
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: The Real Sparky Sparkswall
MungoDude vigorously grinds coffee beans
TXC2: Hello everybody!
Xed_Regulus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Xed_Regulus! (Today's storm count: 2)
Hello, and Happy Tuesday, Miners & Crafters!!!

TXC2: hello Xed_Regulus welcome

BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Minecraft on their Minecraft show, of course! Game: Minecraft) at Tue 10:00 AM PST (7s from now).
ShaneLeeAtk: !next


RocknGrohlNerd: Good evening/morning gamers
baskwalla: Hello all. Hello TXC2
RocknGrohlNerd: Hello TXC2
Angreed66: time to see what they landed on
PsychoI3oy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
PsychoI3oy: woo minceraft
Thanks for subscribing, PsychoI3oy! (Today's storm count: 3)
TXC2: hello baskwalla and RocknGrohlNerd welcome
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: are we back to modded today?
LoadingReadyRun: Yup
LoadingReadyRun: We'll see how this goes.

TXC2: the stream is back on the modded again!
SymphonySolstice: misread that as Craftifornia
Here in time for the intro! Hi chat! 
brieandbacon: @TXC2 mods? ewww
SymphonySolstice: can't believe they modded the entirety of California into minecraft

Anubis169: (o hai)
TXC2: hello jessicaengle welcome
TXC2: brieandbacon why you little!
mattyraft44: good a morning chat.
RebelliousUno: I can finally stop complaining about not being modded
TXC2: Here we GO!
jessicaengle: Yay!
terribleplan: I'm interested to see the state of modded MC. I don't think I've played much modded since probably 1.16?
TXC2: hello mattyraft44 welcome
TXC2: !uno
SymphonySolstice: morning james et al
Anubis169: gyooooooood MORNIN'!
Genie_M: Hello everyone
TXC2: Hello James
baltimore_667083: morning James!
brieandbacon: !dos

brieandbacon: We believe you
SymphonySolstice: good joke streamer
MrSarkhan: good joke streamer!
LordZarano: Well, that's a very different menu
TXC2: it rhymes!
Anubis169: commitment to the bit
TXC2: Hello Uno and Serge
jessicaengle: Uno doesn't stream from Craftoria?
mattyraft44: hi serge.
tearsofpirates subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months!
a lil for my fav stream that i can barely watch as an european. love you guys 
Thanks for subscribing, tearsofpirates! (Today's storm count: 4)
Kelderan: Wow. It's been a stretch
brieandbacon: Was that the islands pack?
tdapenguin: Serge seems faint compared to James
SFSMaus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SFSMaus! (Today's storm count: 5)
Angreed66: It still counts
jessicaengle: It's time!
TehAmelie: this mod seems elaborate, custom menu and all?
ElCoggins subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ElCoggins! (Today's storm count: 6)
TXC2: 2 and half, 10,000, same difference
brieandbacon: Ages...ages....ages
TXC2: ages ages ages
PsychoI3oy: random parkour maps
phoenixfeather14: the herringbone!
jessicaengle: How to timebox infinite content
uchihab7: serge throwing shade on stream today love it
jessicaengle: Is snorshecraft the one with the Beej Steves?
mattyraft44: when was the herringbone incident??
TXC2: jessicaengle snorshcraft had soul Beej
jessicaengle: @mattyraft44 I think it must have been Oceanblock, because I think Uno is wearing swim fins in that clip right?
do I want to ask what means this?
jessicaengle it was soul sand with the
face on it

MWGNZ: o7 vault hunters
TXC2: qwest?!
jessicaengle: What happened to vault hunters?
this feels like something you can google 
MungoDude: you have blocks
polaris415: @jessicaengle iskall is a slimebag. you can google.
MungoDude: nm
jessicaengle: I could, but I like chatting in chat. I'm talking to other people.
NerdWithoutName subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Thanks for subscribing, NerdWithoutName! (Today's storm count: 7)
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah chat we don't need to get into the Vault Hunters/Iskall stuff here, if you want to know you can look it up or talk about it elsewhere
maefly2: Any pack that makes you build a nuclear reactor is a hard pass for me
Angreed66: just punch your way out?
SymphonySolstice: welp
MungoDude: maybe Serge should bring non-quicksand blocks for you
yooo a craftoria stream
what version are yall on?
jessicaengle: Not everyone is aware of "the Vault Huters/Iskall stuff" you know.
polaris415: sounds good Sarah - was just trying to provide non-specific context that can be googled further. will avoid in future
Juliamon: jessicaengle Yes, but it's not appropriate for here
jessicaengle: That's what I'm saying, I didn't know that.
Tr3yMix: nice! this modpack is getting popular
Sarah_Serinde: No one's in trouble for bringing it up or providing a quick answer before we asked not to get into it, it's all good. We're just not going to get into farther details here

all cities are dangerous 
BrookJustBones: Is that Hotguy?
Tr3yMix: do yall know about the new crayfish furniture mod
Juliamon: Tr3yMix This is their very first venture into the modpack
MungoDude: stampy stomp stomp
Angreed66: good but not what you'd be used to
TXC2: Kirk's rock right there

James_the_Dabbler subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
James_the_Dabbler: happy 28
Thanks for subscribing, James_the_Dabbler! (Today's storm count: 8)
Juliamon: Of course an acacia-shaped tree would become birch planks...
Tr3yMix: hold ~
thedevil_risen1: Holy! MoC playing Modded!
Tr3yMix: wth
Angreed66: For those unaware that is a tree native to the pacific southwest and does look somewhat like that
DigitalSeahorse: woooo
TehAmelie: i'm more curious about that rad mountain
maefly2: Pneumaticraft is a trip
thedevil_risen1: 2 hearts and a dream
TXC2: I predict that falling in quick sand is gonna happen often
and it happens before I can finish typing 
Angreed66: nice dungeon home
mightygregdoge: James will be eaten by a grue
Angreed66: t's a classic modded dungeon
DigitalSeahorse: safe except for flying things
jessieimproved: it's a really good dungeon
TXC2: sandloos!
TehAmelie: what will they think of next in the sand factories
MungoDude: kite it to cactus?
TehAmelie: come to think, there should be a mod that makes the terrain generator make sand castles in deserts
DudelidouX: is this a quest book that gives you things cause might be food
thedevil_risen1: Hahahaha
MungoDude: gg

kumatsu: good job, Serge
thedevil_risen1: Trapped
TXC2: Cool game


100 that was definitely Serge's fault
Always check the towers for tnt. 
James_the_Dabbler: XD
TXC2: I feel like something like that should be in Arizona or New Mexico
thedevil_risen1: Trapped serge

TXC2: day 45 now
TehAmelie: why would the tower blow itself up ;_;
it was on day 2 before y'all died 
maefly2: Free heals and food, nice
DudelidouX: Did time progress because you died?
thedevil_risen1: Yeah probs dude
goatprince: hey james, have you beaten modded minecraft yet
LurkerSpine: it definitely said day 2 at the start of the stream
TehAmelie: maybe the dates synched up only when you died
thedevil_risen1: Time prog due to death
DudelidouX: Is it cause Serge set time?
shendaras: Maybe there's a penalty for dying that advances time? Is there some sort of time pressure you're under?
TehAmelie: i'm just grasping at straws
TXC2: goatprince no, they've been blow up once already
Juliamon: Day changed again??
Juliamon: It's biome-based?
Ceribai: Before it was day 2 of spring, so I think it might be based on the environment
Ceribai: Desert only has wet and dry season
TehAmelie: is that a whole tectonic plate of terracotta?
Ceribai: Would make sense
thedevil_risen1: Nah its been day 45 since serge blew em up
Juliamon: Watch the day change as you boat, James
thedevil_risen1: Hang on I'm behind lol
time has no meaning
terribleplan: Days only pass when you're in the biome?
SymphonySolstice: the season changes per biome it looks like
thedevil_risen1: Biome seasons. Ok
TXC2: bones float right?
SymphonySolstice: the day is staying the same
Juliamon: Each biome seems to have its own unique seasonal cycle
MungoDude: oh so there's tropical biomes with wet/dry seasons, and subtropical/temperate with summer/autumn/winter/spring? neat!
Gadora: Come to think of it, we're only assuming squid are a peaceful mob.
TehAmelie: maybe squids had three hearts full of hate all along
TXC2: are we going faster then normal?
Juliamon: Boat seems normal speed
TXC2: huh
TXC2: must be me then
jessieimproved: Oh the Biomes You'll Go --> Oh the Biomes You've Gone
jessieimproved: a successor
Tr3yMix: I think the terrain generator is teraforged
goatprince: why build anything yourself when you can just find it amirite
Tr3yMix: and the biomes are terralith, and oh the biomes you'll go
TehAmelie: that shaft is so vertical, a water bucket might just save the whole day. if only we had any iron eh
Kelderan: I missed the very start of the stream. What's the elevator pitch for this modpack?
MungoDude: 🥁

Mazrae: Hello everyone how are things going?
TXC2: hello Mazrae welcome
thedevil_risen1: Explosive so far
TheAinMAP: "Simply go through it."
TXC2: boat became a submarine there


thedevil_risen1: Hahahahaa
TehAmelie: diamond cut diamonds? such luxury
Angreed66: Sorry Serge that's on you
brieandbacon: So it's just Serge who is cursed, huh?
thedevil_risen1: Poor Serge
thedevil_risen1: Hahaha

TXC2: James pls!
fiftymcnasty: Why would you do that

Gadora: Poor Uno.
MrSarkhan: perfect start
goatprince: this is world-class minecraft playing right here
brieandbacon: Why are you like this?
thedevil_risen1: Human shield Uno
Sandeon: who let James drive?
MungoDude: let's mine some stone while we wait for them to get back?
So what Mod Pack are you playing next episode? 
Angreed66: You're above the water James not in it
gonna take it easy with some Super hostile 
jessieimproved: to be fair you all just like, jumped into a cave like yaaa haaaa hooooey
fiftymcnasty: 1 hour
scuba_antney: Wait... Now you're early spring day 3? What happened to 45?
brieandbacon: An hour, by the looks
thedevil_risen1: Biome based days apparently
"so what mod pack are we playing next episode" was a bad sign to come in on 
thedevil_risen1: It changes
DudelidouX: Still haven't open the book
jessieimproved: not that I'm complaining this is hilarious
thedevil_risen1: This mod pack is pretty wild
goatprince: usually when you open a book you begin to read
thedevil_risen1: They didn't go in easy
MungoDude: what if the book tells how an easy non-vanilla way to get the basics of survival?
thedevil_risen1: They went whope hog
DudelidouX: Some mods give you free stuff when you start
Angreed66: Usually opening the book helps with that
thedevil_risen1: *whole
Mazrae: Can you drown a mermaid?
Angreed66: A gold sword Serge. It's garbage
brieandbacon: Uno didn't die for a chest
TXC2: Mazrae with enough syrup sure
I mean Serge already killed James by opening a chest, so 
TheDevil_Risen: ^^^

MungoDude: relatively safe, apart from all the creepers etc
lamina5432: morning
TXC2: really what do you need your corpse to safe from? worms? mole? necromancers?
TheDevil_Risen: yep
TXC2: hello lamina5432 welcome
Jogela: POE3? Already
Cptasparagus: wait thats not vanilla right
you playing PoE2 now 
goatprince: time to pivot to path of exile, actually,
DudelidouX: That's not the worst poe type tree I've seen
TheDevil_Risen: Lets Go
noSmokeFire: Let's Poe

Skill tree inspired from hit game Talented? 
Sarah_Serinde: Adorable is what it is
TXC2: a wabbit ?
Sarah_Serinde: More than half expected James to kill it there
LordZarano: Is that a pokey man?
noSmokeFire: genuinely shocked that critter survived encountering james
Jayrod1220: Cut trees, hope for apples
goatprince: LOVE the shrubbery
brieandbacon: Maybe in the tower(s) there's food? Maybe in those trapped chests?
LathosTiran: in minecraft death is a solution to hunger
LordZarano: @noSmokeFire James isn't Serge
Tandtroll_OG: Maybe the trees will give apples
LathosTiran: clear cut the forest for apples?
goatprince: it's a good building platform at least
brieandbacon: It *is* peaceful there
Nickiatori: ooh a hot tub

SymphonySolstice: birb :>
Gadora: Easy bones for bonemeal to grow early crops, I guess?
Lord_Hosk: I like to imagine dragons
the amount of dragon bones just lying on the surface is disconcerting 
Angreed66: I'm still confused why James stopped at wooden tools
Gadora: Wait, why does James have some golden hearts?
brieandbacon: Seem to be coming from the sword?
TheDevil_Risen: apparently killing sheep gives the hearts
SymphonySolstice: :0
Seems like, yeah! 
TheDevil_Risen: might be something on one of his gear peices
letsbelgo: thats a magic tree
goatprince: because you're full of chat's love
fiftymcnasty: gear or sword maybe?
DudelidouX: think it's the sword
Mangledpixel: the sword appears to be giving them
Mangledpixel: and is about to break
baskwalla: Yeah the sword has overheal
TXC2: plays modded, perks up when gets to vanilla creatures
Sarah_Serinde: welp
MungoDude: it was made of butter after all
PsychoI3oy: now we'll never know
Boon_33: break.james
hauntedgecko: hi

TheDevil_Risen: [Makes you Addicted]
TheDevil_Risen: I agree
goatprince: deliciouse corfey

jessieimproved: Coffee?
TXC2: hello hauntedgecko welcome
JusticeJuice: I wonder if the wine making mod is in this pack?
can you make night vision coffee? 
DudelidouX: these are safer
DigitalSeahorse: neato
jessieimproved: instanced loot
frnknstn: instanced, leveled loot?
TXC2: Barrel booty, my highschool nickname
Angreed66: it's just to signify that your player has looted that chest
Jogela: James getting food and not eating is concerning
MungoDude: ooh, a bed
noSmokeFire: oh god, enchanting quanta is giving me flashbacks. what mod's that from, again?
TheMerricat: Don't even need to make a bed
TheDevil_Risen: you might want to check what seeds they were
Mangledpixel: farge lern
goatprince: Large Fern is my favourite local dude
Jayrod1220: Strider blanket?

Kelderan: That bed is excellent
TXC2: that feels like a real thing, Strider bedsheets
Mangledpixel: Strider bedsheets? I barely know her bedsheets
goatprince: for now and forever
appears fire tick is alive and well though 
Huskey3737: grab the torches from the chest?
maefly2: Might be able to craft a backpack if that's in this pack
frnknstn: it's on fire
creasehearst: a tree on fire
Angreed66: I'm guessing fire tick is still on
TheDevil_Risen: mmm tomato
SymphonySolstice: cool tower
Dalrint: Hello! I got so distracted watching a vod of loadingreadylive I forgot loading ready

TXC2: hello Dalrint welcome
letsbelgo: thats magic wood
jessieimproved: @Dalrint you are in for a treat
letsbelgo: you need it for magic
goatprince: do it, james
goatprince: plant the demon plants
Dalrint: @jessieimproved I just got to the lemonade adn jellybeans.
jessieimproved: let's gooo
Angreed66: yeah no notables or clusters

Angreed66: see starting food for opening the book
MungoDude: not enough inventory space for the free food
Dalrint: this is a little overwhelming
DigitalSeahorse: I hate hidden menus
maefly2: You can probably open quest menu with a hotkey, may not need to carry book
A_Dub888: What up gamers, how crafted are mines today?
TheMerricat: Chat, is the screen in front of Uno when he has the book open vanilla minecraft or from a mod? I don't play multi.
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
TXC2: TheMerricat it's from this mod
goatprince: oh my god, is that a diablo 2 style gem tier thing????
That's nice. 
goatprince: there's a little of everything here
LordZarano: Not knowing anything about this mod, I'd stick with the "Getting Started" section for now
technology is magic 
TheMerricat: All of those pull downs are the options in the 'main menu' you don't need to keep going back to getting started to pick them.
Ravynn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months, currently on a 130 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Ravynn! (Today's storm count: 9)
A_Dub888: Aren't we all really cool machines? If you really think about it
whomever chose this modpack as a starter needs a pay rise, or at least a bonus 
TheDevil_Risen: this is great
jessieimproved: yeah pros and cons to teams re:quests
Tandtroll_OG: I feel like the auto veinminer is going to kill a floor or two
A_Dub888: @TheDevil_Risen You're great
TheDevil_Risen: aww thanks A_Dubb
SAJewers: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Angreed66: Not doing the team makes progress even slower
MungoDude: the magic of cooperation
noSmokeFire: yeah, comes to whether you want to stretch progress or speed it up
scuba_antney: It means you're accomplishing things as a team instead of each.
Dalrint: An intervert plays a team game
Dalrint: introvert, even
SymphonySolstice: one thing at a time
DudelidouX: as if you'd ever come close to completion
we hadn't completed tips and tricks 
TheMerricat: You don't have to mine, you just need to get xp, however you want to get it.
TheDevil_Risen: yeah any XP
DigitalSeahorse: a game called minecraft would seem silly if it had no need for mining
A_Dub888: Jump down a hole?
MungoDude: click the tick ✔️
DudelidouX: you choose what to pursuit
A_Dub888: Click the tick, that's the...... tick?
goateedave86: Not sure what engagement you're looking for but Ars Nouveau is super easy to start with and the storage you can get with it is incredibly easy/cheap
boyesie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Thanks for subscribing, boyesie! (Today's storm count: 10)
weekendjedi42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
Thanks for subscribing, weekendjedi42! (Today's storm count: 11)
TheDevil_Risen: Panda Bed!
DigitalSeahorse: a panda bed
ALLxISxLOST: maybe everyone picks a tech path, do their thing while collectively helping the group, meet back up, head down to The Winchester, have a pint, and wait for all this to blow over.
^^^ i like that suggestion 
DudelidouX: search @ name of mod might have a special table
goateedave86: Smithing table aparrently
Mod creators create huge overwhelming guide book to explain how to do everything, streamers get overloaded by all the info and refuse to read it. Proceed to ask how to do everything. 
LucasTheDrgn: apotheosis adds armor stats to other armor
TheMerricat the circle of life 
TheDevil_Risen: haha o/ @TXC2 @TheMerricat
James_the_Dabbler: @themerricat Chat is become Modbook
goateedave86: Modbook's are only as good as their lookup functions. Chat is the ultimate lookup
ALLxISxLOST: @James_the_Dabbler except more and less certain on the info
goatprince: you should cherish your friends, james
jessieimproved: quest book!
goateedave86: I like to go through a modpack and pick a mod that looks interesting. Start there
I like to do that too, then I spend the rest of the time playing that modpack using create and minecolonies. 
A_Dub888: @goatprince does he cherish you?
TheDevil_Risen: finally a use for copper!
Jayrod1220: Punching a Modded chunk is bound to give you a lot of different things to figure out
goatprince: @A_Dub888 i'm afraid to ask
SymphonySolstice: all in on Barrel
TehAmelie: from day 1, i thought making a strip mine was a fine way to start figuring out what's in the game
ALLxISxLOST: What would be funny about the copper barrel would be there being a 1 in 4 chance of getting shocked by static every time you open it.
TheMerricat: Chat, I'm going to be an old right now.... I remember when I 'discovered' Minecraft either from a shoutout from Wil Wheaton or Sheamus Young, can't remember which, when it was still a browser embedded app. God this game has evolved.

James got jumpscared by a creeper 
Cptasparagus: ligmaite
James_the_Dabbler: This pack probably has copper tools and armor
TXC2: TheMerricat to be fair, i would be weirder if something had 15 years of development and was mostly the same
Jayrod1220: Light bulbs!
DigitalSeahorse: looked like a creeper's doggo
ALLxISxLOST: @TXC2 pokemon?
TehAmelie: i hope tungsten can only make stacks of 16 or something
TXC2: ALLxISxLOST hey oh!
TehAmelie: cause it's heavy
ALLxISxLOST: I absolutely say that as a fan btw
Dalrint: Modded always has too many different like....things. Do you really need thirty ores?
Sarah_Serinde: I dunno, Pokemon's added and changed a fair amount of stuff over the years
Sarah_Serinde: And has a ton of different formats beyond the mainline games
TXC2: ALLxISxLOST oh indeed, I've spent the last 2 months playing Age of empires 2, so I'm in the same boat
Juliamon: Maybe we don't touch the uranium
SquirrelEarl: Yet
TheDevil_Risen: yeah probs not a good idea to grab spicy rocks yet
SquirrelEarl: Do not touch it yet
brieandbacon: Everything is edible once!
TehAmelie: i just thought, why doesn't lapis act like negative current redstone?
ThorSokar: I'm sure it's fine if you don't breathe it
alexanderreay11: <message deleted>I like your cut g
alexanderreay11: <message deleted>Dick

Jayrod1220: Exploding that*

If it were me, I simply wouldn't get got by the trapped chests 


MoonlitAllie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
MoonlitAllie: 4 years!
Thanks for subscribing, MoonlitAllie! (Today's storm count: 12)
MungoDude: whose ranium ?
BlueFingers5: oh no, who let him have that
TehAmelie: will we have to do anything about it?
DigitalSeahorse: YOURanim
TXC2: shouldn't Uranium be yellow ?
SymphonySolstice: [JamesLRR has died of radiation poisoning]
TehAmelie: having uranium seems like a problem that will solve itself
A_Dub888: Why does James have my Anium?
Cunobelenos: Alex would like a word with you as LRR's Radiation Safety Officer.
Juliamon: TXC2 Maybe it's yellow but glows green
TheDevil_Risen: hehehe
alexanderreay11: <message deleted>Why the fuck did I get a timeout
TXC2: also the amount of uranium in a given ore is probabaly fine to touch, just not breath or ingest
ExachixKitsune: chonky
alexanderreay11: <message deleted>Bastard shit
alexanderreay11: <message deleted>Shit
Juliamon: Please be polite.
DigitalSeahorse: neato
get em Julia 
A_Dub888: @TXC2 what if eat?


A_Dub888 then enjoy you're express trip to the bad times 
TheDevil_Risen: ooo summon ender chest! that's ballin Serge!
TXC2: (your
TheDevil_Risen: good find
Boon_33: Mods are loved for both their swords/shields and their excellent defense.
brieandbacon: @TXC2 what if we're already there?
TXC2: brieandbacon well then make cocktails
SymphonySolstice: uhhhh
MungoDude: you could be improving your mining speed even more with these skill points
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha jmaes dug into somewhere BAD
SymphonySolstice: welp
A_Dub888: @Boon_33 Mods with the best Monster Hunter weapon
ExachixKitsune: ooh a skill tree
hello deep dark 
Cunobelenos: run away!
ALLxISxLOST: I thought for a second they had like the horror mod added in
Forlorgen: Balrog is coming james
SymphonySolstice: bravely run away away they bravely ran away
TheAinMAP: Dug too deep.
A_Dub888: @ALLxISxLOST with all this uranium, it could be what with the radiation and all
ALLxISxLOST: fair enough
RoseBitter: good afternoon
brieandbacon: Creepers camouflaged as Uno?
DigitalSeahorse: the creepers here are stoners
TXC2: hello RoseBitter welcome
Bratmon: Just got in. I assume everyone is handling radioactive materials safely and properly?
TheDevil_Risen: ooo amtimony, you can use that to make tin!
TehAmelie: fluorite, uranium, is this world made up of explodium?
MungoDude: I wonder how fast one could punch a chunk with these mods
Bratmon lets say yes, and stay happy 
ALLxISxLOST: A_Dub888 radiated sheep giving nice prewarmed wool... ignore the glow, its fine.
IIRC the creeper mod adds creeper skins for a bunch of biomes. So expect a lot of jumpscares. 
SymphonySolstice: @bratmon james is Definitely not carrying raw uranium in his pocket. not at all
DigitalSeahorse: LOL
DigitalSeahorse: into lava
BlueFingers5: jump and count them
RayFK: Coward, take that block out
MungoDude: 512
RayFK: Let the stairs be dangerous
brieandbacon: 512
Jayrod1220: Well someone's going to fall into that
noSmokeFire: the hard part is surviving the fall
A_Dub888: @Bratmon We asked Alex and he threw his hands up in the air and yelled "FINE!" So I think we're good
Gadora: Falls would be exciting.
TXC2: "look, the risk of cancer from handling uranium is no higher then say, screwing a pack of cigarettes..."
MungoDude: you'd probably need to craft a few picks along the way
Dalrint: I leave that to a punch chunking expert.
LordZarano: That's not layer by layer though
ExachixKitsune: @TXC2 : that's not where you insert those
Uno found teh demon seeds 
ExachixKitsune pornhub says differently 
brieandbacon: !isitgreenyet
LRRbot: I don't know, go check James' home stream at
Gadora: What if you did that horizontally and punched eight chunks at a time, layer by layer?
ExachixKitsune: !plan
LRRbot: What are those???
A_Dub888: @ExachixKitsune I know cigarettes can kill, but.....
TXC2: !mcplan
LRRbot: Today on Mine O'Clock: After 10,000 years it's back to modded!, so join the bois as they play through Craftoria.
ExachixKitsune: oh lovely
ExachixKitsune: !sassplan
LRRbot: I don't know, go ask Serge's mods.
ExachixKitsune: !flan
ExachixKitsune: what
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
SymphonySolstice: free house!
ofstrife: a tiny hut in the most minecraft way
A_Dub888: @LRRbot "Ahhhh after ten thousand years I'm FREEEE! It's time to play Minecraft"
TXC2: A_Dub888 exactly what I was going for
letsbelgo: I love ars
SymphonySolstice: emergency creeper protection
letsbelgo: you can make cool spells
Gadora: What happens if you're not on the ground when you cast it?
letsbelgo: james ignored the invite earlier
Cunobelenos: I got a rock...
Dalrint: So Uno got a rock.
tsuuisalie: you had wooden axe
SymphonySolstice: wooden axe...
MungoDude: do you need to picaxe it because it's copper?
maefly2: No backpacks?
MungoDude: a named empty map?
Huskey3737: Is the red lave or the place to dig?
Huskey3737: lava*
Juliamon: It's a pool that might be lava, but who knows with this pack
creasehearst: probably because it's no longer in your inventory?
ALLxISxLOST: maybe its a pool of cherry jello
jessieimproved: pick it back up?
Juliamon: we have seen crude oil pools already
A_Dub888: @TXC2 "Alpha Rita's escaped, teleport to us 5 greifers with attitude"
TehAmelie: i hope you can make a bronze barrel. antibacterial and rust proof
TheDevil_Risen: oo roller skates!
Dalrint: the best part is when they don't play this for a week, none of them will remember any of this next time.
TehAmelie: someone will have to type down the cliff notes from this episode (not it)
ALLxISxLOST: nose goes
Stormgod519: Morning everyone!
TXC2: hello Stormgod519 welcome
Stormgod519: hi TXC2 Frien!
Stormgod519: oooh, this looks interesting
Stormgod519: what we doing?
@Stormgod519 Minecraft 
Stormgod519: well, its not Dittofar's that's for sure....
mjiig: Copper sounds like a terrible material to make a backpack out of
TXC2: Stormgod519 it's day 1 of the new modpack Caftoria
Stormgod519: ah
Stormgod519: modpack fun
Jakelope13: No curio slots?
ALLxISxLOST: it was his hat Jame! it belongs to Smitty Webenjagerjenson's!
TheDevil_Risen: now their adventruin
Serge has gone full indiana with the hat tho 
TXC2: I legit thought Serge looked more like Dan Olson in his latest video
@TXC2 yeah that's fair 
TheDevil_Risen: oo a ship!
ALLxISxLOST: minigun?!
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Serge shows up at the Moonbase with a pair of slabs with definitely real human feet embedded in them
TehAmelie: wouldn't that give you chest compressions?
TXC2: A_Dub888 100% authentic man feet
MungoDude: open something
maefly2: Compressed iron is useful for pneumaticraft, worth keeping
ALLxISxLOST: TXC2 I don't like that wording
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha less fall damage
ALLxISxLOST you shouldn't 
ElektroTal: this is not a great sales pitch for modded, ngl
Tandtroll_OG: Serge did say Uno felt like a mutton person
Chesul: I think you might just be falling slower?
SquirrelEarl: Can Uno be sheered for wool
Dalrint: I love modded, but it's the minecraft equivolent of exploding a toybox and then playing with whatever is scattered around
goatprince: guess how vanilla minecraft feels to newer players (hint: just like this)
TheDevil_Risen: HAHAHA
TXC2: this is a wild animation going down this ladder
Diabore: this is deep
TheDevil_Risen: 10/10 no notes
letsbelgo: you guys are also jumping in to a big mod pack, rather than something small
kdefinition subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
Thanks for subscribing, kdefinition! (Today's storm count: 13)
Jakelope13: Modded tends to be a lot at once, and stays a lot right up until it clicks, and then you start understanding what's going on
ExachixKitsune: They've done little modpacks before letsbelgo ; but just a long while ago
TXC2: retae ekans !
TheDevil_Risen: Our Loot Comrade!
TheDevil_Risen: Lets go! black hole!
terribleplan: blaggole
ALLxISxLOST: is the enderchest in this still separate or collective?

maefly2: Looks like there are multiple options for magic
Brutask: if you put a scroll in a spellbook then it isn't single use
Brutask: meh, scrolls are kinda common
Stormgod519: WHAT?
TehAmelie: Deus Ex references? oh my
Juliamon: We didn't ask for this...
TheDevil_Risen: grapes! you can make wine
Dalrint: So what's the difference between this modpack and 'All the things' modpacks?
MungoDude: remember you can shove stuff in your backpack
Stormgod519: baby latasha
goatprince: serge is like 'kill the baby. do it, james.'
TXC2: Dalrint this pack has some professional UI work
Brutask: you killed the baby! 🤯
Luck affects the chance of better loot 
TehAmelie: here's all the lego pieces
Stormgod519: Herringbone moment
Stormgod519 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 209 in the channel!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TomatoKigu!
Thanks for the gift, Stormgod519! Welcome to TomatoKigu! (Today's storm count: 14)
goatprince: james learned a glyph
TXC2: what a thrill!
Stormgod519: Cheers James
Stormgod519: happy to help
TXC2: in darkness and silence through the night!
Jayrod1220: Are you Siri-us?
ALLxISxLOST: oh my gosh its so cute!
Stormgod519: is that a mini Ben?
ALLxISxLOST: I love it
Jayrod1220: Baby moose?
ALLxISxLOST: please let it be dangerous
terribleplan: Ewok moose?
A_Dub888: Canadian cryptid?
Stormgod519: like, it's got Ben's shirt
TXC2: a Minnesota vikings fan ?
SursaiKosecksi: Drygmy
Stormgod519: what is the shape of a friend?
ExachixKitsune: It's friend shaped, but it's NOT FRIEND
A_Dub888: It WAS friend shaped. That's how they get you
TXC2: Stormgod519 fluffy ears
this but with a strikethrough
Stormgod519: @TXC2 hmmmm.
Diabore: you should steal this tower
ALLxISxLOST: I call it, the Tower of Pundon
Stormgod519: new village and pillage update
Stormgod519: oh god
Stormgod519: a vindicator
A_Dub888: !card chain lightning
LRRbot: Chain Lightning [R] | Sorcery | Chain Lightning deals 3 damage to any target. Then that player or that permanent's controller may pay {R}{R}. If the player does, they may copy this spell and may choose a new target for that copy.
DudelidouX: claiming chunk is a must in public servers
A_Dub888: Serge thinks teams are bizzarre, pass it on
SymphonySolstice: dooooot
I like that Serge finds it, but James takes the diamonds 
ALLxISxLOST: different chest instances
TXC2: that SHOULD be a portal
ExachixKitsune: MY LEGGINS
Stormgod519: oh James
SymphonySolstice: welp
Genie_M: Bye James
Barb4rian: We live here now
varmintx0: "I fu...messed up"
northos: a shortcut to iron!
maefly2: Free iron, nice
Brutask: purple tower is peaceful
TXC2: wizard's tower, one time
ALLxISxLOST: at least James wasn't sent to the nether, the end, or some other dimension.
TXC2: ALLxISxLOST I assumed the portal would be to the nether
terribleplan: At least it wasn't like mystcraft or whatever that was where you could just get stuck in a new dimension
ALLxISxLOST: funnier if he was sent to the deep dark or the mining dimension
TXC2: turns the stream into Quantum Leap
ALLxISxLOST: dealing with the gru or the mining beast would be hectic
NapalmSideburns: A final sheering
goatprince: you gotta ranch some goats, james
A_Dub888: @goatprince is there room in the budget?
TXC2: I suspect Goats prefer honey to ranch
ALLxISxLOST: James just off on his own mining adventure around the land
Jelkimantis: Hey chat. This is looking fun, what are the mods they’re using?
ALLxISxLOST: TXC2 you sure they don't like bbq sauce?
Bowlsrus2000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months, currently on a 28 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Bowlsrus2000! (Today's storm count: 15)
TXC2: Jelkimantis this is the Craftoria mod pack
noSmokeFire: that sounds like you could use this to make a fast travel point
Diabore: maybe the next leap will be the leap home
Dalrint: Is this pack all magic or does it have technology packs too?
noSmokeFire: @Dalrint there's a hacking minigame, apparently
ALLxISxLOST goats are into HP sauce 
Thanks @txc2! I’ll look into setting that up to play with my kids. 
Bowlsrus2000: hi
TXC2: hello Bowlsrus2000 welcome
Stormgod519: experience WHAT?
TXC2: spreading, like butter
noSmokeFire: very terraria, yeah
Diabore: the amount i wanted that to be one of the instant death amounts is immeasurable
Stormgod519: that's kinda sick
Tehbeard: Having poked around, very terraria vibes.
Jayrod1220: That also turns off fire tick
jessieimproved: that's actually really cool
ALLxISxLOST: look at all them chickens
Jayrod1220: East
jessieimproved: IMO Rebounding good when you're in an area with really powerful mobs, bad like all other times
ALLxISxLOST: weast
TehAmelie: that must be the most lava i've ever seen had space to run from one source block
TheAwkes: You've got super digging, tunneling through might actually be faster?
RayFK: Stop being gross
Stormgod519: hi Jordan
Stormgod519: lol
EtherosLeVeque subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
EtherosLeVeque: That's literally 5/6ths of a year!
Yeah this one's your responsibility James 
Thanks for subscribing, EtherosLeVeque! (Today's storm count: 16)
Stormgod519: someone modded Jordan
RayFK: Omae wa mo Mod-deru
brieandbacon: Hi Sleepy, we're chat.
Stormgod519: huh?
TehAmelie: the power of fluffy wool?
Barb4rian: Power of sheep
2010 flash game ass UI here 
Jayrod1220: Can you eat grass?
ExachixKitsune: OH now we need to guess if you're looking at us

noSmokeFire: click the shinies?
TXC2: he's got a brand new pair of roller skates
Brutask: draw lines!
Diabore: i think i get it?
RayFK: Click the lines themselves, might be able to delete
jessieimproved: I am very mid on the Relics mod tbh, some of them are powerful but the UI is clunky
terribleplan: you are now a sheep
Boon_33: we grazing?
Ms_LadyMix: Oh you're a sheep
Boon_33: we grazing now.
Jayrod1220: So I was right,-ish
TXC2: 6.8 is a VERY specific time interval
ALLxISxLOST: thats honestly so useful
noSmokeFire: @jessieimproved it's kind of cute, but definitely seems clunky. maybe we'll see something better inspired by it down the line
badpandabear: But can you be sheared for wool?
if only you healed in caves 
jessieimproved: I have a few Relics (TM) in my modded inventory rn
grander_pastures: SHEEP
TehAmelie: now we can graze the wither
Dalrint: Too many options.
Boon_33: infinite enegry from grass, how novel.
Juliamon: it's Exp. Share
grander_pastures: What's this mod/pack?
Juliamon: Craftoria
grander_pastures: We close enough to Thaum 7?
ALLxISxLOST: this one is just broken in conjunction to other relics.
noSmokeFire: !mod
TheMerricat: C
grander_pastures: @juliamon sick thank you
grander_pastures: @themerricat thank you
TehAmelie: hmm if you carry dirt blocks with you can you make grass to eat?
TehAmelie: in caves and such
Juliamon: I think you'd need to carry grass blocks
Also, given the start of the stream, I'm amused the site has a currated list of seeds to generate your world with for 'cool stuff'. 
Jayrod1220: I would guess the pressure tubes could be storage related
terribleplan: hourglass
ALLxISxLOST: Are other people able to look into your backpack while you are wearing it?
grander_pastures: YOO BOTANIA
grander_pastures: I thought that book looked/sounded familiar
Juliamon: the pressure tubes are PneumaticCraft
grander_pastures: @themerricat that's actually v sick, makes sure you get Cool Things
grander_pastures: Damn, now I wanna play this, but I'm on a laptop, might be too much
ExachixKitsune: making the most of the modpack
grander_pastures: Woo!
ALLxISxLOST: how big is a netherite barrel? like 24x24 on the inside?
Cptasparagus: drawers are very low barrier to entry
SquirrelEarl: 200 Netherite Barrels
Brutask: quest to the magical bookwyrm if you want magical storage
noSmokeFire: several of these magic mods have smart storage
Anubis169: noSmokeFire: we call it hammerspace, it's where we keep our banhammers
ALLxISxLOST: I personally always enjoyed the storage drawers
good Lords what is this? 
TehAmelie: someone called it 2010 Flash game aesthetics, seems accurate
goatprince: well you already learned a glyph, james, so you know all this stuff alreay
ExachixKitsune: @Anubis169 ohhh, that's why it's called hammerspace
ExachixKitsune: They are named after symbols used in boolean logic: A GLYPH B
ExachixKitsune: no wait I can improve on that joke
terribleplan: Yeah, it's where you keep your comically large hammer
ExachixKitsune: They are named after symbols used in boolean logic: GYLPH A THEN B
Xerodin: Will you guys ever have wheeler on mine o clock?
ALLxISxLOST: is there any kind of loot bags, crates, or whatever that you can open?
bethjch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bethjch! (Today's storm count: 17)
terribleplan: Guess you're doing AE... XD
ExachixKitsune: AE2 my beloved
Brutask: the budding stuff degrades over time, except the 1 flawless per meteorite
Barb4rian: Ooo 3D effects
getting into CAD over here 
MehallD: I have never gotten to grips with AE2, but Refined Storage isn't in the current version yet
thedevil_risen1: Mmm jerky and wasabi peas
terribleplan: What if AE2 was just AE1 again?
noSmokeFire: have 100% of the relics they've found been those boots?
thedevil_risen1: Haha worker exploitation
goatprince: james how could you
thedevil_risen1: Uno gotta look good
Diabore: james, just now: worker exploitation, so cute
James the capitalist, next he'll be lording land 
thedevil_risen1: When doesn't he
thedevil_risen1: The mtg curse has nit broken yet
frog bed 
thedevil_risen1: Rabbit!+!
TXC2: thedevil_risen1 touché
ALLxISxLOST: "Have I been here? Nope, chests are golden"
Diabore: this seems like a great base
thedevil_risen1: Hahaha
thedevil_risen1: F
DudelidouX: Did james forget his backpack?
Krillin_fan: but serge, it's not saturday
mercano82: These kitchen sink mod packs really need to include a mod that increases your base inventory size. There's just so much stuff you pick up in an expedition.
thedevil_risen1: Keep talking and no one bricksplodes!
Jigokuro: AE2 basically says, "This is tremendously powerful, so it's hard to acquire." Which was true when it was new, but then RS said, "That's not so much powerful as convenient, so here it is as an easy QoL option."
ExachixKitsune: oh those spider animations are NOT OK
thedevil_risen1: Just o8ke Australia
thedevil_risen1: *like
Jigokuro: Since people had gotten used to having it and got to the point that not having it was just plain annoying.
ALLxISxLOST: James "Out of my way losers" Turner.
thedevil_risen1: No pressure
TXC2: vorticals ?
mercano82: You probably need a pnuematicraft machine to charge it.

TehAmelie: holes, why is it always holes
ALLxISxLOST: love when the thing happens
brieandbacon: James, that was a Wither Skelly
CmdrMadMoe: that particular dungeon mod has levels going down that are visually different

goatprince: jaaaaaames why did you diiiiiie
thedevil_risen1: Haha whoopee cusion
TXC2: 10 min adventure to James' grave!
CmdrMadMoe: you can mute specific sounds
TXC2: nah, Uno's doing the lord's work
REALLY thought james was gonna jump off as though he has Elytra 
chuckyd0203 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Thanks for subscribing, chuckyd0203! (Today's storm count: 18)
brieandbacon: Now *that* is the James we know
ALLxISxLOST: I assume there are gliders you can make/get
Stormgod519: ggs fam
lamina5432: gnight
Tandtroll_OG: Good stream! I love adventure modpacks
Julian_Rogue: I just got here tho ;-;
TXC2: thanks for streaming James, Uno and Serge
RoseBitter: danke fur strem
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Fruitbus) at Tue 01:30 PM PST (33m from now).
SymphonySolstice: froot frooooot
TXC2: !events
LurkerSpine: which is this? the 3rd remaster?
TXC2: Dale Hype!
GasCityGaming: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Fruitbus) at Tue 01:30 PM PST (31m from now).
Jayrod1220: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Heather's Secret Podcast
omnilord subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
Thanks for subscribing, omnilord! (Today's storm count: 19)
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
brieandbacon: Buh byyyyeeeeeee!!
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
TXC2: goodnight everybody
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