Strebenherz: did they use the wrong preview image
Juliamon: previously yeah
BusTed: k
Juliamon: !ppr
sporkraptor: that startled the heck out of me XD
Sethalidos: secret Cori Podcast
Strebenherz: Cori in the walls
sporkraptor: Bonus Cori
Strebenherz: Vampire Jo sneaking into your house to tell you about the PPR
Strebenherz: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: The Long Game (Choo Choo! We train barons y'all! Game: Ticket to Ride Legacy) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (9m from now).
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Gem!
Hi friends! 
RandomTrivia: Aww, that's nice of you, LRRbot
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Oh, I see next week they are playing a bird game. Nice.
TheAinMAP: Signal

kusinohki: meows
Happy Partner anniversary!
serramarkov subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
serramarkov: Woo hoo, 9 to go!
Thanks for subscribing, serramarkov! (Today's storm count: 21)
lamina5432: evening people.
People? where? 
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: What about Evening People?
museum_girl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 93 months!
Thanks for subscribing, museum_girl! (Today's storm count: 22)
Juliamon: it's me, an evening person
paronomasiac042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
paronomasiac042: i like trains
Thanks for subscribing, paronomasiac042! (Today's storm count: 23)
TheAinMAP: Highball!

Diabore: oh my god nelson and beej are in the same room
HbombAndFriends: James looks a lot like Beej tonight.
RandomTrivia: Cori's jumper is amazing
Orxolon: with stops in "chat you're all funny" and "Whomst?Youmst!"
Strebenherz: oooh
Juliamon: !store
kusinohki: random thought - if beej subs in for cori and ian, how hard would it be to photoshop an image so it looks like 4 beejs are playing??
Juliamon: depends on where they have him sit

Sorator13: trains! trains! trains!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Go big and go home, Beej
adept_nekomancer: @kusinohki [beejdrop noise plays]
Juliamon: gold mosey
couchboyj: Gold rush much better known that the platinum meander
kusinohki: the gold crawl
Juliamon: shiny stroll
omdorastrix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Thanks for subscribing, omdorastrix! (Today's storm count: 24)
kusinohki: the silver skip
couchboyj: Precious metal mosey
orrie104: gold gambol
kusinohki: bronze bumbling
LostThePirate: Yay, home from wok in time for TRAINS!
Decaped: Double gold rush on the board
Sorator13: just wait, we'll have Ticket to Ride: Beejdrop Edition
Sorator13: wubwubwub
couchboyj: Ticket to Beej
MacbethSeemsSus: Soon all will be Beej

TheAinMAP: Ian just said.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Too Soon. Or I guess too late.
adept_nekomancer: @MacbethSeemsSus All will Beej one.
Decaped: Need more canadian trains to transport all the oil.
lamina5432: reminds me of the elon musk idiot idea i just heard that hes making underground car shuttles
Juliamon: nothing that cretin says is worth listening to or thinking about
lamina5432: i was like you know subways would just be better and is already a thing
Cptasparagus: momma cass in a fake moustache
omdorastrix: I prefer local joints to Subway - often better options for cheaper.
Strebenherz: amazing
TheAwkes: Mama We Get One Fuck Per Movie
kusinohki: big momma (recently finished cake island arc of one piece)

enbycephalopod: MamaPool
Nigouki: Middle school in Toronto was great. You got to learn to swear in Farsi, Korean, Russian and Hebrew
thrythlind is gifting 8 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 272 in the channel!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to InitialBird!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to Squdnate!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to SDust!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to baoist!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to CraziestOwl!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to Moroklumpen!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to Killjoy616!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to Adeli3!
Thanks for the gifts, thrythlind! Welcome to InitialBird, Squdnate, SDust, Moroklumpen, baoist, CraziestOwl, Adeli3, and Killjoy616! (Today's storm count: 32)
enbycephalopod: I wonder how Jonny is doing

LoadingReadyRun: how's the music volume?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I just finished my latest rewatch not too long ago.
kusinohki: tuba or not tuba.... that's a question??
LostThePirate: I don't hear any music, but I have my volume kinda low.
MAPBoardgames: Who runs Alberta town?
Jillexie: Ian runs Alberta town
LoadingReadyRun: 'Berta Town?
kusinohki: alberta alberta... where'd you been so long. ain't had no lovin'.... since you've been gone

xantos69: Hang on a sec... I'm in Kansas. How come I have not noticed any of this?
kusinohki: hate to tell you this, but you may not be in kansas anymore
adept_nekomancer: Kansas will be there... look for it's coming at first light, on the fifth day.
MacbethSeemsSus: Beware kansas' alter ego though. Ar-Kansas
KaleidoscopeMind: wow, James really looks like Beej when he shaves
kusinohki: trying to come up with an UR-kansas joke. brain no worky
MAPBoardgames: Dongver, Cootcharado?
StageMgrRob: beej should have gotten points for that route
@MacbethSeemsSus I totally didn't realize those are spelt the same 
xantos69: @LoadingReadyRun US states are not named that creatively. About half are duplicates. North/South Dakota, Regular/West Virginia, New Mexico/York/Jersey/Hampshire. There are other examples... but you get the idea.
kusinohki: does the city sticker there do anything?? (I really have no idea)
adept_nekomancer: @MacbethSeemsSus That's why we put Oklahoma and Missouri between Kansas and Arkansas--it keeps them apart so they don't annihilate one another in a Kansas/anti-Kansas reaction.
StageMgrRob: I thjought that you got point for each section of train that is built?
Sethalidos: Ian
kusinohki: TTR legacy scores differently than regular ttr
MacbethSeemsSus: @LoadingReadyRun Yeah luckily they're pronounced differently.

LoadingReadyRun: @xantos69 I hope people call it "Regular Virginia"
xantos69: @LoadingReadyRun Sometimes to be clear... yea
Decaped: Daddy O'Malley
MacbethSeemsSus: @adept_nekomancer Missouri's tempting fate with Kansas City
xantos69: @MacbethSeemsSus That's the best thing about all of Missouri's biggest and most important cities. All of them are desperately trying to get out of that state. That is why they are all on the border.
RandomTrivia: Without James this stream goes off the rails
RatherLargeToad: Duluth: It sneaks up on you
kusinohki: ttr europe in 15 min.... doubt I could even explain the rules that fast
LoadingReadyRun: I hope people in Kansas and Arkansas annoy each other by pronouncing the name like the other one
xantos69: @LoadingReadyRun Can't be done. Nobody from Arkansas can read.
Strebenherz: jokes' on you, nobody in kansas can either
MacbethSeemsSus: @LoadingReadyRun The start of each state is silent so they're both pronounced "Ansas"
xantos69: @Strebenherz No, we just put Jesus in our biology textbooks!
I feel like I've stumbled onto a deep interstate rivalry 
about as 'friendly' as england and france over the years yeahh 
kusinohki: when wine is someone's blood it's biology???
Juliamon: it's less an interstate rivalry and more like they're the appendix and gallbladder of America. They're there and you don't think about them until they're a Problem
kusinohki: why is there a wild card in neuvo angelis (or whatever the earthquake place is called) ??
kusinohki: nvm
Twilight_Spark: IBM means IBM now
Jillexie: No union busting!
definenull subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
definenull: 1/3 of a full year!
Thanks for subscribing, definenull! (Today's storm count: 33)
kusinohki: a chicken in every pot and a locomotive on every train!
Twilight_Spark: Yin yang choo choo ride on my Zen
MacbethSeemsSus: Enrico Fermi: That's an aesthetically pleasing pile.
Metalupis: come on, break that strike Beej
kusinohki: earthquake seems kind of an extreme way to end a strike...
kusinohki: don't suppose The Court Jester is public domain?
@kusinohki The Court Jester is one of my favourite movies 
kusinohki: I've only seen it once, but it was quite fun
Danny Kaye was a treasure, The Court Jester is one of my favorites too 
LoadingReadyRun: thanks @calculated_uncertainties !

2 raiders from Texy_88 have joined!
Jillexie: Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
Juliamon: Welcome raiders!
Welcome raiders! 
kusinohki: discworld's first engineer with a slide rule everyone considers a 'magic wand'
Strebenherz: ianplz
Happy Partnerversary!
TheAinMAP: Some locomotives today might need urea for their Diesel Exhaust Fluid.
Juliamon: the Caboose of Dr. Caligary
kusinohki: is the next game the "teller-ultimate" game??
TheAinMAP: antepenultimate
TheAinMAP: We're back
and a toot toot to you too 
Juliamon: they are "the A in MAP"
SymphonySolstice: trains impose a certain amount of risk
Decaped: Will James be able to dig himself out of this hole?
Decaped: Very on brand.
Hope you're enjoying "Ticket To Ride™: Legacy". I bought this during the Black Friday weekend but haven't played it yet as I'm still trying to get my head around the rules, given that there are so many things it tells you not to look at until told to during gameplay, which means you can't really practise. 

SymphonySolstice: it was raised by orcas
LoadingReadyRun: @Texy_88 if you've played regular Ticket to Ride, the mechanics start pretty similar
foopoiuyt: Notice me, otter-sempai
Mazrae: Hello everyone, how is everyone doing, also James looks different somehow but I can't put my finger on it
SymphonySolstice: beej (the j stands for james)
RandomTrivia: Ian pls
xantos69: When they invent the Smell-o-vision I suspect the Twitch streamer demographic will entirely change. Bread baking shows will become WAY more popular.
orrie104 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
orrie104: Woo, 56 months!
Thanks for subscribing, orrie104! (Today's storm count: 34)
Getter404: Oh? I heard he earned an iron urn!
Decaped: Like most thing on the internet, porn will be the trendmaker.
CaptainSpam: "Siri, schedule an appointment for tomorrow at 10am." "Sure thing, Mistah J."
xantos69: @Decaped I hate that you are right, but I accept the truth of your statement.
Texy_88: @LoadingReadyRun I've played lots of different variations of TTR (even "Rails & Sails").
Cptasparagus: Ive randomly watched a few youtube videos recent which go over bridge failures and all of them had huge warning signs and failed inspections and they just let them go
LoadingReadyRun: @Texy_88 you'll probably be fine with legacy, then
Juliamon: The biggest detriment to humans is, in fact, human nature
drewm1022: Everybody freeze, I dropped my contact!
tehfewl: as someone who lived in Norfolk, it was alright
EvilBadman: Agree Norfolk is big meh especially if you don't care about Naval stuff
Cptasparagus: I've lived in 6 of the cities on the board and chicago wins by far for me
Twilight_Spark: Gotta get some food to gamble away at the Hard Rock.
Twilight_Spark: gold* even
MacbethSeemsSus: I mean if it was Portland, ME.....that commute would still suck
Decaped: Is the gold rush mechanic good? Maybe not on this board.
Decaped: End of the game we find out gold rush was a hoax by Momma O'connel
Texy_88: @RandomTrivia Thanks.
xantos69: Ok, to be clear... nobody is stopping anybody from going and being a prospector today. You can buy land on the cheap in the mountains and you can mine and pan for gold all you want. But nobody does it (even though gold is worth more than ever) because it sucks.
Texy_88: @Juliamon Thank you.
Happy Partner anniversary!
Cptasparagus: i just found out that Bangor is a town in the UK as well. They also have Dundee which is weird to me becuase that is australia
thrythlind: my mom's family apparently settled a lot of the area around Moab, Ut. Wilson Arch was named after an ancestor
SymphonySolstice: @cptasparagus it turns out a lot of places are named after already extant british places
Texy_88: @Cptasparagus Yes, Bangor is in Northern Ireland and Dundee is in Scotland.
MAPBoardgames: Essen is also the middle of the Rhur
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Just like Ticket To Ride Europe also having Essen
Getter404: 56...ish
ghyllnox: Nobody carries their DBloon huh
Happy Partner anniversary!
MacbethSeemsSus: Toilet's haunted
wedge_x: always has been
definenull: SourPls
LostThePirate: Cori knows all about haunted toilets lol
thrythlind: @SymphonySolstice there was an old "Not Always Right" story where someone from Europe, I think France, was ranting about how ridiculous it is that American movies had to name the countries with famous city names like "Paris" because it should be obvious.... so he goes up to the ticket booth (the guy telling the story) and asks for a ticket to "Paris" to prove his point... the ticket guy asks "State A, State B, or State C?" he looks flustered and tries a few more European cities and some like Cai
thrythlind: and eventually just gives up as the people he was with chuckle at him
RandomTrivia: Do NOT let him cook
Sethalidos: Beej No
spethycakes: They call it "Menver" for a reason
wedge_x: Olympus Mons
xantos69: St. Paul is actually named after this guy Greg.
MacbethSeemsSus: The society of cincinatti was big with the founding fathers
TheAinMAP: "The Empire Builder" James J. Hill was from the Twin Cities.
loufghyslaufey: The clips editor still feels ever awkward to me
Getter404: Got confirmed as an apocryphal saint who it turns out was also the patron saint of liars. Fun times
thrythlind: Better Off Dead
thrythlind: The movie is Better Off Dead
thrythlind: I've seen that SO MANY TIMES
drewm1022: I want my 2 dollars!
loufghyslaufey: @Getter404 Do saints distinguish themselves from or as such?
Getter404: @loufghyslaufey No, it just turns a lot of them were just plain made up, like St Christopher
thrythlind: Why would they remove Kuro-Neko-San?
gryfeathr: KuroNeko shows up at the very end as a little cameo
calculated_uncertainties: How dare they!
Getter404: Forget Trigun, where's my Excel Saga remake
calculated_uncertainties: Konami code?
stevefromdetroit: Ho Chi big city!

Cptasparagus: the US is looking like Steven Universe Russia with the big hole in the center

kusinohki: I assume that hole will get filled at the end of this game. I think it's the last piece...
Cptasparagus: yup
Decaped: If I ever make a Legacy game like this, I'm purposely leaving a big hole that looks like it should be filled with a puzzle piece
kusinohki: wonder what will get added for the last game since there's no map section
KeytarCat: @Decaped A fundamentally different kind of puzzle, so it's extra confounding!
Cptasparagus: super area 51 with aliens
MacbethSeemsSus: So do they substantiate Kansas or Saskatchewan
thrythlind: "these bandits work for another company" pretty accurately describes the old west, actually
KaleidoscopeMind: prediction for final round: mama o'connell boss battle
omdorastrix: A giant triangular hole the size and shape of a slice of pizza
definenull: now you're thinking like an exec beej
kusinohki: this feels like portugal in El Grande...
kusinohki: which reminds me - LRR should play El Grande on AFK some time...
MacbethSeemsSus: It be great of one of the pieces didn't have any train routes to mess with players.
kusinohki: Oof, just did the math.... el grande turns 30 this year...
McBannin: didn't realize Nelson was being paid to advertise Big Ginger Ale
Decaped: Big James Big Gamble
RandomTrivia: Nice
Mashamino: nice
Decaped: Good Job Games!
Zulghinlour: Math is hard
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Sounds like something for California
kusinohki: "build a bridge out of her!"

AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Also gold
RandomTrivia: "If we don't hear about them, it didn't happen!"
Decaped: One unlucky gold rush point difference between 3 players
Decaped: and Nelson
wedge_x: same!
Mazrae: I don't remember, don't postcards have effects that only the person that gets them know, or something like that?
LoadingReadyRun: @Mazrae yup
kusinohki: I _think_ there's a public text which ppl read out loud and private text which players keep to themselves
Decaped: Free top every turn? Schedule extra time for the next game.
kusinohki: time for beej to get out of dodge!
LoadingReadyRun: ya, that's how it goes. Beej and Cori read the public part of the post card, but we don't know the actual effect
spethycakes: Yes, my Ticket Master
LoadingReadyRun: Nelson: known fan of TicketMaster
xantos69: Ian you can't do that on the internet.
jessicaengle: No takesies backsies!
Decaped: Do not disrespect the Helm
kusinohki: the badlands? past that are the worse lands, followed by the way screwed lands...
Voidhawk42: Always Disrespect The Helm
spethycakes: !advice
LRRbot: Never do a puzzle in zero gravity.
kusinohki: shares? TTR becomes an 18XX game??
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Selling Chers?
Decaped: Sonny is on the run
CrossXhunteR: is this one of those evolving board games
kusinohki: a shared share deck??
spethycakes: it's share-squared
oh i was excited for a second, I misheard Cher deck 
kusinohki: ttr turns into acquire with train companies merging and share holders getting a payout...
Decaped: How do you win the campaign, btw?
definenull: yes. this is the entire world.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Maps without NZ.
kusinohki: I assume most money over all games. but it's possibly whoever won the most games....
TehAmelie: until they make a train route to Hawaii
jessicaengle: Wow, a million cats.
Decaped: if the SHares count for the campaign win, i would assume it's money total
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club (Join Oki Oki Bois for some Street Fighter 6! Game: Street Fighter 6) at Fri 10:00 AM PST (14:45 from now).
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @jessicaengle It takes a lot of orange braincells to write up these messages.
kusinohki: really hope the next long game is clank legacy
definenull: inb4 its just PoE2
McMims: we could get the kids foam hands to reenact street fighter
definenull: possibly big mid quiz? 👉 👈 ?
kusinohki: sadness. I'm likely to miss the live...
TheAinMAP: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a very glossy jpeg of a goat
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I have been waiting for the return
jessicaengle: !findquote jack
LRRbot: Quote #141: "It's the scariest of all monsters: the Jumping Jack Dinosaur." —Paul [2015-04-06]

KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the stream.
50 Bits
dat me! 



definenull: if you want to spread the hee hee hoo hoos
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
wedge_x: o/
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: lrrLuL
thank you all! 
lamina5432: Gnight

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