TXC2: Hello everybody!
v_nome: g'morning TXC
TXC2: hi v_nome
Seth_Erickson: Hoping to hear some Beppo! and Geegee!'s today
a double refresh day today 
NewtyNewts: Morning OOF club!
NewtyNewts subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months, currently on a 48 month streak!
NewtyNewts: Oh hey, button.
Thanks for subscribing, NewtyNewts! (Today's storm count: 1)
lightfut: Good mooooooorning
HungryTanuki: Hello everyone !
TXC2: hello Seth_Erickson and NewtyNewts and lightfut and HungryTanuki welcome
Hiya TXC2 
bbj_afk: morning gamers!
TXC2: hello bbj_afk welcome
TXC2: windows noises!
@TXC2 I thought that was something on my computer. 
DapperKoala2 and that's why I say it 
TXC2: Here we GO!
MilkInBags: suuuuuuuh dude
NewtyNewts: We win!
ManWithTheMask13: BIG DOG
TXC2: Hello Adam
HungryTanuki: Mornin' !
MilkInBags: not 'just' you, it's all you
Vanatoth: Hello!
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
MilkInBags: can we contribute to the frame tithe
jadielady: hey y'all
duallain: morning, excited to see some anime this morning
AceGun_: g'night
MilkInBags: big sleepy?
TXC2: sleep well Adam
Seth_Erickson: Time to Beppo brother no time for sleep
HungryTanuki: Good ngith Adam, sleep well !
ManWithTheMask13: that's my goat right there
MilkInBags: bring the bed at the office
PhuzNutz: Aww. Did someone just wake up from their post-workout nap?
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Try to avoid being gruesomely killed.
AceGun_: 66L
Heefnoff: Shoutouts to that time they nerfed Ferry because Ferry players were too good
Seth_Erickson: you beppo and everyone else skips neutral I think
MilkInBags: damn
duallain: hit em with the boom bap, then bap boom
LMAOkai_: 66L my beloved
Vanatoth: Beppo instant overhead
is this game anime 
Heefnoff: BEPPO
Heefnoff: GG
Seth_Erickson: GEEGEE
xxx420tod_vom_himmel69xxx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
Thanks for subscribing, xxx420tod_vom_himmel69xxx! (Today's storm count: 2)
AceGun_: Still making those skill gaps too apparent.
LMAOkai_: people play Ferry to...have fun?
MilkInBags: is that the game with the lust demon
Heefnoff: Training I think
bytecaster: This one got 2B as DLC right?
MilkInBags: with abs
AceGun_: Its in training, I believe.
Seth_Erickson: It'd be training I think
Heefnoff: Could just not play the fighting game part, could just run the Fall Guys mode lmao
Heefnoff: She beeg
HungryTanuki: Beeg lady !
Seth_Erickson: let's find out
bytecaster: Well, more importantly than good, is she fun?
itira: well well well
TXC2: she has 4 arms, so she can't be that bad right?
No Ladiva? 
Blakemcm: hydrogen bomb vs coughing loli
Heefnoff: BASED
Seth_Erickson: jesus christ
itira: uh oh big lady!
So tall 
MilkInBags: sagat changed?
bytecaster: That high kick though
duallain: she's gigantic, already a fan
Seth_Erickson: can she skip neutral?
MilkInBags: wait i was right
Mr_Horrible: Versusia, with her power of "no vsync"
MilkInBags: it's sagat
Izandai: Damn she's huge.
duallain: she doesn't say tiger knee though, so minus 1 point
bytecaster: That's some reach on those legs
tod_vom_himmel: minus on hit lol
DapperKoala2: Did they have to pull the camera back just to fit her on the screen?

bbj_afk: Marisa look different today
Seth_Erickson: her hitbox is really like the whole screen huh
bytecaster: She's JP
AceGun_: I would definitely recommend doing her character guide, since she has a sort of resource mechanic.
LurkerSpine: So strength is special plus a button
LurkerSpine: so you get Light by default, Medium, Heavy, Unique
LurkerSpine: I forget if Heavy or Unique is the EX
ItsThugDimmadome: what up what up
MilkInBags: can she tushita me
AceGun_: I believe the "Celestial Dominion" ones need the resource.
JinaMahavira: Dog
saucemaster5000: milk are you tushitting me

itira: dont ever call her sweetie
Frizzlenill: Hi Adam! Wanted to wish you well with Granblue before I head off - also folks reminder that in the next few days the frosty faustings mystery game tourney VOD will come out!

MilkInBags: ok sourie
ManWithTheMask13: @itira CAUGHT
AceGun_: You need her resource, I think. Its like Denjin charge.
ItsThugDimmadome: Versusia is a name giving me Sopranos vibes.
Seth_Erickson: is there a description of what celestial dominion means
awildshen: hit the U button to charge
Seth_Erickson: you don't have any resource I think
Frizzlenill: looks like it uses your charge
awildshen: it's like dengin
awildshen: denjin*
AceGun_: Yeah, I think the resource is what gives her the follow-up options.
JinaMahavira: Big Lady
Korolan: Beeg Oni
Seth_Erickson: does it just look low because she's so big?
154 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
Izandai: Every character has a neutral skip it's called forward dash–>DP
TXC2: Hello Raiders

OdinsBeard7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Thanks for subscribing, OdinsBeard7! (Today's storm count: 3)
gama41: 'we heard you like rashid lvl 2 super so here you go'
Seth_Erickson: using one of the dominion followups consumes the buff it seems like
arcaede_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
Thanks for subscribing, arcaede_! (Today's storm count: 4)
AceGun_: I think -4 is mostly safe. There are a few 4f lights,, but not universal.
SK__Ren: Finally! BEEG Woman
Izandai: Big
HungryTanuki: Tall
AceGun_: Yeah, mostly big zoner.
Big Zoner is keeping us grapplers down by increasing glue prices. 
AceGun_: Just a reminder that this game has dodging and rolls, so fireballs may not be quite as good as they initially seem.
BlueDaNewb subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
BlueDaNewb: Is nice still a thing? I'm old.
Thanks for subscribing, BlueDaNewb! (Today's storm count: 5)
TXC2: BlueDaNewb nice
HungryTanuki: Holy
itira: oohh myyyy
TXC2: whole ass OVA for that move
fafnir0453 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, fafnir0453! (Today's storm count: 6)
MilkInBags: friendship with axl cancelled
drizztnailo: i think her big approaching move is plus with resource too tho im not entirely sure
schordash: ooooh new game? :3
AceGun_: down+start, I think.
ItsThugDimmadome: So is Versusia basically Darkseid? I just read a quick blurb on a wiki.
30teracyte: yeah autocombo is only from the close normals
RedTag83: get stepped on....
schordash: i like versusia’s voice * O *
AceGun_: I don't think it goes off screen, but it can go behind them if they are too close midscreen.
Ferisar: she's so... big.......
schordash: adam and his big ladies~
schordash: maybe because our opponent is so short? fr
AceGun_: Any idea who Nelson would be interested in trying in Granblue?
MilkInBags: hey adam i just sent you a text for a casino promotion
Ferisar: milk
MilkInBags: hello ferisar
ItsThugDimmadome: How anime-pilled is nelson?
Ginganinja4545: Yo we playing Grabble?
drizztnailo: @MilkInBags gambling mentioned?
Ferisar: good!
ItsThugDimmadome: Whoa, she's like Seth
MilkInBags: @drizztnailo nooooo never
Ferisar: she's so sick
saucemaster5000: I hope she sees a doctor then
saucemaster5000: smugface smugface
Seth_Erickson: @ItsThugDimmadome so true I'm also very big and have sick combos
AFamiliarCalledEl: "I'm just going to hold this lightning here and if it runs into you it's your fault"
ManWithTheMask13: Wait, jumping bad?
TXC2: jumping bad? what kind of anime fighter is this?
ItsThugDimmadome: @Seth_Erickson What's the pay like as an Avatar of Destruction? I'm looking for a career change.
drizztnailo: @ManWithTheMask13 no brother, jump good, simply jump harder
MilkInBags: so in game, what is she? some kind of demon?
AceGun_: @TXC2 the kind that most anime players would not consider and anime-fighter, tbh.
Seth_Erickson: @ItsThugDimmadome you know the pay is alright but the benefits are ass
TXC2: AceGun_ huh, ok then
SoleilGreisis: @MilkInBags I guess the closest thing to describe her would be an Avatar of Granblue's Big God.
Ferisar: she's sick with it @MilkInBags
drizztnailo: yaaaaay proximity normals yaaaaaay
MilkInBags: wait, she's Granblue's Jesus?
MilkInBags she's got an Indian Buddhist vibe, so no 
Ferisar: she reached heaven through violence for sure
MilkInBags: shota time?
Ferisar: could check someone else out
TXC2: transcend Samsara via big lady
Ferisar: plenty of fish in the sea
AFamiliarCalledEl: You should play the mouse and throw cheese at people
yeah but big lady with big tail 
Ferisar: yooo the mouse
Ferisar: trueeeee
Ferisar: become the problem
drizztnailo: i would make a character suggestion but i think you know who it would be already
AceGun_: Vikala, the GOAT (but also rat)
ItsThugDimmadome: Ladiva and grapple time?
ManWithTheMask13: @drizztnailo So, the best character in the game?
drizztnailo: damn, he's good
drizztnailo: ladiva is pretty awful yeah
ManWithTheMask13: Yeah but she's top tier in our heart
drizztnailo: but the 720 super that summons the ref brings joy to my heart
Ginganinja4545: She's at least way more usable than vanilla
ItsThugDimmadome: Take a sip of glue and find out.
Seth_Erickson: last time you were playing on stream you had expressed interest in playing the Triplets guy. Lowain I think their name was?
itira: no slouching on this show
ItsThugDimmadome: Can you have Up-Priority SOCD in this game?
Ferisar: is it like hitstop?
AceGun_: Like they return to their idle stance, but you are still technically in recovery?
awildshen: not all the time but definitely as much as possible
Ferisar: bwooh
Ferisar: her forward walk is so menacing lol
Ferisar: "you're the zoner now"
30teracyte: a shortcut like with the special button?
Ferisar: nimboos
TXC2: it IS a big fireball....
Luckssmith: Have you seen ultimate pillar? That thing is very funny
Ferisar: i think they're dead
MilkInBags: I'd survive that
lightfut: That was a very super finish
Ferisar: the supers in this game are extremely extra
violetblight: shes big
gualdhar: opinion: beeg lady
awildshen: I have not played much but I don't mind it
AceGun_: I played her a bit when she released, and I never really got the hang of when to get the charge.
violetblight: i really need to give this game more time
awildshen: but I play Juri so it's feels the same as frame kill Fuha
Ferisar: i think the only difference with juri is her stock has active uses
Vanatoth: Seems like figuring out when to trade oki for buff
saucemaster5000: there's always moushley
AceGun_: Doesn't own Vikala, smh.
Ferisar: the third from the top is sol badguy
ManWithTheMask13: Eustace is such a goofy ass name
Ferisar: just fyi
violetblight: i kinda wanna try beatrice, shes just sol badguy
30teracyte: hell yeah lets go mustache shithead
BusTed: the shopping cart over the DLC characters looks like a little Hannibal Lector mask
ManWithTheMask13: Like in another world I was named Eustace
violetblight: LMAO
Izandai: Fuck you mean you don't like the dragon?
AceGun_: she needs it.
drizztnailo: ladiva is big lady
MilkInBags: do i see 2B
Ferisar: like
Ferisar: legit is just sol
violetblight: yeah thats 2B
Seth_Erickson: 2b is in this game
MilkInBags: adam
MilkInBags: your favourite game
Snowwraith: Honda with a demon flip.
saucemaster5000: she def blanka
Ginganinja4545: Empty brain
SK__Ren: As a long time player of GBF it still bothers me that in the original JP the eternal names were numbers all in different languages but for EN they just made it Olde english spellings.
AceGun_: Honda + Blanka with demon flip.
tod_vom_himmel: how dare
Ferisar: yea
Ferisar: this is the cheese
drizztnailo: the rat
MilkInBags: with a spear and huuuuh
30teracyte: sheep lady is terry
Ferisar: she's so funny
violetblight: she has the ears
LurkerSpine: Terry Baagard
BusTed: moushley
Ginganinja4545: Faust from Disneyland
Mister_BlueSky: The cheese tax
AceGun_: Vikala, rules (but isn't very good)
saucemaster5000: moushley is random bullshit go
violetblight: grimnir has some wild setplay
MilkInBags: is he nightmare
MilkInBags: katalina is just sophia?
Ferisar: let's go vira
Ginganinja4545: SORIZ!
ManWithTheMask13: Only thing I'm trynna fix is the ac ya know
tod_vom_himmel: wait wehat
Luckssmith: Kat is very good in this version
MilkInBags: wait what
SK__Ren: She can wreck me is more like it
Snowwraith: @SK__Ren Specifically Saxon I think. But they probably wanted to avoid having a character just called "Six"
AceGun_: Cag also says "trans rights!"
Izandai: Cagliostro is also trans rights.
violetblight: LOL
drizztnailo: nier has been shot allegedly
Seth_Erickson: puppet hater right here
MilkInBags: you would what
uneactrice: He is very hot
Izandai: You would what?
Snowwraith: Nier has been changed into a more traditional puppet character so she's quite different.
saucemaster5000: they shot nier with a shotgun, it not fair
Ferisar: love myself a beelzabub
violetblight: yeah thats all you gotta say
Alness49: The only thing I know about this series is from a friend, and he agrees, Belial's hot
violetblight: LOL
Snowwraith: Mostly the villain squad down there.
MilkInBags: the tongue
ManWithTheMask13: lmao
saucemaster5000: you know
Ferisar: LMAO

BusTed: there's a Nier and a 2B?
TXC2: !clips
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
drizztnailo: ayo?
ManWithTheMask13: that's yknow
BusTed: popular soundtrack
HungryTanuki: Nier a tomato
AceGun_: 2B, from Soul Calibur.
violetblight: real
uneactrice: Fair. She cool AF
LMAOkai_: you and half the cast
MilkInBags: boob armour like in the 90s let's go
ItsThugDimmadome: Belial: I didn't know Hazbin Hotel had a crossover with this game.
tod_vom_himmel: i always laught at katalinas armour having a bellybutton
gama41: LK approved character
Mister_BlueSky: Fiora vibes?
Seth_Erickson: she's involved I think, with Vira? one of the other lady cast members
SK__Ren: You gotta fight Lowain for that.
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ your face is from soul calibur
Ginganinja4545: Hit 2M and buffer a fireball and you know how to play Kat
saucemaster5000: I might not have slept much
AceGun_: Katalina is kinda SF4 Ryu.
ManWithTheMask13: @AceGun_ Do they have Lakers colors
saucemaster5000: your face is kind a SF4 Ryu
tod_vom_himmel: amazing neutch
TXC2: sauce
AceGun_: crouch medium, for the low.
saucemaster5000: look
drizztnailo: the are all invuln kinda i think
LMAOkai_: it says invincible on screen when you use it
AceGun_: it will say "invincible" on screen.
Ginganinja4545: Some of the gold DPs are invuln, but everyone has a meter reversal
AceGun_: Its a focus attack, you can dash cancel it.
Luckssmith: Medium is also invincible
Vanatoth: I think the light dp is the only one not invincible on startup
drizztnailo: yeah i think medium is also invuln but not sure if its invuln immediately
drizztnailo: TRUE




ManWithTheMask13: LMAO


ManWithTheMask13: Some KOF clark next week, king?
Luckssmith: Invuln 1-14 babeee

saucemaster5000: granblue is stupid let's play hungry hungry hippoes
Izandai: She needs it.
drizztnailo: we should play the perfect fighting game instead
Ferisar: try vira brother
Ferisar: lmao
saucemaster5000: NO KOF drizzt!
ManWithTheMask13: @drizztnailo USF4? True
Ferisar: or sol badguy

gama41: yes
Izandai: I know nothing about this game.
itira: the way youre flip flopping
Mister_BlueSky: There's always someone worse.
Izandai: I just like saying "They need it."
violetblight: yep
drizztnailo: its still very good
AceGun_: Slightly less that, but it is still that.
gama41: running L got nerf a bit but still good
Ferisar: it's not as good but it's still good
Ginganinja4545: She do kinda be underseasoned
Luckssmith: They nerfed the scaling on 66L, it's now forced 50% if you start a combo with it
TXC2: "they need it" is an often true statement
when your SSF character has too much damage for what you expected 
drizztnailo: it has more pushback on block but still very strong
MilkInBags: !build
return to the fair and perfect Ferry 
Izandai: @TXC2 💯
TXC2: big lady is neat, but this lady have sword
ItsThugDimmadome: Is she the Ken of this game?
Ferisar: this is ryu
drizztnailo: a lot of characters have invuln medium DPs in this game i think
Snowwraith: Yeah some characters just have invincible DPs for free.
Ferisar: yeah she has very few
Snowwraith: Yeah she has one fewer special than normal.
Ferisar: it's the reason i just played vira lol
Ginganinja4545: H spends the cooldown so some of them have m dps
Ferisar: it does doesn't it
AceGun_: probably on anti-air counterhit, i assume?
TXC2: he's the goat
Ferisar: my honorable setplay: runs up, hits a high, bows
Lonely_Spacejunk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Lonely_Spacejunk! (Today's storm count: 7)
MilkInBags: she is
raulghoulia: who says she isn't?
AceGun_: she is now.
itira: maybe she really likes coconut
MAPBoardgames: This game has a lovely bunch of coconuts, stand in a row.
Musicsquid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Musicsquid! (Today's storm count: 8)
violetblight: you get enough time to whiff a tatsu under
AceGun_: you can counterhit confirm anti-airs pretty easily, imo.
violetblight: thats so goofy
itsr67: what up
AceGun_: now youre granblue-ing
MilkInBags: now you just need your opponent to stay still

TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
itsr67: well it's a guard break milk
carstenvondi: No
TXC2: and we're back
Metric_Furlong: it's her Stand
it's me 
Metric_Furlong: like in JoJo's
Ferisar: soll badguy
RisingCosmos: He's chilling
itsr67: ! ferry
Seth_Erickson: she got nerfed a little I think someone said? or maybe that was a joke
HungryTanuki: Beppo !
Seth_Erickson: Geegee!
MilkInBags: he's back on the zoner escalator
AceGun_: She got nerfed from low-tier to even lower-tier, unfortunately.
they hate the best character in the franchise 
raulghoulia: is she throwing an eel?
itsr67: wasn't it the animal trap into 50/50 mix
Seth_Erickson: At least in granblue relink she's good
MilkInBags: zoners >:(
LurkerSpine: Ferry excels in long-range combat, using the reach of her whip to keep foes at bay. However, we found that skill gaps between players could lead to one-sided dominance.
LurkerSpine: the pasta
RisingCosmos: Honestly, love that for Ferry players
RisingCosmos: Complaint equity at an all time high
raulghoulia: also did Adam find his new Axl?
AceGun_: She made skill gaps to apparent between players, lol.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: So... is there a Granblue Scifi? And a Granblue Survival Horror too?
Shurtal: Granblue Historical Fiction
RisingCosmos: Granblue YA Romance

itsr67: damn
Shurtal: Granblue Technical Manual
LMAOkai_: i'll fight
MilkInBags: go online against friday warriors
TXC2: time to get washed to get clean
MilkInBags: okeeeeee
I'm at work 
I wish I didn't have actual work responsibilities right now 
AceGun_: I just need to finish up some work, and I can show off some rat-girl (I don't know how to play her).
drizztnailo: hell yeah (probably)
TXC2: lets find out
MilkInBags: currently there are (2) players
AceGun_: There are definitely people playing ranked, unless they are all at Frosty Faustings right now.
your rank 
violetblight: damb
MilkInBags: there are 373 players right now
drizztnailo: playing granblue is like severance where your ranked self is seperate from the rest of your life
itsr67: damn
LMAOkai_: get a couple win streaks and you'll be S in no time
itsr67: glhf
Seth_Erickson: he does have a parry that's him walking at you
oh it's Male Bayanetta 
Seth_Erickson: I do remember that
tod_vom_himmel: wait is severence not about a retiring employee negotiating his severance payments

Mr_Horrible: I tune into stream and Adam's beating up a Belial, all is right with the world
MilkInBags: damn

itsr67: you can block it
MilkInBags: retire champion
raulghoulia: the best there ever was

LurkerSpine: give me some sugar spam
drizztnailo: damn, he's good
Ferisar: you'll have a few screws loose by the end of this
They really like this move 
itsr67: That person plays like I to
Vanatoth: There are a few frames going from dash to block, that's probably catching you on thefireballs
AfraidOfTheSun_: maybe I wont get grabbed this time
LMAOkai_: maybe this time it will work....
itsr67: do*
Seth_Erickson: I'm gonna walk at you
Seth_Erickson: grabs be damned
raulghoulia: are you approaching me?
itsr67: where's this player, are they single?
TXC2: either way they're not baptised
BusTed: surely *this* time...
LMAOkai_: let them learn
drizztnailo: thats footsies, baby
Mr_Horrible: Welcome to the real world!
MilkInBags: they uninstalled
Mr_Horrible: You're gonna learn today!
MilkInBags: refunded
drizztnailo: they gonna learn today
violetblight: eh they picked a top tier they deserve i

MilkInBags: what of it
violetblight: ignore my character choices
AceGun_: sounds like self-care.
Ferisar: no lol
Mr_Horrible: "Let us not go to GBFV:R. 'Tis a silly place."
lightfut: Well next week is the ppr anyway so you've got time
Ferisar: sorry, not lol
drizztnailo: you would be giving great life advice to your co worker
if youre not enjoying it 
Mr_Horrible: also yeah Belial pickers deserve anything they get
HungryTanuki: "We're not playing GB... Ever heard of Uni ?"
AutonomousTurtle: no, your character is a top. different thing.
MilkInBags: eww magic
violetblight: oh shit uni arc would slap
Seth_Erickson: have we considered that they aren't aware of ranked/competitive tier lists
NewtyNewts: Unless you push it back on the schedule, but eh
Seth_Erickson: and picked the character that seemed cool
@Seth_Erickson ignorance of a crime does not erase culpability 
violetblight: that just sounds like another fault of theirs
Mr_Horrible: you can't just say that every time I use a 5 dollar word, Adam
itira: are you shocked?
AceGun_: Vikala!
HungryTanuki: Mouse !
MilkInBags: you resign your chance to be innocent when pressing play
ManWithTheMask13: I'll be seeing the banana bread at work dude on Saturday
AceGun_: Prepare for nonsense.
NewtyNewts: Mousy!
frank_the_great: I love her
MilkInBags: destroy minnie
itsr67: ey
Seth_Erickson: damn guess I gotta do all my homework before picking a fighting game so I don't mistakenly pick a character that makes me hated
AceGun_: "Check this out- oh fuck!" Should be the FGC motto.
NewtyNewts: Strong face in that freezeframe
Mr_Horrible: didn't pay 60 dollars etc etc
MilkInBags: @Seth_Erickson thank you for recognizing it
@AceGun_ Works well with Fromsoft games too 

gama41: cheese launcher
Mr_Horrible: you've never been to the circus?
Cptasparagus: blam blam
NewtyNewts: Projectile setup, I believe
AceGun_: Vikala is the "what the fuck is all this?!" character.
AFamiliarCalledEl: the cannons are for firing cheese at you
frank_the_great: It's ugh.. a smoothy
MilkInBags: cheesy move
AFamiliarCalledEl: (or spike balls)
@Seth_Erickson Don't worry, your character will always be hated 

HungryTanuki: XD

LurkerSpine: anti air counter hit can usually go into DP if you do it immediately
AceGun_: c'mon, Vikala, toot the horn!
raulghoulia: is she Heimerdinger?
Mr_Horrible: L + ratio + no childlike wonder + hold this whimsical mixup
MilkInBags: wait this is just kirby

MilkInBags: whimsical mixup is good
Mr_Horrible: so has he been trying out different characters or is Katalina the wave of the future?
ManWithTheMask13: @drizztnailo Ramsey on screen
MilkInBags: i like that on one side, there is a character with cannons, cheese, big weapons and a lot of nonsense, just getting beat up by the lady with sword
Ferisar: the horn lmao
drizztnailo: @ManWithTheMask13 oh shit
Mr_Horrible: having an actual clown horn sfx
Ferisar: yea
Ferisar: she's great
frank_the_great: I wonder why there's lag. You've got streamer internet
Seth_Erickson: cheese tax Adam
MilkInBags: G can't fire you for that
duallain: the vibes of these two characters feel a bit different
AceGun_: She is not great, but she is so fun to play.
ManWithTheMask13: @drizztnailo pull up we need to rep

MilkInBags: ooooooo
MilkInBags: buy it with james' credit card though
Rytthigar: But Adam! The mouse can't realistically step on you like Katalina can...
MilkInBags: for the stream
Cptasparagus: just go steal james' credit card
TXC2: frank_the_great opp could have dial up
ManWithTheMask13: can you buy me the character
Cptasparagus: tell him you need arena gems
itsr67: true
ManWithTheMask13: and the game while we're at it

MilkInBags: o7
itsr67: needed
Diabore: good stream

Mr_Horrible: the mouse can still step on you but it's more a Ratatouille situation
HungryTanuki: It was a good run o7
itira: ima outta here dude
Mr_Horrible: she'll just pilot you
itsr67: damb
YFiddler: good decision
Rytthigar: @Mr_Horrible actual lol
drizztnailo: lmao
BusTed: eeyy
HungryTanuki: The snipe !
lightfut: Stream sniping
No stream sniping now 
duallain: idk, just the amount of bright colors vs serious dark colors
ManWithTheMask13: LMAO
NewtyNewts: It's an actual ook!
BusTed: cool pan
TXC2: oh here we go
ManWithTheMask13: My goats!
Ferisar: THE PAN
Ferisar: YES
accountmadeforants: The pan is amazing
itsr67: THE PAN
Mr_Horrible: Chatter, humble this man
The sounds are great 
lightfut: V good for the bonking
AceGun_: Isn't the pan still banned? Lmaokai is a cheater!
Mr_Horrible: the clang I can't
I love a good pan representation 
NewtyNewts: clang clang clang
itsr67: this is just source metal clang sfx
Mr_Horrible: this is normal queue, no rules out here
Obos_TAB: Heyyyy OkiOki!
drizztnailo: using banned items smh my head
TXC2: hello Obos_TAB welcome
accountmadeforants: It was banned for being too distracting, yeah. Same for the RGB GAMER SETUP swords
Mr_Horrible: @itsr67 imagine if it was pipe dot wav
gama41: bonk
duallain: petition to change "chain" to "clang" for this character
Mr_Horrible: honestly if the pan is "too distracting" gamers just gotta lock in
@accountmadeforants I was also banned for being too distracting 
Obos_TAB: I do not play this game but Im glad its done so well
Mr_Horrible: you can't just giggle every time funny noise happens
Mr_Horrible: GROW UP
Obos_TAB: No Nelly today?
lightfut: I can and will giggle
itsr67: fuckin stream sniping lmaokai
TXC2: Mr_Horrible fucking watch me
accountmadeforants: @Mr_Horrible There was also some argument about it making it easier to hit confirm some things, I think? But I'm not completely sure on that part.
violetblight: @Mr_Horrible you lack whimsy
lightfut: Must hee hee while I hoo hoo
Oh I mean I'll giggle, *I'm* not playing right now 
HungryTanuki: Clang !
Mr_Horrible: but it does kinda feel like a weak justification for banning a cosmetic
frank_the_great: I think you lost that one
Mr_Horrible: @accountmadeforants ah, okay, well that'd make more sense
Obos_TAB: Hey Adam, I noticed something about nelly's inputs last week and was curious if I was wrong about it: Can't he do a dash input mid combo to cancel into drive rush?
AFamiliarCalledEl: I dunno, I think cosmetics are exactly the kind of thing that don't need much justification to ban in a competitive scene. I wouldn't want someone clanging a pan all over the place while I was "at work"
Cptasparagus: why is Ahri there
Mai_Andra: ara ara~
josh___something: The pan noises make this so good
Mr_Horrible: @AFamiliarCalledEl I mean, at that point it just feels so subjective I'd rather it's a blanket "defaults only" rule or something.
josh___something: These mf pan normals, smh
MilkInBags: let's go lmaokao
LMAOkai_: ggs ggs!
MilkInBags: i mean adam
ManWithTheMask13: @LMAOkai_ my goat
LMAOkai_: the pan used to be louder
accountmadeforants: @Mr_Horrible Eh, lots of cosmetics are banned in tournaments if they're really egregious. There's a bright shining gold colour for the characters that was banned, too. And the RGB rainbow effect weapons I mentioned before. Banning them doesn't really matter. (Hell, they could just as easily leave nothing non-default unlocked.)
LMAOkai_: they nerfed the noise lol
MilkInBags: and yet
Izandai: You're doing fine.
Ferisar: that's why we buy the rat
josh___something: wdym?!
itsr67: dance streamer dance
LMAOkai_: we appreciate you my guy
the_patches: Too bad I am "working" otherwise, I'd let you beat up some of my characters. Having fun?
accountmadeforants: Time to unlock the pan and be entertaining through noises. (And you are entertaining)
AceGun_: And yet, we still feel entertained.
MilkInBags: someone buy the rat for adam
NewtyNewts: You're (re-)learning, it makes sense
Ferisar: there's entertainment for those with the eyes to see
Obos_TAB: Hey adam for SF6, does nelly know he can dash input to cancel a combo into a drive rush? I could be wrong but it might be easier than hitting MP+MK
josh___something: Isn't the rat character very insecure without the rat hat?
the_patches: Here's what you need to. know: 66L
Mr_Horrible: @accountmadeforants I just don't think the sfx specifically really justify it tho. Like I don't buy that it's more "distracting" than any other random hit noise, as opposed to something that has flashing lights or busy visuals that make something harder to parse on-screen.
Shurtal: i'm in the VF5 waiting room *VIBRATING*
MilkInBags: let's do that
Ferisar: oki oki chat club
oh nnnoooo 
the_patches: it's +2! do it always!
MilkInBags: favourite milkshake flavour go
Mr_Horrible: who all have you tried out today?
LMAOkai_: i'm in the Mai waiting room
HungryTanuki: @MilkInBags Strawberry
josh___something: Just monik- I mean... Just Adam- I mean... Just Chatting
Mr_Horrible: I know you said you were off the Ferry Ferry
AFamiliarCalledEl: @mr_horrible As someone who often does have problems with loud audio things, nah it's a problem actually
the_patches: @LMAOkai_ mai looks sick
josh___something: Versussy
duallain: I'm also in Mai waiting room. I want to bonk ppl with fans
MilkInBags: arent they all hot
ManWithTheMask13: Real
the_patches: Vira main agrees Katalina is hot.
LMAOkai_: Soriz is an oppressive character in this game
accountmadeforants: @Mr_Horrible It's like twice the volume of the regular hit noises, and listening for sounds does matter in games, same as looking at the screen
Critterbot: Hey Adam, are you going to play Wilds?
josh___something: All these anime waifus are hot by default (this includes the male waifus)
MilkInBags: is he actually naked
AceGun_: @MilkInBags he has an install that puts him in his underwear.
MilkInBags: just remember the beta was highly unstable and no one played it optimally
Critterbot: Oh hardware limitation, huh? Yeah, that's fair.
josh___something: He becomes naked... or as naked as one can be in a non R-rated videogame
HungryTanuki: He has a cloth iirmc
HungryTanuki: Kinda like Urien
Mr_Horrible: @accountmadeforants I gotta be honest, I really do not hear the volume differential. But that's also just my situation, and my 2 cents in general.
Ferisar: at least it wasn't showing its age as much when all the gpus were offensively overpriced
Ferisar: fuck that shit
Critterbot: My 3080 is still soldiering on, 1440p.
we're in the era of GPUs being bigger then the motherboard 
now just *some* of them are offensively overpriced 
Ferisar: i'll take some haha
accountmadeforants: Yeah, most of my PC is over 6 years old, too. But my 3080 is still going strong.
AceGun_: @Mr_Horrible It was much louder and more distinct when it got "banned". the sound has since been "nerfed".
and then there's me with a 1050 ti 
Critterbot: 5080's are going to cost less than 4080's did at launch, or so I've been told.
LMAOkai_: i took myself out of queue
LMAOkai_: guess it was just you and me
MilkInBags: everyone is on fortnite classic
@AceGun_ damn, I lacked critical information
that makes more sense then, yeah
violetblight: i only just got an upgrade from a 970 to a 4060 and uh. yeah that shit is a world of difference
Critterbot: So might be worth it to upgrade.
duallain: maybe ur just too cracked
CataclysmicReverb: Adam's NVidia 660 Skyrim Edition still pumpin
accountmadeforants: Nvidia GPUs have kinda silly prices, but every other PC component has pretty good prices. (Except the 9800X3D, because of scarcity)
HungryTanuki: Could we open a room if there's enough people ?
Mr_Horrible: @AceGun_ as would the decision to not bother reversing it, just to keep stuff consistent
MilkInBags: amd rydeez nuts
ManWithTheMask13: gaming
accountmadeforants: I'm sure there's an Adam loremaster out there who knows your specs off the top of their head. There's always one in every stream
MilkInBags: more like head shaking
itira: get swol
TXC2: she dry heaving ?
Gaz_L: oh lol, it uses the same lobby thing as FighterZ? (I presume GG too but i haven't played that)
a picture of your computer case? 
accountmadeforants: That's your CPU
MilkInBags: that's the cpu yeah
Mr_Horrible: AMD Ryzen Shine
Obos_TAB: just a picture of a monitor
Adam using onboard graphics only 
this is when we find out Adam's still on 2 gigs of RAM 
accountmadeforants: Ah, yeah, that might be getting a little long in the teeth
MilkInBags: it must be 8
accountmadeforants: I'm guessing 16
duallain: 4 2gb sticks
MilkInBags: though 8 would be rough to stream
TXC2: (I'm only on 8)
itira: i mean, you havnt upgraded your pc for *awhile* amirite?
MilkInBags: 6 years
BusTed: That was June 2019, looks like
Gaz_L: did anyone play the Granblue single player RPG?
Ferisar: i wanted to
Gaz_L: i tried the demo and it seemed cool
MilkInBags: is soriz a grappler
CataclysmicReverb: Like 5 years old. The chips power should still be strong. Any slowdown's probably in either game being poorly optimized, or more likely some RAM problem (probably whatever version of chrome you're running)
AceGun_: More brawler.
duallain: "BEAR FORM"
accountmadeforants: I considered the RPG yeah, seemed kinda fun. But then lots of other games happened and I forgot. (Plus I'm always a bit iffy on games that advertise their co-op mechanics. Like, no, of course a game is fun with friends.)
CataclysmicReverb: I really should load up this game, I enjoyed the first, and need something to do waiting for Elena to get released
josh___something: When does he take off his clothes?
CataclysmicReverb: on ult, josh
AceGun_: he did in the first game.
Mr_Horrible: @accountmadeforants afaik it's very monhun-like, with some mechanics that skew a bit more toward MMO raids tossed in (like "find the safe spot in these overlapping aoe telegraphs") I've seen some folks say it's still good fun running solo, and that queueing into randos wasn't *too* painful, tho ymmv
josh___something: Damn... Limited to the ult, huh. Tragic
Mr_Horrible: look out he's got a big animal head
AceGun_: you can tech with any button in this game.
the_patches: @Mr_Horrible this is accurate

MilkInBags: our technical 2K vs their treacherous 2K
JedofYork: Man, SF looks different
accountmadeforants: @Mr_Horrible Huh, I'll consider it next time a sale comes by, then
the_patches: the second hit always gets me.
MilkInBags: you assume we can raed
Fancy_frenchman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Fancy_frenchman: Bonjour, Thanks for all the laughs over the past 4 months (x10)
Thanks for subscribing, Fancy_frenchman! (Today's storm count: 9)
JinaMahavira: God I love Katalina
accountmadeforants: Expecting people to read Twitch stream titles and game descriptions is a fool's errand
ManWithTheMask13: Neoturf Masters looks different
the_patches: yeah having combos is cheating.
MilkInBags: is Katalina just like Raphael from Soul Calibur
100 bombos
Mr_Horrible: "I Can't Believe It's Not Street Fighter"
accountmadeforants: People drop by to ask "what game is this" too often for me to believe otherwise
itira: its a known fact that people dont read signs
having an adult reading level on twitch seems to be a crime 
AceGun_: Soriz is a tilt-generator.
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags as far as we know she's neither French nor a vampire, but she does appear to also use a rapier
more in the playstyle 
Mr_Horrible: I don't remember enough of his playstyle to comment I gotta be real
GanixU: o/
itira: 0.
GanixU: Those characters look rad
itira: sorry, cat
MilkInBags: prove it
Mr_Horrible: it's based on a gacha game, so the character designs are where they tend to go hard
Mr_Horrible: @itira what did Hemlock mean by this?
MilkInBags: he said the word, roll credits
TXC2: but we've still got an hour left
itira: check lolcats in discord Hemlock is unimpressed
GanixU: wait... did the character say something about all you can eat restaurants??
JinaMahavira: @GanixU unlimited salad and breadsticks
Mr_Horrible: @itira damn, stone cold does not give a fuck
Jturbobanana subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!

Thanks for subscribing, Jturbobanana! (Today's storm count: 10)
Carlioo: how's the rising
TXC2: I assume the character's barks are in Japanese
Carlioo: @TXC2 yeah but you can set it to english if you want
the_patches: labbing is for nerds and Otaku. You don't look like a Jeff to me.
the_patches: reversal super!
the_patches: it's delay tech I imagine since he's pink.
the_patches: if you push a late button it beats throw.
JinaMahavira: God, she's so cool
AceGun_: You can push any button to tech a throw, but the thrower is left plus. If you tech with throw input, you go back to neutral.
the_patches: nice!
NanoDelta: Wait a second, I play this game (badly)! How's the stream liking it?
ItsThugDimmadome: Looks fun, just not for me so far.
GanixU: I'm pretty lost
the_patches: I think this game is easier than SF6 because the combos are a little more straightfoward.
AceGun_: Its tough to understand without playing it for a little bit, but it really is pretty straightforward, yeah.
ItsThugDimmadome: Moves having cooldown is pretty cool.
TXC2: Dee Jay level laugh there
NanoDelta: The cooldown scales with strength as well, heavy and EX versions put some pretty long cooldowns
the_patches: on leverless, I tend to get DP when holding forward into QCF.
AceGun_: I don't like the input reader in this game, I have the same issue.
itira: im enjoying the background art, thats pretty cool
AceGun_: The 'optimal' way to play is using the simplified inputs when possible, I think.
TXC2: oh it's night time now
GanixU: The day/night cycle looks great
the_patches: isn't CHIPP from a different game?
NanoDelta: Round 3's have different bgs for each stage, e.g. one has a siege start
TXC2: NanoDelta neat
Akai__Suisei: @NanoDelta Some stages are stagnant but yeah, most stages change as the rounds progress
Akai__Suisei: 2U is her good low
Akai__Suisei: Decent range sweep and special cancellable into 236L/214L to be safe
the_patches: sick
Akai__Suisei: Standard near the corner BNB is like 5MMM>236H>2M>214H>MMM>DP
the_patches: iktf
the_patches: vira_getting_punished_for_dp.gif
GanixU: I must say aesthetically the game rocks
Akai__Suisei: Yeah sweeps are the basic answer to dashing/walking/spot dodge/roll
the_patches: oooooof
the_patches: now just auto-combo into super and you're starting to cook.
the_patches: #gottem
TXC2: we take those
bytecaster: She is pretty agile for wearing plate armor
tod_vom_himmel: properly made full plate is light and flexible
bytecaster: Huh, I guess that makes sense
tod_vom_himmel: how else you gonna jump on and off horses an ish
the_patches: raw super does likee 40%
Akai__Suisei: Clashes in this game nullify the clash button and let you instantly buffer another move
the_patches: third hit always gets me.
TXC2: a full suit of steel plate armour weighs less then modern battle armour
tod_vom_himmel: it only got heavy when they tried to make it block muskets as guns started creeping onto the battlefield
tod_vom_himmel: they eventually gave up and ditched the armour
Akai__Suisei: @TXC2 I mean ruck included then yes. But modern Kevlar + helmet is only like 30lbs and alot of steel plate was like 40-50 so close but idk if lighter.
tod_vom_himmel: also that 40-50 probably doesnt cover all the chainmail and leather you wear underneath does it
the_patches: the M one I think is plus, but they're also not unsafe, so push L
30teracyte: I think spotdodge is like the best answer?
Akai__Suisei: L and H rush punch are minus 3 so they're safe. M rush punch is plus.
Akai__Suisei: The only one that's actually unsafe is Ult rush punch but even then it's only -4
AceGun_: gotta use that block button then.
the_patches: we both need to learrn to use the block button
ztghostie: !schedule
AceGun_: I think you can push 5M after 66L is they are mashing?
the_patches: cM
LMAOkai_: ty for the games!!!!
LMAOkai_: needed a break and rotate out
AceGun_: true.
the_patches: what's the password or are you all full?
LMAOkai_: damn
TXC2: the_patches 1111

LMAOkai_: games fun
HungryTanuki: Ggs Mo !
I don't know how to chat in in the room 
AceGun_: gremlin time!
BusTed: does the crown have a hurtbox
tod_vom_himmel: i hear this is the best character
AceGun_: @BusTed yes.
BusTed: 👌
Cag player
Peak spotted 
wait no, I'm a dumbass 
ThatMoGuy: @HungryTanuki GGs! You improved a lot through the set!
BusTed: jumping illegal
Afternoon Adam and chat, how's the game? These sure do look waifuy. 
LMAOkai_: she has a demon flip
TXC2: hello TheMerricat welcome
Mai_Andra: the little run... like an oncoming train...
TXC2: TheMerricat the waifuest
In the words of a very very old webcomic, beware the cute ones. 
NanoDelta: "Thats not a little girl, that E. honda!"
HungryTanuki: @ThatMoGuy Ty !
Mr_Horrible: "Little Character, Big Buttons" is a time-honored vibe in fighting games
tod_vom_himmel: chip isnt in this game
tod_vom_himmel: thats strive
bytecaster: Better dying to chip than to dale
Mr_Horrible: because ArcSys is conspiring against you
AceGun_: you're playing an honest character.
AceGun_: Everyone else is degenerate.
LMAOkai_: Zeta is an honest character
Mr_Horrible: she doesn't look like someone who would lie easily
she's top tier people said that means everyone hates her 
TXC2: her sword is bigger then she is
NanoDelta: From earlier convo, a lot of the game complexity imo is in the blue diamonds at the top. Universal combo breaker and punishable guard breaker. Then again, I'm also bad
mjuukis: what is this tiny child
MilkInBags: well actually...she's 2000 years old!!!
MilkInBags: (I don't know)
NanoDelta: @mjuukis E.Honda, actually
Ferisar: i think she's just short lol
AceGun_: wiki says she is 24.
mjuukis: sounds like anime to me @MilkInBags
24 what? inches? 
Ferisar: @MilkInBags that's cagliostro
AceGun_: The secretly ancient girl in this is Cagliostro, yeah.
I_Luv_Pokeymanz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!

Thanks for subscribing, I_Luv_Pokeymanz! (Today's storm count: 11)

HungryTanuki: Gb is fun !
MilkInBags: chat, we got him
AceGun_: learning new fighting games can be fun!
duallain: little sword and board character looks fun
123 raiders from SergeYager have joined!
AceGun_: you character doesn't have a neat dragon pet.
HungryTanuki: Brew crew !

TXC2: hello Raiders
mjuukis: raid`?
duallain: your character looks cool, I'd watch an anime with her as MC
BlueChloroplast: I wanna be both characters
00clank: Oooh, checking out Granblue today?
TXC2: 00clank sure are
AceGun_: spot dodge their dash attack, I think? (easier said than done)
I_Luv_Pokeymanz: hey adam, you ever thought about trying out for the sajam slam?
00clank: Pretty sure he submits to each one.
duallain: we should get you a vtuber model, might increase your chances
AceGun_: He's at a bit of an awkward skill level for SF6 slam, yeah.
I_Luv_Pokeymanz: fair fair.
00clank: Maybe for SF6, but once it is another game I think you have a solid shot.
this game looks pretty 
00clank: Granblue is Very pretty.
Mr_Horrible: damn, the little avatar lady is talking mad shit
the_patches: you had my number that was for sure
BusTed: ggs

TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam
Mr_Horrible: it ees what it ees
AceGun_: @Mr_Horrible fun fact: the avatar lady is a literal, real life horse.
I_Luv_Pokeymanz: we'd root for ya bud

Mr_Horrible: @AceGun_ oh well that explains why she's so mean

00clank: Fun to try new things!
duallain: TY for the games, was a ton of fun

HungryTanuki: Ggs everyone !
the_patches: feb 5th
AceGun_: Couple weeks for Mai.
00clank: Wolves is soon?
HungryTanuki: Open beta announced for Cotw !
AceGun_: city of the wolves has a beta at the end of Feb.
00clank: Ah, a beta.
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
Mr_Horrible: we shall see
tod_vom_himmel: ribbit
TXC2: next Friday is the PPR, so watch this space

Mr_Horrible: uh oh...
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (57m from now).
Mr_Horrible: thankies....
TXC2: !events

TXC2: Live and Canlander tourney Hype
later, I have to "work" still. 
MilkInBags: what if we dont

TXC2: MilkInBags fine, you do you
MilkInBags: no day for me?!
HungryTanuki: Ty for the stream Adm !
TheAinMAP: Good bye
thanks for the stream, boss 
itira: thanks for stream Adam! have a good day everyone
I_Luv_Pokeymanz: thanks for stream, streamer!
HungryTanuki: o7
BusTed: Have a good one, all.
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
ThatMoGuy: GGs LMAOkai
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
Reset scrolling