SAJewers: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Nebula Flow) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (32s ago).


ArdCollider subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months, currently on a 42 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, ArdCollider! (Today's storm count: 2)
Ignatiuspants: the day of rhythm is upon us!

CaptainCoriale: do iiiiit
RockPusher: and thus started LRR doing ad break eyecatches

Ignatiuspants: I like this plan! I don't understand it but I like it
RockPusher: L-gebra
ArdCollider: take two Ls in time of peace and two in time of war, etc.
RockPusher: L-rithmetic
Ignatiuspants: two Ls make a W!
Juliamon: oh they definitely know
adept_nekomancer: The excess energy is radiated away as fireballs or coins.
RockPusher: Quantum Wariodynamics
FoxBehindTheTree subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
Thanks for subscribing, FoxBehindTheTree! (Today's storm count: 3)
DotDashington subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
Thanks for subscribing, DotDashington! (Today's storm count: 4)
Hi friends! 
Earthenone: lol
ButButTheJesus: AHA!
RandomTrivia: Welp

adept_nekomancer: Rhythm helps when playing rhythm games
SAJewers: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
IronwoodWizard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Thanks for subscribing, IronwoodWizard! (Today's storm count: 5)
Earthenone: usualy menu is where you get the hamburger
DaxStrife: Work first, then hamburger.
RandomTrivia: Work first, then hamburger
Follow dog, good advise. 
adept_nekomancer: Objective: Chase your dog
Dog_of_Myth: *advice
Earthenone: !updog
The stream has been live for 1:45:58. 
RandomTrivia: I too get a boost when a dog is near me
adept_nekomancer: Melodog
RandomTrivia: There must be a mod for that
Earthenone: im sure there is a doggo skin
RandomTrivia: There's already the skin where she has ears and a tail
RandomTrivia: Although I think they're cat ears
Dog_of_Myth: Ian..
Master_Gunner: Ian, it's not even 20 minutes into the stream.

ButButTheJesus: Ian.
DotDashington: Ian
Juliamon: Not because of the cloaca but yes
kireawolf: Ian no
adept_nekomancer: I mean, evolutionarily, most birds did evolve from dinosaurs.
DotDashington: I was expecting the dino connection
DotDashington: But everything hole
EricTheOrange: Horner?
DotDashington: I don't think it is
Ignatiuspants: scales and feathers are already pretty similar
Earthenone: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:20 PM
RandomTrivia: What a fantastic sfx
LordZarano: @adept_nekomancer ALL birds ARE dinosaurs
kireawolf: Dog looks angry
EricTheOrange: so next time Ian says something should we say "heather!" instead to give you power?
Boopity: Are we redistributing name exclamations?
RandomTrivia: Heather is plenty powerful enough already without our help
EricTheOrange: falcor
DotDashington: It's a book!!
Juliamon: it is a book
@RandomTrivia provably false. while Heather is incredibly powerful without our help, there will never be "enough" power 
RockPusher: Princess Bride was book first
jessieimproved: They are both a book
CaptainCoriale: the movie is part 1 of the book
Master_Gunner: The Princess Bride is based on a real book, which was abridged from a fake book.
DotDashington: It is a book about a world that is being eaten by like forces of stagnant imagination
Riandisa: I've got both The Neverending Story and The Princess Bride in book form
RandomTrivia: Awwwww
jessieimproved: I really need to read the book of The Neverending Story
RandomTrivia: Doggo, noooo!
TheMerricat: IIRC Weren't both the Neverending Story and the Princess Bride books rather different from the movies?
RockPusher: (I have actually read The Princess Bride when I was on a William Goldman kick)

DotDashington: Lol yeah princess bride has fake abridging notes for jokes
kireawolf: The person that wrote The Princess Bride the moive wrote the book for the movie
kireawolf: He wanted the Grandfather in the to be reading a real book and didn't want someone else to write it
im sure they are no worse than disney 
kireawolf: The book Howl's Moving Castle is great
Getter404: Earthea was his son, right?
RandomTrivia: Wait there's a Ghibli Earthsea?!
Ignatiuspants: "Ghibli is very bad at doing anything" --Ian
RandomTrivia: How did I not know this
kireawolf: The move is also great for different reason than the book
Getter404: Goro "No I am not Majima" Miyazaki
Juliamon: Most people pretend the Earthsea film doesn't exist
Earthenone: stupid secy howl
Getter404: @Juliamon After the Syfy version, we've had practice doing that
Sarah_Serinde: Howl is a hot mess
Getter404: Has *any* adaptation of Earthsea avoided whitewashing the main cast?
A_Dub888: What up friends, how's everone's flow?
kireawolf: The best part in the book is finding out the Howl is just a regular guy from our world who some how managed to transport himself into a different world were he become a wizard
jessieimproved: It's an isekai then
Earthenone: ahh isekai
Earthenone: in annother world with my moving castle
adept_nekomancer: I think the position of specific button presses doesn't change, but the pathing does.
kireawolf: Yes Howl isekaied himself and it is never explained how he did that
kireawolf: Wait is Howl's Moving Castle the first isekai?
CaptainCoriale: wouldn't that be the john carter series?
kireawolf: So per Google Howl's Moving Castle was published in 1986
RockPusher: !advice
LRRbot: Either pull harder or cut it off.

Ignatiuspants: ooh, a desert level
omdorastrix: Coyote time
kireawolf: I am not familar with the John Carter series but Google says it published in 1940 was yes that would be older
Juliamon: Wizard of Oz is even earlier
CaptainCoriale: man gets transported to Mars via magic cave. there's a movie of dubious quality that came out in 2012
CaptainCoriale: @Juliamon dang you're right
A_Dub888: what about Alice in Wonderland?
kireawolf: @Juliamon True
kireawolf: @A_Dub888 Looks like Wonderland is older than Oz
Oh no, getting Trombone Champ flashbacks 
CaptainCoriale: the trombone hero is strong here
kireawolf: I am loving this trombone
Ignatiuspants: Trombone Champ energy
adept_nekomancer: @RandomTrivia Not as many baboons in this one
RandomTrivia: @adept_nekomancer That's probably for the best
schordash: think of it like a dance with the music, you splitting apart to rejoin again
Toaster_Strooder: Is this game like Dracula Flow but in space? this is my first time hearing of it.
kireawolf: I love that this song is just one long trombone solo
loufghyslaufey: Gawd... stop being good, game. Game!
loufghyslaufey: Not enough- ...Hoot!
CaptainCoriale: i never really considered the merits of adding a trombone part to a waltz but I'm here for it now
kireawolf: Skipping on and off the path in a way makes a new song
definitely wanna get this soundtrack already 
that vision blur is rough! damn 
theawesomeonev2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Thanks for subscribing, theawesomeonev2! (Today's storm count: 6)
Boopity: Or alternatively our bluetooth is having a hard time
RandomTrivia: It's a maglev dog
SquareDotCube: the dog has the battery
adept_nekomancer: Dog is carrying a battery pack on his back
kireawolf: @adept_nekomancer This is what I was thinking too
noSmokeFire: snogs
kireawolf: I am pretty sure it is a backpack
A_Dub888: I think it's a jetpack
Juliamon: It's a backpack with a battery in it

kireawolf: Who put all of these snowpeople here
Boopity: Is this Hot Frosty
schordash: this where all the non-perfect snowboys go from animal crossing
Boopity: So it's... snowman purgatory?
kireawolf: Its like a snowpeople graveyard
Boopity: Or perhaps in a lighter interpretation, we have hijacked a snowpeople convention
@kireawolf yeah, y’know… if in graveyards we just left the bodies out in the open

Juliamon: What if these snowfolk are snowzombies crawling OUT of their graves
ButButTheJesus: Wake up Snowple!
Boopity: Are snowzombies just... water?

Boopity: These beatmaps all have a really neat, strong sense of rhythm (as opposed to most rhythm games that are more about a pressing a rainfall of buttons)
Riandisa: Maybe it is when you hit it on the beat with another button? Like you got the achievement for earlier?
schordash: i would be holding on for my life, i feel ya ian! xD
Boopity: Spill the tea
kireawolf: I love Lady Grey
schordash: ∩^ω^∩
kireawolf: I tried Lady Grey on a whim and it is the reason I got into drinking tea
DaxStrife: Chamomile just tastes like drinking pollen, send skeet

adept_nekomancer: Animation did appear
schordash: i don’t usually vibe like this to rhythm game soundtracks. this is lovely to experience (*´꒳`*)
Boopity: @DaxStrife Oh. I haven't had chamomile tea, but as someone from a family with a history of pollen allergies, I will now never try it

schordash: \o/
Boopity: So I came in a bit later into stream, but... is there a premise? Like are we a girl and her guide dog or are we just following this random dog?
Boopity: Ah, fantastic
Dog_of_Myth: Follow dog, get high score
Boopity: Oh no
RockPusher: So if these snowmen heads are end of evangelion analogues, what is the mountain dew looking fluid they are in?
RatherLargeToad: dog knows what it did
Boopity: @RockPusher They couldn't get the rights to Fanta
Dog_of_Myth: @RockPusher Baja Blast Slushie
schordash: something about this game just feels particularly tuned to my preferences i think. certainly not saying i dislike the genre in the least o7
adept_nekomancer: It's the same plot as that card game from AFK a few weeks back where the entire goal is to meet up with your dog.

oh my gahd
noted lmao

A_Dub888: Where are we taking the break to? The shop?
Juliamon: Isengard?
Boopity: Where does break want to go?
Dog_of_Myth: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)


ButButTheJesus: I need instruction!

ButButTheJesus: I am easily lost!
Boopity: Can we get a roadmap for break?
Dog_of_Myth: Flow chart would be a bathroom break.
TheMerricat: Look, if we could do our own thing, you think we'd be reading chat or listening to secret podcasts during the break?
kireawolf: Inspirational quotes from Heather
MajorFrostbyte: Dinner time here so I'm using the break to steam some tamales.
schordash: 🤤
kireawolf: Can I get this on a poster with the hanging in there cat?
Boopity: Honestly a motivational poster that tells you to self-care is so valid
Boopity: Now that's a trailer that gets to the point
kireawolf: @Boopity How to self care with a flow chart
schordash: i feel like i’m gonna get jump scared when we get back xD feels so quiet having just come from tunes~
Boopity: Can't draw horses club does not have this issue
schordash: because of the beeeeees x)
Boopity: (In fact, you are more likely to be jumpscared *by* the break)

schordash: oh, hello xD

A_Dub888: @Boopity Probably because Ian's not there
Boopity: @A_Dub888 That is a good point

Geldaran: "No capes!"
Juliamon: The office has been invaded by a phantom!
wedge_x: Z-Zardoz?
RockPusher: How you get ghosts? You call Heather, Ghost Installer

RandomTrivia: Never have enough dogs
more dogs

A_Dub888: @Juliamon He wears a mask* , a terrifying mask! (glassdds count right?)
Dog_of_Myth: More dogs, always a good idea
adept_nekomancer: "You require additional dogs!"


schordash: well that’s a quote for mankind
RandomTrivia: The ADHD lifestyle
Dog_of_Myth: That's a heck of a quote
kireawolf: @RandomTrivia yes
gorl nuuu hahaha
A_Dub888: well that escalated quickly
Boopity: Me being distracted by typing out comment to not understand why RandomTrivia is saying ADHD lifestyle
kireawolf: Is this psa?
schordash: but there is no flesh for which gunk to remain trapped by :U
SquareDotCube: why not a pipe cleaner?
adept_nekomancer: No flesh to worry about -- just get a power-washer.
kusinohki: meows
A_Dub888: @adept_nekomancer what if the skull chips?
Boopity: I support toilet brush's career change
schordash: he truly had a potty brain
kusinohki: so what's the difference between a toilet brush and a grill scrapper??
adept_nekomancer: @A_Dub888 Cleanliness is a dangerous pursuit
kireawolf: There has to be a name for a long handled brush for cleaning
SquareDotCube: does Eternia even have toilets?



ButButTheJesus: brushie brushie brushie!
Boopity: Groom your toilets, folks
DaxStrife: You just wrote a crapshot starring Alex.
omdorastrix: I didn't realize you were filming the crapshoot today
If your toilet has hair, a simple cleaning might not be enough... 
kusinohki: tou-let-pea??
Boopity: Truly an untapped market potential: toilet wigs
Juliamon: Boopity I wouldn't call it untapped. There's a lot of fluffy seat lid covers out there.
Boopity: @Juliamon That is... a good point

omdorastrix: Ian-washlet.ogg
schordash: saw a house listing last month that had a clear toilet lid
Boopity: I see and appreciate your .ogg @omdorastrix
Juliamon: Doggo gained!
A_Dub888: Ian "comedy is good for toilets' Horner

DaxStrife: Tragedy Toilet sounds like an old Milton Bradley toy from the 80's.
kireawolf: There is that moive about the toilrt getting an exorcism
RockPusher: From Comedy Toilet to Horror Toilet — The LRR Story
omdorastrix: The music is just super chill - i'm kinda vibing here
ArdCollider: toilet bus for hope
Juliamon: Tragedy Toilet is the name of the inevitable Skibidi Toilet documentary
kireawolf: Do you oay for the toilet?
oh man, i heard “cherry” 
RockPusher: Chair-ish-ity Toilet?
RandomTrivia: The Burgundy Fart Cushion is a great example of chair-ity
Boopity: Do toilets identify themselves as chairs?
Cptasparagus: @RockPusher chair is shitty toilet
Juliamon: Boopity Please, they are *thrones*
omdorastrix: Toilet: Charity runs
Ignatiuspants: a chairtoilet of the toilet board?
DaxStrife: CEO of Toilets? Elon Musk, next question.
RockPusher: an ancient old weathered outhouse?
A_Dub888: @Juliamon What are thrones if not fancy chairs though?
kusinohki: something something stool's stool??
Juliamon: they're specialized chairs
Geldaran: Instead of a board room, would it be a throne room?
DaxStrife: No wait, CEO of Toilets is Margaret Thatcher's grave.
Juliamon: Tankless
DaxStrife surely that's a fun park 
RandomTrivia: @DaxStrife And the acting director is the bronze statue of JKR
omdorastrix: Sqwatty, Thomas Crapper-style,. 70's, Industrial, Modern, with washlet...
DaxStrife: @RandomTrivia Agreed.

omdorastrix: A gold-plated toilet for the VC
Boopity: I have lost track of this conversation
kireawolf: Same
RockPusher: brings new meaning to the C-suite being full of shit
omdorastrix: Anyone else hate the toilets that are mounted to the wall cuz you feel like they'll call off when you sit on them...
RandomTrivia: omdorastrix I find those so unsettling
omdorastrix: *creaaaaaaak*
kusinohki: did ian just describe wiggins toilet?? and I'm a little disturbed I know this...
RockPusher: a showroom for a toilet is a bathroom…
RandomTrivia: Ian is an exhibitionist?

wait wtf is with wiggins’ toilet?? 
kireawolf: Did you just dox wiggins toliet?
@kusinohki I am quite certain Ian just described Matt's lost gundam piece saga. 
omdorastrix: Shoes, Bed, Toilet, Chair, Elevator

RockPusher: For better and worse, Heather is acclimatised to Ian's BS
kireawolf: @TheMerricat What? Why would that be in the bathroom?
omdorastrix: Toilet butler: Excellet choice sir the Crapper-style is a fixture of teh genre.
kireawolf: You know what I dont want to know
TheMerricat: @kireawolf he uses a ultrasonic cleaner to clean the parts and it normally lives on the sink counter in the bathroom.
schordash: literally my nightmare toilet scenario
kireawolf: @TheMerricat Oh ok
TheMerricat: @TheMerricat what we are really mind blown over is how the part got from the cleaner, bank shot off a wall, and into the crevice of the toliet.
.....hi chat.
hey jess 
jessicaengle: Totally normal Rhythm Cafe banter I see.
omdorastrix: Toilet butler: This burn orange fiesta-ware colour has the added benefit of being slightly radioactive.
Juliamon: welcome to... this
Boopity: Hell @jessicaengle, we are so off-rails we're no longer in the solar system
Matt talked about it on his stream Ian. 
Juliamon: true, Ian did not *name* Wiggins

kireawolf: @TheMerricat That seems to be how thoes always seem to go

Juliamon: right, trombone waltz
jessicaengle: My one piece of interesting toilet trivia, is that the toilet was named after its inventor, John Crapper, which is why both of those names are euphemisms for it.
jessicaengle: So there ya go. That's all I got.
schordash: heather, looking all pleased as punch >xD
RandomTrivia: I'm sure Jordynne can find a contextual use for that line
DaxStrife: Suddenly Trombone Champ
Boopity: What a lovely toilet fact
colourspike subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Thanks for subscribing, colourspike! (Today's storm count: 7)
Chat.. I think they are trolling us. 
Boopity: Has Rhythm Cafe peaked?
RandomTrivia: Honestly, this is a bog-standard Rhythm Cafe talk

kusinohki: I think I breathed in 10 year old dust??
A_Dub888: @RandomTrivia Plunging into weird digressions?
LordZarano: "From Middle French toilette, diminutive of toile (“cloth”), from their use to protect clothing while shaving or arranging hair. From its use as a private room, toilet came to refer euphemistically to lavatories and then to its fixtures, beginning in the United States in the late 19th century." - Wiktionary
wedge_x: only referring to the toilet as a 'dead drop' from now on
nope, you took the most steaming hot one for the night ‘m afraid 
RandomTrivia: @A_Dub888 Indeed, but it's a real drain on resources



schordash: o7

jessicaengle: Oh boy Glurp.
A_Dub888: @RandomTrivia I'm sure someone's got something left in the tank
RockPusher: Glllllluuuuuuuuurrrrrrppppppp!!!!!!
Boopity: I find that Glurp is fun in far away intervals, cause then everyone will have mildly forgotten how the controls work
schordash: the way those lil guys flail about gets me with 0 effort x3
Oh that is very fair 
Juliamon: The controls are "flail and pray"
schordash: “someone,” it’s always matt if not graham xD
RandomTrivia: The "neutrino bit flip" meta is too strong
kireawolf: remove all expections
schordash: 👏👏👏
Juliamon: If you find yourself doing well, lean into the flow. If you don't, don't force it.
jessicaengle: Head empty, all Glurp
MajorFrostbyte: There is a name for that state called, Flow, oh no. back to toilets...
A_Dub888: @Juliamon you wanna take that one again?
Juliamon: No.
only if it’s low flow, MajorFrostbyte 
DaxStrife: It's on PC.
kusinohki: oki oki glurp club - everyone becomes grand champs somehow...
Juliamon: Switch also already has everyone's profiles set up
jessicaengle: The state is not flow, it's flail
Juliamon: I want this song track to back a series of Glurp clips

Boopity: @Juliamon Including the "wrong button" wibbly bits I presume?
jessicaengle: Empty your mind of everything but fine dining, and breathing.
this song makes me think of— wait what??

Boopity: Ian


kireawolf: Is Heather a vampire?
jessicaengle: PLEASE do not monetize your deaths D:
schordash: just the past week?? xD
ButButTheJesus: reminded me that while filming Avatar 2, Kate Winslet held her breath underwater for 7 mins 14 seconds
RandomTrivia: Nice nice
RockPusher: nice
ButButTheJesus: Nice
schordash: i still say nice
Boopity: @jessicaengle "Finally, the one final thing in my life I have not monetized yet"
jessicaengle: I call shenanigans on that. I don't believe Ian can hold his tongue.
iarethel0ser: Nice
schordash: it’s funny to find out who knows the meme
LordZarano: You can hold your breath for 4 minutes with a little practice. It's called apnoea training
kireawolf: Awe being born in the 90's is young?

Juliamon: I assume it's medical records
gualdhar: newsflash, Aught kids can drink now
the church™️ 
@jessicaengle Oh I am so glad you recognized the quote 

Juliamon: TRUUUE

Ace folks are lewd because they have no fucks to give. 
RandomTrivia: You'll find that Ace people know way above average numbers of lewd jokes
Juliamon: I've drawn way more sex than I've voluntarily participated in
RandomTrivia: DaxStrife put it way better than I could

Can confirm that's how it works 
jpost042: flying cat
schordash: @DaxStrife you’re not wrong
jessicaengle: wub


A_Dub888: Rails optional

Boopity: The game looks you dead in the eye and goes "Try to go off-rails, I dare you"
DaxStrife: Anyone lese getting a Megaman vibe from this track?
schordash: the color scheme is for me for sure xD

Boopity: This is an interesting progression system for a rhythm game
schordash: this one starts out like a track you’d hear in animal crossing
plan B! 
Boopity: That's true yeah.
Boopity: Love the guitar stepping in here
schordash: ^
Dillatont: Anybody know if this soundtrack is available somewhere? This is great stuff
Juliamon: Dillatont Dev says they're waiting until 1.0 before releasing
Juliamon: (it's still early access)
Dillatont: Then I have some bookmarks to make!
Dillatont: Thank you, @Juliamon


TheMerricat: He's not.
for like all time or just lately? 
Juliamon: the song actually slaps, but the map is brutal

Boopity: We are reaching that part of the rhythm game experience. I do love the occasional hyperfocus on Rhythm Cafe, even if Cool Cool Town was maybe a bit *too* ridiculous
Cptasparagus: I just caught up on Not a Drop and missed submitting questions for the Q+A. My main one is did Adam intend for his character to resemble Wilford Brimley?
A_Dub888: Like from Dragonball?
SquareDotCube: Yggdrasil?
TheMerricat: The world tree, Ywhateitsanem
Boopity: So many iconic trees
iris_of_ether: @Cptasparagus I believe a past unrelated stream had Jacob saying that he needed to tell a WoD artist to illustrate the result of if "the Pet Rock guy from Office Space (Richard Riehle) and Bob from Tekken fucked"
Boopity: UpdateTreeLore()
iris_of_ether: And yes that's what Adam requested
Dog_of_Myth: I'll leaf that topic alone
iris_of_ether: Linden trees have lopsided heart-shaped leaves!
A_Dub888: Let's see, there's Wispy Woods, the Great Deku, Sudowoodo...
Boopity: Heather!
TheMerricat: The flesh is weak. Join us!
iris_of_ether: "Acer" is the genus name for maple trees!
RandomTrivia: Ian, please stop saying words
Juliamon: Sudowoodo is not a tree, it's a fake tree.
kireawolf: Ian sound write horror
kireawolf: should

Juliamon: A Yule tree
Boopity: Are you implying christmas trees are a centralized system?
omdorastrix: I think most christmas trees draw their power from the local electrical grid
A_Dub888: a C-UR-istmas tree
iris_of_ether: My stepdad is Jewish and we always tongue-in-cheek called it "Hannukah bush"
@iris_of_ether Oh I love that 
iris_of_ether: Also are you implying that Christmas trees draw from a sole. mythic tree a la Fate/Stay Night???
smertmonkey subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
Thanks for subscribing, smertmonkey! (Today's storm count: 8)
LordZarano: Merry New Year's Treve
TheMerricat: Chat, I was looknig for UR-Christmas Tree on Google and while I didn't find it, I just wanted to share this book title on Amazon. "How to Eat Your Christmas Tree: Delicious, innovative recipes for cooking with trees"
Boopity: @TheMerricat O-oh...
Juliamon: It's only FOR NOW the last song
iris_of_ether: @TheMerricat My friends are looking for an opportunity to share their "spruce tar alcohol", so

Boopity: So true Ian
schordash: thanks for the fun time guys xD


Boopity: Thank you for the deeply enriching discussion topics
RockPusher: Gluuuurp!!!!
Dog_of_Myth: Gluuuurp

Juliamon: Jamesless actually
but we just got uno back 
RandomTrivia: E G G
iris_of_ether: We have upgraded from Egg Squeeze to Arctic Eggs

NotCainNorAbel: can do and should do are very different
iris_of_ether: Harsh but fair?
SquareDotCube: acids of the amino kind
NotCainNorAbel: you keep Wisconsin out of this!
iris_of_ether: Okay as a Wisconsinite I must protest
RockPusher: Knowledge is dangerous
RandomTrivia: Pretty sure that one was the French's fault
iris_of_ether: Also Oregon cheese is p good, too
RockPusher: yes
Juliamon: Googling "pickled string cheese" indicates it was maybe not a thing before the trend
RockPusher: Best of one has hand smoothing
Cptasparagus: only in certain modea (best of 1 msotly)
Juliamon: so someone very likely just made it up and made it A Thing
Cptasparagus: they draw you 3 hands and give you the best
500 - Despite Ian's treasonist words about cheese.
RandomTrivia: Ah, but you see randomization makes a bad feels player experience that makes people not spend as much money
wedge_x: ~ reveal the Canadian area ~
RockPusher: A lot has happened to the north america of Ticket to Ride Legacy
Juliamon: eh, it'll be back by then

Juliamon: Heather!

RandomTrivia: Just a small matter
RockPusher: Something… will happen
RandomTrivia: Are we big mid quizzing?
RandomTrivia: Nah, it's impossible to know
A_Dub888: We turn into bats?
Juliamon: real talk I don't remember this many people asking about a Big Mid Quiz *last* January
Boopity: Glad we brought the toilets back at the end
Juliamon: why is it this year that everyone's getting antsy about it
Boopity: Was last year the second one? If yes then at that point people began to take it as a pattern
RandomTrivia: @Juliamon After the first one, people assumed it was a one-off bit like most Lives?

We don't usually expect regular patterns on Live (because it's futile trying to predict that chaos) 
Thanks for the stream, Ian and Heather!

Juliamon: chat has historically only needed one incident to infer a pattern
RandomTrivia: True, thought "we really enjoyed that segment, please bring it back in the future" is a self-fulfilling prophecy
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