Earthenone: ahh the return of a swiftly tilting cameron
RockPusher: !advice
LRRbot: Don't hit the president!
RockPusher: *looks pointedly at the date* yes… yes I agree with you LRRbot
RockPusher: !badadvice
LRRbot: Are you sure you want to defer turn?
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrTrianglewreath
Juliamon: lrrSIG
TheAinMAP: Signal
RockPusher: Flipper! Flipper! Flipper! Tilt!
DideRobot: LRR: It's pinball! Come watch Talking Sim play XENOTILT :DanceOrb: |
RockPusher: Here comes 2!
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCirclewreath lrrTrianglewreath
accountmadeforants: Do not facehug the cabinets
GhostValv: hi
Xed_Regulus: Good afternoon!
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrCAMERON lrrCORI
ProcyonFlynn: !findquote silence
LRRbot: Quote #1282: "Dogs and people may love. All other animals breed in stony silence." —Ian [2015-12-16]
accountmadeforants: Hello
RockPusher: *nods in agreement*
Chrysoprase: Is this a cory and cameron christmas episode?
accountmadeforants: We've gone from the cone of silence to the stream of silence
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
neisan2112: Mood
RockPusher: Civilisation does that to people
TheAinMAP: Or until Civ 7, at least.
RockPusher: Cori "checked it out" :D
iconsumedeath420: <message deleted>Fuck off
Bruceski: I just picked up the new Brandon Sanderson book yesterday, haven't cracked it yet.
accountmadeforants: Getting into audiobooks has definitely increased the number of books I consume back to normal levels.
ProcyonFlynn: Is anything really garbage if it makes you think/engage with an experience?
ProcyonFlynn: Even junk-food has calories - etc
NotCainNorAbel: Andy's book is very fun
iris_of_ether: It's sitting on my shelf, waiting
Gekyouryuu: I've sadly lost the ability to focus long enough to read proper novels, but i can power through manga like nobody's business, so I'm reading an amount, at least
accountmadeforants: It's quite good Bruceski, I enjoyed it a lot
iris_of_ether: Also my Vampire queer disaster group wants me to read The Locked Tomb 😆
TheMerricat: So joined late but intuiting that we are talking about what books we got for the season. What are Cameron and Cori's opinion on digital books vs physical books?
Gekyouryuu: "Reading is an unusual thing that humans do, and I liked myself more when I did it." sounds like something Silas would say
ProcyonFlynn: I've really found the joy of audiobooks this last year. It's not the same to listen - but I've found when it's read by it's author it adds an interesting nuance to the content. Like adjacent context? It's good stuff.
Marvoleath: There are studies that suggest reading relaxes brain, while other media excite it, not always positively
KeytarCat: Flow state is a hell of a thing
Earthenone: you wouldent pin a ball
Joecool190: Cori is a clever one
Anubis169: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
iris_of_ether: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
DoodlestheGreat: o7
accountmadeforants: seabatDance
Marvoleath: "On talking simulator the ball sucks you!", quoting Cam's highlight
ProcyonFlynn: "The Multi-ball Matrix" :D
Earthenone: hera tilt is clearly the greek expansion
Anubis169: probably the internet meme?
neisan2112: It was the billiards rougelike I think
RockPusher: There. Are. Three. Boards!
Anubis169: I'm so glad everything is on battery backup in this house... the wind is playing havoc with the power lrrSPOOP
LordZarano: Hera-ticlt Hera-tickled
ProcyonFlynn: The accessibility for "tone down the Everything-Everywhere of it" is really good imo.
Anubis169: LordZarano: How's it where you are?
adept_nekomancer: That cat on the second level is definitely the leopard that is going to eat all our faces.
Serpens77: there's so much table to this table
Anubis169: Oh I adore the PC-98 and Megadrive blend of sounds
LordZarano: @Anubis169 Windy
Serpens77: FBtouchdown
r10pez10: i bought this the other day and i can't stop playing it
LordZarano: @Anubis169 Power's been fine but the internet briefly cut out earlier
wedge_x: \look at you, pinball wizard\
Anubis169: I'm not quotebotting that
CaptainSpam: Ah, pinball. The sport of kings.
Anubis169: There were SO many
Anubis169: in the Maverick pinball game, there was a very limited game of poker built into the LCD display and you hit targets to raise/fold
Anubis169: yup
r10pez10: stupid blackjack cat
CaptainSpam: Most of the time in physical pinball design, that's why upper playfields tend to be "bonus" areas.
jacqui_lantern234: hey chat <3 hope yall have been having a stellar day
ProcyonFlynn: Over 50 hours logged, and I still don't feel like I even know half of it.
ProcyonFlynn: Same to you Jacqui! penaddCoffee
TheAwkes: I think I could really get into this. It looks about 30% too visually noisy, but I think I could develop the screen-based proprioception to make up for it.
Anubis169: the one thing that sticks with me from Disco Elysium, and lives rent-free in my head, is 'Volumetric Shit Compressor'
jacqui_lantern234: i got myself a magic card, a new citadel paint, and some mixing jars cause i wanted a treat and no one else is gonna do it :P
bistod subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bistod! (Today's storm count: 20)
r10pez10: yeah if all you do is focus on the pinball it does wonders
adept_nekomancer: @Anubis169 The one thing that sticks with me is you can spend like a whole two in-game hours making skill checks to win the secret goat-themed pinball game
Anubis169: That was a great first round Cori <3
r10pez10: go cam go!
jacqui_lantern234: @r10pez10 its 2024, who FOCUSES on the pinball?! Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: go cam! i believe in you!
adept_nekomancer: @adept_nekomancer Which is oddly on-topic for this particular stream.
r10pez10: xenotilt when i boot it up again: "back so soon?"
Timagio: what about Your Gatekeeper?
Anubis169: lrrFINE
r10pez10: and would you say that had an effect on you...
r10pez10: sorry i got distracted thinking about high cheekbones
Anubis169: noooooooo
r10pez10: NO
Anubis169: got the robo queen down to half HP though
CaptainSpam: Someday LRR needs to hit up a local pinball place on the island. I'm sure one of them has to have a streaming rig. :D
jacqui_lantern234: gosh, i wish my area had an arcade 😭
vingris_: Happy New Year from this timezone
CaptainSpam: I'm lucky I live somewhere with decent pinball interest. The league I'm in has options.
r10pez10: NO
jacqui_lantern234: nooooo
wedge_x: another!
Anubis169: Unrelated, Chat, I have a bag of oaty granola/raisin slabs <3
r10pez10: it's amazing how bad draining feels
vingris_: I regret to inform you that 2025 contains at least as much existential dread as 2024
Timagio: we go agane
Anubis169: BALLS smokeBALLS
CaptainSpam: Good ol' ball save. One of the best innovations of the 90s.
r10pez10: this machine is eating all my quarters
damn_i_am_pretty: mattlrBalls
jacqui_lantern234: @r10pez10 quarter?! i hardly know her!!! :P
protojman: this game makes me feel like the mid-00s in every way
Earthenone: i remember people crowding around the machine
r10pez10: i think if you were doing really well people would gather around to watch right
Earthenone: i dont remember what purpose they served
Timagio: Navigator, yeah.
CaptainSpam: Usually not; sometimes play-by-play commentators have a hard time keeping up in streamed tournaments.
Timagio: RIP
adept_nekomancer: Very rude, machine. Very rude.
Anubis169: if it was a thing, the copilots were never present
CaptainSpam: Granted, in most cases, physical pinball tables aren't nearly as complex as this.
TStodden: Nope... but Pinball prior to like 1990's (with DMD's) were fairly simple objectives.
jacqui_lantern234: i thought it was Lord Host Kappa
r10pez10: still don't know what varia is lmao
r10pez10: other than "varia max"
Earthenone: Hos. its still crimmus right?
Timagio: Its a powerup fro Metroid
dontupanic subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
dontupanic: happy new year, everybody
CaptainSpam: The outlanes. Gets 'em every time.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dontupanic! (Today's storm count: 21)
Timagio: from*
TheMerricat: So I was going to say the steam page is awfully light on guides, then I looked at the release date for this and realize it came out just a month ago. :D
r10pez10: music good
Anubis169: who're the devs for this? same peeps that The Messenger?
TheMerricat: @Anubis169 WIZNWAR
CaptainSpam: Modern games can get pretty complicated, but for the most part, a general rule is "shoot the flashing shots", and that'll usually get you most of the way.
Timagio: @TheMerricat Wait what?! I could have sworn this was a few years old
r10pez10: !
QuixoticScrivener: I’m going to have Sonic Spinball nightmares.
Anubis169: oh hey!
Natimus_Prime: I do want to own an actual pinball table some day. Not anything super fancy, but the physicality of the machine versus a virtual pinball makes a huge difference for me
r10pez10: i like the turret mechanic
Anubis169: TheMerricat: They did Demon's Tilt didn't they?
TheMerricat: @Timagio The previous game in the 'series' - DemonTilt came out in 2019, that might be what you are thinking of.
Anubis169: YES!!
Timagio: Ah right
Earthenone: just a pinball or a whole machine? :P
r10pez10: bye orb
CaptainSpam: I want to own an actual table sometime, too, but that's going to require me living in something bigger than a one-bedroom apartment. :p
r10pez10: ooh a perk
TheMerricat: @Natimus_Prime IB4 someone points out a lot of physical pinball tables these days are just... virtual pinball in a pinball cabinet. :P
Anubis169: did anybody else habitually keep the flippers up unless the ball was near?
TheMerricat raises hand. :D
CaptainSpam: @Anubis169 Nah, you don't want to do that. In the raised position, the gap between them is wider.
r10pez10: if you stand on one leg and stick your tongue out the flippers hit harder right
r10pez10: ooh a second perk
CaptainSpam: Hey, people do discuss their pinball stances once in a while. Some get pretty wild. :D
TheMerricat: @CaptainSpam You don't. But for those of us not blessed with reaction speed, it's preferable to have the gap over just watching the ball slide down the flipper over and over again as you fail to hit the button in time. :P
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
r10pez10: second multiball, very decadent
Anubis169: Can't see shit, Cap'n xxxCOM
adept_nekomancer: flippity-flippity-flippity!
TheMerricat: Can you imagine a physical table being able to do this chat? :D
Timagio: 🗿
damn_i_am_pretty: @TheMerricat one huge table
r10pez10: booba
Timagio: Oh hey it's Warframe Lotus
Anubis169: so THAT'S why the ricochet is so huge
r10pez10: clutch
r10pez10: NO
Zu_o: @TheMerricat Maybe if it was arranged in a semicircle around the player with multiple segmented fields
r10pez10: good run though
QuixoticScrivener: wizard points?
Timagio: Skills!
TheMerricat: Wizard points according to the guide is the multiball, the more crazy version of it.
r10pez10: it's the years of dark souls training
ProcyonFlynn: This is a lot more relaxing when you're just watching someone play :D
r10pez10: may we eat the meatball
kusinohki: meows
kusinohki: space cadet pinball looks a lot different than I remember...
Anubis169: It heard you
r10pez10: you can dim the table quite a bit
Marvoleath: sergeHubris
r10pez10: oh yeah demon's tilt moaned a lot huh
KeytarCat: Less lewd? Am I just making it lewd in my head??
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
CaptainSpam: Yep, that's pinball. :D
Anubis169: it's ok we got this
damn_i_am_pretty: what am I getting?
Anubis169: If this is normal... what on earth does colourblind mode look like? :S
CaptainSpam: Pops, or jet bumpers, are what people usually imagine when they hear "pinball bumpers": Round things that pop the ball away when hit. So, probably the meatballs.
Anubis169: cat heard you
adept_nekomancer: The lucky cat maneuver
Anubis169: ffffffffFUN!!!
Anubis169: this is so much FUN we're having!
ProcyonFlynn: Yup, Neko-Dealer is rude with that slap.
r10pez10: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Marvoleath: typical cat
Zu_o: Does this pinball machine have meta progression?
OldUncleDan: Happy NYE all! I'm guessing this is from the same developers as Demon Tilt.
lowpolymarioenjoyer: Xenomilf: Hostile Pinball 'Action'
Anubis169: that's certainly a first line
misspokeycat: Pops are short for pop bumpers, which are usually the curricular things that launch your ball back when you hit them
Anubis169: welcome on in lowpolymarioenjoyer
TheMerricat: chat, here me out. A roguelike pinball game like this or an additional mode for games like this, where you unlock everything and it carries over to the next game till you've unlocked everything then it resets... :D
r10pez10: the sub-tables are fun
OldUncleDan: A Xenotilt... So my guess seems to be correct.
misspokeycat: Sometimes they're called "jets", it depends on the manufacturer
Marvoleath: extraction shooter pinball? :D
frameshifty: happy new years! i played and beat 1000XResist over winter break because of y'all, it was great
Serpens77: aren't ex-survivors just dead people?
CaptainSpam: There's also the short-lived time when I think Gottlieb called them "thumper bumpers"...
protojman: soundtrack is a vibe
misspokeycat: @captainspam oh dear I've never heard of that one
CaptainSpam: @misspokeycat It didn't last long, and it was a long time ago, so... yeah... :D
misspokeycat: much like banana flippers
damn_i_am_pretty: imagining this is a massive pinball machine that lands on your planet and you have to play to keep your planet safe
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
OldUncleDan: @damn_i_am_pretty The Last Pinball Wizard?
r10pez10: nevermind!
Anubis169: HAHAHAHHA
MrGibberish: hey friends
Timagio: LUL
MrGibberish: @damn_i_am_pretty sounds liike the futurama episode with pac man and space invaders
misspokeycat: It's really nice that the modes for each tier aren't timed, that would truly be a nightmare
damn_i_am_pretty: cmon
r10pez10: you gotta leave one to tell the others
Anubis169: you have spinty-one left
r10pez10: huh, five card under
Anubis169: eyy, 10mil+
Dog_of_Myth: Good run
damn_i_am_pretty: heh bigger hole
misspokeycat: I forget, did demon's tilt list all of the objectives on the right hand side? That's a super nice thing to have
OldUncleDan: The Last Spaceball Wizard?
r10pez10: i think it did
OldUncleDan: Starball Wizard.
misspokeycat: Because really the way that you learn pinball is once you actually realize there's stuff to do on all the tables more than just flailing to keep the ball alive, but it's really not always apparent what to do for a lot of tables
KeytarCat: I hope we get to see the subtables today. Probably my favorite part of Demon's Tilt
Marvoleath: @KeytarCat is it like subocean? :D
KeytarCat: Table below the table, so...yes?
TheMerricat: Chat this is going to sound like a naive and stupid question out of right field, but for those who catch the VODS on Youtube, do they include the commercial breaks?
r10pez10: nah the breaks get cut
TheMerricat: Thanks!
protojman: on the 7th day of matrix
calculated_uncertainties is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 69 in the channel!
We added 4 Gift Subs AND 1 Bonus Gift Subs to calculated_uncertainties's gift!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to Inkompetence!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to kerplop1!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to wretchedspawn99!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to ashteranic!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to AtelierBarrel!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kiarru!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sirtoastman!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lavaita!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to SarkhanGluedBackTogether!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to dal9000!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to paulplayssomegames!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to dukeofearl97!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to CordialContriver!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to Creideiki_SE!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to lordleon77!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to Durhall!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to FutureSynthetic!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to Quentoxic!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to Risryn!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jamesbragi!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to yeemboy!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mashamino!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to PerpetualMutation!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to badbasstony!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to prey4plagues31!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, VALORANT! Welcome to Inkompetence, kerplop1, wretchedspawn99, AtelierBarrel, and ashteranic! (Today's storm count: 26)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, calculated_uncertainties! Welcome to Kiarru, Lavaita, dal9000, SarkhanGluedBackTogether, paulplayssomegames, CordialContriver, Creideiki_SE, Quentoxic, Risryn, dukeofearl97, Durhall, Sirtoastman, Mashamino, PerpetualMutation, badbasstony, lordleon77, FutureSynthetic, Jamesbragi, yeemboy, and prey4plagues31! (Today's storm count: 46)
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrSHINE sergeGift
r10pez10: go cam go!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: You usually have to pay extra for that lrrBEEJ
r10pez10: !addquote (Cori and Cam) [Now] Oh, the ball shouldn't go in there." "The balls go where the balls go.
LRRbot: New quote #9227: "Oh, the ball shouldn't go in there." "The balls go where the balls go." —Cori and Cam [2024-12-31]
CaptainSpam: And me without a bunch of good pinball emotes. :D
Dog_of_Myth: @RandomTrivia Beat me to it LUL
damn_i_am_pretty: mattlrBalls
RandomTrivia: Dog_of_Myth :D
r10pez10: what happened to your faaaaace
Anubis169: smokeBALLS
Timagio: Cameron about to get vasecotmy'd via table mechanic
r10pez10: our cam'-o
Anubis169: What movie was it... The Big Red One? (explosion) "Don't worry Smitty it's just one of yer balls. That's why God gave ya two."
Timagio: f
Anubis169: That was rigged
CaptainSpam: A good amount of pinball is learning the flow of the table so it's easier to anticipate where the ball will go, and you're doing pretty well on that front, really.
r10pez10: more quarters for the quarter god
Anubis169: Leg Asp
Anubis169: 🐍
Anubis169: LOL
CaptainSpam: Large Brett Favre?
Timagio: Long Ball Filver
Anubis169: "You too could be eligible for laser ball removal. Ask your doctor!"
damn_i_am_pretty: like Okarun just looking for my balls
Timagio: So how do you shoot the arc ammo?
CaptainSpam: Do you have an action button?
LilyOfTheVeil666: Wish I could get my balls removed via laser TransgenderPride
r10pez10: CaptainSpam while on a flipper + nudge down, but it's pretty tricky
lowbeer42: wow pinball is back
r10pez10: just firing the turrets without knowing how much ammo there is, couldn't be me...
RandomTrivia: Welp
r10pez10: NO
KeytarCat: The bullets are rude af
RandomTrivia: Hot, or at least warm, bullshit
Serpens77: Pinball really brings out Cam's sailor mouth LUL
Timagio: What?
KeytarCat: YES!
r10pez10: it's okay ball 3 is always the best one
CaptainSpam: It's SUB TABLE TIME!
Dog_of_Myth: Yoooo
r10pez10: sub table!
adept_nekomancer: You've gone to the secret cat room!
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrXmasbart
Anubis169: Mecha Laser Dinosaur Skeleton!!
Anubis169: manBRO xxxBEAT
Wolfstrike_NL: It's not a good as the Spheal table from pokemon pinball tho
RandomTrivia: Awwww
TheMerricat: I am so glad I'm not playing ATM, I lose sight of the ball about every 3 seconds. :D
Voidhawk42: I have NO idea what is going on here. But I know it is RAD
Dog_of_Myth: o7
CaptainSpam: Kitty just wants to play Blackjack!
Timagio: Immediate death
RandomTrivia: That was BS benginO7
Anubis169: manWOW Yes?
adept_nekomancer: Typical cat behavior, tbh
Timagio: Strangle the cat
Dog_of_Myth: And this is why I'm a dog person. :p
Anubis169: there shall be no strangling of any cats on this stream, live or not
r10pez10: LMAO
TheMerricat: Allen's Wrench was broke, need to talk to Allen about it.
TStodden: I wish to talk to my user, Allen...
LordZarano: Tim Allen, obviously
KeytarCat: I like that these games really want you to use tilt
CaptainSpam: It's a valid strategy!
Timagio: Ejected!
Anubis169: DENIED
Timagio: Hi James
CaptainSpam: Surprise guest James!
Serpens77: Hi lrrJAMES
Timagio: Bye James!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: lrrJAMES
Diabore: surprise non talking james
Anubis169 jams to the music
Anubis169: travML travMR
CaptainSpam: Hmm... from what I can see, the best (well, largest) pinball places in Victoria appear to be Pinhalla and Neon Ranch.
adept_nekomancer: Hexagonal pool dragon!
Anubis169: Shenlong? Is that you?
Timagio: Is that the voice of V1 Ultrakill?
RealGamerCow: more points for combos?
RealGamerCow: Order Bonus, so you do get a bonus for that
TheExactSame: Oh man. Is this a modern pinball quest RPg?
RealGamerCow: Tier 3?
TheExactSame: I've been wondering why we never got another of those
Lord_Hosk: Im sort of confused about the setting/lore of this game. Are we... Inside the body of this robot... and using its own body to attack it?
Timagio: RIP
CaptainSpam: Daaaagnabbit.
Anubis169: I don't think we are
adept_nekomancer: So very rude
SnackPak_: o7
RandomTrivia: WHAT
CaptainSpam: Very good game, though.
RandomTrivia: benginO7
Anubis169: manLOL
GasCityGaming: o7
Anubis169: is it me, or does the centre thing look like the Witcher's medallion?
RealGamerCow: what was the timer for?
sithenin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 96 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sithenin! (Today's storm count: 47)
Anubis169: you're not the only one Cori
Mai_Andra: Put the baby directly in the bath water and just watch it go...
LilyOfTheVeil666: Same, Cori TransgenderPride
Timagio: Stress itch!
RealGamerCow: Elmo Crush!
Anubis169: this is closely related to the condition known as 'Gamer Bladder'. Where somebody's need to go to the toilet is directly proportional to proximity to an important plot point, or unskippable cutscene.
CaptainSpam: Still not sure what that timer's supposed to represent...
Anubis169: CaptainSpam: time until another boss respawn
CaptainSpam: Aha.
OldUncleDan: And now Cori is going to declare Praxis on this Pinball Machine.
r10pez10: who up bladdering their gamer
Murderface9797: the number make my brain go to happy places
Diabore: whatever it is you cleared it
RealGamerCow: this is mesmerizing
Diabore: @RealGamerCow flurry of VFX and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose
Anubis169: Those pink floaty things really get in the way...
r10pez10: if you press start it shows up
r10pez10: in the pause menu
Diabore: auto fire???
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart knowledge
Anubis169: Exit Plan: RNG for things like the airlock shot or kicker shot in T1 will have an increased chance to send you to the next tier instead of back into the current one.
Murderface9797: sounds like cheating
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Reading the pinball explains the pinball, I guess.
RealGamerCow: In real life, calling the attendant resets the game but frees the ball
RealGamerCow: if it's stuck
CaptainSpam: In most virtual games, "Attendant" is "check if the ball is stuck, reset it if so".
dreamcatcher_ttv: frohes neues
dreamcatcher_ttv: happy new year from germany
Timagio: @TheMerricat Ok so it WAS available last year
Timagio: It was just early access
r10pez10: this table is SO FAST
TheMerricat: @Timagio Yeah Steam/Valve seem to reset the release date when you leave EA.
Flyingdelorion: Happy new year and all the best wishes for you Cameron and Cori and for the best chat in the worlds as well from the Netherlands!
Timagio: Gutterball!
CaptainSpam: Time for some ball 3 magic.
Timagio: Pinball with jiggle physics
adept_nekomancer: No, no, game, it's XenotiLt.
Anubis169: They're cybernetic at best
LathosTiran: didnt expect the pinball to have jiggle physics Kappa
OldUncleDan: Still seems less lewd than Demon's Tilt.
r10pez10: i don't think her arms are real, no
RandomTrivia: That's a lot of words to fit on a guitar pick
CaptainSpam: Ah, Iron Maiden.
Timagio: Space mummy!
r10pez10: decadebt'
r10pez10: *decadent
Anubis169: Heard a great line, i think it was a Jerry Springer episode waaaaaaay way back when. "Hey are those real?" "Yeah. Real expensive."
TheMerricat: "A listing on an online auction confirms its existence, though it’s since sold. The only other hint of its validity is from an 11-year-old Reddit AMA with Rob Sheridan, the former creative director of Nine Inch Nails. “I picked up one of Trent’s guitar picks from a show on the Outside Tour which read, ‘There’s no such thing as fake tits,’” one person asked. “Can you shed any light on the origin/inside joke/etc.?”"
r10pez10: what the sword doin
PaperDoopliss: Just vibing
TheMerricat: "Sheridan didn’t answer this particular question at the time, however, so it remained a mystery. The question itself does provide a few important clues, though, particularly regarding the year the pick was used. The Outside Tour was headlined by David Bowie and supported by Nine Inch Nails throughout the U.S. between September 14, 1995 and October 31, 1995. A post on Nine Inch Nails’ history website"
TheMerricat: "A post on Nine Inch Nails’ history website The NIN Hotline also includes an image of the pick, citing it as part of the tour prior, the Self Destruct Tour. The pick could have been used by Reznor himself, or potentially guitarists Robin Finck or Danny Lohner. "
Anubis169: GAH
Timagio: DEATH
Anubis169: oh that smarts
CaptainSpam: 113M, though, getting better.
r10pez10: stupid blackjack cat
Anubis169: top score though!
Timagio: A new record!
electric_claire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
electric_claire: Can't believe I've been watching y'all play Xenotilt for 98 months
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, electric_claire! (Today's storm count: 48)
Anubis169: xxxP "..."
Timagio: Died so hard the game muted
Anubis169: "..." manGRY
CaptainSpam: Eh, up there, it'd be loonies these days, not quarters.
KeytarCat: Attendant, the sound stopped!
r10pez10: i love existential pinball
Anubis169: I think we ran out of 80's
Diabore: god its eerie now
Zu_o: @r10pez10 what like, you die in pinball you die in real life?
r10pez10: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
CaptainSpam: Man, not even the clattering of the mechanics or the rolling of the ball. Eerie.
damn_i_am_pretty: the sound of silence
GasCityGaming: is this like one of those silent discos i've heard about?
RandomTrivia: We can't have used all 8 of the bits already
r10pez10: this is kind of a vibe though
TheMerricat: @RandomTrivia This is obviously a 10-bit game. :P
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
r10pez10: lmao
RandomTrivia: A Cameron & Cori New Year
Anubis169: Welcome to Late Night Dub Fight, tonight Cori will be impersonating a pinball bumper
RandomTrivia: Oh that was rude
Anubis169: smokeBALLS
GasCityGaming: well ya see Cameron
Anubis169: HAHAHAHA
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Timagio: When a mommy ball and a daddy ball love each other very much...
adept_nekomancer: This is not how mitosis works
r10pez10: !adult
LRRbot: I need a better adult!
Zu_o: I find it entertaining how loud this game is even without the sound
wedge_x: the secondary ball is what triggers the fusion reaction
TheMerricat: Chat, can you imagine a 'dev' mode for this game where all that was were hitboxes and the ball?
RandomTrivia: @TheMerricat I'd be on board for wireframe pinball
r10pez10: this fucken' cat i swear
RandomTrivia: CORI
Timagio: She pin on my ball till I wizard
Anubis169: Trinary Fission
adept_nekomancer: He jack my pot until I nevermind
Anubis169: YAY
RandomTrivia: Oh hey, sound!
CaptainSpam: In modern games, whenever multiball starts, you get a few seconds of ball save.
Anubis169: LOL
Timagio: LUL
RandomTrivia: Sound only exists in the sub-dimensions, apparently
CaptainSpam: WELP.
Simonark: Slay the Spire II is unexpected
RandomTrivia: benginO7
Timagio: 🗿
Timagio: (vine boom)
r10pez10: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Juliamon: oh, audio returns
Simonark: Wait, this game does Arkanoid jokes?
Fayili: Hey folks. Is this by the same dev as that demon one from a while back?
r10pez10: the third bonus room is my fave but i don't know if we've seen it yet
Timagio: @r10pez10 Yes
r10pez10: Fayili yeah it is!
TheMerricat: @Fayili Yep!
Fayili: Neat!
Timagio: Dammit
Anubis169: Fayili~~ <3
Anubis169: heya
Fayili: Hey Bis :)
Anubis169: flappy new year to ya
Fayili: God I hope it's a better year
Anubis169: it's just people trying to get by, i think it'll be ok
r10pez10: a lot of maths fans are excited because the number 2025 has a bunch of cool properties
Anubis169: yeah, for example 2025 indicates Fellowship Of The Ring is 24 years old
Fayili: I can get that. I was pleased when my age rolled over from a prime to a power of two this year.
KeytarCat: Smash bros spike right there
CaptainSpam: Huh, the combo meter doesn't seem to pause when the ball is being grabbed for the perks.
iris_of_ether: Happy 32nd :D
Fayili: Thanks! :D
Anubis169: My birthday's the same as Alex's
r10pez10: (1^3 + 2^3 + ... +9^3) = (1 + 2 + ... +9)^2 = 2025
Anubis169: was 39 a few days ago :)
adept_nekomancer: @iris_of_ether The alternative is being an 8-year-old who is extremely well-versed in math.
Fayili: It would be *very* impressive
iris_of_ether: Hahahaha true~ (I wouldn't be shocked if my friends' kid reached the same conclusion)
Fayili: But 7 is a much nicer prime than 31
Zu_o: There's so much going on, how would you ever be able to tell that the crane is on screen
CaptainSpam: Honestly, when video games were starting to take over from pinball in arcades, pinball designers WERE trying to envision how to change their game to suit the new paradigm.
Fayili: If I'm in a simulation I absolutely don't want to know about it
Lord_Hosk: If Im in a simulation... Does that change anything?
Fayili: Oh the year underflow one?
Anubis169: All your stuff -was- there
CaptainSpam: Well, poop.
SquareDotCube: There's a power bar, Cori. bottom right, don't know if you noticed.
RandomTrivia: Welp
wedge_x: all your stuff is now everywhere
RandomTrivia: Break time benginO7
RedtheLily subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RedtheLily! (Today's storm count: 49)
Anubis169: manYES
LoadingReadyRun: @SquareDotCube I noticed but I didn't look when I hit the button twice in a row....
CaptainSpam: And before anyone asks, yes, there ARE people who stream pinball regularly. Like, actual physical pinball. There's camera rigs for it and everything.
Fayili: God it's so weird to be current on streams (for the first time in maybe years) and not be able to skip the breaks
KeytarCat: My biggest problem with simulation theory is that it doesn't change anything. Like, would you be a better person if you were out in the "real" world? Would you be better if you knew you'd never be "real"? Nothing changes from a personal experience standpoint, just some vague existential stuff that might fuck you up but not because of anything you can do about it
Lord_Hosk: OH NO!!! I just got a email from our michigan library that our library cards have expired! If we want new cards we will have to apply in person!
Fayili: @KeytarCat Exactly, this is why I try not to dwell too much on existential stuff in general
LoadingReadyRun: @Lord_Hosk back in the van
SquareDotCube: ah okay, yeah that's a game that requires paitence where everything else you don't have that level of control
Anubis169: KeytarCat: The fun thing is, if it's a simulation, that means it's an imperfect system and can be screwed with on a base level as long as you figure out how the OS works.
LordZarano: Problem is that the way software exploits are found is first make the program crash, then figure out why it crashed and how you can manipulate that
LordZarano: I would not advise trying to crash the universe
RandomTrivia: Just be very certain what memory values you're modifying before you touch anything
KeytarCat: @Anubis169 I mean, only if it's actually flawed. Why would we expect anything that we can't comprehend to match our comprehension? It would be a legendary scale of unknown, akin to a god no one can identify let alone define.
KeytarCat: There are probably two separate thoughts there that I carelessly combined
Anubis169: because quantum dots exist, and they pretty much prove we have root on this universe :P
Anubis169: Welcome back!
adept_nekomancer: If the universe is a simulation, someone needs to find the command console and enable the "post-scarcity" cheat.
RockPusher: The pinball shall continue until morale improves!
r10pez10: that's it, if you don't quit fighting i'm turning this universe around
TheMerricat: The cost is the number in the upper right
thegreatwyrdling: I am reporting from the year 2025! It is dark! It is madness! Turn back travellers.
dumbo3k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
dumbo3k: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dumbo3k! (Today's storm count: 50)
RockPusher: In my day we loaded data from cassette tape and we liked it!
Clench_Eastwood subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
Clench_Eastwood: When I started this sub, I had just made E7 in the Navy, My son was newly born and I had been married for a year. Im now retired, my Son is in the 4th grade and just had our ten year wedding anniversary. And this wasn't even my original sub account for LRR!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Clench_Eastwood! (Today's storm count: 51)
Anubis169: man Piercing Shot must be OP in this
GrassVortex: have seen it for about 40 minutes, so far the same...
Anubis169 hugs Clench_Eastwood
Clench_Eastwood: <3
Anubis169: happy 117 <3
Juliamon: a bold question to ask of your American audience
RandomTrivia: I think I saw my favourite toot of all time a couple of hours ago - "I wish you all a very boring 2025"
r10pez10: may you thrive in uninteresting times
Alma_v: I'm in 2025. It's very loud and colourful. Works of fire.
niccus: are you ready for pandemic 2
TStodden can't wait for 2024 to be over...
damn_i_am_pretty: as a present, the pandemic has gives us another pandemic
GrassVortex: extraLUL
Anubis169: Hannibal?
jacqui_lantern234: por que no los dos, cam?
Fayili: Hey, maybe this year we'll get a nasal vaccine in western countries that prevents infection much more effectively, and then I can pretend the vast majority of my friends didn't stop masking and start acting weird about me masking multiple years ago.
dumbo3k: I would never inflict Elon Pork on a dog
KeytarCat: They're going to feed Elon to the cops??
Lord_Hosk: Just all the tinfoil badges
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW but also fair
Jillexie: I want Elon to make it to Mars and stay there with no further support from Earth
Clench_Eastwood: Ive been here so long I remember when both @Anubis169 and @Lord_Hosk werent mods LUL
niccus: elon's practically camping in mar-a-lago. we're going to see the most valuable gator in history
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Kellyane Conway.
Juliamon: Clench_Eastwood What do you mean, Hosk isn't a mod Kappa
Earthenone: i know one i barron, because i predicted them to be the next us monarch
Diabore: baron, not byron, because of course
wedge_x: Steve Bannon would do it just for fun
adept_nekomancer: @niccus 2025's award for the MVG goes to...
PMAvers: Defendant 1, Defendant 2, etc
Clench_Eastwood: oh wait....he isnt is he? LUL
Clench_Eastwood: I just assumed because its been so long
Juliamon: (he was, and then he resigned)
Lord_Hosk: @Clench_Eastwood I remember when Lord Hosk wasn't a mod too... it was yesterday
Anubis169: My hope for 2025 is something I can't repeat on here due to Twitch's AI chat monitor flagging my account
Invitare: Trump has 21, sorry, 20, sorry I mean 18 sons. Their names are Lion, Roboute, Horus...
TheMerricat: So I only saw this on the perhphially of my social media, since I've highly pruned a lot of stuff this year for... reasons. But did I hear correctly that Elon was caught sock puppetting in a video call when he forgot to turn on the voice changer for the 'character' he was playing to talk himself up?
vanman229: i thought you were about to say its amazing how divorced elon has become
Wolfstrike_NL: It's become such a weird drama how.
Anubis169: no that's the media's job
Wolfstrike_NL: show*
Juliamon: TheMerricat This isn't really the place for hearsay
Anubis169: politics' job is to decide stuff, the media's job is to make you feel a way about it
Fayili: @Lord_Hosk Just a maker of really great smash cut to bleached white skeleton images
iris_of_ether: Vomit vomit vomit
shendaras: More?
shendaras: =(
wedge_x: I mostly wish I had the money to fund an X-Prize to reward the first person who finds the 'deorbit all' button on the Starlink system and pushes it
Wolfstrike_NL: Aaa yea Canada, the 51th state
adept_nekomancer: Wait, the "we pull energy out of the sky" guy?
Clench_Eastwood: I still have pics on my facebook of hanging out with Graham and Paul at Escapist Expo 2012
Earthenone: @TheMerricat even funnier, he got so heated he spoke too fast for the voice modulatorto keep up but yes, stoping politics
SquareDotCube: so Robert Ford. Ugh.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: more of a wienner? _doubt_
damn_i_am_pretty: I just decided last year to not pay attention to national politics because local things I can actually influence
Anubis169: actually one of my hopes is that the media burns and is reformed in a way that simply reports what's going on
damn_i_am_pretty: such a boost to my mental health
Clench_Eastwood: I got to have a beer with Yatzhee
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I thought that was Boris Johnson.
Juliamon: proven: politics are bad for pinball
Anubis169: new balls please
niccus: we're actually being taken over by different maries
RockPusher: The most petty white elephant gift exchange :D
Juliamon: Canada looked at the Biden administration and went "yep, that looks like a good idea to mimic"
Jillexie: Exactly, Cam.
Anubis169: I really really want a ranked voting system
TheAwkes: I agree with the message, but for *very* different reasons.
Fayili: Sometimes doing mutual aid helps with the despair. Sometimes it makes it worse!
jacqui_lantern234: look where that got him :P
OldUncleDan: The only real silver lining where I'm at is that we still have Walz as governor...
Jillexie: Canada got rid of Jordan Peterson in 2024, so I consider that a win.
iris_of_ether: That was so fucking stupid
Jillexie: But Kevin O'Leary wants to negotiate with Trump!
Anubis169: honestly though, i see 2025 with me getting out of the house and being in meatspace more.. because the internet is just to freakin' depressing now that everybody an their dog is on it
OldUncleDan: At least, wouldn't you make the Providences and Territories as their own states?
TheMerricat: @Anubis169 Remember when the internet was the haven of loners who didn't leave their room and spent all day on the computer? Now the real world is the haven of loners... :D
Jillexie: I kind of want the Bloc Quebecois to be the opposition party, because that would be fun dealing with any 51st state BS.
SnackPak_: louder for the people in the back
lexiconjurer: Also, I guess the 51st state depends on who is conquered first since Trump wants to apparently invade Canada, Panama, and Greenland?
RockPusher: We're about to see a version of that here… it's gonna be a thing…
thegreatwyrdling: I might need a more cheerful stream than this for the new year
Sarah_Serinde: NotLikeThis
lexiconjurer: The enshittification of society
TheAwkes: I would like if our government would take action on the results of all the pilot programs and studies they commission instead of ignoring the results.
Juliamon: lexiconjurer Oh those aren't meant to be states. They have to get in line behind Puerto Rico.
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 Not everything has to make money!
Anubis169: UK is re-nationalising part of its rail services, to try and unfuck the pricing schemes privatisation did to it
niccus: you can maximally make everyone unhappy by having US annex *only* quebec
Juliamon: hey, we're all frustrated too, we get it
PMAvers: Thought Unlocked
iris_of_ether: My hope is for something unexpected to shake things up in a good direction
Juliamon: and we're all different countries, even!
Anubis169: all good Cam <3
Lord_Hosk: The Post office should make money... delivering mail to every box in the country, whether its 50 feet from another box of 500 Km from the next closest box. Whats so hard about that?
KeytarCat: I was promised [literally anything] as a kid, and now I have almost nothing, and none of it from the government who is supposed to support me
Juliamon: We'll make you an offer: you can have Dejoy. That's it, that's the offer.
Anubis169: hoping for the best though :)
lexiconjurer: Oh yeah, there's nothing to look forward to. At this point I'm just hoping for a survivable year.
adept_nekomancer: Happy new year -- this one hasn't objectively proven itself to be total junk yet!
Juliamon: It's a fresh clean start! (with many years' worth of baggage)
KeytarCat: New year new me! I will be somuch worse for anyone in power
RockPusher: Are you saying the systemic and currently in progress influences in the world don't magically stop on Jan. 1st‽ fugiWow
Diabore: saw a good meme today that said "im not making any resolutions. i think its time for the years to get better, not me"
Juliamon: also it's *not* the new year by every calendar, so
TheMerricat: Chat if we accept that the post isn't meant to be a money center, can we also agree to ban those shitty bulk mail packets that the post accepts and shoves into every mailbox simply because they have to pay for their service somehow?
RiverGloom subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
RiverGloom: wow the one year already, so many good times with LRR here is to many more
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RiverGloom! (Today's storm count: 52)
Serpens77: is that Cam's new drag name? "Lady Getfucked"?
jacqui_lantern234: anybutt, ima take off, chat <3 be good, feel loved
niccus: mimicking the lady's knife-limb
RandomTrivia: Take care, jacqui_lantern234, see you soon! lrrSHINE
PMAvers: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: That was an amazing sound
Lord_Hosk: This game
Juliamon: I Think This Game is Trying To Kill You
lexiconjurer: You got this! Pin those balls!
SquareDotCube: There should be some training scenarios for some common situations like a straight middle shot or heading towards a gate that'll dump you into the pit
RockPusher: Pinball is like a cat, it may seem at times as if it loves you, but it will still eat your face when you scrub out
OldUncleDan: I'm thinking the Knife-Limb lady on the center table may be Phyrexian.
Diabore: sheoldred
Dog_of_Myth: Sheoldred
Laserbeaks_Fury: Shelzebub
Diabore: yknow i really see the resemblance now that youve mentioned it
LordZarano: Happy New Year! Here! Happy New Y'here!
SquareDotCube: Or the Xeno after its facehugger form got Sheoldred
Lord_Hosk: LOL
drcthulu: game was like get duffed
TheAwkes: A pinball game that learned all the most important lessons taught by shmups for the past couple of decades.
RiverGloom: Robo baby
Dog_of_Myth: scoopsSALT scoopsSALT
RiverGloom: stikes again
Laserbeaks_Fury: Flames.....on the side of my face....
SquareDotCube: Big thing is that flicking triggers and bumpers is what you really want to do instead of pressing
RiverGloom: dumping balls like a pro right there
PMAvers: Honestly, this kind of makes me want to boot up Timeshock.
OldUncleDan: This game is definately not for Cardiac People.
OldUncleDan: It's not a Mad Cat... It's a Timberwolf!
lexiconjurer: It's not a Madcat it's a Timber Wolf
lexiconjurer: @OldUncleDan Jinx!
OldUncleDan: @lexiconjurer Fist bump!
Anubis169: Happy New Year from Uk :)
Anubis169: just flipped midnight
miniMacGuru: So is this a sequel to Demon's Tilt Pinball?
Chronomagistrate: Happy New Year all!
lexiconjurer: You are all free now!
damn_i_am_pretty: welp, no Irish reunification of 2024. dinger.
TheAwkes: Reborn into an older version of the same body in a later version of the same life!
RandomTrivia: benginO7
lexiconjurer: So I've got a strong feeling about 2025
Anubis169: i think the reunification was a consequence
damn_i_am_pretty: technically SNW moved up the Khan dictatorship up to the 2040s
LordZarano: Not many fireworks around where I am. Must be the wind
QuixoticScrivener: I mean, have to get the UK out of Ulster, that practically takes an apocalypse.
Archonic_Energy: HNY people.
adept_nekomancer: We also missed the window for the Bell Riots.
Anubis169: we might end up more like Weyland Yutani than anything else
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
FarleyF: really i hear her saying Nuka Cola
wedge_x: let ball sort them out
SquareDotCube: And now they'll celebrate by making that green alcohol McCoy drinks.
QuixoticScrivener: @anubis169 Can we have Blue Sun instead? I have their shirt.
adept_nekomancer: I hear "Malta, Malta, Malta..."
lexiconjurer: So is this like if Shodan took over a pinball machine?
Lord_Hosk: I hear "Tonka tonka tonka Fire truck
lexiconjurer: L-l-look at you, p-p-pinball w-wizard-d. You've g-g-got stars in your-r-r eyes-s-s.
Anubis169: QuixoticScrivener: Blue Sun?
r10pez10: marki-marki-marki-markiplier
Anubis169: Lasers, not even once
QuixoticScrivener: @anubis169 The evil company from Firefly/Serenity.
Anubis169: ohh that one!
Dog_of_Myth: uhhhh one more....?
LilyOfTheVeil666: !onemore
LRRbot: Nog een! One More?
r10pez10: !onemore
LRRbot: One more. For real.
QuixoticScrivener: !advice
OldUncleDan: The level of disdain behind that "Nevermind."
bsudo: Demons tilt is great as well
RockPusher: Go home, buy this game, play Civ 6 instead
KV1NN4: Go home and play Peglin for a calming balm> XD
KV1NN4: ?
FarleyF: or play Ballionaire if you want pachinko with more rewards and colours
Anubis169: After my finals are submitted, even before the results come back, I'm diving face first into the past 5 years of games I've missed
r10pez10: demon's tilt still holds up fwiw. good pinball is just good pinball
lexiconjurer: Xenotilted
Anubis169: That was wonderful, thank you <3
QuixoticScrivener: I will get this game after I beat Sonic Spinball. I no longer play Sonic Spinball.
Lord_Hosk: The Xen... tilt is you
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
KaleidoscopeMind: it knows
Voidhawk42: Happy New Year from the UK!
r10pez10: xen o' the morning to ye
lexiconjurer: Like the depths of your age
lexiconjurer: rage
RealGamerCow: All good pinball games are a mix of ecstasy and agony
Anubis169: the upper limit of your object permanence
adept_nekomancer: No, that hatred is quite reasoned.
Anubis169: That's a winner
RandomTrivia: Well said, Cameron
sithenin: I wonder how it runs on Steam deck
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ProcyonFlynn: I have returned. Everyone have fun? penaddCrab
SquareDotCube: What would the third table even been themed to? Both games are love letters to the Crush pinball series
r10pez10: sonic spinball
ProcyonFlynn: @sithenin Pretty fantastic, though the small screen is a difficulty.
Anubis169: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
RandomTrivia: It has been a joy to watch you both become enormously frustrated. Thanks for the stream, Cameron & Cori! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Riandisa: Thanks for the stream! <3
KaleidoscopeMind: mugs, dvds, pins
Anubis169: in before suit made entirely out of LRR cardsleeves
r10pez10: happy new year!
RockPusher: Buy DVDs, appease Beej
adept_nekomancer: A makeshift armor suit made out of MtG playmats
Anubis169: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Anubis169: Garbage day!
snowewolf: happy new years from the UK
miniMacGuru: Hmm, can we get Alex to play Demon's/Xenotilt? :P
RockPusher: Yakuza takes a lot out of a controller
Anubis169: Just sayin' those hall effect sensors in the 8bitdo are pin compatible with the Xbox Elite
Lord_Hosk: and a very merry tonka tonka tonka truck to all of you
epsilon_vee: mod chips? bricked xboxes? bricks?
Juliamon: aww yeah, Popuary?
RockPusher: Maximum Mystery Boosite
Anubis169: subs!!
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits
Lord_Hosk: cheer69
RandomTrivia: Nice
RandomTrivia: It's own IP I think
Anubis169: it's not a good game
Juliamon: It's fine
RandomTrivia: It's its own* grammar is hard
Amentur: Valorant is the Counterstrike with Heroes
RockPusher: RIP Nelly
Anubis169: i mean it doesn't have to be good for people to have fun with it :D
RandomTrivia: It's an interesting take on a shooter, with magic powers
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Anubis169: much love and hugs all!
ProcyonFlynn: It's good - but a little overshadowed by how hard everyone is rolling Marvel's game lately.
RandomTrivia: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Mnemonicman: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Anubis169: imo anything that requires ring-0 access for the anticheat has issues :P
thegreatwyrdling: !nexty
thegreatwyrdling: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Hollowbody) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (36m from now).