Didero: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Minecraft on their Minecraft show, of course! Game: Minecraft) at Tue 10:00 AM PST (1m from now).
TheAinMAP: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow! https://www.twitch.tv/rebelliousuno
LoadingReadyRun: Anyone got a line on a Minecraft item wheel that's up to date for 1.21.4
LordZarano: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Minecraft on their Minecraft show, of course! Game: Minecraft) at Tue 10:00 AM PST (0s ago).
LordZarano: PrideRise
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
jessicaengle: jlrrJade
TheAinMAP: Signal
Anubis169: lrrSIG
jessicaengle: How are you today you beautiful MoC chat?
Anubis169: mellow~~
TXC2: Hello everybody
Anubis169: just got back from the store, got the last bottle of non-alcoholic prosecco to toast with mum :)
jessicaengle: GG
Anubis169: (she's teetotal)
LoadingReadyRun: Posting this again. Anyone got a line on a Minecraft item wheel that's up to date for 1.21.4
Anubis169: ^ anybody?
jessicaengle: jlrrCooltunes jlrrDance3
TXC2: if push comes to shove we can use the museum spreadsheet and a random number generator right?
jessicaengle: The wheel of enourmouser proportions?
TXC2: Here we GO!
jessicaengle: Yay!
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCirclewreath lrrTrianglewreath
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrJade SSSsssplode
Dread_Pirate_Westley: And SERGE!
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BoatyMcBoatfaceJr! (Today's storm count: 1)
TXC2: Hello James
jessicaengle: Very fun!
Didero: Hello!
DideRobot: LRR: The final Mine O'Clock of 2024 is upon us, and what better way to send off the year than James and Serge racing each other to find random, individual items in Minecraft as quickly as possible! | https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113748751293254175
nightshadeqx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 35 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nightshadeqx! (Today's storm count: 2)
Knot_Greg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Knot_Greg! (Today's storm count: 3)
Amoothyst subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 17 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Amoothyst! (Today's storm count: 4)
dmack161 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dmack161! (Today's storm count: 5)
jessicaengle: Friends!
mattyraft44: morning James.
Angreed66: What version of the final are you on though?
TXC2: Hello Serge
mattyraft44: hey serge.
Genie_M: Hi everyone
Barb4rian: mmm coffee
MehallD: serge quiet for anyone else?
Barb4rian: @MehallD Yeah a little
jessicaengle: jlrrPongchamp
MrSarkhan: serge is very quiet
DiscordianTokkan: He was pretty quiet for me yea
TXC2: Serge seems fine now, he was just quite to start
jessicaengle: Serge simply have a 4th coffee, perhaps his volume will increase
kumatsu: Amongus coffee
jessicaengle: Other coffees are available
MehallD: Just get your list from the spreadsheet and plug it into wheelofnames
kainboa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kainboa! (Today's storm count: 6)
TXC2: MoC is gonna use my idea? , really must be the final stream of the year :p
TXC2: it's wild that page 1 of Google is now useless
wordnerdify subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
wordnerdify: Greetings everyone
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wordnerdify! (Today's storm count: 7)
TXC2: Iron axe
MehallD: ironaxeonewordalllowercase
Orlantia: Final MoC of the year, right? Not final final?
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow! https://www.twitch.tv/rebelliousuno
TXC2: Orlantia of the year yes
Harvest25: The 5 YEARS. Happy New Year
Harvest25 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Harvest25! (Today's storm count: 8)
Orlantia: The notifications are truncated
jessicaengle: VirtualHug VirtualHug jlrrCarrotmilk
Wolfstrike_NL: Can we get a PiP if Serge streams to discord?
northos: chat, what was our item for this run? I missed it
PsychoI3oy: iron axe
northos: ty
Angnor33: Serge 'way too high' Yeager
TXC2: 3:29.45
Krillin_fan: woo!
TXC2: nice little warm up
Dalrint: Hello!
TXC2: Hello Dalrint welcome
TXC2: Colour is weird
DiscordianTokkan: All words are made up!
Crokoking subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crokoking! (Today's storm count: 9)
TXC2: Magenta isn't even a real colour
GoblinMyra: lily of the valley
DiscordianTokkan: Lily of the Valley, iirc?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Lily of the valley or bonemeal.
DiscordianTokkan: Make a composter?
TXC2: 2:20.62
Master_Gunner: All fish have a 5% chance
TXC2: fish do infamously have bones
TacitusVigil: I arrive just in time to hear Serge talk about killing fish.
Angnor33: How often do you actually kill them outside of fishing
LurkerSpine: https://wheelofnames.com/mfs-gy2 I think I got all the items, not 100% sure though. is there anything specific in 1.21.4 that I can search for?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: that went a lot faster than I expected
TheAinMAP: sergeGG
TacitusVigil: Chain leggings? Cheggings?!
Chesul: and now you spawn in a frozen biome.
LurkerSpine: Okay, I think I do have everything in that wheel
Diabore: netherite
kainboa: Flower Pot
phoenixletmeuseadashd: can you even get chain leggings in Java?
EJGRgunner: I say respect the wheel.
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the wiki suggests they're bedrock only
Angnor33: Brewing stand
Statist42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Statist42! (Today's storm count: 10)
Statist42: Hi friends lrrSHINE
TXC2: Statist42 nice
LordZarano: 1.13.1: "Cod, salmon, tropical fish, and pufferfish now have a chance of dropping bone meal upon death."
ArcOfTheConclave: pot is super late game?
Chesul: That giant thing is to cover the fact that there are more entries than would actually fit on the wheel James, so it covers where they disappear and appear.
Creature_Comforts: LUL
LurkerSpine: should have 1553 items
LurkerSpine: I don't think it's displaying everything
LurkerSpine: like in the previews
LurkerSpine: ah I can shuffle it
LurkerSpine: why doesn't it give you that option?
Angreed66: the white wedge hides the rest of the list so individual wedges on the wheel are readable
LurkerSpine: hmmhttps://wheelofnames.com/d4r-xb7 this should be a shuffled version, not sure if it's going to give you any different results
Angreed66: that's 90% of minecraft items. Then 5% are trivial.
LurkerSpine: do you want me to cut it back to the 1.21.4 items?
Genie_M: Curated list of fun stuff
JuneBlue58: Almost all items in Minecraft are either trivial to obtain, or a huge pain.
GoblinMyra: you dont really want *all* the items yeah
Stormgod519: test message
Stormgod519: hello
Stormgod519: happy New Year’s Eve everyone!
PsychoI3oy: jlrrFall
Dalrint: I look away for ten seconds and they finally pick something.
Dalrint: What are they racing for?
Stormgod519: hi James
Stormgod519: pinks?
TXC2: Stormgod519 test successful
Dalrint: Ooh. thank you serge.
Stormgod519: @txc2 perfect
Dalrint: I'm my defense, I've never claimed to be observant.
Genie_M: Giving more open ended quests is a good idea
Stormgod519: man I gotta play more Minecraft
Stormgod519: but not now, not on vacation
TXC2: play minecraft on company time
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: I wish I could get paid to do minecraft
Didero: What didn't you like about Bedrock?
Stormgod519: I think Java is way more optimized
northos: @Didero it's fine except for all the parts that aren't
Stormgod519: bedrock does have some nice features
Stormgod519: but Java has way more nice stuff
Dalrint: So you know you see something that looks human but isn't quite right? Bedrock is that for minecraft.
Stormgod519: yeah
LordZarano: osu! and osu!lazer
TXC2: it's like playing a different branded version of Monopoly
Stormgod519: true
Stormgod519: bedrock is smoother
Stormgod519: it is missing a lot of things
Didero: Except for an off-hand :p
Stormgod519: I’m pretty sure there’s a few things bedrock doesn’t have that Java has. I know the other way around is true
Stormgod519: oh huh
Stormgod519: I knew about the weirder stuff like cauldrons yeah
Stormgod519: you can dye armor in cauldrons
LordZarano: Bedrock missing the accessibility option for portal effects was wild
Stormgod519: also the Bedrock Wither fight is way harder
LionsEyeDiamond subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
LionsEyeDiamond: Whenever you cast a Spirit or Arcane spell, regenerate target creature.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LionsEyeDiamond! (Today's storm count: 11)
Dalrint: Bedrock has all that extra capitalism.
Genie_M: The posable puppets
circusofkirkus: isn't there a redstone difference between java and bedrock?
Stormgod519: I think so
Stormgod519: yeah, I’ve noticed way less ships
MehallD: they're not really at a level you'd dig naturally
Angreed66: You don't really dig out shoreline naturally
TacitusVigil: But James, the real buried treasure was the friends we made along the way.
Diabore: the sailors got smart and they dont crash their ships as often anymore
NimrodXIV: new challenge mode: keep digging out the treasure spot along coastlines until you find a chest
Stormgod519: I was gonna mention outposts at the beginning but I wasn’t sure if that was fine lol
Stormgod519: tho who am I kidding
Stormgod519: yall know this game way more than I do. if you didn’t know about pillager towers having trims I would’ve been stunned
Stormgod519: you can eat raw potatoes… they just give close to no hunger back
Angreed66: Find the deep dark Kappa
Anubis169: happy new year's eve stormgot <3
Anubis169: stormgod*
Stormgod519: cheers Anubis
Stormgod519: GG
Diabore: got 2 even
TXC2: 10:03.68
Stormgod519: armor trim, even
Stormgod519: okay, I’ll be back
TXC2: pots are special enough to get their own terminology
TXC2: how dyes could there possibly be? 255? Kappa
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
GhostValv: sergeHubris
LordZarano: @TXC2 Every leather colour speedrun KappaPride
Diabore: here chick chick chicken
phoenixletmeuseadashd: egg
Creature_Comforts: We ate too much KFC on Christmas
TacitusVigil: Serge ate them all
TXC2: the horror: a world without chickens
CaptainSpam: *burp* Um... nothing. We... we didn't do anything. To the chickens.
baskwalla: This is what happens when Uno isn’t around.
Narcuru: usually they arent in the water, I'ev found
circusofkirkus: monster
northos: we still know what you did Serge
Creature_Comforts: Serge continues to commit unspeakable crimes during these item races
circusofkirkus: that should be a time penalty
iarethel0ser: Serge becomes much more murderous in these.
JuneBlue58: James has done worse.
GhostValv: D:
Angreed66: At least James cat murders are accidents
Dalrint: What are we murdering?
JuneBlue58: But what you do in the dark is the true measure of your soul.
TXC2: killing a chicken: normal, mundane activity. killing a parrot: a sin against man and God.
Angreed66: parrots live longer and there are less of them
Didero: @Angreed66 One less, now :p
Dalrint: Also parrots aren't as dumb as dishwater
LordZarano: Desert offers both pyramids and wells
TXC2: 7:27.82
meatpopsiclee: i farted
Genie_M: Like this more open ended style
Ant__R: every dye would be pretty involved
Diabore: its fun when its actually back and forth like this instead of a blow out
lamina5432: morning
Angreed66: I think part of the charm of these is that you don't use seed maps
TXC2: hello lamina5432 welcome
commentarywife: good eevening
TXC2: hello commentarywife welcome
MallyxZero: no gold tools?
Bella_YeaTwitch: Hey
commentarywife: just finished rewatching the nadtd finale so I can get my Q&As in!
Alas_Babylon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Alas_Babylon: 64 months? Who cares, it's 2025! Happy New Year, friendos!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alas_Babylon! (Today's storm count: 12)
Genie_M: All shovels
Dalrint: Wood, stone, iron, copper, gold, diamond
steveheist: One of every armor?
maefly2: And netherite of course
Genie_M: Or Different tool every material
MallyxZero: every shovel plus a brush
TXC2: all non going to hell to get it shovels :p
circusofkirkus: a complete spoon collection
Dalrint: Six Shovels and a Brush: The Minecraft Story
GhostValv: D:
TXC2: the sho vels
lady_olynder: Magenta may be a real word, but it isn't a real color
maefly2: All these hovels
Angreed66: All words are made up even the ones that make up this sentence
TXC2: the reason why "words look spelled wrong" is because they often are
juzztshay: sergePeek sergePeek
PsychoI3oy: well you only need one..... ohhhh
Angreed66: well you want to be able to mine diamonds and gold
Diabore: went afk for a bit, does all shovel include netherite?
TXC2: Diabore nope
Sodaprodutions: You could bank on getting gold and diamonds from chests, but I wouldn't bank on that
LordZarano: At least magenta isn't fuchsia. NOBODY can spell fuschia
Angreed66: boooo
commentarywife: @LordZarano fuchs-ia
Genie_M: Fox-yeah
commentarywife: and that's still spelt wrong ^^;
TXC2: just misspell fuck sea and you're there Kappa
googoltudoris: more like fuchsUGH am i rite?
Alas_Babylon: lapis laluli
Diabore: of course you find trim on the first ship in this run
MDK_Marshal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
MDK_Marshal: Happ New Year! (SoonTM, timezone dependant)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MDK_Marshal! (Today's storm count: 13)
MehallD: are the emeralds worth it in case you need to trade?
juzztshay: Ooooo
commentarywife: is the map supposed to look blank?
Ant__R: thats west james
TXC2: commentarywife yes, it fill in as you get close
commentarywife: ah and the dot is where his character is?
Narcuru: you need to go basically due east
TXC2: commentarywife yes, but if he's too far away the dot will just be on the edge
Cunobelenos: @commentarywife correct!
Dog_of_Myth: Good afternoon and Happy New Year wherever you are
TXC2: hello Dog_of_Myth welcome
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
circusofkirkus: iron
MallyxZero: iron
TXC2: 10:54.44
northos: decisive
TheAinMAP: sergeGG
juzztshay: sergeGG sergeGG
Dalrint: A donkey?
Yondaime233: all animal meats?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: 6 different saplings?
ThePov42: Cocoa beans?
Genie_M: A mule 😁
SpleenLord: two of each animal
Narcuru: all the picks would be similar, but could mean you get stuck on say two diamonds
MallyxZero: tame a dog and a cat
juzztshay: Sincere apologies as I am late but have they done all wood types? or most?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: first to bribe a nether pig?
steveheist: All the furnaces - Furnace, Blast Furnace, Smoker
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer500
baskwalla: Kitty?
jessicaengle: First to stonks wins
BrookJustBones: How hard is all the job blocks?
Ant__R: glow ink
Genie_M: Grown crops?
commentarywife: fisrt to find a village?
MallyxZero: @BrookJustBones alchemy station is kinda hard
adept_nekomancer: I was also thinking about something with the job blocks
Angreed66: Tbf most of these have boiled down to who can find a shipwreck faster
Genie_M: Ooh job blocks is good
jessicaengle: First to find a geode?
Ant__R: was more inclusion of feather
LordZarano: All weapons (except trident)
steveheist: Copper is super easy to find.
circusofkirkus: crossbow?
adept_nekomancer: Potted cactus?
MallyxZero: first to kill the ender dragon
steveheist: First to a Trial Ruin Key?
BrookJustBones: Have to craft a cake?
Genie_M: Fireworks for new years?
NimrodXIV: haven't done Cake or Death in a while
penguinbeasts: first to cure a zombie villager
Narcuru: someone suggested all the job blocks
juzztshay: Stringed items?
jessicaengle: First to grind 1000 potats
ArtemisHuntress: first to get a certain enchantment?
Genie_M: Touch bedrock
steveheist: First to grind 100*1* potats?
circusofkirkus: first to get X achievements?
jessicaengle: We could just go to the PaC server and dig
Narcuru: 13?
hottmacks subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
hottmacks: 16 months, that's two eight-month years! Happy new years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hottmacks! (Today's storm count: 14)
ArtemisHuntress: first to get to the nether?
creasehearst: brewing stand would also be available under certain igloos no?
creasehearst: though that's pretty rare
adept_nekomancer: All the boots (excluding netherite)?
maefly2: Make an iron golem could be fun?
Angreed66: First to find TNT and a redstone block?
Genie_M: It's not very easy and needs some planning
commentarywife: make a railway of a certain size
BrookJustBones: What does the bonus chest setting do?
TXC2: job blocks sounds like Apple version of joe blow :p
Narcuru: when was that implented i wonder lol
Juliamon: It gives you free apples and tools, a little bit of wood and sticks
Creature_Comforts: @BrookJustBones A chest is made near spawn with some useful-ish early game items. Basic tools, food, that sorta thing
Juliamon: and it's surrounded by torches so you get free torches
phoenixletmeuseadashd: coal...floats?
Narcuru: apparently it was implemented in 1.3.1
steveheist: Sand and gravel fall!
TXC2: "nothing Falls" James has proven that VERY untrue Kappa
commentarywife: baaa
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I have not played in long enough that I lost my account to the MS migration, so :D
Juliamon: Sand and gravel *blocks* fall
steveheist: Still counts
commentarywife: whelp, nether portal right there?
Juliamon: Ruined portals often aren't really usable
TXC2: now the real question is does coal float IRL, 'cause that feels like a thing that you would think wouldn't but does :p
maefly2: Some coal does, in fact, float
commentarywife: "Because coal is less dense than most rocks and minerals (such as pyrite), it floats in liquids of equal or greater density than the coal; rock and pyrite sink"
TXC2: maefly2 neat
crashofbeat: just came here, whats the objective? finding the job blocks?
Narcuru: finding/crafting but yes
crashofbeat: k thx
steveheist: Land biomes!
circusofkirkus: say the line James
LordZarano: Does cartography table need paper?
Gaelan_Maestro subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months, currently on a 34 month streak!
Gaelan_Maestro: hope you guys have an amazing new years eve
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gaelan_Maestro! (Today's storm count: 15)
steveheist: It is theoretically possible to find a buried treasure without the map, if you're particularly observant
jessicaengle: Sailing, Sailing, over the ocean blue
commentarywife: early night?
crazycommie87: I usually just chill at home on New Years anyhow. I know the feeling.
Gaelan_Maestro: im going to watch horror movies and eat popcorn tonight
steveheist: Mine O' Clock firework-bulk-craft special?
jessicaengle: I love riniging in the new year by sleeping peacefully through it's arrival. I love sleep so much
Juliamon: Should have grabbed the stew from the first ship
TXC2: I will probably got to bed at 11 as normal, just be drifting off, then the fireworks will kick in at midnight :p
crazycommie87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
crazycommie87: Also yay for chill stream while on my vacation time!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, crazycommie87! (Today's storm count: 16)
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrCarrotmilk
Juliamon: A village means a bed
TXC2: I'm more of an M&M then a smartie
creasehearst: bells are job blocks for James Turner only
circusofkirkus: turtles!
jessicaengle: I don't do notheeeeeng
EJGRgunner: we were hungry
SpleenLord: I'm holding them for ransom
Wolfstrike_NL: We hid them for eastern
MallyxZero: i did something very unethical with the villages
baskwalla: It’s a tough economy, we can’t just give villages away.
Dalrint: Oh hey there's a new crapshot
DiscordianTokkan: The Last Crapshot of 2024. :P
Dalrint: And it's very silly.
TXC2: I assumed the crapshot shoot was gonna be the last
LordZarano: Loom needs 2 string
Dalrint: it works out perfectly for new years eve
SpleenLord: Does anyone know what they're doing?
Thex2001: @SpleenLord Job Blocks, bottom left
TXC2: SpleenLord not a once in my 35 years :p
Juliamon: Very cool, very not helpful
Genie_M: I think this was a good challenge
Genie_M: Much better than single items
TXC2: at this point we have to wonder if James is CAUSING the shipwrecks :p
PsychoI3oy: you can get string from striders
Angreed66: Striders are not to be harmed
DiscordianTokkan: Hay bale for fletching?
Diabore: james you should say brewing stand
DiscordianTokkan: (or am I misremembering that)
TXC2: 23:50.69
ThePov42: This village has an unemployment problem.
Genie_M: Hm, a different challenge would be to _craft_ all of them instead finding
adept_nekomancer: I'm glad nobody tried to get their string by murdering kitties.
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
jessicaengle: kikoskRock
Genie_M: How does getting any 10(?) different edible things sound?
LordZarano: Crossbow could be an interesting one
Genie_M: Or 10 cooked foods
Angreed66: I still like a block of redstone and a block of TNT
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Tuesday, Miners & Crafters!!! jlrrPunch sergeScopeCreep
jessicaengle: Chat what is the Elder Dragon Social Club?
TXC2: hello Xed_Regulus welcome
TXC2: jessicaengle LRR plays games of Commander, then puts it up on youtube
Narcuru: @jessicaengle its a magic the gathering commander series that LRR puts on roughly monthly(?)
TXC2: it's sponsored by Card kingdom
jessicaengle: Is that different from the other Magic streams b/c sponsored, or are there other differences too?
Narcuru: it's pre-recorded so it's on youtube not twitch
TXC2: and we're back
Narcuru: ha
jessicaengle: Ty!
TXC2: that magenta is back on the wheel again!
Genie_M: Fireworks is festive
Darth0mega subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Darth0mega! (Today's storm count: 17)
stason4ikason: Merry Christmas 🎄⛄
circusofkirkus: do you ever feel
Genie_M: You could do all the fireworks for all the colors
phoenixfeather14: also, you can find fire charges in shattered portal chests sometimes
TXC2: bashing up a mineshaft with cactus, ah videogames
TXC2: a bold, unprecedented move Turner
EJGRgunner: James, do we need to have an intervention about your shipwreck dependency?
jessicaengle: @TXC2 Is there another way?
TXC2: jessicaengle Gods only know
glitched_goddess: mods have ruined me. I heard “what’s the recipe for a firework star?” and I thought “pft just look it up in JEI”
jessicaengle: I'd rather a cactus than my fist tbh
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Spiderwebs for string!
jessicaengle: Like sock-em boppers, only with spines.
DiscordianTokkan: :O
Dalrint: this is a pretty biome
MehallD: oh hey a shipwreck
Angreed66: James shouldve felled one of those trees
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
DiscordianTokkan: You have an axe
Angreed66: axe?
adept_nekomancer: Not a single flower in these biomes
commentarywife: so tol
TXC2: nothing has gone wrong yet, nothing has right either
Dalrint: Eat the cactus james.
GoblinMyra: maybe punch a fish?
TheAinMAP: 2020Celebrate
commentarywife: HNY!
Benoau: lol that was insane. nice
SnackPak_: those creeper spawns were wild
commentarywife: should have waited 4 minutes and it'd have been new year Somewhere
TXC2: 6:30.01
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Is that like a color?
circusofkirkus: must it be named the color?
circusofkirkus: i.e. moss != green
Dalrint: Is a red bed called a red bed or is it just called bed?
adept_nekomancer: My condolences to the sheep that are about to die for white and black wool.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: White, grey, and black are not colors.
commentarywife: does the dye itself count or does it have to be a dyed item?
Narcuru: that's a falsehood
commentarywife: the brits agree :D
circusofkirkus: correct in fantasy land
Dread_Pirate_Westley: By "correct", James means "wrong."
baskwalla: col ours comrade
adept_nekomancer: This is bit infringement on Heather's House of Lies
Sarah_Serinde: Most of the world isn't American, just because you all want to be different doesn't mean you're right :P
Narcuru: lots of white needed if you need to actually craft them
j_crane330: PopCorn
commentarywife: there's lots of green...trees
TXC2: green an brown are kinds of colour
Genie_M: Just find pink sheep
commentarywife: beee
Narcuru: no you need a lot of white tho
phoenixfeather14: or a nametag and make a jeb sheep to shear
Nommii77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nommii77! (Today's storm count: 18)
DiscordianTokkan: You're going to want more of the primary colours for mixers anyways
commentarywife: why is he throwing the grey dye?
SnackPak_: pretty good start for James here
Angreed66: red and yellow makes orange
Genie_M: Red and yellow make orange
juzztshay: @commentarywife I believe it was light gray for which we has the wool already
commentarywife: ah I see
erin_the_bisexual: Hi
Angreed66: also second blue and whote for light blue
commentarywife: this is easier than I first thought it'd be
TXC2: hello erin_the_bisexual welcome
TXC2: in spite of green being clearly the most abundant colour :p
Angreed66: blue is used in 4 dyes blue, light blue teal and purple
commentarywife: is it light based or art based?
commentarywife: additive or aubtracctive?
Gaelan_Maestro: im very colourblind, im horrid at this sorta challenge
DiscordianTokkan: Sure were! :D
TXC2: colours are just your brain making stuff up
Narcuru: white is needed in like 6 recipies
Narcuru: (including itself)
Narcuru: well, "needed"... more like can be used to make up to 6 colors if you get the right other ones
commentarywife: does minecraft have a way of helping colourblind people?
DiscordianTokkan: nyooom
commentarywife: zoomzoomzoom
TXC2: worlds fastest cephalopod
Gaelan_Maestro: minecraft helps in the way that it labels all the blocks
Juliamon: Blocks have labels, and the dyes themselves all have unique shapes
phoenixfeather14: bonemeal for white?
phoenixfeather14: for things like lime and light blue?
commentarywife: google tells me there's a mod for colourblind mode but it's not an option in the main game
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Brown mushroom!
DiscordianTokkan: Brown Mushroom DOES have brown in the name...
Narcuru: doesnt make brown technically?
Narcuru: but yeah it has it in the name
Genie_M: Is terracotta dyeable?
rogerivany: @Genie_M yes
Angreed66: a white bed still counts
circusofkirkus: James on that carnivore diet
Angreed66: you can sleep i mean
Didero: What color is James looking for? And how many colors does he still need?
juzztshay: Bonemeal
kalira77: leather armor is also dyeable iirc
TXC2: 12 mins
commentarywife: how many colours do they need to get in total?
Angreed66: How did serge get teal?
PsychoI3oy: red + blue make purple
Didero: Aw, that skeleton had a little mushroom hat, cute
commentarywife: ROYGBIV?
Narcuru: green and white
phoenixletmeuseadashd: you take it out of the coconut
rogerivany: Need warm biomes
Narcuru: pitcher plant for cyan
juzztshay: Can use some existing colors to make the greens though right?
commentarywife: @phoenixletmeuseadashd unless it's shaken all up
kalira77: you just have to unshake it and then you can remove it
Narcuru: need an extra white for lime, and extra blue for cyan, two extra green for cyan and lime as well as the one for reg green
Didero: Man, just boatin' around seems fun
commentarywife: @kalira77 but entropy
Narcuru: pitcher plant for cyan Serge
maefly2: Wind waker, minecraft edition
Kazman20a: grab an extra blue so you can make teal when you get green
Narcuru: yeah nt saying it's easy/possible
adept_nekomancer: Live bees!
Narcuru: and another blue
Didero: Most of the world is green :p
Narcuru: need another blue for cyan
commentarywife: outrageous that you can't smush grass or leaves to make green
kalira77: @commentarywife simple, request Superman fly the opposite way around the world until it reverses time and unshakes it for you
commentarywife: with it being such a plentiful resource
kalira77: @commentarywife given how easily my grass stains my shoes when I mow, agreed.
Stauffy: Green, green, everywhere, and not a drop to dye
Diabore: default clap clap clap
Narcuru: pickles also work
Narcuru: well they help
TXC2: Stauffy we have our name for the next season of vampire Kappa
Narcuru: not as useful as cactus
juzztshay: Does blue/yellow make green? or are we trying to find without doing that
Narcuru: they dont
commentarywife: so it's additive not subtractive?
kalira77: desert (bus) or bust
TXC2: desert cactus for green
Juliamon: No, yellow and red make orange, blue and red make purple, it's only yellow and blue that fail
commentarywife: so weird game rules, sure
Didero: Wait, are you saying Minecraft is inconsistent? what a shock :p
LordZarano: Green and brown being the hardest dyes to get is so silly
kalira77: tbf, you can't craft brown from the three base colors either
Juliamon: it's probably because green dye was originally "Cactus Green"
Juliamon: so it was explicitly tied to cactus
Didero: And deserts are as likely to spawn near a sea as any other biome?
IbunWest: radrinWave
Narcuru: its only in desert house chests? not any village houses
commentarywife: iceburg lettuce are there, done
TXC2: surely the opposite of warm ocean is cold desert ?
Didero: And some food, probably?
DiscordianTokkan: Food?
adept_nekomancer: Lots of bread
Juliamon: Devs wanted to encourage exploration, if you could make everything at spawn you wouldn't need to leave.
commentarywife: that villager is wearing green clothes, quick, gettim
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Oh, a chapel! We can get a brewing stand!
Narcuru: oh a lectern!
Narcuru: how convenient
Didero: Not entirely, you got a whole loaf of bread!
GhostValv: a whole loaf :O
Statist42: i think i saw some green stained glass? no silk touch i guess…
TXC2: have you ever eaten a loaf of bread? it's life changing
phoenixfeather14: looks like we're heading for a cold biome
LordZarano: Only desert villages can have green beds and no villages can spawn brown beds
Didero: But Serge, that village has a chest full of bread and apples
commentarywife: we circumvented the globe?
Juliamon: Minecraft... isn't a globe
GoblinMyra: yall passed each other without seeing the other i guess?
commentarywife: the cube?
Juliamon: despite the visible curvature
Didero: I'm a bread man, ba dee bada bada ba
TXC2: it's also the size of Uranus
Juliamon: it's an infinite plane
kalira77: @GoblinMyra they are in individual worlds, just using the same seed
Narcuru: yeah only desert villages have green and lime beds
HesGotNoPants: All these squares make a circle
GhostValv: @Didero I'm glad someone else had that thought
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I don't think 5 minutes is going to help.
PsychoI3oy: brown panda?
commentarywife: green apple?
Didero: @GhostValv It's weird, I don't even know the song that well. I'm also glad I'm not the only one that made the link though
Didero: So you're saying it's a desert bust
commentarywife: is it dangerous to be out in a boat at night?
Juliamon: only if you stop moving
Juliamon: if you keep moving nothing will catch you
Didero: The beach fake-out
Narcuru: or perhaps would you drop green dye if i kill you
Genie_M: Speciesist
Juliamon: milkshake turtle
Angreed66: Is the PC human?
Diabore: entering overtime
commentarywife: wasn't the cue to "get all or at least the most colours before the time is up"?
Juliamon: brown town!
Angreed66: most humans I know can't lift multiple cubic meters of gold
Didero: @Angreed66 Pretty sure Steve is human, yeah. Plus, James is wearing a James skin, and James is at least mostly human
Didero: Time to make like a Serge and create a channel
Angreed66: Time to end on a friendship tie
Narcuru: a pickle could win it, or a desert would seal the deal
Didero writes down 'Never be nice to Serge'
Diabore: cant be that rare, its more common than desert
asddsa28: i would love to see after this if they look on a biome finder to see were the deserts are
Diabore: break
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrBreak
circusofkirkus: first a parrot, now a dolphin serge?
Angreed66: they die too often as it is
Genie_M: You have a furnace ready with fuel?
commentarywife: I take back what I said earlier in this run, this is harder than it looked
Narcuru: we have 8 cobble and a coal
Didero: Cool mountains
Angreed66: here's Serges mega tiaga
phoenixfeather14: jungle to the right
Didero: It's the fiinaaal countdoooowwwn
Angreed66: well it's 12:35
Diabore: what was that sunken fortress?
circusofkirkus: can we look at a biome finder?
adept_nekomancer: Crash! That! Boat!
Juliamon: Diabore Drowned ruins, nothing useful there
rogerivany: Drowned ruins sometimes have coloured terracotta
PsychoI3oy: 3700 blocks away
Angreed66: almost 4k blocks away
TXC2: an cactus
SnackPak_: its so wee
Dalrint: this whole seed has been weird
Didero: You never would've found that
adept_nekomancer: Sky desert
circusofkirkus: yeah the seed map was wild
Juliamon: That's so wild
TXC2: a mountain beach of a desert
TheAinMAP: Two Cacti Desert, they call it.
Genie_M: Almost 4000 blocks away
rogerivany: Deserts can be high above sea level
Dread_Pirate_Westley: The nearest desert of any significant size is at about 7000, 1000.
circusofkirkus: warm ocean isn't it?
omdorastrix: warm_ocean
SnackPak_: wow minecraft
Narcuru: oh we saw that
TXC2: what a seed
Genie_M: Cool seed
TXC2: :D
Narcuru: there was a teal colored ocean next
Narcuru: Ha
commentarywife: GG
PsychoI3oy: GGs
Didero: Well played all around
TXC2: thanks for streaming James and Serge
Barb4rian: Happy New Year LRR and Chat
Genie_M: This was fun
Didero: Ooh, stuff! I like stuff
commentarywife: enjoy, HNY
TheAinMAP: sergeGG
lamina5432: gday too you
Ashimablackraven: Are yall doing anything for innistrad remastered
rogerivany: What stuff? ;)
GhostValv: see you next year :)
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: XENOTILT) at Tue 01:30 PM PST (50m from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Narcuru: have a happy new year everyone!
Genie_M: 2,5 hours left of the year here
Didero: Let's NYEope
Dalrint: New Years Day Watch and Play?
Barb4rian: Chaos! Looking forward to it
Genie_M: Monikers is always fun
TXC2: W+P the first stream of 2025, what a way to ring in the new year
Dalrint: @TXC2 Hopefully not a portent of the quality of the year.
kalira77: oh crud, i missed the melody's escape stream for this year
TXC2: Dalrint well not the games at least
Didero: Ah good, so Wheeler did decide to take a break, good for him
omnilord subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
omnilord: Happy New Year everyone!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, omnilord! (Today's storm count: 19)
Didero: Thanks for the stream!
TheWriterAleph: Thanks for the stream, James!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Dalrint: Happy new year y'all
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
Xed_Regulus: Happy New Year!!!
Dalrint: See you on the other side.
TXC2: you made it to the year of 2024 chat, well done
TXC2: *end of 2024 :p
TXC2: goodnight everybody
TXC2: to the crapshot!
Earthenone: !advice
LRRbot: Wear the jellyfish with your ship.