Metric_Furlong: didn't realise lrrbot had a Gom Jabbar
TehAmelie: i'm not "against" skullcrushes. . .
Metric_Furlong: just as well, given how things have been going
airylan: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Pit Trap!
airylan: whee!
TehAmelie: now you're defying gravity! for a little while
Strebenherz: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: that stick that you light on fire and then Dale describes it in a gross way
richard_ermen: Oh wow, first day of Winter Vacation, and I get to catch the 7th Thrink-Episode? Awesome!
Metric_Furlong: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
TehAmelie: hmm my brain may be stuck on a snippet of interview with Cynthia Erivo who plays the witch in Wicked where she talks about doing some 25-meter freefall to be able to sing Defying Gravity with authenticity
Strebenherz: she what now? that's awesome
thymato subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thymato! (Today's storm count: 10)
Metric_Furlong: whole new worlds of method acting being discovered
TehAmelie: yeop
Metric_Furlong: unfortunately I can't really stay up for Thrink tonight, so I'll have to catch you all on the VoD
Metric_Furlong: have a good stream everyone
TehAmelie: it's like we've traded places
RurouniGeo: 3 Thrink 3 Furious
airylan: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Omthebox: Fogot how high i had the volume
Sarah_Serinde: oh hi chat
Sarah_Serinde: and Heather
MrVirite subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrVirite! (Today's storm count: 11)
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
memnus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
memnus: Hype Club Bite Club!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, memnus! (Today's storm count: 12)
Strebenherz: The secret pre stream stream bite club
Going_Medium: lrrDOTS lrrHEATHER lrrSHINE
DideRobot: LRR: Tonight on DICE FRIENDS! | It's time for this Coterie to get back to the island in Not a Drop to Drink S3E7 ~A Tale of Vancouver Island by Night! | Tune in at: or |
Fruan: I am looking forward to a straightforward episode where nothing goes wrong!
DrFromage: Excited! I can actually catch one live again!
jacqui_lantern234: hai heather!!! :D
Sarah_Serinde: I suspect we might
LostThePirate: Yay, catching Bite Club "live" tonight!
jacqui_lantern234: also hi everybody else!!! :D
DrFromage: My union keeps having meetings on Mondays at 5:00 :P
Vlanoik subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Vlanoik! (Today's storm count: 13)
LaconicLad: I just saw that there is a Crapshoot this Saturday. Is that newly restarted or have they been doing that recently?
saucemaster5000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
saucemaster5000: Bleh
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, saucemaster5000! (Today's storm count: 14)
Strebenherz: sometimes being human takes effort
ShaneLeeAtk: Warming up like a human person does
e_bloc: Corgo100 Corgo100 Corgo100 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1
Sarah_Serinde: This is a pretty new plan though yes
LaconicLad: aha
JacobBurgessVO: Hellllllo!
cyclopsboi: yay made it for secret podcast times
Sarah_Serinde: Hey Jacob
ShaneLeeAtk: Jacob!
jacqui_lantern234: @JacobBurgessVO hai jacob! youre great!
terribleplan: Thrink!
WowoT subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WowoT! (Today's storm count: 15)
Strebenherz: they do
Strebenherz: it science
Strebenherz: or something
Fruan: A watched pot never counts.
TheMinionGM: Very excited for this episode based on the faces Jacob was pulling at the end of the Lorcana stream LUL
Strebenherz: a watched vampire never fangs
Sarah_Serinde: Anything can be science if you document it properly
ShaneLeeAtk: That is why I sometimes stare at an analog clock to slow things down
cuzuki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: If the countdown starts counting up when you're watching, then get worried.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cuzuki! (Today's storm count: 16)
NotCainNorAbel: lrrXmaspistachio lrrXmasbart
Strebenherz: that intro continues to be an absolute bop
Sarah_Serinde: oh hi Heather fancy seeing you here
TheWriterAleph: hey-hey~!
noSmokeFire: 100% factual
jacqui_lantern234: oh hey, its a surprise Heather :P
NotCainNorAbel: I'm new here
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
noSmokeFire: not a drop to grink
jacqui_lantern234: @NotCainNorAbel im jacqui
TheWooglie: "definitely" "not" the last episode
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Totally the last episode, unless it isn't.
TheWriterAleph: i suspiciously keep hearing that...
SnackPak_: any episode can be the last episode if you stop watching
Master_Gunner: but now that you've told us it *isn't*, it clearly has to be!
LostThePirate: Adam spoiled us when the finale will be the other day :P
jacqui_lantern234: you were watching us? im sorry :P
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Watch chat, but don't listen to chat.
corpocracy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
corpocracy: v-v
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, corpocracy! (Today's storm count: 17)
DiscordianTokkan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 113 months!
DiscordianTokkan: on the Brink of the last ep of Not a drop to Thrink
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DiscordianTokkan! (Today's storm count: 18)
ButterBall000: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 7:09.
Sarah_Serinde: Just as well. Never listen to chat.
neisan2112: That would be horrifying
Dread_Pirate_Westley: All good, then!
noSmokeFire: imagine the horror of TTS for chat
adept_nekomancer: We should not be converted to audio.
jacqui_lantern234: watch the CDHC vod, then you can hear me specifically :P
NotCainNorAbel: That would be a new level of hell
Seabats: hello
Fruan: I'm developing a plugin that lets you hear chat scream
Seabats: it's almost over are you sad or happy it happened
Sarah_Serinde: jlrrNo
TheWriterAleph: aaaaaa
PharaohBender27: WHAT UP FANGSTERS lunarj1Fangs
DrFromage: Just imagining if chat was voice-to-speech overlapping...
Riandisa: what text to audio voice would chat have?
Sarah_Serinde: @Seabats I can be both
richard_ermen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
richard_ermen: Goats on the internet? Unpossible!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, richard_ermen! (Today's storm count: 19)
saucemaster5000: I am the reason the goats scream
jacqui_lantern234: Cori's probably doing a snack thing or lurking :P
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: honor system candy
Oscelot: I made it \o/
cyclopsboi: swapping my vampire brain out of bloodlines and back into thrink mode
Revenant77x: I brought the goats ice cream.
definenull: something something lying on the cold hard ground
grimshade: i thought screaming goats where a myth
Oscelot: Just gotta scare Matt lol
roastbeefsandwitch: but the screaming goats are what powers the batteries. We house them in our power plants!
spo8n: you need to give them a reason to scream
cyclopsboi: magic the soloing
BITs19_: is there at least one messy crit?
Alahmnat: howdy chat, hi Heather!
Oscelot: "A lot?"
PrinceNimzar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
definenull: will it beat the messy crit count tho
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PrinceNimzar! (Today's storm count: 20)
grimshade: honestly series 3 has been such a ride so far and i love it
NotCainNorAbel: two truths and not a lie
OldManJohnsonMB: stuff?
AriaHibiki: how many messy crits/beastial failures? xD
SnackPak_: things occur
Aksu560: It involves more burnt people at the start then at the start of the last episode
spo8n: cool vampire stuff?
dm818: Does Oliver have a bad time?
Sarah_Serinde: I like when stuff happens. Unless it's happening to me, then it depends
saucemaster5000: Is there talking in this one?
spethycakes: @dm818 does Oliver ever have a good time?
Oscelot: Agreed @Sarah_Serinde
Ignatiuspants: "stuff happens in this one!" #houseoflies
lamina5432: evening bite club
noSmokeFire: it was a three hour cruise
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart boats
TheWriterAleph: nothing bad has ever happened on a boat.
TheAwkes: Actions *and* consequences?!
Aksu560: of course its exciting, its the finale!
definenull: most of all we get more Ted?
NotCainNorAbel: edit out the blinking
OldManJohnsonMB: This episode is a full LARP
cyclopsboi: 3 hour staring contest with reaction cuts
Oscelot: Gotta get the primo stares
saucemaster5000: Sweet
dm818: @spethycakes That was the joke I was trying to make
Alahmnat: boat trip!
Aksu560: yes
Aksu560: hands down
Sarah_Serinde: Chat was very enamoured with the idea of a vampire just called "Ted"
SnackPak_: I'm ride or die T Buck
Laurence72: Is this the interpretative dance episode??
roastbeefsandwitch: I imagine adding voiceovers to the audio-only version of people's expressions would be too much
adept_nekomancer: Stalks is best NPC
neisan2112: TeeBuck is still my favorite
jacqui_lantern234: currently unsire
xantos69: Best npc? Gotta be Mask.
type_variable: Stalks > T Buck > everyone else
niccus: any time a ttrpg podcast gets a ted it's always a good time
PrinceNimzar: no marge is still best
Sarah_Serinde: And then they turned out kinda cool too :P
BlueFingers5: Monica is mine
Sarah_Serinde: Only kind of though
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Chancey!
Strebenherz: TBUUUUCK
ShaneLeeAtk: I am waiting for T-Buck to swoop in and save the day.
grimshade: i like chansy
DrFromage: I don't even remember meeting Ted...
Sarah_Serinde: Marge *is* the best
saucemaster5000: I don’t play favorites
jacqui_lantern234: i think im here for Chansy The Rock God
Oscelot: Stalks is the best
TheWriterAleph: i dig monica, no regerts
Kasran: i don't think i'd be able to pick a favorite npc, they're all amazing
Oscelot: Stalks will always be best. Stalks is cat.
noSmokeFire: blood bonding is a great mechanic because if you decide an npc is your favorite you can just Make Them Yours
Alahmnat: the no-blink deep fake cut
Sarah_Serinde: @DrFromage It was right after the party and before the thing with Silas's sire
jacqui_lantern234: @saucemaster5000 now THATS a fuckin lie
grimshade: if monica died id feel so bad for jesica
Nigouki: Ted and T-Buck sittin' in a tree. V, A, M, P, I, N, G~
thedevil_risen1: Arvo!
sheqesi: Chauncey the rock God!
unarmedoracle: 'sup
saucemaster5000: (Writes a few people down on a litst)
Sarah_Serinde: Hey Cameron
jacqui_lantern234: hey cam :D
aitsu100: hi cam
Ignatiuspants: tonight: a fan favorite NPC may or may not die!
Oscelot: Hey Cam o/
thedevil_risen1: Heya Cam!
nekobun: tedheads rise up
josh___something: We can be percieved?!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Good evening, Cameron!
EricTheOrange: look at this comment
DiscordianTokkan: unarmeHeart
jacqui_lantern234: @saucemaster5000 come at me, scrublord, im shredded
Kasran: do dice get rolled in this episode
OldManJohnsonMB: Cam enters chat: "Witness Me!"
thedevil_risen1: bleedPurple
PharaohBender27: :O
grimshade: theo seems dam close to it
noSmokeFire: technically most of our favorite NPCs are already dead
terribleplan: Let's find out!
KaleidoscopeMind: statistically, at least 1 messy crit
jacqui_lantern234: ITS BEEN A WHILE
Oscelot: Everyone is already dead ;)
Oscelot: Staaaaaaaalks yesssssss
DiscordianTokkan: D'awwww
PharaohBender27: :D
definenull: stalks! <3
SnackPak_: d/aww
Oscelot: Awwwwwwwwwwwww
KaleidoscopeMind: give pets!
SaxPython: Kill?
adept_nekomancer: See? Stalks best NPC.
jacqui_lantern234: awwww, that was wholesome
thedevil_risen1: Aww poor stalks
Strebenherz: PFFFFFFT
SaxPython: Hi Jacob
josh___something: Das a good kitty
Sarah_Serinde: !dragonshield
LRRbot: Want a deal on some sweet Dragon Shield products? Use code LRRMTG5 for 5% off your order at
neisan2112: Okay Stalks might actually be my favoirte
PharaohBender27: WHAT UP FANGSTERS
ani laurel: hey
blackcoat: I'm usually booked on Monday nights, but all my games are on winter break so I get to watch this live!
Simriel: How we doing tonight Chat
SpoopsAHoy: fangtastic
Ignatius Husky: All ready for a new episode featuring Vampire: The Messy Crit
SpoopsAHoy: This is genuinely one of the most impressive and engaging actual plays I've experienced. NaDtD is honestly amazing.
SmithKurosaki: Right?
SmithKurosaki: Why does it have to end :(
Random Factor: Bite club time!
nikipound: music!
PharaohBender27: Twitch version is starting
Random Factor: Lets see how they escape a slightly on fire building just before dawn.
SpoopsAHoy: Actually it's so good, can I Childe the YouTube algorithm to push this to top of RPG trending.
thedevil_risen1: Hi Jacob
Sarah_Serinde: !dtrpg
LRRbot: Looking for TTRPG books and related products? Support LRR by using this affiliate link with DriveThruRPG:
grimshade: im so hyped
definenull: *more dramatic piano and strings*
Oscelot: Heck yeah Ryan's music \o/
jacqui_lantern234: gosh, im always FLOORED at how good this song is
LunarJade: welcome to vampire where everything is perfectly fine and safe
Lex_Snipe_49: wooh made it in time
satyropodobny: aw yeah got here just in time
sheqesi: Fanger alert!
Laurence72: As someone who's been role playing since the days of 1st edition D&D, it amazes me that there are actually now thousands of different role playing games now. I love it
Oscelot: Totally @LunarJade
Twilight_Spark: Vampires are friends and I haven't been magically brainwashed to think so
Oscelot: Time to play "Who's That Pokemon On Jacob's Head?"
LunarJade: oh no I was seen!
PharaohBender27: Sorry, what was Cameron doing there?
NovahTalAura: Hi Past Jacob!
definenull: is it bulbasaur?
JacobBurgessVO: He says hi
RurouniGeo: Adam got option selected
SaxPython: Getting really efficient with the intro
BITs19_: Hi current Jacob!
Oscelot: I'm half amazed y'all don't do a roll off for who has to go first @LunarJade ;)
Bahamutwize subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bahamutwize! (Today's storm count: 21)
Despoiler98: @JacobBurgessVO foodvi2Hi foodvi2Hi
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Yay, you made it! o/
satyropodobny: lrrFINE
josh___something: Isn't everything currently LITERALLY on fire?
Strebenherz: Yes
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
LunarJade: @oscelot harder to hide from dice
Sarah_Serinde: No thank you!
SnackPak_: oofa
definenull: well it's not reallly *cool*, its prob really warm where they are
Oscelot: "Everything's cool" = "My sire is halfway to Oblivion and everything is on fire."
Master_Gunner: and now you get to be the same person you were as a teenager *for eternity*
NovahTalAura: I do NOT want to going back to feeling like a teenager
Simbionis: High school never ends
Strebenherz: the House Tremere fire extinguisher's gonna see some use
Oscelot: @LunarJade Truuuuue
styxiedust: About to go to sleep, playing in a VtM game tomorrow then running one the next day, see this is on.. well that's a new plan
SaxPython: StinkyCheese
PharaohBender27: Said dudes apparently cheaped out on the chantry's foundation, which gives me . . . concerns
jacqui_lantern234: LUL yeah, get bussed NYers, apparently :P
Strebenherz: PFT
DiscordianTokkan: "newly"-ish, kinda
satyropodobny: inner 15 year old crumbling under the weight of the new meatsuit. why do they have to change them every year?
josh___something: XD
SaxPython: CoolCat
KaleidoscopeMind: she kills
TheWooglie: is it by night or by knight?
PharaohBender27 sees what lrrHEATHER did there
JacobBurgessVO: I desperately need a shower. Back in 15.
Twilight_Spark: mattlrBonk
LiveFaust: Is she single?
jacqui_lantern234: love me a ride or die cougar
lochnessseammonster: HahaCat
Oscelot: o7 @JacobBurgessVO see you
josh___something: Stalks <3
PharaohBender27: @TheWooglie I assume by night
NovahTalAura: It’s a literal cougar.
mercano82: “in” the head
mercano82: more like through.
josh___something: "Again"
Laurence72: Life goal -- Get someone who will stand up for you (possibly kill for you too) like Stalks does
Strebenherz: You norted the head
Oscelot: If you want it dead...
PharaohBender27: @TheWooglie I don't think Stalks By Night even knows anything about feudal titles
NovahTalAura: Norting the head is never a mistake
Sarah_Serinde: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
SnackPak_: a perfect metaphore
azureHaights: He didn't miss the head, he's just REALLY GOOD at switching to plan b
TheWooglie: you stopped the vampire from attacking anyone
PrinceNimzar: has oliver just misunderstood how stake?
Oscelot: That is a very good turn of Phrase from Cori XD
azureHaights: Little Bobby rm-rf
Laurence72: He just staked the heart from above is all
TheGhostOfZero: I love that Oliver is incapable of staking anyone
nikipound: I've never been to a premiere before, I'm glad they give it a few instead of jumping right in
Loren Farque: howdy!!
PharaohBender27: IIRC, the first YT Premiere was in 2019. I know they did premieres for Road Quest.
Alice Quintanilla: he gets soft
SmithKurosaki: Welcome Nikki :)
Simriel: Stalks by Night is beautiful
emanym: Woo!
Random Factor: Marge was right. Kitty!
nikipound: :hands-yellow-heart-red:
rat prince: happy episode 7 everyone!
Simriel: hey Rat Prince
rat prince: 👋🏼 🐀
rat prince: as a they/them learning that heather uses she/they makes me happy
SmithKurosaki: @rat prince They're a huge reason why I started transitioning to they/them as well :)
rat prince: @smithkurosaki hell yeahh love that :)
Random Factor: Watch Oliver trash talk Big Tony and Frankie later. That would be amazing.
josh___something: Jordan needs to catch up on the skull smashing now
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
ContingentCat: !advice
LRRbot: The answer to every question is Alex.
azureHaights: @TheGhostOfZero Incapable, or hypercapable?
Strebenherz: Oliver's staking doesn't come with Ctrl+Z :P
Alahmnat: Oliver's favorite band is Smashing Punk-heads
satyropodobny: lrrFINE
gualdhar: !quote hopes and dreams
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
SaxPython: CurseLit duDudu CurseLit
TheGhostOfZero: @azurehaights yes
gualdhar: !quote hopes
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
LunarJade: lol
ContingentCat: lol
Oscelot: *falls over laughing*
TheWooglie: LUL
josh___something: HAHAHAH
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Oscelot: The realization XD
NovahTalAura: ROFL
jacqui_lantern234: HE FINALLY REALIZED
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
Sarah_Serinde: Quote is for the person who said the thing, !findquote is for keywords
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Strebenherz: Alabama vampires
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs NotLikeThis lunarj1Fangs
gualdhar: !findquote hope
LRRbot: Quote #3010: "I hope everyone's been electrocuted." —Alex [2016-07-20]
azureHaights: y'all motherfangsters need kindred jesus
jacqui_lantern234: HEATHER
nekobun: Rod, Todd, this is Nod.
thedevil_risen1: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR lol Adam and thr realisation
Oscelot: "'Yall need to find Caine..."
TheWooglie: new t-shirt idea
Strebenherz: @azureHaights LUL
A_Dub888: Oh my glob
thedevil_risen1: PrideLove bleedPurple
Oscelot: @azureHaights That'd be either Caine or Lilith, closest as I can think
NovahTalAura: Love the evolving bandaid
corianderd: Ted was served on a silver platter
A_Dub888: came in late, did they talk about the part were Jacob rolled 3 massy crits
A_Dub888: ?
Oscelot: Nope
Strebenherz: Not yet
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
NovahTalAura: ROFL
josh___something: HAHAHA
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs SabaPing lunarj1Fangs
Lysander_salamander: oh no I missed the beginning
KaleidoscopeMind: nobody knows... yet
Sarah_Serinde: *spiderman pointing meme*
NovahTalAura: I mean he hasn’t snitched yet
BusTed: it's true
Oscelot: inb4 Monica has a spirit riding on Oliver
TheWooglie: you go Oliver
DiscordianTokkan: HAH! We are!
Artificer_Evan: @Lysander_salamander we are still in the recap
TheMinionGM: But we care about you, Adam
josh___something: Oliver "Snitch Chat" Tyndall
Kasran: chat is toreador harpies
Master_Gunner: never trust chat
roastbeefsandwitch: *spiderman pointing meme*
SaxPython: Ollie +1 Politics
ContingentCat: we all have stitches coming
Oscelot: He's learning how it works ngl
saucemaster5000: Snitches get paid
cyclopsboi: chat are 1000% nosferatu
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
Laurence72: We're not snitches! We're just trolls!
A_Dub888: Everyone's worth 150 points and ends the game
singinnonsense subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, singinnonsense! (Today's storm count: 22)
grimshade: wow wonder when all the stitchs are gonna start coming
NovahTalAura: Trust chat to go for chaos
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Oscelot: There it is @A_Dub888 XD
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Messy lunarj1Fangs
jacqui_lantern234: @cyclopsboi excuse you?! im VERY Toreador :P
NotCainNorAbel: lunarj1Messy lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Messy
satyropodobny: If Oliver is snitching for everyone he should just publish a newspaper
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Messy
Oscelot: @jacqui_lantern234 Brujah or Ravnos here o/
Laurence72: I would be the world's laziest Gangrel
TheAwkes: @satyropodobny The Tindall Tattler
Oscelot: *snerk*
Lysander_salamander: :D
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
neisan2112: uhhhghggg
jacqui_lantern234: @Laurence72 regular gangrel, got it Kappa
BusTed: JinxLUL
A_Dub888: @Oscelot those books made their mark on me even if the author sucks
BITs19_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months, currently on a 101 month streak!
BITs19_: yoooooooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BITs19_! (Today's storm count: 23)
Laurence72: @jacqui_lantern234 LUL
KaleidoscopeMind: the most innocent is that one tremere who showed up late to the fight
Oscelot: @A_Dub888 Mrr? I meant the messy crits
DiscordianTokkan: "Suddenly, Oliver turns into a BAT"
NovahTalAura: No keeping of XP
josh___something: "Activities"
Oscelot: I'm sure there will be No Consequences Whatsoever for going against Jessica's Sire
grander_pastures: I've rewatched the last ep 5 times over, we still in intro?
ContingentCat: stupid sexy kindred
A_Dub888: @Oscelot oh, nvm then
Oscelot: Yes @grander_pastures
grander_pastures: Yaaaay
ani laurel: lmao
Random Factor: Staked sys32.
nikipound: i don't think Oliver could find system 32 tbh
Simriel: Finding God is what the old vampires are trying to do :p
Farley flavors: What’s a lite amount of incest between vampires:face-red-heart-shape:
Random Factor: Cori made her character a double mom of her double daughter.
Farley flavors: Oliver “snitching like a nosferatu” Tyndall
emanym: We know!
darrin: hay I mean fair enough but still
PharaohBender27: We're like less than 15 minutes in and I've already made 3 clips 😛
SmithKurosaki: Keep it up Pharaoh :p
LunarJade: Jessica didn’t go against her sire… she just didn’t let him know what she was gonna do…
TheWooglie: @LunarJade ask for forgiveness not permission
Oscelot: @LunarJade Didn't Trip want them to go Cam though?
NovahTalAura: She can paint him another painting I’m sure
SaxPython: Oh hey wait. Do we think we're getting new Theo Boons? That would be rad
grander_pastures: Please tell me that Silas eventually gets to do a Lupine/Kindred truce for the Battle of Vancouver Island
Oscelot: I have no idea if Theo is going to be in any condition to give out boons in a while
Oscelot: *for a while
LunarJade: look he doesn’t know what I said. and if no one knows it’ll all be fine.
grander_pastures: Theo is gonna give them Somehing th9
coriolis_storm: There’s ALWAYS a messy critical involved
Oscelot: I'm so damn glad that they saved him
A_Dub888: @LunarJade Vampires can't read minds right?
PharaohBender27: And now there's Damien (?) and someone with an AK-47
Strebenherz: telekinesis was discussed but not something sylas had the power to use i think
LunarJade: @a_dub888 I think that depends on their disciplines
grander_pastures: @a_dub888 Uhhhhhhhh *looks at Auspex 5*
Oscelot: @A_Dub888 Maybe with high enough Auspex? I'd have to look
Strebenherz: Auspex 5 that was it
azureHaights: Wake with Night's Freshness, aka "Tremerentos: the Freshmaker"
ContingentCat: lrrFINE
Oscelot: Oh no
tezzatipoca: Hi chat ^.^ We been up for 30 min?
NovahTalAura: x0athyFIRE
PharaohBender27: Uh . . . fire extinguisher, anyone?
Rhynerd: and two people busting into the room with guns?
Ignatiuspants: "A Study On Fire" is my favorite Sherlock Holmes mystery
ghyllnox: When they're on fire things are usually alight yes
Oscelot: This is worse than I thought. I thought it was just his body
SaxPython: @azurehaights Magnificent
Oscelot: Isn't there a fire supression system?
neisan2112: @tezzatipoca Only ~15, and just ended recap
ContingentCat: @tezzatipoca we just got through the recap so good timing to be late
grander_pastures: She sounds Really Familiar, she sounds like a VTM Lore Character
adept_nekomancer: For vampires, I'd imagine like 6 fire extinguishers per room would be "to code".
tezzatipoca: @neisan2112 oooo ty
Oscelot: @grander_pastures Almost sounds like a Hunter to me
azureHaights: @Oscelot I imagine it kicks on right now, for maximum dramedic effect
tezzatipoca: @adept_nekomancer That. or it all sprays from the walls xD
BusTed: fires out, sire's out
PharaohBender27: Remember, chat: when using fire extinguishers, PASS (Pull the pin, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep)
grander_pastures: @oscelot Something in my brain is rattling with something from the Vamp Sourcebooks
nekobun: deep Bennigan's cut
josh___something: Crummy Wizards
Oscelot: @PharaohBender27 I did not actually know this acronym. Thanks!
A_Dub888: uh ohhhh, eeepyyyyy
SaxPython: Also aim at the bottom of the flame
DiscordianTokkan: "Hi cute Redhead!"
PharaohBender27: @Oscelot I've done fire extinguisher training a couple of times
Oscelot: @grander_pastures Hmmm. I'll search
NovahTalAura: gbuttSleep
grander_pastures: Irish!
tezzatipoca: Dierdre ❤️❤️❤️
JacobBurgessVO: I have returned.
tezzatipoca: I am casting her as the Wildling from GOT
JacobBurgessVO: Now with additional porkchop
LunarJade: everything was fine while you were gone
Strebenherz: walter go poof
LunarJade: lunarj1Fangs
nekobun: Theo finishes a job he starts
Oscelot: Ooooo @JacobBurgessVO I demand cat tax.
DiscordianTokkan: Hermetically sealed, by Hermetics!
nekobun: burning that candle at every single end
Oscelot: @grander_pastures I'm not seeing anything on a cursory search
grander_pastures: Wait, this might be another Jacob character/NPC, I remember something about an Irish girl making one of his other players IRL cry
josh___something: Just gathering the walter for later
NovahTalAura: Cat tax!!!
Strebenherz: oh danger necklace
PharaohBender27: Flavor question: Was his name Walter or Walther (seeing as he was German)?
grander_pastures: @oscelot might just be nothing then dwdw
PharaohBender27: I try. Definitely had to rewatch last episode to catch up on everything I missed in clipping (also when I had to leave for dinner for a half hour partway through)
Farley flavors: If you pause it right there, you can pinpoint the moment Jacob’s heart broke
Simriel: Wyrm bad...
Simriel: weaver Mid?
Random Factor: Silas could get big props from Chance over this. Maybe.
PharaohBender27: Remember: when using fire extinguishers, PASS (Pull the pin, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep)
Oscelot: @grander_pastures Hmm. Is Diedre from your home game @JacobBurgessVO ?
DiscordianTokkan: Hehehehe
circusofkirkus: LUL
nekobun: "There's no hunger dice." Yet.
azureHaights: I like how heather always, ALWAYS calls them Best Failures
Sarah_Serinde: sounds like quitter talk
Sydet1: @PharaohBender27 Walter Ramsauer (his name's on the white wolf wiki on the order of the wyrm page)
gualdhar: Wow, look at Heather, knowing the rules and all
grander_pastures: It just Sounds Familiar, anyway, Yaaay, Heather's not gonna die
DiscordianTokkan: Hi Mary
Strebenherz: OH NO
KilrenKrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 102 months!
KilrenKrae: Big number
josh___something: Oh right
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KilrenKrae! (Today's storm count: 24)
grander_pastures: OH NO MARY
josh___something: Oops
Laurence72: Cam looks so happy!
LunarJade: @gualdhar I actually read my character sheet this series
PharaohBender27: @Sydet1 Oooh, didn't realize this campaign included known NPCs from other campaigns!
JacobBurgessVO: @Oscelot Me? Put thinks in from my home game? -puts hand to chest- Why I never
A_Dub888: @Laurence72 Is he single?
KaleidoscopeMind: yesss
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Uh-huh. XP
KaleidoscopeMind: the bathroom
PharaohBender27: Ooooh
grander_pastures: THE BATHROOM
Oscelot: Oh hey!
Simbionis: yes!
DiscordianTokkan: The Bathroom with the bags of rats!
Sarah_Serinde: ahhh yes :D
roastbeefsandwitch: rats! rats! rats!
iris_of_ether: Yessssss
tezzatipoca: oh no
SaxPython: #Rats
neisan2112: OH finally!
grander_pastures: THE CALLBACK
tezzatipoca: Jacob playing the loooong gaaaaame
adept_nekomancer: Who hasn't wanted to just summon a rat tsunami once in a while?
TheWooglie: crystal maze?
Alahmnat: at last!
PharaohBender27: The Crystal Maze?
A_Dub888: right, that
PharaohBender27: @TheWooglie sparkl171Smug
tezzatipoca: #rattsunami
Alahmnat: lol
josh___something: Just... So many rats
Ignatiuspants: The Price Is Rats!
grander_pastures: Literal opposites in just about anything
PharaohBender27: :O
tezzatipoca: *gasping out loud*
neisan2112: WOOPS
PharaohBender27: Fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
LostThePirate: Welp
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO literal goosebumps rn
grander_pastures: Here we goooo
jacqui_lantern234: CHILLS
Sarah_Serinde: this seems fine
gualdhar: Oh shit they did it to themselves
Alahmnat: oh
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
SaxPython: Can anyone remember, was this event in season 1 or season 2?
LostThePirate: 2
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
tezzatipoca: 2
SaxPython: <3
PharaohBender27: @SaxPython Season 2
azureHaights: her fleece was what, jacob? *her flece was WHAT?*
Kasran: that had to have been season 2, marge and mary and stuff didn't start showing up til then
nekobun: yeah season one was mostly van and backpack
iarethel0ser: No tag? But ripping the tag off is illegal!
WiJohn: Everything's fine, no mistakes have been made
tezzatipoca: The were at T Bucks... right after fight I think...
Ignatiuspants: the tag was removed! these ARE evil vampires
grander_pastures: This was in the back half of S2, yeah
TheGhostOfZero: mary had a little lamb, it's fleese was slick with blood
type_variable: i thought the bathroom conversation "deepened their relationship"
Twilight_Spark: They know how to make vampire beds there, hand crafted.
Oscelot: *cackle*
TheWooglie: Brasov has an airport now
RurouniGeo: oh noooo
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
Simbionis: oh hod
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
A_Dub888: are they going to fuck?
Dog_of_Myth: lrrFINE
tezzatipoca: o7
Master_Gunner: *had* to say it
terribleplan: Damn it
lochnessseammonster: HahaSweat
Oscelot: Agreed, Silas
Sarah_Serinde: hah
roastbeefsandwitch: a mathemagician, yes
Master_Gunner: that's two
grander_pastures: "I'm not a Mathmagician" - Adam Savidan
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
grander_pastures: She's not Bluffing
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
grimshade: i love how oliver always goes to 11
RurouniGeo: what do you mean shruggg
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Oscelot: "Sasquatch... Sasquatch... Sasquatch..."
grander_pastures: Now, that's a lie Mary
A_Dub888: that's not true Oliver, you know about Trudeau
lochnessseammonster: howie PrideLaugh
RurouniGeo: YEAA
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
circusofkirkus: we did it
azureHaights: it's not... NOT... the power of friendship
EricTheOrange: yeah get em naruto
ghyllnox: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
jacqui_lantern234: YEAH!!!!! THEYRE FRIENDS
neisan2112: lrrXmasbart
SaxPython: GayPride
Dog_of_Myth: lrrXmasbart
Strebenherz: Pffffffffffft
Sarah_Serinde: Congrats Oliver :D
grander_pastures: Silas knows the power of friendship and OW
fracassio: ew
DeM0nFiRe: UH OH
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
tezzatipoca: 😂😂😂
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
PrinceLariel: FBtouchdown
FrostyKaze: FRIEND GET!
ContingentCat: Daaaamn
WiJohn: Fighting evil by fang light!
josh___something: Uhoh
tezzatipoca: mic drop
A_Dub888: !findquote friends
LRRbot: Quote #6384: "Why do I keep losing so many friends?" —James [2019-09-12]
Simriel: Is anyone gonna see to Theo? xD
Whydustin: lol, naw he good
Whydustin: :p
Simriel: Aggressi
Simriel: Agg bad
Simriel: How much Agg is "Magic green fire"
nikipound: finally!
blackcoat: the bathroom scene! hype!
PharaohBender27: Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Oscelot: I wonder if she's something reaching up from the Umbra
Sarah_Serinde: trouble is what it is
Laurence72: NO!!!!
PharaohBender27: :O
Sarah_Serinde: Oliver buddy :D
mercano82: that’s three
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
josh___something: OLIVER
satyropodobny: Oliver is my favourite shonen protagonist
Oscelot: *falls over laughing*
Strebenherz: Oliver no
ContingentCat: Oliverrr
grander_pastures: Damn Ollivet that was QUICK
PharaohBender27: GDI Oliver
TheAwkes: Older and meaner than the stories say, huh?
lochnessseammonster: HahaSweat
gualdhar: Suddenly reappears
SaxPython: NotLikeThis lunarj1Messy NotLikeThis
Oscelot: Dad is kind of crispy as hell
RurouniGeo: D'awww
Oscelot: Awwwww
circusofkirkus: aww
WiJohn: Awwww
azureHaights: Mary on the other side of the vampire discord: "man you guys stop pingin me, damn"
ContingentCat: Awww
Oscelot: Character growth <3
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
A_Dub888: now KISS
Ignatiuspants: aww... friendship!
type_variable: KISS
Master_Gunner: Oliver and Silas need some BFF bracelets
grander_pastures: Isn't that interesting SILAS YES
jacqui_lantern234: 😭 GROWTH!!! friendship!!!
TheWooglie: yeah let Jordan tank any trouble
Laurence72: Best Bad dress, LOL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
DiscordianTokkan: Hah!
tezzatipoca: Jordan and Jessica talking awkwardly about romance again lol
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Oscelot: "I look like a rectangle!" XD
jacqui_lantern234: GOSH i fuckin love Jo
grander_pastures: Jordan wants a Bad Dress for a Reason
KaleidoscopeMind: "simple black rectangle"
ContingentCat: some people like looking like a rectangle sometimes Jessica!
pyrehand subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
pyrehand: I'm kicking myself about showing up late
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pyrehand! (Today's storm count: 25)
Oscelot: Relatable rofl
fracassio: lol
Oscelot: CAMERON
BusTed: benginFingers
Laurence72: LOL
thymato: CAM
josh___something: HAHAAHHAAHJA
neisan2112: AHahahahahhah
KaleidoscopeMind: LOL
Oscelot: *wheeze*
gualdhar: Gdi Cam
grander_pastures: SHIPPING DISCOURSE
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
iarethel0ser: CAM
ContingentCat: CAM
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
TheWooglie: LUL
grimshade: omg
DeM0nFiRe: LUL perfect
pyrehand: way to go cameron
cyclopsboi: yes cam!
WiJohn: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
grimshade: holy crap
RurouniGeo: spat out my drink lmao
Sarah_Serinde: sergeJustRight
ghyllnox: Good job Cam
10of9: seabatClap
SaxPython: We shipping!
lamina5432: that was a good one
tezzatipoca: You're all getting shipped ;)
lochnessseammonster: CheersToThat
LiveFaust: Master_Gunner: WWCD - What Would Cain Do.
jdr_42: rollRelation rollShip
Oscelot: Yeah for sure that was worth 2. Beautiful.
PharaohBender27: And I see I need to do another clip :p
TheWooglie: see Adam that's what you do with XP
WardsarTheWriter: Shipping gets you places...
itira: evening everyone
tezzatipoca: Hai
Oscelot: o/ @itira
ContingentCat: Speaking of shipping
Oscelot: Jo oh my gods XD
grimshade: omg lolllll
Sarah_Serinde: you don't say :D
josh___something: Jo pls
jacqui_lantern234: LUL JACOB
Ignatiuspants: Monica might have feelings?
grander_pastures: Ahhhh, the Brujah, a brilliant knower of Romance
EricTheOrange: wow ok
RurouniGeo: lolll
Strebenherz: "Behold the matchmaking skills of a Brujah" PFFFFFFT
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Laurence72: I picture Jo grabbing Jess and Monica and using them like dolls. "Kiss! Kiss!"
grander_pastures: Honestly, so, so fair Jo
circusofkirkus: this is going well
Oscelot: That's not bad advice though
Oscelot: "Maybe don't the power imbalance"
satyropodobny: @Laurence72 nah, she would parent trap their asses
Oscelot: Bless you @PharaohBender27
Sarah_Serinde: yup
roastbeefsandwitch: painfully, cheerfully awkward
tezzatipoca: Yea I took it more as caution than encouragement
Laurence72: @satyropodobny LUL
azureHaights: @grander_pastures Brujah are warrior-poets. As the great warrior-poet Benatar opined, love is a battlefield.
grander_pastures: Jo: "Don't put all your eggs in the same blood basket"
gualdhar: So who got Monica to pay their rent in exchange for work again?
tezzatipoca: you do NOT want to break Monica's heart 💔💔💔
TheGhostOfZero: how much temp willpower damage is Jacob taking here?
gualdhar: Literally everyone?
Ignatiuspants: I remember something about Silas secretly having long hair when he wakes up
SaxPython: We Shipping! GayPride
grander_pastures: *Shaddap*
itira: LUL
Whydustin: adam kills me as this character
Farley flavors: Silas and Oliver sitting in a tree - B L O O DY MARY
SmithKurosaki: Cam YES
Whydustin: two!
Farley flavors: Give that man a point
Random Factor: Holy shit Cam
Simriel: Hahaha That's the first time a pun was so good they got Two Xp
SmithKurosaki: yup
nikipound: "being nice to your advice" is an interesting concept
Laurence72: "We put him out" gives me "We sent him to a farm" vibes
Strebenherz: just throw theo in a bathtub of aloe vera
DaxStrife: Damien just looks like Curly from "Mouthwashing."
RurouniGeo: dipped in the aloe vera coffin
cavvdor: Late today and can't wait to see what madness I missed when the youtube video drops
grander_pastures: Literal Family Guy Death Pose for Theo
PharaohBender27: Actually wait, what was the deal with the redhead with the AK-47? I feel like I missed something on that front
Oscelot: I love this thought process, Cam
mercano82: Green flame!
WiJohn: Where would I put something about Mary?
corianderd: @PharaohBender27 she showed up with Damien
satyropodobny: Imagine getting vampirized just to continue being an accountant
A_Dub888: lrrFINE
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
PharaohBender27: @corianderd Oh, so nothing past that? Then I'm caught up
Strebenherz: @PharaohBender27 showed up with Damien, presumably as backup, they haven't gone into any detail or story on them yet
ContingentCat: lrrFINE
josh___something: We're FINE... (for now)
adept_nekomancer: @satyropodobny A vampire accountant? You could work at... a blood bank.
Oscelot: oh oh oh is this going to be one of the chinese puzzle mirrors?
grander_pastures: @adept_nekomancer Get Out
pyrehand: Vampire accountant, I think you mean The Great and Mighty Kevin!
PharaohBender27: @adept_nekomancer escher3PUN
adept_nekomancer: @grander_pastures That's fair.
Oscelot: OOF
Oscelot: Silas is going to have a NIGHT
cavvdor: DAMN
LunarJade: eh no one needs willpower… it hardly comes up
circusofkirkus: oh Twilight
gibbousm: Mountport?
satyropodobny: @adept_nekomancer all right, good pun team, let's hit the showers
grander_pastures: Ooooooh, Lucia is the Baseball Girl
josh___something: "Aggravated willpower damage" 👀
gualdhar: There's no crying in Vampire
tezzatipoca: ooooo
JacobBurgessVO: Heather is the guy from Resident Evil with the big coat of weapons and herbs
A_Dub888: @gualdhar flush of life?
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO "Whaddya buyin'?"
tezzatipoca: It would be interesting if Silas or Oliver went to the dark side xD
LunarJade: @jacobburgessvo ooo I got a coat and a lot of pockets
grander_pastures: LUPINE EAR
HorusFive: Ooh, prize box
niccus: ah the good times book
tezzatipoca: @grander_pastures oooo
cavvdor: I would pay so much money to hear Jacob voice whoever the next Resident Evil vendor is
WiJohn: Spoopy book!
KaleidoscopeMind: would a really, really good pun recover aggravated willpower damage
grander_pastures: *very light zelda unlock box*
DiscordianTokkan: OOH, Yellow Sign-feels
lochnessseammonster: cam is excited, not silas PrideLaugh
Oscelot: oh fuck
Oscelot: of course. ugh
Strebenherz: DO IT
grander_pastures: Are they His ones?
DiscordianTokkan: "...Are they?"
pyrehand: um wards are terrifying in this edition
HorusFive: Do it
TheWooglie: do it!
tezzatipoca: DO IT
Nigouki: knowledge never came at a cost :V
cavvdor: YES
pyrehand: wards are potentially aggravated damage
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
HorusFive: Lick the walls
ContingentCat: do itttt!
WiJohn: Messy mess messy go!
BusTed: Say the line, Silas!
grander_pastures: Come on Tremere! Feed your Hubris!
satyropodobny: OSHA compliant wards, perfectly normal
Strebenherz: peer pressure
airylan: I appreciate the chaos goblin in the corner repeating "do it do it do it"
grimshade: godi love how risky yal are
Laurence72: Will Silas become sq-wurm-y about this?
circusofkirkus: ghosts
A_Dub888: lrrSPOOP
grander_pastures: GHOSTS ARE WILD
cavvdor: Dang
Oscelot: Well that's interesting
Strebenherz: huh
azureHaights: the Big No
Sydet1: a ward against the ghost-vampire-wereolves
DeM0nFiRe: Mary apparently was able to do stuff through that?
Oscelot: But not the fae, which you'd think you'd want
couchboyj: lrrSPOOPY
tezzatipoca: I think that means it's super secret
grander_pastures: This is a Black Box Room
Laurence72: A ward against even Mary Sue OCs!
MrPhlip: Anything supernatural except Sasquatch
Quentastic: But Mary can get through...
HorusFive: Ah- the kindred-lupine-ghost. A rare breed. (A b o m i n a t i o n)
JacobBurgessVO: "Anything supernatural"
tezzatipoca: Defo protecting from Monica & fam
Oscelot: Time to get into the Greek Mysteries!
cavvdor: Mage time!
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Ah ok, ty
grander_pastures: This is an Anti-Supernatural field
satyropodobny: Let's turn some bloodsuckers into lawnchairs!
BusTed: It's not fair!
Simriel: I am just imagining Baron Athanasis
Farley flavors: You must succeed at a cost - Tell Jacob
Oscelot: Oh gods, drawing that sounds dangerus
pyrehand: @JacobBurgessVO You know the ward lines of rituals could use a chained ritual ala koldunic sorcery in this edition
nekobun: YEAH
Oscelot: --- yeah
Strebenherz: The big "YEAAAAH"
cavvdor: It's kinda like becoming a vampire when you're a werewolf, it's technically possible, but if you double-dip, you will always lose something in the process.
JacobBurgessVO: @pyrehand Oh yes, I do know.
JacobBurgessVO: Oh yes.
JacobBurgessVO: Oh. Yes.
HorusFive: So Silas is going to bring the box back with him. Right? On the Ferry? RIGHT?!?
pyrehand: and now I'm scared/excited
grander_pastures: Mary is giving these Vamps these Intense Powers, and it's so fucking wild
cavvdor: I guess unless you're Samuel Haight.
type_variable: then how does mary visit silas in a room guarded by the omniward
Oscelot: *cackle*
Oscelot: I had a feeling
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
cavvdor: Ohhh boy
josh___something: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: Why did he say it in that voice! lol
WiJohn: Everything in that room is people
Oscelot: Human tallow candles would smell so gross
Laurence72: I felt that "Oh piss" full power. I get that feeling big time
grander_pastures: Wait, I missed the Welcome part
gualdhar: Would Silas be able to draw the ward piecemeal, so it isn't invoking the spell but he does have a recreation of it?
RurouniGeo: is it thoughh
TheWooglie: BBE
Oscelot: Is Silas safer with the book though?
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Laurence72: BBE
josh___something: Walter's room radiates "Ick", got it
Sarah_Serinde: Oh dear gabyLul
A_Dub888: Silas is fine. He's fine right? He's still a good boy?
Master_Gunner: @Oscelot *absolutely* not
satyropodobny: FAAAAAATHEEEER
Oscelot: @Master_Gunner Yeeeah
DeM0nFiRe: They need to walk the book into Marydor and throw it into the fire
grander_pastures: "The book is safer with me" He says, taking said book to a Very Isolated Place
RurouniGeo: take gun
cavvdor: He is a good boy but probably not fine
WiJohn: @A_Dub888 Who's a good boy? Who's Mary's goodest boy!?
HorusFive: Take the book back on the ferry. Show it to the werewolves. It will be Spectacular mattlrLul
Rhynerd: free AK?
Ignatiuspants: @gualdhar from the explanations so far, any piece of the ward might ALSO be a magical sigil ... is that right, people who know this system?
nekobun: @RurouniGeo i would not want to incur the wrath of the person who brought the AK-47 in the first place
grander_pastures: AK on loan
RurouniGeo: @nekobun they left it on the ground they don't even want it!
grander_pastures: Theo got the Blacj Lung??
Oscelot: ;______;
nekobun: @RurouniGeo it's free range that's where it sleeps!
Oscelot: My heart. ;_;
tezzatipoca: Anyone else visualize Theo as Oded Fehr? No? Just me? :)
Sarah_Serinde: pfft
nekobun: she rules
Oscelot: *chuckles*
TheWooglie: score
cavvdor: Ohhh
RurouniGeo: see the gun is free!
gualdhar: Ooooh fancy
gibbousm: The Black Card
PharaohBender27: Oooh
Gekyouryuu: dangerous
Dog_of_Myth: Shopping episode!!
mercano82: Time is money
josh___something: Sick, another one!
lochnessseammonster: sweet
jacqui_lantern234: ooooh, the card
circusofkirkus: is there a Vampire version of Concur?
ContingentCat: Oooooo fancy
xTJPBQdfNHA7qUxeTd5Uy9gV: credit limit: yes
nekobun: blamex
Diabore: ooh a black one
grander_pastures: "Damien, take the Black- OH THAT WAS A JOKE
ghyllnox: The GOOD card
niccus: but it's an amex...
Oscelot: I wish we could bring Theo with us to look after him, but realistically he's safer here
Gekyouryuu: it's a solid chunk of obsidian in the shape of a card, no markings
satyropodobny: a Bat credit card?!
grander_pastures: 4
Sarah_Serinde: Theo probably has a number of people to look after him here
adept_nekomancer: Every resource.
WiJohn: Mooney!
Oscelot: Good lord
grander_pastures: Four is HUGE
Simbionis: god damn!
MrPhlip: That's a bigger number
DeM0nFiRe: gdqCoin gdqCoin gdqCoin
A_Dub888: Silas is ROLLING
Strebenherz: What is four
Ignatiuspants: Silas is living large!
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
PharaohBender27: :D
tezzatipoca: Don't forget you owe Monica like 50k :) (right?)
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
ContingentCat: a credit card made of tungstun so it's weirdly heavy
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Laurence72: LUL
TheWooglie: burn. ooh too soon
Oscelot: *snerk*
cavvdor: Hehe
roastbeefsandwitch: CAM! Too true, but
HorusFive: mattlrLul
neisan2112: ITs everyone else that might be the problem
WiJohn: It's complicated!
adept_nekomancer: @ContingentCat A credit card so dark light cannot escape its surface.
PharaohBender27: @tezzatipoca "Hey, what
nekobun: we goin' back to princess auto to re-earn all of oliver's princess bux
Farley flavors: Is it an elder sign
nikipound: time enough at last
ShifuDaxiongmao: dangerous... but interesting :D
ani laurel: wow, went and had dinner with my dad for 25min and im so glad i didn'nt miss the start ;p
iris_of_ether: I like her
tezzatipoca: ❤️‍🔥 Dierdre spin-off ❤️‍🔥
DiscordianTokkan: "She single? Baptized? Well, formerly baptized?"
PharaohBender27: @tezzatipoca Dang return buton "Hey, what's this $50,000 charge about?"
type_variable: if you ever need a buzzkill
TheGhostOfZero: BROTHERS
grander_pastures: Also, you know, tell them about the Omniward
jacqui_lantern234: "i have more money than god" ahh, ever the accountant :P
PharaohBender27: kates7
nekobun: it's that gif from the Simpsons with the lamb but the lamb is deirdre and the sheep walking into frame and getting shoved away is ted
tezzatipoca: @pharaohbender27 😂😂😂
type_variable: kyodai <3
Simbionis: Fun seeing Silas interact with his chantry folks
Master_Gunner: The worst part is: I've been told the same thing as Silas by my finance guys (compared to the sales guys)
HorusFive: Wow- 3 Tremere in a room that actually like and trust each other. And only 2 more had to die
grander_pastures: MORE STUFF
Laurence72: GED Diploma!
Gekyouryuu: tripothee's gift?
A_Dub888: Do vampires believe in God?
Gekyouryuu: OH
Nigouki: oooooooh
jacqui_lantern234: :O
tezzatipoca: @pharaohbender27 "it's complicated?"
WiJohn: New merit badge!
DiscordianTokkan: Oooooh!
Sarah_Serinde: ooh
Master_Gunner: *ding*
BusTed: Nice
MrSarkhan: seabatClap
Dog_of_Myth: lrrXmasbart
Oscelot: Awwwwww
RurouniGeo: yay!!!
grander_pastures: YAAY
Sarah_Serinde: Yes, yes he has earned it
josh___something: Yaaaaaaaay!
NotCainNorAbel: lrrXmasbart
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
TheWooglie: promotion
noSmokeFire: merit badge for the good good boy
SaxPython: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
HorusFive: [level up noise]
PharaohBender27: lrrXmasbart
neisan2112: LETS GOOOOOO
cavvdor: Heyyy
roastbeefsandwitch: little boy scout Silas!
iris_of_ether: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
jacqui_lantern234: LEVEL UP
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
gibbousm: FortOne
grimshade: sillas is just going places
grander_pastures: Good Bpoy Points Cashed
coriolis_storm: Level up baby!
pyrehand: Yeah I'm very confused by multiple wholesome tremere
Oscelot: Good job <3
Laurence72: Wood to Bronze
SkipIives: play the FF level up cue
nekobun: another stripe on the blackbelt
niccus: new mmr floor
SaxPython: So the Tremere are Masons?
pyrehand: although wyrm infused tremere probably balances it
tezzatipoca: lrrHORN_TK lrrHORN_TK lrrHORN_TK
ckupf: So acolyte to apprentice?
grander_pastures: Flair of Circumstance
satyropodobny: new star on the pointy hat
HorusFive: @SaxPython There was a whole book on that. (It wasn't great)
Simbionis: sure is!
TheGhostOfZero: best to lace 'em up (the flouncy cloaks, that is)
adept_nekomancer: "And he's your merit badge for fire!"
grander_pastures: YEEEEAH
SaxPython: lol
Laurence72: THAT'S is teh merit badge
nekobun: achievements unlockd
nekobun: bloop noise
Oscelot: That's so sweet
ghyllnox: Holy shit it's actually merit badges
nekobun: +750 tremerescore
type_variable: time to buy a boat
fracassio: "he asked me to tell you that you're not us"
jacqui_lantern234: @ghyllnox literally
azureHaights: new rectangle dress?
satyropodobny: Ice Cream!
grander_pastures: So the Couterie is now set for Money, at least for a while
itira: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL OLIVER PLEASE
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
A_Dub888: @adept_nekomancer "Do I.... throw it into the fire?"
tezzatipoca: @type_variable THAT
SaxPython: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype
DiscordianTokkan: Merit Badges/ Military Medals
iris_of_ether: :D
grander_pastures: *throws on ground, gun goes off, kneecaps Olicer*
nekobun: gun wizard let's go
Oscelot: I was just waiting for them to have to roll dumb luck for if that thing misfired when it dropped
HorusFive: Jordan literally does more damage with her fists
RurouniGeo: yooooo lol
PharaohBender27: Jodan
Master_Gunner: c'mon Silas, be a good boy
jacqui_lantern234: LUL tiltyhYAS
Laurence72: Loot Goblin instincts taking over!
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
adept_nekomancer: Gun status: Disrespected.
grander_pastures: Use the weapon, Tremere
Oscelot: "Weapons should be ugly" is a very thought inducing phrase @unarmedoracle . I like that.
tezzatipoca: most Canadian action flick ever lmao. In the best way.
PharaohBender27: *Jordan's an M-16 stan
nekobun: disrespect the gun that works every time, sure
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
ghyllnox: That was $300k iirc
SaxPython: AnotherRecord VoteNay
nekobun: t buuuuuuuuuuck
pyrehand: Theo's dealing with three rouse checks per night to wake up for the foreseeable future. Aggravated damage is incredibly punishing.
RurouniGeo: i have one moneysss
grander_pastures: T BUUUVK
DeM0nFiRe: lol someone in discord guessed Jessica was gonna get the money from TBuck, they were right
jacqui_lantern234: LUL CAMERON
DiscordianTokkan: Hahahahaha
BusTed: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
HorusFive: Oliver P A N D E R
ContingentCat: LUL
Laurence72: LUL
Oscelot: Oliver Boliver does have a ring to it
itira: Oliver Deeze
iris_of_ether: Cam
grander_pastures: Oliver Boliver
JacobBurgessVO: @pyrehand Both Health Track and Willpower
SaxPython: Oliver Bolliver
grimshade: omg
MrSarkhan: Cam pls
josh___something: Hah XD
Gekyouryuu: Oliver Theplace
Sarah_Serinde: gabyFacepalm
DiscordianTokkan: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart voxlunNut
Ignatiuspants: Oliver D. Snutz
pyrehand: @JacobBurgessVO oof
grimshade: darn i was hoping adam would
DaxStrife: Oliver Clothesoff
TheGhostOfZero: Oliver? Barely knew 'er
Sarah_Serinde: Silly Jacob, there's always more nonsense
TheWooglie: nonsense? from these players?
unarmedoracle: I'm so funny. Love me.
satyropodobny: Oliver Theback
KeytarCat: Oliver Talldyn
SaxPython: <3
JacobBurgessVO: Balefire is bad, bad news
jacqui_lantern234: @unarmedoracle big agree
lamina5432: oliver twist always needs more
noSmokeFire: casually ruining some kine's day
JacobBurgessVO: @unarmedoracle I love you.
Pinwiz11: Oliver Elizabeth Fakename
nekobun: contrary to type o negative, you should, in fact, be afraid of the creepy green light
lochnessseammonster: @unarmedoracle actually laughed out loud PrideLaugh seabatClap
LunarJade: spicy episode
grander_pastures: we love you cam, dwdw
corianderd: @unarmedoracle can do!
Simriel: Buy a rocket launcher. They work on kindred
Simriel: And Lupine
Simriel: Not sure about Wraiths
Farley flavors: You know I never thought of that, Tremere blood sorcery and Thin Blood Alchemy
Farley flavors: *Ding*
Random Factor: If a kindred could master both, probably would be the best red worker.
Farley flavors: Zelda music plays
ani laurel: black candles? all edge
SmithKurosaki: Silas - Thanks, Dad
ani laurel: nope
Simriel: Jordan doesn't want an AK?
nikipound: don't throw loaded gun please!
Simriel: Are they Carthage based opinions
ani laurel: I love Oliver
Farley flavors: Just walking away with the silverware
Oscelot: Time to get shipped XD
dgrimalkin: I had a high school teacher named Ms. Nutz. no joke
Oscelot: oh no @dgrimalkin lol
grander_pastures: Oh right, the nnew one
PharaohBender27: Ohai Grace
jacqui_lantern234: i love grace
grander_pastures: I love Grace and Oliver's interactions
tezzatipoca: Grace + Dierdre spinoff :)
grander_pastures: TEDDY
Oscelot: I hope someone got their stuff from the hotel lol
Sarah_Serinde: pfft hi Ted
pyrehand: Grace getting to be Oliver's padawan is just *chef's kiss*
jacqui_lantern234: @grander_pastures same
nekobun: i was just gonna ask what ted was doing, he's been off-camera
grander_pastures: Damn, gotta have the setting
nekobun: 2? 3? 5? Hail Eris.
grander_pastures: Oh, we have Individual containeras??
one_last_time_: With that reaction from Jo, I'm leaning more towards Grace is Danielle
A_Dub888: what if we here 4 knocks?
HorusFive: Everyone dies Grace. It's basically what they do
A_Dub888: *hear
Oscelot: Poor Grace
ckupf: @one_last_time_ That has been my assumption
AriaHibiki: poor grace
Laurence72: Poor Grace!
nekobun: @ckupf me three
Oscelot: @A_Dub888 Then you stay put
tezzatipoca: Wait until someone says "bloody mary" 3x :)
jacqui_lantern234: poor grace
Laurence72: Not it!
grander_pastures: @one_last_time_ Oh, that's so WILD
HorusFive: You and me both @JacobBurgessVO
JacobBurgessVO: @HorusFive Brother
nekobun: alertness crew rise up
satyropodobny: Grace gives big Kobeni energy
Sarah_Serinde: I'm sure that's fine
grimshade: ohhh fuck
pyrehand: I'm still calling for Perception as an attribute in v5. I can't not say it and it's driving me mad
grander_pastures: Come onnnnnn, CAM
A_Dub888: Messy crit?
PharaohBender27: OK, need to step away for laundry/dinner for a bit. If anyone is knowledgeable about clipping, it's up to you for the next 30-40 minutes.
ghyllnox: Oooh are we getting back to the guys in the camping equipment store?
Ignatiuspants: good thing vampires don't show up in photos
Oscelot: Well they're apparently not terribly interested in being stealthy if they're using a dang flash bulb and not LIDAR
adept_nekomancer: "Sense the distinctly visible"
azureHaights: Sense the seen. Sense the scene. Read the room.
Ignatiuspants: (I have no idea how true that is)
Terr0rc0tta: sense to use the blood
Gekyouryuu: no, no, you CENTS the unseen, the seen get full dollars
Terr0rc0tta: sense *rouse* the blood
grander_pastures: We HAVE to find this
SaxPython: KomodoHype
cavvdor: That expression was priceless
nekobun: gary busey shows up inexplicably
aitsu100: Cam the Platapus
A_Dub888: Are there Predators in VtM?
Oscelot: oh it's them
grander_pastures: @A_Dub888 That's the vampires
Gekyouryuu: @A_Dub888 yes, they're called vampires
HorusFive: @A_Dub888 They're all predators
ghyllnox: Yeah it's them
Sarah_Serinde: ahhh
grander_pastures: Firstliiiiiiight
Nigouki: dangit
HorusFive: Default character model
Sydet1: Yeah that's them
Master_Gunner: and a black helicopter in back
terribleplan: SI?
grander_pastures: One hand for the vape, one hand for the IPA, another hand for the Cam
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
Oscelot: WELP
SmithKurosaki: CAM, yessss
Simriel: Oliver Deez
Farley flavors: Points for Cam
Farley flavors: Oliver revilo
Farley flavors: So would a Ravnos compulsion work on the ocean/boat
ani laurel: Yeah, imagine your boss owning your house, Oliver
Nigouki: oh right
Oscelot: That poor man
SaxPython: SabaPing lunarj1Fangs SabaPing
ghyllnox: Heeheeheeee
Nigouki: ghost
grander_pastures: Or just Gone
Oscelot: Oh he's an Ascian
Sarah_Serinde: neat
nekobun: oh he's a simpson
grander_pastures: Homer Hedge Mode Activates
RurouniGeo: Who knew the Simpsons were a vampire clan
Sarah_Serinde: you don't say
adept_nekomancer: Oh good, he's been disarmed.
cavvdor: Oof
SaxPython: SabaPing NotLikeThis SabaPing
Oscelot: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Dog_of_Myth: Oh no
A_Dub888: Nice he disarmed someone
SaxPython: but also, van chase?
nekobun: give him a hand everyone
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
jacqui_lantern234: OLIVER
Gekyouryuu: well, that's less than ideal
Sydet1: Maybe they can point the SI at Mary
pyrehand: sorry, the second inquisition is in play?! Time to start running
Twilight_Spark: Rip the RCMP
Ignatiuspants: nobody expects the second inquisition!
grander_pastures: Oh, Vancouver is ON To them
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
spethycakes: So timely
Sarah_Serinde: jlrrFacepalm
Sydet1: That kind of thinking has never gone wrong
cavvdor: lrrFINE
Oscelot: @pyrehand They know where the boat is going.
azureHaights: Oliver: "no, WE'RE kindred. trudeau is 'hunting vampires'"
one_last_time_: Yep
grander_pastures: Oh, nooooooo
Master_Gunner: oh no
one_last_time_: There it is
grander_pastures: Grace Made Them
SaxPython: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO
Simbionis: oh fuck
TheAwkes: No Mounties here. We're talking CSIS here, the big bads.
Gekyouryuu: well, shit
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
gibbousm: lrrFINE
nekobun: "grace"
Ignatiuspants: oh damn... masquerade breach!
HorusFive: Welp- Grace lrrEFF up. Gotta go mattlrCry
roastbeefsandwitch: oh that's fine, just fine Jordan, you don't know about the club
pyrehand: @Sydet1 Do you want to get the chantry bombed, this is how the vienna chantry got bombed =)
Sydet1: As I said, it's never gone wrong
Laurence72: Oliver saying that is funny
Oscelot: @pyrehand Yeeeeah Pyre's got a point here
Nigouki: is silver nitride film useful in this universe?
azureHaights: "wildly underfunded supernatural chases" oh god it's d.h.o.r.k.s.
spethycakes: To be extremely pedantic, film cameras very much qualify as technology
azureHaights: *chasers
DiscordianTokkan: Some orca will be Happy
SaxPython: yeetus deletus
Master_Gunner: ah, so all those feet that washed in up Vancouver a few years back...
cavvdor: Vampires don't leave prints I think? Due to lack of sweat
cavvdor: Not 100% on it
grander_pastures: @spethycakes Digital, I assume
KeytarCat: Very human amount of dgaf
Oscelot: Vampires? SEP.
grander_pastures: @cavvdor lack of sweat/oils from the bodies
Oscelot: (Someone Else's Problem.)
satyropodobny: was that a disco elysium reference
unarmedoracle: "I ain't paid to see vampires"
Sarah_Serinde: oh dear, she was expecting one person gabyLul
Oscelot: That cover XD
nekobun: slide the arm across the table
TheWriterAleph: "u wot m8"
grander_pastures: *found*
DiscordianTokkan: "found"
one_last_time_: acquired
azureHaights: "found" procured, please
HorusFive: An arm was procured
nekobun: huge opportunity missed for puppeteering with the arm and the AK tbh
nekobun: should've taken it
satyropodobny: found an arm in a dude. they grow out of them, you know
DeM0nFiRe: So was it Jo and Oliver that had their memoriams with no other players? Like the other players dont know about Jo's daughter at this point?
grander_pastures: Gotta rely on the Nature of Human Lies
Random Factor: Oh boy, SI time.
Farley flavors: Oh crap
Farley flavors: Is this how they end the series, with the SI
nikipound: I know he had a ghost inside him... but is he also a ghost?
Whydustin: the staaaakes
Victor: :O
SmithKurosaki: oh shit the fuzzzz
Farley flavors: Oh boy time to goto mask
SmithKurosaki: Theyve been trying to reach Grace about their container's extended warranty
Whydustin: don't cameras have mirrors in them
blackcoat: yeah, more evidence that grace is Danielle
Whydustin: loooooooool
grander_pastures: HUman IGnorance
Oscelot: Ted: Around ™
Rhynerd: @DeM0nFiRe yeah.
DeM0nFiRe: That is cool if this is indeed Jo's daughter
Master_Gunner: @DeM0nFiRe They were filmed alone apparently, no idea when the other players learned about what happened.
grander_pastures: Oh god, that is Jo's Kid, isn't it
DeM0nFiRe: Ok well maybe the players do know lol
Juliamon: You made this mess, Jo
WiJohn: Goodest boy
MrPhlip: Silas,
Laurence72: LUL
ContingentCat: Silas!
BusTed: speak on that
DeM0nFiRe: LUL let Silas cook
dm818: Cameron!
ghyllnox: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: Silas :D
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
KaleidoscopeMind: "bound in human skin"
Oscelot: Silas.
HorusFive: @grander_pastures Yes- get a study budy.
grander_pastures: KINDRED BOUND BOOK?
nekobun: a lot of things have skin
SaxPython: SabaPing I didn't say human SabaPing
Strebenherz: *Skin*
WiJohn: Consensual people leather
HorusFive: Oliver may have an aptitude for Blood Magics
circusofkirkus: good deduction
A_Dub888: Lupine?
grander_pastures: Oh, no, A Lupine
Gekyouryuu: hold the book up to the full moon and see if ti grows fur
Oscelot: Hmmm...
Laurence72: Did these monks cook their eggs with a friar?
azureHaights: "what actions do you want to take" "the normal ones!"
TheWriterAleph: DM, I caress the book lovingly.
Ignatiuspants: wolfmans got leather?
Oscelot: Lupine fur would make sense all given
Nigouki: skinship with the book
LiveFaust: Skin to skin time.
Sydet1: DM, I summon Bloody Mary
Sydet1: Again
Alahmnat: moisturize
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
grander_pastures: At least do it with Oliver, Past Cam
azureHaights: Can't Draw Maries Club
nekobun: How To Draw Mary Vol. 2
fracassio: WHAT
grander_pastures: HERE WE GO
Oscelot: rofl
cavvdor: OH DAMN
cyclopsboi: yes!
Oscelot: Not wrong Adam XD
jacqui_lantern234: JESSICA WHY :P
grander_pastures: HEATHER WHY
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Heart lunarj1Fangs
BusTed: single eyebrow goes up
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
A_Dub888: What's riskier: telling Jacob or telling Dale??
LunarJade: what
HorusFive: @Sydet1 " Player you find yourself summoning Mary" -the DM
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
josh___something: LUL
roastbeefsandwitch: oh that look from Heather. the mom look
SaxPython: This game is flawless
LunarJade: talking never hurt anyone…
A_Dub888: @SaxPython you're flawless
spethycakes: words have no power
TheWriterAleph: LUL lrrHEART lrrADAM
SaxPython: @A_Dub888 <3
JacobBurgessVO: I didn't ask to be called out like this.
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
BusTed: LUL
Alahmnat: lol
Sarah_Serinde: I mean
LunarJade: @jacobburgessvo you never have to ask
Oscelot: *pats @JacobBurgessVO shoulder*
grander_pastures: F Schmemple, get your shit fromOLicer
A_Dub888: @JacobBurgessVO it was implied
jacqui_lantern234: @JacobBurgessVO so you dont deny you deserve this (/joking)
TheAwkes: @JacobBurgessVO At a table with professional caller-outers.
ContingentCat: You are all absolute treasures <3
Oscelot: @LunarJade That Bill and Ted reference XD
LiveFaust: Didn't you, Jacob? Didn't you?
DeM0nFiRe: I think it was the first episode of season 1 "I am gonna give you one opportunity to not to that" "Is that bad" "ok it's happening" lol
A_Dub888: @ContingentCat you're a treasure
Oscelot: Poor Ted
LunarJade: I did my best and I did the best
Sarah_Serinde: oh dear :D
BusTed: tqsSmug
cavvdor: GOD
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
HorusFive: Ted's dead baby. Ted's dead.
RurouniGeo: lol
Master_Gunner: Jo is a fucking menace
ghyllnox: Oh no, Ted!
nekobun: point ted at target, pull trigger, ???
Strebenherz: I had to step away and my mental straws are gone, who was Ted again?
SaxPython: #SurvivalOfTheFittest
nekobun: Ted was the Ravnos
Oscelot: @Strebenherz Ravnos the party picked up
KaleidoscopeMind: stalks is literally the least tame
nekobun: they met last week
Strebenherz: Was that the dude who they helped get a boat ride?
Strebenherz: who dropped the juicy infos?
Sarah_Serinde: yes
nekobun: yes boat buddy
Strebenherz: AHA
Strebenherz: Thank you.
HorusFive: Oliver just misses his cat-friend
nekobun: sometimes you'll pick up a Ravnos but you won't pick up an AK
Strebenherz: Sylas, second fiddle to a kitty
Sarah_Serinde: aw
ContingentCat: Relatable, I miss my cat when we're apart too
Laurence72: I love how the group picks up new NPC friends like every other episode. The Grand Finale Team Up is going to be EPIC
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO
Oscelot: Nuuuu!
ContingentCat: OH NO
RurouniGeo: oh nooooo
grander_pastures: BAYBE
jacqui_lantern234: WHO HURT THIS CAT
Strebenherz: OH NO
TheWriterAleph: omg noooo
satyropodobny: Would Stalks By Night be partial to wearing a sweater and booties
Diabore: KITTY NO
spethycakes: BABY HypeCry
ghyllnox: Ohhhh kitty :(
TheWriterAleph: JOHN WICK TIME
DiscordianTokkan: WHO hurt the GIRL
grimshade: ohhh no
nikipound: Vampire skin would turn to ash right?
blackcoat: yeah, but lycan skin wouldn't
Farley flavors: The necronomicon- now confirmed as Silas go to reading
SaxPython: <3 <3 <3
grimshade: what happened to death kitty
ContingentCat: Who hurt our princess!
Oscelot: Whoever did this to her DIES
Fruan: Stalks is better at being a vampire than Oliver, and that's adorable
Oscelot: Whew
Master_Gunner: zero hesitation
Lysander_salamander: can cats be turned into kindred?
grander_pastures: wowza
grimshade: i bet it was a wolf
Oscelot: @Lysander_salamander No, just ghouled.
KaleidoscopeMind: oh scars looks garou
josh___something: Kitty D:
grimshade: called it
Laurence72: Oh No!!
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO
grander_pastures: more LUPINES
nekobun: heckin puppers
TheWriterAleph: kill 'em aaaaall
jacqui_lantern234: NONONONO
ghyllnox: Welp
Oscelot: Welp. Time to destroy the lupes.
ContingentCat: Oh daaaaamn
cavvdor: Fuuuck
Sarah_Serinde: And she got away!
A_Dub888: Oliver might want to move.....
Strebenherz: Stalks escaped FIVE?!
jacqui_lantern234: WHAT DO YOU MEAN 5?!
PhorrestGaze: Over there wolf
Laurence72: Stalks is OP!!
coriolis_storm: Wolves, of the were variety
ghyllnox: Stalks survived FIVE WEREWOLVES???
Gekyouryuu: stalks living after FIVE is a TESTAMENT
type_variable: stalks just juked 5 lupines
josh___something: Wdym 5?!
ContingentCat: Awww Stalks!
DeM0nFiRe: Poor kitty D:
cyclopsboi: five! stalks is amazing!
Rhynerd: holy shit stalks by night
grander_pastures: OOOH
SaxPython: I don't have sad enough emotes for this
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 More than 4 but less than 6 lrrBEEJ
TheWriterAleph: legit tearing up from this fkn cat you guys
Gekyouryuu: oil?
Diabore: oil?
Simbionis: One of the bikers I'm guessing
Oscelot: Guzzoline
Lysander_salamander: uh oh
Laurence72: BSD??!!
satyropodobny: more of that strange oil, it's propably nothing
ContingentCat: Extra zoomies
Laurence72: (Black Spiral Dancers)
grander_pastures: Oh, so the Lupinmes were battling the Oil Vamps, and mistook it for BAds Juju
Oscelot: If this is BSDs this is even worse
nekobun: probably not bsd, probably just regular lupines
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Oscelot: Human ARE stupid
Gekyouryuu: agreed, kitty
jacqui_lantern234: correct, stalks
Diabore: true though
josh___something: So true bestie
ContingentCat: Stalks isn't wrong
Strebenherz: Shots fired
A_Dub888: ain't that the truth stalks
iarethel0ser: I'm with stalks on this one.
ghyllnox: Lmao Stalks LUL
cavvdor: If this is BSDs this is a clusterfuck
nekobun: if anything they picked up the vamp scent from the ghouling on Stalks
grander_pastures: LRR's Annual Jab at Aussie
TheWriterAleph: stalks spits truths
Laurence72: Said by people living in Victoria?
Spacepup: I keep hearing "Stonks"
cavvdor: Stonks by Night
TheWriterAleph: Stonks-by-Night, the graveyard-shift accountant
nekobun: lupines arrive, lines go down
Nigouki: cat in the back seat
Nigouki: let's gooooo
Nigouki: aww
Oscelot: We will never get that cat in the back seat lol
SaxPython: stupid speed limits
ContingentCat: lrrFINE
Master_Gunner: ah supernatural kitty
Oscelot: rofl XD
nekobun: Stalks By Night, The Cougar That Could Drive A Car
ghyllnox: Wth Stalks holy shit
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: adorable
grander_pastures: AWWW
Oscelot: Amazing
Sarah_Serinde: precious
ckupf: I love her
Ignatiuspants: ooh, Stalks is fast!
grimshade: i love stalks
jacqui_lantern234: i love Stalks By Night so much
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
grander_pastures: iI love you dearly Stonks-By-Night
Sarah_Serinde: poor Jordan gabyLul
Sarah_Serinde: She is having A Time
satyropodobny: awww she thinks she's people... WAIT
BITs19_: walter?
Oscelot: @satyropodobny I mean she's getting there
cavvdor: Cougar in the back seat, gotta make my mind up, which seat can I take
ContingentCat: and they hurt Stalks!
Lysander_salamander: awww
Diabore: they hurt kitty jo!
LiveFaust: "That seems like a good place for them."
Oscelot: Jo come on bud
nikipound: poor Ted
Farley flavors: Jacob - the reverse Dale
Farley flavors: Nooooooo Stalks who hurt you baby
blackcoat: that person is gonna die blooooooody
SmithKurosaki: 100%
Random Factor: 5 lupines? And Stalks got through it? Daaaang.
SmithKurosaki: Human /are/ stupid. Stalks
Oscelot: They hurt kitty. They must die.
grimshade: omg poor oliver
grander_pastures: Jo isn't having a good time, tbh
josh___something: LUL
NimrodXIV: :(
SaxPython: BigSad BigSad BigSad
nekobun: Lupines, Inquisitors... bears? Oh my.
DeM0nFiRe: Not very "Yes, and" of you Jo lol
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
grander_pastures: NO
Lysander_salamander: oh heck
ghyllnox: LUL
Oscelot: Oh dear
fracassio: oopsie
ContingentCat: lol whoops
neisan2112: I was about to say oh god
Ignatiuspants: thinbloods, wolfmans, and human vampire hunters -- things are getting intense!
josh___something: Welp, shit
Laurence72: cougar/ cougar joke incoming?
nekobun: five
Gekyouryuu: think they meant the vampires
ckupf: They've met!
Gekyouryuu: as much as you can control ANY cat, really
ContingentCat: Are you sure? lol
Master_Gunner: oh Quinn
TheWriterAleph: "I've got it, DAD."
cavvdor: Oliver cannot catch a break
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
grander_pastures: Damn, very sweet
WiJohn: Oliver has such cranky adolescent energy when dealing with Quin
TheGhostOfZero: what's the bet quinn adopts ollie by the end of the season
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
grander_pastures: "What is pay grade"
Oscelot: poor Stalks
RurouniGeo: lolol
jacqui_lantern234: poor kitty
NimrodXIV: humans confirmed stupid
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
BusTed: onstaKAT
Laurence72: Stalks is amazing
cavvdor: Stalks is trying so hard
Alahmnat: I love Stalks
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah going there sounds like a great idea
grander_pastures: Oliver is going to end himself if he goes
cavvdor: I picture Stalks in the witness stand of a courtroom pointing out individuals
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
ContingentCat: Awww
Ignatiuspants: aww
grander_pastures: SOFF
josh___something: Oliver is GOING through it in Jo's backyard.
BusTed: awwww
Lysander_salamander: experience the beans!
SnackPak_: sergeJustRight
Gekyouryuu: this is adorable
WiJohn: adorable!
LadyDKat: awww
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha adorable
grimshade: adorable
jacqui_lantern234: LUL aww
AriaHibiki: omggggggggg
ckupf: I love her so much
Oscelot: It's so cute ;_
josh___something: Good kitty
Oscelot: ;_;
A_Dub888: Stalks good kitty
grimshade: i love stalks
cavvdor: YESSSS
ContingentCat: the BIG beans
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
Oscelot: @ContingentCat Danger mitts!
grimshade: has anyone made art of stalks?
Farley flavors: This is cute and hilarious
SmithKurosaki: Mood oliver
Farley flavors: Oh boy what did Chancey tell you
Farley flavors: Go Oliver , you grew a set
saucemaster5000: Damn from a cat that big? That’s some heavy petting
grander_pastures: @Strebenherz soff
Oscelot: @saucemaster5000 Pff. Literally
ContingentCat: @saucemaster5000 LUL
JacobBurgessVO: @grimshade I think so. I don't know where to find it.
Oscelot: Yeah we keep adding Things to this.
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO LRR Discord probably?
Master_Gunner: Ah, Jo's going through a lot right now
grander_pastures: Ohhh, Oliver, you're being a bit of a dunce
A_Dub888: @Strebenherz Baxter?
iris_of_ether: Someone on Twitter made Stalks art years ago. I saved it locally but don't know the artist :X
PharaohBender27 returns to chat
azureHaights: @saucemaster5000 IAN! (sorry, force of habit) SAUCE!
ContingentCat: If Quinn didn't care he'd say it
roastbeefsandwitch: wow, Oliver. truth bomb
Oscelot: welcome back @PharaohBender27
grander_pastures: Oliver... pls read the room
iris_of_ether: Sorry for the huge link:
Oscelot: @ContingentCat Yeah, I feel like that's one of the great things about Quinn - he'll let you know if you should shut up at least.
fracassio: I love when Oliver gets serious
PharaohBender27: Why do I get the feeling I'm going to need to watch the VOD for a clippable moment?
cavvdor: Honestly unpopular opinion but I think Quinn has his hands ridiculously full and the patience he does give Oliver, as a Caitiff, though limited, is kind of a lot for a Ventrue
Oscelot: @iris_of_ether Pretty!
grander_pastures: Ooooooh NO
Master_Gunner: that's just flexing
PharaohBender27: tqsSweat
chaostreader: he won’t go by himself. he’ll have Stalks.
SaxPython: SabaPing
iris_of_ether: @Oscelot Not mine, of course
josh___something: Uhoh
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO
cavvdor: Quinn's trying is what I'm saying
definenull: uh oh
Simbionis: uh ooooooh
Oscelot: @iris_of_ether Yeah
roastbeefsandwitch: "some tension" yes
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
grander_pastures: That Was her kid...
HorusFive: Are we friends..............
Seabats: oh yeah oliver is being a annoying baby about his feelings towards his situation
iris_of_ether: 👀👀👀
satyropodobny: At this point Quinn would have to show up at Olivier's with a baseball mitt and ask him to play catch
Seabats: oliver is not in the right lmao
Master_Gunner: I really feel Oliver though.
cavvdor: On cruise so the speed doesn't change
grander_pastures: @Seabats we love to see the king do king shit (he's very much being a dunce about it, but the feelings are valid)
BITs19_: Did the players know about Jordan's vignette at this point?
iris_of_ether: benginUrgh 👀 benginUrgh
type_variable: WAIT
grander_pastures: HERE WE GO
definenull: welp
Oscelot: Oh boy.
SaxPython: SabaPing
Sarah_Serinde: oof
PharaohBender27: Oh shiiiiiiiiiir
Oscelot: @grander_pastures Well said
phoenixfeather14: here's the confirmation that Grace is Danielle
ContingentCat: uhhh
type_variable: Did we know grace was Jos??????
PharaohBender27: *shiiiiiiiiiiit
cavvdor: I feel Oliver but I love the tragic irony that Oliver doesn't understand how much Quinn is humbling himself to help Oliver. It doesn't help that Quinn's not good at explaining this.
TheWriterAleph: uh ohhhh piccyyyy
jacqui_lantern234: UH ON
jacqui_lantern234: OH
dappercuttlefish: uh oh???
Strebenherz: oh no
Simbionis: oh this is new stuff
cavvdor: Oooh
josh___something: Oh boi!!!
definenull: lrrFINE
KeytarCat: @type_variable We had enough information to guess
Sarah_Serinde: hah
grander_pastures: So what, she went bACK TO THE CLUB?
Strebenherz: from what i'm gathering yes.
ghyllnox: Hrm
Oscelot: Grace is about to turn into a neutron star
Gekyouryuu: I was expecting: "can I throw this chair?" "yes." "....well, now I don't want to."
HorusFive: The Hecate can teach her to do that
Oscelot: rofl
grander_pastures: The HOUSE
cavvdor: Ohh boy
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
definenull: they own the house now? neat!
Oscelot: Monica is amazing
jacqui_lantern234: WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WENT BACK
ContingentCat: Not like that!
Sarah_Serinde: "they know me there" is the reason why you wouldn't go back!
PharaohBender27: So, for chat: I think you might want to watch Jordan's Memoriam for context
josh___something: WDYM YOU WENT BACK
grander_pastures: WOW
iris_of_ether: benginCry
definenull: WOW
grander_pastures: That was smooth
Oscelot: Hooboy
cavvdor: Oof
TheWriterAleph: WHEW.
grimshade: dam jordan holy crap thats cold
Simriel: How do you prep to fight Garou
SmithKurosaki: awwww :3
Simriel: I like that Stalks agrees that it's Home
Simriel: how does one get GPMG
nikipound: How would she have that number
Farley flavors: God damn it Adam how do you make it so real :pillow-turquoise-hot-chocolate::pillow-turquoise-hot-chocolate::pillow-turquoise-hot-chocolate:
Simriel: @nikipounds ghosts
nikipound: phone ghosts!
Farley flavors: Someone is gonna die tonight
RurouniGeo: so what happened with Grace? I think i missed an episode
grander_pastures: I don't think there could have been anything else that could happned
dm818: No way this goes bad
Juliamon: RurouniGeo Did you watch the Memoriams?
Twilight_Spark: Jo on a roll
ckupf: @RurouniGeo watch Jordan's memoriam
Lex_Snipe_49: well i got additional stuff to watch later
josh___something: Jo is GOING through it
RurouniGeo: ooooo thats the one i didnt see xD
iris_of_ether: @RurouniGeo Heavily implied to be Danielle
grander_pastures: @RurouniGeo There's the memoriam, it's Rough
definenull: Jo still has that claymore on her doesn't she
Master_Gunner: Jo is currently channeling that doctor who needs more meth.
Sarah_Serinde: so okay
grander_pastures: @RurouniGeo It is arguably The Most Important One
LiveFaust: @rurounigeo the information THIS session is that agents had a picture of Grace leaving a club.
Oscelot: "That's the family trouble look" Man I know that feel
grander_pastures: @Oscelot The fact that Knives can snip that is Wild
nekobun: i mean they've been smanging for a while now
Master_Gunner: ooooh
nekobun: means he cares at least
definenull: keep stirring jo!
one_last_time_: Sounds like the ventrue are going to have a little accident
grander_pastures: Fucken CHARGEN
Master_Gunner: and there's that claymore, armed and ready
grander_pastures: Character Gen Looking Name
Laurence72: Maybe don't say cat after a Stalks encounter?
roastbeefsandwitch: I seem to remember Jo being the one to encourage Johnny to leave the island *to* the Ventrue
grander_pastures: OH NO
ContingentCat: lol
nekobun: the other US
HorusFive: Not everyone. Just Masque.
grander_pastures: That bridge is Burning
Sarah_Serinde: woo boy
Oscelot: Roflmao
Strebenherz: "PFFFFFFFFT"
Oscelot: @corianderd You are a delight
Sarah_Serinde: pfft
Diabore: boss said out, you o
Strebenherz: When boss says you're closed, you're CLOSED
Diabore: out*
nekobun: busted sewer line
couchboyj: lrrFINE
grander_pastures: Jordan is Not Making Good Choices!!!!!!
HorusFive: Why would Masque tell anyone. He can just blackmail the Archon mattlrLul
Simbionis: jo's very bad not good night
KeytarCat: Everyone gets a different excuse
definenull: oh they're fuming alright
ghyllnox: Fumigating, for RATS
ContingentCat: and now you know why lol
iris_of_ether: So this is just imploding
TheWriterAleph: @definenull nice
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
itira: tqsSweat
satyropodobny: bloody owls in the ventilation again
BITs19_: oo, good one
Lysander_salamander: uh oh
ContingentCat: awww
Strebenherz: PFFFFT
Oscelot: that's adorable
cavvdor: Awwww
grander_pastures: Jordan is crashing and BURNING
jacqui_lantern234: aww
TheWriterAleph: aww chancey
ghyllnox: Dawww
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
Strebenherz: Chancey WALKING out?
iris_of_ether: I fucking love Chancey
cavvdor: Chancey is a gift
BITs19_: that's the hardest I've laughed in a while
josh___something: Chancey best guy
HorusFive: We love Chancey PrideLove
Oscelot: Chancey does have some sense of self preservation
TheWriterAleph: CLANG
grander_pastures: Chancey being the kid of the ShrekNet guy is wild
ContingentCat: he asked nicely?
grander_pastures: Oh JO
type_variable: lmao CORi
iris_of_ether: :D
gualdhar: Oh Jordan
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
Gekyouryuu: well, it's been nice knowing you, Jo
SaxPython: SabaPing
grander_pastures: Jo you Conniving BRUJAH
dappercuttlefish: omg jo
HorusFive: Must have been it dad/beau
josh___something: LUL
nekobun: sometimes a regent just wants to ask a rectangle a question, is that so wrong?
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
definenull: wait i thought that was what happened exactly
Master_Gunner: Well, on the bright side, this is going to distract Knives from Jo's other issues.
grimshade: jordan is playing with fire
Laurence72: C'mon Messy Crit!
grander_pastures: Thnk you Pharaoh
ghyllnox: Well if you took *that* well...
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
type_variable: wait until Knives finds out about Jos OTHER claymore
Oscelot: *snerk*
Oscelot: @type_variable Yeeeah
Diabore: messy crit cmon
HorusFive: "Never tell me the odds" -Jo
grander_pastures: "I bring to bear the might of the Cam to lie my FUCKEN ASS OFF"
grander_pastures: OH NOOO
DiscordianTokkan: Yessss
Gekyouryuu: I expected a messy crit, honestly
josh___something: HAHAHAHAHA
nekobun: forgetting the concept of counting for safety's sake
itira: tqsSweat
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
TheWriterAleph: what have i got to looooose
BITs19_: "situation is fucked already, might as well"
TheGhostOfZero: "would it make you less angry if I said I embraced my daughter?"
blackcoat: confirmation!
Simriel: Oh is this stuff from the Memorium?
SmithKurosaki: good gift
PharaohBender27: It 100% is
nikipound: It sure is
amative1: well I guess we now have confirmation...
Simriel: Oh... That's who Grace is...
SmithKurosaki: Yea I really need to watch all of this again in order
SmithKurosaki: I vaguely remember Monica introducing Grace an ep or two ago as well?
amative1: yes, but this is confirmation of /who/ Grace is
Prone2Drift: Definitely from Jordan's memoriam, this explains a LOT.
PharaohBender27: She did. But this low-key reveals who Grace is
Simriel: Knives doesn't know does he...
Prone2Drift: No, no he does not.
nikipound: no
Prone2Drift: Monica is the only one who does.
ms malackey: If Knives knew, several people would be dead
Simriel: She didn't have the right of Premogeniture did she
nikipound: nope
Prone2Drift: NOPE
Prone2Drift: Lets just say, the where season 2 Jordan left off went badly and stuff had to happen RIGHT NOW, or never.
SmithKurosaki: ahhhhhh
SmithKurosaki: ty
Simriel: We have to wash our Hair
nikipound: Jo is falling APART tonight
Alice Quintanilla: oh my god jo
Prone2Drift: Jo's been held together by denial duct tape for the last 6 months lmao
Simriel: I gotta know who played Chancey as a PC
josh___something: Not at this table
nekobun: the cookie is sharp
grimshade: god dam it now i want cookies
terribleplan: Would you like to succeed with added RP?
grander_pastures: It does have importance, but GOD DAMN
nekobun: the cookie is dry and we have no milk
Lysander_salamander: oh no
Lysander_salamander: revenge
iris_of_ether: uh oh
ghyllnox: He DOES make some delicious rat poop
Oscelot: Oh shit.
definenull: *something*
cavvdor: Uuuuhhhh
grander_pastures: Oh you are gonna throw Knices OUT
Lysander_salamander: heck
Alahmnat: Jacob holds absolutely zero sway over these players
Laurence72: What a face!!
grander_pastures: THERE WE GO JACOB
itira: lrrSPOOPY
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Lysander_salamander: starting a war
cavvdor: lrrFINE
Oscelot: This could get messy... messier...
grimshade: what do you mean my actions have consiquences
Master_Gunner: maybe Jo *should* have taken that AK...
LiveFaust: "...or you can get two later." *this party, with a mouth already stuffed*
Gekyouryuu: "surely these quences won't conse"
SnackPak_: so smart
grander_pastures: JO WTF
ContingentCat: Uhhh
jacqui_lantern234: JO WHAT THE SHIT
definenull: JO
Diabore: UHHHH
nekobun: uh
iarethel0ser: They're secrets. That's the point.
Oscelot: Welp
nekobun: oops
iris_of_ether: Clever
Strebenherz: whoops whoops everywhere
cavvdor: Here we go
Laurence72: This is an Unknown Unknowns situation
roastbeefsandwitch: Cover up cover up cover up....
DiscordianTokkan: Oops whoops
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
jacqui_lantern234: JO
grander_pastures: COMPLEMENT SANDO
Juliamon: buried that lede a lil
HorusFive: Next time LEAD WITH THAT
iris_of_ether: :D
TheMinionGM: look, a distraction!
ContingentCat: it was a lot
cavvdor: Oh Knives
definenull: excellent sandwich
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
TheWriterAleph: "oh right... so THIS happened too..."
Oscelot: Poor Knives lol
SaxPython: *Shock and Awe*
Laurence72: What did we get up? YES!
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahahahaha
BusTed: dig up, stupid!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Had I not mentioned that?
nekobun: when it's time to party they will always party HARD
DiscordianTokkan: HAH
PhorrestGaze: Bad at party, good at gun
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
TheGhostOfZero: verbal footsies UNREAL
lochnessseammonster: you're all wonderful PrideLaugh seabatClap
Mazrae: Dig up! Dig up!
grander_pastures: Jo: "If I mash the buttons on the social controller, I can TKO Knives, right???"
lochnessseammonster: yes he is
A_Dub888: I thought Silas was the good boy….
WiJohn: Whew bad time to take a drink?
azureHaights: Silas: Very Good Boy. Oliver: Best Boy
LiveFaust: The Chantry Snitcher pin has stitches on it.
niccus: i don't know if she's winning but her apm is off the charts
grimshade: jesus jordan
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
grander_pastures: It is JO'S time to BURNH
definenull: oh she's imploding right now
Oscelot: Jo: "What happens if I stick knives in BOTH outlets? I can become part of the circuit!"
nekobun: "where the bus is he?" excuse me she just said he disappeared
cavvdor: The sympathy I have for Knives right now
KaleidoscopeMind: Jo just using the information overload tactic
xTJPBQdfNHA7qUxeTd5Uy9gV: he did ask "what other secrets"
Laurence72: Winning through confusion
roastbeefsandwitch: no poise, all snitch, all Jordan
josh___something: Jordan going with the info overload tactic
super_ashura: God, the fuckin' smoke grenades she's dropping...
DeM0nFiRe: Absolutely masterful "say the bad thing I did then say all the bad things everybody else did so they forget the bad thing I did" play
Kasran: the refuge in audacity defense
Gekyouryuu: @LiveFaust it's the same symbol, but it's made of fabric, stitched together, with a pin stitched into the back.
singinnonsense: small hunter and ... a big hunter hein?
grander_pastures: Jordan is Glish-Galloping his wayt though this
grander_pastures: *her
Oscelot: Washed his hands of that one a bit too early
definenull: HIS coterie?!? EXCUSE
nekobun: "my coterie" huh
Oscelot: Most.
dm818: No SI stuff
TheGhostOfZero: Jacob successfully acting exasperation by taking off his glasses whilst playing a man who doesn't need glasses
Laurence72: Most, not all
Lex_Snipe_49: oh no
grimshade: man knives is just having none of it
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
ContingentCat: wanna tell him about Stalks next? lol
ihlendrax: No, no…tell him about the SI. Just go all in.
grander_pastures: "My fucken couteri" OK KNIVES
TheGhostOfZero: (presumably. regardless, I love it)
ihlendrax: There we go….
grander_pastures: SI
Diabore: THAT one he cares about
LunarJade: lol this is so good
Master_Gunner: Jo just out here with a shotgun
Gekyouryuu: NO ONE expects the Second Inquisition!
KaleidoscopeMind: ah yes, hiding the ravnos
DaxStrife: "You ate all the chips?!" "Uhh.... Second Inquisition!"
Oscelot: Welp
Simbionis: Jo is so fucked
azureHaights: Guy. Butler? Butler guy.
Nigouki: butt-something
DiscordianTokkan: Combat Butler
ContingentCat: LUL
grander_pastures: OH NO
Juliamon: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
Lysander_salamander: uh oh
Oscelot: *go*>
RurouniGeo: lololl
NimrodXIV: where.
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
definenull: uh oh
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
HorusFive: mattlrLul
one_last_time_: Well that's a problem
josh___something: HAHAHAHA
SaxPython: KomodoHype
trainpants: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: My fucking god this is too good
spethycakes: quantu105Lol
nekobun: i mean what did you expet
grander_pastures: "where? ON HOLIDAY?"
grimshade: omg thats great
nekobun: *expect
cavvdor: Cackling xD
jacqui_lantern234: to bed with Jessica, thats where! :P
PharaohBender27: :D
MacbethSeemsSus: It's about time we "took her to the store"
ContingentCat: to a farm upstate
SaxPython: Where? #InTheGround
lochnessseammonster: i can't breathe PrideLaugh jlrrFacepalm
HorusFive: Make her not be on the island any more
grander_pastures: "Jessjess, break her heart"
Sarah: I thought he was just an NPC from another campaign, not a PC
Prone2Drift: "Yes, thats what happened." 0-0
Simriel: Chancey feels like a PC to me
Prone2Drift: "You're going to need to make a roll." 🤨
Prone2Drift: Actually wait no.
Prone2Drift: Ask them that more often. 😈
amative1: oh, by the way...
SmithKurosaki: uh oh snitchies
Prone2Drift: Knives is riding a dang rollercoaster of information tonight.
Prone2Drift: Ok real talk
SmithKurosaki: Jacob is in pain, Jaxob is plotting
Prone2Drift: Does Knives canonically wear glasses, or did Jacob just desperately need to hold his aching head
SmithKurosaki: assumably the latter
nikipound: is it though?
Prone2Drift: I'm now fixated on cool biker vampire knives needing glasses. XD
DaxStrife: Strong Bad voice: "Ohhh, there's TWO of them!"
definenull: OH NO
ContingentCat: But she's smooching Jessica
nekobun: inb4 ghost basement is fireproofed
Peregrine234: not at all ominous cut to heather's/adam's side of the table
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
itira: LUL
Oscelot: *falls over laughing*
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
definenull: KEEP STACKIN'
Oscelot: "TWO NIGHTS"
grander_pastures: *POW POW POW POW*
WiJohn: She does good work
cavvdor: I can't
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahah
MrPhlip: That's just efficiency
Laurence72: LOLOL
grimshade: omg knives sounds like he is having an anoryism
roastbeefsandwitch: Jordan *did* go a good job, she dropped some great claymores in the party. And got some great info
LunarJade: I don’t feel so bad about the secrets I’ve given away now
NimrodXIV: Knives is having regrets
Oscelot: @LunarJade *cackle*
richard_ermen: I love everything about this scene
grander_pastures: @roastbeefsandwitch absolutely, but damn is she self-destructing
Sarah_Serinde: When you lay it all out like that yeah, yeah it's kind of a lot
Sarah_Serinde: pfft Cori
Kasran: this is peak "cori cares more about an interesting narrative than about her character"
josh___something: Knives is now ALSO going through it
azureHaights: @roastbeefsandwitch "Here's some swords. Have at it." The bride: "YEEEEEEARGH"
type_variable: shouldnt have told them this was the last season
grander_pastures: @Kasran CORRECT
type_variable: now they ready to hit the wall
PharaohBender27: California!?
dm818: Who is the Brujah justicar at this point?
SaxPython: Season 4!
super_ashura: Jo will throw all of reality under the bus in order to avoid talking about her kid. This is incredible.
grander_pastures: "Be Honest!" - Yeah Jo, be honest!
Oscelot: @super_ashura Eyuuuuuup
satyropodobny: @dm818 a very tired vampire
PharaohBender27: @SaxPython Except we've been explicitly told this is the last season
HorusFive: @dm818 I'm not sure canonically they have one
grander_pastures: Jo is being the best mother ever
Oscelot: @satyropodobny Generally always correct
Nigouki: Jordan: "They're gonna give ME this place"
SaxPython: @PharaohBender27 well yeah but....
Sarah_Serinde: ooooh
Oscelot: Welp
definenull: oop
ghyllnox: Whoof
ContingentCat: oof
neisan2112: Welp
Juliamon: PharaohBender27 With these PCs.
josh___something: "We"
Sarah_Serinde: ouch
iris_of_ether: Rude
Oscelot: Hooboy
SaxPython: BigSad
Lysander_salamander: Oh right, he's Camarilla
dm818: @HorusFive Like it used to be Theo Bell right, and that obviously isn't true anymore.
grander_pastures: Jacob is giving them the wringer, which they need to do
grimshade: knives is fucking angry
TheWriterAleph: "Yes, daddy. SIR. YES, SIR."
ckupf: 50/50 Jordan offs knives this campaign
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
grander_pastures: FIRE?
terribleplan: Oh shit
Lysander_salamander: hmmmmm
Master_Gunner: Jo....
definenull: OMG
grimshade: omg do it
Oscelot: oh no
Lysander_salamander: yes do it
jacqui_lantern234: JO
Gekyouryuu: "Knives? Out."
one_last_time_: @ckupf 50/50 Jo does it now
ContingentCat: Lol
dappercuttlefish: JO???
josh___something: Jo, YES
Lysander_salamander: yesssss
DeM0nFiRe: Hmmmmm
nekobun: Grip, sip, and let it rip
ContingentCat: Do ittt
ghyllnox: Oof
type_variable: omg
Laurence72: Holy carp!!
grander_pastures: are we taking KNIVES OUT???
Lysander_salamander: yes!
satyropodobny: @grander_pastures boooo
TheWriterAleph: Beast: "Dew it. keel heem."
super_ashura: Oh, that was a BOLD-faced Jaxob moment.
Sarah_Serinde: dang
Oscelot: Hooboy.
Lysander_salamander: Heck yes!
ckupf: @one_last_time_ that went a lot faster than I thought it might
definenull: the method? not the consequences?
NimrodXIV: literally burn it all down instead of metaphorically eh
Diabore: this seems dangerous
LiveFaust: OH. NO.
Master_Gunner: "would you like to risk a roll"
grander_pastures: WE ARE MURDERING
Master_Gunner: c'mon
nekobun: shouldn'ta brought a knives to a firefight
Lysander_salamander: Larceny!
OldManJohnsonMB: He just rips up the character sheet
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
DiscordianTokkan: HAH!
Nigouki: pffffffft
spethycakes: quantu105Lol
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs CurseLit lunarj1Fangs
definenull: ADAM
Gekyouryuu: BurgLarcenArsony
ContingentCat: well that gossip isn't going to be a problem much longer lol
grimshade: holy fuck killing her own sire thats also an archon is gonna really put a target on her back if anyone finds out
Laurence72: Larsony
DeM0nFiRe: If she fails the roll she puts the L in larsony
HorusFive: Whomst among us hasn't considered how best to off an Archon when the moment arises
TheGreenMonster450: l'arson effect
one_last_time_: @ckupf Talk about comedic timing
LiveFaust: "May I see you character sheet?" The only phrase scarier than "are you sure you want to do that?"
josh___something: We're burning this whole city down huh
Twilight_Spark: Awww but I liked Knives
Oscelot: @grimshade Even if not, everyone will know that she and him were the only two people in there
grander_pastures: Also, really good Storytelling skill from Jacob with the "You don't have to know, your character can know though"\
terribleplan: C'mon messy
SaxPython: messless crit
Gekyouryuu: Bestial Failure?
ckupf: @one_last_time_ Thought it might be via diablerie honestly
iris_of_ether: benginTraitor benginTraitor benginTraitor benginTraitor
definenull: story dice!
KeytarCat: @LiveFaust Or maybe "[what you just said, but as a question]"
grander_pastures: God if you're there, it's Me, Margaret
TheGhostOfZero: kinda want Jo to pull a Troile and diablerise his ass
terribleplan: Oh shii
Prone2Drift: WHERE
Prone2Drift: I'M DEAD
nikipound: it was a very busy few nights
SmithKurosaki: Knives is very glad he's kindred, because this anuersym would kill a humsn
Random Factor: Knives wasn't prepared for having a trouble magnet of a Childe.
emanym: Yep.
Simriel: Is Jo gonna make an attempt on a fuckin Archon?!?
nikipound: I was not expecting this thought
josh___something: YEEEEEES
Laurence72 drum rolls
Diabore: CMON
type_variable: yessss
nekobun: let's GO
DiscordianTokkan: Gyeeehehehehe
ContingentCat: let's get messsssy
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy
grander_pastures: SELF IMMOLATION
Lysander_salamander: I'm so excited
noSmokeFire: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
DeM0nFiRe: Weeeeell
definenull: and probably Jo as well
Oscelot: Yeah that's very much not a gauruntee.
nekobun: stomp that roll like the accelerator on a van covered in lupines
Gekyouryuu: do it again!
Strebenherz: Had to take a call, who are we setting on fire?
cavvdor: Aw
Laurence72: @Strebenherz Knives, maybe
nekobun: just the archon
ContingentCat: she's in a chair throwing mood recently
Strebenherz: :concern:
SaxPython: Peppermint Schnapps
LiveFaust: @keytarcat that's a half-step down from explicitly asking.
grander_pastures: we doing it?
richard_ermen: Its just such a great setup. After these nights, Jordan going "chair to face" just seems fitting.
satyropodobny: lrrFINE
nekobun: chekov's AK back at the chantry like "haha, miss me?"
gualdhar: Wait, why are we killing Knives again? Just the relationship thing?
cyclopsboi: holy shit
grander_pastures: We have put this fish into a barrel and we're picking out the gun
type_variable: @gualdhar hes going to burn monicas house down with grace inside
Twilight_Spark: My wittle heart can't take this.
Buxx345: Holy
nekobun: smash is the way you deal with unlife
Simbionis: @gualdhar the whole child childe too
satyropodobny: literally at the edge of my seat
Quentastic: @gualdhar and they are asking her to get rid of Monica
xantos69: I legit don't understand this. Seems out of character for Jordan.
nekobun: i mean chancey did say knives was a star, he might as well burn
Gekyouryuu: remember when we were arguing over whether or not Oliver's thing was the tamest?
LiveFaust: tqsClap tqsClap
grimshade: i love how we go from saving silas sire in the last episode to trying to kill jordans
SaxPython: Specialization: Furniture
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: Jordan is very angry and very stressed and afraid for her daughter
jacqui_lantern234: @xantos69 protecting her kid? nah, its VERY in character
Sarah_Serinde: And probably for herself
PharaohBender27: @xantos69 Watch her memoriam
ContingentCat: @Gekyouryuu yeah I'm thinking Stalks might be more tame than Jordan lol
noSmokeFire: @xantos69 I think it all comes back to her daughter: she's panicking because if Knives wants to BOTH of them are getting ashed
Lysander_salamander: hhahahahahahah
HorusFive: Foot and a half high
aitsu100: @xantos69 she gave info that could lead knives to her daughter so cant have that
grander_pastures: @xantos69 Her Childe nearly gave herself up, and the Seconf Inquisition is on to them because of her Childe going back to the scene of the crime, this is BAD
super_ashura: Jo: "Oh, Masque knowing about us is a problem? What if I took care of that in a way that none of the Nosferatu can use that info?"
DeM0nFiRe: Messy crit, chair goes through Knives head as Oliver would do
Lysander_salamander: that gave me a gigglesnort thanks
LiveFaust: I think "WWOD" is my next bracelet.
grander_pastures: SO MUCH IS HAPPENING
Oscelot: @super_ashura lol
Gekyouryuu: KNIVES is technically a mosquito
nekobun: it's, uhhhhh a friendzy
Sarah_Serinde: that's not a good sound gabyLul
gualdhar: It's too bad this is the final season, having one against the Second Inquisition would be sick
JacobBurgessVO: @LiveFaust That's very good. I know wants one now too.
thymato: They are really playing them like they stole them
ContingentCat: !badadvice
LRRbot: DO NOT push those buttons.
nekobun: who wants to unlive forever, et cetera
definenull: driving like she lit the car on fire
Strebenherz: Gremlin mode Cori
DiscordianTokkan: HAHAHAH
grander_pastures: HEATHER, NO
BITs19_: Cori no!!!
DiscordianTokkan: Heather YES
Lysander_salamander: Heather yes
gualdhar: !findquote bestial
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
Gekyouryuu: "Cam, you've been quiet, do YOU want to encourage her into nonsense?"
HorusFive: Not saying.... just asking.
josh___something: It's true, Adam MERELY implied
NovahTalAura: And people give chat a hard time about chaos
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
PadawanTK16: what's the elevator pitch for a best fail again? Do you still do the thing?
satyropodobny: little devils be roosting on them shoulders
nekobun: YOOOOO
BusTed: haha
DeM0nFiRe: hahahaha
LunarJade: lmao
Strebenherz: OH NO
TheWriterAleph: LUL
cavvdor: Let's goooo
Lysander_salamander: yayyyyy
noSmokeFire: I love this group, holy shit
grander_pastures: Mirroring is a Psychological Technique
cyclopsboi: wow this is amazing
Sogheim: I've just arrived and I'm worried about what's going on
ContingentCat: that's a good sign
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
Sarah_Serinde: @Sogheim You should be!
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahahaha WHAT
Strebenherz: PFFFFFFFFT
Oscelot: rofl Cameron
Sarah_Serinde: Be very worried
AriaHibiki: omg
TheGhostOfZero: this coterie is a gift
ghyllnox: CAM
DiscordianTokkan: THERE it is
definenull: CAM
josh___something: CAMERON
BusTed: good cut
grander_pastures: "Sooooo, she single?"
DiscordianTokkan: Me at Dierdre, let's be honest
cavvdor: Cam you are a gift
SmithKurosaki: Someones dyin
ms malackey: She's gonna kill an archon
Simriel: so was her love with Knives one sided then I guess
amative1: Bestial Failure?
Sarah: I wouldn't assume that
Random Factor: So this raises our combats with fire to maybe 3?
Sarah: Love can change, and Jordan's very upset and very pressured
Simriel: I guess she loves her kid more
Prone2Drift: More like, really politically dangerous, and vampires are nothing if not eternal social politicians.
Sarah: Yeah pretty sure Danielle is more important to her
Prone2Drift: Knives has been around a long time, makes sense the politics would take precedence if push comes to shove.
PharaohBender27: Calling it: If the coterie dies, it will be because of something Jordan did
nikipound: The whole club knows she's in there with him and they were arguing...
amative1: "Why did you write 'stool' on your character sheet?"
Prone2Drift: specialization in "stool." Adam was quick with that joke 💩
Sarah: See, if people knew they were arguing, she could at least play it off as "I got angry and threw something at him, I didn't mean for it to catch fire!"
s1ck1y: hey i just got here, surely nothing tense is going on right
LiveFaust: @theghostofzero so was the Trojan Horse.
Diabore: @s1ck1y uhhhhhhh
Gekyouryuu: this episode gets an Always Sunny title card "Jo kills the gang."
Juliamon: oh hi Jordynne, everything is totally normal and cool
Nigouki: It's Fuck/Marry/Kill with your Daddy!
ContingentCat: @s1ck1y LUL
Gekyouryuu: @s1ck1y thanks for bringing the pizzas, Donald Glover character
grander_pastures: Literally too much of a tease with Knives
jacqui_lantern234: @Nigouki "YES" -Jo
grander_pastures: Oh, no THIS IS ANOTHER DIVORCE
Sarah_Serinde: that's a strong list
type_variable: Jo divorcing everybody
niccus: what's vampire prenup like
cavvdor: Strong points
Oscelot: Quite @Sarah_Serinde
satyropodobny: Jo addicted to divorcing abusive men
ghyllnox: Sending Jo out to die yeah
Diabore: can you messy crit out of frenzy? please?
grander_pastures: This is the equvilant of Prommies sinking into Lead
Lysander_salamander: wild
DiscordianTokkan: Simply roll a 10
definenull: gamba!
circusofkirkus: least risk averse group
noSmokeFire: just crit :)
LiveFaust: Rock! Always wins!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL I was about to make that joke, Adam got there first
grimshade: dam this episode is intense
grander_pastures: Aw dangit! Aw dangit! Aw dangit!
HorusFive: If I roll one more time the dice are BOUND to go my way
circusofkirkus: sergeOffByOne
grimshade: like we havnt even gone beyond the 3 days yet holy crap
DeM0nFiRe: sergeOffByOne
Lysander_salamander: aaaaaaaaaa
Juliamon: sergeOffByOne
neisan2112: Serge?
DiscordianTokkan: sergeOffByOne
josh___something: Off by ONE!!!
DeM0nFiRe: Say the line Jacob!
WiJohn: Everyone's on fire!
cyclopsboi: succeed at a cost
couchboyj: lrrFINE
grander_pastures: Say the Linbe Jacob!
NotCainNorAbel: sergeOffByOne lunarj1Fangs
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
definenull: SAY THE LINE
RurouniGeo: say the line Bart!
ContingentCat: YESSS
gualdhar: He said the thing!
SaxPython: KomodoHype
DiscordianTokkan: SOLD
HorusFive: he said the THING lrrXmasbart
circusofkirkus: LOL
PharaohBender27: :D
Nigouki: I'm sad this is the last season because we need a Succeed at a Cost graphic
jacqui_lantern234: CORI LUL
josh___something: Aight
Gekyouryuu: WOW, bold
DeM0nFiRe: lmao no hesitation\
neisan2112: OOOOWWWWWWW
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Fangs
cavvdor: Heyyy
aitsu100: that was fast
Oscelot: I think they're using your mechanics against you at this point @JacobBurgessVO ...
nekobun: something to remember him by
Fruan: Instant buy in
Alahmnat: success at a cost time, wheeeee
coriolis_storm: Ouch!
definenull: that was a snap keep
satyropodobny: lrrXmasbart
DiscordianTokkan: Shaving with the Sword of Damocles
couchboyj: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
LunarJade: wheeeee
cavvdor: Jo is going to be a wreck if she survives
circusofkirkus: success at a cost, where the cost is free
SaxPython: On brand
lochnessseammonster: a mere flesh wound...
cyclopsboi: this is amazing
jacqui_lantern234: ADAM
Strebenherz: "The hell you haven't" PFT
Lysander_salamander: time to roll a new character
Laurence72: Eww!
Gekyouryuu: Jacob, in past sessions/seasons: "I love playing with you people." the players: "And we took that personally."
grander_pastures: This group hangs the Sword of Damocles as above their beds and makes the rope extremely thin
ContingentCat: PrideKoala
DiscordianTokkan: Hahahah
jacqui_lantern234: BROTHER EWW
neisan2112: AsexualPride
ckupf: Oliver was like its been 32 years and I'm going for 33
iris_of_ether: benginAce
SaxPython: SabaPing
nekobun: messy crit on that bridge
spethycakes: marshm3Thisisfine
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
TheMinionGM: I feel like it's more Jacob than the coterie who's experiencing the "Let's take the emotion to a 10 this time" LUL
corianderd: who up ripping stolls
nekobun: my stool now
corianderd: *stools
grander_pastures: @TheMinionGM Absolutely, this is us getting to that 10
DaxStrife: Rip and tear time
LadyDKat: Y'all, I am shaking
lirazel64: Dang, I liked Knives.
ghyllnox: Something something assassinating an Archon, I mean what
Oscelot: Hooboy
TheWriterAleph: i'm burnin i'm burnin i'm burnin for you
satyropodobny: Cain take the wheel
nekobun: hot time in the city
grander_pastures: HE'S GONE
ContingentCat: LUL
BusTed: oops whoops
LiveFaust: Nice time to show off that shirt.
nekobun: crispy fries
couchboyj: lrrCOW
super_ashura: That shirt reveal...
one_last_time_: Two frenzying Brujah fighting. What could go wrong
nekobun: yooo grab the blood whisky on the way out
LunarJade: Knives knows how to surf just like Pikachu
ContingentCat: oh noo
grander_pastures: Literally the Student becoming the Master
satyropodobny: bye bye Jo lrrAWW
Sarah_Serinde: whoof
Simriel: Hey I can think of worse partners than Silas, he's a good boy.
emanym: The best.
Zyme86: big money no whamies, stop
geckoinasuit: popping in to say i am totally missing this premiere and will be watching later! i hope silas is indeed a good boy
Prone2Drift: Gandalf Voice: "Silas! Now is not the tiem to be a fuhkboy!"
amative1: Gambling? I'm in!
SmithKurosaki: Serge!
Prone2Drift: "Would you like to succeed at a cost?"
Prone2Drift: Famous last words.
Prone2Drift: HE SAID IT
Zyme86: no hesitation,
nikipound: 2!
Simriel: She IS murdering her lover
ShifuDaxiongmao: I feel bad for Jacob, but I am also highly entertained. :D
Sarah: Jacob prompted this
mightyme100: so this was supposed to be "downtime", right?
Simriel: Make out with Mary sloppy style. it's how you disable a magician
Sarah: And Cori laid out a pretty strong list of why she was turning to this
SmithKurosaki: yup
Lysander_salamander: fling more bottles!
type_variable: I want him to know it was me
Oscelot: @nekobun I'm pretty sure Jo had the last of it
Diabore: @Sarah_Serinde yes thats the sound it made
A_Dub888: is this place soundproof?
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
KaleidoscopeMind: punch the vampire on fire
HorusFive: That smile @corianderd
josh___something: Simply punch a flaming Vampire
PharaohBender27: !findquote landmine
LRRbot: Quote #6845: "A landmine's a completely victimless crime." —Adam [2020-03-25]
RurouniGeo: yugioh12MindCrush Time for Knives to talk to the hand
dappercuttlefish: So excited to learn how she's gonna get out of this one
cavvdor: Burn baby burn, disco inferno
Lysander_salamander: does she have claws, or does she need to have that shapeshifting skill for that?
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
unarmedoracle: greatness is measured in the number of men on fire in your story
grander_pastures: @A_Dub888 Probably, but it's definitely Secured. Knives made sure of it
one_last_time_: Just start chucking more alcohol at him
TheWriterAleph: bam pow right in the kisser
LiveFaust: "I rip up another stool... and punch him."
ContingentCat: oh no Chancy is going to be so upset
josh___something: What could go wrong!
nekobun: Protean would be needed for claws yeah
itira: tqsAcorn tqsAcorn tqsAcorn
nekobun: i think
grander_pastures: 4 success!
HorusFive: HyperSlam HyperSlam HyperSlam
JacobBurgessVO: No resist to fire because already frenzy
A_Dub888: Jordan Punchgood
Oscelot: @ContingentCat Maybe. But he will be the next highest ranked member of the cam on the island.
Laurence72: This may be a Masquerade offense Kappa
Nigouki: punch him right in the archon!
Diabore: itll be real awkward
PharaohBender27: I was looking up a quote because Cori has been described as a chaos landmine, and this stream is evidence of that
grander_pastures: The Punchgood line is REBORN
roastbeefsandwitch: this can't possibly go badly for Jordan
roastbeefsandwitch: she doesn't experience consequences
Lysander_salamander: "There was a horrible accident"
cavvdor: Good god
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Fangs benginTraitor benginO7
TheWriterAleph: WDYWTDT?
grimshade: in now way will any of this catch up to miss hinklemen
grander_pastures: "You can describe the scene, it's yours now."
circusofkirkus: oh
Laurence72: She pulls an Oliver on him
Sarah_Serinde: dang
Juliamon: Jo no
BusTed: pretty literal
grander_pastures: DEBLABLORIS
TheGreenMonster450: diablerie !
ContingentCat: OOOOOOOOOO
ghyllnox: JO
Lysander_salamander: oooooh
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhYAS
nekobun: souvenirs
Strebenherz: oh no
Fruan: Uh oh
type_variable: OH
Oscelot: Oh no
KaleidoscopeMind: oh no'
ContingentCat: Yummy
PharaohBender27: O_o
TheWriterAleph: oooohhhh
ghyllnox: Ohno
iris_of_ether: NO
terribleplan: Diablerie!?
one_last_time_: Diablorie time
aitsu100: oh no
Master_Gunner: JO
definenull: uh oh
DiscordianTokkan: Yesssssss
cavvdor: OH NO
DaxStrife: Oh NO
Oscelot: Oh noooooo
neisan2112: oooooooooooooo
spethycakes: OH NO
SaxPython: SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing
Sogheim: oh no
HorusFive: at a cost, you say
OldManJohnsonMB: oh god
grimshade: ohhhh fuck
Lysander_salamander: yessss!
iris_of_ether: Oh JO
gualdhar: Oh no
WiJohn: Tasty tasty
xTJPBQdfNHA7qUxeTd5Uy9gV: diablahblah
couchboyj: lrrFINE
grimshade: jesus fuck
Oscelot: I'll miss you Jo
PrinceLariel: let's goooooooooo
grimshade: omg
DiscordianTokkan: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart
terribleplan: Jo, no!
nekobun: it's kind of a reclamation if he drank hers first right
saucemaster5000: Hey just went to get a taco how is knives doing?
circusofkirkus: Kali Ma!
dappercuttlefish: WELL.
Lysander_salamander: Jo yes!
Nigouki: toasted heart
mercano82: I wonder how badly Jacob needed to rewrite his planed story after this session.
one_last_time_: Jordan gains a generation
grimshade: and i thought last wpisode was tense
Strebenherz: Oliver all like "I'm gonna challenge Quinn" Jo like "HOLD MY BEER"
spethycakes: have you been moisturizing?
Sarah_Serinde: Jo has been getting farther and father in over her head since the end of last season...
iris_of_ether: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart unarmeHeart
neisan2112: This went even worse than I thoughtt
Alahmnat: fire, known for causing collapsed rib cage injuries
oberon939: NOOO!
grander_pastures: This weird glow anbout her, you know, the glow of the Infernal Hells
Lex_Snipe_49: oh YES
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Laurence72: LOL
type_variable: YEAH
WiJohn: Deploperation!
josh___something: Oh boy
DeM0nFiRe: Crack open a cold sire with the boys
TheGhostOfZero: troile walked so jo could stomp
Oscelot: WELP
grander_pastures: Murder???
ContingentCat: Yessss Jordan
mercano82: Jordan is her own grandpa.
oberon939: *oh good Lord*
circusofkirkus: :O
roastbeefsandwitch: uuuh Chancey, get out there
Strebenherz: JO NO
grimshade: omfg
Sarah_Serinde: Damn Jordan
grander_pastures: OH GOD
nekobun: hell yeah
TheWriterAleph: i'mma eat dat
one_last_time_: OH MY
Gekyouryuu: O_________O
terribleplan: My god
DaxStrife: She gunna drink the whole man
NotCainNorAbel: lrrPistachio
Ignatiuspants: she's committing a Doppler Effect!
BusTed: Collaboration is the best
ckupf: called it
Lysander_salamander: She does have more humanity than him so it might be possible
s1ck1y: humgie
one_last_time_: Not how I was expecting this session to go
DiscordianTokkan: You come at her family, best not miss
Oscelot: Holy crap
niccus: first the little death, then the big death
cavvdor: Cori holy hell
RurouniGeo: lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE
grimshade: and here i thought oliver was the crazy one
HorusFive: That's the kind I remember
definenull: so uhh what were the plans for this session again?
richard_ermen: A-EFFING-MAZING
KaleidoscopeMind: why did Jacob not think this was going to go this way
DeM0nFiRe: lunarj1Fangs
sirspate: I eat my milkshake
WardsarTheWriter: I'm so glad Cori was able to surprise him.
jacqui_lantern234: CORI HOLY SHIT
KeytarCat: Jordan has had a bad week
grander_pastures: Is.... Jordan even a PC anymore??? Is she now an STPC??
jdr_42: Jacob realizes just what kind of monster he’s created
Ignatiuspants: a Diablo Immoral!
satyropodobny: lrrHERE
SaxPython: I'm the archon now
Alahmnat: Jacob has lost control of this scene
fracassio: Next episode: Jordan joins the Sabbat!
LiveFaust: Deblobery AND embraced her daughter. Totally fine, stable person.
Uzumaki15: Holy mother of God Cori!
ghyllnox: Yeah there's gonna be a *lot* of rolls
azureHaights: "so you're going to diablerize him" "let's not mince words here."
MrSarkhan: Cori heard this was the last season and is just burning everything down.
nekobun: welcome to flavor country
OldManJohnsonMB: she already had a childe without permission, so why not all the crimes?
josh___something: Grace is off the table
saucemaster5000: Ever fuck your dad two ways?
grander_pastures: OH NOOOO
serramarkov: I'm sobbing
jdr_42: 5!
NovahTalAura: @jdr_42 I don't know if he's created this one but she's certainly at the table!
KyranTheWalker: Holy... This is... wow...
LiveFaust: Jo WAS Mary all along.
Vilun: Jacob, what does the face of God look like?
NimrodXIV: "sure"
Oscelot: "Sure!"
satyropodobny: "sure."
super_ashura: Danielle is never gonna understand how hard she worked to protect her.
Sarah_Serinde: might
Oscelot: Jesus fuck Cori lol
Gekyouryuu: I started rewatching from the beginning recently. it's interesting to see this after the original session 0, where Cori said she's trying to get better at getting into the headspace of a character who's not the best person.
azureHaights: "might" "I didn't hear 'will'"
HorusFive: On the upside- Jacob now gets to show us all the "dropping humanity" rules he was so disappointed not to show last session
grander_pastures: Mary fucked up picking Oliver, she shouild have gone for Jordan
TheGreenMonster450: messy crit ! messy crit !
Lysander_salamander: Let's Go!
nekobun: gotta count those dice right, everything above board
ContingentCat: C'monnn dice
grander_pastures: THIS IS BEAUTIFUL
WardsarTheWriter: I didn't think the downtime would be so much more intense than the actual main quest.
cavvdor: I want this car crash to happen so badly
Sarah_Serinde: The fun thing about fiction and roleplaying is you get to make *very bad decisions* and explore the consequences without worrying about irl consequences
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
circusofkirkus: shocked pikachu
josh___something: Whaaaat?
Laurence72: Shocked Pikachu Face
grander_pastures: Everyone ion this table is BEAUTIFUL
Oscelot: "This is a monsterous thing. You need to be aware of this." "Okay!"
DiscordianTokkan: Dangit, I was taking a sip, hahaha
WiJohn: !!
Master_Gunner: @grander_pastures alternatively, Mary made the very correct choice in not going for Jordan. Because Jordan comes back. And Jordan don't miss.
WiJohn: 1!
circusofkirkus: 1 ah ah ah
Fruan: Humanity is like fuel that you burn to get power, right? That's how it works.
grander_pastures: @Sarah_Serinde HELL YEAH
noSmokeFire: first time I've seen the players kill a GM, tbh
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Definitely
WiJohn: 2!
Diabore: TWO
azureHaights: two, ah-ah-ah
nekobun: a ha ha
BITs19_: TWO
kedgisgo: there is a point we should have stopped... but lets keep going to see what happens :D
WiJohn: 3!
Oscelot: @Master_Gunner Agreed
type_variable: ive never been so invested in counting to 5
RurouniGeo: heart pounding out of my chest lmao
Diabore: THREE
cyclopsboi: what if messy crit here?
ContingentCat: Three!
Strebenherz: OH NO
grander_pastures: @Master_Gunner Jordan really doesnt miss
singinnonsense: home ?
Lysander_salamander: I'm so jittery right now about this
NimrodXIV: jeebus
WardsarTheWriter: We're getting our way to the combination of my matched luggage!
circusofkirkus: @RurouniGeo just like Knives?
Prone2Drift: The words "ghost threesome" were just uttered and Monica wasn't involved
Prone2Drift: Theres too many ghosts in this world. XD
nikipound: Which frenzy is it going to be?
Simriel: is Knives one of Jacobs characters?
Prone2Drift: @Simriel yes.
Prone2Drift: Jordan's sire and an Archon.
PharaohBender27: Cori really is a chaos landmine
Prone2Drift: I mean, Cameron did describe her as "vibechecking the party with a claymore mine."
Simriel: Do we have confirmation of Knives being a PC Jacob used to play?
Prone2Drift: So thats accurate.
Sarah: I don't think he was but I don't know
Prone2Drift: Oh, not sure. I just meant that he is an NPC, I misunderstood the question.
Simriel: Oh
SmithKurosaki: the soul read on the heart
Prone2Drift: "How hungry are you?"
Simriel: Oh Shit.
Prone2Drift: OH NO
nikipound: oh dang
nikipound: ohhh no
Zyme86: straight debloberie
Almas Zarkona : I don't know why I'm surprised
SmithKurosaki: OH SHIT
Zyme86: oooooooOOOOO MYYYYYY
Prone2Drift: To quote Jacob: "If this works, it will be incredible. If not, could also be incredible, but in the opposite direction."
Simriel: Fuck a Duck.
SmithKurosaki: 2 rules checks off Jordan's scenes. DAMN
grimshade: i love that in a sense we aernt even into the real meat of things
one_last_time_: 4
Diabore: FOUR
Lysander_salamander: holy smokes
BusTed: LUL
WiJohn: 4!
DiscordianTokkan: Hehehehehe
circusofkirkus: LUL
Forgotten_Sanity: omg this is so.....
KaleidoscopeMind: YES
Oscelot: Amazing
cyclopsboi: YES
TheGreenMonster450: called it !
grander_pastures: Hey there Cori, how's the VIEW FROM THERE?
ContingentCat: OMG
nekobun: THERE IT IS
Sarah_Serinde: ah yes of course
Diabore: CMON
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
RurouniGeo: oh my goshhhh
josh___something: Hehehehehehee
one_last_time_: The bank returns
nekobun: I KNEW IT
grimshade: like this is just what jordan did over the weekend
itira: cheebYikes
cavvdor: OH GOD
neisan2112: HOW DOES IT GET WORSE?
RurouniGeo: @circusofkirkus ye
Master_Gunner: messy critting eating your sire
WiJohn: 5!
grander_pastures: BEST FAIL, SURELY
definenull: i love the giggles anc cackles circulating
Fruan: JO
TheWriterAleph: oh god i'm so glad i caught this one live
DeM0nFiRe: Never didnt have it
Gekyouryuu: there was no other way this nonsense could've gone
niccus: now this is math
one_last_time_: She did it
cyclopsboi: towel rack!
ghyllnox: Cam's cackle LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
nekobun: one? what a bargain
WardsarTheWriter: Just a lil' less human...
BusTed: terrible horrible no good very bad day
fracassio: Cori losing her IRL humanity
Master_Gunner: Jordan using the *entirety* of her character sheet
circusofkirkus: this is all on Oliver
Sydet1: @nekobun No, one guaranteed
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: "spiral" feels entirely too mild for what's happening here
nekobun: oliver the catalyst
DiscordianTokkan: Hahahaha
Sydet1: More possible
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Sarah_Serinde: This is a plummet
Gekyouryuu: and this is still only night 1, and Cam and Heather's events still need to happen
nekobun: tyndall more like tinder amirite
grander_pastures: I think there's a reason why this is the last season
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahahaha
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Yeeeah
Laurence72: Maybe a Black Spiral you Dance on?
singinnonsense: Jordan White
Strebenherz: Oliver and Stalks by Night, watching this "WHAT THE BUS"
grander_pastures: "Very good child, I'll be killing someone"\
grander_pastures: How successfuL???
Laurence72: Stalks was right, Jo is a very scary hunter
BlueFingers5: Jacob White-knuckling the dm screen
Strebenherz: PFFFT
Dog_of_Myth: Dang
definenull: OH MY
circusofkirkus: :O
PharaohBender27: :O
TheWriterAleph: HA
type_variable: that smile
circusofkirkus: ez game
Sarah_Serinde: Now Jordan has *even more secrets* but hey on the plus side, the person most in danger of finding them out and delivering consequences is (more or less) out of the picture now
Oscelot: Hooboy
KaleidoscopeMind: Cori, queen of dice
grimshade: holy shit
grander_pastures: MARGIN OF ONEEEE
Lysander_salamander: wow
circusofkirkus: FBtouchdown
cavvdor: I CAN'T ANYMORE
Gekyouryuu: does she get a humanity BACK? Kappa
DiscordianTokkan: FBtouchdown
BusTed: FBtouchdown
NimrodXIV: FBtouchdown
DeM0nFiRe: FBtouchdown
Dog_of_Myth: lrrXmasbart
ContingentCat: FBtouchdown
aitsu100: lets go
noSmokeFire: FBtouchdown
jacqui_lantern234: FBtouchdown
NotCainNorAbel: seabatClap
spethycakes: FBtouchdown
ShaneLeeAtk: Never. Punished.
A_Dub888: FBtouchdown
neisan2112: Gain humanity now?
gualdhar: She can't keep getting away with it!
corpocracy: Jordan always wins!!!
Spacepup: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
AMuseOfFirebane: FBtouchdown
Lysander_salamander: omg
Fruan: FBtouchdown
roastbeefsandwitch: No consequences!
HorusFive: never punished FBtouchdown
AriaHibiki: omggggg
ghyllnox: Diablerizing erry day!
xTJPBQdfNHA7qUxeTd5Uy9gV: jo did nothing wrong
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
neisan2112: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
Ignatiuspants: Jordan is on top!
DiscordianTokkan: She can't keep getting away with it!
unarmedoracle: this is easy I don't know why we didn't do this earlier
josh___something: Knives messed with the wrong woman
Nigouki: Jordan "Never Punished" Hinkleman
WardsarTheWriter: Debloggery!
Forgotten_Sanity: DinoDance
WiJohn: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
cyclopsboi: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
10of9: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Lysander_salamander: the rng is telling a story tonight
dappercuttlefish: so I'm not that well versed in VtM rules but even if she gets out of this Silas can just straight up see diablerie on a soul, right
PrinceLariel: Jordan's Archon now!
satyropodobny: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
NimrodXIV: am Jacob ok
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS
nekobun: dancin93Dance dancin93Dance dancin93Dance
KaleidoscopeMind: Jacob dot exe broken
type_variable: you can hear the gears grinding in Jaxobs brain
ghyllnox: De-blog-erist LUL
LiveFaust: ABD.
NovahTalAura: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
circusofkirkus: congrats on the promotion
DeM0nFiRe: oh he ded
TheWriterAleph: Stalks sees Jo and just HISSES
ContingentCat: a dad-blogerist
Sarah_Serinde: yup!
WardsarTheWriter: Big crimes!
Oscelot: Yeah Jo is... yeah.
grander_pastures: THAT'S EXTRA EXTRA JUCY
Alahmnat: she can't keep getting away with it
Strebenherz: Jo is ALL THE CRIMES
Pinwiz11: A good old double Listerine
Nigouki: "Look the island is REALLY dangerous"
DiscordianTokkan: And now Cori is... Playing Grace? :D
grander_pastures: WHY NOT?
satyropodobny: Nani?
PhorrestGaze: There's a lot of people missing
DaxStrife: Now we no
Lysander_salamander: Wow, Monica's story was foreshadowing! That's freaking awesome.
Alahmnat: Jo is very good at Diablo
nekobun: this is very bad... if they get caught
noSmokeFire: @grander_pastures for the glory of satan, of course
DeM0nFiRe: Good thing there wasnt a room full of people made acutely aware that Jo was the only person in the room with Knives just before he died
Gekyouryuu: 6?
lochnessseammonster: i see your skull crusher and raise you heart eater
aitsu100: hey Chains i need a fav-Jo
jdr_42: podbynThirsty
Strebenherz: Remember when Oliver thought QUINN was the problem?
ContingentCat: Daaaamn
grander_pastures: @noSmokeFire Sorry, sahould have gotten with the program
iris_of_ether: WHOA
Gekyouryuu: yeesh
Diabore: FIFTEEN???
grander_pastures: 15 XPPPP
josh___something: Spicy!
spethycakes: WOW
KyranTheWalker: Oh my god...
ghyllnox: Yeah it's real powerful
TheWriterAleph: everything's comin' up Jo-House
Hotrob_McAwesometon: Oh shit, Not a Drop to 3rink is real??
grander_pastures: CAINE MENTION
ContingentCat: Yay?
gibbousm: lrrFINE
Sarah_Serinde: @Hotrob_McAwesometon It is and you've come in incredibly dramatic moment
xTJPBQdfNHA7qUxeTd5Uy9gV: 8 to go
ckupf: Wait Jordan was 10th generation?
TheWriterAleph: yyyyyes?
WardsarTheWriter: Jo's Rage in the driver's seat.
Lysander_salamander: oh boy a stain
Sarah_Serinde: Yes Jordan was one generation higher than the rest of the coterie
ContingentCat: om nom nom
definenull: damn what a reference
grander_pastures: @Lysander_salamander Yes.... one..... one stain.....
DeM0nFiRe: lol right before he said like eve I was thiking "Like a nice juicy apple"
ckupf: @Sarah_Serinde I thought she was 11 and the rest were 12, I was off by one I guess
TheWriterAleph: NomNom
HorusFive: Just like the first Brujah
Hotrob_McAwesometon: @sarah_serinde diablarie??? Evidently I did!
nekobun: dominos meme but the small domino is "van attacked by lupines" and the big domino is "dibloppery"
5 raiders from Foxmar320 have joined!
satyropodobny: well that was not on my bingo card
grander_pastures: So, now we have to deal with all the lives of Knives???
grander_pastures: ALL KNIVES LINES?
KaleidoscopeMind: uh... welcome raiders
Sarah_Serinde: @ckupf Oh hmm I don't remember the exact gen, just that she was off by one
cavvdor: Hi Foxmar!
neisan2112: Foxmar coming in at a REAL moment here
DiscordianTokkan: Welcome Raiders, perfect timing
ContingentCat: lol good timing Foxmar &co
Juliamon: Welcome, uh... welcome
MrPhlip: Hi raiders, you arrived at a good time
nekobun: "hey has anyone seen knives?"
gibbousm: I am the Knives now
Lysander_salamander: yayyyyy
Nigouki: prank calling Quinn with Knives' voice
one_last_time_: Just leave the place on fire
definenull: WHAT
NotCainNorAbel: hahhaa
Diabore: bars still burning isnt it
Sarah_Serinde: oh boy
WiJohn: Yes.
definenull: PSYCHOPATH
BusTed: haha
TheWriterAleph: UH
NimrodXIV: LOL
Lysander_salamander: hahahahhahaha
grander_pastures: OH NOOOO
ContingentCat: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
PharaohBender27: :D
KaleidoscopeMind: immediately??
WardsarTheWriter: WOw...
aitsu100: wow
Master_Gunner: Jacob is *very* concerned right now
Strebenherz: "WHAT?!"
josh___something: Blood and fire
ckupf: @Sarah_Serinde If I heard correctly she said was now 9th gen
Sarah_Serinde: No I see the reasoning here :D
cavvdor: Uhhhh
TheWriterAleph: Cori's goin FULL CHAOS
ContingentCat: Jo'd be on one hell of an adrenyline high
grimshade: the balls on jordan
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Lysander_salamander: "Hey Monica, you need a new employee?"
nikipound: what... kind of bad things?
Zyme86: The sire takes her ver
Zyme86: over
Zyme86: from inside her body
Simriel: @nikipound Knives could become her, she could go insane, he could forever haunt her
Kenneth Brown: I mean - if this goes through, they'll always be together...
nikipound: Thank you!
Zyme86: lordy messy crit on this yaaaaaas
McW0rk3r: upside Quin's gonna be such a mess you could use yhim to pwoer a turbine
ShifuDaxiongmao: lol... gleeful Cam is enjoyable
Simriel: Am Jacob okay
ShifuDaxiongmao: am Jacob still Jacob?
Tyrfing42: This isn't as messy as it gets already?
Prone2Drift: I think Jaxub is driving right now.
amative1: down time... down time he said
SmithKurosaki: This went way off to the left
Simriel: @mcW0rk3r I think she might be a higher ranked Vamp than Quinn if this works...
ShifuDaxiongmao: Jaxub be driving, but Jacob is sitting on his shoulder going "Weeee" and clapping
Prone2Drift: Jacob's having a stroke in the back while Jaxub reconfigures all his pieces as Cori pulls out the story lynchpin that used to be Knives.
Prone2Drift: Cori playing Jenga with Jacob's world.
SmithKurosaki: @Prone2Drift This is 100% Cori pulling a grenade
Mark Vandermeulen: everything Jordan did was perfectly morally fine
nikipound: ho lee cow
Prone2Drift: Well, that's on Jacob for building a foundation out of grenades with easily reachable pins!
Simriel: Oh wait it doesn't work the way it used to huh?
Simriel: You don't just gain their targets generation
grander_pastures: It does make sense, but also, holy shit, i GET THIS
Hotrob_McAwesometon is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
Terr0rc0tta: man, you Monica’s gonna clock that right away
Hotrob_McAwesometon gifted a Tier 1 sub to flouncy_magooo!
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Hotrob_McAwesometon! Welcome to flouncy_magooo! (Today's storm count: 26)
PharaohBender27: !findquote chaos landmine
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
cavvdor: Well we need a new Archon I guess
BlueFingers5: Monica's next
WardsarTheWriter: How do you one up that?
Strebenherz: BECOME AS GODS
grander_pastures: FOR ONE, FOR ALL, A MEEEEEEAL
spethycakes: NO GODS, NO ARCHONS
HorusFive: Do Quinn next mattlrLul
DeM0nFiRe: Remember when Silas trying to to trap bloody mary in a telescope was the craziest thing that had happened?
RurouniGeo: 10 billion dead vampires world is a truck, eat em all
jacqui_lantern234: NAMED AFTER IMPLIMENTS
ContingentCat: Noun names, not a great idea
super_ashura: Wait, what about that messy crit?
saucemaster5000: So… how does chains taste?
nekobun: @super_ashura banked for later, probably for fallout down the l
Alahmnat: God has nothing to do with any of this, lol
grander_pastures: @saucemaster5000 He's very witty, so.... its a bit ironic
LiveFaust: Oliver stepped up with power moves. Jo said "hold my blood whiskey".
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to knivesmustdie! They have given 64 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, knivesmustdie! (Today's storm count: 27)
Oscelot: Jo driving to Monica. "Heeeeere we are, born to be kings! We're the princes of the univee-eeee-erse!"
terribleplan: That bit was in "What we do in the shadows", right?
jdr_42: Toreador on the night bus?
Nigouki: bus passes Prince-n-Pauper on fire in the back
Fruan: @super_ashura I suspect the messy crit was "Jo gets to do exactly what she wants, because holy shit"
Laurence72: No need for the Second Inquisition, Jo will do it all herself
NotCainNorAbel: @iris_of_ether wow what a find
Gekyouryuu: I'll say it again: "Knives? Out."
type_variable: i thought jessicae couldnt catch the bus with oliver because she was toreador
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
jacqui_lantern234: LUL adam
grander_pastures: *unch unch unch unch*
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to ettubrutus! They have given 65 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ettubrutus! (Today's storm count: 28)
iris_of_ether: @NotCainNorAbel benginO7
grander_pastures: oh god ARE WE DOBBING QUINN IN?
fracassio: yesssssss
LiveFaust: @notcainnorabel checks out.
nekobun: pouring one out for the poop monster
JacobBurgessVO: @type_variable She can, her blood just hates environments she considered dirty or unclean?
grander_pastures: "I STOPPED THEM"
KeytarCat: "I had Chat!"
KaleidoscopeMind: uh
JacobBurgessVO: Sorry, not a question. She takes penalties in such an environment.
LiveFaust: Sorry, never mind @notcainnorabel
ckupf: Gotta get rid of Quinn and Chainz and just rule the island with Monica and Ted
NotCainNorAbel: @LiveFaust unarmeHeart
azureHaights: Is that us-Chat, or is that Celeste(?)-Chat
ContingentCat: She cleans up realllll nice
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
ContingentCat: LUL
PharaohBender27: :D
iris_of_ether: Honestly I kind of want Chainz and Quinn to get back together haha
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
grimshade: cam fam yeah
WiJohn: Camfam? Hell yeah
grander_pastures: I need to take up a 15 year smoking habit after that last scene
nekobun: @ckupf give Chancey the island honestly
TheWriterAleph: he hates it. keep saying it.
couchboyj: The Camarillo Famarillo
nekobun: Chancey The Rock Prince has a nice ring to it
jacqui_lantern234: LUL my b'y in an upcoming personal campaign is ABSOLUTELY using Cam Fam
grander_pastures: "Nah Chainz, sorry, I'm making out with Monmon."
WiJohn: The Camilly Familly
DeM0nFiRe: @couchboyj Oh they know they are in trouble when you use the full name
jdr_42: good time to switch sides, I think
SaxPython: @jacqui_lantern234 lunarj1Fangs
dm818: Chains and Jessica are talking Jo is taking direct action
fracassio: well played
grander_pastures: Show me the ARMOURY
Master_Gunner: Jacob has probably being itching for the group to engage with Chainz forever
ContingentCat: OOOOOOOoooo
definenull: damn
Sarah_Serinde: ooh
grander_pastures: LUPINE
PharaohBender27: O_o
nekobun: THEY GOT ONE
KaleidoscopeMind: uh
iris_of_ether: oh shi
BusTed: huh
DiscordianTokkan: Oh, CHAINS
ghyllnox: Urgh
grander_pastures: THIS IS BAD
cavvdor: OH
SaxPython: SabaPing FrankerZ SabaPing
definenull: oh know is this cam's friend?
Twilight_Spark: mattlrCry
Nigouki: nuuuuu, doggy :(
Lysander_salamander: oh this is going to be exciting
Sarah_Serinde: I hope that's not Silas's buddy
nekobun: it's fine, they regenerate
HorusFive: I bet it's angry
Alahmnat: belated reaction to Jo killing Knives: HEART COMES OUT!
josh___something: Y'know, this would've been more spicy if we didn't just witness Jo just eat a man
PharaohBender27: sparkl171Uhoh
Sarah_Serinde: @Alahmnat lrrWOW
Oscelot: @Alahmnat *WHEEZE*
grander_pastures: @HorusFive Can I join you in that bet? Like on your side?
Lysander_salamander: Is that the one from the ferry?
Simriel: So.... The Anarchs huh?
Prone2Drift: "Everything that Knives had is now yours."
Prone2Drift: "I drive to Monica's." Jacob: "WHAT"
Mark Vandermeulen: eat the rich! literally
Prone2Drift: "We can do something else first" Jacob: "We're fuCkINg GoNNa"
Kenneth Brown: Eat the Rich and let Cain sort it out?
nikipound: gotta head out for the night, I'll catch the rest later!:hand-pink-waving:
SmithKurosaki: jacob enjoying this lighthearted repreive from the utter chaos of Cori this day
Prone2Drift: the WHIPLASH. Cori: "I EAT KNIVES" Heather: "Skirt, choker? Grunge vibes for a party?"
Prone2Drift: "The cam fam" as a name for the Camarilla is AMAZING
Jasper: camfam is everything
ghyllnox: Oh don't worry Jo's on it
NovahTalAura: season 3 is swinging hard and taking no prisoners
nekobun: esports yacht II
Sarah_Serinde: Smart to not go into detail here...
Sarah_Serinde: hahaha
Oscelot: rofl Heather
ContingentCat: This bunch isn't great with secrets lol
grander_pastures: *looks at the Prince and the Pauper, burning* "Yeah, Jo's on it..."
nekobun: Everybody Loves Tedmond
josh___something: Ted <3
Nigouki: @ContingentCat weight the secret vs entertainment value :3
grander_pastures: Damn, gender inclusive Anarchs
TheWriterAleph: theympires? :3
Alahmnat: what good are secrets you can't tell anyone?
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
grander_pastures: *clap clap*
DeM0nFiRe: The Sabbat Family!
Oscelot: *snap snap*
Oscelot: Well THAT's interesting
Lysander_salamander: neat
Oscelot: oh dang
definenull: uh oh
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Fangs
grander_pastures: Is that a noddist rebellion?
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Fangs
grander_pastures: Oh no Chainz
grimshade: oh no not quin says everyone sarcastically
Lysander_salamander: well, Quinn did get exiled here, on a suicide mission. Maybe he can be turned?
grander_pastures: YOU FUCKEN
iris_of_ether: Yessssssss
DiscordianTokkan: OH DAMN
iris_of_ether: Yasssss queen
gibbousm: lrrWOW
Simbionis: Oh fuvk
Lex_Snipe_49: I KNEW IT
DeM0nFiRe: WAT
DiscordianTokkan: HAH
Lysander_salamander: Heck yes!
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
ContingentCat: Oooooooo!
definenull: JACOB
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
grander_pastures: He's AN ANARCHY
RurouniGeo: hehehehe
DeM0nFiRe: WOW
fracassio: TMI
NimrodXIV: snort
Lysander_salamander: Love rules!
Oscelot: Jacob XD
grimshade: ohhh chains bottom
PharaohBender27: :D
terribleplan: Whoo!
cavvdor: WHAT
nekobun: AYYYYY
WiJohn: Chains!
iris_of_ether: My ship has come in!!!!
neisan2112: JACOB
cavvdor: Oh man
ghyllnox: LUL
Lysander_salamander: Love wins!
phoenixfeather14: Whoo!!
WardsarTheWriter: What a line to end that scene on, damn.
OldManJohnsonMB: wild
Master_Gunner: Ah, Quinn may yet not be as fucked as we thought.
Hotrob_McAwesometon: Oh my~
RurouniGeo: a quiet nice evening in in a dark room with a glass of wine
gualdhar: So it's Chains' stick up Quin's ass?
josh___something: @master_gunner well....
one_last_time_: So the Camerilla are about to collapse on the island. A dead archon and a traitor sheriff
cavvdor: I wanted them to get back together but they were way ahead of me apparently
grander_pastures: So we have FULLY KICKED OUT THE CAM FOOTHOLD
josh___something: He's been fucked mpre than we thought :p
Oscelot: Poor Theo
Lysander_salamander: this is adorable
grander_pastures: Awwww, big puppy theo
DiscordianTokkan: "Send a copy of The Smiths to Silas!"
iris_of_ether: "Well now I'm not going to"
NovahTalAura: Zzzzzzz
grander_pastures: THIS EPISODE IS SO GOOD
gibbousm: surviving an assassination attempt will do that to you
ckupf: Why would he snore if he doesn't breathe lol
Master_Gunner: @josh___something I had already written him off entirely. So he's not up much, but just a little.
Twilight_Spark: What number did you say?
PhorrestGaze: He's eepy
Lysander_salamander: This episode is a massive amusement park
Oscelot: Oh shit Blacksite 34
Oscelot: (ty mods)
WiJohn: Quite contrary
grander_pastures: Oh, SI touched MARY
BusTed: hm.
ihlendrax: 34? Isn’t that from the Chicago by Night book?
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
Twilight_Spark: Rule 34, if the number exists there's a blacksite of it
TheGreenMonster450: LRRfine
type_variable: am i pretty
Lysander_salamander: oh boy oh boy
PhorrestGaze: lrrFINE
TheGreenMonster450: lrrFINE
JacobBurgessVO: @ihlendrax Cults of the Blood Gods
ContingentCat: lrrFINE
ihlendrax: -takes note-
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO I am VIBRATING. You jerk. XD <3
Lysander_salamander: a photo of a little girl. Who turns and looks at Silas...
definenull: SCHMEMPLE
Sarah_Serinde: oh yeah?
terribleplan: Kick him in the balls!
ghyllnox: More nut kicking in someone's future
Sydet1: Oh I had that pdf open on the blacksite 34 page and I hadn't noticed lol
Simriel: Maaaaan, I hope nothing happens to Chancey
Simriel: Oh Shit
Prone2Drift: WHAT
Prone2Drift: Ohhhh crud.
Simriel: Like if the Cam is fucked, I want Chancey to make it out alive
Zyme86: what can brown do for you
Prone2Drift: "Downtime" pfft, this crew doesn't know the MEANING of the word.
Zyme86: Down time throw down
Simriel: What Clan was Chainz? Is he Brujah?
SmithKurosaki: the addams family!
amative1: yeah, he's Brujah
Prone2Drift: HWAT
Prone2Drift: I SAY I SAY
Prone2Drift: WHAT
Prone2Drift: I
Simriel: I always wondered what Quinns angle was
Prone2Drift: Did not see that coming
Prone2Drift: AT ALL.
Simriel: He seemed like he had No Angle of his own, and that didn't make sense
Prone2Drift: WAIT
Prone2Drift: Now we know why he was tangling with the wolves a few episodes ago!
WiJohn: WoD? Probably
grander_pastures: Jacob is gonna just kill Silas when he opens that book. Not through an Occult way, but the book opens and a shotgun shoot them
HorusFive: Standard exsanguination
azureHaights: Your bog-standard exsanguination
richard_ermen: Just a common-day exsanguination
Rhynerd: I mean, technically a stabbing would count as a normal exsanguination.
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
DiscordianTokkan: Hehehehehe
Alahmnat: Knives is not gonna be the only death in this holiday edition, lol
josh___something: Is EVERYONE turning to the darkside?
WardsarTheWriter: Ah yes, good ol' skinbook.
ghyllnox: PUMPKIN
HorusFive: Put them on the table- right next to the mirror you don't remember taking out
Sarah_Serinde: Because we haven't had enough chaos yet this session :D
Rhynerd: assuming the death was blood loss, of course.
Lysander_salamander: oh boy, Silas turns to the dark side
ContingentCat: seemed fine at the time
WiJohn: We were busy!'
roastbeefsandwitch: I can't look away, this *so* engaging, great job everyone
grander_pastures: @Oscelot What does That mean?
NovahTalAura: This group is all about chaos!
Strebenherz: Jacob scolding the group for not making the smart logical reasonable decisions they're totes known for
Nigouki: let the wizard do wizard things
Sogheim: so is everyone getting a power up today?
Laurence72: Background change!!
Oscelot: @grander_pastures You'll find out.
sirspate: "I graft some of the flesh from the book onto my own"
LunarJade: read it!
richard_ermen: Technically Silas was never on any other side.
grander_pastures: @Oscelot NOOOO
LunarJade: do it
azureHaights: Traumaëre
Lysander_salamander: oh, it's magic radioactivity
LunarJade: it’s a book, it’s meant to be read
Ignatiuspants: I can see this is relevant to the larger Vampire lore
grander_pastures: @azureHaights Oh, I love the french
Oscelot: @grander_pastures *pat pat* (Read Cult of the Blood Gods if you want to know what I'm vibrating about)
OldManJohnsonMB: casually reckless like a telescope??
Gekyouryuu: well, unless the schedule is lying to us, at least there's two more sessions. surely it can't get any crazier from here, right?
grander_pastures: Is this.. some form of dancing?
WardsarTheWriter: The depths of your paranoia please me, Silas.
azureHaights: @grander_pastures aaaAAAAaAah, the FRENCH... blood champagne...
nekobun: RIP (reading is pfundamental)
NovahTalAura: What ever went wrong from reading a book?
DaxStrife: He comes back, the book is just wearing pants now.
DiscordianTokkan: HAHAHAHA
ContingentCat: LUL
BusTed: hahaha
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahahaha
KaleidoscopeMind: lol
Laurence72: LOLOL
BusTed: the outrage
jacqui_lantern234: WHAT DO YOU MEAN CORI
PharaohBender27: :D
itira: LUL
NovahTalAura: LOL
Oscelot: Cori omg
DiscordianTokkan: "what do you MEEEEAAAANNN"
Alahmnat: maybe sometimes judge books by their cover
grander_pastures: CORI, TAKE YOUR WINS
neisan2112: YOU CHOOOOSE TO
Lysander_salamander: hahahahhaha
WardsarTheWriter: Cori can never have enough successes.
Oscelot: @Alahmnat Yeeeeah
DeM0nFiRe: I love that it has a different pronounciation each time
Oscelot: @Oscelot If your book yells "Moisturize me!"...
WiJohn: 100% Deploporator
lochnessseammonster: cori got the reaction she was hoping for there PrideLaugh
grander_pastures: You didn't need to though Cori! YOU DIDN'T NEED TOO
josh___something: Deplagiarized
ContingentCat: Silas is a good boy he does his homework
Master_Gunner: *now* he shows some caution
WardsarTheWriter: Does drawing her count as naming her?
Lysander_salamander: graven images. Good.
iris_of_ether: Apologies for the website, but it's what popped to mind at "you're 9, you do something a little spooky"
HorusFive: "I had to" the cry of every Diablorist
Pinwiz11: This is the Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Xmas Episode of this series, and I love it
grander_pastures: @josh___something to render something copywrite free
Lysander_salamander: Maybe it counts as iconography
gualdhar: Cam is learning!
WardsarTheWriter: The whole table are chaos gremlins.
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Sarah_Serinde: Adam :D
Oscelot: ADAM
KaleidoscopeMind: ADAM
NotCainNorAbel: ADAM!
ghyllnox: ADAM
ckupf: Love how this episode was supposed to include 3 days of down time
OldManJohnsonMB: he's a coward but a smart coward
spethycakes: ADAM
iris_of_ether: Adam :D
aitsu100: lol
definenull: ADAM
NovahTalAura: LOL
PixelatedShenanigans: lmao I love you adam
ContingentCat: but he's so nice
cyclopsboi: lol adam
grander_pastures: guy Named Will: *looks Bashful*
Laurence72: Blowing Will... power... fully
Alahmnat: "who's Willpower?"
Rhynerd: Yeah, Will Power's a bit of a jerk, ain't he?
NovahTalAura: Am I bad that I want to send that Adam line clip to a Will?
WardsarTheWriter: @Alahmnat Probably related to Max Power.
TheWriterAleph: is that why we fire at Will?
jacqui_lantern234: @Alahmnat a dude from Ace Attorney. almost got framed for murder
grander_pastures: This is a very, very specific bloodline
Lysander_salamander: Maybe she's morrigan
Oscelot: I meeeeeeeeean
Lysander_salamander: Is this... fae?
grander_pastures: But she's ALL LIKENESSES
Oscelot: Doesn't strike me as fae
TheWriterAleph: @DeM0nFiRe ?
Lysander_salamander: ah
ContingentCat: They want to know if you still love them
Ignatiuspants: ah, this Mary is quite contrary
grander_pastures: THE AL AZIF
Simriel: I always wondered why Quinn let Oliver have so much leeway
Mark Vandermeulen: thats fine everything is fine
Almas Zarkona : I'm connecting dots!
Prone2Drift: Silas about to get "The Ring"'d
Prone2Drift: Cursed film perhaps?
Simriel: Do Quinn is gonna "die" I guess
Simriel: Never let the Wizard keep the evil bad guy book
Prone2Drift: "Putting the tre-matic in Tremere"
Jasper: lol
Jasper: the absolute lambasting
ShifuDaxiongmao: I would love is Silas ends up drawing... the book instead :D
SmithKurosaki: yea, this sessions going FUCKING HARD yo
Prone2Drift: Yeah, things just kicked up like 7 gears at once.
ShifuDaxiongmao: this session is going perfectly fine, nothing out of the ordinary... :P
Jasper: gonna rewatch for the absolute insanity of this session
SmithKurosaki: ADAM
SmithKurosaki: @Jasper Right?
Prone2Drift: Adam is QUICK with the quips tonight. XD
sirspate: No vampires.. remain in Romania..
Oscelot: Hooboy
Master_Gunner: and now *you're* carrying that around, Silas
HorusFive: "Just carrying it around" LIKE Silas is doing RIGHT NOW
definenull: that stare tho
nekobun: bloody? typhoid? poppins? j blige?
grander_pastures: 6!!
BusTed: I appreciate all the Jacob reaction shots
Lysander_salamander: Magdelene?
Bruceski: Given it's Al-Azif, "reading this opne" should probably be VERY careful about which one
aitsu100: Mary Mac?
nekobun: todd lincoln?
grander_pastures: @Lysander_salamander What we're assuming
nekobun: proud?
cyclopsboi: the book is just a lamentation about the transylvania twist
nekobun: oh wait wasn't proud mary a boat, nevermind
Ignatiuspants: Mary J. Blige would have avoided all this drama
Alahmnat: I feel like "mysterious circumstances" is code for a very specific actual circumstance
aitsu100: Mary Jane?
NovahTalAura: causeiRat
azureHaights: Sanguonauts
fracassio: publish or perish
nekobun: mary jane (last dance with)
Oscelot: @Alahmnat Not wrong
WardsarTheWriter: Tremere Core: Space! Space! Gotta go to Space!
A_Dub888: Fairies are real!?
SaxPython: are we Destiny now?
jdr_42: Don’t eat faeries, people. critroleDont
cyclopsboi: never doubt the worm
sirspate: Space Coterie?
grander_pastures: Oh, mary is a face of THE WYRM, the wyrm
SaxPython: Your Name is Byf?
TheWriterAleph: that all seems fine and not at all dangerous
Oscelot: No wonder the lupes are so pissed off
nekobun: "how can we make the lupines even madder at us?"
ContingentCat: How to walk without rythum
Alahmnat: stop taking power from worms, it never goes well
type_variable: uh oh soul transferrance
Kasran: @dappercuttlefish vampire the masquerade: bloodjammer
Vilun: Silas needs to start walking without rhythm
Oscelot: Oh shit Fomori
Alahmnat: also if you're a vampire, the only thing you really need to survive in space is a space heater.
Sarah_Serinde: oh goooood
ContingentCat: Oooo
neisan2112: OH my
cavvdor: What
iris_of_ether: not good not good not good not good
cavvdor: Oh god
WiJohn: Seems fine
ContingentCat: a very bad boy?
Lysander_salamander: spiral dancer?
grander_pastures: Spiral Dancer?
definenull: the dangerous kind
jdr_42: These people make worse choices than the party
Alahmnat: oh no, Cam is Oryx now
DiscordianTokkan: My brain immediately went "They started talking to The Hive Worms from Destiny!"
Oscelot: @Alahmnat I was just thinking that damnit
A_Dub888: I’m back, is knives’ body around?
HorusFive: "That kind of werewolf is more.... augh it's eating my face"
SaxPython: incoming Savathun
Strebenherz: everyone makes GREAT decisions
Lex_Snipe_49: wheels turning
Twilight_Spark: Silas is a good boy mattlrDevil
WardsarTheWriter: -Elrond voice- Destroy it!
Oscelot: @Gekyouryuu Such a strong artefact may not burn, unfortunately
josh___something: And adam talked to his cat
TheWriterAleph: fwooom!
definenull: burning huh
cavvdor: The Wyrm is the living god of I Do Not Like That AT ALL
definenull: more fire
Alahmnat: chat I'm so glad y'all are on the same page as me here, hehe
Strebenherz: @A_Dub888 I mean Jordan went chomp chomp, if that counts?
SaxPython: @Alahmnat <3
Lysander_salamander: stake the book?
iarethel0ser: Cast it into the fire!
grander_pastures: To burn this is to just make it warm
Oscelot: @SaxPython inb4 Silas becomes Eris Morne
ContingentCat: LOL
LunarJade: read it
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
Sarah_Serinde: Silas no gabyLul
Oscelot: Cam nooooo
Lysander_salamander: into the lava
azureHaights: The warnings... they come AFTER the spells...
ContingentCat: what could go wrong LUL
WardsarTheWriter: You can't skip to the ending! That isn't right!
gibbousm: lrrFINE
grander_pastures: Just skim through it Cam!
NovahTalAura: Read ittt
OldManJohnsonMB: killed by tautology
A_Dub888: @strebenherz so… “MIA?”
ContingentCat: She's lonely
cavvdor: Eater of Souls, I have come to bargain
HorusFive: Ask Mary about how to use the book
nekobun: "please like/comment/subscribe to the wyrm, and don't forget to ring that bell
OldManJohnsonMB: option 4: go to sleep
Ignatiuspants: reading the evil book of forbidden secrets explains the evil book of forbidden secrets
Pinwiz11: If he opens the book then the umpires will start incinerating people!
definenull: inb4 teemo
Strebenherz: @A_Dub888 very missing
azureHaights: contact mary... draw mary... contact mary to do an art session...
lochnessseammonster: stupid sexy thresh PrideLaugh
JacobBurgessVO: @cavvdor Take an xp
one_last_time_: This feels like time to call that werewolf he met
Bruceski: @Ignatiuspants lovely
HorusFive: @nekobun The bell is also screaming
cavvdor: @JacobBurgessVO azureHaights deserves one too for setting it up!
nekobun: @HorusFive screaming but it vomits a little rainbow of sparkles when you click it
Rhynerd: @Pinwiz11 I wonder if the uptick in solar eclipses could help the vampires out.
WardsarTheWriter: If a picture is worth a thousand words, is a picture of them worth a thousand utterances of their name?
Jasper: Adam is ON
Jasper: 🎶 Green Fire! HELL FIRE! 🎶 (sung to the tune from Hunchback of Notre Dame)
SmithKurosaki: but daaaad, I wanna use blood magic to go to spaaaace
Kenneth Brown: Bane-tastic.
Prone2Drift: Oh my god that face that Cam just made
Prone2Drift: GOLDEN
Mark Vandermeulen: hydroflouric acid>
PharaohBender27: Pleased to see Cameron using his IRL chemistry background for this
Rhynerd: then again Luis was killed by the umps...
Alahmnat: oh.
azureHaights: @cavvdor I'll just take the willpower refresh, thanks
spethycakes: how very maudlin
Alahmnat: that Mary.
ContingentCat: LUL whoops
lirazel64: Mary Magdalene.
Lysander_salamander: oh no
grander_pastures: Ah PISS
BusTed: awkward
Oscelot: Yeah not at all surprised at that
Strebenherz: "And you drew it with charcoal"
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Master_Gunner: oh Silas
DeM0nFiRe: LUL aw piss
HorusFive: Also you're holding the mirror again
Strebenherz: PFFFFFFT
grander_pastures: Damn, magic charcoal
WardsarTheWriter: Oh no...
Lysander_salamander: dang it
jacqui_lantern234: make way for AHH PISS
lirazel64: Seems unlikely.
gibbousm: lrrFINE lrrCAMERON
cavvdor: @JacobBurgessVO WtA was my first RPG before falling in love with Vampire and this campaign has just made me indescribably happy
SaxPython: <3 AnotherRecord
DeM0nFiRe: UH OH
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO This reminds me of a certain Dresden Files book
ContingentCat: lol Silas is definitly extra
Pinwiz11: The entire cast is extra
Gekyouryuu: @Oscelot which one? it's been a while since I've read them
Alahmnat: triple piss
drewm1022: Heh it's lasciel.
Sarah_Serinde: oooh
Gekyouryuu: @drewm1022 OH, RIGHT!
gibbousm: they're a creature of Cameron
grander_pastures: LASH MENTION
Oscelot: @Gekyouryuu Can't remember the name. It's the one with -- yep, Lasciel
Gekyouryuu: good, ol' lash!
ContingentCat: awww
NimrodXIV: such sights to show you
grander_pastures: Stupid Secy Lash
WiJohn: She has such sights to show you!
DaxStrife: "I hope you burn."
ContingentCat: lrrWOW
jdr_42: it’s good that his demon is supportive
A_Dub888: my hopes in a safe deposit box guarded by TOP! MEN!
type_variable: mary how do vampires survive space
fracassio: lol
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: "power to deboblerize Theo" Kappa
definenull: damn
grander_pastures: NICE ONE CAM
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Master_Gunner: taunting, that's a good idea
cavvdor: DAMN
Laurence72: Mememememememe
Oscelot: We got under her skin, that's interesting
roastbeefsandwitch: I'm getting such vibes from Cam's dice friend's sessions. For instance, his Alien campaign.
cavvdor: Wyrm got sassy
azureHaights: "WhY dOnT yOu AnSwEr YoU LiTtTlE pOnCe" that's how YOU sound.
HorusFive: U S U R P E R
s1ck1y: stop punching yourself, mary. stop punching yourself, mary. stop punching yourself, mary. stop punching yourself, mary.
Oscelot: "You're a tremere." I mean
ContingentCat: YES
WiJohn: Uh oh, usurper
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Sarah_Serinde: hahaha
Dog_of_Myth: hahaha
Oscelot: lol @s1ck1y
jacqui_lantern234: LUL CAM YES
type_variable: HAHAHA
Oscelot: Eyyyyyyyy
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: amazing
definenull: VICEROY
Lysander_salamander: you annoyed her
itira: LUL
TheWriterAleph: nice
grander_pastures: HELL YEAH CAM
Lysander_salamander: yay
Oscelot: Well done Cam
DiscordianTokkan: FBtouchdown
NovahTalAura: “I have no desire for power” UH HUH LIARRRRRREE
Gekyouryuu: amazing
DaxStrife: He annoyed her away!
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
ghyllnox: Annoyed her out
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha he did it!
cavvdor: I am cackling
neisan2112: LETS GOOO
WardsarTheWriter: Annoyed an eldritch being into leaving... incredible.
spethycakes: annoy her away!
nekobun: victory through pedantry!
aitsu100: victory
HorusFive: Power Move Silas!
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
grander_pastures: YOU RESEALED SILAS
ckupf: Well done Cam
cavvdor: Cam broke what the Garou could not
Oscelot: Well that's interesting
satyropodobny: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
MacbethSeemsSus: He banished her with whining?
Strebenherz: YES
ContingentCat: Wow getting rid of her by annoying her
neisan2112: Damn, anoyed them out of his own head
azureHaights: Mary, but it's a Ditto face
TheWriterAleph: Cam: *IC cackling*
jacqui_lantern234: holy shit, Silas Reed i LOVE YOU
grander_pastures: YOU DID IT, YOU GOT HER OUT
WiJohn: Too annoying for the wyrm!
type_variable: i want to talk to your manager
grimshade: god dam
Lysander_salamander: all you have to do is say no?
OldManJohnsonMB: just irritate the shit out of her until she leaves is a good strategy
Lysander_salamander: nice
Juliamon: tfw you piss off a powerful entity so much they just fucking leave
Strebenherz: LOL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
WardsarTheWriter: Oh my god...
Sarah_Serinde: I love this
dappercuttlefish: silas is the funniest character of all time holy fuck
roastbeefsandwitch: Mary leaves from Disgust. Achievement unlocked
Oscelot: Amazing
WardsarTheWriter: I can't believe it.
neisan2112: She's gone from CAM
Sarah_Serinde: pfft
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
DiscordianTokkan: HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Strebenherz: OH NO
grander_pastures: HELLL YEAH
neisan2112: Hahahah
cavvdor: LMAO
neisan2112: Perfect
definenull: they have the strat
Lysander_salamander: Tag team!
Omthebox: Fuck thats good
nekobun: let's talk about hardwoods
Lex_Snipe_49: LOL
OldManJohnsonMB: hahahaha
grander_pastures: BORE HER is SUCH a Win
BlueFingers5: the bore worms?
Lysander_salamander: Tagging in Oliver
TheAwkes: "Bore Her."
Bruceski: I was giggling too much, what did Cam say before "oh I can do that"?
Laurence72: I am literally clapping my hands
Lysander_salamander: From the top rope!
xantos69: Holy Shit. Oliver was BORN for this mission.
WardsarTheWriter: Boring a monster to leave is so metal.
HorusFive: Life and ..... stuff
A_Dub888: Silas is SUCH a GOOD BOY
Pinwiz11: That's the typical Vampire terror state anyway
Oscelot: Beautiful
Ignatiuspants: in a way, Silas broke the curse!
BITs19_: @Bruceski "Bore her"
Gekyouryuu: "alive"
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Jasper: OH
Jasper: as a Silent Strider .... I shivered
Simriel: Maria Magdelana
Prone2Drift: oh
Prone2Drift: my god
Prone2Drift: Oh good lord
amative1: Ask her how her brother Lazarus is doing
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel Thats what I was thinking
Jasper: Read
Simriel: Are we going Gnostic
Mark Vandermeulen: bffs for eternity!
Simriel: Cause there is a LOT about her in Gnosticism
Simriel: Oooooh the fleece being white is their humanity
Jasper: welp
Jasper: oops
ShifuDaxiongmao: vile usurpers she says...
ShifuDaxiongmao: :D
Mark Vandermeulen: annoy her till she leaves
HorusFive: Made an enemy of something they don't understand- the Tremere Story
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Oscelot: Absolutely beautiful.
satyropodobny: just a good boy
josh___something: "Alive"
Lysander_salamander: the goodest little boy
Bruceski: @BITs19_ Thanks
grander_pastures: Silas was like "Oh, this is what it is to be Good? Damn it"
Sarah_Serinde: it sure was! is!
Sydet1: "We're not done yet"
jdr_42: critroleYasha
definenull: oh we're going this now
definenull: *doing
jacqui_lantern234: "a life alone is better than this insufferable mans bullshit" -Mary
dm818: Monica would know
NotCainNorAbel: what a power move
ContingentCat: Awww
WiJohn: Power move
nekobun: Mary: samthe69Nope
Oscelot: Amazing
grander_pastures: AWWWWWW
iris_of_ether: DAAAAAAAANG
Sarah_Serinde: Well that was a hell of a session
SaxPython: phew
WardsarTheWriter: Good god, what an episode.
BusTed: ggs ggs
TheWriterAleph: T-T
DeM0nFiRe: WOOOOOOOW what the HELL was this episode lol
Lysander_salamander: wow this was amazing
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
jdr_42: podbynSad podbynSad
richard_ermen: What a story.
Ignatiuspants: this was a heck of an episode!
cavvdor: What
lirazel64: Wow.
MrSarkhan: LUL
cavvdor: No no no
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing work all round
HorusFive: Just a little downtime scene, right @JacobBurgessVO
cavvdor: I need more
spethycakes: lrrWOW
gibbousm: Poor Jacob
airylan: "downtime"
TheWriterAleph: doogCLAPPING
Lysander_salamander: aaaa finale
josh___something: Oh no, what about chancey D:
WardsarTheWriter: How did that eclipse an episode with a wizard duel? HOW?!
NimrodXIV: noooo
jdr_42: podbynHeart podbynHeart podbynHeart
dm818: Lot of threads
KaleidoscopeMind: nooooo
BITs19_: nooooooooooooooo
SkipIives: yeah
definenull: so next week is the finale?!?
ckupf: I say this every episode, but what a session
Lysander_salamander: I won't be able to sleep easy tonight
jacqui_lantern234: gosh
Alahmnat: good lord y'all
DiscordianTokkan: I love this campaign so friggin much
WiJohn: That was a session and a half!
grimshade: nooo its almost over
NotCainNorAbel: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
roastbeefsandwitch: @josh___something oh he SAW that. Or heard it.
PharaohBender27: Finale reveal!?!?
MrPhlip: !addquote (Adam) [now] All I'm saying is, I just talked to my cat.
LRRbot: New quote #9210: "All I'm saying is, I just talked to my cat." —Adam [2024-12-16]
satyropodobny: these just keep getting better and better
Forgotten_Sanity: noooo
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2794 in the channel!
cavvdor: It's going to be a crazy ending
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to GlennSeto!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to CoderBugsworth!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to qegixar!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to KC2487!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Huberis!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to prince_infidel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to LilOleTinyMe!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to hypergirlie_hyperpop!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to spacespacespacebug!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChrisMackGames!
richard_ermen: Wow. Guess we'll get to see how it all comes down crashing then next week.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to GlennSeto, qegixar, CoderBugsworth, Huberis, prince_infidel, LilOleTinyMe, hypergirlie_hyperpop, KC2487, ChrisMackGames, and spacespacespacebug! (Today's storm count: 38)
singinnonsense: plenty to drink tonight
TheWriterAleph: see y'all next weeeeek
corpocracy: finale? You mean this has to end???
gualdhar: I love this and hate it's almost over
ContingentCat: this is Our fault!
Hotrob_McAwesometon: lrrHAM
DrFromage: <3
Alahmnat: the finally!
terribleplan: Crucible?
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
DeM0nFiRe: lrrHEART
neisan2112: I feel like Jacob rn too
itira: tqsShocked
PharaohBender27: Cheer369
Diabore: tbh, did not call cori the one going full chaos
neisan2112: Like jesus
Oscelot: Everybody go have some dang water
aitsu100: with this crew the finale could be a multi parter
sheqesi: Awesome episode, y'all!!! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sogheim: Jacob has had to wear so many hats tonight
HorusFive: haunted look from our storyteller
gibbousm: lrrCrab
Laurence72: I don't see how this wraps up in just one episode!!
Vilun: so after all that, I gotta ask, am Jacob okay?
DeM0nFiRe: lunarj1Fangs
Twilight_Spark: Blush!
grander_pastures: The fact that there's TWO MORE EPS is Worrying, cause they sound like they feel like it's the last ep next ep, unless ep 9 is the talkback
Lysander_salamander: this episode was amazing
BusTed: very nice
serramarkov: I'm not dangerously undone, but OMFG!
fracassio: Don't diboblorize your vampire daddy
SaxPython: Shout out to my east coast homies who have to process this and get to sleep soon. <3
DiscordianTokkan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Oscelot: Hooboy
ContingentCat: hey Heather
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Riandisa: Thanks for another amazing episode, everyone
spethycakes: W O W lrrSHINE
corianderd: ehehehehe
jdr_42: probably can’t watch the premiere next week, but looking forward to it
DiscordianTokkan: That ruled so hard
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: That was a lot of intense work for Jacob in particular huh?
grimshade: holy fucking shit what an epissode
grander_pastures: GREAT
cyclopsboi: amazing
withwherewithal: That went well
itira: excellent!
lirazel64: Jacob looks like he's been hit with a pangalactic gargle blaster.
MacbethSeemsSus: I don't know, felt kinda uneventful
Kasran: so, diablery, huh
noSmokeFire: y'all are great, my GM is just gushing in our private discord
NotCainNorAbel: the power of editing
Alahmnat: keep it together Jacob, lol
nekobun: @grander_pastures ep 9 might be post-game Q&A
DiscordianTokkan: SUCH a good Chronicle
PharaohBender27: A LOT happened there.
Sarah_Serinde: But everyone was fantastic
cavvdor: Thank YOU Jacob!
sheqesi: My head is spinning!
definenull: trauma probably blacked out some of it
grimshade: like talk about whip lash from the end of the last episode
Oscelot: That was like three episodes of Things
type_variable: well, we didnt get a fan favourite npc dead so i think heather lied
s1ck1y: I liked the tap dancing lesson scene
Spacepup: You think Jacob is OK?
lochnessseammonster: so many things PrideLaugh
WardsarTheWriter: Was one of the things you forgot the deblogerizing?
Sarah_Serinde: oh yeah no totally fine
aitsu100: Knives will be missed
roastbeefsandwitch: Yeah, an NPC may have died. Or not. They were well-liked?
MrSarkhan: will Jacob survive the finale?
josh___something: So much happened
Ignatiuspants: beloved NPC Knives did indeed die PoroSad
AriaHibiki: ty for another wonderful session <3
KaleidoscopeMind: ready for the finaleight
Lysander_salamander: drive that character like you stole it
JacobBurgessVO: I'M STILL TIRED!
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Bruceski: The storytelling in this is always rather tight, but that bit at the end between Cam and Mary was incredible.
spethycakes: everything is absolutely fine
phoenixfeather14: That episode was amazing and a lot!
grander_pastures: @nekobun That's the thought keeping me sane
WiJohn: This whole thing is amazing
Twilight_Spark: There will be no issues with the decisions the players have made.
jacqui_lantern234: @corianderd youre a fuckin monster (complimentary)
Oscelot: @s1ck1y That was the best
HorusFive: @aitsu100 Not by us, but by somebody
BlueFingers5: sergeCrimes sergeCrimes sergeCrimes
Sogheim: @lirazel64 yes, it looks like he's had his brains smashed out with a lemon wedge wrapped around a gold brick
Diabore: all the player characters still have a heartbeat
definenull: ouch what a burn
gualdhar: The important people are alive
rosesmcgee: I paid for my whole seat and I only needed the edge. Someone want a half used seat?
nekobun: Ted is fine, all is right with the world
josh___something: Everyone is extant
Sarah_Serinde: for given values of "okay"
withwherewithal: Whose was even Knives anyways
neisan2112: "OKAY"
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO I can't blame you.
ContingentCat: everyone (+/- 1) is still alive
grimshade: jordan basically signed her death warrent probably
NovahTalAura: Jo never did anything wrong
Vilun: yup, and there'll definitely be no consequences
cavvdor: I'm screaming internally
thymato: so Knives became diabolorized
Master_Gunner: I don't think Knives was anyone's favourite NPC, so we're all good there.
Alahmnat: lrrFINE
SkipIives: nothing happened for sure
xantos69: Cheer50 Jacob recovery bits
lirazel64: @sogheim lrrCREEPR
mercano82: No player-characters were harmed in the making of this... No, that's probably a lie
WampaX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WampaX! (Today's storm count: 39)
BITs19_: Heather! did the other players know about Jordan's vignette??
Oscelot: Ho. Lee. Crap. Cheer100
Sarah_Serinde: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Terr0rc0tta: I love how Jacob asked what max intensity everyone wanted back in season 1 to judge their comfort and it looks like he’s approaching his
corianderd: eheheheehehe
grander_pastures: oh god
Lysander_salamander: Jacob did a great job with characterizing Knives. I was hoping for his death from the second appearance of him.
Sarah_Serinde: you really, really should
Oscelot: Yeeeeeah
PharaohBender27: Yeah
s1ck1y: required watching frfr
BlueFingers5: It did take me a sec to figure out who Grace was
Lex_Snipe_49: oh jacob has mad glee in my opinion
WiJohn: She got up to some things
JacobBurgessVO: @BITs19_ I will! This is how the players at the table found out.
lochnessseammonster: yeah just realized that PrideLaugh
NovahTalAura: @corianderd Jo never did anything wrong tonight
Sarah_Serinde: all of them give more context but uhhh Jordan's is definitely the most relevant right now
SmithKurosaki: holy bus, Jacob got absolutely bodied by Cori. Good job Cori
KaleidoscopeMind: just a bit
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO oh boy XD
nekobun: The memoriams are relatively short too you can just blast through 'em
cavvdor: There's max intensity and then there's a ramp that just launches the story so far it can see the curvature of the earth
Ignatiuspants: this was awesome! I am so enjoying NaD3D and the return of Dice Friends
ContingentCat: I realized I haven't seen Jordan's yeah, I was saving it and didn't get to it
sheqesi: Cheer120 The last of my bits for the most nerve-wracking episode yet!
BITs19_: @JacobBurgessVO YOOOOOOOO
unarmedoracle: I think we're going to win this game, team.
type_variable: cant wait for Cori to crit on another Stain roll
PrinceNimzar: during jordan's memoriam where was Marge?
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah this is definitely the kind of game you just win
satyropodobny: Jordan gonna rule this island
Sarah_Serinde: It's gonna be great
PharaohBender27: I made 19 clips . . . and I was absent for like 25 minutes in the middle
unarmedoracle: I'm sorry I wasn't listening
Strebenherz: Good to see you too
JacobBurgessVO: @PrinceNimzar What a good question
HorusFive: @unarmedoracle Yes, VTM classically a game that is winnable. Very close
Isaac3567: And there is still a banked crit as well for next week right?
PharaohBender27: @unarmedoracle :D
Rhynerd: good to see you as well!
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS unarmeHeart seabatBRAIN lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Messy
Vilun: @unarmedoracle is the game called "break Jacob"?
Ignatiuspants: it's great to see the players and storyteller here hanging out in the chat!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SmithKurosaki: @Isaac3567 And a cost for succeeding
corianderd: red to blue fellow allmo
s1ck1y: @Vilun b-breakob jacob?
unarmedoracle: six to one
WiJohn: Really everyone's winning here
Juliamon: hair to hair
Laurence72: Like this has to take at least two episodes to wrap up, at least
Alahmnat: what a week, huh?
Juliamon: Starting
Varmint260 subscribed with Prime.
lirazel64: O I've been wondering about the absence of Marge for a while.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Varmint260! (Today's storm count: 40)
cyclopsboi: garbage day
Prone2Drift: Cam's joy at breaking the curse is amazong.
Prone2Drift: *amazing
SmithKurosaki: NICE
Prone2Drift: "I'M FREEEEE"
Zyme86: tindle is like, I was made for this
Prone2Drift: "Bore her." Oliver: "HOLD MY BEER"
Zyme86: "down time"
Prone2Drift: Oh my god, Jacob's thousand yard stare...
SmithKurosaki: Thanks for hanging out for the wild ride chat
Prone2Drift: First time I've ever caught one of these live, it did not disappoint!
ShifuDaxiongmao: I hope there will be a "debriefing" episode after the season.. where they talk about decisions they made and what prompted them :)
Jasper: what a whirlwind!!
Jasper: Jacob. ones up for air
Jasper: * comes up for air
SmithKurosaki: @ShifuDaxiongmao I haven't heard anything but I do believe they do a Q&A often post campaigns
Jasper: great session everyone!!
PharaohBender27: Indeed. I made 19 clips, and there's a 25-minute gap when I left for dinner that probably have clippable moments
DiscordianTokkan: Ooh! Caramel!
nekobun: Marge is just vibing in the camper trailer, they've got playstation, it's fine
Oscelot: @Alahmnat Sure has been a week today
Laurence72: I misread Caramel as Cameron, and was confuzzled
definenull: that optimistic, assuming there will be leftovers \j
JacobBurgessVO: People need to strap in for the Finale
JacobBurgessVO: Bring a fucking lunch
sirspate: That was, as advertised, a beautiful, beautiful wonderful show.
Alahmnat: I need more straps
sheqesi: *STRAPS* *IN*
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO I'm going to have to borrow the dang Dragon capsule to strap myself into at this rate
super_ashura: @JacobBurgessVO I'm already here! Let's go!
Nigouki: Thanks for the amazing show!
SaxPython: Note: Cam and Ian is this Saturday!
cavvdor: I'm not ready for the show to end but I also can't wait to see this finale
PrinceNimzar: prestrapping now
Ignatiuspants: aw, no Christmas or Boxing Day streams... but I hope you have a good day with whatever you're doing!
s1ck1y: the finale is a LOT
KaleidoscopeMind: the finaleight
ContingentCat: lol I feel like Monica might be the one strapping with Jesica
nekobun: NaDtD Ep 8: Just Monica
definenull: wait there's still 1 messy banked
grander_pastures: Is the Finale.... a tewo parter?
aitsu100: as long a Stalks makes it im good
Sarah_Serinde: oh I won't have had a full work day and I won't have to get up early the next morning, so that's nice
WiJohn: Episode 7 left some threads
Oscelot: water, snacks, and a box of cleenex
Oscelot: *kleenex
MrPhlip subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 136 months!
MrPhlip: I don't know if I can wait another week for this
satyropodobny: extra snacks? like knives?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrPhlip! (Today's storm count: 41)
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
RurouniGeo: Tissues, Alcohol, will probably need a cuddle buddy too for finale lol tonight was intense
singinnonsense: Episode 8 : the Antiperuvian invasion
PharaohBender27: :D
Laurence72: I so want the NaDtD anime to get another season!
iris_of_ether: benginO7 benginTraitor
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
TheWriterAleph: heheh
iris_of_ether: I found it after the events FWIW
Oscelot: lol Iris
type_variable: so we got three days of downtime huh, until the next important thing happens huh
JacobBurgessVO: Just a little touch if downtime
Oscelot: Thanks for stream Heather <3
ContingentCat: Thanks Heather
aitsu100: have a good night heather
Lysander_salamander: very exciting
WiJohn: Poor Knives, killed in down time
corianderd: night heather!
Sarah_Serinde: *I'm* tired now and I didn't even have to do anything :P
BITs19_: Thanks Heather!
Laurence72: downtime = time for PC chaos
Alahmnat: I'm not sure how down that time ended up being
definenull: byeee
JacobBurgessVO: Good night Heather!
WiJohn: Byeeeee
SaxPython: lunarj1Heart
PharaohBender27: :D
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening, everyone! Thanks for being here!
DiscordianTokkan: Gooniiiiight
grander_pastures: A bit of DT, as a treat
TheMinionGM: Good night
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul bye Heather
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART lunarj1Fangs
WardsarTheWriter: Thanks for the great episode tonight!
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE
sheqesi: Thank you, Heather!!
grander_pastures: HEATHER NO
BlueFingers5: bye!
AMuseOfFirebane: ok byeeeee
JacobBurgessVO: Bye!
HorusFive: Thanks Heather. Thanks Players. Thanks Jacob
grander_pastures: Byeeeeee
definenull: fangks for the stream!
cavvdor: Byeeee
nekobun: peace
JacobBurgessVO: Hahahaha
satyropodobny: coteries downtime is like Alucards walks through the woods
KaleidoscopeMind: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
serramarkov: I will watch the first bit of the stream that I missed earlier.
Oscelot: Thanks everyone <3
cyclopsboi: push buttons to leave lol
lochnessseammonster: thanks all PrideUwu
s1ck1y: jessica's vtuber-core
nekobun: if you eat your parents don't get caught
cavvdor: Wise words
SkipIives: ta
HorusFive: @nekobun The 0th Tradition
Alahmnat: what's a little harmless cannibalism between family members?
grander_pastures: Heather is Jessica's vtuber in our world
lirazel64: I like how this makes Jordan's priorities very clear.
Oscelot: @Alahmnat Keeping it in the family. physically.
Simonark: Ah, yes, the Gein rule.
DeM0nFiRe: lunarj1Fangs
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Fangs
Gekyouryuu: good night, Heather
Oscelot: Night Heather o/
RurouniGeo: goodnight!
DiscordianTokkan: lrrSHINE
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs <3 lunarj1Fangs
Sarah_Serinde: v—v
Ignatiuspants: goodnight Heather
serramarkov: lrrSHINE
Ignatiuspants: take care, everybody! it's been fun!