Diabore: !advice
LRRbot: Blow harder.
Diabore: !badadvice
LRRbot: Crush a dew!
3schr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
3schr: Yay!
nyxlux subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 9 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, 3schr! (Today's storm count: 3)
Thanks for subscribing, nyxlux! (Today's storm count: 4)
mastershake29x subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months, currently on a 112 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, mastershake29x! (Today's storm count: 5)
uneactrice subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 10 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, uneactrice! (Today's storm count: 6)
Juliamon: Music seems a bit loud
Juliamon: I can tell because I can hear it over the wind
LoadingReadyRun: better?
Juliamon: yeah, thx
BraveOthello: Dang it there are some many different definitions of draft I can't decide which one to make a pun on
NorthstarTex: yep
3schr: Are we having draughts?
Juliamon: it is heckin wimdy here
couchboyj: Better. But I dug the loud, cause its Big Giant Circles
BraveOthello: @3schr that was my first instinct but I couldnt make it work right
NorthstarTex: the windchill here actually was abrasive for me today
3schr: *Geralt Voice* Winds Howling
BraveOthello: @3schr WHAT?!
3schr: ?!?
3schr: Did I get it wrong?
BraveOthello: No, it was supposed to be a joke about me not being able to hear you over the wind
Riiiiiiis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Riiiiiiis: seven and fifty for me please
BraveOthello: Translated poorly to text
Thanks for subscribing, Riiiiiiis! (Today's storm count: 7)
Juliamon: hiiiii
Flyingdelorion: Good evening from across the pond everyone. I hope o
BraveOthello: Hello!
3schr: @BraveOthello Oh! That's so good! I wish I had gotten it.
Marvoleath: !cardkingdom
Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at http://www.cardkingdom.com/lrr and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
Already is he best stream of the year
constablecrab: We’re peaking early.
3schr: Dear Cori,
Marvoleath: !patreon
Juliamon: !dragonshield
Marvoleath: !store
Juliamon: !contacts
Juliamon: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
RockPusher: *slides envelope of cash under moonbase door*
Cptasparagus: uh oh drafties
3schr: Dear Cori, I am new to Magic and planning on attending my first MagicCon this year ( Vegas) any tips for planning and prep? Even up to buying my badge and ticketed play? As of now I'm going on my own.
couchboyj: Time to learn MtGO and draft cube!
iris_of_ether: "Unattended Cori" seems like the correct way to match my "first day back at work" mood
3schr: I have a room at the MGM Grand so I can take the monorail
MarylandJutsu: i see we out here drafting?
Cptasparagus: bet everything on black
Cptasparagus: Koma is op
Lord_Hosk: Clearly you take the rare, if it wasn't the best card in the pack they wouldn't have made it rare
Diabore: koma is a good first pick
Juliamon: Koma is fun
TheDevil_Risen: ooo Simic nonsense
Lord_Hosk: (Tell you)
tsp397: Grue
iris_of_ether: Simic land numbers go up
tsp397: or Bleen
lamina5432: elf
BraveOthello: Big worms need big mana
MrGibberish: @Lord_Hosk fancy seeing you here
Cptasparagus: elf is great
RockPusher: What's in UG? "Lot's of things!"
Kentosaurus: @RockPusher makes me laugh every time
MarylandJutsu: delicious bushwhack
Cptasparagus: its a speed bump
LurkerSpine: I love Grow from the Ashes
RockPusher: hmmmm
RockPusher has an idea to try out for taking a fun selfie for Friday Nights card image
Zalbin: Snakeskin is quite good if you go big mana.
KilrenKrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 102 months!
Thanks for subscribing, KilrenKrae! (Today's storm count: 8)
BrowneePointz: imprisoned is great removal
Diabore: i like bigfin
LurkerSpine: bigfin is big shark
theghostwiththemost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Thanks for subscribing, theghostwiththemost! (Today's storm count: 9)
theghostwiththemost: For got to do that
BrowneePointz: oh man protection and trick are both good
BrowneePointz: oh snap AND cutthroat!?
ghizmou: as long as we can slam down Koma, we're good
BrowneePointz: we got cut green in pack 2. it happens
ghizmou: the hyena is much stronger than it seems
Juliamon: Green's just been real meh in these packs
KingOfDoma: WitPro?
Flyingdelorion: Hm, can we pivot to Izzet here?
KingOfDoma: Or splash for Etali?
patrick_stonecrusher: Aberration is great splash
ghizmou: a turtley turtle
Flyingdelorion: Mystic is a good pick I think
@KingOfDoma this sounds like 0-3 milkshake bracket talk
Flyingdelorion: thespian is also very ok
BrowneePointz: ooo rec sage
ghizmou: is sage worth it?
Flyingdelorion: fleeting is great here I think?
RockPusher: !advice
LRRbot: Open the boat rock.
TheDevil_Risen: gain land cycle
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Go to the subreddit.
LurkerSpine: heck yeah grow
BrowneePointz: 2nd grow
Lord_Hosk: You can never ramp too hard
ghizmou: so much growth during this draft
ghizmou: i think we do
BrowneePointz: I’d cut the wall
BrowneePointz: you have two grows and two bushwhacks
QuixoticScrivener: cut two lands (don’t)
ghizmou: neither of those cards block the aggro
BrowneePointz: I’d cut banner or wall before a grow or bushwhack
ghizmou: good choice of land
Flyingdelorion: GLHF Cori!
MarylandJutsu: Owl vs Cat man
ghizmou: they didn't have to cast anything this turn, so I like dropping more creatures on the board
BrowneePointz: okay that’s a visual bug on screen
BrowneePointz: I thought my tv had a bunch of dead pixels
Flyingdelorion: island, go?
micalovits: I like murder
ghizmou: 7
tsp397: 7
LurkerSpine: !koma
TheDevil_Risen: hi James
MarylandJutsu: oh nauuuuur
Lord_Hosk: time to flood!
RockPusher: Time to draw some land!
LurkerSpine: 3GGUU for koma
micalovits: Is James your Terror?
ArtOfStuttering: Hello, Mr. Bad News!
ThePixelSavage: good news for lands though
ghizmou: we could tell James was around, we kept drawing lands
Flyingdelorion: Hello James!
BrowneePointz: OH its not a bug it was the tip of the mic XD
UtilityPunk: Foundations is funtimes
micalovits: Standard is fun
BrowneePointz: Standard is real good
ghizmou: standard is the widest it's ever been
Flyingdelorion: Standard is fun!
BrowneePointz: hopefully 6 sets this year doesn’t screw it up
RockPusher: Large standard hopefully means room for some silly builds
micalovits: Just do like me, play mono Red when you don't want to think
couchboyj: Standard is in a real good spot and has been for a while
Flyingdelorion: You can play goblins in standard James!
ThePixelSavage: oh you just reminded me why I lost ALL interest in standard
UtilityPunk: Cloud limit breaks to beat Spiderman and Kingpin partnered
TheDevil_Risen: I play arena at work (std)
wdym you're on my third monitor
ghizmou: right on time
BrowneePointz: it is only for a small subset of folks who have Rolodex card brains
ghizmou: should be
Cptasparagus: its a great tablet game
micalovits: I dunno, Pandemic still feels like last year to me...
tsp397: I don't like time
ArtOfStuttering: Should be fine, MTGA isn't super heavy.
ghyllnox: Oh god that was 5 years ago???
BrowneePointz: should be fine, unless Apple hits the forced obsolescence button this year for it
shaneandkk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
shaneandkk: No no it's 4 years ago not 5 😭 how is it 5
Thanks for subscribing, shaneandkk! (Today's storm count: 10)
Cptasparagus: they played it on AFK
MarylandJutsu: Victoryyyy
TheDevil_Risen: would be fun for AFK
TheDevil_Risen: again
ghizmou: they played it on AFK with Jorbs
4 year and 2 days, folks, not 5 full years
DoomBringerIL: my 2018 11' ipad pro runs Arena soomthly @LoadingReadyRun
DoomBringerIL: smoothly*
BrowneePointz: pandemic started in March
micalovits: If you really want to be pedandic, it is 4 years and 9-10 months
BrowneePointz: gives us a couple grace period months
TheWorstGamerNA: feb 2020 is when pandemic started
UtilityPunk: And the early waves of covid were late 2019
LurkerSpine: ^
Flyingdelorion: March 2020 o almost 5 years
KingOfDoma: Can time... stop for a bit? So we can all breathe for a second? I'm so tired...
TheDevil_Risen: @ghizmou was fun, its a good game
RockPusher: Oh dear
BrowneePointz: yea the first inklings of global pandemia is 2019 around October iirc
Flyingdelorion: Oh no....
micalovits: No, not my back James!
RockPusher: James reminding us all to take our back pills
BrowneePointz: put that in the moon?
ghizmou: are all of these bands now considered dad rock ?
but 20 years ago was the early 90's
iris_of_ether: I saw the Insta that showed these and had the same face Cori did
ItsThugDimmadome: Who else was 10 in 2005?
tycoonbosh: James, please stop making me feel old
BrowneePointz: wow IYH really? I’m surprised(no judgement just an uncommon Foo pick)
micalovits: Big Gnarlid time?
ghyllnox: @itsthugdimmadome Hi!
tsp397: I don't like this
brainiac4 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 106 months!
brainiac4: Just in time for this list of something
Thanks for subscribing, brainiac4! (Today's storm count: 11)
shaneandkk: 2005 was ten years ago right? 👀
ItsThugDimmadome: @ghyllnox Entering-our-30s-soon buddies!
shaneandkk: Yesss NIN my favorite 🤩
UtilityPunk: @shaneandkk It's 2006, doesn't your Motorola Razr have the calendar app?
Lord_Hosk: 2005 was a couple years ago
BrowneePointz: so James, we get TWO Reznor/Ross projects potentially this year
shaneandkk: utility punk OK but I do actual
shaneandkk: Ahhh phone
Flyingdelorion: LOL
RockPusher: another Tron
BrowneePointz: Intergalactic and Tron Ares
Kentosaurus: James the reply guy
shaneandkk: @utilitypunk I do have a galaxy flip so close enough?
BrowneePointz: the new naughty dog game
Lord_Hosk: @ItsThugDimmadome Entering your 30s soon? ENTERING? There are people in chat young enough that I could be their parent.
Flyingdelorion: new game wasnt it?
tycoonbosh: I assume I am the Avalanche just satirizes I am the Walrus
RayFK subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
RayFK: uhhhh ohhhhhh, draaaaftiiiieeees
Thanks for subscribing, RayFK! (Today's storm count: 12)
DoomBringerIL: GTA 6 is this year @LoadingReadyRun
BrowneePointz: we aren’t sure cuz it’s been in dev since 2020
RockPusher: yes, "Tron: Ares" is what I was thinking of
BrowneePointz: so Intergalactic COULD be this winter or next year
ItsThugDimmadome: @Lord_Hosk Yeah, entering. My back only hurts cuz my squat form needs work lol.
PhuzNutz: I saw a 50-somerhing farm guy and his dog in a truck in southern Minnesota yesterday at the Kwik Truck with a NIN sticker on the back window. I had to do a triple-take and throw up some horns
Kentosaurus: people just hoping it's this year
Flyingdelorion: Same James
RockPusher: Vice City was where GTA peaked for me
kynelwynn: @LoadingReadyRun Since Innistrad remaster is this month, any insihts on PPR?
micalovits: Wait, a second one?
Lord_Hosk: I haven't been into GTA since it went first person
BrowneePointz: the story of 5 was good but it came out so long ago it’s time for a fresh one
RockPusher: cruising around with 80s music blaring
BrowneePointz: James you gonna wear a racing jacket for Aetherdrift?
kynelwynn: Thank you, James!
Mazrae: they are playing double dragon??? wait i might be thinking the wrong game type lol
DoomBringerIL: proved!
RockPusher: Gotta wait for the corporate bureaucracy to churn
Cptasparagus: @James I am now remembering 2005 sitting in the back of my friend's '01 charger listening to Through the Fire and the Flames on Inhuman Rampage by Dragonforce thinking it was the coolest shit ever in 9th grade
Bruceski: I humbly request cosplay for the Final Fantasy PPR. The more ridiculous the better.
micalovits: Uh oh
Earthenone: so we get to to a belt draft for final fantasy set like we did hats for innistrad right?
BrowneePointz: screenrant is not a valid source
TherapyforNarwhals: Idk maybe they pull a Bethesda w Fallout 4
BrowneePointz: it’s clickbait
iris_of_ether: I feel like I've recently found a level of hell below clickbait: machine-generated clickbait
BrowneePointz: anyways what they said James. yall should do Thrift Shop Cosplay for Final Fantasy
BrowneePointz: it would be REALLY funny if
Lord_Hosk: Imagine
Lord_Hosk: Dragons
BrowneePointz: funny*
micalovits: Living the Dragon Dream
Earthenone: TWO dragons? in this economy
RockPusher: easy enough, just buy *all* the belts
bjergmann101: All the Belts!!!
Gekyouryuu: So $20 worth of belts, gotcha
BrowneePointz: Id swap the wall
itira: im not sure 20 bucks would get you much at value village these days :))
DoomBringerIL: no cosplay leftovers from friday nights shoots? @LoadingReadyRun
RayFK: Final Fantasy Fans have like 3 jokes total
chat is nothing if not derivative
Lord_Hosk: I feel like $20 isn't enough when a pair of pants is like $15 and a belt is 10
ItsThugDimmadome: That gets yiou 2.5 t shirts for the ones near me.
RayFK: Rock is best pet
BrowneePointz: look if Final Fantasy didn’t wanna get made fun of for belts then Nomura could cool his jets
micalovits: Puppet Jace also is pretty good....
i remember when imprison on the moon was a rare
Gekyouryuu: @rayfk yeah, but the other two involve a sword to the back or the Italian senate, so those are inappropriate
micalovits: I know, that why its good
DoomBringerIL: ppl underestimate but beholder pet is GOAT
TheDevil_Risen: Rocky is my favourite pet
Lord_Hosk: Didn't you run Puppet Jace skin in Minecraft?
BrowneePointz: Also god I hope Vivi breaks Legacy
RockPusher: Watched the most recent season of "What If?" yet James?
BrowneePointz: although out of all the Final Fantasy characters that might be unexpectedly accidentally broken in Magic it’s PROBABLY Cait Sith
micalovits: I would rather play a dude
BrowneePointz: it’s the weakest season
BrowneePointz: Skeleton Crew tho? show slaps
Lord_Hosk: The first season was kinda fun... then they tried to do like too much continuity between the episodes instead of letting it just be weird.
RockPusher: I should watch Andor
BrowneePointz: oh yea Andor Clears
BrowneePointz: but Skeleton Crew is delightful and campy and a HUGE BREATH OF NEEDED FRESH AIR
TheDevil_Risen: in magic news, my Fogliokens from the latest kickstarter arrived yesterday, their super fun!
TheGr8Mango: I didn't like the Andor character or Rogue One - so, I'd been avoiding it. Is it *actually* worth it?
RayFK: And/Or
BrowneePointz: absolutely Mango
DoomBringerIL: severance season 2 is only 2 weeks awayyyyy
BrowneePointz: I think it’s quite possibly the highest quality Star Wars thing with the most important things to say since maybe the old movies
Cptasparagus: AND they can't jump the shark with Andor because we know how it ends
Lord_Hosk: I love all the Star Wars Youtubers who are like "Wow, Skeleton crew is so much fun you should all give it a shot" When they spent the past 6 months craping on it "Its going to be bad... it been delayed disney must hate it... more woke Star Wars for babies BOOOO!"
RayFK: Warden
RayFK: Card draw
Cptasparagus: @Lord_Hosk Star Wars is already for babies! win win!
TheGr8Mango: @BrowneePointz Mkay - I might just give it a shot then, thanks.
Murderface9797: star wars is for nerds
matthaus_c subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
matthaus_c: ca-caw
Thanks for subscribing, matthaus_c! (Today's storm count: 13)
micalovits: Long Lice Wall!
TheDevil_Risen: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Murderface9797: immediate regret
Kentosaurus: welp
kynelwynn: James!
NorthstarTex: the wall can stop that big thing...once...
djalternative: James, what are your thoughts on Star Wars Visions? imo it’s the show they should be unashamedly stealing from for the movies because that’s where all of the best ideas are
Saintnex: new year, same curse
RockPusher: I appreciate this LRR-shaped corner of the Internet that eschews rage-bait whinyness that is some much of Internet "discourse" nowadays
KingOfDoma: It is an objective fact that people saying that "Star Wars is woke now" are not paying attention or are willfully ignorant. IT'S REBELS FIGHTING AGAINST AN EMPIRE, PEOPLE
ghizmou: we need government aid to help this wurm open it's business
QuixoticScrivener: oh, but it has more text.
matthaus_c: 7/7 for 6? what is this, Modern Horizons?!
RayFK: That was the anime ones I think
RockPusher: the Anime
BrowneePointz: Visions had a couple good ones but also some ones that were…rushed
Murderface9797: animated shorts
Lord_Hosk: Visions is their Anime inspired
Cptasparagus: its Star Wars What If
Earthenone: it was the anime made by diferent studios per episode
BrowneePointz: It was the anime anthology
RayFK: Secret Level
matthaus_c: Star Wars Vision is a single blue mana to Draw a card and Scry 2
RayFK: haven't seen it yet
TheDevil_Risen: not yet
BrowneePointz: Secret Level
BrowneePointz: yes
kynelwynn: yes
have not seen Secret Level, been working 17 days in the last 18
Earthenone: usagi yo-jedi?
TheDevil_Risen: im at work now haha
Mazrae: wait why is that wurm 14/14 now
Kentosaurus: isn't the rabbit a character from the old marvel star wars comics?
BrowneePointz: Usagi Qui-Gon YoJinnbo
djalternative: animated show where they gave each episode to a different animation studio and just let them go wild no holds barred with Star Wars
itira: agree with you there cori. thats the only episode i watched too
matthaus_c: we could have drawn a Simic Lava Axe... that... deals... 7?
kynelwynn: The Warhammer one is very Warhammer
BrowneePointz: James, they are making a Metroid Vania based off of that
sausecoder: Pac Man one was super dark
sausecoder: The Mega Man one needs to be its own movie
TheDevil_Risen: Dune Ladies?
Lord_Hosk: Im watching this group of people stream Magic the gathering and talk about pop culture and thats sparking a little joy
BrowneePointz: weekly reminder to check out Delicious in Dungeon and Dandadan
RayFK: Ah, the Ted Lasso approach
RayFK: Watching a show where people fucking TALK to each otehr
iris_of_ether: I finished reading the Delicious in Dungeon manga and second the recommendation
korvys: I haven't started it yet, but I'm really excited to watch Man on the Inside
Earthenone: Man on the Inside was the onewith the star and creator of the good place right?
korvys: Yes, Ted Danson
micalovits: I like the Gnarlid
Kentosaurus: man on the inside is very good
Cptasparagus: Stephanie Beatriz
Stephanie Beatriz is like the anti-rosa
Lord_Hosk: I watched the Bon Jovi docuseries, and my big take away was, Wow, Richie Sambora must be chuffed that they replaced him with 3 people.
BrowneePointz: she’s also Mirabel in Encanto
KingOfDoma: Got a friend who worked on Man on the Inside! Watch it so she can work on another season!
Cptasparagus: its got Lisa Kudrow and Ray Ramano
matthaus_c: keep friend employed!
BrowneePointz: oh yeah, speaking of documentaries, James did you watch The Remarkable Life of Ibelin?
Cptasparagus: No Good Deed
Cptasparagus: I watched the trailer but it didnt spark joy
BrowneePointz: Highly recommend, especially if you used to play World of Warcraft
RockPusher: I should check out Time Bandits if only to see what became of the filming they did around the corner from my office
The_Color_Twelve: the same deviled egg
BrowneePointz: It will have you in tears though
Cptasparagus: i've had enough Ray Romano for one lifetime I think
Earthenone: somethine something hearthstone
micalovits: When Hearthstone dies?
BrowneePointz: that’s my guess for the final set this year
TheWriterAleph: anyone remember the WoW tcg?
kynelwynn: Would it? Would it?
theamc2000: there is a tcg in wow?
iris_of_ether: We had some boxes of the WoW tcg but sold it off on eBay some years back
BrowneePointz: like legit James my big three guesses for the final UB set is Star Wars, Warcraft or Elder Scrolls
Cptasparagus: I found a longbox of the Icecrown set from WoWtcg
Cptasparagus: the other day
Cptasparagus: im betting its Ponies
bold of you to assume there will be a "final" UB set
KingOfDoma: I'd laugh if the mystery UB set is Power Rangers and no, it's not going to die an ignoble death. Perfect environment for the Morph mechanic to come back...
kynelwynn: It's almost guardanteed to be Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
BrowneePointz: I said this YEAR Serpens
micalovits: I could see the Elder Scrolls, but the other two having their own games sorta put them out
i think it would go for the people they want to sell cards to
TheDevil_Risen: Bronies went nuts on both Ponies drops tho
jpost042: six?!
Serpens77: @jpost042 yes, 6
kynelwynn: Six -
EJGRgunner: them all being Standard is new
kynelwynn: standard, is new
so many sets
Serpens77: 2024 had 9 sets iirc? So this year only having 7 is a reduction
kynelwynn: And theUniveres Beyond also being Standard is new
BrowneePointz: Aetherdrift, Tarkir Dragonstorm, Final Fantasy, Edge of Eternities, Spiderverse and ???
themossybeard: @BrowneePointz spongebob
Lord_Hosk: My big guess is Magic Content creators Universes beyond. Friday Nights Cards BAAAYBEEEE
arkham1981: I still think it would be neat to see something from Sanderson. We know hes a magic fan. It would be fun to see UB sets that are based in other fantasy writters worlds.
BrowneePointz: I want to see one of the good swords in the secret lair as his spatula
micalovits: Sanderson would be sick, but doubt they would do a full set though
kynelwynn: He's still Mormon, yes
BrowneePointz: yes, he still tithes to the Mormon church
micalovits: I mean, he is still a Mormon yes
BrowneePointz: He’s cool, but he still funds the Mormon church
Jillexie: No he doesnt
Lord_Hosk *waits on the release of "Lord Hosk, Jokester Emeritus"*
Gekyouryuu: Rav Remastered, karlov, tj, mh3, commander masters, bloom, dusk, so 8 at least
ItsThugDimmadome: Welp
EJGRgunner: Commander MAsters wasn't 2024
brainbosh: He doesn't seem to have any, he just hasn't contradicted the church he is a part of
Gekyouryuu: Sorry, 7
themossybeard: he could write better lore for them
Flyingdelorion: and foundations
Gekyouryuu: Typo
Serpens77: @Gekyouryuu I think the "9" figure also includes Assassin's Creed
Bruceski: We're not talking JKR "the money I make off my IP is an endorsement of my views" levels of problematic, but everyone draws their own line on what they want to support
anyGould: Have they done GI Joe? Feels like a big Hasbro cow they haven't cashed yet.
Gekyouryuu: Oh, right, foundations and ass creed
BrowneePointz: no Masters cuz Horizons last year
Cptasparagus: it has packs so you COULD draft it
Serpens77: ok, maybe it was 9 "products" not sets
Diabore: as far as we know right now
RayFK: but hey how about those Jays
kynelwynn: Ass Creed wasn't draftable..and those packs only have 9 cards in them
they did a reverse commander masters last year by banning jeweled lotus
ItsThugDimmadome: Which card's getting the flavour text "My leg!"?
Gekyouryuu: Oh, right, masters was the year before. So we count Fallout as a set, since it's a set's size?
BrowneePointz: hear me out, Library of Alexandria or Tabernacle as the Krusty Krab
Bugberry: there was also the Ass Creed precons.
BrowneePointz: there were no precons
BrowneePointz: it was like 75 cards
now WotC just need to announce something big before TTC comes out
kynelwynn: James' definition is the word Wizards uses for set, yes
BTownMC: fallout had awesome commander decks
Cyberegg: There are lots of products, some of them are sets
BrowneePointz: it had 100 cards that’s what it was
Earthenone: yeah i mean who could sit down and draft mystery boosters
BrowneePointz: so less than half a normal set
haha like i said, so many sets, so little time haha
micalovits: It also makes the Terror cheaper!
Technic_AL: I wonder how long until mtg will reach Anime Girl TCG territory
psychopez subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
Thanks for subscribing, psychopez! (Today's storm count: 14)
TheDevil_Risen: I am looking forward to that!!!
GasCityGaming: 4 PM PT!
Bugberry: @browneepointz there was starter kits.
Fanklok: Mystie Boostie Twostie???!!!
Cptasparagus: Draftlight Savings Time
cagedtiki: what yall drafting
Bugberry: I feel like a Dark Souls UB is inevitable.
cagedtiki: no the other ppl
Bruceski: mystery booster 2
cagedtiki: oh ok
RayFK: Fortnite
LRR needing to adjust schedules 'cause everyone is an old who needs their complan and bedtime at 10pm
huh assuming ChillPoint doesnt get pushed fwd too (as is apparent from the schedule) guessing this will def curb Beejs rambles 'n rants for the sake of timing
kynelwynn: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (Tonight on TTSF Ian tinkers with his Xbox controller! Game: Xbox Elite 2 Repair) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (1:46 from now).
iris_of_ether: Dungeon Clawler is fun
phoenixfeather14: dungeon clawler
micalovits: Just started playing Cryptmaster today, and holy hell it is amazing
EJGRgunner: Serge DID play that
Cptasparagus: im playing Moonlighter again to get ready for the sequel
RockPusher: the standalone solitare from Shenzen?
Gekyouryuu: Balatro
Earthenone: there is going to be a moonlightersequel?
RockPusher: oh! the bundle one they did, gotcha
Cptasparagus: @Earthenone yup! it was announced at the game awards iirc
Cptasparagus: it has a steam page that just says "coming soon"
Earthenone: hunh, i tuned in to the lrr viewing of that but must have missed it. maybe i was half paying attention at the time
RockPusher: I sometimes wonder about the timeline where Infiniminer took off rather than just inspiring Minecraft
Bugberry: I re-bought Okami for the 3rd time since it was on Steam sale. might play it again when the sequel gets a release date.
micalovits: Goblins is always the right choice!
Earthenone: shall we call it deez?
micalovits: No clue what a standard goblins deck would look like
RockPusher: Is there a via goblins deck in standard?
Cptasparagus: ive been playing a lot of Alesha in standard with some raid gobbos its fun
GasCityGaming: more than 1 Krenko
RockPusher: 'cause that sounds like my kind of nonesense
Earthenone: i think gobos are in the forever standard legal product
Earthenone: like krenko and co
The_Color_Twelve: they didn't use it for some reason
Bruceski: or sac a treasure token
Cptasparagus: @Earthenone it is. I dont want to sound like a jerk but they are currently playing that product with Krenko in play XD
QuixoticScrivener: net deck like a pro
EJGRgunner: you want t:goblin
RockPusher: uncommon I find to be the sweet spot for the meat of deciding the deck
accountmadeforants: I'd go for the button to the left of the mail button to get a slightly better layout for browsing
TheWriterAleph: the goblin disrespect. you should always mind your goblins
Cptasparagus: put in all the goblin planeswalkers for sure
Bugberry: breeches is really good.
RockPusher: pfffffft good decks
accountmadeforants: Well, you'll have to, because there are no meta goblin decks
ghizmou: sorry, good deck is not within our parameters
ZombieHendrix: James "good deck" Turner
djalternative: James, do you just want the win on t2 mono red fling deck?
Flyingdelorion: squee
RockPusher: Standard Pile of Goblins
QuixoticScrivener: 60 goblins, no land
Time to break out the
Earthenone: 20 lands, 30 goblins, 10 removal spells got it cheif
micalovits: Hordemaster is a real good lord
iiieye subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
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accountmadeforants: Goblin Charbelcher *is* on Arena, just not in standard
Bugberry: add all Goblin lords, easy.
RockPusher: any plans to do something about those mic stands? they seem to give everyone some trouble?
BrowneePointz: horse master and squee at least
Cptasparagus: Impact Tremors is standard legal BTW
BrowneePointz: horde*
Flyingdelorion: Squee. Krenko, Goblin surprise, hordemaster, fanatical firebrand and cacophony scamp
BrowneePointz: what delorion said
Gekyouryuu: It's a shame General Kreat is jumpstart exclusive
TheWriterAleph: justice for Mike Stand
Azbazel: Hewwo
RockPusher: PEBCAK
Fanklok: Dear Adam and Ben: Cri has requested you stop wang jangling the mic stands
Serpens77: @RockPusher PEBCAM?
Azbazel: I accidentally built a standard deck when I was building a pioneer deck
Fanklok: Damn it i missed the o
Diabore: wait we doing standard?
BrowneePointz: id run 2 krenko cuz 4 drop
RockPusher: mics are fine
Serpens77: Krenko's Command and Trumpet Blast had a baby
Flyingdelorion: maybe Scarslicer goblin?
djalternative: screaming nemesis and the red leyline are cards you want to look at too. maybe even sunshine lynx
space_held: searslicer*
BrowneePointz: lightning strike and burst lightning
space_held: how about some removal?
Flyingdelorion: sorry thats what I meant
QuixoticScrivener: goblin oriflame
GasCityGaming: trumpet blast effect?
BrowneePointz: Cut two krenko put in two burst lightning in for lightning strike
Cptasparagus: omg they reprinted ball lightning lol
Bugberry: and Typal lands? like Cavern of Souls.
BrowneePointz: Sorry, I type out two burst lightnings instead of 24 drops and a full four lightning strike
BrowneePointz: typod*
and you don't need 24 lands in a mono deck
Kentosaurus: 3 squee feels good
Flyingdelorion: Some decks also play Urabrask's Forge
LurkerSpine: 24 lands is probably too many
RockPusher: Mono red with the Arena shaper, maybe get away with 16 land?
Fanklok: I don't see how what you want has anything to do with chat building this deck
mastershake29x: what's the non basic land hater?
RockPusher: plus low curve
space_held: torch the tower
BrowneePointz: 3 squee, 2 krenko and forge is good cuz board wipes
QuixoticScrivener: goblin oriflamme?
Flyingdelorion: Frenzied goblin?
Loooooony: Volley Veteran for the finishing touch?
BrowneePointz: but yea a split of burst lightning and lightning strikes
BrowneePointz: Is that goblin that gives them flying foundations legal?
GasCityGaming: goblin surprise?
QuixoticScrivener: two m
Lord_Hosk: Do you want good, or do you want goblins?
BrowneePointz: You’re thinking goblin bombardment and it is not legal
Azbazel: Gleeful demo
djalternative: search for “burn together”
QuixoticScrivener: krenko’s call?
Bugberry: there’s that Red enchantment that us basically Bomat Courier.
GasCityGaming: there's the 4 mana one that does 5 but costs less based on attacking creatures
Azbazel: You get three goblins if you destroy one artifact you own
djalternative: the adventure is a fling
space_held: witchstalker frezy for removal
BrowneePointz: 3 strikes, cut a couple lands and put in wolfstalker frenzy
Cptasparagus: oh yeah Caillou's Sellsword
UtilityPunk: Yeah, need something like Improvised Munitions or w/e
Azbazel: Impact tremors
Bugberry: Cavern of Souls is in Standard.
QuixoticScrivener: volleyball veteran, goblin negotiations
LurkerSpine: I'd probably stay at 20
BrowneePointz: I’d do 20
Azbazel: Or war leaders call
Loooooony: Goblin Negotiator maybe?
Cptasparagus: you already had 4
Flyingdelorion: frenzy is a good pick as well as Brownee said
Loooooony: It makes goblins.
patrick_stonecrusher: The 3/3 manland any good?
BrowneePointz: add lightning strike and Wolfstalker’s Frenzy
Loooooony: Negotiation, sorry.
Lord_Hosk: James, its you playing, 7 land is probably enough and you will still somehow flood
QuixoticScrivener: it’s a sorcery
Diabore: id do 21 lands personallt
Technic_AL: saw a Goblin Negotiation
LurkerSpine: you scrolled by it
Azbazel: It's like impact but buff your creatures
bytecaster: The XRR removal spell
UtilityPunk: Saw if on another page
Loooooony: Second Krenko?
Looking spicy so far
Loooooony: Or just straight up red Overlord. XP
Azbazel: Ojer
BrowneePointz: screaming nemesis
Earthenone: !card embercleave
LRRbot: Embercleave [4RR] | Legendary Artifact — Equipment | Flash / This spell costs {1} less to cast for each attacking creature you control. / When Embercleave enters, attach it to target creature you control. / Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has double strike and trample. / Equip {3}
Cptasparagus: enduring courage but its not mythic
BrowneePointz: shutdown life gain or Ojer axonil
Cptasparagus: embercleave is good
djalternative: sunshine lynx
kynelwynn: Ojer is my pick
UtilityPunk: Lol, Axonil making your goblins 4/4
BrowneePointz: ojer axonil is funnier
Loooooony: Ojer Axonil works wonders with Tremors.
Azbazel: Ojer
space_held: its in foundations
QuixoticScrivener: city on fire?
patrick_stonecrusher: its a special guest, dont know if legal
Earthenone: impact trmors for 4
BrowneePointz: impact tremors for 4
Diabore: so tremors and scamp death trigger
QuixoticScrivener: city on fire then
Azbazel: Impact tremors with ojer
ghizmou: and firebrand
Bugberry: Firebrand taps to deal 4.
Azbazel: My doggo says hi
Kentosaurus: 8 mana though
GasCityGaming: ooo convoke too!
Loooooony: Goblins on fire. XP
Cptasparagus: the definition of win more lol
UtilityPunk: Convoke too! Now we're cooking
Flyingdelorion: Ah the 'win more' card lol
Diabore: summer bundle
BrowneePointz: Kings of Goblon
Serpens77: that's from Summer of Magic last year
BartholemewTheKitten: Squee didn't start the fire
Earthenone: it came with the beachball
BrowneePointz: cuz wooooooah City on fiiiire!
kynelwynn: James pile
Diabore: @Flyingdelorion friend this is goblins, it needs to be able to win before it can win more
accountmadeforants: Yeah, same set of things you got the beachball from
Azbazel: Gobloom
Anonyman41: @BartholemewTheKitten very good
Azbazel: Like boom
Earthenone: i think G crafted an entire set on the account for gems or something
accountmadeforants: Not ranked?
Kentosaurus: sparky, no one asked you
ghizmou: rank will probably be easier actually
Flyingdelorion: GLHF!
accountmadeforants: I mean, ranked means you'll get matched with other players who haven't played standard
ghizmou: you're bottom tier
iris_of_ether: People rank up and then leave ranked
Earthenone: balatro hand
patrick_stonecrusher: Your deck draws both krenkos, apparently
accountmadeforants: The Moonbase Mulligan. You mulligan up to zero times
offbeatwitch: ahh cut down my behated
Saintnex: Ah, mono black demons im guessing
TheWriterAleph: choo choo
Earthenone: with the 3 mountains could have gone ful house
kynelwynn: Opp is on mono black demons?
UtilityPunk: Game's 25% won already NOTED
Bugberry: mono-black removal
Theres a lot of good removal in standard atm
CaptainSpam: Deputy's safe, though.
Caffine1138 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Caffine1138: Red deck goes Brrrrr?
Drunk_Owl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Caffine1138! (Today's storm count: 16)
Thanks for subscribing, Drunk_Owl! (Today's storm count: 17)
Kentosaurus: welcome to standard
TheDevil_Risen: oops, all removal
accountmadeforants: Krenko's not an outlaw? He must have a great lawyer!
UtilityPunk: They didn't shoot a deputy though
TheDevil_Risen: ahh thats the meta black midrange deck
GasCityGaming: this is the World's winning deck, or near it
BrowneePointz: Yeah, they just tried to combo you there
Diabore: they get nothing
Earthenone: jokes on you we dont have anything to discard
TheWriterAleph: omg.
offbeatwitch: its possible they printed too much black removal
Technic_AL: how annoying
BrowneePointz: anyways, this is why Aggro decks are still running forge
Diabore: hateful
noSmokeFire: what percent of this deck is just removal?
QuixoticScrivener: opponent is mono kill spells?
Saintnex: Standard lol
offbeatwitch: this is what standard is like yeah
Earthenone: one of these days they will que against a creatureless deck and cry i assume
Loooooony: Mono Black control, from what I can gather.
ghizmou: that's just a fun casual game of unranked
kynelwynn: This is standard
Technic_AL: is opponent running OOPS All removal?
TheDevil_Risen: It's Black Midrange infinite combo
accountmadeforants: Opponent decided to build a fun non-meta deck: Oops All Removal
TheDevil_Risen: its one of the top 4 meta decks
Bugberry: they are drawing an extra card every turn, so drawing into more removal is more likely.
Loooooony: More generous people call it standard demons. XP
QuixoticScrivener: surprise is instant
Diabore: it tremendously does not matter
Flyingdelorion: we are already dead
Saintnex: Oh we just die to unholy
UtilityPunk: Lol, what a format
Technic_AL: that was just....awful
hey ya heccin nerds whomst i love beyond measure
Bugberry: brining a knife to a gun fight
so will we get a pro tour competitor or a literal child
accountmadeforants: Sparky got a lot more tolerable to me when I noticed the low contract cat-face inside the orb
stevefromdetroit: I’m a big black player - and that game made me feel icky
accountmadeforants: *low-contrast
UtilityPunk: "On board" heh
Saintnex: tbf to Standard, there is a very good mono red deck in the meta, its just surrounded by a lot of black
Lord_Hosk: Its the mirror!
Lord_Hosk: I was wrong the mirror is shattered
Loooooony: I believe opponent is playing Izzet starter deck.
noSmokeFire: James "Two Krenkos" Turner over here
Loooooony: Okay, they don't.
Loooooony: Gain lands are too op for starter decks. XP
Starter decks are for scrubs
UtilityPunk: We have finely crafted homemade decks
MrGibberish: They could have taken the starter deck and slightly uptuned them
iris_of_ether: James. Cori.
bytecaster: The brothers say no to cranking
stevefromdetroit: we are crankless
TheWriterAleph: play krenky kong again
korvys: in the monbase. straight "krenking it". and by "it", haha, well. let's justr say. My gobolins
Lord_Hosk: HE said the line!
Loooooony: Hey, you're winning. ._.
stevefromdetroit: we are a bunch of dummies. you’re right.
Lord_Hosk: Of course! it has lightning right in the name
Earthenone: it counts as both ball and lightning
Bugberry: You Standarded
kynelwynn: retire champion
Earthenone: all it took was one starter deck
BrowneePointz: it is by definition lightning
QuixoticScrivener: lightning colt!
Lord_Hosk: All year?
Lord_Hosk: both days?
noSmokeFire: both!
Saintnex: ohh noooo
Technic_AL: OH NO
BrowneePointz: anyways, yeah, that’s why I don’t play standard quick play best one, it’s a lawless wasteland of folks trying to dirt you out
Azbazel: All two days of 2025. YALL PLAY STANDARD NOT DRAFT
Opponent is playing cats.
Bugberry: Not even a 1 drop
offbeatwitch: efficient
UtilityPunk: Never punished!
KaleidoscopeMind: gotta keep that rank down
Azralorne: So definitely not fine then?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Should have retired champion when you had the chance.
ghizmou: aggressive, I like it
Saintnex: thats certainly a thing
Bugberry: red on red
Technic_AL: Wow
Loooooony: Opponent is burning like a champ.
Loooooony: I kinda love it.
Lord_Hosk: its the all lightning deck
Bugberry: Slag STorm incoming
kynelwynn: Pyroclasm
Dread_Pirate_Westley: They're kinda dead.
patrick_stonecrusher: Hidesu's incoming
TheDevil_Risen: James, are you having many emotions ?
glitched_goddess: 50% annual win rate
bytecaster: Did you have fun? (Yes/No)
TheWriterAleph: sounds exhausting.
kynelwynn: Real, "I'm a genius Oh no!" energy
KingOfDoma: ALMOST a keep
Azralorne: James could definitely use more emotions
Technic_AL: erm
Forlorgen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Forlorgen! (Today's storm count: 18)
korvys: Challenge Graham to Standard
Saintnex: I actually dont remember if you can lose any rank in the bottom tier
TheWriterAleph: james you can't just ask people why their bubbles are big
BrowneePointz: James, when people told you your rank matters, they meant in an olfactory sense
Diabore: @Saintnex can not in bronze or silver
Azbazel: Bubble blowin
Loooooony: Maybe 20 lands is too few lands.
KingOfDoma: Where's the Curse when you need it?
Bugberry: Boros Heroic looks like it.
BrowneePointz: Should’ve killed the mouse
Azralorne: Like a real one?
Kentosaurus: 2025 year of the donkey
Saintnex: we are taking a heck of a beating
noSmokeFire: I see one right now
Azralorne: Or just Cori in a donkey mask?
BrowneePointz: and that’s why you always kill heartfire hero ASAP
doesnt The James Turner Guarantee have a 45% success rate?
RiverGloom: james furiously googling petting zoo's in victoria
BrowneePointz: You see that crappy mouse it dies on site
BrowneePointz: sight
kynelwynn: Cori Donkeyson??
BrowneePointz: apple please
TheDevil_Risen: @RiverGloom wheeler found a place they can hire one locally
it was a whole thing
Fanklok: At some point this year there will be an 8 second video on the main channel of James pointing at a donkey and saying "look a donkey"
Loooooony: GG easy.
stevefromdetroit: won with TWO lands in hand
jacqui_lantern234: IM CACKLING XD
definenull: Doodah, doodah?
EvilBadman: Reject Shrek, become Donkey
anyGould: There's a costume that she hasn't worn / But just you wait, just you wait...
stevefromdetroit: he was probably offended by the size of your bubble
KingOfDoma: "Coriander Donkeyson. My name is Coriander Donkeyson. I like playing Magic cuz it's fun! Just you play, just you playyyyy..."
QuixoticScrivener: Coriander Donkeyson to the these of “Alexander Hamilton.”
BrowneePointz: Corheehawnder Dickinson
Anubis169: lol
RockPusher: Coward
that reminds me, i've got a Mine-O-Clock vod to watch from the other day too , will have to after this
Lord_Hosk: Graham isn't responding to employees in a timely manner? call HR
TheDevil_Risen: !adult
LRRbot: I need an adult!
sporkraptor: am I just in time for the end of the stream? XD
awww, wanted Beej is unavailable
sporkraptor: halfway, excellent!
mastershake29x: definitely
jacqui_lantern234: you definitely should play Cavern
Diabore: what do we do when ops deck is just better
BrowneePointz: yea take the oriflammes out and put bombers in
RiverGloom: cut to grahams house where baxter is playing with the mouse
bloodstar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bloodstar! (Today's storm count: 19)
Fanklok: The last name Dickenson means that somewhere in Cori's lineage there's a man named Dicken
Diabore: yknow what would be great? if negotiation dealt damage equal to the mana spent to cast it, not just equal to x
Diabore: so at base its RR for 2
RiverGloom: i have to say Cori amazing job on not a drop to drink, just finished the finally and Jordan is my hero
BrowneePointz: Cori’s last name OBVIOUSLY means She’s Dickens’ Son but someone typo’d. Also she’s a time traveler
Lord_Hosk: Dropkick and cavern of souls
TheDevil_Risen: awwww
QuixoticScrivener: maybe a better one drop as well
TheDevil_Risen: it was really good!
varmintx0: you could have just lied
Diabore: cavern hurts us a lot with how many non goblin spells we have
RayFK: Don't cut
RayFK: run 64
RiverGloom: vote James for not a drop to drink series 2
Sorry, don't cut run 64 #wotcstaff
offbeatwitch: ayy lmao
QuixoticScrivener: did we want to steal their 1 drop first striker as well?
ghizmou: you're certainly content creating
RayFK: Nah, still am.
Juliamon: you have to say it on your wotc account
BrowneePointz: They tell Jordan he is to make him feel better
offbeatwitch: my hubris
RayFK: Pfft, I'm still on vacation I ain't turning my laptop on Juliamon
BrowneePointz: inti has to die
Bugberry: Inti needs to go.
BrowneePointz: so much card advantage
Adam voice: MEESTER INTI
offbeatwitch: lol i kept a no-plains
offbeatwitch: ggs!
RiverGloom: there is a squee deez nuts joke somewhere there, but im also on vacation
Lord_Hosk: Standard is amazing perfect format no notes
BrowneePointz: offbeat you pulled a James
offbeatwitch: i did i did
offbeatwitch: it was a banging hand otherwise though
BrowneePointz: barbala baba is fun to say
CrossXhunteR: no
RiverGloom: no
Diabore: No
brutalpunishment: Negative
Saintnex: nope
RiverGloom: there is a mouse one
QuixoticScrivener: right now minored is rabbits
Fanklok: There's a competetive deck that has atleast one goblin in it
CrossXhunteR: mice
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Mono-red is probably too slow for standard.
Diabore: Mice can be competitive
BrowneePointz: Mice or burn
CrossXhunteR: not often white
QuixoticScrivener: mice prowess
BrowneePointz: nah just red
CrossXhunteR: usually mono red or gruul
Saintnex: lots of prowess last I checked
bytecaster: I do enjoy that the mice beat the goblins
MrPipboy3000: White Rabbits is pretty good
Diabore: Mono red prowess is also a thing
Bugberry: The good Red mice plus Valiant/heroic enablers.
stevefromdetroit: I want goat tribal to be a thing
Diabore: Probably ub
BrowneePointz: dimir demons
CrossXhunteR: mono red prowess or dimir midrange, probably.
BrowneePointz: I think
djalternative: there’s also the banned in bo1 pump spells and fling. it wins on t2
spacedovtt: dimir midrange or gruul prowess
ghizmou: dimir was the deck you faced in unranked
BrowneePointz: yea dimir was the better version of the deck you faced
Diabore: The one we faced unranked was mono black demons
CrossXhunteR: im thinking of registering what is basically a duskmourn block-constructed UW enchantments deck for the GP this weekend
BrowneePointz: unranked was mono b but the stronger version is UB
Diabore: Or mono black slasher more correctly
Earthenone: dident want to trade a goblin in for 2? or did i misread the 2/1
Serpens77: could have attacked with 1 token then to get the raid triggers?
Lord_Hosk: I think you are gonna WIN!
bytecaster: I believe in you!
Lord_Hosk: damn auto correct, I meant lose
RiverGloom: if you just want wins mono black discard will get you there
BrowneePointz: but yea there’s not QUITE enough zoomies in the goblins for a high tier goblins kindred deck atm
BrowneePointz: not that they’re BAD
BrowneePointz: just not fast enough or synergistic atm to push higher competitive
bytecaster: Enjoy my hand (sincerely)
TheWriterAleph: you dare insult barbalababa
BrowneePointz: that being said James…Lorwyn next year
stevefromdetroit: cool ball
bytecaster: This just in: Orb good
BrowneePointz: and Lorwyn gonna have SO many Gobbos
CrossXhunteR: ive definitely seen someone bring a goblin deck to standard FNM like a week or two ago. they lost in close games with monored, but they seemed to be having fun
Bugberry: Tarkir is going to have a non-zero number of Goblins too.
BrowneePointz: oh yea Tarkir gonna have gobbos too
BrowneePointz: probably some new version of Vialsmasher
Bugberry: I want to see the Space goblins in Edge.
Juliamon: Tarkir gobbos my belobbos
CrossXhunteR: the snorse that bobs wrong
bytecaster: The Snorse comes for us all
shasra: snorse
TheDevil_Risen: SNORESE!
RiverGloom: ohh, a good adaptation is the office Australia
RockPusher: Paul rules with an iron fist
BrowneePointz: Tarkir’s Ready, Gobbos Are Yeti
Bugberry: Jund goblins are my favorite, little ratty guys.
Lord_Hosk: cavern of souls
RiverGloom: change the goblins to mice
bytecaster: Too late
BrowneePointz: cavern of souls and Forge
bytecaster: Rude
Lord_Hosk: still bad
BrowneePointz: but yea I’m just excited to see Cori experience Tarkir, and hopefully it’s a great return
RiverGloom: yeah black seems to have an overwhelming command of standard right now
BrowneePointz: it has a LITANY of premium removal of all kinds
BrowneePointz: an incredible amount of card draw AND threats
bytecaster: Right on time
BrowneePointz: but also not completely oppressive like Kaldheim/Kamigawa Standard
RiverGloom: if i haven't said it before it is great to see you more in the mtg content Cori, it's great to see other women play magic
Lord_Hosk: a 2/2 your weakness
bytecaster: We are ahead by every metric (Don't look at hand size)
RiverGloom: odds we get heather to play a drafty night ?
SeiichiSin: Death by a thousand cuts. Or just one big thing swinging back at you.
BrowneePointz: Are they playing a starter deck?
RiverGloom: i can dream
bytecaster: Our deck seems a little rude this game
varmintx0: how much do you like your lands?
Juliamon: Only if Beej teaches her how to play
patrick_stonecrusher: Octopus time
BrowneePointz: look, you asked me what cards we should add Cheekily to make it better
varmintx0: unreal
stevefromdetroit: well then
I responded truthfully
SeiichiSin: Oof.
Technic_AL: RNG please
bytecaster: I love Standard
RiverGloom: @Juliamon i can be onboard with a beej and heather puzzle quest stream
RiverGloom: black white bats are a fun time
BrowneePointz: Question, do we want to shave a couple things for a couple of the red case that draws cards?
bytecaster: @BrowneePointz Our deck can be Goblin detectives!
BrowneePointz: huh, didn’t know the soldiers deck was still kicking around
Bugberry: I was thinking Connecting the Dots would be good in this deck, another Murders red enchantment.
BrowneePointz: connecting the dots that’s the card I was thinking of thank you
Bugberry: @BrowneePointz glad I could connect those dots.
BrowneePointz: I think we wanna kill it before it gets any counters on it
stevefromdetroit: to be fair, the problem lately has been either not enough lands or too many lands
now if we lost it's on James
Bugberry: I'm curious if Elves have enough in Standard to be decent.
offbeatwitch: just tryna goblin over here
The game was lost when James returned
narset6691: the domain horror deck is fun
narset6691: if you are looking to netdeck
Lord_Hosk: Netdeck but you have to play something with goblins in it
narset6691: sorry, i only mentioned it cause it was suggested
BrowneePointz: make a couple decent meta decks and run them through their paces yea
steelwind47: @Lord_Hosk Tha'ts what Crim does. Build a netdeck with a weird flare.
Earthenone: p1p1 gobblin!
Bugberry: Blurst
BrowneePointz: honestly, it doesn’t have to be a weekly thing but a long series about a grind to mythic would be kind of fun
narset6691: yes.
bytecaster: More goblins though!
Earthenone: burst is correct, goblin is funnier in context
Lord_Hosk: You take the rare... the best card is the rare, or it wouldn't be the rare
RiverGloom: goblins 2: goblinboogaloo
BrowneePointz: yea standard ladder
Bugberry: Hawk seems fine
Bugberry: but I haven't played much of this format.
Earthenone: thats why they call her coriLADDER dickenson
RiverGloom: i think part of the fun could be learning more of standard as they climb too
narset6691: sun blessed healerrrr
Cptasparagus: ladder I hardly even know her
MrPipboy3000: Serph works with hawk
ghizmou: black
Flyingdelorion: Black
Bugberry: Boros with some incidental life synergy
narset6691: its whenever you attack, not necessarily with that card
narset6691: it plays better than it reads in my experience
MrGibberish: Stuffing.
Saintnex: pizza?
stevefromdetroit: enchiladas
varmintx0: We made lasagna 2 nights ago...it was delicious.
itira: sushi bowls
UtilityPunk: Foundations is a nice drafting experience tbh. Almost seems like the Starter Collection can be a reasonably good cube starter
MrGibberish: Here an idea - burritos and nachos
patrick_stonecrusher: Pizza lasagna, lots of thin pizza stacked together
sporkraptor: Spouse is going to try a new Italian chicken and stuff recipe XD
RiverGloom: chicken parmesan and a salad
Bugberry: Probably need some lower drops
Lord_Hosk: Sushi
RiverGloom: @sporkraptor that sounds delisious
SK__Ren: Another Banger art from Dominic Mayer
Saintnex: pasta
sporkraptor: @RiverGloom yah, we got fresh tomatoes, bell peppers, and spinach for it, should be good
itira: no but you could make a sushi bowl which could be as simple as rice cucumber avocado and maybe a meat like imitation crab
Shurtal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
Shurtal: 115? Is that a lot? Feels like a lot.
Thanks for subscribing, Shurtal! (Today's storm count: 20)
quatoria: y ou can make sushi with spam
RiverGloom: @sporkraptor i recently made a stuffed chicken alfredo with spinach
TheDevil_Risen: did someone say sushi?
sporkraptor: left to my own devices I go for frozen stuff or Basic Quesadilla (tortilla, slice cheese, lunchmeat)
stevefromdetroit: grilled cheese and tomato soup
Lord_Hosk: Chicken Nuggies, Sweat and Sour pork, Rice, and mixed veggies.
sporkraptor: oooo damn, that sounds really good--I'll mention it to Spouse, he's the cook in the house XD
TheWooglie: stew
Lord_Hosk: wait, thats what Im making
itira: its snowing like heckin heck here today
RiverGloom: or a cold winter night
Earthenone: do we take the rare and try and wheel the gold card?
Saintnex: potato soup?
Bugberry: Vindicator, LRR's preview card
RiverGloom: wait!!! who doesn't have soup on hand
BrowneePointz: Potato soup is so good
yeah, I have to do gluten-free and that nixes most soup, including *every* campbell soup
BrowneePointz: also chili
BrowneePointz: and yes, I’m lumping soups, and stews in the same family for this conversation
ShaneLeeAtk: I was just asked to make Cream of Wheat for dinner.
stevefromdetroit: I have soup… I just usually don’t want soup
TheDevil_Risen: Potato and Leek soup is one of the GOATs imo
Bugberry: Double Kykar
Bugberry: This Kykar has been really fun in Brawl.
RiverGloom: ohh a good Guinness stew and some fresh bread hits the spot everytime
BrowneePointz: you could splash Alesha
MrPipboy3000: Alecha might have been worth the black splash
MrPipboy3000: Alesha*
RiverGloom: we just got 60 cm of snow here in Ontario so we are making all the warm yummy comfort food
narset6691: its a combat trick that sticks around
narset6691: its not bad
sporkraptor: yeah, I'm hoping we get a decent snow in Seattle
6 ft blizzard james?
MrPipboy3000: I love the hommunculus horde ...
MrPipboy3000: not in this deck of course
sporkraptor: maybe not get snowed in for multiple weeks though XD
Bugberry: Reinforcments might come around.
RiverGloom: @sporkraptor whats the average snow fall there
Shurtal: i got a storm coming this weekend, but the estimates are still WILD: Anywhere from a dusting to over a foot/30cm
Azralorne: Cori, that howl made Raven freak out lol
RiverGloom: @sporkraptor i always love Seattle for the rain and forget snow is cold rain
sporkraptor: @RiverGloom it used to be pretty rare, but it's been getting more regular and heavier in the last few years (For Some Reason)--idk the actual average though
RockPusher: with or without soup?
ghizmou: and bacon too?
BrowneePointz: What cheese? Gonna do like a American Havarti mix?
Bugberry: In Texas we are expecting really low temperatures this Monday, for us at least.
sporkraptor: @RiverGloom it seems like we get stuff that sticks once or twice every year now
but will you be AT SOUP?!
RockPusher: bacon leek and potato is where it is at
RiverGloom: the big question are you a ketchup on grilled cheese person james?
Shurtal: i've been making grilled cheese with jalapeno jack cheese
RiverGloom: @sporkraptor we seem to get less and less every year here actually
theamc2000: do you like hot sauce on grilled cheese?
SeiichiSin: Agreed. Soup is a dip for grilled cheese.
Shurtal: pepper jack, w/e
stevefromdetroit: mayo or butter for the grilled cheese!
Lord_Hosk: Grilled cheese is a little more complicated here than I expected. The butter is so firm! Why is the butter still hard at room temperature!
jacqui_lantern234: @RiverGloom apparently James has good taste. THERE I SAID IT
MrPipboy3000: Grikked cheese and tomatoe soup always felt like pizza with extra steps to me ...
RiverGloom: @Lord_Hosk the trick is to use mayo insted of butter
FitalShell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months, currently on a 66 month streak!
FitalShell: Bingus
Thanks for subscribing, FitalShell! (Today's storm count: 21)
Bugberry: Berserker is a weaker Most Valuable Slayer, but still very good.
jacqui_lantern234: @RiverGloom mayo on the outside, thin layer of butter on the inside
BrowneePointz: anyways my suggestion for things beyond just American, is Gruyère, Fontina, Havarti or Smoked Gouda. add those with some American Cheese and you’re in grilled cheese heaven
RiverGloom: @jacqui_lantern234 Mind blown i want to try that
BrowneePointz: make sure it’s a mayo brand you like @rivergloom
Chili bread
RockPusher: Facts
RockPusher: Ian *is* strange
RiverGloom: pizza bread grill cheese
BrowneePointz: cuz I got some bargain mayo for making grilled cheeses and it was not great
jacqui_lantern234: now im really aware of how hungry i am, but i gotta wait cause i have rice cooking
itira: pizza toast? goated
iris_of_ether: Hungry
stevefromdetroit: windows noise
TheDevil_Risen: hello windows
DrLigmaPhD: White cheddar with green apples on a grilled cheese
theamc2000: the windows noise made me check my iPad for updates
offbeatwitch: well you're probably connected
varmintx0: I went to check the notification, but then I didn't care what Windows whining about anyway.
jacqui_lantern234: so, like, does anyone wanna buy me a pizza? i could go for an XL right about now (for legal reasons, this is a joke)
Earthenone: it was either a pizza or a union
RiverGloom: provolone, and Havarti with thin slice pear and honey grill cheese
Bruceski: Eat their pizza, form a union anyway
jacqui_lantern234: @Earthenone ill take the pizza and unionize anyways
sporkraptor: Dairy Queen?
stevefromdetroit: still counts
Juliamon: #We TakeThose
iPoding: you gonna look it up or just roll the dice?
Lord_Hosk: its $25 all gift cards are $25
RiverGloom: @Lord_Hosk or 0
stevefromdetroit: 1-0
MrPipboy3000: Deck is undefeated, retire champion
DrLigmaPhD: Me-wow
RiverGloom: 1 drop, 2 drop, red drop, blue drop
jacqui_lantern234: CONCEEDEEZ NUTZ
Fanklok: Back in my day Savannah Lions was a arare
DrLigmaPhD: Could have franked post combat?
Fanklok: You're older than me old man
@Fanklok ok, grandpa, lets get you down for bed
narset6691: run a 2/2 into them then have used the firebrand to kill it
narset6691: is what they meant
definenull: full send!
RiverGloom: is anyone else other than wheeler at LRR team fight tactics fans
themost52: Until they have Aetherize
BrowneePointz: I hat did you call my mother?
BrowneePointz: what*
Bugberry: Opponent has a pretty neat deck
sporkraptor: the turns are tabling, noooo
RiverGloom: its always my favorite is this your card episodes i think i have watched the last one 3 times now
BrowneePointz: No, but he did tell me to check it out now the funk soul, brother
BrowneePointz: OK, Edward Elric
Fanklok: They did draw a billion cards
Earthenone: put that dwarf back in the flask
narset6691: burst lightning wins
BrowneePointz: they’re playing us
BrowneePointz: uw*
BrowneePointz: they deserve nothing but losses!
quatoria: from a DRAFT they made this deck
varmintx0: god almighty
quatoria: wow
Jillexie: wow
iris_of_ether: Okay so I kind of need this deck
Bugberry: only once a turn unfortunately
MrGibberish: How they made this from a draft, is amazing
Everyone wants to fbl their thp from time to time
Bugberry: @MrGibberish There's a subtheme in Blue of second card drawing, and 2 on-theme rares. Hard to do but not unlikely.
Geldaran: Nice.
Jillexie: lol
BrowneePointz: They could have killed you, but they didn’t
quatoria: he was doing all this intricate delicate stuff and you just shot him in the fact
Fanklok: They chose to lose
quatoria: they REALLY should have just killed you, yeah
BrowneePointz: They wanted to play with their food
MrGibberish: @Bugberry Still, the way they did it was fun
Jillexie: They could have just attacked with everything
klippiatt: “If they are trying to do a weird strategy or in fact if they are trying to do almost any strategy one of the best counters is to just go f'ing kill them.” – Sean “Day[9]” Plott
RiverGloom: TTSF what's Ian doing today
GapFiller: Xbox controller
Earthenone: fixing an xbox controler i think
Juliamon: fixing his xbox controller again
RiverGloom: kool
Bugberry: flash in Commander on their turn?
MoxleyUnhinged subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, MoxleyUnhinged! (Today's storm count: 22)
RiverGloom: cant wait to catch the first half of this stream on the VOD
Bugberry: you can destroy the hammer
MoxleyUnhinged: good morning!
Geldaran: What is this, a disney movie?
SmashTCG: kill the sword?
MrPipboy3000: Sace after combat
SmashTCG: after damage
ghizmou: we can destroy at end of turn
Bugberry: 2 for 2
narset6691: u can sac it after to kill it
RiverGloom: james with the big brain plays
herocRuch: yaaay
SmashTCG: in response to your concession, burstlighting
Thank you Cori, thank you James
RiverGloom: bye
thanks for streaming, you two yall are delightful
MoxleyUnhinged: bye!
RockPusher: Coming up next: Strange man does strange things
GapFiller: no news no CP+ tldr
RiverGloom: how will i get my video game news
GapFiller: RiverGloom good news there is no news
RiverGloom: @GapFiller i guess that's why they say no news is good news
iris_of_ether: Oooh
iris_of_ether: Double ooh
ooh, yay alex!!!
RiverGloom: Heck yeah!!!!
Juliamon: !thrink
There will be a Q&A for Not a Drop to Drink next week, but we need some Qs to A! Submit some here: https://lrr.cc/NaDtDQ Please only submit one question at a time! Form will be open until 5 Jan, 9AM PST.
Flyingdelorion: Thank you for the fun stream!
ritchards: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (Tonight on TTSF Ian tinkers with his Xbox controller! Game: Xbox Elite 2 Repair) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (26s ago).
Juliamon: WB Paul!
RockPusher: A genuine Paul
DeM0nFiRe: Welcome back Paul!
maestrith: Welcome Back Paul!
ritchards: Paul! Hope you are feeling better!
ritchards: !lovepaul
ritchards: !paullove
LRRbot: It's not Paul's fault, no matter what the streamer says.
thanks! feeling a lot better
Mnemonicman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Mnemonicman: hmmmm button
Thanks for subscribing, Mnemonicman! (Today's storm count: 23)
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