RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: Gold!
RockPusher buys Glod a beer
hey nerds!!!
RockPusher: Nerds‽ Here‽
Voldiren subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Voldiren! (Today's storm count: 15)
Juliamon: I'm cold, can we warm these points up a little?
TheMerricat: Layers!
JadedCynic: If you're cold, they're cold; bring these checkpoints in!
GapFiller: !picnic
RockPusher: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
DeM0nFiRe: Todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Mollylele: todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
GapFiller: also the human vocal range isnt wide enough for the full effect
RockPusher: Deep Note Chill Point
JadedCynic: @GapFiller *average human vocal range
Bronzefinger subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 122 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Bronzefinger! (Today's storm count: 16)
GapFiller: JadedCynic imagine if one of The Crew had 5 octaves in em
So think we can conclusively prove that Chillpoint going off track is not Beej and Heather wanting to derail Paul. They just do it as a matter of existing.
actually which member of The Crew wd be most likely to have a 5 octave rang?
JadedCynic: if we were to get Annie Lennox, or maybe bring Freddie Mercury back...maybe...but the average person, yeahnah
DoodlestheGreat: Gotta fill time.
Heather full chaos gremlin today
GapFiller: fantastic
JadedCynic: @TheMerricat not a conscious effort but instinct; non culpable
DoodlestheGreat: It's very Napoleanic.
jacqui_lantern234: @GapFiller jacob, but 5 octaves means you gotta sing deeper than a bass's typical lowest note and higher than a soprano's highest
Juliamon: Guilty until proven innocent
People lying on the Internet‽
ashenveyll subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ashenveyll! (Today's storm count: 17)
JadedCynic: but that would require conscious effort, and the Alphabet Companies never wanna do *THAT* *unamused emoji*
jacqui_lantern234: no comment about the youtuber
RockPusher: … are we sure this isn't SexPoint?
Good on Nintendo for using Proton
jacqui_lantern234: that sounds totally legit (/sarcasm)
accountmadeforants: Unless you turn on encryption, which is why they presumably saw it the second time around.
accountmadeforants: *the sender turns on encryption
ThingsOnMyStream subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
ThingsOnMyStream: Chill those points!
Thanks for subscribing, ThingsOnMyStream! (Today's storm count: 18)
oh hey paul
ThingsOnMyStream hai Paul
Juliamon: oh, *hi* Paul
RockPusher: The subs are coming from outside the Moonbase‽
GapFiller: RockPusher Beej oughta follow James example and drag Paul oncamera
Juliamon: Certain notably aggressive companies
seepete: Russian ears are sensitive
ThingsOnMyStream: Don't DEmonetize, better to MEmonetize
GapFiller: case in point Melody Cafe is iirc rarely yt archived for this reason
JadedCynic: "we don't want you to profit off of this, but it's simpler to simply sieze the profit and give it to whom we feel it actually belongs"
GapFiller: speaking of which Melody Cafe tmrw!
accountmadeforants: But yeah, YouTube should at least require all the usual anti-domain-spoofing features for e-mails. This kind of thing isn't hard. If they don't own their domain, they probably don't have copyrights either.
RockPusher: Twitch has been "fun" with the BGC mutes recently
GapFiller: see also Nintendo fan ROM's
Mollylele: noticeable chunks of the Cam&Ian vod got muted?? w2g Twitch
JadedCynic: automated systems are notorious for not working properly (we never hear about the false negatives which remain inside the IP 'content mercernary's system)
GapFiller: Mollylele something something John Cage
Juliamon: Mollylele it's the fire, it's always the fire
Mollylele known problem with fire crackle
TheWooglie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 104 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheWooglie! (Today's storm count: 19)
Juliamon: It didn't mute the *entire* year's worth of the marathon
TheMerricat: There used to be, I don't know if there still is, but there used to be scammers that just uploaded masses of 'sound effects' to claim anyone's video that had anything that sounded similar.
RockPusher: last couple years (including this year) we haven't actually had audio on the fire
jacqui_lantern234: that condition i have?
RockPusher: for presumably exactly this reason
i literally do that
RockPusher: LRR have better sponsers than Audible
ShaneLeeAtk: We're delightful
Juliamon: Don't give Audible free sponsorships
accountmadeforants: You can only talk about your real sponsors. Like RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS
korvys: This stream sponsered by Tingle
BTownMC: yeah, not like that NIKE sponsoship LRR has
ThorSokar: make them pay you first!
@ShaneLeeAtk i wouldnt go that far
JadedCynic: I mean, there's the issue with YouTube's "Safe Harbor" provision - they aren't liable for the defamation, IP theft, etc that their users engage in. The rationalization is that - unlike a newspaper publisher - YouTube doesn't ACTIVELY CURATE (edit, etc) the content used. YT says no one monitors things but 'The Algorthim' does it, and because it's run on its own for so long, it's a black box they cannot control.
BTownMC: i want to be sponsored by Tinder
TheWooglie: except in Qwerpline
Gadora: Good talk.
RockPusher: This weeks CheckPoint is [REDACTED]
GlennSeto: Secret Checkpoint confirmed!
JadedCynic: c'est bon!
j_crane330: end of year stuff
@RockPusher not even redacted - you can't redact something that never happened
ThingsOnMyStream: Top 10 chillest points
Juliamon: It doesn't technically exist yet
korvys: It's Sonic's 30th anniversary, that's pretty big
GapFiller: Year End listicles are basically like Xmas candy anyway
j_crane330: no
GapFiller: same nutritional value at least
GlennSeto: That's not faulty memory, just wishful thinking.
richard_ermen: The future was 1989.
TheMerricat: "in the year 2525... when man was still.. "
Juliamon: you'll get there, and then you'll BE there
accountmadeforants: Please aggregate Chillpoint stats into a single page for our pleasure(?). How many hours spent talking about Sonic, number of tangents, etc.
Invitare: Under Eternalism, the future has already happened
richard_ermen: We're post-future right now.
JadedCynic: @GlennSeto depends on if it is deliberate or accidental
ShaneLeeAtk: Nope. 2000 jilted my future hopes
TheMerricat: "In the year 2525, if man is still alive If woman can survive, they may find In the year 3535 Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie Everything you think, do and say Is in the pill you took today In the year 4545...."
GapFiller: depends on yr concept of time Beej; for some cultures the past is in front of you cz its visible whereas the future is behind you cz it cannot be seen
Juliamon: anyway, how about that War Thunder
accountmadeforants: Terry Pratchett
accountmadeforants: On how Trolls see time
BTownMC: you cant change the past, but you can change what your future is
JadedCynic: linear temporal existence...weird stuff man
@Juliamon which one?
JadedCynic: radar manual
GapFiller: Days Since Last X
ThorSokar: Yea, there were 2 or 3 separate leaks to the War Thunder forums over the last couple weeks
accountmadeforants: “Alone of all the creatures in the world, trolls believe that all living things go through Time backwards. 'If the past is visible and the future is hidden,' they say, 'then it means you must be facing the wrong way. Everything alive is going through life back to front.”
that's all we have to say on it: it happened again.
SquareDotCube: You were just two streams away from beating Fallout
DoodlestheGreat: You played Sakuna? Did you watch the anime for it this past Summer?
TheMerricat: What were your opinions on the story of SR3 vs 4?
Beej playing the Saints Row games backwards, watching them get less unhinged
ANeMzero: The Solid Saint Simulatioon
@RockPusher I've got bad news for you, even #2 was pretty up there, but yeah #1 is a HUGE drop to 'deadpan'
accountmadeforants: This does give you the opportunity to yell "This isn't like the simulations!" whenever you want
where is Shin Chan on GOTY rankings Beej?
GapFiller: based on that one stream
PharaohOfAtlantis: I can't stay but just wanted to stop in and say hi!
JadedCynic: I mean, I played FO76 a lot in 2020 due to Quarantine; I came back this year to play with friends after the FO tv show, and it's an MMO, so... I would say "I played a lot of-"
Morrigan9: or rupees
@JadedCynic One was them trying to ape GTA and not realizing they were over the top, two was them waking up to the idea that being 'crazy wacky!' was better than being gritty dark brown and grim the way the GTA's were going at the time, and then 3 and 4 were them just loosening the tie around their neck a bit more and finally taking it off and embracing the cocaine high.
richard_ermen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Thanks for subscribing, richard_ermen! (Today's storm count: 20)
I like how this episode of Chilépoint at years end feels like a throwback with the old background
richard_ermen I love, love we have a photo of a wall from 3 moonbases ago
LordZarano: !prime energy
SquareDotCube: Quite a bit of the final boss is binding and pulling on things for Link and echoes to attack
KV1NN4: i'm a wizard... (i'm not late I'm showing up when i was meant to >.>; )
Joecool190: there link's awakening remake too
SquareDotCube: the scrolls from the sleepfighting dojo prolongs the swordfighter mode
ThingsOnMyStream: You hear about it from various NPC's in the game, but it would be neat to have a DLC prequel showing Link's pre-capture adventure.
Sethalidos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Sethalidos! (Today's storm count: 21)
richard_ermen: @RockPusher Weee ^_^
EvilBadman: Oh good I was gonna ask if you got Kiwami yet
KV1NN4: Agent Carter was worth it tho
Don't worry, Agents of Shield basically got excised from cannon anyway
RockPusher: *canon
TheMerricat: Bug or game design?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Can that happen in Pokemon too?
Bruceski: Earthbound kinda has something like that. Ness gets a strong stat boost as a level up near the end of the game, but if you've hit 99 before that it can't trigger. Granted if you're 99 you don't need it but still...
RockPusher: Cat Game! Cat Game!
mtvcdm: hello
RockPusher has the Fangamer Stray pin
RockPusher: and some sticker
RockPusher: s
RockPusher got the "meow x times" achievement before getting the finish tutorial achievement
TheMerricat: Running from the garbage eaters.
RockPusher: Game has meow button 10.10
RockPusher: 10/10
nciphr: My partner loves looking at the cat but hates seeing it get hurt
DoodlestheGreat: At Least They Tried.
mtvcdm: This Way Madness Lies was... a waste of a neat concept
Juliamon: My sister had a much better time with Little Kitty Big City because there was much less "kitty getting hurt"
nciphr: Technically???
adept_nekomancer: Can become wheel of cheese. 10/10 would cheese again.
Cptasparagus: wheeler is playing it right nwo
GapFiller: adept_nekomancer still sad Heather didnt beat that sidequest by farting at the genie
TheAwkes: I always feel the need to roll a Charismatic Rogue in the BG3 lineage of games to leave the most content possible open to me.
jadielady subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
Thanks for subscribing, jadielady! (Today's storm count: 22)
How is it that every RPG game I play, regardless of system, regardless of genre, regardless of setting, I'm a stealth archer mage?
Sethalidos: Honour Mode
RockPusher: Just a little save scumming, as a treat
Stormgod519 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 207 in the channel!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to joinempiretoday!
Thanks for the gift, Stormgod519! Welcome to joinempiretoday! (Today's storm count: 23)
Stormgod519: hi everyone
mtvcdm: Pyre, NBA Jam with a fantasy trapping
Invitare: weird sport game
mtvcdm: The sports bit is fine by me but then my tastes can be very different from Heather's.
Invitare: It went: Bastion > Transistor > Pyre > Hades
mtvcdm: I kept seeing all the 'this is the sports thing they're trying to emulate' in Pyre
Invitare: have you tried Transistor, Heather?
Invitare: It's a lot more like Hades
Invitare: but a pseudo-turnbased thing
gibbousm: which game?
mtvcdm: I think Showtime left a fair amount of meat on the bone.
LathosTiran: the kuribo show from SMB3
wolgo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Thanks for subscribing, wolgo! (Today's storm count: 24)
mtvcdm: They could have doubled Showtime's length with combo levels.
137 raiders from benjamin_wheeler have joined!
warkr0: Everyone wants to sleep with benjamin_wheeler
7_hearth: hello!
mtvcdm: Hi Rodeo!
hey rodeo!!!
jacqui_lantern234: my hot take on SMRPG is that Mallow is better than Geno
AFamiliarCalledEl: same tbh
jessicaengle: Hello raiders
jacqui_lantern234: overrated character, tbh
mtvcdm: Because here's a doll with a GUN
mtvcdm: Mallow got jobbed
DoodlestheGreat: Rodeo-do-do.
7_hearth: he’ll be there for paper fight
mtvcdm: Ah yes
mtvcdm: You should leave a note in Wheeler's cubby telling him to pick up the mail in his cubby
Laserbeaks_Fury: lol
mtvcdm: You can make me do the duck walk!
RubikDarkwill: So Persona 1 & 2
TheAwkes: A decade or two of quality of life and general design improvements makes a hell of a difference.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah Arzette captures the energy of those games , but still be an actually good game.
jacqui_lantern234: i dont want anyone to play the zelda cdi games, but i do sincerely love them
mtvcdm: One is just cute
NapalmSideburns: little kitty big city was cute and fun
Laserbeaks_Fury: More upbeat
jessicaengle: A game with no conflict is the game for me.
jessicaengle: Safety first.
RockPusher: PPE is important
mtvcdm: kitty needs to be safe!
gibbousm: Noms?
mtvcdm: Romancelvania needed a bit more time in the oven but I think the dev probably ran out of money and was forced to ship.
Mr_Dirty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Dirty! (Today's storm count: 25)
Juliamon: Elle was something, yeah
mtvcdm: Elle was fun until the moment she wasn't
mtvcdm: Vess was cool
mtvcdm: The later characters didn't get a whole lot of time to establish themselves.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I seemed like it had some cross genre humor
Bruceski: On the list of "games where you can date a horny gorgon" though it ranks... well there's still probably a few dozen of those knowing dating sims.
RockPusher: Flappy Bird
gibbousm: pretty much all those issues are resolved in 2
mtvcdm: More de-duck-tions!
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah more game like Duck Detective and Golden Idol please
HeirSquared: Oh have you played Frog Detective?
RockPusher: Duck Detective knows what it is
Laserbeaks_Fury: Also a very noir set-up
jpost042: the game was great, except the very end
Bionull: I think I walked in on the last 5 seconds of this on a stream
mtvcdm: I think it was whether to trigger three separate yes/no ending flags that popped up in whatever combination you flagged.
RockPusher: They're hard-boiled, see
mtvcdm: Jordan Hinkleman had a good reason
jpost042: dedicated quack button is great
Cptasparagus: it just keeps getting better
Cptasparagus: 4 has starcraft in it
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh Pathless looked fun
Laserbeaks_Fury: it's like all the open world exploration and less combat
McBannin: been sitting in my steam library and watched speedruns, but haven't played. Very cool though
accountmadeforants: You can also pet the bird
Bionull: Is it in your hand or the bush?
richard_ermen: "Have a Bird" sounds like a fly album title.
McBannin: watching the gamplay, it was archer sonic the hedgehog with exploration
mtvcdm: You are going places.... there's just a lot of running
JadedCynic: oh man I HATE it when that happens!
mtvcdm: I wonder if the game could have done with a little *less* open world and condensed the bits a bit better.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I think it wanted to be open like BotW
McBannin: get the gems bentley bear!
JadedCynic: thank you
mtvcdm: It spends much of the game quite cryptic.
mtvcdm: Cryptic, but 'this guy bad'.
Laserbeaks_Fury: More like you are reversing SotC
fix what someone else has broken
mtvcdm: bloop
SocraticMethod: Ding
GapFiller: oooh updates
accountmadeforants: Yeah, Sonic always feels like it puts way too much in your way
Laserbeaks_Fury: "oops, you found the track, but you went the wrong way"
Redbassist: The Pathless is a game by Giant Squid game company who created the game Abzû
no conservation of energy (bounce or deform what you hit - temporarily) just STOP
mtvcdm: Plucky Squire was neat
Cptasparagus: you hit a wall, and then its your 30th anniversary
GapFiller: not that James Turner
kanarde subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Thanks for subscribing, kanarde! (Today's storm count: 26)
JadedCynic: #NotThatJamesTurner
GapFiller: or that one or the other one
GapFiller: the other other James Turner
accountmadeforants: They should've gone way harder in the Scribblenauts direction.
gibbousm: I enjoyed the game, but it felt like the concept was underutilized
Cptasparagus: James Page Turner
EvilBadman subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
EvilBadman: Thought I ended my prime trial but it let me push the button...for free? I dunno. Bank error in your favour, I guess.
Thanks for subscribing, EvilBadman! (Today's storm count: 27)
Coloneljesus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months, currently on a 25 month streak!
Coloneljesus: happy new year etc.
Thanks for subscribing, Coloneljesus! (Today's storm count: 28)
Laserbeaks_Fury: As opposed to Asgore where it forces you to fight despite the entirety of the rest of the game
accountmadeforants: I missed the name of this game, but I recognize the description. This was for the DS, no?
mtvcdm: GOTY Astro Bot
accountmadeforants: (Okay, yeah, went back to the VOD. It was indeed Retro Game Challenge for the DS. That game was a lot of fun.)
mtvcdm: Astro Bot was the GOTY I think people needed. Just... joy.
mtvcdm: !crossover
LRRbot: This is nothing Blinx the Time Sweeper couldn't handle.
EvilBadman: Astrobot is going to be my Alan Wake 2 where I play it in January and go "Oh this totally last years GOTY for me."
mtvcdm: Thirsty Suitors kinda did some genre changes too, a bit.
gibbousm: yes, it is nostalgia bait, but from what I've heard it is still just a good game. It wouldn't have as many eyes on it without the nostalgia bait
PMAvers: Ah, so it's a Ultrakill-like. *nod nod nod*
JadedCynic: simple
SamsSkunkworks: not just any alien, a big GREEN alien, i wonder what that's supposed to represent...
mtvcdm: It's Spooky Scary Skeletons
JadedCynic: it's like a company's vision statement doesn't HAVE to be complex (and in fact should NOT)
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's like something that came along and tore everyone's friend groups apart and forced them to isolate for a period of time
niccus: clive finalfantasy is now jokerfied
mtvcdm: Astro Bot was a statement that you don't need to be some hundred-hour super-hard soulslike with a game world larger than the Earth's surface to be a Good Game.
Decaped: Yeah, you can get by on good jumping and nostalgia.
mtvcdm: A game doesn't have to kick your ass as its basic relationship with you in order to be fun.
EvilBadman: I am slightly put off by Just McElroy being so against it being GOTY because "it's marketing the game"
mtvcdm: Earthbound is less weird, somehow
Decaped: my 2025 goal is to play fewer 100 hour JRPGs
EvilBadman: @decaped Should be easy after 2024's flood of them
mtvcdm: Another Crab's Treasure
mtvcdm: This Way Madness Lies was so disappointing
niccus: ah a Zeboyd game
mtvcdm: sure
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're checking out Angels 4-Player Cube! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (57m from now).
mtvcdm: 6 hours of burning things
PMAvers: "A normal Thursday night."
Decaped: new gooball game is a wild ride
I can't beleive you quit little inferno after you just finished the tutorial
mtvcdm: Oh no, we burned the bricks
KV1NN4: Little Inferno is about Capitalism instea dof depression (liek Another Crab's Treasure)
RockPusher: Sometimes you just want a good cry, Beej
Indie game that is about depression? Egads! Such rarity
Morrigan9: i understand this
accountmadeforants: I get you Beej (though I went the other way with my decision)
SquareDotCube: Or maybe... the Switch...
As someone who owns 3 copies of each Shadowrun games - I get that
accountmadeforants: That Shadowrun PiF (did we call them PiFs back then?) was a lot of fun
PMAvers: I am so glad that Harebraned got out of Paradox, how hard they got hosed by them in regards to Lamplighter's League... hurt.
GapFiller: odd tangent which gives me a certain insight empathy into Beejs position here: musician singer friend of mine has never smoked in his life but for every gig insists on being within ten feet of a place to smoke at all times
PMAvers: *Harebrained
RockPusher: "Oooer, 80% off… yeah, but am I going to play it *right now*?"
richard_ermen: These days the only reason I buy games again and not necessarily as a deal is because their multiplayer is incompatible across platforms and I want to play it with friends NOW.
accountmadeforants: does the same thing for PC games, which is fantastic
Juliamon: accountmadeforants HK was a PiF, yes
accountmadeforants: That's how I ended up waiting for Sakuna, since I realized it goes on sale every 20 days or so
Juliamon: Dragonfall was Backlog
accountmadeforants: Axiom Verge 1 is great, finally a true Metroidlike instead of a Metroidvania.
accountmadeforants: I also own Axiom Verge 2 but have not played it yet...
Marvoleath: @Juliamon what does PiF stand for?
GapFiller: Play It Forward
LordZarano: @accountmadeforants I was just about to mention ITAD too. Their lists of bundles and giveaways are really handy too
Marvoleath: ah, duh, thanks
richard_ermen: Sundered looked amazing, but I somehow stopped about partway through and never felt I wanted to return which is kinda sad
@Juliamon Ah, between this and the Dragonfall tidbit, I'm glad either answer I would've given was correct
accountmadeforants: @LordZarano Yup, seeing "X game is part of Y bundle" is super convenient
Crispy042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 94 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Crispy042! (Today's storm count: 29)
richard_ermen: A....a Three Kingdoms version? That's...certainly a setting to beat people up
SquareDotCube: You've played RCR, or at least was in the same room as Ian when it was streamed
GapFiller: SquareDotCube being physically present while somebody else plays a game isnt really the same as playing it yrsln
EvilBadman: Az and I gotta finish River City Girls 2
LRRbot: Alora, Merry Thief [2U] | Legendary Creature — Halfling Rogue [3/2] | Whenever you attack, up to one target attacking creature can't be blocked this turn. Return that creature to its owner's hand at the beginning of the next end step. / Choose a Background
Juliamon: !cardview off
LRRbot: Card viewer disabled
EvilBadman: Sekrits
Lord_Hosk: Thats a lot of games
GhostValv: threeroll?
mtvcdm: You made it, your rules
Lord_Hosk: So in your head, are these all games that you think you will get around to playing? or are they games that you would like to have? Im not trying to be judgy im just curious what your own headspace is
EvilBadman: I just opened a backloggd account to track and one of their statuses is "done with a game that doesn't have an end or credits roll"
PMAvers: I mean... probably?
SnackPak_: dang
GhostValv: D:
Decaped: gauntlet thrown
niccus: you absolutely would
EvilBadman: It's MegaMan Battle Network, if you played those
EvilBadman: One Step, I mean
richard_ermen: It's a hunter gatherer thing, isn't it? Humans collect stuff, because of wants and desires, so its natural to want, even if we cant do the thing with it, like playing it with it with videogames.
gibbousm: I don't know if Ubisoft will still exist by this time next year
RubikDarkwill: The reason I'm not going to be playing so many Sony games now
Juliamon: "Some day they will relent and remove that restriction, I hope"
Decaped: You will enjoy the puns a second time.
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're checking out Angels 4-Player Cube! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (29m from now).
accountmadeforants: Aw dang, I really liked the Oracle games
LostThePirate: There was an excellent fan remake of Zelda II that does all that - the enhanced pc port.
SnackPak_: whats for dinner?
accountmadeforants: Will you answer this?
DoodlestheGreat: Anime rundown soon?
Coloneljesus: champagne or beer for new years?
GapFiller: WHY???
GhostValv: what's a good question?
SquareDotCube: Will Beej finish Fallout?
richard_ermen: lol
richard_ermen: After Shadowrun, did Beej or Heather ever consider going for Pathfinder Games on LetsPlayItForward?
Firewhiskers: Will Agatha Fisty ever return?
GapFiller: oh thought of an important question: will there be a Tinglechu nxt year?
richard_ermen: Will New Years Eve include a Beejdrop?
GapFiller: since there wasnt one this year
Mollylele: ty for stream
GapFiller: !store
Juliamon: too late, 10 seconds passed
Mollylele: !badadvice
LRRbot: Go to the subreddit.
RockPusher: Help Beej empty out the warehouse, buy DVDs!
GapFiller: !patreon
richard_ermen: Thankyou for doing a chillpoint ^^ Have a good one =)
accountmadeforants: Thanks for the stream!
RubikDarkwill: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
GapFiller: !bluesky
GapFiller: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Mollylele: !quote id 8280
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
DoodlestheGreat: >_<
Mollylele: !quote 8280
LRRbot: Quote #8280: "Heather was correct." —Jacob [2022-10-16]
Aceviru: I don't like any socials
Aceviru: Give me email updates
LordZarano: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
TheAwkes: Jack Twitter's Twitter Two is a service that you can use.
Juliamon: We even have the Paypal in there
I've never been on any of the Twitter-likes (including Twitter), therefore I get to feel even more smug about it (But seriously, just use whatever your friends are on, I don't care. I have WhatsApp because of my family, I have no leg to stand on.)
Aceviru: I'm glad you're here!
Juliamon: Timing subject to change
LilyOfTheVeil666: It's Live, so something's going to happen!
RockPusher: The annual muted stream!
DoodlestheGreat: If it's longer, it can be from the longer highlghts reel.
accountmadeforants: Something's going to happen, therefore, it will be live. Q.E.D.
GapFiller: as ever caveat re vods
DoodlestheGreat: You tried so hard, and you fell so far.
SnackPak_: sure it is...
Aceviru: lol
Bruceski: Is Q&A after that or another night?
Juliamon: Following week
After that we switch over to the 5-hour cutscene directed by Hideo Kojima
DoodlestheGreat: Well, there's always a follow-up afterwards.
abslomdaak42: I saw that finale is gonna be two parts like a mile away
PMAvers: Oh wow James actually updated the schedule for next week
Juliamon: Use the Google Calendar to make sure you catch everything
Juliamon: Add it to your calendar! It's super useful!
DoodlestheGreat: Maybe. :tf:
accountmadeforants: The calendar is very useful, yeah
niccus: Several cutscenes will play in sequence.
Juliamon: Some people are still waiting for Let's Nope to start
100 Thank God its Wednesday! ("its Friday") uh oh wrong pills *hairy* er little help!?
Coloneljesus: nicely filled that gap
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
questionablchoices: thanks
GapFiller: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're checking out Angels 4-Player Cube! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (15m from now).
Aceviru: o/
Mollylele: "here's all the credits I intend to see this year"
mtvcdm: Gopey!
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: an undead cat
ihlendrax: Oh good.
Welbog: !advice
LRRbot: Open ports 1 through 65535.
Welbog: Oh god no
micalovits: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: 35 grams of ant candy
micalovits: Ant candy? Is that just sugar?
Juliamon: It's candied ants
micalovits: Oh
Juliamon: it's from a Mail Time
RockPusher: mmmm formic acid
micalovits: That... Makes sense
RockPusher: Lick the myr
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