cptcobalt: Oh fuck yeah
Getter404: what's all this then
kynelwynn: Secret stream?
Sir_Mimkana: ???
jordorowsky: Well this is unexpected
Genie_M: 9am stream!
JohnLockeCole: a secret bonus stream? at this time of year?
WitchyTQ: tqsSmug
betweenmyself: unexpected stream is unexpected riffGasp
Mischievous_Catgeist: Hello from the future
ritchards: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 11:46 PM
hieroglyphica: Oh my, I'd just climbed into bed!
Aceviru: DinoDance
WriterRaven: secret stream! =D
cptcobalt: yeah same, I got into bed because my follow list was basically empty
LiamK712: It's a secret plot to make sure that watch and play isn't the first stream of 2025
Oscelot: *gasp* Bonus?!
Foxmar320: wait what’s going on here
Orannis0: oranniStareyes oranniStareyes oranniStareyes oranniStareyes
CaptainSpam: A bonus stream... without a countdown? Mysterious indeed!
damn_i_am_pretty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
damn_i_am_pretty: PrideHeartL mattlrHeart3 PrideHeartR
Oscelot: @Foxmar320 *snerk*
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, damn_i_am_pretty! (Today's storm count: 114)
Gizmoloid: @liamk712 LUL
WriterRaven: @Foxmar320 Crimes.
TacitusVigil: Secret Bonus Stream?!
RTwo28: Mystery time!
kynelwynn: Bets on whose behind it? I'm thinking Beej and Heather
Foxmar320: crimes? fine I’ll get my sword…
Oscelot: Mental image of you just rolling over in bed and pulling a sword out of nowhere @Foxmar320 lol
RTwo28: That's a good bet @kynelwynn
CaptainSpam: Harry the Creepy Doll. Just him.
betweenmyself: Surprise stream for Paul to get ahead of the news cycle by announcing he has TWO Switch 2s riffThink
CaptainSpam: Silence otherwise.
Foxmar320: @oscelot I kinda just did
N8Maple: Gibb rings on the new year?
GhassanPL: wat
Earthenone: gibby newyear to all
kynelwynn: oh really
samwisep86: oh interesting
thebuzzstreams: Oh really??
Alahmnat: wait
TacitusVigil: But Cameron is streaming!
kynelwynn: I lose the bet
Mischievous_Catgeist: Fun!
Oscelot: @Foxmar320 *snerk* Mod secret. They never know we keep one there.
TheWanderingNomad: Oh a bonus Ian and Cam New Year?
mercano82: I think they have a real fire this time
lochnessseammonster: damn just finished my whiskey PrideLaugh
Foxmar320: huh
lochnessseammonster: happy new year all <3
NorthstarTex: lol wut, I'm here for this
Natural_Ones_Only: !what
Oscelot: *passes out the flutes of martinelli's apple cider*
hieroglyphica: We have been well trolled
TheWanderingNomad: Just hand me the bottle Oscelot :D
Sir_Mimkana: What's the logo on Cam's sweater?
Aceviru: *whips out the chicken wings*
TheSmilingMammoth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
TheSmilingMammoth: Two Zero Two Five, happy new year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheSmilingMammoth! (Today's storm count: 115)
kynelwynn: What if I'd like a piccolo of apple cider, @Oscelot ?
Oscelot: @TheWanderingNomad good thing I got several X3
Lysander_salamander: what
TheWanderingNomad: @Sir_Mimkana Chaos Undivided I believe
Cheer10000000000: so cool that I'm in the same time zone as them for this
RTwo28: New-year prerecord?
Lysander_salamander: how did I get here?
Oscelot: @kynelwynn I'm fresh out. They don't stay in the cupboard. Keep screaming something about power levels
Kramburger: @sir_mimkana chaos undivided from warhammer 40k
TheGhostOfZero: so is this stream or cam's currently online stream the prerecord?
TheGhostOfZero: hahaha
thebuzzstreams: Watch it hit midnight and they start replying to chat live, and it's not a prerecord...
drocathekorok: What is cam reading?
Oscelot: I think I have the spreadsheet in my bookmarks...
Cheer10000000000: i wish this was the vibe of my own new years party tbh
Alahmnat: whatever he wants
ArdCollider: The Maniac by Bejamín Labatut.
thebuzzstreams: @drocathekorok The Maniac by Benjamín Labatut
drocathekorok: Intriguing
TheGhostOfZero: I spent my own NYE drinking a hell of a lot of expensive tea, so similar vibe was achieved
Oscelot: Oooo nice @TheGhostOfZero . What sorts?
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: where is this fireplace? someone’s home? an AirBnB? somewhere else?
N8Maple: Just two dudes on camera.
beowuuf: so far 2025 is windy. happy new year all!
Cheer10000000000: ian is really staring straight into the camera huh. right into my soul. through my soul, even
Oscelot: He's good at that
phoenixfeather14: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff General consensus is that it is at G's parents' home
TheGhostOfZero: @oscelot a 2016 shu pu'er from yong de, yunnan
Oscelot: @TheGhostOfZero Ooooooooh. Jelly
WriterRaven: @Cheer10000000000 He sees what's on the other side of your soul... and is ambivalent about it, apparently.
Cheer10000000000: lol
anclag: HNY!
The_Timo: Didn't have a 2nd book? something for him to be doing? lol
Mischievous_Catgeist: Glad to be in the stream with the real Cameron
Mischievous_Catgeist: GlitchCat
Oscelot: Nah, he never does
Cheer10000000000: I didn't even realize I had the stream muted. Now it's unmuted. Not a huge difference.
beowuuf: @The_Timo ian prefers silent contemplation apparently
Dalrint: A cameron and ian new year?
N8Maple: @the_timo this is what he is doing.
beowuuf: @Cheer10000000000 wait until you hear the flick of a page, or the crack of a log.
The_Timo: @beowuuf is this contemplation? looks bored, then looks down the barrel, then back to bored
Julian_Rogue: wat
beowuuf: after 10 years of practice, cameron and ian have managed to build the muscles for the double stream o7
Julian_Rogue: Is this a replay?
Oscelot: Yep @Julian_Rogue
Cheer10000000000: what are they drinking? i can't really make out the label on the bottle
Dalrint: What is cameron reading I can't make out the title
Julian_Rogue: I wasn't expecting a twitch alert this late lmao
The_Timo: I expected... something
phoenixfeather14: !what
beowuuf: @The_Timo mindfulness maybe. pleasant existing. i'm not sure ian has ever explicitly said
CaptainSpam: Two minutes, everyone.
thebuzzstreams: It did have the label of new year though. Gotta go back after this to see it's actually a replay or if they just did 10 minutes afterward from the christmas recording
F0rest_Fox_: Dammit, I'm out of whiskey ;_;
The_Timo: Nobody knows, I think they finally lost it?
beowuuf: !reading
LRRbot: Reading the card explains the card! lrrBEEJ
phoenixfeather14: okay, that command doesn't work anymore
beowuuf: !book
poipal: lrrNog lrrNog lrrNog
Cheer10000000000: @Dalrint The Maniac by Bejamín Labatut.
Antimuffin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
Antimuffin: Merry New Year to all who celebrate! 🥂
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Antimuffin! (Today's storm count: 116)
Dalrint: thank you
Julian_Rogue: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #7479: "What's the point of water, if you can't kill somebody with it?" —Paul [2021-01-27]
Cheer10000000000: we're getting close chat. one more minute to new years
CaptainSpam: I think this is a bonus 10 minutes, as it looks like Cameron's made more progress through his book.
SkipIives: look at that joy. happy new year everyone!
F0rest_Fox_: !quote butts
Julian_Rogue: !quote New
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
beowuuf: the time check...
ritchards: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 11:59 PM
definenull: ?!?
beowuuf: 10
beowuuf: 98
cmdrud87: Hello!
drocathekorok: ITS HAPPENING
beowuuf: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN seabatClap lrrHORN
Fancy_frenchman: Happy New Year to all
RockPusher: Welcome to 2025 LRR Chat lrrNys
Getter404: The wristwatch Mason, what does it mean?!
Cheer10000000000: HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!
Alahmnat: happy new year, chat!
Julian_Rogue: Ting!
kynelwynn: HAPPY NEW YEAR
Serifina subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
Serifina: Happy New Year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Serifina! (Today's storm count: 1)
Genie_M: Happy!
cmdrud87: Happy New Year!
Earthenone: happy new year
Cheer10000000000: wow that was really something
justacrabgrass: Happy New Year!
WriterRaven: \o/
N8Maple: Cheers
thebuzzstreams: Happy new year LRR Fam!
RTwo28: Happy new year!
Cheer10000000000: pleasure to spend it with you all, chat
definenull: \o/
SkipIives: wow!
SirMorek: Happy new year!
F0rest_Fox_: corgCLAP corgCLAP corgCLAP
Fancy_frenchman: Love you all and the community we have built
Serifina: I cannot describe how I literally just loaded the page in time for that
Julian_Rogue: Thats a pretty sim
sleepyfelix: happy new year!
drocathekorok: HAPPY NEW YEAR even though it’s 2 am for me
doormatt5876: Happy new year
phoenixfeather14: Happy New Year!!
beowuuf: awww happy new year ian! happy new year cameron! thank you fro the nice wake uip gift :D
Dreamlettuce: Year++
Antimuffin: lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE
definenull: that was neat
Julian_Rogue: lol thats it
Julian_Rogue: XD
CaptainSpam: Happy New Year, Twitch Chat!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @drocathekorok me too!
drocathekorok: lol
beowuuf: happy new year chat, hope you have moments of joy and restfulness in 2025
SkipIives: that was great, thank you
Oscelot: Happy nude deer everyone!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: happy new year, Chat lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Oscelot: Thanks for the stream @LoadingReadyRun
Oscelot: @Serifina *falls over laughing*
KWardJenx: Thank you and Happy New Year!
beowuuf: @Serifina perfect :D
Graham_LRR: happy new year!
mercano82: And we have the start of the 2025 highlight reel
CaptainSpam: Happy New Year!
beowuuf: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff ok, your user name works great for that to be a run on sentence :D happy new year!
RockPusher: Happy New Year Graham_LRR
Oscelot: Happy new year G
beowuuf: happy new year graham!
Oscelot: May this year be as safe and peaceful as possible
beowuuf: well this was definitely a good omen to wake up to, and i have started new year with a smile. thanks lrr! lrrHEART