Metric_Furlong: indeed
TXC2: title change!

Metric_Furlong: it's putting paint on toy soldiers time
Metric_Furlong: (soon)
beowuuf: talking paintulator
RockPusher: Can't Talk Horses Simulator
Metric_Furlong: I'd forgotten that was the theme this week, otherwise I'd have delayed assembling my minis to coincide with it
beowuuf: i liked the previous stream where ian made his non cryptid debut
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the rund
beowuuf: !findquote rund
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
beowuuf: !quote 8
LRRbot: Quote #8: "Once, at a LAN party, I sat down on my own nutsack so hard that I almost blacked out." —Cameron [2015-01-16]

beowuuf that made me think I had missed an episode, so I went and checked, and then found out this stream is almost 4 years old now 
Metric_Furlong: 4 years of horselessness
TheAinMAP: Signal
Metric_Furlong: hello refresh my old friend
TXC2: just the one refresh today

beowuuf: @TXC2 4 years, you'd think cori could horse by now...
ArkohTheFuzzybutt: did someone say horse?
TXC2: beowuuf and yet here we are
Ip redict we're in the studio again, partially due to cameron and painting, and partially due to the music choice 
Metric_Furlong: @TXC2 born to be kings
beowuuf well deduced, also they've previously mentioned they're in the studio 
TXC2: Metric_Furlong princes of the universe
bah, where did listening to people ever get us 
RockPusher: TXC2 fighting to survive
beowuuf: i am a shrekhorse, i have inside me gunk and strings
TXC2: like pumpkin
iris_of_ether: Horse horse horse horse
TXC2: here we GO!
beowuuf: horse!

ShaneLeeAtk: What timing!

TheAinMAP: Hello.
TXC2: Hello Cori and Cameron
baltimore_667083: hi cori! hi cam!

beowuuf: we've got the touch?
TXC2: rising up ro the challenge of out rigers
TXC2: !patreon

TXC2: !store
Lysander_salamander: oh, the garages desertbus shirt! Wish I had bought it when I had the chance
ThePixelSavage: the monnies for minis
SaxPython: clap clap clap
RockPusher: additional bootan
beowuuf: tiger tiger tiger tiger ttiger /neilC
SnackPak_: yeah, that check's out
RockPusher: I'm sure Alex would be up to milling a button out of an aluminium ingot
like buying your own school sport trophy 
Metric_Furlong: Beastmen in space
Lysander_salamander: Is that from killteam?
Metric_Furlong: we breaking out the wet blends, eh?
Tweediculous: it could use a bit more contrast on the burb
beowuuf: burbple
TXC2: I assumed this green/purple blade was meant to be iridescent ?
TXC2: (or read as at least)
Tweediculous: Is this 40k minis?
iris_of_ether: I've definitely had to learn how to paint more aggressively than I tend towards
ThePixelSavage: @Tweediculous yes
TXC2: Tweediculous yes
ive always wanted to get into this but know not a single person who plays 
ThePixelSavage: Cori broke her figurine.
Tweediculous: dumb you use like hot glue or something to put these together?
ThePixelSavage: @Tweediculous plastic glue
Metric_Furlong: @Tweediculous not hot glue, no
Tweediculous: seems like hard work!
RockPusher: thinking about crystalline swords, imagine being stabbed with a crystal of salt — auto-wound-salting
Metric_Furlong: plastic cement for plastic models, superglue for metal or resin ones
iris_of_ether: For metal minis and things that plastic glue doesn't work on, you can use super glue
ThePixelSavage: he is kenough

Metric_Furlong: "when would I see resin minis?" basically any time you're interacting with indie companies' ranges
beowuuf: clown sheep?
TXC2: TASTEFUL! Pictures
Lysander_salamander: sometimes it helps to add "-ai" to your searches
ThePixelSavage: @RockPusher those are sheeps that ahve been dunked into a solution that fights pests
with domestic animals, you're gonna have to let go of the word "natural" 
Hi friends! 
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
ThePixelSavage I'm just pleased that backing red sheep white face turned up something tasteful 
RockPusher: *searching
bring back Inquisitor scale! 
beowuuf: !sponsoled
RockPusher: yas
SnackPak_: ooo
Juliamon: vrrrrrrrr
iris_of_ether: Oh yeah! I got one too
RandomTrivia: hehe, agitator go brrrr

iris_of_ether: That's the one that I think Holo recommended to Ian yeah?
goateedave86: Don't stop I'm gonna process!

iris_of_ether: I bought a pack of glass beads from Mox
the crunching noise of a ball baring getting loose 
Sethalidos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Sethalidos! (Today's storm count: 1)
iris_of_ether: Oh. OH.
TheAwkes: And let those good noises happen.
RockPusher: Congratulations, your motor is now a heater!
Obos_TAB subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
Obos_TAB: Hey mini-painters...can someone tell me if I can do anything useful with an old Warhammer Fantasy dark elves army?
Thanks for subscribing, Obos_TAB! (Today's storm count: 2)
Lysander_salamander: do they make googly eyes small enough for warhammer minis?
Obos_TAB: Some painted some not...feel weird getting rid of them because I love my Cold One Riders
Riiiiiiis: a hand drill with something unbalanced is also a good agitator
ThePixelSavage: @Obos_TAB realize the error of your ways and find your way back into the warm embrace of the High Elves
Obos_TAB: @ThePixelSavage Do High Elves ride dinosaurs?
iris_of_ether: Big Sable
Juliamon: rumour by Big Synthetic
ThePixelSavage: the problem is most sable brushes are not what they were for most sable hair comes from Russia and its ahrd to obtain right now
ThePixelSavage: @Obos_TAB do Dragons count?
TXC2: Obos_TAB they sure don't
Lysander_salamander: Is sable horse-hair, or a different hair?
Lysander_salamander: ooh
TXC2: come join the wood elves, we ride dinosaurs and consentually smoke trees
Lysander_salamander: yeah, my sister-in-law was surprised to learn mink-oil was made out of minks
Obos_TAB: Sables "convert" into brushes. We don't want to dilute the brand!
goateedave86: Comes from Mustela, meaning weasel in later
goateedave86: latin*

RockPusher: !y
spawnofhastur: Beaver beans
iris_of_ether: Ruh roh
Luminaire_p: vanillesque
Obos_TAB: Can I rip old WHF models off their bases and put them on round ones for age of sigmar?
Metric_Furlong: several people in chat about to have some unpleasant discoveries
spawnofhastur: Capybaras just not giving any fucks is the best
ThePixelSavage: seeing that big glass of water, might I suggest you use much less water to clean your brushes ... water getting between the ferrule and the handle is a major point of failure. the upper end of the ferrule should be above the water line
spawnofhastur: Squeeze them and feel the cloaca
Juliamon: Prolapse the cloaca
iris_of_ether: I have a bunch of metal capybara minis that I need to get around to painting. But I want to assemble a little onsen for them first
TXC2: here in the UK, all the turkey sexing is done by one Vietnamese family
ThorSokar: 100% vibes there was even a Dirty Jobs episode about it
Sacrenos: There is a dutch company that is developing a technique to determine sex in the egg, so that they don't have to kill male chickens right after they are born. It's quite cool.
RandomTrivia: iris_of_ether that sounds adorable
Lysander_salamander: that would be great
iris_of_ether: It should be
iris_of_ether: They're from Bad Squiddo Games
Metric_Furlong: oh hey, Bad Squiddo's still going
Metric_Furlong: good for her
iris_of_ether: Sure is!
spawnofhastur: i like that in japan there are just capybaras that put yuzus on their heads
RockPusher: How badly do you have to piss off the capybara for them to form a kill-team?
spawnofhastur: i wonder how moo deng would vibe with capybaras.
iris_of_ether: So like I do know that Bad Squiddo has a bunch of combat guinea pigs, including one riding an armored capybara with a turret
TXC2: spawnofhastur same with everything else, try to bite them
TXC2: "hows it going buddy?" (Loud, violent hissing) "yeah"
Lysander_salamander: aw how cute
iris_of_ether: Awwww
I am not a person, I'm 3 possums in a coat 
Datnade012: Hello folks, what's everyone painting today?
Laserbeaks_Fury: in RDR2, if you startled an Opossum, they would feign death. All the UI would come up like it's a corpse, but if you tried to interact with it, it would get up and walk away
ArdCollider: o7 hi bob hi cam
ThePixelSavage: depressing Opposum fact: they only live 1-2 years. and aprox 4 in captivity
TXC2: hello Datnade012 welcome
iris_of_ether: That's so good
Datnade012 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Datnade012! (Today's storm count: 3)
TheSmilingMammoth: Painting minis while I watch people paint minis, this is a level of immersion I've never hit before
Juliamon: they always look like they're on the verge of tears
spawnofhastur: i like that after they bathe baby sloths they literally hang them out to dry.
spawnofhastur: Flying foxes are far too adorable to be too dangerous to touch.
ArdCollider: biblically accurate sloth
Lysander_salamander: aw
Lysander_salamander: fruitbats are cute
spawnofhastur: do you think possums and fainting goats would be friends?
TXC2: got them with the oldest trick in the book
goateedave86: Years later sees the same possum in a cafe in Italy...
TXC2: sometimes die, then come back, Like Jesus
beowuuf: possum jesus was less of a big deal
spawnofhastur: Possums usually only live 3 years which is the sad thing
Metric_Furlong: cameron rocking the DIY wet pallet
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oo, what kinds of mini's are we working on?
ThePixelSavage: another fun fact: possum and opposum 2 very different animals. Opposum live in NA, Possums in Australia
RockPusher: oops whoops
spawnofhastur: @ThePixelSavage The Australian ones are named after the American ones!
ThePixelSavage: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Kill teams, Eldar and Beastmen
Accidental Cannibal 
@spawnofhastur I did not know that 
spawnofhastur: i have to assume that leaf insects aren't particularly fast eaters
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @ThePixelSavage I think very may be a strong take. They are both "little guys."
spawnofhastur: so i think this is a bit sus all around
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @ThePixelSavage ty
beowuuf: glad we all went there
spawnofhastur: Someone clip that for a future Can't Draw Horses Club.
RockPusher: ThePixelSavage fun fact addendum, brushtail possums, generally protected in Aussie, are shoot-on-sight pests here in NZ
ThePixelSavage: @RockPusher I would argue that falls in the depressing (even if necessary) category
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @RockPusher wow, y'all really hate mammals.
spawnofhastur: @RockPusher after all the problems we've had with imported animals we decided to try exporting them. our bad.
beowuuf: lol

RandomTrivia: Sometimes known as the Freddie Mercury
EvilBadman: It wasn't that bad Cori
goateedave86: a modern day "living on a prayer"
RockPusher: cheeky parrots and silly looking birbs > cute not-possum possums
Coloneljesus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Coloneljesus: yes ive been here before
Thanks for subscribing, Coloneljesus! (Today's storm count: 4)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @RandomTrivia If you try freddie after 3 drinks, you are far more ambitious than I.

RandomTrivia: @thedepthandbreadthofseth I wouldn't dare
Lysander_salamander: yeah
ThePixelSavage: "autoerotic asphyxiation"
ThePixelSavage: mulder cannot die from cold.
Lysander_salamander: we can just pretend the reunion season isn't canon
Laserbeaks_Fury: But the third mind was just right
EvilBadman: it is oasis
goateedave86: It is Oasis
iris_of_ether: It is
Metric_Furlong: Champagene Supernova is Oasis, yes
Metric_Furlong: can confirm, am British
goateedave86: What would Jordan Hinkleman's go to karaoke song be? And what about Silas'?
on look! its a bunch of nerds whomst i love beyond measure! 
spawnofhastur: BOAT *honk honk honk*
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
Juliamon: Somehow I see Jo going for something Bon Jovi
Lysander_salamander: by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs?
iris_of_ether: I really, really need to finish resurrecting my Rock Band customs mod
jacqui_lantern234: what sorta minis we painting today?
Metric_Furlong: @jacqui_lantern234 kills teams
jacqui_lantern234: @iris_of_ether palpatine underscore dew it dot wav
Lysander_salamander: kill team beastmen and eldar
Lysander_salamander: oh cool
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 eldar and beastmen for Cameron and Cori
RandomTrivia: It was great

Metric_Furlong: for 10 minutes
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahahaha
iris_of_ether: I need to look this up 😂
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 woot! ive been spending my day building some orks for Babies First Killteam
ah, the cowards option 
Mangledpixel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 137 months!
Mangledpixel: boop
Thanks for subscribing, Mangledpixel! (Today's storm count: 5)
Juliamon: thank you Sokar
RockPusher: hehe ThorSokar naturally faster to it than I was
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 cool!
ThorSokar: something something I happened to have the spreadsheet open
roseofloki: afternoon, Horse Drawer's!
TXC2: hello roseofloki welcome
@roseofloki so not me, then 
jacqui_lantern234: i cant draw 'em. part of my contract (for legal reasons, this is a joke)
Metric_Furlong: Ryuichi Sakamoto arguably did too, in a vaguely connected to Bowie not
Metric_Furlong: *note
Lysander_salamander: I've never seen Twin Peaks. I keep meaning to try it out be get distracted
RockPusher: Thanks for the Dance
ThorSokar: ^
jacqui_lantern234: love it when a musician cant stop themselves from playing more
measureofhope: A class act
Lysander_salamander: very dashing fellow
SolarBlitz1: That cloak is phenomenal Cam
MWGNZ: sideways gun, sword in swag position
ThorSokar: Either he's a bad shot and doesn't care, or he is an exceptionally good shot and sights are for wimps
Lysander_salamander: vroom

roseofloki: is cam painting AELDAR?
iris_of_ether: Brrrrrrr
RandomTrivia: Delightful
TXC2: roseofloki corsairs yes
roseofloki: beautiful
ThePixelSavage: love the seer with her 10 different talismans - reminds me of Beni from the Mummy
Lysander_salamander: it's the far future. What is "realistic" anyway?
RandomTrivia: "In the 41st century, guns will look as cool as we say they do"
ThorSokar: Super Future Space Nazis don't care about your gun opinions
MWGNZ: "sorry if my space elf's gun isnt realistic"
"we see your point and elect to not give a shit" 
RandomTrivia: Or 41st millenium, rather
TheAwkes: What's the problem with 3/4" rocket propelled explosive bullets?
Coloneljesus: 40,000 holes in the gun
it's the 40th millennium, the bolt gun is a .50 cabluier auto grenade launcher 
measureofhope: The machine spirit wanted more barrels
Lysander_salamander: heck yeah
jacqui_lantern234: thats metal as hell
ThorSokar: So, it's a fancy rail gun?
wedge_x: just like almost every scout rifle in Destiny has a pullpup mag absolutely nowhere near the action
Coloneljesus: it's both
Geldaran: why not both?
RandomTrivia: 100% both
measureofhope: Why not both?
jacqui_lantern234: thats the fuckin stupidest thing ive ever heard AND IM IN LOVE WITH IT
Lysander_salamander: Unreal tournament also has a ninja-star gun
wedge_x: *bullpup
ThePixelSavage: its even cooler. The magazin is a massive block, the gun shaves the projectivel off the top and shoots a disc out the front that is only a few atoms thick
aerohydra: question, how do you pick colors? and how do you plan out how to paint what parts what color?
Mangledpixel: the segment with Rob Liefeld on Stan Lee's tv show was hilarious - Stan is just constantly pointing out all of Liefeld's most ridiculous failings and Liefeld is completely oblivious
BlueChloroplast: Hello chat, I should get some paint and paint along
RockPusher: extremely silly and metal as hell
ThorSokar: and when you find someone else who is embarrassed to know a lot about that thing you find a NEW FRIEND
TXC2: WH40K is at it's best when it sounds like the doppest thing when you're 14, and then when you are 25 you think "hey, wait a minute!"
TXC2: hello BlueChloroplast welcome
@BlueChloroplast hai friend 
Laserbeaks_Fury: I always know what I am doing, and frequently it's bad.
jacqui_lantern234: when im done building my orks, theyre ABSOLUTELY getting painted like the asexual flag
ThorSokar: I have giant blue rocks I use for book-ends
MWGNZ: shoutout to doing test models and isopropyl alcohol
BlueChloroplast: @jacqui_lantern234 heey!
ThePixelSavage: the problem with seeing interesting color schemes you want to replicate is that with how small the miniatures are and how intricate the layering process can be, small deviations can lead to massively different outcomes
iris_of_ether: Sometimes it do be like that
Juliamon: Be prepared to dunk
wedge_x: matte black and drybrush silver, done and done

RockPusher: denuding the tiny mans
SolarBlitz1: a soak overnight and then toothbrush off the paint
@Juliamon ok. youre an excellent mod and a stellar human! #GetDunkedOn 
Juliamon: oh no, I got got again
RandomTrivia: Paul no!
I'll miss Paul 
Geldaran: I always used to use Simple green.
ThorSokar: purple stuff, that'll clean ya out real good!
TheMerricat: Cameron is thing of Zep I believe.
TXC2: purple stuff is how we got the grimace
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 pfft XD
Geldaran: on theme, smells disturbilgly like green kool-aid from my youth.
ThePixelSavage: inks are probably better for what you were trying Cam.
I think I see Aeldari
Also loved the big mid quiz name and cant wait for my new aspect warriors.
TXC2: it's credentials are strong
iris_of_ether: Have you gotten to play around with the Turbo Dork color change metallics?
TXC2: Mishapp53 they're corsairs
ThePixelSavage: @Mishapp53 the prices are insane though ... we are a t a point were GW is normalizing 103€ for 10 pieces of plastic. and people seem to be largely ok with it
Mishapp53: @ThePixelSavage they are but my little plastic dollies
they finally made new aspect warriors? only took 20 years 
ThePixelSavage: @TXC2 30 in case of Warp spiders
ThePixelSavage damn 
TheMerricat: Yar har har and the 3d printer I go. That being said, people who do Warhammer modeling seem to be a lot like MtG players IMO, they have the disposable money to afford to pay for that stuff.
ThePixelSavage: @TheMerricat yeah but we are getting priced out. 103€ is really stupid
iris_of_ether: I feel called out
Coloneljesus: 3d printers got a lot cheaper
Geldaran: @TheMerricat not really that expensive anymore.
Coloneljesus: and can be used for a lot of other things
spicyFerret_: Hello, cant simulate horses club!
TXC2: hello spicyFerret_ welcome
hey my 3d printer was not that expensive 
Lord_Hosk: Im going to 3d print it with the 3d printer I spent $500 on, with $12 in filliment
Metric_Furlong: instead of just, getting into different miniature games
ThePixelSavage: good 3D printers are not that expensive anymore. you can get good 4k printers for 300€ if you USE them a lot you can easily get to a point were they amortize
Metric_Furlong: most of which are cheaper
iris_of_ether: That being said, what I want to do can *only* be procured with 3D printing, so
SolarBlitz1: It's like its an easy thing to do also, when its not just set and go, gotta be careful of chemicals etc its a secondary hobby to print
Metric_Furlong: and many of which are more interesting to play
BlueChloroplast: 3D printing is a hobby unto itself that I'm not interested in pursuing
MWGNZ: i can get a really good 3d printer for less than 8 tactical squads or 1.5 gw 'new edition' launch boxes
Metric_Furlong: like, granted the options can be more limited depending on where in the world you are, but still
Riiiiiiis: @ThePixelSavage I've never heard 3d printers mentioned in *K before... is that a SLA thing?
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Coloneljesus: paul feels ads
That's conclusive 
Geldaran: I got a decent Resin printer recently, and minis turn out great, and a pretty decently crowded plate only costs about $1 in resin.
ThePixelSavage: @Riiiiiiis resin printers use a UV light panel to cure the resin. the K is the resolution of that panel
Geldaran: it is a bit smelly and messy compared to a filament printer though.
Paul needs a supply of Live Bees for the office 
Laserbeaks_Fury: ohh mor Robo Rally
Riiiiiiis: yeah, I guessed it was SLA
RockPusher: [wubbins intensifies]
Juliamon: I miss the normal Horse Club music
Coloneljesus: does Ian have 3d printer? he should get one I think
ThePixelSavage: @Coloneljesus he has
Riiiiiiis: Geldaran isn't it a little brittle?
Juliamon: Coloneljesus He's printed many things
MWGNZ: @Coloneljesus he has several i think
TheMerricat: If you are going to do model printing you probably pretty much want to do resin printing versus filament.
Coloneljesus: good, good
iris_of_ether: I'm actually on day 2 of Baby's First Resin Printer. Can't wait to get home and process the minis I got going for my hopeful Desert Bus project
TheMerricat: At least if you are doing minis
Juliamon: most of the RDP Buttons were printed by Ian
TXC2: right chat i'm off
ThePixelSavage: @TheMerricat for 28mm scale you really dont have an option if you care about details and surface quality. Resin is the only way
RockPusher: iris_of_ether baby's first resin print has gone okay?
iris_of_ether: Filament is okay for terrain, but yeah resin is nicer for character models
RockPusher: 'night TXC2
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Cori and Cameron and Paul on tech
Riiiiiiis: Some years ago the resin was quite toxic, has that changed?
Geldaran: nope, though I've had a few cases with super thin pieces snapping off, but it was always my fault. (drop to the floor, applying excessive force, etc.)
RandomTrivia: Night TXC2, take care!
iris_of_ether: @rockpusher yeah, the test print yesterday looks nice!
Coloneljesus: how fast are SLAs these days? as compared to filament?
TheAwkes: Are there any resin printers that have solved the first it's toxic, then it's utterly unrecycleable problem?
ThePixelSavage: @Riiiiiiis companies promise a lot, so supposedly yes ... but its still messy and a lot of chemicals are involved and the resin printer itself produces ozone
Geldaran: @Riiiiiiis to varying degrees. a lot of that is over blown, if you take basic precautions.
TheMerricat: Biggest scene I understand is making sure you have proper ventilation.
ThePixelSavage: @TheMerricat or put the printer into a printing cabinet
Geldaran: good vent and gloves for liquid resins.
ThePixelSavage: you generally shouldnt be in the room the printer is in. longterm that is not very healthy
ThePixelSavage: at least not when its printing
Geldaran: there are also plant based water soluable resins now, but I haven't tried them.
iris_of_ether: I assembled a vent box from tutorial out of a sideways grow box, window air con ducting, and a nice fan
TheMerricat: Nice!
Riiiiiiis: Ok - I don't print that fine models, so my filament printer is still my best friend
even after all these years, this is the kickstarter music to me 
I put my very cheap laser engraver in a homemade ventilated box (that also stops laser from entering my eyes!) 
ThePixelSavage: @Riiiiiiis its really a qustion if you need it. I tried my hand at 3D resin printing but hate the process and the cleaning.
Geldaran: @Riiiiiiis my elegoo Mars 4 does .05mm at a decent speed, the Bambu at work's best is .2mm I think? it's noticable for sure.
Riiiiiiis: @ThePixelSavage yeah I don't. I mostly print in PETG, which is almost as strong as castings
Anubis169: friend of mine who has a laser box for cutting and engraving leatherwork has it hooked up to a large pipe he sticks out his window
iris_of_ether: Yeah, Elegoo Mars 4 club
Anubis169: heyooooooooo
Riiiiiiis: Am I friend? (thats my setup :))
Riiiiiiis: You are friend but not that friend, you are other friend but still friend 
iris_of_ether: But yeah, in a few hours I'll get home from work either to Dungeon Meshi characters or tragedy
ThePixelSavage: are the Felgor Ravagers for Cori?
Anubis169 aww, and also aww! 
MWGNZ: @ThePixelSavage looks like it to me
richard_ermen: This is nice. "How great is the tranquility I can enjoy in the shared comfort of good silence."
Seems like the kind of technique you would take for granite once you get used to it 
Anubis169 noms on a garibaldi biscuit
goombalax: the corsairs are looking awesome man
hiFunko: love a lil mans paintin stream
Riiiiiiis: hiFunko
MWGNZ: morning funko

Geldaran: I'm just getting back into painting after getting the printer. I'm a lapsed tabletop gamer, but it was always an excuse to paint minis for me.
ThePixelSavage: @MWGNZ she said she dont has the time to learn the new Kill Team rules, thats why I am asking. Hope she has changed her mind. Would love for her to be part of the next Kill team league. I enjoy her enthusiams and humor
Geldaran: @iris_of_ether Ha!
SquareDotCube: Citizen Kane Xanadu?
Anubis169: not a beatles remix?
Anubis169: that's the only one i know
ThePixelSavage: *doesnt have
ThePixelSavage: bummer
ThePixelSavage: but enjoy
free minis
goombalax: Yeah I just found out that the bird species is named after the Aeldari mythical Faoulchu, and isn't just the bird's name
Riiiiiiis: or a platoon?
hiFunko: Combat Patrol is great as the free bag of heroin before you really get into proper heroin
hiFunko: also the bag isn't free
jacqui_lantern234: i like em
RandomTrivia: Ah, precons
ThePixelSavage: combat patrols are "fixed" ~500 points starter forces that you should be able to just play against each other ... but the balancing is completely all over the place
roseofloki: AOS Spearhead is the same idea in the new edition, that seems to function a lot better
ThorSokar: "This is your girl Xanadu, X-A-N-A-D-U" , "I'm gonna get it together, gonna do it for you" , "We're gonna lay down the rhythms of our bad bad sound" <- That ring a bell Cori?
hiFunko: yeah and imperial knights just don't have a combat patrol, because they're too beeg
MWGNZ: @hiFunko between 278 and 330 nzd baby
Sudobyte: AOS Spearhead did the same idea but better, so hopefully they take some of those improvements back to combat patrol eventually
MWGNZ: @jacqui_lantern234 das sum good lookin orks
ThePixelSavage: that said the new Eldar Combat Patrol that leaked looks quite alright if the price is right: 5 Wraithguard, 1 Spirit Seer, 10 Dire Avengers 5 Warp Spiders.
goombalax: Most expensive points per model is Admech, least is Custodes
hiFunko: also the scale of the AoS armies is such that they aren't as out of whack size-wise as 40k is when you compare marine equivalents to like imperial guard
ThePixelSavage: you really need to get teh crew into Necromunda or Mordheim with a narrative campaign
@MWGNZ they make my dice gremlin heart happy 
hiFunko: I'm very excited to play some Star Wars Shatterpoint with Ben and whoever else is interested, it's my favourite game system currently
goombalax: if you like fiddly you'll really get a kick out of the new aeldari rules in 40k
hiFunko: a lot of really smart game design choices
Metric_Furlong: balance issues? in a GW game?!
Sudobyte: warcry and kill team are two very different games but both are great in their own ways
hiFunko: I specifically packed one elite team, and one not elite team, for that reason
hiFunko: Yeah should be soon, people seem mad that it wasn't out before the big las vegas tournament that just happened
hiFunko: but competitive players are often mad as a default
rxpalindrome subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Thanks for subscribing, rxpalindrome! (Today's storm count: 6)
MWGNZ: i think currently navy breachers are the most underdog
goombalax: they're very skill heavy
rxpalindrome: This is exciting, The corsairs are the team i play, and just finished painting them myself. They're so fun
hiFunko: That's the nice thing about Kill Team, even the teams that have a rough go of it can still be piloted well to success
Sudobyte: There's just so much to remember with them. Every other team has 8 ploys, they effectively have like 30
shamblingkrenshar: @hifunko Mad and convinced Games Workshop hates their faction specifically every time they're nerfed
Laserbeaks_Fury: So you still have to be effecient with actions because you'll lose them faster
ThePixelSavage: but arent Striking Scorpions a bit "middle of the road" - arent they in between a fully elite team and a mass model team?
hiFunko: Yeah pretty much
hiFunko: I haven't played the current edition yet, but I know they got rid of some of the 2GA stuff like the Kroot Hounds are independent now I think
MWGNZ: Paul gets it
RandomTrivia: Yep, that's how that works
hiFunko: so it might've been seen as powerful
ThePixelSavage: its also specifically directed AT YOU
SymphonySolstice: especially things that other people have touched
bytecaster: I hate that I can feel my head hurt inside, that seems like the worst sense.
SquareDotCube: But what if you taste what you don't want to smell?
wedge_x: taste is touching something internally
Juliamon: Caramel kiwi
SnackPak_: the kiwi
come at me, sense of taste, im shredded! 
RockPusher: !findquote mouse
LRRbot: Quote #6218: ""Later you get to buy hats from a mouse there." is a sentence I just read." —James [2019-07-17]
SquareDotCube: One of the best Halloween LRLs
MWGNZ: fair tbh
Juliamon: Squishy, furry, chewy. Very believable.
RockPusher: !quote 4425
LRRbot: Quote #4425: "Why can't I just hit a button and I win?" —James [2017-10-26]
SquareDotCube: Could be worse, you could have gotten a caramel covered white bringel
no, i wouldnt, Cam 
RockPusher: !quote 4435
LRRbot: Quote #4435: "Ian fed me a mouse" —Cameron [2017-10-28]

RockPusher: there it is
ArdCollider: you can only eat deadmau5 with continuous enthusiastic consent, kids
SquareDotCube: Also the 3AM cinnamon roll discussion is still hilarious
hiFunko: Someone should eat Deadmau5, we'd be better for it
spicyFerret_: !sir
@ArdCollider yeah I believe that falls into the jurisdiction of the state. Even with the consent that would end you in trouble 
iris_of_ether: Critical damage
ArdCollider: as long as you're not stopping him from getting to a paid gig the FBI has to not care.
let the bodies keep the score, let the bodies keep the score
LordZarano: kiwi seeds can be crunchy
wedge_x: vegan ortolan
SquareDotCube: How about the tomato masquerading as a raccoon?
iris_of_ether: The metal screams are just "my knee"
RockPusher: if your "kiwi" is crunchy I suspect you have confused the bird for the fruit
gdi cori
hiFunko: Snakes have to unhinge their jaws to swallow a kiwi whole
ThePixelSavage: ooooh the kiwi was not peeled?
ArdCollider: there's a paper out today about "do animals dig hamster wheels, like, in general."
ThorSokar: NOPE ThePixelSavage
goombalax: eating kiwi peel is top tier strats
Juliamon: Why would they peel it? The skin is technically edible.
wedge_x: kiwi skin is delicious
ThePixelSavage: @Juliamon technically a lot of stuff is edible, does not make it enjoyable.
goombalax: @Juliamon thats the best kind of edible
ThorSokar: We've had writing for a REALLY long time, it's an interesting question
Juliamon: I am on team "yes kiwi skin" but I also am on team "why would you put sugar on grapefruit" so YMMV
SquareDotCube: Thog's trying to push mammoths into spears
Laserbeaks_Fury: Maybe it's a pattern recognition thing that didn't translate well to written characters
@goombalax I can think of at least one edible that's better 
Laserbeaks_Fury: Like maybe transposing patterns made it easier to spot prey animals using camoflauge
ThorSokar: I wonder if someone saw hieroglyphics backwards
CobaltShuriken: river over horus divided by cane
Laserbeaks_Fury: it's was just looooooong division
drizztnailo: they just eyeballed it
Coloneljesus: egyptians might have been closer to arabic numbers than roman?
spicyFerret_: Ah yes, survivorship bias
drizztnailo: are these eldari?
ThePixelSavage: @drizztnailo of all different flavours, yes
goombalax: Corsairs specifically
that_red_panda: Where I live, the city still has several buildings with W.W2 bomb damage on the walls after the blitz
CobaltShuriken: these capes are so freakin well done.
drizztnailo: nice, i just finished putting together my first set of boyz and am gonna try and slap chop paint them since i heard thats a bit easier
CobaltShuriken: the shadows are amazing at showing the movement of them
ThePixelSavage: that are Dire Avengers
drizztnailo: ork boyz no longer throwing it back smh
that_red_panda: I still call th Eldar
ThePixelSavage: @that_red_panda as a person of culture should *nods*
ThePixelSavage: can we see Coris model progress?
CobaltShuriken: seeing a cutscene be the same quality as gameplay was my golden age of gaming
Laserbeaks_Fury: Some game just dont age well
that_red_panda: MGS4 was a revalation to me when it went from cutscene to gameplay seemlessly
ThePixelSavage: no no cam is out of line but he is right
drizztnailo: cam is spitting im ngl
Laserbeaks_Fury: We need a new thing to hide loading screens. I'm getting tired squeezing through passages.
iris_of_ether: FFVII on PC looks dated but not as muddy as on PSX honestly
Boopity: Genuinely technology and game design has improved so much over the years that when I hear someone praise a game from like... the early 2000s or earlier, I am convinced they have not played it since they were a child
beowuuf: with mark hamil?
Lysander_salamander: I rather enjoyed wing commander price of freedom
ThePixelSavage: Final Liberation had the best live action cutscenes
ThorSokar: They did a FMV DVD game at the last GDQ it was a riot! (Who Shot Johnny Rock)
CobaltShuriken: big fan of Control
LilyOfTheVeil666: All the Sam Barlow games
Boopity: @Laserbeaks_Fury I'm curious what other thing we could come up with for this. Like... it needs to be something that covers most of the view until the load finishes.
Laserbeaks_Fury: The music video with Darling
that_red_panda: Control had this thing where red was a motif, and the amount of times I couldnt tell if I was low on health or the game was was too often
CobaltShuriken: Control 2: Out of Control
ThorSokar: Ya, they said that's the game they're doing next
Lysander_salamander: Just started playing Control. Didn't take me long to turn on the damage reduction
Kentosaurus: I loved control. Just started Alan Wake 2 and it is a vibe.
control_rig: Thank you for reminding me, Control has been on my To Play list for a long while, I'm installing it now
goombalax: the metal sequence was so rad
CobaltShuriken: @control_rig it's in your name!
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah, the Matchbox Mazejust doesn't vibe as well without the song
Foxmar320: Remedy loves musical sections in their games and it's always a highlight
Lysander_salamander: oh neat
Lysander_salamander: sort of like a sandstone
Laserbeaks_Fury: Metal, Death, Baby....
Lysander_salamander: Did Max Payne 3 have live action mixed in too?
Lysander_salamander: I remember it had a lot of inspiration from that Denzel Washington movie "Man on Fire."
CobaltShuriken: i mean, Snake Eater pops into my head
Laserbeaks_Fury: I like the music mechanic in Guardians of the Galaxy
Kentosaurus: @Laserbeaks_Fury yeah, that was a fun one
CobaltShuriken: i know it's a credits sequence, but still
Master_Gunner: Doom 2016 when E1M1 hits
Boopity: Cool ladder
SquareDotCube: sometimes you just have to eat a frog
cormorants: IIRC it isn't a very long ladder, it takes as long to climb as the song takes to finish
cormorants: so if you stop climbing until near the end it's a pretty normal-sized ladder.
CobaltShuriken: doom does the perfect job of making you feel like a harbinger of death
Laserbeaks_Fury: If we're talking music cues that hit, Saints Row 4: The Touch
Lysander_salamander: I hope the next doom game turns out well
GirlPainting: Goth evening everypony
SquareDotCube: And then SR3 had I Need a Hero
MWGNZ: brutal legend would have been a great brawler but instead they made a console rts
TheAwkes: Like Overlord, if you're familiar with that?
wedge_x: the greatest Saints Row moment is still the What I Got singalong in 3
Metric_Furlong: Brutal Legend was secretly a spiritual successor to Sacrifice, but didn't advertise this in any way, which threw a lot of people
SquareDotCube: fireworks, yeah
GirlPainting: Hey Cameron, in the newest Elder Dragon Sotial Club, you mention that you don´t know if a Plasmancer from the Necrons is still sentient. They are part of the Krypromancers and indeed they have their marbles together
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's the stage set up on Tor and Odin's farm
GirlPainting: more or less ^^
Kentosaurus: Please no spoilers for Alan Wake 2, I just started it!
SquareDotCube: Remedy is very good at set piece levels, like the hotel section in Control
Boopity: They are both so poised and focused, I genuinely thought for a second that the stream froze on my second monitor.
CobaltShuriken: is ppr this weekend?
LilyOfTheVeil666: !ppr
Boopity: Cam flexing on everyone in chat right now
SquareDotCube: Imagine if there was a color that let you do that to other players!
CobaltShuriken: pepper spray and a diplomat visa should keep you safe
CobaltShuriken: next time on TTSF: weapon forging
CobaltShuriken: ooh, good colors
GirlPainting: @LoadingReadyRun do you have the first person cameras you use for drafting easy to grab? they would make perfect painting camera setups
Boopity: Can't stop won't stop
goombalax: nonstop Paranoid Android
iris_of_ether: We listened to Orgy's Vapor Transmission(?), I think
AutonomousTurtle: Sorry, what kind of clarity?
TheAwkes: I pressed my face against the glass.
hiFunko: Some of my best paint work was done to the keening wail of Billy Corgan
SnackPak_: gottem
ThorSokar: woooooooooooooooow
CobaltShuriken: Golden Hour by Kacey Musgraves is a great full listen for me while I read

iris_of_ether: OMG
CobaltShuriken: poppin off!
Boopity: On stream..? D:
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I admit, the only NIN I've ever listened to is Quake 1
rxpalindrome: it's all podcasts/audiobooks for me while painting, let my hands do something while i listen to discussion or narritive
iris_of_ether: TOS! TOS!
wedge_x: sounds like you already finished the little mans
no more tossing necessary 
GapFiller: sooo any of The Crew joining James up to Vancouver for when NIN come to BC
spicyFerret_: Im p sure popping off on stream is tos, but you do you
jacqui_lantern234: tamiya extra thin poison

goombalax: its only poison if you breathe near it
CobaltShuriken: Hi Graham!
jacqui_lantern234: hey G
hai G
ThorSokar: I assumed he was here to talk about NIN
GirlPainting: Big G Money
jacqui_lantern234: i judge it to be a well painted little mans
CobaltShuriken: looks good to me
ThorSokar: gonna put some grey highlights in his beard?
CobaltShuriken: like a rough polished composite stone
hiFunko: That's current rules too. They released a new Thane on Oathstone model
Lysander_salamander: neat
Ogrekidd: some of the tau drones are the same, just tokens
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: the tau ghostkeel has two drones it uses to ignore damage twice a game
goombalax: everyone scrambling to find their old shrine tokens lost to the bitz box for a decade
hiFunko: My Kroot for Kill Team needs a bird token for when they mark areas, so I made one out of a little resin tree stump with some bird poo on it
CobaltShuriken: @hifunko incredible
CobaltShuriken: ooh, the patchwork on the cape is so good
GirlPainting: they look realy nice
hiFunko: "Good enough" is where I've learned t olive
RandomTrivia: Perfect being the enemy of "done"
ThorSokar: Is his cape a skinned dinosaur?
CobaltShuriken: usually your own standards of "good enough" are the same point where others have genuine praise and admiration for your work
GirlPainting: @LoadingReadyRun Paul, did you catch what i wrote previously about the Draft Camera?
hiFunko: Very autumnal
Lysander_salamander: rams
Lysander_salamander: yay
Thank you for the stream 
NotCainNorAbel: it redirects to .tv
But muh horse 

CobaltShuriken: Foalless February
Lord_Hosk: Isn't every month Horseless?
Capt_clown: No horse, only ZUUL!
well enjoy your free time!
Lord_Hosk: thats the whole point of the club
GapFiller: its not like we were gonna draw em anyway
Boopity: A much healthier alternative to no nut november
spicyFerret_: Cant horse club.
SquareDotCube: Norse February! Wait that's something else
NotCainNorAbel: because I'm reliable right? right?
wedge_x: honseless
LordZarano: does indeed redirect to .tv
TheAinMAP: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: attack mode socks
RandomTrivia: Jackbox woop woop
KeytarCat: !findquote mode
LRRbot: Quote #5333: "Easy mode is the way to go." —James [2018-09-27]
RandomTrivia: FROOT
TheAinMAP: !venga
iris_of_ether: !froot
Juliamon: He's not using any mods yet, there ARE mods though
Juliamon: DALE
Juliamon: pog
GapFiller: Juliamon it figures the game hasnt been out long enough for mods to reach that point yet eh



RandomTrivia: Oooooh, beeg dino
Juliamon: GapFiller yeah I think there's only a few mods, like adding back binocs, I could see him using that but it may not be worth the effort
Im only upset because you pointed it out, 
TheAwkes: There are a couple bugs that unlocking UE commands in the console get you past, but there really isn't any need to mod Stalker beyond that to play it.
beowuuf: also nothing to do with lrr directly, but james's 5 year anniversary pac is on saturday on his home stream. yes thta's a bad idea after a ppr
gualdhar: play fast, fail hard
richard_ermen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Thanks for subscribing, richard_ermen! (Today's storm count: 7)
Laserbeaks_Fury: Greased Lighting, but it's actually a Lightning Elemental with a saddle.
richard_ermen: lol
Thanks for the stream, Cori and Cam!

TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
LoadingReadyRun: @GirlPainting the draft cameras for FNPF are the same cameras as the side cameras we use in all the streams in this studio. Sadly is it difficult to get them behind the painters

Lord_Hosk: did I cheer you up?
KeytarCat: No bips? 🥺
GapFiller: beowuuf running a PPR and a 5th Annee b2b maybe a bit much for us mere mortals but it figures its small beer for James
@GapFiller lol, we shall see shan't we 
GapFiller: besides its not like hes streaming the same day as the PPR
beowuuf: :F
GapFiller: if anything taking Friday and the following Monday and Wednesday off prob makes it more doable
beowuuf: hopefully!
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