TheAinMAP: Signal
DideRobot: LRR: Cameron and Cori are going to bus on they fruit until the customers stop coming 🍒 https:/ |
LordZarano: lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG
loufghyslaufey: (snorting) Hm-Mmph. BUS
baltimore_667083: hi cam! hi cori!
loufghyslaufey: The Talking must BUS on until the Desert Simulates...!!
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrCAMERON lrrCORI
loufghyslaufey: Also, Hello
loufghyslaufey: Oh, oh. That Monkey Puppet Stare meme
iris_of_ether: Tiltyhouse followed you
Amentur: Content™ slowwaPopcorn
EvilBadman: Welcome to wetmics
TheAwkes: Choices have been made.
Jethrain: Ben will flay for this
EvilBadman: Scented cravats
iris_of_ether: Mmmm VoCs
dumbo3k: I’m sure no one will clip this
StringCheeseRiot: *hops on the fruitbus*
TheMerricat: Chat do vapor rubs actually do anything or were they all just psychological?
EvilBadman: You saying we should go to this museum?
iris_of_ether: Yankee
Jethrain: Yankee candles?
iris_of_ether: There's a LRL or Desert Bus that's Yankee Candle or Hallmark Movie
korvys: cuir bouilli
SymphonySolstice: chat, please clap, I sent an email I've been putting off for 2 weeks
CaptainSpam: Froot froot, motherbussers.
iris_of_ether: seabatClap
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
dumbo3k: yeah Gambeson we’re the most common
SymphonySolstice: thank u thank u
iris_of_ether: I know there's a post kicking around out there on grad students who used rabbit glue to make linen armor, and discovering it's both really really hard to cut and makes a great dog chew toy
dumbo3k: padding the brain box is important
BrowneePointz: stupid Shotgun mics
BrowneePointz: and being persnickety
SymphonySolstice: hm. bad filtering
korvys: Does butter not have butter as an ingredient?
spo8n: they misspelled butter
Gadora: @iris_of_ether You want to cut it before pasting it together, and they also tested it by shooting an arrow at it while someone was wearing it.
spo8n: did you try buttr?
SymphonySolstice: LUL
loufghyslaufey: Wait. Help chat understand?
loufghyslaufey: What's happening to butter?
BrowneePointz: I still love how the Mythbusters did the Folded Paper Armor and found out it was REAL effective @iris_of_ether
TheAwkes: Some kind of stealth vegan filter.
SymphonySolstice: huh
goombalax: its called WHT
spethycakes: your data has been tracked
goombalax: Nuts To You?!
spo8n: which warehouse are you searching?
BrowneePointz: HALF A GALLON?
EvilBadman: I don't get actual butter either
iris_of_ether: CAM
Jethrain: body butter, made with real bodies
loufghyslaufey: Anything with signature in its name is obligated to be signed with each unit(s) sold
Amentur: (Fruit)Bus is coming ayashuNomnom
loufghyslaufey: Otherwise "What the BUTTer are they doing!
loufghyslaufey: "
spethycakes: butter data SOLD
spo8n: I think "elgin" might be the keyword that only gets you butter
Jethrain: exclusive fullscreen is "actual fullscreen", as opposed to windowed fullscreen or a borderless window
spo8n: it's the internal brand for the ks butter
TheAwkes: Living that 3440x1440 lifestyle.
Jethrain: the kind of fullscreen that makes it awkward to alt-tab out
GedankenPalast_: @TheAwkes That's my next res I'm going to buy
CaptainSpam: I would be more willing to upgrade to a 4k display if anyone would make a dang 16:10 version that didn't cost $everything.
SymphonySolstice: magical....
EvilBadman: @GedankenPalast_ your new year's res
GedankenPalast_: @EvilBadman Nice, I like that one :D
CaptainSpam: Pumpkins aren't fruits! This game is a fraud right away! lrrLUL
Akaiatana: You're a gourd person
accountmadeforants: @TheAwkes Yeah, I've also been on 3440x1440 for a while now. The one downside is when there's 21:9 video that's been letter-boxed to 16:9 :) (Some YouTube people need to learn that YouTube does in fact support resolutions other than 16:9)
Jethrain: @CaptainSpam Pumpkins are fruits
accountmadeforants: *other aspect ratios
TheAwkes: @accountmadeforants That's my chief complaint too. At it's worst when the pilot episode of a streaming show is in real 21:9, then the later episodes are in letterboxed 16:9 and appear at only ~1/4 their size on the screen.
baltimore_667083: subocean?
Astramentha: :0
loufghyslaufey: Wow, already?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: so if baby humans call toy small humans "dolls" do baby bears call Teddy bears "Dolls"?
Astramentha: D: nooooo teddy
Akaiatana: Fatal Plush
CaptainSpam: @Jethrain Dangit!
loufghyslaufey: Gall, you saw that glare
TheMerricat: Grandma is letting us use a KNIFE?
Akaiatana: Disappointed Hades loading screens but it's this Grandma
accountmadeforants: @TheAwkes There are is an add-on to forcibly fix it (Ultrawidify), but it still means stretching a small image to a higher resolution...
Astramentha: gramma is so critical 😭
accountmadeforants: Eat the cores
Akaiatana: Bears can digest them
Jethrain: making salad like a real professional, with apples directly from the floor
Pteraspidomorphi: Are there blueberries?
TheMerricat: Grandma ate the BOWL!
Astramentha: @pteraspidomorphi and can we put them on the train?
accountmadeforants: @Akaiatana So can humans, just not very well. :p (I believe Beej demonstrates this fact occasionally)
Sarah_Serinde: A bear pass
iris_of_ether: unarmeGameplay
Akaiatana: Character proportion wise, this game really reminds me of Bugsnax
TheAwkes: @accountmadeforants When I care enough to keep watching I just find myself a copy that's encoded properly elsewhere.
jacqui_lantern234: hey ya heccin nerds whomst i love beyond measure <3
accountmadeforants: And it can control the minds of other fruits
Jethrain: i can't decide if the low frame animation on grandma is kind of endearing or kind of unsettling
BrowneePointz: Bears are ancient Mammals
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Akaiatana: Oh, this is The Last of Us
loufghyslaufey: ScaredyCat ScaredyCat 10 years of what? mattlrWoof mattlrWoof
kusinohki: meows
BrowneePointz: kind of I think. I believe Giant Pandas are at least 6 million years old as an Evolutionary offshoot alone Cam
BrowneePointz: then again, apparently Giant Pandas are the oldest Ursine Species still living, so there's that
Akaiatana: The H beam on its side
KeytarCat: the /ih/ beam
BrowneePointz: Mr Scrap Man...bring me a Scrap
BrowneePointz: Make it not rusty, and make it not crap
BrowneePointz: bum bum bum bum
dumbo3k: my Fursona is a Crane
kusinohki: a crane? wouldn't that be a birdsona??
jacqui_lantern234: @dumbo3k love me an avian :P
Akaiatana: You're not union
jacqui_lantern234: "dearest pumpkin" is a weird way to address me :P
kusinohki: dearest avocado @jacqui
jacqui_lantern234: @kusinohki i didnt say it was WRONG :P
CaptainSpam: "They may need some convincing. But that is where the fruitbus's tire iron comes in!"
BrowneePointz: Venba
jacqui_lantern234: yall cant prove im not a pumpkin :P
EvilBadman: venba
iris_of_ether: Gam-gam needs a little accomplice for some kneecappings
iris_of_ether: Venba
jacqui_lantern234: Venba Bus
Astramentha: D:
Akaiatana: I want this game to exist in Night the Woods' world.
kusinohki: glorius 24 frames per second
Akaiatana: You'll have to urn your keep
goombalax: SLAM in the back of my FRUITULAAA
CaptainSpam: I still find it somewhat funny that Dragula is very actually about one of the cars from The Munsters.
kusinohki: "standard" refering to a clutch is so weird... it hasn't been standard in quite a while...
loufghyslaufey: More like... "Benba VUS," right? @jacqui_lantern234 mattlrDogchamp mattlrPika mattlrBonk
NapalmSideburns: they were all Faberge enginess
dumbo3k: Excuse me, we are Pumpkin! Not Cupcake!
Akaiatana: That's why you call her by her legal name
NapalmSideburns: bodyslam mom over the rail ing!
SymphonySolstice: a HATER???
MungoDude: GriddyGoose
Akaiatana: Cactholic confession
NapalmSideburns: time to buy that cabin from mom I guess
Akaiatana: Hey mom, I have you and a cactus and the cactus succs less
dumbo3k: Anything is a urinal if you try hard enough
NapalmSideburns: everything's a urinal if you're drunk enough
CaptainSpam: "Hey, mom? This cactus is less confrontational than you."
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
EricTheOrange: animating on... 20's?
kusinohki: banamas triangle? quadrangle??
Akaiatana: I do not like the text box moving
bytecaster: I just came in and I was promised bus but this seems like boat?
Akaiatana: @bytecaster Bus iss on ferry
bytecaster: I see, thank you!
niccus: so many cozy games about fighting for gainful employment/income
Mathwyn: Fruitbus? Any relation to fruit train I wonder? (fruit fruit)
dumbo3k: the platonic ideal of fruit
NoxStryx: Bussing sumulator
CaptainSpam: Yummy Yummy.
Akaiatana: A Salad dressing down
Mathwyn: Honk honk bus, fruit fruit
bytecaster: Uuuh, the slicing animation is fun
NapalmSideburns: Bowl and all
dumbo3k: please do not hand feed the customers. they have to pay extra for that
NapalmSideburns: He ate it bowl and all, that's dedication!
bytecaster: "Thumbs down"
goatprince: 'use'
dumbo3k: Urn's Haunted
Jethrain: "do you wish to huff the urn?"
AzisMeNapravi subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AzisMeNapravi! (Today's storm count: 20)
bytecaster: Use Urn, huh
NapalmSideburns: @Jethrain Pass the grandma on the left-hand side
kusinohki: rub the urn 3 times and grandma appears??
Mathwyn: Just be sure you don't use gramma as a topping
dumbo3k: Wait, if there is a Plank upgrade, does that mean we can make Unruly Customers walk the Plank?!
Jethrain: The top side
Mathwyn: This bus sure needs some upgrades
CaptainSpam: Maybe you're the only vehicle.
bytecaster: Noto: You can never leave
niccus: plank upgrades are either really big or really small
Astramentha: welcome to the Hotel Banamas
kusinohki: "NO. to anywhere else"
Akaiatana: Miles Prower grew up too fast
kusinohki: why is there a hammer?
spo8n: what if you hold an octopus in each hand?
BrowneePointz: Speaking of Non-standard animation framerate, are either of you excited for/intrigued to play South of Midnight when it comes out in April?(the Southern Gothic Action Adventure Platformer by Compulsion)
Juliamon: splort
Mathwyn: So sanitary
Jethrain: Could the hammer be an entry-level smoothie tool?
dumbo3k: Uhh, I don't think apples grow on bushes
dumbo3k: wait
dumbo3k: what
BrowneePointz: Why do they call it a BUSHel of apples if they don't grow on bushes!
BrowneePointz: that's just simple mathematics1
Mathwyn: Reality may not be in play here
Juliamon: A lot of apple "trees" are actually cultivated to be bush-height nowadays. Not what's going on here, but like, it's not impossible
Mathwyn: No one crushes dreams like Gaston
CaptainSpam: A Sallenge, if you will.
Akaiatana: No one snarks like Gaston
Mathwyn: No one can judge refried beans like Gaston
BrowneePointz: Is a really sketche Bungalow a Scrunglow?
Firewhiskers: Hit it with something?
Akaiatana: This is what the hammer is for, I guess
kusinohki: did the stream freeze for anyone else??
Firewhiskers: @kusinohki No?
dumbo3k: could buy the backpack when you run back?
kusinohki: I'm getting a very slow slide show... gonna try a reset...
Mathwyn: I hope the end of the game is you getting put away for fruit theft
kusinohki: 4 player arcade night looks fun
kusinohki: spent so much money on the xmen game...
Earthenone: !venga
LRRbot: And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large Venga Bus. And you may find yourself in a beautiful disco, with a beautiful party. And you may ask yourself, "Well... how did I get from New York to San Francisco?"
KeytarCat: Venba Gus
iris_of_ether: Oh no!
Mathwyn: Cameron's motion is sick? I hope it gets better!
Mathwyn: You can have any meal you want as long as it is apple banana salad
Akaiatana: Island time
CaptainSpam: The customer watches you carefully cut the fruit up, place it in the bowl, turn around, look them in the eye, and drop it straight on the ground.
RandomTrivia: Oops, almost forgot about FROOTBUS - hi friends! lrrHEART
niccus: are there games that need two mice?
BTownMC: grandma added werthers
Juliamon: Gran's never been better
CaptainSpam: "Hello, I would like the mystery salad, please."
RandomTrivia: Classic banana salad
Mathwyn: LUL
TStodden: 20c for Can... You have 14c
RandomTrivia: BOP
kusinohki: it would suck, but be amusing, if the hammer costs more because you tried to steal it
TStodden: I can see us using hammer on fruit in the future...
Mathwyn: I will noun your verb, just watch me
Chaotically_Random subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months, currently on a 112 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chaotically_Random! (Today's storm count: 21)
Mathwyn: Universally compatible grandma
CaptainSpam: Aha, so the answer is to drive all the customers away, and the manager will be free to go!
goombalax: they got Catering from the Fruitvan, way cheaper, 4 star on yelp
CommiePuddin: Maybe you need something to put the water in?
Juliamon: Maybe you need a vessel to pump the water into?
Mathwyn: From the people who brought you Desert Bus for Hope, it's Fruit Bus for Profit!
RandomTrivia: Wow, this game has no chill
GasCityGaming: we call that the ol credit card jump
CaptainSpam: All video game characters should be able to jump like Mario. It's disappointing when they cannot.
letsbelgo: Did cori eat cam?
letsbelgo: Was he also a fruit
LordZarano: Can you put fruit in a bowl you're holding?
Firewhiskers: Typically you pay *before* you get to eat the food
CaptainSpam: "Lemons?!? We don't have a plan for that! Close everything! You're on your own! *starts engine, peels off*"
RandomTrivia: Of all the times for life to *not* give you lemons...
RandomTrivia: Flawless, no notes
letsbelgo: is lemon shaped
letsbelgo: thats your speed
Juliamon: That's your spedometer
Ravage2002: no
Juliamon: you're full up on fuel
RandomTrivia: *donk*
RandomTrivia: That was some top-notch sfx
RandomTrivia: jlrrCarrotmilk
RandomTrivia: lrrFRUMP
RandomTrivia: benginChamp
RandomTrivia: You're playing it CORRECTLY
Mathwyn: Did cori ever grab a backpack?
Forlorgen: Galactus needs fruit too
Forlorgen: star fruit
Juliamon: Nope.
Omthebox: None of the above
Juliamon: Gone forever. Oh well.
Mathwyn: 12 item capacity is an upgrade over 2 yes
Mathwyn: Though I guess it adds to hands so it'd be 14?
Mathwyn: Look Grandma, no hands!
Tangsm: Is it combustible? That's important to know for a gas station
Omthebox: Wifi gas pog
schordash: h-hey cori, how’s it going?? StinkyGlitch
schordash: well that’s definitely needed causeiPoint
v_nome: Inside you are 4 grandmas
RandomTrivia: *scraunch*
CaptainSpam: Yep, you startle a bear, they burst into flames. Them's the rules.
schordash: 🌋 causeiDance
schordash: uhh is it okay that volcano is active?
BrindleBoar: means you save on your heating bill
RandomTrivia: @schordash How do you feel about baked bananas?
schordash: @RandomTrivia mmmh, i don’t like them as much as i like pure char
Tangsm: Do you think it's an emergency that could be solved with a banana?
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: I have to say, this game is visually and conceptually indistinguishable from Breath of the Wild lrrBEEJ
Mathwyn: @randomtrivia I can't wait for the blood moon!
RandomTrivia: WHEEEEEE!
RandomTrivia: Mathwyn Gotta respawn all the bananas
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
CaptainSpam: How much is the backpack?
spo8n: flaming fender as a step?
CaptainSpam: Oh, wait, thought I saw a backpack before.
schordash: lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: Game pls
RandomTrivia: Why would it take the music from us
schordash: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
tyrsredritehand: sp000kHyper sp000kHyper
schordash: wb o/
RandomTrivia: It's so you can *jump* back into the gameplay lrrBEEJ
korvys: If i had that bug, I'd leave it in
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown Mango gete!
RandomTrivia: *get
CaptainSpam: MANGO'D
schordash: lrrBartleby
Bratmon: Just got in. How goes it?
FelanEntane: I wonder if its just stars like that they will accept any kind of different ingredients
mrverbal: delicious apple lemon salad
Bratmon: Why are people making incredibly vague orders?
Bratmon: Maybe our food truck should have a menu.
RealGamerCow: that's a mighty big fanfare for "thanks"
schordash: StinkyGlitch
schordash: causeiDance
Bratmon: Imagine going to a food truck, putting in your order, and then the person closes the shutter and drives off.
Bratmon: I would never buy food again
schordash: but also runs into something on the way out xD
spo8n: closes the window on your head while you are still talking
spo8n: tru dat
schordash: causeiLaugh
schordash: i feel like not having an ingredient and straight up driving away are two different problems xD
MungoDude: Mary pop-ins
jessicaengle: Hello!
jessicaengle: What fresh bus is this?
jessicaengle: birb!
schordash: fruit bus! lrrBartleby
schordash: also loool
Songar87: sergeJustRight
schordash: hm?? 👀
MungoDude: mmm banañas
Bratmon: Again, this seems like an issue that could be solved with a more clear menu
schordash: the gall xD
MungoDude: maybe walk all the way to where mangoes are
spo8n: fresh lemon salad
KV1NN4: WAIT, THAT'S What this game thinks a bananan tree looks like?!
CaptainSpam: I'm still just picturing these people placing orders, then watching as you look around your truck, then wordlessly run out the back and scramble into the trees.
MungoDude: they didnt ask for apple
RandomTrivia: She's popping off!
Bratmon: @captainspam We've certainly created a bizarre dining experience.
Mathwyn: Apparently holding the tool wheel button (R on keyboard) show money?
TheMerricat: "Hold R (with the tool select wheel) will show you how much money you have on the top right"
RandomTrivia: Uh
RandomTrivia: Amazing
MungoDude: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
MungoDude: how much am backpack cost?
MungoDude: oooh for smoothies
CaptainSpam: Wait, so the hammer ISN'T for smoothies? You get a proper blender? I am disappoint.
MungoDude: jingle jingle
DeM0nFiRe: Wait, this isn't a 24/7 Fruitbus channel now?
DeM0nFiRe: What about Fruitbus for Hope?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Helllo, I am here to make bus jokes. Am I early or late?
ShaneLeeAtk: Garlique?
RandomTrivia: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Yes. No. [non-sequitur]
CaptainSpam: Mmm, apple-banana-garlic smoothie.
KeytarCat: Experience Shovel
MungoDude: the dangly vine?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: doctors hate her...
CaptainSpam: Now all we need are pineapples. Got any pens?
DeM0nFiRe: @CaptainSpam LUL
MungoDude: someone asks for a pineapple fruit salad, they get garlic and apple
Strebenherz: Volcano what
thedepthandbreadthofseth: um question; fruit?
niccus: oh one of my favorite fruit looks like a cross between garlic and a pangolin
KeytarCat: Garlic Santa, to the tune of Mushroom Hunting
LordZarano: When does someone come along and ask "got any grapes?"?
Mathwyn: @niccus I misread that as garlic and a pigeon, and i was very confused LUL
CaptainSpam: @LordZarano lrrLUL
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeSteer
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @niccus I think I'd say more fig than garlic. but pangolin FOR SURE>
TheAinMAP: honk!
LordZarano: Can we make lemon flavoured gasoline?
spo8n: I wonder if Sheldon is a shell fish?
TheAinMAP: Lemon gasoline for lemon cars?
niccus: there has also been attempts at lemon rocket fuel
LordZarano: @niccus Huh
MungoDude: what a view
EricTheOrange: is this gonna turn into pinapple on pizza?
jessicaengle: Why is that, are we a pineapple?
spo8n: is your mom in the urn next to you?
EricTheOrange: welp we borked it
CaptainSpam: lrrFINE
CaptainSpam: lrrHERE
MungoDude: relatively fast way down
CaptainSpam: Hopefully that didn't cost you a bunch of cash.
MungoDude: can't draw bridges club
Cptasparagus: e-stop
Mathwyn: @MungoDude You beat me to it LUL
Cptasparagus: we should get Alex to play this and tell him its the sequel to Pacific Drive
EricTheOrange: only for pumpkin?
Mathwyn: Called out
Cptasparagus: its an angel
CaptainSpam: GASP
MungoDude: AngelThump
Mathwyn: Tree going to train with King Kai
TheAinMAP: mattlrAngel
Cptasparagus: what does the music button do
spo8n: garlic pepper lemon?
Forlorgen: sweet spicy fruit cocktail
MungoDude: chili is fantastic
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
CaptainSpam: Cash money.
Forlorgen: they want the heat!
TheAinMAP: mattlrFine
Mathwyn: replace mango with gasoline
MungoDude: welp
MungoDude: 🪙
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
MungoDude: thanks for an entertaining stream
TheAinMAP: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
KV1NN4: i have hasn't changed in 6 years 8n8
RandomTrivia: Do not put polish into salad
Riandisa: Thanks for the stream!
Juliamon: muffin...
Juliamon: c'mon muffin
Scy_Anide: The Last of Us Remake Remastered Reborn ReOrigins Rebirth
Juliamon: Beeeeej?
EvilBadman: Someone mentioned dale last night but 🤷
EvilBadman: for robo
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
CaptainSpam: Thanks for the stream!
spo8n: Thanks Cori!
CaptainSpam: I hope the old Konami Simpsons arcade game is part of the lineup. With the weird first-season assumptions from a culture that didn't actually fully have the Simpsons at that point to begin with.