Happy Partner anniversary!
Diabore: !advice
LRRbot: Soccer is not an instrument.

KeytarCat: !findquote soccer
LRRbot: Quote #4720: "I think hockey is literally just soccer." —James [2018-03-03]
Happy Partner anniversary!
airylan: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: THE PLANK
Happy Partner anniversary!
Nigouki: !findquote deez
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Happy Partner anniversary!
Happy Partner anniversary!
SnackPak_: I see we're having a celebration in chat today
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a dead cat
Happy Partner anniversary!
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the rund
It's gettin hat in here so take off all your... hat?
baltimore_667083: hat trick or something idk
Happy Partner anniversary!
Happy Partner anniversary! You all make me happy!
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Try dying more.
RandomTrivia: Ah yes, the third gender - Cool Hat
red_shoes_jeff: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Arcs) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (1s from now).
Manae: !next
Hi friends! 
Juliamon: I'm not even sure why that thing is active, they partnered in August
RandomTrivia: @Juliamon Pffft, lol, classic Twitch shenanigans
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah Twitch was confused about this last time too
Happy Partner anniversary!
RandomTrivia: Maybe it's for Sonic's 30th anniversary
gralamin: I love ARCS!
ogier300: ARCS! So much fun!
Juliamon: The closest relevant date was their first stream, but that was a week ago
Sarah_Serinde: Maybe it's just a thing it does if you've been partner longer than the partner celebration thing has existed
Happy Partner anniversary!
@Juliamon Eh, whatever, it's a party.
iiieye subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
iiieye: I kind of ran out of jokes for these a long time ago...
Thanks for subscribing, iiieye! (Today's storm count: 27)
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Thanks for subscribing, AMillionCatsOnTypewriters! (Today's storm count: 28)

Happy Partner anniversary!
Happy Partner anniversary!
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Arcs) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (2m ago).
Just lost a dear relative today and having this island of good vibes & stability means a lot. Here's to another year!
Happy Partner anniversary!
RandomTrivia: If there's one thing I love more than anything else, it's music that isn't ashamed to have fun
RandomTrivia: Like this track in particular
Congrats on the anniversary!
Happy Partner anwooniversary!
Happy Partner anniversary!
SurfDownstage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 58 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, SurfDownstage! (Today's storm count: 29)
brushfire44: ! bad advice
LRRbot: A second chance is not for anyone.
ghyllnox: Happy half anniversary!
spawnofhastur: So what kinda game is Arcs?
Zenergy142: This is absolutely my favorite board game right now. I've been playing on TTS for MONTHS and got it in physical form a little while back. I have become the Arcs guy!
Juliamon: Space stuff iirc?
I'm not getting the hat prompt! 
Zenergy142: Arcs is a Area Control Trick Taking Game.
Happy Partner anniversary!
pkj3st3r subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
Thanks for subscribing, pkj3st3r! (Today's storm count: 30)
Happy Partner anniversary!
Happy Partner anniversary! 
Happy Partner anniversary!

Happy Partner anniversary!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I'm pretty sure I have seen a video or two about it before, but can't really say much about it

RandomTrivia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months, currently on a 56 month streak!
RandomTrivia: Clicky-clicky-button
Zenergy142: Every action you can take is dictated by the cards in your hand. Each card has a Suit and a Value. There is oy 1 of each Value for each suit in the deck. Each Suit can perform a handful of actions.
Thanks for subscribing, RandomTrivia! (Today's storm count: 31)

Zenergy142: I'm sure Ben will get into it
Happy Partner anniversary!
Happy Partner anniversary!
Zenergy142: I've been waiting for them to play this since Vegas when I asked if he'd heard about it

Heckhoundbolt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months, currently on a 28 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Heckhoundbolt! (Today's storm count: 32)
Zenergy142: Asked Ben that ut
Zenergy142: *is
northos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
Thanks for subscribing, northos! (Today's storm count: 33)
sag3error subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 103 months!
Thanks for subscribing, sag3error! (Today's storm count: 34)
iris_of_ether: The Donkey Konga is a nice touch
CaptainSpam: Gotta be the DK Bongos.

GasCityGaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
GasCityGaming: The big 65! (Is that important?)
Thanks for subscribing, GasCityGaming! (Today's storm count: 35)
Happy Partner anniversary!
Happy Partner anniversary!
GredGredmansson: James drinking while holding Barcadia cards was the best part

CaptainSpam: I like the new intro, but I have to admit, I miss the stray marble rolling down Fireball Island's board.
BlindProphet32 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
Thanks for subscribing, BlindProphet32! (Today's storm count: 36)
Happy Partner anniversary!
blackroseimmortal7: merry christmas!
Happy Partner anniversary!
dumbo3k: Wait, I think I know this game, those ships look familiar!
Happy Partner anniversary!
red_shoes_jeff: SPAAAAAAAACE!
Happy Partner anniversary!
Heckhoundbolt: oath
RandomTrivia: They love their 4-letter words
Happy Partner anniversary!
Zenergy142: Oath
Getter404: Body Parts... you want Feet don't you
BITs19_: ah heck it was muted. Have I missed the explanation?
Nigouki: it's so you can get knuckle tats
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: it's good branding
Heckhoundbolt: Vast, the unknown of the bunch
Oscelot: @BITs19_ nope
Juliamon: BITs19_ Not yet!
Zenergy142: Haven't missed explainer yet
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @BITs19_ no
Happy Partner anniversary!
Juliamon: Still just in goof mode
MrsLlante subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
MrsLlante: I desperately want this game so excited to see you play it!
holidayMD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 130 months, currently on a 130 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, MrsLlante! (Today's storm count: 37)
Thanks for subscribing, holidayMD! (Today's storm count: 38)

BITs19_: thanks!
Party time? Party time!
SaxPython: Woah. I love Cori's glasses!
KWardJenx: I feel targeted by Cori's comment
It's a partnerversarystravaganza!
dumbo3k: Honestly, this game is a blast to play
fjordsword: I'm about to play this at a convention TOMORROW!!!!
Zenergy142: This game is REALKY easy to play, just a little busy
Shadowsoflife: We did this
LoadingReadyRun: How's the music volume?
definenull: weemst?
KaleidoscopeMind: we'm'st
Zenergy142: Very elegant tho
MacabreAurora: youmpst
Happy Partner anniversary!
red_shoes_jeff: There's music?
Oscelot: @LoadingReadyRun can't honestly hear any
SquareDotCube: Raglan
Zenergy142: No music audible
HadesLeprechaun: If you already understand trick-taking games you're like 1/3 of the way there
Happy Partner anniversary!
Marvoleath: !store
KWardJenx: Music is good. Not overpowering
red_shoes_jeff: Oh, no wait, heard something there.
Oscelot: @Oscelot Oh wait, it's there, just very low. Had to listen for it
baltimore_667083: spaceballs and it’s not even close
fjordsword: Firefly
spo8n: can hear music faintly
spawnofhastur: Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
ihlendrax: Firefly/Serenity!
HadesLeprechaun: Mass Effect
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: space dandy
Shadowsoflife: spaceballs
TheWriterAleph subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Party Hat! 
Thanks for subscribing, TheWriterAleph! (Today's storm count: 39)
BITs19_: Twilight Imperium :3
Homeboys in Outer Space?… 
CaptainSpam: You've got some 'splaining to do.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: You have a lot of explaining to do, Ben
Mattmitchell45: Just got my first chance to play the ARCS Expansion and it was a blast!
jessieimproved subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!

Thanks for subscribing, jessieimproved! (Today's storm count: 40)
Papperslappen: Zardoz is my favorite face opera
Zenergy142: Victory Points!
DaxStrife: Oh good, a mercy kill rule.
Zenergy142: Also, that threshold is not high, be careful you'll get there
Oscelot: Did James and Ian swap seats before stream started?

Oscelot: (since they're swapped on the overlay)
Happy Partner anniversary!
definenull: oo the card art is neat!
Happy Partner anniversary!
CaptainSpam: That is why he's Paul.
Oscelot: That looks gorgeous
KaleidoscopeMind: but paul should be writing the contract
definenull: I half just want the game board as a poster print
Shadowsoflife: Hey @Oscelot o/
Oscelot: hey @Shadowsoflife o/
Papperslappen: you may skip for example because you’re out of cards and can’t take any other actions
shendaras: It is pretty
Zenergy142: Remember, you can only skip with the initiative
Shadowsoflife: or have no actions
Dog_of_Myth: There is no honor there
Shadowsoflife: Five is right out
HadesLeprechaun: The flood already have that zone
Zenergy142: Not that you don't control, that other players DO control. That small distinction matters
TheAwkes: I have this from the crowd funding, but haven't played it.
Oscelot: ps-eye-onics
sithenin: I just got a new crowd funded board game in. Hoping to play it this weekend.
Oscelot: oh god, it's the camarilla all over again lol
Shadowsoflife: But in space
dumbo3k: Captives can become trophies, with certain actions
Oscelot: @Shadowsoflife terrifying lol
Laserbeaks_Fury: Sheeples Peoples, where'd you get those Meeples?
Zenergy142: The forbidden Gushers!
RandomTrivia: Battling? I'm in!
Oscelot: *snerk* @RandomTrivia
@Oscelot What can Vampire do in space? 
Oscelot: @Shadowsoflife *not die*
Shadowsoflife: @Oscelot Fair
RandomTrivia: @Shadowsoflife I don't know about that, there's a lot of sunlight in space
Oscelot: @RandomTrivia Trueeee. I wonder how far they have to be from the sun for the light to no longer ash them
Shadowsoflife: @RandomTrivia Also it be really heard for them to find food
"I Play the 2 of Aggression" *pulls out large stick*
hey nerds! hope yall are doing well 
dumbo3k: And the ambition declared depends on the card, unless it is a question mark
Happy Partner anniversary!
Sorator13: @LoadingReadyRun "hey, he's narrating!"
Shadowsoflife: Hey @jacqui_lantern234
Hey there jacqui_lantern234, good to see you! 
SymphonySolstice: does it have to be _our_ sun or can they get fried by _any_ sun
@LoadingReadyRun come at me, paul, im shredded 
Oscelot: @SymphonySolstice Untested, as far as I know
SymphonySolstice: also does it have to be a sun? can they get fried by any cosmic body emitting light?
SymphonySolstice: so many questions
@jacqui_lantern234 If you're shredded, someone must have beaten me to it 
BITs19_: so it's in your best interest to follow suit, but then your action is being determined by someone else. interesting...
Zenergy142: Actually, following suit can get you the initiative
Shadowsoflife: @SymphonySolstice Would the moonlight count as emittling light?
Zenergy142: You can surprise the suit with a higher value of the same suit
Happy Partner anniversary!
danielOut: omg arcs my newest addiction
Oscelot: @Shadowsoflife Nope. Moonlight is fine
Zenergy142: *surpass
fjordsword: doesn't the person who surpasses with the same suit, even if it's not the seven, gain the seven at the end of the round?
Zenergy142: NO IT DOES
Oscelot: @Oscelot actually, there's some nuance. I'll message you in discord
Zenergy142: BEN IT DOES
RatherLargeToad: sevenpassing
Shadowsoflife: @Oscelot Me or Symphony?
Zenergy142: Surpassing gets you the initiative at the end
fjordsword: yes, it's at the end of round rules portion
Zenergy142: Only Seizing the initiative by playing the extra card locks it
danielOut: this is a wonderful game with a rulebook that needs some tweaks.
Zenergy142: HIGE
Zenergy142: HUGE
couchboyj: Thanks Paul!
Zenergy142: Thank you Paul
Zenergy142: And the 7
dumbo3k: Surpassing with the 7 I think also Seizes the init and locks it for the round
Zenergy142: The 7 locks it to
Zenergy142: Too
This definitely is a simple game that you won't overlook any rules for 
Kazman20a subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Kazman20a! (Today's storm count: 41)
Zenergy142: After you play the card
Zenergy142: Otherwise Psionics would do bothing
Zenergy142: *nothing
HedgehogKnight subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Thanks for subscribing, HedgehogKnight! (Today's storm count: 42)
LoadingReadyRun: I like that the examples in the rulebook use "Lotus" and "Mikah" as the names of the players
dumbo3k: Look, if the city administrator has a gun, they can fight if they want to
Vilun: it's clear Ben doesn't work in an office, when he's surprised the admin can lead to fighting
dumbo3k: Garrus and Wrex 4 lyfe!
HadesLeprechaun: I like Ashley because she actually GETS that arc, while Kaiden kinda...doesnt get much of anything
Zenergy142: Ben starting in the cheat step
HadesLeprechaun: but also all the aliens are better anyways
kumatsu: coming in at 9:30 and playing Hungry Hungry Hippos
SymphonySolstice: the lads putting in the cleaning work
MacbethSeemsSus: Kaiden's a better character but has the same voice as Carth Onasi and therefore has to die.
Sorator13: I am very curious what Ben & James have been doing all that time
Master_Gunner: My one experience with the game was during the last couple hours of PAX Unplugged - I had no idea what was going on.
definenull: probably annual spring cleaning shenans
couchboyj: Great overlay as always Paul
Dog_of_Myth: My only experience with this game was a GenCon. Just watched a demo, didn't have time to try it out.
Dog_of_Myth: *was at
red_shoes_jeff: Yes, my Gatekeeper!
Happy Partner anniversary!
couchboyj: Got it for Xmas myself and haven't had time to play yet. Watching AFK is the next best thing though.
dumbo3k: ahh! The Skrrt Drive! famous FTL drive makers
dumbo3k: You can shuffle resources when you get a new resource, I think, not just whenever you want
Zenergy142: Yeah, you can only move resources around when you gain new ones
Nigouki: I hope the battling is they have to take out a totally not a beyblade arena and no these are totally legally distinct violence tops
couchboyj: Yeah, so the more action you take as lead, the more likely you are to lose initiative
dumbo3k: Pretty sure you can't tax space ports
dumbo3k: yeah
Vilun: what's with the symbol in the bottom left of the card?
dumbo3k: For Cori's benefit, the Key symbols denote how easy they are for someone else to steal in a raid
Kitanin: @Vilun It's the ambition you can declare if you lead with that card.
Happy Partner anniversary!
Vilun: @Kitanin thank you
dumbo3k: I do find it fascinating that no one has declared any Ambitions yet for the chapter
Happy Partner anniversary!
Nigouki: Ambitions? In THIS economy!?
Happy Partner anniversary!
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
dumbo3k: Woo! battles!
SymphonySolstice: fight! fight! fight!
Zenergy142: Mmm the spicy orange cubes
RatherLargeToad: the Mentos tax
dumbo3k: Battles are fun
Zenergy142: Aggressor controls EVERYTHING
Zenergy142: Get punching or get punched
dumbo3k: surpassed and SEIZED
Sorator13: Sir Who?
Zenergy142: Indeed
Zenergy142: He is Seized
Zenergy142: Yes
dumbo3k: you can still surpass
fjordsword: he seizes it, and it's automatically claimed for next round
Zenergy142: Ben can surpass the lead card
dumbo3k: everyone is playing against the Lead card
Zenergy142: You always play against the lead card
Zenergy142: Ian just has the initiative Locked In for next Trick
Zenergy142: And the gate
Zenergy142: Yeah
Happy Partner anniversary!
dumbo3k: huh, never found that in my playthroughs. very handy
Zenergy142: The name Paul, is actually more speaking about the Story Arcs that unfold as the space opera progresses
Zenergy142: It's much clearer in the campaign expansion
Is the guy on Populist Demand the guy from Getting Over it?
Zenergy142: Wait, you can play the extra card to seize WHENEVER
dumbo3k: dangit, now i really want to play this game, but my brother just left today >.<
Zenergy142: Only if it hasn't already been seized or you don't have it
Happy Partner anniversary!
Zenergy142: Sorry for all the back seating, theis game has Capital R Rules
StageMgrRob: is anyone else getting brief flashes of the "Going Online" screen?
dumbo3k: and the 7 can't seize if the Initiative has already been seized this turn
frank_the_great: I got an ad for a toilet paper dispenser, like the kind offices have, for offices
Mattmitchell45: @frank_the_great Live large
dumbo3k: @Zenergy142 Yeah, I love this game, but it is definitely capital R rules game

Zenergy142: @loadingreadyrun yeah that's Bennet Foody dude
DeChunkandFriends: Damaged ships also don't count for the target icon on the red and orange dice.

BorealMage: @stagemgrrob not here

Zenergy142: Aggressor controls everything
Zenergy142: In combat
Mattmitchell45: The first time some Provokes Outrage by Raiding a City too hard is always surprising

dumbo3k: @Zenergy142 correct me if I'm wrong, but Trophies and Captives only get returned if that ambition gets scored, right?
SkylerRingtail: There is no consent in warfare
Zenergy142: That is correct
Mattmitchell45: @dumbo3k Correct
SymphonySolstice: You Don't Get A Chioce.
Zenergy142: Oy trophies will be returned
SymphonySolstice: Choice even
Zenergy142: Only
Zenergy142: Captives will stay caltive
Zenergy142: Captive
saucemaster5000: ooo I got a copy of this over the holidays, got to play it early thanks to a friend getting it early, it's a cool game!
DeChunkandFriends: Correct, Dumbo3k. Things are only given back when scored.
Zenergy142: Sometimes you just have to declare tyrant, even though you can't win it, so you can get your ships back
LoadingReadyRun: trophy's and captives are returned whenn/if that ambition is scroed, right?
Zenergy142: Yes Sir Paul Sir
Mattmitchell45: @LoadingReadyRun Yes, even if you didn't 1st or 2nd place it, everyone sends them back
Heckhoundbolt: Zenergy142 the resident expert
Zenergy142: (I have played this game too much and have MTG level brain worms about it and the rules)
Happy Partner anniversary!everyone rotate countries clockwise
JadedCynic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Thanks for subscribing, JadedCynic! (Today's storm count: 43)
LoadingReadyRun: thanks for the rules assist @Zenergy142 !
Zenergy142: No problem
BaronVonPoppinOff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
Thanks for subscribing, BaronVonPoppinOff! (Today's storm count: 44)
Mattmitchell45: @Zenergy142 Can I hit you up in the Discord for Campaign rules questions? 😅
Zenergy142: I'm at work so I can only read chat a bit, so having them ask audibly or better if a question is immediately
Zenergy142: @mattmitchell45 I have sadly played 0 games of the campaign
Zenergy142: But we'll over 100 of the base game and Leaders and Lore
Mattmitchell45: woah
CosmicDuctTape subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CosmicDuctTape! (Today's storm count: 45)
Zenergy142: I think about Arcs every day
Rourke9: Oh wow I'm SO happy to see you all playing ARCS! Really hoping for an Oath long game at some point
kusinohki: meows
Happy Partner anniversary!
LoadingReadyRun: Is there a multigame campaign mode?
Rourke9: ARCS and Oath just get my game designer wheels turning
Zenergy142: Indeed
Zenergy142: There is an expansion
LoadingReadyRun: neat!
Zenergy142: I think Ben said he got it
Rourke9: @LoadingReadyRun There is! For this, and for Oath
Mattmitchell45: @LoadingReadyRun 3 games, with evolving factions
Zenergy142: You'd have to ask him
CosmicDuctTape: @LoadingReadyRun There is! The Blighted Reach expansion is a 3 game mini campaign
fjordsword: "Ah, that's interesting" ... something you never want to hear an opponent say
Heckhoundbolt: Its not that long for a legacy game, but it also does not destroy component and is very replayable
SymphonySolstice: ominous
jamcnerny subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
jamcnerny: hello there
Thanks for subscribing, jamcnerny! (Today's storm count: 46)
Zenergy142: When I asked him in Vegas he said he got it
CosmicDuctTape: and Oath is an honourary "long game"
theneatestburrito: Played Twilight Imperium this weekend and now I really want to try out Arcs!
Rourke9: @LoadingReadyRun ARCS was originally designed to be a three game campaign, and during development was split into the basic box and the expansion which adds the campaign
dumbo3k: huh, I only just realized that the card number matches the ambition icon's number, so there is two ways to identify which ambition it would declare
Mattmitchell45: The ARCS expansion is almost a game that plays on top of the existing game system, but for many factions, Victory Points aren't the main focus
Mattmitchell45: @dumbo3k Now I never noticed that
Zenergy142: @theneatestburrito this is, in my opinion, the better of those two games by a Far Margin
Rourke9: @Rourke9 Oath, on the other hand, was designed to be a ground-up legacy game rather than putting a legacy game on an existing system like Risk or Ticket to Ride
theneatestburrito: that's what I'm imagining, too. And I had a great time with TI @Zenergy142
Zenergy142: I don't doubt that
Zenergy142: I had a good time with it oo
Zenergy142: Too
CosmicDuctTape: Oath sings with repeated gameplay with the same group (so the metanarrative history can develop)
dumbo3k: @CosmicDuctTape sounds like it could be good for a Long Game stream
saucemaster5000: Oath was Cole Wehrle going full psychadelic mode, this is him dialing it back and focusing on a solid game (with campaign treats if you want em)
Rourke9: Yeah, though you can play with different people if you need
Rourke9: @dumbo3k Oath is my dream Long Game to watch
Zenergy142: A little silly
Zenergy142: It passes to the next person if you need to skip
CosmicDuctTape: @saucemaster5000 it'll be fun to see how the Oath expansion applies some of the lessons from Arcs back onto Oath
Rourke9: yeah I love how Oath and Arcs are in conversation with each other
dumbo3k: The court cards have the same Key icons that determine how difficult they are to steal during a raid
Zenergy142: Only if you score the ambitious
Zenergy142: Damn, now I wanna play Arcs
CosmicDuctTape: @Rourke9 gotta factor Root into that conversation as well
Zenergy142: I'm Joonsing
dumbo3k: @Zenergy142 yeah, me too >.<
Getter404: Triple pipped up on a Wednesday night
Zenergy142: The official Table Top Sim port is good
Rourke9: @CosmicDuctTape yeah absolutely, and even his games before Root. I feel like these two are more directly contrasting though in how they deal with legacy systems and historical narratives
CosmicDuctTape: @Rourke9 true true
dumbo3k: I'm pretty sure more than one Ambition marker can be put on the same ambition, right?
CosmicDuctTape: @dumbo3k correct
Mattmitchell45: @Zenergy142 I hadn't heard about that. I wish more board games had good digital. I'd buy them both ways
Sorator13: they're ships in space, yes
PMAvers: Space Boat: Port to Port
Zenergy142: It's a free TTS mod published by Leadr
RockPusher: Starships are submarines
DeChunkandFriends: It's like that anime Yamato, the boat that is a space ship
HadesLeprechaun: RMS Titanic, from Doctor Who!
Zenergy142: Remember to keep trophies as trophies please
JadedCynic: remember "Space Is An Ocean" is a trope...except when the story needs the "Space is the Sky" trope for like WW2 dogfights for combat
kusinohki: "what if - a submarine was in space?" - XKCD
Zenergy142: Cori has got this Locked In
Zenergy142: Nice job Cori
Oh frig, I love Arcs 
DeChunkandFriends: Initiative stays with whoever had it at the end of the previous chapter.
Zenergy142: This game is a Trench
Mattmitchell45: They were not prepared how competitive it got
CosmicDuctTape: Competitive Arcs was going as before the physical version was even out
RockPusher: JadedCynic little ships, space is the sky and you get dogfights, big ships, space is and ocean and you get big old cannon broadsides
danielOut: the first thing our play group wanted to do after finishing our first game was run it back because we had that strong urge.
Zenergy142: Remember every hand is a bad hand James!
Mattmitchell45: It's very cutthroat
Heckhoundbolt: it should be noted. The mini campaign of Arcs recommends that you play at least one game of Arcs
HadesLeprechaun: I (personally) feel like I would get frustrated by the strategic card play and action choice being undermined by very random dice-rolling combat
Zenergy142: Also, two player Arcs ends with concession quite often
CosmicDuctTape: 2p is aggressive, but aggressive in a different way than other player counts are aggressive. What I'm saying is that Arcs is aggressive (same hat, Ian)
SkylerRingtail: Gotta stop the colonizers before they set up shop. Spirit Island taught us that
DeChunkandFriends: That's... a surprising roll for those dice.
Getter404: Release the Weenie Fleet
ClaytonClayDavis: What a stand! hahaha
Koretex_: also if they are both damaged they cant intercept
Zenergy142: @hadesleprechaun a lot of the downside of the randomness is offset by how much control you have over the rest of combat
CosmicDuctTape: @DeChunkandFriends that absolute pain of rolling blanks on Assault dice is real
dumbo3k: @Koretex_ Oooh true, true, which makes teh red dice more tempting
Zenergy142: And the risk reward of the spokier dice is a really fun decision tree
Zenergy142: *spookier
DeChunkandFriends: @CosmicDuctTape Rolling no keys on them and blowing up a city by accident sucks as well.
HadesLeprechaun: @Zenergy142 perhaps! Fortunately a bit moot because I don't intend to ever play competitive Arcs, lol
LoadingReadyRun: I do like the dice choosing mechanic. Feels a bit like Dice Throne or Dice Forge
Bruceski: The dice choosing adds an element of "well I asked for this" to bad luck.
RrKonu: no its before move
Koretex_: dice system is def one of the best parts are arcs imo
Bruceski: Whether you play it safe or not
Mattmitchell45: @LoadingReadyRun Also any chance to call the person blasting space lasers at you a "coward"
Twilight_Spark: I love the #Spacing Guild #Ad.
kusinohki: played Eclipse last Sat and I had the ultimate glass cannon fighters with the red dice Ion cannons (?) that hit for 4 damage and a +2 computer but only standard hull so 1 hit would take them out. never built a bigger ship...
Zenergy142: Remember, if and a player are tied for control, no one controls it and you can catapult through
Zenergy142: If * you
LoadingReadyRun: James "Peer Pressure" Turner
dumbo3k: oh boy
Rourke9: dice choosing is very elegant
dumbo3k: that is going to hurt
CosmicDuctTape: i n t e r c e p t i o n
Zenergy142: You it get intercepted once
Bruceski: James is gonna attack and pick all blues and the table's gonna flip.
Zenergy142: You only get intercepted once
Heckhoundbolt: ouch
CosmicDuctTape: yes, Ian gets that
Zenergy142: It is
DeChunkandFriends: Yes, Ian gets it as a trophy
Zenergy142: It's a trophy
Vilun: good move Ian
CosmicDuctTape: womp womp
dumbo3k: ahahaha I was thinking Ian didn't have anything worth stealing
Heckhoundbolt: oops
CosmicDuctTape: good job Ben

Mattmitchell45: Question to anyone who has played with the "nicer" components - Does anyone like the rubbery ships?
Happy Partner anniversary!
CosmicDuctTape: the risk Ben took was calculated
ClaytonClayDavis: monkaS
Dog_of_Myth: You get nothing, good day sir!

Bruceski: Ben stole Ian's nothing, so now Ian doesn't have nothing and must have something?
Zenergy142: I think the rubbery ships are worse than the wood ones
dumbo3k: @CosmicDuctTape but he sure is bad at maths
RrKonu: @Zenergy142 100%
Zenergy142: The wood ones sit on their side nicer for damages pueces
Space whale 
sithenin: Since the attacker chooses where hits go, could Ben have killed one of Ian's whips with that 2 damage instead of wounding 2
CosmicDuctTape: Space whale
Mattmitchell45: Agree, I just wondered if anyone felt strongly about them
Getter404: James, constantly Gatekeeping... wait what
Zenergy142: Strong card James
spethycakes: Yes, My Gatekeeper
CosmicDuctTape: the Kyle Ferrin Brand Space Whale
Twilight_Spark: Excellent art, my Gatekeeper.
Zenergy142: "free" that effect RULES
Zenergy142: Don't pitch that lightly

Getter404: With some sort of Space Belly Rub
Twilight_Spark: Lick the space whale (w/ consent)
CosmicDuctTape: I mean, Gatekeepers is Fuel coded, so space krill may not be far off
dumbo3k: just all the Guild cards, not the Vox cards
Mattmitchell45: @Zenergy142 In the campaign, there is a card that lets you build cities in gates. Can truly become a Gatekeeper
betweenmyself: feed them some space Krill (before they become the Hive)
Zenergy142: Yeah that's in Leaders and Lore as well @mattmitchell45
Zenergy142: Stronk
ClaytonClayDavis: Keep that strength FeelsStrongMan
CosmicDuctTape: Declare, and keep your 5, 6, or 7
kusinohki: I forget what book it was where humans played music for space whales to do interstellar travel...
Happy Partner anniversary!
Zenergy142: @cosmicducttape can't declare on a 7
Zenergy142: They don't have the declare symbol
dumbo3k: @Zenergy142 Aren't 7's a wildcard for declaring ambitions? they have a ? symbol
Zenergy142: And the 1s declare for anything
CosmicDuctTape: @Zenergy142 yes you can, 7s are wild, 1s have no symbol
Zenergy142: Oh frick
Rourke9: a friend of mine just came out with a space whale book and I'm thrilled
Zenergy142: I mixed up the 1s and 7s
Mattmitchell45: @Rourke9 Cool beans
Zenergy142: Noooooooo
Zenergy142: I've discredited myself by being wrong on the Internet
dumbo3k: yeah, declaring ambition on a 1 doesn't really affect anyone else being able to surpass, whereas declaring on a 7 would allow more people to surpass
Zenergy142: DANG
Zenergy142: You are correct my good friend
sithenin: Rules question for anyone that knows. Do you have to damage ships first, or can you use 2 hits to kill if going for trophies?
Zenergy142: You can assign damage as you wish
dumbo3k: @sithenin aggressor decides where the damage goes
Getter404: Oooh that's some Dakka
Zenergy142: Which means, yes, you can kill a ship if you have 2 damage
Zenergy142: And the ship is Ready
Zenergy142: Cities
sithenin: Thanks
CosmicDuctTape: Cities cause outrage, Spaceports don't
Zenergy142: Oy cities
Bruceski: Oh, part of the damaged base side is black! I was wondering how that triangle flipped into a hexagon.
dumbo3k: things blow up at space ports all the time
stupidforgames: I mean, it work gets blown up, you get the day off, right?
theneatestburrito: spaceports are valid military targets according to the reigning sociopolitical paradigm
CosmicDuctTape: and insta sieze the conch!
kusinohki: any space port in a space storm
Zenergy142: There is a different between bombing a planet from orbit and taking out a space station
Zenergy142: The marker has to be available
Zenergy142: He cant
Zenergy142: Or am I crazy again
KeytarCat: "When you blow up a city, bad things happen!"
Zenergy142: I might be crazy again
dumbo3k: I'm pretty sure Populist Demand allows him to declare any ambition, explicitly
Zenergy142: I think you're correct actually
Ratosai: There were two markers available (the orange 4 and the blue 3), so he can declare any ambition with the 4
dumbo3k: but yeah, if 3 ambitions have already been declared, there is no more declaring of ambitions
Zenergy142: Ah yes
Ratosai: ^
Zenergy142: You'd think with this much okay time.id have these rules locked in
Getter404: Just heard that in the Conan O'Brien voice. "UMLER: Seeeecreeeeets"
Ratosai: "...in the yeeeeaaaar two-thooooousaaaaannndd..."
Getter404: And now to go hide in the Shame Corner for the next 20 minutes for that name typo
dumbo3k: uh oh, Horner's Death Fleets are moving!
dumbo3k: Paul! Only Chat is allowed to Back Seat!
Zenergy142: James said it's his turn with the initiative
Zenergy142: Yeah Paul, you're gonna leave us out of a Job
Zenergy142: Yes you can
Zenergy142: You have to tax a City not a system
dumbo3k: If you have two cities on that spot, you can then tax it with two actions
kusinohki: paul should do "football commentary" including drawing on the screen of what play should have happened...
Zenergy142: Yeah what @dumbo3k said
Zenergy142: Remember James, you control.those Gates
Zenergy142: Get in there and show Ian who's boss
dumbo3k: oh yeah, that is another big thing, if a rival taxes your city, you can't tax it yourself this turn
HadesLeprechaun: taxing more than once leads to riots, dont want that
Zenergy142: Is that true? @dumbo3k I don't remember reading that
LoadingReadyRun: @kusinohki If you want commentary, the 2024 Canadian Highlander Championship is on Sunday!
dumbo3k: @Zenergy142 Yeah, I remember reading that a City can only be taxed once per turn, regardless of who taxes that city
CosmicDuctTape: @dumbo3k but a turn would be an individual player turn
Zenergy142: I think your misremembering
Zenergy142: Yeah
LoadingReadyRun: @dumbo3k "we already payed taxes" "Not to me you didn't"
Zenergy142: You can absolutely tax a City another player has taxed
CosmicDuctTape: Chapter -> Round -> Turn
kusinohki: I just want board games to get popular enough to warrant commentary...
Zenergy142: Oh The James Armada!
Zenergy142: Get in the Red Zone
HadesLeprechaun: @kusinohki we can be the change we want to see in the world
Zenergy142: (and role.the blue dice please for the love of God)
Zenergy142: Yeah
file_maker: @kusinohki there would have to be a *lot* fewer of them
CosmicDuctTape: Weapons are the weird outlier for resources
dumbo3k: @Zenergy142 mmk, I think I know where my brain went kerflunky, it mashed together Round and Turn in my brain
Zenergy142: The Weapon Resource is weird. It essentially adds the word "battle" to a card for your turn
ThePixelSavage: There are several world championships for board games with commentary. Settlers of Catan being one of the more popular ones @kusinohki
Mattmitchell45: It might have already been said, but if you Tax a Rival's City (and you have the control to do so), you get one of their agents
kusinohki: wtf - twitch just crashed on me or something. got kicked off the stream and back to the main menu...
Zenergy142: You can't seize with the 7
file_maker: @ThePixelSavage Space Cats Peace Turtles does a ton of good Twilight Imperium content
Heckhoundbolt: how can he catapult, he lacks control of the sector
Zenergy142: If they already seized
Sorator13: @Zenergy142 that's why Ian played an extra card to seize, yes
Zenergy142: @heckhoundbolt but no one controlled the sector
Zenergy142: Neutral sectors can be catapult through
Heckhoundbolt: ben had more fresh ships
Zenergy142: He ended there tho right?
Vilun: why does everyone but James have 2 spaceports?
Heckhoundbolt: he moved from yellow 6 to void 4
CosmicDuctTape: @Vilun presumably because they've been building while James hasn't
kusinohki: are there different tiers of catan championships? like base catan. cities and knights. seafarers?? or do they play different expansions in different rounds??
DeChunkandFriends: You can only roll 6 dice maximum, no matter what else
Zenergy142: @heckhoundbolt oh you right
Zenergy142: Well they can't back up now
Zenergy142: Oopsie
Mattmitchell45: I also thought a bit of Warhammer roll checks last time I played

Zenergy142: Anyway gamers, work's gonna heat up for the evening and my breaks are all done. It's been great hanging out and chatting
dumbo3k: I'm rereading the rules and all I see is no more than 6 dice of a type, so can't have 7 red or blue dice
Zenergy142: If you have a chance to play this game, play it
Mattmitchell45: @Zenergy142 Have a nice night
Zenergy142: Have a lovely night, be kind to one another
Ratosai: It's possible to roll 15 dice. Probably won't happen, but it's possible.
Dog_of_Myth: @Zenergy142 Thanks for the rules help and have a good rest of your night.
Heckhoundbolt: see ya Zenergy
dumbo3k: Damaged Ships can't Intercept
CosmicDuctTape: @dumbo3k ah, well TIL
Twilight_Spark: That man knows jizz.
Sorator13: omg I love him
dumbo3k: Yeah, 1 dice per attacking ship, no more than 6 of any one type, and can only take Raid dice if there is a defending city there, or the defender has no cities left on the board
HadesLeprechaun: Hey I think I fought them in Everhood
dumbo3k: you can also choose to take less dice than the number of ships you have
DeChunkandFriends: You can claim the same ambition multiple times a chapter, so you could make one ambition worth 12 points if you want.
CosmicDuctTape: how dare James Turner of all people steal the Mining Interest
Mattmitchell45: I'm surprised we don't have any Tycoons yet. I'm often a Daniel Planeview Oil Man type player, myself
CosmicDuctTape: Time for James to fall into a (Black) hole
CosmicDuctTape: passed to the left
DeChunkandFriends: To the next player, Ben
Twilight_Spark: Next player counter-clockwise I think?
Twilight_Spark: Oh, clockwise. Well whatever.
dumbo3k: On a tie for first place, all tied players get second place. On a tie for second place, the tied players do not place and gain no Power.
NonMint: God this is game is a masterpiece.
dumbo3k: Your stockpile has key symbols
stupidforgames: may as well spend from the 1 key symbol slot

LoadingReadyRun: Space Whale burps: *5 spaceships come out*
Happy Partner anniversary!

CosmicDuctTape: @LoadingReadyRun incredible imagery, Paul
NonMint: Now for the best phase: ADMIN
Orxolon: *kid voice* but i don' wanaaaaaaa
dumbo3k: I usually watch AFK as second monitor content, something I can glance at and listen to while doing something else, but this game has me riveted as main screen content
CosmicDuctTape: @dumbo3k big same, but I mean yeah, it's Arcs
Q_sic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Q_sic! (Today's storm count: 47)
Happy Partner anniversary!
coriolis_storm: Hey chat! When is the Aetherace PPR?
ThePixelSavage: James will now retire champion
Dog_of_Myth: !ppr
LoadingReadyRun: @dumbo3k @CosmicDuctTape good to hear!
HadesLeprechaun: go all in on one ambition, get someone 15 points
coriolis_storm: TY @dog_of_myth !

ThePixelSavage: what is the name of the artist who did the art for this game. it looks awesomely oldschool sci-fi
CosmicDuctTape: @ThePixelSavage Kyle Ferrin
ThePixelSavage: thank you
Papperslappen: Galactic Bards have the best card art
Sethalidos: so Ben has David Bowie?
Go, Lactic Bard! 
TheDevil_Risen: ok who just imagined ben riding on a mage hand too?
Galactic Bard aka Oozy Osbourne
CosmicDuctTape: Paul. How dare you. Incredible. INCREDIBLE.
Sethalidos: well played, Paul. Well played
ThePixelSavage: @LoadingReadyRun *slow clap*
KeytarCat: Do a barrel roll!
Twilight_Spark: I think it means its sails are caught.
@KeytarCat *adjusts glasses* you mean a aileron roll? 
Diabore: james on the "kill me coward" plan
HadesLeprechaun: he HAS been through it, but also, he's still your main threat still being in second place, lol
LoadingReadyRun: anyone have other Ooze/Slime singers?
dumbo3k: Planetary Defense guns
PMAvers: I mean, we've seen what happens when DS9 gets attacked.
Sticky Martin? 
kusinohki: montley crud was the best I could come up with, but i'm not happy about it...
well, a fire breaks out on your ship; that doesn't have to be caused by enemy ships 
DeChunkandFriends: Remember, it only goes into outrage if you destroy the city, not the spaceport.
dumbo3k: destroyed cities and space ports are trophies IIRC
CosmicDuctTape: @LoadingReadyRun "Weird Al" Yangoovic
CosmicDuctTape: yes, a destroyed building is a trophy
DeChunkandFriends: You get a finger wag from the guild
Twilight_Spark: It hits ships first and then buildings I think.
SymphonySolstice: The Goobie Brothers
kusinohki: *smacks forehead* goo goo dolls is right there...
betweenmyself: @loadingreadyrun Wayne Non-Newtonian Fluid?
Papperslappen: Ozzy Osmosisborne
dumbo3k: @LoadingReadyRun The Ooze Brothers (Blues Brothers)
Twilight_Spark: Intercept not that dangerous I guess.
ThePixelSavage: what is the bar that goes from 1 to 50 at the bottom of the board for?
Juliamon: Papperslappen Oozy
CosmicDuctTape: @ThePixelSavage keeping score when you're not streaming
kusinohki: score track I'm guessing
ThePixelSavage: ah ok
LoadingReadyRun: @ThePixelSavage player score, we're using the overlay, though
ThePixelSavage: thank you all
SymphonySolstice: oh oh, Oozric Tentacles
betweenmyself: noted 90s band S(ub)lime
KeytarCat: Thank Goo Scientist
Heckhoundbolt: but... they were both intercepts though
Getter404: Truly the most majestic of j<at>z wailers
kusinohki: looks like there's a +50 and +100 space too... I thought the game ended at 27 pts or something??
CosmicDuctTape: @kusinohki that comes into play in Blighted Reach campaigns
DeChunkandFriends: I've seen people surpass with a 1 and take the initiative.
Papperslappen: This game is so good. The base game is great and then it gets even better with the leaders and lore cards and then there is the whole campaign expansion
Papperslappen: You know shit is getting real when the red dice comes out
@Papperslappen we *started* with the red dice 
dumbo3k: Also you can be kind of trollish by killing your enemy's ships, but then never scoring warlord
LoadingReadyRun: @dumbo3k so you just keep all their ships?
dumbo3k: @LoadingReadyRun yep, until Warlord finally gets scored
dumbo3k: @LoadingReadyRun same with agents/captives and Tyrant
Papperslappen: Killing ships is fun just for the sake of it and also for gaining control over gates and systems
betweenmyself: Oozy Singers: new from Nickelodeon, Igak Hayes!
dumbo3k: All trophies are worth the same amount
Twilight_Spark: How many of Ian's ships are on people's boards by this point? xD
Happy Partnerversary!
HadesLeprechaun: we're learning!
jessicaengle: Sometimes forward, sometimes learning?
HadesLeprechaun: oh, I couldn't hear it at all, lol
LoadingReadyRun: I guess the music is a little quiet, don't want it to be distracting
This music is a little less anxiety-inducing than it was a little earlier 
dumbo3k: all your cities placed, or taken as trophies
CosmicDuctTape: did Cori build from a prelude, is she actually copying, or did she mean "repair" when she said "build"?
CosmicDuctTape: Ho Chi Minh City!
dumbo3k: Destroying a city does let you secure a card that the defender had influence markers on
Quaseymoto: Go for Risk Legacy in the long game
frank_the_great: Have y'all played Axis and Allies? It's like adult Risk
jessicaengle: This knowledge explains something about James.
Who still plays risk in 2025? People who started a game back in 2023 
Twilight_Spark: Does Outrage clean at the end of every chapter?
SymphonySolstice: jesus
CosmicDuctTape: @Twilight_Spark quite the contrary, outrage lasts for the rest of the game
Mai_Andra: hell yeah
Julian_Rogue: Thats Risky
Mai_Andra: 4D Risk
Heckhoundbolt: oh goodness
Twilight_Spark: @CosmicDuctTape Well that seems nuts eh?
rogerivany: Who won?
CosmicDuctTape: @Twilight_Spark you're only losing the prelude power, so it's a calculated gamble
SymphonySolstice: the real risk is someone getting pissed off from having to leave a game of risk on their table
CosmicDuctTape: I've definitely found the gains from provoking outrage worth it (such as ransacking the court)
chrono2x subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 124 months!
Thanks for subscribing, chrono2x! (Today's storm count: 48)
CosmicDuctTape: *worth it at times
dumbo3k: @CosmicDuctTape yeah, ransacking the court is huge
Julian_Rogue: Big ups for the music Paul @LoadingReadyRun
LoadingReadyRun: The other Risk is stepping on the little plastic pieces in barefeet
Ratosai: Delicious, delicious captives
Happy Partner anniversary!
HadesLeprechaun: I think this game looks amazing and I'm probably gonna buy it, but I feel like the one thing it's missing (based on just this playthrough) is like, a politic-ing element, which is one of my favorite parts of something like Twilight Imperium
CosmicDuctTape: @dumbo3k especially when there are Agent-filled court cards and Warlord is in play
PMAvers: The traditional trading of shots off the bow of the other ship
dumbo3k: @HadesLeprechaun I mean, that's depends on the players, not the game
Twilight_Spark: Seems powerful.
Twilight_Spark: Ben's winning, get him!
dumbo3k: I've definitely had games of Arcs where we had shifting alliances
HadesLeprechaun: @dumbo3k kinda, it's mechanically built into TI4
CosmicDuctTape: well, if Ben gets 4 points in this chapter, the game ends... James just needs to get more points than Ben
Julian_Rogue: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:20:51.
CosmicDuctTape: time for some classic Cole Wehrle kingmaking!
dumbo3k: reaching the 27 just ends the game early, before all the chapters are up, not necessarily win, as someone else could still get enough points to have the most
Vilun: Bards only works if an ambition isn't declared

LoadingReadyRun: FWIW there are lots of additional mechanics in the base set of the game
dumbo3k: uh, looking at the rules, you can raid spaceports too
CosmicDuctTape: @dumbo3k correct
dumbo3k: Raid dice only require a defending building, not just city
dumbo3k: Outrage! and Ransack!
Getter404: Outrage, so first you lose points equal to your Bird cards, then your leader gets deposed
let 'em cook a sec.
dumbo3k: Material Cartel is fantastic for Tycoon
Sorator13: James is now a Material Girl
dumbo3k: James just wants ships to go Pew Pew and Kaboom
dumbo3k: Just put all 3 markers on Warlord, whats the worst that could happen?
DarkestDesu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Happy Partner anniversary!
Thanks for subscribing, DarkestDesu! (Today's storm count: 49)
CosmicDuctTape: @dumbo3k explosions
SymphonySolstice: the alarm sounds like snooooork mimimimi
CosmicDuctTape: Twitch is making a big deal of it, though
Twilight_Spark: Now spaceships wives, I'm into.
my Partnerversary!
Vilun: does James think it's 2026?
@Vilun it's January - everyone gets hazy on date calculations 
Twilight_Spark: He's gumming the wormways!
dumbo3k: I really appreciate Ben holding his hand far enough forward that we get to see.
dumbo3k: makes me feel like I'm playing xD
CosmicDuctTape: and now the game truly begins!
LoadingReadyRun: We need a thermal camera to show when the player's heads start to heat up
CosmicDuctTape: non-optimal hands sure do happen in this game
CosmicDuctTape: the sleeves for my Arcs action deck all say "This is a good card". I did that ironically and as a calm reassurance
dumbo3k: it is useful to note that Tycoon counts both Material, and Fuel
JadedCynic: "But, Doctor...I booked Pagliaci."
JadedCynic: *waves from Commentary Booth*
RockPusher: "Let's go over to fart-cam and see how the pressure is affecting the players!"
BITs19_: crapshot idea?
dumbo3k: how much for a kilo of bard?
dumbo3k: ransacking is always after causing an outrage
CosmicDuctTape: or damage both
RrKonu: no control
RrKonu: without ships
RrKonu: yellow city
Sorator13: that's not what control means, you need a ship there
dumbo3k: Blue has control of an Ian city, a weapon city in sector 2
Sorator13: can't return the city you returned, I believe
RrKonu: @Sorator13 correct
CosmicDuctTape: loyal, but not ruled
Twilight_Spark: Song of Freedom.
RrKonu: city you control
Sorator13: Now we're good, yeah

NotCainNorAbel: and retire champ
CosmicDuctTape: welcome to the Arcs swing, James
SymphonySolstice: the game is good when you're winning
Bruceski: So does anyone else assume that the existence of Outrage means these cities are all populated by the Woodland creatures?
CosmicDuctTape: @Bruceski that'd be quite the crossover
@Bruceski well I do now. 
dumbo3k: interesting Choice. Cori playing Kingmaker maybe?
CosmicDuctTape: @dumbo3k Kingmaker? In a Cole Wehrle game?
Twilight_Spark: The cheese tax, the cheese tax.
Sorator13: Cori held that grudge for the early raid for a long time, eh?
CosmicDuctTape: @Sorator13 I was about to say, clearly this is the final extension of their game long petty squabbling
CosmicDuctTape: and also ending the game a chapter early, true!
dumbo3k: well, if she had done relics, could've denied James 6 points from that, and probably anyone else, and if he won Tycoon and Warlord, that puts him at 25, not 27
dumbo3k: Pretty sure the city bonus is only for winning the ambition in first? lemme check my rulebook
CosmicDuctTape: @dumbo3k you'd be correct
Sorator13: does Cori get 6 for Warlord second place because of the +2 as well?
RrKonu: GG

Sorator13: not that it changes the standings

Sorator13: game seems cool!
CosmicDuctTape: @Sorator13 not that it changes the standings
CosmicDuctTape: the Leder booth was cray cray at Gen Con last summer
Twilight_Spark: He's not even at his full power.
Getter404: James at merely 10% of his full power
CosmicDuctTape: gotta keep playing so you know the game well enough to then tack Blighted Reach on top of it all
CosmicDuctTape: and Leaders & Lore along the way
I love it, the dice is great, the leaders and lore cards are great
after playing a few games of it im so tempted to buy the campaign now

ClaytonClayDavis: the expansion IS the game... the base game is just a compromise to get new people into the campaign

iris_of_ether: Satisfying thunk
CosmicDuctTape: The expansion was gonna be the full game, and then the base game was split out
Getter404: So the core box is "only" the Quick Play mode, as a way to make it affordable
TheAwkes: It does fit in there!
PMAvers: The expansion box is that big because there's a organizer in there to keep track of the game state, since stuff carries over between games.
Getter404: what's friends, Precious?
CosmicDuctTape: it's only always ever 3 games, Ben!
danielOut: campaign is 3 games.
PMAvers: Thankfully the campaign is only 3 games.
dumbo3k: This was fantastic thanks! Now I need to play this game again
iris_of_ether: I do like a Qwerp
CosmicDuctTape: oooooo
Sorator13: I want y'all to do that so badly
danielOut: "Cards on the table" see what you did there.
Twilight_Spark: Short interlude for a few games.
Getter404: And now, my weekly plea: Arkham tho
EvilBadman: Oh it is? Lol
Redbassist: Of course
tehfewl: i just resleeved my Slay the Spire board game
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening!
Lysander_salamander: Thanks for playing
questionablchoices: thanks
Juliamon: they're cowards
Juliamon: that combo is *iconic*
CosmicDuctTape: yay Fu"t!
EvilBadman: Perhaps we just couldn't see the invisible stalker
ClaytonClayDavis: its a good tiiiiiime

Redbassist: Honse
Sorator13: oh, is *that* what Wheeler's joke is about?
Twilight_Spark: uwu
Sorator13: Apple, Banana, Calzone
KeytarCat: Back in the C section
its canon now 
Twilight_Spark: Forget the moonbase, this is the mall!
Happy Partner anniversary!
tehfewl: (it will be horny anyways)
danielOut subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 46 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, danielOut! (Today's storm count: 50)
SymphonySolstice: dabits

Now that they're gone 
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