TXC2: Hello everybody
NewtyNewts: Morning folks
TXC2: hello NewtyNewts welcome

HungryTanuki: We're heeeere !
Earthenone: the going live message is unclear, what is hapening here?
lightfut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
lightfut: Duel 2, let's rock
Thanks for subscribing, lightfut! (Today's storm count: 1)
AceGun_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
AceGun_: More like Friday AFTERNOON Streets, am I right, east coasters?
Thanks for subscribing, AceGun_! (Today's storm count: 2)

Scarbble: let's have a SCRAP
AFamiliarCalledEl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!

Thanks for subscribing, AFamiliarCalledEl! (Today's storm count: 3)
TXC2: Here we GO!
AceGun_: Way to go, Nelly!
HungryTanuki: Hi gamers !
lightfut: Nelson starting with strong credentials
NewtyNewts: Absolute pro!
TXC2: Nelson "a fucking pro" Salahub
BusTed: Don't let them tell you what to do. Unmute when you feel like it
TXC2: Hello Adam and Nelson
Scarbble: morning gamers
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
JinaMahavira: the streets!
HungryTanuki: Hitting the streets !
BusTed: oh no

GanixU: o/
HungryTanuki: @GanixU o/
send help! james is (lovingly) torturing his chat!! 

DandyGeek: hey it was Manon, not cammy
therepoman__: howdy gamers
127 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
TXC2: hello DandyGeek and therepoman__ welcome
Narcuru subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 80 months, currently on a 58 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Narcuru! (Today's storm count: 4)


TXC2: hello Raiders
freshmaker__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Thanks for subscribing, freshmaker__! (Today's storm count: 5)
Whoohoo here we come 

AceGun_: We call those "The Baconator"
he's a chunk puncher
CanPlayGames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
I hope Adam knows how fun his Subnautica VOD was. 
Thanks for subscribing, CanPlayGames! (Today's storm count: 6)
Didero subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Didero! (Today's storm count: 7)
beowuuf: o7
TheDevil_Risen: I feel that nelly
therepoman__: same
HungryTanuki: Same also
345tom: is adam muted?
Narcuru: no?
AceGun_: No, I hear him fine
TXC2: 345tom nope, just quieter then Nelson
NewtyNewts: Just the quieter mic
345tom: hes a lot quieter for me
bbj_afk: his volume does sound lower here
I cried this week from fighting games
Happens to the best of us
DandyGeek: *cough* 3rd Strike
MilkInBags: time to play poe2 to totally learn skills
TXC2: thank you Nelson
345tom: ty nelly
GanixU: Some poe2 sanctums to begin with..
NewtyNewts: Ten minutes of cementing muscle memory
ItsThugDimmadome: My execution still needs a ton of work.
hi hiii OOF club
I hope y'all are doing well
bbj_afk: same
AceGun_: Nelly's road to Diamond rank?
TXC2: hello siqqsadgurl welcome
NewtyNewts: Good morning siqq, how you doing?
HungryTanuki: @siqqsadgurl Hi Siq o/
GanixU: Already a year and a half... geez time flies...
NewtyNewts: Has Nelly done the combo trials recently? Might be good to get some execution suggestions
bbj_afk: I've been doing (too much?) trying out different characters lately
siqqsadgurl: @NewtyNewts GM Newt c:
AceGun_: Combo Breaker trip?!
50keyz: thats such an interesting goal
AceGun_: I think feeling comfortable joining those kind of events is a good goal.
DandyGeek: Folks want you to get better because better matches are more fun, win or lose
JinaMahavira: Nelly's showing up to a weekly
BeeJ, we need a new T-Shirt

GanixU: Maybe applying some of that mtg grinding mental skills to fighting games...
HungryTanuki: You're worth as a person is not defined by your rank
@ManWithTheMask13 heehee hi Mask 
345tom: my friends are going to versus fighter in the uk and one of them is barely ranked bronze
Didero: I had to remind myself of that today, when somebody biked far faster than me: "I'm racing myself, not that random person"
lotta universal truths adam's dropping right now
LurkerSpine: I think Nelly should jam some ranked, get a feel for people outside of the lobbies
Mangledpixel: meeting people and beating them up (for fun!)
itsr67: mental hard
Frizzlenill: fighting games 100% confront you with your biases, unhealthy attitude patterns, and invisible habits
TXC2: "better, at what?"
lawnmowerelves: I’ve been starting to learn to play for the first time and I’m setting non-winning goals like “do 2 anti-airs” that make it feel better when I’m getting clobbered all the time
LordZarano: Nuance! Woo!
AceGun_: @lawnmowerelves That's a good approach, yes!

SonGokusFartSymphony: I have not been loaded, readied, and I've not run today.
Frizzlenill: "lost bad" turns the whole loss into a monolith when it's made up of a hundred smaller decisions, some of which were good, and some of which weren't wrong but were small appropriate risks, and SOME of which were mistakes or issues
Frizzlenill: @lawnmowerelves this is absolutely the best approach IMO. setting winning as your goal is actually counterproductive TO the goal of maximizing winrate
ItsThugDimmadome: It's like when Eskay click-trained herself to counter DI.
@siqqsadgurl omg is that my goat siqqsadgurl 


itsr67: 👏
lawnmowerelves: @frizzlenill As a happy side effect, it means that when I play super aggro mashing people in iron who are really overwhelming to me as a new person, it gives me something to focus on when otherwise I just kind of scramble

Prop_PT: What up Oki-Team
@therepoman__ hi hii repo

Mr_Horrible: you just wish you had known more about teaching at the outset because, which I think is a pretty standard human reaction to past work
hugsenuef: Greetings, oh botanical brawlers
TXC2: hello hugsenuef welcome
hugsenuef: And my thanks to the delightful person who gifted me a sub.
Mr_Horrible: lol

AceGun_: And now we boot up KoF15!
Didero: That was very interesting, thanks!
TXC2: fight some streets
Frizzlenill: @lawnmowerelves exactly - the game is already information overload and the opponents at low level AGGRAVATE that issue. So narrowing your focus just to a few things to keep in working memory (anti air, block, don't DI) means you can build fundamentals by tuning out all the other noise
itsr67: we boot up kyanta
AceGun_: uh... he's the goat?
I challenged myself and entered TNS SF6 this week 
ThibbleBird: I like stopping by
MrSarkhan: It's a good show
freshmaker__: fight game good. stream good.
NewtyNewts: Hooray crew!
JinaMahavira: let's go doom
itsr67: wait what is this show? I'm lost

Frizzlenill: @manwiththemask13 pog congrats!!
ThibbleBird: I recently started finding moderate joy in fighting games. I always will argue that fighting games are a good mental health trainer
Helrumyc: First time back in a while, priority shifts are a pain
Prop_PT: I got back into SF in the new year and missed y'all lasat week on the week off
Frizzlenill: I have a brand new leverless that was too small for my hands if ya want me to dm @loadingreadyrun
@HungryTanuki @JinaMahavira @Frizzlenill ty ty
I REALLY wanted to bow out, but I stuck to it and went 2-2
ItsThugDimmadome: Have you tried leverless? I find then pretty often on FB marketplace.
bbj_afk: @ThibbleBird loving that even when you lose you get actual feedback
JinaMahavira: @ManWithTheMask13 Hell yeahhhh
Frizzlenill: that's GREAT performance!
ItsThugDimmadome: It's good for the hands, but sliding for SPDs is starting to wear on my wrist.
Prop_PT: sounds like a job for Ian
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
Mr_Horrible: could potentially send it to the office, yeah
ItsThugDimmadome: Adress is at the start of every mail time.
ManWithTheMask13: I got matched up against 2 1700 MR players, a Chun and a Ryu, and they smoked me, but at least I got a game off of the Chun
Mr_Horrible: and then G and Beej open it on mailtime and go "...the hell is this?"
creasehearst: the mail time address mailbox is an option
345tom: something you rarely do is play each other
NewtyNewts: I'm sticking with the budget leverless (keyboard). Maybe that's because I've already built the muscle memory enough though
AfraidOfTheSun_: secret on leverless is hold down tap forward twice
Mr_Horrible: DP input perpetually takes getting used to, imo
ItsThugDimmadome: There's a bunch. Hitbox's youtube channel showcased like a dozen different ones for SF6.
HungryTanuki: @ManWithTheMask13 Congrats !
drizztnailo: howdy gamers
Mr_Horrible: yeah, that's the shortcut, yeah
TXC2: hello drizztnailo welcome
ItsThugDimmadome: It's sick.
lawnmowerelves: what
Frizzlenill: @newtynewts even if you transition to an affordable leverless the muscle memory should carry over so you're totally fine to keep with it
lawnmowerelves: I had no idea about this
AceGun_: more like cheatbox, am I right?
drizztnailo: yeah leverless input shortcuts are cracked
Mr_Horrible: nelly on his wakeup ODDP arc
NewtyNewts: Just make sure you aren't holding back when you're going for DP, or it'll cancel out the forward input
AfraidOfTheSun_: you can also hold forward and tap down twice if that is easier for you
itsr67: Did not expect myself to be a leverless gamer but I love my haute
ItsThugDimmadome: Leverless is the only way I can cancel 3MP to SA2.
ManWithTheMask13: That sure is Luke's Theme, "Taking Aim"
frank_the_great: What do the colors mean?
Frizzlenill: btw off of crHP you can full-hold light knuckle and itll always work;
GanixU: Poor Honda
CaptainDaks: @frank_the_great on the frame meter?
ItsThugDimmadome: Is the dummy set to "Block after first hit"?
JinaMahavira: @frank_the_great on the bar or on the left side?
itsr67: red = active frames of a move, teal is startup, blue is recovery @frank_the_great
Prop_PT: @frank_the_great pink is active frames, green is startup, blue is recovery and yellow is hitstun/blockstun
Prop_PT: oh and purple is parry frames

Frizzlenill: remember to do the motion as part of the previous move, then 'lock in' the special after
frank_the_great: Ty all!
itsr67: a lot of people don't hit confirm a drive rush
saucemaster5000: yeah I'd say getting the drive rush is more important at first than confirming into drive rush
Prop_PT: Drive rushing on hit or block is ok but trying to have a different follow up on block is good (i.e. strike on hit throw on block)
CaptainDaks: Nelly totally on point about the ocean of choices. part of seeing the matrix is understanding the subset of likely choices in a given interaction
time to strap nelly to the desk 
CaptainDaks: far fewer to worry about
itsr67: It's the weird part of fighting games, a lot of info is available to use and discover, but select info is important to learn
AceGun_: If it hits, your opponent says "I hate this game".
itsr67: cause and effect
TXC2: getting opp to say "I hate this game" now there's a goal
tod_vom_himmel: quit bullying that poor innocent honda
AceGun_: no such thing as an innocent honda.
LMAOkai_: honda knows why he deserves it
saucemaster5000: at least honda pays his taxes unlike aki
NewtyNewts: Aki sends her taxes in letters with poisoned stamps
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 Thought that said Axl for a second and was like "why does that time traveler have to pay taxes"
lawnmowerelves: Luke’s lvl 2 is so cool
itira: morning gamers
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 What income is she supposed to pay taxes on?
TXC2: ^
TXC2: hello itira welcome
saucemaster5000: uh.... the income of.... I got nothing
itsr67: It's a rhythm
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 Something with like Father Time maybe???
ManWithTheMask13: Trynna work the joke out myself
saucemaster5000: oh wait I know the comeback!
Mazrae: Is it just the two of them this morning?? Also morning chat how is everyone doing
saucemaster5000: mods, ban ace
TXC2: maybe this is how we finally nerf AKI, we get her on Tax evasion like with Al Capone
ManWithTheMask13: so true
Anubis169: highlights went off, saucemaster5000 what's the problem?
saucemaster5000: (it's an old joke anubis, ace is a lovely person)
Anubis169 goes back to his spaghetti bolognese

itsr67: keep beating the shit out of edmund
itira: i believe in you Nelly
Oscelot: Hey chat, hey Adam, hey Nelly. o/
Oscelot: I hope the punchmn's are going well today
TXC2: hello Oscelot welcome
Oscelot: tankoo :3
itira: Im curious to know if Heather would be good at fighting games because of all the rhythm games she plays
Oscelot: Seems likely
Oscelot: Makes sense
NewtyNewts: That was like 2 years ago
LMAOkai_: don't give them an option. tell them to get in here and fight
Prop_PT: the forbidden Footsies Oki-Oki when
GanixU: Bring Heather back!
Oscelot: @LMAOkai_ "FACE ME!"

itsr67: discord has been on a huge granblue kick
TXC2: gotta do a LRR star in a reasonably priced street fight stream or something
AceGun_: @itsr67 nah, we moved on to KoF now. We're SO over granblue.
itsr67: Sure sure

NewtyNewts: They fall back into the hitbox
AFamiliarCalledEl: I've been wanting to join for granblue, but I'm spending so much time on the new ff14 ultimate
AFamiliarCalledEl: why are there so many good games
NewtyNewts: Just need to make sure you don't cancel the knuckle into it, or it does whiff
itsr67: we played p4au last night
LMAOkai_: we've been running wild without adults checking in on us
LMAOkai_: that's why KOF happened
tod_vom_himmel: you wouldnt BELIEVE what weve gotten up to without supervision
saucemaster5000: Bear has claimed lordship, it's wild
itsr67: We watched G Gundam and haven't been the same since
AceGun_: When the adults are away, the kids will play (King of Fighters 15).
ManWithTheMask13: We're now required to pay a tithe every time we enter VC
Oscelot: This reminds me of learning coreography
Granbluel obbies all over the the discord 
Prop_PT: perfect has the voiceline too
TXC2: his veins go all lightning-y
LMAOkai_: you'll get used to the timing rather than looking at the hand as time goes on
BrowneePointz: Sup gamers!. How freakin sick does Mai look!?
ItsThugDimmadome: Super sick
Adderkleet subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Adderkleet! (Today's storm count: 8)
TXC2: hello BrowneePointz welcome
tod_vom_himmel: looked perfectly healthy to me
Oscelot: I do that too Nelly
Oscelot: it cuts down input
TXC2: vibes based inputing
Oscelot: It's like trying to parse linework instead of an entire painting
BrowneePointz: hand discipline is a dexterity skill that takes time
fishboi_samurai: What are we cooking up today?
fishboi_samurai: And how do I partake in this cookage?
h3rsh3yb4r: thats something i had to learn when playing guitar too- not moving my fingers too higfh up
Oscelot: I mean we seem to be tenderizing a samurai rn so I'm pretty sure it'd be cannibalism for you @fishboi_samurai

Oscelot: o7
fishboi_samurai: @Oscelot Honda's a sumo wrestler, I feel attacked
AceGun_: Did you jab check his approach?
fishboi_samurai: Adam is spitting
Oscelot: @fishboi_samurai whoops, thought he was stripped down
fishboi_samurai: @Oscelot Wait, why would you want Honda to strip?
fishboi_samurai: @Oscelot You're on this ride with me now
Oscelot: @fishboi_samurai Gah, my brain eyes!
fishboi_samurai: Everyone knows you can't engage with me, it's a massive bait
Oscelot: lol
ManWithTheMask13: @AceGun_ Adam whiff punished Nelly's approach and sent him into next year
Oscelot: But yeah, something about the patterning on his robe made me put him in the wrong category. Also probably the growing migraine that's been trying to encroach all week
therepoman__: ehehehe
CaptainDaks: negative edging under the character options

Prop_PT: I think thats TOS
TXC2: kids swear like sailors
frank_the_great: It's under there (hehe)
CaptainDaks: might be hard to get to from here
CaptainDaks: there you go
NewtyNewts: Button Release Input
CaptainDaks: its greyed out lol
Oscelot: intentionality
AFamiliarCalledEl: It's just counting each new direction as a new input
AceGun_: it will show a gap on the input history if you press the button multiple times.
fishboi_samurai: 3/60s of a second takes forever to pass by

ManWithTheMask13: "Forever" the span of time it takes for me forget what I'm doing
fishboi_samurai: @ManWithTheMask13 Huh, what we're we taking about?

TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Be lethal in the actual way.
ManWithTheMask13: @fishboi_samurai guh wuh huh
TXC2 resets "days without lrrbot being sentient" counter
fishboi_samurai: I really enjoy this, ngl
fishboi_samurai: I miss the days of learning the basics and combos
BrowneePointz: Some folks never get to see the skillbuilding portions of Fighting Games
fishboi_samurai: It's fun to watch people learn. I love the Sajam slam as well
AceGun_: I love watching people learn!
BrowneePointz: It's like learning your Trombone Positions
im here for the background noise, idgaf what youre doing 
Izandai: For a lot of people it's just background noise. Remember that most viewers are lurkers.
CaptainDaks: @fishboi_samurai you see some brave warrior is rocking Marisa in the slam?
Oscelot: @TXC2 Just don't rename it Telesto and we should be okay
ManWithTheMask13: I'm in the training room practicing as well, and trust me, this is entertaining
LurkerSpine: beckmon was jamming sfv before sf6 came out
LurkerSpine: and she plays long hours
fishboi_samurai: @CaptainDaks Yeah stanz, I believe? I love the mp mp tc mash lol
LurkerSpine: and she's really good at intuiting stuff
uneactrice: Can confirm that statement. Lurker for this stream.
fishboi_samurai: That is a very strong tool at that leve lol
itira: well? TQ does that every weekend :))
BrowneePointz: god please don't do ASMR
ThibbleBird: sandblast asmr
Oscelot: I'm watching, but I don't really have much to say is all
Izandai: Like the old ASMR PUBG streams people used to do.
CaptainDaks: @fishboi_samurai yeah lol. I'm curious to see Brian learn some Marisa in order to coach him... Marisa is his low tier bane!
ThibbleBird: controller sounds maximized
GanixU: fighting game ASMR, yes please!
Mr_Horrible: ah the duality of chat
NewtyNewts: Maybe not with the background noise.
uneactrice: To be fair I also enjoy hearing the theory behind playing the game.
itira: Low sensory streams are all the rage these days, dont you know?
BrowneePointz: I'm also one of those fun people who are on the Spectrum and ASMR literally causes physical pain
BrowneePointz: soooooo
bbj_afk: oki sleep club
TXC2: GTS club
Frednotbob: Guybrush Combo? 'That's the second-biggest piledriver I've ever seen!'
AceGun_: Strive has that, it works... okay?
TXC2: push ups, squats, burpes
NewtyNewts: That would be interesting
freshmaker__: oh yeah strive has the custom uploaded combo trials
Oscelot: I do love that with you guys I can feel comfortable not saying things. That's legitimately almost impossible for me. Not because I have much to say, but because I feel like if I'm not engaging I'm just taking up space
Oscelot: @Frednotbob "My god he's hit him with the Threepwood!"
fishboi_samurai: Question: Nelson, do you set aside one to two hours a week (like blocked out time) to practice? Having a set schedule for two 1 hour slots a week makes a big difference in building muscle memory.
Oscelot: As an omnicrafter, dear gods I hate the "poor craftsman blames their tool" thing. Having good tools is so damn important
Frednotbob: @Oscelot 'I'm Guybrush Threepwood, a mighty -- *oh, god, my spleen!*'
Oscelot: @Frednotbob *cackle*
fishboi_samurai: Let's be clear, I was not judging, it just helped me learn the game more quickly.
fishboi_samurai: Just making sure lol
fishboi_samurai: Yeah even like 20 minutes a couple times a week makes a huge difference
NewtyNewts: Your pre-bedtime cooldown
Oscelot: Huh. Would putting yourself in that mindset, even if you aren't going to actually go practice, help reinforce the mindset?
TXC2: Oscelot counter with "a good craftsman knows when the tools are the problem."
fishboi_samurai: You have to be consistent for the muscle memory to build and then take breaks for your body toa ccept it
fishboi_samurai: Like scientifically speaking
Oscelot: @TXC2 Absolutely swiping this, thanks!
ItsThugDimmadome: "I'M A GENIUS!....oh no"
fishboi_samurai: For me having a log, it helped me
fishboi_samurai: It forced me to do it
ManWithTheMask13: Of course, milord
Oscelot: I kinda wish I could play fighting games - they look fun, but I require strong story to keep myself interested in games
fishboi_samurai: Once you have it in your schedule it's easier to maintain consistency
ItsThugDimmadome: MyFitnessPal but for fighting games would be sick.
CaptainDaks: i tried to lie on my music log sheets and my dad denied me the parent sig
CaptainDaks: what a jerk
TXC2: when I did Karate, I'd write down what we did in lessons, helped out a lot
fishboi_samurai: Have some coffee and practice a combo for 10 minutes
fishboi_samurai: That's all it takes
Mr_Horrible: "I didn't raise no fibber"
CaptainDaks: lol yep, dad is a musician. he was like "nah nah"
ManWithTheMask13: My parents ALWAYS let me forge their signature for school
ItsThugDimmadome: I just have a couple set ups and combos I can practice to warm up for ranked. My sessions are usually no longer than an hour altogether.
saucemaster5000: that's what made you a gief player doom


Oscelot: *snerk*
NewtyNewts: WOW
Mr_Horrible: yeah that's real Gief mindset
fishboi_samurai: @ManWithTheMask13 You really are Zoro, eh? lmao


Mr_Horrible: "I can get away with ANYTHING"
"checks out" 
ItsThugDimmadome: Vincent Adultman over here
Mr_Horrible: we have fun here at Oki Oki Fight Club here on Twitch dot television slash Loading Ready Run
Oscelot: Yeah, only thing my parents ever had to sign were permission slips
TXC2: all we had were permission slips for field trips
uneactrice: Yeah. The arts usually have good checks like that.
Uzumaki15: I've forged my dad's signature on holiday cards, but my Dad's signature changed everytime he signed something so we could get away with it
uneactrice: I had a log for my acting classes in college. Definitely showed when you actually forged it.
Oscelot: @Uzumaki15 *cackle*
Mr_Horrible: if I'm being honest, as a kid I was such a goody-two-shoes that lying on take-home log sheets never even occurred to me
violetblight: i was always good enough at piano to mostly get by not practicing daily but like at some point i just did it bc i liked playing
CaptainDaks: @uneactrice forging signatures is kinda like acting ...
ManWithTheMask13: Permission slip to watch a movie in class that had like a second of boobs in it
fishboi_samurai: Yeah whatever is easy to build a habit
Oscelot: @ManWithTheMask13 waaaow
uneactrice: @CaptainDaks I'll give you props for the comment. But it's a stretch lol
fishboi_samurai: The goal is to build a habit
Khasi1596: yo Adam, you mentioned wanting to learn how to teach. Is there a place i could send you a few pointers from the teaching courses I learned in college?
fishboi_samurai: But, make sure you enjoy it, don't do anything that means you won't enjoy it
fishboi_samurai: What Adam said
fishboi_samurai: I'll shut up, just listen to the GOAT Adam
Frizzlenill: for me the idea of having to remember to fill out a logbook makes it MUCH more intimidating to practice cuz playing the game is one thing, filling out a table is a lot of brainwork
a big part of enjoyment is setter proper expectations 
Frizzlenill: cuz it means starting a whole other task
345tom: I commented this on a recent youtube, but like in what other world without LRR does Nelyl know Adam
345tom: The beauty of LRR
Oscelot: @fishboi_samurai you're still valid *boop*
fishboi_samurai: @Oscelot *beep*

Oscelot: We'd all run off the assholes
BrowneePointz: Look, I want to stress how great yall are about making an atmosphere of encouraging love and learning and appreciating Fighting Games
Oscelot: and then you have the most amazing mods on twitch so
hatboozeparty: The community here is great too.
duke_dice: Howdy gamers.
BrowneePointz: Yall are a LOT like Max like that
Oscelot: @BrowneePointz ^^^^
Oscelot thanks 
@TXC2 Just the truth 
TXC2: hello duke_dice welcome
Prop_PT: shout out to my FG sensei Mia_MKE
Also, Nelly, I liked your work on Checkpoint this week. I thought the PoE2 story was great 
Mr_Horrible: @Prop_PT hell yeah
Oscelot: Competition is for people who have energy, so not me. XD
BrowneePointz: If you can promote a healthy mindset that person is probably gonna stick with Fighting Games for a LONG t ime
duke_dice: i got into plat with manon. i been trying to get better with the drive stuff though.
Oscelot: It's a puzzle
duke_dice: drive dashes
fishboi_samurai: Ls are learning experiences

fishboi_samurai: ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME?

Oscelot: Demons actually is from the word for people, entertainingly. X3
NewtyNewts: The demon? Me?
ManWithTheMask13: My rival's the alarm clock
DandyGeek: it's useful to have *friendly* rivals
Oscelot: Boo, my dang stream keeps stopping
fishboi_samurai: Chat, who wants to be my rival?
AceGun_: I can't believe Newt is making AKI seem like a villain!
anime protag rival, not video game protag rival 
saucemaster5000: playing bacon and drizzt a lot shifts expectations quickly
NewtyNewts: It's the whole steel sharpening steel thing, right?
uneactrice: I think rivals make you want to strive to be better. But maybe rival is the wrong word.
Prop_PT: Adam's bacon if you will
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 those matchups specifically feel like mental whiplash too
@AceGun_ I don't think I'm alone in that 
Mr_Horrible: bacon in his panopticon and then drizzt just driving the clown car at you full speed
ItsThugDimmadome: Is there a room?
fishboi_samurai: @NewtyNewts When's the money match with Nelly?

Zaneysed: Morning gamers
TXC2: hello Zaneysed welcome
bbj_afk: legitimately saying 'nice!' when someone catches you on messing up is like the best thing
BrowneePointz: Also, setting a Goal of getting good enough to go to EVO and just slam the Casual Machines all day is also relevant!
Zaneysed: I tilt in ranked much more
BrowneePointz: worthwhile*
Oscelot: Then they're people
ManWithTheMask13: The RobTV meme when a player asks a grappler about how to beat them "Hold up"
Zaneysed: If it's a homie in a call I can pop off with them
Mr_Horrible: having an opponent where you can actually say "wait that was sick" when they catch you up goes a long way
NewtyNewts: @fishboi_samurai nah
I've started saying "Dang" when I lose an interaction or match cuz I can't say "dang" and sound pissed off 
BrowneePointz: Talking with someone makes it feel like an arcade again
Oscelot: @ItsThugDimmadome *snerk*
BrowneePointz: and makes it less internal
Prop_PT: shucks
JinaMahavira: Dinger
Mr_Horrible: "aw phooey!"
NewtyNewts: What about saying Drat?
violetblight: aw dangit
fishboi_samurai: LMAO
fishboi_samurai: I'm using that lol
saucemaster5000: mine is "fiddlesticks"
Oscelot: yeah dinger is good for that XD
Zaneysed: I've stole Bacon's "Cool" when I do something good or something goes my way
itira: i say "ding dang eh"
AceGun_: I just make an "awwp" noise.
NewtyNewts: Let's go gambling! -aw dangit!
TXC2: I'm British, I go with the sarcastic "great"
ManWithTheMask13: "mb og" is my go-to or "you're the goat mb"
BrowneePointz: 3 more months till CotW
Oscelot: I've swiped "gg go next" from Adam to help set the correct mindset for things
BrowneePointz: *hype*
siqqsadgurl: BUFF FERRY!!
they made NIer not bullshit 
AceGun_: It is impossible to not have fun while Vikala is on screen.
BrowneePointz: Yes
Zaneysed: Maybe
BrowneePointz: it's slated for this year
BrowneePointz: at least Riot said
violetblight: theyve said it should be this year but i dont believe
violetblight: idk itll happen
RurouniGeo: don't know if its gonna be out this year lol
fishboi_samurai: It's announced for this year sometime
BrowneePointz: there will probably be another big think at EVO
fishboi_samurai: No it's supposed to be full release this year
fishboi_samurai: But the date isn't set
Zaneysed: We'll get a date this year probably
BrowneePointz: Riot may announce release date at EVO
LurkerSpine: I agree with violet, I do not believe they'll get it out this year
violetblight: like. theyll probably release it with like 10-12 characters, and then just keep adding every year
fishboi_samurai: Of course it could get delayed
fishboi_samurai: For sure
BrowneePointz: cuz the last thing they showed was Jinx
violetblight: itll be sick no matter what
he's got the axe! 
NewtyNewts: It was good for mashing buttons
Mr_Horrible: become Rivals 2 gamers
ItsThugDimmadome: I;m honestly looking forward to Adam Talks Fighting Game History 2.
Mr_Horrible: the Throwback Thursdays are great for that "here's a new, level playing field for everyone to fuck around in"
Get Nelly Maining Incineroar 
Oscelot: It's about trust
CaptainDaks: yes
fishboi_samurai: What I say to everyone is, "Learn at your own pace, and enjoy the learning and improving. Do not focus on how long it takes you, everyone is different."
LowUpsideCJ: what’s good okis
Mr_Horrible: I would have that habit when I played PvP stuff, yeah, Nelly
Mr_Horrible: just go into a few games with the goal of being silly
Oscelot: @fishboi_samurai Good advice for learning literally anything
LowUpsideCJ: love showing up to hear about good mental games
Mr_Horrible: to decompress
fishboi_samurai: @Oscelot Exactly
fishboi_samurai: Learning fighting games is like learning any other skill
ManWithTheMask13: Ending on a good note as it were
end the night by going fishing as spiderman 
AceGun_: @fishboi_samurai except better, and more important.
Oscelot: That makes sense. You have to break learning itself down for fighting games, and learn how to learn.
AceGun_: I have learned SO MUCH about how I learn things since I started learning fighting games.
Zaneysed: I got much better at top lane in league cause of street fighter
fishboi_samurai: Take a break
Mr_Horrible: "Sue's burnt out, we should push" "...what?"
fishboi_samurai: Legit take a break
LowUpsideCJ: it’s very distilled down in fighting games
fishboi_samurai: If you feel fried, you have to stop
Oscelot: Yeah, the progress on practice looks like a bell curve
fishboi_samurai: Stopping is literally a skill
Mr_Horrible: it's like hitting gestaltzerfall after repeating a word too much
Zaneysed: @Mr_Horrible You made that up
Zaneysed: Thats not a real word
LowUpsideCJ: beyond that lies the true lab monsters
all words are made up 
Oscelot: Everything getting fuzzy is a good time to do stretches
Mr_Horrible: @Zaneysed I'm probably not using it *exactly* right but it is a german term for when a whole breaks down into unrelated parts due to continuous observation
Oscelot: wow, Akuma looks like a piece of living jerky
HungryTanuki: Touch Fuzzy, get dizzy !
LowUpsideCJ: Adam do…do you eat fuzzy jello
Oscelot: NICE
fishboi_samurai: Burh, why do you know what getting flash banged feels like Adam?

v_nome: Oh no, I forgot it was OOF club today
fishboi_samurai: Tehee lol
TXC2: hello v_nome welcome
v_nome: @TXC2 o/
Oscelot: o/ @v_nome
saucemaster5000: chat's having trouble with the idea of metaphor

HungryTanuki: @TXC2 o/
therepoman__: Duff
Oscelot: Let's go Nelly!
i met a 4 once 
bytecaster: Have we finally defeated the street or are we still fighting it?
wait until we try to teach chat what a simile is 


jacqui_lantern234: LETS GO NELLY
Oscelot: @bytecaster the DoT is gonna show up soon lol
Izandai: Got lost in the sauce.
CaptainDaks: the cheese wizz lmao
saucemaster5000: I respect that
therepoman__: Sometimes you gotta get a lil crazy with the cheese wiz
TXC2: he's the goat damnit
Oscelot: @TXC2 The secret magics!
therepoman__: Let them know
AceGun_: Nelly was overtaken by the "hee hee hoo hoo".
rosesmcgee: You can have a little degen as a treat
couchboyj: Personas are called Archetypes in Metaphor, and all the characters can use em like a Final Fantasy job system. Its easy chat!
bytecaster: @Oscelot It better! That street is a menace
Oscelot: @bytecaster hehehe
HungryTanuki: @couchboyj *taking notes* Will that be on the test ?
someyounguy1: overtaken by the satsui no hoohoo
bytecaster: @HungryTanuki Everything is gonna be on the exam always
therepoman__: Sometimes you just gotta say to yourself "it would be really funny if this hit here" and just go for it
Oscelot: yeeeah @therepoman__
Oscelot: Oh man, that was going really well in the first half
therepoman__: PUSH THE CHEESE OUT
bytecaster: @therepoman__ Exactly, and opponent should "Yes and" properly, otherwise it's rude
NewtyNewts: Me after two nights of cheese
saucemaster5000: pushing cheeze and making a wheeze
therepoman__: Who up pushing they cheese out
TXC2: charcuterie is back on the menu!
rosesmcgee: Brick goes in, brick comes out. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
Oscelot: Nice!
HungryTanuki: Is this why Akuma always so mad ? Too much cheese because lacto-intolerent ?
saucemaster5000: look some days you take in the salami and push out the brie
CaptainDaks: jfc
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 this might be tos
HungryTanuki I think he's angry 'cause he hasn't drunk water in 20 years 
saucemaster5000: probably
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 I think maybe YOU are the one that is having trouble with metaphors now.
Oscelot: @TXC2 certainly looks like it
NewtyNewts: ggs bbj!
@TXC2 Yeah, hasn't been near water for a long time 
Oscelot: @HungryTanuki new headcanon, he's actually just a really dried out axolotl
bytecaster: @Oscelot If ever touches some water, he is gonna absorb it like a sponge
Oscelot: *cackle*
HungryTanuki: @Oscelot Everything makes sense now !
Oscelot: Also I still get a laugh out of the poor people in the background who are *just trying to get their dang worship in for the day*
bytecaster: Imagine trying to pray while someone is just screaming "Sandblast" over and over
Oscelot: lol
SymphonySolstice: you're in confession and there's the background sound of two meaty men slapping each other
saucemaster5000: that sounds like a "chose the wrong place of worship" issue
SymphonySolstice: the father the sandblast and the holy spirit
bytecaster: @SymphonySolstice The priest cannot hear your sins over the sound of "Hadouken"
Oscelot: Eventually someone gets thrown into the confessional - the entire thing shakes, and the priest just rubs their face and groans before going out to yell at them again
HungryTanuki: @SymphonySolstice "...Could you guys just fight SOMEWHERE else ?" "Sandbl-"
bytecaster: @HungryTanuki "For F's sake, this is not even a STREET"
saucemaster5000: that was an intentional drive rush cancel! and a combo ending in special! let's fucking go!
ManWithTheMask13: GGs Nelly!
Oscelot: An entire group of fighters show up who are just priests who got fed up at not being able to kick the fighters out of their temples
Thank you for the great set 
freshmaker__: i liked the way you played that. no diggity no doubt.
ManWithTheMask13: I liked how we were both trying to look for a use for our DPs LMAO
ManWithTheMask13: Fishin for it
Strebenherz: Two braincells, and three of them yelling SANDBLAST
Oscelot I feel like that's how Shaolin kung fu got started 
bytecaster: Yeah, I'm always impressed by the power of just taking a break
Oscelot: @TXC2 wouldn't shock me, ngl
bombadil117: good morning gentlemen! How are you guys doing today? Have you found any new characters in Nelson?
TXC2: hello bombadil117 welcome
Mr_Horrible: Nelly's World Tour
Zaneysed: Rashid main Nelly
Ryy aka "Worse Luke" 
bombadil117: how far into the stream are you guys? Wouldn’t mind jumping in the room if I’ve got time
josh___something: Not playing JP... damnn
BrowneePointz: We should watch the Mai Trailer!
AceGun_: Nelly's Dhalsim arc starting soon.
TXC2: bombadil117 we got a good hour left
Zaneysed: ive booted up everyone atleast once
CaptainDaks: crazy full room. ft3 instead of 5?
saucemaster5000: had a lot of fun doing a series of best of 5 sets on random with hyperial last night. we both got chars we didn't know, lots of fun
coopdawg_22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Thanks for subscribing, coopdawg_22! (Today's storm count: 9)
BrowneePointz: Well Rounded
AceGun_: He's an all-arounder.
Zaneysed: eh
Zaneysed: its 14/16 atm

CaptainDaks: o7
ItsThugDimmadome: @violetblight Gs!
violetblight: gg
Prop_PT: Friday Afternoon slacker time for me
Zaneysed: Friday Morning fist fight
TXC2: people yearn for the streets
Prop_PT: Truuuuuu Tho
MrSarkhan: Yeah basically
saucemaster5000: it's cheese push hours
AceGun_: lol... couldn't be me.
i AM in a prison! 
rosesmcgee: Spittin
bytecaster: Having a fixed time slot feels helpful, so people can plan
freshmaker__: me logging into twitch dot television on a saturday morning at 5am to watch some street fights.
AceGun_: Getting better at enjoying fighting games is the most important thing.
Zaneysed: Hell a good chunk of us showed up last week and just made our own room in the discord
Meanwhile europeans in the evening

SymphonySolstice: australian spotted
freshmaker__: its like 10 to 7 now, but yeah australia
AceGun_: We had a full lobby last friday, yeah.


Zaneysed: Ya we kinda naturally ended at like 4 pm est
Prop_PT: Oki Oki Discord Club
saucemaster5000: reminder again of course, adam's discord is full of us sickos who will play pretty much any time of day
Oscelot: Well, apparently at least my cats enjoy falling asleep to your voices. They're both passed out, and one of them is snoring
bytecaster: Learn to enjoy the L, embrace the L, let the L flow through you
HungryTanuki: @Oscelot Daaaw, cute
HungryTanuki: @bytecaster "I was born in the L, molded by it, forged by it..."
Oscelot: @HungryTanuki They're being adorable today. I'm very thankful I have a laptop now so I can sit and enjoy it instead of being out at my desk
TXC2: !infil
Prop_PT: to (probably) misquote a bad Guy Ritchie movie: "You Only learn by playing people better than you"
freshmaker__: how many maps did you win?
ItsThugDimmadome: @violetblight Just wanted to say your sim made me really work on my patience.
SymphonySolstice: if I worked from home I'd try my hand at some oki dokis
Izandai: NO
Izandai: This is a ROUND
ManWithTheMask13: @HungryTanuki Solomon Ldy
Izandai: A game is best of three rounds
TXC2: there's a reason we made that command
Zaneysed: Game/round same thing
Izandai: A set is a best of three games
Zaneysed: I lied
Izandai: @Zaneysed NO
bytecaster: What is a bonspiel?

Izandai: And a match and a set is the same thing.
NewtyNewts: Jacob's was on the highlight reel
LMAOkai_: first to pee
Zaneysed: First to pee
GGsLive: matches are usually talking tournament
Prop_PT: a Match is a set in a tournament
ManWithTheMask13: The infamous beach
GGsLive: hi there
GanixU: And a whats a birdie in fighting games?
saucemaster5000: @ManWithTheMask13 that makes you old?
Zaneysed: @GanixU a character not in sf6
HungryTanuki: @GanixU He's from alpha 2 iirmc
v_nome: @GanixU the guy that throws soda cans
itsr67: a birdie is a grappler from sf5
GGsLive: Birdie is a grappler
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 ... yeah, we'll go with that one, definitely
Izandai: Yeah and then in tournaments a particular point in a tournament where people of similar records are playing against each other is a round.
bombadil117: i’m finally sniffing gold rank. I’m literally right there. I think I’m 150 LP away right now. I’m loving this game now that I actually know what my buttons do.
Izandai: Which just screws it all up.
itsr67: and alpha
BrowneePointz: One of these days Nelly will be in Double Luigi
TXC2: isn't Birdie from SF1 ?
GGsLive: ^
Prop_PT: abbby-GAIL
Zaneysed: @bombadil117 LETS FUCKING GO
bytecaster: Everybody knows Birdo is from SMB2
HungryTanuki: @bombadil117 Congrats !
BrowneePointz: Alpha @TXC2
BrowneePointz: well, first playable in SF Alpha
GGsLive: Birdie is from SF1
NewtyNewts: Me!
You making me curious 
GGsLive: sfa1 is first playable Birdie yes
saucemaster5000: bring back dudley we need more characters people hate
bombadil117: Adam, I need you to understand that at least 10 of my friends now play this game as a result of watching this stream. You’re coaching in commentary has helped me level up more than almost anything on the Internet. Chris F is probably the only person that’s done more for me and the only reason that’s true is because he’s been playing fighting games for 30 years and he lives in Japan and he lives in Bri’s street fighter.
JinaMahavira: I think after my MonHun arc will be my fighting game arc
Prop_PT: I play FGs because of Adam, but that was well before Oki-Oki back in the KI/SFV days of the Pandini
HungryTanuki: @saucemaster5000 "Gutter trash !"

tod_vom_himmel: adam

tod_vom_himmel: no
saucemaster5000: HEAR HIM OUT
ManWithTheMask13: We already live in a world of Bison
Zaneysed: Do it
Zaneysed: ill be a luke main
bombadil117: I can’t wait for super street fighter six when they give us air drive impact and air drive rush. Wait till you have to take that away from Nelson.
let him cook 
Zaneysed: idgaf
NewtyNewts: This stream is what got me into actually playing fighting games
ggs Newt that douple perfect was nasty 
Mr_Horrible: bugs bunny "No"
NewtyNewts: @AfraidOfTheSun_ GGs! I was amazed at it too
Prop_PT: they gave Ryu meterless 6HK into Tatsu, so why not
bytecaster: @bombadil117 When are we unlocking double jump?
ManWithTheMask13: Nah Adam's spittin
Mr_Horrible: I did, and I reacted
ManWithTheMask13: A JEWEL?? IS IT CURSED??
Mr_Horrible: pog-ass ruby, brother
Zaneysed: When do we get air blocking
Good enough for me 
freshmaker__: im so looking forward to poe 2. too many games to drop money on that rn though.
Mr_Horrible: oh right, I gotta watch the checkpoint
Yeah it was dope, big props, Nelly 
Mr_Horrible: "Wait it's sick"
BrowneePointz: Helldivers is SICK
JinaMahavira: Adam's dream is coming true
Zaneysed: Helldivers slaps
NewtyNewts: I'm concerned about picking up PoE, having never played any of those games before
Mr_Horrible: Adam vaal orbing his coworkers
bytecaster: The story was great, btw, Nelson! Really meshed well with Kathleens energy!
SymphonySolstice: with video games it's hee hee hoo hoo until it isn't
I learned s lot this week 
NewtyNewts: So much hee hee, not enough hoo hoo
@NewtyNewts If you want to be sure, look at a POE2 skill tree and see how it makes you feel 
bombadil117: hey Adam, if you have any time this week, we should talk on discord I’d love to run the Dhalsim set
NewtyNewts: @HungryTanuki I'm already one skill tree game down because of Serge playing that skill tree roguelike, so... maybe I'll hold off for now
bytecaster: @NewtyNewts Skill Tree roguelike?
HungryTanuki: @NewtyNewts Totally fair
ManWithTheMask13: Run the tic tac toe set you coward
BrowneePointz: war within is really good
NewtyNewts: @bytecaster Was on Serge's homestream. Game's called Talented
Zaneysed: We are playing wow again? Hell yeah
bytecaster: @NewtyNewts Thanks!
Zaneysed: Blue class good
BrowneePointz: nameplate
BrowneePointz: oh yea?
Zaneysed: Always horde
BrowneePointz: you have a monk named hideokojima
Zaneysed: Blood elf pilled tho
Zaneysed: Yes
Mr_Horrible: yeah, pretty sure
bytecaster: The warchief was a shaman
Mr_Horrible: Thrall, a famous example
NewtyNewts: @BrowneePointz Noooo, kojima-san!
itira: blood elf best
BrowneePointz: Blood elves worst horde
ManWithTheMask13: Based names
saucemaster5000: lunches sounds gnomish
Zaneysed: @BrowneePointz Them's fighting words
Mr_Horrible: Crocsnsocks
Mr_Horrible: the legend
Zaneysed: My 2 main characters are Randalorton and Kurtusangle
NewtyNewts: Who's named Dunkaroos?
JinaMahavira: the legend
@Zaneysed No, Zaney, the game's called "Them Fighting Herds" 
JinaMahavira: SO good
Mr_Horrible: "What if someone who understood production value made one of these?"
bytecaster: I watched it, enjoyed it and I have never once played WoW
Oscelot: Gotta head off and get some stuff done. Thanks for stream you two. See you chat o/
TXC2: so long Oscelot stay safe
Mr_Horrible: it's a pretty popular game, but it's a weird one where most of the players aren't as interested in video content about it
Oscelot: You too friend @TXC2
Zaneysed: Been watching the series for the first time, its kinda an absolute banger
SymphonySolstice: I've been seeing a lot of streamers get into the hardcore servers
Zaneysed: Its very good at explaining to people who dont know whats going on
Mr_Horrible: yeah, you've got that vibe where you can make something engaging even if it's not baseline something someone is particularly into
Zaneysed: Hardcore stinky (to play)
Rourke9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Rourke9: nice
Thanks for subscribing, Rourke9! (Today's storm count: 10)
ajymx5: It's to much of an internet challenge for me
Mr_Horrible: lots of cc + ice block (although IDK if you reached ice block)
Zaneysed: Drizzt has been getting into wow so watch out
Mr_Horrible: they do a solid job of breadcrumbing the progression, and combat generally always feels fun
Zaneysed: He was playing a fire mage, he was only like level 24 yesterday
Mr_Horrible: buttons lighting up, hit button, see cool effect
bytecaster: @Mr_Horrible You got my attention! Can you maybe also jingle some keys?
Mr_Horrible: drizzt, casting pyroblast: "Wouldn't it be funny if this hit?"
Zaneysed: I gave him a bunch of gold and bags and told him gl hf
Mr_Horrible: the stormbringer procs are fun as hell
Zaneysed: @bytecaster Someone say keys?
Mr_Horrible: they feel good and you get so much from them
Khasi1596: every shaman spec is fantastic right now
fishboi_samurai: Shhhhhhh don't tell Daks, I'm coming for him
Mr_Horrible: iirc at launch it was better single-target by a little
Zaneysed: Summoning you grandpa to do damage is sweet tho
Mr_Horrible: but idk now
CaptainDaks: oh god
BrowneePointz: Nah. Gear has stats for offspec now Nelly
Izandai: Mirror!
fishboi_samurai: @CaptainDaks Teehee lol
BrowneePointz: so Mail will have Agi/Int but the irrelevant one doesn't apply
Zaneysed: Wheel snipe celly boys
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz it's all usable across specs (except weapons), yeah, but the secondaries are more what you're paying attention to at that point
fishboi_samurai: Daks has been ducking me chat
ItsThugDimmadome: How big is Letterkenney compared to Dgo River?
fishboi_samurai: LMAO
ItsThugDimmadome: Dog River
fishboi_samurai: Seabats, them fighting words?
fishboi_samurai: Lol
bytecaster: Yeah, the vibes are great right now
AceGun_: Probably good for the mental.
Zaneysed: Quick make them type mid match
bbj_afk: had a different name a while ago but have been this recently
fishboi_samurai: Who wants to fight me?
Khadeem360: Aye, i run ken and akuma
bbj_afk: oh I was on Cammy last time we played
Khadeem360: Im always trying to find people to play fr
bbj_afk: though you meant online handle =)
TXC2: you can make up a name whenever you want, government can't stop you or anything
fishboi_samurai: Daks that was really good, ngl
CaptainDaks: the AA
CaptainDaks: ty ty
TXC2: Khadeem360 lobby's open, but might be full
TXC2: !seabatscord
AceGun_: We were playing Persona 4 Arena Ultimax last night.
saucemaster5000: we also still street fighting, but folks have branched out
v_nome: seabatscord is a great command name. lol
30teracyte: You can probably find games of whatever if you ask
bbj_afk: that was a fun set- most of the people I see in ranked have just no chill
ManWithTheMask13: I want to play KOF15 eventually for Vice
TXC2: v_nome thank you
saucemaster5000: (also on thursdays in the seabats discord we play a rotating throwback fighting game, many of which are ones you can get for free)
Strebenherz: I haven't played street fighter before, but tempted to start. Most fighting game I've done is the smash bros series
freshmaker__: I looked at Granblue and the buttons feel so weird to me lol.
ItsThugDimmadome: @ManWithTheMask13 I wanna play for Clark and go full glue-eater
bbj_afk: very fair
AceGun_: If you ask for basically any game, someone will usually respond, but unfortunately that person is usually Drizzt.
hyperialguard: Lobbies are so much more fun than Ranked
fishboi_samurai: In fighting games it is our job to stop what others are doing
TXC2: ranked is for the sweaty plays
fishboi_samurai: It doesn't get better lmao
ItsThugDimmadome: @Strebenherz Just hop in! Water's great
fishboi_samurai: It only gets worse lmao
fishboi_samurai: Can confirm lol
CaptainDaks: alright wish me luck!@
fishboi_samurai: @CaptainDaks No
Mr_Horrible: the general population doesn't get less degenerate, but you get better at working around it
NewtyNewts: GGs @CaptainDaks
CaptainDaks: lol
CaptainDaks: ggs newt
ManWithTheMask13: @ItsThugDimmadome I wanna try Clark too at some point
Zaneysed: Ryu is fucking sick
AceGun_: someone's never played Fortnite
Mr_Horrible: peepaw ryu is a good vibe for him
Khadeem360: Im not ranked up high, but i still beat my brother's dimond Juri
Greyah: Part of why this Ryu is the best is because his new look is excellent.
ItsThugDimmadome: Dilf Ryu slaps
Frizzlenill: ryu has almost never had anything interesting, in 6 at least he has multiple choices in many situations rather than "1 generically good tool for this specific type of situation"
30teracyte: I'm not much of a 3rd strike player but he has some cool stuff in that game
Frizzlenill: like, you can choose whether to use tatsu, hashogeki, or donkey kick/shoryu - all have contextual value even when cancelledd into FROM THE SAME MOVE
LowUpsideCJ: has anyone called ryu worse luke yet today
Khadeem360: Boyh of my mains are bronze 2 and 3, but i dont grt on as often. I prefer personal battles well over ranked😂
BrowneePointz: 3 is before 5
30teracyte: 3rd strike is the 3rd iteration of street fighter 3
Izandai: Street Fighter 1 is an arcade game with 1 playable character.
bytecaster: So, Alpha?!
AceGun_: Lorewise, 3 is after 5.
NewtyNewts: There's a lot of them. Depends on how many times you count the different versions of 4
BrowneePointz: 1 2 4 3 5 I think?
BrowneePointz: err 1 2 4 5 3?
GGsLive: Alpha is the only one not in ordder
Frizzlenill: sf1 > sf2 > alpha > sf3 > second impact/third strike > sf4, 5, 6
TXC2: there's 7 main line games, but each of those have LOTS of versions, so it could be close to 50
GGsLive: alpha is between 1 and 2
AceGun_: 1 Alpha 2 4 5 3
Frizzlenill: timeline is a whole separate beast
Khadeem360: Theres 6 mains, not all of the spinoffs are cannon
Frizzlenill: timeline is alpha, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6
ManWithTheMask13: What about USF4 Lakers Ryu, Adamn?
AceGun_: And also SF EX series exists.
CaptainDaks: i fell for it!
Frizzlenill: oh alpha is after 1? MB
Khadeem360: I miss street fighter 4 ken

LowUpsideCJ: oh okay let’s goooo
baskwalla: Hell yeah
AceGun_: @Frizzlenill timeline-wise, yes. Not release date.
AfraidOfTheSun_: sorry about that Nome, this stream is during work hours so I have to bail if I get a call lol
ItsThugDimmadome: Yo, let's get the broken-ass Sailor Moon game.
baskwalla: Tobal No. 5 anyone???
GGsLive: @Frizzlenill Alpha is before Bison
Khadeem360: I hate ryu's mechanics, im uncomfortable unless im ken or ryu
Izandai: @AceGun_ Street Fighter Alpha came out before Street Fighter 1?
saucemaster5000: that silor moon game kinda slaps
bytecaster: Get Beej on the show!
the_patches: there's a ranma game that's okay.
Scarbble: dude the snes sailor moon fighting games are rad
LMAOkai_: bragging rights over your kids lol
AceGun_: @Izandai No, it came out after 2.
Scarbble: the ranma game is odd but fun
DandyGeek: spend a month playing Time Killers imo
Frizzlenill: @Izandai no, alpha was what the main team did to buy time for sf3 from the new team, by using people from the darkstalkers team.
Strebenherz: Best dad
ItsThugDimmadome: Can we get a SF Rainbow Edition stream?
LMAOkai_: no allowance until you can beat your dad at Smash Bros.
AceGun_: alternate pitch: Sailor Moon S
LowUpsideCJ: that’s the funniest purpose for a stream
Nelly's Leffen Arc begins 
BrowneePointz: Nah. Gotta get him doing Duck Hunt combos
Frizzlenill: there is no better fatherly vibes than being the raidboss for your kids in smash omg
NewtyNewts: Will we be using lobbies again there? I could dust off my Lucas

schoibi1109: oh i didnt know lrr play sf thats awesome
TXC2: like that Season 1 episode of the Simpsons, we make Nelson the best at Smash
DandyGeek: actually if Nelson likes Bushido Blade, maybe he’ll enjoy The Last Blade games
GGsLive: Alpha was released after SSF2T but the timeline is between SF1 and SF2
ItsThugDimmadome: It's a SICK thing
AceGun_: ask to borrow Bear's wheel of kusoge.
NewtyNewts: Hell yeah Kyanta! That's gonna be a delightful mess
josh___something: fuckin KYANTA
Frizzlenill: once again casting my vote for waku waku 7
Khadeem360: Lol my dad forced me to get 1 under par in mario gold 64 and i couldnt play another game until i did😂😂 took me the whole summer
AfraidOfTheSun_: I want to try kyanta so bad
ItsThugDimmadome: ANyone play MVC2? Is the Paint The Fence combo still a thing?
schoibi1109: it always seems crazy in sajams will it kill
BrowneePointz: yall should try MVCIB
Frizzlenill: kyanta is somewhat coherent if you dont turn up the turbo
saucemaster5000: oh yeah doing bear's wheel of kusoge would be SO fun
Scarbble: gotta play the fist of the north star game with the instakills
Zaneysed: LETS GO
LowUpsideCJ: the wheel
offbeatwitch: LETS GOOO
saucemaster5000: he's added a ton recently
LowUpsideCJ: that was sick
NewtyNewts: Hell yeah!
TXC2: he's the goat!
CaptainDaks: like a book fish
Khadeem360: I feel like games were better before all the dlc's too
NewtyNewts: That's MY Oki Oki!
Frizzlenill: legit as a casual experience dbfz is stellar
Mishapp53: This stream makes my friday work day chill.
30teracyte: OOFC becomes a full time 'The Rumble Fish 2' stream
schoibi1109 subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, schoibi1109! (Today's storm count: 11)
Frizzlenill: @30teracyte text you can hear
Khadeem360: Whats the lobby name?
AceGun_: Bazoo is going to make LRR split up.
saucemaster5000: I'll boot up rumble fish and do Boyd shit anytime
ItsThugDimmadome: LRR doing Def Jam Fight for NY for Oki Oi would be sick. Idk how well that game aged tho.
ItsThugDimmadome: Or maybe go for Bloody Roar
AceGun_: @Khadeem360 room is under "LRR_Moonbase" and the password is 6969
fishboi_samurai: Daks nooooo lol
LMAOkai_: Granblue is great
AceGun_: Much easier to learn modern games, for sure.
the_patches: I've been deep in gbvs, it's anime as hell.
Khadeem360: And does anyone else have problems doing akuma's raging demon level 3 critical special?
Frizzlenill: well the next 2xko beta is like, within the next month or two cuz they said it would be winter
saucemaster5000: granblue is a very easy to pick up game, even if it gets crazy real quick
Frizzlenill: but it could always get pushed
ItsThugDimmadome: Think Guilty Gear Strive would be in rotation?
LowUpsideCJ: I need to play jinx so bad
BrowneePointz: Fair Warning: There's a non Zero of Big Titty Moe lookin Anime Girls in it
Zaneysed: You can super out
NewtyNewts: Yeah, I think you'd need to super out for that one
CaptainDaks: ggs brothero
fishboi_samurai: @CaptainDaks ggs, you've gotten a ton better
CaptainDaks: ty
fishboi_samurai: Your offense is looking clean
Strebenherz: Granblue like granblue fantasy?
CaptainDaks: my D thjo
@CaptainDaks That's the next thing 
CaptainDaks: haha yes
AceGun_: @Strebenherz Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising is the full title, yeah.
fishboi_samurai: Think of D like you would offense
the_patches: ranked is fake in that game is also the problem.
LowUpsideCJ: seasoned bluists
Frizzlenill: you dont want nelson's first match to be against nier main 69?
fishboi_samurai: It's all about anticipating on D
CaptainDaks: yeah... very active defense in this game... cant just sit there like a goon
NewtyNewts: Set up a proper training partner instead of someone looking for a sandbag
Strebenherz: Dkea this means I can beat my opponent with the granblue hobbits
saucemaster5000: @Frizzlenill as a nier main I resemble that comment
Strebenherz: Does*
AceGun_: yes.
ItsThugDimmadome: Granblue Players, how's Ladiva?
Strebenherz: Pfffffffffft
saucemaster5000: when drizzt plays ladiva it's scary
AceGun_: @ItsThugDimmadome bad, but very cool.
NewtyNewts: @ItsThugDimmadome Love the super. I know nothing else
ItsThugDimmadome: Her super is so sick. I wanna try her out.
BrowneePointz: Get Nelly playing Anila so he can hit em with the BUSTA WOOOOL!
ItsThugDimmadome: I never thought I'd pop for a Thesz Press, but here we are.
Frizzlenill: @ItsThugDimmadome no real reason not to then? I don't know how the balance looks in gb but it's well balanced ENOUGH that character power doesn't really matter until you get to tournament top 8s, that's basically true of all fighting games nowadays
BrowneePointz: Ladiva?
AceGun_: Versusia
the_patches: Versusia
ItsThugDimmadome: @Frizzlenill I'm down.
josh___something: Versus-yeah
Prop_PT: ggs @siqqsadgurl
Frizzlenill: in the post-data-gathering age where devs know the magnitude of character power disparity from online play statistics and can at least try to pull them within a rough range of each other. No true D-tiers anymore
NewtyNewts: Ver-sussy-yah?
GGsLive: Ladiva is way cooler
siqqsadgurl: @Prop_PT ggs
ItsThugDimmadome: Versusia is what I think of when I think "AO3 OC"
Zaneysed: ggs nelly
LowUpsideCJ: I’ve been streetsing again recently so it’s nice to watch this stream and get me excited to do more
Frizzlenill: nobody's leaving a fighting game in the modern age with like, a Twelve or such after at WORST the first patch
NewtyNewts: @ItsThugDimmadome The Dimmsdale dale du dimma dale dimma dome?
Zaneysed: I get away with a lot cause i dont know what I shouldnt get away with and I go for dumb stuff lol
Frizzlenill: day 1, MAYBE maybe, but like, almost never after the first month will there be a character that does not FUNCTION
TXC2: Lariat good this week
LowUpsideCJ: Luke’s casual shin kick sweep is funny to me
Zaneysed: LOL
Khadeem360: Can i get the room code? Im not finding it by username
josh___something: daaaaaamn
GGsLive: piel perfect
GGsLive: pixel
CaptainDaks: sadge

Zaneysed: @Khadeem360 Search Zaney in username and you should find it
NewtyNewts: Definitely not Strive
NewtyNewts: Room is under the name "LRR_Moonbase"
LowUpsideCJ: pure comedy
offbeatwitch: strive's going through it right now
Frizzlenill: granblue where you famously cannot get killed from full screen instantly
AceGun_: and then they did something even worse last night.
saucemaster5000: oh no what happened last night
LowUpsideCJ: @acegun_ I’m so sorry
AceGun_: they delayed Venom.
the_patches: Zeta
saucemaster5000: LMAO
NewtyNewts: oh no
saucemaster5000: no pool for you ace
Izandai: Wait no I know what game Nelly should learn.
Izandai: Melty Blood
Zaneysed: @AceGun_ You just need to exercise some patience lol
hyperialguard: Praying for you, Ace
hyperialguard: Stay strong
saucemaster5000: they did it specifically to insult ace I'm sure of it
NewtyNewts: Imagine if it were UNI
Izandai: The only thing I know about Melty Blood is that it's fucked up.
Zaneysed: We could get into rumble fish
AceGun_: No, it really isn't. Not harder that Guilty Gear.
offbeatwitch: ive played some uni 2 and that game is the Most
Zaneysed: @Izandai wtf is this
AFamiliarCalledEl: I'd love to jam some granblue for oki. I really want to learn the new mouse lass.
LowUpsideCJ: I’m teaching myself classic controls in SF5
hyperialguard: Granblue is fun. I found it comfortable coming from SF6
Izandai: @Zaneysed The tip of the iceberg.
AceGun_: Yeah, Melty is still an anime game, but on the easier end, I would say.
Zaneysed: Ya I aint touching this
hyperialguard: It moves slow enough to comprehend quickly
Zaneysed: Get it away
NewtyNewts: You DP'd before the wakeup
AceGun_: @Zaneysed the image is just missing the sprite layer with the actual attack on it. it is not nearly that bad, lol.
offbeatwitch: i love this one
GGsLive: I hear of this sweet fun fighting game that respects all your pixels. It's call House: Part "Y"
Zaneysed: im sorry whatr
AceGun_: All of these images are fake news!
AceGun_: The screenshots are missing the sprites for the actual attacks, don't be deceived by izandai's lies!
LowUpsideCJ: but but but comedy
saucemaster5000: every time house party is mentioned, 2XKO is delayed another month btw
NewtyNewts: Nelly playing This-Is-My-Personal-Space
Izandai: @AceGun_ Okay but the boxes are still fucking huge.
Khadeem360: Dont let my rank fool u, i have aggressive pressure. Dont sleep on me yall
CaptainDaks: o7
GGsLive: @Izandai LOL that hitbox is the Empire State Building!
CaptainDaks: noted, Khadeem!
Izandai: Like that's the point. The boxes are huge.
Zaneysed: My brain is aerodynamic
lawnmowerelves: perfectly smooth
TXC2: brain smooth, head empty
the_patches: because gief has a bad cr.MK
Zaneysed: You are playing trhe right chaarcter for it nelly
fishboi_samurai: Uh oh
fishboi_samurai: @AfraidOfTheSun_ I'm sorry, ggs though
fishboi_samurai: I feel bad now

ItsThugDimmadome: I took the Soccer Mom comment personal.
ItsThugDimmadome: Ggs Nelson
mjuukis: most toxic is elphelt

Nah, It's cool. You paid for it 
LMAOkai_: ggs @ManWithTheMask13
@LMAOkai_ GGS! Thanks for the set 
TXC2: "drive rush? i'mma rush to drive you to school like do with my kids!"
fishboi_samurai: Alright ggs, ya'll my lunch break is over
ItsThugDimmadome: "I get it. It's not always right, but I get it."
mjuukis: If you are the best basket player in the world in the 90s you get people to break your opponents knees
TXC2: so long fishboi_samurai stay safe
fishboi_samurai: @TXC2 o7
saucemaster5000: hey @ItsThugDimmadome where are my orange wedges?
LowUpsideCJ: I was ready for newt to drive rush block on round start lol
ItsThugDimmadome: @saucemaster5000 In the trash. Get diggin'n.
ManWithTheMask13: Jumping.. bad? But how do I retain my title if I don't jump?
saucemaster5000: (gets out the raccoon paws)
AfraidOfTheSun_: ggs fishboi sory about the dc
BrowneePointz: Ok, so I know it ALSO sounds like the Cribs theme, but the orchestral stings in Gief's theme ALSO makes me think of Lose my Breath by Destiny's Child
the_patches: guessed wrong a bunch. it happens sometimes.
ManWithTheMask13: Hey @ItsThugDimmadome guess what
ItsThugDimmadome: @ManWithTheMask13 Sup
ManWithTheMask13: chicken butt
ItsThugDimmadome: @ManWithTheMask13 EVERY TIME
Prop_PT: chicken attack?
saucemaster5000: holy shit a chicken butt in 2025?
LowUpsideCJ: aki’s ground stuff always gives me soul calibur vibes.
ManWithTheMask13: @ItsThugDimmadome I'm gonna ride the high of that for the rest of the week
TXC2: chicken butt never gets old
BrowneePointz: Sometimes every move you make is calculated but you're just bad at math that match. Gotta just go to the next and shrug it off!
LowUpsideCJ: ggs gamers I gotta head to meeting
TXC2: so long LowUpsideCJ stay safe
HungryTanuki: @LowUpsideCJ o7
Khadeem360: Lol im trying
saucemaster5000: it is
AceGun_: 5hk?
GGsLive: privileged
NewtyNewts: 6HK is plus
Prop_PT: negative blockstring into PP your turn is some of the most gotcha shit. its so silly I just shake my head
saucemaster5000: yeah 6hk is plus
Prop_PT: dont even get mad
AceGun_: 6hk is like 16f startup
saucemaster5000: 6hk 14f startup, +2 on block
Khadeem360: Ikik
Zaneysed: @Khadeem360 ggs
BrowneePointz: thought you said Big Chicken Whip
rXpCH subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Thanks for subscribing, rXpCH! (Today's storm count: 12)
ItsThugDimmadome: I should pick up AKI again.
lightfut: That was the most motherfuckin sandblast of an opening
ItsThugDimmadome: Man, I could go for a Chicken Whip. Extra seasoning.
ThatBenKidd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ThatBenKidd! (Today's storm count: 13)
GanixU: Bro, you got me to buy the game!
NewtyNewts: GGs Nelly!
gualdhar: lots happens in Subnautica, just have to go deeper
NewtyNewts: That first game was showing a lot of improvement with the amount of blocking. It's hard to keep it going like that though
fishboi_samurai: jeez adam, just let nelly cook, alright?
fishboi_samurai: *sarcasm*
AceGun_: @ManWithTheMask13 stick stopped working! sorry!
@AceGun_ Oh shoot, no worries! Hope your stick gets better 
fishboi_samurai: Exaclty lmao
NewtyNewts: Marked reduction
ItsThugDimmadome: I feel like Nelson's next step is picking up a punish combo or two. At least from our match.
BusTed: kobra kai era ken
couchboyj: Crypto bros deserve holey clothes
NewtyNewts: What?!
saucemaster5000: LMAO
Crypto bros deserve my foot in their ass 
Zaneysed: Level has no invincibility at all
fishboi_samurai: You can't learn or think clearly when you're pissed
fishboi_samurai: We as humans don't do well being pissed
NewtyNewts: Buttons!
saucemaster5000: who is the Hee who Hoos last?
NewtyNewts: There's no "block" button for a reason
TXC2: saucemaster5000 for they hees for thee?
Mr_Horrible: submitting to the satsui no heeheehoohoo
Izandai: He who hoos last
AceGun_: repo is either chilling in here or he fell asleep.
couchboyj: Wouldn't it be funny if this hits
NewtyNewts: He who hee hees last hoo hoos last

TXC2: !clips
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
lightfut: He who hee hees last hoo hoos best
BrowneePointz: He who hee hees last, hoo hoos loudest
AFamiliarCalledEl: Hee hee hoo whose on first?
gualdhar: Dog shit, baby!
NewtyNewts: He who hee hees you hoo hoos you who hoos his hees
Mr_Horrible: me, transcending worldly affairs:
TXC2: He who hee hees in highest heaven, he hoos, or he does not hoos
AceGun_: who's house? run's house?
CaptainDaks: ggs lmao, crazy close
HungryTanuki: Call a bondulance
NewtyNewts: Of in cold of out hot eat the food
ManWithTheMask13: float my brother
AfraidOfTheSun_: he who hee hees who hoo hoos hee hees who?
couchboyj: He who hee hees is this house is who hoo hoos
TXC2: Horton Hees a hoo
lightfut: "you wanna die on this hill?" "Someone is"
Izandai: @TXC2 Oh very nice.
this a good match to learn "noticing habits". Khadeem has a few 
TXC2: Izandai thank you

lightfut: That was very impolite of them
NewtyNewts: You who hoo his hee hee house has his hoo hoo high
Zaneysed: ggs geo
TXC2: they did say they'd be agressive
GanixU: ggs
ItsThugDimmadome: GGs!
HungryTanuki: Ggs ggs !
TXC2: we made it to 1 o'clock
tod_vom_himmel: nelson lost the first to piss
Khadeem360: I had fun
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam and Nelson
TXC2: !patreon
Mr_Horrible: good games, game's good
TXC2: !store
couchboyj: He hee hees my hoo hoo till I SANDBLAST
Khadeem360: Lol i did say i play aggressively
thx for the stream, yall! ggs everyone

TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (56m from now).
TXC2: !events
thegreatwyrdling: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (55m from now).
FPNY41: oh man, that's my favorite
couchboyj: My Prime is decidedly middle ages
red has hexproof right? 
FPNY41: Adam's intro to Road Quest came from one, right?
HungryTanuki: Excited for the challenge to be back !
TXC2: FPNY41 it did yeah
Khadeem360: I see what i still gota work on, if i could actually get a coach that would be fire and i could get back into tunament play
GanixU: Thank you!! Bye!!
rosesmcgee: Excited to see Nelly play glurp for the first time
HungryTanuki: Thank for the stream !
Fun, ha!

thegreatwyrdling: Thanks nelly
Thanks for the stream 
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
NewtyNewts: TY all!
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs ggs
FPNY41: this is gonna be bad, I can't wait!
TXC2: goodnight everybody
HungryTanuki: o7
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