NewtyNewts: lrrSIG
lightfut: Ooooooooooki oki
NewtyNewts subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 47 month streak!
NewtyNewts: This is my DI button
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NewtyNewts! (Today's storm count: 1)
lightfut: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: biscuits!
v_nome subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, v_nome! (Today's storm count: 2)
TXC2: here we GO!
TXC2: Hello Adam and Jacob
NewtyNewts: Think we've still got the going live music playing
tod_vom_himmel: STREEFIDER
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
lightfut: New soundtrack go
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun intro music is still playing
therepoman__: Howdy gamers
TXC2: there we go!
NewtyNewts: There we go, it's gone
AceGun_: Hey, I was vibing to that!
cfnmonk: cfnmonWestsideBB cfnmonWestsideBB
itira: morning the music was blasting
lightfut: Shut up and punch
tod_vom_himmel: it was a vibe, its just much louder htan your mics lol
itira: "WHAT?"
shendaras: Hello all
itira: LUL
Lyrinoir subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
158 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lyrinoir! (Today's storm count: 3)
TXC2: also, FANTASTIC performance from both of you on bite club on monday
SymphonySolstice: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
RAICx: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Narcuru subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 79 months, currently on a 57 month streak!
Jayrod1220: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Narcuru! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: Hello Raiders
MilkInBags: oh fuck it's the fighting dudes
TheAinMAP: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
itira: im here twice!
Ritaspirithntr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Ritaspirithntr: fight fight fight punch punch punch
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ritaspirithntr! (Today's storm count: 5)
red_shoes_jeff: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
measureofhope: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
LordZarano: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
freshmaker__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
freshmaker__: THE ACTUAL FACTUAL 6 YEARS!! (unless im bad at maths) There's no channel I'd rather be supporting for so long! lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, freshmaker__! (Today's storm count: 6)
TheWriterAleph: allo allo
SymphonySolstice: uh oh chunkieees
PsychoI3oy: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
drizztnailo: howdy gamers
baskwalla: Hello punchers, we are also punchers
MilkInBags: present
Narcuru: pretty hole-y
SymphonySolstice: large
TXC2: !holes
LRRbot: Did somebody mention classic young-adult action-adventure movie Holes??
NewtyNewts: So... 'bout them holes
RurouniGeo: Lolll
PsychoI3oy: rather wide, too
MilkInBags: thriving
itira: idk James was standing around when i got there
Monocerotis2010: they needed to be emptied
therepoman__: Any hole enjoyers
shendaras: He just keeps making more
Wolfstrike_NL: !hole
LRRbot: Did somebody mention famous Shia LaBeouf vehicle Holes??
RurouniGeo: Do you hole what i holeeeee
lightfut: To all your questions, the answer is holes
MilkInBags: yeah james does nothing and receives 10000 bits for no reason Kappa
AceGun_: A little AKI to wake you up. broski4Akicool
itira: @MilkInBags LUL
TXC2: holes are holy, so yes, the reason for the season Kappa
baskwalla: James is never satisfied with the holes he has, he must always add more
RurouniGeo: Oh holey night
MilkInBags: it's soon christmas and i wish you all to be plus
the_walking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_walking! (Today's storm count: 7)
tod_vom_himmel: i remembered after about 30 seconds that sf5 sucked
AceGun_: Pretty good, except for the lobby system.
drizztnailo: i have discovered that G might be one of my favorite sf characters ever
tod_vom_himmel: then i went back to work
tod_vom_himmel: cause that was more fun
iconicshadow89 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iconicshadow89! (Today's storm count: 8)
MilkInBags: mashing demeanour
Sydet1: Menat was intersting
Mr_Horrible: I heard everyone's PCs got hit with the virus called Street Fighter 5
tod_vom_himmel: the lobby system is unbelievably bad, yea
tod_vom_himmel: wait 20 minutes to fight 3 rounds
drizztnailo: tod realized that he had to mash to do hands and he left
MilkInBags: if 5 is so great, why did they make 6???
drizztnailo: we just ran two lobbies at once
AceGun_: Once I figured out how to put Urien back in his diaper, the game felt a lot better.
NewtyNewts: It drooooooopped!
itira: oop LUL
Mr_Horrible: if there was ever a time to full send
MilkInBags: if you win, you win
MilkInBags: #aegisreflection
MilkInBags: reflector****
Mr_Horrible: nope, sorry, the history books will forever contain an "erm, ACTUALLY" erosNerd
MilkInBags: no
MilkInBags: 2 hours from holidays
drizztnailo: #Gfor2028
MilkInBags: eating a bowl of jujubes
itira: how bigs the bowl
AceGun_: "Wow, great round you had there. It would be a shame if... AEGIS REFLECTOR!"
therepoman__: I was surprised by how much fun I had with sf5
drizztnailo: i fucking love G
MilkInBags: normal sized, like huh, a cereal bowl
RurouniGeo: G is fantastic
therepoman__: Ryu is tight in that game
MilkInBags: there is a disturbing lack of sax in sf6
Mr_Horrible: G for... Gamerica? Gunkle Sam?
AceGun_: Netcode is still a lot rougher than SF6 as well.
Wilcroft: seabatSKYLADY
MilkInBags: classic excuse to blame the netcode Kappa
BrowneePointz: it got good* it launched a bit shaky
duallain: g'morning fighters
drizztnailo: sfv also has sfv dhalsim which is rough
lightfut: Lariat sucks, as we know
TXC2: hello duallain welcome
MilkInBags: name one game that had a good release
therepoman__: All I did was low forward fireball and anti air DP and it felt great
MilkInBags: (don't @ me)
Mr_Horrible: I see they learned their lesson with SF6 and just launched good this time instead Kappa
TXC2: the only good way to warm up is to lie on a rock in the sun Kappa
Hypo_Holy: dropped from 24000 to 22000LP over the last 3 days, feelsbadman
Mr_Horrible: mental image of "low forward fireball" is just Ryu doing a tactical crawl while also hadoukening
itira: stardew valley because it was a whole game? :)
thatguysteve2709: Skyrim the 7th time
drizztnailo: i saw the vision, jacob
tod_vom_himmel: af6 had a pretty good release
therepoman__: Ryu doing the Chris Redfield crawl and shoot
duallain: cyberpunk77 was perfect on release :D
tod_vom_himmel: ah i cant type
Mr_Horrible: @therepoman__ just shouting "EAT LEAD!" whenever he fireballs, confusing the opponent
BrowneePointz: @milkinbags too late I’m @‘ing you. normally I’d agree but SFV did launch in a not great state. even the pros and sfv diehard fans would tell you launch and S1 for 5 was r o u g h
Mr_Horrible: that is in fact a lie
MilkInBags: it was worse than no mans sky
drizztnailo: @duallain was playing cyberpunk 2 minutes ago
MilkInBags: it bricked PS4s
BrowneePointz: it released dogshit, they “fixed” it, and now it’s POLISHED dogshit
drizztnailo: my 30 slide powerpoint presentation about cyberpunk is ready to go
MilkInBags: wow adam jinxed it
MilkInBags: jacob had it
duallain: 30 slides, so concise
10of9: Hi Jacob and Adam! I've been loving Not A Drop To Drink! I had no familiarity with World of Darkness prior to it and now I have the core book and am slowly assembling a group of like minded individuals! lrrSHINE
TXC2: Hello Nelson
MilkInBags: he's practicing his santa role
Earthenone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Earthenone! (Today's storm count: 9)
AbraPSI subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AbraPSI! (Today's storm count: 10)
BrowneePointz: Come Fight! And Know Me Better Man! - Nelson
MilkInBags: holy shit an actual new sub
Earthenone: had to instal a new browser to let that prime go through grumbles
Mr_Horrible: Holy shit, Santa's got those blockstrings on lock
MilkInBags: newt hates santa
duallain: santa giving the gift of distractions
MilkInBags: is your stick fixed?
MilkInBags: you sent it to the sticksmith?
TXC2: duallain santa is ADHD? Kappa
NewtyNewts: Dropped it again, nice one Jacob
Sogheim: I wonder who in the moonbase is getting a Tim Horton's gift card for Christmas this year
Mr_Horrible: simply play leverless, never worry about a gate again
TXC2: Sogheim everyone, it's who gets the $40 gift card that matters Kappa
MilkInBags: reel it in
MilkInBags: G won't fire you yet FBtouchdown
TXC2: Graham doesn't fire Adam for another week Kappa
AbraPSI: Spin to win. I've been watching for along time on youtube tho.
BusTed: High stakes subathon
JinaMahavira: a job-athon
Mr_Horrible: the frogs are evolving
tod_vom_himmel: oh YOUTUBE, thats what the smell was
TXC2: hello AbraPSI welcome
bo_brinkman subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 56 months!
bo_brinkman: Pweez don't take my Oki-boi away!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bo_brinkman! (Today's storm count: 11)
TXC2: Frogs turning into trogs
BrowneePointz: Speaking of Santa. Reminder that it's canon in the DCU that every year Santa evades ALL of Apokolips' defenses just to leave Darkseid a lump of coal
BusTed: seabatTROG
Mr_Horrible: to be clear, we love the frogs, the frogs are great, but we do a little friendly ribbing
LurkerSpine: How goes the fighting?
BusTed: "yeah I'll do it"
MilkInBags: the hero wins
NorthstarTex: there was a chance
LurkerSpine: Dash under is always an option
Mr_Horrible: it's one of those moves where your instincts say it should be minus because it's a closer and a big commitment, but then it's not
lamina5432: did he pass?
TXC2: unc check vs dad reflex
tod_vom_himmel: jacobs never been called old when missing a DI reaction and it shows ;p
BrowneePointz: AKI's combo strings are NASTY
Mr_Horrible: "AKI combos" *jazz hands*
tdapenguin: @BrowneePointz I'd forgotten that. lrrXmasgibb
NewtyNewts: GGs Jacob!
tod_vom_himmel: i get DIed and go "NOOOO IM OLD"
BrowneePointz: She has one of the best Slow Fireballs in the game
BrowneePointz: it's so hard to get used to
NewtyNewts: oh no I'm toxic like AKI lrrBEEJ
MilkInBags: mods, ban all AKI players
TXC2: no
BrowneePointz: Hey now, AKI players had to work for those Buffs!
AceGun_: broski4Akicool
BeccaTingles: Hey everyone!
TXC2: hello BeccaTingles welcome
NewtyNewts: We stood by our character in season one, we deserve it!
BrowneePointz: (and to be honest it didn't take many for AKI to go from good with a couple glaring clunky things to A Problem|tm|)
duallain: there should be a special queue that matches honda and akis
NewtyNewts: @duallain please no
MilkInBags: why did honda just disappear from release? did he get nerfed?
BrowneePointz: He doesn't have much Sauce, and is a bit of a pub stomper @MilkInBags
duallain: too good, people don't like playing SSS tiers
MilkInBags: oh, he never was really good, people just realized he's mid?
BrowneePointz: so High Ranks weren't using him after his knowledge checks were found, and he doesn't have the kinda Pizzazz/Oomph for staying
MilkInBags: that makes sense
MilkInBags: just like how blanka ball was a thing on release but now it's dead?
NewtyNewts: Now you're in the blender
BeccaTingles: Can I share some good news chat? I got my ADHD officially diagnosed yesterday. :D
Frizzlenill: butt slam is plus but you can interrupt it on the way down, jump back if you guess the version/distance, or perfect parry it
Frizzlenill: basically free to go for the perfect parry despite being plus
itira: @BeccaTingles seabatClap
Mr_Horrible: hell yeah
BeccaTingles: It is a weird mix of feelings for sure
TXC2: Booray, as we say
NewtyNewts: Welcome to the crew! The first step to knowing what helps most
NorthstarTex: Eyy, welcome to the demographic!
ToppHat: My GF got one too recently and its been a big help
JinaMahavira: Congrats, you can get help for your ADHD, which you've had the whole time :)
BeccaTingles: @TXC2 I am adopting this
tdapenguin: @BeccaTingles lrrAWESOME
ToppHat: adderall has been a big help for her
duallain: congradolances
NewtyNewts: Because it's real windy at sea
Mr_Horrible: it's like an air hockey table
BrowneePointz: flag code
BusTed: strong breeze
BrowneePointz: it's illegal to touch the ground
BrowneePointz: Murica
Frizzlenill: maybe gief lv1 can beat buttslam now with the hitbox buffs?
AbraPSI: Exhaust on the deck keeping it afloat?
MilkInBags: no disrespect to the flag
BeccaTingles: @ToppHat Glad she found something helpful!
Frizzlenill: maybe the ship is traveling over the ocean rn and that airflow is raising the flag
tod_vom_himmel: the foreward stepping hands that are OD are +3
ToppHat: @BeccaTingles Me too!
AceGun_: @drizztnailo That was the best thing ive ever done.
ToppHat: The timing with a busy season at work has been perfect
Frizzlenill: after headbutt you can press 4f buttons, but hondas will often mash to beat anything slower (and then die when you counter hit them)
BeccaTingles: Egregious feet shot
CaptainSpam: I do appreciate Hawaiian Tourist Honda.
MilkInBags: i think you get to play tomorrow?
tod_vom_himmel: nice aa
MilkInBags: buff lariat
NewtyNewts: Lariat just got buffed in the last 15 seconds
drizztnailo: once you get a feel for it, its giefs best mu
ToppHat: what a timing
TXC2: NewtyNewts good old push to prod on friday live update Kappa
NewtyNewts: You 'can' DI it.... as a read instead of a reaction
Frizzlenill: he can always DI back from headbutt. But you can press light buttons if you block it
tod_vom_himmel: LOL what was that interaction
Mr_Horrible: move over Cammy, there's a new spiral arrow in ton
Mr_Horrible: *town, even
Mr_Horrible: but also kinda ton
Mr_Horrible: cuz honda
BrowneePointz: You're doing pretty darn great against Tod's Unga Bunga level Honda though!
drizztnailo: if you block headbutt he is -3 so you can make him guess between cr lk and light spd
tod_vom_himmel: i got got
kyosokun: This isn't cube! Twitch notifications lying to me *settles in to watch anyhow*
Mr_Horrible: it's about sending a message
TXC2: here's the secret: every character is top tier, but when every character is top tier, none of them are, and thus everyone has complaint equity :p
Mr_Horrible: bar ain't worth nothing if you don't spend it
TXC2: Hello kyosokun welcome
lightfut: Need that cube video from DB
AbraPSI: @Mr_Horrible truth
Mr_Horrible: this is where the real magic happens anyway
tod_vom_himmel: frame kill
tod_vom_himmel: the crlp before oicho
TXC2: !infill
Frizzlenill: framekill is missing a button to auto-time stuff
TXC2: !infil
LRRbot: The glossary of fighting game terms can be found here:
Mr_Horrible: "Frame Kill" is a bad '00s action movie that takes place in a hollywood movie production
Frizzlenill: instead of manually timing, say, 15f from now, you can use a 14f total-duration move, and then press your button for when that ends
lenonn_2949: @TXC2 what I needed, but was too afraid to ask for. Thank you!
BrowneePointz: Conversely, it's like getting to walk into a Library and go "Look at how many books I still get to read for the first time!" Jacob
ghizmou: it sucks popsickle, which means it's cool and sweet
duallain: that round was sick
Lobo_Apache: Oh! Oki oki while I paint my mini? I think so
Obos_TAB subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months!
Obos_TAB: That's like two years
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Obos_TAB! (Today's storm count: 12)
TXC2: hello Lobo_Apache welcome
Lobo_Apache: I'm painting the Patriach from the BRood Brother kill team
Mr_Horrible: Space Janitors
CaptainSpam: Not even space janitors. Just... janitors.
drizztnailo: imma start painting ghazkhull soon
Mr_Horrible: Neck Ronalds
MilkInBags: warhammer 40k stands for 40 000 minutes time out when you bring that up
v_nome: Are you up for a match, Jacob?
Mr_Horrible: Dinobots
TXC2: Tyranids
Obos_TAB: Clan Charteuse Porgs
tod_vom_himmel: ggs ajacob!
tod_vom_himmel: Jacob*
TXC2: you got this Jacob!
Mr_Horrible: slowly being turned into a fine smoothie on Oki Oki Fight Club
MilkInBags: roar
BeccaTingles: @Mr_Horrible White Russian mix with a scoop of protein powder?
MilkInBags: @BeccaTingles cursed and yum
MilkInBags: rawr
Elder_Cat: elderc1Hi2 elderc1Hi
TXC2: hello Elder_Cat welcome
Sogheim: they do make marshmallow flavored protein powder...
Zaneysed: Morning (fighting) gamers
Mr_Horrible: @BeccaTingles it's a bit early for that, but I wouldn't say no to it
Obos_TAB: Anyone gonna try out the MvCi fan patch?
TXC2: hello Zaneysed welcome
bbj_afk: morning fight friends!
tod_vom_himmel: isnt marshmallow just pure sugar? what is that as a flavor???
TXC2: I ALWAYS got Strawberry protein powder
SymphonySolstice: chocolate is a gamble on whether it's good or absolute shit
Elder_Cat: Peanut butter protein powder mmmmm
TXC2: hello bbj_afk welcome
MilkInBags: should taste ass for the gen z latest trends
BeccaTingles: I was trying to think of a signature Zangief drink but bartending's not really my strong suit.
BrowneePointz: Nope. Max got a team of folks to custom
BrowneePointz: it's completely pro bono
Mr_Horrible: wait that was today?
BrowneePointz: cuz otherwise they'd have sued
AceGun_: You have to buy the actual game on steam, but the patch/mod is free, yeah.
Zaneysed: Nah, still gotta buy the official game but the patch is free
MilkInBags: Bono plays street fighter?
ToppHat: MVC:I mod?
Mr_Horrible: why did I think that was next year
violetblight: yeah thatll be fun to mess with
Mr_Horrible: Beyond looks like a lot of great work, yeah
BrowneePointz: calling it a mod is not quite accurate
LurkerSpine: I won't be able to try it until after Christmas lol
ToppHat: overhaul?
violetblight: i still need to figure out my characters
BrowneePointz: it's more like an overhaul yea
MilkInBags: doesnt mod stand for modification
BrowneePointz: Max and crew did a bunch of systems tweaks and MASSIVE visual changes
Obos_TAB: Infinite didn't work on my monitor (non standard ratio) s i never got too deep in it
freshmaker__: Hmmm.. I do have MvC Infinite.. I should check it out.
Obos_TAB: but i liked squat thanos
Mr_Horrible: your fealty
BrowneePointz: reminder that Max interned at Disney as a jr Animator
tod_vom_himmel: UPDATE NOW
SymphonySolstice: unsanctioned boops!!
drizztnailo: im excited to play thor/ghostrider again
AbraPSI: Blanka's charge spin for movement is diabolical.
TXC2: Windows wants your info to sell
Obos_TAB: WakeUpdateSuper
siqqsadgurl: hallo OOF club datteb5NecoArcYippee I hope y'all are well today
Mr_Horrible: me
Mr_Horrible: I *just* did
MilkInBags: same people who say quench
GasCityGaming: Windows
Mr_Horrible: get with the program, pal
TXC2: hello siqqsadgurl welcome
MilkInBags: wait until you get ads in windows 12
Mr_Horrible: you can't tell me what to do
lightfut: Or quoting pulp fiction
drizztnailo: who up slaking their thirst?
TXC2: MilkInBags you DARE speak that into the universe?
iconicshadow89: powerade the thirst slaker
ELD_Winterlight: I just slaked my thirst with a banana milkshake
Obos_TAB: respect that attempt jacob
AceGun_: hell yeah
drizztnailo: YES
Kentosaurus: all my homies slake their thirst
Zaneysed: OH LETS GO
ThePov42: Heck yeah
ToppHat: PEDRO
GasCityGaming: YES!
AbraPSI: Pablo
violetblight: in the club slayking it, and by it, lets justr say my thorst
ToppHat: pablo sorry
TXC2: don't threaten chat with a good time
drizztnailo: can we gamble channel points?
duallain: backyard baseball is a fighting game
NorthstarTex: why not the Caillou Christmas special?
Obos_TAB: Hahah did you watch the Secret Base about pablo?
lightfut: Pablo tha Short God
ToppHat: wait, Secret Base did a pablo vid?
LurkerSpine: Oh man Secret Base is so good
violetblight: secret base does a ton of sick sports videos
ToppHat: oh shit
TXC2: Secret base is the youtube channel that Jon bois works for
LurkerSpine: Adam, you need to learn about the Bob Emergency
lightfut: Oh yeah they did. Examined Pablo's abilities across all the backyard games
Obos_TAB: Secret Base is old SB nation crew like Jon Bois and others. they did a great video breaking down ALL the Backyard kids and why pablo was the best
violetblight: legit the best way to understand storytelling in sports
AttackCowboy: Someone get Adam to watch one of their deep dive Dorktowns
drizztnailo: pablo>shohei ohtani
violetblight: kofie’s been doing a series on sports video games
Obos_TAB: The pablo video was by Kofie and was very cool. youd love it.
SymphonySolstice: thicc buns
Lobo_Apache: Duuude, there is a place near me that sells (literal) 5 pound cinnamon rolls for like 6 bucks. it's the true american meal, it's like the size of my head
Obos_TAB: Backyard games sold so stupid well when I worked at Electronics Boutique.
violetblight: its not really a frame advantage thing so much as you reacting to it since its a whiff
drizztnailo: you can sorta tell based on the startup of the blanka ball, but it takes some getting used to for sure
Saskquatchewan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Saskquatchewan! (Today's storm count: 13)
wolgo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wolgo! (Today's storm count: 14)
AceGun_: You have to react to the fact that he stopped and you didn't block, so it is really hard to do. You can practice just delaying a jab when the ball starts, but that takes some training room time, probably.
Mr_Horrible: oh yeah, people *love* those games
lamina5432: they were sweet games back then
BrowneePointz: Getting scammed on roblox and playing cod
GasCityGaming: Farming sim, so much farming sim
drizztnailo: adam too cultured for backyard baseball smh
Mr_Horrible: the normies actually enjoyed Starfield, to an extent
Obos_TAB: The normies were buying NCAA and being mad about madden
Obos_TAB: back in 01-03
Thandres subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thandres! (Today's storm count: 15)
Mr_Horrible: you're a degen
Mr_Horrible: it's okay, we can all admit this about ourselves
Kentosaurus: gamers contain multitudes
NewtyNewts: Degen is sometimes obvious, sometimes subtle
Mr_Horrible: if you have 3 digit hours in either POE you're degen
TXC2: we all degens in our own way
duallain: your game choice isn't what makes you a degen
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 woo Degen from up country
Mr_Horrible: them's the rules
Obos_TAB: The normal person buying game sin '04 was yelling at me because i wouldn't let them return World of Warcraft after they used the game key. It was...a tough time
drizztnailo: im a lot of a degen as a treat
duallain: but you are a degen
saucemaster5000: I'm becoming more of a degen each night
SymphonySolstice: you get a free membership to the degen club with your early access purchase of PoE 2
duallain: the greed
BrowneePointz: you are a gremlin(affectionate)
wolgo: Talking to use makes you a degen
duallain: honestly you just play games with a ton of intensity
Mr_Horrible: it's literally in your channel description, Adam
Mr_Horrible: it's not even subtext, it's just text
saucemaster5000: adam, I say this genuinely, you are not a degen in your playstyle
saucemaster5000: soeey bub
NewtyNewts: What was Adam referring to earlier with the 'we're out here'? I was playing and couldn't ask earlier
Mr_Horrible: no yeah, Adam's SF6 play is probably too respectful by half, in actuality
itsr67 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
itsr67: yo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, itsr67! (Today's storm count: 16)
drizztnailo: adam played power rangers: battle for the grid tho
BeccaTingles: Curious to know what disrespectful looks like in a fighting game?
BusTed: can't you play a computer version of yourself or something
drizztnailo: why does rita repulsa have a tracking jam session assist
itsr67: "I was the respectful one"
AceGun_: I keep trying to get people to play power rangers for Throwback Thursday, but everyone is too scared.
VrolikSyndrome: @drizztnailo because she's sick
CaptainDaks: too many peeps confuse top 1% play with their own experience
Obos_TAB: Power rangers was also a really cool game for longtime fans
Lobo_Apache: being one touched just means that it's over quicker so I can play with my dogshit comrades
Obos_TAB: As a Sentai Head, i was screaming
NewtyNewts: It's a three-stage problem. 1. Finding people to play with, 2. that are interested in the game, 3. and are on your level
saucemaster5000: (looking up power rangers notation)
Obos_TAB: At least DBZ looks like DBZ
NewtyNewts: The problem is when you find people matching criterias 1 and 2, they sometimes build their way out of criteria 3
itsr67: sauce no
VrolikSyndrome: It's a learning moment, itsr.
VrolikSyndrome: Let him go.
Obos_TAB: At PAX they had a SF2 World Warriors cab and the Guile was REAL.
LurkerSpine: Throwback Thursday
saucemaster5000: you can't stop me itsr, I went back to the fucking hispital last night
NewtyNewts: @saucemaster5000 because that game's so sick?
Obos_TAB: lets go
TXC2: CA's are to be used
itira: LUL damn
Zaneysed: Gief is a comedy factory when it happens to someone else. It's a tragedy when it happens to me
tod_vom_himmel: its +2 but not overhead
CaptainDaks: BSK
Obos_TAB: That overhead looking kick? no
TXC2: Comedy = tragedy + it happens to someone else Kappa
CaptainDaks: Big Swingin Kick
saucemaster5000: oh look at that -- battle for the grid uses both numpad AND shortcut language for its wiki... randomly. Nice.
violetblight: its more plus if youre crouching it tho
TXC2: it's like highlander
tod_vom_himmel: theres also a tournament in the sf6 story
GasCityGaming: cause fighting is cool
duallain: when you run into someone on the street, you gonna just walk on by?
Sydet1: I think in SF6 it's just "everyone likes fighting people"
Zaneysed: The story for sf6 is all the create a character stuff
tod_vom_himmel: jp makes a tournament because reasons
Zaneysed: the sf6 characters just exist in that world
Obos_TAB: crap, it's sn*wing here
AceGun_: The earlier games were all centered around a tournament, now it is just people trying to become stronger through competition.
GasCityGaming: yup lol
saucemaster5000: and yet they always meet on the same streets. curious
wolgo: World Tour let's you attack anyone walking around
BrowneePointz: Wtf are you gonna do?
Zaneysed: chun and cammy are cops
tod_vom_himmel: the cops are literally right behind you in that stage
violetblight: also shadaloo usually organizes tourneys for reasons?
BrowneePointz: Attempt to arrest Sim and get LIT ON FIRE!?
tod_vom_himmel: hes holding the horse
SymphonySolstice: pvp enabled world
Invitare: this is normal for London. The horse too
Invitare: and the above-ground steam pipes
freshmaker__: idk sf characters are good at beating up cars
Zaneysed: ive seen what those guys can do to cars in bonus stages
Zaneysed: no thanks
saucemaster5000: I'd shoot them with my america gun
EedanHensey: I did find the justification of Metro City to be funny: Gangs existed in Metro City for so long, everyone learned to fight.
Lobo_Apache: Beep beep, then Zag just tosses the car
TXC2: Invitare and a working train
freshmaker__: block this! *bang*
MilkInBags: ACAB all chunlis are beavers
Zaneysed: For their neutral they use a gun
Zaneysed: LETS GO
Obos_TAB: omg
LurkerSpine: Holy shit that was good
TXC2: he's gaming!
AceGun_: Chun is one of the good ones (she quit being a cop). Lucia is the real narc.
JinaMahavira: adam just pogged irl
SymphonySolstice: gaming????
tod_vom_himmel: that was cool but you caN just level 2 when theyre spamming heavy fireball
fishboi_samurai: gus801Fedora gus801Fedora gus801Fedora
DarthStuticus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
DarthStuticus: Take some of bezos money
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarthStuticus! (Today's storm count: 17)
bo_brinkman: Yay, double-thanked!
violetblight: so unique
BrowneePointz: Ceo Entrepreneur, Has the Personality of Rancid Manure. Jeffrey....Jeffrey Bezos
Mr_Horrible: seabatClap kanagoClap megaaClappies
Zaneysed: Anyways if you have amazon prime hand out those bezos bucks
violetblight: jesus fuck im telling ppl im 30 now
VrolikSyndrome: lmao
SymphonySolstice: telling off ceos is so in
Mr_Horrible: then you get on your motorcycle, pop a wheelie, and drive away
LurkerSpine: TikTok?
VrolikSyndrome: The youths are NOT using tumblr
VrolikSyndrome: HUH
saucemaster5000: the youths are giving bezos power now
Zaneysed: tiktok
jessieimproved: @VrolikSyndrome There are tumblr babies of all ages
BeccaTingles: So curious to know what % of LRR demographic is Gen Z
Mr_Horrible: nah, they still are, but tiktok is the Thing Du Juor
MilkInBags: the brain damage app
couchboyj: The bar for hating on CEOs is pretty high right now
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags this is just all of them
Mr_Horrible: including this one
SymphonySolstice: the degen youths are absolutely still on tumblr
MilkInBags: @Mr_Horrible yes
TXC2: couchboyj and hopefully it goes higher Kappa
violetblight: tumblr’s mainly for the late-20s ppl who havent yet accepted theyre not the youth anymore
Zaneysed: I deleted for that reason
MilkInBags: fun fact: if you delete your twitter account, bots will scrape your tweets to then create an account with your handle to pass as more believable
AceGun_: late-20s aren't the YOUTH?!
duallain: you could probably restrict the apps ability to do notifs
VrolikSyndrome: oh shit I'm still young
itira: LOL
VrolikSyndrome: pog
itsr67: the youths
saucemaster5000: aw pumpkin
Mr_Horrible: the alt frontend that lets me view twitter without an account has been progressively breaking down
mtvcdm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
mtvcdm: Oliver talked to his cat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mtvcdm! (Today's storm count: 18)
BrowneePointz: Yknow, the late 20s that were Teens when tumblr made it big
MilkInBags: before late 20s is called babies
Mr_Horrible: it's young but it's not The Youth
violetblight: yeah but theres a difference between young and “the youth”
Zaneysed: As a late 20, i am no longer the youth
Mr_Horrible: these are different things, Adam
violetblight: mr horrible gets me
TXC2: in this economy people in their 40's are still the youth :p
duallain: everyone older than me is, everyone younger is da yoof
Lobo_Apache: I turned 31 yesterday, I'm still fukin young
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to violetblight! They have given 59 Gift Subs in the channel!
itsr67: I'm like mid youth
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, violetblight! (Today's storm count: 19)
Mr_Horrible: no, you're just old, dude
AceGun_: Everyone younger than me is a literal baby.
Obos_TAB: i'm turning 42 and i am the puls eof the nation
GasCityGaming: holy crap, I'm the youth?!
lamina5432: I call anyone younger than me kid.
duallain: congrats on all you 36yos for being the yoof
couchboyj: You're only as old as you feel. So if you're in your late 20s, hows them joints feeling?
MilkInBags: old millennials slowly getting the X treatment
VrolikSyndrome: @AceGun_ googoo gaga
Mr_Horrible: you can be both!
Mr_Horrible: they're not mutually exclusive
Kentosaurus: *enters wearing 'music band' t-shirt: "how do you do fellow kids"
MilkInBags: old ripped
AceGun_: @VrolikSyndrome That just looks like a normal chat message to me.
bbj_afk: I occasionally manage to forget, but I am def not the youth
wolgo: Pretty sure Adam is from the previous millennium, that must be old
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ beat me to it
Zaneysed: Of course DeeJay has the mixes, he is a DJ after all
saucemaster5000: acre, let's go argue about notation at the home
saucemaster5000: ace
MilkInBags: pog
itira: lucky
itsr67: stahp
Obos_TAB: I bet the late 20's folk are ALSO watching TWITCH while at work
drizztnailo: i got called old at work the other day
TXC2: me: i'm 35 and I have a visible set of abs, I am not old! my knees: the fuck you are!
MilkInBags: of course it hurts when you lift 80 000 kg
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 seabatCHOICE sajamAaaa
violetblight: damn must be nice
VrolikSyndrome: @drizztnailo by what, a toddler?
BeccaTingles: Weights FTW
itira: me with my tennis elbow and fucked up collar bone LUL
drizztnailo: @VrolikSyndrome a 20 year old
itsr67: drizzt aren't you a child
NewtyNewts: It's not rocket surgery
MilkInBags: you too can go to the gym!
violetblight: damn drizzt
Mr_Horrible: Adam just invented a new Streamer Debuff
Lobo_Apache: I mean I had arthritis since I was 14, but a little work out and gym keeps most of that at bay
violetblight: thats friendly fire wild
Mr_Horrible: when your cohost makes you crack up
saucemaster5000: @VrolikSyndrome vrolik there's like a two hour gap between you two in my eyes
BrightstormRising: You both need to get off my lawn, you whipper snappers.
NewtyNewts: Jacob goes to the gym, it's even in his street fighter name
Mr_Horrible: you guys have lawns?
itira: get rid of your lawn, its a waste of water
saucemaster5000: I'll mow your lawn
Mr_Horrible: up against the wall
tod_vom_himmel: bougie
BrightstormRising: I'll wave my cane at you if you don't.
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 erosSmug
SymphonySolstice: I need to go to the gym again but the one I was going to before covid doubled their membership rates when they reopened
NewtyNewts: Why isn't your lawn turf?
violetblight: i need to go back to the gym but also last time i tried was a month after covid and my breathing was fucked up after 5 minutes so im too anxious to try again
itira: coming from someone who cuts lawns for a living
ELD_Winterlight: GGs Jacob! I've come to respect you and your loyal fans
drizztnailo: you can technically tundra storm all of dee jays sway options except empty
couchboyj: Jokes on you, my HoA doesn't do shit
LurkerSpine: LMAOKai on Guile!
LurkerSpine: The OG
saucemaster5000: @violetblight covid destroys you in weird ways. I am learning this
TXC2: violetblight it wont get better if you don't go, face that demon and slay them
BrightstormRising: You aren't helping the "you are too young, dagnabit" argument.
NewtyNewts: It's fun, isn't it Jacob?
MilkInBags: @itira grass is pretty dudu yes
Mr_Horrible: Adam's a bad influence
tod_vom_himmel: whats chat for if not yelling at
Mr_Horrible: case in point, I'm a subscriber of his
Mr_Horrible: and look at me
saucemaster5000: if only there was a 9 button notation on old keyboards to describe how I feel about covid
NewtyNewts: Isn't bad subjective anyway?
duallain: LETS GO, Marisa time
itsr67: I mean you influenced me to get power rangers
BrowneePointz: I think you're one of the best examples of Positive Masculinity on the Interwebz tbh
ELD_Winterlight: @drizztnailo Plus my three best pokes, 5MK 6MK and 5HK
violetblight: im a bad influence (sexy)
NewtyNewts: Warming up
Mr_Horrible: @itsr67 exhibit B, your honor
Obos_TAB: wall splats, what is this GG?
MilkInBags: deal damage before they deplete your health
CaptainDaks: musckles
violetblight: ive been cubing for a few days and yeah my brain does not know how to fight streets
Mr_Horrible: he's playing Marisa but he's thinking about Sanctum
NewtyNewts: This game? Just gotta rip the level 3
bbj_afk: step 1: punch step 2:??
SymphonySolstice: press buttons until other guy explodes
JinaMahavira: brain's full of poe 2
SymphonySolstice: "skill forest" is very good
ELD_Winterlight: Sweep on wakeup is a hard callout on shimmy
NewtyNewts: That'd be interesting
v_nome: wake up ex parry is kinda a thing isn't it?
NewtyNewts: @ELD_Winterlight Is wakeup low equally as much of a callout?
CaptainDaks: high risk medium reward Nome
v_nome: Fair enough
CaptainDaks: throws are her big weakness and if you ex Scutum and get thrown, you're down 3 bars
CaptainDaks: Teach him about safe jumps. The look on his face :D
TXC2: !infil
LRRbot: The glossary of fighting game terms can be found here:
tod_vom_himmel: you time a jump so that if the enemy DPs you land and block it
tod_vom_himmel: its bait
VrolikSyndrome: @drizztnailo humanity has not developed a number large enough to equate to the number of dropped H mixers that happened in that set
NewtyNewts: Meaty with an aerial, and if they reversal you're able to land and block
VrolikSyndrome: actually unreal
drizztnailo: @VrolikSyndrome ya hate to see it
CaptainDaks: Safe jump is a product of some finnicky frame data stuff, but basically it means it is a jumping attack that is safe to wakeup OD Dragon Punches (or reversals like it)
NewtyNewts: It's not necessarily about hitting the attack button late, it's more about timing the jump
tod_vom_himmel: and just to confuse things even more, safe jumps DONT work against armoured reversals like headbutt, only invincible
tod_vom_himmel: well
drizztnailo: you can recover in time to block the dp for safejumps
tod_vom_himmel: they do
CaptainDaks: it isnt a matter of pressing the attack button at a certain time, its a matter of stting up a knockdown that leaves you +42. Immediately jumping in with this specific advantage nets you a safe jump.
tod_vom_himmel: if you use the specific move taht works vs armoured
tod_vom_himmel: like lights
NewtyNewts: Zaney's cooking
Zaneysed: ggs dadam
Zaneysed: adam
Zaneysed: lol
Zaneysed: quick Unc check the man
tod_vom_himmel: nome heard you
Zaneysed: God that command grab is so brutal looking
BrowneePointz: oh man it's almost 2025 which means more 2XKO news
BrowneePointz: Blanka THRIVES on Knowledge checks on the mixups
Zaneysed: Every time "cross up" the round start of bb:ctb sound off in my head.
BeccaTingles: I think they heard you talking shit, Adam
NewtyNewts: ggs @siqqsadgurl
CaptainDaks: you woulda got cooked anyway. MPMP is -8 oB
CaptainDaks: to make it safe you would have needed to drive cancel into 2LP
CaptainDaks: or LK
CaptainDaks: if they're in burnout, its -4 and is a legit bait
AceGun_: Drizzt shared an old Sajam video about how Kusoru uses this playstyle to great effect, and one quote that has stuck with me is "if you are getting angry, you are letting them win" or something similar.
Grantuu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Grantuu! (Today's storm count: 20)
AceGun_: I think he was recommending that you should laugh at the nonsense, and you are more likely to be able to handle it next time.
saucemaster5000: but when I get angry I turn into a cgi mark ruffalo
saucemaster5000: stops everything
AceGun_: Yeah, I think it was more of a "take note of it happening" recommendation.
tod_vom_himmel: stopping and cooling off really is the only solution
imthenaysayer: im new to street fighter I been playing for months i finally hit gold last night as gief
EedanHensey: Pro players will back out to character select at times, just to get some time to cool off, then select the same character. (Or costume change, sometimes that is also magic.)
thegreatwyrdling: Oki Oki makes my heart go doki doki
bbj_afk: I find tilt is so insidious because getting tilted makes it harder to stop tilting
AceGun_: @imthenaysayer sajamAaaa seabatDance seabatDance
bbj_afk: congrats!!
imthenaysayer: my next goal is plat before end of January
BeccaTingles: @EedanHensey I wonder if that works for real life, change of tshirt on a bad day.
AceGun_: I like to take a shower and change clothes. It works pretty well.
Grantuu: @BeccaTingles I mean technically it should if you put on some sort of favorite clothes or outfit or something cozy.
TXC2: go from the bad screen to the good screen
saucemaster5000: I turn green and get big
therepoman__: I'm back from the doctor yippee
BeccaTingles: Nice, I like to open the window, fresh air is a real reset
imthenaysayer: the shower actually helped me get to gold because I was on a huge lose streak before I got into gold
Obos_TAB: @saucemaster5000 And I thank you for the vegetables
TXC2: welcome back therepoman__
v_nome: GGs!
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Expense the pizza.
v_nome: And yeah I do a lot of unsafe stuff like Adam says. I will just hang myself if it's not working and I can't alter my patterns
CaptainDaks: Jan?
imthenaysayer: I think in February, January
imthenaysayer: or
Sydet1: Yeah they said "winter 2025"
EedanHensey: No firm release date yet. We know it's Winter 2025, yeah.
Obos_TAB: Im glad they get ahead of leaks by giving us the whle year, but I am sad no Makoto
TXC2: the graphic they put out for that really made "winter 2025" seem like they meant Dec 2025 :p
v_nome: And like... re: the anger thing. I know I play in a way that can be very frustrating to play against and in large part that is on purpose. But I'm not trying to upset people in a way that extends beyond the game so I feel the need to apologize if I have. heh
Obos_TAB: hahaha
BeccaTingles: It seems really tough to play such a technical and focused game for an audience.
A_Dub888: Hello friends, what level of Oki are we on today?
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
Grantuu: Welcome. I think we're at oki²
BeccaTingles: You guys do great <3
EnglishGrinn: Hey Fighty People - thanks for keeping me company while I cook Bulgogi Bowls for tonight's DnD Holiday potluck. The soothing sounds of Drive Rushes is nice background
TXC2: hello EnglishGrinn welcome
Its_VeeBot: Fighting game players with *any* level of skill impress me because I don't have the muscle memory or coordination built up to play them. Not like I couldn't practice and gain that skill but still
tod_vom_himmel: NGL after all the patches... honda might be pretty okay now
NewtyNewts: ggs @Zaneysed
Zaneysed: ggs newt
CaptainDaks: there are some actual meaty setups with new charged stuff, but just from nooch I think what you're doing is good, but vs DI heavy opponents... they gonna getcha
EnglishGrinn: Oh, are we talking about how intimidating Fight Games can be? Isn't the whole point of Oki Oki Fight Club to show it isn't beyond anyone?
tod_vom_himmel: hes safe on so much and can set up lots of plus situations now with real mixes, ive lost all my complaint equity
TXC2: Adam start his Honda phase when? Kappa
tod_vom_himmel: this sucks
ZawaAmaz: charged DR.5HP hits meaty on 214LP knockdown now, and charged dr.6HK now works on 214MP
A_Dub888: @EnglishGrinn I thought it was about belittling the lariat lrrBEEJ
EnglishGrinn: Zangief's "Best Move in the Game" Lariat?
TXC2: OOFC can be about 2 things
A_Dub888: Adam "That stick feels so good..." Savidan
tod_vom_himmel: but honda is so fun and lovable
BrowneePointz: I just wonder which version of Mai we're getting
A_Dub888: @tod_vom_himmel you're fun and lovable
Its_VeeBot: @EnglishGrinn That's why I said I could absolutely practice and gain the skill. Playing fighting games requires a lot of muscle memory, which is something that I just haven't built up. I feel the same way about Guitar Hero tbh
SymphonySolstice: LUL
BrowneePointz: Zoner from hell or the other versions
duallain: c'mon jacob, come to the darkside, play the big lady
tod_vom_himmel: @A_Dub888 HOW DARE YOU
BrowneePointz: they probably think they're funny
TXC2: oh Gods it's SF5 Luke :p
saucemaster5000: @tod_vom_himmel like this -- you are a good person and worthy of praise
tod_vom_himmel: why would you lie like that sauce
tod_vom_himmel: right here infront of chat
EnglishGrinn: @Its_VeeBot True. "It's doable but hard enough to discourage me" is a lot healthier than "I could never do what those guys do"
JinaMahavira: @saucemaster5000 oooo gott'em
CaptainDaks: nice pp
saucemaster5000: discord
RegularSir: What in the jumping jahosavets.
JinaMahavira: it's time for bed Luke. got to sleep
CaptainDaks: hahahahah
EnglishGrinn: Jacob showing why Zangief is never out of it
v_nome: That was pretty offensive
duallain: that was a pretty good offensive thing
TotallyNotaBeholder: I believe that counts as offensive
AFamiliarCalledEl: "No, I wanna do an offensive thing" - The Conservative Manifesto
TXC2: RegularSir I also thought he was gonna say that
NorthstarTex: go to sleeeeeep
Its_VeeBot: @EnglishGrinn Similarly, "It's doable but I just don't entirely have the interest" is also valid. I like watching fighting games plenty.
carstenvondi: Well that is offisive
tod_vom_himmel: are we ok
saucemaster5000: nope
Cptasparagus: oh no did they leave Jacob alone with the stream again?
EnglishGrinn: Oh no, Jacob brought attention to Luke's knees and now I just realized he's wearing tights that go halfway down his calves. That's quite the choice
Izandai: mattlrLul
BeccaTingles: @EnglishGrinn Bringing back Capri pants
tod_vom_himmel: theyre really small
tod_vom_himmel: he got little knees
duallain: I think he's wearing knee pads
A_Dub888: are they single?
Its_VeeBot: I would like to speak to whomever manufactured the human brain. They did a pretty good job but I have complaints.
saucemaster5000: I'm jealous of luke's left elbow
TXC2: those aren't calves, those are cows :p
duallain: for the bjj rolling practice?
saucemaster5000: what a left elbow
BrowneePointz: Me. Like actually
NorthstarTex: Every time Luke walks into a men's formalwear store, the employees sweat
duallain: did yknow there are companies that make jeans for people who lift a lot?
EnglishGrinn: Damn that was clean Jacob
Izandai: mattlrDogchamp
Grantuu: Why wear pants if you have calves like that?
TXC2: congrats Jacob
Its_VeeBot: barrGaming
carstenvondi: lrrAWESOME
drizztnailo: itsr chills to fighting games with wii music
NorthstarTex: Its them short days
TXC2: Fighting games are chill in the same way Silence of the lambs is Kappa
saucemaster5000: meep mawp moop
drizztnailo: its a banger
Its_VeeBot: Speaking of which, Adam, Jacob, and Chat: I hope you're all having good days and know that you are loved.
BrowneePointz: decoupling losing from feelbad and coupling it to learning is a long road sometimes
TXC2: Its_VeeBot lrrHEART
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Having never seen Silence of the Lambs, I'm going to assume it's a bunch of Drive Rushes, Punish Counters, and Command Grabs
McMims: not caring about losing has made of lot of games more fun to play
EnglishGrinn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
EnglishGrinn: Coming up on the 10 years. That's cool
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EnglishGrinn! (Today's storm count: 21)
AceGun_: as Dwarf Fortress players say: "Losing is fun!"
NorthstarTex: and suddenly I'm somehow reminded to take my vitamins (especially for the seasonal bad feels)
McMims: It's true! I'm old!
saucemaster5000: old people say that till match 100
saucemaster5000: then
TXC2: A_Dub888 well the main character is basically Chun-li, so yes Kappa
EnglishGrinn: Another common repeating element in OOFC "Comparison is the thief of joy"
BusTed: "I could do this all day," says Adam
KeytarCat: We're pretty well trained for judging ourselves against others or obscene standards, even though it's pretty much always a bad way to conceptualize it
MilkInBags: silly adam
NewtyNewts: It's kind of like what happens in sports leagues. You've got a very different approach in rec leagues, city-level leagues, and the highest professional level. And not every level of that game is available everywhere
MilkInBags: only people who go 1000-0 can teach
McMims: I do work with kids and it's always funny when they want me to play games with them. Turns out I'm much better at Super Smash Bros than I remember
MilkInBags: remember your high school teachers did LSD in their youth
saucemaster5000: no one has a right to give anyone advice, but we do it anyways because empathy
BusTed: @McMims get their asses
therepoman__: I wish my mood was more consistent when I play fighting games, some days I can lose but still give myself credit for doing good things, then some days I'm losing my mind over dropping combos and stuff even though I'm winning
duallain: if you're not winning EVO, what's the point of playing?
BeccaTingles: Roger Federer only won 54% of points in singles matches to be one of the best players ever!
RurouniGeo: @duallain big true
Its_VeeBot: Tourney formats kind of do that to ya. I remember being in a robotics tournament as a kid and our team came in last. Doesn't mean we were naturally the worst there. Just means there's nowhere to go but up.
Grantuu: @duallain Winning Capcom Cup?
AceGun_: Winning EVO is the final boss of fighting games, then the credits roll, then you can start playing a different game.
NewtyNewts: The game only ends once you're world champ
AceGun_: Basically UMA at Capcom Cup last year, I guess.\
NewtyNewts: of What... that's the real question
therepoman__: Win EVO, then NG+ begins
saucemaster5000: UMA got the end credits and fucking went to the donkey kong dimension
Its_VeeBot: If EVO is so great why isn't there an EVO 2
EedanHensey: Yeah, UMA found the endgame.
Grantuu: @Its_VeeBot Not enough people have won EVO yet.
AceGun_: @Its_VeeBot There are going to be like 4 next year, lol.
EedanHensey: Hilariously, there is now an EVO Nice and EVO Singapore, along with normal EVO.
AceGun_: EVO Japan too.
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (2:04 from now).
EedanHensey: Right, forgot Japan too.
saucemaster5000: if there's an EVO Nice why is there no EVO Mean
AceGun_: That's the American EVO
saucemaster5000: you're the American EVO
saucemaster5000: I'm very tired
NewtyNewts: It's like how Kirby is meaner in America
Marvoleath: @saucemaster5000 but then what about EVO Average and EVO Mode?
MilkInBags: to my loyal fans! (no one applauds)
JinaMahavira: EVO Median
Its_VeeBot: Going EVO Mode
saucemaster5000: hiiii
BusTed: angry eyebrows
McMims: not soon he won't
AceGun_: They make him look angrier on old boxart for kirby games.
NewtyNewts: The covers of kirby games get angry eyebrows added in American releases
TehAmelie: hello gentlemen. is this some record for the most bare skin on this stream?
Izandai: Yeah it's been a thing that Japanese Kirby box arts have him making a happy expression, but in the US he's angry.
Izandai: I think that's really just for older games though.
MilkInBags: we want manly kirby
BusTed: good advice
Grantuu: I mean the cool thing about Fighting Games is that you're the big deciding factor for your success, but that's also the bad thing about Fighting games. :D
A_Dub888: @Izandai uh ohhhhh, angy kirbyyyyy
TXC2: hello TehAmelie welcome
Lobo_Apache: "i need advice" immediately starts wrecking. I love when that happens
TehAmelie: we may need some advanced math to figure out Zangief's surface area
AceGun_: @Grantuu true!
Izandai: "When your enemy tries to go to ground, give them no ground to go to" goes hard.
Its_VeeBot: Surrender No Quarter
saucemaster5000: the cool thing about fighting games is all the nice people you meet and get to command grab
A_Dub888: @TehAmelie I'll ask Scott Steiner, get a fellow fighter's persective
tenthtechpriest: you can't get whiff punished if you simply do not whiff
MilkInBags: to never whiff, cut your nose
therepoman__: Sauce is living proof that the adage of the nicest people playing grapplers is strictly untrue Kappa
saucemaster5000: @therepoman__ damn
duallain: @saucemaster5000 got 'em
GasCityGaming: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (1:59 from now).
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to therepoman__! They have given 60 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, therepoman__! (Today's storm count: 22)
saucemaster5000: take my toxic positivity fucking shoto
Benzil666: For Gief regular throwing instead of SPD is good to mix in. Just because you recover quicker, you have time to go for Powerbomb super or Lariat if they neutral jump anticipating the SPD.
A_Dub888: dang get wreck'd @therepoman__
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 doovadAAAAAA
mjuukis: lukes the only natty in the sf6 universe
TXC2: therepoman__ burned saucemaster5000 so hard they dropped loot :p
duallain: zoners are worse than grapplers
MilkInBags: natty nutty
Its_VeeBot: There's a bunch of Latin phrases that could go on an Oki Oki emblem but "dede nec terram" - "surrender no ground" - is pretty good
Zaneysed: Guile is natty
mjuukis: lmao
lightfut: You don't get feet that big without
duallain: some of them are juicing on magic
Izandai: All your favorite competitors are juicing.
mjuukis: I mean, comparatively. In any real scenario everybodys been doing cycles for decades
tenthtechpriest: doesn't gief canonicaly wrestle bears for fun?
electric_claire: Zangief is just big-boned
Grantuu: Yeah especially Lily. Juicing to the max.
Benzil666: Are you saying a man who wrestles with bears isn't natural?
therepoman__: Only thing Ryu is juicing on is the power of nothingness brother
LMAOkai_: ggs Jacob!
LMAOkai_: you were gaming
Kentosaurus: Did anyone see the netflix show about american gladiators? they were all juicing but denied at the time
TXC2: what's AKI juicing on? :p
Its_VeeBot: ACTIVELY gaming barrGaming
niccus: vape juice
Lobo_Apache: I gotta go do errands now, but I don't wanna leave before the last oki D:
saucemaster5000: @therepoman__ oh yeah what's in the gi old man?? (pulls ryu over after donkey kick) you know how plus you were going?
TXC2: also, anyone on instagram that claims they are natty is juicing
Grantuu: How much more stream is there in this stream today roughly?
Its_VeeBot: Juicing on... Tim's coffee, probably
TXC2: Grantuu an hour or so
tod_vom_himmel: honda is natty
Grantuu: @TXC2 TY :)
MilkInBags: i hope you didnt put pepper or spice on that cinnamon roll
MilkInBags: could fuck up your calories
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 erm donkey kick isnt plus 🤓
MilkInBags: diet misery in exchange of a couple more muscles
BrowneePointz: counting calories mostly just leads to disordered eating
saucemaster5000: erm
BrowneePointz: and other bad shit
duallain: I'm unreasonably charmed that some weightlifting comps have 'unlimited' categories. Like they're cars with turbos and 1200hp engines
mjuukis: Strongerbyscience just relased a huge protein meta-analysis article
MilkInBags: i hope some day they ban dehydration from boxing weight
TXC2: counting calories only works when you're counting over 3000
saucemaster5000: caloric intake is really hard to manage esp if a lot of that are carbs
therepoman__: Ed is good at keeping gief at bay
KeytarCat: Eating mindfully?
TXC2: MilkInBags weigh ins need to happen minutes before the match, not the day before
MilkInBags: I'm eating 3000 jujubes a day, count that
tod_vom_himmel: thats like half a big mac
tod_vom_himmel: i bveliece in you
BrowneePointz: 1800-2400
BrowneePointz: fries are about 510
MilkInBags: @TXC2 there's a big MMA fighter here that explained how painful and dangerous dehydration is, i cant believe they put up with that, because the prize money are huge
saucemaster5000: like, if it's all sugar your calories are fucked
BrowneePointz: drink is about 400
satyropodobny: Whoa nelly this is not balatro
Its_VeeBot: I need to make... a *lot* of adjustments to my diet and exercise routines, if you could call it a routine. Though admittedly I also take meds that have weight gain as a side-effect.
BrowneePointz: burger is about 900-1500 depending on size
mjuukis: Mconalds big mac is 450-550
BrowneePointz: oh snap big mac is smaller than I thought
MilkInBags: deez nuts is like 500
Grantuu: @Its_VeeBot Yeah, that can be rough. I struggle as well. I found a sport I actually really like, so that is helping a bunch. :)
saucemaster5000: damn your nuts only 500?
Its_VeeBot: Thankfully I drink water pretty much exclusively and don't drink soda. That definitely helps keep my health up.
BeccaTingles: Reminder that you are worthy of love irrespective of your caloric intake
Its_VeeBot: Chat, have you drank water recently?
Grantuu: lrrHEART lrrHEART
tod_vom_himmel: @Its_VeeBot no opnly soda
BrowneePointz: And depending on which version of Mai they put in this Game Jacob? Prepare for more
mjuukis: @Its_VeeBot no i had a red bull
MilkInBags: it's ok
mjuukis: sugar free
MilkInBags: we dont have to apologize about every subject
LMAOkai_: let the record show that Adam, has indeed, played gief during degen night hours
tod_vom_himmel: complain on twitch chat
TheAwkes: Ah, the Five Guys bacon cheese I get is a whole 1000. That's about what a burger should be.
Grantuu: Maybe something like "This too shall pass"?
saucemaster5000: (goes back to eating elmer's glue and sawdust) my streamer won't judge me!
MilkInBags: you don't like playing at the casino
Its_VeeBot: Remember to stay hydrated, chat.
BeccaTingles: Not meant as a criticism! I think we should be able to talk freely and factually about fitness. And it can also be tough for some people.
BeccaTingles: 100%
duallain: walking backwards is so op
Benzil666: Playing Gief like a psycho seems to be the only correct way to play the mirror from experience.
itira: and all 3 territories
duallain: get a job as a building demo
MilkInBags: LRR office poof
NorthstarTex: Adam brings his own pyro everywhere he goes
TXC2: I'm pretending that Adam is talking about farting there Kappa
therepoman__: If walking backwards is so good why do I keep getting hit with a crouching medium kick and dying for it doovadHmm
Its_VeeBot: (Chat don't tell Adam or Jacob, but I think they're neato)
NorthstarTex: no promises
tod_vom_himmel: lmao
Benzil666: Match up isn't great. Parrying the flicker is fairly important too. Especially when any perfects help you close more ground.
MilkInBags: adam really hates everyone moonwalking
MilkInBags: going backwards? illegal
TXC2: keep doing it until they punish it
Grantuu: In competitions I see pros frequently play with Japanese voiceacting. Maybe that helps?
A_Dub888: Jacob, you are a psycho (-tically wonderful that is)
tod_vom_himmel: walk and parry, its al you can do tbh
tod_vom_himmel: also fullscreen wheelkick always beats everything
tod_vom_himmel: nice!
Benzil666: After a perfect I'd always do spine buster rather than SPD. SPD damage after perfect parry is pretty poor. Spine buster gives you amazing okay. Way more worthwhile.
tod_vom_himmel: baited the meter
Benzil666: *amazing oki
tod_vom_himmel: nice!
MilkInBags: they should give gief a ranged command grab
Grantuu: @MilkInBags Or green hand.
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags he pulls Dhalsim out of hammerspace to lasso the opponent
v_nome: Give Gief Blanka's grab
saucemaster5000: they should give milk a ranged timeout
MilkInBags: LUL
BusTed: make green hand into a command grab
tenthtechpriest: clealry they should give gief a command grab that only works on an opponent a full screen away
MilkInBags: noted
MilkInBags: what's green hand
saucemaster5000: it's when your hand is a certain color 3 guesses
Mr_Horrible: taupe?
saucemaster5000: that's 1
Benzil666: Wasn't green hand only good in like one version of SF4 anyway? In every other game it was kind of useless.
Grantuu: @MilkInBags Green hand is a move Gief had in believe SF4 that was just incredibly busted. Very fast, killed Fireballs and more that I'm forgetting right now.
carstenvondi: GG jacok
TXC2: he had it back in SSF2, but it was less broken then
Zaneysed: It's guile time jacob
drizztnailo: @MilkInBags gief used to have an anti projectile movethat moved him forward that also became strike invuln when you did an EX one in 4
TXC2: also had an odd move input
carstenvondi: "Jakob" dorry
MilkInBags: thank you knowers
drizztnailo: it was useless in most games and incredibly busted in 4
Benzil666: It wasn't less broken in SSF2. It was actively bad.
carstenvondi: "sorry"
saucemaster5000: you know what's broken? anything that beats my mix
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 "Our prescient combos" "Their barbaric mashing"
Orlantia subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Orlantia! (Today's storm count: 23)
KeytarCat: How does Jamie's drinking work?
drizztnailo: @KeytarCat with each drink, some of his moves get better and he unlocks other ones
Its_VeeBot: I want a cup of that wall's piss
schordash: seabatClap
MilkInBags: "tea"
Its_VeeBot: It's GamerSupps
MilkInBags: a full jug of testosterone
TXC2: it's piss
Zaneysed: It's 5 hour energy
Mr_Horrible: we determined months ago, Adam, it's piss
NewtyNewts: That Jamie is getting so hydrated
saucemaster5000: why do they keep carding me for energy juice
Mr_Horrible: this is settled science
GGsLive: Why doesn't he just show up to the fight already drunk?
drizztnailo: capcom says it is "ki enhancing herbal medicine"
Mr_Horrible: @drizztnailo capcom says a lot of things
AceGun_: Do you think Jamie uses the phrase "slake my thirst"?
drizztnailo: pregame the fight
Mr_Horrible: he doesn't believe in pregaming
Grantuu: @drizztnailo I mean Jägermeister is made from Herbs, right?
Mr_Horrible: he respects the sanctity of the rager
saucemaster5000: @drizztnailo I call something else that
NorthstarTex: Jamie has no pre-gaming skills
duallain: manon too, why not start with the medals?
drizztnailo: MISTER 305
TXC2: Jaime the only person to start a fight sober
raulghoulia: Rock Lee skin when
Its_VeeBot: They're in front of a bar, I wonder if gief just interrupted Jaime's bender
e_bloc: dude needs one of those helmets with the straws
Mr_Horrible: @AceGun_ Jamie has to ask Luke what "slake" means. Luke also doesn't know.
TehAmelie: Mr Boombastick
TXC2: e_bloc the foam dome
Benzil666: Jacob tip in the Jamie match up, I'd recommend against back rolling as much when you get up after knock down. James always wants to get a drink after a knock down and back rising gives him more room/time to get them in.
TehAmelie: boy that was a while ago
saucemaster5000: alright important question
duallain: "it's a kind of rock I think"
saucemaster5000: burrito or tacos
Its_VeeBot: It was his hat, Mr. Krabs! He was #1!
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 Burrito.
drizztnailo: jamie can sped meter to shotgun 2 drinks
TXC2: !vaselineorbarcode
LRRbot: Vaseline!
itira: @saucemaster5000 burrito
TXC2: saucemaster5000 lrrbot says burrito
saucemaster5000: burrito it is
NorthstarTex: also have the beer be legally distinct PBR
Its_VeeBot: okay brb
Mr_Horrible: I'm feeling tacos personally @saucemaster5000 but burrito is kinda superior in a vacuum
Zaneysed: Fucking bet
MilkInBags: seabatClap
Zaneysed: you wont
Mr_Horrible: kanagoClap
A_Dub888: *claps*
JinaMahavira: seabatClap
NorthstarTex: *clap* ?
saucemaster5000: clap these
itira: tqsClap
BusTed: seabatDance
El_Zilcho22: doogCLAPPING
drizztnailo: seabatClap
AceGun_: seabatDance
schordash: GivePLZ 🌮
type_variable: seabatClap
Its_VeeBot: adam I called Taco Party and they're out of beans
Mr_Horrible: "Dr Doom's tight!" - literally everyone that's every seen UMvC3
TXC2: DOCTOR Adam von doom
A_Dub888: Adam Von Savidoom
TehAmelie: Adam doots where he pleases
carstenvondi: lrrXmasbart
saucemaster5000: I wish I could live like a supervillain but didn't have to do crimes
NorthstarTex: Adam, you'd be too awesome to be considered a villan
Mr_Horrible: and he only gets the CHA, yeah
Mr_Horrible: also, Tick reference kanagoPoint
Mr_Horrible: megaaPoint
drizztnailo: i am one lab accident away from becoming a supervillain
Mr_Horrible: goated cartoon
GGsLive: Tick cartoon GOATED
Benzil666: The fact they kept that detail for the rest of the series was peak.
drizztnailo: i shall simply learn the mu
TXC2: Supervillains tend to have money somehow
Mr_Horrible: the menace of Multiple Santa
loufghyslaufey: Or... BOP
saucemaster5000: easy to remember when you were the one teleported
Benzil666: Do you remember the episode when they have to go into the sewers and Sewer Urchin becomes a bad ass?
Mr_Horrible: "The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight" will probably be rattling around in my skull on my deathbed
Its_VeeBot: I was about to ask, "how was it getting to meet The Tick?" :P
BrowneePointz: the reboot was great
BrowneePointz: and then it got canceled
El_Zilcho22: The Tick beat em up was fun from what i remember. Used to rent it.
e_bloc: I haven't seen the tick in forever and that one still gets me
Mr_Horrible: he was actually saying you were a grunt from Power Rangers
itira: is that better or worse than Rex
BusTed: He played the Tick in the live action version
saucemaster5000: rewatching simpsons is rough -- 5 bangers and 2 "oooh that didn't age" every episode
Juliamon: You don't though
raulghoulia: you sound more like Kronk
BrowneePointz: Adam does NOT sound like Patrick Warburton
itira: LOL im SORRY
Badchop: Shepard.
Its_VeeBot: @raulghoulia Not really a Patrick Warburton voice
BrowneePointz: You get a LIL Wallace Shawny when you yell but that's it
itira: a couple YEARS? damn
TheAwkes: Warburton in-character sounds like someone doing a parody of you more than you sound like him.
MilkInBags: not beating the small arms allegations
Its_VeeBot: Similar deepness, but very different mannerisms
McMims: I had a poor classmate who looked exactly like Sid from Toy Story when it came out
Benzil666: I liked the Amazon Reboot with Peter Serafinowicz
NorthstarTex: @raulghoulia just need to get him talking about Spinach Puffs to confirm this
Badchop subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Badchop: Why the EFF am I not subbed
itira: NOOO
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Badchop! (Today's storm count: 24)
Benzil666: Shame that gor cancelled too.
Izandai: @McMims oof
Mr_Horrible: can't believe you'd dredge this up eyeteera Kappa
Grantuu: As Marisa, what are my good Neutral Buttons not including DR?
itira: im such a meanie
BrowneePointz: I got called Neville all the way through High School cuz I looked like "pre weight loss" Neville
MilkInBags: i was there i was the psychologist
Mr_Horrible: known villain
saucemaster5000: therapist turns around in chair and reveals they are andy
josh___something: Oh no... I was too busy with marvel rivals. I forgot oki D;
Badchop: chat please don't try to do that Zangief neck roll
Zaneysed: Raw gladius
itira: @Mr_Horrible LOL
JinaMahavira: but the therapist didnt say they were wrong, just mean
drizztnailo: cr mp is pretty good i think
Darleysam: @saucemaster5000 and they go "oh damn, yeah"
itira: @JinaMahavira you know whats up
e_bloc: as Gief which are your best three piledriver buttons
itira: @saucemaster5000 Adam immediately melts to the floor
MilkInBags: Marisa main: I swear my character isn't good!
Mr_Horrible: Adam's review of arcade classic, "Gladius"
drizztnailo: im a "fuck it we step kick" enjoyer
Grantuu: Ah I see. Thanks. Haven't played in ages but want to get back into it maybe.
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags I mean in this case they are right
Badchop: It's because I'm a Primer and forgot to hit the button again
BeccaTingles: Bedtime for me chat, thanks for the stream and happy holidays etc
Its_VeeBot: Visit your local Twitch Agent today and ask for a subscription to LRR!
MilkInBags: our difficult techniques against their barbaric mashing
Mr_Horrible: her kit sits in an unfortunate spot
tod_vom_himmel: nah nobody would complain if they buffed buttslam
AceGun_: Sounds like that may be what happened with Kim this recent patch...
Mr_Horrible: if it's just a little too good it's extremely oppressive, but without that it's too one-dimensional generally to not struggle
TXC2: so long BeccaTingles sleep well
tod_vom_himmel: lol
El_Zilcho22: LUL
drizztnailo: you know what would be a great character to bring back that is a similar archetype or marisa?
duallain: can I get my complaint in, for tod specifically?
Grantuu: I feel like Marisa is the only Char with which I can do some somewhat decent Combos and my DPs don't have to be on point. :D
AceGun_: Q?
duallain: honda is fine, Tod is the problem
Mr_Horrible: every plus frame butt slam gets, Adam loads a higher caliber of bullet into the rifle
Benzil666: It's like Lily. She kind of sucks but if they buff her meaningfully it would be awful because she's a grappler with a messed up neutral skip.
Its_VeeBot: Man, remember when the only way to send and receive Chat messages was via mail? You'd just open a letter and it was just there to call you a scrub?
Izandai: Jacob is addicted to that splash.
GGsLive: buttslam should be throw invul. #HondaNeedsIt
saucemaster5000: "am I stupid?"
AceGun_: "It's super tuesday!"
Zaneysed: We're an SFV server now
violetblight: im down
Mr_Horrible: no, I'm traveling Kappa
Mr_Horrible: but I'll read about your chicanery in the papers
MilkInBags: LUL
Mr_Horrible: truuuu
KeytarCat: soup tuesday
raulghoulia: Adam says he's going to ban people, says he wants to be a supervillain, does neither. refuses to elaborate
Mr_Horrible: but also false because the laptop probably can't run POE 2
drizztnailo: i would have to download a quick 50gb of mvci cutscenes
Zaneysed: I know I keep trying to get adam to ban me but im still here
tod_vom_himmel: thats why you have bearudite
tod_vom_himmel: bear will shoot
Its_VeeBot: Adam is one of those supervillains who's actually the protagonist of the movie. He's like Gru
MilkInBags: just develop AI
Mr_Horrible: Adam is at most *playfully* antagonistic
violetblight: man i wish i could just be evil itd make life so much easier
Invitare: it can't be any harder than going to the gym
saucemaster5000: @drizztnailo isn't that twice the size of your hard drive?
Kentosaurus: so he wants to be a rich nepo baby
GGsLive: Generational Supervillian
Darleysam: how do you feel about getting a cool scar?
A_Dub888: hire goons
Marvoleath: You can't be just born super villain, it's not as easy as becoming a super hreo
Benzil666: Adam the hench man and his henchmen.
Zaneysed: Adam wants to be a hermit
itira: mood
Its_VeeBot: Welcome to Adam's lair on Skullcrusher Mountain
TXC2: I like that Adam puts Genocide and bank robbery on the same level :p
duallain: live in a cabin in the yukon?
couchboyj: Would you have henchpeople, or would you be the brooding loaner villian? Nm, answers that :p
Going_Medium: You have to shoot one of your own henchmen to establish your the bad guy at the start of the movie.
Jamming_with_Jandalf: sounds like you might want to play some Evil Genius
drizztnailo: we can just tell people you blew up the moon or something
Its_VeeBot: We hope that you've enjoyed your stay so far, I see you've met his assistant Jacob
Mr_Horrible: wishing to the genie for instant notoriety but nobody thinks you're a dick, they just steer clear
TXC2: *level of supervillainy
MilkInBags: you can get one anytime you want
MilkInBags: oh
saucemaster5000: I just want to live in dracula castle and the villagers tell folks not to come near me
itira: i have a cool scar in my eyebrow
Zaneysed: It's guile time jacob
Mr_Horrible: you build that mansion and then *don't* have a secret lab beneath it, for the mix
v_nome: Good games, Jacob!
drizztnailo: @Jamming_with_Jandalf is it good? i've heard of it but never tried it
saucemaster5000: I want to be the forgettable lvl 2 boss
Invitare: which of your mods would be the mid-boss?
Zaneysed: Rip
A_Dub888: @saucemaster5000 will it have an upside down version like in Symphony?
Its_VeeBot: OK now I want to rewrite all the lyrics to JoCo's Skullcrusher Mountain to be about Adam and Jacob
saucemaster5000: no, too forgettable
Mr_Horrible: that's the mantra of every fighting game player, honestly
TXC2: the paradox of fairness Kappa
Mr_Horrible: so Jacob is truly With It
NewtyNewts: uh oh
duallain: get em newt
Zaneysed: It's just one sonic boom Jacob, how bad could it be? lol
Jamming_with_Jandalf: @drizztnailo It's fun, but not great. First one was great for it's ideas, the second one is more shiny, but not significantly better or worse. I'd say play it if you can get it for 8 bucks or less?
KeytarCat: The apm in this match is already intense
duallain: yeah, I think newt has managed to put a bigger motor in their blender
Its_VeeBot: @Zaneysed "It's just one Sonic Boom, how much could it be, $20?"
TXC2: Zaneysed I'm thinking of the guy who got put on the rocket sled that pulled 50G in response to "just one sonic boom" :p
violetblight: TRUE
AceGun_: Yeah, I'll talk about them.
AceGun_: THey're great.
drizztnailo: TRUE
AceGun_: Unironically, she does need it...
saucemaster5000: just spin knuckle it, ez
Grantuu: AKI is cool.
violetblight: if youre nothing without the fireball DR you dont deserve it
saucemaster5000: (watches vi fireball into spinning mixer again)
Mr_Horrible: would it be less tilting if instead of "Bitchin'!" she said "You're doing great, sweetie."?
Mr_Horrible: if you block you're losing value on that 60 USD brother
Grantuu: @Mr_Horrible If she could say it in the same time, I think that would work great.
Mr_Horrible: @Grantuu Faye's talented, she could probably pull it off
NorthstarTex: Oh hells, completely unrelated: They released the Windblown ost on streaming services :D
duallain: @Grantuu "you're doing great bitchin sweetie" ?
Mr_Horrible: @duallain Oh I always do great at that, my complaint game unmatched
Grantuu: @duallain You're doing bitchin' great sweetie?
Izandai: mattlrLul
Mr_Horrible: @NorthstarTex I'll be honest, I don't recall any of what I heard watching Adam play, but Motion Twin does good music, so I don't doubt its quality
Izandai: You ain't Okuyasu.
AceGun_: "fuck you, bubble" *punch*
Grantuu: Just give Marisa a Fireball Kappa
Mr_Horrible: L2 aka "Grecian Skies Protected"
Mr_Horrible: it's just shorter range
Mr_Horrible: and attached to her arm
AceGun_: Marisa does drive rush fireball without spending any meter, its Gladius.
raulghoulia: who's fireball is better, Marissa's or Dan's?
Grantuu: Give her a rocket-powered arm. Gladius stays attached to the arm and the arm just goes brrrrr.
AceGun_: Give Marisa Sentinel's rocket punch?
Mr_Horrible: @Grantuu Marisa gets Spencer's UMvC3 moveset, next patch notes
TXC2: Dan can one hand his fireball, Ryu can't, so Dan's in better Kappa
EedanHensey: What would be the most horrifying thing to give Marisa? Akuma move speed?
Mr_Horrible: imagining Marisa doing Akuma's triple-dash oki bullshit
AceGun_: Take Ysaar away from Rashid and give it to Marisa.
duallain: a good anti-air
TXC2: give Marisa Dalhsim reach
Grantuu: @AceGun_ Yeah, just swap Marrisa's and Rashid's Lvl2 :D
duallain: she should use both arms to anti-air
NewtyNewts: GGs Adam
NewtyNewts: It's been a good day
Grantuu: Do you think Characters can do their Specials and Supers without their voice lines or is there some tonal based magic System in the SF universe?
Mr_Horrible: get her to stretch those tootsies
saucemaster5000: give marisa an orbital strike
Mr_Horrible: you load up after a patch and a Marisa just shouts "Hammer... OF THE GODS!"
TXC2: Grantuu yeah they gotta speak the super into exsistance
Mr_Horrible: and then you get ignited for your whole health bar
ZawaAmaz: I saw a setup for a +8 meaty off 2MK, but it's only off the 214HP juggle into charged 5HP
EedanHensey: *writes down, Marisa needs M. Bison slide*
CaptainDaks: that was safe jump and perfect parry is one of the few options against it
Grantuu: @TXC2 That's kinda neat. Now... are they personalized and if so based on what?
KeytarCat: Why do I get the same vibe from Guile and Marisa?
TXC2: Grantuu it's their ki power, and it depends on their martial art
CaptainDaks: ya ex glad would armor that
CaptainDaks: nice empty low
LMAOkai_: guessed wrong 3 times :(
LowUpsideCJ: what’s up Annie Okis
TXC2: hello LowUpsideCJ welcome
Grantuu: @TXC2 I see. So if Marisa learns Ryu's style she could go ahead and Haduoken people?
CaptainDaks: holy crap that doesnt punish?
CaptainDaks: lemme look up the numbers
TXC2: Grantuu sure, if she's willing to drop 20 years into learning the power of nothingness :p
Mr_Horrible: choosing to delay his jab by 2 frames out of principle
CaptainDaks: says -12, stHP should work
Grantuu: @TXC2 Ah, I bet she could it down quicker. :D
Grantuu: *get
Mr_Horrible: When a Guile gets AA'd: "Oh god, is THIS what I've been doing to people?"
Grantuu: Nah dude, you're just doing a little bit of Daigo. ;)
Mr_Horrible: I need a mod where Guile sounds really sarcastic when he says "perfect"
niccus: mod so that guile only calls out "imperfect" when appropriate
Mr_Horrible: the PP freezeframe during a crossup always looks bizarre
EedanHensey: Emo Guile. Wait, that's just Remy.
TXC2: so I'm looking at these planes, and they look like an F16 and a Harrier jump jet had a baby ;p
Grantuu: @niccus He's mildly roasting the player for not getting a perfect. "Whack", "lol" something like that.
LMAOkai_: ggs ggs
CaptainDaks: o7
duallain: ty gamers
LowUpsideCJ: thanks for oking
lamina5432: gdat
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam and Jacob
KeytarCat: Thank for stream
Zaneysed: Backyard baseball stream pog
schordash: thank you for the stream! seabatDance
Mr_Horrible: POE 2 is a fighting game, right?
EedanHensey: Thanks for the stream!
El_Zilcho22: doogBye doogBye
Grantuu: Bye. Have a good one and happy holidays to those who celebrate. :)
thatguysteve2709: Thanks for the stream appreciate you all mods included
tod_vom_himmel: bye!
loufghyslaufey: I just realized... Dang it, just now.
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, boys
AceGun_: sajamAaaa FROGS ARE GONE!! sajamAaaa
TXC2: thatguysteve2709 lrrHEART
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (56m from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
LowUpsideCJ: nice holiday weekend stuff
TXC2: see lrr crap a shoot
BusTed: tqsEgg
Mr_Horrible: can I see how the Bacon Egg & Cheese is made?
RockPusher: See how the bacon and egg mcmuffin is made
TheWooglie: squidp6Smh Jacob
Mr_Horrible: kanagoBorgar
loufghyslaufey: This Guile skin looks a lot like Hohenheim NotLikeThis FBtouchdown jlrrFacepalm lrrXmaspistachio
MilkInBags: adam you can do it too
Grantuu: I mean what's a sausage if not a long egg?
RockPusher: lrrWOW
RockPusher: benginFingers RPGFireball RPGFireball foxmarFIRE
Mr_Horrible: erosOMEGALUL
Zaneysed: Clip it
TXC2: damn Adam :p
Mr_Horrible: @TXC2 Stream is over but hands are still being thrown
TXC2: Dice friends, where NOTHING bad will happen
TXC2: Mr_Horrible indeed
Marvoleath: This time actual factual finale? D:
Mr_Horrible: Oliver publicly executed live in the town square
MilkInBags: always have been dead
raulghoulia: staking it, please
AceGun_: putting a stake through the rulebook
TXC2: sending it to torpor
MilkInBags: adam would love werewolf
LowUpsideCJ: there’s some spice to this schedule read
couchboyj: Cori gonna eat the whole damn setting
RockPusher: seabatClap lrrSHINE seabatClap lrrSHINE
TheAwkes: Up next: the crew rolls a Werewolf campaign on the Island dealing with the fallout of the By Night crew.
TXC2: happy hoildays
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
loufghyslaufey: That's just House of M comics MindManners TPFufun GlitchNRG
schordash: lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible: thanks, lads lrrSHINE seabatClap
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
loufghyslaufey: Or so I've heard
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
RockPusher: 'night TXC2