jessicaengle: ha!
jessicaengle: You understand.
jessicaengle: Is sexy snowman the criminal in this scenario?
v_nome: Feels like more of a henchman. The Jaws of Woo, Martinis
v_nome: At the end sexy snowman falls in love and gives up the the henching life
jessicaengle: Something something..... opens up a bakery? Or a bookshop.
KeytarCat: Gelato stand
jessicaengle: sergeJustRight
RockPusher: !fondquote jack
RockPusher: !findquote jack
LRRbot: Quote #141: "It's the scariest of all monsters: the Jumping Jack Dinosaur." —Paul [2015-04-06]
Juliamon: I'm also fond of quotes
Forlorgen: !findquote love
LRRbot: Quote #5575: "I love my skin but it needs to be updated." —James [2018-12-11]
Juliamon: yeah..... yeah.
NewtyNewts: Almost boxing time!
spethycakes: !findquote box
LRRbot: Quote #3337: "Get in the party box!" —Ian [2016-08-31]
RockPusher: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the office sweatband
Forlorgen: wooo party box
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: !advice
LRRbot: The moon is a liar. Do not follow the moon.
GapFiller: !badadvice
LRRbot: Accept limitations from hot rich people.
RockPusher: but the moon is pretty, why not follow the moon
Forlorgen: !findquote birds
LRRbot: Quote #8358: "Geese are raptors of the bird world." —Molly [2022-11-17]
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: The moon follows me.
GapFiller: The Moon is clearly hot and rich
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: Jewels!
Brozard: !findquote home
LRRbot: Quote #8514: "For the folks at home, I pogged in real life." —Wheeler [2023-04-16]
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: Jackbox Party Pack) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (0s from now).
RockPusher: seabatClap
laikagoat: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Manae: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
baltimore_667083: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a really small, sad banana
TheWriterAleph: aww poor banan
PharaohBender27 tunes after after watching some of and donating to Sarah Z's YouTube fundraiser
spethycakes: aww, sad banana
RockPusher: !findquote banana
LRRbot: Quote #7727: "Bananas or death!" —Paul [2021-08-13]
RockPusher chooses the bananas
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You smell very delicious, but I will not bite you.
TheWriterAleph: i choose banana
micalovits: I choose death, then I don't have to pay bills
jessicaengle: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #191: "Why are we in this school? Why are we in a *Japanese* school? Oh, shittles!" —Graham [2015-05-01]
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART At last we return to the box of jacks!
PharaohBender27: Did that !sir command get added in after NaDtD started? :p
Juliamon: that !sir is from BG3 owlbear
micalovits: The best pet
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon Ah!
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Use your body to cushion your own fall.
Garfman314: the box is about to jack, correct?
PharaohBender27 tries to remember what the owlbear's name was
Juliamon: yes, just setting up
AnjaZeta: Tied for first with Scratch and Halsin
jessicaengle: Hootie the Pooh?
PharaohBender27: I feel like it ended with "-ton" - maybe Hootington?
micalovits: Halsin is also a very good Pet yes...
DaxStrife: @jessicaengle He makes owl pellets, actually.
jessicaengle: Hootington is a good name.
PharaohBender27: Argh, I *watched* that PiF and I can't remember
NewtyNewts: boooooo
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
SymphonySolstice: lrrARROWS lrrSIG
PharaohBender27: lrrSIG !
iarethel0ser: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
SnackPak_: lrrSIG
Diabore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
Diabore: THE ONE YEAR!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Diabore! (Today's storm count: 8)
fastlane250: !findquote signal
LRRbot: Quote #8806: "My brain sends signals to the squishy bits and I go up and down." —Cori [2023-11-15]
Riandisa: xivCactuar xivCactuar xivCactuar
laikagoat: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
ShaneLeeAtk: No refresh needed? It is going to be a good night.
fastlane250: lrrSIG main screen turn on lrrSIG
Brozard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
Brozard: It continues
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Brozard! (Today's storm count: 9)
jessicaengle: lrrSIG sergeCrimes lrrSIG
UrbanSamurai_22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
RubikDarkwill subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
RubikDarkwill: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROWS
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UrbanSamurai_22! (Today's storm count: 10)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RubikDarkwill! (Today's storm count: 11)
ihlendrax: Now I wanna watch RQ again….
Luke_Warme subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Luke_Warme! (Today's storm count: 12)
raulghoulia subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, raulghoulia! (Today's storm count: 13)
baltimore_667083: @ihlendrax welcome to the party
teddywhosabear: ayyy jackbox
Sheikun07 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months, currently on a 63 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sheikun07! (Today's storm count: 14)
BtEtta subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 113 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BtEtta! (Today's storm count: 15)
iiieye: I'm here until the cold medicine takes me away
Crispy042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crispy042! (Today's storm count: 16)
kusinohki: meows
jessicaengle: @iiieye armoroHeart
calculated_uncertainties: @ihlendrax Do it!
Diabore: i am now big sads, i have 69 69 70 points :(
Chantzzzzz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chantzzzzz! (Today's storm count: 17)
Tangsm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months, currently on a 68 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tangsm! (Today's storm count: 18)
Ignatiuspants subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ignatiuspants! (Today's storm count: 19)
HbombAndFriends: Cheer100
kusinohki: @diabore soooooooo of by one??
SkylerRingtail subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months, currently on a 120 month streak!
SkylerRingtail: Cheers to ten years. A lot has changed in that time, but LRR remains an inclusive, sane, and entertaining oasis amid the dumpster fire of the Internet. Thanks for being good peeps. Best wishes, always. -Skyler
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SkylerRingtail! (Today's storm count: 20)
kusinohki: (and I'm off by one f)
teddywhosabear: ten years, dang!
Beofryn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Beofryn! (Today's storm count: 21)
PharaohBender27: @SkylerRingtail lrrSHINE
DoodlestheGreat: Just in time.
LoadingReadyRun: @SkylerRingtail thanks for the kind words
NewtyNewts: The one year?!
jacqui_lantern234: @SkylerRingtail and youre a delightful friend who helps make this place so lrrSHINE
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, @jacqui_lantern234 !
e_bloc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months, currently on a 84 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, e_bloc! (Today's storm count: 22)
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 HAI FRIEND!!! <3
Shparky2197 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
Shparky2197: 93 months! The prime expansion of that is 3*31
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Shparky2197! (Today's storm count: 23)
SkylerRingtail: Now go be funny before I start crying!
NewtyNewts: Oh hey there
Thefluffiestguineapig subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months, currently on a 22 month streak!
Thefluffiestguineapig: So excited to have my subversary fall on Jackbox!!
jacqui_lantern234: @SkylerRingtail CRY CRY CRY!!! :P
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thefluffiestguineapig! (Today's storm count: 24)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hello friends!!
saucemaster5000: Evening you canteloupes
jacqui_lantern234: @Thefluffiestguineapig hai friend!!! you am loved!!!
ShaneLeeAtk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
ShaneLeeAtk: So close to nice!
Dog_of_Myth: Made it just in time
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ShaneLeeAtk! (Today's storm count: 25)
flatluigi: jabbox
KeytarCat: The scary thing about community is also the best: You are a key part of the reason your communities are the way they are!
jacqui_lantern234: @saucemaster5000 FAK U SCRUB lrrSHINE (jk ily sauce youre a delight)
teddywhosabear: jabbox
Shparky2197: Hello all, how are we this afternoon? At least, it's afternoon here, it's swelteringly hot 34 degrees Celsius here in Aus. That's about 94 degrees in freedom units
saucemaster5000: @jacqui_lantern234 AND U ARE A TROGDELIGHT
coachNelly: oh hi
baltimore_667083: hi nelly!
s1ck1y: gaming!!!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SkylerRingtail You're great
cmdrzellgaudis: hi Nelly!
Juliamon: Shparky2197 My ideal temp tbh
coachNelly: gaming indeed
RockPusher: coachn3Marionelly
baltimore_667083: it's go time!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh hai nelly! Glad it's your first time at jackbox LUL
jacqui_lantern234: @coachNelly ayo its your first time playing jackbox!!! lrrBEEJ
NewtyNewts: Games! Games! Games!
TheAwkes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months!
TheAwkes: Eleventy Two!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheAwkes! (Today's storm count: 26)
Rhynerd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 113 months, currently on a 113 month streak!
Rhynerd: Y'know what I'll throw my sub in now.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rhynerd! (Today's storm count: 27)
jacqui_lantern234: @s1ck1y r u gamer enough? :P
coachNelly: cant wait to try jack's mysterious box yes
PharaohBender27: @Shparky2197 Ooof. It is early evening where I am, and it's been cold and *dry* (i.e. low hunidity)
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: beefy jeefy
Shparky2197: @Juliamon Very much not mine. I joke that I am a polar bear, I hang on to my heat too well and I love winter
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Brozard: lrrGibb lrrBartleby
Earthenone: !FINDQUOTE box
LRRbot: Quote #7631: "This is apparently a game about making cookies and fixing music boxes." —Dale [2021-06-07]
0x6772: wheee!
jacqui_lantern234: LOOKIT THESE 6 CUTIES ON MY SCREEN <3
Fruan: OMg, Jordynne I love your hair
flatluigi: nelson much louder
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, Katleen, Ian, Jorynne, Matt, Nelson, and Beej!
micalovits: @jacqui_lantern234 And all the cuties in chat!
sheqesi: Wooooo Jackbox!
Shparky2197: Oh, I hate the sneeze that never comes
PharaohBender27: And Paul!
RockPusher: lrrCrab
cmdrzellgaudis: can’t wait to see Nelson play for the first time!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Paul!!!!
Sheikun07: lrrPAUL
NewtyNewts: Studio B, or Studio P?
ShaneLeeAtk: It's Nelly's first time!
stippledotter: Classic Paul Moment
jacqui_lantern234: @micalovits ok THATS debatable lrrBEEJ jk yall are cute
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Always nice when they have a newbie on the stream
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
PharaohBender27: @NewtyNewts My question as well
Spades_Slicc: Ooh, Nelly's first jackbox
DiscordianTokkan: Mest?
raulghoulia: you're trying to tell me a box jacked this?
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's one thing I'm glad is my fault!
DaxStrife: Houst? Thoust!
Shparky2197: Lucrative?
kusinohki: jacque? I don't think I know him...
jacqui_lantern234: jokes on you, ian, lrr's paid me more than ive paid yall :P
Terr0rc0tta subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Terr0rc0tta! (Today's storm count: 28)
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL Ian
Fruan: Scraping the bottom of a very high barrel
spethycakes: Luke Rattive?
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
RockPusher: mattlrLick
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
Shparky2197: Oh dang, I would love to have money to buy merch. Hopefully once I quit smoking I will
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Shparky2197 Best of luck on that one
couchboyj: Does Vraska use the snake tongues too?
Simonark: Next up, Tyvar punching Tybalt off a bridge in the style of Leonora Carrington sleeves?
PharaohBender27: :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean I work in vet med and we use them for cat litter?
ghyllnox: What do people even use for proof of life anymore with no newspapers around
calculated_uncertainties: What potato is your favorite>
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 yes! pay LRR so they pay employees and guests
laikagoat: murder time?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yes, murder time
PharaohBender27: Murder time!
RockPusher: time to murder this party
djalternative: got here right on time
bytecaster: Always lie to chat
NotCainNorAbel: !findquote lies
LRRbot: Quote #9209: "The holidays are a great time to lie to your loved ones." —Beej [2024-12-13]
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I know that music anywhere
kusinohki: ipad with a minute old tiktok instead of a newspaper??
NoxStryx: Up Yours......contribution
raulghoulia: Big Beej
DaxStrife: Big Beej!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ian's a main stay on the House of Lies
public_key_reveal_party: Kathleen has clearly never watched rhythm cafe
Diabore: TMP TMP TMP
LoadingReadyRun: code is FCKW
baltimore_667083: Big Beej!
PharaohBender27: Honestly, I support that
fastlane250: bus W
Mathwyn: Mah gahdynne, its Jahdynne!
SaxPython: FCKW is rather ominous
Thefluffiestguineapig: Beej is gigantic for some reason
jacqui_lantern234: im notably NOT the only person who LRR's paid :P
bytecaster: Beeeg Beej action!
Shparky2197: Oh right, I forgot I could participate in these games
NotCainNorAbel: prepared
ghyllnox: "Dodge Your Paycheck
LariatWest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LariatWest! (Today's storm count: 29)
ThorSokar: Paul's version of Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do every day
Simonark: Is this when one crew member finds out they're the only one with a sack full of dimes?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Why doesn't Beej just eat all of the rest of them?
ThorSokar: but it's rolls of quarters?
NewtyNewts: Just missing a D at the end of that room code
PharaohBender27: Wow, it just me or is game audio a bit on the loud side?
WardsarTheWriter: Beej is coming across as the host.
KaleidoscopeMind: Beeg beej
raulghoulia: why doesn't Beej, the biggest contestant, simply eat the other players?
patrick_stonecrusher: Big Beej, now with 60% more Beej
PharaohBender27: Immediate windmill slam
Dog_of_Myth: Let's get that win chat
Thefluffiestguineapig: I have a feeling
RealGamerCow: Reminder, Africa is BIG.
NewtyNewts: Biiiig Beeeeej
Mathwyn: LRR in the pocket of big beej
ProcyonFlynn: At least it's not usa centric
SaxPython: oh no. I answered wrong because I missed the not
MegaDosX: Chat carry me on this one please, I haven't the faintest clue >_>
djalternative: I'm pretty sure one of these is French as an official language
LariatWest: One of these is VERY far from the Swahili coast
Thefluffiestguineapig: But if my memories of colonialism are wrong I was goozled
Simonark: One of these countries is far away from the others.
Pteraspidomorphi: Yeah
laikagoat: zoeyDab zoeyDab
Brozard: lorg beej
MegaDosX: Oh hey I guessed correctly
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was correct!
30teracyte: the one thats in west africa instead of east africa
jessieimproved: that was deduction
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
Rhynerd: should've listened to me gut reaction
jacqui_lantern234: CMON JORDYNNE
IslandersCaper: HypeWave
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I knew right after I clicked it I got it wrong and what was the right one
ThorSokar: yes, matt
Arclight_Dynamo: I did a project on Sierra Leone in grade 12. Canadian school.
Pteraspidomorphi: Oh right... thanks for the sub on saturday Dog_of_Myth
sadfleck: why is Beej so big??
0x6772: I mean, not just French, Matt, but mostly.
Brozard: I love pegging!
Diabore: rip jordynne
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE
Diabore: calling it now
jacqui_lantern234: oh sweet! time for pegging!!!
aitsu100: Lucky hit
fastlane250: Everyone loves a little peg... activity.
Nigouki: pegging right from the start!?
DoodlestheGreat: Been a while since I've been pegged.
hieroglyphica: Good evening all!
Thefluffiestguineapig: BRO
James_the_Dabbler: Gonna get pegged
Brozard: @jacqui_lantern234 Jacqui yes!
jessicaengle: Why is Beej so beeg?
LariatWest: one double-up
Diabore: YES
hieroglyphica: Oh this is my favorite part
MegaDosX: RIP Jordynne
jacqui_lantern234: NOOOOO
RandomTrivia: benginO7
adept_nekomancer: Oh no Jordynne :(
PharaohBender27: tqsRIP Jordynne
ChargingFurret: nooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7 Jordynne
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I got it right
spethycakes: RIP Jordynne
RandomTrivia: NELSON
ChargingFurret: NELLY
TheWriterAleph: lrrLUL
NotCainNorAbel: NELSON!
baltimore_667083: NELLY
Despoiler98: auriiSalute auriiSalute
Spades_Slicc: Just a little death zone
Thefluffiestguineapig: You want the little death
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
DaxStrife: Pegging with consequences
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
jacqui_lantern234: tiltyhPLS
wedge_x: the little death zone
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Iadult
baltimore_667083: exactly ian!
NewtyNewts: IAN
0x6772: IAN
hieroglyphica: NELLY we don't talk about the death zones
RainyMint: IAN
JadedCynic: o/
micalovits: Hopefully you get to choose the hole when Pegging
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
Arclight_Dynamo: Could we have a little less game audio?
Sheikun07: Audience sweep, Audience sweep, Audience sweep
baltimore_667083: alright come on chat we got this
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also consent is key
ekimekim: micalovits: something something my hole, made for me
MegaDosX: Um.
WardsarTheWriter: The only faux pas in that situation is making a hole yourself.
jacqui_lantern234: reminder to get consent before pegging someone
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
RealGamerCow: pegging?
MegaDosX: not know
Thefluffiestguineapig: I want it to be so bad
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah I have no idea
NewtyNewts: Amusing trivia
RandomTrivia: Sadly no Iron Lotus red herring answer :D
MegaDosX: I get the feeling I'm going to be useless this game :(
Pteraspidomorphi: I didn't get that far in Medalist yet
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hi Jordynne! Happy to drive you any time.
KaleidoscopeMind: only one of these is a pairs move
adept_nekomancer: The death spiral is way too metal for an olympic sport.
RealGamerCow: what the Canadian shit is "figure skating unit", Beej?
EchoesOfTheTide: Hazarding a wild guess there
JadedCynic: did no one else just follow figure skating???
GasCityGaming: Jordyn wasn't alive for another 15 years
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MegaDosX Just wait, it get so much more random
PhorrestGaze: I only know the iron lotus.
laikagoat: zoeyPro zoeyPro zoeyPro
Thefluffiestguineapig: IT WAS THE THING
NewtyNewts: Hell yeah!
GasCityGaming: Jordynne*
Sheikun07: oh wow
kusinohki: I don't remember this from yuri on ice
SnackPak_: wpppw
underhill33: Yea boi
MegaDosX: Hell yeah
RandomTrivia: Wait really? Heh, neat
SnackPak_: woow*
jacqui_lantern234: TPK! TPK!
baltimore_667083: i put that as a joke
ChargingFurret: WUT
Fruan: Was someone supposed to toot about being live? That's normally a thing that happens, right?
0x6772: That move is still called that.
Thefluffiestguineapig: It was the thing I didn't guess because I assumed it was a joke
LariatWest: "who did this cool unit?" clearly no one else lol
DaxStrife: First trap: pegging. Second trap: dict.
baltimore_667083: the. what.
jessicaengle: lrrBartleby ?
Thefluffiestguineapig: All cereal mascots are insane send tweet
Simonark: In 1988 Olympic terms... Lennox Lewis was from my home town, and so no other sport than boxing even got discussed. Every school kid got his autograph, handed out in homeroom. It was weird.
DoodlestheGreat: Honestly, I'm with the killer on that one.
MegaDosX: RIP Matt
jacqui_lantern234: rip matt
JadedCynic: no, CLEAR plastic bag ;)
jessicaengle: Oofa. You didn't have to murder him
RandomTrivia: Yes, that's why
KaleidoscopeMind: insane delicious product
Diabore: not a single mistake
RandomTrivia: benginO7
TheWriterAleph: "peter is insane delicious product"
MegaDosX: We're coming second!
NewtyNewts: mascot is insane delicious pproduct
0x6772: Hey, we're in 2nd, Chat!
jessicaengle: The Three Strausses
Earthenone: slumdog beejoniare
DaxStrife: Holy crap I know this one.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't know!!!!!!
EchoesOfTheTide: I think I might actually know this one
Shparky2197: I love how we still are getting more lore about the host of this game
JadedCynic: man, I've never been so happy to be OOOOLD
Diabore: directly into beejs interests
adept_nekomancer: @Earthenone [beejdrop noise]
laikagoat: wow 3 for 3
EchoesOfTheTide: Hell yeah
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Crossing the Streams! Tonight we're back to Jackbox! (has image) |
underhill33: let's go
NewtyNewts: Slumdog Beejionaire
baltimore_667083: oh that's right
Spritz_T: Slippy, do you see the band?
tryllebanjo: Who... who's 'The Band'???
thedepthandbreadthofseth: beejdog millionaire
jessicaengle: Q?
flatluigi: it's because beej is the large video today
0x6772: Q!
Diabore: thats rude
kilnfiendpotter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 33 month streak!
kilnfiendpotter: 35 months?! Oh my bones..I feel my bones withering into dust
Thefluffiestguineapig: Challenge is Beej plays guitar so Kathleen can't match him
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kilnfiendpotter! (Today's storm count: 30)
SkylerRingtail: Now watch Beej snipe Kathleen's answer here
aitsu100: Z
kilnfiendpotter: Also hellooooo friends!
EchoesOfTheTide: @tryllebanjo They were Dylan's band (but also existed independently before and after that)
hi_im_emily: aw heck dang frick i already missed like 7 minutes of murder
djalternative: bigger video means bigger brained beej
jessicaengle: @0x6772 Drift compatible! armoroDance
wedge_x: x string gon give it to you
adept_nekomancer: Not a fan of the Q string, it keeps trying to put humanity on trial.
SaxPython: KFP <3
kimmiekoneko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Thefluffiestguineapig: One of the times being drift compatible is bad
PharaohBender27: Had to look through my Mastodon posts to remember how to do it, but I've upped my Patreon membership to LRR to a *nice* amount
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kimmiekoneko! (Today's storm count: 31)
jessicaengle: @adept_nekomancer sergeJustRight
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @tryllebanjo they're a folk band. they toured with Bob Dylan for a bit.
Simonark: That round is terribly one-note.
MegaDosX: IAN
RandomTrivia: IAN
jacqui_lantern234: tiltyhPLS
RainyMint: IAN 󠀀
Davlenagain subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Davlenagain! (Today's storm count: 32)
baltimore_667083: you really do learn something ne every day
Thefluffiestguineapig: Not on a guitar
tryllebanjo: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Got it, thanks :)
kusinohki: d string un picked...
jacqui_lantern234: EADGbe
djalternative: no. Ian's just being factual here people
kilnfiendpotter: Wait Ian, is that a pic of someplace in Kyoto?
kilnfiendpotter: Because I swear I've been there
0x6772: @jessicaengle Yay!
PharaohBender27: Totally guessing
jacqui_lantern234: oh no, jordynne
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Let me guess, Beej got a French tip this week.
Saintnex: oh whoops lol
jpost042: oh yeah, the big crab
korvys: And that explains why she failed
TheWriterAleph: LUL
kimmiekoneko: well i guess you really failed that class
hieroglyphica: What's really popular right now is the 'drippy French'!
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi jordynne
Mathwyn: Ah yes i recognise the big crab from yakuza zero
kilnfiendpotter: Ahhh! The giant crab reminded me of a spot in Kyoto I walked by for a week
Crad0k: jordynne
jessicaengle: BOP
WardsarTheWriter: That pause...
RealGamerCow: wait, "Mistress" isn't an answer.
hd_dabnado: music to smack balls to?
Juliamon: yaoi paddle
baltimore_667083: ah yes, a croquet croquet
Simonark: It's a flamingo?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I know this specifically because someone tried to argue with an instructor that she got an expensive nail thing and shouldn't have to cut her nails for the surgery prep class
JadedCynic: LUL
RockPusher: gabyLul
MegaDosX: Wow
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
TheWriterAleph: hahahaaaa
Thefluffiestguineapig: THAT:S AMAZING
jacqui_lantern234: PFFFT OMFG LUL
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
jessicaengle: okay that's pretty funny
SnackPak_: lrrLUL
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
GasCityGaming: Is that the new "in bed", "in croquet"?
RandomTrivia: Never in your life HypeLUL
spethycakes: lrrLUL
MegaDosX: "Nobody's ever said that before!"
Garfman314: isn't the answer a flamingo?
kilnfiendpotter: "A little too straight" - words that have NEVER been said to Jordynne since
hieroglyphica: Ok, I weirdly know this one because my family insisted on going to St John's college
Apadraco subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Apadraco! (Today's storm count: 33)
jacqui_lantern234: man, i'd punch someone if they called me straight KappaPride
hieroglyphica: Except for me, they'd run out of money by me
aitsu100: smokem if you gotem
Simonark: If a test in make-up school goes badly, what do they call your second chance test?
baltimore_667083: appropriate name for room 420
hieroglyphica: Yeah I'm not straight by any meaning
SaxPython: @jacqui_lantern234 Finn energy
ButButTheJesus: ah heck I missed the start, oh well hi all lrrSHINE
MegaDosX: Remarkably fair
Rhynerd: perfectly balanced
kilnfiendpotter: "Straightforward" implies the existence of "Queerforward"
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Rhynerd: you die, I imagine.
JadedCynic: HORNER
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kilnfiendpotter I want to be called that one day, I would be so flattered
tryllebanjo: Mad lad!
jacqui_lantern234: @SaxPython my vampire and i do share some qualities :P
RandomTrivia: Ian pls
Kramburger: IAN
Spritz_T: most likely
SkylerRingtail: Ian QA testing over here
DoodlestheGreat: Then you die, Ian.
ChargingFurret: HORNER
Saintnex: Yea, im guessing death
Jericu: 24 outta ian
SymphonySolstice: science!
Sheikun07: Performing science
Kramburger: This is content
Rhynerd: but y'know what I betted on Ian dying, so do that science
TheWriterAleph: ooh
JadedCynic: Called it
Saintnex: welp
RainyMint: LUL
tryllebanjo: BOOM
ChargingFurret: LUL
RockPusher: hahaha
MegaDosX: Wow
NimrodXIV: cool
Mathwyn: LUL
SnackPak_: o7
Fruan: WOW
Lysander_salamander: nice
underhill33: lrrLUL
DeM0nFiRe: F
fastlane250: LUL
Kramburger: How unexpected
SymphonySolstice: you Explode
EchoesOfTheTide: Beautiful
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL
Nigouki: science successful
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
spethycakes: lrrLUL
Crad0k: bloop doop?
Drasvin: Uh oh
RandomTrivia: Absolutely fucking amazing
Mindfire13: Cool
TheWriterAleph: ian's been hacked
thedepthandbreadthofseth: science!
fastlane250: LUL LUL
JadedCynic: Rule 1: Follow instructions :D
ButButTheJesus: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: good job, ian
0x6772: Still in second, chat!
PharaohBender27: Oh, we're in second place!
baltimore_667083: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL
WardsarTheWriter: So that wasn't my discord, oh good.
coachNelly: 'if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice'
MegaDosX: This one I know!
Saintnex: oh thank goodness, a question I can answer lol
PharaohBender27: Did an educated guess
Forlorgen: i thought that was the achivo noise
RockPusher: delicious!
SquareDotCube: good fire suppressant
Thefluffiestguineapig: I had to explain to a woman you don't use this to brush a dog's teeth!!
MegaDosX: I made cookies the other day so I needed it >_>
SaxPython: @Forlorgen same
jacqui_lantern234: sodium BIcarbonate! happy pride!
Lysander_salamander: oh no
kusinohki: yay! a question I know the answer to!
RandomTrivia: Oh dear
mercano82: Na(CO)2, isn’t it?
Fruan: Back in the chicken!
KeytarCat: @coachNelly Oh I need to add that album to my big playlist
TheWriterAleph: in the square hole
Lysander_salamander: so many recalls
teddywhosabear: you got three dozen recalled eggs? dang
ChargingFurret: @mercano82 yep
0x6772: Those eggs go on the nearest Tesla, right?
RandomTrivia: Welp
PharaohBender27: Got it!
TheAinMAP: seabatBRAIN
LordZarano: Lol, it's called bicarb in the UK
EchoesOfTheTide: I think this is the best I've ever done at Murder Party
MegaDosX: OK Beej who did you talk to about this one
baltimore_667083: YES
DaxStrife: Ian bragging about eggs in this economy. :-(
Nigouki: Backstroke of the West
jessicaengle: Katamari Damacy?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh these are so good
Rhynerd: I want it to be 4
Diabore: i want it to be 1
Brozard: Please be 2
PharaohBender27: Choosing 1 because I want it to be that
drrek0: I want it to be all of them
SnackPak_: I love them all
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can see all of these but the second one, but I want it to be 2
ButButTheJesus: hrm
ChargingFurret: lease be 4
Feldheim_C subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 137 months!
Shoki_Donai: Picking what I want it to be here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Feldheim_C! (Today's storm count: 34)
DrLigmaPhD: I'd watch all 4
RainyMint: I want it to be 1 LUL
jessieimproved: i love them all but i think it's 4
fastlane250: goes automatically to the escape if you make it to 10, if I remember correctly
micalovits: Anything but 3
Earthenone: as a yugioh fan i want 4 to be true
Arclight_Dynamo: Huh. The audience plugin had HTML tags n the answers
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
Earthenone: yes!
ChargingFurret: YES
Shparky2197: ooooh
omdorastrix: I like #4 - it's my favourite beastie boys song
laikagoat: wow, 7 for 7
Spritz_T: makes sense
jessieimproved: that one seemed the most likely
HarmonisedMelody: Nailed it!
EchoesOfTheTide: Damnit, I spoke too soon. I almost went with that
raulghoulia: rude
kusinohki: so is the comic also called that?
ChargingFurret: beej is going HARD
HarmonisedMelody: Wow, go Beej :O
Spritz_T: go beej
0x6772: Beej is doing really well!
ArcOfTheConclave: beej is good at this one
Seth_Erickson: Beej is a killer rule follower
Arclight_Dynamo: Of all the people on the stream, Beej is the one most likely to follow a rule, IMO.
NewtyNewts: Bucket sounds?
teddywhosabear: beej is killing it lol
Shparky2197: Naming stuff can be very hard sometimes
HarmonisedMelody: Equal :o
Drasvin: Naming stuff is hard, Murder Host
TheWriterAleph: ooooh
kilnfiendpotter: No surprise, Beej is best rules follower
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is not the game to challenge Beej on
Mathwyn: Beej best at rules
Saintnex: oh dang, the tie
ThorSokar: there was A TIE
Spritz_T: tie at 15
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Matt caught up at the end.
bytecaster: nice
Critterbot: Nice.
Ignatiuspants: Beej is the rules-following champion!
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
DrLigmaPhD: I bitched, live
RandomTrivia: Nice
hackingducks: niceee
iarethel0ser: Nice
MegaDosX: Nice.
SnackPak_: nice
jacqui_lantern234: 9nice
RainyMint: Nice
Earthenone: beej tied, and apaerentlyties goes to the runner
RockPusher: nice
Rhynerd: ties go to the living it seems
Thefluffiestguineapig: I KNOW THIS
ChargingFurret: EZ
ButButTheJesus: nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why the fuck do I know this?????
MegaDosX: Nine hundred and Nice years old
SymphonySolstice: my christian upbringing finally comes in handy
teddywhosabear: biblical blorbos
laikagoat: wow, 8 for 8 unless im bad
The_Color_Twelve: Simpsons
EchoesOfTheTide: I feel like I'm wrong about this one...
Arclight_Dynamo: Gandalf!
Simonark: There is also a Star Trek about this guy
0x6772: I've literally read this in more than one language.
laikagoat: yep
Shparky2197: I know bible, because of Catholic Upbringing
RockPusher: aka the one who was known for being really old
jessieimproved: I grew up in church so like
The_Color_Twelve: The bible trading card joke
EchoesOfTheTide: Oooh, I was wrong that I was wrong lol
kilnfiendpotter: Yep! That was my guess too!
Lysander_salamander: live live live!
MegaDosX: "Wow, a Methuselah rookie card!"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Shparky2197 I;m sorry by proxy
bytecaster: Room 669, nice again!
jacqui_lantern234: the only reason i knew that was cause of Redwall XD
mercano82: I don’t even know who that is.
kilnfiendpotter: 15 years of reading the Bible has paid off
Lysander_salamander: Live!
DoodlestheGreat: I knew it was methuseleh from Warner Bros cartoons...
NewtyNewts: Take 2 to take out Beej
TheAinMAP: I remember this name from "Redwall"
chrono2x: I've never seen anyone survive this oen
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
JadedCynic: IAN
jacqui_lantern234: tiltyhPLS
DrLigmaPhD: Ian.... go on
Thefluffiestguineapig: Damn Ian
RandomTrivia: benginO7
ThorSokar: if you time out on this game, he puts you in the box, but leaves the lid open, so everyone knows where you are
PharaohBender27: :D
Lysander_salamander: aw
Lysander_salamander: oh well
mercano82: everyone look under their chair. you get a sword and you get a sword…
calculated_uncertainties: Just the tip
HarmonisedMelody: Can't live forever!
DoodlestheGreat: Gunsword.
Simonark: It's a Spear Gun!
Rhynerd: the sword was cannon propelled
ButButTheJesus: gunsword!
jacqui_lantern234: @TheAinMAP many of my fellow millenial had their awakening with Disney's Robin hood. mine was Redwall
Shparky2197: Yeah, turns out a buttload of Catholic guilt wasn't really the best way for an autistic and possibly ADHD child to grow up. Thankfully it was only my grandparents, Mum and Dad didn't really push it
RandomTrivia: Let's go, Chat!
fastlane250: Bullets are just long-range knives
lizardknight: Put on the bayounet
baltimore_667083: alright everyone-it's time
JadedCynic: no, Y'all stabbed him, and then the announcer shot him :)
Drasvin: The stab didn't kill him. The gun finished him off
baltimore_667083: now or never
Thefluffiestguineapig: Let's go Nelly!!!!
ButButTheJesus: Squall not Cloud #gunsword
0x6772: We have a real chance to win this, Chat.
Lysander_salamander: I guess bullets are like tiny javelins?
PharaohBender27: :D
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Beginner's luck?
wedge_x: christ
Spritz_T: obscure
omdorastrix: wasnt it Squall that had the gunsword?
Graham_LRR: wow a Chien Andalou reference. wild.
Ignatiuspants: you're thinking of Leon from Kingdom Hearts, with the swordgun
JadedCynic: trick question for the tutorial :D
NewtyNewts: @AMillionCatsOnTypewriters Beejinner's*
teddywhosabear: deep cut
coachNelly: right right SQUALL mb
Diabore: cmon chat we got this
jacqui_lantern234: lrrLUL
Arclight_Dynamo: I love that the audience is a crocheted ginger root.
DiscordianTokkan: I love lumpy
PharaohBender27: Let's go chat!
Spritz_T: bit of a gimme
NimrodXIV: I love Lumpy
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, he doesn't live ther????????
NewtyNewts: Lumpy!
Rhynerd: time to get ourselves another win, chat!
kilnfiendpotter: I'm literally crocheting a blanket right now
PharaohBender27: Ooohh
Thefluffiestguineapig: Really????
Lysander_salamander: oh right, lumpy
Ignatiuspants: Lumpy??
Heckhoundbolt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months, currently on a 29 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Heckhoundbolt! (Today's storm count: 35)
jessicaengle: Crushing it, chat
kilnfiendpotter: Hephalumpy!
Lysander_salamander: from the animated movie
Heckhoundbolt: how many games have I missed
spethycakes: Leaves of Grass is a poetry collection, though
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: 1/2
JadedCynic: damn free verse
jessicaengle: This is the first game
teddywhosabear: deep cut ian lol
ChargingFurret: @Heckhoundbolt first one
PharaohBender27 sees what Ian did there
Mindfire13: @Heckhoundbolt This is the first one
Heckhoundbolt: good
Lysander_salamander: I guess it's canon sort of, since it's a disney sequel
Simonark: The B-52s, it's Maya Angelou's version of Rock Lobster
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude I've got no idea
Diabore: i saw it, it was anus
teddywhosabear: I love that the simpsons got tom clancy to do his voice for that one clip of him going "well--"
Crad0k: nobody saw that, and that's for the best
ShaneLeeAtk: I went to University with one of the writers of Love Guru.
Desruprot: limesPop limesPop limesPop
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp already wrong
kilnfiendpotter: I love that Austin Powers was so respectful and insisted on consent with all of his partners.
underhill33: til
Pteraspidomorphi: Wow audience
NimrodXIV: lol
50keyz: LOL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL JORDYNNE YES
Thefluffiestguineapig: I studied politics not weapons you fucks!!
TheWriterAleph: da VIKNI??
NewtyNewts: Duhamel mich
Graham_LRR: Josh Duhamel?
ShaneLeeAtk: Duhamel, often confused with an Olyphant
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does the Claw from Toy Story count?
RockPusher: Graham_LRR I assume so
jacqui_lantern234: MOJO JOnathan Jostar Kappa
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
omdorastrix: Timothee Duhamel?
Pteraspidomorphi: I don't know who owns each IP
kilnfiendpotter: Don;t have children?!
50keyz: WOW
Pteraspidomorphi: Yeah
kilnfiendpotter: You FAMOUSLY have children!
LariatWest: Claw as in Dr?
Spritz_T: the disney inspecter gadget had claw
lion_byte: Claw???
Ignatiuspants: I don't know what Disney owns these days
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: We learn the dark truth of Nelly
jessicaengle: Yet
RandomTrivia: Not yet, Paul
Fruan: In which dialect?!
kusinohki: smurf, gadget, powerpuff...
Desruprot: LUL
RandomTrivia: Come on, Chat, we've got this!
Crad0k: uuh, that depends on pronunciation...
TheTekkieman: The Smurfs shall never bow to the Mouse!
Arclight_Dynamo: They're Belgian, Ian.
Spritz_T: they tried to make dr claw cool by removing dr
epsilon_vee: sounding out "farmyyard" with the most possible jfk on it to see if i can make it three syllables
Simonark: Smurfs are Belgian.
jacqui_lantern234: CMON JORDYNNE
Heckhoundbolt: “do I own that?” “Not yet sir.”
Crad0k: guard-dian
Graham_LRR: Patrick Troughton, the second prime minister
The_Color_Twelve: doctor 2
KaleidoscopeMind: jordynne is basically chat right
Ignatiuspants: I'm going for an audience victory here
RandomTrivia: Yes, Troughton WAS a Doctor, the second
EchoesOfTheTide: Time Lord, Prime Minister, same thing right?
PharaohBender27: IAN
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
jacqui_lantern234: IAN HORNER
teddywhosabear: IAN
baltimore_667083: IAN
RainyMint: IAN
chaostreader: Beej has a size advantage here.
RandomTrivia: IAN
SnackPak_: wooow
Thefluffiestguineapig: Shit
ButButTheJesus: IAN
Lysander_salamander: ok
kilnfiendpotter: THAT'S BECKY SIR
JadedCynic: IAN!!!!
MegaDosX: Isn't the Doctor the president of the world briefly during Capaldi's run? That's close enough right?
Lysander_salamander: yay
tryllebanjo: GG Beej
jacqui_lantern234: GG Beej
ProcyonFlynn: Main Character Beej!
baltimore_667083: gg
LariatWest: he can't be killed!
kilnfiendpotter: Well done Beej!
0x6772: so close!
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap Well played, Beej!
omdorastrix: I liked him in TNG
baltimore_667083: it's pronounced five fathoms deep
Thefluffiestguineapig: Beej with big main character energy here
0x6772: gg, Beej
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: BIG fan
LithelyUnshod: @MegaDosX Spoilers
50keyz: good job
PMAvers: Beej has escaped containment. Repeat, the Beej is Loose.
Ignatiuspants: Beej is the champion!!
bytecaster: Isn't it nice to survive?
DrLigmaPhD: Writer of the first isekai
Lysander_salamander: yay good times
kilnfiendpotter: See what following the rules gets you?
MegaDosX: @LithelyUnshod No I don't think River was ever the president
RandomTrivia: Ian - death by dice :D
Jericu: T shirt that says "I survived a murder hotel and all I got is a lousy $6375"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Provably untrue Ian
jessicaengle: Ian is full of lies!
djalternative: neither can the hips
korvys: We got the most money, at least, Chat
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSPOOP
teddywhosabear: reasons?! oh boy!
ritchards: I'm a afraid!
NewtyNewts: for a reason?
Diabore: audience the actual winner because we had most money
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I'm afraid.
Mathwyn: Aaahhh a break! Terrifying!
RatherLargeToad: ooo, mystery break
NarishmaReborn: surprise players?
JadedCynic: That was Kathleen first listed, Ian, not Beej
0x6772: @Diabore Right?
Earthenone: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
PharaohBender27: I am not afraid, for I have faith in LRR
DaxStrife: Technical difficultdeeznuts?
DarkMorford: Oh hi chat! Early break today?
tryllebanjo: @LRRbot <3
DigitalSeahorse: feliciaTeam voxlunNut
Dog_of_Myth: Time to get a drink
Lysander_salamander: I got here a little late. How did Jordynne die?
NewtyNewts: Added contestants maybe?
ThorSokar: oh, is Paul gonna let us hear the BANGER?
JadedCynic: Beej didn't die, so he appeared later in the credits
PharaohBender27: @DarkMorford Apparently!
SaxPython: Beej will shrink to normal size
RandomTrivia: Hey there DarkMorford - subtle hints that we're adding more players during this break!
kusinohki: chat had the most money, but still starts the final round in 3rd or 4th...
KeytarCat: @Lysander_salamander ...peg
Lysander_salamander: huh
DarkMorford: @RandomTrivia Ooh, exciting
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DoodlestheGreat That could be the title for conservatively 80% of clips involving Ian
ThorSokar: dang, no banger
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: They will probably be shrinking Beej to fit in the other players.
ritchards: What happened when Ian refused to roll? I missed that moment.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: He died
NewtyNewts: He ded
KeytarCat: @ritchards Instant ejection
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: and then something plugged into his computer
SaxPython: ooh I got the aetherdrift ad
Jadaris: @KeytarCat misread this real bad oh no
Garfman314: i was hoping it was someone accepting my offer on nookazon, but alas
RandomTrivia: @ritchards He went boom
Nigouki: !fart
LRRbot: Bhutsecks Honda!
DigitalSeahorse: any more LRR peeps joining later?
jessicaengle: Innerspace Beej
NewtyNewts: Could be
jessicaengle: Actually no I immediately regret my decision
kusinohki: fantastic voyage beej??
RockPusher: JadedCynic "… and Beej, who *did not* die…"
jessicaengle: How about Magic School Bus Beej? I bet Mrs. Frizzle could keep Beej in line.
NewtyNewts: Journey to the Center of the Beej?
jessicaengle: Land of the Lost Beej?
Dog_of_Myth: Beej and the Argonauts?
kusinohki: planet of the beej
jessicaengle: Are these all isekais?
NewtyNewts: The Land That Beej Forgot?
DigitalSeahorse: 20 Thousand Leagues Under The Beej
DoodlestheGreat: @jessicaengle Not yet.
kusinohki: across the beej in 80 days
Dog_of_Myth: The Good, The Bad, and The Beej
jessicaengle: Beej to the Future
Shparky2197: Of War and Beej
SkylerRingtail: Beej A.E.
DigitalSeahorse: MoBeej Dick
A_Dub888: Hi friends, how jacked are the boxes?
jessicaengle: Beej of Arabia
RockPusher: Being Beej Dery
kilnfiendpotter: The Great Beejsby
omdorastrix: The Big Bang Dery?
Shparky2197: @A_Dub888 So jacked, they're ripped
flatluigi: waugh
DiscordianTokkan: yesssss
DigitalSeahorse: the Beej of the Rings
Lysander_salamander: ok
drrek0: ok
RainyMint: lrrSPOOP
RandomTrivia: lrrSPOOP
SkylerRingtail: The Imaginarium of Doctor Beej
spethycakes: or else?
micalovits: That was creepy
laikagoat: zoeyDuck zoeyDuck zoeyDuck
public_key_reveal_party: Join us?
fastlane250: i'd rather not
HarmonisedMelody: You're not the boss of me!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sudden Beej?
DaxStrife: Well that was a heck of a jump scare.
kilnfiendpotter: Excuse me!?
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I'm afraid
mercano82: I’ll never join you!
Bladinus: J O I N U S
JadedCynic: why...are you coming apart?
Lysander_salamander: yay
flatluigi: xhosa
lion_byte lmao
Master_Gunner: an Alex!
ArdCollider: yay kitty
baltimore_667083: hi alex!
Nigouki: hallo
JadedCynic: heya AL-X!
Thefluffiestguineapig: yes!!!!
jessicaengle: MEow
spethycakes: hi Alex!
hatboozeparty: lrrALEX
DaxStrife: Alex yay!
epsilon_vee: a wild alex appears
Lysander_salamander: yayyyy
Earthenone: bone us alex?
fastlane250: oh, picked up an alex from the side of the road
ButButTheJesus: owlix!
Shparky2197: Hi Alex!
Sheikun07: lrrALEX
Lysander_salamander: meow
RockPusher: HypePurr
jessicaengle: Hi Alex!
PharaohBender27: JOIN US
TheAinMAP: lrrALEX
RandomTrivia: We have acquired Alex! lrrHEART
Drasvin: Alex has been summoned from the void
kilnfiendpotter: Oh hai Alex!
micalovits: No more main Character Beej
jessicaengle: GlitchCat
DigitalSeahorse: an Alex!
calculated_uncertainties: yay Alex!
coachNelly: spontaneALEX!
Simonark: Sudden Steacy Surprise?
patrick_stonecrusher: ShrinkBeejflation
DiscordianTokkan: voxlunCarp
omdorastrix: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Beej
Mai_Andra: xivCactuar
kusinohki: next cts is the old xmen arcade?? am I more excited for that or afk roborally??
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX so bright
Thefluffiestguineapig: All of those are better
DrLigmaPhD: Hello dilf-cat
ekimekim: this example question keeps getting more lopsided because ads keep getting worse
JadedCynic: seek to be MID
baltimore_667083: the correct answer is always trains
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
laikagoat: fionVoid fionVoid fionVoid
jessicaengle: !quote kitty
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
NotCainNorAbel: listen cat!
RockPusher: meow.
Bladinus: nya!
DaxStrife: Nya
micalovits: !listen
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
jessicaengle: !findquote meow
LRRbot: Quote #7826: "[repeated loud meowing]" —Baxter [2021-10-27]
ButButTheJesus: meow.
Drasvin: Meow
ThorSokar: anything is better than an add, even just go bwah! on loop
kilnfiendpotter: Meow wow!
Shparky2197: The "democracy is important" line hits harder and harder each year
Brozard: Alex! lrrGibb
memnus: escher3MEOW
jessicaengle: Baxter! lrrSHINE
epsilon_vee: @Shparky2197 ikr?
DarkMorford: First timers usually do well at this game, Nelly will be fine lrrBEEJ
Arclight_Dynamo: 1
ButButTheJesus: @Shparky2197 katesYEP
Brozard: 3
Sheikun07: 3
NotCainNorAbel: 1
ritchards: 2
RatherLargeToad: 1
Thefluffiestguineapig: 1
hd_dabnado: Jack-box?
saucemaster5000: I like 3
JadedCynic: 3
Dog_of_Myth: 1
adept_nekomancer: 3 or 1 both seem good
MegaDosX: This is a tricky choice
SkylerRingtail: 3. Because you're rolling the dice every time
A_Dub888: Jackberse?
CounterOfBeans: 3 for sure
spo8n: 2!
kilnfiendpotter: Confederation?
spethycakes: 2 here
Zerragonoss: Jacktheon
korvys: 1 matches the alternative the closest, I think
PharaohBender27: Choosing 2 because I feel that would be most divisive
micalovits: 2 is to extreme, both 1 & 3 are good
lamina5432: 1
Angreed66: I already do 1
Thefluffiestguineapig: 2 won't split the room
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: It is mainly Job Job that does it
JadedCynic: yeah, like Job-Job has them as staff
Mai_Andra: i like that "oh no, the cat's hot" has become a recurring but.
jessicaengle: wut?
kusinohki: jacque box extended universe
HedgehogKnight: Who is on your Jackbox Mt. Rushmore?
KaleidoscopeMind: we could?
ProcyonFlynn: I wonder whatever happened to that giant wheel, they were cool.
ButButTheJesus: wut
Laserbeaks_Fury: 1 might be too meh
Lysander_salamander: I'd prefer not to
KV1NN4: i think my earbuds are messing up the game's louder than everyone (well,t he game voice in particular)
KV1NN4: oh well
Nigouki: that Blue Milk scene from TLJ but with Beej
TheTekkieman: I don't think I've ever seen the "slide puzzle" form shift on this.
flatluigi: that's what alex gets for missing most of desert bus
Garfman314: you must construct additional pylons
RockPusher: rawr!
jessicaengle: eeehhhh?
DiscordianTokkan: hifunkFart
RockPusher: hifunkPopcorn hifunkFart
MegaDosX: Alexa, fart
Laserbeaks_Fury: Better hope you dont have the sharts
ArcOfTheConclave: how nsty is the fart?
spethycakes: One has a condition
memnus: escher3DOOT ?
jessicaengle: What level of fart?
Thefluffiestguineapig: How loud?
RandomTrivia: Surely being able to use the word "I" as a trigger makes it voluntary? lrrBEEJ
zimmercj: I'm lactose intolerant with IBS. I already do this
jacqui_lantern234: i exclusively will say the word "I"
Thefluffiestguineapig: How stanky?
JadedCynic: would that count for homonyms? "Eye"?
Larkonus: That sounds like a GREAT way to clear a room. So I'll keep that trick in my back pocket.
spethycakes: pirates are flat out
adept_nekomancer: In that case you fart in a different language
kusinohki: so I would fart less??
A_Dub888: I eat too much cheese for someone with lactose intolerance, what'll be any different?
EchoesOfTheTide: Gonna start claiming this instead of IBS from now on
saucemaster5000: awwww
RandomTrivia: Welp
teddywhosabear: aw
lion_byte: ich
NewtyNewts: It's impossible to describe myself
JadedCynic: oh well
0x6772: woof, we got robbed
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
DigitalSeahorse: but it doesn't happen if you say EYE so you replace every instance of "I" with EYE
MegaDosX: lrrLUL
HadesLeprechaun: would you just deflate if you said "I" over and over for like 5 minutes?
RockPusher: coachn3Thankscoachnelly
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY SHIT JORDYNNE YES
MegaDosX: Oh Jordynne I love that energy
kilnfiendpotter: As a mom to a toddler, I speak in third person soooo much
PharaohBender27: It was
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: That was
jessicaengle: jlrrJade
ButButTheJesus: @kilnfiendpotter d'aww
Arclight_Dynamo: WOW
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY SHIT BEEJ
saucemaster5000: what? like, OF COURSE
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Other options were yawn and slap yourself
kilnfiendpotter: Um yes
Shparky2197: No scoped yes
kilnfiendpotter: Yes
NimrodXIV: middle of the night. done
JadedCynic: 'street'
Dog_of_Myth: Windmill slam
eshplode: LUL
RandomTrivia: Middle of the night
jacqui_lantern234: THERE IS WATER IN MY NOSE
Angreed66: not a dog person
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also can i drive to a rural street
kilnfiendpotter: But hopefully not now because it's snowing
Fruan: 24 hours means you can do it at 4am. Seems doable.
Sarah_Serinde: Beej no it's not worth it
Nigouki: 401 is never highway speed
CounterOfBeans: I would do this for far less
zimmercj: It doesn't say how far
Lysander_salamander: you do have 24 hours, so probably could do it at night?
hideki101: do I get shoews?
Diabore: slam yes, i dont think theres much people wouldnt do to get their dog back
jessicaengle: armoroScared
jacqui_lantern234: IM CACKLING XD
JadedCynic: Nelly - you have 24hrs so yeah
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is not fair, the split on people who love dogs is like 50/50 already, it doesnt matter what you have to do
Arclight_Dynamo: Only if you pay, Jordynne.
mercano82: how about the QEW?
NewtyNewts: Highway X?
DiscordianTokkan: Man, that's not even MY dog
micalovits: I would run through a naked mall for a dog
jessicaengle: Your dog immediately disowns you.
DoodlestheGreat: I'll take Hollywood Blvd. Nobody would care.
Dog_of_Myth: 24hours of Beej
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 is it single?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, show them the messages
epsilon_vee: wearing nothing but your transponder
Thefluffiestguineapig: @A_Dub888 Is it baptized
LithelyUnshod: Widest highway in the world
DrLigmaPhD: I'd just do it
JadedCynic: Ian - it's the 401; 'highway speed' isn't much; a walk would outpace the cars and annoy them
laikagoat: just checking, does anyone else hear an occasional beeping on the stream or is it something in my house
TheWriterAleph: rich lore
kilnfiendpotter: "Honk if you want me to save my dog!"
Mai_Andra: "same hat!"
jacqui_lantern234: @A_Dub888 given that its part of me, it is single but not baptized
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
MegaDosX: Iron Potato!
ButButTheJesus: IRN TATO
kilnfiendpotter: Oh hell yeah
Spritz_T: wonder twin powers activate
SaxPython: 100%
GhostValv: 💯
EchoesOfTheTide: Windmill slam yes
Dog_of_Myth: Iron Potato is a good name
RockPusher: Iron potat draw aggro!
Sheikun07: Eisentater
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would be a crime fighting duo with Jordynne? Sign me up
Scy_Anide: There's already a naked parade.
Drasvin: Potato!
Tangsm: "How are you? Because I'm a potato"
Diabore: how long do i have to be buck ass nude?
Saintnex: oooh, time for iron potato drops
jessicaengle: Super Poutine!
EchoesOfTheTide: make me a potat
adept_nekomancer: The potato is the weapon!
0x6772: That's low-cost for being a crime-fighting duo with Jordynne.
DrLigmaPhD: "Iron potato" aka artillery shell?
zimmercj: Chuck me hard
DoodlestheGreat: Eagle & Spuds, next on ABC!
UnknownFriday: So, does that make Jordynne a mighty potato eagle robot?
spethycakes: depending on the size, an iron potato could be a mighty throwing weapon
kilnfiendpotter: Just drop me on stuff
Rhynerd: Clearly as Iron Potato we can become a mightly ranged weapon for our robot eagle partner
A_Dub888: We're gonna jam SO MANY exhaust ports
WardsarTheWriter: -Gimli voice- Toss me!
Crazyginder22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crazyginder22! (Today's storm count: 36)
MegaDosX: Yeah, if you turn into an iron potato you can just be an excellent projectile
kilnfiendpotter: Iron Potato: Phase 6 of the MCU
stippledotter: I am but an iron potato in the claws of a majestic bird
Laserbeaks_Fury: Ferrous Beuler
GhostValv: Wait... Is Brotato a biography?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm sorry?? WHAT
jessicaengle: Oh wow, I forgot Mr Potato Head existed
MegaDosX: Beej no
PharaohBender27: :D
NewtyNewts: Of course Jordynne wouldn't turn into a robot eagle iron potato
ButButTheJesus: WUT
PharaohBender27: * :O
baltimore_667083: HAHAHA
MegaDosX: Somebody was savage
RockPusher: braven10HEX
Dog_of_Myth: hahahaha
RandomTrivia: Heheheheheh
spethycakes: The Cure like the band??
rogerivany: Wait. When did Alex get here?
NotCainNorAbel: braven10PRISM braven10HEX braven10PRISM
JadedCynic: BRAVO, Nelly! <3
Thefluffiestguineapig: I live in the US so I can't afford to
Lysander_salamander: In this economy?
SkylerRingtail: Well I'm guessing the majority of chat doesn't have socialized healthcare...
zimmercj: Kathleen's music already gives me hives. In a good way
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: "The Cure" or the cure?
jacqui_lantern234: i mean, YES?????? i respect Kathleens taste in tunes
iris_of_ether: braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
NewtyNewts: Maybe... play music?
Fruan: Maybe I'm a weirdo, but a one month stay in the hospital sounds kinda nice
patrick_stonecrusher: So THATS why lve been breaking out
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
micalovits: Could I give up King Giz... I am not sure
Laserbeaks_Fury: Do you start listening to The Cure?
JadedCynic: I mean, I LIKE Kathleen's music taste, so yeah
FatefulWaffle: She jacks on my box till I party game
Rhynerd: I already turned down something for BNF before.
Lysander_salamander: But Kathleen's music is great
RockPusher: braven10TRI
ThorSokar: Kathleen is Typhoid Mary
MalFnord: @Fruan Having done that, cannot recommend.
Rhynerd: rooms largely unsplit tonight.
jessicaengle: Too much synergy!
Shparky2197: I have a months leave from work, so yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fruan It would if I could guarantee my cats would be taken care of and my car wouldn't be seized etc. Being poor in the US is ass
Sheikun07: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
Lysander_salamander: oh dear
JadedCynic: O_o
RandomTrivia: Uhhh
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
JadedCynic: :D
ButButTheJesus: GDI
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: YES
laikagoat: fionLOL
NimrodXIV: LOL
baltimore_667083: LMAO
GhostValv: :O
kilnfiendpotter: wait that's just leasing
SnackPak_: daaaammmmn
calculated_uncertainties: thank you
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
KaleidoscopeMind: YES
DiscordianTokkan: seabatClap
jessicaengle: jlrrFacepalm
NewtyNewts: LUL
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
Spritz_T: misunderstood question
JadedCynic: 5k isn't going to save my house :D
NewtyNewts: lrrLUL
kilnfiendpotter: This is just indentured servitude
Saintnex: ohhh noooo
A_Dub888: I mean....
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
Mathwyn: Just human traffic for profit
kilnfiendpotter: hahahhahaha
Scy_Anide: Can I sell him every month for $5k?
EchoesOfTheTide: He's a pretty chill guy, I think he'd understand
hi_im_emily: did graham write this answer holy shit
Thefluffiestguineapig: So there's no brother in law?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL Pffft
JadedCynic: my BIL has had enough
jacqui_lantern234: i fucking love you, nelly
Thefluffiestguineapig: also cut off? So just don't speak to?
ButButTheJesus: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: Well it's more like renting a person since they come back in 30 days
ekimekim: no, you're selling the fact you're cutting him off. it's like a fundraiser gthing
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Rent a person.
stippledotter: It's a renewable resource
JadedCynic: Bro needs an intervetion
0x6772: I'm an only child. I'll sell my non-existant sibling's husband for any amount of money.
A_Dub888: still one of the better splits this round
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 for Nelly taking us away from icks.
RandomTrivia: HAH
Lysander_salamander: what?
GhostValv: D:
teddywhosabear: ogfho
DiscordianTokkan: HAH
Diabore: ?
TheWriterAleph: LUL
SnackPak_: hell yeah
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
trainpants: Hahahaha
RockPusher: lrrEFF yes
ekimekim: IAN
micalovits: That is SO good
public_key_reveal_party: LUL
teddywhosabear: excellent lmao
Arclight_Dynamo: Windmill slam yes!
Wizzo1138: Wow
jessicaengle: I don't get it
CounterOfBeans: explain
RainyMint: LUL
niccus: complete crank content. ignore it
0x6772: CS joke for the win
gualdhar: oh fuck
NewtyNewts: HELL YEAH
ThorSokar: HOLY CRAP
iris_of_ether: OMFG
ghyllnox: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Shparky2197: I get it
ButButTheJesus: MATHS
RatherLargeToad: YES
Fruan: It's one of the hardest open questions in Math
KaleidoscopeMind: compsci
Jedi_Master_Zell: Woooow...
RandomTrivia: Absolutely fucking incredible, 15/10
JadedCynic: Max: "Nah, That's Bait!" LUL
NotCainNorAbel: i want to know what they were thinking
gualdhar: WE'VE DONE IT
7gorobei: math jokes, peak
MegaDosX: What the fuck who did this
public_key_reveal_party: This is a computer science joke
jessieimproved: omg an algorithm joke
Thefluffiestguineapig: maths
HarmonisedMelody: I mean ,there's no reason not to?
niccus: like other big problems, it's a crank magnet
Lysander_salamander: at least it wasn't a droptable command that crashes the game again
SaxPython: O( log log n)
public_key_reveal_party: You could get a million dollars though
Drasvin: Oh! The Halting Problem
Seth_Erickson: yeah but you peeked already so do your respect the boundaries Kappa
Pteraspidomorphi: I'm interested
Rhynerd: my partner can computer science in privacy.
JadedCynic: I'd love to find out if my partner DID figure it out :D
jessicaengle: armoroNoted computers........ funny
lizardknight: I would not read it thought if it was that i would
A_Dub888: one guy in Numb3rs was working on it and had like 8 chalkboards worth of equations trying to solve it
DrLigmaPhD: Correct their work
0x6772: A proof of P=NP is worth a bit of debate.
NewtyNewts: I want to know how a famously un0mathy person wrote that!
MegaDosX: Oh no
Lysander_salamander: ew
ekimekim: I saw that Producers reference, Matt.
ButButTheJesus: There's a movie about it! (Travelling Salesman 2012)
jacqui_lantern234: "wait a minute, im SINGLE"
jessieimproved: I would be very proud because I'm a software engineer and my spouse is in IT
jessicaengle: Nuuuuuuuu!
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Hambrugers"
saucemaster5000: hambrugers
JadedCynic: hella naw
RandomTrivia: The typo really makes this :D
0x6772: Delete because typo
flatluigi: what's a poeple
Saintnex: hambrugers
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Hambrugers.
Lysander_salamander: too real
MegaDosX: OK who is from Rand McNally in this chat
Mai_Andra: that's more "true, if big"
spethycakes: poeple
epsilon_vee: poeple
KeytarCat: Talkin bout bugsnax
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
adept_nekomancer: Oh no, the poor poeple
MegaDosX: poeple
Thefluffiestguineapig: Perfect
baltimore_667083: good question matt
tidehollowcat: Definitely read P=NP as the Ao3 tag 'porn no plot'
Fruan: God, I'd delete something before it could trend even without the curse
fastlane250: @MegaDosX Beat me to it!
niccus: i... sort of want to know what would happen
Lysander_salamander: yes good
PharaohBender27: I voted yes because fuck disinformation
EchoesOfTheTide: Does this also call into being an entity called a hambruger?
jessicaengle: Hammyburgers eat the Pope
PhorrestGaze: delete it from shame
CounterOfBeans: LUL
NewtyNewts: oops, wrong button
jacqui_lantern234: oh no jordynne XD
Lysander_salamander: oh no I misread it
Ignatiuspants: it's going viral, and hambrugers are going to eat poeple
lion_byte: hambrugers and poeple are suddenly created, i guess
Sheikun07: Let's find out together
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to poeple! They have given 1647 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, poeple! (Today's storm count: 37)
NimrodXIV: time to learn things
hi_im_emily: "hambrugers are from hambruges" lmao
calculated_uncertainties: not the pe-po!
kilnfiendpotter: Poeple = Poe's Fan Club?
Rhynerd: is poeple what you call a group of ghosts from Legend of Zelda?
A_Dub888: @Lysander_salamander same
MegaDosX: Also this universe would be a hellscape
iamzensballs: Dyslexic vengeful hamburgers?
Mathwyn: @pharaohbender27 Well after 5000 likes it becomes information
jacqui_lantern234: DAMN
laikagoat: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH good split
MegaDosX: Five thousand likes makes truth would be a /nightmare/
DiscordianTokkan: Eyyyy
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: I missed the first typo because of the second :D
korvys: I delete it due to typo embarassement, not the danger
HarmonisedMelody: Trans communities would band together FAST to bulk make things true :D
teddywhosabear: and nearly 50 50 on the audience too
Spritz_T: finally a good split
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
RockPusher: well split
jessicaengle: Spleet Beej!
0x6772: sweet, Beej!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby
Shparky2197: Nearly split the audience in half too
JadedCynic: and even chat was 52/48
JadedCynic: nice, Paul <3
MegaDosX: lmaooooooooo
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: NEVER
Dog_of_Myth: Hell no
Juliamon: lrrLUL
jacqui_lantern234: NOT AT ALL
spethycakes: ANYTHING but that!
kilnfiendpotter: Yesss I love that Pratchett quote
DrLigmaPhD: No, fuck them parents
teddywhosabear: but is it fun to smoke marijuana, tho
A_Dub888: What do you mean NOT our intention?
niccus: maybe this is too normie for your brand
HarmonisedMelody: YVAN EHT NIOJ
Thefluffiestguineapig: Terry Pratchett is and always will be profound and amazing
ThorSokar: Oh are we back in the 80s with this one, 'cause that stupid BS is BURNED in to my brain
calculated_uncertainties: but the 2025 hasbro hellscape...
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL
NewtyNewts: To imaginative minds, maybe
WardsarTheWriter: I'm all for making pearl-clutching parents mad.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @WardsarTheWriter ^^^^^^^^^^^^Same
Ignatiuspants: retract it; I'd never want to support Wizards of the Coast
RandomTrivia: It's not the satanic panic any more
Dog_of_Myth: Or just clever MagicCon marketing
MegaDosX: I live for making busybodies mad
ritchards: I got that referecne!
0x6772: RIP
Lysander_salamander: "dnd is sooo mainstream" says a music-bro
MegaDosX: Stay mad, Karens
GhostValv: Dun goofed
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MegaDosX Or go away
RandomTrivia: Peets!
Laserbeaks_Fury: BEANS
RockPusher: hifunkBeans
kilnfiendpotter: Look at dose beas
RainyMint: Beans!
kilnfiendpotter: **beans
Drasvin: adzyanAhbeanz
Garfman314: wait, i missed the last result - what was it?
Twilight_Spark: Nat 1 in that split.
JadedCynic: If I ever backmask a track, it'd say "go to church, tithe, say your prayers" as a ref to Berke Brethed
MegaDosX: @Thefluffiestguineapig Also acceptable, but I'm not optimistic about it being on the table
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MegaDosX Me neither, but I like to voice it into potential reality
DoodlestheGreat: 2
Sheikun07: 2
NotCainNorAbel: 3
Dog_of_Myth: 2
NewtyNewts: 2
ChargingFurret: 2
spethycakes: 3
tidehollowcat: 2
CounterOfBeans: 2
Thefluffiestguineapig: 2
Diabore: 2
adept_nekomancer: 2 I guess
Lysander_salamander: 2
Heckhoundbolt: 1
sadfleck: 2
lamina5432: 3
DoodlestheGreat: 2 is equal to the first choice
RandomTrivia: Neither 1 or 3 is splitting anything
0x6772: strong 2
MegaDosX: 3 might be catered more towards this specific audience
PharaohBender27: Yeah, 2 would be divisive
DiscordianTokkan: 2, windmill slam
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's about splitting opition
calculated_uncertainties: 1
MegaDosX: But 2 is good
A_Dub888: dang it, all of these are better than the given one
saucemaster5000: huh... these aren't great choices honestly. we got screwed
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: 2
Angreed66: 2 1 and 3 are far worse
Pteraspidomorphi: 2 is better because of different ethics
Lysander_salamander: 2 is synergistic with the prompt?
A_Dub888: nvm found one
Spritz_T: 1 seems like it'd be pretty popular
JadedCynic: isn't 2 just in a different part of the workplace as the other option?
rogerivany: one was the same answer
kilnfiendpotter: By the way, Happy Lunar New Year (day after tomorrow)! Hope y'all like sneks
Thefluffiestguineapig: @A_Dub888 The thing is the degree of better, I think 2 is the least amount better
adept_nekomancer: @JadedCynic That's just vertical integration.
JadedCynic: @rogerivany IKR?
DoodlestheGreat: @JadedCynic Yes, that's the idea.
MegaDosX: @kilnfiendpotter hssssss
Thefluffiestguineapig: The animations are super good
Lysander_salamander: nice
jessicaengle: Interstitial Cat Face is a good band name
RandomTrivia: D'awwwww
DigitalSeahorse: xD
MegaDosX: He said split
jacqui_lantern234: ANIME KITTY :D
A_Dub888: @Thefluffiestguineapig yeah, I ultimately went with that
JadedCynic: I love the variety they added over time <3
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MegaDosX I do love snakes! I had one I used to pet sit I would watch YouTube with
PharaohBender27: Anime cat face has appeared before
MacbethSeemsSus: Senior Executive of Interstitial Cat Faces
Thefluffiestguineapig: Maggot farmer
A_Dub888: oh heck
RandomTrivia: Wow
MegaDosX: Oh give me the maggots
00busyhands: hohohoho
KodeMage: ez farmer
Sheikun07: what an evil choice
micalovits: Farming dem MAggots
jacqui_lantern234: maggot farmer
JadedCynic: farmer
Diabore: maggots maggots
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: maggot farmer
ButButTheJesus: maggots
SnackPak_: ppf
WardsarTheWriter: Oh god... I might actually pick maggots.
7gorobei: farmer
v_nome: is death off the table?
NimrodXIV: well, i've been one of those
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Maggot farmer
jessicaengle: jlrrNo
jessieimproved: maggots all. the. way.
DigitalSeahorse: you know what, maggots
kilnfiendpotter: I'm going to raise the best maggots
JadedCynic: better than Call center monkey
thavleifrim: I can hang up on people all day
RandomTrivia: You probably get a lot of PPE
Lysander_salamander: for science!
kilnfiendpotter: It's not that bad
KiloRomeo058: I'd do call center. can't deal with gross.
DrLigmaPhD: Some hobbits keep being a pain in your ass
KodeMage: maggot farming is actually pretty easy, they do most of the work
Thefluffiestguineapig: So much better than call center TBH
SageofShadowzF: I'm calling center CSR
Nigouki: it's what Dave Batista was doing in Blade Runner 2049
DoodlestheGreat: There are no Karen maggots
Fruan: Isn't "maggot farmer" just findom?
JadedCynic: CSR is #2 most stressful job behind ATC
A_Dub888: what are we raising maggots FOR exactly?
ekimekim: so you're saying your girlfriend asked you "would you love me if i was a worm farmer"
WardsarTheWriter: Maggots are inherently less disgusting, and I say that as a germophobe.
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Dog_of_Myth: Still on maggots
Rhynerd: DAMSO
NewtyNewts: lrrLUL
gualdhar: to farm maggots, first you shoot someone...
kilnfiendpotter: Maggoty maggot maggot
niccus: that sounds like make-work, i'm in
KiloRomeo058: I'm upset that this is almost a thing XP
KodeMage: nice gloves, maybe an apron, no worries
xVoxtric subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months, currently on a 24 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xVoxtric! (Today's storm count: 38)
Rhynerd: Shoot, i forgot to vote
patrick_stonecrusher: Damso plays phonegames all day
HarmonisedMelody: Didn't think I'd be so into maggot farming, but yeah... unfortunately it seems that's where I'm stuck?
PhorrestGaze: Maggot farming is also not in the sun
Thefluffiestguineapig: @WardsarTheWriter Especially since they farm maggots and certain leeches for medical uses that are sterile now
jessicaengle: ugh
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: maggots again
lion_byte: filmot2Oop
jessieimproved: i have not left maggots yet
MegaDosX: Wow
0x6772: If onlyfans doesn't appear, I'll be disappointed.
RandomTrivia: Love those simultaneous "oooh"s
Thefluffiestguineapig: REALLY
PharaohBender27: Welp
teddywhosabear: ;-;
A_Dub888: bugger
NewtyNewts: dang
SymphonySolstice: rough
RandomTrivia: Welp
hi_im_emily: i legitimately thought "jordynne, matt, y'all better not"
DiscordianTokkan: Aw
kilnfiendpotter: Meat processing factories are famously terrible places to work
Shadwhawk: Knew it; there's a fundamental difference between farming maggots and killing mammals
Rhynerd: seriously, not a single split for us?
Dog_of_Myth: welp we tried
saucemaster5000: yeh it was never gonna split we had bad choices
HarmonisedMelody: Rough, but yeah
MegaDosX: Oh well
laikagoat: fionVoid fionVoid fionVoid
Thefluffiestguineapig: NOOOOOOOOO
RandomTrivia: Jordynne no
ButButTheJesus: WHAT girl?!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jordynne that's awful
Juliamon: Just say no
jessieimproved: noooope
Diabore: feel like nothing was splitting
HarmonisedMelody: Was pretty opposed to maggots, but I'm coming around on them I guess
MegaDosX: Fucking...
RandomTrivia: OMG
JadedCynic: LUL
jessicaengle: kikoskLizarddoom kikoskLizarddoom
00busyhands: hahahaha
SnackPak_: ewww
RainyMint: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
jacqui_lantern234: OMFG LUL
micalovits: 10/10
Arclight_Dynamo: BEEJ
MegaDosX: Who did this
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
SkylerRingtail: A..a what?
Lysander_salamander: I mean
kilnfiendpotter: YES
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yuuuuuuuuuuup
ButButTheJesus: NOOOO
NewtyNewts: uh... what?
teddywhosabear: Jordynne.
Thefluffiestguineapig: So I can plan
hi_im_emily: BEEJ
stippledotter: Aur naur
kilnfiendpotter: How will Elon Musk try to save me from the Goon Cave?
PhorrestGaze: Is it my goon cave?
RandomTrivia: IAN NO
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE YES!!!!!!!!!
hi_im_emily: wait JORDYNNE
KiloRomeo058: What
MegaDosX: lmaooooooooo
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Rhynerd: ah, my trave!
RainyMint: OMG
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can't tell which of these is who
Thefluffiestguineapig: These are so funny
MegaDosX: Oh no, my trave!
KodeMage: like a soda bottle
HarmonisedMelody: Tea Rave
WardsarTheWriter: In before the next one is a grave.
kilnfiendpotter: Wait do you mean Treyf? Like not Kosher?
NimrodXIV: I what to hear about the trave so I know what it is
RandomTrivia: BEEJ NO
JadedCynic: IAN....
RandomTrivia: Oh that's very cursed
Spritz_T: what character though?
Lysander_salamander: ok sure
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cave
niccus: like magically or stuffed
Thefluffiestguineapig: Horrifying
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: the smells
Rhynerd: I wonder how the second happens.
Lysander_salamander: jokes on you...
A_Dub888: Define 'cave'
Robot_Bones: Someone will hold me then
PhorrestGaze: help big brother I'm trapped
JadedCynic: I mean, surely the one we get info on helps us *evade* that future?
Juliamon: Reincarnated as a dakimakura??
Pteraspidomorphi: That title is unrealistically short
jacqui_lantern234: OMG Jordynne is it bad that ID READ THAT NOVEL?! :P
WardsarTheWriter: I was sent to another world in a dakimakura and now I have to use its weird powers to save the world.
MegaDosX: Oh no
Arclight_Dynamo: Live, Laugh, Love
RandomTrivia: uh oh
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
A_Dub888: done
Dog_of_Myth: Easy
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RainyMint: LUL
DiscordianTokkan: Easy peasy
DaxStrife: I'd get a lot of mileage out of the 2nd door.
hi_im_emily: YESSSSSS
RatherLargeToad: Like. Share. Subscribe
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm crying
Spritz_T: the memes are strong with this prompt
RockPusher: these are the same picture :P
RandomTrivia: You would learn so much so quickly about so many people
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE YES
Lysander_salamander: oh
PhorrestGaze: point at photos
Fruan: Fuck and some vocal inflection would get you a long way
public_key_reveal_party: o7 mary
kilnfiendpotter: So my toddler goes FAR with "Thanks, No, Hungry"
Mindfire13: o7 Mary
NewtyNewts: What did Mary do?!
jacqui_lantern234: BAHAHAHAHA
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yuuuuuuuup
JadedCynic: :D
KiloRomeo058: Ok this one slaps
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
RandomTrivia: Yep, windmill slam
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or Morse code
A_Dub888: @NewtyNewts they know what they did
VorlonScout: What I learn is that no one is willing to give up F-bombs, and... legit
PhorrestGaze: fuck with freedom of intonation goes a long way
HarmonisedMelody: I learned ASL as an unsupervised online teen
ekimekim: you just say the whole phrase every time, and communicate by inflection
RandomTrivia: Fruan nailed it - the word "fuck" with inflection is incredibly flexible
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also nothing says you have to say the whole word
JadedCynic: 2/2
KaleidoscopeMind: BOB points
HarmonisedMelody: B0B
SkylerRingtail: M'lem m'lem
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap Well played Beej!
jacqui_lantern234: GG Beej
WardsarTheWriter: God, those thumbs.
DoodlestheGreat: I'd have used "deny, defend, depose..."
Ignatiuspants: Beej is champion again??!?!!!
KodeMage: wp kathleen, most dislikes
Clypheous subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Clypheous! (Today's storm count: 39)
patrick_stonecrusher: I am groot
JadedCynic: OH - dare I live the dream?
korvys: Beej, Fuck is already part of your vocabulary
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or three many syllable words that you can use parts of
RockPusher: gabyLul
RainyMint: Sounds like a win to me LUL
DigitalSeahorse: xD
KaleidoscopeMind: kid: "i can't read"
jacqui_lantern234: BEEJ
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Rhynerd: "I can only speak 3 words, one's a curse word."
fastlane250: LUL
Clypheous: In, Subscribe using Prime, and OUT! Rock on LRR!
Lysander_salamander: why
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
DigitalSeahorse: hehhehehhe
JadedCynic: thank you Nelly :D
RainyMint: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: lmfao
public_key_reveal_party: I didn't realize this was the crapshoot as well
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL
DiscordianTokkan: Fuck yeah
Rhynerd: Any episode can become a phase of a crapshoot
jacqui_lantern234: i remember watching the South Park pilot the day it aired. i was born in 1993
Laserbeaks_Fury: This card won't stop me because I can't read.
Lysander_salamander: yay
Thefluffiestguineapig: Kay
JadedCynic: see, that gives CONTEXT
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
JadedCynic: LUL
Shparky2197: !uptime
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 58:45.
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm so happy right now
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
RandomTrivia: Bahahahahaha
NimrodXIV: :D
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
public_key_reveal_party: this is so on brand
ButButTheJesus: HYES
kilnfiendpotter: JORDYNNE
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL
HorusFive: PrideLaugh
SnackPak_: kids swearing is always funny
Twilight_Spark: The clap of its little fly ass cheeks have alerted the monkeys.
jessicaengle: jlrrCooltunes jlrrCooltunes jlrrCooltunes
RandomTrivia: WOW
MegaDosX: Same energy as "Monkey on the car! Fuck off!"
Dog_of_Myth: hahahahah
Lysander_salamander: nice
KaleidoscopeMind: QUIXORT
RandomTrivia: Amazing
JadedCynic: your mom <3
SymphonySolstice: exquisite
MegaDosX: Holy shit Jordynne
RandomTrivia: Tiny Jordynne is my hero
jacqui_lantern234: LUL jordynne hatton i adore you XD
kilnfiendpotter: Mom Goals
NewtyNewts: Monkey on the cah!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Why doe sthe game sound weird?
baltimore_667083: @NewtyNewts "bus off!"
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Juliamon: Laserbeaks_Fury because that's how the game sounds
micalovits: She is still totally cute
ButButTheJesus: love it lrrSHINE
KaleidoscopeMind: Team Nelly and the Kids
kilnfiendpotter: Rappscallion pronounces "shirts" as "shits", and "socks" as "sex"
DaxStrife: Then she read the kids "Go the Fuck to Sleep."
kilnfiendpotter: Needless to say laundry day is FUN
Laserbeaks_Fury: ohh, it's tinny on purpose
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fuck
LoadingReadyRun: code is UVSX (no extension for this)
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm fucked
Lysander_salamander: I have no idea
ButButTheJesus: @kilnfiendpotter fun!
MegaDosX: @kilnfiendpotter Does this happen in public or just at home? Because I'm sure that would be entertaining if you're out buying clothes lrrLUL
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
kilnfiendpotter: @MegaDosX Both. It's definitely turned heads.
SkylerRingtail: A celebrity question? Welp, time to go get a drink
teddywhosabear: watch these all be folks under five four
MegaDosX: @kilnfiendpotter That's fantastic, and a great story for when they're older!
laikagoat: so smol
teddywhosabear: they're so tiny oh NO
KaleidoscopeMind: also tiny
kilnfiendpotter: I always have to say: "Yes! Socks!" as i furtively look around in a panic
Thefluffiestguineapig: She's not, she's short
Spritz_T: gee i wonder
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: She is so short.
KaleidoscopeMind: simone is like 4'10"
CommiePuddin: Kevin Hart is gonna be the tallest person on this list
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
CommiePuddin: I stand by my statement
MegaDosX: Simone is hella tiny
MegaDosX: Ian no
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
baltimore_667083: IAN
jacqui_lantern234: IAN HORNER
KaleidoscopeMind: simone was mistaken as a child on a plane. flight attendant asked if she wanted a coloring book
Lysander_salamander: yes ian yes
NewtyNewts: Adelaide
public_key_reveal_party: I know who about half of these people even are
DiscordianTokkan: A Daniel sandwich
PhorrestGaze: Who do they think Simone Biles is?
Lysander_salamander: oh well
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Damn, Morgan is tall
Spritz_T: morgan freeman's voice would be infinite
micalovits: Burnham is Taaalll
korvys: Bo Burnham is very tall (not Shaq tall)
NimrodXIV: oops Danny has to go in the tallest slot on my board :D
Lysander_salamander: he's gotten smaller with age
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: He is the second shortest on the list
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wel[p
SymphonySolstice: ooh I almost got perfect
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
RandomTrivia: KATHLEEN YES
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was closer than I thought
Laserbeaks_Fury: Danny DeVito and Kevin Hart were in Jumanji together, but never on screen together
ButButTheJesus: OMG YES
Lysander_salamander: :D
RandomTrivia: D'awwww
jacqui_lantern234: KATHLEEN YES
RandomTrivia: That's so adorable
Master_Gunner: woah, didn't realize Burnham was tall
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
kilnfiendpotter: Hahahahahaha
NewtyNewts: LUL
dm818: Bo Burnham is 6'5"?!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL
jessicaengle: That was a good story
public_key_reveal_party: jordynne that is an amazing description
Lysander_salamander: most legs!
Juliamon: seven vaganias
jessicaengle: Leggies
A_Dub888: !listen
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
MegaDosX: Least to most legs is so ominous
KaleidoscopeMind: leggies
Lysander_salamander: Imagine
ekimekim: JULIAMON
jessicaengle: lrrCrab
Earthenone: do we skip leg day?
RockPusher: mystery legs
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: another box
Fruan: How many different values of legs can things have?!
Garfman314: turns out you can click a space that's already filled to put the new one there
MegaDosX: The box, the box!
DrLigmaPhD: Naomi Smalls?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Shit
Juliamon: ekimekim MAYBE MORE
Lysander_salamander: oh well
teddywhosabear: oh NO
MegaDosX: Oh no
KaleidoscopeMind: watch mystery prompt be number of hands
RockPusher: well poop
A_Dub888: bollocks
DiscordianTokkan: OH PISS
MegaDosX: Welp.
jessicaengle: Awww man. jlrrFacepalm
kilnfiendpotter: OH YES
Lysander_salamander: I loved that Neil Cicerega comic
flatluigi: what month is karkat in
NewtyNewts: Shame Jordynne didn't get this one
kilnfiendpotter: QUEER FAM GET IN
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I'm screwed
EchoesOfTheTide: We could have had leggies! We were robbed
Spades_Slicc: hs is very help
spethycakes: I got a sample of Taurus tea in the mail today!
rogerivany: That's the one I know
jacqui_lantern234: Aries what i breathe Kappa
public_key_reveal_party: onstaFORGOR
A_Dub888: literally the only one I know
Mathwyn: "Homestuck is no help here" needs to be a quote
niccus: i know the cycle but not the march-february break
Rhynerd: ain't april pisces?
TheExactSame subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheExactSame! (Today's storm count: 40)
MegaDosX: I only know my astrological sign, I don't know when any of the others are
spethycakes: Gemini/Capricorn/Virgo
Juliamon: March is Pisces
jacqui_lantern234: @kilnfiendpotter but i hate zodiac shit 😭
MegaDosX: Does that make me a fake queer? :(
Fruan: I don't even know what order the months come in, expecting me to know this is impossible.
SymphonySolstice: december
Lysander_salamander: why is it split that way
ProcyonFlynn: Whichever one is also the raccoon. RaccAttack
Thefluffiestguineapig: December? No idea?
kilnfiendpotter: @jacqui_lantern234 Fair fair
djalternative: wait. what does my tv have to do with things, jordynne?
Spades_Slicc: wrong
SymphonySolstice: nooooo
NewtyNewts: Nooooooooooo
30teracyte: uh oh
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits. Hey LRR, how is it going?
spethycakes: I am in pain
MegaDosX: @Lysander_salamander Lunar calendar I suspect
CommiePuddin: I'm trying to sing the Weird Al song and it's not helping!
Sheikun07: welp
Spades_Slicc: sagittarius then capricorn
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MegaDosX If so fake queers unite because I am also one and I hate zodiac stuff
LoadingReadyRun: I feel like "Homestuck is no help here" is a statement that can apply in many circumstances
SarkhanVol209 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
HarmonisedMelody: Hehe :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SarkhanVol209! (Today's storm count: 41)
SymphonySolstice: october
jacqui_lantern234: @kilnfiendpotter i wanna help with the trivia, but im USELESS with this :P
DigitalSeahorse: March
MegaDosX: That's how you spell Aries
coachNelly: @CommiePuddin Eat it? there are some things we really shoulnd't its true
MegaDosX: Ares is the god, Aries is the astrological sign
kilnfiendpotter: Aries is a goat. Ares is the GOAT.
NimrodXIV: I always hear "Aries!" in the Kratos voice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Capricorn is goat, I know this because caprine is the adjective meaning goat-like
Juliamon: They've managed to pick all of the signs that my family is not, somehow
RandomTrivia: NELSON
Thefluffiestguineapig: this is the crab
DiscordianTokkan: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Lysander_salamander: Oh I got the joke
RockPusher: good joke Nelson
teddywhosabear: this is my nightmare category
EchoesOfTheTide: I hate that I know all of these lol
spethycakes: no Gemini? I'm predictably insulted
jessieimproved: that is my bestie's sign, like the only other one I know
ProcyonFlynn: penaddCrab penaddCrab penaddCrab
SaxPython: Rip Gemini
Thefluffiestguineapig: Scorpio is November, because people talked about how I'm the betrayer who stabbed the frog
HarmonisedMelody: Gemini was replaced by Florb
MegaDosX: Sagittarius really screwed them up there
SymphonySolstice: coulda had it
KaleidoscopeMind: and homestuck did, in fact, help me
kilnfiendpotter: @spethycakes Everyone hates Gemini's. I feel your pain as a fellow Gemini.
A_Dub888: In my defense, the only zodiac I know is Chinese
HarmonisedMelody: Graham is June 6 and is a Florb now
spethycakes: @kilnfiendpotter We contain multitudes! rhymes2Hype
jacqui_lantern234: @kilnfiendpotter my moms a gemini and the reason i hate zodiac stuff :P
Diabore: mystery mystery mystery
DarkMorford: I'm an Aries/Taurus cusp
xantos69: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:07:36.
Diabore: LUL
SymphonySolstice: LUL
TheWriterAleph: HAHAHA LUL
dead_delver: @A_Dub888 Snake!
Lysander_salamander: wow
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RainyMint: LUL
HorusFive: Beej- admitting that CM is a made up unit of measure
Laserbeaks_Fury: Like Comic Strip or Stand Up
MegaDosX: I think you dodged a bullet Jordynne
DiscordianTokkan: waaaaow
SaxPython: NotLikeThis
GhostValv: oh no~
teddywhosabear: lmao
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh lrrWOW
HarmonisedMelody: I mean, yeah, dodged a bullet :D
RandomTrivia: I think both of you dodged a bullet there
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: oof
Rhynerd: dodged a bullet I presume
micalovits: Dodged a bullet I guess
public_key_reveal_party: I'm sorry but you probably dodged a bullet tbf
Sergue_Thorien: You may have dodged a bullet
lochnessseammonster: oh damn
notthepenguins: Honestly bullet dodged
teddywhosabear: oh that's WORSE lmao
Shparky2197: I mean, you definitely dodged a bullet
0x6772: That's a pretty sure sign you didn't want to be with that person, J
SymphonySolstice: oof
DrLigmaPhD: "Not again!" would be even funnier
jacqui_lantern234: ok thats an oof
lochnessseammonster: my top three are almost the same as my initials
jacqui_lantern234: like yall asked?!?!?!?!
TheWriterAleph: nomnomnom
KaleidoscopeMind: Om Noms
EchoesOfTheTide: Man, I picked the wrong team to play with here
RockPusher: tqsNom
xantos69: I mean if anybody offered any horoscope info to me, I would bail because they care about that sort of thing.
Going_Medium: tastiest... Nom nom nom
Diabore: trash
Thefluffiestguineapig: Don't know this person at all
kilnfiendpotter: LOL how many noms would it take to eat these people
RandomTrivia: "How many Oscar trophies have each of these people eaten?"
Laserbeaks_Fury: That Boderlands nod
HorusFive: So does 0 count as "Least" or as a "Trash"?
UnknownFriday: Ironically, with you being Team Cerulean, you're also Team Blue.
patrick_stonecrusher: Freddy got fingered
Juliamon: I don't want to nom Tom Green
BusTed: Show me the money
Arclight_Dynamo: Tom Green is from my city, and turns out he's a really, really cool and chill dude these days.
HarmonisedMelody: nomnomnoms
dm818: Oh I was reading this as since 2022
Diabore: are they going to be fake names?
JadedCynic: My brother's GF was big in zodiac, and when she learned of my & my future wife's signs, she was insistant that we wouldn't last... he broke up with her in a few months; I've been married to my 'bad match' for over twentyfive years B)
RockPusher: all the noms
korvys: the most
KaleidoscopeMind: oh i was reading this as in 2022 alone
LoadingReadyRun: the word "Noms" has lost all meaning
ThePerrBearr: cuba gooding junior played Radio
rogerivany: I think show me the money was worth a nom
RockPusher: also many nom
korvys: More like nom hanks
DrLigmaPhD: Thomathas Hankies
VorlonScout: Is the Trash even active? They're closed with no fire
kilnfiendpotter: I find zodiac stuff to be fun but absolutely worthless in actually judging people's character
0x6772: Ah, Tom "the Tank Engine".
A_Dub888: @DrLigmaPhD my Dankies
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Trash is active
Spritz_T: i wonder if tom green is a trash clue
Nigouki: more than hanks
Juliamon: VorlonScout They open when you move over them
Lord_Hosk: Hasn't Cuba Gooding Jr Won a couple of Oscars?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I forgot about the Black swan stuff when placing Portman vs Blanchett
VorlonScout: oh, ok
A_Dub888: Hi ho
Thefluffiestguineapig: He has some
public_key_reveal_party: how dare
KaleidoscopeMind: kermit deserves them tho
CouldntPickAUsername: watch them nail it
TheWriterAleph: he was ROBBED i tell ya
kilnfiendpotter: SIR
SnackPak_: o7 Kermit
Nigouki: honorary oscar?
VorlonScout: @Juliamon Thanks, been a while since I watched this game. :)
drewm1022: Kermit was robboed.
spethycakes: STELLA~~
MegaDosX: The Oscars have been around for a long time
RandomTrivia: The Oscars hate animation, they probably also hate puppets
Lysander_salamander: do snubs count?
Nigouki: oh he had so much more
MegaDosX: The first Academy Awards were in 1929, for reference
0x6772: Jordynne. Sir Laurence Olivier?
0x6772: Oh c'mon people!
MegaDosX: Also people not knowing Gregory Peck is hurting me >_>
kilnfiendpotter: He was in "To Kill A Mockingbird"
RockPusher: Somewhere Graham is crying
RandomTrivia: HAHAHAHAHA lrrDARK
RainyMint: LUL
Nigouki: IAN NO
Nigouki: do no disrespect Nene like that
Thefluffiestguineapig: At least we get a second chance here
Rhynerd: huh, hanks got less noms than expected.
Thefluffiestguineapig: wait, is that next round, shit
spethycakes: lrrGOAT
djalternative: that's Seth Green, Ian
RockPusher: lrrGOAT
SaxPython: Wait wait wait. Kathleen could Id a real housewife?
Thefluffiestguineapig: REALLY
iris_of_ether: oh wow
Lysander_salamander: is it?
RandomTrivia: Uh oh
flatluigi: that's a hell of a movie
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's a really jarring surprise
KodeMage: what movie?
RandomTrivia: It's a very dark comedy with hints of existential horror
iris_of_ether: It's a black comedy
Juliamon: SaxPython She's a trivia nerd, that's the sort of thing she *would* know
flatluigi: death becomes her // the substance as a double feature
RockPusher: spin it up!
brainbosh: Somehow I have only ever seen the end of that movie lol
0x6772: Ian's sweet spot
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ian is on this team?
Spritz_T: what could even be a trash prompt for size?
SymphonySolstice: spiiiiiin
RainyMint: Ian LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: And Alex?
Rhynerd: Oh, I saw Mulholland Drive just last weekend!
PhorrestGaze: Ah, the steel ball run prompt
Lysander_salamander: it's a very uncanny movie
MegaDosX: Depends on the scale of this one
Pteraspidomorphi: Which carnival ride
DarkMorford: Is this in RPM?
MegaDosX: If it goes up to, like, neutron stars, then that's low on the scale
Fruan: What about the ride that pins you to the wall with spinny?
drewm1022: Mulholland Drive is probably my favorite Lynch movie.
DarkMorford: Angular velocity?
0x6772: If you are not afraid of spinning things, you should be.
KodeMage: 33
Arclight_Dynamo: Will "neutron star" show up?
Thefluffiestguineapig: None, trash
spo8n: "by rotation speed"
MegaDosX: Chuck your head in the trash
RandomTrivia: @Arclight_Dynamo I *am* hoping for pulsar
Spritz_T: in the exorcist?
TheWriterAleph: MY head??
iarethel0ser: Depends, are we in the exorcism?
public_key_reveal_party: you spin my head right round right round
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Your head is trash
Thefluffiestguineapig: If it's spinning that's a big problem
Diabore: ians a ringer here
eshplode: Like a record, baby
ButButTheJesus: depends on neck muscles
DrLigmaPhD: You spin me right round...
Rhynerd: This doesn't seem like a real head-spinner of a challenger
HorusFive: Right round baby, right round
0x6772: depends on the drill, a bit
Nigouki: 1650prm
DrLigmaPhD: @eshplode One brain cell
KodeMage: 10k
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Diabore Ian and Alex together? My dude they've got it
SquareDotCube: 7200 rpm
Lord_Hosk: there are even faster ones for servers
SnackPak_: I'm waiting for pulsar to show up
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL
eshplode: @DrLigmaPhD We use it well at least
KodeMage: les than vinyl
Rhynerd: wrong spin
DrLigmaPhD: 2 princes per minutee
0x6772: Score one for 1990s rock!
A_Dub888: difine 'small'
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Little miss can't be wrong
KodeMage: washing machines don't spin, that's dryers
KaleidoscopeMind: specifically a small one
spethycakes: Mr. Jones and me (didn't enjoy being trashed)
Laserbeaks_Fury: Helecopters dont spin very much
goombalax: a small helicopter the size of a large helicopter
VorlonScout: Richter has spoken
Lord_Hosk: Isn't a solid state washing machine a washboard?
Juliamon: KodeMage they both spin
ShaneLeeAtk: I have Speed Queen laundry machines. They are fantastic.
spethycakes: wait, that's a different 90s
Thefluffiestguineapig: For real small helicopter can't go as fast because they are unable to balance as much rotation with their weight
shushu2539: do helicopters spin?
Diabore: im sorry child powered?
CouldntPickAUsername: child powered?
HorusFive: Unless Large Helicopter is also on here- I don't see why they make the distinction
DaxStrife: "Graham, I am currently rotating faster than a cordless drill, but slower than a HDD!"
2 raiders from Foxmar320 have joined!
WiJohn: @Laserbeaks_Fury Indeed. if your helicopter is spinning something has gone awry
kilnfiendpotter: They're talking about the musical
MegaDosX: I mean /technically/...
Rhynerd: The void doesn't give numbers
Juliamon: Welcome raiders! We're rolling around at the speed of sound
DrLigmaPhD: Talking abbout the worst musical I've ever been in
KodeMage: more than 33
Thefluffiestguineapig: VERY fast
onetrueseth: Been many years since I've operated a Sorvall centrifuge, but that regularly was pushed towards 100,000 rpm
lirazel64: @drligmaphd You're not busting out all over?
Thefluffiestguineapig: You actually were on point with a lot of stuff
RockPusher: I was hoping for a few more extreme spinners
DrLigmaPhD: @lirazel64 I am not busting, no
Lord_Hosk: There is no way a ceiling fan on low spins completely around 5 times a second
DarkMorford: @RockPusher Yeah, something like a CNC spindle would be fun
MegaDosX: Jordynne no
Laserbeaks_Fury: Ryu Hayabusa
dm818: @Lord_Hosk yeah but I feel like it is probably still like 60
Diabore: @Lord_Hosk 2 i could buy but 5? thats a lot
Rhynerd: I hope Mystery Science Theater 3000 is in the other sort.
KaleidoscopeMind: not sk8er boi lyrics?
MegaDosX: What.
SymphonySolstice: JEFF
RandomTrivia: oh no
RockPusher: Otaku Jeff
Juliamon: JEFF
HorusFive: Ninja- The Blender?
laikagoat: the Master Jeff!
RandomTrivia: JEFF
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ummmmmmmm
Rhynerd: Because next-sunday AD would be funny to try and sort.
RainyMint: JEFF
KaleidoscopeMind: Otaku Jeff?
DaxStrife: JEFF!
spethycakes: I have dated a Jeff
fastlane250: This. Is. Jeffpardy!
0x6772: oh, this sucks
laikagoat: old and shit
korvys: Jeffpardy
A_Dub888: JERF
Laserbeaks_Fury: How old is Jeff the Shark?
micalovits: Can we trash Bezos?
Juliamon: I have a cousin Jeff
Spritz_T: @Rhynerd it would be soonest almost certainly
patrick_stonecrusher: You Dont Know Jeff
thavleifrim: fake jeff
RandomTrivia: Ah ok, there are tenuous Jeffs
DrLigmaPhD: Elder Jeff
Texan_Reverend: That hard drive one bothers me because there are 4 major spin speed - 5400, 5900, 7200, & 10000.
Pteraspidomorphi: CEO Entrepreneur...
Shparky2197: He's the son of a jeff
shushu2539: trash bezos
0x6772: Bezos in trash on principle
NewtyNewts: Jeffpardy!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I looked at my ceiling fan on low. It could be 5 times a second
LoadingReadyRun: @Texan_Reverend when does 5900 show up?
DarkMorford: @Texan_Reverend I wasn't aware of 5900, but you're absolutely right about the other three
korvys: I will be disappointed when Jeff Jarrett isn't used
HadesLeprechaun: Dumb and Dumber, Speed
spethycakes: Jeff Daniels is older than Bezos
7gorobei: he was in Speed
stippledotter: Jeff no longer looks like a real word
laikagoat: the Master Jeff himself
Jundinator: Hai Lrr
Zerragonoss: Kathleen values being right more than winning.
DiscordianTokkan: Will Smith aged
HorusFive: @stippledotter Jeff Jeff jef jeffff jef jef
KaleidoscopeMind: ok the arrangement of the bookshelf behind Kathleen's head looked vaguely like cat ears to me for a sec
goombalax: Tron legacy had an awesome soundtrack
0x6772: who?
Juliamon: !addquote (Matt) [now] Let's make a tower of Jeffs.
LRRbot: New quote #9250: "Let's make a tower of Jeffs." —Matt [2025-01-27]
DrLigmaPhD: Geffery Gif
RandomTrivia: Matt pls
HorusFive: Jeffery Jiff- inventor of the GIF
Jundinator: !quote 420
SnackPak_: jeff is starting to lose meaning to me
fastlane250: jeff age singularity
JadedCynic: Jeff BRIDGES is in The Big Lebowski
0x6772: boooo gae
Pteraspidomorphi: I think that sorts Goldblum younger than Bezos
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
KaleidoscopeMind: Joff!
HorusFive: Rating age on a Log scale
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think I trashed a real one on accident
Twilight_Spark: Jeff Louis the XIV
Saintnex: oh dear lol
kilnfiendpotter: How has Jeff Goldblum not shown up?!
Texan_Reverend: 5900 was on some of the "green" drives. Lower power draw, but a bit faster than laptop 5400 rpm drives.
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NOOO
patrick_stonecrusher: Cant wait till they figure out theyve been doing it backwards
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: What does Ja Rule think of their sorting
Fruan: Looks like someone needs to spend more time on jeffipedia.
LoadingReadyRun: @Texan_Reverend oh, right! I thought those were mostly 5400
MacbethSeemsSus: RIP
DrLigmaPhD: Befery Juckly
jacqui_lantern234: IAN
0x6772: Buckley was not born in the 60s. He was younger than me when he died.
HorusFive: Not that surprising. Have you seen him recently
0x6772: Well, shit, I'm wrong. He was born in 1966.
Texan_Reverend: I think 5900 is also used in some server drives to improve lifespan. The Seagate IronWolf comes in 5900.
DigitalSeahorse: 90s
RandomTrivia: Lord_Hosk Flawless, 10/10
laikagoat: jeff bridges is who you were thinking of
Vilun: dumb and dumber, the newsroom
korvys: Jeff Bridges was in Tron
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Dumb and Dumber
JadedCynic: yes, Ian
drewm1022: Jeff Daniels was in Dumb and ok what Vilun said.
therisingtithes: Bridges is Big Lebowski, Daniels is Dumb and Dumber
DaxStrife: Also The Newsroom
SymphonySolstice: dang I almost got it
NewtyNewts: @RandomTrivia Not just Hosk, there's a youtube clip of it
UnknownFriday: Jeff Daniels was Jack's brother.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dinger
JadedCynic: Kathleen keeps mixing Jeff Bridges and Jeff Daniels ;)
MacbethSeemsSus: Soon all will be Jeff
teddywhosabear: some tight jeff pairings there
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: I also don't know who Jeff Daniels is
PhorrestGaze: 64 65 66 is HARD
epsilon_vee: @DaxStrife i was just about to say what's that tv show about the newsroom called :D
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
JadedCynic: I'd have thought Kathleen would remember J.Daniels from "The Newsroom"
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: If you saw a picture of him, you would know him
drewm1022: Season one of The Newsroom is so fricking good.
HarmonisedMelody: Right, I was thinking Jeff Daniels for the Devil went down to georgia, but it's Charles Daniel
korvys: The lead guy in The Newsroom
Pteraspidomorphi: We finally got a people question
frank_the_great: Let's fucking goooo
Garfman314: earliest man - homo erectus
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Some of those not mystery prompts are so good I wish LRR hadn't locked themselves into mono mystery prompt
teddywhosabear: gronk is recent, yeah
Juliamon: Gronk's pretty young
jacqui_lantern234: PAUL LUL
goombalax: ancient vampire paul rudd?
gualdhar: Paul Rudd doesn't age! He could be anywhere!
kilnfiendpotter: I'm off to crash, but thanks for the laughety laughs! Much love to all of y'all!
DrLigmaPhD: Clive gopher fine as hell
SymphonySolstice: clive gopher? the protag of ff16?
Brozard: Clive Gopher has an otter bod
kilnfiendpotter: Goodnight!
VorlonScout: Sleep well @kilnfiendpotter !
jessicaengle: @kilnfiendpotter armoroWave lrrSHINE
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yes
LoadingReadyRun: @kilnfiendpotter Goodnight!
goombalax: 2010s
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ick
SnackPak_: gottem
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sister kissing music is unfortunate
DrLigmaPhD: Did Blake Shelton win it? Cause ew
notthepenguins: Um?
singinnonsense: what ?
Spritz_T: ?
0x6772: Did MBJ actually win that?
Lysander_salamander: I'm not sure what that genre is
Lord_Hosk: Before he died probably
Spritz_T: maybe trash
admiral_sky_: jake crouton lmao
Thefluffiestguineapig: Please don't think of RFKjr ever
singinnonsense: Jordan had to be in the 80s or 90s
DrLigmaPhD: RFK Jr., AKA Doctor Worm
goombalax: The Denzel
shushu2539: the trash eating t-rex of the right is not being fed
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @singinnonsense You are thinking of a different Jordan
Thefluffiestguineapig: No, Paul Rudd was latest
SquareDotCube: super duper!
Fruan: Woww
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wasn't it after Ant Man for Paul Rudd?
Fruan: Maximum wrong is impressive
singinnonsense: @AMillionCatsOnTypewriters right ...
Lysander_salamander: that was an odd movie
Arclight_Dynamo: Zardoz?
drewm1022: It was for Zardoz obvi.
laikagoat: fionLOL
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fruan It's almost like this crowd doesn't care about this kind of stuf
ButButTheJesus: ayo
Earthenone: michal could b anything even jordan
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, didn't he get it after he started being in Marvel movies too?
NotCainNorAbel: MATT
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think both Paul Rudd and Michael B Jordan were this post Marvel
kolintoney subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 133 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kolintoney! (Today's storm count: 42)
goombalax: 90s
DarkMorford: Oh hey Kolin!
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
kolintoney: @DarkMorford Hello!
Thefluffiestguineapig: There might be deep in the recesses of Quixort
0x6772: I just heard a murder, Jordynne
A_Dub888: holy crap I was off by 1
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH MAN
RandomTrivia: Ooooof
SnackPak_: impressive
RandomTrivia: The alternating
kolintoney: got the last two!
Spritz_T: oh dang
admiral_sky_: that's honestly impressive to alternate them like that
Twilight_Spark: Real shoelace
CommiePuddin: Yall was on wiki cheating
NewtyNewts: By 200 points!
stippledotter: Oh gosh, the audience score on that tho!
Stormgod519: dang, so close
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's close
Stormgod519: also good evening everyone
jacqui_lantern234: DANG
KaleidoscopeMind: could've had most to least legs
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100 Kathleen playing both teams
EmsLeigh: You can’t lose if you play on both teams
Laserbeaks_Fury: No Jeff the Shark = List Invalid
0x6772: All Jeff/Geoffs in chat, sound off now, so Jordynne knows who she hurt!
HorusFive: Complete Cypher Jeff Whatsisname
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm gonna take out recycling real quick and be right back!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Take a quick commercial break and learn who Jeff Daniels is.
jacqui_lantern234: oh @s1ck1y how goes the playlist making?
kolintoney: Jeff Daniels: Jack's less interesting brother
Shparky2197: I should probably set my laptop up in the kitchen and do some dishwashing. It is so hot though.
spethycakes: wait, wasn't Jeff Daniels in Fly Away Home, the classic Anna Paquin 90s film?
HadesLeprechaun: they could have learned about leggggs but chose not to!
Gekyouryuu: chat, they finally announced the final Hatsune Miku secret lair's contents and sale date (two weeks from now), so I'm gonna be anxious for the next 13 1/2 days while I wait to try and not get sniped by scalper bots. how are you all doing tonight?
gualdhar: Jeff Daniels was the star of that one Aaron Sorkin show no one watched, the Newsroom
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I watched it
HadesLeprechaun: he had a really great speech in it, didn't he?
Gekyouryuu: @gualdhar he was also Roger, Pongo's owner, in the live action 101 Dalmatians, iirc
ArmstrongRGM96X: @Gekyouryuu Good luck! IME the Miku SL's haven't been too difficult so hopefully the last one follows suit...
Garfman314: oh geez, i saw the blue shell aetherdrift spoiler today
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @HadesLeprechaun Yeah, I know the speech from episode 1 went viral a few times
Gekyouryuu: @ArmstrongRGM96X they haven't been, but while the contents of this final one aren't SUPER exciting by themselves, this is presumably guaranteed to have the Snapcaster Mage bonus card, so....
PharaohBender27 returns from dinner
ArmstrongRGM96X: @Gekyouryuu Oh right, I forgot about that...well, here's hoping my lunch breaks stay consistent for the next couple weeks
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 welcome back
cheshire_creeper: what's this song btw
BalthusHomewood: I recognize that chiptune
BalthusHomewood: Tower to Heaven, I think?
TruPhantomAngel: Me sitting here trying to figure out if folks really don’t know stuff Jeff Daniel’s has been in. 😅
cheshire_creeper: oh that makes sense yeah it's coming back to me now as well
PharaohBender27: @TruPhantomAngel He was in Speed and Gettysburg - did I get those right?
TruPhantomAngel: Yes, Ty @pharaohbender27
TruPhantomAngel: lol
kid_flashionable: Seeing him in Dumb and Dumber and then watching the Newsroom is always interesting
7gorobei: have people never seen Arachnophobia 1990?
Juliamon: As someone who rarely sees movies, that doesn't help at all
Sheikun07: @7gorobei I saw it, but it did not help my actual phobia
Juliamon: I recognize names but I have no face to match them to
TruPhantomAngel: Also a certain movie with Dr. Robonik. XD
BalthusHomewood: @cheshire_creeper yeah that tune was a blast from the past. I played that game a ton when it was still online
DigitalSeahorse: the music died
theambivalentagender: @truphantomangel the guy from The Yardbirds? Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: @7gorobei no because i have arachnophobia (the condition)
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
dumbo3k: @DigitalSeahorse Okay, so it's not just me. I just transititioned from my phone to pc, lively chiptunes on phone, dead silence when I got to my pc xD
NewtyNewts: ding
RandomTrivia: *doing*
DigitalSeahorse: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
sheqesi: lrrCrab
Stormgod519: ah
MegaDosX: Well that was loud
Juliamon: HJON benja--BEEJ
PharaohBender27: Centicorgis incoming!
DigitalSeahorse: I love this game
jacqui_lantern234: local pumpkin?!?! why am i being called out like this?! :P
KeytarCat: aww, K's animation is cute af
frank_the_great: Top row left
Thefluffiestguineapig: What's the goal with the flip book thing?
kolintoney: Pizza Fone
Spades_Slicc: A piece of phone? which piece?
Rhynerd: don't think we have a specific goal
Rhynerd: just messing around until the players are done
SymphonySolstice: the goal is to find the matching parts
DeM0nFiRe: We're supposed to make the top and bottom match I think
DeM0nFiRe: But we are not doing that lol
NewtyNewts: OzymandIan
Rhynerd: oh, there's actually goals of making matches!
TheWriterAleph: HAHAHA LUL
SymphonySolstice: we almost had hot dog
micalovits: I could eat a hot dog
DEATHlikescats: you guys playing jackbox games always makes me feel less alone.thanks for the parasocial hangout
BalthusHomewood: あなたはもうピザを食べるつもりです
frank_the_great: What do you take me for, a zoomer doordash buyer? I ordered the pizza 35 minutes ago
VorlonScout: I think it's not a serial murder, only a mass murder
HorusFive: Oh, they care. They're just waiting for revenge
DiscordianTokkan: Bees in your bonnet, a little birdhouse in your soul?
Thefluffiestguineapig: My great grandparents on one side had their kosher children eat ham during the great depression and didn't themselves
Lysander_salamander: I love the centipede corgi
DEATHlikescats: Australia ?
DigitalSeahorse: exploding bee keeper mask?
frank_the_great: I thought it was a covid mask, like the clear ones
ButButTheJesus: can crows learn to follow commands?
teddywhosabear: cooooooooooorgi
JadedCynic: corgipillar
KaleidoscopeMind: corgipede!
jessicaengle: Legs
Thefluffiestguineapig: Centipede corgi is a good scp
Thefluffiestguineapig: And a real scp
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wicker man is a good one
RandomTrivia: Oh it's a Chinese Dragon
Lysander_salamander: wow
DEATHlikescats: the shirts shai hulud
DEATHlikescats: *shiest
NeoGabi shakes her pom poms, cheering you all on! prinneGabi
Lysander_salamander: I haven't seen the sequel yet
niccus: oh he's like when the guy imprinted in twilight
Gekyouryuu: Beeteljuice needs a Green Card wedding to the world of the living
NewtyNewts: That's why they used that phrase: because it's odd
Drasvin: Beetlejuice wants to marry a living person to stay in the world of the living
flatluigi: MOUSE
foopoiuyt: Wait, they're real?
micalovits: Don't call me out like that Nelly!
0x6772: Nelly, its a funny show!
kolintoney: mouse!
KV1NN4: Lydia Deetz was very much a minor int he cartoon and she znd the demon were jsut friends..
SymphonySolstice: vib ribbon?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I thought this was an AI generated stream
DiscordianTokkan: Mouse Mouse Mouse, to the intonation of TEETH TEETH TEETH
HorusFive: Nelly thinks we're real and not just a series of competing chatbots
frank_the_great: You're actually all v-tubers, controlled by one dedicated actor
DEATHlikescats: @drasvin it’s a green card marriage?!
hackingducks: mickey dropping the beat at a club?
SymphonySolstice: LUL
RandomTrivia: Oh no
MegaDosX: Holy shit
NewtyNewts: oh no Ian
Diabore: oh bye ian
micalovits: F
MegaDosX: RIP Ian
tidehollowcat: RIV Ian
DigitalSeahorse: panda rap
laikagoat: zoeyDuck zoeyDuck
MrSarkhan: F
jacqui_lantern234: oh no bye ian
teddywhosabear: ian't!
GasCityGaming: o7
RandomTrivia: Oh no!
SymphonySolstice: pucca got him
NeoGabi: RIP Ian
frank_the_great: We're finally free
sadfleck: rip ian
Thefluffiestguineapig: Well if this wasn't Mickey Mouse then he killed Ian
RandomTrivia: benginO7 RIP Ian
Spades_Slicc: Ian's murder has reclaimed him
jessicaengle: kikoskF
SkylerRingtail: The mouse got him
Fruan: Disney got Ian!
public_key_reveal_party: lrrIAN o7
JadedCynic: Disney Lawyers came for him
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did Windows 11 kill Ian?
DigitalSeahorse: Ian is feeling blue
frank_the_great: He whistled again
MegaDosX: The Disney snipers took their shot
Boopity: I'm gonna miss Ian
Pteraspidomorphi: got me
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was good Nelly
HadesLeprechaun: did Ian just....tell them the answer before they voted?
laikagoat: yep
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown LETS GO FBtouchdown
Rhynerd: he did
micalovits: Huh
Rhynerd: and then he died
JadedCynic: good job, Ian....wherever you are
jessicaengle: Pfft
micalovits: Oh, so the game Killed him
corianderd: he's fine
Rhynerd: wait, did Jackbox kill him for giving away the answer?
GasCityGaming: o/
MegaDosX: Cori did you save Ian from Disney
7gorobei: thong smugler
patrick_stonecrusher: Conetraband
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
PharaohBender27: O_o
Laserbeaks_Fury: WHAT ARE YA BUYIN?
micalovits: Good that Serge isn't here to answer TQ's underwear
jessicaengle: Contraband crab rangoon
Thefluffiestguineapig: @jessicaengle Damnit now I want crab rangoon
laikagoat: love the bugle mindmeld
head_cannon: Oh, I thought they were caltrops.
shushu2539: is that a centipedog?
DigitalSeahorse: the snack bugles
MacbethSeemsSus: looooooooooong corgi
hackingducks: budgie smuggling?
public_key_reveal_party: whoever put iran contra, I respect it
jessicaengle: @Thefluffiestguineapig The smuggling makes them sweeter
frank_the_great: Fudge, I regret my pick. Now I think it's smuggling b/c of the evil
0x6772: I think you'll find, Ian, that a jockey can hold a lot of bourbon.
frank_the_great: Wait, nevermind, I was right
RockPusher: a suitcase full of budgie smugglers
DiscordianTokkan: HORMF
DigitalSeahorse: eating the moon
Garfman314: i thought it was shark teeth
jessicaengle: NOM
NotCainNorAbel: i keep giving bonus points to the actual answer
kolintoney: that's cute
Drasvin: Nom!
MalFnord: omnomnomnom
DigitalSeahorse: TEETH
teddywhosabear: quality teeth
SymphonySolstice: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Rhynerd: good chomps
frank_the_great: 10/10 animation
hackingducks: chawmp
jessicaengle: achm achm
Thefluffiestguineapig: These are all very good
7gorobei: galactus eating the moon
GasCityGaming: lrrCREEPL lrrDOTS lrrCREEPR
AdamYMHMI: @frank_the_great "would loop again"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hackingducks Oh that would have been a good guess
micalovits: They look so happy before they take a bite
DrLigmaPhD: Now the action is clearly eating so get ready for horny
KodeMage: we get it, you vape
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
jessicaengle: sergePopcorn
MrGibberish: The fact the entire right side is moon eating
kolintoney: Cookie Actual Monster
jessicaengle: Can this be an emote?
wedge_x: Cookie Monster Actual
frank_the_great: The downside of drawing something too well in this game is that the liars can get real close
TheAinMAP: escher3TREAT
Pteraspidomorphi: Finally Kathleen didn't get me for once
NewtyNewts: That voice kinda sounded like Molly there
josh___something: The corgipede is always a delightfully horrific loading bar
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nelly keeps getting me this game
DigitalSeahorse: cookie monster did eat the moon
RockPusher: escher3TREAT
Rhynerd: I got it!
hackingducks: well, four of them correctly guessed it was eating the moon
Gekyouryuu: "Oh no! not me! I never lost control. you're face... to face.... with the God who bit the moon."
DigitalSeahorse: we were all close
micalovits: That was a tough one
spethycakes: who's to say that figure isn't a woman?
kolintoney: God's got the square teeth
DiscordianTokkan: Porkchop Sandwiches!
Shparky2197: God is a DJ, life is a dancefloor
patrick_stonecrusher: God watches us poop
TheWriterAleph: "are ye in traction, son?"
jacqui_lantern234: "check out my giant sponge"
KV1NN4: i've heard God is a Girl
KaleidoscopeMind: someBODY
Spritz_T: got wood
thegitrogsquirrel: Mic Jordynne
DigitalSeahorse: returning with toboggan
HorusFive: Are they coming or going?
DEATHlikescats: that EMT TikTok
DigitalSeahorse: back bacon
kolintoney: because of the color, it makes me think of a traction board
hackingducks: 'emt front entrance' yep, sounds about right
jacqui_lantern234: LUL IAN
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
MrSarkhan: LUL
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
Sheikun07: WIFE?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL IAN
Sheikun07: Ian what
DiscordianTokkan: "Not MY wife, YOURS"
SymphonySolstice: That's Beans
DEATHlikescats: @hackingducks it looks like his TikTok’s!
baltimore_667083: IAN
Tangsm: Jordynne is muted
Earthenone: i have seen that anime
dm818: Make sure you soak them before you cook them though
EmoMcHipster: baked beans
DEATHlikescats: eeeeeeeeeeemt!
Mai_Andra: "It's Friday in California"
KodeMage: 7 brides for 7 brothers is a real movie
SquareDotCube: are you telling me this man ate his wife
josh___something: We don't need to let Ian cook, he has his own show for that :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: Kathleen got people
Shparky2197: Kathleen with the soul read
PharaohBender27: O_o
MegaDosX: WHAT
jessicaengle: HA
Pteraspidomorphi: Hurray
Spritz_T: beans?
KodeMage: beans?
RandomTrivia: Kathleen is in everyone's minds
RockPusher: hifunkBeans hifunkBeans hifunkBeans
MegaDosX: Explain.
admiral_sky_: beans??
0x6772: wut?
kolintoney: How bean?
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
hackingducks: beans.
DigitalSeahorse: never heard of it
KodeMage: beams...
jessicaengle: LD
ButButTheJesus: BEANS.
DiscordianTokkan: Oh BEAMS
MomoNo9: @kodemage 1 Bride for 7 Brothers was much worse
RandomTrivia: OH NO
PharaohBender27: Ahhhh'
RainyMint: LUL
BusTed: lrrLUL
MrSarkhan: LUL
teddywhosabear: noooooo
DeM0nFiRe: NotLikeThis
admiral_sky_: OHHHHH
RockPusher: gabyLul
RandomTrivia: OOOOF
MegaDosX: lmaooooooooooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NOOO
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
JadedCynic: ahhhhhhh!
NimrodXIV: RIP
RandomTrivia: NotLikeThis
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
PhorrestGaze: reading is hard
josh___something: Aww BEAMS
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO HypeLUL
JadedCynic: that makes perfect sense
Stormgod519: o7
0x6772: Jordynne!
Drasvin: NotLikeThis
shushu2539: help my hat is on fire!
jessicaengle: To be fair neither of those makes any sense!
WiJohn: o7
DEATHlikescats: square galvanized steel beams
Nigouki: you have an exucse! you went ot school in ontario!
DeM0nFiRe: zeldaBean2
KodeMage: time to get yo prescription checked
frank_the_great: Brb, putting on my top hat
jacqui_lantern234: does jordynne need a hug?
jessicaengle: The beams, the beams, the beams
patrick_stonecrusher: Bonk! Bonk! Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!
ButButTheJesus: jordynne we wuv woo lrrSHINE
Fruan: It's the Orange Hat Faerie!
kolintoney: Bean Beam
ArmstrongRGM96X: Roll that beautiful beam footage
Thefluffiestguineapig: Tee KO will have many Beams
epsilon_vee: instructions unclear, going to the soup store to buy a can of beams
Riandisa: Top speed top hat
Darleysam: benas
Jundinator: AetherDrift trailer hype
AdamYMHMI: Opened a whole can of beams with this one
DiscordianTokkan: hifunkBeans voxlunBean
RockPusher: jet fuel can't melt steel beans?
DoodlestheGreat: Beams on toast
spethycakes: frank and beams
MegaDosX: Oh no she beamsed it
RandomTrivia: It's a shame we've already had Split the Room or we could have had cat beams
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBean voxlunBean voxlunBean
NewtyNewts: Beam on toes
MacbethSeemsSus: Refried beams
josh___something: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL JORDYNNE YES
DoodlestheGreat: JYNX
DEATHlikescats: @fruan yes! great ref!
frank_the_great: @DiscordianTokkan Cursed bean gif
stippledotter: They were great beams
GasCityGaming: tacos are better with refried beams
HorusFive: Never apologize to the Brits. They know what they did
JadedCynic: Nah, Jordynne, I'm British - we don't deserve the apology :D
50keyz: LUL
SquareDotCube: it'll leave your face beaming
hackingducks: wonka toss
DEATHlikescats: hot top hat wearing orange faerie
DigitalSeahorse: Mr Fast ...
ButButTheJesus: jogging hat man is an scp
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'm giving thumbs up to Wave Dash
MegaDosX: Holy shit Beej
DigitalSeahorse: flaming top hat
50keyz: if its not jamaroquai that person deserves all the votes for the fake
DiscordianTokkan: @frank_the_great I've been told it was supposed to be a heart-bean emote. I dunno, I just like curses
DrLigmaPhD: I wish, ian
hackingducks: future's... made of... virtual insanity
Pteraspidomorphi: nooo
NewtyNewts: Oh my god it was roommates!
JadedCynic: ???
flatluigi: oh my god it was roommate
0x6772: Beej!
Rhynerd: oh my god THEY WERE ROOMATES?
DigitalSeahorse: roommate also tried to run away last turn too
head_cannon: oh my god they were roommates!
Stormgod519: they may be my roommate, but they dont have THIS hat!
JadedCynic: but if they're running away, they're NOT your roommate anymore
MegaDosX: Is Beej playing with golf rules? :p
Spritz_T: it looks like they're turning around
stippledotter: They were roommates?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
jacqui_lantern234: BEEJ lrrLUL
ButButTheJesus: BEEJ
50keyz: BEEJ!
shushu2539: Hockey(vege)tables
Kueller subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kueller! (Today's storm count: 43)
josh___something: Dang XD
Gekyouryuu: "out all night, hoe-ing it up."
0x6772: "starting a fire"
admiral_sky_: that fruit ninja game but vegetables
baltimore_667083: slapshot or something idk
RandomTrivia: Beej and Ian have the best farewell signoffs
Angreed66: the meta is to draw the opposite of the prompt as the most similar prompt must be real
DigitalSeahorse: Slap shot of a gusher
micalovits: Is this Serge cutting another kids ear of at his birthday?
hackingducks: it's some kind of brutal homicide scene. they're literally beating the shirt off someone.
stevefromdetroit: split personality
DiscordianTokkan: Punding the FUCK out of that mocchi
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, hockey? I thought this shit was art
public_key_reveal_party: this is a full new series
NewtyNewts: Let me RIDE that donkey donkey.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Like explosive painting as the prompt
MrGibberish: Sidewalk Slam?
jacqui_lantern234: Donkey Donkey lives in my brain rent free
RandomTrivia: Ian already has a box of virtual insanity - it's called a Mini
DigitalSeahorse: stew hocky
Fruan: wut
Thefluffiestguineapig: @jacqui_lantern234 Sometimes I watch it when I need to be zen in my brain because my coworkers are neurotypical and it hurts
Thefluffiestguineapig: Me neither mat
MegaDosX: What is a stew lake?
Thefluffiestguineapig: *Matt
DigitalSeahorse: stew about that one
TPRJones: frozen stew. yum.
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
Stormgod519: GG
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap GG Kathleen!
TheAinMAP: 2020Victory
calculated_uncertainties: I feel like these prompts are made by the same algorithm as the twitch clip urls.
jacqui_lantern234: GG Ian
TheWriterAleph: neo-idioms
DEATHlikescats: 2020Victory
JadedCynic: congrqats Kathleen!
jacqui_lantern234: err Kathleen
RockPusher: Ian has the power of godlessness and anime on his side!
MegaDosX: I remain bewildered by your country
GasCityGaming: sounds like a lake in northern Manitoba
Pteraspidomorphi: Only after dinner
stevefromdetroit: its the prequel ballet to swan lake
TPRJones: stew lake is where all the extra old stew you dump out of your freezer end up
stippledotter: It stew lake to apologize
JadedCynic: yeah, there's a "Stew Lake, Ontario"
RockPusher: gabyDeece gabyDeece gabyDeece
jacqui_lantern234: DECE LAKES
Zerragonoss: Does the winner of hokey on stew lake get to take home a pot of frozen stew?
Shparky2197: Road quest was so good
GasCityGaming: that' spaghetti o's
Gekyouryuu: you mean a Chicago Deep Dish?
DiscordianTokkan: YES
JadedCynic: no
Stormgod519: oh hang on
TheWriterAleph: stew lake. stew lake. stew lake. stew lake for love
JadedCynic: no tomato
Stormgod519: maybe Nelly
Shparky2197: And is
0x6772: Chicago-style deep-dish is pizza stew.
50keyz: future TTSF - pizza stew
Thefluffiestguineapig: RQ: very good
PhorrestGaze: does BC have "another lake" and "and another lake"?
stevefromdetroit: yes
Robot_Bones: Stew lake is in the rock candy Mountains
memnus: Grilled cheese and tomato soup is like pizza stew, yeah
saucemaster5000: I can give anyone a pizza stew recipe rn, I've gone down this route -- chef here
HorusFive: Only if you put ham and pineapple on top
RandomTrivia: Yeah, THAT is pizza at that point
jacqui_lantern234: no, jordynne, cause pizza tastes good
RandomTrivia: What about a sourdough?
dm818: There is a stew lake in northern Minnesota
PharaohBender27: There is "Another Lake" and "And Another Lake" in Canada
CouldntPickAUsername: that's english muffin pizza stew
TPRJones: is french onion stew a gravy?
0x6772: Break out the dog food referenecs!
GasCityGaming: cheez whiz and oatmeal!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrDILLY
Spritz_T: also pizza sauce needs seasoning
stevefromdetroit: is dipping garlic cheese bread into tomato soup pizza then?
Rhynerd: like a bunch of jeffs?
Nigouki: then why can I bake perfectly good bread out of "pizza dough" they sell at the store? check mate!
dead_delver: I did, in fact, find a stew lake.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GasCityGaming NO
calculated_uncertainties: grilled cheese only counts if the cheese includes mozzarella
AdamYMHMI: Beej is going to go grab some beams
NewtyNewts: Turducken Pizza?
spethycakes: pizza stew
Fruan: That's just Chicago deep dish
PharaohBender27: @GasCityGaming I got that reference
Shparky2197: Isn't that just a pie?
GasCityGaming: @PharaohBender27 thank you
DigitalSeahorse: bad stew has tomato paste to me
GasCityGaming: @Thefluffiestguineapig but what if....
NewtyNewts: Stu Piza
PhorrestGaze: good stew is nice and thick, yeah
stippledotter: But what about the beans?
flatluigi: was that the last game
JadedCynic: @dm818 I this the same lake, and it's on the Ontario, Minnesota border? Near Lake Superior?
jessicaengle: Disco Stu likes disco music.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Pizza Stu is from Uncle Grandpa
DEATHlikescats: beef stew pizza would work
kolintoney: I'd eat a stew pizza
JadedCynic: sigh
0x6772: Stu Pizza killed it on TikTok.
darkpks2: BangbooBounce
JadedCynic: I hate that they own "No Name" :(
darkpks2: hey guys
Thefluffiestguineapig: I feel like Stu Pizza walked so the Costco Boys could run
NewtyNewts: What is It about?
DiscordianTokkan: Street Cents RULED
Shparky2197: Agreed!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
darkpks2: BloodTrail
dm818: @JadedCynic No it's an inaccessible lake in the BWCA
0x6772: That's "Internet Highway Sense", Kathleen.
DigitalSeahorse: Street Cents
JadedCynic: @dm818 so then there's two, one in each nation
AdamYMHMI: Teen Accountants on the Street
TheAwkes: They had a segment for exposing scams!
KV1NN4: Ian I don't think you want that monkey's paw to curl to get you on that show
DiscordianTokkan: It's also how Jonathan Torrens got his start!
butt_ghost: Yall realize you OWN A VIDEO PRODUCTION COMPANY right
dm818: @JadedCynic They would be quite close to each other though
DigitalSeahorse: today it would say, don't worry if you have no money, none of us do
PharaohBender27: Yeah, a program like that wouldn't be allowed in the U.S. :p
goombalax: you could probably work out a deal with Boeing to kill to be on street sense
GasCityGaming: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
JadedCynic: touche, Beej! :D
public_key_reveal_party: what else do you use our patreon money for?
WiJohn: Next kickstarter?
darkpks2: @bravenewfaves pick of the week plz
RandomTrivia: Ah, there's the smooth plug :D
DEATHlikescats: so you need a grant writer?
DigitalSeahorse: !Alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Website: | Home stream: | Patreon:
PharaohBender27: I've upped my Patreon rate!
NewtyNewts: Jobjob@
NewtyNewts: !
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES Paul reading nonsense from chat!!!
DiscordianTokkan: I hope the piggy from Street Cents had a nice existence
DigitalSeahorse: jorbjorb
RandomTrivia: KATHLEEN
RockPusher: Kathleen!
50keyz: oh this is a GREAT game
Gekyouryuu: Big Jugs
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
A_Dub888: only one?
50keyz: LUL
darkpks2: NotLikeThis
baltimore_667083: KATHLEEN
RockPusher: lrrDARK
DaxStrife: Just look at that jug (singular).
NewtyNewts: The Big Natural Jugs?
public_key_reveal_party: kathleen, never change
JadedCynic: Mmmmmmm., M. Bubbles...
DigitalSeahorse: Splej
dm818: time to make fun posters
Jadaris: the water coolussy
ButButTheJesus: oh a JUG! Now it makes SENSE
SnackPak_: Ian...
Garfman314: sexy jugg is already a thing
TheNerdWonder: Rule 34 exists for EVERYTHING
ThorSokar: Sexy Wet Jugs (on the inside, mostly)
Its_VeeBot: M. Bubbles is your BOSS
Thefluffiestguineapig: Unironically Paul reading the weird phrases is one of my favorite parts of my already high enjoyment of Jackbox
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Save it for the naughty pack
NewtyNewts: Sunk Cost Phallus-y?
Spades_Slicc: Can you personify a person?
darkpks2: cheers
Fruan: Anthropomorphizing and then deanthropomorphizing
NotCainNorAbel: dock cash
KeytarCat: nah, you fetishize objects
SymphonySolstice: popsicle cat
flatluigi: the water cooler is nonbinary
RandomTrivia: So we have to anthropomorphize an object just so we can objectify it
Sheikun07: popsicle cat
Thefluffiestguineapig: Popsicle cat
JadedCynic: @TheNerdWonder M. Bubbles has more art on rule34 than Raid Shadow Legends
Rhynerd: bridge cat
LoadingReadyRun: code is JZLX
RandomTrivia: This seems like a lot of work
memnus: Popsicle no
Riandisa: popsicle no
NewtyNewts: Popsicle string
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: popsicle cat
DigitalSeahorse: She's a real Juggernaught
jimmythebass: posicle cash
saucemaster5000: popsicle no
Fruan: brigde cash
Its_VeeBot: M. B. is N. B.
RockPusher: popsicle her
JadedCynic: M. Bubbles popsicle whatsoever
Angreed66: don't eat cats chat
DEATHlikescats: so would objectifying an object be DE-anthropomorphising them?
PharaohBender27: Popsicle whatsoever
Mathwyn: I think the madame jug protest too much
Kuhfeek: popsicle no
jacqui_lantern234: also, i LOVE JobJob's Bizarre Adventure :P
Thefluffiestguineapig: I IRL use the Mx honorific anywhere I can because of Mx bubbles
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @Angreed66 Just need room to house them, not eat
Sheikun07: dust !
Thefluffiestguineapig: sand warehouse
DarkMorford: shark warehouse
teddywhosabear: sand warehouse
NotCainNorAbel: shark !
public_key_reveal_party: shark yay
SymphonySolstice: barbie yay
Kuhfeek: shark warehouse
DoodlestheGreat: shark warehouse
saucemaster5000: shark!
PharaohBender27: Shark yay
iarethel0ser: Shark yay
JadedCynic: shark warehouse
Dog_of_Myth: shark warehouse
NewtyNewts: Shark yay
Tangsm: shark yay
DigitalSeahorse: Save room for CAT
dm818: barbie warehouse
EmoMcHipster: barbie warehouse
Angreed66: shark yay
jessicaengle: GlitchCat yay cat!
flatluigi: it's 2025, save room for cat
laikagoat: shark warehouse
Rhynerd: murder vacant
baltimore_667083: barbie warehouse
Fruan: Shark exclaimation point
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Barbie Vacant
DEATHlikescats: shark warehouse
50keyz: shark party
spethycakes: Paul's explanations of the chat-derived motivational posters is one of my favorite parts of Jackbox nights
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp voxlunCarp voxlunCarp
PharaohBender27: sharkf11SHARK
JadedCynic: see, that cap'n was the host of another jackbox game
A_Dub888: SHARK
MegaDosX: It's always interesting looking at chat discussing our options out of context
jessicaengle: Sharkotathon!
DigitalSeahorse: xD
HorusFive: doo doo doodoo doodoo
A_Dub888: What if my warehouse isn't sleeping?
Zandivya: I'm hungry for sales
DEATHlikescats: oh perfection
NotCainNorAbel: @HorusFive jlrrNo
MacbethSeemsSus: I remember when my warehouse awakening
ButButTheJesus: happy shark
Garfman314: werehouses are what happens when you get bitten
josh___something: Both can be true, paul
Rhynerd: @A_Dub888 then you have already won
PharaohBender27: :D
DarkNacht: That is a real moist office
Spades_Slicc: Last time I played I answered each prompt with several paragraphs of homestuck quotes
kolintoney: Stock that fridge!
TStodden: poster times!
SkylerRingtail: Chaos Goblin enrichment would be playing Fixy Text
public_key_reveal_party: ian already sql injectioned jackbox once before
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't think I can love anything as much as Mx. Bubbles loves this process
MacbethSeemsSus: Dear Jackbox Games, yeah Ian's breaking things again.
jacqui_lantern234: IAN YES
Sheikun07: fire dead
dm818: firefighter dead
laikagoat: fire 3
AdamYMHMI: fire dead
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bathtub dead
NotCainNorAbel: bath presentation
JadedCynic: fire dead
SymphonySolstice: fire dead
NewtyNewts: Tub presentation
MacbethSeemsSus: fire presentation
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Fire dead
iarethel0ser: Fire you
TheWriterAleph: fire dead
saucemaster5000: bathtub sleep
TStodden: Fire Ded
EmoMcHipster: tub sleep
RockPusher: fire I
Kuhfeek: fire presentation
teddywhosabear: fire 3
Angreed66: sleep tho
jimmythebass: bath sleep
tragedyofhardin: bathtub 3
Lysander_salamander: tub presentation
spethycakes: fire you
memnus: Frie dead
Darth_Litigious: fire you
A_Dub888: ennui?
Dog_of_Myth: fire sleep
ButButTheJesus: AAAAA
memnus: Fire dead, rather
DEATHlikescats: bathtub death?
Rhynerd: fire sleep
PharaohBender27: Fire 3
Angreed66: fire is too close to home
brutusq13: 12
brutusq13: 1 3
v_nome: Are shark wmotions like shrimp emotions?
JadedCynic: that shark is just "I need to keep my mouth open to breathe by straining water through my gills
DigitalSeahorse: fire sleep bathdead
MegaDosX: Context won't help I'm afraid
A_Dub888: you ever just come home after a long day and bath sleep?
dm818: Hill Hunk
NewtyNewts: Artichoke hunk
SymphonySolstice: sun hunk
DarkMorford: green hunk
NotCainNorAbel: plan please
Sheikun07: hill hunk
Angreed66: plant hunk
JadedCynic: flower hunk
memnus: Sunrise hunk!
AdamYMHMI: Hill hunk
teddywhosabear: sun please
Fruan: Sun Hunk
saucemaster5000: hunk
Rhynerd: plant tickets
Mathwyn: Do not sleep in bath
MacbethSeemsSus: Sun hunk
TStodden: Flower Tickets
MegaDosX: Oh windmill slam sun hunk
Dog_of_Myth: sun hunk
Darth_Litigious: hill hunk
baltimore_667083: sun tickets
jacqui_lantern234: @s1ck1y i hope your playlist making is going well :D
iarethel0ser: Sun hunk
DigitalSeahorse: sun hunk
EmoMcHipster: hill ,
shushu2539: plant town
Spritz_T: poor mouse
micalovits: That desk still scares me
PharaohBender27: Sun tickets
jimmythebass: plant hunk
Master_Gunner: For no reason, earlier today I found that Bubbles had more fics on AO3 than Raid:Shadow Legends.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cactus hunk
PharaohBender27: Reminder: *every* part of this office is alive, even the wall.
JadedCynic: @Master_Gunner Latin textbooks have more fics than RSL
micalovits: @Master_Gunner Makes sense... Have you seen her?
A_Dub888: @Master_Gunner Bubbles the PowerPuff Girl?
josh___something: The desk has to keep healthy
Rhynerd: good on her
DigitalSeahorse: all about the hunk
flatluigi: they're nonbinary
Juliamon: they
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: They
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
MegaDosX: This whole office and everything in it is alarming
TheWriterAleph: MXLF
RandomTrivia: BEEJ NO
josh___something: Wow
frank_the_great: My Android phone updated today, and RAID: Shadow Legends was on it as bloatware
Juliamon: M for Manager
DigitalSeahorse: and also
jacqui_lantern234: NELSON
Thefluffiestguineapig: NELLY
Juliamon: Sexing the Streams
RandomTrivia: NELSON
Drasvin: Nelly no
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
ButButTheJesus: NELLY
RainyMint: NELSON
SnackPak_: sure does
DigitalSeahorse: cranking to the titties
iarethel0ser: NELLY
Thefluffiestguineapig: The rare all caps reprimanding Nelly
darkpks2: ye
DigitalSeahorse: xD
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: How do I choose?????
Sheikun07: c o n s u m e
SymphonySolstice: first one is me unironically
HorusFive: CONSUME
MegaDosX: i don't fucking die!
josh___something: I best cool dude
public_key_reveal_party: both very od
ButButTheJesus: 2 is me. 2 IS ME.
darkpks2: not enoug hdarts
baltimore_667083: CONSUME
frank_the_great: So there I was, suckin'
DigitalSeahorse: 1 is hired
DEATHlikescats: lol
HorusFive: Second- not wrong
baltimore_667083: @darkpks2 try telling that to luke littler
RandomTrivia: This is the perfect dichotomy in this game - one side is high energy chaos, the other a slew of word vomit
teejayrivers: Look lady
Thefluffiestguineapig: They are the same answer
theodorethelionyt: <message deleted>Im sucidal What do I do??
darkpks2: Morbid Angel during all three breaks
TheWriterAleph: strong contenders
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Lysander_salamander: so hard to choose
MegaDosX: Who served up that home run?
josh___something: How could I choose?!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I also couldn't answer because I laughed so hard
frank_the_great: What do you mean by 'it'?
MegaDosX: Matthew yes
Mathwyn: Blood for the blood god
DigitalSeahorse: ! is a word
ButButTheJesus: 2 is me again
RandomTrivia: I do find it awkward that the clock just cuts off once all the players have voted - it means chat sometimes gets mere seconds to choose
Thefluffiestguineapig: "I smooch cool"
TheWriterAleph: new t-shirt: "i smooch cool"
DigitalSeahorse: I smooch cool
jacqui_lantern234: man, i wish i had someone cool to smooch
darkpks2: packed butt
MegaDosX: Guys we aren't playing Split the Room any more
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Stormgod519: LOL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dang
flatluigi: love the same round callbacks
JadedCynic: MOOD
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
Fruan: Big same
MegaDosX: Holy shit these are both powerful
josh___something: Powerful
Juliamon: big mood
Stormgod519: i feel that right one so much
DiscordianTokkan: smarteries
Thefluffiestguineapig: The question mark is doing a lot of work
teejayrivers: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh lrrLUL
Stormgod519: I have a disease that makes my blood flow really bad, so I vibe with that
A_Dub888: @MegaDosX Look I rented this chainsaw for 3 hours
NotCainNorAbel: ian?
SymphonySolstice: love some good filing
teddywhosabear: second one deserves points for being a legit answer
Juliamon: literally me on the right
baltimore_667083: an bride!
HorusFive: Filing
darkpks2: mingling right under the legal limit
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's true and way too real for this game
DarkNacht: 8 alraedy this year?
HorusFive: Just sitting with a book imagining a better story
Thefluffiestguineapig: @teddywhosabear I think you should get points for it being a real sentence in this game
teddywhosabear: snow friends
NotCainNorAbel: hike donkey
Zerragonoss: Look some people read the letters and some people just read the sentence.
laikagoat: mountain hooves
SymphonySolstice: plant donkey's
iarethel0ser: Snow friends
dm818: Mountain Donkey's
RockPusher: snow hooves
DarkMorford: plant hooves
Sheikun07: snow donkey's
NewtyNewts: Hiker friends
JadedCynic: plant friends
DoodlestheGreat: plant donkey
Thefluffiestguineapig: climbers hooves
TStodden: Plant Hooves
memnus: Plant hooves
jimmythebass: hike friends
EmoMcHipster: snow donkey
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: plant friends
Rhynerd: plant hooves
AdamYMHMI: snow friends
spethycakes: mountain hooves
shushu2539: plant donkeys
DEATHlikescats: plant friends
Darth_Litigious: snow friends
Lizardman175: snow hooves
NimrodXIV: plant friends
Dog_of_Myth: plant donkeys
ButButTheJesus: plant friends
Angreed66: plant friends
RainyMint: Plant friends
josh___something: Hiker hooves
tragedyofhardin: plant friends
calculated_uncertainties: plant hooves
darkpks2: hiker friends
brutusq13: hiker donkey
JadedCynic: but it's "donkey's"
30teracyte: hiker hooves
Rhynerd: are the hooves really not that popular?
DigitalSeahorse: hiker friends
saucemaster5000: gorilla dawg
tragedyofhardin: monkey dawg
Rhynerd: gorilla dawg
Sheikun07: gorilla flatulent
NewtyNewts: Gorilla dawg
memnus: Gorilla dawg
spethycakes: gorilla dawg
RockPusher: gorilla dawg
JadedCynic: bucket here
SymphonySolstice: gorilla dawg
dm818: Gorilla flatulance
shushu2539: gorila dawg
iarethel0ser: Gorilla here
NotCainNorAbel: gorilla here
RainyMint: Gorilla dawg
ButButTheJesus: monkey flatulent
Spades_Slicc: Yiffany Longstocking
Dog_of_Myth: gorilla dawg
Fruan: gorilla dawg
AdamYMHMI: gorilla I
DEATHlikescats: gorilla ain’t
EmoMcHipster: gorilla dawg
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: gorilla dawg
jimmythebass: gorilla here
Lizardman175: gorilla i
Darth_Litigious: gorilla dawg
micalovits: Gorilla Dawg 100%
HorusFive: Pail .
Tangsm: water dawg
DigitalSeahorse: maybe don't eat your friends to change them
josh___something: Gorilla dawg
PharaohBender27: Gorilla period
TStodden: Faucet Here
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Push the button
Fruan: d12?
TheWriterAleph: it was a dodecahedron
teddywhosabear: it's from the hidden role spaceship game
laikagoat: gorilla dawg
NewtyNewts: It's a character from Push the Button
JadedCynic: ah, D12 gets to go home early, because no one uses it ;)
Thefluffiestguineapig: bucket flatulent
Lysander_salamander: Dialtown was amazing
teddywhosabear: among us, but jackbox
DigitalSeahorse: there is no DAWG
Rhynerd: got there, chat!
PharaohBender27: The *kid* was Catholic
HorusFive: Was he baptized?
Scarletdemon_1: Can't wait for the stream of the upcoming game: Date Everything, where you can date every and any piece of furniture in your house made by...Critical Role
josh___something: The floating engram was from another Jackbox game
darkpks2: Rapture
patrick_stonecrusher: Dialtown needs a 100% talking sim playthrough
Borgrim_: Harambe wasnt great at negotiating
A_Dub888: Sorry, are talking about a dating sim or Shin Megami Tensei?
flatluigi: @Scarletdemon_1 i don't think it's "by" critical role
spethycakes: I hear "dawg" like the way Zac Oyama says "dawg"
teejayrivers: Consider: Protestant Bigfoot crystaHmm
Angreed66: @A_Dub888 aren't those the same thing?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @patrick_stonecrusher I would pay money to have Cam just watch the Now Kiss stuff
NotCainNorAbel: mirror drink
SymphonySolstice: dog lotion
spethycakes: dog lotion
NewtyNewts: Pupper lotion
dm818: dog skin
Fruan: dog smoothie
Tangsm: dog lotion
Sheikun07: dog smoothie
DarkMorford: dog smoothie
teddywhosabear: dog smoothie
RockPusher: dog smoothie
jimmythebass: dog smoothie
memnus: Mirror lotion
josh___something: Dog Skin
shushu2539: dog smoothie
EmoMcHipster: dog skin
Rhynerd: dog smoothie
tragedyofhardin: dog lotion
iarethel0ser: Dog drink
Drasvin: Dog lotion
calculated_uncertainties: dog lotion
JadedCynic: dog skin
fastlane250: mirror skin
PharaohBender27: Puppy drink
TStodden: Puppy Drink
Thefluffiestguineapig: dog smoothie
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE
Darth_Litigious: dog lotion
measureofhope: dog lotion
Dog_of_Myth: dog drink
baltimore_667083: dog lotion
CounterOfBeans: skin skin skin
DigitalSeahorse: dog mirror
head_cannon: mirror lotion
DEATHlikescats: @scarletdemon_1 legit excited for it and home Kathleen comes out of retirement to smooch all the things
josh___something: Glad we all agree on dog
AdamYMHMI: dog skin
RainyMint: dog drink
ButButTheJesus: dog smoothie
LoadingReadyRun: @Scarletdemon_1 We've definitely seen that game :P
brutusq13: dog skin
DiscordianTokkan: Wasn't that Bigfoot in the Sam Elliot movie "The Man who killed Bigfoot and also Hitler"?
A_Dub888: @Angreed66 that's Persona. The square to SMT's rectangle
laikagoat: dog smoothie
DEATHlikescats: dog lotion
kolintoney: skiiiiin
Lysander_salamander: very distressing
DigitalSeahorse: dog dog
micalovits: Skin! Skin! Skin!
ProcyonFlynn: !findquote gorilla
LRRbot: Quote #7969: "Chat, stop saying gorilla blood." —Paul [2022-02-14]
josh___something: SKIN :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Don't worry, it's not bad
RainyMint: I love that Paul is reading chat. :D
Scarletdemon_1: @flatluigi Not exactly by Critical Role, but they helped with it enough that they advertised the game during their last stream
EchoesOfTheTide: Dog smoothie sounds awful
HorusFive: mattlrGolden
DarkMorford: berry guilt
laikagoat: any assuasing
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
tragedyofhardin: hand feel
dm818: Hands guilt
NotCainNorAbel: hands guilt
iarethel0ser: Circle I
TheAinMAP: mattlrWoof
RockPusher: strawberry I
teejayrivers: HUH
DEATHlikescats: hands guilt
Sheikun07: hands guilt
Rhynerd: hands guilt
SymphonySolstice: strawberry .
Borgrim_: Put the lotion in the basket!
NewtyNewts: Berry assuaging
Lizardman175: berries I
Stormgod519: WHAT???
spethycakes: strawberries I
shushu2539: hands feel
Angreed66: berry guilt
Arclight_Dynamo: Berries guilt
Xan_The_Quiet: strawberries guilt
jimmythebass: strawberry guilt
AdamYMHMI: hands guilt
DoodlestheGreat: strawberry guilt
Darth_Litigious: hands guilt
ThePerrBearr: assuaging
baltimore_667083: strawberries assuaging
fastlane250: strawberry guilt
Tangsm: hands guilt
head_cannon: strawberry guilt
MomoNo9: It's a very Spa-like saying
JadedCynic: berries guilt
TStodden: Strawberry Guilt
brutusq13: hands guilt
EmoMcHipster: stawberry assuaging
flatluigi: @Scarletdemon_1 it's just worth respecting the actual devs and not just some voice actors that worked on it
memnus: Ring guilt
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hands assuaging
RainyMint: strawberry guilt
Lysander_salamander: dog has a skin condition
Mindfire13: Circle I
PharaohBender27: Strawberries guilt
ButButTheJesus: hands thank
saucemaster5000: strawberry guilt
kolintoney: that dog has executed so many
DigitalSeahorse: don't execute the dog without lotion
Dog_of_Myth: strawberry assuaging
VorlonScout: To put it in terms that Alex will understand, Dialtown is the Tomato Way of dating sims
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Now I wanna know jordynnes take on a larger range of cryptids...
DarkNacht: Dog bit one too many children
Rhynerd: strawberry guilt sounds like a mid-2010s song.
micalovits: Oh right, the glasses ARE the eyes right?
Spritz_T: execution can also mean take action
TheNerdWonder: more or less
kolintoney: I am a common office problem
DigitalSeahorse: that's not true
darkpks2: I keep dreaming of Mouthwash
JadedCynic: @micalovits but wait; they can't be - we saw the glasses with no eyes in them on Bubbles' desk
Borgrim_: Mother's Cunning
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I didn't know Jewish moms were making motivational posters these days.
jacqui_lantern234: SHITLORD!
RainyMint: LUL
baltimore_667083: SHITLORD!
DigitalSeahorse: I GO car.
PharaohBender27: :D
Stormgod519: LOL
Scarletdemon_1: I mean, how long does it take to press the button of the dishwasher?
DigitalSeahorse: nothing
BusTed: 🍞
Stormgod519: nothin
DigitalSeahorse: I like toys
SymphonySolstice: it's love!
Borgrim_: Fuck the office dishwasher. I take myself out of the system by washing everything I use manually
flatluigi: don't display that sort of desk toy
ButButTheJesus: too real
Nigouki: i take his shit home when i get fired
DigitalSeahorse: too distracting
MegaDosX: Starting to not like this Trent guy
NimrodXIV: ongoing Trent saga
SkylerRingtail: New canon: Trent is a furry
Scarletdemon_1: Trent's a crazy dude: yiff in the office and TV spoilers in the parking lot
teejayrivers: 2nd is so wholesome crystaHappy
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE YES
Arclight_Dynamo: I work in the office three days a week. I am not given my own cube. Those Gunpla would be stolen.
Angreed66: odds trent gets fired for the new hire?
Scarletdemon_1: If Trent does that in the office, just imagine what he does out of the office.
DEATHlikescats: Miele has beef
JadedCynic: Yeah, no love for Trent
DigitalSeahorse: woof woof
iris_of_ether: gun
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
DigitalSeahorse: GUN
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
Stormgod519: gun!
RandomTrivia: HOLY SHIT
DarkMorford: BAU BAU
baltimore_667083: GUN
SymphonySolstice: LUL
teejayrivers: gun
patrick_stonecrusher: Give trent
spethycakes: lrrWOW
admiral_sky_: LUL
teddywhosabear: lmfao
Stormgod519: wowowow
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
iris_of_ether: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
RainyMint: LUL
GhostValv: D:
A_Dub888: that's a journey
ButButTheJesus: NO
JadedCynic: 10/10 no notes
MegaDosX: Brevity is the soul of wit lrrLUL
brutusq13: dog skin!
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
iarethel0ser: lrrWOW
teejayrivers: gun (lowercase)
josh___something: D:
TheWanderingNomad: Splej'd?
WiJohn: Gun is the traditional method
DoodlestheGreat: Pretty straightforward.
DigitalSeahorse: skibidi splej?
DigitalSeahorse: nope
glitched_goddess: oh this is tough lol
Lysander_salamander: I guess if the office was in Chernobyl
DarkMorford: Sad BAU BAU
Scarletdemon_1: Part of me wishes "gun" had a period at the end so it was just "gun."
DEATHlikescats: read in Graham’s Olympic graphics voice
HorusFive: mattlrBork
TheWriterAleph: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Stormgod519: Wow
JadedCynic: Mr. HORNER you brilliant dude <3
Scarletdemon_1: The firewalls are because of Trent
ProcyonFlynn: Simply take the firewall.
jacqui_lantern234: "gun"
darkpks2: lol
DarkMorford: LOL
MegaDosX: One leads to the other
teejayrivers: DO WHAT??
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
RandomTrivia: Holy fuck
DigitalSeahorse: 2
NewtyNewts: Chloaca
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ProcyonFlynn: It would diffuse the tension, for sure.
EchoesOfTheTide: These are both SO good
spethycakes: lrrLUL
jacqui_lantern234: IAN HORNER XD
NimrodXIV: Hello, HR?
WiJohn: Different kind of dirty breakroom
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh lrrLUL
Juliamon: that break room, it's soooo fithly
Scarletdemon_1: "Oh, Chloaca dentata" Ian, I don't when he said, I just remember the phrase
SymphonySolstice: gun!
DigitalSeahorse: I kick you
josh___something: Goood... Ye... Goooood
0x6772: Fuck mgmt
DoodlestheGreat: Is my replacement's name Luigi?
Rhynerd: go, my replacement, do a crime.
JadedCynic: kick gun?
DaxStrife: "And here's an employee with a GUN!"
MrSarkhan: LUL
InconsiderateHat: LOL
kolintoney: that's why they call it a SPRINT
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
fastlane250: LUL
micalovits: Tie for first???
JadedCynic: 90 points
MegaDosX: Tied one and two and a very close third
teddywhosabear: dang, a tie
JadedCynic: 35450 vs 35540
darkpks2: greedier mode
laikagoat: any cinnamon
Lizardman175: umbrella cinnamon
iarethel0ser: Umbrella affection
SkylerRingtail: umbrellas pour
tragedyofhardin: plant me
Sheikun07: any cinnamon
Tangsm: umbrella me
dm818: plant me
AdamYMHMI: umbrella affection
DarkMorford: umbrella cinnamon
baltimore_667083: plany pour
DoodlestheGreat: umbrellas cinnamon
shushu2539: plant cinnamon
MacbethSeemsSus: umbrella affection
JadedCynic: umbrella affection
micalovits: Cinamon is good
TStodden: wood affection
DEATHlikescats: plant cinnamon
TheWriterAleph: plant me
Fruan: umbrella cinnamon
jimmythebass: umbrella me
Rhynerd: umbrella me
calculated_uncertainties: cinnamon
ButButTheJesus: plant affection
josh___something: Plant cinnamon
PharaohBender27: Umbrella cinnamon
patrick_stonecrusher: Must be their wishing well ancestry
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Plant Affection
NimrodXIV: umbrella cinnamon
Dog_of_Myth: umbrella affection
Darth_Litigious: umbrella affection
Riandisa: plant cinnamon
DigitalSeahorse: umbrella me
RainyMint: Umbrella affection
SymphonySolstice: umbrella cinnamon
brutusq13: umbrella cinnamon
Scarletdemon_1: Umbrella Cinnamon sounds like a character from Austin Powers
Angreed66: I'm a sucker for plant images
Scarletdemon_1: when in doubt, just quote the Bee movie script as much as you can
micalovits: Yikes
dm818: marshand
teddywhosabear: mars blue
laikagoat: mars towel
AdamYMHMI: mars blue
korvys: mars thing
tragedyofhardin: space blue
fastlane250: period
RockPusher: trees towel
NotCainNorAbel: mars blue
DarkMorford: mars thing
NewtyNewts: Sunset expensive
Riandisa: mars blue
JadedCynic: mars blue
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Mars Towel
Sheikun07: mars .
TheWriterAleph: mars thing
Lizardman175: mars thing
Fruan: mars towel
micalovits: Mars Towel
EmoMcHipster: tree hand
MacbethSeemsSus: astronaut towel
shushu2539: astro towel
Darth_Litigious: mars thing
DoodlestheGreat: beach towel
josh___something: Mars towel
iarethel0ser: Mars exciting
memnus: Island expensive
Tangsm: astronaut towel
HorusFive: expensive
calculated_uncertainties: mars towel
DaxStrife: Sunset thing
TStodden: Mars Towel
Dog_of_Myth: tropic towel
PharaohBender27: Mars towel
Angreed66: mars thing
baltimore_667083: mars the
Rhynerd: mars exciting
brutusq13: mars towel
RainyMint: Mars thing
ButButTheJesus: mars towel
spethycakes: mars thing
Arclight_Dynamo: Mars expensive
DEATHlikescats: tropical blue
0x6772: Welp, looking forward to this round…
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: That is how Job Job goes
DarkNacht: mars towel
josh___something: Yes, and... Kathleen?
Angreed66: already is
DigitalSeahorse: mars thing
SymphonySolstice: mars hand
public_key_reveal_party: mars towel for unintentional hitchikers?
Scarletdemon_1: Dirty Job Job? Hosted by Mike Rowe
Rhynerd: I would also take sunset blue
Garfman314: this is the naughty version
josh___something: Naughty Jobjob is just jobjob
dm818: Why do the ties they hold have white outlines but the one they wear doesn't
DoodlestheGreat: Paul, NONE of that naughty pack was necessary.
EmoMcHipster: it's as naughty as you want it to be
Tangsm: But the audience could get naughty words for the motivational posters.
NimrodXIV: uh oh
SymphonySolstice: had to go back and grab that
JadedCynic: uh oh....
jacqui_lantern234: uhhhhhhhh......
0x6772: Um… Jordynne…
RockPusher: You want people to be *more* thirsty for Bubbles, Paul‽
darkpks2: BloodTrail
micalovits: @RockPusher I mean... She does have a lot of water in her
Angreed66: they
Juliamon: They
josh___something: LUL
RockPusher: lrrDARK
MacbethSeemsSus: Very Hitchhikers guide poster
patrick_stonecrusher: Vaporeon logic
Juliamon: the watercooler is they/them, chat
Scarletdemon_1: Dirty Job Job isn't at the office, but at the mandatory office mixer with watered down draft and forced socialization
Drasvin: Do you know where your towel is?
DigitalSeahorse: I strived for towel today
Lord_Hosk: To be fair, its not the WHOLE internet that can hear your kids, its only 700 people on the internet
BusTed: tqsWow
spethycakes: wholesome
RockPusher: mattlrDogchamp
NimrodXIV: wholesome
JadedCynic: I mean...
JadedCynic: LUL
MrSarkhan: lrrWOW
DarkMorford: ALEX
PharaohBender27: tqsWow
DiscordianTokkan: HAH
laikagoat: fionLOL fionLOL fionLOL
ProcyonFlynn: lrrWOW ...
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
jacqui_lantern234: ALEX
laikagoat: zoeyPro zoeyPro
ButButTheJesus: ALEX. YES
josh___something: ALEX
MegaDosX: ALEX
JadedCynic: STEACY
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL
darkpks2: nice
50keyz: LUL
Lysander_salamander: delightful
baltimore_667083: ALEX
NewtyNewts: TIE
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrLUL lrrLUL
TheAinMAP: Well, it was nice while it lasted...
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderHahahah
baltimore_667083: doggy!
JadedCynic: <3
ButButTheJesus: PUPPEH.
BusTed: awww
Thefluffiestguineapig: JUNIPER
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE YES
JadedCynic: jadedc5LOVE
Stormgod519: LOL
darkpks2: : O
MegaDosX: Jesus hell
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wholesome Alex?
HorusFive: mattlrDogchamp
darkpks2: >:)
Juliamon: now it's holesome
Lizardman175: 'hole'some
admiral_sky_: now it's holesome
RockPusher: wholesome to holesome
Spritz_T: oof
Dog_of_Myth: No, there is still a hole
josh___something: ALEX
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY FUCK XD
DigitalSeahorse: butt silk
Rhynerd: we cut the W off.
jimmythebass: straight from wholesome to whatever the fuck this is
goombalax: some holes for sure
hieroglyphica: Yessss
MegaDosX: Um.
spethycakes: if you count them all, it's the hole sum
Scarletdemon_1: Isn't "Butt silk" technically spider web?
RockPusher: all (w)holes filled
hackingducks: 'holesome'
SymphonySolstice: dangit, clip machine broke
MacbethSeemsSus: 86 the wholesome
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Scarletdemon_1 No, silk doesn't come from butt
MegaDosX: Fantastic
darkpks2: #3
jacqui_lantern234: LUL HOLY FUCK
admiral_sky_: hmm
NewtyNewts: Tough
Thefluffiestguineapig: DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE
MegaDosX: That's immaculate
ProcyonFlynn: #Perfection
JadedCynic: middle is TOO REAL
GhostValv: damn...
calculated_uncertainties: these are the same thing?
HorusFive: G A M E R S
JadedCynic: right side is best tho
DigitalSeahorse: middle one
DEATHlikescats: gamers GET WREKT
MacbethSeemsSus: Can I exchange this deity for another?
Scarletdemon_1: @Thefluffiestguineapig I know it's from the spinnerets, which are usually by the butt of the spider
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Scarletdemon_1 Sorry, I don
jacqui_lantern234: GG Kathleen
Stormgod519: ayyyy
Stormgod519: damn
PharaohBender27: Congrats, lrrKATHLEEN !
ButButTheJesus: kaffeen!
JadedCynic: usd remember
DigitalSeahorse: lrrWOW lrrPistachio lrrBartleby
Thefluffiestguineapig: tknow how granular we are being, my bad
0x6772: Polish that strategy!
DEATHlikescats: 2 in a row!
MegaDosX: Price of living though
Scarletdemon_1: You remember making a livable wage? Peppridge Farm remembers
Stormgod519: they do WHAT?
MegaDosX: It's pretty terrible here too
Bratmon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
50keyz: dont need life insurance in australia - spiders gonna get you
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bratmon! (Today's storm count: 44)
AdamYMHMI: @Scarletdemon_1 Nope, I was born after Reagan.
JadedCynic: $5 for a loaf of bread :(
Stormgod519: Same down here!
MegaDosX: And the property market is a fucking nightmare
Kramburger: The price of Living is Australia is the Blood Price
TheAwkes: slash me cries in North Van
Thefluffiestguineapig: Short term decisions from old people in power suck ass!!
ThorSokar: "Rent Backed Securities" are a CANCER
Artificer_Evan: @Thefluffiestguineapig true
rogerivany: Unless we want a dozen eggs though apparently
SymphonySolstice: oof . wav
JadedCynic: a small 2-bdrm 1 bath is going for $500,000 here :(
DigitalSeahorse: woops
EvilBadman: You can tell how bad it is in Canada when they think 50k USD is good Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE HATTON lrrLUL
Lord_Hosk: Groceries are surprisingly reasonably priced here. I know they seem expensive but compared to the US... its down right cheap
Scarletdemon_1: Salmonella is the new Ozempic
TheWriterAleph: lrrLUL
RockPusher: gabyLul
Lysander_salamander: ew
Stormgod519: Pardon???
Thefluffiestguineapig: For real, US regulations just got utterly gutted so check the recalls
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
korvys: That means splatter
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
Lysander_salamander: unfortunate
jacqui_lantern234: im with ian on this
Rhynerd: you learn something new every day.
TheWriterAleph: that's a you problem Kappa
0x6772: What did you think it meant, as a verb, Kathleen?
Juliamon: It's like how the word "bone" has a non-sexual definition
darkpks2: that settles it
DEATHlikescats: ah
stevefromdetroit: but the films
RockPusher: perverts need words too
Lysander_salamander: this is why we can't have nice things
Drasvin: This what the internet does
RandomTrivia: That probably is where that originated
NewtyNewts: Beej, as our internet representative, says...
DEATHlikescats: we learn
goombalax: die a lot
DigitalSeahorse: know your chickens
micalovits: In Denmark everything is expensive compared to almost everywhere else... Buuuuut decent salary and so many things that are paid over taxes
MegaDosX: "Live a little! Though it might kill you"
korvys: Perverts stole it
MacbethSeemsSus: Hard pass on salmonella
drawnbinary: The AUD and CAD are almost the same but tomatoes have been $11/kg for a while
50keyz: "for legal reasons that was a joke"
Lysander_salamander: I've done something similar, but with cooked egg
Scarletdemon_1: Rice bowl with a whole raw ostrich egg on top
Spades_Slicc: simply heat egg to 160 F before making
TheWriterAleph: @Scarletdemon_1 SPLAT.
DigitalSeahorse: there's a cartoon that ends with that
KeytarCat: [furiously typing]
50keyz: peanut butter and jam with rice is great
jibkat: alissa3Lurk
0x6772: Vim ftw
goombalax: Canadians can afford to get sick from food but everyone else should use discretion
50keyz: @goombalax LUL
Fruan: WHY
SnackPak_: whyyy
darkpks2: bought a new denim jacket, bring back metalheads!!
drawnbinary: What does the H do? Jkl works on most things I know
JadedCynic: omg WHY?!?
Zandivya: Everyone believes Paul *could* have a dvorak keyboard though
SymphonySolstice: I use IJKL instead of WASD because lefty
shushu2539: nano does the work
JadedCynic: :D
0x6772: emacs: also not GUI
coachNelly: see ijkl seems FINE
Scarletdemon_1: I saw a keyboard where the letters were in order of the alphabet, it looked wrong
NewtyNewts: Notepad++ for me
RockPusher: if you are the sort of person who sticks to hjkl I don't see why you would let a little thing like dvorak change the defaults :P
Thefluffiestguineapig: But you like user friendly UI
ThorSokar: oh, is that what we're doing now? starting nerd fights?
fastlane250: oh dang we still goin
Fruan: its BSD isn't it?
PharaohBender27: That scans
Lord_Hosk: Paul likes U-Is and he cannot like
ThorSokar: 'cause if so, emacs sucks!
LoadingReadyRun: YWWC
0x6772: @LoadingReadyRun Please sir. macOS is secretly BSD, not Linux!
bubba0077: sublime text for me
Rhynerd: last lashing as usual, I assume?
SkylerRingtail: Game-bling? I'm in!
jibkat: alissa3Wiggle alissa3Wiggle alissa3Wiggle
Kramburger: Remember kids: Sanatise your UIs and pee after sex
DigitalSeahorse: wait, does that mean even linux has AI now too?
MegaDosX: Ian don't send your coworkers malware
bubba0077: or nano, if I have to do something in the console
NewtyNewts: lrrLUL
Stormgod519: pfft
JadedCynic: VIM 4 eva (because you can't quit it Kappa )
jacqui_lantern234: no, jordynne, you need jesus Kappa
ButButTheJesus: mood
Stormgod519: chat, does the extension not work for Jackbox?
Juliamon: Stormgod519 Depends on the pack
jibkat: oh hey jacqui_lantern234 alissa3Wave
wedge_x: I just can't wq it
jhezy: acsSoundsGoodMan acsSoundsGoodMan
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @Stormgod519 depends on the age of the Jackbox
Stormgod519: hmmm
Juliamon: Only some of the packs support it
jacqui_lantern234: @jibkat yes? hi
Stormgod519: i cant see it for this one, but i know this one works
jibkat: your great!
0x6772: "YWWC" - the least used airport in Canada.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Pretty much, they made the extension and then stopped updating it
Stormgod519: imma just launch on my phone
MacbethSeemsSus: Who wwc
Singenmeister: Room now found :(
NewtyNewts: Young Women's Wrestling Charity
Singenmeister: *not
Natimus_Prime: why four you see?
Shparky2197: Ywwc: you wouldn't watch crap
SymphonySolstice: @0x6772 nah that's YWG Kappa
PharaohBender27: @Singenmeister Try again? I'm in
DEATHlikescats: world Wrestling Confederacy
0x6772: @SymphonySolstice I mean, fair.
jacqui_lantern234: ALEX
RandomTrivia: ALEX
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @Shparky2197 I watch Watch And Play sometimes
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
flatluigi: wooooooooow
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ButButTheJesus: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehhehehehhe
PharaohBender27: @DEATHlikescats (Tugs at collar at that name)
Boopity: ALEX
NewtyNewts: Is this the workplace?
DEATHlikescats: lol
spethycakes: lrrLUL
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
jacqui_lantern234: LMAO
Singenmeister: @PharaohBender27 Refreshed multiple times. No luck tonight it seems.
SymphonySolstice: LOL
JadedCynic: dang
Scarletdemon_1: Yukon's Wild West Crusades: YWWC
public_key_reveal_party: I just laughed so hard I got light headed
SkylerRingtail: Venmo
DEATHlikescats: @pharaohbender27 haha!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah'
JadedCynic: I met my wife on, though
Fruan: Mastodon
LoadingReadyRun: DONTUSENET
SkylerRingtail: Mastodon
NewtyNewts: In the Discord
Kramburger: Likes only
darkpks2: band is better
RockPusher: only after Eternal September
Angreed66: in a scientific journal right?
Scarletdemon_1: Quick, everyone go back to Myspace
PharaohBender27: Fair enough, Ian
darkpks2: nice
gualdhar: I heard Quiff and I'm disturbed
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunNut voxlunNut
shushu2539: the 'stoners are the best philosophers
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Rene Descarte ancient?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Really?
JadedCynic: @Scarletdemon_1 we gotta find Tom's private island and beg him to come back :)
hackingducks: bluesky. it's like twitter. because it was created by the same people as twitter.
korvys: Bluesky is federated as well, so it's not going anywhere (even if the current owners want it to)
InconsiderateHat: LET'S BAG 'IM
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NOOOOOO
Strebenherz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
TheWriterAleph: oh god
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Strebenherz! (Today's storm count: 45)
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Stormgod519: LOL
spethycakes: oh NO
JadedCynic: lrrWOW
darkpks2: dead in 4 minutes
RandomTrivia: Holy shit
MegaDosX: Oh no
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO
Stormgod519: oh noooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do not build your own medical machine of any description
JadedCynic: how do I choose?
Stormgod519: woooow
teddywhosabear: the METABEAR
MegaDosX: "That was a beer can you stuck a whistle to"
Drasvin: Be careful when dealing with recursion
spethycakes: what a visceral reaction I'm having
Scarletdemon_1: I've read a story about the right one and it went as well as you'd think it would
JadedCynic: "Judge, I've demonstrated a loop..."
darkpks2: it only removes the blood!
RandomTrivia: "yes"
TheWriterAleph: This week on TTSF
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
RockPusher: graaaaaains
RandomTrivia: THE SYNERGY
jacqui_lantern234: LMFAO THE SAME JOKE
Stormgod519: LOL
baltimore_667083: HAHAHAHAHA
darkpks2: lmao
Strebenherz: GRAAAAINS
NewtyNewts: Jinx!
Scarletdemon_1: One brain cell!
Sheikun07: Excellent results
SymphonySolstice: LUL
JadedCynic: HIVEMIND high five! o/\o
Rhynerd: put them in reverse and we have a storyt
public_key_reveal_party: lrrLUL
Stormgod519: WOOHOOOO
MegaDosX: You guys spend too much time to together I swear to god lrrLUL
spethycakes: one grain cell
korvys: drift compatible
Stormgod519: well done yall
RockPusher: sharkf11BRAINCELL
Stormgod519: that's awesome
Gekyouryuu: Brainrot
Scarletdemon_1: The Loading Ready Brain Cell strikes again
DigitalSeahorse: dang
DEATHlikescats: love that!
Stormgod519: @Gekyouryuu Grainrot
Thefluffiestguineapig: As a gluten free this is also depressing
micalovits: Graaaaains is good though
Fruan: You're voting on delivery because they're the same joke
epsilon_vee: excellent stewardship of the single shared braincell
darkpks2: lol
Scarletdemon_1: Plate armor?
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY SHIT
Thefluffiestguineapig: With the giant heels?
Lord_Hosk: Worst? or best?
UnknownFriday: That'd make it a drag race, wouldn't it?
MegaDosX: Is this, RuPaul's Drag Race?
EchoesOfTheTide: I would argue that full drag is the BEST thing to wear
JadedCynic: I've SEEN people run full marathons in full drag
Lysander_salamander: wool can be comfortable
darkpks2: sweat
Gekyouryuu: it doesn't have to be at speed
RockPusher: Full drag doesn't mean uncomfortable
oyleslyck: the wool would chafe over 26miles
ThorSokar: TONS of people run the NY Marathon in full costume
Zerragonoss: People have enacted many bad ideas.
RandomTrivia: ALEX
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also the woolly underpants would shred your nethers and nipples
Stormgod519: awww
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Stormgod519: i love the cat
Scarletdemon_1: Ian would do the right
Thefluffiestguineapig: DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE
Graham_LRR: lrrLUL
SymphonySolstice: I would've said woman
JadedCynic: @ThorSokar how many finish tho ;) (I've seen lots do <3 )
Strebenherz: Tiny Ian
VorlonScout: Whose cat wrote this?
Angreed66: no cat abuse
Strebenherz: OH NO
spethycakes: JORDYNNE
RandomTrivia: JORDYNNE NO
Stormgod519: JORDYNNE!!!
oyleslyck: dark
darkpks2: fblthp needs his own land
Lysander_salamander: yes!
Julian_Rogue subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Julian_Rogue: 60 months? isn't that 5 years?
ButButTheJesus: JORDYNNE
PhorrestGaze: If you see a small man in a fishtank... do you let him out?
RockPusher: Jordynne!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Julian_Rogue! (Today's storm count: 46)
jibkat: mattlrWoof
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE
Strebenherz: The bravest little scuba toaster
NewtyNewts: JORDYNNE
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jordynne NOO
DigitalSeahorse: homunculus?
shushu2539: the homunculus doesn't have the scuba gear?
stevefromdetroit: Same Jordynne same
YawnLance: Same braincell Jordynne
hackingducks: scubacat, scubacat, does whatever a scubacat does
Fruan: Has anyone put a fully submerged terrarium in a fishtank so their pets can have pets?
NimrodXIV: my fish did electrocute themselves once
RandomTrivia: OH NO
MegaDosX: Oh no
Stormgod519: LOL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: OOOOHHH NOOOOOO
Stormgod519: EW
DarkMorford: WHAT
Tangsm: What...
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY FUCK
JadedCynic: I mean
Stormgod519: ewewewewew
EchoesOfTheTide: EXCUSE?
Gekyouryuu: when you give your fish some current, do you go A Sea or D Sea?
SymphonySolstice: nooooo
Lord_Hosk: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
TheWriterAleph: Hell. Hell. All of you.
DigitalSeahorse: Moan
hackingducks: nope, never touching either of those buttons
Lord_Hosk: !adult
LRRbot: I need an adult, preferably a trained physiatrist.
Creature_Comforts: if my microwave had a moan button, I’d definitely use it
stevefromdetroit: i have questions
jacqui_lantern234: UH OH!!!!! CUMMIES
MegaDosX: Dishonour on you, dishonour on your cow
NewtyNewts: Frozen: Cum
DEATHlikescats: instant ick
kolintoney: I don't know which to pick!
Scarletdemon_1: The button that connects the microwave to your smart home speaker is the real answer
RainyMint: !adult
LRRbot: Adult currently unavailable, please try again later.
Graham_LRR: BEEP: “unnngh” “what?”
Lysander_salamander: oh wait, never gets used
JadedCynic: they're NOT wrong, but I'm still not voiting for it
darkpks2: IT WOULD YOU TWO
RandomTrivia: Welp
Stormgod519: AYYYY
WiJohn: Always reheat your cum in the oven, nuking it ruins the texture
RandomTrivia: OF COURSE it's them
ButButTheJesus: IAN
Stormgod519: Damn you both
Barb4rian: horner
jacqui_lantern234: IAN YES
niccus: don't they use microwaves for blood banks? what about sperm banks
RainyMint: IAN
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
JadedCynic: HORNER
Stormgod519: KATHLEEN!
RandomTrivia: HOLY SHIT
laikagoat: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
spethycakes: KATHLEEN
teddywhosabear: nfdsjgf
SymphonySolstice: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: KATHLEEN LUL
DEATHlikescats: of COURSE
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
Rhynerd: This needs to stop
ButButTheJesus: KATHLEEN
JadedCynic: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: hahahaha
BusTed: lrrWOW
jibkat: mattlrWoof
Lysander_salamander: :D
MegaDosX: @Graham_LRR I smell a Crapshot
darkpks2: Nasty with cumback
Lysander_salamander: this is wonderful
goombalax: DisGosTang
hieroglyphica: Noooo
korvys: I'm sorry to hear that
Fruan: A whole stream of edging
ProcyonFlynn: !adult
LRRbot: Sorry, Beej is unavailable.
TheWriterAleph: first cum, first served
Rhynerd: held it in, have ya?
Strebenherz: I just got home, has the whole stream been this cursed
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm laughing so hard and cringing into my chair
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Hello to the highlight reel
DoodlestheGreat: No, Kathleen, it was the button that DOESN'T get used...
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE
kolintoney: what's our refractory looking like?
Stormgod519: we've been edging the cum for a while
MegaDosX: Now that's an exchange to take out of context
theamc2000: good job restraining yourselves
Lysander_salamander: eugh
ThorSokar: I believe we prefer the word "Chilled" not cold
MegaDosX: Alex no
Lysander_salamander: no
Thefluffiestguineapig: ALEX NOOOOOO
Stormgod519: Alex...
SymphonySolstice: my clip interface broke ;_;
stevefromdetroit: how do i unhear something
Scarletdemon_1: Natural Harvest is also not alone in its genre, Alex
eric_christian_berg: Natural Harvest has a sequel.
NewtyNewts: Alex mentioned a thing on Jackbox once again
RandomTrivia: I don't know what that is but I don't want to look it up...
spethycakes: Okay, 2025 is a wash, see you next year
darkpks2: this is a good croud
MegaDosX: That tracks
Bratmon: This was a bad stream to eat dinner during.
Earthenone: i use 9 a lot
Juliamon: People naturally round
Lizardman175: I do 90 seconds a lot
EvilBadman: You /were/ in goon cave
eric_christian_berg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
eric_christian_berg: Whoop whoop
Stormgod519: @spethycakes good call. see ya in 2029
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eric_christian_berg! (Today's storm count: 47)
Mai_Andra: i use "99 seconds" commonly
memnus: I actually use 99 seconds, yeah
ProcyonFlynn: 99seconds is my go-to yeah.
RockPusher: All buttons bar power, 1m and start
Zandivya: I need an undo button for my brain ramaWudyamean
rogerivany: I do 111
Scarletdemon_1: It's the Bluetooth button for me, never used
ThorSokar: that's interesting, I use 39 seconds to melt butter all the time
PharaohBender27: Incognito searches that title and OH NNNOOOOOOO
Thefluffiestguineapig: Math is powerful
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, im always hitting 99
Spritz_T: 7 and 8 are pretty unused too
rogerivany: Or the 30seconds button multiple times
SymphonySolstice: I press the 7 beacuse I think it's lonely
randombillfolds: I only use my "Add 30 seconds" button.
Stormgod519: i mean, least used for me is like Bake or Popcorn
kolintoney: a microwave just needs a +30 seconds button
UnknownFriday: I'm on the "Doesn't have enough counterspace for a microwave" crowd.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I have a 30 second button, so I hit 1 minute and then 30 second
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 Friend, your brain is worse for that
EchoesOfTheTide: I got 99 seconds but reheated cum ain't one
HadesLeprechaun: I always put in random times, if something says like, a minute 30, I'll do 1:34 just because
stevefromdetroit: those had a good "ding" when they finsihed...and a good paddle opener
JadedCynic: oh! RADIO RANGE brand ones with the DIALS <3
Lord_Hosk: I hit 1 minute or add 30 seconds... thats it
UnknownFriday: Toaster oven is way more useful to me.
RockPusher: Beej!
naughtdeerz: my roommate's microwave has a dial and it makes no sense to me
ButButTheJesus: @PharaohBender27 AAA SAME AAAA
Stormgod519: Beeeeeeej
RubikDarkwill: My microwave has a dial
Natimus_Prime: I have a dial microwave in the garage, still works
DEATHlikescats: big brown wood veneer things
Artificer_Evan: my microwave has a dial
RandomTrivia: WOW
Gekyouryuu: The Great British Jerk Off
Stormgod519: WOOOOOW
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig Curiosity got the better of me!
JadedCynic: lrrWOW
RandomTrivia: Strong start
jacqui_lantern234: WOW
teejayrivers: D:
darkpks2: both?
Stormgod519: @Gekyouryuu dammit
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can't
Thefluffiestguineapig: My face hurts
DigitalSeahorse: Don't Smeg Won't Smeg
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm laughing so hard
VorlonScout: Second one is less competitive, more high stakes
JadedCynic: one's more subtle
Spritz_T: got to specify which hannibal
Scarletdemon_1: Hannibal Lecture's Silence of the Lamb Sauce
Lord_Hosk: Which Hannibal
theamc2000: Hannibal’s iron chef is a dish not a show
stevefromdetroit: but no single use items
JadedCynic: @Lord_Hosk Barca
Stormgod519: go
DEATHlikescats: Hannibal Buress
Lysander_salamander: This post has everything...
darkpks2: Lol
niccus: bdsm with multitaskers
darkpks2: KEK
Stormgod519: how do you make that work?
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
TheWriterAleph: what does that MEAAAN
jacqui_lantern234: BWAHAHAHAHAHA
RandomTrivia: Oh noooooo
Gekyouryuu: "yoruself"
Thefluffiestguineapig: i can't breathe
head_cannon: "yoruself" :D
JadedCynic: hivemind!
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
Dastar512: yoruself
jacqui_lantern234: YORUSELF
NimrodXIV: pass what along
Stormgod519: also, who's Yoruself???
Sheikun07: sinder6LOL
naughtdeerz: double it and give it to the next person
Graham_LRR: pass WHAT along
NewtyNewts: So who's Yoruself?
Rhynerd: become yoru, then shit.
Scarletdemon_1: I'm dyslexic, I read it correctly and didn't realize it was spelt wrong
SnackPak_: Matt I have questions
ButButTheJesus: @Graham_LRR it
PharaohBender27: @niccus "This is why unitask BDSM toys are SHIT"
Stormgod519: ooooooooooo
Stormgod519: wow
RandomTrivia: Amazing
Stormgod519: that's so good
jacqui_lantern234: @Graham_LRR excellent question. next question
RockPusher: Oh No! Michio!
JadedCynic: lrrWOW
Drasvin: Oh Nyo
Scarletdemon_1: Just go "Oh Nooooooo" while lying face down, not trying to pick yourself up
Stormgod519: Damn beej
Thefluffiestguineapig: I
darkpks2: Join me down dear
Thefluffiestguineapig: m crying
Earthenone: need a voice crack emoticon
0x6772: You want option-zero, Beej
NewtyNewts: Ohhhhhh no
Lysander_salamander: :D
TheWriterAleph: just picturing the Alpha-Chad falling in slow motion going OH NOOOOO
Stormgod519: Matt, I loved it
Gekyouryuu: @Drasvin I can't pull that line off, I'm not a small shark
gualdhar: Oh nooooooo but dopplered
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can t type
0x6772: Oh noooOOOOºººº
SeismicLawns: oh no with the pitch increasing implies they are coming toward you
RandomTrivia: WOW
Strebenherz: PFFFFFFT
Stormgod519: Hehehehehehe
Thefluffiestguineapig: Don't make me choose
DarkMorford: @Gekyouryuu A!
Singenmeister: Not pants pants?
Scarletdemon_1: That's the outfit, put 'em together
jacqui_lantern234: BEEJ
wedge_x: read for filth
DigitalSeahorse: Remove SHURT
RockPusher: foxmarRAD voxlunGeiger escher3SAFETY
TheWriterAleph: por que no los dos?
darkpks2: soviet fiorearms
theamc2000: I thought someone would say jorts
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Stormgod519: You nailed Alex to two posts, Beej???
JadedCynic: clank-clank-clank *glows*
jacqui_lantern234: "nothing"
DigitalSeahorse: Robot Pants
Thefluffiestguineapig: How did someone not put gas mask
measureofhope: its both
TStodden: This IS Bionic Trousers...
Stormgod519: LOL
TheWriterAleph: @JadedCynic LUL
darkpks2: TF2 Engie
Mindfire13: He's wearing the Bionic Trousers
DigitalSeahorse: with SHURT
drawnbinary: Bionic trousers...
Mollylele: changing Alex's name in my phone
MacbethSeemsSus: The geiger counters both fashionable and a warning
Stormgod519: everything?
RandomTrivia: HOLY FUCK
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY SHIT
SnackPak_: damg
Dog_of_Myth: DAMN
JadedCynic: lrrWOW
WiJohn: Wow
Fruan: She can't read
MegaDosX: Savage
SymphonySolstice: blat blat
Stormgod519: WOW
RainyMint: DAMN
Gekyouryuu: left BETTER be Jordynne's
Thefluffiestguineapig: These are savage
Rhynerd: bad at spycraft.
Stormgod519: did Jordynne get this one too???
Graham_LRR: This is a self report, surely
Lysander_salamander: splitting the room
head_cannon: The second one is excellent, but still...
TheWriterAleph: heh
Stormgod519: ooo
jacqui_lantern234: escher3PUN
ButButTheJesus: ha
JadedCynic: www dot instantrimshot dot com
DigitalSeahorse: lol
RandomTrivia: Absolutely ruined
Lysander_salamander: vicious
darkpks2: LMAO
DigitalSeahorse: awww
darkpks2: ive been waiting
Stormgod519: oh no
Lysander_salamander: oh no
Stormgod519: shooting webs
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TheWriterAleph: O M G LUL
50keyz: LUL
Rhynerd: more spider.
jhezy: acsSweat acsSweat acsSweat acsSweat
jacqui_lantern234: BWAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHA
Stormgod519: Come on...
RainyMint: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: o.O
SnackPak_: slingin web
darkpks2: coworkers playing quiplash
baltimore_667083: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON
NewtyNewts: Broke the plugin!
calculated_uncertainties: radium camisole
Singenmeister: I mean..... I'd believe it
Scarletdemon_1: It doesn't fit in the chat extension!
Thefluffiestguineapig: don't make me chooooooooose
phoenixfeather14: lrrLUL lrrLUL
EchoesOfTheTide: More. Spider.
JadedCynic: someone found the character limit, right?
gibbousm: Have you seen his Ex?
Gekyouryuu: the real answer is "taking Gravure photos for J. Jonah Jameson"
theamc2000: so is that a character limit?
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh lrrLUL
enbycephalopod: "shooting webs"
epsilon_vee: I presume somebody found the length of the text box, excellent work
Lysander_salamander: Spider man is secretly spiders georg?
hieroglyphica: C'MON this was prime time for a butt silk callback!
MrGibberish: The right one had to have use all all the characters
Singenmeister: @Gekyouryuu WHY
theamc2000: that is why he is a menace
Stormgod519: nice Kathleen
Tangsm: Maybe it says "Go on" very slowly
niccus: spiders geork
Thefluffiestguineapig: that bitch
gibbousm: The spiders. I am summoning them.
Mai_Andra: he's been blasting rope all over the city...
Gekyouryuu: oh, you pronounce it Jorg, alex? I always said "gay-org"
Bruceski: They said "secret"
NewtyNewts: What a suck-up
Stormgod519: welp
micalovits: D'aaaaw
SnackPak_: d'awww
darkpks2: DOWN
JadedCynic: lrrDARK
RockPusher: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
RainyMint: D'awwww!
Stormgod519: Im voting for the latter
Juliamon: lrrLUL
Stormgod519: lol
RainyMint: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
Graham_LRR: lrrDARK
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
ButButTheJesus: get liked!
WiJohn: Disappointed no one put in bog witch
Stormgod519: Yeah no way Kathleen wrote that
Singenmeister: Looks like it's time for a KINDNESS WAR
JadedCynic: take these compliments!
SymphonySolstice: get RESPECTED nerd
Stormgod519: That's a clone
spethycakes: lrrDARK
TheAinMAP: lrrDARK
darkpks2: Morbid Saint
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE YES
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE
Drasvin: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jordynne saying what we are all thinking
PharaohBender27: Ooooh
Scarletdemon_1: Kathleen has admitted to being a goblin multiple times, so...
Anubis169: get praised on!
NewtyNewts: Get fuckin' encouraged!
Stormgod519: Praise be!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Get kindnessed!
NimrodXIV: looking forward to Kathleen's book. also y'all should read Andy's book
HadesLeprechaun: I think we should normalize clipping great kindness and featuring a couple in the highlights
fastlane250: Good Luck, Nelly!
PharaohBender27: Jordynne doing some Jacqui-level bullying there
Drasvin: Poor Nelly. Good luck
jacqui_lantern234: IAN
Dog_of_Myth: IAN
Stormgod519: 2 of 3
Stormgod519: IAN
Mindfire13: Good luck Nelly. You'll need it
JadedCynic: @PharaohBender27 you beat me to it <3
Gekyouryuu: "If the Haiku fits" "as has been demonstrated" "then you must acquit."
NewtyNewts: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
0x6772: If Nelly loses, Chat, it's our fault.
LoadingReadyRun: @HadesLeprechaun be the change you want to see!
HadesLeprechaun: I'm working!
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's almost the level of the one home stream of Adam's where he was talking about worrying about paying rent and we nerfed his gameplay with all the compliments and bits
Anubis169: You're twitching while working?
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 unironically id love to aggressively scream compliments at people with jordynne irl
Earthenone: they should put a little guy of the announcer at the bottom when they compete
SymphonySolstice: I would but twitch tole me I only get 3 clips tonight
Anubis169: You know what's coming next then HadesLeprechaun...
Singenmeister: @Anubis169 I streamed most of Desert Bus 2022 from my office
jamesinor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months, currently on a 106 month streak!
jamesinor: Oh thank god, something awesome on a Monday
phoenixfeather14: @jacqui_lantern234 I'd join you!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jamesinor! (Today's storm count: 48)
Stormgod519: lol
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Stormgod519: LOL
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
Stormgod519: well done
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh my god
darkpks2: lol
NimrodXIV: the important questions
Melfina__: LUL
Scarletdemon_1: I read it are horse not house, whoops
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is just the same question different presentation
RockPusher: lrrGARBO lrrSPOOPY
RainyMint: All important questions
teddywhosabear: five. hundred. cigarettes.
RandomTrivia: The Loading Ready Run Braincell is working at full power tonight :D
DigitalSeahorse: who is they?
Mai_Andra: "Who's they?" "Exactly."
jacqui_lantern234: the split!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also Ian's answer of the first question being "do you own this house" is correct
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
fastlane250: Eeeeyyyy
A_Dub888: is they single?
Stormgod519: LOL
SymphonySolstice: omg
DarkMorford: Wooooooooooow
DigitalSeahorse: oof
baltimore_667083: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: FUCK
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Loading ready or run...
Stormgod519: Damn
RainyMint: WOW
calculated_uncertainties: only tied with schmitty because they copied.
Dog_of_Myth: ooooof
MacbethSeemsSus: right's too real
Thefluffiestguineapig: @A_Dub888 Are they baptized
RandomTrivia: Oh noooooooo
micalovits: To real
Stormgod519: what a time to be alie
phoenixfeather14: lrrWOW
Lysander_salamander: ok that joke is clever
Stormgod519: alive
MegaDosX: Yike
DigitalSeahorse: I'd rather be a NERD anyway
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would rather be not cool
Graham_LRR: respecting fun, having chill, being women
Stormgod519: LOL
RandomTrivia: Uh
darkpks2: nice
RandomTrivia: UHHHH
Stormgod519: WHAT???
TheWriterAleph: " W H O O P S "
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh
NimrodXIV: uh same answer
darkpks2: ;)
SymphonySolstice: I mean,,,
RainyMint: HUH???
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
teejayrivers: WHOOPS
spethycakes: WHOOPS?!
baltimore_667083: WHOOPS
jacqui_lantern234: IAN HORNER
Stormgod519: One of these is Digorno....
ButButTheJesus: WHOOPS
DoodlestheGreat: These answers are the same.
Singenmeister: Anime logic of course
Gekyouryuu: @Graham_LRR also good options
Julian_Rogue: I feel like that would..... suck
Lysander_salamander: yeah
0x6772: Massage into the anal, Ian, obviously.
Fruan: AH, the Gaiman suite.
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Scarletdemon_1: No, they dry clean your intestine
Stormgod519: The left one is just Digorno
Lysander_salamander: noo
Graham_LRR: the bed has so much mass
darkpks2: YES
50keyz: lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hot delivery (unspecified) is also a great prompt for a crapshot
Stormgod519: Get Rekt Beej
BusTed: lrrLUL
MegaDosX: The unspecified is what got me therr
MegaDosX: there*
Stormgod519: LOL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Anubis169: HAHAHHAHA
RandomTrivia: Oh, Alex is dead
Stormgod519: Wooooo
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
MegaDosX: Well. That's an unambiguous sign.
SymphonySolstice: good answer good answer
ThorSokar: That is actually an understatement for things you can get at real high-end hotels
jacqui_lantern234: lmfao
VorlonScout: #2 is playing a long game
xGuyYouMetOnlinex: Okay number 2 wins
JadedCynic: that's a grudge
Thefluffiestguineapig: Both of these are so much planning and spite
PharaohBender27: The long con on the right
Graham_LRR: very subtle signs
Scarletdemon_1: Alex almost went full stream train with that laugh
EchoesOfTheTide: I can't choose...
spethycakes: f/m/k
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also Beej with Heather you might have just not of you
Stormgod519: Beeeej
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I saw glenn close in that one...
comrade_cards: eat prey love
A_Dub888: pretty sure that happens in a noir film I saw
Lysander_salamander: no
Stormgod519: ALEX
jacqui_lantern234: ALEX
Tangsm: Pr*y, leaving you wonder which vowel will shape the plot
Stormgod519: GG Jordynne!
jacqui_lantern234: GG JORDYNNE
spethycakes: marshm3Clap
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL lrrBartleby
Stormgod519: Wark Wark!
JadedCynic: congrats J!
RockPusher: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
ButButTheJesus: JAHDYNNE
TheWriterAleph: killin it
TheAinMAP: 2020Victory
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
kolintoney: Gaming
jibkat: FBtouchdown Jordynne!
PharaohBender27: Congratulations, Jordynne!
RainyMint: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Strebenherz: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh man I needed that so much
Anubis169: Thank you everyone!! lrrAWESOME
Shparky2197: That was a fun 3 hours. Thanks so much to you all, it's been very good
EchoesOfTheTide: Good boxing all
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening! Thanks for playing!
spethycakes: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
jamesk902 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jamesk902! (Today's storm count: 49)
RockPusher: hifunkBeans
MegaDosX: Beams, beams, the musical fruit
ButButTheJesus: peans!
Riandisa: Thanks for the great stream
Drasvin: Spoon?
Lysander_salamander: spoon!
RockPusher: fugiAwBeans
calculated_uncertainties: cool spoon, bro
Anubis169: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
schordash: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
hieroglyphica: Thank you all!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Eat prey, love. It's an imperative to your love.
kolintoney: beamns
MegaDosX: @ButButTheJesus Not quite peas, not quite beans, but something nice, in betweens
DigitalSeahorse: spooooooooon!
Anubis169: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
jacqui_lantern234: thanks for the laughs tonight lrrSHINE
Anubis169: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Beams?
darkpks2: peace
LunarJade: Ypres love
baltimore_667083: thank y'all!
schordash: lrrPAUL lrrBartleby lrrSHINE
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Ty all
Stormgod519: wooohooooo
spethycakes: don't forget to carry your beans across the threshhold
Anubis169: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrPAUL lrrSHINE
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Shparky2197: I think that spoon is too big
RockPusher: fugiBus
DoodlestheGreat: FROOT BUS
RockPusher: Froot Froot
TheWriterAleph: fruitbuuuus
SymphonySolstice: froooooot
Stormgod519: oooh
Stormgod519: very cool
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Eggs?
DigitalSeahorse: smoothie bus
hawktonguebaby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hawktonguebaby! (Today's storm count: 50)
Singenmeister: froot froooooooot
RainyMint: Froot froot!
tidehollowcat: They are blueberries, now put them on the [bus]
ThorSokar: that is NOT what I was thinking of when I heard "Fruitbus"
DigitalSeahorse: yay
Stormgod519: aight, i gtg chat, gn everyone, thanks for the games LRR Team!!! lrrSHINE
Drasvin: If the smoothie is digital, can we download them?
A_Dub888: @shparky2197 Alex wants a good spooning
JadedCynic: yessssss <3
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrALEX lrrIAN lrrKATHLEEN lrrNELSON lrrMATT lrrBEEEJ and a vote for Jordynne to get her own emote!
TheAinMAP: lrrALEX
jacqui_lantern234: MAKE WAY FOR PIF
Stormgod519: @Thefluffiestguineapig second
bytecaster: Paul is correct
DigitalSeahorse: STALKER........
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do you want a cup of this games PIF?
schordash: and we get fun alex knowledge~
ButterBall000: Need to play more Eurojank
DigitalSeahorse: double yay!
ButButTheJesus: too hard and janky, love it
Strebenherz: wild pigs everywhere
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stand against the garbage!
bytecaster: Even more jank
JadedCynic: Alex gonna be busy on wednesday