TheAinMAP: Signal
Juliamon: (paid promo flag's on)
GreatWahooney subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
GreatWahooney: 100xRESUB
thedevil_risen1: Howdy!
Thanks for subscribing, GreatWahooney! (Today's storm count: 2)
GreatWahooney: hello chat!
Nigouki: glad for the RoboMommy Issues stream after yesterday's VampDaddy Issues stream
GreatWahooney: oh golly Bite Club is so good
jessicaengle: Hi!
Barb4rian: Vamp Daddy Issues indeed. Holy crap Cori
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Cameron, making cat noises
jessicaengle: Meowmeows!
thedevil_risen1: Man, that was a long 6 day week. Next work week is 4 days longer, though, man I hope I come out the other side still somewhat sane haha ๐ ๐
jessicaengle: Chat, is this a spoopy game?
Juliamon: Not really, no
thedevil_risen1: Not really, just a bit of a trip at times
Juliamon: But if you haven't seen the first two episodes, it's gonna be REAL confusing
thedevil_risen1: ^^^
I just finished the latest Bite Club episode, and holy moly was that an *episode*
jessicaengle: Mkay, thank you. I don't mind being confused, I often have that experience while watching LRR
GrassVortex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
GrassVortex: mmm, cookie
Thanks for subscribing, GrassVortex! (Today's storm count: 3)
I've never seen the intro of this show before
Juliamon: that's a beeg cookie
cyclopsboi: what you got cori?
thedevil_risen1: Hey Cori and Cam ๐
Nigouki: cookie goes into meat pipe
SnackPak_: both?
cyclopsboi: it looks really good
noSmokeFire: put the ginger cookie in your meat pipe
GreatWahooney: heck of a sweater there
GhostValv: oh hey
Hekki Grace, LRR! I've been loving your playthrough of my newest favorite game
Bruceski: Just got back from the supermarked and realized I left one of my bags there, so it's that sort of day. Not expensive, just annoying.
thedevil_risen1: Skulls and snowflakes, love the vibes
Juliamon: Hekki Almo, 0x0ada
korvys: low poly at least
Bruceski: I can see the Signalis vibe
QuixoticScrivener: I've been meaning to ask, does the name of this show have any significance? Because I haven't been able to noodle it out.
Juliamon: QuixoticScrivener It's a play on the 'Walking Simulator' genre
GDwarble subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
GDwarble: 128xSubscribe
Thanks for subscribing, GDwarble! (Today's storm count: 4)
Juliamon: which often get derided, but usually have something important to say
Bruceski: @QuixoticScrivener A "walking simulator" is a term (often derisive) for games that are just exploring a space and narrative with little "actual gameplay".
QuixoticScrivener: @Juliamon But the show only tips its toes in that genera, no?
ghyllnox: And the first thing we did was kill our mom
Luminaire_p: Big deal, I feel like I'm going to cry to death all the time
Juliamon: QuixoticScrivener The show is about appreciating those elements of games that are often ignored in favour of flashy fights
Bruceski: @QuixoticScrivener Yeah but they do a lot of exploring the space of games they play and deconstructing them.
Juliamon: Like how they discussed the worldbuilding of Dark Souls rather than the brutal difficulty, as one of the first episodes
QuixoticScrivener: just clones dating genetically identical clones
iris_of_ether: Oh good, I got back in time from our work Dave and Busters trip
GreatWahooney: aren't we also a double digit percentage microbiome by volume and/or mass?
thedevil_risen1: That one is on my list ๐
GreatWahooney: definitely by cell count
Garfman314: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 13:17.
oh, nothing could go wrong with that.
korvys: I just watched a thing that suggests otherwise...
Less Dangerous
Garfman314: i JUST finished watching ep2 of your playthrough
BusTed: ๐ฌ
GreatWahooney: that's why I enjoy sleep so much
ghyllnox: l i p i d s
Luminaire_p: Salt your carrot sticks
jessicaengle: "Consciousness is for suckers" is what I keep telling people who are worried AI will become sentient. As soon as it does, it will be crippled by insecurity just like the rest of us
ashteranic: @jessicaengle "You've ruined a perfectly good monkey!"
BlueFingers5: that chaos christmas sweater is amazing Cam
GrassVortex: and we also tend to *heavily* favor communication as an indication for intelligence, just look at how we treat others that we can't communicate with due to language
cyclopsboi: kasparov
the data manoeuver
GhostValv: Frieren?
Luminaire_p: Frieren is great
cyclopsboi: freieren was very cool
GreatWahooney: the suboptimal gambit was also featured in the recent world chess championship match.
ghyllnox: Frieren is nice and melancholy
Juliamon: The elf that outlives her group
noSmokeFire: Frieren is supremely melancholy in a great way
noSmokeFire: Not really grimdark at all.
Kaorti: Hopeful affirming melancholy
ghyllnox: She's frequently like "Oh we'll be here a couple years sure" and the humans around her are like ".... no"
Kaorti: Found family themes
cyclopsboi: frieren is one of those animes that is not a positive watch but is a very good watch
GDwarble: Healer is legitimately one of my favourite characters in the game
ghyllnox: They're specifically not randomly selected, she picks, and if she doesn't like you she's likely to pick you
0x0ada: Absolutely, Healer is iconic.
noSmokeFire: that cube is going wild
0x0ada: God forbid women have hobbies
ghyllnox: Ah yeah "randomly selected" got it
GDwarble: Healer: always at maximum sass
Luminaire_p: IN THIS HOUSE
QuixoticScrivener: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
accountmadeforants: I think Healer is going to be a great priest of Allmo. It's not about what she *says*, it's about what she *should* say
iris_of_ether: "Family" in maximum cursive
GDwarble: I'm *still* not sure what we expected the bees to do about it.
theawesomeonev2: Yoooo we simultating some talks up in here
TheAwkes: People who ask you to Bear Witnessโข to something are always on the up and up.
Nigouki: did the cloning start before the singular immune person was found?
GDwarble: Let's love Lain!
accountmadeforants: @Nigouki Probably, maybe they figured they could recreate humanity after everyone died. Or they just needed practice.
wildpeaks: yes it holds up
niccus: speaking of
Garfman314: date is now "book" and "page"
GDwarble: Pigeon!
TheAwkes: Biggus Piggus
ghyllnox: "No lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk"
jessicaengle: Neverending Stoooooooryyyyyyy.....
accountmadeforants: Whenever I need to remind myself what 90's anime looked like in general, I think about Slayers
GDwarble: I'm not sure why this screen is quite as long as it is
GDwarble: Yup
GDwarble: Guard-meets-garden
GDwarble: I love "for her youth had been one long, underwhelming, episode of being treated as a child"
Too_Many_Knives subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Too_Many_Knives! (Today's storm count: 5)
accountmadeforants: And what do the other people say
ghyllnox: You're too tough to cry, what a gift!
accountmadeforants: Ah, that's the very simple stuff
ghyllnox: To start
Simriel: How many resists are we on?
Nigouki: some top of the line bedside manner
Invitare: the only thing they fear is you
GDwarble: @Simriel Somewhere between 1 and 5, by my count
Simriel: Know No Fear was a good book
wildpeaks: oh good
jessicaengle: Someone comes in with a knife and an onion
Juliamon: Haven't we all suppressed a memory or five before?
iris_of_ether: Pi was rough to watch
GDwarble: Johnson here having a rough day
Juliamon: mauve, the colour of disinterest
GrassVortex: would be some weird out of body experience-like thing to see
GDwarble: Mauve is the most disinterested colour
ghyllnox: I'm given to understand that can be what having a kid is like, they can look a lot like one parent or the other
niccus: you got time controls back
Simriel: All I know is that Green is NOT a creative colour
Stormgod519: pfft
Nigouki: you ever just [REDACTED] on those before you?
wildpeaks: ominous glow
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is the First Born not Iris?
wildpeaks: yeah I think first born is the original Iris
Stormgod519: get deads...
Stormgod519: ummmmmm
OldManJohnsonMB: Yesterday's Not a drop to drink may be the best media content I've ever consumed. And it was 95% Cori and Cam's just full commitment to the bit
Stormgod519: lul
Stormgod519: what i'd do to have more observation
Laserbeaks_Fury: "And you, I give the power of NARC"
Juliamon: Nobody left to make fun of her for being weeby
corefluxx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
corefluxx: Back for another one!
Thanks for subscribing, corefluxx! (Today's storm count: 6)
accountmadeforants: "Oh, this Giant Halo I dropped? Yeah, I guess I was a bit of a savior from the start."
ghyllnox: Green + squat = froge
Stormgod519: YES!
Stormgod519: pfft
Stormgod519: why is she upside down?
We did know that Iris was very bad at Hide-and-Seek
Laserbeaks_Fury: All of these sisters seem to hve the same hairstyle as their modern iterations
Stormgod519: fuck, im crying
Juliamon: oh...
wildpeaks: aww
GrassVortex: oh no
wildpeaks: oh dear
niccus: wow this train is heading to a wall really fast huh
GrassVortex: D:
Juliamon: [it was not okay]
wildpeaks: oh good
ghyllnox: So the reason they're all susceptible is they're Jiao clones?
Juliamon: Not wrong...
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh orld, are those studs like when they make facial reconstructions?
wildpeaks: definitely surprised
accountmadeforants: She's gonna love us and all our friends are gonna love us and we'll get to eat Allmo's cake too
wildpeaks: the happy times
accountmadeforants: Cool, cool cool cool
KeytarCat: Change for the better, right? Right??
wildpeaks: *nervous laughter*
ghyllnox: KNIFE
GrassVortex: more Nier imo, but close
UtilityPunk: Knockoff Nier
accountmadeforants: I remember there was that Final Fantasy boss in 16 that was a mess of polygons, I'll have to look it up. (I didn't actually play 16)
Laurence72: lower level 14 armor, yeah, I can see that
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is the cake Loss?
ghyllnox: Fruit cake
accountmadeforants: Biggest slice of cake
You were Jiao
wildpeaks: jello-filled cake surely
well, given you control all knowledge. Who might be responsible for not teaching?
GasCityGaming: Murica
TheMerricat: Iris is... An asshole.
wildpeaks: yup
Juliamon: We kind of knew that already though
accountmadeforants: Either Iris is delusional in showing others this, or...
wildpeaks: donโt even worry about it
accountmadeforants: It launching swords at supersonic speed just means it's more likely to fall within my parry's active frames.
ForOhForError: huh
Break time!
TheMerricat: So I just looked at the wiki for this game... We haven't even cracked the second arc of this yet. :,D
KeytarCat: nvidea AI ad?? Of someone remaking Portal???
wildpeaks: oh yeah the game is about 10 hours
Juliamon: we are through 4 of 10 chapters
KeytarCat: We've hit Human v. Human, getting to Human v. Society, gonna end with Human v. God!\
KeytarCat: presumably?
TheMerricat: @juliamon and still yet we aren't in the second arc. There's a whole another character we play in almost an entirely different setting.
Juliamon: the perfect Dew
wildpeaks: ohhh
wildpeaks: ignorance is bliss
Way to go America on it, Cam!
mistmurk: real
too real
KeytarCat: I'm reading on my phone...
GreatWahooney: I don't read books because magic cards have enough goddamn text
Solid advice with all this xmas chocolate
KBKarma: Hallo. I am immunosuppresed and writing Crimmus cards. How's everyone else doing?
GreatWahooney: but it's the one place not corrupted by capitalism!
GreatWahooney: yeah... nothing significant happens during downtime...
GrassVortex: Looks like the inside of a Gaming PC
KBKarma: Query: is this an action game, or a sort of point-and-click thing?
Laurence72: To funkytown?
GreatWahooney: @KBKarma mostly a talky story game
KBKarma: Oh neat. In which case, I'm going to bounce because I'll want to actually play this. Have a good one!
mistmurk: the true tragedy of this game
accountmadeforants: That star has a bad vibe, it's a Taurus, I'm a Gemini, we don't align
emmaInProgress: have you been to your own room yet?
GrassVortex: and it looked like there was only 5 of them at first, but these days they tend to clone many more
mistmurk: hekki grace
Laurence72: She up all night to get lucky?
wildpeaks: an hexagon of luck
KeytarCat: Studious Shell using the argument I used to get out of Jury Duty
GreatWahooney: but so does cinnamon
UtilityPunk: (n) insinerate. To add sin to a food.
Laurence72: You can't spell dream w/o me?
KeytarCat: This is like me talking literary analysis with my mom
GrassVortex: and I bet some languages would use those words interchangeably, if they even have different words for those concepts
KeytarCat: "Oh yes, I should share my ideas!" // "NO DON'T"
GapFiller: eyyy crypto ads cz thats exactly what wanna watch rn
mistmurk: if you're playing on controller i believe holding rb will help show you where you can talk to folks
Laurence72: is that one trying to twerk? on the far left?
KeytarCat: "I" need her to fix things?
undecided44: Driver? I hardly know her!
accountmadeforants: Following that line: Pooper. I'm sure we can think of an appropriate colour for her.
Stormgod519: mood tbh
Stormgod519: fixin for 5 o clock...
GrassVortex: have they said how long each sister have the roles?
wildpeaks: oh dear
KeytarCat: Pants alert!
accountmadeforants: Uh oh
accountmadeforants: Maybe add some elastic bands to those masks, at least?
wildpeaks: you'd think after all this time, they would engineer a mask that doesn't fall down if you trip
Stormgod519: "what is your major malfunction?"
accountmadeforants: fascimile... fsteak...
Stormgod519: good joke...
wildpeaks: "just never sleep again, easy"
Stormgod519: are any of us?
wildpeaks: she's, uh, method acting
UtilityPunk: If I just study for 72 hours straight, there's hope of passing the class
wildpeaks: Oh Good
DaxStrife: Occupant Honse
GreatWahooney: "Jaki koล jest, kaลผdy widzi"
DaxStrife: Welcome to "Can't Know Horses Club."
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Is this the evil horse from Denver?
accountmadeforants: giddy... up
accountmadeforants: Maybe they just chose to remove their skeleton there. They probably don't need it.
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
accountmadeforants: Lmao
KeytarCat: Horse girl communion
Lysander_salamander: He tried to make a cool monkey and failed
cyclopsboi: isnt it enough to know that i ruined a pony making a gift for you?
Stormgod519: hmmmmm
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
GhostValv: wowie
mistmurk: thanks secretary
Stormgod519: Secretary watches Cant Draw Horses Club...
Lysander_salamander: neigh
cyclopsboi: great horse joke
empyreon: 10/10
Juliamon: Secretary secretly best character
Lysander_salamander: secretary has been holding onto the joke for centuries
accountmadeforants: Secretary was the true Horse Girl all along
DaxStrife: Ah, the chapter where we start to understand the Occupants.
accountmadeforants: Midly Upset Max: Beyond Storytime
iris_of_ether: Big nope nope nope
wildpeaks: it's the one chapter i'm not too fond of, the gameplay made it feel a tad too long
cyclopsboi: A cave tour is also a lovely thing
frameshifty: carlsbad caverns is awesome for a nice walking cave
Juliamon: yes, love Carlsbad
cyclopsboi: one does not need to belly crawl through a tennis racket hole to enjoy a cavern
iris_of_ether: Most caves = *screams externally*
tehfewl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Thanks for subscribing, tehfewl! (Today's storm count: 7)
wildpeaks: *gasp*
wildpeaks: darn kids and their occupant slang
Break time is nnot forever
accountmadeforants: Occupant slang: Shitter's full
Marvoleath: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
GDwarble: There's a you that remains, that remains and remains
wildpeaks: red to blue
DaxStrife: Oh Hekk.
accountmadeforants: Hekki my snekki in the garden of paradise
GDwarble: Poor Secretary
We can save our sisters
wildpeaks: well that's not ominous at all
GDwarble: Principal has a red one
Laurence72: She's a bord!
Laurence72: bird*
Juliamon: pigeon girl
GDwarble: I love spacey pigeon girl
wildpeaks: pigeons will remember this
KeytarCat: We abandoned them ๐ญ
Sarah_Serinde: we made them our friends and then we abandoned them
GDwarble: I don't recall if you talked to pigeon girl in the school flashback, but she talks about that, it's neat
wildpeaks: oh hi mom
UtilityPunk: Do not run away with strangers NOTED
accountmadeforants: I'm not convinced the Occupants are real. They seem like another way for Allmo to deify herself
GDwarble: Imagine being known as...hah, yeah, exactly
e_bloc: rough beats
GDwarble: Pompeii-ass shitter
iris_of_ether: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Nigouki: just two golden balls
cyclopsboi: memory is stored in the balls
Marvoleath: but cave is in space
wildpeaks: Y is up
accountmadeforants: Watcher doesn't trust anything she can't hold in her hands. I mean, watch with her eyes.
iris_of_ether: Maxwell coming for you
noSmokeFire: no one ever asks 'how is up'
accountmadeforants: Ah, physicist and mathematician gang signs
UtilityPunk: How do you do fellow kids?
@niccus exactly the chart I was thinking of
UtilityPunk: The suns have generational trauma
trainpants: Secretly the three body problem?
GDwarble: Resonance
Laurence72: Is this the Three Body Problem?
Twilight_Spark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Twilight_Spark: 46, much like 24 and 68.
Thanks for subscribing, Twilight_Spark! (Today's storm count: 8)
niccus: time control is back
MisterCobble: time control
MisterCobble: I got stuck here for 10 mins lol
GDwarble: Yeah, I got stuck here for a bit until I remembered "oh, right, time control"
tehfewl: why is the watcher all caked up?
Nigouki: those orbital speeds don't obey physics
accountmadeforants: @niccus I love that 3DS Max and Maya are different. I wonder if Autodesk ever considered to unify and then just... missed the timing.
ThatDamnAussie: So Im loving what Im watching but just to ensure, this is a visual novel basically?
Juliamon: Sort of?
GDwarble: @ThatDamnAussie Baaasically, there's some light platforming
accountmadeforants: Basically yeah, ThatDamnAussie
GDwarble: But mostly a walk-and-talk-em-up
Laurence72: The Passenger Pigeon would like to disagree?
wildpeaks: @accountmadeforants naw it would have broken customer tools for no real benefit
ThatDamnAussie: thanks everyone
accountmadeforants: @wildpeaks Hence missing the timing. I'm sure they've implemented breaking changes before, but the coordinate system just seems sacrosanct at this point.
GDwarble: Uh-oh, Bathroom Boy's a Malthusian
Nigouki: find different podcasts
Nigouki: PLEASE
cyclopsboi: bathroom podcast boy
niccus: now we know why he's stuck in the bathroom
Invitare: we have the best dirt, to be fair
Twilight_Spark: I'm not a a Knower, I don't know.
Nigouki: are we getting Voight Kampff'd?
GDwarble: We're tall now
GDwarble: @Nigouki Communicating with aliens is difficult
GrassVortex: what even are Secretary? They have always been here, but never really explained, right?
wildpeaks: indeed it wasn't
accountmadeforants: I'm looking for a more... basic b
GrassVortex: hmmm
GDwarble: Everyone loves an octohedron
korvys: Do you prefer to be the big sphere or the little sphere in the relationship?
accountmadeforants: Maybe it takes a great thinker to think about something other than their own wants and desires, eh
korvys: Like the cheese cave?
accountmadeforants: Great music visualizer, aliens
cyclopsboi: caves are erosion and deposition, they are change but on geologic time scale
wildpeaks: space winamp
GDwarble: I have to imagine the VAs were having fun with these line reads
GDwarble: Wheeee
wildpeaks: so spinny
Nigouki: flyyyyy me to the moooooon~
GDwarble: Glutes go spinny
wildpeaks: surely they were impressed by our dance moves
Lysander_salamander: how's it going?
GDwarble: I think this proves they came to Earth for our advanced Lazy Susan technology
niccus: jealous we can spin cubes in our minds
GDwarble: @Lysander_salamander We're speaking abstract poetry to the memory of an alien, so a pretty normal Tuesday
Lysander_salamander: why would you not want you in your art?
GDwarble: Doing the mocap for this must also have been fun
Lysander_salamander: oh, I see
They _probably_ didn't spin the mocap actor around absurdly fast, but that might also have been fun
Lysander_salamander: aaaaaa
wildpeaks: an interesting hypothesis
niccus: exam time
HadesLeprechaun subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months, currently on a 56 month streak!
GDwarble: "Unfortunately, all the linguists are dead" is also a fun line, though not generally useable in everyday life
Thanks for subscribing, HadesLeprechaun! (Today's storm count: 9)
cyclopsboi: wasnt this what that amy adams movie was about
wildpeaks: almost, almost
GDwarble: @cyclopsboi There is a nonzero amount of Arrival in this game
accountmadeforants: This is extremely strong, yeah
Marvoleath: opening the past?
niccus: [ Murderers ]
UtilityPunk: Weebly wobbly time
Lysander_salamander: I guess I should watch The Arrival. It seems like a really heavy story, so I wasn't sure I'm in the right place to see it
Spacepup: Is that the XCOM skyranger?
Lysander_salamander: ah,
Lysander_salamander: so that's why it's called resist
wildpeaks: "I aim to misbehave"
GrassVortex: this is *a lot* to put on a 18 year olf...
GDwarble: That feels unfair to Bach
GDwarble: @Lysander_salamander There are other reasons, one of which I had to have pointed out to me after I finished the game
dabudder: hi cori and chat. love to be here. just watched the latest NADTD. cori. you are. absolutely unhinged. cant wait for the next session.
Bruceski: Bach's a big boy, he can take it
They couldn't license Vantablack
Lysander_salamander: ekeshregal
iris_of_ether: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
RAICx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
Thanks for subscribing, RAICx! (Today's storm count: 10)
UtilityPunk: Just casually caving with my buddy Plato
Lyserg0Zeroz: "There is an us, with a pattern we're threading" - "ERMAHGER" - "Resonance"
dabudder: any knowers in chat
Lysander_salamander: allergies?
GDwarble: @Lysander_salamander *Probably* the disease what makes you cry yourself to death
dabudder: piss?
Lysander_salamander: ah
BusTed: that's a lot
dabudder: you have piss eyes?
cyclopsboi: that would be awful
GrassVortex: cryogenics?
GrassVortex: yeah, I was thinking this might be a space ship/station of rosts?
GrassVortex: *sorts
wildpeaks: I think it's near the end of the chapter
GDwarble: You're relatively close to the end of the chapter, from what I recall. I'm just not sure if we're talking 15 minutes or, like, 45. ,<
dabudder: this is wild coming into right now
GDwarble: @dabudder Yeah, this is...this is probably a bit confusing without context
dabudder: but i vibe w/ it
dabudder: @GDwarble incredibly so but thats still fun enough
MisterCobble: youโre missing an option
KeytarCat: We didn't get a new option, I think we didn't talk to glowy Iris?
Falls away is new
wildpeaks: happy times
GredGredmansson: i'm sorry did i come at a bad time?
accountmadeforants: Maybe 50 if you include the reflections
KeytarCat: @GredGredmansson You came in at a very time
dabudder: UH OH
KeytarCat: The neo-malthusian did talk about halving the population, so maybe there were 25 soldiers in the scene?
accountmadeforants: Iris, what the fuck
wildpeaks: familiar shapes
GDwarble: That remains and remains
Iris wanted a present
dabudder: is. is this a metaphor?
wildpeaks: hamster'd
Laurence72: Hey! Listen!
0x0ada: Fun fact, the VAs for the occupant? They're a couple, and they didn't record over each other. They just used one mic and read all the lines in sync just like that.
UtilityPunk: monkaTOS
KeytarCat: Tore off Secretary's mask
KeytarCat: One cannot watch without becoming part of the system
accountmadeforants: "Isn't it comfortable under this boot? Doesn't our capricious ruler occasionally allow us a slice of cake?"
GrassVortex: ^^
GDwarble: I find Knower to be a really interesting character, honestly
0x0ada: They don't even get the cake. They get to *look* at the cake.
GDwarble: "You must learn to live with the mistakes you've made"
KeytarCat: Is Incinerate always capitalized?
GrassVortex: I love this game
GredGredmansson: i should have left a while ago.
0x0ada: Knower is an incredible character honestly, SO MUCH depth
GDwarble: Things be happening
wildpeaks: I hope we finish this, it's very good
MisterCobble: love knower. she sucks so much
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
GhostValv: awww
Ashmantle: please do
Lysander_salamander: It's pretty neat
xantos69: I would very much like to know how this ends.
Chat, you better be good
TheMerricat: So since this is a spoiled stream, should we discuss the fact that watcher isn't the actual protagonist of this game?
Lysander_salamander: I hope you have a good time
Raiz0k: We'll be good!
0x0ada: Hekki ALLMO and happy hoilidays
KeytarCat: Knower cares so much and has given up so completely
wildpeaks: oh it gets weird
accountmadeforants: Honestly yeah my opinion of this started high and has only gone up
serramarkov: This has been very cool! And I have been loving Season 3 of Not a Drop. Your character choices have been amazing.
GredGredmansson: i feel like i'm missing so much without context but i don't think i want it
GDwarble: Yeah, it's much more a play than a game, but that's the devs working to their strengths, I think
wildpeaks: hair to hair, chat
GDwarble: @GredGredmansson The context adds a lot, and at this point clears up less than you'd think
KeytarCat: @serramarkov Yeah, this paired with NaDtD3 is pretty good
GDwarble: @wildpeaks There is a chat that remains, that remains and remains
cyclopsboi: i feel like basing your communication on the feelings of teenagers is probably a bad idea
I also kinda like the more episodic feel I'm getting by experiencing it weekly through this stream Lets me think about things between episodes.
oh no, it is on sale on Steam right now.... There goes about $15 of my money
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Finding Frankie) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (24m from now).
accountmadeforants: The show must go on, after all
GDwarble: Thanks for the stream!
thank you for the stream!
KeytarCat: I so deeply want to watch this play
KeytarCat: Thanks for stream!
Lysander_salamander: Have a good evening! Thanks for playing
50 Bits
iris_of_ether: The us that remains, and remains, and remains
KeytarCat: Eph
GhostValv: f meral
Laurence72: EFF
GapFiller: F
Bruceski: Eph
Serivus: eph
serramarkov: Safe travels to all it applies to!
GredGredmansson: ok i need to find something else before i go to bed tonight
fonicbelt: Eph
accountmadeforants: 2 months
Lysander_salamander: ephermeral artery
GredGredmansson: hope you enjoyed this
wildpeaks: the good twitch viewers stay, the bad youtube viewers go
Nigouki: M'Earl *tips F*
dabudder: anybody else up tugging they lrm
KeytarCat: Exclusive "we", but not the kind you thiiink~
GapFiller: per a quick search it appears to be a kinda shortbread
Stormgod519: wait, really?
KeytarCat: Sword sharpening, overhead to overhead
iris_of_ether: Wait really???
Stormgod519: what?
Bruceski: wait did that happen?
Uzumaki15: Wait that happened???
Lysander_salamander: what
Stormgod519: YES!!!
Uzumaki15: I mean he probably deserved it
GapFiller: given Cam is now writing CP+ stories looking fwd to when yr appearing on ChillPoint Cam?
accountmadeforants: Ian apparently found a recipe for caramel that's not like regular caramel. Which seems.. difficult...
iris_of_ether: "Watch us crap"
GapFiller: The Big One
GDwarble: For us?!
Stormgod519: Woah!!!
Stormgod519: ayyyyyy
Jillexie: The best Christmas show
Dog_of_Myth: Hype!!
GapFiller: its The Most Wonderful Time of the Ear
Stormgod519: too bad im working
yay! ...
tehfewl: will there be scotch?
Invitare: how lascivious
It's an early Christmas Present from LRR
Lysander_salamander: yay
iris_of_ether: Sick
letsbelgo: I want more episodes
Lysander_salamander: ?!
letsbelgo: episodes are too short
Invitare: wait that's Heather's bit
Metric_Furlong: the best decisions
BusTed: ๐
accountmadeforants: Yeah, we've got two banger almost-VNs this.. season? of LRR
Going_Medium: No!!! it can't be over yet.
dabudder: local good descision maker coriander dickinson
Invitare: The end is never the end is never the end
GapFiller subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Thanks for subscribing, GapFiller! (Today's storm count: 11)
tehfewl: its VtM, there are never happy endings
UtilityPunk: Have a happy remain and remain and remain
GapFiller: shdve saved that Prime sub a lil longer
GDwarble: Persistence!
GDwarble: I remain and remain
what could cori mean by that?
GhostValv: Resonance
KWardJenx: Thank you for the stream!
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
KeytarCat: Remain happy, in the eternity of your brief existence
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Lysander_salamander: thppppbbbt
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