Juliamon: because mom used lotion on her legs
Juliamon: and she wanted to lick mom's legs
Juliamon: you know how cats are
DoodlestheGreat: Cat: *gee, your legs smell delicious.*
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also is this W+P or Stalker?
Juliamon: Stalker
Juliamon: G is sick
accountmadeforants: Get in here, Stalker
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DoodlestheGreat More accurately "Your legs do not smell like you, must clean"
DoodlestheGreat: Aw, best wishes for Grahm's speedy recovery.
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a lasagna tray full of bran
TXC2: branagna ?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh no! I hope he feels better soon and that his giant fluff nuggets are piling on with purrs to help
accountmadeforants: And dang, yeah, hope G gets well soon
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Labrangna?
DoodlestheGreat: In fairness, "W&P or Stalker" is silly. They're the same thing. >_<
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig there we go
margieargie: Well I'm certainly not gonna -complain- about a Stalker 2 stream... wish it could have been a bit better circumstances for it but
Thefluffiestguineapig: We playing Stalker 2 or heavily modded Stalker one?
TXC2: I assume stalker 2
accountmadeforants: @DoodlestheGreat Yeah, but Stalker has *style*, and there's a lot of it.
Juliamon: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Alex is rocking a Bonus Stream today! Game: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl) at Wed 01:00 PM PST (1m from now).
TXC2: Stalker had charm that made you forgive the bugs (except for clear sky)
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Alex is rocking a Bonus Stream today! Game: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl) at Wed 01:00 PM PST (0s from now).


baltimore_667083: !advice
LRRbot: All of the bones are in the skin.
TheAwkes: Stalker 2 is no more a W+P game than unmodified Skyrim would be. There are bugs that get a little silly, but there's a real game going on and it's a good one.

baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Use the elephant gun.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Manae has the tendency to get the next right on the nose
Juliamon: I'd call it talent
Juliamon: and timing
Manae: And the knowledge the Moonbase runs on MIcrosoft Standard Time (tm)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Note: your bones should not be in your skin, if your bones are in your skin and not deeper see a doctor
TehAmelie: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen has a fun bit about an elephant gun
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Manae Ah yes, the least reliable of all the time zones
Juliamon: Not *your* skin. *THE* skin.
LoadingReadyRun: will get going shortly, game just finished downloading
matthaus_c: who's ready to eat some Flesh meat
TehAmelie: well, they maily just point out that it's a very large, very heavy gun with one shot that doesn't do anything but make the great white hunter feel big
DoodlestheGreat: No problem. Take your time.
TXC2: could I have FRESH meat instead?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @matthaus_c I would like to know what meat isn't flesh meat. Impossible things don't count because they don't claim to be meat
matthaus_c: oh you're thinking lowercase l flesh
TheAwkes: @Thefluffiestguineapig The capital F is doing the work here.
Creideiki_SE: No fresh meat in the post-apocalypse. Everything is 25 years old preserves.
matthaus_c: f that is
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH, so Flesh meat tm
Juliamon: ah, so fsteak
JoTyler: fLesh meat
Metric_Furlong: @Juliamon "it's an older reference, but it checks out"
TXC2: some man cooking steak
baltimore_667083: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You come across the altar of a false god. What do you do?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean depends on which god
TehAmelie: wait, how does Sir know it's a false god?
Juliamon: TehAmelie Because it is not yours
matthaus_c: it says right there on the pedestal
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie Exactly
Juliamon: as is tradition, any god that is not your god is a false god
Cheese_Hammer: Blood for the blood god!
TXC2: that's why you gotta be like that guy from the mummy, hedge your bets and follow all the gods
Creideiki_SE: One god speaks the truth; all the others only lies.
JoTyler: did the liar tell you that
matthaus_c: what if one of them says one only tells the truth, and the other says the other only lies
TehAmelie: i thought we were done with the religious strength making one's government the right one since about 1700 AD
JoTyler: i'm your god-king now!!
matthaus_c: god-daddy
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Creideiki_SE Unless you aren't a member of a monotheistic religion in which case may be rounding up or down
Metric_Furlong: @TehAmelie well, retro stuff is very in right now
TehAmelie: the year of our lord, she whispered, ironically
JoTyler: @matthaus_c XD
@JoTyler now?! werent you always?! 
RealGamerCow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 133 months, currently on a 133 month streak!
RealGamerCow: That's a big number
Thanks for subscribing, RealGamerCow! (Today's storm count: 1)
JoTyler: only to gremlins
matthaus_c: my favourite Chris Nolan movie
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie My dude, 1700 is way early for that. Kipling's era one of their justifications for stuff was "they aren't christian"
@JoTyler exactly! i regularly get called a feral adhd gremlin 
jacqui_lantern234: a badge i wear with pride, might i add
Juliamon: as well you should
matthaus_c: I'd say you were never beating the allegations, but that would require you /trying/ to
jacqui_lantern234: @matthaus_c ive been on CDHC enough to dispel any thoughts to the contrary

TheAinMAP: Signal

TheAwkes: TFW Twitch cooperates and starts a stream properly.
protojman: seriously. i forgot i had this window open :'D
matthaus_c: yeah wtf I didn't have to refresh
TXC2: ATTENTION! ATTENTION! a stream is approaching, find cover!
MikeSmith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
Thanks for subscribing, MikeSmith! (Today's storm count: 2)
jacqui_lantern234: also, mtg brained friends, im building eggs in commander. why am i the way i am?
JoTyler: get your bolts ready
LordZarano: !venga
LRRbot: Walk without rhythm, and you won't attract the Venga Bus.
jacqui_lantern234: @JoTyler i pay the single red!!!
Dreadelicious subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 31 month streak!
Dreadelicious: 38 looks like a sideways crab with glasses
Thanks for subscribing, Dreadelicious! (Today's storm count: 3)
Natimus_Prime subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
Natimus_Prime: Let's get lost in an anomaly.
Thanks for subscribing, Natimus_Prime! (Today's storm count: 4)
lightfut: !cube
A "cube" in MtG terms is a "build-your-own expansion" form of draft. On MTGO the cube is a singleton format with many of the most powerful cards in all of magic history. http://mtgsalvation.gamepedia.com/Cube_Draft
BraveOthello: @jacqui_lantern234 you're hungry. Grab a snickers and brew again
Creideiki_SE: Twitch informs us that a stream has started by replacing the static background image with the text "Error #5000".
jacqui_lantern234: @BraveOthello instructions unclear, combo deck is now even more greedy
JoTyler: i eat the cards
vinopinguino: bonus stream?! *pikachu face*
jacqui_lantern234: @JoTyler not the expensive ones!
jacqui_lantern234: unless your buying them off me
jacqui_lantern234: then i wont stop you
LoadingReadyRun: I wanted to set up something simple for the intro and got SO flustered
JoTyler: Watch+Play has been replaced by a Bonus stream! We're heading into the Zone!
JoTyler: @jacqui_lantern234 but htey're the shiniest
TheAwkes checks going live toot. "Some smoke is worse than others."
hieroglyphica: I dunno, I could go for a bonus watch + nope
Drasvin: While Graham is away, Alex shall play.
@loadingreadyrun it’s all good in the hood 
jacqui_lantern234: @JoTyler youll have to pry my foil secret lair copies of alesha and whir of invention from my cold, dead hands
BraveOthello: Wait, if I crack the eggs for value, I can't also scalp them for twice what the grocery store charged ... I think I've mixed my metaphors
jacqui_lantern234: and im immortal
butt_ghost: WOOO
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hieroglyphica Wasn't the Alone in the Dark stuff kind of a watch and nope?
thedevil_risen1: I missed out on the islands @jacqui_lantern234 *sad pikachu noises*
hieroglyphica: I'm sick, my main symptom is all my teeth hurt a bunch and a runny nose, I'm juiced up on cold meds and I'M READY
jacqui_lantern234: hello windows noises
Metric_Furlong: @Thefluffiestguineapig the Kathleen + Alex Alone in the Dark (2007) stream was the original 'Watch + Nope'
sadness for days
NERVOUSHAIR: Garbage day?
Metric_Furlong: the source of "Jam on the gas!" and other things
@LoadingReadyRun one does not simply qwop into mordor as they say 
bisaflau subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bisaflau! (Today's storm count: 5)
NERVOUSHAIR: I read that werong
BraveOthello: @thefluffiestguineapig nay, jank day
Thefluffiestguineapig: The Kathleen Let's Nopes spawned many of the recurrent LRR phrases
TheAinMAP: We have substitute garbage today.
TXC2: Here we GO!
Juliamon: double audio
accountmadeforants: Baaaa
thedevil_risen1: Woooo!
PotatoWraiths: ????
NERVOUSHAIR: Alex sinks into the warm bath of his ancestry
JoTyler: hahaha
Brozard: uh oh
Dreadelicious: Twice as much audio for our money!
warpstonewarlock: wow
Nigouki: LOL
thedevil_risen1: Howdy Alex!
Metric_Furlong: hell yes
TXC2: ooh a clasic
margieargie: OH wow
DaxStrife: Oh, a nice callback.
jacqui_lantern234: UH OH
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
DandyGeek: amazing
Dreadelicious: Classic Crapshot
TheAwkes: Stalker 2 is the kind of game I can't watch other people play. But having rolled credits on it two days ago after 160 hours in The Zone, I'm ready to watch.
DiscordianTokkan: Yesssss


JoTyler: yaaaaaay
ok that ones funny
TXC2: Hello Alex
Strebenherz: Oh my god yes xD
iris_of_ether: Heeheeheee
LordChrusher subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
LordChrusher: Blow out soon fellow Stalker
Thanks for subscribing, LordChrusher! (Today's storm count: 6)
warpstonewarlock: 14-15 years...
thedevil_risen1: 10/10 intro, no notes
Juliamon: You have an echo
KV1NN4: eehehehehe!!
matthaus_c: double alex!
Lord_Hosk: Echo
Nigouki: echo
DaxStrife: Echoooo
Metric_Furlong: echo
Wolfstrike_NL: Holy heck, nice one!
jacqui_lantern234: double audio, alex
Brozard: oh no still double audio
thedevil_risen1: Ooo double Alex
BraveOthello: Echo echo wcho
NERVOUSHAIR: Double audio
NimrodXIV: are both mics on?
Nigouki: spoop boys left the effects on?
DiscordianTokkan: Are both mics hot?
Dreadelicious: Very spacious room
thedevil_risen1: Better
to Graham
Brozard: I blame James' double Calliou
DiscordianTokkan: Is good!
offbeatwitch: i thought maybe its just an effect on
Nigouki: sound board
Lord_Hosk: still echo
Patorik: Better!
matthaus_c: that is better
NimrodXIV: same
Dreadelicious: Better but still a bit echoy
thedevil_risen1: It was ok and then did it again
Dreadelicious: Echo-ey
BraveOthello: Nope. Still in the LARGE office
Dreadelicious: English is hard
Gizmoloid: echo remains
JoTyler: it sounds like the echo effect is still on
Juliamon: Is it a soundboard effect?
DiscordianTokkan: Oh, I thought it was bette

Juliamon: Now you're muted
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean is it something the Nope Bois added?
Gizmoloid: no echo but far away just now
TehAmelie: hi Alex!
Nigouki: just beep all the boops until it's fine
matthaus_c: just start pressing buttons, what could go wrong
butt_ghost: there we go
TXC2: Much better
TheMerricat: this reminds me, did they resolve the whole issue with the hard drive being full when Cameron finished Talking Sim?
Simriel: Is it some kind of Dolphin/
JoTyler: hmmmm nope
epsilon_vee: there's still echo
Juliamon: Did not
100 a Alex! a Stalker! huzzah!
jacqui_lantern234: wait, its still there
JoTyler: do you have the stream open or something
Nigouki: wrong mic knob?
butt_ghost: ok wait no it's the right mic being hot
NERVOUSHAIR: The echo button did nothing
Gizmoloid: No difference from echo settings
Strebenherz: Trans am
matthaus_c: gender knob? is that what we're calling packers now?
SymphonySolstice: oh hot mic maybe
Nigouki: I blame Ben
accountmadeforants: I don't think the echo dial did anything, increasing it didn't make it worse, if that helps
Simriel: Ping paul on Slack?
DoodlestheGreat: HEWWO
SymphonySolstice: yeah
butt_ghost: heard
TreeVor84: that mic is normal
DaxStrife: Yup, 2nd mic's on.
Juliamon: No echo on that one
accountmadeforants: Oh, that one doesn't seem to have an echo
thedevil_risen1: Live
Patorik: No echo over there
epsilon_vee: we can hear you
Nigouki: that one has no echo
Dreadelicious: Left mic on
NERVOUSHAIR: That mic is live
FarleyF: !paul
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, that mics normal
accountmadeforants: Not stupid if it works
JoTyler: nope
Lord_Hosk: Its back
BraveOthello: HahHaha
MehallD: nope, echoing again
Juliamon: Oh no
margieargie: I think you mean "the easy way"
Nigouki: wait what, why is echo back now
butt_ghost: ???
NimrodXIV: oh noooo
SymphonySolstice: welp
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh nooooooooo
Gizmoloid: Other mic still hears you?
NorthstarTex: sadly it didn't fix it
JoTyler: it's not the mics it's a source or an open window
Lord_Hosk: its echoing now
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's gotta be two mics on
Thefluffiestguineapig: Paaaauuuul
NERVOUSHAIR: It was doubled with the crapshot
Brozard: oh no
Nigouki: Ok chat, just pretend we're in a tunnel the whole itme
TXC2: what is this sorcery?!
Brozard: This is the real game
TreeVor84: oh god what did the Nope boys do to the setu]

Patorik: Cool technology!
ElmoTheRed23: need to turn off one of the mics. they are both picking up your voice
Lord_Hosk: HOW was it not echoing when it was over there and now its echoing
matthaus_c: such is life in the zone
thedevil_risen1: Ok who squid gamed Alex
Brozard: Use both mics at the same time, cancel the echoes out
Archonic_Energy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Archonic_Energy! (Today's storm count: 7)
JoTyler: it's not that both mics are on at the same time
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think this is more that Ben and Adam were the last ones in here and they mess with everything
Natimus_Prime: Why is tech so difficult to work with? Why can't things just work like we ask them to?
raulghoulia: This Is wizardry
TheAwkes: @Lord_Hosk Witchcraft. Must be cursed. Time for fire.
Juliamon: yeah I'd blame the Nope bois
accountmadeforants: In fairness, this is a complex setup
NERVOUSHAIR: A second nested source is running somewhere in your stack !!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @accountmadeforants Genuinely seems extremely complex
JoTyler: the nope boys didnt do anything weird during stream so i dont think it's them
matthaus_c: blame them anyways
Wolfstrike_NL: Don't worry Alex, it's all of the audiance that's in their underwear
@Thefluffiestguineapig Presumably Ben did, because he knows more than enough to actually do damage 
raulghoulia: I need an old priest and a tech priest
thedevil_risen1: It's ok Alex
NERVOUSHAIR: Beeeeeeeeeen
Thefluffiestguineapig: @accountmadeforants Oh absolutely
butt_ghost: Is anyone else around to assist?
matthaus_c: it's chill, this is fun
NimrodXIV: no worries, it's a complicated setup
NERVOUSHAIR: I need 3 priests
KV1NN4: It's gunna be okay!
youre doing youre best, and i appreciate you, alex 
Thisbymaster: Stalker 2, get eaten by a invisible monster
Flyingdelorion: Blame James?
Simriel: You are doing absolutely fine dude, this is Not Problems
TXC2: no worries Alex
Strebenherz: Take your time, all good.
DaxStrife: Relax Alex, just breathe.
NERVOUSHAIR: Audio is hard
splott2k: wait, i'm late to the party, why is this a big deal?
TreeVor84: We totally get it and understand Alex. Something is set weird that you aren't familiar with.
DaxStrife: No difference.
epsilon_vee: no different
NERVOUSHAIR: @splott2k double audio
JoTyler: @LoadingReadyRun did you have a second window open or something for the crapshot?
Dreadelicious: As someone who's about to go into audio engineering this is a learning moment for me
ace_also: cool anomaly
SymphonySolstice: beeeeen
Thisbymaster: are both mics turned on?
NERVOUSHAIR: The crapshoot was also doubled
Dreadelicious: The Ben

oh hey, a use for this emote 
DaxStrife: The stream *started* with an echo. Even the Bonus Stream into had an echo.
Juliamon: Everything has been doubled from the intro on
Ben is also echo. 
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Dreadelicious Genuinely Ben is a sound engineer, so he would be a good one to bounce ideas off
SymphonySolstice: everything is doubled yeah
accountmadeforants: Yeah, there was echo in the intro as well
JoTyler: it seems like a source is doubled
matthaus_c: wouldn't it be fucked if Alex was echoing but not Ben
Nigouki: imagine if it was just Alex voice getting echo but Ben is fine, ultimate cursed
matthaus_c: AYYY
accountmadeforants: Fixed
Gizmoloid: YAY
butt_ghost: there we go
ElmoTheRed23: yea
epsilon_vee: good
Brozard: yep
SymphonySolstice: woo
Thisbymaster: there is one
splott2k: HA
NorthstarTex: yes
JoTyler: fixed!
thedevil_risen1: Yep
brutalpunishment: Solid
Lord_Hosk: No echo!
warpstonewarlock: fixed!

Metric_Furlong: there we go!
hieroglyphica: Yay!
jacqui_lantern234: FIXED
ConspiracyOfCartographers: Magic
DiscordianTokkan: Wizardry
butt_ghost: cam mic?
ButButTheJesus: huzzah!
TheAwkes: Stream open in window?
thedevil_risen1: There we go
NimrodXIV: Ben saves the day
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben is a sound wizard
TreeVor84: Thanks Ben!
NERVOUSHAIR: Done done done done
margieargie: There, you collapsed the waveform into a single timeline
Metric_Furlong: all's well that ends well
thanks ben 


MWGNZ: thanks ben
DaxStrife: And Now You Know.
Coloneljesus: crickets engaged
SymphonySolstice: yee
epsilon_vee: yup
KV1NN4: Yay fixed
MWGNZ: have game audio
splott2k: fire crackle
DaxStrife: Crickets confirmed.
accountmadeforants: We hear crickets
brutalpunishment: Good
Gizmoloid: more crows than crickets

Metric_Furlong: game audio is here
JoTyler: all good!
Patorik: Thanks Ben!
Brozard: *groooan*
TXC2: Thanks Ben
thedevil_risen1: Thanks Ben!
brutalpunishment: Lol
DiscordianTokkan: Thank you Beeeen
NorthstarTex: crickets and cursed awoo
TXC2: !patreon
@thefluffiestguineapig but that would mean speaking to him, and I'm too nervous to do so and not cool enough 
TXC2: !store
Thisbymaster: everything is fine
Patorik: They don't call him Bengineering for nothing!
butt_ghost: welcome back to IDDQDerp
Wolfstrike_NL: We caused this!
SymphonySolstice: understandable
matthaus_c: don't blame me, I don't sub here
NERVOUSHAIR: Poor alex spiked his cortisol right off the bat
I was literally just thinking you were going to say "your fault." 
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's our fault!
Natimus_Prime: The number of times this particular auido thing has happened on LRR streams is pretty high, honestly.
Brozard: also Ben: "Oh, there's a BUTTON!"
Laserbeaks_Fury: come full circle, STALKER was like one of the first IDDQDerps
Nigouki: good news fellow stalker
iris_of_ether: !holes
LRRbot: Do you ever just think about rest holds?
thedevil_risen1: Dude we love you!
Wolfstrike_NL: If only this game had that
HadesLeprechaun subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Thanks for subscribing, HadesLeprechaun! (Today's storm count: 8)
TreeVor84: Deep dark hole? sounds like STALKER
now, time to have fun with your internet friends. 
Nigouki: oh god thsoe notification beeps
accountmadeforants: Well have I got the game for you, famous game in town, name of Stagliacci
SohNata: Ahh, love a good Zonehole
KBKarma: That doesn't look dark!
KingOfLimbs: some kind of Zone where you could Exclude yourself from others?
SymphonySolstice: kaboomies

Brozard: Where's my wife?
Metric_Furlong: we're not in the corpse truck YET
highlyeducated0wl: everything is fine
Thefluffiestguineapig: Well graphics seem good
Simriel: Burning House: Strict Upgrade to Corpse Truck?
Brozard: I've also watched The Bear
Thefluffiestguineapig: Macguffin get
KBKarma: I did this a few months back when I accidentally used the grill instead of the oven.
Gaelan_Maestro: i leave for a few min and the place goes to hell *tsk tsk*
Dreadelicious: We'll see there's your problem, that stuff shouldn't be on fire
TheAwkes: When you only put 3 holes in the film instead of 4 like it tells you to.
matthaus_c: this is how that Brazilian disaster happened
JoTyler: dont pick up the glowing rock
iris_of_ether: My mom has absolutely ended a microwave that way
thedevil_risen1: Yeah looks like my office when I come back from a couple of days off
RealGamerCow: if somethign is blue and glowing in your living room, don't touch it maybe
DoodlestheGreat: I haven't seen a TV dinner with foil in ages.
Strebenherz: I've definitely set pizza rolls on fire with a microwave
SymphonySolstice: good now
TreeVor84: I remember being introduced to STALKER with your IDDQDerp streams years ago.
matthaus_c: game is overwhelming you a bit
Master_Gunner: I remember you streaming this back in like... 2009?
KBKarma: Volume seems fine.
SohNata: I feel like your run of the original STALKER was one of the first streams LRR did
matthaus_c: awesome
Simriel: I think we first talked about Stalker on Bird Website about... a decade ago?
KV1NN4: game louder than you by twice
KBKarma: Ah, better.
Wolfstrike_NL: nice

KV1NN4: Improved thanks!
Thefluffiestguineapig: If possible can we make the subtitles bigger? My eyes are crap
KBKarma: A more accurate spelling?
matthaus_c: it's the correct spelling, ya
TXC2: the Ukrainian spelling and not the Russian spelling
Alness49: The SIRCAA, who make a tasty hot sauce
Gizmoloid: Was always the Ukrainian spelling
Nigouki: it's de-Russification, which is very appropriate
accountmadeforants: It's the Ukrainian spelling, though I also didn't know until this game
Coloneljesus: that's why we're here
PotatoWraiths: wow that is a wild setpiece
DoodlestheGreat: This is your jam.
matthaus_c: let's talk about guns and sieverts
TreeVor84: I'm looking forward to the info dumps
DiscordianTokkan: Like Kiev vs Kyiv
DaxStrife: Give us all the dumps, Alex.
ButButTheJesus: its the Ukranian romanization instead of the Russian romanization, is what I read
ConspiracyOfCartographers: That is why we are here
Simriel: The English V.A is BAAAAD
GasCityGaming: My dad could understand it, I cannot lol
Metric_Furlong: A science machine!
TXC2: "keev"
Metric_Furlong: emphasis on 'dead'
JoTyler: well sure it's probably fused to his skin now lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup, definitely a science machine that is going to end poorly
KBKarma: I watched Matara's playthrough of this. She commented on how close Ukranian was to Russian.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Same root language
Mangledpixel: to rhyme with "Steve"
TXC2: Ukranian also probably older
Laserbeaks_Fury: are we talking like Spanish and Mexican?
thedevil_risen1: Man why is it always the Ural drivers?
SymphonySolstice: it's like portugese vs spanish
GasCityGaming: When Kosovo and all that was going down in the 90s my dad could also kind of get the jist of what they were saying
TheAwkes: Playing this game is what made me finally upgrade from my 3070 Ti to a 4070 Ti Super. It just won't play nice on 8GB of VRAM.
DaxStrife: "Zone is hangry today."
DoodlestheGreat: Would it be fair to compare the difference to that between Portugese and Spanish?
RealGamerCow: @Laserbeaks_Fury From what I've been told, yes
DigitalSeahorse: YAY
matthaus_c: Portuguese and Spanish are more distant than Ukrainian and Russian
Nigouki: nice Samovar
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that a science machine or a weapon?
DigitalSeahorse: Get out of here, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Two!
thedevil_risen1: Not as secret as some of the docs on the WarThunder forums am I right?
DoodlestheGreat: I could use a cup of coffee.
JoTyler: that's where all the V I B E S are

Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
Gizmoloid: I so wish I could explain pronunciation difference between Y and I in Kyiv. But I think that's pretty much impossible to do in English text.
matthaus_c: the artifacts are the thing most people come for, but then there's also the weird god at the NPP
TXC2: hello Lysander_salamander welcome
JoTyler: hi @Lysander_salamander !
RealGamerCow: I used to work in a company with about 40% Russians, and someone on my team was Ukranian, and he gave me a few examples how they are different.
spicyFerret_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
spicyFerret_: Three!
Thanks for subscribing, spicyFerret_! (Today's storm count: 9)
JoTyler: lol he's mad at a rock
RealGamerCow: Ukranian is slightly less harsh than Russian
DoodlestheGreat: I go there for the food.
matthaus_c: I need to do a Monolith run in Anomaly sometime
114 raiders from Seabats have joined!
Nigouki: demon core samovar
matthaus_c: yoooo stinky trogs

DigitalSeahorse: tea consentrate
KBKarma: Hi Adam and friends!
JoTyler: hi seachat!
MilkInBags: ook ook
thedevil_risen1: Adam!

RealGamerCow and what about the languages? 
MilkInBags: @matthaus_c no you
TXC2: Hello Raiders
DoodlestheGreat: Yay Adam!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Seachats welcome!
fragilepaper: o/ seachats!
Katsche__: hi everyone
matthaus_c: @MilkInBags proudly <32
matthaus_c: gdi
Amentur: It took me a while to remember this is the same Hermann from the bunker in Call of Pripyat
ButButTheJesus: hi seachats
theymerLoviatar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
theymerLoviatar: oh hey, a prime sub
DiscordianTokkan: "ok byeeee"
Thanks for subscribing, theymerLoviatar! (Today's storm count: 10)

Laserbeaks_Fury: have fun stormin the castle!
TXC2: Amentur oh really? neat
KBKarma: But yeah, Matara noticed that she could understand enough Ukranian to understand the barks when, for example, the enemies threw 'nades.
DigitalSeahorse: WASD
Lysander_salamander: darn, muscle memory is going to be messy
Simriel: First piece of jank?
DaxStrife: Pretty sure there's already a mod that converts it to the old "correct and broken" controls.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Are you going into this vanilla?
TheAwkes: Q and E are quick-use, press and long press each use a different item. It takes a while to get used to.
KBKarma: Sound maybe?
JoTyler: Accessibility?
theymerLoviatar: friend of mine translated the Stalker TTRPG to english
Amentur: @TXC2 There's a whole list of side characters that show up. It's been rather wonderful
Simriel: That Makarov is a QUest item so you can never not be carrying it
DigitalSeahorse: bigger subs would help cause my eyes are too dry today
KBKarma: LORG.
DoodlestheGreat: Lorge
Mangledpixel: Lorg
TXC2: Amentur nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Lorge subtitles
thedevil_risen1: Large!
Scarbble: bigg
DigitalSeahorse: *blinks a bunch*
Nigouki: pulsing, mutated subtitles
KBKarma: And now I wait for Gaius to have his big speech.
SkylerRingtail: First playthrough, or has Alex been playing at home?
KBKarma: The former.
enbycephalopod: velykyy if were following the game audio
JoTyler: @SkylerRingtail first touch
could we have the tiktok subtitles that only show one word at a time? 
TheAwkes: You'll really want to reassign those quick use buttons for purposes of not dying.
TXC2: SkylerRingtail first playthrough
BraveOthello: @txc2 plz no
enbycephalopod: великий in Cyrillic
Strebenherz: Tell me, for whom do you simp? @kbkarma
@TXC2 Sure if you can read and comprehend that fast 
CptMurphey: slot 2 and 4 are hold
thedevil_risen1: Hahaha @txc2
thinlissy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
thinlissy: Alex and stalker 2? Worth resubbing!
Thanks for subscribing, thinlissy! (Today's storm count: 11)
JoTyler: i mean probably play a bit tos ee what the buttons are used for?
KBKarma: @Strebenherz I do not recall enough of that. But I can almost repeat his new speech verbatim.
Nigouki: secret boss of the options menu
thedevil_risen1: I
better_seasons: To use solt 2 and 4 you hold down slot 1 or slot 3 key its odd
thedevil_risen1: Feel
Strebenherz: @kbkarma they got rid of how very glib ircc?
JoTyler: "how do you like stalker2?" "the menus were great!"
thedevil_risen1: Slightly
thedevil_risen1: Insulted
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Nigouki That would be the secret boss of a lot of games
DigitalSeahorse: neat

TXC2: as the Gods intended
JoTyler: i believe you auto lean if youre against the wall next to a door too
BusTed: chugalug
KBKarma: @Strebenherz They did. They cut it down a bit. Still quite long, still completely unskippable.
TheAwkes: It's both toggle and not toggle. Long press doesn't toggle and short press toggles. Running is the same behaviour.
fragilepaper: Hey @jotyler o/
Drasvin: I think one of the options let you change lean to hold if you want
DigitalSeahorse: time to get effed up on death mushrooms?
hi fragilepaper ! 
KBKarma: They removed the "how glib" because they removed the dialogue options a bit ago.
Izandai: uh oh
KBKarma: Hi crabbies!
KBKarma: Sea!
DoodlestheGreat: Now's the time to make all these changes.
DigitalSeahorse: uh
DoodlestheGreat: OOPS
Lysander_salamander: keyboard why?
thedevil_risen1: Ummmm
TXC2: has Ian been messing with the keyboards again?
thedevil_risen1: Did someone change your keyboard layout to azerty?
Izandai: WHAT
DigitalSeahorse: turn fire into something else? like water?
DiscordianTokkan: wat
thedevil_risen1: WHAT
DigitalSeahorse: wat
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, is the keyboard mapping wrong? Are you pressing C and it is giving you different inputs?

KBKarma: Hey, bug!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this the keyboard Ian took apart?
Gaelan_Maestro: is your keyboard settings on a different country?
Lysander_salamander: peculiar
DaxStrife: It's already haunted.
JoTyler: the zone is already getting to you
JoTyler: you found an anomaly!
Gizmoloid: why would it even be AZERTY???
fragilepaper gifted a Tier 1 sub to JoTyler! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, JoTyler! (Today's storm count: 12)
TheAwkes: That may have paved your quick-use buttons.
DigitalSeahorse: euro jank?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Gizmoloid Previous W+P game but I thought it was a while ago
matthaus_c: eurojank is a key feature
aww thanks fragilepaper !! 
JoTyler: i was just noticing that my prime sub has already been used this month XD
DigitalSeahorse: that looks like a climb hole
matthaus_c: saw so many people afraid this game would be too polished, while I was farting around in the Anomaly community
accountmadeforants: I'm still amazed this game came out at all and in as good a state as it did. It seemed dead in the water for so long
So just to confirm, this is not a stealth PiF, correct? 
DigitalSeahorse: hi JoTyler and fragilepaper
TXC2: CaptainSpam not yet
JoTyler: hiiii DigitalSeahorse ~<3
Gizmoloid: @thefluffiestguineapig yeah, I remember that one XD. I was mostly bewildered why would there be azert related issues in a Ukrainian game - we don't that standard.

SkylerRingtail: @CaptainSpam I think Kathleen would Do A Murder if she had to wait for Metaphor: ReFantazio
JoTyler: shove that tablet right into your eyes
Gaelan_Maestro: new technology!
fragilepaper: Hey DigitalSeahorse! o/
DaxStrife: Straight to the sewers.
Mysticman89: ah, I'm guessing PiF schedule wasnt playing right so it was just like, yolo bonus stream?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Are we taking the ring to Mordor?
Nigouki: sample the pipe juice
JoTyler: @Mysticman89 today was going to be watch+play but grahams sick
notthepenguins: @SkylerRingtail a very real concern tbh
Thefluffiestguineapig: Probably Kathleen with a JRPG for the next while
DoodlestheGreat: knif
Mysticman89: ah, well i hope G feels better soon
Nigouki: This Saturday, on Alex's GameBunker
DigitalSeahorse: tuna?
Izandai: Maybe!
DigitalSeahorse: canned mystery food
DoodlestheGreat: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oh, probably Metaphor.
JoTyler: worst case, alex plays it on his home stream lol
Laserbeaks_Fury: Sure, let's go with tuna
Nigouki: oh it's definitely not tuna
Laserbeaks_Fury: it's NOT a TUNA
Simriel: One of the first mods I saw was reskinning tourist deligt and the energy drink back to Stalker 1 name and testure
accountmadeforants: Maybe just calling it "Canned Food" was stretching the marketing budget
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's tuna ***
Nigouki: it's probably tushonka, which comes in beef, veal or pork varieties
Juliamon: it's Subway tuna
DigitalSeahorse: FF
DigitalSeahorse: both same button
TXC2: no dishonoured style looking through the keyhole

KBKarma is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 130 in the channel!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to RuiFaleiro!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to PrancerInflatableReindeer!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ptrik!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to V4rGGy!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to Amentur!
Thanks for the gifts, KBKarma! Welcome to RuiFaleiro, PrancerInflatableReindeer, V4rGGy, Ptrik, and Amentur! (Today's storm count: 17)
KBKarma: Oh hey, tank!

thedevil_risen1: Priom!
notthepenguins: oh hi
RealGamerCow: brown trouser moment
Nigouki: that turret is still attached and not in orbit
JoTyler: yeah multiple buttons in this have slightly different uses if you tap v hold them
DaxStrife: Peaky little tank.

Gaelan_Maestro: uhhhhhhhh
GhassanPL: 3 2 1 let's go
RealGamerCow: do you have bolts yet?
Thank you, KBKarma 
JoTyler: @RealGamerCow nope
Thefluffiestguineapig: We will see how long I can tolerate watching with this being day two of a horrific charlie horse in my neck
KBKarma: @Amentur You are welcome!
TXC2: we got our Krink for the game
JoTyler: tutorial!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also KBKarma with the generosity!!
RealGamerCow: Ma, look out, the DVD screensaver's gone crazy!
TheAwkes: It's Skif's first day in The Zone. He doesn't know about bolts yet.
KBKarma: Spoiler: those hurt.
Drasvin is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 226 in the channel!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to kellyfurtado!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kosminenx!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to djravingdragon!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Karimsicle!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alienfirst!
matthaus_c: electro anomalies fuckin blow
Thanks for the gifts, Drasvin! Welcome to Karimsicle, kellyfurtado, Kosminenx, djravingdragon, and Alienfirst! (Today's storm count: 22)
KBKarma: Yay!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheAwkes Is it his first day in the zone? He helped to take an artifact from a burning building and launch in a homemade rocket out of the Zone
Dang, Alex playing stalker, it's 2014 all over again 
Thefluffiestguineapig: Drasvin with more generosity!!
TXC2: a carbine version
BlindPathfinder: butbut youuu could seell it laaater
Mangledpixel: well, sucks on some axes
Nigouki: U is for ukorocheniy, literally "shortened"
TheAwkes: @Thefluffiestguineapig That was his home. He's looking for answers.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheAwkes OH did a meteor destroy it or something?
wedge_x: so manly
Thefluffiestguineapig: NOPE
Creideiki_SE: As The Chieftain has taught us, a tanker's rifle is mostly for spraying bullets enemywards while you run the other way.
JoTyler: that jiggle, damn
TheAinMAP: Oh
thedevil_risen1: O lord we spamming
KBKarma: What, you don't eat meat from the tin with a combat knife?
niccus: good eatin
Nigouki: that meat was far more questionable than I expected
Bearudite: that goop was dire
TheAwkes: @Thefluffiestguineapig The relic did it. The why of it is revealed in the mid-game.
Izandai: At least it's precooked?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KBKarma Not while standing after just having been shot at!!
Ah, the familiar sight of post-soviet canned meat 
matthaus_c: that's a Flesh!
TXC2: poor man pig
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Izandai That's a big assumption, we know it is preserved
KBKarma: @Thefluffiestguineapig Well, you're missing out!
Amentur: Fleshes have gotten bigger
DoodlestheGreat: Ummmm... Tshonka.
accountmadeforants: Very cinematic timing. We got to see them right up close before you killed it
TreeVor84 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months, currently on a 98 month streak!
TreeVor84: 98 months fellow stalker
Thanks for subscribing, TreeVor84! (Today's storm count: 23)
Strebenherz: Is this a good game to start the series with?
JoTyler: probably something about the rigidity of the atomic structure?
TXC2: they're denser?
SkylerRingtail: Is it related to the whole pre/post-nuclear steel conundrum?
KBKarma: She ain't on Twitch right now. I saw her in Discord earlier.
RealGamerCow: It sticks to wool as well, when I interviewed at a reactor they asked us what our suits were made of.
anumbskull1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Thanks for subscribing, anumbskull1! (Today's storm count: 24)
Thefluffiestguineapig: It might be related to the relative ease of turning metal atoms into ions but I will not pretend to know the actual answer
DigitalSeahorse: maybe it's the same reason metals stick together in outer space and smol fractures just heal themselves?
TXC2: Strebenherz not sure, we've only just started it
JoTyler: oh interesting,. is that a static cling sort of thing?
TheAwkes: Ain't no binocs, sorry. But you can get optics on some weapons.
DigitalSeahorse: nobody knows why
Amentur: @Strebenherz The older games do play somewhat differently. Smaller scale and sligtly older design choices
TXC2: the best of the old games was the 3rd one
TheAwkes: I actually ended up playing this at a much narrower FoV than usual because identificantion and engaging at distance is so important.
Izandai: @DigitalSeahorse I doubt it. That happens because there's nothing to oxidize the surface of the metal, which is the thing that stops metals from cold welding under atmospheric conditions.
Strebenherz: When did this one come out?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DigitalSeahorse Or why the metal pieces used for accuracy guaging just stick together for no reason? And they do that on earth
TXC2: Strebenherz last November
DigitalSeahorse: that too
DigitalSeahorse: metal is sticky
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DigitalSeahorse But only when made extremely smooth
Bearudite: imagine when stalker 3 comes out and there is smell-o-vision in games
DigitalSeahorse: yes
notthepenguins: absolutely not
DigitalSeahorse: I wouldn't either
Nigouki: it would be every moist smell ever all the time
DoodlestheGreat: Smell-o-vision Borderlands would be worse.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't want to play smell-o-vision in most games
JoTyler: ozone and rot
Bearudite: mmmm cosmoline, dirt, mold and desperation
TXC2: like wet dog smell, only there's no dogs
niccus: hey why is the smell-o-vision kit warm
Nigouki: yep
DigitalSeahorse: only smellovision I'd want to play is pleasant non floral smells
chuck_ivan: correct
Simriel: The idea of "Smellovision STALKER" made me gag then laugh out loud, thanks
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, my neck is not tolerating watching the stream, I will see you in the vods
JoTyler: @Thefluffiestguineapig feel better!
TXC2: so long Thefluffiestguineapig get well soon
DigitalSeahorse: also non grasses and non molds
DigitalSeahorse: no common allergens
Snowwraith: I think they're down with the dirt now.
TXC2: I sees me a science bunker!
KBKarma: Yes. Their blood.
GrassVortex: oooh, I see Alex have entered The Zone
BlindPathfinder: the bloodsuckers in this are very irritating
TheAwkes: The concept of the Science Bunker™ is one of my favourite things in these games.
Gizmoloid: lol, literally "Dr Misfortune"
Gizmoloid: good name
Zatengo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Zatengo! (Today's storm count: 25)
richard_ermen: Are we playing the soviet ubermensch?
DigitalSeahorse: stronk
DigitalSeahorse: ded
KBKarma: Nah, just sleeping.
offbeatwitch: he looks a little dead
notthepenguins: he takin a deep nap
offbeatwitch: maybe the death isn't that serious
KBKarma: Pinin' for the fjords!
richard_ermen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
richard_ermen: 77 months. Virtous.
Thanks for subscribing, richard_ermen! (Today's storm count: 26)
richard_ermen yes we're playing as any Ukrainian person 
@richard_ermen Stalker protags are anything but ubermensch tbqh 
richard_ermen: @TXC2 lol =)
PotatoWraiths: LOL
Bearudite: Nat oh no
richard_ermen: @matthaus_c Aye, I'm guessing we're not Strelok this time round though?
the opening of the bunker reminded me of the british nuclear watch bunkers, but this turned out much larger then those 
Snowwraith: Love a yellow medkit.
DigitalSeahorse: NATO in Chernobyl Zones?
Bearudite: the big wheel one?
DigitalSeahorse: finally!
TXC2: oooh that noise activated the neurons
chuck_ivan: sound of the game is a bit low
Simriel: STALKER fans be like "A Cache of random junk? My favourite"
richard_ermen: Wo...what killed THESE scientists?
JoTyler: @chuck_ivan thats because alex is also quiet
richard_ermen: And don'T say "too much science".
JoTyler: and it drowns him out
richard_ermen: That laptop looks like a Lenovo 2002
DaxStrife: I refuse; copy ALL the floppies!
TXC2: that WIN98 interface
Izandai: Ugh, unrealistic game, didn't have to flip the USB over to fit it in.
KBKarma: That wasn't a floppy, it was a USB stick.
TheAwkes: Don't worry, there's only a few hundred stashes, both marked and unmarked.
chuck_ivan: not you, the game
JoTyler: yeah gotta eat the mic lol
DigitalSeahorse: om nom nom
Strebenherz: You wouldn't copy a floppy car would you?
Izandai: Use that image responsibly, chat.
JoTyler: @chuck_ivan yeah sorry, i meant that we turned down the game because it was loud over alex
KBKarma: @JoTyler Delicious muffler.
richard_ermen: Never trust the people willing to piss on the scientists they previously worked with
A_Dub888: Hi friends, what level of radioactive are we?
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
@A_Dub888 just starting so still pretty low, but climbing 
richard_ermen: He's basically saying "you figure it out", lol
offbeatwitch: that looks safe
DigitalSeahorse: this is big font?
KBKarma: I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, that the area there looks unsafe?
its a rave
korvys: Seems safe
AtakChees subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, AtakChees! (Today's storm count: 27)
the danger piss is pretty safe 
DigitalSeahorse: gross
me out here raving 
Gizmoloid: it's detecting... but what?
drop the bass 
TXC2: boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and
KBKarma: Well, at least it's not coming after him.
KBKarma: Yet.
DigitalSeahorse: very rad containment unit
Alness49: Sick beat
A_Dub888: The System. Is down
BusTed: yoink
@Gizmoloid it was detecting that! 
Invitare: Slugma?
matthaus_c: holy SHIT
KBKarma: Oh yeah, that thing.

well, having watched Well There's Your Problem, that suspiciously placed pressure vessel is probably a culprit 

richard_ermen: And now we know what killed the scientists
PotatoWraiths: @Invitare Slugma BALLS

BusTed: that was fast

Bloodsucker, my beloved. 
Bearudite: I wonder if you could make a D&B machine with radio active mats
matthaus_c: they really just throw a fucking bloodsucker at you
BlindPathfinder: this is the bit where i decided to lower the difficulty
TXC2: we STALKERing now !
pattem0re: Jesus Christ
Lysander_salamander: they were a lot more bullet-sponge in the first week of release
ButButTheJesus: so I died like 7 times there before I could kill that one
DigitalSeahorse: not a son of a bitch but yeah
A_Dub888: @potatowraiths Sugmeez NUTS
so do we think the game is staying true to the authentic Stalker experience? 
Nigouki: it's fine, we have backup NATO rounds
GrassVortex: yuup, they are not messing around with the difficulty at the start of this
KBKarma: Matara's video of this game involved a *lot* more screaming. Turns out she is terrified of horror games.
Natural_Ones_Only: Chernobyl Sucks, yeah
ButButTheJesus: @Lysander_salamander ah ok
DigitalSeahorse: Joan is a very nice lady
matthaus_c: yo the detector works out of your pocket now?
Natural_Ones_Only: Mhhm, Geiger counter noises
Bearudite: its always fuses or generators isn't it
Snowwraith: @matthaus_c That's the standard anomaly noise. Separate thing.
A_Dub888: @digitalseahorse you’re a very nice <pronoun>
DigitalSeahorse: that crack in the plaster was shaped like Italy
DigitalSeahorse: A_Dub888 thanks!
DigitalSeahorse: and ditto
SkylerRingtail: So radiation is a damage muiltiplier?
@Snowwraith ah I see, I played with those off previously 
carstenvondi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
Thanks for subscribing, carstenvondi! (Today's storm count: 28)
DigitalSeahorse: glug glug
Bearudite: wait if we get speckles does that mean we have camera eyes?
KBKarma: To be fair, Alex, vodka also doesn't cure radiation poisoning, so we're already on some thin ice regarding reality.
JoTyler: cewrrtainly makes you feel better about it though lol
KBKarma: Apparently so!
DigitalSeahorse: bubble
CataclysmicReverb: @Bearudite My guess is the same AR glasses that're giving us a compass and fit bit red bar health meter
KBKarma: The only time I've had vodka is in a white Russian.
Lysander_salamander: it's for plot
Nigouki: vodka cures perception of radiation poisoning and what you can not perceive can not hurt you :V
chuck_ivan: you should place your scanner there
KBKarma: It's a friendly booble.
DigitalSeahorse: gloop
PotatoWraiths: the blop is blorping
KBKarma: In your bag and all!
DoodlestheGreat: Well, you needed your coffee.
Gizmoloid: the man is a unit
DigitalSeahorse: boop
TheDevil_Risen: But Alex, isn't today the best day for new discoveries comrade?
TXC2: all 25KG of it
Izandai: That seems fine.
Bearudite: strong like mule, dumb like ox, hitch to plow when horse die
KBKarma: Wow, it has a big impact for such a tiny machine.
DigitalSeahorse: failed
Metric_Furlong: oh I see, it's static grass
wedge_x: someone says blyat, drink
Fuzzra: I keep a lot of weird (but useful) shit in my bag. The scanner is a bit bulky even for me.
DigitalSeahorse: Blyat!
richard_ermen: @wedge_x If you do that in this stream, you'Re gonna die of alcohol poisoning really quickly, won't you?
Nigouki: good to see these fuckos haven't changed
Gizmoloid: lol "noisy" - he asked if "charging is always so... inconspicuous" too bad they're losing the sarcasm
TXC2: Bandits, bandits never change
wedge_x: @richard_ermen something something, Zone drinks you
hard to stealth while you're beeping 
KBKarma: They're shooting at you, they're bandits.
Viper, my beloved 
Natural_Ones_Only: And this
Natural_Ones_Only: This is my Boomstick
DigitalSeahorse: does this version still make you slow down when you're encumbered?
TheAwkes: An upgraded Viper is an excellent early game weapon, and a useless mid-to-late game weapon.
chuck_ivan: Press G to unload
KBKarma: The fire?
DigitalSeahorse: sounds like they're in a building
digital_play_gr: follow the mission over your map
TXC2: !backseat
LRRbot: Please refrain from backseat gaming unless the streamer asks for help or !heychat is active. The streamer wants to play the game the way they want. Feel free to discuss tactics in chat or with the mods.
KBKarma: Free meat!
digital_play_gr: so you will have your mark
TXC2: windows noises!

KBKarma: @TXC2 Oh, that wasn't me?
wedge_x: computer misses Graham
richard_ermen: Windows 95 has entered the ZONE.
Gizmoloid: weird how music just drops off on one side of fire
DigitalSeahorse: hello windows, kindly eff off, windows
CataclysmicReverb: damn you sticky keys
Fuzzra: @KBKarma Not this time. The next one will be yours. Damned patch week . . .
DeM0nFiRe: I thought the ding was me for a sec and then I remembered I am listening on my phone lol
offbeatwitch: ah, tar
DigitalSeahorse: muuuuuuud
TheAwkes: The sound occlusion is still properly buggy in some spots.
@dem0nfire same 
Anubis169: Alex is famous for his OS impersonations
KBKarma: @Fuzzra Already patched, and the Windows 11 update isn't installing automatically.
A_Dub888: @digitalseahorse but how else do I commune with the DayStar?
corefluxx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 57 month streak!
corefluxx: 57 Months! that is 57% of a Metric Year
Thanks for subscribing, corefluxx! (Today's storm count: 29)
Lysander_salamander: hurdy gurdy music?
KBKarma: That's a hurdy gurdy, I think!
richard_ermen: What...what is wrong with the music???
Lysander_salamander: neat
Fuzzra: @KBKarma Oof. I'm still resisting 11.
butt_ghost: ladies and gentlemen, the oldest hurdy gurdy in existence
PotatoWraiths: LMAO
Mysticman89: lot of unexpected sounds causing me to check my tabs and stuff
CataclysmicReverb: It's my violin recital

ButButTheJesus: the song of their people? ♪ HRRRRNNNG ♪
DigitalSeahorse: A_Dub888 use a door because UVB the D vitamin ray doesn't go through glass anyway
corefluxx: Who is murdering the bagpipes?
Alness49: The lesser known Harm Kit
accountmadeforants: They're convinced you need medical attention
Nigouki: hallo poltergeist
but the ghost just wants to play a game with you Alex 
DaxStrife: The ghost says the radio stays on.
JoTyler: it's spoopifer!
JoTyler: he wants to play too!
KBKarma: @Fuzzra I updated my BIOS a few years ago, which surprisingly was enough to prompt and auto upgrade from 10.
Natural_Ones_Only: Just toss a grenade into the room?
KBKarma: Inviting cave!
Fuzzra: @KBKarma D:
butt_ghost: mac demarco now?
DigitalSeahorse: it will pass a bit through a screen at the angle to pass through atmosphere too
PotatoWraiths: inginging
DiscordianTokkan: Ohhh, I remember this part from watching Funko play a bit
CaffeinatedLemur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
CaffeinatedLemur: 131 months until blow out fellow Stalker... wait wut?
Thanks for subscribing, CaffeinatedLemur! (Today's storm count: 30)
DigitalSeahorse: total shade will block it
TXC2: are we near the Skadosk or something ?
CaffeinatedLemur: howdy chatpeeps, longtime no chats
TXC2: hello CaffeinatedLemur welcome
KBKarma: brb, medicating.
Murf13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Murf13! (Today's storm count: 31)
TheAwkes: Some kind of poultry geese!
CaffeinatedLemur: heya TXC2, why I havent seen you since like novemberween

Nigouki: lmao
TheDevil_Risen: F
A_Dub888: "Making decisions that are duious" Stroy o my life
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
PotatoWraiths: LOL



TXC2: wonderful
JoTyler: death counter ++
SymphonySolstice: F
DigitalSeahorse: what were you running jumping from?
richard_ermen: F
ConspiracyOfCartographers: Died of panic
Alness49: We're so back
NorthstarTex: F just like the before times
terribleplan: lolmao
Strebenherz: F
highlight reel 
DigitalSeahorse: woo hollyhocks
TXC2: CaffeinatedLemur the bus comes but once a year
Chesul: "IT was all worth it!" *Yeets self off ledge to death*
Strebenherz: 10/10 death
Nigouki: @DigitalSeahorse Poltergeist. Invisible but killable mutant that hurts you by throwing physics objects at you
TheAwkes: F5 is a Stalker's best friend.
TXC2: is this game autosaving?
Lysander_salamander: is that some sort of crouch-jump thing?
Patorik: So, how does this one feel so far? Is it running into that problem people worried about, where it wasn't enough like the mods of the first game?
CaffeinatedLemur: wait... a modern STALKER game that autosaves!? Is that allowed? Are the Authorities aware?
DigitalSeahorse: @Nigouki ah I missed the flying object
MrSzpertoPacaray: Shoot the glowing thing
TheAwkes: Shut up, me, I'm exploring!
GedankenPalast_: Pressing mouse wheel is also flashlight

Nigouki: huh, that's new
Lysander_salamander: wow
JoTyler: you can kill ghosts???
CaffeinatedLemur: whelp
TXC2: right chat I'm off

DaxStrife: People do that. In Florida.
Mysticman89: anomalies seem like they'd just grab your buillets and hurl them back
JoTyler: yeah i'd just assume it would spit your bullets right back at you XD
spicyFerret_: I may be stupid.
TXC2: goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Alex
Izandai: *Florida has entered the chat*
wedge_x: silly, everyone knows you nuke hurricanes
@JoTyler no, but that isn't a ghost 
Natimus_Prime: Florida Man shoots at hurricane, gets hit by own bullet
digital_play_gr: that’s a Poltergeist and you can shoot and kill him
JoTyler: ahhh gotcha
Strebenherz: Conflicting Pacific rim experience?
orangeceltic71: No Watch & Play?
Juliamon: Graham's sick
JeremyDevoid: I had a friend who decided to do the shoot a hurricane thing to slow it down that the southern US tried several years ago. It went as well as you would expect. Lots of wasted ammo for no reason other than to be dumb butts
orangeceltic71: Ah. Thanks for the update.
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Sleep well STALKER
DigitalSeahorse: oof
Lysander_salamander: dang
Natural_Ones_Only: Do we need to kill thsi ghost?
NorthstarTex: classic stalker
DigitalSeahorse: kicked the bucket
better_seasons: ahh in zone bucket kick you
CaffeinatedLemur: @TXC2 good to see ya, sleep well
Nigouki: I hope so
JoTyler: do we still have a death counter?
chuck_ivan: you can
Nigouki: cuz otherwise it's miserable
GedankenPalast_: Do you want to know?
MrSzpertoPacaray: Yes you can kill the poltergeist.
chuck_ivan: I killed it
DigitalSeahorse: gotta go fast?
grandchickenlord: I’ve kind of wanted to get into the stalker games, but bounced off them before. do you think this game is a good intro? does it got a good stalker mouthfeel?
Nigouki: SoC did have a whole room to teach you to shoot and kill the ghost
Gizmoloid: how much ammo does it take?
better_seasons: also yes it can be killed but absolutly bullet sponge at the moment
digital_play_gr: 250 hours in the zone I think I know
A_Dub888: As Serge would say: "Oh buckets"
SkylerRingtail: Clearly the answer to bucket-throwing poltergeist is to throw a grenade at it. Surely.
GedankenPalast_: Alex, pressing L or the mouse wheel is also flashlight.
DigitalSeahorse: I think it's too soon to tell if this game is good intro
DigitalSeahorse: this is first play through only an hour in
grandchickenlord: how’s the mouthfeel so far?
TheAwkes: No Stalker game is a good "intro" to Stalker, really, but Stalker 2 is a good Stalker game, without doubt.
Nigouki: try the NATO rounds, they have +50% effectiveness against ghost of communism
A_Dub888: *cocks gun* Zone's haunted *fires a few rounds but does nothing* Well..... shit
KBKarma: Right, I'm back, what's happened?
DigitalSeahorse: just don't start with Clear Sky
Nigouki: there we go!
Nigouki: SUCCESS
KBKarma: Did himself die?
DaxStrife: Ayyyy!

Nigouki: yep
digital_play_gr: GG
LordZarano: Does it... have mass?

BusTed: got their ass
Bearudite: ghostkilla
Nigouki: same fuckers

JoTyler: @KBKarma alex is having a vengeance with a ghost
JoTyler: and won!!
Juliamon: It wasn't a ghost, it was just an invisible asshole!
Greendrag13: Howldy! You taking down some lumpy lads?
KBKarma: @JoTyler Wooo!
Lysander_salamander: well, that's an odd-looking creature
CaffeinatedLemur: eww, eat its liver to gain its strength and its heart to gain its power
grandchickenlord: if you think about it due to gravitational anomalies the center of mass of a creature might be very far off

A_Dub888: @Juliamon porque no los dos?
DaxStrife: The ghost had meat! Meat Ghost!
TheAwkes: Ah, I see you, too, punish asshole mutants for being assholes after you kill them.
chuck_ivan: F5 for quick save
Nigouki: they're really doing a fucking speedrun of all the fucked up monsters of the original games, which makes me worried for whatever is new....
DoodlestheGreat: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
hieroglyphica: Off to take more cold meds I suppose
you know what you could do while on break - read some Spaceshipping the awesome comic created by Alex. Just search for Spaceshipping over at Webcomics.com
KBKarma: !alex
KBKarma: Oh, there it is.
Nigouki: really!?
Nigouki: ALREADY!?
PotatoWraiths: F
KBKarma: What?
SkylerRingtail: What's that precious?
Metric_Furlong: sad_trombone.wav
A_Dub888: Is it single?

notthepenguins: I'm missing some context...
type_variable: explain for the kids in the back
TheAwkes: Hey, don't sweat it, Strelok took down the Wish Granter, they're gone.
ButButTheJesus: what is it
SquareDotCube: Cult
Wolfstrike_NL: The Bat Sign?
Mushbie: a cult
grandchickenlord: @skylerringtail so “what’s that precious?” I’ve heard Alex say that phrase a lot, and I love it. but is it a reference to something or something?
Wolfstrike_NL: Are we in Gothem
enbycephalopod: definitely not a cult tm
brainbosh: It's been so long since I played these games I have no idea what anything means lol
A_Dub888: a band of folks?
KBKarma: Tiiime to run!
lord_wertornion subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Thanks for subscribing, lord_wertornion! (Today's storm count: 32)
SkylerRingtail: @grandchickenlord No idea. I probably picked it up from Alex, myself
notthepenguins: ah gotcha, indicator of weirdo territory
MrTulip: I'm sure it's fine
MrTulip: It's just some hobbyists
Amentur: They were mind controlled puppets who were *VERY* well equipped and aggressive
Juliamon: "What's <object> precious?" is a Gollum reference
NightValien28: chiki and briki stalkers
Simriel: No Monolith around here... Monolith is gone...
CaffeinatedLemur: they are .... special bois who win special prizes
Izandai: @grandchickenlord @SkylerRingtail Lord of the Rings?
Lysander_salamander: is the armor or clothing also something you can loot?
enbycephalopod: 30 lus chamber?
Simriel: 1 in the chamber
Amentur: One in the chamber
TheAwkes: 30 in the mag, 1 in the chamber.
GasCityGaming: chamber?
CaffeinatedLemur: 30 in the mag, 1 in the chamber
JoTyler: "what's taters, precious?" is the original line
enbycephalopod: You did not
chuck_ivan: 30 mag + 1 loaded
Amentur: No
Mushbie: you did not
TheAwkes: You have not missed it.
KBKarma: You'll get bolts later.
Nigouki: get your cult uniforms from temu!
JoTyler: nope
grandchickenlord: @izandai yeah but the tone, and context never seems to fit the lotr precious.
Lysander_salamander: later you get bolts, after some plot
TheAwkes: You will not get binocs.
CataclysmicReverb: 30 rounds by design, but the mag spring has a little more give than it should
Amentur: On a similar note: there are no binoculars in Stalker 2
GedankenPalast_: Sadly no binocs
KBKarma: fffffffff
chuck_ivan: unfortunately, no binoculars for you
CaffeinatedLemur: @Amentur wait, really?
JoTyler: then how do you get special eyes
Juliamon: Not sure why they decided against binocs
Lysander_salamander: I wonder if someone is going to mod in binoculars
GedankenPalast_: @CaffeinatedLemur Model wise they are there...you can't buy or use one
KBKarma: Zeppelin?
Mushbie: blimp
brainbosh: a dirigible?
KBKarma: Or the sky is broken.
Delta4904: Barrage Balloon?
GasCityGaming: Autozone?
KBKarma: Fix the Sky a Little, by 65dos.
DoodlestheGreat: Swamp gas reflecting off a weather balloon
TheDangerWaffle: @JoTyler MY BRANNDDD
CaffeinatedLemur: @GedankenPalast_ well huh. Modders are gonna mod then
niccus: it's the future, we use apps instead of bolts now *chucks phone into anomaly*
@TheDangerWaffle im such a fool! 
brainbosh: That makes me wonder if a hot air balloon is safer than a helicopter in the zone lol
accountmadeforants: A good year in the zone is when most of the deaths are just by gunshot
enbycephalopod: The safe keeps things safe
enbycephalopod: this message brought to you by safe
TheAwkes: @CaffeinatedLemur I never felt the need, you generally end up carrying a gun with optics to do the job.
@CaffeinatedLemur The modders are also going to have to give me those night vision goggles I can clearly see on some NPC armor 
KBKarma: They had more important things to worry about?
CaffeinatedLemur: @TheAwkes oh, fair enough, good point
KBKarma: What could go right?
matthaus_c: @Amentur oh don't worry. modders LOVE nvgs
KBKarma: They're natural! They're just weird.
CaffeinatedLemur: @Amentur best I can offer is GameBoy camera image quality thermal... with 3 degrees of contrast
Izandai: Oh fuck
KBKarma: Look, duders.
Nigouki: in the years since the last game, the noosphere has been overloaded by gooning
KBKarma: Where did they even come from?
matthaus_c: snort
KBKarma: Fremds!
brainbosh: they are very bad about clearing corners

PotatoWraiths: let's goooooo
terribleplan: If you gottem
DiscordianTokkan: whoop woop woop
Amentur: Hello there, [REDACTED]
DigitalSeahorse: Solder sold us out?
DigitalSeahorse: it's in the name
Izandai: Well that was nice of him.
Lysander_salamander: nice of him
TheAwkes: It didn't occur to me until now, watching this, that narrative smoke is the only smoke that ever happens in the game.
niccus: doink
butt_ghost: woken up in the back of a horse drawn cart
butt_ghost: ulfroc stormnloack is beside you
KBKarma: Good boy!
DiscordianTokkan: bad dog
DigitalSeahorse: eeek
Izandai: uh
Nigouki: today on PRANKS THAT WENT TOO FAR
PotatoWraiths: puppy
Izandai: UH
notthepenguins: UH
Amentur: Splort


enbycephalopod: POP
butt_ghost: DOGMEAT NOOO
FarleyF: F

wedge_x: hey, thanks, Zone

terribleplan: Does the dog die?
NorthstarTex: that was *not* a good boi
Metric_Furlong: bad news for all the people who won't play games where dogs die
better_seasons: ahh blind dogs you died as you lived, disgustingly
Lysander_salamander: yay! Bolt my beloved
AaronBSam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
DigitalSeahorse: I hope the game looks less choppy on your end with lots of movement happening
Thanks for subscribing, AaronBSam! (Today's storm count: 33)
A_Dub888: How did Richter get the Qwopter into The Zone??
PotatoWraiths: friend bolt!
Snowwraith: Whirligig I think right?
matthaus_c: they have to be
Mushbie: so the secret tech is to store all your weapons in the safe :3
offbeatwitch: this comes up in Otherside Picnic as well so I assume it's a roadside picnic thing?
matthaus_c: they weren't in Roadside Picnic
Lysander_salamander: I think they were briefly mentioned in the novel.
offbeatwitch: nvm then!
BlindPathfinder: thez are just missing the bits of cloth tied to them
Metric_Furlong: someone chucks a bold into one of those anomalies once in the book, if I'm remembering it correctly
matthaus_c: @Lysander_salamander oh shit fr
Lysander_salamander: I read the novel recently. Not what I was expecting.
Metric_Furlong: (the book, funnily enough, is set in Canada)
NoxStryx: They mention them in the novel im pretty sure
KBKarma: There's also an anime and a manga called Otherside Picnic.
grandchickenlord: it seems like any small object would work. like pebbles. but bolts are cool
Metric_Furlong: the book is good, can confirm
ButButTheJesus: a r t
Fuzzra: Ooh, I didn't know they were directly related.
a menga too!
a Tarkovksy film being slow and arty, you say? 
KBKarma: @DigitalSeahorse Yup, it's far past where the anime went.
Lysander_salamander: It reads sort of like those mafia novels, where the main character joins up because he thinks it'll make him rich and respected.
Juliamon: ah, I did wonder if Otherside Picnic was related
DigitalSeahorse: manga*
KBKarma: From what I've heard, directly inspired by Roadside Picnic.
offbeatwitch: otherside picnic dares to ask what if roadside picnic was lesbians
KBKarma: Yup, 100%.
matthaus_c: same deal reading Solaris
NoxStryx: @grandchickenlord i think in the book it is just a jar of small useless bolt and metal bits. I wish that the game had like a bunch of different models so each time you pull out a new thing the throw it is different
Metric_Furlong: @offbeatwitch there are some other tonal differences as well, to be fair
KBKarma: Ah, he's cursed.
grandchickenlord: I’ve never read the book but I love the concept behind it.
Lysander_salamander: aliens showed up, did some stuff that messed with the physics of some areas, and pretty much ignored humanity.
Fuzzra: I learned a lot by reading the books for Day Watch, Night Watch,. etc. Then I learned they were written by a dick.
DigitalSeahorse: LoadingReadyRun have you read or seen Outside Picnic?
DoodlestheGreat: Siracha?
Amentur: There's a couple new factions
matthaus_c: can't believe they're powercreeping Duty and Freedom
NoxStryx: I find that anything translated from slavic languages has a different feel. Always wonder if it was a translation issues.
KBKarma: Yeah. The aliens stopped on earth for a sort of picnic, treating humanity like ants, and then moved on.
Juliamon: ah, that new faction smell
Juliamon: (wait, no, that's just poo)
grandchickenlord: like aliens arrived, barely even noticed us, and left a bunch of trash that to us seems like unimaginable supernatural objects because of their technology
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon could be both
grandchickenlord: kind of reminds me a little of the comic book “Trees” where alien ships arrive, and don’t really pay any attention to humans, just do their own thing. while humans keep having to react to what they do
NoxStryx: I think the book is free on the authors website if you like ebooks
Lysander_salamander: Probably influenced SCP in a few ways
Fuzzra: "This is the world we inhabit and it is normal for us."
wedge_x: kindle should have the most recent translation, which is decent
matthaus_c: so many things in this series would definitely be SCPs
Bearudite: fallout wiht much less whimsy
micalovits: Also a lot of comparisons to the Metro games
matthaus_c: @Bearudite well. differently placed whimsy I'd say
Fuzzra: @micalovits Ah, I do love a bit of Metro.
ButButTheJesus: right, I think the original was the same year as Bioshock and a year before Fallout 3
if r/stalker catches a whiff of anyone comparing it to fallout tho... 
NoxStryx: Doesnt one of the book characters have like a furry white daughter because of his exposure?
Mysticman89: metro exodus just casual has anomalies for some reason
matthaus_c: I need to try Metro again. I bounced off of 2033 because of the sheer amount of cutscenes at the start, never tried one again
PotatoWraiths: I don't know why it feels so weird to see your character's own shadow
Fuzzra: My favourite aspect of Metro, for gameplay, is the value of a good airgun
Izandai: Huh, weird.
DigitalSeahorse: and partying with a dead guy to the music of rebel Russian musicians
brainbosh: Be lucky if you could get them from 10 feet away with a makarov lol
matthaus_c: could make that shot with a 1911 god's perfect gun
Mysticman89: enhanced versus regular being distinct gasmes on steam for many of the stalkers mean I got to 100% them twice in only slightly differing degrees of fidelity
Mysticman89: er, metros
PotatoWraiths: borked
brainbosh: did you drop the mag or was that just hte animation?
TheAwkes: Your compass does, within a narrow range. But the map doesn't.
hieroglyphica: That was just the animation
Fuzzra: @Mysticman89 If you're old enough to have boxes of old games with codes on the back of the manual it's always worth seeing if Steam will accept them.
Amentur: You can see bodies with loot on the radar up top
matthaus_c: boar alert boar alert
grandchickenlord: 30-50 wild boars
DigitalSeahorse: this giant piggie went wee wee snort all the way after you
boar boar boar booooarrrrr 
brainbosh: pigs will outlive us all
matthaus_c: boar packs fuckin suck so bad
KBKarma: The only animals not affected by the aliens were the octopuses.
matthaus_c: there has to be a Minecraft mod set in the Zone, right?
BlindPathfinder: he
Izandai: Oh my god that is so many dogs.
silenceaux: Oh wow that's so many
Izandai: And they're all so mad.
JoTyler: @matthaus_c lol nether gte just takes you to the zone?
KBKarma: Knife time?
NightValien28: we got the whole pack
DigitalSeahorse: these doggos are already dead
hieroglyphica: So many dogs!
L0rdX33n: dedicated pack
DaxStrife: Knife time
JoTyler: matthaus_c actually that's just kind of Vintage Story lol
JoTyler: minecraft+anomaly
brainbosh: No dog meat?
matthaus_c: @JoTyler ayo?
matthaus_c: never heard of it
Izandai: Such riches!
chuck_ivan: F5 for quick save
DigitalSeahorse: knotty
Fuzzra: Beer and a grenade. The breakfast of champions.
TheFickleCat: Beer
DigitalSeahorse: woo
DigitalSeahorse: save?
JoTyler: matthaus_c oh, Vintage Story was originally a minecraft mod, that makes sense. but yeah, wilderness survival sandbox with horror themes, although i think it's specifially more lovecraft inspired
CataclysmicReverb: @matthaus_c I think that's the one that's kinda a spinoff of some really old but really strong ultra crunchy minecraft modpack
JoTyler: yeah it's v crunchy, but if youre into that, it's pretty neat
matthaus_c: looking at the trailer rn, this looks sick
KBKarma: Is that technical alive?
grandchickenlord: @fuzzra and I think the bear has more calories
grandchickenlord: beer
quack quack
grandchickenlord: depending, they might exactly equal actually. I found 251,000 j for a grenade, which is 59 kilocalories.
KBKarma: Li'l bit radieractive there bud.
DigitalSeahorse: right through the hogweed
Boon_33: Don't worry, the radiation is treating the cancer, he got from the other radiation.
JoTyler: XD

matthaus_c: Mr Burnsing through the Zone life
DigitalSeahorse: xD
chuck_ivan: F5 dude
KBKarma: It's a thingy!
matthaus_c: neat little crevice
notthepenguins: UH

grandchickenlord: a dude
Mathwyn: Wow, new Alex sounds!

grandchickenlord: looking a gift horse in the mouth in the zone seems necessary actually, never know what could be in there

matthaus_c: that bloodsucker is a bit long in the tooth
good thing we saved
Marvoleath: I think it did eat it, with the rest of you
JoTyler: @grandchickenlord just dont be surprised if it has extra teeth!
azureHaights: Quantum tunneling, meet quantum tunnel
matthaus_c: magical bullet, out of the texas schoolbook depository
wedge_x: higg boson jacketed
Boon_33: 7.62 shovel/pick
DigitalSeahorse: quick save can brick save
KBKarma: It's OK, it can't swim.
KBKarma: I was wrong, it can.
Boon_33: CSTO standard 7.62 clay mover rounds.
Fuzzra: I love the way ammunition calibers are seen very differently depending on whether they're the same size in metric or American customary.
matthaus_c: the roar had me fearing a pseudogiant ngl
KBKarma: Do you know, you could be in trouble.
"failure to extract" is what my parents called me 
JoTyler: lmao
SkylerRingtail: Aww, couldn't grab the shotty in time
Boon_33: @Nigouki there's a lever to help with that.
matthaus_c: such is life in the zone
KBKarma: Examine the artifact?
KeytarCat: Standing on a big mutant pig
(I joek) 
DigitalSeahorse: wow
Boon_33: Hi Joek
DigitalSeahorse: xD
TheAwkes: The Zone is more hostile in the beginning with no gear than in the endgame with upgraded weapons and exoskeletons.
Reaper_IsMyName: 4 rounds and a dream
matthaus_c: you can't prone? that's uncharacteristic
DigitalSeahorse: how low can you crouch?
Delta4904: Skif and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
TheAwkes: You can't.
DigitalSeahorse: dangit
Simriel: I miss lying prone
grandchickenlord: I want to be able to hug the ground like an old friend
KBKarma: Hmm? Was that the tell that it was coming for him?
SkylerRingtail: We live here now
Reaper_IsMyName: "he's in the walls"
Boon_33: This week on Bonus: more Nopes.
brainbosh: Well, free electric fence lol
TheAwkes: Just your every day casual disorienting howl.
matthaus_c: I would /hope/ there aren't any of the psychic bastards this early
chuck_ivan: thats why you quick save
accountmadeforants: Depends on if you're in the habit of getting your blood removed from your body

DigitalSeahorse: what if they're too smart to cross the electric fense?
DigitalSeahorse: fence*
Simriel: Is there anything more STALKERthan hiding in a corner from a bloodsucker
matthaus_c: they sure are lmao

Reaper_IsMyName: oh it counts your deaths thats cute
azureHaights: "I'll wait. i WILL wait."
KBKarma: I'm a bounce. Work tomorrow.
KBKarma: Have a good one Alex, everybody!
Boon_33: hey chat, When I watch this Vod back, will the question (what stalker/why stalker) be answered?
accountmadeforants: Rude of them to walk into an alley while being invisible. Normally the point of going into an alley is being highly visible so you get shot. >:(
DigitalSeahorse: arf
grandchickenlord: should’ve looked that gift horse you rode in on in the mouth
JoTyler: Boon_33 what do you mean?
Lysander_salamander: there's a mod that lets you mantle head-high objects. Which is nice
JoTyler: or is that a reference i dont get lol
Boon_33: @JoTyler I don't know much about the stalker games. did Alex go into it?
DigitalSeahorse: do you know much about Chernobyl?
matthaus_c: the most polished turd
DigitalSeahorse: cause the zone is it's base
grandchickenlord: yeah I know that. I have that fondness for E.Y.E. divine cybermancy. the jankiest shit. but I love it
DigitalSeahorse: and areas around it

AtomicAlchemical: Can't remember if I've heard you answer this already Alex, but did you ever read the Soviet-Era Science Fiction novel that the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. film and game IP is heavily inspired by?
AtomicAlchemical: yay!
yeah, turns out nuclear plant meltdowns are grim as hell 
AtomicAlchemical: love Roadside Picnic
DigitalSeahorse: I think last time I played Pripyat I got stuck cause someone kept beating me to a door I was supposed to get through first
Gekyouryuu: I gotta remember to watch/read Otherside Picnic
Gekyouryuu: yuri anime about an anomaly zone
matthaus_c: manga based on the book
DigitalSeahorse: it's a manga and an anime
Izandai: An anime/manga that's a yet third lineage.
grandchickenlord: other side picnic is a yuri manga also based on roadside picnic
Amentur: Otherside Picnic is an anime also inspired by Roadside Picnic
DigitalSeahorse: that's why I was asking cause chat was talking about it and you didn't comment until now
notthepenguins: yes
NightValien28: yeah its real cool
Mysticman89: is there a heavily soviet stalker type aethetic dating sim game yet?
Brozard: starring Blyatsune Miku
DigitalSeahorse: xD
jacqui_lantern234: after i read roadside picnic
notthepenguins: Otherside Picnic
matthaus_c: what better setting for a yuri story?
notthepenguins: It's by all accounts VERY good
grandchickenlord: yeah. two girls exploring an alternate dimension that works a bit like the zone

matthaus_c: @Brozard holy shit
Lysander_salamander: Otherside picnic is a novel series, about two young women that explore spooky limnal spaces and harvest them for resources for a research institute
NightValien28: its like a japan inspired zone

notthepenguins: more the anomalies, less the radiation
Lysander_salamander: Like, those meme spooky microfictions
grandchickenlord: it’s also inspired by Japanese urban legends
Boon_33: Godzilla
Simriel: I'm fine, Fukishimi with you
accountmadeforants: Japan definitely doesn't have a history with radioactive fallout
DigitalSeahorse: those brave seniors helping with cleanup
AtomicAlchemical: I love the background of the novel's creation and the fact that the authors only got away with setting it in North America because they were able to convince the censorship board that it was a critique of capitalistism
Gekyouryuu: anime came out pretty much exactly 4 years ago. started in January of 2021
notthepenguins: But yeah, I'm genuinely surprised you haven't heard of it, Otherside Picnic seems like very your jam. Moody af too.
Boon_33: bug or feature?
AtomicAlchemical: No you are the guy at the top of it
DigitalSeahorse: hehe
Izandai: Do a flip!
DigitalSeahorse: so high
notthepenguins: simply hide your loot at the most visible point
Gekyouryuu: @notthepenguins I think I mentioned it in chat back when the anime was coming out, but chat is a large beast, and comments are easy to miss
Nigouki: can you do a flawless nade kill? :V
accountmadeforants: Maybe someone relied on everyone assuming there'd be a guy atop the tower to hide their stash.
grandchickenlord: it’s also very distinct from roadside picnic or the stalker series setting or story wise , but it’s super inspired. like they even throw bolts to find dangerous invisible anomalies.

Boon_33: if only you brought a couple rocks up there with you.


notthepenguins: "Were" being the operative word
DigitalSeahorse: hope they weren't frendos
Nigouki: @Boon_33 kinetic grenade :3
Boon_33: @Nigouki mk1 anti-goliath
rentar42: Reminds me of one of the Sam & Max games: "I hope there wasn't anyone in that bus ... that we knew".
DaxStrife: Oh he fighting boars.
DaxStrife: Was that guy named "Valve?"
DigitalSeahorse: this fight is a boar
azureHaights: vadim is vadead
grandchickenlord: retroactive moral justification
KV1NN4: How sweet, a corpse bouquet
azureHaights: Biblically accurate bandits
DigitalSeahorse: they wanted to save money on their coffin
Nigouki: that momentary temptation to stab the gas cylinder
chuck_ivan: talk to him
Nigouki: yeeeeeeesssss
goombalax: special sale today only
grandchickenlord: looks he still alive, he’s jiggling
NightValien28: shake it shake it
Simriel: Free stuff!
DigitalSeahorse: 5 finger sale
NightValien28: huzzah accidental murder

grandchickenlord: “who sent you? who’s master plan is this the culmination of” “I’m lost, where are we”
notthepenguins: fair lol
terribleplan: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Marvoleath: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
DigitalSeahorse: only help if he asks for it
Bearudite: what about fronseating
Metric_Furlong: don't backseat unless you want your sack beat
azureHaights: coopin's
matthaus_c: this is the kindest type of man you'll find in the Zone
JoTyler: what about ghostriding
terribleplan: @Marvoleath jinx
DigitalSeahorse: Alex can frontseat as much as he wants

schordash: wonder if they have promo cards too
azureHaights: Solid human, nothing incorporeal about him at all
Simriel: Ditch anything Red you don't wanna use
TheAwkes: Anyone who doesn't try to kill you on sight is The Zone's version of a good guy.
DigitalSeahorse: we need a gas mask
Well chat is 80% post-soviet nuclear survivalists, so how are we not to give him advice? 
Simriel: Red weapons can't be sold
DigitalSeahorse: at some point
Lysander_salamander: yay
grandchickenlord: @simriel why?
DigitalSeahorse: what's that
matthaus_c: can't wait for a mod that lets you scrap guns for parts
Clench_Eastwood: OI BLIN

matthaus_c: oh BOY
rentar42: this is fine!
DigitalSeahorse: death hole

Boon_33: Alex will never need a soundboard.
DigitalSeahorse: "This hole was made for me!"
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: why did I recognise that alarm sound ¬¬
Clench_Eastwood: yes comrade, skull means cream of ice inside
JadedCynic: Alex IS his own soundboard
Boon_33: @JadedCynic samesies
Clench_Eastwood: rick!
Ehrin_CB: pickle!
Greendrag13: No, its the eating kind
Nigouki: full on cucumber!
Lysander_salamander: they don't let you hold the pickle? Sad.
DigitalSeahorse: pickle surprise!
tergonis: oooo bulb of garlic too
@fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn movies 
@Clench_Eastwood yeah, that icon is clearly "warning: ice cream headache ahead" 
Clench_Eastwood: exactly
rentar42: ok ... about that knife ... what is that made off and why is it a sledgehammer?
DigitalSeahorse: we're all rooting for ya!
NorthstarTex: that area is made of "NOPE!"
JadedCynic: throw a bolt?
terribleplan: Quincy Jones - Ironside
azureHaights: It's the theme to Ironside

DigitalSeahorse: it's hot in here

DigitalSeahorse: spicy!
matthaus_c: chat I think we're cooked
Boon_33: so, wow, natural gas is cheap there.
Clench_Eastwood: ya, this is just how they do fireworks
JadedCynic: whew
TheAwkes: A successful cavity search.
DigitalSeahorse: hot cavity?
DigitalSeahorse: wat
matthaus_c: we've found it, it's The Ussy
JadedCynic: TOASTY
Clench_Eastwood: well thats in our pocet now
DigitalSeahorse: a cavity from a cavity
Boon_33: "the area is a little flamey, but it's no Uzbekistan." 8/10
DigitalSeahorse: eeeeeeeeeeek
JadedCynic: ding
micalovits: Friends!
matthaus_c: we're eating roast pork tonight
goombalax: Cheevo!
Clench_Eastwood: thats a hard nope
Ehrin_CB: Pet the dog!
JadedCynic: welp
KeytarCat: cheevo get!
Grilled Flesh 
Ehrin_CB: don't like that
DigitalSeahorse: hehe
DigitalSeahorse: xD
NorthstarTex: what I'm picking up is nasty stuff is near artifacts
Clench_Eastwood: free lunch!
matthaus_c: it's cool that Bloodsuckers know to avoid anomalies but Fleshes don't
JadedCynic: Venya - where are you?
DigitalSeahorse: that looks very uncomfy
JadedCynic: did he get got by the Fleshes?
Boon_33: dude has bad luck
DigitalSeahorse: LOL
JadedCynic: bye, Venya...you utter GOOB
matthaus_c: I live, I die, I die again
not even a thank you, serves him right 
JadedCynic: "no cure for stupid"
matthaus_c: uh oh is it spetsnaz
Clench_Eastwood: Alex, if I never played any of the other stalker games would I be able to get my bearings with 2 pretty quick?
DigitalSeahorse: welp
Lysander_salamander: it seems to have a pretty good tutorial
JoTyler: yeah i dont think you need to know anything about the others to play it
Clench_Eastwood: cool
Boon_33: ty
DigitalSeahorse: aside from the no prone thing
matthaus_c: if you've never played them, none of them are truly /easy/ to get your bearings in, but it'll be fun figuring stuff out
Amentur: Not having played the others can even help because you then don't try to lean and suddenly heal yourself 😅
he must be brotherhood of steel 
DigitalSeahorse: rude
DigitalSeahorse: just stomp on your search
azureHaights: hweh
grandchickenlord: which outfit are you with the fashion police?
Boon_33: dude has a great kit. (totally don't follow him home, that would be rude.)
DigitalSeahorse: bweh
Nigouki: now we can consume his sausage
Clench_Eastwood: cold but kind
DigitalSeahorse: coocoo
matthaus_c: with enough radiation an infection can turn into a friend
grandchickenlord: on the plus side being infected with radioactive bacteria would make it very easy to identify on scans
DigitalSeahorse: one would be a bit coocoo to choose to live here
Ehrin_CB: I'm sure rent is cheap enough
Boon_33: @grandchickenlord I don't think the subsequent generations would stick out necessarily.
azureHaights: fwoomp
tcat13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Thanks for subscribing, tcat13! (Today's storm count: 34)
Clench_Eastwood: this seems like what I always wanted fallout to be
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Clench_Eastwood: and you helped!
Clench_Eastwood: potato water good for cold
Izandai: whoops
matthaus_c: time flew by
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Red Dragon Inn) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (1:30 from now).
DigitalSeahorse: rainbow
Bearudite: the real survival horror is knowing that adobe exists in the zone
Boon_33: uhhhh
DigitalSeahorse: good time to save
accountmadeforants: Ah, a cathedral to bad things happening
azureHaights: Ah yes, good old chunky updraft
Boon_33: seems safe.
Izandai: huh

Clench_Eastwood: I feel like its probably eating 20 bolts every minute
rentar42: ok, I'm very impressed with the look and feel of this game so far ... turns out just modernizing stalker is actually quite a big deal
Boon_33: hehehe
JoTyler: surrounded by spicy bubbles
JoTyler: do the bolts remove them or just kinda reset them?
matthaus_c: reset them for a bit
JoTyler: gotcha
accountmadeforants: I hope the bubbles have the decency to eat bullets
Boon_33: can NPC's hear your meter?
grandchickenlord: yeah decomposition will make you sour
Izandai: Fancy
JoTyler: oh that's definitely safe to touch
Ehrin_CB: @JoTyler thankfully it hovers!
rentar42: "It doesn't do anything ... no, it does nothing!"
grandchickenlord: but what will it do to me
Lysander_salamander: another glitch?
GedankenPalast_: Press Q
Simriel: Press Q
Natural_Ones_Only: Press q on it?
Nigouki: we can now carry another case of vodka
matthaus_c: that's why John Inventory invented the Inventory
DoodlestheGreat: Cheers to a fellow loot goblin.
DigitalSeahorse: xD
TreeVor84: Classic Black Adder
Boon_33: nuclear gig economy, it's all delivery work and scavenging.
Lysander_salamander: some sort of observatory?
SnackPak_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SnackPak_! (Today's storm count: 35)
grandchickenlord: I mean that’s what bully sticks for dogs basically are. just bull not horse
DigitalSeahorse: sparkly air
JoTyler: knock knock!
DigitalSeahorse: peekaboo!
Izandai: Is it just me or is there radiation snow in our eyes?
JadedCynic: maybe a prison?
JoTyler: there is yeah
Ehrin_CB: Ah sick, didn't know STALKER had zeppelins
Ehrin_CB: well that's ominous
JadedCynic: looks more a like a 'barrage balloon'
micalovits: That sounds normal for Stalker yea
JadedCynic: ^^^
Bearudite: wait its a zepplin? I thought those were rigid?
grandchickenlord: zeppelins are an emergent phenomenon. like how if you put a bunch of wheat in a jar mice just spawn
Boon_33: OBS/COMS balloon? air defense wires?
JoTyler: it's the brotherhood of steel moving in
BoS and Monolith are not so different, but they would /not/ get along 
Natural_Ones_Only: For you, the day M. Bison graced Chornobyl was the worst day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday
JadedCynic: oh yeah, they'd get along like siblings @matthaus_c
Lysander_salamander: I wonder if it still kills you if you chug down 10 vodkas at a time
Boon_33: the shawshank pipe
DigitalSeahorse: reused assets
frank_the_great: Stalker? I hardly know her!
grandchickenlord: sounded like a pig wolf
TheAwkes: Going into the Cordon again was like coming home.
kireawolf: @Lysander_salamander I sure hop so
JadedCynic: maybe ran too loudly?
scarletcynda: hiiiii hiiiii
Boon_33: war were declared
scarletcynda: i dont think ive ever decided to talk here ...
TheAwkes: The IPSF doesn't mess around.
scarletcynda: "yup.. his mate saw ye"
matthaus_c: oh yea, the railway from the cordon with the grav anomaly in the middle
Boon_33: enjoying the show @scarletcynda ?
DoodlestheGreat: Or an old faction with a new name.
JadedCynic: but yeah, that looks like an observation balloon - a small gondola hanging below it?
FarleyF: the IPSF aint no one to fuck with - just ask the wu tang clan
JoTyler: it's just a weather balloon
scarletcynda: @Boon_33 AYeeee i started watching around the crapshoot times lol just never twitch
Amentur: IPSF are basically renamed military. I can understand not wanting to shoot at actual Ukrainian military
JoTyler: reflecting radiation light
chaostreader: independent private special forces? it fits the letters but I doubt it’s right.
goombalax: @JoTyler *nods* Swamp Gas
Mysticman89: I was gonna say, these are details that make watching you quite enjoyable
TheAwkes: I'm not sure if it's just because monitors used to be much smaller, but things feel scaled larger in Stalker 2 than the versions of the same things that were in Stalker.
JadedCynic: IPSF....International Protective Security Force? Multi-national coalition guarding the reactor site?
rentar42: wait, there's thing in this? I love thing!
Bearudite: shrek is swampgaslighting us
@scarletcynda lotta good crapshots this holiday season. 
DigitalSeahorse: a seagull
scarletcynda: @Boon_33 yip yip yip! i fell of the watch train but im getting back to it .. Alex is the only way ive engaged with Stalker in any way ;p;
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2925 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to EmsLeigh!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to crowgrammer!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to seanwbruno!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Benoau!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to IshtarsDonut!
Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to seanwbruno, crowgrammer, EmsLeigh, Benoau, and IshtarsDonut! (Today's storm count: 40)
Izandai: Cotton thresher?
Bearudite: corn cobber
Steelwolf171: Flax spinner
matthaus_c: you slam corn in it yea
rentar42: I'd guess it's textile related
Bearudite: strips the kernels from the corn
JadedCynic: spinner of some kind yeah
scarletcynda: WAIT... i had one at my house before... noone knew what it was lol
DigitalSeahorse: dust devil
JoTyler: separate grain from chaff ors oemthing
Mysticman89: so refreshing to have the instinct be "oh what an obscure artifact of the era" instead of "oh look what random thing they had in an asset pack"
MAPBoardgames: Is Alex learning all the nuts and bolts of the game?
Izandai: Stupid invincible video game door locks.
Boon_33: @scarletcynda Angry Zen Master Christmas || Crapshots Ep792 (it's so fun)
jessicaengle: Hello e'rybody
jessicaengle: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #2534: "Sometimes you need to get hepatitis and not know why." —Ian [2016-05-16]
JoTyler: hello!

scarletcynda: @Boon_33 noted!
Lysander_salamander: enemies spotting you from the other side of the map?
JoTyler: that sounds like soemthing with teeth
@Izandai just too dang real
(everyone knows you should shoot the WOOD around the reinforced metal of the lock 
CaptainSpam: "Your weapons are useless against me! *continues running*"
DigitalSeahorse: sounds like HL blue suits
AziraphalesShop: Does the new one still have the like areas of instability/stalker game instabilty areas
Izandai: ??????????????????????
Bearudite: bum bum bum
DigitalSeahorse: hehe
matthaus_c: sun rises east, stalker enemies have 40/20 vision
JadedCynic: @AziraphalesShop oh YES
@CaptainSpam that's just being smart 
PotatoWraiths: why is it spicy
TheAinMAP: That one's just a little past "brand new"
Bearudite: youv'e got tirty acres and I got twenny three
jacqui_lantern234: @Boon_33 would you believe me if i told you that my i thought no one would like my "angry zen master christmas" suggestion? XD
matthaus_c: Overwatch
jessicaengle: Little old lady drove it to church on Sundays
Boon_33: you don't want a new one anyway, thing of the depreciation./
terribleplan: (dies)
matthaus_c: great caption
DigitalSeahorse: that was Wilhelm
Boon_33: @jacqui_lantern234 ah, me too.
AziraphalesShop: @JadedCynic Thank you for understanding my exhausted non-sentence.
Boon_33: @jacqui_lantern234 might send it next year
grandchickenlord: “what the fuck was that” is very essentially to the stalker experience I would guess?
Boon_33: I wish Ian would record the whole CD for Zen Master Holidays.
MAPBoardgames: Alex is known for playing games where you say "what the f is that?" frequently
AziraphalesShop: @grandchickenlord Yeah I'd say that's accurate
rentar42: that sounds more "death" than "life", really
Capt_clown subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Capt_clown! (Today's storm count: 41)
grandchickenlord: only point guns at things you are absolutely okay with killing. and I’m not okay with killing anything. everything should live. forever. unable to die. screaming with no mouth. and in those days men shall seek death and shall not find it.
MAPBoardgames: Live and let die?
Izandai: They really hate rubberneckers in these parts huh?
@AziraphalesShop you were just as clear as the envrions
Alex has been through at least a couple of spots with anomalies (that yielded artifacts - one had some...'animals' show up as he tried to leave, and he aad to flee and let the anomalies take them)

PotatoWraiths: hehehe
goombalax: maybe just scaled up? distances further apart?
terribleplan: The MP5 slap is for all of us, Alex


MAPBoardgames: Cause of death: Riddled with bullets.
he handled 2 of them trying to envelop him...he wasn't quite ready for the 3rd tho 
matthaus_c: industrial schmeng
DigitalSeahorse: neat looking old machines
Boon_33: if only we had abundant flares... or abundant anything.
MAPBoardgames: we have abundant exsanguination. is that good for anything?
Boon_33: @MAPBoardgames not if you're on team order.
PotatoWraiths: @terribleplan OUR slap
matthaus_c: classic
Bearudite: the taunt beam
MAPBoardgames: Just some nukacola and some bullets

DigitalSeahorse: the high life
Bearudite: flighty as a weathercock

AziraphalesShop: Enter settlement buliding mode lol
MAPBoardgames: Mutant Boars?
DigitalSeahorse: you had a boar?
matthaus_c: yup
DigitalSeahorse: xD
AziraphalesShop: 30-50 feral hogs
Simriel: U.S folks got reall weirded out by the blue shotgun shells
matthaus_c: just jorking that hog
shushu2539: its just a friendly boar..or is it?
Gaz_L: is this like the pigs in Dark Souls 2?
NorthstarTex: that boar is regenerating
matthaus_c: early game is pretty wasteful anyways
MAPBoardgames: two buddys!
NorthstarTex: the roommate!
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
DigitalSeahorse: maybe they'll shoot the boars for you
MAPBoardgames: While the one was running around just out of range, that's when the attack comes. Not from the front. But from the sides where the other two have snuck up on you.
DigitalSeahorse: hehe
PotatoWraiths: (dies)
DigitalSeahorse: one little piggie
Boon_33: "running around just out of range" was one of my favorite activates, as a jerk child.
Capt_clown: Was always curious how they had this as a FPS game when the movie is way way more cerebral.

DigitalSeahorse: fewf
QuantumTwitch: save?
goombalax: these feral hogs is why we need automatic weapons

FarleyF: i could see this as the game that would bleed CH into the real universe ala Alex's Stream
@Capt_clown doom and unreal etc sold a lot better at the time than did Kings Quest and Zork 
Boon_33: @goombalax Today's modern super-animals, like the flying squirrel and the electric eel.
Simriel: Had fun I hope?
QuantumTwitch: GG
JadedCynic: thanks for the fun!
matthaus_c: @Capt_clown most of the gameplay is pretty meatheady, but also meditative in a way?
FarleyF: thank you for the stream - entertaining and informative as usual
thanks for streaming, alex 
JoTyler: farewell fellow stalker
QuantumTwitch: That was intense
Texan_Reverend: This was a great time, Alex.
FarleyF: !alex
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
Strebenherz: Thank you for streamin Alex
Marvoleath: !next
matthaus_c: read Spaceshipping!
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Red Dragon Inn) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (59m from now).
FarleyF: if you get a chance read Spaceshipping - it's awesome
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening! Thanks for playing
Fuzzra: I'm quite tempted to add that game and the original to my list now.
CaptainSpam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months, currently on a 129 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, CaptainSpam! (Today's storm count: 42)
CaptainSpam: Thanks for the stream, Alex!
FarleyF: Frogs are gone
Amentur: Thanks for the bonus stream. Now get out of here, Stalker.
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Red Dragon Inn) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (59m from now).
FarleyF: or maybe we should say Flesheaters are gone
Gaz_L: oooh yeah, Red Dragon Inn!
Delta4904: Later Alex!
Boon_33: ok, now that the youtubers are gone, what was out plan for world domination again?
Natural_Ones_Only: Will you be on TTSF tmrw?
Noy2222: Gambling?
JoTyler: @Natural_Ones_Only nope
matthaus_c: gluuuuurp
JoTyler: Alex is on Glurp
matthaus_c: Arctic Eggs is so up your alley it's not even funny
goombalax: @Boon_33 first we release a short form video app
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
krorkle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
Thanks for subscribing, krorkle! (Today's storm count: 43)
PotatoWraiths: there we go


Go muffin go!
DigitalSeahorse: speedy muffin
NorthstarTex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
Thanks for subscribing, NorthstarTex! (Today's storm count: 44)
Natural_Ones_Only: Wasn't CaffeinatedLemur a sub in an old CHustle?
DoodlestheGreat: Captain Obvious?
JoTyler: jesus bits
JoTyler: bye!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
DoodlestheGreat: Well, thanks for the strem, Alex. Hope you get to play more.
CaptainSpam: Captain Clown, CaptainSpam, CaptainLemur...
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Boon_33: @goombalax shockingly credible
DigitalSeahorse: thanks for strim
DigitalSeahorse: !alex
Gekyouryuu: @JoTyler we call those "communion wafers"
Boon_33: Thanks for the Stream!
DoodlestheGreat: Captains Courageous
goombalax: @Natural_Ones_Only They provided an AC unit to the Moonbase so they got a callout
Fuzzra: o/
JoTyler: @Gekyouryuu XD
JadedCynic: Caffinated Lemur also assisted in the Kickstarter - provided a tennis ball machine...
DoodlestheGreat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Red Dragon Inn) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (44m from now).
DoodlestheGreat: Gambling? I'M IN!
Reset scrolling