Nigouki: !fart
LRRbot: The sphincter whistle!
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: an uncursed pancake.
baltimore_667083: wait then where are the cursed ones
Nigouki: what do you think we're making with today's eggs?
baltimore_667083: probably arctic pasta
TheAinMAP: Signal
baltimore_667083: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
baltimore_667083: not again
BraveOthello: Egg would be much appreciated in this trying time

journojared subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
journojared: This space intentionally left blank
Thanks for subscribing, journojared! (Today's storm count: 2)
DanielLewis84 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Thanks for subscribing, DanielLewis84! (Today's storm count: 3)
Juliamon: Hopefully we won't need to squeeze them
gralamin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
gralamin: Oh no I overflowed my signed byte
Thanks for subscribing, gralamin! (Today's storm count: 4)
Bugberry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Bugberry! (Today's storm count: 5)
bytecaster: EGG EGG EGG
anclag subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Thanks for subscribing, anclag! (Today's storm count: 6)
Garfy400 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 97 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Garfy400! (Today's storm count: 7)
Simriel: E G
Symphoneers: Oh I frequently think every now and then, of the beautiful fruit of the noble hen. Eggs! Eggs! E-double-g-s eggs!
Simriel: @symphoneers Nah no wheeler
Juliamon: I curse Wheeler every day for bringing my childhood memories raging back
Disregard Wheeler, acquire EGG 
nosole subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 137 months, currently on a 137 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, nosole! (Today's storm count: 8)
baltimore_667083: hi cori!
Nigouki: can of egg?
beowuuf: drnking stim
Azralorne: Is that an alcohol
Simriel: Enjoy E G Cori
GasCityGaming: one for taste, one for hydration
BrindleBoar: no laws when you're drinking claws?
DoodlestheGreat: Hi ho. How be?
brieandbacon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
brieandbacon: Let's sim! That! Talk!
Thanks for subscribing, brieandbacon! (Today's storm count: 9)
matthaus_c: this is cameronless behaviour
Simriel: Stall for time
Hulyen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Hulyen! (Today's storm count: 10)
L0rdX33n: what do indeed
Azralorne: Cori got this
Nigouki: alcomohol?
beowuuf: eggstend gameplay
GasCityGaming: Vok-tail?
Simriel: Draw a horse!!!
iris_of_ether: E G G
Bruceski: Egging Simulator
kimmibeans: I've been trying to figure out why I'm not hearing anything for the past 5 minutes. I forgot to turn on my headphones
CaptainSpam: January: The Month of Egg
Trahas: but you can't draw a horse in the other show
GhostValv: what does this look like? a monday?
matthaus_c: horses are only allowed on Is This Your Card
Do the trick streamer 
L0rdX33n: Even me?
L0rdX33n: Yay!
DeM0nFiRe: some has set us up the chicken
crazycommie87: I definitely can use an egg in these trying times
Bruceski: So when does this turn into The Thing?
Juliamon: wait, this is the wrong pole, we need ANTarctic eggs!
Nigouki: BEHOLD! A MAN!
Simriel: Eg police
Nigouki: (too early for that)?
matthaus_c: hey wait a minute is this Antarctic Eggs
DoodlestheGreat: Huevos de ártico!
SnackPak_: yeah, a bit of noise
Symphoneers: The compression's okay so far.
Nigouki: visual seems fine
Squallloir: yooo I love this game! my friend teddy speedran it for a while!
crazycommie87: It just looks... Unsettling
DoodlestheGreat: We cookin'
beowuuf: are we undead?
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, time for E G G
matthaus_c: flawless flip
Simriel: Hey I own that pan

matthaus_c: not so flawless flip
crazycommie87: Yeet

matthaus_c: the inevitable pipeline of "Time to make an omelette!" -> "Guess I'm having scrambled eggs!"
crazycommie87: Oh lord, it's one of these kind of games. Outstanding XD
L0rdX33n: this is an eggsellent pan
crazycommie87: "Saint of Six Stomachs"
BrindleBoar: secret corner
L0rdX33n: secrets, or chainsaws
Hi Cori...I'm not sure what this is, but have fun exploring. 
crazycommie87: No clucks? Really?
anclag: We should name them all before we leave
CaptainSpam: Well, you don't want to run with eggs. They might break.
Raincoast_Bear: They don't give a cluck.
iris_of_ether: Sprint, jump, back dash
Nigouki: cool still suit
crazycommie87: @raincoast_bear Get out. XD

Squallloir: i think you two could have a lot of fun stuff to talk about here

Dog_of_Myth: E G G
Gekyouryuu: New idea for Graham next Desert Bus: smoke some sauces while interviewing people. Cigar-wettes
ghizmou: how many egg games are there out there
DoodlestheGreat: Oh Cam, you've already missed insanity.
ghizmou: that s a t-fal
BusTed: sensitive flip controls

baltimore_667083: hi cam!
CaptainSpam: So as we see, food supplies aren't the hunger issue here.
Anubis169: if only eggs cooked that suddenly
ghizmou: cigarette side up please
Symphoneers: It mentioned movement adds heat.
TheMerricat: You have to move your hand to cook I thought.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I think you have ot move it around to cook
CaptainSpam: I think you have to keep the egg moving to cook it.
@CaptainSpam just like real life 
Bruceski: opposite, it has to move to cook
tehThane: The tutorial said movement generates heat
Juliamon: friction-heating
crazycommie87: Gotta give it a little shimmy in the pan
BusTed: good flip!

Good pan handling 
Laserbeaks_Fury: The people are so wibbly
DoodlestheGreat: None of us will forget this.
ghizmou: that s because they look down on you
Symphoneers: That is an egg order that'd go with mahjong.
matthaus_c: a troupe of Gandalfs
niccus: giantbomb was a notoriously tall troupe
Dog_of_Myth: Giants from the North
iris_of_ether: "simply not eat the smaller ones"
korvys: Go to the meeting dressed as Space Wolves
bojuka_pog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bojuka_pog! (Today's storm count: 11)
Dog_of_Myth: @korvys Oh, that's a good idea
SnackPak_: been there
ghizmou: wasn't that every cafe in the 2010s
BrindleBoar: that was the power of bowl
Bruceski: I feel like "the only thing keeping Cameron from being a tyrant is people bigger than him" should be more of a surprise but... eh.

matthaus_c: I really wish my toilet wouldn't moan every time
crazycommie87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
crazycommie87: Needing this while inspecting microfilm at work. Thanks!
Thanks for subscribing, crazycommie87! (Today's storm count: 12)
Laserbeaks_Fury: I should go...
BusTed: hm
electric_claire: That would only make me want to engage with you more, Cameron
TheMerricat: Chat, the feels when you spend a multihour long game session to romance your ingame waifu and then... once the quest is over they revert to their stock three phrases.
L0rdX33n: But Cam, you are so fresh
crazycommie87: Interesting lore.
Juliamon: The simple happiness of Pooh Stix
kumatsu: snowdrops take more gacha pulls than Victoria gets
matthaus_c: consistent snowdrops are so pre-climate collapse
crazycommie87: Is that a C4 block?
duckace11: everybody here is (south) Polish
Nigouki: lithium battery bank
Nigouki: just waiting for the pop

crazycommie87: Wat

crazycommie87: Ah that makes sense for it being a delicacy
matthaus_c: egg surgery
Simriel: They did surgery on an egg
matthaus_c: masterful work
iris_of_ether: I played that just long enough to get the achievement "Shhh, I doctor now" and then never again

matthaus_c: imagine if the military protected a community's feeding rights
ButButTheJesus: so wibbly
kumatsu: t-posing egg
Cptasparagus: why do these jellyfish have butter in the middle

iris_of_ether: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)

BusTed: eggdge
niccus: pretend you're extra cool and these eggs were cracked one-handed
matthaus_c: egg-dging
Simriel: Do not edge your eggs
matthaus_c: eggs so good you hit the griddy
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is this a backdoor Xavier: Renegade Angel game?
crazycommie87: I mean, I would dance too if I had excellent cooked eggs
GanixU: Didn't they also "gamble" a planet to an American Football game?
Simriel: Oh no. He made medium rare chicken
crazycommie87: Bacon too?
SymphonySolstice: good life advice
Simriel: I try and check my meat every 6 months
gralamin: Instructions unclear made too many friends
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'm kinda amazed how easily this game lets things sit on their side
CaptainSpam: I'm starting to think the food waste issue in this society is largely due to their prep methods.
ButButTheJesus: baconbaconbacon! BACON
Pteraspidomorphi: I don't know what I'm looking at but this protagonist would save a lot of food if they owned a spatula
Laserbeaks_Fury: "what, no grape jelly?"
BusTed: Is it possible to flip front to back?
Juliamon: They were not issued a spatula
Nigouki: is this the 3 body problem everyone talks about?
ylegm: I wonder if pan location affects cook time
xantos69: @Nigouki Well there are 3 bodies... and there is absolutely a problem.
niccus: the pan makes fourth, so no
Invitare: did this world trade spatulas for self-heating frying pans or something?
Juliamon: that bacon wants out of here

Laserbeaks_Fury: Does anyone have this exact pan?
kumatsu: What I'm getting is I might not be hiring Cori for my diner
ylegm: @Laserbeaks_Fury I feel like I had it at one point
iris_of_ether: I should season and use the cast iron pan we got....
AFamiliarCalledEl: I wish I had a frictionless pan
AFamiliarCalledEl: I've really enjoyed my carbon steel pans
Boopity: This is just that one LRL bit of Ian teaching Cori how to cook eggs (with Matt as her arms but like half of chat didn't realize that)
iris_of_ether: I've got very functional aluminum
gralamin: I have aMadegood carbon steel pan, love it
100 gamer
Cptasparagus: give them cold meat
matthaus_c: meatspin.gif
Bugberry: meat spin

CaptainSpam: Every day, yep.

ButButTheJesus: yep
xerjen: Those eggs sure are floppy...
ylegm: Cameron
Bugberry: a link to the pan
Simriel: If your penis is in 3 segments, consult every doctor Immedietly
matthaus_c: elegant
Pteraspidomorphi: Can you knock this guy out with the frying pan and steal his spatula?
L0rdX33n: @simriel So they can high five you?
CaptainSpam: If we finish early, will Cameron get to see Egg Squeezer?
Boopity: I love the way the eggs... undulate? when you run them across the pan
DoodlestheGreat: Oh man, breakfast is getting better. Will we have pancakes next?
matthaus_c: HowLongToBeat did not account for the player being a Gamer
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is just the tutorial. The real game doesnt kick in till about 90 hours in
That's not true, I love cooking 
niccus: i think i've heard there are two different difficulties available?
Laserbeaks_Fury: who know one of the 11 secret herbs and spices was tobacco
ButButTheJesus: rude

matthaus_c: all Magic The Gathering players in shambles
Pteraspidomorphi: Good wor
Bugberry: I use ubiquitous a little too much.
Luminaire_p: gastrointestinal
Simriel: Cam did you just get called out by the game
Bugberry: quatro tamago!
matthaus_c: quatro huevos?? en esta economia??
LordZarano: Yon tamago!
AFamiliarCalledEl: Tetregghedron
CaptainSpam: So... what's the heat source?
Cptasparagus: oh is this the new protein folding algorithm i've heard about?
Juliamon: CaptainSpam friction
CaptainSpam: Ah, of course.
LurkerSpine: they'll get dippy eggs and they'll like it
Cptasparagus: @CaptainSpam Ian made a self-heating nuclear pan on TTSF and now its in the game
Juliamon: You squeeze the egg. But not too long.
Simriel: @Cptasparagus Why did I read that as Self Hating Nuclear Pan
CaptainSpam: I kinda want to see as the game goes on, the ground just gets covered with more and more half-cooked eggs, bacon, sausages, etc...
Cptasparagus: @Simriel oh no its sentient
ButButTheJesus: eggxiety
Gizmoloid: what if the world got progressively more splattered from your failures but no one ever addressed that?
kinipelah subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
kinipelah: Take the rich man's money
Thanks for subscribing, kinipelah! (Today's storm count: 13)
Metric_Furlong: just got in, we frying up some eggs?
Pteraspidomorphi: The cool words!
LilyOfTheVeil666: "Psychically bonding with an egg" aka helping a Baby Trans
Laserbeaks_Fury: Big oeuf
matthaus_c: I like this person
matthaus_c: I would like to be like this person
Luminaire_p: Sorry, I ignored everything they said
SymphonySolstice: good for washing your face
CaptainSpam: Pls do not get head from a vending machine.
matthaus_c: can't flaunt your curtains
SymphonySolstice: millennials with anxiety be like
matthaus_c: it's 20...91?
Nigouki: Antarctic 2091? was it?
matthaus_c: and Antarctica, which is very much *not* the Arctic
matthaus_c: this is that TF2 Spy meme
SymphonySolstice: hot girl diet
Juliamon: ah, challenge mode
Metric_Furlong: mmm, tobacco-y
Boopity: Oh honey
Bugberry: French Style
Boopity: girl dinner
LordZarano: 12 cigs
Arcticblast324: hey who put my eggs on Twitch? those are MY eggs
CaptainSpam: NARRATOR: It was not good for her.
matthaus_c: I am confident it is
matthaus_c: typos just /feel/ like this aesthetic
SymphonySolstice: chimken :>
matthaus_c: one fish two fish
Juliamon: no eggs...
Laserbeaks_Fury: Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
matthaus_c: GAMING
Juliamon: SICK FLIPS

SymphonySolstice: MLG
matthaus_c: well the last Poultry Peddler left
Laserbeaks_Fury: Mouthwashing name drop?
matthaus_c: so this is where Curly ended up...
Boopity: Dramatic
Bugberry: weird people go hungry
CowboyOverflow subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CowboyOverflow! (Today's storm count: 14)
Boopity: Or is it the other way around? I definitely *get* weird when I'm hungy
UltraVioletVodoo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Thanks for subscribing, UltraVioletVodoo! (Today's storm count: 15)
CaptainSpam: Haldo and Weclome.
Laserbeaks_Fury: NegG+
Luminaire_p: Don't mean to egg you on
Metric_Furlong: fill this mouth with egg/fish/cigarette
QuixoticScrivener: I appreciate their attempts to keep the game mechanics diagetic, but campy.
episvont subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Thanks for subscribing, episvont! (Today's storm count: 16)
Boopity: He called you the moment BibleThump
matthaus_c: I know it's a moustache but I keep seeing an open face plate with wires underneath
Nigouki: it's like 50% salt by volume, it can't go bad
Cptasparagus: i feel like the pan has more polygons than most people
Laserbeaks_Fury: Achovie Unlocked
Boopity: @Cptasparagus The game knows its priorities
Invitare: first you have to catch on fire
Gizmoloid: considering what the doorman told us, does hungry people count popping up imply that we need a smoke after every cooked meal?
Laserbeaks_Fury: World 1-1
matthaus_c: just like Jesus said. All the little freaks, come unto me
Dog_of_Myth: Oh noooo
SymphonySolstice: hm.
SymphonySolstice: Do Not
Boopity: That, uhhh...
Boopity: Is it... alive?
CaptainSpam: This is not how you prepare fugu.
Metric_Furlong: @Boopity not anymore
LurkerSpine: well that guy is dead
xantos69: Nothing about that meal was a good idea
matthaus_c: 2091 people are duilt bifferent
Juliamon: Blue Noid
Boopity: @Metric_Furlong o_0
CaptainSpam: The fact that you are never shown even with all the wild camera angle changes is somewhat disconcerting.
xantos69: Big same
Juliamon: never mind, you can live here
Boopity: I need that quote isolated with the "chicken" blank for every time social media does the social media thing
Pteraspidomorphi: Reminds me of Pentiment
Bugberry: speedrun stratz
CaptainSpam: So, can't wait to see someone run this on SGDQ.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Does the fish stop being bouncy if it's cooked?
IcewindBilbo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months, currently on a 96 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, IcewindBilbo! (Today's storm count: 17)
bytecaster: I just came in, why are we cooking a cigarette?
niccus: flavor
SymphonySolstice: a balanced breakfast
Gizmoloid: @bytecaster adds flavour
bytecaster: I guess you get that certain smoky flavor that way
CaptainSpam: I wonder if you could've actually saved that.
bytecaster: Are there cooking cigarettes like there are cooking wines?
xantos69: Cook it harder I guess
bytecaster: Pufferfish are polite like t hat
Boopity: Very kind of it
bytecaster: Are you supposed to grill pufferfish whole?
Boopity: There are many things happening which are not supposed to
Mathwyn: Our kingdom for some tongs
L0rdX33n: Never have I stared so intently at a slice of bacon
Boopity: Wooo! This is strangely ecstatic
matthaus_c: based soldier
Boopity: Wh
CaptainSpam: That fish is bleeding exposition!
Boopity: wha
Luminaire_p: oracular fish
Bugberry: stab the fish for exposition
ButButTheJesus: wha
Juliamon: oh
Simriel: What the fuck
Juliamon: that's why it's called Arctic Eggs when we're in the Antarctic
Nigouki: wait hold up
matthaus_c: damn
Gizmoloid: the fish of exposition
Nigouki: sure the magnetic poles flip but not the actual earth axis of rotation
Bugberry: fishposition
iris_of_ether: oh no
matthaus_c: oh that's so sick
Boopity: Teach a man who knows how to fish how to cook
Juliamon: he is REALLY BAD at cooking
IncredibleFrown: a 180 degree transformation, huh...
Mathwyn: I love sideways egg
Nigouki: grab a mirror!
matthaus_c: @IncredibleFrown right? it's so clever
bytecaster: That bacon and egg could use a cigarette for flavor
iris_of_ether: Flip it back, reverse it
Nigouki: hhaa]
Luminaire_p: Flip it in OBS
Gizmoloid: will grabbing the mouse upside down help?
Nigouki: @Luminaire_p oooooooooooh D:
Gizmoloid: or do you play this on a controller?
Juliamon: so close...
matthaus_c: it might be fun to watch someone play this on a Switch
JohnnyLunchbawks: Is it weird that I now want to have bacon and eggs for dinner?
matthaus_c: @JohnnyLunchbawks you are not immune to advertising
Boopity: Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a Mario Party minigam
Nigouki: i hope there's a cat taht comes by to steal the fish occasionally and it's gonna show up to SO MUCH BACON on the floor
Gizmoloid: @johnnylunchbawks as long as you don't add any cigarettes you should be fine
QuixoticScrivener: what is food scarcity?
well one cigarette may be fine, certainly not twelve though 
bytecaster: Not undone, but well-done
matthaus_c: the Furies are at home in the mirror
shushu2539: try using a mirror
JohnnyLunchbawks: @Gizmoloid But how else am I supposed to time it?
iris_of_ether: To the moon
Gizmoloid: why is he making egg and bacon anyway, didn't he want to learn to cook fish?
bytecaster: @Gizmoloid We all gotta start somewhere
SymphonySolstice: the music really adds to the experience here
spicyFerret_: Do not severely wound yourself with the baxon.
@Gizmoloid Oh I completely forgot about that 
IncredibleFrown: fish bacon...
yeah, the Beyond Good And Evil final boss fight gets pretty tough sometimes 
matthaus_c: well so far we've cooked a Pufferfish the same way we cook a Cigarette
Nigouki: every unsuccessful attempt is practice :3
matthaus_c: so maybe the skills all transfer
bytecaster: I do love how nicely it flings the bacon
Mathwyn: "Got a light?" *pulls out frying pan* Sure
rynsfelda subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months!
Juliamon: I love it when they just YEET
Thanks for subscribing, rynsfelda! (Today's storm count: 18)
bytecaster: From the back row: "Do a flip!"
Metric_Furlong: so how's you day been, chat? get up to anything interesting?
spicyFerret_: Oh, goodbye!
LordZarano: It'll be fun doing the next uninverted one after this
rotarysorter: did I stumble into a watch and play?
@Metric_Furlong dealing with a Shining elevator's worth of phlegm, but otherwise chilling 
bytecaster: @rotarysorter No, here the jank is deliberate part of the experience and not just a dev not knowing how to do it better
Gizmoloid: I wonder if all this is straightforward physics sim or the dev had to fiddle with it to work just right?
spicyFerret_: Now do a kickflip!

Boopity: Woo!
matthaus_c: cycle your legs, stretch your fluids, flip your cigarette
kimmibeans: Perfect timing! I was just about to make myself a cup of tea because it is effing cold!
Juliamon: For those not on the Discord, take note of the PiF added to the schedule!
matthaus_c: oh shit Stalker 2 PIF!
I can't cycle my legs, they're still in the washing machine 
rotarysorter: @bytecaster good ol deliberate jank, the best kind of jank
LordZarano: Oh huh I thought Refantazio was gonna be the next PiF
Juliamon: I presume book-writing pre-empted it
bytecaster: The power of the blorbo is stronger than the pif
Juliamon: Only one time-consuming hobby at a time
matthaus_c: hobbies are hungry little dragons
Metric_Furlong: hello
iris_of_ether: Oooh miso
Juliamon: forever envious of hot water on demand
iris_of_ether: You do you
bytecaster: Soup good
matthaus_c: idk man I don't care what you do with your body
Juliamon: you *can* get vegetarian dashi, but hey, who cares
Coloneljesus: adamDriverGoodSoup.gif
SymphonySolstice: you can eat anything you want forever
Boopity: When you're fish, you're family
bytecaster: Good designs have been out for quite some time now
bytecaster: *decisions
L0rdX33n: lorge feesh
matthaus_c: sometimes corpses just twitch
iris_of_ether: What you eat has zero bearing on our lives, etc
niccus: of all the ways to use a carnivore, shavings of a ferment is a great way to stretch it
matthaus_c: hot damn
Juliamon: why is it STILL flopping

Gizmoloid: saving it!

matthaus_c: @Juliamon same reason Harvey Dent keeps going
accountmadeforants: All this flipping has Tony Hawk's Pro Skater energy

iris_of_ether: Sea pancake nooooo
SymphonySolstice: delicious pancake
iris_of_ether: The jukes!
matthaus_c: this is not what Steve Irwin would have wanted
Gizmoloid: he's just the right size
matthaus_c: never eat for free!
accountmadeforants: I like that everyone is undulating
matthaus_c: man said the Ship of Theseus is stupid
Coloneljesus: she's gamin'
iris_of_ether: Actively gaming
silenceaux: Cori just keeps winning, can't be stopped

accountmadeforants: o7

Jethrain: F
Nigouki: back to the sea from where he came..
Gizmoloid: an uncommon support from the puffer!
matthaus_c: unto that wild pale yonder
accountmadeforants: I do wish I had the power to fry a round thing in two passes like that
iris_of_ether: Free bacon
Gizmoloid: is that how he catches fish? Harrdcore
trees0302: <message deleted>GO TOUCH SOME FREAKING GRASS
silenceaux: Getting that smoky flavour(?)
Juliamon: Can't, it's under too much snow
your_average_ground_troop: Classic america dad meal
accountmadeforants: Ah, smoked fish
trees0302: <message deleted>YOUR PRONOUNS ARE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
undecided44: Can he tell us where sailors hang out?
Juliamon: Ease up on the caps there
iris_of_ether: Would it smoke like this or like this, etc
Nigouki: Do a flip! NO NOT LIKE THAT!
accountmadeforants: Dang, this meal is *not* simple at all!
niccus: it would be so difficult to cook a big mouth billy bass
Juliamon: what
LordZarano: I wonder how many people have actually tried cooking cigarette after playing this
Nigouki: NDAs suck balls
matthaus_c: I like the Wheelie egg
silenceaux: Extremely bouncy
matthaus_c: clean
SymphonySolstice: Gaming
matthaus_c: these freaks got nothing on Cori
Gizmoloid: impeccable
Nigouki: to the deep fryer in the sky
Juliamon: speedrun strats?
kdefinition: This is Persona 6
brynnjacka: which is the greater weapon, gravity gun or pan
matthaus_c: our pan is metal gear
bytecaster: Wait, is this frog fractions 7?
SymphonySolstice: v o i d
Juliamon: Seems everyone thinks about it
iris_of_ether: *Holst lover activated*
matthaus_c: I've met that person
Coloneljesus: i kinda like the breathing aparatus fashion things
SymphonySolstice: so true bestie
Jethrain: i'm not sold on meal-prepped fried eggs
Juliamon: coffee?? give coffee
jessieimproved: This was such a great time to join the stream, I am so confused
jessieimproved: (i love it)
SymphonySolstice: nods
emmaInProgress: when scrubbing the toilet, make sure to put the steak far away from you, got it
SquareDotCube: Beer battered egg
kumatsu: that classic dish of a beer-fried egg
BusTed: dang

sadfleck: just got here, what we cookin?
Nigouki: D:
BusTed: what a move
Coloneljesus: holy moly
empyreon: PRO
Nigouki: holy shit
Jethrain: Deep fried magic right there
IncredibleFrown: hot fried beer heah
silenceaux: Gaming. Again. Gaming.
matthaus_c: what show of skill
iris_of_ether: Sick egg
matthaus_c: o wise trash brain what is your wisdom
Juliamon: are we not all brains within a pile of trash, though?
kdefinition: What is the mind but a plaything of the body?
matthaus_c: this is Umurangi Generation 2
Nigouki: jfc
iris_of_ether: Y I k e s
ButButTheJesus: sir
empyreon: sir, this is an Applebees
jessieimproved: this has Beautycopter levels of unhinged
dauthi_vod_watcher: it for sure has beautycopter adjacent energy
Coloneljesus: man, beautycopter sure is a game
Coloneljesus: I like to inflict it
Imagine being in a club, hearing "I already failed!", turning and getting a faceful of fried egg 
Nigouki: a game of actual skill
Coloneljesus: Godskin apostle?
Juliamon: Gizmoloid Raw egg, she hadn't cooked it yet
SquareDotCube: How did that last find a Fugi shirt?
accountmadeforants: Regular Guyskin Apostle
matthaus_c: big sweater with a full print of a classical art rendition of Nic Cage's face
Nigouki: this, this is the proper amount of hammered
This is how you fry with beer batter, right? 
Coloneljesus: 2nd god flip?
Juliamon: beer (battered)

matthaus_c: holy shit
jessieimproved: That frying pan looks disturbingly like *my* frying pan

jessieimproved: indeed
ofstrife: what fever dream did I just start watching?
Gizmoloid: @juliamon true, though I think a good egg with yolk still a bit liquid is funnier
matthaus_c: evil evil evil evil
jessieimproved: cook. that. phone!
accountmadeforants: Apparently you can do a free-form mode, too. And some people have set some truly devious challenges for themselves
LordZarano: This reminds me a lot of Umurangi Generation actually
L0rdX33n: mmmmm beerfish
OminouslyOminous: I think I had this conversation in a grad school homework forum once
omdorastrix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
omdorastrix: Yep
Thanks for subscribing, omdorastrix! (Today's storm count: 19)
LordZarano: Just with ridiculous cooking instead of photography
goombalax: what the fuck is this
CaptainSpam: Did they contrive this entire setting JUST to use antidisestablishmentarianism in a sentence?!?
Metric_Furlong: @goombalax Arctic Eggs
OminouslyOminous: The egg whites look like beautiful jellyfish
matthaus_c: holy MOLY
dauthi_vod_watcher: pure skill

matthaus_c: egg pillow...
Juliamon: HELL YEAH
xantos69: This one gets it.
gralamin: This guy gets it
gralamin: One? I don't know what it is really.
jessieimproved: I'm a banana
accountmadeforants: How... how do you write for this.
Mangledpixel: tube here
kdefinition: Gee, Cori, how come your mom lets you have two beers?
Mangledpixel: thickuid
Juliamon: "cheap"
matthaus_c: thick beer
Juliamon: I mean, water also looks thick on a hot frying pan
matthaus_c: hate it when the beer gets cocked
matthaus_c: sport
100 flipping god
goombalax: I rate that five out of six stomachs
xantos69: Truth
LordZarano: Egg cooked in beer is presumably a thing irl right?
matthaus_c: soooo evil
ThePixelSavage: this is deeply unsettling to me ....
Coloneljesus: dangit. just wanted to go buy this game but steam is down
Coloneljesus: steam api servers, at least
niccus: usual tuesdays
SquareDotCube: Tuesday
Jethrain: normal tuesday maintenance
matthaus_c: girl dinner
Coloneljesus: oooh yeah
Coloneljesus: kinda wild that that's still a thing tbh
matthaus_c: consultant behaviour
Pteraspidomorphi: It's not a bad day for it
ThePixelSavage: now we know why she likes consultants!
Jethrain: maintenance gonna maint
Nigouki: squat into infinity
ButButTheJesus: aaaaaaaaa

Coloneljesus: underwater level?
silenceaux: Oh this is really nice?
accountmadeforants: Dang, can't believe they dropped this wonderful view down here, better get it back to them
matthaus_c: this does not seem like a sustainable sewer solution
goombalax: are we the Gangrel?
silenceaux: I feel we should stop defecating into this space.
Simriel: I thougt it was a Gangrel with Issues

TheAinMAP: Big ol' fish
ThePixelSavage: the Dolphin from Johnny Mnemonic!
matthaus_c: DJ Tariq!
ButButTheJesus: have you egg'd your whales today
accountmadeforants: C'mon whale
Juliamon: oh... now we DO yeet
CaptainSpam: Gotta meet us haflway here, whale.
accountmadeforants: This ambient music is fantastic
korvys: eggciting?
Pteraspidomorphi: I'm surprised the whale only wants an egg
Bugberry: eggapult
OminouslyOminous: It didn't catch that very whale.
guessing the no MoC sticky is staying up there for the whole rest of today then eh
CaptainSpam: Patient whale.
matthaus_c: the whale has STANDARDS
Nigouki: it want's that slight burn on its tongue that bothers you for a day or two
Juliamon: look I don't see the pins
Juliamon: they don't show up on chatty
apoligies if that came across as personal
GapFiller: absolutely not the intent
TheAinMAP: We have specialized in flipping into the pan, not out.
Juliamon: nah I know
SquareDotCube: Gotta go slower than that. You are dealing with game physics after all
Juliamon: it actually does annoy me that Chatty hasn't added pintegration yet
Lord_Hosk: Listen whale, we did out part you gotta do a LITTLE
Pteraspidomorphi: Maybe it can be frisbee'd
Morrigan9: hey, looks like a follow up glorp stream lol
ThePixelSavage: first try!

Skeletonman1100: GG




goombalax: calling crickets "roosters of the moon" is fun
matthaus_c: if William Blake had been born in 2000 this is what he'd be doing
Gizmoloid: did I miss it or did the whale not count as hungry person fed?
Juliamon: aha
accountmadeforants: 🫴 can you fry an egg on Mt. Everest
Twilight_Spark: In Soviet Russia, gun fires you at disco!
TheAinMAP: Aw, one more?
KeytarCat: The dork eeper!
Pteraspidomorphi: They did say there were a few extra
Twilight_Spark: Forget horny jail, this is hungry jail.
ThePixelSavage: is this 5% Cam?

Nigouki: that's cheating
SymphonySolstice: mission failed
kdefinition: Rude
rentar42: it feels so weird that pixelated 3d graphics are now retro-cool. I love that this is a "valid" art style for indie games now ...
kimmibeans: The roaches are secretely planning our demise. Do not trust them
goombalax: I had a really bad encounter with a roach, god that apartment sucked
Coloneljesus: can you have good encounters with roaches?
Twilight_Spark: Must be nice
ThePixelSavage: they are members of the community and sit on the HOA board
Mathwyn: @thepixelsavage They demand more trash on your property
Juliamon: You can have good encounters. Statistically speaking, though, you won't.
LilyOfTheVeil666: The bloops! Love the bloops
Juliamon: sure does
CaptainSpam: There is no turning back. You must egg.
CaptainSpam: Oh no, it's a gauntlet!
couchboyj: I frequently think every now and then, of the glorious fruit of the noble hen
Juliamon: the speedrun for the game submitted for GDQ approval is 28 stomachs fed, I guess the Saint only counts as one stomach despite being 6
Coloneljesus: Gaston's stomachs
EvilBadman: 6 hearts means it can withstand unheard of cholesterol
Coloneljesus: a lil guy
BusTed: Getting a little crowded
matthaus_c: oh yeah the one that looks like a screaming chicken fetus
korvys: Why does everyone like their eggs over easy anyway>
CaptainSpam: Sure am glad you can't burn things.
JAGxTERRA: hella intense
Twilight_Spark: What does this game tell us about the meaning of egg?
Nigouki: i really hope that after this massive trial you get chastised for feeding just one of the prisoners and not all of them
Invitare: are you... taunting the chickens?
CaptainSpam: That is a hand.
Nigouki: 1 egg. 6 cockroaches
L0rdX33n: this is eggs-cruciating
niccus: fine, one egg and 7 beers
niccus: what if you have to flip to the third side
omdorastrix: The top of mount everest isn't hot enough - you'd need something hot and flat to fry an egg, Everest is cold and pointy
L0rdX33n: Air above the pan will be warm no matter how cold it is out
AOEbe: what is tis game
BusTed: eeeyyy

Metric_Furlong: @AOEbe Arctic Eggs
Skeletonman1100: I feel so transcended. . .
L0rdX33n: Yayyyyyyy!
silenceaux: They're sending you to Everest babyyyyyyy
SymphonySolstice: the cooking mama franchise has gone in a really weird direction
Metric_Furlong: !game good
couchboyj: Is this some kind of yolk?
LilyOfTheVeil666: *thunderous applause*
Pteraspidomorphi: I enjoyed it
L0rdX33n: Eggs-cellent game
Squallloir: I knew you two would love this one!
Jethrain: huh, "Spanish" had a backwards S
ButButTheJesus: E G G A R T
kimmibeans: May I offer you an egg in these trying times?
dauthi_vod_watcher: amazing
Gekyouryuu: awww, dangit, I missed everything after we jumped into a toilet
Metric_Furlong: game of the year every year
omdorastrix: How IS ceiling egg anyways?
silenceaux: YES
EvilBadman: GOAT-Egg
OminouslyOminous: @kimmibeans These frying times
Skeletonman1100: Bonus LEVEL!
Juliamon: uh oh
BusTed: Time to find out
Juliamon: we are a cook, not a pilot, I guess
Metric_Furlong: guess we're going to find out
L0rdX33n: Turns out you suck at landing
Twilight_Spark: I do think they put him to rest recently.
ButButTheJesus: we live here now?
L0rdX33n: I misspoke
EvilBadman: Mr. Six Stomaches, a first jet has hit Everest
Morrigan9: got one of them LLM autopilots
L0rdX33n: Fucking autopilot
kimmibeans: It looks like a chicken
Juliamon: bawk
korvys: Hands down, and then up again, in a flicking motion
SquareDotCube: Gonna be a little hard using a heat source
McBannin: lol, arrived to hear, "ITS A CHICKEN!"
ButButTheJesus: chmkn wzdm
SymphonySolstice: chimken :>
kimmibeans: Have you ever held a dchicken?
L0rdX33n: Oh chicken of everest…
Juliamon: good birb
Metric_Furlong: @kimmibeans I have
ThePixelSavage: it friend shaped
LurkerSpine: most chickens I've held did not want to be held lol
Invitare: have you ever beheld a chicken?

CaptainSpam: Magnifique.
goombalax: ART
SymphonySolstice: 10/10 Art™
kimmibeans: They really are soft and warm, surprisingly
couchboyj: Birb

Dog_of_Myth: !findquote chicken
LRRbot: Quote #5357: "Here, I'll bring you a test chicken." —RebelliousUno [2018-10-02]
kimmibeans: My mom's favorite photo of me is from when i was about 4 and I am holding a chicken at the petting zoo with the biggest grin on my face
kimmibeans: I recreated that photo for her 60th birthday lol
BusTed: @kimmibeans That is adorable
ButButTheJesus: @kimmibeans d'awwwwww
korvys: Hey remember when you flipped an egg without tipping 2 beer bottles? Peak gaming
Juliamon: per the steam page, you do in fact need to 100% for the sandbox
Invitare: yeah I feel like air pressure would be more relevant than temperature
kimmibeans: You can't cook an egg on Everest, otherwise you'll never get the chicken
silenceaux: induction pan?
omdorastrix: You can't cook an egg on everest, it's too cold and pointy - you'd have to cook it on a frying pan over a fire (warm and flat)
korvys: Have you seen the hard-mode pan?
niccus: maybe the water boils before the egg white denatures and yolk hardens, so it's more like freeze drying snot
ButButTheJesus: huh, TIL
Invitare: is it just a spatula?
silenceaux: The saint said it might be irrelevant... But also asked you to let him know.
korvys: We're still on booth
omdorastrix: @niccus I think that is the proposition
TheMerricat: "Boiling point The boiling point of water decreases as altitude increases. At sea level, water boils at 212°F (100°C), but at the top of Mount Everest, it boils at 154°F (68°C). Egg protein coagulation Egg whites need to reach 176°F (80°C) to solidify, while egg yolks need to reach 158°F (70°C). "
EvilBadman: you're on booth
Jethrain: we just have booth view
Juliamon: SHOW
CaptainSpam: The deal with airline food is that it's surprisingly difficult to prepare decent meals on a packed tin can with air pressure madness.
niccus: camera
InconsiderateHat: ohno
Invitare: ah a crepe pan
SquareDotCube: Hah, easy is a wok
Squallloir: my friend speedran this game and the run really is just do the cooking fast and correctly and then a couple movement techs
matthaus_c: NG+ pen goes fully 2D
omdorastrix: Also - Practically hauling all your food making stuff to the top of everest would be somewhat impractical - IIRC similar to antarctic expections you end up eating things like straight butter butter
omdorastrix: Tomatoes don't taste like anything anyways
Juliamon: what? tomato has a flavour
Juliamon: I mean, technically
omdorastrix: The common grocery store tomato is relatively bland and tasteless compared with heirloom varieties...
KeytarCat: Tomatoes have so many flavors that growing them fast just doesn't give them time to mature. Fast tomatoes don't taste like much
Metric_Furlong: it's true, they do
SquareDotCube: One of the core savory vegetables
CaptainSpam: It's very difficult to generalize "Americans" and you know it!
SquareDotCube: Why do think sauce is made from tomatoes
Juliamon: I've had good pineapple in Brazil
korvys: I don't think people don't like pineapple on pizza as much as it's a thing to playfully banter about
Juliamon: I still like regular-ass pineapple pizza
ghizmou: is canadian pineapple much better than american?
silenceaux: Hm, raisins on pizza......
kimmibeans: Huzzah! My copy of Monikers just came in
xantos69: I am one of the people who things pinapple on pizza is bad. I simply hate sweet mixed with cheese. I will never change my mind on that.
Xed_Regulus: The other day I saw a picture of kiwi on pizza
Invitare: does Canada bleach its chicken?
goombalax: Americans also have wierd opinions about Pumpkin pie and it makes me think they've never tasted good pumpkin
Driosenth: dairy regs
Squallloir: my grandma in swweden doesn't like the texture of pineapple
omdorastrix: Some people like the sweet-salty dichotomy
ghizmou: @xantos69 you don't care for cheesecake?
Juliamon: goombalax well, for one, it's usually not pumpkin
CaptainSpam: @Xed_Regulus I dunno. Not sure I'd like photo paper on a pizza.
jessicaengle: Its very likely most Americans have not had good pie period.
goombalax: @Juliamon it is in canad
Mapson_69: I hate the roach ai in this game so brutal
SquareDotCube: Me and you, two roaches on a crepe pan
theHazeSystem: @ghizmou cream cheese bagels???
Juliamon: goombalax that's what I mean, America has bad opinions because they're literally not eating the same thing
CaptainSpam: Less a "pan", more a wok at this point.
xantos69: @ghizmou No. Cheese in general for me has a specific limitation. It goes on Pizza and it goes on pasta. Nowhere else.
theHazeSystem: speaking of sweet and savory/salty together, brie, apple and bacon sandwiches are amazing
Coloneljesus: @theHazeSystem add some honey mustard to that
ThePixelSavage: will the end boss be just 8 cockroaches?
theHazeSystem: i think i did haha
Cptasparagus: i wish his cellmate was jsut like "hi im thomas jefferson"
ButButTheJesus: C U B E
Juliamon: we hold the pan with our left, and we dropped it to shake hands, so yeah... this is a southpaw world

iris_of_ether: Uhhhhh
IncredibleFrown: there's a mario party minigame that's this
ButButTheJesus: they wat
kimmibeans: Oh, did we give up on harrd mode?
Juliamon: yeah, no point
Twilight_Spark: Including the roaches?
Juliamon: we want to progress
ThePixelSavage: have you seen where they put salt on a very fresh peice of meat?
kimmibeans: Fari enough
kimmibeans: *Fair enough
CaptainSpam: I'm just expecting to hear a distinct "SPLUT" when the meat cube hits the floor.
RTwo28: Darn, I'm late to ceiling egg action!
SquareDotCube: Cube hits the ground with the most unsettling of splaps
Driosenth: platonic (cube) ideal of a chicken
TheMerricat: So I made the mistake of looking up Russian Meat Cube ...
SymphonySolstice: rude
ButButTheJesus: isn't that the same chicken music you made Cori?
Coloneljesus: oh no
Juliamon: He's sure getting a show
theHazeSystem: thats no egg thats a jellyfish
ButButTheJesus: MY EGG
RTwo28: Heh, ammo cooking
SquareDotCube: As long as it's not a grenade
Jethrain: whole new meaning to "cooking a grenade"
trees0302: THIS IS BORING
theHazeSystem: this is fascinating
RTwo28: This is neat.
kimmibeans: This is ART!
Invitare: this is egg
Coloneljesus: true bestie
RTwo28: This is egg indeed
silenceaux: Accessibility diminishes. Maybe that's just a trade-off we make, societally.
InconsiderateHat: If it was for everyone to enjoy, it wouldn't be art.
goombalax: Yes, O learned guard
Juliamon: If art is diminished beyond repair in the name of accessibility, maybe it wasn't very good art
theHazeSystem: @Juliamon as a disabled person. agreed
is a pizza an egg
matthaus_c: give us some of that good roach, with the wings /and/ radiation
Juliamon: that problem took care of itself
CaptainSpam: That is a tortilla.
niccus: can you bake a pizza on everest
Coloneljesus: I think the point was more about accessibility taste-wise
matthaus_c: this is a great stream to paint to btw
theHazeSystem: like Celeste has accessibility options that make you not die, unlimited jumping, in a game about difficult platforming. people that want it can use it and still enjoy it, people that dont want it arent affected by it at all
SymphonySolstice: accessibility and sanitization are two different things
kireawolf: @theHazeSystem I think she was referring to a different kind of accessibility.
theHazeSystem: ah
goombalax: that also starts to get more subjective
SymphonySolstice: yeah, some things are allowed to be more complicated to approach
Bugberry: That's why Dark Souls appeals to so many
so, chat i have exciting news!!! guess who got approved for a chest surgery?!?! (no not THAT chest surgery) 
Bugberry: not just the difficulty, the obtuse way it reveals it's story.
ThePixelSavage: what ... the
Coloneljesus: @jacqui_lantern234 gratz!
Coloneljesus: hope all goes well
CaptainSpam: Show me your moves!
jacqui_lantern234: i have the normal number of ribs already
OminouslyOminous: Oh, to be a decomissioned dolphin
Coloneljesus: more ribs, actually
jacqui_lantern234: theyre just misformed
SymphonySolstice: instructions unclear, add more ribs
xantos69: I can get behind the idea that "mainstream" often means "dumbed down for the masses". But the other side of that is if the art is so weird that only the person who made it "gets it". Then you end up with really pretentious people constantly making excuses for stuff that is just bad. That is just ripe for gatekeeping BS.
Red_Dead_Monkey: Extra pocket UNDER the ribs?
Rib deformation from excessive hugging? 
Coloneljesus: @xantos69 that's not a problem of the art per se tho
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, they need to be educated on how to not be concave at my sternum
Metric_Furlong: I agree, but a *lot* of people don't unfortunately
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon no, im just born fucked up
Red_Dead_Monkey: When did NATO make egg ahting ammunition?
Bugberry: @xantos69 Some things are flawed, but have unique qualities that are worth praising. Some people just tend to throw the baby out with the bath water.
RonaldMcDownload: that dolphin is beyond need now
thymato subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Thanks for subscribing, thymato! (Today's storm count: 20)
InconsiderateHat: The nicest resub
Coloneljesus: who is throwing bathwater instead of pouring it down the drain anyway?
GateThief subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
Thanks for subscribing, GateThief! (Today's storm count: 21)
@Coloneljesus a gamer, probably 
InconsiderateHat: BACON!
Juliamon: balanced diet
SymphonySolstice: presumably people before they had plumbing
InconsiderateHat: WHEE
Jethrain: BLT is short for bullet now
Bugberry: pepper them with gun powder
SimianWizard: it is OUT OF HERE
100 bits just for fun
SymphonySolstice: got it on lock
InconsiderateHat: *claps*
RealGamerCow: "I got it!"
Coloneljesus: oh god those beds are SO narrow
ButButTheJesus: Unfortunately, I got it
jacqui_lantern234: but yeah, i'll probably be absent from chats in about a month. know that ill be totally fine
RealGamerCow: that top bunk does not have much clearance
Juliamon: I was gonna ask how they get up and down from the top bunk, but... I guess that answers that
goombalax: top bunk sucks actually
Coloneljesus: 12 meat cubes and 12 bullets
SymphonySolstice: full sos
iris_of_ether: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
CaptainSpam: Sosij
jacqui_lantern234: SOSIG
Twilight_Spark: Hah, dicks
ButButTheJesus: LEWD
empyreon: MANY SOSIG
niccus: folks, remember to not crowd the pan
jacqui_lantern234: @CaptainSpam #SameBrainCell
BusTed: Jenna Stoeber formulated the Pizza Ray challenge, wherein you try to cook a pizza and a ray on a hard level pan.
ButButTheJesus: yes! burn them all!
CaptainSpam: Roll 6d6 for dinner!
niccus: pizza with one anchovy
Metric_Furlong: Underworld?
SymphonySolstice: game Good
Metric_Furlong: yay, still got the internet search skills
Coloneljesus: l'art
AnjaZeta subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Thanks for subscribing, AnjaZeta! (Today's storm count: 22)
ButButTheJesus: egg. art.
KeytarCat: Artic Eggs
UltraVioletVodoo: i think its saying bwak bwak bwak bwak bwak
ButButTheJesus: @KeytarCat MY GOD
SymphonySolstice: now I want eggs and sosig
kimmibeans: This was surprisingly engrossing
UltraVioletVodoo: dennys
Metric_Furlong: at a certain point, trying to speak entirely in words can be too limiting
RealGamerCow: Vampire Dennys
kimmibeans: I did not think watching eggs get cooked would be so riveting
letfireraindown subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 61 month streak!
letfireraindown: woo
Thanks for subscribing, letfireraindown! (Today's storm count: 23)
50 Bits
RealGamerCow: There;'s a diner near me that has immense portions. A "side" of sausage or bacon is a whole pound
RealGamerCow: Their omlettes are 5 eggs
Metric_Furlong: I think errant signal made a video about it at one point
niccus: it's been fairly big in the indie circuits
KeytarCat: This would be hilarious on Nope
RTwo28: I ran into it through my steam discovery queue
Coloneljesus: hang out on itch io
kimmibeans: Question: Tomorrow starts the new semester. How shoud I greet my college Biology students?
Juliamon: it's gotten some buzz and it got accepted as a backup for GDQ
Metric_Furlong: you know, the developer of Beautycopter has made some other games...

thanks for streaming, you two 
jacqui_lantern234: yall are delightful
GapFiller: oh thats a fully fledged PiF now eh
GapFiller: neat
RTwo28: I haven't modded Stalker 2 yet and it's playable
Coloneljesus: some good highlights in there today for sure
Metric_Furlong: @GapFiller yeah, we're IDDQDerping again
Coloneljesus: oh hell yeah ARCS!
Coloneljesus: it's so good
RTwo28: On day 1 Stalker 2 was kinda flawed
KeytarCat: Roots in SPAAACE
Twilight_Spark: Sick. Oath also good but Arcs I'm interested in.
EvilBadman: you're missing montana and the dakotas mostly
ARCS can be meaner than ROOT, be aware 
GapFiller: Metric_Furlong guessing Kathleens schedule has presuambly pushed back the Reophantasio PiF that was supposed to happen at some point
Twilight_Spark: We store trees which are pre-cards
PipeSmokingOwl: gonna be needed for conquest of the Dakotas
PipeSmokingOwl: thats the purpose...
iris_of_ether: Don't get me started on Cybertrucks
Well, the way the rest of the world understands America is "one apparently all-encompassing backwater in the southeast, and maybe also LA and NYC if they're lucky". 
Twilight_Spark: Vandalism!
KeytarCat: The NotRust is great
iris_of_ether: A CT appeared at work. There's salt everywhere right now. I'll report back
Coloneljesus: I don't need rust remover I want rust adder
Driosenth: My hand oils are bad enough to do that to a CT
GapFiller: LRL HYPE
Metric_Furlong: ah, so it's Vampire the Masquerade again
Juliamon: Trenton?
SquareDotCube: From New Jersey?
PipeSmokingOwl: yay nj.....shrug
PipeSmokingOwl: Paterson represent
GapFiller subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Thanks for subscribing, GapFiller! (Today's storm count: 24)
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
DoodlestheGreat: 10 q 4 strem. And the eggs!
Coloneljesus: byeeee and ty!
ButButTheJesus: thankee strem!

DoodlestheGreat: Eggs this week, fruit the next. Is there a game about oatmeal? We could make that the third week...
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