
BusTed: This will be fun.
Diabore: egg squeeze me?
Ritaspirithntr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Ritaspirithntr: oh heck yeah!!! sign me up for the deep!!
Thanks for subscribing, Ritaspirithntr! (Today's storm count: 36)
Juliamon: sometimes Twitch doesn't want to update the game
Arnye1984 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
Brigsby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
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Thanks for subscribing, Brigsby! (Today's storm count: 38)
lirazel64: Hmm. Does Adam have a security hoodie?
Mischievous_Catgeist: hiya everyone
Juliamon: He doesn't need one
Makrosian_Tay: It's time. Let's goooooooooooooo
Xenovita subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
Xenovita: button pressed
Thanks for subscribing, Xenovita! (Today's storm count: 39)
ThingsOnMyStream: !cardview off
TheAlanHeffley subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheAlanHeffley! (Today's storm count: 40)
wishiwassleeping subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
Thanks for subscribing, wishiwassleeping! (Today's storm count: 41)
ghyllnox: I hate the ocean? We doing Subnautica?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Well guess I’m chatting on my phone because my cat just walked on and off my keyboard the correct way to crash my computer
Juliamon: classic cat
Strebenherz: they know
Kuhfeek: Smart cat
spethycakes: Cat Chaos Quota: Achieved (not that it will stop said cat from more chaos)
Strebenherz: !findquote cat
LRRbot: Quote #4334: "Fat orange cats should only be named after defunct social networks." —Ian [2017-07-31]
paronomasiac042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
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flustered_blue subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
Thanks for subscribing, flustered_blue! (Today's storm count: 43)
Diabore: @spethycakes cats are overachievers, quotas mean nothing
Thefluffiestguineapig: trust me? I know, she lays on my keyboard now so I have to grey rock her and redirect her to my lap
Julian_Rogue: How long til dom-nautica?
Deep vastness I can handle, but get some vast deepness anywhere close to me and I’ll poop myself in terror. 
MAPBoardgames subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
MAPBoardgames: Boom!
Thanks for subscribing, MAPBoardgames! (Today's storm count: 44)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @betweenmyself So space is totally fine?
Fanklok: Time for Adam to kill the music right in the middle of the RQ song
MilkInBags: i love mario songs
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this an Adam solo stream?
Lonely_Spacejunk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Lonely_Spacejunk! (Today's storm count: 45)
BraveOthello: Oh man this is one of the few let's nopes I'll be able to handle, and I am hyped
BraveOthello subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
Thanks for subscribing, BraveOthello! (Today's storm count: 46)
betweenmyself: @thefluffiestguineapig space ain’t no thang, got no plans of falling my way up there anytime soon
HorusFive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
Thanks for subscribing, HorusFive! (Today's storm count: 47)
Strebenherz: who did the voice for spoops ghost?
MilkInBags: the mic is off
BusTed: @Strebenherz kathleen
Makrosian_Tay: Hello!
MilkInBags: but we hear you
Blakemcm: properly dilled
What up, game non-changer 
BraveOthello: Hey dill hole?
HorusFive: Gottem
MAPBoardgames: A dill hole is where you put pickles
JinaMahavira: Hello gamer
Thefluffiestguineapig: Twitch app you suck, how did you manage to crash the video twice already even though I have the resolution set super low
Strebenherz: Also 'ello Adam
saucemaster5000: Another boubloo?
Fanklok: What did you say about my hole?
Going_Medium: Happy New Year!
Strebenherz: @BusTed ah cool, thank you

MilkInBags: Ben is replacing Justin Trudeau? no way!
Nigouki: play egg game :V
HorusFive: Ben- confirmed weakest member of Spoop-Team
patrick_stonecrusher: Unsupervised
ThorSokar: PoE2 lets goooo
7gorobei: spheda
shendaras: good job
BusTed: smooth
Strebenherz: flawless
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
BraveOthello: Ah what a smooth transition
Sarah_Serinde: !store
TheWooglie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 105 months!


Thanks for subscribing, TheWooglie! (Today's storm count: 48)
twistedsylvan: good throw
Makrosian_Tay: Very smooth
Crimall subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Crimall: 69 mths NIIIIIIICCCCCCEEEE Sup Dingus's
Thanks for subscribing, Crimall! (Today's storm count: 49)
A_Catastrophic_Success subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
Thanks for subscribing, A_Catastrophic_Success! (Today's storm count: 50)
Diabore: yeah fuck that ocean
Strebenherz: LOL
Nigouki: OH FUCK
shendaras: ooo
ghizmou: uh oh
ThorSokar: oh nooooo
Kramburger: Hate's a very strong word to use Adam
BraveOthello: For once its not one of *my* fears!
MilkInBags: OH NO

caoinlean: Heck yeah let's good!
twistedsylvan: OH BOY
spethycakes: i-sea-lation
MrSarkhan: heck yeah love Subnautica
Nigouki: well, hope you like crafting
saucemaster5000: Oh shizz
HorusFive: It's OK, The ocean hates you as well
korvys: Game isn't updated, btw
ohjanji: the ocean freaks me out
Diabore: oh we're still on egg squeeze
Sarah_Serinde: sure doesn't

adept_nekomancer: Angry fish incoming!
Makrosian_Tay: Doesn't subnautica take like 20 hours to get into the really spooky stuff?
Blakemcm: love it. it starts out peaceful =)
MilkInBags: it said egg squeeze
Sarah_Serinde: oh wait no it does now
spethycakes: @ohjanji typical landlocker
Fanklok: Could've been more Putt-Putt
Sarah_Serinde: if you refresh
korvys: Oh, there it goes
Diabore: there we go
2_manyhobbies subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 2_manyhobbies! (Today's storm count: 51)
satyropodobny: goodnight egg squeeze
caoinlean: Subnautica is super fun
Sarah_Serinde: I blame Twitch
The_Timo: Oh, was expecting horror game but this is neat
Diabore: its ok, its twitches fault
Juliamon: Ian had trouble with getting the category to change on Sunday, so it could be Twitch
BraveOthello: @makrosian_tay only if you're cautious. YOLO
MilkInBags: this is a podcast?
rosesmcgee: Let's Nope with some deep, personal fears. Yeah!
MAPBoardgames: Heather manages it
korvys: Call James and podcast
caoinlean: Subnautica is horror duh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @korvys Or call Ashley and podcast
And 30 minutes from now we'll find the topic for the podcast 
Fanklok: Call up Jordynne for a podcast
Diabore: it can be
BraveOthello: Not really no
The_Timo: survival
gualdhar: Survival horror yeah
caoinlean: It has its scary moments
Nigouki: horror elements
Juliamon: Subnautica is 100% horror
Kramburger: It's minecraft horror
The_Timo: not horror
adept_nekomancer: It has some jump scares and horror elements
ghyllnox: Subnautica is horror survival if you *don't* hate the ocean
korvys: @Thefluffiestguineapig Call James, and tell him to put Ashley on
ThorSokar: There's plenty of jump-scares that's for sure
Blakemcm: survival crafting. but yea some for sure scary bits. i had a hard time swimming over open water
Lobo_Apache: Myself and my partner came as fast as twitch gave me the notification.
thatguysteve2709: It has serious horror vibes for people afraid of open water
rosesmcgee: If you afraid of the water it's horror
shea_wolfe: It has horror elements, yes
MilkInBags: this is actual scary for me
Thefluffiestguineapig: The deeper depths are horror
ThorSokar: it's also frekin' beautiful
twistedsylvan: it's like, not designed to be horror, but it ends up being horror frequently
TherapyforNarwhals: It's spoopy
RatherLargeToad: it has water
Diabore: horror doesnt have to be horror for all, it can just be horror for you
MAPBoardgames: Subnautica is not a "horror game" it's just that the ocean is filled with liquid nightmares.
Nigouki: it's wet minecraft with an actual story
MilkInBags: WHAT
ANeMzero: It's mostly survival and only really horror if you hate the deep, dark ocean.
Juliamon: Serge NEEDED his safety hoodie for this game
rhiannamater: I'm jazzed for you to meet your first Reaper. As someone who also hates the ocean
caoinlean: Oh the graphics are beautiful...I have to play it on low quality
patrick_stonecrusher: Spoilers theres fish
QuixoticScrivener: thassalaphobes find it horrifying
Natimus_Prime: There's plenty of spooky things going on, and some people find deep water very frightening
Cptasparagus: the horror is what you make of it
Masslost: so Adam is it time to get the Little Mermaid soundtrack going while watching the stream
BraveOthello: If you got that thalasaphobia, yes. If not, just some jump scares
Mischievous_Catgeist: Just remember pet everything
Going_Medium: I used to dream of standing on the shore at night and watching stars disappear on the horizon as a huge wave silently blacked our the stars in the dark.
TherapyforNarwhals: Great crapshot
ProcyonFlynn: There are 100% parts that your hole body will clench and it doesn't let up for minutes. Jumpscares can't do that.
neveth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
neveth: subnauticaaaaaaaaa
Thanks for subscribing, neveth! (Today's storm count: 52)
gualdhar: Go deep or go home
spethycakes: what what do you mean do you mean?
satyropodobny: real Finn the Human RP potential
The_Timo: and survival crafting games?
shea_wolfe: Do you have a fear of losing the concept of Up?
Diabore: same dude, big same
BraveOthello: Well then for you it might be a horror game
@Juliamon That means nothing considering what he needs his safety hoodie for 
adept_nekomancer: Thallassophobia = fear of the ocean
MAPBoardgames: For not being a horror game, I expect it will be more terrifying than most Let's Nope games.
ghizmou: you got it brother
BusTed: I learned that word from Darkest Dungeon
Cptasparagus: dat ass o phobia
ghyllnox: There's also a touch of late-stage space capitalism horror stuff, but just a touch
shea_wolfe: Bad news
BraveOthello: Oh yeah big horror then
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp, bad news my dude
korvys: "Thalassophobia is the persistent and intense fear of deep bodies of water, such as the ocean, seas, or lakes."
Lobo_Apache: thisgame is gonna fuck with you honestly. I thought I was okay until I played this game
Blakemcm: it starts off very pleasant
caoinlean: The beginning is fine
Melfina__: You got dis
caoinlean: It's fine!!!
7gorobei: time for returnal
Fanklok: Thallassophibia is the fear of Thassa's Oracle
saucemaster5000: do you like vast but unseeable spaces?
ghyllnox: I won't blame you for moving out of this after a few minutes
twistedsylvan: not gonna lie Adam, this might be a bad time for you. for real
spethycakes: the game will ease you into it
rhiannamater: Everything's fine
QuixoticScrivener: we’re here for you Adam
gualdhar: But you're surrounded by ocean
TherapyforNarwhals: You'll be fine... likely
ThorSokar: The shallows are OK, you're gonna have a bad time once you can't see the bottom anymore
TheAinMAP: Serge also has a fear of water and he made it through Subnautica.
NimrodXIV: this is all ocean
ProcyonFlynn: Fear of Space = Too much up. Fear of the Ocean = Too much down. I think they're related to the "fear of the vast" but that's just me.
iris_of_ether: I also got that phobia. This game was phenomenal, though
At the very least, it is only a game so you can nope out whenever you want 
EvilBadman: If this gets too much, bail, no one will think you lesser
I have a fundamental fear of falling from a great height into a vast ocean while being chased by bees and clowns 
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the game does occasionally have bug deaths
saucemaster5000: so uh... you hardcore dude?
Lobo_Apache: hardcore!!!
MilkInBags: i would not
rosesmcgee: What's there to lose
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I would recommend not hardcore.
shea_wolfe: In no world should you play on hardcore
Saintnex: why not?
Fanklok: It's OK Adam chat is here to distract you from the fear by making you upset
GasCityGaming: Please feel free to tap out and change games at any time❤️
ghyllnox: You will die
Diabore: freedom sounds fun
Juliamon: It's not worth it
MilkInBags: lol ok
Thefluffiestguineapig: I wouldn't since you're learning
JinaMahavira: We could just chill out in the shallow zone for the whole stream
uchihab7: i would say freedom if ur afraid of water
caoinlean: Adam is no coward
Going_Medium: I think there's more ocean in hardcore?
also the o2 alerts can be amusing whjen you're watching a streamer and they clearly aren't noticing 
A_Catastrophic_Success: I have a phobia of flaming clown spiders
saucemaster5000: Cowards live
rhiannamater: Hardcore gave me a panic attack
The_Timo: Freedom would have been best, unless you wanna worry about hunger and thirst constantly lol
BraveOthello: I think it would be less fun, hard to make progres
JusticeJuice: If it's not for you that's fine, can try another game, like SOMA?
Juliamon: It is
Singenmeister: oh it is
Juliamon: period
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Going_Medium I think there's just more ocean if you add the DLC
gamercat88: it is
shendaras: it is
caoinlean: It's super fun I'm all for this
Thefluffiestguineapig: It is
BraveOthello: Very big. Very fish
NiceMrCaput: it's a game with spooks
rosesmcgee: You can also be afraid of space in this game
Lobo_Apache: In fairness, Adam, you are facing one of your biggest fears and I don't think cowards do that
BraveOthello: Also big not fish
iris_of_ether: It's horror adjacent
gawag_: I think you'll be fine Adam, the horror aspects aren't surface level but they're there
phoenixletmeuseadashd: It is not a horror game but it will scare the shit out of you
ghizmou: I'm scared of fish that are bigger than me
twistedsylvan: this definitely counts
RatherLargeToad: feesh
ThorSokar: oh it will 100% scare the crap out of you, even if you aren't afraid of the ocean
iiieye: Dear Adam, I once played this while tripping hard on mushrooms. I don't recommend that
Strebenherz: @GasCityGaming Also yes this, if you feel uncomfortable with the content
Thefluffiestguineapig: These are "fish" in the way great whites are fish
noooooo our mommy ship 


korvys: Seems bad
Fanklok: Fish aren't scary they're made of food
Blakemcm: called it lol
Diabore: that could do that
Strebenherz: Wow fast hardcore run

InconsiderateHat: YUP
adept_nekomancer: Only slightly on fire, it's fine
ghizmou: good thing we weren't playing hardcore
satyropodobny: dreams of big tuna
Troy McClure aint scared of fish 
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam calling that in real time
BusTed: we're learning
NiceMrCaput: @Fanklok bold words for somebody made of fish food
Diabore: fucking beaned like in twister
caoinlean: Fish are friends, not food!
BraveOthello: Oh that's not *WHAM*
Makrosian_Tay: Banger alert

Thefluffiestguineapig: @caoinlean But you can be food for fish friends
Valkryir: the music is... lit?
measureofhope: Oh yes, let's go! This game is a banger!
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the "abandon ship" music is amazing
Diabore: minor???
BraveOthello: Minor
Strebenherz: "OPTIMAL"
rhiannamater: When the ship is on fire but so is the BEAT
Makrosian_Tay: Trauma maxxing
RatherLargeToad: hooray minor head trauma!
twistedsylvan: "considering the alternative, we'll take it"
mercano82: Alterra the ski mountain operator?

Thefluffiestguineapig: Minor head trauma now go swim!
satyropodobny: minorly concussed like a champ
caoinlean: Love a self reading note
Thefluffiestguineapig: PSA do not swim with head trauma
ghyllnox: Yeah they do audiologs well in this one
BraveOthello: Let's see where he landed!
(sarcasm) waiting for Adam to find a handgun and realize he can now shoot the ocean, losing all sense of fear 
Rabbt300 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 120 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Rabbt300! (Today's storm count: 53)
ghyllnox: Free medkits!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ghyllnox They do them well to the same degree of the voice mails in Fear (meaning very well)
BraveOthello: Oh that's close
Valkryir: the feaarr
This seems fine 
MWGNZ: welcome to the horror
ButButTheJesus: yeahhh boiiiii
Blakemcm: just swim over to big ship
caoinlean: It's fine!!!!
ghyllnox: Having fun yet?
MAPBoardgames: The damage doesn't look too bad from out here
A_Catastrophic_Success: Zero human life signs? Then what are you?

Nigouki: look Adam, you're literally a pod person :V
uchihab7: this is gonna be a single stream i feel
Blakemcm: just slide in the water is fine
gamercat88: you go this
ghyllnox: @Blakemcm Don't kill him too fast now
I don't think I've watched someone's entire body visually clench so viscerally in a while 
HorusFive: Think of all the neat stuff over there
rosesmcgee: It's just a kiddie pool
measureofhope: Thalassophobia who?
NimrodXIV: it's not real water, and not real fish
sgowell: just remember. you live on an island and that isn’t scary.
mercano82: There’s some comedy to popping out of the hatch, seeing the giant burning starship, and pulling your little fire extinguisher back out.
Fanklok: They're just lines bro
PMAvers: Unfortunately you hit the one alien world where the ocean is made up of Mountain New Voltage
ghizmou: there s probably some good loot in that ship
caoinlean: Smart Adam is smart
BraveOthello: Nah you can dive, just not for long
PMAvers: Dew, even
twistedsylvan: I mean, you have legs and arms. Can swim
rhiannamater: Adans expression is the definition of "I don't like it here"
adept_nekomancer: Gotta go into the water to get things.
mistbornhoid: Is this game spooky?
korvys: Are you a strong swimmer in real life, Adam?
Makrosian_Tay: Adam I love everything you do, and I think you're a strong independent man who don't need no safety blanket, but you're going to have to be BRAVE now
MilkInBags: @mistbornhoid very if you are afraid of oceans
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mistbornhoid Yes, but especially for Adam since he's afraid of the ocean
Blakemcm: lololol this is the best way to start this hahaha
BraveOthello: @mistbornhoid for people who hate water, yes
ghyllnox: I have some bad news about looking down
BraveOthello: It also has jump scares sometimes
MAPBoardgames: It's a survival crafting game. You have to survive and/or craft.
Dalrint: You should've asked Serge to play with you. He's terrified of the water also
mistbornhoid: I don't like open water either
sgowell: apparently we are playing Above-nautical
Natimus_Prime: That ship is *very* far away
neveth: the ship is Very Large
adept_nekomancer: Ship is very large and quite far
you and a giant squid are getting closer 
Blakemcm: naw your getting there
Juliamon: You're swimming one-handed and it's a BIG ship
Rabbt300: You can get there in a couple minutes
phoenixletmeuseadashd: its not a background object if that's what you're worried about
ghizmou: i mean... it looks like the closest shit to us
phoenixletmeuseadashd: it does exist and you can get there
saucemaster5000: objects in the mirror are closer
Saintnex: Im sure its fine to swim all the way there
neveth: You'll know when you've gotten to close
Diabore: too late to turn back
OdinsBeard7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Thanks for subscribing, OdinsBeard7! (Today's storm count: 54)
Strebenherz: prime ship looting opportunities

ghyllnox: It's been a minute since I played, but I believe you swim faster with nothing equipped
rosesmcgee: How are we with underwater caves?
Master_Gunner: Sure you wouldn't.
goombalax: mmm
Thefluffiestguineapig: And this entire planet is ocean

KCMcG: You excited to do some cave diving?
saucemaster5000: depends how hot you are
Thefluffiestguineapig: ummmmmmmmmm
Dalrint: Sure. That makes sense
ThorSokar: surely, not...
gamercat88: fish are friends
ghizmou: what do you mean "another" fish

ghyllnox: @Thefluffiestguineapig entire*

caoinlean: Smart Adam is smart
MacbethSeemsSus: It's fine, you'll just get a tan
Does Subnautica have a sub-ocean? 
Blakemcm: just put a hand on the pod and dip lower
the radiation will keep you warm 
mistbornhoid: Gamers don't look down
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are you familiar with how sharks sense prey from many miles away
Natimus_Prime: @betweenmyself Yes it does!
ghyllnox: @betweenmyself Now that you mention it...
twistedsylvan: @MacbethSeemsSus at first, yeah
Nigouki: take a peak underwater, you do need materials
InconsiderateHat: *Turns on Subnautica*... Nah I'm not going down into the ocean
MilkInBags: good joke
BloodnBullets: 360?
BusTed: 🎣
raulghoulia: man doesn't want to become Spider-Man
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ghyllnox Right, but I assume he won't get to the Subzero section of the game today
BraveOthello: Yes

Melfina__: uhhh then another 180 right?
BraveOthello: It's the entire game
rosesmcgee: it ain't called Nautica brother
korvys: Well yeah, it's not Supernautica
adept_nekomancer: Underwater is where the materials are, yes.
satyropodobny: don't you want your radiation based fish powers adam
mercano82: your never gonna become the Hulk without absorbing a few gamma rays.
DiscordianTokkan: I mean it ain't Supernautica
7gorobei: sharks find seals all the time. they just go below and look for the sihouette blocking the light
mistbornhoid: It is called SUBnautica
Lobo_Apache: It is called Under Water after all
Rabbt300: Your assumption is indded valid.
SquareDotCube: @Thefluffiestguineapig Subzero is separate game
The_Timo: It's a survival game about an alien ocean... probably need resources
TherapyforNarwhals: Ship simulator
Strebenherz: @Thefluffiestguineapig Subzero's in this game? Mooortalll kombat!
Faulpyr: Water is really good at blocking radiation
ghyllnox: @Thefluffiestguineapig Below Zero is a whole other game
Saintnex: you die of thirst and hunger?
RatherLargeToad: challenge run: no diving
BusTed: I'm afraid you will have to submerge in this game
NevermorePainting subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
NevermorePainting: oh you found my hell, good job
Thanks for subscribing, NevermorePainting! (Today's storm count: 55)
twistedsylvan: that would be a short stream
Thefluffiestguineapig: Well you'll die fast due to dehydration
Valkryir: get a tan on top of the pod
saucemaster5000: Going underwater is for snorkling bumpkins
BraveOthello: That is an option
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ghyllnox Oh, sorry my bad.
Lobo_Apache: It's less base directly underneath the pod
thatguysteve2709: I would say small steps get by landing pads and look down see how that feels
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Strebenherz I fucking love that sound
ghyllnox: @ghyllnox He *might* get to the * today, but depends on how long it takes him to stick his head underwater
Thefluffiestguineapig: *song
BraveOthello: Oh the soundtrack is full of bangers
MilkInBags: welcome
MAPBoardgames: I think Adam can decide how he plays this game all on his own. If he wants to starve to death on the escape pod, that's all on him
irdeaded subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Thanks for subscribing, irdeaded! (Today's storm count: 56)
measureofhope: See, it's not so deep
MilkInBags: they're just living here
AtomicAlchemical: Oh, is Adam playing Thalassophobia Simulator? Nice!
BraveOthello: Oh this is actually really quiet for a reef. They are loooooud
johnnylongtorso: lucky that the escape pod had snorkeling gear onboard
InconsiderateHat: Yeah this game would scare me too, man
Singenmeister: Adam found his thalassaphobia
Thefluffiestguineapig: You crashed on their planet
Nigouki: noisy boi asks why other creatures make noises
BusTed: Just a fish
LittleVesuvius: are spoilers allowed? there's a spawn point thing that I only found out about by playing and dying like 4 times
SquareDotCube: "why is the ocean doing ocean things"
raulghoulia: oh cool Adam's playing Minecraft
twistedsylvan: thems guys are basically just sea cows
LittleVesuvius: (I am happy to just watch, just checking because it might be relevant to "hey why is X happening")
caoinlean: Lets wait until Adam asks for spoilers
Diabore: our air tank is fucking tiny
SohNata: I think the dread you feel after seeing the ocean is the dread I feel when seeing the PoE skill tree
rhiannamater: Watch that O2 my guy
Strebenherz: gaming now
caoinlean: @diabore dats just our lungs ATM ^_^
RatherLargeToad: Plau-si-ble! Plau-si-ble!
MilkInBags: water transports sound easier than air
measureofhope: So many friends to meet!
twistedsylvan: sound travels REAL WELL through water
Fanklok: Atleast drowning here is slower than when a River Hag does it
betweenmyself: it would be hilarious if this game had a Far Cry like ending where you just hang out by the escape module for fifteen minutes and get the “rescued” ending
Natimus_Prime: Teh ocean is louder than you think. But also that noise is from something safe
ProcyonFlynn: Well for one thing, there's a space ship breaking up, and that's going to make some noise.
caoinlean: @betweenmyself that would be funny
Singenmeister: If not friend, why friend shaped?
BraveOthello: BTW there is a floor hatch
LittleVesuvius: I believe some of the plants are edible
Blakemcm: i hear fish are tasty this time of year
Thefluffiestguineapig: Friends! Your participation in this friendship is involuntary and required
satyropodobny: praise be to the mythical updog
goombalax: hope you like sushi
Rabbt300: Do you like seafood?
adept_nekomancer: The ocean is full of tasty fish

caoinlean: Uh oh
Blakemcm: biiig ship
MilkInBags: pretty sure it's the big ship
Rabbt300: Aurora = big ship
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I'm sure it's fine. (the Aurora is the bug thing)
DerDrongo: thats the name of the big ship
ghyllnox: The Aurora is the big ship

LittleVesuvius: the big ship is exploding
measureofhope: The Aurora is the big ship you were on
MilkInBags: he's a coward lmao
phoenixletmeuseadashd: no bed mercy here
spethycakes: there is no sleep in THE SEA
saucemaster5000: do you need a secutiry blanket
The_Timo: It's an escape pod,
Natimus_Prime: day night cycle is very short
ghizmou: you can sleep with the fishies otherwise
Rabbt300: Down there.. It's the Sea-bed
SmithKurosaki: Lol
LittleVesuvius: hey a lot of it is bioluminescent!
ghyllnox: @MilkInBags Yes, but this is one of his Big Fears
gamercat88: pretty
caoinlean: So pretty
Strebenherz: just a pokemon don't worry about it
LittleVesuvius: it glows
Nigouki: look at all the friendly glow
You sleep with the fishes 

MilkInBags: it's afraid!
MWGNZ: thats my streamer
spo8n: Don't you love the deap dark ocean?
MilkInBags: @ghyllnox (same for me)

You sleep on the sea-bed 
caoinlean: Unfortunately cant
Duwani1: climb the ladder
Saintnex: But Adam, its more afraid of you than you are of it
silenceaux: In the farflung future, humans are bioengineered to not need sleep
Mister_Dee: Is this a good time to tell you the name of the biome?
LittleVesuvius: i think you have to wait it out
brainbosh: Not until you build a bed
Furrbahl: Oh, this is gonna be special!
You just ran away from your dinner 
Valkryir: assert dominance against the ecosystem, eat the fish
spo8n: just close your eyes
MilkInBags: open your eyes more
ghyllnox: So fun story, you just noped out at the cute sea bunny of the game
adept_nekomancer: You can build a bed, but only after you have built a base
Rabbt300: Time passes reasnably quick... give it like 2 min
NiceMrCaput: in this game the answer to "how do I" is "you swim"
JustBrian___: At night? What do we think this is, a horror stream?!?
The_Timo: Well look at the crafting thing and make a list of what you need in the mean time
spo8n: and bring your trident
DiscordianTokkan: Flares
ThorSokar: then make one?
ghizmou: If you can't see the fishes, they can't see you either right?
LittleVesuvius: you can build a base underwater and sleep there
Lobo_Apache: But you can build a flashlight
QuixoticScrivener: throw a flare down
ProcyonFlynn: So, "Is this a horror game?"
RealGamerCow: fuck up those weird fish
Cptasparagus: the big burning spaceship is kind of like a flashlight
JinaMahavira: at night can be spooky
twistedsylvan: @spo8n ey oh, ey oh
caoinlean: Nope no sleep just swim
Jennie_Fuchsia: I’m really enjoying how much we’re saying Nope on this Let’s Nope
Strebenherz: very stinky
mistbornhoid: The moon is nature's flashlight
ghyllnox: You do not sleep in this game
The_Timo: It's a survival game yes
Let the light of nuclear fire guide you 
Saintnex: No bed, only swim
Thefluffiestguineapig: It is sea-craft in a sense
measureofhope: Just sit and watch the stars by the glow of the burning spaceship until the sun rises
wiganlass: don’t need a flash light you’ve got glow in the dark fish and radiation- that’ll make things glow
uchihab7: no bed yet havnt foound one
BraveOthello: Don't actually need to sleep, so that's nice
Seth_Erickson: no sleepy in this game from what I remember of it
no thank you the ocean
ghyllnox: Or I should say, in this game you sleep when the leviathans put you to sleep
goombalax: a true lets NOPE
Furrbahl: No sleep, just a waking nightmare
ThorSokar: flashlight is in the menu, you can make one
Blakemcm: grab it
Singenmeister: that’s a bunny
LittleVesuvius: it's curious about you
TherapyforNarwhals: Adam hates cute critters
NiceMrCaput: dude this is his house
LittleVesuvius: you're new
OmnipotentTrevor: I feel like the cloud of smoke is probably not conducive to sleep
Nigouki: the majestic flap flap greets you
N30dude subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Thanks for subscribing, N30dude! (Today's storm count: 57)
ghyllnox: That little ray thing is a sea rabbit
MilkInBags: im pretty sure the starting area is safe
LittleVesuvius: the small rays are like little bnnuys
LittleVesuvius: they're cute and harmless
MilkInBags: let's do acid
BraveOthello: Also if you're hungry the fish are literally in every direction but up
korvys: Night only lasts 5 minutes, fwiw
Going_Medium: Swim towards any bright glowy things... It'll prolly be fine.
Singenmeister: @milkinbags well there’s the bomb fish
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MilkInBags Yup, hallucinogens in the ocean, what can go wrong
mrjujubeans: that’s your companion Adam
LittleVesuvius: i think the mushrooms are edible
gualdhar: We gonna so
ghyllnox: @LittleVesuvius They are not
ProcyonFlynn: Wooh, Moon Big
LittleVesuvius: @ghyllnox oof misremembered
BraveOthello: @littlevesuvius everything is edible once!
OmnipotentTrevor: Based on the ingredient list you saw before, and the early prompt from the helper voice, I think you need to find a cave
gualdhar: Gonna do some mushrooms? Drop some acid?
ghyllnox: Do not eat the mushrooms you put inside batteries
Fanklok: Anything is edible if you try hard enough
thatguysteve2709: Bioluminescent fish are nice though
Seth_Erickson: ocean so sooky me not a fan
LittleVesuvius: i believe that's a lobster
LittleVesuvius: a glowing lobster
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BraveOthello The trick is finding what can be edible twice
caoinlean: Let the calming music sooth you
drizztnailo: @Fanklok everything is edible at least once
QuixoticScrivener: food and water might be good first goals
satyropodobny: could be worse. could be playing ranked League
LittleVesuvius: see how fast the moon moves
Duwani1: His pockets are full of mushrooms
LittleVesuvius: it'l be bright again soon
mrjujubeans: you did it!
BraveOthello: Well first you need to survive the radiation
Rabbt300: Yes, but not in a 'lethal to you immediately' way
LittleVesuvius: that green guy is not friendly i'd back away
Lobo_Apache: fart fish!
RealGamerCow: farty fish
Nigouki: squeeze the egg
spo8n: fight!
LittleVesuvius: flart fish
BraveOthello: They don't like you. You scared them
Rabbt300: Manatee fart
OmnipotentTrevor: More like you just picked up an alien omelet
uchihab7: it peed on u
adept_nekomancer: You may have angered the farty fish
gualdhar: It's a fart
Saintnex: defense system?
caoinlean: He farted and it hurt
JadedCynic: defense mechanism, like squid ink
spethycakes: egg squeeze
BraveOthello: Fish with depth charges!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Those fart acid I think?
ghyllnox: You can pick them up if you're quick
Singenmeister: I for one enjoy the flatulent manatees
LostThePirate: Dang, I missed the podcast today. Short one, haha.
Scorpio_SW: Sleep is for land dwellers, you live in ocean now
Rabbt300: you're full of shrooms
phoenixletmeuseadashd: there is a chest in the lifepod
MilkInBags: because this is a survival exploration game
Saintnex: I mean you have grabbed a LOT of mushrooms
MilkInBags: and there is tension for that
warboss5 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 17 month streak!
warboss5: So, has Adam been eaten yet?
Thanks for subscribing, warboss5! (Today's storm count: 58)
Nigouki: it's the biggest horror of survival horror
caoinlean: Lol gamers love inventory management
so...I knew Ben wasn't available - I'm assuming Jacob couldn't come in to fill in for him? 
Cptasparagus: there is a game thats just a button that says "win" if you want it
spo8n: last inventory they got a taco truck
MilkInBags: ok huuuuuuuh GAME BAD
drizztnailo: im ngl im a unlimited inventory enjoyer
QuixoticScrivener: haven’t invented portable holes yet
raulghoulia: Adam would not be a Vulcan
brainbosh: whats the point if you dont have a challenge
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because of people like Serge and James who like survival mode Minecraft?
BraveOthello: BTW there's a hatch in the floor
warboss5: Eventually, yes
uchihab7: save the egg
The_Timo: Acidic inedible mushrooms? nah
so, how many cars do you keep in your hoodie pocket? 
measureofhope: You can craft with mushrooms
TherapyforNarwhals: Ben's gone, adam does shrooms
Saintnex: eventually? yes, right now, probably not lol
The_Timo: @warboss5 you think he'll play that long? nah lol
gualdhar: You'll want them eventually
adept_nekomancer: 25 of them may be a few more than you need right now, yes
ghizmou: people will manage their inventories for hours, but there's still clean dishes in their dishwasher
warboss5: Turn the Scrap into Titanium, it serves no purpose otherwise
Masslost: i mean the mushrooms are magic, right?
LittleVesuvius: titanium was in the metal scrap
spo8n: make a spork?
Rabbt300: scrap-?titanium->air tank
OmnipotentTrevor: You can craft some Titanium, right
MilkInBags: if i were a giant predator, when would i attack adam for maximum engagement
Mr_Horrible subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months, currently on a 126 month streak!
Mr_Horrible: to be fair, I don't think the ocean is too pleased with you - or any of us, for that matter
Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Horrible! (Today's storm count: 59)
phoenixletmeuseadashd: that is one way
ghyllnox: Yes
BraveOthello: As well as ores
caoinlean: @ghizmou that's 100% my husband. Impeccable gaming storage, wrappers next to his chair
And he's on his way! 
gualdhar: Yup
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible This ocean especially since you crashed a giant radioactive city sized ship into it
BraveOthello: You don't have a tank
ghyllnox: Yes
warboss5: Yes, its is better
Juliamon: You have 0 right now
Rabbt300: it is better
gualdhar: Yes
caoinlean: Noice
Anaerin: Having an O2 tank is better than not having one.
KCMcG: You're not using a tank, you're just holding your breath
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig now, I've not *played* before, but from brief watches, I'm given to understand that that's not our fault. Perhaps the ocean will hear us out?
caoinlean: Yaaaay
uchihab7: ill be honest scanner is like super needed to play
Lobo_Apache: Let's go! He's gaming!
MilkInBags: better than being in the ocean
Oh yes, he'll get to go spelunking for Cave Sulfur for the first time! This should be fun 
Mr_Horrible: I'm good, I just got back from seeing Nosferatu
raulghoulia: no you did not
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible I mean, depends, how confident are you that you can reason with a Reaper leviathan?
Mr_Horrible: movie good
Seth_Erickson: I'm doing pretty well how are you
BraveOthello: Better now!
Strebenherz: too much snow here, but managing
goombalax: I'm great thanks for asking
gualdhar: Twitch chat is as twitch chat does
saucemaster5000: Making incredible hot wings
I_Am_Clockwork: I'm pretty good
Blakemcm: am getting over norovirus. but im ok
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm doing pretty good
Kidror: I'm "working" so I'm good
Makrosian_Tay: Been a good day. Updated the shit outta my LinkedIn
caoinlean: Taking down xmas decor. 🎄
Nigouki: coming off of holiday COVID, finally, hopefully...
Misslinnythebaker: Hanging in there, the best I can
Strebenherz: we got enough snow that the post office delayed the mail
warboss5: California has an excess of FIRE at the moment
mistbornhoid: Good. Getting ready for DnD
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig well the name inclines me to believe "not very"
frank_the_great: Not enough snow here in Boston
ghyllnox: Excited/horrified to watch you play this game given the amount of ocean in it
Anaerin: Each piece of scrap was worth 4 titanium.
BraveOthello: Nearly 6 inches of it

Fanklok: But my dog loves playing in the snow
Lobo_Apache: Yeah, I had a work from home day because of the white menace
Rabbt300: I honestly had to google how to find sulfur when I first played
FoxBehindTheTree: building 40k minis
spethycakes: don't call me Cathy!
saucemaster5000: bla bla bla
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah, we just got snow here and people act like it's death
Kramburger: Just had a huge weekend, had my youngest's first birthday
rhiannamater: I broke my leg playing with the dog in the rain. Welcome to the 30+ Club 🤙
Mr_Horrible: Twitch yearly recap told me I'm The Yapper
LittleVesuvius: really hoping we get rain because the alternative is FIRE
AtomicAlchemical: It's been a rough few days, but doing better now that you're streaming
LittleVesuvius: so
Mr_Horrible: I'm embracing my destiny
CataclysmicReverb: Way too exhausted
LittleVesuvius: can you scan it?
Strebenherz: eat it, it'll be fine
uchihab7: just save the egg
Astral_Apache: Becomes alien spoiled edd
OmnipotentTrevor: A scanner and oxygen
Lord_Hosk: I think im doing better than you it seems, but only because im not terrified of the water. I love this game
mistbornhoid: @foxbehindthetree what faction you building
TherapyforNarwhals: You're tirsty
Seth_Erickson: time to scan shit brother
Rabbt300: save the egg... whats the worst that could happened.. worked out well on the Nostromo
BraveOthello: Go point it at stuff!
ghyllnox: They won't die or spoil, it's not usable rn
LittleVesuvius: that looks promising
caoinlean: Not sure if you put the tank on
Going_Medium: Did 3 days with teenagers at Disneyland, walked over 50 miles total. Now I'm back at work and my feet hurt.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok i have a coworker who I helped walk her dog because the dog is crazy with the fact we work in a vet clinic and we walked 4k, dog got home and still wanted to play in the backyard
The_Timo: scan
gualdhar: Gotta scan it
uchihab7: scan fragments
LittleVesuvius: I think you get a thing that lets you break things open
Astral_Apache: Click to scan
ghyllnox: You can scan those
Anaerin: The containers might have an opening.
FoxBehindTheTree: @mistbornhoid building up some tau for someone. then back to my imperial knights
LittleVesuvius: those fish are edible
Mr_Horrible: I do not share Adam's distaste for deep oceans and deep space, but I understand it. What happens there is none of our business
LittleVesuvius: peepers can be cooked
Anaerin: And do make sure you scan *everything* by clicking and holding on them.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Going_Medium Being at Disneyland in general seems awful, I hope you had good shoes and that they aren't too dead
Astral_Apache: Gotta hold it down
BraveOthello: Hold the scanner longer
mistbornhoid: @foxbehindthetree nice I'm working on my sister of battle
Mr_Horrible: mental image of just taking a huge breath and swimming around with big cartoon chipmunk cheeks of air

Mr_Horrible: oh give it time
saucemaster5000: how else do you swim?
BusTed: just a gassy little fish
RTwo28: Yet
warboss5: "Not too scary" says the man in the Safe Shallows
BraveOthello: That long
RealGamerCow: there's a little circle bar that fills
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 drowning, mostly
gualdhar: There's a progress bar on the scanners little screen
Thefluffiestguineapig: We are still 22m down, think coral reef in our world
RealGamerCow: on the device
adept_nekomancer: Video game logic
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible Frenetically
Diabore: oh that gave us air
Fanklok: There's a progress bad on the scanners display
Nigouki: Sonic bubble sucking hell yeah
silenceaux: Subnautica confirmed a video game
The_Timo: technology
tidehollowcat: At least it's not doors giving you oxygen
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is a far future society
Mr_Horrible: well if you're breathing with an Apparatus presumably it can siphon the oxygen
Natimus_Prime: your helmet can pull in the bubbles, I guess
Anaerin: Videogames *are* dumb, and yet you continue to play them.
TherapyforNarwhals: Or what
spo8n: good mechanics first
frank_the_great: Yeah, it's under there
mistbornhoid: Isn't the ocean one giant cave
InconsiderateHat: Hey now, photosynthetic life gives off oxygen as a byproduct, so why not spongeyboi?
The_Timo: We already have fabrics that allow gasses in but keep water out, probably something similar
Lobo_Apache: water water everywhere but not a drop to drink
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Anaerin cue requisite "video games were a mistake joke"
MilkInBags: no
Strebenherz: not a drop to thrink
MilkInBags: it's like, the opposite
Kramburger: Isn't your mum one giant cave?
ladyjessica: “video games are stupid” made my bestie laugh
itsr67: oh hey
Mr_Horrible: must've been a Dasani bottle
LittleVesuvius: swimming is thirsty work!
frank_the_great: You ever see those underwater cave signs that say "you will die if you go in here"? They're pretty scary
LittleVesuvius: whenever i go swimming i wind up stupid thirsty
spo8n: into the murder cave!
mistbornhoid: @kramburger ...
Thefluffiestguineapig: Swimming is a big exercise and therefore leads to thirst
LittleVesuvius: those yellow things look like sulfur
BraveOthello: Oh right those fish
hey Adam, my girlfriend and I were watching the monikers vod and we agreed that you’re looking swol and fine. gym work paying off! 
warboss5: Awwwww, that was no the first encounter I was hoping for for the cave fish, lol
warboss5: not* the
Thefluffiestguineapig: @LittleVesuvius I think there's another way to get sulfur in this game but I may be remembering wrong
caoinlean: Man Adam got that way faster than I did
warboss5: BOOM
Mr_Horrible: natural artisanal cave sulfur
MacbethSeemsSus: I was waiting for that
LittleVesuvius: oh wow
phoenixletmeuseadashd: huuuuugs
OmnipotentTrevor: Fish bomb
LittleVesuvius: that looks like exploding fish
adept_nekomancer: Oh hi, explodeyfish
RTwo28: Splody fish
Mr_Horrible: that was something mad that you took its sulfur, presumably
Thefluffiestguineapig: Splodyfish

BraveOthello: So you know how magpies swoop at people near their nests? That's fish just swooped you
Mr_Horrible: asking the fish for a honk on that bobo
can we get some Sonic drowning music in here? 
OmnipotentTrevor: I think the splodeyfish hole was sulfer?
Mr_Horrible: you've got a strong right hook
LittleVesuvius: my stream is struggling, is this just my wifi?
frank_the_great: The person swimming all of the time must be fit AF
Anaerin: I mean, that scanner is made of titanium, which is pretty hard.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible Especially for this being underwater
Juliamon: LittleVesuvius Seems fine here
InconsiderateHat: you missed one
phoenixletmeuseadashd: @LittleVesuvius it's fine for me
ghyllnox: There was another that you passed
LittleVesuvius: for a sec i thought the coral was whale bones
Nigouki: scan and see
AtomicAlchemical: nah, limestone chips easy
warboss5: Incidentally, scan EVERYTHING, you'll get more blueprints
measureofhope: The sulfur is in the flower thingies
InconsiderateHat: You missed the one that the bombfish jumped out of
OmnipotentTrevor: Where you got blownup
arcaede_: Just tuned in, What level of backseating is appropriate?
BraveOthello: @littlevesuvius oh I'm sure there's nothing *that* big down here
ghyllnox: It's in the top part of the cave
Juliamon: arcaede_ None unless he asks explicitly
itsr67: he's got mvc brain rot
Mr_Horrible: probably not
YeetTheRich_: don't answer that
dabudder: hello chat. the solo savidan is out tonight.
EikoandMog: Do you want us to answer that honestly?
Rabbt300: Those things can be hard to see
LittleVesuvius: @BraveOthello I won't spoil anything but my brother has shown me the endgame for this game. I never got all the way through it due to a spawn point bug myself (had an angy splodey fish spawn next to me)
ghyllnox: There ya go
dabudder: is this adams first time playing subnautica?
LittleVesuvius: I just saw something that looked vaguely bone like and i twas not bones
Juliamon: yes, first time
Mr_Horrible: Maximillian_Dood has rotted my streamer's brain
dabudder: cool!
BraveOthello: @littlevesuvius I know, I've beaten both games
MilkInBags: me
Nigouki: now just gotta stripmine for diamonds
The_Timo: could have scanned a lot more, but good first excursion
warboss5: Its BIG Is what it is
Lord_Hosk: that looks like a thing
caoinlean: Yeah he's doing pretty great
measureofhope: A friend
Kramburger: Get a little bit of Limestone for your Gin and Tonic
LittleVesuvius: uhhhh
LittleVesuvius: something
ghyllnox: Why not go find out?
DipneaDragon: big
CataclysmicReverb: Only FOUR rays SMH my Head
Mr_Horrible: manmade horrors beyond our comprehension
Thefluffiestguineapig: a lorge man
MacbethSeemsSus: Go find out
spo8n: it's a friend go say hi
warboss5: VERY BIG
neveth: You should swim over and find out
Shadwhawk: Go say hello

Lord_Hosk: thats a big thing
LittleVesuvius: go find out
Natimus_Prime: The big thing? It's harmelss
Rabbt300: um... it is XXXL
uchihab7: go scan it
Saintnex: Only one way to find out
BraveOthello: Could just be small and very close?
tidehollowcat: I'm sure it's friendly
silenceaux: I can think of one way to find out
Cptasparagus: its James
Go closer and find out 
ghizmou: we should get closer to get a better look
frank_the_great: It's probably just the wind
Nigouki: the bigger fish Qui-gon was talking about
Mr_Horrible: legit it almost looks like the wreck of a galleon or something

InconsiderateHat: Yeah that's how I was feeling too
saucemaster5000: Go scan this 10 minute timeout
might be a working escape pod, go check 
QuixoticScrivener: go say “hi”
Mr_Horrible: it's 2025, that's okay to do, Adam
dabudder: "I'm not going over there, its bigger than I am" fantastic advice really
Kramburger: Wait, go back to ass eating thing?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: hey you got into caves way faster than I expected
raulghoulia: Adam is so used to being the biggest that anything being bigger is Terrifying

Mr_Horrible: damn, even the GAME is telling you to hydrate
Thefluffiestguineapig: @dabudder It would mean you never approach any buildings or cars or anything
ekimekim: it's fine there's water, water everywhere
Mr_Horrible: the ship is like twitch chat
caoinlean: @phoenixletmeuseadashd right? I had to google that one when I playdd
Blakemcm: do u want the water hint?
an_archist2: you're swimming in it
Rabbt300: Grab some fish
warboss5: @phoenixletmeuseadashd Faster than I did on my first playthrough
uchihab7: catch fish for water
EikoandMog: Why do we drink water if we just keep pissing?
LittleVesuvius: the peepers have water
ghyllnox: For a while, probably die repeatedly
korvys: You can make glass
Seth_Erickson: you can make glass via the quarts you grabbed for what that's worth
frank_the_great: Chat, this is your reminder to hydrate too
ekimekim: warboss5: yeah that's why i can't play this, i panic about oxygen too fast
BraveOthello: How to get water? CONSUME
phoenixletmeuseadashd: third icon on the water tab will show you how to hydrate
Fanklok: What did I hear about a big fish that eats ass?
caoinlean: In water
adept_nekomancer: It can be deployed outside
Rabbt300: you have to put it outside
Seth_Erickson: in the water you can
dabudder: I hardly know her
Mr_Horrible: locker? I barely know er
phoenixletmeuseadashd: there is
gualdhar: Has to be outside
uchihab7: lockers outside only
mercano82: that’s a poor man’s storage until you get a proper base
phoenixletmeuseadashd: that one is for out
QuixoticScrivener: it also floats
Mr_Horrible: that's your child
adept_nekomancer: It's your orb friend
BraveOthello: Baby
Kramburger: It's ahat
iiieye: I never found the food/water mechanic to add anything to the game
measureofhope: No, you will have a constellation of shame lockers floating in the water until you manage to build a base.
spo8n: baby of the big thing in the distance
Rabbt300: you can just drop stuff and it will stay for quite a while
gualdhar: Is it sticking on the smoke plume?
Mr_Horrible: it *did* say waterproof
spo8n: it is a water locker
electra310 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
electra310: 50 month submarine anniversary
Thanks for subscribing, electra310! (Today's storm count: 60)
LittleVesuvius: that noise was whirring that's the ship
gualdhar: If it's water proof, how do you open it to get stuff in and out?
yeah, can't put water in there because it's waterproof 
spethycakes: so it's another "not a drop to drink" situation, then?
Lobo_Apache: There might be more to the fish then meets the fin
Furrbahl: Eat fish for water
LittleVesuvius: there are fish that have water in them
adept_nekomancer: Have you tried grabbing any of the little fish?
itsr67: rubberrrrr
measureofhope: Do you want a hint about the water?
OmnipotentTrevor: Hopefully something you can scan will be drinkable?
electra310: Fish are the wettest thing in the ocean
Tassanara: i thinnkk you need a knife
Thefluffiestguineapig: @measureofhope I believe "hey chat" for hints is in effect
Tassanara: ad thee
frank_the_great: You're a smart fella (hehe)
Mr_Horrible: I mean you survived that crash, that means you were the smartest person on that giant ship
BraveOthello: @electra310 no that would be water. Ironically fish are less wet
ghyllnox: Smart, capable adult (who's a little afraid of the open ocean)
Tassanara: and then you can synthesize it
LittleVesuvius: grab the peepers they're edible
KharadBanar: Is this a one off stream, or planned to be continued?

Mr_Horrible: "Brother, he seeks our flesh"
LittleVesuvius: idk

Thefluffiestguineapig: @ghyllnox Being afraid of open ocean only reinforces how smart you are IMO
Mr_Horrible: love to hear some Predator clicking in the middle of the ocean
Natimus_Prime: It just cycles the soundtrack sometimes, the music doesn't indicate anything
Nigouki: i forget, is the map set or is it generated at game start?
hypperstar2280: Are we getting subnaughty in here?
dabudder: oh wait chat I know like one thing about this game. Has adam seen the thing that showed up in the jacob geller video?
LittleVesuvius: that looks interesting
frank_the_great: Ship's on fire, yo
electra310: @BraveOthello Water isn't wet, water does wet
dabudder: I dont wanna say the name
Mr_Horrible: anything can be a horror game if you know yourself well enough
RvLeshrac: How goes the existential dread and vast silence of the unfathomable deep?
The_Timo: silver and gold, OOOO mr fancy over here
korvys: You are currently in here
BraveOthello: And yet ...
tajessa: Oh subnautica my beloved
ohjanji: it's like a cave maze
EikoandMog: Cave diving is a quick way to die.
KharadBanar: @dabudder I don't know exactly what you're talking about, but my guess is no since this is the beginning of the game
Mr_Horrible: only with a trained supervisor, personally
QuixoticScrivener: he says while going in there
Thefluffiestguineapig: @EikoandMog EXTREMELY it's terrifying
Seth_Erickson: in real life for sure I would never
caoinlean: Yeah me either cave diving scares the crap outta me
BraveOthello: No and that would be stupid. Cave diving is extremely dangerous
dabudder: @KharadBanar big scream boi
LittleVesuvius: in real life for sure same adam
MilkInBags: just remember that before coming on this planet of ocean, you had to be in SPACE, which is arguably way more scary than ocean
LittleVesuvius: where's the light coming from
electra310: Doing it in real life would be so unwise
rosesmcgee: We're shipping you to Europa. Get swimming
EikoandMog: I'm an open water diver and cave diving TERRIFIES me
HorusFive: Cave diving is EXTREMELY dangerous for people who actually know how to do it
tajessa: Cave diving is the real let's nope as far as I'm concerned
frank_the_great: I think that's called survival instinct
BraveOthello: It's all the danger of caving, and all the danger of diving, at the same time!
CataclysmicReverb: Real life wouldn't have any creepy ambient droning sounds though
CataclysmicReverb: So you'd be fine
LittleVesuvius: fish have water
korvys: The rubber was some kind of plant thing
caoinlean: Juicy fishes?
RvLeshrac: Cave diving may be one of the few things where it doesn't actually get any safer the more experienced you are.
Mr_Horrible: "Seek fluid intake. Also Jesus."
KharadBanar: and not a drop to drink
Oh, just you wait, it gets so much LOUDER 
TheMandrew subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months, currently on a 103 month streak!
TheMandrew: What this game really needs is the Sonic the hedgehog drowning noise
Thanks for subscribing, TheMandrew! (Today's storm count: 61)
ghyllnox: "I'm drowning" "Seek fluid intake" "Trying not to actually"
Tassanara: @LoadingReadyRun you need a knifeand then find crepvines
ekimekim: is it weird that with all the sci fi stuff in this game, the "unrealistic" thing that annoys me the most is how big the moons are?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Considering how horrifically dangerous just caving or just diving are, combining them is just so unfortunate
100 One night in 1950's Moscow, a husband and wife are strolling about town. The husband says, "Oh! We should head home, it's starting to rain." The wife replies "This isn't rain, it's snow!" The husband insists, "No it's rain," he suddenly sees a militsiya officer, "That's my good friend, officer Rudolf, we'll ask him to settle this." They go to the officer and ask if it's raining or snowing. "It is raining," says the officer. The husband says "You see! Rudolf the Red knows rain, dear!"
tajessa: Is "hey chat" in effect for hints?
korvys: I guess filtered water comes from making a filter?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tajessa Yes
Rabbt300: grab the flat, purple looking fish
ghyllnox: @Tassanara Don't need a knife
Seth_Erickson: can we scan the metal boxes down here?
@thefluffiestguineapig excellent, ta 
BraveOthello: @seth_erickson most no, some have an open side and contents
EikoandMog: Air
MilkInBags: nah, it must be your imagination
warboss5: Go and say hi, I'm SURE they're friendly
lilbeezie259: Yeeeees, has he died yet?
Strebenherz: @lilbeezie259 nope
it's large, but is it in charge? 
drizztnailo: simply pretend they are not there idk
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tajessa No problem!
caoinlean: Nope no deaths yet
Mr_Horrible: we all are, it's Online
BraveOthello: I'm pretty sure I'd drowned by this point
Lobo_Apache: Just some raccoons with a 45 ACP it's fine
Blakemcm: the thirst meter is about to be a problema
EikoandMog: @caoinlean He's done better than me so far, then.
HorusFive: DId anyone every explain to Adam about the Were-sharks in World of Darkness?
BraveOthello: On the seed vines
Strebenherz: gotten farted on by the sea cows and an asplody fish so far, but still alive
caoinlean: @eikoandmog same
Mr_Horrible: juked
Mr_Horrible: dumbass got mixed
BraveOthello: Eh, more sulfur!
Twilight_Spark: Soobnootnoot, ya'?
Thefluffiestguineapig: His real life fear of the ocean plus well honed video game instincts is meaning he survives longer than most of us would
aquinas_0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
aquinas_0: nightmare fish!
Thanks for subscribing, aquinas_0! (Today's storm count: 62)
Mr_Horrible: damn, the fish oki
warboss5: Oh cave fish, so adorably huggable!
caoinlean: Juicy fish
SquareDotCube: If you want a way to make water, I can give you a hint.
Strebenherz: adam, you want a hint on water?
uchihab7: grab fish for water
Lobo_Apache: Pink fish
korvys: Is there a filter you can make?
warboss5: Check the food in the replicator
SquareDotCube: but you know the rules
50keyz: yeah this game REALLY leaves you to it
arcaede_: fish provide you with water
EikoandMog: Grab the purple-ish fish.
adept_nekomancer: The fish are cookable
Kazman20a: check the fish
Natimus_Prime: the baloon looking fish can help you with water
SquareDotCube: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
aquinas_0: squeeze fish
ghyllnox: There's purple-pink puffy fish
BraveOthello: @korvys eventually, but there is a way now
measureofhope: Scan fishes
just grab a fish and squeeze 
warboss5: Each food will have different levels of calories and water
Mr_Horrible: they're full of the stuff
MilkInBags: slurp it good
Rabbt300: yup
EikoandMog: That's a food one.
tajessa: The "grab everything you can and see what you can make" rule applies heavily in this game
caoinlean: That has food
Rabbt300: that give food and water.
ghyllnox: No
adept_nekomancer: 100% cookable
HorusFive: yum yum
Rabbt300: mostly food.
HorusFive: slurp
Strebenherz: lookit them big ole eye
caoinlean: Need purple fish for water
Twilight_Spark: Chat's helping!
Rabbt300: flat purple ones can make filters for more water than food
Thefluffiestguineapig: This game is very "punch it/squeeze it and see what comes out"
50keyz: this game turned me off of eating fish lol
neveth: the purple fish that has a big white bubble on it is what y ou want
MilkInBags: call its family and ask for ransom
Seth_Erickson: we may just quantumly explode instead
7gorobei: with an eye that big, there has to be water in the vitreous humor
Seth_Erickson: who knows
BraveOthello: Mmmm, peeper . .
warboss5: If you SCAN THE FISH, their recipies will show up in the Fabricator
spethycakes: little zoomy fella
phoenixletmeuseadashd: can't catch some of them.
HorusFive: Dammit replicator. I wanted the fluids!
Rabbt300: smaller... flat, purple, heart shaped
Rabbt300: nope
caoinlean: Got it!
Rabbt300: thats the one
Strebenherz: juice it good
InconsiderateHat: flat pink bois
Transmuted_Elf: the one that looks like a floating air sack
Mr_Horrible: bro you grabbed it by the neck
MilkInBags: slurp it all down
Thefluffiestguineapig: @phoenixletmeuseadashd At least not with current equipment
aquinas_0: drink fish!
gottem like 
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I love the stupid animations
Lobo_Apache: We survivin' y'all!
Rabbt300: no
korvys: Water, above
MilkInBags: "listen here you little shit, where is the water!?"
Rabbt300: water not food
warboss5: No no, shoot...
aquinas_0: up
OmnipotentTrevor: There was a water button
caoinlean: Oops
SquareDotCube: water!
BraveOthello: That bladder fish looks so scared
The_Timo: oh no
Strebenherz: you cooked it by mistake
korvys: There was a water option
warboss5: There's a WATER section in the cooking area
aquinas_0: there was a water squeeze option
electra310: You need to process it for water
MilkInBags: you picked the wrong option
OmnipotentTrevor: You dehydrated
spethycakes: So anti-water
ghyllnox: There's another crafting option for bladderfish
korvys: No, there was a new option
Rabbt300: right fish, wrong thing in fabricator
warboss5: Nope, just the pink fishy
adept_nekomancer: Those pink fish also cook for water
EikoandMog: The bladderfish can also be used in the water section.
InconsiderateHat: Yeah there's a water section in the fish-processing menu
right, I have to bed. Goodnight all, be good and thanks for all the fish 
Mr_Horrible: menu designers are my eternal enemy, but they also have my undying respect
ghyllnox: At least they're slow
aquinas_0: my kids had such nightmares after watching me play this
neveth: thankfully the waterfish are kinda slow
RvLeshrac: Me personally, first thing I do in all these games is find a way to disable food/water.
Rabbt300: (to be fairm you were correct when you said the game could make this MUCH clearer)
aquinas_0: the sharks were not toddler safe
KCMcG: Don't worry Adam. It doesn't make sense.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ButButTheJesus Sleep well!!
mistbornhoid: Alright time for DnD see the rest of the vod o7
caoinlean: @rabbt300 yes it's very early Minecraft in its explanation
adept_nekomancer: Hello orb friend!
RealGamerCow: lil' buddy hangin out
Mr_Horrible: I'm glad our child is enjoying themselves
KharadBanar: Non-vegetarian.
BraveOthello: Oh yeah the game doesn't tutorialize well, but then neither does Minecraft
Transmuted_Elf: in the tablet you can change the color of the icon for your escape pod to make it easier to see.
Nigouki: chug chug chug!
caoinlean: HUZZAH
MilkInBags: yeah, we sea
anowlatwhat: Yay!
OmnipotentTrevor: gunna turn these fish into microplastics

electra310: Yay!
Strebenherz: juicy juice fishy
Mr_Horrible: deathless run continues
tajessa: This is going to trigger yet another playthrough for me, there goes the rest of this month
Seth_Erickson: water issue solved
Strebenherz: adam gaming
Rabbt300: bleaching makes better water, but those fish are much easier to go get
caoinlean: @tajessa haha right
BraveOthello: 💧
RvLeshrac: I'm sure nothing bad can come from rawdogging this untested alien ocean water.
gamercat88: vines
dabudder: hey chat they said that core was going super critical in like. 2 hours. should we be concerned about that?
Seth_Erickson: was that the yellow vine things we were looking for
50keyz: that is also a totally missable detail in the game
caoinlean: @rvleshrac nothing at all. Looks perfectly clean
Mr_Horrible: that's the solution, actually - you eat that 1 Nature Valley bar and it generates enough crumbs to saturate the entire ocean, rendering it walkable
warboss5: Oh, he looks friendly!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @dabudder naaaaaaaaaaaah
RvLeshrac: @dabudder That's a problem for future Adam.
BraveOthello: BIG teeth
Mr_Horrible: I think bro is minding you
tajessa: @caoinlean this time I will finally finish my permadeath run without glitching out in a cave wall
aquinas_0: up!
Rabbt300: I'm sure he is more scared of you, than you are of it...... probably
caoinlean: @tajessa damn you are a brave soul
Lobo_Apache: three big rubbers
BraveOthello: @rabbt300 I sincerely doubt that
@Thefluffiestguineapig okay i believe you uncritically 
gamercat88: hehe
warboss5: Rubbers and lube, lets do this!
BraveOthello: Rubbers and luuuube
Kramburger: huhuhuhuhuh
EikoandMog: Hehhe lube
MilkInBags: get what out

Lobo_Apache: I don't wanna get band, so no I won't
KharadBanar: Big rubbers make lubricant, noted
Eklinaar: hur hur hur
spo8n: butts
Melfina__: tee hehehe
caoinlean: Nothing to see here
dabudder: lubed up on a tuesday? and all by yourself?
BraveOthello: Hehehehe
Kramburger: hehehehe
Nigouki: lube up that silicone!
Mr_Horrible: why, I'm a mature adult, and everyone has needs that need tending to
ekimekim: big rubbers that hold seed
gualdhar: Only use water based lubes
spo8n: butts butts butts
neveth: but the lube is for getting it in, not out
gamercat88: maybe a knife
Nigouki: make KNIFE, to avoid fear
LittleVesuvius: repair tool to fix your pod
phoenixletmeuseadashd: batteries, repair tool, flashlight I would say
warboss5: Priority #1: Create all the tools, you'll need them
ShaneLeeAtk: Always lubricant, never lubri-can
Rabbt300: repair toola nd knife sound good
RealGamerCow: flashlight?
BraveOthello: @gualdhar this is explicitly oil based
EikoandMog: Knife could be useful, too.
Mai_Andra: glass to fill the emptiness inside, and lubricant to make it fit
LittleVesuvius: knife also good but repair tool to fix equipment is important
caoinlean: Adam is killing this honestly
KharadBanar: We're finishing our amogus tasks
caoinlean: Like I was so lost
CataclysmicReverb: Its like clicking the tongs
OmnipotentTrevor: Hurray, no more sleeping in a pod of toxic fumes
MilkInBags: time to wait
Diabore: bout 416 days
LittleVesuvius: you'll be fine
Nigouki: at least we know we have a few hours of privacy for all that lube
warboss5: I'll go by in no time!
BraveOthello: I think that might just be "sorry dude" in robot
EikoandMog: So a bit over a year? That's fiiiiine.
LittleVesuvius: knife?
emboar2235: it could also be glitching and its actually just 9 hours
gualdhar: Oh that's 11 years
Diabore: oh, my bad, missed a 9
ekimekim: though the system also said at one point that the nearby spaceship was going to explode in...2 hours?
Mr_Horrible: I'd somehow trip and hit my head on day 2
DrAegirinePyrope: Well, that's a long time. Guess swimming is in the schedule
Mai_Andra: That's was the highest number on the counter. They ran out of digits...
LittleVesuvius: flippers also help you swim faster so you can explore
frank_the_great: I'm built different
EikoandMog: @Mr_Horrible Trapped in a cave on day 3, personally.
DipneaDragon: scanning things gives you new recipies!
Diabore: @LoadingReadyRun my bad, i missed a 9, its 11 and a half years
tajessa: @ekimekim I'm sure it's fine don't even worry about it
measureofhope: Non-floaty storage is a long-term ambition
BraveOthello: @ekimekim ... Which is less than 99999! We gotta get out of here!
Rabbt300: yeah... i'm not sure if that is a thing until you make a underwater base
Seth_Erickson: I think unfortunately all the storage is underwater storage.
Transmuted_Elf: you will need a habbitat builder to make storage that is not the underwater storage
BraveOthello: What's that youve got Adam?
15% move speed 
HorusFive: Number go up!
LittleVesuvius: uhhh
Lobo_Apache: oh! watch the ship!
LittleVesuvius: that bad
Lazy_F4: kaboom
splatty1: ooh, cool explosion
Juliamon: PoE instincts activated
EikoandMog: Waaaaatch it
caoinlean: Oh no!!! (You're good)
warboss5: GO UP!
adept_nekomancer: You're underwater, it's probably fine
Suffix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 136 months, currently on a 136 month streak!
Suffix: You should watch this.
warboss5: Watch!
Thanks for subscribing, Suffix! (Today's storm count: 63)
Nigouki: equip knife for another 10% speed
MilkInBags: p7
LittleVesuvius: nah you'll be fine but you might want to watch
caoinlean: Dayum

Lazy_F4: that seems fine
InconsiderateHat: o7
dabudder: big splosion
warboss5: BOOOOM
KCMcG: Sick
HorusFive: They're probably fine
Suffix: It's fine.
caoinlean: o7
emboar2235: that sounded expensive

Mr_Horrible: oh that didn't travel nearly as far as I thought

warboss5: Also, RADIATION!
raulghoulia: what did you do?!
Mr_Horrible: oh nvm
BraveOthello: Welp. I think we might need another ride out of here
Blakemcm: that ship aint gonna be in subnautica 3
tajessa: o7
Fanklok: It's fine that'll buff out
An_Owl_At_What: Boom
ShaneLeeAtk: It will buff out
Lazy_F4: oh the mysterious ticking. that's never good
MAPBoardgames: this seems fine
LittleVesuvius: welp
sporkraptor: um.
Seth_Erickson: don't think we'll be fixing up that ship anytime soon
LittleVesuvius: also is the Aurora sitting on something? or?? never figured that out
Mr_Horrible: I love how it didn't add that to your blueprints until *after* the explosion that it knew was going to happen
RealGamerCow: Can you get stuff off the aurora before it blows up?
Rabbt300: Boom.... Oh, I should tell you about radiation suits... Why? uh..... No reason, no reason at all....... click
BraveOthello: @seth_erickson nothing a little duct tape can't fix
adept_nekomancer: Ship is mildly exploded
Thefluffiestguineapig: @LittleVesuvius I think it's just very large and in relatively shallow water
ghyllnox: Exploring and scanning
uchihab7: exploration and scan
ekimekim: LittleVesuvius: given how lightweight spaceships need to be, i'd not be surprised if it was buoyant
Mr_Horrible: yeah no shit

Lazy_F4: get swole
Strebenherz: PFFFT.
dabudder: fortunately water is an extremely good insulator against radiation!
HorusFive: I bet that explosion put a lot of neat new material in the local ocean
Fanklok: Ship also had some minor head trauma
KharadBanar: thanks fitbit
RatherLargeToad: gotta get those gains
good news! water is a great insulator against radiation 
caoinlean: Haha
Nigouki: computer mommy praises us!
50keyz: the AI in this game has some great dialogue
EikoandMog: Swimming is a killer exercise and actually got at hitting just about every muscle.
Seth_Erickson: you want the tall vines yeahg
Makrosian_Tay: @Nigouki OUT
Kramburger: Looks like we closed our rings or w/e (IDK I don'tr own a apple watch)
Mister_Dee: I don't want to backseat, but scanning stuff is a core mechanic
LittleVesuvius: a flashlight may help
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Makrosian_Tay Seconded
BraveOthello: @littlevesuvius The Aurora is about 2km long and in shallow water
dabudder: AHH
Lazy_F4: chomp
HorusFive: Good news- in the dark you'll never need to look at the big scary fish
caoinlean: Omnomnom
Diabore: chill chill chilll
dabudder: that GOT me
"yes it is still there"
Mr_Horrible: "Stop stealing my petunias you whippersnapper!"

shendaras: nah I think the fish left
fish hates us 
measureofhope: Remember to equip your knife
aquinas_0: ah, night
BraveOthello: Good news they glow in the dark
Nigouki: but what if we knife it?
MilkInBags: yeah it's like you have to play
aquinas_0: when the other behaviors come out
Diabore: thats why i said freedom, dont gotta worry about food or water
Fanklok: You're here for 3 hours
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Seth_Erickson I mean considering what we did to it's relatives......
QuixoticScrivener: still have the option to restart and play on hardcore
BraveOthello: Gosh this game is so pretty
Kramburger: Owie
aquinas_0: pressure damage
Seth_Erickson: flora got hands
The_Timo: too deep,
Nigouki: 2deep4you
LittleVesuvius: you went deeper without a pressure suit
Diabore: 100 meters is pressure territory
BraveOthello: You got the bends
ghyllnox: @aquinas_0 Not a thing
Mr_Horrible: that was the ocean exerting its malevolent will upon you
caoinlean: Damn that sound is creepy
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think we need increased equipment to go that deep
The_Timo: Ship doesn't look too good
HorusFive: That's a good moon
Mr_Horrible: what an extremely close moon
LowUpsideCJ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
LowUpsideCJ: What's up subnauticats
Thanks for subscribing, LowUpsideCJ! (Today's storm count: 64)
HorusFive: It'll buff right out
Anonyman41: ah it just needs a little elbow grease
BraveOthello: @the_timo it's only a lot on fire
caoinlean: Gunna need a new coat of paint for sure
Mr_Horrible: it'll buff out
KharadBanar: Nice moon. Also what's a Roche limit
DrAegirinePyrope: You mean like yesterday, before it exploded?
ghyllnox: Your oxygen efficiency goes down, but you (not including your equipment) don't get pressure damage in this game
BraveOthello: Probably don't need the fire extinguisher on the ocean ...
The_Timo: @BraveOthello Never stopped me
aquinas_0: @ghyllnox huh, so its not, I guess I just suffocated
I gotta go to a meeting
have fun in the subocean, see y'all in the vod
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BraveOthello I think it's just pressure damage, the Bens is from rising too fast after extended time in a deep area with a scuba nitrogen oxygen tank mix (pushes glasses through face)
gonz0games: business is a'boomin
Seth_Erickson: probably can't go wrong with storage as well yeah
Going_Medium: can you water mushrooms?
Lobo_Apache: Ah yes, time to go back to our roots as moisture farmers
raulghoulia: straight up moisture farming
Mr_Horrible: oh you a moisture farmer now? Gonna go back home to Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru?
caoinlean: Drift compatible over here
@kharadbanar it takes *years* for stuff to break up form tidal forces. 
The_Timo: eh, if the computer says it's ok
warboss5: Yep, the first part of Subnautica is basically just farming water and titanium
Critterbot: This can be a helle scary game, but only really later on when you start going super deep, especially if you have thalassophobia.
Nigouki: process down the raw materials, scan stuff for more brains
ghyllnox: You'd starve first?
Mr_Horrible: I'd believe that's a Star Wars name tbh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BraveOthello Unless it's organic matter like dead fish
Mr_Horrible: nah, I gotta torment you, it's in my contract
Fanklok: In the ocean straight up farming it and by it haha well let's justr say my moistrs
BraveOthello: @thefluffiestguineapig boooo, no but seriously nice
HorusFive: Are we a dummy?
gualdhar: Ipso factory bingo boingo
EikoandMog: I 100% would flash myself in the face with that.
ekimekim: oh good you made a hair dryer
BraveOthello: Tell me that isn't the first thing you do with a new flashlight
neveth: Dude's got brain damage, remember
Fanklok: Minor head trauma
that sure was a light 
gualdhar: God damn it autocorrect I hate you
Critterbot: Remember to turn it of when you don't need it, gotta preserve the battery.
Nigouki: Do not look into the operational end of The Device
caoinlean: @ekimekim "finger snaps"
gualdhar: Why wpuld fish steal from you
Mr_Horrible: nothing has at least seemed interested in it so far
Transmuted_Elf: not in this one, in Bellow zero...yeah
LowUpsideCJ: Classic fish move
Suffix: Technically, it does drift.
They'll steal your heart with their big eyes 
BusTed: y'know, like a burglefish
MilkInBags: beware of the coralburglar
Mr_Horrible: fish swimming by like "you got games on that thing?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Like the axolotyl in the submarine version of Lethal company?
ghyllnox: There's... technically a fish that likes to steal things I guess, but it's not relevant here
Kramburger: Lock in, tight focus
MilkInBags: no ham under water
Critterbot: Might wanna not leave the flashlight on right now.
TheAwkes: Chillness inversely proportional to water temperature.
neveth: not in this one
vinopinguino: only steal your yams
arcaede_: there are some that steal from your hp bar
Mr_Horrible: the Carbonburgler
saucemaster5000: It is I the hambuglarfish
MoxleyUnhinged: ayo best game for a lets nope! im terrified of open water so i screamed at this
epsilon_vee: all the opposable thumbfish hitched rides to other planets years ago
Seth_Erickson: oh hey the big fish got closer
BraveOthello: Friend shaped
Dalrint: So brave.
HorusFive: Beeg friend
LittleVesuvius: oh hey!
LittleVesuvius: scan it it's cool
Octonomicon: Do fish have the neurological complexity for kleptomania?
caoinlean: It's...so...big
Fanklok: Obviously it's a whale
BusTed: lorge
HorusFive: Bet you could get a lot of fluid out of that thing
LittleVesuvius: it's huge hence leviathan
hey_there_Enfys subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
hey_there_Enfys: Yay!
Thanks for subscribing, hey_there_Enfys! (Today's storm count: 65)
InconsiderateHat: Pretty whaaaale
Lobo_Apache: YAy! first Leviathan
BraveOthello: @octonomicon not generally, big cetaceans and cephalopods certainly do
caoinlean: *slaps whale* you can grt so much water outta this thing!
MacbethSeemsSus: Scanner: Yep, that's a big fish
RealGamerCow: scanning everything is a good plan
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Octonomicon I mean, depends what you mean, they can play and things but I don't think that specific mechanism is present
MAPBoardgames: get 25 bear asses
Seth_Erickson: he'd much rather be farming orbs right now
grinding 45 hours for a 6L
playing a game 
Thefluffiestguineapig: ]
GasCityGaming: Raft was really well paced imo
Nigouki: 50 bear butts, but you actually need them to survive
gualdhar: Gotta get 15 bear asses
caoinlean: Oooh good question.
Rabbt300: you should be able to do this 5 times and declare that you have established a loop... gimme infinite water
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Octonomicon Is this a reference to We Fix Space Junk?
caoinlean: Scarier game Raft or Subnautica re ocean
Fanklok: Running the same 3 maps in PoE2, 7 hours np. Making 5 bottles of water in survival craft game? Not even making it that far.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Your user name I mean
50keyz: @Nigouki yea but to be fair, they really could have tuned down teh fequency of ticks for food/water
MilkInBags: noted
BraveOthello: "I have demonstrated a loop"
MAPBoardgames: subnautica
Suffix: Raft only has a shark.
ghyllnox: @caoinlean Subnautica hands down
phoenixletmeuseadashd: only ever one alas
jessieimproved: Subnautica definitely scarier than Raft
Thefluffiestguineapig: @50keyz I think that's just freedom mode
phoenixletmeuseadashd: but you will get bigger ones and automation later
caoinlean: True
Octonomicon: @Thefluffiestguineapig I don't know what that is, but maybe i should
BraveOthello: Definite weak point in this game
caoinlean: So vital right now
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ghyllnox Does Raft have Reaper Leviathans? No?
BraveOthello: Glug glug!
HorusFive: Just drinking extra because he can
HorusFive: Absolute legend
Suffix: He's so HYDRATED.
ShaneLeeAtk: We hydrating tonight!
ghyllnox: You're partially correct, this is a water world
Mai_Andra: water? at work, dude?
@Octonomicon It's a narrative podcast, I'm just a big nerd with that as one of my specialist subjects
50keyz: @Thefluffiestguineapig yes, but even in survival it goes down too fast to the point where it impacts gameplay / exploration. i think the sequel was better tuned in this way
BraveOthello: @mai_andra drink heavily!
Nigouki: grab all the things! devastate the local ecosystems!
HorusFive: Totally stripping the ecosystem. Excellent plan
GasCityGaming: oh it can be
Makrosian_Tay: Oh, he said the thing
adept_nekomancer: The shallows are pretty chell
BraveOthello: Says that man who was afraid to dive ...
RealGamerCow: yet
adept_nekomancer: *chill
phoenixletmeuseadashd: this biome is literally called "safe shallows"
caoinlean: He said it
Suffix: Go Deeper then.
TheAwkes: Cause he's fiiiiiiiish , fish farrrmin'
Seth_Erickson: you haven't really breached the depths of the ocean tbf
Transmuted_Elf: you are in the area called safe shallows.
Lobo_Apache: We're just not there yet
Octonomicon: @Thefluffiestguineapig All good, you've piqued my interest, so I'll check it out at some point
InconsiderateHat: Time to get more adventurous, then!
ghyllnox: I'm glad you're enjoying the starter biome
Dalrint: This area is called the 'Safe Shallows'
JoeLowe2: not scary until late game
tajessa: Oh Adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh Adam
caoinlean: It was a little scary swimming to the ship
Juliamon: You were pretty terrified right off the bat though
Steelwolf171: I find this game very relaxing ...until it's not
Ujai321: what, the dogs?
neveth: you'll hear him coming
Going_Medium: Your at the beginning of finding nemo, before he leaves the reef...
Suffix: Jaw boy is just hungry for chew toy.
BraveOthello: @juliamon didn't even want to dive in the game called "underwater"
MilkInBags: afraid of lenses?
onetrueseth: This fish in the kelp is just here to let you know some fish can be aggressive and can't be killed. It escalates. Everything here gets worse.
MacbethSeemsSus: You can go to that part
saucemaster5000: he's scared of vision
twistedsylvan: give it time
BraveOthello: Oh dobt worry, you can find those
ghyllnox: We'll get there eventually
Seth_Erickson: just turn the big things into the small thigns
caoinlean: Gotta get more lockers
Thefluffiestguineapig: The number of teeth only escalates from here
Seth_Erickson: easy
ghyllnox: Scan stuff
Transmuted_Elf: build a habbitat builder to build your own base.
ekimekim: I haven't played this and am guessing: you have a scanner, it might unlock things?
brainbosh: You have to make a scanner to progress in the game
tajessa: Start scanning things
korvys: At some point you can build a whole building, right?
RvLeshrac: The one rule of having a scanner is to scan everything.
Lobo_Apache: More lockers for storage and crafting your 4 slot stuff down to 1 slot stuff
KharadBanar: The devs outright said that it wasn't planned as a horror game from the start. The horror elements developed natrually after they watched playtesters react to being in the open ocean
caoinlean: Himbo!
The_Timo: Sure
Suffix: Sustained.
HorusFive: Checks out
onetrueseth: For more storage you need to build a habitat. Get used to scanning everything, nearly all the new tech comes that way.
BraveOthello: Checks out
DudelidouX: I mean we knew that
gualdhar: Yup
ghyllnox: Yeah sure
korvys: Your honour
The_Timo: I'll allow it
MacbethSeemsSus: @korvys Didn't Ben build an underwater moonbase?
Strebenherz: it's why we're here
MilkInBags: your honour, my client is a jackass
Seth_Erickson: it does but only so many times for the same instance
Nigouki: no, 2cute4dumb
Furrbahl: it's a defense
gualdhar: Adam, buddy
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MacbethSeemsSus Yes he did!
HorusFive: You have said it on occasion
CataclysmicReverb: Aren't we all dumbasses?
Strebenherz: in seriousness, don't think you're a dumbass
gualdhar: We don't think you're a dumbass but you keep telling us you are
brainbosh: You can just drop it in the water
BTownMC: eat the acid mushrooms
Rabbt300: In our defense, we are also mostly dumbasses
Nigouki: process it for materials
adept_nekomancer: The yellow seeds condense down a bit when you craft with them
ghyllnox: You can just drop it in the ocean if you want
Seth_Erickson: why not just make more underwater storage? those only cost titanium
Transmuted_Elf: lets look at other tools to make
brainbosh: Drop stuff in the water
Twilight_Spark: It cannot be destroyed by any art we here possess.
BraveOthello: Tuuuube
Strebenherz: you're not a dumbass, you insist you are while quietly doing gaming stuff that makes you go "oh shit well played"
phoenixletmeuseadashd: it will not
adept_nekomancer: One scan is all you need
Jobot180: You can drop stuff. Just pulling outside your inventory. It will sink to the bottom (or float, depending on density)
ghyllnox: No, except yourself
tajessa: No, once you've scanned it it's n your encyclopaedia
BraveOthello: Get back here you befinned bastard
Dalrint: Gaaary. Gaaaaaaary
The_Timo: Yeah
tajessa: Yeah it will
ekimekim: is the main character...naming these as they go?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ekimekim I believe so
caoinlean: I wouls
thatguysteve2709: Who is naming these fish I mean technically aren't we discovering them and could name them whatever we wanted
Dalrint: @ekimekim Gotta do something to keep sane
Nigouki: see? it's a cozy game
jessieimproved: got me hopin, cake by the ocean
Kaaosa: water
gualdhar: Did we find a big fucking thing living here?
Bengineering: Good news, I can hear sort of
BraveOthello: @thatguysteve2709 assuming that we are discovering the
ghyllnox: @thatguysteve2709 Our HUD AI is naming them for us so they're corporate-acceptable names, wouldn't want you to name them "the dicktwister" or something

caoinlean: Wouldn't be doing no naming conventions either. Gary bubblebutt fiah
goombalax: @ekimekim he is Adam after all
measureofhope: Do you have a knife yet?
morgoth_bauglyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
morgoth_bauglyr: I heard your favourite activity is swimming
Thanks for subscribing, morgoth_bauglyr! (Today's storm count: 66)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey Ben!! Hope you feel ok!
SkipIives: @gualdhar just the spody ones so far
Jobot180: Just you and some fish.
caoinlean: Wait is Ben no longer mono hearing?
Cptasparagus: Australian Priority #1: knife
thatguysteve2709: I just want to name any entire species of fish the Alexander just so everyone has to call it by it proper name
Scy_Anide: Chat, what is better, Subnautica or Dubnautica?
MilkInBags: @Scy_Anide Nutica
tajessa: @scy_anide Wubnautica
BraveOthello: @scy_anide Wubnautica
morgoth_bauglyr: uh oh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Scy_Anide Daubnautica
Bengineering: @caoinlean Nah I was slowly losing hearing in both over the past 2 weeks, had a doctors appointment tonight and he depressurized my head and i can sort of hear fine again
MilkInBags: gg
Strebenherz: bollocks
morgoth_bauglyr: almost made it
SkipIives: yup
adept_nekomancer: Caves do want you to die, yes
tajessa: F
gualdhar: So close
morgoth_bauglyr: 1s too slow
Strebenherz: honestly though, you made it pretty damn far without dying

The_Timo: some things
HorusFive: The DEEP claims another one
Seth_Erickson: lost some belongings
schordash: o7🫧
ghyllnox: It does give you a countdown but, yeah
BraveOthello: Like 2 things
RvLeshrac: You only lose the most important things.
raulghoulia: dignity
tajessa: You did last quite a while on the first life
caoinlean: @bengineering oh man that's scary! Good to hear you're feeling better
Rabbt300: not much
Dalrint: You lose most of what you picked up since you left the ship
Seth_Erickson: lost like 3 things
Makrosian_Tay: Hi Ben! I'm glad you can hear now (sort of)!
thatguysteve2709: @bengineering well hopeful you feel better
gualdhar: Sanity
morgoth_bauglyr: you lose some of the stuff you gained since you left the pod last time
HorusFive: You have Somebody's scanner and light
LittleVesuvius: probably some copper
measureofhope: Lucky
Fanklok: Corpse run time

Fuzzra: You lose what you picked up since the last save
BTownMC: party trophy
Jobot180: No worries. No permadeath except in hardcore mode.
MilkInBags: no
Seth_Erickson: yeah like how they punish you for losing in PoE right
CataclysmicReverb: only lost bits of your dignity
Valkryir: I think youranswering machine has a message
Lobo_Apache: When we'd lose up hill both way, in the snow?!
caoinlean: Ooh radio is blinking
brainbosh: Oh, the bad days
Cptasparagus: grown man who just said "why are we still doing inventories"
BraveOthello: Yeah and that's aucked too!
korvys: @Bengineering ... like in Theme Hospital?
The_Timo: +I dumped so much into gauntlet at Castle fun park
Suffix: @Bengineering Let me know if you need anything, Buddy. Happy to help.
Strebenherz: @Bengineering glad to hear, hope you continue to feel better
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bengineering I hope Remy and Gus have been piling in to help speed healing
schordash: what about the quarter on a string?
SkipIives: I remember when computer games were just text
JuneBlue58: About inventories, yes.
HorusFive: Constantly
Kidror: Adam we love to tell you that you're wrong
RealGamerCow: @The_Timo my friends and I tried to "beat" Gauntlet. no one told us we couldn't
Makrosian_Tay: Inventory sucks, without exception
saucemaster5000: GROW UP
HorusFive: Chat will tell you you're wrong all night, Adam
thatguysteve2709: In a bubble doug!!!
caoinlean: As a gamer
MilkInBags: KKona
raulghoulia: how many years of Mine O Clock are we into?

jessieimproved: some of us live for inventory managment
LittleVesuvius: inventory management gets tiring, yeah
tajessa: That's a good move Adam
saucemaster5000: There is no good inventory system
RvLeshrac: Limited inventory space is, in fact, trash.
Melfina__: Smart, reddit is awful - a reddit user.
oddly quiet with inventory complaints during poe2 
Fanklok: Man whose favorite video game is one with an invento4y system as a core mechanic
frank_the_great: When I replay Skyrim/Fallout I max the inventory carry weight
saucemaster5000: Oh except wilmot's warhouse -- that the best inventory management
mercano82: Sounds like Adam needs to play Backpack Hero
MolaMolaphant: I'm reorganizing the shelves next to my desk as a main project right now...
caoinlean: @frank_the_great same
RvLeshrac: Limited inventory space belongs in the same bin as hunger and thirst meters.
LittleVesuvius: @frank_the_great same, the inventory management is so frustrating
Jobot180: Inventories in video games are way easier to manage than all the actual crap in my life.
RvLeshrac: But more importantly, non-stacking inventory.
SquareDotCube: Think of it this way: if inventory was infinite, what reason would you ever come back?
Strebenherz: adam; says he's dumb, but smart enough to stay off reddit
Dalrint: What is he looking for?
head_cannon: Heh. I had to switch my Terraria game to Hardcore because I wanted there to be stakes and wanted a motivation to get back to base alive. I value the fear of losing.
LittleVesuvius: @SquareDotCube because the gameplay is good?
RealGamerCow: What's worse, inventory management or weapon durability
SquareDotCube: you would just be collecting, collecting, collecting...
RvLeshrac: @SquareDotCube Crafting, machinery.
SkipIives: lol
Dalrint: There's a mode that turns off hunger and thirst at least.

saucemaster5000: So what you are saying is...
JuneBlue58: Some people just aren't built to play survival crafting games.
RvLeshrac: You can disable the hunger/thirst in this game, though.
SkipIives: Hunger, Thirst, Inventory, and Oxygen
CataclysmicReverb: What if it also had weapon durability
and Darkest Dungeon has both as well 
Kidror: Inventory, Crafting, Food & Water management, oh yeah, this games got it all
Ujai321: to be fair, you can turn off hunger and thirst in the options. highly recommend, to eliminate the busywork
Nigouki: surely it doesn't also hit us with weapon durability, right?
saucemaster5000: Some aren't built for a 10 minute timeout
RvLeshrac: IIRC there's also a mod for Subnautica that at least gives you a stacking inventory, so you can stack all the garbage.
measureofhope: Survival crafters are a form of voluntary punishment for masochist nerds
Fanklok: Why are we being so mean to Serge tonight
Strebenherz: give me that good good old mmo nonsense
frank_the_great: You know what else I hate? The under water level in video games
MilkInBags: "if i encounter a single challenge in a game, i scream"
Strebenherz: !findquote inventory
LRRbot: Quote #3336: "We can dance in our inventory." —Cori [2016-08-31]
GasCityGaming: ppart of the crew?
Nigouki: part of the crew, part of the ship
RvLeshrac: @SquareDotCube The core problem is that you need so much crap that you're *constantly* going back, and the time-wasting of travel gets old (when nothing is happening)
Kidror: Fuck, Marry, Kill - Inventory Management, Breakable Weapons/Items, Food/Health Management
Fanklok: He doesn't know
Seth_Erickson: this game gave you a 15% movement speed buff Adam where's the hype for that
KharadBanar: To be fair, the inventory system in this game really isn't a good experience.
HorusFive: @MilkInBags Adam has a brand, yes
RvLeshrac: At the core, the problem is that things like hunger/thirst are only a "challenge" for a brief amount of time at the start of one of these. After that, it just becomes a chore you have to do, but you're NEVER in danger.
Jobot180: Try the kelp
caoinlean: Kill breakable weapons, hands down
Thefluffiestguineapig: Don't you play ranked SF6?
Toxxick: Adam is the Boshy, he has no more to prove
Kidror: Adam has two modes, if he encourages any friction he'll scream or he'll play the most miserable experience you've ever seen
Strebenherz: @RvLeshrac that's a good way to put it
speaking of, when's the Sekiro replay 
saucemaster5000: after 30 hard shit is for fiberless fucks
The_Timo: Are there any tools in the crafting menu you don't have yet?
Kidror: encounters*
BraveOthello: When in doubt start stabbing?
Dalrint: You age out of playing hard games when you realize you get the same happiness from playing easy AND you aren't angry at the game.
RvLeshrac: The same goes with limited inventory space. It's a problem at the start of the game, but as you progress, you end up with transport options that mean the limited inventory is just an annoyance, not actually any sort of obstacle.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 When you contemplate if the Bristol stool scale goes far enough get some Metamucil
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate survival crafting games 
Seth_Erickson: nah I don't think I'd get the same enjoyment from like a1 Slay the Spire as I do from a20 Slay the Spire
theambivalentagender: That's the wrong emote
raulghoulia: trying is trying

Strebenherz: I stopped playing hardcore minecraft at a certain point of "I just want to enjoy this and not feel stressed"
Rabbt300: to be fair, there is a difference between 'effort' and 'tedium'...
RvLeshrac: @Rabbt300 this
Seth_Erickson: it makes decisions more interesting in it's difficulty
ghyllnox: You may have scanned what you needed to scan at this point
SquareDotCube: It kinda just sounds like you want a NES game at that point
RvLeshrac: My real life is packed wall-to-wall with tedious garbage I have to do constantly, I don't need that in a game.
Saintnex: do you ever scan the creepyvines and the clusters?
MilkInBags: "i only appreciate what FROM SOFT does"
RealGamerCow: I have several thousand hours in Elite:Dangerous and Satisfactory. I *love* tedium.
RvLeshrac: It really is a lot of confusing *challenge* with *chores*.
Strebenherz: that said, tedious boss does not equal hard boss
so... path of exile? 
SkipIives: This game is 7 years old now, so there are some QoL things that you just have to deal with
RealGamerCow: Oh, like the Division hard zones, which were just "easy zone guys with 100x health"
The_Timo: Yeah that's why I stopped playing hard mode on games lol. It's just deal less damage take more most of the time
@RvLeshrac THis.. (back atcha) 
Seth_Erickson: there are many good ways to do difficulty
caoinlean: @thefluffiestguineapig just got some from Amazon
Fanklok: "I hate inventory management and things being too hard, also my favorite games are Darkest Dungeon and Dark Souls"
RvLeshrac: Grinding is the same way. "Challenge" is when something is difficult to do, but if you have to do something 10,000 times, no matter whether it's easy or hard, that's just a tedious grind.
Strebenherz: i mean dark souls has weight management, but you can have 5 swords or 50 stashed and it doesn't care
RealGamerCow: oh, lead
Rabbt300: Yeah.. 'oh crap! a shark' is much more interesting than 'oh dang, time to go farm fish again'
Dalrint: I think we are conflating 'hard' and 'challenging' and they are *not* the same thing.
ekimekim: ooh that was lead! we need that right?
Seth_Erickson: oh hey that was led we got there right
Seth_Erickson: lead*
RvLeshrac: Subnautica does a good job of eliminating most of the tedium with the hunger/thirst-disablement, without eliminating any of the challenge.
MacbethSeemsSus: Adam declares war on the ocean.
caoinlean: @rvleshrac I don't even mind grinding if it's fun...like once a week raid or fun minigamd dailies
skysonglark: what a rude fish
ekimekim: it was from one of the sandstone outcrops
Cptasparagus: you hit your Pb
Seth_Erickson: it came from the sandstone outcrops
Dalrint: Yeah it's random.
Seth_Erickson: I assume it's just random minerals yeah
RealGamerCow: you got it, it's the grey block in your inventory
ghyllnox: It's random from a pool
KharadBanar: Random-ish
shendaras: update your loot filter

gualdhar: Just gotta get the lead out
RvLeshrac: The Sandstone scan should tell you what's possible.
ekimekim: the scanner results might tell you?
CataclysmicReverb: No pls explain
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ωcat how did you momentarily change the language on my laptop to GREEK
Dalrint: There are different kinds of outcroppings that have didn't percentages of stuff
Fanklok: If it's not 1/4080 it's not that rare
dabudder: alright chat I had to leave for a while. NOW has he seen the thing from the jacob geller video
caoinlean: Oh she's hot bro
HorusFive: That's why you need a knife, eh?
RvLeshrac: @caoinlean The less free time I have, the less patience I have for grinding.

KharadBanar: @Thefluffiestguineapig Cat wants feta for dinner
schordash: i can’t not frame you as the sole survivor having to collect and relay data back home to scientists and you were originally the hired guns x)
caoinlean: @rvleshrac 100%
Nigouki: radiation means it's a place of honor and something of value is hidden there
RvLeshrac: @RvLeshrac But it's always disrespectful to the player, just *how* disrespectful is sort of up to the individual player.
korvys: I mean, WoW had drops like that
Seth_Erickson: how rares are mirrors in both poe's?
Fanklok: Yeah dude Oldschool Runescape has so much of that
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KharadBanar No thanks, human cheese farts are bad enough without cats who are not designed to eat anything but meat
Strebenherz: old and new runescape has that kind of nonsense still yeah
emonotony: Ooo, dope.
Fuzzra: Subnautica really is the most relaxing scary game.
dabudder: love that guy
Patorik: Your video series about WoW was great, BTW. I've never played it, and found it engaging
dabudder: he looks like hes about to ask you if you have any games on your phone
Muddy_Thunder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months, currently on a 74 month streak!
Fanklok: 1/5000 drops but the fight doesn't last more than 2 minutes and is easy to get to
Thanks for subscribing, Muddy_Thunder! (Today's storm count: 67)
Dalrint: You need so much quartz
Fanklok: Plus no weekly lockouts
ghyllnox: Eventually, but not right now
emonotony: The point of the game is to chain energy generation until you can just go anywhere freely
RvLeshrac: Yes, and also no, depending on what time scale you're asking about.
Dalrint: Do you want a storage space suggestion?
Seth_Erickson: we can always build more underwater storage for the lowly price of 4 titanium
measureofhope: The answer is more shame lockers, I'm afraid
tajessa: There may be something in the crafting menu that could help with inventory
ghyllnox: Yeah take a look at the tool crafting menu at the base
emonotony: There are a lot of things to help with inventory eventually.
KCMcG: I think the hint when you get the scanner tells you to scan technologies.
SquareDotCube: Need another hint with storage?
dabudder: me when im scanning
KharadBanar: Inventory management never gets to a point where you just want to pick up everything indiscriminately
KharadBanar: which is probably the point
Juliamon: Your O2 is still going down
Fanklok: Ooh a piece of coral, ooh a piece of coral, ooh a piece of coral
emonotony: But also it kinda stops mattering?
KharadBanar: but it's still frustrating
tajessa: You may want to be on the surface of the water while looking at the encyclopaedia, just saying
caoinlean: Adam don't want no backseat swimming

Rabbt300: scanning tip.. check the boxes
Strebenherz: do you like it so far?
dabudder: nah this is good
GasCityGaming: you were very spooped off the bat
emonotony: Oh just you wait.
LittleVesuvius: would a knife help with the boxes?
Naesiir subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Naesiir! (Today's storm count: 68)
BraveOthello: Just go deeper if you want more spooks
Patorik: I think the deep pits are a bit scarier
measureofhope: Subnautica is very chill until it really isn't
goombalax: I mean you were terrified at first
Dalrint: You also haven't left the area of the game
Seth_Erickson: the bigger spooks are deeper down unfortunatley
LittleVesuvius: also yeah it gets spookier
Patron_of_the_Moon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
schordash: i mean, we could just go as far out as we can and see what happens
Thanks for subscribing, Patron_of_the_Moon! (Today's storm count: 69)
Dalrint: *safest
Naesiir: it does get scarier, but it might take a while to reach that point
Nigouki: Ben comes back next week and forces you to keep playing until we get all the way through
ghyllnox: @LittleVesuvius The boxes are cosmetic except some with a missing back, which can have stuff inside
caoinlean: Damn nice patience Adam very cool
NotCainNorAbel: Almost like 450 people are here for the company.
saucemaster5000: boomer ass patience
Astral_Apache: Subnautica is like that
BraveOthello: Me, the first time I tried to read Dune
caoinlean: Respect
raulghoulia: unreasonably reasonable take
Singenmeister: You have to get through the first six hours of twilight princess before it gets good
7gorobei: what is the 3 episode rule equivalent for books?
MilkInBags: day 1 of a new magic set
MilkInBags: "best set ever?"
GasCityGaming: Yeah, got some of that with POE 2
Juliamon: What do you mean you haven't made a snap decision based on less than 30 minutes of gameplay??
RatherLargeToad: “what’s the meta?”
emonotony: The tutorial takes maybe ten minutes for a speedrunner.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Second day of January "hows the year going to be? Beeter than last one"
korvys: What's that 4th option in the fabrication menu?
Juliamon: korvys Boat stuff
Jennie_Fuchsia: when I fall down and someone asks if I’m okay I’m just like “I wont know for 48 hours bud”
Lazy_F4: kawasaki jet ski
Juliamon: kinda yeah
korvys: Ah, cool
emonotony: But skipping ahead in the game needs info that is... a lot in the menus and some hidden.
violetblight: oh man i need to play this one someday
Nigouki: in canada we call them Seadoo
KharadBanar: @GasCityGaming I don't play PoE, and in the lead-up to early access release I encountered a lot of people raving how good it was going to be without having experienced any of it lol
Suffix: Yo, Adam. what's that say above the quick-bar?
ghyllnox: If you want to build dry storage, the start for that will be in the tools menu
Seth_Erickson: should turn the creep vine into rubber as well right to take up less inventory
schordash: sleepy
violetblight: lmao
schordash: hruuuu~
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, nervous about the upcoming start of classes
Patorik: Doin good. Having dinner
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Patorik Oh, whatcha having
violetblight: ive got some fantastic four comics to read for class bc my life is kinda sick actually
Strebenherz: finishing a move/getting things organized
emonotony: A lot of playing this game fast is managing inventory and making sure you have crafting tables everywhere.
HorusFive: Lots of wreckage close by.
BloodnBullets: Build more flosting storage for now?
Seth_Erickson: what's your hatred toward underwater storage
measureofhope: What are you looking for?
ghyllnox: The containers are bait, unless they're missing the back
adept_nekomancer: They disappear after being scanned
Juliamon: It was just a 3D blueprint
Nigouki: leave the fire extinguisher in the pod and bring a knife
Rabbt300: it goes away so you dont try to rescan it
KharadBanar: Seaglide fragment scanned. Overall progress: 1/2
HorusFive: You have half of a whatever that was
measureofhope: A friend!
Dalrint: When you scan parts like that, you 'research' them and you need more than one scan to build some stuff.
Juliamon: You've now found half of your motorboat
Patorik: @Thefluffiestguineapig Pork chops and butternut squash
Mai_Andra: going on an adventure... looking for spoops
emonotony: Really more of a surfboard
caoinlean: Love the grav trap!
KharadBanar: @emonotony I've seen youtube channels building stuff very close to that
SkipIives: grave trap and a mesh bag are great in the early game
BraveOthello: I refuse
SkipIives: okay
gawag_: aw but i just came back
emonotony: Ehh.

Thefluffiestguineapig: @Patorik That sounds delicious
lamina5432: how’s the game. had an appointment missed the first half.
raulghoulia: oh so now he can get water
InconsiderateHat: way ahead of you
KharadBanar: Everybody get up, it's time to slam now
emonotony: All of the earlygame gear is like the shield in Souls.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gotta go stretch myself
caoinlean: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
but i just got heeeree 
measureofhope: Everyone hydrate!
Lazy_F4: Adam going to process a bladderfish
Saintnex: I legitimately forgot how frustrating the early game of subnautica could be
caoinlean: Lubricate!
emonotony: @Saintnex Well yeah it's over in 15min beelining for the Inventory Answers.
emonotony: But wandering around the safe shallows sets the tone wonderfully.
KharadBanar: @Saintnex I think I took over 5 hours and a restart to find out where to find cave sulfur
caoinlean: Adam is doing a great job figuring stuff out
gawag_: actively gaming
caoinlean: Haha
emonotony: I took several hours the first time.
caoinlean: It's hard
emonotony: It wasn't even hard, it's just neat to explore.
Saintnex: @caoinlean absolutely! I just haven’t played in years and am now having flashbacks of running around without a clue lol
caoinlean: They do have hints but you really have to pay attention and scan and read everything
KharadBanar: And the game is even fun at that slow pace, but it has to be frustrating if you're streaming and trying to show progress.
caoinlean: 100%

emonotony: There are right answers and we've taken a wow of silence.
KharadBanar: Pro tip: Pronounce "limestone" with the scansion of "Penelope"
Fuzzra: I was late due to ISP maintenance. Cuddlefish found?
caoinlean: It can be hard not to be like "it's right there!" But we don't want to ruin that fun figuring it out moment
it turns out the cargo can fall quite far from the crashing spaceship 
Juliamon: maybe it fell in a tube? I had a piece of spaghetti fall and end up in my mom's tea basket the other day. Things love to fall into things.
caoinlean: Wait
caoinlean: Whats a tea basket?
emonotony: Juliamon A+ sass
KharadBanar: it costs UU
Heck yeah base furniture 
emonotony: It a fartcow and a sandshark
Suffix: Yo.
KharadBanar: Progress!
ohjanji: Ack Wired
Juliamon: caoinlean it's a strainer
emonotony: Seaglide, the first thing to skip when sequence breaking!
tajessa: Time for zoomies
Nigouki: it wants pets
frank_the_great: Brit'ish
KharadBanar: why wouldn't you say ACQuired, it's her right
shendaras: don't you have a container?
epsilon_vee: don't you already know how to build containers
Suffix: Bacon.
phoenixletmeuseadashd: you do
I would argue it does 
ghyllnox: Look in the tools menu on your pod
emonotony: You get so many.
Fuzzra: @frank_the_great Nah, we don't say it like that.
measureofhope: Larger containers are a longer term project
phoenixletmeuseadashd: habitat builder is what you want.
emonotony: ghyllnox That just results in more menus to read!
KharadBanar: It's the best you get until you get an actual factual underwater house
Strebenherz: Act quired
Natimus_Prime: You can't build inside the escape pod. You need to build a base
tajessa: You do later on, once you're building a bigger base
RealGamerCow: the sand shark is like a big terrier just climbing all over you trying to get pets
Seth_Erickson: you can get bigger ones but it's awhile down the road
CataclysmicReverb: shed you'll?
ghyllnox: Ack-wired
LurkerSpine: doesn't your boss say shedule
brainbosh: Yes, but you have to find stuff later
QuixoticScrivener: eventually you can go full sealab 2021
Astral_Apache: There IS. It's just a full cabinet
Dalrint: If you build a little one room base you can build shelves in it.
emonotony: You're two chat hints away from bigger containers.
LurkerSpine: your other boss
LurkerSpine: the english one
ghyllnox: Ah fair
Mai_Andra: I have heard Graham say "shed-jewel"
frank_the_great: Moon's a bit close
caoinlean: Graham's part Brit right?
Fanklok: Sir Grahamuel Ulysses Stark?
Scarbble: gotta have that complaint equity
ahhh Subnautica 
Kramburger: Graham's half Brit technically
raulghoulia: I thought the wine was last week's stream?
Lionhardt544: Come on chat let the man whine lol
Rabbt300: Whining to chat....... Still cheaper than therapy.
Saintnex: Yea, we don’t want to remove Adam’s complaint equity lol
ekimekim: a talk with Gram?
ghyllnox: "Hey boss we need to have a conversation about your future at this company"
frank_the_great: Improv people have a higher likelihood of pronouncing words funny
Lord_Hosk: Adam, Let me tell you exactly all the answers and how to play the game. Step one: Make your own controller inputs and decisions. Step two: Profit.
wildpeaks: one entire unit of titanium
MirrorDisco: What do I need to do to be able to have complaint equity? 😆
KharadBanar: @MirrorDisco Become popular, mostly
emonotony: On top is text no?
The_Timo: I think you can change the name from on top
frank_the_great: Mushroom McMushroomFace
RealGamerCow: can you break down those rubber sack things?
Saintnex: @mirrordisco be terminally online?
wildpeaks: I've been too spoiled by Below Zero, can't replay the first game without my beloved Seatruck and penglings
ghyllnox: 10 minutes ago "fuck titanium I don't need titanium"
measureofhope: Titanium is fortunately plentiful
saucemaster5000: Haven't been watching has he fucked up yet?
Lobo_Apache: I always forget you can Pin Recipes in the fabricator menu
caoinlean: @wildpeaks I think I'm still partial to original
ghyllnox: @saucemaster5000 Died in a seacave, if that counts
frank_the_great: @saucemaster5000 Adam has never fucked up once in his life
Saintnex: hehehehe
caoinlean: @saucemaster5000 ran out of o2 in a cave
Simriel: The other one should be More Lube
emonotony: I wonder if anyone's ever found my death boxes on stream
KharadBanar: The two basic needs of any gamer
we got shrooms and lube, we are Gucci 
MirrorDisco: Darn - I am an elementary school teacher. Is that good enough? 🤣❤️
ghyllnox: @Simriel Rubbers
wildpeaks: this game is so relaxing, just chilling with the fishes
caoinlean: @mirrordisco you literally have a captive audience in class...go for it
emonotony: Sleeping with the fishes, if you forget your snorkel
caoinlean: Pr0n
Fuzzra: @wildpeaks It is. Most of the angry fish just need gentle discouragement with a hot knife.
Simriel: Sewing Kit would fit?
ghyllnox: "Homework"
CataclysmicReverb: Environmental storytelling
wildpeaks: a boop on the snoot of grumpy fishes
caoinlean: "Taxes 2002"
emonotony: @Fuzzra Or a sharp fist

@emonotony Maybe even a prawn punch. 
emonotony: @Fuzzra Naah by then I just rodeo clown
brainbosh: Fish surpisingly live in alocker
wildpeaks: lead by example
Saintnex: only one way to find out?
Pharmacistjudge: evening Adam and fellow submariners
ghyllnox: Get the lead in!
Fuzzra: @emonotony heh
OrionPax21 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months, currently on a 102 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, OrionPax21! (Today's storm count: 70)
emonotony: I was one of the super early players so by the time the endgame hit I just rodeo clowned everything
Rabbt300: Just realized.... Picks up lead... Immediately swims to surface. Whats wrong with this picture?
measureofhope: Knife is a very good investment
caoinlean: @rabbt300 like pencil lead
wildpeaks: yeah it's amazing how much better the graphics of the game were by the time it released, it used to be so barebones
KharadBanar: You have the standard O2 tank currently
Rabbt300: Knife is useful for more than just defense
avjamethyst subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
Thanks for subscribing, avjamethyst! (Today's storm count: 71)
Mai_Andra: porn, for getting your rocks off
Pharmacistjudge: never?
emonotony: When you get a bed I'd assume
Simriel: Of course it's in the porn, it's TITanium
caoinlean: Good jokes that
KCMcG: Would you fall asleep on an alien ocean planet?
Saintnex: good ol safety knife
wildpeaks: aww poor fish

Strebenherz: what did the fart cow ever do to you
dabudder: stop being mean!!!!!!
Saintnex: uhhh, sure?
wildpeaks: karma
Strebenherz: don't die from the fartcow
ghyllnox: Poor alien manatee, never hurt anything
Pharmacistjudge: is that thing have tougher skin than your knife?
Fanklok: !card karmic justice
LRRbot: Karmic Justice [2W] | Enchantment | Whenever a spell or ability an opponent controls destroys a noncreature permanent you control, you may destroy target permanent that opponent controls.
The_Timo: depth
Strebenherz: !findquote karma
LRRbot: Quote #2612: "I've never seen karma pay off that fast..." —Cameron [2016-05-26]
emonotony: @Pharmacistjudge Your knife can do anything with the right stat buffs.
Saintnex: So what’s your estimate on the ecological damage of our ship on the planet chat?
emonotony: @Saintnex None someone already broke it
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Saintnex Oh planet's fucked
dumbo3k: @Saintnex Don't worry, we'll just tow it out of the environment
lilbeezie259: You enjoying the game Adam?
Simriel: I love thet your survival knife as 0 tang so would NOT be strong.
s1ck1y: i hope you find an ogopogo
emonotony: The knife has a hole in the middle for some reason, what is up with that design
@Simriel But it's a magic space knife clearly 
Fanklok: Coughing baby vs hydrogen fish
Thefluffiestguineapig: In game or in real life Adam, important distinction
RatherLargeToad: but Ogopogo drops a sweet katana
QuixoticScrivener: you mean a plesiosaur?
Lazy_F4: never bring a knife to a fish fight
spethycakes: shot by a fish, and you're sea bait
ghyllnox: @Saintnex Not our fault and we make it... well, not strictly better I suppose
A_Dub888: What up gamerz! Having some finny fun?
Simriel: @thefluffiestguineapig It has a hole where the connection to the handle should be xD
KharadBanar: "Having fun?" "Good question. Next question."
dabudder: living le fina loca
KharadBanar: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
emonotony: You were saying?
Saintnex: hahahaha
wildpeaks: in today's episode of Man versus Fish
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lazy_F4 Depends on the kind of fish. Betta fish? Ok. Parrot fish? Dicier, full grown tuna/swordfish/ shark? You're done
Lobo_Apache: Find the edge of the map for true FEAR
QuixoticScrivener: is that scary?
Juliamon: This episode has been great
korvys: Go swim out into deep water, I bet that would get spoopy
jslator16 subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, jslator16! (Today's storm count: 72)
dabudder: creature egg!
A_Dub888: @Juliamon you're great
BusTed: I wonder how that ability evolved in those things
wildpeaks: eggcellent
Juliamon: oh no I got got
KharadBanar: @BusTed The in-game codex asks about as much
ghyllnox: I'll give you two guesses who that egg belonged to
wildpeaks: happy little sharks
Strebenherz: @BusTed ant logic maybe? sacrifice self for good of colony. though that logic means colony
A_Dub888: @ghyllnox James?
KCMcG: Just keep swimming away from the ship. It gets scarier.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Simriel Oh I know but we also used lasers to disassemble fish/materials somehow to create the things for this knife
Transmuted_Elf: hit the kelp with a knife
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Thefluffiestguineapig And the hole has glowy bits
QuixoticScrivener: you’re attracted to the succulent radiation.
LittleVesuvius: the fish that live in the kelp forests are scary
LittleVesuvius: the weed?
emonotony: @KCMcG Gonna take a while without some way to gofast.
omdorastrix: I hate the way this game disguises other sites to make them feel farther away then they are. Once you see it you can't un-see it.
Juliamon: You stealing that guy's weed

Thefluffiestguineapig: @QuixoticScrivener That just makes me think about the Last Airbender episode. The quenchiest
Transmuted_Elf: give him a fish
Fuzzra: LOL. Sea doggos.
The_Timo: if only you had a knife to defend yourself
KharadBanar: The acid from the mushroom burned you
wildpeaks: famous last words
LittleVesuvius: you're gonna die
dabudder: *picks up acid mushroom* damn whats hurting me
LittleVesuvius: it releases acid
RealGamerCow: If it bleeds, it can die

Juliamon: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Suffix: lol
Scarbble: hahaha
NiceMrCaput: deserved

measureofhope: o7

Saintnex: loool
Rabbt300: wow.... the timing on that
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm laughing so hard

karpma: guess we found out
Ben couldn't have timed that better himself 
The_Timo: ROUND 2
KharadBanar: Jordynne are you getting this
violetblight: yeah you deserved that
Thefluffiestguineapig: The timing was so perfect
dumbo3k: o7
Scarbble: o7
Saintnex: o7
dabudder: adam there are some point where I think you do this on purpose
frameshifty: F
Makrosian_Tay: o7
Lobo_Apache: o7
emonotony: o7
Welcome to the highlight reel 
korvys: Snitch Chat

schordash: did it come back?
LittleVesuvius: further away from the ship is the plot (like opposite direction of the radiation iirc)
Pharmacistjudge: twitch chat is clan snitching, we established that
QuixoticScrivener: death count?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I feel so used
Suffix: I'd Like, Share and Subscribe to this if I could.
ohjanji: you winned
violetblight: there was an element of tragedy there, we all saw it coming but there was no other way it could have gone
shendaras: did you build your fancy jet ski?
Suffix: Yeah, they can't make the game infinite.
dumbo3k: My Waifu!
MacbethSeemsSus: This is still very much the kiddie pool portion of the game
violetblight: look chat its the waifu storage
Lobo_Apache: It's our home twitch chat!
Saintnex: our waifus!
Nigouki: waifu container!
emonotony: Subnautica VR is such a good time. To watch others play.
Pharmacistjudge: you found our house
don’t look now Adam but the infinite vastness is RIGHT BEHIND YOU! 
caoinlean: @emonotony I feel that's a 1 way ticket to nausea ville
Gaelan_Maestro: they do
brainbosh: Fish only go bad after you cook them ye
DaxStrife: They can go "stale" yes.
KharadBanar: Fish can live in your inventory, yes
ghyllnox: Yeah the fish just chill
Fanklok: What do you need a trash can for? There's plenty of room in this ocean
Dalrint: they're considered 'alive' until you kill them, as it were
Saintnex: yup
Juliamon: They're swimming around in your pockets until you convert them into something
emonotony: This is pretty much the same for the safe shallows.
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: #BlameJames
Kramburger: I remember you getting trrapped in a rowboat
saucemaster5000: trapped in a rowboat send help
Lobo_Apache: cut vine
Fanklok: So many people got shot during that first stream
Pharmacistjudge: you mean this one?
QuestionsFour: can get mesh at Hot Topic
emonotony: Lobo_Apache Oi no answers
brainbosh: There were words floating in the ocean a minute ago lol
Juliamon: oh that's a *good* first-time chat
Saintnex: oh god, that clip of Adam stuck in the boat will never not be funny to me lol
Suffix: I love how he scans the thing as he asks the question.
CataclysmicReverb: Gotta get some potatoes and grip strength to get mesh
korvys: Phrasing
epsilon_vee: This is definitely a game that builds the skill "paying attention to the corners of the screen"
mercano82: That's what she said
Saintnex: something something so vascular
Pharmacistjudge: you have the build for it
ghyllnox: In your case though I think you'd be able to pull it off
violetblight: i couldnt now but i probably could change that in a few years
SquareDotCube: you could layer, long sleeve mesh under and crop top over
Simriel: You are absolutely jacked enough to pull off a mesh shirt
xVoxtric: I hear mesh works as a good base layer under wool in the winter too
MirrorDisco: Do it, you could pull it off.
betweenmyself: mesh running shoes for the fashionable track and field star
violetblight: yeah layering with it seems solid
violetblight: ye i getcha
Pharmacistjudge: very fair
Pharmacistjudge: honest question to everyone. is a mesh shirt feel more revealing than not wearing a shirt?
emonotony: I've eaten a donut a day since April 2008, I've got the bravery to wear anything.
ghyllnox: No that's fair, but if the fancy ever struck
Patorik: Would you wear it for a bit?
violetblight: ive never worn a tank top in my life ngl and i dont rly intend to start
karpma: @Pharmacistjudge 1000%
Patorik: Like, a comedy bit
QuixoticScrivener: what’s the point of gym if you don’t show off?
Juliamon: Pharmacistjudge Absolutely, the same way zettai ryouiki works
Simriel: Yes. Mesh is more revealing than naked
KharadBanar: @Pharmacistjudge from the viewer's perspective I absolutely think so
caoinlean: My dad used to wear a bright orange mesh tank top int he summer.
Lionhardt544: At the end of the day chat confidence comes from inside and if you're uncomfy, you're uncomfy. Body image would be so much easier if compliments worked that way
Twilight_Spark: Oh come on, die a little!
emonotony: The clothes you wear draw attention to the places not covered.
Fanklok: What's the point of cutting lasers?
Patorik: Not just walking down the street
dabudder: oh big boy
ghyllnox: @Fanklok Sometimes things are closed and you'd rather they not be
Saintnex: I’m sure going further down is perfectly harmless
Fuzzra: @Fanklok Cutting things open.
korvys: Can you scan them? Like, the whole thing?
KharadBanar: @Fanklok keys to door holes
betweenmyself: try going outside wearing a mesh house arrest ankle bracelet… Fashion police gonna get ya
violetblight: woah its me
bombadil117: Holy fucking shit is this your first play through? This is like one of my favorite games ever.
KharadBanar: My favourite Greek hero Barnacles
Fanklok: When does the big guy wearing the toasters show up?
violetblight: actually if anyone called me a beau id look at them funny and boot their ass back to whatever 1800s fanfic they came from
InconsiderateHat: They have unique flora??
KharadBanar: @violetblight ...and then you'd kiss?

violetblight: nah thats not the kinda cringe thatd get me to kiss someone
ghyllnox: I'm sure that's fine
brainbosh: Oh no the bacterial infection
Juliamon: oh no, we caught crabs
altis39: We out here filling that pokedex
MacbethSeemsSus: I'm sure it's fine
hesterbyrde subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months, currently on a 55 month streak!
hesterbyrde: Cheers Adam! Thanks for always making my week brighter.
Thanks for subscribing, hesterbyrde! (Today's storm count: 73)
Strebenherz: did he catch pokerus
nahhh, I’m sure it’s fine 
Species5618Beta: We got the space-covid
QuestionsFour: gonna turn into a fish

bombadil117: i’m definitely sensing first play through vibes here! I’m gonna have to keep a very close eye on your stream for the next little while. I want to be glued to this shit.
QuixoticScrivener: you are floating in a toilet
dabudder: that was really funny adam
emonotony: Eh it's a foreign planet it probably has a thousand diseases.
Gaelan_Maestro: creeper vine samples
BraveOthello: I hear it's very regular
KCMcG: Any lead enjoyers in the chat?
schordash: nyuck nyuck nyuck
CataclysmicReverb: got em
Patorik: You should do stand-up
dabudder: because its like dungeon meshi but with fiber
Juliamon: bombadil117 I wouldn't expect further episodes of this unfortunately
dabudder: so its funny
hesterbyrde: How fares our favorite thalassophobic in the ocean game?
rabbitgta: Good joke streamer
Mai_Andra: skibidi-woop!
Strebenherz: rip
KharadBanar: RIP lead
Saintnex: rip
Simriel: Wanna hear some cursed information?
Fuzzra: The Seamoth is good.
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7 the resources
schordash: 🫧o7
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahahaha
MichaelSnowbird: oopsie
brainbosh: Iirc that stuff is actually just floating where you died?
Twilight_Spark: You win some, you lose some. You'll sea.
emonotony: Now imagine that happening with good stuff.
dweebert91: Well the bacteria should be gone?
Fuzzra: @brainbosh Yes
MichaelSnowbird: been there
KharadBanar: @brainbosh yeah you can make corpse runs
it’s stinky because of the trace amounts of foreign bacteria 
Patorik: Imagine someone comes to your planet and just tells everyone to shut up
dweebert91 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Thanks for subscribing, dweebert91! (Today's storm count: 74)
Suffix: You COOKED Garry!?
Suffix: Wow.
Wandering_Goliath subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Wandering_Goliath! (Today's storm count: 75)
MacbethSeemsSus: Due to the Baldur's Gate 3 narrator outtakes I now read "Garry" in her voice.
BraveOthello: Rip Gary
Suffix: He had a NAME, Adam.
Simriel: Garryfish. Named after Garry Fish
Mazrae: !advice
LRRbot: Don't drink and axe.
Species5618Beta: Garry Smod?
BraveOthello: Good news LRRbot it's a knife
The_Timo: It can be
n0parz: Adam stream Lest goooo~~
spethycakes: Hello, I'm Fuckin' Albert.
omdorastrix: ha ha ha! GAARY!
Mazrae: !badadvice
LRRbot: Split the party.
brainbosh: Oh my god you ate albert
ghyllnox: Poor Fuckin' Albert
BraveOthello: Oh that's really bad advice when it's just a party of one
violetblight: you come back, albert doesnt
QuixoticScrivener: not to late to restart on hard core
Suffix: Love it.
Simriel: Poor Albert...
emonotony: Well I guess it's too late to worry about Albert...
dabudder: adam i would never worry about you you're a gamer
Twilight_Spark: Yeah but did you really eat Albert that's wild?
ghyllnox: You're right, poor Adam, he ate Albert
BraveOthello: Just go pet the reefback, you'll feel better
Fanklok: Why would we worry about you? You respawn
mrjujubeans: Adam and Albert sitting in the sea
MacbethSeemsSus: Justice for Albert
violetblight: dont need to
Suffix: I don't like that thought.
JustBrian___: Who's fighting
JustBrian___: You and Gary?
violetblight: what if albert didnt need to come back
Saintnex: #PoorAlbert
Banather subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Banather! (Today's storm count: 76)
Gaelan_Maestro: creeper vine samples turn into mesh
ghyllnox: @violetblight Teeeechnically *pushes up glasses*
Lazy_F4: near some water I remember
korvys: By the big whale things
Zu_o: I remember one of those cracks in the landscape really well
misfittastic subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, misfittastic! (Today's storm count: 77)
korvys: You died by the big whale things

brainbosh: near one of the little plateaus
rabbitgta: Anyone have the gps cords?
Mazrae: Wait with Adam eating Gary and Albert they just became part of him
Mathwyn: Biblically accurate snow angel
emonotony: @rabbitgta The beacons might...
BraveOthello: @mrjujubeans e-a-t-uh-i-n-g
korvys: Oh, salt was used for bleach
KharadBanar: The navigation is actually one of my favourite systems in this game
JustBrian___: You need a scooty puff jr.
violetblight: i
RurouniGeo: lollll
JinaMahavira: 10%

hesterbyrde: amazing

Nigouki: ahahahahhaa
emonotony: @emonotony (they don't, it a joke)
Lazy_F4: "I was saying boo-urns"
Mazrae: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! That appears to be some sort of sidewalk slam.
Suffix: Wow.
silenceaux: I was expecting a walking on water joke but welp
BraveOthello: @korvys yay chlorine! Let's ignore how there was a NaCl deposit underwater
QuixoticScrivener: nice heresy
Muddy_Thunder: I think he would nail it

DarknessKingCoH: T Pose for Jesus
Fanklok: Adam wouldn't blaspheme like that
ghyllnox: @emonotony There's a strategy of carrying a beacon with you, but yeah not at this point
Lobo_Apache: @QuixoticScrivener it's been so long since I've heard Heresy used correctly
Fuzzra: @korvys Having made my own bleach from saltwater, can confirm.
Saintnex: *clap clap* good blasphemy streamer
altis39: *Shimmys cross side to side*
betweenmyself: Danger 5
That's just a blasphemy, a heresy is against orthodoxy 
emonotony: @ghyllnox I don't hafta I know the map by heart but yeah this was a good time
Simriel: Fish. And rocks
Saintnex: yea, water
Mathwyn: Imagine needing oxygen to breathe, right fellow humans?
ghyllnox: @emonotony That's a lotta map
Simriel: Until the next time xD
Fanklok: Enjoy your retirement
emonotony: @ghyllnox well it has landmarks you'll learn by scanning
BraveOthello: The world?
ghyllnox: Not gonna poke your nose in the chasm for funsies?
emonotony: Yeah it's pretty fast to swim around the entire thing
BraveOthello: We need to go deeper
ghyllnox: The map isn't the whole globe
emonotony: The map is less broken up by distance and more by danger.
QuixoticScrivener: the map doesn’t wrap
ghyllnox: There's an "out of bounds" area
dabudder: it gets much scarier later
just wait 
Don't say that, i see you in my dreams every night
no homo
Mathwyn: The underwater vegetation is freaking me out, but it does that irl too
violetblight: no homo is like saying no offense but always funny instead of annoying
BraveOthello: You're staying on the safe area of the map. Go further or deeper for more spooks
Mai_Andra: "this game isn't scary" approaches potential spoop zone "nope, i'm out"
satyropodobny: get a load of this air breather
I'm watching 
gawag_: i am, right now
brainbosh: the underwater caves are the scary parts honestly
thatguysteve2709: Just to prove you wrong I will
bombadil117: this game is unbelievable. People are gonna watch it. I’m surprised there aren’t already players of it on this channel on YouTube.
emonotony: Oh people will watch through this, they like you and Subnautica's a relaxing time until it suddenly isn't
KCMcG: This is where you died before
bombadil117: by the way, hi Adam
Fuzzra: @emonotony Indeed.
KharadBanar: @bombadil117 Serge has played it IIRC
Juliamon: bombadil117 Oh there are, Beej even streamed it back in beta
dweebert91: Dont lose it
rabbitgta: Better put a weird word late in the stream for YouTube watchers to comment down below
caoinlean: I wonder what stuff he can build now he's scanned so much!
Juliamon: Ben has played it, Serge has played it
emonotony: Beta was so much goofier but I guess it was very buggy to do the original physics
Mai_Andra: Alex has played it before, on homstream
BraveOthello: I sneezed and scared my cat
Mai_Andra: stomach growling from only sushi
Suffix: Are you tripping while saying it?
BraveOthello: N
QuixoticScrivener: multiple things can be true
Saintnex: Y
Mathwyn: It may be sign that you're trippin
korvys: Depends if you like Portishead
Lobo_Apache: y
ghyllnox: You did pick up a lot of shrooms at the beginning so that tracks
MegaTrain: maybe you're tripping
emonotony: I
Kramburger: No, Mister T is still relevent
caoinlean: We're millennials my guy it is what it is
Suffix: lol
goombalax: lay off the acid mushrooms
MacbethSeemsSus: o7
BraveOthello: And that's a dead Adam!
Species5618Beta: Well, that depends on whether you are actually tripping
Saintnex: o7
TomatoKigu: Acid? I thought you were all about the mushrooms
schordash: 🫧o7
QuixoticScrivener: o7
rabbitgta: O7
CataclysmicReverb: Gotta let those crouching heavies fly.
Saintnex: we may need to move faster
ghyllnox: @TomatoKigu Good news, acid mushrooms
Boon_33: O no, not the ocean, that surrounds the island.
InconsiderateHat: Good try tho
epsilon_vee: or you need a way to move faster
Mai_Andra: it's all the acid mushrooms
brainbosh: There are come things you can make to help you with that
thatguysteve2709: Can you build scootie puff jr
korvys: You can, you just need to listen when she says 30 seconds
schordash: were you trippin?
Mathwyn: Can't go that low when you're that high
BraveOthello: @thatguysteve2709 don't think he has the blueprint
BraveOthello: A big. It does that sometimes
rabbitgta: Can you get more air ?
BraveOthello: The story begins!
Juliamon: lore
Suffix: PLOT!?
Natural_Ones_Only: friends!
Suffix: Hang on.
thatguysteve2709: Man I should replay this game
adept_nekomancer: We found the plot!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Plot!
ghyllnox: Yeah so this game has plot
Lazy_F4: we live in a universe of possibilities
brainbosh: Other lifeboats?

emonotony: There's so many ways to get more air. Some of them unlocks but enough to get anywhere we've seen.
Natural_Ones_Only: you can go find pod
Kraest: you can go find, I dunno about people tho
Cptasparagus: yeah but theyre all vegans
Lord_Hosk: There is only one way to find out
game does in fact have plot 
ToppHat: time for Thalassophobia sim?
Fanklok: We all know Adam loves plot
brainbosh: The Air Bladder helps you surface quickly if you need that
Saintnex: oh we absolutely have the materials for this
Suffix: It's such a good game. It's one of the few games I got 99.9% of the way through, and chose not to finish.
Lazy_F4: that would be TOO EASY
brainbosh: Copper wire under electronics, two copper ore
bombadil117: they literally do tell you
Gaelan_Maestro: they do when you scan
Lazy_F4: your creepvine I think is at the bottom of the ocean
emonotony: It's in the corpse box.
ghyllnox: They tell you, but only in the data entry
thatguysteve2709: Did you lose it when you died
adept_nekomancer: They decay very quickly
MacbethSeemsSus: If only the game had an encyclopedia.....
Mr_Horrible: I return. Great container names
korvys: Yeah, i think you lost it?
KCMcG: You died with it
KharadBanar: Creepvine samples can rot, they're short lived
shendaras: You lost it when you died, I believe.
Saintnex: yea, you died with the vines
astralmusician subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, astralmusician! (Today's storm count: 78)
epsilon_vee: you died
Gaelan_Maestro: you died
Suffix: So, the game is very specific on where you can an cannot click on things.
Lazy_F4: you had some creepvine but you drowned yeah
ghyllnox: You did, then you died, and they rot
Suffix: I think you were trying to pick up a crate rather than open it.
Lazy_F4: RIP vine
ghyllnox: @Suffix The crate UI is one of my least favorite things about this game
Mr_Horrible: clever jest, Streamer
Lord_Hosk: They were right there the whole time, you just had to go over there
hoveringhalibut subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Thanks for subscribing, hoveringhalibut! (Today's storm count: 79)
Mr_Horrible: it's a mystery as to why
Fanklok: Found out people paid with literal actual movie set money at work today
brainbosh: Oh their pod failed
Saintnex: what do you mean what do you mean?
Boon_33: uhhh
MacbethSeemsSus: Kool Aid man got em
Mr_Horrible: looks like a thumbdrive, but big
Fanklok: Ack wired
Boon_33: well you won't be meeting them
goombalax: shame you can't meat them either
Mr_Horrible: probably automated
emonotony: They sent the message when in midair.
Juliamon: That message was sitting there for awhile
brainbosh: Well, they were fine...for a bit
Suffix: Unless they died after sending the message
Lord_Hosk: Maybe their ghosts sent it
Saintnex: they sent it before they sunk?
Gaelan_Maestro: something ate them
Boon_33: the message came from Within the Game!
goombalax: they sent it after they died as a prank
how long has that light been on 
korvys: Message was from a while ago, you only just played it
measureofhope: Got fibre yet?
KharadBanar: the message came in when they fell, the radio saved it
brainbosh: How long before you went to the radio to check?
LittleVesuvius: that hole was punched from outside in
rabbitgta: Maybe in route?
spethycakes: sounds like uncommon sense
Mathwyn: Oceans haunted
Pharmacistjudge: and if one of us has common sense, we all have common sense
caoinlean: No way taxes 2002 was a gem
Lobo_Apache: I stopped having common sense when I started pulling rares

Mr_Horrible: no, I can't hear you, I'm too stupid to turn my sound on
korvys: You only just noticed the light on the answer machine
Boon_33: Ocean IS Haunted
Fanklok: It was the answering machine
LittleVesuvius: something down there doesn't like humans
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mathwyn cocks engine of giant spaceship
emonotony: You all might have common sense I only have mythic sense.
tyrsredritehand: I have heard that the ocean is full of liquid nightmares.
Kraest: you can pin blueprints from your items tab in your inventory, btw
grander_pastures: How we going gamers
Makrosian_Tay: Oh yeeah brother
emonotony: @Kraest Oh yeah blueprint pinning means so much less to remember
Saintnex: how much copper do we have?
Mr_Horrible: does it rot in storage?
Snouut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
Unfortunately have not had my double double and fritter today, sad sad day, doesnt feel the same 
emonotony: @Mr_Horrible Yes. Fiber mesh doesn't.
Thanks for subscribing, Snouut! (Today's storm count: 80)
Mr_Horrible: ah
Simriel: Does our copper verdigrie in storage? XD
SnowBuddy18: A week?
Pharmacistjudge: you usually have a mcdonalds cup
just not the same 
The_Timo: I'm an Iced cap fiend
Fanklok: Skimping out on the Timmy Hort's?
Mathwyn: Well if you'd been at the gift exchange you could've snagged that gift card
thatguysteve2709: Is copper wire in the bottom thing
Mr_Horrible: ironic that new Timmies is owned by BK
SnowBuddy18: It's literally the supplier Timmies had before BK fucked everything up
RayFK: This game EATS time
Mr_Horrible: Subnautica engaging, turns out
Mr_Horrible: wild
RayFK: The loop is very good
Suffix: It's so good.
The_Timo: It's a good game
RayFK: Until the loop makes you shit your pants
RayFK: and you never play again
Snouut: i think id rather a burger king coffee then tims at the moment
Suffix: And, it gets DEEP

emonotony: @thatguysteve2709 Yup errything's in some menu or another
Mr_Horrible: the exploration angle is a good way to suck you in and make the crafting not seem as daunting
ghyllnox: It's on-theme for the show, so you can come back to it some other week
Mr_Horrible: at first
brainbosh: Checking that health meter
karpma: Game does a great job of stringing out the bread crumbs
Mr_Horrible: BK coffee is just what they squeeze out of the patties
Strebenherz: Hey now, arby's is alright
"what's the deal... with radiation?!" 
Snouut: you know its bad when you didnt even realise they sold coffee lmao
Boon_33: Burger king can be cheaper than McD's
emonotony: Communist burger king is deec but their beef isn't great
OmnipotentTrevor: Arby's is great. They have the best shakes
Kraest: arbys smells like shop-vac mop water
CataclysmicReverb: Last time I had burger king coffee it was watered down and mediocre
brainbosh: Burger king is def one of the worst of the burger places now
spethycakes: @Snouut It's generous of them to call it "coffee"
hesterbyrde: Jamocha shaaaake!
Patorik: I haven't had BK in like 20 years, and I don't imagine it's gotten any better since
Suffix: Not on the Island.
Mr_Horrible: Jamocha shakes are god-tier, yeah
SnowBuddy18: Arby's and Taco Bell both make terrible and delicious food
Mai_Andra: i love arbys. it's ~real good trash.
brainbosh: Arby's just flows straight through
Boon_33: In my world, Arby's makes ONLY roast beef and horsey sauce.
Strebenherz: mhhm?
SquareDotCube: oh god food court arby's
couchboyj: Burger King used to be so much better, really gone to shit over the last 10 years or so
Mr_Horrible: lmao
PhorrestGaze: yeah, gotta go huntin he AUTHENTIC Arby's experience.
spethycakes: YES
BusTed: hell yeah
goombalax: LMAOOOO
Suffix: Amazing.
SnowBuddy18: Hell yeaj
Juliamon: YESS
NimrodXIV: lol
LittleVesuvius: yesssss
Strebenherz: YESSS
e_bloc: hell yeah
MrSarkhan: Heck yeah!

ghyllnox: Hell yeaaaaa

hesterbyrde: That seems correct for a Vampire wrap up
Mr_Horrible: a "end of session" classic for tabletops
Strebenherz: Like for real dennys, not a bit?
pimiento: roll that wits check
spethycakes: better be at like 1:30 am
Saintnex: hell yea
Snouut: @spethycakes No yes very true aha
Muddy_Thunder: Denny's is racist, shouldn't give them your business
ghyllnox: And he can be from the next booth over like "Whatcha talkin bout?"
Snouut: subway coffee is questionable too
PhorrestGaze: Has anyone informed the fier department?
CataclysmicReverb: INCREDIBLY appropriate post-DND
goombalax: get that moons
Lionhardt544: I think Subnautica is special and works for people who don't like survival crafting games because it heavily rewards exploration and the environment is so well crafted.
OmnipotentTrevor: Burger King is some of the last actually fast food. As in, go in and have your food that minute. I go to McDonalds and have a seat for ten minutes. I go to Checkers and it'll take closer to an hour
MacbethSeemsSus: Well it is neutral ground
SquareDotCube: gonna get your fangs over that hammy
Mai_Andra: Are you going in the middle of the night, for the "full" experience?
Boon_33: Denny's makes a mean 2am breakfast.
Kraest: that’s the best time
Saintnex: time for that grand slamwich
Fanklok: Going to Denny's?? Like on purpose????
LadyEarlGreyWarden subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months, currently on a 58 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, LadyEarlGreyWarden! (Today's storm count: 81)
The_Timo: Oh Denny's was allways perfect hangover food, that or Ihop, whichever was closer
Makrosian_Tay: I like Arby's cos their curly fries are good
Mr_Horrible: me and my friends would do the same because it was the only thing open when the computer lab kicked us out at 1am
Strebenherz: @Lionhardt544 noticing that, for a survival crafting, the environment is gorgeous
dabudder: @Fanklok I mean elisyium burned down where else are they gonna go
Mr_Horrible: *back in college
Boon_33: Denny's, where you eat when it's the wrong time to eat.
Strebenherz: hold on did one of the fish steal a piece of scrap
SquareDotCube: look, at 1AM it's either Denny's, Wendy's, Taco Bell or bar food
Fanklok: @dabudder spoilers
Mr_Horrible: that's using your noggin
Suffix: brilliant.
The_Timo: Genius
thatguysteve2709: I was playing dota
Lobo_Apache: that's some anime level shit
KharadBanar: @Strebenherz Probably because they actually put manual work into it instead of just procedurally generating
hesterbyrde: honestly that's pretty smart
shendaras: when did you sleep?
Suffix: Saved money, played CounterStrike.
Boon_33: @SquareDotCube and Denny's is the best for that hour in many places
Pharmacistjudge: how long as the ferry ride?
Snouut: Apparently Wing's Restaurant is supposed to be terrible
Mr_Horrible: I *can*, but then I'll fall asleep during the day
SnowBuddy18: I don't think I could pick a day to stay up all night

emonotony: I was awake for five years, I can do all-nighters all night long
maefly2: am old. you can stay up all night, but it really sucks.
Patorik: I can stay up all night, but I'm completely ruined the next day
Snouut: give me that Loomis Express Coffe *chefs kiss*
Mr_Horrible: bro's out here checking the Piss Theory
dabudder: its psychic damage

jubale1: I never much thought of subnautica as a nopey kind of game. it is a little.
KharadBanar: your health regenerates because you piss yourself
Boon_33: Denny's, for when everything has fallen appart.
Mathwyn: Omelettes?
Fanklok: I elect Milk to be the pisser
Gaelan_Maestro: you can hatch them as pets later
Mr_Horrible: they'll make great collector's items when you finally get off of this heap
ghyllnox: Creature eggs are essentially a vanity project later
LittleVesuvius: there is an egg that is plot relevant as well
Saintnex: it’s for later game things
Snouut: i feel like every ocean game has a kraken right
Boon_33: Just Dive Deeper.
BusTed: that was how it was initially
LittleVesuvius: it's MUCH later though
Mr_Horrible: you have us :3
SnowBuddy18: Oh, that also gets worse, and things get scarier
dabudder: i mean thats part of what makes it scary sure but there are also big scary guys
Mazrae: My sleep schedule is so screwed I normally stay up all night but I sleep all day, 5pm till about 9am is when I'm normally awake
BusTed: You might have spooked yourself initially
korvys: You started out scared - you didn't even want to go underwater
emonotony: Also this is the bit of the game that doesn't need constant planning
Fuzzra: @Patorik To be fair, that's how it is when you're yound. You just don't realise how useless and loopy you are.
LittleVesuvius: i noped out within 10min because I got one of thosse nasty charger alien things that spawned next to me
Chat, you give Adam strength. 
Suffix: Once you're out of the "Safe Shallows" I think you'll be fine.
Kidror: Less infinite emptiness to be had with twitch chat yapping away
emonotony: Oh hey there we go
rabbitgta: I think big fish tend to be the big scary
LittleVesuvius: oooooooh
Suffix: Only one way to find out.
ghyllnox: We won't get there tonight, but you'll probably have some moments that will be terrifying a little later
korvys: Unless there's brain coral
LittleVesuvius: make sea glide
adept_nekomancer: Need a bigger tank probably
korvys: Can you build more tanks?
LittleVesuvius: you need a bigger tank
ghyllnox: You've already been below 100
emonotony: You do have the tools but not the knowledge.
Kraest: have you gotten the bigger tank?
BusTed: computer says "Hey here's a unknown box of mystery and wonder"
brainbosh: copper wire is just copper ore
Boon_33: The Game Will Let You Drown. PULL UP.
Saintnex: isn’t it just with copper ore?
brainbosh: you were in the wrong tab
korvys: Isn't copper wire in the computer section?
ghyllnox: Copper wire is trivially easy
ghyllnox: @Boon_33 He knows, he's drowned twice already
dabudder: is there a minimap?
Suffix: You parked int the Itchy lot.
dabudder: some way to mark it?
schordash: is that what the computer lady calls you??
Boon_33: @ghyllnox lol, sounds right,
korvys: You got a compass, didn't you?
emonotony: There's a whole lot of tools, none of them obvious, and nobody's spoken up on them.
KharadBanar: @dabudder You can craft beacons
shendaras: you got some other blueprints, too
Mr_Horrible: I think they make you make marker manually, but there's no inherent minimap
Boon_33: Searching...
Kraest: you can pin blueprints as well, so you know how much you need
emonotony: I love it tbh nobody who knows what to do has been speaking up with the answers.
dabudder: approx 420 meters south of the ship
Mr_Horrible: "Be brave, my friend"
jubale1: good night buoy
Mathwyn: But does the beacon teach typing?
dabudder: assuming the big spaceship is northeast
Boon_33: getting swole from all this swimmin`
betweenmyself: that’s what bacon is for; just set it down then follow your nose to find it later on
BusTed: 😘
Mr_Horrible: cracking a cold one with the buoys
Kidror: kissing the homing beacons goodnight
spethycakes: me and the buoys
hesterbyrde: Two guys sitting in the ocean six feet apart etc
Mr_Horrible: sautéed in white wine yeah
Boon_33: if only we had fresh onion or garlic.
Fanklok: Kiss the homies
dabudder: fuck i really should play this game
dabudder: this is so my jam
dabudder: chat i know i can look this up but is this on mac
Mr_Horrible: yeah Subnautica is definitely on my "I'll get to this one day" list
Mr_Horrible: we're a snarky google search
emonotony: I remember the giant air tank nerf they were so broken
spethycakes: Adam just called us basic
Mr_Horrible: and now that google's shit, a more accurate google search too
SnowBuddy18: Shows that we're a good chat
dabudder: exactly
caoinlean: Ooh voice message
Boon_33: can we make a friend or AI Ben?
dabudder: I've got the people power here
BusTed: this peeper's cooked
dabudder: better that then the lying machine of googles AI
Mr_Horrible: "Protein-rich eyeballs."
ghyllnox: Yeah we know when we're lying
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, I;m falling asleep despite my best efforts, good chill stream this evening and I hope all of you have a good time of day
ghyllnox: Usually
Feithers: thats what she dais
ghyllnox: @Thefluffiestguineapig o/
a feast fit for a king 
korvys: Make some copper wire
emonotony: To read the menu
Boon_33: @Mr_Horrible You'd be surprised to know what the best nutritional parts are.
dabudder: okay i looked its on mac. since none of yall helped me
Boon_33: *for humans
adept_nekomancer: "Lubricant is essential"
Mr_Horrible: @Boon_33 oh it's not shocking, I just like the bluntness of it
Saintnex: whoops lol
emonotony: @adept_nekomancer Well yeah have you seen how tight that wetsuit is?
Mathwyn: "Battery, lubricant, and copper wire" sounds like the last things you buy before winning a darwin award
brainbosh: Coppers easy to find but you need so much lol
measureofhope: Saved by the porn folder
Boon_33: @Mr_Horrible I was hoping your name was accurate, Jk, but it's stuff old sailors used to know... for reasons.
goombalax: many such cases
emonotony: @brainbosh Titanium is worse, and then crafting titanium ingots is SO BAD
dabudder: chat can he not keep the storage inside the ship? like. i dont know this game but having all the boxes outside the boat makes me anxious
emonotony: Assigning things to the toolbar is... a work
Juliamon: dabudder Those containers specifically can't
emonotony: @dabudder Nope, and the answers are spoilers

Juliamon: they're meant to float in water
brainbosh: @dabudder he can build more organized later
Fuzzra: @dabudder There's storage in the pod but it's limited.
Boon_33: @Mr_Horrible whalers used to render fat from anything if they needed fire.
Juliamon: time to *zoom*
KharadBanar: it allows you to simultaneously loot and scoot
brainbosh: faster, plus built in headlight
emonotony: Batteries are so annoying early on.
Makrosian_Tay: You survived
ghyllnox: The light uses the battery faster
hesterbyrde: It is a very slow burn
Strebenherz: naw you got plenty
KCMcG: That's how this game goes
Suffix: Seaglide is great for getting back up to the surface before drowning.
karpma: gotta get into the swing of things
measureofhope: You secured a food and water supply and made a bunch of equipment
Mazrae: I feel like in survival crafts it's hard to do much in only 3 hrs
Mai_Andra: it looked like there was another message at the radio
emonotony: The game is pulsing an icon at the right side, sooo
ghyllnox: That icon is your radio btw
Cptasparagus: mom its a hairdryer i swear
ghyllnox: @Cptasparagus Did you see the one about the immersion blender
Feithers: what you trying to build?
Fuzzra: *waits for a seamonkey*
KharadBanar: @Feithers a radiation suit
emonotony: @Mazrae Eh Subnautica's a checklist game for the bulk of it
rosesmcgee: there's lead in them thar water supplies
Suffix: Suit, then more plot.
Boon_33: So, when do we meet a cute land Prince?
Suffix: good checklist.
MacbethSeemsSus: Looks at spaceship. Looks at repair tool. Starts swimming.
Toxxick: Sidon
emonotony: @Boon_33 Does a fartcow count?
BusTed: Sidon
Juliamon: Sidon
violetblight: Sidon
violetblight: my beloved
Strebenherz: sidon was legit
emboar2235: sidon these nuts
emboar2235: haha gottem
SnowBuddy18: What about a grown up Shark Boy?
violetblight: hes a perfect himbo ok i am not immune
Mr_Horrible: @Twilight_Spark I hear her grace is ready
Suffix: King Zora?
OmnipotentTrevor: I thought you were going to say the fish from the Shape of Water
Lord_Hosk: Isn't Adam the Land Prince?
Boon_33: I am so terrified to know there was a trope name or whatever for "land Prince"
Kraest: do we have the bigger tank yet?
MirrorDisco: The hot red shark man? 😂
Cptasparagus: 100%
YFiddler: yes
MrSarkhan: Yes
Mr_Horrible: not usually, no
Suffix: Your radio was flashing.
Kraest: yes
MirrorDisco: Yes - it doesn’t seem right
Patorik: Depends on the game
Twilight_Spark: I want to play dressing up
Juliamon: You made a standard
shendaras: you made the std. tank, yes
OmnipotentTrevor: It's the kind of thing I don't think about so much when it isn't there, but it is a great detail when it is
KharadBanar: correct and correct
adept_nekomancer: Yes -- considerably bigger if I recall correctly
Kraest: you want the bigger tank, yeah
MirrorDisco: I don’t get my dopamine hit if it doesn’t change.
emonotony: Plot!
Fuzzra: I generally prefer FPV so gear stats are king. Fashin Souls is totally a thing, though.
Strebenherz: lol
SquareDotCube: mic's busted
Boon_33: [redacted], Sidon is just a Zelda creature people are thirsting over.
Lord_Hosk: The rescue ship is going to be here in a week! HURRAY!
Beleqwaya: Yeeeees. This game rules.
emonotony: Quartz is such a chore.
MacbethSeemsSus: The bane of the silent protagonist. Communicating
Suffix: Porn box saves us again.
Juliamon: I hate when good gear has a notable visual element so everyone looks the same at high levels, much prefer visuals be separate from statted gear
Boon_33: ps. mods, i did use the term , redacted.
The_Timo: you do,
adept_nekomancer: You have to take it off
emonotony: Gotta unequip
The_Timo: you have to take it off
KharadBanar: you can unequip the standard
Suffix: You do, just need to unequip it.
ghyllnox: The tricky part is that you have to unequip the old one to make the new one
emonotony: It's a very old bug workaround from an ancient build.
Twilight_Spark: Off to see the lizard!
ghyllnox: Oh you'll by no means be able to finish it at this point
OmnipotentTrevor: Worth a revisit next stream?
emonotony: Even if you knew the speedrun strats you wouldn't finish it this stream
Suffix: Homestream it.
Lord_Hosk: The game is ohhhhh... 700 hours long if you want it to be
ghyllnox: Meet some bitey friends
Gaelan_Maestro: check out the tail of the ship
Boon_33: so Adam, does tis make you want to Skin dive or Scuba dive the area?
50keyz: lol i love the confidence with the knife
KharadBanar: If you focus on the story, it can also be a 20 hour jaint
KharadBanar: jaunt*
emonotony: This game is like 5-6 hours casually but following the plot
Patorik: Story is significantly shorter than 700 hrs
Suffix: Easy 50 hours of in-depth playtime.
KharadBanar: @emonotony I'd say the 5-6 hours is for a casual replaying
Juliamon: Metal salvage that's definitely not completely irradiated
KharadBanar: if you know what's what
emonotony: @KharadBanar yeah that's "following the plot" as in "you know what to get and where to go"
Fuzzra: It's only long if you're making a sweet moon resort.
violetblight: oh now whos running
Boon_33: story is like home is "what you make it."/"you like to see people naked?"
emonotony: The Bad Hitboxes, aw
Mathwyn: Rip alien ecosystem I guess
Furrbahl: has Adam met "IT" yet?
Twilight_Spark: Pretty blue lights
50keyz: im so excited right now.
emonotony: Furrbahl None of 'em
KharadBanar: @Furrbahl shhhhhh
goombalax: typical albertan, "What do I care about the environment"
MacbethSeemsSus: Otacon, I'm in.
brainbosh: Finally, "dry land"!
measureofhope: I never explored this area so this is pretty cool
KCMcG: Can you jump?
Strebenherz: how much longer you playing this tonight you think?

brainbosh: You can jump
Makrosian_Tay: You could keep going. There's no one after you right?
KharadBanar: space bar is definitely jump, but no idea how to do that on the controller
emonotony: You can jump, jumping just right allows you to sequence break, but
Juliamon: You should go look for yourself
Suffix: check the other side of the ship then.
Strebenherz: time to find out

measureofhope: Welcome to Let's Nope!
dabudder: adam: damn i just dont think this is a good game for lets nope also adam:
Strebenherz: you'll be fine, nothing bad's ever in the ocean
50keyz: ive never been less comfortable in a lets nope
Fuzzra: See, there you go. The deeps are scarier
Cptasparagus: the scary part is being alone with your thoughts underwater
drdudeman: Oh my
emonotony: The game eventually just puts it on the radio.
drdudeman: This part scary
Kramburger: So we shouldn't tell you that the supplies are underwater
ghyllnox: If you want us to tell you where to go we will
brainbosh: It's been so long since I first played this game, not knowing where to go already is weird
measureofhope: You have to earn your spoops in this game
hesterbyrde: Subnautica is very much a slow burn
Suffix: probably.
emonotony: Check the radio constantly and the game gives you hints faster.
can't burn underwater 
brainbosh: It's probably nothing
Juliamon: god that burnt-out hull is so sick
Thaeus_Amrunion: don't worry about it
goombalax: Ship's All Fucked
emonotony: Supposed to? Uh.

hesterbyrde: It's the ocean so probably
Suffix: It might find you,.
brainbosh: You can get inside the ship yes
Fanklok: You absolutely can burn underwater
MacbethSeemsSus: "Supposed to"
drdudeman: Something in the water
Mathwyn: @goombalax "I can fix her bro"
emonotony: @brainbosh Can you?
50keyz: no; its not an event you need to hit.
ghyllnox: There is an inside to the ship. There's also a few big things around the ship. Supposed to find? Ehh
itsr67: thanks for streamin
Fuzzra: @emonotony You must!
drdudeman: It's good
astralmusician: There is more stuff like this, you just have to work your way out of the "tutorial" area
50keyz: @ghyllnox great description
Nigouki: gamehaus stream on saturday?
KharadBanar: I wouldn't mind if you came back to it next week
KCMcG: That was a fun, chill stream
Lionhardt544: It might not have been scary, but it was a vibe and a half brother
rabbitgta: Thanks for stream
lamina5432: gnight it was a good stream
Suffix: Thanks Adam.
hesterbyrde: Thank you for streaming! You're the best!
Patorik: It made for a good stream
Strebenherz: thank you for streaming adam
emonotony: @Fuzzra Well definitely not so, and I am pretty sure there's a flag not tripped.


schordash: thanks for the stream! 🫧o/
Strebenherz: no sorry, it good
NeoGabi: Thank you for streaming!
KharadBanar: Have a good evening everyone!
50keyz: thanks Adam; it was fun even if it wasnt scary the whole time
spethycakes: This was great! Thanks for streaming!
Fuzzra: @emonotony Fair point
ghyllnox: The beginning of "I downloaded a game about mucking around in the ocean and I don't want to put my face in the water" was pretty entertaining
Furrbahl: Thx!
thatguysteve2709: Thank you for the stream I greatly appreciate it
ghyllnox: Thanks for the stream o/
ohjanji: have a good night!



Mr_Horrible: oh shit, I'll have to move my backlog around and beat that before next Tuesday, then
hypperstar2280: Bye bye tubers
Strebenherz: get your slouch on gamer
KharadBanar: shhhhhedule
Mr_Horrible: more card games than we know what to do with
Fanklok: Become shrimp

lamina5432: it's card game month i heard
schordash: huh??
KharadBanar: @Fanklok Shrimply adjust your posture
Mr_Horrible: rarvel mivals

Kidror: Mood
Mr_Horrible: practicing those hypergrav loops
ghyllnox: It's dead, like vampires?
Strebenherz: lol
Kidror: As usual Adam is objectively correct
emonotony: @Fuzzra The game is easy to sequence break to 2h, ~ten hours knowing the next plot beat to look for... and easily fifty if you keep not checking the radio and wander around.-
Boon_33: lol
Mr_Horrible: yeah, it's an overwatch clone, which means all the players are whiny babies

MacbethSeemsSus: Then they're planning Marvel Rivals

NotCainNorAbel: I did

Mr_Horrible: this was good! Thanks for the stream, champ
Suffix: I really did! Thanks Adam.
Boon_33: Tanking is hard for people, for reaons tanks can't understand.
KCMcG: It was great
lamina5432: enjoyable
Nigouki: i ended up bumping it up on my steam wishlist again
Fanklok: I thought you would be a Jeff main
ProcyonFlynn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 17 month streak!
ProcyonFlynn: woo
Thanks for subscribing, ProcyonFlynn! (Today's storm count: 82)
Suffix: Yeah. Sure didn't.
emonotony: It gets plenty scare, you've only scratched the surface.
@emonotony I do like to wander. My play through was not time-efficient. 
Mr_Horrible: "Happy for you. Or sorry that happened."
Juliamon: yeah that looks right
Faulpyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
Faulpyr: It's me
Thanks for subscribing, Faulpyr! (Today's storm count: 83)

50keyz: there we go
spethycakes gifted a Tier 1 sub to ohjanji! They have given 7 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, ohjanji! (Today's storm count: 84)
Saintnex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months, currently on a 129 month streak!
Saintnex: thanks for the steam Adam!
Suffix: Nice.
Thanks for subscribing, Saintnex! (Today's storm count: 85)
Mr_Horrible: nice
emonotony: @Fuzzra Yeah the numbers are like ~40h on average because people don't know how to get all the flags aligned and get lost a lot.
Boon_33: Half of America can't resubscribe as they are stunlocked by transitional politics.
Suffix: Nice.
Mr_Horrible: he's reelin em in
Fuzzra: @emonotony I spent a lot of time packing instant base kits.
ghyllnox: Turns out watching first-time Subnautica plays is pretty popular
emonotony: @Fuzzra And yeah I think the ship is def missing a flag rn so it just goes "nerp" if you try
ProcyonFlynn: 50 subs - Good round number
Makrosian_Tay: Thanks for the stream! You're awesome
MichaelSnowbird: later
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
ghyllnox: Thanks Adam o/
thanks for the stream, boss 
Suffix: now kith.

spethycakes: @Suffix now kin?

Zu_o: Now that stream is over, Dice friends is over? anyone able to explain?

Zu_o: or send me to a post?
Juliamon: Zu_o It's not, it's just on hiatus
Suffix: @Zu_o The arc is finished.
Zu_o: Ah, thanks Juliamon, you're the best
Zu_o: You too Suffix
Nigouki: @Zu_o Current campaign is done. News on next one will be announced when it's announced. Until then streams will be crossed.
Juliamon: I expect they're focused on getting Friday Nights out the door first
Juliamon: and THEN they can have time to get a new campaign prepped
Nigouki: and then Road Quest Japan :V
emonotony: lmao glitchless Subnautica is under 1h.
Juliamon: as G said on bsky last week, "I can barefly find time to take down the office Christmas tree"
spethycakes: @Nigouki don't tease me
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