RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Heroic Brew!
RockPusher chugs the heroic brew, gets morning drunk
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (1s ago).
GapFiller: cant remember anything apart from the Funko story which was already covered last week
GapFiller: and last nacht ofc preculded any other news so this ones a pretty black slate
TheAinMAP: There was also some awards for some games.
GapFiller: *blank yeesh not only has this cold left my head the size of the Mekons its clearly interfering on other counts too
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
TheAinMAP: Signal
Laurence72: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG NEU!
LilyOfTheVeil666 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LilyOfTheVeil666! (Today's storm count: 9)
lirazel64: hmtgFine hmtgFine hmtgFine
TheMerricat: Ok, it's going to take a long while I suspect before my brain un-hardwires it's assumption that the channel bar is at the bottom of the screen and stops panicking about it being on top. :D
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Chillpoint! Hang out with Beej and Paul and chat about the week's gaming news. (has image) |
MalFnord: @TheMerricat And then that will be the cue for them to switch it back!
Frankenfruity subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months, currently on a 106 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frankenfruity! (Today's storm count: 10)
LordZarano: @TheMerricat First time it happened I thought something had broken with my FrankerFaceZ
LordZarano: Went searching through the settings turning things off and on to see if it fixed it
TheMerricat: I was lucky I didn't notice it till the TGA last night when Juliamon and Jibkat were talking about it indirectly. :D
DiamondMX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
DiamondMX: Almost a whole year, any month now.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DiamondMX! (Today's storm count: 11)
ButButTheJesus: wooo just in time for chkpnk!
Anubis169: points need to be checked
ButButTheJesus: I just drank a bunch of caffeine letsgoooo
DoodlestheGreat: Pointe du Cheque
LurkerSpine: flygoneGatorwalk flygoneGatorwalk flygoneGatorwalk
Sylenctone subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
Sylenctone: That's a fun number!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sylenctone! (Today's storm count: 12)
mtvcdm: Yo
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCirclewreath lrrTrianglewreath
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
TheAinMAP: Hello
mtvcdm: Beej's mic is off
dm818: Beej has no mic
DoodlestheGreat: Well, at least we can get Beej's take on TGA
NonjaBiru: Mic 5
Marvoleath: wheelerMute
Mr_Horrible: the Quiet Beej is the deadliest
lirazel64: *looks around anxiously*
KV1NN4: Mic 3!
red_shoes_jeff: MIC THREE!
mtvcdm: (I presume Heather's actually just busy)
ButButTheJesus: now beej is right behind us too
RockPusher: Heather has to keep Beej from talking somehow
Marvoleath: Hidden Heather, Silent Beej
MrPhlip: tappety tappety heard
Laurence72: I'm on meth! Kappa
DoodlestheGreat: WHO IS NUMBER ONE?
red_shoes_jeff: But who is Number 1!?
MrPhlip: I don't hear any noise rn but better to be safe
L0rdX33n subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months, currently on a 24 month streak!
L0rdX33n: Hello friend humans
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, L0rdX33n! (Today's storm count: 13)
RockPusher: lrrFINE
js1813 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
ButButTheJesus: lrrFINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, js1813! (Today's storm count: 14)
CaptainSpam: I am not a number! I am a free man!
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
GapFiller: my head is twice its normal size thanks to a cold but otherwise yeh todays been okay
ButButTheJesus: with silly captions
RockPusher: Fact based news *and* Sonic's 30th Anniversary coverage
mtvcdm: If you want gaming news, tbh Checkpoint might be one of the only places left at this point
Decaped: There was like 2 notable things at the game awards
DoodlestheGreat: Or watch Wiggins' version which is JUST the awards.
Izandai: Four hours and forty minutes. Of which 57 were spent actually giving out awards.
Desruprot: probably closer to Weekend Tonight?
DylPage: And ony 1 hour long.
GapFiller: nalvLUL Paul referring to Matt as a friend from Vancouver rather than as former LRR Crew
Laurence72: only one part near the start muted on the vod
TheAinMAP: Halo's Matt Wiggins
GapFiller: Laurence72 that impressive all considered
ProcyonFlynn: The opposite of the "well-rested" buff
Laurence72: @GapFiller Agreed!
Invitare: could have been worse. Could have been a messy crit
Juliamon: woo, home just in time for chill
TheMerricat: WB Juliamon!
Juliamon: Acting with integrity, for once
Marvoleath: They gotta get some funding from somewhere for that, right?
Juliamon: but also that's only 1/5 of the patent's life
TheMerricat: Even if they don't get full credit, they get credit.
DaFhaye: I mean it's still a good so that's good
UnknownFriday: It's also entirely possible it's just taken this long for their application to be approved.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Also, pretty sure patent life starts from filing, but it takes years to actually be granted.
TheMerricat: @Dread_Pirate_Westley In general the timer starts when the patent is issues. You have a full years grace period from when the patent is publicly 'used/revealed/etc." to file.
RockPusher: In this instance, even if the patents are questionable, you have a big player sitting on them so if some patent troll did come along and try extorting the industry, you have a big player to smack them around
TheMerricat: Accessible Canada Act (ACA)
LordZarano: The amount of people with disabilities is NOT a small number. And even if you don't need those features now, you will as you get older
LilyOfTheVeil666: ^
jacqui_lantern234: hey nerds! reminder that yall are lovely as hecc! <3
Juliamon: Accessibility helps abled people too! You don't need to be blind or have a reading disorder to have difficulty reading tiny text or weird fonts.
random_shoes: @Juliamon exactly, this comes up in teaching a LOT. More options helps everyone always
Juliamon: You don't need to have mobility issues to have button configuration options either.
RockPusher: It's a good strategic move that happens to help the industry as a whole, they still get credit for seeing that and doing it
RockPusher: Someone should patent colour patents
Juliamon: A lot of people don't even realize they have an amount of colourblindness
Juliamon: Imagine if someone was flicking through those options and was like "WAIT, what??"
random_shoes: @Juliamon this happened to my partner this year at age 33 lol
Marvoleath: There is certification and QA who will most often catch if you did or didn't apply the right accessibility features.
EvilBadman: Like the Ticket to Ride Train Cards
niccus: everyone gets to be a bit colorblind with f.lux
random_shoes: this is a weird use case, but I have chronic migraines and spend a lot of time in the dark light sensitive and bored and having really dim settings or color altered settings on things, so stuff like that can help with that too
Bruceski: If two effects have a different pattern. it signifies that the difference between them is signifigant in a way color might not
Juliamon: They were definitely manual captions
random_shoes: @niccus yes, this
Marvoleath: the "CC" subtitles on yt are often desynced, the auto-generated English is usually in sync, but sometimes generates "misheard" stuff
Juliamon: A longer delay would also have prevented the Bill Clinton incident
Juliamon: which would have deprived viewers of amusement, but I'm sure TGA would have appreciated
TheMerricat: So... confused. Were they restreaming a Youtube stream? I thought they were co-streaming a twitch stream...
jadielady: I've seen people modify the auto CC for VODS, but it's time consuming
electric_claire: The translators were presumably translating for the attendees too though.
electric_claire: Not just translating when they're on stage.
MrPhlip: translation ninjas
CaptainSpam: You say "translator", I say "hype man"... Kappa
SymphonySolstice: there is manual captions on youtube, but they have to be uploaded by the channel; there used to be community subtitles, but they canned it
JusticeJuice: Staten and Waldorf translating?
dippedfeathers: why not translation Kabuki, or Noh?
Marvoleath: It was always funny when the translators where going "it was a dream to stand here" and you couldn't be sure if it was translation already or if it was their dream to translate for game awards
AFamiliarCalledEl: six colon zombies sounds a bit worse
lemanrussrules: Take 6 zombies, in a fight, right? In a fight, right?!?!
couchboyj: What duties do zombies have?
jacqui_lantern234: @lemanrussrules :)
Angreed66: If a single person can take 6 zombies the outbreak wouldn't happern
Marvoleath: Colon zombie? Do other intestines also get some?
Wicker_Guide: Steve Stev Stevie Statton Stetman and John
TheMerricat: See the devs could have gotten ahead of this entire controversy by saying the zombie in the art had six fingers because they were doing an homage to the Left4Dead box art. COD 6 - Six fingers.
MalFnord: Remember, if you have colon zombies seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
LilyOfTheVeil666: There's currently an ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike related to AI in video games
lemanrussrules: @MalFnord Do you suffer moderate to severe colon zombies?
Wicker_Guide: @TheMerricat I mean, had they known, or even had they gotten someone to review the prompt, they wouldn't have had the problem in the first place
random_shoes: I love that this community can move seamlessly from a serious conversation about accessibility to colon zombie jokes. this is the best place on the internet
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'm gonna be honest, I think at this point it's beyond artwork protection: i think we need broad protection for everyone against using their voice/likeness without permission.
LordZarano: @lemanrussrules Semi-colon zombies?
Marvoleath: I hate that we live now in a world were you have to sign something to not get used for AI training, instead of ppl asking you if they can use your data for that...
Marvoleath: Like Meta with Facebook / messenger
Marvoleath: I recently noticed that my phone got "AI" module from that
Marvoleath: had to write a form to disable that use of my data
Juliamon: Companies love opt-out because it's less work for them
Wicker_Guide: I have no expectation that it will be like this in 15 years, but the relevant legal precedents will be a long time coming unfortunately
Wicker_Guide: "Okay, we'll pay your severance, but first please say 'The clever fox jumped over the lazy dog':
Juliamon: Yeah... the scientology debacle...
mtvcdm: What if zombies with guns
ButButTheJesus: @mtvcdm can they aim effectively?
Wicker_Guide: Yeah, but guys with machine guns could have lives, friends, hopes, dreams, hobbies, family. Zombies don't
Marvoleath: also called "USA"
Marvoleath: :P
MalFnord: This statement not endorsed by the NRA.
mtvcdm: what if *millions* of zombies with guns, who needs accuracy when you have more zombies with guns
RockPusher: Who put the zombie in the suit‽
Laserbeaks_Fury: Thats like Michone and the jawless zombies
RockPusher: Those are not easy to put on even without being zombie
RockPusher: Liquid leak in the helmet is an *emergency*
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah thats nightmare fuel
Wicker_Guide: Space: it's not for humans
RockPusher: Surface tension is not your friend in space
LordZarano: Like the Left 4 Dead cover
Laserbeaks_Fury: I definitely didnt see it
Juliamon: It just... fades away
RockPusher: You will Experience Beej.
TheMerricat: They had precidence! :D
Wicker_Guide: the program does not have a system for ensuring physical continuity of displayed objects
Darleysam: oh, who else has seen that the cat game shown off last night, Catly, is very obviously an AI-generated pile of bobbins
Izandai: mattlrLul
mtvcdm: You let the AI make it, now you gotta deal with it
Laserbeaks_Fury: Now you have to develop an AI to smoke a carton of cigarettes
voren_chalco: Call of Duty 6: Ghost Buildings
MalFnord: The problem with rubbing the corporation's nose in it's mess is that, unlike the dog, the corp tends to be into that
SquareDotCube: Meh, I prefer that their CFO is temporarily replaced with AI.
niccus: you've shit the bed, now lie in it
Wicker_Guide: like, I understand where you're trying to go there, but that's like asking what the in-universe reason for all the Ork massacres is in old manga
mtvcdm: @Darleysam Oh yeah, the "devs" apparently all blanked their LinkedIns once people started digging because they made the foolish move to promote their thing at the Game Awards and attract attention
Darleysam: @mtvcdm whoooooops
TheMerricat: The problem is you _aren't_ teaching the generators squat. You are just teaching them: "This tag has a 60% probability of having a pixel of this RGB value at this coordinate"
TurnedToFrog: Brigadoon zombie town
electric_claire: That's also generally not how people draw.
Laserbeaks_Fury: "Now draw Goku and Piccolo kissing over this"
mtvcdm: At some point just pay a damn artist
jacqui_lantern234: @mtvcdm lmao get shat upon, "devs"
rentar42: Beej describes "AI prompt artists" and it's kinda depressing
TheMerricat: So Beej is joking but at someone who tried playing around with AI before it became so problematic, that's almost exactly how you do it. :D
Wicker_Guide: @TheMerricat if they were actually building these systems for purpose, you could have a sub-system that enforces program rules and rejects things like six-fingered hands, but that wouldn't be "General"
LilyOfTheVeil666: Gamers(TM) remain the worst
Decaped: In this case, gamers are the less judgemental group XD
rentar42: Hey now! Media that I like can't ever change! Only media that I dislike has to change to my liking!
Marvoleath: tbf the video game version had like 3 different version before that
Marvoleath: for most characters and their stories
Wicker_Guide: Victor in particular has a reputation for being difficult for Riot to settle on a version
Lysander_salamander: eugh
mtvcdm: "And that's why on Reddit" was your first mistake
4AMDonuts: I mean, they said Arcane was going to be cannon and that they were going to retcon as needed going forward
Adderkleet subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Adderkleet! (Today's storm count: 15)
niccus: there's a universe where they'd have had to fit garbage trundle into this animation universe
Marvoleath: Especially if you paid real $$$ for skins that now changed
TheMerricat: Is he veiny or is that armor?
Juliamon: that is very femme, not twink
IbunWest: I can see the Death likeness
Laserbeaks_Fury: Reminds me of Vecna
OmnipotentTrevor: I've heard people specifically complain about the walk cycle
TheMerricat: He's literally just wearing skimpier armor? :D
RockPusher: That's an accusation — "you, you there, you have no internal organs!"
Lysander_salamander: Lately, homophobes are using "twink" as a blanket term because they get automoded when they use other words
IbunWest: Aren't skins a big thing in that game? Why did they not just make an Arcane skin?
Wicker_Guide: the voicelines were very Avengers 2 Ultron-esque in the original
RockPusher: bigots gonna bigot
ProcyonFlynn: I mean - compared to what they did to Fiddlesticks back in the day. Took "haha silly scarecrow" and dialed it all the way to nightmare-demon. It's not the first time they massively reworked a character.
Wicker_Guide: I mean, I've heard "Twink" used as almost a synonym for bishie in straight female spaces
Morrigan9: i heard that as a warcraft term decades ago
Wicker_Guide: price of a term going out-of-community
Marvoleath: language also evolves, now faster than ever
Laserbeaks_Fury: I feel like if you use terms like twink, you have to concede gender is a spectrum
BlueFingers5: no more threads about viktors entwinkification
Decaped: warcraft twink etymology i'm sure is fascinating. I bet they could trace it to a horrible gay pvp guild in vanilla, or something
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh god no, the gameplay discussions are *way* more vitriolic
TheMerricat: @Laserbeaks_Fury I feel like you are assuming that those use bigoted speech feel the need to be logical and consistent in their speech.
cyclonezerek22: Hey Paul, I wanted to ask but couldn't, bit what linux distro did you install into your friends wii?
ProcyonFlynn: @TheMerricat Also - pointing out people's hypocrisy rarely has the desired effect.
Wicker_Guide: because the domain host pulled a complete face plant
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's just a guy named Al
niccus: al has to be stopped
TheMerricat: RE: it's _STILL_ Funko Pop's fault because they had a perfectly legitimate way of issuing a DMCA notice instead of going straight to the registrar. Their refusal utilize the tools made specifically for these issues caused the problem in the first place.
ghyllnox: Artificial Linteligence
Marvoleath: We use All, he's really into this
MrPhlip: tbf, taking down the subdomain isn't really something the registrar can do
Wicker_Guide: to use a different kind of crass language, Funko Pop is the Karen here, and the domain host is the manager who overreacted
electric_claire: @MrPhlip If they're hosting the nameservers they absolutely could.
Wicker_Guide: huh O_o
Laserbeaks_Fury: If Karen is a robot built to partol establishment looking for things to talk to the manager about
MrPhlip: @electric_claire the DNS for the domain is cloudflare
TheMerricat: TBF mildly to the registrar, they are just a shell company. They aren't an accredited ICANN registrar they just resold domains, and then were bought out by the company they resold domains from.
RockPusher: the brand protection outfit abusing a process designed for something else
Wicker_Guide: Cuit Custes Et Custodes
MrPhlip: turns out, when your metric for being paid as a third-party is "how many targets did you take down"... you do whatever it takes to get the target taken down
Laserbeaks_Fury: The real disappointment here is someone make a Funko Pop fan page
MrPhlip: anything you can get away with, plus a little
Wicker_Guide: the alleged murderer
Izandai: The video game part of the news.
niccus: oh right, small coda to that
Laserbeaks_Fury: makes it sound like Gotcha!
mtvcdm: Suspect was alleged to be playing Pac-Man, where you *ate ghosts alive*
ButButTheJesus: katesPalm
Izandai: Yeah...
Laserbeaks_Fury: Assassin's Creed: Harvard
RatherLargeToad: that’s just regular Harvard
ButButTheJesus: katesSus
LilyOfTheVeil666: @niccus Wow, Phil Fish saying a good thing for once
cmdrud87: !next
Wicker_Guide: @niccus Phil Fish, please no
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week, Gladiator! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:52 from now).
random_shoes: it's literally an online version of a game we all played at age ten in real life...?
MajorFrostbyte: More of a deception game rather than assassination. Really.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Among Us blamed for a killing, no FPS nominated in the VGAs, times are changing
Wicker_Guide: An editor rushed something out in 5 minutes
ghyllnox: Is Fortnite not an FPS?
Wicker_Guide: It's a TPS
Angreed66: Now the real question is there a videogame where you create reasons to deny medical insurance claims.
Wicker_Guide: Third, not First person
niccus: well it just came out with an FPS/CS mode
m1gr3nA: manhunt vs amongus; nbc: i see no difference :/
niccus: @Angreed66 papers please
Wicker_Guide: @niccus fair
Wicker_Guide: @Angreed66 2 Point Hospital
random_shoes: @niccus I was about to say
Nomili subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nomili! (Today's storm count: 16)
TheMerricat: Confirmation Bias.
mtvcdm: 'he played video games' is just another way to say 'he's a 26-year-old male'
Juliamon: 100% of people who play video games will DIE
Wicker_Guide: To paraphrase Charlie Warzel at the Atlantic, and subtweeting some of his fellow columnists, the scary thing about the killer is how blandly normal and seemingly well-adjusted to society he was
shurtal: the video gaem with the name that the general public will recognize
EvilBadman: Jokerfied
mtvcdm: Apparently he had 8.5 hours in a game we had on Watch+Play
m1gr3nA: it's like the chemist joke about dihydrogen monoxide, it is causing so many problems...
shurtal: Stand against the devil!
Laurence72: W&P drove me to kill! Kappa
Mazrae: the next guy needs to be an Atari Pong
Mazrae: addict
Marvoleath: "The killer only sustained themselves on Doritos, Mountain Dew and W&P"
IbunWest: merlekClap welcome to the fold Beej
Wicker_Guide: @m1gr3nA THe universal solvent, one of hte most destructive and unusually-behaving chemicals in the universe
niccus: what's your dramatis fursonae, beej
TheAinMAP: Really hope that doesn't become a careful what you wish for moment.
Master_Gunner: shame is hardly a familiar concept to Beej
jacqui_lantern234: at this point, id be more surprised if beej WASNT a furry (/joking)
m1gr3nA: @Wicker_Guide also the cause of titanic sinking and demise of its passengers
Laurence72: With how often he Beejdrops, I would imagine he is a furry for some of those jumps.
LordZarano: Betteridge's law of being a furry?
MajorFrostbyte: In all fairness who isn't into bipedal foxes, Beej?
mtvcdm: Apparently there's like two major genres going right now: running away from the apocalypse, or running towards it.
Laurence72: If I put on a pair of fake reindeer antlers for a Christmas party, does that make me a furry? lrrBEEJ
Marvoleath: @Laurence72 that's the gateway drug
Veraphage subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 113 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Veraphage! (Today's storm count: 17)
Laurence72: @Marvoleath LUL
Marvoleath: this and Donald Duck comics
Wicker_Guide: @mtvcdm Do you include the recent glut of "it's the dystopia, get yours any way you can" games to be the second?
Laserbeaks_Fury: a Ghoul Log
DoodlestheGreat: Spirit logs come from Spirit Halloween stores.
electric_claire: You have to kill a tree *twice* to get a spirit log, Paul
Izandai: You have to kill a tree's corpse to get a spirit log.
electric_claire: It's a little tricky since you need to make sure the tree has unfinished business before the first time it dies
Wicker_Guide: I feel obliged to point out that the 'Awards' are also advertisements, just for things that have already come out that year
RatherLargeToad: they have occasionally, but it’s generally not well received
raulghoulia: There was that Fall Guy stunt man thing this year
RockPusher: Geoff Keighley's Trailer Excuse Dealy
Angreed66: I think the thing is that's NOT the point.
Mazrae: the award show last night was the first time i saw it, from what i saw was mostly what i thought E3 would of been(never watched anything from E3) with awards sprinkled in
RatherLargeToad: I think the last time was for the live action Little Mermaid, since Disney owned ABC who was hosting the Oscars
electric_claire: But Paul, that approach doesn't put any money into Geoff's pocket
LordZarano: And having Statler and Waldorf on to lampshade the problems doesn't fix those problems
DoodlestheGreat: Geoff Keighley's Corporate Feelie.
Wicker_Guide: @Mazrae I mean, that E3 became like that is why E3 failed. It stopped being a working Trade Show
mtvcdm: Wishlist now, next award!
Laserbeaks_Fury: I still don't know what the Accessibility Innovation was
ButButTheJesus: @Laserbeaks_Fury exactly
Invitare: Call of Duty for innovations in file size
DoodlestheGreat: Do they at least give these details on their website?
Phailhammer: Okay, you're not a furry. But...are you a necromancer? Kappa
RatherLargeToad: @lordzarano Geoff did not seem happy with Statler and Waldorf when it was happening. I wonder if they didn’t clear the jokes beforehand
Angreed66: But E3 was a failed model
Juliamon: RatherLargeToad Geoff is a half-decent actor
MrPhlip: @Phailhammer Perhaps he is a furomancer, divination by speaking to furries
Izandai: @RatherLargeToad That was almost certainly just part of the bit.
Wicker_Guide: there's no way that Statler and Waldorf's material was not approved beforehand
4AMDonuts: i mean, i appreciate the sentiment being expressed here, but I have to believe that an awards-only game show would have a fraction of a fraction of the audience it currently has
MalFnord: Outside of here a lot of people liked Statler and Waldorf ragging on Geoff. Which is, like, weirdly depressing?
mtvcdm: Strawman and Waldorf
shurtal: sadly, for the last 10-15 years e3 existed to make a small group of people money more than it existed to be a pr/networking event
SocraticMethod: Geoff really likes muppets
Wicker_Guide: @MalFnord I mean, they identified real problems. I understand being glad they got aired. It's just a shame that we expect that this was done instead of further work to address them
jessicaengle: They were an interstitial
jessicaengle: Interstitial heckling.
mtvcdm: He's creating a strawman argument without even bothering to rebut it
Juliamon: He's giving his show an excuse to keep doing the thing that we hate
MalFnord: "I'm hearing what you're saying, but I'm considering it a joke and not actually taking it to heart."
Wicker_Guide: Yeah I don't agree with that. They did not show him "winning against the muppets". It's just left unresolved
Bruceski: A character in the sketch gets thrown at them and Statler getting a rat to the face is the punchline now. That sort of thing
Laserbeaks_Fury: Because at the end of the day, they still go back to watch the show
DarthRagnar815: That HSR ad was the only reason I was watching...
chaostreader: it was more like … and Statler and Waldorf are here….. and the next part of the show.
RockPusher: It's fun to have a nice safe snark outlet
Izandai: TGA is, unfortunately, a relevant cultural institution.
TheMerricat: 40gig.
TheMerricat: They added a BUNCH of features.
definenull: more chillpoint! PridePog
EvilBadman: I /think/ the patch was done by a sub group of CDPR or other group
Marvoleath: @EvilBadman there was a digital artist group that worked with CDPR on some of the stuff, iirc
niccus: so who's excited for shadow labyrinth
Wicker_Guide: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
afterlanterns: new scars?!
MrPhlip: and a partridge in a pear tree
DoodlestheGreat: ~/And a partridge in a pear treeeeeee/~
definenull: And a partridge in a pear tree
Laurence72: And a partridge in a apair tree!
mtvcdm: And a par-- dangit
random_shoes: news scars dropped
DoodlestheGreat: JYNX
TheMerricat: I'm stoked about the fact that you can now put custom pictures in your picture frames in your apartments.
Izandai: Good work, chat.
TehAmelie: i can't tattoo a body on my face? unplayable
Amentur: You could argue that Virtuos made the patch and not CDPR :p Virtuos being a French company that CDPR paid to help them out
definenull: Glad we all got there xD
Syntheticuh: im curious, speaking of CDPR are people still upset at the company for the stuff they did on cyberpunk release? i remember at the time people said they werent gonna buy their games anymore but its been a while since then and i didnt keep up with the rest of that games life cycle
Wicker_Guide: it's defintiely put a damper on excitement for Witcher 4, @Syntheticuh
Marvoleath: @Syntheticuh some are, there were a few comments under the Witcher IV trailer
Juliamon: Syntheticuh The usual cycle where, after enough time has passed, people broadly forget and forgive
TheMerricat: @Syntheticuh By and large my read is that people have forgiven them. They haven't managed to pull a Hello Games the way No Man's Sky did, but they pulled out of a tail spin and corrected the game to be a mostly stable state.
Laserbeaks_Fury: You horse just randomly catapults into orbit
Juliamon: Time heals most corporate indiscretions
Syntheticuh: oh thats good to hear overall, thanks chat!
Invitare: only Early Access
DoodlestheGreat: Adam's playing it.
Syntheticuh: glad they improved things
Crad0k: does gearing still suck in poe2?
afterlanterns: lol
Zaraka00: PoE is for the sickos
Wicker_Guide: #DiabloUnicornsAndRainbows
Angreed66: PoE the game with the largest demo to game ratio
Juliamon: it's for the *real* gremlins
ButButTheJesus: yes ha ha ha, yes!
Juliamon: loot goblin HARDER
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon not much, whats loot goblin with you? :P
afterlanterns: do you still need an external program to build a filter for the UI?
TehAmelie: what came first, killing loot goblins (as in helpless monsters that drop a lot of loot) or players calling themselves loot goblins?
BlueFingers5: It is early access
DoodlestheGreat: Yes, it's Early Access.
TheMerricat: I loved playing the first Path of Exile till I looked online and found out how wrong I was playing it because I wasn't min-maxing and just vibe picking my stuff. :D
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is dead
Juliamon: it's not dead, but it's about to be
TheMerricat: I just got it free last month!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Rockteady
Marvoleath: They already paid ppl to make those seasons, they might as well try to recoup some of that
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's technically in the Arkham world
Marvoleath: Oh, that sounds reasonable
Marvoleath: given you pay for the game
Angreed66: That way they don't need to refund
Laserbeaks_Fury: I hope they switch to something liek what Boderlands does
Laserbeaks_Fury: Go figure, when you spend $70 dollars on a game, you dont wanna pay for more
mtvcdm: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Izandai: ough
TheMerricat: Epic has weekly free games in theory they are meant to convince you to use the EGS.
ButButTheJesus: oops
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, and only the stuff IM in isnt worth much Kappa
Marvoleath: but that's because it's priceless!
jacqui_lantern234: anyways, ill be around on monday :P
Wicker_Guide: "Crunch" maybe?
CaptainSpam: Ah, the plain "just a jerk" version.
RockPusher: ♫ Too Many Cooks ♫
mtvcdm: Are we doing Beyond Good and Evil 2 now?
Wicker_Guide: I think we're in the late stages of sending it upstate
mtvcdm: This is one of those games where you've sunk-cost the dev time so much that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy to put in perpetual development hell. Nobody wants to scrap everything and just... start over.
SquareDotCube: Maybe BG&E2 just needs to be around the same size as BG&E1 and no more...
mtvcdm: At this point, they seem utterly pot-committed to making some massive hundred-hour epic that... will probably fall flat on its face.
DoodlestheGreat: ~/Too Many Cooks.../~
Izandai: demipyroThink
LordZarano: They should just farm it off to another company. As Obsidian's ad at the Game Awards indicated, they're really good at making part 2s to beloved games.
RockPusher: Much like revolutionaries everywhere, Beyond Good & Evil degenerated into in-fighting and personality clashes lrrBEEJ
mtvcdm: The best-case scenario now is somehow WayForward gets a hold of it and they actually make something decent
MrPhlip: this description is odd for me, with a friend who goes by the name "Defender" online
Syntheticuh: whats been the most successful genre-switch for a sequel iyo?
Wicker_Guide: I mean, it's probably Fortnite, unfortunately
mtvcdm: In 2003, Ubisoft had enough Christmas marketing to either do BG&E or Sands of Time and they chose Sands of Time and I will always wonder what would have happened had they gone the other way.
Laurence72: The Duke Nukem curse?
RockPusher: Thinking you need the latest and greatest is a sure-fire way of not making a video game
afterlanterns: or anything, for that matter
LordZarano: Or... you can go with a stylized look, which will be timeless
mtvcdm: To put a point on the awards last night: BG&E2 is something where they're trying to make Elden Ring when they ought to just make Astro Bot.
Wicker_Guide: But if you can't even keep up with the basic requirements, then you're overscoped and you need to either lower your expecations or give up
zed_alpha subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
zed_alpha: So I moved from Florida to the Midwest this last summer, and I saw snow for the first time I can really remember yesterday. My reaction went from "Oh wow this is BEAUTIFUL, I love this!" to "THE HELL IS THIS I WAS TRICKED INTO MOVING HERE" in about 35 seconds. Send help.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zed_alpha! (Today's storm count: 18)
thegreatwyrdling: I like apple juice
Wicker_Guide: I'd say AC is absolutely influenced by the failuers of BG&E
mtvcdm: Congrats on escaping Florida, Zed!
Wicker_Guide: @zed_alpha welcome to true cold
zed_alpha: Thanks. I miss my friends and family and didn't want to move here, but I'm glad I'm not homeless in Florida lol
Wicker_Guide: well, mid-level cold
Doc_Layzah: John carmak?
SocraticMethod: Randy Pitchford?
Doc_Layzah: Yes Randy
RockPusher: Time to learn Vulkan lrrBEEJ
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi paul
Snowcookies: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
MrPhlip: At least for normal programming, if I learn Python and then move to a new job that wants me to know C#, at least I already know what a for loop is or whatever. For moving between graphics stuff, you often don't even get that.
Laurence72: I mean, they made 1,999 others before that one, right? Kappa
RockPusher: rayfkSanic_HF foxmarRING foxmarRING foxmarRING
Wicker_Guide: oh boy, the fanfic will be a black hole that consumes the universe
MrPhlip: something something "roll out"
niccus: well. i guess.
Snowcookies: that's cool
Lord_Hosk: I got my MCSE and MCP in Windows NT, 3 months later Windows 2000 came out and no one was willing to hire me unless I got that certification. I realized I was hosed.
jacqui_lantern234: a biplane?! glad it came to terms with its sexuality KappaPride
MrPhlip: I think that's the car Sonic drives in the racing games
TheMerricat: $50 USD for toys that look like that? That looks like... dog shit.
m1gr3nA: very clever how they made whiskers on tails face
mtvcdm: I mean Transformers has always been a toy line looking for a show to attach to it so
Doc_Layzah: Burger King kids meal toys
Laserbeaks_Fury: ehh, Hasbro still makes TF like this
Laserbeaks_Fury: there's teirs
Laurence72: Hoe tall are they?
Driosenth: rayfkSanic ?
Laurence72: How*
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah these are way more articulated than g1 stuff
Marvoleath: like that backpack with picture of the Batman and text saying "Spiderman" etc.
Bruceski: When I was a kid every time we visited my grandparents they'd get us new transformers, but they always went for the bright primary colors ones. This led to my grandma, a short timid English lady, needing to ask a Toys R Us clerk what a Decepticon was. I still giggle every time I picture that.
Lord_Hosk: @Laurence72 1 Sanic tall
TheMerricat: @Laserbeaks_Fury There's a reason why Hasbro's main profit stream isn't toys. Despite toys being the majority of their revenue stream.....
m1gr3nA: yes the movement range seems impressive
kusinohki: what were transformers called before the show came out? IIRC, there was a japanese toy line of vehicles turning into robots that became the basis for the show...
mtvcdm: !crossover
LRRbot: NBA Jam needs to do something with this.
Crad0k: jumpstarters
TehAmelie: i had a Cosmo, who turns into a flying saucer. that'll fool the earthlings am i right
niccus: well, this is the closest we've come to a sonic figure that fits in with jordan's gunpla collection
ButButTheJesus: right we had one of those
mtvcdm: Yes, LRRBot. Give me Sonic Transformers NBA Jam.
Laserbeaks_Fury: As long as you have 1 ring, you ar invincible
SocraticMethod: @Laurence72 12.7cm / 5 in
Kentosaurus: Anything could be in a crossover with NBA Jam and prosper
RatherLargeToad: blame Harmony Gold for Jetfire shortage
niccus: thanks hasbro?
TehAmelie: hey if Sonic had armor made of rings would he be invincible?
Wicker_Guide: If this was an unhinged fan's homemade model kit, it would be very impressive. Frightening, but impressive
Crad0k: i've a boxed original jetfire, i love it
TheMerricat: @kusinohki "The Transformers began with the 1980s Japanese toy lines Micro Change and Diaclone. They presented robots able to transform into everyday vehicles, electronic items or weapons."
Crad0k: 2025, next year
Laserbeaks_Fury: TF is over 40
kusinohki: I forget which game, but didn't tails plane turn into a walking tank thing? the transformer reminds me of that...
ButButTheJesus: @TehAmelie I assume its part of the ring physics that when one gets hit they all scatter
Juliamon: It's the current year for the collab
definenull: LUL
Juliamon: it was not a smart graphical choice
Kentosaurus: to be fair the formatting is unusual
KeytarCat: It's poor design!
SocraticMethod: lrrPAUL "Dont dead, Open Inside"
CaptainSpam: 20......... <long pause> ..........25
shurtal: Graffic design is my passi0n
Snowcookies: ty for the stream
red_shoes_jeff: It's Sonic's 2025th Anniversary!
jacqui_lantern234: thanks for the stream, you two <3
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
RockPusher: Paul needs a nice, revitalising cup of tea
mtvcdm: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
TehAmelie: 2025 sounds like a year that sounds like it should be significant in some sci fi story but nobody ever used it.
mtvcdm: That is a long strike, they started that during Desert Bus
TehAmelie: it's the year They Live planned for the world to be overtaken
MrPhlip: !addquote (Beej) [now] The holidays are a great time to lie to your loved ones.
LRRbot: New quote #9209: "The holidays are a great time to lie to your loved ones." —Beej [2024-12-13]
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week, Gladiator! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:01 from now).
Snowcookies: "The holidays are a great time to lie to your loved ones" - Beej
LilyOfTheVeil666: @mtvcdm Yup, management is dragging their feet
Izandai: Excellent!
jacqui_lantern234: yay gladiator :D
RockPusher: Gladiator now with many new cards
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
GorgonsMind subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GorgonsMind! (Today's storm count: 19)
thegreatwyrdling: The finale!
jacqui_lantern234: poetry with ME!!! :D im super excited
LilyOfTheVeil666: Get ready to cry about gay dinosaurs!
SaxPython: @jacqui_lantern234 KomodoHype <3 KomodoHype
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
GapFiller subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months, currently on a 55 month streak!
GapFiller: 59 Months! 55 of em inna Row!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GapFiller! (Today's storm count: 20)
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Snowcookies: bye
ButButTheJesus: byeee
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
thegreatwyrdling: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week, Gladiator! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (57m from now).