TheAinMAP: Signal
Juliamon: lrrSIG
DideRobot: LRR: Cori is playing a game or is the game playing Cori? Or killing Cori? Why game kill Cori?! |
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCirclewreath lrrTrianglewreath
NimrodXIV: man, I almost miss the days of constant Overwatch ads on Twitch. Now I get medications and gambling apps.
NerdWithoutName subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NerdWithoutName! (Today's storm count: 26)
SymphonySolstice: awaga
DeM0nFiRe: Egg nog is good
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrCORI
TheMerricat: You could..... or you could have Ian make you some. :P
Riandisa: Woo egg nog!
spethycakes: We love some tasty 'nog
TheAinMAP: lrrNog
LostThePirate: Hi!
spethycakes: "Is This Game Trying to Kill Me" is the alternate title for "Not A Drop to Drink: Vancouver Island by Night"
TheMerricat: Fresh Subs from Subway?
TheMerricat: Or Quizno?
SymphonySolstice: steal valorant's money
NimrodXIV: somewhat spoopy game
spethycakes: lrrSPOOP
SymphonySolstice: lrrSPOOP
Bruceski: That's why you eat the skeleton before it can getcha. Still have a skeleton inside me, but I'm in control.
GlennSeto: It is in Wonderland
adept_nekomancer: The blueprint just had some jpg artifacts, it's fine.
SymphonySolstice: well that was quick
SymphonySolstice: awww
NimrodXIV: wouldn't want to be rude
Bruceski: Swagula
spethycakes: long, long man
GlennSeto: Anglerfish man
SymphonySolstice: "you got games on your phone"
RebekahWSD: Not our treasures!
adambomb625: Is this by the same people as inscryption?
Cptasparagus: the spears theyre holding are different lengths?
Cptasparagus: oh you got it
adept_nekomancer: Snail priest is sad because his bowl is bereft of soup.
loufghyslaufey: "Is This Game Trying To Kill Me?" Sounds like a quote straight outta DHMIS.
loufghyslaufey: Specifically from the character called "Duck."
Bruceski: Orb
baltimore_667083: ORB
TheAinMAP: lrrCirclewreath
Juliamon: Windows shhhhh
iris_of_ether: We puzzlin, we orbin
loufghyslaufey: o r b, o r b
SymphonySolstice: lrrCirclewreath
SnackPak_: no thank you
Sarah_Serinde: wow no
baltimore_667083: CORI
noSmokeFire: that sounds like something that violates TOS
TheMerricat: Edge is doing a year in a review? How nice of Microsoft to remind you that they are collecting your data.
iris_of_ether: The Google
GlennSeto: Let's rap about Edge, kids!
niccus: here are all the passwords Recall caught
adept_nekomancer: "Your edge year in review: [download site for Firefox]"
frameshifty: Hi Cori! I just beat 1000XResist after watching the vods of you and Cam playing, it was great! merry xmas etc
loufghyslaufey: @themerricat maybe, idk sounds like more trivial sales stonks. Maybe I'd try out a browser that is blatant & upfront on being evil towards me.
ZethRuss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ZethRuss! (Today's storm count: 27)
GlennSeto: aha!
NimrodXIV: uppies!
GlennSeto: I love this
toady0s: orb
loufghyslaufey: @adept_nekomancer Firefox also has these "Thought-provoking stories," though I hardly indulge in many of them at most
Juliamon: cool room
TheMerricat: Is this game trying to kill us?
Invitare: Wrong lever!
TheAinMAP: katesD
NimrodXIV: lol
adept_nekomancer: why do we even have that lever?
iris_of_ether: benginRip
GlennSeto: Does the long man just kidnap people to do unpaid playtesting on his retro indie game?
DarkNacht subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarkNacht! (Today's storm count: 28)
dumbo3k: Man's natural enemy, who was inside us all along!
Invitare: You thought the skeleton was your greatest enemy, but actually it was your closest friend
iris_of_ether: "Give us your eyes, Graham"
adept_nekomancer: @loufghyslaufey Likewise
GlennSeto: *pulls out a copy of Balatro*
NimrodXIV: squish
GlennSeto: Bed skeleton is not doing much.
SymphonySolstice: stabbies
GrassVortex: I come home from Christmas celebration to see murder in video games? Who want to get us this time? :D
Archonic_Energy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Archonic_Energy! (Today's storm count: 29)
adambomb625: Oh, I think I get it
NimrodXIV: have you tried cheating
TheMerricat: So... there _is_ a way to cheat here.
adambomb625: How?
NimrodXIV: wow, got there without the actual solution
adambomb625: Yup
TheMerricat: You were suppose to put the eye into there and then you'd see his cards. :D
Mathwyn: LUL Dumb luck also works
LordZarano: lrrSACK
adept_nekomancer: I can't figure out the math on that, but I think the odds of getting that right by chance were somewhere below 1 in 10
GrassVortex: @Mathwyn Dumb luck always works. Until it doesn't extraLUL
iris_of_ether: I kinda dig this honestly
Sogheim: howdy. this is giving me big Inscryption vibes
adambomb625: Binomial distribution calculator suggested ~5.7% chance to get a 1/5 guess 3 times within 5 guesses
adept_nekomancer: @adambomb625 So pretty much the same odds as rolling a natural 20.
LostThePirate: Please ignore the crack in reality on the wall
GlennSeto: "Santa"
ThorSokar: Some sort of Techno Mage, clearly
iris_of_ether: Aren't they all mixes of horror author names?
GlennSeto: Horror author names mixed up
iris_of_ether: Got there at the same time lol
azureHaights: I was gonna say, I see "stoker" my mind goes only one place, really
azureHaights: Nowhere, because you'd be a statue and thus not alive?
azureHaights: (I guess with a game like this that's not actually a given)
GlennSeto: We didn't start the fire (yet)
azureHaights: you there, candleboy. What day is it?
Mathwyn: Decorative torches only
NimrodXIV: welcome to a puzzle game! lol
GlennSeto: LED torches
thegreatwyrdling: waitr
thegreatwyrdling: Is this a game within a game?
GlennSeto: It is!
NimrodXIV: very much so
adept_nekomancer: We couldn't carry two lightbulbs at once?
Mathwyn: Its games all the way down
Natimus_Prime: We could say that we're mazed and confused
NimrodXIV: RIP
kumatsu: definitely didn't just do a murder
Natimus_Prime: The ice man melteth
spethycakes: The Iceman Goeth
TheAinMAP: HahaShrugLeft HahaShrugMiddle HahaShrugRight
ThorSokar: that wasn't him screaming at all
Luminaire_p: RIV
TheAinMAP: 526 231
Juliamon: was one of those 2s not a 2?
Mathwyn: The Diceman Cometh
NimrodXIV: shortcut get
GlennSeto: cool aid!
accountmadeforants: Ooh, a tap for wine, very fancy. See if they have one for white wine and champagne, too
GlennSeto: very good
Juliamon: Did not die!
Mathwyn: QA is hell
GlennSeto: That's why most people working at Umbrella wear adult diapers...
accountmadeforants: Well, at least they're testing for colour blindness. Good on them
Juliamon: oooh colour blindness sim
adept_nekomancer: It's simulating different forms of colorblindness
adept_nekomancer: fascinating
Juliamon: oh no, iceman!
GlennSeto: awkward
accountmadeforants: Applying eye shadow to your third eye is always such a pain
spethycakes: that forehead eye isn't really focusing on anything that I can it a Third Eye Blind situation?
azureHaights: "yeah, 'k"
kumatsu: thank you, Heavy Metal Facepaint Man
Mathwyn: The Iceman Thanketh
Juliamon: kinky
NimrodXIV: I haven't seen that anime
spethycakes: Ah, a Capitalist Pig
Eclips_r: Get fishing rod and fish his eye out of his head
Juliamon: this sounds like the start of a Dave's ad
adept_nekomancer: "It's a trout on a chain. It's both!"
accountmadeforants: Ah, a jewelangler
azureHaights: Welcome to the Pike & Pendant
azureHaights: the Trout and Tiara
spethycakes: I do have a set of beaded earrings in the shape of trout
GlennSeto: The Bejeweled Bass
spethycakes: It's more likely than you think!
NimrodXIV: fishing minigame!
ThorSokar: fishing mini-game LETS GOOOO
accountmadeforants: Ah, just like Link's Awakening!
RoseBitter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RoseBitter! (Today's storm count: 30)
adept_nekomancer: @GlennSeto The Sapphire Salmon
GlennSeto: Cori be gamin
TheAinMAP: jlrrFishin
azureHaights: @adept_nekomancer The Gar Net
spethycakes: @adept_nekomancer the Turquoise Trout
adept_nekomancer: @azureHaights Gar Net is very good
accountmadeforants: Okay, but what if we use the bomb for fishing OpieOP
spethycakes: The Carp Nelian
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
kusinohki: meows
kusinohki: 24 karat catfish??
accountmadeforants: Ooh, maybe that means there's a valve in real life, too
blind_will: I'm also dying in real life.
GlennSeto: Valve can't count to three
kumatsu: hell yeah
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Juliamon: welp
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
TheAinMAP: Everything can be blown up.
TheMerricat: Where you came from
accountmadeforants: Ha! I knew it!
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
Juliamon: there was no valve where we came from
TheAinMAP: FBtouchdown
kumatsu: the duality of this game is really great, I kinda wish I hadn't stuck around stream >.>
kumatsu: lrrSPOOPY
adept_nekomancer: Ghost status: visited
GlennSeto: jump scared to death
NimrodXIV: wibbly means danger
blind_will: That's a bit rough.
Punspector subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Punspector! (Today's storm count: 31)
Mathwyn: Just grind 350 fish, surely the intended solution
xVoxtric subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months, currently on a 23 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xVoxtric! (Today's storm count: 32)
kusinohki: why do ghosts have money? I thought you couldn't take it with you??
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer1000
Juliamon: kusinohki capitalist scam, clearly
ThorSokar: yea, looks like the IRL lights flicker when it's a bad path
blind_will: easy peasy. Just walk in, grab the loot, walk out.
Voidhawk42: Oh, I recognise this pattern
NimrodXIV: FBtouchdown
kusinohki: "paper!"
blind_will: That's also how I use a sink.
kusinohki: reminded me too much of the toilet hand from majora's mask
adept_nekomancer: Remember to turn off the faucet while you scrub to save blood.
kusinohki: amazing chest ahead
iris_of_ether: Hahahaha
kumatsu: time to ruin the ghost economy
GlennSeto: cheats!
NimrodXIV: get them fish
adept_nekomancer: The fish are now solid gold!
kireawolf: HACKS
NorthstarTex: just got here a few m inutes ago and this game looks genuinely interesting
GlennSeto: Break time!
ShaneLeeAtk: Time to check the cheese dip!
accountmadeforants: Getting some Inscryption vibes from this, big fan
AMuseOfFirebane: Hi Cori! If you're looking at chat during the break, I posted some fanart of Jordan from NaDtD on X (and Bluesky). I hope you like it if you get a chance to look!
AMuseOfFirebane: Though I barely know how either site works so idk if the notification went through haha
LoadingReadyRun: i'll look it up
AMuseOfFirebane: Cool!! :)
AMuseOfFirebane: Yep!
ThorSokar: how many fish can you catch at once?
thegreatwyrdling: Cori, the way you've been playing in this campaign has been great. Jo is a delight.
ThorSokar: oh, I meant how many can you have in your inventory
accountmadeforants: I'm sure the game would let you catch 5000 fish and get the sword in one go if you were really dedicated
accountmadeforants: It's only fair
adept_nekomancer: @accountmadeforants "You caught 25,000 pounds of fish, but could only carry 200 back to the wagon"
kumatsu: Today's fish is Trout a la Creme. Enjoy your meal.
TheAinMAP: HyperMine HyperMine HyperMine
accountmadeforants: I think it's just one square around them
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Voidhawk42: I like how you spent all that fish to get a sword, and the duel doesn't use it :D
accountmadeforants: 3 points of acid damage!
coriolis_storm: Uh oh
accountmadeforants: Depends on how many video games you've played and how often you've fallen in real life, I think
Natimus_Prime: the walls are narow enough you could be pushing off thme, really
Voidhawk42: The real skeleton was inside you all along
kumatsu: did.... Skelingtom move to the lounge chair?
accountmadeforants: Calculated
ShaneLeeAtk: Task failed successfully
adept_nekomancer: Wall spider does not want a hug
eff_the_bard: El Spidro Muerte
kumatsu: survey says 1-800-DONT
kumatsu: just a lil wallm'n
accountmadeforants: I very much doubt the wall man has a normal lower body, probably a big centipede or fly
kumatsu: Kong Mallet?
accountmadeforants: The road to world peace, be disgusting and inscrutable. Politics is solved.
iris_of_ether: The hardest reset
adept_nekomancer: Spiders: nature's reset button
kumatsu: y'know, as you do
SnackPak_: just gotta check that you can't get that one
accountmadeforants: I think that spider was already above the lock before
accountmadeforants: I think I know what it wants you to do, but I could be completely wrong
accountmadeforants: :O
CaptainSpam: Spider death!
dumbo3k: I did not expect that to work at all
adept_nekomancer: We can staple the spiders to death?!?
accountmadeforants: Solve for X
GlennSeto: I was distracted for a moment - did we get the spiders with the door staples?!
NimrodXIV: you will be visited by 3 spirits
pyronils80: Merry X-Mas everyone! Hello and good evening! Greetings from good old Germany! :) :) :)
NimrodXIV: wrong skull
accountmadeforants: Ah, the top right was the vampire skull
NorthstarTex: RIV
accountmadeforants: It had teeth teeth teeth
Marvoleath: Witch skull?
FinalShowFilms subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 112 months!
FinalShowFilms: Yeah the first skull was the vampire skull
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FinalShowFilms! (Today's storm count: 33)
accountmadeforants: Maybe just leave it there? It's already in the ground
accountmadeforants: Rude!
iris_of_ether: lrrCOW
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
kumatsu: bombs PogChamp
GlennSeto: This went poorly.
GapFiller: lrrCOW !?
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
AMuseOfFirebane: Yay!
spethycakes: FBtouchdown
TheAinMAP: FallWinning
Marvoleath: sergeGG
Juliamon: there he is
NorthstarTex: sir, we need those assets
Getter404: "We store the textures in the subocean"
spethycakes: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! That's not how you wear that.
accountmadeforants: I hope so
accountmadeforants: Dang
NimrodXIV: it's another maze
accountmadeforants: Can you press where D6 would be if the buttons continued, or does it not let you?
accountmadeforants: Aw, shame
ThorSokar: composOld Remember when you used to put a quarter in the furze pannel when one blew? I remember
Marvoleath: 2x3-6?
Voidhawk42: How much suggestion are we allowed to make?
Marvoleath: @ThorSokar one of my teachers used big old nails
comrade_cards: do the yellow arrows do anything?
iris_of_ether: Okay as an electrical engineer: oh noooooooo
accountmadeforants: Yeah, nail instead of a fuse, a safety hazard as old as time
Voidhawk42: Press A4, A5, then look at the static
accountmadeforants: :O
NimrodXIV: and now you have 3 power available
accountmadeforants: This also explains how D6 works (probably)
sunnyplaysgam3z: Put the fries in the bag
accountmadeforants: Oooh, Twitch compression does *not* like the corridor of static
CaptainSpam: Pretty well any video compression won't like static.
GlennSeto: You are playtesting after all.
iris_of_ether: escher3MEOW escher3MEOW escher3MEOW
accountmadeforants: The road to LepreCon 2025
kusinohki: paved with bad intentions??
GlennSeto: LeperCon '25 booked right next door... really awkward.
kusinohki: joke in bad taste - some gave an arm and a leg to go to lepercon...
CaptainSpam: BLASPHEMY
iris_of_ether: FrogPonder
Marvoleath: OSFrog
adambomb625: Frogs LIE!!!!?!?!
Voidhawk42: Pop Quiz! What do you remember
kumatsu: Complicated Frogs is the name of my ska band
kusinohki: frog fractions would be rational frogs??
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would bet there is a set of biology PhD students who have named their trivia team Complicated Frogs
Marvoleath: one very dense rock
kusinohki: now add a heart and a feather
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kusinohki Sounds like part of the Book of the Dead
The_Voices: end?
thegreatwyrdling: What if you stop being alive?
The_Voices: maker?
kusinohki: grim reaper??
NimrodXIV: stone soup
GlennSeto: Stone soup is delicious.
doormar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, doormar! (Today's storm count: 34)
jacqui_lantern234: hey friends <3
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey jaqui!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sorry, mistype, jacqui
kusinohki: 4 stone and 7 frogs ago...
AMuseOfFirebane: Hello jacqui!
Juliamon: I wonder if there's a second scale somewhere
The_Voices: try all numbers of rocks?
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon yeah! the scale of 1-10 of which i love you beyond! #Gottem
ThorSokar: do you have to stack the rocks exactly like they are in the game?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @The_Voices According to mathematicians there are an infinite variety of numbers therefore that's a lot of rocks to try
Juliamon: you started with three, yeah
The_Voices: thing happened!
adept_nekomancer: It must not have counted it since you had them on before the puzzle was triggered perhaps?
Marvoleath: didnt count the 3 because you didnt put them after the trigger, typical
Marvoleath: Is this game basically a weird escape room btw?
Juliamon: it is
Juliamon: Windows OMG
NimrodXIV: Windows pls
Juliamon: twice in one stream is VERY RUDE
Thefluffiestguineapig: Windows my face is in my palms
NimrodXIV: oh right this bit
BusTed: lrrSACK
BusTed: g
BusTed: gg
iris_of_ether: lrrSACK
NorthstarTex: gg
GlennSeto: More of a Leprecan't
BusTed: jar on the table?
LordZarano: !advice
LRRbot: Bucket the man.
BusTed: hey wait, is this game trying to kill us?
Thefluffiestguineapig: The unspoken part of that quote is only Bucket a man with their consent
Marvoleath: Lepre-can, not lepre-can't
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BusTed If the game isn't Windows is
LordZarano: Leprechaun took the advice (A jar is basically a glass bucket, right?)
Marvoleath: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a lich?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @LordZarano I want you to pitch that as a potential alternative phrase for Adam's favorite hypothetical
Thefluffiestguineapig: "You're walking down a path and you find a person in a glass bucket, do you get them out"
BusTed: ohh
BusTed: tqsClap
Dog_of_Myth: lrrXmasbart
kumatsu: I def thought one was gonna be the owl clock
iris_of_ether: seabatClap
AMuseOfFirebane: Yes!
BusTed: Everything a body needs
Marvoleath: Boar. Some assembly required*
Luminaire_p: CUBE
adept_nekomancer: Thanks blood sink!
Anubis169: Merry Flapmas everybody
GlennSeto: Blood goes into hole
Anubis169: lrrAWESOME
BusTed: Nice
AMuseOfFirebane: Phew
accountmadeforants: Those books are on the syllabus but you'll never open them
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
BusTed: gottem
ANeMzero: stinky pillow
Juliamon: Stinky pillows
PMAvers: frrrrt
BusTed: guess not
adept_nekomancer: Owl trechery!
kumatsu: is that the Doom Scroll the kids talk about?
BusTed: 🐗
accountmadeforants: Just like the owl statues in the later top-down zeldas
Juliamon: good news, spider hole guy! Boar is back!
BusTed: I want to walk *through* them!
PMAvers: I'm waiting for those X tiles to rotate 90 degrees
BusTed: bip
Marvoleath: successfully sworded!
NimrodXIV: remember what ice guy told you
BusTed: NotLikeThis
accountmadeforants: Not our precious gold!
TheAinMAP: katesWot
spethycakes: jesscapGasp
PMAvers: At least one of those wasn't a mimic.
BusTed: that was a good end right
spethycakes: 🟥
shilhaursa: R
shilhaursa: Alice in wonderland food
LordZarano: The letter Å
BusTed: laser snake was unexpected
TheAinMAP: Laser snake?
adept_nekomancer: His runes are very sensitive
Juliamon: Sorry buddy
GlennSeto: What is this, Contra?
NimrodXIV: hmmm
BusTed: question mark??
shilhaursa: Reminds me of the movie Stay Alive
NimrodXIV: there is one more ending, I don't know if you got everything for it
ThorSokar: are there even more endings?
GlennSeto: See you again in Return to Castle Serpentstein.
iris_of_ether: Oh, that game was fun, haha
Nickiatori: is there a boxing day stream this year?
AMuseOfFirebane: Thank you for the stream!
jacqui_lantern234: thanks for streaming, Cori <3 you rock
spethycakes: Thanks for stream, Cori! This was so fun
TheAinMAP: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
GlennSeto: Thanks for the stream!
Marvoleath: @Nickiatori there is not due to ppl not being on site, there will be LRLive instead
Nickiatori: @Marvoleath ah ok!
FarleyF: the friday night fight should be called Wheelers Angels
accountmadeforants: A likely story
the_ghotes: Need some more relentless rats.
iris_of_ether: We're tired, just coloring
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
FarleyF: Let's see how many more vamps Jo can Kill/Drink
spethycakes: Hmmmm...I've heard this before jesscapHehe
accountmadeforants: Except it's still in the Drafts directory so you're still not sure
LordZarano: Probably no vod of Melody's Escape
kalira77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Riandisa: Thanks for the stream, Cori!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kalira77! (Today's storm count: 35)
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
AMuseOfFirebane: Byeeeee
Texan_Reverend subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Texan_Reverend! (Today's storm count: 36)
accountmadeforants: Yes, thanks for the stream! Byeee!
GlennSeto: Probably a good time to get into Not a Drop to Drink.
Stormthius subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stormthius! (Today's storm count: 37)