RockPusher: ah yes, the two types of fantasy anime — the ones where you eat the monsters and the ones where you "eat" the monsters…

DeM0nFiRe: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always alive.
Wicker_Guide: grr, immortals
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (0s ago).


Tuxbeej: Hold tight. We had to make some adjustments.
Tuxbeej: We’ll be going live soon.
TheAinMAP: Standing by.
np Beej no rush
WanderingWinder: holding tight
Juliamon: ominous
RockPusher clamps onto his desk
GapFiller: blessing in disguise tbh having left the kettle on
gnyrinn: Hey there chat. I nearly had a heart attack just now, as I saw a message from my municipal council and confused the "estimated tax payed all year" with the "tax due this month".
TheAinMAP: Signal
RockPusher: !quote beej
LRRbot: Quote #8993: "In retrospect, that was a lot of beef." —Beej [2024-05-15]
RockPusher: mmmm, retrospective beef
mtvcdm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months!
mtvcdm: Numbers keep occurring
Thanks for subscribing, mtvcdm! (Today's storm count: 12)
Brozard: !findquote beef
LRRbot: Quote #8466: "Horse beef." —Cori [2023-02-13]

GapFiller: !findquote horse
LRRbot: Quote #4128: "This horse is exactly like James. Real pain in the *** until you pat him on the head, then he's fine." —Adam [2017-03-25]
Brozard: What if you feed James a carrot?
RockPusher: "I'd like some beef please." "What kind? We have roast, corned, minced, and *checks notes* horsed."
mtvcdm: Gotta make sure he drinks his milk first
gnyrinn: @Brozard Adam will see better in the dark, I think.

lonestarbl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
Thanks for subscribing, lonestarbl! (Today's storm count: 13)
ExachixKitsune: hello friends
RockPusher prepares
GapFiller: huh guessing my network has gone fucky since mobile seems fine
richard_ermen: That was a very nice generic gag.
Invitare: I'm impressed they replied

TheAinMAP: Those notes sure come in handy.
mtvcdm: I know where they got that gag on Checkpoint.
RockPusher: Auntie Beeb with the tough love
mtvcdm: Victoria Coren Mitchell's been doing a bit this season on Only Connect where she 'asks AI' to write her intros and inevitably gets total slop.
OldUncleDan: I didn't realize that Canada had Conscription!

RockPusher: Heather team automatically OP
RockPusher: games that were ill-advised to begin with
Decaped: The 2020s Graveyard of Failed Service
Decaped: hang on...worshopping....2020s Graveyard of Failed Lives
Getter404: I lost count but IIRC 6 or 7 of the vaunted 12 games have been cancelled?
Metric_Furlong: just throwing money and developers' time into a giant pit
MalFnord: Live service games are the future, despite the fact that they are very much not the future
Getter404: Like there was TLoU MP, these two, Concord.... oh man I have to be forgetting a couple
gnyrinn: So, these live services also burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp?
LordZarano: Dead Service
richard_ermen: I don't really understand the Live-Service-Craze. Considering how much money they've already sunk into these games and made millions of failures, it seems they just can't learn
Getter404: Remember when everyone thought Bluepoint was making MGS1 next? I miss that timeline
Kentosaurus: which is annoying since redfall sounded like the fun premise of a single player game
Almost like there might be a better way to structure a business/society 
Decaped: Something like 7 of the top 10 most profitable PC games were live service in 2023....trying to find the article.
Brozard: Was that weird audio blip my headphones or the stream?
KV1NN4: I didn't catch anything
KV1NN4: catch=notice
Getter404: Redfall was weird as hell since reportedly the vibe was "boy I hope MS will realize how bad this is and cancel it FOR us after the buyout", then Matt Boty saw and immediataly said "sweet, more multiplayer! Go for it!"
niccus: Nasir Gebelli?

MalFnord: What if they use it in the Mafia context?
Decaped: tiktok banned themselves in america for 17 hours
Getter404: By the person who ordered the execution in the first place
mtvcdm: Tiktok was banned and then got bitten by the Zuckerberg zombie
jessieimproved: Correct, tiktok took itself down, it was not enforced
Decaped: The law was pull it off the store, not take it offline.
Wicker_Guide: Tiktok's legal status is currently flummoxing even well-known legal scholars and commentators
mtvcdm: In a lot of cases, you don't think about who owns the company unless it directly impacts your ability to continue working at the company.
jessieimproved: I have worked for one of the largest companies in the US (in the past) - I can promise you I did not know all the subsidiaries
gnyrinn: Fox News once sued Fox for a bit on the Simpsons. This happened when they were both owned by the same company.
Dromos_GHG: that’s comedy!
RockPusher: "Noooo, don't use the covert foreign controlled app!" Users: "Fine, we'll use the *overt* foreign controlled app!"
GapFiller: this the problem w/ conspiracy theories
GapFiller: they always require more effort than is realistic
Decaped: Second Dinner is now looking for a different publisher because Bytedance didn't inform them this was going to happen.
TreeVor84: The false idea that bad things are always intentional
LordZarano: "misunderstandings and neglect occasion more mischief in the world than even malice and wickedness. At all events, the two latter are of less frequent occurrence." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1774
Getter404: Has Marvel/Disney worked up the nerve to say anything about this?
GapFiller: which is fair
MalFnord: @Getter404 That assumes they even noticed Marvel Snap in the first place
Getter404: Paul wants Pantsless Nightcrawler. Confirmed.
Juliamon: The number of times someone has told me "this thing that's going to happen shouldn't affect you" and then it very much affected me is not zero, so even if Second Dinner had been told of this possibility, it still wouldn't be their fault.
7gorobei: the people at second dinner had previous relationship with marvel, they started the company knowing they would have access to the characters. when brode left blizzard they already had an idea for the game
Getter404: Disney prefers to license out and take on as little of the risk personally. Hence why they shut down Lucasarts and signed with EA/Square/etc
GapFiller: its like a non Xmas version of that Its a Wonderful Life sketch LRR did
TheStarwind subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheStarwind! (Today's storm count: 14)
richard_ermen: 20$ for nice, 35$ for a big one, 5$ for GTA6
Decaped: Finally, a platform worth supporting.
mtvcdm: I should be paid in time to play them
RatherLargeToad: I can remember getting FF 3 (actually 6) in the 90s for $65
richard_ermen: I remember having to buy Terranigma for 120 german marks in the 90s
Mr_Dirty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Dirty! (Today's storm count: 15)
richard_ermen: And I remember the huge box it came in
GapFiller: havent they already broken 100CAD in some places
Getter404: Or, in other cases (console hardware), they subsidize lower prices in "primary" regions (US + EU) by raising the relative price elsewhere
jessieimproved: prices almost never go down, for exchange rate reasons, or like, any other reason
RockPusher: Cheapest edition of Civ 7 is NZ$129.95 pre-order
Getter404: Like how the Series + PS5 are still at pretty much their launch price
GapFiller: and they wonder why piracy is rife
Juliamon: That always annoyed me as a kid that books had USD and CAD printed directly on them, and then the news would say the exchange rate changed, and the book price wouldn't.
mtvcdm: At a certain point, an individual game should not go above a certain percentage of the cost of the device you're playing it on.
Decaped: Market cap has also gone up more than inflation.
Getter404: "Wages" never enters into the conversation for these analysts. Not once.
richard_ermen: I wonder how long, until the next playstation costs 1000$ upwards
GapFiller: this really brings a whole neu meaning to the idea of currency pegging
Getter404: And 60 was the PS360 in like 2004/2005
gnyrinn: Inflation going down doesn't mean prices go down. We can call greedy bastards greedy bastards without getting economic terms wrong.
RatherLargeToad: Nintendo games vary wildly. some are 70, many are 60, some are even 40 or 50
mtvcdm: Like, there's a heck of a thing the industry's gotten itself into with people waiting on everything until it's on sale... but there's a reason they do that.
Getter404: TECHNICALLY the 70 dollar point is on a case by case basis on Switch, started with TotK
GapFiller: isnt this just another kind of surge pricing
kingandcommoner: On one hand sure; on the other hand, if any game can guarantee a return without a price increase its gta
mtvcdm: GTA6, SPECIFICALLY, might be able to get away with $100. Are you also making GTA6? No? Eff you.
GapFiller: real tragedy of the commons type situation
Decaped: all these other industries are colluding on prices, why can't we?
Wicker_Guide: Alternatively, these companies could adjust their budgets to a market-bearable level
Juliamon: "Wow, why'd you punch yourself in the face like that?"
Getter404: I'd say GTA6 is the LAST one to warrant a price raise, since the expectation is you're going to be getting Shark Cards inside the first week anyway
mtvcdm: Your dumb little live service clone is not GTA6, and you should not price it like GTA6 if you want it to succeed.
bytecaster: Fortnite?
richard_ermen: Isn't Minecraft at 20$?
bytecaster: If PUBG is on there, surely Fortnite should be higher
Wicker_Guide: I am also quite skeptical of the accuracy of that chart
bytecaster: GTA2!
LurkerSpine: PS2 era
richard_ermen: I remember liking Vice City. Good music.
Getter404: @bytecaster PUBG had an actual MSRP for a good stretch, likely skews the number
gnyrinn: If you had asked me 5 minutes ago, I would have sworn that PUBG was F2P.
richard_ermen: The only thing I remember about GTA4 was "Cousin? You wanna seee....??"
I wasn't aware PUBG isn't F2P, sorry 
mtvcdm: You're gonna get a lot of dumb execs that price their games out of existence by trying to follow GTA6 and will blame everything but the price tag.
Mr_Dirty: Do the free on epic ones count as a sale?
Getter404: @Mr_Dirty Yes, Epic's subsidizing the cost but they're still units sold
7gorobei: pubg is f2p now, but was pay at start
TheAwkes: And 7th Saga on the SNES was $100 CAD when it came out...
MalFnord: "Lies, damned lies and statistics."
Decaped: ah yes, Movie and Concerts, famously doing so well at the moment
Wicker_Guide: that chart is actually really good, and one I would like to show students in economics classes
kingandcommoner: Yes, but they also needed to print games onto their own circuit boards and ship them to stores
ExachixKitsune: so, you didn't feel you would get enough of a profit on continuing doing it? you found economics... uneconomical
kingandcommoner: overseas
richard_ermen: All of this would be more sensible if the general real income had also risen in par since 1993...which it didnt.
I paid €9.95 for Minecraft on 2010-09-17 … I think I have gotten my monies worth in the intervening years 
TheAwkes: Now do the comparison with *wages* instead of inflation.
mtvcdm: You know what's also cheaper? Not buying it at all and saving myself $100.
Decaped: was RDR2 higher than average?
bytecaster: A comparison to purchasing power seems more reasonable
TheWooglie: so is this you asking Paul for a raise?
bytecaster: How many Bananas is GTA6
richard_ermen: "It's an egg Micheal, how expensive can it be? 20$?"
gnyrinn: We should maybe normalize this history with "take home pay-cost of housing" per month.
mtvcdm: $100 could get me through like an entire year of Steam sales and I could get like 15 games
GapFiller: phun phact shoplifting rates also track w/ the cost of living
GapFiller: guess which way theyve been trending lately
bytecaster: Silksong is getting released in a hurry to be the first game to have the 100$ price point
kingandcommoner: If i buy a mario ro zelda game, I know there's a minimum of quality control that I trust literally no other non-indie developer to give me
bytecaster: Yeah, Nintendo at least ensures that their games function and are fun thus far
Laserbeaks_Fury: It'll end up being a "Day 1" Premium
Wicker_Guide: economics is a way to describe a modeled set of incentives, it isn't a literal law system
kingandcommoner: let's be honest. he said the quiet part out loud
Timerquack subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Timerquack! (Today's storm count: 16)
Getter404: It's always G R O W T H
Wicker_Guide: having worked for market research companies, blowhard jerks like that get very good press for their company even though the actual researchers have contempt for them
OldUncleDan: The Curse of Capitalism: Number must always go up!
THAT wd be the
bytecaster: It's just a launcher for GTA Online
kingandcommoner: Rockstar feels like that kind of troll
ExachixKitsune: What's the likelihood that the GTA price is made cheap *BECAUSE* of this report and they are like "No, our investors won't take the risk because this report says it's risky"
Marvoleath: Or it's $100, no one buys it and it goes on 30% sale immediately
GapFiller: Nelson deserves a raise for the Chappell Roan work
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, sadly I have no clue who this person is and, as such, the joke was lost on me.
Wicker_Guide: Nelson getting to flex those lyrical theory muscles
GapFiller: young tech savvy woman in the media plays Fork Knife? never!
bytecaster: She could a duet with Miku!
Decaped: the joke was just references. not much to miss.
GapFiller: bytecaster thats prob ain the works somewhere
Laserbeaks_Fury: The Law of Conservation of Comedy dictates this was a super funny to some people.
Getter404: Ah yes, a Sensible Chuckle
Miku on Miku violence 
RockPusher: I'm in favour of good jokes done for people who aren't me
GapFiller: Laserbeaks_Fury thats the problem w/ Alexs theory of comedy
GapFiller: if yr not in the ingruppe yr just gonna bounce straight off
ExachixKitsune: ritualistic murder courtesy of miku
Bruceski: The Chappel Roan stuff and the way some people have reacted to it reminds me of movie news when some magazine says "<actor> wants to be involved in the MCU" and implying that means more than the actor saying "yes, I'd like a paycheck please."
RockPusher: You. Have. Been. Mikued.
ExachixKitsune: hehehe yeah
RatherLargeToad: Anyway, here’s Miku…with a gun!
GapFiller: she shd be in Fork Knife wearing some kinda garish wig
bytecaster: All humans are visual, Beej
mtvcdm: !crossover
LRRbot: Maybe we should try this with the characters from Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby.
Coloneljesus: or fortnite lego?
GapFiller: bytecaster what abt humans w/ visual disabilities
bytecaster: @GapFiller Still can be seen
Getter404: I'm fairly certain Godzilla never played Fortnite
RatherLargeToad: But…you’re already in Fortnite right now
MalFnord: We will all be Fortnite
GapFiller: this one def had some signature Cam touches
Wicker_Guide: #SamplingIsHard
Wicker_Guide: #PityYourLocalSurveyor
mtvcdm: And the smallest area was business and finance. Funny that.
Decaped: Indie games going to be the only ones worth playing at this rate
Coloneljesus: @Decaped already are 95% of the time, imo
tryllebanjo: That's a weird diagonsis. Pre-Existing Phone Call.
pre-existing? as in someone has been sitting on the phone this entire time? 
mtvcdm: Fewer people *want* AI, the people who *do* still want it are pushing it harder and harder.
Wicker_Guide: it's the product
terribleplan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
Thanks for subscribing, terribleplan! (Today's storm count: 17)
electric_claire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
electric_claire: Copilot etc are such garbage. They're only useful for writing boilerplate that you shouldn't be writing anyway.
Thanks for subscribing, electric_claire! (Today's storm count: 18)
Getter404: @RockPusher Oh s** he forgot Cam. Again.
accountmadeforants: Summarizing things is arguably the only useful thing for "AI" right now, but it mostly just demonstrates that it's talking out of its ass if you actually check it against the source.
niccus: the sub-ocean of temperature
Coloneljesus: yeah the larger the code snippets copilot generates, the longer (like, more than proportionally) I need to check it.
DoodlestheGreat: Goncharov!
Marvoleath: Use udm14 for Google search, just skips the whole "AI" mess
ghyllnox: Or it rick-rolls people because people rick-roll people fairly often
ExachixKitsune: "I found this video that solves your problem!" *rickroll link*
kingandcommoner: I no longer trust google to tell me who was in a movie
Getter404: @Marvoleath Plugged that one line into UBO the second they added it
Bruceski: They can make it better at being convincing, they cannot make it better at being correct.
CmonWHAT: I mean if you're going to market something as "intelligence", it might be a good idea to make sure it actually has some
Kentosaurus: they made artificial intelligence, not artificial wisdom
Marvoleath: @Kentosaurus it's not even intelligence though
electric_claire: ML is really good at detection and interpretation but I have yet to see a good use of generation that's more than a toy and isn't highly unethical.
GapFiller: just been going back over the yt comments and MAN thats a lotta lotta Well Actuallying abt the durability of the Switch
Wicker_Guide: @Bruceski I mean, they can, but the two things are rarely complementary and often in direct conflict
Getter404: Saying "we'll announce the successor before the end of March" and having the announcement be "come back in April" sure doesn't feel honest
GapFiller: G really touched a nerve there eh
DoodlestheGreat: "The Switch 2 will be able to wash your socks and make coffee!"
voren_chalco: @Kentosaurus considering how enraptured some are with it, I think they made artificial charisma
DoodlestheGreat: "The Switch 2 has been made out of dark chocolate and leftover bottle caps from Mexican sodas!"
Marvoleath: Have anyone tried playing the video backwards?
Heather and any other mods having to sift thru all those people skriking and mithering abt Joycons
bytecaster: I'm gonna make a channel about just the Switch 2 teaser
DoodlestheGreat: @bytecaster Another one?
LordZarano: It's 2 minutes 22 seconds. Because 2 2 2, it's 2!
bytecaster: @DoodlestheGreat Yeah, but mine will be better!
electric_claire: My hot take on the Switch 2 is that the name is boring.
h3rsh3yb4r: WoW creators during content draughts
Coloneljesus: who guessed it, youtube as a job also really sucks sometimes
Getter404: Did you see that story about Youtube's AI trying to "brainstorm" ideas for people covering games? It's... not great
accountmadeforants: For the Switch 2 rumours, the mouse thing does seem somewhat credible to me, since the trailer does show a thing on the controller rails that looks like an optical sensor. (And because it was part of rumours/leaks that turned out true otherwise.)
Getter404: (Up on Aftermath)
bytecaster: I think the Switch 2 is gonna run OS/2
Mai_Andra: and then you have to do the news story about all the articles about how there is no news...
accountmadeforants: The Verge also had a tongue-in-cheek article about what the C button is for. But yeah, this is gonna get tiresome real fast
LilyOfTheVeil666: Gotta get that SEO/engagement bait
DoodlestheGreat: "We don't know if the Switch 2 prefers pineapple on pizza, or if it thinks that dress is purple."
gnyrinn: What we don't know about the Switch2: Everything. Next article
mtvcdm: Looking for gaming news for the tip-line channel in the mod slack, it is depressing how many 'look at this amazing deal' and 'how to unlock such and such in this game or other' pieces to get to anything remotely useful.
kingandcommoner: same phenomemon we have with the Fromsoft Lore analyzers
So the lesson is, never make content. 
Decaped: Do we have a betting pool on when Checkpoint first accidently reports on an AI written article?
accountmadeforants: Excellent wording
ExachixKitsune: wha
Coloneljesus: valuable information
accountmadeforants: I can also announce that it won't be a PS7 exclusive
CaptainSpam: That's some wording.
accountmadeforants: Or a Wii U exclusive
RatherLargeToad: turns out it’s PlayStation 7!
bytecaster: I'm announcing here that Florbo 2 won't be an Xbox 720 exclusive
DEATHlikescats: I mean… that’s kinda useful?
DEATHlikescats: but not very
ExachixKitsune: watch it be an XBox exclusive just to throw us off
CaptainSpam: I can confirm this will not be a Dreamcast exclusive.
bytecaster: @ExachixKitsune I want it run exclusively on the NGage
gualdhar: well, remake part 1 was on PS4, but remake 2 was PS5 exclusive
bytecaster: How much of gaming news is wishful thinking?
DEATHlikescats: and absolutely no support for the WiiU is expected
accountmadeforants: Didn't Bloodstained also pledge to announce on the PS Vita?
Mai_Andra: so i guess part 3 will be crossgen on PS5/PS6?
accountmadeforants: Or was that another Kickstarter game
accountmadeforants: *to launch
DEATHlikescats: @gualdhar it’s good that they’re not making players upgrade to the next console. again
LordZarano: Yooka Laylee was gonna be WiiU too iirc
bytecaster: All this Wii U slander now that Beej is gone
accountmadeforants: Okay, yeah, Bloodstained did plan to launch on the PS Vita
CmonWHAT: WiiPort
voren_chalco: Nintendoland was great
RatherLargeToad: I miss Nintendo land. my family loved the ghost hunt game
CaptainSpam: As in (0,0,0).
accountmadeforants: Origin Systems? :')
Kentosaurus: ugh, wish I could forget it
DEATHlikescats: @ratherlargetoad which one did you get to go to? the us or Japan version? I heard they’re slightly different
CmonWHAT: I do remember that, had some games on there
bytecaster: Origin has only ever been installed under duress
TheWooglie: EA App
I can't play the copy of SimCity I actually bought because it required to register to Origin, then didn't transfer to EA app when they deleted Origin. 
RatherLargeToad: @deathlikescats the game, not a park
bytecaster: EAA
DEATHlikescats: @ratherlargetoad ah my bad!
accountmadeforants: It'd be real good if we could uninstall EA
CmonWHAT: Way to brand, guys
accountmadeforants: Microsoft did not in fact say that
gnyrinn: It got replaced with something that Lutris can interact with and overtake competently.
accountmadeforants: Windows still supports 32 bit applications
accountmadeforants: They just don't offer 32-bit-only versions of Windows
bytecaster: This kind of hassle is while Steam is still so popular, it just gets out of your way
bytecaster: *why
accountmadeforants: (Apple did stop supporting 32-bit applications, though)
accountmadeforants: (But like twenty companies total develop for Mac OS so it's not that big a deal)
gnyrinn: For how much EA does wrong, they do do a lot of things right.
Beefpants: I had to install it for something or other recently
TheMerricat: Chat, internet blipped, what story are we talking about ATM?
bytecaster: @TheMerricat EA Origin discontinued
accountmadeforants: Ubisoft's offerings are arguably worse, EA was just first to the shitheap
CmonWHAT: Origin was definitely one of them
TheWooglie: @TheMerricat Origin going away
TheMerricat: Thanks!
Coloneljesus: what about uplay?
LurkerSpine: it crashed alot, and no one ever remembered their EA password
Beefpants: oh right I installed Mass Effect recently
Beefpants: that's what it was
Doc_Layzah: Also required always online for offline single player games
bytecaster: Remember Games for Windows Live
Beefpants: Origin didn't originally have two factor
accountmadeforants: @bytecaster AAAAAA
Coloneljesus: @bytecaster dry heave
Beefpants: same with epic

dumbo3k: It's going to a farm upstate
people just play ubisoft games on console, so we don't have to use uplay 
Getter404: Epic's never been a *good* store, mind you, but they have Epic money
CmonWHAT: Origin being retired simply means it will be much more reliable in not working
GapFiller: its app launchers all the way down
jessieimproved: It's really fun if you're trying to get a game to run in Linux
accountmadeforants: @bytecaster A game I really liked (Universe at War) had one of its most interesting multiplayer modes locked behind Games For Windows Live Gold, and I do hope they got paid a decent chunk of money for that bit of "cross-"promotion
bytecaster: Remember when we could just double click an exe file
Marvoleath: That's why GOG is great - you do not need to use their launcher for games from their store
Beefpants: I stopped bothering buying ubisoft games in other stores
ExachixKitsune: Stellaris does it too - you load it in steam and it opens a stellaris launcher. At least from that there's a button which is "just continue my last game" and it goes straight in
Beefpants: I'm mean it works its just... lame
Mai_Andra: looking forward to when all Assassin's Creed games can only be launched from Assassin's Creed Infinity, that can only be launched from Uplay, that can only be launched from...
LilyOfTheVeil666: @bytecaster Pepperidge Farm remembers
Beefpants: Storeception
bytecaster: Imagine if you could only look at a painting after logging in with the painters studio?
Marvoleath: Uplay points at least can be used to get their games for cheaper, now even with pre-orders
accountmadeforants: I still wonder when the first Switch game that's just streaming remotely will shut down.
Mai_Andra: i was constantly getting meaningless popups from u-connect or something that can absolutely be turned off, but only if you sign up and register an account...
CmonWHAT: Ubisoft has been pretty terrible for quite some time.
Good effort good effort
mtvcdm: So close
bytecaster: Astrobot Maker when?
CmonWHAT: I don't know how you can pretend to be that excited about someone playing a video game
CmonWHAT: It's definitely a skill
OldUncleDan: I can't remember their names, but were those announcers in the Overwatch League and Valorant. Bren and somebody?
CaptainSpam: There was a pretty fun Astro Bot run at AGDQ this year.
bytecaster: I can already run faster than some birds
bytecaster: The one with mouthful mode!
OldUncleDan: Sideshow and Bren? Just remembered.

RockPusher: !findquote monkey
LRRbot: Quote #2341: "Dinosaurs aren't monkeys!" —Heather [2016-04-18]
bytecaster: As a human, I am also equipped with monkey power
Mai_Andra: classic Assassin's Creed experience
Wicker_Guide: Atelier?
a problem that was eventually solved. It was a solved problem. until they reimagined as an open world action game in Origins and it was suddenly a problem again. 
Wicker_Guide: cute girls and potions game
Marvoleath: Even worse - you try to make a jump to climb higher, and there is hay stack below, so you take the dive into that instead
mtvcdm: Eight liars
bytecaster: One of these day I want it to be called Atelier Bob
LilyOfTheVeil666: Oh boy, more Unskippable fodder
CmonWHAT: Oh that's great too
@Marvoleath trying to climb any wall near water... 
LilyOfTheVeil666: And GUN
FuzBubbles: when are we going to hear the story of the new desk?
CmonWHAT: Ah, the famed Dreamcast Anime art style
Bruceski: Where's the short skirt? I don't see it.
bytecaster: Is this Atelier of Duty?
OldUncleDan: Ateleir ON MOTORCYCLES!!!!! (tm Little Kuriboh.)
Marvoleath: And she has a gun!
Decaped: More like Atelier of Booty
kingandcommoner: one of these days we'll get the true card games on motorcycles videogame we never really got
Wicker_Guide: Atelier Impact, Tears of the Violet Scarlets
Firewhiskers: I miss Recettear
Mai_Andra: some of them are tangentially connected. they're normally "grouped" by titles (for example, the "mysterious" trilogy)
RatherLargeToad: I still need to play the copy of Ryza I bought
bytecaster: The game can be wrong about its own name
GapFiller: theres an 'e' in there
GapFiller: so presumably its At E Lier
RatherLargeToad: It’s pronounced “store”
mtvcdm: You like Antler? Name five timelines.
bytecaster: It's actually written @elier
Mai_Andra: instructions unclear. Ate lier.
DoodlestheGreat: But if you say it when talking about the upcoming anime "Witch hat Atilier," you WILL be side-eyed...
mtvcdm: !youtube
mtvcdm: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
GapFiller: she IS headlining Reading Leeds this year
mtvcdm: !bluesky
3and4fifths: DUNC
LilyOfTheVeil666: Yes, everyone should listen to Chappell Roan
mtvcdm: !patreon
mtvcdm: !store
GapFiller: Chappell Roan x Doom is the xover nobody realised they needed
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
terribleplan: I read dune and still don’t understand the memes
Firewhiskers: Bai
mtvcdm: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
CmonWHAT: You do need clearance from the Herbert Estate for those Dune memes though
GapFiller: FNPF HYPE
DoodlestheGreat: Gettin' drafty in here.
Marvoleath: tell that to my neighbours
RockPusher: get the door snake, there's a draft!
Wicker_Guide: "Brand New"
Mai_Andra: starting at an early time
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're drafting Innistrad Remastered! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 04:30 PM PST (53m from now).
RatherLargeToad: All 8 players will force spider spawning
gnyrinn: You can also become a Conchie.
OldUncleDan: Are you going to be drafting, Paul?
RockPusher: Something is going to happen‽
GapFiller: its the most wonderful time of the month
DoodlestheGreat: Whatever it is, it will be live.
DEATHlikescats: excited!
CmonWHAT: I carry extra packs of card sleeves in a shawl so I'm prepared in case I run across any sort of draft
RockPusher: Powerful Magic
Marvoleath: !schedule

RatherLargeToad: Surely we can make a Canadian highlander rhythm game
DoodlestheGreat: Wheeler & Serge, and two outsiders.
CaptainSpam: On Sunday, we will have no rhythm. Speaking of Dune...
mtvcdm: Last year's championship was such powerful magic that it made my Greatest Hits playlist
DEATHlikescats: heck yeah! marbles!
CmonWHAT: Not all, there can be only one
Decaped: Gen Z brings back Marbles
DEATHlikescats: yelle’s marble runs should cameo
CaptainSpam: "And on AFK this week, we're playing... Marbles?"
mtvcdm: Oh no, wait, two years ago
bytecaster: Jack needs some boxing
TheAinMAP: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a live cat
LilyOfTheVeil666: FROOT FROOT
DoodlestheGreat: All aboard the Fruitbus!
RatherLargeToad: they finished hollow body
Juliamon: (they did finish it)

neisan2112: They finished it last week actually
DEATHlikescats: hello
OldUncleDan: Fruits Basket the game?
CaptainSpam: FROOT FROOT
neisan2112: They might be doing The Last of Us
RatherLargeToad: might be Last of Us
CmonWHAT: Desert Fruit Bus?
Marvoleath: They finished the hollow body
DEATHlikescats: @captainspam glad I’m not the only one with that in their head
Decaped: Did they get the dog ending? XD
Joecool190 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months, currently on a 40 month streak!
Joecool190: almost half a year!
Thanks for subscribing, Joecool190! (Today's storm count: 19)
bytecaster: Last of Us is trying to do a Skyrim
gnyrinn: Fruitbus could be a survival horror about a worker at a UFC plantation in the '50s

Mai_Andra: skyrim is $10 on PSN right now. Should i finally actually play it?
Joecool190: thanks Paul

TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
DoodlestheGreat: 10 q 4 strem
Redbassist: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're drafting Innistrad Remastered! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 04:30 PM PST (38m from now).
LordZarano: Fun fact: Skyrim was actually in the announcement trailer for the Switch 1. To show that it could run big impressive 3rd party games. Unlike the WiiU announcement, which basically only showed things that were already on Wii
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