jessicaengle: Viva le Uno!
Hello, and Happy Tuesday, Miners & Crafters!!!

Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Minecraft on their Minecraft show, of course! Game: Minecraft) at Tue 10:00 AM PST (0s from now).
TXC2: Hello everybody

TXC2: hello jessicaengle
Xed_Regulus: How are y'all doing today?
TXC2: title change!
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Minecraft on their Minecraft show, of course! Game: Minecraft) at Tue 10:00 AM PST (1m ago).
NerdWithoutName subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Thanks for subscribing, NerdWithoutName! (Today's storm count: 4)
The_Lesser_Gatsby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months, currently on a 98 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, The_Lesser_Gatsby! (Today's storm count: 5)
stizzet subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
stizzet: Hi friends! We be swiftly moving through the mining and crafting!
Thanks for subscribing, stizzet! (Today's storm count: 6)
jessicaengle: Viva!
Bowlsrus2000: hi
LilyOfTheVeil666 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LilyOfTheVeil666! (Today's storm count: 7)
TXC2: the return of Uno, as the prophecy foretold
Tandtroll_OG: Yay more speedruns!
RebelliousUno: Psych they're just going to play Uno on Mine O'Clock
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: ennui
Mazrae: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: Gold!
TXC2: Here we GO!
SergeYager: AND SERGE
TehAmelie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
TehAmelie: Eleventy one months is far too little time to spend with such excellent and admirable hole dwellers
Thanks for subscribing, TehAmelie! (Today's storm count: 8)
TXC2: !uno
jessicaengle: @SergeYager It you!
brieandbacon: !dos
TXC2: Hello James
SymphonySolstice: morning lads
wordnerdify: Good morning, James
Dalrint: Hi James!
TehAmelie: ahoy
Brozard: Serge Cam!
mattyraft44: good morning guys!!
goatprince: hey james, have you mined a clock yet
RebelliousUno: it's true I am absolute Cinema schordash
TehAmelie: it may be my favorite number
TXC2: Hello Uno and Serge
Dalrint: Were you off defending the earth from aliens, Uno?
wordnerdify: Welcome Uno and Serge
jessicaengle: The British are coming!
brieandbacon: Oh, I'm sorry Uno...
jessicaengle: Minecraft 2, Electric Boogaloo
NapalmSideburns: I bet Uno is developing a a weapon to surpass Metal Gear
TXC2: notch still exists ?
Alness49: I mean, he says a lot of things.
jessicaengle: Minecraft 2: Cruise Control
rogerivany: Minecraft 2 is just Hexagons right?
Brozard: maybe it'll be like Frog Fractions 2
MehallD: @TXC2 sadly
Dalrint: Minecraft but Problematic.
RebelliousUno: organised as ever
momma_tatts subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
momma_tatts: number go up
Thanks for subscribing, momma_tatts! (Today's storm count: 9)
Cyberegg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months, currently on a 100 month streak!
Cyberegg: THE! ONE! YEAR!
Thanks for subscribing, Cyberegg! (Today's storm count: 10)
Master_Gunner: Speedrun Bingo?
TXC2: Cyberegg the one year!
jessicaengle: I love it already
TXC2: then we do Tokyo Sherd?
rogerivany: The Shards of MoC?
RebelliousUno: seed: 3streamers2sherd2trim
RebelliousUno: ?
RebelliousUno: 2trim2sherd
LoadingReadyRun: 2trim2sherd
RebelliousUno: annnndd superflat
RebelliousUno: !uno
a_serious_moose subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
Thanks for subscribing, a_serious_moose! (Today's storm count: 11)
TehAmelie: wow, it's like watching two diverging timelines at once
rogerivany: I hate snow biome starts. No sheep for beds.
Dalrint: Do shipwrecks spawn under ice...?
Tandtroll_OG: The man does love his shipwrecks
rogerivany: Andesite picks when?
Creideiki_SE: Just create a shipwreck. Place a bonfire to lure ships aground. Be the change you want to see in the world!
LithelyUnshod: Just got here: what's our goal?
TXC2: "Mister Anderstite, we've been expecting you."
TehAmelie: shipwrecks, the loot boxes of the sea
TXC2: LithelyUnshod 2 trims, 2 sherds
baskwalla: James only wants one thing and it's shipwrecks
LithelyUnshod: @TXC2 ty
maefly2: Ice boat? Nice
Songar87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months, currently on a 61 month streak!
Good to see some (relatively) straight forward I prepare to build cubicmetre's orbital strike cannon in my SSP world 
Thanks for subscribing, Songar87! (Today's storm count: 12)
Songar87: Nyoooom!
TXC2: hyperspeed launch there
SquirrelEarl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SquirrelEarl! (Today's storm count: 13)
That sherd be easy, right? 
Songar87 boooo 
Tandtroll_OG: Also those small monuments under water
rogerivany: You will need a feather and copper
beowuuf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 137 months, currently on a 137 month streak!
beowuuf: 137 months in an unbreaking series
Thanks for subscribing, beowuuf! (Today's storm count: 14)

rogerivany: Bundles have been around for months
rogerivany: string and leather
rogerivany: Bundles are good early game
schordash: what was the challenge for this run?
TXC2: schordash 2 trim 2 sherds
SymphonySolstice: I find bundles useful for holding onto extra food so I don't have to keep refilling as often
schordash: @TXC2 ty kindly o7
rogerivany: Uno should find some tuna. They are the chicken of the sea.
TehAmelie: rude to the pirates who buried it?
TXC2: like a ringing phone must be answered, a buried treasure must be found
100 One night in 1950's Moscow, a husband and wife are strolling about town. The husband says, "Oh! We should head home, it's starting to rain." The wife replies "This isn't rain, it's snow!" The husband insists, "No it's rain," he suddenly sees a militsiya officer, "That's my good friend, officer Rudolf, we'll ask him to settle this." They go to the officer and ask if it's raining or snowing. "It is raining," says the officer. The husband says "You see! Rudolf the Red knows rain, dear!"
schordash: 9!
TehAmelie: i don't drive in real life, but in Minecraft i always make sure to park my boat where i can remember it. . .
rogerivany: Do the sherds have to be different for this run?
rogerivany: I love underwater ruins when they're not underwater.
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: i read all of it...

MrGibberish: that joke has been making the rounds for a few weeks
lamina5432: moening
lamina5432: morning *
TXC2: hello lamina5432 welcome
Tandtroll_OG: You can always dig down for an ancient city
TXC2: just a matter of not dying
brieandbacon: Simply git güd
Creideiki_SE: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 10:29 AM
Creideiki_SE: I thought there was no gaming before 11?
Tandtroll_OG: I think James is allowed to be a gamer before 11, but not Serge
everyone thought Crysis was the GPU killer, but it turns out it was Minecraft all along 
TXC2: Space marine 2 was a GOTY contender no?
NimrodXIV: wat
TheShokara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheShokara! (Today's storm count: 15)
rogerivany: Uh Oh for James PaC.
TheAinMAP: The fall counter is going to soar.
maefly2: 2 block fall is just absurd
beowuuf: we'll need both a 'well that's just biullshit' and 'nah, that's fair' counter
Violet__Violence: yeah that's too short for fall damage to come into effect imo
LordZarano: The half-heart hardcore community is going to hate that fall damage thing
Barb4rian: @LordZarano That is actually a thing isn't it?
JuneBlue58: I'd like to see them implement that villager trading rebalance that makes it so that enchantment books are fixed to villager type and level.
Dalrint: No Trim James, they called him..
GoRiLLa87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months, currently on a 121 month streak!
GoRiLLa87: 121? who remebers the Goofy Movie?
Thanks for subscribing, GoRiLLa87! (Today's storm count: 16)
LordZarano: @Barb4rian Yes
EightBitArcher subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months, currently on a 94 month streak!
EightBitArcher: Hi Friends \o/
Thanks for subscribing, EightBitArcher! (Today's storm count: 17)
EightBitArcher: reach heaven through violence and doors!
rogerivany: Does James remember he has a bed?
TXC2: did Serge say with or without doors?
beowuuf: !backseat
LRRbot: Please refrain from backseat gaming unless the streamer asks for help or !heychat is active. The streamer wants to play the game the way they want. Feel free to discuss tactics in chat or with the mods.
a_shortfall_of_gravitas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Barb4rian: boat-zoomies
Thanks for subscribing, a_shortfall_of_gravitas! (Today's storm count: 18)
mattyraft44: love serges villain arcs.
Radjack: Wait.. this is that first water that James found xD
Harvest25: Is that the first village?
TXC2: !addquote (Serge) [now] Without doors you can attack and dethrone God.
LRRbot: New quote #9239: "Without doors you can attack and dethrone God." —Serge [2025-01-14]
MehallD: i thought it was "with enough doors"
TXC2: MehallD oh ok
Barb4rian: Is that not the same village?... Feels like dejavu
Tandtroll_OG: That does make sense MehallD
Genie_M: Random screenshot helps
TXC2: !modquote 9239 (Serge) [now] With enough doors you can attack and dethrone God.
LRRbot: Modified quote #9239: "With enough doors you can attack and dethrone God." —Serge [2025-01-14]
beowuuf: game of skill no luck involved
rogerivany: I think we've been here before?
TehAmelie: a BIG giant circle?
beowuuf: !bgc
Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
Harvest25: Yes
brieandbacon: Mmhmmmm
MehallD: You are a fan of Big Giant Circles
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: a big giant circle?
Barb4rian: @rogerivany I feel like yes
Tandtroll_OG: The circle of life
Radjack: Yup
NimrodXIV: !bgc
Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
rogerivany: You don't see many swamps in Minecraft.
beowuuf: game of skill no (bad) luck involved
TXC2: this is like how you go in circles if you walk with your eyes closed
Barb4rian: Ok, I knew that village was the same hahah
@TXC2 my knees and couch disagree with you 
Mazrae: well chat ive been awake for almost 21 hrs i think, ill have to catch this on the vods, so chat i hope that you all have a good day
beowuuf it works better outside 
beowuuf: o7
@TXC2 so noted 
TXC2: so long Mazrae sleep well
Creature_Comforts: People hate every programming language
Violet__Violence: people are wrong lol
Tandtroll_OG: Bedrock controls hurt me though
LurkerSpine: I agree with Uno. Java is fine
TXC2: there is no such thing as a "better" programming language
Violet__Violence: bedrock was such a pain to get used to
LurkerSpine: but C# is probably better for games?
Master_Gunner: Java is Fine(tm), it's just not what you'd typically use to make a video game.
avjamethyst: it's probably not the language that's the problem, but the age of the code base
TXC2: !quote 7019
LRRbot: Quote #7019: "Minecraft seems to be a series of weird interactions." —TXC2 [2020-06-23]
TehAmelie: Java is like lego, right. you can just stack more stuff onto your thing
TehAmelie: matches the Minecraft aesthetic don't it
Creideiki_SE: Java the language is not beautiful, but OK. Java the ecosystem can *bleep* my *bleep*.
rogerivany: The second trim was always going to be the issue.
Violet__Violence: lol
i may have persuaded someone to let their daughter try minecraft, but had to warn them about how unintuitive some thi9gns might be 
TXC2: a Microsoft surface temple?
MehallD: it's not actually that bad, on source
rogerivany: I don't get excited til I see some cactus on the sand.
beowuuf: --> <--
LurkerSpine: compression not bad, actually
Dalrint: It looks fine?
TXC2: enjoy majestic 144p
Genie_M: It's surprisingly decent
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: actually fine
LordZarano: It's actually handling it pretty well
brieandbacon: It's okay
Radjack: Yeah, it seems to be sacrificing Serges cameras resolution rather than your view xD
MehallD: it's no tarkov grass, that's for sure
Sarah_Serinde: your camera isn't amazing with it but besides that not bad
brieandbacon: But on the left there's just this *face*
TXC2: also the Serge cam is notably worse
CookieMom: Afternoon folks! What we speedrunning today?
TXC2: hello CookieMom we're looking for 2 sherds and 2 trims
rogerivany: Igloos don't have trims do they?
Genie_M: Remember gigaigloo?
LordZarano: @CookieMom 2 trim 2 sherd (2 furious)
MehallD: it's fine now, now that the snow is off

Genie_M: It was a Sergecraft thing yes
rogerivany: Gigaloo 2: Electric Gigaloo
Sarah_Serinde: when you say gigaloo what I think of is the crab rave
TXC2: Creideiki_SE wow the 9gag tag in that last panel
Genie_M: A tiger?
rogerivany: Taiga or Tiger?
TXC2: it would be cool if after each run, we could see a map of each players run
TXC2: *player's
rogerivany: Minecraft needs more animals.
I was thinking James was gonna land in the boat 
beowuuf: when danger reared it's ugly head...
Tandtroll_OG: Lucksack

rogerivany: Are we still able to switch to Serge this week?




An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tandtroll_OG!
Thanks for subscribing, Tandtroll_OG! (Today's storm count: 19)
lamina5432: this is a good one

baskwalla: That was a long walk to much disappointment
rogerivany: Militia
MrGibberish: Its the Soviet thing
superdude097: Militsya were Soviet poliece
superdude097: *police
Steelwolf171: Pronounced milit saya
can't even complete losing 
2247dono: Hello!
NimrodXIV: enjoying Serge burglar-cam
baskwalla: There's a Serge on the wing
MrGibberish: This is a well guarded mansion
rogerivany: Or the potion of water breathing
Dalrint: Can we switch to sergeview?
TXC2: and no doors
Genie_M: Pretty
TXC2: we found Dover
brieandbacon: Booray
SymphonySolstice: europeans finding newfoundland for the first time:
brieandbacon: It's just over the horizon, James
Genie_M: Tundras are semi deserts
TXC2: 44 mins 35.75 secs
baskwalla: Nice work Serge
CookieMom: Have you considered a bingo?
rogerivany: I was guessing the second would've been in the nether

Genie_M: Sixaxe
Genie_M: New seed
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TXC2: a three way race, a thwace
Genie_M: Huh, someone bought ads for my country.... In french so they probably bought it for the whole EU?
TehAmelie: hi again
Genie_M: Sixaxe
Anubis169: wheeeeeeeee
Anubis169: peek ask?
LoadingReadyRun: sixaxe2
beowuuf: 6axeTwo
RebelliousUno: sixaxe2butthenumber2notthewordtwo
Genie_M: Don't die
TehAmelie: but worn wooden pickaxes make such delicious fuel for smelters
matthaus_c: trail ruin!
Sarah_Serinde: trail ruin
Violet__Violence: wooooow
Violet__Violence: lucky, but also rude of the game lol
LostThePirate: Just tuned in, what's the current goal?
TXC2: LostThePirate all 6 pick axes
LostThePirate: Thanks!
LostThePirate: WB Uno!
TXC2: after 10,000 years, Uno's back
matthaus_c: Serge's new favourite thing is Storm
Genie_M: First mention of poutine after 1 hour?
TehAmelie: poutine is forever
Sarah_Serinde: gotta get on that gravy train
TehAmelie: this seed just has everything
TehAmelie: what are the odds we'll find netherite in a shipwreck or something?
matthaus_c: one day they'll add Wither Skeletons sailing the Overworld on Ships of Toenails, and that'll be a source of Netherite
juzztshay: What a gamer
matthaus_c "ships of toenails" is a DEEPLY cursed notion 
Genie_M: Curse of binding doesn't matter if you don't die
@TXC2 thank the ancient norse peoples 
Genie_M: Priorities
matthaus_c: five picks no bed that's how we like to... uh...
Tandtroll_OG: Mono boat works until you're skewered by a trident
Genie_M: That's a good haul
eggy_the_mega_man: Are u skibedi
matthaus_c: if the overworld is anything to go by, this nether's seed will have two bastions on top of each other
TXC2: eggy_the_mega_man no, we all have the Ohio Rizz here
Genie_M: You've been called worse
beowuuf: skibi deez nuts
MrGibberish: In fairness, James was called cringe once
beowuuf: uno?
matthaus_c: James is an old man set in his ways, he won't use Bundles
beowuuf: bundles, more like fundles
TehAmelie: imagine, fungal sheep
TehAmelie: musheep?
thebeaz2: do you have to have all six at the same time?
Genie_M: Yes
TXC2: thebeaz2 yes
Tandtroll_OG: M'sheep
Genie_M: It's a diamond heavy task
thebeaz2: ah, need 2 diamond pins then
thebeaz2: picks
Juliamon: The other chests don't exist, they'd be at the other end
Genie_M: Fun seed thus far - we'll see what the Nether brings
juzztshay: I feel like I have seen the monuments so much more recently
PsychoI3oy: who's being immoral?
kalira77: what item are we running this time around?
PsychoI3oy: oh, holy crap, it's an Uno
Genie_M: Six pickaxes
TXC2: kalira77 all six kinds of pickaxes
kalira77: ah, gotcha
TehAmelie: who keeps putting these temples in the sea?
TXC2: !dos
beowuuf: !tres
Genie_M: !tres
azureHaights subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
azureHaights: The double towel!
Thanks for subscribing, azureHaights! (Today's storm count: 20)
baskwalla: @TehAmelie Poseidon
TehAmelie: or maybe it's Namor
Juliamon: yeah, the food/coal is the other end of the boat from the good stuff
Tandtroll_OG: This seed is a lot nicer than the last one
Genie_M: Waiting for the nether to provide some interesting things
TXC2: ^
matthaus_c: I remember when James was a betting man
beowuuf: we've known for ages
TehAmelie: betting on yourself could get you blacklisted from racing, you know
Genie_M: Gentlemen don't bet on certainty
Genie_M: And would be a fool to bet on uncertainty
Xed_Regulus: I *hate* the sound of Drowned
TXC2: well that's $20 saved

matthaus_c: speak your truth jade



TehAmelie: gasp
Tandtroll_OG: Wof wof

TXC2: let her speak her truth!
TehAmelie: you do have a diamond pick, you can just mine obsidian
beowuuf: if jade doens't bork, we don't get to show off tq's excellent handiwork
TehAmelie: okay maybe you need lava to get it first
brieandbacon: !shi
beowuuf: !vagh
Genie_M: That could mean diamonds too
thebeaz2: ocean ravines are good for getting low fast
brieandbacon: !holes
LRRbot: The Hole Story, with Nigel Fitzgerald Brouwer
like a 16x16 hole? 
ender chest contents is technically part of your inventory 
Genie_M: Torch?
Barb4rian: We live here now
beowuuf: why start now?

Genie_M: Party 🎉
azureHaights: It's a... was a.
JoeKim: because screw you
JoeKim: thats why
TehAmelie: it's just too sad
thebeaz2: A+ creeper usage
TXC2: hello JoeKim
MehallD: im willing to bet the portal code is amongst the oldest code in the program
RoseBitter: 'afternoon
JoeKim: apparently i live near the mojang building in seattle
JoeKim: should i go over there and bust some kneecaps
JoeKim: until they allow crying obsidian to make portals?
TehAmelie: i remember seeing some flint in a chest. . .
azureHaights: Wood next to the portal next to the lava to light it by proxy? Does that work?
BaronVonPoppinOff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
Thanks for subscribing, BaronVonPoppinOff! (Today's storm count: 21)
Genie_M: That was weird
JoeKim: @azureHaights it does! i saw a speed run do it
azureHaights: potatoes, potatoes, what what potatoes
beowuuf: like limp bizkit
LordZarano: @azureHaights Yup, woodlighting is a whole thing in the speedrun community
TehAmelie: you know, being hindered by having to start a fire without tools is a pretty universal experience
Genie_M: Scooping lava?
SpleenLord: TNT for nether mining?
SymphonySolstice: scoop to kill brutes
creasehearst: have you set spawn?
TehAmelie: maybe not so much the last 2000 years but
omdorastrix: Nether wood is not flammable?
TXC2: got any gold armour?
SymphonySolstice: flat is good
Juliamon: Vanilla biome is a good start
brieandbacon: And get big mushroom?
MehallD: my god this spawn
You can get a trim there. 
MehallD: Operation: Oh Good Lord
Genie_M: And in very different places
TXC2: good Opsec on that name

JoeKim: whats the goal for this run?
beowuuf: sixaxe
Genie_M: All six picks
TXC2: JoeKim all six axes
JoeKim: oh interestinggg
TXC2: all 6 at the same time
Genie_M: It's a fun and not easy challenge
Genie_M: Wanna die or not digging
PynnThePenguin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Thanks for subscribing, PynnThePenguin! (Today's storm count: 22)
mistbornhoid: what comes after netherite?
mistbornhoid: oh gold
mistbornhoid: It is wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond, and netherite?
brieandbacon: So we left potat in the overworld?
brieandbacon: Oh dang
TXC2: mistbornhoid yes
ExachixKitsune subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months!
ExachixKitsune: omg! The full year! (+100 months). So much good content have I watched, and glad to keep watching
Thanks for subscribing, ExachixKitsune! (Today's storm count: 23)
Tandtroll_OG: Man, LRR is old
TXC2: LRR is older then Youtube
killingjoke766: <message deleted>r no ff vs. c@ l@m# guyt @@tt t but cc zgot g ooooo@jh@mob
DappyGosling subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Tandtroll_OG: 112 months is so much
brieandbacon: Onto the big orange wet thing
Thanks for subscribing, DappyGosling! (Today's storm count: 24)
Barb4rian: o7

Genie_M: Awwwww
good job chat 
Tandtroll_OG: Oh no! I killed Serge :0

juzztshay: oh noooo
ExachixKitsune: one of the mods
I speak only the truth 
Genie_M: "chat" huh?

brieandbacon: TXC2 about to get Hosked
, i guess lrr is old enough to push people under buses
ExachixKitsune: lmao getting Hosked
TXC2: beowuuf It's old enough to rent one, so yes
beowuuf: the ol' push people under the bus then run around and drive the bus, classic
baskwalla: Ah yes, James Morrison
ExachixKitsune: yeah lots of the nether is a waste.
Genie_M: Boo
what's funny is Hosk left after 10 years, and I'm somehow already on 7 
Tandtroll_OG: Wooow
Genie_M: Yikes
beowuuf: one heart =/= zero hearts

TXC2: !clips
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)

Barb4rian: hoooobooyyyy

Surprise ham 
rogerivany: If you kill them you can get some pork chops
beowuuf: so you both created then deleted the pork chop
rogerivany: probably
beowuuf: #blameUno
Genie_M: You can get basalt instead?
brieandbacon: Can netherwood make bowls?
ExachixKitsune: I'm working on it TXC2 !
TXC2: ExachixKitsune thank you
ExachixKitsune: got the Brew Crew Clipping Team here
TheAinMAP: And now you have fire.
beowuuf: oh no
Genie_M: There - no more crimson forest
LiveLittlebird subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LiveLittlebird! (Today's storm count: 25)
ExachixKitsune: yessssss cry basalty tears
brieandbacon: That's some five-shadowing there
beowuuf: serge getting the blue mushroom tech james could have used
TXC2: that universe was last week
Just take a screenshot 4head 
rogerivany: 555, that's a fake number Uno.
beowuuf: basalts and their lack of ghasts
JoeKim: whoever owns the number can also sue
JoeKim: they've added laws since that kept happening
MehallD: Ofcom do maintain a list of regionalised numbers for use in TV and radio drama
TXC2: there's now a reserve list of numbers for TV shows for that reason
beowuuf: blue mushroom!
Genie_M: People _call_ phone numbers shown on TV?
rogerivany: "Jenny's number" didn't appreciate it.
JoeKim: or just 555
MehallD: There's 1000 numbers in each of a a bunch of cities and other areas
JoeKim: they used to be easter eggs
JoeKim: like they'd say a number and you'd call it and get cool trivia or a voice mail from a character
brieandbacon: Go west
Genie_M: Overworld went fairly well
rogerivany: Go West Young Man
TXC2: James got to the Neither in under 45 mins this time, so everyone faster this time
GodDamnitMrNoodle: what item are they hunting?
beowuuf: six pickaxes
TXC2: GodDamnitMrNoodle all 6 pickaxes
beowuuf: or sixaxes
Genie_M: Bastion so they can make the netherite pick particularly
ExachixKitsune: Oh! The Mighty James Turner's Sextuple Pick Challenge
beowuuf: uno should have used the secret tech of older minecraft version
TrickJarrett: Requires contact with lava
TXC2: hello TrickJarrett
TrickJarrett: You can be happy and cold
Genie_M: Or shaking with excitement
TrickJarrett: @TXC2 hi hi
ExachixKitsune: you could be unhappy and warm!
TrickJarrett: I frequently am!
rogerivany: It's made of slime Serge.
brieandbacon: It's just red flubber
Jobot180: Run Away!
Genie_M: It's terrifying

Barb4rian: Risk it for the biscuit
w1gum: Are you able to make like a stone or netherrack (spelling?) boat
TXC2: "you lost our neitherite?" "but I got a free boat, you know how long we've wanted one of those"
w1gum: i dont know MC things
BITs19_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
BITs19_: wat
Thanks for subscribing, BITs19_! (Today's storm count: 26)
Dalrint: that boat is silly
TXC2: w1gum I think boats have to be wood
Genie_M: They never saw a boat so they are having fun
ExachixKitsune: Boats do have to be wood, no other boats exist
Genie_M: Safe is relative
LordZarano: And specifically overworld wood. Nether wood cannot be made into boats
TXC2: no Korean civ in minecraft to invent iron ships yet
mistbornhoid: got to be brave and go in the fortress
TXC2: RIP James

Genie_M: Splat


Tandtroll_OG: Oh no!
Natural_Ones_Only: James fell down a hole
wotc_jordan: James did James things

TXC2: B-Rutal

ratzuka: i just joined the stream and this is what i see
Juliamon: Fullscreen Serge?
ExachixKitsune: Sam
wotc_jordan: Living your Dark Souls dreams
thebeaz2: 7 cobblestone , that’s brutal

Genie_M: It was terrifying
ladyjessica: my alarm went off exactly as he died.
brieandbacon: -1000, 500 is, last time I saw
brieandbacon: ish
Genie_M: -1000, 550
creasehearst: you went quite a ways from when we saw your coords, so they might not help a whole lot
matthaus_c: you can find it by being a sack
Sir_real_violynnce: Wasn't there a piece uncovered by the tnt?
dragonfly1992: recovery copmas?
ExachixKitsune: @Sir_real_violynnce probably soul sand, gets me a lot when doing this
JuneBlue58: The Nether is just awful.
GreyThey: Can you do a find command for the items you dropped?
matthaus_c: it's much easier to find things with flight and wallhacks
TXC2: the irony of needing Eletya to explore the neither
dragonfly1992: It should
Sir_real_violynnce: There was definitely a piece uncovered by the tnt
Sir_real_violynnce: On the left wall

TXC2: 76 mins 21.43 sec
rogerivany: New Amusement park, 6 Picks Victoria.
matthaus_c: lmao
ExachixKitsune: lmao
ExachixKitsune: I apologise Sir_real_violynnce !
matthaus_c: debra has a sense of humour
Sir_real_violynnce: lol I doubted it myself so I went back and looked
well you're way past 60 subs 
northos: Pickaxes will continue until morale improves
Tandtroll_OG: You have time for another challenge today if you wanted
matthaus_c: Random Seed Glitchless rules
ExachixKitsune: I've done tnt mining so many times and been like "Oh yay! Debris! no wait that's soul sand"
TXC2: everything, everywhere looks the same all the time
Genie_M: Nether is scary
lamina5432: gday to all
thebeaz2: @exachixkitsune the quartz gets me
Genie_M: Six swords is a category
time to train for AGDQ next year 
3and4fifths: Rope in wheeler next time!
Dalrint: Legend says they called him Six-Picks Turner
matthaus_c: 38.6% baby
Genie_M: And left your pick in the chest
TXC2: thanks for streaming James, Uno and Serge
TXC2: we're all Trash humans really
Dalrint: Diggy diggy hole
ExachixKitsune: Punching a Chunk is not the same. You could say it's a HOLE different thing
TheAinMAP: Thank you for steaming.
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Lorelei and the Laser Eyes) at Tue 01:30 PM PST (59m from now).
Genie_M: Ooooh
Genie_M: Top 10 last year for me
TXC2: !events
Lord_Hosk: Its a Gilmore girls Sci-Fi Sequel
Juliamon: Dunno, but he's doing it in-studio
Xed_Regulus: Food, I assume
xerjen: Toast with Shrimp on top I assume?
GapFiller: did hear right MoC taking a week off sometime soon?
toast made by Shrimps, duh 
Dalrint: Uno Solo Stream!
ExachixKitsune: !uno
GapFiller: !dos
Juliamon: oh
Juliamon: oh boy
BrookJustBones: Including secret lairs?
so like 7000 cards? 
BrookJustBones: Do they need to get that printing?
Diabore: lgs challenge lets gooooo!
TXC2: !events
Diabore: hoping for lockdown protocol
Genie_M: 21:36, sleep time
SAJewers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months, currently on a 105 month streak!

Thanks for subscribing, SAJewers! (Today's storm count: 27)
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Juliamon: the mod team is also hoping to see Lockdown Protocol eventually
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
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