Juliamon: ooooh yes!!
GreatWahooney: aw yiss
GreatWahooney: what a pleasant surprise
Astra7525: Secret stream! Secret stream! Secret stream!
Chaotically_Random: I heard this game was really spoopy
fastlane250 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Thanks for subscribing, fastlane250! (Today's storm count: 1)
fastlane250: Wait I mean "we get signal lrrSIG"
DoodlestheGreat: Hmmm... Is this a game I should tell my dentist about?
Juliamon: Gods no, unless they're into creepy shit
Gekyouryuu: @doodlesthegreat depends on your dentist
Juliamon: (my hygienist would be totally into it)
Mysticman89: ooo I was wondering when this was gonna get returned to
GreatWahooney: ok now we need to get Beej to finish Fallout and we can enter the new year with a clean slate
sporkraptor: I saw the announcement and was like "okay they usually save these bits for Loading Ready Live but if Ian wants to gargle an entire bottle of mouthwash on-stream"
RockPusher: I dunno if I'd be comfortable with someone who sticks pointy things in my mouth being one of the sickos (affectionate)
DoodlestheGreat: Okay. Forewarned is forearmed. And four-armed is half an octopus.
bisaflau subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bisaflau! (Today's storm count: 2)
Earthenone: is this annother neil ciceraga thing?
sporkraptor: mouthwash nog: NO
RockPusher: Nogwash! Nogwash!
sporkraptor: better than "hogwash" I guess (bacon-flavored mouthwash)
Gekyouryuu: @doodlesthegreat and 2/5 of a squid
RockPusher: sporkraptor but how else will you get Porcine-Fresh Breath?
LoadingReadyRun: cease blease
TheMerricat: Horse Pucky!
LoadingReadyRun: ur hurding me
sporkraptor: @RockPusher look it's illegal to do that to a pig
TheMerricat: @sporkraptor Only in Alabama.
Gekyouryuu: @rockpusher there's that ham flavored gum from the episode of Futurama where fry and bender join the army
TXC2: here we go!
Gekyouryuu: It is mostly bone, though
thebuzzstreams subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
thebuzzstreams: Aaand bonus time!
Thanks for subscribing, thebuzzstreams! (Today's storm count: 3)
RockPusher: sneaky
TXC2: Hello Alex
sporkraptor: hi Alex!
fastlane250: Heldo
Dalrint: Oh man. I'm so excited to see you play this, Alex.
TXC2: !patreon
Gekyouryuu: Febtober!
TXC2: !store
TheAinMAP: Hello
korvys: I heard good things, but I missed the previous stream with this game
Bonus Alex Stream!
niccus: *thumbs up* the vibes are rancid
cheetoJack subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
Thanks for subscribing, cheetoJack! (Today's storm count: 4)
phoenixletmeuseadashd: looks obra dinn inspired except higher rez and color
TheMerricat: Oh! This one!
Astra7525: The UK newspaper The Guardian even had a review about this game
Mysticman89: weird tendrils you were blocked by. You mightve navigated to the other side of them but i dunno where it saved
Dalrint: the horror game warnings are intense in this one. There are a LOT of triggering things.
Decaped: CW: Body Horror for men and women.
so it's a slow Tuesday then?
TXC2: !cw
LRRbot: This game contains, or we have found it to contain, material that may be upsetting to some of our viewers. If that content is a problem for you, it's okay to not watch this stream. Self-care is more important.
public_key_reveal_party: This game is miserable and horrific. 10/10 would recommend
Gekyouryuu: Crew of 5, actually
Juliamon: Crew of 5, possibly 4 depending on how you count Curly
Ba_Dum_Tish: I am still alive. I am very badly burnt.
Mysticman89: at some point curly is more of a passenger rather than crew tho
Dalrint: @Juliamon 4 and a half?
Gekyouryuu: I think they mean if you count the captain as part of the crew
DiscordianTokkan: Is all the blobby stuff emergency foam, or
TXC2: all this form stuff on the walls is fine I'm sure
DoodlestheGreat: @Juliamon Always count Curly. And Shemp!
GreatWahooney: jumpscared by responsibility is such a mood
TXC2: oh good!
Mangledpixel: love that effect
fastlane250: Cannot be perceived
Juliamon: Like I said.... *depending on how you count Curly*
Mysticman89: when I first saw this game I thought it was like foam as in mouthwash froth, but yeah its totally sealant foam
TheDangerWaffle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
TheDangerWaffle: yeehaw
Thanks for subscribing, TheDangerWaffle! (Today's storm count: 5)
Drasvin: Hello
Mangledpixel: actually using the 'hall of mirrors' effect that engines like the Doom engine could cause
TheDangerWaffle: hewwoooo
TXC2: hello Drasvin and TheDangerWaffle welcome
sheriffsign: i only ever had a light idea of what mouthwashing is and i did NOT know it was first person
WetPaperSack subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months, currently on a 132 month streak!
WetPaperSack: That looks like 11 years... wow. Time flies when you're "it's almost 2 years"-ing. Thanks for all the content.
Thanks for subscribing, WetPaperSack! (Today's storm count: 6)
sporkraptor: um... I hate it when that happens
fastlane250: return of ghost honse
CataclysmicReverb: Alcohol will do that
matthaus_c: oh I do need less of those
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 02:00 PM PST (1:06 from now).
sporkraptor: it keeps running over to check how you're doing
TXC2: like Dark matter
sporkraptor: oh yeah I remember that movie
sporkraptor: and it looks dorky XD
Mangledpixel: cool effect for the time, but yeh a little cartoony in hindsight
deworde subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
deworde: Should be ptimesubbinh more, love the shows
Thanks for subscribing, deworde! (Today's storm count: 7)
Nigouki: hello honse
DiscordianTokkan: honse
GreatWahooney: boop that snoot
TheMerricat: Did you know, originally Leslie was a _serious_ actor?
TXC2: the forbidden honse
Nigouki: but...it's forbidden D:
he monster is just a grinning horse head?
sporkraptor: oh it is literally a horse-thing
Mangledpixel: it's a product of its time (there's a bunch of sexist nonsense in it, for example) but it's influential for a reason
TXC2: horse nose = human skull ?
sporkraptor: it's goofy but also pretty dang good
Astra7525: "He's Jimmy... Jimmy Brickfeet"
DigitalSeahorse: honse
Strebenherz: Oh hi!
Mangledpixel: Star Trek and Lost in Space both have a fair amount of Forbidden Planet DNA
Strebenherz: Was W+P cancelled today?
Strebenherz: Ahh okay
DigitalSeahorse: no he's early
Mysticman89: easy to get turned around in this area since it all looks so similar
Strebenherz: How you feeling from last week Alex?
gluonquark: What te is it now there?
matthaus_c: cheeky listerine, as a treat
sporkraptor: and shoot it a lot
Jethrain: oh yay, i was hoping you'd come back to this
Strebenherz: You were king of the world and wanted in seven countries last week
that's my secret, I'm always in bad shape
Rhynerd: going into the garbage with a nice fresh mouth
fastlane250: 'work'
sporkraptor: that was quick
NewtyNewts: Bonus Alex!
KeytarCat: Safe*
RynoLaw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Thanks for subscribing, RynoLaw! (Today's storm count: 8)
vingris_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Thanks for subscribing, vingris_! (Today's storm count: 9)
Mysticman89: Was he just cuddling the bag of sweetner?
Jethrain: "that drink looks sick" for certain definitions of "sick"
Strebenherz: deleted scene? ooh.
Gekyouryuu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
Gekyouryuu: These poor, poor people with no idea what they were in for. ...I of course mean the impending Watch + Play. Also, poor PonEx folks, I guess.
Thanks for subscribing, Gekyouryuu! (Today's storm count: 10)
Gizmoloid: movie is better off without it, but still interesting to see?
Mangledpixel: which Bottom Live were you watching?
DigitalSeahorse: the one in the apartment
TXC2: I like act 2 from Bottom 2, where they're in the prison
Master_Gunner: the one deleted scene I can't understand being removed is the opening up Arnie's head in Terminator 2 (which was added back in the director's cut)
DigitalSeahorse: also some of series
betweenmyself: Leslie Nielsen’s less celebrated filmography includes “Day of the Animals”, a horror movie in which animals run amok and kill humans. Leslie portrays a particularly odious character in the movie.
Mangledpixel: I think that's the one where the recording was in my home town of Southampton (where Adrian Edmondson is also from)
Jethrain: "may we never go to Hell but always be on our way" man that's a line
Mysticman89: non chronological sotries are really easy to mess up and just leave people confused but it manages pretty well
DigitalSeahorse: yeah he says that when he's doing his overacting
sporkraptor: it's a horrible goose!
Astra7525: a swan... for swansea
sporkraptor: @Astra7525 oh, yeah, bingo
KeytarCat: Brave*
CataclysmicReverb: Swan... so it's a cannibal the musical reference?
DigitalSeahorse: "I'm from Southampton!" "You you ever yearnnnn for changee."
oh, apparently it was a bit, he's actually from Bradford
Ba_Dum_Tish: Daisuke has one braincell and it was lost in the crash
DigitalSeahorse: I read slowly in comparison.
DigitalSeahorse: oof
of course it's cold, it's cryo
sporkraptor: damn, Daisuke XD
NewtyNewts: Dude's got a backbone made of spaghetti
Astra7525: jeebus.. and now WE are manipulating daisuke
Strebenherz: fair
Juliamon: It's OK if we do it, because we're the captain
Metric_Furlong: I'm sure nothing bad could happen to him because of this
Ba_Dum_Tish: I saw daisuke in vent
warpstonewarlock: Hello Alex!
NewtyNewts: @Ba_Dum_Tish That's kinda sus
sporkraptor: nah he's fine
TXC2: if nothing else, Daisuke got some arm strength
sporkraptor: probably stubbed his toe or something
Nigouki: oh no, did we make Daisuke into a breaker finder?
or did I guess
Ba_Dum_Tish: I'm sure its fine....
NewtyNewts: What happen? Somebody set up us the bomb of course.
Gizmoloid: sooo... is he gonna come out from the vent like those scientists in Black Mesa?
TXC2: MEANWHILE in the past
Strebenherz: find the pew pews
an_archist2: where are the knives
DigitalSeahorse: anxiety poster?
Nigouki: become the gun
Ba_Dum_Tish: Grab the clipazine
TXC2: interesting to see this place not messed up
nalha_saldana: wait, Alex is playing a working normal game?
sporkraptor: and noooo horse demon
TXC2: "here gunny gunny gunny pspspsp"
Astra7525: I guess it's in the Chekov-compartment
DigitalSeahorse: oh twitch moved the timer to the top of video
NewtyNewts: Huh.
LordManiMani subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LordManiMani! (Today's storm count: 11)
Metric_Furlong: who psych evals the psych evaluator, as the saying goes
CataclysmicReverb: By "emergencies" they mean crew asking for a raise.
NewtyNewts: Hm.
sporkraptor: uh... hm.
Ba_Dum_Tish: Remember disagreements between the crew result in collective punishmen
Ba_Dum_Tish: t
DiscordianTokkan: Gregnant
TheMerricat: As a reminder chat, Jimmy, our normal POV character has been.... abusive towards Anya.
niccus: audible grimace
Ba_Dum_Tish: That damn dead pixel
phoenixletmeuseadashd: out the airlock?
L0rdX33n: I’m late, what are we up to?
Dreadelicious subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Dreadelicious! (Today's storm count: 12)
EvilBadman: @TheMerricat you're telling me a narrative built on suffering has sexual abuse in it. what a shocker.
sporkraptor: yeah, just... yeeting it out into space seems like the best solution at this point
SamsSkunkworks: anya even asked earlier why there were no locks on the sleeping quarters
sporkraptor: *later* that doesn't seem like such a good idea
NewtyNewts: Judgment...
TheMerricat: @L0rdX33n Graham is running late, and Alex got in early so we are finishing off the game we started back in October - Mouthwashing.
fastlane250: God is coming
TXC2: judgment by whom ?
DigitalSeahorse: @L0rdX33n bonus before W&P
L0rdX33n: @themerricat Cool beans
sporkraptor: what what
Strebenherz: *CONCERNS*
niccus: psychological terror (complimentary) before psychological terror (derogatory)
Dreadelicious: May I axe you a question
NewtyNewts: Is this meant to be a sympathy?
Ba_Dum_Tish: Wow the punishment for going against swansea is harsh
Xed_Regulus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Xed_Regulus! (Today's storm count: 13)
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: Mouthwashing
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: what is this, and why are we not Watch+Playing?
TXC2: ThreeTwoOnePantsOff W+P is after this
sporkraptor: we're watching and Alex is playing tbh
TheMerricat: I believe Swansea has realized that idiot boy isn't going to survive and is doing a merciful killing.
phoenixletmeuseadashd: WP is delayed
TheDangerWaffle: @dreadelicious to axe or not to axe.🪓
TheMerricat: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff Graham is running late, and Alex got in early so we are finishing off the game we started back in October - Mouthwashing.
Astra7525: but why
Juliamon: And we're just gonna sit here and let him do that...
sporkraptor: and we just... Homer Simpsoned out of that sceene
TXC2: crikey
CataclysmicReverb: @Astra7525 He didn't make the cut
Papperslappen: Stephanie Sterlings review/essay about Mouthwashing is one of the best pieces of media coming out of the talkaboutvideogameospehere this year
DiscordianTokkan: Lived up to his name
Strebenherz: YOU MISSED
sporkraptor: you missed his heart XD
Juliamon: he Oliver'd it
GasCityGaming: should've gone for the head?
NewtyNewts: You've got a bit of a thing on your nose, let me get it off
Rhynerd: aimed for the brain?
niccus: messy crit
phoenixletmeuseadashd: "lucky"
Wolfstrike_NL: Wash your mouth with this?!
Metric_Furlong: straight up Tyndall'd it
Dreadelicious: He rolled a ten on a hunger die
Oliver'd his face
GreatWahooney: @Metric_Furlong too soon!
Strebenherz: Messy crit! Messy crit!
sporkraptor: "okay you're making this all about me"
Dreadelicious: Alex is gonna be really confused by the NaDtD references lol
TXC2: I glad chat is all on the same page
he was defaced
LordShadner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months, currently on a 130 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, LordShadner! (Today's storm count: 14)
Maybe it was an AXEident
Astra7525: huh
Ba_Dum_Tish: Get the gun
sporkraptor: uuummmmm I would... Not get in the pod with him still running around loose tbh
TXC2: "get in the pod, shinji"
Wolfstrike_NL: Our Crew is Great!
Mangledpixel: always be a baby, never be a gun
sporkraptor: that went... poorly
TheMerricat: @Wolfstrike_NL "Our"
halftrip: hand me the gun…oh, no hands
niccus: no devils here. just people
Strebenherz: the magic of friendship or something
NewtyNewts: So, this is where the hatch went?
sporkraptor: maybe the horse has the code!
sporkraptor: Horse Code
elkae: bet it’s in the cryo pod
matthaus_c: I wish horses were real...
GreatWahooney: I wish I could draw one
DigitalSeahorse: 739
ArcadeEngineer: do you think in the world of mouthwashing horses are extinct
elkae: welp
I still love the conceit that the company decided that blacklights should be what they used for security.
halftrip: it’s just a flesh wound
Strebenherz: GUN
Look at Curly, just goldbricking it here
NewtyNewts: He's awake!
DigitalSeahorse: he thinks it's funny too
sporkraptor: Hi Curly, uh
razorswift subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Thanks for subscribing, razorswift! (Today's storm count: 15)
Strebenherz: For a not-gun person, Why the laugh at the gun Alex?
7gorobei: ghirsoni abides
Mangledpixel: favourite of Togusa from Ghost in the Shell
Strebenherz: ahhh okay
lightfut: Yeah, that's where I remember it from GitS
Strebenherz: Huh, was it arguably a ghost in the shell reference then?
Malkmaven1176 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
Malkmaven1176: Garbage Day!!!
Thanks for subscribing, Malkmaven1176! (Today's storm count: 16)
Strebenherz: at the least, it's very specifically a certain unique kind of gun that's known/seen in certain things
Strebenherz: gotcha gotcha
Strebenherz: YEAAH
Strebenherz: "everything's gonna be okay!"
sporkraptor: nnooooo everything really is not going to be okay
Mangledpixel: it's one of a class of guns that is often turned to when you want firearms in your show/movie to look both contemporary and futuristic, like the FN P90
lightfut: Good Lord, did this get caused by Jimmy in the first place
NewtyNewts: What's that background noise?
DigitalSeahorse: 0 days before crash now
TXC2: calling it now, Jimmy cause the crash
Strebenherz: @Mangledpixel gotcha gotcha
Nigouki: i'm betting on that printout of course correction being needed being very relevant
Nigouki: and drama possibly getting in the way of that
Strebenherz: at the least then i guess, props to them for making it specifically A REAL GUN rather than "some weird mashup"
elkae: Alex said space condoms and I got a Trojan sidebar ad pop up
Mushbie: @Mangledpixel well the P90 is also the bisexual gun
Mangledpixel: Mushbie it can't sit on a chair straight?
Strebenherz: @Mushbie wait what xD
johnalogue: Ah, good. Not late for W+P
TXC2: johnalogue W+P is on after
TheMerricat: Ah good ol'blame everyone else for your shit.
Mushbie: @Mangledpixel it's ambidextrous
Ba_Dum_Tish: Jimmy is still pushing the responsibility onto Curly
Miss_Evilyn: yoho Alex
DigitalSeahorse: have we established that we can't save anyone who died while we were in another viewpoint cause we're not supposed to know what's going to happen in character?
johnalogue: @TXC2 Therefore I am not late!
fastlane250: Whoa
Strebenherz: DUN DUN DUN
TXC2: johnalogue indeed
an_archist2: vtuber face reveal
razorswift: his hair is indeed, curly
sporkraptor: now kiss
Strebenherz: wait is blonde guy here, the one who eventually uhh ends up in *a few* bandages?
Juliamon: yeah
TXC2: Strebenherz yes
razorswift: @Strebenherz ye
Strebenherz: aha
NewtyNewts: Does Jimmy have some sort of mental interference?
Ba_Dum_Tish: Don't worry about it
Astra7525: Also... Curly deliberately steered the ship INTO the asteroid
johnalogue: The title of the game also got me to go brush my teeth which is good
DigitalSeahorse: take care of the mouthwash
TheMerricat: Yep, Jimmy fucked us all
richard_ermen: Ah, Mouthwashing.
Ba_Dum_Tish: So yep it was jimmy at the beginning of the game
DigitalSeahorse: nuuuuuuuuuu
richard_ermen: Jimmy fucked up.
Astra7525: I thought we were CUrly at the beginning?
Astra7525: Explicitly
richard_ermen: We weren'T.
DigitalSeahorse: this again
CataclysmicReverb: Classic Jimmy move
sporkraptor: LOL
fastlane250: dude left behind a lotta sauce
Strebenherz: what would TOP this in a least favorites?
TXC2: such pearly white teeth
GreatWahooney: items? excuse me?
razorswift: curly carried bridal style is definitely something
DigitalSeahorse: time for his birthday
Nigouki: just a little bit disappointed head doesn't bonk on environment
Strebenherz: WHAT THE HELL
Ba_Dum_Tish: Jimmy has gone slightly over the edge
Lysander_salamander: oh heck
NewtyNewts: uhhhhh
DigitalSeahorse: he IS the cake
TXC2: Jimmy what the fuck ?
halftrip: uh
DiscordianTokkan: orz
Ba_Dum_Tish: Its time to FEAST Alex
fastlane250: And now we're off the space rails
Man, that Mouthwash really effed things up
sporkraptor: wooo hoooo happy birfday
Sorator13: Oh heck, it's garbage day!
CataclysmicReverb: Congradulations!
johnalogue: I assume that is the titular beverage
mrMorphius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
mrMorphius: Oh delicious
Strebenherz: When you THINK you've found the bottom of the fucked up pit, AND YOU GET HANDED A SHOVEL
Thanks for subscribing, mrMorphius! (Today's storm count: 17)
NewtyNewts: Here I thought it was gonna be Jimmy putting Curly in the pod... with the only context being the last 30 minutes of gameplay
fastlane250: I understood that ref
TXC2: Anya, played by Shelly Duvall
Lysander_salamander: oh dear
razorswift: even slices
Ba_Dum_Tish: FEAST
Mushbie: remember how you had to saw the cake?
TXC2: Chat look away
GreatWahooney: yum
johnalogue: Imma step out for a sec
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: yeesh
Lysander_salamander: I should play this game
fastlane250: so was he cake on the inside?
TXC2: ok the cutting has stop, for now
richard_ermen: Even at this point, Jimmy cannot but externalize the guilt.
Yeah I think this deserves the let's nope warning of don't feel bad if you uhh need to step out or don't wanna watch
Gekyouryuu: "Is it cake?" Extreme edition
richard_ermen: He could never take responsibility for his fuckups.
razorswift: 'The lowest rung on your ladder is our highest' is such a banger line
richard_ermen: Salvage Crew.....lol.
sporkraptor: It's Just One Of Those Wacky Days!
richard_ermen: Do you really think this is gonna end any other way than them crashing on some unsuspecting colony about 2000 years later?
razorswift: the lethal company team that's running through this will be scarred
Strebenherz: GDI Alex I snorted at that
Lysander_salamander: would be fun if there was a sequel where you are part of a salvage crew trying to figure out what the heck happened
Ba_Dum_Tish: Lets survive Alex.
halftrip: the cake is a lie
Astra7525: Salvage crew, if we'Re lucky. Archaeologists is we're not
rentar42: i think the cake is a leg in this case
@Lysander_salamander visceral clean up crew...
sporkraptor: It's A Trap
sporkraptor: ow
TXC2: !hole
LRRbot: Did somebody mention famous Shia LaBeouf vehicle Holes??
richard_ermen: Oh, this part.
TXC2: as in the movie, Alex
NewtyNewts: Famous Shia LaBeouf delivery mechanism Holes?!
Gizmoloid: He has THREE fresh bodies and he goes and starts with a live one!? What a wasteful guy this Jimmy.
NewtyNewts: @Gizmoloid But the live one's fresh!
richard_ermen: Considering how we basically sent Daisuke to his death...exactly as we were told it would
razorswift: @Gizmoloid the live one is a treat
CataclysmicReverb: Obviously that just means we need to invent a reason for it to be practical
razorswift: the rest is rations
Mangledpixel: I wonder which movie did it first?
Manae: Ventilation lights: cool until you have to be the one to replace a dead one
Nigouki: possibly grim question but is it dangerous to eat meat of a drug overdose victim? depends on the drug? dose? timing?
Mangledpixel it'll be Citizen Kane somehow
richard_ermen: We're also walking back. But back to where?
NewtyNewts: Ah, it's my favourite Antichamber reference
razorswift: walking away from responsibility
rentar42: i thought we'd take it, but walking away backwards from it feels right as well
Astra7525: clever
Gekyouryuu: I saw a couple of great reads on this game. 1) Jimmy is bacteria and Curly is the mouthwash. He was too sweet on Jimmy to deal with him, like the mouthwash had too much sugar to be useful. 2) it's fitting that Curly did nothing to stop Jimmy causing violence and loss of bodily autonomy to Anya, and then after the crash has to suffer violence and loss of bodily autonomy because of Jimmy as well
Jethrain: literally backing away from responsibility, i love it
Nigouki: cuz the menu isn't that great. Alcoholic that was shot, drug overdose, long suffering burn victim, and who knows what exactly happened with Daisuke
GreatWahooney: clever
Bassios: Face god and walk backwards away from responsibility
terribleplan: You didn't take responsibility
Asoxa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Asoxa! (Today's storm count: 18)
Strebenherz: yell at animals, then face god and walk backwards into hell
razorswift: I mean, valid?
NewtyNewts: Ooh, is it Escher time?
razorswift: THUNK
TheMerricat: Maybe vet your 'best friend's mental health before signing him onto your crew 'no questions asked'.
razorswift: bad axe thrower
KeytarCat: "he bounced off the ground..."
fastlane250: Ax-ess Vent
MalFnord: subtle
johnalogue: This isn't my sort of thing but it is damn fascinating
GreatWahooney: big same, @johnalogue
razorswift: mmmmh, gooey vent
Ba_Dum_Tish: This was my horror game of the year.
richard_ermen: I saw this game first time on this stream some time back. Turned the stream off, bought the game and can only say: Thank you Alex for giving this game a broader audience to get to see it.
Knitting_Goblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Knitting_Goblin! (Today's storm count: 19)
Bassios: Yeah this is a game I will straight up NEVER play on my own, but I'll happily watch Alex play it
DaxStrife: yeag
johnalogue: I can learn about this from a distance
NewtyNewts: Yeah, I wouldn't play this kind of game on my own time.
Strebenherz: lower tier graphics? yes. do those graphics work wonderfully and horrifyingly well? yes
Ba_Dum_Tish: A good short curated experience
Metric_Furlong: shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less?
rentar42: i want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and I'm not kidding made be
a_tapes: “I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and I’m not kidding"
Mushbie: "yeag"
richard_ermen: And now, the only bad moment.
LPS_97: Less big games but the quality is superiour throughout type of games
razorswift: games should be made with passion
Gizmoloid: "Analyzing this to get through it." Imagine a victim from Saw doing that and endlessly annoying the villain.
rentar42: that wasn't a zombie! .... yet
razorswift: you ARE the zombie
time for a 360 no scope
Strebenherz: get got
Astra7525: well... his corpse had TWO bullet wounds
richard_ermen: I did not like this part.
CataclysmicReverb: Games would, on average, be more fulfilling, less skinnerboxy
johnalogue: There was some exec at a major game company back in the day who bragged about "taking the fun out of game development." It seems that was not a good long-term strategy.
phoenixletmeuseadashd: superman64 fog go
razorswift: what a novel thought
razorswift: sadly
Nigouki: actual grace of a swan, but with an axe
DaxStrife: Truth
avi_miller: Well we would get more Balatros for one
TXC2: late stage capitalism baby!
Gizmoloid: Is he always approaching from the back?
Ba_Dum_Tish: Honestly I feel like the gameplay segments are the worst part of this game because the story is so good.
richard_ermen: @phoenixletmeuseadashd So, I wonder, which came first. Silent Hill 1 fog or Superman 64 Fog?
johnalogue: The real horror game was the industry we funded along the way
@richard_ermen I mean...
SamsSkunkworks: the fact that AAA is an investment term that is now applied to video games tells you a lot about the motives of AAA developers
Juliamon: yeah nah he's not following any laws
wildpeaks: at this point AAA is a red flag
Ba_Dum_Tish: Its so weird that Balatro is 18+ and things like gatcha is are like pg13 or less
Mushbie: I also doubt Jimmy is actually trained in using a gun
rentar42: i like the ringing
DigitalSeahorse: got him
GasCityGaming: Balatro is 18+ in the UK only or all of Europe?
avi_miller: There are so many great indie games that are free or cost next to nothing to buy.
NewtyNewts: You've hit him twice now
spawnofhastur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months, currently on a 20 month streak!
spawnofhastur: beep
Thanks for subscribing, spawnofhastur! (Today's storm count: 20)
2 stage boss fight
GreatWahooney: woo!
wildpeaks: the second bell of awakening
niccus: i'd like it if balatro was rated lower but i'd love it more if all the other games joined the 18+ clown realm
DigitalSeahorse: pewpew
razorswift: wow swansea
Jethrain: @GasCityGaming PEGI is pan-european
CataclysmicReverb: Yeah. It's because the successful ones have fun-ish games under the gatcha, bit insidious but if they weren't fun, they would only be as bad as the popcap generation like Zuma and Peggle, forgettable timesinks people wouldn't feel compelled to feed
johnalogue: @Ba_Dum_Tish It's their intended audience, for certain.
3 raiders from BrowneePointz have joined!
TXC2: hello Raiders welcome to some horror
wildpeaks: maybe even 80s
Juliamon: Welcome raiders! ALL the content warnings for this game
avi_miller: ^
LPS_97: 70s early 80s
Ba_Dum_Tish: This is a great speech
richard_ermen: Its not Swansea speaking to us, I think. Not literally.
TheMerricat: Yeah this what Jimmy's addled mind wants Swansea to say to him.
razorswift: the psychosis speaking
wildpeaks: do I hear an unreliable narrator
Ba_Dum_Tish: We're going to make it Alex
razorswift: sure jimmy, sure we'll make it
GreatWahooney: who's we?
KeytarCat: We*
NewtyNewts: Wait, it did happen?
BrowneePointz: @Juliamon No worries I gave some folks the heads up. It was an impromptu one anyways cuz my el gato decided it wanted to start lagging like crazy
niccus: and he doesn't even get to get shot in the head
Mushbie: I think the speech actually happened
avi_miller: Hard to say
Gizmoloid: Jimmy is crazy enough to strap a corpse to a chair and shoot it
Mushbie: impossible even
wildpeaks: ohhhh
razorswift: isn't it nice to have a story where we don't know what's the truth and what isn't?
offbeatwitch: GOOD
NewtyNewts: That's pretty creepy
avi_miller: But the uncertainty is the point
Gizmoloid: Hi Curly!
sporkraptor: oh hi
Ba_Dum_Tish: Our unreliable narrator is getting VERY unreliable
TXC2: hard to say how much of any this is happening
Juliamon: Good effect.
GasCityGaming: hello
MalFnord: WOW, okay
razorswift: I mean, obvs except that :'D
Lysander_salamander: that was a surprise
elkae: oh wow clip it
sporkraptor: and watching youuu
narset6691: "if you've never seen the shining....FUCK A DONUT" should be a quote
razorswift: liminal spaces done right
Ba_Dum_Tish: We live here now
razorswift: or rather non-euclidian rooms
richard_ermen: "We're moving inside the bones of a whale and its innards are doors to our soul."
Nigouki: finally easily lickable eyeballs
rentar42: what an (eye)ballsey scene
NewtyNewts: Oh, I know video games. That means these are weak points
wildpeaks: eye was right
MalFnord: o/~ I've got my eye on you o/~
GreatWahooney: hey do we have any specific requirements for the corridor? eh, just eyeball it
razorswift: colon stream
sporkraptor: um
Ba_Dum_Tish: Ah we entered the meat tunnels
sporkraptor: welcome to uvula
DigitalSeahorse: now we're inside the optic nerve
welcome to being 50
NewtyNewts: Is this... the girl now?
richard_ermen: Death Stranding was nice,
wildpeaks: if you ignore the story, ti's great
matthaus_c: Kubrick's movies make you wish the man himself was as good as they are
duckace11: you might be in the bowls of this vessel now.
Mushbie: we inside a thrussy
RoseBitter: when you come into chat and the ad is still up and chat is saying some weeeeeird things
Jethrain: Death Stranding was great and made Low Roar into one of my favourite bands of all time
RoseBitter: makes ya real curious about what they're streaming
fastlane250: Worst fun house ever
NewtyNewts: Guess not. Phew.
razorswift: nom nom nom
Metric_Furlong: 2 Fast 2 STALKER
Nigouki: at least it was the cleaner hole!
TXC2: RoseBitter a horror game
sporkraptor: good time for HORSE
NewtyNewts: Wonder what would have happened if you went backwards there
rentar42: I find it so interesting that the low-resolution, but 3d aesthetic seems to be relevant in current horror games ...
rentar42: (and I don't even play them much)
razorswift: oh hey, valve
richard_ermen: Guess we'll need to align his ...."chakras"?
party time
it's god emperor on his golden throne
DigitalSeahorse: didn't know this was a VALVE game (it's not)
Ba_Dum_Tish: FEAST
wildpeaks: om nom nom
fastlane250: F E A S T
SymphonySolstice: FEAST
10of9: At least it wasn't the other end
wyldantxs: f e a s t
warpstonewarlock: FEAST
NewtyNewts: Long pig, anecdotally
razorswift: should be porky
TheMerricat: long pig
sporkraptor: supposedly
darkpks2: ive heard human flesh is like veal
richard_ermen: "weirdly"
DigitalSeahorse: "Tastes like chicken."
"I think"
razorswift: mix between pork and beef I'd assume
johnalogue: Damn, that's a way to show something indirectly
Mushbie: it should be like pork but sweet like horse
Ba_Dum_Tish: Someday he'll thank me
sporkraptor: bliddlediddlediddle
NewtyNewts: I... do not like this.
TXC2: human meat is like eating a salty shoe
Nigouki: rude
good foley on the mouth noises
richard_ermen: The leg does not go the right way.
ah, I see we're a Survivor Type
DigitalSeahorse: eek
TXC2: it's a puzzle
darkpks2: i love the style of this game
sporkraptor: connect the pipes, wheeeee
Ba_Dum_Tish: A puzzle of flesh you might say
lesbianpunkpyromancer22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, lesbianpunkpyromancer22! (Today's storm count: 21)
this is like those minigame ads you get on youtube
wildpeaks: now people can't say the Bioshock pipe puzzle is the worst
rentar42: maybe turn it after feeding him
Gekyouryuu: Bottom right is the only one it hasn't gone through?
GreatWahooney: infinite leg exploit
Strebenherz: this is a weird episode of magic schoolbus
SpacePotato01: Wait, was this already going? The website said this was supposed to start 7 minutes from now.
wildpeaks: choo choo
wyldantxs: eyyyyy you did it~ you saved Curly
Ba_Dum_Tish: Mmmm me flavour
SpacePotato01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 113 months, currently on a 113 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, SpacePotato01! (Today's storm count: 22)
Strebenherz: Magic school bus was a totally normal show change my mind
sporkraptor: need more leg
wildpeaks: space, the ultimate frontier
SchalaKitty: turning this into a "mini-game" is a great way to enhance the descent into madness and to make it into something where you have to analyze the "action."
Mushbie: @SpacePotato01 this isn't W+P yet
wildpeaks: also cannibalism
TXC2: SpacePotato01 this is a bonus stream, W+P is next
SpacePotato01: ahh
DigitalSeahorse: time for a moon walk
fastlane250: oh he walkin
KV1NN4: Well, I need some mouthwash.... o.<; That was... whew.. this is an effective horror
Strebenherz: well, space mouthwash for starters
Gizmoloid: @SpacePotato01 Graham is late, Alex is early, so we're finishing Mouthwashing before W&P
Ba_Dum_Tish: Wow curly is flaming
TheMerricat: If Space Lion starts playing......
SpacePotato01: My body was not ready for this much toilet.
Jethrain: i was not ready for this to become Jimmyquest
DigitalSeahorse: Adrien Brody
sporkraptor: hello God, it's me, Jimmy
rentar42: I think I've seen this on a pink ffloyd album somewhere
razorswift: spicy cake
NewtyNewts: Adrian Brody
darkpks2: Alex do you know if tolstoyKafkaEvsky is okay?
DigitalSeahorse: Adrian Brody
razorswift: fairly end-ish
richard_ermen: You're almost there.
TheMerricat: You are very close to the ned.
niccus: you're pretty close, yeah
johnalogue: The burned man is different in this version of New Vegas
BusTed: take responsibility
TXC2: I now imagine Curly having the same voice as the man on fire from Fallout new Vegas
razorswift: I can be your hero baby
Strebenherz: firey space mummy jesus
BrowneePointz: You singing the Bowie version or the Moulin Rogue Elephant Love Medley version?
NewtyNewts: Like we used to be?
johnalogue: The man on fire was from Metal Gear Solid V
Jimmy _still_ not taking responsibility.
Gekyouryuu: Alex, now I'm remembering the regular show finale
wildpeaks: "woops I ate you", we all made that blunder
BrowneePointz: Rouge*
wildpeaks: Oh Good
Nigouki: drink that respondibili-tea
Isaac3567: There was an interesting Jimquisition episode about this game a few weeks ago
Gizmoloid: or lips?
wildpeaks: looks like it
offbeatwitch: anyone else up taking responsibility
Jethrain: ALEX.
Strebenherz: ALEX
Saintnex: good ol responsibility
wildpeaks: like we didn't all think it
sporkraptor: take some more responsibility--oh yiiiiikes
NewtyNewts: That... is not good
Strebenherz: well we had unvore, why not unbirthing
rentar42: "yes, we had first content warning, but what about second content warning?!"
GreatWahooney: content warning: yes
Angnor33: There are several orifices, what can you probe today?
Astra7525: Are we hearing a heartbeat?
darkpks2: it lives!
Saintnex: content warning: good god yes
Gizmoloid: what are we even expecting to find?
accountmadeforants: Warning: Content
Strebenherz: oh good it's not just moist, it's twitching.
niccus: with advanced technology we may finally find responsibility
razorswift: honse
richard_ermen: I think you need to be fairly close to actually see it
wildpeaks: it's an eye, isn't it
sporkraptor: horse?
Strebenherz: why WAS it a horse
DigitalSeahorse: honse
DaxStrife: Nah, the horse lobby was yesterday on Talking Simulator.
Juliamon: Congratulations! It's a horse.
wildpeaks: can't draw a horse out of it club
sporkraptor: baby horse
rentar42: it's a dog called responsibility, isn't it?
Ba_Dum_Tish: Alex on can't birth horses club
Saintnex: please don’t draw this horse club
GreatWahooney: you can lead a horse to water but you can't draw it
Strebenherz: what you've never mammogrammed a horse out of a... WHAT
fastlane250: well that was a bit fucked
razorswift: horsipede
sporkraptor: um. worst pinyata ever?
TXC2: nope nope nope nope nope
Metric_Furlong: worst thing you've done in a horror game so far
Ba_Dum_Tish: All clean
SchalaKitty: All clean!
DigitalSeahorse: nopenopenope
warpstonewarlock: W.T.F.
mrMorphius: Oh it's one of Iris of Ether's horses
accountmadeforants: Somehow that initial mouth opening was goofy enough to make me calm down again
NewtyNewts: I hope this hurts?
richard_ermen: Yes
wyldantxs: I hope this hurts
A_Dub888: what up gamers! We all clean for fresh garbage?
wildpeaks: good ol' backlit fans
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
wildpeaks: Oh Good
DigitalSeahorse: 1k backlit fans
TXC2: oh it bacteria
Glad Alex is getting cleaned up for W+P
sporkraptor: hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
wildpeaks: I sense gameplay
richard_ermen: You have to trigger it, before you can avoid it
sporkraptor: it coming to getcha
DigitalSeahorse: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Gekyouryuu: This segment is remember being a pain for some people i saw play it
Strebenherz: god's most majestic creature, the freshly birthed horsipede
SchalaKitty: it's just an amalgamation of your sins!
Bassios: I'm not happy with anything that's happening right now
wildpeaks: I sense it's infinite
GreatWahooney: sometimes it's more important to run from than to
halftrip: you’ll know once you get there
TXC2: Serpentine!
darkpks2: hold w
Papperslappen: You have successfully washed your mouth
NewtyNewts: So, just not allowed to wallow?
darkpks2: love horror games
accountmadeforants: People always assumed horses couldn't figure out their legs because they have too many of them. Turns out it's because they have too few.
Gekyouryuu: Wow you got there
richard_ermen: ID cards
razorswift: id fraud
richard_ermen: Funny how you can put everything a person is into one.
A_Dub888: @darkpks2 are they single?
Saintnex: oh I hate that sound
rentar42: those balatro crossovers are getting weirder every time
darkpks2: lmfao
KeytarCat: I like the sound, but the context makes it baaaad
Strebenherz: Hi Graham!
Ba_Dum_Tish: The end is very near
TXC2: Mooby ?
DigitalSeahorse: RUDE
TXC2: actual voice acting
warpstonewarlock: How exactly, Jimmy?
KeytarCat: I tried my best*
Saintnex: ummm, but did Jimmy actually?
TXC2: unless there's time travel we don't know about, no one is making it Jimmy boy
sporkraptor: nooooooooooo you really can't, Jimmy
richard_ermen: At this point, "I fucked up." is about the lowest step of a very long ladder Jimmy. Too bad it comes this late.
warpstonewarlock: Depends on the moments, Jimmy
Saintnex: I mean, sure, but you keep making more worst moments Jimmy
NewtyNewts: He's still looking, yeah
Ba_Dum_Tish: He has his eye on you
Gekyouryuu: Yes
Juliamon: ah, *now* we pod him?
Saintnex: this poor poor man
sporkraptor: yeah
richard_ermen: Curly is one strong-willed mfer. Sadly.
sporkraptor: no
GreatWahooney: who said anything about fixing
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
it won't NOT fix it
razorswift: that untaring eye
razorswift: *staring
SchalaKitty: He can get some special occasion hands
Strebenherz: you want darth vaders? this is how we get darth vaders
darkpks2: deliver hiom to the furnace
Nap time
sporkraptor: ok you go in the basket now byebye
NewtyNewts: Into the future you go
GreatWahooney: enjoy the next 20 years, Curly
Ba_Dum_Tish: Its chill my dude
warpstonewarlock: suuuureeee
FarleyF: Major CW coming up
NewtyNewts: Together we can fix anything! Which is why I'm abandoning you into the future
sporkraptor: uuummmmmm
i'm not
wyldantxs: ice is good for exposed skin right? Cold temps are good for exposed veins yeah?
Astra7525: Is this the moment we realize this isn't a cryo chamber?
razorswift: 'We'
Saintnex: Jimmy, you STILL haven’t fixed anything
avi_miller: Yeaah, CW ahead
sporkraptor: yeah I think I know what he's going to do
Ba_Dum_Tish: Jimmy did you remember to turn it on?
TXC2: Jimmy you didn't fix shit
SocraticMethod: UT announcement voice: "HEAD SHOT"
sporkraptor: yep
DaxStrife: Suddenly Fallout 4.
DigitalSeahorse: uh
wyldantxs: well BYE jimmy you stinking coward
sporkraptor: oh there we go
GreatWahooney: ALEX
Bassios: We get it, you vape!
terribleplan: JFC, Alex
Jethrain: "goddammit this isn't cryo fluid it's more mouthwash"
darkpks2: good ending
BusTed: gg
razorswift: Clap
wyldantxs: Clap
Bruceski: pina colada mix
NewtyNewts: Ending ended
sporkraptor: daaaaaaamn
avi_miller: What a game
Ba_Dum_Tish: I thought he forgot to turn it on the first time I played this. I WAS SO MAD
sethtriggs: Wow!!
therepoman__: What a game
darkpks2: such a cool vibe
TXC2: what a ride
ArcadeEngineer: @Jethrain cheap cryopod alternative (pickling in alcoho)
Greyah: Visceral uncomfortable. Well done.
razorswift: it's mostly horrifying on the 'capabilities of humanity' level
GasCityGaming: it wasn't just "boo" but chilling
Abavus: Not just cheap jump scares
Jethrain: this is absolutely not a game i could have played but it was a masterpiece
Ba_Dum_Tish: This was well crafted horror
richard_ermen: Very strong three hours.
Astra7525: So.. there were more cryopods, but they were all broken weren't they?
Juliamon: Terror vs Scares
avi_miller: It does such a good job being horrifying more than scary
wildpeaks: this makes me want to replay Cry of Fear
tidehollowcat: You might even play a shitty horror game in the next two hours!
richard_ermen: @wildpeaks wow.
TheMerricat: @Ba_Dum_Tish Yeah, I hate to break it to you but even though he turned it on.... Pony Express is out of business. No one knows we are out here. We stay a popsicle for 20 years till the power runs out then freezer burn and it's all over again.
DigitalSeahorse: to the neighbor's dog
sethtriggs: It is very likely
warpstonewarlock: It was great Loved it I'm probably never gonna play it
Gizmoloid: oh, the contrast will hurt
Metric_Furlong: a shitty horror game? for W+P? that sounds implausible
razorswift: byeeee
NewtyNewts: BRB!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Alex
sethtriggs: I heard some amazing things about this game.
Ba_Dum_Tish: An excellent game that I cannot recommend to people
sporkraptor: whew /salute
Ba_Dum_Tish: @TheMerricat Oh yeah I know. There is no hope here
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
DigitalSeahorse: B R B
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
DigitalSeahorse: wooot ADS!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 02:00 PM PST (10m ago).
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
this ad told me to skip it but we're on twitch lol
accountmadeforants: Hang on, I went to the bathroom and missed the ending? Welp, time for the VOD
DigitalSeahorse: no wait
DigitalSeahorse: it's time for W and P
GreatWahooney: well that was fun
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: consciousness and it wishes it weren't a box
DigitalSeahorse: @accountmadeforants there's another show now though
SymphonySolstice: and now, toilets
we get signal... again!
DigitalSeahorse: in 4 min
snikerony subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Thanks for subscribing, snikerony! (Today's storm count: 23)
sporkraptor: hm.
RockPusher: [Wubbins Intensifies]
razorswift: wub wub
Strebenherz: Mic was not muted for that lil bit yeah
MalFnord: Ahhh I haven't heard a good wub wub in a while
Magnifisquatch: The games are ho ho horrible!
TomfooleryFox: glorious, glorious shite ❤️🔥
TomfooleryFox: Pahahah who are these voices?!
lightfut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
lightfut: Clean mouth, now add trash
@DigitalSeahorse Yeah but I only missed the last few minutes, I somehow assumed I'd either be faster or had more time Anyway, I watched the last little bit I missed already
Thanks for subscribing, lightfut! (Today's storm count: 24)
richard_ermen: What a nice palette cleanser.
LoadingReadyRun: The voices are in the song, btw
sethtriggs: Neat effects on this song
notthepenguins subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
Thanks for subscribing, notthepenguins! (Today's storm count: 25)
DigitalSeahorse: @accountmadeforants ah
Keab42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Keab42: Getting closer to the half year!
Thanks for subscribing, Keab42! (Today's storm count: 26)
Foxmar320: I wonder what kind of grabage G has for us today
Angnor33 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
Angnor33: Garbage Day!
Thanks for subscribing, Angnor33! (Today's storm count: 27)
Flyingdelorion: Big Giant Circles, just as LRR, deserves so much more audience! It's almost criminal!
happy holidays to all!
RockPusher: !bgc
Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here: https://biggiantcircles.bandcamp.com/music
kusinohki: meows
Good timezone chat
Redbassist: Mutt wubbins
sethtriggs: I have the Road Quest OST; it's really awesome
Keab42 pets @kusinohki
@digitalseahorse same to youuuuuuu
*sigh* still miss old one
NewtyNewts: Good luck with the trashening everyone
SachielOne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SachielOne! (Today's storm count: 28)
johnalogue: I better get my coffee now oh god I think I put milk in the cereal
johnalogue: it is surely soup now
Magnifisquatch: and legend has it those poor horses still havent come down
Flyingdelorion: Happy Garbage day everyone!
Foxmar320: Hello Alex and Grahams
Strebenherz: Hello!
TheAinMAP: Hello.
Stoffern subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 135 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Stoffern! (Today's storm count: 29)
Ravage2002 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Ravage2002: Finally watching live!
Thanks for subscribing, Ravage2002! (Today's storm count: 30)
SymphonySolstice: Gyarbage Dyay!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DigitalSeahorse!
Thanks for subscribing, DigitalSeahorse! (Today's storm count: 31)
DaxStrife: Why was G trying to sound like Blofeld?
Oscelot: Happy Garbage Day o/
warpstonewarlock: After a great game, time for garbage!
DigitalSeahorse: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
Redbassist: It's that guy what I saw earlier
MenomeAlice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
MenomeAlice: Simply. Having. A Wonderful Garbage Day.
Thanks for subscribing, MenomeAlice! (Today's storm count: 32)
Flyingdelorion: Hello Graham and Alex!
epsilon_vee: it's not all sawing somebody's leg off
sethtriggs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 36 month streak!
sethtriggs: Woooot garbage day!!!
rentar42: something's going to happen ...
Thanks for subscribing, sethtriggs! (Today's storm count: 33)
Foxmar320: !patreon
Foxmar320: !youtube
lightfut: It is live, so something's gonna happen
SmithKurosaki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
SmithKurosaki: So many month. Hope everyone is good :3
SymphonySolstice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
SymphonySolstice: merry garbagetoilets!
Thanks for subscribing, SmithKurosaki! (Today's storm count: 34)
Thanks for subscribing, SymphonySolstice! (Today's storm count: 35)
rentar42: "friends"? You mean other streams that I view, right?
*leaves comment*
Foxmar320: Push the last one out
uh oh,
Astra7525: The FInal Turd
NewtyNewts: One last yule log
kusinohki: "aplicable comment"
razorswift: the final dump of the yeatr
RockPusher: Cleaning out the old colon ready for the new year
oh no
Wolfstrike_NL: Gotta cleanse those bowels of a years worthy dumb
goombalax: the upper decker
CaptainSpam: Just gotta make that BM *count*, y'know?
methadron86: And i just randomly stumbled into my favorite LRR stream and its the final one for this year. Being from germany my time is always off
TheAwkes: Clear the docket!
Keab42: I hope we're getting a Cam & Ian Christmas and a Boxing Day strim
Foxmar320: Getting backed up is no good
GasCityGaming: "backing up"
razorswift: watch + indigestion
DigitalSeahorse: xD
sethtriggs: LOL
GasCityGaming: "clear it out"
Oscelot: Oooooooooow
wildpeaks: the draino tier
fastlane250: the W+P flush
TheDangerWaffle: nooooo
Kumakaori: XD,. ALEX
Strebenherz: stand as god in the heaves, stand on the toilet, and send a railgun down to earth
Flyingdelorion: Clean that toilet out or someting....
TheDangerWaffle: NOOO
Flyingdelorion: *something
Foxmar320: Good start
phoenixletmeuseadashd: Mystery box of garbage!
rentar42: the rare double-blind watch+play! Yay!
TheWriterAleph: mmm, quality
wildpeaks: must have been a crazy party if you don't even remember it
AlistorKO: it's an adventure for everybody!
Foxmar320: Oh gooood
littleunknownn: This looks amazing
baltimore_667083: c r a z y p a r t y
NewtyNewts: Langunge!
NimrodXIV: SoundVolume
Jethrain: Langunge
SymphonySolstice: langunge
MehallD: Langunge!
Metric_Furlong: Langunge
razorswift: Langunge
GasCityGaming: Langunge!@
CaptainSpam: We'll throw our heads back and shout "Party! Party! Party!".
goombalax: if you eat different colored jerky you might just shit a mosaic naturally
TheWriterAleph: LANGUNGE
wildpeaks: Langunge is win
BrowneePointz: Langunge!? I love ZZ Top!
coronax_cj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Thanks for subscribing, coronax_cj! (Today's storm count: 36)
Foxmar320: LOL
Jethrain: wait WHAT
baltimore_667083: langunge
Gizmoloid: Langunge
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the toliet?
Strebenherz: Amazing
AlistorKO: WAIT
empyreon: WHAT
Lysander_salamander: whyyyy
SymphonySolstice: um
razorswift: TOILET
terribleplan: Toilet?
wildpeaks: 10/10
those images are neat tho
cheetoJack: oh this looks like it'll be delightful.
richard_ermen: Harry Potter and the Statue of Liberty?
DiscordianTokkan: Flying bidet
SocraticMethod: PLay it in the original japanese!
GasCityGaming: Harry Lady Liberty Potter
sethtriggs: Langunge
TheWriterAleph: this is a drop-kick-field-goal of a start
korvys: Hokusai's flying toiler
sethtriggs: is this meeeeeeeeeeemes?
accountmadeforants: Game already perfect
baltimore_667083: @richard_ermen the cancelled installment
sporkraptor: okay that jump is awesome
CataclysmicReverb: Soda Drinker Pro II?
rentar42: 8000 life? What is this, yugioh?
accountmadeforants: Gameplay doesn't even matter anymore
wildpeaks: I bet i'ts a 10yo's first game
Foxmar320: Uhhhhh
TheWriterAleph: oh, an mtga draft
sporkraptor: keyboard drawing, I meant to say
littleunknownn: All the assets were made in MS Paint
Flyingdelorion: Uhhh...
fastlane250: Energy bullet in every slot
baltimore_667083: damag e
DigitalSeahorse: shoot energy bullets?
niccus: is... this... your... card...?
sethtriggs: Those hand-drawn directions remind me of Attack of the Gigant Zombie vs. Unity Chan
A_Dub888: Is this your card?
Keab42: Is this a Lord Hosk production?
AlistorKO: Is this one of those you-gee-ohs?
sethtriggs: A card mechanic?!
DigitalSeahorse: this is a very weird tutorial
korvys: Is this your ability slots or something?
CaptainSpam: Look, I'm with Alex, I'm giving them credit for them using their own texture assets.
razorswift: I think this might be a Chain of Memories-like
Oscelot: Okay this is actually an interesting concept
3cbb: is this the neon white we had at home
Strebenherz: that's... a cute concept
Foxmar320: Thats very complicated
SocraticMethod: Is this what Yu-gi-oh is like?
DigitalSeahorse: this is like homestuck inventories
NewtyNewts: Cooldown timer, I bet
accountmadeforants: Ah, a cool deckbuilder for Wheeler to play next months
AlistorKO: Oh man, they got Drink Drink in that machine?
sethtriggs: Did you pick English?
Astra7525: Gotta set up your duel deck before you can fly
razorswift: it's your wheel, where you select your card
razorswift: this is predestined
korvys: Ok, there is a game here...
Foxmar320: Is This Your Card?
goombalax: face-up attCK MODE
Strebenherz: new cardcaptor sakura dropped
Lysander_salamander: some sort of alchemy?
warpstonewarlock: ok, that is ygo
rentar42: this is the crafting menu!
elkae: did wheeler make a game
razorswift: it's a crafting system?
DigitalSeahorse: yup, homestuck inventory hell
accountmadeforants: This art is fantastic
Oh, deck building game? Is this that Slay the Spire 2 I've keep hearing about?
A_Dub888: and now we're Yugioh I guess
sethtriggs: I appreciate the vision but wow this is the most inscrutable thing
letsbelgo: shout outs to text wrap
terribleplan: This seems like it could be either aware of what it is, or at least made with love
Reecer6: oh i hate this word wrap that is based on characters
rentar42: told you, it's crafting!
TomfooleryFox: I never learned how to play solitaire
NewtyNewts: It's a combiner!
sethtriggs: No, 1 0 seconds
elkae: yeah wheeler def made this game
TheOtherTrevor: You crafted them into something new?
Mangledpixel: you merged them
KeytarCat: Crafting!
Jethrain: i think you crafted that from the other ones?
accountmadeforants: @sethtriggs Honestly, I hope it never starts making sense. Just keep piling on bizarre gameplay mechanics like the very beginning of Homestuck did.
A_Dub888: @elkae So what's our Yaku?
CaptainSpam: Yeah, I'm getting a *purpose* here, which is definitely good, but this seems otherwise WAY out there.
Foxmar320: Slash your O
rentar42: roborosewatta would be proud
razorswift: blip
Foxmar320: Sure
sethtriggs: whaa
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