Juliamon: I also have bad news about things sounding slower... the llive version is 1x
Juliamon: *live
Juliamon: so...
TheGreenMonster450: me when I was editing DB for the vst and going back to the live stream
TheGreenMonster450: :D :D
letfireraindown: I'm here early cause I can't think of anything to put on
TheGreenMonster450: same
Juliamon: Heather usually goes live early anyway
TheGreenMonster450: welcome to the club
Juliamon: so it's a good idea
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: The Real Sparky Sparkswall
Strebenherz: Would the early heather bits get kept in the yt vod or no?
Juliamon: nope
Juliamon: none of the Twitch stream becomes a vod
Juliamon: because the YT simulcast is a video premiere of an already-uploaded vod
Strebenherz: Gotcha
Juliamon: the benefits of prerecords!
Juliamon: It's all effectively a secret podcast.
Ignatiuspants: all of Heather's host segments are exclusive content for live Twitch viewers
PharaohBender27: WHAT UP FANGSTERS lunarj1Fangs
Strebenherz: Woo secret bonus podcast
Ignatiuspants: hello Pharaoh!
PharaohBender27: So who else rewatched last weeks episode today as a refresher?
Juliamon: I'm going to miss Jordan after everyone finds out about what she did and kills her ultradead.
DeM0nFiRe: I have a confession to make... I actually do have a drop to drink (it's egg nog)
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon :D
Juliamon: oh shit I also have eggnog
Ignatiuspants: I have a few drops left to drink, but I'll be out of them before the show starts
DeM0nFiRe: @Juliamon Well that's awkward one of us is gonna have to change
Juliamon: maybe I won't have it tonight, having that on top of blintzes seems kinda too rich
TheGreenMonster450: @DeM0nFiRe chug chug chug
Strebenherz: Jordan just starts packing the other vamps then fights god
Strebenherz: Pac-manning*
TheGreenMonster450: "Nod, we comin' for ya"
DeM0nFiRe: Maybe Jordan can hide in the woods with Stalks to protect her from werewolves
FarleyF: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Dice Friends (Join Jacob as he guides Adam, Heather, Cori & Cameron through series 3 of Not a Drop to Drink! Tonight, Episode 8! Game: Not a Drop to Drink) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (7m from now).
PharaohBender27: @DeM0nFiRe Would Oliver allow it, though?
Strebenherz: I wonder if werewolves have opinions on diablrists
matthaus_c: "two for one!"
DeM0nFiRe: Damn I wish that happened and also Jordan could speak to animals. I wanna hear Stalks say "Oliver told me you deblogerized another hunter"
NightValien28: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Travilogue: lunarj1Fangs lrrSIG lunarj1Fangs lrrSIG lunarj1Fangs lrrSIG
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
Ignatiuspants: maybe the werewolves will take Jordan's side when she starts going full Soul Reaver
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
PharaohBender27: lrrSIG lunarj1Fangs lrrSIG
Ignatiuspants: we get signal!
LostThePirate: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TheWriterAleph subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
TheWriterAleph: lrrSIG what's up fang gaaaaang lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheWriterAleph! (Today's storm count: 8)
Juliamon: yes, going-live toot, "their" actions and not "explicitly Jordan's actions"
Strebenherz: lrrSIGlrrSIGlrrSIG
PharaohBender27: @Ignatiuspants "Damn, this whole time you were really one of us"
PharaohBender27: WHAT UP FANGSTERS
Strebenherz: :lrrsig:
Juliamon: you need spaces
Juliamon: and no colons
Julian_Rogue: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE aurora533Love3 aurora533Love3 kikulaRaidcat kikulaRaidcat kikulaRaidcat
richard_ermen: Alrighty. I got Tomato Juice and chips. This is gonna be grrrreat!
Sarah_Serinde: oh hi chat
Ignatiuspants: hello!
Strebenherz: Thank you. Phone uhhh difficulties . Pulling an oliver
richard_ermen: herro
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Heather
ghyllnox: I'm sure everything will turn out just fine!
ShaneLeeAtk: You did
incslayer: @richard_ermen i have pepsi max and chips and donuts :D
matthaus_c: stream is so signalpilled
Juliamon: yup yup
cyclopsboi: music and secret podcast
PharaohBender27: Ohai Heather!
FarleyF: secret heather podcast
JacobBurgessVO: It Heather!
Ignatiuspants: signalpilled broadcastingmaxer
richard_ermen: @incslayer also excellent ^^
DaxStrife: Yea music sounds... ill?
Strebenherz: LrrSIG
Sarah_Serinde: ooh fudge
denu55: ClappyHype
matthaus_c: @JacobBurgessVO it a Jacob!
type_variable: ooo
TheWriterAleph: understandable, have a good day
DeM0nFiRe: Hey wait I dont have any fudge
Strebenherz: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
denu55: coxHypers
neisan2112: I got my cheesecake in the oven just in time!!!!
Juliamon: Music is fine
WiJohn: Nice, fudge at work dude!
Juliamon: Dax might need to refresh
matthaus_c: hell yeah!
Ignatiuspants: this music is da illest!
denu55: KomodoHype
Master_Gunner: I love how Twitch doesn't tell me the stream is live when I'm sitting on the page.
OldManJohnsonMB subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
OldManJohnsonMB: wooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OldManJohnsonMB! (Today's storm count: 9)
Juliamon: Master_Gunner It figures you know already
Sarah_Serinde: I have shortbread but sadly it is not homemade shortbread
Strebenherz: Refresh for strem
Sarah_Serinde: I also have two cats who are camping this desk hoping for food
denu55: i always need to refresh for it to go @Master_Gunner
tezzatipoca: Hi fang friends
Rasaella: I'm going to do my best to stay up past my bedtime to watch tonight
matthaus_c: it would be considerate of Twitch to withhold the notification if it actually, y'know, worked
ShaneLeeAtk: The niece made so many gingersnaps.
lirazel64: Wheeeee!
Sarah_Serinde: My every move scrutinized hoping it will be a move to get them food :P
MrPhlip: Almost audible secret podcast under the music
ritchards: Time for Jo to debloberise the rest of the Fam so they are all together
Diabore: cant wait for everyones reaction to coris actions last week
serramarkov subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
serramarkov: I can barely believe that today is my subiversary, and in 10 months it will be so nice!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, serramarkov! (Today's storm count: 10)
Strebenherz: Catte food mode activate
matthaus_c: Eat Six Million Kindred
PharaohBender27: Also, going to guess now, just based on the LRR schedule - finale will be a two-parter
Juliamon: it wouldn't be secret if we could hear it easily
Sarah_Serinde: they don't get fed for another hour, they're gonna be here a while :P
tezzatipoca: Everyone kill yout sire and join Monica 😆🤟
Mischievous_Catgeist: lrrHEATHER_SG
Juliamon: PharaohBender27 They kinda said as much during CDHC
Strebenherz: Consumer of gods
DideRobot: LRR: Tonight on DICE FRIENDS! | Will the Coterie face consequences for their actions? Find out on Not a Drop to Drink S3E8 ~A Tale of Vancouver Island by Night! | Tune in at: https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQPJkLe25SQ | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113705062934235885
wholsometiger: I am in a conundrum, I both love the music, and want to hear Heather.
richard_ermen: And so it begins....to end. The
LiveFaust subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LiveFaust! (Today's storm count: 11)
Ignatiuspants: it's happening!
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon Ah. Missed that on account of rewatching last week's episode as a refresher/moments I missed when furiously clipping
loufghyslaufey: Geez, this chat box keeps breaking my end anytime I'm tuning in with a witty mood
withwherewithal: Blood to be here
liz_istrata: Every episode of Vampire should be "will the coterie face consequences
Strebenherz: Hyyyype
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Fangs
tezzatipoca: 🧛🏻‍♀️🧛🏻‍♀️🧛🏻‍♀️
OldUncleDan: Last I checked.
richard_ermen: Already Tuesday over here.
richard_ermen: Loooot happened!
Juliamon: (also Ian keeps using "Penultim8" for this episode)
Strebenherz: Many things
incslayer: nothing much just a chill downtime episode
type_variable: well one really big thing happened
lirazel64: We are swell, and swelling more and more
Diabore: cori ate good last week
DeM0nFiRe: Last episode was very chill
ghyllnox: Not an oct to drink
PharaohBender27: Yeah, and a lot of it was Jordan making . . . choices
Travilogue: I am sure it is a very chill and peaceful episode for the holiday season.
Master_Gunner: Oliver talked to his cat!
withwherewithal: Jordan did the Break all the Vampire Rules Speed Run
TheDevil_Risen: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
type_variable: Oliver talked to his cat
tezzatipoca: @incslayer 😅😅😅
ritchards: Jess did nothing wrong!
WiJohn: The coterie did nothing wrong
DeM0nFiRe: lunarj1Fangs
Juliamon: Oliver just wants to hang out with his cat
cyclopsboi: lot happened last time, so statistically there will probably be less this week
WulfAether: I always liked fangbangers
TheGreenMonster450: @WiJohn But Jo suuuure did
Strebenherz: Jordan did nothing wrong or something
JacobBurgessVO: Hell yeah fudge!
matthaus_c: we're due for an intense episode, 7 was so chill
Ignatiuspants: no one in this coterie has done anything wrong, ever
Xed_Regulus: I didn't see last week. What did I miss? lrrBEEJ
spethycakes: BiggerThanBefore
JacobBurgessVO: Ehehehehehehe
Juliamon: Jordan did not do nothing wrong
Sarah_Serinde: oh boy
Its_VeeBot: Don't threaten us with a good time
JacobBurgessVO: Empty yourself
richard_ermen: 6 Hours lets gooooO!
Juliamon: No breaks, no brakes on this train
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
spethycakes: @JacobBurgessVO Empty mind...empty mind....it's Christmastime in the city
TheGreenMonster450: ho hell more than 2h45
Sarah_Serinde: youtube.com/lrrtt
matthaus_c: there will be no intermission!
Ignatiuspants: 12-hour Vampire stream!!
ggodopaste: "A lot happened" is a bit of an understatement.
loudestmute: No brakes on this train. Just like you've been playing!
korvys: We'll just wait until there's an unimportant downtime section... oh right.
cyclopsboi: heather your hat pin is fantastic
LiveFaust: It's a Festivus miracle!
Strebenherz: It's a vampire the masquerade episode Michael, how long could it be?
ani laurel: hey
Ben Hirsh: i do not want it to ennnnd
GG Crono: Hello! Never been to one of these live before and probably won't stay for the whole thing
Sarah: Welcome!
GG Crono: But I wanted to at least catch the beginning :)
The Crab Goddess: bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
shadowmaster13: I'll probably drop out of chat when my internet decides that consistency is for other people
GG Crono: I like pausing and rewinding too much >_>
Random Factor: Bite time?
Simriel: Okay so we are gonna be Good tonight right chat>
shadowmaster13: 69 waiting nice
GG Crono: Nice
OVERKiLL!: incomming
The Crab Goddess: coudou!
Sarah_Serinde: oh yeah I love that pin
Sarah_Serinde: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Terr0rc0tta subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months, currently on a 97 month streak!
Terr0rc0tta: I am beyond pumped for this episode
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Terr0rc0tta! (Today's storm count: 12)
rodsur: im sure nothing bad will happen today
DeM0nFiRe: Oh I just noticed the Mario 3 pin on the hat, nice
Julian_Rogue: Oh yea I love the second season of road quest
OldUncleDan: Any chance for a Live Q&A episode?
OldManJohnsonMB: @JacobBurgessVO last week's show was probably the best thing I've eve watched. Kudos to you and the crew
PharaohBender27: There's been SO MANY posts in the thread for last episode
JacobBurgessVO: Please hit all the buttons you are able / willing. Stats help make more show happen.
TheGreenMonster450: 2679 message on ep 7 thread
Xed_Regulus: Happy Night of the Radishes!
LostThePirate: So excited! ...And maybe a little sad that this is ending, but mostly excited!
A_Dub888: what up fangsters, you think Oliver'll turn into a bat?
Ignatiuspants: hit many buttons!
Seabats: don't play it
spethycakes: Happy to chat with you, too, Heather!
Strebenherz: Yes please
Seabats: shut it all down
Sarah_Serinde: I mean if you don't then I have more time to play video games :P
TheGreenMonster450: sure we can hang here with you heather
korvys: 2,600+ comments on Episode 7, and counting
corpocracy: Are we gonna be sad tonight?
Strebenherz: Villian
korvys: (in the discord)
ProcyonFlynn: Podcast Time?
A_Dub888: I need to know if Oliver turns into a bat!
BusTed: If it never starts, it can never end.
PharaohBender27: If you hold off for like 1 minute, we could sync with the YT premiere!
Seabats: huge
JadedCynic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JadedCynic! (Today's storm count: 13)
Ignatiuspants: I hope Oliver finds some bigfoots this time
Seabats: suck it nerds
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Rasaella: lol
cyclopsboi: so much power but how will we see oliver hang out with his cat
NotCainNorAbel: not surprised but it, scared to death of the power you have
HorusFive: Adam goin full Chaotic Evil
tezzatipoca: 😂😂😂
Ignatiuspants: Oliver deserves some bigfoots
Strebenherz: Oliver turning heel
Sarah_Serinde: It's okay we're still a minute ahead of youtube anyway
OldUncleDan: That's fine. We'll sit here as well!
TheDevil_Risen: haha @Seabats <3
NotCainNorAbel: The Heather Christmas Stream
Juliamon: let Oliver live in the woods with his cat and his bigfood boyfriend
Julian_Rogue: It's like the cam and ian christmas all over again
loufghyslaufey: The cat is the guy in the chair, behind the curtain, plucking the puppet strings puppeting itself ScaredyCat mattlrWoof lrrSPOOP lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
jacqui_lantern234: hai friends!!! <3
DeM0nFiRe: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
A_Dub888: @HorusFive He wasn't already?
Ignatiuspants: hi!
loudestmute: Hey now, This is Monday. Only Cameron is allowed to mess with things as eldritch as the algorithm.
cavvdor: I can't wait but I'm also not ready for this to be over :(
ghyllnox: @Juliamon Bigfood boyfriend was Jo's thing :D
korvys: O.o
BusTed: lrrCOW
KaleidoscopeMind: explodes... of happiness?
tezzatipoca: @a_dub888 exactly did he ever stop?
Diabore: oliver racking up quite the body count
Juliamon: fuck, *bigfoot
Bruceski: Where we're going we won't need rails.
Sarah_Serinde: !dragonshield
LRRbot: Want a deal on some sweet Dragon Shield products? Use code LRRMTG5 for 5% off your order at http://www.dragonshield.com
korvys: @ghyllnox lrrWOW
Sarah_Serinde: !dtrpg
LRRbot: Looking for TTRPG books and related products? Support LRR by using this affiliate link with DriveThruRPG: http://lrr.cc/DriveThruRPG
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon im asexual, id rather not fuck bigfoot Kappa
Juliamon: jacqui_lantern234 I put a comma!!
A_Dub888: @Diabore and it was already big what with all the rats
ritchards: are you shielding dragons, or are dragons the sheilds?
jacqui_lantern234: (sorry not sorry)
JacobBurgessVO: I volunteer as tribute
JadedCynic: platonic lifepartner?
Juliamon: the comma is RIGHT THERE
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon yes. and i took it out of context :)
grimshade: i cant wait to see how this all plays out last episode was inane
grimshade: omg the distortion
jacqui_lantern234: cause im a menace
A_Dub888: @JacobBurgessVO cool, I'll tribute you to summon my Summoned Skull
grimshade: this has to be on purpose
incslayer: @grimshade wow at the change of meaning that misspelling makes .D
Ignatiuspants: man, fuck bigfoot, that's what I've been saying
Juliamon: grimshade You need to refresh
PharaohBender27: @jacqui_lantern234 As much of a menace as Jordan Hinkleman is becoming? :p
KeytarCat: Is this intro the same every week? I keep meaning to check, and I like to think Jacob just delivered the shpiel 8 times *exactly* the same
TheDevil_Risen: woooooo lets GO!
JadedCynic: I never tire of Ryan Ike's opus - it's SO perfect for this!
tezzatipoca: Have been reading white wolf wiki wondering what Mary is 🤔🤔🤔
ghyllnox: Yeah I'm not getting any distortion
AriaHibiki: good evening fangsters!
e_bloc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months, currently on a 83 month streak!
e_bloc: the penultimeight episode
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, e_bloc! (Today's storm count: 14)
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 gosh, i hope not
TheDevil_Risen: hello Jacob!
lamina5432: evening, apparently i'm on time today
Incandescent_Zubat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months, currently on a 56 month streak!
Incandescent_Zubat: I caught up over the weekend and am very excited to be catching this live.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Incandescent_Zubat! (Today's storm count: 15)
CaptainSpam: We've been told that before!
ghyllnox: @tezzatipoca Look up Black Spiral Dancers
loufghyslaufey: Heh, I almost read the '3' as an "eight."
ritchards: fangnale!
grander_pastures: HERE WE GOOO
Juliamon: the fangnale
AriaHibiki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AriaHibiki! (Today's storm count: 16)
matthaus_c: Clan of the Dragon Shield: For Gamers, By Gamers, Of Gamers
LunarJade: everybody ready
PrinceLariel: so excitedddd
Ignatiuspants: FINALE?!?! ...oh wait, I knew that already...
BusTed: tqsSmug
LunarJade: for this bite tonight
Fruan: Is it just me or is this very quiet?
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun can you give it a little more gas plz
incslayer: im super excited
LostThePirate: I love this ride
cavvdor: @JacobBurgessVO After 20+ year of only comfortable being a player in RPGs, Not a Drop to Drink has made me want to ST for my game group in the new year. Thank you for being the inspiration <3
corianderd: @LunarJade yee
tezzatipoca: @ghyllnox ty! 🧛🏻‍♀️🧛🏻‍♀️🧛🏻‍♀️
grander_pastures: Fangnale is such a Choice of words
A_Dub888: @LunarJade for tobite
JacobBurgessVO: Hell yeah. Get it @cavvdor
Strebenherz: Little
shendaras: seabatClap
tezzatipoca: Fang fam, you give me life and also more inside jokes for my mom and I to share
rodsur: seeing lack of pokemon bandaid :D
fracassio: Jessica also has a Cougar
ghyllnox: Can ghoulified animals even get rabies?
A_Dub888: She's a rebel, she's a saint
LunarJade: talking never hurt anyone
jacqui_lantern234: @fracassio and Jordan IS a cougar Kappa
corianderd: @LunarJade agreed!
JacobBurgessVO: @rodsur I remembered I could rouse to heal
Rasaella: just asking questions
A_Dub888: speaking of situation....
corianderd: @jacqui_lantern234 :O
DeM0nFiRe: Almost as innocent as just talking to your cat
Juliamon: JacobBurgessVO Oh no, your hunger dice
matthaus_c: lbr the cammies have nega-rizz
jacqui_lantern234: @corianderd i said what i said :P
loudestmute: Communication is combat and combat has zero consequences.
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Random Factor: Maybe chat will go for a Stains high score.
Dronox: I am so not ready but I will watch nonetheless
GG Crono: The Bloodening...
OVERKiLL!: Power
OVERKiLL!: Power over WHOM
amative1: 2x speed, go!
SmithKurosaki: o7
Random Factor: I still wonder about YouTube's choice of waiting timers.
GG Crono: It's very 90s.
PharaohBender27: Twitch version starting - Heather delayed a bit, so closer to being in sync
Random Factor: "light impact"
GG Crono: Skullcrusher strikes again?
Lazotep __: Oliver strikes again?
shadowmaster13: third time's the charm with staking
OVERKiLL!: "im sorry Mom"
Brent Stewart: but miss3es by a foot and a half to the north
SmithKurosaki: So how's chat today?
nikipound: Crono! Hi! Also hello to other people but this is a name I actually recognize
GG Crono: It is?
GG Crono: Have we met?
shadowmaster13: this music is so good
GG Crono: Ye
GG Crono: Nooo ;.;
nikipound: only a bit, I'm very much a lurker most of the time, but I know you from Lauren the Flute streams
PharaohBender27: The fangnale, if you will
PharaohBender27: (Also, it's been low-key confirmed this will be a two-parter finale)
GG Crono: Oh cool! How do you do, fellow flutiepie? :)
nikipound: Good! Excited for the finale of this!
PharaohBender27: Twitch chat. And apparently Cori said so on today's CDHC
Random Factor: Time to see the fallout of Jordan doing... a lot.
PharaohBender27: That and I guessed because the LRR stream calendar has Dice Friends for next Monday *and* the following Monday (that one will probably be Q&A)
JadedCynic: the ostrich's head is FIRMLY planted in the sand...
grander_pastures: Ahhhh, Such Good Logic in this Group
TheWriterAleph: "problems"
Strebenherz: Some problems
DeM0nFiRe: Update the facebook status to "it's complicated"
Master_Gunner: developed some relationship "solutions"
BusTed: so innocent
rodsur: @JacobBurgessVO ah yeah it sometimes take a while to remember :D
tezzatipoca: I rouse to do just about everything 👀👀👀
fracassio: Just a smol war cwiminal
JadedCynic: widdle diawbowist
adept_nekomancer: Just did some minor debloblerization, that's all
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
grander_pastures: Ah, Jo, Active SUPERMURDER
A_Dub888: a little Diablorist, as a treat
cavvdor: Relationship problems have been solved
Strebenherz: Aittle girl out in the world
Julian_Rogue: ah generational trauma
ArdCollider: excellent shirt for Jordan's situation
HorusFive: Diabloirist- but with a little d
Terr0rc0tta: Jacob is giving Gary Oldman in 5th element
ArdCollider: "no because no"
Bruceski: We have to pity Jordan, her sire is dead.
corianderd: @ArdCollider you know it! ;)
LunarJade: yeah Jordan is an orphan now so gotta give her some slack
JadedCynic: @Bruceski Jo is just an ORPHAN now!
grander_pastures: Also, I'm also striving to run V5 for friends next year at some point, this has Started Something in me
Rasaella: not a penny to her name
BusTed: nobody was usingit
Mr_Whyt: hes going places
ghyllnox: He's definitely not made a powerful enemy
Gekyouryuu: THANKS twitch for telling me this was live. >:[
grander_pastures: Oh right... the Al Azif
rodsur: Silas got himself a bookboyfriend :D
JacobBurgessVO: @grander_pastures ...yesssssss
MrSarkhan: LUL
JadedCynic: he forced a demon to give up trying to faustian tempt him! <3
PharaohBender27: :D
Sarah_Serinde: absolutely none
Strebenherz: Pfffffffffft
HorusFive: It was on the floor. . . of this room . . . of some guy. . . . he just killed
adept_nekomancer: Oliver has caused no non-cat-related problems.
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
JadedCynic: Silas 'got the telemarketer to hang up'!
A_Dub888: @JadedCynic If she diablorized him, does that make her her own sire?
ghyllnox: Sweet innocent baby Ollie
ritchards: Cori Stare
TheDevil_Risen: hehehe
letsbelgo: I wish episodes where longer, everything is rushed. : (
grander_pastures: @JacobBurgessVO you cruel brainworm giving man, you (thank you so much for the worms, I love them)
MrPhlip: !quote 9210
LRRbot: Quote #9210: "All I'm saying is, I just talked to my cat." —Adam [2024-12-16]
jacqui_lantern234: @JacobBurgessVO i have a random question. what would happen if a vampire smoked a cigarette?
JadedCynic: @A_Dub888 the kindred 'family tree' has a few loops in it...
LunarJade: wait can I put half points into things? I’m sure I could split my dice in order to roll half’s.
TheDevil_Risen: Silas made enemies with Bloody Mary hehe
grander_pastures: Jo ate out her Dad - factual statement
matthaus_c: Knives gets to be inside Jo, but not how he wanted!
tezzatipoca: Jo just climbin that ladder
Strebenherz: Speak your sins is a great line
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW chat
KeytarCat: @grander_pastures nooooo
JadedCynic: @tezzatipoca but to *where*?
ghyllnox: @matthaus_c Booo
Sarah_Serinde: :D
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Terr0rc0tta: keeping a sentient creature locked up feels very Anarch
JadedCynic: Quinn never bwoke up with Chainz
grander_pastures: @KeytarCat the unfortunately correct response to it all
cavvdor: Quinn and Chainz are my happy place
tezzatipoca: @jadedcynic NO ONE KNOWS
PharaohBender27: lrrFINE
SnackPak_: what could go wrong
DeM0nFiRe: Just call the temp agency
Mr_Whyt: its a HR thing
grander_pastures: Oh right the Big Feuding Romeo and Romeo's
JadedCynic: @tezzatipoca well, Chainz, Quinn...and now Jess-Jess
grander_pastures: We love them
HorusFive: Of course- they also don't have a certain issue any more... but they don't know that yet
JadedCynic: "It doesn't count unless I can get the scam caller to hang up first!" :D
grander_pastures: Silas is talking about Mary like he found a Tick that he fed for a wild
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
adept_nekomancer: Remember, you too can solve demon problems by being so boring they can't stand you.
JadedCynic: well, it went longer but yeah - that was basically it
cavvdor: HA
TitanicBark68 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TitanicBark68! (Today's storm count: 17)
DeM0nFiRe: sergeScience
grander_pastures: We gotta know if it would have harmed Mary
JadedCynic: all her temptations and offers bounced off of his willpower, and she just GAVE UP
accountmadeforants: Bloody Mary: https://i.imgur.com/hFEFjwk.gif
Julian_Rogue: I'm sure Silas would love being taken for granted
AriaHibiki: nserc?
matthaus_c: we could have had a diablerist /and/ a diabolist
A_Dub888: Oh yeah didn't Giuseppe rip a guy's arm off?
tezzatipoca: Silas is rubber and she is glue...
ghyllnox: Silas' paper details the LoL meta
denu55: nserc yup
ghyllnox: @A_Dub888 There were two guys, he returned with one arm and a camera, so I'm sure that's fine now
JadedCynic: it's 'bound in skin (of some unknown animal)'
grander_pastures: @ghyllnox stole my JOKE (good one)
GG Crono: @nikipound hit me up on discord later!
GG Crono: diabowist...
OVERKiLL!: Big Big Shoutout @Adam, @Coriander, @Cam, @LunarJade Heather, and @Jacob Burgess, special shoutout @Paul on the boards. Yall KiLLED iT! Such a great Series. Thank You ALL. 🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️💙
PharaohBender27: Aaaand I shared that because I wildly misunderstood GG Crono's "How do you know" post 😛
GG Crono: <_< Sorry
shadowmaster13: he's such a good boy scout he got pins
PharaohBender27: No worries, GG Crono, that was 100% my bad
GG Crono: Great plan
OVERKiLL!: 🩸🪞Little Lamb🐑
HorusFive: I mean- the book BELONGS to the WYRM. Raumsaur just had it with his stuff
Julian_Rogue: @JadedCynic I thought Jacob said it was lycan skin?
cavvdor: I honestly want to know whether Mary is an Urge Wyrm, Maeljin, or genuinely a manifestation of Eater-of-Souls. It's honestly funnier if it's actual Eater-of-Souls. We may still find out.
incslayer: hey the green fire thing was a deeply involved questline
OldUncleDan: Like Warlocks!
DeM0nFiRe: CoolCat
grander_pastures: @Julian_Rogue Absolutely it was Lupine skin, and a specific lupine tattoo
Strebenherz: Master snitch
fracassio: Oliver might have forgotten his deal with Monica at this point
MrPhlip: Not on purpose
KaleidoscopeMind: what secrets could they possibly have
accountmadeforants: Oliver doesn't just happen to know like... all of the dirty secrets
Mr_Whyt: has anyone broken vampire law?
HorusFive: among any of us [looks at Cori]
rodsur: masque: i demand a secret! Oliver: I have a pet cat?
cavvdor: Oh YEAH
grander_pastures: @Mr_Whyt Jo for SURE
Julian_Rogue: @grander_pastures I was like "don't say warewolf. uses the other word!" and still picked the wrong one XD
DeM0nFiRe: Technically correct
KaleidoscopeMind: i was there (actively taking part)
adept_nekomancer: "I'm just going to swing this stake, and if your face gets in the way, it's your own fault."
accountmadeforants: "Oh yeah, I recall hearing that" -"You mean you heard their skull exploding as you punched a stake through their head?"
tezzatipoca: I was there and my hand was there in his skull
HorusFive: "Cant prove nothin" (because the body turned to very fine ash)
Mr_Whyt: vampires were killed in my presence but i had nothing to do with it
JadedCynic: "...and I helped." *speaker got half the kills*
ghyllnox: Le's see... can a sheriff declare a blood hunt...
grander_pastures: @Julian_Rogue "Warewolf", pet to the "Warehouse" (dw, words are hard, I get ya)
TheDevil_Risen: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrADAM lrrFINE
DeM0nFiRe: zeldaFine
Sarah_Serinde: y'know, nothing much
NimrodXIV: Jordan had a perfectly normal day
Julian_Rogue: It's all Joe-ver for Jo
A_Dub888: She got intimate with Knives
JadedCynic: to be fair, Oliver's modesty is probably a good idea, knowing what we know about vampire society
Mr_Whyt: innocent little jo
PharaohBender27 gets ready to clip
JadedCynic: CSIS
rodsur: just a regular monday for Jo
KaleidoscopeMind: "who happens"
TheGreenMonster450: starting reeeaally far back in the game here :p
JadedCynic: "...for Jo it was Monday."
grander_pastures: Damn, a regular day for Jo
TheDevil_Risen: just a life debt, you know, as a treat!
cavvdor: Tiny debt, barely worth mentioning
Diabore: cori had a nice meal with her sire... sorry, of her sire
Terr0rc0tta: Grace is very angry and not very seance-y for a Giovanni
grander_pastures: Wow, honestly, the best way to get Monica to drop Jo is to make Jo AS TOXIC AS POSSIBLE
TheGreenMonster450: just a nibble
Julian_Rogue: He was a snac
SnackPak_: oh yeah
Mr_Whyt: prefectly reasonable response
A_Dub888: @Julian_Rogue Jo-vore
incslayer: just a little bit like a treat
accountmadeforants: Fair
Julian_Rogue: @A_Dub888 oh no. not that
JadedCynic: Yeah, Jo is the reason no one has a place to go in Victoria anymore.
SnackPak_: lol
grander_pastures: @A_Dub888 This one, this one here officer
BusTed: Aww
Strebenherz: Jo, club killer
tezzatipoca: It was really the part where Knives kicked Jo out of the club
Nigouki: Silas can we come over and watch bootleg anime DVDs?
Rasaella: No Vamp Pyres
HorusFive: Silas already let them all into the Vancouver Chanrty. What's one more
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
grander_pastures: Wow, Monica named her GG, damn
Julian_Rogue: Monica really is the "I was there"
KaleidoscopeMind: oh, i thought it meant no lighting large cars on fire (van pyres)
Terr0rc0tta: @rasaella +2
Strebenherz: Did knives realize he was telling jo to off her daughter?
ghyllnox: That's the Hikata way yeah
ghyllnox: @Strebenherz I didn't think he was?
Julian_Rogue: @Strebenherz maybe. he was sharp
ArdCollider: LOL the Hecata normally have to *sort of work at this*
JadedCynic: Monica's strat of "running the adventurer's shop" has REALLY PAID OFF
accountmadeforants: "Can I get a pop-tart? Do you have change for my eternal soul? Actually, keep the change"
grander_pastures: Monica is just Sitting there, and everyone falls over themselves to sell themselves off
JadedCynic: PDAs! *blush*
Diabore: @Julian_Rogue knives tend to be
Julian_Rogue: H*nd H*ld*ng
WeatheredPeach: h*ndh*ld*ng
WeatheredPeach: high five
Strebenherz: Pfffffffffft
ArdCollider: strapblocked by the Second Inquisition, could happen to anyone really
A_Dub888: to be fair, no one expects the Inquisition regardless of number
cavvdor: Bunch of partykillers
Julian_Rogue: @WeatheredPeach High five
Strebenherz: Rip
Rasaella: They only killed the first inquisition. The second one got away.
OVERKiLL!: "my cat saw dogs, how was your night Jordan?"
Simriel: Cori, the least suspicious looking person
Random Factor: Oliver has developed an interesting staking technique.
OVERKiLL!: no big deal
GG Crono: om nom nom
amative1: so i ATE him
OVERKiLL!: 🫦i kind of ate his heart just a little🫀
Random Factor: Silas starts hosting Elysium, manages to steal the island...
shadowmaster13: honestly Silas the most loner kindred hosting Elysium would be hilarious
TheGreenMonster450: cost them an arm
WiJohn: Killed the guys who get killed off stage before Mulder and Scully show up
grander_pastures: @ArdCollider is that.... stunblocked but for non-ween havers?
tezzatipoca: Talamasca :P
accountmadeforants: If I were the inquisition, I'd have some members call themselves member of the fourth inquisition. Just to leave vampires wondering what the third inquisition is up to.
richard_ermen: How strange. I feel compelled to look at boats now.
JadedCynic: in the tv show leverage, the two bumbling fbi agents that the 'crew' keep dropping villains on their laps
ritchards: big Delta Green vibes
A_Dub888: @Rasaella they stopped one yes, but what about SECOND Inquisition
Rasaella: lol
grander_pastures: TEDDY
PharaohBender27: Ted!
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart Ted
Julian_Rogue: Isn't that the entire plot and mechanics around the wizard system?
BusTed: FBtouchdown
HorusFive: Vampires love to imagine that they run things
corianderd: @grander_pastures no reason ween-havers can't add more
cavvdor: Being in a Mage campaign that's coming to an end, yes, in the World of Darkness, perspective goes a long way :p
BusTed: vibe check
tezzatipoca: They use Google maps
Julian_Rogue: Those must be a pain to hold hostage
PharaohBender27: They'd use those little wheels that measure as you walk
incslayer: can they ping pong between two locations?
tezzatipoca: Their nose itches
Sarah_Serinde: ghoulish, though :P
Gekyouryuu: do they have to keep moving constantly, or can they just bounce back and forth between two places 1.1 miles apart?
WiJohn: Good ol' shumble shanky
DeM0nFiRe: Good ol shlurmper
PharaohBender27: I remember my folks having one when I was a kid, can't remember what they're called
phoenixfeather14: Schmemple
ghyllnox: If he was a ghoul he'd probably not have taken that bribe
grander_pastures: @corianderd So true, I'm sorry for my lack of imagination. Double weens for all
KaleidoscopeMind: scherber slenkhy
grander_pastures: Shcolorper
JadedCynic: the 'second inquisition' is kindred's term for "modern intelligence agencies that find exterminated people curious and worthy of closer scrutiny"
tezzatipoca: @incslayer like when there's only two pokestops and you just walk back and forth...
ghyllnox: I'm curious why the 2i took a picture of them bribing him
HorusFive: Schemple survived a hit from Jo? As a human? That is impressive
cavvdor: To un-cool to ghoul
BusTed: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
grander_pastures: "I sent you my Schmemple, pls respond"
ghyllnox: @HorusFive She was trying to cause pain, not kill him
spethycakes: one might say he could be dis-membered
Terr0rc0tta: Way to schmempe it, Oliver
definenull subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
definenull: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, definenull! (Today's storm count: 18)
HorusFive: @ghyllnox So was Oliver
rodsur: we did it reddit!
Julian_Rogue: ah yes the public private sectors
spo8n: celebrities?
BusTed: like costco guys
grander_pastures: Ok... so, with all of this... we need to see Biggy Feet
JadedCynic: CSIS - Canada's 'CIA'
accountmadeforants: The World of Wardarkness forums happened to leak the existence of vampires, again
tezzatipoca: Fbi guys actually just Podcasters
Julian_Rogue: Jacob's on a watchlist. or 3
ArdCollider: heh. once you've worked with a guy who writes Delta Green!
JadedCynic: under the heirarchy
definenull: ???
PharaohBender27: O_o
grander_pastures: Whatttttttt
Strebenherz: What
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
shadowmaster132: I learned about CSIS from that rewatch with love bit about the stinger where that one CSIS woman was being hoeytrapped
BusTed: haha
ghyllnox: Masturbation policy???
JadedCynic: an exaggeration but the joke exists for a REASON
grander_pastures: Three Strokes and You're Out???
FarleyF: you know one of the best parts of these streams is watching Jacob Nerd out with the Lore. Seriously as a Lore person myself it's great
Julian_Rogue: @JacobBurgessVO you mean that wasn't on the citizenship test?
DeM0nFiRe: Don't you put it in your... hand?
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
adept_nekomancer: Yeah, but if you get 4 balls before you get 3 strikes, you get to walk free.
TheDevil_Risen: lrrCAMERON !!!! haha
korvys: lmao
richard_ermen: looool
PharaohBender27: :D
TheDevil_Risen: Jacob's Like NOPE. Not gonna deal with Cori rn
cavvdor: Perfect
definenull: LUL
JadedCynic: @shadowmaster132 Oh, you mean Castle's girlfriend? (same actress)
tezzatipoca: I believe Jo was on the way to Monicas :)
grander_pastures: OH NO, we're gonna feed the AL Azif to the OCEAN?
ritchards: clearly should give it to Monica
ghyllnox: Put it in the ocean I'm sure that'll go well
Master_Gunner: Sure, drop it in the ocean, that won't cause *any* eldritch monsters to wash up on shore.
cavvdor: No no no there's Wyrm things in the sea too, fire it into the sun
cavvdor: The GPS tracker is smart though
Julian_Rogue: in a cult
KaleidoscopeMind: maybe the book tells you how to safely store it
definenull: but then space wyrms
HorusFive: Can Femori swim? And does Silas know?
PharaohBender27: @cavvdor Install it in the telescope!
grander_pastures: Oh right, they used up all their ZP
ArdCollider: Monica absolutely in the VtM version of NeoScum's repeating "do you want to join the party?!" gag.
grander_pastures: XP
nikipound: That seems bad
OVERKiLL!: 🩸Blood and Fire🔥
nikipound: Oh yeah that explains why he'd need the RV
ani laurel: get a farm with 2 cabins on either ed
GG Crono: Shmempllllle!!
Something Uncomprehensible: Had Silas ever actually seen Shmempel?
emanym: Woo.
A_Dub888: Query: at this point, is Silas the goodest of the chantrie?
cavvdor: @HorusFive Some can, and I don't think he does. There's worse things down there than Fomori, too.
ArdCollider: Silas is always the goodest boy.
corianderd: can deep sea terrors read or is it too dark?
Terr0rc0tta: mischaracterising his beast is fascinating
definenull: best failure for trying to destroy a book sounds about right
JadedCynic: you used up ALL the good rolls in the past three seasons
cavvdor: Heather's tagline "you got willpower, right?"
grander_pastures: @corianderd They could probably eat it, and that would Probably be bad
ghyllnox: @corianderd Bioluminescense!
Diabore: @JadedCynic cori stole them to eat her sire
Mr_Whyt: @corianderd they use lantern fish
adept_nekomancer: @corianderd So we're creating the world's most dangerous shark, this is fine.
rodsur: @corianderd Im sure they could find an angler fish to help
HorusFive: Eventually Adam needs to look up the Were-Shark Shifters. They're hilariously terrifying
ritchards: I hear if you consume more vampires, you gain their will!
Travilogue: Cori did some really epic stuff last time....
A_Dub888: Eating an Archon doesn't count?
BusTed: but who would be silly enough to do that
cyclopsboi: the crunchyness of a games mechanics should always be at the discretion of the play group
richard_ermen: Choosing to frenzy for fun...like who would do that....right? Riiiiiigh? xD
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Julian_Rogue: That look on jacobs face is what I live for <3
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
rodsur: oh poor jacob
Dog_of_Myth: Poor Jacob
grander_pastures: @A_Dub888 Probaby, but they also did a Super Moidah
LostThePirate: XD
DaxStrife: That *pause*, lol.
definenull: Cori's shirt is very apt and appropriate right now xD
ProcyonFlynn: What a unique experience
ghyllnox: Lmao
MrPhlip: <3 Jacob
cavvdor: Jacob's expression gives me life
tezzatipoca: I love how much this group breaks Jacob 🖤🧛🏻‍♀️
grander_pastures: Silas NO
LunarJade: turns out we were always monsters
Julian_Rogue: he likes the smell
DaxStrife: I'd still make coffee for the smell if I couldn't drink it.
A_Dub888: @grander_pastures Weeelllllll 'murder' is a strong word...
OmnipotentTrevor: I just figured out what Jacob reminds me of right now. He's rocking that Gary Oldman from Fifth Element look.
ritchards: Jo still at 0 then?
incslayer: Jordan still a zero in hunger
corianderd: silas has a spit bucket for coffee
corianderd: like a taster
definenull: I'm sure that roll was nothing
Julian_Rogue: thank you. moving on
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
BusTed: NotLikeThis
grander_pastures: @A_Dub888 You're right, *i'm* using the strong language here... :p
DeM0nFiRe: Gotta sign the employee handbook
unarmedoracle: I had calculus prof who would throw ludicrous problems up on the board during lectures and tell us it was something we could be expected to tackle with a sharp pencil and a pot of coffee
spo8n: a projector made of ghosts
tezzatipoca: @omnipotenttrevor Gary Oldman from any movie is a good look 🖤🖤🖤
raulghoulia: that was my mom's car
definenull: lrrSIG
definenull: uh oh
ArdCollider: @unarmedoracle I bet Tremere math chalk is *insane.*
grander_pastures: @unarmedoracle That seems kinda sweet actually
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
JadedCynic: the car is more immortal than the coterie
jacqui_lantern234: uh oh!
TheWriterAleph: bwoop bwoop
grander_pastures: Uh oh, BEEP BEEP
JadedCynic: hmmm
grander_pastures: Quinnyyy
HorusFive: Has Oliver ever been in a car chase? Oh Wait- he was. With Werewolves
ritchards: cars mean nothing to me
accountmadeforants: lrrARROWS gdqSpin
definenull: what'cha doin there quinn
Twilight_Spark: Schmemple!¡!!!
grander_pastures: Oh god, is it SI?
tezzatipoca: lose the tail!
grander_pastures: Schmemple and SI, i bet
Nigouki: drive up all the way up to Sidney :V
jacqui_lantern234: either this is Quinn and this is mildly bad, or its not and this is an OH SHIT
MattStormcrow: Vampirism is one of those gifts of immortality that can seriously shorten your lifespan. Especially compared to a Toyota.
Nigouki: just have Quinn follow all the way to the thinbloods
tezzatipoca: lead them into a den of big cats xD
Twilight_Spark: Quinn has already moved on from the Charger though right?
nikipound: Yeah I was kind of expecting him to try burning it in that green fire Mary was making
ani laurel: woof
SmithKurosaki: Ahh I see torturing Jacob is getting started early tonight
SmithKurosaki: love those no context roles :p
amative1: S1E1 van chase, "Let's lose these fools", Jo frenzies and kills the wolves
McW0rk3r: wait four nightsa of downtime with Jo in th emiddle of a cliffhanger?!
SmithKurosaki: Im sure he'll get to Cori
A_Dub888: @tezzatipoca But va- kindred don't have tails
ritchards: Oliver is a good boi!
PharaohBender27: Oliver being smart
adept_nekomancer: Fast and the Furious: Vampire Drift
Julian_Rogue: @MattStormcrow especially during the season of toyotathon
ghyllnox: Oliver's made a few phone calls at this point huh
tezzatipoca: @a_dub888 😆😆😆
definenull: !!!
JadedCynic: @ritchards it's a powerful 'muscle car' - is used by police forces, but it's also a 'cool' enough car that Quinn might like to be seen in. It's not really a 'luxury' car that Monica would probably use.
incslayer: i think Oliver should have been driving a 2004 Ford Crown Victoria...
SnackPak_: hell yeah Oliver
grander_pastures: OH
Rasaella: Let's see what this tercel can do
NimrodXIV: hahaha
Diabore: jacobs shock LUL
accountmadeforants: HELL yeah
grander_pastures: Here we GO
tezzatipoca: @a_dub888 no furry vamps??? hybrids???
definenull: i like where this is g oing
grander_pastures: We
TheGreenMonster450: snack for stalk
TheWriterAleph: @Rasaella putputputpUTPUTPUTPUT
Kidror: Oh hell yeah, hunt the hunters
grander_pastures: We are leading them into a TRAP
Julian_Rogue: Oliver "i never cause trouble" Tindle "FUCK IT"
definenull: its feeding time!
tezzatipoca: Yesssss I called it 😸😸😸
ritchards: he needs to spend xp to get a mental link to Stalks (no idea if that's a thing, but whatever)
JadedCynic: new suburb
Diabore: oh, this is where "theres a chancec this guy pops" comes from isnt it
TheMerricat: So... does this count as a honeypot for the people following him or for Stalks? :D
JadedCynic: the fringe of 'the urban sprawl'
accountmadeforants: "Oh, this is a problem" to "Actually, HOW DARE they"
Nigouki: suddenly imagining the Tercel having a special lever like Lupin's mini
TheGreenMonster450: gotta feed your kitty
JadedCynic: @TheMerricat why not both?
raulghoulia: fly casual
PharaohBender27: :D
Strebenherz: Cat food
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
ghyllnox: Drive subterfuge lmao
grander_pastures: Drive..... subtlely
adept_nekomancer: @ghyllnox For when you want to drive really sneaky-like.
JadedCynic: Oliver's actually doing decent spycraft...
incslayer: wow Oliver is actually doing vampire stuff this is awesome
definenull: everything happens in downtime
grander_pastures: Here we GO, Hell yeah Olliii
JadedCynic: Oli-Oli-Oxen-free!
TheWriterAleph: @incslayer the character arrrrrc
ghyllnox: Sounds like either Oliver or Stalks is eating good tonight
Julian_Rogue: Tink tink tink "Why are you following me?"
Diabore: "hey guys, do you know where X is?"
DaxStrife: Just appears behind them, grabs one from behind, gives a Paul "Hello!" and breaks their neck.
grander_pastures: Oh, they're gonna spook ya
Rasaella: @definenull This downtime has 99.9% uptime because it runs on the power of friendship.
PharaohBender27: katesGun
Sarah_Serinde: oh boy :D
JadedCynic: BOOM
TheGreenMonster450: yeeeessssss
incslayer: door ripping off sound
grander_pastures: Here we GO
neisan2112: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
tezzatipoca: Skull smashing time :)
SpaceBattery: Fuck It We Ball energy, i love it
incslayer: messy crit messy crit
definenull: here's comes the turn!
grimshade: ohh oliver is gonna rip these fuckers apart
tezzatipoca: Oliver gets 0 hunger :)
coriolis_storm: Oliver going smash!
accountmadeforants: Oliver wanted Stalks by Night to be close so she could watch. It's a teaching moment.
Nigouki: "We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty!"
grander_pastures: Oh Noes
BusTed: Eeyyy
grander_pastures: HELL YEAH
SnackPak_: lets go
JadedCynic: BA_DA_BOOM
snowb0und subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months, currently on a 99 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, snowb0und! (Today's storm count: 19)
definenull: oh this is a convenient way to tie up loose ends
grander_pastures: Get Screwed Agent Sing
Diabore: the other agent and a new agent with 2 fresh arms to steal
BusTed: dang
ritchards: another head pulp?
HorusFive: @Diabore monica did say she might tell him to get her bodies lrrHERE
definenull: *HONK*
OVERKiLL!: this would be the funniest scene in real time to see Oliver reacting to .
SmithKurosaki: ye
ani laurel: totally
Lazotep __: Olivers gonna remove some variables
ani laurel: I gotta say that I love the system getting you to roll 2 stats
Random Factor: Oliver woke up and chose violence.
OVERKiLL!: @ani laurel agreed 🎲💀
ghyllnox: One human with a gun vs one vampire, welp.... sorry buddy
Sarah_Serinde: I believe Monica said he would absolutely be digging up bodies
accountmadeforants: Hope Agent Sing isn't attached to their head. Or, well, is, but not attached to the *idea* of it being attached
grander_pastures: There is at least two folks in the car though
NotCainNorAbel: beep
PharaohBender27: lrrHORN
A_Dub888: !y
rodsur: honk!
Julian_Rogue: Honk
BusTed: bonk
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Rasaella: HahaGoose
BusTed: & honk
JadedCynic: "HONKrunch POOOF!" *airbag inflates*
grander_pastures: Goose game's got nothing on this
A_Dub888: Oliver "Brass Knux" Tyndall
TheMerricat: @JadedCynic This. :D
Julian_Rogue: @JadedCynic like popcorn people!
Sarah_Serinde: The agent's name is probably spelled "Singh"
ghyllnox: How is "sing" spelled
definenull: again. you work for a necromancer oliver
grander_pastures: The Skullcrusher name is Earned
JadedCynic: 2015 charger - it's got an airbag in the wheel
ghyllnox: @Sarah_Serinde Exactly, thanks
A_Dub888: Does Oliver know how to do a Blood Walk?
PharaohBender27: CAMERON
Lysander_salamander: neat
ghyllnox: Lmao
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox given BC? Yeah "Singh"
Julian_Rogue: Ghoul the inquisitor XD
cavvdor: Ghoul! Ghoul! Ghoul!
Lysander_salamander: :D
incslayer: @PharaohBender27 Cameron, YES!
definenull: welp
Diabore: fuuuuuu
Sarah_Serinde: JadedCynic ...I wouldn't expect that to be specific to BC as opposed to the rest of Canada
Diabore: LUL
TheMerricat: :D
LostThePirate: Lol
tezzatipoca: ooooo
SnackPak_: uh oh
DeM0nFiRe: LUL "my bad"
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
BusTed: oops whoops
accountmadeforants: LUL
s1ck1y: ohohoho what a time to come in
Julian_Rogue: "ma bad"
grander_pastures: Gotta love the Phone Recs
Terr0rc0tta: lol
KaleidoscopeMind: LUL
Strebenherz: Pfffftffffffffffft
BusTed: mb mb
ghyllnox: Called it
rodsur: oh phone records, i wonder why? XD
cavvdor: Whoopsie doopsie
TheGreenMonster450: woopsie
SnackPak_: a lil whoopsie boingo
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
adept_nekomancer: Just a little whoopsie doodle
ProcyonFlynn: oh no, the consequences of my actions
grander_pastures: It's added up! It's math baby!
JadedCynic: time to share the blood between Stalks....
Diabore: with the car?
Strebenherz: Angry Quinn noises
grimshade: whats the the consiquences of my own actions
A_Dub888: uh ohhhh, whoopsieeee
Julian_Rogue: I loot the car!
Sarah_Serinde: Oliver's been taught how to clean up
tezzatipoca: Anything... evidency
HorusFive: "Oh no. I now have to admit that Quinn was right" -Oliver, probably, now
JadedCynic: yeah! Quinn taught you how to be thorough with this stuff
grander_pastures: He's a GOD
Nigouki: gonna be tracked by agent's phone isn't he...
BusTed: heheh
Diabore: JACOB
Strebenherz: PDT
tezzatipoca: We know Oliver can do some shibari shhhtuff
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Strebenherz: Pfffft
Julian_Rogue: adam doesn't either XD
grander_pastures: Damn, a new thing found
grander_pastures: JACOB
Twilight_Spark: Huh?
Julian_Rogue: JACOB
FarleyF: yeah we do
Rasaella: lol jacob
tezzatipoca: (from season 2)
BusTed: distant stare.
cavvdor: Oliver would be so into it but never admit it
Lysander_salamander: hehehehe
terribleplan: JACOB
denu55: lmao
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
incslayer: i dont know what that is either
cyclopsboi: lol jacob
RurouniGeo: lmaoooo
LunarJade: lol
tezzatipoca: (the owl guy)
DaxStrife: :-)
ritchards: "I hope this doesn't unlock something in me"
lirazel64: What, wha?
Strebenherz: I plead the fifth
JadedCynic: @Julian_Rogue now he does :)
s1ck1y: lol and also lmao
BusTed: LUL
satyropodobny: the best part is quinn taught him that
JadedCynic: @cavvdor "Oh - there's a kink around this? Wow."
ArdCollider: Oliver's tech level basically Jack Reacher, early novels
KaleidoscopeMind: better question: is jessica there?
grander_pastures: Oh boy, why not go to Quinn, because DAMN
ghyllnox: "Hit this one button to make this call" is what I did to a phone for my grandfather. It was surprisingly difficult to get a modern phone to be that simple
grander_pastures: But also, love you Olliver
Diabore: tbh, little sad oliver didnt explode the agent
BusTed: hahahaa
tezzatipoca: Also sad did not feed to Stalks
HorusFive: Monica- just collecting them
NimrodXIV: Oliver is still the best
Lysander_salamander: heck
JadedCynic: @Diabore the SECOND agent going missing would invite more attention and problems
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
cavvdor: Oh no
grander_pastures: Hell yeah G MAn
Lysander_salamander: nice
tezzatipoca: 😹😹😹
SnackPak_: cool
corpocracy: cool
denu55: omg oliver
roastbeefsandwitch: Oliver, the chill dude. "Cool vampire powers!"
tezzatipoca: Oliver: so anyway...
Nigouki: Giuseppe would absolutely recognize him right?
incslayer: why do i think the giovanni will physically move the house
SmithKurosaki: Lets Go Oliver
Random Factor: At least he didn't just try to stake him.
SmithKurosaki: Right?
ani laurel: a ghoul would be cool
SmithKurosaki: What about second Ghoul?
OVERKiLL!: because of the "implication"
ani laurel: they'll notice if Singh dies but not if he disappeared
Simriel: Jacob!!!
OVERKiLL!: "everybody knows"😶
nikipound: "I have a problem. The problem's in the trunk of my car."
Simriel: I didn't think Guiseppe was a vamp
Simriel: What is Guiseppe?
grander_pastures: Ahhh, new man
grander_pastures: You will be a New Man
Gekyouryuu: oh, I completely forgot. earlier tonight I was at my LGS for Final Fantasy TCG draft. while there, I bought a few packs of Foundations Jumpstart. one pack was Vampires. that felt fitting.
JadedCynic: on the PLUS side, the New Oliver is fixing those mistakes :)
terribleplan: No social insurance?
accountmadeforants: Notliver Nosinsdell
HorusFive: Oliver was Quinn's problem. New-Oliver is a good soldier for the Hecata
definenull: lrrSPOOP
grander_pastures: It all feels so slick and smooth here, love it
WiJohn: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
cavvdor: Goddamn Hecata
corpocracy: lrrSPOOP
letsbelgo: ghost be doing work
SkipIives subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
SkipIives: This has been such a good series. You should all be proud.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SkipIives! (Today's storm count: 20)
definenull: oh Jo's in divorce/breakup gear
SnackPak_: so cozy
Lysander_salamander: :D
JadedCynic: @terribleplan new SIN from someone that died in childhood
Lysander_salamander: delightful
TheGreenMonster450: chilling with the girls
cavvdor: Chillin like a villain
tezzatipoca: I love it
grander_pastures: So, two agents of the Hecata, two agents of the Anarchs in this Couterie
fracassio: JO!
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
JadedCynic: Oliver: "I have a problem." Jo: "Eh."
tezzatipoca: I need another Memoramdum with Monica chill timez
grander_pastures: Oliver is very very presumptous
JadedCynic: lesson time!
Lysander_salamander: ah a teaching moment
Diabore: so i brought them here
ArdCollider: this coterie's more fun when it just gives the heck up on the mainline Cam, clearly.
definenull: ah this is the "find out" episode
Sarah_Serinde: aw Oliver
Julian_Rogue: @Sarah_Serinde awliver
grander_pastures: God we love this development
Lysander_salamander: ah, gargoyle mode
JadedCynic: Oliver has learned from his mistakes already <3
Sarah_Serinde: @Julian_Rogue gabyLul
incslayer: you also have the buy
JadedCynic: erasing your records might arouse the S.I.'s attention...
incslayer: guy*
grander_pastures: BURN IOT
type_variable: the toredor plates?
TheWriterAleph: good answer
definenull: burn it 🔥
Julian_Rogue: What about stalks?
Nigouki: Stalks
ProcyonFlynn: And hey - you've already got the body for the coverup
tezzatipoca: *not to this life* so much growth!
Nigouki: Oliver Stalks
HorusFive: P A N D E R !
definenull: UHHH
NimrodXIV: uh
SnackPak_: mostly
KaleidoscopeMind: uh
Juliamon: LUL
TheWriterAleph: uhhh physically yes?
cavvdor: Nough
DaxStrife: O_o
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
BusTed: The art!
MrPhlip: Physically?
Sarah_Serinde: That's a hell of a question :D
A_Dub888: CurseLit
grander_pastures: FULL BORE SURGERY
tezzatipoca: new name: skullcrusher :)
ArdCollider: oliver donate your eyes, etc.
Mr_Whyt: it hasnt come off yet
grander_pastures: Get the Tzmice!!
Lysander_salamander: get ourselves a Tcsimse friend
cavvdor: Uhhh oh no
cavvdor: Erm
letsbelgo: ehhhhh
tezzatipoca: Monica rackin em up
cavvdor: This will be An Experience
Sarah_Serinde: good call not making a snap decision if he can help it
Nigouki: ooooooh is it haunted basement time!?
ghyllnox: Could also hit up TBuck
BusTed: Did Richard Riehle threaten legal action
Julian_Rogue: Get new glasses. like clark kent
ritchards: but that's where Stalks goes!
definenull: F poker nights
KaleidoscopeMind: as long as stalks isnt in there
grander_pastures: Just full bore "take a stain"
ritchards: OOooooOOO!!!!
TheGreenMonster450: @ritchards still have Jo's house
Lysander_salamander: dang
JadedCynic: "So those two shlubs were checking out this old guy...and now we can't find him." "He disappeared?" "From Canada Revenue's tax rolls, from the BC government records, everywhere - as far as I know, the reports these two filed are the only documentation that exists ANYWHERE on him."
grander_pastures: Chief ADVISOR
LunarJade: I think Stalks is more than smart enough to stay away from a burning building
incslayer: chief advisor? someone got a promotion
JadedCynic: @grander_pastures no more hand-holding...
HorusFive: Chief? That was a quick promotion
PhuzNutz: Well, that was one hell of a scene to pop into 0:
tezzatipoca: @lunarjade And can probably find Oliver?
Simriel: I wonder if he's a Wraith
ani laurel: leave your SIN and your sins
Jesse Kim: Guiseppe is a ghost in a body
emanym: He’s a kindred.
Simriel: @ani laurel Oliver is so unlucky he would be SINless
Simriel: Is he actually Kindred? I thought he was whatever the wraith player characters were called
Jesse Kim: probably ghouled by Monica
nikipound: I got the impression in S1 there was a ghost inside Giuseppe
Sarah: Season 2 but yeah
Sarah: iirc someone noticed there was a ghost in him
Jesse Kim: yeah Jessica got that Auspex role
Jesse Kim: face off
Jesse Kim: face comes off
Simriel: Oh shit, is Oliver gonna get Tzcimisci'ed?
Jesse Kim: or Oliver finally speccs into that discipline
Simriel: Oooh Oliver is being smart here
Jesse Kim: Stalks: wtf why did the house burn down
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
loufghyslaufey: Interrogator, but "1st Try!!"
HorusFive: It's his second inquisition. bad-dum-ching
ritchards: Jo is so over all of this
grander_pastures: Oh, is Jo also one of Monica's Creatures too?
Onisquirrel subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 98 months, currently on a 85 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Onisquirrel! (Today's storm count: 21)
TheGreenMonster450: life debt babyyy
Julian_Rogue: same grace. same
Lysander_salamander: yay educations
niccus: we identified a new opportunity in your work
ghyllnox: @grander_pastures Life debt++
JadedCynic: The Monica Giovanni School for Gifted Kindred. :D
letsbelgo: @grander_pastures she got her daughter out of the island
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
loufghyslaufey: There are governments in Drop to Drink?
incslayer: beyond the goverment, above the law we are Torchwood
rodsur: @JadedCynic and sometimes less gifted :P
ghyllnox: "James Bond hates you"
BusTed: tqsSmug
DeM0nFiRe: That is a great quote lol
Master_Gunner: TEE-BUCK
ritchards: keyword list?
Rasaella: The T-Buck Suite
HorusFive: T- BUCK
DaxStrife: T-Buck (take a shot)
A_Dub888: How long is the list?
loufghyslaufey: Also, Drop to Drink has the "007" franchise?
Mr_Whyt: T-Buck!
Nigouki: woo! I love haunted basement!
grander_pastures: @letsbelgo Oh, yeah, deffo that, but also the news of Diablarie
HorusFive: where did that come from lrrAWESOME
type_variable: this room is the guest bathroom
JadedCynic: @loufghyslaufey oh yeah, humans and their society still exists above and around the Kindreds'
grander_pastures: THE RIKER
Sarah_Serinde: loufghyslaufey This world is our world, just with secret vampires and other monsters in it
ghyllnox: SI agent wanted to find a vampire, and he wakes up with 4 vamps and a ghoul
A_Dub888: @DaxStrife Instructions unclear: consumed buckshot
ritchards: So Champ, you've joined the Second Inquitsiiion
BusTed: damn
grander_pastures: OOOF
shadowmaster132: And a night ferry
tezzatipoca: Most polite interrogation
definenull: LETS GO
korvys: this rules this rules this rules
JadedCynic: Good cop?
TheWriterAleph: gotdamn oliver
roastbeefsandwitch: Just interview that delinquent student, keep that vibe...
Fruan: Interogating people is absolutely a skill a sub teacher has learned
grander_pastures: How fucking smooth was that, Adam
TheWriterAleph: oliver took notes during that last interrogation
ghyllnox: I don't know lmao
grander_pastures: Yessss, Oliver.... do the Vetinari Method.... give him Hope....
BrainBetter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 57 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BrainBetter! (Today's storm count: 22)
Sarah_Serinde: Oliver has learned the lesson about someone playing "good cop"
TheDevil_Risen: lunarj1Fangs going to suck lunarj1Fangs
Diabore: "i dont like that answer, lets try again"
Julian_Rogue: @TheDevil_Risen I choked thanks
definenull: chills
TheDevil_Risen: better than the day im having at work :D
korvys: @JacobBurgessVO You outdo yourself every session, I love this
Mr_Whyt: ghoul him
Sarah_Serinde: hon I don't think you know how this one goes
TheWriterAleph: *SNAP*
grander_pastures: Don't overshoot it!
HorusFive: HyperSlam
Julian_Rogue: The "Includes Paid promotion" popped in right as adam said "you're in big trouble" which the comedic timing got me
Diabore: cool, not dead
DeM0nFiRe: Haha
ArdCollider: letting bro talk too much
grimshade: omg oliver
coriolis_storm: Oliver just leveled up a few times this session
incslayer: this version of Oliver is intimidating
JadedCynic: I don't think this stuff was covered in any agency's Interrogation Training Handbook...
grander_pastures: Pour dots into that
Nigouki: Is Giuseppe already in there? Or is he going to have entrance music?
tezzatipoca: Look I've been saying Oliver has big bad mob boss vibes
PharaohBender27: Oliver's a good interrogator. Tried to make a clip, but no way to get it really across without violating the 60-second limit
minislot1997: This is a vibe.
corianderd: :( So here I am Doing everything I can
HorusFive: @Nigouki "Mai Gawd. That's Giuseppe's music"
tezzatipoca: He's going to run the whole island
s1ck1y: @Nigouki Giuseppe with the steel chair!!!
DeM0nFiRe: I said a couple episodes ago it kind of felt like Oliver is like "ok, I read the rules manual, let's start the game"
tezzatipoca: You don't want it to be up to Jo xD
sandmanlives: Excellent, as always. Thank you!
Julian_Rogue: But there are things worse than death in this world
Something Uncomprehensible: If Stalks doesn't die...
Simriel: Stalks wouldn't die
Oakinwode: Stalks is too smart
Simriel: So does everyone just Belong to Monica now
Jesse Kim: Silas doesn't
SmithKurosaki: Half at least
Jesse Kim: he went with Chainz
Jesse Kim: T-BUCK mentioned
Simriel: TEEE BUCK!
Jesse Kim: LMAO
Oakinwode: I love Adam so much for turning his chair
SmithKurosaki: DAMN Adam
PharaohBender27: Oliver's a great interrogator
emanym: Wow 😯
Jesse Kim: I love teachable moments
Jesse Kim: do you love teachable moments?
SmithKurosaki: I missed the tbuck ref :(
ani laurel: I'm really glad Jacob doesn't let torture work
Jesse Kim: well this guy's an agent
ghyllnox: If he wasn't dead it would probably be worse
terribleplan: Oliver going sicko mode
definenull: damn
LiveFaust: "I'm dead anyway." "In the best of cases, yeah."
tezzatipoca: Aw
DeM0nFiRe: dangh
grander_pastures: Oh Jo...
s1ck1y: jo woman of all time
Lysander_salamander: oh man
Lysander_salamander: nice
definenull: JACOB
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
Juliamon: MY BOY
Mr_Whyt: spcie girls!
letsbelgo: hella yeah
LostThePirate: lol
Julian_Rogue: SKA XD
KaleidoscopeMind: JACOB
ProcyonFlynn: @LiveFaust Yeah. lrrSPOOP
Lysander_salamander: yayu
TheDevil_Risen: go Jacob!
BusTed: 🔲 🔳
Mr_Whyt: oh kill him
raulghoulia: pick it pick it up pick it up
Rasaella: squirell nut zippers go
cavvdor: PERFECT
Kidror: Oh so this is justified
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
tezzatipoca: "on sunday morning..."
letsbelgo: pick it up
PMAvers: "I like ska." "DEATH."
BusTed: skank with him
JadedCynic: Time for Mother Confessor, before 'walking the last mile'
Lysander_salamander: yes!
TheWriterAleph: lrrHORN lrrHORN
HorusFive: Hell yeah-
saucemaster5000: No one wants to die to Reel Big Fish
TheDevil_Risen: Death Ska :)
grander_pastures: What a beautiful way to pull on it all
JadedCynic: lrrWOW
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
NimrodXIV: Jordan gives no fucks now
incslayer: Adam is a freaking monster (in a positive way) in how he plays Oliver the change of energy in his entire on screen persona is superb
ghyllnox: lmao Jo
grander_pastures: What a wonderful characterization of it all
tezzatipoca: I TOLD you you don't want it to be up to Jo
Nigouki: putting the Haunted into Haunted Basement
letsbelgo: Brujah are scary
KaleidoscopeMind: does anyone... drink him?
A_Dub888: @incslayer you're superb
Mr_Whyt: ghosts are so whiny
tezzatipoca: oops
Lysander_salamander: bummer
tezzatipoca: 👻👻👻
definenull: well this was a teachable moment for everyone
JadedCynic: I think Grace might be losing humanity and gaining stains for all we know...
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSPOOP
ritchards: Dammit Twitch connection, stop twitching!
grander_pastures: Jo, kinda blew it, but we love you
cavvdor: Little Hecata Problems
WeatheredPeach: I suffer with Monica
Julian_Rogue: It's hard to lie as a ghost. they'll see right through you
Terr0rc0tta: Monica has been sold a bill of goods
NovahTalAura: Oliver learnt
Mr_Whyt: *rimshot*
ghyllnox: @Julian_Rogue Ba dum psh
tezzatipoca: @julian_rogue 🤔🤔🤔
PharaohBender27: OK, I'm going to dinner. I might go back to make some clips, but I can't guarantee, so if you see a clippable moment in the next half-hour - clip it
corianderd: @Julian_Rogue boo
Strebenherz: Pfffffffffft
grander_pastures: Ohhhhhh
Rasaella: but then they take the mask off the ghost and it's really Quinn! I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling kindred
KaleidoscopeMind: yessss
grander_pastures: Gotta get with the Babe
definenull: seems like?
WiJohn: Everything worked out fine!
tezzatipoca: The whole gang is here ^.^ Monica's plane news elysiam ^.^
accountmadeforants: The War Thunder forums strike again
grimshade: rip agents
Lysander_salamander: well, hopefully they didn't check in recently
grander_pastures: This was just a two man show
satyropodobny: yay!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
HorusFive: Shame about your Inquisition
grander_pastures: Oh, god, wanted level 3??
WiJohn: Right up until Jessica drives a tank through downtown
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME
TheWriterAleph: DOOM SKA
A_Dub888: so now..... wanted level 2.5?
neisan2112: Doom Ska
tezzatipoca: 😹😹😹
BusTed: Cringes insideout
Julian_Rogue: mom snaps some ones neck. fine. ska. nope
Bruceski: Lullaby version of Superman
TheWriterAleph: @neisan2112 hell yeah
terribleplan: Sadly: "Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up"
JadedCynic: they weren't ASSIGNED to this, but were 'working on their own initiative' and when they don't report in...there's no leads that come back to Victoria anymore
Master_Gunner: I suppose Jo picked up all of Knives's musical skills.
WeatheredPeach: "Felt good" oof he's grown
ghyllnox: Oliver hasn't told Monica about the car huh
corianderd: @Bruceski ya I accidentally sent that message to chat before ska was mentioned but lyrics are sad
A_Dub888: can vampires feel (physically)?
Julian_Rogue: wait. is Diablorizing not a cardinal sin to the Hakata?
HorusFive: @A_Dub888 Like pain? Or emotions?
A_Dub888: @HorusFive pain
definenull: its always gilmore girls night
WiJohn: What's a little deplorpory among friends!
ghyllnox: @Julian_Rogue They do a lot of arguably more awful stuff
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox I don't think CSIS uses flashier cars for 'surveillance' - esp when this wasn't an official investigation, but two agents doing stuff off the clock
HorusFive: They very much feel pain. It's different, because they heal almost whenever they have blood
JadedCynic: <3
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Jesse Kim: gross
nikipound: wait what
Jesse Kim: oh Jordan has Awe?
Jesse Kim: oh
amative1: At least she can't debloblerize this one
Jesse Kim: my boss is a deblahblerist
nikipound: I mean Monica could have told them in advance she had dominate
Jesse Kim: nah this was funnier
Jesse Kim: very Jo
OVERKiLL!: dibloplerize him:yougotthis:
Jesse Kim: they were good men
Jesse Kim: heat goes down
nikipound: Hotel Monica.
Jesse Kim: casa de Giovanni
nikipound: You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave
DeM0nFiRe: Tee BUCK is so good
A_Dub888: !findquote thing
LRRbot: Quote #5839: "There's not a lot of things older then we are on the Internet." —James [2019-02-21]
TheGreenMonster450: "fun"
KaleidoscopeMind: "fun"
Sarah_Serinde: fun :D
JadedCynic: Jessica is blossoming :)
Juliamon: Diablerie is like... a minor felony for them
TheGreenMonster450: jinx
Master_Gunner: <3 T-Buck
grander_pastures: T BUCK
tezzatipoca: Pun intended
grander_pastures: @Juliamon Ain't it a major felony?
LunarJade: pun always intended
rodsur: T-buck was just ghouled and not kindred, right?
JadedCynic: @grander_pastures yeah, more like a capital offense?
grander_pastures: @JadedCynic One of The Offenses
HorusFive: @rodsur I believe he's thin-blood
KaleidoscopeMind: t-buck is thinblood
JadedCynic: @rodsur nope; t-buck's a thin-blood(?)
MrPhlip: @rodsur T-buck was a thin blood before they met
accountmadeforants: 3 months of no Gilmore Girls nights D:
WeatheredPeach: Thad is a very good name
rodsur: ah right, thanks :D
incslayer: Thad and Thumper? what is this Blue Mountain State?
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
definenull: says t-buck
KaleidoscopeMind: im headcanoning spelled Thadd and Thumpur
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
ghyllnox: "That city's a mess" LUL
Mr_Whyt: says T-Buck
TheWriterAleph: tee BUCK
definenull: the hyphen doesn't count
accountmadeforants: TEE "T-Buck" BUCK
TheGreenMonster450: suit him to a tee
Strebenherz: T BUUUUUUUCK
A_Dub888: @accountmadeforants and they were on season 5 too (never seen the show so don't know if good or bad)
fracassio: bratty t buck is a treasure
KaleidoscopeMind: oooh
abslomdaak42: "Please, Mr. Buck is my father. Call me Tee!"
Mr_Whyt: get a water gun fill it up with the stuff
JadedCynic: chainz, 'Quinn', Knives, Chancey, Masque....
WeatheredPeach: "Acid blood" is just acid with a bit of blood in it isn't it?
ghyllnox: Jessica wants self defense but cooler, bloodier
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
ritchards: silver blood!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
JadedCynic: Time for a Range Night!
incslayer: "i got something for that"
Mr_Whyt: practice
HorusFive: "Git gud" T-buck
definenull: HA
MrSarkhan: LUL
SnackPak_: AoE damage
WiJohn: Close counts with grenades
DeM0nFiRe: Grenades are totally fool-proof can't mess it up
KaleidoscopeMind: @JadedCynic excuse you, it's "Chansey the Rock God"
tezzatipoca: have you met this group of fiends?
NimrodXIV: granades need less aim
definenull: jessica is known for throwing things
JadedCynic: I feel like the 'Scale of Escalation' has lost a few steps
ghyllnox: Stats-wise she *is* better at throwing things
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
raulghoulia: the reverse pickpocket
JadedCynic: @KaleidoscopeMind I wasn't including *titles*
terribleplan: Pffft
TheDevil_Risen: wooo!
incslayer: ohh god Jess is getting grenades
jacqui_lantern234: LUL i love you, heather
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
TheDevil_Risen: lrrFINE
SnackPak_: I love this for Jessica
ghyllnox: T "just grenades" Buck
Sogheim: this won't end poorly, no sir
MrSarkhan: Heather is the best at being a vampire.
NimrodXIV: #TeamChaos
ckupf: I can get you grenades by 3pn
josh___something: Jessica YESSSS
Nigouki: Jacob screaming internally while keeping in character
definenull: silver shrapnel?
Strebenherz: Tonight on everyone wants to be a problem xD
corianderd: grenade in the pants might be a canadian tradition
HorusFive: This is even funnier, realizing how little this will do with actual Lupines
tezzatipoca: This group likes to press the "do not press" button
grander_pastures: Ah, Lupins the III, the master thief
JadedCynic: @raulghoulia Jess-Jess gonna dance the Shady Sands Shuffle!
rodsur: is there going to be an island left at the end of this episode?
Sogheim: T-Buck had a dumpstat
KaleidoscopeMind: @JadedCynic Chansey feels the type to legally change their name
satyropodobny: silver pineapples lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
cyclopsboi: haha
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
JadedCynic: @corianderd or it might BECOME one B)
BusTed: tqsSmug
cyclopsboi: a silver rock
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
WiJohn: Just a garlic wreath of grenades
grander_pastures: New definition to the idea of Hand Gun
DaxStrife: It's called "Japanimation!"
HorusFive: Tell him about the Mini-bar Jessica!
ghyllnox: Ah-ni-mays
OmnipotentTrevor: Maybe a silver tipped javelin?
JadedCynic: again: Time for a Range Night :D
OldUncleDan: Jessica has definately seen "NANA."
Rasaella: Pillow Fight
BusTed: hahaha
Simriel: Good old T-BUCK!
Jesse Kim: interesting how the coterie doesn't use T-Buck for Thinblood Alchemy
Simriel: @Jesse Kim does Exploding Blood work on Lupines?
Jesse Kim: "it was fun"
McW0rk3r: wait is the bone white mask a Cappadocian thing or just a normal necromancy thing
SmithKurosaki: Wish I knew
ani laurel: so why is it so hard to get people onto the island when you can just take a ferry?
Simriel: Says Tbuck!
Jesse Kim: ferries are probably well surveilled
Simriel: @McW0rk3r She's a Giovanni proper not a Cappo is she?
nikipound: Mr. T. Buck
SmithKurosaki: @ani laurel Guessing they're mostly Day runs?
Sarah: The ferry runs at night in this world
Jesse Kim: ah there it is
Sarah: But I'm guessing it's politicking and safety matters
Jesse Kim: THERE IT IS
Sarah: Knives doesn't want more kindred on the island
Simriel: Knives doesn't want shit anymore
McW0rk3r: @Simriel I knows she's Giovanni family and the running assumption is embraced giovani but that's an odd trick if not
Jesse Kim: good thing Knives is "gone"
ani laurel: yeah, Silas took the ferry
Jesse Kim: what if answer was gun
Sarah: okay yes true Knives is past tense now XD
Sarah: still other people involved in the island though
Simriel: He is an Ex-Knives
Simriel: Just Actual grenades
ani laurel: pining for the fjords
Simriel: Can T-Buck get Joe a GPMG?
amative1: Jessica "Grenades" Chadwick
Jesse Kim: real nades
nikipound: Grenade Toreador!
OVERKiLL!: <-- Bazooka to a knife fight
Jesse Kim: thank you T-Buck
Simriel: a GPMG with Silver Bullets would work wonders :P
runefire32: God bless T-Buck
ShmingsThings: Need silver grenades
OVERKiLL!: ahnimayz
JadedCynic: blink in, drop grenade, blink out
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
accountmadeforants: Blink forward a small distance and release, some sorta railgn
Rasaella: candy gun
accountmadeforants: *railgun
niccus: reverse pickpocketing works
Lysander_salamander: explosive bullets
Gekyouryuu: noisy cricket
WiJohn: Yes
jacqui_lantern234: yes
tezzatipoca: all of them
DaxStrife: "Small" to T-Buck probably means a sawed-off shotgun, at best.
tezzatipoca: pink
josh___something: "How many grenades?" Yes
tezzatipoca: bejeweled
tezzatipoca: grenades :)
mercano82: “how many grenades can I fit in my bag?”
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
LiveFaust: This is the Matrix "we need guns" scene.
JadedCynic: LUL
HorusFive: ring ring "I jsut got the sense you wanted to talk about grenades"
JadedCynic: <3
definenull: love the commitment to the bit
TheDevil_Risen: hahahahaha
JadedCynic: @JacobBurgessVO you dedicated GENIUS <3
TheDevil_Risen: lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart
rodsur: of course jacob researcged gilmore girls :D
Twilight_Spark: Wait that's Oxford not Yale- shit
grander_pastures: CRYING
accountmadeforants: Vader: NOOOOO
HorusFive: "Look what you made me do"
Gekyouryuu: "But doctor.... I ATE Pagliaci!"
tezzatipoca: Cam 😸😸😸
TheDevil_Risen: like Homer and Mr Pincy
LunarJade: if I had rolled a messy crit I probably could have thrown that candy through the pillow
SnackPak_: *burp* ah, that made some room
Lysander_salamander: safe
DeM0nFiRe: Everything is fine.
Mr_Whyt: "safe"
DeM0nFiRe: *locks door to monica's*
Rasaella: threat(s)
accountmadeforants: The threat of mortality
ghyllnox: She might cry because she knows how bad this is
HorusFive: The number of threats changed. That's always good, right
Gekyouryuu: "sorry, sweetie. mama had to eat your vampire grandpa/almost step-dad."
ButterBall000 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ButterBall000! (Today's storm count: 23)
definenull: "oh."
A_Dub888: is this before Oliver?
Lysander_salamander: I like how Monica's story about killing her progenitor turned into foreshadowing
Mr_Whyt: a little whoopsie doodle
ghyllnox: "I ate an Archon Monica, what do you want me to say?"
KaleidoscopeMind: he used to be cool
grander_pastures: @Lysander_salamander Now that's good storytelling
Strebenherz: Jordan had a little snack
Master_Gunner: "I couldn't let him go"
DeM0nFiRe: woah
incslayer: looks or "looks"
JadedCynic: Jordan made a decision of loyalties
tezzatipoca: Monica: I will kill kim Jo: welllll...
Strebenherz: That's... Damn
definenull: *gotye rings in the background*
Mr_Whyt: he was delicious
ghyllnox: @incslayer "looks" almost certainly
fracassio: lol
Dog_of_Myth: No
PMAvers: "And now I have that song from the Reece's Puffs ad stuck in my head eat 'em up eat 'em up eat 'EM UP!"
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
TheWooglie: LUL
BusTed: 😬
Juliamon: LUL
RurouniGeo: "No."
tezzatipoca: 😹😹😹
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
HorusFive: Jo maybe has bad taste in men mattlrCry
MrPhlip: lrrWOW
cavvdor: WOW
KaleidoscopeMind: step-did
josh___something: LUL
OldManJohnsonMB: WOW
Terr0rc0tta: I couldn’t let him go is an incredible post hoc rationalization
LostThePirate: XD
Strebenherz: Pffffffffffffft
saucemaster5000: Nope
JadedCynic: "we broke up, honey"
Kidror: You *had* a grandfather, more technically
phoenixfeather14: not anymore, anyway
DeM0nFiRe: Little bit of weight in that no LUL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL holy crap, cori
grander_pastures: "No"
WiJohn: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
josh___something: At best, HAD
grimshade: holy crap jordan
SnackPak_: I could hear the period on the end of that no
ghyllnox: The CACKLE
OldManJohnsonMB: 'not anymore, anyway'
Strebenherz: *HAD*
mhbmk2: @HorusFive she certainly had a taste for them
grander_pastures: It could have only been made better by saying "Had"
JadedCynic: @Kidror it got...'it's complicated'
Julian_Rogue: oh btw I lit the bar on fire
Rasaella: slumber party!
Lysander_salamander: yay another erasure
shadowmaster132: He used to love me is devastating great work
Jesse Kim: answer is gun
Simriel: Nah we gotta get Oliver a Big Hammer, for that crushing he does
Jesse Kim: that's also probably a discipline, Adam
ShmingsThings: Oliver Maxwell and his silver hammer
Simriel: Maxwell?
Jesse Kim: he can pick a new last name
ShmingsThings: Throwing out a last name candidate, since we haven't heard his choice yet
Jesse Kim: except Oliver Nuts
Simriel: Oliver Balls
Jesse Kim: fuck
ShmingsThings: I'd imagine we'll find out by the end
Jesse Kim: Oliver Schmemple
amative1: Jo was quizzical, studied pataphysical science in the home...
Jesse Kim: was
Jesse Kim: I'm dead
ghyllnox: Whatever happened to Marge?
definenull: oh really
grander_pastures: EVEN
Sarah_Serinde: ooh
Julian_Rogue: Life debt paid!
definenull: *sus*
neisan2112: WOAH
Lysander_salamander: wow
grander_pastures: NO DEBT
TheDevil_Risen: WOOOW
ghyllnox: Ooh nice
Rasaella: oh snap
RurouniGeo: E V E N PogChamp
type_variable: but what about Marge?
DeM0nFiRe: Kinda thought that would count as the life boon
tezzatipoca: O WOW
NotCainNorAbel: lrrWOW
cyclopsboi: thats huge
JadedCynic: you removed a MAJOR threat to the Giovanni
grander_pastures: A LIFE FOR A LIFE
accountmadeforants: Grace went from "mortal" young student to "immortal" baby who is now seeing a whole bunch of other "immortal"s drop like flies. Upgrade?
tezzatipoca: Marge is also Jessicas? Something kept Marge?
BusTed: how convenient
rodsur: oooh clever!
grimshade: oh so monica set them up
definenull: BUM BUM BUUUUM
grander_pastures: oH Mon, you Bastard
incslayer: ohh Monica you clever b-word
TheGreenMonster450: Oliver did great
JadedCynic: nice paving, Jacob :)
Pinwiz11: !!!!!
Travilogue: Oh, excellent work Jacob
grander_pastures: Lovely lovely woman
Kidror: Oh so Oliver passed a big test
DeM0nFiRe: Oliver more than understood the assignment he didnt even know he was given lol
terribleplan: Oh moan, the re-framing
terribleplan: *man
HorusFive: Oliver gets a gold star for that one it turns out
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
letsbelgo: haaaa
josh___something: Monica pls
ghyllnox: Lmao Monica
grander_pastures: She DO have that BODY
SnackPak_: ooo, a heist
tezzatipoca: Monica always has bodies :)
JadedCynic: "I have the body of a teenager...in the basement"
TheWriterAleph: "Yes. For fun."
JadedCynic: :D
Lysander_salamander: :D
Julian_Rogue: Mechanically yes. practically..... maybe
incslayer: i was waiting for the qualifiers to come
KaleidoscopeMind: haha
definenull: heist episode!!!
josh___something: Jordan could do- yeah
cavvdor: HA
PMAvers: What?
fracassio: what
Strebenherz: The distinction
airylan: "was" never her thing
MrPhlip: "Killing was never my thing" she somehow said with a straight face
cavvdor: Perfect
KaleidoscopeMind: doesnt quinn have a contact
TheDevil_Risen: ok im a little bit confused
HorusFive: Really?!? Because you're pretty good at it JO
A_Dub888: WAS never her thing
josh___something: "Killing was never my thing"
TheDevil_Risen: so did Monica set them up? and that's why Oliver was being followed?
Julian_Rogue: it was knife's thing and she ahs knifes skills now
OldUncleDan: That's Jessica's job!
definenull: oh wait jo's not done info bombing npcs
A_Dub888: @HorusFive killing ON PURPOSE was never her thing
JadedCynic: Oh yeah, Johnny wanted her to just KILL SIGFRIED TOO - the PRINCE of Vancouver...
HorusFive: @A_Dub888 Whatever she needs to tell herself to sleep during the day
TheWriterAleph: i wouldn't hail mary
roastbeefsandwitch: It's better to ask foregiveness than permission
Rasaella: hail bloody mary
JadedCynic: :D
grander_pastures: Oh yeah, but we've gotten real in touch with Mary
JadedCynic: in joke
RurouniGeo: Mary not a fan
ArdCollider: I thought Monica was going straight for "clusterfuck"
definenull: didn't monica have a brief encounter with mary through marge?
TheWriterAleph: ehhhh about that
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
Julian_Rogue: along with the rest of elesium on fire
TheWooglie: "little"
neisan2112: There might be other ashes there too
SnackPak_: "little"
ritchards: don't worry about it
gibbousm: How much on fire Jordan
josh___something: "When I left"
Mr_Whyt: all the way o nfire
gibbousm: lrrWOW
JadedCynic: Monica: "I had STUFF kept at the bar!"
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Rasaella: jacket lint
WiJohn: lrrSHINE
TheWriterAleph: there was money in the banana stand JORDAN
KaleidoscopeMind: lol
ghyllnox: I thought he didn't leave ashes, that the diablerie resulted in absolutely nothing
definenull: OH NO
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
neisan2112: OH
SnackPak_: oh no
grander_pastures: Oh no
spethycakes: well
Lysander_salamander: whoops
neisan2112: FUCK
josh___something: LMAO
Lysander_salamander: heck
roastbeefsandwitch: oh, that phrasing. "oh no". just calmly
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
JadedCynic: not for a KINDRED
PMAvers: "Welp we gotta get that ghost out of you."
terribleplan: And now the other shoe drops
LostThePirate: Whoops
Julian_Rogue: oh right. you ATE him
Nigouki: om nom nom
grander_pastures: Johnny's in there with You now
grimshade: monica realizing whats actually happened
definenull: "should've seen that coming"
GhostValv: whoopsie
HorusFive: Nope- turns out his soul is SOMEWHERE ELSE
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
PharaohBender27: (returning from dinner) So, how many *interesting* decisions has Jordan made in the past 20 minutes
PharaohBender27: *?
cavvdor: Oh god
TheGreenMonster450: too many
josh___something: His soul is *UNAVAILABLE*
airylan: @PharaohBender27 there's probably a quantity
SkipIives: @PharaohBender27 all of them
Gekyouryuu: Abridged Kai Piccolo: "I'm TWO guys now!" Knives: "s'up?"
Julian_Rogue: a Seaunce getting a dial tone
incslayer: the rock god
Sarah_Serinde: oh yeah right
JadedCynic: oh, and JUST as an EXTRA tidbit of information - I didn't just *dust* him, but DRANK HIM
Lysander_salamander: oh right chancy
ghyllnox: @PharaohBender27 She *briefly* mentioned Mary, in that she doesn't like Marys
JadedCynic: ffs
incslayer: you know a Tremere
ani laurel: yay
amative1: 👏
ani laurel: oooh
Something Uncomprehensible: So she tried to make Oliver hers
nikipound: "killing was never my thing" she says
Random Factor: Morgue heist? sweet.
Jesse Kim: Mary you say?
nikipound: just picked that up from Marge I guess
amative1: wait, how does she...
amative1: oh right, Marge
nikipound: There's gonna be a lot of ashes
Jesse Kim: definitely some unfinished business
nikipound: hahahahaha
Jesse Kim: ah now she got it
amative1: Monica didn't have the full picture
Simriel: But Jo might be able to yeah
Jesse Kim: they do have a blood warlock
WeatheredPeach: We know a damned Tremere
cavvdor: No need to panic
JadedCynic: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ritchards: Silas can help with that...
Sogheim: is Chancey or Chainz the one who everyone forgets about until they suddenly appear?
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
grander_pastures: *Pans over to Silas*
josh___something: HAHAHAHAHAH
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
niccus: a seance getting a 301 error
roastbeefsandwitch: Tremere arrogance, they know
ghyllnox: Lmao Cam
JadedCynic: pride and clan jealosy
ArdCollider: "no fear/ one fear" Branson Reese strip but "not a drop to drink/ well, one drop to drink"
ckupf: @jacqui_lantern234 chancey
phoenixfeather14: @Sogheim that would be Chancey
definenull: yes use those power statements monica!
JadedCynic: Silas: "You don't have to TELL me, I already KNOW, dear."
itira subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
itira: seabatDance
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, itira! (Today's storm count: 24)
jacqui_lantern234: @ckupf what about him?
HorusFive: Silas is such a good Tremere [not a compliment]
cavvdor: Cam is slaying me
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
grander_pastures: You're good, Monica?
Mr_Whyt: "man"!
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
gibbousm: moms are fighting
rodsur: when 2 kindred love eachother very much...
jacqui_lantern234: LUL "moms"
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
grander_pastures: Grace got two moms for the price of one Dad
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
BusTed: heheheh
JadedCynic: LUL
A_Dub888: all every Johnny
grander_pastures: ALL OF IT
RurouniGeo: DAMN YO
HorusFive: Lewd
Lysander_salamander: yum
definenull: EWWW
neisan2112: aahahahah
Dog_of_Myth: Damn
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
DeM0nFiRe: The last few episodes are just so horny LUL
grimshade: omg lol
Mr_Whyt: dirty
grander_pastures: *wet noises*
rodsur: deep throating :D
ghyllnox: Hahahaahhhaaaa
josh___something: GRACE
accountmadeforants: Grace is spending more time being sent away than being interacted with in any other way :D
type_variable: @grander_pastures Hank is still alive
cavvdor: I'm coughing up water
JadedCynic: walk FURHTER. Grace - your hearing is more powerful than it used to be :D
saucemaster5000: "all of me, why not take all of me" SingsNote
Ignatiuspants: if Monica and Jessica get married, Grace goes up to three moms
grander_pastures: @type_variable honestly, not for long at this point
TheGreenMonster450: i'm wheezing
definenull: *jessica's etsy just got another bulk order from monica's stress shopping*
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
Vilun subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Vilun: I'm really gonna miss this show
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Vilun! (Today's storm count: 25)
JadedCynic: @saucemaster5000 If I'd been playing Johnny at the time; I'd make a willpower roll to sing that as Jo drained me :D
RurouniGeo: @Ignatiuspants 3 moms and a baby (vampire)
TheWriterAleph: LUL
TheWriterAleph: grand slaaaaam
WiJohn: Denny's, the new Elysium
HorusFive: Break-up Pancakes
Julian_Rogue: Honestly in my head cannon universe wafflehouse is ran by kindered and thinbloods
type_variable: everyone processes grief differently. some of us cry, some of us wolf back a grand slam at 2am
niccus: the experience of denny's does come pretty close to diablery
Gekyouryuu: @WiJohn "we should build two Elysiums so we can go "let's not eat at that Elysium, let's go to the good Elysium."."
JadedCynic: @Julian_Rogue Waffle House is more 'southern' - there ARE Denny's in Canada, tho
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
TheWriterAleph: science through doing!
Lysander_salamander: :D
Julian_Rogue: @JadedCynic I live in oklahoma. gunna write this in if I ever find players
ArdCollider: Tremere QA very "I order a lizard, I order a new chantry, I order stains"
PMAvers: Waffle House!
accountmadeforants: "A hotplate, eh, I wonder how it works?"
Sogheim: if this was the south, it would be Waffle House
Rasaella: a round of moons over my hammy on the house
Gekyouryuu: Lupine goes to attack at Denny's. "hey! no fighting on sacred ground!"
terribleplan: It's Denny's, come strapped.
JadedCynic: dusk
HorusFive: Please tell me Oliver starts dressing like Giuseppi
Sogheim: if it's a Thursday, you've got theater kids being loud in a corner
JadedCynic: "from dusk to dawn"
HorusFive: At Denny's
OldUncleDan: Could be worse. It could be a Perkins.
mhbmk2: there's less sucking in the summer tbh
JacobBurgessVO: @sogheim DEEP TRUTH
ArdCollider: @Gekyouryuu "covered and smothered holy ground, Highlander" etc.
JadedCynic: @terribleplan it's neutral ground because the cops frequent it too
HorusFive: 15min snooze for 240 years
cyclopsboi: theater kids
cyclopsboi: dennys are always full of theater kids
AriaHibiki: marge!
JadedCynic: oh yeah - MARGE! How's she been doing?
ghyllnox: There they are!
ihlendrax: As a theatre kid…I remember that small fries and Diet Coke diet. LOL
definenull: oh no
grander_pastures: Oh right.... are they ok?
definenull: did they regress?
OldUncleDan: Back in my day, we'd go to Happy Chef!
Sarah_Serinde: aww poor Marge
grander_pastures: AWWW
Jesse Kim: ah yes Cam is looking at pages
Jesse Kim: he tracks
Simriel: Aquire An Silas
Jesse Kim: Silas is aware
Jesse Kim: he has pins
Jesse Kim: lol
Jesse Kim: boss mom time
Jasper: Whoops
Jasper: Heyooooo
Jesse Kim: "yes"
amative1: Adult time... heyooo
nikipound: grace no eavesdropping
Jesse Kim: meanwhile the Tremere is doing shit
ani laurel: post-murder Dennies
Jesse Kim: Jo just has a milkshake in front of her
Jesse Kim: dang just straight up take a stain is crazy
Jasper: Love Cori doing this. It’s bold as brass, extremely Bruja.
nikipound: does the stain mean the wards working mechanisms have to do with his convictions?
SmithKurosaki: At least its not a Waffle House
Jesse Kim: could be that its just Wyrm evil
nikipound: nothing ends. end everything. that tracks.
Jesse Kim: a table of three nerds playing MtG
grander_pastures: Baybe
Lysander_salamander: uh oh
jacqui_lantern234: poor marge :(
HorusFive: Marge upset she hasn't been in the story more to this point
JadedCynic: oh dear
Kidror: Has Mary stopped talking to Marge?
jacqui_lantern234: @HorusFive they*
ghyllnox: It's true, Marge hasn't been around for a few episodes
Sarah_Serinde: (reminder Marge is they/them)
HorusFive: @jacqui_lantern234 my bad
WiJohn: Oliver's sleeping in the garage, nice
Lysander_salamander: oh cool
JadedCynic: @Kidror oh! Well, I mean Mary's still talking to Oliver...
definenull: that explains the bike from last season
KaleidoscopeMind: she rides a motorcycle
JadedCynic: yay!
s1ck1y: monica can only get SO hot
spethycakes: wheelhouse.... for cars....
definenull: truth
grander_pastures: Oh, thats a really cool touchstone
Juliamon: hot rich goth vampire mechanic gf
jacqui_lantern234: @s1ck1y im already in love :P
JacobBurgessVO: @s1ck1y No
LunarJade: @s1ck1y and yet she always gets hotter
grander_pastures: Awwww
Lysander_salamander: yay bonding over a project car
RuiFaleiro: Oliver's humanity somewhat lets him eat: can he get carbon monoxide poisoning?
saucemaster5000: @LunarJade the helen mirren curse
JadedCynic: Oliver finds a role
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi oliver
definenull: to a DENNY'S?
grander_pastures: I love love love this softness
Sarah_Serinde: Oliver :D
HorusFive: Oliver takes the Munster Mobile
Dog_of_Myth: Oooo nice
SnackPak_: hell yeah Oliver
JadedCynic: CALLED IT
TheWriterAleph: SHINY
jacqui_lantern234: OOOOOOOOH
neisan2112: Ooohhhhh
grander_pastures: OH SHIT
TheDevil_Risen: NICE!
A_Dub888: over/under on him wrecking it?
Lysander_salamander: ostentatious
incslayer: a Silver Shadow?
grander_pastures: THEEEE ROLLS
josh___something: Hawt
DeM0nFiRe: That wont stand out at a dennys
accountmadeforants: You can pick any car (except that one, EXCEPT THAT ONE PLEASE)
ghyllnox: @RuiFaleiro Can he get carbon monoxide? Sure. Poisoning? Nah
Gekyouryuu: that's not making it out of tonight unscathed
jacqui_lantern234: FUCK yeah oliver!
Master_Gunner: damn it Oliver
OldUncleDan: 1982 Covair.
TheWriterAleph: vampire-ass automobile
WiJohn: That car is definitely full of ghosts
BusTed: at a cost?
definenull: METAL AF
Lysander_salamander: yes!
Strebenherz: Oliver, told to be subtle. Rolls royce
grander_pastures: HERSE
itira: OOO
TheWriterAleph: The Dragula
SnackPak_: \m/
grander_pastures: *SNAP SNAP*
Gekyouryuu: is it the Ghost Busters car?
Lysander_salamander: the dragula
Master_Gunner: Does the hearse have its own instagram account?
Dog_of_Myth: HELL YEAH
grander_pastures: OH HELL YEAH
jacqui_lantern234: OMG IT IS DRAGULA
SnackPak_: with shortty headers?
TheDevil_Risen: she has ECTO-1 ???
LostThePirate: XD
cyclopsboi: dig through the ditches
grander_pastures: It's all lined with Shag like that veto'd Van from Roadquest
jacqui_lantern234: *breathes deeply* ok im calm
coriolis_storm: Wasn’t Ecto-1 an ambulance?
Lysander_salamander: The Dragula was originally in the Munsters
s1ck1y: live in the ditches and laugh with the witches and love in the back of her dragula
jacqui_lantern234: a PARDON ME?!?!
grander_pastures: it's SO LOUF
corianderd: shaken not stirred
cyclopsboi: @s1ck1y amazing
Strebenherz: Haaaaah
grander_pastures: @jacqui_lantern234 You heard jacqui...
JadedCynic: @coriolis_storm yeah, but those models were also used as hearses
A_Dub888: puts on Born to be Wild
Master_Gunner: black heart-shaped sunglasses
grander_pastures: It has a very pleasant low hum to it
accountmadeforants: wheelerCyber
JadedCynic: @JadedCynic the only real difference is the color of the paint
coriolis_storm: @jadedcynic TIL
PMAvers: "Why do these smell like fries?"
itira: gross
OldUncleDan: Ace of Spades starts playing
Dog_of_Myth: hahah
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: :D
definenull: excellent
grander_pastures: HELL YEAH
JadedCynic: *ring-ring*
accountmadeforants: Right! That was a thing!
TheWriterAleph: brring brring
Lysander_salamander: omg I can't stop laughing
jacqui_lantern234: i had THE SAME reaction as Adam
Gekyouryuu: was Adam making a reference to the Robot Chicken bit where Vader calls Palpatine at work?
ritchards: and this is why there's another episode next week...
WiJohn: Silas rules
HorusFive: Oliver Tyndall- Masquerade master
grander_pastures: Twee ass Wes Anderson Vampire
fracassio: bikes have no plates! He's safer from SI!
itira: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
BusTed: LUL
accountmadeforants: Silas on his bike with his fucking wizard academy master robes
JadedCynic: silent whrrrrrrr of a Tremere speeding towards you
Sogheim: and I thought all the theater kids were already at the Denny's, now we've got SIlas
HorusFive: Cycle with Celerity
grander_pastures: Literally rolling around with the Necronomicon on a bike, with a little helmet
ghyllnox: Aww you didn't take the Necronomicon to Denny's :D
WiJohn: It's in the name!
rodsur: just leave it at the dennys
WeatheredPeach: Safer at dennys, no one is ever gonna look for the necronomicon at a dennys
HorusFive: It's only safe with me- says the voice in Silas' head
Mr_Whyt: they're called safes for a reason
Jesse Kim: Marge please get a Grand Slam-wich
SmithKurosaki: @Jesse Kim So, LRR
Jesse Kim: uh oh
ani laurel: I missed it, why the stain?
Jesse Kim: could be that the sigil was Wyrm related
Jesse Kim: oh that explains the bike
Jasper: It’s very meditative to work on those older cars
SmithKurosaki: @ani laurel Cameron's? Examining Wyrm sigil is causing damage, but Tremere thirst for knoweledge
ani laurel: ah
Jesse Kim: 7 pool to dex and craft
ani laurel: he could teach her, maybe
Simriel: Wait if Oliver gets Tzcimisci'ed he could get Hot
Jasper: Oliver actually clarifying that he wasn’t being misogynistic, just wanting to be useful and helpful.
Jasper: Really nice 👍
ani laurel: dang
Jesse Kim: I hated that
Jesse Kim: I just got a stain
Jesse Kim: Monica owns a Transformer
Jesse Kim: which one, Jacob?
Jasper: Adorable
Jesse Kim: Oliver Hearse
Jasper: Silas pedaling in like the wicked witch of the west
Jesse Kim: Silas "4 Resources" Reed
ani laurel: I adore Silas
PMAvers: "Hey Monica, wanna see something sweet?"
HorusFive: After all, why shouldn't I. It is PRECIOUS to me!
Gekyouryuu: Silas, as he now owns the Necronomicon, dresses in proper suits. a nice jacket and pants, a button up shirt, a Klaatu Barada necktie. Kappa
PharaohBender27: @rodsur ... And then some random theater kid takes it . . .
Lysander_salamander: oh boy
grander_pastures: The Al Azif is actually a stabilizing force to the Dennys, making it a solid solid thing
Strebenherz: Ohhhhh no
OldUncleDan: If I was going to look for the Necronomicon, I'd check out Baker's Square.
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
itira: ahahaaa
JadedCynic: @HorusFive this is the Faust who turned the devil down; he has the werewithal to leave it behind
Lysander_salamander: oh no, this is going to go badly
grander_pastures: Damn, Oliver took Jess'sgirl
Dog_of_Myth: Nah, Waffle House has the Necronomicon
accountmadeforants: Monica chose her words... poorly
definenull: this is a teachable moment
HorusFive: Monica learned a lesson today
jacqui_lantern234: @accountmadeforants she forgot she was talking to Oliver XD
Terr0rc0tta: the characters all talk to each other differently
fracassio: Oliver Tyndall, rules lawyer
BusTed: word, bond, etc
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Pinwiz11: Teachable Lesson
grander_pastures: "This is a Teachable Moment" needs to be on a shirt and a mug and a bottle
JadedCynic: Jacob made sure ONE person had premonition for this purpose
Sogheim: OH NO
Lysander_salamander: oh
definenull: do ghosts.. get dizzy?
grander_pastures: OH NO
KaleidoscopeMind: oh
JadedCynic: oh shi-
grander_pastures: GHOST
ghyllnox: Oh damn
incslayer: dizzy ghost
jacqui_lantern234: LUL oh no
Strebenherz: Ghost tired of this nonsense soinny
grander_pastures: I hope this doesn't happen at the Dennys
JadedCynic: I mean you COULD stop it, but....
TheDevil_Risen: true, ecto1 was a flatloader hearse style ambulance conversion. Dragula fits much better
JadedCynic: @grander_pastures not IN the Denny's, but they're in the lot...
PharaohBender27: O_o
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi Marge
grander_pastures: God, Adam is so good at physical comedy
HorusFive: "The car. Yeah I know"
AriaHibiki: poor marge
Master_Gunner: love marge
JadedCynic: I missed Marge <3
Sarah_Serinde: you be you, Marge
jacqui_lantern234: @JadedCynic same
Lysander_salamander: marge is the best
grander_pastures: Also, Love you maaaarge
definenull: LUL
JadedCynic: LUL
ghyllnox: Thank you Marge
gibbousm: do you even need to use it at Denny's though? It IS Denny's
Gekyouryuu: "why do I have to use Flush of Life at Denny's? the humans don't."
definenull: wait what happened to everyone's humanity off screen?
jacqui_lantern234: LUL but also my vampire would 100% be like "ALL RIGHT DENNYS"
niccus: life to flush
josh___something: Lmao
type_variable: @definenull probably spending exp
ghyllnox: Did Silas' humanity drop from the stain offscreen?
JadedCynic: Then again, using Flush of Life might catch MORE attention
JadedCynic: oh yeah
definenull: ohhh
Rasaella: moons over humanity
JadedCynic: lumberjack slam is 3 eggs
jacqui_lantern234: @Rasaella sergePun
grander_pastures: Poutine, is Dennys Poutine a thing?
matthaus_c: Moons Over My Vamily
JadedCynic: that's an all-american slam, Oliver
DeM0nFiRe: :D
Lysander_salamander: just going to smell the fruit
DaxStrife: Just got Tom Cardy's "Big Breakfast" stuck in my head now.
BusTed: Feel better having ordered it
Gekyouryuu: Lupines order a Full Moons over My Hammy
JadedCynic: @grander_pastures yeah, but they don't do a good job
neisan2112: OH ehll yeah Silas, Cherry Coke
JacobBurgessVO: Stains lower you humanity temp until resolved, table rule because I hadn't gone hard in stains til now.
cyclopsboi: roleplaying a dennys order amazing
NovahTalAura: I’m going to miss this chaos
grander_pastures: @JadedCynic Iiiii bet
ShaneLeeAtk: So long, Angel
ghyllnox: @JacobBurgessVO Tyty
definenull: ah i see, thanks jacob
coriolis_storm: @jacobburgessvo SeemsGood
grander_pastures: Oh god
NovahTalAura: 11:30pm is an early night at Denny’s
Pinwiz11: Pull out some paper and pencils, some weird dice, and they'd think it's a larp
Diabore: long couple nights huh
ghyllnox: Well there's definitely a ghost
Julian_Rogue: @Pinwiz11 A VtM larp
definenull: MARGE
jacqui_lantern234: LUL MARGE
BusTed: haha
Sarah_Serinde: just no-selling that gabyLul
JadedCynic: <3 Marge
ghyllnox: Thank you Marge
nikipound: okay but bikes are very environnentally conscious and therefore very in character for Silas
ani laurel: it's very in character for a guy worried about the environment on a millennia scale
nikipound: <3
Jesse Kim: hermetic bike
ani laurel: Silas is canonically very hot. So he probably looks amazing on a bike
Jasper: Oliver is a CHARMER
Jasper: how did he get that?!
Jasper: Ah
Jesse Kim: wait FOUR AUSPEX?
Jesse Kim: oh god that is scary
Jasper: She’s gonna be VERY specific with Oliver from now on.
nikipound: Marge always be weird
Jesse Kim: oh god does Marge have 4 auspex too
Simriel: He had like 9
Jesse Kim: yay stains
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel He did take a stain earlier?
Jesse Kim: PLEASE
Simriel: Stains don't just remove humanity right away do they?
nikipound: He agreed to let Monica burn his neighbors down
SmithKurosaki: idk
ani laurel: how do they not remember Oliver's weird food pellet
SmithKurosaki: Also @Jesse Kim dont need to caps :)
Jasper: French Slam here! All sausage, scrambled with eggs please!
Jasper: @ani laurel they all mind wipe for sanity’s sake after each time
TheDevil_Risen: who broke Marge?
grander_pastures: So... we're gonna fit the attempt to find Siegfreid in the next..... hour??
HorusFive: Marge- wait your turn. It's not polite to talk over people
DaxStrife: "Jo ate a man." "Okay, lewd."
JadedCynic: no more keeping secrets with Marge around
Rasaella: 8 Amen.
Juliamon: she's a man-eater
ProcyonFlynn: @grander_pastures "Attempt"
rodsur: its not polite to stare!
RurouniGeo: 8 a me n
definenull: uh ohhhhh stinkyyy
matthaus_c: dibloggerist!
ghyllnox: @TheDevil_Risen She's been ignored for so long! She's attention hungry!
neisan2112: She just SEES Knives
Strebenherz: See the sins
A_Dub888: Jo got herself some SIIIIP
grander_pastures: @ProcyonFlynn Oh, that word use is Intended
JadedCynic: @DaxStrife Jo:"look, we're all consenting adults-" Marge:"He didn't!"
PharaohBender27: Jo's sins will BE SEEN
s1ck1y: marge is the character of all time
RurouniGeo: @A_Dub888 Sippin on some sizzurp
grander_pastures: @A_Dub888 Love a f-ckmothering vampire
LunarJade: @s1ck1y so Marge is the Coat
JacobBurgessVO: Rules as written, you need Auspex 3, Scry the Soul, but the story called for this.
FarleyF: marge is the Voat
JacobBurgessVO: Also, Marge is there
JadedCynic: Jo feels closer to Caine - having killed kin
Pinwiz11: The souls looks like the end of one of those candy making videos.
Juliamon: Fires just happen.
mhbmk2: Jessica had Share the Senses
ghyllnox: "A couple of fires" Giuseppe has had a busy week
grander_pastures: A "Come to Jesus" meeting?
FarleyF: come to Cain
neisan2112: OH and the club??
HorusFive: "I was with Oliver the whole time" -Jo, maybe
Gekyouryuu: cereal arsonist? Homer Simpson!
TheDevil_Risen: You ate your Vampire Daddy??!!
A_Dub888: @FarleyF heh
JadedCynic: are there any OTHER kindred in Denny's?
HorusFive: No way anyone could be there.... oh Hi Chauncy!
accountmadeforants: Simply activate the Denny's Cone of Silence
JadedCynic: @TheDevil_Risen we only know *killed* so far...
ritchards: there werewolves in the booth a few over go "huh"
Onisquirrel: @TheDevil_Risen She ate her vampire dad/boyfriend
HorusFive: Yes. He WAS an Archon
TheDevil_Risen: yeah i saw it :) was a great episode
JadedCynic: yep.
KaleidoscopeMind: that was technically true
Gekyouryuu: I missed series 2, and have only just started watching it. does something happen during it that led to us no longer doing "take half"?
Gekyouryuu: because I realize we haven't done that much/at all this series
definenull: brother ewwww
DeM0nFiRe: You Path of Exilerized him!
Lysander_salamander: messy
TheDevil_Risen: lunarj1Messy
Rasaella: once you pop can you stop?
s1ck1y: everyone acting their ASSES off here
Julian_Rogue: a radio demon?
HorusFive: Nah, They'll make Quinn do it
FarleyF: @s1ck1y linab1HellYeah
grander_pastures: It's the way out
saucemaster5000: Oh please tell me mare is siegfried
Ignatiuspants: I'm sure diablerie changes a vampire ... and this leads to my Soul Reaver idea
Juliamon: oooh he said it
Terr0rc0tta: wouldn’t have said that out loud
grander_pastures: God, we love the acting here
Jesse Kim: dibloberist vision
Jesse Kim: dear lordie
Jasper: Omnom on the monmon
ani laurel: Damn, Jo was outed immediately
ani laurel: "a few fires" just casually
ShmingsThings: Key ghost is keeping an eye out
Simriel: the "wanted to keep him with me" fucking huuuurts
Jesse Kim: Knives In
Simriel: A hwat
Jesse Kim: basically an inspector with fangs
JadedCynic: (just for the uniformed - *vampire-cannibalism*)
Pinwiz11: It's just a little Diablo 3, should be enough
accountmadeforants: They'll just be convinced Vancouver is turbo-cursed again
LiveFaust: "Well when you say it like THAT..."
Julian_Rogue: that little yea got me
JadedCynic: @accountmadeforants *victoria
Sogheim: I wanna get some tea but this is so intense
definenull: thank you marge\
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Messy
Julian_Rogue: could be nod
Mr_Whyt: how do the 4 of us find the camirella
HorusFive: Why we gotta label things Oliver
Mr_Whyt: fight*
grander_pastures: It can mean Sabbat!
definenull: aww marge D:
accountmadeforants: @JadedCynic Right, right. Though I'm glad I made the mistake around the same time the VOD did :p
Master_Gunner: all hail Prince Marge
incslayer: @grander_pastures that was my thought as well :p
grander_pastures: Oh, we gotta free Marge
ghyllnox: The Anarch already went independent
PMAvers: My first thought was that the 'yeah' was Chansey in the next booth over.
FarleyF: Does the Sabbat control any territory
definenull: #FreeMarge
Ignatiuspants: Marge knows a lot of vampire lore for a thin-blood with no fangs
Julian_Rogue: he's the frycook at dennys
JadedCynic: I mean, WHY did he leave in the first place?
HorusFive: "I'd like to be independent too" Says the Tremere immediately before bursting into flames
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
BusTed: fair point
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
grimshade: oliver spitting facts
grander_pastures: OOOF
ghyllnox: @Ignatiuspants Marge knows a lot of things
accountmadeforants: "SIeg, my man! Welcome back! Settle in! Here's some paperwork to declare independence again, you just need to sign here and after that you can take a nap, take it easy."
OldManJohnsonMB: Jessica, the rationalist, rationalizing her actions
TheDevil_Risen: ooof
RurouniGeo: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
HorusFive: for various definitions of "Alive"
TheDevil_Risen: lunarj1Fangs lrrFINE lunarj1Fangs
ghyllnox: Alive? Not anymore
FarleyF: as alive as a vampire can be
OldManJohnsonMB: That's three 'yeahs' from Silas
JadedCynic: we just got MORE incentives to do this, is all :)
grander_pastures: "In every scene that doesn't have Chancy, everyone should be asking, 'Shit shit shit where IS HE?'"
HorusFive: @grander_pastures This
cavvdor: Chancy is in every room he doesn't appear to be in.
JadedCynic: these are fledgling little fangsters anymore
incslayer: Jesus will look for them?
grander_pastures: LITERALLY JUST SAID THAT
TheDevil_Risen: Jesus can't help Silas <3
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
JadedCynic: <3
grander_pastures: Oh right, Auspex 5!
MrPhlip: <3 Marge
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
DeM0nFiRe: "I spent blood to be able to eat pancakes" LUL
Strebenherz: Good timing @grandeur_pastures
accountmadeforants: @grander_pastures I legit checked if I was behind on the stream :D
incslayer: yay MORE fire
cavvdor: lmao
Strebenherz: Why the yoga?
Lysander_salamander: neat
ProcyonFlynn: I mean - there IS a serial arsonist ;p
incslayer: @ProcyonFlynn yes and its Jo
HorusFive: No, Jo isn't sliding down the humanity scale. Don't worry about it mattlrFine
definenull: ?!?
Gekyouryuu: uh-oh
KaleidoscopeMind: oh no
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
DeM0nFiRe: oooooooo
Lysander_salamander: oh
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
grander_pastures: OH
neisan2112: OHHHHHHHH
NimrodXIV: oh no
definenull: ohhh
TheDevil_Risen: is Marge a ghoul?
grander_pastures: SHE LEFT HER
JadedCynic: wait...is Marge *free*?
WiJohn: Trudeau time!
Strebenherz: Whaaaaaaaaa
cavvdor: Ohhh
Lysander_salamander: Marge broke free of mary? Neat.
iarethel0ser: We're doing a lot of sharing with the class this session.
cavvdor: Oh damn
Strebenherz: How? When?
Ignatiuspants: ooh... Marge ~knows~
definenull: when?!?!?
JadedCynic: @TheDevil_Risen marge is a thinblood Kindred that can't make fangs - has to drink 'harvested blood'
WiJohn: The Denny's of drama!
ghyllnox: @JadedCynic Or use a boxcutter!
FarleyF: oh yeah this is a “come to cain” moment
TheDevil_Risen: ahhh, i think i missed that lore
Simriel: Oliver, you don't work for the Cam either
Jesse Kim: gotta respect the hierarchy
nikipound: Just occurred to me, everybody's keeping secrets from each other
Jesse Kim: always secrets
SmithKurosaki: yuuup
Jesse Kim: it all comes out at this Denny's table
Simriel: Is this Coterie Ride or Die?
Simriel: I reckon Chancey could go Anarch
nikipound: MARGE
Jesse Kim: yes finally
Jesse Kim: uh oh
OldManJohnsonMB: that means she's here, doesn't it
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
grander_pastures: Oh, we love you Marge
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox well, feeding frenzy
JadedCynic: @OldManJohnsonMB not necessarily
JadedCynic: <3
BusTed: oshit
grander_pastures: Shes here!
WiJohn: Marge is the anti-Mary!
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
gibbousm: poor Marge
JadedCynic: Marge is blocking out Mary
JadedCynic: <3
definenull: poor marge D:
definenull: OMG
Master_Gunner: love Marge
Strebenherz: Oh. Ohhhhhh
ritchards: have been leaving Marge out!
FarleyF: marge indeed VOTY
Mr_Whyt: tastier too
WeatheredPeach: Poor Jessica xD
HorusFive: Every scene Marge isn't in, everyone should be asking Where's Mary..... I mean Marge
grander_pastures: Oh Marge you wonderful little lamb
definenull: blood of the covenant
A_Dub888: ohana?
definenull: its oft misquoted but
JadedCynic: thank you silas
grander_pastures: the covenant
Lysander_salamander: :D
JadedCynic: UM
Juliamon: Not technically lying
cavvdor: Silas correcting the misquoting <3
DeM0nFiRe: UH OH
JadedCynic: oh no - is Hank a MAGE?!? :D
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart Marge
BusTed: daaamn
Lysander_salamander: aw
Dog_of_Myth: Damn
JadedCynic: awwwwwww.
JadedCynic: BURN
NimrodXIV: <3 Marge
Lysander_salamander: ouch
KaleidoscopeMind: damn
HorusFive: Ouch
cavvdor: MARGE
xTJPBQdfNHA7qUxeTd5Uy9gV: merry christmas, marge!
definenull: DAMN
terribleplan: Truth bombs
josh___something: Marge spilling the T E A
cavvdor: Yesss
grimshade: omg lol
Sarah_Serinde: aww Marge
LostThePirate: Spitting some truths
grander_pastures: Oh, Oliver is SLIDING
FarleyF: it’s the final scene from scrubs
WiJohn: Poor Marge
Strebenherz: Wow
shadowmaster132: The covenant version is not the original by a long shot
richard_ermen: What a mic drop.
Lysander_salamander: oh
Sarah_Serinde: oof :D
Ignatiuspants: oh dang...!
cavvdor: I LOVE MARGE
OldManJohnsonMB: haha
mercano82: @farleyf I had the same thought.
Julian_Rogue: DAMN
JadedCynic: @grander_pastures he's got a stain
TheGreenMonster450: that one batman scene from justice league when he reveal wally west
OldManJohnsonMB: I hate you can you drive me home
definenull: someone please go hug marge D:
type_variable: :(
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
HorusFive: lrrEFF you lrrEFF you lrrEFF you, you're cool. I'm out
Molladia: Poor Marge feels left out of the group
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
NimrodXIV: well in that case
DeM0nFiRe: "Silas what do you have?" "A book!" "NO!"
ghyllnox: IN the floor to be exact
grander_pastures: Silas says that like he found a Pringle
Julian_Rogue: Thats what she said
grimshade: the fact that this is being talked about in a denny,s is great
Molladia: How dont they understand Marge wants to be included
Mr_Whyt: don't worry we'll murder those kids
Julian_Rogue: anybody else get worried Marge made a new friend?
ArdCollider: vampires aren't doing that great on empathy. :D
JadedCynic: front vs back
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
grander_pastures: @Molladia Cause they're asses
JadedCynic: neck-romancy <3
Strebenherz: No shit Oliver xD
type_variable: I mean realistically, this is the part where someone else needs to leave the convo and go talk to marge
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
PMAvers: Angel goes to the back to yell at the chef, "Wheeler," who's playing mahjong on his phone.
FarleyF: @jadedcynic gdi
JadedCynic: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
JadedCynic: she's baaaaaack
Strebenherz: Get f*cked Oliver xD
definenull: FUUU
Lysander_salamander: have to rebuild friendships
DeM0nFiRe: UH OH
Gekyouryuu: HA
SnackPak_: yes!
JadedCynic: YES!
Juliamon: YEAAAAH
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
neisan2112: YEEEE
fracassio: OH SHIT
gibbousm: lrrFINE
grander_pastures: THERE HE ISSSSS
Strebenherz: Oh Nooooooo
incslayer: YES
LostThePirate: WELP
Sarah_Serinde: ah yes of course
neisan2112: LEts go Chancy
Kuhfeek subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Julian_Rogue: OH NO
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kuhfeek! (Today's storm count: 26)
Lysander_salamander: ah
jacqui_lantern234: LUL JACOB HOLY SHIT YES
ghyllnox: Heyyyy Chansey
Strebenherz: OHHHHHH NO
FarleyF: oh shit
xTJPBQdfNHA7qUxeTd5Uy9gV: merry christmas, chancey!
KaleidoscopeMind: yesss
type_variable: OHHHH SHIT
grander_pastures: MARGE WAS A COMPLETE BLOCK
SnackPak_: oops
cavvdor: There goes the failed awareness check
ani laurel: Marge!
nikipound: I noticed
Jesse Kim: oh that's really not good
Jasper: Marge legit VP
Jasper: VIP
Jesse Kim: definitely don't talk about this with Monica
Jesse Kim: oh I just realized, this is definitely really bad
Jesse Kim: hahahahaha
ani laurel: wow
Jasper: Daaaamn
Simriel: Did they just get Told About Themselves
amative1: Merry Christmas!
Jesse Kim: Marge the plot battering ram
Jasper: Love Mage!
SmithKurosaki: wtf just happened
OVERKiLL!: 🫳🏼🎤
Oakinwode: Dang Marg
ani laurel: floor books
Jesse Kim: I looted a book
Jasper: I threw it on the GROUND
ShmingsThings: I was wrong about the keys. Marge was keeping them away.
Jesse Kim: "you're smooching my boss"
OVERKiLL!: klattu. verata. *coughsneaze cough
Gekyouryuu: "so, THAT'S what that Wits + Awareness roll was for." - Silas, probably
RuiFaleiro: Chancey knows that he last saw Jo with Knives, surely
Sarah_Serinde: Jo trying to deflect again :D
Mr_Whyt: hey chancy have you seen knives lately
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Lysander_salamander: ah
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
itira: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
richard_ermen: xDDDDD
ghyllnox: LUL
gibbousm: let me be clear: Holds up Knife
grander_pastures: Oh, we love you Chancy
Strebenherz: THR BALLS
ArdCollider: unarmeGameplay
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 aggressively?
cavvdor: He is such a delight
grander_pastures: Is this is a TPK
gibbousm: lrrFINE
neisan2112: AHHH FUCK
Lysander_salamander: aw, there goes the dragula
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
JadedCynic: guys...Chauncey knows
NimrodXIV: sir this is a Denny's
LunarJade: it’s probably fine
gibbousm: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
LostThePirate: lrrFINE
grander_pastures: You should have been nice to MARGE
KaleidoscopeMind: and the teenagers in the corner
JadedCynic: dammit
cavvdor: I love him so much
Dog_of_Myth: Denny's the bane of Vampires
Strebenherz: Are we taking at a dennys
Strebenherz: Tok*
Nigouki: well actually it was a McDonald's last time...
Sarah_Serinde: @NimrodXIV gabyLul
gibbousm: Chancey, at least let them have their pancakes
Sarah_Serinde: wow rude Chancy
JadedCynic: LUL
neisan2112: LETS GOOOOOO
grander_pastures: ANGEL IS A NIGHTONE
Juliamon: She gets that every day
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Master_Gunner: Denny's, man
BusTed: they've seen weirder shit
DeM0nFiRe: Denny server's seen some shit
grander_pastures: Angel is supernatural!
accountmadeforants: Servers have maxed out willpower and mental resistance
Strebenherz: Food servers powers
korvys: Is it secretly the AK47 girl?
HorusFive: Every single worker in this Denny's in a lupine
neisan2112: She's a denny's worker, thats all she needs
iarethel0ser: Normal late night Denny's server.
grander_pastures: Angel is a mage??
xTJPBQdfNHA7qUxeTd5Uy9gV: true faith?
incslayer: she's not human she's a dennys worker
OldUncleDan: Angel is a Gurhal.
unarmedoracle: angel is that server from waffle house who parried/riposted a barstool
JadedCynic: Service sector don't even BLINK at the WoD; they SERVE the Kindred, Lupines, Magi, you name it
OldUncleDan: ghural.
Strebenherz: @unarmedoracle yesss
Gekyouryuu: OwO
TheGreenMonster450: Stalks stalks
grander_pastures: The Wolffff?
BusTed: friiiend
JadedCynic: uh-oh
Julian_Rogue: she made a friend!
grander_pastures: WOLF FRIEND
Kidror: Stalks and Marge
letsbelgo: cat plus wolf
Julian_Rogue: Stalks made a thin blood
Lysander_salamander: oh
incslayer: Stalks Pounce!
Lysander_salamander: exciting
JadedCynic: Stalks and 'Chance, IT'
PharaohBender27: Let's go, Stalks-by-Night!
Sarah_Serinde: yeahhhh
SnackPak_: whoops
grander_pastures: Stalks found Marge?
cavvdor: Welp
type_variable: if he heard everything why does he have to ask who burned down elesiyum
ghyllnox: Yeah he's a good Nos
JadedCynic: I mean, Marge went outside - never said she went home...
Sogheim: Chancey gotta die, huh?
grander_pastures: Near pushing 6 at this point
HorusFive: Frustrigate
Juliamon: type_variable It was small talk
Julian_Rogue: @type_variable why did oliver ask for the guys name when he already knew it
RuiFaleiro: Marge is out there, relieving stress by petting Stalks
ckupf: @type_variable None of them have said who did
Sarah_Serinde: I did notice Jacob mention that no *humans* were going to hear them earlier :D
LostThePirate: **
grander_pastures: Adam's been to the Pad
PMAvers: Tier 3 Sub!
Artificer_Evan: @Sarah_Serinde yup
LostThePirate: (Sorry, kid kicking keyboard)
grander_pastures: Oh, that money is a Circle
definenull: HA
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
grimshade: i bet they could take on the monsters
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
cavvdor: Hehe
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
NimrodXIV: :D
HorusFive: mattlrLul
grimshade: stalks would def waste the ghoul
saucemaster5000: mawp
saucemaster5000: mawpnica
grander_pastures: mawpwinma
Gekyouryuu: Silas, yes
Sarah_Serinde: :D
neisan2112: Just so determined
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
SpykeMTG: "I like money" with the biggest Idiocracy vibes LUL
grander_pastures: Cam, you legend
PMAvers: Silas pouring out some sort of sigils in the pancakes
Jesse Kim: oh duck
nikipound: oh hey buddy
Jesse Kim: oh no they're Nos too
SmithKurosaki: yup
Jasper: Haha!
OVERKiLL!: 🤓hey guyzsche
Jasper: Poor Chansey not getting any respect
nikipound: oh no Monica's car is out there
Jesse Kim: Silas just wanted pancakes
Simriel: I hope they don't have to kill Chancey, I liked him
Jasper: That’s a Dennys server VETERAN
Kykiwi: merry christmas
Jesse Kim: Angel just got nerves of steel
Jasper: OOOOH she has a MATE
Jesse Kim: oh good
Jesse Kim: Fustigation
nikipound: he beat Marge too, or?
OVERKiLL!: nas with fasfustigate
Jesse Kim: true
JadedCynic: "I spent blood to enjoy these"
Molladia: Cam acting for the seats up the back
JadedCynic: intel
Lysander_salamander: oh dear
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
grander_pastures: Band Mc Money Dollars
JadedCynic: LUL
PMAvers: Silas got that black card still?
itira: LUL
Lysander_salamander: :D
cavvdor: Silas has checked out
RurouniGeo: I am finishing my mancakes - Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: LUL i love you silas
grander_pastures: The Realest Tremere Incantation
Lysander_salamander: that smile
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
TheDevil_Risen: ofc Chancey was there
OldManJohnsonMB: haha Jo
BusTed: 🙂
grander_pastures: Cori just gave the MOST Disco Elysium Expression Ever
Sogheim: would you throw down at a Denny's?
ghyllnox: Lmao JO
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: JO
definenull: JO
definenull: ESCALATION
OldManJohnsonMB: Jo has become the threatener
incslayer: JO
Sarah_Serinde: hehehe
Lysander_salamander: oh no, she's going to frenzy again
HorusFive: mattlrFine
grander_pastures: Oh, here we go Chancy
josh___something: Jo is NOT to be fucked with
cavvdor: Oh man
A_Dub888: There's the knives
ProcyonFlynn: Yeah. "Nobody walks away" is a real mood.
SnackPak_: that checks out
jacqui_lantern234: ITS spiraling?! no YOURE spiraling, Jo
JadedCynic: the it geek just threatened the football star...
KyranTheWalker: okay... this is supposed to be the finale right? it's already 2 hours in... and they still have to find and rescue the prince, and Chancey is somewhat evil? how long will this episode end up being?
Diabore: "i THINK ive fucked up" - chancey
Julian_Rogue: "fighting isn't my strong suit"
itira: LUL
SnackPak_: good try, buddy
Gekyouryuu: "could you remind me her clan?" "you forgot your boss' clan?"
grander_pastures: Chancy realised that he should have STAYED IN THE CHAIR
PharaohBender27: @KyranTheWalker It's a 2-part finale
OldManJohnsonMB: This may also have been Chancey's first negotiation, too
TheGreenMonster450: Jo said "go ahead make my day"
A_Dub888: @Diabore Narrator: It was at that moment he knew, he fucked up
grander_pastures: @PharaohBender27 KNEW IT
shadowmaster132: Chancey remembering Jo is a Brujah too late
KaleidoscopeMind: "this did not how i thought it was going to go" - Jacob, through Chansey
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: hhahaha
OldManJohnsonMB: Protection from myself
KyranTheWalker: @PharaohBender27 Okay I must have missed that part. That makes way more sense.
definenull: funny how the cam fam did not come up in the negotiation terms
HorusFive: Protection FROM Jo
A_Dub888: Chancey: All's not according to keikaku
memnus: This is a hell of a time for the wind to start howling outside my window
JadedCynic: <3
incslayer: Silas just eating through this entire thing is great
Juliamon: always do that trade
grander_pastures: Hell yeah Silas, GOD these characters are so cool
DeM0nFiRe: Everything about this is great LUL
grimshade: i love silas just casually enjoying a meal
ritchards: pocket bacon!
PharaohBender27 is very curious to see what Silas' plan here is
TheGreenMonster450: my cheeks are hurting
JadedCynic: meanwhile, Silas & Oliver just eating
Its_VeeBot: Roll for Sizzle
cyclopsboi: silas and oliver just adding so much flavor here
abslomdaak42: The real negotiation happening between Silas and Oliver
corpocracy: "what's your angle?"
type_variable: i mean... only Jo caused problems for chancey
Artificer_Evan: Silas has the least stake in this.
accountmadeforants: Silas and Oliver just enjoying their meal to the best of their ability
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 probably eat something gross :P
ritchards: "Sure"
waffleman187: Waffles
JadedCynic: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: Damn
ghyllnox: LUL
Gekyouryuu: finoNobuLUL
jacqui_lantern234: SILAS ..........mood kinda
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
itira: hahaha
Lysander_salamander: nice
AriaHibiki: lollll
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
grander_pastures: BARS, Oliver
JadedCynic: "I value these pancakes more than my unlife"
iarethel0ser: Especially because you're eating at a denny's.
shadowmaster132: Silas fighting for his meal is everything
KaleidoscopeMind: Oliver has one-punched 2 vampires
Artificer_Evan: Evil book is pretty vague for a tremure
DeM0nFiRe: :D
Its_VeeBot: Silas has a plate full of bacon grease (that is increasingly empty)
grander_pastures: Damien has More Money Than God
PharaohBender27: I suspect Silas is actually up to something
Lysander_salamander: itemized receipt, "paying off a blackmailer..."
JadedCynic: and now boons start passing within the coterie
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
grander_pastures: It's like a dog
KaleidoscopeMind: is Silas covering the Denny's bill with the card
Simriel: Silas is Ignoring Reality
Jesse Kim: Cameron is sticking to his goal here
Simriel: or he is Burning it All Doen
matthäus c.: so help me nod
Jesse Kim: so help me Necronomicon
Jasper: Cain preserve us
Jesse Kim: loud talk for someone in striking distance
Jasper: lol
Jesse Kim: lol
OVERKiLL!: mafia shctyle
amative1: Silas is GOING TO FINISH HIS MEAL
Jesse Kim: Silas is here for Denny's
Jesse Kim: and nothing else
nikipound: Jo should get free intimidation from her diablery
Jesse Kim: Jo is not that decent
Jesse Kim: are we sure this is the Finale?
nikipound: Paychecks end up with receipts don't they?
mhbmk2: hire him to run protection for the Chantry
Gekyouryuu: "it's clear that you all don't value your existences." "was that not clear when we chose to eat at a Denny's?"
MrPhlip: !addquote (Jacob) [now] It's clear that you all don't value your existences.
LRRbot: New quote #9214: "It's clear that you all don't value your existences." —Jacob [2024-12-23]
grander_pastures: Also, Jacob managing to keep the accent throughout
shadowmaster132: Explaining that one to the accountant would be rough
grander_pastures: Brill
spethycakes: Silas turned SOME kind of corner here
OldManJohnsonMB: Silas is ready to kill or be killed
satyropodobny: LUL
accountmadeforants: I love how every character is just going "Chancy, I like you, *says the most horrifying thing*"
Sogheim: Jacob's accent and swapping so easily between Chancey and Storyteller is so good
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
PMAvers: "I didn't do anything wrong!"
grander_pastures: Chancy wandered into this place with a gun and stumbled into an existential crisis
Sogheim: this is all going to end in tears
Lysander_salamander: oh
BusTed: huh.
NimrodXIV: hmmmm
terribleplan: Uhh
definenull: "forget"?
jacqui_lantern234: HAVE THEY MET
Gekyouryuu: conCERNing
Dog_of_Myth: oh...that's interesting
grimshade: is marge even real lol
type_variable: oh no
OldManJohnsonMB: That is very worrying
HorusFive: Has he? Has anyone outside this booth?
grander_pastures: Marge has Asupex 5 she had TELEPATHY
BusTed: hell yeah
jacqui_lantern234: OLIVER YES
LostThePirate: XD
definenull: THERE IT IS
Lysander_salamander: oh noooo
JadedCynic: SNAP
Gekyouryuu: finoNobuLUL
LunarJade: lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy
DeM0nFiRe: ooooo boy
KaleidoscopeMind: oh NO
MrSarkhan: of course it is.
cavvdor: If he was here the whole time he would've seen Marge
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Messy
ghyllnox: Cryptids!!!
Travilogue: Well, it *is* the finale
KaleidoscopeMind: on a Marge-related crit
Juliamon: two hours until the first lunarj1Messy of the session
Ignatiuspants: messy crit! finally!
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
AriaHibiki: doesnt jo still have a messy banked?
incslayer: @AriaHibiki yes
neisan2112: And they were there the whole time
grander_pastures: mary
gibbousm: Mary?
gibbousm: lrrFINE
Sarah_Serinde: uh oh
SnackPak_: rad
Lysander_salamander: aaaa
cavvdor: UHH
JadedCynic: wait, did Marge wipe the memory of a powerful information broker - OH
ghyllnox: Oh Ollie, noooo
PharaohBender27: tqsSweat
LostThePirate: XD
Lysander_salamander: :D
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
grander_pastures: Hell yeah the HR terms
incslayer: Quick Oliver start talking about woodworking
WiJohn: He's had a lot of weird jobs lately
HorusFive: sure I can. Watch me'
Lysander_salamander: oh nooooo
grander_pastures: Oh, the bore her technique
Gekyouryuu: Chancey: "why's he talking about Trudeau?"
type_variable: is this the long awaited heel-turn
BusTed: there's just something about Mary
Gekyouryuu: Oliver, Silas already told you. BORE her
cavvdor: Oh that evil smile suits Jacob too well
Strebenherz: Ohhh dang
saucemaster5000: @BusTed fucking hell busted PrideLaugh
JadedCynic: this is 'a moment in time'
grander_pastures: *snap* Oliver goes Nephandi, somehow
SpaceBattery: is oliver actually salubri or something
JadedCynic: Golcanda?
nikipound: they just asked for receipts
nikipound: wait wear
nikipound: What what what
Jesse Kim: they successfully confused their threat
amative1: THERE IT IS
nikipound: Chansey was here the whole time he said
nikipound: the whole time
matthäus c.: Chansey's head is about to be very open
ani laurel: I was defs wondering what was up
Jesse Kim: yes sir
nikipound: Meaning while Marge was here
Lazotep __: Oliver is gonna miss chanceys heart by 1,5 feet
Jasper: Oh noooooo
Jesse Kim: oh so this IS the finale
Jasper: And it’s Series finale too! ;-;
OVERKiLL!: 👽 Dick Van Dyke Show , the walnuts episode 🛸
SmithKurosaki: I mean, Chansey's a pokemon, clearly susceptible to confusion :p
Jesse Kim: definitely don't bring this up with Monica
Oakinwode: okay this is the best christmas eve present ever
grander_pastures: She didn't KNOW
Lysander_salamander: oh nice
Sarah_Serinde: ooh
Lysander_salamander: yay
cavvdor: Mary is the polar opposite of Golcanda, I have a feeling
definenull: uh ohhh
Kidror: She can't get to Marge either
grander_pastures: It's with me
definenull: here comes the reversal
JadedCynic: @cavvdor exactly...there's ALWAYS options
matthaus_c: Oliver isn't doing a great job of boring her HypeLUL
cavvdor: OOOOH
grander_pastures: @xTJPBQdfNHA7qUxeTd5Uy9gV That's what I'm assuming
Sarah_Serinde: It could be, but I would think Oliver would know Marge well enough by now to recognize them, so I dunno
OldManJohnsonMB: creepy aid and creepy help
JadedCynic: @matthaus_c but he's seeing an out from 'the offer you NEED to take' :)
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
korvys: Oh, I think I know what it is
JadedCynic: GO. OLIVER.
Mr_Whyt: do you!?
jacqui_lantern234: oliver my man!!!
DeM0nFiRe: HOOOOO boy
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
JadedCynic: thank you Cori! :)
cavvdor: Two for two on Mary!
grander_pastures: That was a wonderful Parry
accountmadeforants: Oliver did the inverse Silas. Instead of boring Mary, inform Mary that he's bored of her.
ghyllnox: Good job Ollie
grimshade: im waiting for this to play out
saucemaster5000: yup
Mr_Whyt: kill em all let caine sort them out
HorusFive: "Yup" Says Cori/Jo
Bruceski: It's a Denny's, rats are normal
grander_pastures: You wanna bone Chancy!
RurouniGeo: Silas with face of syrup cast seduction
Its_VeeBot: "One: Murder!"
HorusFive: Chauncey will have the rat-vantage
matthaus_c: I'm so curious if Mary is some part of the Middle Child or something else
JadedCynic: @accountmadeforants I mean, Silas kept refusing her offers until she tired of it. Oliver learned he doesn't NEED to accept her offer, and shut her down more quickly
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c oh to be the middle centipede....
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 menage a trois cents
JadedCynic: hello?
Lysander_salamander: nice
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Messy
DeM0nFiRe: Yeah chat borked a bit there
TheGreenMonster450: bestial failure
SnackPak_: dinger
TheGreenMonster450: dammit
PharaohBender27: Oh well
definenull: OHHH
DeM0nFiRe: :o
BusTed: oho
Bratmon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
SnackPak_: oh snap
NimrodXIV: oh snap
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bratmon! (Today's storm count: 27)
Diabore: OH I C
incslayer: WHAT
spethycakes: WELL then
KaleidoscopeMind: is there a messy crit floating?
fracassio: HELL YEAH
letsbelgo: g a s p
terribleplan: Oh dang
Lysander_salamander: I mean, who isn't really
LostThePirate: :O
grander_pastures: WHAAAAAT
ghyllnox: Damn
Juliamon: OH SHIT
Bruceski: game knows game
TheDevil_Risen: OOOOOOOOO
saucemaster5000: duoblorists
grimshade: lol of course god dammed hypocrit
definenull: OH NO
TheDevil_Risen: SHHHHHEEET
HorusFive: mattlrPika
DaxStrife: le gasp!
cavvdor: WHAT
nikipound: there it is
nikipound: Mary doesn't know about his familiar?
Jesse Kim: Let's go Oliver
Jesse Kim: bore her
Jasper: Yesssssss get her asssss
Jasper: I hope that doesn’t harm Marge by accident
nikipound: 🔥
Jesse Kim: he doesn't know that thought
Jesse Kim: wow can't believe this serial arson idr burned down a Denny's
Jesse Kim: arsonist
amative1: Bes failure
grander_pastures: OH GOD
Pinwiz11: Le gasp!
JadedCynic: lrrWOW
neisan2112: WOAAHHH
rodsur: oh the drama D:
grander_pastures: He ate her! OUT
Dog_of_Myth: Oh my
OldManJohnsonMB: this is amazing
SkipIives: mruuOO mruuOO mruuOO lrrSPOOPY
Ignatiuspants: Diablo multiplayer!
saucemaster5000: note to self -- stay single as a vampire
cyclopsboi: oh wow
definenull: PHRASING
ProcyonFlynn: Look inward.
NimrodXIV: phrasing
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
grander_pastures: Helllll yeah
JadedCynic: gee, how would THEY (outside) feel if they found out what happened to her?
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
grimshade: omg lol
KaleidoscopeMind: was she the former drummer?
grimshade: she was in the band
JadedCynic: oh man...
grander_pastures: The ghoul replaced Someone
TheDevil_Risen: So good!
OldManJohnsonMB: Jacob is an amazing face actor
Lysander_salamander: aaaaaa
ghyllnox: Chansey does not have a poker face huh
definenull: so that's why ghoul is there
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhYAS
Gekyouryuu: this is amazing
SkipIives: lol
WiJohn: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
HorusFive: Does Mask hide that kind of blush?
grimshade: jordan plays the uno reverse card
FarleyF: Cori for the win
jacqui_lantern234: CHANCEY
BusTed: gross
MrPhlip: Chancey,
Gekyouryuu: *wow*
JadedCynic: 'remote support' :D
Mr_Whyt: back up / lupine fodder
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
JacobBurgessVO: Enjoy the rest all. Thank you for being here. Flight is about to leave.
xTJPBQdfNHA7qUxeTd5Uy9gV: temp position / dog bait
definenull: safe travels!
grander_pastures: Any references?
matthaus_c: @JacobBurgessVO safe travels!
cavvdor: I love how this scene turned on so many dimes
Vilun: do you have any references?
FarleyF: safe travels
HorusFive: @JacobBurgessVO You're a rock star
rodsur: @JacobBurgessVO have a good flight!
niccus: you ever have an ambush turn into a performance review
Pharmacistjudge: safe travels
NotCainNorAbel: Thanks @JacobBurgessVO
grander_pastures: Take care JAcob!
unarmedoracle: Safe travels Jacob!!!
ghyllnox: Bye Jacob, thanks o/
RurouniGeo: Fly safe you beautiful human! @JacobBurgessVO
JadedCynic: @JacobBurgessVO Bon Voyage; happy holidays and thanks for this glorious gift! <3
coriolis_storm: @jacobburgessvo Happy Holidays!
phoenixfeather14: Safe travels and happy holidays, Jacob!!
RurouniGeo: excuse me vampire question mark
PharaohBender27: I wish you a tolerable flight, JacobBurgessVO!
cavvdor: Bye Jacob! Thank you!
Terr0rc0tta: Jacob is a hero for maintaining this accent this whole time
AriaHibiki: have a safe trip!
TheDevil_Risen: @JacobBurgessVO Love your work, have a safe flight and a Merry Christmas!
type_variable: a lover huh
PharaohBender27: (I never wish anyone a nice flight because I feel that doesn't exist :p )
Its_VeeBot: Isn't that the place that Graham doesn't know how to spell? Kappa
spethycakes: Safe travels, Jacob!
TheDevil_Risen: @unarmedoracle sergeModLove unarmeHeart unarmeGameplay
DeM0nFiRe: Uhhhh
type_variable: HEY
BusTed: hmm
DeM0nFiRe: Chancy you fucked up!
grander_pastures: TRAITOR
JadedCynic: Nice spot there, Heather <3
PMAvers: "To be fair, my house was on fire."
Sogheim: oh dear
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Lysander_salamander: oh, like when those guys tried to get the inquisition to kill off their enemies. And it set off a massive masquerade fail and a purge
definenull: oh the crazy eyes are back
HorusFive: "I was following orders"
OldUncleDan: It's the Nick Cage meme!!!!!!
MrPhlip: !addquote (Cori) [now] If I could kill him, I'd do it again. | as Jordan
LRRbot: New quote #9215: "If I could kill him, I'd do it again." —Cori, as Jordan [2024-12-23]
FarleyF: Cori going full Nicholas cage
JadedCynic: Knives was USING the Kine's Intelligence Agencies to eliminate his problems?
KaleidoscopeMind: "I'll take your leg"
TheDevil_Risen is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 61 in the channel!
We added 1 Gift Subs AND 1 Bonus Gift Subs to TheDevil_Risen's gift!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to JustAnotherMuffin!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to sassou_0512!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to i_love_the_sahsa!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tweediculous!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to KevinTheShark!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to ii_zaimillius!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to DjMymyamo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, TheDevil_Risen! Welcome to JustAnotherMuffin, KevinTheShark, sassou_0512, Tweediculous, and i_love_the_sahsa! (Today's storm count: 33)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, VALORANT! Welcome to ii_zaimillius and DjMymyamo! (Today's storm count: 34)
amative1: awww
ani laurel: ooooh
Jesse Kim: oooooooooo
Jasper: Yo! He ATE his Girlfriend?!
Jesse Kim: my boss's assistant is a dibloberist
Simriel: And Off He Fucked
Jesse Kim: "fuck off, I wanna eat my pancakes"
amative1: all of a sudden it's a job interview
Jasper: @jesse Kim sounds like a manga title
nikipound: hmmm that's not something you want him to want
nikipound: oh yep that tracks
SmithKurosaki: excuse me?
ani laurel: Chancey knew about the CSIS people?
Jesse Kim: if anyone knows, it should be the techno Nos
nikipound: yeah yeah good catch
grander_pastures: Damn, what a good Nick Cage impression
Lysander_salamander: oh, thanks for the sub
type_variable: The Gang TPKs in a Dennys
JadedCynic: For all the Brujah's claim to 'knowing their history', Johnny forgot how the FIRST Inquisition started!
s1ck1y: jo having a normal one
niccus: knife has broken the plate and is sawing through the table
matthaus_c: it's a good thing Jo isn't a metamorphosist
JadedCynic: #KnivezDeservedWhatHeGot
unarmedoracle: Jo rips his obfuscation off
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
HorusFive: I feel this night is going very differently than Chauncey thought
Dog_of_Myth: hahahaha
itira: LOL
type_variable: LOL
Sogheim: my dog keeps barking at me because I"m laughing so hard
definenull: keep stirring folks!
NimrodXIV: don't poke the diablerist
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
terribleplan: Oh, so we ARE going for the TPK?
grander_pastures: Dammit Oli
OldManJohnsonMB: Oliver is Not Having It anymore
JadedCynic: I think we're gonna start to see Chauncey play peacemaker :D
Bruceski: At this rate thois might be the second weirdest thing the Denny's staff has seen this week.
FarleyF: Jo is gonna kill ya
Julian_Rogue: I keep snort laughing I hope my neighbors aren't going to complain
OldUncleDan: To be fair... Oliver absolutely has a point!
DeM0nFiRe: Fair tbh
matthaus_c: oh poor Chancey
Lysander_salamander: wow
OldManJohnsonMB: Chancey is the best NPC
Its_VeeBot: Chauncey is currently wishing he brought his brown pants
accountmadeforants: Yeah, Oliver wouldn't be in nearly as much shit without extenuating circumstances
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
TheDevil_Risen: Chancey is the best
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Julian_Rogue: Why is he offering a House if he needs one XD
TheDevil_Risen: i do want more Jessica content tho :)
matthaus_c: VIP badge
HorusFive: @Julian_Rogue He didn't need the house. He just wanted them to give him a house.
Sogheim: now what's Chancey's vtuber rig look like? think he's an anime bat?
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
Its_VeeBot: Why is THAT the thing I called
Lysander_salamander: Love the expressive twitching
matthaus_c: 0 points in Intimidation btw HypeLUL
Peregrine234: cori looks like the malicious version of that cat with the pancakes on the table
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
niccus: man, having to do a job interview at a denny's
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
WiJohn: Jo needs some intimidation dice
TheDevil_Risen: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Lysander_salamander: I am surprised the dragula has survived so far
Sogheim: dragula is totally getting keyed
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
DaxStrife: Denny's Dilemma: resolved.
DeM0nFiRe: respect
BusTed: nice
Strebenherz: Amazing
Vilun: imagine having a day so bad that you go to blackmail people and end up indebted to them plus giving away a major boon
Lysander_salamander: he's immortal, he might come out on top some day
TheDevil_Risen: Sydney BC? or Sydney AU?
TheDevil_Risen: <3
grander_pastures: But wait, who is Angellll??
definenull: KKona ?
NimrodXIV: how many grenades you want?
JadedCynic: @TheDevil_Risen Sidney BC
Its_VeeBot: He just walks out of the building and starts crossing himself, as if that means anything to him anymore
ani laurel: He was using the SI to go after the Sabbat?
OVERKiLL!: :face-turquoise-drinking-coffee:
Jesse Kim: everything is fine
nikipound: not gonna wreck this Dennys. not this time.
Jesse Kim: Knives was having the same problem as the first Inquisition
Jesse Kim: using the humans to handle the kindred
Jesse Kim: ok dobloblerist
Random Factor: Watch Chance be the beast next to Stalks.
Random Factor: Imagine what a random glasswalker could do in this mess.
Simriel: Chancey has lost 100% of the initiative
Jesse Kim: Chancey has severely underestimated his advantage
SmithKurosaki: 100%
ani laurel: poor dude, having the tables turn so fast
Jesse Kim: ah the Denny's table has turned
Random Factor: 360 no-scope table turn.
Simriel: Chancey works for them now
Jesse Kim: oh that's a good line
ani laurel: I should go back and watch this convo
ani laurel: rewatch
Random Factor: Chancy is probably gonna go get very drunk.
Jesse Kim: "good try Chancey"
TheDevil_Risen: (sorry always funny, i live in NSW, AU)
Lysander_salamander: get special exploding bullets it'll be so fun
Terr0rc0tta: this Denny’s is getting incinerated while they have this discussion
JadedCynic: @Its_VeeBot he's suddenly chosen that it MIGHT start to mean something to him...
matthaus_c: it would be hilarious if Angel were just an incredibly experienced customer service employee
matthaus_c: supernaturally experienced
type_variable: going to be so many diablerists on the island we can jumpstart tyhe hungers game part deux
PharaohBender27: @TheDevil_Risen It's Sidney - thus why Graham misspelled Sydney for that Olympics logo video
JadedCynic: @TheDevil_Risen (there's also Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, and probably one or two in Ontario too)
matthaus_c: Sidney like the Sloth from Ice Age
matthaus_c: after it, actually lrrBEEJ
terribleplan: Don't forget the hammer
HorusFive: But this time, actually interrogate. Not just kill?
Lysander_salamander: delightful
Sarah_Serinde: I feel like the cotorie and the lupines may have a common enemy here
TheDevil_Risen: @JadedCynic yeah, am aware, always get the spelling wrong when I used to write about Canada for School Projects :) <3
Sogheim: oh! does Oliver believe in jackalopes?
neisan2112: Oh no, what if Bigfoot is working with the Lupines?
Sarah_Serinde: Given what Stalks said last episode
ghyllnox: Theoretically they could just open the curtains in the motel room
Strebenherz: Lul
matthaus_c: @Sarah_Serinde pretty sure the Lupines don't see that much difference
TheDevil_Risen: @PharaohBender27 yeah, i noticed that <3 easy mistake :)
KaleidoscopeMind: if only they had a lupine contact
JadedCynic: @TheDevil_Risen hey; I live in "St. John's" - I've gotten mail in SO MANY variations... :D
ckupf: "Has anyone ever died doing this?" "None that I have met"
Pharmacistjudge: Lupines are not friendly. Like Jessica is associated with a group that just captured a lupine.
JadedCynic: @ckupf LUL
WiJohn: Find thin blood ??? profit!
OldUncleDan: Turns out, the new Reverend Brother Sweetwater is a Wyrm tanged Ursine.
ghyllnox: Silas does have a lupine's number
OldUncleDan: tainted.
HorusFive: My question is- will Lupines just smell the book off of Silas?
matthaus_c: they might. they really hate the Wyrm
Nigouki: ayyyyy Quinn come to Denny's!!!
Lysander_salamander: it's funny that Knives was trying to get the SI to do his job, since that was why there
Vilun: is there any chance that Siegfried is the other Sweetwater?
Lysander_salamander: darned new keyboard
PharaohBender27: tqsSweat
JadedCynic: :D
grander_pastures: smooooth
Jesse Kim: Silas would love to know about the Exploding Blood
nikipound: re: Chance showing up, I was actually thinking about him as a resource for evil book disposal
Jesse Kim: they have a black card
Sogheim: wait, only they can summon Chancey?
wildpeaks: *gasp*
grimshade: technically not a lie he hasnt seen the archon
grander_pastures: That's an understatement, Quinn
Diabore: fair
cavvdor: Le gasp
BusTed: 👀
TheGreenMonster450: Jo !
PharaohBender27: :O
Strebenherz: Oh my gods
ritchards: Poker face Cori!
JadedCynic: @Lysander_salamander politics - problems happen when you stop solving your own problems
HorusFive: It's always the last person you expect that Diablorizes the Archon
ghyllnox: Elliot?
Juliamon: Shmemple
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox his ghoul?
grimshade: @ghyllnox the cars salesmen
JadedCynic: oh!
ghyllnox: Ah ty
JadedCynic: right
wildpeaks: the Archon is probably off to fetch some milk, it's fine
ritchards: Eliot is not ghouled
matthaus_c: Elliot isn't a ghoul
KaleidoscopeMind: elliot schmemple
JadedCynic: @wildpeaks we went out for cigarettes
grander_pastures: Take your TIME
definenull: *this is the point of no return*
NimrodXIV: load up before the boss battle
RurouniGeo: last call before doomsday
Sogheim: at least the silver doesn't have to be heirloom silver, that myth is a mess
Nigouki: silver grenades :3
grander_pastures: Alchemy!
Diabore: can we get an RPG!
matthaus_c: last call for gehenna!
DeM0nFiRe: Silver claymore sword!
Diabore: i want an RPG!
cavvdor: Silas just call your werewolf pal for a meet-cute
grander_pastures: It's right there on the Manual
satyropodobny: Silver grenades!
letsbelgo: front towards enemy
JadedCynic: armored car...
matthaus_c: want a claymore SWORD?
incslayer: Oliver Gets a Tank
DaxStrife: There's a tank outside the Denny's?!
Strebenherz: Oliver the tank driver
PhuzNutz: DM says. "Go Ham" oOoOO boy
HorusFive: It's hilarious that most of this would just not make that much of a difference against a pack of Lupines
JadedCynic: yeah
Diabore: tank can go pretty fast
NimrodXIV: we started with combat in a van, end it in a TANK
grander_pastures: Also, using a tank?? Unsubtle af
JadedCynic: but for long distances, you move tanks by rail to where they wanna deploy them
PharaohBender27: Oh SNAP
HorusFive: Zing!
OldUncleDan: Abrams is like 70k on flat land.
OldUncleDan: kph
Lysander_salamander: yay marge is coming
grander_pastures: We LOVE Marge
JadedCynic: NVGs?
TheDevil_Risen: Abrhams do about 42Mp/h
Master_Gunner: Get the big velcro patches saying "BITE SQUAD"
rodsur: tacvest for stalks? :D
definenull: protean++
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
grander_pastures: Bat TIME
JadedCynic: Glad Marge is back in the band!
SnackPak_: if only
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
corpocracy: Man, Jacob is desperately trying to drop hints about Marge
BusTed: onstaWELP
JadedCynic: @TheDevil_Risen yeah, 70kph
matthaus_c: give Marge guns!
Strebenherz: Apparently tanks get like .5 to 1 mpg?
grander_pastures: 4 Points in Animalism?
Sogheim: Marge needs more love
JadedCynic: ^^^^
TheDevil_Risen: going to take Stalks?
Diabore: @Strebenherz tank can be any 2 of light, fast, and good mileage
PhuzNutz: Is this just 9mm and a Three-Piece Suit from Catch22? Was that the Ska allution?
ghyllnox: Surprised they're not asking for silver hand weapons, some daggers or something
Diabore: @Strebenherz sorry, not light, heavily armored
matthaus_c: some day we're gonna discover Oliver is an Obtenebrist
JadedCynic: a Grand Caravan weighs like ONE ton....an Abrams weighs FIFTY TONS
Strebenherz: @diabore gotcha
Strebenherz: And no worries
JadedCynic: we're going on a RECRUITING DRIVE, not a purge...
Simriel: This conversation does NOT seem like Quinn is the one in charge
Jesse Kim: he most definitely isn't
Jesse Kim: this is a phone call?
Jesse Kim: some red flags in this phone call going on
Simriel: I don't think Chainz is gonna end up running this island...
nikipound: "lupines" but also "dead drops only"
nikipound: weird protocol Q
Jesse Kim: he also said "Tremere"
nikipound: oh, yeah, he did
Simriel: I am SO glad someone said it
Jesse Kim: T-Buck the armorer
Jesse Kim: the blood wizard uses Rocket
Simriel: Tbh, I would want Shotgun with silver Slugs personally
amative1: A wild WEREWOLF appears! Vampire uses GUN. It's super effective!
Simriel: Big game rounds
Brent Stewart: The mm in 9mm stands for magic missile
Simriel: Once Again he mentions Proteon
Jesse Kim: Oliver gotta spec into SOMETHING
Simriel: Has Oliver spent ANY XP?
Simriel: Did he make XP now?
Jesse Kim: not lately
Simriel: spend*
Jesse Kim: he got that second dot in Solarity earlier this season
Jesse Kim: afaik
HorusFive: @matthaus_c There's lots of great disciplines he could be hiding. Like Obeah
WiJohn: Color coded!
grander_pastures: How long is this ep?
TheDevil_Risen: lrrCREEPL lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrCREEPR
WiJohn: @grander_pastures Oh we may be here all night
ritchards: I expect we'll wrap up shortly for next episode
TheDevil_Risen: @grander_pastures long ^
HorusFive: Violence is the only solution we know!
grander_pastures: Honestly, all correct answers
Julian_Rogue: @ritchards this is the finale tho?
cyclopsboi: @grander_pastures its the finale and they mentioned going long
DaxStrife: Either we got another episode or this is all "Not a Drop to Fourink" prep.
wildpeaks: ohh it is the finale ? neat
TheGreenMonster450: it's the first half of the finale
OldUncleDan: Did Jessica just 4th wall?
grander_pastures: @cyclopsboi Either a Finale now, or a two parter, cause the schedule did say there were 9 eps
WiJohn: Not a Drop to Drink volume 3 episode 8 part 1
ghyllnox: I was going to say, I see it on the schedule for next week but it could be the Q&A
cyclopsboi: 9th might live q&a
wildpeaks: then I guess they'll wrap up soon given it's been 3 hours
josh___something: I assumed 9 episode was q&a
grander_pastures: @ghyllnox Also what I thought
ritchards: there is also a Dice Friends for the week following, which would be a nice Q&A spot...
OldUncleDan: They said this was going to be a longer episode.
terribleplan: It would be interesting if Silas gave his "friend" (Chance? that Lupie he met) a call...
grander_pastures: @OldUncleDan Oh yeah, this is already longer than all the others
PharaohBender27: @wildpeaks It's going to be a 2-part finale
calhoujd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, calhoujd! (Today's storm count: 35)
JadedCynic: @terribleplan IKR? the IT contractor day-job guy :)
Bruceski: This is the scene before a shootout where everybody checks their guns.
grander_pastures: Can they still pull up the boon? Even from this side of the ferry?
grander_pastures: Damn, that's a real big link
WiJohn: Ted's dead
grander_pastures: NOOO
josh___something: Where's Ted? D:
Pharmacistjudge: I am going to laugh if the "Reverand" is Siegried
ghyllnox: Why would we stop TBuck, really
TheDevil_Risen: should get some silver swords, Witcher 3 style :)
WiJohn: @Pharmacistjudge I'm gonna laugh if it's Chains
definenull: @Pharmacistjudge I have that sinking feeling too
SoldieroFortune: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 3:01:36.
Lysander_salamander: oh no
Master_Gunner: because downtime goes so well
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
JadedCynic: Last we saw, Ted was headed for Shmeple's to pick up that blacked-out RV
SnackPak_: book! book! book!
Pharmacistjudge: also the werewolvies are with the thinbloods with a bridge being Siegfried
TheGreenMonster450: ew story juice
HorusFive: HypeBook
Vilun: do we know what was beside Stalks?
terribleplan: Oh, you can't dangle "good good story juice" and not expect the players to go for it
DeM0nFiRe: Note: do not put your IRL books in a juicing machine to get the story out of it, this hurts the book
grander_pastures: Talk to the Chantry about it Silas!
WiJohn: Tremere lore says heck yeah, read the evil book
ritchards: @Vilun I'm assuming Marge
Prone2Drift: I was 11 minutes behind on broadcast and just got through the Chancey bit. This coterie is batshit insane.
SmithKurosaki: yuuup
Jesse Kim: oh you're learning that now huh?
Prone2Drift: Oh no, I knew that, but like.
Jesse Kim: hahaha
Prone2Drift: Jesus *christ.*
nikipound: Yeah.
Jesse Kim: very unhinged coterie here for what used to be three Cam-background kindred for suuuure
Jesse Kim: are we *sure* this is the finale
Prone2Drift: Chancey thought he had a golden ticket and found out he actually had a bag of angry hornets and armed land mines
nikipound: anyone know how long this one is gonna be?
Prone2Drift: Also yeah, there seems to be a lot more story to be told here.
amative1: @Jesse Kim only inasmuch as Jacob said it was at the end of the last ep and beginning of this ep
amative1: but that was before ALL OF THIS
Joe P: is anyone else disappointed no one wants any kind of silver knives or spikes?
Jesse Kim: I'm disappointed in a lot but this is still great
Prone2Drift: I would not be shocked if they have more episodes, unless there’s something else slated for Dice Friends.
Prone2Drift: I was shocked that Jessica didn’t ask for silver throwing stars. XD
Jesse Kim: oh Julia was Tremere?
Joe P: yeah, I've loved every part of bite club but I just want Oliver to get like a silvered sword or something
Jesse Kim: garlic gun
Simriel: Silvered Hammer
Prone2Drift: Just give Oliver a morningstar with silvered spikes.
Prone2Drift: Then it doesn’t matter if you hit the head or the heart.
Jesse Kim: btw this entire thing was supposed to be "downtime"
cavvdor: Oliver kind of lucked on Stalks not being Pumonca kinfolk
Master_Gunner: Oliver brings a stake and a steak
Strebenherz: Pumonca?
cavvdor: Werecougars :)
ghyllnox: Wonder what that other beast was
cavvdor: The World of Darkness is a weird place
JadedCynic: coll!
Lysander_salamander: safety first
JadedCynic: cool!
TheGreenMonster450: stealthy third !
AriaHibiki: wat colour is marge's?
KaleidoscopeMind: what color is marge's
HorusFive: Gotta wear hi-viz when you go hunting
Lysander_salamander: oh that seems bad
HorusFive: She can NOT go to her dad! That would also be a terrible idea
Sogheim: oh, Oliver still needs a new last name, too, right?
BusTed: a Ted drop
HorusFive: This is how the Giovanni issues started
Lysander_salamander: shoot her shot?
OldUncleDan: @HorusFive Well, if she gets hungry...
grander_pastures: Oh, really now
PharaohBender27: lrrXmasbart
grander_pastures: Hell yeah
TheGreenMonster450: story juice !
WeatheredPeach: Become a lich to read the funky book
ghyllnox: Can you do that in WoD?
DaxStrife: More like a soul Faraday Cage?
satyropodobny: soul oven mitts
Lysander_salamander: oh, you can do a lich thing in world of darkness? Neat!
matthaus_c: becoming a lich? oh yeah
Kidror: Gotta air gap your soul
HorusFive: @Lysander_salamander Have I got a Ministry for you to look at
grander_pastures: Lichdom is so damn WOD
PharaohBender27: Um . . .
unarmedoracle: that's a ministry thing, isn't it?
Lysander_salamander: ah, it's the mages?
TheDevil_Risen: unarmeHeart
Nigouki: Jesus and Mary!
definenull: am marge okay now?
HorusFive: @unarmedoracle That's what they call it now
grander_pastures: Magedom is Great'
HorusFive: @definenull Either never or always
matthaus_c: @Lysander_salamander believe Mages also have a path to lichdom, but The Ministry is a clan
Lysander_salamander: I'll have to look them up
matthaus_c: a kindred clan that is
grander_pastures: Very Large
WeatheredPeach: big names are not a good sign
gibbousm: ooof
NimrodXIV: rude
BusTed: och
iarethel0ser: Ouch
Simriel: Does a stake have to be Wooden in V:TM?
Jesse Kim: and then Jo ate their sire
Prone2Drift: “Downtime”
amative1: Oliver has such good luck with stakes
Jesse Kim: yeah you need Marge
Jesse Kim: ahahahaha Silas doing dangerous thing again hahahahaha
Jesse Kim: just a good boy huh
nikipound: isn't Shmemple the way to get to that Ravnos buddy? I am getting the feeling the window to do that is pretty short after showing Quinn those photos
Jesse Kim: I think Ted already got that RV from Schmemple
Jesse Kim: and is probably already in Sydney
Joe P: silver shards in frag grenades would also be awesome
nikipound: but he was Ted's contact in town too, not sure how else they can reach him
Jesse Kim: the time for stealth has looooong passed
Jasper: I’m glad they’re bringing Marge now. They’re my favorite npc next to Stalks
Jesse Kim: bring t-buck
nikipound: I'm worried. Marge didn't want to get near Mary again.
Jasper: T BUCK!
Jesse Kim: aww no Chance
Jesse Kim: nice
Jesse Kim: blood wizard money gang
nikipound: hang on, are Tremere liches a thing?
Jesse Kim: probably
Jesse Kim: House of Wyrm is a thing
Jesse Kim: lol Marge
Mr_Whyt: burn
xTJPBQdfNHA7qUxeTd5Uy9gV: silas was a bonus [derogatory]
HorusFive: hurtful
grander_pastures: How do they mena by large, like oppressive?
Nigouki: unclanned?
definenull: sire?!?
grander_pastures: MUSIC
definenull: uhhh\
PharaohBender27: :O
Lysander_salamander: oh, nice cut off
terribleplan: The cliffhanger?
RurouniGeo: uhhhhhh
DeM0nFiRe: zeldaEyes
BusTed: ohooo
NimrodXIV: ACK
RurouniGeo: WHAT
Sogheim: uh oh
TheDevil_Risen: aww
HorusFive: Uh oh
grander_pastures: HELL YEAH
grimshade: wait what
TheDevil_Risen: WHAT
SpaceBattery: wat
cyclopsboi: haha nice!
Nigouki: FUK
AriaHibiki: ohhhhhhhhhhh
jacqui_lantern234: AAAAAA
grimshade: omg
rodsur: aaaah
TheGreenMonster450: ah ! knew it !
SpaceBattery: WHAT
Lysander_salamander: good cliffhanger there
richard_ermen: OOOOOO
josh___something: noooooooooooooo
Bruceski: Oh you SONOVA!
incslayer: ohhh cliffhanger
terribleplan: Nooooo
Sarah_Serinde: there it is :D
Pinwiz11: Aaaaaaaaaaaa
SnackPak_: so rude lrrBEEJ
WeatheredPeach: OMG
WiJohn: Nice
grimshade: i thought this was the finale
Artificer_Evan: oh no
Juliamon: Merry Christmas
letsbelgo: khaosp4Lick khaosp4Lick khaosp4Lick
pyrehand: I just got here in time for a cliffhanger you monster =)
itira: seabatDance seabatDance seabatDance
ghyllnox: Yooooo 2-parter!
HorusFive: Good ending lrrXmasbart
Mr_Whyt: cliffhanger!!!!!
cavvdor: RUDE
Sogheim: I knew the music was gonna lead to this!
spethycakes: lrrSPOOP
xantos69: AHHHHH!
Master_Gunner: downtimes strikes again!
grimshade: so hyped
wildpeaks: aw
Strebenherz: Ohhhhh
Forgotten_Sanity: what
SkipIives: nice
Nigouki: aaaaaaaaaaa
grander_pastures: 6 DAYS
wholsometiger: YES!!!
shendaras: seabatClap
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2824 in the channel!
We added 2 Gift Subs to DeM0nFiRe's gift!
BusTed: Sneaky sneaky
NotCainNorAbel: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Varjotaivas!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to PrinceLariel!
definenull: how dare you end it like this (affectionate)
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to tetso_d!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to aldoo8192!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to cemal_61!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to mertzngn99!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to CarboyHellcat!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to gatito_miauwmiauw!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to happeninghippie!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to BeIfegor_!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to jairhernadez0110!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to JPV_DaMan0827!
richard_ermen: A real two-parter, horreee shite!
KyranTheWalker: Oh god... THat's the ending? wow...
McMims: Yeah, there was no way that was going to be 5 hours lol
letfireraindown: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to PrinceLariel, tetso_d, Varjotaivas, cemal_61, mertzngn99, happeninghippie, aldoo8192, CarboyHellcat, BeIfegor_, and gatito_miauwmiauw! (Today's storm count: 45)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, VALORANT! Welcome to jairhernadez0110 and JPV_DaMan0827! (Today's storm count: 47)
Gekyouryuu: so it's NOT a post-series Q&A next week!
MrPhlip: how dare
Artificer_Evan: oof
Terr0rc0tta: daaaaaaaaaaaang
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Bruceski: The one time they SAY the word "finale"
josh___something: Evil
BusTed: Finale!
Pharmacistjudge: I knew there had to be another episode there. they were nowhere near an ending
corpocracy: Damn
matthaus_c: that is so many days
s1ck1y: ehehehehEHEHEHEHEHEHEH
MrPhlip: how Dare!
iris_of_ether: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Lysander_salamander: that was a great episode
cyclopsboi: you got me
Ignatiuspants: Next week?!
Night_xD: i was about to say this has gone for way too long to fit in all that sydney stuff :D
grander_pastures: WE HAVE 6 DAYS
PrinceLariel: @DeM0nFiRe Thanks for the gift sub!
HorusFive: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
iris_of_ether: That music
rosesmcgee: The absolute betrayal
cavvdor: EVIL
pyrehand: You brilliant fiends
matthaus_c: @s1ck1y you KNEW
TheGreenMonster450: it was a great episode
Forgotten_Sanity: you... you you
mhbmk2: dangit I just grabbed a drink for some more
SkipIives: So .... that happened
definenull: MORE
rodsur: how can i travel in time into next week?
ckupf: What a finale
WeatheredPeach: Absolutely amazing episode
Ignatiuspants: More NaD3D?! Christmas has come right on time!
Sogheim: well, doin better than Chancey
Lysander_salamander: These episodes are wild. So much happens. Like a rollercoaster
unarmedoracle: look, I think it's important to remember that everything I did was right
KaleidoscopeMind: quelle suprise
spethycakes: That delightfully smug expression jesscapHehe
Juliamon: Penultim8
grimshade: holy crap what an episode
s1ck1y: @matthaus_c I did it TBAngel
TheGreenMonster450: penultimate
definenull: the ninale!
Gekyouryuu: Penultim-8?
Sarah_Serinde: penultim-ate?
WiJohn: Peneightulmate
werewolftuxedo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, werewolftuxedo! (Today's storm count: 48)
NotCainNorAbel gifted 6 months of Tier 1 to s1ck1y. They've gifted 81 months in the channel!
BusTed: peninetulmate
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, s1ck1y! (Today's storm count: 49)
HorusFive: @unarmedoracle As is correct for tragedy
WeatheredPeach: Peneightlymate
terribleplan: PenulimEight
grander_pastures: Penultim-eight
Pharmacistjudge: Pen - 8 - till mate?
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
lirazel64: I feel like Alex... I am SO MAD rn.
DeM0nFiRe: lunarj1Fangs
matthaus_c: @s1ck1y what a god damn delight, thank you
terribleplan: *PenultimEight
spethycakes: 9nal
MrPhlip: next week, Series 3 Episode 8 Part 2
Simriel: This was So Good
LostThePirate: Whaaaat, Adam lied to us about how many episodes were left???
fracassio: I'm honestly relieved that I won't go to sleep at 3 AM today
McMims: look, some messes needed to be cleaned
Ignatiuspants: "peneighthimate" would be like, the eighth to last
grimshade: this season has been such a wild ride
cavvdor: I really hope the t-shirts get one more run in the merch store, I want one so bad
Mr_Whyt: electric boog a loo
unarmedoracle: great work @s1ck1y !!
CopperAstronaut: Man, a two parter!
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
grander_pastures: Here we GO
tyrsredritehand: maried2Kekvamps
PharaohBender27: Cheer1223 lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Messy lunarj1Fangs
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits. Amazing Stream. Love the story. More Jacob doing vampire stuff!
Juliamon: smh can't believe even LRR is getting into the splitting-the-last-installment-into-2-parts Kappa
corpocracy: Heather, I don't read!
KaleidoscopeMind: final-nuit
tyrsredritehand: Molly?
TheGreenMonster450: same time the q&a ?
McMims: @cavvdor still very much want a chansey the rock god band shirt
DEATHlikescats: yooooo! that cliffhanger! had to come over from the YouTube chat to say y’all are KILLING IT!
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
terribleplan: How tired were you after the last session?
shadowmaster132: penultim8
Ignatiuspants: a Q&A!
WiJohn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
WiJohn: Hype
Simriel: Wait the clip at the start of the episode wasn't IN the episode was it?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WiJohn! (Today's storm count: 50)
Sarah_Serinde: (it's on the schedule)
Gekyouryuu: inb4 next week's stream is 10 minutes long, Mary shows up, everyone explodes.
Pharmacistjudge: @Juliamon exactly
TheDevil_Risen: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs sergeModLove unarmeHeart sergeHeart lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE sergeGG
Simriel: Wait sorry yeah it was the car
spethycakes: having the Q&A on the Feast Day of the Epiphany....how appropriate
ckupf: @Simriel It was pretty early on
DEATHlikescats: @hawkwreak same! haha!
grimshade: yeah tbh the lenght makes veiwing live a pain cause i like taking breaks but its still worth it
Diabore: @Simriel it was, when oliver was honking the agent
Ignatiuspants: on Greek Orthodox Christmas!
DEATHlikescats: y’all did great,
lamina5432: gnight
ckupf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months!
ckupf: what an episode
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
DEATHlikescats: thanks for being so dang cool!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ckupf! (Today's storm count: 51)
Sarah_Serinde: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Strebenherz: Y'all have a fantastic story
serramarkov: On the one hand, I have work tomorrow, but omg, thank you for the extra gift!
Ignatiuspants: this has been awesome!
corpocracy: I just want to say, this has been really really cool
Strebenherz: Oooh vampire shirts
TheDevil_Risen: lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart
Sarah_Serinde: youtube.com/lrrtt
DEATHlikescats: so sad this is almost the end!
JadedCynic: <3
Simriel: I wonder if Oliver is gonna change his feeding style...
Mr_Whyt: i didn't
Pharmacistjudge: but what if PMC is in my backyard?
McMims: will there be a new kind of vampire shirt?
Hawkwreak: I only have one term. PardonTheFuck.
grander_pastures: The fact that it begins on Halloween and ends on New Years is Great
Pharmacistjudge: !homestreams
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: twitch.tv/seabats | Alex: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Ben Ulmer: twitch.tv/bengineering | Cameron: twitch.tv/unarmedoracle | Cori and Ian: twitch.tv/tiltyhouse | Heather: twitch.tv/LunarJade | James: twitch.tv/James_LRR | Kathleen: twitch.tv/BraveNewFaves | Matt Wiggins: twitch.tv/wiggins | Nelson: twitch.tv/coachnelly | Serge: twitch.tv/sergeyager , twitch.tv/sergeafterdark | Wheeler: twitch.tv/benjamin_wheeler
ghyllnox: @McMims Beej said he reordered the current ones not too long ago, not sure if that's the same batch that are low now
pyrehand: I'm really going to miss bite club
s1ck1y: right in the honey nut feelios
DEATHlikescats: awww true!
DEATHlikescats: it’s double sad
JadedCynic: I hope you had fun Heather <3
fracassio: I'm honestly surprised Jordan survived
pyrehand: Do you enjoy watching us squirm though?
corianderd: oh no feelings
KaleidoscopeMind: you mean it's not live and you're not just super fast at changing clothes
JadedCynic: and I hope you HAVE fun with us, too <3
HorusFive: Worked out for Grace and Jo better than I expected
ghyllnox: @fracassio I'm surprised Chansey did
rodsur: this season has been intense!
Hawkwreak: I have no idea, if Jacob is in here tonight. But dear God sir, exemplary work as Story teller
Lysander_salamander: very intense. I keep having trouble sleeping after watching
corpocracy: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
demigodchaos: so its 2nd episode and q&a sorry coming fom youtube
NimrodXIV: we very much need more Bite Club, even if it's different players
xantos69: @fracassio so far
DEATHlikescats: it’s amazing on this roller coaster
McMims: @ghyllnox well jo isn't hungry anymore
josh___something: Chancey being not dead, pog
corianderd: no
corianderd: Is This Game Trying to Kill Me
unarmedoracle: I'm not here on Tuesday
Hawkwreak: @nimrodxiv Who knows. Jacob might decide to run bloody Mage the Ascension
Sarah_Serinde: It definitely is great though
Juliamon: Cori is playing a different game
DEATHlikescats: @josh___something agreed. glad he’s still around
definenull: i mean it's VTM, of course the game is trying to kill you
DEATHlikescats: Cori going for the 👑
JadedCynic: fair enough - thanks and bon voyage!
Master_Gunner: #BlameJames
Prone2Drift: I couldn’t tell if Marge meant to keep Marge away from Mary, or to keep Marge away from Grace.
Lazotep __: Come on
Jasper: Ooooh!
Jasper: One more episode!!!
Simriel: I mena of course they just played through
ani laurel: darn cliffhangers
Jasper: Heck yeah
Brent Stewart: FFFFFFFFFFFF.... well played Jacob
Simriel: You don't wanna interupt a session like that
nikipound: ahh I get to go to sleep
SmithKurosaki: Apooky
amative1: Goodnight!
Commakazi1: it said pacific but i thought real hard it said panic
PharaohBender27: And there's our cliffhanger!
Joe P: see you all then
Ben Hirsh: no but yes but no!
nikipound: <3
Jasper: See you next week!
SmithKurosaki: Alright, have a good night y'all :)
Jesse Kim: Marge rolling is always successful
ani laurel: see ya
OVERKiLL!: Blood and Fire
SmithKurosaki: See you next week, fangsters
Prone2Drift: Hell yeah, there’s gonna be more!
nikipound: fangs for hanging out :)
Prone2Drift: See y’all next week!
Jesse Kim: gotta rewatch now
SmithKurosaki: (dont forget to like before you leave
OVERKiLL!: ⛄️Merry Cristmas🎄
definenull: poe2 stream?!?
JadedCynic: this is why I wait for someone to TELL me the schedule ;)
fracassio: @xantos69 yeah, I meant survived *this episode*
neisan2112: Probably playing POE2
spethycakes: Let's No?
lamina5432: poe 2
BusTed: poe stream
Nigouki: Path of Nope
cyclopsboi: xmas eve spooks
OldUncleDan: Might be everyone!
Juliamon: demigodchaos Part 2 next week, Q&A week after
Artificer_Evan: drat I was looking forward to talking sim
lirazel64: I want Dale as ST and Jacob as a PC Chancey.
itira: @BusTed actually?
Lysander_salamander: Path of Exile is sort of horror.
demigodchaos: thank you @Juliamon
Seabats: ggs gamers hope you liked it
BusTed: @itira dunno yet!
TheDevil_Risen: @Seabats lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE
definenull: KYOOOB
itira: @BusTed oohoo ok
TheDevil_Risen: Loving it :)
corianderd: im excite
lirazel64: Loved it, Adam.
HorusFive: @Seabats Oliver still the best neonate ever
josh___something: Cyoob
DEATHlikescats: no Boxing Day streams this year. I’ll miss it but be happy y’all are off
ghyllnox: @Seabats I did, thanks!
incslayer: @corianderd hello excite im incslayer
corpocracy: Ooooo, cuuuube
JadedCynic: oooh!
Lysander_salamander: I want to give Poe2 a try, but also don't want to pay for it. So I guess I'll wait until it's out of early access
JadedCynic: yeah
gibbousm: sadness
ritchards: Woo! Live!
JadedCynic: the 'lame duck' stream
RuiFaleiro: every stream is a treat
JadedCynic: I'll be looking forward to this
accountmadeforants: Tingle must live in squalor for at least another year
Sogheim: wasn't last Christmas the Scrooge who summons ghosts game?
Nigouki: and there's so many VODs
Lysander_salamander: nice
Gekyouryuu: I'm currently on Series 2
itira: so smrt!
DEATHlikescats: heck yeah! binge watch
neisan2112: I honestly might
ritchards: Rewatch Road Quest!
ghyllnox: Go watch all of NaDtD. Not just series 2, ALL
pyrehand: I mean a binge watch sounds fun
HorusFive: It's on podcast too. I can listen at work
lirazel64: I'm watching Beej's Backlog Shadowrun!
unarmedoracle: you can take not of all the things Jacob told me that i completely missed
cyclopsboi: melodys escape is a good time
JadedCynic: I'm going to be looking over that 'finale' again on the VOD :D
rodsur: i dont tihnk i have the emotional capacity to binge season 3 again
corpocracy: Please have some sort of time off if you would like!
xantos69: Yea... I am re-watching ever LRL in order. It takes a bit.
Gekyouryuu: I'm also keeping an eye out for whenever Beej's anime roundup happens
McMims: just finished rewatching 1 and boy, so much of that character creation has popped back up
KyranTheWalker: Wait... no tingle this year?
LordZarano: Live Tingle!? With other people?!?
s1ck1y: SO good
SnackPak_: we popped off over there
DEATHlikescats: the memeing must be top tier
ritchards: this episode is only gotten 71 comments so far!
McMims: oh no!
BusTed: mmhm
NimrodXIV: bad news about IRL people too
Simriel: Who Lied and it was Okay?
PharaohBender27: 👀
JadedCynic: lrrFINE
DEATHlikescats: whoops
neisan2112: OH
KeytarCat: God, I hate it when people lie to me
neisan2112: Heather
RuiFaleiro: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart unarmeHeart have to respond to a call, happy holidays to all
corpocracy: Oh thank goodness
DEATHlikescats: hahaha
DEATHlikescats: love that
HorusFive: @KeytarCat I hate it when people lie to Heather
KeytarCat: Why would they *do* that??
NovahTalAura: who ever gets punished at the table?
DEATHlikescats: @keytarcat yes! it’s so much more WORK to lie!
Bruceski: "It's not called the House of Lies because people lie to ME."
NovahTalAura: Certainly not Jo
MrPhlip: Cheer1000 Have a great holiday times!
ritchards: Chancey did nothing wrong!
pyrehand: which channel is not a drop to drink discussion in on the discord?Is it just the threads for the episodes?
JadedCynic: @NovahTalAura 'esprit d'escallier' for TTRPGs :)
DEATHlikescats: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR
TheDevil_Risen: no worries Heather :)
iris_of_ether: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
NimrodXIV: <3
DeM0nFiRe: lunarj1Fangs lrrHEART lunarj1Fangs lrrHEART lunarj1Fangs lrrHEART
NovahTalAura: playfr3Clap playfr3Clap
KeytarCat: Thanks for watching with us, Heather!
AriaHibiki: thank you for another fangtastic session! gnite and cyall next week fangsters!
JadedCynic: @ritchards Chancey's only mistake was blinking when playing chicken <3
PharaohBender27: Fanging out, you mean! lunarj1Fangs
JadedCynic: @JadedCynic but it worked out for him in the end
definenull: fanging out!
HorusFive: @JadedCynic I mean, there was also the diablorie of his gf
s1ck1y: something they can sink their teeth into
DEATHlikescats: fang ale is excellent
Simriel: But comedy only comes in 3s
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE
Simriel: no other numbers
Bruceski: I got hooked in the middle of this one when Bloody Mary and the telescope showed up on te highlight reel.
McMims: borrowing the extra books for VTM from the library got a lot of sideeye from my coworkers
Nigouki: Thanks for the great show!
TheDevil_Risen: Merry FangsMas !
spethycakes: lrrSHINE thank you!
definenull: fangks for the stream!
WiJohn: Good night fangsters!
Gekyouryuu: when the finale rolls around we can say Fangs for the memories
DEATHlikescats: vvV Vvv
JadedCynic: may things go well <3
Lysander_salamander: Thanks!
Simriel: Peace and Goodwill to all!
Lysander_salamander: I hope it will go well
DEATHlikescats: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR
ghyllnox: Thanks Heather <3
serramarkov: lrrSHINE
Simriel: And to all, a good night.
Ignatiuspants: a peaceful and inoffensive holiday to every one of us!
HorusFive: I want you to be happy. You don't even need to be doing any holiday stuff. Maybe just take some you-time
Simriel: Ooooh, fudge
WiJohn: Doin' good!
Lysander_salamander: love all of you out there in chat. This community has helped me a bunch over the years, simply by existing.
Gekyouryuu: not bad.
spethycakes: ooooh fudge sounds delightful
WiJohn: Eat that work fudge!
definenull: hey fudge is real food
josh___something: Fudge!
MrPhlip: sounds like an excellent plan
Fruan: You need chopsticks for your fudge
HorusFive: We could go to Denny's
Gekyouryuu: merry crimmas, Heather
FarleyF: fudge and Denny’s
s1ck1y: its so you wouldn't fudge your rolls
niccus: is the caramel all demolished?
definenull: snack chopsticks!
ghyllnox: Oh well, next time
Gekyouryuu: merry crimes-mas
ghyllnox: Merry Crimes!
Lysander_salamander: I find it vaguely amusing that I'm getting the disgusting Beast Games commercial right after the commercial for Season 2 Squid Games
FarleyF: always love a good secret podcast
spethycakes: I'll still do the sock-on-a-baseball-bat
ghyllnox: It's helpful for those of us who cook when people eat the results of things, especially sweet things, because they can pile up
WiJohn: Or socks
spethycakes: if you're cold, they're cold
fracassio: Bye, Heather!
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART lunarj1Fangs
RurouniGeo: byeee
definenull: nini!
ghyllnox: Bye Heather, thanks!
Juliamon: lrrHEART lunarj1Fangs
ghyllnox: And now to the vod!