Didero: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Is This Your Card? (Join Wheeler and his every expanding list of card based video games! Game: Teamfight Tactics: Arcane) at Sun 10:00 AM PST (4m from now).
TXC2: title change!
Didero: Good evening!
TXC2: hi Didero
Always nice to see you in LRR stream chats
TXC2: Didero thanks
Didero: Weird, Twitch did refresh and show the 'Going Online' screen, except it didn't actually start playing the stream...
mrjujubeans: will this be the first episode?
Didero: Wheeler played TFT last week too
Jigokuro: I expected runeterra since that's an actual card have, but ok.
Though of course he'll still claim ITYC is a new LRR stream
Jigokuro: Game*
jonnykefka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 136 months, currently on a 136 month streak!
jonnykefka: If it drafts like a card game and has stats like a card game, it might be chess
Thanks for subscribing, jonnykefka! (Today's storm count: 2)
Didero: Hmm, Chess with drafting, that sounds like an interesting idea...
jonnykefka: the queen meta would be a little unbreakable
Didero: I guess you could use point drafting, making queens expensive
FurthestChunk: horse guy is a sleeper pick though
PMAvers: but how many points is a king with a shotgun?
Didero: Can't Draft Horses Club
CommanderCrossing subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 124 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CommanderCrossing! (Today's storm count: 3)
Carlioo: SOON
Great timing, just ended today's epi of Shangri-La Frontier
ascendingspartan: SOON
ArtOfStuttering: SWOON
LoadingReadyRun: one sec, eating a thing
h3rsh3yb4r: i am available to fight the team... tactically
avjamethyst: good morning
h3rsh3yb4r: thing: eaten
TXC2: here we GO!
bytecaster: @h3rsh3yb4r I'm always ready to team fight, tactics optional though
TXC2: Hello Wheeler
murder_mtg: Hello! I hope you're having a fantastic day
bytecaster: The poof is camera shy
h3rsh3yb4r: Mornin Benny Wheels. hope you enjoyed your thing for breakfast
Didero: a WHAT?! I didn't sign up for that
Didero: now it sounds like I'm negative about cookies
avjamethyst: noted
TXC2: !patreon
h3rsh3yb4r: but then you said it anyway
TXC2: !store
I'm eating oatmeal cookies right now!
bytecaster: Teamfight Magic: The Tactics Gathering
TXC2: so it's either $20 or oatmeal cookies to give to Wheeler
h3rsh3yb4r: $20? i thought we were supposed to slip him a 5
Rabbt300 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 119 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Rabbt300! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: the fortnight before Christmas
reindeering: MAGIC CARDS
Didero: buy 'em oatmeal cookies
bytecaster: Clip it!
TXC2: you left Vegas with money?
trebuchetboy: @h3rsh3yb4r inflation
LordZarano: Tactics: The Teamfighting
AdamTheIndividual: Gold 4. What a beast
Didero: nocturn your blitzcrank until you teamfight
TXC2: nothing beats Fambily
bytecaster: Did you find them charming?
h3rsh3yb4r: did anyone see that messed up warwick face that person had?
Didero: Are all these fights against other players, or are there also 'PvE' fights as it were?
TXC2: Didero there's 3 rounds of PvE, then it's Pvp
Didero: @TXC2 Thanks!
TXC2: the pod, as it were
h3rsh3yb4r: the placidium
Diabore: thats a lot of magic damage
loorff: hello gamers
TXC2: hello loorff welcome
Didero: Is a tactician just cosmetic, or do they have stats too?
loorff: gotta get that incremental advantage from your tactician choice
Diabore: cosmetic
Good, less numbers to think about
eddebong1337: any tips for new players? just started playing tft
GreatGodOm: When do you generally know what build you are going for?
Carlioo: You did start off the previous stream with a guide
Diabore: ooh theres an ez
h3rsh3yb4r: rebel yell
Diabore: its an akali too
TXC2: the rebemblem
loorff: i thought blazing shoal was banned
TXC2: or in this case the reBENblem
perrydise_koisplash: The real joy of rebel emblem is flexibility at rebel 7
perrydise_koisplash: I have been known to enjoy a rebel ambessa
eddebong1337: my go for comp is start with draven and darius, is that good?
h3rsh3yb4r: Wheeler, is "The Baazar" card game enough for this show
Diabore: whats vexs traits?
Carlioo: A school protest?
perrydise_koisplash: The heimer instinct was strong
Oh cool, Wheeler on tft Haven't played this set iteration
Didero: "I think it's beneficial to go into Rebels here" -Luke Skywalker
RedNightmare7: @Didero I so want to misinterpret that, but all of my options are too much
eddebong1337: also thief's glove, i feel like that is op, is it good?
h3rsh3yb4r: jojos but about the inconomy
@RedNightmare7 I also have too many Star Wars opinions I don't really want to have
Diabore: or even a third season for the flesh
TXC2: rushed like it should have had a 3rd season?
Didero: Buying experience, also known as going to school
eddebong1337: I have a 3 star darius an 2-7 what should i build it into?, conquerors?
h3rsh3yb4r: they have two swains
redpandrake: Dang that Swain kept healing with the dragon item
Diabore: i ahvent played since vanguard was added, thats a game changer
h3rsh3yb4r: kernel level access to your PC
Diabore: a kernel level anti cheat
All anti-cheat is bad
PMAvers: Because they clearly want to cheat.
tehfewl: unregulated access
flaressi: Kernal level and I want to say stopped some computers from booting a while back
AdamTheIndividual: Gage on vi
loorff: it's like having direct access to someone's brainstem
redpandrake: It also has a tendency to frequently brick an already barely functional client
h3rsh3yb4r: yes
Wormsbane: named easy anti-cheat, because it's easy to get around
h3rsh3yb4r: makes elden ring anti cheat look like a mall cop
Diabore: rebel rebel... rebel rebel rebel rebel rebel
loorff: a kernel level anticheat could for example log your keyboard keypresses before your operating system even sees them
bytecaster: If it works on Steam Deck it cannot burrow tooo deep into the system.
Carlioo: that unit selection is so cute
loorff: also ruins linux/non-windows support
Earthenone: for me my problem with the vanguard anti cheat is it dosent accept being turned off then on, so i need to leave it on the whole time my pc is on or reboot every time i want to play a round of this
TXC2: how much are people cheating as this that it needs KERNEL level access for the anti-cheat ?
Diabore: @bytecaster ive legitimately considered picking up a tablet to play TFT
Riot is going to see me trying to hype up abzan enchantments in party chat and make sure I dont get enchanters in aram
Diabore: @TXC2 at this? not a lot probably, but the tft launcher is in the league launcer
avjamethyst: poor vex
bytecaster: @Diabore Yeah, I think their Draconian anti-cheat is more about League and Valorant.
h3rsh3yb4r: jinx shoots the rocket so slowly
TXC2: Diabore bytecaster I see, thanks
Diabore: line up the shot
bytecaster: Gotta properly ready yourself and aim!
loorff: hold on guys gotta assemble my ikea rocket launcher
Carlioo: she maybe be chaotic, but rocket safety is important
I feel like our hand is telling us to pivot to chems
h3rsh3yb4r: is there any world where we run the vi for 2/2 sisters?
Diabore: @loorff "...shit im missing a piece"
Ponkaton: Sisters should be worth it
I love you Ben Max Clearance is the funniest thing I've ever seen
bytecaster: I do enjoy "Sisters 1/2". Only Vi and Jinx are sisters, no other siblings here!
Diabore: game really wants you to have leblanc
h3rsh3yb4r: leona and diana are sisters
Diabore: oh swayne beeg
redpandrake: The healing reduction on your frontline def helped
ccctonelarone: @h3rsh3yb4r i thought they were "roommates"
Diabore: whats vis second trait? i know sisters
Diabore: pit fighter, ty
Carlioo: tft is so unserious, some of the units makes it looks like it's the fight of their life and then they start breakdancing at the end of the round
bytecaster: Always happy to have Sisters
Diabore: 85hp and a dream
alphashados: Not even close
esherone: Twink 2 has arrived
Gekyouryuu: Two-ink
redpandrake: They twinkified Viktor, does that count
Diabore: uh oh, thats a 3 urgot
bytecaster: I think it only really gets good at Thrink
surely levelling up causes twink death?
loorff: you've heard of twink death, prepare for twink phoenix
dasdardly: gold just doesn't go as far as it used to
Carlioo: damn twinks are so cheap these days
h3rsh3yb4r: most people still don't know what twink means tbh
dasdardly: down to force enforcer
Didero: Isn't a twink a candy bar?
dasdardly: no that's a twix
Xerodin: twins basil, twins!
bytecaster: I mean, the giant wings help
Didero: "Kill the wolf!" -European farmers
The thiefs gloves rolling into another dragons claw on the doggy was scary
bytecaster: Good evening and welcome to Americas favorite game show: "Crit. That. Wolf"
PMAvers: "If you've ever tried to... well, don't."
Cptasparagus: do you play ARAMS still? did you see that theres an ARAM clash tournament this weekend?
RitualGlitchZ: what about in 2XKO?
Diabore: probably top 3 too
TXC2: top4 baby!
AdamTheIndividual: Lp go up
h3rsh3yb4r: do we dare go for the 3 star
redpandrake: Red Buff gaming, this guy jungles
cobthegreat: He pet the dog
TXC2: do do do do do do do do BIG SWAIN
Carlioo: why was their avatar so big
Carlioo: is it because they're winning?
redpandrake: Size of little legend is affected by winning or a few small effects in game yeah
15k damage on jinx
lightfut: Yes but have you considered jinx rocket
lightfut: Solves many things
Didero: I was a bit pre-occupied during Wheeler's explanations last stream, and now I'm quite confused
Cptasparagus: viktor is incredibly OP. Mel is great with the right items. Warwick is much less good but can be good in the right situation.
maltbeverage: I’d keep Mel in case you fall behind
Cptasparagus: @maltbeverage you only get saved if she's cast a certain number of times
Diabore: speaking of victor
Didero: That's a lot of numbers popping up
Didero: If you're already called 'Victor', you can't really lose
FurthestChunk: @Didero the keys are being jingled with high efficiency
Didero: 'slobberknocker'? That's a word I hadn't heard before
FurthestChunk: slobberknocker's a classic
esherone: the nuts
Didero you clearly didn't watch wrestling in the 90's then
@FurthestChunk If you just want that, playing incremental games is much easier on the brain
FurthestChunk: i say, having only heard it come out of Jim Ross's mouth
redpandrake: Double BT monkaS
CrossXhunteR: Mel will save them from death once if she has cast 12 times
@TXC2 I don't think I've ever seen a wrestling match, yeah
TXC2: FurthestChunk right?
h3rsh3yb4r: killed by cutscene
FurthestChunk: the man is very good at saying slobberknocker though
Carlioo: don't question the cord
Carlioo: cords happen
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
there's a cord that's very happening
Didero: Oh wow, stream's been live for an hour already, time's flying
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
FurthestChunk: oh i ain't going anywhere (because i'm super ill and don't want to move at all)
FurthestChunk: think i've hit covid round two, let me tell you hwat, coke really doesn't work without the sugar part of its taste
LoadingReadyRun: wait does Covid prevent you from tasting sweetness?
FurthestChunk: in my case, yes
AFamiliarCalledEl: Covid can do some weird things with taste, yeah
FurthestChunk: but i still get the bitter part
FurthestChunk: my brother when he got covid had an overriding smell of iron
FurthestChunk: but yeah coke that's just bitter and also the textural experience is, not good
TXC2: and we're back
Cptasparagus: press the open button
h3rsh3yb4r: whats wrong with his face though
Didero: this game has SO MANY things, few of which make sense...
FurthestChunk: honestly the worse parts of what i've got going on is the switch between cold flushes and hot flushes
Plaicoson: that Jinx is a TFT tactician
Plaicoson: you get them
cobthegreat: You get it
ErrorCode404: you get them, the shop rotates
ErrorCode404: its basically gacha pulling
my Gods the mere notion of renting a cosmetic
ErrorCode404: pity is the medaallion
cobthegreat: Its a gacha
Plaicoson: yep thats the gacha, those blue coins open chests
FurthestChunk: i hate everything i'm seeing
Plaicoson: you can click on the chest to skip the animations fyi
Didero: @FurthestChunk My brain prevented that by not understanding what I"m seeing
tctrain: DANGOS
FurthestChunk: it's not ITYC if there isn't any jambling
TXC2: 2024: everything is cake or gatcha
Cptasparagus: $$$
dasdardly: time to swipe
Didero: How many currencies are there?!
FurthestChunk: time to bust out james' credit card
how do we get more? time for James' credit card!
accountmadeforants: How much real money do the weird rocks translate to? What's 3000 squiggly geodes in dollars?
I like that the shortcut for fortnite on that desktop is a blank page
cobthegreat: Before or after she got nerfed 23 patches in a row
Plaicoson: yeah, they gutted heimer as well
ErrorCode404: theres 6 costs now too
you know, I see some obscure game on your desktop call Magic the Gathern'. That could be interesting for a next entry in your series!
FurthestChunk: it's sunday, ben
dasdardly: oh i loved that game
Didero: I don't really have any icons on my desktop because I almost immediately after boot open up several full-screen programs so I never see 'em anyway
FurthestChunk: oh my desktop is crammed full of bullshit for the same reason
ErrorCode404: force close it, its a bug
FurthestChunk: i never look at it
FurthestChunk: oh good a trumpist in this game
I have 7 icons, one is the recycle bin
FurthestChunk: beat his ass
FurthestChunk: beat that guy to death with hammers (in minecraft)
Cptasparagus: its good but you have to know how to play it
accountmadeforants: Nerfed: Automata. Featuring 0.2B
Cptasparagus: you need to hit 500 or 600 or its hard to win
FurthestChunk: gripping and ripping a cold one
Plaicoson: the chembaron deck is crazy fun, super risky, either 1st or 8th
roastbeefsandwitch: Imagine a game being willing to nerf game pieces for balance reasons. Some big companies could learn something from that.
Cptasparagus: you get points, but more if you're on a loss streak
tctrain: I think chembaron is good, you just can't force it at all
dasdardly: is there a good fine vintage comp this set?
accountmadeforants: In fairness, roastbeef, this game doesn't sell you the game pieces. It sells the equivalent of sleeves and playmats and graphic t-shirts for you to wear while playing
ErrorCode404: yeah normally you get a spat, or get one of the 3 costs in your opener
Plaicoson: conqueror is like sugarcraft
Plaicoson: chembaron is more like heartsteel form a couple sets ago
tctrain: oh nice a 3 cost chembaron
tctrain: lets force it
Plaicoson: early renni is no meme a good reason to force it, since chembaron cares more about your losestreak
Diabore: the salty runback is real
Plaicoson: nepo baby simulator in TFT
TXC2: Wheeler's favourite: money
CironSkylark: free money pretty sick
Starting to sound like Adam
TXC2: big stretch
roastbeefsandwitch: biiiiig stretch
ErrorCode404: the later it goes, the harder it is since you need to lose a bunch
one would think that in 2024 people's internet wouldn't shit the bed, and yet here we are
PhorrestGaze subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months, currently on a 99 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, PhorrestGaze! (Today's storm count: 5)
Plaicoson: forcing chembaron with an afk player in the lobby is kinda awkward cause you cant guarantee your lose streak, but, you just faced them
Cptasparagus: yes
Diabore: renata barons are a gooooo
Cptasparagus: you want to lose streak up to 500 or 600 for the good good items
tctrain: you can just winstreak for a while and go for a big lose streak later, which is riskier, but can work
Cptasparagus: yeah the person afk will throw a wrench, thats a good read
Diabore: you ere lose streaking
Didero: What's the benefit of losing?
ErrorCode404: @Didero you get more mcguffins
Diabore: fuck it we baron
Didero: @ErrorCode404 Exploiting a catch-up mechanic? That kind of makes sense, thanks
Diabore: free-nu
Cptasparagus: yeah thats a good plan
Diabore: pant suit goes hard
tehfewl: parody parody
TXC2: women with a pantsuit, a gun, and a floating set of bagpipes
FurthestChunk: i see we're luigi's mansion posting
MadWolf1290: unexpected America in my wholesome Canadian stream
vinopinguino: Careful lol
tctrain: a chembaron emblem nice
CironSkylark: free damage seems solid :>
CironSkylark: new TFT player question, is it unwise to reroll for what you need early on?
Gekyouryuu: Canadian comedian. Comadian
tctrain: I remember hearing power up on 3-2 means the next augment is guaranteed gold and thus prismatic with power up
Diabore: what rank is singed?
tctrain: singed is 1 cost
TXC2: CironSkylark seems like it works out fine to me
A_Dub888: What up Arcaners! How Tactifight are the Teamics?
Diabore: the natty singed
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
TXC2: A_Dub888 we're on draft number 2 after getting 2nd place
CironSkylark: Singed was a fun surprise yee!
A_Dub888: @TXC2 uh ohhhh, twosieeeeees
CironSkylark: ladies and gentlemen...
Diabore: wake up, its carousel wednesday my dudes
CironSkylark: ok I love this
bytecaster: It makes sense!
A_Dub888: Everybody's working for it?
and we work on sunday?
HungryTanuki: I thought wednesdays were for whoppers D:
MadWolf1290: why not
bytecaster: On theme!
adept_nekomancer: Suddenly wolf
bytecaster: Like arcane lore wise
A_Dub888: "Blood Hunter" "Blunter"
bytecaster: But "big wolf" thuogh
tctrain: trenchcoat on warwick probably looks hilarious
Cptasparagus: what that dog doin
adept_nekomancer: 3 wolves in a trenchcoat
ErrorCode404: may want to put some experiment units on the experiment hexes
Cptasparagus: yessir
Diabore: thats a lot of 3 stars
nic_nax96 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Thanks for subscribing, nic_nax96! (Today's storm count: 6)
Cptasparagus: family hyper roll was better when you could guarantee 4 star violet
nic_nax96: wow that is a nice early warwick
Cptasparagus: shimmering diamond hands
Diabore: 2 stars another smeech too
ErrorCode404: titans prolly
Diabore: did they change seraks in the past 2 sets?
ErrorCode404: big renni is good
ErrorCode404: @Diabore nope, its the same
CironSkylark: ok this rules
Cptasparagus: All I wanna do, is see you turn into, a giant Renni
A_Dub888: @Cptasparagus A GIANT RENNI
Diabore: we could level
bytecaster: I am away for 5 seconds, and suddenly one of our little guys is a very big guy
GreggyIce: 3 cost are 40% at level 8 right?
as we level them up, do they get more blades on their chainsaw?
Diabore: rennidemption
GreggyIce: nevermind its 32 xD
Cptasparagus: Renni and Renata being in the same set gives me Elden Ring vibes. We just need a Renala and Rena
bytecaster: @Cptasparagus Is their synergy called "Maidenfull"?
nic_nax96: I think Warwick should be on the experiment hex right?
tctrain: warwick would probably be fine on the back experiment hex
bytecaster: Starting a loss streak again, all according to plan!
Diabore: just a little smeech
ErrorCode404: itll happen after the fight
A_Dub888: uh oohhhh, Smeecheeeee
HungryTanuki: The beegest of dumpies
Diabore: ooh 3 star smeech
TXC2: a dumper so big it'll blot out the Sun
Carlioo: jeez, how much damage did you do to the player?
Didero: It's like a streamer jingling keys
bytecaster: Isn't the mess the beauty of the thing
h3rsh3yb4r: whos the big fella in the middle
bytecaster: That dragon is having a bad time
bytecaster: Another big dumpy, this soon?
tctrain: 6 cost odds go way up at level 10 btw
tctrain: which wow, with the viktor encounter
CrossXhunteR: you're crushing it, bud
Marethyu_Kael: nice comp
CironSkylark: this comp looks sick as heck
bytecaster: We sure are balling
Diabore: the round 1 renni helped make the choice
bytecaster: This just in: Committing to the bit is meta this season.
CironSkylark: WOW that's awesome
A_Dub888: uh ohhhhh, Renniiiiii
Diabore: i think itll be hard to lose this
adept_nekomancer: Such a large boi
CrossXhunteR: oh, do the tft-exclusive arcane units just make like grunts instead of having voice lines?
Tynermeister: silco > jynx apparently
bytecaster: Dog!
A_Dub888: @Tynermeister I mean Silco is Jynx's daddy
Diabore: and the knockout
bytecaster: It's almost the weekend too!
CrossXhunteR: maybe a double kill, depending on the ghost
tctrain: Curious what the stage 7 6 cost odds are in this event
ypsilonkappa subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
ypsilonkappa: 34 months, wow, the full year...
Thanks for subscribing, ypsilonkappa! (Today's storm count: 7)
oh its just over
looks like Drugs won the war on drugs yet again
bytecaster: Yeah, I'm sure you can find it on the information super highway!
dasdardly: you do it again until when
A_Dub888: @TXC2 "Do Drugs" got it
Cptasparagus: yeah. Playing double up with my partner is like the highlight of my life rn.
h3rsh3yb4r: world of warcraft
bytecaster: People do love making sets of things!
CrossXhunteR: what if you're into drugs
Anonyman41: i love this game but im so bad at it and just get stomped constantly lol
bytecaster: The sigh is actually part of the title
h3rsh3yb4r: nah the last couple expansions are great
ErrorCode404: i have definitely drifted away from liking non-cube draft, but this game always hits
Didero: why is this launcher so loud
TXC2: Didero WHAT?!
Cptasparagus: @Didero it exploded
ErrorCode404: no its a bug
Cptasparagus: no, there's somethign wrong with Riot's client
bytecaster: So what you are saying is they should add Chembarons to Magic?
ErrorCode404: happens to me
jolly_does_art: I used to play TFT a few years ago but there is so much going on now it's kinda overwhelming
h3rsh3yb4r: riot client bricks itself sometimes since vanguard
GreggyIce: it happens to me when i click before the loading screen shows up
Diabore: whats a bug? the launcher volume? iirc its a seperate volume setting for in game and launcher
HungryTanuki: Hya~~
Skye_Stryke: Tbh I would be down for a full Arcane/Runeterra UB set
TXC2: I mean, we had the not drug of Angel dust on New Capena
bytecaster: Smeeeeeceh
Cptasparagus: get smeeched
TheDevil_Risen: what's up Wheeler?
dasdardly: smeech is my least favorite thing
TheDevil_Risen: how's the MC going>?
bytecaster: It's a sign!
TXC2: hello TheDevil_Risen we've gone 2nd and just now 1st, so it's going well
bytecaster: They think we are the family channel, but actually we are all about drugs!
Diabore: what can you say when youre a shapes main
bytecaster: What can I say, I love triangle
A_Dub888: @bytecaster I love lamp
TXC2: time to suck for luck
Ristow: sell the nunu play darius?
A_Dub888: @TXC2 uh ohhhh, suckyyyyyys
bytecaster: Everybody likes an underdog making a comeback!
Cptasparagus: is Beck your favorite band?
dasdardly: the income though bro you gotta get the income
CrossXhunteR: pivot
TXC2: pivot to wining
CrossXhunteR: !schedule
Cptasparagus: you can rearragne them
Cptasparagus: rearrange*
Cptasparagus: not when you only have 1
bytecaster: Last place, but the moral victory!
dasdardly: can't believe they named a guy after the apple test text
dasdardly: loris ipsum dolor lookin ass
Cptasparagus: try moving your remover to where your chain vest is
"chat will back me up"
bytecaster: This lose streak better not awaken anything in me
Didero: same
CrossXhunteR: report them
TXC2: the dream is over
Ferisar: "i've had enough of this irelia emote"
cobthegreat: That the funniest shit I've seen in a while
bytecaster: They saw the joke and committed
h3rsh3yb4r: why does that gwen look so big
bytecaster: @h3rsh3yb4r She has been eating well
ErrorCode404: winstreak
bytecaster: Is one loss really already a streak?
h3rsh3yb4r: what about the riven one
PMAvers: Yeah, I don't think I've used the baseline BB skin ever since getting the Admiral BB one. <_<
bytecaster: Ah, the folly of youth
jayinthewater subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Thanks for subscribing, jayinthewater! (Today's storm count: 8)
h3rsh3yb4r: expewiment cwest
Ferisar: the tactical concede was wild
Ferisar: yea lol
Ferisar: the last time i remember tft players banding together to fuck people over was nunu during dragon whatever
Ferisar: where he just ate your whole team
TXC2: pit-fighter conquer = Spartacus ?
I play pit fighter/conqueror a lot
lonelyyporo: it's not fantastic lol
Cptasparagus: yeah everyone hates the unbound skins
starlitdiscord: actual jinx is so jarring
regular, normal Jinx
Cptasparagus: I have been a jinx fan since she came out, and this is just like.... not in my TFT plz
h3rsh3yb4r: didnt the tft playable characters used to be like, a small penguin, a little frog, small gerbil?
Cptasparagus: still is good
A_Dub888: No Wheeler, YOU'RE so good
vinopinguino: Do it coward
TXC2: we're doing it
Cptasparagus: GP is basically a conqueror
Cptasparagus: hes great with that comp
TXC2: now when we say whole ass...
starlitdiscord: jinx existing as a whole woman does have some disturbing implications about how large the chibis are
TXC2: to be fair, Jinx is not a large person to begin with, so maybe the chibi are still in scale?
Cptasparagus: uhh the ap/mr item? its great on swain
nic_nax96: rageblade or gunblade on draven
Cptasparagus: spear of shojin is great on GP too
SnackPak_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SnackPak_! (Today's storm count: 9)
Egotistical_DSO: Pitfighter build?
Egotistical_DSO: You're getting many more Swians than I would expect
Cptasparagus: 1 yeah
GreggyIce: 1 and 3 yeah
GreggyIce: 2 goes back to you i thiunk
Cptasparagus: people dont even scout until you hit diamond tbh
Egotistical_DSO: sell urgot if you win
Egotistical_DSO: He's not important to 3 star for your team too
Cptasparagus: John Urgotti
w1gum: cloak is great for evenshroud
w1gum: get you some armor shred
Cptasparagus: so this round is Thursday then?
w1gum: yeah it’s a lot lol
Egotistical_DSO: I think I'd have kept the gloves to make a lw
w1gum: I think the item panel finally made it a lot easier lol
baltimore_667083 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
Thanks for subscribing, baltimore_667083! (Today's storm count: 10)
chaostreader: I think there were GP on someone’s bench? May have been mistaken.
w1gum: swain is so good early and with good items he lasts a long time late
w1gum: I think he’s underrated in the back rows too
Jundinator: Hi Wheeler
Jundinator: Since when is TFT a card game?
TXC2: Hello Jundinator welcome
clearly cards at the bottom of the screen there
chaostreader: Since the first time it appeared on ITYC
TXC2: !wiki
Carlioo: not even close
h3rsh3yb4r: have you been tipped off to the bazaar yet for ITYC?
ErrorCode404: basically just a deckbuilding game
BorealMage: The Bazaar is very cool and good
ding0_dorko: its very fun
PMAvers: I've still got a extra code if you want it
Egotistical_DSO: Build toward Vi 3?
Egotistical_DSO: She's probably a good secondary carry
Egotistical_DSO: Evenshroud right? For the armor shred
Egotistical_DSO: Could also put Rumble back in, he's decent frontline and he gives GP scrap
Jesper_aka_Mordachai: What is this? LRRTFT? Hype!
w1gum: shred or anti heal would be juicy - i think if you upgrade your Elise that’s some good front line and CC
w1gum: Gang “John cena” blank
w1gum: plank*
Carlioo: invincibility the GOAT
Carlioo: or was it invisibility
Larkonus: A winner is you!
h3rsh3yb4r: shoulda conceded
TXC2: two 1sts and one 2nd, good runs today
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
TXC2: !youtube
LoadingReadyRun: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: twitch.tv/seabats | Alex: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Ben Ulmer: twitch.tv/bengineering | Cameron: twitch.tv/unarmedoracle | Cori and Ian: twitch.tv/tiltyhouse | Heather: twitch.tv/LunarJade | James: twitch.tv/James_LRR | Kathleen: twitch.tv/BraveNewFaves | Matt Wiggins: twitch.tv/wiggins | Nelson: twitch.tv/coachnelly | Serge: twitch.tv/sergeyager , twitch.tv/sergeafterdark | Wheeler: twitch.tv/benjamin_wheeler
tcat13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Thanks for subscribing, tcat13! (Today's storm count: 11)
TXC2: !events
vinopinguino: ya boy!
h3rsh3yb4r: christmas commander
50 Bits
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TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
iris_of_ether: Ben.
TXC2: classy
LoadingReadyRun: happy holidays
TXC2: goodnight everybody
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