BrookJustBones: I assume Kathleen will start metaphor when she is done with her book writing
LoadingReadyRun: I have heard anecdotally that writing a book is challenging
Metric_Furlong: such are the rumours, but sadly we may never know the truth
Metric_Furlong: also signal
Nigouki: dangit, i still have to hang laundry
TheAinMAP: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
romanempire144: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
Didero: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary, apparently!
Didero: And good evening!
Metric_Furlong: I see twitch is doing a Thing again
NeoOfTheDark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NeoOfTheDark! (Today's storm count: 1)
AngelicKnighthood: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
NathanLonghair: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!?
baltimore_667083: happy partner anniversary!
Jedi_Master_Zell subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jedi_Master_Zell! (Today's storm count: 2)
InkAndFig subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months, currently on a 102 month streak!
InkAndFig: *geiger counter noises*
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, InkAndFig! (Today's storm count: 3)
LordZarano: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary! I guess? PrideShrug
GrassVortex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
GrassVortex: yay, more radioactive adventures \o/
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GrassVortex! (Today's storm count: 4)
LoadingReadyRun: when you say twitch is doing a thing
goombalax: Stalker? I barely even know 'er!
LoadingReadyRun: I am concerned at the lack of lrrSIG
Melfina__: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
GrassVortex: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Melfina__: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LoadingReadyRun: are we live though????
Metric_Furlong: @LoadingReadyRun oh, no, signal's fine
LoadingReadyRun: :panik:
Darleysam: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Didero: I think they were referring to the 'partner anniversary' messages
Didero: But yes, stream is live
DideRobot: LRR: This is the sound of good treasure. *geiger counter goes wild* | Play it Forward || STALKER 2 | (has image) |
enbycephalopod: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Metric_Furlong: I was referrinf the 'partne anniversary' form messages
theghostwiththemost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
theghostwiththemost: Button time again, like for 5th year in a row
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theghostwiththemost! (Today's storm count: 5)
theghostwiththemost: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Didero: Also, 'Chornobyl'? Has the common English spelling been wrong all these years?
Meark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months!
Meark: woo.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Meark! (Today's storm count: 6)
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @Didero Yes. That's the Ukrainian spelling.
goombalax: unarmeGiga
theghostwiththemost: No one knows
LoadingReadyRun: @Didero yuuuup
JadedCynic: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
LoadingReadyRun: Remember when people used to say "The Ukraine"
baltimore_667083: kind of
Didero: I do, yeah
Bassios: I always wondered why it was "The" Ukraine, instead of just Ukraine...
Metric_Furlong: no romanisation of a language is ever going to result in fully 'right' spellings, but some are less wrong than others
TheAinMAP: Here we go
JoTyler: :D
DoodlestheGreat: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
NightValien28: ready to cheeki and breeki
HarmonisedMelody subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
HarmonisedMelody: The big 4 oh, that explains the back aches
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HarmonisedMelody! (Today's storm count: 7)
baltimore_667083: hi alex!
Didero: This PiF has barely started and it's already educational
brushfire44: You know, I'm a bit tired and kept reading Happy Panther anniversary and was very confused
jonnykefka: We're good
Mazrae: I'm so glad that I watched the vod for this last night
LordZarano: lrrSIG
GrassVortex: it looked fine here
Bassios: Oh hey!
matthaus_c: ayo cheeki breeki stalker
JoTyler: Hi!
TheAinMAP: Hello
ProcyonFlynn: penaddCrab It's good! penaddCrab
Roscoe_DarkHorse subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
Roscoe_DarkHorse: I lurk! I sub! I lurk again!
RocknGrohlNerd: PartyHat Vše nejlepší k výročí partnerství! PIF? with Alex ? 10/10 would watch again lrrHEART lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Roscoe_DarkHorse! (Today's storm count: 8)
JoTyler: haa the background is still star wars from Ben's game
jonnykefka: Except that Ben left his Star Wars background on this scene
goombalax: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
DoodlestheGreat: Metaphor re fantyazio
enbycephalopod: metaphor
jonnykefka: Metafor ReFantazio?
JoTyler: Metaphor Re Fantazio
TheDangerWaffle: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @Metric_Furlong Personally, if your romanisation scheme doesn't give a useful indication of the correct pronunciation, it's a failure & you shouldn't have bothered.
Didero: Including all the radiation?
Nigouki: Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Only at the NEW SAFE CONFINMENT!
ScrapyardGhostTrain subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ScrapyardGhostTrain! (Today's storm count: 9)
Didero: Oh, this isn't the first stream?
jonnykefka: There was a bonus stream last week instead of W+P
Nigouki: there was a bonus stream
JoTyler: @Didero Alex did a bonus stream to check it out
Didero: Ah, good to know, thanks
Travilogue subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Travilogue! (Today's storm count: 10)
jonnykefka: Apropos of nothing I'm thinking of creating a game rating system based on "how f***ed are you if the cat walks over your keyboard"
jonnykefka: among single-player games, this one would be high
Gaelan_Maestro: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
LordZarano: Meta Thor Reef Ant Aziy Yo
Varmint260 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
Varmint260: Yay, I remembered two months in a row!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Varmint260! (Today's storm count: 11)
TheAinMAP: mattlrDed
WhirlwindAbyss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months, currently on a 28 month streak!
WhirlwindAbyss: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WhirlwindAbyss! (Today's storm count: 12)
ThrinagaBattleheart: How goes the Stalkerening?
GrassVortex: maybe. But this game is also *incredibly* deadly at the start :D
Metric_Furlong: @ScrapyardGhostTrain ideally, yeah. but alas...
Didero: @ThrinagaBattleheart Uptime 9 minutes, deathcount at 1 :p
ThrinagaBattleheart: Beautiful. <3
RealGamerCow: My headcanon is that you are an android and your "eyes" are actually photosensors, hence the radiation effects on the visuals
ThrinagaBattleheart: I do desperately want to get into Stalker, but even the first one is currently beyond my ability
JadedCynic: Hewwo! Congarts on LRR's Partner Anniversay (parneversary?) BRB - gotta take a shot.
ThrinagaBattleheart: As I'm sure most would empathize with :D
FoxBehindTheTree: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
ThrinagaBattleheart: Then again, I taught myself Dwarf Fortress and Stationeers... Crunchy games are kinda My Thing. I could probably learn Stalker
DaxStrife: PartyHat Twitch wants me to share this hat. Okay.
TheMerricat: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
Nigouki: Please stop trying to tell me about the extended warranty, your own fine print says it's not valid within the zone!
TheDangerWaffle: @DaxStrife HAT HAT HAT
Didero: Remember, there are better sources for partner anniversaries, but they don't have this hat: PartyHat
LordZarano: @RealGamerCow iirc astronauts on early space missions reported seeing white speckles across their vision
Metric_Furlong: @Metric_Furlong although in some cases where the romanisation does get close, English speakers start pronouncing it more incorrectly for some reason (e.g. pronouncing 'Beijing' with a soft 'j', despite that being further removed from the actual way it's pronounced)
vingris_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
vingris_: PartyHat PartyHat PartyHat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vingris_! (Today's storm count: 13)
JoTyler @Didero applauds
A_Dub888: PartyHat I celebrated LoadingReadyRun's Partner anniversary and all I got was this emote
A_Dub888: Also hello fellow STALKERs, how fares the Zone?
goombalax: lrrFINE
accountmadeforants: PartyHat PartyPopper Weeee
JoTyler: @A_Dub888 irradiated lol
ThrinagaBattleheart: Been live for like twelve minutes and already a death apparently @A_Dub888 :D
DoodlestheGreat: He's extra urpy
Mathwyn: Not Soda Popinski!
Gulleko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Gulleko: 🎂
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gulleko! (Today's storm count: 14)
Metric_Furlong: @A_Dub888 it keeps killing us, so about as well as expected
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
RAICx: Have a hat! PartyHat
KinkerbellRose: Can't run it myself. Time to live vicariously!
JoTyler: hi Lysander_salamander !
Metric_Furlong: apparently all the old guns discarded in an environment with bad weather and where the laws of physics are known to glitch out aren't in the best condition
DoodlestheGreat: You were headed that way last time but never made it.
Jethrain: PowerUpL PartyHat PowerUpR
LordZarano: I'm pretty sure PartyHat has always just been available
Wicker_Guide: Hi team, is this a new playthrough or a continuation of the previous bonus stream of S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Invitare: yet
Jethrain: Continuation
rocketjohn: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
Wicker_Guide: to the vod mines then
JoTyler: okay but what if they become spider pigs like in darkwood
Metric_Furlong: I don't think those could climb ladders either
Gizmoloid: that sounded close
Metric_Furlong: although Darkwood didn't feature much verticality so it's hard to say for sure
JadedCynic: I said - it's an observation balloon
Nigouki: yep
DrTeaSpoon: We are all stalking you as you play video games
Invitare: blinis are a type of pancake
RealGamerCow: "aw pancakes"
RocknGrohlNerd: yoink
DoodlestheGreat: egad.
Lysander_salamander: oh, we've encountered the plot
Jethrain: blini are those little cocktail pancakes, yeah
SymphonySolstice: blini are pancake adjacent
DaxStrife: Oh no you found the plot.
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam
atinyspacemarine: Uh
ThrinagaBattleheart: Random Cutscene Scare
vingris_: Equivalent to "fudge"
ThrinagaBattleheart: I love it
JadedCynic: day/night...what's the difference? LUL
atinyspacemarine: Quality eurojank
JadedCynic: ah 'Wardens'
SymphonySolstice: LUL
TXC2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
TXC2: Thanks to @NotCainNorAbel for my sub gift!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TXC2! (Today's storm count: 15)
TXC2: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 49:45.
Simriel: That was a an extra gun he brought for effect XD
TXC2: well shit :p Hello everybody!
DigitalSeahorse: that's what someone did to me at the breakfast table one time but it was a bb gun and I didn't know difference from a pistol
Invitare: *points gun to back of head* always has been
Didero: Hi TXC2!
TXC2: hi Didero
atinyspacemarine: Stalker takes place in Ohio?
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Greetings mod stalker
DigitalSeahorse: DinoDance
JadedCynic: something something never get the army to do the job of the police something
TXC2: hello A_Dub888
TXC2: this guy needs a larder or something for that bread, it'll go stale
JadedCynic: which of the old factions wanted to 'protect' everyone from the zone by keeping them out? Sounds like the Wardens inherited their sentiment?
TXC2: JadedCynic Duty
Mathwyn: @txc2 see if you just bake it stale no need
JadedCynic: ty - names are hard for an old lysdexic like me <3
ThrinagaBattleheart: "Someone owes me mone-" "GOT IT HE'S DED"
JadedCynic: @Mathwyn yeah, you just make hard tack - keeps longer
DigitalSeahorse: bweh
Bassios: One of my favourite bands, Ignea, has a few songs in the soundtrack for Stalker 2
Jethrain: it probably is offal, yeah
Invitare: aspic
JoTyler: that's the aspic :D
richard_ermen: Clearly the DOA Jiggle Physics are in play!
atinyspacemarine: The jiggle is so upsetting
DigitalSeahorse: meat jello in a can
JadedCynic: because of the fat that has extruded itself from the pieces...
richard_ermen: Finally, Stalker as it is meant to be seen
malsareus: that makes it free use vodka right?
ThrinagaBattleheart: Always take free water and vodka
RealGamerCow: "free of charge"
JadedCynic: man, that tavern's black-out curtains are HARDCORE :D
atinyspacemarine: Does this game do VRR?
Lysander_salamander: yay
Simriel: Early game yeah grab everything, late game you get to be pretty selective
malsareus: free*
malsareus: so, is this on Crimea?
TXC2: malsareus literal other side of Ukraine :p
ThrinagaBattleheart: Yes, currency exists! That's your advice Kappa
NightValien28: here advice for you stalker, capitalism, you are welcome
atinyspacemarine: Money can buy many peanuts
Mathwyn: Currency can be exchanged for goods and services!
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Raccoons tend to all look alike, unless you have a discerning eye
TheAinMAP: RaccAttack
malsareus: @TXC2 then what's up with the mainland talk?
TXC2: malsareus know idea, as confused by it as you are
ThrinagaBattleheart: I guess Mainland rather than the Zone?
atinyspacemarine: Cap him ass en route
ThrinagaBattleheart: Mainland as a term by itself doesn't mean much though, will agree
TXC2: ThrinagaBattleheart reasonable assumption
SidewinderSky: @malsareus "mainland" is stalker slang for the world outside the Zone
ThrinagaBattleheart: Yep figured
TXC2: SidewinderSky ok then
JadedCynic: @ThrinagaBattleheart that might be the thing: the people in the Zone look upon the zone itself as 'an island' (it IS isolated from everywhere else; maybe there's now a moat? ;) )
Simriel: Don't buy the mask
Simriel: You can find them fairly easily. Also PDAs can be sold once you have the data off of them
atinyspacemarine: "début suit" sounds like it should be a synonym for "birthday suit"
A_Dub888: Who'd buy a broken gun that's been in someone's ass?
DigitalSeahorse: abacus
DigitalSeahorse: sticky!
DigitalSeahorse: kitty stalker sticker!
Lysander_salamander: oh, a kitty
BusTed: tqsWow
thatguy575 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thatguy575! (Today's storm count: 16)
DigitalSeahorse: I love it
atinyspacemarine: Holy moly
DigitalSeahorse: kitty hacker stalker
A_Dub888: You're adorable Alex
DigitalSeahorse: &
DigitalSeahorse: up arrow
DoodlestheGreat: Poppies, poppies, poppies....
DigitalSeahorse: ^
atinyspacemarine: We making opium?
DigitalSeahorse: xD
atinyspacemarine: Lmao we are, sick
TXC2: we're gonna make opium and then we're gonna take Hong Kong Kappa
Didero: What year does this game take place in?
jessieimproved: poppies will make them sleeeep
atinyspacemarine: Wasn't stalker 1 contemporary with the games release? So this would be a bit later?
jacqui_lantern234: sell you kidney stones?! i know someone who could Kappa
A_Dub888: Alex "Sell me Kidney Stones" Steacy
TXC2 pulls out manuel for the OG game
TXC2: says 2012 here
TXC2: *manual
JoTyler: nO
Metric_Furlong: Alex.
DigitalSeahorse: I'd sell mine if I could but getting them out might be more pain than they're worth
jacqui_lantern234: @JoTyler ehehehehehehe
Bassios: hrk
Radjack: Well that was a brand new sentence
jacqui_lantern234: SAME ALEX XD
JadedCynic: oh GOD - do NOT even joke about that!!!!
NorthstarTex: WHY!? What a time to join
atinyspacemarine: No
Metric_Furlong: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
A_Dub888: @NorthstarTex Such is the Zone
jacqui_lantern234: im SO SORRY for laughing, Jo
DoodlestheGreat: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
atinyspacemarine: Apparently roller coasters are good for dealing with them
sandrasnuppa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sandrasnuppa! (Today's storm count: 17)
JadedCynic: Imagine shoving a fleck of confettii through a tiny tube...that's the thickness of a THREAD :(
JadedCynic: the first kidney stone I had made me feel like a giant hand was pinching through my abdomen
JadedCynic: *grabs another bottle of water to keep hydrated; particularly since my kidneys are apparently crap at filtering excess minerals out of my body :) *
jessieimproved: My mom had to completely give up caffeine because of kidney stones
TXC2: Live AND the canlander torney? heck of a weekend coming up
Zaghrog: oh wow
DigitalSeahorse: I really wish clips would let you have more than one tab of it open before it makes your feed freeze and miss everything else
Zaghrog: Nice timing, my birthday is on Saturday
jessieimproved: I wish all of LRR good naps this weekend. It's going to be fun but a doozy
TXC2: and we're back
matthaus_c: uh oh
matthaus_c: Anomalous Bread
Lysander_salamander: I hope they mod that back into the game
Simriel: "bread"
DeM0nFiRe: A-bread-gedly
Simriel: Alex reload your sidearm XD
ThrinagaBattleheart: Like, you got the trigger for the NPCs to drop bread, as a drop? LUL
Simriel: Don't wanna drew it and have 1 bullet
JadedCynic: @jessieimproved I've had to cut back a lot of dairy intake - my stones were calcium :(
matthaus_c: the Anomaly mod turned that into an Artefact that kills you if you use it :p
TXC2: Simriel let him learn the hard way
NightValien28: a nice "talk"
ThrinagaBattleheart: Also as someone who hasn't been able to get into Stalker yet, I'm guessing throwing bolts at anomalies disarms them for a bit?
TXC2: to be fair, reactor 5 didn't melt down, it exploded Kappa
JadedCynic: @Zaghrog Bappy Hirthday in advance, in case I don't see you then <3
FireSpectreZero: PartyHat Alles Gute zum Partner-Jubiläum! urfieeCat
JoTyler: @ThrinagaBattleheart yeah it triggers them and then you have a short time before they reset
TXC2: damn :p
ThrinagaBattleheart: Gotcha :D
Nigouki: meltup
matthaus_c: carefully
Zaghrog: @JadedCynic Considering I'm in the Eastern European timezone, there's a high chance I won't see LRR streams live
ThrinagaBattleheart: The actual plant was Rushed AF as far as I know
JoTyler: @Nigouki that sounds like the opposite of a glowup XD
ThrinagaBattleheart: There were maaaaaany corners cut building it, and so many things cascaded from there IIRC
JadedCynic: imagine that - 'average people' in-universe get hold of rumour and mis-information; they end up getting facts wrong.
DigitalSeahorse: Scram button didn't work as intended
Despoiler98: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
FireSpectreZero: Everyone's so friendly in the zone
Nigouki: sure feels like "you'll know what to do" means "shoot these fuckos"
A_Dub888: Does anything work the way its supposed to in the Zone?
TXC2: there was a YT video I saw that explained it really well
ThrinagaBattleheart: YEP
GrassVortex: speaking of scopes :D
Nigouki: hahahaha
fragilepaper: ooooooo
Lysander_salamander: nice
NightValien28: he ain't getting that back, ours now
Simriel: This rifle carried me through half the game
RealGamerCow: Lets see if it works...on the guys threatening you
JadedCynic: shitty design, shitty implementation and shitty practices - any one of which could've averted things, but...
FireSpectreZero: They're not nice people
GrassVortex: they are now :D
NorthstarTex: probably
DoodlestheGreat: Yeah, they're bandits.
ThrinagaBattleheart: A perfect storm of the shitty design, incompetence, etc
Didero: Can you save first? :p
JadedCynic: you'd think at least ONE of them would be watching you...
JadedCynic: Cool! :)
InkAndFig: oh is that all lol
ThrinagaBattleheart: That's a really cool view actually :D
TXC2: some from soft level of level design here
ThrinagaBattleheart: Yeah, was the shed you mentioned basically to contain the fallout?
BlindPathfinder: woodpecker?
JadedCynic: I was about to say, is the 'woodpecker' visible from CNPP? :)
jessieimproved: It's an amazing engineering project
TehAmelie: PartyHat Happy Partniversary (?)
Simriel: This rifle plus Supressor was basically half the game for me XD
DigitalSeahorse: so this game is in the past or in some insane future where they removed safe containment for insane reasons
matthaus_c: him not very smart
humusk: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
ThrinagaBattleheart: Lol, I get it Simriel XD
JadedCynic: hey- he's under fire and injured; he's not thinking straight
Steelwolf171 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Steelwolf171! (Today's storm count: 18)
TXC2: DigitalSeahorse it's an AU where instead of deadly radiation, magic came out of the CNPP
ThrinagaBattleheart: Why fight in open combat when you have a long-range muffled rifle
Calyte: Well in this reality "ANOMALIES" are a thing. So...
JadedCynic: yeah, Alternate Universe
Simriel: Also now you get their stuff
Didero: What're the odds of him trying to kill you? :p
DigitalSeahorse: yeah in a reality where vodka is rad medicine
Lysander_salamander: what's giving all that radiation? One of the artifacts?
JadedCynic: @Lysander_salamander I think we've got a Blowout/Emission inbound...
Lysander_salamander: oh I see
TXC2: an area of radiation that kill most electronics
NorthstarTex: blowout soon?
GrassVortex: everyone knows that temporary fixes are the most permanent
JadedCynic: it WAS very clear and sunny just a few minutes ago...
JadedCynic: NSC <3
DaxStrife: Dang.
ThrinagaBattleheart: And it's moveable?!
DigitalSeahorse: yep, it was built off site
DigitalSeahorse: shimmy it on over
JadedCynic: technically - constructed out of range of any radiation, and then 'put it on' over the existing confinement structure
Giraldi657: Today on Learning with Alex
jonnykefka: unless it gets shelled by the russians
JadedCynic: <3
GrassVortex: assuming nothing happened during fighting in the area extraNotLikeThis
lightfut: Kyle Hill did a great couple videos on YouTube about it
NightValien28: uuuuh
JadedCynic: this is his hobby of interest <3
ThrinagaBattleheart: I swore he was going to say that he can't pay back right now
JadedCynic: @GrassVortex um...
ThrinagaBattleheart: Your cut was 2500? Jeez that's a fair bit
DigitalSeahorse: dust travels and gets everywhere
Calyte: Dry = Dust..
JadedCynic: and dust holds onto ionizing radiation yeah
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
DigitalSeahorse: stormy
Steelwolf171: I just found out today that they're distilling alcohol from some of the grains and produce from the Exclusion Zone that's technically not safe until it's turned into alcohol and there's no discernible radiation
JadedCynic: Lightning striking like 10 feet away, and Alex doesn't even REACT :D
DigitalSeahorse: sticks
JadedCynic: oh right
RealGamerCow: well, hopefully only one body
TXC2: Gods, how much of that body can even be left?
Calyte: Imagine if they found two identical bodies..
Simriel: They will find his remains... And then they find his remains... And then they find them again... Oh No
DaxStrife: Right, I remember that from the HBO show: one of the engineers just fell in when the explosion blew the lid off.
RealGamerCow: Urbex morons aren't dumb enough to try to go close to reactor 4, surely?
DigitalSeahorse: they operated for a long time after
JadedCynic: yeah, they were puttering along 'just fine'
JadedCynic: they're kinda 'affected' :)
TehAmelie: Chodemchuyk, the one they keep asking where he is in episode 1, right
ThrinagaBattleheart: Hello there :3
fragilepaper: PrideLaugh
TheDangerWaffle: hehehe
DigitalSeahorse: digita435LOVE
JadedCynic: *gets comfy* :)
DaxStrife: We knew what we were signing up for when we joined the stream. :-P
GrassVortex: extraCozy
DigitalSeahorse: wow
GrassVortex: oh
JadedCynic: oh MAN...
TheAinMAP: lairofTrain
Calyte: Is everyone ever going to do anything about "The Elephants Foot" ya think?
ThrinagaBattleheart: Good news: WORKERS COMP CLAIM REOPENED WOO
ThrinagaBattleheart: I can finally start going back to physical therapy soon
Calyte: *anyone
TXC2: ThrinagaBattleheart congratulations
TehAmelie: yay
matthaus_c: we're screwups, but we're screwups who care
JadedCynic: @ThrinagaBattleheart yay! lrrHORN lrrHEART
Lunareclipse123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months, currently on a 102 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lunareclipse123! (Today's storm count: 19)
TXC2: people break things, different people fix them
JadedCynic: @matthaus_c as long as we LEARN from our screwups (in this case, we learned a lot of 'how to clean up our messes')
Zaghrog: I'm Finnish. My dad had to go through thyroid cancer around the turn of the millennium, and he's pretty convinced it was because of Chernobyl fallout. I'm inclined to believe him
Simriel: Missions are sadly not good value for money in this game, at least against Monsters cause Monsters don't drop loot :P
JadedCynic: @Zaghrog yeah, sounds totally plausible
TehAmelie: as Grant Morrison notes, we only tend to make those big mistakes once. since 1945 there only was one nuclear attack.
DigitalSeahorse: Zaghrog voxlunHug
BlindPathfinder: eh aany locale with monsters has enough easy to find stashes to be worthwhile
DigitalSeahorse: iodine pills
JadedCynic: Where's AtomicMarshallow :D
jonnykefka: They just bind to things so that iodine isotopes don't instead
RealGamerCow: it's like feeding a big snake so they don't eat you
iris_of_ether: ^^^
Simriel: That's YOUR stash
BlindPathfinder: body has enough iodine: does not store more evil iodine
Lysander_salamander: I think that was the player's stash?
PsychoI3oy: taking iodine pills to prevent radiation sickness is like the first aid for drinking ethelyine glycol: drink hard alcohol so your liver doesn't break down as much ethelyine
jonnykefka: so the radioactive iodine just fucks your kidneys instead, which has a lower fatality rate
tolchuk123 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
tolchuk123: Find those artifacts
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tolchuk123! (Today's storm count: 20)
JadedCynic: 'radioactive-iodine isotope blockers' - specific purpose...
JadedCynic: *headdesk* :(
RealGamerCow: bruh
Calyte: I remember a Podcast talking about how Swedish Nuclear Facility personnel Had a radiation alert, but could not Identify the source until they checked the outside. It was not their facility, The first Chernobil dust had arrived.
CataclysmicReverb: Eff for Effort
DigitalSeahorse: I got some iodine pills for free cause I live within 50km of Pickering power plant, had to ask but yeah
GrassVortex: @Calyte being as old as that disaster, I have heard that story most of my life :D
GrassVortex: @GrassVortex *and from Sweden
Jethrain: "if only you looked at it" is unfortunately a big sticking point with a lot of people
jonnykefka: I forget what the statistic is but one daytime transatlantic flight hits you with a startlingly high dose (relative to ground background radiation anyways)
TXC2: remember kids: more radiation from the burning of coal will be released this year then from all the nuclear accidents ever
GrassVortex: I did love how the series made the radiation feel like a monster form a horror movie in the first episodes
JadedCynic: yep, if you're worried about be 'exposed to radiation' never leave the earth's atmosphere...
TXC2: for content Alex Kappa
Simriel: Good question, you were next to a Bed
GrassVortex: extraLUL
ScurvyMitch: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
Calyte: Its faschinating to explain to people how radiation actualy works and see their missconceptions disintegrate.
DaxStrife: "Waiting for the blowout in the rain, in the rain rain, waiting for the blowout in the rain..." SingsNote
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: did I imagine it or did the rainfall look funny for a second there
accountmadeforants: Semi-relevant recent XKCD:
jonnykefka: It's all statistics
Lunareclipse123: Yeah, don't go walking in the night, just stop for a picnic. Here, this roadside looks like a good spot!
JoTyler: yeah that's why i defer to people who actually know about that stuff lol
Calyte: @Lunareclipse123 I see what you did there.
matthaus_c: it is pretty spooky that some rocks have a Death Aura yeah
PsychoI3oy: there's a playlist on youtube of an MIT course for nuclear engineers that I watched the first half of, it's interesting stuff
TehAmelie: we didn't encounter uranium a lot in the ancestral environment
JadedCynic: I mean, there's even MORE relevant xkcd's :)
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: the whats
DigitalSeahorse: if you worry about being radioactive you're too late cause we're all born with it baby! it's hard to find anyone and anything that isn't radioactive at least a little aside from maybe lead
jonnykefka: When things decay, you can mathematically determine waht atoms they will decay into
matthaus_c: relatable
DaxStrife: Relatable.
Master_Gunner: the weird thing is how under certain circumstances (in a reactor), things can decay into bigger elements.
PsychoI3oy: well, sometimes neutrons, sometimes beta (angry helium), sometimes electrons at various energy levels
matthaus_c: Lead is the Crab of chemistry
JadedCynic: Atomic isotope: "I'm too fat!" *ejects neutron* stabler istotope: "that's better"
GrassVortex: if you want to read about the scary kinds of radiation, look up "the radium girls". CW for gruesome ways that radiation messes with the human body
ThrinagaBattleheart: Yeah, like carbon-23 or whatever isotope it is
iris_of_ether: This matches what I recall from my nuclear physics class eons ago
DigitalSeahorse: lead makes good shielding
Simriel: I get it, I often end up as Lead on bad days
CataclysmicReverb: c16 vs c14?
TXC2: everything either fuses into iron, or fissions into lead
Chesul: So, radioactive elements just decide to go on a reckless weight loss plan?
RealGamerCow: and easily available
Calyte: Ever heard of "Uranium-Jazz"?
seanmrwick: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
Lunareclipse123: Nice warm fuel rod disposal pools
TehAmelie: in good news, whenever you feel like celebrating the birthday of your atoms, it's every day of the year, thanks to time dilation
DigitalSeahorse: leaded water makes extra good shielding! PrideLaugh
iris_of_ether: Decay Chains: it's like a massive video game combo
LordZarano: Duga-1 Station is about 9.3km from the reactor
TXC2: Chesul for a given value of reckless, some do it in a few seconds, others in billions of years :p
JadedCynic: @Chesul yep; they buy into the "Be A Whole New You" marketing campaign put out by the Increasing Ionizing Radation Foundation :p
matthaus_c: the Heat Death of the universe will be when everything is a Lead Crab
matthaus_c: b r u h
accountmadeforants: Nuclear history is this wonderful sequence of people knowing just enough to do a lot of damage
ThrinagaBattleheart: Was Little Boy plutonium? That would explain why it was untested
goombalax: yeah they were like "This may blow up the world or do nothing"
CataclysmicReverb: It makes sense to me because when I was a teen in chemistry class I was all "wait nucleuses of atoms are made of stuff that electromagnetically repels itself... tightly packed together" but I haven't ever checked to see what's actually going on
iris_of_ether: That's someone's Mage campaign...
ThrinagaBattleheart: Also OH GOD THAT IS TERRIFYING
cheetoJack: that sounds more alchemy than science
ThrinagaBattleheart: Oh okay
JadedCynic: *gets comfy for another cool lecture*
TXC2: us brits where using Candy as a timer in bombs in WW2, so that tracks
TheDangerWaffle: *gives little kiss before wrapping*
DaxStrife: Inside the bomb somebody scrawled "pls explode."
Calyte: Mutant Pig?
JadedCynic: why do they JUMP
TXC2: Calyte a flesh, yes
JadedCynic: @Calyte yep "fleshes" :p
matthaus_c: Fleshes are friends, AND food
TXC2: prompt criticality
Bruceski: @goombalax They double-checked the math. It was "this guy says it'll destroy the world, we're like 99.9% sure he's not right."
DoodlestheGreat: From what I understand, the Little Boy was essentially the most absolutely basic design. It was inefficient as hell, but it got you a boom.
TehAmelie: you kno, i've watched the Oppenheimer movie twice, i think it's a really really good movie, but i'm not sure if i like it
DigitalSeahorse: it's not very efficient
jonnykefka: was just reading on wikipedia that the leading theory on the first explosion at Chernobyl is now that it was a fizzled nuclear explosion. Prompt criticality but insufficient mass and containment for the full boom
DigitalSeahorse: as yet*
kristian_fischer: Evening, fellow Stalkers. I see it's Nuclear History with Alex time again. V Good.
TXC2: hello kristian_fischer welcome
JadedCynic: but....if you take a bunch of these unstable atoms and 'trap them in a room' where those ejected particles can't LEAVE...
ThrinagaBattleheart: U-238 yeah
Bruceski: As someone who grew up in Los Alamos I liked Oppenheimer as a movie but it is not a history lesson or commentary on the morality of the man and the Project, despite what some people wanted it to be.
Varmint260: Don't talk about my anium in public!
ThrinagaBattleheart: U-238 is the "depleted" one
kristian_fischer: Hence centrifuges.
TheDangerWaffle: U-235 + n → Ba-141 + Kr-92 + 3n
JadedCynic: u-238 is *almost* stable; u-235 is the 'excited' one
DigitalSeahorse: viable(
accountmadeforants: @TehAmelie I like it for how well it builds up the dread, and makes every single person seem (emphasis on "seem") somewhat sympathetic while blatantly doing awful things.
DigitalSeahorse: **
kristian_fischer: U-235 is the Mexican Jumping Bean of elements.
RocknGrohlNerd: @kristian_fischer LUL
JadedCynic: I worry that we can HEAR this fight going on, but not SEE it :|
matthaus_c: like fucking picking beans
DigitalSeahorse: o.O one atom by one atom
DigitalSeahorse: o.O
Lunareclipse123: U-238 is an Alpha source, and U-235 is a Neutron source, which is why you need U-235 for a nuclear chain reaction
TheDangerWaffle: ^^
BrisketJonesDiary subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 12 month streak!
BrisketJonesDiary: Best group of people I know online :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BrisketJonesDiary! (Today's storm count: 21)
RealGamerCow: The chain reaction demonstration that lives in my head is the Mister Wizard demonstration with mouse traps.
matthaus_c: seems like a perfectly sound 'desk job' when you leave out the results
JadedCynic: they probably got paid a small wage...
RocknGrohlNerd: a science machine, that is kinda ominous term :D
TXC2: as far as we know, it had not existed
DigitalSeahorse: maybe don't make machines for the government or unknown job sources
DigitalSeahorse: know what you're doing
TheDangerWaffle: yes
Calyte: Reminds me of Fyneman´s "Los Alamos from below" where he visits a refinery of criminaly un-informed workers a hair away from unb-aliving themselves any moment.
JadedCynic: @RocknGrohlNerd I mean, that applies to your toaster
kristian_fischer: Referring to a nuclear reactor as a "pile" alwas fills me with such confidence.
A_Dub888: @accountmadeforants Random funfact: I used to go to a science museum named for one of the characters in the movie (granted he was dead for a while by then but still)
DigitalSeahorse: I'm an atomic pile, not the right atoms
kristian_fischer: I know, I know... Still. :D
Master_Gunner: IIRC, you dump a bunch of neutrons into Uranium, and then the neutrons decay into protons, giving you Plutonium.
JadedCynic: early science is WILD
jonnykefka: The first SCRAM was literally a guy with an axe next to a rope, "cowboy shit" doesn't even begin to cover it
RocknGrohlNerd: @JadedCynic it does, thats why I keep my distance from it :D
JadedCynic: @RocknGrohlNerd I got bad news about your flush toilet...
kristian_fischer: How Alex digs into early nuclear tech is how I dig into early jet powered tech.
Mazrae: Alex, just want to let you know, listening to you talking about something you enjoy so much is so enjoyable to listen to
ThrinagaBattleheart: Arm through the wall LUL
matthaus_c: can individuals make improvised reactors even?
TXC2: there's a reason why civ games have making nukes be on the scale of a world wonder
RocknGrohlNerd: @JadedCynic dang it, I´m cooked
jonnykefka: you'd need a lot of radioactive material, and people tend to pay attention to where that shit is
Zaghrog: there's actually a recorded case of a naturally occurring nuclear "reactor"
DigitalSeahorse: so uranium processing in minecraft when?
GrassVortex: and the centrifuges need very precise settings, which is also how the Stuxnet malware compromised some refining attempts
kristian_fischer: Was that the one under the tennis court?
Chesul: Not without getting noticed, at least after that one kid did it.
Lunareclipse123: There is also a mass of criticality, so you can't just make a "small" sustained nuclear reaction below that size
JadedCynic: if your basement was the size of the an olympic stadium and filled with improvised breeder reactors...maybe...but yeah, that would show up on the DOE's sensors :)
DaxStrife: Right, they just built in *on campus*.
Creideiki_SE: For more bonkers nuclear history, I read "Wizards of Armageddon" over Christmas. The main takeaway is that nobody understands nuclear weapons, but everyone knows they should have more than everyone else. And not only the US and the Soviet Union - then main arms race throughout the cold war was US Air Force vs. US Navy.
DigitalSeahorse: I remember this pair of pipes
TXC2: it's kinda mad how much REALLY dangerous stuff got made in a dorm room of a US college :p
JadedCynic: @DaxStrife I mean, nobody knew what it could have done...
DigitalSeahorse: and that pair of pipes
ProcyonFlynn: ModLove Graphite ModLove
JadedCynic: @TXC2 or in 'an english garden shed'
TehAmelie: course, as xkcd pointed out the other day, you could make a black hole if you just fold a paper about 200 times. who knows what people are making in their basements
TXC2: JadedCynic indeed
kristian_fischer: This is The Zone. All sounds are bad, no?
malsareus: well you did ask
DaxStrife: Well that explains the body.
Calyte: That man took a bite!
TXC2: kristian_fischer there's like 3 good sounds total :p
JadedCynic: @Calyte that was no man...anymore
matthaus_c: crack open a cold one with the rads
Scarbble: "stop bleeding, stop starving" is some good advice
DigitalSeahorse: folding a piece of paper more than 11 times onto itself is a challenge if I remember correctly
DigitalSeahorse: (mythbusters)
malsareus: we only just got drunk?
matthaus_c: I thought a Controller could somehow see us HypeLUL
dumbo3k: I think you killed it with your panic shotgunning?
Calyte: @DigitalSeahorse Specifricaly folding it in half, but absolutely.
TXC2: graphite slows the neutrons down, slow neutrons react more to uranium for reasons no one knows
JadedCynic: @malsareus previous exposure to the toxin has developed a tolerance :D
kristian_fischer: Please to be away please
DigitalSeahorse: yes, in half over and over
Lysander_salamander: would be amusing if it got hit by lightning
RocknGrohlNerd: I am tipsy as well, why not have a drink or two when we discuss nuclear history
JoTyler: yeah if youre that guy that got hit like a dozen times
DigitalSeahorse: well grounded people end up okay sometimes
Invitare: you get a sick scar
JadedCynic: some people just lose a toe...through their work boot :p
TheDangerWaffle: ye, I have been in a vehicle and struck by lightening. surreal
JoTyler: there's a great Citation Needed episode about him lol
DigitalSeahorse: or people covered in rubber
matthaus_c: @DigitalSeahorse heheheh very good
DigitalSeahorse: xD
fragilepaper: @thedangerwaffle daaaamn
kristian_fischer: @TheDangerWaffle Same. It was L-O-U-D
JadedCynic: @RocknGrohlNerd yeah! Vodka shooters all around! :)
TehAmelie: thing about that one guy who was reportedly hit by lightning 7 times, he was a notorious mythomaniax from childhood, and there was no witnesses to most of those lightning hits
TXC2: "back....and too the left"
malsareus: in the pipe?
Simriel: Check the direction indicator on your hud
Simriel: it could be underground
TheDangerWaffle: @fragilepaper I thought I was in Archer going MAWP MAWP MAWP
DigitalSeahorse: no glove, no electrical love
JadedCynic: ♫ roll out the barrel... ♫
6angkok: yes
TheDangerWaffle: @kristian_fischer yessss
JoTyler: Roy Sullivan was the lightning man, i recommend this podcast in general but this was a pretty good ep
malsareus: more rats o clock
fragilepaper: @thedangerwaffle PrideLaugh NotLikeThis
Hotashi: tough weather it looks like
Calyte: Has to be if its not in that barrel.
BlueMagnusStormCrow: Underground seems most likely.
6angkok: look for underground tunnel;
RocknGrohlNerd: an ex-chair I think
LordZarano: Welp, time to play minecraft
TheDangerWaffle: LUL LUL
JadedCynic: lrrFINE
TXC2: maybe drop a save ?
DigitalSeahorse: this is storm chaser starter weather
JadedCynic: WHAT??? Kappa
dumbo3k: Well, you won't hear anything after the first bit
JadedCynic: *whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine* for the rest of your life
malsareus: do we have grenades equiped to the hotbar?
Hotashi: never thought about that
matthaus_c: someone's making a crapload of money selling hearing aid in the Zone
DigitalSeahorse: I thought that crate was a microwave
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: what was the zombie property with the fancanon of deaf protagonists?
Jethrain: When they say "Blowout soon" they mean eardrums
ThrinagaBattleheart: Or they all have reaaally good cochlear implants LUL
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: walking dead?
Natimus_Prime: Ear protection is built into every piece of headgear, maybe?
TXC2: Forgotten weapons has a video of him using a 7.62mm rifle with a HUGE muzzle break in a indoor range
Gaelan_Maestro: this seems like a before boss stash
TXC2: it's so loud it shakes the camera
malsareus: we giving electronics to our joints now?
ThrinagaBattleheart: I like the lit can of Sterno for a lantern
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam
TXC2: speaking of, bandits
Simriel: The fact you walked into him was kinda hilarious
JadedCynic: @ThrinagaBattleheart ukranian otology is world-class <3
Simriel: I did the same thing here tbf
malsareus: it's pretty defenisble, if they don't throw grenades
RocknGrohlNerd: @Simriel SeemsGood LUL
Calyte: Couldnt hit an open door. What a dingus.
ThrinagaBattleheart: Just literally walked into the guy without being shot at for like a second, THEN the realization LUL
malsareus: time to shoot some of those
ThrinagaBattleheart: I love it
kristian_fischer: A baby cartridge for stupid babies!
TXC2: corner lean, my beloved
Calyte: 9mm kills the body, 45 kills the soul. Thats how you prevent respawns.
JadedCynic: Russell's outside - he wants eyes
DigitalSeahorse: sounds like a flag
DigitalSeahorse: BLYAT!
Calyte: Dud???
Scarbble: spicy
DigitalSeahorse: lrrDOTS
JadedCynic: who was saying "defensible if they don't throw grenades"?
fragilepaper: uhhhh
glumpyblacksheep: I think he knows where you are
TXC2: (marge laugh) You got the dud!
Lysander_salamander: maybe it was a potato
kristian_fischer: One of those minute-long fuse grenades they have now
DigitalSeahorse: heh
Geldaran: No kaboom? There's supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom!
DigitalSeahorse: he forgot to pull the pin
ThrinagaBattleheart: But what if he didn't :D
RocknGrohlNerd: @Geldaran i was promised kaboom
DaxStrife: It's a fake dud; it explodes after 30 seconds.
ThrinagaBattleheart: Just pull it yourself and throw it back
fragilepaper: f
Antimuffin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
Antimuffin: Good morning
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Antimuffin! (Today's storm count: 22)
TheAinMAP: mattlrDed
TheDangerWaffle: :<
dumbo3k: Nah, it wasn't a dud, they just forgot to pull the pin before throwing it
TXC2: I feel like a fake dub boarders on war crime :p
JadedCynic: remember - could still be a malfunctioning 'live' grenade...that just has an unreliable fuse...
RocknGrohlNerd: morning @Antimuffin
JadedCynic: yeah.
GrassVortex: oh
ThrinagaBattleheart: OHHHH NOOOOOOO
kristian_fischer: LOL Just A Prank Bro!
glumpyblacksheep: Coming to a Stalker 2 mod near you :D
JadedCynic: breech block goes through the shooter's eye
Simriel: Gotta loot the stash before they spawn
Simriel: You didn't loot this time
Calyte: Well they did it to make the enemy not trust their gear.
JadedCynic: it's basically a 'terrorist act', yeah
Jethrain: you saved before you looted the stash
DigitalSeahorse: war crimes
JadedCynic: do it once, and then everyone is cautious and paranoid
Calyte: Did they find the Bity-Man?
NorthstarTex: possibly
JadedCynic: @DigitalSeahorse a fine Canadian tradition
malsareus: sounds like they're having a moment
JadedCynic: slice that pie
JoTyler: guess you live on these stairs now
Zizzler111: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
RocknGrohlNerd: serpentine, serpentine
dumbo3k: The only fix for being too aggressive, is to be more aggressive!
JadedCynic: yeah, I was expecting the right, wheree the guy you tagged was looking
DigitalSeahorse: @JadedCynic like the Shawinigan Handshake!
NightValien28: panic hip fire
glumpyblacksheep: How many rounds does that double barrel have
JadedCynic: everyone is one li- lrrWOW
JadedCynic: they encircled you
DigitalSeahorse: better to be lucky AND good
ThrinagaBattleheart: Woo, cheeeevo
Simriel: Now you get TWO squads worth of loot
JadedCynic: love that you missed that first guy in the open, and then when he got the partial cover of the metal stairway, you kept hitting him :D
breadisbest1: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
Simriel: Techs repair stuff
JoTyler: anomaly detected!
DigitalSeahorse: how we become tech
BluTGI: It's the wall that gets ya
Calyte: Dont mind him, hes just hangin out.
RocknGrohlNerd: just hang in there bud
SymphonySolstice: I'm sure he's fine
DigitalSeahorse: piggus
Carlioo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
JadedCynic: you shot that man so hard, you drove him into the tank
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Carlioo! (Today's storm count: 23)
RocknGrohlNerd: this one won´t be in half life 4
JoTyler: damn theyre even uglier int he daylight
demonmum: lrrADAM
JadedCynic: and now the scavengers show up after the noises stop, to feed on the dead
Angnor33: They do move in herds...
TXC2: so dainty
Calyte: 4 shells.
JadedCynic: bacon's back on the menu!
TXC2: we need 10 gauge damnit
DigitalSeahorse: they're like 4 legged spiders
JadedCynic: wasn't there three?
DigitalSeahorse: weeeeeeeeee
JadedCynic: there's the 3rd
DigitalSeahorse: wee wee wee
dumbo3k: and the 4th!
RocknGrohlNerd: yes 3 at least
Lysander_salamander: oh, heck
JadedCynic: right 4...
BluTGI: @JadedCynic lmao
TXC2: no one screams quite like Alex does :D
DigitalSeahorse: they can stairs
Calyte: Time to spend those spare 9mm.
Lysander_salamander: too bad you can't harvest anything from these creatures
dumbo3k: hahahaha
TXC2: this is the bad place :p
BluTGI: Angry man worried about his dog things
Amentur: PartyHat Happy Partner anniversary!
Calyte: This facilityy is cursed.
malsareus: PETA
JadedCynic: depopulating the whole Zone, one wave at a time
BlueMagnusStormCrow: It's a shooting party and everybody is invited.
DigitalSeahorse: they were waiting for you to get rid of the piggus
TXC2: fuck PETA
Simriel: Alex "Infinite Firefights" Steacy
RocknGrohlNerd: @malsareus LUL LUL
dumbo3k: Mutant PETA, sounds about right
Amentur: I see Alex is experiencing the local hospot PrideLaugh
Sacrenos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sacrenos! (Today's storm count: 24)
6angkok: just leave they'll spwan again and again
RocknGrohlNerd: @Amentur Local pigspot, if you will
JadedCynic: I can only guess that some 'international relief force' was here at one time? or maybe a PMC group was hired...
malsareus: also that german engineering isn't exactly far away
BluTGI: The party is poppin off
RocknGrohlNerd: its straight fire here
Creideiki_SE: It was obviously on clearance as defective; it ejects into your face.
6angkok: inject anti rad
JadedCynic: oh! yeah - PeTA hires Blackwater to 'protect poor innocent animals from the depraved humans' and...well, it went about as we saw
Carlioo: wow headcrabs got buff
Simriel: He's more morephine now than man
JadedCynic: pigu, pigu everywhere and not a pork chop to eat :(
DigitalSeahorse: nice dodge
Amentur: @JadedCynic Well the problem with sending any relief or people into the zone tends to be that they make it about 1 km into the zone and then get killed/destroyed via anomaly
Sacrenos: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Arcs) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (4:54 from now).
TXC2: that'll do pig, that'll do
DigitalSeahorse: piggu but no bacon
RocknGrohlNerd: @JadedCynic *sad noises*
BluTGI: It's 5 oclock here in piggu-ritaville
Simriel: Go back and get the rest of your loot after the break :P
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Calyte: Uncaps Vodka: "This is the worst day since yesterday."
DigitalSeahorse: time for yogurt
JadedCynic: @Amentur exactly, and thus the local bandits get 'access' to 'a stash of western firearms' of the bodies
JadedCynic: welp, four-turkeys - I should figure out what to have for supper later...
JadedCynic: right, butter chicken with rice
malsareus: more piggu?
JadedCynic: yep; other side of the nation - it's 4:40pm NST here
TXC2: and we're back
DigitalSeahorse: wait what's hard to kill?
JadedCynic: thick feathers, fat bodies
JadedCynic: Turkeys
DigitalSeahorse: ah
jonnykefka: balls of muscle and hate
Natimus_Prime: Taking out a turkey without ruining the meat is tough
jonnykefka: if you have ever lived in a place with wild turkeys, you appreciate why they have their own ammo
JadedCynic: @Natimus_Prime yeah, there's the rub
MAPBoardgames: So are we just talking turkey here?
DigitalSeahorse: he dropped a rad katana
JadedCynic: You can't help anyone else if you don't save yourself first?
TXC2: pro que no los dos ?
JoTyler: slick digimon
Nigouki: upside down patch means the radiation is in distress
JadedCynic: "Yeah, we have 'running water' - it runs from the bucket you fill three feet above the faucet"
TXC2: the sky being green is fine right?
dumbo3k: That balloon really doesn't seem very bothered by the wind
MAPBoardgames: Nice day for it!
JadedCynic: maybe the wind is just low-level? a thermocline layer in the atmosphere?
DigitalSeahorse: it's a geen sky
TXC2: energy drinks for the poppy field? just gonna speedball it up?
ProcyonFlynn: Just means the dust in the air is healthy, right? MiniK
JadedCynic: heya ben!
Lysander_salamander: neat
JoTyler: hi ben!
Scarbble: hi ben!
jacqui_lantern234: hey ben
DigitalSeahorse: lo ben!
JadedCynic: @ProcyonFlynn full of pollen, gonna be a fruitful year for the plants, next year
malsareus: also the piggu can jump now
DigitalSeahorse: sure
JadedCynic: yeah, that's the sunlight peeking through the clouds
jonnykefka: seems fine
TXC2: it's as hot as the sun......
DigitalSeahorse: red sky in morning, sailors take warning
JadedCynic: still not comfortable with this near-miss lighting
TXC2: Bye Ben
hyalopterous: Hi BEn
Sorator13: bye Ben!
JadedCynic: WHEEEE
JadedCynic: poor Historian :(
MAPBoardgames: That Historian, is history!
Simriel: I think youir armour might be broken?
JadedCynic: now, did they quit following, or just stop shooting?
malsareus: or the piggu got them
JadedCynic: "bah - waste of ammo, let's go back and eat some pigu
DigitalSeahorse: we got armor?
Simriel: Oh your armour is fine, ignore me
JadedCynic: *watches Ben help out behind the merchant's counter* ;)
Simriel: I believe the tech can add the rail it needs?
JadedCynic: @DigitalSeahorse strange, in maritime communities it was always "red sky at night, shepherd's delight, red sky at morning, shepherd's warning" :)
malsareus: so you can unlock upgrades by doing timed challenges?
Simriel: If by timed challenges you mean Money
DigitalSeahorse: @JadedCynic PrideLaugh
Gaelan_Maestro: i think your bleeding
Gaelan_Maestro: *youre
JadedCynic: because yeah...sailors like the warning, but given the nature of their work, it's moot
eNDiKay_: Wait I'm confused, has Alex not played 2 yet??
JadedCynic: nope, this is it
eNDiKay_: HYPE
accountmadeforants: Don't worry, he's worn that thing for years, there's callouses against the itch and grooves to drain the sweat OpieOP
BlindPathfinder: the repair costs really bankrupt you in this game
TXC2: cheevo get
JadedCynic: @accountmadeforants yeah, another few months and the epidermis will just grow over the straps :D
eNDiKay_: I tend to save scum and just rush through the land, so I reacted at how slow and steady the exploration was now xD
accountmadeforants: @BlindPathfinder Ah, so just like every video game weapon repair system
ThrinagaBattleheart: Is the scope compatible?
Gaelan_Maestro: it says cannot install, not enough coupons
DigitalSeahorse: DinoDance 2020Party 2020Pajamas
malsareus: maybe you need more loyalty points?
Simriel: You shouldn't
Simriel: Honestly yeah you paid the 900, it should work now
JoTyler: at the bottom it shows when you select it
SidewinderSky: you should be good to install it now: the rail is showing up on the model
eNDiKay_: "Fuck you!" That's how many x)
ThrinagaBattleheart: But it's already installed, there's no cost at the bottom
JadedCynic: "gee, we're dropping too much loot - many players miss much of it, but some more diligent players could get really full o loot." "well, don't cut back the drops - the main people won't have enough to survive; I know! We'll just add a mess of money sinks..."
Simriel: Oh you are toggling it on and off
JoTyler: like when you click on the other one it popped up
Simriel: Look on the model
eNDiKay_: This UI is very bad tbh
ThrinagaBattleheart: Maybe right-click the gun in inventory
Transmuted_Elf: maybe you have to unequip it to install the scope?
accountmadeforants: Clearly you need to go to the weapon's properties and set the compatibility mode to Scope XP
ThrinagaBattleheart: Or unequip it first yeah
ThrinagaBattleheart: LOOOOOL dang it that got me
Simriel: Had to be equped
Simriel: Then you add them
TXC2: cool game!
Simriel: That part was awkward as fuck yeah
Lysander_salamander: neat
SymphonySolstice: eyes emoji
DigitalSeahorse: woo a lathe
JadedCynic: @accountmadeforants but that's ONLY through the Tech's "Admin-mode" - you can't do it any other time :)
Jethrain: that it's possible to *toggle* the scope rail without realising it after installing it is very odd
Simriel: Man is legit milling his own picatinny rail
eNDiKay_: the lathe of the land
MAPBoardgames: A metal lathe prop being used correctly. weird.
accountmadeforants: @JadedCynic Right, right, that's why it needs to be equipped, that means you're signed in.
Chesul: Ooh, yeah, that's a nice lathe model.
Lysander_salamander: is he using the car to power the lathe?
SymphonySolstice: I'm certain I used that drill press in 8th grade woodshop class
JadedCynic: @accountmadeforants oh! That's it - I'm in 'guest' right now! :p
malsareus: give that mouse a bath then
DigitalSeahorse: mmmmmm
DigitalSeahorse: sweet
Jethrain: ooh, sandwich!
JadedCynic: time for q-tips and rubbing alcohol!
Lysander_salamander: I hope there's a cooking minigame
SymphonySolstice: make some fudge with that
eNDiKay_: Whatever makes me feel alive
Jedi_Master_Zell: Oh, I heard "advanced milk".
DigitalSeahorse: make sure you eat broccoli after drinking a whole can of condensed milk
SymphonySolstice: I mean that's not wrong
DigitalSeahorse: for the sugar tolerance
eNDiKay_: @Jedi_Master_Zell The true opposite of raw milk
Simriel: I usually hold like 2-3 mags of AP for my pistol and no more
TXC2: advance milk = UHT but it tastes good Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: especially sweetened condensed milk
JoTyler: make some dulce de lecheeeeee
Simriel: Sell your beer then :P
Scarbble: advance milk = kinda like the game boy milk but in color and more powerful
DigitalSeahorse: what's the switch milk?
matthaus_c: boy milk flushed emoji
Shaneusm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months, currently on a 71 month streak!
Shaneusm: Good DOOMing to all!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Shaneusm! (Today's storm count: 25)
DigitalSeahorse: every button is walk
DigitalSeahorse: sleb
DigitalSeahorse: eat dog food you let rain water get into
matthaus_c: wet dog soup
DigitalSeahorse: rad rain water
TXC2: the Robert Patirck Terminator run?
TXC2: where he had to slow down because he kept catching up the motorbike :p
JadedCynic: *sad Arnold Schwarzenegger noises*
DaxStrife: Remember: ACAT: All Cops Are Terminators (possibly).
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh nice day for weather
Gaelan_Maestro: a slowly trundling skeleton covered in meat
JadedCynic: ACCBAT - "Any Cop Can Be A Terminator" (so don't trust any)
Simriel: I am a slowly trundling skeleton covered in meat, hello
jessieimproved: Theoretically a terminator could just walk *really* fast
CataclysmicReverb: I think they figured out running in Terminator 3? idk that was an odd and forgettable one... also possibly a limit of the design
Strebenherz: Skeletons everywhere
JadedCynic: @Gaelan_Maestro those were some of the BEST crapshots <3
Gaelan_Maestro: @JadedCynic absolutely
JadedCynic: a mod that makes 'bolting' those anomalies cause a Miku Hatsune to spawn and just wander around the Zone...endlessly. Immortal and indestructible, the player learns to just avoid anomalies just to keep their computer from slowing down Kappa
JadedCynic: is this a trap?
TXC2: always
JadedCynic: everyone in the Zone should have an IFF system installed ;)
DigitalSeahorse: errands
JadedCynic: oh, are these the bandits to kill?
nc4lgaming: how does your game run so smooth my frames drop so much when i play
TXC2: "you'd shoot a man in the back?" "I'd shoot him if he was on the job, gloop him!"
fragilepaper: (dies)
TheDangerWaffle: buhbuy
SymphonySolstice: that pc is Juiced
JadedCynic: probably james
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
TXC2: I think the game rig has a modern GPU
jonnykefka: Mission complete
JadedCynic: yay
Jethrain: warlock wanted you to send a message, i'd say mission accomplished
JadedCynic: win-win for Warlock, he won't even have to pay you ;)
JoTyler: yeah this is a computer built specifically for streaming games lol
jonnykefka: I get the sense that compared to this point in the first game you have a lot more healing at your disposal
nc4lgaming: yeah like i have a 4060 ti
JoTyler: and the game is running on a separate computer than the streaming stuff
Simriel: You are gonna pull off those dudes?
JadedCynic: yeah, but be quick - the noise will draw...too late
jessieimproved: Not many games are optimized these days, sigh
nc4lgaming: gaming pc everything else run smooth just not this game lol
JoTyler: lol
JoTyler: i feel ya
jonnykefka: real "1 is not 0" on the healthbar there
DigitalSeahorse: if he can get close enough to pull
JadedCynic: how many near-death experiences has Skif had now? :)
TXC2: I don;t Alex, you shot that guy right on the dome
Dark_Destra subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 128 months, currently on a 128 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dark_Destra! (Today's storm count: 26)
TXC2: (i don't know
jonnykefka: that seems...suboptimal?
JadedCynic: not for southpaws Kappa
MAPBoardgames: Left ejection ports. Good for two things: looking good on camera and showering the user with hot brass.
TXC2: Lefties are allowed to have their own ejection ports, not our fault you can't use them right Kappa
jonnykefka: I'm under the impression that having hot casings ejected into yoru face is not optimal
CataclysmicReverb: But if you're left-eyed, and train that way...
JadedCynic: @jonnykefka only for lazy majority shooters B)
Simriel: Removing heat from the system yeah.
JadedCynic: keep the breech from warping, etc
jonnykefka: wait, where is the powder in caseless ammo even stored?
malsareus: just build a swab into your pistol barrel
Darleysam: the balls
TXC2: jonnykefka around the bullet
JadedCynic: it IS the case - it's a 'block around the prjectile
Master_Gunner: yeah, it's a mostly solid block of explosives
dumbo3k: At Aperture Science, we shoot the whole bullet!
jonnykefka: I have some notes for the engineers
Simriel: The G11 is Rocket Engineering
DigitalSeahorse: HahaReindeer
Simriel: Rocket Surgery
TXC2: Simriel better, it's a german swiss watch :p
JadedCynic: G11, but that was a NUSPI swiss-clockwork chamber block that you just swapped out instead of maintain...sent it back to the clockmakers :D
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @jonnykefka This is how guns have always worked, yes.
jonnykefka: @ScrapyardGhostTrain Yes but typically there's a protective casing around the explosive
TXC2: how did that person not drown? :p
ScrapyardGhostTrain: The breech chamber, yes.
JadedCynic: @TXC2 didn't have enough time to
MAPBoardgames: @TXC2 They were shot in the head
QuixoticScrivener: these caseless rounds look cursed
JadedCynic: people can hold their breath for up to like 5 minutes
TXC2: JadedCynic MAPBoardgames I guess
DigitalSeahorse: obdurate?
DaxStrife: You are selling these fine leather jackets?
TXC2: what would like to know is why Brass is used instead of something like steel ?
TheMerricat: "Older caseless ammunition typically uses a rocket-like configuration which integrates the primer and propellant into the bottom of the projectile and accelerates it by venting propellant gas out the back. Unlike rocket projectiles, which have similar configurations, the propellant of "internal-propellant caseless ammunition" has an instant burn time like a traditional cartridge (under 0.2 seconds)"
JadedCynic: "Obturation is the necessary barrel blockage or fit in a firearm or airgun created by a deformed soft projectile."
TXC2: rocket ball!
TheMerricat: "Modern caseless ammunition typically uses a configuration in which the primer and projectile gets integrated into a solid mass of external propellant (originally nitrocellulose), cast to form the body of the cartridge. Cavities exist in the body to accept the bullet and a primer (both of which are glued into place). The completed cartridge might also contain a booster charge of powdered propellant to help ignite the body and provide initial thrust to the bullet."
DigitalSeahorse: Obturate, to block or obstruct
CataclysmicReverb: There's a LOT of reasons to use brass over steel, ease of material creation, malleability, heat exchange, thermal properties, corrosion resistance, low friction...
JadedCynic: defintiely easier to work and mill
Simriel: Yes
malsareus: yes
Jethrain: Yes
DigitalSeahorse: yes
Amentur: Shrine :D
Simriel: It's a shrine to Toilt
TXC2: CataclysmicReverb interesting, thanks
Simriel: toilet*
jonnykefka: cool, where's the tetanus shots
malsareus: time to get a tentanis shot
TXC2: tetanus here we come
Amentur: Hope Skif got his tetanus shot
NightValien28: free tetanus
JadedCynic: *dies of tetanus in 2 days*
Simriel: Also yes, barbed wire just immedietly makes you bleed
JadedCynic: Alex found the cover shot! <3\
DigitalSeahorse: PrideWingL lrrGARBO PrideWingR
BlindPathfinder: love how npc in this will just randomly start peeing
SkylerRingtail: Never looted them though did we
JadedCynic: there's the rub - noise brings.... 'attention'
TheMerricat: And here is today's pendant reminder for me - Tetanus is _not_ more prevalant on rusty items becasue of the rust. Tetanus is 'everywhere'. The reason cutting yourself on rusty equipment is memed require a tetanus shot is rusty equipment is also often _dirty_ and that's where the tetanus lives.
JadedCynic: ^^^
JadedCynic: tyvm
JadedCynic: 'rusty' is a safe shorthand for 'dirty', so...
JoTyler: good place to wrap up for today
TXC2: if something is rusty is not unreasonable to assume it's also got germs on it
TXC2: another reason to use brass, germs can't live on it
JadedCynic: thanks for the fun!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Alex
DaxStrife: Yayyy
JadedCynic: SMW, got it
TheAinMAP: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
DoodlestheGreat: 10 q 4 strem
DigitalSeahorse: !Alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Website: | Home stream: | Patreon:
Giraldi657: Thanks Alex!
TXC2: wow that background
JadedCynic: it all works :)
Simriel: Is it time to Get Out of Here Stalker?
JoTyler: the bg on booth mode is still star wars from ben's PIF
CataclysmicReverb: Thanks for stream!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Arcs) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (3:58 from now).
Lysander_salamander: have a good afternoon!
A_Dub888: How'd a Star Wars Cantina get into the Zone??
DigitalSeahorse: interesting backdrop screen
JadedCynic: @JoTyler hmmm, get some Zone wallpaper?
eNDiKay_: ARCS = Game from the people behind ROOT
TheAinMAP: lairofTrain lairofTrain lairofTrain
DoodlestheGreat: Yay, LRL!
eNDiKay_: HYPE
TXC2: Sunday sunday sunday!
TheAinMAP: Bus?
eNDiKay_: Fruitbus! I almost got to work on that one ;-;
jacqui_lantern234: thanks for streaming, alex <3 youre a delight
JoTyler: you are indeed on jackbox
DigitalSeahorse: a longer day of you
A_Dub888: FRTBRS
JadedCynic: oooh, double-alex next wed? :)
JadedCynic: busy week! <3
eNDiKay_: I will return for moar Alex stalking
ThrinagaBattleheart: Hab guud day Alex!
eNDiKay_: wait...
DigitalSeahorse: assuming everyone feels well
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Raveduck quack
JadedCynic: welcome back Varmit260 - we're honored you stuck around lrrHEART
DigitalSeahorse: lrrAWESOME feliciaTeam
TXC2: da bits?
JadedCynic: cleand up da bit
TXC2: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Website: | Home stream: | Patreon:
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
DigitalSeahorse: ^
matthaus_c: read spaceshipping!
A_Dub888: What kind of gun?
Simriel: It is very good
JadedCynic: you've been warned :)
ThrinagaBattleheart: Yes, please be 18 or older reading Spaceshipping LUL
JadedCynic: Spaceshipping is AWESOME
DigitalSeahorse: keyed cuke!
richard_ermen: Spaceshipping Love!
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
ThrinagaBattleheart: Okey, hab guud day!
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
DoodlestheGreat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Arcs) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (3:54 from now).
TXC2: Goodnight everybody