neisan2112: Yo any early Nopers?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @neisan2112 Me!!!

Thefluffiestguineapig: I've been watching the VODs from the RE2 playthrough and boy there are some absolute hilarious moments in there. Adam chanting "dick gun" genuinely almost made me spit taco all over my stove top while cooking from laughing
neisan2112: Lolol nice
neisan2112: I should rewatch all the old RE playthroughs
Fanklok: !next
Also just realize, we don't have Gibb emote anymore 
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Hollowbody) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (1m from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig: @neisan2112 Paul said yesterday during CTS it had not been noticed yet and he would work on fixing it
neisan2112: Gibb got festive then went back to the prop room
neisan2112: @Thefluffiestguineapig Cool!
Nigouki: never gibb up!
Metric_Furlong: never surrender
Thefluffiestguineapig: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Hollowbody) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (0s ago).
neisan2112: I assume it had something to do with the festive edit, and Twitch just removed it when the time was up.
MAPBoardgames subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
MAPBoardgames: 88 is better than 69 because you get 'ate', Twice!
Thanks for subscribing, MAPBoardgames! (Today's storm count: 25)
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
Metric_Furlong: wow, my brain really just does that on auto-pilot now
Thefluffiestguineapig: I did the thing!!!
Juliamon: I mean, I would have accepted Gibb being on holiday too
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: highly experienced furniture yeeters
ButButTheJesus: @Thefluffiestguineapig The Thing! You Did!

Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon I now have that as my head canon
Juliamon: iirc you can have emote sets that you toggle for holidays n stuff, I don't know if Gibb just got overlooked
Metric_Furlong: signal
Nigouki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Nigouki: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Thanks for subscribing, Nigouki! (Today's storm count: 26)

Thefluffiestguineapig: Gibb and Bartleby seem like they just got overlooked in the holiday toggle yes
saucemaster5000: who else has a handful of jellybeans?
DaVeganPolice: best i can do is hand full of mike and ikes
gamercat88 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
Thanks for subscribing, gamercat88! (Today's storm count: 27)
gamercat88: all i have is a pocket full of sunshine
Andymonium: I just have this banana pudding, might get a bit drippy in the hand…
saucemaster5000: gross
baltimore_667083: I have a box of cookies
saucemaster5000: put the pudding in the sunshine pocket
Thefluffiestguineapig: @baltimore_667083 What kind?
saucemaster5000: that'll work out
baltimore_667083: nilla wafers
Andymonium: “put the pudding in the sunshine pocket” is for sure a euphemism, I’m just not sure for what
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Andymonium Maybe dutch oven?
Andymonium: ooo maybe
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ThreeTwoOnePantsOff! (Today's storm count: 28)
RedcoatsRevolt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
Thanks for subscribing, RedcoatsRevolt! (Today's storm count: 29)
JoeLowe2: Here we go!!!
gamercat88: if it helps i was signing Natasha Bedingfield pocket full of sunshine..
MagicalAttackGecko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 133 months!
baltimore_667083: hi Ben! hi Adam!
Thanks for subscribing, MagicalAttackGecko! (Today's storm count: 30)
BusTed: whatup
DaVeganPolice: I'm already scared

Kramburger: Oh no, Dads are angry
baltimore_667083: who’s on first then
Andymonium: XD

Kramburger: HAHAHA
Nigouki: wooooooooooow, sooo initimidating
Blakemcm: audio boys
fuckin muted
ButButTheJesus: 10/10
Charlie_Victor7: Ooops
public_key_reveal_party: Good bit streamer
varmintx0: professionals
kumatsu: my bit, in pieces
thatguysteve2709: Flawless
Thefluffiestguineapig: Audio gags!!
RedcoatsRevolt: You boofed it!
Kramburger subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
Kramburger: Good intro Boys
Thanks for subscribing, Kramburger! (Today's storm count: 31)
YawnLance: That's our streamers
saucemaster5000: that's strike two
LowUpsideCJ: Clean
0x6772: Pobody's Nerfect.
LowUpsideCJ: cut it print it
Masslost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 68 month streak!
Masslost: for those about to spook
Thanks for subscribing, Masslost! (Today's storm count: 32)
JoeLowe2: Off to a roaring start lol


Mr_Horrible: Hello, Body
TheAlanHeffley subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
Charlie_Victor7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheAlanHeffley! (Today's storm count: 33)
Thanks for subscribing, Charlie_Victor7! (Today's storm count: 34)
Eille_k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Eille_k: happy spooky day
Thanks for subscribing, Eille_k! (Today's storm count: 35)
saucemaster5000: nice of them to cut the rants about trudeau
Nigouki: release the Zach Snyder Road Quest Cut
kumatsu: it's like a video game, you can die in real life
silenceaux: Good question, next question?
public_key_reveal_party: I am way more calm driving than I am as a passenger
In cars! 
Fanklok: What Ben you don't like being in a metal box propelled by explosions?
saucemaster5000: yeah but it's more exciting to drive an airplane irresponsibly
Blakemcm: they will let almost anybody drive lol
varmintx0: Boeing would beg to differ.
ButButTheJesus: @patrick_stonecrusher ah it wasn't just me
baltimore_667083: I’m looking at you, Boeing
Mr_Horrible: oh Ben, you underestimate the force of capital
KCMcG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
Thanks for subscribing, KCMcG! (Today's storm count: 36)
silenceaux: I am also an airplane mode disbeliever
Saintnex: counterpoint: Boeing
ButterBall000: I certainly used to
ghizmou: the net of safety are much thinner than we think
Thefluffiestguineapig: Boeing's doors beg to differ
kumatsu: there were multiple times last year that I passed out before takeoff and forgot to turn my phone to airplane mode
public_key_reveal_party: @saintnex that is a good point
CaptainSpam: I just turn it to airplane mode because I'm not using mobile data anyway. Saves battery.
0x6772: @Saintnex Named for the sound their engines make when they hit the ground, loose from the airframe.
Mr_Horrible: just play balatro on airplane mode like everyone else you baby
baltimore_667083: there was a case where a plane flew 150 miles off course cause the pilots were using laptops so…
saucemaster5000: I have seen someone kicked off a plane before takeoff because they would not get off their phone
MAPBoardgames: The phone thing is about telecom jamming, not aircraft jamming.
ButButTheJesus: it has a keyboard!


Andymonium: the WHOMST
kumatsu: I have a palm pilot in my desk I keep because it's funny. Still works
vanman229: i miss physical keyboards
ThorSokar: we found the LAST blackberry holdout
Mr_Horrible: physical keyboard on a phone is peak
RisingCosmos: flip phones are cool
0x6772: You can buy cases for iPhones that have chiclet keyboards.
saucemaster5000: flip phones make you feel like a cool spy
Mr_Horrible: I will not be hearing arguments
0x6772: They look exactly as stupid as you think.
RisingCosmos: I wanna hang up with authority
Nigouki: tactile control > touchscreens
ThorSokar: Ya, turns out people don
FarleyF subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months, currently on a 119 month streak!
FarleyF: Yo shout out to my Loud Bois
Thanks for subscribing, FarleyF! (Today's storm count: 37)
raulghoulia: texting in class
baltimore_667083: t9?
PhorrestGaze: click speed intensifies
Thefluffiestguineapig: I already feel old because of my joints
ShaneLeeAtk: No look texting
RisingCosmos: pressing my screen to hang up has no aura
ThorSokar: Ya, turns out people don't like what modern phones have become
JustBrian___: And T9 was an UPGRADE.
MacbethSeemsSus: texting in your pocket during class was great
baltimore_667083: ohhhh
public_key_reveal_party: I only had t9 for like, 3 months before I got a phone with a keyboard
gotta go the octogenarian route and get yourself a Jitterbug phone 
gundamschwing: Ben. Tell Adam about the age divisions in Pokemon tournaments.
Juliamon: the 9-digit pad
PhorrestGaze: it made your phone play a word game!
baltimore_667083: ohhhh that’s right I remember that now
ButterBall000: If you ever used a keypad on a credit Card machine, it's like that.
baltimore_667083: it’s like phone numbers for businesses
Thefluffiestguineapig: The moment I consider going back because I refuse to have built in AI I can't turn off
PharaohBender27: Remember calling Popcorn to find out the time?
Mr_Horrible: you'd have to cycle through. T9 was essentially using heuristics to shortcut it somewhat
0x6772: "lol" long predates T9
LowUpsideCJ: i went stright from non t9 to touchscreen
Mr_Horrible: you *needed* abbreviations to keep you fingers from getting tired
0x6772: I was saying that on IRC before cell phones existed.
RhoxPaperScissors: typing my ass off
MacbethSeemsSus: Also you had to pay per character for a while
GasCityGaming: 555 666 555 = lol
frank_the_great: That is so funny, I am laughing out loud right now
kumatsu: yahoo chat rooms
ha ha yes, imagine using IRC in 2025 
silenceaux: More that T9 enforced the usage of such acronyms because long words were difficult. It was almost the return of the per-letter telegram.
saucemaster5000: I was a big aol chatter before cell phones
0x6772: I mean, show me a difference that actually matters between IRC and Discord.
gundamschwing: Adam - Ventrilo or Teamspeak
Kramburger: Counterstrike? You mean the Less Good Red Alert expansion?
BusTed: Mumble, baby
baltimore_667083: what do you mean was?
Andymonium: Vent always, yeah
ButterBall000: Steam chat baby
BlindProphet32: rogerwilco
Mr_Horrible: mumble was the "Fine" alternative
JoeLowe2: @saucemaster5000 - you've come a long way!
Fanklok: Ben, Adam is want to thank you for not calling me out by name last week. A few people were getting parasocial about it in the comments.
couchboyj: Agreed, Vent was 1000% better than TS
baltimore_667083: I’m one of them
Kramburger: The government can't get you on vent
circusofkirkus: discord is terrible
ThorSokar: vent still exists
Pteraspidomorphi: Never sat there on ventrillo, never played dota
Mr_Horrible: that's because discord sucks
baltimore_667083: I can’t change my email cause it’s attached to one that doesn’t exist anymore
circusofkirkus: discord killed internet forums
Melfina__: Teamspeak and Mumble are still going...
Morrigan9: ian want to go back to telegraph i'm sure
TomatoKigu: Ventrilo and Mumble are still actively used, yes.
vanman229: i hate discord cus it replaced online forums. I like it for audio video calls
DaVeganPolice: the sound quality on discord in large groups gets real sketchy but its fine
circusofkirkus: loss of knowledge
Diabore: thats a good thing
PMAvers: I mean, at least you don't have to worry about Teamspeak or Vent mining your voice for AI garbage.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sure
PMAvers: Oh GOD NO
Mr_Horrible: they're a dogshit place to store information and EVERYONE FUCKING USES THEM FOR THAT
NimrodXIV: I miss forums.
circusofkirkus: discord is not searchable by search engines
LowUpsideCJ: discord not being externally searchable is bad
TjPshine: discord is just really hard to search for older info
PhorrestGaze: the tomes must be kept
gundamschwing: Discord's desire to change all of your sound setting everytime you plug anything in is VERY ANNOYING
lamina5432: your just looking in the rong place forums. still exist

PMAvers: Forums > Discord any day every day
vanman229: its better but not searchable! I cant find shit, and once discord goes away its all gone
ButterBall000: Like Google didn't do enough damage to the preservati0on of knowledge
frank_the_great: I main Microsoft Teams b/c I'm all business.
Mr_Horrible: it's fucking awful and everyone uses it for that shit
Melfina__: Troubleshooting tech problems on discord sucks but forums was really handy
matthaus_c: whenever the Discord offices catch fire we'll lose so much information
Blakemcm: when they burned something awful, jesus wept
Mr_Horrible: drives me up a damn wall
silenceaux: Oh, have you been trying to do minecraft mods or something?
hatboozeparty: I had to reinstall discord 2 times in the past year because it broke itself somehow.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Archiving is hard
Rhynerd: I do get people’s displeasure in hunting for info when it’s all put just onto a discord
Seth_Erickson: did it get removed from youtube?
saucemaster5000: infinity train was so good
Seth_Erickson: I know I owned the first season there
NotCainNorAbel: there are some sketches byt his funny group that seem lost to time
Media preservation 
gundamschwing: RIP America Online Warner Brothers Chatroom
Diabore: netflix hiking prices again
TheMerricat: Well that and we can't afford to pay for shit.
violetblight: its a cartoon network one, which is why it isnt on anywhere
PhorrestGaze: Keep the seed lists long
circusofkirkus: Discord is also a terrible application
circusofkirkus: poorly built
kumatsu: yep, get wrekt David Zaslav
Andymonium: piracy is pro data honestly
Mr_Horrible: luckily Megas XLR is on Internet Archive because there was never any physical media made for it. It'd be gone otherwise
baltimore_667083: leave “me at the zoo” alone
FyreyFenyx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
FyreyFenyx: Wait…it hasn’t been longer?
Thanks for subscribing, FyreyFenyx! (Today's storm count: 38)
YawnLance: No we need those
circusofkirkus: can we watch your AMVs
saucemaster5000: noooo not the oh long john cat!
ButterBall000: Concord will only be remembered because of a random episode in an anthology series
ExtraWubs: forza horizon 4 moment
Diabore: nah ben you own that shit
baltimore_667083: me at the zoo is too iconic
0x6772: You're alllowed to just delete those, Ben.
MAPBoardgames: Buy digital content, you have it until someone says you don't. Steal digital content, its yours for as long as you keep it.
0x6772: Or mark them private.
BlackIsis: wow, ben was a keyblade master
Mr_Horrible: "I was cringe once, so it's good that the Library of Alexandria burned" - Ben Ulmer, 2025
Mr_Horrible: [paraphrased]
Diabore: i was 18
Blakemcm: 18
circusofkirkus: 18
0x6772: US and Canada differ here
The_Color_Twelve: 18 in the US
gundamschwing: 17
0x6772: US is typically 18
PharaohBender27: Though I was 19 when I graduated high school because I had Kindergarten twice on account of being neurospicy
JoeLowe2: 17 also a Dec baby
Mai_Andra: i was summer and grad at 17
Mr_Horrible: detective korvys
Blakemcm: verifying. yes its bens
Nigouki: holy shit
BusTed: oshit
circusofkirkus: holy shit
frank_the_great: o7
Blakemcm: oh my gawd
0x6772: oh my
Mr_Horrible: lmao

Saintnex: HEHEHEHE
enbycephalopod: YES
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah, for me there's a lot of things where if you look at what we have from the Medieval era where people would have probably shriveled into a ball from embarrasement that we have them
Andymonium: XDDD
baltimore_667083: HAHAHAHA

VrolikSyndrome: 18 years ago. holy shit.
YawnLance: Let's goooo
raulghoulia: and Subscribed
Simriel: Ruined

FarleyF: Korvys doing the work of God and Anime
LowUpsideCJ: scariest moment of the day

Blakemcm: subscribed and liked
MoxleyUnhinged: WERE HEEEEERE
ButterBall000: Check the comments
NotCainNorAbel: and subscribed
The_Real_Chicky subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
prince_infidel: Saved forever
Thanks for subscribing, The_Real_Chicky! (Today's storm count: 39)

0x6772: Nice job, @korvys
VrolikSyndrome: "and there connection"
VrolikSyndrome: peam
FyreyFenyx: that is beautiful
Saintnex: Welp, time to subscribe
matthaus_c: fucking subscribed IMMEDIATELY
Fanklok: Quick turn on monetization
neisan2112: Okay, but Helloween!!! Fukc yeah
NimrodXIV: "Kingdom HEarts" hee hee
Blakemcm: dongle the bongle everyone
Mr_Horrible: I was wondering, how'd that get found so fast? And then it just has your name on it
enbycephalopod: ya know BENULMER, if you hadnt said anything
varmintx0: everyone upvote and share it with their friends
lamina5432: and subscribe
Mai_Andra: 6 subscribers - that count's about to go up
korvys: That wasn't even anything, I just googled "Ben Ulmer Kingdom Hearts AMV"
MacbethSeemsSus: Best part is youtube's going to start recommending other ones now
circusofkirkus: nice typo in the description
0x6772: I'll just give that comment a "like"…
kumatsu: the Deep Lore has been expanded
Dog_of_Myth: Remember to Like and Subscribe
NotCainNorAbel: almost doubled your subscriber count
0x6772: You know, for engagement.
Martin_FcG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Martin_FcG! (Today's storm count: 40)
EvilBadman: We're gonna go fucking deaf before dmca
MoxleyUnhinged converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
circusofkirkus: kayfabe Adam
korvys: Well "Bengineering" came from Desert Bus 9
ghizmou: his heartless alter
itira subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
itira: Well well well
Thanks for subscribing, itira! (Today's storm count: 41)
BusTed: Ben's Chris Gaines era
Blakemcm: the only 2 comments on this 18 year old one both say pretty good amv and good amv
Mr_Horrible: I'll ruin my YT recs to click on that
Mr_Horrible: it's worth it
Blakemcm: i miss old internet
enbycephalopod: I just subscribed!
neisan2112: Just quadrupling subs immediatly
10of9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 10of9! (Today's storm count: 42)

NimrodXIV: you can remove things from your history
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude I would watch that
Saintnex: The amount of new engagement and sub count increase is hilarious lol
matthaus_c: I mostly keep my History paused
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh it's so dumb and I love it
Ben, When I opened that channel, it had 5 subs, now it has 22, you're blowing up 
gualdhar: Wiggins would *love* to do a podcast with Adam
PharaohBender27: Newest comment on that video, from (squints) a Kramburger: "Wow what a great video this needs more views I think everyone should see this"
Mr_Horrible: read Astro City like an adult

DaVeganPolice: Superman gonna hit fr fr
Mr_Horrible: @PharaohBender27 now that's a name we can trust
Faulpyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
Faulpyr: New podcast where James explains the MCU to Adam?
Thanks for subscribing, Faulpyr! (Today's storm count: 43)
MacbethSeemsSus: Why'd you say that name?!?
0x6772: I dunno, man. Batman's kinda fascist.
Qalten: The Batman + Penguin show is the shit
korvys: The Suicide Squad and related ones are good
Oh my God I just realized ALL the comments are from now 
Kramburger: @PharaohBender27 Sould like a good community, we should all go over there
jessicaengle: Superman has doge
lamina5432: the arrow verse was good trash
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro, most comics because of volume are trash
korvys: Peacemaker was great
DaVeganPolice: Superman + super dog == good movie
Nigouki: $300 million B-movies
frank_the_great: The DC animated movie universe is great. Crisis on Infinite Earths was a bit mid, but there's more hits than misses
AnAnonymousGifter is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
Mr_Horrible: well, their early movies were significantly better
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Halinn!
Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to Halinn! (Today's storm count: 44)
Anch0r_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
Anch0r_: That's a whole lotta months
Thanks for subscribing, Anch0r_! (Today's storm count: 45)
gibbousm: Daredevil Born Again
Mr_Horrible: and they did the integration first, so they got the advantage on that
Spoopy subs!
0x6772: Yes, there is a new Daredevil. It looks pretty good.
korvys: Animated Series?
PharaohBender27: Oh wait I was wrong - there was *one* comment from 2006
Thefluffiestguineapig: They are doing Daredevil with Charlie Cox
Nigouki: Ben enjoys billionaires punching poor people
Mai_Andra: yes, new Disney Daredevil in a few months
0x6772: Stop the presses: Ben likes cops.
saucemaster5000: batman is only interesting cause of his villains, superman is more interesting
Morendur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months, currently on a 114 month streak!
Morendur: Bat Credit Card! Never leave home without it!
Thanks for subscribing, Morendur! (Today's storm count: 46)
korvys: Robert Patterson
ghizmou: morbius?
BlackIsis: ben loves billionaires who run around beating people up, I guess
gibbousm: I grew up with Batman the Animate Series which is why they're my favorite
PharaohBender27: 2006 comment: "ACKDY! I loooved dis! You're best one, and you have teh best taste in music. *Honors* xD"
Mr_Horrible: the Robert Pattinson one
gibbousm: Nosferatu
kumatsu: Morbius?
Diabore: pattinson
matthaus_c: Cedric Diggleweed
MoxleyUnhinged: Rob Pattinson?
ExtraWubs: morbius
Saintnex: Robert Pattinson
circusofkirkus: tes
neisan2112: Yes
korvys: Yeah, it was pretty ok
MrSarkhan: Yes, it was very good
N30dude: very good
bosqueofpines: I enjoyed it
Saintnex: Ive heard mixed things
saucemaster5000: Everyone liked it but me
Qalten: Ben watch that batman movie
gibbousm: Nosferatu I heard was good. Morbius is not
Qalten: you will like what it's doing
MacbethSeemsSus: Visual very cool, story was meh
Faulpyr: Yes. It was great
frameshifty: me too Ben
korvys: I didn't expect to like it, but I did
bytecaster: I prefer drawings over people too
Mr_Horrible: Nosferatu slapped
jessicaengle: Always listen to chat. Never listen to chat.
@saucemaster5000 It's okay to be wrong. We still like you. 
circusofkirkus: YEAH
0x6772: Pulling the stream over WAY early!
Faulpyr: Stream it?
the_walking: and the penguin show
Qalten: \o/

YawnLance: yipee
neisan2112: @Mr_Horrible Absolutely
Andymonium: woo!
jessicaengle: !findquote chat
LRRbot: Quote #2047: "That's right Chat. I won a match. Deal with it." —Graham [2016-03-04]

bytecaster: Watch+Play would be interesting
Mr_Horrible: we all have the same character select screen, Ben
saucemaster5000: @VrolikSyndrome it's the "dark serious batman detective movie" where he gets in a car chase with the penguin because he doesn't understand spanish
public_key_reveal_party: Mine o clock spent like, 30$ 10 years ago
ThorSokar: They're severely in the hole, if the company is paying for the minecraft server
neisan2112: Its real sad how much money Watch+Play spends some weeks
frameshifty: I tend to get into the Talking SIm games
raulghoulia: If MoC doesn't count then neither does Oki
korvys: How long was Persona 5?
Saintnex: Hour if they are lucky lol
LowUpsideCJ: @saucemaster5000 sauce you're spitting
NimrodXIV: MC servers cost money... lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: They have had some $50 W+P 30 minute nonsense
korvys: Pull up the trailer


Mr_Horrible: it looks incredible...-y stupid
Thefluffiestguineapig: yuuuuuuuuuup
gibbousm: That is an approriate reaction
0x6772: Oh, run the trailer!
Dog_of_Myth: LETS GO
kumatsu: it looks like DOGSHIT
circusofkirkus: LETS GO
Andymonium: Adam I forever envy your (lack of) internet awareness, it’s so blessed
Blakemcm: i saw a trailer for it, and lowkey it seems like it could be funny
VrolikSyndrome: Happy 10000!
Kramburger: ADAM
enbycephalopod: ITs an ISEKAI
noSmokeFire: please show adam the trailers now
raulghoulia: trailer react
Drigien: Trailer time!
0x6772: Just click it now!
Diabore: @LoadingReadyRun and jason momoa
twistedsylvan: and JASON MAMOA
Qalten: Minecraft movie: thanks, I hate it
Amentur: LETS GO
the_walking: MOC is funding the other shows
The_Color_Twelve: lets go
gamercat88: prepare
Fanklok: Jack Black is the video games movie guy
Blakemcm: he is steve!!!
itira: its fucking live action
epsilon_vee: wat
Simriel: Show him the trailer
Andymonium: show him the sheep1
Faulpyr: Trailer react!
jessicaengle: Let's watch the trailer!
PhorrestGaze: He needs to see it
NimrodXIV: it looks garbo
frank_the_great: He has a big beard
bytecaster: as a Streamer!
JoeLowe2: trailer
circusofkirkus: as Seabats the streamer
0x6772: Just play the trailer, pleaseplease please
bytecaster: They couldn't afford to get James
ButButTheJesus: as James
LowUpsideCJ: jason momoa as james turner
jessicaengle: Staring Jason Momoa as Adam.
Blakemcm: it actually looks like it could be funny
0x6772: That won't get a DMCA hit
matthaus_c: this world is silly
patrick_stonecrusher: Show him trailer , pleeeease 🥺
MacbethSeemsSus: But not everything is square? It looks like a mess.
Qalten: it's gonna lose SO MUCH MONEY
noSmokeFire: I hate that Jason Mamoa's social media handle is a slur
PhorrestGaze: the children crave the mines
Amentur: "As a kid I yearned for the mines"
Andymonium: listen the trailer is great but Ben having to recreate it is even better
pimiento: yea they did the meme
matthaus_c: the Ender Dragon's balls were blazing as I stepped into his cave
0x6772: Show Adam
bytecaster: I want some A-list actor to play a Creeper
KWardJenx: Adam grows his hair out = Jason Mamoa
Fanklok: The most fucked up thing about this movie is it won't be worse than the borderlands movie
varmintx0: okay, but you can just show him and we can watch him react
Nigouki: Adam LIVES in the mines
0x6772: We don't need to see. :^>
VrolikSyndrome: innernet
ThorSokar: just show Adam, we've all seen it
aerohydra: you go to the gym
niccus: i will watch it if it has a full rendition of the credits
PhorrestGaze: internet
korvys: The trailer was in front of Sonic 3 fo rme
epsilon_vee: there is no seam for the ads to enter my life
neisan2112: Just showed up on Youtube
bosqueofpines: I'm terminally online
VrolikSyndrome: Sure you are, bud.

code1300: YouTube showed it
matthaus_c: you're on a different internet
YawnLance: You're on the internet ish
Morendur: its not going to happen, but I want it to somehow be awesome just to piss off the internet lol
bytecaster: Yeah, but they don't show trailers during Street Fighter or PoE
silenceaux: You are not Terminally Online
itira: Adam is on the internet under a rock
Andymonium: not the “Sure you are, bud” XD
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sure you are "pats on shoulder"
Mai_Andra: i saw the trailer in front of WICKED
MAPBoardgames: Chris Pratt as a villager j/k
Mr_Horrible: you learn the internet secondhand through Seachats, dude
JustBrian___: Adam is content.
neisan2112: Actually I think I saw it through Discord. So I blame you chat
NimrodXIV: Adam is desperate for Minecraft news
public_key_reveal_party: Adam, there's this show called checkpoint, you might like it
Adam, I expect you to watch the trailer, we can discuss tomorrow 
patrick_stonecrusher: So they have the internet on computers now... 🤔
gundamschwing: Such a boomer
LowUpsideCJ: check the woke list, is it on there
matthaus_c: the fact that you learned about the Woke Spreadsheet /last week/ is a blessing
bytecaster: Honestly, that seems healthy to me
jessicaengle: !uno
schordash: time for adam to do an internship with Check Point xD
BrindleBoar: the leading source of video game news
TristalMTG: I've never heard Despacito.
Melfina__: the what sheet?
ThorSokar: the WHAT?
Andymonium: it’s so good tho
0x6772: Adam prefers points unchecked.
Dog_of_Myth: Smooth
korvys: Smooth
Zyrin36: Oh right somebody made a game about that list where you have to guess if the game is woke or not
bytecaster: "The woke spreadsheet" is just such a wild collection of words
Andymonium: Smooth
LowUpsideCJ: we segue in this house
jessicaengle: @schordash Chock Ponk!
Mr_Horrible: okay brownnoser tone it down
korvys: Is he also played by Jack Black?
SquareDotCube: Beej?
raulghoulia: he's the Beejest
bytecaster: Jack Black as Beeeej
ButButTheJesus: a web... site?

twistedsylvan: also played by Jason Mamoa
0x6772: I can't hear, "Picture this" without thinking "I'm a bag o' dicks".
neisan2112: I actually just bought a Bite Club shrit today

itira: hahahahaha

0x6772: woooooooo
Qalten: was that Jack Black
Morendur: of course Beej was in haha\

ButButTheJesus: BEEJ YES
Its a genie!?! 
Simriel: The Hoodies are lovely, I might buy a second as a backup
TheAinMAP: !store
Thefluffiestguineapig: I already have the sweat shirt and I love it
LowUpsideCJ: hes real!
neisan2112: Bite Club shirts just got restocked
schordash: is that the beej jump scare? x)
frank_the_great: But Ben, Beej has been dead for 100 years
DaVeganPolice: the children do
Blakemcm: the children yearn for the mines
VrolikSyndrome: Jack Black lung?
epsilon_vee: pining for the ores
MAPBoardgames: Jack Blacklung
Kramburger: I year for yo' mama's mines
Saintnex: The mines are where people got sent to die working
bytecaster: But don't they only eat apples?
0x6772: You don't get scurvy in mines, Ben.
JoeLowe2: under 10's yearn for the mines
Zyrin36: There is a realism mod for minecraft
0x6772: You get scurvy on ships.
jessicaengle: Beej definitely has a degree in commerce. You can tell.
saucemaster5000: black lung don't get you out of homework you lil brats
Fanklok: Ben do you know what scurvy is?
bytecaster: Pigmen
enbycephalopod: @LowUpsideCJ no no, beej isnt real and cant hurt you
Qalten: oh so it's Angry Birds
Saintnex: Piglins
itira: Adam didnt get that far
BusTed: Adam never made it that far
tehfewl: you get scurvy from a lack of vitamin c
MacbethSeemsSus: Wasn't that the plot of the crappy spin-off game too?
CaptainSpam: I mean, "Minecraft realism" is just that rush of open world crafty games that came out after Minecraft that kept bragging about how hardcore and "real" they were...

jessicaengle: There are also actual pigs
Dog_of_Myth: #BlameJames
the_walking: time for Adam to play Minecraft again on crossing the stream
itira: wait a couple more years
BrindleBoar: no longer discovering things, just executing
LowUpsideCJ: solo self found minecraft
bytecaster: I never make my bed though
0x6772: They just have all the recipes in a book these days.
BlackIsis: there's a recipe book
matthaus_c: they added a recipe book, but mostly you still just go to the Wiki
vanman229: recipies are unlocked as you experience ingredients, and theres a pseudo tutorial
bytecaster: Can't walk but can WASD!
Saintnex: Uhh, theres a way to have all the recipes from the get go in the settings
Cptasparagus: when I was teaching game design in 2016 one of my students just built a working harddrive and I was like yeah this game got past me
Naesiir: the majority of players likely don't know you can go to the nether
DudelidouX: you get stuff and look in your recipe book for anything else you don't figure it out some people never learn of the nether or the end
itira: i blame James for my interest in Minecraft
DaVeganPolice: bro I played the shit outta minecraft during beta
bytecaster: Never grabbed me either
ButterBall000: I was into Minecraft until they brought in stamina
MAPBoardgames: Minecraft starting the trend of complicated games explaining no part of themselves.
bytecaster: I will actively avoid wikis on first playthroughs
Cptasparagus: I love supervive but their playerbase is so small
Saintnex: honestly though, I have a friend who has never explored the post end game in Minecraft and thats okay
ButterBall000: *magic not stamina
bytecaster: After the ender dragon you start actually just mapping
Saintnex: kinda? theres stuff after killing the dragon
Kramburger: After you beat the dragon Nick Fury shows up
itira: theyre adding more to it these days
BusTed: The Wither, the Warden, etc
0x6772: There's all kinds of fancy new resources in "The End"
Blakemcm: its why they call it the ender dragon... its the end
Naesiir: The End is a whole dimension
DaVeganPolice: mapping!??!?!? POE??
bytecaster: I was just saying the activation phrase
matthaus_c: no other game ever made post-game content
korvys: You can't get Elytra until after the Dragon, so yeah, there's more
Qalten: PoE don't love you like I do
Juliamon: Minecraft is all about the NG+
LordZarano: That's where the game truely begins
Mr_Horrible: Adam like "I can play Charged Dash in Minecraft?"
bytecaster: What about a cat?
couchboyj: Hasn't Marvel taught you not to trust a credit roll yet?
BrindleBoar: you have been warned
ThorSokar: Level 15 maps
vanman229: I want "A dog might die" on a mug or a shirt
MAPBoardgames: I've noticed the speal is getting shorter
Naesiir: Well Adam if you like Mapping, you should try out Vault Hunters in Minecraft
bytecaster: Get Jordynne on this!
VrolikSyndrome: "So anyway after you kill the Ender Dragon this thing called Sanctum happens"
saucemaster5000: okay but what kind of dog?
Andymonium: the Evolution of the Content Warning

NotCainNorAbel: to the montage!
0x6772: Paging Jordynne
JoeLowe2: 'The Speech' gets shorter every week
MacbethSeemsSus: 2027 it's just "dog"
bytecaster: @MacbethSeemsSus 2028 "D"
MAPBoardgames: American politics is filled with low hanging fruits
Cptasparagus: ah yes, the Gulf of American Politics
VrolikSyndrome: eh
matthaus_c: never ready
DoomBringerIL: <message deleted>if the USA will annex canada how likely it is that we are actually in the FALLOUT universe? @LoadingReadyRun
TristalMTG: Yous aid "y'all ready for this?" and I thought we were playing NHL '94
CaptainSpam: DOG
TomatoKigu: All I remember about this game is the killer beat from scrolling the menu.
BusTed: and it opened up your eyes
MAPBoardgames: A sign of the times
@Cptasparagus I get the joke, yet still want to suggest "Abyss of American politics" as a better phrase 
Juliamon: Can we NOT talk about politics pls
MacbethSeemsSus: ^
Juliamon: This week, period
bytecaster: Lets talk about dogs instead!
Thefluffiestguineapig: LET"S NOT PLEASE
Qalten: No politics for the next four years pls
bytecaster: I also would prefer not to know so lets have fun instead!
0x6772: Well tell you in the break, Adam.
mulligan2six: @bytecaster Living dogs though, right?
NimrodXIV: America is the bad place.
frank_the_great: Today is like yesterday, but we had to go to work
Cptasparagus: The reaction gifs were great tho
bytecaster: @mulligan2six Of course!

Juliamon: This is a safe channel.

silenceaux: So, this room is a mess.

bytecaster: You really don't
gamercat88: yeah it bad bad
PharaohBender27: BEN


Mr_Horrible: we've got a guitar and we're gonna hit things with it
Mr_Horrible: after we try out this sign
YawnLance: The real maze was the friends we made along the way
DaVeganPolice: Actually is PoE2 time
MAPBoardgames: Mazes with a fix camera seem miserable
frank_the_great: When does a hallway become a maze?
Andymonium: what IS that
matthaus_c: a friend

Thefluffiestguineapig: The sound effect with this guitar is very good
gamercat88: it was tiny
JustBrian___: That was great
MAPBoardgames: It was a BIG spider
Mr_Horrible: it's a flood spore, glass the planet
saucemaster5000: tall person opinion
SquareDotCube: you DO have stomp button
0x6772: Ths is the sign, not the guitar, right?
silenceaux: You hold up your thumb for scale and perspective
Kramburger: I take spiders outside, don't like cleaning up the squish
Toxxick: Camera angle straight outta 2001
Andymonium: GOOD noise
Thefluffiestguineapig: Didn't we pick bad camera at the beginning?
bytecaster: We are giving them a clear sign
DoomBringerIL: Ben has a lower center of gravity... like Messi @LoadingReadyRun
saucemaster5000: I remember when my cats brought snakes into my house
schordash: i need this sign to make the lethal company sign noise
Andymonium: XD
mulligan2six: You decapa his tated
Juliamon: DoomBringerIL Also you don't need to @ them every time
SnackPak_: ya got got
bytecaster: It's on the ground now and thus not scary
MAPBoardgames: Just step on it
Juliamon: They're reading chat
InconsiderateHat: VORPAL
Greendrag13: Howldy!
serramarkov: My shower felt fantastic, I'm in snuggly pjs, in a snuggle sack, wrapped in a fleecy blanket. I just can'
Greendrag13: What a fight to show up to!
Mr_Horrible: she's an android, dude
Simriel: Is this Resident Evil At Home?
Morrigan9: spray paint = rapair spray
CatTreeDreamCar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CatTreeDreamCar! (Today's storm count: 47)
Morrigan9: oh, for people....
saucemaster5000: we have that it's called cheeze whiz
saucemaster5000: one spray and you are better
bytecaster: The sound IS very good
mcbaseballface: el kabong over here
serramarkov: I just can't afford to stay here for 4 years.
korvys: Fuckin' Jeff Jarrett
raulghoulia: Kabong!
Mr_Horrible: I respect that he's sticking with the melee build
Blakemcm: that karate kick lol
draonic_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
DoomBringerIL: that guitar needs tuning
Thanks for subscribing, draonic_! (Today's storm count: 48)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @serramarkov Literally actually though, I am too poor for this
IncredibleFrown: give em the silent hill stomp
SnackPak_: blat blat
matthaus_c: he's got like two guns
0x6772: Melee build, Adam!
Mr_Horrible: we had this discussion last week, Adam
VrolikSyndrome: Footsies

dumbo3k: hubris!\
saucemaster5000: fucking melee players
MacbethSeemsSus: Didn't die when melee
NorthstarTex: Deathless run ruined, time to start over.
bytecaster: Um, actually, you only truly are a gamer if you play the superior melee build experience.


ladyjessica: Final destination
Mr_Horrible: Mister Game and Watch
MAPBoardgames: I've never died IRL.
Cptasparagus: dont say Luigi too loud
DoomBringerIL: i want Road Quest 2
Mr_Horrible: ROY
bytecaster: "Mr Game and Watch"
0x6772: Mangione
empyreon: ALLEGEDLY
Blakemcm: a ceo will get its wings
NimrodXIV: Adam omg
ButterBall000: Ice Climbers!
YawnLance: ADAM
gamercat88: lol
VrolikSyndrome: bullshit
ghizmou: ADAM
bytecaster: WHAT
bosqueofpines: ADAM
DaVeganPolice: WHAT
MacbethSeemsSus: ADAM
Kramburger: ADAM?
Andymonium: WHAT
PharaohBender27: Oh dang
0x6772: Adam.
SnackPak_: dang Adam
MeadyOchre: WHAT
gualdhar: oh my god
ButButTheJesus: ADAM
prince_infidel: WHAT
ladyjessica: no... adam no
Fanklok: Ben doesn't shoot from afar, like a coward
Mr_Horrible: incredible
JoeLowe2: ADAM!
ladyjessica: really?
Perivale: oh wow
dumbo3k: The Healthcare CEO
ThorSokar: WHAT
silenceaux: We have already established that Adam is Not Online
kimmiekoneko: adam is the level of offline that i want to achieve in the next 4 years
matthaus_c: alright that's so wild

raulghoulia: holee
Morrigan9: adam, touch grass
JustBrian___: Wow
BlackIsis: adam, do you ever read the news?
prince_infidel: How Adam?
Seth_Erickson: that is like actually crazy you don't know
pimiento: so are we!
enbycephalopod: ALLEGEDLY
DaVeganPolice: MY GOAT
electra310: Adam is the last man on earth to know
betweenmyself: this was like a month ago my man
MacbethSeemsSus: It was international news
VrolikSyndrome: Bit's gone on long enough my man.
kumatsu: I am jealous of Adam's bubble
matthaus_c: you missed the most heroic act of the decade
ladyjessica: in december a ceo was shot
ghizmou: is the rent under your rock that good?
frameshifty: I would like to be as divorced from the news as adam
infinity_225: allegedly
EvilBadman: Adam JUST SAID he doesn't online
PharaohBender27: I know you're serious, but still astonished
frank_the_great: This is WAY better than Adam not knowing the Minecraft movie
MAPBoardgames: ????? <five question marks
Juliamon: Calm down chat
CaptainSpam: Y'know, I'm starting to envy Adam's life more and more.
gualdhar: this was on the news, the actual news
wishiwassleeping: he really must live under a rock
critiquequartz: amazing
DoomBringerIL: the CEO of the insurance firm that got murdered? @LoadingReadyRun
frank_the_great: Adam IS touching grass, that's why he doesn't know
0x6772: UHC
Mr_Horrible: United Healthcare iirc?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam's bubble is stealth cinnamon roll sometimes
BlackIsis: United Health.
DoomBringerIL: oops soory
couchboyj: This is like, real news, not stupid Internet stuff
Blakemcm: in America we have predatory healthcare. a guy shot a healthcare CEO dead on the streets of new york. Most people are hoping he gets acquited via jury nullification. \
MeadyOchre: Luigi Mangione is accused of murdering a healthcare CEO, in a targeted assassination as a way of making a statement
JustBrian___: CEO brought the denial rate from 9% to over 30%
RisingCosmos: Talking about Luigi?
Cptasparagus: now people are getting banned from social medias for luigi jokes
Mr_Horrible: basically there was a huge manhunt for the dude and everyone did the Bugs Bunny "No."
JosephDeath: there’s no way that Luigi was the one who did it
JoeLowe2: He was on the run for about a week
NimrodXIV: everybody likes Luigi
ThorSokar: Of one of the worst healthcare insurance providers in the world, they're strait up evil, not even a joke
Seth_Erickson: you gotta tell him how he got found
SnackPak_: long story short, all the incentive names for GDQ were Luigi
Simriel: Johnny Tightlips "Who said I had a mudda"
0x6772: In the middle of midtown NYC, at 8:30am in the morning, and escaped on a bike into Central Park, and they couldn't find him until somebody turned him in in a McDs in central PA
critiquequartz: someone working at a McDonalds turned him in I think
DoomBringerIL: he's like an Ivy league graduate
kimmibeans: So... my cousin was briefly one of the prosecutors on that case before the Feds took it over
Thefluffiestguineapig: BRO
korvys: Anyway, the guy's name was Luigi
BrindleBoar: I forget the details but the McD employee might not get the money, which is hilarious
Simriel: the Mcdonalds Narc didn't get their money
Mr_Horrible: oh I didn't know *that* part, that's incredible
raulghoulia: he's also very attractive
RisingCosmos: They called 911 instead of the tip line
0x6772: His name is Luigi Mangione
electra310: That is somehow the most poetic ending to the story
matthaus_c: also he's hot af
ThorSokar: Of course they didn't give him the money, those rewards are always a scam
0x6772: He's ripped
MeadyOchre: His name is Luigi Mangione
ghizmou: can't be him, I was eating lunch with him at the time
They didn't even follow through on the reward??? 
tehfewl: Green Mario
Forlorgen: Can i move to planet adam it sounds peaceful
Blakemcm: young person with a whole life ahead of him. hope he gets acquited
dumbo3k: I'm on team Eff Insurance Companies
pryzum_: any ceos in chat?
gualdhar: fuck these class traitors
Mr_Horrible: maybe that CEO should try being people first
Juliamon: The CEO's the one committing daily murder
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Forlorgen The only disruptions are relatively minor
Fanklok: Unrelated all of Nintendo's Luigi merchandise is sold out forever
Simriel: Adams bubble seems nice

Datnade012: I wish i had Adam's bubble

Simriel: Can I move in?
hatboozeparty: I wish i had that bubble
RisingCosmos: LMAO
spo8n: the only reason they got a picture of his face is because an employee at the hotel thought he was cute and asked for him to lower his mask
PharaohBender27: I'm in the "I won't actively condone, but I sure as hell won't condemn" camp
Blakemcm: yea he killed one of the worst company ceo's in the world. this want like ben and jerrys the icream guys lol.

Geldaran: Honestly, I'm envious. i wish I didn't know what was going on right now.
Mr_Horrible: he was playing DOTA!
Cunobelenos: 24/7 PoE
MAPBoardgames: It's not a person's place to decide who lives and who dies. That's the job of algorithms
neisan2112: Adam I envy you tbh
BrindleBoar: priorities in order
InconsiderateHat: He was down that PoE hole
CaptainSpam: Adam's got the right idea.
couchboyj: He etched Deny, Defend, and Depose into the bullets he used
electra310: I want to be more like Adam
silenceaux: I think I want you to keep gaming, tbh
ButButTheJesus: PoE2 hell yeah
LowUpsideCJ: There were exalts that needed slamming
0x6772: We're not mad at you Adam. We're surprised.
The_Color_Twelve: is there more room in that bubble? Can I rent for a bit to not be here?
You're still playing path of exile 
Andymonium: sorry if we made you feel weird for that, it just felt like it was EVERYWHERE
kimmibeans: So... my cousin was a prosecutor on the Luigi case before the Feds took it over...
Faulpyr: He was playing Diablo!
MeadyOchre: What do I want from you specifically, Adam? Dinner, a movie, see where the night takes us
ghyllnox: Heath insurance claim denial actually results in a lot of premature death though
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kimmibeans Your cousin must have have a HELL of a time
kimmibeans: They HATED it
LowUpsideCJ: Adam is a certified chiller
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ghyllnox Oh yeah, health insurance as a business in generally isn't moral
ButButTheJesus: wisdom
kumatsu: is that the Death Wall boss from Final Fantasy?
PharaohBender27: If it makes you feel better, Adam, I also learn about some news stories a month after they happen because I often only glance at news for my mental health's sake
gualdhar: Has Adam watched the news in the past 24 hours?
MAPBoardgames: Was that zombie's midsection missing? Talk about unrealistic standards of beauty!
InconsiderateHat: We found a puzzle!
kimmibeans: They were legit excited when the case got taken away from them
Datnade012: Yeah, its not Serge being unaware what anime body pillows are or something
Nigouki: Adam how did you end up with such a disgustingly healthy relationship with modern media?
saucemaster5000: so anyway let's grill ben about path of exile 2 news
GasCityGaming: See any Luigi memes that are starting to make more sense now?
ladyjessica: ew gross
gualdhar: perfectly reasonable
seanwbruno: Adam is walking the enlightened path.
Mr_Horrible: it's a horror stream not a Horror Stream
0x6772: We need a "Tao of Adam" book.
BusTed: What even hit you
Blakemcm: you gotta kill the ahnks ben
kimmibeans: Ben, you need to stop dying
n3ther: just ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist hmmm
Mr_Horrible: "erm, what the flip"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @seanwbruno Is Adam secretly just Son Wukong?
Mai_Andra: She's not going to be in Hollow Body 2
kimmibeans: You can't win the game if you die
saucemaster5000: looking leads to seeing some shit
ladyjessica: nice
BusTed: We can blame any deaths on the fixed camera
ThorSokar: reading the news the last ~15 years has just been depressing and stressful
Thefluffiestguineapig: Me neither Ben, it's so nice
Simriel: Adam "I just don't look at stuff I don't like" Savidan. Actual for real genius
LostThePirate: So just to clear up one point Ben was mistaken about: the narc wasn't eligible for the NYPD $10,000 reward because they called 911 instead of the tip line; the $50,000 reward from the FBI is still on the table, but requires an actual conviction before it's paid out, so years away.
saucemaster5000: more like social peedia
Kramburger: Instagram's getting pretty bad recently
CaptainSpam: I'm just glad I never got into modern social media. I've come to realize I really dodged a bullet there.
korvys: Adam is very Oliver Tindal-coded
spo8n: Adam is normal, most people don't care about the news. Chat is weird here.
bytecaster: Same, Adam, Same
CaptainSpam: I salute and envy your lifestyle, Adam Savidan.
LowUpsideCJ: I have filtered insta down to just people i know in real life and baby animals
bytecaster: @spo8n Tbf, Chat is always weird
GasCityGaming: why give something you don't like (like a movie or show) that much time in the rest of your life? no point, i get it
ButterBall000: I've started likening social media to an abusive relationship
PharaohBender27: In a telehealth call with my therapist, she (complimenting my restricted news diet) said that consuming news is like the sun - you need to do some, but you do too much and you get burned
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean, gut as a suture is a real thing
Greendrag13: Hey Ben, am I remembering right that you were looking to give LARPing a go?
saucemaster5000: my vendetta against 1982's "officer and a gentleman" is justified tho
matthaus_c: crab buddy
Blakemcm: smash announcer voice " SEWER SPIDER"
Simriel: I love LARP, I am doing it this weekend XD
PharaohBender27: @saucemaster5000 Sorry, what vendetta is that?
saucemaster5000: you heard me
bytecaster: SEWER SPIDER vs. FOX
Blakemcm: Sorry waluigi its SEWER SPIDER
KeytarCat: Is combat better if you target, or is it just differently bad?
dumbo3k: I dislike how the health indicator is on the front of your character only, so half the time you can't even see it
mulligan2six: The same young Ben that made that AMV?
0x6772: Maybe if we comment on BENULMER's youtube videos we can get an answer?
matthaus_c: there's great lore videos
Sora, Donald, Goofy! 
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Simriel I'm jealous! It's also low single digits temp here before wind chill so everything has been being canceled so I don't even go outside
bytecaster: Looong sword
PharaohBender27: @saucemaster5000 I don't think I understood, sorry. TBH mostly asking because I've visited the fort that movie was filmed at (Fort Worden)
saucemaster5000: If you could go back and tell yourself one thing about your future life what would you spoil?
bv310: I'm fairly sure that drinking game would be lethal, Ben
couchboyj: He's still alive Ben, so obviously not on the drinking game
Blakemcm: the kenny omega cosplayer sephiroth
raulghoulia: Sephiroth voiced by Lance Bass
MacbethSeemsSus: Camera man, please
DoomBringerIL: Ben did u watch Severance S2?
0x6772: Seems like it'd be easier to've gotten past that double attack with a gun. Wish the game would give Ben one.
saucemaster5000: went from drinker to thinker
bytecaster: I'm quite the drinker myself, of water, that is
DaVeganPolice: drinker to dinker
BrindleBoar: unsevered
LowUpsideCJ: When i was in college i had the same amount of a problem as everyone around me so i was fine
InconsiderateHat: @saucemaster5000 I would tell Thursday me to leave my car plugged in at work over the weekend.
BlackIsis: jesus ben
I have what the cool kids might call a “fatty liver due to years of alcohol abuse” 

tehfewl: did you watch Castlevania: Nocturne?
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
PharaohBender27: I still drink, but know my personal limits, don't operate heavy machinery, and am not as bad as I was in grad school
Fanklok: Ben will watch severance when Adam watches Castlevania
DaVeganPolice: o7 live fast, die young brother
saucemaster5000: so Adam was right
BrindleBoar: yeah it's not as good as the first series
0x6772: @DaVeganPolice Score 1.
kimmibeans: I've been watching Ted Lasso for the first time
DoomBringerIL: Ben with tv shows is like adam with The news
MeadyOchre: I'm so fucking keen for Wilds
JoeLowe2: Let it go Ben
ThorSokar: Nocturne was a different writer and different director, and was just kinda meh
gualdhar: Adam got Nicole into Monster Hunter? What weapon are they running?
GasCityGaming: Ted Lasso is great
kimmibeans: Yeah. I just started Season 3
saucemaster5000: Ted Lasso, the show where you go "hey that guy's kinda nice"
GasCityGaming: I went as him for halloween
bv310: The third season isn;'t as consistently great, but it's got some great highs
matthaus_c: Ted Lassi...
couchboyj: The most recent season was OK but not as good on Ted Lasso
Jadaris: i started watching Solo Leveling because of yall and holy shit is it good
Thefluffiestguineapig: @matthaus_c Now I want a mango lassi
LowUpsideCJ: That show is so against Adam's usual tv show vibe
couchboyj: Shrinking is great
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am jealous of people who have good gaming PCs
saucemaster5000: It was weird Ted Lasso went on that murderous spree finally
ghizmou: the season 2 is on now
Seth_Erickson: it's been enjoyable the first three episodes of season 2
Naesiir: Good decision. I watched the first 3 episodes of season 2 and I'm fiending for more
bytecaster: @saucemaster5000 They really shouldn't have made it a stealth prequel to Dexter
kimmibeans: So, fun Ted Lasso fact. Jason Sudeikis's (Ted Lasso) sister taught religion at my high school
Saintnex: Hell of a show, I legit binged it in like a weekend
DoomBringerIL: it's all out
tehfewl: i need dandadan s2 and more ranma1/2
LowUpsideCJ: I'm a confirmed week to week watcher
Blakemcm: only time i like to watch week to week is JOJOs
Andymonium: yeah what about today’s conversations hasn’t made that clear XD
kumatsu: Adam's on vibe-based organism mode

LowUpsideCJ: Wouldn't not in a rush allow you to watch it now, slowly?

Cptasparagus: is POE2 stick and hoop because circles
PharaohBender27: "Stick and hoop is PROVEN, dangit!"
7gorobei: adam isnt about that endgame content
Thefluffiestguineapig: Honestly that is great because not rushing things meangs better results from stick and rock
ThorSokar: Adam's got that patience
matthaus_c: Boshy makes sense now
Andymonium: they really expanded the stick-and-hoop endgame
bytecaster: The Stick and Hoop meta is not solved yet anyway
raulghoulia: Stick and hoop challenge run
thaigeprime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 97 months!
kimmibeans: Hey, stick and hoop is a grand time!
Thanks for subscribing, thaigeprime! (Today's storm count: 49)
vanman229: I respect it tbh
frank_the_great: Oh, did you guys see the Until Dawn trailer? I'm super disappointed that it's not a faithful adaptation, but it looks fun still
what up spoopy friends 
GasCityGaming: I haven't even finished my hoop-pass
Andymonium: XD
DeM0nFiRe: I used to love stick and hoop but they nerfed my class
bytecaster: Stick and Hoop Solo Self Found is a lot of fun too!
MeadyOchre: Uhhh Adam, I know you don't follow the news much, but you should really check out Stick's recent tweets =/
electra310: Stick and hoop: ribbon edition!
ButterBall000: I hear ball and cup is around the corner
so, how's PoE 2 "Early Access" going there, Adam? 
Blakemcm: wait is stick and hoop 2025 a remake or a remaster?
Pharmacistjudge: stick and hoop dlc
Saintnex: tbh there is so much entertainment that I have on my backlog, I dont need to be all on that new hotness
ThorSokar: IDK, I'm more of a Ball And Cup man, myself
HedgehogKnight: Remember when they put a rope on the hoop
frank_the_great: @Blakemcm demake
itomeshi: I'm sticking with Stick and Hoop Retail, though Stick and Hoop Season of Stickcovery seemed cool.
CastleOtranto: I got a sick skin for pre-ordering ball and cup
ben's the speedrunner 
LowUpsideCJ: They added a different color hoop but adam's a base hoop specialist
ExtraWubs: You know what kind of bits you can also give...
ExtraWubs: chat...
lochnessseammonster: amazing
couchboyj: Stick AND Hoop? Pah. Back in my day we turned to channel 3 to play Stick and we liked it!
saucemaster5000: monks are more interested in new content than adam
SquareDotCube: it got silent hill'd
kimmibeans: My ADHD could never
MeadyOchre: No, that is very healthy
n3ther: def unique
itira: youre not that weird
MeadyOchre: And I wish I could go back to being like that
bytecaster: You are still gonna play Stick and Hoop when Stick and Hoop remasterd comes out
kimmibeans: I have so many games I started and randomly abandoned
0x6772: Melee build, Ben! Stick to your guns… no, wait, I mean clubs!
kimmibeans: and hobbies
VrolikSyndrome: I think it's just bugged.
saucemaster5000: crab's a snitch
matthaus_c: yeah but he's worth keeping around
Cptasparagus: narcrab
my adhd is the hyperfixation kind so yeah i get you adam 
Andymonium: it’s just a li’l guy
PharaohBender27: That crab's a NARC
frank_the_great: Friend shaped
Saintnex: Not at all, I dunno how to gun
matthaus_c: with a speedloader maybe
MeadyOchre: Speedloader or nah?
saucemaster5000: Faster than you'd get away
frank_the_great: That's all guns Ben
Simriel: Revolvers sans speedloaders are So Slow
JosephDeath: They make speed loaders for six shooters because they're notoriously hard to reload under pressure
itira: id be dead for sure
Rhynerd: is it the kind that can use a speedloader?
GasCityGaming: a handgun with a magazine would be very easy
Fanklok: You would be amazed how difficult it is to reload a revolver
Saintnex: Id probably just end up chucking the gun at them instead of trying to reload lol
matthaus_c: guess I'll die
Forlorgen: Next loading ready run skit how fast can you load the nerf gun and kill the zombie
spo8n: how fast could the robot you are piloting reload a gun?
KeytarCat: Y'ever seen Hunt: Showdown? The reloads are so slow because the characters aren't proficient
BusTed: speedloader all one word
LowUpsideCJ: I have spent years with a nerf maverick for this moment
itomeshi: Revolver speedloader is legit though.
bytecaster: Can I ask Peanut Butter the Speedrunning Dog to help me?
0x6772: @Forlorgen This is an insanely good suggestion.
Simriel: A speedloader is just a little thing you preload the bullets onto, basically like a revolver magazine
saucemaster5000: I've got a speedload for ya
Rhynerd: is it a break action? a single-load? can you slide out the cylinder?
vanman229: its a cool game, i was so bad at it
Forlorgen: @0x6772 I know right
KeytarCat: I had the same thought. I watched a lot a few years back
catcard: oh, boy! this game again? (complimentary)
Simriel: God, imagine trying to load a gate loaded revolver under duress XD
itomeshi: Phone an Alex?
ButButTheJesus: @KeytarCat yeah I platinum'd it, loved it
MeadyOchre: Somebody buy Adam gunsmith simulator
0x6772: @Forlorgen It *sorta* already exists in the PUBG-in-real-life vids.
Rhynerd: i do wish Hunt: Showdown had a PvE Spin-off, I’d be able to get my friends to play in that universe.
Greendrag13: I have to lag myself a bit at DR, because I can hand-load my nerf revolver faster than the mandatory reload time XD
Forlorgen: @0x6772 another thing that should return lol
Fanklok: Anybody ARMED and dangerous tonight?
Rhynerd: it’d also be nice if the game kept it’s lore pages in-game.
bytecaster: There are so may games!
Andymonium: RIP Crab Pal
Rhynerd: RIP Crab
kimmibeans: I mean, was he really your friend though?
matthaus_c: RIP step-crab
0x6772: @Forlorgen I think that video turned on having run of the whole office building the Moon Base was moving from.
Cptasparagus: im an Omen main
It is no longer 
Fanklok: The third again is when it gets scary
SquareDotCube: yeah I've had a hard time finding much that interests me anymore, either the environment and design is great but the wrong kind of genre or it's of a genre I like but doesn't do anything interesting
Blakemcm: magneto has never yielded in any universe
has passed

Cptasparagus: oh yeah oops lol
JoeLowe2: I miss l'il crab
Mr_Horrible: omen's like, valorant or something
Kramburger: Omen on deez nuts

ThorSokar: Is this where I bring up Jeff?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Rat of the forest is squirrel or racoon?????
JosephDeath: Supervive is only 8GB? I can try it out for 8GB
Uzumaki15: The last time I was sort of good at PvP shooters was the original CoD Black ops, I have also come to terms that I'm bad at PvP in general
itira: uhm hes a shark
Cptasparagus: no I meant Oath I just have a bad memory
itomeshi: Is Jeff therefore the rat of the sea?

Seth_Erickson: no one will make me hate jeff
itira: ahhhhhh
Blakemcm: jeff hater mantis lover
raulghoulia: who's worse Jeff or Teemo?
DaVeganPolice: o7 itra
LowUpsideCJ: It's like a jeff ult
Mr_Horrible: stand your ground, he's a coward
Seth_Erickson: your pleas fall on deaf ears

Rhynerd: poor Jeff. such a precious child turned into a source of hate for his Rivals powers.
Seth_Erickson: fuck teemo
violetblight: sharks, the rats of the sea
Seth_Erickson: all my homies hate teemo
Rhynerd: understandable hate, but still.
Fanklok: Adam never shoots anyone, he has triggermen for that
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Rhynerd I know, in comics he's adorable but they just didn't balance him
0x6772: Squirrels: rats of the trees
shendaras: I'm pretty sure it was, yeah
0x6772: Pigeons: rats of the sky
SquareDotCube: I think you combined both ammo, somehow
Andymonium: Crab stole your ammo?
dumbo3k: You've been picking up Revolver ammo that I can remember
ButterBall000: We're going through a lot
Fanklok: Jeff is a support that does not have a support ult
catcard: hear that? I'm great!
electra310: When one of us is funny, we are all funny! Good job, us!
we’re funny
enbycephalopod: clip it so theres proof
saucemaster5000: oooOOOooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: We're funny!!!
matthaus_c: oh shit I missed us being funny?
kimmibeans: That complement is definitely going to go straight to our heads

DaVeganPolice: AYO??!??!
SnackPak_: does it?
ButButTheJesus: ew
itira: bong
0x6772: I just cut my cope into a line and snort it.
raulghoulia: kabong
Fanklok: Damn Adam got that Russian Vayne deathrattle
betweenmyself: think I’d go with “OWWWWaaaah…”
Mr_Horrible: baby had it coming
ButButTheJesus: "aaa"
0x6772: *zombie* baby, Ben



0x6772: okay, clip that too
kimmibeans: Because last week chat insulted your comedy abilities

Mr_Horrible: we're the jester, we're allowed to speak truth to the king
kimmibeans: So we thought you were still mad
thatguysteve2709: I mean the dumbass comments is hard to oberlook
bv310: Wait, you're not a tyrant? Then why did we order this World's Best Tyrant mug?
PharaohBender27: And on that note I need to leave for dinner and then a meeting - someone else will need to clip the follow-up
LowUpsideCJ: Both ends of that joke were amazing
bytecaster: Adam rules with an iron fist
Fanklok: People got a little parasocial about that in the highlight reel comments
Seth_Erickson: guns are load turns out
0x6772: @bv310 He wasn't supposed to know about that until it turned up on Mail Time!
0x6772: "I wonder what it could be?"
BrindleBoar: well it's one way out

tehfewl: gotta get that toast out
saucemaster5000: why do toasters only have two slots when everyone would be happier with 3 pieces of toast?
schordash: are the scissors lightly toasted or burnt?
SnackPak_: whoops
JoeLowe2: ruh roh

0x6772: What does Smokey the Bear say, Ben?
schordash: let’s leave 👀
BrindleBoar: guitar'd a bunch of people and a baby, arson'd. What more do you need to do?
saucemaster5000: oi gunah
saucemaster5000: guvnah
BrindleBoar: wos awl dis den
LowUpsideCJ: I forgot this was an accented game
BusTed: 👴
underhill33: bruh
Geldaran: 1.033+6
LowUpsideCJ: Those are not the years I expected you to say
kragmabutch: since when is 2008 the cutoff for the old bracket???

Mr_Horrible: "sorry, numbers don't go that high. Please try entering your age again."
Rhynerd: been there.
Juliamon: if you're legally an adult, you're a Master
Rhynerd: wii fit also hated my posture.
dumbo3k: wut
kragmabutch: I guess that makes me ancient then
dumbo3k: I must be ancient then
saucemaster5000: if the teachers have to ask why you are on school grounds you are "master" at pokemon tcg
pimiento: heck yea ankle socks
tehfewl: reminds me of that "what people think final fantasy 20 years ago was" meme
itira: wait ankle socks make you old?
GasCityGaming: what are the things longer than ankle socks called?
gibbousm: It's been 10 years since 8 graduated college. 10 years as a working adadult. I feel old
TheInnsanity: I have to carry nail clippers with me or I bite mine
0x6772: The kids are back into 1980s tall socks.
JoeLowe2: When I enter my birth year on line, I spin that thing like I'm on the price is right.
Thefluffiestguineapig: welp I’m just going to turn to dust and crumble away since I was born in the 1990/
itira: theyre so convenient though
Juliamon: GasCityGaming There are several lengths
i'm wearing ankle socks right now 
LowUpsideCJ: ankle socks are actually the cause of aging
EikoandMog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 133 months, currently on a 133 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, EikoandMog! (Today's storm count: 50)
0x6772: @JoeLowe2 Hey, buddy, I gotta get back to 1979.
couchboyj: What socks do the youth wear? I should avoid them so as not to confuse them.
used to chew on my cuticles all the time as a teen, now they are perma-fucked 
catcard: lmfao

gooe one
catcard: good.
ButButTheJesus: lol
itira: stocks and socks is where its at honestly
saucemaster5000: whenever a steam game asks my birthdate I enter january1st cause I don't want to spin the numbers
itira: parnets
JustBrian___: That was both brilliantly witty and incredibly stupid.
bv310: Teaching for (now) 13 years has been slowly watching the graduating grade 12s year-of-birth slowly approaching "could be my kids" territory and it gets me every year.
Fanklok: Oh man that movie was wild, The Ankle Socks that make You Old
JoeLowe2: @0x6772 back to 62 for me
0x6772: @couchboyj Broadly, you can judge youth sock culture by what NBA players wear.
raulghoulia: bees?
catcard: let he who is without joke throw the first bean
schordash: being old is knowing that ankle socks will come back around and fall out again at least one more time in our lifetime
itira: minorspellingerrorrrr
DaVeganPolice: 😡 SIR
0x6772: @JoeLowe2 Okay, you win the spin race. c'mon down!
Andymonium: “typo in the group chat, GET THEIR ASS”
CaptainSpam: Is someone making a MINOR SPELLING ERROR in here?!? LuL
gualdhar: @bv310 I've heard the rumor kids these days have come out of the womb old, is this true?
saucemaster5000: if you were sent to prison after 10 online spelling mistakes how long would you last?
ButButTheJesus: can confirm, am steemk


raulghoulia: what do I smell like?
DaVeganPolice: SNIFFA
saucemaster5000: How dare I smell of sandalwood you bloodhounds
varmintx0: gimme a break, it's too cold to shower

catcard: sniffa is indeed a dog
bv310: @gualdhar Vintage fashion has rotated back in through the cycle. I'm expecting a pop punk resurgence in the very near future
DaVeganPolice: its a fisheye lens shot of a dog snout sniffing the camera

Andymonium: oof
Juliamon: how the fuck is that legal
itira: thats too long wtf
kumatsu: with no forwarning
bytecaster: That's against the Geneva convention!
gualdhar: @bv310 oh fuck yes Spencer's will be fucking useful
0x6772: @bv310 That's *now*. Check out Meg Meyers.
BusTed: eauuuu
MacbethSeemsSus: It's -2 here so that would actually kill people
kireawolf: That is where a gym membership comes in clutch
vanman229: idk in france they have some things figured out that feels more illegal
betweenmyself: You have nothing to worry about now, ma’am… I’m from SNIFFA.
BrindleBoar: OoOoOoOoh
QuixoticScrivener: omlette du fromage
schordash: my olfactory is doing a major rehaul
saucemaster5000: ooooooooui
ghyllnox: @vanman229 Yeah this
Blakemcm: they were roommates
catcard: (orson welles voice) aaeueugh the french
bv310: @gualdhar Hey now, Spencer's Gifts has always had a vital part in the teenage ecosystem of "that place where you shoplift from for thrills when you're 15"
saucemaster5000: let's play commander-fuck he beat me to it
bytecaster: Keen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6?
kumatsu: COMMANDER KEEN mentioned
SnackPak_: hell yeah Commander Keen rules
Fanklok: Isn't Spencer's the Hot Topic with dildos?
0x6772: @bv310 Oof, buddy. I was a teen before Spencer's Gifts.

MilkInBags subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
MilkInBags: Hello everybody I am still haunting this place. Sorry.
Thanks for subscribing, MilkInBags! (Today's storm count: 51)
baltimore_667083: @Fanklok the. what.
Juliamon: Fanklok And weed paraphernalia
catcard: hi milk!!!!!!!!!!!
MilkInBags: catcard!!
kragmabutch: i wish my computer had a disc drive
itomeshi: Brother Adam, have you installed windows 95 from floppies?
itira: hello melk
Cptasparagus: I just built my mom a PC and her brand new case had 2 5" expansion slots. She got mad when I told her she could put a floppy drive in it.
MilkInBags: hello itira
Forlorgen: That is like all card shops even the big ones lol
MilkInBags: is nelson asking you out on a date
betweenmyself: Can’t go to the movies tonight, I gotta use a sextant to solve a series of acrostics to get the DRM code for this game I purchased from CompUSA


Juliamon: peak dad energy there
Andymonium: nelson is such a mood
MilkInBags: now make him play first to death against bacon on the evening
he does have children so 
bytecaster: How much time DON'T I spend on the computer?
infinity_225: I work in QA machining industry, the last three jobs I had did not have computers in the testing room
itira: 7 or mooore a week?
0x6772: "How many units of alcohol do you consume a day?"

raulghoulia: are these 90s numbers?
GasCityGaming: See if aAdam gets this ref: Where are we going?!
itomeshi: 6 hours a day? That's a day I must have been sick.
saucemaster5000: if a computer is not in the room with me I start screaming and pissing myself
EvilBadman: The price is right mountaineer goes up further "this much time online?"
Juliamon: The check-in survey at one of my doctors asks me how much milk I drink in a week, on average. Like ??????? I don't fucking know!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: the shame that comes from some of those damn things is real
bytecaster: Why would I not be on the computer, it's where I live!
GasCityGaming: Telemiracle
saucemaster5000: @Juliamon that would really throw me
itira: @saucemaster5000 honestly i would expect nothing less
kireawolf: I am struggling to spend the 10 mintues without tech
NotCainNorAbel: @Juliamon milk?
MilkInBags: answer 3
GasCityGaming: Big fundraiser in sask every year for kids hospitals
LRR: Join Alex starting tomorrow morning at 10:00AM Pacific for the latest installment of Play it Forward where he'll be jumping into the world of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl! | Mondays/Wednesdays starting at 10AM, and Sundays at 6PM. All times Pacific! (has image) |
lochnessseammonster: as a treat
Nigouki: the milk lobby has lost
Juliamon: NotCainNorAbel Yeah, it's endocrinology so I assume dairy intake is relevant in some way
Thefluffiestguineapig: like the dentist asked about improvements I want to make and I said I could try a water pick and then mentioned how much I am poor and they all went wuiet
ghyllnox: @kireawolf I spend 6-8 hours a day without technology. I'm also unconsious, but y'know
RisingCosmos: Raisin bran kinda lit
MilkInBags: what
0x6772: Just get corn flakes!
bosqueofpines: Raisin Bran is great, wait what?
ButButTheJesus: how
enbycephalopod: Raisin bran is great
itira: just a hint of raisin
MrSarkhan: that's just wrong
Mollylele: does Nicole consent to this lore dump
MilkInBags: just get nature whatever with musli
Twilight_Spark: Notable
ghyllnox: The memory of raisin
bv310: Get with the B R A N L I F E
you want a bit of the sugar dust 
NotCainNorAbel: @Juliamon okay, that makes more sense. I live in a drinking state so we just get alcohol questions
saucemaster5000: any cereal is good except grape nuts
baltimore_667083: @ButButTheJesus raisins make. the raisin bran taste great. -a spoon jumps from the rafters-
MilkInBags: fun fact: chocolate milk is not actually better than anything for protein intake for gym, it was just an example in one study of protein product and the milk industry went apeshit with it
Twilight_Spark: I eat exclusively corn flakes for my morning cereal. No added sugar.
dumbo3k: Reeses Puffs!
InconsiderateHat: send me those sugared raisins
catcard: I bet there's like, The Hint of Raisin in raisin bran without the raisins
DaFhaye: Ayo
silenceaux: I am in misery o/~
itomeshi: Raisin Nut Bran is th true GOAT.
Fanklok: Resses puffs are dog
MilkInBags: my man
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nicole works at a vet clinic right? is she in management or on the medical side? I ask because all of us on the medical side are absolute weirdos
bytecaster: Great excuse!
bosqueofpines: Oreo O's was the cereal I never understood why it existed.
MilkInBags: dark chocolate?
baltimore_667083: lucky charms are my go-to if i have cereal
bv310: I like a good Oatmeal Crisp. Mess me up on those dehydrated strawberries
baltimore_667083: most of the time i don't actually eat breakfast
Blakemcm: i drink chocolate milk for the protein and i read playboy for the articles

korvys: Sick Rips idea
0x6772: Provided you're already rehydrated, chocolate milk sounds like a great post-workout drink, especially in the morning.
MirrorDisco: I am not a chocolate milk person - but I am also lactose intolerant
circusofkirkus: new button
lochnessseammonster: didn't expect to catch strays...
kumatsu: Ben likes agro too much to be Rakdos Intolerant
saucemaster5000: you know what cereal is a bop? Apple Jacks
Dog_of_Myth: Okay, that made me laugh Adam
bytecaster: The vibes today are immaculate!
MilkInBags: funny how we say lactose intolerant when no other mammal drinks other mammals milk, and past childhood
Uzumaki15: My favorite cereal was pops but I was also a weirdo and ate dry cereal
kimmibeans: Everyday I am grateful that for all of my problems, lactose intolerance is not one of them
MilkInBags: if anything we have lactose dependence
Dog_of_Myth: It's been a week here Adam.
ButButTheJesus: I think Kris Straub did that joke on an Acquisitions Inc session
EvilBadman: :tm: :tm:
JoeLowe2: I prefer any of the General Mills family of death themed breakfast cereals. Frankenberry or CountChocula
MilkInBags: you let them soak for 15 minutes
prince_infidel: Someone made the Rakdos intolerant joke to me in a Ravnica RPG
Mai_Andra: "rakdos intolerant" is very good
gamercat88: golden grahams
Fanklok: You know what, you're funny this week
itira: honey nut cheerios were my go to as a kid
catcard: you know what shreds your mouth? heart shaped honey nut cheerios. WRECKS the flesh
kumatsu: Soggies shall ruuuuuuule
DaVeganPolice: with alpha? like me?
saucemaster5000: I really hated the trix rabbit -- one of my first media opinions
Thefluffiestguineapig: is a radkos intolerant deck just azorias?
enbycephalopod: the apple jacks commercials were something
MAPBoardgames: capt crunch! now with more razorblades!
Vonbane: grape nuts - sounded good, tasted terrible
Dog_of_Myth: They did
SquareDotCube: But do you know why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
MilkInBags: wizards are nerds
kumatsu: there was the Simic Slaw Gavin card

betweenmyself: Cracklin Oat Bran = rivulets of blood pouring from your face
JoeLowe2: Total mouth destroyer. Turns the roof of your mouth into hambburger. So much beef hanging from the roof of your mouth you could make a sandwich (don't, but you could)
Saintnex: Not to mention the Jund em out shirt thing
DaFhaye: Wait yall started that joke?
matthaus_c: get on patenting those jokes
bytecaster: Only a matter of time until they print Gray Merchant as Gary
saucemaster5000: noooo it's nice in the oubliette Adam!
MilkInBags: I talked with WotC people last year and they're people with opinions????
CaptainSpam: No, Adam! Stay under the rock! It's better under there!
kimmibeans: It is better under the rock. I miss the rock
lochnessseammonster: i thought that was prof?
ExtraWubs: Jund em out?
MilkInBags: capitalism will make anything a product, even memes
Andymonium: you’re asking US? I thought you knew…
kumatsu: someone get the Dead Space boop
spo8n: to the store?
bosqueofpines: Oh yeah, that was the pi secret lair
Fanklok: One day Adam will phase back in
DaVeganPolice: hey, what's going on in this game?
dumbo3k: You have an axe I think?
BrindleBoar: scissors
Fanklok: Scissor him
saucemaster5000: put his finger up his nose
Nigouki: didn't we have an electronic lock gadget?
Andymonium: let him play the guitar, one last time…
kumatsu: no phasing in, it's nice in the void
UnusuallyLargeMoth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Thanks for subscribing, UnusuallyLargeMoth! (Today's storm count: 52)
NotCainNorAbel: bang on his drums all day
Seth_Erickson: hell yeah

Andymonium: honestly? solid
dude for the culture and the nation, you need to make kids too
saucemaster5000: that's the john carpenter way "I just wanna play basketball and video games"
bytecaster: Does he Naruto run though?
itira: i just wanna garden and play video games
lochnessseammonster: love to see it
UnusuallyLargeMoth: hey so I gotta ask a question so I can know if I can watch, how jumpscarey is this game?
BrindleBoar: he should
kumatsu: it's 2025, you know how to pronounce pokemon
betweenmyself: them Pokiemans though
bytecaster: I want him to do hand signs before touch downing!
ThirdGames: The gunshot last week sure was a jumpscare
saucemaster5000: lawsuit incoming
MilkInBags: sometimes you pause the game and it jumpscares you
kimmibeans: Hey Adam, what advice do you have for someone going back to the gym for the first time in over a year?
MilkInBags: keep going
Saintnex: Start slow and be kind to yourself
don't forget you tripod to film yourself 
wipe down the equipment when you're done 
you're doing it

saucemaster5000: damn he still won't give us the secret
MilkInBags: adam says there's no secret, that means there's a secret
my neck finally unfucked after 2 weeks of being super sore... I need to workout again 
matthaus_c: it makes me pissed how much it helps to exercise
NotCainNorAbel: the hardest part of every work out is starting
Fanklok: Adam spitting facts
ButButTheJesus: ah, I found rakdos intolerant from Kris Straub's recap during Acq Inc at PAX South 2019, I can post the link if you want
MAPBoardgames: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always telling Dale.
kumatsu: I'm running a 10km race next week and the leadup to make sure I'm in good enough shape has been a time
Blakemcm: i still havent been able to start it. im doing dry january which im pretty proud of
time travel backs to the mid 90s and buy yourself a BowFlex home gym 
MilkInBags: wait is that where you met Nicole, Adam
MilkInBags: up a fake rock
Seth_Erickson: swimming was how I got working out regularly for any amount of time, I loathe exercising otherwise
MilkInBags: the good stuff for your health often sucks
Fanklok: Worst thing you can do is be impatient
schordash: nelson w/ his 10mins of pra

DaVeganPolice: SHEEESH
schordash: practice*
ButButTheJesus: dayyyumm
Cptasparagus: one day theres a watermelon between your legs and you're just like
MilkInBags: I'd be happy just being able to lift myself 5 times on a abar
UnusuallyLargeMoth: my bf has been going to the gym for a while and his biceps have gotten Very Large and attractive
MilkInBags: in case of survival
MirrorDisco: Dieting is absolutely the hard part

mrjujubeans: I get sick every time I go to the gym
kumatsu: Live is this weekend....
0x6772: Well, there's a Loading Ready Live skit
vanman229: a warriors death
MilkInBags: in minecraft?
ghyllnox: Well, Saturday is Live so
raulghoulia: BENULMER youtube channel quadrupled in subscribers
betweenmyself: the secret is to start working out right after you get major eye surgery with several months of recovery time, that way you only see the end result
niccus: new year new tarp budget
0x6772: That's that lactic acid!
math_nerdette subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 8 month streak!
math_nerdette: Show me your watermelon crushing.
Thanks for subscribing, math_nerdette! (Today's storm count: 53)
Seth_Erickson: interestingly I found counting calories(what I've been doing for my *diet*) was easier than exercising regularly because it's something I could actively see the results of every day in the logging aspect not necessarily the weight loss/health metric
JosephDeath: That sounds like a crappy trainer
Saintnex: Reasons why I really dont like trainers tbh
BrindleBoar: sewer time

kumatsu: back to the pit
DaFhaye: Love leg day until legs hurt for the next 3 days
Vonbane: because video games
Fanklok: Going to the gym is not how you lose weight, you have to eat less there is no way around this
saucemaster5000: this game can be draining
MilkInBags: or follow a program on day 1 and be like, wtf is this
Fanklok: The week one DOMS when you think you're dying
Scy_Anide: Yup, ego lifting.
patrick_stonecrusher: I hate to say it, but this game might suck
Andymonium: yeah it’s hard to take it slow at first but it’s so much better than overdoing it
saucemaster5000: I go to the gym with three friends and we hold up scores on squares of paper
ThePixelSavage: @patrick_stonecrusher *nods*
Fanklok: I look at people in the gym and silently cheer them on
yeah but everyone at your gym is dumb, they can't judge you 
DaFhaye: I always have that in the back of my head
bro i think people are looking at me even when im alone. 
Andymonium: Ethan Winters??
Vonbane: now you can count to 15
MilkInBags: itira I'm respectfully not looking
KeytarCat: Cut through bone fro that one
Xaunaught: ive been going for 6 months, im still only once a week but I tell you what it is so nice to like... have some basic strength
MirrorDisco: I had to have surgery last summer - I have been working on lifting with what I have at home and eventually will get to the gym again.
kimmibeans: @itira Bro, I think your house is haunted
DoomBringerIL: can u just speedrun all the enemies in this game?
Xaunaught: we love the little nod
DaFhaye: For me tho it's more of I get in my own head and push myself till it's hard to move and realize I mess up

MilkInBags: the hot guy is nodding at them??? made their day for sure
NotCainNorAbel: those are killer, keep it up
saucemaster5000: give them a wink and the "okay" hand gesture

DaFhaye: Honestly I like that. I wish more people did that
silenceaux: Opinions on smiling at someone?
Pharmacistjudge: that's why i workout with a trainer. no randoms bother us
MilkInBags: @silenceaux natural and positive
raulghoulia: when I'm done with a key I just drop it in front of the lock it goes to
Cptasparagus: lift your partner
Fanklok: It took me nearly 3 years to find a workout routine I liked
Thefluffiestguineapig: if female presenting don’t smile
JustBrian___: Doing anything is better than doing nothing.
saucemaster5000: I'm def lifting these jellybeans at home, I'll tell you what
Thefluffiestguineapig: as someone who in workout clothes is female presenting smiling is almost always bad
GasCityGaming: I bought some weight bands online for $50 can combine to 100lbs, they're great
MacbethSeemsSus: I often watch streams on a stationary bike, great way to pass the time.
MAPBoardgames: 12oz curls?
bekit_tavern: Any interest in doing a fitness stream of some sort, Adam? I could see you being pretty motivating.
InconsiderateHat: Yeah I'm really proud of myself for keeping up a twice-weekly bodyweight routine. I've never kept a habit up this long in my life.
JosephDeath: Boredom is definitely a huge hurdle for me...
Thefluffiestguineapig: Literally what I tell people if they have pets is fine the exercises that interest your animals and do those
Cptasparagus: I play TFT on the stationary
kimmibeans: I used to use it as my podcast/tv tim
DoomBringerIL: i saw all the workouts paid-off when u lifted that anvil
DaFhaye: I bought myself some new equipment today for my birthday. Just as a gift
My workout for a while was drumset, which is almost really good 
MilkInBags: @Cptasparagus that's more impressive than chess boxing
MilkInBags: as large as your arms?
Pharmacistjudge: i am waiting for adam to become a vtuber
ThorSokar: pretty sure there's a ladder on one of the buildings, but I could be wrong
saucemaster5000: we might scan and clone you
InconsiderateHat: (And I can do my bodyweight routine while watching streams at home! *finger guns*)
PhorrestGaze: I play on my stationary bike, but my games are mostly cutscene
Astramentha: fair
Cptasparagus: @MilkInBags lol its not far off i guess lol
infinity_225: that explains the slouching

Vtuber workout stream? 
Mollylele: wear a poofy skirt
MilkInBags: sorry to tell you you're good looking
itira: make it a thing like the neighbor in Home Improvement
bekit_tavern: Even just a chat stream about it. Like this, basically 🙂
Seth_Erickson: get the vtuber pumping Adam
ThePixelSavage: @MilkInBags that probably does not help.
Nigouki: This took me forever to figure out with my exercise bike: I get bored if I'm watching videos while on the bike, but if I'm READING off the screen instead then time just flies by.
MAPBoardgames: I haven't played Beatsabre in a couple months. I need to fix my VR and restart doing that.
Forlorgen: What type of monster girl are you adam?
ThorSokar: Adam becomes a hardcore utilikilt bro
Mollylele: big green screen maxi skirt, mask your stems out entirely
silenceaux: evidence: the start of stream podcast
Quentoxic: What a wild title
Forlorgen: Its a big v tuber thing
Nigouki: ask Beej
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: the coward's fursona
Nigouki: he'll tell you ALL about monster girls
Greendrag13: I have done squat-alongs with vtubers. Great way to get an exercise buddy without needing them in arms reach
Pharmacistjudge: i am trying to build my chest because i am becoming aware that my back is way stronger than my chest. (probably because swimming is all back)
tehfewl: monster anime girl
DoomBringerIL: wut?
MilkInBags: oh i thought the underage character in invincible
Seth_Erickson: that's not a monster
Seth_Erickson: I think
PhorrestGaze: Yes
Vonbane: dolphin please
Astramentha: Ben’s a mod on cryptid cuties :3
silenceaux: Jessica Chadwick suggestion
GasCityGaming: head off screen top?
saucemaster5000: I'm the alien from the thing monster girl
Forlorgen: it makes sense with the anxiety
MilkInBags: how can you play videogames with hooves
Orlantia: We know Adam would be into an Oni lass
Seth_Erickson: now you're in
niccus: vtuber exercise but only the neck is visible
Pharmacistjudge: who is the giraffe devil fruit person?
ThirdGames: Were-Giraffe
Forlorgen: being a giraffe
kireawolf: Yes please I want to see this now
Orlantia subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 98 months!
jchinnock: how big that neck tho?
Thanks for subscribing, Orlantia! (Today's storm count: 54)
Mollylele: finally Otaku Jeff the Jiraffe
itira: the vtuber would be a giraffe with abs
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: now that's just an *actual* fursona
math_nerdette: There isn't a Giraffe V-Tuber rig... YET ben
sounds like body horror to me 
DaVeganPolice: I got ... fuckin aahh subway
CaptainSpam: Just add monster hair decs to a standard-issue anime girl, done.
Pharmacistjudge: one piece has a giraffe person i can't think of who
JustBrian___: Shoulders and lower neck on screen and just voice coming from above the screen would be hilarious
BrindleBoar: terrifying. You thought you were safe on the third floor, in through the window... vampiraffe
So much neck to bite 
Seth_Erickson: You can have that one wing thing Messmer's snakes have
Mai_Andra: The giraffe's head is just off the top of the screen, so the model is just the neck...
MAPBoardgames: Owlhouse taught me that giraffe are monsters.
tehfewl: its called a Fursona
BusTed: Probably around somewhere
Fanklok: Try telling a drunk third century roman a giraffe isn't a monster
MilkInBags: I think I have it *posts forbidden grapes*
saucemaster5000: there is that one piece char who can turn into a giraffe and has to keep insisting to everyone that griaffes are cool and strong
0x6772: They may also still have a copy.
MilkInBags: it has fur
ExtraWubs: no not at all
kireawolf: If they are here they might still have it and they can send it to you again
mulligan2six: Is furry a slurry?
snowyowlly: i think it's more a person's a furry, but they have a fursona
Astramentha: furry is fine
betweenmyself: depends how much stank you put on the term
Blakemcm: is it ok to say fursona like persona?
TheMerricat: Fursona is your avatar, a person is a furry.
DaVeganPolice: depends on how much stank you put on it
DoomBringerIL: words are getting cancelled daily
Mollylele: it's same as a person vs their persona
Orlantia: Fursona is your "furry persona" it's a great portmanteau
CaptainSpam: Don't call them "Furbos", though. Not that it's offensive, but because I just made it up and it sounds really stupid.
niccus: furry refers to the doctor, you want the furry's monster
Forlorgen: No hard Rs
MilkInBags: just like saying 'oh you're a *nerd*'
Fanklok: Do you think animals have mansonas?
silenceaux: @Blakemcm You can yell it before casting agidyne, yes
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: ostriches probably do
Pharmacistjudge: teddie has a Bearsona
kireawolf: idk let me ask my pet
neisan2112: Speaking of furrys, I'm actually going to my first Furcon in a few months.
ghyllnox: My aunt definitely had a dog that thought he was a person
itira: Pandas do for sure
Andymonium: college roommate was a fursuit maker and a) that is some WILD engineering that goes into those things and b) they made BANK
math_nerdette: I'm sure a "mansona" could be an astounding crap shot
i make faux fur lingerie... i cannot imagine making the whole suit 
MilkInBags: breaksona
onetrueseth: A horse with an evoker...
bv310: Awaken Mansona, form of Jeff From Accounting!
you be BAch, I'll be Beethoven 
uneactrice subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
Thanks for subscribing, uneactrice! (Today's storm count: 55)
Pharmacistjudge: a dog had an evoker
Orlantia: Mansonas are what happens to doggos when they wear outfits
ExtraWubs: bark
ButButTheJesus: @Pharmacistjudge I thought Koro-chan didn't need an evoker?
Greendrag13: @ExtraWubs BARKBARK
ExtraWubs: @Greendrag13 so true bestie
Pharmacistjudge: koro'chan evoker is in his collar
betweenmyself: I like to dress up as a dry, western state… Yes, I have an “Arisona”
ButButTheJesus: oh wait his collar acts as an evoker

Andymonium: welp were are up to an inch and a half of snow here in the South, I look forward to the city going all Mad Max tomorrow
MilkInBags: oh i forgot i was watching this
mrjujubeans: like seether?
itira: @MilkInBags same tbh
saucemaster5000: milk has no object permanence
MilkInBags: true
Vonbane: do cars poop with their shirt off?
neisan2112: Escpecially cars
Fanklok: Yes Ben cars poop trains
ButButTheJesus: no poop but lots of gas
corianderd: what's milk?
MilkInBags: i was reading manor lords patch notes
itira: you didnt play moosic
0x6772: The exhaust pipe, Ben.
MilkInBags: liquid fat
matthaus_c: whenever Milk is not on the screen, we should be asking
MilkInBags: i mean adam does
Kramburger: Milk is just creamy blood
Cptasparagus: made us just sit here with our thoughts
Hallontagg: milk is liquid that has been squeezed out of a cow
saucemaster5000: my keys don't jangle themselves
Fanklok: But doctor this is on my phone
mrjujubeans: milk is mostly animal r*pe
GasCityGaming: @Kramburger I'm calling the SPCA on your cows
kumatsu: the boys are not responsible for Milk's lack of object permanence
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kramburger no that’s pus
why can't video game protagonists break open locked bathroom stalls? 
MilkInBags: why does he have a short neck
Fanklok: You do lots of tricep workouts
MilkInBags: the fursona artists are making the male expectations too hard to reach
JustBrian___: F@#$ Facepulls.
Mollylele: how does one access the rear delts?
Pharmacistjudge: (assuming you aren't juicing)
Astramentha: I don’t even know what a rear delt IS
MilkInBags: where is the rear delt
JustBrian___: @astramentha back of the shoulder
Greendrag13: Yeah, I got two things I'm going back to the gym for: Big shoulders, and giving uppies at cons
itira: good ol shoulder balls
Astramentha: @justbrian___ 👍
MilkInBags: oooh it what makes you look like a gi joe?
saucemaster5000: I want to look as 2D as possible
Morrigan9: lie a letter p shape?
lochnessseammonster: a lollipop not a P
silenceaux: Sounds important for archery?
JustBrian___: Rear delts are also important for shoulder health
7gorobei: you want rear delts, try crew
DaFhaye: new self conscience unlocked
0x6772: Swimming is very good for that, Adam.
rosesmcgee: Boulder shoulders
MilkInBags: i don't want to be perceived
Fanklok: Wait wear is it? Now I'm curious and I don't know muscle species very well
saucemaster5000: I want to hide from enemies by standing sideways
0x6772: Especially backstroke and fly.
catcard: I wanna be a genderless cloud of smoke.
Mollylele: i want that Johnny Bravo shape
saucemaster5000: genuinely swimming is a very good excercise
Fanklok: Fuck wrong where
duallain: yoga is fun
uneactrice: Hot yoga is INTENSE
dougma: love hot yoga
JustBrian___: Can I get "Lots of air conditioning yoga"
MilkInBags: johnny bravo has cake
tehfewl: yoga is much harder than people think
MilkInBags: wait what??
BrindleBoar: the dorito with cake
SquareDotCube: the eaten apple shape
saucemaster5000: as someone who does yoga at home, a class has too many stinkies
duallain: lots of places around here have per class costs
ThorSokar: Yea, Johnny Bravo skips leg day
DaFhaye: I got this really nice glute machine that has been doing great work
MilkInBags: i dont know why, i remembered johnny bravo with a big butt
0x6772: (I may be biased towards swimming, though, as a former water polo player and lifeguard.)
bv310: So you're aiming for a triangle merging with a circle. Like a Destiny Raid Glyph.
itira: sometimes yoga makes you cry
lochnessseammonster: i need to get back into yoga
Astramentha: the true cake is inside your heart
enbycephalopod: adam wants to be one large dorito on top of another, smaller, dorito
DaFhaye: Yoga is so good
JustBrian___: Mayeb they have a drop in rate
GasCityGaming: It is just a very mechanically good fps
GasCityGaming: i mean that in a good way
Fanklok: From my experience most yoga instructors are super chill and will let you do a trial
MilkInBags: not you adam?
0x6772: Alex still wins the dog-shit game count.
MilkInBags: emotional support adam to go through all this
Thefluffiestguineapig: Alex will always win the dog-shit game count
lochnessseammonster: he's got TWO jobs!
MilkInBags: it brings all the trogs to the yard
lochnessseammonster: playing and talking
MAPBoardgames: Is that a Cordless payphone? How does that work?
7gorobei: @LoadingReadyRun for rear delts try to find a "seal row bench"
MilkInBags: it's quite easy
xcelticwolf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
Thanks for subscribing, xcelticwolf! (Today's storm count: 56)
duallain: how do you find seals in the gym?
SnackPak_: yet
not yet 


Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone who does horseback riding looking up horseback riding workouts is a great way to get a leg workout with body weight stuff

MilkInBags: adam is a gym master, gotta catch all exercices
Mollylele: more like Delts Nope amirightgamers
Pharmacistjudge: well you said we weren't getting into it., so therefore chat has to get you into it
Pharmacistjudge: that's how it works right?
Scorpio_SW subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Scorpio_SW! (Today's storm count: 57)
MilkInBags: adam the microphone looks like a clown nose
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam's slouch has increased
kireawolf: I need more Adam talking about workouts I am learning so much lol
ButButTheJesus: @Mollylele heyoo
DaVeganPolice: how low can Adam slump
bv310: Lats nope!
saucemaster5000: Whoever smelt it Delt it
itira: fuckin squidward lookin ass
kireawolf: Adam is melting
MilkInBags: waluigi ass nose
ButButTheJesus: @bv310 heyoo
duallain: horse body weight seems like a lot. do you start with donkeys and then move up to horses?
couchboyj: Delty delty gym club
MilkInBags: shrimpin
Thefluffiestguineapig: @duallain Generally you start with just the head
DaVeganPolice: now I DEFINITELY do
ghyllnox: After a certain point we won't be able to see
shoot it 
7gorobei: your new fursona is an elephant
MilkInBags: Ben brought his son at work
kimmibeans: I had to walk away during some of the workout talk (my dog demanded walkies) but I'm happy that it was a fruitful discussion!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MilkInBags No, his sons are Remy and Gus
0x6772: That's not how plastique works, Ben
MAPBoardgames: Just hold the lighter on the plastic explosive until it catches!
neisan2112: Do you need a fuse?
0x6772: You need an electrical impulse
MilkInBags: @Thefluffiestguineapig this is Remy's mansona

NevermorePainting: you can actually use plastic explosive to start a fire, it's really stable stuff
ThorSokar: C4 uses electricity
0x6772: @MAPBoardgames That'll get you a decent cooking fire.
Vonbane: need a detonator i guess
Thefluffiestguineapig: Plastic explosives need a detonator
kimmibeans: Well, you never know what you'll need!
Fanklok: You don't detonate plastique explosives with fire ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is such video game inventory
Mollylele: imagine tuning in right now and thinking Adam is like 4 feet tall
ButButTheJesus: @kimmibeans so many useful things!
MilkInBags: can you show it
DaVeganPolice: keys!?@? 👀 shaman? ?!?
0x6772: We *must* know more about this tattoo
MAPBoardgames: What is a crowbar, but a differently-shaped key?\
MilkInBags: ben's little cousin
saucemaster5000: there was a last bus back to campus at my college town nicknamed "the drunk bus" and that poor driver heard "hail to the bus driver" every night
MilkInBags: oh ok nvm
Melfina__: He's so short
mrjujubeans: with giant arms
MilkInBags: as a PAYING customer
0x6772: But, like, it's just a key? It's a bunch of stuff? It's words?
BrindleBoar: OnlyBens
kimmibeans: How many bits would it take?
Nigouki: !patreon
ghyllnox: Calf pics?
Fanklok: How many subs?
pimiento: ben's OnlyGams?
slamaham: only fans
Mai_Andra: You will surely not regret dropping trou on stream
SquareDotCube: "The Sinking of the Adam Savadan"
0x6772: To be clear, I would've been good with a descriptiong.
MilkInBags: oh yeah!
ThorSokar: I'm always reminded of the Monkey Island puzzle where you're drowning, and there's scissors just out of reach, but the real solution is just to pick up the thing weighing you down and walk to shore

Vonbane: someone comin
neisan2112: Oh no
0x6772: That rules.
JosephDeath: Ummm

Mai_Andra: incoming...
neisan2112: He comin
ButButTheJesus: ohhh neat
lochnessseammonster: sweet
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp


duallain: moon logic is best logic
0x6772: I'm not very sorry.
NorthstarTex: skill issue
MilkInBags: I was paid by hollows
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cool tattoo, worth the death

saucemaster5000: ben was too busy posing like the coppertone girl
itira: i blame tiny Adam
Fanklok: Huge success
you died to show us your art, and for that we thank you
mrjujubeans: this was a triumph
MilkInBags: he's not slouching!
DaVeganPolice: 😩 do it
Fanklok: Adam had never banned anyone in his life
Fanklok: Like the coward he is
Greendrag13: Feel so blessed. 100% confirmed: Ben would die for us
MilkInBags: that's why they'll remove your access before
can we get a LRR Garagellenium event where the teams try to find the oddest/best Zombie Apocalypse weapons? 
kimmibeans: I think that death was worth it. The tattoo was very cool. Thank you for sharing
vanman229: what a way to go
MilkInBags: and yet we come back
Thefluffiestguineapig: I feel like Beej might leave too
Pharmacistjudge: Adam won't ban people, he will shoot you though
matthaus_c: submissive and bannable
Adam will go out in a BLAZE of Glory
Mai_Andra: why fired? that sounds like peak "content"
Juliamon: He hasn't even shot anyone tonight

Fanklok: I'm just here to see what i can say to get Ferisar timed out

saucemaster5000: I can't wait to tell my boss what I think of him when I get fired
MilkInBags: just as when you asked Om for his shitty opinions
neisan2112: Don't tempt that
MilkInBags: rolling it back
MilkInBags: cozy january
NorthstarTex: Submwuissive and bwannabwle? UwU
NotCainNorAbel: Let's Relax
Pharmacistjudge: the mega slouch
vanman229: You're like the neighbor from home improvement
ButButTheJesus: chillaxin
ghyllnox: Let's Nap
MilkInBags: you know instead of slouching you could just lower the camera on the scene
Andymonium: the Let’s Slope
itira: Wilson!
vanman229: listen i aint gonna assume your experience, I know its wilson
NotCainNorAbel: yeah, wilson
Vonbane: WILSON
MilkInBags: Chris Wilson
ButButTheJesus: "Tiiiim Tim Tim TIm..."
saucemaster5000: I like when Tim Allen found out Wilson was a dog all along
my mom has to get hip surgery soon and she's worried about needing to rest so much... gonna teach her to slouch and rot 
MilkInBags: adam is very supportive
itira: Ben that means he likes you
Andymonium: legit
Vonbane: fair
MilkInBags: Ben, it's his love language
frank_the_great: Did you text him back?
Greendrag13: You said hey? What's going on?
Kentosaurus: did it include a crying laughing emoji?
ooooooh thank you adam 
MilkInBags: you tell me so often
ThorSokar: OK, Ben earned that go fuck yourself
ThorSokar: (for the texting from the next room)
MilkInBags: did you pay the 10 cents fee for SMS
frank_the_great: smh, my head
NotCainNorAbel: He's gotta ask his friends how to respond
Fanklok: 👌🤣💯
ghyllnox: Left on unread even
saucemaster5000: holy shit did you see that hey?
GasCityGaming: Mans left you on recieved
actual bullying 
itira: whos pete

varmintx0: is this a contest to see who can slump the furthest?
SquareDotCube: going for that ten cents a minute plan
lochnessseammonster: life is tough in quebec
MilkInBags: koodo said i had the best plan
its cold here be nice 
man I'm in a gvlog it's ok 
Fanklok: Milk has no shame
Pharmacistjudge: Milk's real name is MilkinCarton
MilkInBags: me neither
itira: wow LOL
hatboozeparty: WOW
MilkInBags: LMAO

SnackPak_: yikes

DaVeganPolice: L M F A O
Andymonium: :lrrwo
Astramentha: CLIPPIT
ThorSokar: what's next? you gonna start using Honey?

mulligan2six: Welcome to the highlight reel
MilkInBags: hello highlight reels

MilkInBags: if this is in the highlight reels, i got a new hobby
Fanklok: Adam has repeatedly said what a slave driver Graham is
ghyllnox: What, you think he'll forget by next year?
Jennie_Fuchsia: clip that and the “if we get fired” and absolutely nothing else
Morrigan9: your review for this year? letting you go soon
itira: welp
MilkInBags: skill diff
Mai_Andra: making your way downtown? walking fast...
itsr67: wassup
ghyllnox: Boop
saucemaster5000: wassup itsr
catcard: what if you had lots of health left and the enemy just domed you?

itsr67: 🐀
itira: goddamn
SquareDotCube: it will say if you stand still
MilkInBags: no way

Not to all of us 
itsr67: ye its me

Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey
hiFunko: Isn't everyone's health always low? No, just me?
MilkInBags: 'hello fucking moron, still late for doing nothing?'
Kramburger: Adam hates being known
itira: notice meeee
DaVeganPolice: if adam has beat our ass in sf6, its even worse

catcard: oh looks like I'm fine then :3
mulligan2six: The trogs have a humiliation kink
itsr67: LMFAO
already had my time in the highlights I'm good 
Pharmacistjudge: I claimed to be irregular, but adam says i'm a regular
MilkInBags: (with love)
NotCainNorAbel: I miss Adam chat, I miss it with in office work
DaVeganPolice: yo CHILLL
JoeLowe2: tough room
hiFunko: gday mate
ladyjojo1987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ladyjojo1987! (Today's storm count: 58)
Bustin chops is a trog's love language 
MilkInBags: hardcore ssf???
hiFunko: Oh I jumped off that train, I'm a filthy trader now
betweenmyself: sometimes ya need that dopamine hit that only negative attention from a streamer can provide
hiFunko: Yeah accurate
hiFunko: Also accurate
MilkInBags: I know one australian word
Kramburger: Isn't Funko in WA? They're 20 years behind the rest of the country
hiFunko: I get more Australian when I get to Canada and start saying the wildest shit
hiFunko: 11 days baby

Fanklok: As far as I know Funko is 17
Pharmacistjudge: also the trogs accused funko of being 60
hiFunko: yeah monk is fun as hell
MilkInBags: it's a game you have to think
lesbianpunkpyromancer22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 12 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, lesbianpunkpyromancer22! (Today's storm count: 59)

Kramburger: To GameFAQs!
catcard: I have no idea :'( I am sending Solve It Energy
MilkInBags: p7
Kramburger: ADAM
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm sending good vibes!!
MilkInBags: light
saucemaster5000: LMAO
Kramburger: Adam do you need glasses bud?

frank_the_great: That's a lot of mod actions
MilkInBags: still less than adam's chat
neisan2112: Hell yeah
enbycephalopod: o7
Fanklok: Monk is the only class I've played that doesn't feel like I'm hitting the monsters with wet tissue paper

NorthstarTex: a living legend
hiFunko: I just went and had my eyes tested actually, I recommend it. The air puff sucks

Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro, what the hell did they have to do to get blasted by Hosk?
ladyjojo1987: awww he is legal
Pharmacistjudge: and milk deserved all of them i assume.
protojman: that's how you keep the milk fresh.
MilkInBags: does this punching bag still work?
honestly less than i would've guessed 
niccus: did you see the hot air balloon?
DaVeganPolice: is it automod? I've gotten clapped up by automod in here
itira: @hiFunko that is the actual worst part
Fanklok: There was a time when milk got shot regularly on this stream as a bit
JosephDeath: I loathe the air puff eye test...
Strebenherz: something something milk did nothing wrong
JoeLowe2: he keeps coming back for more
MilkInBags: it's a punchline
Juliamon: My optometrist specifically has a puff-free test
saucemaster5000: the best timeout I ever got was for saying Solaire was a putz
Andymonium: are we still looking for the C4 detonator?
if i were actually bad, I wouldn't be around 
ThorSokar: holy crap this is involved ( I looked it up)
matthaus_c: I don't even remember what I did but I think Ben gave me a 6h timeout at the end of a stream?
Vonbane: yeah there are steps for this
MilkInBags: @matthaus_c be yourself

Thefluffiestguineapig: Every time you say bidet I think about the highlight where you mix up "duvet" with "bidet"
neisan2112: OHh riiiight I remember that
ThorSokar: OK, you need the gold coins off a guys eyes in one of the cubicle things
Vonbane: gotta find dead lady with gold coins in eyes
Fanklok: The only time I remember getting timed out was when Jordan shot me for vaguely talking about Malenia during the Elden Ring PiF
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is not a thing to feel bad for not figuring out
@MilkInBags checks out 
frank_the_great: Hollow bidet reminds me of Home Body, now that was a neat game
betweenmyself: If LRR ever closes it’s doors, ya gotta hand down lifetime channel bans one minute to the end of the final stream
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is COMPLICATED especially since you only do this once a week
matthaus_c: too big to fail you say
MilkInBags: just upload your boss (not friend) brain to a matrix
SpoonfullOfSugar: not the tarps!!!
Kentosaurus: why would you jinx it
saucemaster5000: we have to all choose to ignore LRR to make it disappear like queen mab
0x6772: Just apply some tariffs to the stuff coming in for Mail Time.
Fanklok: Well CEOs do suck up the most money
MilkInBags: I'd cut james before
MilkInBags: james does nothing!
Strebenherz: heck naw
circusofkirkus: lets be honest, Paul is the first to go
hiFunko: They'll go to single-ply TP before they cut Adam
Strebenherz: Quick fire Graham
Juliamon: Paul is only the first to go because he's setting out on his own
0x6772: I mean, you only really need one of Matt and Jordynne, right? (I am aware that this is not true.)
MilkInBags: adam check the news
MilkInBags: you'll be served
frank_the_great: I'm unironically looking forward to 50+ y/o streamers who've been in the game for 30+ years
here's another: game development is easy! 
that's how you know james is a great producer... everyone thinks he doesn't do anything 
MilkInBags: catcard got it
Vonbane: that body on the floor outside the bathroom?
MacbethSeemsSus: @frank_the_great It's Beej's 30th anniversary!
Mai_Andra: Paul actually retired years ago. All his stuff is automated.
NotCainNorAbel: I think we would see a lot more changes at LRR before cuts. 'Raid Shadow Legends stream week'
Kentosaurus: "occupied"
frank_the_great: @MacbethSeemsSus :0
Fanklok: Remember when Ben shot Juliamon and he spent the next hour guilty tripping while they made dinner?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @frank_the_great Does he wear a sonic outfit every stream that year? Or a sonic hat?

Juliamon: it was 10 minutes to be fair
aw I remember 
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stream went to shit
Dog_of_Myth: Sweet sweet freedom
Vonbane: don't think this is the place
Pharmacistjudge: you get the text message "I'm not mad. I'm disappointed"
MilkInBags: it's a cube
saucemaster5000: whenever I get timed out I sit in the silence and think about the consequences of my action like a good boy
MacbethSeemsSus: @Thefluffiestguineapig I'm picturing a sega shirt but it has a question mark
hiFunko: it's latin for poopcube
GasCityGaming: not evena cube, a rectangular prism
I do some of my best work in there 
MilkInBags: when i get timed out, i go back in my big bed with my wife
0x6772: Cubicle is common in the UK
GasCityGaming: never do that!
Strebenherz: pfffffffft
Vonbane: did he put "..." after it?

Strebenherz: "we have to talk" is grade S ominous message headers
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MacbethSeemsSus Or a sega shirt but it changes every week on Checkpoint

Darleysam: "you doing anything? Can I just.. see you for a minute?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nelson is very funny
frank_the_great: We have to talk... I'm pregante
saucemaster5000: we have to talk..... about your car's warranty!
MilkInBags: next he's gonna text you asking what you're thinking about
ghyllnox: "hey u up"
gibbousm: Once I got a no context email from HR telling me to stop by their office when I got a chance. They had a holiday card for me from the boss
Fanklok: It was the funniest shit when Nelson kept talking about gooning during that Lorcana stream
lochnessseammonster: the worst part about working fridays is missing oki oki
Thefluffiestguineapig: @frank_the_great Pregananant????
enbycephalopod: @saucemaster5000 I already have a warranty, but can it be extended?
saucemaster5000: no
ghyllnox: @gibbousm Oofa
Marvoleath: My director once send a company-wide e-mail with subject "Contract termination", that was talking about why they terminated contracts of few ppl recently, but the subject definitely gave a bunch of ppl a heart attack
Kramburger: It's cheap cask wine AND NOTHING ELSE
DaVeganPolice: I love the movie Goon! and Goon 2!
MilkInBags: what does it mean
Strebenherz: @Marvoleath oh heck that would be terrifying
Fanklok: "Minnie just got gooned" -Nelson Salahub
do you have a key to the bathroom? 
kumatsu: OOF
matthaus_c: I'm in my goon cave going "right away boss"
couchboyj: Nelson pulling a Savidan about gooning
saucemaster5000: In high school when a girlfriend sent an "I love you" text I wrote back "okay" without thinking. End of that one
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Marvoleath Immediate paying for everyone's therapy for 6 months
circusofkirkus: I know what Paul should email LRR
JoeLowe2: That's an anxious click to open
MilkInBags: well done sauce
Kramburger: Isn't Goon that old school 2D FPS?
definenull: Love a company wide meeting with zero agenda in the invite
matthaus_c: to goon, perchance to edge
hiFunko: it's the fisticuffs position on a hockey team
Fanklok: Gooning is that thing Adam wants to go to Austrailia to do
MilkInBags: gooning is when you really like something?
EvilBadman: If you slack me a "hello" with nothing else, I'm not replying
frank_the_great: Gooning = being a lil guy, like a henchman kind of guy
kumatsu: when I worked for Hearthstone we'd get told major announcements like 20 minutes before it went live, I dreaded that server ping for the headache it was about to cause
Mai_Andra: okay then, compare and contrast "gooning" and "simping"

shendaras: Ay, there's the rub
frank_the_great: @EvilBadman hello
betweenmyself: Game Grumps have a pretty great “accidental” song on the definition of gooning
Kramburger: <message deleted>Goon, Goon 2, Goon 3D, Goon (2016), Goon Eternal
ButButTheJesus: @Kramburger no its the movies with the planet with the desert worms
TwitchingPokki: first they took thongs then they took our goon, we australians have it hard :<
Mai_Andra: Tremors?
Kramburger: <message deleted>@TwitchingPokki It's a flamin' outrage
Let's Nope, where Adam and Ben stare to the left.... 
j_crane330: wait
EvilBadman: @kramburger Goon64 disrespect
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh boy the faces because this is a nonsense puzzle
I thought I had paused the stream
saucemaster5000: @DaVeganPolice LMAO me too!
Kramburger: <message deleted>@EvilBadman I'll respect Goon 64 when it Respects my time
itira: i thought the stream froze
betweenmyself: someone clip the several seconds of Adam and Ben staring off screen in silence, thank you
ThorSokar: you're at the wrong bathrooms, the bathrroms with the body the outside is clean
NorthstarTex: kinda?
MilkInBags: that’s how I look
Kramburger: <message deleted>No, you two make more noise than this
ph0enix__42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
niccus: well...
Thanks for subscribing, ph0enix__42! (Today's storm count: 60)
MilkInBags: slowly bent toward the screen
Thefluffiestguineapig: The difficulty of this suddenly goes up a cliff
EvilBadman: We got out thumbnail lads
Kramburger: <message deleted>Which rosch are you chat tag yourself
Kramburger: <message deleted>*roach
EvilBadman: Our*
Juliamon: rosch
hiFunko: gooning is when you spin a clothes line around and whoevers in front of the bag of wine has to drink the fruity lexia
ButButTheJesus: I'm the one moving slow and confused
ThorSokar: The correct bathrooms, the outside is clean, there's no body leaning up against the wall
Kentosaurus: who doesn't love a secret bathroom
itsr67: stage matters
Kramburger: <message deleted>You need a hills hoist
TwitchingPokki: next we gunna learn that going down under is sexual @Kramburger
NotCainNorAbel: play it with a non-zero chance of spiders

Fanklok: More than one bathroom? Such luxury
thatguysteve2709: Have you tried shooting it? Idk
prince_infidel: How do you set off the C4?
we have literally been brick walled 
Kramburger: <message deleted>WELP
Kramburger: <message deleted>Time for putt putt
math_nerdette: Hate when this happens to me in games.
Juliamon: no puttputt

definenull: o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
ButButTheJesus: o7
Kramburger: I regret nothing
itsr67: p7
MilkInBags: the horror is in playing the game
Mollylele: we found the jump scares
betweenmyself: they arguably lost the horror with the El Kabong guitar
thatguysteve2709: This seems awful I would have already been using a guide
Juliamon: I would like to take the time to thank each and every youtuber that posts talking-free walkthroughs
Kramburger: Soooo, is PoE installed on this PC?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Especially ones that have text labels for things
skrt_01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Thanks for subscribing, skrt_01! (Today's storm count: 61)
Fanklok: If you want to play a game where you hit monsters with a guitar there's always Deadly Premonition
0x6772: You have the guitar. It's okay.
ButButTheJesus: no das flammenwerfer?
Kramburger: Now how will you throw all these flames?
Juliamon: what a thing to miss
math_nerdette: No flamethrower? Concede!
thatguysteve2709: Well builds ruined better start over with a top teir
Vonbane: can we make a flamethrower with the lighter and something?
Mai_Andra: Silent Hill 3 had a magical-girl wand, so you could transform and shoot lasers at the monsters.
Kramburger: Flamethrower is the meta build, you might as well restart
Andymonium: that’s not…that’s not how…but…




InconsiderateHat: MELEE BUILD


betweenmyself: to be honest I’m not sure a flamethrower is *anybody’s* first choice when faced with a brick wall



saucemaster5000: life's too short to play monopoly
Pharmacistjudge: what does ben look like? Google? Has he said he will do no evil?
MilkInBags: did you hear the new starfield dlc wet fart weapon
Kramburger: I pay someone to level my build so I can look cool for all the gamers
0x6772: Are you fucking kidding, Adam?
Kramburger: That_Bait.gif
itira: nope
frank_the_great: Is Adam still the founder of games workshop?
Pharmacistjudge: children are gross
Kramburger: Children ARE gross
saucemaster5000: children should be seen not heard
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: you should do Bloodborne again now that you can emulate it on PC
noSmokeFire: @frank_the_great Always has been
ButButTheJesus: there's still last years Alone in the Dark and Silent Hill 2
betweenmyself: Mascot Horror titles alone would keep any stream in business til the heat death of the universe
BusTed: dang
Marvoleath: Would it be terrifying if you were in a situation like that, with only a bunch of zombies in the wider area, then you go to a bathroom in a subway, check the door and then someone whispers "occupied" from behind the closed ones?
BusTed: mega swirlie
Andymonium: oh THAT toilet body
Vonbane: too much Patron
Fanklok: Jazz hands
kimmibeans: Now that is a shitty way to die
Thefluffiestguineapig: They are people so they can be funny or not just like all people
itsr67: it me
<- catch these yaoi hands
bv310: I'm a teacher, I can confirm that children are indeed gross.
saucemaster5000: My niece sang the manon song then told me ryu sucks, kids are tight
MilkInBags: let the bodies hit the looooooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, they river styx-ed him?
BusTed: @saucemaster5000 doing it right
NorthstarTex: a ticket for the boatman?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Two gold coins for Charon?
ghyllnox: You took his ferry fare
Pharmacistjudge: you took his coins. now he will never pass to the afterworld.
Fanklok: Yoo where my IRL yaoi hands havers at?
kumatsu: isn't the next chapter of poppy playtime dropping soon?
roastbeefsandwitch: Don't Go Alone is a very retro 1988 or so game in the horror game genre. Probably not up your alley, but it's a first-person dungeon crawler with horror-themed heros and monsters
itsr67: spitting
DaVeganPolice: RYU GANG
NorthstarTex: truth.
Mai_Andra: Get rotated.
BusTed: Ryu is the cheese pizza of street fighter
math_nerdette: What/Who is Ryu?
MilkInBags: liking ryu is for people who think grapes belong in a potato salad
Mai_Andra: <need a Manon emote>
Forlorgen: Ryo is as bland as eggshell wallpaper
vanman229: whats wrong wth cheeze pizza
noSmokeFire: cailryu
0x6772: Also: cheese pizza is good.

DaVeganPolice: Ryu is the fuckin MAN
Pharmacistjudge: Ryu went up several points with the Boomer Ryu texting from the campaign mode
itsr67: aka ryan
Kramburger: Ryu is the Foundation ofd Street Fighter, he was in the first game
JinaMahavira: Ryu is the cheese pizza you threw in the dumpster in SF6
itsr67: aka mr street fighter
saucemaster5000: luke is the cheese pizza, Ryu is the daiya vegan no topping pizza

Kramburger: There is no street frighter without Ryu
DaVeganPolice: AYO?

Vonbane: wasn't Ninja Gaiden guy Ryu too?
definenull: Phrasing?
itsr67: bearded ryu is so much better
MilkInBags: ryu is for people who keep their socks in bed
mulligan2six: The only thing getting stretched is me
DaVeganPolice: based
hatboozeparty: not thick enough
Ryu —-> 
itira: i agree with milk

NorthstarTex: Socks in bed is goated
lochnessseammonster: milk is spitting actually
BusTed: truuuee thoughhh
virgil82: But my feet get cold..
onetrueseth: Get a circulatory system?
Kramburger: Wow, ben is a milk agree-er, how embarassing
Vonbane: amen brother
NotCainNorAbel: electric blanket for the win
saucemaster5000: socks in bed sucks worse than ryu honestly
MrSarkhan: Yeah 100% gross
Mollylele: my socks are to protect others from my vampire feet
itira: ok socks are fine ONLY if youre wearing full on pjs. just socks? fuck right off with that
kimmibeans: Or get a dog that lies on your feet
I gotta take my socks off like three hours before bed to get comfortable 
saucemaster5000: just wear a onesie like a fucking adult
lochnessseammonster: some things shouldn't be defended
Fanklok: Sometimes you gotta take a Shoryuken to the cheeks
lochnessseammonster: yeah
MilkInBags: Ken is for people who love Charlie sheen
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's cursed
NotCainNorAbel: Business Time
DaVeganPolice: oh, so a Tuesday
ButButTheJesus: hear me out...
EvilBadman: Socks and garter at least
MacbethSeemsSus: What about one sock
ghizmou: in public?
betweenmyself: socks only is more naked than naked… naked plus
0x6772: Yeah, that's weird.
MilkInBags: I thought that was a meme
saucemaster5000: I take my pants off to go to the bathroom
lochnessseammonster: wait what?
Scy_Anide: I take my pants off when I go to the bathroom because I own a cat.
Vonbane: if you're a toddler, sure
MilkInBags: sauce you’re an alpha
kimmibeans: Wait... what? People take their shirt off? why? Are they wearing a one piece or something?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: what about fully pulling down your pants at a urinal, like down around your ankles
Mollylele: just taking your shirt off in solidarity with anyone who has to take off a whole jumpsuit to pss
Fanklok: Sociopath behavior tbh
MilkInBags: maybe not to sweat in their shirt
Seth_Erickson: sometimes it has you feeling like you need the shirt off, I've had it happen to me but very rarely
mulligan2six: You've never had one where you needed to shower after?
saucemaster5000: @MilkInBags thank you omega, you have been acknowledged
kumatsu: I've definitely had some sweaters
itira: just a shirt?
DaVeganPolice: WELL aren't you all roses and vanilla, some of us have problems
math_nerdette: If you really gotta dump out, then taking off the shirt is defensible. But that can't be your "standard" move.
Pharmacistjudge: i sleep fully clothed
0x6772: If I've got the time before a colossal puke, I may lose the shirt for that. But, like: I can also do laundry.
MilkInBags: sleeping naked is weird to me, gotta handle the snake
ThorSokar: shorts are the way to go
hatboozeparty: Its called a power move
ghizmou: my nakedness is my best defense against thieves
lochnessseammonster: that's what robes are for
tehfewl: full nude by myself, tank top and boxers in company
Seth_Erickson: standard move to shirt off and shit is wild, but for the intense ones sometimes the shirt gotta come off
Juliamon: what if there's a fire and you gotta run
NorthstarTex: sleeping naked is illegal where I live
Fanklok: Ben's never been naked in his life
kimmibeans: I also feel weird not being clothed
betweenmyself: scare the robbers off by hangin dong
saucemaster5000: my sister got robbed when she was sleeping naked in bed, it sucked
pimiento: facing a robber naked is a power move
kumatsu: gotta have armor on for battle
ThorSokar: That's a POWER move, you charge tghem like a wild bear
lamina5432: I winnie the poo it
Greendrag13: Adam doesn't give *us* free full frontal. No shot a burglar gets it
MilkInBags: @northstartex how do they check
kimmibeans: I always have to wear a shirt and some type of bottoms, either shorts or pants
Thefluffiestguineapig: I've heard some people who do barn visits in winter men have to deal with all the layers if they gotta pee
MacbethSeemsSus: Give me your cash, also you look great bro
0x6772: @Juliamon In that context, I'm more worried about survival than embarassment.
bv310: If someone breaks in to my house and suddenly is confronted with all 6'4 300lbs of me in the nude, I think I get the drop
Pharmacistjudge: I don't sleep naked because that would mean i have to wash the sheets even more often

lochnessseammonster: they haven't earned that viewing privilege
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Adam you're ripped they'd just give up and leave
Mollylele: get a tattoo of an angry on your chest and bark at em


vanman229: it feels like me tbh
saucemaster5000: fuck he found us
Fanklok: See Adam Berserkers would go into battle nakef
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I always wear some kind of shirt and some kind of bottom to bed

Vonbane: punch em in the ween
itira: cool man
lochnessseammonster: a street fighter
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: yeah but you just flex and they walk away
saucemaster5000: I always assume the little guys are going to kick my ass
kumatsu: you'd stumble out of bed and the robber would go "Wow, this guy's fucking huge" and run away
definenull: Put that on a shirt
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stomp on the arch of the foot
MagicalAttackGecko: but you are a street fighter
Andymonium: UM
ButButTheJesus: it me, nameless game character, lost and confused, dead in a cave
Dog_of_Myth: Nope
betweenmyself: Adam sleeps in his Giraffe Kigurumi
MilkInBags: monster hunter?
math_nerdette: But facing the thief naked is like an old-school beowolf move. I honestly respect that more.
Juliamon: I wish I was that hot
lochnessseammonster: as in the game!
IncredibleFrown: i like that they're just like "press l3 if you wanna see the big monster bug again"
kimmibeans: They do
NorthstarTex: I sleep in a shark kigu
lochnessseammonster: not typically
MilkInBags: what is a kigurumi
kimmibeans: I have a friend who's 6'6" who has one
RedRaptor: Was this The Thing all along?
saucemaster5000: I'm happy with my George C. Scott Dakimakura
Greendrag13: You pop across the pond for VF, and I'm *sure* we can scare you up an Adam sized kigu
ContingentCat: animal onsie for adults
DaVeganPolice: so like a racecar bed?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Animal onsie
0x6772: Watch "Shogun", Adam. Fitting Japanese clothing to Western frames is a relevant point.
entry level Fursuit 
MilkInBags: baby fursona?
Fanklok: Step one to fighting is getting naked
kumatsu: the monster stomps have a good beat to it
Pharmacistjudge: there are x-tall kugurumis that should fit you
JosephDeath: I watched all of Shogun, was fine, didn't click for me



Seth_Erickson: he's never watching Castlevania Ben
0x6772: "Shogun" is a people show, Ben.
ThorSokar: Castlevania first
betweenmyself: Kigurumi is just a way to turn every night into low effort Halloween
Adam you should have a nice evening 
MilkInBags: being held in otaku hostage
tehfewl: castlevania isn't anime
lochnessseammonster: i hear naruto is good
kimmibeans: It's less than depressing than the news?
itsr67: watch a playthru of castlevania 1 and then come back
itsr67: that way you can't lie
Seth_Erickson: I think you will find Solo Levelling fine Ben
have you tried watching...

Fanklok: You get in line I've been telling Adam to watch Berserk for years
ContingentCat: Yeah I don't watch the news either, I'm tired of dystopias
tehfewl: no thats a real opinion i hold. no rustling
Astramentha: “man I wish someone had suggested Oliver could turn into a bat”
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why does moonwalking go so fast?
MilkInBags: is castlevania good? no one talks about it
tehfewl: yes
itira: daaamn
Transmuted_Elf: look castlevania unlike the news has more hopeful events transpire
NorthstarTex: preach

mulligan2six: It's just sparkling cartoons

Forlorgen: Truth Ben
ThorSokar: wooooooooooow
SnackPak_: gottem
0x6772: I'm just clapping
math_nerdette: Why are you booing him? He is right!
Sky_Kast: Hi
Thefluffiestguineapig: pfffffffffff
MilkInBags: DBZ respects women
ThorSokar: we're just starting fights tonight, eh?
saucemaster5000: if anime was so good why is there no anime 2
tehfewl: @math_nerdette thank you
so what you’re saying is… Castlevania woke? 
Sky_Kast: Amimmortal
frank_the_great: I can't wait for the movie to come out, pretty hyped for it
Pharmacistjudge: darn this giraffe kigu only fits to 6'3"
itsr67: maybe I need to look for more good shows
kimmibeans: @betweenmyself I laughed way too hard at that

Fanklok: I warned you about Chainsaw Nan
saucemaster5000: woke up from what?
Seth_Erickson: it's fine that you don't like it but I think they do it really well
itsr67: TRUE
itira: hahahah

saucemaster5000: anikaris loving ass

TwitchingPokki: @Fanklok That's a different show, crazy grandma
EvilBadman: Just reference Texas Chainsaw Massacre plot vaguely when people starting about Chainsawman
ThorSokar: I mean, one of the biggest badasses in that show is a woman
itsr67: I've seen a lot of dogshit fwiw
Kramburger: Just went outside, it's disgustingly hot
gibbousm: The show about the French Revolution is woke? Who knew
itira: im beginning to wonder what goes on in your discord Adam
Dog_of_Myth: Hell yeah
Blakemcm: i hate that argument. it it looks like a duck and walks like a duck its an anime
saucemaster5000: just play the yeti
MilkInBags: what about the breasts demon
Vonbane: if the Muppets had a fighting game, which character would you pick?
Seth_Erickson: I'm also still waiting for Adam to watch Jujutsu Kaisen, which I think Crim recommended to you ages ago and I am 1000% positive you would enjoy.
saucemaster5000: or you could play q-bee, god's perfect character
tehfewl: dark stalkers is just horny streetfighter, and streetfighter is already pretty horny
Yeti is the Canadian representation in Dark Stalkers 
saucemaster5000: beaker hard slam
neisan2112: Based
lochnessseammonster: miss piggy
QuixoticScrivener: Sam the Eagle
ghizmou: mrs piggy
MacbethSeemsSus: Beaker
NotCainNorAbel: Animal would be GOAT
varmintx0: Animal
NorthstarTex: windmill slam beaker
thatguysteve2709: Idk fozzy bear beats your ass with his mic
itsr67: count is S tier
ghizmou: piggy is just marisa
kumatsu: windmill pick Uncle Deadly
BrindleBoar: Ms Piggy literally jut a gief reskin
Juliamon: Animal is basically just Blanka
lochnessseammonster: she'd be like marisa with manon's style
EvilBadman: Rolf mixup is S-Tier
ThirdGames: Who's the little Shrimp guy? I'll play him.
Fanklok: @seth_erickson i know the exact episode he would turn it off
saucemaster5000: @itsr67 beat me to it
duallain: I want to be puppet Keith moon as well. animal would be great
Thefluffiestguineapig: Statler and Waldorf are so good
Mai_Andra: Crazy Harry with dynamite
7gorobei: miss piggy is gief?
TheMrFraser: so who is the one real human on the roster then?
Dog_of_Myth: Swedish Chef
saucemaster5000: could I play michael caine in the muppet fighting game?
Mai_Andra: Lew Zealand with his boomerang fish
NorthstarTex: also the Sweedish Chef would be meta.
0x6772: You two ARE Statler & Waldorf, what with the "no lower half" preference.
ThorSokar: are you actually asking?
betweenmyself: do Muppets have “Stands” in black morph suits?
IncredibleFrown: come to persona 4 arena, we have 96% puppet characters
Vonbane: no Sweetums?
MacbethSeemsSus: MMM Bork Bork Bork
EvilBadman: @themrfraser Michael Caine
MilkInBags: the human is Michael buble
Thefluffiestguineapig: Beaker and Bunsen?
thatguysteve2709: Animal just moves like voldo
kumatsu: swedish chef def throws out random shit like Faust
neisan2112: Sweedish chef would be like Faust
itsr67: akihiko
ButButTheJesus: herbie derbie BORK BORK BORK
no one asking for Kermit.... 
itsr67: I wanna play more ken & koromaru
Vonbane: follow the power lines maybe?
NorthstarTex: Kermit is the Luke of Muppets.
saucemaster5000: I wanna play more Boyd in Rumble Fish 2
saucemaster5000: that game slapped
Pharmacistjudge: I like akihiko but that's from the main game
is6jorn: Lew Zealand, just chucking fish at people.
duallain: I want to play dark kermet
Mai_Andra: Kermit is the NPC in the background freaking out every time part of the stage breaks.
Dog_of_Myth: Kermit is the face
itsr67: it aint easy being green hand
betweenmyself: what intellectual property needs a fighter game? wrong answers only
MacbethSeemsSus: hi ho chop
rosesmcgee: "Just ate a small fly, from memphis"
itsr67: thank you streamer
lochnessseammonster: yessss
MilkInBags: league of legends
lamina5432: ghibli movies
ContingentCat: animal crossing lol
Seth_Erickson: Adam the Man At Arms main for sure
Pharmacistjudge: highwayman would be extremely overpowered
ghyllnox: @betweenmyself The patent for zippers
Pharmacistjudge: so many counters
saucemaster5000: Angela's Ashes Fighting game let's gooo
tehfewl: highwayman top tier
bosqueofpines: Paw Patrol
UnusuallyLargeMoth: not my ass zoning on pleg dok
KV1NN4: does Kermit have a kick-ass move called "Rainbow CONNECTION!"
Juliamon: sign me up for hellion
DaVeganPolice: Stardew valley fighting game please
KV1NN4: bam
drizztnailo: my leper go crazy
Dog_of_Myth: !hole
LRRbot: Did someone say Holes??
NorthstarTex: James was there if there's a hole now
niccus: torch system in place of time out
Rhynerd: shieldbreaker seems like a fun character for that
korvys: Are there any fighting games that use stamina in the way Dark Souls does?
Fanklok: Where's my Runescape fighting game
saucemaster5000: Requiem for a dream fighting game
saucemaster5000: it's addictive
Thefluffiestguineapig: This seems like a bad idea for this character
circusofkirkus: hell yeah runescape fighting game
DaVeganPolice: but wait actually, what about a Warcraft fighting game
Sky_Kast: If he doesn't means that you need to have everybody playing a muppet
circusofkirkus: and what's the problem with that Adam
MilkInBags: squid game, to really miss the plot
math_nerdette: The worst fighting game? You play as Nascar cars and fight eachother. They don't transform or anything. It is literally just cars fighting.
Forlorgen: Cereal mascot fighting game
kumatsu: maining Chromie
bosqueofpines: @math_nerdette So, Burnout?
Forlorgen: Tony tiger main
saucemaster5000: @DaVeganPolice I'm surprised blizzard hasn't taken a crack at the genre, but I guess there's not enough money in it
Blakemcm: do you have to like read the item descriptions in this game for the story?
Vonbane: Franken Berry
MilkInBags: so basic
drizztnailo: slayer count chocula
Fanklok: Don't you remember the prolouge?
bv310: Lucky
Juliamon: Resident Evil fighting game
NotCainNorAbel: Captain Crunch
Pharmacistjudge: no smacks frog?
Forlorgen: Smack the frog
Astramentha: yeah 100% tony
0x6772: There's no way the several brands would agree to that, but that would rock.
IncredibleFrown: the honeycomb creature
NorthstarTex: Count Chocula
saucemaster5000: The fucking cinnamon toast crunch chefs are dogshit
varmintx0: with the horrific child morphs
MilkInBags: Quaker dude
circusofkirkus: count chocula
Mai_Andra: The singer from Return of the Jedi Special Edition?
Vonbane: Swedish Chef had a cereal, it was called Croonchy Stars
bv310: Cinnamon Toast Crunch bits fight like the Ice Climbers

Thefluffiestguineapig: Isn't the raisin bran mascot a sun?
thatguysteve2709: A fighting game based on characters voiced by Seth mcfarlan
EvilBadman: Snap Crackle N Pop for the ice climber sickos
0x6772: Special unlock: the Green Giant
Pharmacistjudge: cookie crisp wolf
lamina5432: the chereos bee
NotCainNorAbel: Quakers are not known for their fighting
Blakemcm: quaker pilgrim would have earth powers obviously
NorthstarTex: the Cheerios bee would be amazing
duallain: hit em with the scoops
drizztnailo: trix rabbit mix would drive me crazy
saucemaster5000: I'd be the guest character soccer player on the wheaties box
EvilBadman: Fine I'll watch saltybet again
MilkInBags: R. Mica
NorthstarTex: nah
Thefluffiestguineapig: There is a series of Death Battle Cast (basically nerd discussions) where they do the cereal mascot bracket I just found. I think it's four episodes

Dog_of_Myth: Power move
NorthstarTex: I'd hang up at that moment.
Andymonium: rude tbh
Thefluffiestguineapig: How do you put us on hold if you called us?????
0x6772: "Please hold for Villain."
duallain: probably collect too
Thefluffiestguineapig: How did that work in terms of the phone line?
Juliamon: Look *around* you
kumatsu: @Thefluffiestguineapig no more questions
Andymonium: Just, look around you
MilkInBags: time for Art
duallain: great writing to say things are hard to find words for
saucemaster5000: alright real talk who followed this?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Not me
0x6772: Frodo? Can we go west with the Elves?
itira: @saucemaster5000 literally no idea whats happening
EvilBadman: They film this game in a Mako cavern?
NorthstarTex: Now we're getting transfered?!
betweenmyself: somehow Dunkin’ Donuts cereal didn’t make the list
duallain: the stuttering voice implies robot? not magical spooky?
Thefluffiestguineapig: If anyone wants to watch the chex man be analyzed here is a fun link because I'm totally lost in the game
0x6772: Roll credits would be *bold*
gibbousm: So, what happened?
frank_the_great: Gunshot, cut to black
0x6772: They might!
Mai_Andra: she quietly dies while you're on the phone...
0x6772: "Art"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is she gonna kill sasha?
Sky_Kast: Dude this actually happens I want it to also have an RPG just so cookie crisp wolf is a barbarian
Thefluffiestguineapig: For real, does ANYONE have any idea what's going on
TehAmelie: but this feels denoumental
bv310: I was so ready to post a IT'S ART! if they'd rolled credits there
Mai_Andra: surprise, that was the prologue. now the real game can start
Himyul: boots and coats and boots and coats
duallain: boots and coats and boots and coats
0x6772: This is the point in game development when the writers played "Disco Elysium".
MilkInBags: they’re roommates?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @0x6772 And didn't reflect on how difficult Disco Elysium was to make
duallain: lol, how did two of us have the same joke
MacbethSeemsSus: Do it you cowards

TehAmelie: i wonder if the sparkly cave was just because they didn't have a better way to light up the scene
Pharmacistjudge: if it made sense, there won't be a sequel
Andymonium: “but we’d be losing one bad-ass motherfucker…”
Vonbane: i'm curious as to what happens if you don't answer the phone
0x6772: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yeah, well… let a thousand Discos Elysium blossom!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Um so you were absorbed
rosesmcgee: Is this the gravemind from Halo?
niccus: kino
itira: i think they did this same shot in LotR aswell
MilkInBags: it’s called transitions in editing
math_nerdette: is that... good?
0x6772: ROOOOOOOLLLL Credits
RatherLargeToad: It’s Scorn all over again
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can we just watch the other endings?
dumbo3k: Why does that road just end there? how did that APC get there?
Mai_Andra: Isn't this how Road Quest ended
couchboyj: Xenogears ass last disc, gotta shortcut everything cause they cut the budget
MilkInBags: huh
Blakemcm: what was going on at all?
EvilBadman: Pulls out so far it's on a Halo
duallain: Lost ahh ending
Thefluffiestguineapig: The last 20-30 minutes it just nose dived
0x6772: Whose body?
MacbethSeemsSus: I like how the long opening narration never came up again.
0x6772: Why is it hollow?
Vonbane: point of the story, never answer a ringing telephone
Blakemcm: hollowbody? more like hollow story
bv310: I T S A R T
lamina5432: arty
betweenmyself: @sky_kast in *my* day it was the Cookie Crook who outwitted the Cookie Cop… Then the Cookie Crook got a sidekick, Chip the Dog… Then Chip replaced the Cookie Crook entirely and stole the cookies for the cereal… then the Cookie Cop was phased out and Chip the Dog turned his life around and became an upstanding citizen
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh it's one dude
saucemaster5000: as Nathan Hamley I must say you did not understand my vision
TehAmelie: and then we hear one side of a phone call with Revolver Ocelot
catcard: remember. game dev hard. (genuine)
0x6772: That was *extremely* good for a very small shop.
kimmibeans: Do you want to know what locked in the bad ending?
MilkInBags: concerned wife, think about wife
0x6772: @kimmibeans I do.
frank_the_great: Best boy
kumatsu: holy shit this game has a dog ending
ButButTheJesus: Womble~!
itsr67: get me credited as a dog
kimmibeans: You didn't save the stranger on the roof
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kimmibeans But how would we do that?
ThorSokar: there are a bunch of endings
Seth_Erickson: it was missing maybe a little substance which is reasonable
saucemaster5000: @itsr67 I bet I could do this if you give me two months
ButButTheJesus: same, no idea
dumbo3k: woo, post credits cutscene!
Thefluffiestguineapig: How many minutes of cut scene has this been?
TehAmelie: i was joking about the mysterious conspiracy ending
MacbethSeemsSus: Big lady
LaconicLad: 24 years later, new game+
Cptasparagus: attack on titan1
MilkInBags: ???
itira: okaaay?
Vonbane: okey doke
kimmibeans: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oh, I have NO idea. The internet spoiled me lol
duallain: not readers, that’s for sure
Seth_Erickson: and now we all understand
NotCainNorAbel: I'm more confused
calculated_uncertainties: Lady D has a new challenger?
Sky_Kast: Suckers?
kumatsu: the tree turned into some kind of giant eldritch horror?
saucemaster5000: ooooooooooh now I get it
SnackPak_: huh
betweenmyself: 24 Years Later…. boat
pimiento: why read notes in the game when i could simply watch a 3 hour youtube lore explaination video?

SnackPak_: run it back!
TehAmelie: oh, the game IS anime
Thefluffiestguineapig: Punished difficulty?
NorthstarTex: Run it back 1st person!
duallain: slappers mode?
Vonbane: can change it in options
ThorSokar: Holy crap the Dog ending is amazing
0x6772: This was clearly a labor of love.
Seth_Erickson: I feel like classic with big head mode would be the funniest
dumbo3k: Oh, it was a flying car, that's why I couldn't see the road
0x6772: It's fine for it to be Not Good for this stream. That doesn't mean it's bad.
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is a cool game for sure, not the best for let's nope
MacbethSeemsSus: It's okay to criticize a small development team, that's how they get better
MilkInBags: only putt putt is best for let’s nope
0x6772: (And, I mean, it *was* good for this stream right up until the "wait, what?" ending.)
Cptasparagus: oh yeah the menu sounds, best part of the game
TehAmelie: it's good Tracer gets more work since no one cares about Overwatch anymore
0x6772: I mean, the guitar sound effect alone makes it right for Let's Nope
IncredibleFrown: they were like keychains, maybe they're items?
ghyllnox: @IncredibleFrown The camera option was right there though
dumbo3k: apparently its in the inventory
dumbo3k: "You can activate first-person mode by opening your inventory. During a New Game+, you’ll have access to a couple of the cheat items: one for Big Head Mode, and the other for First-Person. By using the item, you’ll then change perspective."
apparently even before the Cookie Crook and Cookie Cop, the mascot for Cookie Crisp was a wizard named Cookie Jarvis 
TehAmelie: i wonder if big head mode interferes with the head bob in first person mode
Vonbane: sounds like a bad stripper name
ButButTheJesus: gotta crash this flying Countach again
0x6772: I feel like "skip cut scene" should be, like, a pull request to this dude's git repo.
kimmibeans: The dog was Cookie Crook
math_nerdette: @Vonbane or a great stripper name
Juliamon: The cookie dog belonged to the crook
Thefluffiestguineapig: There is so much lore for the Cookie Crisp mascots I never knew existed
frank_the_great: There's no rules that say dogs can't be crooks
betweenmyself: 1977 was the wizard Cookie Jarvis, 1980 was the Cookie Crook and Cookie Cop, 1990 the Cookie Crook got a sidekick in Chip the Dog
saucemaster5000: you needed the good ending for cutscene skip
TehAmelie: we never even got Cookie Crisp here. what a cultural backwater
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also the notes can be long so maybe a TLDR option?
kumatsu: oh yeah I have berries
MilkInBags: I remember Dante’s inferno with unskippable boss intros
kdefinition: Should absolutely be a global save marker on every game that allows you to skip any cutscene you've already seen
saucemaster5000: where else would he get his magnetism?
dumbo3k: @Thefluffiestguineapig I loved that one game, that when you closed the note, gave you like, a one or two line takeaway from it
betweenmyself: the Cookie Crook and Cookie Cop were phased out in favor of Chip the Dog (no longer committing Cookie Crimes) and then Chip was swapped out fir a Wolf of the same name
TehAmelie: dev is like "you can't skip any of this, it's ART"
NimrodXIV: oh good nausea mode
ButButTheJesus: everytime Luna Snow says "Ice Up" I hear "I suck"
Fanklok: Cookie Crisp fired a copy? Sounds woke
korvys: Turn off tank controls, I guess?
voren_chalco: The Funko Pop game looks different from what I expected
Fanklok: Fuck you aurocorrect
duallain: yeah, speed run to motion sickness for me
Thefluffiestguineapig: @dumbo3k Oh yeah, Adam was driving and I can't remember what it was
Juliamon: oh, I hate this
Kipstar: you're head is big, so it's harder to swing about
Fanklok: The Funko Pop game is amazingly bad
TehAmelie: maybe it does work bad with big head mode
ghyllnox: Hworf
frank_the_great: They went from resident evil to resident evil
catcard: I can't watch, this is very woozy
korvys: Do you have tank controls on?
0x6772: Big head + 1st person: bobble-head mode
kimmibeans: What does stomp look like now?
Seth_Erickson: look at all the brains on this lady
Kipstar: head pop lol
IncredibleFrown: not all the animations support the scaling, huh
Vonbane: takes a min for the big head to take effect
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah I'm gonna look away in during the first person thing because the motion sickness is not good
Sky_Kast: Good evening y'all I'm going to go to bed

dumbo3k: Thanks for the stream!
ButButTheJesus: same, I don't usually get motion sick but that's too wibbly
duallain: thanks boiz for the stream
korvys: Nightmare Kart
saucemaster5000: path of spook exile
Seth_Erickson: Rat Shaker
betweenmyself: have Ben drink some milk then play his in first person; a race to see which end the milk comes out of first
Kuhfeek: The last of us
Seth_Erickson: Ben btw have you heard of the game Rat Shaker?
MilkInBags: hardcore ssf poe2 is scary
Seth_Erickson: I think that'd be a good one week stream game
0x6772: Either of those seems good to me.
BusTed: sounds good
duallain: play the scariest game, ss6 ladder
lamina5432: gnight
reserve 6+ months 

frank_the_great: Night all!
duallain: bye frogs

Strebenherz: Frogs gone
itsr67: frogs r gone



ghyllnox: Yooooooo!
Thefluffiestguineapig: He keeps tripping into PIF
korvys: miserable (affectionate)
no frogs only trogs 
niccus: a game full of beautiful places men just want to die in
varmintx0: Darkest Dungeon...not miserable
Kramburger: Certainly not twice
Thefluffiestguineapig: First Pacific Drive not STALKER 2 he did a Bonus stream and then was like "hey, can I do a PIF?"
FarleyF: Adam's right - Root is slang for getting some
niccus: root beer in your goon bag?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nelly said he's busy
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do a bonus from home?
betweenmyself: stream some Ballz 3D for OkiOki
Seth_Erickson: he's a Nier enjoyer
Seth_Erickson: I see
ZealousCrow: Lmao
Seth_Erickson: !home
DaVeganPolice: Seanbats
Seth_Erickson: dang it I forgot the home streams command
FarleyF: !home
Juliamon: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:

DaFhaye: watch that Seabats. It's a fun time
ghyllnox: Homus stream
FarleyF: damn it i thought the same thing

MacbethSeemsSus: No sub read lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: No sub read today I guess
0x6772: Adam wins again!

ZealousCrow: Do a bonus stream at the same time as your regular stream. Bring your whole rig to the office.
Cptasparagus: any innistradwives
Kentosaurus: return to innistrad remastered
Pharmacistjudge: they had a shadows over innistrad remastered in arena
Pharmacistjudge: tha'ts different
itira: cant keep up
TehAmelie: more like winnistrad am i right
Juliamon: ooh!
ThirdGames: Oh heck yeah
Mai_Andra: ?!\
Thefluffiestguineapig: A rare Adam live!
ghyllnox: Adam could crush two watermelons
Blakemcm: T posing in the middle
MilkInBags: ok only body parts
Thefluffiestguineapig: T pose for dominance
GasCityGaming: Just floss the whole time
ghyllnox: Exodia his ass
Mai_Andra: Adam comes out in the morphsuit
itira: LOL
Kipstar: sank those thubs Adam
MilkInBags: subs don’t deserve anything
BusTed: ✋
NotCainNorAbel subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 78 months, currently on a 78 month streak!
NotCainNorAbel: Thanks funny boys
Thanks for subscribing, NotCainNorAbel! (Today's storm count: 62)
Incandescent_Zubat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Incandescent_Zubat! (Today's storm count: 63)
50 Bits!
FarleyF: Thank you Adam
MilkInBags: get over it
JinaMahavira: gottem
catcard: lmfao
itira: GROW UP
catcard: IN A BUBBLE
ButButTheJesus: THE EAST, BRO
thatguysteve2709: Thank you for the stream
itira: Thanks for the stream! Have a good night everyone!
ButButTheJesus: thankee4strem
DaFhaye: what happened?


catcard: lmfao
thanks for the stream 
MilkInBags: shtop
kimmibeans: Goodnight! Thank you for the stream.
itira: stawp
BusTed: I know bands

Seth_Erickson: I don't know Master Wayne

MilkInBags: some men, just want to watch the world protest
itira: an infinite WHOOP
lochnessseammonster: woop!
TwitchingPokki: nearly hit micheal cain
TwitchingPokki: not quite
ghyllnox: Woop woop!

Thefluffiestguineapig: It was very close to Michael Cain
Astramentha: wooooop
Forlorgen: will they forget the stream is on again
ButButTheJesus: here's hoping
MacbethSeemsSus: I've demonstrated an infinite woop. You must concede.
Thefluffiestguineapig: In the current midweek Magic event on Arena there have been some games where I have literally sat there and thought about conceding because of sensory overload from all the triggers going off
TwitchingPokki: hmmm I want a pokemon deck called infinite wooper....
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TwitchingPokki You could make a custom deck box labeled with the whopper candy logos
Orxolon: g night everyone
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good night, take care of yourselves
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