SymphonySolstice: she's walking back and forth over my keyboard looking for something to chew on
TehAmelie: sounds like a way to get crumbs out of your keyboard :3
RockPusher: "The FBI today reports that the birb sleeper cell was apparently activated by a numbers station operated by the Twitch channel of Loading Ready Run"
SymphonySolstice: hehe
TehAmelie: why don't we have symbiotic relationships with birds, like crocodiles?
MalFnord: You can't fool me, birds aren't real
TehAmelie: i could easily be more messy than a crocodile
Invitare: birds and crocodiles are both dinosaurs
Invitare: that's why they get along
PharaohBender27: Can't remember *where* I heard/read it, but it lives rent-free in my head: The reason chickens are so mean is because they remember that they were dinosaurs once and are mad they aren't anymore
SymphonySolstice: Panni does try to exfoliate my fingers and toes, she's just not very good at it
Invitare: chickens don't know they're not dinosaurs
GreatWahooney: oh good I made it back before they shot the craps
Noy2222: Shooting crap? In THIS economy?
Angreed66: Chickens are mean because that's how tasty meat sacks stay alive
GreatWahooney: @Noy2222 we can have a little crapshoot as a treat
letfireraindown: HA?
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Noy2222!
Thanks for subscribing, Noy2222! (Today's storm count: 2)
letfireraindown: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: The Crapshoot (Watch us write/film/edit an entire Crapshot in 3(ish) hours!) at Sat 11:00 AM PST (24m ago).
LoadingReadyRun: OK
RockPusher: brace for signal!
PharaohBender27 gets ready
TXC2: title change!
TheAinMAP: Signal
Noy2222: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
xantos69: All is right with the world.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
shea_wolfe: Yo the crapshoot?!
Thanks for subscribing, AMillionCatsOnTypewriters! (Today's storm count: 3)
SymphonySolstice: I've never actually been around for a live crappo. exciting!
CaptainSpam: SHOOT! SHOOT NOW!
NathanLonghair: oooo
I'm so excited to see what happens this time
commentarywife: Ooh I get to catch a crapshoot live? Awesome!
GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Thanks for subscribing, GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox! (Today's storm count: 4)
digiman619TheAntiDigs: SaLRRtations, all.
JadedCynic: whoa
calculated_uncertainties subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
calculated_uncertainties: 2/3rds toward my evil goal
Thanks for subscribing, calculated_uncertainties! (Today's storm count: 5)
virtue_the_cat: oh my gosh, my first live crapshoot!!!
PharaohBender27 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 74 months, currently on a 74 month streak!
PharaohBender27: Let's shoot some craps!
Thanks for subscribing, PharaohBender27! (Today's storm count: 6)
digiman619TheAntiDigs: I've never caught one of these live
lirazel64: Yay, made it!
TehAmelie: yay
@virtue_the_cat Welcome!
TXC2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
TXC2: Thanks to @NotCainNorAbel for my sub gift! it's time time time, to crap the shoot, to crap the shoot.
Thanks for subscribing, TXC2! (Today's storm count: 7)
N2Osferatu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
Thanks for subscribing, N2Osferatu! (Today's storm count: 8)
IviaRelle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Thanks for subscribing, IviaRelle! (Today's storm count: 9)
really cool the firefox shit the bed just as the stream went live, but ok
what up nerds
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy and happy Solstice, @jacqui_lantern234 !
GreatWahooney: @TXC2 how else would you know!
RockPusher: Nerds‽ Here‽
jessieimproved: Wait. Who's a nerd
GreatWahooney: I am he
GreatWahooney how indeed
MalFnord: We're all nerds down here
DrStrangeAL subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Tom is a nerd.
Thanks for subscribing, DrStrangeAL! (Today's storm count: 10)
@PharaohBender27 ngl, i forgot for a moment that you know im a pagan
Banrael subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Banrael! (Today's storm count: 11)
RockPusher: I dunno, but my guess is the frood using the interrobang might be a nerd…
@jacqui_lantern234 Actually I didn't The date just happened to align appropriately!
kusinohki: meows
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 ive DEFINITELY talked about it in Erika's chat before XD
digiman619TheAntiDigs: @rockpusher Nerds? Watching LRR? It's more likely than you think
TheArchitectX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 136 months, currently on a 136 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, TheArchitectX! (Today's storm count: 12)
I'm sure you have, and I've just forgotten People say a lot in Erika's chat
kusinohki: the delay gave me enough time to take a shower, so yay??
RockPusher: Here comes 2!
@PharaohBender27 and most of it is nonsense
TXC2: going left down!
dippedfeathers: crapshoot time!
PsychoI3oy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
PsychoI3oy: merpy chwanzistcemas
Thanks for subscribing, PsychoI3oy! (Today's storm count: 13)
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: !advice
LRRbot: Approve the sausage.
NathanLonghair: I didn’t know we were doing crapshots again 😲 Been years since I’ve seen one
NathanLonghair: crapshoots*
TheGreenMonster450 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheGreenMonster450! (Today's storm count: 14)
PharaohBender27: @NathanLonghair They aren't as frequent. Last one was in . . . May?
DoodlestheGreat: Hyar we go.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: They did one earlier this year as well. I think it is a once every so often thing now
TXC2: NathanLonghair we're getting one every 6 or so months
TXC2: Here we GO!
jvetting83: classic
TXC2: ah Moonbase Delta
kusinohki: someone mentioned 2 crapshots a year
Foxmar320: Time to shoot a crap
djalternative: one crapshoot a season
SymphonySolstice: one per "season" I believe
lirazel64: We can have a single crapshoot, as a treat.
AMuseOfFirebane: ooo classic intro
DoubleNterprises: Cock-a-lick-chick, let's write some shit!
Good ol' Delta. TWO Moonbases ago!
This Intro!
NathanLonghair: @pharaohbender27 aah yeah I think I remember hearing about that one
Abavus: Haven't heard this jingle in a hot minute
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Now often enough to make a new intro though
kusinohki: thought the last one was part of the sub a thon
TXC2: Hello LRR
jacqui_lantern234: HONK
GreatWahooney: oh wow I forgot this intro it's awesome
dippedfeathers: hello
TheAinMAP: Hello.
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: Hello!!
RockPusher: Oooer, big writing setup
Foxmar320: Well hello there
jessieimproved: Helooooo
xantos69: Hello delightful LRR folk!
Simriel: Oooh time to shoot some crap
TXC2: as good as when we filmed it....8 years ago
VorlonScout: Good point, Cori's shirt. How *about* coffee.
paul, surprisingly, HASNT aged
RockPusher: I dunno, you all look more distinguished now
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: That video is A Part Of Our Heritage
PharaohBender27: I'd say you've all aged quite well, frankly
thebuzzstreams: the intro is a canadian heritage moment
jessieimproved: The James pre-beard post-beard threshold
djalternative: the only reason I'd refilm that is because of the light sync
GreatWahooney: every time I see an older LRR videos I am startled by the baby LRRfolk in it. y'all age fantastically
PsychoI3oy: The Shipping is still my favorite CrapShoot/shot
Simriel: Do we all get Producer credits?
TXC2: of course you don't look as good as you did then, you look better
Abavus: Chat goes in, crapshot comes out
Its_VeeBot: INT beneath a pile of rabid weasels
spethycakes: It's ~magic~ !
Foxmar320: !patreon
TXC2: !store
PharaohBender27: Real question: Is the Crapshoot intro older or younger than the Crossing the Stream Intro? (filmed June 18, 2016 IIRC)
Foxmar320: !youtube
HalfHaf: I love how everyone is wearing blue except for Corey
flatluigi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
flatluigi: it's my birthday! can't believe you're resurrecting the crapshoot for me specifically
PotatoWraiths: what a welcome surprise on my Saturday afternoon
Thanks for subscribing, flatluigi! (Today's storm count: 15)
spethycakes: @HalfHaf Cori's jeans are blue!
PharaohBender27: Happy birthday, @flatluigi !
commentarywife: Beeej
TXC2: PharaohBender27 I think CTS is older
PsychoI3oy: We have a beej and a cori......
HalfHaf: @spethycakes Oh very true
xantos69: Ill Advised Cyber Mods Gone Wrong. Robotic potato peeler or some such.
djalternative: a recreation of The Shipping but Christmas themed?
TXC2: it could be Anti-xmas themed
PotatoWraiths: I love seeing how the sausage is boiled
CrazymattCaptain: a most decadent Xmas
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: I've helped!
djalternative: I've written several
hey__chat: yes i have
SnackPak_: we had homework?!?
ThreeMemesInATrenchcoat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ThreeMemesInATrenchcoat! (Today's storm count: 16)
calculated_uncertainties: Beejdrop Christmas?
jacqui_lantern234: i COULD write one! dont TEST me, Turner!!!
PharaohBender27: Oh crap! I forgot my homework! D:
rxpalindrome: suuuuuure
epsilon_vee: *taps text box* this bad boy can hold so much input
kusinohki: animal crossing version of xmas??
RoeDent89: Ooh Crapshoot!
bytecaster: My dog ate it
RockPusher: Don't tempt fate James
TXC2: yes, but it's unfilmable
ohjanji: my cats ate mine
MTGRanger: yes?
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: Santa + Beejdrop?
flatluigi: i have one but it's mostly all of you saying happy birthday to me
YeomanAres: The Forth Christmas Ghost: Ghost of Christmas imperfect
djalternative: I have several in the back catalogue if you want them
dumbo3k: I love the look behind the curtain, that this particular show gives
DoubleNterprises: Uh, dog ate my Crapshot!
spethycakes: My old apartment had a ghost cat...maybe it was trying to give me a warning
undecided44: [Interior, Beej's office, Beej amuses himself] Graham enters...
DoodlestheGreat: I've certainly done my part in the past. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
GreatWahooney: I do have a script on hand but it does require more prop skulls than you probably have ready access for
how about a crapshot in a courtroom
MTGRanger: i’ve got one line!
niccus: does santa get homework stress dreams about christmas
adept_nekomancer: Uh... um... winter activities to do when there's no snow and you're in an office.
RoeDent89: Congratulations!
Bappy Hirthday!
SnackPak_: Santa throwing gifts at James
PharaohBender27: Yep, I have a GIF of that moment, one sec
dippedfeathers: happle birthday @flatluigi
Nigouki: Cam & Ian Christmas but the building decided to test the fire alarm at the same time
calculated_uncertainties: Happy birthday, but done in the congratulations meme?
RubikDarkwill: Bonethan!!!
Its_VeeBot: Has there been a Crapshot that does a quazi-Charlie Brown thing?
Abavus: Nothing some superglue can't fix
here's my pitch: no jokes, only everyone going around giving consentual hugs to each other
wedge_x: what's the line between prop skull and just a skull skull
Banrael: a skull barbershop quartet audition?
SymphonySolstice: Christmas Turtles: turtlenecks, turtledoves, Turtles chocolates, ???
djalternative: real person is a stocking stuffer?
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's Christmas, t it's also Laundry day
commentarywife: Christmas stocks 💹
ihlendrax: Teeth? Now I’m thinking of the Tooth Fairy having to sub in for Santa.
RockPusher: How is the weather on the patio?
Its_VeeBot: "Merry Christmas, James Turner!"
TXC2: wedge_x clacium content?
DoodlestheGreat: "You've heard of 'Elf on The Shelf?' Well here's 'Skull on Your Hull!'"
Travilogue subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Travilogue: Oh Shoot, I forgot that Crap was happening today.
Thanks for subscribing, Travilogue! (Today's storm count: 17)
bytecaster: So no excursion to Europe for the filming, got it
djalternative: anything on the roof?
raulghoulia: Christmas Stonks
wedge_x: any skull is a prop skull if you're brave enough
hd_dabnado: Christmas Stonkings
Doc_Layzah: Ah. The classic bottle episode format
spethycakes: Christmas Stonks
Redbassist: stocking stocks
JadedCynic: or as a festive version of a Phyrigian cap
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun my silliness aside, have yall done a "ghosts of christmas past, present, and future" crapshot?
hey__chat: santa just screaming to the moon
DiscordianTokkan: Christmas (Corn) Stalks
lirazel64: But you wanted crypto?
Laserbeaks_Fury: 1980 IMB stocks
adept_nekomancer: The christmas stock market. "Buy Rudolph! Buy Rudolph! -- No, sell fruitcake!"
spethycakes: why are you buying stocks at the soup store?
Pinwiz11: Santa's uncapped subathon
dippedfeathers: Christ+(density/volume) -S = happiness?
GreatWahooney: @jacqui_lantern234 ooh ghost of christmas present perfect
jvetting83: Shorting stocks in Santa Co.?
RockPusher: Holiday Bouillon
bytecaster: It is that time of year, the time for hodling
Angreed66: Ah the classic of the stock market usually goes up on holidays as overoptimistic people make rash decisions
MTGRanger: “this christmas, the planets are aligning…. and there’s the Undertaker with the steel chair!”
DoodlestheGreat: "He told me to get you some Dogecoin! You like dogs, don't you?"
ohjanji: soup stocks through the roof this year
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: @jacqui_lantern234 they did that on Friday nights and it was awesome. Marshall was the ghost of top decks future
Its_VeeBot: Three friends play board games while Narrator Paul makes fun of them for not interacting like normal humans on Christmas
kusinohki: was it serge who asked for Magic cards and got cards for magic tricks??
bytecaster: That is great!
SquareDotCube: MTX but it's Christmas presents
Wiliart: Getting Christmas Stocks, while you just wanted socks.
SymphonySolstice: alternatively: the Sock Market
undecided44: But these are the treasury bonds the man at the store said you wanted.
beowuuf: Ian sitting infront of the tv fire alone, 10 seconds of silence, ian says menacingly 'i won...' (honk)
SymphonySolstice: stocks but with socks
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: a financial planner explains the portfolio, a chef says "I asked for chicken stock"
Banrael: ghost of Christmas futures - of pork
lirazel64: Grammar got you stocking NFT?
VorlonScout: IAN
adept_nekomancer: "If just 100 more of you donate, I won't crash into the Pacific. I'm really hoping for that."
lirazel64: *Gramma
amative1: Maybe the NORAD Santa tracker gets confused?
xantos69: Santa's elves keep subscribing... so they don't have to make more toys.
betweenmyself: Santa not wearing his cap
PTElder: Is Santa's stream sponsored? By crypto?
Its_VeeBot: Santa Takes a Dump in Someone's Chimney
TehAmelie: he's got a lofty goal of 192 subs, one for each country
hd_dabnado: Holiday Cooking guide that makes a minty bomb?
spethycakes: Okay, question: Is Santa a Cryptid?
Abavus: Thinking it's an actual moonbase?
djalternative: knife missels for christmas!
beowuuf: @PTElder NFTrees
RockPusher: The ways in which LRR made it onto the naughty list
commentarywife: Santa visiting the moonbase sound very cH
SquareDotCube: Grandma got us apple for our stocks!
lirazel64: What do you all not want to find in your stockings?
accountmadeforants: You're heard about Christmas Spirit. Now meet Christmas Body and/or Christmas Mind.
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @spethycakes no, he's actually Superman in disguise
ohjanji: @spethycakes i'm going with yes
adept_nekomancer: @RockPusher I like "how each cast member made it onto the naughty list", that could be good.
hd_dabnado: Question: How many awful christmas sweaters do you own? Maybe a fashion show?
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: What if Santa himself ends up on the Naughty List?
Its_VeeBot: Santa Has IT Troubles and has to rebuild his Red Hat server
spethycakes: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff but is SUPERMAN a cryptid??
Nigouki: Mari Kondo Santa?
fastlane250: The stockings were hung by the chimney with negligence
jacqui_lantern234: "Budget Cuts At Santa's Workshop"
SymphonySolstice: dirty abandoned sock on the side of the road? filled with presnts
shea_wolfe: What other holidays could take over Christmas ala Nightmare before Christmas?
@spethycakes No, Superman is a kryptid
Ashen_Prime: Just because I haven't been able to escape it performing in my Theatre for the last month: something with Nutcracker, hopefully including Cori throwing punches.
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @spethycakes no, there's too much proof he actually exists (in universe, anyway)
Abavus: What is the biggest funny object you can fit inside of a normal sock?
hd_dabnado: yes?
dippedfeathers: head elf is concerned about the gluten content of cookies and the pasteurization of the milk. Santa eats anyway.
spethycakes: @PharaohBender27 I doff my holiday cap
commentarywife: Yes almost certainly
KirbySliver subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
KirbySliver: All Slivers are now Kirbys in addition to their other types!
Thanks for subscribing, KirbySliver! (Today's storm count: 18)
calculated_uncertainties: There's a box in the box!
Earthenone: rudolph the "red nosed" reindeer finally gets a DUI
djalternative: Mrs Clause ends up on the naughty list
Its_VeeBot: Santa Claus meets Satan Claus
DoodlestheGreat: @Abavus Your head?
PharaohBender27: Yeah, and it's a rare box
RockPusher: Halloween finally invades, the war on christmas has begun!
PTElder: Boxnard was sent a box by a fan
PharaohBender27 goes to LRRWiki
JadedCynic: that was a boxnard one...
Woogachaka: Santa needs new socks this year, test fits every stocking and now they smell?
Laserbeaks_Fury: UnBoxing Day
RoeDent89: Halloween vs Christmas: Satan vs Santa
TXC2: !wiki
xantos69: Oh I like the DUI idea. People keep leaving spiked egg nog for santa and he gets pulled over.
beowuuf: I was going to suggest a santa proof of life boxnard but i think something similar has been done before
JAndersonCAD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
JAndersonCAD: Happy Holidays LRR
Thanks for subscribing, JAndersonCAD! (Today's storm count: 19)
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh maybe it was a Boxing Day
Earthenone: boxnard, but the end of the episode has us throw the box at james?
SquareDotCube: I think we've done something with fruitcake
ToastyLoaff: Santa trying to be green by giving less coal due to its environmental impact
Angry Zen Master: Holiday Extraviganza
SquareDotCube subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
SquareDotCube: Huh
Thanks for subscribing, SquareDotCube! (Today's storm count: 20)
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Graham_LRR! They have given 86 Gift Subs in the channel!
Banrael: boxnard complaining about how wrapping boxes ruins the boxes
Thanks for subscribing, Graham_LRR! (Today's storm count: 21)
JadedCynic: he calls his P.O. Box, "The Box Box"
PotatoWraiths: it's so stupid and perfect
bytecaster: No idea what to do with this but Chess Boxing Day
PotatoWraiths: I love it
Laserbeaks_Fury: Boxing Day. Tim eto box up your old boxes
accountmadeforants: Santa announces Christmas merger with Mother's Day, after already acquiring Easter. The FTC is concerned.
dippedfeathers: instead of coal, Santa gives petroleum.
Its_VeeBot: Boxnard practices the other kind of boxing
SquareDotCube: Oh! What if Boxnard opens a fruitcake like a box?
jacqui_lantern234: EHEHEHEHEHEHEHE 😈
PTElder: Angry Zen Yule Log?
SocraticMethod: @dippedfeathers petrolium jelly!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to apsalar! They have given 87 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, apsalar! (Today's storm count: 22)
GreatWahooney: empty your stocking!
TXC2: 50 singles of the sound of silence
beowuuf: boxnard wrapping up a box for boxing day
xantos69: Empty your mind of naughtyness... EMPTY IT!
jacqui_lantern234: EMPTY YOUR STOCKING
hd_dabnado: Somebody gifts a "Yule Log"
jacqui_lantern234: EMPTY IT
Cuttlebranch: Cam and Ian Christmas, but it's Angry Zen Master and....?
djalternative: do we have enough bits for an entire The Crapshot Christmas Album sketch?
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to James_LRR! They have given 88 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, James_LRR! (Today's storm count: 23)
Its_VeeBot: OK, hear me out: Off-brand Rocky training montage, and then Paul turns to the camera and does a Boxnard intro
JadedCynic: why isn't your stocking EMPTY???
ExitPursuedByABear: What about Boxnard's child, Lootnard, who does something with loot boxes?
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to tiltyhouse! They have given 89 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, tiltyhouse! (Today's storm count: 24)
bytecaster: Tencent is trying to buy 60% of Santa
ToastyLoaff: The elves are unionizing
Nigouki: excited family filming Venus in the sky but misidentifying it as Santa
NathanLonghair: “What’s in the stocking this year… it’s…. prominent junk???”
SquareDotCube: Oh geez, cannibals trying to find a Steven for Christmas, might be a little too grim
hd_dabnado: The Origin of Christmas Treej
dippedfeathers: Santa denies allegations of market manipulation.
kusinohki: beej drop - "I give you.... ME!"
TehAmelie: how about American Thanksgiving gets merged with Christmas but not Canadian
PTElder: Alternately - A Santa Bankruptcy resulting in the naughty/nice list being sold off ala RadioSahack?
beowuuf: lol
Dylanthesquig: Merica Santa
SymphonySolstice: inventing a new car holiday, a la Toyotathon
calculated_uncertainties: Is Canadian Christmas different?
DoodlestheGreat: Santa's Loot Boxes: 0.0000001% chance of actual present, the rest are coal.
MalFnord: Magic and whimsy cannot be calculated by the Algorithm into investor value
xantos69: @SquareDotCube This is gold. How about a PSA to all people named Steven to stay indoors and hidden on Christmas.
adept_nekomancer: @ToastyLoaff Or the elves union goes on strike
Invitare: Santa doesn't need bodyguards. He takes on Darkseid every single year, alone
LesBeauxPlastiques: ahoy all
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: To harkens back to the greatest Christmas movie. Die Hard
gdi beej
LesBeauxPlastiques: happy shortest day day
JadedCynic: "It's......fine." Damning by faint praise...
niccus: santa is going to get lasered so much this year
RockPusher: Is it a bromance? Does it create endorphin sprinkles?
TXC2: it's Arnold making a tacticool Santa movie right now ?
BaronVonPoppinOff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Thanks for subscribing, BaronVonPoppinOff! (Today's storm count: 25)
djalternative: In the spirit of The Endorphin Report's newest episode, we can do a sketch on how everyone wants to fuck a snowman
TXC2: *isn't
Woogachaka: The elf planning meeting for the 2028 general strike, specifically trying to renegotiate their current union contract to expire on may 1st of that year and what line items are just too important to cut?
Anaerin: To Borrow from The Stupendium, The Commercialization of Christmas was inevitable since it was all about the birth of Christ, so it's always been about generating a Prophet.
Its_VeeBot: Tugger Nutts Hangs Christmas Balls
hd_dabnado: Christmas Carolers will NOT leave somebody alone until they get Figgy Pudding and also the end to capitalism
jae_dorian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
Thanks for subscribing, jae_dorian! (Today's storm count: 26)
Simriel: Krampus in red 1 was great tbh
flatluigi: what else can we put up beej
calculated_uncertainties: Beej was decorated first in a live?
DoodlestheGreat: Hey beej.
@djalternative "Do you want to a snowman..."
TXC2: Hello Beej
betweenmyself: Christmas Stalking: Krampus creeping on Santa
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tuxbeej! They have given 90 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, Tuxbeej! (Today's storm count: 27)
amative1: "Do you want to fuck a snowman? Doesn't have to be a snowman..."
moepmoepmoepmoepmoepmoep: spokesperson doing christmas carols
EOstby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
EOstby: Shoot them craps!
Thanks for subscribing, EOstby! (Today's storm count: 28)
wouter215: "Santa" is too culturally insensitive, thus has been replaced with the "winter merryment manager"
Earthenone: inside of you are 3 snowmen
hd_dabnado: or maybe, Christmas Carolers who demand more and more elaborate items from the house
Its_VeeBot: *james drinking hot chocolate for 30 seconds, then turns to camera* "What? We're on break. Piss off."
beowuuf: don't kinkshame cori
TheWooglie: marshmallow man
Unas84: Might be a bit too topical, but Santa's elves watch the news and learn about the Amazon strike, questions arise
Dylanthesquig: biblically acute snowman
SquareDotCube: I feel like that ends in the ER room with doctors asking how you got frostbite *there*
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Dave's Discount Christmas Ornaments
calculated_uncertainties: Grudge match different Santa's? Krwmpus, st Nicholas, ECT
accountmadeforants: @Earthenone All but one are melting (that one is plastic)
jae_dorian: Christmas cryptid petting zoo
N2Osferatu: Increasingly decadent Nog recipes
ToastyLoaff: Hunky snowman has always been
hd_dabnado: the Life and Death of Christmas Treej
xantos69: A really thirsty snow sculptor.
jacqui_lantern234: i know what im watching after this XD
Remember don't lick the icy pole
adept_nekomancer: "Lesser Known Cryptids of North America"
dippedfeathers: Christmas carolers that are actually a hive mind. if they come for you, oh no.
cuttlefishman: Crap... shoot? You telling me a crap recorded this funny comedy sketch?
MTGRanger: A Merry Phailcorp Christmas
Its_VeeBot: A Very Beej Christmas
Dylanthesquig: he's just covered in confectionary sugar...
hd_dabnado: @dippedfeathers defs think there is something there
Nigouki: no, Beej more Beej
Anaerin: Sexy Snowman - That's not a carrot in his pants.
xantos69: I do like the phrase "Balls Deep By Boxing Day"
betweenmyself: Person just comes to life, is technically only a fews seconds old… icky
couchboyj: Icy pooes stick to more than tongues
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Balls Deep By Boxing Day is a *great* smut title
Laserbeaks_Fury: Little Mermaid 2 does this lol
beowuuf: Balls Deep By Boxing Day was the sequel to Sleepless in Seattlle, right?
JadedCynic: You're taking it 'beyond the pale' Beej, but we like where we're going with it.
betweenmyself: *snowman
Angreed66: It's still less weird than the real movie
Abavus: Spoilers D:
cuttlefishman: @I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo Tugger Nutts is Balls Deep by Boxing Day
TXC2: !youtube
N2Osferatu: Chicken eggnog, duck eggnog, ostrich eggnog, fish eggnog (that's just caviar?)
korvys: mic 5
Abavus: MIC 5
Greetings from germany
cuttlefishman: mic 5
korvys: We heard... liquid
TXC2: hello Shankx88 welcome
Nigouki: it's all anime lady impersonations
SnackPak_: it was pretty good hot water ASMR
Wolfstrike_NL: I just heard: password is fartbutt
SquareDotCube: Blame beej. Bleej!
Earthenone: hopefully there is no heated gamer moments
PharaohBender27: @Shankx88 Herzliche Grüße!
"and send money to jacqui..."
beowuuf: "this oughta hold the litle sob's"
Its_VeeBot: Beej is telling someone the WiFi Password, which as we all know is Dickbutt
hd_dabnado: Christmas Carolers who dont demand figgy pudding, instead demand affordable housing
TimIAm: That's he remembers them
RoeDent89: That's the real beej drop
It's good!
SquareDotCube: Writes down 42069
bytecaster: What kind of Streamer is Santa though?
RockPusher: Santa needs that side-hustle
Zael250: The Pigeon 2 : Send Nood(le)s
PTElder: One could raid the other as a stinger?
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: Santa finds out he's on the Naughty List
Abavus: Off season gig job
betweenmyself: 364 day Subathon
jacqui_lantern234: i mean, im biased towards Angry Zen Master
GrassVortex: subathon so he can afford all the presents?
Cuttlebranch: The original Frosty cartoon was frikken DARK. Those kids had to watch their new magical friend die!
adept_nekomancer: So what would Santa be streaming? Is he livestreaming his sleighride?
bytecaster V-tuber
ToastyLoaff: Santa streams COD and keeps dying because he tries to go down chimineys
RoeDent89: Sorry, Alaska! We've run out of time!
Laserbeaks_Fury: I like off peak to cure bordeom, but it got out hand
Its_VeeBot: Santa telling noobs they're on the naughty list
asthanius: the subs subsidize the presents
Jogela: For Sants uncapped subathon going to involved the rotation of Santa clauses between "shifts"
dippedfeathers: Santa’s Undercover uncapped subatathon to pay the bills.
Simriel: Secret Santa, but its Undercover Boss
Rogue_07: Oh man, I'd *love* another angry Zen master!
xantos69: Ok, but what games does Santa play?
Irsaan: Substitute Santa doesn't understand the assignment, fills stockings with feet?
korvys: "People complaining about having a birthday near Xmas, and the camera pans over to Jesus"
Laserbeaks_Fury: People appealing being put on the Naughty List
Diabore: maybe santa has a "youtube" moment
ToastyLoaff: He plays Sims
JadedCynic: shroud
Anaerin: For reference, The Stupendium just put out his Christmas video, and it is titled "The North Pole Corporate Takeover", so that might not be a good option.
TXC2: Santa plays Factorio
playing some game with bad FMV, acted out in the studio
wedge_x: Santa's actually just a real dick in voice chat
Wolfstrike_NL: Playing with the easternbunny
RockPusher: "Oh, the mods have had to add xxx420blazeItxxx to the naughty list!"
TheAinMAP: How does Streaming Santa sign off? What links does he list off to find him?
xantos69: Spawn camping? I'm putting you on the Naughty List!
betweenmyself: Santa streaming Genshin, complaining about loot boxes
adept_nekomancer: "Today we're going to build a chimney in Minecraft. Crap, I fell down a hole."
undecided44: What was the watch and play game... "sneaky Santa" or something?
Gamer moments
spethycakes: He sees you when you're camping; he knows when you're AFK
Nashlake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Nashlake! (Today's storm count: 29)
cuttlefishman: do they even have an easter bunny costume
DoodlestheGreat: Okay, Ian has to play Santa in this thing.
lirazel64: Santa plays Elden Ring.
couchboyj: Hanzo main? VERY NAUGHTY
TXC2: expand the lore
ToastyLoaff: Santa got REALLY into Balatro and is forcing it on everyone this Xmas
calculated_uncertainties: Raid by other holidays
JadedCynic: "Sounds like someone just had a Stressful Gamer Moment - time to bring out the Naughty List!"
djalternative: yeah. I think The Crapshot Christmas Album is a better version of Angry Zem Master Album
Diabore: santa has a gamer moment on the subathon and has to make a youtube apology video
putz12a: I like the idea that Santa is "stream sniping" while he's on Twitch, because "He know's if you've been bad or good."
SquareDotCube: Angry Zen Master meets Santa
Its_VeeBot: @Diabore Santa Apology Video is strong
calculated_uncertainties: Angry zen man is Santa 364
Abavus: Advice how to not panic about xmas preparations?
RockPusher: … do we have a santa dating sim on Steam that santa's chat has made him play?
djalternative: Zen Master does Silent Night
xantos69: Ok Zen Master sings the 12 days of Christmas... but each thing is just "Quietly Meditating"
ExitPursuedByABear: is it a colab albut between the Zen Master and Greg the Gardner?
TheGreenMonster450: Angry zen master sells out
lirazel64: Get through Christmas with zen?
commentarywife: It's an Enya Style Christmas album
Anaerin: "Embrace the spirit of the season! Why are you not Ho-Ho-Hoing!"
SymphonySolstice: a zen meditation ablum for christmaas
JadedCynic: I think the Angry Zen Master feels he needs to diversify.
dippedfeathers: Clear your mind with These Zen Koans/Christmas Carols.
korvys: Toast man, but he ate your figgy pudding
kumatsu: something with bell tones?
betweenmyself: Santa yelling about Coca Cola “They didn’t ask permission to use my likeness! I’m a Mountain Dew Code Red Zero man!”
orangeceltic71: If it's "and friends" - what about having Greg from Gardening with Greg in there too?
DiscordianTokkan: Court-ordered
bytecaster: What is the lore justification!
commentarywife: Christmas is stressful?
dippedfeathers: he needs money. he had a nasty divorce.
TheArchitectX: Christmas crackers safety PSA.
jvetting83: avoid naughty moments.
lirazel64: Meditating in a Winter Wonderland?
kusinohki: LRR xmas carol? crapshots past, present, and future??
Earthenone: are your parrents still asleap? EMPTY YUOR STOCKINGS
adept_nekomancer: Only once he's worked through his rage can he clear his mind.
JadedCynic: the stress of The Holiday Season
TXC2: "this hoilday season, is your mind full of STUFF?!"
Forgotten_Sanity: Zen at family dinner?
Its_VeeBot: The problem is I don't entirely know if AZM even celebrates Christmas?
N2Osferatu: "Are you consumed by earthly desires this time of year?"
commentarywife: Awh angry Zen master plus Greg is genius
cuttlefishman: zen around boxing day
SquareDotCube: Ate your Toast ate Santa's cookies and soon learns why you don't do that
Anaerin: @betweenmyself Look, presents have become things it's impossible for the elves to whittle from wood, so he charges the Coca-Cola company for likeness rights, which then pays for all those PS5s.
LordZarano: Idea: The office christmas party is Die Hard themed ("It's a christmas movie!"). Most of the office is hostages
Rogue_07: Carol of the Bells lol
lirazel64: Hark to the Gong/Sweet brazen gong
TXC2: "EMPTY YOUR MIND! with these zenful songs..."
flatluigi: there's a ton of christmas songs that are trying to be about quiet, and silence, and peace
Nigouki: Zen Master in a car trying to find parking during pre-christmas shopping? Remote camera possible?
Its_VeeBot: Wait, that's a good punchline: "Wait, I'm a Buddhist, what the fuck am I doing?"
PsychoI3oy: GwG christmas decorations?
TehAmelie: ooh, crossover
Manae: A Zen and Greg Christmas?
JadedCynic: oh WOW - Hard Mode™
hd_dabnado: Family Zen deals with problematic uncle
djalternative: maybe this is an ad on CFUT?
Foxmar320: Zen at family dinner? Impossible when politics starts up
adept_nekomancer: Or the angle could be "not even a zen master has enough mental discipline to withstand holiday stress"
spethycakes: The Zen Family Holiday Karaoke Night
raulghoulia: ghosts of christmas zen
Simriel: Angry Zen Master visits his family for Christmas?
betweenmyself: Santa streams throughout the year because there’s not enough coal; so he pwns the naughty instead.
RoeDent89: I was gonna say is this how we get Angry Zen Master onto CFUT?
Laserbeaks_Fury: "I got you 'Nothing' for Christmas this year!"
dippedfeathers: Stay Zen when doing really late Christmas shopping.
accountmadeforants: Angry Zen Master likes the idea of Secret Santa, but doesn't understand why his gift of Absolutely Nothing was not appreciated.
TheArchitectX: Angry Zen Master Christmas Eve shopping.
beowuuf: a zen-ny and greg christmas
VorlonScout: Now I'm imagining the entire Angry Zen Family at Christmas Dinner
Its_VeeBot: AZM deals with his shitty uncle
SquareDotCube: Oh I got it Angry Zen Master trying his best to be a yule log
Abavus: Hard cuts between topics?
amative1: featuring such classics as "EMPTY YOUR MIND"
electric_claire: Is this anything? Santa doing a white elephant exchange?
RoeDent89: Pure Moods: The Mood is ANGRY
dippedfeathers: Oh Zenenbaum
lirazel64: Carol of the Gong
Rogue_07: Not-so-silent night
Its_VeeBot: "Why is your NIGHT not SILENT?!"
Nigouki: oooh, Zen Master almost survives Whammageddon
amative1: "Order now, and we'll include A Gravitic Warp Christmas as a bonus disc"
aitsu100: No L
adept_nekomancer: Unwrap your mind!
beissman: christmas etiqutte ted talk by anfry zen master
JadedCynic: Goodwill TO MEN!!!
Anaerin: Your MIND should be like this night - HOLY!
beowuuf: you got your jingle bells mind shit all over the floor, now the floor is full of bells
beowuuf: LOL
xantos69: Silent Little Drummer Boy
Stormgod519: well hello everyone!
Caffine1138: Oh Silent Mind
ExachixKitsune subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
111 is such a good Number
Thanks for subscribing, ExachixKitsune! (Today's storm count: 30)
DoodlestheGreat: "Okay, boys & girls. At one million subs Mrs. Claus will give Santa a chest waxing!"
hd_dabnado: Feliz Navidont be mad
SquareDotCube: Deck the Hall but gradually angrier
Stormgod519: Silent Mind...
aitsu100: just a chant of NO L
ohjanji: Ragin' Around the Christmas Tree
jacqui_lantern234: all i want for christmas is you...R MIND TO BE EMPTY
TehAmelie: the weather outside is stressful
dippedfeathers: O Zenenbaum.
lirazel64: Om all ye faithful
niccus: does this cut to the same cori character as last year's
beowuuf: Wrest Ye Mind from Merry Genteman of Distraction
xantos69: Be like a rock... around the Christmas tree
Its_VeeBot: I was about to suggest "Rudolph the Red Faced Reindeer" but then realized that's probably a bad idea
accountmadeforants: Rather than giving your heart this Christmas, Angry Zen Master suggests really focusing on it, and no other part of your body
Anaerin: "Deck" the halls, where Deck is the other meaning (fighting)
Asoxa: Would it work to have the zen master slowly stressing out the presenter?
TreeVor84: not Christmasy, but an anger management group therapy session with Greg, Angry Zen Master, and the Banana.
RayFK: Uh ohhhhh, crapppppyyyyys
dippedfeathers: I want a stress-free Hippocampus for Christmas.
Its_VeeBot: @Anaerin Deck the Halls in the Face
Stormgod519: @lirazel64 those whose mind is vacant...
SquareDotCube: I saw Mommy punching Santa Claus
SymphonySolstice: that's fair tbh
jacqui_lantern234: @RayFK jordan, PLEASE (dont stop, i love it)
calculated_uncertainties: Dave the spokesman is the seller, all the cuts to songs are angry zen man
Rogue_07: God, Rest your mind, merry gentlemen!
Stormgod519: @RayFK Jordan... please!
JadedCynic: @TreeVor84 The Banana isn't ragey; the Banana is on a Mission™
TXC2: hello RayFK
adept_nekomancer: "I'll be Mad for Christmas"
Anaerin: God, REST you merry gentlemen.
lirazel64: Calm to the World!
calculated_uncertainties: A cfut special
amative1: Mary, did you know how to empty your mind?
Stormgod519: Om all ye faithful, those whose minds are vacant...
Fr0Dough: Grandma got ran over by my zen
dippedfeathers: Joy to the World of Pain I will inflict on you if you make me angry.
TreeVor84: @jadedcynic 🤣
putz12a: Grandma got run over by Negative Emotions
Rogue_07: @Fr0Dough Grandma got run over by a zen deer, surely
TehAmelie: Cathartic Yelling at Little Drummer Boy. okay you already made that sketch
Anaerin: Sat in the car outside, just before going in.
commentarywife: Christmas tree scene
Fr0Dough: @Rogue_07 You deserve a medal
Nigouki: Zen album under the mistletoe
touche, James
Magnifisquatch: Grandma got run over by an Enya
djalternative: Stock Footage also works for the vibes
SymphonySolstice: stonk images
Caffine1138: oh. "Away in an Empty Mind"
Abavus: The spirit of stock footage seems appropriate
Anaerin: Two people, sat in the car, psyching themselves up to go into the gathering, when the commercial starts on the radio.
niccus: unrelated stock footage with christmas overlay
gluonquark: I know it's probably not super appropriate but... are yhere any news about friday nights? Last I remember we had a date of around December...
dippedfeathers: “Mary did you know that I am angry?”
hd_dabnado: Feliz Navi-dad is getting more and more right wing each year
accountmadeforants: Someone could also be completely stressed out and have just gone into the hallway or kitchen (with dinner noises in the background), so you don't have to show the dinner.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Even Christams At Ground Zero has bells
Caffine1138: "Last Christmas you Emptied Your Mind"
betweenmyself: guy in a truck going to town on a burrito *christmas bells in the background*
JadedCynic: Oh, I got SO many remixes/mashups now...
Thank you
adept_nekomancer: "Feliz Namaste"
TXC2: hello pyronils80 welcome
lirazel64: @adept_nekomancer Perfect!
commentarywife: Surrounded by presents
Simriel: Can he have a Christmas jumper over the Gi
djalternative: Yall didn't loose the gi in the move, right?
JadedCynic: maybe some peaceful holiday scene...
aitsu100: All i want for Christmas is to knock out your front teeth
jacqui_lantern234: @adept_nekomancer omg i love it
TehAmelie: Auld Lang Zen
jacqui_lantern234: just add a santa hat
SymphonySolstice: christmas vest?
TheWriterAleph: gi over the christmas sweater then
JadedCynic: xmas sweater UNDER the gi?
dippedfeathers: Gi over the Christmas sweater
Abavus: Do you have a vest?
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: yeah, gi *over* the sweater
Simriel: Oh yes Over the Gi is better
JadedCynic: at the neck and arms...
TehAmelie: take a cup of kindness AND CHOKE IT DOWN RIGHT NOW
Stormgod519: okay i need food, brb
Simriel: Under*
we need Xmas sweater Gis
hd_dabnado: should maybe check you still have the Gi
gizmofreak1: they're streaming crapshoots again?
JadedCynic: yeah, good idea
dumbo3k: Is there going to be a clip of the Angry Zen Master with the cursed christmas singy hat?
JadedCynic: @gizmofreak1 one-off
lirazel64: I'm dreaming of a zen Christmas
TXC2: gizmofreak1 one every 6 months or so
TheWriterAleph: if there was more of a lead-up, an Ugly Christmas Sweater Gi sounds amazing
RockPusher: We accidentally tested the range on the mics the other day
TXC2: dumbo3k I think that died
SquareDotCube: Do we Whamegeddon at the end?
Anaerin: Angry Zen Master, in the full Gi, wearing the "Singing" Christmas hat, trying to maintain his cool while it does it's full performance. (And failing)
PharaohBender27: @RockPusher And how far does it go?
djalternative: Silent Fight?
dippedfeathers: O Zenanbuam
jacqui_lantern234: Feliz Namaste?
Rogue_07: God, rest your mind, ye merry gentlemen!
hd_dabnado: I like puns
RockPusher: PharaohBender27 Paul reported that Ian made it across the road
TXC2: it's begin to look a lot like your mind is empty
Foxmar320: All I want for Christmas is Silence
Laserbeaks_Fury: No-Dwells
MalFnord: Six of one, half-dozen of the other?
spethycakes: O Come All Ye Tranquil
aitsu100: empty your mind NO L
@RockPusher The ROAD!?
CodeIndigo: It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Dogen
TheWriterAleph: @jacqui_lantern234 @adept_nekomancer @jacqui_lantern234 feliz namaste is very good
Fr0Dough: 69 calming tracks
JadedCynic: @djalternative nah, not the ANGRY part, but the ZEN part - serenity and peaceful
SquareDotCube: Joy to World
PharaohBender27: @RockPusher How much traffic noise did it pick up!?
Rogue_07: Grandma got run over by the zen deer
@TheWriterAleph yeah, that was nekomancer's joke
SquareDotCube: And then it's all downhill
dippedfeathers: O Zenenbuam
TehAmelie: Koan of the bells
ExachixKitsune: "Come all ye faithful listeners"
SquareDotCube: And then it just ends with a violent Las Christmas
JadedCynic: just the 'adjusted' titles?
PharaohBender27 I was impressed too (stream wasn't live at the time, just for Paul's ears)
Cptasparagus: Its Beginning to Taste A Lot Like Peach Schnapps
accountmadeforants: Experience Christmas/Holiday Spirit!
PharaohBender27: @RockPusher Ah, I see
JadedCynic: I mean, I'd buy that.
xantos69: It has to end with "Be sure to like, share the holiday spirit, and subscribe."
Laserbeaks_Fury: "Stop thinking about CHRISTMAS!"
Anaerin: It's a Holy night, a SILENT night!
Irsaan: You won't have to empty your wallet to empty your mind.
adept_nekomancer: Empty your mind! And your stocking! But mostly your mind!
lirazel64: Droning
Anaerin: The Angry Zen Master wRaps
83674227 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 83674227! (Today's storm count: 31)
Mollylele: christmas zenmaster is the theme?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Let it go, let it go, let it go
VorlonScout: I missed who suggested "why is your mind not silent?" earlier but that one was great
TheWriterAleph: Rrrr... Silent... NIGHT.
VorlonScout: night*
accountmadeforants: This Christmas, abandon all material interests, and give no gifts!
CodeIndigo: Sutra Bells, It's Zazen Night in the City
PharaohBender27: @VorlonScout I think a couple of people pitched that one
RockPusher: "CAROL of the BELLS" cut to "DING DONG DING DONG"
TXC2: Mollylele angry Zenmaster selling a xmas CD
cuttlefishman: who in LRR even has a CD player right now
JadedCynic: or 36 cassettes
xantos69: Silent Night Meditation.
@PharaohBender27 There's a lot of scroll.
N2Osferatu: By the end he needs to table flip and storm out
Anaerin: Carol of the Zen.
TehAmelie: Fairytale of New York is already so violent the zen master could hardly improve it
aitsu100: lol
Irsaan: Go full Whose line and make it 20 songs on 40 CDs as a joke
oh NO!
lirazel64: The First Zazen the Buddha did say...
NimrodXIV: ~5 golden CDs~
Foxmar320: Big Tape is BIG
fastlane250: Oh hey, I have one of those
Izandai: That's enormous.
SnackPak_: beeg
jacqui_lantern234: OH YES!!! XD
JadedCynic: yes!
accountmadeforants: No, it just looks like you're suddenly very small
RockPusher: was about to ask where you got a broadcast tape
dumbo3k: Oh, that is huge!
aitsu100: its like 3times the size
raulghoulia: lorge
TXC2: well it's one Graham chest wide
amative1: that is a lorge boy
adept_nekomancer: "Available on 5 CDs, 16 cassettes, or a USB drive that you will absolutely have to flip over like four times before it goes in."
Astra7525: one of the tracks is a repeat of an earlier one, but it's (vocals-only)
CodeIndigo: Available on 5 CDs, 27 8-tracks, or one OmniCassette
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's work so well at emptying you mind, you forgot you bought it
PharaohBender27: We'd need VHS tape for scale
RockPusher: and then I remembered the new desk
xantos69: Just be sure to have something in shot to set the scale for the tape
Irsaan: It looks preposterously large
spethycakes: Lorge
PharaohBender27: Oh DAMN
EmmaPartlow: LORFE
it only looks normal size cause graham is MASSIVE
EmmaPartlow: *LORGE
fastlane250: le beeg tape
accountmadeforants: VHS, and VHS PRO MAX
Abavus: Kids ask your parents what VHS is
Cuttlebranch: A massive SLAB of a tape
GreatWahooney: chunky!
dippedfeathers: big boi
commentarywife: Duude
ExachixKitsune: "This is a VHS tape, and this one is very large"
TXC2: the VHS tape she tells you not to worry about
JadedCynic: yeah, it's fine
cuttlefishman: Betacam SP L?
RockPusher: Does the label on that tape need censoring?
cuttlefishman: If it is a Betacam SP L, then it has ~90min storage time
JadedCynic: it's blank, I think
Laserbeaks_Fury: A Beta arrives precisely when it intends to
N2Osferatu: One of these is very big, one of them is fast away
bytecaster: 5 CDs or 50 mini disks
SquareDotCube: I vote Zen Master just loses it at the start of the last song - Last Christmas
TheWriterAleph: @N2Osferatu neeeeear. faaaaaar.
beowuuf: large samara coming through the tv - new kink discovered
wedge_x: we already ruined the Hobbit 35 minutes ago
beej yes
xantos69: The only thing I want for Christmas is an empty mind.
SymphonySolstice: one more expensive VHS tape for the millenial nostalgia
SquareDotCube: Wax cylinder that doubles like a candle
lirazel64: Hark to the Gong
cuttlefishman: What type of a Betacam is it
JadedCynic: YES!
NimrodXIV: amazing
amative1: "Do you hear what I hear? No, because my mind is empty!"
aitsu100: perfection
cuttlefishman: Want to figure out it's storage size
RockPusher: okay this works
JadedCynic: GOOD JOB IAN!
Mischievous_Catgeist: yes!
TheWriterAleph: holy YES
dippedfeathers: beautiful
ohjanji: hahaha epic
adept_nekomancer: "Come ye merry gentle-zen"
bytecaster: That is a great look!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: Love it!!
Sorator13: incredible
orangeceltic71: Yay!
TXC2: Banned from the Dojo
Keytar subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, Keytar! (Today's storm count: 32)
time to repaint the wall blue
Laserbeaks_Fury: Baby It's Void Outside
TheArchitectX: Good King Zen-ceslaus.
accountmadeforants: Or yellow screen him, or red-screen him, or blue-screen him
N2Osferatu: @thewriteraleph Grover teaches 90s video recording formats
shea_wolfe: Time for bluescreen
RockPusher: blue screen it is!
wedge_x: is there not a bluescreen there?
VorlonScout: "All I Want for Christmas is Zen"
quick! get a blue screen
djalternative: do you have a blue screen?
wedge_x: do I have to gift y'all a bluescreen LOL
xantos69: A bonus track for Chanukah?
Anaerin: You CAN green-screen it, you just need to mask roughly on the Gi first.
dippedfeathers: Walking in a temperate okay-place.
actually bluescreen with the jeans would be great
accountmadeforants: @djalternative I think one of the ornaments was blue
Its_VeeBot: Little Drummer Boy Needs to Shut Up
aitsu100: 2017
Mollylele: (imperative) Sleep! in heavenly! peace!!
RockPusher: Didn't we have a little Zen master in a CFUT Live at some point?
Abavus: Oof
grander_pastures: And a Merry ZenMaster Christmas To You
@Mollylele I, too, have watched that episode of MST3K
Anaerin: Don't call it a comeback.
cuttlefishman: 2016... was like 20 yrs ago
its been 8 years since
TXC2: time keeps a moving
commentarywife: Wow, that's a long time ago!
Rogue_07: I still think the one crapshot where Ian farts into the camera is an honorary AZM
TheWriterAleph: my favorite part of any BTS production stuff is, "okay, where's that thing i'm pretty sure we have somewhere?"
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: I can't think of a good pun riff on "I Have A Little Dreidl" but we need one Hanukkah song
Earthenone: open the doors?
jacqui_lantern234: CORIANDER XD
@jacqui_lantern234 Yeah, but it feels like 20 years thanks to the 2020 time dialation
grander_pastures: That's already done cori
Mischievous_Catgeist: 12 days of zenmas
TehAmelie: on the twelfth day of christmas my love gave to me a reduction of material clutter in my life. yeah it might have been a robbery.
Sorator13: Rudolph the Meditative Reindeer?
SymphonySolstice: six white boomers, raging at santa claus
RockPusher: ♫ Last Christmas, I emptied my mind ♫
JadedCynic: *starts gobbling Advil because 8 years isn't 'a long time ago' to me...*
wedge_x: call your mom call your dad it's Christmas Rad
amative1: Seems like something Bob Rivers would've done
lirazel64: Frosty the Non-man?
EmmaPartlow: All I Want For Christmas is Peace (and Quiet)
Laserbeaks_Fury: "And since we've still thoughts to show, Let It Go, Let It Go, Let It Go..."
SquareDotCube: Silver Bells *gong noise*
dippedfeathers: I have a (metaphorical) Little Dreidel.
Anaerin: The 12 Koans of Chistmas
JadedCynic: Silver Gongs?
dippedfeathers: O Zenenbuam
Cori, just cause i called you a "weeaboomer" that ONE time before that CDHC stream
grander_pastures: Is this a Zen Master Christmas Album ala Mariah Carrie?
Mollylele: zenmaster yelling just the "ding dong" part from carol of the bells
Saskquatchewan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
adept_nekomancer: I still think "Feliz Namaste" would be great for a song title.
Thanks for subscribing, Saskquatchewan! (Today's storm count: 33)
orangeceltic71: All I Want for Christmas is for YOU TO EMPTY YOUR MIND!
Rogue_07: And the very next day, it was still empty!
N2Osferatu: And you can too!
Its_VeeBot: SILENT Night! Emphasis on SILENT!
jae_dorian: I Wish it could be Christmas everyday? No because I have transcended desire
TheWriterAleph: @adept_nekomancer yes please, 'feliz namaste' is so good
Laserbeaks_Fury: Quaid....Empty your mind....
lirazel64: All I want for Christmas is Nothing
CrazymattCaptain: the 12 days of christmas could be interesting, but needs some lyrics worked out
ExachixKitsune: "Do they know it's christmas in Nirvana"
Rogue_07: Grandma got run over by a zen deer, and now her mind is empty\
TehAmelie: Auld Lang Zen
Anaerin: It's beginning to look a lot like NOTHING.
TheWriterAleph: love a good listicle
Its_VeeBot: Or rather, Silent Night, just like YOUR MIND SHOULD BE!
commentarywife: Zen winter hymnal
bytecaster: CUM Wizard
xantos69: I need a pun for the bonus track. "dreidel dreidel dreidel"
RockPusher: "Do they know it's christmas? NO, because their MINDS are EMPTY!"
jacqui_lantern234: "dot ASS"
spethycakes: dot nonbin
djalternative: and, if neither blue or greenscreen work, we can set up a beam splitter with a sodium light to be able to key him out
SquareDotCube: I'm Thinking Nothing for Christmas
ExitPursuedByABear: If Ian's going to be singing song, it feels like it would be a waste to not have karaoke as at least a stinger
bytecaster: That is amazing
epsilon_vee: I'm dreaming of a blank white void chrismas
amative1: Chat apparently has a "type" when it comes to crapshots
dippedfeathers: O Zenenbuam. there are no lyrics this one is just a lot of bells ringing
JadedCynic: Dang - Cori willing to typecast hereself
jacqui_lantern234: "i feel lied to" STILL lives in my brain rent free
virtue_the_cat: silent night- yeah I sure hope it is
SymphonySolstice: well, time for a rewatch
accountmadeforants: White Belt Christmas
lirazel64: Rewatch?
Angreed66: Yeah that's my only hesitation with this idea since the last crapshoot was also lists
ArdCollider: simply/ having/ a blank-ass Christmas mind
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Adam Sandler's 8 Calming Nights
TheWormbo: Wasn't the second one even jus ta single word?
vanman229: "Look at your mind, full of mirth."
ExitPursuedByABear: are there really only 2 Zen Master crapshots?
PharaohBender27: Second one was just wind chimes while the Zen Master silently seethes
grander_pastures: I saw Santa attending to his spiritual health and happiness
dippedfeathers: Empty your mind and admit that Santa isn’t really.
beowuuf: what's the sound of one hand clapping? you got your mind shit all over the floor
Mollylele: @ardcollider lol, an emptied out christmas mind
Yondaime233: there are also the comments from the autumnal rumble match
Anaerin: The second one also has no words at all.
djalternative: 2 is levetation
JadedCynic: @Anaerin welll, there's the START of a word at the end...
Its_VeeBot: Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot, Just Like Your Stress
couchboyj: All I want for Christmas is NOTHINGNESS
beowuuf: *marks another 1 in the fuck crapshot column*
TheGreenMonster450: "The Little Bodhisattva"
JadedCynic: Angry Zen Master building up a head of steam while the Carol of the Bells is playing...
commentarywife: Mindfulness- sense each part of your body
ArdCollider: @mollylele accepted
JadedCynic: it's epic
TehAmelie: "Take a cup o' kindness and CHOKE IT DOWN RIGHT NOW" i feel has potential
flatluigi: i want the angry zen master to meet the toast guy
jacqui_lantern234: WHATS WRONG WITH YU
spethycakes: @jacqui_lantern234 YULE
jacqui_lantern234: now ive got your mind shit on my floor!!!
grander_pastures: Jingle Mind, Jingle Mind~
dippedfeathers: Mary did you know? you shouldn’t because your MIND SHOULD BE EMPTY
offbeatwitch: it's still so good
JadedCynic: years later, it's STILL hilarious
accountmadeforants: A PSA: This is your mind on things
SymphonySolstice: classic
Darth_Litigious: All I want for Christmas is nothing! I have transcended material desires
Laserbeaks_Fury: It Came Upon A Mind Not Clear
Izandai: Angry Zen Master and Boxnard should do a collab.
beowuuf: mind jingle bells shit
bytecaster: The only box that shouldn't be empty is your subscription box
ExachixKitsune: and that's all we needed for him to get into our hearts, thereby making them less empty
beowuuf: for a small amount of perfect content
grander_pastures: New end: Sub to my Patreon and sign up for my mailing list
lirazel64: Mantras we have heard on high
Invitare: don't overthink: Just empty your minds
xantos69: Honestly... Over Thinking it is exactly the kind of thing AZM has been warning against.
tighten the focus, if you will
N2Osferatu: "On the second day of Christmas, I got two tons of flax"
bytecaster: If he is a Youtuber, is there gonna be a sponsor segment?
JadedCynic: just right into the ad?
Mollylele: omg that sweater
Sorator13: O Come All Ye Faithful (to empty your minds)
sleight bells ring, why the are you listening
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Could just be a Youtube endorsing his latest project
adept_nekomancer: @N2Osferatu "On the third day of Christmas, I got substandard copper (damn it, Ea Nasir)..."
jacqui_lantern234: IAN HORNER XD
Its_VeeBot: "To order the Angry Zen Master Christmas Collection, open your Third Eye and dial..."
grander_pastures: What if the songs are his promo before a video
amative1: WOW
grander_pastures: IAN
JadedCynic: @AMillionCatsOnTypewriters yep, YouTubers DO diversify to projects on other media...
ExachixKitsune: Holy crap I love it
TXC2: I mean, he's earned it
glitched_goddess: sponsored by the least zen thing ever
grander_pastures: BurialGoods collab incoming
putz12a: This video is sponsored by Me and my Christmas Album!
RubikDarkwill: Yes... One Minute. Don't look at the recent episodes...
Cuttlebranch: The person who listened comes back in and just socks the annoying person in the face. Cut to the listener looking blissful.
Mischievous_Catgeist: purchase on his kick starter'
orangeceltic71: The chimes could go into Christmas bells
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Or just an adbreak in the middle of one of his regular videos
JadedCynic: I'm with James, just right into the 'ad' - helps keep it short
djalternative: Is this a sponsored video?
Mollylele: an album or like meditation tapes?
ExachixKitsune: "This episode sponsored by Squarespace; empty your mind, not your bank account making a fantastic website"
Rogue_07: Because Zen is japanese, could there just be a bucket of KFC in the background?
hd_dabnado: available at your local CVS
spethycakes: Please remember to Like, Share, and Subscribe
Anaerin: "Now streaming on Spotify"
SymphonySolstice: "available on my Bandcamp"
undecided44: The album is free to Patreon subscribers, or pwyw on SoundCloud
PharaohBender27: @Rogue_07 Does Victoria even *have* KFC?
LordZarano: Is it on his soundcloud?
Its_VeeBot: Find a MIDI?
wedge_x: Angry Zen Bop 2024
jordorowsky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
jordorowsky: 78 months of waiting for the crapshoot to return!
Thanks for subscribing, jordorowsky! (Today's storm count: 34)
Angreed66: Or a playlist of Angry zen master covers of songs since he's an established youtuber
grander_pastures: "Available Online - FIND IT! IM NOT YOUR SANTA!
SquareDotCube: I feel like AZM should comment trying to be a yule log instead at some point
commentarywife: No chatters have a set of bells they can play?
Earthenone: streaming now on KICK
JadedCynic: yes; I want him to be on Bandcamp...
TheGreenMonster450: Angry Zen Master OnlyFans
mizzytastic: Last Christmas I emptied my mind, and the very next day IT'S STILL EMPTY
hd_dabnado: what if it is in the style of a Direct to Order commercial?
DoodlestheGreat: @PharaohBender27 Yes.
TehAmelie: christmas bells, mind crap smells, take it all away
grander_pastures: @earthenone Santa is taking So Much Gamble Money
adept_nekomancer: @TheGreenMonster450 OnlyMind
dippedfeathers: The narrator is also very angry.
accountmadeforants: AZM can be a YouTuber *and* a TV shopping channel personality. It'd certainly make financial sense.
N2Osferatu: His merch section
JadedCynic: YES! His 'Sponsor Read'!
beowuuf: empty your mind... of everything but today's sponsor...
TheGreenMonster450: @adept_nekomancer he will "empty" your mind
Stormgod519: There is nothing your mind needs!
grander_pastures: Love the sponsor read
Foxmar320: Shes in Fortnite now
aitsu100: Last christmas i cleared my mind and now you can too with this christmas album
Stormgod519: LOL
Rogue_07: You don't have to have anything in your mind to try Raid: Shadow legends!
ohjanji: LMAO
ExachixKitsune: ~honk
couchboyj: While your mind is empty, buy my crypto Zen coin!
grander_pastures: YEAH, THAT
SymphonySolstice: empty your mind, and THEN empty your wallet
Travilogue: Tangent -- Angry Zen Master Presents: Now That's What I Call and Empty Mind, Vol. 3
PipeSmokingOwl: Why is your mind full of Holiday CHeer!? It should be EMptyy!
public_key_reveal_party: That is just the reaction you get from having worked in retail
thatguy575: It's his Kickstarter video
TheWriterAleph: @couchboyj good god. not THAT empty.
TXC2: oh mister Buddah, bring me some Zen
EmmaPartlow: Maybe too much work, but would be funny if the first letter of each song title could eventually spell out CLEAR YOUR MIND
jacqui_lantern234: -mariah carey intro- "AAAAAAAA" ~honk
xantos69: be like a Rock around the Christmas Tree.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Content Flaggers are playing "I can name that song in 7 notes"
aitsu100: lol
virtue_the_cat: i would love carol of the bells to be included somehow, it is the least zen christmas song i can possibly think of
Abavus: NO
SnackPak_: Ian pls
@Travilogue maybe stuck in the corner of the screen at the end of the spot?
frank_the_great: Is there a twist?
glockenspiel not to be confused with a xylophone
beowuuf: now we'll have to get a divorce...
TheWriterAleph: i keep thinking you're about to start Mr Sandman
grander_pastures: Not the racist house again
ExachixKitsune: I am lobbying for just *that* being the crapshot
JadedCynic: @grander_pastures the Impossibly Racist House™
Stormgod519: Haaaaaaaaaa
the Glockenspiel, an instrument using firearms
grander_pastures: Damn Ian, nice
aitsu100: Cori channeling chat for a sec there
Sorator13: I'm always excited to watch Ian blow out his throat
thebuzzstreams: Mr. Zen Man
Dalrint: Mister Zen Man...bring me somme peace...
TheGreenMonster450: Bodhisattva, bring me a man...
Stormgod519: now im thinking of sand man x dog of wisdom
xantos69: Oh Sandman? I love that song. "Exit Life. Enter Meditation!"
grander_pastures: @jadedcynic that's why the Zen Master Screams.... racism
Anaerin: "Come, they told me, parum-pa-pum-AAAARRGH!"
amative1: Well, in 2003 you started this internet video thing...
JadedCynic: (I actually found an 'Enter Sandman/Mariah' mashup the other day...)
beowuuf: a littlle to early for such an existential question
beissman: can you arrange the song title to make e christmas lesson?
thatguy575: Get my SoundCloud album
jumping_point: Good evening everyone! Hope you're all doing well!
Laserbeaks_Fury: "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear....Unlike your MIND!"
The problem with infrequent crapshoots, we are unpractised at wrangling everything ton coherency
RockPusher: *into
TXC2: hello jumping_point welcome
Mollylele: @jacqui_lantern234 it's a team effort (boom)
TehAmelie: manage your stress on the holidays with primal scream therapy. at the dinner table.
jacqui_lantern234: @Mollylele i mean, fair XD
PharaohBender27: Ian needs some of that nin jiom pei pa koa after the shoot
grander_pastures: Nah, thats Dave's Spokesperson being the Narrator, toootally
jumping_point: Thanks, @TXC2!
commentarywife: We do a lot of listicles, I think the YouTube sponsor feels different
putz12a: Doing it as a sponsor read, interspacing his Angry, and him as completely calm.
JadedCynic: I feel like a 'Sponsor Read' would be so current
glitched_goddess: like doing it shopping channel style or personal YouTube channel style
thatguy575: It could be him advertising his own album, switching from soft to loud.
VorlonScout: "Hashtag sponsored. Empty your wallet."
yeah, thus the air quotes around it
Pazy160: Its a different joke but I think that Angry Zen master line would be funny if "Christmas" was clearly added in post to let it also be a Spring, Halloween etc. ad.
Forgotten_Sanity: Another streamer being sponsored?
grander_pastures: Which is extremely funny
Mollylele: dave introducing it like a Time-LIFE CD collxn is on brand
RubikDarkwill: Calm narrator and AZM
Sorator13: Maybe AZM has moved up in the world
thatguy575: Oh, his own side band, like how game grumps do star bomb
Anaerin: Is it "Gardening with Greg"'s podcast, being sponsored by AZM's new christmas album?
grander_pastures: ZenMaster has graduated to Late Night Cable Advertising
dippedfeathers: “O Zenenbaum, the collection from AZM Records. Available on 4 and 1/3 cds or one really big tape”
hd_dabnado: what if AZM does one of those instagram react things
@Pazy160 yes, a 'bad photoshop' for a placeholder for 'seasonal' options for more albums
Awexdio: What if it's the sponsor/ad segment in like a Gardening with Greg or alternate joke as a fake out intro.
TXC2: I still have a landline phone
brb, my landline just rang, but I'm old
Sorator13: oh man, I have been discovering and removing SO many landline wires from my new place. They're everywhere!
Rogue_07: Stretching your mind goals
grander_pastures: What if this ad is playing at night and it just startles Cori's character from The Wiz at night
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun heres another one for another time if you havent done this already: gardening with greg during winter
Anaerin: Ah yes, those "Empty Mind" stretch goals.
ohjanji: hit a certain kickstarter level and he throws in Auld Lang Zen
Forgotten_Sanity: Streamer highlights of his Christmas special?
Pazy160: I would like to hear Angry Zen masters stretch goals. What trash do they offer at 1 million.
grander_pastures: Damn, Kickstarter vid is verygoood
Izandai: Has anyone hit "I'm Screaming of a White Christmas" yet?
couchboyj: The juxtaposition of zen meditation and stretch goals is very funny to me
jumping_point: I mean, there would be an opportunity to parodize how disconnected the sponsoring reads are from the content.
TehAmelie: @Izandai love it
Angreed66: I'm sure the audience for Gardening with Greg and Angry Zen Master is a circle.
Jogela: Angry Zen Master ASMR
PharaohBender27: @jacqui_lantern234 They did that for the Christmas CFÜT
@Sorator13 yeah, your wifi inside the place is gonna get SO MUCH BETTER
adept_nekomancer: @grander_pastures Callback to the last crapshoot by reshooting Cori's "I feel lied to" scene but holding the giant tape.
vetr1c: Paul, the Midnight Special lives on in our hearts....
Pazy160: Relax during these stressful holidays, relax your mind, also you have 14 hours to donate or you are never getting this product.
glitched_goddess: “At the Master funding tier…”
EOstby: The First Noel: Once you EMPTY YOUR MIND, you stop taking Ls.
grander_pastures: @adept_nekomancer absolutely, and that character is the one viewing the kickstarter vid
Anaerin: The Angry Zen Master Yule Log - 1 hour of the AZM staring at a burning log
@PharaohBender27 hey, at least my stupid thoughts arent completely off base
ExachixKitsune: "Buddah tier donors will get their name read in a track on the finished vinyl"
Dalrint: "Coming off the breakout success of my hit christmas album, I'm kickstarting a new album about HOW YOU SHOULD ALREADY BE EMPTYING YOUR MIND!"
Angreed66: At a certain threshold you empty someone else's mind too
jacqui_lantern234: EMPY
MikeSmith: maybe this should be done as a trailer/commercial for A Very AZM Christmas Special
grander_pastures: EMPY
dippedfeathers: O Zenenbuam. NO LYRICS JUST EMPTY MIND
Mollylele: visions of sugar plums dancing in your head? but your mind should be empty!
couchboyj: Silent mind, empty mind
oh yeah, these are GREAT
adept_nekomancer: @jacqui_lantern234 My mind wants to parse "EMPY" the same way as "angy" or "hungy", and now I can't unhear it. XD
SquareDotCube: "I'm thinking nothing for Christmas"
ohjanji: SLEEEEP in heavenly PEEEAAACCE
EOstby: Carol of the Bells: Hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem to say EMPTY YOUR MIND.
Forgotten_Sanity: I sponsored this cd years ago and it just came in. Skip. Skip. Skip
vetr1c: "Pa-rum-pa-pum NO!"
Rogue_07: I still like the idea of "Grandma got run over by a zen deer, and now HER MIND IS EMPTY!"
jacqui_lantern234: @adept_nekomancer #SameBrainCell
glitched_goddess: All I want for Christmas is FOR YOU TO EMPTY YOUR MIND ALREADY
Laserbeaks_Fury: It Came Upon a Midnight Clear...UNLIKE YOU RMIND
VorlonScout: @Mollylele I kind of like "get those visions of sugar plums dancing OUT of your head" as a tagline
grander_pastures: @adept_nekomancer agreed, we empy
amative1: "Don't give me guff"
lirazel64: A Visit From St. Nicholas.
shea_wolfe: "Anyway, here's wonderwall"
Mollylele: fill your stocking & empty your mind
korvys: Cut to a startled narrator Graham in the recording booth
Sorator13: I could see the Carol of the Bells rendition as a stinger
Laserbeaks_Fury: 4'33"
hd_dabnado: we need a song where AZM berates the listener
jacqui_lantern234: "its STILL EMPTY" is so good XD
SquareDotCube: "Away in a manger is all your thoughts"
hd_dabnado: thats a hallmark of the series
thatguy575: Is the button an add for a crowd funding for a different holiday album
Stormgod519: just "Empty your mind" to the tune of carol of the bells over and over
TheWriterAleph: increasingly more aggressively?
Anaerin: Captain D!
Pazy160: At the end the Zen Master explains that it comes exclusively on 5 CD's and cuts to a couple digging through a closet screaming "You had the CD Player last, where is it, ahhh" and pulling at a pile of old junk.
Noy2222: The SNL sets are amazing. The writing... Exists.
betweenmyself: they have one prior to that with Bob Saget (Where in the World is San Diego California)
thats actually funny
jacqui_lantern234: "we dont want her! she sucks!"
Astra7525: They are also often blocked in other countries
adept_nekomancer: "Rudolph the Zen-nosed reindeer, had a very empty mind..."
Syntheticuh: @Noy2222 theres still some great writing sketches in there. the george washington ones are really good for instance. just fewer and farther between than they used to be
xantos69: He is a streamer. He needs to end with "Be sure to Like your fellow man, Share the holiday cheer, and Subscribe to the tenants of Zen"
korvys: The internet went wild for David S Pumpkins, and the rest of us... couldn't see it
Yes, Beej - Canada should take UK's place in the EU!
Hugh_Munculus: "I saw three ships come sailing in, AND THEN I EMPTIED MY MIND"
niccus: i'm torn for the normal song being either wonderful christmastime or the chipmunk christmas song
beowuuf: never brexit, not even once
Mollylele: "empty mind" scans same as jingle bells / silver bells / chrimmustime / santa claus
BrowneePointz: Jolly Old King Emptyslas
Rogue_07: Grandma got run over by a zen deer and now her mind is empty
JadedCynic: sigh
TehAmelie: sure there's some enlightenment pun involving Rodolph
glitched_goddess: Good King Wenceslas looked out
spinebustertee: Oh Little Koan of Bethleham
Rogue_07 gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to Mollylele. They've gifted 20 months in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, Mollylele! (Today's storm count: 35)
Stormgod519: LOL
Mindfire13: "I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas. BECAUSE MY MIND IS EMPTY!"
amative1: Paul: Hans Island was split in half by treaty. You still have a land border.
Stormgod519: well done Cori
hd_dabnado: The moon is right
Master_Gunner: The current Hans Island agreement is a land border.
Mollylele: always cori
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: Empty Mind scans to "Silent Night" too
Anaerin: Zen King Wenceslas looked out...
grander_pastures: Empty Mind / Empty Mind / EMPTY EVERYTHING
jumping_point: Oh noooo. xD
Syntheticuh: baby, it's empty inside
thatguy575: Eeeempty miiiind (holly night)
Syntheticuh: (my head)
spethycakes: It Came Upon a Zenmas Clear
dippedfeathers: O Zenenbaum, O Zenenbuam, (screams perfect German)
Twilight_Spark: Chestnuts Resting on an Empty Fire
Stormgod519: IAN
ExachixKitsune: YES
RockPusher: "For our southern hemisphere viewers, EMPTY MINDS in the Sun"
Sorator13: YES
ohjanji: LOL
jolly6100 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
ohh hell yeah time for fun
grander_pastures: That is SOMETHING ELSE IAN
Thanks for subscribing, jolly6100! (Today's storm count: 36)
korvys: 12 days of Xmas - "FIVE EMPTY MINDS"
quietcat: “like, share, subscribe” works to the cadence of feliz navidad
Mollylele: hosannah mind is empty
JadedCynic: ♫ Ding Ding! Emtpying your mind; Nirvana is awaiting! ♫
Verrain2: The mouse is not stirring because it's mind is empty.
PotatoWraiths: empitying
BrowneePointz: Wassail Wassail all over the town!
ladyjessica: yeah the split in half was the solution to the war
Jogela: All I want for Christmas is ...(Silence)
BrowneePointz: Our toast it is white!
BrowneePointz: and our ale it is brown!
betweenmyself: “Little Drummer Boy is Wrecking My Zen with that Damn Racket”
vetr1c: Silent night, holy night, Paul is calm (pan to Paul), EMPTY YOUR MIND
commentarywife: Someone earlier suggested "emp-ty your mind" over and over on carol of the bells
NullColaShip subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, according to a brief google search its 40% canadian and 60% danish
Thanks for subscribing, NullColaShip! (Today's storm count: 37)
ExachixKitsune: Silent. Night. SILENT. NIGHT.
BrowneePointz: our bowl it is made of the white maple tree! with the wassailin bowl we'll drink to thee!
hd_dabnado: I feel the need to share this here. In highschool I participated in Tuba Christmas and it was amazing! One song from our booklet was german, called "Kum Susser Tod". I legit thought that was a christmas for awhile
Syntheticuh: grandma got run over by a reindeer (because her mind wasn't empty)
Izandai: Silent Mind, Empty Mind
hd_dabnado: why was that in the booklet
Darleysam: Hell yeah, Gloucestershire Wassail is really good
Master_Gunner: Hans Island *was* a nebulous zone that we both claimed. It was finally resolved to *establish* a land border.
Anaerin: "Ding dong merrily on high" is not Good King Wenceslas.
korvys: 12 days of Xmas - "FIVE EMPTY MINDS"
Stormgod519: that's great
JadedCynic: CHEF KISS
Wolfstrike_NL: That's great
Stormgod519: I like that a lot korvys
commentarywife: Those are great
SquareDotCube: Mary did you know, that your empty mind, will lead to Zen this Christmas?
VorlonScout: I still adore the Last Christmas one, though
grander_pastures: And then we do a list
nyoomgoom: "wonderful christmastime" but it's all "the moon is right" but instead of "the moon is right" it's "the mind is blank"
Verrain2: Driedel, driedel, driedel, I'm emptying my mind.
TXC2: it is now !
gizmofreak1: i thought this was gonna be a christmas album commercial bit
dippedfeathers: I’m dreaming of an Emp-ty Mind. just like the one I had last night.
Darth_Litigious: Carol of the bells tune but just repeating "empty your mind"
jacqui_lantern234: @Sorator13 THIS
hd_dabnado: beej is sounding kinda bubbly (audio)
betweenmyself: “Do You See What I See? (You Shouldn’t, Close Your Eyes and Meditate)”
wizzo1138: On the first day of empty mind
Anaerin: Which one, Beej? TOS, TNG, VOY or ENT? ('cause they're all out there)
grander_pastures: The Minds Are Empty, Mr Sulu
Awexdio: Any one-off non-Christmas holiday songs to throw in there as well?
couchboyj: It was Christmas eve, in the drunk tank. An old man said to me, he won't see another one. And then he sang to me, a rare old mountain tune. I turned my face away, and EMPTY MY MIND
Anaerin: "Hey Mister Zen-Man, Empty Your Mind".
Forgotten_Sanity: Are there any special guests singing with him?
post-production can be underway during principle photography
glitched_goddess: most of these are still old enough that it should be easy.
KnifeRollinaBakery: Frosty The Snowman had empty empty mind
Sorator13: You could probably just do the last five notes of that intro, tbh
dippedfeathers: o Zenenbaum
amative1: Mind-tage
Would Zen Master throw in one Hanukkah song because he wants to be inclusive?
Mollylele: examples of hanukkah songs?
Anaerin: There should be visions of NOTHING dancing in your head.
Dalrint: When the narrator asks that question, does the zen master interrupt him with the 'no yiou shouldn't part?'
ohjanji: hahahahahahaha oh lordy
SmithKurosaki: How's the writing going?
spethycakes: well, I just lost that competition
Stormgod519: or "PLEASE EMPTY YOUR MIND!"
Syntheticuh: LMAOOO
RockPusher: hahaha
hd_dabnado: i like that more than manger
nyoomgoom: oh "sleep! in heavenly peace!!" that was in a mst3k
TheGreenMonster450: little Bodhisattva
Anaerin: Little Zenny Boy
BrowneePointz: Little Drummer BLank
Stormgod519: little empty boy.......
Rogue_07: Zenny drummer boy?
dippedfeathers: Little (Empty Minded) Drummer boy
KnifeRollinaBakery: Dreaming of a white Christmas? No! Stop dreaming, empty your mind.
grander_pastures: Oh no, that boy Empy
BrowneePointz: Little Dumper Boy?
amative1: "I played my drum for him and EMPTIED HIS MIND"
Sorator13: I still want FIIIIVE EMPTY MINDS in the empty mind section
korvys: So do you also need to write a bunch of site-gag titles for between the ones Ian is singing?
grander_pastures: Jesus in Drumline is a Conciet
JadedCynic: *concept
Izandai: ~Said the night wind to the little lamb... IS YOUR MIND EMP-TY YET!?~
Sorator13: \o/
Stormgod519: its so good
CMDRNuffin: wouldn't it be "I played my gong for him" instead of a drum?
dippedfeathers: and an empty mind in an empty skull
terribleplan: And an empty mind in my head
Rogue_07: And some thoughts that are not in my head~
BrowneePointz: Mary Did You Know? NO! CUZ SHE EMPTIED HER MIND!
Anaerin: And a Zen Koan to con-tem-plate.
TehAmelie: a partridge in a bread tree
empy your iiiiing miiiiind
12 emptied minds sounds like a thinly veiled threat
phoenixfeather14: and a brand new zen CD
Mollylele: i cleared my mind for him, PA RUMPAPUM PUM
TXC2: 2 empty minds and escaping Samsara.
grander_pastures: And an empty mind in my front bush
CrazymattCaptain: and not a thought in my mind
Stormgod519: @Mollylele LOVE IT
ohjanji: hahahaha these are so good
Izandai: Oh that's also very good.
jacqui_lantern234: @Mollylele HOLY BUS XD
Stormgod519: this is my first crapshoot, so im having a blast!
beowuuf: i cleared my mind for him NOW EMPTY YOUR MIND
caetzer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
jumping_point: "Parumpapum *GONG*"?
Thanks for subscribing, caetzer! (Today's storm count: 38)
Simriel: It's a GOOD joke
Rogue_07: Exactly, Graham
Anaerin: Brick Wall Joke.
korvys: comedy comes in 7s
@Stormgod519 they are a fun time, we miss them
dippedfeathers: Mary did you empty your mind?
Angreed66: This is the how many times can the answer be c tension
grander_pastures: It works so well because it forces it to come all the way round to funny through the unfunny
TheWriterAleph: one joke, repeatedly endlessly. what's more zen than that
dippedfeathers: O Zenenbaum
JadedCynic: ^^^^
Stormgod519: @beowuuf no kidding. i wish i had been around for more of these...
Creideiki_SE: Rudolph the enlightened reindeer
warkr0: "we're open to other suggestions" is a strange song title
adept_nekomancer: @dippedfeathers That one is very good
TehAmelie: A Fairy Tale of New York (it's funny because it's not changed at all)
Wyrmhero25: Carol of the Gongs
Cuttlebranch: I really like the idea of a token Hanukkah song!
SquareDotCube: I'm Thinking Nothing for Christmas
korvys: Baby, It's Empty Inside (my mind)
Splash4Mirrodin: Carol of the Empty Minds
Foxmar320: All I want for Christmas is An Empty Mind
TheArchitectX: Good King Zen-ceslaus.
Mollylele: o zenenbaum how empty is your brain case
CodeIndigo: I Saw Mommy With Stuff In Her Mind
Awexdio: O Bonsai tree (O, Christmas Tree cover)?
Sorator13: Baby, It's Zen Outside
Draxxonator: feliz no more thoughts
ladyjessica: frosty the empty mind
Forgotten_Sanity: Rockin' Around the Empty Mind
niccus: The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)
mordorisbad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
Laserbeaks_Fury: It Came Upon A Mind So Clear
Thanks for subscribing, mordorisbad! (Today's storm count: 39)
JadedCynic: it was a suggestion for the album title before we settled on 'the AZM Christmas Album'
putz12a: Rudolph the Enlightened Zen-deer?
amative1: "Christmas, featuring Gravidic Warp"
Underachiever28: Just logging on to activate my Prime sub. Now back to holiday cleaning
Stormgod519: O Empty Mind, your mind is done clearing....
dippedfeathers: Mary did you empty your mind?
grander_pastures: A Hanukkah song is always funny
BrowneePointz: Let it Go(Not the Disney One)
Mollylele: @sorator13 "i emptied my mind / baby it's zen outside"
aitsu100: NO(el)
CMDRNuffin: I'm dreaming of an empty mind
spethycakes: I'll be Calm for Christmas
Izandai: Rockin' Around the Empty Mind
Stormgod519: @spethycakes oh very good
betweenmyself: The Dreidel Song (Empty Mind Remix)
EJGRgunner: Do we have Good King Zenceslas?
grander_pastures: The bracket around (My Mind) is the AZMs (Taylor's Version)
xantos69: Oh, Bonsai Tree is really strong.
SquareDotCube: Angles we have Emptied our Mind
Rogue_07: My Chestnuts roasting on an open fire burned because my mind was empty and I forgot about them
Syntheticuh: oh yay ya'll liked that one \o/
ladyjessica: empty mind, empty mind, empty mind rock.
Twilight_Spark: I'll still stump for Chestnuts Resting on an Empty Fire
Astramentha: All I Want For Christmas Is An Empty Mind
Sorator13: from what someone said earlier, Let It Go (Your Thoughts) or (Your Mind)
adept_nekomancer: We Wish You an Empty Christmas
dippedfeathers: Frosty the Snow Mandala
BrowneePointz: O Holy Shit....y ouhaven't cleared your miiiiiind yet
Stormgod519: O Holy Night, but it's more like "O Empty Mind..."
RuiFaleiro: Happy Xmas (Mind is Empty)
Stormgod519: @BrowneePointz LOL
korvys: Let it Go! Let it Go! Let it Go!
Stormgod519: Same thoughts!
ohjanji: hahaha RTJ
KnifeRollinaBakery: I Saw Mommy Empty Santa's Mind
RockPusher: Snoopy vs The Red Baron vs Karma
couchboyj: Rockin around my empty mind
Mollylele: @ruifaleiro mind is empty (if you want it)
ohjanji: that's a good song lol
grander_pastures: Damn, wild
Splash4Mirrodin: Empty Mind 24/7 ( - Christmas Eve/Sarajevo)
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I was listening to the song earlier today, and thought of that moment from the Foundations video.
SnackPak_: jesus
ohjanji: LMAO
flatluigi: hot
dippedfeathers: Linus and Lucy (emptied their minds)
ExachixKitsune: ma'am?!
Sorator13: oh god
TehAmelie: umm
korvys: lewd
ArdCollider: holy shit
grander_pastures: YEEEEEAH
TXC2: Kinky
wedge_x: christ
jacqui_lantern234: now THATS a fuckin threat XD
Diabore: we've peaked
xantos69: How DARE you!
Stormgod519: :claps:
Syntheticuh: hajajajaa
spethycakes: The Horror
ohjanji: that's a banger hahaha
ladyjessica: amazing
NapalmSideburns: That's filthy? no it's empty
Mollylele: all i want for christmas is an empty mind
grander_pastures: There is nothing lewd about it, that a THREAT
dippedfeathers: Frosty the Snow Mandala
Splash4Mirrodin: Empty Mind 24/7 ( - Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 24/7)
Verrain2: I want a hippopotamus to empty my mind.
Simriel: This joke is apparently Infinite and Very Dumb
Izandai: I suggest Rockin' Around the Empty Mind.
Syntheticuh: this joke is so good
betweenmyself: Grandma Got Ran Over by an Empty Minded Reindeer
JadedCynic: bluescreen?
grander_pastures: Just Mommy croched over Santa with a bore
jacqui_lantern234: @Simriel "infinite and very dumb" is sincerely an apt description of my existence
@Sorator13 Same briancell
JadedCynic: off-camera narrator
bytecaster: Are we doing a multi camera crapshot?!
Jogela: Some fake snow falling down
BrowneePointz: Blue Screen Lets you do a REALLY cheesy Xmas background
JadedCynic: various holiday scenes
Sorator13: I Don't Wonder As I Wander (Because My Mind Is Empty)
hd_dabnado: ha bup de ka
RockPusher: just floating baubles
BrowneePointz: An Empty Santa Sack?
Cuttlebranch: Slap some snowflakes on a Zen cloud background
jacqui_lantern234: just so yall know, ive laughed so much that i cant cry anymore
JadedCynic: a dark winter night with aurora
grander_pastures: Em-pty a your Mind-a
jacqui_lantern234 maybe hydrate?
Stormgod519: LOL
JadedCynic: crackling fireplace
grander_pastures: YES
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 oh i have been
Jogela: Just a series of different bells to juxtapose the similarity of the songs
ExachixKitsune: sat in front of a roaring fire/tree (on a tv) gives that "person selling you something" vibes
loufghyslaufey: An hour!?
Forgotten_Sanity: Is there a song where we can have two or three of him on screen?
Anaerin: Are you Zen Enough?
grander_pastures: Just the sudden horror of the AZM
Cuttlebranch: Holy shit! Please do that.
jacqui_lantern234: ive nearly choked a couple times out of laughter XD
Sorator13: oh, are we doing consumer product reviews again?
AltaKarl: Very good rulers!
grander_pastures: The AZM blueshifting into existence SCREAMING
bojuka_pog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bojuka_pog! (Today's storm count: 40)
adept_nekomancer: Suddenly blue!
JadedCynic: wow...the stream's gon
Invitare: the screen disappeared!
Oh hey it's a breakscreen
jacqui_lantern234: CORI YES
hd_dabnado: thank you cori
ExachixKitsune: 10/10 Cori
CaptainSpam: CORI
nyoomgoom: excited to see the various parallel universes people will put in there in gifs
DoodlestheGreat: Do they have CVS? >_<
wedge_x: green, blue, and an orange of some flavor would meet all of your potential chroma key needs
grander_pastures: We can only go to Erewhon
CaptainSpam: @DoodlestheGreat Nah, I think they use Git now.
TehAmelie: funny, everyone's wearing blue
SandraAustin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SandraAustin! (Today's storm count: 41)
A Plan
korvys: Is there a Zen way to do a yule log?
TXC2: !plan
LRRbot: A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Spoilers: They did not
Rogue_07: Neither did the writers!
amative1: IN a fire
RockPusher: The cyclons had a plan, the showrunners not so much
Ron D moore had many plans, which interfered with each other
Laserbeaks_Fury: Cylons don't take a dump without a plan, son
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
loufghyslaufey: Writers can't just wing it without a plan!
grander_pastures: WOO
SymphonySolstice: break time, that means time to use the vaccuum cleaner
Tweygoh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Tweygoh! (Today's storm count: 42)
ThankYouUro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
jumping_point: @Laserbeaks_Fury that sound like a quote from hunt for red october. xD
Thanks for subscribing, ThankYouUro! (Today's storm count: 43)
Good writing session everyone!
commentarywife: So nice to catch LRR live for stuff 😊
JadedCynic: @Laserbeaks_Fury Ronald D Moore? Not so much - dude, goes weeks without preparation
Shadwhawk: Damn, just thought of another song. Vacío Navidad.
commentarywife: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 12:50 PM
JadedCynic: We already had Feliz Namaste
jumping_point: @commentarywife mood.
loufghyslaufey: You write the plan 1st, then wing it between session takes under randomized times beats, less or moreso?
loufghyslaufey: Gibb should have a mug to sip from emote
Like uh- "Mondays " meme, but you'd call it "Loading..." or "Buffering..." Meme
TXC2: and we're back
PharaohBender27: Oh, did you now?
jjcard: ah dang, I missed the script writing part
RockPusher: convenient!
JadedCynic: handy!
If this is the 'shoot' part, does that mean the past hour and a half was the 'crap' part?
SnackPak_: a tiny twisty
old skool
oh good, I'm glad it's not just my monitor
jonnykefka: What WAS the reason for the switch from blue to lime green for chroma-key anyway?
TXC2: blue and orange themed LRR makes shocking first use of blue
wedge_x: there's green in Ian's costume
PharaohBender27: @jonnykefka Because Christmas sweater would otherwise key out
Electrodyne subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Electrodyne: Only 7 more months 'til... something, I forget.
Thanks for subscribing, Electrodyne! (Today's storm count: 44)
jacqui_lantern234: MY JIMMIES
no, 'Dressing ASMR'
asthanius: @jonnykefka I assume because people wear blue more often than lime green
TXC2: jonnykefka this sweater
wedge_x: which is why there's multiple chroma key colors
loufghyslaufey: Wait. DoLRRs can just be used to unlock emotes? Like "one-time" use?
jonnykefka: @PharaohBender27 No no, I mean in general I feel like up until the mid 2ks it was "bluescreen" and then it became "greenscreen"
RockPusher: James doing that producing good
wedge_x: (technically you can key off of any solid color)
PharaohBender27: @jonnykefka Oh. That I don't know
commentarywife: Blue is more commonly worn by people so they changed it to green
Garfy400 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Garfy400 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CG_Kezzy!
Garfy400 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CrouchingFenton!
Garfy400 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SoaringDragon42!
Garfy400 gifted a Tier 1 sub to aliumsativum!
Garfy400 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lucien0451!
Thanks for the gifts, Garfy400! Welcome to CrouchingFenton, SoaringDragon42, Lucien0451, aliumsativum, and CG_Kezzy! (Today's storm count: 49)
TXC2: loufghyslaufey that's their main use, lasts 24 hours I think
jonnykefka: @commentarywife Ah, so today is the petard hoisting. Got it.
Garfy400: Merry submass!!
jumping_point: Nice gifts, Garfy400! Merry submass to you too! ^^
bytecaster: Isn't holding a fake mike in Youtube videos the fashion of the times?
korvys: The xmas sleeves poking out is pretty good
SocraticMethod: @jonnykefka Camera sensors have 2 green subprixels for 1 blue and 1 red, so green keying out gives more resolution
wedge_x: green has the highest visual acuity to the human eye, so it tends to look cleaner/pulls better mattes
Marvoleath: 24mm? that's a big bullet to shoot with
TXC2: the Obi
Cuttlebranch: The Christmas sweater clearly just Happens and AZM works around it.
JadedCynic: @korvys IKR? I was thinking 'didn't they have a vest?, and then Ian mentioned UNDER...
Marvoleath I think it becomes a shell at that size
SocraticMethod: @SocraticMethod Originally the silver compound used for color film had the smallest grain sizes for blue so that's why bluescreen for analog
JadedCynic: he IS a master, after all
amative1: That's a lotta Dans
jonnykefka: TIL. Thanks @SocraticMethod
Simriel: I am proud of my addition
Marvoleath: what about a DanDan?
the olde 9 Kyu Master
TheDevil_Risen: Sick Angry Zen Master Returns!
PharaohBender27: @TheDevil_Risen And he has a Christmas album!
bytecaster: Neck too STRONK
TheDevil_Risen: @PharaohBender27 nice
lirazel64: Ian's mic is off.
commentarywife: Ian's lav isn't doing anything
Marvoleath: @lirazel64 on purpose
Marvoleath: or not
Ultimate empty mind
CMDRNuffin: @PharaohBender27 it's actually Healthy AZM. Sick AZM had to call in sick.
TheWriterAleph: rotate the screen? or is it square?
JadedCynic: @TheWriterAleph it's rectangular
JadedCynic: 6ft x 10ft?
jonnykefka: Replace with jingle bells
jacqui_lantern234: @TheDevil_Risen youre welcome, this was originally my idea
Rogue_07: I'm very disappointed we don't get to see Ian's Only Fan
RockPusher: "clamps"
TheDevil_Risen: @jacqui_lantern234 hehe thanks Jacqui~!
RockPusher: Clamps (alleged)
korvys: That is... not much wider
@Rogue_07 ian doesnt have an only fans. angry zen master, on the other hand, still TBD
JadedCynic: Clamps (improvised)
TXC2: it's 4 ft wider
SquareDotCube: welp, expect more clamps 3 mail times from now
adept_nekomancer: @RockPusher We have clamps at home!
@jacqui_lantern234 i was only pestering him recently to do something in the style of Angry Zen Master
RockPusher: korvys I think it is, just this angle forshortens it
perfect, almost
JadedCynic: I N G E N U I T Y
noonetoday subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Thanks for subscribing, noonetoday! (Today's storm count: 50)
jacqui_lantern234: @TheDevil_Risen youre not supposed to encourage me!!! >:(
TXC2: a more clampy clamp
highlyeducated0wl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, highlyeducated0wl! (Today's storm count: 51)
SquareDotCube: if only you could adjust the chair, huh
TheAinMAP: It
Marvoleath: uh oh, clampies
TheAinMAP: 's a nice door.
Invitare: Give 'em the clamps!
ExachixKitsune: Today on the latest from anime studio CLAMP
wedge_x: it's a nice server room
Stormgod519: brb chat, im freezing, gonna warm myself up
letsbelgo: This is like being at my work, just on a smaller scale. Production doesn't change
TheGreenMonster450: gotta store your manga collective properly
commentarywife: Woooo
TheDevil_Risen: Irwin, good brand!
PharaohBender27: @TheDevil_Risen Unfun fact: They looked it up and this will be the first Angry Zen Master crapshot aired since October ***2016***
RockPusher: Some excellent server room room tone for a bit there
Master_Gunner: y'all need more clamps
TheDevil_Risen: @PharaohBender27 yeah its been a while
@Master_Gunner its tarps of clamps pick one
50keyz: or*
TheDevil_Risen: @PharaohBender27 i've been enjoying back catalogue far too much
JadedCynic: @Master_Gunner that's what's going in the extra space in my gift box to them - extra clamps
commentarywife: Not a lot of light there?
TXC2: Ian is a professional right ?
@PharaohBender27 over 8 years
flatluigi: the pouty zen master
RockPusher: wheeeeeeee!
TXC2: Stream ception!
adept_nekomancer: We can see through time!
RoeDent89: Oh yeah!
TheWriterAleph: wheeeee
TheDevil_Risen: weeee
JadedCynic: @_@
Splash4Mirrodin: @.@
JadedCynic: ohhhhhhhh
TXC2: so blown out
RoeDent89: I can see into my mind
SquareDotCube: infinite infinites
RoeDent89: It's...
ExachixKitsune: @RoeDent89 is it empty?
spethycakes: @RoeDent89 I can't! Because it's EMPTY
jacqui_lantern234: graham, have you checked your butthole!!!
ExachixKitsune: @jacqui_lantern234 SKIDAP BADAP Butthole
woodlaphroaig: do you want to remove the mic?
people have stane awake to see the end of 2001?
JadedCynic: GRAMMAR being the hurdle here!
PharaohBender27: @TXC2 I remember seeing 2001's end as a kid and being like, "... I don't get it. The heck happened there?"
MalFnord: @TXC2 I have, but I haven't seen it *sober* in a long, long time.
PharaohBender27 I think that's everyone's reaction
JadedCynic: *ANSI and ISO each try to enter the chat before the other, comedic doorway hijinks ensue*
GreatWahooney: oh yeah, definitely don't want the angry zen master interfering with the ki
Garfy400: Don't want to interrupt the zen masters ki
TXC2: MalFnord ah, fair
jonnykefka: @TXC2 It depends whether you count a zonked trance state as "awake"
GreatWahooney: @Garfy400 eyy
EldritchProwler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
Thanks for subscribing, EldritchProwler! (Today's storm count: 52)
TheDevil_Risen: Aviici _ Levels?
RoeDent89: S.A.F.E.T.Y.
RockPusher: oooer
RockPusher: useful
GrassVortex: oooh, neat
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
Mollylele: can we get a PA RUMPA PUM PUM for safety
"for safety"
beowuuf: i blew out my (ear) drums for him
Marvoleath: So Graham only goes deaf in one ear if things go really bad/loud
jonnykefka: no. no he did not.
amative1: he did not
ExachixKitsune: that was unmuted eh
jacqui_lantern234: MAWP
Anaerin: MAWP
RoeDent89: ASMRmpit
nope, no mute
JadedCynic: *listens to Ian's Armpit*
TheDevil_Risen: ASM(a)Rmpit
amative1: I don't know, Richter. What does Joy think?
Electrodyne: It's because I replaced my chi with cheese
RockPusher: hahahaha
gualdhar: Armpit mic still going strong
RoeDent89: Mmm...B-roll
RockPusher: I love the idea of how much weird B-roll LRR have of the crew
Ritaspirithntr: Finally catching this Live!!!! YAY!!
jonnykefka: @RockPusher an almost infinite quantity
Sorator13: @Ritaspirithntr welcome!
TXC2: imagine an archive of b roll
TXC2: hello Ritaspirithntr welcome
gualdhar: One of these days, all of LRR will only exist as odd b-roll on an abandoned SD card
ohjanji: amazing lol
TheGreenMonster450: "do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry zen"
the knee
Marvoleath: heavenly piss
gualdhar a future Internet comedy troupe will buy a camera at a garage sale and find footage of a skitterish Cameron on it
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
jacqui_lantern234: MAWP
amative1: if someone in-room can see chat... can we maybe get Ian's mic muted?
Normally we would just use a shotgun mic on the bts camera for the audio here, but unfortunately our backup camera has an issue with its mic input
@LoadingReadyRun *sad face*
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun oofa doofa
SquareDotCube: line change suggestion: should it be "Last Christmas, I emptied my mind, the very next day, mu mind stayed that way"?
LoadingReadyRun: ya I'm going to go ahead and mute Ian's mic
amative1: appreciated!
TXC2: thanks LRR
Ritaspirithntr: @loadingreadyrun woof
gawd, graham, how can you keep working?
JadedCynic: try both?
ArdCollider: this absolutely makes Ian sound like he's doing lines for a sadistic 1989 Mac Tetris clone that's Christmas-themed.
cold mic alert
TheWormbo: @loufghyslaufey it's an arm mic now
imminent cold mic alert
Anaerin: @loufghyslaufey Yes, that's deliberate
MrSVCD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
MrSVCD: I am angry!!
Thanks for subscribing, MrSVCD! (Today's storm count: 53)
EmmaPartlow: I want these as soundbites on my phone (for alarms etc)
RockPusher: loufghyslaufey Ian's lav is intentionally muted at moment
I expect a remix of that pa ra pa pum by New Years chat
@EmmaPartlow That would be neat (Also, heya Emma!)
Garfy400: Ian has a 'unique' view of the world
TheDevil_Risen: hahahahaha
jonnykefka: real good
loufghyslaufey: I know, I thought I was just rolling with it, chat
NimrodXIV: pfft
Heeey! @Chronomagistrate
nyoomgoom: in the cityyy
beowuuf: o7 to ian's voice
Sorator13: I'm a little concerned that Ian's head might explode
RockPusher: hahahahaha
jumping_point: Oh lord, someone bring Ian Jacobs mix for voice work. xD
nyoomgoom: wheeze
jacqui_lantern234: im WHEEZING XD
jonnykefka: no signal
amative1: Hosanna in excelsis!
JadedCynic: Nirvana is a-waiting
RoeDent89: RIP
jacqui_lantern234: oh no!
NimrodXIV: oop camera 5
accountmadeforants: A wonderful empty signal
TXC2: RIP Camara
Abavus: Oh no
GreatWahooney: oh no!
thebuzzstreams: Camera emptied its mind
aitsu100: cam 5
DiscordianTokkan: Siiimply Haaaaving
amative1: Camera 5!
Laurence72: Empty your feed!
EmmaPartlow: the camera also has an empty mind
adept_nekomancer: The camera has emptied its mind.
d'accord - we can still hear
nyoomgoom: i love how there's still audio
RoeDent89: No Signal, because my mind is empty!
xantos69: This Camera Is EMPTY!
Chronomagistrate: Camera 5!
RockPusher: Tacticool!
Jogela: James is John Wicking the Camera
loufghyslaufey: Wait. Wait. Why not just go with it?
jacqui_lantern234: cmon paul!!!
terribleplan: Hot swap implies it is still rolling...
TXC2: cool that we still have audio
TheDevil_Risen: wb
Mollylele: that camera emptied its mind
SnackPak_: how dare you blame Paul
thebuzzstreams: The battery? Empty!
TXC2: and we're back
RoeDent89: wb
Sorator13: don't you hate when you tactically reload an empty?
accountmadeforants: Had to convince the battery it was charged, first
virtue_the_cat: theres no signal- BECAUSE IVE EMPTIED MY MIND
Abavus: Trying to throw Paul under the bus D:
terribleplan: More like a luke-warm swap
PharaohBender27: @jumping_point Nin jiom pei pa koa?
the camera emptied its CPU Hive Mind
@adept_nekomancer if its batter is its mind, sure
This is an Angry Zen holiday shoot? Right?
amative1: YEAH
JadedCynic: YEEEEEAH
jacqui_lantern234: eeeeEEEEEeee!!!
Garfy400: HHnNNNMMM
nyoomgoom: simply having eeueuauugh!!
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
EmmaPartlow: Love that the LEDs are coming through lmao
adept_nekomancer: @JadedCynic I guess the battery would be the mitochondria... it's the powerhouse of the camera.
Chronomagistrate: Beautiful!
amative1: someone call Paul McCartney
JadedCynic: I really need to get a 'chef kiss' emote done up for my channel...
@loufghyslaufey Yup
commentarywife: Mariah Carey aaaah
nyoomgoom: just like, do the macarena
accountmadeforants: Big fan of the AZM's idle animations
Zen moves, or the Macarena?
jumping_point: @PharaohBender27 That is the thing someone got gifted at last DB, right? I meant the hot lemon and honey thing. That was a thing right?
Darth_Litigious: slow zoom in on "Empty your mind. empty your mind" (carol of the bells)
amative1: @jumping_point yup
Transmuted_Elf: get a full 360 of ians head?
JadedCynic: oh YES
an exploitable
RoeDent89: Angry Zen Evangelion
TXC2: a panoramic of Ian's head
mizzytastic: I'm now imagining ian's head bouncing along the words sing-a-long style
jumping_point: Anyway I'm afraid for Ians voice.
jacqui_lantern234: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
RockPusher: yep, track two for that one
aitsu100: amazing
JadedCynic: magnifique, Beej!
adept_nekomancer: Excellent AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Caffine1138: Perfection
ohjanji: epic
Rogue_07: God, I love you Ian
TXC2: "at the tone the time will be 8:25"
Astramentha: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
nyoomgoom: sick
Mollylele: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
TheWriterAleph: blow out those levels!
Laurence72: AAAAAAAAA-ley-loo--yah!
jacqui_lantern234: PLEASE someone clip that XD
glitched_goddess: I have the same reaction to that song
lirazel64: Gong?
gualdhar: Graham can read the wave forms like Neo
SymphonySolstice: [applause]
ohjanji: hahahahahahaha that face is sending me
LoadingReadyRun: reminder, Ian mic is currently OFF
GrassVortex: Clap
accountmadeforants: Amazing
amative1: ~honk
jacqui_lantern234: im fuckin LOSING MY SHIT XD
xantos69: Yep. Nailed it!
TheDevil_Risen: 10/10 no notes Ian!
RoeDent89: Well played Ian
CodeIndigo: Ian turning a festive shade of red there
MyrddintheWizard: No notes
Ian needs more fibre
RayFK: Petition to have THAT in Fortnite
lirazel64: Berjaya
Electrodyne: Are you sure there aren't another 30-40 minutes of takes needed
@jacqui_lantern234 Same!!
ExachixKitsune: If LRR ever gets bit alert sounds...
CodeIndigo: Spokeman take please!
RoeDent89: This has been ASMRmpit
Muddy_Thunder: My mom said Ian looks like Jamie Hyneman from Mythbusters
JadedCynic: the second one
RoeDent89: Rod Serling
beowuuf: hello, i am narratesm'n
RubikDarkwill: ASMRsman
RockPusher: Muddy_Thunder even more so when we bust out the beret
hd_dabnado: this boy, is empty
ohjanji: excellent Narrator Voice
accountmadeforants: Fortunately shopping channel narration is very receptive to cuts. You could probably cut halfway through a sentence and it'd only sound more authentic
jacqui_lantern234: G has such an excellent narrator voice
jumping_point: definitvely
RoeDent89: aaaaaaaa honk
Sorator13: "and then Ian screams and then we all go home" just like every other workday at LRR!
MyrddintheWizard: "ian screams and we all leave" is that the end of Cam and Ian Christmas???!
RoeDent89: Break time
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
A_Dub888: what up shooters, how was the crap?
Genie_M: Oh this still has the gun holding stickman
TXC2: !addquote (Graham) [now] ...and then Ian screams and we all go home.
LRRbot: New quote #9212: "...and then Ian screams and we all go home." —Graham [2024-12-21]
Electrodyne: I'm glad I saw this
beowuuf: not sure we empited our minds
Creideiki_SE: @LRRbot I'm getting mixed messages when Graham says "don't go away", and then LRRbot tells me to go away (and come back).
lirazel64: The crap is coming together.
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
MyrddintheWizard: @A_Dub888 Its a return by the Angry Zen Master.
Tweygoh: hark, the herald's empty mind
MyrddintheWizard: He has a christmas album.
Ritaspirithntr: So happy to have clicked the LRR button! BtS content is so fun and intriguing to watch!!
VorlonScout: @TXC2 I half expected the LRRbot break message to have been temporarily edited with "Don't forget to empty your mind!"
A_Dub888: @MyrddintheWizard You better watch out, you better not cry, you better EMPTY YOUR MIND, I'm telling you why
VorlonScout: I guess today it's just implied
A_Dub888: @VorlonScout to be fair, twitch chat is generally head empty
TXC2: chat is head empty unless you are the one with the brain cell at that time
lirazel64: Very mindful chat here.
beowuuf: many brains, one braincell
in the past couple weeks I wish my head was empty.
TXC2: Ritaspirithntr big mood
well, went to Victoria for my weekend and it helped tremendously!! Caught the break in the rain and had a lovely walk around the parks!
roastbeefsandwitch: @Ritaspirithntr I was there when I was much younger, it's quite beautiful. And I didn't even see any werewolves on motorbikes!
A_Dub888: @roastbeefsandwitch you're quite beautiful
@roastbeefsandwitch me neither. guess the christmas spirits drove them away.
PTElder: I image the lupines hang out at the Buchart Gardens.
commentarywife: Aren't they all in Sydney?
found the hill where they rolled the cheese and all my mind’s head could see was a massive cheesewheel going down it.
JadedCynic: @Ritaspirithntr yeah, family was in Van for Expo86 - we took the ferry over for the day; saw the gardens and some cool stuff (great views of the mainland)
TXC2: well 5 are up there
last nadtd and i'll be travelling then home
jumping_point: God I love hearing Road Quest music during breaks.
Simriel: I want everyone to know I have apple crumble and custard
@Ritaspirithntr Nice!
jonnykefka: @jumping_point IKR. I need to do a rewatch soon
commentarywife: Mmm apple crumble and custard
Garfy400: Open your mind!
@Simriel ok but share with your favourite Jacqui
PharaohBender27: I went to Victoria once when I was 12, but the only thing I really remember from that visit is Miniature World
Ritaspirithntr: did the christmas light walk at Butchart Gardens. it was really beautiful. hope to go again during the day sometime to see it in full bloom!
A_Dub888: @Garfy400 and EMPTY IT
TXC2: and we're back
PharaohBender27: Oh, that an tea at the Empress
RoeDent89: Welcome to this unminding video
Sorator13: ahoy!
SymphonySolstice: hi I'm on tv!
jacqui_lantern234: AHH MY DESK
Simriel: @jacqui_lantern234 Okay, I will
RockPusher: The Graham yearns for the editing mines
dippedfeathers: hell?O!
commentarywife: Editttt
jumping_point: @jonnykefka It's so worth it.
ohjanji: oohh editing cooool
Diabore: missed the filming but right on time for the editing
TXC2: oh hey we're on TV
RoeDent89: Hi mom!
Ritaspirithntr: @simriel can I have some too?!
adept_nekomancer: Oh no, it's us!
LilyOfTheVeil666: I'M ON THE TV
Genie_M: 51 gigs....
PharaohBender27: Ohai chat
@garfy400 Shooting Star playback meme
beowuuf: when you film for rap videos it's 64k
A_Dub888: do we have at least 7 cards in the bin?
josh_ilok: 😬
PharaohBender27: Everyone be on your best behavior for YouTube!
oh no im being perceived! its the worst timeline!
@jacqui_lantern234 Okay I shared it with my favourite Jacqui, thanks for suggesting that
xantos69: Oh wow. Us on screen with a delay. Hi Me!
terribleplan: Crimmis
Anaerin: Yay for AutoCarrot.
loufghyslaufey: Crapshoot: "The Title"
RoeDent89: Angry Xen MASter
Its_VeeBot: Why not "An" Angry Zen Master Christmas?
@Simriel glad i could help
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 That's right, I'm perceiving you as being wonderful and amazing!
our typical audio woopsies
Simriel: "Out typical audio Woopsies"
terribleplan: Xen MASter is very good
jacqui_lantern234: @A_Dub888 wait, you sincerely think this? oof, im sorry
RoeDent89: Track 2 knows what it did
@terribleplan Xen master id s different thing
chrono2x subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 123 months!
Thanks for subscribing, chrono2x! (Today's storm count: 54)
adept_nekomancer: Some of them go to 11.
LoadingReadyRun: is the computer audio ok volume for you?
JadedCynic: yep
RoeDent89: I think so
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun sounds good to me
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun it's louder then real Graham and Ian, but it's clear
SocraticMethod: Feels like it's clipping a bit?
Basic_Human_Decency: Little empty Boy.
SocraticMethod: Maybe it's twitch
RoeDent89: "Do you have sugarplums dancing in your head?" is very Jonathan Frakes
Anaerin: It's a little clippy here, but I think that's our feed not the actual audio
Mollylele: my brother in christmas can you bump that to +6 instead of +8
spethycakes: So festive, so apropos
A_Dub888: Graham "Little Empty Boy" Stark
Mollylele: it feels like it's clipping out here but you do you
Doc_Layzah: It almost sounds like clipping
RockPusher: It not perfect system
this is how it is
TXC2: audio is hard
Anaerin: It is what it is.
TheHaCoFo: Empty night, is it time to start my Dresden Files reread?
ThorSokar: In Kdenlive that number is -18 to -6, so yes it is different per-program
LoadingReadyRun: I think the HDMI audio output from the editing computer is coming in a little peaky
RockPusher: kill that room tone
jonnykefka: Yeah, macs are really bad about HDMI audio in particular. I don't know why and it's the worst
RoeDent89: honk
PharaohBender27: Why are those files dated 2.5 months ago? Is the camera's internal clock way off?
RockPusher: "properly"
oo graham, colour correction as meant and veggies? should be a treat just for Gvlogs
Stormgod519: okay, Im back!
TXC2: is it bad that the blue screen stops in the top right corner ?
SquareDotCube: With the speedups now I just want an Angry Zen Master speedrun attempt
PharaohBender27: @TXC2 They plan to crop, IIRC
RockPusher: TXC2 nah, we'll be cropping in
TXC2: PharaohBender27 ok
TXC2: RockPusher ok
Garfy400: Graham cypher confirmed
beowuuf: @TXC2 as long as ian's hand doesn't cut in to it i thin g explicitly said it's fine
SymphonySolstice: it's almost like he's a professional or something
PharaohBender27: That's an experienced editor talking there
ExachixKitsune: as a burgeoning editor, I am eal interested seeing how this goes
TheWriterAleph: i love watching a professional at work
TheDevil_Risen: SLEEP! in heavanly peace
why is it always Ian in those
TXC2: beowuuf ah ok
RockPusher: It's still fascinating to me that we flawed humans actually can perceive on the order of a frame or two
Mollylele: just a skosh
TheDevil_Risen: yep
RoeDent89: Mhm
RoeDent89: squoosh
TXC2: every frame a painting
corpocracy: I've heard that comedy is all about--
RockPusher: something someth-TIMING!
that's so good
Stormgod519: LOL
corpocracy: timing
Stormgod519: I love it
beowuuf: the secre-TIMING
Thank you for that read, Molly
ThorSokar: It's the exact same with editing music based videos, 1 frame is the difference from wow, to that's nice
jumping_point: God the final cut will be so funny. xD
jonnykefka: only used ironically
The latest MacOS versions also have some changes in security policies that make it difficult for things like NDI or other screen capture tools to get the computer's internal audio
SquareDotCube: star wipe!
Mollylele: star wipe ⭐
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun RUDE
TheAwkes: A specific style or lack thereof.
epsilon_vee: cornball applications
PharaohBender27: @ThorSokar Maybe to a little less exact an extent (or I'm not as professional), but I definitely feel the difference +1 or -1 frame can make in a GIF
amative1: FYI I sent you a slightly different variation of the glockenspiel via mod slack, feel free to use it if you want
adept_nekomancer: @SquareDotCube Or, in the Christmas spirit, the Tingle wipe from that weird game Beej and Heather streamed for Christmas last year
PTElder: For some reason I keep thinking a wipe that's just Ian's Static face would be funny (but deeply silly).
A_Dub888: It's important to stretch in the morning
Stormgod519: that reminds me: i need to get a frame for my Nidan certificate
SocraticMethod: THat one line is giving me SLY MARBO flashbacks
TXC2: Stormgod519 in what style ?
ThorSokar: @PharaohBender27 oh absolutely, In a gif you have even less wiggle room for the joke the land perfectly
SnackPak_: so smart
PharaohBender27: @adept_nekomancer They also played it the year before. I understand why they won't this year, but I was a little sad to learn there'd be no 2024 Tingle stream
RoeDent89: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
SocraticMethod: AAAAA
nicely done, Beej
Stormgod519: @TXC2 Shorin Ji Ryu karate, tested for it i think last year, but got my certificate in October this year
A_Dub888: is 7:18 already?
TXC2: Stormgod519 ooo neat
Stormgod519: @A_Dub888 good point
SocraticMethod: THanks for the reminder, I need to go thin my paints
TheWriterAleph: aaaaaaaaaaa
ThorSokar: I would argue you need even FEWER of those notes before everyone is mad, if this were a music streamer you need at most 3
ohjanji: this is amazing hahaahahaha
SymphonySolstice: aaaaaaaaaaa :v
jumping_point: this look up... xD
Stormgod519: @TXC2 yeah, it's been great. also been teaching for almost 4 full years now too
Mollylele: new ringtone
RoeDent89: Keyboard of Ians
Stormgod519: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
jacqui_lantern234: PAUL YES
Stormgod519: Someone gif that lol
jonnykefka: LOL
roastbeefsandwitch: shouting in tune to the lovely glockenspheiel music, nice
Simriel: The Dumbest Best Joke
adept_nekomancer: It bleeds so well into the honk at the end
Sorator13: where's the DB gif when you need it?
ohjanji: CHEF'S KISS
SquareDotCube: Too late, you know Cori's gonna do it in Ableton
hd_dabnado: wait, what if the keys are done in screams
Garfy400: omg so ood
A_Dub888: @TXC2 you're neat
Dalrint: That scream is definitely turning into a sound alert
TheDevil_Risen: ill work on making it a Midi instrument next time i have time off
Electrodyne: Yes
TXC2: A_Dub888 damn, you got me
accountmadeforants: Easily one of the best smash cuts into end card so far
FarleyF: does this mean we just lost iangeddon by listening to that last track
virtue_the_cat: wake up babe, new wilhem scream just dropped
Mangledpixel: oh dingbats, I missed most of the stream
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
jonnykefka: Yule log
jonnykefka: Fire
SquareDotCube: yule log?
Astra7525: Himalayan mountainpekas?
Mollylele: gavlebocken
Astra7525: *peaks
Doc_Layzah: There was a great suggestion for Aurora borealis
PharaohBender27: @Mangledpixel Welcome to them editing the first Angry Zen Master crapshot since *2016*
beowuuf: post credit stinger with the zennenbaum gag?
Mollylele: slow motion avalanche footage
Laurence72: That AAAAA plus his bidet moan, Ian makes such amazing mouth sounds
Its_VeeBot: It has to look good?
ThorSokar: Just video of "Canadian Wilderness Winter / Snowing"
Mangledpixel: no such thing as too pedantic
Mangledpixel: if something's worth doing, it's worth overdoing
A_Dub888: @Laurence72 Ian Mouth Sounds album coming to LRR store when?
accountmadeforants: You could fade into a still frame, Graham, for the real TV shopping channel aesthetic.
Garfy400: almost as if graham has years of experience
TXC2: Garfy400 decades even
PharaohBender27: Oh right, that's this evening!
Dog_of_Myth: Dang, forgot this was going on today.
Squallloir: technically it is for me I think
fnoggchamp: Remixes and covers don't count, it's fine
Caffine1138: Thankfully there is the Limp Bizkit bailout, where covers and you can flee before the opening lyrics
Caffine1138: *covers don't count
Squallloir: I don't really get outside so I haven't heard much christmas music
"in the cityyyy" got me so hard again
TheGreenMonster450: perfection
Stormgod519: i love this so much
TheDevil_Risen: Gold
roastbeefsandwitch: Its so weird watching Loading Time in real-time. Intriguing seeing what goes to make our stuff pretty
Sorator13: Incredible
JadedCynic: I do like that you did use a few 'newer' xmas songs and not just the "50's Christmas Songbook"
Dog_of_Myth: Okay, that was great
Mollylele: 🏆
it is so stupid, I love it
beowuuf: grewat transition no notes
Laurence72: I'm in tears from laughing so hard
A_Dub888: But if I don't empty my wallet, how do I pay for this album?
nyoomgoom: backwards glockinspiels go hard
amative1: trippy
jumping_point: The doubling down gets better everytime.
You know you are doing well when the people that shot it are cracking up
TXC2: banging remix
ThorSokar: I still say only need 3 notes to be mad
Stormgod519: A A A A A A A A A AAA AA A A
nyoomgoom: no that ruled
TheAwkes: This could go the distance on CDHC, too, for sure.
MyrddintheWizard: What is the last song?
Garfy400: This deserves full sketch status
Invitare: 2 minutes? Is there time to add a Wheeler cameo?
dippedfeathers: this is a marvelous crapshot, I can feel it.
TXC2: MyrddintheWizard all I want for Christmas
MyrddintheWizard: @TXC2 Thank you.
Diabore: curtain?
JDogg2K4: it's christmas, so snow?
Sacrenos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Sacrenos! (Today's storm count: 55)
JadedCynic: I was about to say...
Its_VeeBot: Use the same Rays but green and red?
JadedCynic: snowflakes?
Abavus: Original in red and green?
A_Dub888: heheheheh "How far we've come"
JadedCynic: a million fireflies...
Rogue_07: Welp, I did it. I clicked on the onscreen chat to try and type a comment
roastbeefsandwitch: It makes Ian look like a christmas tree, I like the sparks
jumping_point: Sparks for the jingle?
accountmadeforants: That sun in an empty void with some snowflakes demonstrates both an empty mind and Christmas Spirit.
Electrodyne: Are there going to be K-Tel Commercial style song title texts rolling up the screen?
TXC2: Rogue_07 well it had to happen to someone
Astra7525: cursor is visible
Mangledpixel: well, we're all worried about Ian
TXC2: Electrodyne yes
Rogue_07: @TXC2 I guess I volunteered as tribute then
RockPusher: This blob of stuff in the centre here, AKA Ian
Electrodyne: Sweet
lenny__cool: I worry about Ian, this blob in the center xD
Costar_s: @Rogue_07 I have the stream on my TV in theatre mode so I just have a chatception going on XD
Diabore: its a better christmas green imo
RockPusher: taking out the blue will yellow things up
Pyroxx___: im sure its also helpful that you are replacing the blue with a blue background
Diabore: have we workshopped a name yet?
richard_ermen: These sound bites would be amazing for an amusing Angry Zen Master song...
Its_VeeBot: That's a meme in the making
Squallloir: thats incredible
TXC2: the duality of man
beowuuf: @TXC2 angry and zen?
accountmadeforants: Oh, that's a very strong transition
DiscordianTokkan: hehehe
adept_nekomancer: Make the one in the background transparent and it's the screaming cowboy
TXC2: beowuuf exactly
n__een_n: bahaha
Stormgod519: oh i love it
this is gold!
ohjanji: hahahaha perfect
TheGreenMonster450: or the other way around
dippedfeathers: this looks Evangelion
jumping_point: Now it feels like the intro to a weird telenovela.
to the front page of Imgur!
Chronomagistrate: chef's kiss
Hansk_and_Boo: It would probably be a lot of effort to have a Santa in his sleigh flying through the clouds, right? 🤔
VrolikSyndrome: What if the larger faded one moved from right to left?
JadedCynic: orson_welles_ovation dot mp4
VrolikSyndrome: er, left to right.
beowuuf: see thgrough master needs to drift a little?
SquareDotCube: Question: are we going to use the same backdrop for everything or will we try using different backdrops for each jumpcut into a song?
TheAwkes: If the transparent one transited the frame? Perfection.
jumping_point: oh lord. xD
Anaerin: The blue collar next to Ian's neck is getting keyed on the front-on shots
Invitare: close up has masking clipping at the top
fill holes
TXC2: !holes
LRRbot: Luckily, this is Hole In One.... Or Two!
accountmadeforants: You ever think about Holes
beowuuf: Phil Wholes
VrolikSyndrome: 👀
NimrodXIV: pardon
Anaerin: Good old Phil's Holes.
TheWriterAleph: i think the very top of ian's head was cut off in the shot just before the tilted shot
TheGreenMonster450: Hole Aware Phil
Its_VeeBot: It also got his eyes and the tree on his shirt
Mollylele: thank you Fill Holes Slider
TXC2: Phillip Holem to give his full name
couchboyj: Is nothing dancing in my head, or is Nothing dancing inside my head? Woah...
Who put a price is right ref into !holes?
nifleon: will that button be coming to card kingdom?
electric_claire: Every hole's a goal for the chroma key.
PMAvers: something something filling that man's holes with something
Rogue_07: He can see forever!
DiscordianTokkan: Oh YEAH
Mollylele: Fill Eye Holes
haha Zen Master Demon Eyes
Huh. Neat
VorlonScout: Even his eyes are empty
accountmadeforants: AZM just has Special Eyes
caetzer: also his headshot was cut off
actually, keep they eyes empty, as a treat.
amative1: that line is SO GOOD
beowuuf: could you jump zoom to the 'it stayed empty' in the wham joke bit?
cuttlefishman: I wonder if there is maybe a few too many?
Anaerin: Is it a lower third option?
TheDevil_Risen: There always is on christmas albums @cuttlefishman
TrueTransSoulAlesha subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
TrueTransSoulAlesha: It's sonic's 83rd anniversary!
Thanks for subscribing, TrueTransSoulAlesha! (Today's storm count: 56)
Mollylele: Ticker along bottom is possible but it is harder to time for comedy
orangeceltic71: So much fun!
Redbassist: Do they have the Star wars crawl?
Abavus: Super fired
Redbassist: Ah answered lol
TheDevil_Risen: haz bell!
Abavus: +1 for jingle bell
cuttlefishman: beej could record one
hd_dabnado: if you do, maybe include a jingle bell at the end?
Anaerin: It is ABSOLUTELY necessary.
SymphonySolstice: maybe use the title words on screen but overlayed with the first shot?
maybe just the crawl is public domain somehow?
ThorSokar: fun fact, That was the DB4 intro, crawl, and it's never had a problem on youtube
jonnykefka: oh the jingle bell would be extremely correct for this
Strebenherz: Good afternoon, I see some sort of crapshoot in the brewing?
@ThorSokar bold of you to assume lrr are professionals
CodeIndigo: @beowuuf I like this idea
PharaohBender27: @Strebenherz You do!
xantos69: What if the text was Green and Red to be festive?
beowuuf: @Strebenherz almost ready to consume, in fact
TXC2: hello Strebenherz welcome to the Angry zen master christmas CD
Doc_Layzah: They're yellow but the ones that are not red are white 😵💫
SymphonySolstice: ah yeah I see the crop on ian's head here
Squallloir: do these lists usually have a lot of filler only some of which are read out or am i misremembering
amative1: @Squallloir correct
TXC2: Squallloir no that's right
ohjanji: lul
Strebenherz: "I saw mommy empty santa's mind" sounds very eldritch. Love it
VorlonScout: My recollection was that the lists in these commercials were less dense
amative1: song title could be "Twas the Night before Christmas"
Electrodyne: Like 3-4 items visible at a time
SymphonySolstice: more space between the lines yeah
couchboyj: More spread out and a faster scroll, yeah
jacqui_lantern234: the "Little Empty Boy" bit is so fuckin good
RockPusher: gesundheit presumably Beej?
TXC2: did Beej just sneeze ?
couchboyj: Fairy tale of Nirvana
commentarywife: Bless you
jumping_point: I'm totally fixated on the telenovela intro now and see the song titles come in from the sides in half height blocks like the actors names.
GasCityGaming: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: A Cameron & Ian Christmas (A Tradition Unlike Any Other.) at Sat 05:00 PM PST (2:43 from now).
MalFnord: Maybe swap font to something serifed? IIRC that's what the ads traditionally used
Caffine1138: some of the transitions of Ian's poses are rather abrupt
musclewizzard123: I think in those old commercials the writing was centred
cuttlefishman: whoa
jumping_point: Oh nooo. xD
jacqui_lantern234: XD i love this so much
Caffine1138: That flip is very sharp/abrupt
jumping_point: Oh Graham you genius.
TXC2: "this is such a stupid thing, I love it": the LRR story
dougma: mistletoe on the inner video frame
Sandboxgamer27: the scroll should be a little longer so that “little empty boy” is still on the screen at the end of that clip?
SquareDotCube: skewed lists don't really fit the era these commercials came from
roastbeefsandwitch: @TXC2 That's a great book name for the eventual biography of the group.
CaptainSpam: Hm... I'm not sure skewed text works for a Christmas album thing.
@TXC2 really? i though it was "Throwing Things At James' Nuts: the LRR Story"
PharaohBender27: @jacqui_lantern234 That's the title of Chapter 1
@PharaohBender27 oh right, my bad
jumping_point: I love this.
Stormgod519: this is great
and suddenly, much better
SymphonySolstice: I think we need a wipe into this skewed scene
ThorSokar: Star wipes, tree wipes, all the cursed ones
TheWriterAleph: you know it's a good joke when it still makes you laugh this far into the process
djalternative: oh hi youtube vod
Hansk_and_Boo: Graham scrolling trough the timeline: "I'm the Scat Zen! Gjdbdudndjdhd!"
Anaerin: Ooh, the cheese...
spethycakes: Wenceslas
amative1: Wenceslas
dippedfeathers: That looks beautiful
PharaohBender27: Wenceslas
niccus: wenceslessness
Mangledpixel: Good King Wenshsheshloshlishlash
dippedfeathers: yes
cuttlefishman: Zennnenbaum
jonnykefka: tennenbaum
TheWriterAleph: David Tennanbaum
TheWormbo: Tannenbaum is the correct spelling
amative1: Tannenbaum
Astra7525: Tannenbaum is usually spelt with two N, but I don't know if it scans with Zen
Sorator13: O Tannenbaum
SquareDotCube: Zzzenenbaum, the crossover with Mihoyoverse
djalternative: The Royal Zennenbaums
ZethRuss: there's a clip with the top of Ian's head missing
dippedfeathers: i coined Zenenbaum and there is only one n, regardless of the original’s spelling.
Squallloir: you can ENHANCE
adept_nekomancer: shapenanigans
SymphonySolstice: welp
cuttlefishman: hahaha
Stormgod519: ummmmm
Rogue_07: This has been a *wonderful* way to spend my first day of winter break, fyi
adept_nekomancer: Oh no... he's escaped the background
Stormgod519: hmmmmm
accountmadeforants: Astral projection
Astra7525: Just Monika
Forgotten_Sanity: Can we do that with the tiny quiet scene where the top of his head is missing right after this?
TheDevil_Risen: hes so angry he escaped the backdrop!
CaptainSpam: Huh. Guess the clipping mask isn't transformed?
Redbassist: Could Ian slide into and out of frame on one of them?
Wolfstrike_NL: Ian is inside the box, outside the box, back inside the box - i great
Rogue_07: Did we end up cutting the scream?
jacqui_lantern234 @Astra7525 neck snaps
Get close enough to count the hairs in the beard
jacqui_lantern234: @Astra7525
PharaohBender27: @Rogue_07 No, it's at the end
Rogue_07: Cheers
accountmadeforants: There is something very interesting about adding a parallax background effect to a camera recording.
RealGamerCow: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: A Cameron & Ian Christmas (A Tradition Unlike Any Other.) at Sat 05:00 PM PST (2:35 from now).
amative1: I don't think you need backing tracks for this
jacqui_lantern234: HAAAAAVING
A_Dub888: iiiiiii
Nigouki: disclaimer from rights holders about not being allowed to use the actual music
ThorSokar: Oh, in my mind, the CD has NO backing track at all, it's just the Zen master SCREAMING the modified songs at you
Astra7525: @jacqui_lantern234 I felt personally threatened until I remembered what you were responding to
thebuzzstreams: I know it's a lot of work and that's why we don't get these streams as much, but my god do I love these. It's an amazing sort of co-working stream to also pick up on both comedy and video production.
TheAwkes: Chroma border in the upper right of one of those clips after moving things.
Thought? , NO. Your mind should be Empty!
djalternative: we are home. why do we need to go there?
wedge_x: just a very short loop of sleigh bells
Squallloir: just a jingling bells chorus thing on a 3 second loop or even less
thebuzzstreams: Also, it's nice to have these to just appreciate how much work y'all do for even the shortest of videos.
Squallloir: @wedge_x yeah exactly
TXC2: it's all coming together now
nyoomgoom: god i love the effects when scanning through a video timeline
nyoomgoom: the scrambles
jacqui_lantern234: @Astra7525 my bad XD listen, i may not be smart
but im ALSO rarely funny
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
christmas sleigh bells 10 hours loop, perfect
GreatWahooney: tbh I was not that hot on the concept during writing but it's turning out great
thalcot: star wipe, or is that too much?
commentarywife: The first two empty minds could probably be separated?
SnackPak_: art
ohjanji: LMAOOOO
Strebenherz: EMPTY MIIIND
loufghyslaufey: Weh?
Stormgod519: wait...
Strebenherz: it is a little loud yeah
ACookTooMany: This might be one of your best yet
Pseudonym_Ken: Hahahaha
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
jumping_point: "vibe based editing" sounds like a class taught
RockPusher: very good
ohjanji: hahahahahaha excellent
Stormgod519: LOL
Stormgod519: that's a profile pic
MalFnord: AAAAAAAAAAAA-*honk*
TheDevil_Risen: BRAVO!
TXC2: no notes, ship it
Garfy400: Acting1!
A_Dub888: Noice
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY FUCK XD THATS SO GOOD
RockPusher: need some hole filling in a few of the later clips
dippedfeathers: wonderful job
ThorSokar: Do you have enough screaming, to have it start after 3 notes?
TheDevil_Risen: Bravo! Bravo!
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 you're so good
Shadwhawk: Got some bluescreened neck, too
TheDevil_Risen: Encore!
fnoggchamp: The scream shot could use a slow zoom in until the scream starts imho
Garfy400: longer the better
thebuzzstreams: @jumping_point I wonder if my college will take the credit transfer from this course, because it's been worth the sub.
TheWriterAleph: perfectlycutscreams
Pseudonym_Ken: Longer uner teh end card?
SAJewers: remove the honk and have it continue over the end card?
Rogue_07: Maybe have a scream after the outro?
Stormgod519: Im dying
Stormgod519: help me please
hd_dabnado: longer for the stinger?
ohjanji: that is some lung capacity lol
jacqui_lantern234: @A_Dub888 what did i do to be lied to like this?
Astra7525: I was thinking maybe shorter?
SquareDotCube: Can it fade through the honk?
jonnykefka: I like the snappy cut
Simriel: Yes
Diabore: i think short short is the one
Strebenherz: the snapcut works well
CaptainSpam: Ooo, the short one's good.
TheDevil_Risen: nah the mid length one was good
Caffine1138: yes
Stormgod519: LOL
Jogela: I like it on the shorter end to emphasise the joke rapidly
Pseudonym_Ken: Oh, wait that is so much funnier\
Insert Big Enough Meme Here
beowuuf: @jacqui_lantern234 be so good
jumping_point: @thebuzzstreams it really should! xD
SymphonySolstice: maybe a little more juice
SnackPak_: short and sweet
VorlonScout: Reprise over the black, if anything. But probably not.
DreamyPants: snappier is way funnier
Aitsu111: I love the short one
TheWriterAleph: it's so hard to big ooooone!
MalFnord: Yep, that's the one
Laurence72: I vote for teh mid length
Wolfstrike_NL: I think a little longer would be better
Stormgod519: I LOVE THAT PAUL!!!
Caffine1138: ohhh. Paul w/ the genius
ohjanji: amazing idea
Dog_of_Myth: Oh, that's good
TheDevil_Risen: when it comes back in put ALL THE REVERB on it
thebuzzstreams: Paul comes in with the best of both worlds!
jacqui_lantern234: @beowuuf except im VERY much not as good as yall seem to think i am
PharaohBender27: Perfection
TheWriterAleph: yes! there it is!
TheDevil_Risen: now for the REVERB!
Caffine1138: YES
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
Pseudonym_Ken: Stop, I'm dying
Stormgod519: PERFECT
ohjanji: omg yes
Strebenherz: YES
TheDevil_Risen: needs REVERB Plz
jonnykefka: ship it
richard_ermen: Perfection
ExachixKitsune: cakejuLUL
GreatWahooney: perfect
Wolfstrike_NL: O yeah, that works as well
TXC2: wonderful
xantos69: That is the one
Anaerin: Also gives space for the YT cards.
A_Dub888: perfect, no notes, ship it
phoenixfeather14: omg, yes! Perfect!
ExachixKitsune: I wonder if that will fade out into Duel of the Fates
TheDevil_Risen: yeah the bit after
jumping_point: Maybe starting the stinger mid-scream?
TheDevil_Risen: just make is massive
Nigouki: crapshot black screen fading to white as the scream increasing to represent the mind emptying to nothing
CodeIndigo: I would also suggest speeding up the glockenspiel a little
Rogue_07: I would cut the scream maybe a quarter-second earlier
JadedCynic: yeah, you can hear the difference
Stormgod519: perfect
ExachixKitsune: a
JadedCynic: just a SNAP
@jacqui_lantern234 chat is a beautiful naive snowflake, please enjoy deceiving us all
Stormgod519: A
CodeIndigo: brilliant
Stormgod519: this is amazing
Stormgod519: I needed this
hd_dabnado: wonderful
CaptainSpam: A
fnoggchamp: Slow zoom in during the glockenspiel?
JadedCynic: r/ScreamsCutOffTooSoon
Sam of Raimi, ?
jumping_point: I personally liked the longer scream.
Garfy400: Both are very funny, helpful i know
@beowuuf the deception is in you thinking im good
beowuuf: the secret to comedy? tiiiaaaaaarrrrrggggh
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 you will take our aggressive love, and YOU WILL LIKE IT
jumping_point: so contemplative. xD
TheWriterAleph: rrraAHH
Anaerin: He should start breathing in when that last note hits.
It needs to sink in
Stormgod519: oh my goodness
Stormgod519: i love it
ohjanji: so good
RealGamerCow: fuck that is perfect
I can't stop laughing at the bonus
jacqui_lantern234: the full scream is SO GOOD XD
and now make that post one massive (reverb it)
Strebenherz: Paul that suggestion was gold
TXC2: LRR do good work
thebuzzstreams: ah yes, it starting right when the crapshots logo pops away works great!
musclewizzard123: Ians collar needs to be filled
JadedCynic: w-w-w-w-why "D
CodeIndigo: wawawawwaaswaaaws
redpandrake: me too
Astra7525: Zenman's world
TheWriterAleph: wickiwicki
accountmadeforants: Josh!
nyoomgoom: bars
hd_dabnado: Ian is in an early PC game now
TheDevil_Risen: Mind Control
fnoggchamp: Ch check it out
fastlane250: Making a YouTube poop now
chrono2x: Just needs a sick beat now
Laurence72: Angry Zen Scatman?
Garfy400: I'm dead
amative1: Jo-osh?
TheWriterAleph: joyyy-y-y-y-y
Aitsu111: Skat zen masta
beowuuf: halp
dippedfeathers: im going to remix this
SymphonySolstice: angry zen master youtube poop next
ThorSokar: DJ GStar in the HOUSE
A_Dub888: Josh Lee Kwai?
SocraticMethod: "I'm beginning to feel like a rap god"
hd_dabnado: SOUS
CaptainSpam: Angry YTP Master
Mollylele: empty your mind and fill your holes
MalFnord: Is... is this skibidi?
dippedfeathers: it sounded like he said Micheal Jordan
Garfy400: Scat Master Ian
this is the Rizz
CaptainSpam: Are you replacing the curtains?
Tweygoh: I heard Michael Jordan too
TXC2: right chat I'm off
beowuuf: night txc2
RockPusher: 'night TXC2
TXC2: goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming LRR
@TXC2 later nerd
PharaohBender27: Goodnight, TXC2!
SocraticMethod: Star wipe is pretty cliche for those commercials
thebuzzstreams: Holes shall be filled off stream, because TOS
Anaerin: Star Wipe, Christmas Tree Wipe
Laurence72: Ian is going to go from angry AHHHH to complete silence next stream, the Duality of Ian, if you wili
but yeah make that AHHHHH at the end super massive with some reverb plz
Sacrenos: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: A Cameron & Ian Christmas (A Tradition Unlike Any Other.) at Sat 05:00 PM PST (2:21 from now).
y'all better be taking time to rest
thebuzzstreams: Merry christmas, happy holidays, and even happier video editing!
Wolfstrike_NL: I'm sure chat will not be asking if Ian's mind is empty yet, constantly, for the next event
Costar_s: I think the editing is my favourite part of this show!
JadedCynic: coool!
Garfy400: Peeps could learn a lot
djalternative: yeah. keyboard shortcuts are essential to professional editing
TheCactaceae: I did not just get here right at the last second 😭
RockPusher: that a recent acquisition?
adept_nekomancer: Watching the editing happen is really interesting actually.
CaptainSpam: Full-size keyboard crew hype.
Abavus: Fancy
Rogue_07: Ian, I was drinking tea
Garfy400: Mental macros
JadedCynic: oh, was that gotten the same time as the new Checkpoint desk?
djalternative: oh god. they were using Avid?!?!
djalternative: I hate Avid
Astra7525: man, I wouls love to see some JK Ls
ThorSokar: there's a LOT of those going around second-hand
CodeIndigo: woooooow, that's a name i've not heard in a while
Ckiva: eggs
wedge_x: the old Avid keyboards used to look like Fisher Price My First Non-Linear Editor
accountmadeforants: Keyboard shortcuts are also generally healthier for your wrist than moving the mouse all over the place. (Though I suppose you could come up with some straining shortcuts)
CodeIndigo: davinci crew who with me?
hd_dabnado: oops
public_key_reveal_party: the editing ladder tm
Anaerin: Ripple editing?
ohjanji: same thing
JadedCynic: cool!
SquareDotCube: If only Apple made a full-sized mechanical keyboard, though you'd know it was $500
amative1: those famous film ladders
cuttlefishman: Jimmy Kimmel Live?
epsilon_vee: it's like how movie prop shorthand for tape recorder is tiny reel-to-reel machine
TheDevil_Risen: Lets GO!
epsilon_vee: who has even seen one irl
hd_dabnado: six white sutras still gets me
Invitare: sometimes he's in the skybox, sometimes he isn;t?
Costar_s: the the animating curtains
fastlane250: Ian keeps escaping the box
Costar_s: love them, i mean
betweenmyself: @invitare yeah, inconsistent cropping of Ian vs backdrop during song scroll
TheDevil_Risen: AHHHHHHHHH
He has one thing and he loves it
Melfina__: Aaaaahhhh
Caffine1138: perfection
Strebenherz: Majestio
TheGreenMonster450: this is really good
Makhiel: amazing
TheWriterAleph: AAAAaaa....
Caffine1138: 10/10 no notes
richard_ermen: Perfection.
TheDevil_Risen: yes!
Rogue_07: So good!
Darth_Litigious: still some collar transparency in some of the shots
CaptainSpam: Excellent.
ohjanji: hahahahahaha holy moley
MalFnord: 11/10 no notes
JadedCynic: and then the sustain during the black screen
I love how it trails off
DiscordianTokkan: A+, love it
SnackPak_: good crap everyone
AltaKarl: PERFECT!
Costar_s: its just the same joke over and over BUT I LOVE IT
LilyOfTheVeil666: Perfect, no notes
ohjanji: a masterpiece
MyrddintheWizard: So good.
spethycakes: by Jove, they've done it again
A_Dub888: What's "Ding dong empty your mind" from?
Jennie_Fuchsia: bravo!
joke density is
NullColaShip: There was a collar hole in need of filling in that last shot
JadedCynic: yeah, they HAVE to be back-to-back
Astra7525: Are we keeping the Ian running out of breath at the end there?
jacqui_lantern234: im SO GLAD i suggested this XD
cuttlefishman: subs?
Caffine1138: Save?
lirazel64: Couple of collar holes.
@NullColaShip yeah, hole-filling will be done off-stream because of ToS
adept_nekomancer: @jacqui_lantern234 It turned out really well
thebuzzstreams: @lirazel64 They can't fill holes on stream, it'd be a TOS violation
Rogue_07: Put together this crap (shot)
CodeIndigo: very fun time, my mind is so empty right now
Sorator13: G, what did you do?
thank you SO much for sharing this experience with us all!
Rogue_07: Ian, you're the best!
CrossXhunteR: the can of bubly is hiding
Rogue_07: Nope
Caffine1138: nope
RockPusher: no
spethycakes: Do you hear what I hear?
PharaohBender27: I'm not
Squallloir: thanks for the crapshoot!
amative1: nope
Stormgod519: im not doubled...
Abavus: Nay
chrono2x: nope
Squallloir: no doubles here
Sorator13: We are not!
Ckiva: happy holidays yall
Stormgod519: thank you so much yall!!!
Mollylele: empty your mind and fill your holes
lirazel64: It was fine
jumping_point: thank you!
DoodlestheGreat: ten q 4 strem!
public_key_reveal_party: o/
RockPusher: and now!
JadedCynic: o/
Costar_s: Thank you LRR peoples, thank you chat!
ohjanji: thanks for streaming!
Astramentha: o7
cuttlefishman: still here?
AltaKarl: Thank you!
Sorator13: Thanks for the stream, friends; this was a delight
TheWormbo: @cuttlefishman that was for YT
cuttlefishman: oh, right
Diabore: ooh pauls mic is sultry
ThorSokar: The 10an Annual!
Jillexie: The best Christmas special.
Stormgod519: Imma be at work, so imma miss it
Stormgod519: im so sad
ExachixKitsune: It's the most silent time of the year
Caffine1138: ohh. What's the drinks this year?
SymphonySolstice: the non-angry zen christmas
generalpurpose subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Thanks for subscribing, generalpurpose! (Today's storm count: 57)
Stormgod519: Ayyyy, Congrats!!!
Abavus: Woah
7gorobei: empty your mind, and fill your glass
xantos69: What is time!?!?!?!?
lirazel64: Ian gets to heal his throat.
RealGamerCow: 10th? wow.
fnoggchamp: Holy moly
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: A Cameron & Ian Christmas (A Tradition Unlike Any Other.) at Sat 05:00 PM PST (2:14 from now).
Costar_s: THE TENTH!?
Dog_of_Myth: Congrats!
Strebenherz: empty your miiiiind
DoodlestheGreat: Then we expect a ten-year olf scotch tonight.
LordZarano: !what
Pseudonym_Ken: Wait, tenth? That can't be right, cause that would mean I'm older
Garfy400: 1 ear no scope
jacqui_lantern234: havent you been dating cori for over 10 years? i could just be jumpling time in my head
amative1: probably need to update that command
SnackPak_: ooo
beowuuf: ooooh
CodeIndigo: the book was gonna be wind and truth but it would take up the whole frame
Williams4jesus: !findquote zen
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
cuttlefishman: horses?
amative1: the... finale?
Garfy400: 8?!
beowuuf: yay/sadness
Invitare: nothing happens in episode 7
PharaohBender27: Cori just going full chaos landmine
Invitare: absolutely nothing
jacqui_lantern234: the WHAT ian?!
DiscordianTokkan: It's like going camping in the woods: intense
beowuuf: also so fucking scared for certain characters
fnoggchamp: Penultim8?
ohjanji: pen ate a mint
'popping off' - interesting choice of terms, paul
JadedCynic: big events
Squallloir: i forgot to watch the moratoriums before episode 7 definitely do that
Invitare: Adam talks to a cat and not much else
Anaerin: Oh yes, people have OPINIONS
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 Look, English is hadr
Garfy400: It's over 3000?
TheGreenMonster450: only 2600
TheGreenMonster450: for now
PharaohBender27: @Squallloir Yes. You *definitely* want to watch Jordan's memoriam
JadedCynic: ^^^^^^
Garfy400: Fighting fantasy request
dumbo3k: PoE does exist in a Horrifying universe
DoodlestheGreat: Especially if he has a bad build.
TheGreenMonster450: episode 6's thread was a measly 982
Huzzah for LRR having family and friendship time
Caffine1138: The skill forest is the most horrifying part of PoE
Laurence72: PoE's skill tree intimidates me
Anaerin: PoE has a Skill Galaxy.
DoodlestheGreat: Not doing the previous Boxing Day thing this time.
couchboyj: To the uninitiated, the PoE skill tree might be the most horrifying thing they've ever had on the show
Transmuted_Elf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Transmuted_Elf! (Today's storm count: 58)
beowuuf: adam is currentlt poe'ing if you want a place to jump to
beowuuf: o7
aight, gtg to work chat and everyone; take care
ArdCollider subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months, currently on a 41 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, ArdCollider! (Today's storm count: 59)
kirbywithdasnacks: Loadingreadyrun thanks for making my 2024 a awesome year
commentarywife: Wish I could watch Ian and cam but I should probably go to sleep now
dippedfeathers: have a good day y’all!
RockPusher will be driving through Mordor in the coming days
@rogue_07 ty
50 Bits! Thanks so much for doing this stream! I love to watch the comedy be made!
ButButTheJesus: !song
RockPusher: nice
jacqui_lantern234: nice
Rogue_07: @Mollylele my pleasure, you deserve it!
ButButTheJesus: (anyone know which track this is?)
hi bob!
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
math_nerdette subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months, currently on a 7 month streak!
math_nerdette: Empty your minds!
Thanks for subscribing, math_nerdette! (Today's storm count: 60)
dumbo3k: Thanks for the Crap Shoot!
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks for the Crapshoot everyone!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Thanks for the Crapshoot!
lirazel64: Bye!
looking forward to it! thanks
TheWriterAleph: byeeee
jumping_point: Happy holidays everyone!
Transmuted_Elf: this was super fun thank you for this
jumping_point: thank you for this delightful crapshoot!
RealGamerCow: oh, no Boxing Day stream this year
jumping_point: Yeah folks are busier th
jumping_point: *an the last few years
RealGamerCow: understandable
nyoomgoom: they're planning to fold it into the LRL in some to-be-determined way
Reset scrolling