Earthenone: lmao
Earthenone: !findquote colour
LRRbot: Quote #5281: "Serge is in white, in the sense that he's in all colours combined together." —Paul [2018-08-24]
i'll allow it
Juliamon: what the hell automod lmao
Earthenone: how dare i bring up that word on a stream like this
RockPusher: Can't Hors, Won't Hors
TXC2: it's like the reverse of that one "I don't see colour" crapshot
Earthenone: im curious
Earthenone: !findquote color
LRRbot: Quote #287: "Passed with flying colors... as in... the colors flew off." —Paul [2015-05-18]
Earthenone: wow its just one spelling og it
TXC2: well time to fix that then
downsides of letting USAmericans mod a Canadian stream
Juliamon: yeah, it was a 'smart detection' flag and not a 'racism' flag
Juliamon: so it assumed it was spam
Earthenone: thats fair, no respectable american would throw random U's in words
Juliamon: yeah... hahaha... who would do that...
RockPusher: Is automod having problems with the correct spelling of colour?
TXC2: automod has many problems
i remember getting hit for the color begining with W coming up during a magic stream. maybe it just has something against me in paticualr
corianderd: sorry gotta lower the volume on the beez so im not super quiet after
Juliamon: mtg gets a lot of false positives
QuixoticScrivener: !advice cooking
Juliamon: you can't search !advice
QuixoticScrivener: ahh
QuixoticScrivener: !advice
TXC2: you get the advice your given and make do
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Never paste the whole Google.
RockPusher: !badadvice
LRRbot: Eat my sushi.
RockPusher: Is… is that a threat, LRRbot?
Juliamon: if people could search !advice you'd only ever see, like, 3
Juliamon: and the other 605 entries would only rarely get a chance
@Juliamon that is a lot of advice
TXC2: here we GO!
Juliamon: And we occasionally cull it!
RockPusher: Hors!
TXC2: Hello Cori and Carrie
Metric_Furlong: hello Cori and Carrie
TXC2: LRR is an informative group of people
hi Carrie and Cori
TheAinMAP: Hello
RockPusher: Anyway, here's WonderHorse
RockPusher: ♫ I said neigh-beeeeee, you'r gonna be the one to save meeeeeee ♫
Earthenone: i wonder wonder wonder whats in a wonder horse
making a bridle for the shorse, a project for Ian
ThorSokar: yes, Chorse will need his own special bit-gag
heck yeah coloring
RockPusher: !y
Earthenone: !russel
ArdCollider: it does, and it’s French.
RockPusher: Mushroom! Mushroom!
TXC2: what about the Polish(?) goose ?
ArdCollider: Shrekmobile! \o/
TXC2: oh my
Juliamon: A+
ThorSokar: beautiful
Mollylele: it's ART
wedge_x: jam in the back of my Shrek-u-laaaaa
TXC2: hello Mollylele welcome
mrMorphius: Art: "here this is your problem now"
ThorSokar: on-brand
ThorSokar: hahaha
Mollylele: can't read horses book club
Anubis169: oooOOOooo
Anubis169: for the next 2 days
TXC2: for 27 more hours here
Anubis169: Joke's on you, this is 2023 and somebody's activating a savestate
ThorSokar: oh, you know what you did!
ok, those monsters are very cute
ThorSokar: I do not know that word
Mollylele: sip the MYST
Metric_Furlong: not the silent zone!
Mollylele: bees
TXC2: live bees?
ThorSokar: That's why I bought 3 Aperture Laboratories mugs when they were available, that way when I break one I have spares!
Metric_Furlong: stream's off to a good start
TXC2: good start today
ThorSokar: That's the best joke then, break Cori off camera!
15min in, Carrie already dying
sophieghost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
Thanks for subscribing, sophieghost! (Today's storm count: 1)
Hi friends! I see we have some wonderfully cursed colouring pages
ThorSokar: Oh, are we starting a horse club death pool?
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
RandomTrivia: Oof
ArdCollider: -1
RockPusher: Laser Eyes, more useful but less exciting than Eye Lasers
RandomTrivia: Last one standing gets to decide what horses look like
ThorSokar: Oh, this is a last out pool, dang
it's a Tontein! everyone kick in 10 bucks
Juliamon: Once you pop, that's it!
as someone that have one (so far), that is true
wedge_x: oh, man, Clearly Canadian, that's a throwback
HbombAndFriends: Clearly Canadian Cherry is the best.
ShaneLeeAtk: Jolly Cola is apparently coming back with twice the caffeine
Mollylele: I had a bottle of Clearly Canadian in Frederick Maryland, of all places. and then saw a solar eclipse. COINCIDENCE? (yes) 🌚
ShaneLeeAtk: Jolt
HbombAndFriends: To each their own.
DandyGeek: Specialty soda/pop/fizzywater shops are likely to carry it, I have heard tell that costco also has it but ymmv
ThorSokar: There's a Warehouse 13 ep about that even!
adept_nekomancer: "Try new Snapple Fire!"
RockPusher: *casts Snapple Elemental*
HbombAndFriends: Now, the Zero Sugar Clearly Canadian- I do not recommend.
mrMorphius: Mmmmm Fire
Mollylele: Carrie is so polite to ask permission to get something stupid, on this of all shows
Juliamon: Dragonfruit becoming a mainstream flavour in the US made me extremely disappointed the first time I tasted an *actual* dragonfruit
HbombAndFriends: LOL.
ThorSokar: it's diet air!
adept_nekomancer: What about air is not already diet?
Mollylele: going after that Sobe market share? why?
TXC2: some good 2002 fonts on there
ThorSokar: top of the cap?
HbombAndFriends: Now, if it were made today, it would be Zero Sugar Air.
mrMorphius: Allot Number
TXC2: is the diet air less oxygen or less nitrogen ?
RockPusher: I vaguely recall diet air jokes from US media back when I was a younger
ShaneLeeAtk: Michael Martin Murphy? Is that you?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: It's full of CFCs & leaded petrol.
TXC2: the last freons are in that bottle
ProcyonFlynn: At least it was after the leaded gas ban, right?
RandomTrivia: In 500 years some archaeologists will dig that up and wonder why we had to purchase air in glass bottles
DandyGeek: I want to know the name of the spirit you summon from that diet air bottle
RandomTrivia: Like packing material? Or like gamer air?
Juliamon: it was mock-hookah
ProcyonFlynn: New Goal - Make the kind of choices some future historian can get a PhD trying to explain.
TXC2: maybe it was like an oxygen bar
Earthenone: i live in a temperate rainforest, we have to import canada dry
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Earthenone To get rid of the thicc wet?
Earthenone: !findquote lifestream
LRRbot: Quote #6913: "Lifestream feels like thick wet, send tweet." —Graham [2020-04-22]
RandomTrivia: Simply don't hyperventilate, why didn't I think of that?
Juliamon: That's allergies
Metric_Furlong: yes, chillblanes are a thing
RockPusher: A pulmonary embolism really gives you an appreciation for Oxygen
Mollylele: like your heart hiccups
ShaneLeeAtk: I call that going flippy-flop
TXC2: arrhythmia
Metric_Furlong: yeah, mine also does that
Juliamon: I haven't experienced that, but I also do have to get checked regularly to make sure I'm not about to experience aortic dissection, so it's a mixed bag
Like accidentally swallowing before you had finished chewing
InconsiderateHat: PVC's? Yeah, I get those. Been assured it's a "healthy person problem"
Juliamon: (fun fact, do not look up aortic dissection)
stressed? in the 2020's? surely you jest
RandomTrivia: "Have you been stressed lately?" "My guy, it is 2024"
Metric_Furlong: "have you been stressed lately, bearing in mind you've noticed your heartbeat is iregular?"
Juliamon: despite everything, it's still Monday
Only Monday if you live in the past
SnackPak_: classic phone
RandomTrivia: oh no
carrie stop being like me with your cataracts and your delayed sleep phase and all the stuff
RockPusher: Can't eat normal people… wait, oh no, chat, we're in danger!
there sure are ways to change that
just diablaise your sire, it's fine
Metric_Furlong: ah, I see
ArdCollider: LOL yeah, being a Banu Haqim in that time period is a self-solving generational prob
a vampire who likes their sire? what is this?!
TXC2: the clan compulsion is big sippy
mrMorphius: Pop a straw in them like a Capri Sun
RandomTrivia: Pray in a different timezone?
Metric_Furlong: if it was written before the 20th anniversary edition it *definitely* wouldn't have been tasteful
Metric_Furlong: if it was written after it: 50-50
TXC2: something has awoken within Cori
186 raiders from Seabats have joined!
Lockraemono: hi
TXC2: Hello Raiders
Juliamon: Welcome seachats!
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiding Seachats!
Juliamon: We were just talking Vampire
what else is new for cori?
Metric_Furlong: pro-tip: do not look into what the Ravnos clan used to be written as
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to vengabusdriver!
Thanks for subscribing, vengabusdriver! (Today's storm count: 2)
Metric_Furlong: (also maybe just try to ignore every World of Darkness book released in 1998)
RandomTrivia: Amazing
Juliamon: Metric_Furlong Without looking into it I'm guessing Roma?
Juliamon: but with the g-slur
RandomTrivia: The phrase "turn him into a vampire sippy cup" is a fantastic string of words
uesrnamenotfound: You will
uesrnamenotfound: Ordonio must die
noSmokeFire: I'm delighted by this whole story
Metric_Furlong: @Juliamon correct!
TXC2: there has to be joke there along the lines of "anticistamines"
100 Curses
SnackPak_: art
TXC2 Perfect
Yay MH
Metric_Furlong: the Ravnos thing used to be 'they were all Roma' and their clan compulsion was "commit crimes"
ArdCollider: my college group won Amber Diceless. Our GM had a panic attack during the character auction.
Metric_Furlong: so y'know, not great
ArdCollider: and we got him sorted and decided we'd won and did not do a campaign.
couchboyj: Pretty sure vampire polotics is just mean girls with extra steps
chargen is pretty adversarial, just to set the tone.
all politics is just mean girls really
InconsiderateHat: I still need to finish the last episode, I almost forgot!
uesrnamenotfound: Series conclusion tonight at 5!
hey nerds!!!
Hey there Jacqui!
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
a pinnocchi-crow, if you will
jacqui_lantern234: coffee is good
Mollylele: beans! ground beans.
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
NorthstarTex: tempted to make an espresso drink myself...
RockPusher: Oh No! Michio!
TXC2: right chat I'm off
RandomTrivia: Is the "yes" Cameron?
RandomTrivia: Ah, of course
@TXC2 later
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Cori and Carrie
RockPusher: The smoothest of brains
NorthstarTex: perfectly smooth
Night TXC2, take care!
iris_of_ether: Have a great night, TXC2!
RockPusher: 'night TXC2
3and4fifths: where can a get this track?
iris_of_ether: Also it's not remotely high art, but I have every session but the very last of my old Mage game documented here, lol
@RandomTrivia yeah, it trips me up a lot cause he and i say "oh my god!" with the same cadence
LiveFaust: Blessed Molly.
RandomTrivia: Beej! Liiiiiive Beeeeej!
RandomTrivia: Molly, what is it like to create such masterworks?
@RandomTrivia TOS
Mollylele: I've had to listen to my own vocal tracks getting comped and it's a unique kind of hell to hear tiny samples of your voice bounced back at you in rapid succession. I guess I'm proud to be passing that pain forward to my friends?
RockPusher: aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa
mrMorphius: That's why you hit things with sticks to make noise
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, i want an electric kit SO BAD!!! 😭
anyone wanna buy me one?
jacqui_lantern234: for guilt reasons, that was a joke
I'm catching a lot of splash damage from this conversation
jacqui_lantern234: mood, but also thats just ALL of my social interactions
cisco236 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Thanks for subscribing, cisco236! (Today's storm count: 3)
SymphonySolstice: see I'm the exact opposite, when I need to have a social interaction my mind goes EMPTY
loufghyslaufey: Wow Carrie, I want your chef to be a featured backdrop kitchen character
mrMorphius: Oh hey the "You just mentioned my favorite ttrpg" conversation
adept_nekomancer: Socialization achieved!
Of course someone has that
RandomTrivia: So adorable
SymphonySolstice: s e c r e t
LordZarano: 5 to 7 seconds for eye contact iirc from Penn Jillette's podcast's show tech Reddi Rich, who had to go to training for that
RockPusher: ♫ Secret Project! Secret Project! ♫
RockPusher: Robutts!
RandomTrivia: Oooooh
SymphonySolstice: hovercraft!!
Serpens77: oh that's cute
Serpens77: is it full of eels?
LordZarano: Took a while to find the spelling of Reddi Rich
loufghyslaufey: Your chef talks like a pufferfish, if said pufferfish could talk out of water
wedge_x: oooo
RandomTrivia: For """work"""
loufghyslaufey: Or that's my headcanon impression
jacqui_lantern234: i second Featherweight's idea
jacqui_lantern234: ehehehehehe :3
LurkerSpine: time to play airgun beer pong
SymphonySolstice: good on him for buying you devices of chaos
Earthenone: C++
jacqui_lantern234: i have zero programming knowledge, but ive had the recent brainworm of learning Commodore Basic
RockPusher: There was a RC hovercraft you could buy in the 90s — I coveted that so hard, but it was too expensive for my limited means
GrassVortex: robotic stuff in general are cool
GrassVortex: I did a bunch of Lego "robots" during school, really really fun
RockPusher: We built IR detect/blast ducks
RockPusher: I blew up an IR diode real good
RockPusher: They do not like it when you overdrive them with the wrong polarity
LordZarano: Balancing a ball on an air stream doesn't need any control, it's just physics. Magnus effect or something?
GrassVortex: Linear algebra is one of the most useful math classes I have taken
LurkerSpine: Ethics was required for my Comp Sci degree, and I feel like not enough universities require it
Due to a quirk of the combination of papers and pointing required, my comp sci degree was completed without any linear algebra
SymphonySolstice: I had to to one (1) math class for my degree. I don't remember any of what I learned. I have used none of it since. I got 100 in that class.
TheAwkes: Engineering Ethics: here's a bunch of stuff you should be aware is morally indefensible that you will have to do in about half of the jobs on offer after you graduate.
SnackPak_: ooo, stickers
SymphonySolstice: hehehe coyote buttes
Coyote Butts
adept_nekomancer: Of course there's a cheese
but DO you love Milwaukee?
RockPusher: Praise cheesus!
SymphonySolstice: I mean I've 100% seen newfoundland stickers in michaels here in sask
adept_nekomancer: This is now the cheese delivery hovercraft.
SnackPak_: book it!
SymphonySolstice: they just kinda go fuck it we ball with the stock
BusTed: we got it
jacqui_lantern234: CARRIE YES
Uh oh
SymphonySolstice: The Fate Is Sealed
SymphonySolstice: (For Freshness)
DrLigmaPhD: Fiber(glass)
goatprince: jecht
BusTed: I want to say it was on MTV at some point?
Earthenone: some sort of network for them?
Earthenone: for me 40 was nick, 41 was disney and 42 was cartoon network i loved the adjacency
RockPusher: A TV channel for music? That seems about as likely as a TV channel for sci-fi
HbombAndFriends: Free the socks!!
DrLigmaPhD: "Yeah, alright"
SymphonySolstice: yeah those are good budget copics
DrLigmaPhD: Timmy Two-Tips they called him. Because he was real nice to wait staff, you see
RockPusher: ……
SymphonySolstice: hm
lochnessseammonster: wow
DrLigmaPhD: Spencer's Gifts type vibe
SymphonySolstice: [insert tom cardy song]
jacqui_lantern234: i was invited to 1 party in high school when i was 16, and regretted it ever since. not getting into why, but it was no ones problem but mine
RandomTrivia: oh no
RandomTrivia: oh noooo
GrassVortex: Abort! Abort!
adept_nekomancer: Not OSHA compliant! Not OSHA compliant!
RockPusher: …
RockPusher: I don't know whether to be relieved or more horrified
RandomTrivia: I'm on team "more horrified"
DrLigmaPhD: @RockPusher In either case I'm seeking to be less sober
SymphonySolstice: in high school I had a group of people organize a big party right in front of me while we were all sitting together for lunch and not invite me, which is a succinct summary of my social life
RockPusher: Something something, setting expectations
jacqui_lantern234: the 1 bachelorette party i went to was honestly very tame, though there was a penis cake. i did have fun with the joke of "watch this asexual person shove dick in their mouth"
FinalShowFilms subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 112 months!
Thanks for subscribing, FinalShowFilms! (Today's storm count: 4)
RandomTrivia: Amazing
thats honestly rad!
RandomTrivia: You put that on your CV, I hope?
adept_nekomancer: "Wedding artillerist" is a heck of a role.
goatprince: any water guns?
LordZarano: Wait I can improve this
jacqui_lantern234: i swear, im the only trans person i know who honestly cant stand rocky horror
RandomTrivia: Oh dear
Juliamon: I don't think we ever had the talk in my house, I think mom's take on it was "we'll do it when it's relevant" and then my sister and I both ended up ace so it just... never ended up being relevant
goatprince: i never had the talk, myself
RandomTrivia: There seldom is, unfortunately
SymphonySolstice: my mom was a nurse so it was less The Talk and more Recurring Talk
jacqui_lantern234: i had 2 "Talks" with my mom. the 1st was an overview of sex and safety. the 2nd had nothing to do with sexuality, she just showed me the "clear browser history" on my laptop and said to use it after my videos XD
DrLigmaPhD: Carpeted gym?
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, i remember getting teased a bit in school for knowing id never want to have children
SymphonySolstice: there were always bite marks in the foam dodgeballs
Juliamon: Kids will find any excuse to tease
Juliamon: it doesn't have to make sense
RandomTrivia: Kids are terrible sometimes
Juliamon: There were kids on my bus that made fun of my winter coat for having a fake fur lined hood
i had one of those
DrLigmaPhD: And that's why it's only an A- film
loufghyslaufey: To do "what" now?
vakarianeffect: those kids have no idea what they're missing out on, it's so NICE to be warm in the winter LOL
DrLigmaPhD: Middle-aged kids
LOL my "pfft, I... guess... Donnie Wahlberg" was a bad pick because he's a hate crimer, but then my grandmother got me an I DONNY button? and did not understand why I was like "no it's misspelled I cannot wear that to school."
Xed_Regulus: My first concert was the New Kids on the Block
loufghyslaufey: Why does this all sound like an illicit underground laundered exchange of "cabbage children?" I'm guessing... I, am uncertain.
goatprince: the one crush i had was on a french exchange student in highschool. never went anywhere tho
Juliamon: I didn't have crushes on anyone, but kids still liked to make up people I must be crushing on and try to tease me with it anyway
Juliamon: oh those strips lmao
jacqui_lantern234: i dated twice while in high school. first one turned out to be a bad call on my part, the 2nd ended genuinely well after i panicked MEGA HARD when we were about to have sex
and looking back, THERE WE HINTS
loufghyslaufey: Like, the mood went from 60-"take a picture & flippin' find out!!" Is that kind of what those kids impression of Carrie was?
DrLigmaPhD: I was so oblivious in high school that it took 6 years for me to realize not 1 but 2 of my friends were flirting with me.
DrLigmaPhD: 6 years post graduation
jacqui_lantern234: 🫂 aww oh no cori
putz12a: Oh, I totally know that one. I had friends until like grade 3... and then... Yeah, running solo until Grade 12 graduation.
putz12a: Yay for tiny catholic schools, because tiny towns and no public option
Juliamon: *oh no*
Juliamon: they were trying to Dangan Ronpa you
vakarianeffect: went to a vocational school instead of my regular high school; to this day I do not regret it.
RockPusher: I like look at tree, could not identify tree tho
ghyllnox: Hell yeah Science O
GapFiller: oooh the lost city of Atlanta
vakarianeffect: got Bill Nye in my head now, thanks
HbombAndFriends: I went to a gifted center school. There were still plenty of assholes. It didn’t help that I have (then-undiagnosed) autism.
Juliamon: so, bad jungle juice
"Shit Mess" is honestly a mood
RockPusher: I feel like Cori and Carrie would have enjoyed our final year HS physics trip — travel to the city to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey in 70mm in a big screen cinema
RandomTrivia: AAAAAAAAA
Earthenone: we did skittledew(bru)? we would put skittles in the dew and let it cool in the freezer for an hour
ArdCollider: I was at a Halloween party in HS with a lot of pixy stix and a blacklight?
ArdCollider: and a kid opened like 30 stix at once and chugged them?
ArdCollider: and then coughed *fucking rainbow clouds* for 45 minutes.
adept_nekomancer: Ingredients: Sugar, other trace elements
ArdCollider: under the blacklight.
putz12a: Rockets are called Smarties in the US
RandomTrivia: Ah, so inferior to UK Smarties that are actual chocolate
Juliamon: pill candies
Earthenone: my favorite candy was recees, developing a nut allergy hurt
Juliamon: Skittles were great because you could set aside one of every colour to save until the end and then just chew them all at once to get Maximum Skittle
Mollylele: they make your arm into an angry battleship board
ArdCollider: my allergist very casually pulled a tube of triamcinolone out of her lab coat after my spectacular penicillin allergy test and was like "help yourself"
RandomTrivia: Then you have to sit and NOT scratch them for 15 minutes
ArdCollider: (after six residents got to see my arm)
ghyllnox: Not scratching my arm was the woooorst
Juliamon: I probably *should* get an allergy test considering my mom has so many. Some day.
LordZarano: Swizzels Fizzers are the UK version of US "Smarties" or Canadian Rockets
RockPusher: "dairy, peanut — miss". "egg, almond — hit!"
ArdCollider: birch allergy gang (carrots and kiwis here)
RockPusher: You sunk my allergy ship!
ArdCollider: HS pal had chocolate allergies and switched to eating, like, gummi bears. and then the chocolate one cleared and he became allergic to yellow 5.
ArdCollider: my mom had an anxiety attack every time he came over for dinner. it was like a food science test
ghyllnox: Had to give up mango and pineapple earlier this year because of digestive issues, I was led to believe that at least with pineapple the tingly mouth part was normal
Juliamon: pineapples do just do that
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Pineapple is just actively corrosive.
ShaneLeeAtk: Pineapples like to eat you back a bit.
ArdCollider: papayas are like that too; they denature meat proteins
GapFiller: possibly allergic to hibiscus myslef tho only evidence is developing a full body rash after drinking hibi tea once
GapFiller: never actually had anything hibiscus related since to properly test this
vakarianeffect: would definitely suggest NOT risking the hibi tea; that sounds just so frustrating
SquareDotCube: A bar of sad?
ShaneLeeAtk: Almond cookies and restaurant quality chocolate pudding
vakarianeffect: Kind is great! I do find them at least worth the money
SquareDotCube: "raisin paste" indicates they've rehydrated raisins...
GapFiller: this whole conv has me losing count of how many celiac or otherwise gluten intolerant friends and acquintances who STILL continue to roll the dice on bread
Mollylele: cheese, a demon, and cheese gonna be a-chasin after someone
UtilityPunk: Inu Yasha, Speed Racer, Pretty Cure, Sailor Moon/Pokemon, Card Captor Sakura
GapFiller: Harley Quinn is from the cartoon right
vakarianeffect: Wedding Peach was another great one too!
ShaneLeeAtk: Beyond
putz12a: Batman Beyond
Earthenone: batmanebeyond?
As a swede, I wish to add that the best Moomin series was an anime that a lot of swedish weebs never realized as such until much later
@Jensling as another swede.... you are correct, and I had not thought about that until now
Earthenone: it blew my mind finding out the hobbit movie from the 70s was animated by the studio that became Ghiblii
SquareDotCube: The span of cartoons when I was a kid was interesting, because my grandparents got satellite cable around the end of Rocko's Modern Life and Cow and Chicken, and then kinda ends in the Adult Swim era with ATHF and Venture Bros. season 4
GapFiller: oooh Space Ghost
SquareDotCube: So 1995 to 2014
SquareDotCube: Hey, early exposure to SGCtC though
Juliamon: Cartoon Planet my beloved
ShaneLeeAtk: I love beans!
Juliamon: I have both CDs
Juliamon: I stll have both of them mostly memorized
SquareDotCube: Staples in the arm
RandomTrivia: Yikes
RandomTrivia: The Nerd Hangout
putz12a: 'Til all are one
UtilityPunk: A clubomination
RandomTrivia: Oof, feel that one
KeytarCat: All the clubs at my uni made me uncomfortable, but I was a transfem egg at a Christian university so
SquareDotCube: Sigh, the era of undiagnosed neurodivergence...
Out of two tables comes one, and out of one comes great nerdy bullshittery
what's the "jokester dude + overachiever gal" couple called on TV Tropes?
Juliamon: bullet: dodged
KeytarCat: "I want to be included" // "No, you really don't"
Xed_Regulus: @Mollylele Hallmark Christmas Movie
PMAvers: I think my introduction to real tabletop was at Boy Scout camp, where someone had brought their copy of the Battletech core box.
KeytarCat: Co-ed??
TheMerricat: co-ed
MolaMolaphant: co-ed is what I've got
PMAvers: Knots? Hiking? Eff that, we've got lasers and AC-20's to fire.
ArdCollider: my HS carpool kid had a running D&D game for like two years and never once did we get around to admitting mutual D&D interest! he lived up the block!
KeytarCat: If I'd known I was a lesbian in high school I probably would have gotten up to some more bullshit
RockPusher: hehehe buttress
RandomTrivia: Hehehehe,, buttress
Juliamon: And now we know!
Juliamon: I wonder what Beej's final opinion is on the Manischevitz
the fun thing about being queer in Catholic school is that the *other kids* probably notice long before you do, which is how I came out at 19 despite being told what I was for years.
RockPusher: Is Cori implying she *doesn't* have a water spout‽
noSmokeFire: humans are most definitely waterspouts
ArdCollider: (they missed the trans part! how, I don't know, I was constantly hanging out with boys as pals and avoiding the restroom and so on.)
KeytarCat: @ArdCollider eyy, same! No one knew what was up, but they knew I was a weird kid
KeytarCat: I was on Adderall and it was real bad for my emotional growth
GrassVortex: oh hey, that describes the last 10 years for me...
GrassVortex: oh
RockPusher: cool. cool cool. cool cool cool.
ghyllnox: I was on the max dose of Prozac and still having panic attacks, and it was causing major gastrointestinal issues, so I decided I'd just go off of it to see how I was doing. Gut cleared up, same level of anxiety
ArdCollider: 1990s SSRI prescribing was buck wild.
KeytarCat: Bodies are fuckin weird
Juliamon: I lucked the fuck out with my psychiatric meds, the first thing they tried me on worked
Juliamon: and I'm still on it
ArdCollider: (I didn't get ADHD meds until this year and I'm about to turn 49)
RandomTrivia: *looks around the room* Yeah, no shame from me
Serpens77: goodbye forever
Juliamon: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
RockPusher: Hovercrafts are cool!
Serpens77: the hovercraft was never seen again
ThorSokar: works perfectly, no notes
TehAmelie: i got here just in time to see the project escape
SquareDotCube: It's going back to its home planet of Wisconsin
RandomTrivia: S T U F F
RockPusher: YoU WoULdn'T DUsT a FloOr?
RockPusher: I mean, screaming foodstuffs are better than ones that are into it…
There must be singing Babybel, waxing lyrical...
SquareDotCube: Imagine, wrapped in foil, red string coming out of *somewhere*
SquareDotCube: Summer sausage slices
RandomTrivia: Oh do they have Duck Tours that don't break down and sink once a week?
RandomTrivia: Oh wait, you mean tours where you see ducks, don't you... how disappointing
PMAvers: Doing a tour of the McDuck Mansion...
UtilityPunk: MTV's Quacks
TheAinMAP: You tour the rivers on a DUCK (DUKW). There may or may not be avian ducks.
SquareDotCube: It's wild you can get a train ride from Chicago to Wisconsin Dells. In the USA.
TheAinMAP: It just went up to two trains a day.
Serpens77: tram?
SquareDotCube: Unfortunately, no train to House on the Rock.
Master_Gunner: old-timey bus?
Juliamon: Looks more trolley-like
SquareDotCube: Green Bay maybe
RandomTrivia: Oh heck, reading up informs me that Wisconsin Duck Tours were the first in the world.
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
Master_Gunner: funicular?
Juliamon: Funicular
potato_drawz: no
RandomTrivia: The thing about cheese decorations is that it's important to keep if brie-f
GapFiller: edible gold is a thing yes
TheAinMAP: "The Hop, also known as the Milwaukee Streetcar, is a modern streetcar system in Milwaukee, Wisconsin."
GapFiller: so is frankincense but not myrrh apparently
GapFiller: Heston Blumenthal tested this for a TV special
TheAinMAP: "Construction of the system began in late 2016 and was completed in summer 2018. Service to the public began on November 2, 2018."
TheAinMAP: From Wikipedia.
NorthstarTex: having gone to cons in WI, not drinking confused so many people XD
UtilityPunk: Look at Milwaukee, getting modernized public transport instead of car cars
RandomTrivia: Amazing
yay! completed works!
UtilityPunk: Kraft Singles flapping, past an open fire. Charcuterie snacking on the road~
RandomTrivia: *WHRRRRRRR*
Heather would have words.
RandomTrivia: Awwww
GapFiller: hai Ian
jacqui_lantern234: hi ian!!!
RandomTrivia: Oh hi Ian
TehAmelie: @GapFiller on the myrrh it would say "for external use only"
RockPusher: Yes Ian
Juliamon: Ian looooooms
RandomTrivia: *WHRRRRRRRRRR*#
DiscordianTokkan: oh dang
RockPusher: that is indeed impressive thrust
GrassVortex: that sure if some power
RandomTrivia: The noise gate took a second with that HJypeLUL
UtilityPunk: That'll blow some socks off
Lysander_salamander: nice
SquareDotCube: Blower + skateboard and some duct tape...
Lysander_salamander: someday I should figure out how mastadon works
RockPusher: We're to blame!
Coloneljesus: @Lysander_salamander not much different from twitter/bsky
Thanks Carrie and Cori!
thanks for the stream
iris_of_ether subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
iris_of_ether: WHOO
Thanks for subscribing, iris_of_ether! (Today's storm count: 5)
RockPusher: The resubs are coming from inside the stream!
RandomTrivia: The subs are coming from INSIDE the stream!
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Dice Friends (Join Jacob as he guides Adam, Heather, Cori & Cameron through series 3 of Not a Drop to Drink! Tonight, Episode 9! Game: Not a Drop to Drink) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (1:04 from now).
Juliamon: Fangnale
GapFiller: the last episode
usmub: test
usmub: First!
Coloneljesus: can't wait for the finale finale finale
ThorSokar: for real, for real, for real this time?
Juliamon: ooh
Coloneljesus: get your Qs ready
Lysander_salamander: yay queueing a!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Metric_Furlong: bees
wedge_x: o/
RandomTrivia: BEEES!
TehAmelie: thanks & bye
thanks for the company, Carrie and Cori (Wedge and I solved a work problem while y'all colored!)
amative1: congrats!
usmub: Thank you! I'm very proud of myself :p
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