Hi friends! Lining up the path to Escape from 2024!
Metric_Furlong: *tips fedora* Melody
jessicaengle: What a show that was last night. I woke up this morning thinking for a second that it was a crazy dream I had.
jessicaengle: Well done EveryLRR.
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Melody's Escape) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (0s ago).
terribleplan: Gotta love when you load the page at just the wrong time... The channel icon says live, but the video doesn't play.
Juliamon: a lil bit quiet
nevermore913: Last night's live was definitely a thing that happened
RandomTrivia: @nevermore913 My goodness it was, and it happened to all of us
RandomTrivia: The rarely seen 3 hour Live
jessicaengle: Is the full length highlight year in review up yet?
RockPusher: jessicaengle It is!
Juliamon: As of 40-ish minutes ago
jessicaengle: ty
RockPusher: *it is sitting paused in a window over there --> *
LordZarano: Hey Twitch VOD viewers. If this VOD is muted to heck I may be able to send the leg of a boot. Message me on discord. I should warn you it'll probably be ~6GiB though
Invitare: oh yeah there was an LRL
Invitare: I should watch that
Invitare: oh wait there's Dice Friends tomorrow too
Invitare: too much to watch
jessicaengle: Make a sandwich and get a bubble water and tuck in!
Juliamon: An abundance of content
Invitare: curse your work ethic LoadingReadyRun Entertainment Network
RandomTrivia: I haven't yet watched any of NaDtD 2 OR 3 and I'm so sad that I can't enjoy the next one live
Chat... I just refilled my 16oz jar of crushed red pepper flakes from my bulk container and man are my sinuses clear.
jessicaengle: Bonus
Stormgod519: ayyyy
Stormgod519: I made it!
PharaohBender27: @TheMerricat Congrats!
terribleplan: THE weirdest part?
nevermore913: naDtD has been one of my favorite things I'm savoring season 3
Stormgod519: the opening monologue was mostly strange for me because of the mic issues
jessicaengle: James confirmed, not Paul.
Yeah we couldn't really hear the jarring nature of James doing it
Juliamon: ehhhhh
terribleplan: ADR with Paul XD
accountmadeforants: I think Ben's done the opening monologue before, as well? But I may be misremembering.
James not Paul, but James *is* James
DaxStrife: Punch James in post. Sounds good.
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor! (Today's storm count: 13)
RandomTrivia: Have Paul do his best James impression when dubbing it
jessicaengle: But the beauty of doing a live recording is the minimal post production.
Juliamon: yeah, that got people in the VOD already
jessicaengle: It be'd what it be'd.
Invitare: I understood you were doing a Paul impression
PharaohBender27: At least that BS muting of the VOD got lifted
RockPusher: Ian has been practising his Paul
RandomTrivia: Nailed the start, follow-through needs work
Stormgod519: we talk?
Juliamon: PharaohBender27 yeah, Graham appealed it and it *immediately* was removed
Stormgod519: what's that?
RockPusher: An Ephemeral Cafe
In spite of popular requests, this is still Ian
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon Yep - his Discord post is how I know!
If it fails, shoot LordZarano a message
RandomTrivia: Speaking (adjacent though it is) of VOD mutes, welcome to the stream that is just for us, Chat
PharaohBender27: ^
RockPusher: Regain. Control.
nevermore913: Yes
DaxStrife: Balance seems good.
Stormgod519: sounds good
RandomTrivia: Balance is great right now
PharaohBender27: Rhythm Cafe: The Brave New Faves edition - either see it live or do your own VCRing
adept_nekomancer: Can hear both voice and music well
accountmadeforants: A buttchaser. Or as some would call it, a 3rd person perspective.
Actually, this brings up a real question: Is Melody escaping from the players, who are chasing her?
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
Metric_Furlong: remember, no VoDs, no Masters
jessicaengle: Langoliers?
RandomTrivia: *bonk*
UpstageJMC subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
UpstageJMC: yay
Thanks for subscribing, UpstageJMC! (Today's storm count: 14)
PharaohBender27: Ouch, already hit our head
The dives are such good animations
Lysander_salamander: it's nice to have variety
RandomTrivia: Living rent-free in my head is the moment from 2 years ago, while belting out the chorus of an anime OP, Ian wiped out at the perfect time
KeytarCat: Sounds like I'll be saving Heather's playlist
TheMerricat: Better to have sad songs than sad life.
Metric_Furlong: can't blame Ian for the Jazz collection: sax sells, after all
LilyOfTheVeil666: MA-KU-ROSU
jessicaengle: Better mental health year here, very blessed tosay.
RockPusher: sad, sad, sad, sad, incredibly angry, sad
thirsty_kitteh: nyaaa :3 Cafe question: it is morning here, can I order from the breakfast menu?
Stormgod519: oh ive never seen this game live lol
jessicaengle: You can accept the sads, it takes some work but I can at least confirm the viability of it.
Lysander_salamander: I will need to look for these albums
Stormgod519: wait what?
Stormgod519: what just happened?
EricTheOrange: robotek
Stormgod519: did she die?
BurgerGamer: I had good mental health this year but my album choices very much don't reflect that
PharaohBender27: I recognized it, but then again I only know that song because of an old LoadingReadyLive where Beej used that melody to sing a fake Sailor Moon theme song
Juliamon: Stormgod519 Don't worry about it
Juliamon: Sometimes Melody just eats it
Metric_Furlong: its fine, she's wearing impact absorbing headphones
PharaohBender27: Yeah, commute driving SUCKS
RockPusher: a twisty highway with no other traffic
thirsty_kitteh: and that's why the best driving is actually just Via Rail across Canada *nods*
PharaohBender27: @RockPusher Replace "twisty" with scenic, and I'm right there with you
jessicaengle: Can I solicit anime opinions in this chat?
RockPusher: PharaohBender27 much of the twisty around here is scenic by default
Metric_Furlong: jessicaengle probably
Juliamon: A lot of twisty highways *are* scenic
At your own peril.
@jessicaengle You can. Quality is not guaranteed though
accountmadeforants: Dan Da Dan is very strong, yeah. But otherwise I can't immediately think of anything
PharaohBender27: @RockPusher @Juliamon Fair points.
Metric_Furlong: yes! do the sadness!
RandomTrivia: Yeesssssss.... punch me directly in my emotions
jessicaengle: Just curious if anyone has opinions about "Your Lie in April". I've only just recently learned about it b/c I play the violin, not because I know anything about anime.
jessicaengle: Thanks for the warning, it is appreciated
This being Rhythm Cafe and not BNF, we acknowledge lyrics exist here
hi folks, ah the tradition of watching poor melody eat it
PharaohBender27: Earlier this year, I did an overnight on the Oregon coast, staying in Astoria. And driving back to Portland on Highway 30 was great, because it was one of those summer days where the greens and blues were perfect. Even decided to stop at a regional park (Trojan Lake) to walk and take some photos.
Is this the main theme to Duskmourn?
KeytarCat: NF is so fucking good, I can't listen to much in a go
ladylinzington: oh NF!
NotCainNorAbel: NF is very good. Also very dark. The latest album is also very emotional.
ladylinzington: He is great but yeah can be devastating
As I've joked elsewhere the last couple days, I simply drove through Mordor, twice, for holiday travel
WriterRaven flops into chat, existing
RandomTrivia: Hey there WriterRaven, have some virtual hot chocolate
thirsty_kitteh brings treats and softs for writerraven
Metric_Furlong: @jessicaengle it's not a show I'd recommend, personally, but it was pretty popular at the time so no way of knowing if that'll mean anything to your experience
ButButTheJesus: @RockPusher Spokane? Penny Arcade has taught me this means Spokane
Juliamon: RockPusher is NZ iirc
Juliamon: so literal Mordor
ButButTheJesus: ah ok
Mazrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Mazrae! (Today's storm count: 15)
RockPusher: ButButTheJesus Tongariro National Park, up and down state highway 1 and the desert road
RockPusher: PharaohBender27 nice
RockPusher: Get sickled!
PharaohBender27: Like I said, there's a reason I fondly remember that drive and why I felt the need to stop someone and do some photography
thirsty_kitteh: tail! :3
RandomTrivia: Hahahaaha the tail is adorable
PharaohBender27: *stop somewhere
RandomTrivia: 100% on board already, sounds great
Dog_of_Myth: Yeah, I'm grooving to this
RandomTrivia: The melody has strong Andrew Lloyd Webber vibes
Metric_Furlong: parts of the bass are reminiscent of a sped-up 'Let's Groove' by Earth Wind and Fire
DaxStrife: I was getting a bit of Steely Dan at the start.
NotCainNorAbel: @PharaohBender27 It was on BNF, I have it on y list to look up more.
RandomTrivia: Metric_Furlong Definitely getting that
RockPusher: Metric_Furlong thank you, I was trying to place it
Metric_Furlong: which also makes it reminiscent of "Let's Pop Together" from Pop Team Epic, which has completely ruined Let's Groove for me
Metric_Furlong: but that's more of a me problem
"No later than 10," and you show at 7? What're you going to do for those 3 hours?
Gotta hand it to the narrator, they've really detailed out their requirements here
RandomTrivia: I hope the sex worker in question is taking notes, this seems... involved
Stormgod519: well this dude thinks highly of themselves
Metric_Furlong: man has over-planned this date here
BurgerGamer: these are a lot of requests
Phailhammer: "Sir, this is a Wendy's."
ladylinzington: 'make sure you double check the trelloooooo booarrrrd'
KeytarCat: @Stormgod519 Better be paying through the nose
adept_nekomancer: "Please consult this dialog tree spreadsheet for responses"
RockPusher: "I can't blame them, I'll just maim them on my throne" that's quite a line
RockPusher: "Waiting for an invite to never come along"
RockPusher: We extracted a new purple from oily goop!
WriterRaven: "All these voices sound the same, All that changes is the name."
Metric_Furlong: it's Macross, what's left to be said?
Stormgod519: @KeytarCat lul
RandomTrivia: It is fully allowed (and encouraged, as far as I'm concerned) to like things because you like them.
Metric_Furlong: as all life becomes Crab, so must music become Jazz
Metric_Furlong: oh, there's the sleep deprivation hitting
RockPusher: It's okay to like things. It is okay to not like things. You don't owe people justifications for your tastes.
adept_nekomancer: @Metric_Furlong So the ultimate end-point for evolution is some sort of jazz crab.
LilyOfTheVeil666: It's been so long since I've seen the OG Macross that I don't remember the ending theme
Ian confirmed "The Problem"
Metric_Furlong: Ian "The Problem" Horner
WriterRaven: Dr. Ian "The Problem" Horner
Juliamon: !addquote (Ian) [now] It's me that's the problem.
LRRbot: New quote #9224: "It's me that's the problem." —Ian [2024-12-29]
WriterRaven: @Metric_Furlong same brain cell!
EricTheOrange: they call him, la problemo
LilyOfTheVeil666: Ian 🤝 Taylor Swift: "I'm the problem"
BurgerGamer: all my best friends are metalheads?
terribleplan: Oh man
yes, it's a cover of Kids In America
Azralorne: Best cover
RockPusher: Kim Wilde I'm sure would approve
Metric_Furlong: if you can remember this, remember to take your back pain meds
Azralorne: @metric_furlong YOU HUSH 😂
Stormgod519: oh holy moly....
adept_nekomancer: I like the energy this cover brings.
Stormgod519: damn, this is a throwback...
I can taste the Depeche Mode in this song's DNA
EricTheOrange: only 4KIDS could have put kids in AMERICA in a japanese anime
Azralorne: Technically they go to America in the movie
Azralorne: So...it's inclusion makes sense lol
RockPusher: I'm concerned that I have never heard this cover but am very familiar with the original…
Metric_Furlong: @EricTheOrange in their defense, the original song is from the UK
@EricTheOrange [eat your hamburgers Apollo meme]
It feels like I might fall into dust at any moment
Metric_Furlong: so, y'know, the geography was always confused
ButButTheJesus: gah, these non-dark mode border ads
terribleplan: Hey, don't insult the man with tribal-lunar speak
PharaohBender27: All right, need to go start making chili. Be back once it's simmering.
Azralorne: If you were lucky they'd be selling Archie comics
RandomTrivia: Oh hot damn that intro has me sold already
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to ButButTheJesus! They have given 1621 Gift Subs in the channel!
Metric_Furlong: The Galaxy Express aka "what if spaceships were trains"
Thanks for subscribing, ButButTheJesus! (Today's storm count: 16)
accountmadeforants: The opening is so strong, too
RockPusher gets taken on a journey, a journey to the stars
adept_nekomancer: Does a space train need space rails?
Metric_Furlong: adept_nekomancer only for lift-off iirc
TheMerricat: @adept_nekomancer So... you are joking but...
ButButTheJesus: @Dog_of_Myth Thanks for the gift sub! omg thank youuuuu ya dinnae haveta but I appreciate it!
Metric_Furlong: it's been many years since I tried watching Galaxy Express
Metric_Furlong: how?!
I think the AMV should be Magical Mystery Tour
new AMV hell you say
adept_nekomancer: @TheMerricat Ah. I was imagining some sort of linear accelerator arrangement. Thematically that works too.
ah, we're really in Heather's House of Lies then
@adept_nekomancer So fair warning, it's _not_ a hard sci-fi show. Think more along the lines of Kino's Journey in space.
thirsty_kitteh: I am having the weirdest Deja Vu...was there a track that was accidentally not removed last year?
accountmadeforants: Agreed
Chat, you think Melody ever decides just to kick back and dip her toes in the ocean to the side of the 'road' she's running on?
accountmadeforants: Though I think that sort of happens anyway if you get close to the shopkeeper whenever a song is playing.
EricTheOrange: every CotN song has 2 versions, one with and one without the shopkeep
RockPusher: How do you know Miku *isn't* the shopkeeper Ian?
RandomTrivia: Amazing
ButButTheJesus: @TheMerricat I hope so she deserves a break
adept_nekomancer: @TheMerricat That's what she does whenever they're in the menu between songs.
ButButTheJesus: Ian.
RockPusher: I have some bad news for Ian
EricTheOrange: so you put this in to make yourself mad?
KeytarCat: A very emotion song
RockPusher: Louis Cole is half of Knower
terribleplan: ^
RockPusher: that's *why* it sounds like Knower
accountmadeforants: So all they needed was to be diluted. Homeopathic Knower
terribleplan: And I am pretty sure the backing vox on this are Genevieve, the other half of KNOWER
Love a good
Metric_Furlong: Ian
NotCainNorAbel: IAN!
accountmadeforants: Honestly, Melody faceplanting seems appropriate for a long outro
ButButTheJesus: Ian. Yes.
PigmyWurm subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
Thanks for subscribing, PigmyWurm! (Today's storm count: 17)
RandomTrivia: Wat
Stormgod519: groovy
KeytarCat: I'm getting Rasputin vibes
accountmadeforants: (That link is a way to map various RingCon inputs to Xbox 360 inputs on PC)
BurgerGamer: AAAA
adept_nekomancer: I was thinking this could be a theme for multiple "Not a Drop to Drink" characters.
OldUncleDan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 96 months!
OldUncleDan: 10 away from 100!
Thanks for subscribing, OldUncleDan! (Today's storm count: 18)
OldUncleDan: Err... 4, I can math.
Stormgod519: this a bop
Master_Gunner: Why is this making me think of a certain Brujah kindred...
RockPusher: being out to get someone requires expending of effort, you need to have done something to be worth it
NotCainNorAbel: What's in the glass?
RandomTrivia: Oooh, I love cosy songs about friendship
Metric_Furlong: not that Nakamura Emi song, but a different one
NotCainNorAbel: Nice
Stormgod519: well now I want an Adam and Ian Christmas...
Metric_Furlong: Adam and Cameron: aka Lauder and Louder
calculated_uncertainties: Adam and Ian christmas would not match the vibe, but I want it.
an_archist2: An Adam and Graham Christmas
calculated_uncertainties: @Metric_Furlong beautiful
PigmyWurm: these imputs and the vibe of this song seems a little off
accountmadeforants: How dare they have a jaunty guitar playing during a relaxing song, don't they know how stressful they're making the song for Melody's Escape 2 players?
adept_nekomancer: @Metric_Furlong Well done.
OldUncleDan: Ya know what is in my glass? Water from the North Mankato, Minnesota city water.
OldUncleDan: syster.
OldUncleDan: system.
OldUncleDan: I am going to stop typing.
Metric_Furlong: OldUncleDan it's okay, it happens to the best of us
NotCainNorAbel: Maybe that's enough Mankato Water for tonight
WriterRaven: Imagining a Cameron and Adam Christmas where Cam is just sitting there and Adam brought a CYOA book to play in complete silence... though occasionally broken by the sound of rolling dice.
KeytarCat: @WriterRaven Adam occasionally just fuckin losing it
WriterRaven: Yuuuup. XD
NotCainNorAbel: @WriterRaven Don't forget the explosive 'this book sucks!'
ArdCollider: he does let Cam sniff the dice first.
ArdCollider: but that's as far as that goes.
WriterRaven: @NotCainNorAbel Right at the end of the stream.
accountmadeforants: @WriterRaven And Paul somehow managing to keep the PDF picture-in-picture in sync with Adam's reading progress
calculated_uncertainties: @KeytarCat It would be the Christmas version of one hour of silence punctuated by thwump noises
accountmadeforants: The Melody faceplants never stop being funny. The slide/ramp one is probably my favourite
KeytarCat: Don't have to pay royalties on your own content 👀
Metric_Furlong: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
SaxPython: does anyone have a list of the songs played so far? I missed the first half of the stream
That's easy for you to say, Ian
NotCainNorAbel: easy for you to say
RockPusher: cleaning out the moonbase liquor cabinet
Metric_Furlong: is this a big breakfast?
Metric_Furlong: Ian.
RandomTrivia: IAN
Metric_Furlong: IAN
terribleplan: IAN!
NotCainNorAbel: I missed, who is the artist?
Metric_Furlong: NotCainNorAbel Dove Cameron
Stormgod519: man, Tom Hardy has changed a lot...
Metric_Furlong: IAN!
Edgarware: IAN
Stormgod519: Ian...
an_archist2: IAN
ButButTheJesus: IAN NO
Stormgod519: are they single?
RandomTrivia: By all means, eat *men* for breakfast, with consent. DO NOT EAT CHILDREN
@Stormgod519 no, it's plural
SquareDotCube: really enjoying this new album by Neil Cicierga called Ian's Mouth
@Metric_Furlong oh damn you
NapalmSideburns: So this was girl breakfast instead of girl dinner?
RockPusher: Dove Cameron I think hit a reasonable sweet spot for coming up through the house of mouse — not so much fame to as derail life but enough she's gotten to do some fun weird stuff
Stormgod519: PFFT
adept_nekomancer: @NapalmSideburns Girl breakfast... the most dangerous breakfast
Stormgod519: @Metric_Furlong also HEY WAIT A MINUTE...!
NotCainNorAbel: KAYTAR!
RockPusher: Ian. Ian plz.
NapalmSideburns: sometimes...
Metric_Furlong: how cursed is this going to be, Ian
ArdCollider: lol
RandomTrivia: @Metric_Furlong yes
Dog_of_Myth: @Metric_Furlong Yes
adept_nekomancer: Sir, this is a Wendys
ArdCollider: this is why we're friends, bob
Juliamon: !addquote (Ian) [now] Sometimes I do really weird stuff at night.
LRRbot: New quote #9225: "Sometimes I do really weird stuff at night." —Ian [2024-12-29]
RandomTrivia: Perhaps too deep a cut for an RDP
Stormgod519: @KeytarCat Snap, Crackle, Boys?
Juliamon: yup
Metric_Furlong: it feels like there's an alternate timeline where this shows-up in a lot of Jon Bois videos
Decaped: Chili is the broken dreams of burgers
TheMerricat: "Yes, Wendy's chili is commonly known to be made using leftover or "old" hamburger patties that are chopped up and added to the chili base, as a way to utilize unsold burgers instead of throwing them away; this practice is confirmed by many former employees and even acknowledged by Wendy's itself as a way to minimize food waste due to their use of fresh beef patties."
Juliamon: also any patties that got left on the grill too long
Juliamon: I worked the sandwich line there
Juliamon: I saw what the grill boys did to that meat
Kentosaurus: please let me live in blissful ignorance
Juliamon: I lasted 3 whole months
ButButTheJesus: oh no
Driosenth: a whole DAY?
I'm still sad I never got bad training videos as a kid, I just had slightly older kids disinterestedly trying to explain my job to me
PMAvers: You know, if you want to make sketches for your training videos, there's a sketch comedy troup that you could hire instead to make them good.
adept_nekomancer: I'm curious about the story behind "a whole day", but I also don't want to pry.
SquareDotCube: I bet Cineplex's training vid was HTML-based and they didn't have access to the font assets
RandomTrivia: Instead you talk to a camera, which talks to the people for you
Invitare: you are currently talking to 173 people
Juliamon: Wendy's patties come in long rectangular sleeves. One time the end patty was like, 1.75x the standard size, and the grill boys spent like 20 minutes salting and flipping that bad boy before dumping it in the chili drawer
NotCainNorAbel: I can not talk to people without a carrier
Metric_Furlong: never say die, we're a singular dice household
RandomTrivia: Ian out here in 2024, still saying things for the vine. Good on you, Ian
Driosenth: Talking "to" and talking "with" people are two completely different things
SquareDotCube: it's bad enough that you can get Wendy's chili in a can
Juliamon: also I cannot recommend getting anything with bacon at Wendy's
Juliamon: especially if they're in a rush period
Juliamon: it does not get time to cook
adept_nekomancer: I'm learning so much from "Wendy's Facts" this evening.
accountmadeforants: Ah, yeah, bacon is something that would probably be safer pre-cooked
RockPusher: All this Wendy's knowledge and no access to a Wendy's to apply it
Wait is the Moonbase actually a WPN store?
Juliamon: you take the frozen pack and toss it in the warming drawer, during a rush it does *not* have time to get warm
SquareDotCube: I feel like Bengineering would approve of this
EvilBadman: Just put the fries in the bag, rhythmically
RandomTrivia: Ah, makes sense
NapalmSideburns: You mean a coathanger Ian?
Juliamon: it's been 25 years and I'm still bitter they discontinued their pita pockets. Only thing worth eating there.
lightfut: @NapalmSideburns booooooooooooooooo
Kentosaurus: was that song about goonies?
Metric_Furlong: Ian referenced Lupin III, take a drink
PharaohBender27 returns to chat, now that chili is simmering
TheMerricat: Oh yeah I'm hearing it.
TheMerricat: God I'm still sad they never made any more Buckaroo.
RandomTrivia: I feel like Ian would enjoy The Moog Cookbook (assuming he isn't already aware of them)
corianderd: @RandomTrivia we love moog cookbook
RandomTrivia: Perhaps I missed that yera
RandomTrivia: *year
RockPusher: Let the Moog cook…
adept_nekomancer: Good cook Moggle-mog, good cook mog...
Metric_Furlong: @RockPusher The Moog can't cook because Moogs can't think
ButButTheJesus: "101 Ways to Prepare Kupo Nuts"
thirsty_kitteh: The Grand Moogus, head cook of the Moogle Empire
PharaohBender27: "A hero for todaa-" *bonk*
Metric_Furlong: I say, making the most impenetrably obscure reference of the year
Moog makes a mean popcorn
RealGamerCow: Then there's the classic Zamboni's song "Andy Moog meets Robert Moog"
RealGamerCow: Andy Moog being Boston Bruins goalie in the 80s/.90s
TehAmelie: how goes the escaping?
Metric_Furlong: @TehAmelie we haven't found the exit yet, but we're still hopeful
Juliamon: going well
Kentosaurus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 6 month streak!
Kentosaurus: Subbing so the Angry Zen Master can keep telling me to empty my mind
Thanks for subscribing, Kentosaurus! (Today's storm count: 19)
TimeToFry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
TimeToFry: So this is what people call music...
Thanks for subscribing, TimeToFry! (Today's storm count: 20)
so I'm assuming she's saying "where all your dreams come true" but I'm hearing "where all your drinks come true"
WriterRaven: Narnia.
50keyz: wonderland 100%
TehAmelie: i saw Wicked earlier, Oz looks so cool
TheMerricat: Narnia would suck. Oz is always under siege.
KeytarCat: Narnia seems too real
Ravensfest: Narnia's a little preachy
Xafty: Raise Your Flag
Xafty: is a banger
NapalmSideburns: Wonderland all day, just hanging out and drinking tea for all my unbirthdays
accountmadeforants: Narnia only seems like a viable place to live if you have lots and lots and lots of luck, because it's mostly inhospitable wilderness
@Ravensfest Narnia is a 'little' preachy like Reese Peanut Butter Cups are 'a little chocolaty'
RandomTrivia: The wardrobe only works if it's made out of wood from a tree that grew around magic rings
TehAmelie: it's just the narrative that's preachy if you're involved in the main story, Narnia is allegorical
RandomTrivia: That's also why it only works sometimes, because the wrong ring was engaged
TheMerricat: Aslan is going to pay you a visit tonight Ian... :P\
Metric_Furlong: @TehAmelie depends how far into the series you've gone
adept_nekomancer: If you throw the wardrobe into the ocean, does Narnia flood?
Metric_Furlong: by the final book it gets.. rough
TheWooglie: what about Locke & Key and Narnia?
Ravensfest: Except the Lion comes back
PharaohBender27: I read the Narnia books when I was a kid. Also, my mother read them when she was a kid and, being raised by non-religious parents, she apparently didn't get the religious allegory at the time
Metric_Furlong: yeah, don't read The Last Battle
WriterRaven: I read all seven and remember nothing of them.
TheMerricat: Spoilers for old books but according to the plot, by the time WWII is over, Narnia has been destroyed and Raptured because a Donkey dressed up like a Lion.
RandomTrivia: I read the Magician's Nephew first, which is incorrect but very engaging with no foreknowledge
PharaohBender27: @Metric_Furlong Is it the one where Azlan at the end says "Welcome to your endless holiday" or something like that, implying the kids are actually dead?
LilyOfTheVeil666: I read...some number of them
accountmadeforants: I read that one, which was more than enough Narnia, but then I saw the movie for some reason.
adept_nekomancer: @PharaohBender27 I was raised in a non-theistic family, but I still recall making the connection to "hey, this is just lion Jesus from the christian mythos".
Metric_Furlong: @PharaohBender27 yes, apart from Susan who is deemed unworthy of heaven because she liked going out and partying once she hit her 20s
Metric_Furlong: that is not a joke
Ravensfest: They are dead in The Last Battle. they died in a train crash
TehAmelie: i remember a lot that didn't make any sense until later when i'd learned some Christian lore
PharaohBender27: @Metric_Furlong OOOOFFFF
accountmadeforants: Needed to hit up the Christianity wiki, eh, TehAmelie ?
Kentosaurus: That one episode of TNG were picard gets the flute is another great version of that trope
Metric_Furlong: it also introduces the Muslim analogues and explicitly says they worship Narnia Satan, and just pretend it's the same god as Aslan/Narnia Jesus
PharaohBender27: @Metric_Furlong I'd thankfully forgotten that bit. But yes, @Ravensfest , I remember the train crash
CS Lewis was an interesting person, but the more you read of their works the more clear it becomes they were rather bigoted in their later life.
RealGamerCow: *Homer melts back into lurking*
Juliamon: Lesson learned: don't invoke Narnia in chat
adept_nekomancer: Narnia: Not even once.
PharaohBender27: Apologies for my involvement in all that; I'll take responsibility
kireawolf: I just love that CS Lewis and JRR Tolken worked at the same college and I wonder what thoes interactions must have been like
PigmyWurm: @kireawolf They didn't just work together they were long time friends
Decaped: With enough fiction, you can murder even the Christian god if you want to
Riiiiiiis: @Decaped fiction or friction?
Ravensfest: And members of the Inklings together
Metric_Furlong: Narnia: the popular side of Christianity
TheWooglie: I loved the BBC series when I was a kid
Ravensfest: Prince Caspian
RandomTrivia: They did a Prince Caspian I think
nevermore913: Prince Caspian
Juliamon: Prince Caspian happened
kireawolf: @PigmyWurm That had to me interesting lol
KeytarCat: They did Dawn Treader??
DaxStrife: There's a couple they're not gonna do because they're too racist.
Ravensfest: The BBC TV series was so much better
RandomTrivia: Honestly, the Lion, Witch & Wardrobe film stands up very well on its own as a standalone piece of media
Kelazi5: There was also the bbc tv versions from the 80s
TheMerricat: @kireawolf They weren't just in the same college, they were friends that were part of the same friends group. They also had polar opposite responses to the 'War'. CS. Lewis went from being mostly atheist to finding "GOD" with a capital G. Tolkien went from being very devout Catholic to being.. well still Catholic but no longer so gungho about it.
kireawolf: I would never have imagined that Tolken and Lewis could have been friends
VorlonScout: Apparently we're getting a Netflix Narnia adaptation directed by Greta Gerwig
TehAmelie: Prince Caspian and the Ship "The Dawn" was the name of the book in Swedish. the weirdness of that translation has bothered me for 30 years
TheWooglie: Tom Baker as puddleglum in the Silver chair was brilliant
SAJewers: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
@TheMerricat Was still disappointed Lewis went Anglican, though, IIRC (pretty sure you saw me post about that during BNF last night . . . actually come to think of it we @'d each other about that, didn't we
an_archist2: how scandalous!
nevermore913: Wait all streamers don't know each other?
@PharaohBender27 Yep, they seem to be a hot topic recently
ButButTheJesus: you mean you and Ninja and Shroud and Turtles and Chill don't all live together?!
accountmadeforants: So... no box full of letters for future historians to pore over?
TehAmelie: the magical land of La-La?
kireawolf: I have to stop myself from asking my boss about LRR just becuse he live in Victoira.
@TheMerricat Look, I just had reason to bring it up two nights in a row for independent reasons
TheMerricat: If you really want a splash in the face concerning C.S. Lewis, hunt down a copy of their Space Trilogy. They start off as a Steampunk era'esque trip to Mars and end with the main character of that book becoming the second coming... and if Lewis's opinions on things were to subtle for you in Narnia to pick up... Wooo boy, they won't be there.
kireawolf: I am pretty sure he does not watch twitch
adambomb625: Ah yes, the clipboard infiltration strategy
adept_nekomancer: 90% of permission is looking like you fit in.
Kentosaurus: same with clipboards
Metric_Furlong: @TheMerricat was that where he suggested that Original Sin was an obstacle to human spaceflight?
iarethel0ser: That's any time. Confidence and most any prop gets you too many places.
TheWooglie: @Kentosaurus and hi vis vest
terribleplan: High vis and confidences will get you most places
NotCainNorAbel: I was very upset when my work took away my hard hat when we changed company names
terribleplan: *confidence
TehAmelie: i wonder if Lewis is the reason Tolkien desperately wanted to claim Lord of the Rings had no symbolism
@Metric_Furlong I believe so. I can't remember all the details but mostly the moon is where satan's folk live and the reason we have so much trouble in life is because the side with them on it is the one facing us.
Riiiiiiis: Oh yeah, that's a good part of physical pen-testing
Ravensfest: @TehAmelie It don't think so. I think he just didn't realize the symbolism was there.
Metric_Furlong: @TehAmelie technically, no allegory. subtle difference but it matters in literary criticism
kireawolf: @TehAmelie Lord of the of Rings has no symbolism. What a wonderful thought>
ArdCollider: my buddy caught the pentester in the *parking lot* the other day and the guy tried to double down. my friend is not the guy to double down at.
@TehAmelie Nah, it's fairly clear that Tolkien was _quite_ unhappy that his books became popular with the hippy generation at the time and really didn't like the implications and lines they were drawing from the books.
The Army would beg to differ, Ian
ghyllnox: Don't mistake lack of permission for inability
Metric_Furlong: Tolkein never argued there wasn't symbolism, just that it wasn't an allegory for other events
accountmadeforants: Knowing the name of someone who works there also goes a very long way. You have no idea how often I have to remind colleagues that, no, if someone's [other colleague]'s guest, they need to come pick them up and hand them a guest badge. You can't just open the door for them.
TheMerricat: "In the foreword to the second edition, Tolkien said that the book is "neither allegorical nor topical". He also said that he "cordially dislikes allegory in all its manifestations". He preferred history, whether true or feigned, because it could be applied to the experiences and thoughts of readers. He rejected the idea that the story was an allegory, saying that readers could apply it to situations like the Second World War and the atomic bomb."
kireawolf: I should make it me life goal to write a story with no symbolism
RealGamerCow: The US has the loophole of Homeland Security, so the military is police and police is military.
NotCainNorAbel: *cough* Kent State *cough*
PharaohBender27: ^
Metric_Furlong: (like, the one ring is a pretty clearly drawing from the Ring of Gyges)
Strebenherz: @TheMerricat second edition of which book?
Metric_Furlong: @kireawolf that would be a challenge, certainly
TheMerricat: @Strebenherz The second edition of The Lord of the Rings
Strebenherz: ah gotcha
spinebustertee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 55 month streak!
spinebustertee: Amazing.
Thanks for subscribing, spinebustertee! (Today's storm count: 21)
kireawolf: @Metric_Furlong Would its lack of symbolism, in itself become symbolic?
TheMerricat: I think the point Tolkien was trying to make was that while the stuff he wrote had links to other things, he wasn't writing stories that were meant to be mapped 1:1 to anything that was happening at the time or had happened prior. Not that there wasn't any symbolism in them.
Strebenherz: so if i'm following he didn't want people saying his story was an allegory for current events, just his own story/world, but people were welcome to compare his world to things
Metric_Furlong: @kireawolf definitely a potential pitfall there
TheMerricat: Exactly how I read it.
Squallloir: what is this song I recognize it somewhat, you said it was a cover?
kireawolf: @Metric_Furlong Darn, I have created circle
Strebenherz: didn't he have light hearted beef or something with cs lewis for their liking of allegory?
accountmadeforants: Jazz definitely makes Melody's hair go full Gamer Peripheral RGB
TheMerricat: @Strebenherz "Lewis thought Tolkien's was too long and complicated, and Tolkien thought Lewis' allegory was too simple and was surprised it was so popular. Their differences did not prevent them from respecting each other's work and enjoying each other's company. In fact, mutual criticism made each a better writer."
KeytarCat: @accountmadeforants I need me an rgb tail
Strebenherz: @TheMerricat d'aww
SquareDotCube: A spy movie, sort of You Only Live Twice, but without the racism
accountmadeforants: @KeytarCat Provided you don't mean an actual real tail, I'm sure you could make something work with just a white base and some diffused LEDs
kireawolf: @TheMerricat What an amazing friendship that must have been.
TheMerricat: "Despite their busy schedules, Tolkien and Lewis made time every week to meet weekly with a few other likeminded friends. They called their informal club “The Inklings.” They met every Tuesday evening, usually at the small Eagle and Child pub, which was near where they lived. First they would have dinner, laughing and talking about things either funny or serious. Then around 9:00, Lewis would boom out, “Well has anyone got anything to read?”....
TheMerricat: "...One by one, each member would read something he had been writing. It could be long or short, serious or funny, scholarly or whimsical. Everybody enjoyed listening and then would offer some constructive criticism. During the evening discussions lasted for hours, one would hear Lewis’ booming laugh and Tolkien’s quick and lively voice in conversation. The Inklings’ meetings were times when friends could relax as well as improve each other.:
KeytarCat: @accountmadeforants 👀 uuuh
Ravensfest: Following the format of an early James Bond film. You see James completing his previous mission before new hijinks.
accountmadeforants: Ah, the Metroid power-up school of character development
RealGamerCow: good drumming
ArdCollider: first ep of Andor goes hard on "Cassian Andor is the coolest motherfucker you know" almost immediately.
Would the Metroid school of character development involve them doing the same stuff over and over again, failing to learn from their mistakes, till they get that one epiphany and then are able to move forward and ace a specific set of failings, rinsing and repeating till they run out of character flaws to 'fix'?
RandomTrivia: HAHAHAHAHA
ButButTheJesus: wait what
Juliamon: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Metric_Furlong: what a good.
TheMerricat: Oh wow, Sam Tinnesz? I didn't realize anyone else listened to them.
Metric_Furlong: thanks Ian
Fuzzra: I told my sister about whet bones. She wasn't thrilled.
SquareDotCube: +++++++++
All right, time for dinner - goodnight, all!
TheMerricat: @PharaohBender27 Night!
NotCainNorAbel: night @PharaohBender27
"Yeah yeah yeah, no no no" Make up your mind, dude
RandomTrivia: Enjoy your dinner, PharaohBender27!
DaxStrife: Trying to think of the new albums I listened to this year and all I can remember are Caravan Palace, Gunship and Savlonic.
LilyOfTheVeil666: I think the only new album I listened to this year was Chappell Roan, because I am an easily influenced gay
Metric_Furlong: I listened to some albums that were new to me
BurgerGamer: a lotta great ska albums came out this year
Metric_Furlong: the only objectively new album I listened to though was Alcest's Les Chants de l'Aurore which is very good
ArdCollider: I liked Sofia Kourtesis's Madres this year. but I'm still stuck on Deathfame by Quelle Chris.
adambomb625: New necrodancer!?!
RealGamerCow: What was your favorite game you played in 2024 in the Cafe?
accountmadeforants: Unbeatable is also supposed to come out in 2025
adept_nekomancer: Hi-Fi Rush was 2023, not this year, right?
RandomTrivia: Starstruck was absolutely incredible
accountmadeforants: Yeah, Starstruck is probably my favourite game this year, not just rhythm game
Thanks for the great year
RandomTrivia: Can't wait to see what kind of cursed colouring book Cori has found
Iris and Cori on hors club — not terrifying at all
Strebenherz: for realsies?
LilyOfTheVeil666: Thrink!
RealGamerCow: Shoot, I need to catch up with that, because there will inevitably be spoilers
spethycakes: the 9nally
DaxStrife: Ian knows better than to tell Heather when to stop.
adept_nekomancer: 9-ale
spethycakes: 9nale
KeytarCat: Fininely
iarethel0ser: Fangnale.
RockPusher: Minecraft might be played
TehAmelie: next series will have to be werewolf based so it can be called the Heather who Cried Wolf
spethycakes: it's pinball!
PMAvers: New Year's Steve
Start as you mean to go on
KWardJenx: Ha. Nice note to ring in the year
KWardJenx: Wonderful stream. So many thanks.
SquareDotCube: Sequel to Demon's Tilt, of which Demon's Tilt was a love letter to Demon's Crush, and therefore Alien's Tilt is a love letter to Demon's Crush's sequel, Alien Crush. (Confusing, I know.)
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
spethycakes: Thanks for stream!
TehAmelie: thanks for having us!
ButButTheJesus: thankee strem!
Metric_Furlong: bye Ian and Heather, thanks for the stream
Kentosaurus: wow
LordZarano: For anyone that came in late; if the VOD is muted to heck, discord me if you want the leg of a boot. Said leg of boot is ~5.9GiB
LordZarano That's one heck of a VCR tape You're doing good work, friend
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