mitomanox: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: A Cameron & Ian Christmas (A Tradition Unlike Any Other.) at Sat 05:00 PM PST (10m from now).
DoodlestheGreat: Oooo.. New highlights reel went up.
Strebenherz: !badadvice
LRRbot: Hack it with your katana.
sheqesi: Bourbon in hand, ready for some chill streaming times.
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: A Cameron & Ian Christmas (A Tradition Unlike Any Other.) at Sat 05:00 PM PST (0s from now).
BigDaddyBland87: @sheqesi I have to ask...what you got?
fastlane250: !next
fastlane250: aw
Manae: I should get a driin
ButButTheJesus: sijnal!
CaptainSpam: It's a Cam & Ian Christmas's 30th anniversary!
Manae: Dropped my k by accident
PharaohBender27: Have a tumbler of Pendleton Whisky on hand. Admittedly, my esophagus might regret this, but theme
ButButTheJesus: @CaptainSpam you know what? sure
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Hellshake Mnanker
margieargie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
margieargie: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!
Thanks for subscribing, margieargie! (Today's storm count: 61)
teddywhosabear: ah, a grand tradition
Serpens77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Serpens77: Merry Kweznuz
Thanks for subscribing, Serpens77! (Today's storm count: 62)
Procrastronauts: tis the season, friends
MMoritz: i forgot all about this
James_the_Dabbler: oh this is tonight?????
Simriel: Tis the season to be Quiet
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: The most important stream of the year.
Vandroth_: As is tradition
James_the_Dabbler: Silent Night, Holy Night
TheWriterAleph: empty your mind
cptcobalt subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 120 months!
cptcobalt: oh my goodness I’m so glad I get to make it live this year
Thanks for subscribing, cptcobalt! (Today's storm count: 63)
PharaohBender27: @MMoritz I *almost* forgot about it until it came up during the Crapshoot earlier
SymphonySolstice: I have obtained a salted caramel hot chocolate for the occasion
MMoritz: as a relatively newer viewer, how did this stream idea come about?
Nigouki: huh, right, button
mtvcdm: Apparently the Calgary Flames tried this... but cheated and put up a 3-minute loop
F0rest_Fox_: woo, made it, have my whiskey and glass
fastlane250: 10 years and it still doesn't get its own Going Online graphic
For now I've got some Kiwi Strawberry juice stuff from Aldi (non alcoholic) cause I don't wanna alcohol yet, I'mma start wrapping stuff
Oscelot: Hey chat. *passes out snacks*
Nigouki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Nigouki: THIS button
Thanks for subscribing, Nigouki! (Today's storm count: 64)
MrDrLewis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
crazy_coug91: As is tradition
Thanks for subscribing, MrDrLewis! (Today's storm count: 65)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Alright everyone, are you prepared for this?
Gekyouryuu: @PharaohBender27 I forgot about the crapshoot! D:
ButButTheJesus: @Oscelot fank youuuu
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am so sad I was working during the Crapshoot
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot That is fantabulous
ButButTheJesus: I was napping during crapshoot
PharaohBender27: @Gekyouryuu Thankfully there's the VOD, though a small part seems to have gotten muted
TheWriterAleph: @Oscelot yay snacko
VorlonScout: Balvenie Pedro Ximenéz Cask 18, neat, here
Oscelot: o7
pleonasticTautology: g'evening
Steelwolf171 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Steelwolf171! (Today's storm count: 66)
orrie104 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months, currently on a 6 month streak!
orrie104: 55 months! Ad the numbers together and that's 10, just like the 10 years of A Cam and Ian Christmas!
Thanks for subscribing, orrie104! (Today's storm count: 67)
Sorator13: ahoy friends!
cptcobalt: no audio expected now?
TheWriterAleph: i only have seltzer this year because i'm sickies =(
Oscelot: @Sorator13 o/
Driosenth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Driosenth! (Today's storm count: 68)
margieargie: I'm sipping at an old fashioned (with Woodford Reserve for the bourbon) myself
Thefluffiestguineapig: Alright, who will readjust their position first?
Oscelot: Awww. Hope you get better soon @TheWriterAleph
Sorator13: @TheWriterAleph I hope you get better soon!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheWriterAleph I hope you feel better!
Vandroth_: Seven ads? Twitch is tripping now huh
Strebenherz: hope you feel better soon @TheWriterAleph
Oscelot: @Vandroth_ I was just noticing that
Mischievous_Catgeist: Just got my dinner ready for some lrr chat family bonding
azureHaights: "Bonus Stream" so, the beej song but with chimes?
definenull: Watching the crapshoot vod into this is going to be... Interesting
Mr_Whyt: got to get something to drink
sheqesi: Having issues with Twitch chat on my phone. To whoever asked which bourbon I have in hand, it's Angel's Envy.
PharaohBender27: @azureHaights I think we'll just cut straight to stream for this
Anch0r_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Anch0r_! (Today's storm count: 69)
ladyjessica: I was also having twitch phone issues…
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think Amazon feels emboldened to increase the number of ads because Disney+ and other streaming services have started making a premium for no/reduced ads
BigDaddyBland87: @sheqesi Ohhh nice
azureHaights: @pharaohbender27 oh, I'm sure
ShaneLeeAtk: Time to pull down the Larceny
margieargie: Wait, there was a Crapshoot I missed?! Darn it...
ladyjessica: but still yay!
mtvcdm: Whatever happens the rest of the year, there's still Ian, Cameron, a book, and The Expensive Stuff
Mcgwee subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Mcgwee: Just in time for Cam and Ian
Thanks for subscribing, Mcgwee! (Today's storm count: 70)
HbombAndFriends subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
Thanks for subscribing, HbombAndFriends! (Today's storm count: 71)
ritchards subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 135 months!
ritchards: Camming time!
Thanks for subscribing, ritchards! (Today's storm count: 72)
LoadingReadyRun: There was 7 ads because I hit the 3 minute ad button during the countdown. It means it turns prerolls off
Sarah_Serinde: Well LRR intentially runs a block of ads at the start of the stream so future folks don't get prerolls
HbombAndFriends: is there supposed to be sound?
Oscelot: Ahhh @LoadingReadyRun
Sarah_Serinde: And you all don't miss things because they do it during the countdown when nothing is happening
hawktonguebaby: @margieargie There should be more now that the season has started, I think
definenull: Do we have a vst spreadsheet this year?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ah, thanks @LoadingReadyRun
TheWriterAleph: boopadat
Simriel: I still love this intro
Hey @Sarah_Serinde
mtvcdm: baaaaaaaaaaa
HbombAndFriends: There we go!
Oscelot: yee, thanks @LoadingReadyRun
ButButTheJesus: woooo crimmus!
ArdCollider: hell yeah
Serpens77: here come chrimbus
Oscelot: This intro is so pretty
Gizmoloid: ooh, fancy!
fastlane250: Whoa!
mtvcdm: Oooooh
nyoomgoom: oooooooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sarah doing the good work of modding us nonsense chatters for this
Oscelot: Oh woah
PharaohBender27: Ooooh, new backdrop
Sarah_Serinde: Ooh fancy
ButButTheJesus: here we goooooooooo!
TheWriterAleph: hi-hi~!
MMoritz: merry crises
teddywhosabear: oh! a set!!
pn55: Oooh so fancy!
Oscelot: What in the fancy
James_the_Dabbler: Merry Chrysler
VinylMinty: ooooh new location
RockPusher: oooer
definenull: FANCY!
wedge_x: it crimass merr crimass
ButButTheJesus: ITS YA BOYS
Simriel: This is a delightful setting
mtvcdm: Is this a prerecord?
seemsdeece: Is this not the moonbase?
BigDaddyBland87: ohh on location
Riandisa: lovely setting
Snowcookies: ooh up close this year
SymphonySolstice: wow! a real fireplace??
nyoomgoom: this rules what to hekc
Strebenherz: fancy suit, fancy sweater
seemsdeece: New location ooh
Oscelot: This is the friend zone TV isn't it? XD
Sarah_Serinde: Gotta do something nice for the *10th anniversary* after all
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: The protection value this year.
pn55: I love Cam's christmas sweater!
DeM0nFiRe: fancy!
ButButTheJesus: REAL FIRE?!
gualdhar: Is there a way to get a 10 hour with occasional pipe clings version?
Oscelot: @ThorSokar Ehehehehe
scarletknight1410: excellent setup this year
Snowcookies: I don't drink but pour me some too
James_the_Dabbler: oh this is extra fancy
@SymphonySolstice Or footage thereof on a greenscreen
Bionull: The next hour is failing to open this
Thefluffiestguineapig: This year is 10th Cam and Ian Crimmas?? Man I feel old
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Good lord wha? how?
ButButTheJesus: (what is cam sweater from again?)
definenull: 10th?!?
Strebenherz: oh snap that is a real fire isn't it? ian's glasses
NimrodXIV: gotta be fancy on the anniversary
seemsdeece: That's real fire boys
EmpressTila subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
EmpressTila: I am sure there is some complicated psychological reason I enjoy this so much...but I
Thanks for subscribing, EmpressTila! (Today's storm count: 73)
Gekyouryuu: @ButButTheJesus 40k
MMoritz: they actually dont feel like theyre grudgingly enduring my presence this year
CaptainSpam: Yeah, wait, where are they?
TheWriterAleph: cheers, chat
BrokenGolem: not much of a cork pop, but good glug!
Mcgwee: Oh dear
Sarah_Serinde: @Oscelot What even is time, anyway
ButButTheJesus: @Gekyouryuu riiight thank you
seemsdeece: Cheers
ButButTheJesus: cheers!
GhostValv: salud
TheDevil_Risen: Cheers!
adamdaw: Now the holidays are really here!
MMoritz: nazdrovnya
Herbert_Erpaderp: Cheers!
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde A very good question
mtvcdm: Cheers!
Simriel: I have looked out my own Warhammer Christmas Jumper, gonna start wearing it tomorrow
Jobot180: Salude!
I would laugh if this setup was a green screen
crazy_coug91: Does anyone have an eye of what bottle they're drinking
Vandroth_: Merry Christmas everyone!
Oscelot: Oooo pretty glasses. Snifters I think they are?
patfinder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
patfinder: Breathtaking
Thanks for subscribing, patfinder! (Today's storm count: 74)
PharaohBender27: Zum wohl!
Oscelot: I am not down with the lingo XP
BrokenGolem: @Oscelot glen cairns
ButButTheJesus: oh is that what a snifter is?
Simriel: Do we have a spreadsheet?
Oscelot: @BrokenGolem Tyty
CaptainSpam: Is that a bus stop lapel pin on Ian?
Vandroth_: How many years have they done this?
PharaohBender27: @CaptainSpam I believe it is
ThorSokar: this is #10
public_key_reveal_party: @vandroth_ this is the 10th
ThorSokar: Or, X if you so desire
Simriel: this is the 10th aniversary
orrie104: looks like a bus stop pin to me
Oscelot: @CaptainSpam Looks like
jacobc131: They're ever so slightly closer than the last time i watched, which gives me the feeling that I've intruded on their private Christmas, like a Dickensian ghost
dougma: wait... is that twilight?
azninsect: its time!
azninsect: is this the 10th of these?
azninsect: hi friends
dougma: or 50 shades of grey?
Sarah_Serinde: zIt sure is the 10th
Oscelot: @azninsect Somehow
Camthelion: ohai azninsect and dougma !
So peaceful
Strebenherz: Book title is "The M.. something?"
Sarah_Serinde: And no it is neither of those books
rhodgejr: !book
ButButTheJesus: @azninsect huddo
Sarah_Serinde: The Maniac
azninsect: @Oscelot somehow
Oscelot: I see an M on the ront of the book. like The Ma...???
Oscelot: ah
Singenmeister: Well chat, with the festivities now begun, what’s your whiskey/tea/coffee/beverage of the evening?
TheAwkes: Cover says: The Maniac
Camthelion ButButTheJesus
PharaohBender27: @dougma If you are talking about the book, it's "The Ma[can't make out the rest]"
Strebenherz: ginger ale
public_key_reveal_party: I can't help but feel labeling this as "just chatting" is a little misleading
ghizmou: eggnog
Laogeodritt: Hi, Ian, Cam, chat!
rhodgejr: Rooibos
Mcgwee: Orange soda
Oscelot: @Singenmeister second week of migraine, so just water =(
cyclopsboi: the set looks great
Oscelot: lol @public_key_reveal_party
Camthelion: @Laogeodritt ohai
Laogeodritt: public_key_reveal_party: Ian and Cam might not be chatting, but chat c ertainly is!
spicemelonge: anyone know what bottle theyare drinking?
ButButTheJesus: some guava-mango juice from Aldi while I start wrapping
wedge_x: I choose to believe Ian's watching Godzilla Minus One in his mind palace
Laogeodritt offers camthelion a bowl of warm, comforting mushroom jook
orrie104: rocking an Angel’s Envy here (along with Sheqesi)
Simonark: The Just Chatting category tag is excellent by the way
SymphonySolstice: I have a salted caramel hot chocolate
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot OH NO, I also get migraines so I feel your pain. Maybe botox as treatment if you have multi week migraines?
Dog_of_Myth: Sadly missed the start but happy to be here now.
sheqesi: Cheers!
PharaohBender27: @ArdCollider Oh right - I think Cameron talked about this book during the subathon?
Strebenherz: Ian, emptying his mind without sceaming about emptying his mind
patfinder: Ian's unbreaking eye contact is soothingly creepy
Bionull: I'm very skeptical of Booker prize winners after reading Orbital
Laogeodritt offers oscelot and pharaohbender27 each a hug
TheWriterAleph: would this qualify as a mukbang stream?
Simriel: Ian currently looks like he has never had a single thought
Arclight_Dynamo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Arclight_Dynamo! (Today's storm count: 75)
ArdCollider: (my drink is 400mL of mugicha in a lab flask, so, if that counts...)
RockPusher contemplates how much harder it would be to fake convincingly being on location than just actually being on location
TheDevil_Risen: this lined up perfectly with my lunch break at work
mtvcdm: Oh, yeah, I need to get my book too.
VorlonScout: <raises his glass of Balvenie PX Cask 18 to chat… over Ham, who is standing in my lap.>
Sorator13: Ian just needs some vocal rest after the crapshoot earlier, that's all
PharaohBender27 silently s in @Laogeodritt 's direction
teddywhosabear: I should've broken out something fancy for this
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig It's possible, but probably just going to try and get an abortive, one of the newer drugs. Problem is, my doctor network doesn't have a single neurologist that works on migraines right now
ButButTheJesus: @VorlonScout HI HAM
Darleysam: @Simriel well he was just clearing his mind, so it makes sense
mtvcdm: My book: Stickhandling Between The Margins: First Nations Hockey In Canada
Camthelion: @Laogeodritt havent heard of it, but ill try it! (and look it up!)
BrokenGolem: time to fall into a hole trying to ID the label
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: I treated myself to a bottle of Glenfiddich 21 at Heathrow Duty free, $100 cheaper than stateside. Still haven't opened it
Aww I think the fireplace might be too far away for a good crackle
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot That sucks ass, I'm very sorry
Oscelot: @Laogeodritt *hughug*
RedAlexxis: I love that the stream category for this is "Just Chatting"
TheAwkes: Over here we're on my Glynnevan Cabot Triple Barreled Canadian Rye Whisky.
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yeah x.X ty friend
Scy_Anide: My drink certainly looks like whisky, but it's actually gin. Amass mushroom reserve gin. It smells like flowers and tastes like perfume and it is so, so very good.
VorlonScout: my “book” is the chat monitor
PharaohBender27: I probably have one of the more basic whiskeys here - Pendleton. In my defense, I don't drink the hard stuff that often.
spicemelonge: Having a bottle of Founders Dirty B****** myself
Oscelot: @TheAwkes Hot damn that's a lot of words XD
ekimekim: I got a bottle of Green Chartruse for christmas, and I'm treating myself to a small amount of it, neat
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Probably gonna pour some Glenallachie 15
Oscelot: @VorlonScout Same
DoodlestheGreat: Have we been told just what Cam & ian are imbibing this evening?
BigDaddyBland87: Woodford Double Oaked for me
Oscelot: @Scy_Anide Oh that sounds fascinating
Simriel: Hrm... Do I grab a snifter of Rum
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Paul running the stream remotely this time? Or is this in the moonbase itself?
PharaohBender27: !spreadsheet
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Woodford double oaked is my go to Bourbon
sheqesi: @bigdaddybland8 nice!
CantWearHats: *opens shutters* You there chat, what day is this?
KadmosTech: This oddly enough is my ideal Christmas. It's quiet, and there's scotch.
azninsect: shift in seating position 👀
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Simriel Do what feels right for you
VorlonScout: @pharaohbender27 Nothing wrong with basic! I just happened to splurge at the duty free on the way home from Vancouver this week
Mischievous_Catgeist: I am partakpartaking in the mountain Dew of the Baja blast region
chaostreader: I could never do what Ian does in this stream. I can’t imagine sitting for an hour with only my thoughts and a drink.
azninsect: CantWearHats it's A Cameron & Ian Christmas day!
Oscelot: @TheOtherTrevor That link doesn't do much of anything for me>
CantWearHats: Then I haven't missed it!
My local Detroit-style pizza place (not in Michigan) finally got a shipment of Vernors in, so I will toast everyone with the best ginger soda known to humanity
margieargie: Drinking along with an old fashioned, reading along with When The Sea Came Alive
Dip-Nib and Bottle of shimmering grey ink. About as classic fluid as I've got
CaptainSpam: @spethycakes Aw yeah.
Oscelot: @margieargie Oooo. Liquid nightmares?
Juliamon: We are working on getting the command updated.
@ProcyonFlynn Tht sounds gorgeous
BigDaddyBland87: @VorlonScout Absolutely. Only on special occasions do I get to "splurge". Mostly basic stuff for me as well
Laogeodritt: So I am currently brushing up on some stochastic process basics and... I've forgotten how to calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors. D=
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ProcyonFlynn I can't tell if you are talking about ink for art or a drink but either way sounds interesting
BrokenGolem: I think I found the scotch? Ardmore 1998 EID bottled by Elixir Distillers with a 23 yr age statement
margieargie: @Oscelot It's about the Normandy landings so... kind of, in a way
Dog_of_Myth: I am going to open up one of my Taxman Brewing Bourbon Barrel Imperial Bean Counter beers.
Singenmeister: I just want to know if this is green screen or a new location.
@margieargie Ahhh, gotcha. Liquid nightmares, but the more boring, human shaped kind. (teasing)
jubale1: I never watch this much every year, but I’m glad it exists.
@Singenmeister AI-generated background, surely
game_freak123: Ian stop staring at me my friend and I are scared...
Elaro_56 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Elaro_56! (Today's storm count: 76)
PharaohBender27: @BrokenGolem A Google image search does turn up something that looks like that . . .
TheAwkes: LRR's pretty good a green screens, but they're not *this* good at them.
CantWearHats: Ian takes a moment to inspect the glass
Oscelot: @spethycakes Ech, let's not put that in the universe
SFSMaus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
SFSMaus: I look forward to an Ian and Cameron Christmas every year. ❤️
Thanks for subscribing, SFSMaus! (Today's storm count: 77)
BigDaddyBland87: Anyone figure out what they're drinking?
Snowcookies: anyone listening to music during this? I have ffxiv housing music cos I have the game open
CantWearHats: yeah this is a new location for sure, real fire and everything
BrokenGolem: @PharaohBender27 it looks pretty close to me, but i'm open to being wrong
Sarah_Serinde: It's the 10th anniversary, they got fancier than usual
spethycakes: @Oscelot I think LRR are some of the last people I would expect to do this
Laogeodritt: singenmeister: based on the diffraction and diffusion of the background through the bottle, this seems like a real location
PharaohBender27: Also, those are some very fancy drinking glasses. Can't say I've seen that kind before
CantWearHats: 10 years, hot damn
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Looking at the spreadsheet. I had forgotten that last years was right before Loading Ready Live
VinylMinty: yes Ian knows how to drink whiskey!
Singenmeister: @snowcookies Literally just finished watching a Christmas concert of an amazing Irish choir called Anuna.
RedAlexxis: @CantWearHats I was wondering about that, but you might be right, a room with a real fireplace is an upgrade
VinylMinty: Dilute it with water to unlock the lflavors
Riandisa: @Snowcookies I'm listening to the FFXI holday music in FFXIV's Lower Jeuno
DoodlestheGreat: @BrokenGolem I think you've found it, good sir and/or madam.
jubale1: ironic category
Oscelot: @spethycakes Yep. They have way too many artists in this communityto go down that path. (and also are not complete [unintelligible screeching])
Thefluffiestguineapig: @AMillionCatsOnTypewriters Yup, Cam and Ian ended with Cam chugging a soda to do a burp bit into Live
asddsa28: as always i am heaving my best tea along with and this year it is Nong Ti Quan Yin. happy stream all
BigDaddyBland87: *in golf announcer voice* Oh Ian went for the water. Bold choice there
@VinylMinty Wait you're *supposed* to water it down!?
Oscelot: @Singenmeister Oh heck, I misssed their christmas concert?
MMoritz: apropos of nothing, i work in a shop and every time I see The Terror on our shelves i think of Cam.
Laogeodritt: pharaohbender27: they're excellent for scotches and whiskeys. Designed to enhance the nose of the drink.
Elaro_56: Can I ask what Cam is reading?
Simriel: Ian is really winning the sip race this year but Cameron is catching up
Nychthemeron: not sure the vintage but that appears to be ardmore distillery 23 year
BrokenGolem: @DoodlestheGreat cool! my whiskey collecting habit has a use aside from taking up storage space!
Oscelot: @Oscelot Entertainingly Anuna was my very first CD. Had to import it special hehe
Juliamon: command will be available momentarily
Oh butts, almost missed this! Hi friends!
Firewhiskers: Hey I'm late. What'd I miss?
BigDaddyBland87: @PharaohBender27 A splash of water can sometimes bring the flavors out
JRandomHacker: @Elaro_56 The Maniac, Benjamin Labatut
VinylMinty: PharaohBender27 it helps dilute it a little bit so it changes the flavor profile and helps reduces the alcoholic strength
mtvcdm: Looks like BrokenGolem got it on the drink
Laogeodritt: pharaohbender27: For some whiskeys yes, and it can be contentious which ones need a little water and how much.
PharaohBender27: Hold on, about to try a thing.
Oscelot: @PharaohBender27 Uhoh.
stippledotter: I watched a bourbon documentary, and official bourbon tasters often actually water down their drinks in order to bring out the subtle notes that get overpowered by the alcohol content
Singenmeister: @oscelot Well, it was a recording, so feel free to look up”a whisper of paradise” if interested.
Graham_LRR: Just checked, they’re drinking a Ardmore Distillery 23 year Single Malt
Oscelot: @Singenmeister tyty
Oscelot: Thanks Graham
CantWearHats: this stream pairs well with the smooth jazz I was listening to before coming here
orrie104: thanks Graham!
Nychthemeron: @Graham_LRR 97?
TheDevil_Risen: @Graham_LRR nice!
amative1: and G with the confirmation
Oscelot: Also Merry Chrimblemass G
CantWearHats: oooh a very nice whiskey, by the sounds of it
Despoiler98: waiti is this the first time they've been seated like this isnt Cam on the left usually?
BrokenGolem: @stippledotter some are also very particularly about their water. some distilleries now see their water so you are using the one it was made with
amative1: @Nychthemeron We think it's a 98
BigDaddyBland87: Thanks G
Nychthemeron: hell yeah
yes, Merry Christmas all
Firewhiskers: Ooo Ian almost cracked a smile
Happity Chrimbass to all
orrie104: @despoiler98i think they’ve sat in this config before
Firewhiskers: And we have shaken not stirred
Ian smiles with his eyes.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Happy whatever kind of celebration people choose to do
Graham_LRR: @nychthemeron 1998
nosole subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 136 months!
Thanks for subscribing, nosole! (Today's storm count: 78)
Graham_LRR: Also, Cameron is reading The Maniac by Benjamín Labutut
Nychthemeron: danke
Arclight_Dynamo: I quite like the look of those Glencairn glasses. The faceted look is uncommon.
PharaohBender27: Hm. Can't say adding a small amount of water really enhanced things for me, but then again I might just lack the pallette to notice such things
Oscelot: You know chat, this is the one time of the year when we can be really heckin' nice to these bois and they can't do a damn thing about it :3
amative1: !what
TheDevil_Risen: Cam adjusts his glasses
Darleysam: still feels like the Stare-Eyes Contest bits from Big Train
Thanks mods
Firewhiskers: What is the symbol on Cam's sweater?
TheDevil_Risen: fire crackles
Oscelot: Chaos I believe @Firewhiskers
Firewhiskers: @Oscelot Thank you!
stippledotter: @brokengolem oh, for sure. Living in Kentucky vaguely near to one or another distillery or few means I've met folks with ~opinions~
Oscelot: From warhammer, to be more clear @Firewhiskers
ErisOfSpace: that is a good fire
Thefluffiestguineapig: The fact there is an entire chat of people who enjoy this kind of stuff as much as I do and keep data is such a good feeling
Laogeodritt: Oh right, I forgot to open VST chat last time I rebooted. Surely VST's sheeting this Cam & Ian Christmas like usual. =V
sheqesi: If one of these garlands drops it's going to make some noise, right?
definenull: Look, the VST have to do something on their offseasons
to Oscelot & TheFluffiestGuineaPig it is a super generic glass pen, and the ink is named moonstone. Stationery is basically my thing just doing daily journal stuff. [sorry for delayed reply, keyboard out of reach]
Oscelot: @stippledotter *cackles* Yeeeeah
Arclight_Dynamo: I swear, at the end of the twentieth one of these streams, they'll both suddenly shout "The Aristocrats!" and go offline.
BigDaddyBland87: @stippledotter as fellow Kentuckian, I "totally surprised" by that
@ProcyonFlynn No problem Thanks for replying!
ekimekim: definenull: given the number of other jobs i have during the run, this is my one chance all year to do good old VST sheeting work
BrokenGolem: @stippledotter i can only imagine! i'm in boston and - not nearly as whiskey focused - and people are full of opinions
mtvcdm: The next step is always, look up how much the scotch costs, and then crying!
ThorSokar: @Laogeodritt We even have a logo for this sillyness now!
zeusdosjogos: Love you all!! Have a great Christmas!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BigDaddyBland87 As someone from the Midwest who used to do horse stuff in Kentucky also color me shocked -.-
Firewhiskers: Does anyone else have the urge to zip up Ian's tie?
Oscelot: @Firewhiskers Well I *didn't*
Juliamon: It's weird seeing so much lens distortion on the edges.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot Yes, thanks for the reply! That sounds like a super cool thing to be into
sheqesi: @firewhiskers Not until now...
Despoiler98: Yes Cam's sweater is covered in the many variations of the 8 pointed Star of Chaos from Warhammer and Warhammer 40K
Despoiler98: and also skulls......cause warhammer
MadWolf1290: ooooh, fancy fireplace
definenull: Thank you Juliamon, now can't unsee \j
CantWearHats: a position switch from cameron, good strategy for this event
Oscelot: @Juliamon Yeah, a bit. It matches the distortion in the backgrouond though so that's interesting. It thought it was just the friend zone tv behind them before I noticed
Glad we've got all the Kentuckians in here talking about bourbon opinions, the internet being just like my regular life for once
Despoiler98: is the background real or is this greenscreened?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Despoiler98 Cause warhammer or are caused by warhammer? Or both I guess?
Despoiler98: @Thefluffiestguineapig skulls for the skull throne
TheWriterAleph: i forget, is ian watching chat or just meditating?
EscherichiaCole subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
Dog_of_Myth: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yes
definenull: Yes
Thanks for subscribing, EscherichiaCole! (Today's storm count: 79)
Firewhiskers: @Despoiler98 I would hope the moonbase doesn't have a fire going
HarmonisedMelody subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 5 month streak!
HarmonisedMelody: What's the book this year?
Thanks for subscribing, HarmonisedMelody! (Today's storm count: 80)
MadWolf1290: @TheWriterAleph por que no los dos?
Contiguouskittycat: In the Studio straight up drink'n it. And by 'it' well let's just sctch
LathosTiran: !what
CantWearHats: it certainly looks like they're on location
BigDaddyBland87: @margieargie What can we say, a steam where 2 people sit and drink tends to draw us out
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon Yeah, I noticed that pretty upfront, and just assume it's a deliberate "soft focus" aesthetic
CaptainSpam: I thought they never watch chat during C&I, for obvious reasons.
lirazel64: I may pour a wee glass of the Laphroaig myself in a bit.
PharaohBender27: @CaptainSpam It is debated to this day whether they watch chat or not . . .
RockPusher: hehehe, I had wondered if we were going to run into "do we need to stoke the fire" questions
Brozard: What did I miss?
margieargie: @BigDaddyBland87 Just a normal Saturday evening, really
Firewhiskers: @Brozard Just some drinkin'
Brozard: nice
dougma: Drinking Glenrothers 18 here
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: and some page turns
PharaohBender27: Oh right, the fire is getting kind of low
tajessa: Hello friends
Oscelot: @RockPusher Someone just leans in in the morph suit and stokes it behind them while they completely ignore it XD
dheid1: Foolish question: are we in a different location than in previous years?
melegaunt_: A truly masterful sip by Ian.
Nigouki: watch Cam just thrown the book into the fireplace and pull out another one
TheWriterAleph: cam grabs a log and no-scopes it into the fireplace over his shoulder
LadyAiluros subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LadyAiluros! (Today's storm count: 81)
Firewhiskers: @dheid1 We'll never know
MadWolf1290: @dheid1 beleived to be, but unconfirmed
TheWriterAleph: @Nigouki lol
Snowcookies: this is definitely not a green screen that's for sure
Oscelot though I wouldn't trust being in the morph suit that close to an open fire
Brozard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
Brozard: I did this
Thanks for subscribing, Brozard! (Today's storm count: 82)
dougma: yes, given the refraction of the fire through the bottle, that is at a real fireplace
But then again, this is the solstice, so perhaps the gradual dimming of the fire is meant to represent the shortness of this day?
asddsa28: it looks nice
Araragi298: how on earth is Ian able to just look at the camera for this long
Juliamon: Araragi298 Years of training
Oscelot: Actually yeah, I DO think it's the friend zone TV, because I see the reflection of blinds at the endges
TheWriterAleph: @Araragi298 consummate professional
IS this on a loop?
Brozard: @araragi298 He’s a professional
Firewhiskers: @Araragi298 He's playing Yakuza games in his head
BigDaddyBland87: he's a master at clearing his mind
PharaohBender27: @Araragi298 A decade of practice
Nigouki: @Snowcookies Good ol' rear projection :V
CantWearHats: Ian has mastered the art of staring directly into camera after 10 years of doing this
Firewhiskers: @yargle Nope!
Verrain2: He is an angry zen master.
tajessa: @pharaohbender27 oh lord has it been that long?
Oscelot: *snerk*
yargle: or he's watching another stream
melegaunt_: @araragi298 you just need to ~~empty your mind~~
Brozard: Maybe someone hijacked Ian’s feed and looped it, like in Speed
lirazel64: I hope Ian's tonsils are responding to treatment. His throat had a workout today.
Oscelot: Ian examining the fire, clearly not a loop
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Firewhiskers This is the sheer force of Cam and Ian's wills
Oscelot: @lirazel64 Busy crapshoot?
Singenmeister: @verrain2 WHY ISN’T YOUR MIND EMPTY
Araragi298: @melegaunt_ but theres STUFF in my MIND
Simriel: I wonder if Ian had any of Jacobs Goo available to help him
margieargie: They have NOT demonstrated a loop and we are not required to concede
azninsect: your mind, full of STUFF
BrokenGolem: well, i clearly am amateurish in savoring a dram. time for a refill!
TheAwkes: A one hour loop that will play once.
PharaohBender27: @tajessa This is the 10th Cam and Ian Christmas
Simriel: Jacobs Goo is amazing for any throat problems
RandomTrivia: "Now I have your mind-shit all over my floor!"
Despoiler98: why do you have so many THINGS in your MIND
BrokenGolem sounds like you're doing it right to me
aerohydra: @Simriel phrasing
Oscelot: @Simriel Pei Pa Koa. Jacob prefers that it be called by the real name to avoid ah... bogarting a cultural medicine.
hawktonguebaby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months, currently on a 95 month streak!
hawktonguebaby: 🥃🎄❤️
Thanks for subscribing, hawktonguebaby! (Today's storm count: 83)
Criticvs_Failivs subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Criticvs_Failivs! (Today's storm count: 84)
Oscelot: @Oscelot (Hopefully that wording was understandable. head is getting worse)
PharaohBender27: @Simriel FYI, the name is "Nin jiom pei pa koa" and Jacob really doesn't like people calling it "Jacob's goo," from what I've heard
Doc_Layzah: Who's on log duty?
Singenmeister: One of these days I really need to swap this for the Yule log channel at my family gathering and see how they react.
Despoiler98: I know this is a Cam/Ian thing but I feel like Jacob would enjoy doing this one year
Dog_of_Myth: oooo creaky chair
tajessa: @pharaohbender27 well that's horrifying, lucky I have this soothing stream to calm me from this knowledge
xantos69: Good chair sound.
CantWearHats: ooh listen to that chair creak
Simriel: @Oscelot That's entirely valid, if a lot less funny a phrasing
CantWearHats: at least I hope that was the chair
Oscelot: @Simriel Yeah hehe
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Despoiler98 I think his ADHD might be too strong for the entire hour
BigDaddyBland87: that chair was going ASMR there
Despoiler98: are these chairs new?
Marvoleath: Love that this is under "just chatting"
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Jacob would be an interesting choice for a stream like this.
RockPusher: CantWearHats look, the chair is getting on a bit, like me, and so creaks a bit, like me.
hawktonguebaby: @marvoleath 😄
Mai_Andra: I'm just waiting for Alex to crash like 'Crazy Harry' from the Muppet Show.
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oh ADHD can be perfectly fine for this. Zoning out is something we're GREAT at
Despoiler98: ooooh Cam with the no look grab
Firewhiskers: A fantastic sip by Cam
PharaohBender27: @Marvoleath Look, sometimes you can't find an accurate category for your stream but are obligated to choose one
tajessa: @despoiler98 very advanced tactics
Simriel: Hrm, I am curious what Camerons thought on this whisky are
Despoiler98: @tajessa hes been practicing in the off season
CantWearHats: these are seasoned pros at work, folks
orrie104: These chairs appear to be new to stream… lending credence to the possibility of a location shoot of some kind
Firewhiskers: Am I correct that Cam is wearing a watch on his right wrist but Ian is wearing a watch on his left?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Just Chatting if the correct one, even though they aren't chatting
Oscelot: *silently cheers on her favorite team*
TheWriterAleph: @Mai_Andra one of these years...
stippledotter: With every chair squeak, I fear the chair will break, due to recent comedic timing at my dnd table
amative1: @AMillionCatsOnTypewriters we're doing the chatting, I guess
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to CantWearHats! They have given 1606 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, CantWearHats! (Today's storm count: 85)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot As someone with ADHD as part of my neurospicy scovil makeup I get that. I can't zone out when I feel like I'm being observed/performing but I'm also high anxiety
Oscelot: @stippledotter oh noooo
PharaohBender27: @Firewhiskers Well, Cameron is left-handed, and I believe Ian is right-handed, so this makes sense
Singenmeister: Now Ian is smiling about how his Tau will wipe everybody out next AF40K.
Brozard: @stippledotter do tell
bramble_st: This vibe is so soothing.
CantWearHats: @Dog_of_Myth eyyy Thanks for the gift sub!
Firewhiskers: @PharaohBender27 Excellent, just wanted to confirm
Laogeodritt: orrie104: There's been a few chat observations that lead credence to the hypothesis that this is the friend zone.
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig Fair enough. I think it might be different for someone who's used to be performing,but we're all different
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2814 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to mind53421!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to princessashakaww!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to tusaycamper!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to ek_watts!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to kitkethefluff!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot True
Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to mind53421, princessashakaww, tusaycamper, ek_watts, and kitkethefluff! (Today's storm count: 90)
PharaohBender27: Because you want your watch on your less-dominant hand, so you can still look at it while writing or whatnot
Thefluffiestguineapig: DeM0nFiRe with maximum generosity as always
Brozard: Is it just me, or is there some weird lensing aberration in the corners that aren’t on these boys?
Firewhiskers: Background noise?
azninsect: i would love if they hired an airbnb or something just for this. but id equally be as amused if this was greenscreen in studio
TheDevil_Risen: leg swap hype!
CantWearHats: Ian checking on the fire, an important task
Oscelot: @PharaohBender27 Yep, looks like
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 I do watch on dominant hand but that's because I use it to time while I auscultate animals
Juliamon: Brozard The distortion is absolutely on them too
BrokenGolem: i've settled on Hibiki 12 for my 2nd dram. What's everyone else enjoying?
PharaohBender27: @Firewhiskers I believe those have been determined to be chair noises
@laogeodritt it definitely could be but then why ring in new chairs?
Firewhiskers: @PharaohBender27 The chairs are rambunctious tonight
orrie104: *bring
@juliamon tbf I’m on my phone, a little hard to tell
lirazel64: This reminds me of the fireplaces I've seen at country clubs built in the 60s-70s.
Oscelot: @Brozard There's a bit of abberation on them too, but my theory is that it's more extreme on the backgrund either because it's further away, or because it' spart of the original video
tajessa: @BrokenGolem I'm enjoying a cold brew coffee as it is summer here
stippledotter: @brozard DM (who is also my husband): okay, everyone roll for initiative. Player: "remember, we have a surprise round!" DM: *sits down dramatically in chair.* DM: *keeps going*
nyoomgoom: @Oscelot can confirm my inattentive-type adhd means that if i must sit and do nothing, i certainly can do so. physically, i sit and stare. mentally, for better or worse i am Everywhere Else lol
And I more and more realize the value that a stream doesn't just parrot chat's messages or pick up chat's key presses, because man would that ruin the vibe
Thefluffiestguineapig: The success of this Cam and Ian christmas is definitely if the chairs are the most rambunctious things on screen
Brozard: @stippledotter lol oh noooo, hopefully they were fine
Phrawger: thank goodness it's that time of year again
BrokenGolem: @tajessa nice!
Oscelot: @nyoomgoom Saaaaame. I'm off on an adventure. XD
NvN396: I like this
Ned_Flandalorian: my tv keeps auto-dimming due to lack of on-screen movement
InconsiderateHat: @nyoomgoom *fist bump*
Oscelot: @InconsiderateHat *fist bump*
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 Failure of smart TV
Despoiler98: I love that the symbol on Cam's left arm is the World Eaters variation of the chao star
Alahmnat: smart TV is anything but
tajessa: is Ian wearing the bus stop pin on his lapel?
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig You mean ""smart"" TV
TheAwkes: Aaaaand, cue stream alert email!
LathosTiran: @tajessa yep
BrokenGolem: Happy Solstice everyone! Couldn't dream of a better way to spend part of it
InconsiderateHat: @tajessa Oh yup!
stippledotter: @brozard they were! ...especially when the other rickety chair also failed the next week when he put his backpack down on it 😂
BigDaddyBland87: Ian knows his brand
asddsa28: my head set turns off some time cos it thinks there is not enough sound i dont like that ether
head_cannon: First round of snow-shoveling this morning, followed by a 9-hour shift. I needed this solace after all that malarkey. This tradition is great.
Oscelot: I can see the bezel of the TV over Cam's shoulder XD
PharaohBender27: @head_cannon Dang. Hope you're not too sore.
nyoomgoom: @Oscelot hell yeha fist bumps all around. adhd squad
Oscelot: (This isn't a problem of course, just feeling clever lol)
Oscelot: @nyoomgoom \o/
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 Yes, I apologize I forgot to add the appropriate amount of textual sarcasm/remote sass. But you are correct (not trying to be rude, I just realized that could seem like I'm being petulant)
BigDaddyBland87: I've mentioned this in the past, but I love coming back to these throughout the year. Great way to de-escalate
DoodlestheGreat: Is that the same green screen they were using this afternoon for the Crapshoot?
TheAwkes: @Oscelot You mean the c-stand as part of their professional grip and lighting package?
I helped my 'rents decorate the tree today
TheDailyMapleSyrup: Now it is Christmas
EmoMcHipster: A normal evening at the Chantry
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oh that's a mood x.X
Simonark: Sure, the performances are incredible but it’s the writing that brings me back year after year
Oscelot: @TheAwkes Suuuuure
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oh no, I didn't get that impression at all. I was just adding to the snark.
ButButTheJesus: some real world-building here
Oscelot: @Despoiler98 Nice! I still need to get mine out
@PharaohBender27 Might be in the morning. For now I am warm & dry and imbibing a dram of Bowmore and all is well.
DoodlestheGreat: @Simonark I came for the pretzels.
Oscelot: @head_cannon Oofadoofa. Want a sports doc trick to avoid soreness?
PharaohBender27: @Despoiler98 Nice!
in all seriousness, this is an annual highlight for me, my personal adhd gremlins make it hard for me to slow down and this is so nice
Oscelot: @tajessa Same
TheAwkes: You don't get lighting like this accidentally after 4:00 in this region in December.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot Oh yeah, the number of times I have to explain that my affect is deadened due to autism plus my extremely dry humor because people think I'm just a monster is more than I'm comfortable with
Simonark: @doodlesthegreat The twists are the best in the business
definenull: how has it already been 30 minutes?!?!?
Oscelot: @Oscelot I always feel almost like I've meditated
Singenmeister: @simonark How will they follow up last year’s garland failure!? The anticipation is palpable!
Lord_Hosk: Its my favorite time of year
amative1: @definenull Time moves ever forward... unless the police.
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yeah >.<
CantWearHats: this is definitely the closest I can get to meditation
tajessa: @Oscelot yes! and I hate meditating and find it difficult, this is great
L0rdX33n: I just tuned in, has it been this refined and dignified for the last 30 minutes?
CantWearHats: sure has
JadedCynic: *relaxes without comment*
Oscelot: @L0rdX33n Pretty much yeah
L0rdX33n: exxxxxxcelent
PharaohBender27: @L0rdX33n On screen, yes.
Xavorin: Oh, thank goodness Ian and Cam are here. It's not Christmas time until they join us.
Despoiler98: *stares*
tajessa: oooh nice fire sparks
Oscelot: @JadedCynic *passes over a mug of mexican hot chocolate and a cookie*
CaptainSpam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CaptainSpam! (Today's storm count: 91)
L0rdX33n: … I have cognac.
stippledotter: It's body doubling, except for taking time to intentionally not complete Tasks
L0rdX33n: Brb
mtvcdm: GASP
PharaohBender27: Oooh
RockPusher: YAS!!!!
BigDaddyBland87: we have movement
CantWearHats: AHA
nyoomgoom: it went like ✨ ✨ 🔥 ✨
TheWriterAleph: *holds breath*
there you go chat
CantWearHats: I KNEW IT
TheDevil_Risen: new Log!
BigDaddyBland87: we have log
definenull: MOVEMENT
CaptainSpam: ACTION!
azninsect: OMG
Oscelot: WAIT WHAT
margieargie: Movement?!
mtvcdm: This changes EVERYTHING
tajessa: I KNEW IT
amative1: wait, something's happening!?
TheWriterAleph: yeahhhhh!!!
ThePixelSavage: were did we find an actual factual fire place? O:
azninsect: GASP
Cunobelenos: log!
melegaunt_: Another treebone on the fire
Oscelot: *GASP*
azninsect: this is a game changer
TheDailyMapleSyrup: it’s log
SymphonySolstice: unprecedented events here today
NimrodXIV: A stream first!
margieargie: THis is... how could this happen!
GhostValv: nice on
RockPusher: That's what I was waiting to see
Oscelot: Okay I have been PLAYED
arcaneIllumination: actual fire!
nyoomgoom: ✨ ✨
Jillexie: Proof!
orrie104: Aha!
RockPusher: the power-play
RandomTrivia: Let's GOOOOO
azninsect: WOW
Thefluffiestguineapig: Real fire has added log??????
Oscelot: Well DONE
Serpens77: treebones for the treebone god!
LathosTiran: a new mark in the speadsheet
Oscelot: *claps*
Snowcookies: neat
definenull: a C&I first! This will go over very well with the judges!
L0rdX33n: … I should light the fireplace
Arclight_Dynamo: A strong pour.
BigDaddyBland87: *golf clap*
PharaohBender27: He . . . just placed the log with *his hands* into the fire
head_cannon: Real fire?? Damn, what a treat.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this a paradigm shift for C&I Christmas
xantos69: Hua... and I figured that was a green screen.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I was wondering if they were going to wait until the end of the stream to confirm it.
lamina5432: was the off focus a false lead
sheqesi: Log! It's big it's heavy it's wood!
azninsect: this will go down in history. what a MOVE
ButButTheJesus: I was away, was fire just proven?
margieargie: They are really shaking things up this year
Chat, we have achieved interaction
BrokenGolem: happy 10th!
TheAwkes: A more generous pour for the second glass. Let's see if this pays off for him.
mtvcdm: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Tree_san: This is the best Christmas tradition
Simonark: Thjs is where that 120 Million dollar budget goes and it’s worth every penny, it’s all up on screen
PharaohBender27: I mean, bravo proving it wasn't a greenscreen, but . . .
tajessa: good swirling action from Cam
bramble_st: Have we confirmed any padding on the chairs?
ButButTheJesus: now THAT'S a bold move Cotton
Chat was so confident it was fake I was starting to think maybe you were right
CantWearHats: never in all my years of covering this sport have we seen a move like that, this is history unfolding foilks
RockPusher: PharaohBender27 remember when you are holding the log toward the fire you have a whole log of insulation
Arclight_Dynamo: Smash cut to "Anyway, it's live... so something's going to happen."
BigDaddyBland87: fire confirmed real
Oscelot: Now I really am wondering what the "bezel" is lol
CantWearHats: probably a lighting stand
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Arclight_Dynamo So shortcutting last year's bit?
Lord_Hosk: They hired a mason to come in and build this fireplace in the moonbase. She comes tomorrow to tear it out.
@Arclight_Dynamo That was last year
I can't believe they'd ruin this stream by moving like that!
L0rdX33n: Have we seen what Cam is reading?
lirazel64: @oscelot tinsel, maybe?
Sarah_Serinde: !what
then it turns out only the fire is real and its a cutout of the larger green screen in the back
Arclight_Dynamo I think the tarp budget would need to be bigger for the location suppliers to allow a LRL in there
Arclight_Dynamo: @Thefluffiestguineapig @Oscelot Dinger, was it?
L0rdX33n: Thank you
Oscelot: @lirazel64 It looks like a solid thing of wood
TheAwkes: @Oscelot Like I said, it's a c-stand. They use them regularly in production.
tajessa: @Oscelot I think it might be the top of some sort of fire iron holder/implement
Sarah_Serinde: Arclight_Dynamo It was!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Arclight_Dynamo Last year C&I Christmas ended with Cam chugging a soda to do a belching bit directly into Live
it was a good bit
asddsa28: plain why noe you could not wait could you
Oscelot: @TheAwkes Huh. Could be right yeah. It just looks flat to me
Laogeodritt: l0rdx33n: _The MANIAC_, Benjamín Labatut, 2023
Oscelot: @iris_of_ether Thank you XD
TheAwkes: @Oscelot Wait... wood? The edge of the fireplace? That's the edge of the fireplace.
Squallloir: omg that bit was genius
L0rdX33n: @laogeodritt Thank you
Simriel: The straight into Live bit last year was Amazing
nyoomgoom: idk how anyone could think it was a greenscreen, it's been casting light in ways a greenscreen simply couldn't. there is an Inimitable Presence of Warmth
Oscelot: @TheAwkes No, it's right over the edge of cameron's shoulder, almost to the edge of the video
Simriel: Ian's outfit is superb this year I must say
Despoiler98: whaaaaaat it s a real fire!? Where ARE THEY?
BigDaddyBland87: I completely forgot about them going straight to Live last year
Oscelot: I'm gonna guess this is Graham's parent's house
Simriel: @Despoiler98 At the Fire
Oscelot: I have no reason to guess there but that's my guess XD
RockPusher: I hope Graham takes some B-roll of the firelight flickering through the bottle and glasses
TheDevil_Risen: I do love the earthy tones in both Cam's and Ian's attire
orrie104: @nyoomgoom Speculation was a TV screen behind them, much like recent Dice Friends
iris_of_ether: I think places in Victoria can be rented, like this
L0rdX33n: That is some really nice stone work
Oscelot: @iris_of_ether Yep
CantWearHats: this year's Cameron and Ian christmas comes to you live from an undisclosed location in British Columbia, Canada
RockPusher: Oscelot nooo, the kayfabe!
Lord_Hosk: Does anyone see that bit of fuz floating around Ian's ear?
nyoomgoom: @orrie104 still, casting light in ways the tv couldn't, either, i feel
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Despoiler98!
Thanks for subscribing, Despoiler98! (Today's storm count: 92)
Juliamon: We KNOW they can be rented, they did it for 5 PS5s
Oscelot: @RockPusher lol
tajessa: I continue to adore LRR and the community. We have 441 people here watching two men drink whiskey in silence.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @iris_of_ether 5 PS5's was in a rented space,
Arclight_Dynamo: I genuinely love the fireplace itself. The stonework is very nice.
Dog_of_Myth: @iris_of_ether So that's where the tarp budget went!
head_cannon: My favorite part of last year was suddenly switching to a cheap light beer, just to swing to the exact *opposite* of a fancy scotch.
LiveFaust: Is this where they filmed "Five PS5s"?
TheWooglie: @tajessa and a fire
Oscelot: @head_cannon Yeah, that was really funny
tajessa: @TheWooglie and a book
Too_Many_Knives: !what
Simriel: Hrm, I wonder if Ian has ever experimented with Suspenders, I suspect he would suit them
PharaohBender27: @Oscelot "Hey, Mum and Dad, could you let us film in your house for a bit this evening?" "*sigh* Yes, Graham, of course."
@PharaohBender27 It wouldn't be the first time
BigDaddyBland87: in all seriousness, I want to have a fireplace like that when I retire
RockPusher: (the fireplace has featured in other LRR christmas content)
L0rdX33n: Ian, impeccable. Cameron, imperial. Chat, incorrigible
Brozard: How dare you
Simonark: Mark Waid’s Irreedeemable
Oscelot: @RockPusher Oh yeah, this is the fireplace from the Apple christmas music video, isn't it?
Singenmeister: @pharaohbender27 This isn’t remotely the weirdest thing Graham’s parents have helped with.
orrie104: @l0rdx33n Lol
VST is on the case even here? VST
TheWooglie: @L0rdX33n take that back. I'm very corrigible
RubikDarkwill: And they probably rented somewhere for The Quantum Documentary remake
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tajessa Taking notes and keeping data no less
Oscelot: @TheWooglie I'm just corrugated
Simriel: Yeah, I Corage all he time!
Laogeodritt: tajessa: sheeters gotta sheet, even in the off-season. =V
ThorSokar: @tajessa This is our "funny idea that got out of control"
MalFnord: @L0rdX33n Cameron's covered in Chaos stars, so that means he's heretical
CantWearHats: gotta keep those spreadsheet muscles in good shape
Oscelot: @Laogeodritt It's how we get them enrichment in their environment
RubikDarkwill: @Laogeodritt Gotta keep the skills sharp
OK, switching to wine because I need to try to stay up for several more hours
TheDevil_Risen: yeah im spreadsheeting at work.
definenull: good creak
Despoiler98: @MalFnord death to the false emperor
tajessa: @Thefluffiestguineapig @Laogeodritt @ThorSokar VST sees all, VST knows all
dippedfeathers: Thank you gents for accompanying me while I bake.
Singenmeister: Good wood-y sound
Despoiler98: shrug
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Chatty fire
Oscelot: @dippedfeathers Oooooo baking
Simonark: wait, this is over 40 minutes in, is this the season finale?
ghyllnox: Ohh yes the creak
jibkat: @Laogeodritt pspsps
Oscelot: y'all are making me want to get my wn fireplace going
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot Whacha baking?
definenull: 15 minutes remain! anything could happen!
Laogeodritt: jibkat: how dær (but festive)
hawktonguebaby: This is like Judge's Tower for the VST. Keeps them sharp.
Singenmeister: @simonark of the year, yeah. I’d let, no.
Oscelot: @jibkat I heard the universal cat summon. yes?
ghyllnox: Do we know if they have a chat monitor set up there?
asddsa28: thats the sounds of the metal grate cooling and heating
goatprince: this is good for the headache i'm nursing right now, thanks ian and cameron
BigDaddyBland87: @ghyllnox never been confirmed
Brozard: @singenmeister Don’t forget the Canadian Secret Christmas stream
ghyllnox: @BigDaddyBland87 Thanks
Laogeodritt: ghyllnox: They (do|do not) in quantum superposition.
Oscelot: Awwww sorry to hear it's hit you too @goatprince . *shares the imitrex and ibuprophen*
TheDevil_Risen: it does make for some good spreadsheeting on my Work PC
NickDeezl: Oh what's the dram this year?
definenull: hope it clears soon matt!
tajessa: !what
PharaohBender27: @definenull Remember when the garland fell?
Underachiever28: just tuned in. what am I watching?
tajessa: @PharaohBender27 Shaka, when the garland fell
margieargie: @PharaohBender27 Where was Gondor...
Singenmeister: @brozard Crap, I lost my honorary Canuck membership card.
@tajessa Beat me to it.
Dog_of_Myth: @tajessa I was just about to say that
Oscelot: @tajessa Cameron, his arms clasped in reading
Sarah_Serinde: Underachiever28 This is it, this is what you're watching
Simonark: What age is the Ardmore? When it was bottled
Brozard: @sarah_serinde Adorable!
RockPusher: Sarah_Serinde Kitties!
Laogeodritt: simonark: 23 years, 1998
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Eeeeeeeee
splott2k: it leaks through it, doesn’t it? Ian's smile. I swear I can see shadows of it...
Simriel: @Sarah_Serinde So floofy
@Arclight_Dynamo @Dog_of_Myth I love our hivemind
TheDevil_Risen: @Sarah_Serinde awww big floof and not so big floof
Serpens77: @Oscelot Ian, his gaze serene
tajessa: @Oscelot I love this
they *are* adorable, especially since they're not currently begging for food or otherwise causing trouble
Thefluffiestguineapig: Kitties!!!!!!!!!!!
RockPusher: Sarah_Serinde so innocent, what slanderous lies about them being troublemakers!
kireawolf: What is Camerom reading?
Serpens77: @kireawolf A book. You're welcome
trouble kitties!
Arclight_Dynamo: !what
orrie104: such pretty kitties!
L0rdX33n: !what
Laogeodritt: kireawolf: _The MANIAC_, Benjamín Labatut, 2023
NickDeezl: Looks like a 23 year
L0rdX33n: WEhoops, sorry
RockPusher I've known them since they were babies, I'm allowed
Laogeodritt: ah, forgot about lrrbot XD
I was going to say, lao
jibkat: those are some great cats Sarah_Serinde
Sarah_Serinde: Save you some effort
kireawolf: @Serpens77 Oh really I thought it might have been a sandwich
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sarah_Serinde Are they Siamese mixes of some kind?
Sarah_Serinde: I don't think they're even mixes, just Siamese
Laogeodritt: Could we correct Labatut's given name in LRRbot?
Serpens77: @kireawolf a word taco
Oscelot: @splott2k He's very good at smiling without moving. Which I swear sounds like a Zen Koan
PharaohBender27: @Underachiever28 This is an annual tradition around this time - Ian and Cameron just sit silently while drinking whisky/reading. And while chat is active, I do feel the appeal is that it's harkening to the idea of just quietly, comfortably, existing.
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Auntie priveleges
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot Ian has been honed by years and years of doing improv with Beej
PharaohBender27: No need to do small talk or discuss anything, just . . . exist.
Simriel: The appeal is quiet, peaceful community
hawktonguebaby: Wow, I just looked it up and…that is a serious bottle.
lirazel64: I have my Laphroaig, all is well.
Oscelot: @PharaohBender27 Exactly
loufghyslaufey: Dang it...
Simriel: At least to me
Lord_Hosk: I don't see that piece of fuzz anymore, it looked like it landed on Ians ear
tajessa: @Simriel 100%
Simriel: @hawktonguebaby Pricy?
cidalfos: Drinking the 'ardcoat. Very nice.
Despoiler98: remember the year James just walked in to get some of the scotch?
loufghyslaufey: It's been the nigh hour...
a lovely season to you all
Oscelot: @Lord_Hosk Piece of fuzz? toy? toy!
BigDaddyBland87: @Despoiler98 Truly memorable
Brozard: Anyone else wrapping presents to this? I just finished my sister-in-law’s Golden Girls ornaments
PharaohBender27: @Despoiler98 ... I do not. Which year was that, if you know?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot Plus being able to enjoy a thing as a community with no judgement
Oscelot: @BigDaddyBland87 A true upset that one
Despoiler98: oh shoot I dont remember
lirazel64: We have actual snow on the actual ground.
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig Bus yeah
Despoiler98: any remember what year that was?
amative1: 2017
kireawolf: @Serpens77 So is a book club now just a taco club?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Was the James coming to get whiskey more or less of an upset than adding a log?
Despoiler98: @amative1 nice
Serpens77: @kireawolf always has been
@Brozard Not me, because I am notoriously terrible at wrapping
Well, maybe if? LRR wanted? To rerun all of their Cameron & Ian Crimmus Streams of all time? Again?
margieargie: @Thefluffiestguineapig More than the log, less than Garlandfall
Oscelot: @hawktonguebaby *wheeze* dear gods. I'm always kind of glad I don't/can't drink when I see the prices
loufghyslaufey: I'd tune in for that
Simriel: I mean that's not your average bottle
CantWearHats: rather than a lot of presens, I'm making a cake this year so it would be a little weird to wrap it first
BigDaddyBland87: @PharaohBender27 Same. When wrapping presents this year, I was in charge of tape
Sarah_Serinde: You can always rewatch past Cameron and Ian Christmas streams from the playlist
Sarah_Serinde: !what
amative1: I did a full audit of every year's show earlier this year for the VST, so I watched ALL of them. James was called out on one year, 2017 (year #3)
lirazel64: Cam is turning a high number of pages this year.
Dog_of_Myth: Now the beer is starting to hit
eshplode: @Brozard I should be wrapping, but I've decided to just join them sitting in silence
NickDeezl: Yeah, they usually bust out some pretty special bottles for this
Dog_of_Myth: 10% is no joke
kireawolf: @Serpens77 That also means that there is exists holy tacos
Dog_of_Myth: But man is it tasty
Lord_Hosk: @lirazel64 He's a maniac Maniac on the chair... and he's reading like he's never read before
Despoiler98: I'm flying an ME 262 against some bomber bots in war thunder
PharaohBender27: @Dog_of_Myth That is approaching wine levels
Sarah_Serinde: Chat I would like to report that the floofy cat is purring up a storm
BigDaddyBland87: @kireawolf Aren't all tacos holy?
MerrimanLyon: I'm really appreciating Cam's sweater and the color coordination going on between Cam and Ian
stippledotter: Can't wait to see the VST's page turn graph
Myrniss: smirkCount++
Despoiler98: @Sarah_Serinde excellent, thank you for the vital kitty information
Brozard: @pharaohbender27 I believe in you. @eshplode very reverent!
@Sarah_Serinde kittyyyyyyy
RockPusher: Sarah_Serinde ohhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeah
Dog_of_Myth: @PharaohBender27 True but I like good tasting beers.
Oscelot: Hey chat, if you want any really gentle non standard christmas music for after this, look up John Dowland. He's a lute composer from... uh... the 15-1600s
Singenmeister: @dog_of_myth Get yourself some 15% barrel-aged stout and sleep the day away
tajessa: I always think I should get a book out and read along with Cam... but then I would miss out on chat, and sip counter
mtvcdm: The book I'm into... it's a university press and the author never got out of the mindset of needing to write like it's his dissertation, so this is a slog and a half
Thefluffiestguineapig: Floof cat purrs are best
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Excellent report. Please continue to administer pets and inform us if the situation changes
oscelot: Dowland is excellent Haven't studied any of his Christmas music but I've worked on... two pieces of his arranged for classical guitar, I think?
kireawolf: @BigDaddyBland87 I am learning so much from chat today
calculated_uncertainties: Sting did a whole album of John dowland music
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: The fake out.
PharaohBender27: @Dog_of_Myth Oh, that wasn't a judgment, just an observation
Despoiler98: oh nooooooooo
definenull: !!!
ErisOfSpace: drama!
Juliamon: !
margieargie: Oh dear
RandomTrivia: Steady!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or if the floof does not desire pets and simply wants to proximity sit that is also great
Despoiler98: steady on
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh
loufghyslaufey: Blessed.
Myrniss: HOLD
BigDaddyBland87: noises!
xantos69: Oh No! is Cam ok?
CaptainSpam: A COUGH!
Sorator13: oh dear
Lord_Hosk: Goodness
tajessa: oh dear I hope Cam is okay
Oscelot: Oh my, the whiskey attempted an assasination
definenull: SAVED?
azninsect: cough!
GhostValv: nice recovery
Snowcookies: relateable
thomassome: !
stippledotter: @oscelot and if you want non-standard, there's always the Ozzy Osborne/Jessica Simpson duet
RockPusher: Cameron with the regular experiment to determine if various liquids are good for aspiration
Dog_of_Myth: Cam powering through
definenull: excellent recovery!
CantWearHats: Nice recovery from Cameron
CantWearHats: that was a close one
Oscelot: @stippledotter Huh. I'll toss it in my list to look up, ty
JRandomHacker: See y'all next year!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Cameron giving up on the book
Snowcookies: closing time?
ghyllnox: Coughing is allowed, surely
Oscelot: Yeah like legit nice recovery, I usually spend the next five minutes coughing lol
BrokenGolem: and now for the staring contest
Oscelot: Awwww it's time already?
F0rest_Fox_: Has the brand of whiskey been disclosed?
Oscelot: Thanks you two
definenull: the reading has ceased! 5 minute warning!
ghyllnox: !what
Dog_of_Myth: !what
Oscelot: and whoever's house this is
stippledotter: @oscelot I meant extremely non-standard, ope. It's certainly...different
Thefluffiestguineapig: Man that hour goes so quick
Oscelot: and everyone who's running tech, and the mods
opalkatzen22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
Xavorin: My brain is so Babish-pilled this year that I arrived and was 2% sad to see that the drink of choice for this year wasn't Gatorwine.
RockPusher: The human body has these weird glitches we have yet to iron out
Thanks for subscribing, opalkatzen22! (Today's storm count: 93)
LiminalGoose: I got home so late but glad to catch part of this Christmas tradition.
Oscelot: @Xavorin *cackles*
ghyllnox: Thanks for the vibes! o/
Lord_Hosk: Oh my... Now the fuzz is floating towards cameron's nose now that he has no book to protect him
rhodgejr: Thank you for sharing this time with us. 🖖
50 Bits!
@amillioncatsontypewriters no such thing, books just save your place in your- "mindscape!" Or whatever ?
Snowcookies: ty for the chill stream
SageofShadowzF subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SageofShadowzF! (Today's storm count: 94)
Sarah_Serinde: A reminder for those who weren't here earlier...this is somehow the 10th anniversary of this beautiful thing
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am sad my resub hasn't turned over yet so I can't give it to them for this amazing tradition
PharaohBender27: And watching that clip, I blame the book
Despoiler98: man that log in the fire was super exciting, what a memorable year
mtvcdm: Bravissimo!
TheAIOverlord subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheAIOverlord! (Today's storm count: 95)
Bruceski: How many years have they been doing is, anyway?
Oscelot: A good time for a deep breath, holding it for however long is comfortable, and letting it out slowly.
Here's to Ian and Cameron
ghyllnox: Oh cool, happy 10 years!
BigDaddyBland87: finally gave and looked up the bottle online. Yea I won't be buying it
tajessa: excellent log crack
Oscelot: 10 @Bruceski
lirazel64: Ten years!
PharaohBender27: @Bruceski 10
Bruceski: impressive
definenull: it's not over yet! 3 minutes(ish) to go!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @BigDaddyBland87 That much?
Here's to LRR
Simonark: The sheer endurance
rhodgejr: !what
Oscelot: @AMillionCatsOnTypewriters almost 200
EmoMcHipster: I swear to god this stream should be displayed as their twitch highlights in its entirety
Simriel: That's like a Medium price for Good Scotch
lirazel64: Cheers, gentlemen!
Always a pleasure, gentlemen. Congrats on 10 years, and here's to 10 more!
BigDaddyBland87: @AMillionCatsOnTypewriters 290 American on the site I saw it on
Lord_Hosk: I think the fuzz just landed on Cameron's nose... I hope he can hold out
Oscelot: @RandomTrivia What they said ^
BionicShoulder subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 101 months!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh that was so good
Thanks for subscribing, BionicShoulder! (Today's storm count: 96)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot Thirded to that
Here's to the location suppliers for facilitating this
ghyllnox: Still loving the cracking wood on the chairs, I can *feel* them, like the ones my grandmother used to have
Always a pleasure Ian and Cam
Xavorin: A small part of me hopes that there are no more sips, so we can end on a nice 14-all split for this year.
azninsect: friends. it's been real. it's been fun. it's been real fun o7
Oscelot: @Lord_Hosk A surprise endurance test in this end bloc of the event, can the competitors hold out?
lostluckDev subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Thanks for subscribing, lostluckDev! (Today's storm count: 97)
Oscelot: @ghyllnox Same hehe
Simriel: Heres to many more
thank you Cam and Ian, thank you chat, merry seasonmas to you all
I need to quietly leave for dinner, but I am glad I got to experience this tradition this year
BrokenGolem: a merry solstice and happy holidays to all!
Xavorin: Season's Greasons to you all.
Arclight_Dynamo: Merry Christmas, blessed solstice, and happy holidays, all.
head_cannon: Good location, good acoustics. Great stream this year.
CaptainSpam: Happy Decemberween, everyone!
asddsa28: thank you everyone for another year.
a superb Time to all!
Lord_Hosk: This is an amazing event that they choose to share with us every year it truely is a highlight of my December festivities.
seasons greetings and happy holly-daze, folks
hawktonguebaby: Happy holidays, here's to another ten years 🥂
Here's to another 10 years!
TheDailyMapleSyrup: Merry Holidays and Happy Christmas
thank you for another A Cameron & Ian Christmas
LiminalGoose: Happy Holidays everyone!
azninsect: o7
BigDaddyBland87: Until next year, it's been fun sitting and sipping and chatting with you all.
Simriel: I truly feel its not christmas unless I watch two nice men drink whisky in silence
Happy holidays, everyone! Cam and Ian, thank you for another delightful bit of downtime in this crazy time of year.
tajessa: @Simriel ditto
Dog_of_Myth: Happy Holidays and see you all in chat.
loufghyslaufey: "Xen-Mast Crimmus" Everyone
sheqesi: Thank you for the sip of silence!
JRandomHacker: The book is _back_
definenull: he's going back in?!?!?
Despoiler98: whaaaaaaa
Thank you for streaming. Have a Happy Merry!
Sorator13: Happy holidays, friends!
Despoiler98: hes going back IN
F0rest_Fox_: Happy holidays
Happy holidays Chat
BigDaddyBland87: what a twisht
BrokenGolem: we're going into OT!
Oscelot: Of all the money that e'er I had, I spent it in good company
TheDailyMapleSyrup: Remember the fireplace is not a lie
stippledotter: Oh snap, the STINGER
Oscelot: And all the harm I've ever done, Alas it was to none but me.
Oscelot: And all I've done for want of wit, To mem'ry now I can't recall
Oscelot: So fill to me the parting glass Good night and joy be to you all.
DeM0nFiRe: intrigue!
mtvcdm: Who's gonna down the glass first
dippedfeathers: happy holidays everybody! Here’s to another decade.
Mai_Andra: Surprise "to be continued" for the 2-hr season finale
bright and beautiful holidays to all
Dog_of_Myth: Oh yeah
lirazel64: And all I've done, for want of wit, to memory now I can't recall...
Gekyouryuu: @gothtoesuckr every year for the past 10
Arclight_Dynamo: @gothtoesuckr They've been doing this for a decade.
BigDaddyBland87: these are trained professionals
VorlonScout: fade to a “Cam and Ian Will Return” card
orrie104: @oscelot Good night and joy be to you all!
Oscelot: Saoirse, friends. Be free, be happy.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @gothtoesuckr More than that if you count the past 9 years of doing it
tajessa: @Mai_Andra I can hear the TNG music in my head over the log cracks
mtvcdm: Professionals on a closed course
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I feel better now, good holidays to all in whatever capacity you celebrate
ghyllnox: Highly amused that this belongs in the "Just Chatting" category
Despoiler98: I literally watched "best of both worlds part 1" last night I'm waiting for some horrible cliffhanger
ArdCollider: (saoirse don Phalastín!)
Gekyouryuu: Merry Winter Day(s) to all
CaptainSpam: It's been a wonderful tradition.
Mai_Andra: @Despoiler98 "Fire."
gothtoesuckr: HE SWITCHED LEGS!!!
bramble_st: Are we going into overtime?
Brozard: @ghyllnox They haven’t introduced “Just Sitting”
Gekyouryuu: and to all "get out of our house"
SandwichKed: Is that a real fireplace this year?
Dog_of_Myth: It is
JRandomHacker: Ian even gave it an extra log
Oscelot: @ArdCollider Agus Amerikay
margieargie: Ian added a log to it earlier
CantWearHats: yep, Ian threw a log on there earlier
lirazel64: @sandwichked yes
mtvcdm: The referee is holding up the sign for added minutes
SandwichKed: (i've missed a few)
ErisOfSpace: but what's your exit strategy?
CaptainSpam: @bramble_st This action couldn't be decided in regulation
Despoiler98: @Mai_Andra that was the longest summer of my life as a kid
MechaKuuga: Ian looking a bit sleepy there
Despoiler98: oh we straight up in overtime now
Oscelot: @ThorSokar Thor XD
Gekyouryuu: movement on the field
Doubt I am in the top 10 for this one
Mai_Andra: Ian just casually laying a log in the back of the shot.
CaptainSpam: What will happen in BONUS TRADITION?!?
gothtoesuckr: i cant ell which is worse iam tie or cams sweater
dippedfeathers: now that It’s been ten years, can we get a “ten hours of Cam and Ian Christmas to study and relax to”
62MGcobra: awe I missed the whole thing
Durzo_Blint_: Ian is a psychopath. At least Cam brought a book.
lamina5432: is the ear scratch an end signal
Brozard: Ian switching legs like it’s Daybound/Nightbound
Dog_of_Myth: @ThorSokar Nicely done
Lord_Hosk: Anything could happen now, this is uncharted territory
Oscelot: @Brozard night time! ...daytime!
CantWearHats: look at the synchronisation there
VorlonScout: @azninsect intro ended at 5:06, guessing 6:06 is end time
Bonus cozy
Despoiler98: Chat whats gonna happen THERES NO RULES NOW
CaptainSpam: Gotta make the most of their venue!
offbeatwitch: woah
tajessa: oh no Ian!
mtvcdm: Wrong windpipe
Camthelion: Now Ians been struck!
ThorSokar: To be fair I've had this planned for a while, just didn't have time for implementation
definenull: the return cough!
Mai_Andra: !!!
TheWriterAleph: it's spreading!!!
bramble_st: I am waiting for the penalty shootout
Brozard: HOOOLD
offbeatwitch: nearly killed ian
nyoomgoom: :0
Oscelot: This whiskey wants to murder people, dear lord
DeM0nFiRe: Category should be ''just ''
xantos69: Ian and Cam are now tied.
ButButTheJesus: smooth!
definenull: aaand recovvered
CaptainSpam: WE HAVE COUGH
hawktonguebaby: We're in sudden dearth!
RockPusher: That human body glitch is active today
margieargie: Oooh, second one this year
GhostValv: nice recovery
tehfewl: good whiskey
Arclight_Dynamo: Oaky whisky, I assume.
BrokenGolem: bit of a hug on that sip
7gorobei: wow these soccer penalty minutes go on forever
Dog_of_Myth: Another fine recovery by Ian
Camthelion: we have evened the odds
BigDaddyBland87: cough on both sides...scandalous
SymphonySolstice: the whiskey really taking it's toll on our players tonight
Oscelot: @RockPusher Oh I hear that's a real hard one for speedrunners
CantWearHats: that might add another minute for injury time
kireawolf: This drink ill intentions
Lord_Hosk: Remember that time we almost Lost Ian? that was terrifying chat
definenull: having a live fire coupled with good whisky might have contributed to those
mtvcdm: Revving up the 'Miscues' montage
Arclight_Dynamo: No, this drink demands respect and patience.
I choose to believe that Paul sets them going, then goes off to do something else for 45 minutes with an alarm set, and that this time he missed the alarm
Oscelot: @RandomTrivia *snerk*
ritchards: they had 5 minutes of opening, so it is only now ticking into the one hour mark
ThorSokar: But I have planned ahead, the backgrounds are run all the way out to A Cameron and Ian Christmas XX
Brozard: Cough% WR
Despoiler98: chat I'm gonna heat up my curry I hope nothing even more crazy happens
psychoman67: gotta put a mic next to the fire next time so we can hear the crackle!
BigDaddyBland87: too busy playing with his 5 PS5s
stippledotter: Ope, looked like Cam nearly cracked there
Oscelot: @Despoiler98 Oooo curry
ghyllnox: @RandomTrivia As long as nobody has to use the restroom they're probably good for a little while
lirazel64: Extra long for tenth anniversary?
Arclight_Dynamo: "Why don't we just not go offline to see how long they stay?" - James, probably
BusTed: bottle's not empty yet
bramble_st: The pacing is incredible
Cptasparagus: I know how to get Cameron to crack
Cptasparagus: Mechanicussy
Oscelot: @Arclight_Dynamo I could see him saying this... xd
Sarah_Serinde: That does sound like something James would do
Oscelot: @Oscelot er XD
@Arclight_Dynamo I could see that happening
CaptainSpam: I doubt they can see chat there.
Laogeodritt: arclight_dynamo: is 'they' Cam and Ian, or chat? =V
Sarah_Serinde: I wouldn't assume
stippledotter: Wax figure imitation competition is going hard this year!
@Arclight_Dynamo The most James power move
Gekyouryuu: @Laogeodritt yes
Lord_Hosk: How can they stand to not wipe that fuzz away it must be tickling them
ThorSokar: @Cptasparagus Bold of you to assume they even have the chat on
mtvcdm: If you look just right it's like thte fire's coming out of the bottle
Fuzzra: I'm sending my girlfriend live updates. She's not obviously angry with me yet.
definenull: I wonder what's the tech situation like for this apparently remote stream
MarkovDescendant: I can't quite make it out. What is Cameron reading this year?
lirazel64: Fire's dying back again.
Oscelot: @Fuzzra That's a keeper!
accountmadeforants: @RandomTrivia Evil Paul realized that their contract said they wouldn't be paid for the stream if they left during, but not for how long the stream should be. So he's testing the limits.
LathosTiran: !what
Fuzzra: @Oscelot Yup!
nyoomgoom: speedrunning mentioned. now i'm thinking about like. a neutrino flew through their lungs and flipped a bit
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fuzzra How long have you been dating? Maybe this is a good litmus test for tolerance of LRR nonsense
spethycakes: THE NOD
mtvcdm: *nods*
CantWearHats: gents o7
definenull: and thats it!
Thanks folks
azninsect: *nods*
Camthelion: Excellent game folks!
GhostValv: o7
Brozard: I like the lick of flame just peeking out from the bottle’s mouth
xantos69: Great stream
ohjanji: that was awesome
azninsect: p7
mtvcdm: Tweet, tweet, tweeeeeeeeeeet!
DiscordianTokkan: o7
head_cannon: o7
Gizmoloid: o7
azninsect: o7
Camthelion: o7
beowuuf: o7
CaptainSpam: Time! Good match, everybody!
BigDaddyBland87: well played
tajessa: o7
Sorator13: o7
Durzo_Blint_: o7
SandwichKed: Wow, theme music.
Snowcookies: ty for the stream!
dougma: o7
6 pages filled ~ Good time writing take care Chat
splott2k: huzzah!!
SmoreThanAFeelin: o7
FadedOverseer: o7
L0rdX33n: Merry season to all
ohjanji: o7
MechaKuuga: o7
bramble_st: 11/10!!!
Squallloir: thanks!
merry solstice to all, from your resident solstice
BigDaddyBland87: o7
Gekyouryuu: good night, everybody
Lord_Hosk: Well that was fun. Im 4/10 on getting them to itch/scratch their noses/ears
confracto: htanks
KV1NN4: Got here jsut in time for the credits.. XD
lirazel64: Bye!
Earthenone: goodnight!
TheWriterAleph: Happy Decemberween!
Squallloir: merry christmas!
TheDailyMapleSyrup: bye bye
tajessa: thank you all, see you soon! season's greetings to all
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Another great stream .
TheAwkes: So who was on the documentary crew to get us the hot loading time footage?
orrie104: Cheers, chat!
Mai_Andra: and the stinger is just both of them coughing maniacally for two minutes./..
Gizmoloid: good night everyone!
Verrain2: Stares in Ian and Cameron.
happy holidays all
@Thefluffiestguineapig Oh, 13 or 14 years. She's survived har worse and so hasve I.
Oscelot: @Mai_Andra *snerk*
jessieimproved: a lovely evening, see you all soon
ArdCollider: happy holidays, good Solstice, etc.
I hope the location suppliers get a taste if they so wish
SnackPak_ silently nods at everyone on his way out
oh sure, end it when I go to feed the cats
sheqesi: Merry Christmas to all and to all a good sip!
@Fuzzra Awwww! That's great
lamina5432: thx for the stream and gnight
ThorSokar: up next: importing multi-year chatstats, because why not just completely lean in to the meme!
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde *snerk*
asddsa28: night all
Brozard: G’night everyone!
Oscelot: @ThorSokar You are a wonder. a terrifying wonder.
azninsect: goodnight friends. happy holidays and merry christmas
azninsect: it's been an honour as always, chat
Riandisa: Happy Holidays!
Oscelot: Goodnight all. Blessed Solstice, Happy Yule, and Happy Holidays all.
loufghyslaufey: I mean, there could- at least be, some interest- nevermind. The moment is gone. I missed most of the LRR Holiday Fireside Chat, chat. Boo, me.
Oscelot: @loufghyslaufey *pat*
loufghyslaufey: And I'll hit for the door on the way out too.
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