Nigouki: two caramels died to bring us here
DoctorHutch: Paul always struck me as more of an upbeat than downbeat guy.
RockPusher: salt: it makes stuff taste good
0011110000110011: hey ian hey chat
DrakoniteDev: @DoctorHutch Nah, he sings shanties, which are mostly on the downbeat.
MAPBoardgames: Making caramel? Sweet!
Natural_Ones_Only: "I think it should be fine" famous last words
RockPusher: butter: it makes stuff taste good
NapalmSideburns: @RockPusher it doesn't help pickles though
SnackPak_: uh oh
A_NO0B: oops
Nigouki: @SnackPak_ It does indeed appear to be fudge, it was also the cursed cat asshole episode
Cptasparagus: speaking of cookware, last stream people were talking about the potential issue with black plastic cookware. That study was actually found to have "missed" a decimal point on the recommended tolerable dose so there isnt anywhere near as much risk as thought.
accountmadeforants: sugar: it makes stuff taste good
Nigouki: just grab a coke, it's like 50% corn syrup by weight
RockPusher: gonna cease up some caramel tonight
Is there any Mountain Dew left over?
niccus: this is the last time you've crossed big corn
pn55: Anyone available to make a quick shopping run?
0011110000110011: close enough
RockPusher: though if this is meant to be low-and-slow, maybe we get away with it?
DaniellNaruta: corn syrup isnt required, it just makes it easier
WiJohn: Store VLOG?
Juliamon: We could just.... restart
SnackPak_: Paul will keep us company
ghyllnox: "Extended break" lmao
Nigouki: carameldansen until someone comes to the rescue?
Juliamon: this 20 minutes never happened
SymphonySolstice: hold!
RockPusher: TTSF Will Return
misskale: Corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup are different food
Laurence72: Give Ian a piece of toast to put in his mouth, he'll be 2X as fast
niccus: quick draft cube again
WellFedGames: Forget what happened?
MalFnord: Something happened?
ghyllnox: Glad it's relatively close by at least
redpandrake: caramel draft was a fail, going to constructed
ANeMzero: nothing happened, everything is fine
Laurence72: @MalFnord No, this isn't Loading Ready Live
RockPusher: sideboarding in some corn syrup
misskale: Just please make sure Ian knows corn syrup isn't hfcs
Juliamon: TTSF will (re)start after a missing ingredient is acquired.
LoadingReadyRun: Ian is still wearing his microphone, let's see how good the range is!
accountmadeforants: In a similar vein, I realized literally today I was missing powdered sugar. I always have powdered sugar but must have forgotten to write it down. (And no, blitzing up regular sugar is... not a very good idea.)
KeytarCat: Looks like you can use cream of tartar for the same effect? Cohesion bonus
niccus: so it is actually more important to have corn syrup because it's low and slow -- the mismatching sugar's job is to prevent premature crystallization
accountmadeforants: Haha, spy action from afar
RealGamerCow: oh did Ian forget ingredients?
Juliamon: In the meantime, we can all read over the linked recipe.
LoadingReadyRun: oh, there I lost it. He might have got across the street
RealGamerCow: Lav mics are usually good for 30-50 feet IIRC?
accountmadeforants: Turn the stream back on and build a better antenna and signal amplifier
RockPusher: across the street sounds like a decent distance, especially through an outer wall
7gorobei: btw epic game store is giving away a game ever 24 hrs until the 31st, today is vampire survivors
accountmadeforants: I wonder if the store clerk will notice the lav mic and start looking around for hidden cameras. (Or suspect Ian of being a secret shopper, and ask for his ID just in case.)
misskale: I really hope he gets the right ingredient
misskale: Because they aren't interchangeable
KeytarCat: What are we missing and why aren't they interchangeable?
DrakoniteDev: hey chat, what is a good chill game that does not require fast reactions nor paying close attention? (bonus if on gamepass, PS+, or was in humble choice)
RockPusher: I assume he's going for the home supply rather than buying new
misskale: Corn syrup.
7gorobei: high fructose corn juice
Too_Many_Knives: Just got here. From chat I gather Ian forgot something?
misskale: Not interchangeable with high fructose corn syrup
Too_Many_Knives: Ah
misskale: HFCS and Corn syrup are very different
Nigouki: he'll come back with a bunch of corn and will have to get the syrup out of them first
LoadingReadyRun: I wish I knew more about wireless mic antenna optimization. I'm sure there is a better configuration then what we currently have (where the two antenna's are quite close to each other)
accountmadeforants: @DrakoniteDev Poly Bridge?
misskale: HFCS is mostly fructose and corn syrup is glucose.
Juliamon: it's kinda in the name
DrakoniteDev: @accountmadeforants specific one, or the whole series is good?
misskale: Yeah. But people read corn syrup and think they're the same ingredient. HFCS won't make good caramel at all.
accountmadeforants: @DrakoniteDev I think there's only two of them, and yeah, they're both good. (The second one is basically a small engine upgrade with some new levels. So get whichever one is cheapest)
Nigouki: surprisingly fast
MalFnord: That was quick
Too_Many_Knives: I guess the mini can really go?
TheMerricat: Well that was the fastest 20 minutes I've ever seen
pleonasticTautology: thank you for that pinned comment @juliamon, i was about to ask
DrakoniteDev: @accountmadeforants I have 3 of them in my steam library already! I guess from humble
@DrakoniteDev Ah ha! And this is how I learn there's a third one
KeytarCat: What does corn syrup do in a candy recipe?
redpandrake: The difference in molecule structure can mean the difference between a fine treat and angry crystal clump
KeytarCat: Why is it so important to have?
redpandrake: It helps certain bonds form and be tasty
misskale: Corn syrup will keep it chewy
KeytarCat: ah
misskale: Rather than crystalizing
Nigouki: hey, some of us are into angry crystal clumps
redpandrake: By all means, rock candy is cool
TheMerricat: Depending on how you play it, Endless Sky is a very nice 'low reaction, low attention' free game. It's a spritual successor to the old Escape Velocity games from the Mac but open source. It's on Steam and GoG, and you can just download it directly if you want.
SmithKurosaki: Did Ian have to go home for something?
TheMerricat: @SmithKurosaki Corn Syrup
Too_Many_Knives: @SmithKurosaki I gather he needed corn syrup
accountmadeforants: @accountmadeforants Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy them. They're one of my go-to "just want to chill but also play a game" games.
KeytarCat: I'm running an astrology caster in Elden Ring, I like angy crystals
Juliamon: Crystals are nice, but we were promised caramel
redpandrake: @KeytarCat heck yeah, magic rocks
TheMerricat: Is Caramel just surgar decrystalized?
TheMerricat: Sugar even
Juliamon: No
accountmadeforants: The crystals must vibe with the aura of confectionary
redpandrake: Caramel creates several new compounds not found in sugar
DrakoniteDev: @accountmadeforants yeah, thanks. will give it a go. my brain is too cooked from work to do much
Juliamon: it discusses what is important to make caramel caramel
TheMerricat: Once I watch Ian make this I might try to see how well it works replacing the cane sugar with allulose. When I was looking into it people said you can make caramel with it.
misskale: You can see on the page the different temperatures for fructose and glucose
0011110000110011: hey ian hey chat
SymphonySolstice: yay I'm so excited to watch TTSF definitely for the first time!
ghyllnox: TTSF now with HFCS
SnackPak_: Hi Paul
Juliamon: no, NOT HF, we've gone over this
0011110000110011: hey paul
More like LFCS
niccus: it's like dulce de leche the other way around
CrossXhunteR: hey, i have that salt cellar. or had, before getting a new wood one
WizardOfDocs subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Thanks for subscribing, WizardOfDocs! (Today's storm count: 54)
so not the addition of mint
CrossXhunteR: add some peppermint oil or extract to it, and completely ruin them
SmithKurosaki: Math checks out
accountmadeforants: I had been wondering what made them Christmas, and somehow different from regular caramel
accountmadeforants: Confectioners and bakers are extremely precise. (The good ones, anyway.)
Juliamon: Confectioners especially.
accountmadeforants: *precise and specific
NotCainNorAbel: In short: Ian is going to sous vide caramel
corn syrup
CrossXhunteR: that vanilla bottle looks like iodine
hieroglyphica: Oh delightful! I just made a butterscotch pie the other day, and the old way is pretty much mixing pudding into a caramel
misskale: I use Karo which they don't have in Canada. My mom would send it to me when I was in unoversity.
Juliamon: Vanilla is highly concentrated, less is more
accountmadeforants: @Juliamon Depends on the kind of thing you're baking and how volatile it is. If you want a consistent bread from a starter you'll have to be precise, and maybe invent some occult rituals along the way.
Balatare: I wonder if subbing out the vanilla with some of the peppermint extract we've got kicking around would be a good idea.
Juliamon: Vanilla is essential for the caramel flavour
accountmadeforants: Fresh vanilla pods go real hard. Also real expensive compared to the extracts, unfortunately
create volatile compounds in a calm and precise manner
hieroglyphica: Yeah I'm a baker who mostly makes pies and cookies, and I do just make up a recipe on the fly 😂 but TBF most cookies are just variations of the same creaming, dry into wet or wet into dry concepts
RockPusher: Close enough!
Cosmonautilis24: margarine of error
Steelwolf171: Margerine of error
KeytarCat: Marge does not err
Juliamon: It should be liquid enough to transfer before it gets real sticky
redpandrake: caramel existed long before teflon
Balatare: I call ours "Carlos."
CrossXhunteR: little bit of foil
accountmadeforants: I do own a non-stick pan and still go with the stainless steel, just because I really don't want to ruin the coating.
CrossXhunteR: don't worry paul, i thought the exact same thing
DrakoniteDev: starting with butter or oil will make the pan less sticky
hieroglyphica: It's mostly searing hot thick liquid when it's the right temp. I've gotten toffee perfectly out of a copper pot, and all it takes is a deft hand with a long spatula
KeytarCat: Yeah, we messed up even faster!
KeytarCat: I burned my hand making caramel corn at a Target snackbar job
accountmadeforants: "Scale failure. Reboot gravity from start."
TheDevil_Risen: WB
hieroglyphica: That sounds about right, I've burned whole square inches of skin off with caramel and toffee
Juliamon: yes
Mazrae: Yea 16oz to 1 lb
LostThePirate: 16 oz in a pound, yes
protojman: i always feel wasteful when i'm pouring something sticky in one container just to move it into another. so much lost stuff!
accountmadeforants: Hot sugar is real bad, not because it's somehow hotter than oil (in fact, it's usually cooler), but because it sticks to your skin
LostThePirate: 16 fluid ounces OF WATER weigh one pound
accountmadeforants: You need temperature and time for bad burns, and sugar will have plenty of time
A_NO0B: fluid ounces are volumetric
cyclopsboi: a pint is a pound the world around
DrakoniteDev: troy ounces are a different thing too
MacbethSeemsSus: Nautical ounces
hieroglyphica: The only solution for hot sugar is cold water and emotionally accepting that the skin is already gone and you're just finishing the job
KeytarCat: Anyone who understands ounces is basically magical, a wizard of oz
accountmadeforants: Cross-promotional branding
Cptasparagus: water is 1 fluid oz and 1 oz is the reason
LostThePirate: 1 fluid oz of water weighs 1 oz
accountmadeforants: "You liked ounces, now introducing fluid ounces!"
hieroglyphica: I don't UNDERSTAND them. I mostly resent them tbh. Y'all heard about the variation in what a 'pint' is? Man fluid measurements are the worst
TheMerricat: "A fluid ounce (volume) of water weighs about an ounce (weight)"
accountmadeforants: The "about" is doing a lot of work there
cyclopsboi: corn syrup is a different type of sugar its to help prevent it from crystalizes
DrakoniteDev: they are related! javascript was written as an interface between java applets and the browser DOM, hence the name!
RockPusher: ^
cyclopsboi: *sucrose
LordZarano: 1 litre of water weighs 1kg, too
RockPusher: table sugar is sucrose
hieroglyphica: Corn syrup is a corn version of invert sugar
RockPusher: which is glucose+fructose
Master_Gunner: @hieroglyphica My mother's kitchen has 3 different but valid "cup" measures, as the common "cup" measures have changed wildly over the years.
accountmadeforants: (Fluid ounce to ounce of water is off by a bit over 4%. Which is precise by imperial measurement standards, but horrid by any other.)
hieroglyphica: @master_gunner you see? The worst
accountmadeforants: I did see that video, it's very good
we can't have anything with corn syrup because it makes us sick, it makes it hard to have sweets and stuff sometimes
niccus: fine aged cola
cyclopsboi: sucrose is a disaccharide
smertmonkey subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
Thanks for subscribing, smertmonkey! (Today's storm count: 55)
misskale: So, corn syrup in the US is almost all glucose. Not a mix.
accountmadeforants: I liked the responses from the industry being an increasingly exasperated "no, you don't get it", until they went as close to calling the writers of the original papers idiots as they could and still be published.
Master_Gunner: IIRC the differences between cokes are caused by other ingredients and production processes between different countries.
cyclopsboi: does the canadian coke still come in the glass bottles?
pleonasticTautology: i mean it's basically everywhere but the us
Athelgar: have you tested this recipe volume with this pot? whenever i make caramel it tends to expand by 2-3x when being brought up to a boil and i dont think you want to clan boiling sugar from the carpet or induction cooler
LostThePirate: In the US, "Mexican Coke" is sold in smaller glass bottles still
Athelgar: cooker**
pleonasticTautology: when we went to france we could drink regular soda because it didn't use corn syrup
roastbeefsandwitch: Every drink that comes in a glass bottle tastes better. Far, far better.
SymphonySolstice: they do sell glass ones still, but not as prevalent
pleonasticTautology: it does, paul!
misskale: So I don't know how this recipe will do with a corn syrup that's mixed glucose and fructose
roastbeefsandwitch: As compared to plastic or metal
txzen_: could this be the only time in my life I have ever heard anyone measure milk in pounds?
pleonasticTautology: for instance: we hate coca-cola from bottles
Master_Gunner: Everything tastes better out of a wine glass.
accountmadeforants: @Master_Gunner Acid also breaks down complex carbohydrates
cyclopsboi: the glass bottle does make a difference unfortunately
jubale1: they’re talking about cola, but i don’t think this recipe will make that very good.
redpandrake: when does he add the mexican coke to the caramel?
pleonasticTautology: our personal rating of coca-cola is glass > fountain > can >>>>>>>> plastic
LostThePirate: Turning the heat on generally does help heat the pan, yes, lol
txzen_: nice that they allow hot plates in the LLR dorm
basically everything in this recipe would make me very very sick
pleonasticTautology: and for pepsi it's can > fountain > plastic
cyclopsboi: ian remember you are essentially making something akin to napalm for your skin may want to be safety second today
accountmadeforants: @pleonasticTautology The cans also have a plastic lining on the inside. I haven't really noticed a difference provided you're not directly drinking from t he container.
txzen_: is that a block of cream cheese ?
Athelgar: candy burn are so bad, @cyclopsboi is absolutely right
RockPusher: the tenet here supposedly being low-and-slow, so hopefully less risk of sugar lava
hieroglyphica: Once it's hot, remember to stir in a gentle figure 8 pattern in order to avoid directional splatter!
pleonasticTautology: @accountmadeforants yeah but we think that it being in a thin clear container really negatively affects coke? we just haaaaaaaate it from a bottle.
TheMerricat: So this might have changed since most of the links I find talking about it are at least a decade old. But appearently Canadian Coke _does_ use HFCS. it's just that in Canada they are allowed to call it "Sugar/Glucose-Furctose" instead of HFCS so it's not as noticable.....
hieroglyphica: Makes the bubbles burst away from you
DrakoniteDev: @txzen_ butter
A_NO0B: are you not using a candy thermometer?
7gorobei: cola is a reference to the cola nut used to flavor original cocaine coke
txzen_: hah looks like a complete philly cream cheese sleeve
cyclopsboi: drizzling caramel on the cream cheese maybe
Cptasparagus: is the flashing on your induction cooktop from the refresh rate of the camera or are all of the lights flashing
LostThePirate: Best grilled cheese sandwich is pepper jack and cream cheese; fite me
misskale: If this doesn't work I'm going to be sorely tempted to send bottles of karo
ANeMzero: cola is funny because its named after the kola nut but most colas decided all they really cared for from kola was the caffeine and the rest wasn't important.
hieroglyphica: I can't eat cow milk, so I make it with goat milk and butter, and yeah I'd say the tang adds to it for sure
mercano82: Interesting fact: west coast sticks of butter come in a different aspect ratio than east coast butter sticks, but they contain the same amount of butter.
serramarkov: Many thanks for the refresh rate.
DoctorHutch: breaking up the butter would make things go faster
RockPusher: remember to drop the heat a little before that butter has fully integrated
cyclopsboi: mmmm butter beef
hieroglyphica: Long vs fat, yeah
iris_of_ether: Stubbies versus skinnies
RockPusher: don't want to overshoot
misskale: What's the type of butter used? Curious about the moisture amount.
txzen_: yeah in the south US we get the square prism shaped butter normally but someplaces sell that fatter block
TheMerricat: In the US isn't butter mostly sold in sticks everywhere?
DoctorHutch: full lb block works great for making laminated dough
cyclopsboi: the big block is more common in the restaurant side i think
LostThePirate: It has to do with early butter packaging hardware, one was more common on the east coast and another more common on the west. All sticks of butter in the US are 1/4 lb, but there are two different *shapes* of those sticks.
misskale: The fat block is usually only for European or cultured butter on the east coast
txzen_: I assume it depends on the cow /s
SymphonySolstice: yeah, increase in added palm oil is usually the culprit
cyclopsboi: you can get the butter that is cut with olive oil to make it spreader
hieroglyphica: That for sure does not sound like your butter is correct. I don't know how it's wrong but my butter don't do that.
KeytarCat: @SymphonySolstice ewww, palm oil
txzen_: whisk that pan!!!
hieroglyphica: My butter spreads?
LostThePirate: I get the butter cut with oil for spreadability
TheMerricat: "Canadian consumers expressed disappointment that butter stopped becoming soft at room temperature. Food experts attributed the hardness to an increased use in palm oil in dairy cattle diet, prompting the Dairy Farmers of Canada to recommend to farmers to cease adding palm oil to cow's diets."
Master_Gunner: there was a whole controvercy over that a couple years ago, yeah
misskale: They used to make you add red food dye to margarine in Canada to make it unpleasant colors.
Anubis169 scribbles notes
Master_Gunner: unfortunate that came back
hieroglyphica: What?! Riot
Lord_Hosk: I don't know if its a American Vrs Canadian thing but the Canadian butter doesn't spread its THIIIIIICK
YeetTheRich_: of course thats called buttergate
Master_Gunner: I have experimented with making my own butter. It's unnecessary, but nice.
hieroglyphica: Tillamook would never do me like that
jellybean57: food is 100% worth splurging on
Cptasparagus: @Master_Gunner hopefully not from your own milk
hieroglyphica: Tho I guess now that I'm on goat butter I don't need to worry
SymphonySolstice: I can definitely notice, being in a climate that varies wildly between summer and winter. in winter it's like a brick. in summer it melts as soon as I touch it
TheMerricat: "The Dairy Farmers of Canada initially rejected Van Rosendaal's assertions, before switching tactics to what The Economist called "grovelling,"making two statements in February 2021"
jubale1: it’s a temperature thing. butter will spread if it’s warmer
KeytarCat: Unrelated, I quite dislike the "-gate" formation of scandal names. I want them to be more descriptive!
cyclopsboi: i suppose canada might be different but the organic classification doesnt really mean anything
Anubis169: Ian: i'll say this now, thank you for doing this.. every time I've made caramel, it's come out solid and denser than the backside of a dying star
Anubis169: this stuff cracks floor tiles if you drop it
txzen_: "I'm gonna set it straight, this Buttergate" -- Butterie Boys
TheMerricat: @KeytarCat imgine a world where Nixon wasn't an incomeptant paranoid nut.... we'd have never come up with the 'gate'.
sparkywondersnail: Try grass fed butter
MacbethSeemsSus: Ominous beeping
There's that overshoot I was worried about
accountmadeforants: Water and atmospheric pressure are the final bosses of online recipes.
7gorobei: keep stiring and no one explodes
bsudo: stay on target
cyclopsboi: protein making them bubbles stack
txzen_: anyone have a favorite caramel candy?
CookieMom: I presume everyone has said please, please be super careful.
Anubis169: same, when making lemon possets
accountmadeforants: Oh yeah, pasta water loves to do that
KeytarCat: Bubbles getting *stacked* on that protein
hieroglyphica: That's some sticky pasta?
Anubis169: that's also the time I discovered, you cannot whip hot cream... 45min later and it's still runny
Master_Gunner: yeah, get that good starchy water. makes for better sauces.
cyclopsboi: pasta water is magic stuff
LostThePirate: Yessss, pasta water boiling over is what I do wrong. ...Better than my spouse, though, who the other night turned the wrong burner on and nearly lit the *box* of pasta on the stove on fire...
accountmadeforants: You can also spread some oil below the edge, that prevents the bubbles from getting out of hand. (But yeah, less water)
Master_Gunner: less water can make pasta stick - but just stir it occasionally.
hieroglyphica: I'm realizing I have some fundamental textural preference differences from you folks and that's ok
TheMerricat: Best way to cook pasta, glass dish, add pasta, like Ian said just enough water to cover it. A sprinkling of salt. And then shove it into the microwave. 3 minutes full power. 10-15 minutes at 30%.
RockPusher: indeed, agitation is what keeps pasta separate
txzen_: with a good milk chocolate... so close to a homemade rolo
RockPusher: throw a wodge in a huge pot of water without a stir it will still gum up
pleonasticTautology: it's nice watching ian cook because we've been slowly teaching ourself to cook (we're 35)
KeytarCat: @hieroglyphica The fudge my mom makes is the recipe she got from her mom and it's almost chalky. I love it and everyone I've met hates that I call it fudge
pleonasticTautology: because it's not just "here's how to make a thing" but it's like
pleonasticTautology: technique stuff
ButButTheJesus: wattage will continue until caramel improves
MacbethSeemsSus: Boiling will continue until crystallization improves.
hieroglyphica: People have a lot of disagreements about food definitions
cyclopsboi: you are basically making ice cream base
KeytarCat nostalgia is a heck of a drug
DoctorHutch: a friend of mine kept arguing with me that a big pot of water would boil pasta faster than a smaller pot because "it would recover from the drop in heat faster"... it took several sketches and a discussion of thermodynamics to final get them to agree.
KeytarCat: I'm a linguist, I'm DEEPLY familiar with this concept 🤣
ButButTheJesus: and now they must BATTLE
accountmadeforants: Caramel, ice cream, pound cake. The three primary states of sugar and butter.
RockPusher vouches for the ez mac n cheese recipe
DoctorHutch: Kenji talked about this one on his podcast "the recipe" it sounds good
YeetTheRich_: spirelli?
pleonasticTautology: (can someone clip this recipe when ian's done orating it please)
hieroglyphica: Imma tap out, but your caramel looks amazing Ian. Have a good night!
cyclopsboi: fucilli?
misskale: Cavatappi?
Lord_Hosk: Rotini?
TheMerricat: @pleonasticTautology by the name he gave, the link I posted is it.
RockPusher: don't want to sweeten your pasta
pleonasticTautology: @TheMerricat oh! thank you
KeytarCat: @RockPusher I'm convinced the problem is the name, not the fudge. It's still chocolate sugar, it just breaks in a fundamentally different way than how most people learned fudge
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Thanks for subscribing, KazCanes! (Today's storm count: 56)
cyclopsboi: evaporated milk is a great way to make good mac and cheese
SymphonySolstice: I'll have to try that, I haven't used evaporated milk before
Sogheim: I think my favorite fudge has the texture of divinity candy. flaky and crumbly
iris_of_ether: It is absolutely a different food
SymphonySolstice: yeah, mac and cheese and KD are separate entities
cyclopsboi: you could also add a bit of sodium citrate to make the cheese SUPER melty
txzen_: some fudge has some sugar cyrstals in the final product, some is much smoother... all delicious
kingandcommoner: Krab
TheDevil_Risen: Kupi HYPE!
Lord_Hosk: Can I come over?
LostThePirate: My kiddo is a very fussy eater, so generalizing all the shapes and cheesy sauces as "mac and cheese" has helped expand what he's willing to try.
KeytarCat I agree, would not surprise me if peoples' reaction tracks with how much home-made fudge vs commercial fudge they had growing up. I have fond memories of big old lumps of sugar crystals
SymphonySolstice: betrayal
ANeMzero: My favorite sushi place when I was in school just skipped the mayo on their california rolls and that was much better imo
Camthelion: hello friends
GirlPainting: i guess its 98°C
Hewwo @Camthelion
cyclopsboi: just make sure you dont hit the bottom of the pot and the pen will be accurate
CookieMom: Infared all the way.
pleonasticTautology gifted a Tier 1 sub to citadark! They have given 29 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, citadark! (Today's storm count: 57)
CookieMom: The pen is not gonna be useable once it starts caramelizing.
awawawa thanks :3 @pleonasticTautology
cyclopsboi: temperature and terminology
GirlPainting: i thought cannada is using celsius instead of farenheit?
A_NO0B: also good for frying
RockPusher: they also tend to be analogue so you can see rate of change of temperature easily
GirlPainting: why?!?!?
SymphonySolstice: : )
LostThePirate: They're precise enough at a specific temp range for various sweets, as different temps result in different textures.
SymphonySolstice: pounds for weighing yourself, but kg for everything else...
GirlPainting: now i am confused
Sogheim: weight still measured in stone?
cyclopsboi: the sugar stages are basically how a sample of the sugar performs after removing it from the heat
TheAwkes: We've got really loud next door neighbours who won't shut up about Fahrenheit.
7gorobei: mass still in units of slug?
DoctorHutch: @RockPusher personally I find the analogue ones harder to judge rate of change
KeytarCat: Sugar stages are like my first time
DoctorHutch: lb of pasta i'm guessing
SnowBuddy18: Butter is in pounds
Razdak: in Canada hamburgers are people too
cyclopsboi: 1/4 lb is a good metric for burgers
Zandivya: I do weigh myself in hamburgers
GirlPainting: fun fact: when a liquid is boiling, it can not go above the boiling temperature, no matter how much energy is being pumped in from the stovetop.
Athelgar: a lot of it is just naming conventions and US advertising supremecy
LostThePirate: It can't be messier than this side of the border, lol
GirlPainting: thats how rice cookeers work^^
SymphonySolstice: hope this helps (it doesn't I'm suffering)
Morrigan9: ~30 cm
A_NO0B: decimeter is too small too
pleonasticTautology: to be fair, paul, yards are basically only used for american football lmao
62MGcobra: I am (6) 30cms tall
Master_Gunner: We use km for distance, km/h for speed, and we buy fuel by the litre. But we measure fuel economy in MPG.
dire_5loth: I will only stand by the use of inches/feet for imperial. A unit of measurement that divides easily in halves, quarters and thirds is handy
GirlPainting: hectoliter
Morrigan9: 1 hogshead
cyclopsboi: 3 pecks and bushel
UtilityPunk: And most people are 1-2 meters, so it's a nice measurement for human-compatible stuff
TheAwkes: @Master_Gunner L/100km, my dude. MPG is for boomers.
LunaLurkz: 2 drams
googoltudoris: stone is so stupid
SymphonySolstice: I like cubits
Sethalidos: horse people are crazy
LostThePirate: A hand is close enough to a decimeter
SymphonySolstice: we should have cubits in metric
LordZarano: "Metric foot" was used for a while in the UK, as exactly 30cm. Apparently some buildings were designed in metric feet
SymphonySolstice: it's basically half a meter right?
rRender: Cubits! They're back! In pog form.
DoctorHutch: you are never gonna guess how they spell it now.
RockPusher: They would find Ian incoherent
dire_5loth: @LordZarano Yet another sin the british should pay for
googoltudoris: stone is the most british of the imperial measures- good fucking luck doing that math in your head
pleonasticTautology: i mean for wire, you'd have to get into like. less than 1mm
UtilityPunk: Focal length is a big offender for domain-specific measurements
GirlPainting: i am for using a banana as standard measurement stick for the metric system
pleonasticTautology: (we know a lot about gauge because we inject our estrogen)
GirlPainting: banana for scale
62MGcobra: but what happens when you get to 0...
googoltudoris: lrr, have y'al seen the SNL bits with george washington describing all the stupid things america does?
SymphonySolstice: @GirlPainting you're SO correct
62MGcobra: well just use more zeros
cyclopsboi: micron
LoadingReadyRun: @googoltudoris I like that one
GirlPainting: i am 12 bananas high
Athelgar: earth to the sun
Sogheim: I find banana for scale to be helpful for measuring dogs and cats
pleonasticTautology: an AU is definitely an imperial unit lmao
firehawkzoa: 1 AU the average distance between earth and the sun
Morrigan9: parsec
kingandcommoner: I do enjoy measuring in Smoots
Spacepup: Gonna have to decide on your SI for the LRR Space Program.
cyclopsboi: we also use LY
googoltudoris: @LoadingReadyRun there's a ssecond one!
mercano82: A light year is based on how long it takes the Earth to complete one orbit.
A_NO0B: i mean all units are fundamentally based on earth things
@cyclopsboi Based on *our* year.
SnowBuddy18: The AU is a pretty limited use unit in general
epsilon_vee: also, just "astronomical unit" is the worst name
MalFnord: The entire system of measuring time is horribly anthropocentric.
niccus: parsec is also technically based on AU
BrowneePointz: Look, we do the best we can with a limited perspective
GirlPainting: one astronomical unit is also the distance from earth to the sun
TheAwkes: We need a light-excitation-of-cesium or something.
DoctorHutch: @A_NO0B do don't know that I'd call properties of elementary particles earth things
BrowneePointz: as our perspective broadens we update
passwordlost_hereiam: Wait I thought a lightyear was how far light traveled in year?
lyllithblackstar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
lyllithblackstar: hihi the late night dub fight isnt on the last desert bus
Thanks for subscribing, lyllithblackstar! (Today's storm count: 58)
BlindProphet32: light seconds/minutes/hours are great
passwordlost_hereiam: Oh wait yeah an earth year
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, the kilogram is based on a piece of metal in france, so
passwordlost_hereiam: Nevermind
RockPusher: Unfortunately the fundamental distance scale favour the extremely small - astronomical numbers would be truly astronomical
LucSnider: Everything measured in various plank units.
BrowneePointz: @lyllithblackstar it sometimes doesn't make it to the PL cuz of Copyright Strikes
dire_5loth: You also need to accept that we are making this up as we go along and a lot of the time we get stuck with things because they've been they're embedded too deep to remove reasonably
cyclopsboi: didnt we tie seconds to the vibration of an atom or something now
Cptasparagus: so Megaman is just 1,000,000 men in a trenchcoat?
DoctorHutch: Seconds are now defined back to a transition frequency caesium
googoltudoris: kibiseconds
Now how many people in Chat just had bits of Seasons of Love go through their head as they calibrate that?
TheDevil_Risen: well people just dong get once things are formatted they get smaller
epsilon_vee: 0.827 microfortnights
KeytarCat: Megasecond is like 300 years?
TheDevil_Risen: its a matter of ignorance, not actual math
DoctorHutch: the editors of wikipedia fought themsevles tired and took a nap
public_key_reveal_party: I think harddrives are cheap enough now that no one gives a shit
googoltudoris: i definitely felt ripped off the first time i built my own computer
pleonasticTautology: @KeytarCat i'm getting ~12 days
KeytarCat: I'm off by a factor of VERY
pleonasticTautology: lmao
TheDevil_Risen: unless you're paying for EE
KeytarCat: I forgot to convert seconds to days at any point
googoltudoris: man, that really bytes
UtilityPunk: That's what they call a memory leak
pleonasticTautology: @LoadingReadyRun much like a quarter pounder burger, it's the hard drive capacity *before* cooking
googoltudoris: because people want bigger numbers
public_key_reveal_party: why does a horse produce 4 horse power?
rynsfelda subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months, currently on a 41 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, rynsfelda! (Today's storm count: 59)
Juliamon: isn't a horse closer to 8?
UtilityPunk: Advertising, not subvertising
googoltudoris: @public_key_reveal_party max power vs *sustained* power
TheAwkes: @public_key_reveal_party Because the unit was invented by someone who wanted it to appear more impressive.
KeytarCat: a megasecond is almost a fortnight 👀
RockPusher: how grunty is the router?
LurkerSpine: I've gotten above from like, Microsoft
cyclopsboi: it could also be if the infra is older it can be degraded
LurkerSpine: but my limit is quite low
LordZarano: Iirc SSDs actually are full binary sizes, and the space in the difference between the measurements is used for spare sectors to extend the life of the drive
RockPusher: oh, you'll never get line-speed for non-artificial tests
RockPusher: your CDNs are almost certainly limiting your per-session
mercano82: Baud has always been the unit for connection speed, though. We were doing modems before the world standardized on 8 bit characters.
THat's ok, im currently scanning my 20 ways to Win deck into my Dragon Shield app because it was updated, and appreciating the LRR Vraska's kiss art
GirlPainting: @LoadingReadyRun sientists have recently used DNA resting on honey and found out that most commercial honeys are to the most part, punched with shuggar sirup. Would you rather pay more for "real" honey, or less for a honey like substance?
GirlPainting: testing
GirlPainting: not resting
ghizmou: a stirring plate would be make this whole thing much easier
googoltudoris: buy local honey, folks
TheDevil_Risen: @googoltudoris 100% agree
cyclopsboi: local is the best
googoltudoris: that's "easily" "solved" by putting it in hot water
DoctorHutch: in the pitch for this caramel 3.0, was the idea of going this low that it requires less attention to not burn, or that it creates a better final propduct?
MacbethSeemsSus: Throw the crystallized honey jar in a pot with hot water. It'll return to syrup.
Juliamon: DoctorHutch I think yes.
cyclopsboi: and i know people that swear local honey helps their allergies
misskale: Whipped honey?
Juliamon: cyclopsboi It sure does
UtilityPunk: The weirdest thing is when you make a peanut butter and jam sandwich and the jam crystalizes the bread. No clue how...
Rebelcow: Just let some of that delicious plastic leech in for the extra nutrients
googoltudoris: question- if i have a laboratory hot plate, can i use a magnetic stirrer to maximize laziness?
TheDevil_Risen: warm water does the trick
MacbethSeemsSus: Good point
public_key_reveal_party: microplastics are so passe, we're on macroplastics now
A_NO0B: @googoltudoris if you have some way to avoid boil overs, i mean i don't see why not
iris_of_ether: Ruh roh
googoltudoris: my wife is telling me that you only microwave honey in 15 second intervals
KeytarCat: I'VE become so SOFT
GirlPainting: i just cut open the plastic bottle, spoon out the old hones and put it into a glas container
GirlPainting: honey...i swear i can type
googoltudoris: so i can winnie the pooh while i winnie the pooh?
cyclopsboi: honey dipper
mercano82: Clover-fed honey
SnackPak_: neat
citadark: neighbour honey!
i love cottage cheese with honey on toast
RockPusher: urban honey
ShaneLeeAtk: My sister is the family honey supplier. Hyper local to her backyard. We live close, so our backyard is a bee paradise to keep the honey going.
ghyllnox: You could always ask
cyclopsboi: single species/origin honeys can also take on the flavor of the pollen. So like orange blossom honey actually does have a citrus taste
GirlPainting: depends on the size of the hyve
Juliamon: We have so many local apiaries I don't think I've ever had commercial honey (outside of commercial products containing it as an ingredient)
TheAwkes: Could be someone independent of that business with hives in multiple places around the city.
Driosenth: Not the BEES
cobalturge: NOT THE BEES
public_key_reveal_party: "I have a receipt"
ShaneLeeAtk: Live bees?
googoltudoris: i fully thought you were going to say you bought your bees from princess auto, and yup, that tracks
GirlPainting: a normal sized bee keeper hyve can have between 10 - 20 comb frames extra for honey harvesting
MacbethSeemsSus: Eddie Izzard: I like my women like I like my coffee. Covered in bees!
cyclopsboi: there are very cool things
googoltudoris: i figured it out- princess auto is just food'n'stuff from parks and recreation
DrakoniteDev: not anywhere near as strict as you'd think
cyclopsboi: pollinator gardens
GirlPainting: i just googled it. one hyve can produce 30 kilograms worth of honey per year. @LoadingReadyRun
ShaneLeeAtk: Are we going for soft ball or a little further up the candy temp?
cyclopsboi: plus a good amount of wax
SymphonySolstice: we can't even have chickens here :'(
Driosenth: 499 Bees, not a single drone more!
googoltudoris: "public nuisance" covers a lot of stuff, even more if you live in a snooty neighborhood
ShaneLeeAtk: 230F or 110C
cyclopsboi: low 200s? i think thats threads
RockPusher: We making fudge rather than "candy" so ballin' less useful
ShaneLeeAtk: This has reminded me that I have so many marshmallows to make this weekend.
pleonasticTautology: marshmallow...
cyclopsboi: its soooo sticky
pleonasticTautology: ian you should do that in the summer and make s'mores
GirlPainting: marshed mallows
DoctorHutch: hooves
cyclopsboi: its like a cattail
ShaneLeeAtk: Corn syrup, white sugar, water, salt, and gelatin
Mollylele: not to be confused with marsh tallow
Camthelion: i think pectin can replace gelatin?
ShaneLeeAtk: Or bog mallow
GirlPainting: your telling me that the ghost busters marshmallow man is NOT koscha?
niccus: is that the rebranding of bog butter
and a pleasant lime flavor
cyclopsboi: its the same gelatin
ShaneLeeAtk: Bog Mallow! Not Your Bog Standard!
A_NO0B: aspic!
Athelgar: ahhh the aspic days of the 50s&60s
SonofThoth: Who wants aspic?
niccus: some soups and stews definitely benefit from adding neutral gelatine
googoltudoris: my grandmother LOVED tomato aspic. it always made me want to vomit
Mollylele: Jell-o used to make a celery flavor
RockPusher: We probably stew less with enough bones for regular gelatin formation for todays stews
ShaneLeeAtk: We had so many aspic molds hanging in the kitchen while growing up.
A_NO0B: weren't they more like party foods?
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, my mom told me (horror) stories about parties where a lot of people brought jello dishes to a social gathering
Xed_Regulus: I remember that book!
cyclopsboi: most cookbooks and recipes especially in the US were produced by companies trying to sell their product
googoltudoris: @public_key_reveal_party still happens in the midwest!
GirlPainting: in germany about every familie has a forndux pot that gets used once every year. at christmas or new years eve
Mollylele: my family has a jello salad in its thanksgiving spread every year
ANeMzero: In my mind, if you're gonna go through all the work of doing fondue, you may as well just go a step further and do hot pot instead.
cyclopsboi: its why canned soup was a base for so many dishes
LaconicLad: We often had fondue at our house. I liked it. But that was in the 70s so I don't know if I would like it now.
public_key_reveal_party: ttsf: the ultimate gelatin-off
A_NO0B: that could be a shame inferno
ShaneLeeAtk: Our fondue was Rotel cheese dip and whatever was handy
DrakoniteDev: btw, is there no boxing day stream this year?
pleonasticTautology: oh i LOVE james hoffman
Juliamon: DrakoniteDev Correct, it's being rolled int LRL
Juliamon: *into
Ian prefers all his mistakes to happen on-camera, which I respect
Strebenherz: I like that you don't rely on that, (not relying on "here's the finished product!) but fair for if you need to do it at a point
DrakoniteDev: @Juliamon ty
pleonasticTautology: also james did a whole thing of going to italy to learn about the history of tiramisu
Strebenherz: @RockPusher that's a good way to put that. honestly makes it feel very relateable
cyclopsboi: the lady fingers
Juliamon: thiccening
pleonasticTautology: the thing we've been obsessing over is the ranch dressing recipe we have
Juliamon: forbidden gravy
pleonasticTautology: it's the recipe from outback steakhouse, which uses cayenne and paprika instead of dill
Strebenherz this is a let's try programme and failure is always an option
Xed_Regulus: I just saw a recipe for a Yule Log made of pineapple and Miracle Whip
GirlPainting: it has the consistancy of condensed milk right now
pleonasticTautology: i just made a batch in the food processor we got our nesting partner and i think it's the best batch we've made yet
niccus: yeah it's like making dulce de leche the long way around
GirlPainting: how many centimeters has the line gone down so far?
RockPusher: (sweetened) condensed milk
RockPusher: the sweetened is generally there, just minimised
Juliamon: I will admit I've never seen it called *JUST* 'condensed milk.' I've only ever seen Sweetened.
public_key_reveal_party: sweetened milk (also condensed)
Strebenherz: OH NO
iris_of_ether: I've seen a recommendation of "if you aren't sure, buy a can of both and check later"
Strebenherz: I used a tablespoon of vanilla extract once instead of a teaspoon
A_NO0B: now its a noodle kugel!
mercano82: Or mistaking baking powder and baking soda.
GirlPainting: uhhhhhh
GirlPainting: ffffffffffffff
Mollylele: o no
DrakoniteDev: rip
cyclopsboi: oh yeah that would be VERY different
SnackPak_: whoops
RockPusher: an acidic sauce…
KeytarCat: Oh no those don't even do the same thing
62MGcobra: ive mixed liquid smoke for worchestershire sauce once
misskale: My mom made an apple cider cake and used vinegar.
62MGcobra: once
cyclopsboi: baking powder and baking soda getting mixed up just usually changes the size of a buble
UtilityPunk: Pro tip: using tomato juice in your coffee machine does not makke a delicious acidic beverage
GirlPainting: thats why lables where invented
NotCainNorAbel: @62MGcobra Guessing you can still takes that
Master_Gunner: I've never had much issue with mixing up solid ingredients - they're all in very different containers. Liquids though, made some mistakes there.
62MGcobra: @NotCainNorAbel it was something
misskale: The caramel looks like it's getting close
terribleplan: Vanilla, also often blue
RockPusher: whoa whoa whoa
terribleplan: Sometimes yellow
RockPusher: You weird Canadians, Salt & Vinegar is most definitely green
cyclopsboi: salt pig
TheDevil_Risen: Salt an Vinegar in aussie is pink
cyclopsboi: its very useful
GirlPainting: in germany 90% of potatoe chips are paprika flavoured ^^
RockPusher: plain salted is blue
Camthelion: i did the salt sugar mixup one morning with breakfast ceral at school
RockPusher: chicken is yellow
Camthelion: @RockPusher sour cream and onion (chive) is green
GirlPainting: salat and vinnegar are NOT whide spread in germany....not a flavour profile we enjoy
LordZarano: plain salted is red
MacbethSeemsSus: Wait your salt and vinegar chips don't glow in the dark?
Athelgar: brand dependent colors too, Miss Vickies is that blue-green for S&V
Camthelion: shades of green
TheDevil_Risen: plain salted is dark blue down under
Camthelion S&V is dark green, SC&C is light green
DrakoniteDev: btw, regarding beehives, to my understanding where I live (SE Nebraska) the only real restrictions are no invasive species, only certain types of hives, and no one files any legit nuisance complaints. otherwise no explicit restrictions
TheAwkes: Time to introduce a new ISO standard for the colour labeling of potato chip products.
RockPusher: how are you doing for temperature now Ian?
RockPusher: given we've got rid of a bunch of water now
LostThePirate: The talk of pasta earlier made me want pasta. Now I have pasta.
RockPusher: delicious 'blue' flavour
mercano82: LRR could at least best RC Cola
GirlPainting: @LoadingReadyRun what made you pick the bright blue as your main colour?
pleonasticTautology: can i get diet cherry vanilla loadingreadyrun?
niccus: what will lrr look like after a pepsi style rebrand
MechaKuuga: Now on ETSY!
epsilon_vee: enjoying a tasty diet drs' lrr
Camthelion: LRR-stillery
Athelgar: isnt Cokacola Red like a registered and TMd Pantone color (or whoever copyrights color)
misskale: Cream soda being pink in a lot of places in the world is still strange to me.
TheAwkes: I see we have reached the chicken gravy stage.
GirlPainting: well, its a mixture of prussean blue and cyan i would guess
coronax_cj: Man, color gamuts are weird...
ghizmou: it s chocolate mousse
Driosenth: $20K USD for a custom pantone color
GirlPainting: real life has the problem that we don´t have 16,9 million different colour pigments ^^
RockPusher: "kind of"
Camthelion: i dont think ive see it explained. why was beige the colour chosen for that arc of cH?
TheDevil_Risen: nah they just charge for it
Time for another Kickstarter
DrakoniteDev: kind of dicks in that dicks are not always that mean
Paul with the understatement of the dickitude of Pantone
DrakoniteDev: @Camthelion beige is very corporate
Fuzzra: Ah, I see I've joined at a moderately dangerous moment.
TheDevil_Risen: how much for a sample of VantaBeige?
RockPusher: Pantone: The De Beers of colours
cyclopsboi: it would probably separate i think
Camthelion: @DrakoniteDev fair
niccus: 1:1 this and espresso
misskale: 30 seconds in the microwave at that stage makes a good sauce
i need to paint my room in it
RockPusher: niccus I endorse this idea
misskale: Not at this point.
cyclopsboi: the sugar content is too high for it to curdle i think
cyclopsboi: basic
SonofThoth: But what if it's zwitterionic?
cyclopsboi: or is it now i am second guessing
MechaKuuga: Will this be a Caramel Chew type of caramel?
TheDevil_Risen: that looks about the colour i make my syrup for milkshakes
Master_Gunner: cream of tarter is acidic, as it reacts with the basic bicarbonate.
TheMrFraser: i thought cream of tartar was the crystalized from of tartaric acid
Athelgar: it can also make the caramel seize
dire_5loth: caramel hides all sins
niccus: do you have a tasting spoon?
Fuzzra: Buck tradition, use a light roast
cyclopsboi: that starting ribbon stage i think
TheAwkes: The sweetened coffee to coffee flavoured candy spectrum.
MacbethSeemsSus: I wonder proportionally how much Starbucks sells at this point is actually coffee.
TheDevil_Risen: what you would need to produce is espresso syrup
cobalturge: Okay, but is this the stage at which it will be featured on Wet Ones?
TheDevil_Risen: in order to mix it with it as is
LostThePirate: If the end goal of this caramel a sauce, a chew, or a hard candy? Or something else in that spectrum?
LostThePirate: *Is
Scarbble: caramel is a fun game of chicken between desired brown and burnt
LoadingReadyRun: I believe we are going for something in the chew/candy level rather then sauce
Fuzzra: This is reminding me that I've not made butterscotch ice cream in years
DoctorHutch: i do remember avoiding scrapping the sides when making caramel sauce cause i didn't want it to crystalize and end up grainy, this heating process might not have the same concern
Juliamon: The author of this recipe did, in fact, start by sous-viding a can of sweetened condensed milk
Juliamon: just to test his theory
Scarbble: cooking a can of condensed milk is classic caramel tech
cyclopsboi: thats how you make dulce de leche
RockPusher: ^
spethycakes: wow, that color change feels almost instantaneous
TheAwkes: Vantacaramel?
DrakoniteDev: someday I need to find a good lactose free caramel
Fuzzra: In the UK, at least, you can buy cans of condensed milk that have been pree-cooked.
cyclopsboi: i think its caramel with rounded corners
KeytarCat: Did Paul just "If caramel 3 is so good why isn't there a caramel 4"?
TheMerricat: I'm ahead of you Paul. I checked and they really stopped posting around 2021. No updates as far as I could tell on their own blog or the Medium.
paulthemapguy: any word from the caramel devs on how their title is pronounced?
MacbethSeemsSus: Patch 1.7: bug causing caramel to stick to braces still not resolved.
dire_5loth: we've moved on to new grifts and buzzwords
terribleplan: Web 3.0: Something something crypto BS makes it so you can't sue me for doing illegal stuff.
BlueFingers5: if they don't define it, it could be anything
Juliamon: "Surprise! It's AI"
Strebenherz: like the people yelling about metaverse being the best thing, and they end up making a crappier vr chat?
DrakoniteDev: web 3.0: people pitching bad tech that think they can arbitrarily declare a new type of web tech
NotCainNorAbel: Web 3.0 is a vision for the next generation of the internet that's more decentralized and user-centric than the current version; now give me moeny
Athelgar: what, you mean the snake oil salesman can explain how the snake oil works without obfuscating buzzwords
DoctorHutch: my first exposure to jump cuts
paulthemapguy: If caramel 3.0 was based on AI, it would take 10x as much heat to create
shea_wolfe: Well you see they saw the cell phone companies get away with completely detaching 3g/4g etc from reality and decided to follow suit.
DoctorHutch: that made so much sense at the time
ThorSokar: If I was, unicode would have a dang dump truck by now!
accountmadeforants: This guy's Web version numbering system has already switched over to hexadecimal for efficiency
cobalturge: Bill would have disagreed with "More Ninjas"
DrakoniteDev: this is now caramel colored
dire_5loth: It is darkening quite quickly now
LordZarano: The real web 3.0 was probably WebAssembly & optimized engines for javascript
paulthemapguy: is this man scraping a metal pan with a metal whisk
GirlPainting: when is the next LRR live sceduled?
TheShameGranny subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
TheShameGranny: Ian! Ian Horner! Why is your wrist sore? Why is everything sticky? What shameful things have you been up to in my kitchen young man!?
Juliamon: !schedule
Thanks for subscribing, TheShameGranny! (Today's storm count: 60)
DrakoniteDev: @GirlPainting this weekend
oh cool
LoadingReadyRun: no LRL this weekend. *next* weekend (after Christmas)
RealOGLobster: it builds the pan's character
citadark: 100%
Scarbble: i'd watch it
accountmadeforants: @LordZarano The entire notion of Web versions is ridiculous to begin with. Web 2.0 was supposedly social media integrations and "user-generated content", except anyone who had been on the web before then would have known that was literally the web to begin with.
LostThePirate: Plz no ASMR cooking streams lol
DrakoniteDev: Nah, TTSF is more about chilling and talking together
pleonasticTautology: only if you let the caramel drink some of the alcohol
Cptasparagus: as a labrat, that had better not cost $400 lmao
Cptasparagus: you can get a little stirplate for like $25
NotCainNorAbel: wouldn't that get in the way of the magnets that are being used to 'heat' the pan?
DrakoniteDev: want to hear a joke? I miscounted my hours and I need to work 1 hr tomorrow to meet my hours for the year. just 1 hour. I am the joke.
dougma: OMG, and a subscription service for the stiring bean...
Fuzzra: I love magnetic stirring.
cobalturge: they would take some special magnets, no?
A_NO0B: are lab stir sticks food safe?
LostThePirate: Yummmm
Cptasparagus: @NotCainNorAbel not necessarily, there are ways to do it. We have induction coil heating mantles for reactions that have a separate magnet for stirring. I think it has to do with how the fields overlap
file_maker: web 1.0 was web as documents, web 2.0 was web as applications
cyclopsboi: boiled the ol nose frog
NotCainNorAbel: @Cptasparagus today I learned
RockPusher: Ian wondering if we should do a pot-watching stream… Tonkotsu Watch 2025 confirmed?
file_maker: web 3.0 was web as applications but decentralized, which 1) no one wants, and 2) can be done better w/o blockchains
Fuzzra: @A_NO0B Usually Teflon coated so no worse than a non-stick pan. Fancy ones come in glass or quartz envelopes.
DrakoniteDev: @file_maker web 2.0 was specifically about live connections to web servers, where you updated data without refreshing the page itself
DoctorHutch: instapot all the way
Juliamon: Do not cremate your chicken
file_maker: @DrakoniteDev yeah ajax was involved for sure
pleonasticTautology: @file_maker your handle is just making me miss working with filemaker
accountmadeforants: @file_maker The web has never been just documents. (Again, I've been irked by the Web 2.0 moniker well before Web 3.0 became such an obviously garbage buzzword.)
file_maker: @pleonasticTautology it's nothing to do w them, it just literally describes what i do
DrakoniteDev: @file_maker I am old enough to have been a webdev in the early days, well before web2
@file_maker that's fair, i'm just waxing a bit nostalgic
file_maker: @accountmadeforants well sure if i was JUST documents it wouldn't have been the web. it would have been... wait for it... documents
LoadingReadyRun: I'm with @DrakoniteDev I've always considered "web 2.0" to be the rise of AJAX-like technologies that break from the each piece of content is a separate page paradigm
moira_the_dragon: i own that same betty crocker spoon lol
file_maker: @DrakoniteDev same, that's why I have forgotten 90% of the details
citadark: those betty crocker spatulas are the backbone of every kitchen i stg
yaboysgottatinkles: I appreciate that Paul asks good clarifying questions
if you remember the "web1.0" days, don't forget your back meds
pleonasticTautology: wait they're a single piece? ohhhhhhhhhhh i need it.
cyclopsboi: spoonula
file_maker: the whole fact that the web can coherently have version numbers kinda hides in plain sight the fact that the web is just softwareand we could write something else
citadark: they are the best spatulas i've ever used
RockPusher: being the grumpy old sysadmin that I am, I still hold the position of if your web site doesn't work without javascript then it isn't a web site
Strebenherz: that's a good point
pleonasticTautology: yeah
chriswr5: im an oxo good grips type of gal myself
pleonasticTautology: that's kind of happening with some spatulas in this house
pleonasticTautology: we also need to get a silicone whisk for when we make scrambled eggs...
LostThePirate: Thicc
DrakoniteDev: scüüp
Scarbble: getting thicc
Juliamon: Flash-chill
NotCainNorAbel: and this is where the names of soft-ball, hard-crack...come from
Fuzzra: *whimpers in Thermapen*
Pour it over ice cream, call it a day
Athelgar: the idea is also to drizzle the candy into the water, not plunge the coated spoon
cyclopsboi: when do you add the vanilla?
GirlPainting: could you emagine, dipping a muffin into that and let it cool? ^^
cyclopsboi: because it would like flash boil right now
dire_5loth: wishful thinking
DrakoniteDev: this is an interesting TTSF, in that instead of a complicated or multi-step project, it is one basic operation that takes time, and everyone just chilling and seeing how it goes
pleonasticTautology: yeah
RockPusher: dunk an entire cake in there
pleonasticTautology: we're really enjoying this
ghizmou: or caramel onions if you're a trickster
cobalturge: Chicken Nuggies?
file_maker: @DrakoniteDev kind of ideal stream content tbh
F0rest_Fox_: So Ian, what are you drinking for a cam and Ian christmas?
TheDevil_Risen: mmm nogat
citadark: i love a cooking TTSF and making caramel is really just the most zen cooking task
GirlPainting: you basicly made a carmamel forneux right now ^^
Juliamon: F0rest_Fox_ That's always a secret until right before
DrakoniteDev: @file_maker especially winding down in to the holidays!
TheDevil_Risen: caramello... KOALA
TheDevil_Risen: caramello Koh-ah-lah *sings*
corianderd: just checking in. how goes the stirring?
SymphonySolstice: caramontillado
Juliamon: Stirring is going well
KeytarCat: Carameliado
@DrakoniteDev I left the stream paused for about 20 minutes at the start. I unpaused it an it looked as though only a second had passed (We're seeing lots more visual progress now, though.)
DrakoniteDev: it is going to go quick now
pleonasticTautology: hi cori, the stirring is going well
Mollylele: good thicc stir
pleonasticTautology: ooooo
accountmadeforants: The hot-removing water
Athelgar: looks llike pre-softball
corianderd: fishy
citadark: almost to softball yeah
oberon939: Is that bells 2 hearted?
file_maker: wow. now i'm starting to get the agita. what stage are we shooting for again
pleonasticTautology: as long as you didn't burn yourself, ian
Fuzzra: For real fear, make honeycomb. Is your deepest pan deep enough? Will you die in a crunchy shell?
Do your tendons usually do that?
TheDevil_Risen: also 100% agree one piece spatulas are the BEST
A_NO0B: And on the other end of the scale, jackhammer operators
file_maker: why do we as a species go to these kinds of lengths for sugar when sugar is already sugar
corianderd: i would not believe it is milk
ghyllnox: Whisk it for the biscuit... er... caramel
Athelgar: and many of those white things were at one point green lol
GirlPainting: Do you have this recepy out of the Necrobrownicon? ^^
file_maker: @TheDevil_Risen truth
pleonasticTautology: hey @corianderd can we ask you something unrelated to this stream
corianderd: we?
pleonasticTautology: <-- wee
pleonasticTautology: *we
pleonasticTautology: plural
DoctorHutch: i finally found a set of Big 1 piece spatulas on amazon, so now i have a good stirring option for making 16+qt batches of tomato sauce
pleonasticTautology: english wasn't designed for plurality lmao
247Gremlin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 247Gremlin! (Today's storm count: 61)
GirlPainting: how dos something pop white?
TheAwkes: Imagine a dark popping.
LostThePirate: XD
corianderd: @pleonasticTautology you can ask on discord if it's gonna de-rail chat. there's a lot happening on stream
MacbethSeemsSus: Warning: Giving dogs caramel will cause zoomies.
DoctorHutch: don't feed your dog carmel.
pleonasticTautology: @corianderd eh it's fine, nothing important
Fuzzra: Top down looks like a dark crumpet starting to set
SnackPak_: thanks Beej!
corianderd: @pleonasticTautology then ask away!
Strebenherz: Beej, mistakes consumer
Cptasparagus: @corianderd is watching caramel caramelize not akin to watching paint dry?
A_NO0B: Beej eats the whole mistake
pleonasticTautology: oh nonono it's fine haha, don't want to derail
Strebenherz: Beej, consumer of humanity's errors
corianderd: @Cptasparagus paint is less dangerous
LostThePirate: Definitely different colors coming through on top-down and sideangle cameras
DoctorHutch: sits a stirs continually for 2 hours "this is too easy oh no!"
corianderd: night all. if this gets burned it's chat's fault
A_NO0B: leavening is the big difference
Strebenherz: Gnight Corianerd. Thank you for the not a drop to drink craziness.
A_NO0B: COuld try to just use a yolk?
serramarkov: Liquid eggs.
50keyz: "Egg Divided" would be a good name for some modern art piece
file_maker: Beej, Mistakes Consumer - 1WR for a 2/2 Legendary Human Citizen. Tap and sacrifice a Food: return a card from the graveyard to your hand.
dire_5loth: I mean, you can get liquid eggs in a carton
NotCainNorAbel: I have recipes that list eggs in grams
GirlPainting: you could go for powdered egg...and then you can devide and conquer!
Athelgar: you do in pro kitchens
serramarkov: you need about a Tablespoon
Athelgar: eggs, milk and water all weigh the same as their volume
Fuzzra: Egg sizes conform to specified weight ranges
spethycakes: I've found, baking at altitude, that I need to be extremely careful to use the smallest eggs I can when baking
F0rest_Fox_: 300 grahams of egg? That's a lot of eggs...
cyclopsboi: sort of, there are metrics around how many grams eggs of various size are
LostThePirate: lol
TheDevil_Risen: huhh
TheDevil_Risen: wow
TheDevil_Risen: ok did not know thast
Lord_Hosk: When I worked in a kitchen we would used bag eggs for baking and measure them out by the cup
Kaktus021: Also order of operations can be very important
spethycakes: less rising/leavening agent at altitude + generally a little more water
Phaers: Lg eggs is usually about 50g when estimating recipes
ThorSokar: "use # egg(s)" in most recipes refers directly to a "large egg" if you're supposed to use small/medium/xl/jumbo eggs it will say so
Lord_Hosk: the bags of eggs were just whole cracked eggs that were pre "scrambled" we used them for both scrambled eggs and baking
shea_wolfe: It's glooptacular!
Athelgar: test again now, should be soft ball
niccus: napalm stage
quietcat: getting pretty ribbon-ey
Mazrae: The ooie gooie stage
GirlPainting: this is a triumpf. making a note here, huge success
Athelgar: this is imediate 3rd degree burns right now
7gorobei: betty crocker in the 50's were able to make a cake mix where you just added water. the marketing found that it was too easy and made customers feel weird/lazy, so they removed the powdered egg from the mix so the customer could add it manually and feel like they contributed
file_maker: @7gorobei they shoul bring it back now, it'd kill
Fuzzra: @7gorobei Times have changed, maybe they should revisit the idea.
LoadingReadyRun: @7gorobei I've heard that before. I think they should try again. I feel modern consumers are more willing to be lazy
ghyllnox: In-studio or on-roof?
file_maker: twinsies
we all had the same idea
ThorSokar: "glass blowing" aka "how Ian burned down the Moonbase and part of the local block with it"
file_maker: AND AGAIN
Juliamon: Especially with eggs being more expensive now...
7gorobei: it would certainly simplify the egg quantization dilemma
Kaktus021: You could do glass bead work. That's fairly doable
A_NO0B: man the exposure levels would be hard to do
50keyz: @LoadingReadyRun but they could just order/buy cake or slices of cake from restaurants more readily then the 50s
GirlPainting: you could give pottery a try @Ian
Athelgar: it would be cool to have some field tripTTSF where you get to go to a maker space that has those tools and workstations
F0rest_Fox_: Can we earmark?
Fuzzra: Moonbase cyclotron is first up.
file_maker: @Athelgar YES
NotCainNorAbel: I would think just the idea of a new moonbase would cause Paul to go screaming
DrakoniteDev: @LoadingReadyRun the egg on modern boxed cake mixes is optional, and still only there for psychological reasons
50keyz: i respect the patience displayed here.
goombalax: I just got here but I am assuming that the beer has gone into the caramel to create beeramel
file_maker: bar-amel
MacbethSeemsSus: Also two highly regulated businesses that both need licensing....
A_NO0B: also both dangerous
ThorSokar: sounds like a combination Sushi Bar / Tattoo Parlor / and Day Care
RockPusher: Combination restaurant and foundary
TheDevil_Risen: LPG forge much safer
Ian makes Thermide when?
dougma: This time on TTSF: Thermite!
spethycakes: but what if it melts all the way through the ground?!
TheDevil_Risen: *Thermite
AutonomousTurtle: Tell that to those damn aliens. Always crawling through vents.
LucSnider: Modernist cuisine. It'd fit right in.
cyclopsboi: screwing around with a microwave is how a lot of people get electrocuted
dire_5loth: Nah, thermite is best lit on roofs
ThorSokar: yes, kill people in the basement below you, they shouldn't be there anyways!
mercano82: TTSF: Putting the RUN! into LoadingReadyRun.
Fuzzra: Put it in a tub of sand?
UtilityPunk: Today, on TTSF: Making corium
goombalax: their structures are made of acid resistant ichor
niccus: probably same as humans, human blood is a notorious bio hazard
DasGreatBrit: It has been "0" Days since acid has burned through the ceiling
shea_wolfe: I heard Xenomorph Ocean, which also seems very scary
pleonasticTautology: both, ian
dire_5loth: I imagine xenomorph OSHA is still better than Weyland-Yutani
goombalax: @shea_wolfe its the new JoJo season
ThorSokar: both, one for each, as required by the manual
A_NO0B: @shea_wolfe Isn't that just Heat Death?
TheDevil_Risen: very silly
Kaktus021: Turns out the "outer" head IS a helmet
AutonomousTurtle: one of those neon coloured condoms, in essence
goombalax: I'm pretty sure alex has designed exactly that
niccus: oh god a forklift certified xenomorph is invincible
dire_5loth: It's spike tail has a tennis ball attached to the end
file_maker: oh wow. stick a fork in it it's done
TheDevil_Risen: they are good
KeytarCat: I should rewatch...what was the name of the series Paul was talking about?
goombalax: by leaving
TheDevil_Risen: was that the one with Cori and Kathlleen?
goombalax: movie is 12 minutes long
AutonomousTurtle: @KeytarCat Heat Death
NotCainNorAbel: so....a one take?
DoctorHutch: arrive, take a small amount of data, choose to leave
ThorSokar: The correct answer is to nuke it from orbit just to be sure
LordZarano: We did miniature glass blowing after chemistry class one day with bunsen burners and little glass tubes (supervised by the teacher). It was fun. Yes of course I grabbed the wrong end and burnt my finger, almost immediately
@LoadingReadyRun ^ ?
Athelgar: because An Inconvenient Truth didnt do well at the boxoffice
DasGreatBrit: Little two hearted for Ian, little two hearted for the caramel
Driosenth: Don't you send robots to do this sort of thing... AM I THE ROBOT!?
TheDevil_Risen: and Cam as DM
goombalax: on second thought lets not go to the prometheus, 'tis a silly place
hackingducks: @Driosenth *chernobyl voice* biorobots.
A_NO0B: I mean, now that's just First Law!
MacbethSeemsSus: I'm not eating those scrambled eggs.
dire_5loth: It would be tricky since all of them have xenomorphs in them as far as we know
Zandivya: Bury it in lye
KeytarCat: @AutonomousTurtle tyty
Zandivya: 1000 year alien egg
I convinced a stranger to give lutefisk a try this weekend, specifically by describing the lye-related process
niccus: xenomorph eggs are just like oysters, if it opens by itself it's too late
Athelgar: Macintosh's toffee
goombalax: toffee
cyclopsboi: sugar babies?
GirlPainting: Daim
Strebenherz: oh that looks amazing
file_maker: get it off the damn heat horner
Strebenherz: what are the ingredients needed for this?
Fuzzra: Toffee is never crunchy, though it can be shattered with a hammer
Strebenherz: Thank you juliamon
file_maker: omg it's so dark GET IT OUT OF THERE
Driosenth: Do not eat NIST standard caramel
cyclopsboi: probably tastes awful
Juliamon: Gentle reminder that studio lighting may differ from reality
NotCainNorAbel: forbidden goodness
A_NO0B: Is there ISO caramel?
Strebenherz: that poured out so well
tyrsredritehand: Are we making Cam and Ian drink snacks?
Strebenherz: heeeeck
DoctorHutch: I'm very curious if this will end up grainy or not using this heating method
Mollylele: the topdown camera definitely looks darker than the side view
file_maker: @Juliamon what's this nonsense about Plato and a cave? I don't believe it
niccus: who gets whisk cleaning duty
niccus: whisk cleaning privilege
Cptasparagus: There is NIST "meat homogenate" but not caramel
7gorobei: @file_maker we adjusted the overhead camera settings at the beginning to avoid strobing of the induction display, the color may not be the same as real life
Athelgar: forgot vanilla
Fuzzra: Lofty Pursuits is a good source of blackcurrant flavoured sweets for those on North America
Strebenherz: Whoop
spethycakes: vanilla is crucial, says the recipe
RockPusher: indeed, no caramel in the SRM catalog
Strebenherz: did it taste good?
file_maker: @7gorobei the shapes on the cave wall would never lie to me, you heretic!
Juliamon: It wouldn't be the worst mistake you've made
2 raiders from Stormgod519 have joined!
Stormgod519: Good evening!
TheDevil_Risen: that looks so good
7gorobei: @file_maker i am but a blind man feeling up elephants
Stormgod519: ooo, what we makin?
file_maker: @7gorobei your kink is OK
misskale: Yeah... I need to send Karo
goombalax: the best thing is you can just add water and heat up the pot to clean it
Stormgod519: oh ian dont hurt yourself
Athelgar: beware your fillings lol
GirlPainting: we call this tooth filling sucker ^^
TheDevil_Risen: fillings beware
Fuzzra: Sounds like a Quality Street toffee penny
pleonasticTautology: thank you for streaming!
Riandisa: Thanks for the fun stream!
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks Paul and Ian!!
thx 5 the stream...thats more then 4 the stream
Stormgod519: well done Ian!
file_maker: I am shocked how compelling this was
F0rest_Fox_: See you Saturday Ian!
NotCainNorAbel: for cutting these you may want to try using a pizza cutter
file_maker: @NotCainNorAbel facts
RockPusher: I need to do my ChillPoint homework
Fuzzra: Lick the whisk!
SymphonySolstice: oh boy
Juliamon: The cats all look profoundly weird
Stormgod519: we love a crapshoot
asddsa28: yess
A_NO0B: sweet
Stormgod519: IM GONNA MISS IT!!!
Stormgod519: Im so sad
ThorSokar: the 10th Edition of a Classic!
cyclopsboi: 10th edition?!
AnimeKitty: Oh no I'm going to miss this!
spethycakes: This week is such a phenomenal schedule
asddsa28: this is my fav thing to do dering the halladays
Mazrae: What are you drinking this year
TheDevil_Risen: ITS SO GOOD
Juliamon: The bottle is traditionally kept secret until right beore the stream
TheDevil_Risen: yep
Strebenherz: It looks like a very cheesy visual novel, but... a glowing review like that... I need to check this out
TheDevil_Risen: think life is strange
TheDevil_Risen: music style ish
cyclopsboi: thrink!
empyreon: not a droct to drink?
Juliamon: It popped OFF
ghyllnox: Things Occurred
A_NO0B: that was certainly an episode
Fuzzra: Eight?! *Tank Girl movie memories*
MacbethSeemsSus: Nothing dramatic happened
RockPusher: vods, many
Strebenherz: If not a drop to drink was a car, for that episode that car jumped the grand canyon while on fire and juggling chainsaws, with a heavy metal clown band in the backseat
serramarkov: Omg, I'm still processing and re-watching. This last season, oof.
50 Bits
pleonasticTautology: :3
SymphonySolstice: dabits
file_maker: it's late for dinner tho
Strebenherz: gnight! y'all take care
file_maker: peace yall
Fuzzra: Caramel taters for dinner.
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