LoadingReadyRun: No Check this week, just Chill
TehAmelie: i can go for some chill
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
RockPusher pets the smol wandering monster that is trying to ineffectually gum his calf
red_shoes_jeff: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (0s ago).
TheAinMAP: Signal
dumbo3k: @TehAmelie Aww, what a cute murder puppy
TehAmelie: they're cute until they grow up and start killing more people than anything next after malaria mosquitos and humans
mtvcdm: yo
bytecaster: The rare case of a "tiny baby" actually growing up
Juliamon: to be fair, that's mainly humans' fault
annie_r_kist: M
mtvcdm: If humans would stop putting their tasty legs in the way
TehAmelie: well, we can appreciate the cuteness anyway
annie_r_kist: My schedule usually doesn't allow me to watch, glad i can catch it!
dumbo3k: It's so dark right now, that I feel like I'm getting a special Chillpoint After Dark segment
Brozard: Chillpoint: Whiteout Edition
red_shoes_jeff: Am Prepere
bytecaster: That's my secret, I'm always prepared
CaptainSpam: Prepare yourself before preparing others.
Jillexie: We are not prepared.
annie_r_kist: Ummm
BusTed: We have been universally greeted
mtvcdm: And a witty bong to you too
GapFiller: Whale Plaid Paul
CaptainSpam: Well-said!
Serpens77: Bah weep bah grahweep nini bong to you too Paul!
TehAmelie: aloha
GapFiller: yr never seen Transformers Heather!?
Joecool190: well said Paul
Mollylele: Heather is from a different universe
NonjaBiru: Careful, you're going to summon Jacob
Serpens77: it's from The Transformers: The Movie
bytecaster: I got it!
dumbo3k: Oh, I see that Tim Hortons gift card got put to good use!
FireSpectreZero: I'm deaf pls repea
Jillexie: Heather
BlueMechanic: It has Orson Welles in it
Brozard: You should ask Jacob
Serpens77: @BlueMechanic and Leonard Nimoy
BusTed: I remember seeing it in theaters
OldUncleDan: And Eric Idle.
rosesmcgee: That movie came out in 86 the year I was born and I watched it on VHS religiously
I see they have a timbit shaped strategy to keep Beej from talking
Serpens77: and Judd Nelson
TheMerricat: I remember Optimus Prime's death
mtvcdm: I never bothered with a Transformers and I'm a boy
BusTed: Weird Al on the soundtrack
Brozard: and Eric Idle!
bytecaster: Paul managed to derail himself!
FireSpectreZero: I love how Beej and Heath Heath are married so they need the Paul Buffer! Pls sing The field behind the plow!
RockPusher: Oh no…
annie_r_kist: Aged Timbit
an_archist2: bobbing for timbits 2?
Brozard: Transformers: Beastars
Look, named people were in it. Named people! You're required to commit it in its entirety to your long-term memory!
TehAmelie: i tried to watch the original show but it got really dull after introducing like 60 characters over 10 episodes
ghizmou: you seem less eager to eat them today Heather
terribleplan: A TimBrouton, if you will
Jillexie: Are those the Timbits from Live?
GapFiller: BlueMechanic phunny story saw a prototype Unicron action figure that was never produced a while back and realised that not did Orson Welees do the voice he also gave them his likeness rights
OldUncleDan: Microwave them for like 30 seconds and they'll be fine.
terribleplan: Famous director
LurkerSpine: 2025 is gonna be hell, but hopefully it'll be a good video game year
bytecaster: I'm not sure I would want Tim's old bits
mtvcdm: Fine, leave the timbits outside and let them sog up a bit
CaptainSpam: *** Secret Canadians ***
accountmadeforants: Wait, you're not from the moon?
Jillexie: GASP
NonjaBiru: WHAT?
Serpens77: Canadians? From Canadia?!
dumbo3k: Canadian?! Oh right
wench_tacular: checkpoint, after dark
OldUncleDan: All this time I thought you were British (Columbian)!
mtvcdm: Actually yes, do that, put the timbits in the rain for a minute or two and see if that improves them
red_shoes_jeff: After all the snow yesterday, I wish it was still raining instead.
Invitare: that's Nurgle
TheWooglie: it's good for the rest of the team to learn tech Paul
TheMerricat: Throat coal....
does Santa brings colds instead of colds for naughty kids these days then
RockPusher: Santa is actually Pestilence the other 364 days of the year
GapFiller: *coals
coal and colds
Mollylele: I too got a lump of cold for xmas
TehAmelie: games for the nice kids and germs for the naughty naughty
GapFiller: theres End of Year listcles thats kinda news ish
TehAmelie: less a naughty
OldUncleDan: @TehAmelie And bad games for Alex.
Master_Gunner: There was another Warthunder leak over the break, but that's about it.
bytecaster: Imagine Silksong came out the one time Checkpoint took two weeks off
Stormgod519: Good Afternoon everyone!!!
Voidhawk42: The only gaming news I know about is "Marvel Rivals is pretty good fun". Everything else I get from Checkpoint!
accountmadeforants: @bytecaster Good thing Silksong will never ever come out
GapFiller: back in the the days of E3 there was only one video game news refractory period per year but now theres two
Stormgod519: oh good, so i didnt miss anything...
GapFiller: so thanks Geoff
Stormgod519: that's intimidating, Heather...
Serpens77: ah yes, derailment. The Secret THird Option to the Trolley Problem
TheWooglie: oh Heather
BusTed: The series finale of Checkpoint
UnknownFriday: Wait, did Jon Moxley kill Checkpoint too?
Aitsu111: The final checkpoint
Stormgod519: call it "Finish Line"
bytecaster: Checkpoint gets rebooted as "Checkpoint (2025)"
Karl256: @Aitsu111 Have you completed enerything you wanted to do?
Stormgod519: lul
GapFiller: thats basically playing a video game its fine
Stormgod519: @bytecaster now with microtransactions...
accountmadeforants: I have pretty much no tolerance for things with their own nested launcher. (Good thing most of those games are crap, anyway.)
Aquarionics: I recommend Playnite as a cross-library game launcher for PC. It slurps steam, gog, epic etc and provides a common interface for launching them (and stats)
Sanabi made my top games of the year at the very very end of the year (and it came out in 2023). In fact, I only really finished it yesterday
GapFiller: look sometimes Xmas leftovers last a v long time
Wolfstrike_NL: That's me after any Xenoblade game, which end up being 150/200h for me
accountmadeforants: I don't think I can play Persona 5. Adam's playthrough of it is basically just my canonical experience of it and I don't think actually playing it will top that.
accountmadeforants: Do give me a Persona 5 Arena, though >:(
Earthenone: @accountmadeforants picolo GOKU is your true mc?
mtvcdm: Full introvert run.
Chipton subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 102 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Chipton! (Today's storm count: 14)
accountmadeforants: @Earthenone Basically, that and chat helping out with actually getting the optimal route for things, and everyone's reactions. And me waking up sick at 2 AM my time and watching the ending.
CaptainSpam: Yahtzee did NOT like Echoes.
accountmadeforants: I'm usually on board with Yahtzee's takes, as well.
CaptainSpam: I enjoyed Echoes, but it definitely had rough points.
accountmadeforants: (But I also haven't played Echoes)
Stormgod519: okay, i do gtg chat. take care everyone!
Juliamon: A new mechanic every 10 minutes or your money back
mowdownjoe: @captainspam Agreed. It's enjoyable, but it has more than a few rough edges. (UI, for example.)
OldUncleDan: Paul, Have you had a chance to check out Creeper World IXE yet?
DoodlestheGreat: I picked up Dredge free from Epic this holiday season.
Juliamon: Zero complaints about the art in Dave. It really nailed everything.
mtvcdm: Never go in the ocean, it wants to kill you. and never put a book in the ocean.
BusTed: spinnnn
accountmadeforants: Installing now
accountmadeforants: You can pay for the soundtrack
kingcrownroyal98: Yo
accountmadeforants: I tried playing Guardians of the Galaxy but it felt really clunky to me for some reason
BusTed: The story was very good
Juliamon: And then the sub flowers became a legacy
BusTed: jump jump jump
Juliamon: (bring back the sub flowers)
BusTed: Oh yeah, the bonus stream sub flowers
TheAinMAP: There's was literally a highlight where Paul goes "I'm a genius! ... Oh no!"
mtvcdm: !genius
LRRbot: I'm a genius!
GapFiller: aw one of those game experiences
an_asp: I liked Chants of Sennaar but wish the language puzzles were more difficult in some way
an_asp: I wish it didn't do the thing where it confirms your answers so frequently
Brozard: Third Base!
niccus: she got merried?!
Serpens77: they are different in an Australian accent at least
GapFiller: something something Mandarin something something tones
ExachixKitsune: why hallo thar
an_asp: The "Mary–marry–merry merger" is apparently common in Canada in particular
kumatsu: yeah it's giving me big flash point and click vibes
mtvcdm: Head and shoulders above Myst
Brozard: ah, so a Destiny raid
mtvcdm: This is like that one Taskmaster thing Victoria Coren Mitchell just blazed through
BusTed: play by post escape room
heyo Heather, Paul, Beej
indianajo3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
Thanks for subscribing, indianajo3! (Today's storm count: 15)
niccus: outside of the new solitaire collection
mtvcdm: Never been one for factory builders
an_asp: It's more of a puzzle game than a factory game, the factory stuff is a theming thing
SquareDotCube: it's rather fun and one of the easier Zachtronics games
CaptainSpam: That sounds a lot like Apple II games I played in grade school, really...
RockPusher: Not quite a factory builder so much as a factory optimisation puzzle game
accountmadeforants: Infinifactory is amazing
an_asp: Zachtronics sent me a physical patch for being one of the first 100 people to beat Infinifactory! ...And then I never went and played the update content.
accountmadeforants: I loved making GIFs of some of my particularly smooth assembly lines
the timbits on the table are giving me flashbacks absolutely loved your commitment to the bit on the live Heather
SquareDotCube: turns out the aliens are rather incompetent and didn't make next to any of the tech you've been tasked with
accountmadeforants: Sometimes you have to remove blocks, too, so you end up sculpting these weirdly shaped inputs into the things you need
BusTed: Oh that's an interesting concept
niccus: physical modem
BusTed: low-fi transporter
Dalrint: what game is this?
BusTed: Infinifactory
accountmadeforants: Infinifactory made me think I liked factory games (turns out I don't, really, I just like Infinifactory)
Sibwow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months, currently on a 42 month streak!
Sibwow: yipppeeee
Thanks for subscribing, Sibwow! (Today's storm count: 16)
an_asp: "Abducted by aliens and forced to do engineering" is a surprisingly common game genre! I'm a huge fan of the game "Turing Complete", where the aliens note that their definition of a "sentient lifeform" is that you need to be able to design a turing-complete computer from scratch. And that's the game.
niccus: infinifactory game is a factory game that's not a logistics game, where most factory games are almost only logistics games
accountmadeforants: @niccus Oh, yeah, that probably is why I don't like most of them. Well observed
Heather's Little Inferno stream was very fun
an_asp: World of Goo 2 has been out for a while, it's great!
an_asp: It came out in August
SquareDotCube: Wii of Goo
accountmadeforants: They went above and beyond with World of Goo 2, highly recommended
an_asp: I do wish that World of Goo 2 was a bit longer and gave you more time to explore the interesting new hydraulics mechanics. Or alternatively that it had a level editor.
Earthenone: speaking of\
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
accountmadeforants: Necrodancer is available through Netflix, as well
SquareDotCube: deliberately ugly, to be clear
Juliamon: Oh yhea, that was on Talking Sim iirc
saucemaster5000: golden idol is so good, glad it's getting a sequel
Its_VeeBot: Hello chat from... The Airport.
SquareDotCube: @saucemaster5000 It *got* a sequel, it's out now
DoodlestheGreat: Return of The Golden Idol is lots of fun.
Its_VeeBot: Return of the Golden Idol was partially designed by the hosts of Escape This Podcast
Its_VeeBot: Basically, these two folks run guests through an RPG-like escape room thing
Its_VeeBot: It's half life 3
bytecaster: It's actually just a Skyrim Mod
ExachixKitsune: Someday I hope they are like "We've seen only one person being correct" just to watch everyone panic over who it was
an_asp: Just broadcasting a trailer that's nothing but white noise
Brozard: IN A WORLD
Brozard: A robot renegade cop!
rosiedog88: !schedule
Earthenone: a david bluth film
TheDevil_Risen: Land before Time RULES!
SquareDotCube: Before the punchline, there was...
BusTed: I think there were like 15
Earthenone: it was all about Family
an_asp: There WERE space aliens
rosesmcgee: Space came to them
bytecaster: 2 Land 2 Time
Juliamon: I mean eventually...
an_asp: Disguised as dinosaurs
Brozard: “Get out of the booth, Jack.” No! I like it in here
rosiedog88: isn't everything about family... if you really think about it??\
Earthenone: every other movie is just an ohana-like
SquareDotCube: and his roomate, Buddha
couchboyj: Tons of tournaments, actually
Juliamon: Gyarados is real strong
BusTed: is there a surfing pikachu
Juliamon: Circle Circuit *ruins* everyone
Earthenone: if i know one thing about gyrados, its that its 4x weak to lightning so those numbers suprise me
rosiedog88: charizard
mtvcdm: !crossover
LRRbot: Everyone in this game has a Ryu Number of 3 or less.
mtvcdm: It's true, they do
couchboyj: Gyrados is highly polarized. Hitomanli and Zebstrika can kill Magicarp in the backline and dumpster it. Its good against everything else.
Earthenone: 4 water to attack yeah
SquareDotCube: and creates water spouts...
TehAmelie: "I'm the king of everything!"
an_asp: But pikachu can call down the wrath of the heavens!
Juliamon: Pikachu decks are way more reliable
MoxleyUnhinged: good morning form a close to 40 degree Melbourne
Earthenone: clearly we need a pokemon autobattler where we collect bench pokemon
BusTed: dang
ExachixKitsune: Heather's a gamer!
ExachixKitsune: (we all knew this)
Earthenone: did she misty donk?
Juliamon: ah yeah Rapidash + Blaine
Earthenone: ahh blaneidash
couchboyj: With Misty you can turn 1, yeah
Juliamon: Misty can turn 1 but there's like 85% chance you get zilch from Misty
Juliamon: "but it's a coin flip" it's a coin flip that NEVER WORKS
mtvcdm: !addquote (Beej, about Heather) [now] Oh, I do understand; you're a goblin.
LRRbot: New quote #9232: "Oh, I do understand; you're a goblin." —Beej, about Heather [2025-01-03]
The PS2 already looked like lego
TehAmelie: imagine a contest where people have to try and guess what's the real thing, what's chocolate and what's lego
RockPusher: The NES has the TV with the animated Mario
DeM0nFiRe: @Earthenone Kind of but the nice thing is if they do pick your idea, you get royalties
KeytarCat: ooh, and it's the big one! I miss the big ps2
RockPusher: It's real cool
RockPusher has built the NES & TV
LordZarano: The Lego Saturn V was originally an Ideas submission I think
BlueMechanic: I know the Winchester Pub from Shaun of The Dead gets submitted a lot
couchboyj: They have Horizon sets, th ats a Sony property, innit?
RunicScribe: For additional context, of 48 qualifying submissions in the first half of 2024, only one was selected to be made into a set.
goggledguy: @couchboyj Isn't it the one set, or did I miss more than the tallneck
SquareDotCube: @LordZarano It is, I ran into the box for mine while collapsing boxes I want to keep
RunicScribe: @goggledguy A smaller Shellwalker + Sawtooth set is coming out in March, based on the Lego Horizon Adventures game.
Brozard: It’s already happened!
Brozard: Destiny was even in Fortnite
goggledguy: @RunicScribe brb gonna go make some space in my apartment for more legos
MoxleyUnhinged: it's Destiny's 30th scandal anniver- wait.
GapFiller: gotta get paid in something
GapFiller: and better this than exposure
an_archist2: full life consequences
mtvcdm: That's going in one of the advice categories
GapFiller: !advice
LRRbot: Do not Beej into the pit lane.
TheDevil_Risen: Oni was awesome
SocraticMethod: Did it get verified that Digsite member leaked it? Last I heard it contained material that wasn't available to Digsite and was more likely from 343
TheDevil_Risen: I've still got my original disc version somewhere
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're drafting Mystery Booster 2! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 04:00 PM PST (49m from now).
GapFiller: FNPF
RockPusher: Mysty Boosty
Earthenone: ohh right paul has to do pre magic prep
TheDevil_Risen: Mystery Boostie 2 !!!
ExachixKitsune: Fun Puff!
Earthenone: !patreon
Raincoast_Bear: You are welcome.
mtvcdm: !store
ShaneLeeAtk: LurmTug Fun Puff!
mtvcdm: I'm fine getting in and out of 2025 as quickly as possible
Brozard: You can speedrun life by sleeping longer
GasCityGaming: zoom zoom!
DeM0nFiRe: It's 2025, so something's going to happen
DoodlestheGreat: Beej, do you think you'll do your anime rundown this weeked?
ExachixKitsune: two more peopl!
accountmadeforants: Ooooooh
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're drafting Mystery Booster 2! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 04:00 PM PST (48m from now).
GapFiller: DoodlestheGreat its on the schedule
Earthenone: is that the set where lrr member are cards in it?
LilyOfTheVeil666: Misty Boosties!
Marvoleath: Misty boosty!
RockPusher: There's a lot of cards people need to read
DoodlestheGreat: @GapFiller Thanks!
RockPusher: Beej talking about Anime
heatther is speedrunning the schedule
TheDevil_Risen: ooo more Animu!
Marvoleath: !schedule
TheDevil_Risen: yay!
Beej's Game Awards
DoodlestheGreat: 2024?
Wolfstrike_NL: IAN!
Earthenone: no heather as well i think
DoodlestheGreat: Good for him.
RockPusher: Oaky!
DoodlestheGreat: Pop'n lockin?
RockPusher: Alex
TehAmelie: what happens to the music after it's popped?
Marvoleath: Do we know who's on the next AFK already?
RockPusher: Alex on Horse Club
Juliamon: !thrink
There will be a Q&A for Not a Drop to Drink next week, but we need some Qs to A! Submit some here: https://lrr.cc/NaDtDQ Please only submit one question at a time! Form will be open until 5 Jan, 9AM PST.
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
TheDevil_Risen: the final finale
ShaneLeeAtk: I just can't trust the word finale anymore.
DoodlestheGreat: @TheAinMAP :tf:
BlueFingers5: cool it's gonna be a long stream then
mtvcdm: There's surely some 'FAQ's' in there
ghyllnox: 258 seems a little low tbqh
Wolfstrike_NL: "But why? "
Serpens77: that's what the F stands for after all
ShaneLeeAtk: We need a T-Buck and T-Truck epilogue
TehAmelie: does adding multiple question marks make it seem more urgent or more questiony?
Brozard: Is Molly moderating again?
DeM0nFiRe: Graham is moderating
Brozard: Neat!
goombalax: Hekki Allmo
poipal: Exciting
mtvcdm: !live
mtvcdm: !schedule
ExachixKitsune: aren't our bodies hollow?
ExachixKitsune: just.. only in a few places
DoodlestheGreat: Hollow Dolly?
Mangledpixel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 136 months!
Mangledpixel: boop
bramble_st: We are human donuts
Thanks for subscribing, Mangledpixel! (Today's storm count: 17)
TheDevil_Risen: Bullet Time Muffin
ExachixKitsune: mwahaha
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TheDevil_Risen: Baiii
mtvcdm: Later
poipal: @exachixkitsune well played
DoodlestheGreat: ten 2 4 strem
TehAmelie: sending bits to bet on the muffin race sounds like it could be a thing
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