endless hype
adept_nekomancer: "We don't have time for awards, now back to the ads!"
bytecaster: Movement shooter
Scy_Anide: If I want prestige I'll watch a different award show.
Nibblitman: Or take any time for the awards at all
2Flower: Parkour Space Gunmurder! My favorite genre!
patrick_stonecrusher: Mandated award break
RatherLargeToad: occasionally
CouldntPickAUsername: I mean.... I'm totally hear for the ads...
Jobot180: Who needs anticipation when we can run more ads?
Kipstar: no becuase movies have self respect
public_key_reveal_party: no the oscars respect film as an art form
Scy_Anide: This is the Slop Awards.
loufghyslaufey: How many hours v. The Oscars do they get to cap for these shows?
Pyroxx___: If you want to know what a game is like, watch last year's game awards
Kidror: But no one would actually watch that , and they wouldn't make any money
Marvoleath: Portal but Counter Strike? D:
SketchyDetails: Call it "those games we made"
Nibblitman: Ok fine 3 min award break and more adds now.
Alex_Frostfire: So, an arena shooter with a portal gun.
Tantusar: well the oscars will hide the announcement of an award in the announcement of another award
Bugberry: more pageantry
control_rig: This looks so... unremarkable. There's NOTHING that makes this looks recognizable
nevermore913: Make the trailers a separate event
DiscordianTokkan: There was a Splitgate 1?
Gaz_L: the problem is the industry doesn't have any interest in that and no body like the Academy to do it
Saintnex: The game awards really is just E3 lite
betweenmyself: I can’t wait to tune in for the 2025 Game Commercials with the mandated 15% award content
Arclight_Dynamo: The Oscars also make people watch movies *in the lead up to the Oscars* to see if they might be Oscar-worthy.
Sogheim: I don't even know what Neva is
fnoggchamp: huh that one pullquote said Checkpoint Gaming
bytecaster: This is just Winter Game Fest
Sogheim: and it was up for an award
TheWooglie: yeah best art award, we're not showing you the art though
JDogg2K4: I mean, this exists because Geoff woke up one day and was like "I want my own E3". I think awards were always a way to get his foot into the space
gralamin: Veilguard was good.
Izandai: A trailer show is fine. But if that's what you wanna make, don't have all the faff about being an awards show.
Gaz_L: it's why i think the BAFTA game awards are more credible
GapFiller: as Beej put it so succinctly imagine Al Pacino break from his award spiel to shill Monster Enerhy Hoo Ah!
loufghyslaufey: Yet they keep bringing up Half-Life or WoW or a Soulslike, like it's supposed to mean something.
NorthstarTex: Gundam?
soulessgamer: Just a reminder Splitgate raised $100 million for that.
Bugberry: @Saintnex more like the parts of E3 people cared about, concentrated.
DiscordianTokkan: This is "We don't do E3 anymore and wanna excuse to show stuff"
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is a gundam, right?
bytecaster: Jundam?
TheWanderingNomad: @NorthstarTex Mecha Break
jimber_jam subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
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korvys: VGA wouldn't exist if it wasn't effective ad supported. I think Geoff wants to celebrate games, honestly, but he's got to play the capitalism game
wifi12345678910: This has to be titanfall3 now /s
ElementalAlchemist: yes Matt
A_Dub888: hard agree Matt
ForOhForError: pvpve? oh no, gambit
ArmstrongRGM96X: It's Gundam Overwatch But An Original IP So Hopefully It Outlasts That Actual Gundam Overwatch They Made
tehfewl: how many awards were given Before the "show" started?
soulessgamer: The DICE awards are very good but a lot less attention.
DrakoniteDev: as a gamedev, I find the awards show insulting, TBH
Sorator13: I think you even could sprinkle in the trailers and ads, just... don't *speedrun* the awards, yknow?
wifi12345678910: I've always wanted a buggy mess
TheMerricat: On 35% off!
aitsu100: Ben getting more gam e
loufghyslaufey: Ha! The first quote of the reel!!
bytecaster: We are cutting to an Awards break
ArmstrongRGM96X: A Star Wars game is on special for the holidays. Google Star Wars Holiday Special for more information
Chamelenyan: fork knife!
p_johnston: Honestly if they just cut out the advertisments for already out games they might have time for actual awards
Saintnex: yea, the awards are the adbreak at this point#
public_key_reveal_party: to be fair, I think the best part of the game awards is people making fun of how awful the game awards are
korvys: Ads only work if they're against something you want to see once the ad is over
ForOhForError: oh right, fortnite classic
wifi12345678910: Fortnite classic
wildpeaks: they should have made a mobile game for it to let you play with friends
loufghyslaufey: Did he find every Sabacc table in the game, chat?
DiscordianTokkan: How the bus has Fortnite been out enough that it gets a Classic treatment
Bugberry: but no pazaak
bytecaster: Are we getting Imagine Dragons again?
MalFnord: @public_key_reveal_party I mean... that's why I'm here
patrick_stonecrusher: Bichael WILL betray you
control_rig: Fortnight OG? The game that died so you had to steal PUBG's design
Anaerin: Fortnite Classic? Oh, "Save the World"?
wifi12345678910: who?
the_pallid_mask: Winter games concert with new trailers would be good
TheMerricat: @loufghyslaufey If there was one he missed, it didn't have anything to win.
RatherLargeToad: that is several pilots
the_pallid_mask: Ditch awards, keep the orchestra
Simriel: Arcane had amazing music as a whole
public_key_reveal_party: @MalFnord as most of us are
JDogg2K4: I gotta watch this
Bugberry: Season 2 was fantastic
Jayredd00: oh this song
Gadora: I was interested when I heard it was "OG Fortnite," but then it wasn't the co-op singleplayer thing. :(
kyuubeynokitsune: The music rules so hard
aitsu100: i need to watch Arcane
Kidror: Arcane is really good
grgriffin3: Season 2 is absolutely superb
Nibblitman: Yeah the “Fine we will do some awards for a minute” break is kinda weird for an award show.
TheAwkes: Turns out the did a really good job again.
BrowneePointz: it’s fine
Izandai: @control_rig Looked more like a return to the game that had newly stolen PUBG's design.
josh___something: There was a folk-y song with heimerdinger
Kiytan: season 2 is about 4 seasons crammed into 1, still stunning looking though
nevermore913: I heard this was good
Chamelenyan: they said lets play the saddest song dang
rasterscan: Season 2 completely dropped the ball on the revolution part of thestoryline.
Simriel: I loved Arcame. I can't wait for the other shows in the universe
p_johnston: I really liked season 1. Season 2 is good but rushed
wifi12345678910: Don't form an attachment
TheMerricat: So chat, for those who have watched it, how much actual LoL lore do you need to know before hand? Cause I know jack about LoL
josh___something: Which one is this?
Marvoleath: Season 2 definitely was "what if we let our artists do any style they want"
northos: @TheMerricat none
SomebodyNowhere: the league connection has kept me from being as motivated despite hearing how good it is
HadlemFromDiscord: @TheMerricat jack shit
wifi12345678910: If you're desperate for gameplay watch the pros play it.
BrowneePointz: The show retconned the game anyways, so you don’t need to know anything about it
JDogg2K4: My understanding is 0, and it's an on-ramp for new people
Kiytan: @TheMerricat absolutely none, there's only like 4 league characters in it anyway
zerragonoss: league of legends the game has no relation to its own lore.
TheAwkes: The 2 seasons of Arcane are my only exposure to LoL anything. And it's good.
grgriffin3: No Paul, true angst is quiet
accountmadeforants: @TheMerricat Zero, I know nothing about LoL either
NimrodXIV: yeah, don't like this sining style
Nibblitman: I mean I would have assumed the show would have be like 90% anger and racial slurs being based on League of Legends
NimrodXIV: *singing
hideki101: What I remember from LoL lore, Rammus got a date with a cactus
Sorator13: hey now, all the musicians could also be pilots in their spare time!
AugmentingPath: They're stealth pilots
wifi12345678910: Where's Starfox, he's a pilot
TheMerricat: Thanks chat. :D
Marvoleath: @TheMerricat The lore in LoL is now evolving to adapt to Arcane, not the other way around
Bugberry: @TheMerricat none. it's basically an origin story, so at most it has lot of things fans will get hyped for in the future.
josh___something: How would you KNOW they aren't pilots, matt
rasterscan: @Marvoleath RIP Viktor
Izandai: Those pants are enormous.
Lord_Hosk: I loved the art style, the story was just so uninteresting that I couldnt get into the show, the elder two hosklings LOVE arcane and have watched it like 4 times through
Anaerin: I believe that is a pilot right there.
VelvetFalcon: His pants!
DiscordianTokkan: JNKOs back
gnyrinn: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:48:12.
Jayredd00: the top owns too
SymphonySolstice: Big Pant
Sogheim: baggy pants are coming back
BrowneePointz: yea they ruined two characters to match the Arcane lore so you don’t need to know anything g
aitsu100: the mixing for these singers feels off
loufghyslaufey: @rasterscan as in, did they bail from that? I've heard things, mostly because I technically haven't watched Arcane.and spoilers don't particularly phase me from this project.
accountmadeforants: And yeah, S2 was very fun. Very rushed, though. But it's not like I expected Art from it.
TheWriterAleph: comfy pants help you sing better, that's science
grgriffin3: He transferred all his lost shirt fabric to his pants
Anaerin: On stage is often quite hot, thanks to all the lights.
TheMerricat: I feel like that shirt would gte snagged on so many things.
Nibblitman: He demands MORE PANTS
Bugberry: @BrowneePointz ruined?
SomebodyNowhere: a bit too breathable for the winter
dumbo3k: I mean, being under all those stage lights is probably quite hot
zerragonoss: he does look like he had a cloth budget and spent most on the pants.
gnyrinn: I wouldn't worry about the singer being cold under studio lights.
betweenmyself: those pants are actually supported by large, jagged metal springs to ensure they maintain their shape…
BrowneePointz: I am a big league fan but I just can’t personally find an ounce of care for steampunk Cops
Nigouki: While overall Arcane's score and songs are fantastic, honestly S1 songs were more soul-piercing
Fuzzra: There's comfy and then there's David Byrne wanting to look like he has a really small head . . .
VelvetFalcon: And they all have their Pilot's Licenses.
korvys: 21 pilots is (if you were unaware) 2 guys, one of which is the drummer
amative1: Fun fact: that orchestra is entirely made up of pilots
TheWriterAleph: do a barrel roll!
NorthstarTex: hats off to the stage crew
VelvetFalcon: They're just doing music right now.
TheMerricat: @amative1 x
ForOhForError: okay but is flute guy here
Grumpingtoon: so much carbon dioxide
rasterscan: @loufghyslaufey I shouldn't say more in chat, sadly.
Chamelenyan: Love that they're just showing spoilers on screen lmao
SymphonySolstice: 2(1) pilots
SomebodyNowhere: so many pilots
Marvoleath: The only singer with pilot license I know is Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden :P
grgriffin3: I generally think Season 1 had better songs, IE more songs I would listen to on my own, but season 2's songs were generally excellent for the scenes they accompanied
SomebodyNowhere: yeah its a 2 person thing
Sorator13: because it's not twenty-one; it's just two-one
ForOhForError: oh this is just the full ending
grgriffin3: Uhh, "some" spoilers, yeah
VelvetFalcon: Remarkably, they've actually got MORE than 21 pilots now, but they didn't want to change the name.
AugmentingPath: yeah, don't worry about it
Nigouki: yerp
josh___something: Oh yeah, those are ALL spoilers
public_key_reveal_party: I used to listen to them years ago, and then forgot they existed
Patorik: Spoiler: lots of colours happen
Chamelenyan: yeeeeah
Nibblitman: Wait watching what?
wifi12345678910: Thresh Kills senna
VelvetFalcon: I mean, that was just the ending of the show, so like, you're not wrong.
MalFnord: As AMVs go this is okay, I guess.
MitchTheQuaker: i mean they kinda did
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months, currently on a 80 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheSoundOfWhiteNoise! (Today's storm count: 63)
ForOhForError: uhhh yeah dwai they wouldn't do that...
KingTaltia: @wifi12345678910 Don't worry, she gets better.
TheMerricat: I wonder if they have to have safety monitors on hand for that much fog on stage.
p_johnston: Is it bad I kinda want him to lose the edge of the stage in the fog and just fall off?
CouldntPickAUsername: on my FAAAAA-AAAAACE
josh___something: Yeah, there was technically a death, if you wanna be technical about it
Chamelenyan: bro teleported!
accountmadeforants: @grgriffin3 I think "Heavy Is The Crown" (whatever that song is actually called) was pretty memorable. But otherwise I agree.
northos: it's definitely showing moments that WOULD be spoilers, but with little enough context that I don't think it messes anything up
wifi12345678910: @KingTaltia menacing pro play is not "better"
grgriffin3: @accountmadeforants Agreed, when that hit I was stoked because they started strong, but IMO they never hit that high again
Lithobraker: He skedaddled back to the piano
Sorator13: He actually has magnetic roller skates, and they're just moving him around with magnets rigged under the stage, so he doesn't have to walk and can't trip
p_johnston: Thats what necromancy is for Heather.
electric_claire: Just unabsorb your twin, Heather
VelvetFalcon: They made a game just for THIS?
GDwarble: Eye see
abslomdaak42: Heather is secretly Professor X
NewtyNewts: iBall
Chamelenyan: birb
kyuubeynokitsune: birb
DiscordianTokkan: birb
SymphonySolstice: BIRB
TheMerricat: Russel!
NorthstarTex: eye spy
JDogg2K4: birb
Foxmar320: Birb!
A_Dub888: Ruessel!
wifi12345678910: Europa Universalis 5!
GapFiller: hai Russell
Master_Gunner: Russell!
Izandai: Ah, you play as a government robot spy.
accountmadeforants: @grgriffin3 Yeah, then we're on the exact same page :D
micalovits: I could do with E.Y.E 2
SomebodyNowhere: russel
Nigouki: STALKER?
Scy_Anide: Hell yeah, Eye Divine Cybermancy 2!
grgriffin3: Goodbye, Russell
ElementalAlchemist: !
Arclight_Dynamo: OH HO
HavenDragon: thats not a crow, its a blackbird
Juliamon: 1000%
Chamelenyan: little crow big city
NimrodXIV: I would LOVE that
NewtyNewts: You'd have to fight Ian for that one
ElementalAlchemist: I know that logo
SomebodyNowhere: oooh ryugogoto
Master_Gunner: MAJIMA!
Gaz_L: RGG?
GDwarble: Oh, Like a dragon
butt_ghost: the birds work for the bourgroisie
Nigouki: oh
korvys: Yakuza
spimmmm: yacrowza
Bugberry: The Raven: The game
Arclight_Dynamo: IT IS!
A_Dub888: new Like a Dragon?
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Tiltychat I see you gabyLul
amative1: Blackbird singing in the dead of night...
Land_Manatee: Blue bird has spoken, like the first bird
Kidror: Oh this is totally Yakuza or Like a Dragon
AugmentingPath: crowed noise
Sorator13: my cabbages!
dumbo3k: My Melons!
leebenningfield: like Stray but you're a crow
VelvetFalcon: Shenmue?
wifi12345678910: 1930s yakuza?
accountmadeforants: Oh hell, is it more of the pirate majima game?
Nigouki: MY ORANGES!
stippledotter: This may not be about a bird at all
Arclight_Dynamo: @Sarah_Serinde Look, I know what I like. :D
SomebodyNowhere: something from rgg that isn't yakuza?
FarleyF: Yeah Drone Zone Represent
NonjaBiru: lrrIAN
butt_ghost: no
JDogg2K4: VF?
Foxmar320: No?
grgriffin3: Kung Fu Cowboy
TheWriterAleph: Crow-zuma
GDwarble: I don't think I'm ready
Sarah_Serinde: Arclight_Dynamo I mean, same, yeah :D
Marvoleath: Like a Crow
Izandai: Huh
SomebodyNowhere: oh
Arclight_Dynamo: What.
LeeshaJoy: Nice to see Russell from Unskippable getting work
graroe: Rdr?
NewtyNewts: Virtua Fighter?!
Pteraspidomorphi: :O
Shadwhawk: the fuck
teddywhosabear: what!
Juliamon: ???
Kiytan: wha
FarleyF: or not
kyuubeynokitsune: OR THAT
accountmadeforants: Wait, Virtua Fighter? Finally?
GDwarble: RGG making a Virtua Fighter?!
hiFunko: haha rad
chubbyvboii: dark shenmue
SomebodyNowhere: not ready
wifi12345678910: ???
p_johnston: really?
laikagoat: wheelerOok wheelerOok wheelerOok wheelerOok
BrowneePointz: WHAT
ElementalAlchemist: Turns out, no, I'm not ready
NovaCat13: In current year!?
nevermore913: Wow
ForOhForError: H u h
Sarah_Serinde: Arclight_Dynamo Actually never mind :P
korvys: Huh
Nibblitman: Ok ya know what ligit that is a suprise
Kiytan: why screen so tiny
josh___something: WUT?!
BusTed: Unexpected
chubbyvboii: ohhh nice virtua fighter :)
ElementalAlchemist: I had no idea Ryu ga Gotoku did this
Simriel: For all the changes, i felt Viktor got to be much more Interesting in Arcane
bytecaster: Tiiiiny hitbox
kyuubeynokitsune: Hey, it was sony
DiscordianTokkan: Oh Sega
Arclight_Dynamo: @Sarah_Serinde Yeah, I'm out. :D
control_rig: Huh
MalFnord: Are we really that far down in the nostalgia mines?
accountmadeforants: They teased a new one like... ten years ago, and then again three years ago
p_johnston: was not expecting.
Gaz_L: i forgot RGG make Virtua Fighter
Kidror: Oh THIS is the "Beloved Japanese Series" getting a new game that leaks were teasing
SomebodyNowhere: so thats what they have rgg doing
fnoggchamp: Ian's entrypoint to Oki Oki?
loufghyslaufey: Ya-CROW-Za; to the West? Dang.
Nibblitman: ok that was surprising
GDwarble: Wasn't expecting RGG to work on Virtua Fighter
PhorrestGaze: Oh hey, it's the game from Yakuza
accountmadeforants: *now* in development? Oh dear
loufghyslaufey: But what about "Crow!?"
DiscordianTokkan: Virtua Fighter came back for Sonic's 30th anniversary!
loufghyslaufey: Maybe, yeah.
Arclight_Dynamo: RGG doing Virtua Fighter makes sense, given how much they love Sega arcades.
DiscordianTokkan: (/jk)
JDogg2K4: Yakrowza
Gaz_L: Mafia
SomebodyNowhere: pre alpha? this is gonna be a while
bytecaster: Meji?
Sorator13: what exactly is pre-alpha? the big bang?
wifi12345678910: Yakuza?
accountmadeforants: Virtua Fighter will forever look like people figuring out 3D animation for the very first time
teddywhosabear: pre-alpha, which means that it uses linear b
Anaerin: No, it's 8:12
Nibblitman: Just keep guessing Yakuza
Lord_Hosk: Well Heather, Let me tell you about Nexus Mods
soulessgamer: Is this a Yakuza?
DiscordianTokkan: Rakugokuza?
loufghyslaufey: An, in-between Yakuza
korvys: Japan
ForOhForError: too high budget
SomebodyNowhere: ouch
LesBeauxPlastiques: could it be shenmue 4?
Brozard: Totally looks like Yakuza
defaultedusername: Kamuro-cho in 1915?
NewtyNewts: Grand Theft Chinauto?
Arclight_Dynamo: This feels more like GTA.
toady0s: shenmue 4
rasterscan: Shenmue 0?
Saintnex: WWI Japan
FarleyF: yeah this looks more like Yakuza
until_may subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
until_may: almost thereeee
Ciijay: this could be Yakuza or Shenmue huh
Nigouki: is this just a street brawler?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, until_may! (Today's storm count: 64)
p_johnston: This does look like Yakuza.
wifi12345678910: they're pumping out the yakuza games so fast
ArmondoSC: way of the samurai?
Juliamon: I'd laugh if it was Shenmue
Nigouki: just no plot street fighting
amative1: this is pre-alpha, it could be late 2025
bytecaster: Yakuza Souls
graroe: Yakuza -1
Kramburger: Is this a judgement game?
NorthstarTex: this feels like 20's Yakuza
SomebodyNowhere: so painful looking
Enki1256: Its been roughly one a year lately.
Sarah_Serinde: Ian's set for years on his home channel :P
GDwarble: Trade Mark
Sorator13: I'm very confused by this music with this setting
dumbo3k: Oh yeah, Sleeping Dogs would be great!
HadesLeprechaun: any new Sleeping Dogs would be great
Arclight_Dynamo: Ha
Nibblitman: Paul don’t do that to us
soulessgamer: Yakuza is notorious for quick turn arounds since they re-use a lot.
wifi12345678910: Half awake dogs
loufghyslaufey: Huh, I would've guessed the West Coast but yeah, it's set in 1915. So WW1 happening
Piecrust9: Sleeping dogs was china though, right?
grgriffin3: God, I miss Sleeping Dogs/The True Crime games
SomebodyNowhere: sure
gnyrinn: For a split-second, that emblem on the back of the tunic looked like the Paradox logo
kyuubeynokitsune: Cool time period for a game tho
FarleyF: Got to keep Ian in streaming somehow
Chamelenyan: looks rad!
Arclight_Dynamo: I'm into it.
northos: spiritual yakuza
SomebodyNowhere: rgg brawler that isn't yakuza
TheWooglie: it's half life 3 there's a crowbar
Anaerin: Not Yakuza... Yet...
chubbyvboii: ah no a new series
Nibblitman: It’s basically Yakuza
rasterscan: It looked very rough, but curious.
SymphonySolstice: good aesthetic
NorthstarTex: Not Yakuza but very close to Yakuza
jellybean57: @Piecrust9 at risk of angering the CCP, sleeping dogs was hong kong
Kiytan: is that basically inshin but with the judgement guy?
Mai_Andra: Yakuza Origins
AugmentingPath: With "Project" in the name it's hard to tell if that's the final title or not
Foxmar320: Oh right awards!
NewtyNewts: So, Kojima.
bytecaster: Geoff can say game titles sooo fast
SymphonySolstice: Kojima?
A_Dub888: kojima?
OmnipotentTrevor: Yakuza Devs: "why does everyone else take so long to make their games?"
wildpeaks: oh yeah it's Kojima
Diabore: definitely kojima
accountmadeforants: KOJIMA, AGAIN
GDwarble: Yup
DiscordianTokkan: I wonder what Waldorf and Statler is doing
SymphonySolstice: YES
spethycakes: the ur-Yakuza....the Yakurza
control_rig: Yep
Gaz_L: and drink!
Chamelenyan: Take a shot!
A_Dub888: DRINK
JDogg2K4: yeah
grgriffin3: Wow, the soul read
SomebodyNowhere: kojima
accountmadeforants: LUL
LesBeauxPlastiques: there's awards in this ad break? :O
kyuubeynokitsune: But of course
FarleyF: Mark off your bingo card
ElementalAlchemist: found him
p_johnston: Quick bring out someone who has a personality!
wifi12345678910: Where's Doll Man?
Simriel: I wondered when we would get to "Jeff loves Hideo Kojimq"
loufghyslaufey: Kojima!!
korvys: Did he bring any famous friends?
graroe: We gonna get an update on the jordan peel projecg he announced last time?
KharadBanar: As is tradition
butt_ghost: BL
GapFiller: nalvCool Paul
HadesLeprechaun: now bring out GDT!
loufghyslaufey: Wait. Where's his partner in crime?
BrowneePointz: What the hell is with that jacket in those pants?
Pyroxx___: the DS2 pin lol
Kiytan: now that's a jacket
dumbo3k: I feel like the translator should be closer to the mic, or have his own
SnackPak_: Geoff did, but Kojima didn;t
micalovits: I am disappointed in the amount of muppets we have had
accountmadeforants: I hope Geoff is in on the joke at this point
xantos69: When you do that it is called a "BRO-ach"
SymphonySolstice: The Keighley > Kojima > Mikkelsen love triangle
p_johnston: I like how Kojimas broach is just huge.
hiFunko: More people should be draped in velvet
SomebodyNowhere: is that a broach or is it just on the jacket
Sorator13: that velvet... robe? tunic? idk what to call it. Anyway, it's FIRE
korvys: Matt it's more of a triangle. Geoff -> Kojima -> Mads
zerragonoss: No keley just saw his and found the best he could on short notice.
JDogg2K4: Hope Geoff comes back with an even bigger one
Nibblitman: is that a velvet jacket?
p_johnston: He is the dominant one.
butt_ghost: the longer kojima talks the more peeved his translator looks
DiscordianTokkan: Yeah, the translator totally should have his own mic
TheMerricat: He says thank you for the money
Kramburger: I'd love to seen waldorf and statler heckle him in japanese
QuixoticScrivener: why give the translator a mic?
Bugberry: @SymphonySolstice don't forget Reedus
LesBeauxPlastiques: "people may not know who i am... my dev studio's logo as a 5 inch broach should do it!"
SomebodyNowhere: wow
Foxmar320: :D
kyuubeynokitsune: lmao
wildpeaks: subtitles LUL
wifi12345678910: lmao
Juliamon: At least they recognized Japanese this time
gnyrinn: Why don't they have two mics?
ElementalAlchemist: At least this time they know which other language it was
RatherLargeToad: Death Stranding: The Flamethrower
loufghyslaufey: @micalovits NONE. Impossible. Perhaps the stage props have all gone missing...
public_key_reveal_party: shoutout to laziness
amative1: at least they said Japanese this time and not just "another language"
korvys: This is 100% someone transcribing live
dm818: This is probably being done manually
josh___something: @korvys do we know if mads is infatuated with Geoff Keighley?
BorealMage: ^
Tantusar: oh, he has a card, this is an award
bytecaster: The first strand type anime?!
angeal0: When are they going unironically have Kojima's friend of the year award
Sorator13: yknow, I'm starting to think this bromance isn't entirely one-sided...
korvys: This is manual captions, not the speach to text stuff
Simriel: @lesbeauxplastiques I mean that's a very Hideo Kojima thing to wear
wifi12345678910: The second strand type game
butt_ghost: come on throw some OD footage out
dumbo3k: @Tantusar No, I think thats their script, because he keeps looking down at it whenever he speaks
LesBeauxPlastiques: @Simriel you're not wrong xD
Brozard: The Kojima *Funk*
loufghyslaufey: I feel like, there's a particular reason why Kojima hasn't tapped into the anime industry by now
Diabore: [speaking japanese]
Tantusar: yeah this is the award for game direction
nevermore913: He really needs an editor
Gaz_L: i'm the opposite, give me the Kojima without the wacky package delivery game
Simriel: @loufghyslaufey whys that
bytecaster: I for one enjoy Kojimas Kojimaness a lot
LesBeauxPlastiques: MG/DS game when hideo?
TheMerricat: @loufghyslaufey as wild as Kojima's works are, he's still a dwarf compared to the anime folk who are out there.
wifi12345678910: Balatro!
SomebodyNowhere: so many types of things
Brozard: Paul, you should look into TANUKI: Pon's Summer
Patorik: Animal Crossing isn't already for adults?
control_rig: Balatro HAS to win
A_Dub888: smart heather
GDwarble: I don't understand what "best game direction" actually means
BrowneePointz: there’s that Tanuki delivery game coming next year Paul
JDogg2K4: Balatro is great....but is directing yourself really directing?
korvys: gimme that balatro sweep
definenull: is there much direction in balatro other than number go up? \j
Diabore: does balatro... have game direction?
wildpeaks: Elden Ring of Wugon
LesBeauxPlastiques: balatro feels like the indie darling this year
Juliamon: I'm just here for the Balatro gameplay highlight reels in contrast to every other nom
SomebodyNowhere: metaphor has a lot more interesting visuals
wildpeaks: oh wow
SymphonySolstice: I heard there's a game in development that's basically the mail delivery part of Death Stranding but medieval Mongolia
Foxmar320: Yay!
GapFiller: neat
Chamelenyan: yay!
SomebodyNowhere: wow astro bot
micalovits: Lets go!
loufghyslaufey: Cool
control_rig: I guesssss
p_johnston: I'm not unhappy with any of these
kyuubeynokitsune: Oh hey
loufghyslaufey: Another one!
Kidror: Yippee!!
MalFnord: okay didn't see that coming
p_johnston: Go astro bot.
josh___something: The fuckin Jimbo plushie
nevermore913: I expected metaphor
bytecaster: Kilt!
zerragonoss: Blatro is very good but direction is a strange thing to praise.
Foxmar320: Astro Bot is amazing!
VelvetFalcon: So I guess Goty is going to Elden Ring.
BrowneePointz: Matt needs to stream Astro Bot
HadesLeprechaun: it will probably win, but Animal Well was my obsession indie this year
saucemaster5000: but UFO50 is SO much better....
GapFiller: this does at least preculade a Wukong clean sweep which is also nice
Sorator13: yeah, direction is an odd thing to nominate Balatro for, but alright
Gaz_L: @zerragonoss yeah, considering it's one dude
hiFunko: Very deservedly too, Balatro is a fantastic achievement
accountmadeforants: Honestly, I can see how a game like Astro Bot would require a lot of Direction
Izandai: Wasn't that all the same games as for GOTY?
A_Dub888: @Foxmar320 you're amazing
Chamelenyan: astro bot is one of the few reasons i've considered getting a ps5
p_johnston: Wasn't that the same list as game of the year?
GDwarble: "We really didn't think we were gonna win this"
DiscordianTokkan: "We didn't expect to win" is a good sign, I guess
CosmicDuctTape: @p_johnston correct
Foxmar320: Yep today
Saintnex: I mean a remake getting a nod to game direction is pretty weird imo
loufghyslaufey: I didn't suppose they'd win two?
p_johnston: So they gave this to Astro Bot because it wasn't winning game of the year. Got it.
bytecaster: Kojima is happy to be here!
accountmadeforants: Astro Bot is honestly impressive for them recognizing they need a freaking editor, to cut things down to just the actually good parts.
Arclight_Dynamo: I think Kojima really likes this gig.
graroe: Or "we didn't know what to say about this award"
damn_i_am_pretty: get off the stage, we need more ads, you devs!
SomebodyNowhere: which world
bytecaster: Nightingale?
Juliamon: Universal, huh
Izandai: Ass Creed?
AugmentingPath: Phnom Penh?
Arclight_Dynamo: Turok
GDwarble: turok?
Anaerin: Turok?
Izandai: On Turok
JDogg2K4: robot, catchet, dino
EvilBadman: I remain in the "Wukong won it's one (non-public vote) award" camp
butt_ghost: turok?
SomebodyNowhere: turok?
JDogg2K4: might be turok
FarleyF: Turok
p_johnston: Turok.
BrowneePointz: Ark 2
accountmadeforants: Yeah but this one got sent to the other world by being hit by a truck
Saintnex: Ganz? Gantz?
nevermore913: Jurassic Park?
GrizonII: New Another World game?
wifi12345678910: Horizon zero dwan>
accountmadeforants: Turok!
Crad0k: jurassic turok?
A_Dub888: the Game Awards has pierced the dimensional barrier??
Getter404: What does Universal own?
loufghyslaufey: Oh I assumed ARK
Dog_of_Myth: Turok???
Sorator13: Threerock
butt_ghost: t3rok
LesBeauxPlastiques: why does this feel like a new quantic dream game?
northos: Nicol Bolas?!
public_key_reveal_party: turok 3: it's a live service now sorry
DiscordianTokkan: 30 Rock
Kiytan: turo3
northos: @GDwarble jinx
Brozard: 30rok
SomebodyNowhere: oh hey
Darleysam: Saber, who've been generally pretty mid apart from Space Marine 2
SymphonySolstice: nice
Dog_of_Myth: Yooooo
korvys: Oh damn
Kiytan: oh cool
silenceaux: Oh, so more of a Tur0k
p_johnston: Ok cool.
wifi12345678910: Turok? in 2024?
control_rig: Wait was that DevilJho!?
an_archist2: Tu3ok
bytecaster: What IS a Turok?
Anaerin: At least Dragon Age made Origins the FIRST in the series. The proper way.
ForOhForError: turak origins: you were joking but we're doing it
LesBeauxPlastiques: TIL turok lived past the GBC
Sorator13: oh dear
SomebodyNowhere: wow
wildpeaks: yeah I wasn't aware of the deep lore of "the game with dinosaurs"
SymphonySolstice: LUL
bytecaster: Very good
loufghyslaufey: Ah.
graroe: Universal js throwing me though
Nigouki: oh that beautiful stock knife sound
korvys: wasn't turok just the name of the guy?
definenull: KKona
Sorator13: absolutely, Heather
FarleyF: i should get back into Helldiver 2
SomebodyNowhere: managed democracy
loufghyslaufey: Maybe.
betweenmyself: can we fast forward to Turok V so we can make TuVok portmanteaus?
Darleysam: I should play more Helldivers
lamina5432: did they fix helldivers yet?
Simriel: I really want a full set of HD armour.
Juliamon: This is a little too real now
Elaro_56: @lamina5432 I think so?
LesBeauxPlastiques: let's play political speech or game spiel
OmnipotentTrevor: The satire hits a little different today
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh new aliens?
Getter404: Yeah, this was a lot more funny 2 months ago...
wifi12345678910: 3rd faction!
dumbo3k: Literal Flying Saucers?
planeswalkagogo: ILLUMINATE FINALLY!?
accountmadeforants: Oh, they finally brought the 3rd faction back!
bytecaster: Also Automatons
loufghyslaufey: Its PlayStation ONLY!?
Elaro_56: We don't need a PSN anymore, IIRC
Brozard: illumiate?!
Izandai: @Juliamon Was it ever not?
kyuubeynokitsune: And now these guys too
josh___something: Oh finally!
NewtyNewts: New faction?
HadesLeprechaun: the third faction from the original game!
SketchyDetails: ALLumnite
jbevermore: Illuminate!
loufghyslaufey: Oh, wait. I do have a PlayStation.
mercano82: now we fight the Protos?
GDwarble: Zombies now, apparently?
SomebodyNowhere: some kind of aliens
phoenixfeather14: the bear wasn't resisting!
josh___something: The illuminate!
Simriel: Illuminate announcement, woo
p_johnston: Much like 40k there is a....sadly significant part of the fans of Helldivers 2 who miss the sarcasm of the setting.
Brozard: YOOOOOO
Simriel: Car!!!!
grgriffin3: Tau analogues, I assume
bytecaster: Cars!
Crad0k: they walked that back after a couple of days
mercano82: oh, drivable vehicles?
Bulllfrogs: Oh hey it's Matt!! Hi Matt!
loufghyslaufey: A PS Account... On a Microsoft gaming device.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah it's very Husk coded
corianderd: hehe showing the teamkill
loufghyslaufey: Hm
MrQwasu: but the game is still not accesible in regions without PSN
SnackPak_: it's nice The Hives are still getting a paycheck
SomebodyNowhere: the guy runnin away
micalovits: The third faction has zombies sorta
betweenmyself: now that they won a Game Award, they have to clout to rollback the rollback
Chamelenyan: even pacman has a zombie mode now!
Kipstar: yes Heather - every game
wildpeaks: they definitely add the PSN requirement in all games now, even sneaked it in the Horizon Zero Dawn remaster
until_may: haze?
Laserbeaks_Fury: wooo Martian Walkers
Crad0k: aah, rip project overstrike
kyuubeynokitsune: And THEN crumbles
rasterscan: I appreciate how often the players die in this trailer
Sorator13: I was going to ask about FF14, but then I remembered Hildebrand exists
LesBeauxPlastiques: glad the robot from that one noisis video is still working
Simriel: Every helldiver mode is like zombie mode
SomebodyNowhere: deliver peace when everyone is dead
MrQwasu: so over 200 countries cannot play Helldivers
NewtyNewts: Not six zombies!
Anaerin: Out now!
josh___something: Wdym out NOW?!
Getter404: Reb!
SomebodyNowhere: that dress
phoenixfeather14: now I'm thinking about zombie fish in Dave the Diver. I've scared myself
butt_ghost: Canada!
dumbo3k: Oh, Warframe?!
GDwarble: Nice
kyuubeynokitsune: WELL OKAY THEN
Arclight_Dynamo: Sick
VelvetFalcon: DAMN!
jimfaindel: Those countries are where the zombies come from
SymphonySolstice: good dress
Chamelenyan: oh that outfit is lovely!
Simriel: I need to get back into Helldivers. Game is fun
Getter404: London Ontario's finest!
Elaro_56: "Blatant lie: Play has no limits."
grgriffin3: Hell-LO!
MalFnord: That's some hella plaid
LesBeauxPlastiques: kinda want that dress
NorthstarTex: looking forward to Warframe 1999
wifi12345678910: The game in Balatro?
definenull: oh that is very plaid
Drasvin: Woo! Warframe!
Lord_Hosk: that dress is amazing
Sorator13: that's such a cool dress to make with plaid
Getter404: The first place Reb called the fans "our losers"
Anaerin: Warframe is still going, yes
josh___something: That dress is so good
KingTaltia: Hi Rebb!
butt_ghost: they're based in London Ontario i think
wildpeaks: it would fit the plaid pattern
Simriel: I love this dress
northos: LUL
Sorator13: LUL
accountmadeforants: I like the back-to-back divergence from the Game Dev Uniform (jacket, no tie, graphic t-shirt)
control_rig: HAHAHA
bytecaster: In the far far past of 1999
Rhynerd: she’s also the voice of our major mission handler
DiscordianTokkan: I should start playing Warframe
bytecaster: Apparently it's very fun
Getter404: Warframe is secretly almost weirder than Warhammer lore
Sorator13: it launches TOMORROW
Juliamon: I'll be honest, I love the choice of this dress but I don't love the dress itself. She's working it but I don't like it.
Kiytan: oh dang
loufghyslaufey: I do like, that at least the Helldiver II presenter managed to sell that uniform persona.
DiscordianTokkan: Especially since I stoppe Destiny
VelvetFalcon: Glad she remembered that last bit.
josh___something: Fingers crossed new folk-y song
phoenixfeather14: that whole outfit is awesome
TheMerricat: It has great music, it's the only MMO that I've purchased legit covers of their trailer songs for. :D
Getter404: HEY K I D D O
Riandisa: I liked it, but it made me motion sick too frequently so I had to stop playing it
wifi12345678910: @Getter404 Have you seen the Horus heresy book chart?
northos: moving with purpose
VelvetFalcon: Sorry, I'm not gonna be able to pay attention to this, because I'm still thinking about that dress.
dm818: Like a shark
Chamelenyan: oh yeah you gotta be confident lol
GapFiller: yeh its a dress for decisive people
electric_claire: Like a shark
Sorator13: @wifi12345678910 of course not; it's heretical
LesBeauxPlastiques: the dress of sharks
Darleysam: like a shark, you've got to keep making analogies
Getter404: @wifi12345678910 I mean, the player character is a robot filled with mold and meat, controlled by an anime teen using Literally The Power Of Friendship
jimfaindel: This looks... unimpressive
Jennie_Fuchsia: people ARE gonna step on it- the same actors step on the same trains over and over despite doing the same play every day
loufghyslaufey: I guess she was probably thinking the same thing
rasterscan: So these are supposedly all the people which the frames came from, right?
CptMurphey: new vanquish game?
josh___something: Kitty!
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
grgriffin3: Cat!
Juliamon: kitty
TheMerricat: Saga!
wifi12345678910: @Getter404 there's a faction of sentient mushrooms that make things happen by believing in them
Crad0k: lying
KingTaltia: You... Are... Late...
Brozard: They are?
TheWriterAleph: Ooh
jimfaindel: Yeah, you can tell some designs are inspired on this guys
NorthstarTex: You. Are. Late.
laikagoat: they are, this is 'before'
abslomdaak42: lying
SniperPumpkin: The answer to that question is like spoilers and stuff
Robot_Bones: I understand that reference
Anaerin: They are. This is before they became those.
HadlemFromDiscord: we do now!
bytecaster: Is that why the world ended in Warframe
dimeadozent: those people are like half warframe hybrids
DiscordianTokkan: Timetravel Shenanigans
NorthstarTex: (warframes are kind of mech things but to explain that would be a plot spoiler)
Chamelenyan: It time for snoop!
soulessgamer: I can't play Warframe after working on it.
corianderd: where is he taking the stage?
Drasvin: Time travel is invovled
Rhynerd: we will it seems.
JDogg2K4: Oh no, antagonizing nintendo
loufghyslaufey: Oh, time travel?
wifi12345678910: He's in the college football bowls
Anaerin: @corianderd He's taking it up. So higi.
Kiytan: wasn't he in a true crime game as well?
wildpeaks: I think he has a skin in COD ?
rasterscan: Wait, that's... what pokemon is that basically?
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, I feel like snoop could just show up almost anywhere and I'd just accept it
KaleidoscopeMind: "took over the internet" is a surprisingly neutral way of putting that
wifi12345678910: technically "games"
GrizonII: Is Snoop Dogg conducting the orchestra?
BrowneePointz: I do not care about this game
nevermore913: I forgot pal world was a thing
grgriffin3: They just wanted to have a nice stash of weed for backstage at the show and he was the easiest way to get the prime stuff
mmtaylor1992: can we get a dog game
Crad0k: oh, gourdon we have at home
Anaerin: Virtua Fighter, Turok...
Viewers_Like_You: Wild prediction: Snoop is here for a new Martha Stewart cozy game
mmtaylor1992: Fable IV
gilder13: looks like zoroark