ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a little bit of squid love
airylan: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: Gold!
Getter404: Treeeeeees
Crispy042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 94 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Crispy042! (Today's storm count: 71)
Orxolon: good evening y'all
Orxolon: is it? xD
Orxolon: helloooooo
theawesomeonev2: Afk intro second best of all time
lamina5432: evening
werth_it subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
werth_it: woot everdell
Thanks for subscribing, werth_it! (Today's storm count: 72)
definenull: woo!
Cosmonautilis24 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Cosmonautilis24! (Today's storm count: 73)
kusinohki: no tree?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: trains!
Marvoleath: Is this your train?
pryzum_: ahhh love everdell
TheManaLeek subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheManaLeek! (Today's storm count: 74)
kusinohki: TTR legacy - one of the boards we haven't seen yet is really an everdell game
RockPusher: Buy DVDs, help Beej clean out the warehouse!
mindrevolt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: But how do magnets work?
Thanks for subscribing, mindrevolt! (Today's storm count: 75)
PhuzNutz: Canada maill don't work at all
roastbeefsandwitch: #8 or #9 is the finale?
terribleplan: Last session was absolutely bonkers.
kusinohki: the 8th finale is upcoming??
definenull: yeah the discord thread blew up
RockPusher: Is it just me or is the grain of the table top really popping on camera today? It looks great!
lirazel64: Shrew for me!
Akaiatana: Hare Non-apparent
kusinohki: i think they normally don't play with the large top?? it looks new to me anyways....
Heckhoundbolt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 27 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Heckhoundbolt! (Today's storm count: 76)
serramarkov: I have watched the 7th episode vid 3 times already and cried each time- it's so awesome!
GirlPainting: New discoverys in insomnia sience have found that the reason you can not sleep is, because you are awake!
HadesLeprechaun: skunks aren't that rare, Pepe-le-Pew was a cartoon!
Twilight_Spark: Just like Pokemon.
definenull: animeeple?
kusinohki: not sure if it's still available, but meeplepeople had a totorro set that was super cute
PhuzNutz: Oh good, the mustelids are represented (:
lirazel64: Tuatara?
KaleidoscopeMind: should we use meeple as the term if they aren't people stand-ins?
serramarkov: My stuffed Axolotl from Build A Bear is watching this with me.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Need more games where you need to be the middle most amount of points.
kusinohki: there's a trick taking game where the goal is to get the 2nd most tricks. forget what it's called...
LoadingReadyRun: Build A Bear? more like Architect an Axolotl?
kusinohki: there needs to be a "build an owl-bear" where you can make DnD inspired plushies...
kristof162028 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
kristof162028: Good afternoon friends how is everyone doing tonight
Thanks for subscribing, kristof162028! (Today's storm count: 77)
serramarkov: Her name is Hitomi and she's the cutest thing ever.
malfunct subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
Thanks for subscribing, malfunct! (Today's storm count: 78)
tehfewl: yas queen
kusinohki: it's good to be the queen
lamina5432: there isa no rabbit meeples outside the expnsion that gives every plyer one
letsbelgo: lil stinker
definenull: uh ohhhh.....
kusinohki: location location location
roastbeefsandwitch: You're not wrong Ben
Heckhoundbolt: goodness
kusinohki: do train characters count against your 15 tableau limit??
LoadingReadyRun: @kusinohki nope. train critters don't go it your town
BusTed: dibs
Getter404: So how many reference cards do you need laid out for this permutation of the game
definenull: oh no, its the game actions archetype
Alex_Frostfire: Birds draw cards!
BloodnBullets: We are now 30min in and have not finished explaining the game. Game good.
definenull: cats are canonically liquid so they fit anywhere
LoadingReadyRun: to be fair, we added a bunch of stuff over the base game
thraximore: Is it grassy
Twilight_Spark: Many rules. Anyway, i want stick.
zafra0: discard is face down!
Getter404: At some point Everdell became Folksy Twilight Imperium and we never noticed
letsbelgo: wheeler gaming
KeytarCat: Just oily enough to work without being gross. Hopefully
Alex_Frostfire: Do you need at least two cards in hand to do that, or does it not actually care?
LithelyUnshod subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LithelyUnshod! (Today's storm count: 79)
Simonark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Simonark! (Today's storm count: 80)
thrythlind subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
thrythlind: greetings
Thanks for subscribing, thrythlind! (Today's storm count: 81)
thrythlind: first game?
Juliamon: yup
Juliamon: had a lengthy explainer for Beej
Juliamon: #catsdontcare
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: It has gone postal
Twilight_Spark: Can't pay the cheese tax for this king.
hey nerds! hope yall are doing well
WitchyTQ: aaah i love this game. wish it had rabbits tho
WitchyTQ: also hi chat
Juliamon: hi TQ
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Wheeler was complaining about the lack of rabbits earlier
WitchyTQ: wheeler understands
jacqui_lantern234: hey TQ
lamina5432: we were discussing there are rabbits that are a one per player meeple
thrythlind: Hey TQ
Chesul: Doesn't one of the expansions add rabbits? I think it was spirecrest?
WitchyTQ: @Chesul indeed it does
WitchyTQ: though ive never played with the expansion
avjamethyst: I've heard that joke before
Pywodwagon: shows up less than you'd think for as long as the show aired
WitchyTQ: hey chat, did you know tabbits dont have paw pads. its just skin under there. even though everyone always draws them with the toe beans.
WitchyTQ: rabbits* even
CanPlayGames: Activate: PIGON
KeytarCat: Floof but no bean? 🥺
WitchyTQ: @KeytarCat mhmm, its actually so cute its all fur
KeytarCat: More floof!
AnjaZeta subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Thanks for subscribing, AnjaZeta! (Today's storm count: 82)
TheDevil_Risen: flying killter rabbit?
thrythlind: I'm still waiting for a Crossing the Streams with them playing Armello
@WitchyTQ toes, but no toe beans
TheDevil_Risen: arvo chat
KeytarCat: Even, Devil
TheDevil_Risen: heya Beej
Earthenone: !subscribe rabbitfacts
episvont subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
Thanks for subscribing, episvont! (Today's storm count: 83)
ShaneLeeAtk: I just heard Mel Brooks
I put my LRR sleeves to good use, got Jace + Vraska wrapping up a copy of the secret lair 20 ways to win deck, and used I think im just dead sleeves up on the copy i sent to my eldest son for xmas
TheDevil_Risen: still working on my Mystery booster rule 0 deck Jund Em Out (sleeving it in the LRR jund sleeves)
TheDevil_Risen: ooo baker bee! that's so cute!
TheDevil_Risen: that would be amazing
Lysander_salamander: heck yes
Nigouki: Everyone loves the knoll, except JFK conspiracists
TheDevil_Risen: Wheeler!
TheDevil_Risen: lol
all these farms, where's Olivia when you need her
rammfan9423: Hi peopley peeps
TheDevil_Risen: wheeler and beej popping off
NewtyNewts: Can Beej put the farm with the greenhouse now? Or only when building the greenhouse?
matt has the greenhouse
I do like the way this game invents all new animal stereotypes. Bat are historians, crows are teachers, bees are bakers, etc
NewtyNewts: Fair enough
theonlybarber: yooo lessgoo this is one of my favorite boardgames!!
thrythlind: I'm excited for Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition getting a digital version so I can play with my Aussie friends
Tiber727: Ark Nova just came into Early Access and I've been practicing against the AI.
Tiber727: Though I have my complaints about the UI.
quatoria: any of you played ISS Vanguard? co-op legacy star trek kinda thing
Getter404: @quatoria Great for a Long Game, but the app integration might make streaming it tricky
DaxStrife: "And that's when they realized: they were both gatherers."
Alex_Frostfire: I heard "bird bard," you have my attention.
LoadingReadyRun: What is the "chipsmith" smithing? Acorns?
Wait, this has cats, turtles, plants, and multiple resource types? I never realized how exactly it corresponds to TI
Twilight_Spark: ʸᵉʰ
LoadingReadyRun: does the Peddler have a little baby otter in his backpack?
NewtyNewts: Beej is in resource management hell, and is learning what sort of fun it is
NewtyNewts: Think that's the top of an acorn
LoadingReadyRun: Beej "two sticks" Dery
Izandai: "...This is the law of equivalent exchange."
Nigouki: the fact that it's a trot judge is hell of a pun
Nigouki: *tort
NewtyNewts: This feels like it's going much faster than usual, is that accurate?
TheDevil_Risen: lick the frog>?
NewtyNewts: Does that mean it's a toad-stool?
LoadingReadyRun: @NewtyNewts I don't know about that. We are still in Spring
Marvoleath: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Nigouki: Cycle of Fluids is my favorite pokemon move
Earthenone: cycle of fluids sounds like misty's bike poorly translated
goombalax: hey thats funny
CanPlayGames: Hi Dr Ben
TheDevil_Risen: welcome back LRR Crew!
CanPlayGames: Chat is Winning
CanPlayGames: 5 guys is decent. Protillos is where its at
Juliamon: In n Out really tanked tho
LoadingReadyRun: It's a shame what happened to the fifth guy
brainbosh: Weird, cause in n out is kinda bleh lol
thrythlind: While I lived in Japan and Korea I found that American fast food there is higher quality than we have here
CaptainSpam: In-N-Out, I find that to be perfectly fine, but I have NO clue why the lines to get some are so dang long.
consolecowboy88: I do like 5 guys and our local kewpies
thrythlind: KFC especially is much better in Japan
TheDevil_Risen: E G G S
consolecowboy88: oh heck canada a& w is anti union ?
Getter404: Sonic is entirely for the drinks
Twilight_Spark: I've never had fast food anywhere in the world that seemed outstanding.
DaxStrife: But isn't it Sonic's 30th anniversary?
CaptainSpam: Sonic is... weird. Like, they started advertising nationally when they didn't EXIST nationally.
thrythlind: Also, Sonic treats its servers as tipped employees. My dad learned that while interviewing for jobs and wrote them off of companies he wanted to work for
LoadingReadyRun: "I spent a stone on the main road" sounds like a Bruce Springsteen lyric
Twilight_Spark: And they call it a mine.
LoadingReadyRun: Minor Mole and Major Mole
NewtyNewts: That sounds to me like you'd need a second ruins for that
CanPlayGames: You can do whatever you want
wheeler still has imagine dragons stuck in his head from his earlier stream
Pywodwagon: Ben, you cannot continue singing Imagine Dragons on streams
chriswr5: snotel, if you will
Getter404: La Snella
definenull: some sleeper agent got activated somewhere
Twilight_Spark: You're tearing me apart Lasnella.
Cptasparagus: ~everybody wants to make deliveries~
NewtyNewts: Snake me to Snurch?
Twilight_Spark: Frustratingly catchy.
Getter404: Your own. Personal. Snella.
lamina5432: the new imagine dragons release this week was good
NewtyNewts: What bots? <beep> <boop>
lamina5432: found i was
NewtyNewts: I'd be tempted by Beej's point guy
rosesmcgee: first five seasons were perfect television
TheDevil_Risen: Futurama is the GOAT BenBen, simpsons is longer but on average more mid
TheDevil_Risen: BeeJ Needs SHINY STONE?
Pywodwagon: Five Iron Frenzy has actually become really cool, their last album is almost entirely anti-right wing protest music
Twilight_Spark: You'll need to snake me to snurch.
Twilight_Spark: Then prison is an option.
Pywodwagon: They're also very supportive of queer folks and generally good people
TheDevil_Risen: All the squares become a circle
Simonark: And Brian Jones is probably not an answer to much lately.
serramarkov: Charlie Watts
s1ck1y: davey havok of afi turned down the misfits
TheDevil_Risen: omg he's popping OFF
TheAwkes: It's like when someone gets all the Markets in Dominion, except it doesn't also prevent the rest of the table from going off in other ways.
TheDevil_Risen: 420
NorthstarTex: MSI? That's dull edge compared to when I was an edgy teen that listened to Bullet for my Valentine
definenull: D:
TheDevil_Risen: hahha
NewtyNewts: D:
spethycakes: ADHD mentioned
Where its at! Got Two Resin and I'll grab some stone
Nigouki: 2nd monitor did something!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Keys? Where? Where?
heartofgoldfish: oh NO LAUNDRY
corpocracy: Oh shit, I actually do have to change my laundry
KeytarCat: These berries feel weird on my toes
Juliamon: I was only into MSI for the Jamie Hewlett art, at this point in my life I can only really remember like... bits of one song
serramarkov: I do have to flip my stuff into the dryer- I have to have dry pants for 7am my time.
NewtyNewts: What would happen if Beej blew his own thing up now?
NorthstarTex: I actually need to do my laundry
Simonark: They did, and they got rid of it when it was convenient.
TheDevil_Risen: he's going infinite!!!
NewtyNewts: No edumacation allowed
Twilight_Spark: Wheeler's policy priorities are becoming clearer by the minute.
TheDevil_Risen: WHEELER!
TheDevil_Risen: ^^^ hahahahahaha
NewtyNewts: Is the 'increase your hand limit size' a static thing, or is it done each time you activate it?
Smothering Tithe do you pay the 1?
NewtyNewts: These cities are getting so full and nobody's even hit fall yet
lamina5432: this games lookin to go long it seems
@lamina5432 seems likely
Twilight_Spark: Dpm
Twilight_Spark: Don't taste the resources.
Twilight_Spark: !!!
TheDevil_Risen: oh, how is sir fluffington BenBen?
TheDevil_Risen: yay! that's good to hear, yeah i bet he has grown
TheDevil_Risen: hes no Baxter?
NewtyNewts: Piggy?
Twilight_Spark: There is no pity in their porcine eyes.
NewtyNewts: How many workers does Matt have still?
LoadingReadyRun: the caterpillar magician's quick change act leaves something to be desired
Twilight_Spark: Where's all the rune gone?
NewtyNewts: Ben's almost at the stage where his Mayor calls are worth 4 points each
NewtyNewts: Dang, I thought it was just for every 5 cards in your city, not every 5 filled spaces
hiFunko: are the stars the victory point equivalent? or the coin looking number?
smh none of the animals have horns? That's okay, we bring the horny.
Twilight_Spark: @hiFunko Coin looking.
LoadingReadyRun: @hiFunko the sun in the corner is the season
NewtyNewts: Do you need to be in fall to get those events?
WitchyTQ: tldr how is ben dumpstering them lmao
WitchyTQ: and what does wheeler have 6 of
NewtyNewts: @WitchyTQ Bribing Beej's mayor
LoadingReadyRun: @WitchyTQ those are unused workers (but we haven't been keeping it up very well)
hiFunko: ahh okay, cheers
WitchyTQ: @LoadingReadyRun ooooh ty i was confused
NewtyNewts: Shouldn't wheeler be down a few because he spent workers to claim the events?
hiFunko: ty Ben for explaining to the Everdell noobs
definenull: its not the first ancestral...
hiFunko: which is me
TheDevil_Risen: building tribal
heya Funko
TheDevil_Risen: sorry, Typal
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha 420
TheDevil_Risen: bump ba baa bump
TheDevil_Risen: do do do
TheDevil_Risen: sh-a-sh aaaa
TheDevil_Risen: *scats*
TheDevil_Risen: Delivery!
TheDevil_Risen: awwww
TheDevil_Risen: #noSchool
NewtyNewts: Gruel
NewtyNewts: That hand was a load of stool
NewtyNewts: And a main road space?
shendaras subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Thanks for subscribing, shendaras! (Today's storm count: 84)
NewtyNewts: Does Wheeler still have his main road space available?
hiFunko: maybe his luggage is just fish food
500 - SCHOOL
NewtyNewts: Has everyone built their 16th building given by the main road?
TheDevil_Risen: bzzz
Twilight_Spark: Captain Planet is different from how I remember. Was Sticks always one of the elements?
Xafty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Xafty! (Today's storm count: 85)
NewtyNewts: Could get the one point token
hiFunko: I hope the Chapel plays Hot To Go
TheDevil_Risen: nice Ton Matt!
TheDevil_Risen: Go BeeJ!
KWardJenx: Beej!!!
circusofkirkus: so game 2?
goombalax: Everyone broke 100!
CanPlayGames: BeeJ Pro Bass Shop
lamina5432: that was a fun game to watch
hiFunko: that was a rad game
TheDevil_Risen: Great Game!
thraximore: rats!!! 🐀
lamina5432: stoats
KWardJenx: This was awesome!!
lamina5432: have gnight
TheDevil_Risen: goodnight!
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PST (17:07 from now).
KWardJenx: Oh la la!
RockPusher: Ian and molten sugar
faithlynn96: Hi everyone!!!!!
Juliamon: It's a long goodbye
RustZenith subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, RustZenith! (Today's storm count: 86)
i think "vod villans" would be a better fake insult than youtube frogs
FlamingSpipernado subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
6 years!
Thanks for subscribing, FlamingSpipernado! (Today's storm count: 87)
TheDevil_Risen: Welcome!
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the fun and furious stream.
Earthenone: new year new monikLRRS
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening, everyone!
TheAinMAP: Good night
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