baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Jacob's Unbeatable Tackle
the only one who can possibly tackle forrest gump 
Juliamon: (it's Shenmue)
KV1NN4: (oh... I still don't get it but thnk you <XD)
Juliamon: it's fishing tackle
Juliamon: the name struck me as funny so I put it in the box
KV1NN4: I figure but I guess I jsut don't recall Jacob being involved... Must go to the vods at some point XD
Juliamon: he's not
Juliamon: it's just named that in the game

baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Try the Chopin Special.
GapFiller: !advice
LRRbot: Preserve the bullets you have in your flamethrower.
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot do they have that at culver's?
TheMerricat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheMerricat! (Today's storm count: 28)
CaptainSpam: EYE BEAMS!
KV1NN4: @Juliamon OH that makes more sense..... and yet.... less. <XD
DoodlestheGreat: ~/Laaaaser Eyes *clap* are watching you. *clap* *clap* They see your every move.../~
beowuuf: o7
baltimore_667083: hi cam!
Critterbot: It's... going.
DoodlestheGreat: Hi Cam!
Juliamon: Oh, new glasses?
offbeatwitch: tall king simulator?
CaptainSpam: Very nice.
AFamiliarCalledEl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!

Thanks for subscribing, AFamiliarCalledEl! (Today's storm count: 29)
CaptainSpam: Can you see clearly now that the rain is gone?
yay vision
CaptainSpam: Can you see all the obstacles?
Juliamon: they cast really interesting shadows on your face in the studio light
AFamiliarCalledEl: I can only see the smudges on my glasses
Juliamon: It gives you those harlequin lines yeah
CaptainSpam: *SFX: Crash sound from off-screen*
Mont Blanc? 
accountmadeforants: I managed to get a hardback copy of The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett and the art is very pretty
Gekyouryuu: I can
Juliamon: I see "flan"
AFamiliarCalledEl: Looks like it says montblanc, yeah
wildflowersnow: Looks like mont blanc
Juliamon: oh it's blanc, yeah
AFamiliarCalledEl: but my resolution is small
accountmadeforants: Now that the real answer is out there: I think it says KitKat
Gekyouryuu: That's mon blan
thetoastmonster: Ah, pen flavour.
AFamiliarCalledEl: yeah, mo n bu ra n - should be montblanc
Juliamon: I have apple pie kitkats myself
A mountain 
KaleidoscopeMind: it looks... extruded
accountmadeforants: Wikipedia pictures of food often look awful
Juliamon: oh... yeah
GedankenPalast_: Yikes
Juliamon: that's very "haunted house brains"
tri_nitro_: well it looks abigiouse
KaleidoscopeMind: like the 3d printed food
thetoastmonster: oh, spaghetti and ice cream
AnjaZeta: Huh
GasCityGaming: yeah, nah i'm good
Akaiatana: Klingon Gogh A La Mode?
DoodlestheGreat: It looks like buckwheat noodles with sour cream dollops.
AFamiliarCalledEl: It looks like it's going to start jumping at me like some bizarre horror game
beowuuf: mince with mini blancmange
teammanfred: So why the beige food?
CaptainSpam: Hmm... okay, as chestnut puree, I can get behind that, but why it has to be made to resemble vermicelli, I just don't.
accountmadeforants: It's apparently French
Akaiatana: They live at the taupe of the world
accountmadeforants: But sometimes French food is just "look what we can do"

accountmadeforants: (See, a whole bunch of pastry-monstrosities)
beowuuf: here is your ikea food, swiss man!
Juliamon: Boston Pizza: wholly unrelated to the city of Boston
GasCityGaming: The Boston Brute sandwich
accountmadeforants: There's also a Dutch chain of stores that's called New York Pizza. And then they sued Dr. Oetker (a German company) for using the word "New York" in some of their frozen pizzas.
GasCityGaming: Perogi Pizza is decent though
kumatsu: a "traditional" "Swiss" "food"
BigDaddyBland87 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
BigDaddyBland87: Forgot to comment on my 3 year anniversary of dishing out Bezos Bucks
Thanks for subscribing, BigDaddyBland87! (Today's storm count: 30)
Akaiatana: This is France doing the "mememememe" sound
Juliamon: "We're the best at this, so anything we make is going to be good. Trust us, bro."
CaptainSpam: "Your food offends us, the French. Your tastes... why are you laughing? Stop that!"
Juliamon: It's fine
accountmadeforants: I have also heard very good things about this game, I've bought it but yet to play it
MolaMolaphant: wow, that's my favorite venn diagram
AFamiliarCalledEl: This game is indeed quite interesting. A very good fit for this stream if nothing else.
LilyOfTheVeil666: Developed by Simogo, the studio behind Sayonara Wild Hearts!
Ujai321: "last year" in german
xerjen: Renzo?
wildflowersnow: Rinzo?
wildflowersnow: Ah, good point.
Akaiatana: Pin 20
AFamiliarCalledEl: 2 un 20
Nigouki: chest?
Nigouki: pecs?
Wolfstrike_NL: My dude, it's december, there's no need to clarify that you expect someone to think your expacting them januari of this year
Ujai321: the second letter looks like the E in the last name
invickthus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
invickthus: oooh, this game has been kicking around my steam library's to be played section for a while, can't wait to hear what you think.
Thanks for subscribing, invickthus! (Today's storm count: 31)
Nigouki: now quite Yamcha pose, 4/10
teammanfred: A crime!
invickthus: bound to be a good pen.
accountmadeforants: Good start good start
Wolfstrike_NL: Twitch chat can be your pen and paper
Akaiatana: Don't worry, Cameron, the chat is dim so you don't have to be
accountmadeforants: And take away the joy of writing?
MolaMolaphant: it's cause we're full of sheet!
Juliamon: Cameron's pen is worth much more than we are
Do you TRUST chat to be your pen and paper? 
Nigouki: Cam, you do realize that if you take notes you're gonna have to share the purdy handwriting, right?
TheAwkes: !chat
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
Wolfstrike_NL: poll poll poll!
ghyllnox: Black
Akaiatana: Blunk.
accountmadeforants: Black ink?
beowuuf: blink
AFamiliarCalledEl: black ink for the main notes, blue ink for the marginalia
AnjaZeta: Blue
Juliamon: Black feels right for this game
TheMerricat: Red or purple ink
ghyllnox: Color only if Wet
Oh I assure you it's gonna be infinitely prettier than mine is. 
Juliamon: caffeine!
Because keyboards exist. 
CaptainSpam: Oh, because it bites eyes... wait, no, hang on...
Radjack: Woo, Passive voice!
Orlantia: is that a lexus, or an L for Lorelei / Laser Eyes?
Laserbeaks_Fury: LexCrop
Orlantia: spots of color, how very Schindler's list / Sin City of this game
Gekyouryuu: One Miss Stery
Orlantia: much smart very brain
CaptainSpam: It was 1962 last year.
Radjack: Ah, the letter was sent in 1962, but we were to arrive in the next year
Akaiatana: Cameron, your brain is worth at least 50 pounds.
Anubis169: laser eyes?

xerjen: Oooh, a caffeine meter?
LilyOfTheVeil666: The Game Boy is in the Mind Palace
remembrancer_vivi: 1.4% truth recovered is an excellent menu stat
TheDevil_Risen: what up Cameron, how are you?
AFamiliarCalledEl: I think that's called ADHD
Nigouki: I immediately hate that we have a Bladder stat
Anubis169: while i have a photographic memory, i would kill for a hierarchical organisation like that menu x_x
Nigouki: 88?
CaptainSpam: Ah... so it's not 1963 right NOW.
Nigouki: one off, 1989 for Japan launch
niccus: one day it will be 1963
Gaelan_Maestro: tampons where originally invented to plug bullet wounds
Squallloir: are lorelei's lasers heat rays or percussive beams?
Squallloir: or maybe like those speed scanner the cops have?
satyropodobny: I never heard trabant pronounced like it was french chocolate confection
MMoritz: oh. cool, I'm playing this one myself, it'll be fun to see cams thoughts on it
Juliamon: I like the touch of the in-game company being the real-world devs, but with a different copyright date
LordZarano: "On May 16, 1960, Theodore H. Maiman operated the first functioning laser at Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, California,"
Squallloir: lasers that can measure distances are so cool to me I want a CNC laser measure
accountmadeforants: Right down to the one screen with the winding path and one point of interest
beowuuf: In 1960, before there was a precise scientific measurement, Theodore Maiman defined the strength of a beam by the number of Gillette razor blades it could cut through.
MMoritz: the developers of this game also made Device 6 on iOS which was basically a Prisoner video game
Oh hey look chat, it's the weed number! 
baltimore_667083: haha weed number xd
satyropodobny: and they called him The Puzzlemaster [cue spiderman 3 blacksuit music]
Bruceski: @beowuuf Worth noting that this wasn't as arbitrary as it may sound, Gillette was known for its manufacturing consistency.
Juliamon: Windows
Windows noise 
CaptainSpam: *gasp* The weed number?!? That's the number of weed!
beowuuf: @Bruceski cool
Radjack: I think just trying to make 2014..
MMoritz: Alexa, play 2014 by 64k
Gekyouryuu: 1302 + 671 + 41?
Radjack: The final digit needs to be 4 so yeah.. I think that's the only combo
Critterbot: Was tat other door in the gatehouse locked?
accountmadeforants: Excellen guard dog
Radjack: A shame that I have to head to bed, I shall look forward to catching the rest of this on the VoD! Best of luck!
satyropodobny: wait is this just Soviet East Germany?
accountmadeforants: Cosmic value, itty bitty page count
Gekyouryuu: The content has ~~cosmic~~ cosmetic value
MMoritz: @satyropodobny Switzerland I believe
satyropodobny: @MMoritz were soviet produced cars popular at all in Switzerland?
offbeatwitch: Mr Bob Hamburger, inventor of the hamburger
Nigouki: Misutaa Bobbu Hanbaagaa
Gekyouryuu: "EXCUSE ME, sir, my name is ROBERT GROUND BEEF PATTY THE 5TH!"
GedankenPalast_: "Hausmeister" is facility manager
MMoritz: @satyropodobny time is a bit of a thing in this game. but I would say it would be impossible for a trabbie to make it from the DDR to Switzerland
Nigouki: oh man, imagine making a puzzle game and all the passwords are just known default ones
GedankenPalast_: This game is very intriguing
MMoritz: I do know the feel. this game has a unique two button interface.
Alex_Frostfire: Weirdest cool S I've ever seen.
voren_chalco: Defaced by the ghost of Harry Houdini
Ujai321: this game seems rad, which, sadly, means i need to stop watching and play it myself
Juliamon: I think I got this one
accountmadeforants: Personality type: Dumb-dumb
YeomanAres: Are they flipped
SirMorek: i think i got this too
AnjaZeta: You get more information later that helps with this puzzle
Gekyouryuu: Is 210 degrees past 0 maybe an analog clock reading?
KaleidoscopeMind: you could math it rather than compass it
omnath_noods: that would be 7 not 730 by my math
Nigouki: Bro-tractor to the rescue
emmaInProgress: might be a 24-hour clock,too, since that was mentioned earlier
TehAmelie: it could also be numbers that read the same upside down
Juliamon: that's my guess
SirMorek: rotational symmetry was also my guess
SirMorek: oh no
YeomanAres: It's not behind the ⬛
collectangels: It's the number of dots above the letters, I think
109 raiders from Seabats have joined!
MMoritz: oh maybe

SirMorek: ook ook
Nigouki: the big brains arriving for the big brain game
wow, overthinking is awful for this game huh 
Gigantobear: powers of 2
have we tried aftershock? 
MMoritz: that question mark puzzle got me good in my game
theoretically 0, doesn't say you can't walk through walls 
ghizmou: huh?
accountmadeforants: I wonder if you're expected to remember the answers or if these are just to distract you
accountmadeforants: Training also makes sense, yeah
GedankenPalast_: Germanium has atomic number 32
MMoritz: @accountmadeforants they are here for a specific reason, but I won't tell you what it is
Gigantobear: that's just powers of 2
Gigantobear: 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192
Yeah, that one was easy enough to recognize. I didn't even think about the numbers under the symbols having to be the same 
Angnor33: 32324?
Cptasparagus: people have 32 teeth normally right
Angnor33: Sorry, just 32
accountmadeforants: (Too much time spent looking at powers of 2 things)
SirMorek: something about wisdom teeth?
Angnor33: Yes, normally 32 teeth.
emmaInProgress: XXXII so also 32 in roman numerals
Nigouki: but why Agatha? just extra info?
Gigantobear: germanium is probably the 32nd element
Skeletonman1100: Agatha's Detective could be POirot
RonaldMcDownload: Or Marple
Skeletonman1100: Poirot is from Belgium and the country phone code is 32.
RonaldMcDownload: Tho I guess "he" precludes her
SirMorek: i should read more of those, murder on the orient express surprised me
Gizmoloid: Yep Belgian code is 32 as well
SK__Ren: 64?
SirMorek: oh i see this one
Nigouki: 64
Skeletonman1100: Yeah that's what I am thinking.
GedankenPalast_: 64 yea
Skeletonman1100: But now where do we put these numbers?
SirMorek: horizontal split
SK__Ren: Split the shapes and take the point top and dot bottom
Skeletonman1100: Yeah the top half od the left with bottom of the right.
GedankenPalast_: See the dot and the black triangle?
SirMorek: top half of left figure, bottom half f right figure
YeomanAres: Triangle on top circle on bottom
NimrodXIV: ooooh
accountmadeforants: Ohhh, that's way more clever than what I was overthinking
But Cam we can see the screen 
RonaldMcDownload: Clock faces
Gizmoloid: good puzzle, makes you go from "wtf am I looking at" to "I'm smart!"
type_variable: 30
SK__Ren: oh yeah clock
SirMorek: it's *a* type of puzzle, for sure, but not my favorite kind
KaleidoscopeMind: minutes
Skeletonman1100: so 0 30? or 60 30? so 30 or 90
SirMorek: it's like the span over a clock face
MMoritz: 67
type_variable: 67
Angnor33: 67
NimrodXIV: ok this one is easy
TehAmelie: i got the same number
SK__Ren: ooooh
evil_h2o_elf: ooh hoo hoo I like this one
KaleidoscopeMind: 100 minus (does math)
Wolfstrike_NL: 100-22=78
Spades_Slicc: it's the sum of all the non x numbers in that box
r10pez10: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? At this time of year?
drachenfells subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, drachenfells! (Today's storm count: 32)
Getter404: Y minus X, clearly meaning 25 minus 24
collectangels: It's always next odd number
artemixia22: 25
Veste: looks like perfect squares
Invitare: surely that's two numbers
KaleidoscopeMind: squares
RonaldMcDownload: Last number plus the next pr
KaleidoscopeMind: 1 4 9
or squares, yeah 
Angnor33: 25
beowuuf: 25
Gekyouryuu: 25
Veste: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100
RonaldMcDownload: Or squares, yeah
RonaldMcDownload: Nvm
Spades_Slicc: 5?
SK__Ren: I've found several
collectangels: I can see 5s, 3s and 4s
TehAmelie: i can see some ones
beowuuf: the dimensions of the monolith in the first ten dimensions
Invitare: I can see one
SK__Ren: 2, 5, 4, 3
omnath_noods: now find the hidden swastika
accountmadeforants: I see a 3, a sideways 50
Spades_Slicc: w
KaleidoscopeMind: lots of 3, 4, 7...
SirMorek: i see lots of numbers, so that's a problem
Invitare: maybe those aren't hidden enough
Wolfstrike_NL: also some 1's
RonaldMcDownload: So the answer to the riddle is "yes"
Spades_Slicc: Let's assume the number has to be oriented correctly
Angnor33: The answer is "No", at least for me.
Marvoleath: I assume without any operation and when looked straight forward onto the puzzle, so 3
uneactrice: Is it spelled out in the text?
Nigouki: does this scan as a QR code?
TehAmelie: i bet it's adding up the number of corners or something irritating
Gizmoloid: gah, the more you look the more numbers you see
collectangels: 3 is the only "correct" one?
kimmibeans: I'm assuming real numbers, because I see an i or two
I see an !, it might be a factorial! 
TheAwkes: You can do that one with a die in your hand.
Spades_Slicc: x /= 2
Just get a die 
Gekyouryuu: 8
Marvoleath: 2+1+5
Gekyouryuu: 2 + 1 + 5
Spades_Slicc: 2 is opposite 4
Spades_Slicc: x is not 2
collectangels: Z = 5
collectangels: so 8
Spades_Slicc: no wait
Angnor33: 2,1,5
Angnor33: 8
Spades_Slicc: I forgor how dice work
Spades_Slicc: you rite
The_MadChatter: is x not the same as y?
collectangels: so far, they are gaming dice
Marvoleath: modern standard dice have pairing adding to 7 on opposite sides
Getter404: Are these the kind of dice that would end up in a toilet after a particularly good match
itookthisnamenotyou: Hello!
Marvoleath: but also, the pattern is displayed in the puzzle, if you assume they all follow the same pattern
SK__Ren: 24?
schordash: remember, be less clever \o\
Getter404: You have 6 fewer coins after I take your hat off since your hands are full
Marvoleath: "What size are my shoes?"
Wolfstrike_NL: 24 yea, 25% hidden in hat
Invitare: there may be better sources of coins, but they don't have *this* hat
The_MadChatter: 24 no? 1/2 in left hand, 1/4th in right, the rest 1/4 in hat, so 6 is 1/4th?
Spades_Slicc: hat + right hand equals left hand, hat = right hand, 6 + 6 + 12
SirMorek: hm, this doesn't feel like enough information
Skeletonman1100: Yes but you have 24 in the left, 12 in the right and 6 on top so 42 total coins
kimmibeans: If it makes you feel better, I'm a scientist that teaches college science and I am also confused
Skeletonman1100: Sorry I miss counted somewhere.
Ned_Flandalorian: is this angles? L = 90?
nciphr: Such a great game!!
Wolfstrike_NL: 50% in 1 hand, 25% in other hand, 6 coint in hat (which adds to 100%)
The_MadChatter: @Ned_Flandalorian Ah true!
Angnor33: Oooh. Angles
type_variable: v is 45 and l is 90
kimmibeans: Angles makes sense
Marvoleath: minutes again?
SirMorek: lot of love for clock faces
collectangels: 1815
Marvoleath: 1815
Marvoleath: alphabet position perhaps
collectangels: It's the number in the alphabet
accountmadeforants: Presumably just number of the letter in the alphabet
collectangels: 74 fits
SirMorek: 74 works for me
BusTed: ggs
kimmibeans: I just see DNA gels, so I'm like "where's the ladder???"
The_MadChatter: How does this one work chat? I can't figure out even after you say 74
Wolfstrike_NL: digital numers, all vertical lines are hidden behind black bars
Marvoleath: @The_MadChatter use digital representation of number (like in a calculator) and see how much is obscured by the "jail"
Wolfstrike_NL: numbers*
accountmadeforants: I wonder when Professor Layton drops by
The_MadChatter: Aah makes sense, thanks!
JadedCynic: @Marvoleath ahhhh, my dyslexia kept me from making that connection; thanks!
LordZarano: Repeated vowel sounds is assonance, and is my favourite type of rhyme-like thing
Spades_Slicc: I watched Nosferatu '25 earlier and for fun I also watched Nosferatu '22 right beforehand and the costume design dedication to recreating some of the original character looks is fascinating
Marvoleath: how are those puzzle accessed in the game btw? Since no input is required, I imagine they are not part of the gameplay / story
schordash: o/
Spades_Slicc: wait was that not the game?
Spades_Slicc: I got here late
Skeletonman1100: I figure we will type the numbers into something else.
This game was a blast but you'll get nothing out of me 
Marvoleath: Ah, that's cool
Wolfstrike_NL: FACTS!
nciphr: Signature look of superiority
TehAmelie: IS there a 12-hour system if it has to be doubled up in AM and PM?
Gekyouryuu: Maybe they're years AND times?
nciphr: Time is an illusion and therefore subject to your will
Invitare: base 60? But there aren't enough letters D:
Wolfstrike_NL: (nice)
collectangels: oh wait, is there a roman number in the labyrinth one?

1 raiders from Luminaire_p have joined!
Marvoleath: And chat, this is why 69 is a nice number, and that's the only reason
IbunWest: 619

GedankenPalast_: L
rentar42: i see a 3
Spades_Slicc: I see an I

Juliamon: if two human centipedes 69 is it an ouroboros
irenrose: Was there a puzzle in swedish there?
collectangels: Doesn't seem like it
Juliamon: I'm sorry
Getter404: Wouldn't that just be The Traditional Configuration with two body pillows in the middle as a buffer?
Spades_Slicc: is the hidden number 10?
LilyOfTheVeil666: @ibunwest Booyaka Booyaka
Spades_Slicc: I guess I've been kissing wrong
nciphr: Ass to ass
collectangels: Now I have to get that image with the tubes out of my head
Invitare: the problem here is your choices are like just M and I
collectangels: Thanks cameron
Natural_Ones_Only: Human Centipede?
Invitare: and L
Luminaire_p: that way we'll save on the catering bill
Gekyouryuu: Humans are meat donuts
Gekyouryuu: I took Latin for 4 years in high school, so this is fun
Spades_Slicc: Pronounce latin like Italian
Marvoleath: It depends which time period you are aiming for
BusTed: 🤌
Invitare: Team Zeta!
rentar42: It's only racist if it's from the racista area of italy, otherwise it's just sparkling bias
Gekyouryuu: Only note for Latin pronunciation: V is like W
collectangels: If you pronounce latin like italian you actually speak an old italian dialect.^^
beowuuf: as long as you say 'mario' at the end, it's fine and just nintendo parody
Gekyouryuu: So Cave is Caway
Wolfstrike_NL: And it's not Italian if you don't do the hand/finger like a pizza baker
Spades_Slicc: @Gekyouryuu Vesuvius UVU
Natural_Ones_Only: IA-CAMERON!
Invitare: @collectangels But... is not Latin is an old Italian dialect?
collectangels: It is
Juliamon: oh, is it a moon?
KaleidoscopeMind: yeah lunar phases
Spades_Slicc: Quick Cameron choose your Auspice!!

ZombieHendrix: you have to think like a moon
Marvoleath: it could also be time of the day?
Wolfstrike_NL: @ZombieHendrix Never show our dark side?
KV1NN4: this reminds me of Fatal Frame
Invitare: more money more problems
Spades_Slicc: "Something blocks the way" it's called a wall
Spades_Slicc: I think you'd like the Werewolf the Apocalypse vis novel
Marvoleath: @Spades_Slicc heart of the forest, or are you writing about another one?
Spades_Slicc: Book of Hungry Names
Spades_Slicc: I can't get Heart of the Forest to work anymore, I played for like 5 minutes and now whenever I boot it up my monitors go black, the pc goes unresponsive, and all the fans rev all the way up
PhoenixShaman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
PhoenixShaman: Hi Cam
Thanks for subscribing, PhoenixShaman! (Today's storm count: 33)
Spades_Slicc: Amogus
Invitare: the number in the maze puzzle?

Gekyouryuu: are these shapes hints for the hidden number puzzle?
Natural_Ones_Only: Did we try book 1847?
Marvoleath: pondering that orb
collectangels: Does the existence of a library imply the existence of a truthberry?

Wolfstrike_NL: please be a sequence

accountmadeforants: See, reading does pay!
collectangels: A whole dollar, woohoo
An_Owl_At_What: Maybe 1881?
Spades_Slicc: Was it a dollar from that year?
SirMorek: can we get to the shelves on the other side, or is that locked to us?
Marvoleath: the other side of the gallery?
Wolfstrike_NL: gacha!
Getter404: It's Pikachu!

KaleidoscopeMind: jigglypuff from above!
Natural_Ones_Only: It might just be an extra collectibles thing
accountmadeforants: Oh, from Sayonara Wild Hearts probably?

Getter404: Okay, now to use this plastic sword toy as a rudimentary lockpick
Marvoleath: how many dollarydoos do we posses?
Getter404: @Marvoleath Started with 6
Wolfstrike_NL: 0 soon ^^
SirMorek: imagine if instead of being from previous games, they were from future games
Getter404: Hey. Listen.
CaptainSpam: Ah, Navi. Good, that'll sort things out.
Gekyouryuu: ok, but are they going to be delightfully twisted and give you duplicates?
accountmadeforants: Wake up, and smell the ashes
Krektogar: So, when Do we start getting multiples?
PMAvers: "The Americans, you know, they are messy eaters, and they invited me to burgers."
schordash: my brain: ask about the blood 👀
Invitare: Sonic?
schordash: 👈
CaptainSpam: Raindrops keep falling on my head(gehog).
Marvoleath: 1963 - room number of the ketchup gut
Marvoleath: guy*
MMoritz: I think it's interesting that when you find a document it says "memory recovered"

SirMorek: pettable dog, outstanding
Marvoleath: goty
MMoritz: I believe there is an achievement for petting the dog, but I have not gotten it yet. must pet dog more to confirm hypothesis
schordash: is there 6 coins in that hat? 👀
Skeletonman1100: That lock was SC Bolt, the author of the puzzle book. So maybe puzzle 16 has the number for that lock?
Natural_Ones_Only: There's an american dollar under the bottom left statue
MMoritz: I didn't want to say anything but the forward of the book does underline "shortcut"
Wolfstrike_NL: 24
SirMorek: this was 24
ZuNy77: man this games art style is so weird i kinda love it
accountmadeforants: Big fan of the old hard drive noises
Wolfstrike_NL: just 14 more hours to go at this pace
SK__Ren: The head motor and modem dial tones are peak
I think we all had a friend's parents' computer we played games on 
Cptasparagus: hotel last year
Cptasparagus: huh
Cptasparagus: yeah thats what it means in german

Cptasparagus: the dog looks friendly it might have a dollar
Natural_Ones_Only: *right
Natural_Ones_Only: Sry
Natural_Ones_Only: The one you just got
Wolfstrike_NL: (no clue, but we're about on 2h stream uptime, and 1/8 (12.5% of the way through), But we did solve alot of puzzles so that will surely speed things up(?)
accountmadeforants: The instruction manual said it let you sprint
OminouslyOminous subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
Thanks for subscribing, OminouslyOminous! (Today's storm count: 34)
Natural_Ones_Only: We never got our room key
MMoritz: that's a device 6 reference
KaleidoscopeMind: 3 bears! almost forebears
Wolfstrike_NL: a family of bears, surely thats a need for speed reference, right?
Marvoleath: "how long to beat" states 16-20 hours, 24 for completionist
MMoritz: @wolfstrike_nl nah, it's Device 6
MMoritz: they're all simogo game references
Wolfstrike_NL: @MMoritz!
MMoritz: wasn't he in 1963?
Wolfstrike_NL: to furious...not need for speed
KaleidoscopeMind: didnt the letter say last year tho
KaleidoscopeMind: or was that last letter
MMoritz: so... 1962?
MMoritz: it is one of the songs of all time
empyreon: occupado?
Cptasparagus: Schoner Tag is like... More Beautiful Day
Natural_Ones_Only: A film by Renzo NERO
Wolfstrike_NL: we saw this poster near a 4 digit lock
KaleidoscopeMind: Renzo was one of those words from the puzzle book right? With the number = letter cypher
accountmadeforants: Renzo was also the one who sent us the letter
SK__Ren: Also 1954, was that one of the dates on the puzzles
accountmadeforants: THREE HOURS?

Wolfstrike_NL: Rinaldo sucks
30teracyte: 'interactive horror'
Gaelan_Maestro: oh HELL NO
KaleidoscopeMind: a 3h15min cat video!
CaptainSpam: Jesus CHRIST Rinaldo.
Natural_Ones_Only: Go with me on this journey. Lorenzo...Renzo
MMoritz: @natural_ones_only and lorelei?
LostThePirate: I fundamentally disagree, lol...
xantos69: Yea. Art doesn't exist without a viewer
wordnerdify: Howdy Cam, howdy chat. Hope all are well
kireawolf: I like how the poster start out like "I'd watch that" and end with "WTF!"
30teracyte: this guy jump scares me every time
CaptainSpam: "Then have ALL THE PUZZLES IN THE WORLD! Ah ha ha ha ha!"
Natural_Ones_Only: That maze on 1847 looks like the maze in the room with the old lady
KaleidoscopeMind: granted many mazes look similar
Bruceski: You are in a maze of mazes, all alike.
TheShinyOne: personally I think the door is pretty amazeing
NevermorePainting: maze on door: funniest way to mishear raison d'être
Cptasparagus: forest
LostThePirate: Black Forest
irenrose: Forest
Marvoleath: himmelskorper = celestial / heavenly body / object
MMoritz: himmelskörper... sky... corpse?
GedankenPalast_: ^
MMoritz: mein Deustch is sehr schlecht
TehAmelie: i understood that reference
irenrose: It was the symbols for the heavenly bodies of jupiter, moon, sun, etc
30teracyte: yes
MMoritz: yes 1847
MMoritz: again
Bruceski: New rule, games are not allowed to groan ominously if that doesn't indicate a correct code
Ned_Flandalorian: oh, SC = shortcut
Skeletonman1100: THe dot dot dot at teh end? so 44?
Ned_Flandalorian: 44
Skeletonman1100: Cause the 1847 clue on that page, has 5 dots above letters, but then 2 more in teh ! and ?
irenrose: Phonetic swedish it was methinks
TheShinyOne: I'm worried about who sprinkled all the singles about
MMoritz: fun fact. the SC door puzzles are randomised
Natural_Ones_Only: Do a James!
xantos69: Who do you think you are? James?
MMoritz: talking simulator with James turner
KaleidoscopeMind: a... sprained ankle
Natural_Ones_Only: That sledgehammer was covered in blood
accountmadeforants: Our knees!
Wolfstrike_NL: our legs are intact?!?
Marvoleath: hey, you found a Jesus, there was a guy asking about it at my door recently
GedankenPalast_: @Marvoleath Someone was looking for their Jesus?
Marvoleath: OK, so Nero Y, Nero Z, have we seen Nero X already?
KaleidoscopeMind: kitty poster
TheShinyOne: Imagine being so messed up that you have your own in-house confessional booth and live-in priest
Wolfstrike_NL: agree on 6252
Skeletonman1100: very
accountmadeforants: Reasonable as anything
MMoritz: the logic is sound
SirMorek: that seems like what we're doing here in this game
Marvoleath: ab imo pectore = from the bottom of ones heart / chest
TheShinyOne: The safe lock looks like a pokeball
GedankenPalast_: Or the death star
MMoritz: you got that way quicker than I did
Natural_Ones_Only: But upside down?
Marvoleath: 0261
Marvoleath: ?
Ned_Flandalorian: no, 5
Marvoleath: ah, derp
Marvoleath: 0561 yea
Wolfstrike_NL: the clock in the hallway? 18:47?
Wolfstrike_NL: or..this once
GedankenPalast_: Seems like it
Marvoleath: hour hand is shorter
KaleidoscopeMind: hour hand is usually small right
Bruceski: Oh that sound takes me back
Wolfstrike_NL: Desertbus?!
MMoritz: you were talking about old sierra games???
Marvoleath: morse?
odddirective: 162?
GedankenPalast_: Is that morse?
Marvoleath: or just numbers
GedankenPalast_: or numbers
Bruceski: 162
MMoritz: oh gods... that is the message tone from Device 6

LilyOfTheVeil666: Ah yes, the ancient E(strogen)
MMoritz: man, now I want to play jalopy again
MMoritz: DeutscheMark
Marvoleath: Deutsche Mark
GedankenPalast_: D-Mark was "Deutsche Mark"
Skeletonman1100: 47 97 28
Nigouki: read me the obscenities game
CaptainSpam: Good ol' pull-chain toilets. Useful for pretending to summon Lurch.
Marvoleath: are they obscenities and poetry at the same time, or separate?
Wolfstrike_NL: E R on tapes numbers?....
kimmibeans: We have not located 1 and 2 yet, correct?

Wolfstrike_NL: We're so rich!
kireawolf: 4 horsemen?
GedankenPalast_: Mh, the 4 riders
SirMorek: did we notice the key on the chandalier before?
SirMorek: outside the chapel
SirMorek: upper right
silenceaux: Ah, on the screen near the bottom of the stairs, on a secondary chandelier.
GedankenPalast_: oh yea
GedankenPalast_: I saw the key
SirMorek: it's hardly a point and click game though, so that's weird
Marvoleath: Fames, Mors, Pestilentia, Bellum
kimmibeans: You could say they have... laser eyes
Wolfstrike_NL: yikes
silenceaux: Wuh oh.
CaptainSpam: Uh oh.
GedankenPalast_: Uh oh
LilyOfTheVeil666: Uuuuh
30teracyte: Truly a devious puzzle
Nigouki: oof, RIP Beej's anime torrents
MMoritz: it took me like.... 3 or 4 hours to notice that key.
OminouslyOminous: Ominous
CaptainSpam: Welp, thanks for watching, local recording folk! See you next time!
Welp, guess Heather will have to rip the VoD from Twitch 
Skeletonman1100: 1959 + 1948
KaleidoscopeMind: sorry heather
SirMorek: lol
KaleidoscopeMind: wut

SirMorek: rude video game
Spades_Slicc: That's the number labyrinth
Chronomos901: tetris at home
30teracyte: This one took me foreeeeeever
Veggie_Sweats: I felt that F bomb in my bones LOL
Orlantia: tetris for gamers
ztghostie: why does the dial look like a pokeball
Wolfstrike_NL: Yea....
Nigouki: brain off of cliff
silenceaux: I take it nothing happens when you click on shapes?
irenrose: The blocks are dif sizes
Orlantia: gotta use your laser eyes
TheAwkes: Numbers of pixels.
OminouslyOminous: I got distracted by the puzzle and lost my Balatro run by 116 chips
SirMorek: oh do they encode the size of block as value?
MMoritz: i can usually manage about 90 minutes in this game before my brain melts, so you're doing better than I
Decaped: H Y
Astramentha: @
Gaelan_Maestro: awesome
Nigouki: well fuk
CaptainSpam: yooooooooo
Orlantia: noice
Wolfstrike_NL: smartest man alive

Mai_Andra: actively gaming
silenceaux: Ah. . .
irenrose: I bolted up to write that hint
Orlantia: it's almost like cameron is smart or somthing
SirMorek: the emotional loop between "fuck you game" to "i'm an idiot" to "oh i'm gaming"
Bruceski: Honestly, "fuck you" --> "oh, I think it's this" is kinda my ideal puzzle difficulty
Astramentha: love lamp
Marvoleath: the computer in the game runs real-life computing and uses real electricity to do so
I wonder how many people who play this game have no idea what a floppy evenis
(just gonna fade in to dust over here)
Wolfstrike_NL: @ThorSokar it's a 3d printed save icon, we went over this
ThorSokar: ugggh
TheAwkes: "the mother goose of all birds" sure is a thing you can call your endeavour.
SirMorek: if you're going to have a tarot deck, you should have a nice one
Nigouki: now I want some foil Clow Cards
irenrose: Full bleed foil tarot dexk sounds deece
Cptasparagus: thats german XD
GedankenPalast_: Locked memmories
Cptasparagus: schloss is castle
kireawolf: Chat says Cameron is really smart and in order to prove chat wrong Cameron says a really intelligent sounding thing.
Orlantia: isnt that german?
GedankenPalast_: That is German yea
ThorSokar: Pretty sure that's German
MMoritz: he's Canadian, he knows french
Orlantia: good point, you are a canadian, i should trust your judgement
Cptasparagus: I didnt take four years of german in high school to be told what is and isnt german
gualdhar: @Cptasparagus then don't be wrong *shrugs*
SK__Ren: @Cptasparagus Now can you repeat that in German?
kimmibeans: My German Shepherd disapproves of you attributing his language to the French
Nigouki: was that Jeopardy But With Gun?
Cptasparagus: @SK__Ren nein
Decaped: An American Dollar in Germany.
ThorSokar: Russian Jeopardy
Veggie_Sweats: oh you mean Gunpardy?
Orlantia: i love how international this game is. american dollar, eastern french language
TheShinyOne: jeopardy would be more accurate if the contestant's lives were at stake
TheAwkes: Is the plug being visible conspicuous to anyome else?
SirMorek: we didn't interact with the content of the tv channels
GedankenPalast_: unplug tv
MMoritz: @orlantia and the finest car invented, the trabant
Wolfstrike_NL: I_ER...
Nigouki: toy gun? boooooooo
kimmibeans: Does anybody else see numbers in the scene? Like, the different objects making shapes that look like numbers
kimmibeans: Maybe I'm just overthinking it
emmaInProgress: that poster looks like numbers
Nigouki: painting remaps
SirMorek: oh, the picture is jumbled
Marvoleath: the numbers on the painting
Marvoleath: are different order, yea
GedankenPalast_: The pic is the number pad
ThorSokar: look, with your special eyes!
TheAwkes: I was wondering if it was a 123 keypad or a 789 keypad.
kimmibeans: 8 is in the top right corner
Orlantia: that was a difficult font
Nigouki: thoughts: "Neat"
Orlantia: very cool aesthetic
SirMorek: well, wait, this is sorta structural bullshit, but the good kind?
Skeletonman1100: Added to Steam wish list.
GapFiller: morty
GedankenPalast_: VERY intriguing, tickles brain
Skeletonman1100: Very good puzzles.
KaleidoscopeMind: clever, not smart
MMoritz: simogo are very good with puzzle design
Mai_Andra: "this is bullshit" <5 minutes later> "I like how low-bullshit this is..."
putz12a subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Thanks for subscribing, putz12a! (Today's storm count: 35)
BusTed: best to ever do it
Juliamon: I get modern-Myst vibes from it
ThorSokar: that's what a good puzzle game should do
KaleidoscopeMind: have a sticker!
Smartest man alive. Never didn't have it. 
Marvoleath: slap, slap, head pat
MMoritz: @juliamon with all of mysts BS. And I say that as a myst fan
OminouslyOminous: Oh. I miss that.
GedankenPalast_: Ô.o What schools did you go to?
ThorSokar: "but today we're doing math in base-8, so you're wrong"
Squallloir: i have trouble watching puzzle games cuz I just wanna try the puzzles myself when the streamer fails a few times
MMoritz: @squallloir mood
SirMorek: so what about the laser eyes?
Squallloir: or they like forget a mechanic exists because they looked at chat for the scene it was introduced
Decaped: puzzle games suffer as performative, as noted by Cameron saying he feels dumb
GedankenPalast_: @KeytarCat Big mood
HortonFearsACoup: *Grabs two neurons*
HortonFearsACoup: Now kiss
ThorSokar: haha
Marvoleath: SC Bolt, Short-cut bolt (lock), which is a bit on the nose
SirMorek: look, i've got exactly two brain cells, one in each hand
Marvoleath: but yea, good hint
Squallloir: however your game commentary was great to have on while I made fried rice for the first time successfully
Gekyouryuu: more like neur-offs
MMoritz: shortcut is even underlined on the first pages XD
pandt: I played through the game and never noticed that, I just saw there were numbers on the bolts and numbers in the book so I tried it
Well done, enjoy
kimmibeans: I enjoyed watching you while I avoided real work
ThorSokar: hahaha
30teracyte: The shortcuts are also not necessary for progression, its just to get around easier
Andymonium: he's got us, that's what we sound like
KaleidoscopeMind: i have 200+ eyes
ThorSokar: something something reading comprehension
HortonFearsACoup: Mods, take his neurons
Juliamon: but I am le tired
Squallloir: wah wah I'm chat, no one is experiencing the true reality except me
Cam, how much did you use the pen and paper
TheAwkes: There are 200+ of us to notice single details, and only one of you.
Mai_Andra: i just spent a lot of time on uhs-hints back in the day...
Gekyouryuu: @ThorSokar how dare you say we piss on the poor
Astramentha: Chat, he Mary’d us
ThorSokar: well, then have a nap, and then fire ze missles!
Boiler_bot: "Bake him away, toys."
MMoritz: thank you for a wonderful stream, Cameron. I loved it
gualdhar: oh no
Marvoleath: everyone know that cameras devour a lot of your capability to pay attention to things, that's how they work
Squallloir: hard drive is haunted
gualdhar: but what about the Nope boys
OminouslyOminous: thanks for stream
Decaped: there is a good discussion to be had about how people who don't like puzzles end up playing puzzle games
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Hollowbody) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (35m from now).

Boiler_bot: Thanks Cam!
Andymonium: thanks for an excellent stream :3


gualdhar: Nope Boys, featuring Nope Hard Drive
thanks for streming Cam

Nigouki: the frogless zone
CaptainSpam: Well, good thing we don't have another stream coming up in... 35 minutes?!? Oh no! *slapstick farce ensues*
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Hollowbody) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (35m from now).
TheWriterAleph: bodies is tubes
Marvoleath: !schedule
Invitare: hollow bones lets you fly
KV1NN4: Mine normally isn't but my new medication has been doing a number.......
KV1NN4: guess which one
OminouslyOminous: We are rigatoni
Cptasparagus: duskmorn quick draft
Not Innistrad remastered 
Invitare: but shrimp aren't bread
KaleidoscopeMind: like shrimp colors
ThorSokar: that sounds... not good
GedankenPalast_: Toast out of shrimps?
Mai_Andra: "magic-magic MAGIC magic."
Ned_Flandalorian: which will happen first: the nope boys start the game or the HDD gets full
OminouslyOminous: is this the shrimp paste wet from DB?
Andymonium: yessss
Orxolon: yeeessssss
ThorSokar: oh wow
GedankenPalast_: Uhhh, yea
gualdhar: oh that's sweet
Juliamon: but not, because they finished
ghizmou: goodbye volcano high (last tour)
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
50 bits

TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.


kimmibeans: Bye!

Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
CaptainSpam: Heather! Get the plunger! Cam's filled the computer!
Marvoleath: just need some floppy disks for the further recordings
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