jessicaengle: jlrrXmaxpick Christmas Eve MineoClock hype jlrrPeakslit jlrrPeakslit jlrrPeakslit
TehAmelie: whee
Creideiki_SE: Any hype (as well as any other vigorous motion or emotion) will be minimal until after the Christmas dinner has been digested.
TXC2: title change!
jessicaengle: @Creideiki_SE mattlrSleep Mmmmm long winter's nap season
TehAmelie: here in Sweden we do all the celebration on the 24th and then everyone in the country takes the day off on the 25th, so it's fun to get some entertainment from overseas
TehAmelie: (since i have nothing going on today myself)
jessicaengle: This is the first bedrock stream I've caught. What have I missed?
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Merry Christmas, Miners & Crafters!!! jlrrXmaxpick sergeScopeCreep
TehAmelie: same here
jessicaengle: jlrrPeakslit jlrrDance jlrrPeakslit
TXC2: you missed a lot of James trying not to die in the neither last time
TehAmelie: aah some of that got into the highlights
jessicaengle: Is the nether really different in bedrock, or just our normal trying not to die in the normal ways?
TXC2: jessicaengle the later
jessicaengle: *nods*
jessicaengle: Also, I saw the trailer for the MC movie yesterday. It was.... not subtle :D
TXC2: but there have been some differences that have throw James off, lack of an off hand for one
jessicaengle: No off hand! How do people live like this?
jessicaengle: We're not really bougie on this show, are we? (I don't actually play MC so this is my main point of reference)
TXC2: if you don't think moving a whole museum into the server on top of a village, then no, we're not bougie here Kappa
jessicaengle: haha!
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
Manae: lrrDOTS lrrTrianglewreath lrrCirclewreath lrrCOW lrrSIG
boyesie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, boyesie! (Today's storm count: 1)
Natimus_Prime: We get signal
TheAinMAP: Signal
Bowlsrus2000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 27 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bowlsrus2000! (Today's storm count: 2)
BrookJustBones: Do we have minecraft rewards on twitch now?
DideRobot: LRR: James + Serge + Minecraft = Mine O'Clock | It's simple arithmetic really. | |
Didero: Yay, I finally get to catch a Mine O'Clock! Good evening!
TXC2: I find the lack of Uno in that equation disturbing Kappa
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
LoadingReadyRun: Uno's been dead for 30 years
TXC2: Here we GO!
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun no that just how time passes in the UK Kappa
BrookJustBones: But when does Wheeler join MoC
TXC2: Hello James
TehAmelie: merry happy to you
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCirclewreath lrrTrianglewreath lrrCOW
WizardOfDocs: @BrookJustBones they gotta play a modpack with buddycards
boyesie: Merry christmas lrrCirclewreath lrrTrianglewreath lrrXmasbart lrrXmasgibb
jessicaengle: jlrrPeakslit jlrrPeakslit jlrrPeakslit jlrrPeakslit
GhostValv: ashlizParty ashlizParty ashlizParty
TheAinMAP: Hello
jessicaengle: Christmas!
AgentWynter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AgentWynter! (Today's storm count: 3)
jessicaengle: Hi James.
TXC2: Merry Christmas to those who celebrate
BrookJustBones: Do Claymation Vtubers exist?
TehAmelie: is the marketplace on sale? wild
rxlady: Hi James! Merry Christmas!
Bowlsrus2000: Merry Christmas all
rentar42: Now that valorant is giving extra subs I still have absolutely no desire to play or watch it, but thanks Valorant, I guess
AgentWynter: Merry Christmas lrrfam
jessicaengle: Hi Serge.
TXC2: Hello Serge
jessicaengle: Just pretend to work if the boss walks by.
TehAmelie: maybe it's a chill workplace
GhostValv: D:
jessicaengle: It's Christmas Eve.
TXC2: I mean...Serge could just mean he's physically cold....
jessicaengle: got em
Natimus_Prime: James hates chat confirmed
TehAmelie: is chat people?
GhostValv: James confirmed Grinch
rentar42: now it's james who's big chillin
TXC2: TehAmelie legally no
rentar42: @TehAmelie never believe them when they claim so
chrono2x: canalmas has been nice
RedNightmare7: That legit sounds very good, Serge
jvetting83 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jvetting83! (Today's storm count: 4)
TehAmelie: it was a day off for moisture
BrookJustBones: HR is asleep
TehAmelie: very stressful for sinuses
F1SHOR subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
F1SHOR: omg christmas minecraft!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, F1SHOR! (Today's storm count: 5)
StreetRach subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 65 month streak!
StreetRach: Oh my goodness! Finally able to catch a Mine o’Clock!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StreetRach! (Today's storm count: 6)
TehAmelie: imma get a big bucket of store-made chinese food tomorrow, great idea
F1SHOR: who knew it only took being awake 5am on a wednesday to catch the mining bois
TehAmelie: i had a lunch with 9 people yesterday and i'm still exhausted :o
TXC2: TehAmelie I'd be done for the rest of the week if I had to be around 9 people like that :p
TehAmelie: you're gonna put it to. . .bed?
ph0enix__42: Blood is red so halfway to festive colors
EvvVlaask: <message deleted>Do you care to find me?
jessicaengle: The great equalizer
TXC2: EvvVlaask nah, we're good
TehAmelie: @TXC2 not to mention then i had to hobble around on my crutch for 30 minutes to find a bus stop
EvvVlaask: <message deleted>Look to the Minecraft sky.
F1SHOR: aslong as you beat the dragon your the real winners
TXC2: TehAmelie ooof
EvvVlaask: <message deleted>As someone told me lately, Strup is tje WORST way to mine.
silvertabbycat: my mind is now singing “I fought bedrock and, bedrock won, I fought bedrock and, bedrock won.”
F1SHOR: as a youtube watcher i can proudly say i have no idea whats happening :P
lamina5432: morning and its up in the lava
TXC2: silvertabbycat my brain went there as well
TXC2: hello lamina5432 welcome
EvvVlaask: <message deleted>Cheer50 You are indeed a saucy boy, that is a naughty move. You should not play with gravel with someone under it like that.
thealpharizzler15: What is up
TehAmelie: put a pin in that vein eh
EvvVlaask: <message deleted>I just wasted 50 damn bits on this guy. He didn't even read it.
TehAmelie: there was a needle joke there somewhere but i still can't find it
SergeYager: bro...
F1SHOR: james ready to wrap up the season serge wanting to make farms
Juliamon: Please don't be rude if a streamer doesn't immediately read your message.
TehAmelie: if it wasn't a cave i guess they would be regular diamond nodes
F1SHOR: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
Diabore: new minecraft peaceful
jessicaengle: Enjoy the show, it's Christmas :D jlrrPeakslit
WizardOfDocs: Bedrock mob spawning is a lot slower. I occasionally hear Bedrock streamers complain about farm rates.
F1SHOR: time ofr something different - creative kill the dragon :P
CaptainSpam: Empty your mind! And enjoy Minecraft!
dougma: I mean......
Jillexie: Christmas Eve miracle
jessicaengle: Fill empty mind with blocks, got it.
Diabore: hold the fuck on, you ARENT done shopping yet james? wtfg
LordZarano: The original plan was to kill the dragon to get xp FOR enchanting
jessicaengle: Loads of people shop on Christmas eve.
JuneBlue58: As a retail worker, people who leave their shopping until the last day are the worst.
Diabore: ive been done for like 2 weejs
TehAmelie: if this is gonna be the end, i guess it's time to think about what Cameron always tells us: "so what?" what's the so what of Bedrock edition?
ShaneLeeAtk: Still have shopping to do
Angreed66: You do it in January or you don't gift people
CaptainSpam: I honestly used to do that when I was but a wee lad. It was awful.
50keyz: i have a xmas get together on the 27th - i can deal with that on boxing day when i'm already out shopping
AziraphalesShop subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
Star_Lilith: I mean we knew James thrives on chaos
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AziraphalesShop! (Today's storm count: 7)
lamina5432: i'm with james went on saturday
TXC2: well that was fun, internet died for no reason just now :p
jessicaengle: Dogs!
jessicaengle: All the dogs!
GhostValv: D:
TehAmelie: i went to get some basic necessities yesterday, stood in line for 30 minutes. what is it about the holiday that makes everyone shop all the time?
F1SHOR: @Diabore the joys of only child life me and the rents have an agreement not to waste money on eachother and to avoid shops lol
iarethel0ser: "You already have baked goods" is equivalent to "you already have lego".
Natimus_Prime: I had a customer yesterday in literal tears because we were out of green sanding sugar on December 23rd. A pantry item that lasts for months, and they couldn't get it at the beginning of baking season?
F1SHOR: dig up?
F1SHOR: james lived a good life.... :D
Star_Lilith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Star_Lilith! (Today's storm count: 8)
jessicaengle: jlrrCoolgame
Juliamon: with what
TheAinMAP: jlrrBaby
Creideiki_SE: Moral support?
Tangsm: Cheer100 Reward
TehAmelie: the guy before me in line waited 30 minutes to buy a bottle of olive oil which the clerk informed them had been recalled for some disease related reason and they couldn't buy it, so i guess it can always be worse
jessicaengle: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
QuickHand98: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype
F1SHOR: hes a minecraft god!
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
tommy_versakshy: speed run ?
GhostValv: wow very cool :)
Angreed66: Only if you finish you shopping
TXC2: tommy_versakshy this is episode 3, so quite the lack of speed here :p
F1SHOR: its the practise speedrun just dipping the toes
jessicaengle: The neighborhood kids are throwing rocks and old man Yager's house again
TXC2: kids throwing eggs at Serge's house or something?
jessicaengle: Drift compatible GlitchCat
TehAmelie: what does Smite do, for us noobs?
TXC2: TehAmelie more damage
LordZarano: Smite does more damage to undead mobs iirc?
F1SHOR: north americans complaining about lag :P yall dont know the pain!
TehAmelie: i know Sharpness does more damage for swords, so there's probably some subtleties
TXC2: TehAmelie a (very) quick googling did seem to indicate a debate on smite vs sharpness
jessicaengle: jlrrPit
TehAmelie: oho
LordZarano: I was right PrideRise
LordZarano: "Each level [of Smite] on a sword, axe, or mace adds 2.5♥ × 1.25 extra damage to each hit on bogged, drowned, husks, phantoms, skeletons, skeleton horses, strays, withers, wither skeletons, zoglins, zombies, zombie horses, zombie villagers, and zombified piglins."
TXC2: emeralds for sticks, what is this economy ?
F1SHOR: off to the farm with them
TehAmelie: i learned from Diablo 2 that additional damage against a class of mobs will screw you over when you don't realize you're not fighting those mobs. but maybe it's worthwhile for advanced play when you know exactly what you'll be fighting
F1SHOR: i really hope the guys do imposible minecraft next year lol going to the nether needs more fear for life
northos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
northos: Merry Submas!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, northos! (Today's storm count: 9)
TXC2: is it bad, or just different ?
northos: it is a long time T.T
Lord_Durin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lord_Durin! (Today's storm count: 10)
phoenixfeather14: gold pants for the nether?
firespark1x: hi
TXC2: phoenixfeather14 it protects from the piglins in the neither
Star_Lilith: I'm inexperienced in nether things, how do gold pants help?
TXC2: hello firespark1x welcome
anclag subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anclag! (Today's storm count: 11)
Juliamon: Piglins don't attack if you're wearing gold Star_Lilith
Star_Lilith: oh lol
Star_Lilith: thanks friends
Brutask: plus they're shiny pants
TehAmelie: you can just fight them as ordinary mobs, unless you want to trade, i guess
ContingentCat: also fashion~
F1SHOR: bets on james is still going to accidently cause an attack
Star_Lilith: feels very Scooby Doo villain somehow
jessicaengle: FBtouchdown
TehAmelie: you know, in Sweden we have a fable called "The boy with the golden pants"
Angreed66: imo the gold thing is a trap because all the strongest mobs don't care about gold and it just nerfs your armour by wearing gold.
phoenixfeather14: @TXC2 oh, I know. I was just reminding James before they took off to the nether
Wolfstrike_NL: Bastion...right?
PsychoI3oy: I don't remember finding a fortress
TXC2: phoenixfeather14 oh :p
TehAmelie: the boy somehow always finds a small amount of money in his pants pockets. . .i'm not sure what happens next
Wolfstrike_NL: Did you just try to peak in on Serge while he was on the toilet?
jessicaengle: clang!
TXC2: TehAmelie presumably he gives away the money, causing rampant inflation and collapsing the economy Kappa
TheAinMAP: katesDonk jlrrPit
TehAmelie: either that or he learns a lesson about how real friends cannot be bought
F1SHOR: scanning youtube ep2 cant see any fortress yet
F1SHOR: * are there for a reason!
Angreed66: Honestly this spawn is decent except for how close a structure is
Angreed66: You do know if you did break it you'd end up in a basalt delta
Brutask: leave a trail?
Pharmacistjudge: so chat, can someone give me a brief rundown of what's happening on this series? i'm behind
F1SHOR: were like 10 years into MOC we can accept using 3rd party tools to find fortresses lol
Wolfstrike_NL: Serge's bridges, James El'Bow's Serge, into the lava
TXC2: Pharmacistjudge I think the plan was build a "winter wonderland" but that plan seems to have morphed into "beat bedrock"
TehAmelie: Serge will tell us you've got to draw a line against how much to cheat in this game, cause it always ends in running Creative mode
F1SHOR: james showing strength of character not just yeeting serge into the magmaslimes
TXC2: big ass clench moment there
F1SHOR: game for adults!
TXC2: bedrock, the dark souls of minecraft Kappa
TXC2: enemy will now come from above
Natimus_Prime: Looking back is what cost Orpheus his wife.
Dalrint: In the bedrock we can build a snowman...and pretend that he's protecting us~
Dalrint: Er. Good morning y'all.
F1SHOR: classic endbusting happening :P
TXC2: hello Dalrint welcome
baskwalla: Hello all
baskwalla: Heya TXC2
TXC2: hello baskwalla welcome
Dalrint: Are we hunting for invisible bastions?
TheAinMAP: pastaThat
F1SHOR: knees week arms heavy
Angreed66: Time to find out the tool doesn't work on bedrock
F1SHOR: as with almost all youtube comments "does this not work in bedrock"
TXC2: just no blaze rods in bedrock
TehAmelie: i've found my palms get sweaty when i'm nervous about games and silly things, but my armpits when i'm encountering real stakes. so sweaty palms are good?
Wolfstrike_NL: The village was also of from where it was supposed to be.
Dalrint: There's one google post about someone else having the same issue.
Dalrint: I don't see anything else though
F1SHOR: sometimes it feels bedrock was designed just to mess with peoples expectations
TehAmelie: in your bedrock?
AziraphalesShop: Could it be at a radically different z?
F1SHOR: if your feeling your jibbles please see a dr immediatly
Cptasparagus: i'm a doctor, what do you need?
AziraphalesShop: Or I guess Y rather.
TXC2: and here we thought Canada had the good health care :p
TehAmelie: aren't jibbles boy bits? i think you should feel those. but not too much in public
Cptasparagus: all three
TXC2: Cptasparagus a doctor of what
CrazySliver: Can't be sick if you never get examined by a doctor
F1SHOR: drcaptain O7
SquareDotCube: And I bet someone's secretly a potato
Cptasparagus: @TXC2 biomedical engineering. I can do mouse surgeries!
TXC2: Cptasparagus well that's better then Zoidberg at least
Cptasparagus: @TXC2 truth
LiveFaust: But are you qualified to make pee smell funny?
F1SHOR: a dr with bio in the title is more then most ppl :P
sheluvzjp: <message deleted>hello i am also a mc streamer may i have a shout out i want to get more veiwers i dont want any money i really like streaming i stream 1 to 3 times a day
LordZarano: -917 -325
Star_Lilith: am I allowed to bring back an old meme to say "they did surgery on a mouse"
Cptasparagus: @LiveFaust I would be willing to run a series of experiments on what would make your pee smell funny
F1SHOR: ok weve hit 6am time to start making pancakes!
AziraphalesShop: Since when?
phoenixfeather14: Ooh, pancakes!
Dalrint: Action packed block placing excitement!
Star_Lilith: it's nearly 1pm here gonna make Mac n Chee
Dalrint: Because the nether is awful?
Creature_Comforts: Because the game hates you
northos: what kind of lakes would you prefer? :P
JuneBlue58: Because the Nether sucks.
Dalrint: @JuneBlue58 High5
TXC2: nothing but lava lakes, welcome to Iceland Kappa
WizardOfDocs: this is Bedrock, you can bridge ahead of you
Dalrint: "Nothing bad can happen if you don't look at it." - James, moments before being shot into a lava ocean.
TehAmelie: i'm not sure, but is the viewing distance much bigger than what you usually use on Java? maybe we just see more of the nether and it's all lava
Star_Lilith: debut metal album, "Nothin' But Lava Lakes"
northos: inb4 no blaze spawner
TXC2: half a dozen in more evocative
northos: welp
RayFK: Serge this isn't Magic, this is Minecraft
TehAmelie: why do people say "a couple" when they mean five? we may never know
TXC2: hello RayFK
RayFK: heyo!
northos: clever blaze
Pharmacistjudge: Hello hashtag wotc staff
Pharmacistjudge: i'm surprised you haven't buried that piglin
VonShnigglewitz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, VonShnigglewitz! (Today's storm count: 12)
tearsofpirates subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months!
tearsofpirates: gotta support my fav creators a lil lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tearsofpirates! (Today's storm count: 13)
VonShnigglewitz: what a gamer strat that was
TXC2: James "professional gamer" Turner we call him
VonShnigglewitz: James "Tarkov Meat Shield" Turner more like
TimeToFry: "pardon me, sir" proceeds to commit murder
TXC2: does lava effect endermen ?
meloratv: yo
tearsofpirates: @TXC2 i think lava hurts almost everything?
meloratv: @LoadingReadyRun im getting a pc for christmas and im really exited
TXC2: tearsofpirates ok then
tearsofpirates: i just got a job after a year+ of futile searching. fucking FINALLY
TXC2: tearsofpirates congratulations
HaphazardHaberdashery subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HaphazardHaberdashery! (Today's storm count: 14)
sephsays: Endermen on fire definitely teleport about everywhere. It's real annoying when you forget your sword has fire aspect for some reason...
meloratv: @LoadingReadyRun im getting a pc for christmas and im really exited
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart home
northos: freedoooooom
tearsofpirates: @meloratv that new PC smell
stippledotter: Watching James jump that narrow bridge across the lava lake was the most stressful thing I've seen today, and I went to Target
meloratv: @tearsofpirates fr
TXC2: polar bear and cub
SnackPak_: lrrAWW
herph: D:
kumatsu: Serge yelling to kill the wildlife, truly the most on-brand
TheAinMAP: kates7
Kazman20a: and moms eyes looking over the edge
Krillin_fan: james, it's ok we forgive you
TXC2: so what are we making out of that cub, Ug boots? Kappa
MungoDude: hi hello merry christmas
TXC2: hello MungoDude welcome
popp1376: hi
TXC2: negative 4 hundred, not thousand
zebbyo: 4K?
TimeToFry: I heard negative 4000 too
TimeToFry: Rude
PsychoI3oy: jlrrPit
jchinnock subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jchinnock! (Today's storm count: 15)
WizardOfDocs: the whole metric year!
jchinnock: you’re right it’s a lot, can I have some back?
TXC2: linear time can not be refunded
MungoDude: it can be stretched, but if I remember correctly that requires huge changes in relative velocity
TXC2: I'm 35, I haven't wanted to live that long :p
ElektroTal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
ElektroTal: Merry 96mas!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ElektroTal! (Today's storm count: 16)
TehAmelie: and there was Princes of the Universe to answer the question of who wants to live forever
Pharmacistjudge subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pharmacistjudge! (Today's storm count: 17)
SnackPak_: o7
Creature_Comforts: It might've broken? Durability was really low
TheAinMAP: jlrrDang
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
Creature_Comforts: I don't really know how durability works with those
MungoDude: jlrrFall
TXC2: more of a crevasse
CrazySliver: trident is up there
MungoDude: at least it's not a canal
TehAmelie: waiting for Jesus?
sgowell: trident was at top of valley
TXC2: Jesus is tomorrow James
sgowell: it covered the distance
Krillin_fan: daytime skeletons are the most dangerous
MungoDude: for some reason I was trying to divide by 24 instead of 12
DoctorHutch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
DoctorHutch: Merry Christmas Eve!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoctorHutch! (Today's storm count: 18)
peacockingfox subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, peacockingfox! (Today's storm count: 19)
LordZarano: That's... left
Kazman20a: ok, is the recording inverting directions, or Serge
Kazman20a: ok, Serge
Daisyg1313: so I have a stupid question. I don’t play Minecraft. I only watch Serge and James play here and on private streams….. what’s the difference with today’s “bedrock”?
WitchyTQ: the word bark means nothing to me anymore james
WitchyTQ: its like looking at "bowl" for too long
jessicaengle: @peacockingfox jlrrPeakslit jlrrPeakslit jlrrPeakslit
TXC2: Daisyg1313 Bedrock is the version that comes with some builds of windows
Daisyg1313: @txc2 so different engine? but no real difference?
Dalrint: It's a different engine and some of the rules are different and it can't run momds
Juliamon: A lot of small mechanical differences
Star_Lilith: i was looking away from the screen so when i heard them say "dog!" a couple times i was almost certain they were exasperatedly trying to get someone's attention, not that there might be a real dog
TXC2: "normal" minecraft is coded in Java, Bedrock is coded in C++, so it's "better" for some things
Daisyg1313: ok fair! thanks all ❤️
Kazman20a: my guess is in the middle of the ocean
jessicaengle: mattlrBork2
Juliamon: To the layperson the main difference is that Java can be modded but is only playable on PC, Bedrock is multiplatform and has official/sponsored 'modded' realms but you can't mod it yourself
TXC2: if you can't "yes, and" you "no, but"
TXC2: a village on a ender portal, it's like Buffy
Diabore: this is minecraft, not throwcraft
WitchyTQ: james i deeeeed it!! i'm freeee
TXC2: WitchyTQ congratulations
Wolfstrike_NL: :)
Alness49 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alness49! (Today's storm count: 20)
barringtonstabb subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, barringtonstabb! (Today's storm count: 21)
WitchyTQ: the anixety this is giving me is wild lmao
LordZarano: @Juliamon Realms is Mojang's server hosting and is available for both Java & BR. The Bedrock "mods" are called add-ons I think? And anyone can make and sell them in the Bedrock microtransaction marketplace, not just Mojang/Sonic/etc
Cptasparagus: !card sai, master thopterist
LRRbot: Sai, Master Thopterist [2U] | Legendary Creature — Human Artificer [1/4] | Whenever you cast an artifact spell, create a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying. / {1}{U}, Sacrifice two artifacts: Draw a card.
Juliamon: right, I forgot Realms are an actual thing
vengeancepaladin: hello <3
TXC2: hello vengeancepaladin welcome
Juliamon: anyway, Bedrock has microtransactions
jessicaengle: Really?
northos: bnuuy!
Juliamon: none of them are *required* to play normally
jessicaengle: @vengeancepaladin Hello! jlrrPeakslit
SnackPak_: it can be both
TehAmelie: i was thinking how people have modded original songs into Guitar Hero on Playstation and wondered if they said you can't make mods for Bedrock, how many would say "challenge accepted"
MungoDude: "don't dig straight down" is a nice rule of thumb for beginners
SocraticMethod: It's much harder to mod Bedrock because can't do Java injections, so it is closer to reverse-engineering and making a new client
Juliamon: the effort it would take to mod Bedrock isn't worth it compared to Java
Genie_M: Also people probably simply don't bother
SquareDotCube: I think that hallway hit a ceiling
TehAmelie: yeah it would probably only be fpr the challenge
beckstromsavestheday subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, beckstromsavestheday! (Today's storm count: 22)
SocraticMethod: Yeah, Forge/Pillow/etc already has to do lots of work to make a modding available. Adding new resources (Songs in GH) much more easier than injecting new logic
SquareDotCube: I'm hoping with trial chambers we see a Nether Fortress and Strongholds refresh
peacockingfox: Cheer100 Cheer100
jessicaengle: yarr.
Juliamon: LMAOOOO
adept_nekomancer: For when you want all the things.
TXC2: the god book
SnackPak_: dang
Juliamon: Swiss Army Book
Pharmacistjudge: it has mending so good
Diabore: bedrock is crazy
Wolfstrike_NL: Jack of all books
TehAmelie: the good book, if you will
Sandeon: Its lots of things!
TXC2: that was what, 6 traits ?
SquareDotCube: this book tried hard
LordZarano: Before 1.18 all caves below y11 were converted to lava, so digging down was way more risky. Since 1.18 the main risk is now hitting a big cave and falling a long way
SnackPak_: glhf
TXC2: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: another box
peacockingfox: Lets go!
TXC2: betting time!
jessicaengle: lrrCrab !
Diabore: who dies more?
SquareDotCube: What is Minecraft but a series of boxes
SnackPak_: gamba!
lamina5432: time to lose money
Angreed66: time to fleece optimists
Diabore: windmill slam no
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TehAmelie: let's be realistic, how many times have they done it without someone dying?
Angreed66: once?
Daisyg1313: not enough that I’d vote yes.
TehAmelie: there was that hardcore game, right
LordZarano: Who will die first do you think?
TehAmelie: meanwhile, i offer this more general strategy as an alternative to "don't dig straight down": have an exit strategy
TehAmelie: hi again!
Diabore: close prediction
TXC2: chat gonna undergo a major redistribution of wealth when they win this Kappa
jessicaengle: Time for fun!
TXC2: and we're back
Dalrint: No Serge, I am not ready.
jessicaengle: I believe!
Daisyg1313: ready for death!
NotCainNorAbel: I voted for the best return
Aarek: more dots!
Dalrint: Bedrock dragon seems a lot momre aggrmesmsimve.
Dalrint: stupid m key...
WizardOfDocs: she hungers
colonelkreiner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, colonelkreiner! (Today's storm count: 23)
Angreed66: you need to hug the pillar for the bar trick
Diabore: cmon dragon, i believe
Diabore: saw that coming LUL
Angreed66: dragon deleted the blocks James
Diabore: YES
TimeToFry: Wooo, points
SnackPak_: o7
JuneBlue58: Called it!
jessicaengle: There's short ones?
CrazySliver: baby enderman???
elohim_3: REKT
MajorFrostbyte: I lost...
Diabore: sorry james, condolences
Xed_Regulus: winner, winner! Chicken dinner!
Daisyg1313: thanks for the points James❤️
herph: burrowers
jessicaengle: Thanks I hate it.
DiamondTiki: Oh it was in no way, rip points, James :p
TXC2: pay the winners!
TXC2: is the hut trick working on the endermen ?
SocraticMethod: @TXC2 It is until the dragon deletes them
Angreed66: That happens in Java too Serge
TXC2: SocraticMethod ah, ok then
Diabore: dragon is gaming
Genie_M: Enderfolk are much more aggro
Dalrint: Are you winning son?
Dalrint: I do wish minecraft had more big fights like this
Sandeon: pretty sure placing water down will de-aggro the endermen?
TXC2: Dragon is putting down a lot of poison
TXC2: in bedrock that might be true Kappa
LordZarano: Dragon's not flinging you into space, which is nice
chrono2x: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
PsychoI3oy: GG
CrazySliver: First try!
NorthstarTex: eyyy
iarethel0ser: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
GhostValv: it's a Christmas miracle :O
jessicaengle: jlrrPeakslit jlrrPeakslit jlrrDance3
TimeToFry: GG
TXC2: Roll credits!
herph: jlrrPunch
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
phoenixfeather14: GG!!
TimeToFry: JACE???
MungoDude: vulcanGG
BrookJustBones: Time to read the full poem
LordZarano: Now we can do enchanting!
mattyraft44: congrats!!
Kentosaurus: on brand for jace
PMAvers: Welp, the game's been beaten. Time for it to go away into the vault and something else has to be played next week.
Trebs42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Trebs42: the one year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Trebs42! (Today's storm count: 24)
NorthstarTex: Jace be self aware stuck on this plane
TehAmelie: lrrHERE
Angreed66: You're max 2 Km from home
NorthstarTex: lrrHERE
TXC2: coal? we on the naughty list this year ?
jessicaengle: Egg
TXC2: Egg!
PMAvers: That's how you summon a Wheeler
TheAinMAP: rebell1Eggs
jessicaengle: lrrNog lrrNog lrrNog
62MGcobra: what? i got a moss mask code for minecraft 19 minutes ago??
Juliamon: that's another thing about Bedrock, you can get Twitch drops
far2muchsarcasm: Realms turns off chivos when you turn on cheats
LordZarano: No achivements since you turned on cheats
TheAinMAP: HahaThisisfine
jessicaengle: 0.0
Kentosaurus: rip 46 levels
Juliamon: sergeJustRight
TXC2: Karma right there Kappa
jessicaengle: mattlrFine
LordZarano: Also Bedrock achievements are once per account, not once per world like advancements
SocraticMethod: Make a chargeback Kappa
chrono2x: More time for POE2!
jessicaengle: jlrrIcream ?
TXC2: more time to watch the latest crapshot
TXC2: thanks for streaming James and Serge
Star_Lilith: good luck with your last minute shopping
BrookJustBones: Isn't last week new years eve?
lamina5432: good day
TXC2: BrookJustBones next week is yes
TXC2: I did it James
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the stream.
Star_Lilith: byyee
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: 1000xRESIST) at Tue 01:30 PM PST (1:23 from now).
Star_Lilith: thanks for the stream~
Juliamon: "This Game Wants To Kill Me" or something?
jessicaengle: jlrrXmastree jlrrXmaxpick Thank you for the stream! jlrrXmaxpick jlrrXmastree
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Tripleyew subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months, currently on a 132 month streak!
Tripleyew: yay blocks and blocks and blocks
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tripleyew! (Today's storm count: 25)
Didero: Thanks for the stream! Have a nice Christmas!
ProcyonFlynn: Oh good Chillpoint. We can talk about our favorite game-Forum again :D
TimeToFry: Isn't Angel's cube, like, REALLY good
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
SocraticMethod: Today's Tuesday, right?
Juliamon: for most people, yes
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
TXC2: too the crapshot!
Juliamon: Wednesday is Christmas, so James meant that if you don't celebrate Christmas that you have a good Wednesday. Not that TODAY is Wednesday.
LordZarano: India crossed into Wednesday about 1h45m ago. So in the whole world it's probably Wednesday for more people. But for LRR's viewership, yes Tuesday
LordZarano: (and arguably 1:45am is still Tuesday night anyhow)