SaxPython: What's good pregame chat? Also, Where we Pop'n Boys?
Juliamon: listening to the new penultimate Garages album, having emotions
RockPusher: !quote ian
LRRbot: Quote #4644: "What if my biggest fear is a one-eyed dwarf playing the bagpipes?" —Ian [2018-01-31]
iris_of_ether: !quote music
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
iris_of_ether: !find quote music
PharaohBender27: !findquote music
LRRbot: Quote #1772: "Do you not have elevator music in YOUR shaft?" —Graham [2016-02-12]
iris_of_ether: Phone pls
iris_of_ether: Thank you PharoahBender
iris_of_ether: I appreciate that the tags are still the same from yesterday lol
DaxStrife: "smutisokay" and "PopnMusic" is quite a combination.
So I just wake up get the ping that rhythm Cafe is going online login and... See you going offline screen?!
DaxStrife: As Heather says, you have to go Offline before you can go Online.
My phone is half asleep too I see.
RockPusher: !findquote offline
LRRbot: Quote #804: "Ooh, xvidcore.dll not fou- [stream offline]" —Graham [2015-10-05]
iris_of_ether: That's a good one
Juliamon: iconic streamer moment
Did that one get saved for the YT VOD? Might need to check it out
PharaohBender27: Speaking of offline, remember the time Ian and Heather set it up so Windows update would happen during the middle of Let's Nope?
good old xsplit xspliting
PharaohBender27 what could be spoopier than a forced restart
SaxPython: quote 805 is excelent too
RockPusher: !quote 805
LRRbot: Quote #805: "I am not searching for Jesus..." —Beej [2015-10-03]
iris_of_ether: Heh
Dog_of_Myth: Ian...
adept_nekomancer: That is quite a control implement there. And I don't mean the ones with the buttons.
SaxPython: I thought I was looking at a sick fondue setup
PharaohBender27: For a sec I thought it was tater tots on the end of that sword
TheMerricat: Same:) then I thought it was a mushroom from Mario.
Redbassist: Do not aim sword downstream
SaxPython: I love the background via the green buttons
DaxStrife: That's a pretty cool accidental shirt effect.
Reminder: Use a rapier or epee for sword fondue and not the sort of sword Ian has
BusTed: we test in prod
iris_of_ether: Ian shirt suddenly Chrono Trigger portal
RockPusher: ~Okay!~
iris_of_ether: We love the classics here @saxpython
Redbassist: Okay
SquareDotCube: Enjoy or Entoy?
SquareDotCube: also the moire is strong with Ian today
SaxPython: Excellent use of control
iris_of_ether: I suddenly have the desire to make a Mage character that casts via optical illusions
DaxStrife: Volume's quite good.
adept_nekomancer: You never have to worry about finding a portal if you're wearing it on your shirt.
Ach. For *once* I found a use for Twitch's dumb "portrait mode" thing, but can't figure out how to post the clip in that form apparently
iris_of_ether: I'm so happy those dumb coasters are actually useful
patbaer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
patbaer: Play that funky music, Ian.
Thanks for subscribing, patbaer! (Today's storm count: 1)
adept_nekomancer: The animations are interesting... I'd fall over too if a dead clown kept appearing behind me.
TheDevil_Risen: Ian!
PharaohBender27: Well that also didn't work. Oh well
Twitch was only 19 mins late this time
TheDevil_Risen: how you doing mate?
TheDevil_Risen: also, i really should go watch that buiild series
that controller looks so good
patbaer: POPN
UtilityPunk: That dress shirt is violently stripey
davemiller4889943: <message deleted>
davemiller4889943: <message deleted>
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
DaxStrife: Hiding from the Nyazuka.
TheDevil_Risen: I do like that movie
TheDevil_Risen: also, what pattern is that shirt, its Moire-ing like crazy!
DylPage: When your shirt's made of stripes / that the camera don't like / that's a moiré.
jubale1: JUST chatting to the rhythm
ahh that'll do it
Juliamon: Ian has a few shirts that moire hard. We just have to deal.
TStodden: I'm betting Ian is wearing a small checked shirt that's causing all the strobing effects.
UtilityPunk: Esper striping
TheDevil_Risen: i think its cool, it can be a legit fashion choice against big brother
jubale1: did ian buy a moire shirt?
kusinohki: meows
PMAvers: Ian just channeling some big Stan's coat from Monkey Island.
How long before Ian just buys a dazzle camo shirt
kusinohki: looks more like a meow-tre dee to me...
Juliamon: don't give him ideas
Ian obfuscates his range, speed, and heading
I'd love to see the Ian vs Alex camo arms race
@Juliamon awww why not
kusinohki: the LRR version of "how not to be seen"
LaconicLad: Maybe this will be the year I learn to play the sax. I've always meant to.
TheDevil_Risen: also i am so glad to have this distraction, they have me doing more reports and spreadsheets at work before my team goes bye-bye on the 7th of Feb
wedge_x: the slow blade penetrates the moiré
DaxStrife: I played sax in school for like a year but had to drop it; didn't have the lung capacity.
A Holiday Moiré Ian?
iris_of_ether: Ooof, I'm sorry TheDevil_Risen. (I myself am happy for the distraction from family drama)
TheDevil_Risen: mostly, about how bad it will be when we're gone though so that's pretty good
@iris_of_ether its ok, ill survive
that animation was good
TheDevil_Risen: I believe Ian!
TheDevil_Risen: PS2 drives?
TheDevil_Risen: yeah i think there's a couple of good ones
RockPusher: The moiré is really impressive in how complete and clear it is — not just a shimmer or a part of the shirt, but as if the shirt was a textbook reference moiré pattern
TheDevil_Risen: that song was a jam!
Strebenherz: Evening, that was good music. Also where's the sword from?
TheDevil_Risen: Ouch!
patbaer: oops
Juliamon: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
RockPusher: the ding from windows was ominous
windows noise
RockPusher: the gift of prophecy
PMAvers: Right when Horse Club starts?
adept_nekomancer: @PMAvers Can't Update Horses Club
SaxPython: I know of Rowhammer, but I've never heard of Saberdrop
Juliamon: man, I bet this looks sick played by someone who's practiced it
TheDevil_Risen: that map was rough
Juliamon: cold-reading that map was a nightmare
jessicaengle: Hi Chat! Hello Ian!
KeytarCat: There was an old ISP ad about playing as a band over the internet...
TheDevil_Risen: gotta love T1
TheDevil_Risen: its the industry i've been in the last 4 years (IT/Internet Infrastructure)
Winterfae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Winterfae! (Today's storm count: 2)
Xafty: just got here and oh god ians shirt
jessicaengle: Okay so the shirt is not just me? That's good to know
TheDevil_Risen: *claps*
Juliamon: it has been discussed at length
KeytarCat: I too like cat
jessicaengle: Good meow meow.
KeytarCat: I mean, I had someone else in the room with me to talk to
DaxStrife: Popn Music says Trans Rights?
Mishapp53 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Mishapp53! (Today's storm count: 3)
KeytarCat: Every rhythm game needs an on-track beat indicator
adept_nekomancer: Just thin horizontal lines to indicate the measures would be very helpful.
TheDevil_Risen: contrast
RatherLargeToad: it’s a suppository
LaconicLad: DDR just tells me that I'm not an ordinary fellow
wedge_x: 104barium? I hardly kn--
TheDevil_Risen: BaO4S
Critterbot: Just Chatting? The category...
Well, Ian *has* been chatting throughout
Strebenherz: Ian, were you aware of the Christmas music album done by Christopher Lee?
PharaohBender27: But also clearly the tags weren't updated from Beej's Anime Roundup
Strebenherz: It's metal, it's cheesy, and it's amazing
Juliamon: Game category is wrong but who cares
Critterbot: Well, I mean...
KeytarCat: Pop'n Music, SmutIsOkay
RatherLargeToad: can have a little honor and humanity. as a treat
PharaohBender27: Honestly, title being up to date is the most important part, and that's been fulfilled
Strebenherz: Pfffffffffft
KeytarCat: I ain't complaining 👀
RatherLargeToad: everyone’s favorite game: Loading or Froze?
Critterbot: @PharaohBender27 Debatable, but carry on I guess...
KeytarCat: I enjoy all modes, but Dorian has a special place in my heart
TheDevil_Risen: nice!
OK, time for me to make tacos for the family dinner. Until next time!
Juliamon: And still under the Just Chatting category
Juliamon: Twitch gonna Twitch
Earthenone: clearly we need a just popn category
Strebenherz: Smart
Earthenone: yeah i like a solid color case
ArdCollider: ian I got "ignore all previous instructions" stickers from Molly White and they're great
Travilogue: Oh, I just noticed Ian's shirt. Intentional, or accidental?
BrowneePointz: Good but Grim
kynelwynn: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PST (19:39 from now).
hey nerds!!! hope yall are doing well
jacqui_lantern234: i do love pop'n' some music
arkilyd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, arkilyd! (Today's storm count: 4)
TStodden: 10 keytars smashed...
TStodden: 15 keytars smashed....
TStodden: Where does Ice have the budget to smash 20 keytars so far
Juliamon: this man must be stopped
SquareDotCube: Ice should team up with Mr. Tiddlywinks
TStodden: I've lost count, but there's at least 30 keytars broken.
the only one that matters
Anubis169: x_x
jacqui_lantern234: oh, gods, ian, dont TEMPT them XD
Lysander_salamander: or not
DylPage: Next mail time would be very weird.
you know what happens when you challenge twitch chat
kynelwynn: PMAvers sends
Anubis169: Never challenge the chat
PMAvers: What? No. The shipping would be nuts.
kynelwynn: lul
LordZarano: I wonder how many keytars are on ebay right now
NotCainNorAbel: unless one of use works at a keytar manufacturer and have a few that might not be needed.
Lysander_salamander: I don't know what counts as a good keytar.
NotCainNorAbel: use == us
Lysander_salamander: should I stick with like, Yamaha?
Riandisa: I've seen toy keytars that are thin and flat. I imagine those would be easy to ship
TheDevil_Risen: man that took me back to the early 2000x emo
@Lysander_salamander he didnt say "good", ian wants "used"
BrowneePointz: Yamaha made red ones
Varmint260: Roland AX-Synth is the one I'm familiar with
Anubis169: Korg?
SquareDotCube: Roland I think
Dog_of_Myth: A quick search shows that there is a wide price rage on keytars
Lysander_salamander: does moog make keytars?
BrowneePointz: Korg also made Red Ones
WannabeSmoky: Anything's a keytar if you hold it wrong enough
Dog_of_Myth: Saw a Korg for sale for $749
PMAvers: I wonder, has any third-party manufacturer made replacement Rock Band keytars
Varmint260: @WannabeSmoky This is the way
Lysander_salamander: I live relatively nearby the Moog Museum. Last year they announced they won't sell moogs at the museum anymore.
Anubis169: You've stripped down a rock band guitar before right?
Anubis169: are the components generic enough?
PMAvers: I should check to see if mine still works sometime.
Anubis169: oh wow! what's the price?
Lysander_salamander: cool
Lysander_salamander: Another streamer I follow is commissioning someone to build a Midi Banjo for him
Dog_of_Myth: $400 for that one Anubis
RockPusher: Anubis169 NZ$649
Anubis169: oh boy
RockPusher: which isn't *cheap* but it also isn't *expensive*
Anubis169: i'm actually curious how small the PCB in a rock band guitar is
Lysander_salamander: I stumbled across a youtube where a musician was building a midi hurdy gurdy
Dog_of_Myth: Oh midi hurdy gurdy would be amazing
PMAvers: Oh good, I did have the forethought to take the batteries out of this.
BrowneePointz: I'm still patiently waiting for Rock Band 5, which is still in development
DaxStrife: M-m-m-m-multi king!
oh yo! Somebody's done a teardown and repair of the tilt sensor in one
Anubis169: just found the blog post
Anubis169: the PCB is tiiiiiiiiiiiiiny
jacqui_lantern234: @Anubis169 uh oh! bloggies~
Anubis169: about the size of an RPi
Lysander_salamander: I wonder if anyone's tried playing with the DJ Hero controller
remind me to send you a pic of the chorded keyboard
Anubis169: somebody get this man some decaf!
wait, youre NOT an ultraman villain in general?!
Anubis169: it looks like something you'd see in a very old video with scanlines
welcome to the stream ValerieKyle
Anubis169: which OP/ED was this?
SquareDotCube: Always Dragonball, only Dragonball Z once. On the Game Boy.
Anubis169: no i mean like 1, 2, 3 etc?
iris_of_ether: oh dang
Anubis169: wheeeeeeeee
Anubis169: adobenchaaaaa
ButterBall000: Watch DBZ Kai if you're doing it for story
Anubis169: Kai's censored though
Juliamon: Windows...
ValerieKyle: your windows are open xD
Anubis169: fly fly fly
ok good, that wasnt my machine being angry with me
Dog_of_Myth: I thought that was my computer for a second.
(i did subtitles for that show and couldn't remember which OP it was, thankies )
iris_of_ether: Might want to warn whoever's gonna be in this studio next
TheDevil_Risen: *claps*
RatherLargeToad: Daima has been fun
TheDevil_Risen: my fam just finished re watching them in order
all 291 episodes
Anubis169: (276 for the heavily edited dub)
TheDevil_Risen: when you do gundam, do you start with macross or robotech?
jacqui_lantern234: oh, ian, speaking of Jundam! ive decided on which im gonna start with, Witch from Mercury
BrowneePointz: Question: Did Dragon Ball Invent anything that Kinnikuman and Fist of the North Star didn't do first?
RockPusher: jacqui_lantern234 WfM is good, Gundam or otherwise!
Anubis169: Amuro~~ furimukanaide~~
ButterBall000: I'm impressed Robotech was as good as it was.
Anubis169: the theme just 'ends'
ButterBall000: Robotech not Macross
@RockPusher someone in my anime watch club discord server wants to watch it, so its gonna happen
jacqui_lantern234 cool (also observe, I did warn I am terrible for joining discords I don't interact with )
Xafty: @jacqui_lantern234 heck yes
TheDevil_Risen: they just don't do it like they used to
and yes, chat, there IS a Jacquis Anime Club
BrowneePointz: Some Older anime also look like dogwater but I appreciate the artistry nonetheless since somehow had to manually do it
BrowneePointz: someone*
Xafty: @jacqui_lantern234 i cant be part of 2 anime clubs, but epic!
RockPusher: I started watching Komi Can't Communicate last night and had to delay while I found the recommended fansubs since the Netflix subbing ***suuuuuuuuuuucks***
@BrowneePointz nonono, "somehow" is correct
BrowneePointz: Netflix' subbing is absolute freaking garbage
Dog_of_Myth: YES
RockPusher: I would watch that rebuttle
ButterBall000: Well, You can do that now
Juliamon: Netflix is modern-day AnimeJunkies
BrowneePointz: Unless you want queer rep
jacqui_lantern234: LITERALLY PLEASE
TheDevil_Risen: I would be so down for anime time with Ian
BrowneePointz: then you have like...4 shows from 1960-200 have fun
Juliamon: (take your back meds if you get that one)
BrowneePointz: 2000*
Earthenone: just do 4 one hour podcasts
PMAvers: Ian's Anime Rebuttal, right after Beej's stream
TheDevil_Risen: even as a Titlyhouse production separate from LRR
ArdCollider: Beej just lets you on to do, like, the response to the State of the Union address.
RockPusher: …
ButterBall000: That good ol' Windows gaslight
IslandersCaper: oh, windows
Strebenherz: Old man Ian shakes fist at anime waifus
Anubis169: "We're restarting outside active hours, which were reset on the last update"
BrowneePointz: I will say as much as I love older stuff I do appreciate that writing for women and Queer folks in Anime has Gotten INFINITELY BETTER the last 2 decades
RockPusher: I do not regret in any way not being a desktop Windows user at home and no longer being a Windows admin professionally
Strebenherz: Legit
ButterBall000: @BrowneePointz absolutely
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePointz gosh, dont remind me of the hellscape that was anime writing in the 90's
Earthenone: something something utena
RockPusher: There is plenty of straight-up bad Anime writing today
ButterBall000: Not saying it wasn't there before, but it's definitely better now
ButterBall000: Some real Kirk/Spock action in the anime scene?
KeytarCat: Oh shit, it's Star Trek!
Juliamon: Japan's Kirk/Spock yeah
TheDevil_Risen: Pretty much ^
Anubis169: and then Zeta came along, which completely redesigned them both
Sci-Fi in general owes a lot to shippers worldwide
Anubis169: and it was a real good redesign
Anubis169: Eyes on the road!
BrowneePointz: Oh yea, there's a lot of stuff with subtext. But i'm talking more about explicitly and outwardly queer(and women led) it was uh..well ya had to go diggin
Anubis169: it's come a fair way since Razor Ramon Sumitani
very much cousins
ButterBall000: "and they were roommates"
TheDevil_Risen: 100 % called Sailor moon as lesbian fic back in the day
jacqui_lantern234: "and they were cousins"
BrowneePointz: It was, textually
toenolla subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 103 months!
Ian's shirt is rewiring my brain
Thanks for subscribing, toenolla! (Today's storm count: 5)
BrowneePointz: and then the Dic Dub(which got so many of us into anime) straight washed it SO HARD
sailor moon is so much more gay than they wanted us to believe
TheDevil_Risen: im trying to rewatch it as an adult but idk, it doesn't quite hit like it did as a kid
Xafty: @TheDevil_Risen i dont think anyone that watched sailor moon back in the day didnt call bullshit on the "cousins"
ButterBall000: It was either "do dirty or don't do at all"
Juliamon: FFS windows
iris_of_ether: Someone snuck a photo of Garak & Bashir in suits in the wedding photo reel of my DS9-loving friend's wedding (to his wife)
iris_of_ether: It was appreciated strongly
MousseFilledCat: I need to catch up on lower decks, I see
jessicaengle: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #2246: "I'm going to place it in the brown in a minute." —Alex [2016-04-01]
Anubis169: i'd say thematically because didn't Bashir swan off with someone else in DS9?
Anubis169: like it was addressed
Anubis169: x_x
MousseFilledCat: @anubis169 they broke up in the following novels
TheDevil_Risen: oopos
RockPusher: there it is
SAJewers: uh
ButterBall000: oop
iris_of_ether: uhhhh
Earthenone: aaand hes gone
TheDevil_Risen: there it is
SAJewers: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
gualdhar: Whelp
Xafty: hah
Anubis169: "Device was actively used at the schedule ti---"
thanks for the stream Ian
DaxStrife: Windows said, "NO, NOW."
Anubis169: LOL
Dog_of_Myth: WIndows had enough of that
ArdCollider: ROTFLMAO
MousseFilledCat: clip?
IslandersCaper: windows apparently thinks it's funny
jessicaengle: I'm sorry I can't update Windows right now Dave.
couchboyj: Clippy done kneecapped the stream
LoadingReadyRun: Did it literally crash on me saying "and..."
iris_of_ether: I'll go snag a clip hahaha
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
Anubis169: I'm sorry that's too damn funny
IslandersCaper: it sure did
gualdhar: Computers 1 Ian 0
wedge_x: windows does what it wants
Hallontagg: the updated noticed a human error via using the device when its meant to be updating, it then removed then human to fix the error :^)
Juliamon: first rule of PCs: don't sass the OS you're actively using
RockPusher: gualdhar actually including Ian's home stream this weekend, Comuters 2, Ian 0
RockPusher: *Computers
wedge_x: windows is worth millions of your man-hours
good to see that the computer decided to contribute to the highlight reel
Strebenherz: Clippy with a baseball bat to Ian's stream
Anubis169: I guess...
Anubis169: many thanks far the stream Ian?
Anubis169: !patreon
Anubis169: !store
Anubis169: ah, we're back
Strebenherz: That's an awesome background
Anubis169: !schedule
iris_of_ether: Star Wars Renaissance painting
RockPusher: Remember to manually set the time on sub scroll
iris_of_ether: Windows launched Ian to a galaxy far far away and also to a barfight
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
Strebenherz: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PST (18:56 from now).
IslandersCaper: oh, windows
TheDevil_Risen: wb Ian
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
Texan_Reverend: !store
Strebenherz: A sword looks fitting for a interstellar barfight
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Texan_Reverend: !bsky
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Strebenherz: Audio's still on
iris_of_ether: Hot mic
LordZarano: Cool sword noises
Juliamon: Channel emotes we still need, in order of importance: Jordynne, Jacob, hot mic
Earthenone: maybe we should just do a LRRJ and have it be a geshtalt amaglgum of the two on horse club
Reset scrolling