Joecool190: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Finding Frankie) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (2m from now).
Blip2004 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Blip2004: have you seen Frankie? anyone? anyone at all?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Blip2004! (Today's storm count: 12)
Kuhfeek subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kuhfeek! (Today's storm count: 13)
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Stroke the wurm.
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot nah
Nigouki: wurm the stroke
GasCityGaming: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DarknessKingCoH subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months, currently on a 63 month streak!
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarknessKingCoH! (Today's storm count: 14)
xantos69: Why ask for advice if you wont take it?
baltimore_667083: !advice
LRRbot: You don't have to do anything Ian tells you to do.
baltimore_667083: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You smell very delicious, but I will not bite you.
kragmabutch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
kragmabutch: let's nope subiversary? what fun!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kragmabutch! (Today's storm count: 15)
catcard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
catcard: yaaaaay let's nope
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, catcard! (Today's storm count: 16)
baltimore_667083: !quote adam
LRRbot: Quote #62: "I just bent a piece of rebar in my anus. That's how hard I clenched." —Adam [2015-03-22]
hieroglyphica: Hello all! I'm performing spontaneous carpentry to make my little dog some stairs
saucemaster5000: I found franky
saucemaster5000: he's on the cover
GasCityGaming: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Stormgod519: ayyyyy
Stormgod519: time for the freaky!!!
GasCityGaming: uh ope, time to nope!
ph0enix__42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ph0enix__42! (Today's storm count: 17)
baltimore_667083: !quote ben
LRRbot: Quote #8967: "I'm about to pay for your sins." —Ben Ulmer, to Graham [2024-04-10]
lamina5432: evening
Jhoiraful_Chaos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jhoiraful_Chaos! (Today's storm count: 18)
gamercat88 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gamercat88! (Today's storm count: 19)
DaFhaye: Howdy yall
RIAXIS subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RIAXIS! (Today's storm count: 20)
gamercat88: seabatDance lrrSIG lrrSPOOP
CataclysmicReverb: If we're Finding Frankie we shouldn't have Cast out their stones
DideRobot: LRR: Tonight Ben & Adam are Finding Frankie! Who is Frankie? Who knows! Should they be finding them? Maybe! | |
saucemaster5000: Is finding frankie like finding religion?
gamercat88: finding nemo part 3
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, who stole frankie
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSPOOP
DaFhaye: Who's frankie?
CataclysmicReverb: Auntie Fish @ButButTheJesus
BusTed: we're looking for frankie munez. he disappeared after malcolm in the middle
patrick_stonecrusher: Mario is Missing-like
SnackPak_: good question
baltimore_667083: hi ben! hi adam!
Stormgod519: lul
frameshifty: yay spoops
Stormgod519: Hi boys!
Marvoleath: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
TimIAm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months, currently on a 103 month streak!
TimIAm: First Nope sub in a hot minute
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TimIAm! (Today's storm count: 21)
NightValien28 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
NightValien28: who the fuck is frankie
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NightValien28! (Today's storm count: 22)
DaFhaye: Oh oops
patrick_stonecrusher: Who's Lila?
PharaohBender27: Well, who IS Frankie?
saucemaster5000: Alright I make ONE joke
ButButTheJesus: frankie's in my frunk
raulghoulia: I have it on good authority they went to Hollywood
CataclysmicReverb: Frankie Fish sequel :o
e_bloc: Corgo100 Corgo100 Corgo100 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1
jessieimproved: Frankie is the absolute surprise boyfriend that my sister in law brought to Christmas, no joke
Stormgod519: Who's on Frankie?!?
ph0enix__42: Why's Frankie?
Nigouki: fuck frankie, play some more angsty anime games like talking sim
Patorik: Is this just horror Where's Waldo?
catcard: DUNK em
SnackPak_: blat blat
gamercat88: cranks back shotgun
Tangsm: Then you have to find his glasses, and his shoe, and his dog
MrSarkhan: $10 says it's MilkinBags.
TimIAm: Tonight, Freddie Fish and Luther find Frankie
KV1NN4: who're we looking for?
GasCityGaming: yeah, it's gonna be milk
korvys: I genuinely *just* turned up, and now I don't know what I can't say :D
couchboyj: DinoDance lrrSPOOPY DinoDance
hatboozeparty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 7 month streak!
hatboozeparty: lrrADAM lrrSPOOPY lrrBEN
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hatboozeparty! (Today's storm count: 23)
gamercat88: I heard Dark Pines is good
CataclysmicReverb: Let's see, developer is Super Lou... as in _THE_ Super Lou Bega Bros?
Cptasparagus: isnt that the point?
korvys: Look, you play horror games, mediocre games are gonna happen
Cptasparagus: replicating actual ghost hunting shows, nothing happens and you just have to guess
DaFhaye: Survive the monster the game
catcard: is this mascot horror?
CataclysmicReverb: Looks like, catcard
Nigouki: that last game seemed like it would have been less tedious with 4 poeple because taking down 2 people is too easy
catcard: cool cool
DaFhaye: Isn't lethal company just a Dead By Deadlight kinda copy?
gualdhar: Grab some assets, throw them in an arena, and pray it makes it big
CataclysmicReverb: DOOM clone :)
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: 83 is like :3 if it was wearing glasses
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa! (Today's storm count: 24)
ohjanji: as opposed to Spy the Slayer
GasCityGaming: it was good! :)
Blip2004: have you seen GTFO?
brainbosh subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, brainbosh! (Today's storm count: 25)
TheWriterAleph: @ohjanji i'd play it
baltimore_667083: @ohjanji -slow metal music intensifies-
PMAvers: I think Monster Train gets a pass since it's all that deck-building and then a part of Tower Defense?
Veshnikard: Definitely made for streamer groups
niccus: monster train or choo choo charles?
raulghoulia: what is this talking sim?
brainbosh: How did the underwater game stand up?
DaFhaye: Lethal Company was actually scary at moments
RealGamerCow: Gonna be honest, the game last week was not great
Masslost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
Masslost: LightsBlink lrrSPOOP LightsBlink
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Masslost! (Today's storm count: 26)
Diabore: the one good content warning enemy was the snail, everything else was faster than you
PharaohBender27: I will say, the filming aspect was fun for Content Warning
Stormgod519: @raulghoulia weve established let's nope spends the first hour dialoguing
YFiddler: I still scream at that clip of the rocket landing
teeyeezey: yeah but the rizz god though
Marvoleath: The one Wheeler played was quite excellent, Amongus meets lethal company - I believe it's called Lockdown Protocol
saucemaster5000: it's for the tiktok generation
CataclysmicReverb: Yeah. The filming bit was great but agree monsters were a bit overtuned
ButterBall000: Cut together multiple runs into one exciting run!
Stormgod519: saw tha highlight again recently
JoeLowe2: I did love the rizz god. Shubashiwa!!
gamercat88: yeah rizz god
e_bloc: our friendly neighborhood or whatever
PharaohBender27: "DON'T TALK ABOUT THE WAR"
RealGamerCow: What was the best Lets Nope game for you guys this year?
Dog_of_Myth: MiSide
saucemaster5000: remember when the blair witch game was about iraq war trauma?
PharaohBender27: @saucemaster5000 Ugh, I do
gamercat88: too real
squ3e: Huh
CataclysmicReverb: A few of those out there. MiSide is just the second to do that well
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 Please don't remind me (also hi Sauce wheelerMute )
circusofkirkus: you mean don't laugh
e_bloc: I would say at least it was better than Daymare 1999 but what wasn't
e_bloc: oh the don't scream one was fantastic
saucemaster5000: hi mask PridePenguin
gamercat88: faster pigs
Dog_of_Myth: Doppler Pig Squeals
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 wheelerMuldp Wassup, my goat
ButButTheJesus: the baby wall scene
CataclysmicReverb: I remember that meme clip
BusTed: and it is repeatable
ButButTheJesus: there was a glitch where it would play on loop
ThorSokar: go BWAH!
ManWithTheMask13: big chucker
ButButTheJesus: big wat
Strebenherz: Howdy you lovely big chucklers
Marvoleath: chunky chucker
gamercat88: solid dad line
lochnessseammonster: what up spoopy friends :)
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Marvoleath: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
ManWithTheMask13: @lochnessseammonster VoHiYo wheelerMuldp
PharaohBender27: Right, and if I understand correctly, the Canada Post strike is over!
The_Color_Twelve subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months, currently on a 59 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_Color_Twelve! (Today's storm count: 27)
korvys: If you did want to see the baby-wall thing, this Jerma video is amazing:
gualdhar: I showed my parents the white elephant crapshot and they were very confused
TheWriterAleph: "Honey, what is a 'flunge'?"
lochnessseammonster: my mom wants me to teach her magic actually
ManWithTheMask13: Oh god
saucemaster5000: it means you are cool
ManWithTheMask13: It means you listened to Holy Diver once
circusofkirkus: I'm not a UTexas fan
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
TheWriterAleph: nahhhh
ThorSokar: Surfer Ben in the HOUSE
saucemaster5000: that's such a west coast take
gamercat88: lifes good
Patorik: Fido Dido?
PharaohBender27: @gualdhar ... Are they unfamiliar with sports drafts?
betweenmyself: how do you feel about the Wolf Pack “Too Sweet” hand gesture? riffThink
KV1NN4: i actively cannot make my hands do the hang-loose gesture (i've been sad about this fact since i was 7)
VrolikSyndrome: Engagement farming again, I see.
ManWithTheMask13: I will not rise to that bait, streamer
lochnessseammonster: my italian step grandfather would do it if you were saying anything he considered bad luck
Juliamon: oh, the 'they' threat
e_bloc: I hope this is a lowkey dating sim
Thefluffiestguineapig: yeah!!!!!! now I’ve done super well on all my finals I can actually do live let’s nope again
CataclysmicReverb: Oop, Ben said it first, mods, clip his fingernails a LITTLE too short
saucemaster5000: fuck yes
definenull: lets go! i saw that comment
gamercat88: hell yeah!
Sarah_Serinde: Good work chat
ohjanji: LUL
catcard: hell yeah
Stormgod519: FUCK YEAH!!!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ThorSokar: hahahaha
Juliamon: it was so good
MrSarkhan: LUL
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
gualdhar: @pharaohbender27 no they know how white elephant gift exchanges work, they just didn't get the Timmy's reference
squ3e: Dude I saw that it was hilarious
trainpants: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: I need to go reply on a video
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
TheWriterAleph: hahaha LUL
ghyllnox: Lmao based community
korvys: Thempires
GasCityGaming: scuse me a moment
spethycakes: They/Them FBtouchdown
Juliamon: Heather said their last comment before that was like, season 2
Juliamon: asking why they gave pronouns
SymphonySolstice: LUL
gamercat88: gottem!
ohjanji: LMAOOO
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
Larkonus: Daaaaaamn, Adam!
catcard: HOOOOOOO
ButButTheJesus: LAWL
tajessa: lrrWOW
definenull: 🔥
trainpants: LUL
Stormgod519: PFFT
VrolikSyndrome: shuh shaw
The_Color_Twelve: henyaCheerdance Gottem henyaCheerdance
MrSarkhan: holy shit that's good LUL
ContingentCat: LUL gottem!
NimrodXIV: gottem
saucemaster5000: "I quite liked it --Adam"
BusTed: roast 'em
ThorSokar: composKEKD I think I know why you don't talk anymore composKEKD
ManWithTheMask13: That's my goat
lochnessseammonster: CheersToThat
NonjaBiru: fukken gottem
bethy_kins24: oh nooo
ThorSokar: oh, no, they gave the a racist phone!?
GasCityGaming: google does now
lochnessseammonster: most phones are
MirrorDisco: yuck
Thefluffiestguineapig: oooooofff
tajessa: lol
PharaohBender27: tqsShrug
ohjanji: the ol' pizza shrug
saucemaster5000: two pizzas?????
ohjanji: LUL
betweenmyself: riffPizza riffOK riffYeti riffOK riffPizza
TheWriterAleph: how come your mom lets you have two pizzas
ghyllnox: "They" submitted o7
SquareDotCube: Was that when you were getting flack for buying Domino's?
RealGamerCow: "LOL so random"
gamercat88: "They" submitted to o7
saucemaster5000: domino's is its own class of pizza and I will defend it
ContingentCat: trash animals are great
ProcyonFlynn: Trash Mammals Unite RaccAttack
GhostValv: ashlizRaccoon
tajessa: "I just think they're neat"
Thefluffiestguineapig: possums are cool Ben you are correct
Marvoleath: which video was the "they" response train?
MrSarkhan: possums are great. My last dnd character was a possum.
TheWriterAleph: LUAL
saucemaster5000: saint nick is giving us the gift of passive tolerance this year
gamercat88: adam ur bday gift is us finding frankie
lochnessseammonster: tomorrow is one week to christmas
on_and_awful subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
on_and_awful: Heya friendos
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, on_and_awful! (Today's storm count: 28)
NotCainNorAbel: worse comic
betweenmyself: there are worse Xmas traditions… riffWhizzo riffHurrHurr riffTurkey
ohjanji: adam just hates comics inside of circles
tajessa: Adam is correct
saucemaster5000: calvin and hobbes????
PharaohBender27: Adam speaking truth
patrick_stonecrusher: Possums ARE cool. Literally. Their body temp is low enough that theyre immune to rabies
ButButTheJesus: then xkcd?
CataclysmicReverb: Adam speaking
ThorSokar: I'm surprised Adam didn't ask for a gift receipt
Juliamon: saucemaster5000 Single-frame
saucemaster5000: oh fair
PharaohBender27: @saucemaster5000 Calvin and Hobbes was 4-frame
Juliamon: Ziggy at the bottom
RealGamerCow: New Heathcliff is good
SquareDotCube: For single frame comics? Close to Home or Non Sequitur are a distant second
gundamschwing: Wizard of id
raulghoulia: PBF
ButButTheJesus: nonsequitor
TheWriterAleph: Dennis the Menace
Shankx88: Greetings from germany 🫡🇩🇪
GasCityGaming: they had an actual cartoon too
saucemaster5000: remember mary worth?
Stormgod519: Rhymes With orange?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Calvin and Hobbes isn’t bound by your expectations
ContingentCat: oh god my mom loved that one
gundamschwing: And Marmaduke is goated
wiganlass: Andy Capp?
RealGamerCow: It what?
BusTed: There was a Baby Blues cartoon too
gamercat88: for those who don't know sunday comics were from this thing called the newspaper
MacbethSeemsSus: Dilbert was mid before the artist starting making his opinions known.
SquareDotCube: Frank and Earnest was a single frame comic that used the whole normal strip space
PharaohBender27: I remember enjoying some Dilbert comics back in the day. But yeah, creator's a pigfucker
TheWriterAleph: @gamercat88 is that like a webtoon
ThorSokar: Marmaduke was single framer, but it's no Far Side
MirrorDisco: Cathey was my Moms favorite
ButButTheJesus: @saucemaster5000 was that like a soap opera?
thegitrogsquirrel: Calvin was the best Sunday full page comic
squ3e: Garfield, if you just read the strip really fast is basically one frame
Roger_Job329: Family Circus
electric_claire: Nancy is good now
PharaohBender27: Oh, I hadn't thought of Non Sequitor for YEARS
saucemaster5000: oh yeh nancy ain't bad
Kelazi5: off the mark was decent, but a it's dimestore Far Side
ContingentCat: things were wild before the internet
SquareDotCube: Oh, Speed Bump! Another single frame comic
ButButTheJesus: remember just sitting and doing nothing?
gamercat88: @TheWriterAleph yeah same thing ;)
TheWriterAleph: Bizzaro hits more than it misses (back when i read the newspaper anyway)
dumbo3k: Hey SPORT! How are you doing!
electra310: I had to sit at my dad's office for hours some days, he paid me to make copies on his huge copy machine.
ContingentCat: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 24:42.
Stormgod519: oooooooooof
circusofkirkus: Marmaduke might die???
Stormgod519: Luv mods!
teeyeezey: wow short podcast tonight
Strebenherz: Ook ook
PharaohBender27: I used to regularly read the newspaper comics when I was a kid and teenager
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK
Twilight_Spark: Who's in the cage?
itira: oh its a party
Dog_of_Myth: coxJam coxJam
electra310: But we like the noise it makes
betweenmyself: beat single panel comic is the Word Scramble… I never *quite* get it, but I appreciate their avant garde take on humor riffYeti
Beleqwaya: Thanks. I was honestly trying to figure out if this was the start or end of the stream :-p
BusTed: can we see too
saucemaster5000: so have we found -
MirrorDisco: I love the dance moves
comrade_cards subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, comrade_cards! (Today's storm count: 29)
RealGamerCow: Adam just did the "lean back in the recliner and pull the lever " move
itira: evening everyone
ManWithTheMask13: Oh yeah @lochnessseammonster Thank you for mentioning Finch! It's been an absolutely lovely app, and has been helping a lot. Really, thank you AmbessaLove AmbessaLove
squ3e: So, poppy playtime-esk?
TheWriterAleph: @Twilight_Spark we are all monkeys inside the gilded cage. shakespeare said that i think
tajessa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tajessa! (Today's storm count: 30)
ghizmou: who chose this game
Twilight_Spark: Five Nights at Frankie's never was more gorey.
electra310: Overwhelmingly positive?
NimrodXIV: Mascot Horror Game # 27
NightValien28: ben, daymare has good reviews
lochnessseammonster: @ManWithTheMask13 yay! you're very wecome PrideUwu
PharaohBender27: Oh yes, and good reviews have NEVER steered the boys wrong Kappa
itira: im not expecting much from the game. but im expecting the streamers to be PERFECT
ThorSokar: and then YOU'LL BE THERE, playing Daymare 3
MacbethSeemsSus: I mean, I say it now
ManWithTheMask13: Be the change you want to see in the world, Adam
gundamschwing: That's where we're going, and then we'll be there
raulghoulia: the hurbis of making daymare 3
gamercat88: best line ever said ever
itira: :))
saucemaster5000: aim for the median
SymphonySolstice: Joyhoops
ContingentCat: lrrWOW
SquareDotCube: FNAF is one of those things I'll never how it took off with the kids. Or how it got any of those merch deals.
SquareDotCube: *never understand
circusofkirkus: dramatic avengers ass music
ManWithTheMask13: capitalism evil montage
TheWriterAleph: yes
ohjanji: horror games like VHS tapes these days i feel
LordZarano: Only 1 person has voted in one single category on this game, and that 1 vote is to say that the dog doesn't die
squ3e: More tapes! we're soo good at those already
spo8n: nobody is crazy
Tangsm: When there's a whole VHS tape in your cereal box
gamercat88: yes MXC, get it on!
ohjanji: right you are, ken!
Roger_Job329: Squid game??
ButButTheJesus: wat
CataclysmicReverb: I'm guessing more of a Wonka horror sort of thing
spethycakes: @ohjanji the real horror was the lack of rewinding
bethy_kins24: YESS
SymphonySolstice: wooo
electra310: "Thanks for the video, but what am I gonna eat for breakfast?"
ohjanji: @spethycakes TRUTH
korvys: Trampoline, Water, and Parkour park?
TheWriterAleph: @spethycakes some people aren't kind
saucemaster5000: we're going to the fireworks cnady and puppy dog store?????
PharaohBender27: @ohjanji VHS tapes is Millennial nostalgia
Nigouki: that's not gonna buy a house in victoria
teeyeezey: 5 million in this economy
Kentosaurus: git gud strimmer
TheWriterAleph: i'm the crew
Strebenherz: What did the 19k say
tajessa: professor genki flashbacks
raulghoulia: acad
MilkInBags: is this the game little stevie
VrolikSyndrome: ADAB
Juliamon: that duck's a cop
saucemaster5000: of course ben chooses the cop
e_bloc: I'm the radiator
teeyeezey: deputy duck is sending fascist vibes
betweenmyself: speaking of MXC, I’m sure chat is hip to the season of Takeshi’s Castle from last year riffThink
electra310: ADAB
Twilight_Spark: Ben with the DDs smh
ManWithTheMask13: Peacock ass character
niccus: man as soon as squid game got popular people were desperate to rip out the social commentary part
KWardJenx: Deputy Duck's a pig
Strebenherz: All ducks are bastards
averythetiger: I know It hurts, but ACAB includes Deputy Duck
gundamschwing: Deputy Duck is a real square
ohjanji: i don't trust that radiator
saucemaster5000: if you shoot above your league sometimes you catch a stray
bosqueofpines: Is Deputy Duck copaganda?
spethycakes: That D-tier character is what keeps me warm 2 months of the year and overheated for 4 more
CataclysmicReverb: $5 mil can almost buy a townhouse outside of a food desert
MilkInBags: roll credits
letsbelgo: we are watching D tier characters anyway
MilkInBags: rate it 7 on imdb
salamisuperstar: turn off the stream i guess
tajessa: maybe there's a lady in the radiator and it's a top tier pick
JeshuaWithAnE: Club penguin style map
betweenmyself: Deputy Duck just a cog in the machine to keep goosekind down! ohnoHonk
TheWriterAleph: hellooooo
spethycakes: Where are Jordynne and Kathleen for that phone react?
ManWithTheMask13: BLUE 42
itira: what is this... a live links commercial?
lochnessseammonster: HahaSweat
ohjanji: WHOA
NightValien28: is this about to turn into squid games?
MilkInBags: o7
BusTed: ggs
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Stormgod519: holy moly
SymphonySolstice: good start good start
MilkInBags: gg no re
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
ContingentCat: wow
Sarah_Serinde: Welp, short game
spethycakes: well, that was fast
Stormgod519: pfft
ButButTheJesus: welp
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
Sarah_Serinde: What's next
squ3e: GG shake my hand
ohjanji: ahahahaha damn yo
letsbelgo: lololol
Jillexie: gg
Tangsm: That went well
Kipstar: next game
circusofkirkus: rip the 5 mil
TheWriterAleph: F
Dog_of_Myth: GG night everyone
dumbo3k: wow
gibbousm: sorry Ben
MilkInBags: that was like a sanctum boss
The_Color_Twelve: well that escalated quickly
MacbethSeemsSus: Short stream
NightValien28: damn
Marvoleath: you found Frankie, congratulations!!!
tajessa: F
Seth_Erickson: gg
mistbornhoid: I just got here
ManWithTheMask13: 45 YARD LINE PENALTY
RealGamerCow: That escalated quickly
itira: Ben you died
salamisuperstar: He gave you the hugs
ButButTheJesus: F
electra310: I don't think he is our friend
e_bloc: great
GasCityGaming: ggs
Sogheim: GG
Stormgod519: welp, cya next week....
Aceviru: The frogs are gone
definenull: mixed
saucemaster5000: didn't follow the gamefaqs smh
Strebenherz: Game start player two wins
tehfewl: Found him!
JoeLowe2: he ded
gamercat88: someone said the thing....
TheWriterAleph: you got squidgame'd m8
ohjanji: the ol' Ominous Countdown
betweenmyself: best episode of Nickelodeon’s GUTS ever
patrick_stonecrusher: Uuuhhhhhhhhh....... one more?
tajessa: F in advance
SymphonySolstice: LUL
circusofkirkus: LMAO
ohjanji: so close LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: bro backdashed
Ryenji: LUL
BusTed: got got
SnackPak_: got got
tajessa: LUL
salamisuperstar: Jebaited
Stormgod519: LOL
Dog_of_Myth: New Record!!
spethycakes: This is terrifying
gibbousm: GG
GasCityGaming: the 'ope"
saucemaster5000: damn that guy is the goat
Diabore: just gonna back up
ManWithTheMask13: Shimmyed your ass
Marvoleath: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
mistbornhoid: What are you supposed to do
itira: dude wwas like nope! fuck this!
Stormgod519: he said NOPE!
MacbethSeemsSus: Moonwalked himself to safety
gamercat88: skirt his way on back into safety
raulghoulia: don't have to be faster than the monster, just faster than the streamer
ManWithTheMask13: The footsies are insane
bethy_kins24: backtrack so gast
bethy_kins24: fast *
squ3e: Is there an exit on the right?
ButButTheJesus: turned 360 degrees and walked away
circusofkirkus: rigged
BusTed: NotLikeThis
SnackPak_: big cheats
wishiwassleeping: it’s like Squid Fames and FNAF had a baby
itira: this game sucks
salamisuperstar: Double baited
Stormgod519: aw come on!
7gorobei: homer backwards into the shrubs, shaka when the walls fell
Diabore: maybe we have to go faster and get past it?
ohjanji: welp
Twilight_Spark: Well this is off to a good start.
e_bloc: this "game" sure is a game
saucemaster5000: nice strats bobby fisher try again
gamercat88: gotta give Frankie the juke
mistbornhoid: Are they playing against other real players
Stormgod519: okay, chat, i gtg
dumbo3k: Hesitation is death
dheid1: @7gorobei Ben and Adam at Let's Nope
Stormgod519: gotta go teach, best of luck boys!
salamisuperstar: I want to know what these contestants are expecting to happen?
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE
NotCainNorAbel: just don't die
I_Luv_Pokeymanz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 6 month streak!
I_Luv_Pokeymanz: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, I_Luv_Pokeymanz! (Today's storm count: 31)
definenull: the start up is real slow tbh
SnackPak_: got body blocked from the exit
tajessa: this is gonna be a long stream LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: No, those aren’t real players
xantos69: This is one of those games where the glitchless speed runis going to make it look so simple
PharaohBender27: lrrXmasbart
mistbornhoid: @loadingreadyrun sorry just getting here are you playing against other real players?
ohjanji: nailed it
Strebenherz: Something something bee my honey ensues
TheWriterAleph: that was a bit of a hill to climb to earn the TUTORIAL
itomeshi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, itomeshi! (Today's storm count: 32)
spethycakes: How refreshing that the devs refuse to hand you the tutorial and make you EARN it
GasCityGaming: i mean, you can.....
saucemaster5000: must be 25+ for the bathrooms
tehfewl: shitter's full
Dog_of_Myth: I think your character did that already
salamisuperstar: Oh shit, we got some jams
Patorik: Why do the bathrooms have fire doors that open in?
MacbethSeemsSus: @Patorik Assets are expensive
otakon17: Has Frankie been found?
salamisuperstar: Toggle crouch, yuck
SquareDotCube: momentum ben
otakon17: Are...are you guys stuck on the tutorial?
tehfewl: Speedrun Timer 👀
squ3e: its flashing click to interact
niccus: keyboards have different allowances for what keys it can report while another key is being pressed, so ctrl/alt/shift are the safest if it's going to be a key combo
niccus: they also hurt your hands like hell
CataclysmicReverb: teeth
lochnessseammonster: jlrrDance3
Kentosaurus: bunny ears?
GasCityGaming: it does not tell you to click tbf
LordZarano: WASD was figured out first by a Quake player. Then Half Life 1 was what made it the default
salamisuperstar: Hanging by the ears?
dumbo3k: Definitely grabbed that bar with your teeth
spethycakes: mistakes ARE learning!
Twilight_Spark: Best not to think about it eh
betweenmyself: riffHurrHurr
otakon17: oh god wall running
saucemaster5000: you can make all the mistakes you want pumpkin
itira: you gotta be perfect obvi :))
Marvoleath: parkour!
otakon17: the RAIL SLIDE
BusTed: PogChamp
TheWriterAleph: rollin around at the speed of sound
Nigouki: Is this Mirror's Edge but Good?
mistbornhoid: Am I just weird that I just want to play any fps with a controller
salamisuperstar: Wait, this is a shmoovement horror game????
SquareDotCube: saefty
lochnessseammonster: you mean you don't already know the thing you're trying to learn? seabatApp
7gorobei: jet set radio lets go
gundamschwing: They spelled safety wrong
Beleqwaya: It's fun. But you definitely feel your age when you are done.
Kentosaurus: ^
saucemaster5000: I've been to a place that lets you do trapeze
itomeshi: I didn't know I wanted a trampoline park video game. But I do.
korvys: I am nearly 40, I would invert all of my joints
DrAegirinePyrope: trampoline parks are a fun time
mistbornhoid: Adam got the jokes
otakon17: why you guys not have a controller set up on the game streaming pc though?
gundamschwing: Good joke, unc
mistbornhoid: Steamer humor
otakon17: o-o
betweenmyself: been reeeeeeeal careful around trampolines since that first Season of MTV’s Slam Ball were that guy’s foot practically snapped off at the ankle
itira: LUL
CataclysmicReverb: 1-0
saucemaster5000: holy shit he's gaming
salamisuperstar: Dang, already get to go to your crush's room?
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
betweenmyself: *where
MacbethSeemsSus: Boss, why do you think this pre-record is needed?
ManWithTheMask13: Yeah, I'm thinking they're gaming
mistbornhoid: Do you think my DnD group would understand that I want to watch Let's Nope as a reason to skip
Cptasparagus: wow they put a GAME in my GAME?
otakon17: does EVERYTHING have a Inception BOWM on it now?
JusticeJuice: A collectable to turn off collectables?
Strebenherz: Baptized?
ghizmou: can't you do both?
salamisuperstar: Does anyone enjoy collectables in games anymore?
Juliamon: yes
ohjanji: LUL
ohjanji: okay great
Strebenherz: If not overdone yes
CataclysmicReverb: If that's the entire point of the game and it allows you to backtrack, then it can work
mistbornhoid: @salamisuperstar I am finally playing through The Last of Us 2 and I enjoy searching for the collectables
betweenmyself: without a flashlight however shall we… locate the titular character? pennyWhat
Thefluffiestguineapig: Collectibles need to be carefully managed I think
itira: bwoomp
tehfewl: Parkour
tajessa: gaming at a 12th grade level
saucemaster5000: the president is waiting to shake your hand
mistbornhoid: I need to play Astro Bot
lochnessseammonster: hey hey
salamisuperstar: But do they need to be in EVERY game?
Dog_of_Myth: Yep
Perivale: Ben controls the judges
otakon17: oh yeah you're a regular Faith Connors
lochnessseammonster: platformers are the goat
Diabore: they tried to review bomb BG3 too
itira: wait who was crying?
ManWithTheMask13: John Platform was an innovator
otakon17: the CEO was boo-hoo'ing
HadesLeprechaun: Elden Ring is a platformer
Juliamon: They flew all the way out and didn't get to give a speech
letsbelgo: the guy wrote his speech two years before the awards
ohjanji: @itira the wukong devs for not winning GOTY
letsbelgo: so yeah
mistbornhoid: The message the CEO wrote was actually pretty interesting to read
Strebenherz: Who tried to review bomb bg3?
otakon17: he wrote a speech TWO YEARS ago and didn't win
SymphonySolstice: I thought they won something else
itira: @ohjanji D:
circusofkirkus: they made the gaming equivalent of Oscar-bait
circusofkirkus: and didn't win
Fancy_frenchman: I'm 40 Minutes late and theyre already playing the game?
saucemaster5000: maybe they shouldn't pepper spray the losers then
otakon17: I mean they made a decent Soulslike
mistbornhoid: @symphonysolstice they won best action game
electra310: I'm getting dizzy
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 It was kind of insane when they locked the losers in an oubliette for 24 hours straight no food and just said nothing
ghizmou: I would do it for the money first
spethycakes: hard for me to feel too bad for a game that had pretty draconian guidelines for people who wanted to stream the game (e.g. "don't talk about feminism")
otakon17: i mean that headless monk is pretty fire though in Wukong
niccus: what if you win stream of the year
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
salamisuperstar: It's an honor to be nominated Kappa
ohjanji: i want to drink their tears and laugh
ManWithTheMask13: LMAO
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
otakon17: NOW YOU DIE
itira: oh my
Driosenth: Larian's CEO speech/burn was pretty epic
BusTed: Oops
Kipstar: i'm ready for this yes
otakon17: JESUS
ManWithTheMask13: mb og
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
mistbornhoid: hangtimeEnoy
tajessa: F
letsbelgo: FBtouchdown
mistbornhoid: hangtimeEnjoy
otakon17: HOLY SHIT
betweenmyself: get got riffHurrHurr
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
WiJohn: Okay so we found Frankie, we done here?
DrAegirinePyrope: are you a forgotten child getting eaten?
JoeLowe2: you were saying...
Diabore: when you dont have skill animations, you get kill animations
niccus: aren't we all forgotten children
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DrAegirinePyrope For once, no!
itira: ahhhgg
lochnessseammonster: so we don't want to find frankie...
otakon17: HE CAN STRETCH
rosesmcgee: Probably the Tesla one
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
MacbethSeemsSus: Programming's hard
mistbornhoid: hangtimePraisebe
Driosenth: the yutes of today are revolting
SquareDotCube: Mirror's Edge this is not
Fancy_frenchman: @LoadingReadyRun Adam What I was meaning was more I was surprised given certain past history of the two of you
Thefluffiestguineapig: U
Thefluffiestguineapig: Up
saucemaster5000: franky gets paid by the hour not the kills
otakon17: it just JUMPS back up into the celing
ManWithTheMask13: Speaking of the youth, I went to the store today, and when I was walking out, I realized that I had forgotten to get any pitted prunes NotLikeThis
CataclysmicReverb: Liiiitle jank
SquareDotCube: it wants to be, but it's not
Heefnoff: Did you find Frankie yet fellas
Thefluffiestguineapig: Heef did the thing!!
TheWriterAleph: oh cool
otakon17: holy crap
saucemaster5000: gotta shoot heef
Thefluffiestguineapig: The moment where your paint job is just gore
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff Wassup, Heef wheelerMuldcb
Kentosaurus: this is giving me fallout 4 nukaworld vibes
Heefnoff: Did you Henry Hotline yet fellas
otakon17: oh god his neck extends
circusofkirkus: Henry Hotline Bling
ManWithTheMask13: Henry Hotline Miami
Tripleyew: ‘evening, Nopers, and howdy all
gibbousm: wow, you can jump really high
mistbornhoid: How do the controls feel
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThreeTwoOnePantsOff! (Today's storm count: 33)
trialbystory subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, trialbystory! (Today's storm count: 34)
Patorik: Are you faster if you go up the up one?
Larkonus: "Escalator has temporarily become stairs. We apologize for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg
lochnessseammonster: zoomie seabatOAK
otakon17: no fall damage either
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think after you see this many horribly mutilated people the fucks you give kind of decrease
saucemaster5000: escalators are stairs for paste eaters
itira: youre just flyin all over the place
circusofkirkus: grinding rail
otakon17: the HELL was that
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Larkonus LUL That's an amazing quote
niccus: you don't want to be an escalator with broken brakes
otakon17: the rolldown door I assume
Diabore: god this place is fucking dangerous
itira: LUL adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't trust anything in this game
CataclysmicReverb: 2-0
electra310: Enormous red arrow :D
salamisuperstar: 2/200
Tripleyew: I bet there’s free candy in that vent!
otakon17: those statues I don't like them
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Diabore OSHA/Worksafe would have a field day
otakon17: phone rat
ManWithTheMask13: Peacock ass rat
Kentosaurus: phone rat is just a little guy
saucemaster5000: you vermin
TheWriterAleph: MSE droid
BusTed: just a li'l guy
lochnessseammonster: i thought you said foam rat PrideLaugh
squ3e: Henry... you dont look so good man
neisan2112: Its the phone from Skinimarink
Beleqwaya: Guy drops out of the ceiling in front of you, you'd run too
otakon17: THAT grate is too small for you but not the EXACT SAME SIZE you walked into earlire
otakon17: oh god phone spider
saucemaster5000: ever see a spider on roller skates?
Enki1256: The cold, dead, eyes.
otakon17: >what if the rotary dial is eyes
Thefluffiestguineapig: Well ChooChoo Charles is a spider using a train as armor
Tripleyew: no I’m imagining the spider-thing from Dine, but wearing roller skates
CataclysmicReverb: @otakon17 We've been trying to reach you about your LIFES extended warranty
Tripleyew: *now
uncleardata subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, uncleardata! (Today's storm count: 35)
otakon17: inb4 you have to do one of these while being chased
ProcyonFlynn: Just remembered the exposure-therapy crapshot
gibbousm: why does Breakers Remaining count go UP as you hit them instead of down?
gibbousm: thats just poor UI
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hold up
otakon17: WHAT
otakon17: what you mean NOT YET?!
definenull: frankie thought you needed a hand
salamisuperstar: He brought you a present like a cat
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is the intercom trying to make a better tv show or something?
Juliamon: Seems so
mistbornhoid: What an interesting concept for a horror game kind of Dead By Daylight meets Five Nights
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this being actively directed over the intercom???
squ3e: gotta be
ProcyonFlynn: The Local Bird Population appreciates you keep 'em inside too
Juliamon: ty Ben, outside cats are so bad AND it shortens their lifespan
electra310: Team Indoor Kitty!
ManWithTheMask13: Team No Nuts
saucemaster5000: outside cats might join a gang
otakon17: the clock
Patorik: The cats themselves aren't bad, though
gualdhar: Gotta get him leash trained, take him on walks with Remi
otakon17: OH GOD
ohjanji: D:
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Only kind of outside cat that is ok is a barn cat that is fixed and taken care of
SymphonySolstice: I almost ran over someone's cat yesterday morning. please keep kitties inside for their safety
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 Can attest to this, happened to me in my youth
otakon17: I KNEW IT
Dog_of_Myth: lrrFINE
TheWriterAleph: run to the hiiiiiills
mistbornhoid: We were in fact not fine
ohjanji: crunch
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I love the "Big Hug" written on the wall
Beleqwaya: Maybe if you hadn't spent so much time looking to see if the THING was chasing you still lol...
BusTed: it's more cinematic that way
Marvoleath: narrator voice: "he was not in fact, fine"
lochnessseammonster: HahaSweat
JoeLowe2: not finee.
ManWithTheMask13: Keep looking behind you it's funny
otakon17: that STILL scared me
salamisuperstar: The look back is for the content
otakon17: GOTTA GO FAST
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ManWithTheMask13 I mean, feral cats have a social structure like lions, so provably yes they are in gangs
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeet yourself
mistbornhoid: Boy got the scooties
saucemaster5000: time to lock in
Beleqwaya: See, now THAT was a good turn around
otakon17: you MUST scoot
betweenmyself: turns out the *true* Frankie was the (horribly mutilated) friends we found along the way riffThink
mistbornhoid: Agree
salamisuperstar: Definitely going to die because of toggle crouch
spethycakes: like a rearview mirror
Azralorne: I still can't tell if this is a good game because it's bad or a good game because it's good lol
tehfewl: got em with the mix up
TheWriterAleph: thank yooooou
hieroglyphica: Thanks!
otakon17: you don't have Deputy Duck yet it seems
dumbo3k: That will be very appreciated Ben, thank you
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or assume it's always right behind you and just look forward
ThorSokar: I appreciate that very much
PhantomOrator: That's me, I'm the people
prince_infidel: Thank you. Down with bob
Tripleyew: a button for “look over my shoulder and question life choices”
mistbornhoid: hangtimeFirsttry
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh jlrrFall
otakon17: fell to your death
SnackPak_: this game has everything
otakon17: lemme see what it's doing on Steam
mistbornhoid: I kind of dig that the set piece looks pretty challenging
Tripleyew: lrrSPOOPY
spethycakes: VERY fall guys
Thefluffiestguineapig: One of the things this game has going for it is the appropriate speed of reload which is rapid
tajessa: all the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run, outrun that bun
CataclysmicReverb: Guy fell idk what to tell u
ManWithTheMask13: air-grabbed
saucemaster5000: it's called air pressure
DaFhaye: So speed run when?
JoeLowe2: so close, so close
raulghoulia: youre right Adam my versimilitude is broken
mistbornhoid: Physics
hieroglyphica: I mean, if you had a more powerful fan
Beleqwaya: Narrator: "He did not, in fact, have a lot of time"
lochnessseammonster: emersion ruined
neisan2112: Glad there is at least some check pointing
ManWithTheMask13: DONKEY KONG?
salamisuperstar: Dang, this just is fall guys
betweenmyself: a *real* bunny would have murdered you before you even got your mask and jumpsuit on riffHurrHurr
CataclysmicReverb: Oh no not the hotdog climb
otakon17: huh Fall Guys is no longer on Steam
Blip2004: its Epic only
BusTed: gg
Thefluffiestguineapig: This entire thing seems like someone saw Final Destination, laughed and said "Hold my beer"
ManWithTheMask13: ggs shake my hand
otakon17: the TRUE panic in his voice
JoeLowe2: I'd still be trying to get into the tutorial.
saucemaster5000: more like depoopy fuck
SymphonySolstice: there do be a lot of video games
itira: Luma Island is a banger imo
ShaneLeeAtk: Carts
tehfewl: slow life video game
Telepathicwombat subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Telepathicwombat! (Today's storm count: 36)
saucemaster5000: chuck e cheese had such bad pizza
Thefluffiestguineapig: Daaaaaaaaaamn
SnackPak_: power move
lochnessseammonster: amazing PrideLaugh
tajessa: hell yeah brother
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's amazing
DaFhaye: I love my local pizza slaughter esccape room
Patorik: I used to like Cosmic Adventures as a kid
ManWithTheMask13: The goat
ohjanji: hahahahaha that is awesome
gamercat88: yes
otakon17: Chuck E. Cheeses was MY THING as a kid
betweenmyself: there’s a disturbing lack of horror match-three puzzle games
Cavemanhar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cavemanhar! (Today's storm count: 37)
salamisuperstar: Chuck E. Cheese pizza is less bad than you would think
itira: is Montanas still a thing? i thought they closed LUL
CataclysmicReverb: @Patorik That game series was a banger
saucemaster5000: I made my friends take me to outback steak house for my 35th
lochnessseammonster: i asked to go to chucky cheese when i was 10 and my dad laughed and said it was only in the states and that's when i learned tv was a lie PrideLaugh
hieroglyphica: Near me that's just a bar
otakon17: There's still a Chuck E. Cheeses in Glen Burnie actually
gamercat88: i kinda want to have a bowling bday party like the sheet cake, pizza, and bowling pin
otakon17: @saucemaster5000 but did you split the bacon cheddar ranch fries?
hieroglyphica: I bussing loved Cici's but in retrospect it was trash pizza
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben, they don't burrow into your brain
ManWithTheMask13: There are still a couple ChuckEs in my state
Morrigan9: adam's a no-lice-er
PhorrestGaze: does a man in a jar have normal sized lice?
gualdhar: You have license on your eyelashes, statistically speaking
otakon17: stream froze on me dammit
otakon17: @gualdhar you mean lice
betweenmyself: I remember when there were *two* Chuck E cheeses within a twenty minute drive of my house pennyWhat
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PhorrestGaze Probably depends on what kind of being made the jar
hieroglyphica: I mean, we're covered in mites already tbf
gualdhar: Yes damn monile
gualdhar: Mobile
gualdhar: Argh
Patorik: @CataclysmicReverb I was actually talking about the pizza/play structure place, but looking at screenshots of the game, yeah, that would've totally been my jam back then
ManWithTheMask13: switching to pad
hieroglyphica: @gualdhar I been there
itira: nuuuuuuuu
QuixoticScrivener: hi Adam!
SnackPak_: Hi adam
spethycakes: ohhhh noooooooo jesscapHehe
tajessa: yay Adam!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hi Adam!!!
ManWithTheMask13: So about those cursed jewels, Adam?
Tripleyew: we trust you, Adam
saucemaster5000: uh... go birds
NotCainNorAbel: I like the shirt
letsbelgo: Im mapping in bo3
salamisuperstar: Take us to Chuck E. Cheese
butt_ghost: weekend at uncle adam's
squ3e: Quick Adam, do it while hes gone to prove youre a better gamer
QuixoticScrivener: tell us a story
Beleqwaya: Dad's gone, raid the cabinet!
Sliced_Tea: quick switch to poe2
butt_ghost: can you buy is macdonalds
UltraVioletVodoo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
noSmokeFire: my two favorite streamers, Right Chair and Adam
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UltraVioletVodoo! (Today's storm count: 38)
ManWithTheMask13: NO
betweenmyself: riffHurrHurr ……….
Nigouki: put the tiny blue baby on his chair
ThorSokar: Dad's gone, I'm taking EVERYONE to Chuck'E Cheese!
lochnessseammonster: really been enjoying not a drop to drink btw PrideUwu
otakon17: how do you not have batteres?!
saucemaster5000: I've heard of that game
saucemaster5000: I'm in bed
Beleqwaya: Yes
lochnessseammonster: always
gamercat88: bed sounds good
tajessa: Adam would you love chat if we (collectively) were a single worm
ManWithTheMask13: He doesn't deserve to hear about the cursed jewels
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes
catcard: I am tired speepy
itira: yes i do
Nigouki: the whole god damn day
SnackPak_: that's an evergreen mood
ohjanji: i want to sleep in tomorrow
lochnessseammonster: all day every day
Tripleyew: yes, time for bed/napping
hieroglyphica: No I've already napped unwisely, I cannot
Nigouki: i barely got out of bed this morning
averythetiger: Imma sleep so good. Did my last exam of the semester today
itira: D:
tajessa: oh no I have made a mistake
JoeLowe2: I pre-napped before the show
catcard: I reject this
lochnessseammonster: nooooooo
SnackPak_: pass
Thefluffiestguineapig: How goes playing POE with Nicole Adam
saucemaster5000: I call middle
Marvoleath: I woke up after noon today, it was dark 3 hours later, so I got sleepy :P
hieroglyphica: Would you love us if we were a hive of bees?
itira: ill be the front
betweenmyself: yes, sleep Adam, sleeeeeeeeeeeeep. Frankie will watch over you riffHurrHurr
catcard: HATE
SnackPak_: is it?
gamercat88: who is at the end....
Tripleyew: well, im not going to nap anytime soon
catcard: I hate all of it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Meaning the least horrible?
salamisuperstar: Front is not the best, it's the least worst
Thefluffiestguineapig: @catcard Correct
saucemaster5000: weird that elon doesn't decide
ManWithTheMask13: The world would be robbed of my elegant neut
itira: Milk
saucemaster5000: ferisar
Thefluffiestguineapig: Heef
Diabore: milk
Juliamon: Milk
Marvoleath: you have no climb at all?
SnackPak_: time for a poll lrrBEEJ
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SnackPak_ Oh yeah, that poll would be amazing
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro, that's rude
otakon17: that was Frankie
Nigouki: Ben "Security Risk" Ulmer
betweenmyself: Would you like to talk about your lord and savior Ice Cream Bunny? riffHurrHurr
MacbethSeemsSus: My last name is first on the list so it happens all the time to me.
Patorik: A kid used to do that with my buzzer, instead of bringing their keys. I eventually told them off
Tripleyew: “No humans in this building, sorry!”
gibbousm: For like a year after I moved out of my old, old apartment, I still occasionally got buzz calls on my phone for the front door
hieroglyphica: Ok, break over, back to carpentry.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Tripleyew Three snakes, one kitten one dog only
Cptasparagus: ah yes, a trampoline on a shelf
itira: I think its funny that there were 3 votes for Milk
gamercat88: stranger danger
tajessa: no tailgating!
Beleqwaya: I have a 1 yr old baby, I don't know them, the door gets closed.
saucemaster5000: I'm the cinderblock guy
tehfewl: someone has never worked in a secure facility
itsr67: fair
Dog_of_Myth: Fair
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
GasCityGaming: is back worse than middle?
ThorSokar: Isn' t 2nd to last the worst spot?
neisan2112: Thats true
hieroglyphica: Eh I will admit I've taken advantage of social maneuvering there but it was never nefarious. I don't generally let people in tho
prince_infidel: Is the back worse than the middle?
tajessa: I think middle is worse
lochnessseammonster: it's all bad
lochnessseammonster: all of it is bad
itira: this conversation LUL
otakon17: >cranburger ew
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's all bad
butt_ghost: well im not watching the highlights this month
ManWithTheMask13: So about them PoE builds
drrek0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months, currently on a 39 month streak!
salamisuperstar: At least in the back you don't have stitches in your ass
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drrek0! (Today's storm count: 39)
Patorik: One, but it's gone through the filter of the middle. It's extra-bad
saucemaster5000: can you ride the centipede like a cowboy
ThorSokar: back there's no one throwing up in to your butthole
catcard: like I said, not into it
hieroglyphica: I work in a secure facility tho, oh man we CHECK there
Diabore: the back gets to sit down
itira: HAHAHA
Juliamon: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
tajessa: hahahahahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
SnackPak_: gottem
salamisuperstar: LUL
MrSarkhan: LUL
butt_ghost: AND????
spethycakes: quantu105Lol
ManWithTheMask13: CAUGHT
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
ohjanji: LMAO
butt_ghost: WHATABOUTIT
Morrigan9: gotem
SymphonySolstice: You Died
Tripleyew: tough but fair
betweenmyself: ohnoWiggle lrrSPOOPY
lochnessseammonster: jlrrFacepalm
spethycakes: jesscapCheex lrrSPOOP
Beleqwaya: Ya, he's too BUSY to watch the highlights
ManWithTheMask13: I need that emote everywhere I go
itira: oh butt_ghost LUL
salamisuperstar: now THAT is going to be on the highlights
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm crying
arcaede_: even buttghost has standards
butt_ghost: fuck now i have to watch it
ohjanji: you’re not wrong, either
Thefluffiestguineapig: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
spethycakes: it's not EFFORT funny
otakon17: lol what did I miss I walked away
tehfewl: thats such a good meta bit at the start of the highlights
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ask Jordynne what "too much work" is for a long walk highlight
Beleqwaya: I feel like they didn't really balance the acceleration mechanics...
TheWriterAleph: freshly waxed floors
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to butt_ghost! They have given 1598 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, butt_ghost! (Today's storm count: 40)
ManWithTheMask13: ACAB includes Deputy Duck
butt_ghost: @Dog_of_Myth Thanks for the gift sub!
DaxStrife: You can;t trust that duck, he's a cop.
DaxStrife: ACAB, even if it's a duck.
otakon17: goddamn that's like a 20 foot slide
saucemaster5000: it's mr bucket!
ManWithTheMask13: ABAD: all ducks are bastards
spethycakes: marshm3Ducky
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uh oh
Beleqwaya: How wild would this be if it was made by the Falls Guys studio
Thefluffiestguineapig: We have an enemy with a phone head, right?
butt_ghost: ADAC All Ducks Are Cops
TheWriterAleph: @ManWithTheMask13 All Bastards are Ducks
spethycakes: ABAD: All Birds Are Ducks
Costar_s: HUHH
ManWithTheMask13: @TheWriterAleph Donald Bastard???
salamisuperstar: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
tajessa: LUL
ohjanji: @spethycakes seems legit
CaptainSpam: SOLVED
CarudeSandstorm: "let me enter the big duck" was a *wild* sentence to come in to
lochnessseammonster: seabatBRAIN
ThorSokar: you were SAYING?
otakon17: probably
Beleqwaya: You know, if there wasn't so much murder, this place would be awesome
tajessa: OUT OF BOUNDS
Thefluffiestguineapig: @spethycakes (Apologies for the maximum well actually, I'm in vet tech school) hilariously almost no bird are ducks because most birds have cloacas and ducks have penises
Beleqwaya: "OK"
BrindleBoar: LUL
CataclysmicReverb: Above
Thefluffiestguineapig: Don't tempt him
otakon17: >I solved this shit
salamisuperstar: You didn't hide enough I guess?
tajessa: buhbye
saucemaster5000: "boy I should be looking behind me"
BrindleBoar: he heard you talkin' shit
otakon17: >Immediately falls
MacbethSeemsSus: Hi monkey paw, I'm here to tempt fate again.
Thefluffiestguineapig: You said catch these and he said "now I gotta"
letsbelgo: hes made out a springs
otakon17: HE COMES
gamercat88: lol
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
tajessa: you are still out of bounds Ben he gonna getcha
salamisuperstar: No peeking
cmdrud87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cmdrud87! (Today's storm count: 41)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, if you're on the floor he can see you
ManWithTheMask13: Excellent footsies, m'sire
tajessa: I don't actually know that it just seems like that would be the case
ManWithTheMask13: LMAO
JoeLowe2: face crushies!!
salamisuperstar: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Benjamin are you just taunting the monster crushing your chest?
NotCainNorAbel: testing the fences
DaFhaye: Hiding like a 10 yr old behind a chair
Tripleyew: the illusion of safety
Damaris1034 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Damaris1034! (Today's storm count: 42)
Manae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Manae! (Today's storm count: 43)
Beleqwaya: look up
DaxStrife: I'm just wondering what that moonwalking guy is doing now.
ManWithTheMask13: Living his best life
Beleqwaya: I mean, he did kill you 3 or 4 times in a row. Does he need to be better?
tajessa: ADAM
otakon17: I got it XD
itira: why did you say it like that Adam
ManWithTheMask13: Adam's shootin from the hip
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ManWithTheMask13 Does he ever not
TheWriterAleph: Ben's Wooly! BAHH
SquareDotCube: I think you can slide under those
lochnessseammonster: beeeeehst to ever do it
saucemaster5000: ayiyiiyiyiyeee
ManWithTheMask13: @Thefluffiestguineapig Vey true
saucemaster5000: owowoowooo
CataclysmicReverb: Moon walk guy kicks open the door and welcome to the family's you
e_bloc: might as well make your failed fall guys tryout into its own game
otakon17: READ FASTER
protojman: thank you Adam! yes tall guys af
TheWriterAleph: frankie wants to get ya... one way or another Kappa
betweenmyself: riffHurrHurr FACTS
tajessa: ADAB
otakon17: he's a rabbit not a rat and that's why
saucemaster5000: no crouch button
otakon17: People on stilts
otakon17: oh no
ManWithTheMask13: yeah, Adam?
lochnessseammonster: i love being short
ghyllnox: Tall guys? I already watch LRR
rosesmcgee: Adam put on this helmet and mocap suit. I'm making a game.
butt_ghost: officer it wasnt me
Cptasparagus: thanks!
salamisuperstar: The duck wants to put the phone in sex jail
saucemaster5000: I got six feet for ya
otakon17: Ideal height is 6'8"
Thefluffiestguineapig: As a short person I absolutely do not think tall people are better
Juliamon: quak
saucemaster5000: six feet under
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sir?
butt_ghost: officer down!!!!
Dreamlettuce: Officer down!
betweenmyself: Paul Guys lrrPAUL “Hello.”
Nigouki: being tall gives you back problems cuz you're constantly bending over for the normal height world
rosesmcgee: In exposure. 100%
GasCityGaming: I know the lrrfolk hear this all the time, but was still surprised by how tall EVERYONE was meeting you in Vegas
e_bloc: nope, I'm 6'5" and that's just the right height not to hit your head on too many things
ManWithTheMask13: acab
EvilBadman: Adam just made he can drink directly from the shower head
tajessa: ADAB is real huh
saucemaster5000: aflack!
Thefluffiestguineapig: He looks so defeated now
maefly2: 5'10"-6' is the ideal range for reaching things while also not smacking your head too much
ManWithTheMask13: Big Camera
tajessa: why is he making that face
otakon17: bc you can't have a gun
saucemaster5000: yeah adam
Patorik: A camera makes you look at the scary thing
PhorrestGaze: the ducks just flashing them, nothing strange
otakon17: The Duck is still alive
ManWithTheMask13: Ben's on that Big Camera payroll
CoderBugsworth: I think they use the camera so the player has to face the monster
otakon17: okay so you need the radar to trigger certain breaker boxes
KBKarma: Ah, this is a Games For "Babies" stream.
CataclysmicReverb: speedrunner strats
DaxStrife: No ducking in the vents
MacbethSeemsSus: If you know what I mean.
otakon17: it's too small to pull out yer duck
saucemaster5000: you can do it at the bank
Robot_Bones: can you8 teach me how to duckie?
butt_ghost: @saucemaster5000 which kind of bank
saucemaster5000: the duck bank
JoeLowe2: on the bus?
catcard: @Robot_Bones laughed irl
otakon17: you press E to pull out the duck
ManWithTheMask13: @catcard the 10%er LUL
saucemaster5000: the duck is a fucking snitch!
Marvoleath: I definitely read that as "explore deputy duck" xD
Marvoleath: and not with
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 As far as I'm concerned, all ducks are snitches
otakon17: yeah I saw it on the menu last time you had it open
tajessa: @Marvoleath continuous! enthusiastic! consent!
squ3e: We're in it for the cold hard cash
saucemaster5000: @ManWithTheMask13 oh yeah well get ducked
betweenmyself: radar for dark areas… gotta give them credit for not giving you a flashlight with insta-drain batteries
Overman27 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Overman27: 40 more months of Let's Nope!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Overman27! (Today's storm count: 44)
otakon17: Don't you want to win 5 million dollars?
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ManWithTheMask13! They have given 58 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ManWithTheMask13! (Today's storm count: 45)
tajessa: don't like that
otakon17: OH GOD
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 I GOT MIXED
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do they pay for your healthcare if your injure yourself on wipeout?
MacbethSeemsSus: I'd pull out my duck for 5 million.
rosesmcgee: Mark hamill?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh
saucemaster5000: got his ass
KeytarCat: It's that dating sim!
definenull: dialtown!
notthepenguins: Have you considered unplugging the phones
ghizmou: what if it was a wipe out, but wipe out of the gene pool
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 Thank you once again Sauce that is very generous ThankEgg ThankEgg Are you on Big Duck payroll, by chance?
saucemaster5000: yes
saucemaster5000: money is good
saucemaster5000: boss is a quack
ManWithTheMask13: The money's clean... like the pond
tajessa: LUL
ButButTheJesus: AIEEEE
Dog_of_Myth: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
salamisuperstar: Timing is so important
itira: i cant believe you rn Adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam halfway through saying "he's not gonna get you" instantly contradicted
DaFhaye: It's on you for believing
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
butt_ghost: foreshadowing is a narrative device,...
itira: tqsNoted
betweenmyself: every once in a great while even Adam turns out to be wrong
itira: *adding you to the list*
saucemaster5000: 10 minute timeout is a narrative device
Thefluffiestguineapig: Paliens? Does that just mean I'm pale?
ManWithTheMask13: Perfect for when 5 shadows is 1 too many
salamisuperstar: Dude has some heavy boots
tajessa: then who was phone
protojman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
protojman: bleep bloop
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, protojman! (Today's storm count: 46)
TheWriterAleph: when jesus does it it's sparkling prophecy
Robot_Bones: Jesus T-posed too hard for too long
butt_ghost: Fiveshadowing is better
CataclysmicReverb: Where there is four shadow there must be FOUR LIGHTS
salamisuperstar: If foreshadowing is so great, why isn't there fiveshadowing
UltraVioletVodoo: jesus was born before we knew what foreshadowing is
ButButTheJesus: he died for your sins
KeytarCat: Something about T-posing to assert submission
saucemaster5000: the steel toes
saucemaster5000: the clompers
niccus: big game for fans of onceler steppies
otakon17: HE DOESN'T STOP!
ManWithTheMask13: So this the footsies everyone's always talking about...
salamisuperstar: I wonder if he gets more aggressive the more phones you click?
betweenmyself: I don’t know where he is, I just keep hearing *that booty*. ohnoBooty
otakon17: is THAT the safe room?
ManWithTheMask13: fuckin STOMPER bro
saucemaster5000: is there any difference between someone named franky or henry?
butt_ghost: those fuckling compressed ass stomps
itira: Im a big fan of this duck
butt_ghost: @saucemaster5000 yeah, their name
saucemaster5000: damn
salamisuperstar: The slide is so funny
otakon17: he was RIGHT behind you
CaptainSpam: See, this is why I got rid of my landline ages ago.
otakon17: I HATE being chased in a videogame
Marvoleath: the scam callers got *really* aggressive
Thefluffiestguineapig: "New phone stabstabstab"
TheWriterAleph: omghax
ohjanji: the new Stomp-phone from Bamsung
BusTed: big reach
butt_ghost: hubris has entered the chat
SymphonySolstice: big if true
Patorik: I think there are side paths that are hard to see
Marvoleath: sergeHubris
lochnessseammonster: no way that's real
spethycakes: @ohjanji Wham,son
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 Apparently we have a ton more info on the origins of the name Henry than Frank, but both seem to have Old Germanic and Old French origins, to an extent
CaptainSpam: Does he get more aggro the more phones you've rung?
ManWithTheMask13: (yes, I looked it up)
tajessa: dead end indeed
dumbo3k: Lemme just say, I'm glad you guys are playing this, so I don't have to
saucemaster5000: alright doom, the old librarian who's always rubbing their glasses
salamisuperstar: Dark levels are always the worst levels
butt_ghost: i think the light aggros him
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
KeytarCat: He is a telephone, I wouldn't be surprised if it could hear
ProcyonFlynn: It's the RiffTraks of horror games
Thefluffiestguineapig: @salamisuperstar Disagree, forced stealth is always worst level
lochnessseammonster: true besties
ghizmou: I hate feeling emotions, amongst them fear
betweenmyself: So much stomping you’d think they’re doing a production of that one musical… Joseph and the Amazing Techicolor Dreamcoat riffYeti
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 CAUGHT
tajessa: absolutely, I like horror games but I'm way too scawwed to play them myself
salamisuperstar: @Thefluffiestguineapig They are often the same
Thefluffiestguineapig: @salamisuperstar Fair
SymphonySolstice: yeah that's me
butt_ghost: like so!
saucemaster5000: I find most horror games frustrating more than anything else
itira: im 100% a coward
circusofkirkus: I am too much of a coward
SymphonySolstice: I am a coward yes
butt_ghost: cowardfreude
spethycakes: I'm too much of a coward.
catcard: I am the coward
tajessa: I'm a coward
noSmokeFire: I'm too much of a coward
dumbo3k: Oh, I am absolutely too much of a coward
itomeshi: Absolutely too much of a coward.
SnackPak_: I am too much of a coward
ManWithTheMask13: I'm too broke
Thefluffiestguineapig: It me, I am the coward
saucemaster5000: hot take a lot of horror games are not fun to play
the_walking: I’m a coward
ghyllnox: I'm too much of a coward
otakon17: YOU DID IT AGAIN
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ManWithTheMask13 Same
hieroglyphica: I just can't perform under pressure
lochnessseammonster: i'm definitely too much of a coward PrideLaugh
spethycakes: I will fully admit to my cowardice
maefly2: I'll do horror, just not jump scare horror
otakon17: you keep JINXING things
catcard: slkdjgsd
otakon17: Adam KEEPS tempting fate
ManWithTheMask13: I'm too busy buying copies of USF4 to consider buying horror games
otakon17: hahaha
ProcyonFlynn: Honestly - my nightmares don't need help with subject/filler
saucemaster5000: jesus adam giving away the magician secrets
e_bloc: he just wants you buzz alex's friend in
lochnessseammonster: seabatBRAIN
MolaMolaphant: between the adhd meds and genetics, my heart just can't take it! benginSpoop
tajessa: chat does have goldfish memory
itira: "chat is popping off, you should clip it"
Patorik: We're being manipulated, chat
shurtal: Streamer: "yadda yadda yadda" Chat "Bazornga"
ManWithTheMask13: Doom level, you say? MiniK
otakon17: it's just CRAZY your timing has been PERFECT like three times in a row
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ProcyonFlynn I mean, my nightmares would often be nicer with this as filler
saucemaster5000: I'm fine being farmed for xp
tajessa: BEHIND YOU
otakon17: he was in front of you
itira: how long till they give us a gun
ButButTheJesus: we're just all manipulating each other
TheWriterAleph: @shurtal Boozongle.
SymphonySolstice: !findbutts
LRRbot: Above you?!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is he in the ceiling or vents or something?
ohjanji: @itira "Streamer is being murdered by a phone, want to clip it?"
ghyllnox: What's the difference between being farmed and liking the content
lochnessseammonster: yes
catcard: I feel like this guy is up your ass all the time tbh. one stompy stomp away
spethycakes: @ohjanji it was clipped when Jordynne and Kathleen streamed Dialtown, so
salamisuperstar: It's a paradox
saucemaster5000: one side is the front of the centipede
saucemaster5000: the other...
ohjanji: @spethycakes SeemsGood
catcard: christ alive THE STOMPS
tajessa: oh he maaaad
ManWithTheMask13: The movement tech
Robot_Bones: and then a step to the right
Thefluffiestguineapig: Schmoovement
otakon17: "I SEE YOU!"
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
catcard: \o/
KeytarCat: Yatta!
otakon17: >escape
Marvoleath: !dob
butt_ghost: he is not
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is a relatable goal
otakon17: he's not gone he's just SUPER angry
Natimus_Prime subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
Natimus_Prime: Well, that's just ducky
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Natimus_Prime! (Today's storm count: 47)
ManWithTheMask13: my cat should watch this stream
leewllliams: w
Thefluffiestguineapig: @otakon17 Off seething in a corner
Robot_Bones: please exit through the gift shop
MAPBoardgames: There he is! I found him! There's Frankie. EZ game.
saucemaster5000: the detective vision in batman games should never be turned off
otakon17: DEPUTY NO!
TheWriterAleph: noooo deputy duuuuck
MacbethSeemsSus: RIP duck
salamisuperstar: NOOOO the duck!
butt_ghost: PHONE TRAIN
Thefluffiestguineapig: Duck o7
ManWithTheMask13: The look-behind bm
ManWithTheMask13: DinoDance
letsbelgo: phone remix
catcard: the fucking bass is peaking
Thefluffiestguineapig: This song is a banger
catcard: lmao
MacSquizzy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
MacSquizzy: 81 kinda looks like bi lol nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MacSquizzy! (Today's storm count: 48)
BusTed: womp womp
ManWithTheMask13: Bro grabbed you like a fucking Furi animation
TheWriterAleph: this game is dope LUL
tajessa: stop looking behind you lol
butt_ghost: RIPPERONI
otakon17: *stop looking back*
salamisuperstar: The sounds a little bit like one from Fury
maefly2: oh lawd he comin'
salamisuperstar: *The song
circusofkirkus: "I love the grind" me at my hs homecoming dance
otakon17: your slide seems to be faster than your run though
ManWithTheMask13: @salamisuperstar 6:24?
SymphonySolstice: F
tajessa: F
Thefluffiestguineapig: RIP Henry?
DaxStrife: Frankie is displeased.
otakon17: Damn Frankie axed his ass
saucemaster5000: henry hotline ain't gonna -- DAMN IT BEN
CaptainSpam: Henry noooooo
salamisuperstar: @ManWithTheMask13 Hell yeah
tajessa: this seems fine
otakon17: SAWS OF DEATH
Thefluffiestguineapig: BENJAMIN
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stop taunting the game
SymphonySolstice: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: ADAM
tajessa: LUL
squ3e: XD
letsbelgo: gaming
ManWithTheMask13: ADAM SAVIDAN
WiJohn: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TheWriterAleph: Famous Last Words
MrSarkhan: everytime LUL
dumbo3k: The trend continues
itira: every time
Marvoleath: fore... wait for it... shadowing
VrolikSyndrome: Farming engagement again, eh, streamer?
itomeshi: This trap sucks.... you in.
shurtal: Content
otakon17: FOUR TIMES NOW
ManWithTheMask13: Gonna call you by your gobermint name brother
leewllliams: fun
Uzumaki15: Adam's timing is ON POINT tonight XD
thatguysteve2709: I think this 3rd called shot
Thefluffiestguineapig: This game has the timing dialed in for "oh they can feel confident now GETUM"
otakon17: @Thefluffiestguineapig it must
otakon17: EVERY TIME
otakon17: This is that Gundam meme : I'm a GENIUS! OH NO!
TheWriterAleph: HOLY
itira: LUL
TheWriterAleph: WHOAAAA
tajessa: WOW
itomeshi: hahahah
salamisuperstar: AT THE BUZZER
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMN
SymphonySolstice: mattlrWoof mattlrWoof
Kentosaurus: Frankie Baby (sung to the tune of santa baby(
prince_infidel: Damn
Juliamon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
lochnessseammonster: HahaSweat
letsbelgo: khaosp4Lick FBtouchdown
itira: got there
Thefluffiestguineapig: By the skin of your teeth
spethycakes: lrrSPOOP
TheWriterAleph: FBtouchdown
The_Color_Twelve: FBtouchdown
DEATHlikescats: thought you planned it like that
prince_infidel: At the buzzer!
lamina5432: that was a catch
EvilBadman: Touch em coward
Aceviru: Touch them see if they do anything Kappa
saucemaster5000: fuck that duck
saucemaster5000: holding you back
Thefluffiestguineapig: Henry Hotline got the duck
otakon17: Duck was lsot
Juliamon: You left duck behind
otakon17: I think it's where Frankie stays
UltraVioletVodoo: utility cooridor
CaptainSpam: Utilidors... isn't that a term they use in Walt Disney World?
KeytarCat: Utilidors are the Jefferies tubes
tod_vom_himmel: go back for duck
butt_ghost: love me some lobster utilidor
gibbousm: Utilidoors are utility cooridors, usually built underneath
letsbelgo: disney has them too
bethy_kins24: Disney World has the most famous ones
itira: true tho
UltraVioletVodoo: you plainly do need my logic adam, otherwise you wouldnt have asked the question
Thefluffiestguineapig: Correct
MacbethSeemsSus: Which one?
tehfewl: awww
salamisuperstar: <3
tajessa: awwww
ManWithTheMask13: Giving my cat a hug rn
lamina5432: is it a weird portmantua?
thraximore: LUL
itira: WELL NOW I DO
itomeshi: Yes, but also, Mouse Hit Squad 7 is en route.
FoxBehindTheTree: BRO!
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
nymistrya: Well that was lovely lrrSHINE
GhostValv: :(
MrSarkhan: lrrWOW
CaptainSpam: Oh, we noticed. LuL
ManWithTheMask13: Yeah you wish you could hug me
SymphonySolstice: jesus
Sarah_Serinde: ;__;
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
tajessa: lrrWOW
otakon17: yeah Disney has a WHOLE UNDERGROUND city under the park basically to take care of maintenance and trash disposal
thatguysteve2709: It's ok we aren't friends
Natimus_Prime: This is the wholesome content we come to LRR for
lochnessseammonster: dead
ManWithTheMask13: Keep dreamin, bub
Aceviru: lrrAWW
xxx420tod_vom_himmel69xxx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xxx420tod_vom_himmel69xxx! (Today's storm count: 49)
DEATHlikescats: such is our fate
bethy_kins24: I worked at Disney world forb14 years and used them everyday
Daisyg1313 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Daisyg1313: ❤️❤️❤️
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Daisyg1313! (Today's storm count: 50)
SnackPak_: so rude
itira: dont you be talkin about our holes like that
ManWithTheMask13: TOD? @xxx420tod_vom_himmel69xxx
bethy_kins24: *for
saucemaster5000: Yeah well your hugs suck donkey taint
ButButTheJesus: its okay, I'd hug adam before me too
tod_vom_himmel: cant be me
tajessa: gottem
otakon17: I'd honestly love to see somethinglike a horror game set in the underground tunnels under a theme park
salamisuperstar: I have no illusions about our relationship
Thefluffiestguineapig: @otakon17 And to hide things like mascots taking breaks
otakon17: @Thefluffiestguineapig yeah that too
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think it's big for Frankie and the other monsters
tajessa: LUL Patorik
ManWithTheMask13: you stepped inside the shrink chamber
itira: LUL
itira: thats gooood
saucemaster5000: that's MAVIS beacon you canteloupe!
bethy_kins24: @otakon17 Yes and there are three cafeterias there
otakon17: and they even offer tours of them
tod_vom_himmel: im still shook that mavix beacon isnt real
tod_vom_himmel: THEY LIED TO US
otakon17: @bethy_kins24 I bet they're climate controlled
salamisuperstar: Seems like there are a lot of places you can go in this game
squ3e: That section felt much bigger for us to just leave it...
otakon17: Frankie doesn't like CHEATERS
shurtal: My name's Deputy Duck, and I'm here to party.
thraximore: friends! 🐀
bethy_kins24: Nope. The section under the castle and fantasy side were blaming hot and the rest were normal @otakon17
otakon17: ah darn
ManWithTheMask13: Can someone tell my cat that he can't get up on the desk?
otakon17: but still very neat
hieroglyphica: Is it hollowcore?
GreyThey: Footstie Roll Pop?
saucemaster5000: cowards
SnackPak_: house doors are hollow
Thefluffiestguineapig: @bethy_kins24 Shows how much they value their employees
bethy_kins24: And they smelled from the trash compactors and dumpsters and food waste dumpsters
itomeshi: Is the door jamb or the door the harder material?
squ3e: I smell a crapshot
DaFhaye: They break way more than you think
dumbo3k: The locks are often the weakest part
GasCityGaming: those are internal doors, external are usually solid
gamercat88: strong lad
bethy_kins24: @thefluffiestguineapig yep they don't
DaFhaye: A door to a room is pretty easy to break
Thefluffiestguineapig: @dumbo3k Or the hinges
Last1031: Ben I believe in you but you aint kickin a door in
otakon17: oh get this, the tour is FIVE HOURS LONG
DaFhaye: front door is way harder
itira: Hey Ben me too
dumbo3k: Firm Calves Ulmer!
jessieimproved: interior doors are easy to break on purpose
otakon17: it's a walking tour and there's no mobile phones allowed
hieroglyphica: I do 50-80 squats a day, I could probably do moderate damage
Thefluffiestguineapig: Kicking a door and kicking a door in are very different
gamercat88: are those your calves are you just happy to see me
ManWithTheMask13: I could shoulder check a door and maybe succeed
thefightnerd: Ben is the calves meow
itira: be born with it?
salamisuperstar: I guess this is how you backtrack for collectables?
bethy_kins24: nope no photos allowed, even us
butt_ghost: tip tope ups 500
itira: yes
otakon17: @ManWithTheMask13 you're better off kicking it
saucemaster5000: I could open a door with a single palm strike
tajessa: sure
GasCityGaming: makeup is cows?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hieroglyphica I do horseback riding and wrestle animals as part of veterinary work and if I carefully aimed I could do some damage
otakon17: shoulder checking a door is just a good way to injure your shoulder
ManWithTheMask13: @otakon17 but what if I want to scream BLUE 42 when I do it
gamercat88: only calves
lochnessseammonster: harder to get big calves when you're tall
Himyul: no, you use mayblenne to get big calves
hieroglyphica: I guess mine were juicy before the squats too, but I def feel like it has impact
rosesmcgee: Put on like a 100lbs and walk around like that for a few decades. Then lost the weight.
lamina5432: it's like your backend you can only do so much to make it bigger or smaller
letsbelgo: @rosesmcgee yuuuuup
otakon17: take a screencap of the map
tajessa: @rosesmcgee I feel that
maefly2: spatial awareness?
itira: DAMN LUL
saucemaster5000: ben's mind palace is more of a mind closet
otakon17: you are now in an scp
butt_ghost: Ben "rotates a cow in mind" ulmer
neisan2112: Was gonna say, is this FF7 now?
KeytarCat: So did I, but mine is from the estrogen
tajessa: I think the room wants you to die
leewllliams: funnnnnw
otakon17: >waste incinerator
rosesmcgee: I speak from experience... @tajessa @letsbelgo
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tajessa I think this whole place wants that
otakon17: you must have misssed one
Marvoleath: ok, but how do you move on those pipes xD
gamercat88: spoilers
omdorastrix: the CLAAAAW!!
otakon17: your'e about to be Toy Story'd
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Marvoleath Maybe the costume you put on has special shoes?
saucemaster5000: toy story lied to us, those toys aren't alive
maefly2: the actual end of toy story
Morrigan9: not a load bearing pizza box
shurtal: shout out to the dude that edited that movie to end at the furnace, then watched it with his parents, WHO DIDN" TKNOW
otakon17: long ass corridor
lochnessseammonster: and we're in the restaurant from toy story one PrideLaugh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @lochnessseammonster The claaaaawws
GasCityGaming: big 'that's a load bearing poster energy' :P
shurtal: "we're back at the furnace surfing. Siri, play Superman by Goldfinger"
butt_ghost: gotta use the trambolines
HadesLeprechaun: isn't that it hanging in the middle of the whole thing?
tajessa: large lad
salamisuperstar: There's a panel in the middle I think
Mathwyn: Was smoke break code for talking about safety?
betweenmyself: I prefer my Frankies in the medium category riffIce
Marvoleath: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
betweenmyself: * riffHurrHurr
bethy_kins24: @lochnessseammonster I have been choosen my friends goodbye
Juliamon: This game is a lot better than I expected from the title graphic we had to put up with for the last two weeks
otakon17: oh deer
otakon17: what
Thefluffiestguineapig: I wonder what Cam will be reading this year
ManWithTheMask13: WHUH
saucemaster5000: hey
TheWriterAleph: hey
spethycakes: it's good
BusTed: s'up
tajessa: howdy
Nigouki: !fart
LRRbot: Get out and walk, Donald!
DaFhaye: Pretty good
neisan2112: lrrSPOOP
butt_ghost: pspspspsp
ManWithTheMask13: Scared the shit out of me
spethycakes: poopin time
15__uwu__02: wassup
kumatsu: what up nrrrrrd
saucemaster5000: how's the chair feeling
niccus: scandalous...
GasCityGaming: nope-cast time
neisan2112: ehhh
butt_ghost: 1k into 3 k word ifnal
spethycakes: weird week, looking forward to the weekend
lochnessseammonster: going ok
The_Color_Twelve: I've had better
Faulpyr: My cats got fleas... so that's been a thing.
ManWithTheMask13: I am alive and that's about it
tajessa: hot, I hate summer
kumatsu: still travel-eepy
hieroglyphica: I did calisthenics while you were gone, and are a Dick's burger, so I am in perfect balance
DaFhaye: Bad. I just got chewed out by my boss today
15__uwu__02: I'm watching the sopranos
NotCainNorAbel: I'm fine but hate this time of year
GasCityGaming: first time in 15 years i won't be working boxing day!
otakon17: could be better
hieroglyphica: *ate lol
e_bloc: its my 40th birthday
KeytarCat: Happy birthday!
hieroglyphica: Happy birthday @e_bloc
jchinnock subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 100 months!
jchinnock: the one year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jchinnock! (Today's storm count: 51)
GasCityGaming: happy b-day @e_bloc !
hieroglyphica: !
tajessa: happy birthday e_bloc!
ManWithTheMask13: The Secret Podcast feat. Ben Ulmer
TheWriterAleph: Happy birthday e_bloc!
MacbethSeemsSus: We return to "Wherefore Art Thou Franklin"
e_bloc: thanks friends!
ManWithTheMask13: Oh who is this other guy
PharaohBender27: Congratulations on the centenarian status, jchinnock!
BusTed: rise & grind babyyy
ManWithTheMask13: The guy on the left looks kinda shot idk
LPS_97: Assemble they say
ManWithTheMask13: *short
PharaohBender27: Happy birthday, e_bloc! I hope it's been a good one
jchinnock: awww fuck you guys too! 💙💙💙
ManWithTheMask13: I'm calling you short, Adam
kumatsu: Adam looking kinda huge
saucemaster5000: you know who's gonna look kinda shot?
salamisuperstar: Everyone looks short sitting down
PharaohBender27: @ManWithTheMask13 Have you literally never seen Adam standing?
ManWithTheMask13: @PharaohBender27 I've seen Adam's Dhalsim MiniK
maefly2: door is under the fire I'm pretty sure
maefly2: trust me
BrindleBoar: sounds legit
salamisuperstar: To look cool
HedgehogKnight: Where does the cable lead
saucemaster5000: it was repo
ManWithTheMask13: It was Ace
maefly2: i was so sure
bethy_kins24: do an ollie!
kimmibeans: I was giving a lecture, what did I miss?
ManWithTheMask13: JinxLUL
NotCainNorAbel: Who's the other werewolf
thraximore: trystt2KEK
BrindleBoar: LUL
SnackPak_: classic Serge
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
ButButTheJesus: HA
TheWriterAleph: that's our serge
ManWithTheMask13: God I love Serge
spethycakes: Serge is a delight
ButButTheJesus: precious cinnamon roll
Marvoleath: Serge "Poker face" Yager
lochnessseammonster: story of my life
bethy_kins24: @butbutthejesus agree
shurtal: Serge "Foker Pace" Yager
ManWithTheMask13: My grandma was Hitler one time. That game lasted 2 minutes
gamercat88: maybe its a window
MacbethSeemsSus: You've found the door, but not the strength to walk through it.
saucemaster5000: @ManWithTheMask13 okay but what game were you playing with hitler grandma?
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 Mario Kart WII
kumatsu: I found the door but there's two guys in front of and they started asking stupid riddles
saucemaster5000: damn. the blue shells
SymphonySolstice: hey buddy
definenull: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
NotCainNorAbel: Sometimes in offices it is good to know who to tell a secret to so that everyone learns it by the end of the day
TheWriterAleph: give him a hug
SymphonySolstice: mom said its my turn on the xbox
tajessa: uh
BusTed: heheh
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
definenull: RIP moonwalk guy
otakon17: ohno
tajessa: hmmm he seems trustworthy
TheWriterAleph: he's got big Stan S. Stanman energy
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 Don't even get me started on Scrabble in our household
BrindleBoar: sus
Patorik: Not used to such good animation in games like this
otakon17: the choice
ButButTheJesus: I am reminded of Bart pulling down the animatronic presidents pants or whatever
otakon17: blue is only one way it seems
Juliamon: Poppy Playtime
ManWithTheMask13: Poppy's DP Punish
Juliamon: This game feels like a better version of that
kumatsu: Visage had some good stuff
saucemaster5000: yeah but visage had some less good chapters
lochnessseammonster: putt putt is best animation
kumatsu: more like Adam Sisyphus
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
saucemaster5000: 150,000 pounds of fudge chocolate
lochnessseammonster: number keep going up
butt_ghost: wawa
salamisuperstar: They should put some more lights down in this sewer
BusTed: turkey sammich
ManWithTheMask13: where's my goat Vegan
LPS_97: Visage was the one with the talking appliances right?
itomeshi: Firehouse Thanksgiving Sub > Wawa Gobbler
lamina5432: wawa is medium your not missing anything
kimmibeans: You didn't go to Wawa at PAXU?
letsbelgo: sheetz > wawa
Cptasparagus: thats our culture, BEN
shurtal: i recently saw a shorsey clip with the phrase "roll up the rimjob". i REALLY need to watch that show
tajessa: thanks to watching well there's your problem, visiting a wawa has been added to my bucket list
otakon17: yeah it's when they have turkey everything
otakon17: oh god
letsbelgo: A better wawa
tehfewl: sheetz is meh
letsbelgo: They are rival places
thatguysteve2709: People are nuts
brainbosh: All the regionalism
maefly2: oh no, Pennsylvania convenience store debate incoming
itomeshi: @letsbelgo Sheetz is, is theory, better... but Sheetz has been going downhill a little.
lamina5432: sheetz sucks its to greasy
butt_ghost: that seemed like a lie
otakon17: Sheetz is another convenience store
otakon17: Wawa is decent
theambivalentagender: Yall are just making baby talk right now the hell is a wawa
LPS_97: yes it is
GasCityGaming: are these kind of like Flying Js?
tehfewl: Buccees is where its at
otakon17: Royal Farms is my fav
otakon17: what do the signs on the walls say?
bethy_kins24: Buccees!
salamisuperstar: It's for gen Z
ManWithTheMask13: @maefly2 It's like the two fire stations in Dragon Ball Z fighting in front of the burning house
RealGamerCow: Buccees jerky is goated
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
otakon17: >zed
butt_ghost: goodness gracious
tajessa: lrrFINE
otakon17: I forgot you guys were Canadian
thatguysteve2709: I live in PA and will not debate this
itira: oh dear
CataclysmicReverb: Because people kept saying "Sheets your pants" so they changed it
otakon17: OH NO
BrindleBoar: how manny frankies
otakon17: oh it's okay
PharaohBender27: I'm going to assume this is a eastern-half-of-the-U.S. thing, because I (a west coaster) have never heard of Wawa or Sheetz before now
BrindleBoar: Frankii?
ManWithTheMask13: @RealGamerCow Don't get me started on Buccees
otakon17: HE SAVED YOU
Nigouki: no, you're bait
butt_ghost: thank you francis our lord and saviour
thraximore: adam
tajessa: Adam.
ManWithTheMask13: Real
itira: hawt
saucemaster5000: I'd take the easter bullet for a handy
ManWithTheMask13: That's my goat right there
SymphonySolstice: brave
itira: you might drown
15__uwu__02: You're so real for that Adam
shurtal: now THAT"S what i call a Rabbit Punch
PharaohBender27: @ManWithTheMask13 Now I *do* know of Buckees, but only because of some YT videos of people traveling across the U.S. to visit themed restaurants
ManWithTheMask13: Slipping Saint Nick a fiver for 5 minutes in Heaven
butt_ghost: speaking of handies
salamisuperstar: Fucking Stretch Armstrong in there
Nigouki: ok this is actually a really cool combo of environment and monster design
on_and_awful: I hope Adam is real. Otherwise I have a LOOOONGstanding hallucination to explain.
PharaohBender27: @ManWithTheMask13 .... And I misspelled the name in that post :p
ManWithTheMask13: @PharaohBender27 Hmmm, that's fair. I'm a Texan and I have very strong opinions on the institution as Buccees (and not positive ones)
spethycakes: I went to the only Bucc-ee's in my state in early October, and a solid third of it was already fully Christmas
protojman: buckees is what I imagine princess auto is like
frank_the_great: I'm here, you've found me
NotCainNorAbel: @frank_the_great lrrPistachio
Cptasparagus: its a walmart with like 100 gas pumps
bethy_kins24: Buccees Bever Nuggets are the best
ManWithTheMask13: Buckees is NOT sick, I will die on this hill
shurtal: they got great brisket
Driosenth: Buc-ee's is a blight upon the American roadways
butt_ghost: who the fuck is watching this
kimmibeans: It's the king of gas stations... supposedly. I've never been
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
zapshakur: "Ok, but Buccee's...."
kimmibeans: All I know is that it has a cult following and a Jerky bar
DaFhaye: Someone should call em a mechanic
otakon17: Jesus he's maimed
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Buccees is a gas station restaurant whose entire advertising scheme is based around how much you should take a shit there
salamisuperstar: They should sell more than 4 cereal boxes if they want to profit
butt_ghost: oh no maybe good frankie is bad
shurtal: and you shoud REALLY take a shit there
tajessa: don't want yer stinkin' token
protojman: I can’t see this phone guy without thinking about the dial town game Jordynne and Kathleen played
butt_ghost: OFFICER UP
PharaohBender27: @butt_ghost ... NGL took me a sec to get what you meant and had I not recognized the username, I'd have thought you were shitting on the stream :D
TheWriterAleph: moshi mosh
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
itira: o.o
spethycakes: OMG
otakon17: DEPUTY DUCK!
tajessa: F
SymphonySolstice: welp
BrindleBoar: F
definenull: kablamo
ManWithTheMask13: LUL
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Tangsm: lol
ManWithTheMask13: Banger
letsbelgo: evo17Rekt
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
kimmibeans: Okay then
QuaziK_: yo he dead
DaFhaye: That was actually really funny
otakon17: JESUS
butt_ghost: @PharaohBender27 haha no i am shitting on the lore XD
ManWithTheMask13: Ermm, awko-taco, boss
frank_the_great: I'd say RIP, but he really phoned it in
butt_ghost: deputy duck may have some minor PTSD
RealGamerCow: You okay officer?
BrindleBoar: that goes in the slideshow
otakon17: OH GOD
theambivalentagender: It's ok, phone calls can make me lose my head too
otakon17: DEPUTY
spethycakes: he's a dead ringer
frank_the_great: LUL
otakon17: he's been MESSED UP
lochnessseammonster: get fucking blasted
thraximore: @spethycakes boo
DaFhaye: Wow Adam is getting soft
couchboyj: Now who will be the president of the rotary club?
gamercat88: hotline blat instead of hotline bling
ProcyonFlynn: How could you be getting soft with that crazy workout routine lrrBEEJ
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hotline bang
kumatsu: that's why Adam's hitting the gym, gotta toughen back up to start shooting chat again
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or maybe he's soft here because he needs balance
ManWithTheMask13: Run a First To Piss with Frankie, see what they're made of
LittleVesuvius: i see what happened to 2 of the contestants
Thefluffiestguineapig: He's so hard from that workout routine he needs the softness to come out somewhere
letsbelgo: E
lochnessseammonster: looking for consumables
PharaohBender27: Cold take: The best version of Hotline Bling is the Wii Store mashup
lochnessseammonster: i don't have to imagine PrideLaugh
itira: yeah Adams too tall to jump
betweenmyself: But Adam, what if collecting them all leads to a secret ending where Frankie blasts us in the mouth? pennyWhat
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ManWithTheMask13 Does a man need to jump when he can crush a watermelon with his thighs?
betweenmyself: … with a punch.
itira: manwiththemask said it first
frank_the_great: Oh man, I forgot about that. Hope she got $$$
VrolikSyndrome: "I am an athlete" said with the same cadence as "I am a surgeon"
Natimus_Prime: You also can't jump if you're a white guy. They made a whole movie about it, you know
Marvoleath: Too short to jump? Tell it to Muggsy Bogues
ManWithTheMask13: @itira nah u said it better AmbessaLove
gamercat88: but you just met her
Marvoleath: 1.60cm and playing in the NBA
itira: no ill give this one to you :))
lochnessseammonster: jlrrDance3
betweenmyself: Superman 64
Thefluffiestguineapig: My evidence for short is not a barrier to jumping is ponies who do big show jumpers
theambivalentagender: I actually find the sad mangled mechanical duck sounds relaxing
Thefluffiestguineapig: Noob noobs?
ohjanji: jesscapDance
betweenmyself: the best Superman game on the Nintendo 64 riffYeti
Kentosaurus: let my man cook
butt_ghost: BARS
NimrodXIV: gotta catch em
raulghoulia: bail! bail!
itira: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
ohjanji: this is surreal hahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: When did we get a fucking gun????
TheWriterAleph: hell yeah, noob noob. this guy gets it
Kentosaurus: they're just little guys
spethycakes: the pacifism turned to pure rage
otakon17: you gota catch them XD
thraximore: back on the escalator!
definenull: welp
Nigouki: that's right streamer, jump through hoops for our entertainment Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: @spethycakes Might not have been pacifism, these are the first beings we can interact with in this way. Everything else murdered us
salamisuperstar: They call him Buzzer Beater Ben
maefly2: go to noob noob step
otakon17: welp you're dead
tajessa: oh that noise they make, they deserve to die
frank_the_great: Who the fuck is noob noob?
NimrodXIV: several
ManWithTheMask13: kinda a banger
tehfewl: 3
spethycakes: @Thefluffiestguineapig I'm trying to be a little optimistic in this world of abject horror
NotCainNorAbel: It's a video game, so 3 or 5
LittleVesuvius: oh no
otakon17: I like how they move like stop motion
LittleVesuvius: i kinda hate the noob noob noise
InconsiderateHat: Oh no I love the noob noobs
spethycakes: FBtouchdown
LittleVesuvius: my cat also hates it
kumatsu: rule of threeeees
BusTed: benginTry
PharaohBender27: @Nigouki Remember when Ben had to fly through hoops in Superman N64 that one time?
trainpants: what a gamer
definenull: uhhhh
TheWriterAleph: hooooweee
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown First try FBtouchdown
eXTeeGi: it took me many more tries to do that lol
otakon17: THE PRIZE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @spethycakes You mean modern America lrrBEEJ
Blip2004: I leave for a few minutes and the duck loses its face
spethycakes: @Thefluffiestguineapig That's a VERY generous description of modern America
Thefluffiestguineapig: @spethycakes World of Abject Horror? That's fair that it's generous
The_Timo: Gross
frank_the_great: The prize was a key. It's keys all the way down
James_the_Dabbler: This seems concerning
Kentosaurus: west ed waterpark is classic
SymphonySolstice: west ed waterpark is great
The_Timo: and having to reset their breakers all the time clearly
frank_the_great: Adam
saucemaster5000: A bunch of high school kids died at my local waterpark when I was a teen so I got a season pass and had that shit all to myself that summer
ghyllnox: I mean, he's not wrong
maefly2: elevators for water slides sounds kind of amazing
ButButTheJesus: huh.
SnackPak_: baller
itira: omg sauce! LUL
BusTed: holy shit
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 That's awful to hear, Christ. At least they tried to compensate it
PharaohBender27: @saucemaster5000 O_o
thraximore: christ
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uuuuuuuuuhhhh wow sauce
PharaohBender27: My Middle School homeroom was part of a "team" that after some games got to go to Raging Waters. I made the mistake of not wearing sunscreen when there, and got a blistering sunburn on my back.
lochnessseammonster: learning more of sauce's origin story PrideLaugh
betweenmyself: @saucemaster5000 lemons into lemonade I suppose
Mathwyn: Saucemaster has been dead since they were a teen
shurtal: don't praise that river, tell it to get a job!
ManWithTheMask13: Once I get into it they're called the grind rivers amiright gamers
James_the_Dabbler: I think that's more of a lazy stream
frank_the_great: My sister got omega sunburnt in a lazy river once
saucemaster5000: I mean was I wrong???
Twilight_Spark: Big poops energy from this water park.
ghyllnox: @ManWithTheMask13 I think Sauce means they purchased a season pass in response to the deaths
spethycakes: Ben you sniped me with that
kumatsu: a lazy river? Maybe it should get a job
Twilight_Spark: And by poops I meant pools. Thanks autocorrect.
shurtal: a were- what, Ben
The_Timo: Couldn't double check your collisions? tsk tsk tsk dev
ManWithTheMask13: @ghyllnox Ah, you're right. I had to reread it again
theambivalentagender: Reminds me of the story of the guy who said he and his now wife both had dads who saw 9/11 happen and saw it as the perfect opportunity to go to Disneyland since no one would be there.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 Yeah, one year at a summer camp at a state park a counselor who was clearly just an older teen would not put sunscreen on my pale ass shoulders and I ended up getting a second degree sunburn where I couldn't reach.
Mathwyn: I've just turned off the autocorrect
The_Timo: Oh I got mad at that autocorrect and accidentally deleted duck from my dictionary
kumatsu: how are you supposed to duck Ferisar if autocorrect won't let you say it
CataclysmicReverb: They should add a waterpark map to amongus
ManWithTheMask13: not a knower...
LittleVesuvius: i'm not wearing headphones but the ticking is unidirectional
Thefluffiestguineapig: @The_Timo That is possibly a proportional overcorrection
ManWithTheMask13: he would never survive the first to piss
shurtal: he's a show-er not a know-er
butt_ghost: probably on a roof
frank_the_great: Those who know: D
frank_the_great: D:
theambivalentagender: @The_Timo I know you mean phone dictionary but I'm picturing someone going to town on a giant-ass dusty book with whiteout
LittleVesuvius: there was one on the ground yes
The_Timo: @theambivalentagender I'll do that now to be certain
gamercat88: you can really lose your head over hot summer bod henry
spethycakes: he looks so relaxed
SymphonySolstice: tumblr sexyman bait
TheWriterAleph: ring-a-ding-ding, baby
KeytarCat: Can't look away from the phone
JusticeJuice: Communication is hot.
couchboyj: Got that phone sex appeal
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ring ring ring
tajessa: gross
Thefluffiestguineapig: @JusticeJuice Particularly enthusiastic consent
betweenmyself: cause the phone wants your digits… inside him riffYeti
thraximore: all 4 of em
JeshuaWithAnE: They picked the phone to be the hot one to subvert expectations and have the hot one die first
Rhynerd: managing the camera it seems.
spethycakes: how many people watched Squid Game?
circusofkirkus: no
Patorik: We're watching it right now
ManWithTheMask13: maybe
BrindleBoar: people watch NASCAR
SnackPak_: nah
patrick_stonecrusher: We're watching right now
dumbo3k: I already am, right now
MacbethSeemsSus: I mean squid game is getting a second season
circusofkirkus: I'm not into snuff films
CataclysmicReverb: That was basically the appeal for Survivor. Not my deal but it'd be hella popular
Azralorne: I'd puke if I tried
ManWithTheMask13: depends on how bored I am
Thefluffiestguineapig: If it was real? Absolutely not
thegitrogsquirrel: 100% nope
lochnessseammonster: some people but not me
Larkonus: I don' think I could stomach watching people actually die.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fictional? Possibly
PharaohBender27: If I knew the deaths were real, no
kumatsu: remember The Running Man?
DEATHlikescats: too many people want real Squid Games so…
ManWithTheMask13: I'm putting it on my list, Ben
Rhynerd: I haven’t even seen squid game.
saucemaster5000: the guy who directed guns akimbo is a big douche unfortunately
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do not enjoy real people being maimed or killed
LittleVesuvius: there's a trampoline nearer to the thing
frank_the_great: There would be an initial curiosity, followed by a disgust inducing satiation
ManWithTheMask13: RUNNING MAN?
butt_ghost: i love how saying daniel radcliffe is in a movie is shorthand for "this is the weirdest movie you're gonna see in a while"
Marvoleath: Radcliff really went on a weird streak after the Potters, but most of that was really enjoyable to watch
theambivalentagender: I mean, folks watched people severely medically harm themselves for a competition and called it The Biggest Loser.
PharaohBender27: I actually saw Running Man for the first time either earlier this year or last year
Marvoleath: Swiss army man was great, Radcliff just played a dead body for the whole movie :D
frank_the_great: Wasn't it under a roof?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Marvoleath He did a Saw 1? Man Daniel Radcliff seems like a cool dude
MacbethSeemsSus: I miss duck
VrolikSyndrome: word
Mazrae: Quack??
ImmortalLen: Fair
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes
kumatsu: well yeah, they've got the corkscrew
circusofkirkus: ducks are evil
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ducks are criminals
theambivalentagender: @Thefluffiestguineapig He also played Weird Al
Orestes290: Geese not ducks
dumbo3k: The bread is actually bad for them
QuaziK_: yes totally, but do not actually fuck ducks
InconsiderateHat: Except don't tho, because of that peen
bethy_kins24: Geese are worse
MacbethSeemsSus: Don't feed ducks bread
spethycakes: GriddyGoose GriddyGoose GriddyGoose
PharaohBender27: *All* ducks, or just certain species of ducks?
butt_ghost: booooo
frank_the_great: They're hustlers, grinders, out there getting that bread
Thefluffiestguineapig: The ducks get it because no one wants to challenge ducks
saucemaster5000: to be fair the bread fucks with their stomachs so we got their asses
TheWriterAleph: hahaaaa good joke streamer
tehfewl: 7 points
MaelstronSolenor: our pidgeons get sometimes half eaten hotdogs... so I think they have it better
GasCityGaming: unsubscribe duck jokes
betweenmyself: ducks are free loafers riffThink
spethycakes: duck jokes? ButtonMash follow
salamisuperstar: Every time you pull out the duck it sounds like the Disturbed song
CataclysmicReverb: If Deputy Duck's so great why hasn't they made Sheriff
lamina5432: 50
TheWriterAleph: 7/9
bethy_kins24: At least you can punt a duck if it gets bad. You can't do that with a Goose
saucemaster5000: how many points before the game earns a free sub?
maefly2: ducks out there begging for bread, geese just grab it from wherever they feel like
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, you've got mega frictionburns
SnackPak_: less drag
LittleVesuvius: that is a fast way to slough the skin off of both places
The_Timo: the bigger hazard is the fence going through that slider
ManWithTheMask13: that's my streamer
KeytarCat: Splooch?
dumbo3k: What about his place, hasn't been a hazard?
spethycakes gifted a Tier 1 sub to Frankie! They have given 6 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frankie! (Today's storm count: 52)
couchboyj: Straight into the stupid sexy phone
spethycakes: I found them!!
MacbethSeemsSus: I would simply not momentum
PharaohBender27: Speaking of waterfowl talk: Swans are BRUTAL - ever see them fight?
betweenmyself: okay, not I want a wrestling match that ends with a bridging German-suplex held all the way down a water slide
couchboyj: It was a fan
frank_the_great: Do you think Jesus would enjoy the water park?
betweenmyself: *now I want
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MacbethSeemsSus Just opt out of normal physics
theambivalentagender: I once saw these parents encouraging their little kid to shoot a goose with a water gun for fun in one of the stupidest parenting moves I've ever seen
TheWriterAleph: @frank_the_great you mean the wine park? Kappa
spethycakes: My life is complete
PharaohBender27: @theambivalentagender D:
ManWithTheMask13: @frank_the_great Amazing question
The_Timo: he couldn't swim in it
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
dumbo3k: He'd walk all over it
tajessa: @theambivalentagender oh dear. did that escalate in the manner I anticipate it would
Tangsm: He just skips across the pool at the bottom of a slide like a stone
lamina5432: sounds sticky
kumatsu: Daydrink with Jesus at the waterpark
maefly2: lazy river is just a walking path
Mathwyn: "Don't make us crucify you again"
PharaohBender27: @theambivalentagender The only way that story could be worse would be if it was a geese with goslings
MacbethSeemsSus: How far would Jesus skip coming off the slide
gamercat88: new Jesus lore just dropped... he is arthis
Morrigan9: shaman seems more appropriate
theambivalentagender: @tajessa I'm not sure since I was going by fast but I did hear a lot of honking and child yelling
rosesmcgee: The water he can turn into wine. The urine, not so much
niccus: lazy river with stations of the cross...
josh___something: Hey there gamers, have we found frankie yet?
tajessa: @theambivalentagender I think exiting the area quickly was a very smart move tbh
ManWithTheMask13: that's a fake jump
YFiddler: I mean he walked it off fine the first time
ButButTheJesus: @rosesmcgee wow, good point
Thefluffiestguineapig: @rosesmcgee That's a good point, since components are so important in chemistry I assume he had to follow that too
BusTed: how's that slouch going
ManWithTheMask13: got his ass
betweenmyself: <——- decided not to be a rat
QuaziK_: ye ben lock in, adam is giving his 110%
ManWithTheMask13: you're not locked in
ProcyonFlynn: #PostureCheck
frank_the_great: Ben, there's some grinders
Mazrae: There looks like there is a path up top
saucemaster5000: Imagine getting peer reviewed by the guy who lost employee of the month to an office chair
TheWriterAleph: slouching has higher overhead
KeytarCat: The only difference is your comfort!
Twilight_Spark: Morale
Patorik: If you sit up straight, we can see your cool shirt
ManWithTheMask13: you're gonna get hit with the dr overhead, adam
QuaziK_: you can barely tell which one's playing
theambivalentagender: You both should just lean back until you're completely out of shot
ManWithTheMask13: JinxLUL
GasCityGaming: are the controls for this kind of.... floaty? :O
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did they switch who is playing?
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown
ManWithTheMask13: it's peam
ManWithTheMask13: FBtouchdown
saucemaster5000: I can tell by the deaths who is playing
TheWriterAleph: just heads
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh, it's mono slouch now
NotCainNorAbel: lrrADAM lrrBEN Now you match your emote
bethy_kins24: floating heads
theambivalentagender: @saucemaster5000 wowwww
GreyThey: Slouching = Let's Nap
frank_the_great: Mirror's Edge 3 looks sick
ManWithTheMask13: working hard or hardly working, am I right?
betweenmyself: true streamers stand while playing, so that only their torsos are visible
saucemaster5000: Right next to I don't give a fuck valley I assume
Thefluffiestguineapig: You think Frankie named this?
bethy_kins24: Candy Mountain
PharaohBender27: "You're Frankie Sidekick, now!"
josh___something: Real
frank_the_great: I bet he refuses to hire anyone else named Frankie
saucemaster5000: minnie
circusofkirkus: pluto
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Ah, where the saw blades are
josh___something: Goofy Hyucks
frank_the_great: Mulan, next question
ShaneLeeAtk: Bonkers
DrLigmaPhD: Is there a Franky Valli?
Mathwyn: Han solo?
Dr_fragenstien: scrooge mcduck
DEATHlikescats: goofy
bethy_kins24: Pluto
Mazrae: Dark Wing Duck
DEATHlikescats: he’s just a normal Dad
PharaohBender27: sparkl171Cry
ManWithTheMask13: kinda a goofy guy
MWGNZ: Goofy hyucks
saucemaster5000: Huey and Duey but NOT Louie
CataclysmicReverb: Adam hasn't played Kingem Hearts
thegitrogsquirrel: deputy duck is a pig
josh___something: She let him hit cause he goofy, etc. etc.
DEATHlikescats: trying to raise his son right
lochnessseammonster: i had a big crush on max as a kid PrideLaugh
frank_the_great: "What am I, a clown to you?"
YFiddler: It's those little hats
DrLigmaPhD: He ONLY hits is silly style
NotCainNorAbel: Gadget
The_Timo: Yo that show!
DrLigmaPhD: Mine was Sokka
itira: the silver blob girl!
tajessa: good call Adam
The_Timo: Same!
ManWithTheMask13: My first fictional crush was Eris from Sinbad
GasCityGaming: dude, same!
DEATHlikescats: saaaaame
maefly2: Adam seems like a Popeye enjoyer
saucemaster5000: my first fictional crush was the robin hood fox
Patorik: At least Alex Mack was live action
BusTed: Like the Capri-Sun commercial
Dr_fragenstien: misty from pokemon for me
Juliamon: aww Ben's too baby for Alex Mack
SnackPak_: hello fellow olds who remember Alex Mack
DEATHlikescats: sapphic awakening
SplittingImage77: I had something for the squirrel from A Sword in the Stone
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 I knew you were the goat
Azralorne: Hell yeah Adam, Alex Mac is great
James_the_Dabbler: Cynthia tho?
lochnessseammonster: i also really liked his crush roxanne so should've figured out the bi thing a lot sooner PrideLaugh
ManWithTheMask13: Me too, Adam. Me too
The_Color_Twelve: Solid choice
Azralorne: *had*?
itira: Simba
frank_the_great: Mulan, next question
Dr_fragenstien: booty
saucemaster5000: Oh yeah also had a crush on cary grant. I'm a fucking boomer queer
kumatsu: but what about the big angel who cares you through Spires of Ascension?
DEATHlikescats: got that King of the Hill inverted booty
GreyThey: Somewhere in the world, Frankie is someone's first crush
itira: i like how Ben was trying to get lower as if it would help
PharaohBender27: @saucemaster5000 That's straight up pre-Boomer crush, I'd say :D (but also good choice)
Patorik: Wait, you weren't crouching?
josh___something: I've heard crouch jumping is the secret tech for this game
lochnessseammonster: 100% me PrideLaugh
betweenmyself: Melody Hanson (Christine Taylor) on Hey Dude riffThink
Paranundrox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months, currently on a 112 month streak!
Dr_fragenstien: i wont make fun of people like that. It means they're getting immersed
DEATHlikescats: @saucemaster5000 excellent choice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Paranundrox! (Today's storm count: 53)
DaFhaye: I had a crush on the girl from swat catz
itira: my sister is that way with controllers
butt_ghost: it feels basic these days to say hex girls were mine but it absolutely was
BusTed: this is sick
josh___something: Or actually, Slide jumping
LordZarano: Controllers have gyros now
ManWithTheMask13: "Henry is peak"
Kentosaurus: it's us
josh___something: Hey, wait a minute
frank_the_great: :d
josh___something: it me?
BusTed: agreed they should dial it back
ghyllnox: The chat's so slow
spethycakes: DIAL it back, wow
Thefluffiestguineapig: Blood is a bit forced
DEATHlikescats: it is… weird… this black mirror
TheWriterAleph: the henry bit was sickkk
PharaohBender27: The fact that all users are "Anonymous" must get confusing in replies
letsbelgo: the whiteboard said people were betting
itira: LUL
tehfewl: Minor spelling error
josh___something: Cnontestant
josh___something: ayo?
spethycakes: chat always spells perfectly
LittleVesuvius: they said something about lava
CataclysmicReverb: ayo.
betweenmyself: fake chat is fake: nobody saying they tuned in late and asking whether Frankie has been found
theambivalentagender: phrasing
TheWriterAleph: dun-dun dun dun-dun
PharaohBender27: @betweenmyself :D
ImmortalLen: Fall guys?
tajessa: hmmmm, seems fine
butt_ghost: its quid game!
TheWriterAleph: @betweenmyself and no one discussing the bangability of frankie and/or henry
DEATHlikescats: the game chat is missing the in jokes
KeytarCat: Oh it's the new Mr Beast special!
ManWithTheMask13: Who designed this area, Mr. Freeze?
neisan2112: Inception music happening
LittleVesuvius: the place smells like corpses
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ManWithTheMask13 No, not enough freeze rays
JeshuaWithAnE: It makes sense why this show was losing views (in game). like no one was winning, I’m sure the bloodsport shock factor wouldn’t do much if you just figured everyone will always lose
TheWriterAleph: coxJam coxJam coxJam
letsbelgo: more fall guys!
Tangsm: Of course it's filling with slime.
Rhynerd: oh, the slime's pink in this game too
Dr_fragenstien: that slime
butt_ghost: that slime
TheWriterAleph: BONK
josh___something: How good are you at slime climb?
DMGlol: you're getting nickelodean
Kentosaurus: this is exactly a fall guys game
PharaohBender27: Oh this IS Fall Guys
frank_the_great: Literally Fall Guys
ManWithTheMask13: @Thefluffiestguineapig All too true
tehfewl: Slimed
DEATHlikescats: it IS fall guys haha!
maefly2: gotta scale the aggrocrag
bethy_kins24: that slime
neisan2112: First try
Patorik: Fall Guy (singular)
LordZarano: Oh it literally is Fall Guys
josh___something: If you think this is Fall guys now...
Juliamon: Wonder if there's any sick shortcuts
DMGlol: I think this game was an attempt at making a 1st person fall guys but they decided to make it a horror game instead
wiganlass: this is reminding me of a kids show call Funhouse I watched way back when
Thefluffiestguineapig: I suspect they take the time between VHS's being found to repair it all
josh___something: God, being the obstacle course resetter
josh___something: You get stuck, ben
salamisuperstar: The real question is who has to clean up all the slime?
butt_ghost: no wonder they're bankrupt the slime budget must be insane
saucemaster5000: if you touch the slime you yell at dan akyroyd, ghostbusters 2 rules
DEATHlikescats: this game shows how polished Fall guys really is
Rhynerd: going off all the bodies, it doesn't look they have to do much for most of the traps.
josh___something: You don't want to get your shoes slimed, now do you
couchboyj: Adam and old school Nickelodeon have very different options on the touchability of slime
Rhynerd: although they probably have to just clean up loose slime here.
DrLigmaPhD: Nickelodeon perfected this technology ages ago.
PharaohBender27: @josh___something "All right, we have to hose down any slime residue after draining, then reset the traps . . ."
dumbo3k: I feel like the CEO wouldn't have their office up all these stairs
josh___something: The speedrun of this game is like 6 minutes
butt_ghost: no fucking shot
LittleVesuvius: eh, I cab believe it. It's at the back of the building
PharaohBender27: Adam with the galaxy brain take
LittleVesuvius: can*
betweenmyself: the rich lore riffGasp
Rhynerd: tragedy
josh___something: The deep lore
PharaohBender27: They thought of it! Drats!
butt_ghost: oh no it's well made
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatBRAIN
josh___something: Slide jump?
itira: LUL get his ass Ben
InconsiderateHat: Mine was Sean Bean's Boromir
tajessa: hey Ben don't you be dissing the good name of Alex Mack
kumatsu: I remember nothing about any actual plot in Alex Mack
neisan2112: FAX
DMGlol: Ben will never understand Alex Mack or Clarrissa
LittleVesuvius: did the CEO get murdered? is that why it's a crime scene?
itira: on screen dramaaaa
letsbelgo: I was the only alex in elementary school when that show was on so all the kids though my name was a girls name and gave me shit for it
ManWithTheMask13: I hope you get shimmied
couchboyj: I wanted Clarissa to explain it all to me~~~
saucemaster5000: no the cartoon lovers can go back to neptune
dumbo3k: Look, Gadget from rescue rangers was hot, okay?
hackingducks: weee fall guys
YeomanAres: Real people=puddle girl
Tangsm: Now if there's a giant hammer at the top
LittleVesuvius: there is so much blood
Seth_Erickson: I knew it
tajessa: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: karma
TheWriterAleph: BEN
itira: shiiiit
LittleVesuvius: oh no
butt_ghost: BEN NO
BusTed: oops
CataclysmicReverb: GOT GOT
WiJohn: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
maefly2: mxc365ImpactReplay
circusofkirkus: ins and outs eh
Marvoleath: wheelerHub
Seth_Erickson: I could feel it in my bones
theambivalentagender: My partner's childhood crush was Jadzia Dax from DS9 and mine was Arnold from Magic School Bus so we're on either end of the millennial spectrum
DEATHlikescats: that was mean
salamisuperstar: wheelerGre wheelerE wheelerE wheelerEed
kimmibeans: You were saying
itira: seabatUseless
Mathwyn: Crouching is for closers Ben
InconsiderateHat: Such a good take tho
Happy_Camperr: jlrrFall jlrrFall jlrrFall
maefly2: wheelerHub
ManWithTheMask13: @Mathwyn Amazing message
betweenmyself: @dumbo3k they had that one episode where she was abducted by the Pi-Rats who dressed her up, and Chip and Dale were all “OMG She’s actually hot” and every young boy watching said “Have you been paying attention!?!” pennyWhat
itira: LUL Arnold!!
josh___something: They reset the doors, but don't clean the Viscera off of the material. smh my head.
ManWithTheMask13: ARNOLDDDD
kumatsu: I can't believe Arnold killed Ben
DrLigmaPhD: Based choices, both
kumatsu: wow Ben, it was PLUTO
SymphonySolstice: arnold fuckin died
The_Color_Twelve: wasnt that pluto?
Thefluffiestguineapig: It was Pluto not the moon
Kentosaurus: childhood core memory
LittleVesuvius: This place has been killing people for a while. I'm surprised it took this long for the authorities to get involved
LittleVesuvius: Although not that surprised
Dr_Seat: They were on Pluto
JeshuaWithAnE: Arnold was a risk taker
lochnessseammonster: hey arnold is the goat
ManWithTheMask13: Fucked up what they did to Pluto
saucemaster5000: you think anyone's first crush was Doug?
couchboyj: The far superior Arnold
kumatsu: OWNED
josh___something: lmao
Tangsm: Get bumpered
itira: LUL hjahahaaa
Seth_Erickson: LUL
BusTed: ruined
tajessa: get got
salamisuperstar: LUL
DudelidouX: LMAO
WiJohn: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
spethycakes: quantu105Lol
InconsiderateHat: THE FUCK WAS THAT
dumbo3k: get gud
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 I mean, probably
theambivalentagender: Look I like them pathetic and whiny what can I say
shurtal: WOMBO COMBO
spethycakes: fully yeeted
josh___something: get fucked nerd
Blip2004: not just the music and level, also the physics
neisan2112: Some TRUE Fall Guys shit
NotCainNorAbel: the full Fall Guys experience
bethy_kins24: Yeet
MacbethSeemsSus: Maybe a deep cut, Mira from the Buzz lightyear cartoon
DaFhaye: Oh also Demona from Gargoyles
LittleVesuvius: how did you get slid backward
YeomanAres: Carlos!!
saucemaster5000: they are not baptized with that arnold take
tajessa: @theambivalentagender my first crush was Wesley Crusher so same
Frankenstain: Dina from Salute Your Shorts
theambivalentagender: @tajessa lmaooooo
salamisuperstar: I thought Ben was talking about the scene from Total Recall where ARNOLD schwarzenegger take his helmet off
LittleVesuvius: uh oh
itira: Nuuu!
TheWriterAleph: the timing FBtouchdown
ManWithTheMask13: Shoutout to Michelle Pfeiffer, who reportedly was like "yeah, I think this character is too sexual and should be toned down" and yet we still got what was in the movie
josh___something: Recovered, pog :p
theambivalentagender: @betweenmyself Love me a man who kills himself on Pluto because he's mad at his cousin.
KeytarCat: There are more stairs on the right, if we want to be disappointed again but differently
saucemaster5000: @ManWithTheMask13 you ever see the behind the scenes of her actually whipping the shit in the store she breaks into. The entire crew bursts into applause, they couldn't fucking believe she did it
TheWriterAleph: yeah!
PharaohBender27: I do appreciate how the music here is *legally distinct* Fall Guys-esque music
josh___something: LUL
itira: swan dive!
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 There's a reason why Eris was my first crush, after all
theambivalentagender: Oh god Ben screaming at me for my childhood taste in boys may be going in the highlight reel NotLikeThis
maefly2: schmoovin
josh___something: Imagine if there was a puncher in the middle of the doors XD
PharaohBender27: NotLikeThis
letsbelgo: bzzzz
saucemaster5000: the kids say a lot of things
salamisuperstar: And then you got fried
tajessa: real sigma rizz then Ben
otakon17: well you certainly got released
hackingducks: millennial checkpoints.
ManWithTheMask13: Sajam got called old by his cousin for saying "cooked"
circusofkirkus: remember when we had to do the whole game in one sitting
saucemaster5000: remember when you ran out of lives and had to start the game again?
ButButTheJesus: remember having time
spethycakes: FBtouchdown
maefly2: we played Contra with 3 lives like God intended
otakon17: Remember when you had to *REDO THE WHOLE GAME*?
couchboyj: Whole level? Try the whole damn game. Get thee back to 1-1.
bethy_kins24: the monkey level of ion king game
bethy_kins24: lion*
butt_ghost: they really jumped the shark in s8
NimrodXIV: the Fall Guys will continue
Dr_fragenstien: just imagine the omegaluls in chat
Patorik: NGL, kinda hoped you'd bump the ceiling and die on that one
CataclysmicReverb: Splat, back to main menu, no continues
salamisuperstar: Oh, this will be the Fall Guys ice game then
itira: LUL
chriswr5: LUL
betweenmyself: remember playing games because they were *fun* instead of them being a convenient distraction from the horrors of the world? riffYeti
itira: *crickets*
tajessa: lrrWOW
maefly2: first try
JeshuaWithAnE: Jokes on them, can’t die there if you can’t get there
CataclysmicReverb: @betweenmyself Ow... oof... my bones
KeytarCat: @betweenmyself I...I don't know
QuaziK_: lower ur volume lol
hackingducks: @betweenmyself and now my back hurts, thanks.
tajessa: hey buddy
ManWithTheMask13: down in the hole
maefly2: ohhh... from the whiteboard
definenull: oh we're almost donezo?
spethycakes: WELL THEN
otakon17: BETRAYAL!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh
shurtal: shadow wizard money gang
PharaohBender27: OH FUCK
hackingducks: it's fall guy with A BOSS
ManWithTheMask13: datteb5NecoArcDance datteb5NecoArcDance datteb5NecoArcDance
NimrodXIV: the song is a banger ngl
Thefluffiestguineapig: The music got really intense
Seth_Erickson: seabatDance
PharaohBender27: braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX
chriswr5: check him pc
jamesinor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months, currently on a 105 month streak!
jamesinor: Watching as the iant enemy jumps at you: "I knew I should have taken that left at Albuquerque
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jamesinor! (Today's storm count: 54)
ButButTheJesus: all my homies love hexagons
itira: hes gaming
circusofkirkus: language frankie
ManWithTheMask13: the dubstep
butt_ghost: skrillex on the fucking 1s and 2s
SnackPak_: so many wubs
ManWithTheMask13: nah turn it up DarkMode
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is one of the few appropriate uses of dubstep in 2024
hackingducks: it's like dub step on someone's shitty stereo
saucemaster5000: ptptppttpptptpt
MacbethSeemsSus: Skrillex is the real final boss
ButButTheJesus: HWAT?
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
josh___something: Dang, the music is STRUGGLIN
betweenmyself: ALL the wubs riffGasp
ArvynEternal: this is some good wub
otakon17: GET DOWN FOR WHAT?!
saucemaster5000: this is what all music sounds like to my 74 year old dad
hackingducks: they've over skrillex'd their speakers
DrLigmaPhD: Strongly judging the music tastes of this murder park...
Blip2004: lol the noob noob screams in the background
tehfewl: Turn down for what?!
letsbelgo: the speakers in the arena are being blown out
josh___something: This sounds so much better when it isn't peaking like hell XD
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I would have been so into this back in high school, and honestly still kind of am...
Mathwyn: Noob noobs!
CataclysmicReverb: Thanks MacbethesSeemsSus, I forgot that name for a sec
ArvynEternal: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa Real
Thefluffiestguineapig: @letsbelgo I mean Frankie may have punched them
otakon17: Noobs
maefly2: noob noob sabotage
tajessa: are the noob noobs breaking the floor too?
hackingducks: still got all these hexes
definenull: time?
tajessa: dab
BusTed: FBtouchdown
QuaziK_: ez Clap
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait
saucemaster5000: ngl that was a kinda cool level
spethycakes: FBtouchdown
TheWriterAleph: FBtouchdown
NotCainNorAbel: seabatClap jlrrDance3 seabatClap
ButButTheJesus: heyooooo
NimrodXIV: FBtouchdown
Thefluffiestguineapig: UUUUHHHHH
tajessa: oh shiiiiii
SnackPak_: o7
BusTed: tqsWow
betweenmyself: riffHurrHurr
ManWithTheMask13: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
letsbelgo: khaosp4Lick FBtouchdown khaosp4Lick FBtouchdown
PharaohBender27: lrrXmasbart ?
Kentosaurus: so beautiful
MrSarkhan: sergeGG sergeGG
DaxStrife: It's rainin' noobs!
Mollylele: FBtouchdown
josh___something: It's raining noob noobs!
otakon17: SO MANY NOOBS
GasCityGaming: saved by the noobs
circusofkirkus: so do we get the $5 mil
spethycakes: betrayed
otakon17: he was noobed
butt_ghost: i s2g if it cuts to credits
ProcyonFlynn: Guess you missed too many collectables for the good-ending MiniK
salamisuperstar: Just hit the grind rail
ButButTheJesus: the cake was a lie?
GasCityGaming: youtube good end?
otakon17: makes sense
saucemaster5000: anyway here's wonderwall
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is the money just a pile of bodies?
butt_ghost: boooooooooooo
definenull: o// ?
butt_ghost: oop
Nigouki: professional streamer finishing right at hour 59
tajessa: ruh roh
DaxStrife: I hate good endings gated by collectibles.
circusofkirkus: we parkour'd so hard
maefly2: this was a triumph... i'm making a note here, huge success
definenull: you're supposed to walk away from the explosion, idiot
ManWithTheMask13: cool guys don't look at explosions
TheWriterAleph: [ john woo intensifies ]
Thefluffiestguineapig: Literally walking away from the explosion
otakon17: YOU LIVED
otakon17: "WHERE'S MA MONEY!?"
Bolas138 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bolas138! (Today's storm count: 55)
butt_ghost: oh it's literally squid game
Tangsm: Did the duck live?
PharaohBender27: katesSus
definenull: squid game? really?
tehfewl: the juke
spethycakes: the squid game money pig
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gib money
butt_ghost: i don't think a bank will let you cash all that
TheWriterAleph: go scrooge mcduck that shi
eXTeeGi: money is bigger in the future
maefly2: all in canadian tire dollars
NotCainNorAbel: $5M Frankie Dollars
butt_ghost: you aint allowed to leave
LittleVesuvius: there is apparently a secret ending
otakon17: In FRANKIE BUCKS
josh___something: Dilt bifferent
tajessa: just dilt bifferent
DrLigmaPhD: duilt bifferent, Frankie
LittleVesuvius: i was curious and checked
ManWithTheMask13: so where's our fucking money
hackingducks: I mean, I won't live there once you give me the millions, dude.
Dreamlettuce: You had mustard! Rich boy.
CataclysmicReverb: It's all in Frankie bux
TheWriterAleph: double or NUTHIN
Thefluffiestguineapig: As sad as this is, it gives you a place to live
tajessa: they do if it's a damn game show, frankie
Kentosaurus: line go up
PhoenixShaman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
PhoenixShaman: Boo spooky graphs
ProcyonFlynn: Bring Back Henry you cowards!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PhoenixShaman! (Today's storm count: 56)
otakon17: >privately streamed
ohjanji: D:
otakon17: oh this was on the DARK WEB
Aidankatz7: hi spoop boys. just checking in to let you know you were my most watched gaming channel on my 2024 YouTube wrapped
Dog_of_Myth: lrrXmasbart
Thefluffiestguineapig: Season 58?? So mahy dead people
tehfewl: time to choose
neisan2112: Now WE'RE Frankie
ohjanji: we did something alright LUL
josh___something: Bruh, this mf lasted 56 seasons without a winner?
spethycakes: bodies bodies bodies
betweenmyself: riffHurrHurr
tajessa: capitalism was the real enemy
frank_the_great: So, Capitalism was the real villain?
otakon17: FIFTY SEVEN!?
TheWriterAleph: let the bodies hit the
DrLigmaPhD: Love Joyhoops
ManWithTheMask13: So just stop buying the shitty cereal
hackingducks: unrealistic cereal prices
ohjanji: i bet the morning crunch chicken is worse
itsr67: DinoDance
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500 - So did we find Frankie?
ButButTheJesus: katesShake
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
otakon17: I want some Morning Crunch
itsr67: that's actually really cute
Stormgod519: lul
thraximore: cute credits
Stormgod519: you can ride it
otakon17: stop jumping towards the center XD
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Marvoleath: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Thefluffiestguineapig: What's next week? You keep picking one stream length games which is fun but boy must get stressful for the list
otakon17: What Lies Beneath is short enough for a single stream
saucemaster5000: hey did you guys find franky yet?
itsr67: FROGS R GONE
PharaohBender27: :D
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE
frank_the_great: Night!
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
yimmu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
betweenmyself: HypeLol
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, yimmu! (Today's storm count: 57)
spethycakes: jesscapO7 Frogs Gone
Stormgod519: RIBBIT!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can we have Adam play the Classrooms?
ButButTheJesus: @saucemaster5000 kates7
DEATHlikescats: HypeLol
15__uwu__02: bye bye frogs
lochnessseammonster: no frogs only trogs seabatTROG
Mollylele: OSFrog
itira: oh nooooo
Riandisa: Now...Where's Waldo?
MrsPancakes1: Goodnight yall!
butt_ghost: PUTT PUTT 2
Aidankatz7: yay we have Adam!
protojman: ooo
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Thefluffiestguineapig: Classrooms!
ManWithTheMask13: SF6 Lobby
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or the pools
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart PoE
lamina5432: have a good holiday
Stormgod519: damn
Kentosaurus: it counts
The_Color_Twelve: That skill tree is terrifying
wiganlass: Lunacid time???
itira: what ever you liiike
patrick_stonecrusher: SKELETON AXE
Nigouki: just PoE the whole damn day
dumbo3k: Let's Nope does contain the letters PoE
15__uwu__02: Grass is Greener on the other Side is a really cool gold horror game
Nigouki: 3hrs is not enough for PoE session
protojman: sick
Marvoleath: !next
rosesmcgee: Play PoE with Nicole and make Ben go to her folks solo
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 01:00 PM PST (16:54 from now).
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Aidankatz7: hell yeah Ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh Ben how are Gus and Remy?
Stormgod519: oooo, everdell!
Stormgod519: that's gonna be fun
Aidankatz7: sleep at 11 on new years
ohjanji: what's so new about years anyway; those have been around forever
eXTeeGi: There's this pretty big horror game called "Silent Hill 2" that came out this year you know. mightve heard of it
aislynn_13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
aislynn_13: Yay! Spook Bois best way to celebrate 32 months
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aislynn_13! (Today's storm count: 58)
Stormgod519: Ben!
TheWriterAleph: keep your stick on the ice
josh___something: HUH
Stormgod519: Gruul Commander fight!!!
dumbo3k: WOO!
Stormgod519: im so psyched
The_Color_Twelve: Ooooo
ButButTheJesus: katesSip
ManWithTheMask13: FBtouchdown BLUE 42
spethycakes: I cannot wait!
Stormgod519: Wait a crapshoot?!?
Stormgod519: Wooooooooo
ButButTheJesus: yep
Aidankatz7: no
lochnessseammonster: no that's why i like this show
Stormgod519: imma be at work when they do it
Tiber727: Not really.
ButButTheJesus: its ART
DEATHlikescats: great for doing chores to
Aidankatz7: when are we getting an Adam and Ben Christmas
NotCainNorAbel subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 77 months, currently on a 77 month streak!
NotCainNorAbel: Thanks for the great year
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NotCainNorAbel! (Today's storm count: 59)
Stormgod519: *90
butt_ghost: the boys are eepy
ManWithTheMask13: LUL
itira: LUL hell yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: Eepy time
Stormgod519: eepy lads
Stormgod519: JaSON!
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
betweenmyself: and everyone was able to rest easy, knowing Frankie had in fact… been found. And not a single chatter got shot by Adam riffYeti
Stormgod519: thank you so much!!!
Stormgod519: da bits da bits da bits!
wiganlass: Thanks for the stream zeroleClapp
BusTed: Maybe he was watching chat and keeping a tally
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ButButTheJesus: u forgor
ohjanji: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
itira: hahahahaaaaaa
ohjanji: so relatable
lamina5432: gnight
Stormgod519: LUL
SnackPak_: now we knoe
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Stormgod519: gnight eepy boys!
SnackPak_: know*
shurtal: Bazornga
itira: a WizARD
lochnessseammonster: night friends!
ManWithTheMask13: MAKE ME
BusTed: tqsSmug
NimrodXIV: pls no burn Ben
TheWriterAleph: huhuh, he said 'hole'
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh that was great
lamina5432: you first
Stormgod519: Ben?!?
The_Color_Twelve: Whizzard
spethycakes: 🥒 🕳️
Stormgod519: aight, gn everyone!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NimrodXIV He won't, he needs Nicole to play POE2 with and it would make them sad
DaFhaye: Have a goodnight all
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good night chat, good stream!
itira: Thanks for the stream! Have a good night everyone!