KeytarCat: Hooray, going for strolls!
Daring_Apprentice: Poggifer's Guide to Walking TM
KeytarCat: Found in the bookstore next to Gibb's Guide to Gitting Gud
KeytarCat: I think Bartelby Burped would be a good name for a novel. Same vibe as Atlas Shrugged, but less baggage
Daring_Apprentice: hahaha
Daring_Apprentice: An Egg's Eye View: Perspectives from Above
AngelicKnighthood: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: betrayal...
AngelicKnighthood: Okay box, I get it.
KeytarCat: !findquote betrayal
LRRbot: Quote #4838: "You have betrayed my tiny trust." —Cameron [2018-03-24]
Juliamon: a Gvlog book would be a coffee table book of frames of Graham's feet
KeytarCat: I should make a collage and mail it in
KeytarCat: I probably won't
KeytarCat: and I'm only vaguely bothered because if I don't make it I can't guarantee its existence
DirectorStephanie: GVlog - The Book the Musical!
KeytarCat: Ooh, now we're at the *fun* section of the store!
TheWooglie: assuming you're taking stills from the youtube videos, won't the quality be awful?
@TheWooglie yes. 

Juliamon: ah, Ben is hosting

DaxStrife: Huh, countdown screen looks different for some reason.
type_variable subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
type_variable: its the 2 year year year year
Thanks for subscribing, type_variable! (Today's storm count: 1)
TheAinMAP: Signal

pkj3st3r subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months, currently on a 86 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, pkj3st3r! (Today's storm count: 2)
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: another box, and in that box is another box which I mailed to myself. And when it arrives, I'll SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!
Mark_D_Stroyer: I literally just heard this announcement from Adam’s Subnautica VOD and yo here it is
Fbomb101ers: Hype! Can't wait to see the lineup
brainbosh subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
Thanks for subscribing, brainbosh! (Today's storm count: 3)
LeeshaJoy: Is it really quiet for anyone else or is there a problem on my end?
Juliamon: It is quiet
Sorator13: @LeeshaJoy Same here
Gekyouryuu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months, currently on a 132 month streak!
Gekyouryuu: 1, 3, 2, Fantastic 4, insert additional joke here.
Thanks for subscribing, Gekyouryuu! (Today's storm count: 4)
Mazrae: LRRbot that's the best Box one I've seen
CaptainSpam: Those rascally rivals!
catcard: wheee!
Williams4jesus: !findquote marvel
LRRbot: Quote #5514: "He'll draw your Original Character, or "OC"; he'll draw your Derivative Character, or "Marvel"." —Ian, of Ken Steacy [2018-11-12]
DrLigmaPhD: All I've seen of this game is it's quite good and people are thirsty.
Fbomb101ers: 1 commercial per player?
ChrisTheLemming subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ChrisTheLemming! (Today's storm count: 5)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, I thought I had an at least ok knowledge of Marvel stuff, who the hell is the robot in the fantasticar?

Masslost: Marvel Rivals needs H.E.R.B.I.E. to be playable
TheAinMAP: Hello!
Kuhfeek: Hah

Juliamon: Surprise!

Mai_Andra: ♫
gualdhar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
gualdhar: wooo
Thanks for subscribing, gualdhar! (Today's storm count: 6)
sporkraptor: woo!
LeeshaJoy: All I know about this game is that "Dracula owes Moon Knight money" is canon to it.
Masslost: @Thefluffiestguineapig its H.E.R.B.I.E.
gamercat88: shark time
nyxlux: hello!
baltimore_667083: hi ben!
TheAinMAP: Hello (again)
TheWriterAleph: you can see me?!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @LeeshaJoy I feel like a lot of Blade villains owe Moon Knight money incidentally

protojman: intro is always a banger
lordgrond subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
Thanks for subscribing, lordgrond! (Today's storm count: 7)
jessicaengle: Happy Crossing the Streamsmas
Finally chased those smelly vampires out of the stream! 
the good Overwatch 2 
gualdhar: over what now?
Simonark: H.E.R.B.I.E. was, in an old cartoon, a replacement for the Human Torch when a random suit thought he’d make kids set themselves ablaze.
Dog_of_Myth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
Dog_of_Myth: Excelsior!
Thanks for subscribing, Dog_of_Myth! (Today's storm count: 8)
Scy_Anide: Overwatch (2) still exists?
Mark_D_Stroyer: A message for Adam: I am ~so~ sad that the Subnautica stream stopped JUST short of the actual Let’s Nope scary bits
Scy_Anide: I would have guessed Deadlok or however it's spelled.
GrassVortex: I'm not really a Marvel fan, but this game slaps
Nigouki: only Overwatch content people watch is made in Source Film Maker :V
Hi friends! 
Mark_D_Stroyer: I unironically play Overwatch 2. I missed 1 completely so sue me.
BrowneePointz: More like Sick Stack
Juliamon: Mark_D_Stroyer If it clicks for you, that's great!
WowoT subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Thanks for subscribing, WowoT! (Today's storm count: 9)
Gekyouryuu: I have played all of 2 games
AugmentingPath: clapped for three hours 👏 👏 :clapclapclap:
jessicaengle: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #5423: "No one will get freaked out by bug friends, right?" —Heather [2018-10-20]
Diabore: lockdown protocol
Gekyouryuu: also, Ben, did y'all turn on Twitch Drops for people that want them?
BrowneePointz: yes drops are enabled
Mark_D_Stroyer: But honestly the main thing that makes it okay to hate Overwatch 2 is that apparently all OW2 players vociferously state that they hate themselves by playing it?
BrowneePointz: I got the pop
BrowneePointz: popup
zshunter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
Thanks for subscribing, zshunter! (Today's storm count: 10)
Gaz_L subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Gaz_L: Good news! It's Soni-er my 50th monthiversary!
Thanks for subscribing, Gaz_L! (Today's storm count: 11)
RandomTrivia: I have seen the popup on this stream
dm818: They seem to be enabled
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: There is also the office one for the vaguly Among Us games.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I got the popup too
Juliamon: yeah I think they default on
BrowneePointz: there’s a hela skin this time
Gekyouryuu: ok, wasn't sure. I got them last night, so it's not telling me
kusinohki: meows
Gekyouryuu: takes 4 hours to get the skin
saucemaster5000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
saucemaster5000: nice
Thanks for subscribing, saucemaster5000! (Today's storm count: 12)
ShaneLeeAtk: James said the thing!




ekplayscards: Omg Ben Ben, Serge AND Nelly?! Oh my lanta


Dog_of_Myth: Serge is the ringer.
tehfewl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
tehfewl: Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff
Thanks for subscribing, tehfewl! (Today's storm count: 13)
Oh this is going to go so well 
BrowneePointz: they don’t tell you to hit f1 so I understand
Syntheticuh: lets goooo

couchboyj: Putting the low in Elo
Aarek: Serge just needs to find an orb related hero
gualdhar: I'm getting the feeling E-Zed is some Canadian kayfabe
Dog_of_Myth: I believe in this team
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh how are Gus and Remy?
BrowneePointz: I bought and finished the first pass
TheWriterAleph: jeeeeff
Mai_Andra: Magik hype
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh is Ben a Magic main? She is fantabulous and great
Vandristine: I bought the first pass yeah
BrowneePointz: and bought the 2nd with the currency I got from first pass
gibbousm: so what Roles are folks playing?
theawesomeonev2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Thanks for subscribing, theawesomeonev2! (Today's storm count: 14)
BrowneePointz: eww
AutonomousTurtle: oh, getting the butt skin?
BrowneePointz: Malice doodie!
BrowneePointz: You shouldn’t it’s from a really bad comic
AugmentingPath: she was invisible, duh
RandomTrivia: Ok that looks sick
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that a wastelander wolverine skin?
sporkraptor: Emperor Magneto
raulghoulia: House of M
Gaz_L: The Maker is rad tho @browneepointz
A_Dub888: what’s up Fang- waaiiiiit a minute….
BrowneePointz: Ben show off the cowboy rocket raccoon
Nigouki: where's the beach skins? need Speedo Magneto?
Vandristine: its from House of M i think
DrLigmaPhD: would you believe that Invisible Woman costume is more coverage than fit on that inspired it?
Vandristine: Also yeah Malice is from an AWFUL comic
darkcyril: @BrowneePointz The only good thing to come from the arc was her finally becoming Invisible Woman instead of Invisible Girl.
TheWriterAleph: myooon nyiiiight
Gekyouryuu: Punisher is Bastion
Mark_D_Stroyer: Another question: Who gets to take Whomst for a ride? Is it Adam?
A_Dub888: to be fair, James used to main Pharah
DirectorStephanie: Adam Warlock is my fave too
I'm sensing a lot of negativity from Adam here 
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Ben playing with Adam? Is it Tuesday already?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hold up, is this techno Moon Knight? My. google searches are going to be so weird after this trying to figure out some of these deferences
SquareDotCube: Adam (Warlock)
darkcyril: We've been playing with a Jeff in our friend group, so we've been needing to add "the Land Shark" a lot.
Mai_Andra: you could just say "Warlock". The New Mutants "Warlock" is not here.
micalovits: I mean, Jeff is just "Blåhaj"
darkcyril: @Mai_Andra Yes.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @micalovits That got me
darkcyril: Yet*
couchboyj: Now I want Ben to just say Warlock without the first name and for Adam to have no idea what he's talking about
NightValien28 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
Thanks for subscribing, NightValien28! (Today's storm count: 15)
BrowneePointz: Invisible woman is also very VERY good right now
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz Did the Malice skin introduce new abilities or something?
Natural_Ones_Only: Invisible Woman is a different marvel character James
KodeMage: City of Heroes is still around?
@darkcyril *"Douglock" 
darkcyril: @BrowneePointz I'm used to Luna so the change to projectile for IW is throwing me a lot. I really like her kit though.
Williams4jesus: !findquote dagger
LRRbot: Quote #4855: "'I've got the dagger. It's in my pants.' 'That's a good place for it.'" —Ben and Ian [2018-03-26]
Dog_of_Myth: Good work James
CaptainSpam: Good work, James.
Robot_Bones: good james job
sporkraptor: good work, James
dumbo3k: Good Work James
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Work Good James
RandomTrivia: #GoodWorkJames
SquareDotCube: Blame James for the good work
Williams4jesus: Glhhf
BrowneePointz: @thefluffiestguineapig it came from a comic where she had a miscarriage, then got mind controlled to be evil and she got SA’d during it too
micalovits: Lets go Jeff!
CaKnuckleguy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
CaKnuckleguy: Good Work James
Thanks for subscribing, CaKnuckleguy! (Today's storm count: 16)
Dog_of_Myth: Love Jeff
AutonomousTurtle: Don't stay clustered up
tehfewl: is this literally James Turner Presents "The Avengers"?
Naesiir: Jeff's reign of terror continues
KodeMage: Why am I just learning about Jeff now? Where did they come from?
Blakemcm: they nerfed the size of it in this patch right?
LPS_97: kill him before. That's it
BrowneePointz: punisher can actually counter it by Ulting or setting up his turret as the animation goes off
Gekyouryuu: @KodeMage Gwenpool
AutonomousTurtle: @KodeMage Gwenpool
Syntheticuh: every time jeff ults you get annoyed until see you how cute jeff is and then you stop being mad. peak character design
Blakemcm: @KodeMage gwenpool, an offshoot of deadpool
lucha_libro: Yes Virginia, there really is a Jeff "The killer"
Blip2004: I forgot how bad it is with character voices on
darkcyril: @Blakemcm They fixed the area of it.
I guess I missed the episode of Countdown to Infinity where they talked about this stream 
Masslost: punisher can counter Jeff ult by being on a turret fyi
darkcyril: It's also got a height ceiling now.
BrowneePointz: Gwen Poole is not directly related to Deadpool
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
KodeMage: first off, I thought I was having a stroke when I read gwenpool, so thanks for that. 👍👍Is this a movie that's coming out soon or something on Disney?
Juliamon: Comics nerds need to stop hiding the good characters like Jeff from the general consciousness. We don't want your muscle boys, we want the weird shit.
cardbross: I think gwenpool is a comics thing
Gekyouryuu: @Blakemcm actually, Gwenpool ISN'T an offshoot of Deadpool. her deal is she was, ostensibly, from OUR world and got isekai-ed, realized "people without costumes tend to die FAST", went to get a costume, and her name, Gwen Poole, got mistaken for an attempt to be the Spider-Gwen to Deadpool
lucha_libro: Seeing Adam I have cosmic powers get killed by a K-pop star with ice powers is going to get some getting used too XD
BrowneePointz: she has Moira succ so she’s good against Jeff
Lysander_salamander: I like seeing the Gwen-iverse.
niccus: what's the game like if your name is jeff
cardbross: character choices for this game are kind of weird.
darkcyril: @niccus You have to main Jeff.
I mean, I understand Serge's confusion about that Thor skin 
likelyDangerous: who all is playing rn?
BrowneePointz: For whoever is playing Iron Man, they might wanna know that Mr. fantastic can reflect his result
Lysander_salamander: Gwen Goblin is one of my favorite variations of Gwen, though Gwenom is interesting
darkcyril: @cardbross Nah. There's a real good mix of recognizable and deeper cut characters I've felt.
cardbross: spider-gwen was that popular, eh?
Vandristine: Mister Fantastic ult has a minimum of 3 bounces and a maximum of 6(?) if it hits someone
lucha_libro: I mean the upside to having it based around taking characters from across the multiverse is it does a good job of explaining away why certain characters can be taken out by characters they normally wouldn't have an issue with
darkcyril: @Vandristine Correct.
BrowneePointz: turret counters it
cardbross: @darkcyril mostly Luna is the one that threw me
Lysander_salamander: Yeah in the comics she had a whole spin-off of the Spiderverse
BrowneePointz: it also gives punisher some invincibility frames on startup that he can use to dodge it
sporkraptor: what is Jeff? XD
Vandristine: a land shark
BrowneePointz: Jeff, the land shark comes from the West Coast avengers, which is a very good comic run
darkcyril: @cardbross *shrug* She's been a mainstay in the video game space. That said, she was new to me.
djalternative: comics readers: Jeff is a precious baby that we must protect. Rivals players: Eat Shit, Jeff!
cardbross: fair enough
sporkraptor: fffheeehehehee
Blip2004: in the game (Rivals) lore I think he was captured by the Collector with Mantis and Rocket
micalovits: Jeff is the Ikea Blåhaj with legs pretty much
darkcyril: @Blip2004 Psylocke
Lysander_salamander: is Adam Warlock like Zenyata?
Juliamon: ok, !players updated
djalternative: hi chat. i just got beef teryaki for dinner
RandomTrivia: Oh that absolutely has to be Travis Willingham reprising his role as Thor
Syntheticuh: retire champions!

WiJohn: Good stream
BrowneePointz: Adam is mercy

BrowneePointz: A reminder, you can click other people to see their play the game
Vandristine: Travis is Thor yeah, he also voices Doom
Good work James 

Vandristine: when Doom eventually becomes playable
7gorobei: #good work James
BrowneePointz: Liam is Strange
cardbross: Punisher really is just Bastion from the first month of overwatch

Syntheticuh: the marvel rivals mvp isn't the coolest highlight like it is on overwatch sadly
bootsmalone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 93 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bootsmalone! (Today's storm count: 17)
RandomTrivia: Bahahahaha
Darleysam: the Bastion POTG
RandomTrivia: Skill issue
Syntheticuh: HAHAHAHA

darkcyril: @RandomTrivia lots of VAs reprising roles from previous games - Laura as Magik, Yuri as Spider-Man
Aarek: ahh the "hold left click of the game"
Vandristine: Laura isnt Magik
Blakemcm: hitscan was the hitplan
Lobo_Apache: Bastion is that you?
underhill33: fish in a fuckin barrel
chrisvonclause subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Thanks for subscribing, chrisvonclause! (Today's storm count: 18)
SquareDotCube: Fucking Bas- I mean Punisher
darkcyril: @Vandristine Oh right. She's Widow in this.
RandomTrivia: Travis voiced Thor in a couple of the animated TV series as well, which he reprised in games
BrowneePointz: Generally speaking if they voiced them in a cartoon they voice them here too
BrowneePointz: namor is great with Luna
Vandristine: @darkcyril Abby Trott voices Magik in this. Laura voiced Magik in Midnight Suns
darkcyril: Yup. I've been playing a lot of Midnight Suns lately too.
ninja_theory_ashrams: this stream is my first experience of marvel rivals, and I had to look up why all the voices sounded familiar. there's a lot of crossover casting from Marvel Midnight Suns
DirectorStephanie: …thanks Cat
Vandristine: I beat Midnight Suns recently, loved the gameplay
RandomTrivia: "You should have gone for the head" not holding up then
public_key_reveal_party: When are we getting the serge mlg comp?
Vandristine: some of the Abbey stuff was fine
Thefluffiestguineapig: They have been getting a lot of repeat actors for things, isn't the guy that plays Magneto in a lot of the games the guy from the animated cartoon?
AutonomousTurtle: It also goes through people, so you can get multiple people with one shot.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Midnight suns is so good and I wish they had made the switch port
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't have a console that will run it and it makes me so sad
Lobo_Apache: Seems like Marvel Rivals is Smite + Overwatch?
Vandristine: magneto is Obi-wan from the animated series
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Vandristine Oh, that's why I recognized the voice!!! Thank you
Vandristine: @Lobo_Apache strictly an OW clone Smite is a moba, this isnt
BrowneePointz: it’s Overwatch 1
chrisvonclause: ice shards pierce too Serge, Luna is very good!
TheWooglie: stick together team/Serge
BrowneePointz: tip to toe
KWardJenx: I'm here for the Serge scolding. Lol
Izandai: @Lobo_Apache Well, Smite is League of Legends + Overwatch, so...
Lobo_Apache: @Vandristine I was thinking the over the shoulder style gameplay
darkcyril: Liam O'Brien as Dr. Strange was the first weird one for me, but he immediately grew on me.
KaleidoscopeMind: nelly asserting dominance
cardbross: I saw a thing that Netease was building Overwatch for China before Blizz exited that market, and they just reskinned their work for this
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: What is this Nelly on Nelly violence?
AugmentingPath: better nelly wins
cardbross: no idea if true
BrowneePointz: Liam has been Strange for a LONG time
Vandristine: Liam voices Strange in shows and games generally. Weirdly he ISNT the voice of Strange in Midnight Suns
rip Ian
Vandristine: which was weird
Robot_Bones: What far we fight forrrrr!?!
djalternative: this looks like amazing graphics for Spandex Simulator supposedly running on the Nintendo64
darkcyril: Also Ian James Corlett (the original Goku) as Mister Fantastic is taking a minute to grow on me.
Vandristine: Steve Blum is Wolverine and Venom which is good to see
Thefluffiestguineapig: @darkcyril Oh now I can't unhear it
cardbross: time to build ult on scarlet witch and just clear
AutonomousTurtle: it takes so long for this game to backfill
AntianSiridean: Backfill?
darkcyril: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yup. He's *great* when he's just speaking. But when he shouts it's all I hear.
Robot_Bones: Movin' right along
whoppernugget: Have they fixed the weird framerate damage/speed thing on PC?
josh___something: MAHVEL
Vandristine: Also Squirrel Girl is voiced by Milana Vayntrub, the AT&T girl
AutonomousTurtle: @AntianSiridean when a player leaves and another player is added to the game in their place
Vandristine: she has voiced Squirrel Girl forever
BrowneePointz: Milana was supposed to be her in Live Action
BrowneePointz: but then that project fell through
Vandristine: @whoppernugget I dont think so, that takes a lot of time to fix
AugmentingPath: minimum pulse
Thefluffiestguineapig: The unnsettling movement of what I assume is the venom lump is unfortunate
darkcyril: @AutonomousTurtle They need to find a better middle ground. I get wanting to get the original player a chance to get back in, but it feels so bad to be 5 v 6 for so long. Especially when multiple player disconnects happen.
whoppernugget: That framerate glitch might be why some players are just stronger atm
BrowneePointz: Yep. This is Kylntar, his home planet @Thefluffiestguineapig
cardbross: @darkcyril matches aren't that long, they really need to just backfill quickly and let the group reform after the match
BrowneePointz: yea, they have two very aggressive tanks for defense.
AntianSiridean: @autonomousturtle oh it is bad, or you get filed into a match with under 30s left on the timer
BrowneePointz: so you can kinda past
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz So theoretically we could see a Carnage lump too?
Vandristine: There are like 20 datamined characters
Lysander_salamander: is there a general plot for this game? Are they on Battleworld and Beyonder is forcing them to fight for his entertainment?
BrowneePointz: Doom invented a Magitech called Chronovium
Vandristine: Two Doctor Doom's from different timelines are fighting
darkcyril: @Lysander_salamander Doom doing Doom stuff.
josh___something: There IS lore
BrowneePointz: it fucked up the timelines
Lysander_salamander: ah
Juliamon: Dooms Being Dooms
BrowneePointz: and Galactus' daughter is trying to fix it
Mattmitchell45: Milana Vayntrub was so good in Werewolves Within, the odd project of a Ubisoft-sponsored horror film full of comedians that had tabletop Werewolf energy
Vandristine: No one rivals Doom of course
SquareDotCube: hey banner banner banner banner
darkcyril: Also most characters aren't their 616 counterparts. This Cap for example didn't thaw out until 2099.
BrowneePointz: and since the Timestream is entangled other villains like Dracula are taking advantage on some timelines
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz "Very aggressive tanks" is a good descriptor for several Marvel characters in the comics (not terribly familiar with the Rivals meta)

30teracyte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 113 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 30teracyte! (Today's storm count: 19)
AugmentingPath: points are good, they make you win
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Vandristine Especially not at using 3rd person
josh___something: Doom and Doom 2099 are having a dick measuring contest
James is popping off 

Blip2004: people in rivals never stand on the point, they always assume it will keep moving
7gorobei: good work James
Vandristine: Yeah next season is Blade (DPS) and Ultron (Healer)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Both would lose to Valaria Richards
NightValien28: james "bastion" turner
cardbross: if it ain't broke, don't fix it
circusofkirkus: Heavy Weapons Guy
BrowneePointz: Also, it helps that they were Hulk and Venom who are much more Offensive tanks and not great at point control
iarethel0ser: He had to turn left and right this time. Totally different.
itira: evening gamers
Blakemcm: iff miss with bullet just use more bullet
Blakemcm: james knows what he is doin
kusinohki: how hard would it be to reskin the "get on the point" shirt to marvel rivals characters??
Geldaran: @NightValien28 nuthin' wrong with a Bastion sittin' on the point.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Blakemcm If you apply maximum bullet then eventually you don't miss
A_Dub888: @Vandristine 'Healing' is not something I'd associate with Ultron...
RandomTrivia: uh oh
NightValien28: Geldaran didn't say there was, any strat is valid strat
BrowneePointz: yea this game isn't greatly optimized
cardbross: @kusinohki already seen a half-dozen re-skins of the Penny Arcade "Kill the Healer" strip
Thefluffiestguineapig: @A_Dub888 I mean if it's a nanobot version of Ultron you could theoretically justify it?
TheWriterAleph: nnph, shaders
gualdhar: has Ian tried turning it off and on again?
Vandristine: @A_Dub888 Yeah its an interesting design choice. He also perma flies like Iron Man and summons ultron drones to heal
tehfewl: is that what they are calling it now a days
josh___something: I see ben has played since the winter event
Lysander_salamander: I should eventually watch that movie
CaptainSpam: Um... where's Ian?
Vandristine: Storm is broken after the patch yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I love 2099 robot spider with his preteen pilot
Vandristine: 57% winrate
darkcyril: @BrowneePointz Yeah, it's so goddamn fun, but that needs to be their priority.
whoppernugget: @captainspam pc problems
AutonomousTurtle: Storm is very good
marxmarksman: Adam Savidan doesn't play Adam Warlock?
Larkonus: Spider-stop the spider-bot from reaching the final spider-point!
CaptainSpam: @whoppernugget Aha.
josh___something: Storm is silly good
andy1503 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
BrowneePointz: She was close to good but had a couple wonky mechanics things
Thanks for subscribing, andy1503! (Today's storm count: 20)
BrowneePointz: and then they fixed those and now she's VERY good
Fanklok: Anyone in chat ARMED and dangerous?
Vandristine: She got faster projectile speed and 5 extra damage on Mouse 1, and 5 r maybe 10 on Mouse 2
Vandristine: @Fanklok AGAIN
AutonomousTurtle: @marxmarksman I'm more surprised Adam isn't playing one of the brawlers. Channel his fighting game chops.
marxmarksman: @Fanklok I'm doint this my way!
whoppernugget: @fanklok AGAIN
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hold up, are we the bad guys? Stop spider zero from being rescued?
BrowneePointz: in this yes
AugmentingPath: that healer bloodlust

BrowneePointz: Master Spider is using the Timestream Entanglement to supe up the Web of Life and Destiny but it's not good
A_Dub888: Benjamin "I want to MURDER" Ulmer
Vandristine: got double divers
BrowneePointz: so Spider-Zero is trying to break the Entanglement to save the world
cardbross: random queue has a real problem with DPS healers
Robot_Bones: party in the front Magic in the back
CaptainSpam: @Thefluffiestguineapig When it's Marvel characters, you really can't tell.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz Right so why are we trying to stop Spider Zero from being rescued?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam Unless it's Doom, then you always know hes the bad guy
BrowneePointz: because it's a competitive game and you need to have opposing sides?
Vandristine: because hero shooter match
cardbross: @Thefluffiestguineapig you can't have everyone playing CT
BrowneePointz: why were we escorting Knull as heroes to an underground celestial brain? because game said so @Thefluffiestguineapig
Thefluffiestguineapig: Was that iceman skating past?
BrowneePointz: Luna Snow
kusinohki: "multi-verse shenanigans....."
BrowneePointz: chinese NetEase created character for a chinese crossover comic in 2020
cardbross: luna is basically Iceman + Dazzler
BrowneePointz: err Korean?
Vandristine: yeah Luna Snow is NetEase OC
darkcyril: @BrowneePointz Created for Marvel Future Fight originally.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kusinohki Anytime there's some Marvel reference I don't get generally if I look it up that's a good portion of the answer
AutonomousTurtle: @BrowneePointz I thought she was originally created for another mobile game?
BrowneePointz: I think she is a Kpoper but was a chinese created character. Yea Future Fight came before the comic
Duwani1: we all know jeff is best
Vandristine: Will admit Cloak and Dagger was the only character I didn't know
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Floating flying thing" in Marvel doesn't narrow it down
Mazrae: I feel like being on the offensive is easier than the defense side
darkcyril: Fun fact - Luna has actual music on YouTube from Future Fight and Super War (the MOBA)
Vandristine: and they are from the 60s or something
BrowneePointz: Cloak and Dagger are ogs ye. They got a really bad series
BrowneePointz: on Freeform
cardbross: cloak and dagger pop up in the comics occasionally, but their schtick is hard to make work for a modern audience
darkcyril: C&D were 80s.
Vandristine: I became a fan of Nico Minoru after Midnight Suns hope she comes
BrowneePointz: yea it's a health pack
darkcyril: Started showing up in Spider-Man
NightValien28: good shooting ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Vandristine I think they are newer than that but not by much, they took a way backseat except in stories like House of M because they are borderline mutants but not quite so they can be key to things like that
cardbross: @Vandristine Runaways and Exiles feel like a natural fit for this kind of nonsense
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ArmstrongRGM96X: 94 months? That's higher than I can count!
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BrowneePointz: Cloak and Dagger also mostly ddo street level stuff
josh___something: Ugh.... Hela
Vandristine: Cloak is the wielder of the Darkforce and Dagger the Lightforce right
Thefluffiestguineapig: @cardbross Nico was played by the actor who played her in the short lived Runaways live action show and she was great
BrowneePointz: correct
Fanklok: I find it incredibly funny that Dr. Strange is a tank
BrowneePointz: they're usually tied to Mr Negative as well
BrowneePointz: oh hey that's the twitch skin
Vandristine: Strange as a tank was done really well. Tank's need a large silohuette and his cloak works for that
darkcyril: @cardbross Those would be dope. What I really want though is a Legion of Monsters for October. Let me tank as Man-Thing
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Vandristine If memory serves yes but my terminology may be wrong. I know it's Cloak has nightmares and Dagger weaponizes dreams
BrowneePointz: Ultron is the next Villain to be added I think
Thefluffiestguineapig: @darkcyril Is Swamp thing Marvel or DC because Swamp thing would be fun
BrowneePointz: Swamp Thing is DC
Vandristine: Swamp Thing is DC
BrowneePointz: Man-THing is Marvel
cardbross: Morph/Rogue with power-steal would be fun
josh___something: Ultron was the villain that seemed to have the most work completed from data mining iirc
BrowneePointz: Correct
Vandristine: Rogue should be a tank but idk how you do her silohuette
BrowneePointz: Emma Frost is also datamined but no kit files
Thefluffiestguineapig: @cardbross Oh please let me be Morph with his weird quips from the cartoon
darkcyril: Yeah, Swamp Thing is DC, Man-Think is Marvel, both based on an earlier character called The Heap
Fanklok: Adam Warlock is such a weenie
Vandristine: We will probably get Armor as a tank
josh___something: Thicc Dr. Strange
Duwani1: @BrowneePointz she has to be dps/alt tank
cardbross: yeah, Armor feels inevitable
Duwani1: @Duwani1 diamon form
v_nome: Are Cloak and Dagger one character in this?
BrowneePointz: Yea she's datamined as a Vanguard iirc
darkcyril: I would also really love them to replace Johnny Storm with HERBIE as an April Fools' thing.
BrowneePointz: Yes they swap between the two
Vandristine: Yeah Cloak and Dagger swap
v_nome: Neat!
BrowneePointz: Dagger Buffs/Heals Cloak Damages/Debuffs
Vandristine: Dagger is healing, Cloak is utility
Diabore: was that ian again?
Lysander_salamander: what's warlock's ult?
cardbross: mercy rez
Thefluffiestguineapig: In some versions they can swap places but that's not a consistent power because teleportation is mostly a cloak thing
Vandristine: Mercy res
josh___something: Mass rez
BrowneePointz: it's aoe mercy revive
BrowneePointz: that lasts for a short duration
Lysander_salamander: neat
AutonomousTurtle: @Lysander_salamander mass rez
BrowneePointz: and yea Ironman ult bypasses health and one shots
Thefluffiestguineapig: The true Adam Warlock move would be to have the mass rez be everyone
Vandristine: It doesnt bypass health
darkcyril: @Thefluffiestguineapig I feel like the entanglement is a gimmick to explain their kit this game. But I could be wrong.
Vandristine: Iron Man ult is survivable
mrbuzzfuzz: gg!
BrowneePointz: oh huh I thought it bypassed hp which is why it's good against Luna @Vandristine
RandomTrivia: Unless I'm misunderstanding this a lot, defense seems very much the harder role than attack here. Having to last the entire game timer against only moving the point the full distance doesn't seem even?
cardbross: can iron malt ult through luna's ult?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz If it's not called Hulkbuster in game that's a missed opportunity

mrbuzzfuzz: do you guys still play overwatch tho?
AugmentingPath: x9 for top damage soake
darkcyril: @cardbross he sure can
BrowneePointz: The final points on Defense in Overwatch/This are REALLY easy to defend @RandomTrivia
josh___something: The ult location creates the "new" spawn point. And anyone who dies or has died within a large radius around warlock for the next few seconds gets rezzed with 100 hp
Vandristine: Yeah since Luna overshield with ult is only 350 or 450 hp?
darkcyril: "Jarvis solo ult that healer" is a common joke.
Vandristine: And Iron Man ult is like 600 dmg?
LowUpsideCJ: Golden man of the game
RandomTrivia: @BrowneePointz Ah, I see.
BrowneePointz: the earlier point is weighted towards attacker, the mid points are balanced, and the final point is REALLY easy to defend
BrowneePointz: just like in OW
RandomTrivia: That makes sense, as that's where the most drama happens
lucha_libro: MVP for Support competence!
Fanklok: Real Torbjorn sitting in a corner highlight there
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Vandristine: How old is Ian's PC?
SquareDotCube: stole it, just like Lupin III
A_Dub888: @Fanklok No joke one time I got play of the game when my turret scored like 3 kills moments after I died
AutonomousTurtle: On the downside, Scarlet Witch is the worst character in the game
Vandristine: Magneto team up is fucking stupid with Wanda. but Wanda sucks rn
josh___something: FEAR MAGNETO
BrowneePointz: That's Jeff!
darkcyril: Jeff's winter skin
BrowneePointz: he's a Land Shark!
cardbross: JEFF
AugmentingPath: its jeff
Dog_of_Myth: Let's go Jeff!!
BrowneePointz: yea Magneto's Wanda team up is sick
DirectorStephanie: jeff!
josh___something: Move backwards with Jeff and he does a lil damce
BrowneePointz: and nelly's ball is a zone of multiple mini stuns
Izandai: Adam come on.
jwholla: i like to imagine real marvel heroes just chilling saying "check out this thing i can do"
Fanklok: Did Jeff get any buffs or was it just the ult nerf?
wedge_x: you can play as Jeff wtaf
josh___something: He's a dog shark, of course he's stinky
LowUpsideCJ: Jeff is not an honest mid tier
BrowneePointz: just the ult nerf
ArdCollider: shit my whole house wants to play jeff now
chrisvonclause: Adam with the based Jeff opinions
cardbross: Ben really here with the "Random bullshit go!"
Fanklok: Jeff is a kinda mid character with an ult that makes people angry
BrowneePointz: yea those two are gonna dive healers all game
josh___something: Dive DPS
josh___something: I pray for the dps
BrowneePointz: Jeff is a well rounded healer with a very powerful ult
BrowneePointz: so people hate him
josh___something: Err... Supports
darkcyril: One of my favorite things about this is all the memes they managed to fit in the lore entries. Such as "Dracula owes Moon Knight money"
TheWooglie: Jeff heals? werid
cardbross: spiderman is wildly irritating to play against
BrowneePointz: You can flank around behind the point to the right as well
thatguysteve2709: What is moonlight all about
josh___something: I'd say a powerful ult, if there's a nearby accessible ult
Spider-Man's movement is wild. You don't say. 
josh___something: Spiderman movement tech is... *Nasty*
BrowneePointz: Spider-man and IF are squirrely, fast and small profile
Fanklok: Moon knight puts down an Ankh that he can shoot and all of his shots bounce to all targets in a radius
cardbross: Moon on Moon violence, you hate to see it
josh___something: Another potential way to deal with spiderman and backliners is Namor and his squids
Diabore: spiderman took up farming
AugmentingPath: get me a pick on spiderman
BrowneePointz: oh yea Namor bodies Spidey
YourGirlMandy: boy howdy did i not realized how silly it would be to have stream full volume and also being playing lol
cardbross: I'm surprised there isn't more discussion of counterpicking in this game
josh___something: Spiderman has a REALLY complex combo... That barely deals enough damage to kill squishies. If you're comfident, just try to outheal his burst
darkcyril: Back capping on this map is one of my favorite things. Managed to get the entire point as a solo Luna earlier tonight and it felt great.
Vandristine: Namor beats divers because of his goobers
Vandristine: they autoshot
BrowneePointz: Mantis and Invisible Woman are the two healers that can deal with spidey. the others just kinda get eaten by him
BrowneePointz: well, cloak can too if he times the damage amp well
cardbross: \
Toxxick: Hey chat, I understand what Moon Knights ult does, but what do the Ankhs do?

josh___something: Solo vanguard with 2 nerds diving your backline, my average ranked games 😭
BrowneePointz: ricochet autos @Toxxick
zeldas_fruit_loops: the only way I’ve managed to beat a Spiderman was with Wanda cause she auto aims and her primary attack tracks….
BrowneePointz: his left clicks bounce between opponents and ankhs @Toxxick
EJGRgunner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
EJGRgunner: Why do they have to be rivals? why can’t they be marvel friends?
Thanks for subscribing, EJGRgunner! (Today's storm count: 22)
Toxxick: ah, so he turns into Dota Luna?
hiFunko: @Toxxick The Ankhs are a poiint Ben can target to make his thrown objects bounce around to enemies. It's like a little aoe damage area
josh___something: I'd say, having a second vanguard to guard the supports work too
BrowneePointz: and if you're healing and getting bodied by Spidey or IF, you can swap Mantis to sleep him, Invisible Woman to shove him off, or C&D to Cloak drain him
mrbuzzfuzz: do you guys play overwatch?
Resurrect the Ian! 
BrowneePointz: LRR played a LOT of Overwatch way back when
Nigouki: Ian finally got his PowerPC to boot properly
mrbuzzfuzz: okk!
mrbuzzfuzz: I still play it, Hazard is hot :3
chrisvonclause: yeah heading towards your tanks forces the divers to fight a group
BrowneePointz: Play Namor Nelly
BrowneePointz: his combo with Luna is nasty
BrowneePointz: or Jeff combo with luna
darkcyril: Yeah, 2-2-2 isn't hard required.
josh___something: Solo tank is fine, but also not ideal for certain ones
BrowneePointz: that BOUNCE
josh___something: Thor is fun as heck, but solo tanking js HAAAARD
Toxxick: I will say, I cant hit shit with rocket xD
josh___something: Rocket is also really fun
tergonis: rocket is great
Vandristine: Thor is my tank yeah
Fanklok: Rocket also does infinity damage
josh___something: You can just dodge so much
BrowneePointz: I agree Adam
Vandristine: Ah, the Zarya problem
Blip2004: Invisible woman can be pretty cracked once you get used to her shields and force powers
thavleifrim: jeff is a very easy healer, and also jeff is jeff
LemonOnRye: it would be insane if both imo
josh___something: Magneto is great right now
30teracyte: magneto is already played a ton at high level
LemonOnRye: maybe a shorter cool down for the other one?
josh___something: Not as busto as strange, but yeah
BrowneePointz: Loki replicates healing for each active clone so yea do what Adam said chat
josh___something: Magneto's ult also acts as a pseudo defensive/aggressive ult
darkcyril: @BrowneePointz They're also free ankhs for Moon Knight, lol
Vandristine: i have no clue why Mag ult has a hard limit to how much it can absorb and it falls apart
josh___something: Magneto can pretty much just cycle his shield and bubble to never die
Vandristine: iunstead of firing off for free
LemonOnRye: mag ult really should give you like a half sec to discharge the overload

darkcyril: Oh baby, a triple

josh___something: Because it'd be really boring to just have ALL OF YOUR BULLETS do nothing for 2 seconds while the magneto's team is killing. You
enbycephalopod: Every time I hear"Maximum" I think Maximum effort from deadpool
BrowneePointz: IM behind
e_bloc: c-loki-a
josh___something: Especially if those bullets are also a pulse cannon
BrowneePointz: hell yea Ben!
BrowneePointz: good life!
AugmentingPath: lot of some guy with a cape in this game
darkcyril: "Some guy with a cape." Serge, I need you to know how *little* that narrows it down.
hieroglyphica: Yeah you really chased some down
@enbycephalopod I won't be able to stop hearing that now 
enbycephalopod: @likelyDangerous youre welcome
Fanklok: Is it a cape or a cloak? That narrows it down a little
Earthenone: some guy in a cape, it sdure is a hero shooter
mrbuzzfuzz: so close!
josh___something: Helaaaa *shakes fist*
BrowneePointz: even AFTER her nerf!
Vandristine: Hela is also like, the only hitscan?
enbycephalopod: with all these capes its like none of them have met edna mode
LemonOnRye: she do dink
darkcyril: Plenty of hitscan, but she's got raw damage numbers.
likelyDangerous: @browneepointz losing 25 hp and 5% dmg was hardly the needed nerf
josh___something: Fun fact: pre nerf, hela could 2-shot you with her primary if she hit one headshot
josh___something: 25 hp, and losing a comfy 2 shot is a pretty big nerf... But not big enough
AugmentingPath: Ben just ruining that iron man's life
darkcyril: That Iron Man is just blind to Ben, lol
BrowneePointz: their loki is also really good
BrowneePointz: Nah, IM can't really do much to her except burn E and right click @darkcyril
josh___something: Thor loki hela is also a NASTY teamup
BrowneePointz: Yea Thor/Loki and that Hella is legit good
darkcyril: @BrowneePointz Yeah, he ain't even attempting that though.
josh___something: Hela getting a kill rezzes loki and thor (or gives them shields)
likelyDangerous: @josh___something yea I could definitely understand then being careful not to run her into the ground, hopefully more adjustment in mid season patch
darkcyril: Also, is it just me or did they crank up the SFX on Iron Man's jets for this season?
likelyDangerous: same with Hawkeye as well
mrbuzzfuzz: noooo
BrowneePointz: That is a REALLY good Hela. Jesus
GedankenPalast_: So close
josh___something: Travis Willingham Thor, my beloved
GedankenPalast_: Hela good player
darkcyril: James with the SVP though, lol
sexy Travis Willingham as Thor 
BrowneePointz: New Map!
hiFunko: Best player on the team that didn't win
RandomTrivia: secondmost
BrowneePointz: Losing Team MVP
AugmentingPath: MVP but lost
dm818: MVP on losing team
gamercat88: silly vp
darkcyril: Yeah, MVP for losing side.
xVoxtric: Sorta Valuable Player
Stupid sexy Travis Willingham 
darkcyril: Second
adept_nekomancer: Somewhat valuable player
Darleysam: scrub
hiFunko: Sexiest
josh___something: Super?
Vandristine: Silly
omdorastrix: The Slightly-Less Valuable PLayer
AugmentingPath: SLoser
e_bloc: shittiest but still valuable player
LowUpsideCJ: Somewhat
Kuhfeek: Sally
BrowneePointz: Raccoon Punisher is VERY good
josh___something: Thor is my personal fav
Fanklok: What if Punisher had infinite ammo?
LPS_97: Racoon Punisher & Winter Soldier
josh___something: Rocket raccoon GAMING!!!!
BrowneePointz: Also Rocket's Cowboy skin looks SO COOL
Ben are you gonna dress up as Jeff for Halloween? 
josh___something: Midtown is... Long
josh___something: So much walking back
LowUpsideCJ: It's not called goodtown
LemonOnRye: herbie fully loaded payload
BrowneePointz: Rocket's Mobility as a healer is GROSS
BrowneePointz: he gets wall climb and TWO medium range dashes
Texan_Reverend subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Texan_Reverend! (Today's storm count: 23)
josh___something: Rocket's weapon having a 10m falloff is tragic, but boy does he shred up close
Izandai: Rocket is a healer?
BrowneePointz: Yep!
Izandai: Weird.
BrowneePointz: he has an armor pack deployer/one free rez
Lysander_salamander: I never liked that Junkertown map because it was so easy to keep people locked at spawn
BrowneePointz: his right click is bouncing heal orbs
LPS_97: also one of the drops from his spawn beacon makes him, or anybody that touches it, jumps really high no?
darkcyril: @Izandai Strategist. I know it's a bit semantic, but it is an important distinction.
josh___something: Serge! That's copyright! That's black widow
BrowneePointz: You can call him a healer
BrowneePointz: every strategist has heals
RandomTrivia: Oh wow Rocket's mobility IS busted
BrowneePointz: even Ultron has heals (when he comes out)
Izandai: @darkcyril Sure. I just think it's weird he has a heal.
josh___something: Rocket is squirrely in the right hands
BrowneePointz: yea rocket's mobility is *fucked* as a healer
josh___something: Combined with the smol hitbox
RandomTrivia: Wait the hitboxes match the sprites?
RandomTrivia: I thought we learned that lesson from Oddjob
darkcyril: @Izandai Eh, not every kit can be a DPS.
LowUpsideCJ: You got credit in my heart ben
Izandai: @darkcyril Obviously, but I would expect Rocket Raccoon's to be.
BrowneePointz: yea, Rocket Ult plus team Up zone makes Punisher a Railgun and it's HILARIOUS
mrbuzzfuzz: dont forget you have rockets Ben haha
AugmentingPath: Rocket's sage advice to punisher: try shooting
josh___something: To be fair, rocket's big downside is the lack of defensive ult
BrowneePointz: and God if you have a Winter SOldier who's good and are rocket?
BrowneePointz: Flarkin
BrowneePointz: he said Flarkin
darkcyril: "Flarkin'"
josh___something: Flarkin
LPS_97: Flarkin
30teracyte: yeah its the gotg pseudoswear
josh___something: Legally distinct swearing
Robot_Bones: Uh yeah, they do that now
darkcyril: The only character who has a bleeped out line is actually Jeff.
SpleenLord subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 98 months!
LPS_97: also known as venom
Thanks for subscribing, SpleenLord! (Today's storm count: 24)
Ravynn: Lol, listening to Serge talk about marvel IPs is hilarious
CaptainSpam: Smegging legally distinct swearing...
LowUpsideCJ: I didn't let my baby play overwatch because I care about mental health
NightValien28: good call serge
AugmentingPath: Denom
RandomTrivia: So is that distinct from a *flerken*?
drewm1022: That's Venom's new tagline. "Venom, the DIVING DEMON THING"
Fanklok: Yeah Iron Man says shit like 5 seconds into an avengers movie
BrowneePointz: but yea he says Flarkin
itira: gosh darn ding dang eh
BrowneePointz: which is the GotG Pseudoswear
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Laserbeaks_Fury: Pig Win
Darleysam: James Returner
7gorobei: #good work James
BusTed: holy shit
AutonomousTurtle: Tanks don't get MVP
AutonomousTurtle: that's for DPS
LowUpsideCJ: My experience with matchmaking in this game is that one team always has a super fun type game
LPS_97: unless you're a good Peni on Domination
AugmentingPath: woo


Tiber727: I'm surprised to Rivals on Monday. I'm not surprised to see Adam playing Magneto.

mrbuzzfuzz: ahahah

BrowneePointz: I've had some very good back and forth games

BrowneePointz: and I've got like 50 hours put in already
SquareDotCube: 230... grams!
josh___something: If you're a solo tank, pretty sure you get more points towards MVP
Thefluffiestguineapig: Master of Magnetism
TehAmelie: the man of steel, if you will
7gorobei: the ferro father
Lysander_salamander: oh boy
Lysander_salamander: wow
Holy shit

Thefluffiestguineapig: Is James finally back to his true form with the bow and arrow?
itira: OOF
gamercat88: omg
marxmarksman: Salty Serge
MajorFrostbyte: Burn
circusofkirkus: GODDAM
BrowneePointz: and that's why Serge never plays Snipers

50keyz: serge after dark
Izandai: Is he wrong???
micalovits: Was, he dead now
Earthenone: someone call R
Darleysam: hello HR?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Snerge in the house
spo8n: snerge strikes again
e_bloc: thats your ex-friend
IsSecretlyPaul: toxic serge once more
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does Ian need some ice for the burn

RandomTrivia: Snerge has shown up to work today
circusofkirkus: Trackball headshots incoming
Thefluffiestguineapig: He uses a track ball, right?
LPS_97: So Ian has aim assist then
Mazrae: is Serge playing or is Snerge playing tonight
AugmentingPath: Ian playing with the steering wheel
hieroglyphica: Snerge always comes outta NOWHERE
BrowneePointz: oh that's a moon knight with the ranked skin
TehAmelie: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always tired.
Fanklok: Serge plays Storm for 2 hours and this happens
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hieroglyphica Snerge is like the RKO, it's never truly expected
AutonomousTurtle: @LPS_97 I think only if he's on console.
Fanklok: Blackwidow is also not allowed to one shot anybody
mrbuzzfuzz: love starlord, they took tracer and made em fun
BrowneePointz: God I love Namor
Lysander_salamander: Oh, they have Namor in this game too?
Lysander_salamander: neat
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok Why? Does she only get 70% the damage of her male coworkers?
LPS_97: @AutonomousTurtle I thought it was input based, not platform based. Few games does this on PC
e_bloc: don't pass the ankh
BrowneePointz: Yea Namor is incredibly good at point control
Duwani1: needs more jeff
Fanklok: @thefluffiestguineapig good enough explanation
josh___something: That sure was a lot of Q pressing
BrowneePointz: yea those are Namor turrets
AutonomousTurtle: @LPS_97 I'm not 100% sure, but I believe it's platform based.

LowUpsideCJ: The precise enunciation of peter quill got me
Izandai: Serge
mrbuzzfuzz: love a good star lord
Izandai: oh my god
You survived for so long 
glyndev: You did a good job dodging until he used his "I don't have to aim" button

BrowneePointz: soldier 76 ult

BrowneePointz: his e is a mini reaper ult
Vandristine: Spiderman ult and Star Lord has a tiny one
BrowneePointz: AND s76 ult
Fanklok: Starboard is also a yapper
BrowneePointz: he has reaper AND 76 ults
Fanklok: Man does not know how to be quiet
TehAmelie: well, they are both called Peter
josh___something: It has half the dps, but
darkcyril: Though Starlord's Ult is also and "I don't have to aim, I just have to look in your general direction" button.
darkcyril: To be fair
KeytarCat: uppies~!
josh___something: Yeah, starlord haa 76 ult (with flying)
RandomTrivia: WHAT
marxmarksman: It's wild that you get to keep your ult between matches.
BrowneePointz: the thing is, he's tracer
BrowneePointz: with those abilities
josh___something: It regularly gets triples
BrowneePointz: and is made of PAPER
AutonomousTurtle: This game is much more ult-focused than OW.
LowUpsideCJ: I do not have a highlight from starlord that isn't ult lol
LPS_97: that with Mantis's boost is insane
josh___something: OW was pretty ult focused
LemonOnRye: mag ult can eat about two reloads of the quill ult
BrowneePointz: probably full starlord e channel
Fanklok: Destroying the ankhs is everyone's responsibility which means it's no one's responsibility
Laserbeaks_Fury: GRAVITY SQUEEZE
DrLigmaPhD: Right, mutants were immortal for a bit
neisan2112: Who is Serge playing?
Mazrae: it sounds like moon knight it saying the "Ahnk honk shoo"
josh___something: Technically, anyone who can see the anhk is the person responsible for killing it
zombub: Is this the LRR esports team?
josh___something: Starlord is
BrowneePointz: you win some, you get crushed some. dat's the comp shooter life
Lobo_Apache: Starlord just seems unfun to play against
josh___something: Starlord is incredibly squishy
darkcyril: He has some counters, but yeah, a good Star-Lord is a fucking menace.
BrowneePointz: @Lobo_Apache he's not super squirrely like Spiderman or IF
BrowneePointz: he's slower, and made of paper
BrowneePointz: but if you have no cc/pin down he can WRECK your back line @Lobo_Apache
Mr_Horrible: he's on that Gregneto
josh___something: Get him without his dodges or rocket boots, and he's ded
mrbuzzfuzz: thats how I feel all around with MR, its so unbalanced that its usually a one sided win
TehAmelie: what i'm hearing is Starlord is Bastion
Blakemcm: Magneto Goated
glyndev: That's why he's the goat
I would argue Doreen is the most squirrely hero 
MacbethSeemsSus: I think I've recognized every voice actor so far.
Duwani1: hey cython
30teracyte: magneto's a menace on highway onramps
josh___something: Counterpicking is for ranked
RandomTrivia: Adam "Marisa" Savidan over here
Fanklok: I think Squirrel Girl has the best voice lines. VA absolutely had the time of their life
hieroglyphica: Magneto? Doesn't zipper
LowUpsideCJ: Avoid the heavy when the medic pops uber
dm818: It does let you learn the champs
drewm1022: Hard slam one champion until there's a spider, got it.
Bruceski: It's like the advice for Root of "pick one faction, learn how to win with them."
Anonyman41: Lopunny?
Fanklok: Try characters till you find the one you like
Laserbeaks_Fury: "I'm fairly competent at a task I can complete!"
Blakemcm: it captures faster with more people on it right?
Duwani1: moon knight is a monster
BrowneePointz: yea the only big counter thing is if they have a flier, you might want a hitscan champ
josh___something: DA MOON haunts you
BrowneePointz: besides that, not AS important until you know matchups/are comfortable
josh___something: Moon knight ult got gigabuffed and is silly
glyndev: Moon's haunted
thavleifrim: moon's haunted? i didn't know this was destiny
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, I saw Marc's ass one, it still haunts me...
LowUpsideCJ: Nice of them to ignore ben
Pywodwagon: their strategy of ignoring the ranged character is going well
darkcyril: Wait wait wait, MK's right click bounces too?!?
TehAmelie: by the power of the moon, Ben will punish em
Anonyman41: @Blakemcm no, but payload moves faster with up to 3 people on it
gamercat88: damn ben
AugmentingPath: That's peak ankhuracy
DrLigmaPhD: You can tell Been is having fun when he Goofy laughs
Blakemcm: @Anonyman41 got it thanks!
josh___something: Ankh lmao
MajorFrostbyte: Ben just mooning the whole other team
Blakemcm: whats this autoaim character?!?!?
RandomTrivia: Holy shit that was incredible
Lysander_salamander: I like how the cover shifts around on this map
BrowneePointz: They kept running to the same chokepoint Serge
Mazrae: the triple
LPS_97: they are not shooting the damn ankh
glyndev: There's your highlight lol
BrowneePointz: so he was getting FREE Ricochets
mrbuzzfuzz: amazing ahahah
lordveus: Jeez, I didn't realize Moon Knight was that lethal.
underhill33: god damn dude

Laserbeaks_Fury: Ankh if your horny!
BrowneePointz: Oh yea. 3 autos in ankh range kills you
BrowneePointz: unless you're tank
josh___something: If you are within that radius with moon knight looking at you... You are DED
Blakemcm: ketamine batman
thavleifrim: @lordveus he will annihilate a team that doesn't respond to ankhs
BrowneePointz: I mean, that's why he was created
raulghoulia: Marvel has like 3 or 4 Batmen
groulux: This is so much not my style of game but watching you all play is super fun.
Sethalidos: Crazy Steve
RandomTrivia: Oscar Isaac did an amazing job
TehAmelie: how did they convince Punisher to only use knockout bullets, i wonder
BrowneePointz: Moon Knight was literally created because Marvel went "Batman has a host of trauma they don't talk about. So let's talk about it"
likelyDangerous: hey everyone, what would you call it if batman skipped church?
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: I wish I had a pocket Jeff, just a little Jeff to hang out in my pocket
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LowUpsideCJ: will gamers look up this round
darkcyril: Unfortunately, a lot of his early issue stuff Moon Knight was also a "less interesting Batman"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SarkhanGluedBackTogether Dude I want a pocket Jeff so bad
I'm usually pretty good at popping ahnks. Then again, I usually play as Magneto, so I eat a crapton of damage 
BrowneePointz: and yes a lot of Early/bad era MK was hee hee hoo hoo isn't Mental Illness funny
BrowneePointz: and then the writers got better
josh___something: Groot+Jeff is such a silly teamup
goombalax: man team comms in this game seems OP
LPS_97: did their Groot block their cloak and dagger?
josh___something: DAVMOON
darkcyril: @BrowneePointz Just like Malice (and Hank Pym)... ah, the 80s.
rosesmcgee: Have you heard the good news? About the moon?
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
itira: Hey Ben, did you know? the moon HaUnTs YoU??
raulghoulia: love that Magik skin
BrowneePointz: i didn't even see magik blink
TehAmelie: reGroot
BrowneePointz: jesus
LowUpsideCJ: man knows what he's about
the point is now the secondary objective 
BrowneePointz: Nah, whatever character you like sucks
Anonyman41: jeffs a monster and i love him
NightValien28: what is with jeff hate, he is cute
thavleifrim: how can you hate jeff he's so cute
likelyDangerous: @rosesmcgee is it haunting me?
BrowneePointz: I only say this cuz I'm a Jeff Main
Robot_Bones: *Grabs gun* Moons Honkin
AugmentingPath: he's finding himself on a gap year
josh___something: He's cute... But he's a lil shit to kill
Laserbeaks_Fury: crap, thats a good Magik
lamina5432: evening hows the night been
Vandristine: Yeah a Magik who quick autos is a good one
goombalax: magik is so lethal
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
goombalax: as Wolverine magik is the character I have the most trouble 1v1
rosesmcgee: @likelyDangerous The secret is out
lordveus: It's about where you aim when you spit it out, as Jeff.
darkcyril: Yeah, he can spit. Kamikaze Jeff is largely a meme.
30teracyte: jumping off as jeff helps when you swallow characters that can fly or jump up
josh___something: That was a clutch Jeff ult
BrowneePointz: That Jeff Ult was Clutch
BrowneePointz: Storm's ult is more bullshit
josh___something: But also... Fuck jeff
mrbuzzfuzz: Adam Jeff Halloween costume is a must hahaah
ragnarhedin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
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BrowneePointz: Iron Fist gets wall run Serge
Anonyman41: spitting straight down makes it hard to get back in time for most characters unless the player is really tuned in
Vandristine: Ult percentage stays
Muddy_Thunder: Jeff main btw, that little cute shark rules
TehAmelie: Wolverine was always weak against small girls
BrowneePointz: it halves
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: I thought it dropped by half
josh___something: Anyone with an omni directional dash can save themselves from jeff spit
BrowneePointz: when you swap
LPS_97: yeah no if you swap you go to 50
Vandristine: Wait does it drop now it didnt season 1
josh___something: It maxes at 50 I think
TehAmelie: if he was in The Ring he'd be super dead
Vandristine: *season 0
BrowneePointz: it dropped in season 0 Van
AutonomousTurtle: it dropped to 50 in season 0
Vandristine: I have never seen it drop percentage
thavleifrim: sword white ninja homie was great in the comics
Vandristine: Feels like a mandela thing, my bad then
Larkonus: Good 'ol Fister Mantastic.
imagine a judge not recognising Magik 
JKBalch: Magic got me, well this is the premier MRG PPR channel
goombalax: Magik the Stabenning
darkcyril: @thavleifrim A lot of people give Frank Miller guff for bringing them in, but honestly, it was needed.
BrowneePointz: Also yea if you're healin you should try out Invisible Woman, she's INCREDIBLY strong right now
DrLigmaPhD: Shark fin soup is on the menu
LowUpsideCJ: zac ult?
josh___something: Invisible woman is stronk, but IIRC she takes a bit to get used to
BrowneePointz: Basically. 3 bounces and gets more if he keeps getting hits
Vandristine: Mister Fantastic is kinda like Zac
BrowneePointz: Yea she's really powerful but her boomerang autos are a lil weird
Vandristine: he has Zac Q
Toxxick: Zaccy D. Luffy
TehAmelie: funny, Invisible Woman always did used to swing between ornamentation and one of the most powerful heroes in the verse depending on who's writing her
Robot_Bones: Honkin Squeakin Moon Knight
Mister fantastic is hot... That's the best thing I can say about his kit 
josh___something: (he's mediore)
Vandristine: to be fair people said Wolverine was bad week 1 and 2
BrowneePointz: @TehAmelie she has a push/pull, great shields and invis, AND her autos are boomerangs that damage and heal at the same time
darkcyril: I had more fun with Reed than I thought I would. Granted, it was one game that I was forced to play for season mission.
likelyDangerous: @josh___something I find him fun to play, he just needs a damage buff to his ult pretty bad
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hello all
Vandristine: I think Fantastic gets better with rank
josh___something: I've been locking in mister fantastic since he came out, but... Ugghhhhh
goombalax: @Vandristine they just didn't know how to play him, he's been good the entire time ive been playing
thavleifrim: @josh___something he's pretty good if you can keep high uptime on his tank form but it takes some practice
thedepthandbreadthofseth: How are all the superfollk doing this evening?
josh___something: He needs some numbers
pegfiryoffline: Hi
rosesmcgee: Psychological warfare
pegfiryoffline: Is he live
BrowneePointz: Mr Fantastic is also a much higher skill floor duelist
gamercat88: yeah ben
likelyDangerous: @vandristine yea having skill makes him better but his ult is weak and there's just better options
BrowneePointz: he is not the easiest hero to use
Vandristine: Fantastic Ult is just for spacing
TehAmelie: i'd imagine at launch Wolverine would be very popular with a certain segment of players who'd also assume he's invincible
goombalax: highlights 3 weeks long
BrowneePointz: "Does anyone know where the bathroom is..."
glyndev: I really thought it would be the anhk triple
josh___something: Reed is cool, and I've been definitely trying to make it work... But it's a strugglebus
BrowneePointz: "Where is Dracula, that goddamned Vampire owes me money"
josh___something: And also, his ult is butts
Fanklok: Moon Knight thinks he's the coolest guy in the room
BrowneePointz: well
BrowneePointz: Jake does
BrowneePointz: Marc Doesn't
BrowneePointz: Mr Knight Might
darkcyril: lol
TehAmelie: i think the line is something like "Dracula, you goddamn nerd, where's my money?"
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BrowneePointz: They reference it this season in a lore blurb @TehAmelie
darkcyril: @TehAmelie It's a meme panel, but yes.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz Jake and Doom have similar self confidence/arrogance levels
BrowneePointz: cuz this Season is about Dracula blacking out the sun
josh___something: Wasn't that panel an edi- yeah
darkcyril: Same with the "solid dick" panel that gets passed around so often.
BrowneePointz: Moon Knight DID break into avengers tower cuz someone owed him money though
goombalax: the one with punisher is real tho
BrowneePointz: and Luke Cage broke into Latveria cuz Doom didn't pay him
darkcyril: That was unironically a banger of an opening arc for Luke
BrowneePointz: like, people think Moon Knight is a joke
BrowneePointz: they forget he was an *incredibly gifted mercernary* before the incident
BrowneePointz: and afterwards has a *considerable* amount of mystical knowledge
Vandristine: to be fair marvel rivals moon knight does say Dracula owes him money
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Vandristine: Im just said he doesnt say: "Why do I hear Eminem?" if there is a Venom on the enemy team
darkcyril: Yeah, when I say that Moon Knight started out as a "less interesting Batman" it wasn't because of *what* he was doing. Man was taking down international terror orgs.
lordveus: Welcome back
Vandristine: *sad
RandomTrivia: lrrWow

Fanklok: Always SVP never the MVP
BrowneePointz: Invisible Woman is very good Nelly
BrowneePointz: and Mantis
hiFunko: Mantis goated
josh___something: Jeff
goombalax: Jeff Jeff Jeff
josh___something: Jefffffff
Muddy_Thunder: Jeff
LemonOnRye: jeff, commit tax fraud
Vandristine: Loki is the hardest healer so far
lordveus: I enjoy Mantis, but it's a very aggro approach to healer.
Muddy_Thunder: Jeff rules
circusofkirkus: Adam is going to team kill you nelly
Lysander_salamander: maybe I should try this
BrowneePointz: yea Mantis and Luna were the most played in Season 0 Comp
Lysander_salamander: Is it on steam?
BrowneePointz: and IW released VERY strong Nelly
Vandristine: yeah
hiFunko: Loki is probably too fiddly for new healers
josh___something: The reverse teamup
darkcyril: Steam, Epic, PS5, and X-Box
We love Jeff 
BrowneePointz: Loki is hard to use but has great potential
lordveus: How 'safe' do you want to be is a big question for playign support, imo.
goombalax: Loki is very 4D chess
Lysander_salamander: is there crossplay?
LPS_97: yes
MWGNZ: game technically runs on steamdeck too
RandomTrivia: Ian, we invoke your name!
BrowneePointz: can you show off the battlepass skins at all?
Robot_Bones: That machine is only built for yakuza

Fanklok: It definitely has nothing to do with Linux

circusofkirkus: do it Ian
BrowneePointz: a pro of going Jeff Nelly is his team up with Luna is good
BrowneePointz: it gives Jeff a SHIT ton of damage
Darleysam: that's because you can only play games from 10 years ago
Spukhafte: Join us! Join the Linux gamers!
Vandristine: need Namor for the extra goober
Spukhafte: There's dozens of us!
circusofkirkus: Linux has gotten loads better for gaming
Lysander_salamander: oh, a skate park
transcoder_: so, Marvelwatch
RandomTrivia: Of course Adam doesn't get a boost, it's Shark Jeff not Otaku Jeff
CaptainSpam: Valve's done a lot for Linux compatibility. It's incredible.
TehAmelie: i know about the 2099 timeline but i'd like to think "Tokyo 2099" is just a city in the present day
darkcyril: You do in Comp.
BrowneePointz: You do in Comp
BrowneePointz: Comp you have to do both sides
TehAmelie: maybe they made 2098 backup Tokyos
Lysander_salamander: nice
Vandristine: Moon Knight: "Why do I hear Eminem?"
Blakemcm: we are scary
darkcyril: Lore accurate Venom response.
josh___something: That happens in ranked
BrowneePointz: Oh yea do NOT stand by Groot Walls
Vandristine: 19 inches of Venom
BrowneePointz: he gets additional attacks if he hits you by them
Gekyouryuu: OH, this is the same map as the tutorial
BrowneePointz: yep Shin-Shibuya @Gekyouryuu
BrowneePointz: there's Shin-Shibuya and Spider-Islands for Tokyo 2099
LowUpsideCJ: Good luck rivals I gotta go cook dinner
LPS_97: good hitbox
GedankenPalast_: Is that "spring sound" the death sound effect?
BrowneePointz: Zarya ult
BrowneePointz: with a small dot I think
Laserbeaks_Fury: I am Root
GrassVortex: @GedankenPalast_ it is the "critical health" sound
Robot_Bones: The Groot is coming from inside the house
TehAmelie: that was the best use of a voice line i've seen since Lautrec went "You leave me no choice" and immediately backflipped off a cliff
GasCityGaming: just got the hexa with Moonknight!
darkcyril: I hate that moment of "I have no memory of this place" when you capture a point while you're in respawn.
josh___something: Da mooooon
josh___something: Rip da moon
type_variable: thats rough buddy
Mazrae: there can only be one moon knight
googoltudoris subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
googoltudoris: man i miss when overwatch was good
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TheBehemothBarn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
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josh___something: Da moon
TehAmelie: sounds like Squirrel Girl
BrowneePointz: Yea she's Junkrat and very good against Tanks
Lobo_Apache: Serge same strength as Thanos confirmed
Xooszi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Xooszi: Yo! 62 months! Have a good stream, gamers
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darkcyril: Lore accurate Squirrel Girl honestly
Gekyouryuu: when you're best friends with rocket raccoon and you come out of the closet: "I am fruit."
thedepthandbreadthofseth: So, chat, who is this game missing in your humble opinions?
Fanklok: Squirrel Girl can only lose if it's funny
Gekyouryuu: Gwenpool
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Howard the duck?
TehAmelie: i wish they had the guts to use Rocket's catchphrase from the comic, "Blam! I murdered you!"
BrowneePointz: The game just came out and is adding 4 people in JUST season 1
BrowneePointz: with a dozen others datamined
darkcyril: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Colossus. Final answer.
BrowneePointz: it's not missing much
josh___something: Da moon honk shoo
Fanklok: Uhm Big Wheel???
Gekyouryuu: @darkcyril team synergy with Wolverine: Fastball Special
BrowneePointz: Hulk has the Fastball with wolverine
BrowneePointz: Thing probably will too
Lysander_salamander: the destructable terrain is interesting
Fanklok: See Nelson if your ult fucks up your own team it's funny so it's ok
josh___something: Hulk has fastball, it's very funny. It kills your wolverine so fast
lamina5432: any of the eternals in it?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Do we have nightcrawler? Black Cat? Anyone from the shiar empire?
josh___something: To be fair, I yeet my logan directly into the backline
darkcyril: Related, if anyone else here plays the new Marvel Multiverse TTRPG, they released a bunch of Marvel Rivals material last month for free on their website.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Trying to remember my 90s toons.
LiminalGoose subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
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josh___something: Da MOON
jayinthewater subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
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comrade_cards subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
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Gekyouryuu: silly idea: team synergy between Iron Man and Johnny Storm to make some kind of super flamethrowers. call it "Warm Machine"
TehAmelie: there's only room for one moon in this planetary system
Lysander_salamander: nice
BrowneePointz: current datamines are Ultron and Blade who have kits or models datamined, and then Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Hit Monkey, Angela Odinsdottir, Captain Marvel, The Hood(or Ghost Rider we aren't sure atm) and Deadpool
Lysander_salamander: yay
josh___something: MY GUYYY
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @gekyouryuu my brain is now playing Bush

josh___something: Tank MVP
BrowneePointz: and the main leaker/dataminer 2 days ago said Cyclops, Charles, Colossus, Paste Pot Pete, Locus and Jia Jing
RandomTrivia: I love Jeff's tongue hanging out the side like a silly little doggo
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
BrowneePointz: but of those, the first set is the ones more likely to be real
darkcyril: @BrowneePointz I can't wait for DP to be released and have 5 DPS attempt to autolock him every game.
GasCityGaming: does anyone know, can you earn the luxury battlepass for free?
seanmrwick: how are you liking Marvel Rivals, Bengineering?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Is there iceman? Mr Sinister?
BrowneePointz: cuz we have official Blade Art and Ultron's entire kit is datamined
AutonomousTurtle: @BrowneePointz Wow, they are going to make so much money selling skins for emma frost.
darkcyril: @GasCityGaming No. You earn about 66% of what you pay back if you complete it though.
BrowneePointz: and Ultron's kit looks SICK
josh___something: Marvel rivals is fun
josh___something: Gobermint name
BrowneePointz: also chat...Ultron is a *healer*
Thefluffiestguineapig: You govie?
Lysander_salamander: yay matchup
BrowneePointz: I cannot stress how cool taht's goign to be
BrowneePointz: Troll Bot is a HEALER
seanmrwick: heck yeah! I kind of got away from Overwatch for a long time so seeing this as an "overwatch successor" looks pretty satisfying
Thefluffiestguineapig: *your govie
BrowneePointz: Nelson, aim her autos near the ground for quick boomerangs
Everyone says Invisible Woman is a great healer, but I just can't see it. 
lordveus: Some characters just never melee, heh.
BrowneePointz: if you want to max heals/dps
NamesAreSilly: @Laserbeaks_Fury boo
darkcyril: @seanmrwick I *hate* hero shooters. But I'm loving this game. Part of that is the IP I'm sure. But I feel like I'm learning even when I'm getting stomped.
Fanklok: Champions?
volraths_bane: Pro-tip. Use Sue's default skin to avoid distraction.
seanmrwick: @darkcyril that's understandable
SquareDotCube: I dunno, I feel like sprays are going the way of the dodo
Larkonus: Damn, Ben's good at finding firing angles.
BrowneePointz: Serge the webs give peni movement and bonus hp/regen
Fanklok: Generally if a character puts shit around the map, shoot it
BrowneePointz: and she can stealth her mines in them
Nickiatori: wait does scarlett witch have a moira/symetra lock on beam?
BrowneePointz: yes she has Moira Succ
seanmrwick: @Nickiatori I was thinking the same thing
Gekyouryuu: if he uses Punisher's turret to destroy terrain, is that James and the Giant Breach?
googoltudoris: james and the giant peach meet james and his little fukken turret
Nickiatori: oh shoot i didnt know that, as a Moira main on OW I might have to play some Scarlet Witch
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Moira McTarget? The human with no powers or combat skills?
josh___something: Dagger's autos also lock on
Laserbeaks_Fury: Isn't Moria actually an omega level mutant?
josh___something: Texhnically
BrowneePointz: uhhh
BrowneePointz: yea Moira is an omega level mutant
seanmrwick: @Laserbeaks_Fury yes?
Fanklok: Very good accessibility of them to put in characters that aim for you
TheAwkes: Ben just keeping it going on the cleanup crew out here.
josh___something: The melee heros are also good for low accuracy gaming
BrowneePointz: oh yea for the other folks that aren't Ben/Adam, stay in IW's circle. it stealths the whole team(and gives healing)
Gekyouryuu: what does Scarlet Witch's Ult do?
BrowneePointz: massive aoe on a delay
Fanklok: Kills people
micalovits: Murder everyone
BrowneePointz: it's Dva nuke
The_Color_Twelve: dva ult
Fanklok: I think it's called Erasure?
Laserbeaks_Fury: "It's HIGH RUNE!"
josh___something: PUUUURE
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Ok, they rewrote her in 2019.
TehAmelie: if we can see Sue's invisible fields, does that mean the players are actually the readers?
Lysander_salamander: dang
josh___something: Reality erasure, I think?
Mazrae: that charge up for the ult seems brutal
josh___something: Invisible woman is neat, but also hard
type_variable: cant believe ben doesnt mplay magick
hiFunko: Sounds like he's getting paid 1 free pizza every 6 orders
BrowneePointz: it's the Royal Palace Serge
We're in a bedroom for the proper reasons 
Lysander_salamander: the fan-artists are enjoying this game
Fanklok: Honestly based of Nicole
micalovits: Yea, he was on a Magic stream just this friday!
Gekyouryuu: @micalovits I forgot Magik was a character in this and was going to say
BrowneePointz: Ben means you've fought a lot of folks who counter Magik
Mazrae: 1hp is not 0hp
josh___something: Thor gains 100 shields whenever he uses an ability
BrowneePointz: Magik's downside is she's slow as fuuuuuuuuck and on long sightline maps she has no in
TehAmelie: fan artists should have fun, from what i've seen of the character designs they have a bad case of same face that could be improved
josh___something: (200 if he uses his self buff)
josh___something: DA MOON
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, I need to watch comic characters doing silly stuff so my eyes get a break from studying instruments
Fanklok: Serge you can't call everyone an idiot
TehAmelie: damn, the moon IS haunted
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok But Snerge can
Gekyouryuu: Serge, the official term is "Random Bull Shit Go."
Laserbeaks_Fury: Moonerabgs
Lysander_salamander: maybe I should watch the Moon Knight show
BrowneePointz: Peni Parker, but close
ArmstrongRGM96X: Wouldn't be the first Marvel game they almost put Samus in
josh___something: Peni parker, aka Samus
googoltudoris: i keep expecting to hear "nerf this!" or "it's high non!"
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Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie And it's haunted by different things in different subseries so you can select the type of haunting you want!
Athelgar: "random b*&&$h!t, Go!"
BrowneePointz: More like Samus Araña
Fanklok: I don't fully understand how Penni fits in her robot
Fanklok: There's nowhere fir her legs to go
Tiber727: Overwatch kinda has legally distinct Samus.
Laserbeaks_Fury: the vertical tolerance is super low
BrowneePointz: It's why Storm's ult is bullshit
Lysander_salamander: don't even worry about physics in this comic book game
BrowneePointz: she can ult and is on the ground so she can ult the team AND cap the point
AugmentingPath: controlled flight into terrain
BrowneePointz: at the SAME TIME
josh___something: FEAR MAGNETO
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz I feel like someone on the gameplay design team has a hard on for her, same way the one guy in charge of pokemon card design said explicitly the reason there are so many versions of Gengar is he likes gengar
Mazrae: Ben, how is the kitty doing
Laserbeaks_Fury: Weird, I was always told the Klyntar was a myth.
josh___something: Magik >:D
BrowneePointz: Most Spacemen can't find it
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mazrae And is kitty running more dog.exe
dm818: This is a Magik stream now?
BrowneePointz: she's COlossus baby sister
darkcyril: Well there ya go.
Lysander_salamander: that sword is big enough to be a sheild
Gekyouryuu: she's Colossus' sister, iirc
RandomTrivia: The Friday Night Paper Fight has come early this week
Thefluffiestguineapig: She's an X-man technically
TehAmelie: the same way John Byrne had a perpetual crush on Storm?
darkcyril: And Queen of Limbo
BrowneePointz: Limbo
Jadaris: unexpected LRRMTG
BrowneePointz: well, she's from Russia
Laserbeaks_Fury: Does this qualify for LRRMTG now?
BrowneePointz: which is KINd of hell
Thefluffiestguineapig: She also is the queen of limbo
googoltudoris: looking forward to the highlight reel on the lrrmtg youtube channel!
Thefluffiestguineapig: She kicked one of the Marvel devils out of limbo
Lysander_salamander: wasn't she in Xcalibur for a while?
Laserbeaks_Fury: I mean, she comes from Russia, she just works in Limbo
Fanklok: She's a mutant, and she has demon powers
ThirdGames: Magik was great in that Midnight Suns game.
SkiaSymphonia: @Fanklok that doesn't narrow it down that much tbh
lordveus: It's -a- hell. There's like a few dozen of them in Marvel..

Thefluffiestguineapig: @ThirdGames Yes, that depiction of Magik was very good
BrowneePointz: wow that was a lot of mines

Mai_Andra: She was in the New Mutants movie that did actually release (and will never have sequels...)
Laserbeaks_Fury: Do you think we'll get Pixie for some Soulsword Sister team-up

Psyneros47: The only reason I know of the character was because she was portrayed by Anya Taylor Joy in a film. I can’t remember the movie, but I remember seeing clips online.
BrowneePointz: yea Anya Taylor-Joy played her
TehAmelie: from anything i've seen on Limbo, it's not even any kind of afterlife. just a dimension with demons
josh___something: James Buchanan Barnes down
BrowneePointz: and they wasted Sunspot and Wolfsbane in the same movie
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SkiaSymphonia *Pushes glasses through bridge of nose* I think her mutant powers made her compatible with the powers one of the Marvel kings of hell wanted in a warrior/assassin so they took her and the hell powers are a more conditioned thing. But it's always possible I'm misremembering because it's complicated and she understandably doesn't like discussing her time in Limbo
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, her mutant power is making portals to and from Limbo
BrowneePointz: her power is making portals in and out of limbo
josh___something: Or kill the wanda
darkcyril: Stepping Discs
ArdCollider: demon sorceress/ mutant teleporter/ kitty pryde girlfriend/ you know how it is
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz The entire movie turned into a trash fire because they filmed it as a horror movie, either initial screenings or the money people saw it and said "fuck that" and edited it into something that made no sense and didn't really use the powers of the mutants in the movie
josh___something: Peni with melee heroes
josh___something: Ughhhh
BrowneePointz: long story short, King of Limbo Belasco abucted her as a child and raised her to be a successor
Laserbeaks_Fury: Fun Fact: Katherine Pryde has dated 3 Peters
Fanklok: AGAIN
ArdCollider: should've done a full-roto Demon Bear New Mutants movie right out the gate
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz Then she kicked his ass and now she's the queen and he can't go back into Limbo
BrowneePointz: she eventually manifested her mutation and left but stayed Queen in absencia
TehAmelie: i liked the period when Magik inevitably turned more and more demon the more she had to use her powers. though of course that wasn't sustainable
BrowneePointz: that's Darkchilde
BrowneePointz: and her ult @TehAmelie
holidayMD: Magik is Colossus' Sister
the_boat_guy: ben stop carrying my god
ThePixelSavage: @holidayMD is that the big metal guy?
the_boat_guy: like if I can play scarlet half as good as ben i think I would be a god
holidayMD: Yes
BrowneePointz: their IW/luna are quite locked intoo
josh___something: Support ult cycling with those tanks, dang
jwholla: never play magic
BrowneePointz: or a cheeky Strange swap
BrowneePointz: and dropping a portal behind the point
BrowneePointz: Baxter Building
BrowneePointz: you're in the Baxter Building
BrowneePointz: god i'm a nerd
googoltudoris: learning more in five minutes of listening to adam than five years of playing overwatch
BrowneePointz: all these decades reading comics instead of important things >.>
TehAmelie: a building that's taller than Baxter's tail is long
Thefluffiestguineapig: To show my nerd even more I think she was kidnapped by whichever demon during an attack by the artificially manufactured soviet hero with the metal tentacles where it was claimed she was killed
TehAmelie: Omega Red
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie And his tail is the size of lesser cats (to quote a very old Feed Dump or Loading Time
goombalax: Ankh Ankh Ankh on woood
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie THANK YOU, my brain was only providing the names of different hemostats and I knew that was wrong
Fanklok: Adam is such a tactician
BrowneePointz: Ben shel lgamed the shit out of that
BrowneePointz: shell*
BrowneePointz: "which one. this one. nerd"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok His true calling is to be taskmaster
Lysander_salamander: think they'll introduce a Luke Cage so he can team up with Iron Fist?
thavleifrim: I lover serge's descriptions of characters
BrowneePointz: this isn't Danyy
BrowneePointz: it's Lin Lie
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was sad the Iron Fist show sucked so hard because I actually loved Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage
Lysander_salamander: yeah too bad about that
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean when you have the power of dragons imbued into your punches you do hit like a truck
thavleifrim: @Thefluffiestguineapig heres hoping Disney bring them back if daredevil does well for them
BrowneePointz: yep. Luna is one of the two people that counter IF
Thefluffiestguineapig: @thavleifrim I know they signed Charlie Cox to do more unspecified Daredevil stuff for a fact, the others no idea
BrowneePointz: airs in March
thavleifrim: @Thefluffiestguineapig yeah nothing is confirmed, just wishful thinking on my part




NightValien28: Ben, suppress your genji instincts
MajorFrostbyte: Get Frozen! Serge is Elsa
inputbeast97: Pop off genji
Thefluffiestguineapig: @thavleifrim That would require them to trust if they have something that is 3/4 extremely well received you can retcon the last bit and people will forgive you
Larkonus: Scanning the pages of the Darkhold? That seems... ill-advised.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Larkonus On a good day if you have the constitution of one of the Ghost Riders it's ill-advised
goombalax: look its either necessary or its a bad choice and whoever wins decides which
Mazrae: Ben did you disconnect from discord?
micalovits: 90% sure he did
NamesAreSilly: no icon when he speaks, so probably
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think that was the disconnect noise, yeah
neisan2112: I heard that and wondered
SkiaSymphonia: thought it was mine and was struggling to figure out what disconnected on my end
Thefluffiestguineapig: Boy discord is really messing up today (although part of that is Ian's tech issues)
inputbeast97: Idk whose worse doomfist or iron fist
YourGirlMandy: discord issue?
Larkonus: Yeah, seems like Discord is being really wonky today.
thavleifrim: @Thefluffiestguineapig if it's good people will forgive them, ironman 2 and 3 were both pretty poorly received, people still love tony stark
lamina5432: discordia has entered discord
circusofkirkus: solo Ben time
BrowneePointz: it is giving you the ping arrow on the right. maybe internet being goofy?
Fanklok: Discord biscord
Fanklok: This is solo q now
MajorFrostbyte: Adam: attack, attack, attack. I can fake him
gualdhar: Adam's saying Ben is amazing, simply the best
type_variable: haha serge surely did say something that could be meant as a double entendre haha
if he were here with us now, I'm sure Adam would be telling us that Magneto never yields 
MacbethSeemsSus: Adam’s saying “K Kona brother”
josh___something: "Your GOD is suffering!" Loki is such a dork
inputbeast97: Lower case c mode activated
dm818: I'm too old to play Magik
Thefluffiestguineapig: @thavleifrim Exactly, so if they went back with for example the new Miss Marvel in place of Iron Fist I think people would just be hyped
WitchyTQ: hodl on themm hop on call and type out the call outs
WitchyTQ: that'll help for sure
BrowneePointz: and knowing when to sweep and when to demon summon is hard
yikaiiiiii: what's his rank
inputbeast97: Was it hard to learn the abilities
Toxxick: @dm818 I just turned 31 and Im realizing im too old to play a lot of these games xD
goombalax: one thing about melee chars in this game is so many people can just escape for free
darkcyril: Yup. You just keep playing. And you learn.
Lysander_salamander: this is making me feel tempted to play
BrowneePointz: there's a couple that are very tricky
darkcyril: @Lysander_salamander do it do it do it
BrowneePointz: IW/Mr Fantastic and Iron Fist, and Spidey combos
Fanklok: Push the buttons till someone dies
Thefluffiestguineapig: @darkcyril That's what I'm doing with constructed MtG, currently banging my head against that stupid enchantment that makes player gain life when an opponent's creature enters and they enter tapped
Thefluffiestguineapig: Blame the tech
Fanklok: Do Loki clones charge Magik shield?
BrowneePointz: foot shot
BrowneePointz: body shot.
BrowneePointz: dead
josh___something: Love (Hate) hawkeye
MajorFrostbyte: Hawkeye slow but hits hard
Loki clones count for Bucky's ult 
BrowneePointz: at least he has to keep aiming to get full damage
goombalax: Hanjo
AutonomousTurtle: yeah, he got a nerf but is still very good
darkcyril: They gave him some damage falloff to force him to play more mid-range, yeah.
BrowneePointz: yea got a nerf. and unlike hanzo he has to keep aiming at a target to get full damage
Mai_Andra: a full dis-closure, if you will
darkcyril: It's to encourage people to play them for the team-ups.
darkcyril: Because they're the anchors
BrowneePointz: the team ups are good
BrowneePointz: but the Stat Buffs are dumb
BrowneePointz: they need to go
josh___something: They're definitely partially balanced around the stat buffs
circusofkirkus: "I have no discord and I must scream"
Lysander_salamander: is it stuck trying to update?
tragedyofhardin: call the rest on whatsapp or smth
Mai_Andra: does it still have something running in task manager?
Fanklok: Have Nicole text Adam your communiques
coachNelly: ONE MORE?
Seth_Erickson: Ah the classic
hiFunko: Sometimes it has another one buried in the full list, deep down
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: gotta end that process tree
jwholla: can you communicate via carrier pigeon to the rest of the crew?
circusofkirkus: TECH SUPPORT STREAM
Diabore: we dont need to tech test ben
TehAmelie: now i wonder how hard it would be for Paul to make a simple voice chat
@jwholla Can you iamagine the latency 
Fanklok: Hehe fool now I can hack you
josh___something: Backseat tech support chat. Love it
Uh oh 
circusofkirkus: ah that's your problem, you're running Windows
Blakemcm: right click end process tree

DiscordianTokkan: lol
RandomTrivia: Keystone located!
Lysander_salamander: that's a weird thing
Larkonus: Discord, now sponsored by Loki.
Diabore: you just had to show chat apparently
e_bloc: have you tried asking it nicely
type_variable: see he was lying before, when he had to show work its fine
Thefluffiestguineapig: While tech tries to get it's life together kitten?
josh___something: You killed the right one
ghyllnox: Yeah the one that uses the most resources is usually the one
RandomTrivia: Discord pls
BrowneePointz: right click shat and end process yapping
thavleifrim: the fastest way to fix a tech problem is to show someone else then it won't happen again
Mazrae: with how much discord is used, im surprised with how many issues it has from time to time
darkcyril: "Thank you. I have opened a ticket and will escalate your request."
BrowneePointz: chat*
Diabore: oh i think ive had that before, i had to wipe and reinstall it
7gorobei: whack a mole discord
TehAmelie: why didn't the greek gods simply end discord's process?
tragedyofhardin: have you tried turning it off then on again
googoltudoris: use the big end task button on the computer case
GedankenPalast_: I had a grey discord window for a few days.
Fanklok: If you want to tap out Ben I'm almost done work I can fill in
SquareDotCube: Time to break out the Ventrilo
GedankenPalast_: You can still use the web version
AutonomousTurtle: can you log into the web app?
circusofkirkus: TeamSpeak
tehfewl: dog stream
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie Are you kidding? Most of them are such dicks they would just laugh
Blakemcm: gotta win a round with in game text chat
darkcyril: @thavleifrim The number of times I've been on the phone with my ISP for DNS issues and it decides to come back on as soon as they answer the phone is too damn high.
I sense a Slack workaround 
circusofkirkus: everyone boot up Skype
Lobo_Apache: @circusofkirkus gotta find the old Ventrillo server
DeChunkandFriends: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:33:23.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Snake visit? I do love your snakes
GedankenPalast_: Mumble let's go
tragedyofhardin: time to bring back zoom
RandomTrivia: Ooh

7gorobei: open a steam friends chatroom
circusofkirkus: Dovin Baan
jwholla: you should veto that
RandomTrivia: Those thopters fly over and hit the backline
Fanklok: Penni and Namor kinda rock dive comps
AutonomousTurtle: I heard 1/1 poggers, which is not a good sign for the state of my brain
darkcyril: I want a stream of Serge naming all 35 characters on roster right now.
BartholemewTheKitten: I look forward to the LoadingReadyRivalling
googoltudoris: i'm sorry, the intergalactic empire of wakanda?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah!!!~!!!!!
e_bloc: and I'm all out of butts
circusofkirkus: Eat butts and kick nuts?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: she sounds...a bit tiny tina
Fanklok: Junk ratting it up
darkcyril: Chuck E Cheese franchised to Wakanda
RandomTrivia: Their power can be live
tehfewl: god that big fluffy tail
RandomTrivia: The tail is adorable and hilarious
Dog_of_Myth: @googoltudoris Multiverse
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Blakemcm: like junkrat
goombalax: Thunkrat
DiscordianTokkan: So bushy
SkylerRingtail: Oh. Found the furry character.
AutonomousTurtle: Trunkrat?
RandomTrivia: Adam, you'll find he can do this all day
niccus: jund krat
TehAmelie: don't we have a word for animatronic bands? like honky-tonk pianos?
googoltudoris: eyy gurl, what that tail do?
Lobo_Apache: This stream just got nutty!
SkylerRingtail: Exploding nuts seem dece
darkcyril: @googoltudoris Let's her jump reeeeeal high
Fanklok: Ben's rights are blasting all over the other team
TehAmelie: beavers use their tails to sit on. i bet hers is even more comfortable
Fanklok: Nuts
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SkylerRingtail deez nutz are dece (I just had to let it out)
3 tanks? Time for WOLVERINE 
josh___something: Awwww
darkcyril: 2.5 with Reed.
vinopinguino: loool
AutonomousTurtle: you monster
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: just yeet them off a cliff
vinopinguino: launched those squirrels into space
darkcyril: You Jeff'd the squirrels!
darkcyril: D:
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7 Squeakers
josh___something: Tippy toe is fine... Probably
micalovits: Squirrel can into space?
AutonomousTurtle: @darkcyril Can you do that on Twitch? I thought that was more of a Kick thing.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @micalovits Squirrel girl's squirrels can

Diabore: op: takes point, also op: doesnt stay on point
MajorFrostbyte: Yeet the squirrel!
josh___something: So long Tippy Toes, have fun eating nuts in space!
TehAmelie: they're not "her" squirrels, they're her friends!
darkcyril: I genuinely hope they don't do a whole lot of precarious balancing. Let things be broken as long as it's relatively equal across the characters.
thavleifrim: this zone is cool, the map destruction can be super impactful
darkcyril: Precarious isn't the right word, but I think you know what I mean.
TehAmelie: pedantic maybe?
TheHaCoFo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheHaCoFo! (Today's storm count: 36)
SkiaSymphonia: What does "[name] is one" mean?
Mai_Andra: granular?
josh___something: One hp
type_variable: @SkiaSymphonia one hit from death
josh___something: Aka Low HP
SkiaSymphonia: got it, ty ty
Mai_Andra: "1" means they're highest priority target
cool. appreciate it everyone 
josh___something: Seeing a rocket get melted by an autoaim attack... Breaks my heart everytiem
darkcyril: Ben, just for equal air time, you should probably Moon Knight ult off the edge of the waterfall here.
Larkonus: Serge is giving "Doesn't know anything's names so he makes them up on the fly" dad energy.
kireawolf: Can Nelly just rename all the heros for me? lol
AliceLovelin: Reason I didn't even try this game yet is that I'm TERRIBLE at aiming
Mai_Andra: What if all this time, Sue Storm is only "invisible" because she learned not to stand up?
josh___something: @alicelovelin good news, there are a lot of good melee and auto aim characters
thavleifrim: @AliceLovelin theres characters like scarlet witch you can play with minimal aiming
Critterbot: Niiiice!
AutonomousTurtle: yeah, there are a bunch of bad-aim-friendly characters


Lysander_salamander: yay
Diabore: coming back from lik20 to 99
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kireawolf It's one of the reasons I love Nelly on the Monikers streams, his no breath stream of consciousness trying to get the answers are so good
josh___something: Thor is my fav partially for the lax aiming
Fanklok: It's OK Serge lots of guys suffer from premature GG
It's got to feel so bad losing like that. 
darkcyril: You wanna take that again, Ian?
RandomTrivia: IAN
Dog_of_Myth: IAN
tragedyofhardin: uhh
josh___something: Sir
josh___something: IAN
DrLigmaPhD: Go on...
darkcyril: More dakka
josh___something: Punisher DOES have a shotgun
TehAmelie: virtually all the characters are faces, i just realized. are they gonna have a whole second game with the heels?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Where are my tiltyhouse emotes?? Damnit I didn't think my prime subscription had already rolled over
darkcyril: That is weird. It should have pulled him out of the highlight.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie Magneto, Doom and Punisher are all heels
DrLigmaPhD: Professor Unusual
BrowneePointz: @TehAmelie Comics don't really have the heels vs babyfaces vs face dynamics
TehAmelie: almost all
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: and everybody hates Jeff
josh___something: Does Venom count?
Lysander_salamander: wait what did he do now?
darkcyril: The typical Spider-Man experience.
e_bloc: get me pictures of spider-man behind me
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam's calls are so good
BrowneePointz: He web swung around the corner and insta died @Lysander_salamander
TehAmelie: get me pictures of Spider-Man on the point!
type_variable: adam is a semipro igl
BrowneePointz: So Ben, we're gonna get a JJJ card in Magic in like 7 months
darkcyril: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yeah, I'm taking notes.
BrowneePointz: They're auto turrets and way deadlier than you think
Why does adam hate Jeff and not Luna SNOW? 
BrowneePointz: if you play Namor on offensive you can put his turrets on the point and it's the FUNNIEST shit
Thefluffiestguineapig: @darkcyril If I ever get a job in urgent care or emergency vet med I would probably use some of these strategies for communication
Cap's One or Cap's Locked 
Fanklok: Thor is all "I'm barely injured" at 20%
josh___something: Those stupid squids... Ugh
TehAmelie: Namor is the one that's almost always a complete villain i guess
BrowneePointz: I thought Adam said Hot Guy
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz If they don't use the actor from the Sam Rami movies for the face model I will be disappointed
darkcyril: @Thefluffiestguineapig Honestly? I can see it.
Fanklok: Yeah Adam all the guys are hot
thavleifrim: as a healer there needs to be a penalty where people get banned from using the i need healing ping
BrowneePointz: @Thefluffiestguineapig JK SImmons
josh___something: Hela "Healing? Why would I need healing?!"
BrowneePointz: his name is Proteus
josh___something: W H A L E
BrowneePointz: Namor
RandomTrivia: Oh Serge
Dog_of_Myth: hahahaha
BrowneePointz: he's older than Aquaman
darkcyril: I laughed so fucking hard the first time I saw Namor's ult.
BrowneePointz: Namor is an Oooooooooooooold character
type_variable: serge fake fan
micalovits: Legally distinct Aquaman
ConspicuousCompiler: I just calm him The Deep
TehAmelie: Namor is sort of Aquaman, but also he has Superman's powers
MWGNZ: hes a sub and a mariner???
DrLigmaPhD: He's problematically in to Sue Storm
darkcyril: @BrowneePointz one of the true OGs.
BrowneePointz: Namor is from fucking 1939
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz Yes, he also embraced that because he later did the valve teeny portal VR thing as the founder of Aperture and was amazing
BrowneePointz: literal Marvel Comics #1
kireawolf: Not gonna lie I also thought that was Aquamen for a min
josh___something: Also the spiderman experience
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kireawolf I mean, that was the intention
knightWarrior82: @kireawolf fake fan
knightWarrior82: lol
TehAmelie: wait is Namor the king of Jeff?
Just have a terrible game until you get your ult 
BrowneePointz: Aquaman was in the old Super Friends cartoon and got in movies before Namor did
Lysander_salamander: I think Jeff is a space alien?
BrowneePointz: Namor is also an AntiHero through and Through
SkiaSymphonia: @TehAmelie naw Jeff's a land shark, out of Namor's domain
kireawolf: @knightWarrior82 Can't be fake it I was never a fan to begin with
SquareDotCube: Seems like everyone tries to play Cap as "run in, try to fight, die instead"

Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lysander_salamander He's a space alien the same way that Flurkins are space aliens
Caffine1138: discord is dedicated to not being on tonight huh

Fanklok: None of these Bucky's ever go again
RandomTrivia: THE BOI
no "AGAIN"

Thefluffiestguineapig: REMI


Dog_of_Myth: Good job Remi
BrowneePointz: Namor is in it for Namor and Atlantis(or talokan as of the movie) forever and always
type_variable: remy knows your 3 hours are up
tehfewl: show dog
josh___something: Hi Reminald!
Thefluffiestguineapig: We love you Remithon
Nigouki: is Gus tailing Remi?
DrLigmaPhD: @BrowneePointz The FF just have to constantly deal with horny despots, don't they?
Fanklok: Jarvis, explode this Bucky
darkcyril: @SquareDotCube His kit is perfect for being a mosquito in their back line. Lots of mobility to get out.
josh___something: So long Mr. Buchanan
BrowneePointz: The FF don't always have to fight him
BrowneePointz: Reed unfortunately has to work with Namor more often than not
darkcyril: Don't forget, Namor was one of the original Defenders. He softened a *bit* in the 70s.
BrowneePointz: cuz unfortunately Namor is actually....very competent, and skilled
josh___something: "Budget Aquaman"
darkcyril: Not much, but some.
BrowneePointz: i think he was running in to E
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DrLigmaPhD Yeah, I don't read early FF because of how much the face Sue Storm is woman is used as the motivation. She is canonically I think the 3rd or 4th most intelligent person in the entire Marvel universe, a badass and someone who can make other heroes reconsider things gently
Aquaman is the tv-movie version of Namor. 
darkcyril: @Thefluffiestguineapig There's some genuinely good stuff buried in there. But also yeeeeeah, I get it.
darkcyril: Stan and Jack were pretty progressive for the 60s all things considered. But it was still the 60s.
SquareDotCube: Now I just want Serge Names Marvel Characters by their Appearance as a segment
BrowneePointz: Sue is in the upper percentile of Marvel but not 3rd or 4th @Thefluffiestguineapig
Fanklok: I hope they add Lobo soon
TehAmelie: at least this version of Namor isn't just wearing underpants
Lobo_Apache: @Fanklok I'm already here!
AutonomousTurtle: @TehAmelie That's a paid skin
TehAmelie: kinky
DrLigmaPhD: @Thefluffiestguineapig I don't think she tops intelligence lists anymore but she is vastly more competent than her characterization often suggests.
BrowneePointz: It's like, Hank Pym, Reed/Doom, Moon Girl, Banner/Amadeus Cho, T'challa, Peter, and I dont' remember the other 2 in the "top 10"
BrowneePointz: it's one of the things that bugs me about the MCU, is how Smarter Tony is than Banner AND peter
DrLigmaPhD: @BrowneePointz Tony has to be there
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DrLigmaPhD I had a book that was Marvel comics stuff translated into interesting visual graphs and she ended up way up there because some of the "smartest" ones are not able to translate that into usable stuff
BrowneePointz: Tony ain't in the top 10 in the comics

Thefluffiestguineapig: Tony likes to think he's top 10 but he's not
darkcyril: @Thefluffiestguineapig "Emotional IQ"

TheAinMAP: Um, one more?
TehAmelie: i like the version of Tony who's got brains growing in his entire body
josh___something: Uno MAS!
darkcyril: AGAIN!
BrowneePointz: Peter is so much smarter than Tony it's not funny. There was a comic were Peter starts up Parker Industries and Tony is SHOCKED
josh___something: BEHOLD, the god of THUNDER!
BrowneePointz: like Tony is SHOCKED at the shit Peter achieves with funding
DrLigmaPhD: @BrowneePointz They literally brawl over it
thavleifrim: loki is probably the most difficult healer to master
djalternative: real fake gamers
oh, is DAN in this game? 
micalovits: We all want to see dog
BrowneePointz: in fact out of all the super geniuses I think it's just Hank McCoy a couple of the other Mutants, Banner and T'challa that actually understand how smart Peter is
Fanklok: But I want to see Winter Soldier
InconsiderateHat: "Your sword is so big" (W+P ref)
BrowneePointz: and give him his kudos
josh___something: Probably
Thefluffiestguineapig: @darkcyril I think the book was called "Super Graphic" and it was super neat as a starting point for heroes I knew nothing about
josh___something: Sue Storm is also mechanically demanding
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz I mean Mr. Fantastic works with Peter like an equal and talks waaaaaaay down to Tony
BrowneePointz: Yep.
DrLigmaPhD: I always enjoy Spidey interacting with the X-Men
BrowneePointz: Reed also respects Peter. He doesn't respect Tony cuz he knows Tony is an egotistical prick
BrowneePointz: (I like Ironman but he IS a prick in the comics causing issues as often as he helps)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DrLigmaPhD It gets funny when Wolverine is Wolverine and someone like Cyclops or Gambit has to pat Peter on the back and say "don't worry, he treats everyone like that"
BrowneePointz: Wolverine is actually Pete's biggest supporter
BrowneePointz: Logan goes to bat for him every time
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz They've leaned into the idea of Reed being neurodivergent so people perceive him as way harsher than he is
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz Oh yeah but he's gruff to his face
TehAmelie: @BrowneePointz except that time they swapped bodies. . .
BrowneePointz: Yep. Reed is a Sad Boy on the Spectrum
BrowneePointz: Like, Emma read Peter's mind once and almost broke down in tears
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie Body swapping doesn't count because fuck that
DrLigmaPhD: @BrowneePointz Don't mind readers hate getting in his head because his senses are constantly sicko moe?
DrLigmaPhD: mode*
SkiaSymphonia: fantastic work dodging that heal. you meant that right?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz I know, one of the reasons I enjoy Sue and Reed's relationship is that it's more healthy and shows difficulty than others
BrowneePointz: @DrLigmaPhD 1. yes. and 2. they realize how much burden he puts on himself and how hard it tries and it overwhelms them
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DrLigmaPhD Yeah, Peter and some of the other always on super sense ones are the worst for the mind readers who can't filter
BrowneePointz: Reed and Peter's biggest weakness is thinking they have to solve ALL the world's problems and that they can trouble others with it
BrowneePointz: it's really funny they have the exact same weakeness
BrowneePointz: they can't*
TehAmelie: i like Reed when he actually flexes his brain. though it takes a very creative writer. should be physically impossible for him to be bound to any one way of thinking
goombalax: Mr Fantastic builds up a charge and then buffs out
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz It is interesting that they are incredibly similar except Reed got his powers way later and feels guilt that his experiment caused pain to others. Peter got his younger
josh___something: Eepy
BrowneePointz: but yea thanks to the MCU a lot of folks think Reed is gonna be a witty smarmy butthead like the other super geniuses, when...that's never been Reed
Diabore: one ranked match, the rest exhibition matches
coachNelly: thanks chat!

SkiaSymphonia: have a good night everyone
RandomTrivia: Great fun watching this

Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz He sits in a corner listening and thinking and then busts out the weirdest and best solution
djalternative: shanks for streaming, ben
GedankenPalast_: Thank you soo much

lamina5432: gnight
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thanks @coachNelly !!! Love to see you play stuff
djalternative: now that the frogs are gone...
BrowneePointz: @Thefluffiestguineapig and sometimes thinks up a solution and shuts everyone else out or takes a hardline stance and rubs folks the wrong way for it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Amphibians are now leaving
itsr67: frogs r gone
Lysander_salamander: weather permitting
micalovits: Cool name, and even cooler game
tehfewl: Gambling?
GedankenPalast_: Anyone played "The Cat Lady" would that be something for Let's Nope?
Thefluffiestguineapig: That sounds delicious
WitchyTQ: red dragon!? i wanna be sloppy on camera smf
djalternative: Shrimp Toast Crunch breakfast cereal
neisan2112: Ohhh hell yeah!
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
neisan2112: Love these so much
SkiaSymphonia: yay! i've been waiting for one of those again
LowUpsideCJ: Hell yeah
GedankenPalast_: UUUhhhh
RandomTrivia: Oooh that was fun last time, can't wait for another!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I love the $20 challenges
Thanks for streamin'! Have a great night, y'all 
RandomTrivia: We already said goodbye to Volcano High and my heart still hurts
Thefluffiestguineapig: Goodbye has been said
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thanks for the stream!! Best part was sudden Remi under the desk but I'm biased for animals
RandomTrivia: Is there still a friend under your desk?
mrbuzzfuzz: ouhh pizza from where
NotCainNorAbel: from the freeze
mrbuzzfuzz: fancy!
Thefluffiestguineapig: And is also subpar!
Juliamon: truuuue Domino's isn't worth the price
djalternative: what about pizza from space?
goombalax: since they got rid of Delissio frozen pizza has also gone downhill
djalternative: get moon cheese
Thefluffiestguineapig: @djalternative Only if delivered by the squirrels
SkiaSymphonia: @goombalax If they have Casa di Mama / Ristorante where you are, they're some of the best (if on sale)
djalternative: @goombalax Home Run Inn is fantastic if you can get it but it's pretty regional
hiFunko: Ristorante is legic
BusTed: 🤌
Juliamon: haha there you go
hiFunko: the magherita is bangin
RandomTrivia: THE BOI
Juliamon: BOY
RandomTrivia: HE IS HERE
DiscordianTokkan: dog


Nigouki: PUPPY
MacbethSeemsSus: Doggo!
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
Caffine1138: all the kisses
protojman: awwwwwww!

Lysander_salamander: aw
tehfewl: D O G
Thefluffiestguineapig: Remi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
djalternative: the youtube vod isn't getting peak dog content
Ritaspirithntr: REMY!!!!
RandomTrivia: So good

mrbuzzfuzz: hows the cat!
Nigouki: where's the other babby? D:
Nigouki: Gus is probably huge now
RandomTrivia: Gus content
rosesmcgee: Proof of life!
Juliamon: oh big boy
Thefluffiestguineapig: Double floof!!!!!!!!!!!!
ThirdGames: The boy!
Nigouki: OMG
mrbuzzfuzz: hes huuuuge
NotCainNorAbel: now do snake kisses
BusTed: lorge
DiscordianTokkan: D'awww!
shendaras: How so big?
protojman: so lorge
Earthenone: lorge catte
Nigouki: SO HUGE
Thefluffiestguineapig: HE'S SO BIG1111
RandomTrivia: BABYYYY
josh___something: ALorge
Ritaspirithntr: so BEEG!!!
Camthelion: kitty!
omdorastrix: Chonky
Blakemcm: chonker
LiminalGoose: he's so long
protojman: the dusty orange
josh___something: Lorg boi
ThePixelSavage: so huge ... still only one braincell ... like all orange ones

Thefluffiestguineapig: He used to be a single handful!!!!!!!!
Melfina__: C h o n k
SkiaSymphonia: night!
RandomTrivia: Outrageously good
RandomTrivia: Thanks Nicole!

TehAmelie: a furry man the size of a small man
DiscordianTokkan: Das a good kitty
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Perfect way to end the stream, thanks Nicole!!!!
rosesmcgee: Night all
Thank you for the stream! 
Gekyouryuu: wait, W+P on a tuesday?
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
shendaras: I think he meant MoC
Mai_Andra: no, W+P is wednesday. The first stream tomorrow is Mine o'Clock. normal schedule.
Caffine1138: time is wibbly

RandomTrivia: Anyway days are hard
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RandomTrivia What even is time

<"Creeper Noise."> 
Muddy_Thunder: uh, did ben forget to turn off the stream?
Juliamon: it hasn't even been 5 minutes
Juliamon: let ads run
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