RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Pit Trap!
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (0s ago).

TheAinMAP: Signal
TotallyDefiant subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TotallyDefiant! (Today's storm count: 14)
GapFiller: eurgh in other non video gaming news who doesnt love getting chilblains
Juliamon: can't say I know much about it, but I hope they heal quickly
McBannin: catching this live instead of on youtube for once? must be my lucky day
Nashlake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Nashlake! (Today's storm count: 15)
RockPusher: Here comes 2!
LilyOfTheVeil666: SOON

richard_ermen: Does this mean we'll see an announcement for Checkpoint 2 soon? Will it also be sleeker and have a bigger centre...aka a bigger Paul?
bytecaster: I would have preferred Silksong!
Data_Error: It'
SocraticMethod: We _may_ have a release data of April 2nd. Or the devs are trolling
Data_Error: It's chiller, but is it pointier?
bytecaster: Lion King 2.9 - A fragmentary passage
Laserbeaks_Fury: "Special Editon"
GapFiller: this is what loose canon is for
GapFiller: ditto canon fodder
raulghoulia: books with horse armor?
bytecaster: Can't wait for books with lootboxes
Laserbeaks_Fury: Just needed 26 endings like Automata
GapFiller: one of the stranger life lessons of my adolescence was reading the OG Star Wars EU and realising a legitimate career can be made outta publishing yr fanfiction
EricTheOrange: well the difference between a book or a movie and a videogame is player input
Shparky2197: Hello all, how is today? I am cutting down smoking, nicotine withdrawals bloody suck
Paypal LRR $20k for each new ending you want filmed 
GapFiller: gotta rake in the shekels somehow
Laserbeaks_Fury: Looking at you MTG
kingandcommoner: reminds me of the "now a major motion picture" bs they put on books
Laserbeaks_Fury: I suppose in a way Wicked is DLC of TWoO
kingandcommoner: On the special edition, they kiss
SocraticMethod: TBH the original ending of ME3 was dire. Push button -> see colored lightshow -> game ends. No epilogue for characters, no consequences for the decision
GapFiller: two words which feel not irrelevant to this conv: "obi strips"
Akaiatana: The Berenstain Stares
Laserbeaks_Fury: ME3 had the FemShep reverse too
bytecaster: I'm not in favor of the physical world
bytecaster: The Quiz was fun!
Shparky2197: I will have to go back and watch the quiz
GapFiller: q the wavy lines
RockPusher: We need a chillpoint aftershow
Laserbeaks_Fury: I always look forward to the Chillpoint aftershow
kingandcommoner: *record scratch*
bytecaster: Lets talk about everybodies favorite Pro Gamer!
Shparky2197: I'm kinda interested in path of exile 2
Decaped: You can pay for it! Full release is free.
bytecaster: The patch notes are as long as a Linux Kernel release
richard_ermen: This is an Alpha
richard_ermen: Path of Exile is at 0.1.1
Akaiatana: Phi
CaptainSpam: Maybe it's a Tau release by now.
Shparky2197: It's likely to be alpha
Angreed66: It's the typical GGG approach to start hard then do slight buffs
bytecaster: It was supposed to be PoE 1 4.1.1 but now it's PoE2 0.1.1
Decaped: Any useful definition of Alpha does not include the current game Path of Exile 2
ArcOfTheConclave subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ArcOfTheConclave! (Today's storm count: 16)
Invitare: it's missing half the campaign, half the classes, a bunch of weapons and skills, etc
SocraticMethod: It was competing with D3, PoE was doing for D2 hardcore feel
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah, I still remember Baal runs
SocraticMethod: going for*
Akaiatana: Path of Exile is to Diablo like Pathfinder is to D&D
SocraticMethod: Less skill tree, more skill sphere
Invitare: Skill Yggrasil
Dread_Pirate_Westley: It's a skill Continental Forest.
Mai_Andra: Final Fantasy X sphere grid
kingandcommoner: I mean, we obviously don't have phones; how could we play diablo?
bytecaster: The skill tree looks muuuuuch worse than it actually is
Shparky2197: Man, now I wanna play path of exile again
GapFiller: hes been streaming it a lot lately
LurkerSpine: yes, Adam plays PoE2
bytecaster: Adam streamed PoE2 today in fact
GapFiller: inc aiui today
Angreed66: He's been streaming PoE 2 regularly
TehAmelie: i think i fought Baal about six times total. D2 was so not my kind of game (that i sunk easily 1000 hours into)
Cptasparagus: there are over 1500
bytecaster: You can respec though
Shparky2197: It's very much a hockey stick
DoodlestheGreat: More like a cliff instead of a curve.
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah that would turn me off real fast
bytecaster: There is always this tension in the genre between brain-off big explosion no danger farming and interactive challenging encounters that test skill.
DoodlestheGreat: GGG does good patch notes.

Laserbeaks_Fury: The last time I played a game that actively set you back for failure was like Everquest
bytecaster: Both have their appeal to players that enjoy the genre.
bytecaster: But not always the same players.
DoodlestheGreat: There's a lot of on-death effects in POE.
Shparky2197: Ahhh, Path of Exile 2 will be free to play after early access. Guess I'll go jam some PoE 1
Decaped: They nailed the skill testing for the first section of the game, but there's just too many things on screen at the later parts for that to happen.
Cptasparagus: yeah the "explodes allied corpses" modifier on enemies was very punishing
bytecaster: You can really tell that the parts they have worked on the longest nail the balance better than the newer parts, which is to be expected.
Shparky2197: I'm an Adam when it comes to games
minotauro_w4r: Zeke
bytecaster: Hollow Knight is pretty difficult
SocraticMethod: Hollow knight is less of soulslike tbh
bytecaster: Hollow Knight is more of a Metroidvania, arguably Dark Souls is also a Metroidvania though
Decaped: Bloodborne rewards aggression like Hollow Knight does.
s0lesurviv0r: I can't even fricking dodge in Horizon
I would just not fight the Radiance 
minotauro_w4r: Zeke Yeager.
bytecaster: I love that we still call them maps because of PoE1, when they are actually called waystones
Cptasparagus: you had 8? or maybe 6 lives per map in POE1 and only 1 life per map in POE2 so its a bit of a shock for players
bytecaster: @Cptasparagus 6, that's the number of portals
Cptasparagus: theres also Solo Self Found where you can't trade
DoodlestheGreat: There's two axis in POE: softcore v hardcore and self-found vs general population.
bytecaster: Yes! Sudden explosion under foot, dead
Shparky2197: Oh yeah
Invitare: POE has loads of instant kills
Decaped: up until the recent patch, you could die to things from completely off screen,.
richard_ermen: Path Of Exile is really infamous for murdering even the best out of nowhere
GapFiller: tactful there Paul
Mai_Andra: It's very easy to suddenly die and not really have any idea how.
CaptainSpam: Noted ex-boyfriend
DoodlestheGreat: South African Oligarch.
Wolfstrike_NL: unofficial president muskrat
Shparky2197: That was literally the most diplomatic way of describing him
bytecaster: Noted Tweeter
Juliamon: Big whiny piss piss baby
DoodlestheGreat: @Juliamon On point.
GapFiller: xtwitter like an ex SO
minotauro_w4r: Getting some beast titan vibes...
Laserbeaks_Fury: big crybaby devil man. No, wait...
Mai_Andra: @DoodlestheGreat and the even more uninspiring sequel: "Son of South African Oligarch"
bytecaster: He wants to be cool and funny with nerds and gamers so bad and that is just something money can't buy you
Wolfstrike_NL: was*
Decaped: was*
bytecaster: was*
Jillexie: *was
just__fitz: Hey loved the last show. Sony has actually been working adjacently with a Canadian markerless motion capture company for a bit. Your sony patent story immediately sparked that bell for me
Shparky2197: Literally giggled
Laserbeaks_Fury: You know, buying a Hardcore character and then killing it is a great Brewster's Millions strategy
minotauro_w4r: Dont drink the wine please
bytecaster: That was one expensive character I bet
Jillexie: Sus
bytecaster: Also lots of game knowledge
SocraticMethod: "How does the potion work?" Is something players learn in hour 1
minotauro_w4r: Gonna watch Attack on Titan tonight
niccus: i guess being a billionaire is a really easy job, lots of free time
bytecaster: He was just bumbling
GapFiller: it figures this is another one of those smoking a J on Rogans podcast type situations that ends up tanking stock values
LilyOfTheVeil666: Psssh CEOs don't do any actual work
Izandai: He confused the item's level requirement for the level of the item.
The stats on the equipment matter way more than the level, but how could he know that 
bytecaster: He called map modifier icons: "This has four things"
minotauro_w4r: Dont let him scream please
Izandai: Or just bought an account.
Laserbeaks_Fury: the real question is, did he buy it from a group, or did he buy it from the devs?
Angreed66: which is agianst POE TOS
bytecaster: @Laserbeaks_Fury Doesn't sound like something GGG would do, but you never know
Angreed66: GGG would never do that
Izandai: I think people want to assume the devs are better than that.
Decaped: This is frankly a pretty insulting thing to say Beej
niccus: oh, pull a jake paul
CaptainSpam: If that were to get out, there would be a revolt.
TehAmelie: i've been wondering if you could Brewster's Millions an online game or if owning enough virtual goods would count for actual value
EricTheOrange: I mean GGG is owned by tencent
bytecaster: GGG is very passionate about items meaning something, and they just had a giant influx of cash due to extreme early access sales
Shparky2197: This is a more as the story develops situation
LurkerSpine: @TehAmelie I think if the hardcore character dies, it's just gone, but I could be wrong
bytecaster: "Elon's maps"
TehAmelie: of course you could blow up a million dollars in Eve Online spaceships in about one day. . .
ghizmou: @LurkerSpine you can play it in standard league when you die in hardcore
Shparky2197: Or he could just be that childish
Juliamon: Noted jackass
bytecaster: There is lots of circumstantial evidence, and importantly, it would be a thing he would do
tajessa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
tajessa: I got 99 problems and a sub ain't one
Thanks for subscribing, tajessa! (Today's storm count: 17)
BrowneePointz: He's a G IANT piece of shit
niccus: historically recognized asshole
Invitare: he's alt-right
EricTheOrange: I mean it's been a thing for years that elon pays some of his techs to play games for him and get him to the endgame
bytecaster: I think Dan Olson once called him and similar people "Rage merchants" which seems correct
Invitare: so obviously got along with Elon
Orannis0: He's a gigantic tool and wildly unpleasant
GapFiller: tldr this is a heel program
minotauro_w4r: Is Eren ok?
Wolfstrike_NL: unofficial president of america vs unofficial president of just chatting
Juliamon: minotauro_w4r I think you are in the wrong chat, friend
bytecaster: Elon "Free Speech Absolutist" Musk
Driosenth: is sharing DM's against X TOS?
minotauro_w4r: Im good im just an attack on titan fan
GapFiller: and ofc Asmongold is exactly the kinda noted gobby bugger who wd actually be bothered by losing a blue check
Juliamon: minotauro_w4r yeah but they're not talking about that
Juliamon: please try to stay on topic
BrowneePointz: As a Longtime WoW player, the fact Asmon came from and is attributed to my community/game will FOREVER burn my buns
erloas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Thanks for subscribing, erloas! (Today's storm count: 18)
CaptainSpam: Editors are illegal now? Oh crap, Jordynne, hide!
RockPusher: Beej threw it on the ground!!!
tajessa: Elon's ability to just not get really basic things about living on 2025 never ceases to amaze

Reading the credits explains the credits 
bytecaster: Research is very 2019
richard_ermen: I wonder what a Heather-led world government would look like.
minotauro_w4r: Dude looks exactly like zeke yeager bro im loving it
SocraticMethod: Everyone skips to the post-credits chat
Izandai: Silly heather, Youtube videos don't have credits!
I thought credits were just there to pad the video length, they couldn't possibly have a purpose 
TehAmelie: Heather Deery, outlaw editor
bytecaster: This whole thing would be so funny, if it wasn't also dystopian that Elon has actually a lot of power
accountmadeforants: Elon could've done literally nothing and come out ahead, as with most of the things he does
Laserbeaks_Fury: He didnt want the character, he wante dthe cred
Fuzzra: I get quite annoyed when a service decides to speed through or skip credits. People worked and deserve their place in the crawl.
tajessa: PREACH Heather
richard_ermen: The problem with someone like Elon is the massive inferiority complex they develop because nothing they have is from what they DID. They need to feel like they DID something.
minotauro_w4r: <message deleted>I sort of liked the beast titan.
Mai_Andra: "guessed"
EricTheOrange: Cameron has a very distinct writing voice
GapFiller: phunny tangential story somebody tried to bring a Cybertuck into the UK this week and it was immediately seized for not being road legal here
minotauro_w4r: <message deleted>God i wish levi could see this
Mai_Andra: pausing the video to go frame by frame "and here's the exact moment where Cameron's soul entered Beej's body..."
Juliamon: minotauro_w4r I am reminding you that this is not an Attack on Titan channel
EricTheOrange: rollback netcode kinda works like that
GapFiller: EricTheOrange to go w/ a v distinct speaking voice
kingandcommoner: that's basically how net rollback code wors
Laserbeaks_Fury: "Your console has determined you are too bad to do this level and has changed your character to Luigi."
just__fitz: Sony has been working with a Canadian company called Theia3D which utilizes markerless motion capture based on machine learning. Could be used for hand model tracking
CaptainSpam: Next-level input reading.
minotauro_w4r: <message deleted>I know but look at him bro. Zeke Yeager in person. I love this
Juliamon: minotauro_w4r I don't know who you are talking about, and someone's visual appearance is not the topic at hand
Laserbeaks_Fury: Maybe it's eye-tracking stuff
Juliamon: In fact it's pretty rude
7gorobei: what happens when the ai predicts that you are going to smash the controller into the tv?
Juliamon: People look like themselves, not someone else
Plasterboard: What happens if more than one person is in the room? And/or if those people are also holding a controller?
minotauro_w4r: <message deleted>Bro you need to see attack on titan bro
accountmadeforants: @kingandcommoner Rollback netcode is a lot simpler than that, it just assumes the opponent keeps pressing the last button they pressed until proven otherwise
SocraticMethod: @7gorobei Controller disconnects automatically

Gizmoloid: maybe if you're leaning in raceing games it will make you turn "better"?
thank you Beej 
Izandai: Well said, Beej.
ButButTheJesus: thankee
accountmadeforants: Blat, and I cannot stress this enough, blat
just__fitz: I see it as an extension to how Kinect used to be

Fuzzra: I could do with a little toe pedal to bind to dodge controls. My tootsies reliably twitch.
Shparky2197: I hate this . I hate this so much. I'm personally not ok with an ago assuming my skills.
Shparky2197: Ai*
Laserbeaks_Fury: Quick Time events are now Physical Chalenges
bytecaster: I can do my frame-perfect inputs myself, thank you very much
Jillexie: At some point, will it precog and tell you if you are going to win the game or not.
Mai_Andra: The game will play itself with automated skill based on how good a gamer it thinks you are by looking at you.
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's probably closer to having iput on a press and not the release
Shparky2197: Although. Would that mean you could use a dummy controller, and have this be the only way to communicate commands?
just__fitz: The most generous reading of this would be using ML motion capture to add postural or motion controls to games.
accountmadeforants: Honestly, this just seems like another classic patent designed to screw someone over the moment they come up with something even remotely similar, rather than something they actually have in the works
RockPusher: If you were just trying to shave off some controller latency, watch for the hand starting to move to press the button and assume they did press the button when the movement starts
EricTheOrange: rollback netcode is for online games with very percise timing like fighting games
SocraticMethod: I've heard that it's designed for game streaming, where variable latency may cause very bad experience
bytecaster: Why are we automating all the things that are FUN and not the things that aren't, come on
ButButTheJesus: "I PUSHED jump!"
Driosenth: "fun"
GapFiller: Cameron does as Cameron does
kingandcommoner: "pay 50 dollars and play like your favorite streamer!"
accountmadeforants: @RockPusher I thought that was part of the patent?
niccus: in order to make the simulation as accurate as possible, we have made it possible for the ai to suffer
just__fitz: I have worked with Sony cameras for motion capture, and there is no way they would be able to use it for immediate frame accurate feedback
bytecaster: I don't know if I agree with that, accessibility is about empowering people not about taking control from them
kingandcommoner: game detects when you're playing badly and vibrates the controller so encourage you to throw it
GapFiller: Forza per a wuick bit of googling
Juliamon: yeah Forza 5?
ButButTheJesus: Drivatars are in Forza
Laserbeaks_Fury: Imagine if "leaning" into corners actually did a thing
EricTheOrange: Armored core 3 did that back in like 2006
just__fitz: It takes use about 15 minutes to process video for mocap based on 8 cameras. The Machine learning models are used for the pose estimation and knowing what a hand is etc
v_nome: Tekken 8 has a feature like that to make a ghost to fight
bytecaster: Couldn't Amiboos do that for Smash?
Mai_Andra: Street Fighter 6 can do that now, too.
accountmadeforants: The controller has little solenoids attached to pegs in there to launch itself out of your hand just before you'd actually throw it
Shparky2197: Yeah, that was a feature of smash
kingandcommoner: @bytecaster Not quite the amiibo "leveled up" based on your performance; it would play better but it wouldn't plya like you
bytecaster: Celeste famously does that
Shparky2197: It did learn and counter your Moveset ... I think
bytecaster: At which point am I no longer playing the game though

Driosenth: A frame late and half-an-A-press short
just__fitz: I've worked in both ML mocap and BCI, it is still years away from being widely usable for gaming
raulghoulia: as long as you don't look down you're fine
bytecaster: A positive story, in 2025?!?
ButButTheJesus: novelty!
radiowasabi2014 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, radiowasabi2014! (Today's storm count: 19)
EricTheOrange: "regulations are written in blood'
Fuzzra: @EricTheOrange Exactly that.
@erictheorange wss literally typing that too 
SocraticMethod: @EricTheOrange "harassement policies are written in the ink of the lawyers"
Shparky2197: Codifying it seems a good idea
accountmadeforants: Or some managers are real rules-sticklers and needed some other managers to get it in black and white that yes, shitheads can and should be banned for being shitheads.
bytecaster: I have seen customers with terrible taste
Eklinaar: "The customer is always right in matters of taste."
EricTheOrange: Harass a company fine. Harass a employee, not fine.
DeM0nFiRe: Blood is thicker than the customer -- Sombody, some year
accountmadeforants: Bad apples, customers always right, blood is thicker than water, etc. All fun sayings that invert what they actually meant
Snowcookies: I also think this is more for the employees that they should report harassment, since Japan and east asia has a "keep bad things to self" culture
SocraticMethod: No, usually the longer sayings are what people invented latter because they disagreed with it
radiowasabi2014: from reddit "FFVII fandom that has constantly been harassing people on social media with multiple alt accounts including Kazushige Nojima (the main scenario writer of FFVII). It got so bad to the point where he threatened Nojima on Twitter. And all of that due to shipping war reasons.
erloas: curiosity killed the cat is another one that means exactly the opposite when you get the whole quote
SocraticMethod: For example
GapFiller: also aiui The Customer is Always Right was apparently first said by a company owner
Shparky2197: I like "The customer is king/queen. But every kind of monarch should expect a revolt from mistreatment "
bytecaster: @Shparky2197 "The customer is king. Get the guillotine"
SocraticMethod: @accountmadeforants "blood is thicker than water" is the original saying and the covenant/womb was added later
DeM0nFiRe: Yeah same the undue demand one could be weird. "Hey the login was broken and I couldn't play, I should get free subscription time" BANNED
radiowasabi2014: also "FFXV fan and harasses everyone who says anything negative about FFXV or people that speak positively about Final Fantasy games that aren't FFXV. He also harasses anyone who speaks negatively about Forspoken because the FFXV studio are the creators. This guy has also been doing this for over 10 years now and I think it started already when FFXV originally was Final Fantasy Versus XIII."
SocraticMethod: Same for Jack of All trades
bytecaster: 2025 is the year we fight back against the gamer menace!
CaptainSpam: "When I became a man I put away childish things" rarely gets expanded to the full quote, which ends with "including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up".
radiowasabi2014: also rabid FFXIV fans harass the devs because they don't like what they do with the game
SocraticMethod: The phrase was coined at a time when most stores operated on the principle of caveat emptor, and could not always be trusted by customers.[4][11] In 1909, a representative of an unnamed New York company said that their policy of "regarding the customer as always right, no matter how wrong she may be in any transaction in the store"
bytecaster: Also, while the sourcing is fun, it just being a commonly used quote, does not make it true!
accountmadeforants: @SocraticMethod Ah, I didn't know that part. (I did know about the curiosity killed the cat extension being added later, though)
bytecaster: Once the ban hammer is out, every user looks like a nail.
accountmadeforants: @SocraticMethod Yeah, I just found the timeline as well. Always fun when books don't cite their sources and then become sources themselves.
ButButTheJesus: *hurk*
richard_ermen: What if we just change the word for money to nfts?
Shparky2197: Can't wait for the next con
SocraticMethod: TBH I understand why people are so interested in "full" quotes because they satisfy the itch of secret knowledge
ArcOfTheConclave: same grifters new grift
it figures LinkedIn acts as a kinda fossil record for techbro grifters on this front
Shparky2197: @socraticmethod And context is important
Mantafold subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Mantafold! (Today's storm count: 20)
accountmadeforants: @SocraticMethod Admittedly, the recent use of "Just a bad apple", and "Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps", and the altered "Customer is always right" do point towards a trend that make the others more believable
GapFiller: such magnificence
Wolfstrike_NL: Now see them do a "Buy a switch 2...Later today" on april 4
accountmadeforants: I did laugh about the timing, I remember saying in chat that Nintendo was just in time to dodge Checkpoint
accountmadeforants: @Wolfstrike_NL There are "early access" events all the way into June, unfortunately.

CaptainSpam: @Wolfstrike_NL April 4: "But you've already bought a Switch 2. It's in your home now." *turns around and looks, yelps in confused shock*
EricTheOrange: Basically the biggest info we got was an official name.
SocraticMethod: @EricTheOrange And the magnetic joycons that can act as an actual mouse
Shparky2197: Good correction there, Beej
SocraticMethod: So it was teasing a teaser?
kingandcommoner: They added anti-joycon-drift technology (rubber covers)
GapFiller: doesnt seem like Nintendo style
EricTheOrange: I mean all I wanted was a switch with more power that was backwards compatable and it seems to be that so I got what I wanted
accountmadeforants: My absolute favourite thing about the Switch 2 events is that all of them are in countries' capital cities, and then there's the Dutch one. Which is called "Switch 2 Experience Amsterdam", but is actually in Zaandam. (Which is admittedly basically attached to Amsterdam, but still just very funny to me.)
SocraticMethod: Another anonymous redditor, to be fair
Juliamon: EricTheOrange I would hazard a guess that that's all most people wanted (along with 'no joycon drift')
DeM0nFiRe: I am concerned the new joycons might fall out too easy, especially if you are walking around holding it by the joycon
Juliamon: folks just want TotK with steady framerate
LurkerSpine: I'll simply never remove the joycons
accountmadeforants: If you've ever used the Microsoft Surface keyboard covers, you'll know just how ludicrously strong magnets can be. (Especially with the slots preventing torsion)
accountmadeforants: The ablative kickstand
ButButTheJesus: @accountmadeforants ah I was wondering about this. I haven't used magnetized stuff like this, I keep thinking "aren't people going to accidentally pull these apart without meaning to?"
Mai_Andra: I always use the switch with a hardcase grip. ($10 at Best Buy, but they don't sell them anymore.) It's the only way it was comfortable to hold.
accountmadeforants: @ButButTheJesus Usually magnets are really strong in one direction, but weak to being twisted out of alignment. Having those deep slots will prevent that.
Juliamon: The back was the worst one, it seemed less secure, I lost mine almost immediately
Abracadaver23: They unfortunately do not fit very well in my gorrila mitts
bytecaster: They can always release a Switch 2 lite
Abracadaver23: so i'm glad about the bigger size
Juliamon: I am the unpopular "please stop making things bigger" demographic
Juliamon: I couldn't play the Wii U because it was too heavy
bytecaster: For backward compatibility, I would expect it to be another Nvidia SOC
radiowasabi2014: is the new switch have an OLED screen? or is it known
Juliamon: The Switch 1 still caused pain but it had a better grip position
Juliamon: it's rough being a handheld gamer...
Wolfstrike_NL: @Juliamon *Looking at mobile phone* - please stop making them bigger
Juliamon: PLEASE
SocraticMethod: @radiowasabi2014 Unknown, but industry guesses are LCD on launch
LilyOfTheVeil666: @radiowasabi2014 We don't know for sure, but leaks seem to suggest no
Mai_Andra: Yes, 3DS was always hard to hold. Switch, I can only use with a grip. I really miss my old phone that was actually small enough to hold with one hand...
Juliamon: I miss being able to fit my phone in my pocket
r10pez10: when will they release a console in the shape of an N64 controller
LordZarano: LauraKBuzz has good roundups of the rumours/leaks, if you really can't wait to know more
bytecaster: Yeah, but then you'd have to emulate Switch 1.
bytecaster: Which would be pretty inefficient.
SocraticMethod: Zen3 is x86, though?
bytecaster: A different graphics unit, I could buy, but a different ISA seems unlikely
LurkerSpine: Those aren't steam decks, tbf
richard_ermen: A Switch 2 to blot out the sun? Finally Nintendo will win against SHELBYVILLE!
Mai_Andra: GBA SP hype
UnknownFriday: I'm kinda with Paul on this one. A screenless Switch 2 would be sweet.
bytecaster: Why DOES it cover the screen?
erloas: I bought a switch used, without a dock, you can just get a super simple laptop usb C dock and it works, they're like $15
SocraticMethod: @bytecaster Because then customer would ask: "Why can't we use both at the same time"
LurkerSpine: a lot of steam deck docks work with the switch one, not sure if it'll work with the 2
bytecaster: @SocraticMethod Again a case of the customer being not right
SocraticMethod: It's kind of semiotics/UX
Mai_Andra: I remember reports that screens were getting scratched by the official dock?
Juliamon: I took the risk with using the same cable I used for my phone. Didn't have any issues.
accountmadeforants: I do wish the Switch 2 had pads on the back to pogo pins in the dock instead so you could just lean it into a cradle, but that was probably not durable enough.
Juliamon: (I also didn't know it was a risk at the time)
kingandcommoner: Kilroy was here
GasCityGaming: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week it's the return of the $25 LGS Challenge! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:33 from now).
MajorFrostbyte: Heather The All Powerful
BlueFingers5: switch 3
Juliamon: !addquote (Heather) [now] Don't test me. I have a lot of powers.
LRRbot: New quote #9240: "Don't test me. I have a lot of powers." —Heather [2025-01-17]
Geldaran: The Toggle?
RatherLargeToad: Swiitch
kingandcommoner: SWIITCH
aerolend: It's actually II2 Nintendo Switch.
Edgarware: Yeah I hate the logo
accountmadeforants: For once, Nintendo can be un-Nintendo here
Switch U? 
CaptainSpam: And you can make a Two Nintendo Switch 2s sketch! LuL
couchboyj: Switchback, cause I'ma Switch back to Nintendo from my PS5 when it comes out
Juliamon: HAVE they ever named a successor system with a 2 before?
kingandcommoner: Should be the Switch Z
Whatever happened to Super Nintendo? They made one console and then disappeared 
aerolend: Et tu, Switch?
DoodlestheGreat: How about calling it a Swatch? :tf:
The Super Switch, or the SS 
kingandcommoner: Hyper Switch? Ultra Switch? Maximum Overswitch?
richard_ermen: Maybe they'll call it Switch Too?
Juliamon: Switch Ultra
aerolend: @DoodlestheGreat Swotch for the third one.
ButButTheJesus: Switch 64
Marvoleath: Switch 64
accountmadeforants: The Nintendo Router, just to fuck up everyone's search results even more
richard_ermen: Switch²?
aerolend: Swoosh
Invitare: Pokemon ZA probably
RatherLargeToad: new Mario kart, at least
bytecaster: The Nintendo Hub
CaptainSpam: The Nintendo Switchertoo
GapFiller: sooo Switch 2 All Dayer stream???
Wolfstrike_NL: Looking forward to the Midnight release with Gibb
aerolend: @CaptainSpam "It's a me, Geraltio."
TheAinMAP: Several commentators wanted to know if there will be two Switch 2s.
GapFiller: Wolfstrike_NL that really is a LRR tradition its true Gibb On Location in launch lines
TheAinMAP: commenters*
Mai_Andra: Yeah, Wind Waker is when I got one.
aerolend: Mario Kart? Nein.
CaptainSpam: Mario Kart 9.1
Kaizoman2: $5 Mario Kart doesn't come out until 4 months after the console for reasons.
CaptainSpam: Mario Kart Vista
niccus: rumors of 24-player mario kart, i want that wishful thinking to be true
Brozard: Nah, we'll skip a number, like Microsoft
Kaizoman2: It'll be Mario Kart S2
Mai_Andra: Mario Kart Twist
Invitare: Mario Kart Triple Dash
Juliamon: They've done hover, glider, underwater, bikes...
ButButTheJesus: not the trees!
tajessa: oooh, crimes!
GapFiller: good mouth feel phrase
richard_ermen: Pre-Crimes?
iris_of_ether: Mario Kart Tokyo Drift
GapFiller: Ent Crimes!
richard_ermen: Treant-Crimes sounds AMAZING
Brozard: @Juliamon I bet in the tenth one, we go to space
tajessa: Obligatory r/treelaw
badpandabear: Organized Tree Crime
kingandcommoner: Wouldn't that be a crime tre?
SaxPython: Be Deciduous, Do Crimes
DoodlestheGreat: Seriously, if you want to make a whole buncha lawyers pop up like prarie dogs, mention "Tree Law."
kingandcommoner: Are tree Pyramid Schemes Evergreen?
Marvoleath: There is a tree that owns its land, did it not pay the tax for it?
dumbo3k: @DoodlestheGreat Tree Law? Tree Law!
Marvoleath: "The Tree That Owns Itself is a white oak tree that, according to legend, has legal ownership of itself and of all land within eight feet (2.4 m) of its base."
erloas: but it does send you out to kill people so it can collect the heads
TheShatzMan: hehehehe whispering wood hehehehehehe
dumbo3k: Tree Debt Collections
Brozard: Repo Witch
Fuzzra: Grave reclamation
CaptainSpam: That's more of grave returning.
Brozard: They didn't want to copy Destiny 2
SocraticMethod: Why is it called that? Halloween was 3 months ago
GapFiller: didnt it also have that bug at launch which bumped yr straight to the post endgame
aerolend: I think it was Amazon, rather than Epic.
SocraticMethod: It has 4-player co-op IIRC
kingandcommoner: it was a whole bloody album and I will never forgive them
Wolfstrike_NL: They still sank more money into it...?!
Juliamon: Less than Superman
SocraticMethod: @Wolfstrike_NL Sort of, they battle passes tended to recycle content with new colors
EvilBadman: SSKJL supposedly took place in the arkham games yes
SocraticMethod: Harley Quinn quips and headshots the Batman while he's sitting on a bench after losing the battle
Lord_Hosk: Batman died from a papercut that got infected and was left untreated
aerolend: As is tradition.
BlueFingers5: yeah sounds like 0.
BlueFingers5: a comics retcon
aerolend: It was a dream the clone was dreaming.
SaxPython: Booooo!?!
richard_ermen: Somehow a "Batman has cancer" story is almost guaranteed to already exist
aerolend: Unheard of.
aerolend: @richard_ermen Is there a "cancer has batman" yet?
richard_ermen: lol
DoodlestheGreat: DC and Marvel characters may as well have a "Retry?" button.
richard_ermen: I wonder if there's a story about the "constant being revived"-part you get when you become a superhero is breaking people, because that would be a much more interesting story nowadays.
0x6772: Can we get that one in the clear for the record, Paul?
SaxPython: Europatat 2
Cptasparagus: oh I thought it was FGAM, like you did waht to grandma

0x6772: That abbreviation is definitely the reverse in French, right?
GapFiller: they tend to be French yes
0x6772: Oh, just one word!
EvilBadman: spiel is game, ja
SocraticMethod: Also a member "Embracer Games Archive (SE)." Yes, that Embracer
Geldaran: Please exit the museum through the GoG gift shop.
Lord_Hosk: I say Boo... do you hear me? Boo!
NoxStryx: Sadly, The best way to get someone to prove they own a copyright is to infringe on it.
iris_of_ether: My friend started playing that last night!
Wolfstrike_NL: Pee softy to go left
iris_of_ether: Apparently you can walk, shoot, or use items, but not at the same time
SocraticMethod: FFS, it was not on a pregnancy test. I was doom playing on screen that was put in a shell from pregnancy test. The PDF thing is actually impressive
0x6772: Wait, they fixed the "Postscript is a Turing Complete Programming" security risk… and then someone shoved Java into PDF?
SocraticMethod: </pet peeve>
omdorastrix: Ideally]
LordZarano: It's why the Long Now Foundation sold their Rosetta discs that preserved the world's languages as micro-etchings. Because selling a few hundred/thousand of them makes it much less likely that they'll all be destroyed
0x6772: It can access stuff on the printer Paul! On the Printer!
NoxStryx: The problem with doom on the PDF is it JUST javascript. I was really hoping it was like a 10,000,000 page pdf with just links to every possible frame
Desruprot: woah
aerolend: @NoxStryx Doom CYOA?
tajessa: Wait what?
SocraticMethod: We are not going to be talking about silksong news?
NoxStryx: @aerolend exactly
ButButTheJesus: I still have the Xbox One disc version, haven't had a chance to play it
GapFiller: SocraticMethod more fan conspiracy theories now involving Switch 2 isnt news
NoxStryx: PDFs being able to run javascript IS a reason you shouldnt trust random PDFs
ButButTheJesus: that sounded so cool when I heard about it, never got around to playing it
SocraticMethod: @GapFiller The lead dev did post a tweet, so it's not _just_ fan conspiracies
LilyOfTheVeil666: Fan devs 🫡
Snowcookies: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
aerolend: Virus man could be a red herring.
aerolend: A distraction.
couchboyj: Maybe virus man is a pathologist
aerolend: @couchboyj Or a virus who is a man.
Desruprot: Virus Man, rather then Pepsi Man
Fuzzra: @couchboyj Or suffer from cold sores
MrVirite subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Thanks for subscribing, MrVirite! (Today's storm count: 21)
aerolend: @couchboyj "A virus gets bitten by a radioactive person and becomes... Virus-Man!"
Joecool190: not EA, atari
aerolend: Steam says Beamdog for the 2018 one.
SocraticMethod: NVN has incredibly robust modding tools
aerolend: Aka "IdeaSpark Labs Inc.".
darkcyril: @aerolend Yeah, Enhanced Editions were all Beamdog.
darkcyril: BG 1, 2, NWN, and Icewind Dale
iris_of_ether: NVN2 unfortunately felt a bit half baked at release
GapFiller: iirc lotta stuff got dummied out of NVN2
SocraticMethod: Yeah, NWN 1 had incredible amount of custom content. Whole modded scenarions and game modes
aerolend: Just have to prevent Blizzard from getting any, lest we have a paradox on our hands.
Stormgod519: i made it
EvilBadman: it's april 4
EvilBadman: er 2
0x6772: Not April 1?
ButButTheJesus: should do it April 1st
0x6772: They missed a chance there.
0x6772: @ButButTheJesus Jinx
LordZarano: They should have just used iso8601
Amentur: The US trailer is 4.2. all others are 2.4.
CaptainSpam: Just average it out and make it March 3.
GapFiller: hell depending on the fandom people are already getting het up over a profile pic of a cake
Juliamon: 2 April in Japan does fall on 1 April US
0x6772: @Juliamon Winner!
Stormgod519: well...
Stormgod519: April Fools...?
ButButTheJesus: never stop derailing
Snowcookies: ty for the stream
ButButTheJesus: GAH

LordZarano: @LordZarano To be fair the Japanese date format is basically like iso8601
RockPusher: oh! It was behi…
0x6772: Well, I have a screen behind me, so…
Xerodin: he

Stormgod519: ayyyy
Aceviru: Pog
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week it's the return of the $25 LGS Challenge! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:02 from now).
GapFiller: phunny story this weeks epidoe didnt show up forcing me to actively look for it for once
GapFiller: 2022 per the wiki
Wolfstrike_NL: If I'm bellyflopped on my bed, would "it being behind me" mean it's on the roof?
Juliamon: Can't wait to see the prerecord
BlueFingers5: whats that in Norwegian kroner?
LilyOfTheVeil666: $25 CAD, mind you
0x6772: Ah, the "burn the fields" approach to combat.
I LOVE!!! the dollar-budget games 
GapFiller: oooh apparently last LGS Challenge was a week after Beejlander
GapFiller: so thats neat
Stormgod519: aaaaaaaaa
cant wait to see
's editing job
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week it's the return of the $25 LGS Challenge! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:01 from now).
Marvoleath: !schedule
Stormgod519: yay!
RockPusher: Gluuuuuuuurp!!!!!
CaptainSpam: GLURP.

tajessa: Gluuuuuuuurp!
0x6772: woooooooof
ButButTheJesus: Gluuuurrrrp
LilyOfTheVeil666: GLURP
Juliamon: Can't Draw Glurp Club
Wolfstrike_NL: Play it glurpward
Shparky2197: Yay glurp! I've been playing that lately
KaleidoscopeMind: dave's discount gravity!
Cptasparagus: wait can we actually get like pictionary glurp mashup
EvilBadman: can't stop mr. glurpino
Marvoleath: GLRRP!
0x6772: @Cptasparagus No one could stop you with a group of friends.
Cptasparagus: hes chaotic good
Juliamon: He is chaos
LilyOfTheVeil666: E G G
GapFiller: Uno is a chaotic straight guy
GapFiller: think Omnilingual
DeM0nFiRe: []
Eklinaar: On a community server, Uno built a giant tentacle-melon that spanned several kilometers
DeM0nFiRe: lol almost dropped my laptop
RockPusher: Cute animals, two by two?
KaleidoscopeMind: probably asymmetric
0x6772: @DeM0nFiRe So that [] was… right thumb?
DeM0nFiRe: Yeah lol
0x6772: Nice grab.
DoodlestheGreat: Who are our friends, AND WHO ARE OUR ENEMIES?
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!

CaptainSpam: Thanks for the stream!
Riandisa: Thanks for the stream!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
darkcyril: It's below zero, Beej
GapFiller: unless its Midnight
0x6772: It's pretty snowy here, Beej.
onecelt: It's wet outside
Angreed66: Can we touch drought tolerant plants instead?
GapFiller: as is the case here in Albion

ButButTheJesus: ground still has snow all over it
Thanks for the stream 
Juliamon: Ground is a little bit frozen-over here
matthaus_c: dirt tastes great this time of year
Aceviru: Instructions unclear. Rubbing face everywhere
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week it's the return of the $25 LGS Challenge! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (48m from now).
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