TXC2: title change!
TK_Squared subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TK_Squared! (Today's storm count: 1)
dingo94200 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
lightfut: After Christmas fights!
Thanks for subscribing, dingo94200! (Today's storm count: 2)
164 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
Strebenherz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
TXC2: hello Raiders!
Thanks for subscribing, Strebenherz! (Today's storm count: 3)
lightfut: Hey yo pit crew
TXC2: Here we GO!
TXC2: Hello Adam
QuixoticScrivener: Love you too Adam.
Heefnoff: Frogs are here
SymphonySolstice: I am awake against my will
Mathwyn: Its 5am I really should be sleeping Adam
PsychoI3oy: I've been awake 13.5 hours, you wake up.
TXC2: the final friday of the year
PenguinEmperor: Morning? It's 7pm
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
Heefnoff: Me, spending $5 a month to isolate Adam
Mathwyn: We finally hit the assassinate Nelson stretch goal?
Strebenherz: Get norted adam
SymphonySolstice: for every dollar one person in chat gets merked
keep giveing and we'll have to have Gibb host this show
Heefnoff: Wow
RurouniGeo: hows your things guys
Mathwyn: I don't know Adam
LiamK712: got covid for christmas, so I'm trapped in my room
Strebenherz: Delivering mail, it rainy, it foggy
yamahako: Great, how were yours?
LiamK712 ooof, get well soon
QuixoticScrivener: Second day Hanukkah, I believe.
LiamK712: @TXC2 thanks
josh___something: Hey there gamers, how's the gaming
TXC2: I did 5k runs either side of Xmas, gotta earn that dinner
Zaneysed: We playing some power rangers?
Mathwyn: @josh___something ain't no gamers here, just us chickens
jessicaengle: That's why they call you Honest Adam.
Zaneysed: Fucking lets go
Heefnoff: MVCIB baby let’s gooooo
Heefnoff: It happens
Zaneysed: Live MVCIB install stream?
saucemaster5000: Oh Fuck It's Friday -- O.F.I.F
TXC2: x-mas does that, days of the week stop to matter
Strebenherz: Ngl didn't realize it was Friday either until you said that
TXC2: tis the season Adam, don't worry about it
Mathwyn: Neuron #2 still spinning up
Strebenherz: I mean yes I await the Friday stream
saucemaster5000: Rubbing my hands to gether in anticipation
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I've been too busy watching some streamer play PoE2. Seacats, or something like that.
Zaneysed: IM PISSED
Strebenherz: Also time has no meaning at the post office.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Can't pay attention to what day it is.
TXC2: it's TIME!
saucemaster5000: lfg
RurouniGeo: oh my godddd
saucemaster5000: I'll go wake up tod
lightfut: Thicc lad hours
MWGNZ: time to slam our head in to opponents (tactically)
bbj_afk: hope everyone has had a nice week =)
Adam on Honda, I knew it
The all new 2024 Honda Adamcord
LiamK712: Honda play
Mathwyn: The E in E Honda stands for Adam, clearly
bbj_afk: Rated E for E. Hondas
tod_vom_himmel: adam is playing the best character?
RurouniGeo: astronaut with gun: "That's always been good"
tod_vom_himmel: 10 frames smile
Strebenherz: Jump good
tod_vom_himmel: in the corner, stand medium punch, stand light punch, stand medium punch, headbutt is safe and a safe jump setup
tod_vom_himmel: the lp mp is a tc
tod_vom_himmel: standing
raulghoulia subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
Thanks for subscribing, raulghoulia! (Today's storm count: 4)
Zaneysed: Drizzt told me if you end a combo in hundred hands slap it means you're admitting defeat and werent holding charge
tod_vom_himmel: if the TC hits it gives a safejump
tod_vom_himmel: off headbutt
bbj_afk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, bbj_afk! (Today's storm count: 5)
tod_vom_himmel: down medium kick
tod_vom_himmel: or maybe its punch
tod_vom_himmel: its down medium tho
tod_vom_himmel: 5hp
tod_vom_himmel: and headbutt
tod_vom_himmel: EX buttslam is also invincible and very active
tangyimin: 太困难了
dankmemeter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
dankmemeter: New Year's resolution: start playing some SF6 and others
Thanks for subscribing, dankmemeter! (Today's storm count: 6)
tod_vom_himmel: OH NO
TriChronos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TriChronos! (Today's storm count: 7)
QuixoticScrivener: Smurfing eh?
BrowneePointz: Adam...it's christmas
BrowneePointz: you gotta body those xmas day kiddies
tod_vom_himmel: awww coulda gone and beat up a beginner battle hub xD
TXC2: the season of miracles
tod_vom_himmel: all you need is 5mp and headbutt
TXC2: and yet your day one Dhalsim made the highlight reel
tod_vom_himmel: with the extra forward movement its got now its really good
itsr67 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
itsr67: howsit
Thanks for subscribing, itsr67! (Today's storm count: 8)
tod_vom_himmel: oh lol your first match is the worst matchup possible
tod_vom_himmel: thats rough
tod_vom_himmel: oh no
RurouniGeo: quick!
tod_vom_himmel: mash medium autocombo if you know what your assisnt button is
tod_vom_himmel: its plus 3 on block
account has never played ranked, placement match against platinum
tod_vom_himmel: lol you got there
tod_vom_himmel: Ah
tod_vom_himmel: neutral
tod_vom_himmel: we believe in you
tod_vom_himmel: got there
tod_vom_himmel: daaamn
tod_vom_himmel: fair play gief
TXC2: the sumo basho is in like 3 weeks...gotta hurry
spicyFerret_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
spicyFerret_: Oki oki honda club?
( )
Thanks for subscribing, spicyFerret_! (Today's storm count: 9)
tod_vom_himmel: theyre gold, just heavy headbutt from fullscreen its fine
RurouniGeo: LOL
tod_vom_himmel: lmao
tod_vom_himmel: this cammy locked in
RurouniGeo: conditioneddd
tod_vom_himmel: wow that was a good DP ngl
tod_vom_himmel: ah
tod_vom_himmel: neutral
tod_vom_himmel: you're finnish!
tod_vom_himmel: buff honda
ylegm: auto accept bud
tod_vom_himmel: drive rush 5mp 3hk is a good target combo to toss in here and there
tod_vom_himmel: level 3 is cqb
tod_vom_himmel: qcb*
TXC2: Ed vs Edmondo
itira: good day
TXC2: hello itira welcome
bbj_afk: had not noticed how painful the Hondra throw animation looks
tod_vom_himmel: what he just fixes your back
ylegm: yeah, doesn't look fun
itsr67: kill rush into jab is at least -4
itsr67: on block
LowUpsideCJ: what’s up Edmond enjoyers club
TXC2: hello LowUpsideCJ welcome
tod_vom_himmel: hehe
tod_vom_himmel: crlp is his only 4 frame
JINcredible1: his stand lk is too but that move is unrewarding
LowUpsideCJ: 4 frame crilp
bbj_afk: way to use your head!
tod_vom_himmel: oh right i dont have stand light kick
MrOrderlyChaos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 93 months!
Thanks for subscribing, MrOrderlyChaos! (Today's storm count: 10)
tod_vom_himmel: a drive rushed 6hk can link into stand light bunch
safsaf202: <message deleted>Game and system big trash
LowUpsideCJ: @tod_vom_himmel modern Honda unite
TXC2: that splash art was a Ken ass looking Ed
tod_vom_himmel: monda life
safsaf202: <message deleted>Hhhhh bad game u cant do anything
drizzt called hands an admission of defeat, that you werent charging
LowUpsideCJ: lmao
tod_vom_himmel: perfect
TXC2: Drizzt says a lot of things
neacon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Thanks for subscribing, neacon! (Today's storm count: 11)
LowUpsideCJ: I switched to Honda because I’m a command grab lover
GGsLive: Did hell freeze over???
GGsLive: Or is this my xmas gift
tod_vom_himmel: adam is simply choosing the best character in the game
TXC2: GGsLive por que no los dos ?
tod_vom_himmel: you can sumo walk
GGsLive: I approve
tod_vom_himmel: qcf kick and then forward punch
tod_vom_himmel: works from the medium punches
GGsLive: yay!!!
tod_vom_himmel: the EX is just peam
tod_vom_himmel: stand heave into EX hands into jab jab buttslam
GGsLive: DR mp is +10...you get a whole ass HP after it
tod_vom_himmel: eh buttslam beast all his ari options
tod_vom_himmel: EX*
tod_vom_himmel: ex buttslam is +2 on block btw
tod_vom_himmel: ded
BrowneePointz: After you beat your opponents don't forget to wish them a Happy Honda Days
tod_vom_himmel: theyre walkin, 6hk their ass
Genasi_Gaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Genasi_Gaming! (Today's storm count: 12)
tod_vom_himmel: lmao
TXC2: oofa doofa
TXC2: last placement match
MilkInBags: poggies my fighties
tod_vom_himmel: akuma health smh
TXC2: hello MilkInBags welcome
fishboi_samurai: Love it when I join to evil laughter lol
Akuma has less the health then the average insured American
Zaneysed: LOL
Zaneysed: youre having too much fun
tod_vom_himmel: DIAMOND 4!!
MilkInBags: wait my streamer is playing honda?
itsr67: climb to master??? lets go????
LowUpsideCJ: hold me closer diamond Honda
GGsLive: youre too good
tod_vom_himmel: all you need is EX sumo walk then ur a master
TXC2: after beating golds and platinums, we're put in diamond ?
Zaneysed: Gotta get washed to get clean
fishboi_samurai: Nah just do some buttslams, when that doesn't work then do some headbutts, when that doesn't work just do some neutral jumps, when that doesn't work then command grab, easy, right?
Zaneysed: Get in there champ
tod_vom_himmel: foosies
GGsLive: wanna go in training mode together and I can show you stuff?
GGsLive: buttslam is best oki
tod_vom_himmel: buttslam is better than headbutt imo for knockdown but i guess its up to the situation
GGsLive: and hard knocjdown
tod_vom_himmel: after buttslam i like to use crouch light punch then oicho throw
fishboi_samurai: Have you tried turning it on and off?
tod_vom_himmel: autotimes the trow and makes people think ur mashing jab
fishboi_samurai: Can you make it so connections are only 1-3 bars so you can be 'that honda'?
tod_vom_himmel: yea
tod_vom_himmel: thats all safe
tod_vom_himmel: yup
GGsLive: headbutt i safe on block yes
MilkInBags: oh no juri
tod_vom_himmel: not zangief safe
tod_vom_himmel: but like
tod_vom_himmel: safe
TXC2: Blond Juri!
tod_vom_himmel: zangief just spds xD
TXC2: she's gone super sayain !
tod_vom_himmel: yea no oki off oicho throw
MilkInBags: holy shit you got kirby's down b
tod_vom_himmel: good for baiting wake up supers though
VrolikSyndrome: what the heck is this
VrolikSyndrome: Adam, you good?
VrolikSyndrome: Nvm, you're good.
tod_vom_himmel: oh theyre modern
TXC2: VrolikSyndrome we got ranked into diamond, so we good
MilkInBags: yeah our worth is directly tied to our points
MilkInBags: unless we lose points, then the game sucks
tod_vom_himmel: oh no
tod_vom_himmel: modernized
VrolikSyndrome: Modern damage lmao
GGsLive: you will have down charge
therepoman__: Howdy gam-- what in the goddamn
VrolikSyndrome: right?
GGsLive: because you are doing cr.lp
tod_vom_himmel: i go into buttslam after jab string cause u have charge for it
TXC2: hello therepoman__ welcome
MilkInBags: it's christmas amnesty, adam can play what he wants and it doesn't count
GGsLive: if you hit with 2 cr.lp that should be enough for down charge
LowUpsideCJ: I haven’t quite mastered charge timing yet
tod_vom_himmel: yea i just use 2 CRLP
tod_vom_himmel: not with the medium punch first
TXC2: other then Ed I don't think we've had a repeat character
tod_vom_himmel: off the mediums i always go into sumo walk
TXC2: good verity on this ladder
fishboi_samurai: You tried to throw a fireball like you were playing Marisa?
fishboi_samurai: I'm confused lmao
tod_vom_himmel: gladius is a fireball
fishboi_samurai: Got it lol
TXC2: Marisa is the fireball
tod_vom_himmel: baited the meter
tod_vom_himmel: how can you not believe in stand medium punch?! when has it ever betrayed you?
tod_vom_himmel: qcb kicks i think
GGsLive: backwards fireball with punch
GGsLive: ohh kick
Greendrag13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
Greendrag13: Get 'em Adam!
Thanks for subscribing, Greendrag13! (Today's storm count: 13)
GGsLive: shit why dont I know. My hands just does it without asking my brain
GGsLive: hp
GGsLive you know it so well, you don't know it
tod_vom_himmel: drive rush stand medium can link into stand heavy
tod_vom_himmel: stand heavy gets you anything
GGsLive: then sumo walk
GGsLive: into launcher
itsr67: sumo walk > launcher > headbutt >super right?
GGsLive: down punch
tod_vom_himmel: the sumo walk and strikes are different followup inputs
tod_vom_himmel: wierd
GGsLive: or into buttslam
Greendrag13: The Blanca fursuit is staring into my soul..
tod_vom_himmel: headbutt is plus when theyre burned out btw
RurouniGeo: is it really a fursuit if he's just wearing himself
tod_vom_himmel: ho wait no its not
tod_vom_himmel: they changed it
tod_vom_himmel: now its just 0
tod_vom_himmel: im full of lies
Strebenherz: Wait is that Blanca .. wearing blanca
bbj_afk: blanka nesting dolls
RurouniGeo: He's wearing the Blanka-chan collection by Dolce GaBlanka
wearing a suit of yourself sounds weirdly cannibalistic to me
GGsLive: you can go into lp hands after cr.lp if you don't have charge
RurouniGeo: very ciche
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: the dreaded stick drift?
TXC2: now I'm thinking of Blanka is suit like Zangief
TXC2: *in a suit
GGsLive: cr.lp
Greendrag13: @TXC2 Now *I'm* thinking of Blanka in a Zangief fursuit
RurouniGeo: there is official art of blanka in a suit wearing sunglasses being an important business man with cell phone from SF5 i think lol
MilkInBags: juri is back on the escalator
itsr67: bad hit confirm
QuixoticScrivener: sandy pajamas must suck
Greendrag13 oh no we're going too deep!
MilkInBags: mom, don't start the microwave I'm playing ranked!
TXC2: RurouniGeo ha, neat
saucemaster5000: help we are in the lawnmower man
ShaneLeeAtk: Excuse me, please remove your gaming rig from the Faraday cage before proceeding.
RurouniGeo: @MilkInBags mom hang up the phone with grandpa I'm getting mixed!
BrowneePointz: @RurouniGeo probably from when he was trying to market his blanka chan dolls
BrowneePointz: iirc Sean and Sakura end up taking some to Japan as a test market and they go over like hotcakes and Blanka doesn't know he's an international sensation
fishboi_samurai: Muscles looking good fyi
but it looks like alot of people in ranked got wifi for christmas
GGsLive: everyone is playing from gramma's house
TXC2: Friday after x-mas, every little timmy that got SF is playing it
LowUpsideCJ: everyone took their rigs home to mom’s house
RurouniGeo: @BrowneePointz i lied its his fortnite skin lmao but i swear its based on sf5 official ending art or something lol
thatguysteve2709: Hello, gamers hope everyone is having a good day
tod_vom_himmel: every situation can be solved by 3 EX buttslams
TXC2: hello thatguysteve2709 welcome
GGsLive: buttslam isnt really anti-air...only OD buttslam
GGsLive: you can headbutt as anti-air
fishboi_samurai: WEEEEE FEEEE
tod_vom_himmel: also jump medium punch is a GOATED air to air, if they jump alot mash that shit
CrossXhunteR: !schedule
tod_vom_himmel: dammn
MilkInBags: checked out
tod_vom_himmel: yea definitley dont be raw EX headbutting
TXC2: we're in the holiday grundel, so no one is checking the server
GGsLive: you can move forward/backward during neutral jump with HP
LowUpsideCJ: they’re just like me for real
fishboi_samurai: Out played
saucemaster5000: lets gooooo
tod_vom_himmel: gods perfect soldier
therepoman__: He's just better
itsr67: an evil has resurfaced
NorthstarTex: got em
CaptainSpam: Edmonton's Finest.
LowUpsideCJ: that’s what it’s all about
tod_vom_himmel: i love it here
tod_vom_himmel: if you EX hands you can link jabs into another special after
GGsLive: Dr mp
GGsLive: DR mp>sumo walk launcher
tod_vom_himmel: honda health?
tod_vom_himmel: noper
itsr67: just out of honda health moment
BrowneePointz: Losing Sets? Don't tell the Ancient Egyptians!
BrowneePointz: *rimshot*
cool that Ryu can just do the move that almost killed Sagat like it's nothing
TXC2: BrowneePointz ah ha ha!
MilkInBags: everyone's at grandma's place
tod_vom_himmel: everybody is at work on their steam deck
saucemaster5000: I ate the internet for breakfast my b
LowUpsideCJ: how are they even playing like that
GGsLive: because mom's house had bad wifi
LowUpsideCJ: sauce how was it
RurouniGeo: @saucemaster5000 The internet is a series of tubers
rosesmcgee: Everyone got a Steam Deck for christmas
saucemaster5000: it was tingly
GGsLive: yeah
tod_vom_himmel: if you EX the hands you can do more
tod_vom_himmel: sumo walk
GGsLive: sumo launch
GGsLive: then buttslam
tod_vom_himmel: after the launcher, drive rush stand medium punch
tod_vom_himmel: then 3hk
itsr67: yeop
tod_vom_himmel: then hold the hk button
GGsLive: I'd do buttslam for oki
itsr67: 22 frames of okizeme
tod_vom_himmel: if you juggle insto 5mp 3hk and sumo charge youre like +13 in their face with sumo charge
GGsLive: you are next to them after buttslam
GGsLive: its hard knockdown
GGsLive: thats meaty overhead frame
fishboi_samurai: I literally just play everyone through diamond lol
saucemaster5000: they could steal your coffee
TXC2: maybe the lag will be in our favour?
LowUpsideCJ: street fighter exists as an extant form of life
if we spam maybe the moonbase's internet will slow down and the lag will help adam?
tod_vom_himmel: if you simply heavy headbutt 6 times in a row, they will be burned out and cant DP
itira: did you just say ... butt ... splash? D:
GGsLive: you control the forward distance of buttslam by holding forward or back
tod_vom_himmel: theyre mashing after headbutt i bet you can headbutt super xD
TXC2: Jamie's skin is turning red right? it's not just some weird effect of me being on 480p ?
Musicsquid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Musicsquid! (Today's storm count: 14)
tod_vom_himmel: short active frames on the non EX ones
tod_vom_himmel: the EX buttslam has like double the active frames
tod_vom_himmel: i think they were faking drinking
tod_vom_himmel: a bait
tod_vom_himmel: it did look kinda like the startup to a drink
tod_vom_himmel: so im going with that rather than teabagging
tod_vom_himmel: nice
Izandai: Blonde Jamie is weird.
TXC2: lot weird blonds todays
tod_vom_himmel: this is sumo!
MilkInBags: santa elves are on break
MilkInBags: playing from the north pole
therepoman__: Mom's wifi is brutal
saucemaster5000: do we not have it set to 4 and above for search?
RurouniGeo: i think you have it set to allow all connections what do you normally have it set to at home?
tod_vom_himmel: i think juggle, drive rush, stand medium punch, 3hk, is the best option
tod_vom_himmel: great oki, good damage, and sumo charge
GGsLive: Oki Oki WiFight Club
MilkInBags: that's a good thing your butt didn't come out
tod_vom_himmel: they are swANGin
tod_vom_himmel: not from that range no
RurouniGeo: most 3 bar ken wifi player i've even seen in my life lol
tod_vom_himmel: "foosies"
mjuukis: oh
mjuukis: the kens name
TXC2: Good grief that player tag SMH
LowUpsideCJ: this is a certified shoryu repparesentative
RurouniGeo: thats the club tag which means theres alot of people with that tag unfortunately
tod_vom_himmel: hit em a bunch
RurouniGeo yikes
mjuukis: who let this ken feel himself
mjuukis: I don't like it
RurouniGeo: ye olde wifi flowchart ken
saucemaster5000: that's a nod and move on moment
starmute12: howdy gamers!
ELD_Winterlight: I can play you, I'm only 9 time zones away
tod_vom_himmel: one sec iill get hashkilla on the line, hes always got a stable comnnection
GGsLive: Good internet connections are for 2025
TXC2: hello starmute12 welcome
tod_vom_himmel: hey starm
starmute12: hey tod!
thatguysteve2709: They holding the good connections hostage for when you aren't playing homda
tod_vom_himmel: EX buttslam beast every akuma air bullshit
thatguysteve2709: Honda
tod_vom_himmel: beats*
tod_vom_himmel: HE NEEDS IT OKAY
tod_vom_himmel: i think you can hundred hands instead of buttlsam if you want elvel 3
tod_vom_himmel: its not a route i use im sot 100% sure
tod_vom_himmel: might be too early
tod_vom_himmel: oh god 5 frames
GGsLive: you can hands into CA after launch yeah
Izandai: I've never seen that no-contest thing before.
tod_vom_himmel: gweelay
GGsLive: mp
tod_vom_himmel: grab his ass
saucemaster5000: I give him a lil kiss
GGsLive: gotta keep that hand in his face
tod_vom_himmel: i think this is honda favoured
tod_vom_himmel: buttslam can cross up flash kicks
LowUpsideCJ: you’re used to sim’s blistering speed
ELD_Winterlight: Moisture in the rounter?
TXC2: internet getting used heavily for the holidays ?
BorealMage: hopefully it's not the stick acting up
itsr67: time for some backyard baseball
electric_claire: Santa must have brought you dropped packets for Christmas on account of being a naughty boy
tod_vom_himmel: become parry god
LowUpsideCJ: @itsr67 I’m grinding out a backyard soccer campaign rn
therepoman__: SHAYSAAA
GGsLive: how very dare you
saucemaster5000: that's what I've been SAYIN
GGsLive: you have to play footsies against Gief
GGsLive: he counters all your specials
itsr67: @LowUpsideCJ noice
GGsLive: honda's fat ass is always in range
ManWithTheMask13: Hello all my beautiful gamers, and Adam
TXC2: hello ManWithTheMask13 welcome
tod_vom_himmel: this is also hondas worst match by far
tod_vom_himmel: 6hk
tod_vom_himmel: 6hk will beat siberian express
ManWithTheMask13: I haven't touched a fighting game in over a week, I'm starting to go stir crazy
tod_vom_himmel: if you buttslam early before they wake up itll bait the DP and come back down for a punish combo
ManWithTheMask13: goat there
GGsLive: nice
tod_vom_himmel: nice!
ManWithTheMask13: kill them
ManWithTheMask13: that's all ya need, brother
tod_vom_himmel: thats real though
RurouniGeo: they were salty about those round wave drops lol
itsr67: KILL
saucemaster5000: why make it fancy when mcdonalds will do
GGsLive: after buttslam, normal dash is a frame kill
ManWithTheMask13: Isn't Naji like, a NA Juri player
well this is Dr naji, so maybe it's their parent
ManWithTheMask13: All Ryu players born after 2001 only know how to fireball, cross-up, and super on negative frames
tod_vom_himmel: buff honda
ManWithTheMask13: @TXC2 It's' like a Clark Kent situation. Diamon Ryu by day, cracked Juri by night
tod_vom_himmel: give headbutt 2 more armour hits?
TXC2: ManWithTheMask13 makes sense
GGsLive: that was weird
ManWithTheMask13: nerf Ryu
tod_vom_himmel: too eaarly
GGsLive: maybe too early
Strebenherz: Something something jump good
Strebenherz: Idk. Samurai Jack memes
ManWithTheMask13: Normal dp on wake-up is nuts
Ryu is the Micky mouse, he can't be nerfed
tod_vom_himmel: people are pressing
MilkInBags: isnt everyone random?
saucemaster5000: not me
saucemaster5000: I'm a fibonacci series
ManWithTheMask13: foosies
tod_vom_himmel: love that button
TomfooleryFox: first stream post-Christmas yoooo
Are you high?
tod_vom_himmel: honda health?
ManWithTheMask13: damn, they called you old
tod_vom_himmel: thats so fucked up
tod_vom_himmel: cant believe tehy said that
tod_vom_himmel: stick not working?
GGsLive: they didn't get SF6 for Xmas to NOT press buttons
ManWithTheMask13: That Ryu player had a bus to catch
ManWithTheMask13: shoto sweep
tod_vom_himmel: that ryu is the ryu we all ahve nightmares about
saucemaster5000: negate neutral lmao
GGsLive: that Honda face is goated
ManWithTheMask13: IDK what happened to Diamon ranked
TXC2: akuma's face looks like money and a sheep got it on
TXC2: *monkey
TomfooleryFox: how was xmas Adam?
tod_vom_himmel: 3 ex buttslams in a row
ManWithTheMask13: Got their ass
tod_vom_himmel: just EX buttslam everything
ManWithTheMask13: Honda's cmmd grab also does a chunk against Akuma
Scar_Red_Tiger: Last time I popped in, you were on Sim. Gonna do all the OG World WArriors at this rate?
TXC2: Scar_Red_Tiger Adam on honda is our xmas present
MilkInBags: no funny bone?
CaptainDaks: o7
ManWithTheMask13: Where's Itsr with the playlist
tod_vom_himmel: i mean yea you havent buttslammed 8 times in a row yet
GGsLive: you might just need to clean the switches in your stick
GGsLive: or tighten something
CaptainDaks: totally feel that. every time I get neutral jump 'shimmy'd', I think I should do that more often, but just can't bring myself to
tod_vom_himmel: ex buttslam
drizztnailo: ayo honda gameplay?
tod_vom_himmel: its a 6f poke, its an anti air
tod_vom_himmel: its everything
GGsLive: OD does
tod_vom_himmel: after launcher try drive rush 5mp 3hk
drizztnailo: you can do the same safejump combo i do every time
ManWithTheMask13: It's definitely harder to be heeheehoohoo on new characters, at least for me, because like I lack the confidence of buttons and I don't want to gorilla mode because then it feels like I won't learn anything
GGsLive: I would do launch
GGsLive: HP into launch
tod_vom_himmel: my go to combo is alwauys launcher, drive rush,, 5mp 3hk and hold the hk for the sumo spirit after
saucemaster5000: I'm beginning to think there's no such thing as a heeheehoohoo character
ManWithTheMask13: Sauce you've seen my Gief how can you even say that
saucemaster5000: there are heeheehoohoo players
TXC2: heeheehoohhoo is a state of mind
tod_vom_himmel: you can heavy hands after juggle
itsr67: @saucemaster5000 who could those be
ManWithTheMask13: Yeah the no pause menu thing gets me irrationally peeved
tod_vom_himmel: oh maybe not heavy
saucemaster5000: you're more of a gigglesnort player itsr (affectionate)
itsr67: giggle huh
MilkInBags: soon free from the wifi warriors
tod_vom_himmel: oh this terry again
itira: lawl
GGsLive: @tod_vom_himmel heavy hands works
drizztnailo: are you feeling the hee hee hoo hoo?
itsr67: headbutt beating knuckle there felt nice
tod_vom_himmel: drizzt he refuses to buttslam 9 times in a row
maybe_games: marisa 2 touching sounds a bit hehe hoohoo
tod_vom_himmel: we gotta fix it
itsr67: damn that was a honda round
itsr67: through and through
drizztnailo: that sounded like a hee hee to me
Strebenherz: What do you consider hee hee hoo hoo to be?
shendaras: it was at least hee hee adjacent
tod_vom_himmel: you dont have to drive rush after buttslams
ManWithTheMask13: I miss using SPD as a wake-up reversal, I cannot wait to get back on this game
tod_vom_himmel: f
ManWithTheMask13: hit u with the roy
tod_vom_himmel: WAIT
tod_vom_himmel: YOU LIVED?
saucemaster5000: ooooOOOOP
TXC2: tense, that was tense
tod_vom_himmel: so hows the honda feeling?
saucemaster5000: gimme your lunch nickels terry
ManWithTheMask13: You've definitely be hittin those command grabs. Been working with drive rush pressure
TXC2: and yet you're in diamond 3
maybe_games: do you bother with the pre progged tutorials?
tod_vom_himmel: combo trials are of... debatable usefulness
ManWithTheMask13: more like bore trials
tod_vom_himmel: beeg shop
tod_vom_himmel: chop*
ManWithTheMask13: that's the neruon-activater button right there
TXC2: maybe_games he did not, but then again Adam has been playing this game since it came out
ManWithTheMask13: hell yeah
maybe_games: @TXC2 makes sense to me
GGsLive: I see you're a headbutt enjoyer now. Makes me proud
GGsLive: Honda has zero options against throw loops too. Just gotta hold that
tod_vom_himmel: shoot juri
tod_vom_himmel: into space
ManWithTheMask13: bang bang
tod_vom_himmel: lucas?
saucemaster5000: let's shoot every char and make everyone miserable
tod_vom_himmel: bottom tier lucas?
can't, her foot pics are what's keeping Capcom solvent
ManWithTheMask13: I just remembered that I have a cliff bar in my backpack we've never been more back
ManWithTheMask13: yessir, crunch peanut butter reporting for duty
saucemaster5000: gimme your cliff bar
ManWithTheMask13: nu uh
saucemaster5000: but I want it
saucemaster5000: what did you do to deserve it?
ManWithTheMask13: woke up this morning
saucemaster5000: fuck
ManWithTheMask13: it's ok Sauce I'll get you big cookie from this place by me
ManWithTheMask13: LMAO the timing
ManWithTheMask13: Cynthia's fuckin gaming
used to love that arcade
ManWithTheMask13: the goat
saucemaster5000: honda man
ManWithTheMask13: He's simply the best
lightfut: Sandu-blastu
tod_vom_himmel: heehee hoohoo spotted
tod_vom_himmel: nice
Strebenherz: Whst do you think of Honda so far?
ManWithTheMask13: Luke's got those buttons
saucemaster5000: blawnka
TXC2: you're looking good to me not even 3 hours in
ManWithTheMask13: dinger
Zaneysed: Fucking honest street fighter happening here
ManWithTheMask13: Playing against Blanka without a good way to chase them down is pain
saucemaster5000: this is considered a horrible match for blanka
GGsLive: headbutt beats ball
saucemaster5000: it's not just the ball, honda tricks just beat all of blanka's tricks
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 "Uhh, it says here that your Blanka ID has been expired for five months"
drizztnailo: noooo
drizztnailo: ya hate to see it
saucemaster5000: fiddlesticks
tod_vom_himmel: buff honda
drizztnailo: @tod_vom_himmel so true, comrade
drizztnailo: damn, they're good
tod_vom_himmel: its fine
saucemaster5000: lmaooooo
saucemaster5000: there was no choice
tod_vom_himmel: even to HOO
tod_vom_himmel: confirmed not old
GGsLive: HK > sumo launch
GGsLive: but jus the first hit
drizztnailo: he is beginning to believe
"hee hee" without the "hoo hoo" makes me think of Michael jackson
GGsLive: unless you have hands buff
drizztnailo: yeah hands is not a great ender most of the time i think
tod_vom_himmel: i been trying to get you to combo into it ;_;
saucemaster5000: REPENT
tod_vom_himmel: i prefer jlk its more reliable
GGsLive: jump lk crosses up too
tod_vom_himmel: oof 4 frames
drizztnailo: the frame sorcerers are out today
TXC2: 3 digit ping there
ManWithTheMask13: God, crossups are so good in this game, it's scary
GGsLive: freeze frame
saucemaster5000: yaaay
ManWithTheMask13: uh oh
TXC2: !clips
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
ManWithTheMask13: The Molasses in the wires
tod_vom_himmel: let us out
connection siiiick
saucemaster5000: neo said "no" and the frames stopped
Zaneysed: We learned honda
GGsLive: you did tons
I was waiting for the characters to talk on that freeze frame
Zaneysed: on average we learned more today than most days
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs ggs gamer, ty for the strem
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam
itira: neat stuff streamer
TXC2: !patreon
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TXC2: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
drizztnailo: ayo?
MilkInBags: let it out
TXC2: Frogs are gone
itira: finally
MilkInBags: not the huuuuuh
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (1:02 from now).
tod_vom_himmel: wait you wear pants while streaming?
Zaneysed: Wait we had to wait till now to take our pants off?
tod_vom_himmel: why?
NewtyNewts: Dang, looks like I missed the entire OOFC today. Drat.
TXC2: !events
TXC2: NewtyNewts sadly yes, but the VOD is there for you
tod_vom_himmel: newt you missed 3 hours of gods most perfect character
tod_vom_himmel: byeee
TXC2: happy new year Adam
ManWithTheMask13: Catch you on the streets, gamer
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TXC2: Goodnight everybody
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