razorswift: honse
richard_ermen: I think you need to be fairly close to actually see it
wildpeaks: it's an eye, isn't it
sporkraptor: horse?
Strebenherz: why WAS it a horse
DigitalSeahorse: honse
DaxStrife: Nah, the horse lobby was yesterday on Talking Simulator.
Juliamon: Congratulations! It's a horse.
wildpeaks: can't draw a horse out of it club
sporkraptor: baby horse
rentar42: it's a dog called responsibility, isn't it?
Ba_Dum_Tish: Alex on can't birth horses club
Saintnex: please don’t draw this horse club
GreatWahooney: you can lead a horse to water but you can't draw it
Strebenherz: what you've never mammogrammed a horse out of a... WHAT
fastlane250: well that was a bit fucked
razorswift: horsipede
sporkraptor: um. worst pinyata ever?
TXC2: nope nope nope nope nope
Metric_Furlong: worst thing you've done in a horror game so far
Ba_Dum_Tish: All clean
SchalaKitty: All clean!
DigitalSeahorse: nopenopenope
warpstonewarlock: W.T.F.
mrMorphius: Oh it's one of Iris of Ether's horses
accountmadeforants: Somehow that initial mouth opening was goofy enough to make me calm down again
NewtyNewts: I hope this hurts?
richard_ermen: Yes
wyldantxs: I hope this hurts
A_Dub888: what up gamers! We all clean for fresh garbage?
wildpeaks: good ol' backlit fans
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
wildpeaks: Oh Good
DigitalSeahorse: 1k backlit fans
TXC2: oh it bacteria
Glad Alex is getting cleaned up for W+P
sporkraptor: hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
wildpeaks: I sense gameplay
richard_ermen: You have to trigger it, before you can avoid it
sporkraptor: it coming to getcha
DigitalSeahorse: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Gekyouryuu: This segment is remember being a pain for some people i saw play it
Strebenherz: god's most majestic creature, the freshly birthed horsipede
SchalaKitty: it's just an amalgamation of your sins!
Bassios: I'm not happy with anything that's happening right now
wildpeaks: I sense it's infinite
GreatWahooney: sometimes it's more important to run from than to
halftrip: you’ll know once you get there
TXC2: Serpentine!
darkpks2: hold w
Papperslappen: You have successfully washed your mouth
NewtyNewts: So, just not allowed to wallow?
darkpks2: love horror games
accountmadeforants: People always assumed horses couldn't figure out their legs because they have too many of them. Turns out it's because they have too few.
Gekyouryuu: Wow you got there
richard_ermen: ID cards
razorswift: id fraud
richard_ermen: Funny how you can put everything a person is into one.
A_Dub888: @darkpks2 are they single?
Saintnex: oh I hate that sound
rentar42: those balatro crossovers are getting weirder every time
darkpks2: lmfao
KeytarCat: I like the sound, but the context makes it baaaad
Strebenherz: Hi Graham!
Ba_Dum_Tish: The end is very near
TXC2: Mooby ?
DigitalSeahorse: RUDE
TXC2: actual voice acting
warpstonewarlock: How exactly, Jimmy?
KeytarCat: I tried my best*
Saintnex: ummm, but did Jimmy actually?
TXC2: unless there's time travel we don't know about, no one is making it Jimmy boy
sporkraptor: nooooooooooo you really can't, Jimmy
richard_ermen: At this point, "I fucked up." is about the lowest step of a very long ladder Jimmy. Too bad it comes this late.
warpstonewarlock: Depends on the moments, Jimmy
Saintnex: I mean, sure, but you keep making more worst moments Jimmy
NewtyNewts: He's still looking, yeah
Ba_Dum_Tish: He has his eye on you
Gekyouryuu: Yes
Juliamon: ah, *now* we pod him?
Saintnex: this poor poor man
sporkraptor: yeah
richard_ermen: Curly is one strong-willed mfer. Sadly.
sporkraptor: no
GreatWahooney: who said anything about fixing
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
it won't NOT fix it
razorswift: that untaring eye
razorswift: *staring
SchalaKitty: He can get some special occasion hands
Strebenherz: you want darth vaders? this is how we get darth vaders
darkpks2: deliver hiom to the furnace
Nap time
sporkraptor: ok you go in the basket now byebye
NewtyNewts: Into the future you go
GreatWahooney: enjoy the next 20 years, Curly
Ba_Dum_Tish: Its chill my dude
warpstonewarlock: suuuureeee
FarleyF: Major CW coming up
NewtyNewts: Together we can fix anything! Which is why I'm abandoning you into the future
sporkraptor: uuummmmmm
i'm not
wyldantxs: ice is good for exposed skin right? Cold temps are good for exposed veins yeah?
Astra7525: Is this the moment we realize this isn't a cryo chamber?
razorswift: 'We'
Saintnex: Jimmy, you STILL haven’t fixed anything
avi_miller: Yeaah, CW ahead
sporkraptor: yeah I think I know what he's going to do
Ba_Dum_Tish: Jimmy did you remember to turn it on?
TXC2: Jimmy you didn't fix shit
SocraticMethod: UT announcement voice: "HEAD SHOT"
sporkraptor: yep
DaxStrife: Suddenly Fallout 4.
DigitalSeahorse: uh
wyldantxs: well BYE jimmy you stinking coward
sporkraptor: oh there we go
GreatWahooney: ALEX
Bassios: We get it, you vape!
terribleplan: JFC, Alex
Jethrain: "goddammit this isn't cryo fluid it's more mouthwash"
darkpks2: good ending
BusTed: gg
razorswift: Clap
wyldantxs: Clap
Bruceski: pina colada mix
NewtyNewts: Ending ended
sporkraptor: daaaaaaamn
avi_miller: What a game
Ba_Dum_Tish: I thought he forgot to turn it on the first time I played this. I WAS SO MAD
sethtriggs: Wow!!
therepoman__: What a game
darkpks2: such a cool vibe
TXC2: what a ride
ArcadeEngineer: @Jethrain cheap cryopod alternative (pickling in alcoho)
Greyah: Visceral uncomfortable. Well done.
razorswift: it's mostly horrifying on the 'capabilities of humanity' level
GasCityGaming: it wasn't just "boo" but chilling
Abavus: Not just cheap jump scares
Jethrain: this is absolutely not a game i could have played but it was a masterpiece
Ba_Dum_Tish: This was well crafted horror
richard_ermen: Very strong three hours.
Astra7525: So.. there were more cryopods, but they were all broken weren't they?
Juliamon: Terror vs Scares
avi_miller: It does such a good job being horrifying more than scary
wildpeaks: this makes me want to replay Cry of Fear
tidehollowcat: You might even play a shitty horror game in the next two hours!
richard_ermen: @wildpeaks wow.
TheMerricat: @Ba_Dum_Tish Yeah, I hate to break it to you but even though he turned it on.... Pony Express is out of business. No one knows we are out here. We stay a popsicle for 20 years till the power runs out then freezer burn and it's all over again.
DigitalSeahorse: to the neighbor's dog
sethtriggs: It is very likely
warpstonewarlock: It was great Loved it I'm probably never gonna play it
Gizmoloid: oh, the contrast will hurt
Metric_Furlong: a shitty horror game? for W+P? that sounds implausible
razorswift: byeeee
NewtyNewts: BRB!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Alex
sethtriggs: I heard some amazing things about this game.
Ba_Dum_Tish: An excellent game that I cannot recommend to people
sporkraptor: whew /salute
Ba_Dum_Tish: @TheMerricat Oh yeah I know. There is no hope here
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
DigitalSeahorse: B R B
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
DigitalSeahorse: wooot ADS!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 02:00 PM PST (10m ago).
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
this ad told me to skip it but we're on twitch lol
accountmadeforants: Hang on, I went to the bathroom and missed the ending? Welp, time for the VOD
DigitalSeahorse: no wait
DigitalSeahorse: it's time for W and P
GreatWahooney: well that was fun
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: consciousness and it wishes it weren't a box
DigitalSeahorse: @accountmadeforants there's another show now though
SymphonySolstice: and now, toilets
we get signal... again!
DigitalSeahorse: in 4 min
snikerony subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Thanks for subscribing, snikerony! (Today's storm count: 23)
sporkraptor: hm.
RockPusher: [Wubbins Intensifies]
razorswift: wub wub
Strebenherz: Mic was not muted for that lil bit yeah
MalFnord: Ahhh I haven't heard a good wub wub in a while
Magnifisquatch: The games are ho ho horrible!
TomfooleryFox: glorious, glorious shite ❤️🔥
TomfooleryFox: Pahahah who are these voices?!
lightfut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
lightfut: Clean mouth, now add trash
@DigitalSeahorse Yeah but I only missed the last few minutes, I somehow assumed I'd either be faster or had more time Anyway, I watched the last little bit I missed already
Thanks for subscribing, lightfut! (Today's storm count: 24)
richard_ermen: What a nice palette cleanser.
LoadingReadyRun: The voices are in the song, btw
sethtriggs: Neat effects on this song
notthepenguins subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
Thanks for subscribing, notthepenguins! (Today's storm count: 25)
DigitalSeahorse: @accountmadeforants ah
Keab42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Keab42: Getting closer to the half year!
Thanks for subscribing, Keab42! (Today's storm count: 26)
Foxmar320: I wonder what kind of grabage G has for us today
Angnor33 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
Angnor33: Garbage Day!
Thanks for subscribing, Angnor33! (Today's storm count: 27)
Flyingdelorion: Big Giant Circles, just as LRR, deserves so much more audience! It's almost criminal!
happy holidays to all!
RockPusher: !bgc
Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here: https://biggiantcircles.bandcamp.com/music
kusinohki: meows
Good timezone chat
Redbassist: Mutt wubbins
sethtriggs: I have the Road Quest OST; it's really awesome
Keab42 pets @kusinohki
@digitalseahorse same to youuuuuuu
*sigh* still miss old one
NewtyNewts: Good luck with the trashening everyone
SachielOne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SachielOne! (Today's storm count: 28)
johnalogue: I better get my coffee now oh god I think I put milk in the cereal
johnalogue: it is surely soup now
Magnifisquatch: and legend has it those poor horses still havent come down
Flyingdelorion: Happy Garbage day everyone!
Foxmar320: Hello Alex and Grahams
Strebenherz: Hello!
TheAinMAP: Hello.
Stoffern subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 135 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Stoffern! (Today's storm count: 29)
Ravage2002 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Ravage2002: Finally watching live!
Thanks for subscribing, Ravage2002! (Today's storm count: 30)
SymphonySolstice: Gyarbage Dyay!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DigitalSeahorse!
Thanks for subscribing, DigitalSeahorse! (Today's storm count: 31)
DaxStrife: Why was G trying to sound like Blofeld?
Oscelot: Happy Garbage Day o/
warpstonewarlock: After a great game, time for garbage!
DigitalSeahorse: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
Redbassist: It's that guy what I saw earlier
MenomeAlice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
MenomeAlice: Simply. Having. A Wonderful Garbage Day.
Thanks for subscribing, MenomeAlice! (Today's storm count: 32)
Flyingdelorion: Hello Graham and Alex!
epsilon_vee: it's not all sawing somebody's leg off
sethtriggs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 36 month streak!
sethtriggs: Woooot garbage day!!!
rentar42: something's going to happen ...
Thanks for subscribing, sethtriggs! (Today's storm count: 33)
Foxmar320: !patreon
Foxmar320: !youtube
lightfut: It is live, so something's gonna happen
SmithKurosaki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
SmithKurosaki: So many month. Hope everyone is good :3
SymphonySolstice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
SymphonySolstice: merry garbagetoilets!
Thanks for subscribing, SmithKurosaki! (Today's storm count: 34)
Thanks for subscribing, SymphonySolstice! (Today's storm count: 35)
rentar42: "friends"? You mean other streams that I view, right?
*leaves comment*
Foxmar320: Push the last one out
uh oh,
Astra7525: The FInal Turd
NewtyNewts: One last yule log
kusinohki: "aplicable comment"
razorswift: the final dump of the yeatr
RockPusher: Cleaning out the old colon ready for the new year
oh no
Wolfstrike_NL: Gotta cleanse those bowels of a years worthy dumb
goombalax: the upper decker
CaptainSpam: Just gotta make that BM *count*, y'know?
methadron86: And i just randomly stumbled into my favorite LRR stream and its the final one for this year. Being from germany my time is always off
TheAwkes: Clear the docket!
Keab42: I hope we're getting a Cam & Ian Christmas and a Boxing Day strim
Foxmar320: Getting backed up is no good
GasCityGaming: "backing up"
razorswift: watch + indigestion
DigitalSeahorse: xD
sethtriggs: LOL
GasCityGaming: "clear it out"
Oscelot: Oooooooooow
wildpeaks: the draino tier
fastlane250: the W+P flush
TheDangerWaffle: nooooo
Kumakaori: XD,. ALEX
Strebenherz: stand as god in the heaves, stand on the toilet, and send a railgun down to earth
Flyingdelorion: Clean that toilet out or someting....
TheDangerWaffle: NOOO
Flyingdelorion: *something
Foxmar320: Good start
phoenixletmeuseadashd: Mystery box of garbage!
rentar42: the rare double-blind watch+play! Yay!
TheWriterAleph: mmm, quality
wildpeaks: must have been a crazy party if you don't even remember it
AlistorKO: it's an adventure for everybody!
Foxmar320: Oh gooood
littleunknownn: This looks amazing
baltimore_667083: c r a z y p a r t y
NewtyNewts: Langunge!
NimrodXIV: SoundVolume
Jethrain: Langunge
SymphonySolstice: langunge
MehallD: Langunge!
Metric_Furlong: Langunge
razorswift: Langunge
GasCityGaming: Langunge!@
CaptainSpam: We'll throw our heads back and shout "Party! Party! Party!".
goombalax: if you eat different colored jerky you might just shit a mosaic naturally
TheWriterAleph: LANGUNGE
wildpeaks: Langunge is win
BrowneePointz: Langunge!? I love ZZ Top!
coronax_cj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Thanks for subscribing, coronax_cj! (Today's storm count: 36)
Foxmar320: LOL
Jethrain: wait WHAT
baltimore_667083: langunge
Gizmoloid: Langunge
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the toliet?
Strebenherz: Amazing
AlistorKO: WAIT
empyreon: WHAT
Lysander_salamander: whyyyy
SymphonySolstice: um
razorswift: TOILET
terribleplan: Toilet?
wildpeaks: 10/10
those images are neat tho
cheetoJack: oh this looks like it'll be delightful.
richard_ermen: Harry Potter and the Statue of Liberty?
DiscordianTokkan: Flying bidet
SocraticMethod: PLay it in the original japanese!
GasCityGaming: Harry Lady Liberty Potter
sethtriggs: Langunge
TheWriterAleph: this is a drop-kick-field-goal of a start
korvys: Hokusai's flying toiler
sethtriggs: is this meeeeeeeeeeemes?
accountmadeforants: Game already perfect
baltimore_667083: @richard_ermen the cancelled installment
sporkraptor: okay that jump is awesome
CataclysmicReverb: Soda Drinker Pro II?
rentar42: 8000 life? What is this, yugioh?
accountmadeforants: Gameplay doesn't even matter anymore
wildpeaks: I bet i'ts a 10yo's first game
Foxmar320: Uhhhhh
TheWriterAleph: oh, an mtga draft
sporkraptor: keyboard drawing, I meant to say
littleunknownn: All the assets were made in MS Paint
Flyingdelorion: Uhhh...
fastlane250: Energy bullet in every slot
baltimore_667083: damag e
DigitalSeahorse: shoot energy bullets?
niccus: is... this... your... card...?
sethtriggs: Those hand-drawn directions remind me of Attack of the Gigant Zombie vs. Unity Chan
A_Dub888: Is this your card?
Keab42: Is this a Lord Hosk production?
AlistorKO: Is this one of those you-gee-ohs?
sethtriggs: A card mechanic?!
DigitalSeahorse: this is a very weird tutorial
korvys: Is this your ability slots or something?
CaptainSpam: Look, I'm with Alex, I'm giving them credit for them using their own texture assets.
razorswift: I think this might be a Chain of Memories-like
Oscelot: Okay this is actually an interesting concept
3cbb: is this the neon white we had at home
Strebenherz: that's... a cute concept
Foxmar320: Thats very complicated
SocraticMethod: Is this what Yu-gi-oh is like?
DigitalSeahorse: this is like homestuck inventories
NewtyNewts: Cooldown timer, I bet
accountmadeforants: Ah, a cool deckbuilder for Wheeler to play next months
AlistorKO: Oh man, they got Drink Drink in that machine?
sethtriggs: Did you pick English?
Astra7525: Gotta set up your duel deck before you can fly
razorswift: it's your wheel, where you select your card
razorswift: this is predestined
korvys: Ok, there is a game here...
Foxmar320: Is This Your Card?
goombalax: face-up attCK MODE
Strebenherz: new cardcaptor sakura dropped
Lysander_salamander: some sort of alchemy?
warpstonewarlock: ok, that is ygo
rentar42: this is the crafting menu!
elkae: did wheeler make a game
razorswift: it's a crafting system?
DigitalSeahorse: yup, homestuck inventory hell
accountmadeforants: This art is fantastic
Oh, deck building game? Is this that Slay the Spire 2 I've keep hearing about?
A_Dub888: and now we're Yugioh I guess
sethtriggs: I appreciate the vision but wow this is the most inscrutable thing
letsbelgo: shout outs to text wrap
terribleplan: This seems like it could be either aware of what it is, or at least made with love
Reecer6: oh i hate this word wrap that is based on characters
rentar42: told you, it's crafting!
TomfooleryFox: I never learned how to play solitaire
NewtyNewts: It's a combiner!
sethtriggs: No, 1 0 seconds
elkae: yeah wheeler def made this game
TheOtherTrevor: You crafted them into something new?
Mangledpixel: you merged them
KeytarCat: Crafting!
Jethrain: i think you crafted that from the other ones?
accountmadeforants: @sethtriggs Honestly, I hope it never starts making sense. Just keep piling on bizarre gameplay mechanics like the very beginning of Homestuck did.
A_Dub888: @elkae So what's our Yaku?
CaptainSpam: Yeah, I'm getting a *purpose* here, which is definitely good, but this seems otherwise WAY out there.
Foxmar320: Slash your O
rentar42: roborosewatta would be proud
razorswift: blip
Foxmar320: Sure
sethtriggs: whaa
korvys: I am charmed by this
AlistorKO: Yo!
A_Dub888: I've heard of an O face, but an O pponent?
GreatWahooney: Okuyasu was here
Reecer6: frankly, i'm just happy guys are levitating
TheWriterAleph: the translation's a little iffy, but this product seems competent question mark?
Kumakaori: feels a bit like someone's HS/college project.
Redbassist: Reading the card explains the card
Strebenherz: two little imps jumping on the bed
letsbelgo: thats why I am stuck to the ground
CaptainSpam: Yo!
ArcadeEngineer: this is one of the ones where it seems somebody was trying to invent video games independently
Zerragonoss: hey its a rosewata card
Magnifisquatch: NGL if I were levitating I'd be pretty happy too.
sethtriggs: Well alright!
razorswift: gnochi gnochi mushroom
SchalaKitty: I mean, at least the Japanese titles are correct???
TomfooleryFox: yeeeah!
Pazy160: This is a perfect video game, no notes.
duckace11: I think that this game has potential
fastlane250: this game is an instant prison
A_Dub888: Reach for the sky boyy
korvys: Is this a Jojo game
baltimore_667083: plop
Strebenherz: DEAD
baltimore_667083: YOU DEAD
Foxmar320: You Dead
CaptainSpam: U DED
Magnifisquatch: u ded
DiscordianTokkan: You DEAD
fastlane250: into the pit of urine
RockPusher: Mushroom! Mushroom!
baltimore_667083: that's probably gonna be a sticker soon
sethtriggs: You dead
Flyingdelorion: I once had a pill and thought I was levitating....It ended painful....
IronwoodWizard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Thanks for subscribing, IronwoodWizard! (Today's storm count: 37)
GreatWahooney: Nyoki Nyoki Mushroom is my favourite anime
Foxmar320: Best power name EVER
KeytarCat: Lower left on the deck manager says CoolTime
goombalax: Super Bingo has also infected my lexicon permanently
Strebenherz: ROBBED
duckace11: Wait I thought happy levitating guys was in Febuary
what in the MIDI is this music?
SchalaKitty: its levitating, not flying!
TomfooleryFox: YOU DEAD
Keab42: There's definitely something to this
johnalogue: in case I left anyone in suspense, my cereal was fine because it isn't made of corn
sethtriggs: I didn't know that was why cereals got soggy!
arcaneIllumination: aw, I missed most of w+p
TomfooleryFox: That’s it. Work yourself up the nonsensical floating objects.
Foxmar320: Energy Bullet goes in every slot
korvys: Energy Bullet goes in every slot
GreatWahooney: I like that in this card based game the respawn and return to title buttons are also styled as cards
Strebenherz: WHAT
Oscelot: @arcaneIllumination just started actually
johnalogue: what no
Keab42: @arcaneillumination only just started
TheWriterAleph: this is the new FFVII?
SymphonySolstice: I think rebirth came out in february
kusinohki: slay the spire 2 is a lot different than what I expected...
tidehollowcat: I feel like something *might* have been lost in translation somewhere
Foxmar320: Oh great
johnnylongtorso: now you're thinking with portals
Pazy160: That sounds likes an amazing kiss/kiss/curse, you become blind but so does any opponent you hit. Thats a skill card.
fastlane250: Summon Uno Reverse Card
elkae: is this a frog fractions
ArcadeEngineer: surprised these two don't recognise the unity default font by now
sethtriggs: I do not hate the mechanics here
johnalogue: @sethtriggs it's still capable of getting soggy, but oats are an excellent grain and corn isn't
sethtriggs: Ahh gotcha!
Foxmar320: Oh yes please!
GedankenPalast_: Please, yes
duckace11: clean this up. make the wheel automatic make it a rougelike. GOTY contender
johnalogue: The LRR gripes are of good quality though
Diabore: oh are these the chuds mad at ciri?
DiscordianTokkan: Ah, Sad Pissbabies
People upset about video games‽ On the Internet‽
DiscordianTokkan: They need that Crapshot sent to them
johnalogue: Oh, it's not the thing about a girl existing
sethtriggs: @duckace11 I could see several of my friends playing the heck out of this if that were done.
tidehollowcat: The art style on the cards reminds me of the Oingo and Boingo book from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
johnalogue: lmao what
Foxmar320: Oh yeah ive seen that one everywhere
MalFnord: oh god my soul
GasCityGaming: saw that online, TODAY
sethtriggs: wut
A_Dub888: ow that hurt me brain
Diabore: and wukong is.......
Strebenherz: SAY PSYKE
Strebenherz: SAY ?$#!'ING PSYKE
electric_claire: Balatro is just a ripoff of poker.
Yea, 4 of the games could have won, just not black myth wukong, right? That's the one that was never gonna win?
fastlane250: bait used to be believable
BrowneePointz: as yes jsut ripoffs. *looks at ff7r, and the DMC/Soulslike Wukong*
ArcadeEngineer: has somebody done an astrobot edit of that yt thumbnail that calls bb-8 a 'little round cuck bot' yet
johnalogue: Just like how Dwarf Fortress is a Minecraft ripoff, and Fallout 4 is a Minecraft ripoff, and...
Astra7525: goddamn outrage tourists
GedankenPalast_: The ignorance on display
sethtriggs: Hot takes are actually cruise control for cool.
SpacePotato01: Has chatGPT advanced to the point where it is indistinguishable from actual sad people on the internet? Or have those people degraded to the point where they are indistinguishable from a chatbot?
Drasvin: Mario isn't even the first platformer. He's just to most famous
TheMerricat: Fun fact, Mario wasn't even the first platformer.
Magnifisquatch: the idea that the game of the year NEEDS to be "innovative"?! what a yoke
darkpks2: farming mean comments
MalFnord: @SpacePotato01 Yes
Strebenherz: valid point
sethtriggs: Oh yeah like the food wasting videos
@Drasvin jynx.
SymphonySolstice: yeah....yeah
BrowneePointz: I'm a wears my heart on my sleeve person and even if I don't engage I still get a momentary white hot flash of anger before disengaging
thatguysteve2709: I got the game that got snubbed the hardest this year from the game awards "squirrel with a gun"
Foxmar320: Yep
Atomic_Marshmallow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months, currently on a 97 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Atomic_Marshmallow! (Today's storm count: 38)
Gekyouryuu: in my day, we just called that Fox News
Foxmar320: Game looks cool to me
darkpks2: based
TheMerricat: @Gekyouryuu ^
sethtriggs: yea but self-martyrdom feels so good though
Neddy471: @ArcadeEngineer "Little white cuck ball" or at least that's what Hbomberguy's wall o' memes said.
SymphonySolstice: god I wish I could tell my mom that
Foxmar320: Also people mad at Witcher 4 for that as well
Voidhawk42: "aLmoNds are a Legume, and NOBODY CARES"
darkpks2: we still make tweets on "X"
johnalogue: @TheMerricat We stopped calling those "Fox News clones" like we stopped calling FPS games "Doom clones" as mentioned before
Gekyouryuu: lol
RockPusher: "Don't Feed The Trolls" an evergreen mantra
TheDangerWaffle: lmaoooo
korvys: SwiftOnSecurity talked about someone messaging them and actually *asked* her to dunk on them
kristian_fischer: Man I'm glad I'm not on social media anymore. The only good thing Muskrat ever did was make me leave Twitter.
morgoth_bauglyr: suddenly music?
wildpeaks: this surprisingly has gameplay
Foxmar320: Good run
Astra7525: Are the cards single-use?
NewtyNewts: Was that the minecraft fall sound?
Neddy471: Honestly? I think the entire thing is just repackaged misogyny mixed with ragebait - "I am nostalgic for a time when women were deliberately excluded from games, and their contributions to games were actively hidden."
sethtriggs: I wonder if there are in-air physics
Reecer6: vanripper game mention!
L0rdX33n: Chained Together flashback…
BrowneePointz: Anyways chat if you have a ps5 totally pickup Astrobot
A_Dub888: uh ohhhhh, uppieeeeees
BrowneePointz: it's SO good
DaxStrife: Yes! It's great!
sethtriggs: @Neddy471 100% it is
Strebenherz: huh
Rhynerd: i’ve played a but of it!
Gekyouryuu: it's about lesbian ghost girls iirc
Voidhawk42: Oh sick, what was the name again?
avi_miller: It's great
GreatWahooney: oh yeah I played it today, it's dope
DaxStrife: It has a $10 DLC that's just the artbook and a recipe.
Gekyouryuu: Awaria @Voidhawk42
avi_miller: Gay ghost girls
Reecer6: it's a fun short game
BrowneePointz: Oh yea Graham how hard did you pog the fuck off at the Announcement NIN is doing the soundtrack for Intergalactic
avi_miller: And you get to kiss em
methadron86: This game... ignoring how weird it looks... seems to be a competend platformer with interesting mechanics... so... i wouldnt say this game is actually bad. Cant say how good the controls are, but Alex seems to do fine with them.
GreatWahooney: Awaria being Polish for 'malfunction'
accountmadeforants: Oh dang, I need to get that then. Helltaker had a banger OST and I respect the initiative.
Lysander_salamander: oh cool
BrowneePointz: he's officially a part now ye
sporkraptor: ooooo yyeeeee
darkpks2: numetal is cool but imagine if another band did it
razorswift: Yeah Tron: Ares
A_Dub888: there's a new Tron movie!>
Lysander_salamander: wait there's a new tron movie?
A_Dub888: ?
Lysander_salamander: cool
darkpks2: nooi
Foxmar320: LOL
NewtyNewts: @methadron86 I mean, first person platforming is innately tough
johnalogue: Personal vs. business name?
Foxmar320: The timing
morgoth_bauglyr: Robbed
BrowneePointz: it's a label/marketing thing ye
SymphonySolstice: @methadron86 this is one of those games that is like, I'd give this an A if this was handed in as a final project in an intro game dev class
darkpks2: almost you got it this time
GapFiller: this is one of those arcane bits of rights lingo innit
BrowneePointz: can be different labels or types
A_Dub888: Alex, ur fancy
Kumakaori: absolutely scammed xd;;.
Nigouki: new Tron movie sadly is being driven by Jared Leto...
Keab42: Cold take. I enjoyed Tron Legacy.
TheAwkes: Trent's been doing VG soundtracks as Trent for ages, separately from NIN.
avi_miller: Yeah
Marvoleath: so, brand distinction?
Voidhawk42: @methadron86 Yeah, this is a pretty decent demonstration of idea. Just needs a few years of development by someone with graphic design chops
Wicker_Guide: Look, there's yellow and there's yellow. And one is yellow, but one is yellow
korvys: NIN? The guys who made the Quake soundtrack?
Rhynerd: Trent Reznor also helped with Warframe 1999’s ost, unless I’m mistaken.
CataclysmicReverb: Ah like the difference between Pussifer and Tool
Oscelot: Client work vs personal work
LordZarano: Wait NIN is only 2 people?
Bionic Trousers Media presents, vs LoadingReadyRun presents
avi_miller: The two of them have done soundtracks for a bunch of films
Oscelot: @Rhynerd Yep!
LPS_97: Also voiced quake guy
BrowneePointz: It's more like pre-return Blink 182 and Aklaline Trio
MalFnord: The difference between Junkie XL and Tom Holkenborg, kinda
Neddy471: It's branding and/or genre - it tells you what to expect and how to enjoy it.
razorswift: @Rhynerd it did sound like that, though that could've also been combichrist
morgoth_bauglyr: hugh hugh
methadron86: @SymphonySolstice Thats what i mean. It looks functional and it even has interesting ideas for mechanics. This is surprisingly functional.
Foxmar320: Yeah this game is... a game
korvys: No Graham, Neil Cicirega made Mouth Sounds
BrowneePointz: before Tom Delonge came back it was just the Alkaline Trio 3 but it was still Blink 182 cuz of the genre/label
johnalogue: Wait, are the nails sharp fasteners or finger shells?
Neddy471: You know, Trent Reznor: The Guy who wrote that awesome song for Johnny Cash "Hurt."
no no, Mouth Sounds was by Neil Cicierega
DigitalSeahorse: wait, Trent?
CaptainSpam: There's ideas in that game, which is more than we can give most games on this show.
darkpks2: roguelike rythem game
NewtyNewts: You can't tell me what to do
warpstonewarlock: I mean, it definitely is an interesting idea
Wicker_Guide: Don'r you tell me what to do game
I would like a soundtrack made by the joint efforts of Chris Gaines and Sasha Fierce
Foxmar320: I hope it has no music lol
goombalax: that seemed like a final project that got directly ported to the store
TotallyNotaBeholder: FM84 has entered screen
sethtriggs: Uh oh
Nigouki: put BGC in there
DaxStrife: Quick, call Ian, this is his wheelhouse.
darkpks2: that sprint animation!!!
darkpks2: XD
AlistorKO: It's weird, especially for DJs on twitch. You can't play music containing samples from Black Sabbath, but you can play Ozzy Osborn
A_Dub888: Was that one of Nelly's vaporwave backgrounds?
wildpeaks: "Audiosurf but FPS" ?
Foxmar320: Dead silent, perfect
sethtriggs: Do you have to download some streamer-friendly music to dump in that folder?
johnnylongtorso: the two genders: rifle and pistol
A_Dub888: B I G W A R
GreatWahooney: so is BeatleField like Strawberry Fields Forever or something
sethtriggs: Love these clunky texts
johnalogue: Fighting fire with fire.
razorswift: fire = bad
Metric_Furlong: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
gluonquark: Fire is bad
northos: !advice
LRRbot: Don't do what I just did.
fastlane250: Ow, fire indeed hot!
GapFiller: !badadvice
LRRbot: Sleep with the gun!
GasCityGaming: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
warpstonewarlock: Rotschreck
AlistorKO: Fire hot. Fire is indeed hot!
razorswift: Oh it's a skull
Mangledpixel: pewpewpew
methadron86: Fire Hot. Fire Burn... Fire follows?
brucesea subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
brucesea: 81 months! that’s like babies squared!
Redbassist: Fire indeed hot
couchboyj: Beer, beer good. Fire, fire bad.
Thanks for subscribing, brucesea! (Today's storm count: 39)
Gekyouryuu: you have to use psychic powers. "Will at fire!"
SchalaKitty: so do the platforms move based on the music?
GreatWahooney: why is the fire chasing us
Blip2004: what music?
sethtriggs: My life, my life for a UI font other than Arial
Foxmar320: Music?
epsilon_vee: there's music?
Jillexie: I am not a Nobel Prize winning physicist, but in my estimation, shooting fire with a laser won't do much.
couchboyj: The Radi Skull? It will kill you all.
warpstonewarlock: I can hear the music
GreatWahooney: just barely
BusTed: It's there
letsbelgo: its pretty low
korvys: Oh, is this kinda a Devil Daggers thing?
letsbelgo: was*
PigmyWurm: we could, just very quiet
morgoth_bauglyr: EARTH
Oscelot: Yeah, strangely we could hear the pewpews but not the music
arcaneIllumination subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months, currently on a 106 month streak!
arcaneIllumination: garbage day!
Thanks for subscribing, arcaneIllumination! (Today's storm count: 40)
sethtriggs: The music is surprisingly chill for what's happening
TheWriterAleph: @Jillexie i have a theoretical degree in physics
SiegeFeathers: what makes this a beatlefield
Astra7525: Lofi beats to shoot flaming skulls to
darkpks2: quirpline \
TheAwkes: Move over, Morton Koopa. We've got MOLTEN Koopa up in here.
NewtyNewts: The green orb might be health pickups?
johnalogue: @Jillexie Some part of me really, really wants to take this as a challenge.
HorusFive: Hearing the music does not make the experience any more parsable
epsilon_vee: can we defeat the fire with this chillwave
TheWriterAleph: battletoad?!
darkpks2: kermit
sethtriggs: Oh it's a rhythm game
thebuzzstreams: This all makes sense
korvys: Some kind of battle toad?
\ /
Is it a rhytm game?
PigmyWurm: does this game have a purpose?
Gekyouryuu: is this Frog Fractions?
Bassios: Official Froge Game
elkae: ohhh THIS is a frog fractions
sethtriggs: That is an interesting mechanic.
Foxmar320: WOW
darkpks2: WHY
razorswift: UHM
Wolfstrike_NL: oo
TimeToFry: Wow
SymphonySolstice: UH
Creature_Comforts: Um.
Lysander_salamander: why
thebuzzstreams: Excuse me??
Pinwiz11: um
PigmyWurm: excuse me?
morgoth_bauglyr: the F?!?
epsilon_vee: pardon
Oscelot: WOW
GedankenPalast_: UHM
warpstonewarlock: what
offbeatwitch: YEAH?
wildpeaks: Oh Good
Veste: do we have a rifle, if you hit 2?
MehallD: hello highlights
sethtriggs: WHA
goombalax: OK
Strebenherz: WHAT
Voidhawk42: JUMPSCARE
methadron86: Okay... Nope... Nope nope nope
darkpks2: LOL
GedankenPalast_: Okay, sure
SchalaKitty: maybe we're good now
HorusFive: No
empyreon: a WHAT now!?
Flyingdelorion: LOL
niccus: the duality of video gaming
wildpeaks: ah yes, the two genders
DigitalSeahorse: Headswapper and Hitlergun
Astra7525: Does it have swastikas on it?
darkpks2: paintball gun without the pod
SmithKurosaki: I just looked up at my TV from my VST work. What in the bus did I just wander into?
methadron86: So the music controls the plattforms in the level... i mean the idea is nice...
Ravage2002: well that went south fast...
RockPusher: "We" AKA a bunch of nerds
wildpeaks: you and the voice in your head ?
Neddy471: All Emperor's New Groove quotes are good and should be rewarded.
johnalogue: Some rich person wanted to be ready, I suppose.
razorswift: also your hand is clipping into big war
MenomeAlice: Oh fuck, you're playing a Pepe
darkpks2: this feels like a sprite cranberry commercial
Voidhawk42: It comes up in a movie about a load of assassins trying to kill someone in a time loop. One of the assassins had hitlers pistol, because she was insane
sethtriggs: This is an interesting mechanic.
johnalogue: @MenomeAlice wait oh no
Great menu
methadron86: I have to agree with alex. Good basic idea... but it seems like the gunplay is just... not good.
sethtriggs: Load the Road Quest OST in the folder just to see what happens LOL
BrowneePointz: thsi hurts my eyes
eric_christian_berg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
eric_christian_berg: Oooh, a factor of 13.
Thanks for subscribing, eric_christian_berg! (Today's storm count: 41)
wildpeaks: the audio-driven part would have been interesting, but in practice it doesn't seem to do much
BrowneePointz: so much
DigitalSeahorse: escape from haters with hitlergun
sethtriggs: Is that the guy from "Money for Nothing?"
Foxmar320: It said stay under the light
NewtyNewts: It's the white light, not the firelight
Saintnex: oh we need to be under the orb light I think
thebuzzstreams: must keep under orb
KeytarCat: And the yellow isn't the light...
sethtriggs: Woooooooow
johnalogue: There are many sensory inputs and none of them mean anything
methadron86: The last game at least hat sort of a tutorial. Well it had tutorial levels.
Jethrain: it moved away
razorswift: it's moving
GedankenPalast_: it moves?
Foxmar320: I think the light was moving?
gluonquark: Suddenly, you dead
sporkraptor: I mean, the music is pretty good
Foxmar320: This feels like a Destiny raid mechanic
sethtriggs: You don't deserve feedback in your gameplay I guess
Marvoleath: You see Alex, the main cause of dying is death. So try to avoid that.
razorswift: they're very not lit
johnnylongtorso: my haters are not, in fact, my motivators
betweenmyself: @foxmar320 just Crota lamps, yeah
SmithKurosaki: mood @Foxmar320
TheWriterAleph: this whole game is lit
Jethrain: @Foxmar320 ohhhh this is toland, that explains a lot
warpstonewarlock: oh, the light is Toland
AlistorKO: lol
johnalogue: This reminds me of the skeleton gold game if it was the worst
sporkraptor: this seems to have been somebody's attempt to make a game as a vehicle for their music, but the music is *way* better than the game
Foxmar320: @Jethrain Yeah 100% Toland not giving a F about us and peacing out
NewtyNewts: A collectable, I think
DigitalSeahorse: lost the light
sethtriggs: That ball was with the skulls
AlistorKO: Got to stand on the plates in the right oder and trade the orb so you can get to the next DPS phase
korvys: I think the blue stuff is like... XP or something, it comes from dead enemies
KeytarCat: Balls are collectables! Blue is ammo, green is health
phoenixletmeuseadashd: cxurious what the bottom left bars do
korvys: So it's probably good
sethtriggs: Simulacrum!Japan
johnnylongtorso: Ghost of Smurfshima
thebuzzstreams: Were those enemies holding their guns sideways?
johnalogue: Ah right, Atomic 79. This is that if it was the worst.
BlueFingers5 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
BlueFingers5: please sirs, take Bezos's money, he has enough
Thanks for subscribing, BlueFingers5! (Today's storm count: 42)
sethtriggs: A kill-based economy
couchboyj: Contrary to how it sounds, its perfectly healthy to produce Toots while you stop producing Xcretions
Wolfstrike_NL: Lovely Pew sounds
korvys: It's ammo or something
NewtyNewts: It's a magnetized collectable
Jethrain: i think it's a pickup
korvys: I think it's good
MehallD: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! How does taxidermy change the mouthfeel of a dead goose?
accountmadeforants: Hi-Fi Rush does that
sethtriggs: That's why I wanna see what happens with different music
morgoth_bauglyr: maybe the blue is currency=
phoenixletmeuseadashd: it just wants to show you pretty colors of death
Bassios: It might be xp or something
Gekyouryuu: inb4 it's something you aggroed in the first level that's following you
Strebenherz: green hands. are you the duolingo owl?
johnalogue: @couchboyj Make your system decentralized and open source. It's probably healthier than using TwitX
TheMerricat: Deep cut Alex, DEEP cut.
KV1NN4: Hi-Fi Rush is good for 'backgrounds/location reacting tot he music"
korvys: Kinda like Sneak King?
NewtyNewts: Shoot them with your language gun
TheMerricat: Is Bryce even still made?
SkylerRingtail: Today's W+P brought to you by Second Monitor. Second Monitor: Saving you from motion sickness nausea
sethtriggs: That's a wee map
Astra7525: The Duolingo Owl was such a great DB bit
johnalogue: Someone else suggested we may be a meme frog
kakmize subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
Thanks for subscribing, kakmize! (Today's storm count: 43)
Foxmar320: This game sure is
Strebenherz: On that thought, was the identity of the duolingo owl for desert bus ever revealed?
sethtriggs: They're all Scarface
Oscelot: purely based on shape I was guessing it was Meg, but no clue @Strebenherz
Mangledpixel: last version of Bryce was 2010
Foxmar320: This is so bad
TheWanderingNomad: One day I want G and Alex to jump off into the Sub Ocean and find a sign that says "Hi LRRfolk!"
korvys: it refills the blue bar in the bottom right
betweenmyself: “Guardian… Use the Blade Logic to overcome the giant glowing Elvis.”
KeytarCat: Blue is gun charge/ammo
Getter404: Wasn't "the world moves to the beat" like 50% of Hi-Fi Rush
Strebenherz: Fair nuff @Oscelot
DoodlestheGreat: Honestly, if I was ever to build a game, I'd deliberately include a way to the sub-ocean and even have signs pointing it out.
Oscelot: @TheWanderingNomad XD
Gizmoloid: Shangri-The? Did they try translating Shangri La from French?
Jethrain: the number in the topright went down from 112 to 111 when you got a kill just then
ArcadeEngineer: this is like a quarter of being a game
NewtyNewts: Hooper Shot
GasCityGaming: or farcry blood dragon
Strebenherz: certainly AN experience
lirazel64: Watch + Play, where we ask the *deep* questions.
TheAwkes: 110 sloppy deltas
sethtriggs: They put this back in the oven and work on it I bet a few of my friends would play this
Oscelot: Oh yeah, any plans for a DB gamejam play, G?
DaxStrife: "It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years."
matthaus_c: Multi Level Monastery
DiscordianTokkan: Oh, number went down
Jethrain: yeah that in the topright looks like the target number of kills...
darkpks2: Thanks for the stream fellas, this is a good time
DiscordianTokkan: So that might be the number of targets left
NewtyNewts: Buddha-let time
BrowneePointz: Buddhullet time
HorusFive: If you see Budda on the road- kill 108 more guys to progress
razorswift: the guys are holding the gun street style good lord
Getter404: Buddha has truly mastered Orb Walking
Twilight_Spark: That sounds not totally antithetical to the entire concept.
an_archist2: to achieve the first level of nirvana, you must collect 20 bear asses
BrowneePointz: already have one
BrowneePointz: it's called Undertale
NewtyNewts: Don't forget RNGesus
Astra7525: eheheh
JeshuaWithAnE: Helix fossil
matthaus_c: qanon is not far from that
darkpks2: id say we do with chthulu or the giant spaghetti monster
Foxmar320: Fortnite might become a religion and that scares me
NimrodXIV: don't
sethtriggs: Uh oh
johnalogue: That physically harmed Alex
3cbb: roko's basilisk as a vidyagame npc
korvys: it refills the blue bar in the bottom right
methadron86: That... well that bussing scared me for a moment.
Oscelot: Yeah, let's not put that into the world x.x
HorusFive: Instant reaction
lirazel64: Clear your levels, Alex.
sethtriggs: What would be the video game equivalent of an asbestos ship?
darkpks2: nintando is a religion for some
Twilight_Spark: Or it's just their souls flying away.
Unas84: does it restore shields?
DigitalSeahorse: when virtual reality becomes so real you can't tell it from reality
matthaus_c: this is the most my eyes have screamed at me to stop since playing Antichamber
accountmadeforants: Okay, but what genre of video game would their holy... text? Video game? Be
kakmize: was that gun called hitler?
Oscelot: But I'll say, I don't think there have been any major religions from books, besides a few one off worshippers. So I'm not sure we'll have much trouble with it from games
CataclysmicReverb: @accountmadeforants Python
SquareDotCube: holo sight, more like hollow sight
SiegeFeathers: gets the headswaper - can't swape a single head with it
(from fiction books. I see you pushing your glasses up chat
betweenmyself: Karnov’s aplenty
ArcadeEngineer: i love how thoroughly default unity the weapon buy screen is
lofilorax: what a bizarre game
johnalogue: I think a cult centered on a single form of media would be limiting itself. More likely that religions would use games in said scary ways
sethtriggs: Is the Blue Ball your Clipozine?
@Oscelot even if anyone um actuallied you, pretty sure belief in God is older than the Bible
Oscelot: @matthaus_c Yep.
Marvoleath: "your shooting has resurrected 5 ppl, congratulations"
Redbassist: Is this a combination of the other levels?
Mangledpixel: every time you die you resurrect 9 people
TheMerricat: Don't kill Buddha, it's bad karma
matthaus_c: taintshot taintshot taintshot
sethtriggs: Oooh you got grape stomped
Foxmar320: That was.. yeah
fastlane250: That certainly was
Redbassist: Super taint
sethtriggs: Do you have E.T. feet there? Whaa
Wicker_Guide: surprisingly little music in that game. or taste
CataclysmicReverb: steam cloud errors can do that
DoodlestheGreat: Maybe on a different account?
MalFnord: Maybe it crashed Steam?
Oscelot: Ok, I promised Kolin I'd go to his stream at 3, so I'll talk to you lovely folks later. Have fun o/
BlueFingers5: maybe it got relisted?
DigitalSeahorse: is it on the LRR account?
NewtyNewts: Iiiiit's Multiplayer?
fuzzy_died subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months, currently on a 93 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, fuzzy_died! (Today's storm count: 44)
Orxolon: good afternoon everybody
sethtriggs: Oh it might've been impossible to play
Iluvatardis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 9 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Iluvatardis! (Today's storm count: 45)
Foxmar320: Oh wow
TheWriterAleph: WHAT THU
Gizmoloid: handsome!
sethtriggs: NOOOO
DiscordianTokkan: Wario mustache
GreatWahooney: hon hon hon
Juliamon: I think we would have remembered this
matthaus_c: OwO'd so hard he turned french
warpstonewarlock: I don't remember this
AlistorKO: a mouthstach
Astra7525: The Sea of THieves we have at home
DigitalSeahorse: severly Franch
TheDigitalDeer: The very model of a modern major admiral
Wolfstrike_NL: Qui Wee
KeytarCat: P???
sethtriggs: He looks like a cursed Playmobil figure
Kipstar: ensitivity
johnalogue: "don't sync" is a weird way to phrase that setting
NewtyNewts: These are... BAD keyboard controls
Foxmar320: I don't have this on my spreadsheet
Wicker_Guide: Oh Mr. Norrington, what intense expressions you have
GreatWahooney: what Sea of Thieves mod is this
DoodlestheGreat: That moustache is very FRAUNCH. Which is like French, but even more so.
Nigouki: abandon ship!
johnnylongtorso: ant juice?
sethtriggs: I remember this UI!
thebuzzstreams: this game has everything!
epsilon_vee: grog by the gram?
Twilight_Spark: Why is grof more expensive?
Redbassist: Look it not perfect system
Twilight_Spark: Yeah exactly.
Invitare: water is expensive
Veste: _pure grog_
CaptainSpam: It's expensive water.
BigDaddyBland87: water is very valuable
NewtyNewts: Think that's gold not grams
A_Dub888: THAT'S were the rum'd gone?
brainiac4: Maybe water is really expensive
TomfooleryFox: where’s that scene of Captain Norringron where it’s all exposing around him
AlistorKO: microdosing rum
Keab42: Sea of Colonialism
Nigouki: dry grog - just add sea water
accountmadeforants: Yeah, maybe it hasn't rained in a while so all they have is saltwater
WizardOfDocs: rum AND grog? in this economy?
sethtriggs: LOL love how your visibility is clipped by the ship
gnyrinn: Oh that reminds me. Today's rum advent calendar!
matthaus_c: Grog the Caveman does not invent anything, but causes many breakthroughs
Saintnex: I guess the lime and fresh water is real expensive lol
Fuzzra: Ah, but it's a very specific ratio of rum to water . . .
Keab42: I've definitely seen that cliff texture before
sethtriggs: LOL the geometry is actually like the fake Alex in the W+P intro.
GreatWahooney: if not friend, why friend shaped?
Foxmar320: Great shot
accountmadeforants: I vote for Ant and Dog
DigitalSeahorse: dog and dant
MDK_Marshal: Music not provided, please insert your own
A_Dub888: "can you draw a gun?" I mean not well, but give me a piece of 8.5 * 11 and I'll give it a shot
darkpks2: nice ragdoll
CataclysmicReverb: Of note, It's not a spider
sethtriggs: I'm surprised there isn't a head spider too
GasCityGaming: he just tried to steam that dog!
ArcadeEngineer: an ant the size of a small dog and a dog the size of a medium sized dog
Foxmar320: No dicks allowed I guess
TomfooleryFox: no he doesn’t exist anymore
elkae: better check the ant faucet
Foxmar320: LOL
morgoth_bauglyr: ded
NewtyNewts: That's some minor fall damage
Strebenherz: Dead
sethtriggs: -200 ahaahah
NimrodXIV: glass ankles
ElektroTal: ah yes, that famous revolutionary war battle, the redcoats vs the dick eating dogs
Grog by the Graham , a pop up high seas themed bar coming soon
johnnylongtorso: Dark Souls 2 fall damage
niccus: this is an accurate portrayal of british troops
Keab42: This game has Edge of the Empire fall damage
fastlane250: olume
TomfooleryFox: oh wow what a tragic death
DigitalSeahorse: olume
ElektroTal: i would like to buy 2 grams of rum, please.
Redbassist: Patang
thebuzzstreams: oooh, old sword
sethtriggs: So what does the EXP do?
TomfooleryFox: Maxx out on grog
tidehollowcat: What a great sound to be the first sound effect heard
MDK_Marshal: Intuitive!
A_Dub888: @ElektroTal Got it, Graham, how much rum can fit in you?
sethtriggs: Looks like you need to invoice this dev for QA LOL
johnnylongtorso: we Bloodborning now
LiminalGoose subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
sethtriggs: That uniform must have great motion when wet
Thanks for subscribing, LiminalGoose! (Today's storm count: 46)
Redbassist: Keeps the gunpowder moist
DigitalSeahorse: gant
thebuzzstreams: oh that looks floaty
DigitalSeahorse: GANT!
TheMerricat: Did you reload.
Foxmar320: I can't wait for the 10 hour reload time
accountmadeforants: Many games would be improved by the inexplicable presence of giant ants
A_Dub888: @Foxmar320 maybe that's were the most of the animation went to
eff_the_bard: a well-trained soldier could fire about 4 musket shots a minute
johnnylongtorso: @accountmadeforants It Came From the Beach
TheDigitalDeer: Weirdest EDF mod I've seen in a while
Redbassist: F1? I hardly know 1
@A_Dub888 Imagine having to do a mini game after every shot
eff_the_bard: though most armies would settle for 3 a minute
raulghoulia: this looks like one of the games from Reboot
sethtriggs: I call into question the tactical position of this party
Veste: must not be the rank of captain yet, alas
matthaus_c: weren't you delighted to encounter sudden Giant Ants in Elden Ring
sporkraptor: the "footsteps" sound make a cute little beat
sarsum33: F3 is fier
TheMerricat: @eff_the_bard But only if they are led by Sean Bean.
sethtriggs: Imagine chatting in this game
SquareDotCube: oh, v is view change
NewtyNewts: 30 EXP
morgoth_bauglyr: pffffft
DigitalSeahorse: boop
MDK_Marshal: The good old pneumatic musket
TomfooleryFox: yes?
GasCityGaming: yes!
accountmadeforants: Honestly, solid musket for original assets and animations
offbeatwitch: 45 xp
eff_the_bard: @TheMerricat but can yeh stand
Mangledpixel: BLAM
NimrodXIV: what range
NewtyNewts: Sniper flintlock
Nigouki: finally a game that lets you do a colonialism!
BigDaddyBland87: sniper musket
Skye_Stryke: Famously accurate weapon
sethtriggs: That's pretty impressive to make a broken musket
MDK_Marshal: sniffer moosle
matthaus_c: Sniper Musket would be a MGS boss
Mangledpixel: bet you it's hitting that tree
GetColor: @Nigouki oh I get it cause Ants live in colonies
thatguysteve2709: I mean it's why the navy was so impactful in the 1400's they had water proof but scan muskets
Strebenherz: Big RuneScape energy
johnnylongtorso: you sunk my battleant
sethtriggs: Is the game modeling gravity?
NewtyNewts: Sneeper mousquet
thatguysteve2709: Hit
sethtriggs: @GetColor Ahahahaha
GasCityGaming: to be fair spiders are famously more bullet resistant
devilcultivator: kinda just salt-bae-s to reload his musket
Nigouki: touching mustache is actually ripping open the paper powder charge
ArcadeEngineer: 'inexplicable day/night cycle' classic bad game bingo square
fastlane250: Soon you'll be back to positive XP
Foxmar320: Rock is best rock
Redbassist: He's taking the stopper out of the powder bag I guess
epsilon_vee: i kind of respect that somebody made these cornball oc low poly character models and did a loading animation
NimrodXIV: ooo
Nigouki: ot
Foxmar320: Ohhhh
sporkraptor: awww XD
DigitalSeahorse: Wetta?
Redbassist: Oh right
KV1NN4: crickets
Nigouki: Weta's workshop logo
sethtriggs: Oh wow!
BrowneePointz: yea they are massive!
morgoth_bauglyr: WETA from the studios
DeM0nFiRe: Those things are nightmare fuel
RockPusher: I was going to say I assume it was a Wēta
johnalogue: Chitinous rats
korvys: hmmm
BrowneePointz: they're as wise as your palm
TheWanderingNomad: I was just about to ask that
RockPusher: *Wētā
GetColor: just googled, that's AWFUL
MalFnord: Surprise weta is definitely on my Do Not Want list
BrowneePointz: wide*
Orxolon: @GetColor omg i did that too
TheWanderingNomad: This *THING*
GreatWahooney: oh dang that sure is a critter
korvys: Graham, here's one eating a carrot
burn it all
niccus: they look like hell but they're also pretty much harmless
sethtriggs: Somebody failed at agricultural checkpoint on the plane
BigDaddyBland87: @korvys Nope!
Veste: waeuuu
DigitalSeahorse: yikes
CataclysmicReverb: raur
morgoth_bauglyr: oh that was the DOG sound
Orxolon: i would scream while running
InconsiderateHat: Oh god ... That happened to me in Honduras with a whipscorpion
sethtriggs: Harmless at least
TheWanderingNomad: That would make an awesome Kamen Rider
Wiliart subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Wiliart: Play and Watch.
DeM0nFiRe: If you haven't seen one, don't
Thanks for subscribing, Wiliart! (Today's storm count: 47)
devilcultivator: don't it's awful
fastlane250: I will not
NewtyNewts: I hate that I have image preview now
matthaus_c: grasshopper by way of bunny
niccus: they don't obey coconut crab's scaling
sporkraptor: I once accidentally maced myself in San Fransisco. magical city
RockPusher: I prefer surprise Wētā over surprise spider
TheAwkes: Rat sized crickets.
GapFiller: okay yeh just looked em up yes theyre HUGE
Redbassist: Big friend
Drakas: weta is the name of the town weta work show is in
Orxolon: this Weta seem like a X com unit
sporkraptor: actually it was probably a Jerusalem cricket
thatguysteve2709: That is a it owns the house now just burn it down
TheAwkes: I think those noises are the dog.
morgoth_bauglyr: the dog is making the noises
Wicker_Guide: they are also even more harmless than your average giant bug
emberBecky: that is a nightmare creature, like I think i've actually had a nightmare with that creature in it
DigitalSeahorse: nice
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh great -exp
devilcultivator: dog is an unaligned king
DeM0nFiRe: Wowee waow
Foxmar320: Dog messed those guys up
Redbassist: 🤣
GasCityGaming: dog OP
razorswift: rawr
Kipstar: dog wins!
sethtriggs: Cujo is in god mode
matthaus_c: I suddenly have a great idea for the best form of my next Vampire
DaxStrife: Can you play the dog? It seems much more capable.
Natural_Ones_Only: ruh roh
Juliamon: It's kinda adorable
razorswift: IT IS THE LION
SquareDotCube: How about the enormous katydid that sounds like a machine gun when they flap their wings
sporkraptor: Jerusalem cricket/potato beetles are native to the West coast
razorswift: Oh god
GetColor: Maybe it's a dog modelled by a dog
TheDevil_Risen: Herrrooo
elkae: omg im dying
DigitalSeahorse: rawrar
sporkraptor: and they look like big weird bloated flightless ant/crickets
sethtriggs: Maybe it is intended to be a foo lion!
Redbassist: That's a wise dog
gnyrinn: Hey! Don´t disparage Can't Draw Dogs Club.
warpstonewarlock: a dog as drawn by medieval artist
DigitalSeahorse: Win rararar
korvys: Weta: "A grasshopper the size of a gerbil"
devilcultivator: who are you in debt to the blue guys?
Gizmoloid: I'd say they've seen a dog, but it's been A WHILE
A_Dub888: @korvys where's my blowtorch?!?!?!?
fastlane250: Just slamming through these
TheDevil_Risen: Have you guys done Blood West?
Tuples subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Tuples! (Today's storm count: 48)
A_Dub888: Weta aka Wet-AHHHHHHHHHHH
Nigouki: it loading ready run spaced or not? :V
RockPusher: Note: wētā is the insect, weta is literally shit
Kipstar: what if the gameplay isn't apparent from playing the game?
TheDevil_Risen: ooo FUN!
phoenixletmeuseadashd: uhoh
RockPusher: Two?
TheDevil_Risen: ^
FarleyF: ohh i've seen this anime
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh no
methadron86: @TheDevil_Risen I actually played throug Blood West. Its actually a fun stealth shooter in my opinion.
BigDaddyBland87: it's a sequel so it must be good
thebuzzstreams: ooooh nooooo
johnalogue: Oh I know this one
sethtriggs: This could go either way
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I think I have seen this
phoenixletmeuseadashd: or 1
fastlane250: oh no cheesecakedev
Nigouki: first one got shut down by Blizzard sending C&D about Starcraft
MDK_Marshal: Booth Disinfectant Simulator?
Reecer6: oh, the first one was a popular streamer game
HorusFive: Hope I can keep track of the plot without seeing the first one
Mazrae: how bad was the first one that someone had to make a 2
Diabore: that is not the font i was expecting
FarleyF: it means Vin Diesel is in the game
AlistorKO: Oh yesss
@methadron86 oh cool i got a extra discount on GoG, might pick it up then!
Laserbeaks_Fury: You have a family you have to feed everyday, kinda like Papers Please
GasCityGaming: It means ohana
matthaus_c: Nikaido's Internet Café
Ravage2002: that's actually a good game
DigitalSeahorse: oh this is where you load an image half way and you're time is already up because it's dial up cafe
sporkraptor: @Diabore yeah that's a zombie fighter font XD
matthaus_c: that's what we call Customer Service
Foxmar320: LOL
morgoth_bauglyr: what
accountmadeforants: Oh, maybe this is the Family toggle
richard_ermen: "Make Child".
sethtriggs: "They're not boring and long." "I Don't believe you"
TheDevil_Risen: MAKE CHILD!@
NewtyNewts: Construct offspring
MDK_Marshal: Speedrun strats here lmao
BigDaddyBland87: THE HELL!!!!
NimrodXIV: you did set family to on
baltimore_667083: MAKE CHILD
littleunknownn: UH
SiegeFeathers: forge infant
sethtriggs: LEWD
Wicker_Guide: you know, at the workshoip
DigitalSeahorse: Make Child
MDK_Marshal: Baby%
sporkraptor: ouch I almost snorted cashews out my nose
Twilight_Spark: Good start
A_Dub888: It's that easy?
TheDevil_Risen: hang on... take money???
HorusFive: Bold first action
niccus: make child! lower your kda!
korvys: Craft Baby
Redbassist: Metal child
thebuzzstreams: Family
an_archist2: craft infant
DaxStrife: This person has never encountered a real woman.
DigitalSeahorse: Send Job
Greyah: Is that not how it works?
FarleyF: Fuck Reality strikes again
betweenmyself: the Wifing shall continue until morale improves
Iluvatardis: so THAT'S what the Family setting does!
hatboozeparty: Its a living....
Gizmoloid: craft a baby
ElektroTal: i'm not sure this is age appropriat
methadron86: @TheDevil_Risen It has a lot of horror elements and you need to play it smart. But you can have a lot of fun with that, in my opinion.
KV1NN4: her morale is too low XD
Wolfstrike_NL: Today has some wild choices
ElektroTal: lol
Laserbeaks_Fury: You can send wife to job
The new Indiana Jones game has some features I haven't seen in the reviews
Jillexie: wow
johnalogue: Spawn 1 offspring
Lysander_salamander: I get the feeling that this isn't about internet cafes
Orxolon: ooohhh this is gonna be goood
Kipstar: I keep pressing my wife's "make child" button and nothing happens?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: Task: GET OUT
Azralorne: OOOOH it's *this* game
Mazrae: i dont this that is TOS friendly
accountmadeforants: You can either Upgrade Your Furniture or Make Child, as one does
sethtriggs: Take money?!
thatguysteve2709: I mean I do not like either of those options
DigitalSeahorse: it is wise to make money before making the child generally
A_Dub888: @ElektroTal What age WOULD be appropriate?
AlistorKO: construct child
ArcadeEngineer: why is your home a shisha bar?
lightfut: Very specific architecture style there
phoenixletmeuseadashd: open the doooor
ElektroTal: @A_Dub888 the age of aquarius
accountmadeforants: Turkey or Morocco maybe?
sethtriggs: This is a GREAT place for me to get my Internet on
RatherLargeToad: 3!
richard_ermen: This feels very racist by the look of it
Nigouki: judging by decor, middle east or middle asia
Astra7525: THis looks more like it is set in... Iran?
Marvoleath: no money, no food, bed is barely there, but the hookah is full
CaptainSpam: A paternoster, you mean?
korvys: The decor suggests somewhere arabic?
MDK_Marshal: At least the elevator has an e-stop
Wicker_Guide: somewhere in the caucusus region
Redbassist: Wuh
sethtriggs: Helps to have a map!
Foxmar320: We have im positive
DeM0nFiRe: This does look very familiar yeah
terribleplan: I know this map
phoenixletmeuseadashd: kay
arkham1981 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months, currently on a 42 month streak!
arkham1981: was that cobra commander?
Thanks for subscribing, arkham1981! (Today's storm count: 49)
MDK_Marshal: The tellitubbies really let themselves go, eh?
DigitalSeahorse: unicorn onesie
korvys: *sigh*
Lysander_salamander: why
TheDevil_Risen: Shrek Trump WHAT?
sethtriggs: It does feel like it is intended to be Iran
terribleplan: Shrump?
sethtriggs: Oh OK!
NewtyNewts: oh no
richard_ermen: Is that...is that Kermit Trump?
RatherLargeToad: Shrek Trump
Marvoleath: ah yes, the Middle-Eastern Shrek Trump
Laserbeaks_Fury: Its the *same* map as 1
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the dog looked so depressed
razorswift: @RatherLargeToad Shrump
sethtriggs: Is this meeeeeeeemes?
Wicker_Guide: middle eastern narendra modi
Keab42: Ah. President Shrek.
Wolfstrike_NL: Hitler and Dumpty Thrumpty in one day eh
DigitalSeahorse: thank goodness he's green instead of orange
matthaus_c: that guy is DEEP lounging
fastlane250: Yeah this dev puts interesting NPCs in their games, to say the least
Azralorne: I don't know if it was this or the first but game grumps have played this before lol
Mazrae: i would call him donald shrek
accountmadeforants: Baseball Bat is a great PC Part
Azralorne: It's a weird game
Drakas: what game is this
Lysander_salamander: guessing this is one of those "meme" games?
DaxStrife: Has this person ever left their house before?
Zandivya: Colonel going for his daily jog
korvys: HORSE
DigitalSeahorse: Horse
tidehollowcat: HORSE
RatherLargeToad: same
razorswift: Elong
GetColor: Most realistic part of the game imo
TheDevil_Risen: bros doing squats everywhere
ArcadeEngineer: did that say 'press to eat ten dollars'
DigitalSeahorse: this AI looking map
sethtriggs: Was that the Six Flags guy
fastlane250: @arcadeengineer Was just about to ask the same thing
Foxmar320: oh this is dire
Gizmoloid: That graffiti said "Forgot to ask YOU" in Russian
sporkraptor: um. uummmmm
Reecer6: ah yeah this is looking remarkably similar to internet cafe simulator 1
matthaus_c: this does look like what you get when you tell Gen "AI" to make a video game
A_Dub888: Oh the health inspector's gonna be PIIIIISSSED
Laserbeaks_Fury: Are we *sure* this is 2. I looks a lot like 1
johnalogue: CallMeKevin played this and another one just like this where you run a falafel shop
sethtriggs: Ah OK the same conceit as Train Station Renovation
Orxolon: hey G,is there any way to suggest games for LRR?
richard_ermen: G, on ground like this the footprints are enhancing the flair.
jessicaengle: Hello!
accountmadeforants: So, it turns out this game is also available on iPad, iPhone and Android.
Redbassist: Mawp
jessicaengle: Virtual garbage day?
sethtriggs: is that right?
Fuzzra: That's an internet cafe in the same way as my bathroom is a chem lab. Inapproriately and with major drawbacks
Foxmar320: Use mop on trash?
Marvoleath: That's TCG Store x Powerwash Simulator
fastlane250: Now I've just realized I watched someone else play this once
devilcultivator: i never go into peoples' garages turned internet cafe if they're dirty
sethtriggs: Is it clipping?
Foxmar320: Just like in real life!
razorswift: mop the trash away, obviously
Mangledpixel: schlorp
Redbassist: I wish
MDK_Marshal: Yooo where can I buy this mop
LurkerSpine: world's most terrifying mop
Orxolon: mop the cans out of existence !
Wolfstrike_NL: gimme one of those
morgoth_bauglyr: vacuuMop
BigDaddyBland87: mop that trash
sethtriggs: It's a dimensional mop
jessicaengle: I need this mop!
A_Dub888: HCL?
Nigouki: grey goo mop, just eats plastic and metal
SiegeFeathers: dissolves stains and, y'know, whatever else
L0rdX33n: I’ll take 3
Wicker_Guide: odd abstraction, but it checks out
razorswift: water solulable trash
matthaus_c: this game was made by an alien trying to pass as human
MDK_Marshal: Oh I see, somebody swapped the bleach with Piranha Solution
lamina5432: its based
singinnonsense: just a mop with a black hole
GreatWahooney: punch the cig!
A_Dub888: Who needs a garbage bin when you have HCl
devilcultivator: cans not trash single unsmoked cig trash *noted
johnalogue: Amazon in Simlish
razorswift: MWAP
Bassios: mAwP
Marvoleath: mwaaahp
Juliamon: I have had PCs like that
NewtyNewts: my ears
sethtriggs: The CPU fan is a jet engine
Juliamon: we *hated* having to reboot them
Wolfstrike_NL: Yea...that tracks
RockPusher: Why is this machine louder than my media box
BigDaddyBland87: crypto and crack
sethtriggs: Crypto!
GreatWahooney: yes, just the case, don't worry about the actual electronics inside it
RockPusher: Still quieter than a 1U server tho
can you maximize the window?
pleonasticTautology subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
pleonasticTautology: i'm an hour late but i'm here for garbage day! also subaversaryyyyyyyyyy
Thanks for subscribing, pleonasticTautology! (Today's storm count: 50)
DarthRagnar815: Does said case include the internal bits?
korvys: Can you maximise your zamazor window?
razorswift: but only the case, no actual computer
sethtriggs: but where basket
sethtriggs: oh nooooo
A_Dub888: Wasn't Zamazor the guy with the greatsword covered in shark teeth from Naruto?
sethtriggs: That's a neat mechanic honestly.
Wicker_Guide: slightly better UI experience than actual amazon
rentar42: $108 for an old keyboard?!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Man I had to go reset my damn brain because I tuned in late right as the horrible noise ensued
KeytarCat: Lambs
SiegeFeathers: Lambs?
raulghoulia: buy a lamb
sethtriggs: By "case" do they mean "tower?"
GreatWahooney: $108 for a keyboard, what the heck
DigitalSeahorse: frickin' bitcoin icon on the desktop
Foxmar320: Cat picture is a must
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Foxmar320 Obvs
accountmadeforants: So, I was right with my initial guess, the dev does appear to be Turkish. (At the very least, their App Store name includes a lot of Turkish)
rentar42: oh no, your burger-bar is depleting
Admiralmatt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 106 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Admiralmatt! (Today's storm count: 51)
Voidhawk42: Tbf, it was a really nice kitty
Laserbeaks_Fury: Theres a food stand in the middle of the map
Foxmar320: We passed a hotdog cart on the way here
Marvoleath: apps or desktop?
BigDaddyBland87: oh that reminds me...I need to get a new skin case
sethtriggs: Uh oh
Mangledpixel: there's fruit slot, for buying fruit for your slot
Thefluffiestguineapig: UUuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh
DigitalSeahorse: Kawaii?
Laserbeaks_Fury: I think this is ordering food to sell at the cafe
sethtriggs: You need a vending machine
Thefluffiestguineapig: That sure is a deeply disturbing set of options "avoid police" fake review
pleonasticTautology: (what game is this?)
Astra7525: There was a hotdog stand on the market
sethtriggs: you passed a hot dog stand though
pleonasticTautology: timing!
BusTed: Well, asked and answered
Thefluffiestguineapig: Was that a random sprinting Camel?
johnalogue: I thought that dog was dead for a second
Juliamon: oh, TCG sim rules
Thefluffiestguineapig: @johnalogue Me too
KV1NN4: i thoguht the camel had trampled that dog to death for a minute @.@;
fastlane250: It's from Not-Amazon, of course it's in a big box
sethtriggs: Nice that it's already on without a tower!
letsbelgo: did you know people drink camel milk
RockPusher: Computer packaging can get ***extremely*** silly
johnalogue: @Thefluffiestguineapig No, it was a purposeful camel dropping off discount electronics
Admiralmatt: what kind of keyboard is that?
Marvoleath: given you start with a bat I would not be surprised if ppl can steal your orders xD
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KV1NN4 Camels can be vindictive but they aren't like donkeys who will hunt any canid within their hearing
pleonasticTautology: @Admiralmatt potentially french
Fuzzra: Old keyboard=/=filthy keyboard
DigitalSeahorse: lol
rentar42: missing the chair
sethtriggs: Are we in 1992/2006?
RockPusher: I have experienced the whole shipping crate filled with boxes containing a single piece of paper setup first hand
Foxmar320: LOL
pleonasticTautology: iusdhotgijpokf
TheDevil_Risen: loll
morgoth_bauglyr: hahaha
Foxmar320: You Dead
pleonasticTautology: hahahahaha
rentar42: you did a starve
Reecer6: the chair is an important object to make a computer function
sethtriggs: Ahahaahahahah
Wiliart: You are blackout!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Obviously cannot use the computer without the chair
TomfooleryFox: you ARE blackout
BusTed: chair%
morgoth_bauglyr: chair%
SiegeFeathers: rotating chairs is hard, man
RatherLargeToad: infinite chair glitch!
johnnylongtorso: bury me with my furniture
TomfooleryFox: watch your percentage of chair pls
Mangledpixel: here, wife, I brought you ghost chair!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @johnnylongtorso How very pharonic of your
Cheese_Hammer: can you make child now?
Greyah: Never trust an elevator that literally screeches to a halt.
L0rdX33n: it’s a rough world
johnalogue: chair percent speedrun
arcaneIllumination: all elevators have the chance to kill you.
RockPusher: I don't imagine any interlocks on the doors
RatherLargeToad: to find the secret tunnel between the floors, of course
sethtriggs: It very very very rarely happens in the USA
eleric937 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, eleric937! (Today's storm count: 52)
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'm curious if the jittering in the elevator is intentional, or it's just your model faling over and over as the platform lowers
rentar42: is your hunger bar just gone?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RockPusher Oh absolutely not
Gulleko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Gulleko! (Today's storm count: 53)
rentar42: we did it, we solved hunger!
richard_ermen: I'm deathly afraid of some of those elevators I saw in some countries
iris_of_ether: I do have a somewhat reasonable fear of elevator malfunction
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sudden music?
Marvoleath: Is this supposed to be a modem sound?
JeshuaWithAnE: There was a food truck outside, are you able to just eat there so you don’t pass out?
SoldieroFortune: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:05:20.
TheAwkes: A phosphor shadow, burned into the concrete.
johnalogue: I mean, stairs also have the chance to kill you, but in this case infinitely less so.
sethtriggs: That is one loud POST
RockPusher: knock knock, open up the door, it's an empty elevator shaft!
raulghoulia: but you're still hungry
BrowneePointz: the opposite of cafe hard
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does the computer scream every time you boot it up?
Cptasparagus: mouses?
Reecer6: wanna buy a lamb?
L0rdX33n: like… 2 compooter?
NewtyNewts: @RockPusher Coming down for a trip on the Styx in my raft!
JeshuaWithAnE: LOL
sethtriggs: They need you to turn on the computer
pleonasticTautology: requests
fastlane250: Yep
jessicaengle: 0.0
johnalogue: They did say the tutorial was "not long and boring"
sethtriggs: it's WACKY
pleonasticTautology: WHAT
Foxmar320: ???
Thefluffiestguineapig: I have zero idea
Voidhawk42: I think you got terroisted
A_Dub888: pardonfuck?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did he just do a hit on the other customer?
Juliamon: our poor keyboard
DigitalSeahorse: blew up your work station
sethtriggs: Ahahahaha the screen is left behind
fastlane250: You can smack them if you're quick enough
KeytarCat: This game is on my YT sleep playlist
fastlane250: wit da bat
DigitalSeahorse: fuckers hurt kitty
3cbb: they've solved wireless power
rentar42: and worst of all! They left footprints!!!
A_Dub888: what is cat name?
sethtriggs: at least the dimensional mop is OK
JeshuaWithAnE: Is that what the bat is for?
pleonasticTautology: oh my g-d
NimrodXIV: lmao
Foxmar320: Now we know why we can buy bats
Strebenherz: Alex no!
sethtriggs: Oh nooooooo
sethtriggs: Is that actual speech or Simlish?
JeshuaWithAnE: 16 dollars, only 1984 dollars till we make even on our investment
korvys: Have we figured out food yet?
CaptainSpam: Is that a racing game that uses a trackball controller?
Foxmar320: Oh my
sethtriggs: LEWD
DigitalSeahorse: zornbub
HorusFive: Sir! That's extra
DigitalSeahorse: lol
jessicaengle: lol
L0rdX33n: yeah, get the moo
L0rdX33n: moo
L0rdX33n: mop
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sir you will be required to clean your own mess
RockPusher: Kitty!!!!!
NorthstarTex: cat!
DigitalSeahorse: meow!
jessicaengle: meow meow???
sethtriggs: Now you know there's other things you'l have to mop up
wench_tacular: kitty!
L0rdX33n: damnit
Juliamon: bodega kitty
DigitalSeahorse: kitty
sethtriggs: CAT
GreatWahooney: kitty!
Thefluffiestguineapig: KITTY
accountmadeforants: I appreciate the restraint in just slapping a bunch of censor bar over some very obviously clothed anime drawings
notthepenguins: Man doing that with the monitor facing the street is a hell of a thing
Juliamon: crooonnnnnch
fastlane250: The eat $10 stand
jessicaengle: Cronch dog
Mangledpixel: very crunchy hotdog
ArcadeEngineer: sound of man eating $10 bill
johnalogue: Buying a "license" for a supposedly decentralized currency is both hilarious and realistic enough
Nigouki: it's Nausicaa pants
sethtriggs: Why thermometer
johnalogue: I think it's to check if people are sick
JeshuaWithAnE: Gotta make sure they aren’t sick? This is wild
terribleplan: For covid restrictions?
jessicaengle: pachinko!
sethtriggs: The arcade strat is better than Internet
ArcadeEngineer: is it meant to be like a video poker machine?
lightfut: This feels very similar to that tcg shop simulator
korvys: A smell meter popped up on the left, under the other bars
SquareDotCube: ah, cleaning up patrons, just like TCG simulator
DaxStrife: Cruel trick to play on Wheeler: replace the shortcut for "Card Shop Simulator" with this.
JeshuaWithAnE: Crunchy hot dogs just mean good pickles in chicago style
BusTed: What a lurk.
RockPusher: Depending on the type of hot dog, you want a good toast on the bun
HorusFive: You 1000% get robbed in this game, right
sethtriggs: They should play some Scooby Doo music
jessicaengle: He's wearing sneakers! For sneaking.
accountmadeforants: The arcade machine seems very efficient. Makes more money and doesn't require any manual approvals or cash transfers
more computers will make it warmer
Firewhiskers: Heat pump?
sethtriggs: Little cold, asking for heat
sethtriggs: No minisplit? Booo
Masslost: is this the Fyre Festival of Internet cafes?
CaptainSpam: So, the TCG store simulator we have at home?
johnalogue: I mean, it's the same sort of game with a similar foundation of (much worse) prebuilt assets
HorusFive: You get like 20$ from people for the PC but 120 for the arcade!
RockPusher: Those are some heels to be running in
sethtriggs: They are all dressed fo rthe clb at least
sethtriggs: I guess the room is 18 degrees?
lightfut: The clurrrrb
Voidhawk42: Gamers poop g-fuel cans
raulghoulia: energy
KV1NN4: is it for testing the temperature of the room...?
RockPusher: hahahah
Wolfstrike_NL: You never pooped out a can?
pleonasticTautology: hahahaha
korvys: Sleep, i think
arcaneIllumination: energy?
Gizmoloid: I bet they put trash under the arcade machine!
johnalogue: Our concrete floor really needs to be polished to perfection at all times
HorusFive: Honey! Look! Free mop
sethtriggs: Oh no right in the cleavage
JeshuaWithAnE: Out of energy? How do you even get it?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: also no food
Mnemonicman: Make child. Assemble child
ArcadeEngineer: your wife levels are critical
sethtriggs: Well the fridge is bare
Reecer6: there was an option to pay to fill the fridge.
Foxmar320: Food first then baby?
wench_tacular: insert morale tokens
arcaneIllumination: sleep every so often for energy?
sethtriggs: "You must be on the same floor as the elevator" uh oh
KV1NN4: maybe if the thing you need to buy is 'a crib/ursery makeover' to make her want ht ekid..?
johnnylongtorso: hero, your wife energy is low, do you have any potions or food?
DigitalSeahorse: mmmmmmmm
sethtriggs: Oh that burger is gonna be SO SOGGY
raulghoulia: someone played the videogame while you were out
GreatWahooney: not a fan of soggy burger?
johnalogue: Crunchy hot dogs, soggy burgers
JeshuaWithAnE: People just come in and play the arcade games are their own?
You got an arcade payout while riding the elevator
accountmadeforants: Oh dang, the arcade machine made you money even though you weren't at the cafe
DigitalSeahorse: birbs
jessicaengle: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
TheDevil_Risen: Hole!
DigitalSeahorse: HOLE
iris_of_ether: !holes
LRRbot: A hole is just a vertical cave.
DigitalSeahorse: who was smoking in here?!
johnalogue: So we have arcade simulator but terrible, though the arcade machines are much easier to run
SymphonySolstice: I heart hole
sethtriggs: nice clientele, they didn't steal your equipment
wench_tacular: so neighbourly that someone turned the power off after you died
EvilBadman: It did get patched yeah
BusTed: The flashbang logo
accountmadeforants: The Destiny 2 school of of startup
Gizmoloid: @DigitalSeahorse the last arcade player we saw for example?
JeshuaWithAnE: Or any game with the sega jumpscare
accountmadeforants: Wait, the café isn't even opened
sethtriggs: Wah wah wah
DigitalSeahorse: we need a no-smoking sign!
sethtriggs: It's the Porn Hole!
fastlane250: Jork Hole
johnalogue: sort of just being beamed into their brain
pleonasticTautology: dog
Marvoleath: taking mental screenshots for later
Reecer6: they are keeping abreast of the hentai news, as a hentai journalist
lightfut: Big hungers
DigitalSeahorse: rusty
Foxmar320: Oh thats nasty
DigitalSeahorse: it's a rustic machine
EdibleDragon: Everybody’s jerkin’ it in your dirty Hole.
sethtriggs: Comes with its own salmonella and cockroaches
KV1NN4: Burger time
CataclysmicReverb: It's from the 90s, the grody is purely cosmetic
sethtriggs: Biff is offended
TomfooleryFox: poor will
pleonasticTautology: b o r g e r
jessicaengle: cronch dog!
Foxmar320: Thank you Alex
johnalogue: oh, the crunch is because you eat the $10
DigitalSeahorse: yes, beat the shit out of him
DigitalSeahorse: ded
DaxStrife: 100%, Game of the Year.
Pteraspidomorphi: Poor shrump was just minding its business
Vaiess_: Is that green trump?
Astra7525: If it only it were so easy in real life
iris_of_ether: Zero Crimes Committed
korvys: if only
KV1NN4: if only
thatguysteve2709: You deleted shrek
GreatWahooney: premium content
matthaus_c: it's that easy??
Jillexie: Call Canada state, will ya!
johnnylongtorso: 10/10 GOTY
baltimore_667083: woo!
Marvoleath: @Vaiess_ the common middle-easter Shrek Trump, yes
matthaus_c: that sniper ain't shit
sethtriggs: Cruella NO
gualdhar: Man I wish I could pull that off
TomfooleryFox: assassination attempt successful?
Juliamon: it's taking a weird nap
johnnylongtorso: don't make it self-conscious about its weight
Anubis169: casually picking up an arcade cabinet
Ravage2002: previous guy ran without paying?
DigitalSeahorse: that's how I get the toilet to flush properly
TheM8 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
TheM8: Buton!
Thanks for subscribing, TheM8! (Today's storm count: 54)
SiegeFeathers: can people still use the arcade machine if it's tilted
raulghoulia: remember every day to move all the machines while cleaning to get to all the trash that your customers shove down there
Gizmoloid: if you point arcade towards the wall, will customers fall out of the level?
johnalogue: @Ravage2002 Much like the green fellow
it's Viscera Cleanup Arcade
sethtriggs: Love that there's no place to just leave your thermometers, like a box or anything
sethtriggs: no games just porn
DigitalSeahorse: what's Kawaii?
Foxmar320: Still need heat somehow
SquareDotCube: can we buy a trash can?
Saintnex: I wonder how much is our bill
Marvoleath: did it say Lambs?
matthaus_c: jorked too close to the peanits
DigitalSeahorse: stay ded
BrowneePointz: uh.....is that a green skinned You Know Who model?
BrowneePointz: cuz it sure looked like it
Strebenherz: gods bless alex.
@BrowneePointz hence the baseball bat solution
LathosTiran: controlling undesirables in our neighborhood
GreatWahooney: alright, I'll go restock on Zs. good night everyone
morgoth_bauglyr: hands free hacking
matthaus_c: hacking with the power of his BRAIN
Ravage2002: you can buy games on the pc
Saintnex: our energy is pretty low, time to close down shop and head home?
Gekyouryuu: off topic, just saw a *great* Tumblr post with multiple pics of MtG couples, like Chandra + Nissa, Kaito + Wanderer, Jace + Vraska, etc. ALL individually captioned with the text post "once I figure out how to undoom her from the narrative, the wedding is BACK ON!"
Marvoleath: yup, it says LamBs
pleonasticTautology: wait graham hold on
pleonasticTautology: is there such a thing as sober sims?
johnalogue: This game might soon be more coherent than the Sims 4
DigitalSeahorse: abbaa ba baba
HeavyMetalFlorist: like old weebl and bob animations
baltimore_667083: HAHAHA
Mangledpixel: hah dah bah dah gah bah
Saintnex: ummmm
Foxmar320: ???
HorusFive: JaiL?
sethtriggs: OH nooooo
conelavuv: You're supposed to crack games for them I think
phoenixletmeuseadashd: and the ui is gone?
pleonasticTautology: there're stairs
Ravage2002: the hell
Gekyouryuu: wall clip?
jessicaengle: Is this the sub ocean?
Foxmar320: Is this the expansion area?
johnalogue: Oh, you're in the extension
pleonasticTautology: oh wtf
KV1NN4: you'r eint he sub-attic?!
Saintnex: hahahahahaha
korvys: I think you got clipped upstairs? Into an unpurchased extension
Mnemonicman: You got bought out
Orxolon: is this a horror game? xD
TheDevil_Risen: gonna die haha
SacrificialToast: well you'll probably pass out soon
GasCityGaming: old lady got the noclip
NorthstarTex: do you want to play a game?
Foxmar320: Wait till we pass out?
raulghoulia: just wait until you pass out
sethtriggs: This is amazing
fastlane250: sub-heaven
Saintnex: the non-existent extension lol
HorusFive: Just wait to starve to death and then you'll be back home safe and sound
KeytarCat: Upwarped to the unknown
Foxmar320: So mad she broke physics
johnalogue: we have 27 souls apparently
devilcultivator: i've seen this game before you are in fact in the above stairs/basement you haven't bought yet
raulghoulia: what does send job do?
AlistorKO: I thought she kidnapped you for a second there
lightfut: Food make wife happy I guess
TheAwkes: Having food to eat at home is probably good for morale.
phoenixletmeuseadashd: yes I would like to teleport food to my fridge
AlistorKO: food make me happy I know that
JeshuaWithAnE: So, you stock the fridge with whole cooked burgers?
sethtriggs: Can you eat your fridge food?
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
DigitalSeahorse: "Rent my space already, dammit!" PUNCH
Marvoleath: ok, but what is on the 2nd floor?
Anubis169: Can you eat your fridge?
Greyah: You were like one hit away from being conked out I think? So maybe she did fight you. And she won.
Saintnex: for a TCG shop simulator clone, this is shockingly not terrible, if terribly implemented
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I mean you did get bombed
SkylerRingtail: Oh right that weird sci-fi rpg game right?
Greyah: Oh heck I think I remember the game you're talking about, though I can't remember the name.
korvys: Well you passed out before closing shop
DigitalSeahorse: lul
terribleplan: I remember a series of fetch quests with guns... but that could be so many games
HorusFive: Install bucket
Anubis169: jeez that almost ryanair level
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is a fascinating shim game
Anubis169: "We'll charge you extra for toilet use"
CataclysmicReverb: Oh yeah, I think I remember the other game with this map now, some kind of Dutied Call
GasCityGaming: Grate in the floor, waffle stomp time
Mangledpixel: I think one of the other websites lets you buy games
Thefluffiestguineapig: A one star review for "I stayed so long I needed to leave to not piss all over?"
pleonasticTautology: no graham they go home to crap
jessicaengle: Can you get a garbage can?
EikoandMog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months, currently on a 132 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, EikoandMog! (Today's storm count: 55)
DigitalSeahorse: I wonder if the Kawaii icon is clickable
sethtriggs: *can* you buy a bin?
KeytarCat: Kawaii is minigames
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah or just literally 2 feet across the street?
L0rdX33n: “Buy a trash can so we can pitch our trash, slumlord”
LordZarano: At least they take their pee home with them
can you leave it lying horizontally? I'd love to see them play it then
Nigouki: they had a heated gamer moment they really needed to get out
raulghoulia: graham cameoed crack a pack on Ben's stream, when will Wheeler do a ITYC on W+P?
sethtriggs: I love how the screen stays in the air
Greyah: What is this keyboard in front of the monitor heresy
L0rdX33n: You ever Jones for Galaga so badly you punt a dude through a wall?
sethtriggs: Ewwwwww
DigitalSeahorse: "Dirtty"
Geisterkarle: I want to do that too! don't want to know how it looks down there...
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Those two questions have the same answer. I don't know what that answer is, but it's the same.
TheAinMAP: It's that good of a mop.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Huh?
sethtriggs: The 18 on the thermometer says it's under room temperature which is 20
Juliamon: It better be cheap for how often it goes out
Cptasparagus: I tore my pub once
pleonasticTautology: graham,
sethtriggs: so that must be it
JeshuaWithAnE: I hope it is cheap with how often it turns off out of your control
wench_tacular: don't judge!
Astra7525: Cornhub
iris_of_ether: H o t t O g o?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: hey beej
korvys: Oh, is that where the mechanic comes from?
DigitalSeahorse: How DARE
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude, I want my teeny apartment to have that low of an electric bill
GasCityGaming: looking up the walkthrough
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also she may have actually been checking her email
johnalogue: The difference between pluralism and populism or such and soforth
DigitalSeahorse: 10/10
saintguard: Praxis!
L0rdX33n: Gotta snap a pic of your high score
lightfut: Oh dear he might love
MacbethSeemsSus: Tuned in to Alex beating up Trump, good timing!
SkylerRingtail: Karl Popper's Tolerance Cafe - No Nazis Allowed
lightfut: Leave a bad review
Thefluffiestguineapig: How did he manage to drop a bottle that fast?
Juliamon: the TCG sim loop is a strong one
Good kitty
sethtriggs: The doggie's planet needed it
johnalogue: The hole has been closed
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes!
johnalogue: @Strebenherz Probably.
Saintnex: right? we get the joy of constantly smacking Trump with a bat along with the rest of the game
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think that was a purple tellytubby
Greyah: I find the screeching noise the scariest part, to be honest.
conelavuv: That's because going down was a gravity glitch
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Greyah As you should
jessicaengle: Will there be Christmas games?
TheAinMAP: Is there a fire escape for that apartment?
GrassVortex: huh?
johnalogue: What...
raulghoulia: Rob Liefeld?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am afraid
KV1NN4: Juicy pecs?
SiegeFeathers: it does look shambled
morgoth_bauglyr: uhm
KV1NN4: oh no
littleunknownn: What
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, i am afear'd
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that a hospital bracelet?
tenthtechpriest: have you had you
Saintnex: NOEP?
NorthstarTex: da hell
"Have you had"
baltimore_667083: have you had you
Strebenherz: This is some tomato way acid trip energy okay
jessicaengle: blarg
Scarbble: have you had you
Thefluffiestguineapig: NOOOOOOOOOO
CataclysmicReverb: 100% horror
fastlane250: help
Wolfstrike_NL: Have you had you
Ravage2002: the hell...
PigmyWurm: well I was eating
DigitalSeahorse: Have you had you?
epsilon_vee: what's on that pie...
littleunknownn: My spouse came into the room, saw this and asked what I was watching
Geisterkarle: the cake is a lie
Mangledpixel: Have you had you
thatguysteve2709: Graham are you okay
ButButTheJesus: have you tho?
offbeatwitch: i have concerns
johnalogue: are we back to the start of the stream
LurkerSpine: is this like Scran Game?
Hangedman: i think it's an apple cake
WizardOfDocs: @littleunknownn was your answer "we don't know yet"?
ButButTheJesus: have anyone ever really been
Geisterkarle: the loading time is SLOW
littleunknownn: @WizardOfDocs "I... I don't know?"
Lysander_salamander: distressing
Strebenherz: was this SAFE for your computer?
GrassVortex: are we sure it is not mining crypto instead of loading?
SiegeFeathers: wait does "have you had you" mean that this food is you?
Thefluffiestguineapig: This game takes longer to load than that Elden Ring seemless coop did
TheWriterAleph: Making me hungie
Geisterkarle: well, loading the photo realistic graphics take time
richard_ermen: Its gonna be really bad, and the reasons will be because whoever made this was bad at programming.
sethtriggs: Wild
Lysander_salamander: ok
DigitalSeahorse: nice abs
CataclysmicReverb: I think weve seen this exact map too
Sure buddy
johnalogue: Oh no, we have waited many bontoons
Thefluffiestguineapig: This asset pack again
NorthstarTex: him to every furry thirsty for him
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok priest of Anubis
Saintnex: uhh, this is VERY different from what I would have expected from the main menu
DigitalSeahorse: chinatown in egypt?
baltimore_667083: CHINATOWN
johnnylongtorso: forget it, Graham, it's Chinatown
RatherLargeToad: forget it
satyropodobny: new season of moon knight looks fire
Voidhawk42: I have FEAR
passwordlost_hereiam: I think a perv made this game
ThorSokar: I'll have you know I have heard Anubis talk and he doesn't sound like that!
ButButTheJesus: am I high?
L0rdX33n: that sounds like a Kevin
terribleplan: Give your balls a tug
fastlane250: again I say, HELP
Saintnex: little Chinatown in Big Egypt
lamina5432: thats an axe not a halberd
phoenixletmeuseadashd: nice of the zombies to wait til the door closed
Thefluffiestguineapig: I want hosportal
Thefluffiestguineapig: And/or hopsital
EJGRgunner: is Anubis shoresy?
Strebenherz: you're doing an advornture
baltimore_667083: HUH?
Scarbble: hhhhaaahahaha
richard_ermen: I have questions.
Ummmm *concern*
Juliamon: ??????????
Blip2004: oh no is this an antiwoke dark souls
Hangedman: locked out of the kingdom of heaven, yet again
Vaiess_: Is this game transphobic or supportive? I can't tell
TheWriterAleph: This is some 1997-ass shit
MacbethSeemsSus: Halberds, notable poking weapons
johnalogue: I looked away, why was pronouns??
A_Dub888: back from bathroom, how'd the internet cafe turnout?
PigmyWurm: this seems low effort even for usual watch and play fair
Geisterkarle: can you tunr up the gamma
Ravage2002: What the f**k is this even suposed to be...
ButButTheJesus: its whats
Strebenherz: we have morrowind at home
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can't see shit
WizardOfDocs: should I be able to see what we're fighting
DandyGeek: yesssss
Marvoleath: music is loud
Juliamon: It's a bit loud
Strebenherz: a bit too loud yes
Lysander_salamander: yes a bit loud
DandyGeek: nothing like a little flailing around
DigitalSeahorse: a bit loud yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: A flail?
Voidhawk42: quite loud
Scarbble: this music is fantastic
Ravage2002: yeah
sporkraptor: I went away for a while, what are we playing now?
KV1NN4: yeha its abit loud
johnnylongtorso: I love noodling on a Casio keyboard
KV1NN4: thank u
TheDevil_Risen: cant hear you
ArcadeEngineer: these sounds sure are almost music
elkae: mawp?!
DigitalSeahorse: we can't hear you now
DaxStrife: It's getting louder
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes thank you
elkae: mawwwp
johnalogue: music loudening?
Ravage2002: whay too loud
TheDevil_Risen: thank you
elkae: ty
Saintnex: oh we have also seen this flail animation before
thatguysteve2709: Was that a Star wars door in my fantasy game
satyropodobny: and all this time I thought the term "dark ages" was a hyperbole
Ravage2002: thanks way better
sporkraptor: why is there a dumpster. I mean
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm not sure we are going to get further indication
sporkraptor: clown zombie
PigmyWurm: It seems like this is just a bunch of random assets thrown together with the justification of "radom" and "edgy"
sporkraptor: crusaders
Lysander_salamander: grunt
Firewhiskers: Put all the asset packs in the game
DigitalSeahorse: I thought we already killed him in the last game
fastlane250: Everyone is here!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Those are weirdly placed bandages
it's the band Armored Saint
TheWriterAleph: URNGH
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, now Sweetooth?
ArcadeEngineer: what was this one called again?
Thefluffiestguineapig: And crusaders?????
GasCityGaming: the music also.... ended?
Hangedman: all the 1* characters from Raid Shadow Legends are here to kick your asa
DandyGeek: that last knight sure did leap, huh
Ravage2002: yeah guy just went "well got some assets lying around might as well..."
richard_ermen: Once again I wonder how anyone could make AND play this, and think: "It's fine, its fun. I'll put my name to this as a releasable game."
HorusFive: Bonethan!
SiegeFeathers: seeing lots of shamble, not much spiral yet
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm so confused
DigitalSeahorse: secretly a pig farm with the farmer pinned to the wall
Thefluffiestguineapig: what the fuck is happening????????????????
raulghoulia: have you had you
Saintnex: store bought assets the game?
DigitalSeahorse: CRATE
Juliamon: This is literally just a pile of assets
jessicaengle: I miss the Hole.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that a wagon made of crates?
tenthtechpriest: AI gneeration couldn't fuck it up this hard
TheWriterAleph: This is why Level Designer is an actual job
Astra7525: Dusk?
Ravage2002: yeah just an asset garbage dump
PigmyWurm: I feel they were trying to make "a game" and didn't really care beyond that point
pleonasticTautology: @Juliamon what is a watch+play? a miserable pile of assets! but enough talk, have at you!
bsudo: It kinda is a butcher from blood
DigitalSeahorse: hello soundcloud
Vaiess_: Dev wants you to check out their sound cloud?
Gaz_L: door is a soundcloud rapper
morgoth_bauglyr: uhm
Lysander_salamander: it goes online to pull up the soundtrack?
TheWriterAleph: WHAT
bsudo: wat
DigitalSeahorse: pick your soundtrack?
Astra7525: man, these embedded ads are becoming so intrusive
TheDevil_Risen: oh my
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this supposed to be one of those games you play during an album?????
Laserbeaks_Fury: "If you would like ot have music, please check out these artists"
fastlane250: Do you have to go get the music yourself?
Blip2004: thats what you get for linking instead of embedding
Vaiess_: Lol the trumpets
letsbelgo: sick
Ravage2002: my head hurt...
TheDevil_Risen: MOUT course for zombies
johnnylongtorso: @Thefluffiestguineapig maybe the game makes sense if you listen to Dark Side of the Moon while playing it
TheDevil_Risen: aaaaaaaaaaaa
richard_ermen: Man, remember those chainsaw zombies and shipping containers back in the medieval era? Wild.
Laserbeaks_Fury: He looks like Toxie
TristalMTG: Cheackpoint
Diabore: ive heard that death scream before
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is literally just a pile of assets
TheWriterAleph: Maybe it's... bad on purpose? As a joke??
johnalogue: I forgot the context of the main menu
Strebenherz: WHELP
Saintnex: the devs really just took every single zombie asset they could find on the store lol
richard_ermen: loooool
letsbelgo: loooooool
Pteraspidomorphi: Those lunatics were definitely on the grass
ButButTheJesus: HAVE YOU HAD
Voidhawk42: Game still very loud btw
Foxmar320: The Checkpoint was a lie
Megaparsec256: one time use checkpoint clearly
Voidhawk42: That chainsaw was a bit angry
HorusFive: "About" [nothing] yeah that checks out
Lysander_salamander: well, this game is garbage
TristalMTG: TODAY.... on Cheackpoint
DigitalSeahorse: have you had you
A_Dub888: Have I>
TheDevil_Risen: GG
Saintnex: HAH
bsudo: no notes
KeytarCat: Checkpoint doesn't mean save point, we just expect it to
Kipstar: perfect
Strebenherz: the memes from W+P never fail to be amazing
johnalogue: I forgot it was this game and not something totally different
Laserbeaks_Fury: Hit all the notes
NimrodXIV: good stream
ylegm: bin it
KeytarCat: Because it should
DigitalSeahorse: xD
DandyGeek: ah, a well tested work
Voidhawk42: Game Achieved
TheWriterAleph: Quintessential W+P
Thefluffiestguineapig: Like years ago with that anime waifu wave simulator that was weird and slightly disjointed but boy this puts that shit to shame
wow the dog
johnalogue: The war between different factions of zombies, of course
RockPusher: Zombie War, wonder what sort of game that might be
an_archist2: didn't you play this before?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok
tidehollowcat: Don't know what zombies have to do with Wins Above Replacement
fastlane250: I think we've seen this, or at least the interface
warpstonewarlock: I yhink I recognise this
baltimore_667083: filgers
Thefluffiestguineapig: "an unknown virus has passed"
bsudo: flingers!
KeytarCat: No, we've def played this before
warpstonewarlock: *think
Rhynerd: it does look almost exactly like a game played here before.
KV1NN4: even the dog asset seemed familair
It’s been a real long time since we’ve had an asset drop game and now we’ve got generic shooter
warpstonewarlock: yup
phoenixletmeuseadashd: yep
TheDevil_Risen: yeah you did
Scarbble: filgers crossed yall
Foxmar320: Asset flip?
Trixalicious: You have
Strebenherz: yeah
DaxStrife: Yup, very similar if not same.
Pteraspidomorphi: Nah, I've seen this city about 15 times
lightfut: Is this the one where the waifus come at you
TheDevil_Risen: i remember this exact map
WizardOfDocs: how many filgers does a spiper have
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Almost missed garbage day!
HorusFive: map look familiar
Thanks for subscribing, I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo! (Today's storm count: 56)
Rhynerd: check if you have a flamethrower
baltimore_667083: @WizardOfDocs yes
phoenixletmeuseadashd: because steam hated it so much it refused to notice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or on this map
Mangledpixel: Steam does that sometimes
Ravage2002: pretty sure you did
SamsSkunkworks: wishful thinking on steams part
Mnemonicman: Greatest part of waking up is Filgers in your cup
ArcadeEngineer: from steam desc of that last one 'If you buy this version, you will have access to the new and improved version on the new and improved engine, when I can get around to do it.'
Rhynerd: maybe the steam cloud was down at the time.
Strebenherz: it's the last game in a low asset trenchcoat
TheDevil_Risen: get the minigun
EvilBadman: I sincerly doubt, but would be amused if you're logged into like Ben's account
johnalogue: @ArcadeEngineer NO
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can we revisit Tomato Way the same way we did Prayer Warriors? That game, while weird, was so fascinating
EvilBadman: Or maybe Alex's for mouthwashing?
Rhynerd: pretty sure ya’ll found a flamethrower last time ya’ll played it.
also the exact same zombie enemy from the last game here too
Orxolon: can we play one we haven't?
passwordlost_hereiam: Tall zombies
TheDevil_Risen: Yusss
PigmyWurm: have you ever bought a game, refunded it because it legitimately did not work, and then accidentally bought it again (not sure if steam actually lets you do this).
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2799 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to faithlynn96!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to revhologram!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to lonelyyporo!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to idontgetmyrealname!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to murder_mtg!
Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to faithlynn96, revhologram, lonelyyporo, murder_mtg, and idontgetmyrealname! (Today's storm count: 61)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I recently watched the VOD of the Tomato Way's dev's new game and now just want tomato way
why are some of them in tuxedos
Strebenherz: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:43:49.
BigDaddyBland87: I swear we've played this here before
Foxmar320: Did you refund that game that was like $50 and bad?
CataclysmicReverb: Like 3, and yeah, each time didn't launch or didn't get past the title screen
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because the logic is even if it's bad you're getting content out of it
TheDevil_Risen: the play time went from 3 to 2 nins just then
johnalogue: The play time ticked down from 3 to 2 minutes!!
Trixalicious: Was that the one you had to rename the exe for, maybe that would account for the playtime?
SacrificialToast: tricking zero, the new trick taking game
ghizmou: honestly, I'm impressed with the number of trash games that launches successfully
its sucking playtime from you
BrowneePointz: tricking is parkour tricks
BrowneePointz: specifically tricks
Thefluffiestguineapig: So parkour?
wench_tacular: what if treats instead?
jessicaengle: Do a flip!
jessicaengle: Prance like the wind
Xed_Regulus: He's a pony
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I will say not wearing shoes for parkour seems hazardous
TheAwkes: Gymnastic ground routines for people who don't want to admit they're doing gymnastics?
Laserbeaks_Fury: That lean
johnalogue: why are we Vladimir Putin's stunt double?
accountmadeforants: Finally, the sequel to QWOP. TABQWERT[A]ASDFGSHIZXCVBCTRLWINALTSPACE
Diabore: this is just parkour the game isnt it
SiegeFeathers: what a trick
ByMatthewPorter: gymkata, the game.
TheWriterAleph: Ahhhh
DMGlol: you broke it
pleonasticTautology: don't bring home any more old crutches!
TheDevil_Risen: fast
jessicaengle: Subocean!
Diabore: you fucking broke it
Gizmoloid: You played the other Zombie War back in October, but it had controls overlay like for mobiles, so maybe it was a "different" game?
fastlane250: It's defective
Saintnex: ooooh noooo
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Trombapoline?
richard_ermen: Is...is this Putins Acrobaticss?
johnalogue: I know trampolines can be dangerous, but...
johnnylongtorso: you just keep on driving
thavleifrim: thats a cool trick
iarethel0ser: Subocean-ish?
korvys: we learned a trick
Thefluffiestguineapig: Trambobolinene
WizardOfDocs: subpond
tidehollowcat: Surprise oubliette!
jessicaengle: Or, it's the subtrampoline
Zerragonoss: accurate trampoline.
Mangledpixel: trompleen brok
Astra7525: Are we Malachi at the talent show now?
Strebenherz: WASTED
Nigouki: trampoline made of wet spaghet
DandyGeek: Perfection.
Arnye1984 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Arnye1984! (Today's storm count: 62)
Foxmar320: He got better
johnalogue: oh no we have sniper elite injury vision
Kasran: it's like the most famous parts of skate 3 but without the skateboarding
L0rdX33n: You’re trickin now!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can't breathe
Strebenherz: can you jump off the edge?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh My face hurts
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, spinal fractures heal that easy
Strebenherz: is his leg still broke?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro, is this parkour QWOP???
DandyGeek: I love that it did a Giant Gram style x-ray of the spinal damage.
L0rdX33n: There’s some cool things going on
conelavuv: Right click
Astra7525: did they flip left and right perhaps?
Mangledpixel: it says left click but the icon is rick click
KeytarCat: instructions disagree
DigitalSeahorse: Parqwop
Gizmoloid: maybe you have to be moving?
BrowneePointz: sorry multitasking
BrowneePointz: no chat
conelavuv: You have to hit a 1 degree arc
BrowneePointz: Parkour is specifically about fluidity of momentum and movement through a space
BrowneePointz: tricking is doing the cool shit
Thefluffiestguineapig: We have tried all the things
wench_tacular: so graceful!
Foxmar320: Flawless
TheDevil_Risen: WASTED
jessicaengle: D:
Strebenherz: A+
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is extremely granulr timing
wench_tacular: rip pelvis
SymphonySolstice: 10/10
GapFiller: o7
iris_of_ether: *CRUNCH*
empyreon: CRAUNCH
accountmadeforants: "That doesn't exist. How dare you."
ButButTheJesus: oww, oof, my bones
Saintnex: hahaha perfect no notes
L0rdX33n: Poor pelvis
Megaparsec256: this game is ambitious and i respect it
Mangledpixel: I have just invented it!
SpacePotato01: Muscles of steel, bones of pretzel.
Mangledpixel: I call it OWWWW!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Megaparsec256 Absolutely, I hope this dev keeps making games
johnalogue: No respect for emergent gameplay!
EvilBadman: botching the standing moonsault
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to hipreplacement!
Thanks for subscribing, hipreplacement! (Today's storm count: 63)
TheDevil_Risen: its a rhythm game
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mangledpixel I call it "all your income is healthcare"
Foxmar320: wat
DigitalSeahorse: tight jeans
Diabore: "basics"
Ravage2002: almost feel like stair dismount
GrassVortex: ok, this does not look half bad, but could need a pass or five on the tutorials and UI
bsudo: like a quarter circle in a fighting game?
thavleifrim: like hadouken but with a mouse?
bsudo: Thats kind of sick
thavleifrim: god imagine playing streetfighter with a mouse
notthepenguins: SPIN the mouse? Like rotate it?
accountmadeforants: Honestly, I fully believe the dev knows how to do this in real life. Or is at least very invested in the hobby. This seems way too specific for anything else.
Megaparsec256: methinks this game might have been made for controller
L0rdX33n: Quarter circle forward, Quarter circle forward, kick
Saintnex: probably a quarter circle, it did say this game was better with a controller
Diabore: this game might actually be a little fire
TheDevil_Risen: Gaoduken!
Lysander_salamander: like a fighting game, but with acrobatics?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Someone needs to clip this and send it to Adam
LurkerSpine: I have never tried to play a fighting game with a mouse, but this seems interesting
Foxmar320: Camera is doing its best to show us our butt
johnalogue: It's a fighting game but we only injure ourself
DandyGeek: gravity is the final boss
conelavuv: It uses rhythm game ui, just watch the top bar
bsudo: Generally flash kicks are a charge input but sure
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DandyGeek That's the final boss of many games
L0rdX33n: Just pulverize the crotch
devilcultivator: yeah don't be so judgy game
jessicaengle: wheeee!
Thefluffiestguineapig: You eating shit with the broken bones is so funny and so disturbing
Dark_Destra: Ah yes the 720 EAt shit move
BrowneePointz: but yea I went deep down a rabbit hole about parkour and tricking cuz of hollywood stunt actors
BrowneePointz: and the differences between the two etc
accountmadeforants: @LurkerSpine The closest thing was Guilty Gear XX AC for the Wii, which let you do specials with motion controls. (Which was completely busted, because you could do input sequences that were impossible otherwise.)
Thefluffiestguineapig: The eating shit with broken bones while inovating is genuinely the entire story of Tony Hawk's skating career
lonlycracker subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
Thanks for subscribing, lonlycracker! (Today's storm count: 64)
Zerragonoss: we are only 20% into basics according the bar at the top left.
KharadBanar: the animation system actually seems quite sophisticated in this, clearly there‘s some work behind it
conelavuv: Farther right on your right quarter
accountmadeforants: *the closest thing for me was
kusinohki: random thought - this, but it's rythmic gymnastics...
devilcultivator: this doesn't seem like a horrible idea but i'm not sure it's much of a game
letsbelgo: skate does
EvilBadman: the Mortal Combat x-ray, make it happen
KeytarCat: This is very like the Skate. games
HorusFive: @kusinohki Next week of Rhythm Cafe....
johnnylongtorso: "let's learn how to jump from heights" sounds like a threat
EvilBadman: Kombat. Thanks autocorrect
TheDevil_Risen: yeah that would be cool to get the xray bone breaks in THPS
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KharadBanar Oh yeah, I think with a control system that relied less on mouse specifics and more on other things it would be better
letsbelgo: Skate has the hall of meat, which is exactly that
AlistorKO: I mean, Skate 3 was that
accountmadeforants: These animations and blends are surprisingly good
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh, he's broken I think like 70% of the bones in his body I think
Gizmoloid: I think Skate series had xrays
Nigouki: Skate game with X-Ray injuries. They add Hitler as playable. When you fail a rail grind you get to watch his one ball getting smashed.
Mangledpixel: yeh the Skate series has a mode like Saints Row's Insurance Fraud missions
Gekyouryuu: we training for Ninja Warrior now?
Foxmar320: I think ive seen this Sonic test stage before
thavleifrim: that ramp in the water implies you can swim
lightfut: I feel like we're not yelling parkour enough
fastlane250: I wanna see this putin lookalike eat shit in the most spectacular way pissible
find the sub ocean!
SiegeFeathers: wait is this a parkour park
johnalogue: Putin is a lot shorter than you think
Thefluffiestguineapig: Some of the initial setups look like ballet movements
Foxmar320: uhhhhhh
Thefluffiestguineapig: Like tandu
iarethel0ser: Do the worm!
Saintnex: ooooh boy
ButButTheJesus: he's going to the store
Thefluffiestguineapig: I also haven't done ballet in a billion years so I forget some of the technical names
Foxmar320: LOL
DandyGeek: Nope. No swimming.
Foxmar320: Oh I thought we died
DandyGeek: hahha why did it..yeah, weird
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also why do we default to sparring posture
wench_tacular: ah, fizzy good make feel nice
accountmadeforants: You got better
Gizmoloid: flop on some stairs and go to the store!
Gekyouryuu: maybe because you belly flopped?
PigmyWurm: this feels like a really cool but janky tech demo
jessicaengle: This'll feel good on my shattered bones
johnalogue: Can we drown in this game? I didn't see any indicators
KharadBanar: this has better water gameplay than 99% of games on this show
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PigmyWurm Yeah, this feels like a solid first draft
johnalogue: Oooh. Next question: Can we reach the subocean with the numerous movement options available to us
devilcultivator: just a gently curved slope into the depths of the pelagic zone you know as you often see
Foxmar320: Can we flip off a high place and land on our head in style?
TheWriterAleph: Boingy boingy
EvilBadman: I want to see this game but as a Will Ospreay simulator, so basically just add a dude to flip onto
DandyGeek: gotta try to link the wrong stunts together from a high platform, I'd think
Thefluffiestguineapig: @johnalogue We already phased through the trambopoline once
conelavuv: V was the mode
Foxmar320: Please tell me this has combat
TheDevil_Risen: haaha
pleonasticTautology: hahahaha
johnalogue: @Thefluffiestguineapig I guess that's more or less the same, I was just inspired by the sea
Saintnex: lol
TheWriterAleph: [Tragic Slip]
wench_tacular: good advice there
satyropodobny: this is just QWOP with extra steps
Thefluffiestguineapig: !card tragic slip
LRRbot: Tragic Slip [B] | Instant | Target creature gets −1/−1 until end of turn. / Morbid — That creature gets −13/−13 until end of turn instead if a creature died this turn.
Foxmar320: ouch
KeytarCat: It said controller recommended and now I see why
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does it get morbid if your bones have died
KV1NN4: oh no <XD
Zandivya: It reminds me of Overgrowth
johnalogue: Draging the WASD keys in front of your player?
conelavuv: You're swapping to a controller, do you have multiple inputs plugged in?
DandyGeek: no, your brainbox!
HorusFive: do a flip!
johnalogue: The sea calls to us
Strebenherz: WASTED
Foxmar320: Perfect dive
Thefluffiestguineapig: Perfect
johnnylongtorso: Dom Taley
Gekyouryuu: Alex, see if you can do "some sort of acrobatic fucking pirouette off the handle"?
Strebenherz: HURRAH
Gekyouryuu: oh, nvm
TheAinMAP: Jumped off a sea cliff.
Lysander_salamander: yay
Foxmar320: Thanks for the stream!
DaxStrife: Thank you for having us.
Strebenherz: thank you for W+P'ing!
baltimore_667083: thank you alex and graham!
Lysander_salamander: have a good afternoon! Thanks for being here
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks for the Stream!
devilcultivator: !card tragic fall
LRRbot: Tragic Fall [1B] | Instant | Target creature gets −3/−3 until end of turn. / Hellbent — That creature gets −13/−13 until end of turn instead if you have no cards in hand.
Rhynerd: thanks for the stream!
LurkerSpine: excellent w+p!
ButButTheJesus: !yay
LRRbot: Yaaaaaaay...
Marvoleath: !patreon
Marvoleath: !store
Rhynerd: good work on clearing the docket!
johnalogue: Always nice to catch live
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is such a great way to end the stream
Astra7525: or Bezos-bucks
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Gizmoloid: thanks for the stream!
FarleyF: !alex
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I needed that laugh
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! This week we return to the world of Everdell! Game: Everdell) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (48m from now).
SAJewers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months, currently on a 104 month streak!
Marvoleath: !schedule
Thanks for subscribing, SAJewers! (Today's storm count: 65)
Saintnex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months, currently on a 128 month streak!
Saintnex: happy holiday W+P!
Thanks for subscribing, Saintnex! (Today's storm count: 66)
Cptasparagus: wheeler said you and he are playing vintage cube
Charlie_Victor7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Charlie_Victor7: Thanks again!
Thanks for subscribing, Charlie_Victor7! (Today's storm count: 67)
pleonasticTautology: thank you alex
goombalax: ducttape sleeves
pleonasticTautology: beat me to typing it
Ian and hot sugar, what could go wrong
Sudobyte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Sudobyte! (Today's storm count: 68)
Chesul: CrapShoot! Whoo!
ButButTheJesus: hail satan!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm so excited about this
DigitalSeahorse: wow
ButButTheJesus: wait, wrong one
Foxmar320: Wow 10th?!
RockPusher: Ow, my aging
EikoandMog: Ooooh, time for some UNBEARABLE TENSION
jessicaengle: Cameron and Ian eat caramels
Foxmar320: !alex
TheDevil_Risen: Final!!
Strebenherz: for realsies final?
Gekyouryuu: "finale" supposedly, though there's an episode 9 on the schedule
DigitalSeahorse: Alex
ButButTheJesus: CRAMMITS
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Gekyouryuu Maybe a post mortem discussion?
fuzzy_died: No Boxing day stream?
Gekyouryuu: @Thefluffiestguineapig would make sense
wow yeah that Cameron and Ian Christmas playlist on YouTube sure does have 9 videos in it. How did that happen
Strebenherz: !cheer 420
GapFiller: fuzzy_died extended LRL instead
Juliamon: No Boxing Day stream. It will be part of LRL instead, "in some way"
Indirnys subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months, currently on a 71 month streak!
Indirnys: i just got here what's goin- oh
Thanks for subscribing, Indirnys! (Today's storm count: 69)
Sarah_Serinde: @fuzzy_died Not enough folks around, so they're combining it with LRL the Saturday after
Gekyouryuu: did this sub scroll include the subs from the bonus stream? I should've been in the first 10, and I'm not here
Thank you for streaming Good night everyone
Wolfstrike_NL: @Sarah_Serinde With alot of sips, switching of leg positions, flipping throught book pages
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thank you for streaming!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good chatting chat!
CMDRNuffin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months, currently on a 65 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, CMDRNuffin! (Today's storm count: 70)
jessicaengle: Season's Garbage to you, chat
Gekyouryuu: yeah, I don't think this included the subs from Mouthwashing, sadly. oh, well.
TheDangerWaffle: dunno if subs were mentioned for bonus?
SymphonySolstice: dabits
TheDangerWaffle: is oki
TheDevil_Risen: wooo!
JadedCynic: aw. Okay
SmithKurosaki: Am sad to hear, but totally understand
DigitalSeahorse: I'll be busy anyway
"Sadly" people are doing a friendship/family
terribleplan: Certainly something is going to happen
Nigouki: LoadingReadyVIBE but the Vibes are WEIRD
Greyah: It'll be live and something's gonna happen.
Foxmar320: !alex
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Nigouki Aren't they always?
The Boxing Day stream will be with us in spirit
KharadBanar: A Cam And Ian LIVE
JadedCynic: YAY
pleonasticTautology: byeeeeeeeeee
DeM0nFiRe: ok baiiiiii
JadedCynic: o/
Gekyouryuu: have a good'n
Strebenherz: Take care y'all! Happy holidays, stay safe
SmithKurosaki: byeeee
RockPusher: byeeeeeee
Saintnex: bye!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
ButButTheJesus: BYEEEEEE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KharadBanar They cannot beat last year
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
SmithKurosaki: @KharadBanar Its the week prior after Crapshoot this year
NightValien28: nooooo I am late
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! This week we return to the world of Everdell! Game: Everdell) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (42m from now).
Gekyouryuu: @Thefluffiestguineapig was last year the year where the tinsel fell?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Gekyouryuu Nope, they transitioned directly from Cam and Ian Christmas to Live with a Cam chugging a cola to burp bit
Gekyouryuu: oooooh, right
rogerivany: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! This week we return to the world of Everdell! Game: Everdell) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (36m from now).
accountmadeforants: Okay, I gave the Helltaker dev's new game (Awaria) a quick try and the aesthetics are great. I'll be sure to give it a proper go tomorrow.
Reset scrolling