accountmadeforants: Oh hell, AGDQ next week, it truly is going to be a new year.
TXC2: Hello Everybody
LoadingReadyRun: good morning
NotSoShorter1234: morning from MN
Pseudonym_Ken subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Pseudonym_Ken! (Today's storm count: 1)
thecrownjules_: Happy Ben o’clock
NotSoShorter1234: never played team fight tactics as a card game I’m excited to see some game play
HungryTanuki: Hey stream !
TXC2: here we GO!
invalidCards subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
Thanks for subscribing, invalidCards! (Today's storm count: 2)
TXC2: Hello Wheeler
TXC2: away, it go away
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
TXC2: congrats Wheeler
avjamethyst: oh, congratulations
HungryTanuki: Congrats !
KingfisherGames: Hey Wheeler! That Lord of the Rings cube I was mentioning a few months back is well on its way. Have probably 25 non-basics to grab and still need swamps and islands.
at plat we hit other streamers
KingfisherGames: Because I'm only using the map arts from the LOTR lands.
invalidCards: the real Lebron James?
jabisbad: it's constantly happening to me, don't knwo why
TXC2: the holiday grundel
HungryTanuki: It's going well ^^
ShaneLeeAtk: The Liminal Time
TXC2: the champion of the universe
invalidCards: it is a little
TheWooglie: it was live last night
TheWooglie: and Paul was off sick
TXC2: Live wasn't in this office, not that that would stop live
TheWooglie: @TXC2 good point, but I assume live just breaks everything
TXC2: TheWooglie a fair assumption
Sentinel visionary? so we call this deck Boilvar trask?
TXC2: (x-men joke)
dm818: I got the reference
TXC2: I like to include people in my jokes
KingfisherGames: Also he's... a fascist?
BorgarWithAShotgun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 20 month streak!
BorgarWithAShotgun: wohoo
Thanks for subscribing, BorgarWithAShotgun! (Today's storm count: 3)
KingfisherGames: I dont know I just got back to hearing trask get mentioned.
NotSoShorter1234: is anyone else in the office today or will this be a full solo stream?
TXC2: Wheeler is often alone during these streams
TXC2: one special day we had juniper here
invalidCards: I can yell at you if you want
invalidCards: All good
avjamethyst: I could hop on discord if you need some impromptu encouragement
invalidCards: I'll yell at someone else then
Hi friends! I've come to watch a game I completely do not understand and be entertained anyway
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
invalidCards: @RandomTrivia welcome to the club
TXC2: and then some times the chess pieces fusion dance and you get a bigger chess piece
slandernlies: I am a MtG but I watched Arcane the other day, is this game easy to pick up? It looks complicated 😭
slandernlies: *MtG player
dimeadozent subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
Thanks for subscribing, dimeadozent! (Today's storm count: 4)
GreatGodOm: If we are doing visionaries, why not buy the nunus?
PatronSaintOfUncertainty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
Thanks for subscribing, PatronSaintOfUncertainty! (Today's storm count: 5)
TXC2: slandernlies it seems to me the basic premise is simple-ish, but figuring out the nuances is a TALL order
andy1503 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Thanks for subscribing, andy1503! (Today's storm count: 6)
megaflycraft subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months, currently on a 90 month streak!
megaflycraft: That was not my card
Thanks for subscribing, megaflycraft! (Today's storm count: 7)
slandernlies: @txc2 Yeah, I feel like I would struggle to even recognise what synergises well beyond just picking typal stuff?
NotSoShorter1234: do you still do commander deck list checks on your home channel? I have a pet deck that I love but after bans I haven’t been able to play it and I’m not sure what to do with the list post ban other than net decking.
NotSoShorter1234: also the deck has far to many points cards to function as a Canadian Highlander list but I would love to make one some day
thraximore: climbing the ranks
Diabore: 15k renata, nbd
Diabore: its been a while since ive played but spark might not have been bad either, more damage output
HungryTanuki: The bm
Diabore: its your body double
TXC2: in spite of the horrors, we persist
Gekyouryuu: Lebron James Turner
invalidCards: o7
NotSoShorter1234: that was awesome
Diabore: builds character
NotSoShorter1234: is this always a draft format or are you just really into them right now
Diabore: carousel wednesday my dudes
TXC2: Diabore ahhhhhh
TXC2: the pod be trundlin'
HungryTanuki: Beeg bomba !
lightfut: Big stretch!
TXC2: big stretch
HungryTanuki: Biiiig strech
my puppies loved your big stretch
Happy new years chat.
TXC2: hello MIKI_DK welcome
vinopinguino: damn ambessa was getting sturdy with it
Everytime you say Embesa I'm hearing "Umbasa"
HungryTanuki: Ambesa ^^
MIKI_DK: We will never know
I'm just obsssed with DS games
TXC2: Embesa, Umbosa, ooh I'm gonna floss ya
vinopinguino: get wrecked scrub
ForOhForError: money drafter
Diabore: they have earned the ire of benny wheels
NotSoShorter1234: Bermudan, Bahamian, come on pretty momma @txc2
PMAvers: Big! Stretch!
vinopinguino: yeah no more working out
MIKI_DK: Well holiday food is a killer. Delicious though
lightfut: Why can't I stop trying to be healthy and just be healthy instead
big mood, my 35 year old stomuch can't handle this much meat and fat this season brings
NotSoShorter1234: how many rounds till level 7?
vinopinguino: mmmbopssa
TXC2: aim for top 4?
BlindPathfinder: this game remains incomprehensible to me. Tooo many moving things doing stuff
FurthestChunk: my issue is that i have never played an autobattler so it's really just, i don't know what's going on really
lilford_the_legend: vampire survivors
FurthestChunk: i also haven't played league
FurthestChunk: i also have the attention span of a golden retriever
TXC2: you build the best hand like you do in bridge
BlindPathfinder: i think its more how much information one needs to parse at once i just get decison paralasis in teamfight tactics. all the pieces look so diffrent
Invitare: it's like 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel, but only the chess part
TXC2: also if you don't play this game, you're not gonna know what all the keywords mean, what all the items do etc
FurthestChunk: this is nothing to me, man
Invitare: you're Schrodinger's Player
FurthestChunk: also i just tabbed in to see someone bust out the unlimited blade works
TXC2: "this means nothing to me, ahhhh Vienna!"
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
FurthestChunk: i was pushing mid with mansa musa before y'all became a type one civilisation
BlindPathfinder: adds are my least favorite kind of information, well maybe just behind propaganda.
Bruceski: I think it might be a disconnect between "readability when playing" and "readability if you just drop into a stream". Some games are easier to catch up with what's going on.
TXC2: and we're back
FurthestChunk: yeah i may or may not be tabbing between the stream and cookie clicker
invalidCards: hwuh
m055_: needs more words
TXC2: sounds expensive
m055_: oh we slamming chem barons?
BlindPathfinder I put it to you that, psychologically, ads are the same as propaganda
invalidCards: So are we
Diabore: emblem and force ahhhhh
TXC2: chat talks? the horror
BlindPathfinder: they are buuut i begrudge selling ideology more than attempting to sell stuff buut i get there is a loooot of overlap
TXC2: sounds believable Wheeler
smelloscope: it used to be you couldn't have Riot in your name without working for them. but I haven't logged into league for years
Diabore: uh oh koggies
HungryTanuki: Koggies my poggies
Diabore: i always feel i build it wrong
Diabore: but also i havent tried to build it since i found out jewelled fist is actual dogs water on it
invalidCards: the D-tier choice
theGuidingLark: ur gottem
Diabore: even i know thats a choice to make
TXC2: arcane the game the musical the ride
Diabore: or the 5 star from a few sets ago, depends where your knowledge comes from
theGuidingLark: oh you mean the crossover game with the ruined king and bandle tales rpg's?
HungryTanuki: Spoilers D:
Diabore: do we wanna roll darius too?
jabisbad: every time I see Kog-Scar in the meta thing I think it's a CEDH deck
TXC2: fambily
Diabore: they dont have enough family though
adamshandy: archangels on kog?
Diabore: i hope bazaar is open beta by february, i want to see all im doing wrong by watching tou
Diabore: you*
adamshandy: shojin on kog is like a really bad guinsoo
Diabore: we can nash on kog?
Diabore: EGG
HungryTanuki: E G G
RandomTrivia: Did somebody say E G G?
HungryTanuki: Muted !
jabisbad: when's it worth to go below 50 gold for rolls/levels etc?
HungryTanuki: Nevermind, Im' dumb
HungryTanuki: Top 4 !
invalidCards: Officially gaming
TXC2: maybe they think she's as good here as in the main game ?
Shadymarlon: bt arach angels , arch angles with lone hero augent
tctrain: and mage armor anomaly
dm818: Is lux good in base league right now?
I don't lol, so I just base this knowledge i pull from my ass mostly
invalidCards: rip
PMAvers: Depends on the rank, but you could probably easily one-trick Lux and do fine.
smelloscope: oh did they change it so first fight finished doesnt determine the standing now?
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
dm818: @PMAvers That was what I did in season 2
PMAvers: Like, since mage bot's are good right now, you could play her either as a bot carry or "support".
TXC2: and we're back
TXC2: !findquote learn
LRRbot: Quote #4251: "So either pull harder, or cut it off, is what we're learning today." —Paul [2017-06-05]
dm818: We learn the value of friendship
PMAvers: Quick, chat, start jangling keys
TXC2: how is Friendship doing on the NASDAQ?
invalidCards: thanks sevika very cool
30teracyte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 112 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 30teracyte! (Today's storm count: 8)
vinewood_og subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Thanks for subscribing, vinewood_og! (Today's storm count: 9)
Redundacy: wheeler loves his academy
trebuchetboy: Now we just need to draft artifacts and we can get 1st easy
invalidCards: let's go mono brown
Diabore: whats on offer from the academy this game?
Diabore: ez carries a deathblade fine
adamshandy: I just had IE + 2 tank items. I double IEd Ezreal and it wasn't good
TXC2: LRR is full of giants
Lupus2253 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Lupus2253! (Today's storm count: 10)
LiveFaust: People do that with their children.
LiveFaust: "Being Your Mouse To Work Day"
LiveFaust: *Bring
trebuchetboy: @LiveFaust Minor spelling error
LiveFaust: Yeah. Womp womp.
TXC2: be the mouse you wish to see in the streaming office
trebuchetboy: We'll get em next time champ
LiveFaust: Umm... For our right to party?
mcham86: locket swain
smelloscope: Important question, what should I have for lunch?
1 raiders from McGurganatorZX have joined!
TXC2: hello raiders
TXC2: !findquote lunch
LRRbot: Quote #7223: "yeah this is gonna be a two cigarette lunch." —Alex [2020-09-21]
TXC2: hmm, maybe not that lrrbot
mcham86: which one are the best locket users atm?
invalidCards: nice life total
mcham86: oh that was unispiringen
mcham86: academy is the most fun with ionic spark as sponsored item 🤣
TXC2: give me trauma ?
wolgo: School has taught me a lot of things
invalidCards: mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
jabisbad: talking about this game really has "40 pros went japan on idaho" vibes
jabisbad: kinda game Northenlion would go crazy playing
PMAvers: Until the next time it's on ITYC.
Larkonus: It has been fun, and it's nice to see how much fun you've been having with it.
legolasjca: what rank are you?
TXC2: it is, just it has high levels of "drood the ozerfronce"
invalidCards: we as an audience are simply not locked in enough
dm818: easy
Diabore: does morellos work on lux?
Diabore: oh last i knoew it was just abilities
Diabore: heimer 2 pog
TXC2: heimer will dinger as he pleases
adamshandy: you'll be glad of it when you appreciate your wrist gains
invalidCards: what is the relevance of staying above 50g
ah just like in Balatro
Diabore: yeah morello is one of malz's bis
aww_shiiup subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
Thanks for subscribing, aww_shiiup! (Today's storm count: 11)
adamshandy: aw ez got gloves for christmas
this happened last week, great run screwed by Viktor
mcham86: victor is not a good champ for the game. lost to many late gameduels of him
TXC2: "how much could one Viktor POSSIBLY cost?"
Diabore: warwick can add to a build
invalidCards: they 2 starred viktor
Diabore: youd have to be on experiments but still
invalidCards: rough
Diabore: you had it if they didnt get the 2 star
TXC2: best run of the day (so far)
Ponkaton: He had a 2 star Jayce already so no
invalidCards: ggs
Ponkaton: go on the 3 star either way
TXC2: more?
TXC2: pitties my ditties
mcham86: you can win streak family?
TXC2: win steak family = dynasty ?
TXC2: *streak
mcham86: and thats why I’m in gold and you’re not 🤣
mcham86: thank god they nerfed family… 3 person could contest and all 3 could top 4 🤣
adamshandy: Mort has said on stream that it was strong on purpose due to direction from executives
TXC2: it's the main characters of the show, so it kinda makes sense to push it
RandomTrivia: Does that make Arcane the equivalent of a card game anime?
TXC2: to be fair, that the same as WotC saying the one ring had to be strong, 'cause it's THE one ring
TXC2: RandomTrivia sure why not
maltbeverage: Yes
mcham86: nope
mcham86: they really only added silco then?
Trymantha: not a set but silco was added shortly after
maltbeverage: ah yeah that's right
mcham86: thats a family member
TXC2: Fambily!
invalidCards: ez game
mcham86: the frontline goes booom if she is build correctly
adamshandy: frontline powder is because she only even casts once of twice anyway, and it means her ult hits more units
adamshandy: it was from like 2 patches ago
accountmadeforants: Honestly, since we have Ally, I feel like Family isn't that much of a stretch for an MTG creature type either
Trymantha: sentinals + Trist is my fave build atm
accountmadeforants: I'm reading what Starry Night does and... that seems like it just wins you the game?
accountmadeforants: Unless you get it really late, I suppose
Earthenone: hopefully uncle istvan gets errated to family
accountmadeforants: @Earthenone And Mother of Runes
invalidCards: 3 star powder
adamshandy: its a first
Earthenone: brothers yamazaki too
accountmadeforants: And I guess some of the New Capenna cards
TXC2: Pia and Kiran Nallar
invalidCards: Will and Rowan as well
arbysgaming38: the space family goblinson
TXC2: arbysgaming38 we need that errata just to have name and type line up
accountmadeforants: Family Reunion should be Kindred - Family
invalidCards: That one guy still at 97 holy moly
invalidCards: welp
invalidCards: o7
BusTed: ggs
invalidCards: felt like a decent run though
TXC2: live by the family, die by the family
TXC2: thanks for streaming Wheeler
Invitare: is that Bizarre or Bazaar?
TXC2: !events
smelloscope: thanks for the lunch choice Wheeler, it was great
TXC2: !patreon
Trymantha: beca
TXC2: !store
TXC2: Invitare the later
TXC2: !ytmember
LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR:
LoadingReadyRun: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
adamshandy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
Thanks for subscribing, adamshandy! (Today's storm count: 12)
TXC2: frogs are gone
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Melody's Escape) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (2:48 from now).
Juliamon: They're not dead yet
TXC2: lets say yes Ben
Juliamon: we'll find out next week
TXC2: ringing in the year with garbage
Invitare: a pinball game involving aliens that *isn't* Metroid Prime Pinball?
PMAvers: Or releasing the magic smoke
invalidCards: waow
TXC2: !events
TXC2: nice
Gekyouryuu: aww, heck, I almost missed the end of the stream. was mention made of why this isn't on the schedule for the next few weeks?
MegaTrain: didn't see it until today, but thanks to @PharaoghBender27 for the gift sub yesterday!!
invalidCards: Take it easy Wheeler!
TXC2: Gekyouryuu Ben is off for January
Gekyouryuu: gotcha, ty
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
invalidCards: I have a feeling it's in February
Juliamon: February: is it even real
invalidCards: No one knows really
LoadingReadyRun: back with The Bazaar (99% on this) in February
TXC2: Months aren't real until April, then you think "damn, quarter of the year gone already"
Juliamon: is it really a month if it's not at least 30 days, even on leap years
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
ShaneLeeAtk: March?
PMAvers: But what about April.
4 raiders from Ruinouspathsdnd have joined!
Juliamon: Sorry raiders, just a little too late!
Ruinouspathsdnd: DAMMIT
darkmouse044: Gangnam Style Mode
Juliamon: well, the VOD's still there if you need something to watch
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