Earthenone: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Heather's Secret Podcast
not a convention, but a good result
DeM0nFiRe: When are we gonna get heather's secret podcast convention? (I assume the doors never actually open for the convention and instead Heather just talks about random stuff and we hear it through the doors)
Earthenone: probobly at lrrcon 2
Earthenone: lrrcon is still one of my biggest regrets, i was sick 5 minutes away from the venue so i missed it
Juliamon: chat why does masala chai have to smell so fuckin good? I don't even like the drink itself that much
Juliamon: like, it's fine, but doesn't hold a candle to the scent
Dog_of_Myth: Good evening all
TehAmelie: i know some people make tea just to smell it
TehAmelie: okay they are robots in a webcomic
TehAmelie: but it could be nice
RockPusher: sniff tea, get unicorn
TehAmelie: will it smell the same if reheated later? if so a cup could last a long time
definenull: Misty boostie!
hey nerds! yall are loved
Dog_of_Myth: Hiya @jacqui_lantern234
TheMinionGM subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheMinionGM! (Today's storm count: 18)
one could argue potpourri is unsteeped tea designed for smelling
simic_yeti subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Thanks for subscribing, simic_yeti! (Today's storm count: 19)
Falannt: hi @LoadingReadyRun and chat! No adam? ;(
Juliamon: Only room for so many people at the draft table
Juliamon: Who would you replace? (rhetorical)
nymistrya: I always choose Boostersaur to make the second gym battle against Mystie easier
Falannt: 9 people draft! no replace, make new rules =)
paronomasiac042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
Thanks for subscribing, paronomasiac042! (Today's storm count: 20)
tryllebanjo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months!
Thanks for subscribing, tryllebanjo! (Today's storm count: 21)
Dog_of_Myth: Ah, so Chaos draft then?
JinaMahavira: Adam is taking a break from doing MTG streams (burnout)
Falannt: mystery is like chaos =)
TehAmelie: how did i end up with olives and roasted almonds? such classy snack
kdefinition subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Thanks for subscribing, kdefinition! (Today's storm count: 22)
RatherLargeToad subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Thanks for subscribing, RatherLargeToad! (Today's storm count: 23)
Kentosaurus: It's Go Time
thraximore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months, currently on a 26 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, thraximore! (Today's storm count: 24)
theamc2000: hi
lamina5432: early evening
TehAmelie: heey
theamc2000: how
Fancy_frenchman: Howdy friendos
Flyingdelorion: hello!
definenull: Ooh they brought out long table
Robot_Bones: JamesChamp
Zatt133 subscribed at Tier 1.
Thanks for subscribing, Zatt133! (Today's storm count: 25)
Diabore: whos talking? i dont think they introduced themself?
happy new year everyone!
Unas84 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Unas84! (Today's storm count: 26)
micalovits: Man, I keep forgetting how bad the "new" patreon logo is
RunicScribe subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
Thanks for subscribing, RunicScribe! (Today's storm count: 27)
TheDevil_Risen: Mystie Boostie 2 HYPE!
avjamethyst: my order came with a math is for blockers sticker today
Dog_of_Myth: !store
TheDevil_Risen: Hey Graham, Ben, Cori, Wheeler, James, Serge, Cam and Nelly, also Paul on Tech>
definenull: Whoah!
BusTed: eeeyyyy
kumatsu: isn't that the expensiver elvish mystic?
TheWriterAleph: ooooh ahhhh
YeetTheRich_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
YeetTheRich_: button
Thanks for subscribing, YeetTheRich_! (Today's storm count: 28)
theamc2000: Dino!
LeonisCo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LeonisCo! (Today's storm count: 29)
definenull: The better karnsturct
Garfman314: just arriving, what's the business with mystery boosters?
ExachixKitsune: oh no, I should be asleep
Serpens77: curisouser and curiouser
ExachixKitsune: double curiosity killed the double cat?
kynelwynn: Card Reader needs more RAM? Support LRR at Patreon dot com!
couchboyj: Is that counting different treatments of cards or is it unique cards?
Zatt133: Will you guys do a robo rose water draft again?
Walla_tv: dead ringers is very hard to parse
TehAmelie: how did a Kingdom of Loathing event get into these cards?
ExachixKitsune: Graham vs James, Ben vs Serge, Cori vs Cameron, Wheeler vs Nelson
TheDevil_Risen: Fun Fun Fun!
ghizmou: fun for nelson, victories for everyone else
Garfman314: are the lrrcards in this?
A_Dub888: a little spice as a treat?
Dog_of_Myth: I believe so @Garfman314
couchboyj: I love the white border, but I started in 4e. My opinion is comprised by nostalgia.
Garfman314: gotcha
Dog_of_Myth: and I was wrong
ignitionpoint subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
ignitionpoint: Happy New Year! Can’t wait to see ya’ll at MagicCon Chicago
Thanks for subscribing, ignitionpoint! (Today's storm count: 30)
r10pez10: ooh m'2ster
DrLigmaPhD: Unfortunately you cannot pull yourself on stream
Garfman314: i'm sad that the art is not updated on scryfall for those (last i checked)
TheWanderingNomad: At least not on this site
DeM0nFiRe: You can, once
TheDevil_Risen: anyone see seaside citadel and hear Olivia singing it too?
Dog_of_Myth: Same @TheDevil_Risen
r10pez10: my friends have picked up using 'summy tummy' for summoning sickness
Fruan: Serge is a monster
ExachixKitsune: love it
ExachixKitsune: That round will either take 5 minutes or 5 hours
ekplayscards: summy tummies is goated
spawnofhastur: i've seen japanese people refer to summoning sickness as a creature being "drunk".
ExachixKitsune: ooooooh
Crystal Vein, Man takes me back
r10pez10: !addquote (Serge and Bengineering) [Now] I'm not that kind of monster." "Are you just drafting hard control?
LRRbot: New quote #9233: "I'm not that kind of monster." "Are you just drafting hard control?" —Serge and Bengineering [2025-01-03]
TheDevil_Risen: 2 of each colour, correct
r10pez10: ("summy tummy" is an olivia special)
if you're getting cvut, then they weren't "your" colours
jamesinor: They're OUR colors
samu_btdp1985 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months, currently on a 9 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, samu_btdp1985! (Today's storm count: 31)
EricTheOrange: do these mystery boosters have Version 1 Graham?
an_archist2: if you love your colors, let it rip
Rogue_07: Oooh, very nice to see 8 people drafting! A bunch of times I've seen 6 previously, can I ask if that's related to having a bigger table?
TheMinionGM: Oh boy, just saw Serge's post. Poor Ben
Rogue_07: (Sorry, I'm probably months late lol)
ekplayscards: this is why ben ben and i get along
EricTheOrange: @Rogue_07 it's related to how much time it takes, hence why they7 started early
Rogue_07: @EricTheOrange That makes sense!
ElektroTal: hey @LoadingReadyRun, if you get any white bordered snow lands, hang onto them for your old pal shivam!
hehe Shivam
nymistrya: I hope we see an Oracle of the Alpha tonight
make sure you play those against Olivia at every oppertunity
Cptasparagus: you see every pack twice, instead of in 6 player where you see the first few packs a third time,w hich is a big deal
ElektroTal: I call "Friend of the Show" dibs!
r10pez10: shivam has VIP
theamc2000: I call dibs on that card! no not that one, that one?
MoxleyUnhinged: good morning!
A_Dub888: Shivam "Duilt Bifferent" Bhatt
DrLigmaPhD: Shivam could ask chat for cards and we'd probabbly be like "Yeah alright"
DrLigmaPhD: The Skoodle!
Mai_Andra: y'all said it so many times, and I forgot you were starting early tonight...
Gerrimeister: Can someone scare the canlander players (or everybody) by telling them i once had minsc and boo AND comet in my mb2 draft deck?
@ElektroTal I got a full art snow covered white border wastes from my MB2 box
Creature_Comforts subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Creature_Comforts! (Today's storm count: 32)
plaidanddrpepper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 17 month streak!
plaidanddrpepper: magic!
Thanks for subscribing, plaidanddrpepper! (Today's storm count: 33)
MoxleyUnhinged: this is the best thing to listen to during a 40c day working in a forge
jamesinor: The white bordered cards sometimes jump out at you like a freaking jumpscare
EricTheOrange: are the test cards actual test cards or did they make special test card art of normal cards?
ElektroTal: the white border makes them so easy to fetch!
Hansk_and_Boo: I'm only here to see Surges nightmare deck in action.
r10pez10: EricTheOrange actual test cards
BusTed: Very practical
r10pez10: though test card frame treatments of actual cards might actually be a fun way to alter
Juliamon: EricTheOrange It was observed that the card stock coating is notably different from the other cards
DrLigmaPhD: @ElektroTal but what if we put a tiny gravestone?
ElektroTal: a gravestone on a land would be neat
Welbog: I want to see Beejlander but oops all experimental cards.
omg white border expressive iteration is a thing, sick
A_Dub888: moustACHE
Blood Speaker art is cool
Hansk_and_Boo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
Hansk_and_Boo: Saw someone making diabolical draft picks on Bluesky, turned out it was Serge.
Thanks for subscribing, Hansk_and_Boo! (Today's storm count: 34)
TheDevil_Risen: Momir!
TheDevil_Risen: lets go
DrLigmaPhD: Deck Idea: "That's not real!", a deck comprised solely of printings that look fake
DragonMZ: Serum Powder is future sight frame looks very appropriate for how weird a card it is
r10pez10: tupac mention
northos: Nelly is cooking here
Walla_tv: get the sleeve
TheDevil_Risen: S,eeve!
TheDevil_Risen: *sleeve
TheDevil_Risen: Halving Season is good fun
ghizmou: let's do the fun thing
Garfman314: oh, geez, halving season would be so helpful in my commander pod
vinopinguino: im going to guess its wheeeleer
thraximore: ooooooh Mirri's Guile
Datnade012: Oooohhhhh
public_key_reveal_party: imagine playing real cards though
Zenergy142: Just saw Serge's skeet about his first couple picks. This format is such a blast
Rogue_07: And that is three oh damns
vinopinguino: makes sense
definenull: That makes sense
public_key_reveal_party: I'm actually more confused now
ExachixKitsune: love that
TheDevil_Risen: haha fixed Lutri
calculated_uncertainties: it's so cute!
DrLigmaPhD: G has locked in
Cosmonautilis24: could also be detrimental. "This creature takes damage as if it has trample"?
ReachW subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ReachW! (Today's storm count: 35)
TheWooglie: why are you looking Graham?
vinopinguino: ironhoof ox is a bomb
definenull: Don't look back Graham, it's like looking at the top card before mulling
amam741: he gets to look
vinopinguino: you close your eyes while you flip through those cards graham
micalovits: The Regret is a very important part of that card
TheDevil_Risen: From Wizards : To be more specific, the controller of a blocking creature with tantrum first assigns combat damage to the creature(s) it's blocking. Once all of those attacking creatures are assigned lethal damage, any excess damage is assigned as its controller chooses among those attacking creatures and their controllers.
TjPshine: those of us just tuning in - what pack is this?
thraximore: YO
thraximore: that contamination
vinopinguino: 3
nymistrya: @TjPshine Third
TjPshine: ok coolio
EricTheOrange: @LoadingReadyRun isn't that person you paul putting them in the card reader?
@EricTheOrange I guess you're right
r10pez10: honestly six playables is probably a good breakpoint
ElektroTal: @LoadingReadyRun paul come on my show damn it
amam741: my friend made a cube and we’re gonna add some of the conspiracy cards in for in-person drafts
micalovits: 20 vs 40 life is a massive difference
vinopinguino: doesnt it feel like they should have done the murders set in Fiora, and not in Ravnic?
A1_Saucy: I miss emperor games of magic from my kitchen table days
BlueFingers5: Finally someone speaking up for commander players /s
dm818: Sovereign's Realm is super fun from take the crown
EricTheOrange: Serge "never pivots" Yeager
DevillReaper: waiting...
A1_Saucy: this is weird. I usually watch on YT so this part is new to me
adamshandy: this just walloped me with voyage intro music nostalgia
DevillReaper: same, I also watch on 1.5x speed so this is slow compearativly
oh no! I missed the go live because I thought it was at 8 tonight
Juliamon: Someone mentions it a few times every year
MalFnord: Well, it's a good theme
RockPusher: The whole Road Quest soundtrack is great, though this is right up there for one of the best tracks from it
DevillReaper: Last week I organised a MB2 draft at the LGS, & I built a solid dimir deck
DevillReaper: also got passed a foil mindbreak trap
ThePixelSavage: the Star Trek Voyager energy is so strong with this song
A1_Saucy: defend the frontier against Xur and the Kodan Armada
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview on
LRRbot: Card viewer enabled
Garfman314: nooorrmmmaaal viiiieeew
ExachixKitsune: alright; night friends! Have a good time
so, chat, im excited! tomorrow is Farmers Market day!!!
@jacqui_lantern234 best day of the week. ours is closed for winter
carbonoid12: i'm getting a big winter storm tomorrow and sunday
sporkraptor: it's weird to be in Seattle and *not* be getting hit by the big winter storm tbh XD
@Tweediculous oof yeah, im glad mine is open all year (except holidays and natural causes, obvs)
dabudder: hey chat I just got here. are we going into round 1?
cheshire_creeper: yep
jacqui_lantern234: specifically Tuesdays and Saturdays for me cause i live in a very good growing area
RecursiveAcronym: hm i just went on bluesky and saw serge's first few picks
sporkraptor: @jacqui_lantern234 dang, sweet!
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, niagara has incredibly fertile land
Staryx__: @jacqui_lantern234 Niagara? Western NY or Southern Ontario?
Diabore: respectfully serge what the hell
jacqui_lantern234: @Staryx__ ontario
neisan2112: Ah damnit I forgot they started early today
neisan2112: At least got here before games started
Staryx__: @jacqui_lantern234 Oh cool! ::waves from across the river::
RecursiveAcronym: @Diabore i agree wholeheartedly, and also have never wanted serge to pop off more
jacqui_lantern234: @Staryx__ *waves back*
hi jacqui!
@thraximore HAI FREN
LoganAura: @RecursiveAcronym Methinks that game's less likely to pop off as it is to slam into a wall XD
xElMerYx: this set looks so fun to actually play
bytecaster: A turnpile, if you will
Diabore: !card mirri's guile
LRRbot: Mirri's Guile [G] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your upkeep, you may look at the top three cards of your library, then put them back in any order.
Diabore: what do you mean graham, its sylvan library /s
bytecaster: Sylvan Library at home
definenull: Judging by deck names they both seem very confident of their decks
JinaMahavira: That's a pretty forest
LRRbot: Call of the Herd [2G] | Sorcery | Create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Flashback {3}{G}
LRRbot: Thraben Watcher [2WW] | Creature — Angel [2/2] | Flying, vigilance / Other nontoken creatures you control get +1/+1 and have vigilance.
Diabore: @bytecaster temu sylvan library
Diabore: 2
r10pez10: it's Always Watching on a body
dabudder: the watcherrrrrr
Diabore: tokens need to unionize
LRRbot: Collected Company [3G] | Instant | Look at the top six cards of your library. Put up to two creature cards with mana value 3 or less from among them onto the battlefield. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
definenull: Coco?!?
r10pez10: Coco??
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO D:
nymistrya: Not the full whiff
Diabore: thats 5 less lands
Voidhawk42: Scry 6?
Diabore: thats a 4 mana draw 6
DevillReaper: Co.. Oh NO!
jacqui_lantern234: hey, at least he got rid of so many lands
Bruceski: 4 mana to dodge a 5 turn flood?
LRRbot: Predatory Nightstalker [3BB] | Creature — Nightstalker [3/2] | When Predatory Nightstalker enters, you may have target opponent sacrifice a creature of their choice.
GredGredmansson: nothing but gas
meepsalot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
Thanks for subscribing, meepsalot! (Today's storm count: 36)
LRRbot: Elspeth's Smite [W] | Instant | Elspeth's Smite deals 3 damage to target attacking or blocking creature. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead.
Diabore: exiled even
dabudder: condemn! that! nightstalker!
LRRbot: Veteran Explorer [G] | Creature — Human Soldier Scout [1/1] | When Veteran Explorer dies, each player may search their library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield, then shuffle.
CuteTeaGoat: that's not a vampire nightstalker
LRRbot: Yavimaya Granger [2G] | Creature — Elf [2/2] | Echo {2}{G} / When Yavimaya Granger enters, you may search your library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
johnnylongtorso: Mr. Granger, are you free?
jacqui_lantern234: would yall believe me if i said ive hard-cast an og Emrakul in vintage cube without being in Green?
LRRbot: Omnipresent Impostor [2] | Basic Creature — Shapeshifter [2/1] | Changeling / Omnipresent Impostor has all card names. / As you search your library for one or more cards, you may choose Omnipresent Impostor as one of those cards.
letsbelgo: Oh, this started an hour early it seems
GrassVortex: oooh, neat
vinopinguino: granger = farmer. neat.
Garfman314: yavimaya granger famously played by emma watson
Bruceski: yup
LRRbot: Noose Constrictor [1G] | Creature — Snake [2/2] | Reach / Discard a card: Noose Constrictor gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
dabudder: you will have successfully paid 6 mana for a 2/2 and a 2/1
Juliamon: letsbelgo yes, because 8 players instead of 6, needs more time
Diabore: the noose is loose
GredGredmansson: yeah sure i'm a basic land don't worry about it
wow it's like psychic frog but way worse
chriswr5: james you have incredible taste in plains art, love me a good seb mckinnon basic
LRRbot: Condemn [W] | Instant | Put target attacking creature on the bottom of its owner's library. Its controller gains life equal to its toughness.
theamc2000: James want land
theamc2000: James will get land
LRRbot: Harvester Druid [1G] | Creature — Human Druid [1/1] | {T}: Add one mana of any color that a land you control could produce.
condemn: or as i like to call it, Shields To Plowshares
shendaras: He's playing to his strenghts
Diabore: wait, is james never leaving? he cant go 0-2 in single elim
Larkonus: Reflecting Druid.
northos: @Diabore he could go 0-2 in games
LRRbot: Utopia Sprawl [G] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant Forest / As Utopia Sprawl enters, choose a color. / Whenever enchanted Forest is tapped for mana, its controller adds an additional one mana of the chosen color.
kumatsu: I'm guessing James got an Eldrazi titan
LRRbot: Faerie Macabre [1BB] | Creature — Faerie Rogue [2/2] | Flying / Discard Faerie Macabre: Exile up to two target cards from graveyards.
@kumatsu either that or a Blightsteel Colossus
GredGredmansson: No Graham
Bruceski: discard trigger
circusofkirkus: that's only on discard
dm818: if you discard it
zeathean: Mack a Brie
kumatsu: that's not how that works
Diabore: thats a discard ability g
Bruceski: not enters
Dog_of_Myth: Discard
GredGredmansson: that's an activated ability, not an ETB
kumatsu: Remember when Faerie Macabre was a regular sideboard card in Modern?
definenull: Overrun?
vinopinguino: oh snap
bytecaster: What a Yu-Gi-Oh type card that Faerie
vinopinguino: he tappin
LRRbot: Iona, Shield of Emeria [6WWW] | Legendary Creature — Angel [7/7] | Flying / As Iona, Shield of Emeria enters, choose a color. / Your opponents can't cast spells of the chosen color.
Sage0fMadness subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Sage0fMadness! (Today's storm count: 37)
Dog_of_Myth: Oh boy
jacqui_lantern234: oh my
GredGredmansson: I vote Black
definenull: Target opponent can't play magic
cmdrud87: F
RangerAlpha7: Oh
CaptainSpam: Welp.
MrGibberish: Hello. Didnt know they started early
r10pez10: oh
ekplayscards: Brutal savage rekt
Syntheticuh: establish dominance and say blue!
ElektroTal: ggggggaaaaaaaaaaaame
Larkonus: Go go gadget Plummet!
kumatsu: in before mainboard Plummet
r10pez10: honestly james that's pretty sick
GredGredmansson: didn't even use the dork
asraeltempest: Beast Within off the top?
If you missed the draft part of the stream, the VoD is here on twitch and will be up on early next week
vinopinguino: is broking wings in this? lol
ElektroTal: hahahahahahaha
vinopinguino: *broken
Mr_Bitterness: white border even
Voidhawk42: Sometimes you just have to Walk to the top of the hill
ElektroTal: i'm genuinely laughing
white border from the vault art too
LRRbot: Bojuka Bog | Land | Bojuka Bog enters tapped. / When Bojuka Bog enters, exile target player's graveyard. / {T}: Add {B}.
r10pez10: i didn't know iona got new art
vinopinguino: it just looks wrong
Cptasparagus: screwbajubabog
LRRbot: Orochi Eggwatcher [2G] (flip: Shidako, Broodmistress) | Creature — Snake Shaman [1/1] | {2}{G}, {T}: Create a 1/1 green Snake creature token. If you control ten or more creatures, flip Orochi Eggwatcher.
dabudder: anybody else up watching eggs
Fruan: How does one even Bojuke?
TheDevil_Risen: Wheeler from off cam : Hell Yeah!
TheDevil_Risen: also E G G
GredGredmansson: well that's one way to get around Iona
bytecaster: Giving that card a tap ability is just rude and asking for confusion
RangerAlpha7: flip it into a snake that turns every snake into giant growth, even
r10pez10: huh, they put rooms on a creature
LoadingReadyRun: Orochi Eggwatcher + Ceiling Egg = infinite combo
definenull: Ca caw!
Kejardon: every creature has a tap ability, 'attack'
jacqui_lantern234: NEIGH?!?!
LRRbot: Under-Construction Skyscraper | Land | Level up {1} / {T}: Add {C}. / LEVEL 1-7 / {T}: Add {W}, {B}, {G}, or {C}. / LEVEL 8+ / {T}: Add {W}, {B}, {G}, or {C}. Scry 1.
gosh i love ben
gundamschwing: The elephant says, "neigh."
GredGredmansson: when I drafted Mystery Booster I had a weird izzet carddraw deck
GredGredmansson: love me a Subgofy
GredGredmansson: Subgoyf
LRRbot: Storm the Seedcore [2GG] | Sorcery | Distribute four +1/+1 counters among up to four target creatures you control. Creatures you control gain vigilance and trample until end of turn.
GredGredmansson: The Wrennaissance
Dog_of_Myth: Love that art
Frogstorm the Seedcore
Diabore: am james dead, feels like yes
EricTheOrange: It's time for blockers to do math
LRRbot: Cathar Commando [1W] | Creature — Human Soldier [3/1] | Flash / {1}, Sacrifice this creature: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Diabore: another 1 toughness
dabudder: yeah but theyve got trombopaline
LRRbot: Omnipresent Impostor [2] | Basic Creature — Shapeshifter [2/1] | Changeling / Omnipresent Impostor has all card names. / As you search your library for one or more cards, you may choose Omnipresent Impostor as one of those cards.
cmdrud87: because it's technically a basic alnd
LRRbot: Harvester Druid [1G] | Creature — Human Druid [1/1] | {T}: Add one mana of any color that a land you control could produce.
cmdrud87: *lamd
WeenieRotini: so basically.... he's creature
Gaz_L: i guess basic as opposed to legendary?
GredGredmansson: It turns of Murder
A_NO0B: board in plummet
it's mystery booster, it could be anything
WhirlwindAbyss is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 197 in the channel!
WhirlwindAbyss gifted a Tier 1 sub to Crafty_Jaye!
WhirlwindAbyss gifted a Tier 1 sub to gnomedeplume572!
WhirlwindAbyss gifted a Tier 1 sub to yog_soggoth55!
WhirlwindAbyss gifted a Tier 1 sub to QTL7!
WhirlwindAbyss gifted a Tier 1 sub to MWGNZ!
gundamschwing: Shooting flowers
Thanks for the gifts, WhirlwindAbyss! Welcome to Crafty_Jaye, gnomedeplume572, QTL7, yog_soggoth55, and MWGNZ! (Today's storm count: 42)
Diabore: its not cant cast ben, its you and creatures you control have protection from
r10pez10: respect the hardcast iona tho
Walla_tv: !card dead ringers
LRRbot: Dead Ringers [4B] | Sorcery | Destroy two target nonblack creatures unless either one is a color the other isn't. They can't be regenerated.
thraximore: oh dead ringers
DeM0nFiRe: iona makes it easy, you dont get to cast it!
Juliamon: Best Snek
Rogue_07: top snek
BusTed: hey wait
Bruceski: that looks like a 1/1 to me
DoodlestheGreat: Nice snek
dabudder: @Diabore Iona definitely *is* cant cast, you might be thinking of the card from MH2
r10pez10: snoken
zeathean: that is a ninja turtle
vinopinguino: thats so many hands
IsSecretlyPaul: this shows you the strength of a winning smile
Garfman314: hmmm, snakes are famous for one thing...
VorlonScout: snake? snaaaaaake
Kejardon: I assume it was part of when they decided "no more nagas or lamias, everything's snakes now"
Diabore: @dabudder yes, which is what ben was talking about
dabudder: ah i see my bad
DevillReaper: thnaaaaik
Bruceski: "Snakes have no limbs? Snakes have YES limbs!"
PhorrestGaze: no God of Abraham to take their arms
DoodlestheGreat: Fore-warned is four-armed?
vinopinguino: he's gonna kramer into the room
kynelwynn: The orochi have to compensate fo snakes on other Planes
Juliamon: snakes have no limbs because the orochi stole them
Fruan: limb inequality between snakes is out of hand. Did you know that Kamigawa snakes have more limbs than the rest of the multiverse's snakes combined?
lirazel64: He's got Mental Powers
GredGredmansson: Limbs Georg is an outlier adn should not be counted
DevillReaper: if you avrage out all the snakes, they will have two arms
LRRbot: Mother of Runes [W] | Creature — Human Cleric [1/1] | {T}: Target creature you control gains protection from the color of your choice until end of turn.
gundamschwing: Thanks for the nightmare fuel
it was uncommon originally
Rogue_07: I'
LRRbot: Harvester Druid [1G] | Creature — Human Druid [1/1] | {T}: Add one mana of any color that a land you control could produce.
Diabore: mom has a gift for you, its knuckles
Rogue_07: I'm look, Mom is on TV!
Larkonus: Her ability is a mote worse with the new blocking rules, but still a great card.
LRRbot: Agent of Acquisitions [2] | Artifact Creature — Construct [2/1] | Draft Agent of Acquisitions face up. / Instead of drafting a card from a booster pack, you may draft each card in that booster pack, one at a time. If you do, turn Agent of Acquisitions face down and you can't draft cards for the rest of this draft round.
definenull: Mm hot cocoa
BusTed: huffin' choc
LRRbot: Noose Constrictor [1G] | Creature — Snake [2/2] | Reach / Discard a card: Noose Constrictor gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
ghizmou: it tastes extremely bitter
dabudder: Hot coco is a good crapshot idea
DoodlestheGreat: I have cocoa. I'm going to make it. BRB.
LRRbot: Omnipresent Impostor [2] | Basic Creature — Shapeshifter [2/1] | Changeling / Omnipresent Impostor has all card names. / As you search your library for one or more cards, you may choose Omnipresent Impostor as one of those cards.
dabudder: somebody should iterate on thart
LRRbot: Cathar Commando [1W] | Creature — Human Soldier [3/1] | Flash / {1}, Sacrifice this creature: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
azureHaights: How goes Mystery Twoster
LoadingReadyRun: Cathar (going) Commando
LRRbot: Elvish Harbinger [2G] | Creature — Elf Druid [1/2] | When Elvish Harbinger enters, you may search your library for an Elf card, reveal it, then shuffle and put that card on top. / {T}: Add one mana of any color.
GredGredmansson: Motherboard of Runes
Bruceski: quick, get the stickers!
GredGredmansson: well no, on top of the library
LRRbot: Fyndhorn Elder [2G] | Creature — Elf Druid [1/1] | {T}: Add {G}{G}.
DevillReaper: Mother of Law
Mazrae: Is Paul on tech today, if he is I'm glad that he's doing better
definenull: He's ramping!
Rogue_07: I think the artist used their dad as a model for this elder
johnnylongtorso: ah, the classic genre of card art: some guy the artist knows
r10pez10: beautiful art
GredGredmansson: art who you know
MechaKuuga: That Elder kinda looking like Sir Ian McKellen
Dog_of_Myth: james has played mom, dad, elf, and snake
LRRbot: Scurry Oak [2G] | Creature — Treefolk [1/2] | Evolve / Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Scurry Oak, you may create a 1/1 green Squirrel creature token.
heronblademaster subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
Thanks for subscribing, heronblademaster! (Today's storm count: 43)
Dog_of_Myth: The nuclear magic family
micalovits: Parents, Kid and Pet
BusTed: I'd prefer the coal please.
TheWooglie: Fugi is Santa?
who knew Santa was a Reindeersman of the apocalypse
LRRbot: Yavimaya Granger [2G] | Creature — Elf [2/2] | Echo {2}{G} / When Yavimaya Granger enters, you may search your library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
RockPusher: *shakes fist at the kringler*
Lord_Hosk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 112 months!
Lord_Hosk: Oh look its my 12th 112 month sub. I m sure twitch is perfect.
Thanks for subscribing, Lord_Hosk! (Today's storm count: 44)
definenull: Gave you actual sick instead of kickflip sick
GredGredmansson: I'm assuming granger isn't going to last next turn
i appreciate Ben's ZZ Top reference
Marvoleath: not to be confused with grundger
hedonistic_mushroom: What's the playtest card that G is running?
r10pez10: !card Omnipresent Impostor
LRRbot: Omnipresent Impostor [2] | Basic Creature — Shapeshifter [2/1] | Changeling / Omnipresent Impostor has all card names. / As you search your library for one or more cards, you may choose Omnipresent Impostor as one of those cards.
GredGredmansson: @hedonistic_mushroom a card that you can search your library for regardless of conditions
Diabore: obviously willbender
shea_wolfe: It's Willbender!
northos: chromeshell crab!
Mai_Andra: Chiefly British. a country house or large farmhouse with its various farm buildings
IbunWest: It's always Willbender
theamc2000: but it is colorless
LRRbot: Oblivion Ring [2W] | Enchantment | When Oblivion Ring enters, exile another target nonland permanent. / When Oblivion Ring leaves the battlefield, return the exiled card to the battlefield under its owner's control.
vinopinguino: how can a farmer farm after death graham?! like some sort of zombie farmer
MurphEP subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
Thanks for subscribing, MurphEP! (Today's storm count: 45)
Rogue_07: Somewhere Ian just sneezed and he doesn't know why
EricTheOrange: is their a morph that's a boat?
r10pez10: free ashling
It could even be a willbender.
@vinopinguino they become fertilizer
theamc2000: I am just waiting for a boat vehicle with morph
LRRbot: Faerie Macabre [1BB] | Creature — Faerie Rogue [2/2] | Flying / Discard Faerie Macabre: Exile up to two target cards from graveyards.
bytecaster: Just a Wind Drake
johnnylongtorso: he's just constricting
LRRbot: Despondency [1B] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant creature / Enchanted creature gets −2/−0. / When Despondency is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, return Despondency to its owner's hand.
vinopinguino: love that art
oneala: a *spark* is flying.
vinopinguino: alex gregory is so talented
Marvoleath: oh oh, despondussy
LRRbot: Nature's Way [1G] | Sorcery | Target creature you control gains vigilance and trample until end of turn. It deals damage equal to its power to target creature you don't control.
vinopinguino: ayyoo
Welbog: Take that, mom
LRRbot: Condemn [W] | Instant | Put target attacking creature on the bottom of its owner's library. Its controller gains life equal to its toughness.
Graham still going after James Mom. Tsk.
theamc2000: matricide Graham?
micalovits: How dare you punch his mom! Condemned!
Diabore: @theamc2000 wasnt his mom so just regular murder
GredGredmansson: "nature's way" is just another way of saying "natural causes"
jacobsh97 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Thanks for subscribing, jacobsh97! (Today's storm count: 46)
LoadingReadyRun: Noose Constrictor and his lesser known cousin, Nose Constrictor
GredGredmansson: !card natural causes
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Garfman314: "nature's way" was the original name for The Far Side
Falannt: no morph-overlay-token?
LRRbot: Hunter's Edge [3G] | Sorcery | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. Then that creature deals damage equal to its power to target creature you don't control.
r10pez10: i thought about trying once
LRRbot: Generous Gift [2W] | Instant | Destroy target permanent. Its controller creates a 3/3 green Elephant creature token.
LRRbot: Flavor Disaster [4G] | Enchantment Creature — Elemental Pirate [4/3] | Reach / When Flavor Disaster enters the battlefield or when it's turned face up, target creature gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is Flavor Disaster's power. / Negamorph {1}{G}
GredGredmansson: Fun Fact: at time of recording there ARE no mono-green Pirates
Desruprot: it also has reach
GredGredmansson: I'm hoping this changes with Aetherdrift
LRRbot: Ironscale Hydra [3GG] | Creature — Hydra [5/5] | If a creature would deal combat damage to Ironscale Hydra, prevent that damage and put a +1/+1 counter on Ironscale Hydra.
CrossXhunteR: i think graham and i have the same sleeves. it's a very pretty purple/pink thing
LRRbot: Recumbent Bliss [2W] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant creature / Enchanted creature can't attack or block. / At the beginning of your upkeep, you may gain 1 life.
theamc2000: remember James, it is at your upkeep
LRRbot: Thraben Watcher [2WW] | Creature — Angel [2/2] | Flying, vigilance / Other nontoken creatures you control get +1/+1 and have vigilance.
GredGredmansson: jiminy crimbob
MrGibberish: Is there a mono white pirate?
GredGredmansson: huh there isn't
LRRbot: Dreadhound [4BB] | Creature — Demon Dog [6/6] | When Dreadhound enters, mill three cards. / Whenever a creature dies or a creature card is put into a graveyard from a library, each opponent loses 1 life.
GredGredmansson: or ANY white pirate
Welbog: The Gentleman Pirate should be monowhite.
micalovits: Deed sure would have been enchantment removal
LRRbot: Dead Ringers [4B] | Sorcery | Destroy two target nonblack creatures unless either one is a color the other isn't. They can't be regenerated.
m1gr3nA: deed is enchantment removal btw
Fruan: Don't kill what Donny Don't doesn't.
EricTheOrange: that's a weird way to phrase that
GredGredmansson: basically "destroy two nonblack creatures with exactly the same colors"
Kejardon: 5 mana destroy exactly 2 creatures with the exact same colors
A_NO0B: does graveyard order matter in this?
m1gr3nA: now we just need regrowth
niccus: no two creatures are not on fire
raulghoulia: they have to share all colors
mjiig: It just means they have to be the same colours
GredGredmansson: that are the EXACT SAME COLORS
Marvoleath: so they need to share all colors
Fruan: That are exactly the same set of colours.
4AMDonuts: share all colors
zeathean: share exactly the same colors
Buxx345: share all colors
shendaras: not share, but are exactly the same
mjiig: But has to be phrased awkwardly
EricTheOrange: @GredGredmansson not quite it could be a izzit creature and a red creature
shushu1529: right, it isn't confusing at all
micalovits: Two creatures that share all colours
GredGredmansson: @EricTheOrange no it can't, because one is a color the other isn't (blue)
DylPage: Share a colour identity. Because of colourless.
4AMDonuts: not rb though, bc not black
m1gr3nA: also nonblack
adamshandy: dead ringers falls in to some sort of cognitive black hole
Well no Graham you see it says nonblack
adamshandy: it hurts to parse
Gaz_L: does that mean you can kill one thing if they're different though?
ladyjessica: dead ringers is one of the cards people use to explain stupid rules wordings.
GredGredmansson: No
cant kill two different Omnaths, ever
LRRbot: Bellowing Tanglewurm [3GG] | Creature — Wurm [4/4] | Intimidate / Other green creatures you control have intimidate.
hedonistic_mushroom: Magic the gathering: the game that constantly reminds me that I failed my high school English
johnnylongtorso: can't imagine why this hasn't been reprinted since Apocalypse
ladyjessica: maro has talked about it a bunch over the years.
Mazrae: Such a scary squirrel
GredGredmansson: eyyyyy i use that phrase all the time
GredGredmansson: H*R FTW Ben
TheDevil_Risen: no lifegain
TheDevil_Risen: ahh got it
LRRbot: Ironhoof Ox [3GG] | Creature — Ox [4/4] | Ironhoof Ox can't be blocked by more than one creature.
vinopinguino: OX!
TheDevil_Risen: OX!
vinopinguino: bomb ox
TheAwkes: Yes, hello?
micalovits: Ox!
CrossXhunteR: which Portal is that
GredGredmansson: when's THAT going to get keyworded i swear
Marvoleath: beeg cow
m1gr3nA: @hedonistic_mushroom nah, its mtg designers failing at communicating in human language
LoadingReadyRun: I want a secret lair of demon dogs and hellhounds as cute puppies
TheDevil_Risen: was that Portal 2nd age?
johnnylongtorso: ecanem
TheDevil_Risen: or original Portal
carbonoid12: 2nd
carbonoid12: OG Portal was a circle
singinnonsense: better then Ironproof Ox
Orxolon: Somebody said Orx?
TheDevil_Risen: ahh thats right
TheDevil_Risen: its been a few years haha
LRRbot: Collected Company [3G] | Instant | Look at the top six cards of your library. Put up to two creature cards with mana value 3 or less from among them onto the battlefield. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Gekyouryuu: Hello, chat. I just got a single MH3 pack for $6 and pulled a Wooded Foothills, so my night's going well. How's it going here?
LRRbot: Orochi Eggwatcher [2G] (flip: Shidako, Broodmistress) | Creature — Snake Shaman [1/1] | {2}{G}, {T}: Create a 1/1 green Snake creature token. If you control ten or more creatures, flip Orochi Eggwatcher.
GredGredmansson: with intimidate
LRRbot: Storm the Seedcore [2GG] | Sorcery | Distribute four +1/+1 counters among up to four target creatures you control. Creatures you control gain vigilance and trample until end of turn.
vinopinguino: best art from that set
GredGredmansson: don't forget we have Intimidate as well
m1gr3nA: probably not on the artifact...
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I don't think there's any way this works?
CrossXhunteR: james, don't block
zeathean: one block and win on the crack back
Welbog: Just take it, James.
GredGredmansson: 1 card 3 mana and a dream
KWardJenx: Whose side is Ben on? I want a game 3!
LRRbot: Elvish Harbinger [2G] | Creature — Elf Druid [1/2] | When Elvish Harbinger enters, you may search your library for an Elf card, reveal it, then shuffle and put that card on top. / {T}: Add one mana of any color.
Garfman314: lightning bolt!
KWardJenx: You made your choices!
Gekyouryuu: @kwardjenx tbf, Ben wants a game ONE
A1_Saucy: I have seen a green lightning bolt before. not in magic, but we can hope
Marvoleath: @A1_Saucy there were a few non-red burn spells, mostly blue, but also some green, like hornet sting
otakubox0: Can't buff because of the new combat rules rights? Because they both passed prio? Didn't matter but still
GredGredmansson: green lightning bolt that's basically giant growth
GredGredmansson: @otakubox0 new combat has nothing to do with when you can cast spells
m1gr3nA: @A1_Saucy can i interest you in some bee stings in mtg? they are not good but they do exist
ghizmou: obviously because puppy
TriforceDrummer: Dreadhound also is loss of life and not damage, which can come up!
otakubox0: I mean during the buffing for the constrictor for the discard?
micalovits: Being a lill pupper helps
vinopinguino: they take off dreadhound's glasses and realize they were beautiful all along
GredGredmansson: @otakubox0 same diff, nothing to do when when priority is given
otakubox0: Huh I thought it did fair enough
Falannt: !card syr konrad
LRRbot: Did you mean: Syr Konrad, the Grim; Syr Konrad's Squire
JinaMahavira: Konrad also is when it leaves the graveyard
KhazzyB: you could’ve cast it. sneep
A_Dub888: uh ohhhhh, keepieeee
LRRbot: Aether Vial [1] | Artifact | At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a charge counter on Aether Vial. / {T}: You may put a creature card with mana value equal to the number of charge counters on Aether Vial from your hand onto the battlefield.
Ukon_Cairns: dreadhound does what youre trying to do with syr konrad, but syr konrad does suprisingly a whole lot more, and thus draws a lot more ire.
singinnonsense: fun fact : a lot of mythologies have hounds associated with death
LRRbot: Mother of Runes [W] | Creature — Human Cleric [1/1] | {T}: Target creature you control gains protection from the color of your choice until end of turn.
InfiniTokens subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months, currently on a 12 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, InfiniTokens! (Today's storm count: 47)
GredGredmansson: the only change is that you don't pick when damage assignment happens until combat damage, rather than declare blockers, and you don't "order" blockers
GredGredmansson: someone can correct me if I've missed anything
Orxolon: My money Is on dead ringers
LRRbot: Wood Elves [2G] | Creature — Elf Scout [1/1] | When Wood Elves enters, search your library for a Forest card, put that card onto the battlefield, then shuffle.
A_Dub888: cood elves?
johnnylongtorso: how much wood could a wood elf shelf if a wood elf could shelf wood?
micalovits: @GredGredmansson You also don't have to assign lethal damage to a creature before assigning damage to another one, though that rarely comes up
LRRbot: Call of the Herd [2G] | Sorcery | Create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Flashback {3}{G}
GredGredmansson: this is trouble
InfiniTokens: @micalovits It would with deathtouch
LRRbot: Wispweaver Angel [4WW] | Creature — Angel [4/4] | Flying / When Wispweaver Angel enters, you may exile another target creature you control, then return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control.
LRRbot: Yavimaya Granger [2G] | Creature — Elf [2/2] | Echo {2}{G} / When Yavimaya Granger enters, you may search your library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
rogerivany: Remember when Call of the Herd was Rare? And $20.
CrossXhunteR: the land disparity has shrunk, ever so slightly
micalovits: @InfiniTokens Deathtouch already worked before, since it says that 1 damage is lethal
shushu1529: an elf wouldn't shelf wood as elves don't shelf wood
TheDevil_Risen: nice ramp combo James
vinopinguino: lol
LRRbot: Stingerfling Spider [4G] | Creature — Spider [2/5] | Reach / When Stingerfling Spider enters, you may destroy target creature with flying.
GredGredmansson: james knows the curse all too well so he leans into it
CompleatedPinkie: Ohh. Those are forests on Graham's side. I was confused for a moment.
vinopinguino: it must be cool to be you king midas, you can get gold whenever you want
It's good to be
GredGredmansson: The Spider still targets the creature with flying though
GredGredmansson: even if it doesn't destroy
Kejardon: wait, can you even cast that spider if you didn't cast the angel first?
LRRbot: Phyrexian Scriptures [2BB] | Enchantment — Saga | I — Put a +1/+1 counter on up to one target creature. That creature becomes an artifact in addition to its other types. / II — Destroy all nonartifact creatures. / III — Exile all opponents' graveyards.
GredGredmansson: that doesn't say "you control"
dabudder: betcha wish u could read ahead rn
GredGredmansson: but its still "up to one"
cmdrud87: soooo... ouchiees
LRRbot: Oblivion Ring [2W] | Enchantment | When Oblivion Ring enters, exile another target nonland permanent. / When Oblivion Ring leaves the battlefield, return the exiled card to the battlefield under its owner's control.
vinopinguino: oof
OloBustyoas: womp womp
micalovits: F
IbunWest: You hate to see it
Dog_of_Myth: rude
tehfewl: None creatures, left beef
Gaz_L: crux of fate
LRRbot: Dead Ringers [4B] | Sorcery | Destroy two target nonblack creatures unless either one is a color the other isn't. They can't be regenerated.
micalovits: That would have been the sickest time for instant speed enchantment removal
GredGredmansson: @Kejardon Yes, because that's an ETB trigger, not a cast trigger
jacqui_lantern234: GGs
Kejardon: oh right
jacqui_lantern234: fangren marauder
GredGredmansson: or rather because its a permanent not an instant/sorcery
LRRbot: Fangren Marauder [5G] | Creature — Beast [5/5] | Whenever an artifact is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may gain 5 life.
jacqui_lantern234: i run it in my Madame Vastra + Jenny Flint commander deck
Marvoleath: works with treasures!
TheDevil_Risen: oops all removal
noSmokeFire: what is this, standard?
Serpens77: That's your removal? Sweet!
vinopinguino: removal go brr
accountmadeforants: Went all in on the R in BREAD
GredGredmansson: @jacqui_lantern234 ey, fellow Vastra/Jenny deck lover
cyclopsboi: james drafting mono-removal
IbunWest: On brand
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks Gents!!
Dog_of_Myth: Flavor win
GredGredmansson: I have a Fangren but I'm not running it in mine
Gaz_L: FNPF Mystery Vortex
r10pez10: smooth
jacqui_lantern234: @GredGredmansson unironically, its all i want to be doing in commander
Falannt: Mystery, or someone isn't doing they job
GredGredmansson: @jacqui_lantern234 It started rough but it's gotten better with age
GredGredmansson: Are you on the Discord, want to compare decklists
jacqui_lantern234: @GredGredmansson i am, shoot me a dm
GredGredmansson: k will do
oodwae subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
Thanks for subscribing, oodwae! (Today's storm count: 48)
kynelwynn: That tabletop title card may need be changed. There hasn't been an unboxing in a ... while
superdude097: Just got here. I know I missed the draft, but did I miss any games?
Marvoleath: 1st match done
superdude097: ty
MoxleyUnhinged: WHEEELER YEY
vinopinguino: dry january?
IbunWest: Its the North 100 round
n3ther: drinkless behavior
dabudder: the reference for nearly nobody
Kentosaurus: baller
Marvoleath: North100 showdown table
couchboyj: Imagine, bringing no drinks in a drinks meta
dabudder: love wheelers deckname
Juliamon: Deckname worth the wait
dabudder: pack 1, pick 1
an_archist2: sol ring?
vinopinguino: we get it
A_Dub888: running Sol Ring?
circusofkirkus: oh he drafted black lotus
Aarek: but what are the points?
Dog_of_Myth: I got the reference
iPsyop: gotta have sol ring lol..
LRRbot: Serum Powder [3] | Artifact | {T}: Add {C}. / Any time you could mulligan and Serum Powder is in your hand, you may exile all the cards from your hand, then draw that many cards.
Sage0fMadness: great deck name haha
MichaelSnowbird: Mtg rawdoggin?
dabudder: I'm going to go with.. this one.
letsbelgo: ooooooo
GoblinRoyalty: Fear of Unsleaved Decks
leylines next?
vinopinguino: now this is podracin
micalovits: Shows up in vintage dredge to find bazaar
andrew632: Shouldn't you only have 6 cards in hand after serum powder?
LRRbot: Dauthi Voidwalker [BB] | Creature — Dauthi Rogue [3/2] | Shadow / If a card would be put into an opponent's graveyard from anywhere, instead exile it with a void counter on it. / {T}, Sacrifice Dauthi Voidwalker: Choose an exiled card an opponent owns with a void counter on it. You may play it this turn without paying its mana cost.
LRRbot: Titanoth Rex [7GG] | Creature — Dinosaur Beast [11/11] | Trample / Cycling {1}{G} / When you cycle Titanoth Rex, put a trample counter on target creature you control.
vinopinguino: ooo baby
theamc2000: yooo
theamc2000: big Dino
LRRbot: Fae Offering [2G] | Enchantment | At the beginning of each end step, if you've cast both a creature spell and a noncreature spell this turn, create a Clue token, a Food token, and a Treasure token.
LRRbot: Cheering Fanatic [1R] | Creature — Goblin [2/2] | Whenever Cheering Fanatic attacks, choose a card name. Spells with the chosen name cost {1} less to cast this turn.
LRRbot: Wasteland Viper [G] | Creature — Snake [1/2] | Deathtouch / Bloodrush — {G}, Discard Wasteland Viper: Target attacking creature gets +1/+2 and gains deathtouch until end of turn.
LRRbot: Cling to Dust [B] | Instant | Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, you gain 3 life. Otherwise, you draw a card. / Escape—{3}{B}, Exile five other cards from your graveyard.
definenull: rectangle dot deck
definenull: OMG
LRRbot: Bonecrusher Giant // Stomp | Bonecrusher Giant [2R] | Creature — Giant [4/3] | Whenever Bonecrusher Giant becomes the target of a spell, Bonecrusher Giant deals 2 damage to that spell's controller. // Stomp [1R] | Instant — Adventure | Damage can't be prevented this turn. Stomp deals 2 damage to any target.
IbunWest: Gross
neisan2112: JEsus Wheeler
definenull: genuine qn, does stomp get discounted?
IbunWest: No. Stomp is a different spell name.
Rogue_07: I can't believe LRR doesn't have a clue
Dog_of_Myth: Nope, Stomp is different
andy_ink subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Thanks for subscribing, andy_ink! (Today's storm count: 49)
neisan2112: That Bonecrusher scan is weirdly dark
MichaelSnowbird: Wheeler snuck open the packs then glued them back together before the draft.
LRRbot: Silverglade Pathfinder [1G] | Creature — Dryad Spellshaper [1/1] | {1}{G}, {T}, Discard a card: Search your library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
definenull: thank you for the clarification, lrr + chat
LRRbot: Keldon Champion [2RR] | Creature — Human Barbarian [3/2] | Haste / Echo {2}{R}{R} / When Keldon Champion enters, it deals 3 damage to target player or planeswalker.
dabudder: jesus christ
vinopinguino: how did this happen?
dabudder: @vinopinguino wheeler
theamc2000: I don’t know why wheeler named the deck Stephen
dabudder: @theamc2000 he probably also has sol ring
andrew632: Silverglade exiled to Dauthi?
LRRbot: Reckless Barbarian [1R] | Creature — Dragon Barbarian [2/2] | Sacrifice Reckless Barbarian: Add {R}{R}.
GoblinRoyalty: wheeler continues to be the goat even to the pain of his coworkers 😌
DragonMZ: You Are Already Dead
Marvoleath: "you are already dead"
definenull: "i name beserk"
johnnylongtorso: black lotus... wait
rogerivany: I think Wheeler's deck is fast.
CrossXhunteR: i like this table
vinopinguino: sol ring
MoxleyUnhinged: everybody’s dead, Dave.
LRRbot: Yorion, Sky Nomad [3{W/U}{W/U}] | Legendary Creature — Bird Serpent [4/5] | Companion — Your starting deck contains at least twenty cards more than the minimum deck size. / Flying / When Yorion enters, exile any number of other nonland permanents you own and control. Return those cards to the battlefield at the beginning of the next end step.
"cast Freebird!"
MoxleyUnhinged: Birpent lesgo!
Marvoleath: does the whiteborder one have updated companion text?
KWardJenx: Speaking of blinking...
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahahaha
TheDevil_Risen: wooof
TheDevil_Risen: shots fired
ShaneLeeAtk: Billy Zane as The Phantom?
LRRbot: Putrid Goblin [1B] | Creature — Zombie Goblin [2/2] | Persist
MichaelSnowbird: Punish him
johnnylongtorso: @Marvoleath it doesn't have the reminder text at all
LRRbot: Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith [2R] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Artificer [2/2] | Landfall — Whenever a land you control enters, create a colorless Equipment artifact token named Rock with "Equipped creature has '{1}, {T}, Sacrifice Rock: This creature deals 2 damage to any target'" and equip {1}. / Partner
MoxleyUnhinged: Putriblin!
GredGredmansson: @ShaneLeeAtk SUBMIT
Fruan: Good ol' rock. Nothing beats rock.
Mai_Andra: alas, poor Yorien...
Mr_Bitterness: Good old rock. Nothing beats rock
LoadingReadyRun: looks like white border Yorion doesn't have any reminder text
Serpens77: Nothin' beats rock
vinopinguino: ah that's why its called weaponsmith
micalovits: No one is stealing The Rock
definenull: but its a paper fight!
Gaz_L: can you form some kind of rudimentary lathe?
Marvoleath @Mr_Bitterness paper has entered the chat
LRRbot: Keldon Champion [2RR] | Creature — Human Barbarian [3/2] | Haste / Echo {2}{R}{R} / When Keldon Champion enters, it deals 3 damage to target player or planeswalker.
Sorator13: some gremlin has been messing with the token stash, fr fr
Juliamon: Everybody wants a rock
LRRbot: Supreme Will [2U] | Instant | Choose one — / • Counter target spell unless its controller pays {3}. / • Look at the top four cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
MoxleyUnhinged: i came to ROCK
GredGredmansson: its funny because Shock Eighth Edition has some of my favorite flavor text ever
MichaelSnowbird: They had him at "sac rock"
Marvoleath: !card paper tiger
LRRbot: Paper Tiger [4] | Artifact Creature — Cat [4/3] | Creatures named Rock Lobster can't attack or block.
SgtBrink subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SgtBrink! (Today's storm count: 50)
GredGredmansson: “I love lightning! It’s my best invention since the rock.” —Toggo, goblin weaponsmith
LRRbot: Berg Strider [4U] | Snow Creature — Giant Wizard [4/4] | When Berg Strider enters, tap target artifact or creature an opponent controls. If {S} was spent to cast this spell, that permanent doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.
definenull: sneaky little plains there
dabudder: berg strider no etb is truly one of the saddest things of our time
tehfewl: Who would have thought that the flavour text from shock would make a whole ass legend
dabudder: climate change is real folks
LRRbot: Expunge [2B] | Instant | Destroy target nonartifact, nonblack creature. It can't be regenerated. / Cycling {2}
Mr_Bitterness: @Juliamon Everyone wants a rock to wind a piece of string around
LRRbot: Reckless Bushwhacker [2R] | Creature — Goblin Warrior Ally [2/1] | Surge {1}{R} / Haste / When Reckless Bushwhacker enters, if its surge cost was paid, other creatures you control get +1/+0 and gain haste until end of turn.
MoxleyUnhinged: it’s muffin time! just not Nelly’s muffin time.
Wheeler is playing so fast I can't tell if he paid the echo cost. I blink and three turns go by
are there kinds of bergs other then "ice"?
MichaelSnowbird: Dont bring Serge into this
dabudder: @phoenixletmeuseadashd that card got countered
gojikee: Zoid
Dog_of_Myth: Fat ones Paul
LRRbot: Mad Auntie [2B] | Creature — Goblin Shaman [2/2] | Other Goblin creatures you control get +1/+1. / {T}: Regenerate another target Goblin.
CrossXhunteR: do not google image search "fatberg"
GredGredmansson: goblins with toads on their heads
definenull: proactive larceny
MichaelSnowbird: Perhaps if we took all the lands out of Wheelers deck
MoxleyUnhinged: proxy rock tokens are just old photos of Dwayne Johnson right?
dabudder: hes looking for that sol ring
vinopinguino: for me?!
definenull: well its a year in review so it sorta counts
ShaneLeeAtk: It is very good
KodeMage: It's kinda a set review for 2024...
CrossXhunteR: i already watched it, while cooking earlier
MoxleyUnhinged: are they still doing nickname podcasts?
MichaelSnowbird: nice
Serpens77: someone should do a set revue instead of a set review
CrossXhunteR: oh no, he looked
KodeMage subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
KodeMage: Nice
Thanks for subscribing, KodeMage! (Today's storm count: 51)
rogerivany: With Wizards release schedule I didn't think it was possible to do a non review episode
definenull: oh
CrossXhunteR: HUH
LRRbot: Sol Ring [1] | Artifact | {T}: Add {C}{C}.
Kentosaurus: there it is
MoxleyUnhinged: CALLED IT
vinopinguino: there it is
LRRbot: Expunge [2B] | Instant | Destroy target nonartifact, nonblack creature. It can't be regenerated. / Cycling {2}
MoxleyUnhinged: whoop there it is
LRRbot: Zulaport Cutthroat [1B] | Creature — Human Rogue Ally [1/1] | Whenever Zulaport Cutthroat or another creature you control dies, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
MoxleyUnhinged: turn one sol ring GET HIM
LRRbot: Titanoth Rex [7GG] | Creature — Dinosaur Beast [11/11] | Trample / Cycling {1}{G} / When you cycle Titanoth Rex, put a trample counter on target creature you control.
Mr_Bitterness: Wheeler's the problem in the pod.
YeetTheRich_: yeah everybody attack ben
dabudder: pack 1, pick 1. im gonna go with this one
MichaelSnowbird: it was good
LRRbot: Arrogant Wurm [3GG] | Creature — Wurm [4/4] | Trample / Madness {2}{G}
definenull: spicyyy
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
Surly_M: HUGE
LRRbot: Arc Lightning [2R] | Sorcery | Arc Lightning deals 3 damage divided as you choose among one, two, or three targets.
LRRbot: Bonecrusher Giant // Stomp | Bonecrusher Giant [2R] | Creature — Giant [4/3] | Whenever Bonecrusher Giant becomes the target of a spell, Bonecrusher Giant deals 2 damage to that spell's controller. // Stomp [1R] | Instant — Adventure | Damage can't be prevented this turn. Stomp deals 2 damage to any target.
LoadingReadyRun: how do you tell if a wurm is "Arrogant"?
CrossXhunteR: and the Throne "on an adventure" token, not the Wilds one
AFamiliarCalledEl: Oh, it'll let you know
KodeMage: It tells you.
Juliamon: I guess you ask the other wurms
ShaneLeeAtk: Ask their agent?
Mr_Bitterness: @LoadingReadyRun Rumbles around with its thumbs in its lapels
raulghoulia: lots of boasting
rogerivany: @LoadingReadyRun Trick question. They all are.
@LoadingReadyRun by having a convo with it, obviously
LRRbot: Zombie Infestation [1B] | Enchantment | Discard two cards: Create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.
CrossXhunteR: !card ice fang coatl
LRRbot: Ice-Fang Coatl [GU] | Snow Creature — Snake [1/1] | Flash / Flying / When Ice-Fang Coatl enters, draw a card. / Ice-Fang Coatl has deathtouch as long as you control at least three other snow permanents.
LRRbot: Battle Cry Goblin [1R] | Creature — Goblin [2/2] | {1}{R}: Goblins you control get +1/+0 and gain haste until end of turn. / Whenever Battle Cry Goblin attacks, if you attacked with creatures with total power 6 or greater this combat, create a 1/1 red Goblin creature token that's tapped and attacking.
definenull: well at least nelly's still at a healthy life total at turn 5
MoxleyUnhinged: i cast like beeeef
LRRbot: Yorion, Sky Nomad [3{W/U}{W/U}] | Legendary Creature — Bird Serpent [4/5] | Companion — Your starting deck contains at least twenty cards more than the minimum deck size. / Flying / When Yorion enters, exile any number of other nonland permanents you own and control. Return those cards to the battlefield at the beginning of the next end step.
LRRbot: Viridian Longbow [1] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature has "{T}: This creature deals 1 damage to any target." / Equip {3}
LRRbot: Supreme Will [2U] | Instant | Choose one — / • Counter target spell unless its controller pays {3}. / • Look at the top four cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
measureofhope subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Thanks for subscribing, measureofhope! (Today's storm count: 52)
LRRbot: Bonder's Ornament [3] | Artifact | {T}: Add one mana of any color. / {4}, {T}: Each player who controls a permanent named Bonder's Ornament draws a card.
LRRbot: Fledgling Djinn [1B] | Creature — Djinn [2/2] | Flying / At the beginning of your upkeep, Fledgling Djinn deals 1 damage to you.
MoxleyUnhinged: good old Jim
johnnylongtorso: it is I, Bonder! I am fine, give the lady ten dollars!
MoxleyUnhinged: no one expect the Fledgeling Djinn-quisition
rogerivany: Bonder? Bonder?
definenull: rip Jim
neisan2112: He's got a sol ring, he don't need that mana
jacqui_lantern234: rip Jim
dabudder: love that moment in ISTTVG where they're talking about missing equipment opportunities
Sorator13: and another Jim bites the bow
dabudder: there *is* still time
StreamTeam3000: lifegain with the 2 drop
StreamTeam3000: judge :D^^
LRRbot: Angel of Despair [3WWBB] | Creature — Angel [5/5] | Flying / When Angel of Despair enters, destroy target permanent.
MoxleyUnhinged: *funky Queen bassline*
WHICH Pair?!
MoxleyUnhinged: dis pair
definenull: oh that would be so spicy with yorion
micalovits: What is this, a SC2 meme?
LRRbot: Olivia's Bloodsworn [1B] | Creature — Vampire Soldier [2/1] | Flying / Olivia's Bloodsworn can't block. / {R}: Target Vampire gains haste until end of turn.
Fruan: Angel AND Olivia? What a star studded game.
MoxleyUnhinged: I’m once again asking you to play Angle of Dispair
LRRbot: Outmuscle [3G] | Sorcery | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control, then it fights target creature you don't control. / Adamant — If at least three green mana was spent to cast this spell, the creature you control gains indestructible until end of turn.
dabudder: olivias bloodsworn? i mean thats a pretty archaic way to refer to brian kibler but i guess if thats what you wanna call him
Simonark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
Simonark: Linear time goes up, huh? Who knew?
Thanks for subscribing, Simonark! (Today's storm count: 53)
definenull: welp
definenull: why doesnt the bow give reach
it's a shortbow
MichaelSnowbird: Flies fly
CrossXhunteR: was wheeler on the draft cam tonight?
dabudder: next round is the talking simulator round
RecursiveAcronym: @CrossXhunteR graham and nelson
chrono2x: @CrossXhunteR Graham and Nelson
Diabore: started early, 2 hours in and the draft plus 2 rounds done
MichaelSnowbird: I need a goblin card that attacks with scissors
chrono2x: Oh hey, it is the new year. Time to start my annual rewatch of RoadQuest
dabudder: @chrono2x wow thats crazy. Hey, when was the last time you saw a road quest?
neisan2112: @chrono2x I haven't done that in a while, I should do that too.
chrono2x: @dabudder Around the beginning of last year or so
holidayMD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 129 months, currently on a 129 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, holidayMD! (Today's storm count: 54)
@chrono2x cmon you didnt even do the bit
djalternative: chat, I tuned out for dinner. is this fresh break or has it been a bit?
Jadaris subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Jadaris! (Today's storm count: 55)
Marvoleath: @djalternative 3 mins in
djalternative: thanks
chrono2x: @dabudder I was so confused for a moment and then it came to me....5 minutes ago
MichaelSnowbird is paying forward the Gift they got from RecursiveAcronym to the community!
MichaelSnowbird is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 115 in the channel!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to KringusWringus!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to wandering_t!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to MisterCobble!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to multeyemeteor!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to JoeKim!
Thanks for the gifts, MichaelSnowbird! Welcome to KringusWringus, MisterCobble, wandering_t, multeyemeteor, and JoeKim! (Today's storm count: 60)
KaleidoscopeMind: the talking sim showdown
definenull: You can't just throw bone on stream
an_archist2: the finale of not a drop to drink!
MichaelSnowbird: Englissshhhh is haaaard
djalternative: final round is in the LRR After Dark programming block
Simonark: I was edified earlier today, should I leave?
letsbelgo: cori's pocket has a hole in it
djalternative: regular LRR goes off the air
LRRbot: Halimar Depths | Land | Halimar Depths enters tapped. / When Halimar Depths enters, look at the top three cards of your library, then put them back in any order. / {T}: Add {U}.
LRRbot: Urborg Volcano | Land | Urborg Volcano enters tapped. / {T}: Add {B} or {R}.
jacqui_lantern234: ERMERGERD
TehAmelie: yeah looking at your next draws always seemed more depressing than tactical to me
Larkonus: WUBRG Volcano?
vinopinguino: got em
GasCityGaming: excellent card with that - "Murk Lurker"
an_archist2: and make them kiss?
LRRbot: Cabal Ritual [1B] | Instant | Add {B}{B}{B}. / Threshold — Add {B}{B}{B}{B}{B} instead if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.
LRRbot: Spectral Sliver [2B] | Creature — Sliver Spirit [2/2] | All Sliver creatures have "{2}: This creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn."
Voidhawk42: None of those words are in the bible
TheDevil_Risen: WHEELER
djalternative: securities fraud! all the cool influencers are doing it!
CompleatedPinkie: Loved Halimar Depths back when I ran a Yuriko EDH deck.
PhorrestGaze: that's what they all say
Desruprot: oh a sliver
superdude097: Good joke Wheeler
LRRbot: Crypt Sliver [1B] | Creature — Sliver [1/1] | All Slivers have "{T}: Regenerate target Sliver."
PongoSapiens subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
PongoSapiens: Wait, what, almost 11 years?
Thanks for subscribing, PongoSapiens! (Today's storm count: 61)
definenull: No cameron
jacqui_lantern234: CAM NO
neisan2112: CAM NO
TheDevil_Risen: hahah Cam
onetrueseth: Cam, we're pivoting to AI remember?
Blip2004: someone tried that, without wizards approval
Fruan: The Blockchain is EXACTLY like magic in that it doesn't work.
micalovits: I am canceling my Patreon subscription right now
adamshandy: D:
offbeatwitch: blockchain is when you order your blockers correctly
redpandrake: D:
Quentoxic: Instead of serialized cards we get NFTs
niccus: remember mtgox
definenull: What a subtweet
adept_nekomancer: It's a Crypt Sliver, not a Crypto Sliver
LSV never committed fraud with crypto
LRRbot: Junkyard Genius [1BR] | Creature — Human Artificer [2/2] | When Junkyard Genius enters, create a tapped Powerstone token. / {1}{B}{R}, Sacrifice another creature or artifact: Until end of turn, other creatures you control get +1/+0 and gain menace and haste.
djalternative: mtgox baby!
@offbeatwitch The changed it with foundation! no more ordering blockers
offbeatwitch: HUH
vinopinguino: does anyone else hear a guitar riff everytime a powerstone is created?
definenull: You heard it here first, mtg got rid of the block chain
FaB is all about the chain
LRRbot: Grim Hireling [3B] | Creature — Tiefling Rogue [3/2] | Whenever one or more creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, create two Treasure tokens. / {B}, Sacrifice X Treasures: Target creature gets −X/−X until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
goombalax: @vinopinguino I hear the opening of the 1999 anime
Dog_of_Myth: I thought that was Fleetwood Mac @TheDevil_Risen
TehAmelie: i'm shocked there hasn't been a card called Block Chain
Bah weep granah weep nini bong to one and all
definenull: And also with you!
TheWriterAleph: lil yunky
Sogheim: wait, the treasures don't enter tapped?
Sogheim: busted
LRRbot: Surgical Skullbomb [1] | Artifact | {1}, Sacrifice Surgical Skullbomb: Draw a card. / {2}{U}, Sacrifice Surgical Skullbomb: Return target creature to its owner's hand. Draw a card. Activate only as a sorcery.
Robot_Bones: Bah weep granah weep nini bong (hands out energon)
LRRbot: Signal Pest [1] | Artifact Creature — Pest [0/1] | Battle cry / Signal Pest can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.
MoxleyUnhinged: i would love to thank cam for getting me back in Apoptygma Berzerk. my Spotify algorithm is gonna be wild now
LRRbot: Ruthless Knave [2B] | Creature — Orc Pirate [3/2] | {2}{B}, Sacrifice a creature: Create two Treasure tokens. / Sacrifice three Treasures: Draw a card.
TehAmelie: knight is supposed to be pronounced with the K, but what about knave?
definenull: Wheeler no!
100viewbots: It's my treasure and I want it NOW
TehAmelie: wow your mom lets you have untapped treasure?
onetrueseth: Its like a call to JG wentworth
MoxleyUnhinged: Wheeler YES
My treasure enters the bank account tapped
johnnylongtorso: Cameron is the 1%
Robot_Bones: watch out, he almost has enough for Iona
LRRbot: Chainer's Edict [1B] | Sorcery | Target player sacrifices a creature of their choice. / Flashback {5}{B}{B}
LRRbot: Nezumi Prowler [1B] | Artifact Creature — Rat Ninja [3/1] | Ninjutsu {1}{B} / When Nezumi Prowler enters, target creature you control gains deathtouch and lifelink until end of turn.
LoadingReadyRun: Since the release of Foundation you don't need to assign blockers in a chain anymore
bsudo: Former white rock resident. Can confirm. That place was sketch.
LRRbot: Vendetta [B] | Instant | Destroy target nonblack creature. It can't be regenerated. You lose life equal to that creature's toughness.
Stormgod519: oops
100viewbots: Oh...
vinopinguino: oof for vendetta
MoxleyUnhinged: oh no my boy!
definenull: Nooo nashi
Crazyginder22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Crazyginder22! (Today's storm count: 62)
TehAmelie: ooh i just remembered Foundation the TV show is free to stream at the moment
MoxleyUnhinged: I adored the adaptation for Foundation
LoadingReadyRun: oh right! Free AppleTV this weekend
Jaolen: serge was just…clueless
GasCityGaming: ooo Foundations omniscience draft on Arena right now
vinopinguino: damn
100viewbots: Cloods, flueds
Bruceski: @bsudo Wait, I came in after whatever gave this context, which White Rock? Because if it's NM we have very different ideas of sketch.
adamshandy: @Jaolen ayy
LRRbot: Skull Raid [3B] | Sorcery | Target opponent discards two cards. If fewer than two cards were discarded this way, you draw cards equal to the difference. / Foretell {1}{B}
LRRbot: Vendetta [B] | Instant | Destroy target nonblack creature. It can't be regenerated. You lose life equal to that creature's toughness.
MoxleyUnhinged: Sergey Skull Raid
TehAmelie: surgical skull raid sounds terrifying
100viewbots: Did not raise that one from a baby
CompleatedPinkie: @Bruceski Probably the one in BC, as Wheeler said they were very near it.
definenull: follow or cause a trail of destruction?
noSmokeFire: HELL yeah
KWardJenx: awkward...
A1_Saucy: and then Chris Pine jumped on the train
Marvoleath: was the town ruined before?
Gekyouryuu: Was the town ruined BEFORE the barge got there?
Voidhawk42: "...have you guys seen a forge coming this way?" *death stares from villagers*
neisan2112: THE One PIece?
Bruceski: @CompleatedPinkie Oh good, then I don't have to fight anyone. White Rock NM is basically suburbia commuter town but without anything else within ten miles. Just the next patch of mesa flat enough to build anything on.
neisan2112: Its REAL?
Stormgod519: WHAT?!?
Stormgod519: Ayyyyy
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
TehAmelie: imagine, before the iron age starmetal was real. if you got some meteorite iron you were a legend
Robot_Bones: Yo ho, Ho Ho
CrossXhunteR: this is a family friendly show. for the 12 year olds
Mr_Bitterness: I've only watched the One Piece Live Action
djalternative: cam, that book’s been going for 25 years
Decaped: Piracy is the answer to every question.
adamshandy: all of LRRs 12 year old unfollowing
TheWriterAleph: he chose... poorly
vinopinguino: have you looked at jesus christ lately?
MoxleyUnhinged: i would take the ornate, bloodstained, runed dagger.
A1_Saucy: anyone that has played Stardew knows the carpenter is raking in the $$$
QuixoticScrivener: Earring Magic Ken’s Necklace
LRRbot: Surgical Skullbomb [1] | Artifact | {1}, Sacrifice Surgical Skullbomb: Draw a card. / {2}{U}, Sacrifice Surgical Skullbomb: Return target creature to its owner's hand. Draw a card. Activate only as a sorcery.
LRRbot: Urborg Volcano | Land | Urborg Volcano enters tapped. / {T}: Add {B} or {R}.
Mr_Bitterness: It's gonna be nothing but half-remembered memes in the nursing home in 30 years
LRRbot: Spectral Sliver [2B] | Creature — Sliver Spirit [2/2] | All Sliver creatures have "{2}: This creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn."
LRRbot: Unholy Heat [R] | Instant | Unholy Heat deals 2 damage to target creature or planeswalker. / Delirium — Unholy Heat deals 6 damage instead if there are four or more card types among cards in your graveyard.
MoxleyUnhinged: *flamenco dances* haht haht haht
johnnylongtorso: 90 years old, drooling into my oatmeal and mumbling Homestar Runner quotes
CrossXhunteR: is this game 2 of the round?
Gekyouryuu: so Willbender
definenull: its always willbender
Cam deserved I believe
gundamschwing: I am the man who skibs
letsbelgo: willbender
h3rsh3yb4r: magneto
Stormgod519: Willbender... right?
raulghoulia: Magik
Riiiiiiis: I like Mr X
MoxleyUnhinged: Morbius?
Ukon_Cairns: chromeshell crab
Bruceski: Spider-Man counts, right?
LRRbot: Tempest Caller [2UU] | Creature — Merfolk Wizard [2/3] | When Tempest Caller enters, tap all creatures target opponent controls.
ThirdGames: I like Magik
TehAmelie: i like Rogue
Stormgod519: @Ukon_Cairns if it were chromeshell crab they would've said it
my favorite ex-man is me, once I can finally get HRT going
Robot_Bones: Then you're gonna love Glob
adamshandy: "did I ever tell you of the time I met trogdor, the burninator.. it was the summer of 2003.."
RabbitGrrrl: But doctor, I am the storm
djalternative: X-Man is my favorite. no, I’m not making that name up
LRRbot: Aphetto Exterminator [2B] | Creature — Human Wizard [3/1] | Morph {3}{B} / When Aphetto Exterminator is turned face up, target creature gets −3/−3 until end of turn.
micalovits: Rude
TheAwkes: A 2/3 that makes everyone go back inside for a minute.
Stormgod519: HOLY MOLY!
definenull: FOUND IT
micalovits: Woooo!
TheAwkes: $$$$
Stormgod519: das a rare one
TehAmelie: on second thought, Deadpool is my favorite X-Man based on the movies
Fruan: Is that still a $10 dollar token?
tehfewl: Yeah
MoxleyUnhinged: squeet!
YeetTheRich_: huge hit
LRRbot: Cabal Ritual [1B] | Instant | Add {B}{B}{B}. / Threshold — Add {B}{B}{B}{B}{B} instead if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.
LRRbot: Body Double [4U] | Creature — Shapeshifter [0/0] | You may have Body Double enter as a copy of any creature card in a graveyard.
Robot_Bones: The tempest let it go to voice mail
LRRbot: Mayhem Devil [1BR] | Creature — Devil [3/3] | Whenever a player sacrifices a permanent, Mayhem Devil deals 1 damage to any target.
Stormgod519: uh oh
Riiiiiiis: @LoadingReadyRun shouldn't there be a muffin on Cam's side?
definenull: mayhem devil is so good nowadays
Skye_Stryke: That token costs almost as much as the Fable that makes it lmao
LRRbot: Chainer's Edict [1B] | Sorcery | Target player sacrifices a creature of their choice. / Flashback {5}{B}{B}
StreamTeam3000: Which is the foil Future Side Card in the graveyard?
LRRbot: Besmirch [1RR] | Sorcery | Until end of turn, gain control of target creature and it gains haste. Untap and goad that creature.
StreamTeam3000: Below chainers edi t?
zelukester subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months, currently on a 22 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, zelukester! (Today's storm count: 63)
LRRbot: Maestros' Totally Safe Hideout | Land | Land casualty 2 / Maestros' Totally Safe Hideout enters the battlefield tapped. / {T}: Add {U}, {B}, or {R}.
definenull: oohhhh
RezKid75: just tuned in.. what is happening so far??
TehAmelie: so the flavor of Besmirch is, you roast your opponent so hard their creature turns on them?
Mindfire13: Seems like a good Dimir mechanic
raulghoulia: !card anhelo
LRRbot: Anhelo, the Painter [UBR] | Legendary Creature — Vampire Assassin [1/3] | Deathtouch / The first instant or sorcery spell you cast each turn has casualty 2.
LRRbot: Havoc Demon [5BB] | Creature — Demon [5/5] | Flying / When Havoc Demon dies, all creatures get −5/−5 until end of turn.
Nickiatori: @RezKid75 they talked about crypto and found out that the highlander players are innocent
neisan2112: Causality Ob is one of my favorite walkers. He's just sweet
Skye_Stryke: The way that land is worded can you chain sacrifice into more lands?
RezKid75: that play seemed harsh lol
CaptainSpam: So... mayhem is *devils*, havoc is *demons*. I see.
Skye_Stryke: Like does the token also get the casualty option
adamshandy: you're making it very hard to stay
Riiiiiiis: pleassseeee don't go away
dabudder: please let paul table friend
Kentosaurus: paul finally gets to be friend
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
Gurtiess: lmao that cutt off
Fruan: Perfect cut
Mr_Bitterness: We all need Paul
adamshandy: "PAUL WE NEED YOU"
TristalMTG: lol
Riiiiiiis: loæ
KaleidoscopeMind: great cut
micalovits: Denied by Paul
letsbelgo: dead
zeathean: excellent cut
TehAmelie: i just heard "Paul we need you"
tehfewl: Good cut
terribleplan: GG, Paul
TehAmelie: checks out
onetrueseth: The line went dead. Cam!
TheDevil_Risen: !adult
LRRbot: I need an adult!
definenull: has paul ever table friend-ed?
adamshandy: perfectly cut paul out
micalovits: We all need Paul
TheDevil_Risen: !advice
LRRbot: Don't punch the fire box.
lirazel64: Hijinks ensue.
Paul retains title of funniest member
dabudder: cmonnnnn bring paul out for the table friending
RezKid75: i been watching them on their youtube posts for years now and have only ever caught one Let's Nope stream and now this lol
coachNelly: dinger round three ended before I got home
Does any1 know which foil Futureside Card they opened? And can @ mein msg?
Marvoleath: @Skye_Stryke well, casualty is on cast, so it does not work within rules, but I assume it would be on "play" instead, so only once. However, as worded - yes, you would be able to sacrifice for each
Marvoleath: @StreamTeam3000 they had gravedigger's cage
dabudder: @coachNelly wheeler somehow managed to 2-0 AGAIN. wasnt even playing
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to coachNelly! They have given 2905 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, coachNelly! (Today's storm count: 64)
coachNelly: whattaguy
coachNelly: hey thanks
MoxleyUnhinged: Nelloo!
RezKid75: i'm mainly a fan of Let's Nope and some board / card games.. sometimes MTG but haven't really played for the past couple years..
dabudder: anyways back to balatro
dabudder: cant believe they allowed this game to come onto mobile
MoxleyUnhinged: I’m knitting chainmail while watching - this is dope
definenull: knitting chainmail?!? *that* sounds dope
ooh graham on tech joke reminds me i get to finish watching Monikers later
nymistrya: @RezKid75 With Foundations having just dropped its a great time to get back into the ol draft mines. Standard is also in a great spot right now
andrew632: !song
MoxleyUnhinged: i play with swords and forges for a hobby, its my wind down as the forge does its thing
andrew632: d'oh
Jaolen: sadly i think we’re closer to Aetherdrift release than Foundations release
Marvoleath: Foundations will last for at least 5 years though
Fruan: Card games on motorcycles!
djalternative: we’re even closer to innistrad remastered
RezKid75: @nymistrya thing is.. my play group fell apart cuz of legal troubles.. some criminal activity.. and now it's just me basically and i have no way of traveling to my LGS.. so i dropped it.. no one to play with..
MoxleyUnhinged: the 40*C outside heat isn’t fun though
TheDevil_Risen: welcome back!
Quentoxic: Round plaid
oo matching shirts!
Xerodin: thats not paul
sporkraptor: it's the Plaid Round!
TheWriterAleph: we are spoiled
BlueFingers5: plaid gang
ThirdGames: The Plaid Lads
Marvoleath: mono plaid
flyman347: flannel party
MoxleyUnhinged: Arena is a good way to get back into it @rezkid75 - or even TableTopSim
KaleidoscopeMind: that's not paul!
Frankenstain: They've gone to Plaid!
MarkovDescendant: 12° down here in FL
lirazel64: Look at all that plaid!
Saintnex: The plaid cre
Nickiatori: wheres Paul?
rogerivany: The Lumberjack round
TheWriterAleph: oh my god... they've gone PLAID
We are lumberjacks and we don't care
Diabore: graham looks real cozy
adamshandy: checks notes, yup, all plaid
Graham, I guess you haven't been to an LGS for a while, but typically 8 player drafts are only 3 rounds
RezKid75: @MoxleyUnhinged lol i don't have a pc or tablet and my phone is a cheap walmart that can
definenull: BEN NO
sporkraptor: gather the magicking
Dog_of_Myth: BEN
Serpens77: BEN
Melfina__: Ben....
Sorator13: ben?
Saintnex: BEN pls
RezKid75: @MoxleyUnhinged can't handle it lol
singinnonsense: we are OK ?
Nickiatori: BEN
TheAwkes: May the best jacker win!
Stormgod519: oh no Serge...
KWardJenx: How is it Ben said that and Not Serge?
Stormgod519: ayyyy
dabudder: serge has brough the anti companion cage deck
LRRbot: Joraga Treespeaker [G] | Creature — Elf Druid [1/1] | Level up {1}{G} / LEVEL 1-4 / 1/2 / {T}: Add {G}{G}. / LEVEL 5+ / 1/4 / Elves you control have "{T}: Add {G}{G}."
Stormgod519: classic
flyman347: saw serges first picks, this it’s gonna be gross
DeM0nFiRe: "straight lumberjorkin it. And by it... hehehe.. well let's just say trees"
Fruan: Remember, a player can concede at any time.
MarkovDescendant: It's okay Ben. Ain't never is a double negative. You're safe.
LRRbot: Mistmeadow Skulk [1W] | Creature — Kithkin Rogue [1/1] | Lifelink, protection from mana value 3 or greater
TheDevil_Risen: Level Up : Underrated mechanic IMO
Diabore: whats a cmc? thats mana value serge
MichaelSnowbird: Oh Oh Graham in the chair. Everyone be on your best behavior. .... Kidding. let chaos reign.
LRRbot: Werebear [1G] | Creature — Human Bear Druid [1/1] | {T}: Add {G}. / Threshold — Werebear gets +3/+3 as long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard.
Diabore: therebear
TheDevil_Risen: BEAR!
Serpens77: Wherebear? Therebear
Dog_of_Myth: Yes!
PhorrestGaze: Here!
tehfewl: Bear arms
LRRbot: Nomad Outpost | Land | Nomad Outpost enters tapped. / {T}: Add {R}, {W}, or {B}.
Mr_Bitterness: All this glorious ramp
RezKid75: i miss MTG in general.. draft, sealed, standard, commander... anything lol
Marvoleath: bear bear bear, bear!
LRRbot: Knight of Lost Causes [WW] | Creature — Human Knight [2/2] | Vigilance / As long as you are way behind, Knight of Lost Causes gets +3/+3 and has indestructible.
QuixoticScrivener: better than swearbear
MichaelSnowbird: Beads.. ist not that kind of stream is it?
Sorator13: Oh hey, Jude!
vinopinguino: man its like a card made for me
Sorator13: pre-sainthood
GredGredmansson: so once you are way behind, you stay way behind for the remainder for the turn
GredGredmansson: read the card serge
RezKid75: i'm all for team Bengineering!!
Sorator13: no serge, read the text again
coachNelly: until the next turn
CrossXhunteR: "as long as"
GredGredmansson: "during this turn"
Diabore: it loses it end of turn, but if you qualify you have it until end of turn
Sorator13: If you no longer become way behind, then the effect expires at end of turn
terribleplan: Check at all points, but then goes away when the turn ends
TheAwkes: It can turn on during any turn, and it turns off at the end of that turn.
GredGredmansson: and then comes back at the start of the next turn
Bruceski: turns on instantly, but turns off at end of turn
RezKid75: so who is all playing in this format??
micalovits: Its a weird static ability
Sorator13: yeah, it's not static
GredGredmansson: playtest cards!
Sorator13: or it's a weird static
chrono2x: triggered?
coachNelly: it’s static?
Jaolen: it’s static, but it’s super weird
adamshandy: it is a plastic ability
Sorator13: it's not static in the way serge thought it was static
GredGredmansson: Its not even an ability, its a state
QuixoticScrivener: so it doesn’t die to marked damage
Diabore: playtest card
vinopinguino: its not even a real card lol
Vargen_HK: it’s like Ascend/coty’s blessing, except it can go away at end of turn instead of lasting the whole game
Kejardon: better at not dieing to damage after combat
PhorrestGaze: It has hysteresis
djalternative: it’s kinda like ascend, always checking
Vargen_HK: *city’s
couchboyj: Staticish
PhlibbertyGib: It's like a turn-specific city's blessing, except it considers life total, hand sizes, or creatures So not like city's blessing actually
MichaelSnowbird: You lost me at " I play Knight Of Lost Causes"
coachNelly: it’s kinda like ascend that has to check every turn
LRRbot: Karstoderm [2GG] | Creature — Beast [0/0] | Karstoderm enters with five +1/+1 counters on it. / Whenever an artifact enters, remove a +1/+1 counter from Karstoderm.
RezKid75: i like Serge's deck name lol
ThirdGames: OG Mirrodin block, my beloved
chrono2x: Serge just needs to make 5 treasures this turn
LRRbot: Sunscape Familiar [1W] | Creature — Wall [0/3] | Defender / Green spells and blue spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
Diabore: serge could also just block forever
TheAwkes: Karstoderm is an... unpleasant creature.
LRRbot: Volcanic Spite [1R] | Instant | Volcanic Spite deals 3 damage to target creature, planeswalker, or battle. You may put a card from your hand on the bottom of your library. If you do, draw a card.
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahahah Paul
QuixoticScrivener: love me some familiars
MrGibberish: What happens if karst enter with counter doubling enchantment in effect?
ghizmou: both players could technically be way behind
RezKid75: i believe this is a stalemate? somehow?
TheDevil_Risen: To determine if you are way behind, check the game state as it was at any point during the current turn, regardless of whether Knight of Lost Causes was on the battlefield at that time. For example, if you control one creature and an opponent controls four, then you play Knight of Lost Causes going up to two creatures, you are way behind this turn because, at some point in the past the turn, that opponent controlled three creatures more than you.[1]
Marvoleath: the knoght has actual rulling on gatherer / scrfall
LRRbot: Varchild, Betrayer of Kjeldor [2R] | Legendary Creature — Human Knight [3/3] | Whenever Varchild, Betrayer of Kjeldor deals combat damage to a player, that player creates that many 1/1 red Survivor creature tokens. / Survivors your opponents control can't block, and they can't attack you or planeswalkers you control. / When Varchild leaves the battlefield, gain control of all Survivors.
Diabore: the shields are down... ow ow hes hitting me with the shield
TheDevil_Risen: reference : WTOC website
LRRbot: Neutralize [1UU] | Instant | Counter target spell. / Cycling {2}
GredGredmansson: i forgot Survivor was a creature type BEFORE Duskmourn
TehAmelie: hmm a good card to prevent the opponent from getting way behind on creatures
Fruan: Beware the interaction with Changlings
RezKid75: lol it gives kind of useless creatures then takes them away
TehAmelie: (until you get all the tokens)
Marvoleath: @GredGredmansson it goes waaay back
DragonMZ: @Fruan oh thats hilarious
Sorator13: @Fruan Oh. OH wow.
GredGredmansson: i didn't remember that playtest card and I love it
TheDevil_Risen: its a cool card
Diabore: #way-behind
GredGredmansson: my favorite new playtest card is Subgoyf
Marvoleath: @GredGredmansson alliances to be specific, the original Varchild's card
LRRbot: Wall of Glare [1W] | Creature — Wall [0/5] | Defender / Wall of Glare can block any number of creatures.
micalovits: Serge wasn't kidding with his deckname
Sorator13: ah, good ol' hundred-hands
johnnylongtorso: wall tribal is an interesting tactic
MarkovDescendant: What was the surviving creature on Serge's side last combat?
Kejardon: Just add a roof to the deck, and you can make your own home
RezKid75: @micalovits fr fr lolz
rogerivany: I love drafting the wall deck when there is one.
Jaolen: is that wingmantle chaplain in MB2?
nightsreach: is there indestructible in the format?
GredGredmansson: @MarkovDescendant mIstmeadow skulk, pro MV3+
LoadingReadyRun: Shaka, When the Serge's Deck Fell
LRRbot: Flame Javelin [{2/R}{2/R}{2/R}] | Instant | Flame Javelin deals 4 damage to any target.
MarkovDescendant: @GredGredmansson Thank you!
LRRbot: Mystic Sanctuary | Land — Island | Mystic Sanctuary enters tapped unless you control three or more other Islands. / When Mystic Sanctuary enters untapped, you may put target instant or sorcery card from your graveyard on top of your library.
RezKid75: i may have dropped this game couple years ago but when i see cards pop up my brain starts thinking of the benefits and interactions lolz
Diabore: wait wait serge, do you have 3 islands for that? just wanna check
adamshandy: !card mistmeadow skulk
LRRbot: Mistmeadow Skulk [1W] | Creature — Kithkin Rogue [1/1] | Lifelink, protection from mana value 3 or greater
ekplayscards: home status = not going
Kejardon: Mystic Sanctuary in a 3-color deck
Sorator13: They could attack a Battle if Ben has one
anti balance tech is devious
singinnonsense: they could attack Ben's planeswalkers I guess
LRRbot: Collector Ouphe [1G] | Creature — Ouphe [2/2] | Activated abilities of artifacts can't be activated.
definenull: OOF
TheDevil_Risen: Withe Border OOF
RezKid75: "big oof"
CawfeeCorvus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CawfeeCorvus! (Today's storm count: 65)
DragonMZ: @singinnonsense varchild also stops attacking PWs
Marvoleath: @singinnonsense that's not an option, as specified by the card
LRRbot: Wrath of Leknif [1WWU] | Sorcery | Destroy all creatures. They can't be regenerated. Untap up to four lands you control.
definenull: oh right this one
micalovits: Eeewww
Sorator13: Leknif, Serge. Leknif.
GredGredmansson: Skulk isn't destroyed serge
LRRbot: Consuming Aberration [3UB] | Creature — Horror [*/*] | Consuming Aberration's power and toughness are each equal to the number of cards in your opponents' graveyards. / Whenever you cast a spell, each opponent reveals cards from the top of their library until they reveal a land card, then puts those cards into their graveyard.
definenull: ruh roh this one is a banger
letsbelgo: ok
QuixoticScrivener: not survivors
HadesLeprechaun: commander all star!
Voidhawk42: Ah yes, the card Finkel submitted and they said HAHA NO
Juliamon: my beloved horror bug!
Sorator13: Oh true, Skulk should still be on the field, I think
coachNelly: I take it back original shadowmage is more brutal
GredGredmansson: oh wait nm that's not how protection works
GredGredmansson: AGH I FELL FOR IT
northos: protection doesn't prevent being destroyed by a non-targeted effect like Wrath. the Skulk dying is correct
Sorator13: does it not? ugh I'm rusty
coachNelly: ha Paul got got
GredGredmansson: I'M SORRY
CrossXhunteR: ooh, i feel like we don't see this color D20 often
coachNelly: good work chat
LRRbot: Starting Town NPC [2G] | Creature — Human Peasant [3/3] | Each creature card in your hand has a {1}{G} Adventure sorcery named Fetch Herbs with "You gain 2 life." / Each creature card you cast from exile enters the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it.
Sorator13: sorry ;-;
northos: oh I love this card
PhorrestGaze: never listen to chat
coachNelly: love you Paul ♥️
heyo @coachNelly
coachNelly: ntnt
Sorator13: That's excellent
definenull: excellent behavioiur
adamshandy: god, those adventure commanders could really do with this card
LRRbot: Eldrazi Skyspawner [2U] | Creature — Eldrazi Drone [2/1] | Devoid / Flying / When Eldrazi Skyspawner enters, create a 1/1 colorless Eldrazi Scion creature token. It has "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}."
Sorator13: Scion, not Spawn
Dog_of_Myth: YES
LRRbot: Avacyn's Collar, the Symbol of Her Church [1W] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature can't attack, block, or transform, and its activated abilities can't be activated. / Shackle {3}
Sorator13: "shackle" wow
Kejardon: do you have the mana for that collar?
GredGredmansson: Werewolves hate it!
BITs19_: unironically, I hope to see Shackle on a regular card
DragonMZ: Good comeback
Sorator13: Very good comeback
TheDevil_Risen: i love that card. my poor wolves!
superdude097: Oh yeah, the collar doesn't auto-equip
GredGredmansson: @BITs19_ Equipment you can attach to enemy creatures!
couchboyj: As a Werewolf, HOW DARE.
Mr_Bitterness: Yeah gotta cast, then equip
Naarius: Muppet Plaidsman
raulghoulia: what's the flavor text that that card is referencing?
RezKid75: everyone matching lol
TehAmelie: super pacifism, more like locked-in syndrome
adamshandy: oh, fell for it, I got so plaid
MarkovDescendant: The Scootsmen have gone to Plaid!
micalovits: It probably didn't matter much
h3rsh3yb4r: It's Plaido
QuixoticScrivener: plaid snuggy?
DeM0nFiRe: It is day 44. The other lumberjacks still do not suspect I am not one of them
GredGredmansson: Because its really awkwardly worded
GredGredmansson: "werewolf"
northos: it's overexplained flavor text
northos: "do you get it? DO YOU GET IT?!"
Voidhawk42: Because it says a joke, and then explictly explains it.
GredGredmansson: "she died and i never saw here again"
TheWriterAleph: mtg cards are known for their elegant flavor text. orrrr for their horribly awkward flavor text
superdude097: It would have been great flavor text if it stopped at "Werewolves hate a collar."
GredGredmansson: or wait is that madame web or kraven
h3rsh3yb4r: they could have just written "every werewolf hates a collar"
Mr_Bitterness: He was with my mother when she died in the rain forest photographing spiders
varmintx0: I bet the dude in the red flannel will win.
CrossXhunteR: how is the temp in the studio, in the never ending battle between Air conditioning, closed doors to prevent sound leaking, and studio lights (which might not be too hot anymore?)?
LRRbot: Seal of Fire [R] | Enchantment | Sacrifice Seal of Fire: It deals 2 damage to any target.
Ukon_Cairns: a bit "i know some authors who use subtext and they're all cowards"
LRRbot: Seaside Citadel | Land | Seaside Citadel enters tapped. / {T}: Add {G}, {W}, or {U}.
CrossXhunteR: cool not-triome
MoxleyUnhinged: Werewolves hate this one trick! tap to see what it is!
LRRbot: Collector Ouphe [1G] | Creature — Ouphe [2/2] | Activated abilities of artifacts can't be activated.
RezKid75: so this one time at my LGS i frequented.. my brother played a simic defender deck with colossus of akros as a win con.. his opponents laughed at it until it turned monstrous lolz
adamshandy: Mox Mox would probably be a strong card
OOF Club was this morning.
LRRbot: Mystic Sanctuary | Land — Island | Mystic Sanctuary enters tapped unless you control three or more other Islands. / When Mystic Sanctuary enters untapped, you may put target instant or sorcery card from your graveyard on top of your library.
Marvoleath: but why was the rain forest photographic spiders?
GredGredmansson: I swear there was another line from a recent film, might have been Kraven? "He died, and I never saw him again."
LRRbot: Burrenton Forge-Tender [W] | Creature — Kithkin Wizard [1/1] | Protection from red / Sacrifice Burrenton Forge-Tender: Prevent all damage a red source of your choice would deal this turn.
Diabore: a what kin?
GreatGodOm: I like calling it Ma damn web!
adamshandy: man, this was such a SB card
coachNelly: that card has won Cedric Phillips so many games
LoadingReadyRun: get those Forge Tendies
GredGredmansson: we're returning to Lorwyn in 2026, reminder
Sorator13: Could be worse. Could be Circle of Protection.
LRRbot: Heraldic Banner [3] | Artifact | As this artifact enters, choose a color. / Creatures you control of the chosen color get +1/+0. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.
nic_nax96: I need serge to say the creature type of this card again....for science
raulghoulia: I guess <shrugs>
@GredGredmansson sadly not 2025
LRRbot: Avacyn's Collar, the Symbol of Her Church [1W] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature can't attack, block, or transform, and its activated abilities can't be activated. / Shackle {3}
RezKid75: also.. my brother was the reason genesis hydra was sold out at my LGS cuz he was one of the last games running and everyone saw how he played it lolz
definenull: you totally did
RezKid75: when it was in standard
Sorator13: lol
gibbousm: its a Shacklefism
Sorator13: @RezKid75 that's hilarious
TheDevil_Risen: oops. Magic is Hard
dm818: should serge have a win counter?
djalternative: Chicken Tender = money chickens use
Kejardon: cannot shackle this ouphe
Sorator13: Serge should have a muffin, yeah
tehfewl: Rusty shacklefism
Sorator13: there we go!
Serpens77: Not reading the card doesn't explain the card
GredGredmansson: Serge is now currently "way behind"
TehAmelie: oubliettefism
rosesmcgee: Reading the card... something something. I get the gist.
adamshandy: !card cage of hands
LRRbot: Cage of Hands [2W] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant creature / Enchanted creature can't attack or block. / {1}{W}: Return Cage of Hands to its owner's hand.
MoxleyUnhinged: Aw-ooof!
Fruan: Rusty Shacklefism was my highschool gym teacher
RezKid75: my bro also ran tribal minotaurs back around theros standard after ravnica.. he stomped someone and they called out to everyone he was running such a thing lol i miss him
LRRbot: Flame Javelin [{2/R}{2/R}{2/R}] | Instant | Flame Javelin deals 4 damage to any target.
TheDevil_Risen: @Fruan hahaha
LRRbot: Maddening Hex [1RR] | Enchantment — Aura Curse | Enchant player / Whenever enchanted player casts a noncreature spell, roll a d6. Maddening Hex deals damage to that player equal to the result. Then attach Maddening Hex to another one of your opponents chosen at random.
definenull: whoah
LRRbot: Neutralize [1UU] | Instant | Counter target spell. / Cycling {2}
coachNelly: dinger
HadesLeprechaun: one of my favorite commander cards
h3rsh3yb4r: i think Rusty Shacklefism is a colleague of Oliver Tindall
LRRbot: Knight of Lost Causes [WW] | Creature — Human Knight [2/2] | Vigilance / As long as you are way behind, Knight of Lost Causes gets +3/+3 and has indestructible.
GredGredmansson: 5/5 Vigilance Indestructible
TehAmelie: "technically not removed from the game" ifism
LRRbot: Gaddock Teeg [GW] | Legendary Creature — Kithkin Advisor [2/2] | Noncreature spells with mana value 4 or greater can't be cast. / Noncreature spells with {X} in their mana costs can't be cast.
djalternative: where's my knight of found causes?
CrossXhunteR: knight of don't even bother cares about being way, way behind
coachNelly: so if at the beginning of any future turn, if knight is in play and serge is no longer way behind, it will start the turn without the buff
micalovits: Commander cards that are good in 1v1 have a habit of being design mistakes
LRRbot: Eldrazi Skyspawner [2U] | Creature — Eldrazi Drone [2/1] | Devoid / Flying / When Eldrazi Skyspawner enters, create a 1/1 colorless Eldrazi Scion creature token. It has "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}."
TehAmelie: it spawns skies?
LRRbot: Ethersworn Canonist [1W] | Artifact Creature — Human Cleric [2/2] | Each player who has cast a nonartifact spell this turn can't cast additional nonartifact spells.
GredGredmansson: has anyone seen the playtest Goyf in this
TheDevil_Risen: @coachNelly justding by the ruling on the WOTC site, i think yes that's how it would work
GredGredmansson: "an additional nonartifact spell", serge
dm818: additional non-artifact
TheDevil_Risen: though if anything in the turn changes its passive check would happen and make it active again
Sorator13: @coachNelly that's a concise, simple way to say it, yeah
northos: wow all the hatebears in this match
GredGredmansson: the boardwipe the Serge can totally cast thanks to Teeg
Kejardon: how does a boardwipe make Serge win??
JohnPraw subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months, currently on a 82 month streak!
JohnPraw: I love this set.
Thanks for subscribing, JohnPraw! (Today's storm count: 66)
adamshandy: Ben is working through every future
GreatGodOm: Ben could seal of fire his face to take Serge from being way beind.
adamshandy: but none lead to victory
LoadingReadyRun: I like the imagine that Gaddock Teeg prevents spells being cast through sheer old man orneriness
Sorator13: @Kejardon because Serge has a card with power equal to the number of cards in all graveyards... somewhere in his deck
Diabore: pog move, ben seal of fires himself
micalovits: Ben could also just find 6 more burn damage somewhere
GredGredmansson: also how is serge CASTING that boardwipe
LRRbot: Firemind Vessel [4] | Artifact | Firemind Vessel enters tapped. / {T}: Add two mana of different colors.
GredGredmansson: Teeg says no
LRRbot: Volcanic Spite [1R] | Instant | Volcanic Spite deals 3 damage to target creature, planeswalker, or battle. You may put a card from your hand on the bottom of your library. If you do, draw a card.
dm818: @GredGredmansson he has balance
coachNelly: so many words in this game 👀
CrossXhunteR: what is the name of ben's red enchantment?
northos: !card seal of fire
LRRbot: Seal of Fire [R] | Enchantment | Sacrifice Seal of Fire: It deals 2 damage to any target.
GredGredmansson: but serge you also get your Shackle back
coachNelly: takesie?
RezKid75: oof the overlook...
LRRbot: Cavalier of Flame [2RRR] | Creature — Elemental Knight [6/5] | {1}{R}: Creatures you control get +1/+0 and gain haste until end of turn. / When Cavalier of Flame enters, discard any number of cards, then draw that many cards. / When Cavalier of Flame dies, it deals X damage to each opponent and each planeswalker they control, where X is the number of land cards in your graveyard.
MoxleyUnhinged: FIGHT LIGHT
TehAmelie: the knight of lost causes will protect you even if you're deliberately performing victimhood. there's a "white knight" joke in here
RezKid75: hey i remember those.. i had red, white, and black cavaliers
theamc2000: wait teen ain’t symmetric?
Diabore: !card knight of lost causes
LRRbot: Knight of Lost Causes [WW] | Creature — Human Knight [2/2] | Vigilance / As long as you are way behind, Knight of Lost Causes gets +3/+3 and has indestructible.
theamc2000: teeg
GredGredmansson: its still 5 life right?
h3rsh3yb4r: @theamc2000 teeg is noncreature
micalovits: Teeg is only non creature cards
GredGredmansson: oh TEN life
theamc2000: @h3rsh3yb4r ty
RezKid75: go ben!
LRRbot: Werebear [1G] | Creature — Human Bear Druid [1/1] | {T}: Add {G}. / Threshold — Werebear gets +3/+3 as long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard.
plaidanddrpepper: I like "very destructibl"e
TheAwkes: There, bear!
MrGibberish: @gredgredmansson and hand count and creator count
CrossXhunteR: we saw werebear last mh2 draft, right?
GredGredmansson: @MrGibberish yeah but we can see the board and neither has a ton in hand
CrossXhunteR: MB2
TheAwkes: Nominally destructible.
TehAmelie: you can tell it's a werebear cause it's only as strong as a human
Kejardon: the shackles prevent firebreathing, don't they?
Mazrae: Does werebear go in the bear deck?
CrossXhunteR: @Kejardon the card has too many words for me to remember, but that sounds kinda right
chrono2x: That way behind mechanic is very interesting
coachNelly: does Avacyn’s collar allow activated ability?
Kejardon: Oh right, the herald mana rock gives +1 +0
Marvoleath: !card avacyn's collar
LRRbot: Avacyn's Collar [1] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+0 and has vigilance. / Whenever equipped creature dies, if it was a Human, create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying. / Equip {2}
scrambled_doot: @coachNelly nope
Marvoleath: wrong one
GredGredmansson: @coachNelly it does not
coachNelly: ok ty
Marvoleath: !card avacyn's collar, the symbol
LRRbot: Avacyn's Collar, the Symbol of Her Church [1W] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature can't attack, block, or transform, and its activated abilities can't be activated. / Shackle {3}
GredGredmansson: !card Avacyn's Collar The Symbol Of Her Church
LRRbot: Avacyn's Collar, the Symbol of Her Church [1W] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature can't attack, block, or transform, and its activated abilities can't be activated. / Shackle {3}
LRRbot: Sunscape Familiar [1W] | Creature — Wall [0/3] | Defender / Green spells and blue spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
coachNelly: no
RezKid75: "i play a wall" x3 lol
micalovits: Its cheap afterall
LRRbot: Starting Town NPC [2G] | Creature — Human Peasant [3/3] | Each creature card in your hand has a {1}{G} Adventure sorcery named Fetch Herbs with "You gain 2 life." / Each creature card you cast from exile enters the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it.
loufghyslaufey: The heck is a shackle!
scrambled_doot: sees a lot of pauper play
GredGredmansson: far from it
Sorator13: I find it interesting that the wall is a familiar... sort of
adamshandy: !nightscape familiar
coachNelly: that card is in a pauper deck
snortablecola: the familiar is a former pauper allstar
adamshandy: !card nightscape familiar
LRRbot: Nightscape Familiar [1B] | Creature — Zombie [1/1] | Blue spells and red spells you cast cost {1} less to cast. / {1}{B}: Regenerate Nightscape Familiar.
adamshandy: was an allstar
LRRbot: Nomad Outpost | Land | Nomad Outpost enters tapped. / {T}: Add {R}, {W}, or {B}.
GredGredmansson: Thornscape is probably the worst. it's a 2/1 with no keywords
CrossXhunteR: is serge heckbent?
LRRbot: Boggart Ram-Gang [{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}] | Creature — Goblin Warrior [3/3] | Haste / Wither
GredGredmansson: !card Thornscape Familiar
LRRbot: Thornscape Familiar [1G] | Creature — Insect [2/1] | Red spells and white spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
micalovits: RamGang!!
coachNelly: wither!
TheDevil_Risen: heey its the Ram Gang
What is the Familiar in that image? Is the whole castle a familiar?
GredGredmansson: @LoadingReadyRun the wall
Sorator13: @LoadingReadyRun that's my question!
LRRbot: Blossoming Defense [G] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +2/+2 and gains hexproof until end of turn.
scrambled_doot: @LoadingReadyRun don't think about it too hard lol
coachNelly: four
coachNelly: herald banner
coachNelly: four damage
Kejardon: Herald makes it 4
RezKid75: dang..
LRRbot: Consuming Aberration [3UB] | Creature — Horror [*/*] | Consuming Aberration's power and toughness are each equal to the number of cards in your opponents' graveyards. / Whenever you cast a spell, each opponent reveals cards from the top of their library until they reveal a land card, then puts those cards into their graveyard.
GredGredmansson: !card Subgoyf
LRRbot: Subgoyf [1U] | Artifact Creature — Lhurgoyf [*/1+*] | Subgoyf's power and toughness are each equal to the number of different subtypes other than creature types among cards in all graveyards and its toughness is equal to that number plus 1.
MoxleyUnhinged: yay BenBen!
RezKid75: i like that one
MoxleyUnhinged: it’s consuming aberration with the steel chair!
TehAmelie: Graham the Para-plaid
flatluigi: graham always has forearms
CrossXhunteR: hey, my 3d print finished. was wondering if the games would be over first or that
Marvoleath: @LoadingReadyRun "The spirits of fallen battlemages can serve their guilds as familiars by joining with any physical form." from flavor text
Sorator13: now I want a puppet that's just a shirt. no creature.
GasCityGaming: was so muhc fun in Vegas
MarkovDescendant: I'm hoping to try it in Atlanta
RezKid75: you know.. i can't really tell who's who when they all match lol
flatluigi: but i just got here
Stormgod519: ag ag ag ag ag
cagedtiki: so wat would u say about the draft format
iconicshadow89: phenomenal forearm jokes
RezKid75: similar shirts, similar hair styles, all glasses
flatluigi: i am both nominally responsible and actually responsible
Marvoleath: @cagedtiki dont draft with Wheeler in your pod
LRRbot: Seal of Fire [R] | Enchantment | Sacrifice Seal of Fire: It deals 2 damage to any target.
CrossXhunteR: is flat luigi like weird mario from mario maker?
GredGredmansson: question, was there a Foundations pack mixed into the draft
LRRbot: Mistmeadow Skulk [1W] | Creature — Kithkin Rogue [1/1] | Lifelink, protection from mana value 3 or greater
flatluigi: @CrossXhunteR it's more like paper mario
Diabore: but... it doesnt have skulk
LRRbot: Collector Ouphe [1G] | Creature — Ouphe [2/2] | Activated abilities of artifacts can't be activated.
LRRbot: Neutralize [1UU] | Instant | Counter target spell. / Cycling {2}
MoxleyUnhinged: and my chainmail project is done! only 6 months of work later!
vinopinguino: eeee
LRRbot: Maddening Hex [1RR] | Enchantment — Aura Curse | Enchant player / Whenever enchanted player casts a noncreature spell, roll a d6. Maddening Hex deals damage to that player equal to the result. Then attach Maddening Hex to another one of your opponents chosen at random.
flatluigi: oh boy
definenull: uh ohhh
CrossXhunteR: who does he enchant
Sorator13: oh nooooo
neisan2112: LETS GOO
vinopinguino: canlander
RezKid75: @flatluigi like his adventures for the seven pieces of the compass?? lolz
LeonisCo: Wait did Ben go first after winning?
coachNelly: ok this finally happened yay
couchboyj: Busty Luigi is a completely different franchise
TehAmelie: it finally happened, John Madden practicing the dark arts
Marvoleath: @LeonisCo Serge missed a land drop
LeonisCo: o
100viewbots: My cousin once told my aunt his picture day was the next day and they didn't have any nice clothes for him so my aunt painted a tux on a piece of cardboard and he held that up under his chin for the school photo. They still have the pictures, their great
Sorator13: Can't take damage from the Hex if you never play spells *tap forehead*
LRRbot: Starting Town NPC [2G] | Creature — Human Peasant [3/3] | Each creature card in your hand has a {1}{G} Adventure sorcery named Fetch Herbs with "You gain 2 life." / Each creature card you cast from exile enters the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it.
Sorator13: @100viewbots That's incredible
dm818: get james in here to help serge
LRRbot: Balance [1W] | Sorcery | Each player chooses a number of lands they control equal to the number of lands controlled by the player who controls the fewest, then sacrifices the rest. Players discard cards and sacrifice creatures the same way.
definenull: oofa
neisan2112: OOOOFFFF
Stormgod519: BALANCE?!?
100viewbots: Graham's plaid reminded me
Diabore: hex sticks around
letsbelgo: get balanced idiot
definenull: hex still stays tho
GredGredmansson: yeah hex stays
TehAmelie: old school
Sorator13: Hex doesn't go anywhere
did Serge sneak his Canlander Deck in
MoxleyUnhinged: needed: Land Curse Turner
RezKid75: as i wasn't working since couple years ago and i stopped playing Magic.. i sold some of my collection to make cash to get by.. is that valid??
micalovits: Commander cards
GredGredmansson: its a commander card
Kejardon: roll a d6. On a 1-6, Serge is the new target.
flatluigi: @RezKid75 keeping yourself alive is always valid
Sorator13: @RezKid75 selling stuff you don't use anymore is always valid!
Mr_Bitterness: Balance, always fair and balanced
GredGredmansson: well, that's ALSO a good reason for keeping a 2 lander
LRRbot: Heraldic Banner [3] | Artifact | As this artifact enters, choose a color. / Creatures you control of the chosen color get +1/+0. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.
Juliamon: Heck, having to sell your collection is practically a rite of passage now
LRRbot: Ethersworn Canonist [1W] | Artifact Creature — Human Cleric [2/2] | Each player who has cast a nonartifact spell this turn can't cast additional nonartifact spells.
LRRbot: Iroas, God of Victory [2RW] | Legendary Enchantment Creature — God [7/4] | Indestructible / As long as your devotion to red and white is less than seven, Iroas isn't a creature. / Creatures you control have menace. / Prevent all damage that would be dealt to attacking creatures you control.
CrossXhunteR: !card maddening hex
LRRbot: Maddening Hex [1RR] | Enchantment — Aura Curse | Enchant player / Whenever enchanted player casts a noncreature spell, roll a d6. Maddening Hex deals damage to that player equal to the result. Then attach Maddening Hex to another one of your opponents chosen at random.
Fruan: I love Esper's look so much. I hope we go back someday.
RezKid75: @flatluigi some of the stuff i sold i used regularly cuz they had value and now i miss them lol
micalovits: I have more than once sold 2/3rds of my collection
Stormgod519: oh damn
cobalturge subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
Thanks for subscribing, cobalturge! (Today's storm count: 67)
Diabore: mono colour is 5, multi is 7
coachNelly: come on ram gang
LRRbot: Sunscape Familiar [1W] | Creature — Wall [0/3] | Defender / Green spells and blue spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
coachNelly: dealer!
GredGredmansson: and thanks to banner its a 8/4
RezKid75: @Sorator13 some of the stuff i sold i used cuz value and now i miss them lol
Mr_Bitterness: Ball Lightning off the top!
LRRbot: Young Red Dragon // Bathe in Gold | Young Red Dragon [3R] | Creature — Dragon [3/2] | Flying / Young Red Dragon can't block. // Bathe in Gold [1R] | Instant — Adventure | Create a Treasure token.
Diabore: young reezy
GredGredmansson: devotion at 5
coachNelly: we take those
Sorator13: @RezKid75 well, I meant if you weren't playing Magic at the time. But also, you do what you have to do.
LRRbot: Wall of Denial [1WU] | Creature — Wall [0/8] | Defender, flying / Shroud
coachNelly: and hexproof
gibbousm: remember, screw beats flood
PhorrestGaze: 8?
adamshandy: Wall of Denial is my favourite
ztghostie: oh yeah, wall of denial my beloved from alara reborn
adamshandy: shards was generally such a fun set
micalovits: God gives menace though
theamc2000: it deny
coachNelly: the aggro balance though
DeM0nFiRe: Stevie Ray Vaughn did this card, right?
neisan2112: Hell yeah
Mr_Bitterness: Menache!
Wall of nondenial
GredGredmansson: serge takes 3?
RezKid75: @Sorator13 thanks for that.. but now i feel i kind of have a fresh start since there have been so many new things since then so if i wanna get back into it.. then i have so much to consume lolz
Mai_Andra: 5x Manon? Winning.
Sorator13: WAll of Denial says "am I a joke to you??"
LRRbot: Boggart Ram-Gang [{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}] | Creature — Goblin Warrior [3/3] | Haste / Wither
micalovits: WROOOM
Fruan: Looks like Serge got rammed.
gibbousm: is Hex in play?
micalovits: Yup
MoxleyUnhinged: oh that’s unsettling
LRRbot: Portable Hole [W] | Artifact | When Portable Hole enters, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls with mana value 2 or less until Portable Hole leaves the battlefield.
letsbelgo: Hex could kill him too
definenull: they're free! \o/
GredGredmansson: God of Victory leads to Victory
LRRbot: Temporal Manipulation [3UU] | Sorcery | Take an extra turn after this one.
LRRbot: Pact of Negation [0] | Instant | Counter target spell. / At the beginning of your next upkeep, pay {3}{U}{U}. If you don't, you lose the game.
Marvoleath: temp manips
coachNelly: echo of eons
ztghostie: echo of eons?
LRRbot: Echo of Eons [4UU] | Sorcery | Each player shuffles their hand and graveyard into their library, then draws seven cards. / Flashback {2}{U}
LRRbot: Lutri, Pauper Otter [3{U/R}{U/R}] | Legendary Creature — Elemental Otter [3/4] | Companion — Your starting deck contains no cards with a silver, gold, orange, or purple expansion symbol. / When Lutri, Pauper Otter enters the battlefield, discard your hand, then draw three cards.
definenull: otter boi!
TheDevil_Risen: love fixed Lutri
coachNelly: it’s inpottersible to play in draft tho right?
LRRbot: Hushbringer [1W] | Creature — Faerie [1/2] | Flying, lifelink / Creatures entering or dying don't cause abilities to trigger.
GredGredmansson: those weird timeshifted cards are purple
Diabore: lips
letsbelgo: lips
Marvoleath: can still play rares with no symbols?
coachNelly: like you can’t even pick up 23 commons in play boosters
Sogheim: what's a purple expansion symbol?
Sorator13: also Old cards that have no expansion symbol
TheAwkes: ABUR rares?
Marvoleath: @Sogheim special, e.g. timeshifted
GredGredmansson: @Sogheim i know Time Spiral Remasered had those
Sorator13: @Sogheim something from Time Spiral, IIRC
Sogheim: ahh
LRRbot: Questing Beast [2GG] | Legendary Creature — Beast [4/4] | Vigilance, deathtouch, haste / Questing Beast can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less. / Combat damage that would be dealt by creatures you control can't be prevented. / Whenever Questing Beast deals combat damage to an opponent, it deals that much damage to target planeswalker that player controls.
GredGredmansson: OH.
definenull: QB?!?
adamshandy: I like how it would be auto-banned in pauper, which is the real flavour
also enables Alpha and Beta Power
frozenphoenix7: @Sogheim Timeshifted cards from Time Spiral had Purple expansion symbols, as well as old frame Time Spiral Remastered cards
QuixoticScrivener: original fourth rarity
Marvoleath: !patreon
HasturTheYellow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months, currently on a 120 month streak!
HasturTheYellow: Oh right I'm watching live
Thanks for subscribing, HasturTheYellow! (Today's storm count: 68)
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
jchinnock is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 36 in the channel!
jchinnock gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cunobelenos!
jchinnock gifted a Tier 1 sub to ztghostie!
jchinnock gifted a Tier 1 sub to electroswagnetism!
jchinnock gifted a Tier 1 sub to KidniBeans!
jchinnock gifted a Tier 1 sub to Slurpee_E!
Thanks for the gifts, jchinnock! Welcome to electroswagnetism, ztghostie, Cunobelenos, Slurpee_E, and KidniBeans! (Today's storm count: 73)
CrossXhunteR: i thank today's North 100 for the 100K
micalovits: And not even that late! I mean... Its 4:35 AM here, so sleepy time for me.
Marvoleath: !cardkingdom
Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
Marvoleath: !dragonshield
Marvoleath: !store
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks for the stream LRR!!!
chriswr5: Clap
RezKid75: hooray! it was such a fun time!
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Beej reads off a screen about all the anime he watched. And somehow, it still generates the rare highlight or two. Game: Beej’s Anime Roundup - 2024 Winter) at Sat 02:00 PM PST (18:22 from now).
definenull: uhhh
TheDevil_Risen: it is
TheDevil_Risen: he made it
Stormgod519: hmmmmm
Sorator13: We noticed that earlier, yeah!
KWardJenx: To be fair...
Juliamon: He copied the TGA entry and edited it without changing the image
Saintnex: that only talks about anime
NotCainNorAbel: this is the 2024 winter beej awards
Marvoleath: !schedule
Stormgod519: i get to watch Beej for a couple hours? deal
definenull: okayy
Juliamon: !thrink
There will be a Q&A for Not a Drop to Drink next week, but we need some Qs to A! Submit some here: Please only submit one question at a time! Form will be open until 5 Jan, 9AM PST.
definenull: finale? \o/
Sorator13: (the finale was this week)
Thanks for streamin'. Have a great weekend, y'all!
micalovits: Wait, this monday was actually the finale?? I thought they also joked about that!
NotCainNorAbel: if the Q&A ends on a cliffhanger i swear you are geniuses.
Stormgod519: well then
djalternative: just speedrun 250 questions
definenull: i'd imagine there would be some overlapping Qs
djalternative: I would love to see MoC tackle anything Create related
JohnPraw: I think you were right the first time?
Juliamon: It's REAL good
Sorator13: why do we call it an interregnum when you int your reg and er num
micalovits: It is REALLY good
Marvoleath: Kxresist
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
MarkovDescendant: We enjoyed the Cabin experience
TheDevil_Risen: no it was wine
Sorator13: It was special Cheez Whiz
Robot_Bones: After the Lets Chat Podcast of course
TheDevil_Risen: and it was funny xD
varmintx0: Paul not a fan of Beck.
raulghoulia: fermented chez whiz
Sorator13: The art looks *awesome*
BusTed: "I quite liked it"
MichaelSnowbird: It was Good Cheesewhiz
Marvoleath: It's competitive but not violence based
hedonistic_mushroom: I wanna play this so we can have a Non-Mtg card game at the office
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: RPG, A
Sorator13: to the vod I go; have a good night friends!
Amoxxycillin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 17 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Amoxxycillin! (Today's storm count: 74)
100viewbots: Alternate reality player game
Marvoleath: @hedonistic_mushroom I did buy all the starter decks and treat it as a board game, seems great for break time, the games are fast
DeM0nFiRe: nice
lamina5432: gnight
definenull: JASON!
KWardJenx: This was great. Thanks for the stream. The mystery was the friends we boosted along the way.
Amoxxycillin: we CHILLIN'
have a good night thanks again!
Enough time to play one more game!
DeM0nFiRe: It IS perfect system
Stormgod519: nice
rogerivany: You should thank Wheeler
MichaelSnowbird: Thanks Streamers
Stormgod519: GNIGHT!!!
Stormgod519: Thanks for the strem
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