jacqui_lantern234: hey early friends whomst i love beyond measure <3
RockPusher prepares as best one can to Experience Beej
jacqui_lantern234: @RockPusher experiencing beej is an inevitability, the best we can do is appreciate beej :V
RockPusher: !quote beej
LRRbot: Quote #3947: "Let's just keep rubbing" —Beej [2017-02-06]
jacqui_lantern234: LUL ok that ones an all timer
jacqui_lantern234: anyways, hope youre doing well, RockPusher
RockPusher: Indeed I am, same sentiment to you as well jacqui_lantern234
jacqui_lantern234: its...been a "beer at 3:30pm" day. man, what a year we're having :P
jacqui_lantern234: (important note: im at home and drinking in moderation)
TheMerricat: Gotta get those beers in at 3:30. According to the weather man, it's a blizzard warning for tonight through till Monday afternoon. oh joy. :D
RockPusher: It's beer-o-clock in at least one timezone somewhere, so it counts
jacqui_lantern234: @TheMerricat yeah, its been REALLY heccin wimbdy here. the piercing, biting wind that cuts straight to the bone
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrTrianglewreath
jacqui_lantern234: like, got right through my double layer scarf winds
DeM0nFiRe: Hello chat
jacqui_lantern234: @DeM0nFiRe hai friend!!! <3
DoodlestheGreat: lrrDOTS lrrARROWS lrrSIG
TheMerricat: PrideWave
jacqui_lantern234: lrrSHINE lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
DideRobot: LRR: Beej doesn't have a lot to talk about, but it IS all anime. | https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113772316718116124
Brozard: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DoodlestheGreat: Here come de fun.
lirazel64: hmtgCLAP hmtgCLAP
Nomili subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nomili! (Today's storm count: 3)
jacqui_lantern234: but yeah, got myself an empty growler jug at my local brew pub for my mead making :D
lirazel64: Ahh, my favorite LRRtune...
RockPusher: tqsFlower_HF escher3BEE tiltyhCheers
red_shoes_jeff: Oh, we started early?
RockPusher: [wubbins intensifies]
KBKarma subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 50 months, currently on a 49 month streak!
KBKarma: wub wub wub wub I actually made it for this!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KBKarma! (Today's storm count: 4)
TheMerricat: A streamer is neither early or late. The streamer always starts exactly when they want. :P
ElementalHaven: I'm used to these not being until about 3 hours later than now
Brozard: @themerricat but what about secret podcasts?
margieargie: Yeah, I'm definitely not used to being able to be awake for the whole stream :p
TheMerricat: @Brozard That, even more so. :P{
TheMerricat: :P even
RockPusher: remembered AMV Hell 8 had come out just as I was going to bed last night *sips coffee* may have stayed up another 3h watching it :D
lirazel64: Yay!
RockPusher: Hi Beej
red_shoes_jeff: Famous last words.
DoodlestheGreat: I'm sure we'll be fine.
Wolfstrike_NL: Hi!
newuser0420: lrrBEEJ lrrSIG lrrARROWS
jacqui_lantern234: hai beej <3
cyclopsboi: animu time!
ExachixKitsune: The final season D:
Serpens77: that intro is always just 😘 👌
Wolfstrike_NL: We're rounding up all the anime's and putting them into jail
RockPusher: ♫ Last season, I watched anime, and the very next season, I did it again ♫
CouldntPickAUsername: alright, chicken is the in the oven. ready for beejime
TheMerricat: With all the acquisitions and talk of an 'anime bubble' waiting to burst, _it could_ be the last season of anime... :-/
MalFnord: Yay! We're to blame!
thefightnerd: there are four lights!
red_shoes_jeff: There are FOUR lights.
red_shoes_jeff: @thefightnerd Drift Compatible!
lamina5432: afternoon anime people
RockPusher: Buy DVDs, clear out the warehouse!
Radjack subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Radjack: Button for the Button gods.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Radjack! (Today's storm count: 5)
red_shoes_jeff: HI!
Wolfstrike_NL: We're hereeeeee!!!!
RockPusher: We can be seen‽ fugiWow
DeM0nFiRe: What's twitch rpgThinking
thefightnerd: @red_shoes_jeff engage!
jacqui_lantern234: beej can see us?!?! quick cheese it!!! Kappa
patbaer: Beej, there's one Winter anime I can't wait for you to preview
KBKarma: With a penis on the front... ?
red_shoes_jeff: Wow, it really IS mostly air!
margieargie: Only the most keyed-out of foods today
SenseAmidstMadness: If you keep eating transparent food, you will eventually become transparent (?)
Wolfstrike_NL: That, indeed, was a good chrunch
Juliamon: The bag did say "STRONG"
DoodlestheGreat: Go ahead and mukbang. We'll have more.
Nigouki: That sounded too stock, can we have a more interesting take?
jacqui_lantern234: much wasabi?! ok but share with your favourite jacqui Kappa
red_shoes_jeff: The Regular Crispy Day crew isn't gonna like this...
SquareDotCube: I gotta get shrimp chips sometime
KBKarma: I wonder if flattr is still going...
KBKarma: It is not. Closed in 2023.
red_shoes_jeff: Experience Beej
jacqui_lantern234: "i can have beej" -Beej (2024) :P
RockPusher: Beej can have Beej, as a treat
Brozard: @jacqui_lantern234 It’s 2025!
DoodlestheGreat: Those look like puppets.
viowof subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
viowof: yayanime
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, viowof! (Today's storm count: 6)
jacqui_lantern234: @Brozard listen here ya little shit :P
Brozard: @jacqui_lantern234 lrrJUDGECALL
patbaer: It's supposedly a good one of those.
KBKarma: Yeah, I heard that too.
DoodlestheGreat: Yeah, it's a harem. And the grandpa WANTS the guy to marry one of them.
RatherLargeToad: has some light supernatural elements
SenseAmidstMadness: In which Beej tells us about all the anime he did not watch
TheWriterAleph: anime keeps happening, i've heard
red_shoes_jeff: All hens are hate hens. They hold much anger...
lamina5432: first season sucked
patbaer: He's less of an edgelord now, but SILL and edgelord
TheMerricat: He's still edgy enough for a third season!!
RatherLargeToad: it’s the bunny people revenge season :p
MalFnord: Somehow, Arifureta returned
DoodlestheGreat: Good 'ol Arifureta. lullypopBjudge
KBKarma: Wasn't that the one with a VR game or something?
gralamin: Orb is good
KBKarma: Copernicus, surely?
KBKarma: I thought it was Copernicus, anyway.
patbaer: Orb is at the top of my "oops, still gotta watch that at some point" list
jacqui_lantern234: @KBKarma please dont call me Shirley Kappa
KBKarma: @jacqui_lantern234 Leslie Nielsen intensifies.
DoodlestheGreat: Watched the first episode of this series and had to back off as the violence was unnerving for me. It's supposed to be good, but I couldn't stick with it.
Nigouki: the mango is amazing
Travilogue: so fun
patbaer: best show of the season (with a content warning or two)
gralamin: Dandadan just isn't my thing
KBKarma: I have watched depressingly little anime for the last few years. I started watching Shangri-La Frontier a few months back.
RatherLargeToad: episode 1 has many content warnings
patbaer: the references in Dandadan are wild
margieargie: Ah, one of those shows that everyone else loves and I thought was "just" pretty good so it ends up feeling less good by comparison
Travilogue: DAIMA is *great*
Pinwiz11: I loved Dandadan but I will wait until the next cour to recommend it.
KBKarma: #drangonball?
gralamin: DAIMA is good dumb fun
RatherLargeToad: opening is surprisingly catchy
Brozard: Dandandan is truly a love letter to lots of old properties
DoodlestheGreat: DanDaDan is SUCH a great series, BUT you may want to wait for just before the second cour starts before picking it up. There's reasons.
patbaer: there were a couple shoujo this season and this was not the one I tried
RatherLargeToad: this was good. fun pseudo programming stuff
Brozard: Oh, that’s a fun manga, not sure how the anime is
DoodlestheGreat: Not a big magical girl fan. Tried it, but after three eps I moved on.
Nigouki: D:
Nigouki: it's not about friendship?
viowof: the main villain is Capitalism (no, really, it is)
DoodlestheGreat: Yes, a second cour is on the way.
RatherLargeToad: monsters seem to be almost like a biological infection
Travilogue: But privatization of public services is so much more efficient....
RockPusher: Government can be frustratingly bad at addressing obvious and immediate problems…
SenseAmidstMadness: We're fighting capitalism by making a capitalist magical hero company?
viowof: it's kinda explained later in the manga series
margieargie: I -wish- it didn't make so much sense to me for that to happen...
Travilogue: I hope the second season more of the broom builder. She was great.
loufghyslaufey: fictional governments: ambiguously irresponsible denihilist
viowof: world - they've always existed, that's what shrine maidens were for, only recent started to capitalism
Doc_Layzah: But that's just superman
Blip2004: lol for profit firefighters exist in the US and will apparently still bill you when your house burns down
RatherLargeToad: the Power Rangers system
Travilogue: It's kind of weird that apparently prior to the events of the show, all the magical girls worked solo, and this is the first team effort?
Pinwiz11: The current sentai kind of solves this issue, iirc
TheDevil_Risen: oof only 20 mins late today on the notification twitch, anyhow Hey BeeJ!
TheMerricat: Superheros, The invisible hand of the market since the 1900's.
accountmadeforants: The manga is a lot more ambiguous on whether the whole privatization of magical girls was actually a good thing.
accountmadeforants: (Which is a hilarious sentence, to me)
loufghyslaufey: A incremental talking point throughout The Incredibles & Super-Identity circumstances
patbaer: 365 rules!
MalFnord: Wait what
Travilogue: *Loved* 365!
RatherLargeToad: was cute, but they both need therapy
Brozard: Oh, wouldn’t have picked that up
accountmadeforants: I read the manga of this as it was coming out from chapter 1 or so, so I'm fairly invested. I have no plans to actually watch the anime or re-read it, though :p
patbaer: yeah, getting married isn't going to "fix" everything but it's also really cute
loufghyslaufey: Ah, the- (coughs) "arranged marriage" or contractual relativity?
viowof: "the only therepy they need is each other!" -probably
Acromonk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Acromonk! (Today's storm count: 7)
DoodlestheGreat: You'd think threatening to quit if the boss tries to send me to Alaska would be sufficient.
accountmadeforants: This also had several live-action adaptations well before the anime adaptation, because it translates really well to the usual soap opera deal.
patbaer: I found it very relatable and also pretty dang realistic
TheMerricat: What happens when the boss calls your bluff @DoodlestheGreat. Far more reasonable to come up with a fake marriage and change your entire life than look for another job. :P
loufghyslaufey: Aw! I always hated that Mean Girls meme ImTyping
RatherLargeToad: the coworker stories were kind of mean to them
accountmadeforants: The mom is A Lot
KeytarCat: This was so good!
viowof: if this is "complete", hopefully it gets something like Horimiya's Piece
viowof: cause right now from the description it seems... incomplete
accountmadeforants: Ah, the usual "read the manga" kind of adaptation :p
RatherLargeToad: Also cute. They also need therapy
TheDevil_Risen: i'm still working through my wife has not emotions :)
Travilogue: Kinokoinu surprised me with how much I liked it
TheDevil_Risen: *no
RatherLargeToad: same. nothing was really happening for several episodes
patbaer: I'm just done with anime about employee / employer dating. (Ms Servant)
loufghyslaufey: How do you therapize an android partner?
RatherLargeToad: “playful” attitude was actually kind of easy to hate
Travilogue: A lot of what kept me watching this was how much they did animating Kinokoinu and his various moods
MalFnord: Is this a manic pixie dream dog?
DoodlestheGreat: It was alright. It didn't make me hate dogs or mushrooms.
KBKarma: What was the previous anime?
TheDevil_Risen: loving Hisone to Masotan tho
KeytarCat: @KBKarma 365 days til the wedding?
loufghyslaufey: Good
Goombill subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months, currently on a 33 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Goombill! (Today's storm count: 8)
cyclopsboi: the art style on that was great but it was too slow
patbaer: Maou 2099 was fun but really dumb
Travilogue: 2099 was fun. He becomes a streamer!
cyclopsboi: this was good comedy
patbaer: fun premise
DoodlestheGreat: I think it was added after your last review.
lamina5432: neither did I
Gekyouryuu: "Let this grieving soul retire"
RatherLargeToad: It’s One Punch Man if it was about King
KBKarma: Right, I'm gonna go to bed. G'night.
Travilogue: Angler wasn't amazing, but it was quite nice. They certainly did varying styles for the characters.
newuser0420: Hey Beej, have you ever considered doing an anime roundup with Ian? That would be pretty cool. lrrIAN lrrBEEJ
patbaer: I wish I liked Angler
ThePerrBearr: I'd recommend it
cyclopsboi: i planned to start watching it but i couldnt get into the first ep
quatoria: sometimes competitive sports anime’s are amazing! like Ping Pong: The Animation, one of the best to ever do it
patbaer: This anime SUCKS
cyclopsboi: party kara was medium
Travilogue: I would have liked to watch more Puniru, because she is indeed a Kawaii Slime, but I couldn't stand Kotarou
Pinwiz11: I bounced off this hars
KeytarCat: I watched the start and she really doesn't seem happy
DoodlestheGreat: I watched the first episode of Puniru. It confused the hell out of me with inconsistent tone. One moment it's a kiddy series, next one she's sliced off her breasts to let the protags friends examine them.
Pinwiz11: *hard
patbaer: Yakuza Fiance is great if you need ALL your characters to be broken
loufghyslaufey: Yeah, Hockey anime when? From the studio that adapted Yuri on Ice? Maybe?
lamina5432: ranma was very good
DoodlestheGreat: Oh, the new Ranma is a delight.
patbaer: Shampoo's characterization is wonderful and I'm so stoked
lamina5432: the og ranma is one of my top 5 anime
KeytarCat: Copy degredation
dungeonmasteralek subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dungeonmasteralek! (Today's storm count: 9)
viowof: "god spare me from people half my age trying to lecture me about Ranma 1/2 fanfiction based on their half remembered watching of the anime" -Talen_Lee
TheWriterAleph: flander-fiction-alization
loufghyslaufey: I see. The "copy" of a copy fic-authors...
ElementalHaven: I felt the first anime had more character
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
ElementalHaven: Like all the dub voices are generic and whatnot
TheDevil_Risen: all this from Ranma 1/2
TheDevil_Risen: mannn
loufghyslaufey: Because cels, most of the 1st era was drawn in cels of this ip's time
TheDevil_Risen: perspective, perception
gralamin: One perspective
TheDevil_Risen: et al
Pinwiz11: Our god is an elephant?
iris_of_ether: We Rashomoning now!
TheWriterAleph: @Pinwiz11 some of them! :D
Astrovore: which religion worships the statue butt?
Caffine1138: yes
DoodlestheGreat: I stand in the back and go "My god is a butt."
KeytarCat: @DoodlestheGreat "Your god is an ass!" // "Yeah, you get it!"
TheDevil_Risen: the church of the sacred ass (donkey)
RatherLargeToad: I feel like the OG anime had a little too much Yurusei Yatsura influence in it
jacqui_lantern234: "Its Akane Tendou as viewed from above!" Kappa
viowof: ah yes, the fanon
gralamin: Simulacrum!
patbaer: and then you have to remember how few people ever read any of that
MalFnord: I'm getting "The Bitter End" flashbacks. D:
viowof: fanfiction forums back then were one hell of a drug distribution agent
patbaer: as a manga reader, my take away is that gender-confusion is just part of the comedy
Caffine1138: @viowof you aint wrong
TheMerricat: @viowof 'back then'... heh heh heh.. ah yea... back then... :D
RatherLargeToad: See also: My Hero Academia’s Deku
MalFnord: Forums hell, I got started in the days when it was usenet and mailing lists
patbaer: Ranma turning into a girl is the same as someone else turning into a pig or panda
Texan_Reverend: I saw this Mastodon post, too, Beej. Good stuff.
Laurence72: And then the filler episodes of the first run of teh anime made it even harder to get a clear reading of the characters
viowof: @TheMerricat leave my dark history in the past where it belongs :P
mrjujubeans: but that’s literary evolution in general
Forgotten_Sanity: Each ep seems to be about two of the original eps
ElementalHaven: My favorite part was the opening blurb in e2 being a shot for shot remake of the original
RatherLargeToad: all of the pre-episode shorts were great
loufghyslaufey: 90's? I keep guessing that this was much older
RockPusher: quite often stuff is popular because it is good
RatherLargeToad: all, or at least most, were references to something. one was referencing the Heidi anime of all things
Caffine1138: we aren't beholden to unknowning studio execs
cyclopsboi: this was great
patbaer: Re:Zero continues to be great
lamina5432: this is a good novel and i'm half way through the anime
patbaer: Villainess is great except for the Prince named Duke who ruins the whole thing
RatherLargeToad: “But you can call me Barron”
TheMerricat: Reading the manga, happy that the Villainess is both competent and incompetent. Happy that the saint isn't evil, but also isn't great. Not sure I understand where it's going, but it's interesting.
patbaer: the idea that she respect villains but kinda is really thinking on strong independent women... that's good. Her falling for the creep of a prince? Bummer
Travilogue: Well, they have to remind us it's all taking place in a game
Amentur: The last couple of episodes were kind of just "Oh no! There's a huge problem!" followed very shortly by "Well that was solved easily". A bit anticlimactic
RockPusher: stats, stats, stats
TheDevil_Risen: too arbitrary
lamina5432: in the book they went over what a lot of them did
loufghyslaufey: Mhm?
mrjujubeans: except psycho mob lol
RatherLargeToad: the levels felt more like difficulty levels for a given spell
TheWriterAleph: over nine thousaaaaand
dougma: frieren: the levels don't matter, and are meaningless.
loufghyslaufey: Kay, umm? I've oh, wait. They use classes in their system.
Caffine1138: apprentice, jouneyman, master analog
TheMerricat: Yeah, but that work isn't an RPG. So...
Wolfstrike_NL: All these ranking systems keep dieing out faster then I am
Amentur: "I don't care to keep up with bureaucracy that changes every 100 years" extraLUL
loufghyslaufey: An Old Saint exemption of passage... Thing.
ghyllnox: Frieren does levels with mana, and they don't put numbers on it
RockPusher: Frieren is happy to let the humans do their ranking thing
loufghyslaufey: The classification bit happens in the course... Of barely half a century.
corpocracy: And even the mana thing is not the be all end all
loufghyslaufey: @rockpusher the level system is still implied to be a joke nonetheless
DeM0nFiRe: I really love how Frieren handles comparing power levels of different characters. It does it several different ways and it's always super cool
lamina5432: honestly if its a thing the world needs it's good but a lot of magic fantasy uses it as an easy out to show off the characters
accountmadeforants: The levels in Frieren are also represented more as being forklift certified than some intrinsic thing
BrowneePointz: Makes me think of One Piece, Power Level gets brought up once 20 years ago, Oda realized it was stupid, NEVER mentions it again
loufghyslaufey: The lot of us would hate it too
TheMerricat: So I get what you are saying Beej, but there is a literal difference between a world where they are literally set in an RPG with RPG rules and a world where people keep trying to pigeonhole you into their classifications because classifications make thinking easier. :P
Caffine1138: the Friren show doesn't use "level" as a measure of character strength, but more a level of mastery across the world
Amentur: The road block does a good little bit of world building by showing different kinds of takes on the magic system that is not Frieren's
Gekyouryuu: Frieren is levels in terms of like school progress, as opposed to RPG leveling
Wolfstrike_NL: (Am looking forward to talking about the upcomming season of Solo Leveling now)
corpocracy: Is it weird that I've watched Frieren like 5 times last year? And I kinda want to watch it again?
BrowneePointz: @themerricat what he’s saying is sometimes the level thing just becomes arbitrary power scaling nonsense in the narrative
accountmadeforants: @corpocracy I've watched it twice already and I almost never re-watch things (especially not things I watched recently), so I do understand that :D
RockPusher: Also, Frieren human levels are more about mindset and ruthlessness than actual power per se
viowof: skill too
accountmadeforants: The absolute creep of a male love interest ruined this one for me
RatherLargeToad: ends in a really interesting place
patbaer: @accountmadeforants same here. Duke sucked
Texan_Reverend: Fair.
betweenmyself: But how am I supposed to be able to judge everyone I meet if I actually have to get to know them in any depth past a numerical value? pennyWhat
DoodlestheGreat: I'll watch "Rurouni Kenshin" once I am able to seperate the art from the artist. Preferably with a chainsaw.
accountmadeforants: Understandable
gralamin: I just can't watch Kenshin after the author issues
MalFnord: @DoodlestheGreat Ditto
Caffine1138: thats fair
BrowneePointz: also if you’re gonna watch Kenshin pirate it :3
patbaer: I could never imagine a world where I ever watch Kenshin again
cyclopsboi: goodbye dragon life was cute but forgettable
patbaer: Goodbye Dragon Life is fun enough!
Travilogue: Goodbye dragon Life was.... fine
lamina5432: theres a lot more to the novel for the villainous one
DoodlestheGreat: I watched the "Dragon Life" series. It happened. 'nuff said.
Gekyouryuu: I heard good things about "Dragon Life"
Laurence72: Its a great show, I loved the first season of SLF
Gekyouryuu: and Shangri-La Frontier is FANTASTIC
RatherLargeToad: SLF is great
DoodlestheGreat: SLF remains my fave series about gamers being gamers.
MalFnord: SLF is basically SAO without the tedious deathgame shit
cyclopsboi: prince of tennis continues to be amazing if you like sports anime
accountmadeforants: I'm amazed SAO is still a thing. (But I was amazed it got a second season, so)
Amentur: Shangri La Frontier continues to remember that gamers will play more than just one game
loufghyslaufey: Looks like SAO, almost?
viowof: GGO this season was absolutely brutal
loufghyslaufey: Just a poster review really
cyclopsboi: the 2nd season of this was enjoyable
RatherLargeToad: GGO was great. was basically trashing on the death game concept of SAO. “Dying in a game is fine, actually”
Travilogue: It's not great, but I kept watching it and it was okay
viowof: @RatherLargeToad "Use your head more!" Headbutts opponent to death
DoodlestheGreat: I watched this and was reasonably entertained. If I was to consider the end of this season as the end of the story, I'd be fine with it.
RatherLargeToad: This is basically a Fire Emblem anime
accountmadeforants: Where he mentions Machiavelli a bunch?
Gekyouryuu: Realist Hero
TheMerricat: Realist
accountmadeforants: Right, Realist
cyclopsboi: realist was good
Xed_Regulus: The isekai that I would love to see is the one where the guy dies, and wakes up in a world *exactly* like our own. No magic, no video game logic. Just a new world like our's.
loufghyslaufey: It's still a stupid trope
Gekyouryuu: no, that one was "He has to marry the one girl" and then the others all just talk him into marrying them because polygamy is legal
accountmadeforants: Realist is fun, but definitely went downhill second season
gralamin: Isekai and slaves is to common
BrowneePointz: anime ands slaves is too common
RatherLargeToad: Menards Isekai
loufghyslaufey: @xed_regulus but then we'd call it pure reincarnation; reincarnation I find to be far worse in all forums, fiction & IRL
accountmadeforants: Oh, I don't know about that one
accountmadeforants: Ah, lmao
betweenmyself: I want an anime where an modern day office drone gets Isekaied to a slightly different modern day setting where they become na office drone with slightly better pay and slightly more likable coworkers riffThink
DoodlestheGreat: "Tono to Inu" was and is a nice set of comedic shorts and I wish I could find it with subtitles.
patbaer: why isn't Tonu to Inu picked up damn it
Gekyouryuu: I WANT to watch Thunderbolt Fantasy season 4, but for some reason THIS season didn't get simulcasted
gralamin: Trillion game was fun but not great
loufghyslaufey: Bank heist LUL MindManners TPFufun GlitchNRG
viowof: it looks like a weird porno
Wolfstrike_NL: Yup, heavy same
gralamin: Not not wrong
Xed_Regulus: @loufghyslaufey It would be a deconstruction of the genre. Let the protagonist be pissed that they can't a game the system. "What do you mean I have to get another office job!?"
Amentur: All I know about Trillion Game is their first investment is a Herrman Miller chair :D
Travilogue: Oh god, TsumaSho. It is just so much.
patbaer: the real crime of this show is that it just kinda sucks but you want to defend it because it's NOT about a guy married to a little kid but people think it is
TheMerricat: So you were just asking for this anime chat. :P
loufghyslaufey: @xed_regulus It was "ungameable" in the first place. I don't see the point of making anyone go through that a 2nd try.
patbaer: The fact that Crunchyroll called it TsumaSho is very telling. I do not know why they bothered to pick it up
Travilogue: It gets pretty heavy at times
MalFnord: That has Implications that I don't know if I like
Astrovore: but what happen to original little girl?
TheMerricat: Don't worry about it @Astrovore :P
RatherLargeToad: And she’s in an abusive household, from what I’ve heard
Travilogue: @Astrovore That is a big part of the second half
patbaer: it asks a lot of big questions but also it's not a good show
viowof: almost exactly how I felt
Travilogue: It does
patbaer: Beej, you like the manga so just skip the anime. You will hate it for different reasons than I do
lamina5432: literally same here watched episode one and didn't go back
RockPusher: it sounds like it would be in my category of media that makes me angry by not being as good as it clearly could be
Texan_Reverend: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
BrowneePointz: Sounds like me and Re Zero
gralamin: But what if I can't get up because a cat is asleep on me?
Wolfstrike_NL: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always composed almost entirely of an advanced carbon-fibre composite.
Nigouki: TL Note: Onani means jorking it and my jorking it I mean-
RockPusher: gralamin RIP I guess
BrowneePointz: I was like, this is good, but also very emotionally torturous in a way I think I need to put it down
red_shoes_jeff: I get the sense that the show will at some point try to pair up the grieving dad and the single mom, if it lasts long enough.
GasCityGaming: new highlights just went up on the youtube btw! :)
accountmadeforants: @Xed_Regulus In fairness, even if they were in a world that was basically the same, if they went about it the same way most isekai protagonist deal with fantasy worlds, they could still "game" the system. I.e., by having no scruples or regard for life. You could game the system by running a crypto scam :)
Travilogue: @red_shoes_jeff It does not
RockPusher: [wubbins intensifies]
red_shoes_jeff: @RockPusher Quick, put on some hats and dence!
red_shoes_jeff: *dance
patbaer: Can't wait for Beej to preview the first anime to be set in 2020 with a "mysterious illness" going on (not kidding)
accountmadeforants: @patbaer Lmao
Wolfstrike_NL: oof
red_shoes_jeff: @patbaer Oooooh GOD.
patbaer: YUP
RatherLargeToad: is a romance set during the lockdowns and goes into the difficulties that arise from that, if I understand correctly
TheDevil_Risen: wait... there's a live action version of If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student
accountmadeforants: The sheer volume of anime coming out every year has definitely resulted in some real treats
gralamin: I don't see much in winter for me personally, so hoping something ends up being good I don't know about. I guess I always could go watch some of my old backlog
Texan_Reverend subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Texan_Reverend! (Today's storm count: 10)
richard_ermen: Good baggage or bad baggage?
TheDevil_Risen: Cant find the anime version of this anymore down under
TheDevil_Risen: netflix has the live action version only
red_shoes_jeff: I...
SenseAmidstMadness: pardon
Astrovore: say what
SenseAmidstMadness: the bus?
accountmadeforants: Onani Master is a wild ride
Travilogue: Looks like live action Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru is on US Netflix as well
Amentur: ayashuNani
TheDevil_Risen: nvm apparently its not included with crnchyroll amazon but exists on crunchyroll main
SenseAmidstMadness: @CookieMom No, the person in the anime Beej is talking about has come in the worst time
CookieMom: @SenseAmidstMadness XD
accountmadeforants: @SenseAmidstMadness Onani Master isn't an anime (or the anime on screen)
BrowneePointz: thats really giving me GTO flashbacks
DoodlestheGreat: I'm not a horror fan, but I just want to take all the Junji Ito supporters and give them a big hug to try to cheer them up. It's a tie between Ito and Satoshi Mizukami as to whose works have been done the most dirty.
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
BusTed: LUL
Akaiatana: This guy spirals.
Gekyouryuu: reminds me of people going into "I saw the tv glow" going "oooh, neat horror movie" and coming out with a thousand yard stare about the trans narrative
Amentur: Oh boy .. Uzumaki ayashuNotLikeThis
richard_ermen: Spiral is life?
red_shoes_jeff: And on that sharp right turn...
accountmadeforants: Uzumaki is just sad
jacqui_lantern234: ngl, i ABSOLUTELY just read that as "UwUMAKI" :P
viowof: I'm terrified of watching it
BrowneePointz: *sigh*
gralamin: Episode 1 vs episode 2
HalvariChan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HalvariChan! (Today's storm count: 11)
MMoritz: yeah, nah, its the contrast in animation from episode to episode
patbaer: Beej, it literally gets worse because they ran out of moeny
Amentur: The first episode was amazing. The other 3 were done by a seperate studio and very low quality
patbaer: from their own mouths
accountmadeforants: They just didn't get any budget for episodes past episode 1, they were given a choice between releasing things as-is or not releasing it at all.
viowof: got it, it ended at Episode 1
red_shoes_jeff: Wow
BrowneePointz: they ran out of money, it got pulled from one studio after ep 1 and given to a dozen subsidiary ones
BrowneePointz: it’s bad
patbaer: if they had had the money it would have been a fine enough adaptation but ooofta
BrowneePointz: and it’s SO RUSHED
BrowneePointz: it’s baaaaaad Beej
Amentur: Yeah the pacing is real rushed in places
mweepigeon: yeah.... I was really excited after ep 1 too
MMoritz: some of the animation does actually look like those paper puppet shows, ill be honest
Juliamon: how do you have 4 episodes and NOT budget for that
patbaer: this was... an anime
viowof: should have used the tax evasion trick like Ufotable
cyclopsboi: dragon emporer was surpisingly good
TheMerricat: how do you decide to fund something like that, have it be 4 episodes long, and then _Not_ budget for more than 1 ep?
RatherLargeToad: this was fun
Juliamon: TheMerricat same hat
Travilogue: Dragon Emperor was pretty good. THings went *really* fast at times though
BrowneePointz: the long answer chat
richard_ermen: There's so many manga like this. Its weird.
patbaer: @Juliamon covid, changes in structure at Adult Swim, hubris
DoodlestheGreat: Within five minutes of the first episode of "Youkai Gakkou" it becomes painfully obvious the entire series is of the "everyone reacts to everything by SCREAMING REAL LOUD AND OVERACTING" school of comedy, which makes me hit the off button so fast that you can hear the sonic boom.
RatherLargeToad: this is wacky. surprised it is two cour
Frankenfruity subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months, currently on a 107 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frankenfruity! (Today's storm count: 12)
RatherLargeToad: seems like they are trying to add a plot now
BrowneePointz: the real answer chat, is that all Junji Ito adaptations are cursed
patbaer: I like it when comedies get plenty of episodes, even if it's a comedy I didn't watch
gralamin: Sleepy castle was great
TheDevil_Risen: @BrowneePointz unarmeOkay tiltyhPLS
Travilogue: Wanted to like Ghoul School, but it didn't quite land for me. Too much yelling maybe? I don't recall
patbaer: Iruma-kun got SEASONS and that's wild
accountmadeforants: @TheMerricat Production started before COVID, they had to restart a bunch of times. (The bit left unsaid is that they probably wasted a bunch of money on overhead in the interim.)
Gekyouryuu: @patbaer Iruma-kun's a great series. it's not entirely comedy, so that probably helped it get more anime
Travilogue: He's also being blackmailed (kind of?) by his school uniform fetish?
RatherLargeToad: we need another season of that
patbaer: @Gekyouryuu yeah, the action probably helped. I'm just always happy to see comedies get 2 cours and multiple seasons
Gekyouryuu: ogami tsumiki to kinichijou
Pteraspidomorphi: Oh I read some of that, it was good
DoodlestheGreat: Tsumiki Ogami and the Weird Everyday Life. Love that series.
accountmadeforants: Ogami Tsumiki is very fun
TheDevil_Risen: Loved BeStars
RatherLargeToad: Ruri Dragon is kind of like that
TheDevil_Risen: I wish there was more
DoodlestheGreat: @RatherLargeToad Yes, Ruri Dragon is great fun.
TheDevil_Risen: @BrowneePointz I wish it wasnt true though
accountmadeforants: @RatherLargeToad I'm still amazed the manga continued after being on hiatus for such a long time
Gekyouryuu: @accountmadeforants I'm glad it did. I'm having a ton of fun with it
Travilogue: As we get into the shorts, it's not listed on anichart, but Beej, did you catch any of Chibi Godzilla Raids Again? It is superb!
BrowneePointz: collect all the flavors of Mountain Dudette
Travilogue: Anybody interested in Chibi Godzilla Raids Again can find it on the Toho's youtube
patbaer: very few shorts get picked up these days
Gekyouryuu: also, Beej, if you enjoy Beastars, you may be interested in another manga from her, Sanda. it's a WILD read about a kid who is also Santa Claus
DoodlestheGreat: "Hyakushou Kizoku" is a delight, and you could show it to your uncle in the Midwest who runs a farm and even if he knows no Japanese he'll get every joke.
TheDevil_Risen: Beej, what anime would you recommend if you like the world building and flavour of BeStars?
MoxleyUnhinged: animeeeeee
RatherLargeToad: it gets a lot better as it goes. is basically a sports show, but the sport is cosplay
cyclopsboi: tower of god is an anime
TheDevil_Risen: there's nothing like it. that's interesting
TheDevil_Risen: coool :)
MoxleyUnhinged: any new gundam or zoids?
DoodlestheGreat: Brand New Animal.
BrowneePointz: nah BNA isn’t the same
TheDevil_Risen: thanks Beej :)
mweepigeon: BNA has pretty furries but isn't really the same worldbuilding
patbaer: Wonder Egg Priority (except it does not stick the landing)
gralamin: Sengoku Youko's pacing is nonsense
mweepigeon: Beast Complex is a Beastars manga spinoff and I guess like FMA?
RatherLargeToad: there was an anime from a few years back about a centaur schoolgirl in a world with no humans that kind of feels like that kind of setting, but I forget them name
viowof: that i heard was good
red_shoes_jeff: It was... okay.
MoxleyUnhinged: ITS AMAZING
patbaer: Solo Leveling will return (has returned)
SymphonySolstice: it's a good movie bront
CookieMom: It was released in America!
JollyGee29: Heard this was very middling
Gekyouryuu: it came out in theaters HERE in the US, iirc
TheMerricat: Aired on Dec 13
BrowneePointz: it’s peak mid
RatherLargeToad: had a wide theatrical release
MoxleyUnhinged: ive seen it three times now
DoodlestheGreat: Yeah, it was aired and it did okay.
Gekyouryuu: War of the Rohirrim
SymphonySolstice: I saw it here yea
Amentur: It seems to be fine from what I heard
Travilogue: Acro Trip is some goofy fun. End felt quite abrupt though.
MMoritz: its not from the lord of the rings, but its from the lotr lore
DoodlestheGreat: Peak mid or mid peak?
viowof: wait, claymation?
BrowneePointz: peak mid
ExachixKitsune: the horror is the lack of description
BrowneePointz: it’s aggressively fine
ExachixKitsune: the comedy is the lack of description
lirazel64: The LoTR appendices
betweenmyself: Agent Blue: <blank>
DoodlestheGreat: Heidi-hooooo
RatherLargeToad: Heidi shorts?
Amentur: Heidi?! In 2024?
accountmadeforants: I love it when there's no description and just the most bizarre poster
AshBurnem: That claymated deal is on YouTube, the artist dhas done a few hings, mostly horror.
RatherLargeToad: Ranma even had a Heidi joke intro
Akaiatana: The Heidi Hayday
AshBurnem: Apologies for poor spelling. :(
patbaer: if it airs on a streamer BEFORE it airs on Japanese tv (even like a day before), Ani considers it and ONA
TheMerricat: They also made a remake in 2015
Juliamon: it's nostalgia of nostalgia
accountmadeforants: Japan's not great at media preservation, but they're great at remaking the same goddamn thing over and over and over again
Nigouki: Japan also has Anne of Green Gables :V
JollyGee29: The Heidi anime was 1975
Amentur: It aired in Germany and was probaby my first anime despite me not knowing what the difference was back then
patbaer: I will say the premise of Ao no Hako is really thin because like... yeah, people in different sports can date. Why couldn't they?
viowof: societal pressure, probably
Amentur: That and The Bee Maja (or what the English title is)
accountmadeforants: That basically guarantees she won't win
Juliamon: Amentur Maya the Bee?
RevanentOne: yup, overseas
Wolfstrike_NL: chrisLUL
Akaiatana: They were roommates.
accountmadeforants: @RevanentOne Honestly, I think I'm going to go with Beej's interpretation from now on. It's way funnier if the mysteriously transferred parents we never see again went to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism
Juliamon: parents returned to their home planet
Phazon_Kiwi: Hi Beej!
viowof: rate this vs Birdie Wing please
RatherLargeToad: there is no Badminton mafia
TheDevil_Risen: translation is Blue Box Right?
Akaiatana: He got shuttlecock blocked.
Bionull: I was mixed on Blue Box. It's obviously well done, but I dunno how much I want romance played straight.
betweenmyself: “hyper golf” sounds like something out of Battle Golfer Yui riffThink
PMAvers: Are we sure "nationals" isn't code for "being shipped off to the space colonies"?
CookieMom: It feels like a classic anime design.
TheDevil_Risen: hrmm, im struggling getting through from me to you, its good, just hard at times
Wolfstrike_NL: I was waiting for the, didn't watch the first season, so didn't watch the second spiel
patbaer: we got alot of romance coming in the Winter but most of it seems... not great
DoodlestheGreat: Speaking of Beastars.
BrowneePointz: it didn’t QUITE stick the landing but also didn’t faceplant
OmnipotentTrevor: If we don't get the Family Dinner Scene I riot
betweenmyself: I can’t wait for the day when “final seasons” are split into ten or more “parts” with twelve episodes each
Bionull: I do love some DDDDdddD
Akaiatana: The empress has no clothes
patbaer: production troubles
Gekyouryuu: she's a goddess. when have we ever known the gods to be modest?
margieargie: Good for her(?)
Bionull: She's a goddess. She's entitled.
dabudder: youre right those are specials
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
patbaer: We will see Bell-kun again eventually
cyclopsboi: way too horny
BrowneePointz: This manga pisses me off
IslandersCaper: 0.0
betweenmyself: Episode 13: Muffin Top Island riffThink
Travilogue: All-Guy's mixer was pretty good
Bionull: Fat elf show kiiind of uncomfortable.
DoodlestheGreat: "Unaired episodes" They shoud have stayed that way. Man, the animation for that series is dire.
BrowneePointz: no no she’s not even fat
patbaer: Mid queer shows are fine
BrowneePointz: she’s just not rail thin
Travilogue: (They are ladies dressed as men. They work in a drag bar)
RatherLargeToad: those are women
Gekyouryuu: the dazzlingly handsome men are women, btw. it's straight yaoi
cyclopsboi: started watching that it was boring
Juliamon: yeah, the manga is very "I swear this isn't a fetish" while aggressively fetishizing rapid weight gain/loss
Gekyouryuu: loner isekai was fun
accountmadeforants: We need a Bocchi ranking at some point
patbaer: Loner Isekai has like 250 manga chapters. It keeps going!
gralamin: Re u
BrowneePointz: more importantly it keeps falling her fat, she isn’t, and it’s aggressively not body positive while trying to say it is @juliamon
patbaer: new Gundam is done in Unreal 5 Engine, Beej!
viowof: multiverse lmao
patbaer: and it's not great
BrowneePointz: calling her*
gralamin: Requiem was not great yeah
Bionull: I hope the Hello Kitty multiverse intersects with the Fate multiverse.
viowof: oh, JC Staff
DoodlestheGreat: "Kazuhiho to Marie no Youkoso Kitchen" is a set of shorts meant to lead into a series for this winter called "Welcome to Japan, Miss Elf."
accountmadeforants: That was a very fast Watching. Guess I'll add it to my To Watch list, as well :D
Amentur: Similar animation as The Way of the Househusband?
Travilogue: Just looking at the PV, and yeah, the animation is wild. I love it
Amentur: ayashuLUL oh boy
Amentur: @TheMerricat Thanks extraHeart
Caffine1138: question: what website is this? It seems really useful!
Juliamon: anichart.net
Phazon_Kiwi: The animation is def stilted, but in a way that adds to the charm and laughs
Caffine1138: thanks!
Juliamon: (zoomed in very close)
DoodlestheGreat: I hope the Hllo Kitty multiverse intersects with the Junji Ito multiverse. "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream." lrrSPOOP
TheDevil_Risen: is it disney/hulu only?
Travilogue: @TheDevil_Risen looks like, yeah
red_shoes_jeff: "What if we have her scream like a broken microphone?"
BrowneePointz: PTE is brilliant
TheDevil_Risen: lunarj1Heart
patbaer: Fan Letter was great
BrowneePointz: the Fan Letter was INCREDIBLE
cyclopsboi: i started watching that and couldnt finish it
TheDevil_Risen: another space Yamato?
patbaer: Beej, Dandadan has fucking STYLE. Science Saru nailed it.
BrowneePointz: I’m just very, VERY patiently waiting for Dandadan Cour 2 in July
Juliamon: Have we had a break yet?
Juliamon: awesome
patbaer: the manga for A-Rank gets fucking dark as hell but I don't think the anime will adapt that far
cyclopsboi: a rank looks like something i want to watch
Juliamon: (had to step away for dinner for a bit)
Texan_Reverend: New watch, who dis?
lamina5432: this is a very standard isekai
DoodlestheGreat: "A-Rank" looks... Okay.
patbaer: the rare "you can't fire me, I quit" version of the Banished subgenre
7gorobei: warning, very harem
TheMerricat: The manga for this was nice, till it got into the old party doing SA.
viowof: i heard that as Camel Up and finished up with Super Cup in my head
RatherLargeToad: Adventurers are live-streamed in the dungeon
RockPusher: Bandai Namco, but so many nouns…
patbaer: yeah it starts fun and gets BAD
Phazon_Kiwi: Yeah, it's like people just enjoy diff things
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha <3
CookieMom: Weebin it up. :D
Juliamon: We can't take ourselves too seriously
TheDevil_Risen: well said Beej!
ExachixKitsune: When beej calls your waifu trash, know that beej's waifus are also trash >:3
viowof: instructions unclear - made fun of non-webs
RatherLargeToad: “GoodTagsMyDude”
Texan_Reverend: Harming
EdibleDragon: LRR: Smut is Okay! LUL
Texan_Reverend: Hurting and Harming can be very different things.
cyclopsboi: i want to watch this
accountmadeforants: Oh, the manga of this is great
patbaer: he's such a dad. I kinda love it.
DeM0nFiRe: If this was the discord I would post that "This is true we have no control over what Beej says" sticker
RatherLargeToad: the manga is fun
cutaos: "lrr better than porn"
Bionull: This is the one isekai I might watch.
accountmadeforants: I'm surprised it got an anime so soon, but I'm definitely not complaining
Sethalidos: @EdibleDragon Also LRR: BEEJ! NO!
jacqui_lantern234: what if Beej is my waifu? (for legal reasons, this is a joke)
TheDevil_Risen: For Legal Reasons, Beej is just chilling and being Beej <3
Travilogue: I'm a sucker for and otome villainess iseka
JollyGee29: Probably still not going to watch this, but the PV did actually hold my attention when I did my PV watch earlier today
Gekyouryuu: he's in a coma while this is happening, iirc
Travilogue: Oh, I did not know that angle. Even better.
accountmadeforants: Best dad just dealing with these high school kids and actually treating them like kids.
accountmadeforants: It's so fun
RatherLargeToad: Doesn’t know what a villainess is, but raid some otome manga once, and is willing to give it the old college try
Amentur: That's amazing :D
viowof: and then make his life harder for the hell of it?
EdibleDragon: That sounds incredible
RockPusher: Okay, that has sold me
red_shoes_jeff: That is... a novel angle.
MalFnord: There's one panel where they do the double kamehameha in the manga and that's pretty much peak
richard_ermen: That sounds amazing.
dabudder: whats an otome game?
viowof: that's so weirdly amazing
cyclopsboi: the first 2 eps of this were great
patbaer: @dabudder dating game. RPG trappings but the focus is romance
Erzrig: This "show" should be called Animeej: All wifus are trash but smut is okay.
TheDevil_Risen: Dr House the Anime?
RatherLargeToad: This is House, but more gremlin than curmudgeon
Gekyouryuu: I saw this summed up as "House if Hugh Laurie was an anime girl and she teams up with anime Columbo to solve murders"
viowof: @dabudder female protag romance games marketed towards women
Travilogue: First eps of this are cute. I am hopeful, but also prepared for it to get tedious with the mysteries
cyclopsboi: she drinks beer so i assume adult
Texan_Reverend: Doogie House but gremlin energy. Got it.
BusTed: doogie howsering
viowof: kid House
Amentur: The first suspicion on a disease is Lupus. So I think they're aware of it
RatherLargeToad: she looks a lot younger in that image than she does animated
RockPusher: Doogie-Umuru-chan?
EdibleDragon: Doogie Howser the anime
RatherLargeToad: is in her 20s, I believe
viowof: welp, gotta dip, have a good stream
Gekyouryuu: this is "We have Campfire Cooking at Home"
patbaer: this manga reminds me a bit of the Handyman isekai
richard_ermen: This is...kinda creepy.
DoodlestheGreat: I've read the manga for this. "Arafou" is sooooo "We've got 'Campfire Cooking In Another World' at home."
dabudder: isekai but captitalism??
SenseAmidstMadness: Amazon: the Anime
CookieMom: Those AI Mushroom Foraging books are a real danger.
cyclopsboi: i will watch this, i have just now seen the ecchi tag which is interesting
RatherLargeToad: from the intro, he has a steam shovel mech somehow
accountmadeforants: Oh, right, and regarding that villainess manga, the artist also has a Twitter and they get up to some nonsense: https://i.imgur.com/T7R5MPT.jpeg
IslandersCaper: oh gosh I am so impatient for apothecary diaries season 2
Travilogue: I am prepared to drop this after 3 eps
TheWriterAleph: isekais are so out of pocket bro lol
patbaer: I do like that the animal girls aren't just humans with cat ears and tail
richard_ermen: He becomes "the strange wizard".
RockPusher: I assume this is trash, but is it "good" trash
patbaer: this manga is fun enough trash
RatherLargeToad: seems like schlock, but I like schlock
accountmadeforants: And: https://i.imgur.com/36jZyiw.png
ExachixKitsune: We've all been the only employee at a job who gets stuff done. see also: if you want a job done properly...
red_shoes_jeff: Hmmmm... No.
EdibleDragon: At first I thought this was season 2 of that other anime with the guy who go isekai'd and had an online shopping skill
patbaer: I would say the ecchi is not really part of it
JollyGee29: The PV didn't seem especially ecchi
patbaer: vampire cock blocker
accountmadeforants: @patbaer This sounds like a resounding recommendation in my book. (But then, reading manga is a real low time investment)
CookieMom: This sounds horror-ish.
red_shoes_jeff: Is this like the Cells At Work horror spin-off?
RatherLargeToad: “I understand”
cyclopsboi: i will watch this and it will be trash
Gekyouryuu: the trailer for this looked terrible
TheWriterAleph: Liamxander Hamilton
dividesBy0: Lamington
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
Amentur: Does he have one shot?
Travilogue: "Magic Exists?!?!)
betweenmyself: innocent enjoyment!?! riffGasp
patbaer: Studio DEEN needs to take a break from adaptations.
SenseAmidstMadness: "finally having time to learn magic" is a mood
SenseAmidstMadness: if there was magic, I would find time to learn it
JollyGee29: Studio DEEN probably just needs to take a break
Gekyouryuu: "they call it Kenja no Jikan because after you wank it hard enough, you literally become a powerful sage"
cyclopsboi: forced to marry a girl that he hates or something like that
dabudder: wow i cant believe hes so small in this scool
CookieMom: Take this bento, but I don't like you or anything.
patbaer: There's a lot of romantic comedies this season and this is one of them
Travilogue: First ep.... was okay.... would like more focus on Akane over Saito
RockPusher: I like a romcom and my bar is low :D
RatherLargeToad: the characters actually being married makes the harem stuff seem less fun
TheMerricat: Japan really wants to push home the lesson that maybe you should just get married even if you don't want to, doesn't it? :D
SymphonySolstice: too soon?
patbaer: They finally made a COVID anime
RatherLargeToad: and she was right
CookieMom: Which of the four boys dies from COVID?
IslandersCaper: omg
ExachixKitsune: "I love you!" "No!" *Credits*
rosiedog88: tell us how you really feel Beige
EdibleDragon: Oh no, it suddenly becomes Your Lie in April
Gekyouryuu: if someone dies from Covid, it's the ONLY one you DON'T want to die
Amentur: Which one has long Covid?
accountmadeforants: Why shouldn't the girl be hospitalized
patbaer: This is based on a manga... which means it came out at best a couple years ago
IslandersCaper: I really shouldn't be shocked this exists, and yet I kind of am lol
CookieMom: Ahhh, Main Character in Ep 13, got it.
patbaer: too soon
RatherLargeToad: turns out it is a secret Zombieland Saga spin off
TheMerricat: Illicit party without facemasks, she gets covid, they all die, and she spends the rest of the anime in a hospital bed sobbing.
betweenmyself: maybe it’s just an anime where the heroine plays online board games with four boys? riffThink
TheWriterAleph: @TheMerricat CINEMA
EdibleDragon: How is she supposed to love when she can't smell any of them?!
Gekyouryuu: @betweenmyself romcom where they met in an Amongus lobby
Travilogue: Manga started Nov 2020
CookieMom: I wish I could have the power of "COVID didn't happen."
dabudder: covid was very difficult for a lot of people and it makes sense that people would want to write art about it and art without it
patbaer: As far as I can tell, this is the first anime with a COVID backdrop
Texan_Reverend: A similar thing happened during the Spanish Flu. Most stories and media tried to avoid the topic to stay escapist.
TheDevil_Risen: @EdibleDragon unarmeGameplay
cyclopsboi: like a capybara
CookieMom: Good stretch and drink time.
DoodlestheGreat: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
BrowneePointz: so when do we get a werewolf girl reverse harem anime?
Texan_Reverend: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
BrowneePointz: that’s all that made me think of
ElementalHaven: excellent timing. lets me put away groceries
TheMerricat: So random question for you chat... for those of you who have made boxed instant pudding... every, and I mean _every_ time I've tried to make it it comes out like a thin milkshake instead of what my brain tells me what pudding should be like. I just, in my 50th attempt to figure out what I was doing wrong saw a post that suggested that 'instant pudding should be runny, if you want solid stuff you should be thinking of custard' and then suggested just halving the amount of liquid to add..
TheMerricat: Have I been living a lie?
SymphonySolstice: do you put it in the fridge when you're done?
betweenmyself: @themerricat imo pudding should stick to the spoon when scooped until you give it a firm shake
TheMerricat: I've tried putting it in the fridge, I've tried simmering it.
accountmadeforants: I, uh, think of pudding as a gelatinous-ish thing, not something runny. Like, on a scale from runny to not runny, I'd go milk, yoghurt, vla, custard, pudding
CookieMom: There's several things you can do. Lessening the liquid is one, using a thicker liquid is another (heavy cream in place of milk)
SymphonySolstice: it should usually be a cup of cold milk, whisk together and then immediately put in the fridge
NotCainNorAbel: I would expect pudding to be more stiff than custard
DoodlestheGreat: By the by, the new LRR Highlights video is out on YT.
Brozard: @themerricat have you considered that the problem is you? lrrBEEJ jk
Sylenctone: Instant pudding needs the coldest milk, whisk 2 mins, fridge for 20min
RockPusher: TheMerricat as in add-milk instant pudding? What % fat is the milk, too low and I imagine you will have issues
accountmadeforants: So I think by chat consensus we've determined that you have not been living a lie, TheMerricat
TheMerricat: @Brozard Not only have considered, up till I read that post, I assumed. :D
red_shoes_jeff: I... have never heard of pudding being described as 'stiff' before.
Travilogue: I think of instant pudding ending up similar to yogurt for texture
7gorobei: try the pudding that requires cooking, that stuff will form a pretty thick skin that gets stiff. instant no-cook pudding seems like it will always be a little thing
7gorobei: thin
Juliamon: yeah, I feel like a Greek yogurt texture is what you should be aiming for?
TheMerricat: @RockPusher ahh... that's something that I haven't seen mentioned before. Yeah, I use non-fat dry milk reconstituted since I normally don't have a need for milk and my desire for pudding is sufficiently sporadic that I don't see the need to keep it on hand just for that. :D
Wolfstrike_NL: To the moon!
patbaer: it's time to "explain"
CookieMom: Why not?
TheWriterAleph: the mooooon
RatherLargeToad: that’s a sentence
SenseAmidstMadness: Why Man?
lamina5432: wow dr stone got weird
Carry_On2242: cool
accountmadeforants: Pudding being similar to yoghurt in terms of stiffness might be a regional thing, I guess. (Where the regions who think it should be similar to yoghurt are blatantly wrong Kappa )
betweenmyself: pudding in a small cup should have enough surface tension to *tenaciously* resist being “poured out”
SymphonySolstice: @TheMerricat yeah that'll probbably do it. the fat probably helps with the coagulation
Carry_On2242: lrrAWW
TheDevil_Risen: wb Beej
RockPusher: TheMerricat yeah, that sounds like it might be something to try differently then, if even to just confirm my hypothesis
patbaer: Dr. Stone decided it needed to explain the petrifaction and it's bonkers
patbaer: if you're not going to finish it you should look up manga spoilers because it's... alot
TheMerricat: So adding only half the amount of milk this time, got to exactly where I wanted in consistancy, but... it was half of the amount of what I was hoping for. I'll have to see if I can get the 'fatted' powdered milk once the winter storm is over. :D Thanks @RockPusher and the rest of chat, I'm glad I wasn't living a lie about pudding not being thin milkshakes. :D
lamina5432: just looking that up to remember the actal title
TheMerricat: Swiss Family Robinson Genre.
QuixoticScrivener: or just go King of the Flies
cyclopsboi: that is what i keep wanting in an isekai
TheDevil_Risen: Wilsonnn!
RockPusher: Wilson! I'm sorry!
red_shoes_jeff: WILSON!!!
KeytarCat: Castaway fucked me up as a kid
betweenmyself: Dr. Stone surprised me by the degree to which it hews to the shonen anime trope of hero battles antagonist and 9/10 turns them into allies after defeating them.
Travilogue: @TheMerricat Maybe look into getting ultra-pasturized milk? They stay good for quite a while. My current bottle is dated April 11.
Juliamon: TheMerricat Here's a big outlier possibility: maybe you're reconstituting milk wrong??
LunchB0x_13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 39 month streak!
LunchB0x_13: animoo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LunchB0x_13! (Today's storm count: 13)
BrowneePointz: Island of Blue dolphins/Hatchet the anime
TheMerricat: @Juliamon so I've tried a couple of ways, for most of the stuff that I use it with it's ok to mix the powder in with the rest of the dries and just add the water later but I've also mixed it up a day beforehand and then added it as 'actual milk'.
iris_of_ether: As a Celiac I am interested in hearing about millet ramen
TheMerricat: @Travilogue oh... that's an idea too!
RockPusher: Grains! Grains! Grains!
patbaer: Dr. Stone feels like a manga that wanted to be an adventure series but needed to be a battle shonen to get made
spo8n: tame a wild double-horse
TheWriterAleph: love primitive technology
Travilogue: @TheMerricat I use like maybe 1 cup every 3-5 weeks, so I just get a pint at a time.
TheMerricat: @Travilogue That is exactly the same situation as I'm in, gonna have to check to see if they even have UHT milk here. Thanks! :)
RockPusher: 1) Make a plow 2) Plant crops 3) ??? 4) ♫ Society! ♫
cyclopsboi: farmagia looks weird
Travilogue: @TheMerricat Don't know what stores you have, but I find it at Kroger.
LordZarano: If you love stuff like that I can highly recommend the BBC reality tv show Rough Science. Every episode they take their little group of professional scientists to some remote location and give them some tasks to accomplish. It's very Mythbusters like
patbaer: this is based on a video game with character designs from the guy who made Fairy Tail
CookieMom: I feel so called out about middle age.
RockPusher: AMagus
red_shoes_jeff: This has an anime already?
Juliamon: I'll never not read this title as "Formaggia"
Gekyouryuu: M'goose
patbaer: The Fairy Tail guy can only make Fairy Tail I guess
betweenmyself: can’t wait til we get a cheese tie-in… Fromage-ia
TheMerricat: If it works @patbaer. If it works.
cyclopsboi: i will watch this and it will probably be trash
Gekyouryuu: @patbaer Rave Master erasure
patbaer: the supporting cast is fun
lamina5432: this one is fine
patbaer: Ursula is great, as are the other guardians
RatherLargeToad: Yuri on Tour
TheMerricat: Oh! I was reading this one.
TheMerricat: It quickly becomes a harem.
TheDevil_Risen: Ein!
DoodlestheGreat: No craps given.
MalFnord: Lovely, don't care, next!
patbaer: @Gekyouryuu fair, but everything after that just became Fairy Tail again
Earthenone: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:20 PM
patbaer: being an appraiser isn't actually what makes him great, Beej
patbaer: that's the twist: he's just given cool powers
TheDevil_Risen: Ein is the cutest dogoo IMHO :)
patbaer: yep
RatherLargeToad: “Being an appraiser actually sucks, here’s better stuff”
TheMerricat: He essentially dies when he is thrown to the bottom of the dungeon he's in by his party, and the world tree girl reencarnates him.
lamina5432: doesn't he do the got lost in the dungeon bit
eDRoaCH: Agents of SORD
patbaer: this is a spin off of an anime based on visual novels.
DoodlestheGreat: School girls with guns. Again. woo.
patbaer: the other Grisaia is about a supersoldier handsome boy who becomes a teacher to girls, and this spin off is what if that school became the military
cyclopsboi: I will watch this and i hope enjoy it
CookieMom: I am looking forward to this, it looks funny.
Pinwiz11: I'll be checking this one out
DoodlestheGreat: I've read "Guild no Uketsukejou" and the story is fairly fun. Going lrrHAM to avoid overtime? We can all relate. And it's Cloverworks so it's likely to look okay.
patbaer: Guild Receptionist is a cool manga
TheMerricat: Oh the manga for this one is fun.
Amentur: I'm looking forward to Guild Receptionist. Read a bit of the manga already
TheMerricat: No.
Travilogue: This looks very fun
RatherLargeToad: she has a giant hammer, so that’s fun
margieargie: THis feels worth a try at least
MalFnord: I'd give it a shot
mweepigeon: yeah it's pretty light but fun
TheMerricat: The answer to every rhetorical question is no. :D
Texan_Reverend: Once you've seen schoolgirls with fighter jet legs and anti-materiel rifles for sniping, can any other schoolgirls with guns anime keep up?
patbaer: I think the voice acting will go a long way.
7gorobei: Guild Receptionist starts strong, it meanders plot wise later on
TheMerricat: @Texan_Reverend gunslinger girl :P
eDRoaCH: if i get tired reading the title i tap out right there
Gekyouryuu: so, wait... if she takes out the bosses herself, because the adventurers get stuck, wouldn't that just KEEP them underleveled and keep making more work for her?
TheMerricat: @Gekyouryuu ... :D
patbaer: "female led fantasy stories with comedy elements" don't come along all that often
eDRoaCH: @Gekyouryuu sounds like a good business model?
frameshifty: I often love these kinds of anime if they don't try to get too serious
betweenmyself: I prefer fantasy anime where the hero/heroine does not develop invincible god powers five minutes into episode one
TheMerricat: @Gekyouryuu the bosses she takes out are the "Demon King" variety of bosses, i.e. the ones the adventures shouldn't be facing in the first place yet.
Amentur: @Texan_Reverend There was Lycoris Recoil (of which I'm still waiting on a second season for)
Gekyouryuu: @eDRoaCH seems counterproductive when she's trying to have less work
TheMerricat: @betweenmyself good news, she doesn't develop them, she starts out OP. Her problem isn't the dungeon stuff, it's the stuff above ground.
eDRoaCH: @Gekyouryuu yes but she's an employee, businesses dont care about them
patbaer: hopeful for this one. Great premise
Gekyouryuu: "hello, children. TODAY, we're going to learn how to monetize your hobbies!"
Akaiatana: And then you bob for Timbits in nog.
jacqui_lantern234: turns out, beej, that youre sincerely funny and people legitimately love you
aerohydra: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
DoodlestheGreat: Done all the time in the entertainment biz.
betweenmyself: and then mommy business manager and daddy improv group made sloppy love and birthed your current career riffYeti
CookieMom: Would you say graphic design is your passion?
patbaer: "I didn't know that was an option"
jacqui_lantern234: as it turns out: i have a face for radio and a voice for pantomime Kappa
RockPusher: Winning over an audience, community minded, how about politics?
GasCityGaming: I have an ed degree but also video editing skills, not I'm a Learning development Specialist, I help design all the training for the company I work for! :)
DoodlestheGreat: Oh god, Meyers-Briggs is SUCH a pile of dog dirt.
CookieMom: What is my rare drop %, what are my resistances at?
Nigouki: everyone's uric acid off the charts
Akaiatana: @Beej "This guy's off the charts on charts!"
betweenmyself: semi-tangent off of people building careers off voice work: I wonder if there are any ASMR streams where people just ramble through the digits of pi in a soothing voice riffThink
Juliamon: born with the ability to access anyone's MyChart
Travilogue: Oh, I remember doing a test thing like this during high school
dividesBy0: 3% chance to drop a rare liver, not bad.
TheWriterAleph: that sounds like a Fallout joke
Travilogue: I think forestry was one of mine?
RockPusher: gabyLul
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Amentur: ayashuLUL
cyclopsboi: diorama builder a job we have so many demands for
aerohydra: this week on loading ready live, beej builds dioramas
Juliamon: Beej Builds the Whole Diorama
CookieMom: But you do love setting up bits.
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon lmao XD
betweenmyself: Beej narrowly missed out on becoming the world’s first diorama industry trillionaire
Travilogue: That Zeta shift campsite was kind of diorama...
patbaer: it's the nut anime
cyclopsboi: i watched the first ep of Fruitmaster and its generic as hell
BrowneePointz: also, those tests and databases historically are not great even including those on the autism spectrum
Wet_Feetman: I like your pronunciation
accountmadeforants: @cyclopsboi Shocking :O
lamina5432: another very standard op fantasy
DoodlestheGreat: These are the fruitiest of skill fruits. Wasn't this is the whole "Fruit of Evolution" schtick?
Gekyouryuu: I think that might be a syntax error? I saw this description say he got the "fruit master" skill
Awfrigate: Wow
margieargie: I would have loved a show about being a vital part of keeping this society going by cultivating the skill fruits needed. Sadly this isn't that show
CookieMom: "Cunrchyroll". XD
protojman: completionist run
RockPusher: Gotta Eat 'Em All!
accountmadeforants: The worst skill is actually the best skill? Novel!
TheMerricat: He doesn't have to go on a quest, he grows them himself. :D
BrowneePointz: this just sounds like the writer read one piece and decided that having limits wasn’t good enough
jacqui_lantern234: gotta eat em all, fruitymon
Juliamon: so, Toriko
RatherLargeToad: Yup, it’s “Fruit Master” which makes him immune to fruit based poisons
Wet_Feetman: the median man's experience when journeying in south east asia
cyclopsboi: beej eats the whole thing
Gekyouryuu: I'd love the twist that the skill lets him eat more than one, but there IS still a limit, and he learns it one fruit too late
PMAvers: Beej Eats the Whole Skill Fruit
eDRoaCH: say "you grew up watching One Piece" without saying you grew u p watching one piece
TheMerricat: It is.
patbaer: there is a manga
dividesBy0: In this hellish world, you can only eat two pieces of fruit
accountmadeforants: "Someone made a tweet along the lines of "Wouldn't it be funny if""
red_shoes_jeff: @Gekyouryuu Like Edgerunners!
Wolfstrike_NL: We had some budget to spend, make it
betweenmyself: His secret skill actually allows him to eat *two* fruits without dying
TheDevil_Risen: Holy crap it really is :D
patbaer: there's a lot of romantic comedies this season and this is one of them.
Travilogue: The pic makes me think of Skip and Loafer, which reminds me, Skip and Loafer is getting a second season!
accountmadeforants: That looks like a wig, one not made out of real hair
Travilogue: No date announced, yeah
accountmadeforants: (If it's a dye... why would you do that to yourself?)
Gekyouryuu: I need to get around to Skip and Loafer
ElementalHaven: I forgot skip and loafer exists
BrowneePointz: I still can’t believe we are in a reality where we are getting a continuation of panty and stocking with garterbelt
accountmadeforants: (Not dyeing your hair in general, just going for that particular colour. I should stop focusing on this)
TheMerricat: @accountmadeforants https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganguro :{
TheMerricat: :P even
cyclopsboi: i watched first ep and it was good, I am hoping it stays focused on crafting
dividesBy0: Ah, I see, the html is broken because fruitmaster is being converted into a html tag
aerohydra: does he try to off himself
CookieMom: Uncle from Another World? :- b
aerohydra: and thats the series
RatherLargeToad: The goddess got mad at the empire that did the summoning and blocked it, so couldn’t send him back
Wet_Feetman: he starts an isekai support group and feels out of place bc he didn't do anything
accountmadeforants: @TheMerricat Yeah but those hair dyes look interesting, at least. (Or semi-realistically blond)
lamina5432: theres not that exactly but some similar ones
patbaer: I'm reading a manga where a transfer student isn't on the roll so he doesn't get isekai'd with his class but does get abilities
eDRoaCH: the issekai rejects club
Gekyouryuu: @patbaer that's amazing
TheDevil_Risen: that one looks fun, added to my watch list
betweenmyself: Yeah, I can prove the other world exists. *shoves them into oncoming traffic*
Amentur: Ojisan would be amazed at SEGA maybe getting out a new console ayashuLUL
Travilogue: The first ep has a lot of cookie cutter isekai stuff, but enough other stuff that I'm giving it a try
patbaer: "fun" fact: see all those ladies? most of them are slaves.
DoodlestheGreat: Isekai, "worst skill is the best," AND "alchemy? That writer must be great at darts.
Wet_Feetman: aaaand snore
Gekyouryuu: @patbaer that fact wasn't fun at all
CookieMom: The power of capitalism!
Gekyouryuu: @patbaer I should've asked. what's the title?
TheDevil_Risen: lrrFINE lunarj1Messy
Travilogue: There is maybe some kind of interesting stuff involving the other people who were isekaied
patbaer: there's a spider companion that is really great but then the main character buys a bunch of lady slaves
RatherLargeToad: One interesting bit is that the goddess sends him to the world a year before the other people he was summoned with
TheMerricat: Yeah Realist Hero isn't OP. He's just smarter than the rest of the people around him because he's not an idiot.
ElementalHaven: at least I parry everything was totally off the wall goofy with that
BrowneePointz: they should make an isekai one punch man
eDRoaCH: the prob is all they do anymore is write their personal power and s*x fantasies
accountmadeforants: @patbaer Head, meet desk
eDRoaCH: i wonder what the japanese name for mary sue is
BrowneePointz: The transported protagonist with now these God like skills has to come with the reality that they are losing their touch with reality
patbaer: @TheMerricat yeah he was in college to go into government work and that's his power
patbaer: @eDRoaCH Ichigo
BrowneePointz: @edroach Kirito(that’s a SAO joke)
RatherLargeToad: the one from last season were shorts
kingandcommoner: there was a side-story season but this is the actual second season
betweenmyself: Five minute anime where the main character gets isekaied into a world that is just a huge mound of mangled, truck-crushed, corpses riffThink
RockPusher: This is good trash :D
lamina5432: the 1st season of this was great
loufghyslaufey: Does it dough? StinkyCheese MindManners PixelBob
accountmadeforants: I will continue reading the manga, it's a banger. No interest in the anime
Gekyouryuu: that's fair
JollyGee29: They're translating this as "You and Idol Precure" which amuses me.
ElementalHaven: I wouldnt say I like it, but I
ElementalHaven: 'll probably watch it nonetheless
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
patbaer: I already watched that anime where the guy finds out he's got 2 dozen sisters and they all go to the same boarding school
JollyGee29: There will be two more
lamina5432: I haven't caught up on precure in a while
Juliamon: It's not "Futari"
Gekyouryuu: that's still one of my favorite bits from the first PreCure is Cure Black saying her catchphrases and going "....what'd I just say?"
RatherLargeToad: @lamina5432 Soaring Sky was really good
betweenmyself: the problem I had with the 100 girlfriends anime is that I predicted the “twist” of the final episode of season one during episode nine pennyWhat
cyclopsboi: i am not sure if will watch but i will give it an ep
BrowneePointz: so for chat if you’ve ever wondered why modern anime is the way it is you should absolutely watch kinnikuman sometime
RatherLargeToad: Prince Duke is back!
patbaer: This anime starts as a "kicked/banished" but the prince is like... no?
BrowneePointz: it’s one of those “your favorite musicians’ favorite musician” scenarios
kingandcommoner: what's the bet, farming or baking?
ElementalHaven: I mean the gimmick of 100 girlfriends dictates how every problem has to be solved
Duwani1: what is the website again?
BorgarWithAShotgun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
BorgarWithAShotgun: blargh?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BorgarWithAShotgun! (Today's storm count: 14)
patbaer: it's an interesting take on the subgenre but the art makes me think "nah"
loufghyslaufey: A1 like "the sauce?"
lamina5432: try it its decent
Wolfstrike_NL: @Duwani1 https://anichart.net/Winter-2025 zoomed in
patbaer: I really hope this gets picked up!
DoodlestheGreat: Just a plain old workplace romance. It's frightening how refreshing this is.
loufghyslaufey: Nah. When in doubt, chuck it out the window. Beej. Probably not towards your neighbors, unless... you're into that sort of bit
RockPusher: This would be more interesting without the ecchi tag…
BrowneePointz: god I’d love that
patbaer: there are alot of romantic comedies this season....
Gekyouryuu: I saw a great evaluation of this: if the genders were flipped in this scenario, it'd be a horror anime
BrowneePointz: That would be such a more interesting story
accountmadeforants: I read the manga of Kuroiwa Medaka but it fell into the trap of introducing way too many rivals and giving the supposed male love interest basically no character development the whole time.
CookieMom: "I'm the lead character in a harem anime, but I'm ace, so my life is hell."
JakeKamas: I'm sorry Beej I think this is the one where he's a monk in training
7gorobei: i read this for a while, but it is a 1 trick gag, they drag it out forever.
Duwani1: oh this one is great
patbaer: I do like that he doesn't seem like a pretty boy
Duwani1: the manga is cute
accountmadeforants: (I dropped it after a whiile)
MalFnord: @CookieMom SOLD. Gimmie three light novels by December!
accountmadeforants: And yeah, he's a monk in training
Juliamon: I would *love* a manga about an unreasonably cute aroace boy having to escape his classmates' relentless advances
patbaer: this is not the time or place, but I feel so bad for Aubrey (google it I guess, it's sad)
accountmadeforants: @Juliamon I think one does exist, but it's a fairly short gag manga
RockPusher: patbaer indeed
JakeKamas: @MalFnord Not quite the same, but there was a manga with the same premise but the protagonist is gay instead of ace.
CookieMom: @accountmadeforants Yeah, this is what I was thinking of.
BrowneePointz: I think Japan would have to have consistent lgbt rep in anime before that happens unfortunately @juliamon
TheWooglie: you mean people to do?
Wolfstrike_NL: sex, but excel spreadsheet, but also sex
loufghyslaufey: Somehow descended to articulating Sheldon's social thought process
accountmadeforants: Right, right, he's gay, not ace. (I was thinking of "I'm the Main Character of a Harem Manga, but I'm Gay so Every Day Is Hell for Me")
betweenmyself: “What is this ‘Mpreg’? Oh well, add it to the list and I’m sure I’ll find a boy who wants to do it with me.”
eDRoaCH: idk harem animes are often hs
definenull: LUL
adept_nekomancer: @Wolfstrike_NL Excel spreadsheet? Oh no. Clippy: "It looks like you're trying to do a sex."
Akaiatana: @Wolfstrike_NL Sex cells.
7gorobei: @Juliamon there is a manga about a boy who is only interested in rakugo but is the baseball star of the hs. a girl tries to get him to be more normal but he just tries to do his own thing. Yugami-Kun-Ni-Wa-Tomodachi-Ga-Inai
eDRoaCH: what show is this?
patbaer: Bill Hater's then wife wrote and directed The To Do List. Maggie Carey rules
BrowneePointz: Bill Hater is his evil alter ego
loufghyslaufey: Oh my
Gekyouryuu: again, if this were inverted, and it was a guy insistent on flirting with a girl who won't fall for him instantly, this'd be treated very differently
DoodlestheGreat: Nothing this season makes me happier than knowing we're going to get more MaoMao and her pet eunuch(not really) Jinshi. megame6Megalove
RatherLargeToad: the other detective gremlin show
loufghyslaufey: I just started...?? Season 1?
RockPusher: I really do have to get around to watching this
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2910 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Loyal_Rook!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to SohNata!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to dreamcatcher_ttv!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to mateosm_wow!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to misteline!
Amentur: More Mao,ao clover204Bongo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to Loyal_Rook, SohNata, dreamcatcher_ttv, misteline, and mateosm_wow! (Today's storm count: 19)
lamina5432: can't wait
IslandersCaper: so. excited.
Travilogue: Maomao!!
loufghyslaufey: Take that gremlin back! These are... Goblins, or whatever.
frank_the_great: I love Apothecary Diaries!
accountmadeforants: Hype hype hype
IslandersCaper: my girlfriend introduced me to apothecary diaries earlier this year and I need so much more.
Wet_Feetman: jin and ren i assume are alternative readings yeah
cyclopsboi: i will watch this and I hope it will be fun
accountmadeforants: Given that the anime includes pronunciations, I think it's safe to assume they got it wrong the entire time
frank_the_great: Has Beej talked about Orb yet? That show is Kino
Gaelan_Maestro subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gaelan_Maestro! (Today's storm count: 20)
DoodlestheGreat: I've seen a lot worse isekai.
Twilight_Spark: I feel like I know a character called Xion but just can't remember...
patbaer: @frank_the_great he talked about how he hasn't watched it despite people telling him to
RatherLargeToad: “Promise of Wizard” apparently
DoodlestheGreat: For example, this mess.
betweenmyself: “where wizards and humans coexist”… so wizards ≠ humans apparently
frank_the_great: @patbaer Gotcha, lol. It's def not for everyone
accountmadeforants: What if it's all just leading up to the start of Malazan
Gekyouryuu: this one's a timeskip sequel to a season from over a decade ago
JollyGee29: The cast from Maho Girls as adults, yea
Gekyouryuu: it's in College, iirc
lamina5432: this is the second grown up one
RatherLargeToad: they did one of these last year too. was decent
BrowneePointz: God, please be like that episode of Power Rangers were a bunch of the former lady Rangers come back as middle-aged women with jobs and kids now
betweenmyself: sometimes people get held back 20 times in a row
Juliamon: Wataru continues, somehow
cyclopsboi: i think i will watch at least an ep of this
patbaer: Medalist seems like a fine anime I won't watch
loufghyslaufey: Oh, I've seen thumbnails of this one
RatherLargeToad: this seems promising, but that “psychological” is giving me pause
DoodlestheGreat: Oh god...
Amentur: Studio GoHands ...
JollyGee29: The trailer is *so* GoHands
DoodlestheGreat: I saw the first episode. I tried. I honestly tried. But every time I look at a NoHands production, my first thought is "At least all the folks who made 'Ex-Arm' found employment." Nothing in those 22 minutes of parrot droppings (whose time I desperately want back) changed my mind.
Gekyouryuu: the camera NEVER stopped moving in the trailer
RatherLargeToad: Robot apocalypse, and they are the only humans left
Gekyouryuu: and at least one girl is VERY evidently booba-ed
Travilogue: Animation is decent, story.... we'll see
patbaer: I'm convinced the cat anime was outsourced because it didn't make me ant to die
RatherLargeToad: seems like random cgdct with random fights
Travilogue: @Gekyouryuu Oh god, light breeze sends them all over the place
JollyGee29: There is also lots of food shots in the trailer
DoodlestheGreat: @patbaer ME TOO! The mangaka must have rode herd on them.
TheMerricat: :D
Gekyouryuu: I'm behind on this manga, but I remember enjoying it
cyclopsboi: elf thing looks interesting
patbaer: you see, it's not an isekai because HE'S the main character (apparently)
DoodlestheGreat: I've read all of "Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san" so far, and I while I'm not impressed by the animation in the trailer, the story is fun and watching Mariabelle react to Japan's culture (especially the food) hasn't gotten old for me.
RockPusher: The elf anime of the season?
TheMerricat: The Manga just started getting translated again. I've lost the plot.
Gekyouryuu: this one's a back and forth isekai, and it's fun
BrowneePointz: reverse isekai?
accountmadeforants: Oh, it is that manga! I couldn't recognize it from the visual
DoodlestheGreat: Yes, rested.
TheMerricat: Also he can't die in the other world, if he dies, he just wakes up in Japan.
cyclopsboi: you never get to sleep again the anime
betweenmyself: sleep isekai… sleepykai? riffThink
Texan_Reverend: Every morning he awakes hoping that this sleepjump will be the sleepjump home.
eDRoaCH: a lot of PBS shows are basically tour guides for americans
accountmadeforants: Interested for like two chapters, maybe
patbaer: feels like a show that could get funding from various tourism boards
ElementalHaven: people like yurucamp and its mainly tourist stuff
PMAvers: Is there a Isekai Travel Agency
accountmadeforants: Even the Japan chapters are mostly "Look at how cute the elf is"
TheMerricat: He's had several arcs in the other world, but he's brought over two more girls into Japan to show them how wonderful Japan is.
patbaer: there was that pottery anime that was sponsored by the town famous for pottery
MikeProvencher: Wait is that not a country song?
patbaer: there are TWO manga adaptations of that, Beej
kingandcommoner: I do like farming knight wife.
betweenmyself: pennyWhat
TheMerricat: "All My Neighbors are Convinced the Female Knight from My Rice Field Is My Wife"
Travilogue: oops?
accountmadeforants: I read a few chapters of that and I did like the little subplot of "wait, what if the government finds out about this and wants to interrogate/dissect her"
eDRoaCH: F
definenull: uhhh
cyclopsboi: did we die?
kingandcommoner: f?
Sethalidos: lol'
RockPusher: jamieOopsie
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun stream just closed :D
betweenmyself: whoopsie doodles
patbaer: oh no we broke it
Biggjudicem: oops
MikeProvencher: Damn, the farming Knight Wife came for Beej...
Juliamon: rip
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSPOOP
LoadingReadyRun: OBS crashed.
RatherLargeToad: Beej has been isekaid
dividesBy0: stream got isekai'd
BrowneePointz: Merricat you ruined it!
TheMerricat: :D
definenull: LUL
Wolfstrike_NL: panicBasket chrisPanic
DeM0nFiRe: F
red_shoes_jeff: Not just me, then?
SymphonySolstice: OBS o7
cyclopsboi: lol obs
DeepThought_76: lrrSIG 2020Glitchy
Creature_Comforts: !findquote isekai
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
kingandcommoner: Truck-kun strikes again
DoodlestheGreat: "She doesn't do farming in her out..."
accountmadeforants: Oh, lmao, I just closed a tab and worried I'd closed the LRR tab LUL
vakarianeffect: rip stream o7
definenull: OBS has *opinions* about this anime
BrowneePointz: Merricat isekai’d the stream!
RockPusher: OBS declared it break time :D
Sethalidos: !findquote OBS
LRRbot: Quote #7005: "OBS is a stupid butt." —James [2020-06-20]
7gorobei: OBS got isekaied
LordZarano: !findquote OBS
Creature_Comforts: @LRRbot Hear, hear
TheMerricat: I just assumed that when Beej closed the tab for my link he accidently closed everything. :D
Travilogue: I mean, it is probably about time for another break
couchboyj: Stream had a meeting with truck-san
dividesBy0: An anime where OBS gets reincarnated in another world as an air ship pilot, but keeps crashing.
LordZarano: !findquote broke
LRRbot: Quote #7852: "I broke the Thwomp song." —Ben [2021-11-14]
RockPusher: lrrSIG
definenull: lrrSIG
kingandcommoner: refresh
ShaneLeeAtk: OBS is Launchpad McQuack?
NimrodXIV: lrrSIG lrrSIG
LordZarano: lrrSIG lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
RatherLargeToad: and we’re back
Ashmantle: lrrSIG
TheMerricat: If it matters any, the going online music is super quiet on my end...
PMAvers: That reminds me about how OBS got credited in the... well, credits, of VTuber Legend
vakarianeffect: the going online music is very peaceful, I like it
iris_of_ether: There it goes
APODionysus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
APODionysus: help im watching anime now
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, APODionysus! (Today's storm count: 21)
APODionysus: I have been sucked into anime
APODionysus: it's all Wiggins fault
vakarianeffect: not being sucked into anime sounds like a myth anyways
betweenmyself: Kingdom Hearts is just a bunch of Isekai scenarios rolled into one riffThink
vakarianeffect: did not think of KH that way, now I cannot unsee it. I like it.
betweenmyself: the Gummi Ship sequences are a metaphor for Sora being wrecked by a truck with brake problems
Texan_Reverend: Welcome back.
TheMerricat: Whelp we got our second break. :D
Wolfstrike_NL: Let's start all over again :)
APODionysus: hi Beej! Beej I'm actually watching anime nlw! for the first time!
patbaer: I watched the first ep, not for those who can't understand Japanese
TheMerricat: Did they not subtitle it @patbaer ? :D
patbaer: there are subtitles in Japanese for some of the dialog
APODionysus: I have now seen... all of Witch from Mercury, part of Iron Blooded Orphan, am watching Full Metal Alchemist.... I've seen some terrifying *thing* called FCLC... and a weird movie where girls turned into cars
TheMerricat: Ah. :D
definenull: exciting!
TheDevil_Risen: nice!
Gekyouryuu: @APODionysus quick question: WHICH FLCL?
BrowneePointz: og
TheMerricat: The first one @Gekyouryuu
patbaer: @TheMerricat yeah but the whole point is that one character speaks in a way that's hard to understand. It's an impossible task for translators
APODionysus: I keep forgetting the name of the thing where girls turned into cars
l0gin4me: Utena
BrowneePointz: and Dio decided to join JUST for the Utena movie
APODionysus: I just remember a girl was a car
BrowneePointz: and not the full utena series
DoodlestheGreat: This looks like a decent romance.
vakarianeffect: FLCL, one of my very first dips into anime. if you're going to start watching, that's a good place to go.
BrowneePointz: hi I’m one of two people that coordinates Matt’s anime nights lol
APODionysus: FMA rules out loud though
DoodlestheGreat: Well, you know what they say: "Hokkaido Girls Are Super Adorable!" PotFriend
APODionysus: like ... holy shit
BrowneePointz: and yes we threw @apodionysus into the deep end (cuz of where he decided to start watching with us)
Juliamon: which one, OG or Brotherhood
SymphonySolstice: hot tub in the winter is great
l0gin4me: Brotherhood
BrowneePointz: we are watching Brotherhood
vakarianeffect: perfect
APODionysus: I mean to be fair the first thing they showed me was Chars Counterattack which left me more confused than I've ever been
eDRoaCH: i love japanese dialects too
APODionysus: and I just had surgery and the anesthesia high was less confusing
BrowneePointz: current slate is Brotherhood, Ouran, and Log Horizon @juliamon we just finished Utena, Diamond is Unbreakable and Escaflowne
APODionysus: OH also... I did see an anime once. as a kid. and it turned me off.....
Juliamon: *nods nods*
patbaer: it's just tough to follow as an anime
APODionysus: cause my friend and I used to go to blockbuster and picked random movies that looked near
APODionysus: and my friend grabbed one
accountmadeforants: I'm happy for Adam
DoodlestheGreat: Saw the first episode of "Beheneko" because it was on the weekend after Xmas when I was bored. Well, I stopped being bored. *cries* nopenopenopenopenopenopenope
APODionysus: and was like "I know this is animated... but ninjas! ninjas are cool!"
Sethalidos: this is super cute
accountmadeforants: This one's just weird fetish shit
Twilight_Spark: Scary monster boobies?
kingandcommoner: Fetichy and overly-generic
Sethalidos: there are bewbs in it yes Beej'
cyclopsboi: this is racing to way too ecchi to watch
Travilogue: Not just boobies, but nipples as well.
TheDevil_Risen: loll
RatherLargeToad: All these girls want to sleep with the cat
Wet_Feetman: butts and legs yes
BrowneePointz: @apodionysus ….was it Ninja Scroll?
APODionysus: @browneepointz yes
betweenmyself: Does Behemoth-san have BOOBIES as well?
SymphonySolstice: I wonder if A-1 Pictures has gotten any better since I last watched one of their series. signs point to no
TheMerricat: This one is wonderful if it's your thing, if it's not your thing... :D
TheDevil_Risen: Nani?
SeismicLawns: nobody asked to be a cat is patently untrue
DoodlestheGreat: You've heard of "Elf on the Shelf?" Well here's "Elf _With_ A Shelf."
lamina5432: this is a lot of boobies
vakarianeffect: I'm living for Beej's over the top narration, this is great
BrowneePointz: @apodionysus Ninja Scroll is legendary but also not where I would start someone off with. at all
accountmadeforants: (But yeah, I realized that sounded judgey on the fetish part. It's mostly just that... that's all it is.)
TheMerricat: So fair warning chat, most of the harem really want to get it with the cat. WHILE ITS A CAT.
kingandcommoner: Conceptually, it would be so much more interesitng if it was just a normal behemoth
cyclopsboi: salaryman ep 1 was great
betweenmyself: @doodlesthegreat everywhere I go in the room, they just keep following me riffScream
TheDevil_Risen: Behemoth no Neko
RatherLargeToad: The demon Lord offers PTO
accountmadeforants: Oh, this one could be good, I really liked the manga
APODionysus: @browneepointz and that's why I probably bounced off until now
red_shoes_jeff: I've actually read a series of Garfield isekai books. They were... STRANGE.
accountmadeforants: (Though I haven't kept up)
tenthtechpriest: let's go office slave wish fufillment
patbaer: this first episode was really fun
accountmadeforants: This mans has no powers whatsoever
BrowneePointz: It’s OK you were momentarily possessed by the spirit of Sean Connery
patbaer: I like that he's in the Heavenly King position of water.
TheDevil_Risen: pfft lmao
RatherLargeToad: “The Overseas Manager”
patbaer: Fire, Earth, Wind, Some Guy
SymphonySolstice: Titty. please clap
tenthtechpriest: it's a good pun
Amentur: The Demon King is voiced by Akio Ootsuka. So that's nice
accountmadeforants: It gets much better than that
TheDevil_Risen: sergePun sergePun sergePun
TheDevil_Risen: admittedly does sound funny
Gekyouryuu: fun fact about Red Ranger Isekai: the other 4 members of the team who DON'T get isekai-ed have ACTUAL Sentai actors as their VAs. Yellow is voiced by a Pink, Pink is voiced by a Yellow, and the other two are both Blues.