Nigouki: backing up a 1080p stream to floppies would need a gatling gun type of setup that buffered, split up and recorded to dozens of drives
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Hollowbody) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (0s from now).
Fanklok: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Hollowbody) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (56s ago).

ButButTheJesus: is it the spoopin time?
TheWriterAleph: discordant lol
ghyllnox: Is [Includes Paid Promotion] showing for anyone else?
lamina5432: eveing'
JoTyler: le poopening
Orlantia: Get spooped

dragonwarrior000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Thanks for subscribing, dragonwarrior000! (Today's storm count: 36)
GedankenPalast_: I'm here. Sleeving a deck.
wood night shift Let’s Nope

thinkbakerart: and here I thought this notification was a dark souls reference. 😔
inconclusivecapybara subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Thanks for subscribing, inconclusivecapybara! (Today's storm count: 37)
Diabore: we have finally achieved a hollowbody
CaptinOfBeez subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CaptinOfBeez! (Today's storm count: 38)
Makrosian_Tay: Hollow? ZZZ mentioned??
BusTed: surely it should have been 'anybody'
RatherLargeToad: 🎵Hollow! Is it me you’re looking for?🎵
@makrosian_tay surely you mean Dark Souls mentioned 
Darleysam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Darleysam: hollow from the other side
Thanks for subscribing, Darleysam! (Today's storm count: 39)
lamina5432: is there some bleach around
Hey everybody!

far2muchsarcasm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
Thanks for subscribing, far2muchsarcasm! (Today's storm count: 40)
Bruceski: Aint no hollow back girl, no I aint no hollow back girl.


YawnLance: Nooo
SnackPak_: nooooo

ButButTheJesus: noooo
BusTed: canceled
saucemaster5000: y'all putting the poo in spoopifer

MilkInBags: spoopifer believes in the natural role of provider
InconsiderateHat: Was it Kathleen doing that voice?
Not Spoopifer 
rosesmcgee: Spoopifer cancelled
Mr_Horrible: oh dear, I get in here and Adam is already causing trouble
SnackPak_: time to cancel Spoopifer
matthaus_c: the boys are back in town
gibbousm: getting bodies?
MilkInBags: that's also what i heard adam
Makrosian_Tay: I heard it too Adam
MAPBoardgames: Dr. LRR
saucemaster5000: HE'S NOT????
Seth_Erickson: You did say I'm not a doctor
MungoDude: I'm also not a doctor
Mr_Horrible: he has to affirm it to himself once every day
Diabore: the doctor discovered ben has a hollow body, so here we are
ButButTheJesus: yes he did say that
Nigouki: but do get your prostate checked out just in case
Bruceski: Doctor Spoops: not a real doctor
teeyeezey: DR LIGMA
raulghoulia: I also heard him say I'm not a doctor
brushfire44: Doctors hate him
betweenmyself: Four out of five doctors agree… “Ben’s not here”.
CaptainSpam: Ben's not a doctor, but he plays one on the internets. On the INTERNETS, people.
MungoDude: Dear Doctors LRR, are you real doctors?
BusTed: haha
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam doing the microphone adjust
Mr_Horrible: "I tire of this cookie"
saucemaster5000: Hell yeah pop off queen
Mr_Horrible: I'll take 2 of each
BlackIsis: wow, rude
Makrosian_Tay: first mistake
jacobc131: The planets have aligned to watch the show live! I can be called a dumbass in person! What a glorious day
BlackIsis: wait, waht
the_tarabyte subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
Thanks for subscribing, the_tarabyte! (Today's storm count: 41)
SnackPak_: baller
MilkInBags: time to cancel nicole
MAPBoardgames: Cookie! NOO!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude
MWGNZ: ben is nta here
circusofkirkus: sounds like Ben was in the wrong
Mr_Horrible: sorry Ben, within the context of this story, she was right to not grab that cookie
saucemaster5000: you know what of the three of them adam is right
RatherLargeToad: there’s always room for jello

catcard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
catcard: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
tr3ewitch88: Hey everyone! Hope all is well with you guys
Thanks for subscribing, catcard! (Today's storm count: 42)
Fanklok: Only 7?
xantos69: Divorce
Makrosian_Tay: OMG

Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT

matthaus_c: Nicole is so right
GedankenPalast_: wow
SnackPak_: art
YawnLance: Nicole gets it
Mr_Horrible: I mean that's just you knowing what you got yourself into
MilkInBags: I would dump her ass immediately (no)

ButButTheJesus: I'm not sure how but Nicole is still right
Makrosian_Tay: Very good Adam

trialbystory subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
Thanks for subscribing, trialbystory! (Today's storm count: 43)
matthaus_c: Nicole has comedy on their side
JohnLockeCole: Monhun!
Fanklok: Hey can we get rid of Ben and get Nicole on the stream
Mr_Horrible: we need to return to bulky
SmithKurosaki: Dual blades!
MilkInBags: nuh huh
BusTed: damn
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro
YawnLance subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
YawnLance: Heck yeah Nicole
SnackPak_: rip
Thanks for subscribing, YawnLance! (Today's storm count: 44)
ButButTheJesus: hm
InconsiderateHat: NICOLE WHY
saucemaster5000: this is usual partner stuff honestly
SeaDiegoFC subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
kimmibeans: Ben, it's a girl thing. I've definitely done that with my partner, lol
BusTed: gremlins feeding off each other's energy
Mr_Horrible: Ben you realize, when Adam finally watches Castelvania you're gonna make that face so hard you'll die
Thanks for subscribing, SeaDiegoFC! (Today's storm count: 45)

Thefluffiestguineapig: that’s amazing
Makrosian_Tay: Nicole over here trollmaxxing
SeaDiegoFC: Nicole and Adam are going to watch Castlevania together
rosesmcgee: Nicole and Adam were watching Castlevania together too
matthaus_c: trollpilled, prankmaxxing
kimmibeans: Not the cookie thing. The game thing. The cookie thing is a crime
Makrosian_Tay: @seadiegofc Ben might actually explode
YawnLance: @SeaDiegoFC And never tell Ben
rosesmcgee: @SeaDiegoFC One brain cell
MilkInBags: spookier than the deep ocean?
YawnLance: !cw
LRRbot: This game contains, or we have found it to contain, material that may be upsetting to some of our viewers. If that content is a problem for you, it's okay to not watch this stream. Self-care is more important.
MungoDude: please give me a cookie (so I can have just one little bite of it)
BlackIsis: It won't have the existential dread of Subnautica
Thefluffiestguineapig: the moment when you are glad a friend is there so you can prove someone said/asked for something f
Mr_Horrible: I have probably not played enough of this to avoid spoilers from this stream yet
Warning Adam may kill your game pet. 
MilkInBags: mods don't work a day in their life
couchboyj: Mental health issues may be presented poorly
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh that’s a very good new chat command
Mr_Horrible: but I'm here because I love you boys

ButButTheJesus: DO IT ADAM
Kramburger: Adam. ADAM.
JoTyler: ben will dump you both
Kramburger: DO IT
MilkInBags: Ben I have grave news for you
Thefluffiestguineapig: Now he’s tempted
SnackPak_: it'd be funny tho
Kipstar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Kipstar: 50!
Thanks for subscribing, Kipstar! (Today's storm count: 46)
ThorSokar: OH we got him on the HOOK now
BusTed: I can see the gears turning
MacbethSeemsSus: Spite's powerful though
Fanklok: Ben will divorce both of you

ButButTheJesus: for teh lulz

irdeaded subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Thanks for subscribing, irdeaded! (Today's storm count: 47)
couchboyj: Did ya'll here they are working on a pilot for a Holes TV series?
Mr_Horrible: and then Ben just tosses your body into the sea
PMAvers: And then Ben gets to push the button to send him into the incinerator
Seth_Erickson: He can't watch Castlevania Ben he has new Solo Leveling to watch
Mr_Horrible: "Can't believe I'm leaving this mortal coil while watching mid"
empyreon: YESSSS
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam would do that just to spite Ben 🤣
MirrorDisco: creature commandos is so fun!
file_maker: life is mid
BusTed: what about king shark
empyreon: It DOES have GI Robot
matthaus_c: no one should be able to own Jeff
itira: evening gamers
Mr_Horrible: wait, there's another glowy skeleton guy?
MirrorDisco: Yes! it’s great!
Makrosian_Tay: Real
Mr_Horrible: I just know Blight from Batman Beyond
GedankenPalast_: I can respect that
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thars a very good thing to be all about TBH
Mr_Horrible: oh, powerful choice
MirrorDisco: A cute fish lady ♥️
Inquisitor_Xian: Man, Gogol Bordello was one of the most fun concerts i've ever been to
MilkInBags: secret leveeeeeeeeeeeel
Inquisitor_Xian: honestly makes me wanna watch that show more
Speakin of spoopy, I gotta report for Jury Duty tomorrow 
rosesmcgee: Secret Level is goated
Thefluffiestguineapig: he is kind of like “I like shooting Nazis and telling stories about shooting Nazis”
Dog_of_Myth: Love the 40K episode
7gorobei: solo leveling S2 has started Adam
MilkInBags: on the list (the list is 2 years long)
itira: i only watched the warhammer episode and it was fine
Seth_Erickson: It's by the people who made Love Death and Robots
MirrorDisco: Secret Level is so good!
Mr_Horrible: "Did you ever watch Love Death And Robots? This is like that, but worse."
tehfewl: i follow one of the artists on twitter who worked on it.
Thefluffiestguineapig: It is super cool
BlackIsis: they've got a Pac Man episode
Kramburger: Cyped for the Concord episode?
MilkInBags: so it's love death and robots but known IP?
BlackIsis: which is...different
GedankenPalast_: solo leveling... I was screaming at the screen for him to skill int
Makrosian_Tay: PAC Man tho
MirrorDisco: The 40k episode is fantastic
MungoDude: exactly MilkInBags
Seth_Erickson: I need to watch it myself still.
Mr_Horrible: it's called a Vignette Show, people
matthaus_c: this is MY fault?
hatboozeparty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months, currently on a 7 month streak!

Thanks for subscribing, hatboozeparty! (Today's storm count: 48)
Mr_Horrible: most things are @matthaus_c
Dog_of_Myth: @matthaus_c Of course
Mr_Horrible: but that's honestly impressive
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible if Ben is to be believed
YawnLance: @matthaus_c It often is
matthaus_c: oh my god I'm being bullied
MacbethSeemsSus: I don't have dollarydoos, do you accept cash?
NotCainNorAbel: professional streamer
ThorSokar: I am not in the game of making Heather suspicious of me
MilkInBags: wait you're stuck doing 'this show' because of patreons?
MilkInBags: i can deal with them
tr3ewitch88: @lrrbot thank you for everything ❤️
StronkChonkler: Being an Aussie, I have dollarydoos
jessicaengle: Hello
Mr_Horrible: then I'll just take my Powerful American Dollar and keep it to myself
kimmibeans: How about dollar-bucks?
Mr_Horrible: you ungrateful Canucks
InconsiderateHat: Hey chat, I just remembered I was supposed to do a workout today. is 8pm too late?
Makrosian_Tay: Doge!
Spades_Slicc: Sorry, all my tokens are very fungible
MilkInBags subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
MilkInBags: This is my NFT subscription, you cannot download it
Thanks for subscribing, MilkInBags! (Today's storm count: 49)
MAPBoardgames: Prof. Pigglesworth's PiggyPennys?
Mai_Andra: cash isn't worth anything in Canada. must convert to Tim Horton's gift cards
Spades_Slicc: @InconsiderateHat never too late
NotCainNorAbel: @InconsiderateHat It's never too late
Fanklok: Cori said having problems with the mic stands is a skill issue not a problem with the stands themselves
Mr_Horrible: I played the demo last year, I've played like the first 90 minutes so far
Mr_Horrible: so far p solid
kimmibeans: @InconsiderateHat I've definitely done workours at like 11:00, so no, it's never too late
GedankenPalast_: @InconsiderateHat Never too late. At least do the warm up. And then you can deceide.
MilkInBags: yeah but mr horrible loves signalis
Mr_Horrible: Camera's a bit goofy
MilkInBags: so it's moot
Seth_Erickson: Yeah but he likes Signalis so

MilkInBags: @Seth_Erickson heeeeeeeeey
CaptainSpam: HORROR!!!
Mr_Horrible: Milk fears peak
GedankenPalast_: WHAT?
jessicaengle: Mr. Horrorble?
Orxolon: ho rror
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAAAT
Mr_Horrible: Seth I know is just joshing tho
BusTed: we got a stomp
RatherLargeToad: Horror! From the year 5000!

matthaus_c: tank controls are actually good I will die on this hill
Spades_Slicc: gently hold the subtitles
MAPBoardgames: Dedicated 'stomp' button
Makrosian_Tay: Hold this subtitle bro
MilkInBags: to be honest i have no idea what signalis is

violetblight: damn whys the game on the screen already
tehfewl: holding space for subtitles
phoenixletmeuseadashd: for a moment I had this confused witha game they did on W+P recently
Nigouki: *holds subtitles* Please, my subtitles, they need TL Notes
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am a proud casual
Orxolon: that name is designed to offend gamers xD
BusTed: Classic RE style
Seth_Erickson: Give me full control
violetblight: modern's cheating, classic's the real hollowbody gameplay
YawnLance: I mean it says you can change it
Mr_Horrible: okay so - Classic is not *that* much like RE, the camera in open areas follows you and is very floaty
Dog_of_Myth: Fair
Mai_Andra: maybe it's a choice between auto-play subtitles or wait for player input to advance
Mr_Horrible: but in like rooms and hallways it's a little bit more fixed
Nigouki: Ah, Thatcher back from the dead?
Mr_Horrible: Modern is more standard dual-analog, but the camera can freak out in places
matthaus_c: a British city? plagued? couldn't be them
BusTed: heheh... aeonis
Mr_Horrible: @Nigouki and she brought shingles with her!
Makrosian_Tay: or the UAE
JoTyler: let's sink it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Um most of the coast isn’t economically thriving
TheAwkes: The NEARBY city? In the North Atlantic?
Spades_Slicc: Atlantis pre sinking
Seth_Erickson: You don't know that Atlantis wasn't once above the ocean
Fanklok: Unknown biohazard? We can just call it beans on toast
hatboozeparty: That was a good one

Thefluffiestguineapig: @fanklok Really? I would have thought it was marmite
MacbethSeemsSus: Very British thing to "discover" Ireland in the 21st century
ButButTheJesus: BUKKITS
MAPBoardgames: contagion: check
PhuzNutz: Isn't that just The Netherlands?
Spades_Slicc: The people de-wetting Atlantis are minecraft gamers
Mr_Horrible: "I gave 50000 citizens the plague"
Mr_Horrible: <rictus grin>
matthaus_c: the premise to a Mr Beast video
Kramburger: I'd rather be in australia V2 than with Mr Beast
MAPBoardgames: and threedom for all!
SwoopieVT: @Kramburger Same, honestly.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @phuznutz a good portion of it yes
Mr_Horrible: fuck outta here, *Jimmy*
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kramburger same TBH
catcard: hello everyone, I had to brb since Podcast Phase, have I missed anything critical?
MungoDude: from the Latin "pen-" meaning "almost" and "insula" meaning "island"
Look at that ass 
matthaus_c: I should call her
KeytarCat: That shot looked like Deathloop
Mr_Horrible: they're juuuust starting gameplay catcard
itira: they got some thicc dumpers
TheWriterAleph: is THAT body hollow?
@Mr_Horrible awesome 
Orxolon: i already feel dizzy xD
j0biwan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months, currently on a 40 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, j0biwan! (Today's storm count: 50)
baltimore_667083 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
Thanks for subscribing, baltimore_667083! (Today's storm count: 51)
tehfewl: all caked up on a tuesday
saucemaster5000: damn that is RIDING up their ass fit
saucemaster5000: that is uncomfortable
That run 
baltimore_667083: where’s the beef? check Wendy’s
tr3ewitch88: They look like they have the worst wedgies.😅🤣🤣🤣
baltimore_667083: I mean they probably do
Thefluffiestguineapig: Respirator plus northern accent is rough when I’m on mobile, starting up the tv so I can read
wiganlass: those pants can’t be comfortable
VrolikSyndrome subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months, currently on a 21 month streak!
VrolikSyndrome: Woah woah woah. 20 minutes in and the podcast is already over?
Thanks for subscribing, VrolikSyndrome! (Today's storm count: 52)
Mr_Horrible: he was a ghost the whole time
Spades_Slicc: His body is . . . . . . . hollow
Orxolon: why don't you help carry one briefcase?
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: roll credits
RatherLargeToad: they are giving up on comfort for high fashion
MAPBoardgames: Blame Canada!
Seth_Erickson: He's cracked the code wide open
korvys: Weird thought, this font feel very... PS3 era
MungoDude: he has to hold those two suitcases to not float off into space
Decaped: This sure is modern British politics, huh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @wiganlass Honestly though a lot of “standard medical equipment” is designed for men so if you’re female it is deeply u comfortable
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 I wanna invoke some collision resolution with you, babe
Orxolon: @korvys not weird at all,i agree
kimmibeans: Wht are the saggy buttss merging?
NotCainNorAbel: why does he have two cases and we have no cases
Mr_Horrible: gotta get his steps in, Ben
couchboyj: Dat shack, baby dat shack
Fanklok: I can't understand a word over the footsteps
MAPBoardgames: He likes long walks on the beach
CaptainSpam: So... brown?
Mr_Horrible: at last we can have Dark Souls clones
MilkInBags: heavy rain was peak graphics
violetblight: wdym the nostalgia's coming for me now
itira: it kind of looks like you have to poop
Spades_Slicc: @MAPBoardgames What about Pina Coladas?
MilkInBags: SHAUN
SwoopieVT: So when do we get the 8-bit retro capturing the feel of the last 8-bit retro?
saucemaster5000: oh hi mark
Mr_Horrible: Heavy Rain was peak *something* alright
Kentosaurus: oh hi mark
epsilon_vee: this muffled dialogue
vinopinguino: kenny sounding ah
Seth_Erickson: JASON!
TheWriterAleph: mwah mwaaaah mwahmwah
RatherLargeToad: o hai mark
Thefluffiestguineapig: no one can hear you yell in a respirator
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: merry tuesday to all
Thanks for subscribing, ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa! (Today's storm count: 53)
Orxolon: they all talk like Kenny hahahah
itira: KEVIN
MacbethSeemsSus: I'm sensing a limited modeling budget.
MungoDude: Sasha, short for Alex?
Mr_Horrible: if you thing the ass on that suit sags *now*, Ben
Mr_Horrible: just wait til it's waterlogged
DrLigmaPhD: Just got here, have wee made a "hollow back" girl joke yet?
Makrosian_Tay: @mungodude is this a joke or is that seriously a thing?
Robot_Bones: yeah this game isn't called Bone Toucher
Dog_of_Myth: You don't touch bones within the first 5 min. Ben.
SquareDotCube: no reading the bones until you pay the mana cost Ben
Fanklok: No bone touching without consent
Mr_Horrible: Lady Hearthstonebattleground
MAPBoardgames: Skittles?
MilkInBags: it's called being happy
Thefluffiestguineapig: but technically the skeleton is a hollow body
Mr_Horrible: you vibed too hard during home stream
saucemaster5000: he got the goof troop
MungoDude: @Makrosian_Tay both, Sasha is a nickname for Alexander or Alexandra
korvys: Time for some prosecco
vinopinguino: silly goosin'
Mr_Horrible: so all the energy is still in you
itira: case of the giggles
RatherLargeToad: now I want skittles

Nigouki: Chat likes gremlin Adam that's not logged into twitch chat mod privileges
MilkInBags: ok can someone give adam a cookie so he can take a single bite
Makrosian_Tay: JASON!
Mr_Horrible: actually yeah y'know what I'll pour myself something
MilkInBags: and then ask for some jello
Toxxick: Did Ian leave the NOz tank on?
vinopinguino: its a tradition now
Fanklok: Now let's get Nicole for some gremlinmaxxing
Andymonium: oh a scale of 1 to yes, how dead do we think Marc is?
YawnLance: "Mark, did you wander into the ominous crevasse?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @makrosian_tay SHAUN
gamercat88: the slit
korvys: ravussy
vinopinguino: rockussy
matthaus_c: the earthussy
DaxStrife: The Landmark (tm)?
saucemaster5000: a love crack
hatboozeparty: The crack
CataclysmicReverb: neesh
MilkInBags: chat
Seth_Erickson: Classic Mark skirting the job that needs doing
itira: hole
mrjujubeans: oh hai mark
fizzymtg: Hi, what is this game ?
Toxxick: Is the Crevice single?
Dog_of_Myth: The gash
violetblight: the brainrussy
ohjanji: you guys have writers?
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: we learned it from YOU
saucemaster5000: writers cost money
korvys: Yeah, well, we're not the professional comedians
vinopinguino: sorry, its the series finale
GedankenPalast_: I use skittlez in my Goblin EDH Deck as tokens. When I sac em I eat em.
NotCainNorAbel: rockgina
KV1NN4: The Crack
Makrosian_Tay: But Graham! Graham and the citrussy! We've been conditioned!
Seth_Erickson: We're back
MAPBoardgames: Yay! We're funny again!
MilkInBags: i can tear it all down
Thefluffiestguineapig: @makrosian_tay SHAUN
MilkInBags: streamussy
saucemaster5000: milk couldn't tear down a shower curtain
mrjujubeans: barbarian 2?
BusTed: that's just posting for milk
itira: LOL

MAPBoardgames: A whole what?
MilkInBags: i bet sauce can snap me in two on his knee
korvys: fuck, PVP enabled chat today
VrolikSyndrome: "that's a big hole"
Fanklok: What is this The Descent ass scene
ButButTheJesus: HOEL
Andymonium: close enough, welcome back The Descent
RatherLargeToad: infinite flare glitch
matthaus_c: it's Patches
DaxStrife: Oh hai Mark
BusTed: hm
MilkInBags: nice turtle neck
itira: ahoohoohoo
Nigouki: was that a clown?
catcard: o-okey
Seth_Erickson: Mark finally
tr3ewitch88: There you are, mark.
JoTyler: hollow earth
Seth_Erickson: Where the fuck you been
what up gamers 
notthepenguins subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
Thanks for subscribing, notthepenguins! (Today's storm count: 54)
itira: @MilkInBags this got me
Spades_Slicc: Flare protocol: when using a flare for illumination make sure you interpose your head between the flare and what you're looking at
Crimall: I did not hit Mica, I did Noooooooooot
short podcast tonight 
MilkInBags: wow this is just like cyberpunk 2077
duallain: good evening spooky friends
SwoopieVT: Why does everyone have such pronounced ass in this game?
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lochnessseammonster! They have given 61 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, lochnessseammonster! (Today's storm count: 55)
Spades_Slicc: @SwoopieVT based world
Decaped: it really is just Heavy Rain
MilkInBags: pinching your nose while smoking
Nigouki: this is PS3 textures on a PS1 model and animation
Seth_Erickson: I'm waiting to see someone yell for Jason
Kramburger: "I, too, can dig it, sucker."
korvys: PS3 came out in 2006
MilkInBags: wait, they copied a blade runner building
satyropodobny: What's with those wattpad pilled names
MilkInBags: nice reference
Decaped: which character has amnesia AND split personality?
RatherLargeToad: He’s a flasher?
thanks @saucemaster5000

itira: @Seth_Erickson ahem. JASON
Gaelan_Maestro: is this a bladerunner clone
lochnessseammonster: "very good friends"
duallain: if someone says "meat popcicle" we can officially call this a 5th element rip off
NotCainNorAbel: lesbians, living together
catcard: to the plaaace where she beloooongs
korvys: Is she... Australian?
mrjujubeans: historically roommates
MilkInBags: how can they be lesbians if they have no dudu
drcthulu: Long standing roomates
Kramburger: This is my cottage-mate
satyropodobny: progress ain't guaranreed, just ask people in dune. or 30's germany
VrolikSyndrome: "We run a dog grooming business together"
Fanklok: You were not 4 when SpongeBob came out
itira: uh oohh
Mr_Horrible: el bob esponja

MilkInBags: wait this is just bladerunner
kumatsu: spongebob came out in '99
satyropodobny: is that blade runner 2049 reference
tr3ewitch88: And that's why cars shouldn't fly.
Mr_Horrible: @kumatsu damn, good for him
saucemaster5000: spongebob came o-
DaxStrife: Flying cars are always cool until the firmware crashes.
likelyDangerous: skill issue, need a better computer
duallain: voice actor for patrick went to my uni, which tells you had bad my uni is that that's notable
7gorobei: flying lambo, what a world to live in
MAPBoardgames: A video game flying car which crashes? Say it ain't so!
Blakemcm: it would literally be Nine Eleven every day
Mr_Horrible: flying car would be: crashing directly through your apartment window
NotCainNorAbel: we put the cars ABOVE the pedestrians
mrjujubeans: very silent hill esk
lochnessseammonster: the kids don't want flying cars we want walkable cities
DudelidouX: We would NEED autopilot if we had flying cars
Morrigan9: i think if we perfected automated flying cars....
Fanklok: Yeah but you're a cyclist so you deserve it
Decaped: the flying part isn't the problem, it's the car part.
SymphonySolstice: the spookiest thing in existence: a British apartment building
we need flying bicycles to protect Ben from all them bad drivers 
Wicker_Guide: the flying part doesn't help
SwoopieVT: @Morrigan9 We can't get cars to work in 2 dimensions yet.
Mr_Horrible: why it called flat if so tall?
hatboozeparty: Sounds like a crapshot idea
MilkInBags: it's taco tuesday *guitar riff*
DaxStrife: "Wanna Netflix and chill?" (Da-na-na, dan-na-na)
Kramburger: Torch
VrolikSyndrome: Truuuuuuue
janky_as_heck: have y'all seen "half horse half man" yet?
matthaus_c: Torch is the better word
kumatsu: gotta read all lines in the Duke Nukem voice with the guitar sting
ButButTheJesus: toooach
MilkInBags: are you watching the telly
Wicker_Guide: it's metal, so it's a brazier
saucemaster5000: sloppy joe's are garbage sandwiches for toddlers
GedankenPalast_: Taschenlampe!
janky_as_heck: yes that one
NorthstarTex: Its a torch you plebs
MungoDude: torch is better, one syllable
vinopinguino: a centaur?
janky_as_heck: it's a bnager
mirshebs: reminds me of the crapshot where beej locks the door after phrases
likelyDangerous: @matthaus_c and yet not the right one

kumatsu: Cheese Tax came up on my algo this morning
Mr_Horrible: this is Tom Cardy erasure
Orxolon: system critical because we are injured?are we a robot?that's why is a hollow body?
itira: that will be stuck in my head for the rest of the week
salamisuperstar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Thanks for subscribing, salamisuperstar! (Today's storm count: 56)
i think of cheese tax all the time 
likelyDangerous: "so heee wont taaaake me down"
MilkInBags: big breakfast
finish that sentence, I dare you 
saucemaster5000: tom cardan't keep up with the youth
lochnessseammonster: big breakfast and business man
kumatsu: I literally connected with an Aussie over the song Big Breakfast a year ago
matthaus_c: not your best work sauce
Stripe_dog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
Stripe_dog: 8 years
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matthaus_c: apply yourself
Kramburger: Tom Cardy, Australia's second greatest exports after Hemsworths
saucemaster5000: big fan of perception check
MilkInBags: i know a guy who lived on the same street as tom cardy
Mr_Horrible: 8 hours of sleep is probably the Tom Cardy I most revisit
MacbethSeemsSus: Tom Cardy's new album's a banger.
TheAwkes: Parasite Eve ass game.
tr3ewitch88: Now I'm hungry 😅
matthaus_c: perception check is so fucking good
Inquisitor_Xian: the Tom Cardy/BDG collab is peak
vinopinguino: thats a wide stance pilgrim
satyropodobny: save a horse ride a cowboy
salamisuperstar: Dang, those things go all the way to the ground
LithelyUnshod: I frequently have Hot Shit stuck in my head
Jennie_Fuchsia: Tom Cardy did that song so I don’t have to watch all those Jurassic Park movies 10/10
saucemaster5000: Oh, "hey I don't work here" is an absolute banger
MilkInBags: ok
GedankenPalast_: We robit? That's why hollow body?
CeremonialCowboy: of course she can't run, look at their walk
SnackPak_: preach!
VrolikSyndrome: Including live plays
Makrosian_Tay: @theawkes woah! Parasite Eve mentioned in 2025!
drcthulu: you're not wrong
CaptainSpam: When I hear "activate torch", I expect a BLAZE OF FLAME to erupt forth from a stick!
dnd comedy is as good as dnd 
Mr_Horrible: he's out of line, but he's right
vinopinguino: nerd jokes for nerds

itira: LOL

notthepenguins: I agree but that one did amuse me

salamisuperstar: based
duallain: I love hater Ben
NorthstarTex: D&D jokes are very recycled
Kentosaurus: Did you see the dnd movie Honor Among Thieves? 10/10 dnd comedy
rosesmcgee: ouch. right in my personality
DrLigmaPhD: You're not wrong but that's because DnD lives on inside jokes
MungoDude: not quite almost christmas time is one of my favourite carols
saucemaster5000: fucking mmo players saying dnd comedy is bad is fucking wild
matthaus_c: damn Ben just told all my favourite jokes
jessieimproved: Tom Cardy Brian David Gilbert duet is GREAT
vinewood_og: I'm on to your game, gelatinous cube!
notthepenguins: Mostly just bc delivery
KeytarCat: I like the "player fucks with the GM" format, but specifically just character gen
satyropodobny: LRR literally made that crapshot starring Cameron
Mr_Horrible: yeah I dig the aesthetic so far
Mai_Andra: I did really like "What the Fuck is Happening Here" by Tom McGovern.
lochnessseammonster: i got tricked into polyamory by dnd comedy...
likelyDangerous: but jokes made by dnd players when roleplaying are gold
MilkInBags: I'll be honest, most nerd jokes are bad
Fanklok: Hey guys, the bard is really really horny
TheAwkes: @Makrosian_Tay It came out when I was 14. Formative.
gibbousm: I straight up have horny bards banned from my tables
Mr_Horrible: that's a game mechanic tho Ben
saucemaster5000: ok ff14 people, let's hear your bangers
NorthstarTex: This is why my partner likes to play Ace bards
TheWriterAleph: preach, kings
Decaped: improv is bad, yes.
vinewood_og: real
lochnessseammonster: your creation
DaxStrife: "Perception Check" is a banger, tho.
kimmibeans: Not me who actually did successfully roll charisma to screw the dragon
Makrosian_Tay: I'm with Ben, D&D is overrated
BusTed: getting some real barbarian vibes off ben right now 🤣
tr3ewitch88: I rolled in nat 1 while doing the dishes. Dropped the bowl and in the sink and it broke and I was pregnant so I cried.
ButButTheJesus: wtf
gualdhar: When the math rocks go CLICKETY CLACK and there two 10s but one's on A HUNGER DIE roflmao
GedankenPalast_: what?
matthaus_c: would you let him out of the Glass Cube
hatboozeparty: A true warhammerman
SquareDotCube: Steve Jackson as Adam Savidan intended
vetr1c: Oi! I'm trying to paint a Mortarion while listening to you.
MilkInBags: make me
UnkeptFlea: IT DOES
kumatsu: yep, still Adam
saucemaster5000: he's jacksoning them off
MilkInBags: your product sucks
drcthulu: yeah you're steve jackson according to google
gibbousm: MY MAN
ai still not perfect, i just looked it up 
matthaus_c: not Adam on DuckDuckGo, hell yeah
Fanklok: Yo but warhammer books are comedy gold
Akaiatana: As a warning: this game is shorter than you'd expect. "What do you mean, credits??"
itira: Adam Savidan - A freelance journalist who worked on Owl & Weasel
Inquisitor_Xian: Hey Adam could you please stop making my toy soldiers so goddam expensive
lamina5432: thats hillarious
ButButTheJesus: not for me its all ian livingston
spethycakes: Adam, your surgeon does amazing work
Kramburger: If adam is Steve Jackson, does that make Turner James Workshop?
drcthulu: rules exceptions are 5$'s each
Makrosian_Tay: Chat, can someone in the know tell me if that was Scottish or Welsh
MilkInBags: simply dont like toys, chat
Himyul: I would double it
Mr_Horrible: yes because I'm an angel
KV1NN4: Ah i see, AI is responsible
GedankenPalast_: yes I would
SymphonySolstice: @Inquisitor_Xian every time someone complains about the price he raises it by $1
Faulpyr: Oh my god, I thought you were kidding
likelyDangerous: "James Workshop" lmao
matthaus_c: $5 footlong
notthepenguins: I mean, yes, depending on margins
Easilycrazyhat: Oh! You have to use the "smart" ai version of google. I see it now.
jokes on you, i barely charge for the products i make now 
Mr_Horrible: no because they're called "dustbins"
saucemaster5000: the only good SJ product is GURPS, welcome back to 1988
notthepenguins: I want enough to be comfortable
salamisuperstar: "I raise the price and these roobs keep buying!"
Kramburger: The wheelie bin
Inquisitor_Xian: GW used to be cool man, there's stuff in 2nd ed books about how to make your own terrain and vehicals and stuff from scratch
matthaus_c: the wheel spins and lands on England
ButButTheJesus: ooh now I see it, Adam's the third pic down on the AI results
DrLigmaPhD: Yes but they all contain your opinions
vinopinguino: not like the ppl that buy them are spending any money on dates, amirite?
Orxolon: 99.99 for a DLC!?
my only DnD joke is anytime someone says “I stand as a Minor…” I immediately interrupt and yell “RISE AS A MAN!” It’s dumb, but it’s my kind of dumb 
gawag_: Adam that Google search has me dying
Fanklok: This is the chat that would make five dollar footlongs six dollars
saucemaster5000: this from the guy who only watches cartoons
SquareDotCube: "Thanks for asking, we're discontinuing the product immediately and replacing it with something more expensive and better"
hey Ben, did you mean Mordenkainen's Magnificent Soapbox? 
drcthulu: the only D&D joke I like is I'm true neutral I go both ways when refering to being bi
Inquisitor_Xian: the fact that the pic above yours is a man in a jar makes me think a LRR fan did it
Akaiatana: Sourcery
matthaus_c: you should email him an invoice
Mr_Horrible: @vinopinguino well it's because date night is just the 2 or more of you painting minis and gassing each other up
kumatsu: what a coincidence, you, also, are very funny
far2muchsarcasm: you have to look of someone who was not expecting to have their photo taken just then
MilkInBags: FUCK
MAPBoardgames: Q: How may dwarves does it take to forge a sword?
lamina5432: I'm glad I was already on the floor the picture would have put me there

MAPBoardgames: A: My family has been forging swords for seven generations. I personally, have spent 65 years honing my techniques. (sword still only does d8 damage)
saucemaster5000: guy says dnd jokes are bad, laughs at dnd, more at 11
matthaus_c: twitch chat is basically us just sending jokes to comedy teacher
Orxolon: you never take me alive
Mr_Horrible: "I can't go back to comedy prison"
jesus Adam 
MilkInBags: 7/10
Kramburger: My one D&D joke is that Misty Step is both my favourite spell and my new Drag Name

vinewood_og: weebo weebo
Akaiatana: EVERYBODY FREEZE! This is a Stand-up!

itira: eeew
drcthulu: it's the skittles
vinopinguino: that's a-spicy meatball

83674227 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 83674227! (Today's storm count: 58)
saucemaster5000: breathing in the skill
GedankenPalast_: Ô.o
@Akaiatana nice 

Mr_Horrible: it's 2025 we're huffing burps now
Mr_Horrible: Mica still has some childlike wonder in her apparently
saucemaster5000: gotta huff something until bingo
Mr_Horrible: also a pretty strong arm
betweenmyself: “Aaaaah, Adam’s semi-digested lunch smells…”
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible she works out with her. uh. business partner.
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 that's what the aerosol is for
Kramburger: Fun fact, Burp is short for Burpintine
SymphonySolstice: she's jacked????
MilkInBags: i mean it must smell like skittles
TheAwkes: When you accidentally a game mechanic.
itira: those spider legs when shes climbing D:
Decaped: Giant parking lot next to sad playground....
Kramburger: GOTTEM
BusTed: I'm disappointed

Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c that has to be what happens, they go in a room and then come out 30+ minutes later all sweaty and flushed
MilkInBags: a torch
drcthulu: you broke Adam
MilkInBags: she said it
vinopinguino: adamn's got the giggles today
Himyul: it's a torch, Ben
MirrorDisco: whelp - if it’s on the internet it’s true - Steve Jackson. 😂♥️
tr3ewitch88: Oh no🤣🤣🤣
Makrosian_Tay: Yay we're funny!
Mr_Horrible: Burpstopher
kumatsu: that ain't a flashlight, that's a condenser mic actively burning up
Mr_Horrible: I'm assuming this is backer shoutouts or something
DaxStrife: Ah all the Kickstarter backers.
lochnessseammonster: steve jackson
MilkInBags: Vudix
salamisuperstar: It's one of those flashlights dad's hang on the hood of the cars they're working on
MilkInBags: for sure
betweenmyself: there’s a Liqafool
Mr_Horrible: Hannes Winkler, my favorite streamer
saucemaster5000: "I'm sorry, my son is ALSO named Adam"
MilkInBags: Jonny Hunter, the creator of Monster Hunter
BusTed: You could have claimed that you were a kickstarter backer
DrLigmaPhD: Shmumblr
VrolikSyndrome: When you're doing your torchless run and the Shmumbler ambushes you
Mr_Horrible: this is just making me realize how *SLOW* I play these games
Mr_Horrible: I'm just moseying
Kentosaurus: The Shmumbler sounds like a batman villain from the Adam West series
SymphonySolstice: the Stance
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible the gaming equivalent of a yapper
satyropodobny: "t's schmumblin time" said the Schmumbler schmumblily
itira: LOL
DrLigmaPhD: That's the sore hips walk
betweenmyself: climbing stairs while holding in a poop
Mr_Horrible: honestly it's a pretty bold choice to have both a climbing and a stairs animation this early in your game
Kramburger: "Chin up, tits out boys"
MilkInBags: adam has never lied once in his life
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c more that I like listening to others yap, usually
matthaus_c: I liked the Adam that was Jared Goodroad
saucemaster5000: that's stair climbing after riding a steveadore all night
Akaiatana: "I'm a kickstarter backer. Not this one, but in general."
circusofkirkus: I only subbed because I thought you were the Kickstarter backer
salamisuperstar: "Oh wow, Adam backs Kickstarters"
Kramburger: Oh hey, it's my wife
Fanklok: That would be an Adam with lots of money to just give away
tr3ewitch88: I think I know how he died.
Mr_Horrible: god I wish that were me
VrolikSyndrome: Someone got some pipe layed in them
groulux: What woud Kickstarter Adam's catchphrase be?
GedankenPalast_: Them okay?
MilkInBags: guys, buy safe sex toys instead of using anything
ohjanji: @GedankenPalast_ yeh
saucemaster5000: 2-15 minutes
xantos69: Sir, you appear to be struggling in your pole dancing.
matthaus_c: no flared base
SymphonySolstice: pegged too hard and too deep
korvys: that's a wide stance my dude
Masslost: what a way too die legs wide open
MungoDude: why didn't the thing that ate his flesh eat the bedsheets?
satyropodobny: love those hills outside the window, they're so silent this time of year
Fanklok: Erode??
vinopinguino: got his ass

Mr_Horrible: I'm still waiting on extras fulfillment from Kickstarter Adam
DaxStrife: Maybe 40 years in a coffin, 3 months if they were in a house with a cat.
Mr_Horrible: it's been 8 years
VrolikSyndrome: "this one for SURE won't get delayed"
SymphonySolstice: they're polyester
MilkInBags: mods, ban the person asking questions
betweenmyself: Does KickStarter Adam talk in a vague Eastern European accent to throw people off?
Anubis169 drags himself back from coursework
vinopinguino: @MilkInBags "computer, kill flanders..."
itira: that would never work for Adam
Mr_Horrible: I like to make some me soup every now and then
SquareDotCube: that is a long bathroom
DrLigmaPhD: Showers are golden according to Been
Anubis169: MilkInBags, what's going on?
Akaiatana: Ben is team Portrait-orientation bath
raulghoulia: the problem with baths is that they're not big enough for adult bodies
The_Color_Twelve: I like the japanese style. Shower clean then soak
saucemaster5000: ffs ben, just clean yourself like an adult
ghizmou: looks like he caked himself
betweenmyself: They ain’t made a bath yet that can hold Adam Savidan! He’s too wily!
Makrosian_Tay: And he had a VR headset
NotCainNorAbel: he rolled....poorly
Fanklok: I'm the bath man, skibi bibbi be
superdude097: Is he wearing a vr headset?
VrolikSyndrome: Friends don't let friends do VR
matthaus_c: oh no Milk you actually tripped the security system lmao
salamisuperstar: Dude died playing VR Minecraft
WiJohn: Died as he lived, repping occulus
saucemaster5000: sure is
xantos69: That's what I heard anyway.
bombadil117: did Adam ever play any more Subnautica on nope?
saucemaster5000: we heard it here
Kramburger: Are we still tlaking about showers?
lochnessseammonster: i like to stew in my pink bubbles
itira: sauce
PhlibbertyGib subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
PhlibbertyGib: Speaking of Kickstarter backing: I'm still waiting for my 3DS copy of mighty number 9
Thanks for subscribing, PhlibbertyGib! (Today's storm count: 59)
saucemaster5000: itira
Mollylele: wish there were a human scale car wash I could just stand in on like a conveyer belt
Anubis169: MilkInBags i'm gonna need some context here
Mr_Horrible: @Mollylele true and real
niccus: what's adam's current stretch goals
InconsiderateHat: I need to ask because I've never managed it: How do you wash everything you need to wash in only 2 minutes? I'm told that's the goal but it baffles me.
PhlibbertyGib: They gotta be finished it soon
Mai_Andra: just built different
satyropodobny: usinf prefrontal cortex is cheating.
BusTed: @Mollylele Where is the future that the Jetsons promised us
salamisuperstar: This is some Jetson's shit
saucemaster5000: I'll take the wax
Morrigan9: undercarrage wax
xantos69: They literally made one of those in the 50s.
itira: takes off the top layer
tr3ewitch88: Only if it's one of those contact free car washes.
DrLigmaPhD: How... does it get the gooch?
SnackPak_: the exfoliation would be off the charts
Mr_Horrible: where the AOL sound is
rosesmcgee: You aren't clean until you've been perforated by a water jet CNC machine
MAPBoardgames: how can you have any puding if you don't eat your mea?
salamisuperstar: I love that movie, Get Out
niccus: when is powerwash simulator getting a level that's just a guy
MungoDude: @MAPBoardgames You! Yes, you behind the bike sheds! Stand still, laddie!
@Anubis169 it wasn't serious, Milk just made a joke of something that came up in the stream 
sounds like he had a kip-up of that yummy black mold 
salamisuperstar: daaaaaaamn
Anubis169: Ah, ok
SquareDotCube: stomps the door in
BusTed: We do have a dedicated stomp button
oh sorry anubis i didnt see
yeah just bouncing on what's going on the stream, sorry
satyropodobny: Babe you ok? you've barely touched yoor Pizza Griffin
Kramburger: no u
DrLigmaPhD: "No U"
Mr_Horrible: "I have paid rent here you dweeb"
Akaiatana: I'll take a wok and hit you with it
saucemaster5000: Just tell your partner roommate you need to... y'know...
matthaus_c: got those stompers
TheAwkes: The Isaac button.
Spades_Slicc: It is not time to stamp on the ground
salamisuperstar: Maybe stomp is in the DLC
Mai_Andra: oh no... it's Silent Hill Downpour again...
CataclysmicReverb: I hope we need something like workboots to stomp
matthaus_c: Pre-Order Bonus
Fanklok: Need some big ol stompin boots
kumatsu: horse stomp armor
satyropodobny: maybe stomp was the friends we made along the way

Mr_Horrible: if you pay 5 bucks you get the stomp and the griddy
WiJohn: New stomp just dropped
MilkInBags: skyrim armor
VrolikSyndrome: Horse armor
SnackPak_: Stomp dlc for Rock Band
Mai_Andra: Oblivion, but yes
gibbousm: Paid Microtransaction not DLC
thatguysteve2709: Horse armor
MilkInBags: oblivion
Darleysam: Oblivion horse armour
kumatsu: Oblivion horse armor
Mr_Horrible: no
Blakemcm: oblivion horse armor
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I've been to a Stomp show before
Inquisitor_Xian: oblivion horse armor
public_key_reveal_party: Horse armor
Mai_Andra: $1.99 for horse armor
salamisuperstar: The first DLC was fucking the Skyrim horse?
MilkInBags: oblivion not skyrim
Mr_Horrible: that was the first high-profile purely cosmetic
Spades_Slicc: Oblivion had horse armor and it wasn't the first dlc but it did popularize it
brainbosh: Skyrim isn't that old tbh
saucemaster5000: first person to not say horse armor
HedgehogKnight: Oblivion
vinopinguino: "fucking the skyrim horse" - adam.
cheshiregleam: awwwwww what a cute dehydration
thatguysteve2709: It was the test to see if people would pay for it
shendaras: but also cute, so
squ3e: No, they were a dehydrated cutie

KV1NN4: Oblivion Horse Armour
SymphonySolstice: so it's todd's fault we have to pay for DLC
itira: is that humming in the game supposed to make it scary?

ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: people getting mad about Shadow of the Erdtree was wild because that's just what expansion packs used to be
Fanklok: Acute means quickly or short, not a little bit
BusTed: wow
Mr_Horrible: yeah that doesn't surprise me
SnackPak_: woooow
ButButTheJesus: huh
matthaus_c: must have blown CEOs minds

shendaras: Poor SC2
Blakemcm: that is literally why games are the way things are now lol
MilkInBags: gamers are not ok
CataclysmicReverb: yeah but starcraft 2 sucked. It was only one campaign
tr3ewitch88: That's kinda rough.
thatguysteve2709: The best was during a Bethesda sale they cut the price of all oblivion dlc except horse armor they doubled its price
drcthulu: you have to make the game so you can sell the horse
MilkInBags: pretty sure blizzard makes more money out of skins in diablo 4 than actual sales
Blakemcm: trick is you have to make a really good game first. for people to wanna do that
ladyjessica: and then live services were born.
Decaped: Now gamers pay money for the chance at the pretty horse.
saucemaster5000: Okay MAYBE I bought too many twinkle horses.....
likelyDangerous: who here watches VLDL?
vinopinguino: rave room

Mr_Horrible: I mean, it sucks to see and it sucks more to put priorities of a giant company off it, but also it's not like people don't pay for art they like already?
Easilycrazyhat: I'm just imagining Dani Pudi's breakdown in Mythic Quest when an in game item sold for like $100k or something
tehfewl: Horses Georg is an outlier and should not be counted
CataclysmicReverb: Heck yes "Use Map Settings" am i right gamers

matthaus_c: I wanna buy myself a new daddy
Makrosian_Tay: I had this conversation with a Magic player the other day. Does it suck that packs cost so much these days? Yeah. Are we part of the problem because we keep buying them at that price? Y E S
saucemaster5000: kid is based
SnackPak_: erryday
DrLigmaPhD: Occupation: Little Scamp
schordash: stahp >xD
RatherLargeToad: kid has good priorities
Makrosian_Tay: Microtransactions work, sadly
tr3ewitch88: There's a lot of questions behind buying your Mommy a new daddy.
niccus: mtg walked so that monopoly go can run

SymphonySolstice: fix da baby
MungoDude: stop! hammer time
tehfewl: is it, Hammer Time?
SkylerRingtail: Time to enable the survival part of the horror
Mr_Horrible: ben no that was integral to the piece
fishboi_samurai: Adam, how'd you get so smokin'?
Mr_Horrible: this museum is ruined
schordash: yeah it’s a wee-pon
CataclysmicReverb: limited inventory?

Makrosian_Tay: Yeah, it's a delay tactic. You can be like "I'm not ready yet"
fishboi_samurai: LOL
Decaped: We're definitely a robot, buying a new daddy isn't that odd.
GasCityGaming: bringing back an old Adam Baner, "The ILLUSION of choice!"
fishboi_samurai: I'll miss you chat
therepoman__: Hello gamers
schordash: o7
therepoman__: I miss fishboi
Mai_Andra: is that a bomb in the floor? unexploded ordinance?
saucemaster5000: This is what happens when you get better at marisa

matthaus_c: damn he didn't pull the trigger
Easilycrazyhat: Banned for droppin' truth bombs
SymphonySolstice: fishboi's gonna be the one smokin' when adam incinerates them
vinopinguino: haha
Gaelan_Maestro: and some def silent hill vibes
Mr_Horrible: "No, I ordered the large vegetarian with no black olives"
TheWriterAleph: new phone who dis
Seth_Erickson: Why do we fall? So we can pick ourselves up, Batman Begin
Decaped: Ghost in the Answering Machine
salamisuperstar: You can't kill the phone service
RatherLargeToad: bill was on…auto pay!
Makrosian_Tay: Good voice effect tbh
likelyDangerous: "Then I took a walk."
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I kind of love this lady. Spooky phone demon and she's like "you aren't making sense, this is dumb"
patrick_stonecrusher: "Im longmont potion castle"
MilkInBags: thank you!
matthaus_c: oh hell yeah it does the red save too
spethycakes: @patrick_stonecrusher oh, I think I live up the street from you!
hoveringhalibut: Don't be a coward, use the hammer on the bomb
Mr_Horrible: we love red
salamisuperstar: "Why are you talking like that" is the most realisticline reading in a game
vinopinguino: sounds more like a shovel than hammer
Seth_Erickson: She's really doing work behind that black screen
MAPBoardgames: What is a hammer, but a differently-shaped key?
MacbethSeemsSus: Perfectly normal hammer sounds
WiJohn: She went hammer
Mr_Horrible: glad we cleared that up
matthaus_c: imagine what she does to her roommate
DrLigmaPhD: Lad in thee corner is having a moment
tr3ewitch88: That guy looks like I do when I want to quit.
did not remember shawshank reference 
fishboi_samurai: Taht guy doesn't look like they're having their best day, ngl lol
itira: the game does seem a bit loud but that might just be me
mulligan2six: That's your stompin gun
gamercat88: goth girl conrifmed
ButButTheJesus: "OURGH"
salamisuperstar: Oh shit, you smooshed a bug with that stomp
kimmibeans: This game feels like a Watch & Play game for some reason
Seth_Erickson: No loud Isaac grunt though so it gets a B at best
Mr_Horrible: yeah as far as I can tell the stomp is just active while you have a weapon out
fishboi_samurai: Sassy Adam
itira: sir i have sensitive hearing
fishboi_samurai: Smokin' Sassy Adam
Spades_Slicc: Turn down? For what?

MilkInBags: here's a sensitive timeout
drcthulu: insensitive hearing?
NotCainNorAbel: It would be great if twitch sent multiple audio streams and we could mix our own.
fishboi_samurai: Smoldering, Smokin', Sassy Adam being Sassing the chat
Kentosaurus: got em
KV1NN4: i agree the game is a little louder than Ben & Adam
Rantling subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
Rantling: Subin while I eat subs.
Thanks for subscribing, Rantling! (Today's storm count: 60)
fishboi_samurai: Okay I'm done now lol
KV1NN4: but my audio processing isn't so bad today
Decaped: I miss the Deadly Premonition pickup sounds
matthaus_c: what the shit
Mr_Horrible: lmao
salamisuperstar: Huh?
SnackPak_: holy moly
BorealMage: wild
fishboi_samurai: Wait what?
itira: oh dear
fishboi_samurai: That's wild

pimiento: real team player there
DrLigmaPhD: Woke has gone too far
tr3ewitch88: I feel like Ben is talking to me personally.
JoTyler: problematic employeeeeeeee
Makrosian_Tay: Bet Nicole's Glad SHE got fired!
GedankenPalast_: That is not bullying
korvys: This person is too empathetic, that's bullying
Blakemcm: literally no one at work is your friend. dont trust anyone
Mr_Horrible: goofy
hb8u: can't be always in the defensive about everything
xantos69: We had to fire a lady because somebody farted in the same room as her and she would not let it go.
MilkInBags: it was my mom
matthaus_c: you promise?
kimmibeans: Some people just want to be a-holes
Decaped: That person obviously wanted more work for the same pay
RatherLargeToad: “how dare you imply that someone has it worse than me?!?”
MungoDude: bbl, I gotta go lie down, my bones hurt
saucemaster5000: Not my bones!
VrolikSyndrome: "C'mere, Sauce" -- puts you in a nugie
Mr_Horrible: I'm looking for it but I'm not hearing a trigger pull
salamisuperstar: Ben and Not Silent Adam Strike Back
DrAegirinePyrope subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
Thanks for subscribing, DrAegirinePyrope! (Today's storm count: 61)
VrolikSyndrome: messes up your hair
Kentosaurus: clip it
MilkInBags: yeah dont trust james
Makrosian_Tay: It better have atmosphere, you're breathing it!
DrLigmaPhD: So are we betting weird fungus or The Flesh That Hates in this game?
Mr_Horrible: trust no one, not even yourself
Dog_of_Myth: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Seth_Erickson: Adam's never trusted Graham further than he can throw him
MacbethSeemsSus: Beeeeeeg Adam was being mean!
SymphonySolstice: paul is the person you should trust the least tbh
WiJohn: @DrLigmaPhD I'm on weird fungus
public_key_reveal_party: Thank goodness no one else at lrr has ever watched let's nope
matthaus_c: now I'll need everyone's blood sample on a petri dish
Mr_Horrible: "Nail bat delivery!"
MAPBoardgames: He's got a board! With a nail in it!
saucemaster5000: sounds like they nat 20'd against dnd amiright tabletopppers????
SkylerRingtail: Suddenly gameplay!
Spades_Slicc: I didn't know you worked with Anyone, my buddy Polyphemus knew their brother Nobody
Seth_Erickson: Hot swap to this 10 minute timeout
drcthulu: Adam's just salty because melee isn't good in POE 2
Mr_Horrible: damn, she's really giving it
Fanklok: If you want to melee in your shooty game go play Dark Tide
Mr_Horrible: to clear it up, it'll work as intended when you're actually locked on to something
Mr_Horrible: but yeah it's funky in a vacuum
salamisuperstar: It's probably nothing
saucemaster5000: why is every step her walking on pringles?
VrolikSyndrome: @Mr_Horrible This feels like a game that's up your alley.
Makrosian_Tay: @Mr_Horrible It can't be in a vacuum. Ben already said this game has atmosphere
Mr_Horrible: @VrolikSyndrome funny you should say that
Makrosian_Tay: Ew
GedankenPalast_: Ah yes, the horror is British health care
MacbethSeemsSus: Time to bonk
CataclysmicReverb: 2025? THA FYUCHER
TheWriterAleph: okay THAT body is hollow
JoTyler: where did all her meat go
MilkInBags: she aint thick
Mr_Horrible: @Makrosian_Tay well, ya got me there
JoTyler: thinn
squ3e: Her body! Its hollow!
likelyDangerous: nice melee build Ben LMAO
Spades_Slicc: They're hollow, your attacks won't always hit
salamisuperstar: Some tanky enemies in this game
CataclysmicReverb: @JoTyler new diet trend
matthaus_c: she was stroked by somethin
Mr_Horrible: Mica on that "Stand Heavy Only" life
betweenmyself: Adam always says “Guns remove any sense of horror from a game”, so his suggestion that Ben use a gun is to protect us from the spoops!
tr3ewitch88: It's pronounced stepping time
saucemaster5000: a stroke of genius
Seth_Erickson: They gotta buff this character next patch
Mr_Horrible: no, Adam, "Big Undead" is a Days Gone thing
WiJohn: 2043?
Spades_Slicc: 2043?
snowyowlly: 10/43?
WiJohn: 2042?
Decaped: British dates
Mr_Horrible: were you 18 when you graduated college?
SymphonySolstice: 1025 maybe
CataclysmicReverb: 1004?
BorealMage: 0410?
salamisuperstar: They're in the UK the dates are switched probably
TheWriterAleph: 1111, 1112, 1113...
DrLigmaPhD: I was 17
Mr_Horrible: *COLLEGE*
Decaped: British college
saucemaster5000: I had no idea ben was that smart
kimmibeans: Maybe 2046?
if she was 18 when she graduated and was born October 4th 2025, you should enter 6969 for the lulz 
0x6772: It's a British game, right, so it'll be DD-MM-YYYY rather than month first.
DoctorHutch: 2047 maybe
0x6772: oh, I was just listening, didnt realize they were giving you the date format
JoTyler: college graduation?
squ3e: Hit phone game 2048 maybe?
Simriel: Hollow? Is it Emptme you are looking for
MacbethSeemsSus: May or June?
Spades_Slicc: OCTober is the tenth month
DaxStrife: Either the graduation year or month+year.
BorealMage: A cookie?
MilkInBags: a single bite of a cookie
NoxStryx: In the us we do mm/dd/yy
drcthulu: 10 / 47
saucemaster5000: ask adam to bring us out of capitalism
drcthulu: oct 2047
fishboi_samurai: You guys make a very cute couple just so ya know
BrindleBoar: prejonte?!?
matthaus_c: pregadante's inferno
vinopinguino: she had her when she graduated
Spades_Slicc: 26 years old
Fanklok: How to tell if pergnat?
vinopinguino: shes pregnant in college
Spades_Slicc: 2051
saucemaster5000: dream bigger
Seth_Erickson: She graduated around 26 then
NotCainNorAbel: They were streammates!
kireawolf: Find the kid?
Mr_Horrible: the gregnant grad
JoTyler: heavily pregnant so probably the birth year for the kid
TheWriterAleph: how is babby formed
vetr1c: 2026? Year was 2030, mentioned the kid was 4.
Decaped: British pregnant
Can a Luigi board make you pregonate? 
vinopinguino: its the year she was born
electra310: Could she be gregnant?
Jadaris: @Fanklok starch masks
Thefluffiestguineapig: Pregananant kid
Kramburger: Chat don't ship Ben and Adam, they have to figure it out for themselves
BorealMage: Oh yeah, how old's the kid?
Spades_Slicc: @vetr1c 30 years old 4 year old kid
Mr_Horrible: no, it's just that prompts have a range
JoTyler: if she's 30 with a 4 year old...
ghyllnox: @Mr_Horrible Gradgnant
vinopinguino: 2026
WiJohn: 2026?
NotCainNorAbel: 30-4 = 26 + 2025
kireawolf: Find the kids birthday
Fanklok: 34
JoTyler: then she was 26 when she was heavily pregnant at graduation
MacbethSeemsSus: 26 when she graduated, so 2051
Spades_Slicc: 2051
JoTyler: so birfth year + 26?
electra310: Could be two kids, or a stillbirth
Spades_Slicc: fuck
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is a lot of dates for one puzzle
JoTyler: damn
electra310: Or a very old graduate
spo8n: 2801 was is beginning
vinopinguino: 2026
salamisuperstar: Is this game really making you do math?
Fanklok: Just keep trying numbers
vetr1c: 2050, she was still preggers at grad
Mr_Horrible: nah, this puzzle's fine
if she's 30 with a 4 year old, she probably should have waited longer to have kids 
Laserbeaks_Fury: So the kid was like 0 at Graduation
drcthulu: 2022
Fanklok: You only have 99 possible answers
Thefluffiestguineapig: @electra310 I mean if she was 26 that's either past undergrad or late graduation
betweenmyself: If I ever get a wall safe I am surrounding it with false clues that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual combo, just to screw with any gamers that try to steal my shit
Seth_Erickson: I like 2050 as another guess
vinopinguino: 2024
JoTyler: the baby's graduation?
vinopinguino: yeah the baby was in her belly when she graduated
VrolikSyndrome: fuck dude

InconsiderateHat: I was gnna say, kid birth years are pretty common passwords
TheWriterAleph: graduation from baby college?
MilkInBags: professional gulper
e_bloc: "it's the baby!" -Adam enters-
SnackPak_: ayyy
DMGlol: thrist quenching aqua
matthaus_c: the baby graduated by proxy
Makrosian_Tay: dang ben
JoTyler: when the baby graduated from her vagina
salamisuperstar: jesus
NotCainNorAbel: and in 45 minutes we will have a break for no reason
schordash: hydration 🚰
electra310: Chug chug chug chug
100 love your committment
GedankenPalast_: Quench. That. Thirst.
WiJohn: So kid born 2025
SymphonySolstice: birth year would've been 2051 then
Seth_Erickson: Would the kids birth not also be 2050-51?
DrLigmaPhD: Chug-a-lug chug-a-lug
JoTyler: the kid was born the same year that she graduated
WiJohn: Graduated that year
drcthulu: 2022
vinopinguino: 2024 final answer
e_bloc: brute force baby
Easilycrazyhat: was 2025 when *she* was born?
electra310: When will then be now?
betweenmyself: should have just taken a sip without grabbing the cup and said “I didn’t want the whole thing!” for the sake of the callback
Decaped: call British 911 for emergency puzzle help
vetr1c: Still voting for 2050
matthaus_c: happy birthday Helen
MilkInBags: ban everyone who said 2050
vetr1c: dammit
WiJohn: We tried 2051 already right?
Kentosaurus: is this game in the future?
QuixoticScrivener: only 10k combinations, brute force it
JoTyler: helen was born in 2025. her baby was 4 when she turned 30. so she had the baby when she was 26. the photo implies that she had the baby shortly after she graduated.
Mai_Andra: UK would be 999
Seth_Erickson: You've gone and gotten yourself banned milk you just said it
Makrosian_Tay: We;re guessing a lot about the year. What is it's MM/YY ?
DrLigmaPhD: She's still preoccupied with 20..20...2025
vinopinguino: @JoTyler this
drcthulu: 2051?
BorealMage: Oh, three OR four? 2052?
TheWriterAleph: how heavy was the baby
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was finishing a quick draft and missed half the possible dates so I'm not sure which thing we are determining, woman's graduation year, child's birth years
patrick_stonecrusher: Totes preggers
JoTyler: so we tried 2051, but it might be 2050 or 2052
NotCainNorAbel: maybe only 3 so 30-3 = 26 + 2025
e_bloc: 2013
JoTyler: yeahhh
JoTyler: nice!
Mr_Horrible: *three* or four years old, yeah
vetr1c: go team
matthaus_c: yes you would
e_bloc: Adam would still be playing it
matthaus_c: can't speak to you having the /patience/, but you could figure it out
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam you didn't google during the UFO50 game
JoTyler: h o l l o w b o d y
Blakemcm: might be only the bad guy you can see through it
MacbethSeemsSus: They phase out when you call them torches
TheAwkes: TFW the shadows render on the wrong layer.
Mr_Horrible: but can Mica do the Dark Souls Shuffle?
Thefluffiestguineapig: We probably have a higher chance of being correct than Google
DrLigmaPhD: C'mere you Bloodborn looking fuck
likelyDangerous: wait i got up for a sec what was the answer?
BorealMage: *NYUH*
MAPBoardgames: So thin you can see through their midriff? I swear, unrealistic beauty trends...
drcthulu: does the zombie have shoe on her hands?
matthaus_c: I like Mica, she fights like I prolly would
e_bloc: is she double-fisting or are those oven mitts
vinopinguino: 3rd time's the charm
salamisuperstar: Adam did warn you about melee builds
Laserbeaks_Fury: This Silent Hill 2 Remake is weird
TheWriterAleph: Major Fracture Detected. Morphine Administered.
drcthulu: survival game, the reward is you don't die
Fanklok: Adam insists Ben use his gun yet he mains Magneto... curious
Mr_Horrible: "I'm doing fine!" [system critical]
SnackPak_: woooow
ButButTheJesus: @TheWriterAleph Minor Lacerations
Spades_Slicc: The zombies are also walking around, bad qualifier for life
Seth_Erickson: With the sound of music?
GasCityGaming: here comes the boom
rosesmcgee: Calm down, dad rock
HeavyMetalFlorist: YUP, i remember them
matthaus_c: something older than me
vinopinguino: here comes the BOOM
Fanklok: That Christian rock band?
that brought me back 
vinopinguino: ready or not
tergonis: i can't deny you
NorthstarTex: I know that song!
BluTGI: < old.
vinewood_og: I, feel so ALIVE
mulligan2six: I heard that song for the first time in like a decade yesterday
WellFedGames: seen POD in concert. Good show.
e_bloc: POD is pretty deece
betweenmyself: FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME
ShaneLeeAtk: So that is what POD stood for... Huh
SnackPak_: it is now
Quixoticcommand: all rock becomes dad rock
drcthulu: but good qualifier of unlife
rahvi: lol I do
mirshebs: we are the youth of a nation
MrSarkhan: POD is definitely dad rock now
vinopinguino: butt rock
BluTGI: The kids make fun of 1900s folk
rosesmcgee: It me, I'm dad
rahvi: it is - confirmed by a dad - yeah
ghizmou: it s all dad rock, always been
Cptasparagus: is water wet?
regrettably, we are now the dads 
vinewood_og: Hoobastank was always dad rock lol
matthaus_c: even Radiohead is dad rock now
MirrorDisco: there is nothing wrong with Dad rock
e_bloc: and suddenly at 40 I don't know what dad anything is
Blakemcm: its all disco baby
gibbousm: Dad Rock is mostly the bands you'd see on Warped Tour
HeavyMetalFlorist: apparently i am a dad?
gamercat88: not a dad but i rock
superdude097: "Now That's What I Call Dad Rock!" is a real album and Blink182 is on it
e_bloc: I have a son
thatguysteve2709: Yo
onetrueseth: <---
Blakemcm: dad reporting in. small bladder
BluTGI: Not a dad.
itsr67: caught emoji
WellFedGames: raises hand
Darleysam: not a dad, but sure old enough
Quixoticcommand: I’m 40 and a father
Going_Medium: Twice
ogier300: I am
saucemaster5000: I'm an uncle, does that count?
the_walking: I am
toady0s: cat dad
frameshifty: only a catdad
patrick_stonecrusher: I always get POD and headPE mixed up
ButButTheJesus: old enough to be but no
rahvi: dad and cat dad
ToddOnATangent: dad here
Crimall: Negative!
BluTGI: Plant dad?
Easilycrazyhat: Present your Dad papers
0x6772: I'm 45, so old enough, but no kids.
Mr_Horrible: only father of a movement
i am not but i was a teen that listened to christian rock 
NorthstarTex: *checks* I think I'd be more of a mom
itsr67: does cat dad count
tr3ewitch88: I'm a mom ... does that count?
Crimall: I got the snip and have never looked back!
MirrorDisco: I’m a Mom 🤷🏻♀️
vinewood_og: Insert Cameron time to take your ibuprofen for your back joke
JoTyler: i'm your daddy now
HeavyMetalFlorist: no kids, only headbangs!
vinopinguino: let em get up, let em get up.
Quixoticcommand: monsters would be scarier if I could see them
DrLigmaPhD: Context is key
matthaus_c: @JoTyler go go gremdad
DrAegirinePyrope: Just an aunt
electra310: How come there's no mom rock?
ButButTheJesus: @JoTyler yaaay
DrAegirinePyrope: and aunt who listens to dad rock
vinewood_og: Facts
no children, but cornering the market on nieces and nephews 
itira: is there Aunt rock?
MilkInBags: that's not rock
SnackPak_: hell yeah
Cptasparagus: celiene dijon
raulghoulia: didn't he fight the Thundercats?
drcthulu: the hips don't lie
tehfewl: theres wine aunt rock
SymphonySolstice: fleetwood mac
frameshifty: mom rock used to be Barry Manilow or Neil Diamond
tr3ewitch88: Let's say none of that is rock.
electra310: Cher is Grandma Rock
xantos69: Do you believe in life after motherhood?
saucemaster5000: alien ant farm is mom rock
DrLigmaPhD: Blondie?
Darleysam: sheryl crow
KeytarCat: When I was younger, Dave Matthews Band was mom rock
Quixoticcommand: Cher is now grandma rock
patrick_stonecrusher: KISS
Blakemcm: The Wicked Musical soundtrack
SnackPak_: yeah, Sheryl Crow
NorthstarTex: The Cranberries
BluTGI: Dad Rock implies the exsitence of Mom Folk, Grand Pa Polka, Grandma Jazz
NoxStryx: Is pumice dad rock?
SquareDotCube: Joan Jett, Pat Bennetar, RUSH
RatherLargeToad: Mack Fleetwood?
Kentosaurus: obligatory "is she single"
Last1031: at this point mom rock should be Avril Lavgine
MirrorDisco: Mick Fleetwood!? wow!
WiJohn: Most of the moms I know are super in to Chapell Roan
SquareDotCube: also Heart
Cosmonautilis24: The Chicks
NoxStryx: Is sandstone dad rock?
DrLigmaPhD: @BluTGI Uncle Ska
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Rock & Rule, with notable Star Trek actor Iggy Pop?
MirrorDisco: Spiritbox is Mom rock for me 😂♥️
vinopinguino: adam's mom knows a fleetwood?
groulux: Is The drummer Baptised?
NoxStryx: Is obsidian dad rock?
matthaus_c: so if I have batteries around, it's basically like I have lockpicks?
tr3ewitch88: I feel like Avril Lavigne is mom rock now?
Seth_Erickson: Damn that's innovation
BluTGI: @DrLigmaPhD Aunt R&B
GedankenPalast_: @MirrorDisco Very good choice
saucemaster5000: benny goodman the ultimate granddad rock
MilkInBags: canadian metal band
Seth_Erickson: Horror games are going places
Mai_Andra: Monkey Island ass puzzle (melting a lock with battery acid (grog))
DrAegirinePyrope: with all the rocks in chat, have to add to my list: an aunt who listens to dad rock and is a geologist
GasCityGaming: Korn?
Crimall: @MirrorDisco Yess!!!1
WiJohn: Cousin Funk
MrSarkhan: I love Spiritbox!
MilkInBags: better than evanescence
DrAegirinePyrope: so loving all of these dad rocks in chat
NorthstarTex: isn't spirit box from victoria?
Mai_Andra: Evanescence is still banging
electra310: I would accept Evanescence as mom rock
HeavyMetalFlorist: Yessss, spiritbox!!
Mai_Andra: That was literally only one song...
e_bloc: I can't wake up
NoxStryx: Evanesance didnt have a rapper, it was just that one song
BluTGI: It was the 90s. Rap music was in everything.
TheWriterAleph: the evanescence redo album without the rap is legit
MilkInBags: his loss
Fanklok: Evanescence does raps?
vinopinguino: the 90s are back!
Mai_Andra: They released a new album in 2023
Kramburger: That 'rap' bit was the label adding it in
DrAegirinePyrope: I saw Evanescence live like 15 years ago
SnackPak_: yup
ShaneLeeAtk: I went to college with Amy Lee. We had a couple of classes together.
Jennie_Fuchsia: my parents met working at a radio station and always liked REALLY cool bands so I rebel by listening to Tom Cardy
NarishmaReborn: saw them like a couple of summers ago touring with lindsey stirling
far2muchsarcasm: as i understand it, they didn't even want that but the label insisted
BluTGI: Can't believe you kids are bringing Creed back. Judging.
Mr_Horrible: to be fair, My Immortal also kinda broke away
Inquisitor_Xian: the evanescence ladys daughter got to do the intended version of bring me back to life without the random dude on it
SymphonySolstice: they're still active yeah, just their first album was popular and then mainstream forgot they existed
NoxStryx: The one popular song had a guest spot from the lead singer of 12 Stones
Mr_Horrible: it wasn't *just* Bring Me To Life
0x6772: Unsubscribe "Evanesence Facts"
vinewood_og: Scott needs money .wav
SnackPak_: oof
korvys: Oh, with the ice smashing
LittleVesuvius: ??
MacbethSeemsSus: Ironic Evanescence has lasted this long.
Mr_Horrible: the song everyone only knows from the Titan A.E. trailers
MirrorDisco: ha ha!
tr3ewitch88: 😅🤣🤣🤣
Darleysam: anyone else have the friend who was REALLY into the Deftones?
CataclysmicReverb: TO A PLACE WITH LEMON TEA
NorthstarTex: wait Gen Z is bringing Creed back?!
Last1031: Creed is been head lining tours in the US
Jobot180: They Jebus people
BluTGI: @NorthstarTex Un-ironically
Mr_Horrible: yes
AtomicAlchemical: Bold of you to assume creed ever left the radio
salamisuperstar: They're a Christian rock band yeah
Seth_Erickson: We need the Dead Space objective pointer in this game.
Mr_Horrible: they're Christian Rock
Spades_Slicc: Jeebus Creebus
LithelyUnshod: It's definitely heaven
DarknessKingCoH: Also Bring Me to Life was on the Daredevil Soundtrack
SquareDotCube: "the eye surgeon?"
tergonis: wait there's lyrics beyond "take me higher" ???
InconsiderateHat: Ya Creed's a jesus rock band
MilkInBags: take me higher isnt just sex upstairs?
itira: definitely jesus people
gamercat88: Nah def Jeebus big time
vinopinguino: yep
MilkInBags: adam
Mai_Andra: Every album Evanescence has released since has been better than Fallen.
saucemaster5000: oh def
Darleysam: yes
NoxStryx: Most of the band from Evanesance started another band called we are the fallen
MirrorDisco: yes! I had a friend who got to go on the Deftones tour bus
AtomicAlchemical: Adam
ButButTheJesus: the next line is "to a place with golden streets"
Kramburger: Yep
MacbethSeemsSus: Yep
LithelyUnshod: yeah man
SnackPak_: Adam
diy_ect: with arms wide oopen!
DrLigmaPhD: They want god-mommy to give upppies
WiJohn: Yes
GasCityGaming: Crees started as it yeah, POD was too!
electra310: Yes
lochnessseammonster: yeah
CataclysmicReverb: Adam.
Jobot180: Whose Creed did you think it was?
Spades_Slicc: Not Dad rock, but The Father Rock
vinewood_og: Creed is the winger of the late 90s
LostThePirate: Very religious, yeah
AtomicAlchemical: Adam their band is called "Creed"
Kramburger: It was known back in the 2000s
jessieimproved: Creed is definitely Christian rock, we listened to it in youth group
Faulpyr: Hella Christian Rock
Fanklok: ICP is Christian rap
Mr_Horrible: *gently pats your head*
itira: she is though
lochnessseammonster: she is
matthaus_c: that's just a fact
VrolikSyndrome: But you're spitting there
Kramburger: Adam.
LithelyUnshod: Squirrel Girl *is* thicc
Mr_Horrible: okay but Squirrel Girl *is* thicc
salamisuperstar: ADAM! You're right
vinopinguino: he's just spittin facts
MacbethSeemsSus: The Creed isn't the assassin one.
BrindleBoar: she wasn't really, before Rivals
BluTGI: Squirrel Girl is indeed thiccccc
e_bloc: Squirrel girl is thicc as molasses
GreyThey: P.O.D. is Christian Rock, too
tr3ewitch88: It's OK, it took me a while to figure out who it was Christian rock too.
saucemaster5000: maybe people just like typing your name
Seth_Erickson: Well they aren't higher in the place where blind men see
Crimall: She is tho....
BrindleBoar: now she's extremely thiccc
NoxStryx: Squirrel girl's tail is thicc
electra310: Squirrel Girl does have the broadest tail in Marvel
itira: LOL
DudelidouX: so is POD
TheWriterAleph: both can be true.

onetrueseth: Creed and Skillet both got their FM hits while being Christian rock
SnackPak_: gottem
DaxStrife: Both can be true.

Spades_Slicc: Most Christians are
SymphonySolstice: same dif
couchboyj: Might as well ADAM saying the sky is blue
Mr_Horrible: I mean, they're not mutually exclusive
BluTGI: A lot of bands started out as Christian Rock
Darleysam: so were MXPX
Jobot180: Porque no los dos?
Blakemcm: He has the power of god and rock on his side
Faulpyr: Why not both?
counterpoint, Creed is Christian thicc 
DarknessKingCoH: The Killers are as well
HeavyMetalFlorist: yeah, but P.O.D arent jagoffs about it
BluTGI: Paramore def was
Cptasparagus: yes
GasCityGaming: oh absolutely
GasCityGaming: started as it
Darleysam: I'm positive they were
DrLigmaPhD: She is thicc but my internal reaction to Squirrel Girl isnh horny so much as it is "I wanna hug her"
patrick_stonecrusher: LIMC had an episode about Squirrel Girl being thicc
Darleysam: chick magnet
CataclysmicReverb: Disturbed was also VERY christian
GasCityGaming: Skillet was too
SnackPak_: chick magnet!
Mai_Andra: DC Talk
WellFedGames: Responisbility
e_bloc: Adam's gonna get the VOD muted
BorealMage: gluten free gate key?
Nimiphi: long key
Squirrel Girl is a girl, though, Adam, and you're a grownass man, lol. Stop admiring the jailbait 
Gee I wonder if Lamb of God was Christian 
jessieimproved: Newsboys still kinda slaps tbh
MirrorDisco: Disturbed!? really???
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I just got done a temp job at a place next to a store that played very loud christian rock and I swear 80% of the lyrics were just the word jesus
Cptasparagus: relient k, also very christian
electra310: I still listen to Newsboys. Mom rock, I guess?
LittleVesuvius: what band is this?
vinopinguino: loool
DudelidouX: early mxpx was christian punk but they tried to distance themselves from it
i made my friend a hot pink tux for prom because of relient k 
Mr_Horrible: sorry, if you're solo you have to go see Unreliant K
NoxStryx: Some of the members of Evanescence were in the important christian metalcore/death metal band Living Sacrifice.
drcthulu: making stuff up and other christian values
KeytarCat: I grew up on Switchfoot, and they were local so I got to see them a bunch
Fanklok: Joyce can just go deal with it with his fuck ass hammer
saucemaster5000: you needed more than 6 kids to have a prom
I saw P.O.D. when the opened for Linkin Park, lol - another religious hard rock band 
CataclysmicReverb: @MirrorDisco VERY. Re-listen to them, they had like two things to them, very Christian, and strong hate for the Bush administration.
lochnessseammonster: yeah
Juliamon: We had a senior semi
DoctorHutch: I saw MxPx on tour with Reel Big Fish back in the day. They did a fun cover of I'm Gonna Be (500 miles)
lochnessseammonster: same
Jobot180: Is Sadie Hawkins dance still a thing?
Crimall: My school in Aus gave use the corporate treatment... End of Year Function
KeytarCat: I had a panic attack at Prom!
Fanklok: Who is Sadie Hawkins
kimmibeans: I went to a tiny all-girls school, so Prom was pretty chill
gamercat88: oh Sadie Hawkins, the trauma that gave me lol
Mai_Andra: Evanescence was initially billed as a Christian bank, even though they were not trying to be. They met at church camp, though.
electra310: Prom king and queen aren't very important, it's mostly a dance and food
ButButTheJesus: Reliant K was the type of car my mom had at one time
Nimiphi: my upstairs neighbor also has 4 buttons bound to stomp (*apparently)
BluTGI: Stomp is still touring.
BluTGI: Today I learned.
LittleVesuvius: I never went to prom. (I have sensory issues and it would have overwhelmed me)
drcthulu: @Mai_Andra it was probably a pray away the gay camp
WiJohn: I think you have healing speay
betweenmyself: there was that dustup some years back *claiming* that Insane Clown Posse were seeding their songs with Evangelical undertones to convert people to Christianity…
NoxStryx: @keytarcat that sounds like the name of an Scenecore band
bosqueofpines: I was too busy being an antisocial weirdo and playing WoW to go to my prom.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was an autistic kid who was sheltered to the point I am still having therapy about it so no prom
mirshebs: @Nimiphi same!
ButButTheJesus: @Nimiphi same, mine has like 20 different sound effects
electra310: When one of us is funny, we are all funny!
Darleysam: just because we're doing callbacks to good bands, gonna throw this one out for Adam: Millencolin
cobthegreat: It's wasn't even a contest for my school the Senior board just which of them was the King and Queen
Cptasparagus: Inhale Exhale also a good christian Metalcore band from back in the day
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude
kimmibeans: Dude
GedankenPalast_: Clown car galore
Fanklok: I didn't go to prom either. I think I played Guild Wars
public_key_reveal_party: I only went to my prom because my partner at the time wanted to go, and we were both kinda miserable and uninterested haha
Thefluffiestguineapig: So responsible drinking but no vehicular safety
GasCityGaming: The youth group at my school had a dry grad at the school, movies on the projector in the library with the couches and comfy chairs, sports in the gym, hottub in the shop
SymphonySolstice: we didn't have a prom, we had a "winter social" where half my class showed up already drunk, ate all the food, and then left to keep drinking
that's my streamer 
electra310: My first date with my future husband was to senior prom
SnackPak_: Pennybridge Pioneers is a TTBB

gamercat88: i had states on prom so i went to prom with horrible sunburn but also a state championship in discus so worth it
Jobot180: I met my ex-fiancé in the trunk of a Nissan when we were clown caring it.
MirrorDisco: I went to prom by myself ♥️ Had a gay friend tell me I could really shake my booty. I took that as a compliment.
Adam's sister is more fun than his mom 
Seth_Erickson: I went to prom once and we ended up spending too much time in our group date that we realized we'd actually missed the prom dance proper and just did a small dance thing at one of the dates house.
gamercat88: but ur not baptized Ben... gasp
KeytarCat: I used to be a Boy (scout)!
drcthulu: Jebus would have been a cool guy
LittleVesuvius: man y'all went to summer camp? /j (I was poor, am making a joke)
gamercat88: oh thank god
gamercat88: lol
Makrosian_Tay: The grad party for me was soooo embarrassing. I didn't have anyone I was close with, so I drifted between 4 separate friend groups. Also, I was hella sweaty
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: we call that A/B testing
LittleVesuvius: wait WHAT
SnackPak_: wooow
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT

Jobot180: How dare you care!
LittleVesuvius: that's ridiculous, she's throwing up in the bathtub
NoxStryx: I hear about a senior prom that was cinco de mayo themed, it was a seniõr prom
Mr_Horrible: "High School!" *jazz hands*

vinopinguino: good guy ben
DrLigmaPhD: Baptism skips every other sibling
BrindleBoar: dodged a bullet
LostThePirate: You made the right choice, Ben
SquareDotCube: you know what that's ok
e_bloc: I mean who hasn't thrown up in a bathtub
SymphonySolstice: teen girls are weird
AtomicAlchemical: dodged a bullet really
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jealousy of how much you want to help
drcthulu: She Helly Jelly
Good Guys always win in the end 
LittleVesuvius: the one time i've been around folks THAT drunk, I was literally the only sober one in uni where everyone was either drunk, high, or both. it was mega uncomfortable
Blakemcm: people are still learning not to be psychopaths in highschool
Spades_Slicc: me
Seth_Erickson: Me
gamercat88: would Jebus not hold back the hair of someone who is throwing up in a bathtub
Nimiphi: I was at a party and one of the other girls was studying cosmetology and I got a free haircut. it was bad
ButButTheJesus: yeesh
xantos69: You mean ex-friend right?
vinopinguino: on purpose lmao
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp
matthaus_c: you throw up on purpose????
LittleVesuvius: I have. but not from being drunk/high, I just have a lot of allergies and missed.
DrLigmaPhD: Me but I have thrown up out the window of a car doing 80mph
Thefluffiestguineapig: HOW
LostThePirate: I don't think I've missed the toilet by enough to hit the bathtub, lol
Kentosaurus: your girlfriend dumped you? obligatory "is she single?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: How would logistically you throw up in a pocket
Fanklok: I was so hungry over one day I threw up all over the toilet
ButButTheJesus: cutscene? lore?
Fanklok: Hung over
e_bloc: true story--once I got so drunk that I tried to use the hamper for the toilet before my then-wife woke me up
itira: me
vinewood_og: Threw up off a balcony on some kid's bike freshman year.... MID times
Seth_Erickson: These are the things that have really deterred me from drinking it sounds miserable.
Decaped: Those people you beat to death with a pipe
MacbethSeemsSus: Is this entire game going to be a hallucination from the crash?
BluTGI: That purse, forever unclean
LittleVesuvius: @MacbethSeemsSus that might be the game
electra310: Not even your own friend, that's rough
Jobot180: Pre-karma
vinewood_og: Good friend
Stormgod519: wooooow... i just got here so cool story
Stormgod519: hi boys
Easilycrazyhat: Drunk Ben is a prophet
Thefluffiestguineapig: I had a huge bleeding stomach ulcer so I got to the point I put my bed next to the sink in my dorm (bathroom was shared but had my own sink) so I could just roll out of bed to throw up
AtomicAlchemical: Pre-venge
WiJohn: Nostruvomus
Tangsm: Nostravomits
tr3ewitch88: Premature karma.
Fanklok: Maybe she cheated because of that event
GrumbusForbids: dionysus' gift of prophecy
InconsiderateHat: Got her while the getting was good
e_bloc: she was just looking for guys who didn;t have friends who would throw up in their purse
isupor: what a time to joint he stream
Makrosian_Tay: Classic
vinopinguino: you're hired!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Was there an airbrushed wizard on it?
ghyllnox: What if she cheated on him because he defended this weird guy he knew who threw up in her purse
matthaus_c: put Smirnoff squarely in things I don't miss from adolescence
Inquisitor_Xian: i threw up in a wizard hat at a ren faire once
groulux: I was cleaning up after a party and as I was emptying my bucket in the kitchen sink (the Toilet was occupied) And I just stood there and said....Should have taken out the spagetti strainer.
MilkInBags: just drink less duh
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betweenmyself: have never gotten drunk to the point of vomiting/blacking out
kimmibeans: I've only blacked out once... but it wasn't the alcohol
gibbousm: PASS - Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
Nimiphi: I swapped from drinking to wacky tabbaccy because I never throw up on that
Jobot180: Pull a rabbit outta that
vinopinguino: wanna see a magic trick? BLEEEH
e_bloc: I used to drink like a fish, now i'm almost three years sober
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: the first time I ever had port I threw up, but that was because of food poisoning
LittleVesuvius: Due to a blood pressure disorder I faint long before I even get tipsy
Inquisitor_Xian: it was my hat...i threw it away lmao
Easilycrazyhat: Only blacked out once when I was in London. Always been able to toe the line since.
Juliamon: None of my blackouts are from alcohol
drcthulu: think about the rabbits
Mr_Horrible: "Verily, what the shit, my guy?"
GasCityGaming: I have never done it i swear
BluTGI: Damn't-Dave
LittleVesuvius: people assumed I was a lightweight for like years, then I got diagnosed
kimmibeans: I have never gotten hungover. It pisses off my partner, lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Inquisitor_Xian Was it a nice hat?
ghyllnox: "I cast barf hat!"
vinewood_og: Do you think the nostrils of the white tower are nose-blind mithrandir?
LittleVesuvius: alcohol makes me faint so
RechargeableFrenchman: I definitely drink a lot less now that I'm passed 30 than I did ten years ago, though I was never a crazy drinker to begin with
Seth_Erickson: Blacking out spooks me.
BluTGI: We're doing an arson?
only time i ever blacked out was second year and i threw up and clogged our kitchen sink 
I gave my kid a grasshopper on Christmas Eve and he spent the whole next day throwing up. I actually think it was unrelated because there was not much alcohol in it at all, but he plans to never drink again. 
Inquisitor_Xian: @vinewood_og ehhhhhhhhhh it was ok, i didn't feel too bad about it
vinopinguino: garbage fire, a little too on the nose there game
I've never gotten hungover either 
e_bloc: if you have never gotten a hangover, you've never really drank
LittleVesuvius: i ALSO believed your kid ate a grasshopper
Thefluffiestguineapig: Me too Ben
RechargeableFrenchman: One New Years where I stopped drinking at 7am and woke up at noon not hungover yet because I was still drunk
Nimiphi: I thought the kid was Mulan or something
Makrosian_Tay: I'm sorry, Hamster Style?
kimmibeans: Nope. My partner had to literally carry my ass back to our hotel after trying the "around the world challenge". I woke up chipper at 7 am the next day, no issues
InconsiderateHat: Never drank enough to black out, only enough to lie in an empty kiddy pool and be so happy about it. XD
saucemaster5000: I have actually woken up in someone else's pants thanks to alcohol
xantos69: Adam I LOVE that reference. Thank you
Fanklok: I decided it was a good idea to drink half a handle of jack Daniel's at 3 am when I had to be at work at 10 that morning
LittleVesuvius: I have friends who snack on real (cooked) grasshoppers
Mr_Horrible: I've definitely been hungover and it's varying levels of "well I don't know what I was expecting"
itira: iv been hungover once. i drank so much wine. it was awful
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Makrosian_Tay I am also wondering what Hamster Style is
tr3ewitch88: I remember getting underage blackout drunk and my mom didn't even punish me because I was punishing myself.
LostThePirate: I've never gotten blackout drunk, but I've had some nasty hangovers over the years. Probably been a decade, though, I know my limits better than when I was in my 20s.
Thefluffiestguineapig: If your kid is Mulan I think that's just an epic win
electra310: Grasshopper: Milkshake with creme de menthe and creme de cacao
xantos69: I thought I was the only person on the planet who ever saw that movie.
matthaus_c: the one time I went hard on drinks I vomited for a couple hours and went to the ER at 4 am
protojman: trey parker and matt stone
Mr_Horrible: "Elevator keeps not elevating!"
varmintx0: When I was much younger, I tried to get drunk once. An entire bottle of bourbon. All it gave me was a massive headache.
xantos69: "I can still smell the newspaper"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @matthaus_c Drunk/hungover witching hour ER is way worse than the already bad witching hour ER
BluTGI: If your elevator elevates for more than 4 hours consult a mechanic
groulux: Yeah I vaguely remember Orgasmo from working nights in a video store
RechargeableFrenchman: Oh there was a Big Rock in Vancouver until the Pandini
kimmibeans: Got so drunk, I fell asleep on the toilet at a Sum41 concert... no hangover the next day.
Thoufeux: damn b-word you live like this
RechargeableFrenchman: I miss that place, their brown ale is wicked
Juliamon: peak horror shit
Blip2004: I am in Calgary still, although hopefully only one more year
vinopinguino: why would they give you the No option anyway
electra310: To hold our hair
Tangsm: What if you don't want to touch something?
SymphonySolstice: why are the sticks CLEAN
SymphonySolstice: that's the horro
GreyThey: You can kill two tiny vampires
mrjujubeans: kindling
e_bloc: Chekov's Chopsticks
Darleysam: meanwhile if you couldn't take them, Alex would flip out
saucemaster5000: bro ain't gonna get the spring rolls
LittleVesuvius: video gaaaames
tr3ewitch88: You might need to grab some things through a small hole.
rosesmcgee: Healthy stream
vaezarekgaming: What's the best alcohol pairing for tigers blood?
vinopinguino: "my dude, you piss mad loud"
Nigouki: Piss on the SIDE of the bowl!
DrLigmaPhD: @SymphonySolstice EXTREMELY thorough use
cobthegreat: What if there's sushi later
BluTGI: Zombie Slip & Slide
@Thefluffiestguineapig it actually turned out as a pretty fond memory all things considered 
Mr_Horrible: tiny Bill Skarsgaard
Cptasparagus: JAMES!
SymphonySolstice: #blamejames

GedankenPalast_: James!
Fanklok: AGAIN
e_bloc: why do you think there are no vampires in southeast asia
BluTGI: James stop playing minecraft and fix the plumbing!
Mr_Horrible: I think the conceit is it's picking up residual broadcast signals? But it's very "video game logic"
Decaped: There should be audiotapes you pick up and put into your working walkman you carry around for emotional comfort
matthaus_c: I shower at least every 12h
kimmibeans: hey, that's what ponytails are for; hiding greasy hair
Fanklok: Actual shower or just rinse off?
Mr_Horrible: schupid
Juliamon: tying back greasy hair is the only thing I miss from having long hair
BusTed: El Kabong!
drcthulu: wield that axe
SymphonySolstice: s h r e d
vinopinguino: jeff jarret!
CataclysmicReverb: Battle axe!
matthaus_c: oh my god does it make a noise
Going_Medium: You have a hammer and an axe!
0x6772: MELEE BUILD!
Astramentha: \m/
Darleysam: GOTY
Fanklok: Up there with Deadly Premonition
Ben out here ACTUALLY living his best life 
BluTGI: Jamfest

ButButTheJesus: mrowwwwn
RatherLargeToad: Let’s Rock!
Nimiphi: she's doing COMBOS
Nimiphi: Riffs, even
vaezarekgaming: Wait until we find out the guitar is one time use lol
NoxStryx: Every good horror game lets you wield an axe.
GrumbusForbids: yeah the guitar's gonna have the durability of a botw stick
mrjujubeans: dead rising successor?
electra310: Hey, the water came back
e_bloc: does it matter if it's a strendor or a statiducaster
Mr_Horrible: I can run it (badly)
drcthulu: Adam's computer can't handle breaches in POE2
ExtraWubs: when is ben joining the oki crew
Nimiphi: I wonder if it helps the integrity of the guitar as a weapon to remove the strings
mrjujubeans: @electra310 LOL
Mr_Horrible: I'll have the settings that turn the frog into a ps1 model, but not as a bug
Mr_Horrible: yeah Ben only likes *good* fighting games, like Shrek Super Slam
salamisuperstar: Or does the tension hold it together?
0x6772: That'd actually make it easier to break the guitar's neck, actually. that tension is holding the lever in line.
Seth_Erickson: I'm in the dd2 update waiting boat and then the Elden Ring NightReign wating boat after that
matthaus_c: technical term "it's tight"
Mai_Andra: this way when it breaks, it turns into a morningstar
Nimiphi: tighten the strings on the guitar for explosive damage as it literally shreds itself apart on impact
GrumbusForbids: obviously you use the chopsticks on the keypad
e_bloc: studies have shown beating someone with a guitar is comparable to an axe
it's gonna be....abominable 
BluTGI: Maybe the zombies are hydrophobic
vinopinguino: ayyy
SymphonySolstice: tee hee
LittleVesuvius: did we open the safe
lamina5432: new HSR today so im happy
0x6772: (Source: my father's a retired classical guitar teacher, and I know all the ways to accidentally break the neck and bridge of a guitar. My favorite is leaving in strung over the winter without a humidifier: pops the bridge clean off.)
Mai_Andra: that security door closed... the one that you had crawled under to get into this hallway
marjaneke: find the code
matthaus_c: wet ass building, make that fire escape weak
Nimiphi: is it coincidence that you got everything wet just as you found the guitar?

LittleVesuvius: 2025+30-4 i think is the answer
electra310: Are there any hostile noodles nearby?
e_bloc: play some wet leg
Nigouki: do you need to play in inventory with the key card thingi?
matthaus_c: that elevator had one god damn job
SymphonySolstice: call that a stationary t hen
SymphonySolstice: then*
catcard: bingo!
GrumbusForbids: it's not a horror game without a fuse box with a missing fuse
Pharmacistjudge: Good evening Gentlepersons and others.
Mr_Horrible: ayup
Nigouki: at least this isn't as obtuse as some sierra games inventory combinations
Going_Medium: They asked me to find a fuse, then get another one. I refused.
JoTyler: @Going_Medium boooo
AtomicAlchemical: if you think about it, enemies and bullets are just more locks and keys with a weird unlocking minigame
Fanklok: Where there is a master key there is a master lock
GrumbusForbids: @Going_Medium woooo
Seth_Erickson: Except for like the horror so far, imo
Nimiphi: uh oh, hammer broke
vinopinguino: ugh math
Decaped: Horror games really need the reality bending stuff to be effective nowadays.
tr3ewitch88: Just flip all of them
matthaus_c: it's nice that as adults we get to have these sophisticated renderings of children's puzzles
vinopinguino: the real horror is the math
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MacbethSeemsSus: *click*
BluTGI: Math Puzzles. The joy of horror games
Pharmacistjudge: i don't know what the goal level is
e_bloc: we get it Ben, you're a switch llrKAPPA

Nimiphi: maybe we need another switch to solve it
ButButTheJesus: he's FINE
Nimiphi: there is a 6th slot for a switch that's empty
matthaus_c: said a couple looking for a third
Nimiphi: idk, just spitballing
Mr_Horrible: good god my twitch is cooked
BluTGI: At least they got a good switch sound
BluTGI: Def looks like we're missing a switch
She was born October 4th 2025, and she had a daughter at 30… Wild stab, down down up down up up 
matthaus_c: we are totally missing bottom left
LittleVesuvius: lower left switch is missing
GreyThey: "Do we need another switch" is also what every Nintendo fan said when the Switch 2 was announced
electra310: Can we shove a chopstick in there?
PhorrestGaze: what's the target voltage?
BluTGI: @PhorrestGaze 600
Pharmacistjudge: but ben I thought you bought a new switch
BluTGI: Volts/Watts/Giggachads
catcard: I went away for a bit and I come back and we're holding a guitar. radical
Fanklok: Are chop sticks a switch?
0x6772: Hard pass.
betweenmyself: target voltage is 2, because poop joke

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LPS_97: So Vaseline?
BusTed: huffin the peach pit
kimmibeans: If Peach's armpit DOESN'T smell like peaches I will riot
Nimiphi: if guitar is weapon, is mayonnaise an instrument?
0x6772: @LPS_97 deep cut
BluTGI: I was going to joke about this.
electra310: I am a genius
Mr_Horrible: but I sold my switch to buy you this gold chain for your watch
GrumbusForbids: lmao what
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BluTGI: Moonlogic

0x6772: @Nimiphi Sure, fuck it, and a tutu is a taxi cab!
thatguysteve2709: Press button
Nimiphi: push button?
Pharmacistjudge: we are playing a Sierra Point and Click Adventure
mrjujubeans: should I use my head?
betweenmyself: Just put a penny in the breaker slot… Not your house
matthaus_c: King's Quest looking ass
MacbethSeemsSus: Wait that's not how you use chopsticks?
e_bloc: 3d monkey dieland
Mr_Horrible: likely because there's an interaction prompt
Mr_Horrible: so it just shortcuts you
BluTGI: What if we're attacked by tiny vampires now??!
tr3ewitch88: It was all thanks to chopsticks 😅
Nimiphi: I can't believe the people before us didnt think to use chopsticks in the electrical box
Nimiphi: what utter fools
CataclysmicReverb: Wasn't that DAYTONAAAA
Mr_Horrible: or SH2 making a handle out of a horseshoe and candle wax
electra310: That is also what I do in the elevator
matthaus_c: have you ever gotten stuck in an elevator
mrjujubeans: she’s flatlining!
kumatsu: give me my emotional support guitar
BluTGI: Push!
betweenmyself: cmon Ben, the correct song for this situation is from Sonic R, what with everybody super sonic racing
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that guitar gently weeping?
vinopinguino: wish you
Mr_Horrible: <Card Impounded>
MilkInBags: it's ronald mcdonald
e_bloc: I was stuck in an elevator about 10 minutes one day
MacbethSeemsSus: ""Anyway here's wonderwall"
0x6772: What would Adam do? (Let him fall, of course.)
BrindleBoar: "Do a flip!"
0x6772: @BrindleBoar Yeah, you're right.
Mr_Horrible: he always picks the "..." option, it is well known
e_bloc: actor seems a litte stiff
Thefluffiestguineapig: So those first two were the illusion of choice since it was "let's talk inside" or "you must be freezing"
BluTGI: Hope that edge isn't slippery
0x6772: Same, suicidal dude, same.
e_bloc: his name is Geronimo
BluTGI: Guess he's waiting for the right time.
CataclysmicReverb: Tea time, innit?
0x6772: @e_bloc That reminds me: given that people shout Geronimo when they jump out of planes, I think because he screamed his name on the way into battle… was he the first Pokemon?
betweenmyself: He’s checking his watch against the local bus schedule… He wants to be isekaied at the last second
BluTGI: Tax time!
matthaus_c: the cheese tax the cheese tax
e_bloc: @0x6772 r
e_bloc: @0x6772 rofl
0x6772: Just rolling the first time? ;^>
BluTGI: It used to be "For geronimo!" but it got shortned
MilkInBags: p7
0x6772: Bah, fine. I like my version better. ;^>
Darleysam: He's not gonna be in Ho2owbody
Cptasparagus: what if you played a sick riff
BrindleBoar: @Darleysam 2 Hollow 2 Body
betweenmyself: T posed for dominance, then dipped out
e_bloc: tbh doesnt seem that high up
catcard: can you take me higher?
0x6772: "Hollow Body, Electic Boogalody".
likelyDangerous: "and im freeeeeee..."
thatguysteve2709: That songs backstory is so weird
BluTGI: Dude had a nice roof to live for
Nimiphi: should've whipped out the guitar and played him a song
Makrosian_Tay: Legit love that 3EB song
lamina5432: and DMCA'd
gamercat88: freebird
catcard: bruh
CataclysmicReverb: @catcard and i don't want the world to see me?
tr3ewitch88: I wonder if he knew there were stairs
tr3ewitch88: Sorry
0x6772: @tr3ewitch88 He was in a hurry.
Juliamon: Physics object!
matthaus_c: companion cube
NotCainNorAbel: new box friend
glyndev: Turns out the piece of paper was a key
BluTGI: Open World time!
kireawolf: Got any loot?
Mr_Horrible: we've found our garden gnome
likelyDangerous: @tr3ewitch88 shouldve told him we fixed the elevator
LPS_97: red card
Nimiphi: you're moving that box around the same way my UPS driver does
NorthstarTex: that was so a red card
0x6772: Love the sound!
MacbethSeemsSus: Good twang
Juliamon: GOOD SFX
catcard: amazing,
Mr_Horrible: nice detail
patrick_stonecrusher: KABONG
electra310: I am wildly happy about the sound
kumatsu: S-tier foley work
e_bloc: mixing sports mtaphors here
CataclysmicReverb: "Here's an F-Sharp, now B-Flat!
BrindleBoar: literal nothing
GreyThey: Guitar Fear-o
e_bloc: guitar has a heart of chrome and the voice of a horny ange
DMGlol: we are very soccer
Pharmacistjudge: quite a bit
Pteraspidomorphi: Well, I'm portuguese
Orxolon: I'm from Uruguay,sos,i kknow
NorthstarTex: more than you apparently
BluTGI: King's Sport? You mean Cricket?
Pteraspidomorphi: Still know nothing
hoveringhalibut: Time for the drum solo
couchboyj: I know hoe to make ice cream soup
thatguysteve2709: I mean I have my ref licenses for soccer so the rules I guess
kumatsu: Soccer Savidan, they call him
matthaus_c: brother I'm Brazilian and you know more than me
hb8u: Uruguay mentioned twice in a month huh
Darleysam: so anyway, here's wonderwall *SPLANG*
vinopinguino: nwo! nwo!
Orxolon: @hb8u what was the other one?
Decaped: I think you get teh Dog ending if you kill enough enemies with the guitar
CataclysmicReverb: Heck yes feefas next oki oki
Nimiphi: why they gotta have yaoi hands tho?!
Fanklok: I know that soccer is British slang for association football
Mr_Horrible: Mica just overusing DI
hb8u: @Orxolon think it was a lrr live
tehfewl: come to Wonderwall in 15 seconds for an ass kicking
salamisuperstar: How many people wanna kick some ass??
Pharmacistjudge: deleting that message because that was a bit too much for even me
BluTGI: Kabong rips
Manae: Need to get the notes for Self Improvement so you can more faster
GasCityGaming: I am literally playing monk right now and had to double check
kumatsu: seven-side strike, I think?
betweenmyself: is there a ukulele in case we run into any tiny zombies?

tr3ewitch88: @salamisuperstar I do
MacbethSeemsSus: Upgrade to bass
Pharmacistjudge: do they have to duck in doorways?
kumatsu: tall glass of water strutting at you
Darleysam: yeah, drop a piano on them
kimmibeans: Is it single?
BluTGI: Slenderman's Niece.
vinopinguino: get juked
0x6772: Yeah, it's the lost member of Cypress Hill. It spits shit.
e_bloc: looks like she might be on her period though
CataclysmicReverb: Time for a bit of the old ultra violins
SquareDotCube: Sekiro had that one guy with a large bell
lochnessseammonster: burpentine
superdude097: Damn, those legs go ALL THE WAY up, don't they?
Fanklok: Bell does infinity damage
betweenmyself: I just know when the zombie apocalypse comes, someones gonna try to stick me with the triangle
BusTed: give 'em the ol' razzle dazzle
frank_the_great: Howdy spoopy boys, howdy chat! How's the game so far?
BluTGI: Hi-kick!
JohnLockeCole: Legs that Go all the way to the ground
BusTed: I like the attack where you motion like you're going to swing, but then kick instead
0x6772: No health bar, no numbers flying out of the head… shit, actually: no HUD at all. That's a style choice!
likelyDangerous: @frank_the_great awesome and good dumb
Mr_Horrible: 14 days?
MacbethSeemsSus: 2 weeks
salamisuperstar: About a month?
0x6772: About 3 weeks, Adam?
electra310: SFX top tier
MilkInBags: hehehehehehehehehe
FitalShell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months, currently on a 67 month streak!
FitalShell: bingus
Thanks for subscribing, FitalShell! (Today's storm count: 66)
weird uncle jokes huh 
tr3ewitch88: Adam
frank_the_great: @likelyDangerous Pogchamp
ButButTheJesus: huehuehuehue
Mr_Horrible: oh no, you can't send that back at us

enbycephalopod: a d a m
BrindleBoar: You Adam. Me Twitch Chat.
Mr_Horrible: that's not how this relationship works
BluTGI: Adam used Puns, it was super-effective!
kumatsu: don't let chat bully you Adam, that was comedy gold
Larkonus: ADAM. You rock.
Seth_Erickson: Adam! but in the cadence of Jason!
Fanklok: Ok neither of you are funny
Orxolon: where is that from?"shooting from a distance"?

likelyDangerous: @BrindleBoar "WE... ARE... TWITCH CHAT!!"
CataclysmicReverb: for a second that quiver was HUGE
Mr_Horrible: that quiver has 12% increased attack speed, tho
0x6772: Oh, I'll ADAM that.
WiJohn: You're gonna use them as lockpicks
betweenmyself: Adam “What do you MEAN, Adam!?!” Savidan
Juliamon: run
BrindleBoar: F
kumatsu: take the shot
matthaus_c: uh oh
squ3e: ooooooooo someones in trouble
Seth_Erickson: say something funny and prove it then
NimrodXIV: o7
BusTed: *record scratch*
catcard: lmfao
salamisuperstar: o7
Mr_Horrible: and then Ferisar got banned
empyreon: o7

NorthstarTex: o7
ButButTheJesus: nuoh mah god
gamercat88: o7
Dog_of_Myth: Okay, now the bow joke made me laugh.
snowyowlly: o7
Nimiphi: o7
Makrosian_Tay: o7
Kukako: Umm
kimmibeans: o7
Astramentha: o7
Darleysam: o7
ghizmou: o7
Dog_of_Myth: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
WiJohn: o7


squ3e: o7
0x6772: Banned us all!
Xenovita: o7

public_key_reveal_party: o7

Manae: Reject bow, continue hunting horn
electra310: o7
Riandisa: o7

BluTGI: Welp
matthaus_c: o7

MilkInBags: FINALLY they understood
MrSarkhan: F
squ3e: where were you when lets nope was kill?
spo8n: o7
e_bloc: o7

mrjujubeans: cold
tergonis: o7
Mr_Horrible: guitars don't use a bow, of course they wouldn't give you one
enbycephalopod: o7
Dog_of_Myth: We deserved that.
Pharmacistjudge: i think someone owes an apology.
Going_Medium: Banned themselves...
catcard: @squ3e laughed irl
7gorobei: wow they pulled the car over to the side of the road
BluTGI: 1/14/25 They noped.
toady0s: gg
lamina5432: o7
squ3e: @catcard highest honor I can receive o7
TranquilCalamity subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TranquilCalamity! (Today's storm count: 67)
kumatsu: I miss Adam
kireawolf: @7gorobei They did they really did
betweenmyself: so angry they had to take a joint poop break… shame on you twitch chat
0x6772: @Mr_Horrible There is, actually, a device called an ebow, that vibrates electric guitar strings with magnetic resonance. It's a really cool effect.
ButButTheJesus: I needed more tea anyway brb
Astramentha: @blutgi 🤌
MacbethSeemsSus: They come back playing solitaire
Ankarah: i feel we need to have some praising of comedy post break
electra310: But did they remember to run the ad?
Fanklok: Why would Ferisar say that
likelyDangerous: is that the ultimate rage quit?
kimmibeans: Yes
Mr_Horrible: @0x6772 okay but cool modern inventions are ruining my dumb jokes so I have to ask them to cool off on the innovation
frank_the_great: They had a good run, but all good shows must come to an end. I say they jumped the shark around when Alex left
@Fanklok Living on borrowed time. .... 
Clench_Eastwood: Well time to delete my twitch app. There's no point anymore
LittleVesuvius: i will be sad if this is the last lets nope
BluTGI: @Clench_Eastwood Step back from that ledge my friend!
matthaus_c: well, they did it. they finally Noped
Spades_Slicc: @Dog_of_Myth bow-rrowed time
Mai_Andra: ♫ Let's all nope to the lobby ♫
BluTGI: Can't believe we were all here to see the big Nope
loufghyslaufey: @frank_the_great Wait. What kind of run?
Dog_of_Myth: @Spades_Slicc I stand corrected.

kimmibeans: I finally re-arranged my schedult to have my Tuesday nights back, and it's all for naught!
Mr_Horrible: me, hearing the menu navigation
momalyd: Great! Now there is no Cape Canaveral for any of us!!!
Clench_Eastwood: I wish you would step off of that ledge my friend....
Mai_Andra: ♪
likelyDangerous: theyre probably brainstorming comebacks
kumatsu: I hope they come back from the break and immediately shoot Fanklok for the bit

Mr_Horrible: and now it's Super Mario World music
Astramentha: Grandma, where were you when they Noped?
BluTGI: Let's Nope Again

loufghyslaufey: @frank_the_great am confused. What ever happened with this... "run?"
betweenmyself: they grabbin a guitar so they can smack us like zombies
Mai_Andra: oh, shit - boss music
Mr_Horrible: bass boost that shit
Ankarah: whatever jokes come of this chat is to blame

Juliamon: it is pretty sick
rosesmcgee: I can't hear you, London!
Nimiphi: menu be bopping
Darleysam: hell yeah I love Burial
BusTed: 🥁
kumatsu: let the bodies hit the FLOOR
ButButTheJesus: wubbawubbawubbawubba
korvys: Aphex Ben over here
Clench_Eastwood: I would personally like to take at least 10% of the blame. For bragging rights more than anything
LPS_97: why does it sound like Popcorn?
Raincoast_Bear: We're still on ads here, Bne....
MilkInBags: sure does
omdorastrix: DU... DU HAST
Ankarah: screamo menu tune
Darleysam: no this is dub
Spades_Slicc: I was distracted, what was the joke that prompted the "neither of you are funny"?
BluTGI: Talking Simulator got Serious tonight
BluTGI: lol
MilkInBags: yeah
0x6772: Oh, Trent.
Decaped: I love that song so much.
BluTGI: @Spades_Slicc Adam did a pun.
MilkInBags: pp
loufghyslaufey: Sounds like any other day...
kimmibeans: @Spades_Slicc It's a present with no bow (as in to shoot arrows)
momalyd: Tonight, on very special episode of Let's Nope
Ankarah: that song needs to be clipped ad remixed
Cptasparagus: if I go pee its like i'm adam
LPS_97: he can go sleep soundly
Spades_Slicc: @kimmibeans thank you
0x6772: I thought Adam was over in the nuclear missile silo targetting each of us.
MacbethSeemsSus: That needs to be clipped as LRR holding music
likelyDangerous: "why dont you... sit right back... and i... i may tell you... a tale..."












mrjujubeans: new album this year









this one 


RealLegitStreamer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Mr_Horrible: get his ass, chat
Thanks for subscribing, RealLegitStreamer! (Today's storm count: 68)

Mr_Horrible: end this man
SnackPak_: gottem

Kentosaurus: asked for that




uncleardata subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Thanks for subscribing, uncleardata! (Today's storm count: 69)


Clench_Eastwood: It would kind of be fun to get an Alex and Graham retro Let's Nope for one show
vinopinguino: got his ass
several people had exactly the same joke I was going to make 






Don't really have a use for this anymore 



Dog_of_Myth: Chat is on fire tonight.






I should use this one more


to be fair,
is really good within the context of Adam's stream, but without the context it's just bizarre
Nimiphi: this game reminds me that a guitar is actually a percussion instrument

matthaus_c: @YawnLance I liked that one :c





Raincoast_Bear: I use the Matt W. all the time. On his channel!
CataclysmicReverb: Speaking of NiN why did we all start calling long rain jackets Trent's Coats?






Seth_Erickson: Otz has lots of great emotes
Thefluffiestguineapig: Have Adam watch to try?

YawnLance: Me too buddy, me too :'(






sad duck 



Clench_Eastwood: Steamed Curse




matthaus_c: is that ham kinda serving actually
seepete subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
I use these old FFXIV emote all the time, but I never use the baby-behemoth 
Thanks for subscribing, seepete! (Today's storm count: 70)




tr3ewitch88: I unfortunately let all my subs run out to save $

momalyd: I tell ya, you would see this on Talking Simulator
I'm thankful I don't need to use this one that much
BluTGI: The ham delivers it's self!
ButButTheJesus: I'm still learning my yogscast members



NotCainNorAbel: why do I have so many emotes?




Mr_Horrible: I get passed around VTuber chats via AFK raids



MilkInBags: We're here to have a bad time
vinopinguino: its the soundtrack for Challengers

Seth_Erickson: You're both funny again btw

Seth_Erickson: congratulations
likelyDangerous: "why dont you... sit right back... and i... i may tell you... a tale..."
seepete: Ben Ulmer banger, aka Bubanger
matthaus_c: can't believe what Ferisar said
frank_the_great: Adam
Dog_of_Myth: hahahahaah
YawnLance: Holy fuck
Mr_Horrible: LMAO
circusofkirkus: goddam
MilkInBags: FUCK
BluTGI: lmao



Andymonium: XD
Juliamon: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
loufghyslaufey: pffft
vinopinguino: HOLY
GreyThey: GAh!
Aceviru: Lol



SnackPak_: ke-rist
shendaras: 10%
enbycephalopod: its ferisar
Mr_Horrible: that's a 10% right there
bobokiddo: HOLY SHIT
Ankarah: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

electra310: Yikes
Nimiphi: lol, forgot about the volume eh?

MegaDosX: That was perfection
omdorastrix: THAT GOT ME!
Seth_Erickson: jesus christ
tehfewl: Flashbang
Clench_Eastwood: RIP
vinopinguino: GODDAMN
LittleVesuvius: i'm so glad i don't have headphones on right now
JinaMahavira: im cryinggggg

Seth_Erickson: what happened
7gorobei: jump scare!

GhostValv: Deserved tbh
Spades_Slicc: Game's punishing you for pausing
my earballs! 
The_Color_Twelve: mawp

Blakemcm: an actual deserved RIP headphone users
tergonis: everybody got shot
DoctorHutch: got shot

tr3ewitch88: Oh and Ben and Adam are hilarious
xblue007: rip headphones
catcard: oh my GOD
gamercat88: we all dead man
frank_the_great: Ben's only got one good ear FFS
Ankarah: WTH WAS IT
Thefluffiestguineapig: FUCK
momalyd: see you're funny
BluTGI: Revenge of the Nope
kireawolf: What! Why???
seepete: The definition of let's NOPE
holy shit
Mr_Horrible: this is why I listen to shit on 30%
The_Color_Twelve: That was such a jumpscare
Decaped: Anyone who didn't see that coming should think about things more.
Gaelan_Maestro: i think i lost an ear drum
Mai_Andra: who was asking for jumpscares earlier...
far2muchsarcasm: rip
kimmibeans: I had gone to check my email. WTF was that?!

MilkInBags: that's the sound of @Fanklok getting SHOT
loufghyslaufey: wa-BAM'd! Highlight reel!!
bobokiddo: how is everyone's ear drums


Fanklok: Check
hb8u: bro im playing league all concentrated
Seth_Erickson: I was in a different tab and just got blasted
Clench_Eastwood: MAWP
Fanklok: Am I dead?

BluTGI: Hi Highlights!
ButButTheJesus: ok you two ARE very funny
betweenmyself: time for a quick commercial break to mop up all the ear fluids
hb8u: always do
@Fanklok no that gunshot was in the game, not directed at you 
kireawolf: What was that?
Ankarah: ouh
momalyd: You got Trent Resnorted
Cptasparagus: @hb8u did you flash
hows your limited hearing nooow Ben 
MilkInBags: get this stream BACK to first monitor
gamercat88: good thing you tinkled before that adam
Toxxick: im in tears
matthaus_c: you're both funny again
Mr_Horrible: you distracted Ben
catcard: you Reacted
vinopinguino: exactly
frank_the_great: Welcome to Twitch chat
thatguysteve2709: Perfectly timed. "Not You" BANG. Shot there ass
likelyDangerous: fine, just ben then
Mr_Horrible: so that he forgot about the volume
and for that, we salute you 
tr3ewitch88: You guys are always funny
Ankarah: adam is funny thru vibes alone
Fanklok: If one of you isn't funny, neither of you are
Larkonus: That is demonstrably false, Adam has made me laugh multiple times in this stream alone.
matthaus_c: I still think about rock out with your glock out
BusTed: 🤌
Mr_Horrible: handcrafted artisanal jokes, here at Savidan Farms
Orlantia: Has anyone made an El Kabong reference yet?
MegaDosX: 🤌
BusTed: @Orlantia I did
Darleysam: some of us spray and pray, others snipe
electra310: I remember I ADAMed you earlier but I was laughing, so it must have been funny
vinopinguino: hahaha
Darleysam: what's a dog?!
kumatsu: adopt don't shop, Ben
vinopinguino: that was so genuine
LittleVesuvius: oh no it's a dog
likelyDangerous: funniest thing with adam is him pushing the car yelling "i lost my momentum" and ben going " bc james put the brake on!"
Nimiphi: I like telling every joke that comes to mind because the bad ones make the good ones that much better by comparison
vinopinguino: what the dog doin
LittleVesuvius: oh ok good skyrim wolves are my limit
ghizmou: it might have very bad AI
BluTGI: The system is Critical! The System Is Critical! *beat drops*
likelyDangerous: @Nimiphi good philosophy
Mr_Horrible: bullets are a kind of health
Kuhfeek: bullets are antihealth
Larkonus: Just shoot the wounds away!
tr3ewitch88: The game is calling

e_bloc: oar are they
Nimiphi: its like magic, health is a resource and if your opponent is dead they can't deal damage to you
WiJohn: Random bullets at bus stops? What is this Texas?
frank_the_great: Yes, and
vinopinguino: why is that phone so big
Seth_Erickson: I'm anti rain but pro snow
kumatsu: what if I went skydiving
matthaus_c: skydivers
Spades_Slicc: Birds?
MilkInBags: bird cum
thatguysteve2709: Sharknado
Darleysam: TELL ME
MacbethSeemsSus: I need a sign
even you, when you fell from heaven? 
Spades_Slicc: Train-t Reznor
Adam's anti-men 
SurfDownstage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months, currently on a 57 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, SurfDownstage! (Today's storm count: 71)
Kentosaurus: Did you know they're a christian band
loufghyslaufey: Lemme tell you, one from another...
GasCityGaming: is dad rock aka yacht rock?
likelyDangerous: "wait, they dont..."
MilkInBags: hell yeah
BrowneePointz: Isn’t that song him singing about the things he did with his now dead mother that both made them happy?
Seth_Erickson: did you get my, "it's raining men" joke it was very good
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did I miss something? Do we know who the weird voice on the phone is?
0x6772: @GasCityGaming I think those are overlapping Venn circles
Nimiphi: Adam; while you're down there; what does the microphone smell like?
# all men. 
itsr67: sniffa
loufghyslaufey: I do not like the new twitch clip layout we got
kimmibeans: @Thefluffiestguineapig We still do not know who the caller is
Blakemcm: bullshitblazing
Mai_Andra: yacht rock is dad rock that's too old to be "dad rock" anymore
matthaus_c: someone out there just lost the game
kumatsu: my immediate thought was "Ian's curry" for some reason
Mr_Horrible: the I-No mains crawling out from the underground
Seth_Erickson: sniff diff

Thefluffiestguineapig: @kimmibeans Thanks, I'm having a hard time keeping track
GasCityGaming: E...A....Sports, the smell of the game?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kumatsu Cheese vodka was my immediate instinct
mrjujubeans: gaaatorade
BrowneePointz: e e e…..e E e E
kimmibeans: So, I looked this game up on Steam, and one of the top discussion posts is "Is this game woke?"
Mr_Horrible: "when you're waiting for the movie to turn on"
matthaus_c: @kimmibeans gamers are not okay
Mr_Horrible: @kimmibeans steam users remain world's top dumbasses
Makrosian_Tay: I love that shit
matthaus_c: that is a thing
Mai_Andra: like Samwise out here with a frying pan
Seth_Erickson: my woke detector is going off the charts
Juliamon: player character is a woman, it's woke
LittleVesuvius: is this a fixed gamera game???
Nimiphi: well, in zombie movies traditionally an axe is one of the best weapons
BluTGI: The Woke-meter is woke.
thatguysteve2709: I am sad now
kimmibeans: Wait, seriously?
LittleVesuvius: or do we have an overhead?
SnackPak_: I'm with Adam, the woke meter?
MilkInBags: but who decides who can decide
thats ... fucked 
LPS_97: it basically has every game ever made
Cptasparagus: I brought that up originally, i'll try to find the link
LittleVesuvius: do i want to know what the woke meter is
Mr_Horrible: it's so bad you think it *could* be a bit, but it's not
DEATHlikescats: woke spreadsheets is useful for me to avoid the antiwoke games
Seth_Erickson: Isaac from Dead Space likes his wife, Woke
kumatsu: David found some HILARIOUS "WoW is woke now" posts earlier this evening
MacbethSeemsSus: "The player character's a woman!"
0x6772: Do a kickflip!
MilkInBags: miserable people will find new ways to be miserable
vinewood_og: Sonic AND Shadow!? Not on my watch!
MegaDosX: Oh holy shit
Rhynerd: Space Marine 2 counts because of Chairon and the Major.
BluTGI: What is Anti-family?!?!?!
e_bloc: all I know is that thing is in a chord of pain'
SnackPak_: holy shit
duallain: twist my arm for a good time
mulligan2six: @BluTGI Dead wife

loufghyslaufey: Who is that checklist even for?
catcard: how miserable it must be to live in fear like that
MegaDosX: SLIGHTLY woke?!?
vinopinguino: is sonic woke?
MegaDosX: Fucking hell what is wrong with people
Mr_Horrible: but Prototype 2 has a black protag, how is it less woke?
@mulligan2six ... 
Seth_Erickson: that's a slight against Curse of the Dead Gods
MegaDosX: The Planet Crafter, slightly wokre
MegaDosX: woke*
LittleVesuvius: @Cptasparagus do i want to open that because it seems like i dont
Seth_Erickson: where's Darkest Dungeon fall on that list Adam
momalyd: Roco Locco?
@MacbethSeemsSus That was the first comment 
Mr_Horrible: LMAO
couchboyj: There are games that are honestly woke as hell that get a pass cause chuds have 0 media literacy, too
Mr_Horrible: I gotta pass that along to my friend
Cptasparagus: @LittleVesuvius its a google doc, so you do you
varmintx0: gamers need to be gotten rid of
MilkInBags: gamers are not ok
MacbethSeemsSus: @kimmibeans ....I was joking......
duallain: love how the first line is bloons, not possible to write satire this good
BluTGI: It's time for us to go back to the hills.
Makrosian_Tay: Gamers will NEVER be okay
MegaDosX: People are dead serious about this shit
e_bloc: what about Orchid;s fatality
read the bottom 
BluTGI: We are in the bad timeline.
tr3ewitch88: Everything woke some will just have to sit in a dark room 😅🤦♀️
DudelidouX: This is the extreme right more then gamers
xblue007: Ignore the fine print
BrowneePointz: Every step that we have made in the last 30 years is slowly being walked back culturally
BrowneePointz: It sucks
kimmibeans: Palworld is woke apparently
MilkInBags: i mean in a sense, their loss
thatguysteve2709: I am all for representation in games but who needs this
itira: I talked to someone recently *in the flesh* who talked about some games and movies like this. wild
satyropodobny: Yeah, getting out of the sea was the first mistake
MegaDosX: However, disclaimer down the bottom: "*this list was compiled from the woke content detector steam group. i am NOT associated with it, nor do i endorse any of the comments it makes. this website was made as a joke."
Fanklok: They call fucking CALL OF DUTY woke
NimrodXIV: ever just get mad about a color scheme
vinopinguino: but what about sonic
catcard: maybe if those people hate "woke" so much they should go to sleep permanently.
BluTGI: @kimmibeans It's literally animal slavery!?!?!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: chess is woke because a pawn can turn into a queen
gamercat88: Until Dawn- woke

Seth_Erickson: Dark Souls is woke btw I'm pretty sure
0x6772: Sweet, go back to the archery range!

mirshebs: *this list was compiled from the woke content detector steam group. i am NOT associated with it, nor do i endorse any of the comments it makes. this website was made as a joke.
mrjujubeans: the saddest people ever
NorthstarTex: Elden Ring is woke
BluTGI: "The straights are not okay"
Nimiphi: oh wow, now you got TWO string instruments
MilkInBags: there are air demons
InconsiderateHat: This is why I switched my Twitch fundraiser to Trevor Project
LittleVesuvius: the sad puppies are at it again
Hey Adam you just the
That face, Adam. 

MilkInBags: EXPLAIN your diversity or perish
Seth_Erickson: the woke are back at it again
SymphonySolstice: how do diversity exist? gamers are stumped
Mr_Horrible: yeah I think the sheet itself is just pulling from the shithead steam group so people can read it and make fun of it more easily
0x6772: How… how does that person think diversity happened on Earth?
SnackPak_: point and laugh
MilkInBags: NO I got enough already
e_bloc: that must be the first edition. in 1.5 everyone was LGBTQ
MegaDosX: This website has a disclaimer that it's a joke based on something else, but there are definitely people out there who are serious about calling things woke and getting mad about it
Larkonus: Nah, a rocketship is too many resources. Just straight into a volcano.
itira: This kinda shit though. My brother in law talks like that ... for real D:
vinopinguino: how did this person of color appear in this world full of goblins and wizards
MirrorDisco: Guitar slaps - El Kabong.
Blakemcm: yea i guess keep them off the games i wanna play. im ok with that. Hope they make Marvel Rivals more woke
public_key_reveal_party: Someone made a game out of that, there's a website that gives you a game name and you have to guess woke or not, and it keeps score
matthaus_c: POC were invented by John POC In 1960
BluTGI: What that dog doin?
Mr_Horrible: it's because you turned off your torch, Ben
Spades_Slicc: Slay the Spire not woke
WiJohn: Suspension of disbelief will only take me so far!
thatguysteve2709: Poe2 is it woke
MegaDosX: The system is down
xblue007: Crazy to think Gay World is woke
likelyDangerous: gotta see the total warhammer 3 entry. or blood bowl
vinopinguino: check the trash can for health
Mr_Horrible: @Spades_Slicc but women are the best classes in it!

Mr_Horrible: how?
BluTGI: The system AND society is critical.
duallain: did you see putt putt has a rating?
Seth_Erickson: poe2 is woke for sure multiple female main characters
Fanklok: But the Defect is they/them
yeah because there's no race card 
duallain: not woke
e_bloc: I thought the defect was nonbinary
Astramentha: @duallain OMG
SnackPak_: youre telling me the defect isn't woke?
MacbethSeemsSus: What about Spy Fox
SymphonySolstice: not woke? putt putt cancelled
betweenmyself: This dragon keeps trying to kill me, a cis white male. WOKE
circusofkirkus: Let's Woke
BrindleBoar: Putt-Putt thinks the moon landing was faked
MegaDosX: The funny thing to do is ask these winguses to define what "woke" means
Mr_Horrible: Defect is N/B and the Ironclad is the worst class!
Darleysam: like Alan Woke
gamercat88: Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice - not woke
Cptasparagus: I only eat GMOs for the same reason
Lysander_salamander: what a sad bunch of weirdos
e_bloc: is MTG woke
Larkonus: Do you think they can find wokeness in Pong?
Mr_Horrible: how did StS get the pass?!
0x6772: I mean, you have a convenient list to choose everything else from.
BluTGI: Jokes on them. I was already broke!
mulligan2six: A game with "slay" in the title isn't woke???
kimmibeans: Apparently Stray is not woke
MegaDosX: Slayyy
Juliamon: We were just talking about it in modslack today, Disco Elysium is not woke but has "heavy social commentary regarding communism, whether pro or anti is unclear"
MilkInBags: i mean, there's nothing about that really in the game?
couchboyj: Chuds have no media literacy. The message of a game can be woke as hell snd it'll fly over their heads if the characters are gay or dark skinned
BusTed: maybe they don't know that the silent is a woman
0x6772: @mulligan2six And lead characters of indeterminate gender.
DEATHlikescats: alien; isolation apparently is not woke
Spades_Slicc: dark souls is slightly woke
tr3ewitch88: I'm so confused about what is happening with the people that care that much about that kinda thing
SymphonySolstice: @Juliamon so that confirms that they can't read
catcard: among us?
matthaus_c: @Juliamon it's just so clear these people can't fucking read lmao
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon I think we could convince these people to drown by looking up in the rain, potentially
vinopinguino: crossover event
Jennie_Fuchsia: Outer Wilds “A lost civilization also used both female and male pronouns”
frank_the_great: Can someone check to see if Balatro is woke?
DudelidouX: If you ever listen to the type of people who wrote that list you question if they have played those games.
mulligan2six: @0x6772 But really the spire is just an allegory for a huge cock. Therefore, not woke.
MegaDosX: Speaking of people calling things woke
DEATHlikescats: @tr3ewitch88 culture wars make no sense
satyropodobny: why are they british innit
Seth_Erickson: is the second really a horror game though?
e_bloc: pitch for a TV show--zombies but they can fuck
Mr_Horrible: wait, which game?
MegaDosX: People got pissed at Laura Bailey because of her character in the game
Seth_Erickson: it is the most woke
0x6772: @mulligan2six Does that make the whale at the beginning the balls?
LPS_97: they're both really good
LilFlame2001: Last of 1 and 2 are great imo.
BluTGI: Let's Woke!
Mr_Horrible: oh, that one
you should play the first of it 
salamisuperstar: Those games are kind of a bummer though tonally, no?
mulligan2six: @0x6772 Depends on if he stores the pee or not
tr3ewitch88: I just play games that look interesting
DarknessKingCoH: Putt Putt contains no woke content according to the list.
Mr_Horrible: they're pretty solid, I just wish they'd stop releasing them
Makrosian_Tay: Mega bummer
MirrorDisco: I have never played them either
MilkInBags: adam loves despair
rosesmcgee: Adam loves a bummer
0x6772: @mulligan2six Oh, good point. Hopefully they'll address than in the sequel.
betweenmyself: there was a lot of backlash against Last of Us 2 based on misinformation about a specific character
catcard: art can be unhappy lol
DEATHlikescats: @megadosx seriously pissed me off seeing her getting harmed
satyropodobny: 2 is kind of a dissapointment
Mr_Horrible: not everything is gonna have a twangy guitar
itira: i couldnt watch the show. it was too sad for me D:
Seth_Erickson: @Mr_Horrible what do you mean it's the new Skyrim of course it needs a remake
Mai_Andra: Not every game can be Choo Choo Charles.
e_bloc: @Mr_Horrible must be an oversight, I've stuffed many balls into that hole
vinopinguino: they can't all be hitting faceless monsters with a guitar chat
rosesmcgee: Gonna love Creature Commandos then
0x6772: Ohl yeah, ADam will LOVE Last of US 2
GasCityGaming: ever watch LAst Kingdom?
Seth_Erickson: you'd love Last of Us 2 ffrom my understanding of the game
Mai_Andra: Yes... make me feel....
shendaras: arrow > gun
0x6772: So many people to not feel sorry for
Orxolon: so Adam likes Donganrompa
Fanklok: Not everything can be Daymare 2
Mr_Horrible: @Seth_Erickson no, Skyrim is fun, and Todd is ironically less of a shithead than Neil
hayhaiya: Gun? Broke. Bow? Woke.
BrindleBoar: Torg nerf bow next rainy season.
SymphonySolstice: dingus rombus
Seth_Erickson: @Mr_Horrible well the first part is debatable, but for sure on the second part
frank_the_great: Oh yeah, Adam would like the newish anime Orb. Lot of suffering in that
Juliamon: It's the "everyone locked in a school murdering each other"
Scy_Anide: I didn't think I'd be into it but Joe Abercrombie IS actually my favorite non-Pratchett author after Adam turned me onto his books.
Seth_Erickson: Abercrombie's real good
betweenmyself: if only we could combine bow and guitar, we would be unstoppable
KV1NN4: You can ask Heather about Dangeonronpa if you recall later
shendaras: Adam book podcast when
Half a King trilogy 
ButButTheJesus: hey what about Fitch
MilkInBags: spotify sucks
LittleVesuvius: o
MilkInBags: full stop
You say you love Abercrombie, but you aren't wearing any of his clothing. Hmm. 
LittleVesuvius: oops sorry cat on the keyboard
Mr_Horrible: @Seth_Erickson I guess that's uncharitable, yeah. I found them satisfying but I have frustrations with their writing, which hits harder since they're so narrative-focused. Skyrim is just, like, a mod sandbox, so it's hard not to be fun even if it's not really the game itself doing that
lamina5432: have you tried yyour library?
korvys: Great books, but grim
MilkInBags: 😬
0x6772: @Mai_Andra Nice.
Mr_Horrible: Adam: "Wait no this is one I like-"
Fanklok: An audible sub is ONE book a month
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: oh man related, I just learned there are going to be 4 more Black Company books
Nimiphi: I would LOVE if they made a Bartimaeus movie but there is no way they would do it justice
duallain: just gotta download that james joyce for max value
MilkInBags: do you *add* a book once a month
0x6772: @Fanklok That is *criminal*.
MilkInBags: like do you own them after
Seth_Erickson: @Mr_Horrible yeah my point wasn't so much that last of us is fun because it's not really a game I have interest in just that skyrim is the same in that it's not a game I'm interested in so it being more or less fun than last of us is a toss up
JoTyler: @Nimiphi i feel like that series would lose something as a movie, mostly just because of the writing style
itira: i only buy really long books on audible
rosesmcgee: Best value might actually be buying the book.
DrAegirinePyrope: need to find just the longest book possible
vinopinguino: wish i could focus on an audibook and do other stuff.
MilkInBags: if you reread books, buying is the best value for sure
vinopinguino: my brain is bad
0x6772: Ben, do you know about bone conduction headphones for listening while cycling?
lochnessseammonster: i just use youtube and the library...
Darleysam: Count of Monte Cristo on repeat
Nimiphi: @JoTyler just have bartimaeus 4th wall break like deadpool XD
Scy_Anide: I keep trying audiobooks but I just can't retain information with hem.
mikia55: Do they not have Libby in Canada?
Mai_Andra: I don't know of any book I would care enough about to be upset by a movie existing.
0x6772: (Way safter than earbus, beause you can still hear.)
gamercat88: my public library has audio books and ebooks for free on an app called Libby.
not paying for shit 
LilFlame2001: You can often, if not always, buy credits, which are basically 1 book per credit for roughly the same price of a month of the subscription.
0x6772: I'll get a link, hang on
Seth_Erickson: yeah depends on how much you're spending on the top ups, but you may just be better served buying the audio books on like Google Play Books
tr3ewitch88: Book subs just aren't enough for what you pay so I still have to read books
Getting all in that Winnie the Pooh audiobook when doing bicep culs 
circusofkirkus: WokeUpSuper
dead_delver: regular headpgones work finr when biking???
thatguysteve2709: They are awesome look up the brand aftershokz
itira: Library?
frank_the_great: Libby is a godsend
Naesiir: bone conduction headphones are amazing! I use them in the lab, so I can still here if something horrible has gone wrong
Kentosaurus: it's a library ebook app
0x6772: Libby is a library app
mrjujubeans: they’re not that loud
Thefluffiestguineapig: Libby is the free library app
damn you know actually, that's probably close enough to work
Seth_Erickson: I don't think it is it's an online book register of sorts
NimrodXIV: Libby is e-library
MilkInBags: library is a woke den
0x6772: OverDrive is another library app
hayhaiya: Libby is basically an online library of audiobooks that are connected to public libraries in the US
Kentosaurus: you can get it through your local library
korvys: Bone conduction headphones don't go in your ears, so you can still hear the traffic
Cptasparagus: bone conduction headphones use your bones as an amplifier
frank_the_great: Free audiobooks and E-books through your local library
Seth_Erickson: Libby is very useful
lamina5432: check your library it can have free subscriptions
gamercat88: Libby is free app works in US not sure about Canada but i do get audio books with it
LostThePirate: Libby is the app for digitally checking out library books/audiobooks/magazines
Kramburger: Bone conduction headphones can 'byepass' some hearing problems
Mai_Andra: I've liked all of the Lord of the Rings movies they've done so far. "War of the Rohirrim" was good, too (yes, there was a new lotr movie in theaters last month)
Mr_Horrible: I need to become a book guy again
BluTGI: Audio Books + Audio Dramas FTW on walks.
0x6772: They rest in front of your ears, and you can hear *very* clearly
Seth_Erickson: Libby does have wait time for books and stuff right? or am I thinking of a different app?
0x6772: They're still a good call to hear other bike's bells, pedestrians, et
Mr_Horrible: if it's a library app then yeah probably has wait times
itira: oh thats very worth. Library apps have a lot. you can also request for them to get books if they dont have it.
Riandisa: I miss living in a city with good bike support so much
Mr_Horrible: I think that's a requirement
ChrisTheLemming: Libby will have wait times if all of the copies are "checked out"
Mr_Horrible: but it's fine
LostThePirate: Yeah, there's hold queues on Libby like for a physical copy.
Nimiphi: @JoTyler I like the idea of the film jumping from very serious story about magic and politics with a conspiracy but then mixed in with scenes of bartimaeus just fucking around and being cheeky
Seth_Erickson: depending on the popularity then yeah may be some wait times for Libby
ChrisTheLemming: They have to add artificial limits even though they're digital files otherwise the corpos get mad
0x6772: Especially, Ben, as you have only one good ear, if you have an earbud in that, you can't here *shit*
Mai_Andra: thicc floppies
MacbethSeemsSus: Feel good
SymphonySolstice: anemone lookin ass
Mr_Horrible: it's an oddball in that the creator says "watch the American remake instead"
gamercat88: @Seth_Erickson i have never had a wait time for items but i could see if something is brand new or popular it taking a minute for the app to get it
vinopinguino: beeg eye
NorthstarTex: I was told 7 days, not 7 seconds!
Nigouki: amazing
Kramburger: Legolassy
toady0s: hit it with the guitar
thatguysteve2709: I am sorry what is that shit on the wall
Mr_Horrible: damn, bow is OP
tr3ewitch88: We're gonna ask if we were gonna talk about the jet head by the stairs.
0x6772: Also, depending on the cause of your deafness, you *may* hear stereo with bone-conduction headphones
Mr_Horrible: this really *is* PoE
Nigouki: this is flawless gameplay design to make your fleshlight strap to your chest so when you draw the bow it's not on your enemy
Cptasparagus: Legolussy
DEATHlikescats: mmm mango lassi
tr3ewitch88: Big*
satyropodobny: ren faire was WILD this year
ghizmou: it s fucking great
Seth_Erickson: @gamercat88 might depend on where you're at I suppose, I just know a lot of my friends talk about being on a wait list for some books occasionally
lochnessseammonster: it's so good
kimmibeans: It's like a mango smoothie
BorealMage: lassi is so good
e_bloc: isn't that the exact number of turns he was getting unfair to kill an x/3
kimmibeans: It's really good
duallain: action bronson says mango lassi so good
Darleysam: an Indian drink, mango and yoghurt
tr3ewitch88: It's a strawberry milkshake but made with yogurt.
salamisuperstar: Yogurt fruit smoothie?
MilkInBags: use english words
Blakemcm: mango lassi the matter with you
BrowneePointz: Lassi!!!!!
AnjaZeta subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Thanks for subscribing, AnjaZeta! (Today's storm count: 72)
matthaus_c: mango is a top tier fruit
brainbosh: I tried a lassi but it just tasted like sour milk
betweenmyself: I appreciate the fact that using the bow throws your chest mounted flashlight *waaaay* off your target
likelyDangerous: i once had lassi that the dude who made it put a bunch of protein powder in
DEATHlikescats: you gotta go to an Indian all you can eat vegetarian buffet, and get you a lassi
Nimiphi: what are we gonna do about that undead Zordon mofo in the living room?
Jennie_Fuchsia: IF bone conduction headphones work in stereo for you but you can only hear traffic in one ear that could be a problem. some deaf people can use bone conduction headphones
Nimiphi: oh weird, its gone
JohnLockeCole: That list sais that Final Fantasy VI contains no Woke Content and That game definitley has things they'd remarked on in other game's notes
DEATHlikescats: savory lassi is wild
tr3ewitch88: Sorry, and all you can eat. Why is that not a thing I have?
Seth_Erickson: uptown girl 👀
gamercat88: @Seth_Erickson yeah im in FL. but can totes see wait lists happening soon because the ban lists are starting again down here (sighs)

Darleysam: I would destroy myself at an all-you-can-eat curry house
tr3ewitch88: Indian all you can eat🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
Cptasparagus: till you hwhat?
how you spell that 
Seth_Erickson: exactly what I've been waiting for
matthaus_c: I am in on this conversation
Kentosaurus: makes you seem more woke
mrjujubeans: nice
CataclysmicReverb: For some reason the phrase "mango lassi" started giving me GW2 trauma flashbacks...
YawnLance: Heh
vinopinguino: hehehe
SnackPak_: hehe
itira: hee hee hoo hoo
matthaus_c: uh oh cummies
DEATHlikescats: @darleysam gods it’d be all over for me too
BrowneePointz: BLOO DUH!?
duallain: you gotta any soup dumpling recommends for Vancouver?
BrowneePointz: IT"S NOT FUNNEEEEE!
Mr_Horrible: more than that, it's "till i cum". Like they really were not paying attention
BluTGI: Places to visit: Canadian Tire, The Mall.
Orxolon: blood on my game?woke
betweenmyself: gives us a chance to triangulate LRR Moonbase based on nearby businesses
e_bloc: cum cum cum cum Karma Khamelon
Nimiphi: Ben and Adam are relatable; I feel like we'd get along well and its not just the parasocial kicking in I swear
Darleysam: @DEATHlikescats no sense of restraint, just a food hoover
SymphonySolstice: BIRB
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Orxolon It clearly supports the idea menstruation is something that isn't a source of shame and horror
salamisuperstar: Nurse it back to health NOW
BluTGI: Free bird!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Crow! Help the crow
vinopinguino: guitar shot on the crow
NorthstarTex: help crow friend

tr3ewitch88: I think it's pointing to that house
likelyDangerous: NEVERMORE
Seth_Erickson: quick little spray on heal
GasCityGaming: its 2025 kayfaabe is dead, it's a Dwayne Johnson funeral
MacbethSeemsSus: Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Mr_Horrible: jamming the repair spray directly in my open wound and going "oh yeah, that's the good shit"
satyropodobny: the hill be awully silent ever since this lp dropped
DEATHlikescats: @darleysam my ‘full’ notification in my brain always has a HELLUVA ping on it, so it’s delayed. I feel you on being a food vacuum
Mr_Horrible: I mean in this one I'm pretty sure she's an android
kimmibeans: I think it's just a narcotic
thatguysteve2709: It's just superglue
MacbethSeemsSus: Axe body spray is magic
salamisuperstar: It's pretty telling that the bird would rather be dead than out in the rain
SymphonySolstice: it's just those spray bandaids
Idk as Jean Grey and Scott Summers 
tr3ewitch88: Ew
BluTGI: Gotta get some wolverine in ya
BrowneePointz: they've had a little wolverine inside them
Mr_Horrible: probably yeah
GasCityGaming: like that itchy and scratchy where tiny mice chop the cat from the inside out
DoubleNterprises: @satyropodobny Shhhh. It has Evil in Residence.
DEATHlikescats: granulated Wolverine parthenogenesis
superdude097: Ben's not 14, of course he doesn't use Axe
CataclysmicReverb: It's still extant, I don't think it's as much a "thing" anymore
tr3ewitch88: Mmm crisp
Orxolon: fun fact:once Archangel was starving so Deadpool feed them with his own flesh
Mr_Horrible: he wanted to watch footie in the bath
Nimiphi: is Wolverine like a starfish? If i ate a wolverine finger would a whole new wolverine grow inside me?
SymphonySolstice: axe is for preteen boys who think concentrated pine forest scent will turn them into a sex god
matthaus_c: he must smell pretty tasty tbh
BluTGI: Gotta was your toaster once a year.
BrowneePointz: I don't use any beauty products marketed towards Men except Old Spice cuz their stuff actually works
matthaus_c: what would happen if you take a shot in the mouth from Wolverine
0x6772: @matthaus_c I know it smell crazy in there.gif
BrowneePointz: most of it is too strong smelling and bad for your skin and hair
DEATHlikescats: good soup 👌
NorthstarTex: yep
Darleysam: what does science say about this
salamisuperstar: Who concluded that?
DoubleNterprises: I was given Axe hair gel for Christmas of 2007. I think I remembered to throw it out like last year.
Mr_Horrible: "Here, lemme give you directions!" *WHAM*
BluTGI: City Center Axe
0x6772: You already had an axe!
Nimiphi: You found this set's singpost uncommon equipment
Mr_Horrible: that's a deep pull
Blakemcm: where are your shinguards bud
e_bloc: its like currency, you only need a percentage to pay for anything
Going_Medium: That's a good sign.
Seth_Erickson: where are my axes GGG
Blakemcm: not safe axe usage there bud
NorthstarTex: you can axe some good questions
Darleysam: signs point to DEAD
BrowneePointz: so we know Ben went for Cheap Ringouts in Soul Calibur
vinopinguino: dead rising ah game
MacbethSeemsSus: But what sound odes it make
Fanklok: Bisected not cviviswcted
satyropodobny: Someone growing an extra deadpool from discarded body parts was an actual plot point in Deadpool comic at one point
if only axe made a deep “BONG” sound 
Nimiphi: its a Signpost Uncommon*
lochnessseammonster: bong!
0x6772: "sprooooiiiing"
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz how dare you accuse him of playing Kilik
salamisuperstar: Are the pictures Kickstarter people again, and is Adam there?
Mai_Andra: <thunderclap>
JoTyler: how polite!
vinopinguino: it looks like its flippin them off
Mr_Horrible: that *is* why they call him "Fearless Ben"
DoubleNterprises: Hello, waving man!
Blakemcm: i feel seen
matthaus_c: mooba
SnackPak_: looks like Beej
Seth_Erickson: its more accurate Ben
Darleysam: he's definitely giving it the "OI! Piss off!"
BluTGI: The man across the street should put a shirt on
JoTyler: oh startropics here we go
Mai_Andra: the guy who's been watching our house from the window with a video camera
0x6772: No no, glue a magnet to the yo yo!
betweenmyself: yo yo is not a weapon? booooooo!
matthaus_c: grappling hook!!!
0x6772: Oh, that works.
BrowneePointz: Oh as Co-Yo?
BluTGI: lmao
BrowneePointz: a*
Mr_Horrible: "They call this one 'walking the dog.'. Well, not that dog."
DoubleNterprises: Yai YAIIIH
electra310: Adam is Weary
BrowneePointz: that's a Co-Yo
betweenmyself: sadly
frank_the_great: Yo yo is goated in Terraria
LittleVesuvius: i'm calling it, the corpse will move when you leave
DEATHlikescats: yo-yo was always a weapon.
Nimiphi: a heart key?
pimiento: for a heart shaped box
Mr_Horrible: Heart-shaped key? What is this, the game they were just playing on Talking Sim before this?
thatguysteve2709: Ben using that old school gaming logic
Seth_Erickson: Terraria is goated
Mai_Andra: Woke
BrowneePointz: We've had Zenuff of Chip as president
salamisuperstar: I could eat some brisket righ about now
DoubleNterprises: Ah, Star Tropics. A game my dad got rid of because we went to play it again and lost the code to the submarine.
Seth_Erickson: Also yeah Terraria is mega woke
JusticeJuice: Doesn't Scorpion technically use a yoyo?
bramble_st: Risk it for the biscuit
Nimiphi: what does the sign say on it?
Molladia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
Molladia: Hey Adam, Props for facing your fears and playing Subnautica.
Thanks for subscribing, Molladia! (Today's storm count: 73)
I still have both StarTropics games in original packaging. 
itomeshi: pSUb code: 747
Mr_Horrible: the spooks ramp up when you get deeper, yeah
tr3ewitch88: It's. Scarier, if you're afraid of deep water.
BrowneePointz: it also scales to your thalassophobia or megathalassophobia
Blakemcm: you were scared Adam dont front
ghyllnox: You were only ever sliiightly out of the starting area
Cptasparagus: 2 isnt out yet, you're thinking of the ice one
CataclysmicReverb: umm i think it's called thatassaphobia
matthaus_c: that's how it gets ya
LittleVesuvius: yeah acc to my brother you gotta get deeper than 150m
Mr_Horrible: something something exposure therapy
BrowneePointz: did you look straight down at night?
hatboozeparty: I legit couldn't finish subnautica 1, 2 was fine because of the jukebox
BrowneePointz: cuz that gives me the willies
betweenmyself: Hesitated for *a bit* getting into the water during the first night cycle
NotCainNorAbel: next, subnautica in space
Nimiphi: @BrowneePointz would it give you the... wet willies? I'll see myself out
Mr_Horrible: "Oh there's no bottom"
BrowneePointz: oh hey, a Heart Shaped Box
tr3ewitch88: It needed more jump scares.
hatboozeparty: "looks down, sees the abyss; looks up, also abyss"
Mai_Andra: Need to get someone to progress to late game, then bring it back again.
Darleysam: so Murky Divers then

Seth_Erickson: It's gonna be a graveyard smash
BrowneePointz: Technically, only a Graveyard if it's attached to a Church
niccus: i think Iron Lung is the one offering that experience
MacbethSeemsSus: Ben are you going to update the underwater base for the new moonbase?
BrowneePointz: I learned that a couple years ago
SymphonySolstice: giant sea monster watching you poop is an absolute horror story
Thefluffiestguineapig: The giant eye that curses you was a whole thing
hieroglyphica: Hello all! I had to work late today, so I missed the start and am off to the vod
Cptasparagus: peaky blinders?
Seth_Erickson: that's the one with the water cops yeah?
hieroglyphica: I hope everyone is having a good night
Mr_Horrible: speaking of games that *actually* spook me, I need to go back and play Yomawari on switch
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Seth_Erickson And we are working for big pharma covering up things
Seth_Erickson: yep that tracks
lamina5432: wonder where my soul went?
GasCityGaming: it is a very good show
Seth_Erickson: I sold my soul for a chicken sandwich sorry
0x6772: oh shit
Mr_Horrible: *extremely bad Irish accents* "Oh, I'm *also* from Chernobyl, doncha know?"
Nimiphi: spent the whole stream laugh-edging
ButButTheJesus: i laughed
matthaus_c: you at least smirked
0x6772: Are we pulling the stream over again?
tr3ewitch88: That's so sad
lamina5432: giggled I guess
MegaDosX: I laughed at your jump scare after the break earlier
BrowneePointz: I know it's not from Peaky Blinders, but every time I hear it I think of the quote "You're on thin fucking ice my pedigree chums, and I shall be under it when it breaks... now fuck off!"
Thefluffiestguineapig: That phrase is cursed
kimmibeans: I can't think of any games that actually spooked me, but there are a couple that made me cry

Kentosaurus: deserved ban
finally hit the big laugh 

BrowneePointz: Oh they're over in the Corner Chortlin
betweenmyself: soul left my body when it was BLASTED OUT when we came back from commercial break… I am dead
GasCityGaming: the community calls it ledging
SnackPak_: thoroughly cursed
frank_the_great: Let's Nope Try Not to Laugh Challenge (2025) (Impossible)
Makrosian_Tay: 😬
matthaus_c: chortlin their peanits
vinewood_og: We're *almost* heeeerrreee!
e_bloc: I;m 40 and Ive never worn a helme
Nimiphi: Kaufmann for sure
BrowneePointz: If you're edging your laughter is that a Chucklefuck?
Nimiphi: I remember cuz I was tyring to make a pun
NoxStryx: What is the difference between a zippo and a hippo?
Seth_Erickson: graveyard's haunted Ben
Makrosian_Tay: Can't have a shotgun wedding without a shotgun church
varmintx0: America!
SymphonySolstice: for shotgun weddings?
NotCainNorAbel: american church
vinewood_og: Murica
niccus: it's for the congregation
Mr_Horrible: *NecroVision voice* "Consider yourself purified"
WiJohn: I knew we were in Texas!
salamisuperstar: Maybe it's the Constantine shotgun
@BrowneePointz Only if you fall off the edge 
Nimiphi: a hippo is really heavy and a zippo is a little lighter
NoxStryx: A hippo is a heavy animal, and a zippo is a little lighter
kimmibeans: Because it makes things holely
HorusFive: Why is the shotgun in the church- and why is there an option NOT to pick it up?
0x6772: What, your pastor doesn't have one hand on the pump, the other on a 40?
kimmibeans: *holy
dead_delver: Doomguy's hometown.
7gorobei: the holy 10 gauge, hollowpoint be thy name
Mai_Andra: didn't the priest in Hunter: the Reckoning have a shotgun?
@kimmibeans ha! 
Rhynerd: bigger question is why there’s not two shotguns. If Machete taught me anything…
SymphonySolstice: he has to call it a Venue
MacbethSeemsSus: The sanctum
e_bloc: forgive me father, for I have sinned "I guess Ill hit the demon next)
Darleysam: gamer cave
BrowneePointz: His 'oly Hizzouse
aClonedPickle: the Holy Squared Circle
Kramburger: Churchs can be weirdly pushy about weddings and stuff
DoubleNterprises: That would be the Chuuuch
Nimiphi: uh oh, the Confeshun boof
rosesmcgee: Tabernussy
Darleysam: refer to the congregation as 'Chat'
frank_the_great: This isn't a hizzhouse, it's a hizzhome
Seth_Erickson: those counters are really fun to just clicki
Ferisar: shrock
Mr_Horrible: "Chat if this is not real, speak now"
betweenmyself: all references to “church” must be replaced with “UP IN HEEYA!”
DEATHlikescats: Turnbucle Church
dead_delver: chat, we gather here today.
satyropodobny: stigmatussy
0x6772: What happens if you get banned from the Church?
SymphonySolstice: redeem your channe points now or forever hold your peace
BrowneePointz: The Devil is real bad Chat. No Cap
DEATHlikescats: who’s turning heel
matthaus_c: if you declare this ceremony delulu
HorusFive: "like and follow" hits different
electra310: Cancel this wedding
Ferisar: hey ben
BrowneePointz: But you know who DOESN'T front? My boy JC
frank_the_great: Frank
Ferisar: touch purple
Seth_Erickson: Hammond noted
Mr_Horrible: That's so beautiful. Can we get 10 gifted?
Seth_Erickson: Silbury
DoubleNterprises: Channel points in the offering plate
MacbethSeemsSus: "We are here to update the terms of service between these twoo"
salamisuperstar: Seems like this is a game to play with pen and paper
0x6772: Tara Trent Silbur…
Ferisar: shrock

Ferisar: g lass
Darleysam: "and do you take their hand in holy matrimony?" "on god, on god, for real, for real"
0x6772: Frederick Stillman
consolecowboy88: wait so this is two ghosts getting married via 90s era speakerphone?
pimiento: frederick: still man.
Nimiphi: all the candles are labeled with last names so just focus on those
matthaus_c: 8675309
SymphonySolstice: ferisar has discovered the good birb I see
Seth_Erickson: Hammond Silbury Stillman
Mr_Horrible: I'm not even paying attention, Streamer

SnackPak_: writing what down?
HeavyMetalFlorist: YES!!! i love that parrot
Ferisar: @SymphonySolstice yeahhhh
Mr_Horrible: yeah I'm driving your numbers
frank_the_great: Bev, Tara, Fred, Kurt
tr3ewitch88: I am fortunately missed the first like two or three
Mr_Horrible: you're welcome you ingrates
0x6772: @Seth_Erickson You monster
Cptasparagus: curioussy
Nimiphi: Curioussy?
Jennie_Fuchsia: I’m not writing it down I’m just saying “pour water” to myself
kimmibeans: I have pen and paper taking note for y'all
BrowneePointz: Imperator Curiosa
likelyDangerous: say something funny, then we'll help
tr3ewitch88: Unfortunately *
Makrosian_Tay: Banned
satyropodobny: got there
Astramentha: BEN
tergonis: don't like that one bit
JinaMahavira: What that tail do
0x6772: Olivia Risomething
Nimiphi: making me Bi-Curioussy
matthaus_c: got acorns on the brain
Mr_Horrible: the entomology of the word, huh?
salamisuperstar: Kurt Schilling? The Boston Red Soxs player who almost bankrupted the state of Rhode Island?
DEATHlikescats: wanna store dem nuts?
Chaotically_Random: Adam 100% is now a Furry
0x6772: You gotta slow down Ben
0x6772: I can't keep up.
betweenmyself: what that tail do tho?
0x6772: Alexander Harrison
frank_the_great: Bev, Tara, Fred, Kurt, Olivia, Conroy, Alex
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
GasCityGaming: yeah
Seth_Erickson: I think you need specific ones
Mr_Horrible: yeah, he's Kingdoms of Amalur
e_bloc: yup
Juliamon: unfortunately
GasCityGaming: Kingdoms of Amalur
e_bloc: bankrupted NH
HorusFive: If by "did a video game" you mean fraud. then yes
Juliamon: RI not NH
rosesmcgee: ReReckoning
Mr_Horrible: Kingdoms of Amagetgoing
Ferisar: he did do fraud
Seth_Erickson: ones that reference the Lord our Christ maype?
MacbethSeemsSus: Yes, and then stole the money from the state
Ferisar: big pog
e_bloc: @Juliamon thank you!!
0x6772: Charlie Marcus
Ferisar: yeah with kingdoms of amalur
Mr_Horrible: yeah, big fraud times
Ferisar: which was funny
Juliamon: biggest heel turn in all of New England sports
Seth_Erickson: the one that belted the bird
0x6772: Could even see that one
e_bloc: oh is that bauer
matthaus_c: that was me

tr3ewitch88: How are we supposed to know that?
Juliamon: Randy Johnson hit the bird
DEATHlikescats: A rod?
Mr_Horrible: and that baseball player's name? Albert Einstein
Darleysam: Bobson Dugnutt
Cptasparagus: OJ Simpson
frank_the_great: Bev, Tara, Fred, Kurt, Olivia, Conroy, Alex, Charlie, Mike
Randy Newman 
0x6772: Tara Trent again
protojman: i can only remember willie nelson, the athf's roommate
Seth_Erickson: ah I flipped them shoot
Darleysam: Todd Bonzalez
0x6772: Beverly Hammond
rosesmcgee: Kenny Powers?
kimmibeans: Okay, we got them all I think
e_bloc: Trevor
Pharmacistjudge: Max Scherzer
GasCityGaming: MAx Scherzer
e_bloc: first one that came to mind for me
consolecowboy88: curt schilling does work for a right wing network currently
consolecowboy88: and he’s a former baseball man
Beverly Hammond, Tara Trent Silbury, Frederick Stillman, Kurt Shelling, Olivia Rig..., Conroy ..., Alexander Harrison, Charlie Marcus, Mike K..., @LoadingReadyRun that's what I got 
tr3ewitch88: Oh sorry I missed that
salamisuperstar: Are some of the lanterns at the graves lit and some aren't?
thatguysteve2709: All those names were listed
Seth_Erickson: I think it's the empty graves
BrowneePointz: it's cuz they are very good at one thing so their entire youth gets funneled into it
Mr_Horrible: if you're good enough at anything you're probably kind of a freak
0x6772: @Marvoleath Nice
e_bloc: yeah but before he got shitty Orioles fans got horny for him
Seth_Erickson: because they gave themselves up to free our path
DEATHlikescats: the closer to perfection, the farthest from sanity
kimmibeans: I think it's empty
Kentosaurus: the total devotion to be an elite pro athlete is staggering. so little room in your life for anything else.
patrick_stonecrusher: Might also have to do with the epitaphs
consolecowboy88: this game is confusing
MacbethSeemsSus: As a Nats fan it wasn't Scherzer, he's dead silent on the mound
betweenmyself: She was born October 4th 2025 and had a child at 30, so light candles six, nine, six and nine…
SymphonySolstice: why does it always storm in horror games. you'd think it would be creepier for it to be a perfectly still evening when you can hear every little sound
Mai_Andra: or is it the ones that mention glory to God? some of them only say "rest in peace"
Seth_Erickson: I think it has to be empty because the inscription reads they gave themselves to free our path, but I think your idea is also reasonable and potentially correct
Nimiphi: Stillman, Richmond, Walker, Harrison
Kipstar: is the dead guy's name being "Stillman" nominative determinism?
Kentosaurus: john, paul, george, ringo
frank_the_great: Frank
mrjujubeans: Adam, listen to Crime in Sports podcast
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey weird question chat, I have a horrific charlie horse in my neck that will not loosen for anything and when I turn my head it's stabbing pain. Any advice? I've tried roll on lidocaine, massage gun and mind stretching
Juliamon: Richmond Harrison is my best friend, reply if he's your best friend too
salamisuperstar: F Stillman, O Richmond, C Walker, A Harrison
matthaus_c: before you watch Castlevania
mrjujubeans: sure
Greendrag13: Howldy! Who's body ended up hollow?
e_bloc: it can become the pre-show for you and ben
SymphonySolstice: @Thefluffiestguineapig apply heat to loosen things up, if you haven't already
Mr_Horrible: he's gonna get mod status just for the bit
Fanklok: What the fuck Adam snap goes to some random ass podcast but he ignores anime recs for years
salamisuperstar: Adam knows John Twitch
Seth_Erickson: was their one on the side of the church?
0x6772: @Kipstar And he's a crossover with a Hideo Kojima game
matthaus_c: Adam is like the It Follows of Twitch Chats
mrjujubeans: so, just this one
Nimiphi: Adam can ban you from Twitch, not even just his own or LRRs
Kentosaurus: @Thefluffiestguineapig have you tried heat? do you have a heating pad or hot shower
lochnessseammonster: steve jackson has a lot of influence
Mr_Horrible: he ignores anime recommendation, singular
salamisuperstar: F Stillman, O Richmond, C Walker, A Harrison, K schill
0x6772: How's that Castlevania watch going, Adam?
Mr_Horrible: because it's funny
Juliamon: He only ignores one specific anime rec
Nimiphi: Stillman, Richmond, Walker, Harrison, Shelling
Seth_Erickson: You still haven't watched Jujutsu Kaisen and Crim recommended that to you ages ago
thatguysteve2709: Honestly it would not surprise me if Adam had power to ban me in all the twitch chats I frequent
CataclysmicReverb: @Juliamon oh yeah i love him in star wars
itira: juicey
tr3ewitch88: Adam
Marvoleath: So the open ones are: J. F. Markus A. Harrison M. Kaufman F. Stillman T. T. Silbury
Makrosian_Tay: I liked it
matthaus_c: Bakshi?
Seth_Erickson: War of the Rohirrim
itira: gross!
SymphonySolstice: it's pretty good, a solid 7.5/10
matthaus_c: I didn't help but you're welcome
Mr_Horrible: I take no credit here, but I'm proud of you nonetheless
DEATHlikescats: teamwork!
betweenmyself: Adam too busy *savoring* season 2 of Solo Leveling to start any other anime, keep with it chat
Mr_Horrible: oh come now, Benjamin, just because it needed effort and notetaking
tr3ewitch88: You gotta wait for the game to call you, Ben.
kid_flashionable: I think Dungeon Meshi is like my favorite anime outside of brotherhood, and I am so sad that the manga's all done
salamisuperstar: Just started
Seth_Erickson: it's only got 2 episodes so far
lamina5432: 2 episodes in
vinopinguino: haahha
CataclysmicReverb: no one tell Adam the main character gets a bowl cut
Nimiphi: Tax only worries about me in April \;-?(p|P)
DEATHlikescats: @kid_flashionable excellent taste
Seth_Erickson: Dungeon Meshi si great
likelyDangerous: "and really bad eggs"
matthaus_c: Dorohedoro is getting a 2nd season and I am blitzed for it
salamisuperstar: He levels, sololy
kumatsu: Dungeon Meshi is peak Adam anime
Seth_Erickson: I still think Adam would 100% love Jujutsu Kaisen
kid_flashionable: @deathlikescats if Netflix doesn't do the whole series that will be my villain era tbh
protojman: YANA
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c I saw that and pogged irl
BrowneePointz: Delicious in Dungeon is super great and you should watch it cuz you're 100% Half Chilchuk and Half Laios Adam
SymphonySolstice: milk on the stove
DoubleNterprises: Aaaaand....credits!
Seth_Erickson: it's exactly the kind of thing he wants in storytelling
mrjujubeans: scary?
Fanklok: Dungeon Meshi is Made in Abyss for people who are allowed to live near a school district
I’d like to get another season of “A Sign of Affection” 
matthaus_c: @Fanklok WHEEZE
e_bloc: if your a necromancer, and you use healng potions to help kill the wickermen
0x6772: You didn't wait long enough for the boil of the reaction, Adam.
Kaaosa: it still hurts :'(
CataclysmicReverb: Wasn't that like 2010?
Nimiphi: Thank you handsome boys!
Pharmacistjudge: y'all take care
lamina5432: gnight funny gys
kid_flashionable: Thanks for the stream Adam and Ben!
tr3ewitch88: Awww it's over already!?😭
Marvoleath: !patreon
mrjujubeans: Love ya guys! Night!
Marvoleath: !store
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
salamisuperstar: I like these two guys
A1chemi5t subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, A1chemi5t! (Today's storm count: 74)
tr3ewitch88: Tha
SymphonySolstice: thanks lads
my twitch is still lacking the stream timer 
tr3ewitch88: Thank you both for making us laugh all night.
DEATHlikescats: be freeee
Mr_Horrible: my site interface is cooked
DoubleNterprises: Peace, YouTube!
e_bloc: don't undercook your chicken

likelyDangerous: "and let me know if they say something funny"

thatguysteve2709: Thanks for the stream appreciate it greatly
Mr_Horrible: local frog appreciator
matthaus_c: Psychic Frog baby
0x6772 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
0x6772: Ben, please do check out bone conduction headphones for cycling. You may also hear stereo with them, depending on the cause of your one-ear deafness.
Thanks for subscribing, 0x6772! (Today's storm count: 75)
The_Color_Twelve subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months, currently on a 60 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, The_Color_Twelve! (Today's storm count: 76)
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c the only uncute frog
SymphonySolstice: gyarbage dyay???
couchboyj: Hey! Here comes that frog. Maybe he will settle near me.
Nimiphi: Frogs are great
vinewood_og: Garbage day!!!
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (There's an endless amount of bad games out there. Thankfully Graham and Alex are cool enough dudes to wade through them. It's GARBAGE DAY Y'ALL!) at Wed 02:00 PM PST (18:01 from now).

Mr_Horrible: why does it get *counters*?!
Marvoleath: !schedule
Two Spoop Boys In A Caddilac 
tehfewl: gamblin
@Mr_Horrible you take that back 
SymphonySolstice: JAMBLING?
matthaus_c: his sins do not make him less cute
SymphonySolstice: stacked day
Fanklok: Who up tuggin' they lrrms?
Darleysam: a shrimp cooked this toast?
SymphonySolstice: avocado toast for weebs
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c the darkness in his heart manifests in his visage
Mr_Horrible: he's a bad boy, but he ain't cute
HorusFive: How will he get the toast small enough for the shrimps to enjoy?
SquareDotCube: gotta say it like Yeah Toast!
Makrosian_Tay: Mai
NotCainNorAbel: Shrimp Toast sounds like a password to get into a speakeasy
salamisuperstar: The one with the fans and boobs?
Dog_of_Myth: EVO lineup was announced today as well.
7gorobei: shrimptos the fresh maker
vinopinguino: respectfully
itira: hell yeah boobs
Mr_Horrible: it's also a fighting game trailer, you're probably looking at the impact points
schordash: what about twooooo booba??
Juliamon: They put those booba in there for YOU
tehfewl: watch one vtuber video and your algo is cooked
Kaaosa: do not objectify the person who doesn't exist
SymphonySolstice: no such thing as a bad titty fr
DoubleNterprises: Boobs ARE cool, in fact

Fanklok: Invisible Woman on the Rivals splash art has the most jiggle i have seen on 10 frames of animation
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I'm excited about this, who all is playing?
Mr_Horrible: ooh, love the budget challenges
MegaDosX: Oh boy
MacbethSeemsSus: Bloody Mary
schordash: candyman
MegaDosX: !card say his name
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
WiJohn: Beetlejuice?
DEATHlikescats: a certain ghost
Makrosian_Tay: Beetlejuice
Mr_Horrible: he's going Centipede Mode
DEATHlikescats: with the most
betweenmyself: …. Booba?
CataclysmicReverb: Beeberjuice
frank_the_great: The peepeepoopoo man
Juliamon: game TBD
Darleysam: asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar?
MegaDosX: Oh it's its name not his name
Fanklok: The beetle that juices you
Duskmourn my favorite set from that year 
Marvoleath: apparently they finished the volcano high already?
DEATHlikescats: enjoy some tasty subs!
gualdhar: time to play some Rivals now?

kid_flashionable: Ooh subs
Darleysam: o7
kid_flashionable: I had a sub today from a place called Cheba Hut and damn it was delicious
50 Bits!
vinopinguino: got em

Mr_Horrible: slain
thanks sauce 
rip milk
tr3ewitch88: I'm glad to ba able to sub again 🥰🥰🥰
DoubleNterprises: The one year!
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the stream. Good dudes and good times
Riandisa: Thanks for another great stream!
DrAegirinePyrope: closest pronunciation yet, Ben
SymphonySolstice: dabits
vinopinguino: thanks fella
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
ButButTheJesus: thank for strem
Thanks for the stream! Always a good time 
matthaus_c: stay safe stinkies!
DoubleNterprises: Thank you for the spoops! Fun times!
Mr_Horrible: the demon had to escape before you invoked the name of christ

kid_flashionable: Have a great night y'all!
tr3ewitch88: Adam
0x6772: lol


omdorastrix: I represent that remark
Mr_Horrible: I mean it's true, by and large
lochnessseammonster: yes
MegaDosX: I did nothing wrong.
BusTed: g'night you dillholes
0x6772: Yeah, it was funny, Ben.

tr3ewitch88: ADAM
matthaus_c: the HAM
YawnLance: Wokedere
DEATHlikescats: Adam is 💯 tsundere
Mr_Horrible: YanDEIre
kid_flashionable: Aww man can't believe I'm a dumbass
tr3ewitch88: Good night, everybody.

Mr_Horrible: I can definitely believe I'm a dumbass
kid_flashionable: I'm only like 20% dumbass
thanks for the stream, lads 
KeytarCat: I almost named a D&D character Xunderae
DEATHlikescats: @mr_horrible so woke

Makrosian_Tay: Thanks for the stream guys! You're awesome!!
Orxolon: g night everyone
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